Michael L. Stevens
flowchart A[Michael L. Stevens] AC["Associated Concepts (25)"] AW["Authored Works (66)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (4)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (60)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7728-0085
- OpenAlex ID
- https://openalex.org/A5007926197 (API record)
Associated Concepts [?]
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Plasma
- Nuclear physics
- Magnetic field
- Solar wind
- Astrophysics
- Computational physics
- Astronomy
- Coronal mass ejection
- Engineering
- Heliosphere
- Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Geography
- Chemistry
- Geology
- Biology
- Meteorology
- Aerospace engineering
- Organic chemistry
- Interplanetary magnetic field
- Astrobiology
- Computer science
- Optics
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The statistical properties of solar wind temperature parameters near 1 AU observed by Wind
- The Variation of Helium Across a Two Solar Cycles
- The Solar Probe Cup: data analysis and commissioning
- Solar Probe Cup Design, Operation, and Calibration
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Parker Solar Probe SWEAP Science Operations: How we operate to measure plasma near the Sun
- On the Frequency and Drivers of Ion Scale Instabilities in the Solar Wind
- Observational signatures of fluctuating moments associated with ion-cyclotron waves in the solar wind.
- Multi-Spacecraft Predictions of Space Weather Fronts at Earth:Predictions Using Four L1 Spacecraft and Dynamic Time Warping
- Joint Analysis of Solar-Wind Ion Measurements from Multiple Spacecraft Instruments
- The structure of low Mach number, low beta, quasi-perpendicular shocks
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS) on The Europa Clipper Mission
- Solar-Wind Observations of Collisional Thermalization among Multiple Ion-Species
- Solar Probe Cup: Laboratory Performance
- Magnetosonic-whistler Precursor Waves at Quasi-perpendicular Interplanetary Shocks: DSCOVR and Wind observations
- Identifying Wave-Particle Interactions in the Solar Wind using Statistical Correlations
- Cutting-edge Kinetic Physics with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter: The Arbitrary Linear Plasma Solver (ALPS)
- A zone of preferential ion heating extends tens of solar radii from Sun
- A Deeper Understanding of Stability in the Solar Wind: Applying Nyquist's Instability Criterion to Wind Faraday Cup Data
- What coronal phenomenal can be observed in situ with the SWEAP Instrument Suite aboard Solar Probe Plus?
- Study of Velocity and Magnetic Field Fluctuations at Kinetic Scale with the DSCOVR Data
- Solar wind intermittency with DSCOVR, Wind, and ACE
- Solar Probe Cup - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Magnetic Cyclotron Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency in the Solar Wind: Wind and ACE Observations in 2005
- Janus: Graphical Software for Analyzing In-Situ Measurements of Solar-Wind Ions
- Data Collection and Processing Capabilities used by the SWEAP Investigation on Solar Probe Plus
- Alfvenicity of Ion Drifts at 1AU
- The Plasma Instrument for Magnetic Sounding (PIMS): Enabling Required Plasma Measurements for the Exploration of Europa
- Solar wind ion distribution broadening by waves and transients
- Presenting DSCOVR: The First NOAA Mission to Leave Earth Orbit
- Multi-spacecraft Measurements of Heavy Ions at Interplanetary Shocks in front of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Multi-spacecraft Characterization of Current Sheet Crossings in the Dynamic Solar Wind
- Multi-scale Analysis of DSCOVR Data Using Wavelet Cross Correlation
- MarsCAT: Mars Array of ionospheric Research Satellites using the CubeSat Ambipolar Thruster
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
- Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft
- Interplanetary Shocks Observed by the DSCOVR Spacecraft
- Differential flow: Locally Generated or Coronal Artifact?
- DSCOVR Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- Balance between Coulomb relaxation and preferential ion heating in the corona and solar wind
- A new technique for identifying and distinguishing between ion heating mechanisms in solar wind plasma
- The influence of variations in Jupiter's plasma environment on the Europa interaction
- Testing the Solar Probe Cup, An Instrument Designed to Touch the Sun
- Software Development for Jointly Analyzing Thermal-Ion Measurements from Multiple In-Situ Instruments
- Heavy Ion Heating at Shocks in the Heliosphere
- Fast solar wind measurements from the Bright Monitor of the Solar Wind instrument on Spektr-R
- Coulomb collisions and the radial extent of preferential ion heating in the solar wind
- Ion Beam Instabilities in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust
- Free energy of proton double-streaming in the solar wind at 1 AU
- Demonstrated Performance of the Solar Probe Cup
- Collisional Thermalization of Hydrogen and Helium in Solar Wind Plasma
- Signatures of Local and Coronal Ion Heating Embedded in Solar Wind Observations
- Predicting Inner Heliospheric Solar Wind Conditions in Advance of Solar Probe Plus
- Heavy Ion Heating from the Sun to 1AU
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Elemental Abundance of Helium and Fractionation of Iron in the Fast Solar Wind - Indicators of an Evolving Energetic Release of Mass from the Lower Solar Atmosphere
- Ion beaming in the solar wind: Wind Observations and Solar Probe Plus Challenges
- Coronal Electron Temperature from the Solar Wind Scaling Law throughout the Space Age
- Singly-ionized helium of solar origin in the solar wind
- Helium Abundance and Minor Ion Charge State Variations in the Solar Wind over the Solar Cycle
- Development and application of advanced spectral analysis tools for Wind SWE
- Source Regions of Helium Variations in the Slow Solar Wind
- Magnetic reconnection in the heliosphere: a global picture
- Voyager II Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Inner and Middle Heliosphere
- Observations of the High-Latitude Interplanetary Helium Abundance with Ulysses
- Identifying the solar sources of helium variation in the slow solar wind using global MHD simulations
- Multi-satellite Observations of Magnetic Holes in the Solar Wind
Linked Co-Authors
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Astronomical Institute
- Andreas Eckart University of Cologne, Germany
- Boston University, Department of Astronomy
- Boston University, Massachusetts
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
- Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- Ecole Polytechnique, LPP, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Goddard Space Flight Center, Astrophysics Division
- Harvard University, Massachusetts
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Kirtland Air Force Research Laboratory, New Mexico
- Laboratoire de Physique et de Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace, Orleans
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Lindau
- Montana State University, Bozeman
- NASA Ames Research Center
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, High Altitude Observatory
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder
- Observatoire de Paris, France
- Pepperdine University, California
- Purdue University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Purdue University, Indiana
- RAS, Space Research Institute, Moscow
- Science Applications International, San Diego
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- Southwest Research Institute, Texas
- Space Science Institute, Colorado
- Texas A&M University, College Station
- University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory
- University College London, UK
- University of Alabama, Huntsville
- University of Alabama, Huntsville, Department of Physics
- University of Arizona, Department of Planetary Sciences
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Berkeley, Department of Astronomy
- University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Chile
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
- University of Delaware
- University of Delaware, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Houston, Department of Physics
- University of Houston, Texas
- University of Iowa
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Michigan
- University of Michigan, Department of Atmospheric Oceanic and Space Sciences
- University of Michigan, Space Physics Research Laboratory
- University of Minnesota, School of Physics and Astronomy
- University of New Hampshire
- University of New Hampshire, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of New Hampshire, Institute for the Study of Earth Oceans and Space
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