Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
flowchart I[Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (3842)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (895)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Applied Physics
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Astrophysics
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lujan Neutron Scattering Center
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Physics
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Space Sciences
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- <SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>230</SUP>Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
- A Clustering Algorithm for the Automated Storm Identification of Space-Based Optical Lightning Data
- A Statistical Study of Proton Temperature Anisotropies Measured by Wind/SWE
- A Tail Current Dominated Storm Main Phase: March 31, 2001
- A Telescopic and Microscopic View of a Magnetospheric Substorm on 31 March 2001: New CLUSTER Observations of the Near Magnetotail
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Analysis of Phase Space Density of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere and Forecast of MeV Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
- Anomalous Elastic Behavior of Rocks Below Room Temperature
- Application of Lattice Boltzmann Techniques to Modeling Millimeter Scale Water-Rock Interaction in Porous Media
- Characteristics of Natural Colloids in the Saturated Alluvium South of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Classification of Lunar Mare Basalts Using Thorium Data
- Comparative Analysis of Stormtime Ring Currents Under Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- Comparing Regional Seismic Location Results Using Kriged Travel Time Correction Surfaces and Double-Difference Methods
- Comparison of IMAGE EUV plasma plume images with LANL geosynchronous in situ plasma observations
- Comparison of Transport of Carboxylate-Modified Latex Microspheres and Silica Colloids in Fractured and Porous Media: The Case for Microspheres as Conservative Colloid Tracers
- Comparisons of Satellite Optical Observations with Ground-Based Observations of Lightning, Then and Now
- Composition of Plasma Inside the Coma of Comet 19P/Borrelly
- Computer Simulation of Substorm Growth and Expansion Scenarios
- Detection and Characterization of Surface Heterogeneity at the MISR/TERRA Subpixel Scale Resolution
- Electron energies, densities, and electric fields in sprites from aircraft based optical observations*
- Energetic electron injection signatures observed by GPS at high magnetic latitudes
- Energetic particle observations with RAPID/Cluster
- Estimates of Mass and Momentum Transport by Eddy Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet Using Satellite Observations and a Mixing-Length Theory
- Evidence for Rapid Slip on Extensional Detachment Faults
- Extreme Geomagnetic Storms and Extreme Relativistic Electron Events
- FAST/Polar Conjunctive Observations in the High-Latitude Auroral Region
- First Results from the Genesis Autonomous Solar Wind Regime Algorithm
- Global Sawtooth Oscillations of the Magnetosphere during Large Storms
- Heat as a Tracer for Estimating Ground-water Recharge
- High Resolution Earthquake Locations in the Tibetan Plateau
- High Resolution Three Dimensional Water Vapor Fields for Estimating Spatially Distributed Evapotranspiration Over A Riparian Corridor From a Scanning Raman Lidar
- Investigation of the detailed energetic electron trapping boundary structure using CLUSTER II RAPID data
- Ionospheric Profiling Through Radio-Frequency Emissions Recorded by the FORTE Satellite
- It Looks Like a Good Night
- Kinetic modeling of the formation of thin current sheets in the nightside magnetosphere
- Laboratory Experiments to Assess the Potential for Colloid-Facilitated Plutonium Transport in Fractured Rock
- Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics of Thin Current Sheets
- Lévy/Anomalous Diffusion as a Mean-Field Theory for 3D Cloud Effects in SW-RT: Empirical Support, New Analytical Formulation, and Impact on Atmospheric Absorption
- Lévy/Anomalous Diffusion as a Mean-Field Theory for 3D Cloud Effects in Shortwave Radiative Transfer: Empirical Support, New Analytical Formulation, and Impact on Atmospheric Absorption
- Magnetic Fluctuations and Wave-Ion Interactions in the Solar Wind
- Magnetic Mapping of Geosynchronous Orbit to the Ionosphere
- Mixing of Magmatic Volatiles With Meteoric Groundwater in the Summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Mobility of Metal Tracers in Unsaturated Tuffs of Busted Butte
- Modeling and Analysis of the Water Cycle: Seasonal and Event Variability at the Walnut River Research Watershed
- Models of Two-Dimensional Embedded Thin Current Sheets From Vlasov Theory
- Multiple-Satellite Observations of Plasma Transport Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- New Evidence for the Brightness and Ionization of Blue Starters and Blue Jets
- Nonstationarity Versus Intermittency: A Wavelet/Multifractal Perspective with Operational Criteria
- Observations of Intense Electric and Magnetic Fields and Associated Poynting Flux Through-Out the Plasma Sheet During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations of Solitary Waves and Wave Packets by Cluster
- Observations of the Magnitude Dependence of Pn/Lg Ratios from Underground Explosions in Central Asia
- Observations of the Sudden Compression of the Earth's Magnetotail by the Passage of Interplanetary Shocks: Comparison with Equilibrium Theory
- On the Acceleration of Pickup He<SUP>+</SUP> at 1 AU
- On the Acoustic Impulse Conservation law for Long Range Sound Propagation in the Atmosphere
- On-Orbit Determination of Lunar Surface Composition using Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
- Paleoseismic Trenching in the Pajarito Fault System, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Phase Identification of Acoustic-gravity Waves From Atmospheric Explosions Using Modified Ray-mode Theory
- Polar/Cammice Investigation of Storm Time Ring Current Asymmetry
- Presenting an Environmental Analysis to the Public: An Interactive Computer Based Approach.
- Regulatory Requirements and Technical Analysis for Department of Energy Regulated Performance Assessments of Shallow-Trench Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste at the Nevada Test Site
- Resonant Heating and Acceleration of Ions in Coronal Holes by High-Frequency Wave Spectrum
- SEP Fe Charge States in 3He-Rich Interplanetary Shock Events
- Semi-Discrete Wavelet Transforms of Remote Sensing Data Reveal Long-Range Multifractal Correlations in Cloud Structure
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Electron Heat Flux: Ulysses Observations
- Solutions of the Stochastic Richard's Equation for Soils with Arbitrary Relative Hydraulic Conductivity Functions
- Symmetric Suprathermal Electron Depletions in the Solar Wind
- The Discovery of High-Density Silica
- The ENA, Ring Current, and Auroral Response to ``Sawtooth Injections" in the October 4-6, 2000 Storm
- The Effect of Solar Illumination on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling as Indicated By Field-Aligned Currents and Cross-Polar Cap Potential Measurements by FAST
- The Fast Neutron Flux Spectrum Aboard Mars Odyssey During Cruise
- The Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Forcing on 31 March 2001: SOHO, ACE, CLUSTER, IMAGE, FAST, SAMPEX, and GEO observations of a Major Geomagnetic Storm.
- The Seed Population for Energetic (>50 keV/nucleon) Ions Accelerated at Interplanetary Shocks
- The Upper Rio Grande Basin as a Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory - Challenges and Opportunities
- The evolution of north-south aligned auroral forms into auroral torch structures: The generation of omega bands and Ps6 pulsations via flow bursts
- The solar wind's return to a simple three-dimensional structure: Ulysses' second fast-latitude scan
- Thin current sheets in the magnetotail and the loss of equilibrium
- Time-dependent and Quasi-steady State Reconnection and Their Consequences at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Tracking of Plasma Motions and the Global Plasma Distribution Using ENA Imaging
- 3-D High Resolution Simulations of the Thermospheric Response to the Postmidnight Diffuse Aurora
- 3D Raytracing and Front Construction in Complex Media 3D Raytracing and Front Construction in Complex Media
- A Tracer Test at the Los Alamos Canyon Weir
- A naturally driven reconnection mechanism for the solar corona
- Analysis of Mars Odyssey Fast Neutron Data to Constrain the Hydrogen Abundance and Stratigraphy Near the South Pole
- CLUSTER - RAPID measurements of high energy electron gradients in the Earth's magnetotail
- Characterizing the "Lake Effect" Problem in Coupled GIS-HEC Floodplain Simulations
- Clay Mineralogy, Authigenic Smectite Concentration, and Fault Weakening of the San Gregorio Fault; Moss Beach, California
- Conduits to Catchments: Deformation Band Faults in Arid and Semi-Arid Vadose Zone Sands
- Consequences of proton and alpha anisotropies in the solar wind: Hybrid simulations
- Correlating CME Indicators in Genesis Solar Wind Data: Cross-Comparison of Low Proton Temperature, Helium Abundance Enhancements and the Presence of Counter-Streaming Electrons
- Correlation of plasma and field behaviors in the near-Earth magnetotail with substorm injections
- Dawn Discovery Mission: A Journey to the Beginning of the Solar System
- Detection of Surface Structure and Heterogeneity using MISR/Terra observations
- Determining the Mass Composition of the Outer Plasmasphere During Large-Amplitude Pc5 Oscillations
- Differentiation Timescales and Processes for Products From Recent Eruptions of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-1999)
- Dipole Tilt Effects on Radiation Belt Electrons and Dst Index
- Dusk-sector Pc6 Pulsation Activity Related to Magnetopause Oscillations During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- EXAFS Characterization of Uranyl Interaction at the Calcite-Water Interface
- Effects of fault heterogeneities on seismicity patterns, dynamic dimension, and predictability of earthquakes
- Efficient Visual Data Exploration in High-Resolution Global Dynamical Models of the Earth's Mantle
- Empirically Constrained Multidimensional MHD Model for the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Energy conversion and transport in magnetotail reconnection
- Enhanced Auroral Proton and Electron Precipitation Immediately Following Rapid Magnetopause Compressions
- Estimating Equatorial Electron Radiation Belt Fluxes in the Outer-Zone Using Navstar 10 BBDI Data
- Experimental Results and Simulation of Bench-Scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flow and Transport in Geologic Media
- Experiments to Support the Design of an Industrial Mineral Carbonation Process
- Filling and Emptying of the Plasma Sheet: Remote Observations With 1-70 keV Energetic Neutral Atoms
- First start-to-end global imaging of a sunward propagating giant undulation event: IMAGE/FUV observations
- Global ``Sawtooth " Activity in the April 2002 Geomagnetic Storm
- Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fine-grained Ice Ih
- How Magnetically Open are Magnetic Clouds Beyond 1 AU?
- Implications of the Near-Equatorial Distribution of Hydrogen for Past Near-Surface Water Deposits on Mars
- In-situ Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction on Hydrogen Related High-Pressure Compounds at High-Pressure
- Influence of a Guide Field on the Tearing Mode
- Interplanetary Magnetic Field Connection to the L1 Lagrangian Orbit During Upstream Energetic Ion Events
- Ionospheric Profiling Through Nonlinear Dielectric Response to Electron Density*
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of viscous fingering in a channel
- Low temperature elastic behavior of rocks
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Mantle Circulation Models with variational data assimilation: Inferring past mantle flow and structure from plate motion histories and seismic tomography
- Mars Infrared Spectroscopy: From Theory and the Laboratory to Field Observations
- Modeling Turbulence Induced Skin Temperature Fluctuations of a Bluff-Rough Surface Using Surface Renewal Theory
- Multi-point electric field observations in the high- and mid-altitude cusp
- Multiphase Fluid Equilibria between Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Brine: Potential for Widespread Relevance in Geochemical Systems
- Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Wind Plasma Propagation
- Neutron Scattering and the Nonlinear Acoustic Properties of Rocks
- New Tools for Visual Analysis of Multivariate Data from Large Scale Climate Simulations
- Nonstationary Stochastic Theories and Applications
- Observation of Enhanced Magnetospheric Convection Using Medium Energy (1.0-3.0 keV) Energetic Neutral Atoms.
- Observations of Early/Fast VLF Events on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico
- Observations of Sprites above Haiti/Dominican Republic Thunderstorms from Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico
- Ocean Infragravity Waves and Shaking Earth: Cause of Broad Peak at 0.01 Hz in the Seismic Noise Spectrum
- On Dynamic Nonlinear Elasticity and Small Strain
- On the Role of Salt in Modifying Local Thickness of Martian Permafrost
- Overview of One Aspect of the Sun-Earth Connection during the April 2002 Events: the "Magnetospheric Driver" Chain
- Particle-in-cell simulations of magnetic reconnection in three-dimensional force-free plasmas
- Plasma and Magnetic Field Observations Related to the Solar Wind Density Minimum: May 23 through May 25, 2002.
- Polar Upstream of the Bow Shock
- Propagation of energetic particles to high heliographic latitudes
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Exterior Cusp Under Northward IMF, Cluster Multi Event Analysis
- Radial flow to a well under transient conditions in an infinite randomly heterogeneous aquifer
- Reconnection in presence of guide fields
- Representation of the Geosynchronous Plasma Environment for Spacecraft Charging Calculations
- Sawtooth substorm injections, their triggering, and their ionospheric signatures during the April 2002 storm
- Seismic Monitoring of Volcanic Hazards in Valles Caldera, NM
- Seismicity Located by a Station Near Valles Caldera, NM
- Simulation of Free Surface Dynamic in a Random Heterogeneous Porous Medium by the Method Based on Mapping the Regular Domain on the Flow Domain.
- Solar Radiation, Microclimate, and Water Balance in Complex Terrain
- Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling: The Turbulence Effect
- Spectral Output of Sprites From Both Conventional and Runaway Breakdown
- Stochastic Modeling in Composite Multiscale Porous Media
- Storm-substorm coupling during 16 hours of Dst steadily at -150 nT
- Stress Field in the Subducting Lithosphere and Comparison With Deep Earthquakes in Tonga
- Substorm Expansion Phases During Magnetic Storms in April 17-23, 2002: IMAGE FUV Observations
- Substorm Local Time and Compositional Characteristics During the April, 2002 Geomagnetic Storms
- Surface Layer Flux Processes During Cloud Intermittency and Advection above a Middle Rio Grande Riparian Forest, New Mexico
- Surface-Temperature and Emissivity Recovery using the Spaceborne Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) Sensor
- The Cessation of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Effect of Small Scale Convection on the Uplift Rate of Beta Regio
- The GPS Energetic Particle Environment
- The Global Development of Energetic Electron Precipitation During the Storm Sudden Commencement on September 24, 1998
- The Los Alamos Space Science Outreach (LASSO) Program
- The Nature of Fluctuations Observed by Cluster in the Plasma Sheet
- The Risk of Spurious Model Validation, An Illustration with Cloud Remote Sensing Data
- The Role of Middle Altitude Processes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Lessons from FAST
- The Substorm at 05:45 on October 13, 2001 Observed From the Ground, and the LANL, GOES, Polar, and Cluster Satellites
- Thermal--Stochastic Properties of Hysteretic Elastic System
- Time Variation of the North Polar Seasonal Frost Cap of Mars
- Toward a Multi-scale, Multi-moment Physics-based Validation Protocol in Computational Simulation
- Tracing the Sun-Earth Connection: The Solar Particle Chain in April 2002
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Simulations of Asteroid Ocean Impacts
- Using Environmental Isotopes, Geochemistry, and Aquifer Temperature to Address Flow Regimes Within the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.
- Wind Observations of Extreme Ion Temperature Anisotropies Within the Lunar Wake
- "Nudging" the Salammbo Code: First results of seeding a diffusive radiation belt code with in situ data: GPS, GEO, HEO and POLAR
- 3D Kinetic Simulations of the Onset of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- <SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>230</SUP>Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts: Implications for Melt Generation and Transport Beneath a Slow Spreading Ridge
- A Global Ocean Model Based on Icosahedral-Hexagonal Grids With a Hybrid Vertical Coordinate
- A Statistical Study of the Global Structure of the Ring Current
- A Taxonomy of the Magnetosphere's Reaction to Solar-Wind Driving
- A Topographic Analysis of the Colorado River Drainage: Insights into Interaction Between Topography and Incision History
- Abundant Po Radiohalos in Phanerozoic Granites and Timescale Implications for Their Formation
- Analysis Of Multispectral Imagery And Modeling Contaminant Transport
- Are Solar Electron Burst Acceleration Sites Highly Localized?
- Auto-Detection of Impact Crater Statistics and Crater Morphologies in Mars THEMIS Data
- Barium and High Explosives in a Semiarid Alluvial System, Cañon de Valle, New Mexico.
- Bayesian Approach to Short Period Slowness Tomography in Central Asia
- Can Chabazite Account for the Water Observed on the Equator of Mars?
- Categorized Observed and Modeled Stormtime Reponses at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Characterization of the Spectrum of a Random Medium from Trace Measurements
- Charging of meteoroids: effect of thermionic emission
- Component versus Anti-parallel Merging at the Magnetopause: Nonlinear Theory and Particle Simulations
- Constraints on the Distribution of Hydrogen in the Polar Regions of Mars and Implications for Ice Formation Processes
- Density, Depth, and Distribution of seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> deposition on Mars
- Environmental and Health Benefits and Risks of a Global Hydrogen Economy
- Evaluating Ecological Effects in a Semi-arid Aquatic System Using Three Lines of Evidence
- Evidence for Non-Equilibrium Distributions of Water-Equivalent Hydrogen Deposits near the Surface of Mars
- Evolution and Characteristics of Global Pc5 observations of ULF waves During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Formation of Quartz-Carbonate Veins: Evidence From Experimental Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Brine-Rock System
- Groundwater Flow Patterns and Chemical Evolution in the Yucca Mountain Area as Inferred from Groundwater Geochemical and Isotopic Data
- High-Resolution Global Ocean and Ocean/Ice Models for Synoptic and Climate Prediction
- Hot-cold plasma interactions and the generation of transient dayside sub-auroral proton precipitation
- Hybrid Synthesis of Wave Envelopes in Random Media
- Infrasound from Bolides: Inverse Remote Sensing
- Interpretation of the Satellite Observations of Current Sheet Bifurcation and Flapping
- Investigating the use of Three-dimensional Travel-time Tables for Standard Regional Seismic Event Relocation
- Investigation Of The Transition To Nonlinear Acoustics In Driven Rods
- Investigation on the Cause of the Dawnside Local Maximum in Energetic Electron Precipitation Following Substorms
- Is Microseismicity Relevant to Estimating Seismic Hazards in North Central New Mexico?
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves: Linear theory and a Particle-in-cell Simulation
- Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma With Different β Values
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for the Analysis of Water Ice and Water Ice/Soil Mixtures
- Linear Theory of Drift Tearing Modes at the Magnetopause
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Asia From Surface-Waves and Receiver Functions
- Long-period Magnetic Pulsations Associated with Detached Proton Auroral Arcs
- Magnetospheric and Auroral Activity during Sawtooth Events: Energy Flow Through the MIA system During Periodic Magnetospheric Disturbances
- Magnetotail Bubbles, Current Sheets, and Auroral Arcs
- Mg-Sulfate Salts as Possible Water Reservoirs in Martian Regolith
- Microbially-mediated Iron Dissolution and the Potential for Radionuclide Redistribution
- Migration of conservative and sorbing radionuclides in heterogeneous fractured rock aquifers at the Nevada Test Site
- Modeling Airborne Beryllium Concentrations From Open Air Dynamic Testing
- Modeling of Sprite Optical Emissions From Runaway and Conventional Breakdown and Comparison to Measurements
- Modeling the Transport, Acceleration, and Loss of Energetic Particles During the October 2001 Storm
- Models of Three-dimensional Flux Ropes and Their Stability
- Molding Electron Density at High Pressures: Chemical Bonding and Valence at Planetary-Interior Conditions
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the structure and motion of field-aligned cusp currents under strong IMF B<SUB>X</SUB> and B<SUB>Y</SUB> conditions
- Multispacecraft Observations of Energetic Electron Anisotropies in the Plasma Sheet using CLUSTER/RAPID Data
- Nature of the Plasma Sheet Between Same-Polarity Solar Wind Streams
- Near Mbar-Level Dynamic Loading of Materials by Direct Laser-Irradiation
- Numerical Simulations of Volcanic Eruptions Through a Crater Lake
- On the role of disorder upon the effective dimensionality and dynamic complexity of earthquake faults
- Ongoing Studies of the Characteristics of Storms and Lightning Discharges Which Do and Do Not Produce Sprites
- Orientations of Correlated Wind and ACE Features
- Periodic magnetospheric substorms and their relationship with solar wind pressure variations
- Physical Evidence for Deep Ebullition Fluxes in Northern Peatlands
- Plasma Depletion Layer Dependence on Solar Wind Conditions and the Earth Dipole Tilt
- Possible Interpretations of VLF-LF Radiation Waveshapes Produced at the Initial Stage of Lightning Discharges
- Preliminary Thickness Measurements of the Seasonal Polar Carbon Dioxide Frost on Mars
- Recently Measured Helium Diffusion Rate for Zircon Suggests Inconsistency With U-Pb Age for Fenton Hill Granodiorite
- Reconnection driven by natural flows in the solar corona
- Relating Interplanetary Helium Variation to Coronal Magnetic Fields and Solar Wind Formation
- Relativistic Electron Equatorial Phase Space Densities Gradients from 4 to 20 Re
- Relativistic Electron Variability in Earth's Magnetosphere
- Report to the Department of Defense on Infrasonic Re-entry Signals From the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) (Revision 3.0)
- Saturated Zone Anisotropy Near the C-Wells Complex
- Signatures of Magnetic Storms Induced by Magnetic Clouds
- Simulated Radial and Azimuthal Structure of Proton Ring-Current Field
- Simulation of energetic electrons dynamics on the Oct. 2001 magnetic storm
- Simultaneous Determination of Magnetospheric Mass Density at the Time of Large Pc-5 Fluctuations Using an Electrostatic Analyzer and Toroidal Alfven Frequencies
- Stability and Structure of Superthin" Sheets: 2D and 3D Full Particle Simulations
- Statistical properties of cold ion populations in the plasma sheet: GEOTAIL observations
- Storm-time Energetic O+ Flux Variations in the Ring Current and the Plasmasheet: A Study of the April 2002 Storm Event
- Substorm Growth Phase, Onset and Dipolarization
- Substorm Injection Modeling With Non-dipolar, Time-dependent Background Field
- Temporal and Spatial Structure of Substorm Associated High Energy Particle Precipitation
- The Accuracy of the Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval
- The Distribution of Near-Surface Ground Ice from Neutron and Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy on Mars, the Moon, and Mercury
- The Electron Diffusion Region in Component Magnetic Reconnection
- The Enigma of the Ubiquity of <SUP>14</SUP>C in Organic Samples Older Than 100 ka
- The Interstellar Hydrogen Shadow: Observations of Interstellar Pickup Ions Beyond Jupiter
- The Mesopause as a Physical Boundary
- The Runaway Electron Avalanche as a Radio Emitter in Thunderstorms
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: Preliminary Designs
- The feasibility of measuring electric and magnetic field parameters at geostationary orbit using LANL satellites
- Theory of Ground Ice on Mars and Implications to the Neutron Leakage Flux
- Towards Land Structure Parameters from Multi-angular Remote Sensing Data
- Transport Studies at the Vadose Zone Research Park, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory: Results of Initial Tests
- Uranium-Series Geochronology of Hydrothermal Deposits, Dixie Valley, Nevada
- Uranyl Incorporation in Organic-Bearing Soil Calcite
- Vadose-Zone Fluid and Solute Flux in Deep Arid Systems at the Nevada Test Site: Modeling the Effects of Climate Change, Plant-Soil Interactions, and Material Heterogeneity
- Visualization of a 3-D Simulation of the K-T Boundary Impact
- 137Cs Results and Interpretation of Cesium Soil Data on the Upper Fortymile Wash Alluvial Fan, Amargosa Valley, Nevada.
- 3D MHD simulation and the role of null points in coronal reconnection
- 3D Magnetic reconnection: evolution of x-lines.
- A Flexible Turbulent Vector Field Generator
- A comparative study of Cluster observations and 3D kinetic simulations of current sheet configuration and stability in the Earth's magnetotail
- A statistical comparison of solar wind sources of intense and moderate geomagnetic storms at solar maximum and minimum
- Acoustic Effects on Colloid/Surface Interactions and Porous-Media Permeability
- Afternoon Subauroral Proton Precipitation Resulting from Ring Current - Plasmasphere Interaction
- Alpha Particle Heating in the Solar Wind: ACE Observations
- Analysis of "Meridiani Planum"-like evaporites using CheMin, an XRD/XRF instrument proposed for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
- Application of Coda Wave Techniques to Regional Explosion Monitoring
- Arctic and Antarctic Ice Pack Changes during the Past Decade from a High Resolution Global Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model
- Assessing Leaks in a Global Hydrogen Infrastructure: Can it Perturb the Natural Hydrogen Cycle?
- Beam Width of Solar Electron Bursts Observed Below 1.3 keV
- Bridging the Gap - Networking Educators using Real-Time Seismic Data
- Cassini Observations of Co-rotating Heavy Ions Near Saturn's Rings
- Characteristics of Dayside Pi 2 Events During Magnetospheric Substorms
- Characterization of Unsaturated Soil Properties Using A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Approach
- Cluster investigation of the plasma depletion layer at the high-latitude dayside magnetopause
- Collective behaviour of a System of Emitting Dust Particles
- Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Plutonium, Pu(+V), in Saturated Alluvium
- Comparison of Model- and Satellite-Derived Arctic Sea Ice Thickness
- Correlation Between Particle Injections Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit and the Dst Index During Geomagnetic Storms
- Correlation of Solar Wind Features Observed From Spacecraft Well-Separated in YGSE
- Cosmic Ray and Solar Energetic Particle Interactions with the Surface of Mars and the Moon
- Coupling Processes in the Inner Magnetosphere Associated with Midlatitude Red Auroras during Superstorms
- Developing Authentic Research Experiences in the K-12 Classroom
- Diagnostics of Solar Wind Processes Using the Total Perpendicular Pressure
- Direct Evidence for Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind Near 1 AU
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Educating About Global Climate Change With A Cultural Perspective
- Effects of Ejecta-Ejecta Interactions on the Magnetosphere: The Double Great Storm on March 31, 2001
- Ejecta Curtains and Ground Ice on Mars: Efficiencies of Volatile Release
- Electron Dynamics in the Dissipation Region of Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Evolution of phase space densities from the dayside to nightside magnetosphere during a prolonged northward-IMF period: Cluster-II, GEOTAIL, and LANL-MPA comparison
- Evolving Phase Space Density Distribution of Relativistic Electrons in Storm Times
- Extracting seismic time domain Green's functions from ambient noise
- Forcing the onset of magnetic reconnection?
- Formation of the Rio Grande Rift and Upper Mantle Seismic Wave Velocity Anomaly
- Global Sawtooth Oscillations of the Magnetosphere
- Imaging Time-of-Flight Ion Mass Spectrograph
- Interannual Variability of Chlorofluorocarbons, pCFC Ages and Ideal Ages in the North Pacific from 1958-2000 as Simulated by an Ocean General Circulation Model
- Interchange Injection and Drift Dispersion of Hot Plasma in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability in the Tropical Indo-Pacific of Global POP.
- Investigation of the Effects of IMF Orientation Upon Delivery of Plasma Sheet Material to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Kinetic Ballooning Mode for Substorm Onset
- Kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in plasma with different beta values
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of coupled flow and evolution of porous media at the pore scale
- Lidar Measurement of Boundary Layer Evolution to Determine Sensible Heat Fluxes
- M<SUB>s</SUB>-m<SUB>b</SUB> Scaling for Earthquakes in Central Europe and Implications for Seismic Discrimination at Low Magnitudes
- Matching physics-based models and data using wavelet-based fractal characterizations
- MgO: \textit{ab initio} equation of state and its dislocation properties from molecular dynamics simulations*
- Model and Data Comparison of Inner Magnetosphere Plasma
- Modeling of Radiation Belts Dynamics - Development of time dependent model and comparison with satellite data -
- Monitoring non-linear wave propagation in the 2004 Garner Valley demonstration project
- Multi-point Characterization of ULF Wave Energy Transport in the Magnetosphere.
- Multiple Reflections Inside the GLAS Footprint: Estimation of the Altimetry Bias and a Roadmap towards a Correction Scheme
- Neutron Diffraction Study of the Contribution of Grain Contacts to Nonlinear Stress-Strain Behavior
- Neutron Diffraction and Local Atomic Structure of Fontainebleau Sandstone: Evidence for an Amorphous Phase?
- On the Relation Between Reconnected Flux and Parallel Electric Fields in the Solar Corona
- Periodic magnetospheric substorms and the effect of solar wind
- Plasma Measurements in Titan's Ionosphere: Initial Cassini/CAPS Results
- Plasma Transition Across the Bow Shock at Saturn: Initial Results From the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
- Production of a Science Education Video for Middle School Students
- Properties of the Heliospheric Current and Plasma Sheets at 5 AU: Ulysses Observations
- Radial Diffusion Modeling with Data Derived Effective Lifetimes: Losses Inside and Outside Plasmasphere
- Relaxation of flux ropes and magnetic reconnection in the Reconnection Scaling Experiment at LANL
- Remote Sensing Opportunities Beyond Exploration of the Photon's State Variables, with Examples
- Salt Attack on Rocks and Expansion of Soils on Mars
- Sawtooth Events During Steadily Depressed Dst
- Simulation Study of Rapid Onset of Magnetic Reconnection
- Simulations of Stormtime Ring-Current Magnetic Field Produced by Ions and Electrons
- Simultaneous Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion For Lithospheric Structure Beneath The Middle East, North African, Central Asia, And Parts of Europe
- Solar Wind Modeling of Cassini-Approach Observations
- Sound velocities of aluminous perovskite and ferropericlase at high-pressure: Implications for Earth's deep interior
- Spectral Maps of Collisionless-MHD Turbulence in k{<SUB>∥ }</SUB>-k<SUB>⊥</SUB> Space
- Stochastic Analysis Of Water-Oil Phase Flow In Heterogeneous Media By Combining Karhunen-Loeve Expansion And Perturbation Method
- The Production and Redistribution of Oxygen in Saturn's Magnetosphere: CAPS Cassini Data
- The Times Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003), Indicated by U-Th-Ra Disequilibria.
- The specific entropy of the plasma sheet as a controlling factor for the injection of a storm-time ring current
- Thermal Gradients Effects on Slow Dynamics in Geomaterials
- Toward a Global Magnetospheric Equilibrium Model
- Transport in Saturn's Outer Magnetosphere: Cassini Observations
- Unified analytic model of the Grüneisen parameter, melting temperature, and shear modulus
- Vadose Zone Characterization and Monitoring Beneath Waste Disposal Pits Using Horizontal Boreholes
- Validating Three-dimensional Velocity Models in China and East-Asia for use in Regional Seismic Event Location
- What are Sawtooth Events?
- ``Out To Sea: Life as a Crew Member Aboard a Geologic Research Ship'' - Production of a Video and Teachers Guide.
- A Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- A Link Between Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and Intracloud Lightning
- A Search for Optical Emissions From Narrow Bipolar Events
- A Stochastic Analysis of Transient Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A Survey of Phase Space Density Radial Distribution of Relativistic Electrons During a 2-year Time Period (2001-2002)
- A System Scale Theory for Fast Magnetic Reconnection
- A View From Above: TGFs From Space.
- A five-year record of sedimentation in the Los Alamos Reservoir, New Mexico, following the Cerro Grande Fire
- A survey of energetic electrons in the Earth's magnetotail
- Advanced Method for In-Field Measurement, Monitoring and Verification of Total Soil Carbon
- Advances in Non-linear Dynamic Inversion of Strong-Motion Data
- Alfven-cyclotron Scattering of Solar Wind Ions: Hybrid Simulations
- Analysis of Model Uncertainties to Support Risk-Based Decisions Regarding Groundwater Contamination
- Analyzing Electric Field Morphology Through Data-Model Comparisons of the GEM IM/S Assessment Challenge Events
- Attenuation of the Lg Phase in Central and East Asia
- Black Carbon Activation
- Boundary Deformations and Thin Current Sheets in the Magnetosphere
- CO2-PENS: A CO2 Sequestration Systems Model Supporting Risk-Based Decisions
- Cassini's View of Stress Balance in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Cluster/RAPID high energy particle observations within non-force-free flux ropes in the plasma sheet
- Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of Moderate Guide Fields
- Comparison of Storm and Flash Detection by a Satellite Optical System and Network Field Change Sensor System
- Connecting Topographic Analysis With Colorado River Incision History: Sensitive Gauges of Neotectonics in the Rocky Mountains
- Contribution of Radial Transport to the Deep Penetration of Outer Belt Electrons During Oct-Nov Magnetic Storm of 2003
- Correlating Lightning Parameters to Drop Size Distribution
- Determining Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields From Particle Measurements
- Development of a Hydrologic Analysis Framework for Improved Treatment of Uncertainty
- Droplet Growth by Condensation: Error Analysis
- ELF/VLF radio from runaway breakdown and cosmic ray air showers
- Effect of Liquid Films on the Convective Drying of Porous Materials
- Emergence of the time domain Green's function from ocean noise correlations.
- Enhanced HBr uptake on ice in the lower stratosphere
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of current driven rotating kink modes in a non-line tied screw pinch
- Exploring Aquifer Heterogeneity and Anisotropy Using Sequential Pumping Tests
- Extracting time domain Green's functions from ambient seismic noise recorded during the Mount St Helens 2004 eruption: A new tool for volcano monitoring ?
- FTE Structures and Dynamics from Global MHD Simulations and Cluster Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Flux Ropes evolution: a comparison of simulations, experiments and observations.
- From Crater to Graph: Manual and Automated Crater Counting Techniques
- High Resolution Substorm Energetic Electrons seen in the Magnetotail by all 4 CLUSTER satellites
- Identifying the solar sources of helium variation in the slow solar wind using global MHD simulations
- Implicit Kinetic simulations of multiple scale systems
- Indirect Effect of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Cirrus Clouds: Satellite Observations and Climate Forcing
- Indirect evidence for a neutral hydrogen cloud around Titan
- Initial analysis of the Los Alamos Sferic Arrays in North-central Florida and Great Plains
- Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management in Arid/Semi-arid Regions: Data, Modeling, and Assessment
- Intense Alfven Waves With Compressional Mode Waves Well Within the Plasma Sheet During the Main Phase of the 21 October 1999 Major Storm and Comparison of Major Storm to Non-Storm Substorm PSBL Alfven Wave Events
- Intercomparison of Cold Ion Density Measurements in the Plasmasphere-Magnetosphere
- Investigating Amplitude Dependent Sediment Properties using a Vibroseis Truck and a Micro-array of Accelerometers
- Ion Mass-loading and Time Variability in the Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Lightning Location and Classification With the Great Plains Los Alamos Sferic Array
- Lightning charge-transport measured by field-changes aloft
- Martian Ground Ice and Equilibrium With Atmospheric Diffusion.
- Modeling the Bergeron-Findeisen Process Using PDF Methods With an Explicit Representation of Mixing
- Modeling the Kinetics of Silica Polymerization and Precipitation in Aqueous Solutions as a Function of pH and Ionic Strength
- Monte Carlo Simulations of Solar Ion Implantation into Genesis Collection Materials
- Non-driven Reconnection as a function of guide field strength
- Numerical Simulations of Impacts Into Icy Targets Using the Pactech/SAIC Equation of State for Water
- Observed Relationships among Narrow Bipolar Events, Cloud-to-ground Lightningand Convective Strength in Summer 2005 Great Plains Thunderstorms
- On variation of outer radiation belt electrons and O+ ions in the inner magnetosphere during large magnetic storms: FAST observations
- Optimal Estimation of Electron Lifetimes in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Parallelization of a Fully-Distributed Hydrologic Model using Sub-basin Partitioning
- Parametric Study of CO2 Sequestration in Geologic Media Using the Massively Parallel Computer Code PFLOTRAN
- Particle acceleration and energy distribution in multi-streaming plasmas
- Particle acceleration from inductive electric fields associated with reconnection
- Partnerships As A Means To Make Data Accessible
- Physics of Substorm Growth Phase and Onset
- Polar Crossing and Upstream of the Magnetopause and Bow Shock
- Pore-Network Approach for Upscaling Continuum Reactive Transport Equations
- Pore-Scale Acoustic Effects on Colloid Interactions at Solid/Liquid Interfaces under Varying Physicochemical Conditions
- Potential Future Igneous Activity at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Preliminary Benchmarking of Plinian Eruption Simulations Using an Adaptive Grid Eulerian Technique
- Radial Diffusion as a Potential Source and Loss Mechanism of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Radiation Belt Diffusion Parameter Estimation With an Adaptive Kalman Filter
- Radiation Belt Loss at the Magnetopause
- Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind Well Beyond 1 AU: Ulysses
- Remote Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) of Martian Meteorites and Other Basaltic Samples
- Role of electrostatic fields in space and astrophysical systems.
- Seismic monitoring of CO2 plumes in deep saline aquifers: results from laboratory experiments
- Self-consistent Modeling of Magnetic Fields and Plasmas in the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Simulating Coupling Complexity in Space Plasmas: First Results from a new code
- Soliton Solutions for Conventional Breakdown in Air: Implications for Stepped Leaders
- Some Numerical ExperimentsRelating to Step Leaders and Return Strokes
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Evaporation in a Drying Soil
- Statistical Studies of Ground-Based Optical Lightning Signatures
- Stochastic Modeling Of Coupled Non-linear Chemical Reactions
- Storm-Time Substorms and Sawtooth Events: Test for Substorm Models
- Study of Current Sheet formation and Forced Reconnection based on the Newton Challenge.
- Substorms During the August 10-11, 2000 Sawtooth Event
- Subsurface Characterization with Support Vector Machines
- Survey of interplanetary shock characteristics
- System Dynamics Approach for Critical Infrastructure and Decision Support. A Model for a Potable Water System.
- Temporal Variability in Carbon Isotope Composition of Leaf-Respired Carbon Dioxide
- Testing and development of a Tunable Diode Laser for measurements of leaf to ecosystem stable isotope composition of carbon dioxide exchange
- The Calm before the Storm in CIR/Magnetosphere Interactions
- The Development of a Performance Assessment Framework for Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- The Discovery of Cloud Radiative Smoothing and its Consequences
- The Genesis Onboard CME Identification
- The Kelvin-Helmhotz instability and thin current sheets in the MHD and Hall MHD formalisms
- The SMART Theory and Modeling Team: an Integrated Element of Mission Development and Science Analysis
- Thermal Characterization of proposed Phoenix Landing Sites
- Thin Current Sheets and Reconnection Onset in low Beta Plasmas
- Three-Spacecraft Detections of a Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Extending More Than 390 Earth Radii in the Solar Wind
- Time Scales for Discharge of Near-Equatorial WEH on Mars: Implications for a Recent Climate Change
- Tunable Diode Laser Measurements of Leaf-scale Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Ecosystem Respired Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratios in a Semi-arid Woodland
- Turbulence in the high-altitude cusp: Cluster FGM and STAFF observations
- Tutorial session: Magnetic reconnection, concepts and applications
- Understanding Storm-time Ring Current Sources through Data-Model Comparisons of a Moderate Storm, an Intense Storm and a Super-storm
- Update to the Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Analysis, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
- Using the Los Alamos Sferic Array to Look for Positive Leaders
- Whistler Scattering of Suprathermal Electrons in the Solar Wind: ACE Observations
- Wind and ACE Detections of Extended Reconnection X-lines in Solar Wind Current Sheets
- A Coupled Geodesic Ocean and Ice Model for Climate Studies
- A New Approach to Determining the Melt-Area Extent Over the Greenland Ice Sheet Using MODIS Data
- A New Ghost-Node Method for Linking Different Ground-Water Models and Initial Investigation of Heterogeneity and Nonmatching Grids
- A large-eddy particle-based cloud-aerosol model designed to separate fact from reality
- Absolute Beam Flux Monitor for IBEX-Hi Calibrations
- Acoustic Stimulation of Colloid Behavior at the Pore and Core Scales
- All Whistlers are not Created Equally: Scattering of Suprathermal Electrons in the Solar Wind via Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- An Examination of the Location of the Central Meridian of Substorm Current Wedge with Auroral Images and Near Geosynchronous Observations
- Analytical Upscaled Permeability and First Order Homogenized Approximation for Flow in Porous Media
- Anisotropic Inverse Cascade in Ocean Circulation
- Assessment of Climate Variability and Change on Water Resource Availability for Oil Shale Development
- Assessment of the Magnetospheric Contribution to Suprathermal Ions in Saturn's Foreshock Region
- Atmospheric Mixing of CO2 above Carbon Storage Sites: Coupling Physics Based Models within a CO2 Sequestration System Modeling Framework
- Basin Migration: Lithospheric vs. Crustal Controls
- Cassini Observations of Saturn's Dawn-Magnetotail Region and their Relation to Models of Saturn's Aurora: Preliminary results
- Cometary Impact Delivery of Water to the Moon
- Comparison of FORTE satellite VHF and WWLLN ground-based VLF data on lightning emissions from the same thunderstorms
- Correlation between lightning discharges and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes observed with a rearranged Los Alamos Sferic Array (LASA)
- Data assimilation of radiation belt electrons
- Decreasing magmatic footprints of individual volcanoes in a waning basaltic field
- Derivation of Electric Potential Patterns in the Inner Magnetosphere: Detailed Procedure
- Detection of oppositely directed reconnection jets in a solar wind current sheet
- Electron Anisotropy Constraint in the Magnetosheath: Cluster Observations
- Estimating positive narrow bipolar event channel characteristics from current pulse reflection signatures
- Evolution of Solar Wind Structures in the Inner Solar System
- Fluid-Rock Interactions at the Interface between Reservoir Rock and Cap Rock: An Experimental Case Study Regarding Mineral Trapping at 54 and 200 C
- Formation of Subtropical Mode Water in a High-Resolution POP Simulation of the Kuroshio Extension Region
- Holocene Indian Ocean Cosmic Impacts: The Megatsunami Chevron Evidence From Madagascar
- Hydrograph Separation Techniques for Aquifer Water Level Records: Some Real-World Examples
- Hydrologic Linkage Between Alluvial, Intermediate Perched, and Regional Groundwater on the Pajarito Plateau, North Central New Mexico LA-UR-06-6236
- Identification of sharp water-depth boundaries at +/-60 degrees latitudes on Mars using the Mars Odyssey Neutron Spectrometer
- Identifying the Cause of Relativistic Electron Flux Depletions in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Imaging Groundwater Infiltration Through a Thick Vadose Zone on the Pajarito Plateau, Northern New Mexico: Electrical Resistivity and Magnetotelluric Techniques
- Improving Seismic Event Locations in Asia by Using Catalog-Scale Empirical Travel Time Correction Surfaces
- In situ Measurements of Absorbing Aerosols from Urban Sources, in Maritime Environments and during Biomass Combustion
- Kinetic Alfven Waves and Electron Physics in Oblique Slow Shocks
- Kink instability of flux ropes anchored at one end and free at the other
- LF/VLF Intracloud Waveform Classification
- Larger IMF drives relatively lower magnetospheric activity: Observational and LFM simulation results
- Lightning VLF/LF waveforms at distances of hundreds to thousands of kilometers and their implications on lightning location systems
- Lower Crustal Flow: Application to the Basin and Range Province
- Magnetic reconnection at the heliospheric current sheet and the formation of closed magnetic field lines in the solar wind
- Making room for magma beneath the Jemez Mountains volcanic field: implications for chemical diversity and caldera formation
- Megacity Radiative Forcing: A Mexico City Case Study
- Melt Transport in Continental Magma Fracture Systems
- Multi-Fluid Hydrodynamic Calculations Of Turbidite Deposits From Submarine-Landslide Tsunamis
- Multi-Sensor Observations of Lightning in Oklahoma
- Multiple Oscillatory Modes of the Argentine Basin
- Narrow Bipolar Events as Indicators of Severe Thunderstorms
- Numerical Modeling of the Lightning Return Stroke
- Observations of plasmoids in Saturn's magnetotail
- Observations of the High-Latitude Interplanetary Helium Abundance with Ulysses
- Obtaining Quantitative Relativistic Electron Fluxes From LANL GEO's ESP Instrument for use in Superposed Epoch Studies of Magnetospheric Storms
- On Combining Fluid and Kinetic Scales in Models of Magnetotail Reconnection
- On the Reactivity of Dawsonite in Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Ozone over New Mexico; a 25 Day Intensive Ozonesonde Campaign
- Parameter Identification Using Level Set Methods
- Preconditioning of the Magnetosphere by Calms before the Storm
- Preliminary Characterization of Evolving Horizontal and Vertical Spatial Structures in Internal Waves Based on High Resolution Broadband Acoustic Profiling Observations
- Radiation belt modeling of the Oct. 2001 storm
- Reconnection between non-identical plasmas
- Response of a Southwest Montane Grassland to Monsoonal Rains Following an Extended Drought
- SAGE Validations of Volcanic Jet Simulations
- STEPS 2000 Research Highlights From Colorado State University
- Self-consistent Geomagnetic Storm Modeling: Assessing the Role of the Induced Electric Fields
- Space Weather Measurements Despite Resource Limitations: A Conceptual Overview of Novel Energetic Particle Instruments at a Geostationary Orbit
- Strong bulk plasma acceleration in Earth magnetosheath: A magnetic slingshot effect
- Structure of the electrostatic field during collisionless magnetic reconnection
- Study of Current Sheet Formation Based on the Newton Challenge
- Substorm Onset Arc Formation and Breakup by Kinetic Ballooning Instability
- Substorms, poleward boundary activations and geosynchronous particle injections during sawtooth events
- Tectonic Inheritance, Continental Rifts and the Transition to Segmented Seafloor Spreading: Results From Analogue and Numerical Models
- The Dissipation Mechanism in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The Flux-Tube Texture of the Solar Wind
- The Geoid and Isostatic Support of the Central Rockies of Colorado: Implications for Characterization of the Aspen Anomaly
- The Hydrogen Cycle in a Megacity: Diurnal Variation, Holiday Effect and Source Fingerprinting
- The Magnetosphere Under Weak Solar Wind Forcing
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- Toward Hydrocode Models of an Impact-Generated Martian Greenhouse: Model Validation and Initial Results
- Towards an event stratigraphy for the youngest eruption products of the Valles caldera
- Tracing Magnetospheric Circulation with Ion Composition at Saturn
- Understanding Thermal Variability Using a new Dynamical Model of the Surface Skin Temperature and Turbulent Near Atmosphere
- Understanding the Parametric Dependencies of the Lightning Optical Signature: Results From a Hydrodynamic Modeling Study
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- Unresolved Small-Scale Optical Variability of Clouds: Two Ways of Assessing its Impact on Remote Sensing Observations and Energy Budget Estimations
- Using Fokker-Planck Methods to Model Subgrid Variability in bin Microphysics
- Viscoplastic behaviour of Earth mantle peridotite inferred from micromechanical approaches
- WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons With In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data During MILAGRO
- Wetting and Non-Wetting Models of Black Carbon Activation
- What makes the difference between sawtooth and steady mangetospheric convection events?
- When Katrina hit California
- A Eurasian and North African Crust and Upper Mantle Model for Regional Seismic Location
- A First-Principles Analytical Theory for 2D Magnetic Reconnection in Electron and Hall Magnetohydrodynamics
- A Reduced Extended Kalman Filter Method For Data Assimilation And Parameter Optimization
- A Statistical Study of the Spatial Scale of Substorm Current Wedge and Its Associated Auroral Images and Near Geosynchronous Observations
- A Theory of Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Coupling Derived from First Principles
- Aerosol Optical Depth, Climate Sensitivity and Global Warming
- An Ecohydrological Perspective of Drought-Triggered Vegetation Die-off and Land-Surface Changes
- An Efficient Importance Sampling Approach for Simulating Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- An Inverse Model of Three-Dimensional Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Analysis of Los Alamos Sferic Array Observations of Lightning Discharge Events Correlated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Anisotropic ice in Glaciers and Polar ice Sheets: Experimental Results and Modelling
- Attenuation Tomography of Northern California and the Yellow Sea / Korean Peninsula from Coda-source Normalized and Direct Lg Amplitudes
- Biofilm enhanced subsurface sequestration of supercritical CO2
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Case-History Explorations of Scientifically Significant Earth-System Events
- Characterizing the Response of an Unconfined Aquifer to Pumping with Borehole Ground Penetrating Radar
- Chemical Dense Gas Modeling in Cities
- Complex interplay of micro/macro scales in momentum creation and anomalous transport in magnetotail plasmas: simulation and comparison with laboratory experiments
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Correlation between lightning flash count and local meteorological parameters
- Correlation of Solar Wind Features from Well-Separated Spacecraft
- Correlations between Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol observed in Urban Locations
- Coupled Climate Model Simulations to Bracket the Impacts of Increasing Asian Aerosols Emissions and Aggressive Future Clean Air Policies
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Complexity: A Model-Based Scenario Approach to Supporting Integrated Water Resources Management
- Depth to Detachment Estimates for the Tanos and West Tanos Faults, Hagen Embayment, New Mexico
- Detailed Numerical Modeling of Leakage of CO2 Through Wellbores Incorporating Complexities of Wellbore Details and Phase-Change in Large-Scale Reservoir Simulations
- Detection of an Electron-scale Dissipation Layer near the X-line during Magnetic Reconnection in Laboratory
- Diurnal Cycles of Aerosol Optical Properties at Pico Tres Padres, Mexico City: Evidences for Changes in Particle Morphology and Secondary Aerosol Formation
- Dynamic loading of silica glass: elasticity, plasticity, fracture, and phase changes
- EPA's role and requirements in Radiological Dispersive Device (RDD) Emergency Response
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Electrical Structure and Preliminary Breakdown of Lightning Flashes in Three New Mexico Thunderstorms
- Electron Distribution Functions in Gas Mixtures Relevant to Planetary Atmospheres
- Energy Flow in Saturn's Ion Cyclotron Wave Belt
- Entropy conservation and entropy loss governing substorm phases and tail transport
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Optical Scintillometry
- Evaluation of stress in high pressure radial diffraction: application to hcp Co
- Evidence for Recent Melting at the Base of the GISP2 Ice Core From Uranium-Thorium Disequilibrium Measurements
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Eyewall Lightning and Hurricane Intensification
- First measurements on how pressure affects the half-life of 22Na: Comparison to theory and analog to 40K
- Forced Magnetic Reconnection with Open Boundary Conditions
- Formation of the Rio Grande Rift and Upper Mantle Seismic Wave Velocity Anomaly
- Fully Kinetic 3D Simulations of Collisionless Reconnection in Large-Scale Pair Plasmas
- High Latitude Structure of Saturn's Magnetopause: Cassini Observations
- High Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Organic Nitrogen Species in Atmospheric Fog and Cloud Waters
- High pressure melting of Cu under hydrostatic and shock wave loading
- Hybrid Simulations of the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- Improvement of Electric Field Model in the Inner Magnetosphere Using Cluster Data Set
- Interpretation of multi-satellite observations of extended reconnection x-lines
- Large-Scale Transport Model Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis: Distributed Sources in Complex, Hydrogeologic Systems
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Fluid Flow and Solute Transport in Porous Media at the Pore Scale and Upscaling to the Continuum Scale
- Lg Amplitude Tomography in the Western United States
- Lowering Global Temperature by Enhancing the Natural Sulfur Cycle
- MESSENGER's Venus Flyby: An Overview of Early Results
- Mechanisms of Topographic Uplift for the Southern Rocky Mountains
- Micromechanical Modelling of the Viscoplastic Behavior of Olivine
- Modeling Lateral Sn Velocity, Gradient, and Anisotropic Variations in the Upper Mantle
- Monitoring Surface CO2 Fluxes Associated with Shallow Subsurface CO2 Release Experiments
- Motion of the Earth's magnetopause: Estimation from low-energy neutral atom emissions
- Nearest neighbor classification for facies delineation
- New Approaches for Estimating Motor Vehicle Emissions in Megacities
- Numerical Model of Large Bubble Bursts at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica
- Numerical Models of Lithosphere-Mantle Interaction at Continental Rift Zones
- On the Variability of Observations in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere: Exploring the Parameter Space
- Operational Generation of Urban Wind Fields to Support Transport and Dispersion Modeling
- Parametric Sensitivity Analysis in a New Cloud Resolving Aerosol Model
- Particle Acceleration in relativistic plasmas
- Plasma Equilibrium With Entropy Input and Applications
- Plasma Production and Circulation in Saturn's (and Jupiter's?) Magnetosphere.
- Preliminary SAGE Simulations of Volcanic Jets Into a Stratified Atmosphere
- Quantification of the Precipitation of Outer Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons
- Quantitative Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by Multivariate Analysis
- Quantitative Soil Carbon Analysis with in Situ Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy by Multivariate Analysis
- Radiation Patterns of Lightning
- Radioactive Dispersive Device (RDD) Bomb Modeling in Cities for Emergency Response Using the QUIC Model
- Reconstructing the kinematics of thrust sheet rotation in the Wyoming Salient: a paleomagnetic study of Triassic redbeds
- SOTERIA: SOlar-TERrestrial Investigations and Archives
- Saucer-shaped sills at shallow depths beneath a scoria cone volcano (Paiute Ridge, Nevada)
- Search for Solar Neutrons Using the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer Between 0.7 and 0.32 AU
- Self-consistent Inner Magnetosphere Magnetic Field and Comparison With Geosynchronous Measurements
- Simulated in situ Determination of Soil Profile Organic and Inorganic Carbon Using Combined VisNIR and LIBS Sensors
- Simulation of the 18 April 2002 Sawtooth Event Using the Rice Convection Model
- Simulation of the similarity of reconnection processes in the RSX device and in magnetospheric and solar plasmas
- Simulations of Carbon Dioxide Leakage from Uncased Boreholes Into Formations Lying Above a Sequestration Reservoir.
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Spatial Variability in Apparent Stress for Subduction Zone Earthquakes Along the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Spectral Analysis of Borehole Skin and Wellbore Storage Effects
- Speed-up of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation Using Self-Adaptive Different Evolution with Subspace Sampling
- Strengthening Student Interest and Learning of Watershed Science using a Case-History Investigation of a Rapidly Changing Semi-Arid Watershed
- Stress/Strain Cycling Effects on Colloid Transport in a Synthetic Porous Medium
- Structural Chemistry of Cation-Reacted Bacteriogenic UO2
- Substorm injection region propagation and plasma sheet flow outside geosynchronous orbit
- Substorm onset by kinetic ballooning instability
- Surface Complexation Modeling of Radionuclide Sorption in the Saturated Zone of Yucca Mountain Rocks
- The Effect of Vibration on Stick-slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Triggering
- The Interstellar Boundary Explorer Instrument Models and Predicted ENA Count Rates
- The QuakeSim GeoFEST modeling system - new features inspired by San Andreas Fault motion
- The Role of Electron Heat Flux in Magnetic Reconnection
- The Spatial Variation of Polar Rain Electrons and its Cause
- The altered solar wind - magnetosphere coupling during low Mach number CMEs: Highlights from MHD simulations
- The influence of Epoch Time selection when doing Superposed Epoch Analysis on ACE and MPA LANL data
- The potential impacts of pollution on a non-drizzling stratus deck: Does aerosol number matter more than type?
- Thermal Plasma Flow in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere.
- Three-dimensional simulation of a rock slide impact into water
- Time reversal imaging and cross-correlations techniques by normal mode theory
- Time-Reversal Location of the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake Using the Vertical Component of Seismic Data.
- Titan at Saturn's magnetopause: CAPS results from T32
- Towards an Earth System Model: Validating Interactive DMS Emissions, and the Importance of Making Atmospheric-Chemistry Interactive
- Transient Currents in the Global Electric Circuit due to CG and IC Lightning
- Upscaling Flow and Transport Through Block Permeability Inclusions by an Analytical Approach
- Validation of Sebal Heat Fluxes with Scintillometry
- Very Small Meteors -- A comparison of ablation, deceleration and detection theory with observations
- Wave Diffusion and Stochastic Particle Acceleration in 3He-Rich Events
- Wave Number Spectra in the Solar Wind as Seen by CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Whistler Turbulence: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- A 3D Tomographic Model of Asia Based on Pn and P Travel Times from GT Events
- A Cafe Scientifique for Teens
- A Comparison of the Annual Circulation of the Western South Atlantic Ocean Based on two OGCMs, the Parallel Ocean Model (POP) and the Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling Project (OCCAM)
- A Global Model and Methods for Accurate Real-Time Calculation of Regional-Phase Travel Times
- A Hexagonal C-Grid Atmospheric Core Formulation for Multiscale Simulation on the Sphere
- A New Kinetic Based Fluid Approach to Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- A modeling analysis of internal elastic strains in polycrystalline cobalt deformed under high pressure
- Aeronomy With the new HF Ionospheric Modification Facility at Arecibo
- An Ensemble of CFC-11 Tracer Distributions From a Global Eddying Ocean Circulation Model
- An Estimate of the Global Ocean Transit Time Distribution Computed With an Eddy Rich General Circulation Model
- An Integrated Environmental Assessment Model for Oil Shale Development
- Analysis of Co-located Ground- and Space-based Infrared Atmospheric Measurements: AERI, AIRS, CERES, MODIS
- Apparent Stress Variation in Response to Seamount Subduction at Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Assessing ice-sheet and sea-level changes: Implementing dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Assessing the Leakage Potential of CO2 into Ground Water Resources at SACROC, West Texas
- Basin-Scale Hydrologic Impacts of CO2 Sequestration within the Mt Simon Formation, Illinois Basin; Scaling Calculations using Sharp-Interface Theory
- Carbon Dioxide Stable Isotope Detection of Geological Sequestration Seepage
- Cassini's CAPS and MAG measurements during Titan flyby T15 compared to HYB model results
- Characteristics of Storm-time Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere Derived From Cluster Data
- Considerations in the Application of Multiple Ion Counting for the Trace Analysis of Plutonium and Uranium Isotope Ratios Using Thermal Ionization and Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Coordinated Optical/VLF Lightning Observations
- Data- and Tool-rich Curriculum on Natural Catastrophes: Case Study of M9+ Earthquakes and Mega-tsunamis in Cascadia
- Detailed Observations of the outer radiation belt with LANL GPS instruments
- Determining the hydraulic properties of a river dike using integrated hydrogeophysical inversion
- Driven Magnetic Reconnection in Semi-Collisional Regimes: Fully Kinetic Simulations with Boundary Conditions Relevant to MRX
- Dynamics of two colliding flux ropes in a three dimensional experiment
- Effects of Earth Surface Albedo on Orbital Forcing in Quaternary Glacial Cycles
- Effects of Field-aligned Potential Drops on the Inner Magnetosphere
- Effects of Snow and Ice Impurities and Atmospheric Aerosols on Radiative Forcing
- Eigenmode Analysis of Energy and Pitch-Angle Diffusion of Energetic Electrons in the Outer Zone: 0.1-5 MeV
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Fluctuations and Fast Electron Scattering: Hybrid Simulations
- Electron Spectral Changes Observed Near L=4.2 by 9 CXD Instruments During a Recent Small Magnetic Storm
- Evaluating Neogene Uplift and Denudational History of the Colorado Rockies Using River Profiles and Incision Records
- Evaluation of Solid Geologic Reference Materials for Uranium-Series Measurements via LA-ICPMS
- Excitation and decay of barotropic modes in the Australia-Antarctic Basin
- Extending the 1D Mass and Momentum Balance of Turbidity Currents
- Flash-level comparisons between detections of Narrow Bipolar Events at VLF/LF and VHF frequencies
- From Polycrystal Plasticity to Deep Earth Anisotropy
- Geochemical Processes Controlling Chromium Transport in the Vadose Zone and Regional Aquifer, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Guide Field Reconnection: Energy Transfer and Global Constraints in PIC and MHD Simulations
- Harnessing Petaflop-Scale Multi-Core Supercomputing for Problems in Space Science
- Imaging Poisson ratio of uppermost mantle beneath China
- Implications for mb-Ms Discrimination Based on a New Long-Period Explosion Source Model with Shock-Induced Tensile Failure
- In Situ Observations of Aerosol Darkening by Clouds: Role of Chemistry, Dynamics and Microphysics
- Increased local time accuracy of the corrected Dst index
- Investigating High-Frequency Skin Temperature Fluctuations using a 1D Surface Renewal Model
- Isopycnal Diffusivities in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current of 1/10 degree POP Inferred From Subsurface Numerical Floats
- Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Phyllosilicates for ChemCam Calibration
- Lessons Learned from Ongoing Field Tests of Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Lithosphere-Mantle Interactions at Continental Rifts
- Los Alamos VHF-VLF Dual Band Lightning Mapping Array
- Modeling the Size and Shape of Saturn's Magnetopause Using Dynamic Pressure Balance
- Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide
- New Insights into the Observable Characteristics of Reconnection Layers
- Nonequilibrium Mechanism of Geomaterials
- North Atlantic Hurricane Activity Records: 1851-2008
- Numerical analysis of wellbore integrity: results from a field study of a natural CO2 reservoir production well
- Observation of Transient Measurement with a Silica long base Tiltmeter
- On the Three-Hour Periodicity of the Solar-Wind-Driven Magnetosphere
- On the properties and limitations of magnetic reconnection in Hall MHD
- Orientation and Structure of Reconnection Layer from Simulated Spacecraft Data
- Phosphorus in coral skeleton: Evidence and species-specific global calibrations for a novel seawater phosphate proxy
- Physical Mechanism of Substorm Breakup Arcs and Onset
- Pleistocene Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Atlantic Continental Shelf, New England: The Role of Ice Sheets
- Polar Rain Gradients and Field-Aligned Polar Cap Potentials
- Pore-scale studies of multiphase flow and reaction involving CO2 sequestration in geologic formations
- Probability Density Functions for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Proton Spectrometer Belt Research (PSBR)
- Quantifying the Accuracy of Inner Magnetospheric Electric Field Descriptions With Data- Model Comparisons for All Intense Storms of Solar Cycle 23
- Quantitative Sulfur Analysis using Stand-off Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Rapid Recharge to Perched-Intermediate Groundwater Zones, Pajarito Plateau, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Reaction of CO2 and brine at the interface between Portland cement and casing steel: Application to CO2 sequestration
- Reanalysis of Radiation Belt Electron Phase Space Density Using CRRES and Akebono Observations
- Recent Improvements to the Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Models for the Performance Assessment of the Yucca Mountain Repository in Nevada
- Reconnection Dynamics in Semi-Collisional Plasmas
- Remote Raman - LIBS Geochemical Investigation under Venus Atmospheric Conditions
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Role of Saturation of the Polar Cap in Regulating Energy Coupling Efficiency in Magnetic Storms
- SAGE 2D and 3D Simulations of the Explosive Venting of Supercritical Fluids Through Porous Media
- STEREO multi-spacecraft investigation of solar wind electron halo depletions at 90° pitch angle
- Shocking H2O Ice: The Role of Phase Changes during Impact Crater Formation
- Simulated In Situ Determination of Soil Profile Organic and Inorganic Carbon With LIBS and VisNIR
- Solar wind plasma processing in the magnetosheath at low Mach numbers
- Specification of the Earth's Plasmasphere with Data Assimilation
- Statistical comparisons of RHESSI Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and WWLLN-detected lightning
- Stochastic Determination of the Representative Elementary Volume of Fractured Rocks
- Storm-time Inner Magnetosphere: Self-consistent Kinetic Simulation Driven by the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Surface Complexation Modeling of Radionuclide Sorption in the Saturated Zone of Yucca Mountain Rocks
- Temporal-spatial modeling of non-linear electron density enhancement due to successive lightning strokes
- The Effects of Acoustic Waves on Stick Slip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media and Their Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Dynamic Triggering
- The GENESIS Mission: Solar Wind Isotopic and Elemental Compositions and Their Implications
- The Viscosity of the Collisionless Solar Wind and the Reynolds Number of Its MHD Turbulence
- The Western Energy Corridor Initiative: Unconventional Fuel Development Issues, Impacts, and Management Assessment
- Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm
- Three Dimensional Current Generator Structure of a Mountain Thunderstorm: Analysis of Some Interesting Flashes
- Three Dimensional Dynamics of Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection in Large-Scale Pair Plasmas
- Time-reversal imaging of Earthquake and Seismic hum
- Titan Plumes Revisited
- Tomographic Inversion for Regional Phase Attenuation and Source Parameters
- Tomographic inverse estimation of aquifer properties based on pressure variations caused by transient water-supply pumping
- Transport of Uranium and Neptunium in the Saturated Volcanic Tuff and Alluvium at Yucca Mountain
- Understanding the Impacts of Energy Production and Climate Change on Water Resources in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Unusually strong magnetic fields in Titan's ionosphere: T42 analysis
- Using Dramatic Events and Visualization Technology to Teach About Watersheds
- Utilizing the multiangular information of PARASOL oxygen A-band measurements to infer macrophysical properties of cloud structures
- Variations in Velocity, Gradient, and Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle of Eurasia using Sn Travel Times
- Vertical Heat Transport in Eddying Ocean Models
- Wave Science with the Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- Whistler Turbulence: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- 1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation by Pickup Ions at Titan
- A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- A Global Response in Monsoon Region Precipitation Under Greenhouse Warming: Understanding Mechanisms and Uncertainties
- A Model for Climate Change Adaptation
- A Numerical Model for Plasma Production and Scattering from Micrometeoroids
- A Statistical Investigation of Electron Radiation Belt Responses to Transient Solar Wind Drivers over a Range of L-values
- A coupled water chemistry and corrosion model for high salinity-high CO2 environments with application to wellbore integrity in CO2 sequestration
- A study of energetic electrons near the last closed drift shell using THEMIS-SST data
- A web accessible data management system for the Hanford 300 Area IFRC
- An Overview of LANL's New Hurricane Lightning Project (Invited)
- Analysis of ENA Intensities and Spectra (0.6 to 55 keV) from the Nose and Tail Regions of the Heliosheath: Observations from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Application of a higher-order flow model to Greenland outlet glacier dynamics
- Arctic Marine Methane Cycle Simulations for the Period of Global Warming
- Arctic River Mobility: A Baseline Assessment
- Are Unusual Solar Wind Conditions in SC23-24 Triggering Changes in the Geospace Response to High Speed Streams? (Invited)
- Assessment of Contaminant Fate in Heterogeneous Porous Media using Importance Sampling Monte Carlo Methods
- Bridging the Gap Between Magnetic Reconnection in Space & Laboratory Plasmas Using 3D Kinetic Simulations
- Case Study of a Strong Narrow-Bipolar-Event-Producing Storm on July 2 - 3, 2005
- Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Observations Close to Enceladus: E3, E5 and E7
- Characterization of Uranium Contamination, Transport, and Remediation at Rocky Flats - Across Remediation into Post-Closure
- Characterization of the August 2009 New Mexico earthquake swarm in the central Rio Grande rift
- ChemCam on MSL: Status and Initial Calibrations
- Coincident Precipitation of ring current ions and radiation belt electrons by EMIC waves
- Combined VLF and VHF lightning observations of Hurricane Rita landfall
- Comparing α-cellulose δ13C and δ18O to regional climate at Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Controls on Arctic sea ice from first-year and multi-year ice survival rates
- Coupling RAM-SCB to a Magnetospheric GCM and Polar Wind Outflow Model
- DREAM: An R2O Success Story?
- Differentiation among Multiple Sources of Anthropogenic Nitrate in a Complex Groundwater System using Dual Isotope Systematics: A case study from Mortandad Canyon, New Mexico
- Direct Evidence of Instability-Driven Constraints on Helium Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind
- Direct Observations of Interstellar H, He, and O by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (Invited)
- Dynamic uplift of the Colorado Rockies and western Colorado Plateau in the last 6 Ma driven by mantle flow and buoyancy: Evidence from the Colorado River region
- Dynamical Downscaling of Climate Change Projection over the African Region using the Regional Climate Model (RegCM3)
- EMIC Wave Occurrence During Geomagnetic Storm Events: CRRES Results
- Earlier North American Monsoon Onset in a Warmer World?
- Effect of texture on rheological properties: the case of ɛ-Fe (Invited)
- Effects of Minority Species on Magnetic Reconnection
- Effects of Porous Media Heterogeneity and Transverse Mixing on Bacterial Growth
- Effects of Precipitation on the Loss of Radiation Belt Relativistic Electrons
- Electrons at Enceladus: recent encounters
- Energy and Spatial Variation of Flux Features Observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- Evaluating the Significance of Subglacial Lakes in the Context of an Ice Sheet Water Model
- Experimental Characterization of Chromium Fate and Transport in the Vadose Zone and Regional Aquifer at Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Experimental study of sediment-CO2 reactions with application to changes in groundwater quality due to leakage of sequestered CO2
- Exploring Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere/Ionosphere Connections (Invited)
- Fermi GBM Observations of TGFs (Invited)
- First Observations with Los Alamos dual-band Lightning Mapping Array
- First results from the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) (Invited)
- Further Narrow Bipolar Event VLF/LF and VHF Characteristics: charge and current moments
- Geochemical Processes Controlling Chromium Attenuation within the Sandia Canyon Wetland, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Global Sawtooth Oscillations: The Solar Wind, the Magnetosphere, and the Ionosphere (Invited)
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Global ice-ocean-ecosystem modeling studies for ecosystem response to climate change
- Global simulation of EMIC waves in the He<SUP>+</SUP> band for 2001 April 21st storm from RCM-RAM-HOTRAY self-consistent modeling
- Heterogeneous microstructures and macroscopic creep behavior of polycrystalline ice (Invited)
- High speed solar wind streams : Repeatable drivers for system science in the magnetosphere
- How sensitive is reanalysis, using the UCLA 1-D VERB code, to boundary conditions and changes in the loss model?
- IBEX observations in the context of a global heliospheric model
- Implementation of dynamic subglacial processes in a high-order ice sheet model
- Inside Autoplot: an Interface for Representing Science Data in Software
- Interpreting Reservoir Microseismicity Detected During CO2 Injection at the Aneth Oil Field
- Ion Dynamics and Composition in the coma of Comet 19P/Borrelly as measured by Deep Space One
- Ion cyclotron waves at unmagnetized bodies: a comparison of Mars, Venus and Titan
- Isotopic Composition of Natural Nitrate in Groundwater in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
- LANL* V2.0: A New Radiation Belt Drift Shell Model for Real-Time and Reanalysis Applications
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Isotope Fractionation During Snow Crystal Growth in Clouds
- Los Alamos Radiation Hydrocode Models of Asteroid Destruction by an Internal Explosion
- Lunar South Polar Hydrogen Concentrations in the Context of LRO/Diviner Results and Modeling
- Magnetic-helicity spectrum in the kinetic regime of solar wind turbulence
- Magnetopause Reconnection Rate and Cold Plasma: A Study using SuperDARN
- Massively Parallel Simulation of Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Averaging Of Air Flow Models In Unsaturated Fractured Tuff Using Occam And Variance Windows
- Measurements of black carbon particles’ chemical, physical, and optical properties (Invited)
- Microporosity in tight rocks: clues from neutron scattering experiments (Invited)
- Modeling RHESSI TGFs as a distribution in source altitude, distance, beaming direction and luminosity
- Modeling of Large Methane Releases and their affect on the Chemistry of the Atmosphere
- Modeling preferred orientation and seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle (Invited)
- Modeling study on the factors affecting regional air quality during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
- Modeling the local interstellar flow: comparisons to first observations from IBEX
- Modelling West Antarctic Ice Sheet ice flow dynamics using a higher order, high resolution ice sheet model
- New Global Solar Magnetic Field Maps Using the ADAPT Data Assimilation and Flux Transport Model
- New constrains on Late Glacial pluvial events on the Southern Bolivian Altiplano
- Overview of Cassini CAPS observations of thermal plasma in Saturn’s magnetosphere (Invited)
- Particle Tracking-Based Strategies For Simulating Transport in a Transient Groundwater Flow Field at Yucca Flat, Nevada Test Site, USA
- Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Interface Region and their Implications for ENA Images
- Pick-up ions, the termination shock, and energetic neutral atoms (Invited)
- Pore scale modeling of electroosmosis of dilute electrolyte solution in porous media
- Possibility of Quasi-steady Reconnection in Collisionless Plasma: “Petschek” Solution?
- Preliminary Geophysical Characterization of a CO2-Driven Geyser in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Properties of intense current filaments formed at the reconnection electron layer
- Quantitative Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Using Double-Difference Elastic Waveform Inversion
- Real Time Radiation Belt Data Assimilation using DREAM
- Reflection and Neutralization of Solar Wind Ions from the Moon: IBEX Observations
- Regional probing of ionospheric perturbations within 500 km of a lightning storm by using LASA VLF/LF broadband waveforms
- Relativistic electron scattering by electromagnetic ion cyclotron fluctuations: test particle simulations
- Remote Detection of Carbon Stable Isotope of CO2 for Carbon Sequestration
- Remote Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Geochemical Investigation under Venus Atmospheric Conditions
- Response of Alum Rock springs to the October 30, 2007 Alum Rock earthquake and implications for the origin of increased discharge after earthquakes (Invited)
- Rhea’s interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Evidence for a plasma source
- Search for buried high-grade water ice at low-to-mid latitudes of Mars using MONS neutron data
- Second Greenhouse Gas Information System Workshop
- Secure Identifications of the Electron Diffusion Region with Spacecraft Observations
- Seepage CO2 Detection using ZERT Controlled Release site in Bozeman, MT
- Short timescale variation in the ENA flux emanating from the heliospheric poles: IBEX observations
- Short-baseline VLF observations of D-region reflection near active thunderstorms
- Simulating Subsurface Reactive Flows on Ultrascale Computers with PFLOTRAN
- Simulation of Strongly Coupled Atmosphere/Fire Interaction in Idealized and Realistic Scenarios Using a Physics-Based Wildfire Model
- Small scale convection at the edge of the Colorado Plateau: Implications for topography, magmatism, and evolution of Proterozoic lithosphere
- Solar Wind Structure at 1 AU: Comparison between Solar Minima 22/23 and 23/24
- Source Repeatability of Time-Lapse Offset VSP Surveys for Monitoring CO2 Injection
- Stick-slip instabilities and shear strain localization in granular materials
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Superposed epoch analysis of storm-time electric fields in the inner magnetosphere
- TWINS ENA imaging observations of the moderate storm of 22 July 2009
- The CCSM4 Sea Ice Component and the Challenges and Rewards of Community Modeling
- The Coming Age of Petascale Kinetic Simulations: Implications for Theory and Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Importance of Non-Thermal Pressures in the Heliosheath: Towards New Methods of Analysis
- The Pitch-Angle Distribution Width Between 100 eV to 500 keV During the Solar Electron Burst of 2002 March 22
- The World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN): A Review and Update on Global Lightning Research
- The abiotic litter decomposition in the drylands
- The development of geochemical MVA tools and predictive modeling of CO2-water-rock reactions in shallow groundwater aquifers: Coupling sequential extraction data and reactive transport simulations
- The scale dependence of dispersivity in multi-faces heterogeneous aquifer systems
- Three-dimensional ray tracing of VLF waves in a magnetospheric environment containing a plasmaspheric plume (Invited)
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Time-Resolved Remote-Raman Spectroscopic study of Minerals at High Temperature and under Supercritical CO2 Relevant to Venus Exploration
- Titan’s induced magnetosphere under variable upstream conditions
- Tomography of Pg and Sg Across the Western United States Using USArray Data
- Translation of IBEX-measured ENA fluxes to the outer heliosphere
- Two Moderate Storms During Solar Minimum: Combine Modeling and Observations
- Upscaling of Heterogeneous Porous Rocks Using High Resolution Hydrogeophysical Scanning Measurements
- Upscaling of Reactive Mass Transport in Fractured Rocks with Multimodal Reactive Mineral Facies
- WRF Simulations of Los Angeles Region Carbon-dioxide Emissions: Comparisons with Column Observations
- Walkaway VSP Monitoring of CO2 Injection at the SACROC Oil Field in Texas
- A Comparison of Fluid and Kinetic Models for Steady Magnetic Reconnection
- A Kinesthetic Learning Approach to Earth Science for 3rd and 4th Grade Students on the Pajarito Plateau, Los Alamos, NM
- A Network of Infrasonic Arrays in Utah
- A Quantitative Examination of Solar Wind Properties as Functions of Instability Growth Rate
- A Regional Seismic Travel Time Model for North America
- A dynamic ecosystem process model for understanding interactions between permafrost thawing and vegetation responses in the arctic
- An Electron Diffusion Region Resolved with Multiple Plasma Diagnostics by Polar
- An estimate for committed sea-level rise during the next century resulting from Greenland ice sheet dynamics during the past decade (Invited)
- An investigation into variable recharge behaviors among eight alluvial observation wells in Pajarito Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Are Solar Wind Reconnection Events Fossil Sites?
- Aspects of the theory of incompressible MHD turbulence with cross-helicity and applications to the solar wind
- Basin-Scale Assessment of Gas Hydrate Dissociation in Response to Climate Change
- Beyond the Black Box: Coupling x-ray tomographic imaging of multi-phase flow processes to numerical models and traditional laboratory measurements (Invited)
- CRRES observations of ion composition during EMIC mode wave events
- Calculating Wave Power from the Source Particle Distributions for EMIC Waves
- Calculation of Quasilinear Diffusion Coefficients Using Test Particle Simulations
- Can we restore global phytoplankton, the westerly winds and other aspects of climate using geoengineering?
- Characterization of DVZ Medium Heterogeneity Using a Markov Chain Model Coupled with Principal Component Analysis: An Application at the BC Cribs and Trenches Site of DOE Hanford Site
- Characterizing lightning processes associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (Invited)
- Cloud Super-Cooled Liquid Water Estimation from Satellite Data
- Comparison of the 3D VERB Code Simulations of the Dynamic Evolution of the Outer and Inner Radiation Belts With the Reanalysis Obtained from Observations on Multiple Spacecraft
- Conceptual Explorations of A Next Generation Experiment to Study Magnetic Reconnection in Large Sized Plasmas at High Lundquist Numbers for Space and Astrophysical Relevances
- Concordant 241Pu-241Am Dating of Environmental Samples: Results from Forest Fire Ash
- Constraints on the first terrestrial gamma-ray flash seen from an aircraft
- Conversion of a Continuous Flow Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometer to Measure 13C in CO2 Using Static Analyses of Small Volume Grab Samples (Invited)
- Coupling hydrologic and hydraulic models in the Mackenzie Basin to quantify the spatial and temporal distribution of surface and subsurface water storages
- Deconvolving the lightning sferic VLF source waveform from its temporally-superposed ionospheric reflections
- Detailed Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Belt Models during High-Speed Solar Wind Streams
- Does Wave Turbulence Remove the Flux Pileup at the Magnetopause?
- Dst index in the 2008 GEM Modeling Challenge - Model performance for Moderate and Strong Magnetic Storms
- Dual cascade of kinetic and magnetic energy in MHD turbulence
- EMIC Wave Occurrence and Plasmaspheric Density During Geomagnetic Storms
- Earth System Modeling of Ozone, Methane, and DMS
- Effect of Plasma Sheet Conditions and Induced Electric Fields on Geomagnetic Storm Development
- Effects of complex carbon addition to soil CO2 efflux and isotopic composition to soils near dead and live piñon pine trees
- Electron diffusion region phase space distribution for collisionless antiparallel reconnection
- Energetic neutral atom imaging of the magnetospheric cusps
- Engaging High School Students and Scientists in a Café Scientifique Program
- Ensemble Solar Global Magnetic Field Modeling
- Estimation of ice activation parameters within a particle tracking Lagrangian cloud model using the ensemble Kalman filter to match ISCDAC golden case observations
- Evolution of low altitude and ring current ENA emissions from moderate magnetospheric storms: Continuous and simultaneous TWINS observations
- Excitation of Magnetosonic Waves in the Terrestrial Magnetosphere: Particle-in-cell Simulations
- Exploring the effect of interfacial tension, viscosity, and flow rate on the effectiveness of capillary trapping of CO2
- Extending remote sensing estimates of Greenland ice sheet melting
- Extracting complex subglacial water dynamics through tight coupling of flow models to airborne radar sounding and satellite altimetry
- First IBEX Observations of the Terrestrial Plasma Sheet and a Likely Disconnection Event
- Formation of nongyrotropic current sheets in the magnetotail during substorm growth phases and their possible role in magnetospheric/auroral connection
- Formation, Evolution, and Associated Flows for Flux Transfer Events: 3D Nature of Reconnection
- Free Energy to Drive the Magnetosonic Instability at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Further Observations of Plasma Properties in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Geochemical Predictions of Elemental Compositions using Remote LIBS under Mars Conditions
- Heliospheric energetic neutral atom intensities at 1 AU derived from global fitting of the IBEX-HI data set
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- High-pressure and high temperature deformation studies of polycrystalline diamond
- Hybrid Simulations of Ion Pickup and Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation at Mars and Titan (Invited)
- Hydrological Alterations Due to Climate-Induced Regional Vegetation Change
- Improving the physics models in the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Impulsive Reconnection: 3D Onset and Stagnation in Turbulent Paradigms (Invited)
- Interplanetary Field Enhancements: Dusty plasmas formed by meteoroid collisions in the solar wind
- Interpretation of Aerosol Optical and Morphological Properties during the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study in Sacramento, June 2010
- Intrashell isotopic and trace element variation at the micron-scale in cultured planktic foraminifers
- Investigating Vaporization of Silica through Laser Driven Shock Wave Experiments
- Ion Bernstein Instability in the Magnetosphere: Linear Dispersion Theory
- Ion and electron pressure distributions from the tail plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere: THEMIS and Geotail observations and comparisons with the RCM simulations
- Is Guide Field Reconnection Inherently Turbulent?
- Kuroshio Pathways in a Climatologically-Forced Model
- Laboratory investigation of the potential influence of CO2 migration on trace element release from natural aquifer sediments
- Large-Scale Modeling of Primary Production within Arctic Sea Ice
- Latitudinal distribution of the recent Arctic warming
- Lattice-Boltzmann modeling of experimental fluid displacement patterns, interfacial area and capillary trapped CO2
- Los Alamos Radiation Hydrocode Models of Asteroid Mitigation by a Subsurface Explosion
- Magnetic Wavenumber Spectrum of Whistler Turbulence: Particle-In-Cell Simulation
- Magnetopause shadowing effects for radiation belt models during high-speed solar wind streams
- Mapping Pn Amplitude Spreading and Attenuation in Asia (Invited)
- Measurements of CO2 Carbon Stable Isotopes at Artificial and Natural Analog Sites
- Mechanisms and geologic distribution of mass independent 238U/235U fractionation
- Microstructures and rheology of the Earth upper mantle inferred from a multiscale approach
- Modeling Ionospheric Outflows In Global Models (Invited)
- Modeling Ring Current Ion Anisotropy and Plasma Instability in Non-Dipolar Magnetic Fields
- Multi-Scale Physics in the Magnetosphere: the Role of Magnetic Reconnection (Invited)
- Multi-Scale Science Framework for Attributing and Tracking Greenhouse Gas Fluxes at LANL's Four Corners New Mexico Test Bed
- Multivariate Methods for Predicting Geologic Sample Composition with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- New incision rates along the Colorado River system based on cosmogenic burial dating of terraces: implications for regional controls on differential incision
- Observation and Simulation of Ion Flow Stagnation in the Enceladus Plume
- On The Role of Transition Region in Controlling the Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics: A Survey of in-situ Observations
- On the possible long-term fate of oil released in the Deepwater Horizon incident, estimated by ensembles of dye release simulations
- Operational Advances in Ring Current Modeling Using RAM-SCB
- Optical and Structural Properties of Aerosols Emitted from Open Biomass Burning (Invited)
- Pan-Arctic Simulation of Coupled Nutrient-Sulfur Cycling due to Sea Ice Biology
- Pleistocene large-lake episodes in the central Andes (Invited)
- Post- Cretaceous stability and lithospheric architecture of the Colorado Plateau (CP): multiple working hypotheses for complex Moho structure. (Invited)
- Prospects for useful sea-level predictions from Earth-system models (Invited)
- Remote Raman - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Geochemical Investigation under Venus Atmospheric Conditions
- Remote-Sensing Radial Plasma Flows in the Magnetotail Using Multiscale Vector Field Techniques
- Response of Regional Monsoons to Global Warming
- Responses of the electron radiation belt to high speed streams (Invited)
- Retroflection from slanted and kinked coastlines: models for Agulhas leakage variability
- SALSA3D - A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- Sensitivity of the MOC to Enhanced Greenland Freshwater Run-Off in a Global Eddy-Resolving Ocean Model
- Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux
- Short timescale variation in the heliospheric ENA flux: IBEX observations and correlations with solar wind observations
- Simulations of Ocean Circulation under Static and Dynamic Ice Shelves
- Soil moisture, temperature, and carbon substrate influences on soil respiration in a piñon-juniper woodland
- Solar Wind Suprathermal Electron Strahl Widths Across High Speed Stream Structures
- Soot Particle Optical Properties: a Comparison between Numerical Calculations and Experimental Data Collected during the Boston College Experiment
- Sources of Structure in the Outer Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Spectral properties of regions and structures in IBEX's global ENA sky maps
- Stepped leaders observed in ground operations of ADELE
- Strategies for Mars Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis of Sulfur in Geological Samples
- Strong MHD Turbulence (Invited)
- Study of Lower Hybrid Frequency Turbulence in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX)
- Studying the dynamic influence of the ionospheric and plume components of Enceladus' exosphere through simulations and observations
- Substorms, poleward boundary activations, auroral streamers, omega bands, and geosynchronous particle injections during a sawtooth event
- The Anatomy of Two Nightside Magnetodisk Crossings near Titan
- The Circularity and Stability of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Cl Isotope Composition of the Moon as evidence for an Anhydrous Mantle (Invited)
- The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Sun
- The Response of Martian Ground Ice to Burial by a Volatile-Poor Mantle: Potential Implications for the Volatile Evolution of the Medusae Fossae Formation
- The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory
- The effect of the magnetic field stretching on the development of the ring current
- The mass-loading from Enceladus' plume
- The plasma environment of the magnetodisk of Saturn near Titan encounters as derived from ion densities measured by the Cassini/CAPS instrument
- The role of kinetic effects and parallel electric fields in collisionless reconnection
- The role of regional SST warming variations in the drying of Meso-America in future climate projections
- Time reversal imaging, Inverse problems and Adjoint Tomography}
- Towards structured model hierarchies for understanding the arctic system
- Two Way Coupling RAM-SCB to the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Two Years of Interstellar Flow Observations with the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) - Implications on the LIC Parameters and the Boundary (Invited)
- Ultraviolet stimulated electron source for use with low energy plasma instrument calibration
- Uncertainty Quantification for Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Using Autoplot in the Heliophysics Data Environment
- Using spectral slopes to characterize the origin of ENAs in the IBEX sky maps
- WSA Derived Coronal Hole Comparison with STEREO EUVI Observations
- Western Boundary Current Systems in Strongly Eddying Models of the North Atlantic (Invited)
- What does the 2003 SouthWest USA vegetation dieback event tell us about vegetation resilience to climate change? Results from a high-resolution land surface modeling exercise
- When can we expect statistical mechanics to help predict large scale atmospheric and oceanic features?
- 'Dipolarization' fronts as the exhaust fronts from reconnection in the midtail
- 1D Hybrid Simulations of Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation by Pickup Ions at Mars
- A Comparison of 2D to 3D Hydro Simulations of Asteroid Mitigation by a Strong Surface Explosion
- A Lower Bound for Sea Level Rise from Glaciers and Ice Caps
- A Two-stage Machine Learning Framework for Detection and Characterization of Tree Mortality Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
- A coupled carbon and plant hydraulic model to predict ecosystem carbon and water flux responses to disturbance and environmental change
- A first look at MPAS hydrostatic dynamical core in real-world simulations
- Aerosol Optical Properties of Smoke from the Las Conchas Wildfire, Los Alamos, NM
- Amanzi and Akuna: Two New Community Codes for Subsurface Contaminant Flow and Transport
- An Overview of the Source Physics Experiments (SPE) at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS)
- Anatomy of a Radiation Belt Flux Dropout
- Anisotropic Electron Equations of State in 2D and 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Annual cycle of monsoon precipitation in CMIP5 projections
- Applying Lessons from Multiple Projects to Developing Place Based Citizen Science in Southeast Alaska
- Approaching the Problem of Regional Climate Simulation through a Global, Multi-Resolution Modeling Approach: Successes and Challenges
- Assessing Uncertainty in Subsurface Transport Predictions Using the ASCEM Toolset
- Assessing the impact of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and brine leakage on shallow groundwater quality: Results from a natural analog study in New Mexico, USA
- Atmospheric Impact of Large Methane Emission in the Arctic Region
- BISICLES: A High-performance Adaptive Ice Sheet Model
- Basin scale reactive-transport simulations of CO2 leakage and resulting metal transport in a shallow drinking water aquifer
- Beta dependence of electron heating by whistler turbulence
- Beyond Greenness: Towards a Continuous Phenology of Vegetation
- Calculating Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for the SALSA3D Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model with a Distributed Parallel Multi-Core Computer
- Carbon Dioxide Monitoring, Verification and Accounting (MVA) by Carbon Stable Isotope Measurements at Artificial and Natural Analog Sites
- Characteristics of Submicron Aerosols Influenced by Mixed Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions: Results from the Carbonaceous Aerosol Radiative Effects Study (CARES)
- ChemCam Targeted Science at Gale Crater
- Combined use of computed tomography and the lattice-Boltzmann method to investigate the influence of pore geometry of porous media on the permeability tensor
- Comparison of Laboratory and Modeling Results for High Strain Rates in Support of the Source Physics Experiment
- Comparisons of Primary and Secondary Magnetic Island Evolution in 2D Reconnection
- Complementary Methods for Volcanic Seismic Source Discrimination
- Constraints from Instabilities on Alpha-Particle Temperature Anisotropy in the Solar Wind
- Convective Instability and Mass Transport of the Diffusion Layer in CO2 Sequestration
- Coupling Eruptive Dynamics Models to Multi-fluid Plasma Dynamic Simulations at Enceladus
- Definitive mapping in the late growth phase
- Density, composition, and field line dependence of bulk plasma at geosynchronous orbit versus local time, season, and solar cycle phase
- Development of the Methodology Needed to Quantify Risks to Groundwater at CO2 Storage Sites
- Direct evidence for a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Distributions of Residual Fluid in Non-Wetting Invasions in Porous Media
- Does the Fe2+ spin-crossover in Pv and Fp account for the properties and dynamics of the deep mantle?
- Earthquake Swarms in North-Central New Mexico Recorded by the Los Alamos Seismic Network
- Effects of an artificial drought on carbon cycling in an Amazonian forest
- Electron Strahl Observations: Characteristics at Stream Interfaces
- Ensemble Kalman Filter in the POP Global Ocean Model
- Estimation of a Source Parameter in Radiation Belt Electron Data using a Kalman Filter
- Evaluating NOx Emissions Using Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the Carbon Starvation Hypothesis: Shifts in Carbohydrate Concentrations During Tree Mortality
- Evaluation of NOx emission inventories in California using multi-satellite data sets, in-situ airborne measurements, and regional model simulations during the CalNex 2010 field campaign
- Evidence for Past Melting at the Base of the GISP2 Ice Core from Uranium-Thorium Disequilibrium Measurements
- Excitation of Banded Whistler Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Exploring the time dispersion of the IBEX-Hi ENA spectra at the ecliptic poles
- First Deployment of a New Mobile Laboratory for Greenhouse Gas Attribution Studies
- Forest response to 1,000 years of drought variability in the Southwestern United States
- Formation of Flux Ropes and Associated Vortices at the Magnetopause: Kinetic Simulations and Comparison with Cluster Observations
- Geologic Mapping in Nogal Peak Quadrangle: Geochemistry, Intrusive Relations and Mineralization in the Sierra Blanca Igneous Complex, New Mexico
- H and O ENA observations of the 22 July 2009 storm as observed by the TWINS mission
- High Precision Oxygen Measurements as a Tool for CCS Monitoring
- High Resolution Satellite Imagery Coregistration for Accurate Vegetation Change Detection
- High-resolution, parallel, continental ice sheet modelling using nonlinearly consistent solution algorithms
- Hybrid modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration processes using the lattice-Boltzmann method and PFLOTRAN
- Hydrodynamic and suspended sediment transport controls on river mouth morphology
- IBEX Heliospheric neutral atom energy spectra between 0.01 and 6 keV
- Ice core evidence of spatial and temporal variability of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
- Impact of Charged Dust on the Enceladus Interaction Region: 2. Hybrid Simulations
- Impacts of Hydrologic and Geochemical Uncertainty on Predicting Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Importance of interrogation volume and full spectrum LIBS for measuring carbon in intact soil cores
- Incorporating 3-D Subsurface Hydrologic Processes within the Community Land Surface Model (CLM): Coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Increasing Risk of Tree Mortality in Western North America towards the End of 21st Century
- Influence of Magnetic Shear on the Formation and Interaction of Flux Ropes in Magnetic Reconnection
- Influence of lower-hybrid instabilities on reconnection in asymmetric antiparallel configuration
- Investigating the polar spectra in IBEX's global ENA sky maps
- Ion acceleration by fast magnetosonic waves and their role in ring current radiation belt coupling
- Kinetic Drifts, Magnetic Field Feedback and Entropy Variation in the Near-Earth Magnetosphere
- Laboratory Experiments on the Interaction of Waves and Energetic Particles relevant to the earth's radiation belts.
- Large-Eddy Simulations os PM Dispersion to Quantify the Effects of Windbreaks on Air Quality around CAFOs
- Large-scale electron acceleration by parallel electric fields during magnetic reconnection
- Lessons Learned from the Frenchman Flat Flow and Transport Modeling External Peer Review
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Local and global properties of plasma waves at the proton cyclotron frequency upstream from Mars
- Local-Time Dependence of Ion Plasma Parameters at Saturn
- Magnetopause Shadowing Signature During Relativistic Electron Flux Dropout Events
- Magnetospheric structure during substorm growth phase inferred from satellite observed pressures
- Mass balance and volume observations from Greenland's longest-observed local glacier, Mittivakkat Gletscher
- Methods for Assessing Chances of Rare, High-Consequence Events in Groundwater Monitoring
- Model Resolution, Model Covariance, and Travel Time Prediction Uncertainty for a Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model
- Model-based decision analysis of remedial alternatives using info-gap theory and Agent-Based Analysis of Global Uncertainty and Sensitivity (ABAGUS)
- Modeling Plant-Atmosphere Interactions and Ramifications on the Surface Energy Balance in Arctic Ecosystems
- Modeling the generation of infrasound from earthquakes
- Modulation of the Ion Moments by the SKR Periodicity in the Outer Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Momentum Transfer from a Nuclear Stand-Off Burst to a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid or Comet Nucleus
- Multi-Layer, Sharp-Interface Models of Pore Pressure Buildup within the Illinois Basin due to Basin-Wide CO2 Injection
- Multi-scale Modeling of Power Plant Plume Emissions and Comparisons with Observations
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Electric Fields and Relativistic Particle Flux Enhancements During Substorm Dipolarization
- Near-term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western U.S
- New developments in the Paris-Edinburgh cell program at HPCAT
- Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment: Quantification and prediction of coupled processes in the terrestrial Arctic system
- Noise, backgrounds, and efficiency of the IBEX-Hi sensor over time
- Obliquity-Controlled Water Vapor/Trace Gas Feedback in the Martian Greenhouse Cycle
- On the relationships of evapotranspiration, NDVI, and temperature with vegetation stress in piñon-juniper woodlands of Southwestern USA
- Our evolving heliosphere: The first three years of IBEX observations
- Parallel Particle Tracking Implementation on GPUs for Unstructured Grids
- Pattern Detection and Extreme Value Analysis on Large Climate Data
- Plasma-depleted flux tubes in the Saturnian magnetosphere and their implications
- Polar climate results from CCSM4 pre-industrial and 20th Century simulations
- Potential Change in the Indian Monsoon Circulation
- Predictability of Low-Frequency Regime Transitions in the Barotropic Vorticity Equation Driven by Weak Stochastic Forcing
- Predisposing trees to die during drought: How physiology and climate history influence mortality in southwestern U.S. piñon pine
- Probable Cause of Interplanetary Field Enhancements: Destructive Collisions of Small Bodies
- Properties and Consequences of Flow Bursts in the Magnetotail
- Quantifying Uncertainty in CO2 Emissions with a Restricted Number of Remote Sensors: A Comparison of Model Calibration and Kalman Filtering Techniques
- Quantifying seasonal dynamics of canopy structure and function using inexpensive narrowband spectral radiometers
- Quantitative Monitoring for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Using Double-Difference Elastic-Waveform Inversion
- Relativistic Electron Beams Above Thunderclouds
- Remote Imaging of the Magnetotail Current Sheet Using Energetic Neutral Atoms: A Search for Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry in Apparent Intensity
- Remotely Sensing Waves in the Radiation Belt Region from the Low-Earth-Orbit Particle Observations
- Resolved X-line and Electron Diffusion Region Detection at Magnetopause Supported by Asymmetric PIC Simulations
- Response surfaces for CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage from geologic storage along abandoned wellbores
- Rock-Magnetic Method for Post Nuclear Detonation Diagnostics
- Role of Entropy in Magnetotail Stability and Transport
- SALSA3D - Improving Event Locations Using a Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle
- Scaling Laws in Arctic Permafrost River Basins: Statistical Signature in Transition
- Seismic Noise Levels Across Antarctica
- Soil subsidence associated with Arctic permafrost degradation
- Solar Magnetic Flux Transport Modeling with Far-side Data
- Solar wind fluctuations at kinetic scales: Existence of distinct populations of perpendicular and parallel propagating electromagnetic waves near the proton gyro-radius scale in high speed wind
- Specific Entropy and Radiation-Belt Electrons
- Spectral Properties of Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by IBEX and Their Implications for the Microphysics of the Termination Shock
- Spectral flux of barotropic vorticity closures
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Storm Time EMIC Waves and Their Relationship to Plasmaspheric Density, Plasma Plumes and Radiation Belt Particle Loss
- Subglacial lake matters: piracy on a divide between thawed and frozen bed
- Survey of Anisotropic Electron Moments in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Teaching About The Nexus of Energy, Water and Climate Through Traditional Games
- Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Thermokarst Lake Area Change in Yukon Flats, Alaska: an Indication of Permafrost Degradation
- The 2010 Transient Events in the Heliosheath - Comparing the Observations of IBEX and the Voyagers
- The Anisotropic, Elastic-Decohesive Constitutive Law in CICE: Implementation and Results
- The Impact of the Ocean Sulfur Cycle on Climate using the Community Earth System Model
- The Nonlinear Magnetosphere: Expressions in MHD and in Kinetic Models
- The effect of solar-wind structures on the magnetosphere: Current sheets and sudden wind shears
- The free escape boundary of diffuse ions upstream of the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- The gap between ice-penetrating radar observations and the boundary conditions used in ice-sheet models
- The influence of sea ice aerosol deposition and melt ponds on the Arctic surface heat budget and surface albedo feedback in CCSM4
- The representation of space and stochasticity in one-dimensional and deterministic global vegetation models
- Toward a mechanistic modeling of nitrogen limitation for photosynthesis
- Tracking the spatial and temporal evolution of drought-induced tree mortality using high spatial resolution satellite imagery
- Transport of Intrinsic Plutonium Colloids in Saturated Porous Media
- Uncertainty Analysis of Geochemical Parameters Related To CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage into an Unconfined Limestone Aquifer
- Uncertainty quantification of the leaked CO2 from deep reservoirs to shallow groundwater
- Using IBEX Polar ENA Flux Variations to Estimate the Dimensions of the Outer Heliosphere
- Using Lightning Waveforms To Probe Thunderstorm's Electromagnetic Effects On The Ionospheric D-Layer
- Water in Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- Whistler anisotropy instability in the magnetosphere: Linear theory
- Zonal jets and energy cascades in the baroclinic ocean double gyre problem
- 3D fully kinetic simulations of vortex induced magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause
- A Framework for Estimating Stratospheric Wind Speeds from Infrasound Noise
- A Novel Approach for Detection of Drought-caused Tree Mortality from MODIS
- A method for tracking subsurface fronts of stress-induced permeability enhancement
- A mid-Pleistocene record of monsoonal precipitation in southwestern US, insights into the occurrence of drought
- Acoustic Analysis of Plutonium and Nuclear Weapon Components at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in ice wedge polygon dominated regions of Alaska
- Adaptive sparse signal processing of on-orbit lightning data using learned dictionaries
- Algal growth in sea-ice with a minimal and global complexity model
- An interplanetary magnetic field enhancement observed by five spacecraft: Deducing the magnetic structure, size and mass
- Analytical Treatment of the Secondary ENA Model for the IBEX Ribbon
- Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to Entry into the Heliosphere and the IBEX Ribbon
- Application of Moment Tensor Inversion to Source Physics Experiments: A Method Accommodating Space-Time Distributed Explosion Sources
- Application of Unsupervised Clustering using Sparse Representations on Learned Dictionaries to develop Land Cover Classifications in Arctic Landscapes
- Assessment of moulin head variations and subglacial conduit connectivity in the Greenland ablation zone
- Atmospheric Density Specification with the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) using the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Automatic Infrasound Detection and Location of Sources in the western US
- CMIP5 Projected Changes in the Annual Cycles of Precipitation in Monsoon Regions
- CO2 gas fluidization possible origin of Martian polar gullies
- CPIC: a curvilinear Particle-In-Cell code for plasma-material interaction studies
- Calculating Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance fro a Global Tomographic P-Velocity Model
- Carbon Flux and Isotopic Character of Soil and Soil Gas in Stabilized and Active Thaw Slumps in Northwest Alaska
- Cassini Thermal Ion and Nanograin Observations During Enceladus Encounters E17 and E18
- Caterpillar-like flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet: observations of basal control on ice motion
- Characteristics of the dispersionless injection region
- Characterization of the Source Physics Experiment Site
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Climate change and the rising cost of living for forests in the southwestern United States and beyond
- Climate, Tree Growth, Forest Drought Stress, and Tree Mortality in Forests of Western North America: Long-Term Patterns and Recent Trends
- Comparison of Two Grid Refinement Approaches for High Resolution Regional Climate Modeling: MPAS vs WRF
- Contribution of the surface mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet to 21st-century sea level rise as simulated by the global climate model CESM
- Design of a Magnetic Reconnection Experiment in the Collisionless Regime
- Development and Applications of the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Development of a Broadband VIS/NIR Reflectivity Diagnostic for Dynamic Shock Compression Experiments
- Development of capability for microtopography-resolving simulations of hydrologic processes in permafrost affected regions
- Dipolarization Fronts and Particle Acceleration
- Electron Anisotropy in the Open Exhaust Region of Reconnection
- Energy Pathways and Scale Interactions in the Ocean
- Enhancements to the Bayesian Infrasound Source Location Method using Physics-based Priors
- Evaluating NOx Emissions Using Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- Evaluation of New Geological Reference Materials for U-Series Measurements
- Experimental Studies of Gravitational Stability and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution
- Exploring a Global Multi-Resolution Modeling Approach Using a Hierarchical Modeling Approach
- First Results from Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE): Differential Flux Measurements of Energetic Particles in a Highly Inclined Low Earth Orbit
- First Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) - Energetic particle, Composition, and Thermal plasma (ECT) Suite Science Investigation
- First Solar Maximum with Social Media: Can Space Weather Forecasting be Improved?
- First identification of intermittent turbulence in fully self-consistent kinetic (PIC) simulations of reconnection
- Four+ Years of Measurements from the Mendenhall Glacier Terminus
- Full-wave model of D-region upward VLF coupling to whistlers in the plasmasphere
- Generation and Loss of New Inner Belts Associated with Solar Energetic Particle Events: A Perspective from Multiple-Satellite Observations
- Glacier Sliding Feedbacks in a Coupled Subglacial Hydrology and Ice Dynamics Model
- Global Characteristics of Drift Magnetopause Loss
- Greenland Runoff Distribution and Trends 1960-2010, Simulated Using HydroFlow
- Groundwater Quality Impacts Related to Carbon Dioxide, Brine and Trace Metal Leakage into a Shallow, Unconfined Limestone Aquifer
- High Resolution Characterization of Heterogeneous Arctic Tundra Subsurface Properties using a Multiscale Bayesian Fusion Approach with Geophysical Datasets
- High-Frequency Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning Reveals Connections between Environmental Drivers and Thaw Slump Headwall Retreat Rate and Form, Selawik River, Alaska
- How Electron Plasma Flows in the Diffusion Region Are Modified by the Presence of Magnetic Islands
- How good is a global climate model in simulating mass changes of mountain glaciers?
- IBEX polar heliospheric ENA flux variations and correlations with solar wind observations over more than three years
- Impact of the leaked CO2 from deep reservoirs on quality of shallow groundwater
- Impacts of Surface Mass Balance Uncertainties on Ice Sheet Initialization and Predictions of Sea Level Rise
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Improved phase arrival estimate and location for local earthquakes in South Korea
- Initial and Boundary Conditions for Ion Flux and Magnetic Fields in Ring Current Simulations: Comparison With Satellite Observations
- Intermittent dissipation at kinetic scales in collisionless plasma turbulence
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) observations of energetic neutral hydrogen from solar wind reflected off the surface of the Moon
- Inverse Modeling of Experiments to Support More Realistic Simulations of Sorbing Radionuclide Transport
- Ion acceleration and abundance enhancements in coronal heating and during impulsive flares
- Ion beam generated modes in the lower hybrid frequency range in a laboratory magnetoplasma
- Is it Possible that the Solar Corona Temperature Profile Does Not Require Mechanical Deposition of Energy?
- Kinetic Theory and Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in Force-Free Current Layers
- Laboratory Measurement of the Optical Properties of Hematite and Desert Dust Aerosols to Assess Their Climate Forcing
- Large-scale electron acceleration by parallel electric fields during magnetic reconnection
- Large-scale kinetic simulations of decaying collisionless plasma turbulence
- Learning about climate sensitivity
- Lower hybrid to whistler mode conversion on a density striation
- MHD Turbulence: Intermittency, Imbalance and Residual Energy
- Magnetic Reconnection Regimes at the Real Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio
- Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Magnetized collisionless shock studies using high velocity plasmoids
- Mesoscopic Modeling of Reactive Transport Processes
- Methods to determine the effective resolution of dynamical cores of GCMs
- Model Simulation and Remote Electric Field Change Measurement Show Return Stroke Current Travels in a Dispersive and Lossy Manner
- Modeling the Radiation Belt Electron Variations with LANL 3D Diffusion Model: Implementation of Dynamic Wave Databases and Quantitative Metrics
- Modeling the expansion of a contactor plasma
- Northern Hemisphere Glacier and ice cap surface mass balance and runoff modeling
- Numerical Modeling of Two-Phase Flow at the Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Quasi-Steady State and Thermal Decline of the Vent Field
- Numerical tracing of energetic electron microsignatures: methods and applications
- O+ concentration at geosynchronous orbit
- Observables to distinguish magnetic islands generated in extended electron current layers during fast magnetic reconnection
- Observational Constraints on Scale-Awareness; Illumination of Scale-Incognizance in CAM
- Observational needs for ice sheet modeling
- Observations of subglacial water pressure and velocity in the ablation region of Greenland.
- Observations that polar climate modelers use and want
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- On the computational efficiency of particle dynamics simulations in the radiation belt: comparison between implicit and semi-implicit schemes
- Pickup proton instabilities and scattering in the distant solar wind and the outer heliosheath: Hybrid simulations
- Plasma Sources and Magnetospheric Consequences at Saturn
- Pore Characteristics and Water Dynamics in Nuclear Waste Repository Systems-A Neutron Study
- Production of Relativistic Electrons Following Storms and Substorms: Results from Stepwise Multiple Regression and Path Analysis
- Progress Towards Coupled Simulation of Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Processes and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Using the Community Models PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Quantifying the Uncertainty in Climate Sensitivity due to Random Realizations of Unresolved Climate Noise
- Resolving Antarctic Grounding Line Dynamics Using the BISICLES Adaptive Mesh Refinement Model
- SALSA3D: Validating a Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Event Location
- Scaling of Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection with Anisotropic Fluid Closure
- Scientific Data Processing for the ECT (Energetic Particle, Composition & Thermal Plasma Suite) on NASA's RBSP (Radiation belt Storm Probes) Mission
- Seasonal Subglacial Hydrological Evolution of a Greenland Tidewater Glacier
- Seasonal cycle of submesoscale processes and barrier layers in the tropical South Atlantic
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Caja del Rio Geothermal Area, New Mexico
- Setting a Lower Limit for the Distance to the IBEX ENA Ribbon
- Simulation on the IMF Bz control of the whistler mode wave excitation associated with the high-speed coronal hole streams
- Space Science with the SpacePy Toolkit
- Spatiotemporal patterns of drought, fire, and insect disturbance and resulting biomass dynamics in forests of the southwestern US: Results from multiscale satellite image analysis, 1990-2011
- Stabilizing a laboratory plasma column beyond the external kink limit
- Storm Time EMIC Waves and Their Relationship to Plasmaspheric Density, Plasma Plumes and Radiation Belt Loss
- Storm phase variation of energy and composition of Low Altitude and High Altitude energetic neutral atoms as observed by TWINS
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Western US from Simultaneous Multi-Parameter Inversion
- Subglacial channel evolution observed in western Greenland from moulin water level and GPS-derived surface velocities
- Suborbital Research and Education Missions with Commercial Reusable Launch Vehicles
- Surface and Near-surface Investigations of a Legacy Test Site
- Temporal Clustering of Great Earthquakes
- Test Particle Simulations of μ-Scattering in the Inner Proton Belt
- The Circularity of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Impact of Increasing Westerly Winds on Dimethyl Sulfide Flux over the Southern Ocean: a Possible Positive Climate Feedback
- The Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Early Results from Gale Crater Landing Site
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- The Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Science for a Sustainable Energy Future
- The hydrology of Arctic landscapes with differing ice wedge polygon type through field measurements and modeling
- The seasonal cycle of terrestrial fluorescence and its relationship to global primary productivity (GPP)
- The structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Thermal Pressure of the Proton Plasma in the Inner Heliosheath
- Topographic Signature of Climate Change- insights into climatic controls on landscape evolution under permafrost and non-permafrost environments
- Tree canopy temperature response under experimental warming and drought
- Tropospheric impact of methane emissions from clathrates in the Arctic Region
- Uncertainty Analysis of Simulated Hydraulic Fracturing
- Uncertainty Assessment at BC Cribs at Hanford Using the ASCEM Toolset
- Uncertainty Quantification and the Development of Ocean Model Testbeds
- Understanding interaction of small repeating earthquakes through models of rate-and-state faults
- Using Games To Explore The Nexus of Climate, Energy, and Water
- Using energetic electron microsignatures as tracers of electric fields in Saturn's magnetosphere
- Validation of 3D Seismic Velocity Models Using the Spectral Element Method
- Visualization of Uncertainty
- Water and Forest Health: Drought Stress as a Core Driver of Forest Disturbances and Tree Mortality in Western North America
- 3-D, Impulsive Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma (Invited)
- A Global Model for Regional Phase Amplitude Prediction
- A Novel Approach for Determining Source-Receptor Relationships of Aerosols in Model Simulations
- A multi-scale approach to representing tundra permafrost dynamics in a coupled climate system model (Invited)
- A non-storm time enhancement of outer radiation belt electrons
- AEGIS Automated Targeting for the MSL ChemCam Instrument
- Adaptive signal processing of on-orbit radio frequency lightning recordings using overcomplete chirplet dictionaries
- Advances in Geometric Acoustic Propagation Modeling Methods
- Aeolian Abrasion at the Curiosity Landing Site: Clues to the Role of Wind in Landscape Modification
- An Analytical Description of the Ribbon ENA Hydrogen and the Distribution and Stability of Its Parent Pickup Protons in Local Interstellar Space
- An extended study of the source, characteristics, and geoeffectiveness of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Southward component at different distances from the Sun
- Analysis of long decay periods observed from the HEO satellites in the vicinity of the slot region
- Application of a regional seismic travel time model to event detection and location at the International Data Centre
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies
- Assessing natural attenuation potential at a uranium (U) in situ recovery site (Rosita, TX, USA) using multiple redox-sensitive isotope systems
- Aurorasaurus: Citizen Scientists Experiencing Extremes of Space Weather
- Bird watching in the magnetosphere: Global scale observations of near Earth Plasma sheet dynamics through multi-mission and instrument data access
- Brown carbon in fresh and aged biomass burning emissions
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Changes of Electron Density in the Ionosphere in Response to Lightning Discharges and Their Parental Thunderstorms (Invited)
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover And Fog Inundation in the California Channel Islands
- Characterizing subsurface controls on the Arctic ecosystem carbon cycling across scales using geophysical, in-situ and remote sensing datasets
- Charging and shielding of a non-spherical dust grain in a plasma
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- ChemCam Passive Reflectance Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- ChemCam Passive Spectroscopy of the Martian Atmosphere
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Climate Forcing Across Multiple Scales and Landscape Types within the Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Climate warming increases Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance variability
- Coherent structures and intermittent dissipation in 3D fully kinetic simulation of collisionless plasma turbulence
- Composition Changes in the Inner Magnetosphere During a Small Storm
- Compositions of Sub-Millimeter-Size Clasts seen by ChemCam in Martian Soils at Gale : A Window Into the Production processes of Soils
- Computational Advances in the Arctic Terrestrial Simulator: Modeling Permafrost Degradation in a Warming Arctic
- Connection between Magnetic Topology, Mixing and the Reconnection Rate in Asymmetric Layers
- Consequences in Change in Vegetation Cover for the Critical Zone: Example Implications for Hydropedology (Invited)
- Constructing a starting 3D shear velocity model with sharp interfaces for SEM-based upper mantle tomography in North America
- Coronal Type II Radio Bursts Associated With Helmet Streamers and Electron Acceleration in a Streamer-Shock System
- Coupling MHD and PIC models in 2 dimensions
- Coupling geomechanics with flow and reactive transport in PFLOTRAN for subsurface applications
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Decadal Variability of West Coast Marine Stratus Clouds
- Demonstration of Technologies for Remote and in Situ Sensing of Atmospheric Methane Abundances - a Controlled Release Experiment
- Dependence of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo on Biomass Combustion Efficiency: Laboratory and Field Studies
- Development of a Process-Rich Modeling Framework for Arctic Ecohydrology Using the Open-Source PFLOTRAN and CLM models
- Differentiating Sudden Loss Mechanisms of Inner-belt Protons from Multisatellite Observations
- Diversity of Rock Compositions at Gale Crater Observed by ChemCam and APXS on Curiosity, and Comparison to Meteorite and Orbital Observations
- Dynamics of Single Flux Rope in the Reconnection Scaling Experiment
- Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons
- Electron Characteristics in Inflow Regions during Magnetotail Reconnection
- Elemental composition variations in the solar wind: Comparisons between Ulysses and ACE within different solar wind regimes
- Empirical Prediction Models of Relativistic Electrons Following Storms
- Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX): Evidence for Multiple Heliosheath Ion Populations
- Energetic electron dynamics in the Earth's radiation belts: New results from the REPT instrument on board Van Allen probes
- Estimates of Total Radiation Belt Electron Content (TRBEC) and its Time Evolution using the RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite on the Van Allen Probes Mission
- Evaluation of Mapping Methodologies at a Legacy Test Site
- Evidence for Whistler-mode Chorus as an Energy Conduit for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Evidence for a Nascent Rift in South Sudan: Westward Extension of the East African Rift System?
- Evolution of electron spectra and pitch angle distributions during the September 2012 electron storage-ring event
- Evolution of relativistic outer belt electrons during extended quiescent period
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Excitation of Whistler Waves in the Magnetosphere and the Associated Electron Scattering
- Experimental and Computational Studies of Coupled Geomechanical and Hydrologic Processes in Wellbore Systems (Invited)
- Explicit modeling of marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition, and cloud impacts
- Feasibility and Threshold of Tree Mortality Detection across Different Biomes Using MODIS Data
- First regional vertical profiles of CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Can we verify reported emissions?
- Fluid Transport Driven by Heat-Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt
- Fractal behavior drives resolution dependent vertical velocity fields
- Fugitive Methane Source Detection and Discrimination with the Picarro Mobile Methane Investigator
- Fully resolved whole-continent Antarctica simulations using the BISICLES AMR ice sheet model
- Geochemistry of Wellbore Integrity in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration: Portland Cement-Steel-Brine-CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interactions (Invited)
- Global Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to the Sun's Local Galactic Environment from IBEX (Invited)
- Global Simulations of the March 17, 2013 Storm: Importance of Boundary Conditions in Reproducing Ring Current Observations
- Global Solar Photospheric Magnetic Field Modeling (Invited)
- Hierarchical Testing with Automated Document Generation for Amanzi, ASCEM's Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulator
- High-Pressure Neutron Diffraction Study of Hydrous Phases
- High-resolution x-ray tomography imaging of supercritical CO2: Investigating capillary trapping under reservoir conditions and addressing wettability alteration
- Hydrated Minerals at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars: Observations from Mastcam's Science Filters
- IMPACT: Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking
- Identifying Meteor Streams Containing 10-m Bolides in Near-Earth Space and Determining their Temporal Evolution
- Imbalance on a Baroclinically Unstable Interior Front
- Implementation of Localized Ensemble Assimilation for a Three-Dimensional Radiation Belt Model (Invited)
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE-Arctic)*
- Improved Criteria for Increasing CO2 Storage Potential with CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Improved Uncertainty Quantification for Physics-Based Atmospheric Models via Generalized Polynomial Chaos
- In Situ and Ground-Based Observations of a Long-Duration Pulsating Aurora Event
- Inference and Uncertainty from Models and Multiple Observations (Invited)
- Insights Into CO<SUB>2</SUB> And Solute Transport Gained From Field And Numerical Studies Of Natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir At St John's Dome
- Instabilities during the expansion of a plasma in a transverse magnetic field
- Integrated Assessment Modeling for Carbon Storage Risk and Uncertainty Quantification
- Integrated Mapping and Imaging at a Legacy Test Site (Invited)
- Intermittent Dissipation at Kinetic Scales in Plasma Turbulence (Invited)
- International Collaboration to Improve The Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)-Hi observations of heavier-than-hydrogen energetic neutral atoms
- Inverted polarity intra-cloud flashes in the Great Plains region of the United States
- Investigation of EMIC Wave Scattering as the Cause for the BARREL January 17, 2013 Relativistic Electron Precipitation Event
- Investigation of Multiphase Modeling Approaches for Behavior of Super Critical CO2 in Deep Formations Using Analog Fluids in the Laboratory
- Isotopic and Geochemical signatures of different aged drained thaw lake basins (DTLBs) and drainage channels in Arctic Alaska
- Kinetic Eigenmodes and Particle Acceleration from the Van Allen Probes
- Large-scale drought-induced vegetation die-off: expanding the ecohydrological emphasis more explicitly on atmospheric demand. (Invited)
- Linking Material Properties and Microstructures to Characterize Damage Associated with an Underground Explosion in Granite
- Local Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons: Where? When? and How?
- Locating magnetic reconnection x-lines in 3D PIC simulations
- Low Energy Plasma Measurements of the Van Allen Probes Crossing Open Field Lines
- Magnetic Dissipation in Asymmetric Strong Guide 3D Simulations: Examples of Magnetic Diffusion and Reconnection
- Magnetic Structure of Goethite α-FeOOH: A Neutron Diffraction Study
- Magnetic impulse observed near the end of an auroral expansion
- Magnetopause reconnection under various space weather conditions
- Making it Easy to Construct Accurate Hydrological Models that Exploit High Performance Computers (Invited)
- Mapping and Imaging Methodologies within the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty's On-Site Inspection Framework
- Melt trends above the equilibrium line of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the period of 2003-2012 (Invited)
- Microtopography-resolving simulations of surface and subsurface hydrology in thawing and topographically evolving permafrost regions (Invited)
- Mirror Symmetry of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced Neutral Atom (ENA) Flux
- Modeling Active Layer and Permafrost Dynamics of Ice Wedge Polygon Dominated Arctic Ecosystems
- Modeling alteration potential in cooling lava domes
- Modeling the corona and solar wind using ADAPT maps with data assimilated helioseismic detected active regions (Invited)
- Motions in the Ribbon of ENAs observed by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Nano-Pore Structure of Barnett Shale
- New Insight Into the Nightside Magnetosphere Ion Plasma Regimes With the Van Allen Probes
- Nonlinearity in Chorus Waves During a Geomagnetic Storm on 1 November 2012
- Numerical Experiments on Advective Transport in Large Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks
- O+ concentration at geosynchronous orbit, and its effects on waves and magnetopause reconnection (Invited)
- Observation Platforms and Data Streams of the Arctic Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE-Arctic)
- On the generation and refraction of the microbarom signal by hurricanes over the Atlantic Ocean (Invited)
- One-dimensional hybrid simulations of ion cyclotron waves from the Enceladus plume
- Online Estimation and Prediction for a Non-Gaussian Orbital Propagation Model
- Open-Source Development of the Petascale Reactive Flow and Transport Code PFLOTRAN
- Optical properties of soot particles: measurement - model comparison
- Optimizing an infrasound sensor network for measuring acoustic background noise and its inversion for stratospheric winds
- PIC Simulations of Banded Chorus Events from Van Allen Probes Observations
- Parameter estimation for grounding-line transition
- Passive injection: a CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration strategy that mitigates the threat of induced seismicity and brine migration
- Photosynthesis, Earth System Models and the Arctic
- Plasma energization in asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause during magnetic storms
- Polarimetry of Lightning-driven VLF Waves in the Near-equatorial Plasmasphere, Using VEFI Electric-field payload on C/NOFS Satellite
- Pore Characteristics and their Evolution of Shale and Coal during Petroleum Generation
- Pore characteristics and their emergent effect on water adsorption and transport in clays using small-angle neutron scattering with contrast variation
- Pore-scale study of the effect of secondary carbonate precipitation on the dissolution of primary minerals using the lattice Boltzmann method
- Post-Shot Surface Damage Detected with LIDAR at the Source Physics Experiment Site (Invited)
- Probing Shock Compressed Silicon Metallization using VIS/NIR Reflectivity
- Probing the spatial and temporal variability of Enceladus mass-loading from ion cyclotron waves
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection as a function of magnetic shear
- Quantifying Arctic Terrestrial Environment Behaviors Using Geophysical, Point-Scale and Remote Sensing Data
- Quantifying Seasonal Dynamics of Surface Inundation on the Barrow Peninsula, AK
- Quarzt Fabric Insights Across a Low P-High T Shear Zone
- RAGE Hydrocode Modeling of Asteroid Mitigation: new simulations with parametric studies for uncertainty quantification
- Radial diffusion comparing a THEMIS statistical model with geosynchronous measurements as the outer boundary
- Recognition and characterization of networks of water bodies in the Arctic ice-wedge polygonal tundra using high-resolution satellite imagery
- Recovery of an evolving magnetic flux rope in the solar wind: Decomposing spatial and temporal variations from single-spacecraft data
- Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot - Quiet Time Observations by the Van Allen Probes
- Remote Quantification of Tree Mortality Caused by Drought
- Role of Plasma Sheet Source Population in Ring Current Dynamics (Invited)
- Scaled Laboratory Collisionless Shock Experiments in the Large Plasma Device
- Sediment Failure during Injection of CO2 into Deep Ocean Sediments: Reservoir Engineering (Invited)
- Seismic Event Detection and Localization Using Ionospheric Disturbances in TEC Measurements
- Seismic and Geodetic Observations of Delayed Dynamic Triggering in Japan from the 11 April 2012 M8.6 East Indian Ocean Earthquake
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Sensitivity Analysis of Physical Parameters in a Single-Column Climate Model
- Sensitivity of Permafrost Dominated River and Stream Banks to Climate Change
- Simulating Land Ice Evolution within the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) climate modeling framework
- Simulation of radiation belt electron dynamics using in-situ global model of chorus waves inferred from the low-altitude electron precipitation
- Simulations of coupled, Antarctic ice-ocean evolution using POP2x and BISICLES (Invited)
- Southwest U.S. Seismo-Acoustic Network: An Autonomous Data Aggregation, Detection, Localization and Ground-Truth Bulletin for the Infrasound Community
- Spatial and Spectral Characterization, Mapping, and 3D Reconstructing of Ice-wedge Polygons Using High Resolution LiDAR Data
- Spatial and temporal interstellar structure: what will IBEX find? (Invited)
- Spatial-temporal variation of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, CA
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere beneath the Western US from Simultaneous Multi-Parameter Inversion
- Study of Electron-scale Dissipation near the X-line During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
- Studying Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During the March 17, 2013 Magnetic Storm: Comparison between RAM Simulations and Observations
- Subspace Dimensionality: A Tool for Automated QC in Seismic Array Processing
- Technical Challenges for a Comprehensive Test Ban: A historical perspective to frame the future (Invited)
- Temperature is a potent driver of regional forest drought stress, disturbance, and tree mortality (Invited)
- Temporal Spectral Shift of Band-splitting Type II Solar Radio Bursts
- The ChemCam Remote Micro-Imager on MSL: Observations From the First Year on Mars
- The Evolving Heliosphere Observed Over IBEX's First Five Years (2009-2013)
- The IBEX Ribbon at the lowest IBEX-Hi energy range
- The Impact of Methane Clathrate Emissions on the Earth System
- The Importance of Electron Source Population to the Remarkable Enhancement of Radiation belt Electrons during the October 2012 Storm
- The Los Alamos Seismic Network (LASN): Improved Network Instrumentation, Local Earthquake Catalog Updates, and Peculiar Types of Data
- The Relation between Reconnected Flux, the Parallel Electric Field, and the Reconnection Rate in a Three-Dimensional Kinetic Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Solar Wind Effect on Magnetopause Shadowing Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons
- The Teen Science Café Network
- The Whistler Anisotropy Instability and the Inverse Cascade of Short-Wavelength Turbulence
- The effect of the ion gyro motion to nonlinear processes of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- The roles of channelization and parameter sensitivity on feedbacks between subglacial hydrology and glacier dynamics
- Thermodynamic and Geological Constraints to Climate-Driven Hydrate Dissociation Under Various Climate Change Scenarios
- Three-dimensional development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in asymmetric boundary layers
- Time-Variation of ENA Flux Observed by IBEX at the Heliospheric Poles: Has the Recovery Begun?
- Total Column Observation of Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone in the Four Corners Region
- Towards resolving North America's methane mystery with atmospheric observations (Invited)
- Transition in Electron Physics of Magnetic Reconnection in Weakly Collisional Plasma
- Tropical forests and the Earth system under a warming climate (Invited)
- Two Non Linear Dynamics Plasma Astrophysics Experiments At LANL
- Two distinct transition regions within the exhaust during asymmetric magnetopause reconnection
- Two-phase deformation of lower mantle mineral analogs
- Uncertainty Quantification for CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Understanding chemical trends in rock surface compositions as measured by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars: The signatures of rock coatings and rinds in LIBS laboratory data
- Using Scientific Thinking and Intelligent Aggregation to Tame Big Data
- Using rare category detection algorithms to find unique sample classes in ChemCam data from Curiosity's first 90 sols in Gale crater, Mars
- Using the International Monitoring System to Validate SALSA3D: A Global 3D P-Velocity Model of the Crust and Mantle for Improved Seismic Event Location
- Validation of ACE-FTS measurements of CFC-11, CFC-12, and HCFC-22 using ground-based FTIR spectrometers
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probe Explorations of Plasma Spatial and Temporal Scales in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Van Allen Probes observations of energetic particle drift-phase structure in the Earth's radiation belts (Invited)
- Visualization and Hierarchical Analysis of Flow in Discrete Fracture Network Models
- a Multiple Data Set Joint Inversion Global 3d P-Velocity Model of the Earth's Crust and Mantle for Improved Seismic Event Location
- A Comparison of Meteoritic Shock Data with Currently Available Equations of State, With Applications to Impact Hazard Mitigation
- A Detailed Source Model for the Mw9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Reconciling Geodesy, Seismology and Tsunami Records.
- A Historical Forcing Ice Sheet Model Validation Framework for Greenland
- A Morphology Independent Methodology for Quantifying River Planform Change and Characteristics from Remotely Sensed Imagery
- A New Variable Resolution Sea-ice Model
- A Solar type-II radio burst from CME-coronal ray interaction: simultaneous radio and EUV imaging
- A Statistical Look at the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- A Statistical Study of Mid-latitude Thunderstorm Characteristics associated with Acoustic and Gravity Waves
- A Study on the Effect of Fracture Aperture Variability on Advective Transport in aFractured Shale using Discrete Fracture Network Modeling
- A mechanistic nitrogen limitation model for CLM(ED)
- Accurate and Robust Quantification of Energy Pathways in the Ocean
- Adaptive Sparse Signal Processing for Discrimination of Satellite-based Radiofrequency (RF) Recordings of Lightning Events
- Age of Dissolved Organic Carbon across an Arctic Landscap
- Akuna: An Open Source User Environment for Managing Subsurface Simulation Workflows
- Amanzi: An Open-Source Multi-process Simulator for Environmental Applications
- Americium, Cesium, and Plutonium Colloid-Facilitated Transport in a Groundwater/Bentonite/Fracture Fill Material System: Column Experiments and Model Results
- An Emerging Role for Numerical Modelling in Wildfire Behavior Research: Explorations, Explanations, and Hypothesis Development
- An Ice Sheet Model Initialization Procedure for Smooth Coupling with Climate Forcing
- An Overview of the Los Alamos Program on Asteroid Mitigation by a Nuclear Explosion
- Analysis of a non-storm time enhancement in outer belt electrons
- Application of the DSMC Method in Modeling Earth's Rarefied Upper Atmosphere
- Assessing the Complementary Constraints on North American Methane Emissions Estimates Provided by Ground-based and Space-based Observations of Methane
- Asteroid Defence: Radiation deposition profiles for angle and depth
- Asteroid Defense: Comparison of Kinetic-Impact and Nuclear Stand-Off Schemes
- Asymmetric Reconnection With a Guide Field: the Saga Continues
- Atmospheric Moisture Budget and Spatial Resolution Dependenceof Precipitation Extremes in Aquaplanet Simulations
- Beam experiments in space: how do we take the charge off the spacecraft?
- Black Carbon Aging from SOA Coatings and Coagulation with Diesel BC Emissions during SAAS at the PNNL Environmental Chamber
- Bounce averaged diffusion coefficients in a physics based magnetic field geometry from RAM-SCB
- Broadband Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements from Space
- Building a Dispersion Relation Solver for Hot Plasmas with Arbitrary Non-relativistic Parallel Velocity Distributions
- Can We Detect Clustered Megaquakes?
- Catching the Wave: Observing the Inland Propagation of Dynamic Thinning in Greenland
- Challenges and Solutions for Simulating Drought-Caused Tree Mortality in Earth System Models
- Characteristics and Seasonality of the Submesoscale Regime in the Gulf Stream Region
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- ChemCam Depth Profiles at Gale Crater to Assess Coating and Alteration Distribution and Chemistry
- Climate feedback uncertainty quantification and learning using reduced models
- Compact Solar Spectroscopic Column CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O and HOD Observations: Performance Evaluation at TCCON Sites
- Comparison of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) on Martian Meteorite NWA 7034 to ChemCam Observations at Gale Crater, Mars
- Comparison of Modeled and Measured High-Resolution Optical Spectra from Lightning
- Comparison of Two-Fluid and Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems
- Constraining Carbonaceous Aerosol Climate Forcing by Bridging Laboratory, Field and Modeling Studies
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Corner Frequency Variation in the Southeastern Region of the 1992 Nicaragua Tsunami Earthquake
- Correlations between chorus properties and electron velocity distributions: Van Allen Probes
- Coupled Fracture and Flow in Shale in Hydraulic Fracturing
- Critical Watersheds: Climate Change, Tipping Points, and Energy-Water Impacts
- Crustal and mantle structure of the North America Continent using SEM based Full Waveform Seismic Tomography and Trans-Dimensional Inversion.
- Deep Groundwater Circulation within Crystalline Basement Rocks and the Role of Hydrologic Windows in the Formation of the Truth or Consequences, New Mexico Low-Temperature Geothermal System
- Deformation of (Mg,Fe)O Ferropericlase to Temperatures of 1150 K and Pressures of 96 GPa: Implications for Mantle Flow and Seismic Anisotropy
- Depth Estimation of Earthquakes in Southwest Asia using Back Projection of Multiple Seismic Phases
- Design of an Optimal Microseismic Monitoring Network: Synthetic Study for the Kimberlina CO2 Storage Demonstration Site
- Detecting Small Earthquakes on Remote Oceanic Transform Faults
- Determining Substorm Onset Location Using 3D Empirical Force-Balanced Pressure and Magnetic Field Models for Substorm Growth Phase
- Determining the Location, Number Density and Temporal Evolution of Streams of Hazardous Near-Earth Objects Using the Magnetic Signatures Produced in Destructive Collisions
- Distinct types of electron velocity distributions in magnetotail reconnection exhausts
- Do high-resolution global climate models simulate climate extremes better? A validation.
- Double-Difference Waveform Inversion with a Modified Total-Variation Regularization Scheme: Application to Time-Lapse Walkaway VSP Data
- EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- ENA Time Variation in the IBEX skymaps and at the Poles
- Early Measurements of Electron Precipitation Using the Firebird Cubesats
- Effect of Spatial Density Variation and O+ Concentration on the Growth and Evolution of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Effect of relative humidity on soot - secondary organic aerosol mixing: A case study from the Soot Aerosol Aging Study (PNNL-SAAS)
- Effects of Soil Property Uncertainty on Projected Active Layer Thickness
- Effects of ion dynamics on kinetic structures of the diffusion region during magnetic reconnection
- Effects of spatial and temporal resolution on simulated feedbacks from polygonal tundra.
- Efficient Modelling of Radionuclide Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Media and Under Variable Hydrochemical Conditions Using an "Intelligent Kd" Approach
- Electron Distribution Functions in the Separatrix Layer inside the Diffusion Region
- Electron Lifetimes from Narrowband Wave-Particle Interactions within the Plasmasphere
- Electron and Ion Heating By Whistler Turbulence: Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Emergence of Electron Distributions Related to Banded Chorus Excitation
- Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection
- Enhanced Risk of Wildfire Resulting from the Interactions between Pyro-Cumulus and Mountain Waves: Implications for Fire Research and Management
- Enhanced techniques for the measurement of ultra-low level (pg and fg) actinide analysis by ICP-MS for forensic and geologic applications
- Estimating the Global Solar Magnetic Field Distribution Using ADAPT
- Evidence for Long-Time Scale ( > 10<SUP>3</SUP> years) Changes in Hydrothermal Activity Induced By Seismic Events
- Evolution of Strain Partitioning during Creep of Carrara Marble
- Examining EMIC wave spectral properties using in situ measurements of multi-ion species and hybrid simulations
- Exotic behavior of matter in the deep interiors of exoplanets
- Experimental Investigation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping and Leakage Mechanisms in Deep Geologic Formations for Model Improvement
- Exploring a Multi-resolution Approach Using AMIP Simulations
- Extending SALSA3D: Adding Secondary Phases to a Global 3D P-Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location
- FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments): A Major Next-Step for Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection
- Fault Gouge Velocity Characteristics During Slow-Slip and Stick-Slip Under Laboratory Conditions
- Felsic Igneous Rocks at Gale Crater : a Comparison with Lithic Clasts in NWA 7533
- Firn and percolation conditions in the vicinity of recently formed high elevation supra-glacial lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet assessed by airborne radar
- Fluorine observations by ChemCam: A tracer of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in the martian crust
- Forecasting the Solar Photosphere's Magnetic Flux with Local Data Assimilation
- Forward and Inverse Cascades of Whistler Turbulence: Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- From Sumatra 2004 to Tuhoku-Oki 2011: what we learn about Tsunami detection by ionospheric sounding.
- Full-Waveform Validation of a 3D Seismic Model for Western US
- Global High-Latitude Conductivity Modeling: New Data and Improved Methods
- Global Plasmaspheric Electron Density Simulations of Pre-dawn and Post-dusk Geomagnetic Events Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- High-Frequency Fluctuations During Magnetic Reconnection
- High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic Self-Consistent modeling and implications for multi-phase rheology of the lower mantle
- High-resolution coupled ice sheet-ocean modeling using the POPSICLES model
- Hybrid Simulations of Pickup Ions and Ion Cyclotron Waves at Enceladus
- Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Near-Source Environment at a Jointed Site
- IRIS Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric Evaporation in a Solar Flare
- Imaging the Subsurface with Upgoing Muons
- Impact of Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Dynamics on the Ring Current Composition
- Impact of an Event-Specific Plasma Density Model for Modeling the October 8-9, 2012, Event with the LANL DREAM3D Diffusion Code
- Impact of downslope soil transport on carbon storage and fate in permafrost dominated landscapes
- Impacts of Organic Macromolecules, Chlorophyll and Soot on Arctic Sea Ice
- Implementation and Testing of an Improved Mathematical Framework for the Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization Method
- Implications of Fine-Scale Geochemical Depth Trends in the Active Layer of a Continuous Permafrost Landscape near Barrow, Alaska
- In Forests Globally, Large Trees Suffer Most during Drought
- Inferring proximity to the reconnection site via structural changes to the magnetopause caused by asymmetric reconnection.
- Inner Magnetosphere keV Ion Drift Path Boundaries as Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Integrated Experimental and Computational Study of Hydraulic Fracturing and the Use of Alternative Fracking Fluids
- Integration of Measurements and Models Across Spatial Scales for Improved Process Understanding in Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Interferometric Observations of Lightning Initiation
- Investigations in Reducing the Computational Expense of Transient 3D Multi-Phase CO<SUB>2</SUB> Wellbore Leakage Simulations: Time-Series Matching versus Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
- Ion Cyclotron Waves at Titan
- Ion Spectral Structures Observed by the Van Allen Probes and Cluster
- Is There a Common Correction for Biases in Historic Filter-Based Aerosol Absorption Measurements?
- Isotopic Identification of Nitrate Sources and Cycling in Arctic Tundra Active Layer Soils and Permafrost
- Joint Inversion of Body-Wave Arrival Times and Surface-Wave Dispersion Data in the Wavelet Domain Constrained by Sparsity Regularization
- Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data for Velocity Structure and Hypocentral Locations of the Colombian Subduction Zone
- Lessons Learned from 20 Years of Production in the Barnett Shale
- Linking Inundation Patterns and Dynamics in a Permafrost Landscape to Hydrologic, Thermal, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Processes
- Local Diagnosis of Reconnection in 3D
- Locating Microseismic Events Using Fat-Ray Double-Difference Tomography for Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection at the Aneth EOR Field
- Long-Duration Neutron Production in Solar Eruptive Events Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Long-duration exohiss waves outside the plasmasphere: observed by Van Allen Probes
- Low-Altitude CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4 </SUB>spatial Heterogeneity over the Northern Slope of Alaska
- MLT Asymmetries in the Magnetospheric Wave Distribution and Their Effect on Ionospheric Conductivity and Global Transport
- Mageis Observations in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Marine biogenic aerosols explain seasonal and spatial patterns of Southern Ocean cloud droplet number concentration
- Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model
- Measured Hydrologic Storage Characteristics of Three Major Ice Wedge Polygon Types, Barrow, Alaska
- Measurements from the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role of electric fields in controlling the structure of the inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle energization
- Microseismicity and Temporal Changes in Seismic Velocity Reveal Crustal Response to Dynamic Stress
- Modeling and Measurements of Atmospheric Methane at Four Corners, NM
- Modeling the Impenetrable Barrier to Inward Transport of Ultra-relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons
- Molecular Mixtures of Relevance to Planetary Interiors
- Moment Tensor Descriptions for Simulated Explosions of the Source Physics Experiment (SPE)
- Multi-point Observations and Modeling of Particle Injections
- Multi-point observations of energetic particle injection deep into the inner magnetosphere: Implications for the ring current and radiation belts
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts (and We Don't Mean the Nation's Beltway...)
- Natural Attenuation of Anthropogenic Chromium in Selected Puye Formation in Regional Aquifer System of LOS Alamos, New Mexico
- New Insights into Pore Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Generation of Shale Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
- New Platforms for Suborbital Astronomical Observations and In Situ Atmospheric Measurements: Spacecraft, Instruments, and Facilities
- Numerical Computation of Optical Properties of Internally Mixed Soot in Biomass Burning Constrained by Field and Laboratory Observations
- Numerical Model of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Transport in the Subsurface with Pressure Transient, Density Effects, and Imbibition
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Observations of purely compressional waves in the upper ULF band observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Oedometric Small Angle Neutron Scattering: In-Situ Observation of Deformation Partitioning in Clay-rich Samples
- On the Benefits and Challenges of Multi-Point Analysis of Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- On the Cross-Energy Cross-Pitch-Angle Coherence of Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- On the Transportability of Ms Versus Yield Relationships
- On the performance of maximum-principle enforcing methods applied to large-scale subsurface problems
- Onset and Evolution of Magnetic Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems
- Onset of reconnection in the near magnetotail: PIC simulations
- Operational Realities: Obtaining adequate drivers and inputs for radiation belt models
- PIC simulations of Whistler Wave Generation and Electron Scattering Initialized by Plasma Conditions from the RAM-SCB Model
- Parallax Measurements of the Ribbon of ENA Emission, Current Results and Future Prospects
- Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Highly Magnetized Plasmas
- Pathways and transformations of dissolved methane and dissolved inorganic carbon in Arctic tundra soils: Evidence from analysis of stable isotopes
- Physiochemical processes in the nuclear cloud: a record from aerodynamic Trinity fallout
- Plasma Speeds Upstream of Saturn and in the Magnetosphere as Measured by Cassini's Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI)
- Pore-scale Study of Dissolution-induced Changes in Hydrologic Properties of Rocks with Binary Minerals
- Possible Role of Coronal Streamer as Magnetically-closed Structure in Shock-induced Energetic Electrons and Metric Type II Radio Bursts
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Prediction of Shale Transport Properties Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method: Permeability and Effective Knudsen Diffusivity
- Present-day Circum-Antarctic Simulations using the POPSICLES Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Model
- Profiles of the Ribbon: Systematic ENA Flux Features Within and Beyond the Central Ribbon
- Progress and Challenges in Coupled Ice-Sheet/Climate Modeling with CESM
- Prompt Energization of Relativistic and Highly Relativistic Electrons during a Substorm Interval
- Propagating Dipolarization Fronts Earthward of 6 Earth Radii
- Quantifying Turbulence
- Quantitative fabric analysis of eclogite facies mylonites: texture and microtomography
- Quantitative texture analysis of talc in mantle hydrated mylonites
- RAM - C P L Simulations of Electron Transport and Plasma Wave Scattering Using Van Allen Probes Data
- Rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt driven by substorm injection and chorus waves
- Recent Advances in Infrasound Science for National Security Applications
- Recent Infrasound Calibration Activity at Los Alamos
- Reconciling Remote and In-Situ Measurements of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Dispersion in a Convective Boundary Layer with Multi-Model CFD Simulations
- Region-Specific Pn Geometric-Spreading Models for Eurasia
- Regional and global crustal context of soil and rock chemistry from ChemCam and APXS at Gale crater
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration and Loss During Small Geomagnetic Storms
- Relativistic Electron Response Driven By Overlapping High Speed Stream and Coronal Mass Ejections
- Remote Detection and Modeling of Abrupt and Gradual Tree Mortality in the Southwestern USA
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analysis with SuperCam on the Mars 2020 Rover and on Earth
- Remote Imaging of Earthquake Characteristics Along Oceanic Transforms
- Response of the Antarctic ice sheet to ocean forcing using the POPSICLES coupled ice sheet-ocean model
- Revisiting the Ridge-Push Force Using the Lithospheric Geoid
- SHERLOC: Scanning Habitable Environments With Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, an Investigation for 2020
- Scaling of magnetic reconnection in low and high-β regimes
- Seismic assessment of a temporary deployment in the Kingdom of Bhutan using double-difference tomography
- Shale Fracture Analysis using the Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method
- Shale Micromodel Experiments: Fluid Flow and Mobilization using Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Shallow Refraction and Rg Analysis at the Source Physics Experiment Site
- Simulating the Decay of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons
- Source of O<SUP>+</SUP> in the ring current: Van Allen Probes observations during the 1 June 2013 storm
- Spall Effects on Infrasound Generation
- Spatially Resolved Projections of Carbon Releases from Thawing Polygonal Tundra
- Spatiotemporal Structure of a Coupled Continuum-Granular Earthquake Experiment
- Specification of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere Environment Using Ensemble Kalman Filter with Orthogonal Transformations
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- Statistical Signature of Deep-seated Landslides
- Stochastic Monte-Carlo Markov Chain Inversions on Models Regionalized Using Receiver Functions
- Successes and Challenges in the SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience) REU Program
- Temporal Changes in S-Wave Velocity at Different Depths Near Parkfield, CA
- Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Energetic Ion Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere: Multi-Point Observations of a Substorm Event.
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Earthquake Source Parameters within the 2012 Nicoya, Costa Rica M<SUB>w</SUB>=7.6 Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Testing a community water supply well located near a stream for susceptibility to stream contamination and low-flows.
- The Chemcam LIBS and Imaging Instrument Suite on the Curiosity Mars Rover, and Terrestrial Field Testing of LIBS
- The Disappearance of the Post-Midnight High Energy Ion Plasmasphere
- The ENA Ribbon and the ISN Flow as Key Tools for the ISM-Heliosphere Interaction - Open Questions, the Need for Future Observations with IBEX and IMAP
- The Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Origin of Infrasonic Ionosphere Disturbances Over Tropospheric Thunderstorm
- The Role of Structure and Stratigraphy on Surface-Water Interactions in a Gaining Reach of the EL Rito Watershed
- The Uncertain Future of the Water-Energy Nexus Under Climate Change
- The Use of Signal Dimensionality for Automatic QC of Seismic Array Data
- The occurrence, spatial distribution, and wave properties of hydrogen-, helium-, and oxygen-band EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- The response of pinon and juniper leaf respiration to drought and warming
- The symmetry and mass of halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) as quantitative predictors for severe space weather at Earth.
- Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Models of Continental China From Joint Inversion of Body Wave, Surface Wave, and Gravity Data
- Toward seismic source imaging using seismo-ionospheric data
- Uncertainty Response of Physics-Based Atmospheric Models Due to Internal Heating Parameters and Geomagnetic Storms
- Upper mantle and crustal P-wave attenuation beneath the North Korea region
- Using Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing via Aurorasaurus as a Near Real Time Data Source for Space Weather Applications
- Using Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (ICOS) for Aircraft Measurements of Methane Isotopologues
- Using Multi-Station Waveform Coherence to Improve Detection of Microseismicity
- Using Observational Data to Inform Physically Based Models of Subsurface Thermal Hydrology Properties and Active Layer Thickness at the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Alaska
- Using geomorphology to map plant community distribution in complex polygonal tundra landscapes
- Van Allen Probe Observations: Near-Earth injections of Mev Electrons Associated with Intense Substorm Electric Fields
- Van Allen Probes Empirical Model of the Plasma Environment Inside Geostationary Orbit
- Van Allen Probes Observations of the Plasmasphere and Radiation Belts
- Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in MLT
- Variations in evapotranspiration fluxes across geomorphological units and plant functional types in a polygonal-structure Tundra in Barrow, Alaska
- Viscoplastic Modeling of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite and Periclase Aggregates
- Visible and near-infrared spectra of manganese oxides: Detecting high manganese phases in Curiosity Mastcam multispectral images
- Warm Oxygen Enhancements in the Inner Magnetosphere and Their Relation to Geomagnetic Activity, Plasmasphere, and Ring Current.
- What can we get out of acoustic coda from explosions?
- Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?
- Winter Climate Change Promotes Altered Timing of Spring Water and Carbon Fluxes in Piñon-juniper Woodlands, New Mexico, USA
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- A Computationally Efficient Parallel Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm for Large-Scale Big-Data Inversion
- A Global Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice to Parameter Uncertainty in the CICE v5.1 Sea Ice Model
- A Mechanism for Helium-3 Abundance Enhancements in Solar Flares
- A Metal Stable Isotope Approach to Understanding Uranium Mobility Across Roll Front Redox Boundaries
- A Multi-scale Approach for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites
- A Neural Network Reconstruction of the Coupled Inner Magnetospheric Environment
- A Preliminary Examination of the Injection of Soot into the Stratosphere from Urban Firestorm Simulations
- A Record of Uranium-Series Transport in Fractured, Unsaturated Tuff at Nopal I, Sierra Peña Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico
- A coupled multi-physics modeling framework for induced seismicity
- A global scale mechanistic model of the photosynthetic capacity
- A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- ADAPT/HMI Global Solar Magnetic Maps
- Actinide Sorption in a Brine/Dolomite Rock System: Evaluating the Degree of Conservatism in K<SUB>d</SUB> Ranges used in Performance Assessment Modeling for the WIPP Nuclear Waste Repository
- Adaptive Covariance Inflation in a Multi-Resolution Assimilation Scheme
- Airborne and Ground-Based Optical Characterization of Legacy Underground Nuclear Test Sites
- Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations to Elucidate Tropical Ecosystem Processes
- An Integrated Observational and Model Synthesis Approach to Examine Dominant Environmental Controls on Active Layer Thickness
- Analysis of a Multi-Stage Sounding Rocket via Ground-Based Infrasonic Observations
- Anisotropic Elastic-Waveform Inversion with Compressive Sensing for Sparse Seismic Data
- Application of a Visco-Plastic Continuum Model to the Modeling of Near-Source Phenomenology and its Implications on Close-In Seismic Observables
- Applications of Cosmic Ray Muon Radiography
- Applications of Reduced Order Models for Groundwater Impacts Due to Leaking Brine or Carbon Dioxide
- Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns
- Atmospheric Seismology on Mars with InSight
- Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space
- Backprojection of GNSS total-electron content signals for recent large earthquakes
- Building Confidence in the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) with LIVVkit, the Land Ice Validation and Verification Toolkit
- Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Changing El Niño Patterns and the Possible Impact on DMS and Climate
- Characterization of Anomalous Contaminant Transport via Push-Pull Tracer Tests
- Characterization of U ore from a roll-front U deposit: Implications of dominant U-Ti mineral for ore genesis and post solution-mining U immobilization
- Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Chemo-stratigraphy in the Murray Formation Using ChemCam
- Compact Solar Spectrometer Column CO2, and CH4 Observations: Performance Evaluation at Multiple North American TCCON Sites
- Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models
- Comparison of Reduced Displacement Potentials from Spe Free Field Measurements: SPE-4PRIME Versus Previous Events
- Constraints on equilibrium climate sensitivity using a reduced-order climate model
- Constraints on the Dynamics of Seabed Pockmarks: an Integrated Sedimentological, Biostratigraphic, Geophysical, Oceanographic and Experimental Approach
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Coupling hydrodynamic and wave propagation modeling for waveform modeling of SPE.
- Critical Ecosystems and Disturbance Science: Capturing the Feedbacks between Climate, Drought Mortality, Wildfire, and Hydrology
- Crowd-sourcing, Communicating, and Improving Auroral Science at the Speed of Social Media through Aurorasaurus.org
- Darcy's law predicts widespread forest mortalityunder climate warming
- Decadal-Scale Response of the Antarctic Ice sheet to a Warming Ocean using the POPSICLES Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean model
- Decision-oriented Optimal Experimental Design and Data Collection
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Detecting and Locating Small Earthquakes Along Remote Oceanic Transform Faults
- Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data - Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interpretation
- Determining Ionospheric Irregularity Spectral Density Function from Japan GEONET
- Developing Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections
- Driving Plasmaspheric Electron Density Simulations During Geomagnetic Storms
- East Asia Regionalization Based on Receiver Functions
- Effect of Internal Aperture Variability on Tracer Transport in Large Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN)
- Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Effects of isolated drainage on the seasonal evolution of the Greenland subglacial hydrologic system
- Electron Radiation Belt Dropouts in the Absence of Geomagnetic Storms
- Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare Plasma
- Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions
- Estimating methane emissions from dairies in the Los Angeles Basin
- Event specific simultaneous estimates of loss, diffusion, and acceleration for MeV electrons
- Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes
- Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling
- Experimental observations of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves
- Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP
- Extreme enhancements and depletions of relativistic electrons in Earth's radiation belts
- Fast Geostatistical Inversion using Randomized Matrix Decompositions and Sketchings for Heterogeneous Aquifer Characterization
- Feldspars Detected by ChemCam in Gale Crater with Implications for Future Martian Exploration
- Field Observations and Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Effects of Groundwater Flow Through a Subarctic Fen
- Field Testing of Downgradient Uranium Mobility at an In-Situ Recovery Uranium Mine
- First synchronous realistic simulations of Antarctic and Greenland SMB in a fully coupled climate model
- Flux predictions at geosynchronous orbit (1 eV to 40 keV) based on solar wind conditions at 1 AU.
- Foliar carbon dynamics of piñon and juniper in response to experimental drought and heat
- Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Fracture and Consequences of Caprock and Cement Observed by Integrated Triaxial Coreflood and X-ray Tomography
- Frequency Modulated Spectroscopy (FMS) - A Novel Method for Standoff Trace Gas Detection
- Ganymede as a Laboratory for Multiscale Physics
- Generation and effects of EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes on 18 March 2013
- Generation of a Solar Wind Ensemble for Space Weather Forecasting
- Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Integrated Field Exercise 2014
- Geosynchronous Electron Fluxes and Chorus Generation During an MHD Substorm
- Global, Energy-Dependent Ring Current Response During Two Large Storms
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic Self-Consistent modeling and implications for multi-phase rheology in the lower mantle
- Highly resolved effects of whistler-mode hiss waves in March 2013
- How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Hybrid (Kinetic Ion/Fluid Electron) Simulations of Reconnection Including Electron Pressure Anisotropy
- Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Particle Size Distributions of Sediments from the Los Alamos Chromium Plume
- Hydrocode Model Representations of Asteroid 101955 Bennu
- Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier
- Imaging a vertical shaft from a tunnel using muons
- Impact of Saline Tracer Mixing on Upscaled Electrical Resistivity Under Partially Saturated Conditions: Insights From a Pore-scale Fluorimetry Study
- Impacts of Marine Ecodynamics on the Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) Production
- Improving Velocity Models for Microseismic Imaging
- Improving estimation of microseismic focal mechanisms using a high-resolution velocity model
- Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models
- In Situ Detection of Coalescence of Magnetic Flux Rope during Magnetic Reconnection
- Incorporating feedback uncertainties in a model-based assessment of equilibrium climate sensitivity using Last Glacial Maximum temperature reconstructions
- Inexact Socio-Dynamic Modeling of Groundwater Contamination Management
- Influence of Forest Disturbance on Hydrologic Extremes in the Colorado River Basin
- Influence of Injection Mode on Transport Properties in Kilometer-Scale Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks
- Inner magnetosphere plasma, statistics from the Van Allen Probes HOPE instrument and data release 3.
- Integrated Geophysical Analysis at a Legacy Test Site
- Integrated Model-Based Decisions for Water, Energy and Food Nexus
- Integrated Modeling and Experiments to Characterize Coupled Thermo-hydro-geomechanical-chemical processes in Hydraulic Fracturing
- Integrated Numerical Models of Metamorphism: Linking the Regional (km) and Thin-Section (cm) Scales in Space and Time
- Intermediate-Scale Experimental and Numerical Study of Multiphase CO<SUB>2</SUB> Attenuation in Layered Shallow Aquifers During Leakage from Geologic Sequestration Site
- Investigating geomagnetic activity dependent sources of 100s of keV electrons in Earth's inner radiation belt using Van Allen Probes observations
- Ion spectral structures observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
- Ionospheric Coherence Bandwidth Measurements in the Lower VHF Frequency Range
- Ionospheric waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms
- Isotopic and Geochemical Fingerprinting of a Polygonal Arctic Ecosystem
- Joint Tomographic Imaging of 3--D Density Structure Using Cosmic Ray Muons and High--Precision Gravity Data
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock
- Kinetic-Impact Asteroid Defense: Dependence on Porosity and Composition
- Large-N Seismic Deployment at the Source Physics Experiment (SPE) Site
- Latitude, Energy, and Time Variations of Energetic Neutral Atom Spectral indices Measured by IBEX
- Layered Structure Of The North American Upper Mantle Inferred By The Combination Of Long And Short Period Seismic Constraints
- Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice - Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll
- Lightning During the Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Linear growth and nonlinear saturation of proton ring-driven instabilities in the inner magnetosphere: Linear theory and PIC simulations
- Linking Tropical Forest Function to Hydraulic Traits in a Size-Structured and Trait-Based Model
- Location of EMIC Wave Events Relative to the Plasmapause: Van Allen Probes Observations
- Long-term VERB Code Simulations of Ultra-relativistic Electrons and Comparison with Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Low and High Energy Electron Velocity Distributions During Wave-Particle Interaction Events
- MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves
- Magnetic islands formed due to the Kelvin-Helmholz instability in the outflow region of collisionless magnetic reconnection
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Observations of Energetic Particle Dynamics and Structures Prior To and During Its First Encounters with the Reconnection-Rich Regions of Earth's Magnetopause
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Microburst Precipitation Measured with the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Microearthquakes at Valles Caldera, New Mexico: Improved Detection and Location with Two Additional Caldera Stations
- Microfluidic Investigation of Oil Mobilization in Shale Fracture Networks at Reservoir Conditions
- Mixing in three-phase systems: Implications for enhanced oil recovery and unconventional gas extraction
- Modeling High Altitude EMP using a Non-Equilibrium Electron Swarm Model to Monitor Conduction Electron Evolution (LA-UR-15-26151)
- Modeling Methane Leakage from Faulty Wellbores in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado
- Modeling Studies to Constrain Fluid and Gas Migration Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
- Modeling ionospheric electron precipitation due to wave particle scattering in the magnetosphere and the feedback effect on the magnetospheric dynamics
- Multi-point Observations and Modeling of Particle Injections During Substorms
- NASA's RBSP-ECT Science Investigation of the Van Allen Probes Mission: Highlights of the Prime Mission Phase, Data Access Overview, and Opportunities to Collaborate in the Extended Mission Phase
- Nature and Intensity of the 22-23 April 2015 Eruptions of Volcán Calbuco, Chile, from Satellite, Lightning, and Field Observations
- Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth's Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
- Nominal Height-of-Burst for a Near-Earth Asteroid: Profiles of Radiation-deposition and change-in-velocity
- Numerical Investigation of Secondary Capture of CO2 Leakage in Permeable Stratigraphic Layers Within Caprock
- Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater
- Observational Results of Diurnal Variation in Quiet Time Inner Plasmasphere Equatorial Noise Leading to Post-Midnight Ion Loss
- Observations of electrical discharges during eruptions of Sakurajima volcano
- Observing the Arctic Carbon Feedback: Regional scale methane flux measurements over the Alaskan North Slope using airplane flux observations and in situ measurements of δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- Ocean-Based Seismic Noise Sources Recorded by a Moderate Aperture Array in Antarctica
- On the development and testing of a database-centric pipeline for the analysis of a regional infrasound network
- On the formation and origin of substorm growth phase/onset auroral arcs inferred from conjugate space-ground observations
- Optimization of the Leading Penetrator for the HAIV/NIAC Mission Concept
- Organic matter controls on iodine and plutonium in atmospheric depositions, streams, and soils in the Fukushima Prefecture
- Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
- Overview of the diagenetic features analyzed by ChemCam onboard Curiosity
- Parametric studies of ion and electron heating by whistler turbulence: three dimensional Particle-In-Cell simulations
- Path-Dependent Travel Time Prediction Variance and Covariance for a Global Tomographic P- and S-Velocity Model
- Penetration of Large Scale Electric Field to Inner Magnetosphere
- Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Planting the Seed: Quantifying the Role of the Radiation Belt Source and Seed Populations
- Pore Characterization of Shale Rock and Shale Interaction with Fluids at Reservoir Pressure-Temperature Conditions Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
- Potential for the Use of Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage Risks
- Predicting EMIC wave properties from ring current plasma conditions
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere by Analyzing the Temporal Variation of the Polar ENA Flux
- Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections
- Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
- Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in a commerical-scale EOR Site
- Reconciling Subglacial Drainage Patterns on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Regimes of Scattering Behavior from Particulate Media: Implcations for Snow containing Black Carbon
- Relative earthquake location for remote offshore and tectonically active continental regions using surface waves
- Relativistic electron microbursts and flux variations of trapped MeV electrons: SAMPEX and Van Allen Probes observations
- Remote visualization and scale analysis of large turbulence datatsets
- Ring Current Pressure Estimation withRAM-SCB using Data Assimilation and VanAllen Probe Flux Data
- Risk Assessment and Monitoring Techniques for Geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- Robust CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection: Application of Bayesian-Information-Gap Decision Theory
- Robust Representation of Integrated Surface-subsurface Hydrology at Watershed Scales
- SALSA3D: A Global 3D Velocity Model for Improved Seismic Event Location in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- Sea Level Rise Impacts On Infrastructure Vulnerability
- Seasonal Inundation Dynamics on the Barrow Peninsula, AK
- Sequential Leaching of Chromium Contaminated Sediments - A Study Characterizing Natural Attenuation
- Simulating Marine Ice Sheets with the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Simulating Negative Pickup Ions and Ion Cyclotron Wave Generation at Europa (Invited)
- Simulations of double layers in the magnetosphere
- Simultaneous Inversion of Interpolated Receiver Functions, Surface-wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations for Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Eastern United States
- Siple Coast ice streams reorganization following the reactivation of Kamb Ice Stream tributaries, West Antarctica
- Site Guidelines for a Deep Borehole Field Test
- Snow in Large-Scale Sea Ice Models: State-of-the-Art and Way Forward
- Source Parameters for Repeating Earthquakes along the Middle America Trench
- Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- Stable Isotope Evidence for Planetary Differentiation
- Statistical Observations and Predictions of Time Changes in Electron Flux at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Statistical comparison of inter-substorm timings in global magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and observations
- Study the Precipitation of Radiation Belt Electrons during the Rapid Dropout Events
- Studying Spacecraft Charging via Numerical Simulations
- Sub-Model Partial Least Squares for Improved Accuracy in Quantitative Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Teaching to the Next Generation Science Standards with Energy, Climate, and Water Focused Games
- Teen Science Cafés: A Vehicle for Scientists Seeking Broader Impacts
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The Effect of Nickel on the Strength of Hcp-Iron
- The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- The Impacts of Numerical Schemes on Asymmetric Hurricane Intensification
- The Lithospheric Geoid as a Constraint on Plate Dynamics
- The Local Interstellar Magnetic Field Determined from the IBEX Ribbon
- The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt
- The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The State of Stress Beyond the Borehole
- The SuperCam Remote-Sensing Instrument Suite for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- The first long-term and continuous measurements of firn mass-balance and compaction on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The high resolution topographic evolution of an active retrogressive thaw slump compiled from a decade of photography, ground surveys, laser scans and satellite imagery
- The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay
- The importance of kinetic ion physics in the interaction of magnetic islands
- The real-time state of the aurora -- a research to operations need with a citizen science solution?
- The statistics of relativistic electron pitch angle distribution in the Earth's radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements
- Three-Dimensional Vp and Vs Models of Continental China From Joint Inversion of Body Wave, Surface Wave, and Gravity Data
- Tidal Triggering of Earthquakes near Parkfield, California Indicates a High Coefficient of Friction on the Shallow San Andreas Fault
- Towards quantifying uncertainty in Greenland's contribution to 21st century sea-level rise
- Training a Neural Network Via Large-Eddy Simulation for Autonomous Location and Quantification of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Leaks at Natural Gas Facilities
- Transfer of Real-time Dynamic Radiation Environment Assimilation Model; Research to Operation
- Triaxial coreflood study of the hydraulic fracturing of Utica Shale
- UAS-Borne Photogrammetry for Surface Topographic Characterization: A Ground-Truth Baseline for Future Change Detection and Refinement of Scaled Remotely-Sensed Datasets
- Uman Equations, Jefimenko Equations, and Lightning Electromagnetics
- Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis in the CICE v5.1 Sea Ice Model
- Underestimation of Global Vulnerability to Tree Mortality and Forest Die-Off from Hotter Drought in the Anthropocene — A Synthesis of Contrasting Evidence and Perspectives
- Uniaxial Compression Analysis and Microdeformation Characterization of Kevin Dome Anhydrite Caprock
- Up-regulation of Amazon forest photosynthesis precedes elevated mortality under drought
- Using Distributed, Integrated Hydrological Models to Simulate Water Balance Changes at the Hillslope and Catchment Scale Due to Fire Disturbances
- Using the Arts as a Bridge to Public Understanding of Data-Intensive Earth Science Research through Climate Prisms: The Arctic
- Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
- Van Allen Probes observations of EMIC events triggered by solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements
- Van Allen Probes observations of dipolarization and its associated O<SUP>+</SUP> flux variations in the inner magnetosphere
- Van Allen Probes observations of intense parallel Poynting flux associated with magnetic dipolarization, conjugate discrete auroral arcs, and energetic particle injection
- Velocity Structure of the Iran Region Using Seismic and Gravity Observations
- Vulnerability and resilience to droughts in South-West USA: carbon allocation and impact on wood and evaporative anatomy
- What is a radiation belt enhancement event?
- When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
- Wide energy electron precipitations and their impact on the middle atmosphere associated with the pulsating aurora
- Winds, Mountains, and Wildland Fire: Improved Understanding of Coupled Atmosphere-Topography-Fire Interactions Through Large-Eddy Simulation
- Wintertime aerosol chemical composition, volatility, and spatial variability in the greater London area
- dfnWorks: A HPC Workflow for Discrete Fracture Network Modeling with Subsurface Flow and Transport Applications
- 3D Tomography of a Mesa Using Cosmic Ray Muons Detected in an Underground Tunnel
- A Calcium-in-Olivine Geohygrometer and its Application to Subduction Zone Magmatism
- A Framework for Multi-Scale, Multi-Disciplinary Arctic Terrestrial Field Research Design, Nomenclature and Data Management
- A Mixed-dimensional Model for the Simulation of Soil Thermal Hydrology in Polygonal Tundra
- A Theoretical Picture of the Combined Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting and Chorus-Wave Interactions on Radiation Belt Electrons
- A Three-dimensional, Implicit, Thermo-mechanical Computational Model for Polythermal Ice
- A Trends Review of Geophysics Research in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- A joint inversion approach to characterize subsurface fracture networks based on geophysical and hydrological data
- A meander-scale field investigation of linkages between fluvial geomorphology and patterns in hyporheic exchange
- A metadata reporting framework for standardization and synthesis of ecohydrological field observations
- A microfluidic investigation of gas exsolution in glass and shale fracture networks
- A multi-parametric approach to studying volcanic lightning utilizing LMA observations, ash characteristics, plume dynamics, seismic, and infrasound data at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- A new estimate of climate sensitivity using Last Glacial Maximum model-data constraints that includes parametric, feedback, and proxy uncertainties
- A physiologically-based plant hydraulics scheme for ESMs: impacts of hydraulic trait variability for tropical forests under drought
- ARM Mobile Facility 2: West Antarctic Radiation Experiment
- Abiotic and biotic controls over biogeochemical cycles in drylands: Insights from climate change and nitrogen deposition experiments on the Colorado Plateau
- Advanced Subsurface Seismic Imaging for Characterizing the Kevin Dome Carbon Storage Site in Montana
- An Integrated Assessment of Basal Scattering and Topographic Roughness Information Derived from Greenland Radar-Sounding Data
- An adaptive joint focal-mechanism inversion method for microseismic data: Application to Aneth CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enhanced Oil Recovery Field
- An investigation of regional tropospheric methane in central interior Alaska using direct-sun FTIR
- Analysis of Hydrologic Time Series Reconstruction Uncertainty Due to Inverse Model Inadequacy Using the Laguerre Expansion Method
- Anisotropic Fracture Zone Imaging with Wavefield-Separated Elastic Reverse-Time Migration
- Anthropogenic triggers on the hyporheic zone: quantifying groundwater-surface water interaction and the impact on water quality
- Apparent Explosion Moments from Rg Waves Recorded on SPE: Implications for the Late-Time Damage Source Model
- Application of the Elasto-Viscoplastic Self Consistent (EVPSC) Code to Modeling Texture and Lattice Strain Evolution in Periclase
- Atmospheric Response to an Open-Ocean Polynya in a High-Resolution Climate Model
- Attribution of Disturbances Causing Tree Mortality for the Continental U.S.
- Bi-Level Decision Making for Supporting Energy and Water Nexus
- Biogeochemical Coupling between Ocean and Sea Ice
- Biomass Burning Emissions of Black Carbon from African Sources
- Bridging the Gap Between Observations and Models.
- Calculation of electric radial diffusion coefficient of radiation belt electrons with in situ electric field measurements by THEMIS
- Cascadia Seismicity Related to Seamount Subduction as detected by the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Data
- Changes in streamflow extremes in the Colorado River Basin and implications for the water-energy nexus
- Changing summer basal traction of the Greenland Ice Sheet at high temporal resolution using inversion of GPS-derived surface speed
- ChemCam Observations of Manganese in Rock Targets (Sols 778-1384): An Indicator of Redox and Habitability Conditions
- ChemCam observations of Fluorine in Murray and Stimson units, Gale crater, Mars
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of Surface Water and Active Layer Pore Water in a Tundra Landscape, Barrow, Alaska, USA
- Chemostratigraphy of Lower Mount Sharp, Gale Crater
- Circulation in the Ecologically Protected Lau Basin
- Climatic and biotic drivers of tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis: integrating field, eddy flux, remote sensing and modelling
- Combined effects of ULF, VLF, and EMIC Waves, Substorms, and Solar Wind Parameters on Relativistic Electron Flux: Multiple Regression Analysis
- Comparison of Citizen Science Aurora Data with Energy Flux Derived from Aurora Observations and Models
- Comparison of different proxies using in situ measurements in the benthic foraminifera genus Uvigerina: an example from the Santa Monica Basin.
- Constraining the Q<SUB>10</SUB> of respiration in water-limited environments
- Continuous measurements of surface mass balance, firn compaction, and meltwater retention in Greenland for altimetry validation.
- Coupling Hydrodynamic and Wave Propagation Codes for Modeling of Seismic Waves recorded at the SPE Test.
- Current Status and Future Development of Geophysical Techniques for CTBT On-site Inspections
- Damage Mechanics in the Community Ice Sheet Model
- Data Assimilation for the Space Weather Environment: Ring Current Estimation with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Detailed Analysis of the Width of the IBEX Ribbon - Variations in Position and Energy
- Determining plasma parameters in cold, multi-species plasmas using Maxwell and Kappa distribution functions.
- Developing and Validating Path-Dependent Uncertainty Estimates for use with the Regional Seismic Travel Time (RSTT) Model
- Development of a tropical ecological forecasting strategy for ENSO based on the ACME modeling framework
- Differentiating Between Acceleration Mechanisms during the Van Allen Probes Era.
- Direct structural investigation of shock compressed silicates from x-ray diffraction
- Do general patterns of leaf thermoregulation hold in the tropics?
- Dual-Spacecraft Studies of EMIC Wave Occurrence using the Van Allen Probes
- Efficient and Robust Classification of Seismic Data through Dimensionality Reduction
- Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS): A Low-Resource Combined Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer for Planetary Science
- Energetic electron spectral features in the inner magnetosphere
- Energy-Water-Land-Climate Nexus: Modeling Impacts from the Asset to Regional Scale
- Enhance Your Science With Social Media: No ... Really
- Enhanced global seismic resolution using proposed undersea cables
- Evaluating post-wildfire hydrologic recovery using ParFlow in southern California
- Evaluating the Role and Effects of Precipitation on Relativistic Electron Losses during Storms
- Examining seismicity patterns in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule rupture zone.
- Experiments and Phase-field Modeling of Hydrate Growth at the Interface of Migrating Gas Fingers
- Explaining the Dynamics of the Ultra-relativistic Third Van Allen Radiation Belt
- Explosive Yield Estimation using Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Velocity Histories
- FLARE: a New User Facility to Study Multiple-Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection Through in-situ Measurements
- Fast Positive Breakdown, NBEs, and Lightning Initiation
- First Observations of Boron on Mars and Implications for Gale Crater Geochemistry
- Fluid Interactions with Explosion-Induced Fractures
- For a Limited Time Only? How Long Can Trees Maintain Enhanced Chemical Defenses During Pre-Mortality Heat and Drought Stress
- Fracture size and transmissivity correlations: Implications for transport simulations in sparse three-dimensional discrete fracture networks following a truncated power law distribution of fracture size
- From Ground Truth to Space: Surface, Subsurface and Remote Observations Associated with Nuclear Test Detection
- Future needs and strategies for coupled permafrost and terrestrial hydrology simulations
- Global Source Parameters from Regional Spectral Ratios for Yield Transportability Studies
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Ground Zero for Geomagnetic Hazards
- Groundwater Remediation using Bayesian Information-Gap Decision Theory
- HOPE Survey of the Near-Equatorial Magnetosphere Plasma Environment
- High-Precision Isotope Ratio Measurements of Sub-Picogram Actinide Samples
- High-resolution, Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations forced by submarine melting simulated by the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME)
- Historic Record and Drivers of Snow Depth in Western Alaska
- Hodographic Approach for Determining Spacecraft Trajectories through the Electron Diffusion Region
- How does variation in rainfall affect simulated tropical tree mortality, functional diversity and coexistence?
- Hybrid Spectral/PIC Fully Kinetic Simulations of Weak Turbulence Driven by Tenuous Beams in a Background Plasma
- Hydraulic Inverse Modeling Using Total-Variation Regularization with Relaxed Variable-Splitting
- Hydrocode Models of the Response of a Simplified Asteroid Bennu to a Stand-Off Nuclear Deflection Attempt
- Ice Sheet/Climate Coupling in the Community Earth System Model
- Identifying Aquifer Heterogeneities using the Level Set Method
- Identifying Small Mine Blasts and Earthquakes in Eastern Kazakhstan using Bulletins, Waveform Correlation and Satellite Imagery
- Imaging CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoirs using muons borehole detectors
- Imaging a Fault Boundary System Using Controlled-Source Data Recorded on a Large-N Seismic Array
- Imaging an Explosion with a 1000 Sensors: The SPE Large N Array
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Improved Analysis of Earth System Models and Observations using Simple Climate Models
- Improved Treatment of Wave-Particle Interaction in a Ring-Current Model
- Improving Infrasound Signal Detection and Event Location in the Western US Using Atmospheric Modeling
- Influence of Lower-Hybrid Turbulence on the Three-Dimensional Evolution of Magnetopause Reconnection
- Influence of Sea Ice Anomalies on Antarctic Precipitation and Its Source Attribution
- Integrated Multi-Scale, Multi-Disciplinary Arctic Terrestrial Observations and Experiments to Improve Earth System Models
- Interactive Visualizations of Complex Seismic Data and Models
- Investigating Gravity Anomalies Associated with Underground Nuclear Explosions
- Investigation of the distribution of cold plasmas across geospace during storms using the IPE model
- Isotopic and Chemical Identification of Hydrological Pathways in a Watershed Underlain by Shallow Discontinuous Permafrost
- Joint inversion of seismic and gravity data beneath the Iberian Peninsula for crustal and upper mantle structure
- Joint inversion of time-lapse VSP data for monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at the Farnsworth EOR field in Texas
- Joint-inversion of gravity data and cosmic ray muon flux to detect shallow subsurface density structure beneath volcanoes: Testing the method at a well-characterized site
- Kinetic Simulations of Particle Acceleration in Three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- LIVVkit 2: An extensible land ice verification and validation toolkit for comparing observations and models?
- Laboratory Noble Gas Migration Experiments through Rock
- Large-Scale Numerical Simulations of Ocean and Tidal Channel Boundary Layers
- Los Alamos Studies of Nuclear Standoff Bursts for Asteroid Mitigation with Full X-ray Transport Techniques
- MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Ground-based Magnetometer Observations of a Compression-induced EMIC Wave Event
- Machine Learning Techniques to Improve Model Error Estimation in Variational Data Assimilation
- Millennial-scale Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to localized subshelf warm-water forcing.
- Mixing and reactions in multiphase flow through porous media
- Model Analysis of Complex Systems Behavior using MADS
- Modeling and Data Analysis at the CCMC to Determine Threat of Spacecraft Surface Charging in Low Earth Orbit
- Modeling of meteor impact airbursts on Earth and Mars: comparative analysis
- Modeling the Hydrologic Response to Changes in Groundcover Conditions Caused by Fire Disturbances
- Modelling of Sea Ice Thermodynamics and Biogeochemistry during the N-ICE2015 Expedition in the Arctic Ocean
- Modulation of Chorus Intensity by ULF Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Moment-Tensor Spectra of Source Physics Experiments (SPE) Explosions in Granite
- Multi-Decadal analysis of Global Trends in Microseism Intensity: A Proxy for Changes in Extremal Storm Activity and Oceanic Wave State
- Multi-Scale Modeling and Probabilistic Assessment of Electrical Power and Dependent Systems' Resilience to Extreme Events
- Multi-scale Fracture Damage Associated with Underground Chemical Explosions
- Multi-scale Pressure-balanced Structures and Influence of Intermittency on the Perpendicular Spectrum in Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Multi-scale Top-down Closure of CH<SUB>4</SUB> & CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources in Indianapolis using Distributed Column and in situ Airborne and Tower Measurements
- Multipoint observations of energetic electron injections with MMS and Van Allen Probes
- New Density Estimates Derived Using Accelerometers On-board the CHAMP and GRACE Satellites
- New Frontier in Probing Fluid Transport in Low-Permeability Geomedia: Applications of Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering
- New Insights into a Physical Basis for mb:Ms Discrimination from Results of the Source Physics Experiments
- Next-Generation Climate Modeling Science Challenges for Simulation, Workflow and Analysis Systems
- Numerical Simulations of Spacecraft Charging: Selected Applications
- Object-Oriented Image Clustering Method Using UAS Photogrammetric Imagery
- ObsPy: A Python toolbox for seismology - Sustainability, New Features, and Applications
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- On electron-scale whistler turbulence in the solar wind
- On scientific utility inspired by collecting real-time reports of the aurora
- On the Edge: the Impact of Climate Change, Climate Extremes, and Climate-driven Disturbances on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in the Colorado River Basin
- On the collisionless magnetic reconnection rate of order 0.1
- On using the Multiple Signal Classification algorithm to study microbaroms
- Optical Mass Displacement Tracking: A simplified field calibration method for the electro-mechanical seismometer.
- Optimal distribution of borehole geophones for monitoring CO2-injection-induced seismicity
- Outsized impacts of hyporheic exchange on coupled carbon and nitrogen cycling in river systems
- Oxygen energization and loss during the main phase of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes observations
- Parameter Estimation for Geoscience Applications Using a Measure-Theoretic Approach
- Particle tracing modeling of ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit during substorms
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of Electron and Ion Dissipation by Whistler Turbulence: Variations with Electron β
- Permeability of Utica Shale Fractured at Reservoir Conditions
- Preconditioning and Formation Mechanisms of Maud Rise (Open Ocean) Polynyas in a High-Resolution CESM Simulation
- Predicting EMIC wave properties from ring current conditions observed by Van Allen Probes
- Predicting Failure Under Laboratory Conditions: Learning the Physics of Slow Frictional Slip and Dynamic Failure
- Prediction of Breakthrough Curves for Conservative and Reactive Transport from the Structural Parameters of Highly Heterogeneous Media
- Prediction of Ultra-Relativistic Electron Flux Dynamics Through a Fusion of Machine-Learning and Physics-Based Models
- Pressure-dependent Isotopic Composition of Iron Alloys
- Probing Earth's State of Stress
- Probing the Boundaries of the Heliosphere Using Observations of the Polar ENA Flux from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Quantifying instrumentation background and measurement uncertainty through cross-domain coupling
- Radial Diffusion study of the 1 June 2013 CME event using MHD simulations.
- Recent circum-Arctic ice-wedge degradation and its hydrological impacts
- Redefining plant functional types for forests based on plant traits
- Regional Patterns of Stress Transfer in the Ablation Zone of the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Relationship between pressure, density of induced earthquake hypocenters, and permeability in the 2011 Paralana EGS stimulation
- Relative Earthquake Locations Using Surface Waves in Continental Regions
- Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Atmospheric Conditions by Raman - Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
- Reproducing the energy-dependent structure of Earth's electron radiation belts during quiet times
- Resolving the Kinetic Reconnection Length Scale in Global Magnetospheric Simulations with MHD-EPIC
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Rethinking plant functional types in Earth System Models: pan-tropical analysis of tree survival across environmental gradients
- Rg propagation: Scatter versus Attenuation
- Ring Current Modeling of the March 2013 Storm with RAM-SCB
- Robust Pressure Management Strategies for CO2Sequestration
- Role of Brine Chemistry and Sorption in Potential Long-Term Storage of Radioactive Waste in Geologic Salt Formations: Experimental Evaluation of Sorption Parameters
- SAPS-associated explosive brightening on the dusk-side: A new type of onset-like disturbance
- Scaling laws and reduced-order models for mixing and reactive-transport in heterogeneous anisotropic porous media
- Scaling of Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection
- Seasonal & Daily Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations from Ground & Space Used to Evaluate Tropical Ecosystem Models
- Seasonal and annual shifts in the role of floodplains as sources and sinks of organic carbon
- Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves and Energetic Proton Responses: Van Allen Probes Observation
- Simulating Fire Disturbance and Plant Mortality Using Antecedent Eco-hydrological Conditions to Inform a Physically Based Combustion Model
- Simulations of hypervelocity impacts for asteroid deflection studies
- Southern Ocean Open Ocean Polynyas in Observations and from a Low- and a High-Resolution Fully-Coupled Earth System Model Simulation
- Specification of the Surface Charging Environment with SHIELDS
- Statistical evaluation of substorm strength and onset times in a global MHD model
- Stick-slip failure in a sheared granular layer: effect of confining stres
- Structure and Dynamics of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced ENA Emission: The Role of ENA Transport in the Interstellar Medium
- Structure and thermodynamics of Cr-Fe hydroxide solid solutions
- Structure of the Heliotail from Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations: Implications for the 11 Year Solar Cycle and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- Super-Alfvenic Propagation and Damping of Reconnection Onset Signatures
- Surface Signatures of an Underground Explosion as Captured by Photogrammetry
- Temporal evolution of ion spectral structures during a geomagnetic storm: Observations and modeling
- Temporal variation of the IBEX Ribbon
- Testing Linear Theory on inner magnetosphere EMIC waves observed by the Van Allen Probes
- The Complex Nature of Storm-time Ion Dynamics: Transport and Local Acceleration
- The Effect of Nickel on Iron Isotope Fractionation and the Strength of Iron Alloys
- The Geomorphometrics of the Rio Grande Rift: The role of tectonics, climate, and erosional processes in forming the Rio Grande river
- The Global Positioning System constellation as a space weather monitor
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in the Last Interglacial Warm Period: Surface Mass Balance and Implications for the Large-scale Circulation
- The Hidden Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons (0.7-1.5 MeV) in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
- The Parallax and the Energy-dependent Position of the IBEX Ribbon - Implication for its Origin
- The Role of Convection in the Buildup of the Ring Current Pressure during the March 17, 2013 Storm
- The Roll-over of Heliospheric Neutral Hydrogen at Energies below 100 eV: Observations with IBEX and their Implications for the Pressure Balance of the Heliosheath
- The contribution of particulate carbon to arctic rivers from river bank erosion of floodplains
- The role of fluid compression in energy conversion and particle energization during magnetic reconnection
- Three-Dimensional Simulations of Oblique Asteroid Impacts into Water
- Time-Dependent Spatial Domains of Electrons Accross the Energy Spectrum
- Towards an Improved Representation of Polar Snow and Firn in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Tracing the structure of the interstellar magnetic field around the heliosphere using polarized starlight
- Training a Convolutional Neural Network to Locate and Quantify CH4 Leaks at Well Pads with High-Resolution Atmospheric Simulations for ARPA-E Field Tests
- Understanding Flow and Transport in Ice Wedge Polygons Using Tracers
- Understanding the generation mechanisms of highly oblique lower-band chorus waves
- Untangling radionuclide gas transport in fractured rock by decomposing barometric pressure signals
- Using ACE-Earth Magnetic Connection Events to Estimate Length-scales of Field Line Wandering with respect to the Parker Spiral
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part I: Overview and Characteristics of Continuous RF
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part II: Continuous RF Discharge Mechanisms
- Validation of Sea Ice Models Using an Uncertainty-Based Distance Metric for Multiple Quantities of Interest
- Valles Caldera, New Mexico Microearthquakes: Improved Detection and Location with Expanded Caldera Station Coverage
- Value of Spaceborne Remotely Sensed Data Products in the Context of the Launch Phase of an On-Site Inspection
- Van Allen Probe Observation of Large Poynting flux in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Velocity Model Using the Large-N Seismic Array from the Source Physics Experiment (SPE)
- Water Uptake and Optical Properties of Biomass Smoke from Southwestern US Fuels: Predicting Properties and Their Variability
- Wetter or drier? A model inter-comparison of future soil moisture and runoff projections in permafrost landscapes
- What can we gain by using Bayesian methods to combine information from a multi-model ensemble?
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- kISMET: Stress and fracture characterization in a deep mine
- 2016-2017 Update of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Earthquakes near Fox Creek, Alberta
- A Global Survey and Interactive Map Suite of Deep Underground Facilities; Examples of Geotechnical and Engineering Capabilities, Achievements, Challenges: (Mines, Shafts, Tunnels, Boreholes, Sites and Underground Facilities for Nuclear Waste and Physics R&D)
- A High Resolution Tropical Cyclone Power Outage Forecasting Model for the Continental United States
- A Machine-Learning and Filtering Based Data Assimilation Framework for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Monitoring Optimization
- A Mixed-dimensional Model for Determining the Impact of Permafrost Polygonal Ground Degradation on Arctic Hydrology.
- A Model Based Deconvolution Approach for Creating Surface Composition Maps of Irregularly Shaped Bodies from Limited Orbiting Nuclear Spectrometer Measurements
- A New Kind of Single-Well Tracer Test for Assessing Subsurface Heterogeneity
- A case study of connection between a plasma bubble at X = -60 R<SUB>E</SUB> and high-latitude ground magnetic field perturbations
- A first summary of the Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC) campaign in the remote southeast Atlantic
- A multi-pulse, downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash from a winter thunderstorm in Japan
- A multi-scale experimental and simulation approach for fractured subsurface systems
- A portable FTS measurements during GOSAT and OCO-2 joint campaign in Western US 2017
- A transient fully coupled climate-ice-sheet simulation of the last glacial inception
- ALM-FATES: Using dynamic vegetation and demography to capture changes in forest carbon cycling and competition at the global scale
- ATom observations of new particle formation in the tropical upper troposphere. The role of convection and nucleation mechanisms
- Airborne remote sensing of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols during the NASA ATom, SEAC4RS and DC3 campaigns
- Altered nutrition during hot droughts will impair forest functions in the future
- Ambient Aerosols in the Southern Hemisphere on Ascension Island during the LASIC Campaign: Biomass Burning Season versus Near Pristine Background Conditions
- An iceberg model implementation in ACME.
- Analysis of residual stress distributions in olivine using HR-EBSD mapping and EVP-FFT simulations
- Antarctic Submarine Melt and Southern Ocean Climate in Global, Coupled Simulations using the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME)
- Assessing the Current Status of Atmospheric Radiation Modelling: Progress, Challenges and the Needs for the Next Generation of Models
- Attenuation Model Using the Large-N Array from the Source Physics Experiment
- Aurora Research: Earth/Space Data Fusion Powered by GIS and Python
- Aurorasaurus Database of Real-Time, Soft-Sensor Sourced Aurora Data for Space Weather Research
- Beam-plasma coupling physics in support of active experiments
- Biogeochemical reactive transport of carbon, nitrogen and iron in the hyporheic zone
- Body Wave and Ambient Noise Tomography of Makushin Volcano, Alaska
- Broadband RF Interferometric and Polarization Observations of Lightning Discharge Processes
- Building confidence and credibility amid growing model and computing complexity
- Characterization of Long-term Stability of Sodium Dithionite for Evaluation of its Potential Utility for Cr(VI) Remediation at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the out-of-equilibrium Heliosheath Plasma traced by IBEX ENAs
- Charging of the Van Allen Probes: Theory and Simulations
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Climate Change, the Energy-water-food Nexus, and the "New" Colorado River Basin
- Cold blobs of protons in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere as observed by Juno's JADE
- Collaboration During the NASA ABoVE Airborne SAR Campaign: Sampling Strategies Used by NGEE Arctic and Other Partners in Alaska and Western Canada
- Colorado River basin sensitivity to disturbance impacts
- Comparison of atmospheric CO2 columns at high latitudes from ground-based and satellite-based methods
- Comparison of the Active Bagnold Dune Field with Other Aeolian Deposits Observed at Gale using ChemCam Data.
- Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function
- Constraining the Origin of Phobos with the Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS) - Simulated Performance
- Correlations between Geomagnetic Disturbances and Field-Aligned Currents during the 22-29 July 2004 Storm Time Interval
- Cosmological Particle Data Compression in Practice
- Countervailing patterns in CESM-simulated regional Antarctic snowfall variability: spatial distribution and associated atmospheric circulation modes
- Coupled Hydrodynamic and Wave Propagation Modeling for the Source Physics Experiment: Study of Rg Wave Sources for SPE and DAG series.
- Coupled Long-Term Evolution of Climate and the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial and Implications for the Future
- Coupling a Neural Network with Atmospheric Flow Simulations to Locate and Quantify CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions at Well Pads
- Coupling of snow and permafrost processes using the Basic Modeling Interface (BMI)
- Cross-Calibration of GPS Proton Data with GOES EPS: A New Dataset for Space Weather Research
- Curiosity at Gale Crater's Hematite Ridge: High Mn and P Near the Ridge Show Chemical Evidence for Generation by an Oxidation Front
- Data Integration Tool: Permafrost Data Debugging
- Dependence of radiation belt simulations to assumed radial diffusion rates
- Deposition of Boron in Possible Evaporite Deposits in Gale Crate
- Detailed Modeling of the DART Spacecraft Impact into Didymoon
- Detection of Repeating Earthquakes within the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using 2013-2014 Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Network Data
- Determining the Dimensions of the Heliosphere from the Time-Correlation of IBEX ENA Observations with Variations in the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Dissipation of Alfven Waves at Fluid Scale through Parametric Decay Instabilities in Low-beta Turbulent Plasma
- Do Ions Injected with the Dipolarizing Flux Bundles Provide the Free Energy for Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere?
- Drought impact on vegetation growth and mortality
- Dryland responses to global change suggest the potential for rapid non-linear responses to some changes but resilience to others
- Dynamic fracture network around faults: implications for earthquake ruptures, ground motion and energy budget
- Dynamics of nonreactive solute transport in the permafrost environment
- Effect of canopy architectural variation on transpiration and thermoregulation
- Effects of Unsaturated Microtopography on Nitrate Concentrations in Tundra Ecosystems: Examples from Polygonal Terrain and Degraded Peat Plateaus
- Effects of ice shelf basal melt variability on evolution of Thwaites Glacier
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Along Field Lines Connected to the Auroral Region from 25 to 1.2 RJ Measured by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment-Electrons (JADE-E) on Juno
- Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS): A Low-Resource Combined Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer for Planetary Science
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Energetic Techniques For Planetary Defense
- Energization and Transport in 3D Kinetic Simulations of MMS Magnetopause Reconnection Site Encounters with Varying Guide Fields
- Energization of the Ring Current through Convection of Substorm Enhancements of the Plasma Sheet Source.
- Enhanced simulations of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> production in permafrost-affected soils address soil moisture controls on anaerobic decomposition
- Erosion and Deposition Monitoring Using High-Density Aerial Lidar and Geomorphic Change Detection Software Analysis at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos New Mexico, LA-UR-17-26743
- Evaluating the Impact of Whole Atmosphere Coupling on Storm Time Response in the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere
- Evaluation of the Committed Carbon Emissions and Global Warming due to the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Colloid-facilitated Plutonium Reactive Transport in Fractured Tuffaceous Rocks
- Experimental evidence of chaotic mixing at pore scale in 3D porous media
- Exploring Microbial Processes with Thermal-Hydrological Models of the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Exploring tropical forest vegetation dynamics using the FATES model
- FLARE: a New User Facility for Studies of Magnetic Reconnection Through Simultaneous, in-situ Measurements on MHD Scales, Ion Scales and Electron Scales
- Factors Impacting Spatial Patterns of Snow Distribution in a Small Catchment near Nome, AK
- First in situ measurements of the Jovian Ionospheric ion population by the Juno JADE instrument
- First-Principles Propagation of Geoelectric Fields from Ionosphere to Ground using LANLGeoRad
- Formation and Properties of Tangential Discontinuities in Three-dimensional Compressive MHD Turbulence
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- GRACE, a tool to investigate ocean gyre
- Gamma-ray signatures of neutrons from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Geologic Carbon Sequestration Leakage Detection: A Physics-Guided Machine Learning Approach
- Geometric and topological characterization of porous media: insights from eigenvector centrality
- Global Evolution of Plasmaspheric Plasma: Spacecraft-Model Reconstructions
- Global Magnetosphere Modeling With Kinetic Treatment of Magnetic Reconnection
- Global Sensitivity Applied to Dynamic Combined Finite Discrete Element Methods for Fracture Simulation
- Global Three-dimensional Simulation of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction Using a Two-way Coupled Magnetohydrodynamics with Embedded Particle-in-Cell Model
- Global and Regional 3D Tomography for Improved Seismic Event Location and Uncertainty in Explosion Monitoring
- Global-scale Measurements of CCN-Sized Particles in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer
- Graph Representations of Flow and Transport in Fracture Networks using Machine Learning
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Groundwater Discharge to Upper Barataria Basin Driven by Mississippi River Stage
- Healing in Unconsolidated Granular Earth Materials: a Mechanistic Theory
- High fidelity kinetic modeling of magnetic reconnection in laboratory plasma
- High-pressure phase transition in silicon carbide under shock loading using ultrafast x-ray diffraction
- High-resolution integration of water, energy, and climate models to assess electricity grid vulnerabilities to climate change
- How to emit a high-power electron beam from a magnetospheric spacecraft?
- Hurdles to Overcome to Model Carrington Class Events
- Hydro-Biogeochemical Variability in an Arctic Catchment with Discontinuous permafrost
- Hydrocode Models of Mitigation of a 170-Meter-Diameter Asteroid Using Energetic Techniques
- Identification of Arbitrary Zonation in Groundwater Parameters using the Level Set Method and a Parallel Genetic Algorithm
- Imaging Fracture/Fault Zones at Eleven-Mile Canyon in Nevada for Geothermal Exploration Using Anisotropic Reverse-Time Migration
- Impacts of Extreme Space Weather Events on Power Grid Infrastructure: Physics-Based Modelling of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents (GICs) During Carrington-Class Geomagnetic Storms
- Improving Permafrost Hydrology Prediction Through Data-Model Integration
- Improving estimates of subsurface gas transport in unsaturated fractured media using experimental Xe diffusion data and numerical methods
- In situ Observations of Magnetosonic Waves Modulated by Background Plasma Density
- Influences of Moisture Regimes and Functional Plant Types on Nutrient Cycling in Permafrost Regions
- Influences of coupled fire-atmosphere interaction on wildfire behavior
- Instabilities and Turbulence Generation by Pick-Up Ion Distributions in the Outer Heliosheath
- Interaction of high-energy beams with magnetized plasma: feasibility study for laboratory experiments
- Internal fracture heterogeneity in discrete fracture network modelling: Effect of correlation length and textures with connected and disconnected permeability field
- Investigating EMIC Wave Dynamics with RAM-SCB-E
- Investigating an implicit thermo-mechanical model implemented in FELIX
- Investigating the direct meltwater effect in oxygen-isotope records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Investigations of Chemical and Biological Treatment Options for the Attenuation of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine Contamination in Groundwater at Los Alamos, New Mexico
- Kinetic Alfven turbulence: Electron and ion heating by particle-in-cell simulations
- Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Energization and Particle Acceleration in Interacting Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Laboratory Experiments Enabling Electron Beam use in Tenuous Space Plasmas
- Laboratory Studies of Water Uptake by Biomass Burning Smoke: Role of Fuel Inorganic Content, Combustion Phase and Aging
- Large-scale particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection during solar flares
- Lg Attenuation Anisotropy Across the Western US
- Long-term Behavior of Hydrocarbon Production Curves
- Machine Learning of Fault Friction
- Machine learning to construct reduced-order models and scaling laws for reactive-transport applications
- Magnetic pumping as a source of particle heating in the solar wind
- Managing flowback and produced water from hydraulic fracturing under stochastic environment
- Margin-Wide Earthquake Subspace Scanning Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using the Cascadia Initiative Amphibious Dataset
- Measurements of the Canonical Helicity Evolution of a Gyrating Kinked Flux Rope
- Mechano-Chemical Interactions at Cement-Geomaterial Interfaces in Repository and Borehole Scenarios
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Modeling drivers of discontinuous permafrost on a hillslope transect using climatological data from Nome, Alaska
- Modeling the Magnetopause Shadowing and Drift Orbit Bifurcation Loss during the June 2015 Dropout Event
- Modeling the effects of vegetation heterogeneity on wildland fire behavior
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning - Using a lightning mapping array, seismic and infrasound array, and visual plume analysis
- Morphologic variability of Arctic deltas: Implications for fluxes to the coast
- NASA's Van Allen Probes RBSP-ECT and NSF's FIREBIRD Data Products and Access to Them: An Insider's Outlook on the Inner and Outer Belts.
- Near-Source Mechanism for Creating Shear Content from Buried Explosions
- Near-Surface Profiles of Water Stable Isotope Components and Indicated Transitional History of Ice-Wedge Polygons Near Barrow
- Neoclassical diffusion at low L-shel
- Nitrate and Moisture Content of Broad Permafrost Landscape Features in the Barrow Peninsula: Predicting Evolving NO<SUB>3</SUB> Concentrations in a Changing Arctic
- Non-thermal Power-Law Distributions in Solar and Space Plasmas
- North American water availability under stress and duress: building understanding from simulations, observations and data products
- North-South Asymmetry of the 1900-2015 Warming
- Nuclear Repository steel canister: experimental corrosion rates
- Numerical investigations of microtopographic influence on the near surface thermal regime and thermokarst development in ice wedge polygons
- ObsPy - A Python Toolbox for Seismology - and Applications
- Observational Evidence For The Comet-Like Heliosphere
- Obtaining higher-accuracy estimates of water-rich rocks and water-poor sand dunes on Mars in active neutron experiments
- On the Representation of Aquifer Compressibility in General Subsurface Flow Codes: How an Alternate Definition of Aquifer Compressibility Matches Results from the Groundwater Flow Equation
- On the development and benchmarking of an approach to model gas transport in fractured media with immobile water storage
- One-month validation of the Space Weather Modeling Framework geospace model
- Particle Acceleration at Coronal Shocks: the Effect of Large-scale Streamer-like Magnetic Field Structures
- Particle Acceleration in Magnetic Reconnection from the Nonrelativistic to Relativistic Regime: The Dominant Acceleration Mechanism and Formation of Power-law Energy Distributions
- Particle Tracing Modeling with SHIELDS
- Peaks in Phase Space Density: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes Era
- Perturbed-input-data ensemble modeling of magnetospheric dynamics
- Physics Informed Emulation of Magnetometer Data During Large Space-Weather Events
- Plant traits and trait-based vegetation modeling in the Arctic
- Plasma sheet properties observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Plasmapause Location: Model Compared to Van Allen Probes Observations
- Poynting flux at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer (PSBL) in Conjunction with the Ground Aurora: Dipolarization in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Predicting Upscaled Behavior of Aqueous Reactants in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Predictions of first passage times in sparse discrete fracture networks using graph-based reductions
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation And Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Quo vadis: Hydrologic inverse analyses using high-performance computing and a D-Wave quantum annealer
- Rare Earth Elements as Potential Biosignatures on Mars in SuperCam Time Resolved Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy Data
- Reduced complexity modeling of Arctic delta dynamics
- Relativistic electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks
- Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutions
- Relativistic electron increase during chorus wave activities on the 6-8 March 2016 geomagnetic storm
- Results from the Subglacial Hydrology Model Intercomparison Project (SHMIP)
- SHERLOC on Mars 2020
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Phenological Varibility is Greatest in Low-Arctic and Wet Sites Across the North Slope of Alaska as Observed from Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
- Seismic Imaging of the Source Physics Experiment Site with the Large-N Seismic Array
- Seismically active volume not a good indicator of the stimulated reservoir: evidence from Paralana
- Seismicity in Oklahoma Before Prague
- Sensitivity analysis for the coupling of a subglacial hydrology model with a 3D ice-sheet model.
- Sensitivity of an Antarctic Ice Sheet Model to Sub-Ice-Shelf Melting
- Short-Period Surface Wave Based Seismic Event Relocation
- Signals in the ionosphere generated by tsunami earthquakes: observations and modeling suppor
- Simulating Chorus Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field
- Simulation of Drought-induced Tree Mortality Using a New Individual and Hydraulic Trait-based Model (S-TEDy)
- Simulations of GCR interactions within planetary bodies using GEANT4
- Simulations of forest mortality in Colorado River basin
- Simultaneous inversion of seismic velocity and moment tensor using elastic-waveform inversion of microseismic data: Application to the Aneth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR field
- Small-Magnitude Felt Earthquakes Near the Pajarito Fault System, New Mexico: Updated Locations and Faulting Implications Using Improved Tools
- Source discrimination between Mining blasts and Earthquakes in Tianshan orogenic belt, NW China
- Spatial Variability in Decomposition of Organic Carbon Along a Meandering River Floodplain
- Spatial and Temporal Extent of Ion Spectral Structures at the Inner Edge of the Plasma Sheet
- Spatial, temporal, and circularity variations of the ENA ribbon over seven years of IBEX observations
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- Stratigraphic distribution of veins in the Murray and Stimson formations, Gale crater, Mars: Implications for ancient groundwater circulation
- Sulfur Geochemical Analysis and Interpretation with ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- Surface-Wave Relocation of Remote Continental Earthquakes
- Teen Science Cafés: A Model for Addressing Broader Impacts, Diversity, and Recruitment
- Temporal Characteristics of Electron Flux Events at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Testing joint inversion techniques of gravity data and cosmic ray muon flux at a well-characterized site for use in the detection of subsurface density structures beneath volcanoes.
- The Downwind Hemisphere of the Heliosphere as Observed with IBEX-Lo from 2009 to 2015
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The Effects of Assimilating Various Data into General Circulation Models on Model Output Density
- The Heavy Ion Afternoon Bulge: Structure and Formation Mechanisms
- The Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Response to Interplanetary Shocks: Van Allen Probes HOPE Observations
- The Linear Mixing Approximation for Planetary Ices
- The Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School: Career and Research Benefits to Students and Mentors
- The Python Spectral Analysis Tool (PySAT): A Powerful, Flexible, Preprocessing and Machine Learning Library and Interface
- The Reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by Natural Fe-Bearing Minerals: A Synchrotron XAS Study
- The Relationship between Auroral Boundary Location and Geomagnetic Disturbance Intensity
- The Role of Fluid Compression in Particle Energization during Magnetic Reconnection
- The Role of Nongyrotropy in Balancing the Reconnection Diffusion Region
- The Spectrum of Scalar Indices of Agyrotropy
- The Structure and Properties of 0.1 - 100 keV Electron Distributions Over Jupiter's Polar Aurora Region and their Contribution to Polar Aurora Emissions
- The Warm Plasma Composition in the Inner Magnetosphere during 2012-2015
- The belowground frontier is key to understanding terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change
- The evolution of the monthly hydrograph under hot drought conditions in the Southwest US
- The first year of observations of Jupiter's magnetosphere from Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- The global distribution of sea salt aerosol he global distribution of sea salt aerosol
- The kinetic structure of the electron diffusionregion observed by MMS during asymmetricreconnection
- Thermotolerance and responses to short duration heat stress in tropical and temperate species
- Timing Comparisons for GLEs and High-energy Proton Events using GPS Proton Measurements
- Towards a Universal Calving Law: Modeling Ice Shelves Using Damage Mechanics
- Towards parallel collisionless shocks in the Large Plasma Device
- Trace Elements in Manganese Minerals as Potential Biosignatures on Mars
- Tree Carbohydrate Dynamics Across a Rainfall Gradient in Panama During the 2016 ENSO
- Uncertainty in Arctic hydrology projections and the permafrost-carbon feedback
- Uncertainty in Earth System Models: Benchmarks for Ocean Model Performance and Validation
- Understanding the Relative Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Flow in Ice-Wedge Polygon Landscapes Using Tracers
- Understanding the anisotropic ion distributions within magnetotail dipolarizing flux bundles
- Use of Sodium Dithionite as Part of a More Efficient Groundwater Restoration Method Following In-situ Recovery of Uranium at the Smith-Ranch Highland Site in Wyoming
- Using GPS TEC measurements to probe ionospheric spatial spectra at mid-latitudes
- Using Remote Sensing, Weather, and Demographic Data to Create Risk Maps for Zika, Dengue, and Chikungunya in Brazil
- VHF Lightning Spectra Determined from Satellite-based RF Sensors
- VHF Scintillation in an Artificially Heated Ionosphere
- VLF Wave Local Acceleration & ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: The Importance of K-Dependent PSD Analysis for Diagnosing the cause of Radiation Belt Acceleration.
- Validation of the GOES-16 magnetometer using multipoint measurements and magnetic field models
- Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- Web-based reactive transport modeling using PFLOTRAN
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- "Negative Injections" of electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- 3D Velocity Model Building Using Plane-wave Migration Velocity Analysis of Interpolated Seismic Data Acquired at the Farnsworth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR Field
- A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses
- A Novel Humidity-Controlled Integrated Extinctiometer and Nephelometer to Quantify the Effects of Water on Light Absorption by Black and Brown Carbon
- A Reactive Transport Modeling Approach for Understanding Concentration-Discharge in East River, Colorado
- A Test of Hemisphericity in the Fine-Scale Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- A dynamic optimality principle for water use strategies explains isohydric to anisohydric plant responses
- A high resolution coastal ocean model of cross-shelf exchange in a complex, tidally driven system
- A summary of high-energy radiation events from recent observing campaigns at ground-based sites in Japan, Mexico, and Canada
- A unified snow and sea ice radiative transfer algorithm in Earth System Models
- Adaptive viscoelastic-waveform inversion using the local wavelet transform for geothermal reservoir characterization
- Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere
- AirCore profiles of greenhouse and trace gas species for sites within the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and comparisons to models and ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) retrievals
- Alkenones in Pleistocene sediments from Lake Olduvai, Tanzania
- Anomalous Transport in 3D Discrete Fracture Networks: Interplay between Aperture Heterogeneity and Particle Injection Modes
- Anomalously Large Drivers of GICs
- Antarctic ice shelf-ocean interactions in high-resolution, global simulations using the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Applications of Muon Radiography at LANL
- Assessing the Role of Substorms on Ring Current Energisation and Decay
- Assessing the consistency of data-driven whistler mode hiss wave scattering effects during storm-recovery via dedicated error metrics
- Assessment of Leakage Risk from Legacy Wells
- Atmospheric drivers of 20th century changes in Antarctic-wide snow accumulation
- Automatic Extraction of Delta Channel Network Topology
- Average thermal electron spectra in the inner magnetosphere as a function of L, MLT and Kp
- Biogeochemical Controls on River Water Quality: Quantifying Dynamic Surface-Subsurface Interactions using Reactive Transport Models
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Emission Factor Correlation with Aerosol Angstrom Exponent
- Breaking Cascadia's Silence: Machine Learning Reveals the Constant Chatter of the Megathrust
- Broadband RF Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP) Observations of Mini-Discharges in Thunderstorms
- Can MHD be used to forecast substorms?
- Can the Salt Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Changes in the Timing of Historical and Future Runoff in Different Snow Regimes
- Changing Arctic river deltas
- Chaotic Attractors in Wildland Fire Behavior
- Characterizing the Impact of Fracture Geometry and Network Structure on Multiphase Flow through Fractured Media
- Characterizing the impact of Lagrangian particle behavior at fracture intersections on transport through three-dimensional fracture networks
- Characterizing the subsurface distribution of high-silica features at Gale crater, Mars using active neutron experiments and LIBS geochemistry
- Co-Observations of Thunderstorm Ground Enhancements by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) array and the Gamma-ray Observations During Overhead Thunderstorms (GODOT) instrument
- Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Cesium Through Geologic Media
- Comparing HIGRAD/FIRETEC to QUIC-Fire, a Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Model for Operational Applications
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Comparison Study for 2D and 3D Simulations of the Tunguska Event with RAGE and CTH
- Comparison of electron loss models in the inner magnetosphere during GEM Challenge Events
- Computationally Efficient FDTD Calculation of Geoelectric Fields over Complex Conductivity Structures: Time-Dependent TE & TM mode Comparison
- Constraining Boron Geochemistry in the Gale Crater Subsurface Environment: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
- Constraining viscosity of bridgmanite under lower mantle conditions
- Coupled discrete fracture and 3D continuum domain representation to efficiently capture gas transport from underground cavities
- Crustal and upper mantle structures of the western China from adjoint-state eikonal-equation tomography
- Data Assimilation using 4D-Var for the Radiation Belt Environment
- Deciphering wormhole initiation and development using reactive transport modeling and morphological detection algorithms
- Determining the Cause and Nature of Anomalous Rayleigh Wave H/V Ratio Measurements in Southern California
- Development and Application of Kinetic Entropy as a Diagnostic in Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Development of an Updated Geoelectric Field Benchmark: Understanding the Magnetosphere to Secure the Grid
- Diagenetic Capillary Heterogeneity Influences Multiphase Flow, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in a Depleted Brownfield Reservoir
- Diagenetic groundwater models and the distribution of salts observed at Gale crater, Mars
- Differential Gravity Modeling of Overburden at a Tunnel
- Distribution and Analysis of Calcium Sulfate Cemented Sandstones Along the Msl Traverse, Gale Crater, Mars
- Do surviving trees foretell forest growth declines under warm drought climates?
- Earthquake Similarity through Graphical Modeling of Arrival Time Data
- Ecohydrology of Green Infrastructure Retrofitting for Stormwater Management: A Case Study in Detroit, MI
- Effect of damage and spallation on Rg waves for SPE-5
- Effect of hydraulic fracture staging and size on hydrocarbon production from shale
- Effect of initial microbial biomass on respiration during decomposition
- Effects of Ice and Permafrost on Delta Channel Dynamics and Morphology
- Efficient Monte Carlo With Graph-Based Subsurface Flow and Transport Models
- Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Quasi-Static Near-Earth Dipolarization Front
- Elpasolite Planetary Ice and Composition Spectrometer (EPICS): Prototype of a Low-Resource Combined Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer for Planetary Science
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Energetic electron acceleration in tailward flow bursts: observations and simulations
- Energetic protons at medium Earth orbit: Cross-calibration, data updates, and science discovery
- Establishing a Baseline Signal Detection Capability for the 2018 Dynamic Networks Data Processing and Analysis Experiment (DNE18)
- Estimation of polygonal tundra soil properties by coupled inversion of ERT and hydrothermal data
- Evaluating Risk of Mosquito Bourne Viruses in Brazil
- Evaluating Uncertainties in Marine Biogeochemical Models: Benchmarking Aerosol Precursors
- Evaluating XCO2 bias and quality control methods for OCO-2 soundings in the Boreal Forests
- Evaluating a Microbial Functional Group-based Model to Explain Greenhouse Gas Productions and Consumptions from Puerto Rican Tropical Forest Soils
- Evaluating the Function and Filtration Capabilities of a Retrofitted Parking Lot Bioswale in Detroit, MI
- Evaluating the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance towers across the Arctic Alaska
- Evaluation of Under-ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Fully-coupled, High-resolution Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Evidence for Alteration and Diagenesis at Gale Crater, Mars from the Curiosity Rover
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Expanding a seasonal forecast of US West Nile virus for 21<SUP>st</SUP> century disease projections
- Expert Assessment of Organic Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability in Subsea Permafrost
- Exploring the Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Characteristics on Environmental Indices under Different Climate Regimes Using High-Resolution, Coupled CESM
- Exploring the interactions between thermal hydrology, soil structure, and dynamic topography in warming polygonal tundra
- Feature Detection and Geovisualisation from LiDAR point clouds and Aerial Photography using Bayesian Non Parametric Clustering
- From symmetric to asymmetric magnetic reconnection rate
- Fully Spectral, Fully Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Turbulence
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Geomorphic feedbacks enhance the stability of high-centered polygons
- High Resolution Electron Measurements Reveal Previously Unseen Energy Dependence in ULF wave Interactions with MeV Electrons
- High Spatial Resolution Soil Temperatures Simulation over the Northern Hemisphere
- High-Energy Radiation Phenomena from Winter Thunderstorms and Lightning in Japan
- High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imaging of Dilute Gases from CubeSat Platforms
- High-Resolution Modeling using E3SM
- High-resolution full-waveform inversion and imaging of 3D seismic data from Kevin Dome for the Big Sky Carbon Storage Project
- How Local Trapping Amplifies the Effects of Heating from Magnetic Pumping
- How Uranus Fell Over: Consequences of Giant Impacts with High Resolution Simulations
- How are cold plasma plumes coupled between Magnetosphere-Plasmasphere-Ionosphere?
- Hydrocode Models of Mitigation of an Asteroid Similar to the NASA DART Mission Target S/2003 (65803) Didymos B
- Identifying and Characterizing Radiation Belt Enhancement Events Across Three Solar Cycles
- Identifying dominant barometric frequencies driving gas transport in fractured rock
- Imaging Hydraulic Fracture Propagation Using Semi-Permanent Continuous Active Seismic Source Monitoring: Results from the DOE EGS Collab Experiment
- Impact of evolving subglacial hydrology on marine ice sheet dynamics
- Impacts on water-mass transformation from ice shelf melting over the Southern Ocean
- Implementation and Testing of the Experimental Design for ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Simulations
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- In situ time-resolved XRD of shock-compressed Fe to 200 GPa
- Inner Magnetosphere Plasma Composition: RAM-SCB and Van Allen Probes HOPE Comparisons of the Heavy Ion Afternoon Bulge
- InversionNet: Accurate and Efficient Seismic Waveform Inversion with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Investigating the Formation of Laboratory Collisionless Shocks on the Big Red Ball
- Investigating the Role of Sea Ice in the Polar Carbon Cycle
- Investigation of Solar Proton Access into the Inner Magnetosphere on 11 September 2017
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- Ion And Electron Flux Predictions for the Inner Magnetosphere: Improved Energy and Spatial Coverage
- Is there a thundercloud electric field threshold for terrestrial gamma-ray flash production?
- Joint critical hydroclimate extremes for vulnerability assessment of regional stability
- Key role of substorm injections in triggering EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Kinetic Simulations of Fast Reconnection in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- Large Scale Surface Deformation Measurements Using InSAR From Sentinel-1
- Large-scale Compression Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in a Low-beta Plasma
- Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Operations, Research, and Mission Concepts
- Long-range transported biomass burning aerosol observed in Eastern North Atlantic
- Loss of radiation belt electrons through the action of broadband electromagnetic waves.
- Low-Yield Seismic Source Discrimination Using Local and Regional Observations
- Low-altitude ionization and Pedersen conductivity layer associated with energetic electron precipitaiton
- Machine Learning Reveals a Fingerprint of Slow Earthquakes in Seismic Data
- Machine learning reveals the spatial and temporal dynamics simulated slip events in a sheared granular fault gouge
- Mapping energetic particle injection regions using multipoint observations in the inner magnetosphere
- Mapping out the plasmasphere: How to arrive at robust results for plasmasphere-radiation belt interactions in the light of diverging techniques to measure cold plasma.
- Maps and statistics of lightning-generated power estimated at the Van Allen Probes footprints from the World-Wide Lightning Location Network database
- Measuring geomagnetic cutoff with Global Positioning System energetic proton data
- Methodology for Seamlessly Coupling Discrete Fracture Network and 3D Continuum Models of Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Microseismic Event Detection Methods using Single or Multiple Stations for Monitoring CO2 Storage Sites
- Microseismic event detection and location at the Farnsworth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR field: Preliminary results
- Microseismic monitoring of meso-scale stimulations for the DOE EGS Collab project at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- Model Reduction of Flow Through Fractured Media Using Graph Theoretic and Machine Learning Approaches
- Modeling Marine Ice Cliff Instability: Higher resolution leads to lower impact
- Modeling the Magnetopause Shadowing Loss during the June 2015 Dropout Event
- Modeling the dynamics of ring current electrons inside GEO: comparison with Van Allen Probe observations and sensitivity to boundary conditions
- Modeling the impacts of plant hydraulics in tropical forest response to drought
- Modeling the role of preferential snow accumulation in through talik development and hillslope groundwater flow in a transitional permafrost landscape
- Modulation at the solar rotation period of outer belt electrons, plasmapause location, convection electric field, hiss and chorus waves over the Van Allen Probes mission
- Monitoring Changes in Groundwater Storage with Gravity, Ground Displacement, and Seismic Observations
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning: A statistical investigation into volcanic electrification and seismic/infrasound signals
- Multi-fluid Ten-Moment and Fully Kinetic Modeling of Ganymede's magnetosphere: A Comparative Study
- Multi-site critical zone process understanding through standardized and automated data ingestion and model-data coupling
- Multidimensional Numerical Modeling of Coupled Heat and Fluid Flow Processes Within Marine Sediment Ponds
- Near-Earth Magnetotail Responses to Prolonged Extreme Solar Wind/IMF Driving
- Near-Source Mechanism for Creating Shear Content from Buried Explosions
- North-Central New Mexico Seismicity Updates Using the Los Alamos Seismic Network
- Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Ozone and the Polar Vortex: SPEs and SSWs
- Novel Machine Learning Methods for Extraction of Features Characterizing Complex Datasets and Models
- Nowcasting energetic electron fluxes for GPS orbits
- Observations of tidally-varying ocean bottom pressure near the grounding zone of the Ross Ice Shelf
- On Electron Heating in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnectiomn
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- On the Role of the Last Closed Drift Shell in Fast Losses and Ultra-relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Van Allen Belts
- OrganiCam: A lightweight time-resolved panoramic fluorescence imager and Raman spectrometer for icy world organic detection and characterization
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Pairwise Association of Common Source Seismic Arrivals Applying a Convolutional Neural Network
- Pan-arctic flux of soil organic carbon to rivers by river bank erosion
- Parametric Experiments In Mitigating Spacecraft Charging Via Plasma Contactor
- Parametric study of magnetospheric sawtooth events using a kinetic tail reconnection model embedded into a global MHD simulation
- Particle Acceleration in Magnetic Island Coalescence Simulations.
- Particle-in-cell Simulation of Generating Electron Acoustic Double Layers
- Patterns in Seismic Energy and Earthquake Hazard in Northern Chile
- PlasmaPy: A Community Python Package for Plasma Physics
- Predicting deltaic morphological change on a global scale
- Predicting geomagnetic indices and ground magnetic field fluctuations in the face of uncertain solar wind driving
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution Coupled Simulation using E3SM
- Preparing Our Coastlines for Climate Security Threats
- Preservation of Organic Matter on Mars: The Role of the Mineral Matrix
- Probabilistic Machine Learning Forecasting of Short Term Volcanic Inflation and Deflation Processes
- Probing groundwater using Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurements in southern California
- Probing slow and fast slip events in the laboratory applying machine learning
- Probing the Bi-Directional Magnetic Reconnection Outflow Region of An Eruptive Solar Flare with Microwave Spectroscopic Imaging
- Quantifying Heating by Magnetic Pumping through in situ Spacecraft Observations
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage in permafrost river floodplains
- Quantifying the role of off-fault plastic failure in reconciling differing geodetic and geologic slip rates along the San Andreas fault in the Santa Cruz Mountains, CA using thermochronology and finite element modeling
- RAM-SCBE Simulations of the March 2017 CIR-Driven Storm Period
- Radiation Belt Response to Fast Reverse Shock at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Radiation and Overall Energy Budget of Earthquake Ruptures with Secondary Dynamic Fracturing in Off-fault Medium
- Rare Earth Element (REE) profiles as a tool for uranium ore provenance assessment
- Recent developments towards a Bayesian framework for seismoacoustic association and localization
- Recreating Magnetopause Reconnection in Simulations and the Laboratory: New Results from the Terrestrial Reconnection Experiment (TREX)
- Revisiting the Ridge Push Force: Insights from the Global Lithospheric Geoid
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Science-Informed Planning for Space Weather Preparedness: Using Space Weather Models to Assess and Optimize Response Strategies
- Sea ice modulated convection processes in the Nordic Seas
- Sensitivity of grounding line flux change to ice shelf kinematics and dynamics
- Signatures of Alfven-mode and Slow-mode Waves and Structures in 3D Compressive MHD Turbulence
- Simulating Adiabatic Transport of Observed O+ Enhancements in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet into the Ring Current.
- Simulating Electric Field Effects on Cosmic Ray Particle and Radio Frequency Observations
- Simulating Ground Magnetic Perturbations during Extreme Storm Sudden Impulses Using RAM-SCB and the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Simulating Pine Island Glacier Extents Under Multiple Forcing Scenarios Using Damage Mechanics
- Simulating drought-induced forest mortality for rainforests within ELM-FATES
- Simulating groundwater surface water interactions across the continental US with an integrated hydrologic model
- Simulations of the 2003 Halloween Storms and their generated GICs using RAM-SCBE and the SWMF.
- Software for Ice Sheet Model Validation Using Recently Available and Extensible Datasets
- Sounding The Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Sources, Sinks and Processing of Newly Formed Particles in the Remote Free Troposphere: Comparing In Situ-Measurements from the Nasa Atmospheric Tomography Mission with Chemistry Climate Models
- SpacePy: Space Physics in the Scientific Python Community
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Pore Water Chemistry and Stable Isotopes at Tropical Three Hillslopes: El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico
- Stability of asymmetric magnetic reconnection x-line in periodic systems — an implication to laminar vs. turbulent diffusion region.
- Stellar Activity Levels from X-ray Observations of Solar-Analog Superflare Stars
- Stimulation of anaerobic organic matter decomposition by subsurface organic N addition in tundra soils
- Storm-time Dynamics of Birkeland and Ionospheric Currents: Toward Diagnosing Proximal Physical Drivers of Geomagnetically Induced Currents
- Structural Characterization and Temporal Evolution of the Heavy Ion Afternoon Bulge
- Study of Greenland subglacial hydrology at medium-high resolutions
- Study on the radial diffusion of energetic protons in the inner magnetosphere
- Studying Magnetospheric Collisionless Beam Instabilities and ULF Waves in the Laboratory
- Substorm Injections Inside, Outside, and At Geosynchronous Orbit
- Subsurface-representative bond strength and sliding friction measurements of the well cement and casing steel interface
- Supporting the Tibetan Plateau: Coupling of Surface Topography and Upper Mantle Dynamic Processes
- Temporal Variance in Arctic Polygonal Ground Surface Water Sources
- Testing the Effects of Velocity Models for Seismic Location in the DNE18 Virtual Experiment
- The 2018 Dynamic Networks Data Processing and Analysis Experiment (DNE18)
- The Acceleration of Energetic Electrons at the Solar Flare Termination Shock
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model Version 1: Overview and Evaluation at Standard Resolution
- The DOE E3SM coupled model version 1: Ocean Mean State biases and Historical Transient Variability.
- The Development of Chorus, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- The Dynamical Behavior of Reconnection-driven Termination Shocks in a Solar Flares Model
- The Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Oxygen Ions: Global Imaging and In Situ Sampling
- The East River, Colorado Community Watershed: Hydrobiogeochemical Studies Spanning Scales and Disciplines
- The Effect of Helium on Low Earth Orbit Atmospheric Drag
- The FLARE Device for Next-Step Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection on Multiple Scales and Its First Plasma Operation
- The Impact of the Deformation History on the Microstructural Evolution of Polycrystalline Olivine and How It Affects the Interpretation of Mantle Seismic Anisotropy
- The Next Generation of Cryosphere Science for "Navigating" the New Arctic
- The Open Source PFLOTRAN Simulator
- The Possibility of the Ground Based Detection of Gamma Rays from the Reverse Positron Beam of a TGF.
- The Relationships Between Plume Dynamics and Volcanic Electrification as Measured by a Lightning Mapping Array: a Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano, 2015
- The effect of soil microbial communities on variation in physiological responses to drought in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) seedlings
- The expansion of the wildfire season in the western US as seen through FIRETEC
- The formation of power-law particle energy spectrum in three-dimensional low-beta magnetic reconnection
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The impact of multiphase flows on energy storage: insights from microfluidics
- The impact of the representation of Antarctic freshwater fluxes on the Southern Ocean in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM).
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The responses of coordinated xylem-phloem-photosynthetic machinery system to varying environmental conditions
- Three-dimensional simulation of sheared granular fault gouge using the combined finite-discrete element method
- Toward full ice sheet-ocean coupling in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Towards Quantifying Multi-model Uncertainty in Antarctic Basal Melt Rate using High-resolution Regional Ocean Modeling
- Towards an operational network for continuous measurements of Surface Mass Balance and related firn processes over the interior of Greenland and Antarctica
- Turbulence in a wildland fire - a micrometeorological perspective
- Ultrasensitive, Compact, Fixed and Mobile Natural Gas leak Detections Systems based on the new MIRA Laser-based sensor platform
- Uncertainty Analysis in Absolute Detection Efficiency of Coincident Particle Instrumentation
- Understanding Controls on Arctic Soil Moisture Using In-Situ Soil Moisture and Thaw Depth Observations and Airborne SAR Data at Barrow and Seward Peninsulas, Alaska
- Understanding the Control of Hydraulic Traits in Tropical Forests Using a Hydrodynamic Model Within a Demographic Vegetation Model
- Using Last Glacial Maximum proxy data and a large ensemble of climate simulations to constrain an estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Using Phase Amplitude Ratios to Differentiate Blast, Collapse, and Fault Slip Seismic Events from Deep Gold Mines in South Africa
- Using a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model to model prescribed fire behavior for different ignition techniques
- Using process-based fire models to advance ecological knowledge beyond fire effects
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Rising Tones: Occurrence Statistics
- Variable-resolution ocean model improves physics at reduced computational cost
- Vegetation Impacts on Alluvial Groundwater Temperature and Hydrology of a Wetland; Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos NM
- Vent Discharges Produced by Explosive Volcanic Eruptions: Characteristics, Signatures, and Volcano Monitoring Applications
- What Can Microseismicity at the First EGS Collab Site Tell Us About the Subsurface Fracture Network?
- What Causes Radiation Belt Enhancements: A Look at the Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence
- What are dominant processes controlling subsurface geochemical exports in a multi-scale terrestrial ecosystem?
- Wind Perturbations Drive Variability in Wildland Fire Outcomes
- XRD of shock-compressed Gibeon meteorite to 100 GPa
- "Patchy" Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- 3D characterisation of an offshore freshened groundwater system in a passive siliciclastic margin: Canterbury Bight, New Zealand
- <SUB>Watershed process understanding through automated multi source data ingestion and model-data coupling</SUB>
- A Bayesian Modeling Approach for Improved Land Use Classification
- A Data-driven Approach to Predict Sediment Settling Velocity
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties to Constrain Models: Results from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A high-resolution discrete element sea ice model for simulating sea ice dynamics
- A migration of West Nile virus in the United States in response to climate change
- A multi-signature procedure for substorm identification
- A neural network based small seismic event detector
- A semi-implicit barotropic mode solver for the MPAS-Ocean
- Active-learning for upscaling nano-confinement effects
- Ambient noise correlations from a dense seafloor seismic observation network (S-net) offshore Honshu, Japan
- An analytic approximation for momentum enhancement in asteroid mitigation
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Are fractured carbonate rocks an appropriate geological medium for nuclear waste disposal? Lessons from a field-scale transport experiment
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal d<SUP>18</SUP>O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Assessing the hydrologic resilience of coastal wetlands at the Southeastern US under climate disturbances: the critical role of regional-scale hydrologic interaction
- Assessing the vulnerability of coastal vegetation to climate change using a dynamic vegetation model
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Automatic classification of plasma regions using 3D energy distributions
- B-SPICE: The Beam-Spacecraft Plasma Interaction and Charging Experiment
- Bayesian Analysis of Infrasound Observations for Atmospheric Parameter Update, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Application to the Humming Road Runner Dataset
- Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Linear Inverse Models: An Application to High-Latitude Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of a vegetation demographic model in a mixed conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
- Bridging stomatal kinetics and plant water use strategies using a dynamic optimality principle
- Broadband RF Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP) Observations Reveals new Physics Insights into Lightning Discharge Processes
- Bulk Hydration of the Glen Torridon Clay-rich Unit in Gale Crater, Mars
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Capillary Pressure Derived Relative Permeability Relationships
- Changes in Joint Climate Extremes in the Colorado River Basin
- Characterization of Nanopores in Shale at Elevated Pressure Using Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)
- Characterizing Tropical Cyclone Simulation in E3SM
- Chemical attribution of enhanced absorption by aged wildfire aerosol in smoke plumes from the Woodbury Fire, Arizona
- Climate variability and fill rate impacts on downstream flows from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
- Combining an Underground Explosive Source Model with the Rayleigh Integral to Predict Acoustic Signals from the Source Physics Experiment
- Comparative study on chorus waves and energetic electron variations during CIR-driven storms between the Arase observations and RAM-SCB and electron hybrid simulations
- Comparing soil moisture and geochemistry in continuous versus discontinuous permafrost watersheds in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA.
- Computing Mass Flux in Perennial, Intermittent, and Ephemeral Streams across Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- Configuration of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliosphere from Polarized Starlight
- Connectivity goes both ways: Seawater infiltration influences biogeochemical linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
- Continent-Wide R1/R2 Current System and Ohmic Losses by Broad Dipolarization-Injection Fronts
- Coupling ice-shelf basal melt rates in the Energy Exascale Earth System (E3SM) Model
- Creating A Training Data Set For A Convolutional Neural Network Classifier To Map Landslides
- Creating a Densely Instrumented Subsurface Observatory: Combining Active/Passive Seismic Arrays and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Fracture Characterization at the COLLAB Facility
- Cross-Scale Physics: MMS, TWINS, and Van Allen Probes Observations of Substorm Dipolarization
- Damage Mechanics as an Alternative to Minimum Thickness Criteria for Ice Shelves
- Data Assimilation for the Radiation Belt Environment using the Four-Dimensional Variational Method
- Data Assimilative Optimization of WSA Source Surface and Interface Radii using Particle Filtering
- December 18, 2018 Bering Sea Bolide: NASA Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Observations and Hydrocode Simulations
- Deep learning InSAR: atmospheric noise removal and small deformation signal extraction from InSAR time series using a convolutional autoencoder
- Dense Northern Chile Catalog with Graph-Theory-Based Earthquake Arrival Associations
- Detecting and Identifying Nuclear Reactor Operational Events using Seismo-acoustic Signals
- Diagnosing the sensitivity of grounding line flux to changes in sub-ice shelf melting
- Direct entry and radial dependence of O<SUP>+</SUP> in the near-Earth plasma sheet
- Discussing the Formation of Artificial Phase Space Density Peaks in the Outer Radiation Belt During Storms
- Dissipation of kinetic Alfvenic turbulence as a function of ion and electron temperature ratios
- Do hydraulic safety margins vary across a tropical rainfall gradient? Evidence from an El Niño drought
- Early Detection of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Using VHF Radiation from Vent Discharges
- Elasto-Visco Plastic Modeling of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (pv) + MgO Deformation : Applicability for Understanding the Multiphase Rheology of the Lower Mantle
- Electron mixing in the exhaust of asymmetric magnetic reconnection with a guide field
- Enabling Scientists in Public Engagement and Communication Efforts
- Energy Conversion in Multiple Interacting Magnetic Islands
- Enhancing Skill of Initialized Decadal Predictions using a Dynamic Model of Drift
- Ensemble modeling to predict space weather impacts on the North American power grid
- Establishing a Link between Near-tail and Geosynchronous Dipolarizations and Energetic Ion Flux Variations during Storm Main Phases
- Evaluating the surface mass balance from E3SM with LIVVkit 3.0
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evaluation of E3SM snowpack and firn initialization and early 20th century simulations
- Examining how ignition patterns control consumption of surface and canopy fuels using coupled fire-atmospheric models
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Exploring the physics of sawtooth oscillations from MHD-EPIC simulations
- FORTE Perspectives on the Physical Origins of Common Optical Lightning Phenomena Observed from Space
- Factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil moisture derived from airborne SAR in watersheds near Nome and in Utguiavik, Alaska
- Fast reconnection in partially ionized plasmas
- Feasibility of active seismic and electromagnetic methods for detecting secondary CO<SUB>2</SUB> plumes
- Fine-scale temporal characteristics of pulsating aurora: dependence on background parameters in the magnetospheric source region
- Fire Effects on Vegetation: Towards a Process Model Linking Fire Behaviour, Plant Traits, and Plant Physiology
- First global images of ion energization in the terrestrial foreshock region by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX)
- Forecasting Hurricane-induced Power Outage with Unknown Distribution Network
- Fully Coupled Variable Resolution Sea Ice Simulations in E3SM
- Fusing magnetotelluric, magnetic observatory and power grid sensor data with real-time power flow analysis: Providing actionable information to mitigate risk to the power grid from geomagnetic disturbances/EMP
- Geochemical Composition and Alteration History of the Clay-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks of Glen Torridon (Gale Crater, Mars) Analyzed by the ChemCam Instrument
- Global magnetospheric dynamics with reduced kinetic models
- Gravity Modeling Using Surface and Underground Surveys at a Tunnel
- Ground-based and Automobile GHG Measurements in the GOSAT and OCO Western US Campaign
- Groundwater and surface water interactions in the Valles Caldera Watershed, New Mexico: an evaluation of water chemistry sensitivity to precipitation variability
- HOPE and RAM-SCB Comparisons of Inner Magnetosphere Oxygen Enhancement Events
- Habitat Suitability Model; Building Towards Predictive Fire-Land Management Framework
- Harnessing Satellite 4D SAR for Glacier Surface Tracking over Khumbu Glacier at Mount Everest
- Heat Generating Nuclear Waste in Bedded Salt: WIPP Experiments and Simulations
- Heating of Heavy Ions in Low-beta Compressible Turbulence
- High-Precision Equation of State Measurements Using Microfabricated Materials
- High-resolution Modeling of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in the Columbia River Subbasin at the Hanford Reach
- High-resolution machine-learning-based quantification of spatial heterogeneity in ice wedge polygon geomorphology
- How do Different Stress Regimes Affect Transport in Three-Dimensional Fracture Networks?
- How do Earthquakes Evolve?
- How do channel-hillslope feedbacks modulate river canyon evolution?
- IBEX Ribbon Separation Using Consecutive Six-Month ENA Skymaps
- Ice covered delta dynamics
- Ice-shelf ocean boundary layer dynamics from large-eddy simulations
- Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
- Identifying and comparing Antarctic continental shelf water masses in models and observations
- Imaging the structure of solifluction lobes in the Garner Run Subcatchment of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory using 2D Seismic Refraction Tomography
- Impact Hazard Mitigation of a Highly Porous Contact Binary Asteroid.
- Impact of Loss Processes on Modeling the Ring Current
- Impact of the urban built environments on pedestrian exposure to ultrafine particles
- Impact on WSA coronal and solar wind predictions when optimizing its data drivers and model parameters
- Impacts of ice-shelf melting on water mass transformation in the Southern Ocean from E3SM simulations
- Impacts of improved cryospheric surface shortwave radiative transfer scheme SNICAR-AD on fully-coupled Earth system simulations
- Improving the representation of Arctic ecosystem responses to climate change in an Earth system model through multi-scale integration of observations, experiments, and simulations.
- In situ strength measurement of shock-compressed iron via time-resolved X-ray diffraction
- Inertial Effects in Pore-scale Fluid Displacement in Real Rock Geometries
- Inner Magnetosphere Multiscale Modeling and Validation
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Insights from Integrated Thermal Hydrology Simulations of an Arctic Watershed with Isolated Permafrost
- Integrated Coastal Modeling of Human and Earth System Processes in the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Interactions between Cold Plasmaspheric Electrons and ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere: A statistical Study
- Intermittency of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Multi-decadal Variability: Quantification and Mechanisms
- Investigating Boron in Clay-Rich Units on Mars using Active Neutron Analysis
- Investigating energetic ion precipitation effects on ionosphere associated with FLC and EMIC waves
- Investigation of Cold Proton Heating and Statistical Analysis of Ion Pitch Angle Distribution using Van Allen Probes and MMS
- Investigation of O<SUP>+</SUP> and H<SUP>+</SUP> Properties During the Evolution of Two Intense Geomagnetic Storms: Implications for Solar Wind Conditions' Effect on the Abundance of Ionospheric vs. Solar Wind Plasma Source in the Inner Magnetosphere.
- Investigation of the Spectral Nature of Quarry Blasts and Earthquakes at Local Distances in Northern Utah
- Isotopic Analysis of Sub-Nanogram Nd Samples Using New ATONA Amplifiers
- Kinetic effects in solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during a super geomagnetic storm: Ring current and its impact on the ionosphere.
- Landscape evolution modeling of endorheic-exorheic transitions in active continental rifts
- Large Environmental and Demographic Data Sets in Models for Mosquito Borne Disease Risk in Brazil and Ecuador
- Large Scale InSAR computation, analysis and presentation
- Large-scale particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection during solar flares
- Local and Statistical Maps of Lightning-Generated Wave Power Density Estimated at the Van Allen Probes Footprints From the World-Wide Lightning Location Network Database
- Loss of Organic Carbon Along with Changes in Aerosol Optical Properties in African Biomass Burning Due to Long Range Transport Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean.
- MOSART-urban: Integrated regional-scale urban flood modeling
- Machine Learning Reveals the Seismic Signature of Eruptive Behavior at Piton de la Fournaise
- Machine Learning for Estimating Methane Distribution in 2-D Nano-pores
- Machine learning emulators for reactive mixing
- Mapping the broadband and discrete components of the seismo-acoustic background noise in the Continental US
- Measuring and modeling periglacial hillslope processes, Seward Peninsula, western Alaska
- Mechanistic Fire Disturbance and Ecosystem Response Model: Cycled fire disturbances in longleaf pine ecosystems
- Medium energy electron fluxes in Earth's outer radiation belt: a machine learning model
- Meteorological and Regional Factors influencing TGE and TGF production
- Modeling flow and transport in fracture networks using machine learning and graphs
- Modeling impacts of climate-driven changes in fuel moisture on fire behavior in the southeastern U.S. longleaf pine ecosystem
- Modeling of High Strain Rate loading Experiments in Westerly Granite Using the Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method
- Modelling of Uranium Dioxide Corrosion under Flow Conditions
- Multi-resolution Cluster Analysis - Addressing Trust in Climate Classification
- Multiphase flow control on fluid-solid reactions
- National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan - implications for space weather observations and applications
- Neutral atom imaging of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction at the subsolar magnetopause
- New Mexico Tech Student Satellite (NMTSat)
- New insights into the effect of barometric variations on gas transport in fractured rock
- New theory of magnetic pumping as applied to spacecraft observations of particle heating
- Next Steps in Establishing Benchmarks for Extreme Space Weather
- Observation of Oblique Lower Band Chorus Generated by Nonlinear Wave-Wave Interaction
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Waves with Rising Tones During a Van Allen Probes Conjunction
- Observations of New Particle Formation in the Remote Atmosphere from NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Observations of plasticity of stomatal closure point in two arid-zone coniferous species.
- Ocean Parameterizations Affect the Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillation in Coupled Climate Models
- On Storm-time Losses of Ultra-relativistic Electrons in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- On the Ion Distributions at the Separatrices during Symmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- On the Ion Precipitation from the inner magnetosphere by EMIC waves
- On the Self-Similarity and Repeatability of Fast Van Allen Belt Dropouts
- On the fast magnetic reconnection rate value of order 0.1
- On the ion precipitation due to EMIC waves and field line curvature (FLC) scattering and their subsequent impact on the ionosphere
- On-orbit Calibration of GOES Electron and Proton Flux Observations for Use in an Empirical Radiation Model
- Optimization of a post data-processing method to identify local aerosol events from continuous data collected by an Aerosol Observing System (AOS) and application to three years of data at Eastern North Atlantic (ENA)
- Optimization of the K-Profile Parameterization Using Machine Learning
- Optimizing Array Processing for Signals with Very Narrow Spectral Components
- OrganiCam: A lightweight time-resolved fluorescence imager and Raman spectrometer for icy world organic detection and characterization
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Outer-belt electrons' drift resonance with ULF waves driven by solar wind: knowledge from Van Allen Probe mission
- Particle Transport in Fractured Networks: 3D Tracking to Resolve Surface-particle and Fluid-particle Interactions
- Partnering for a Resilient and Secure Arctic: National Labs and University of Alaska
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Permafrost control on river migration along the Koyukuk River, AK
- Pervasive water-rich, fracture-associated alteration halos in Gale crater, Mars
- Plasmasphere, Torus, and Cloak: An Initial View of the Typical Distribution of Cold-to-Warm Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere during the Van Allen Probes Era
- Platforms for Diversity: Providing a platform for scientists to communicate their science and encourage diversity in STEM among high school students
- Potential for tipping point in melting beneath Filcher-Ronne Ice Shelf triggered by melt from neighboring ice shelves
- PreMevE 2.0: Neural Network Based Predictive Model for MeV Electrons in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Precise Relative Magnitude and Relative Location Estimates of Low-Magnitude Industrial Blasts in Pennsylvania and Wyoming
- Pressure Tensor Elements Breaking the Frozen-In Law During Reconnection inEarth's Magnetotail
- Pro-L* - A Probabilistic L* Mapping Tool for Ground Observations to the Magnetic Equator
- Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Quantifying land and ocean carbon cycle responses to climate variability using Earth system satellite observations
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage due to bank erosion in permafrost-dominated river floodplains
- Quantifying the effect of magnetic field line curvature scattering on the Rapid Loss of ring current ions
- Quantifying the influence of soil, snowpack, topography and vegetation properties on soil hydro-thermal behavior across an Arctic watershed in a discontinuous permafrost environment
- Quantitative risk assessment of geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage using plume mobility metrics
- RSTT Canada: A revised local- and regional-scale velocity model for improved event location
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Rapid Mineral Precipitation During Shear Fracturing of Carbonate-Rich Shales
- Rapid viscoelastic deformation slows marine ice sheet instability at Pine Island Glacier
- Recent Progress Towards a Radiation Belt Remediation Strategy Based on Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Reduction of Southern Ocean wave biases due to iceberg, sea ice, ocean-current, and atmospheric drag interactions
- Refining Infrasonic Detection Algorithms using Ground Truth Events
- Regional CH4 column gradients over Tanana Flats wetlands in interior Alaska
- Regional Observations of Methane Emissions from California's Dairies using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Regional Variation of Fine-Scale Structure of Earth's Inner Core
- Relationship between DPRK Nuclear Events and Near-Field Response to Chemical Explosions in the Source Physics Experiment Series
- Remote Geochemical and Mineralogical Analyses under Venus Surface Conditions
- Representation of Mesoscale Processes in the High-Latitude Southern Ocean of High-Resolution Earth System Models
- Resolving small scale GIC effects: What is our capability?
- Results of the ISMIP6 Standalone Greenland Ice Sheet Projections
- Revealing channel network control on seasonal lake area dynamics in Arctic deltas
- River corridor dynamics in permafrost regions under a changing climate: detecting signatures of change and assessing implications for geomorphic processes and the carbon cycle
- Robust Geologic Framework Models for Improved Detection, Discrimination, and Characterization of Underground Explosions
- Scoreboard of the Inner Magnetosphere Charging Environment: Realtime Validation of an Ensemble of Community Models
- Sculpting Visualization: Expanding the Vocabulary of Scientific Visualization, Facilitating the Construction of Engaging Communication of Complex Science
- Sensitivity of Coupled Solid Earth - Ice Sheet Models to Coupling Timescale and Earth Rheology
- Setting a Lower Limit on the TGF Avalanche Volume by the Presence of a Reverse (Positron) Bremsstrahlung Beam
- Signatures of RF Polarization Related to Relativistic Discharge Processes
- Simulating characteristics of oxygen isotope in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Simulating the role of fire in forest structure and functional type coexistence: Testing FATES-SPITFIRE in California forests
- Simulation of multiphase CO<SUB>2</SUB> migration in storage reservoir using discrete fracture network model
- Software Tools for SALSA3D Model Interrogation, Event Location and Travel-Time Computation
- Solar Energetic Proton Access and Trapping in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Solar Wind-magnetosphere Interaction During the Paleomagnetic Polarity Reversal
- Solid-State Detectors: A Novel Space Mass Spectrometry Technique
- Sounding the Dimensions of the Heliosphere Using the Time-Correlation Between IBEX ENA Observations and the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Source complexity of the 2018 Mw 8.2 Tonga earthquake and its relationship to the slab geometry
- Spacecraft Charging and Spacecraft Velocity Effects on Low Energy Plasma Distribution Functions
- Spall Generated by Underground Nuclear Tests in the United States
- Statistical analysis for trunk structure of ring current ions using Arase ion observations
- Statistics of 2D Electron-Scale Reconnection in Inertial Kinetic-Alfvén Turbulence
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Test of a Multigrid Method for Ionospheric Temperature Modeling
- Testing the Effects of Geologic Models on Simulation Performance of the NPE
- Testing the Effects of Velocity Models for Seismic Location in the DNE18 Virtual Experiment
- The Acceleration of Energetic Electrons at the Solar Flare Termination Shock
- The Antarctic Slope Front and cross-shelf hydrography in a E3SMv1 high-resolution coupled simulation
- The Beam Plasma Interactions Experiment (Beam PIE): A sub-orbital active experiment
- The CXD Combined Electron and Proton Flux Calculation
- The Critical Role of Plasmasphere in Shaping the Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The Distribution and Occurrence of Solifluction Lobes and their Role in Mediating Hillslope Biogeochemistry
- The Emergence of Stable Laws for Breakthrough Curves in Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks
- The Formation of Power-law Energy Spectrum in 3D Low-beta Magnetic Reconnection
- The GPS Constellation of Satellites as a Global Proton Sensor Network
- The Los Alamos Seismic Network: History and Monitoring of North-Central New Mexico Seismicity
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition
- The Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to Image Solifluction Lobes in the Garner Run Subcatchment of The Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The effect of temperature and ontogeny on the physiological mechanism of drought-induced tree mortality in pines
- The impact of storm-time ion composition changes in the near-earth plasma sheet on ring current pressure development
- The importance and challenge of thresholds in calibrating landscape evolution models
- The influence of environmental microseismicity on detection and interpretation of small-magnitude ice quakes in a polar glacial setting: quantifying uncertainty
- The release routes of the Beaufort Gyre freshwater and its impact on the North Atlantic
- The role of advection and matrix diffusion in power-law scaling behavior of first passage times in three-dimensional discrete fracture networks
- The role of field line curvature (FLC) scattering on ring current dynamics and ionospheric electrodynamics
- The role of seasonality and climatic factors in the spatiotemporal transmission dynamics of dengue in Brazil
- The trait-rate linkage: How well do structural and hydraulic traits predict interspecific differences in response to drought?
- Thermal-Hydrological Models Consistent with Low Effective Porosity for Subseafloor Transport in the Upper Crust, Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Three dimensional simulations of lower-hybrid instabilities in moderate guide-field magnetotail reconnection
- Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical Properties in Nine Wildfire Plumes Sampled During the BBOP Field Campaign
- Time-lapse monitoring for CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection at Farnsworth EOR field using 3D double-difference elastic-waveform inversion
- Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates from California Dairies by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Towards the inclusion of osmotic potential in plant hydrodynamics models to capture mangrove forest responses to changing climate
- Trait-Specific Seasonal Shifts in Tropical Tree Water Use and Soil Water Extraction Patterns in the Central Amazon
- Transport, Composition, and Lifetime of Extreme Wildfire Smoke to Assess their Impacts
- Two- and Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Coupled Fluid and Heat Flow Processes Beneath a Marine Sediment Pond
- Uncertainty Quantification and Decision Making Under Uncertainty for Integrated Coastal Systems
- Understanding Asteroid 16 Psyche's Composition through 3D Hydrocode Impact Crater Models
- Understanding integrated hydrology and geochemistry processes in a mountainous watershed using the Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS)
- Understanding snow patterns for improved earth system modeling in the Arctic
- Understanding the Effects of Fluid Injection on Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma using Machine Learning
- Understanding the interplay of rooting strategy and plant hydraulic traits on the response of forest stands to climate variation of California
- Universality of Fast Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection under High Landquist Number
- Unlocking the Enhanced Geospatial Features of 4D SAR for 3D Machine Vision and Global Change Discovery and Monitoring
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- Using new paleoseismic data to reevaluate fault system interdependence: a case study from the Pajarito fault system, Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico
- Utilizing the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory to Understand Particle Injections: Their Scale Sizes and Propagation Directions
- Variability of the Southern Annular Mode and Southern Ocean Surface Westerly Winds in E3SM
- Water Quality Monitoring in Ephemeral Streams Associated with Sediment Transport Mitigation Structures
- What origin(s) for the millennial-timescale variations in rock magnetic parameters observed in northeastern Bulgarian loess through MIS 6 ?
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) from 20-130 GPa
- X-ray Diffraction of Shock-Compressed Gibeon Meteorite to 136 GPa
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- 3-D Simulations of Seismo-acoustic Coupling over Topography
- 3D VSP anisotropic inversion for the Farnsworth CO<SUB>2</SUB>-EOR field
- A Generic Machine Learning Procedure for Detecting Seismic Events
- A Global-Scale In Situ Dataset of Aerosol Properties from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- A New Method to Retrieve Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A Performance Metric for Objective Discovery of Leading-Order Dynamics through Unsupervised Machine Learning
- A Physics-Constrained Deep Learning Model for Simulating Multiphase Flow in Fully Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Reservoirs
- A Pump-Probe Analysis of Nonlinear Elastic Behavior in Oklahoma
- A deep Learning approach for detecting transient deformation in InSAR
- A new record of the methane inter-polar difference across the Last Deglaciation
- A reactive transport model for integrated surface-subsurface hydrology
- Adding Utility to Automated Snow Depth Measurements Across a Number of Remote Sites in Subarctic and Arctic Alaska
- Addressing and Adapting to National Security Implications of a Changing Climate in Coastal Regions
- Adjoint Tomography of the North Island, New Zealand Using an Automated Workflow
- An Investigation of Geostationary Lightning Mapper Flash Extent
- An evaluation of the subtropical eastern North Pacific SST bias in the E3SM v1
- Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) over the Seward Peninsula using Machine Learning Techniques
- Anisotropic Electron Fluid Closure Validated by in situ Spacecraft Observations in the far Exhaust of Guide-Field Reconnection
- Antarctic ice sheet ensemble studies to better quantify uncertainties in sea level rise
- Anthropogenic Warming Increased Ponderosa Pine Mortality by 20% During 2012-2015 Mega-drought in the Sierra Nevada.
- Artificial Ablation in Hydrocode Simulations of Collisional Airbursts
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Live Fuel Moisture and Wildfire Danger Using a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Assessing the potential capability of reconstructing glacial Atlantic water masses and AMOC using multiple proxies in CESM
- Assessment of infrasound location capabilities using ground truth infrasonic events from the Utah Test and Training Range, Utah, USA
- Assimilating glaciological and geochronological data into ice-flow models to constrain the deglaciation of Beardmore Glacier, Transantarctic Mountains
- Automated Mapping of Arctic Floodplains to Improve Estimates of Sediment and Carbon Fluxes
- Bayesian model for uncertainty in the HOPE Mass Spectrometer time-of-flight matrix
- Beam dynamics modeling of the Beam Plasma Interaction Experiment
- Benchmarking organic detection limits with OrganiCam, the prototype time-resolved fluorescence imager and Raman spectrometer for remote sensing from an Ocean World lander or from a Mars helicopter mission
- Black carbon aerosol mixing state in fresh and aged wildfire smoke: Harmonizing Instruments, Laboratory and Field Studies
- Building A 3-D Map of the Heliosphere with IBEX
- Catchment Controls on Solute Exports in a Small Headwater Catchment Underlain with Discontinuous Permafrost
- Characterizing the Distribution of Lakes on Arctic Deltas
- Climate Change Precipitation Impacts on Residual in situ Groundwater Contaminants
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Comparative study of ions, electrons flux and pressure variations in inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms using Arase observations, RAM-SCB simulations and ground magnetic data
- Comparing Higher-dimensional Velocity Models for Seismic Location Accuracy using a Consistent Travel Time Framework
- Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed
- Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150 Year, and Longer Simulations
- Comprehensive Numerical Study of Fluid Displacement in Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Microstructures with Consideration of Inertial Effects
- Compressible turbulence and density fluctuations in the solar wind
- Controls on conifer coexistence in a vegetation demographic model
- Correcting Area Burned in Earth System Models Using a Probabilistic Representation of Sub-Grid Topography
- Coupled modeling of the interplay between dynamic vegetation and integrated hydrology in the coastal environment.
- Crustal fingering facilitates free-gas methane migration through the hydrate stability zone
- Deep Coupling Between Geothermal and Magmatic Systems: Insights from Numerical Models
- Deep Learning Enhanced Seismic Catalog for Oklahoma
- Defining the Most Hazardous Radiation Belt Enhancement Events Based on Probability Distributions
- Detection Limits for Supercam's Transmission Spectrometer Aboard the Perseverance Rover: Capabilities and Implications for Raman Spectroscopy on Mars
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups
- Drivers and Impacts of Southern Ocean Polynyas in High-Resolution Earth System Models
- Dry season soil moisture dynamics along secondary forest succession in Panama: impacts of soil hydraulic properties vs. tree root profile
- Dynamics and Magnitude of California's Dairy Methane Emissions Measured using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- EMIC wave induced proton precipitation : Comparison of BATSRUS+RAM-SCB simulations with multi-instrument observations
- Earthquake Source Characterization with Graphical Deep Learning
- Effects of a localized dipolarization front on energetic particle injections inside geosynchronous orbit
- Efficient Ray Tracing for Exploring TEC Estimation Uncertainty from On-orbit Recovered VHF Lightning Events
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Environmental Triggering of Seismicity in California
- Estimating Dairy Methane Emissions from California's San Joaquin Valley Using Multi-species Observations
- Estimating Material and Environmental Parameters for Spacecraft Charging using van allen probes Data
- Estimating earthquake magnitude and location from prompt elasto-gravity signal using deep learning
- Evaluating Aerosol Solar Reflection Climate Models by Post Stratospheric Mass Injection Response Observations
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- Evaluation of E3SMv1 Simulated Surface Winds Over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctica
- Evidence for Mobile Element Recharge in the Murray Formation near the Siccar Point Unconformity (Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars)
- ExaSheds: Advancing Watershed System Science using Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Extreme-Scale Simulation
- Examining the Relationship Between Electrical Activity and Jet Velocity During Vulcanian Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano
- Experimental Microfluidics and Computational Studies of Precipitation and Dissolution
- Exploring Fuel Spatial Heterogeneity Scales with QUIC-Fire
- Exploring Properties of Volcanic Lightning using Electric Field Change Measurements and 3D Lightning Mapping Data
- Exploring potential origins of life on Earth and Mars by determining ribose stability in the presence of borate and borate-bearing clays
- Extending the analytic approximation for calculating momentum enhancement in hazardous object mitigation scenarios with a variable ejecta velocity.
- FLARE: a collaborative research facility to study magnetic reconnection and related phenomena
- FORTE Perspectives on the Timing of Optical and Radio-Frequency Signals from Lightning
- Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) to 122 GPa
- First Round of Testing in the Brine Availability Test in Salt (BATS) at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
- First simultaneous observation of isolated proton aurora with Pc1 pulsations at subauroral latitudes by an all-sky camera and the Van Allen Probes on 16th March, 2015
- Floodplain architecture and organic carbon storage in discontinuous permafrost
- Floodplain architecture governs organic carbon storage for a meandering river in discontinuous permafrost
- Floodplain hydrogeomorphic connectivity of abandoned channels regulates the content and diversity of dissolved organic matter within sediment
- Force and moment tensor uncertainty quantification with 1D and 3D Earth models
- Forecasting Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma using Machine Learning Methods
- Formulating the Seismic Association Problem Using Graph Theory, Applications to Estimating an Efficient Solution with Quantum Computers
- Geospace Plume and Its Impact on Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists
- Glacial Heinrich events mute water isotope records at Greenland due to sea ice
- Glacial-interglacial methane cycle, what we know and don't know
- Gravity Survey and 3D Modeling at a Tunnel
- High Temperature and Pressure Regime Soot Microphysical and Chemical Analysis for Real-Time Atmospheric Detection of High Explosives
- High-pressure behavior of shock-compressed novaculite using in-situ X-ray diffraction
- How will future climate change affect prescribed fire operations across the conterminous United States?
- Hydroclimate Footprint Accompanying Asian Monsoon Water Isotope during Last Deglaciation
- Hyperresolution Hydrology on Full River Basins: Addressing Challenges in Machine Architectures and Data Integration
- Ice Sheet Model Mesh-resolution Dependence of Damage Advection and Calving
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Ice-Dominated Deltas
- Identifying ancient dune processes in the Stimson formation of Gale crater from the Greenheugh pediment to the Emerson Plateau using geochemical data from ChemCam.
- Identifying the Physical Mechanisms to Explain the Extreme Plasmaspheric Erosion for the September 2017 Storm
- Imaging Thunderclouds with the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Impact Hazard Mitigation Work at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2020: Target Property Parameter Studies, Airburst Effects, and Preparation for the DART Mission.
- Impacts of including global vegetation demography and dynamic plant competition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Implementing field line curvature scattering loss of ring current ions in RAM-SCB model
- Improved Representation of Water-Sensitive Organic Aerosol Concentrations Over North America
- Improving Predictions of Solar Energetic Particle Access at Medium Earth Orbit
- In-situ characterization of silicon deformation mechanism at high-pressure: comparison between static and dynamic compression
- In-situ experimental study of the coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical behavior at WIPP using resistivity and distributed fiber optic sensing
- Injection triggered EMIC waves and their association with enhanced convection periods
- Insights into Pre-eruptive Magma Storage, Differentiation, and Eruption Triggering from the 36.5 Ma Cueva Tuff, Organ Caldera, New Mexico
- Integrated modeling and observations of ice wedge degradation and thermokarst pool expansion
- Integration of Data, Numerical Inversion, and Unsupervised Machine Learning to Identify Hidden Geothermal Resources in Southwest New Mexico
- Inverse Problem Approach to Spacecraft Charging Simulations
- Investigating the impacts of channelized subglacial hydrology on melt rates at the margin of Humboldt Glacier in northern Greenland
- Invited Paper 703118: Multimodal imaging of plant-soil-microbe interactions using synchrotron X-rays: unraveling rhizosphere chemistry and processes
- Laboratory verification of electron-scale diffusion regions modulated by a three-dimensional instability
- Large-scale Electron Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection during Solar Flares
- Lessons and challenges in reproducible computational research from the development and application of landscape evolution models to waste site remediation
- Lightning Generated Whistler Amplitudes Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Linking tree life history characteristics and population dynamics to plant hydraulics
- Long-Range Transported Continental Aerosols Increase Observed Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Eastern North Atlantic
- MOSART-urban: a semi-distributed regional urban flood modeling framework
- Machine Learning-based Metabolic Network Modeling for Omics-integrated Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Simulations
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the Paleomagnetic Polarity Reversal
- Magnetotail Dipolarizations and Ion Flux Variationsduring the Main Phase of Magnetic Storms
- Microseismic Monitoring Using a Borehole Geophone Array at Farnsworth CO2-EOR Field
- Modeling High-Energy Disturbances in GeoRad: a Global Variable-Resolution Ionospheric Model
- Modeling the acquisition of newly thawed deep nitrogen and its impact on vegetation dynamic and ecosystem carbon cycle.
- Molecular Foundations of Humidity Dependent Absorption Enhancements by Brown Carbon Surrogates: Laboratory Observations and Mixing Rules
- Multi-scale Simulations of Massive Stratospheric Smoke Injected by the 2017 British Columbia PyroCbs
- Multiscale networks for learning fluid flow through fractured permeable media
- NACHOS: A High-Resolution Hyperspectral Imagerfor Atmospheric Trace Gas Monitoring in a CubeSat Configuration
- NRAP-Open-IAM: A New, Open-Source Code for Integrated Assessment of Geologic Carbon Storage Containment Effectiveness and Leakage Risk.
- New Electron Beam Experiments in Space and Active Spacecraft Potential Control
- New perspectives on modeling INPs in the remote marine atmosphere
- Nine Months of Seismic Network Records of Munition Disposal Reveal Multi-Scale Atmospheric Variability Controls on Near-Ground Explosion Monitoring Capabilities
- Novel Chemometric Analysis Elucidates Elemental and Mineralogical Gradients within Hydrothermal Vent Precipitates using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS): An Investigation of Analytical Techniques to Facilitate the Search for Life on Ocean Worlds
- Observation of 'neutron bursts' from Cosmic Ray Showers and relevance to ground based Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) observational campaigns.
- Observation of High-Energy Electrons Precipitated by NWC Transmitter from PROBA-V Low-Earth Orbit Satellite
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- On the Creation of Apparent Local Peaks in Electron Phase Space Density Data by Rapid Inward ULF Wave Radial Transport
- On the Similar and Repeatable Dynamics of Relativistic and Seed Electrons in the Terrestrial Van Allen Belt
- On the ion precipitation due to field line curvature (FLC) and EMIC wave scattering and their subsequent impact on the ionospheric electrodynamics
- Origin of Electron Boomerang Stripes: Localized ULF Wave-particle Interactions
- Particle Acceleration in Electron-only Reconnection in the Low Electron Beta Regime
- Particle Energization During Magnetic Reconnection With a Novel Computational Model
- Patterns and rates of soil movement and shallow failures across several small watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska.
- Perseverance's SuperCam-Raman: a Quality Assurance of Analytical Spectral Variables
- Poleward Boundary Intensifications, Auroral Streamer Production and STEVE Emissions
- Power-law formation of nonthermal electrons in 3D low-beta reconnection
- Predicting Coastal Flooding Under Long-Term Climate Change with MPAS-Ocean
- Predicting Tropical Storms Power Outages with Multidisciplinary Information for the Continental United States
- Projections of 21st century sea-level rise from Humboldt Glacier, north Greenland
- Radial Diffusion of Energetic Protons in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Radial dependence of O<SUP>+</SUP> and direct entry into the near-Earth plasma sheet (5 to 26 R<SUB>E</SUB>)
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Radio Frequency Sensor (RFS): RF Lightning Detection in Geosynchronous Orbit
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Rapid viscoelastic deformation slows marine ice sheet instability in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Rayleigh wave detection to monitor seismicity associated with brine release at Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Reconciling estimates of viscoelastic mantle structure using transient rheology - Glacial Isostatic Adjustment across North America and Antarctica
- Reducing the Energy Consumption for Supercritical Water Desalination (SCWD): A Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination
- Resonant HPC: Open Source Pre- and Post-Processing in the HPC environment using Jupyter and ParaView
- Response of a rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) to inter-annual variations in climate and nitrogen fertilization rates
- Risky trees in safe waters? Drought-sensitive trees survive on deep water access in a tropical forest community
- Riverine transport of terrestrial organic carbon in permafrost-dominated floodplains
- Role of AMOC in transient climate response to greenhouse gas forcing in two coupled models
- Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2
- Seasonal Seismicity in the Lake Biwa Region of Central Japan Moderately Modulated by Lake Water Load Change
- Seasonality of Methane Emission Estimates for California Dairy Farms by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Seismic Imaging Capability for Locating CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Leakage: A Synthetic Study
- Seismic Tomographic Modeling of Israel and the Middle East: Improved Resolution Through Optimized Model Parameterization
- Sensitivity of modeled ice-shelf basal melt rates to ocean horizontal mixing in the Energy Exascale Earth System (E3SM) Model
- Shrub-associated thermokarst detection using high density UAV-based LiDAR
- Simulating Mineral Weathering in 3D Fractured Media
- Simulating Prescribed Fire Disturbance and Longleaf Pine Ecosystem Response
- Simulating radiation belt electron dynamics with substorm injection using DREAM3D coupled with RCM-I model
- Simulating the role of electron and ion precipitation in influencing the ionospheric conductance
- Simulations of Energetic Particle Dynamics in the Coupled Inner Magnetosphere During Double-dip Storms
- Simultaneous Nonthermal Acceleration of Both Electrons and Protons in 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Small Scale dB/dt Fluctuations: Resolving and Exploring Spikes in Global Models
- Soil drips and droplets: Solifluction patterns analogous to classic fluid instabilities
- Solar Energetic Proton Access to the Inner Magnetosphere during the 7-8 September 2017 event
- Some Impacts of Heavy Ions on Near-Earth Magnetospheric Processes
- Species distribution maps of Culex mosquitos, important vectors of West Nile virus
- Statistical Comparison of Van Allen Probes Loss Cone Electron Measurements and FIREBIRD Observations for 2015-2019
- Structures at the Source Physics Experiment Phase II Site and Their Effects on Shear Wave Generation
- Subglacial channelization and spatially variable bed properties are critical to the modeling of Thwaites Glacier ice dynamics
- Substorm dynamics in MHD: Statistical validation tests and paths for improvement
- Subsurface Permeability Estimation using Deep Neural Networks
- TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER): An upcoming field campaign
- Temporal Evolution of Near-Slot Precipitation Events During and After Slot-Filling Injections
- Testing an Implementation of WRF-Hydro for the Chena River (AK) watershed
- Testing the ability of machine learning models to predict the timing of seismogenic nucleation
- The Acceleration of Energetic Particles at Coronal Shocks and Q/A Dependence of Spectral Breaks
- The Climate Response to Megafires: Uncertainty Quantification for the 2017 British Columbia Stratospheric Mass Injection Event
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Effect of Xylem on Sucrose Transport in the Phloem: Hydraulic Connectivity or Isolation?
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The Importance of Hydraulic Traits to Tropical Forest Dynamics
- The Role of Oceanic and Atmospheric Feedbacks in the Response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to a CO2 Increase
- The Role of Substorm Injections on the Extreme Geo-Effectiveness Observed in the Inner Magnetosphere on the 8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- The State of Stress in Oklahoma: Insights from Dynamic Triggering
- The application of machine learning to a parametric analysis of fluid migration during geological carbon sequestration in a sandstone reservoir
- The association between slot-filling injections and subauroral (STEVE) emissions
- The chemostatic, diluting, and flushing behavior of DOC and other analytes in the six largest Arctic rivers
- The contribution of hydraulic redistribution to transpiration in the humid tropics
- The influence of spatially variable resolution in fully coupled E3SM simulations
- The interaction between pulsed electron beams and magnetized plasmas
- Thermally induced acoustic emissions in salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
- Towards task-based implementation of MPAS-Ocean simulation code.
- Tracking Changes in Chemistry of Diagenetic Features in Glen Torridon, Gale Crater, Mars with ChemCam
- Trends in Trace Elements from Biogenic and Abiogenic Manganese Oxides
- Understanding Solar Energetic Proton Effects in Space and Ground-level from GPS-based Measurements
- Understanding inundation and drainage patterns of ice-wedge polygons
- Understanding the Role of Geospatial Factors and Fluid Injection on Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma using Random Forests
- Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic representations, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity
- Using Publish-Subscribe Methodology to Improve Water Data Sharing
- Very High Fluorine Abundances below the Siccar Point Unconformity: Implications for Fluid Circulation in Gale Crater
- kglobal, A Power Law Producing Model for Energetic Electron Acceleration in Macroscale Systems
- 3D Numerical Modeling of the Asymmetry of the Seismic Source for Underground Explosions.
- 4D Seismic Monitoring and Forecasting of CO2 Sequestration with Neural Networks
- A Case Study of Low Energy H+ Asymmetric Field-Aligned Distribution in the Outer Magnetosphere
- A Method for Discriminating Types of Volcanic Electrical Activity
- A Mission Enabling Compact Ion Mass Spectrometer for Ionospheric Outflow and Cold Magnetospheric Ion Observations
- A Model of Nonthermal Double Coronal X-ray Sources in Solar Flares
- A Neural Network Based Model of the Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- A Numerical Dispersion Model to Infer Methane Emissions from California's Dairies Using Regional Total Column Gradient Observations
- A Three-Dimensional Map of the Heliosphere from IBEX
- A Typology for Representing Human Actors in MultiSector Dynamics Models
- A comparative study on electron contribution to the ring current during CME and CIR driven geomagnetic storms using RAM-SCB simulations and Arase and ground magnetic data
- A framework for data-driven solution of linear poroelasticity using continuous conditional generative adversarial networks
- A network approach to delta sustainability
- A novel approach to characterize the complex refractive index spectrum of organic aerosols
- A review of the physical processes of meso-scale dynamic auroral forms
- A unified functional relationship between catchment water balance and vegetation productivity
- A unified model coupling of the land, river, and ocean models in E3SM to simulate coastal processes
- Absolute explosive yield from spectral ratios of regional distance P-wave coda
- Ambient smoke from Western US wildfires demonstrates predictable light absorption enhancements
- An Automatic Tool for Data QC in Seismic Arrays using Signal Singular Values
- An integrated hydrology and reactive transport model for the simulation of watershed systems
- An overview of SHERLOC Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy results obtained during Perseverances Green Zone Campaign at Jezero crater, Mars
- Analysis of Regional Infrasound Propagation: Temporal Variability of the Atmosphere and Interaction with Terrain
- Analysis of potential surface coatings in Jezero crater by SuperCam on the Perseverance rover
- Analytic Modeling of Time-Dependent D-Region Disturbances using the Three-Species Model: Implications for RF Attenuation and Fading
- Anomaly Detection in Ambient Vibration Monitoring Data from a Toppling Rock Slab Instability, Utah, USA
- Applications of RAM-SCBE to Model the Surface Charging Environment
- Arctic Deltas are Ice-dominated: development of a quantitative descriptor of ice as a process control
- Assessment of Advanced Numerical Methods for Ionospheric Dipolar Grids
- Autonomous Detection of Groundwater Level Variations in InSAR Time Series Using Deep Learning
- BIMAP-3D: 3-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization Observations of Lightning Discharges
- Beam dynamics and radiation modeling for the Beam Plasma Interaction Experiment
- Borehole DAS Ambient Noise at the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site
- Brine Availability Test in Salt: THMC Simulations of a Heated Borehole in Salt
- CICE Consortium: Advancing Sea Ice Modeling
- California Fossil and Dairy Methane Source Inferences from CALNEX and FIREX-AQ Flight Data Using Tracer Ratios, Bottom-Up Models and Machine Learning
- Characterization and Source Apportionment of Nonrefractory Submicron Aerosol Chemistry at the Southern Great Plains Observatory
- Characterization of the temporal and spatial scales of the terrestrial exosphere based on ensemble data assimilation
- Characterizing changes in 21st century subglacial hydrology at Humboldt Glacier, north Greenland
- Characterizing the Spatial and Temporal Effects of Different Mining Operations on Ground Subsidence Signatures Observed by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Classification of infrasonic waveform returns along thermospheric ground-to-ground paths
- Combined Effects of Stress and Variable Network Properties in Discrete Fracture Networks on Flow and Transport
- Comparative Dropout Studies of Radiation Belt Electrons and Ring Current Protons
- Comparison between observations of APS and FPMU on board the ISS
- Comparison of Outer Radiation Belt Loss Processes During October 2012 Geomagnetic Storm
- Competition between main meniscus and corner film flow during imbibition in strongly wetting porous media
- Connecting physics-based and data-driven approaches for predicting Earth Systems from partial observations.
- Constraining subglacial hydrology with ice surface velocity observations by solving an inverse ice dynamics-subglacial hydrology problem
- Constraints on the DSX Antenna Pattern Using Boomerang E-field Measurements and Linear Theory
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Could atmospheric dust deposition be an important contributor to Earths riverine silicate weathering flux?
- Crystal Plasticity and Strength of Shock-Compressed hcp-Iron up to 187(10) GPa and 4070(285) K
- Curvilinear Particle-in-Cell Code Simulations of Plasma Sheath Effects on the Impedance of a Very Low Frequency Dipole Antenna Operating in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Data Assimilation for a Process-Based Mosquito Density Model: Parameter Estimation using Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Data-Driven Modeling for Classification and Characterization of Metabolite Data in River Corridor: The Power of Feature Engineering
- Decrease in Volcano Jet Noise Peak Frequency as Crater Expands
- Deep Learning Assisted Inverse Modeling and Forecasting for Large-Scale Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Deep learning prediction of transport in porous and fractured media
- Deep-Learning Seismic Inversion for CO2 Saturation Monitoring and Uncertainty Quantification
- Density Fluctuation and Ion Heating in Compressible Turbulence in the Solar Wind Near the Sun
- Detecting Large Explosions using Infrasound Data Augmentation and Machine Learning
- Detecting changes in permafrost active layer thickness from baseflow recession
- Development and Evaluation of Deep Learning to Predict Multiphase Flow Behavior during Geological CO2 Sequestration Injection and Post-Injection Periods
- Development of a Multi-Scale Synthetic Data Set for the Testing of Subsurface CO2 Storage Monitoring Strategies
- Discovering emergent organization in complex spatiotemporal systems
- Double-power-law feature in the energy spectra of energetic particles accelerated at coronal shocks
- Dynamic Triggering and the State of Stress in Oklahoma
- Dynamic ecosystem assembly and escaping the fire-trap in the tropics: Insights from FATES-SPITFIRE
- Economic valuation of Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) in response to climate change
- Effects of Heterogeneous Permeability and Background Flow on Supercritical CO2 Behaviour in the Deep Subsurface
- Effects of Small Scale Structure on Predictive Performance of the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Effects of polarization reversed EMIC waves on the ring current dynamics
- Efficient Nonthermal Ion and Electron Acceleration in 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Electron energy spectra in solar flares and Earths magnetotail
- Enabling Optimizations for Global Magnetospheric Kinetic Simulations with Reduced Kinetic Spectral Models
- Energetic Particles Associated with Sub- and Super-Parker Spirals - Signatures of the Dynamic History of Stretched and Switched-Back Magnetic Fields
- Energy Transfer of Alfvenic Turbulence in the Heliosphere
- Energy-dependent statistics of the plasmapause and coupling to the peak flux location and the slot for the electron and proton radiation belts.
- Evaluating Two-Phase Flow through Wellbore Cement Fractures using Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Evaluating spatio-temporal trends in infrasound propagation using seismo-acoustic arrivals from repeating explosions
- Evaluating the impact of inter-basin water transfer on Delaware Estuary salinity with the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Evidence for Energetic Electrons Trapped and Accelerated in a Magnetic Bottle above a Solar Flare Arcade
- Evidence of Alfvenic Poynting Flux as the Primary Driver of Auroral Motion During a Geomagnetic Substorm
- Evidence on a Class of Azimuthally Propagating Dipolarization Structures in the Earths Magnetosphere from 4 to 30 Re
- Evolution of Great Red Spot Winds over the Past Jupiter Year
- Evolution of the Heliotail Lobes over a Solar Cycle as Measured by IBEX
- Evolving bedrock geochemistry observed by ChemCam as the Curiosity rover enters the orbitally defined sulfate unit on Aeolis Mons in Gale crater, Mars
- Examining Soil Surface Processes at Jezero crater, Mars
- Explicit Oceanic Tides in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Exploring Model Resolution for the SALSA3D Global P-Wave Velocity Model - Current Status and Predicted Improvement via SMART Subsea Cable Sensors
- Exploring Porosity in Asteroid 16 Psyche with 3D Hydrocode Modeling of Its Deepest Impact Structure
- Extrapolating snowpack properties from small temperature sensors in two watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Field-aligned low-energy O+ (FALEO) ion flux enhancements in the inner magnetosphere: A possible source of warm plasma cloak and oxygen torus
- Fine-grained regolith on Mars: Comparison between Gale and Jezero craters using ChemCam and SuperCam LIBS data
- Fire, insect, and disease-caused tree mortalities increased in forests of greater structural diversity during drought
- First atmospheric results produced by the SuperCam instrument on Mars2020
- Flexible Integration of Lakes in Global River Systems
- Forecasting of Localized Geomagnetic Disturbances in Global Models: Physics and Numerics
- Fusing geospatial datasets to identify patterns and controls on Arctic coastal erosion
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- Geothermal Flow Imaging at the Lightning Dock Geothermal Area, New Mexico Using Long-Period Passive Seismic Signals
- Global Hybrid-VPIC Modeling of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mercury's Dynamic Magnetosphere: Reconnection and Foreshock
- Ground Magnetic Perturbations due to Neutral-wind Driven Currents
- Higher-resolution IBEX-Hi Sky Maps
- How Much Does Ocean Initial State Contribute to Ensemble Spread? Insights from the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1 Large Ensemble
- How the Electron Frozen-In-Law is Broken During Anti-parallel Magnetic Reconnection
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Hydrocode Simulations for the PDC 2021 Tabletop Exercise using Artificial Ablation
- Hysteresis Indices as a proxy for drought stress in the Central Amazon
- Ice sheet initialization as an integral part of ice sheet modeling
- Identification of coherent structures and energy dissipation in shear-driven turbulent plasma with multi-point measurements: from MMS to Helioswarm and beyond
- Imaging high-angle faults in geothermal fields using multi-component seismic data
- Impact of coastal marsh eco-geomorphologic change on the prediction of saltwater intrusion under future sea level rise
- Implementing Self-Attraction and Loading Calculation in the Model for Prediction Across Scales
- Improving the accuracy of dynamical core formulations for simulation across scales
- Improving the modeling capability of inner magnetospheric surface charging environment: the importance of low-energy electrons (<30 keV)
- Influence of Sedimentology and Mineralogy on the Potential for Organics Detection in the Rock Record at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Initial Major Element Quantification Using SuperCam Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
- Interaction of artificially-generated whistler waves with radiation belt electrons
- Interpreting the history of Blood Falls and the terminus of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica through photographs and field observations
- Inverse Approach to Spacecraft Charging Simulations: Parameter Estimation for Material and Space Plasma Environment
- Inverse analysis for subsurface fracture system with differentiable programming
- InversionNet3D: Efficient and Scalable Learning for 3D Full Waveform Inversion
- Investigating fault opening on dip-slip faults due to free surface interaction
- Investigation of Ground-Coupled Airwave Applications on Seismo-Acoustic Stations
- Ion Energization During Macroscale Reconnection
- Is There a Link Between Ebullition and Solute Concentrations of Methane in Peat Pore Waters? Field Evidence From The Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Minnesota (USA)
- Key elements of auroral substorm dynamics and their connection to magnetotail processes 47402
- Langumir/Slow extraordinary mode magnetic signatures with Parker Solar Probe
- Learning from a Big Dataset of Digital Rock Simulations
- Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines
- Loss mechanisms in the radiation belts: comparing dropouts and flux decays simulated and observed by PROBA-V/EPT and Van Allen Probes/MagEIS
- MODIS Global Flood Mapping and Flood Alerts
- Machine learning for red tide prediction in the Gulf of Mexico along the West Florida Shelf
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Magnetic Energy Conversion in Magnetically Dominated Systems and Implications for Particle Energization Processes
- Magnetospheric conditions and particle injections conjugate to STEVE
- Mapping Lightning in Three Dimensions with Optical Space-Based Lightning Imagers
- Mapping the Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Key Parameters for Culex pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus
- Mass balance of physics-informed and physics-constrained machine learning
- Measuring the orientation of SHmax using ambient seismic noise
- Microseismicity Deep Learning Model Developed and Applied to the Central U.S.
- Mitigating Data Scarcity for Joint Physics-Based and Data-Driven Time-Lapse Seismic Inversion
- Model Validation and its Crucial Roles in Closing the Gap Between Space Weather Research, Operations, and End-User Needs: Successes and Setbacks
- Modeling Arctic Lakes with the LAKE2.0 Model
- Modeling Ice-shelf Basal Melt Rates in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v2, a Variable Resolution, Global, Coupled Climate Model
- Modeling Infrasound Propagation with Realistic Terrain and Atmospheres Using a Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
- Modeling Large-scale Electron Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flare Magnetic Reconnection Region
- Modeling of Cold Electron Measurements in the Magnetosphere Using Active Spacecraft Potential Control
- Modeling steric sea-level change on the Antarctic continental shelf caused by changes in ice-sheet freshwater flux
- Modeling the Effect of Subsurface Structure on Shear Wave Generation: the Case of the Yucca Flat Basin at the Source Physics Experiment Phase II Site
- Moment Tensor Inversion of Microearthquakes in Anisotropic Rocks of the EGS Collab Experiment 1 Testbed
- Multi-Scale Observations of the Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves During Southward IMF
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke, Kuril Islands, and Ulawun ,Papua New Guinea, volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-event analysis of simultaneous observation of isolated proton auroras at subauroral latitudes using highly sensitive all-sky cameras and the Van Allen Probes satellites
- New Snow Metrics Show Variable Impacts of Changing Climate Across Snowpack Regimes
- Novel radio, optical, and meteorological observations of a gigantic jet with extraordinary charge transfer
- Numerical Simulation of Cool-Hydrothermal Processes Beneath a Marine Sediment Pond: North Pond, North Atlantic Ocean
- Numerical Studies of Plasmapause Boundary Layer Instabilities
- Nutrient Availability Alters Microbial Carbon Cycling During Short-Term Litter Decomposition
- Objective and scalable feature identification and analysis in high-resolution simulations: Application to bursty bulk flows
- Observations of Quasi-Periodic behavior in Proton Shell Distributions associated with Quasi-Periodic Rising Tone Fast Magnetosonic Waves
- Observations of Total Column CO, CO2, and Modified Combustion Efficiency from California Wildfires at Regional Scales
- Oceanic Eddy-killing by Wind from Global Satellite Observations.
- Organic carbon burial by river meandering offsets bank-erosion carbon fluxes in discontinuous permafrost
- PCA and NMFk to constrain the geologic controls of hydrothermal processes
- Parker Solar Probe/ISOIS Observations of Energetic Solar Electron Events
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Fault-Leakage Reduced-Order Model Development
- Physics-semantic Data Augmentation via Disentangled Representation Learning
- PreMevE: A Machine-Learning Based Predictive Model for Relativistic Electrons inside Earths Outer Van Allen Belt
- Precipitation Discrepancies over Ice Sheets in the WFDE5 and CRUNCEP Land Surface Forcing Datasets and their Impact on Firn Density in E3SM
- Predicting Shallow Water Dynamics using Echo-State Networks with Transfer Learning
- Predicting the Future Fault Frictional Coefficient in a Shear Experiment Applying Deep Learning
- Predicting the effect of the NWC transmitter on relativistic electrons using DREAM3D
- Preparation for the DART Mission at Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2021
- Propagation and dispersion of lightning-generated whistlers measured from the Van Allen Probes
- Quantifying Soil Percolation Dynamics & Biogeochemical Transport in Tropical Soils near Manaus, Brazil
- Quantifying microburst precipitation as a radiation belt loss mechanism The IMPAX (Imaging Microburst Precipitation with Atmospheric X-Rays) CubeSat mission
- Quantifying the Effectiveness Pg/Lg Ratios for Explosions and Earthquakes
- Radiation Belt Remediation Using Artificially Generated Plasma Waves
- Ram-Scb Simulation of Ring Current Ion Dynamics with Field Line Curvature Scattering Loss
- Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Problems Involving Gaseous Species
- Reconnection x-line orientations at the Earths magnetopause
- Reducing uncertainty in simulations of thaw in ice-rich permafrost
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Representation of prescribed and wildfire occurrences prior to a wildfire event in QUIC-Fire
- Reproducing Temporal Profiles of Solar Energetic Proton Fluxes in Well-connected Events
- Return of the IBEX Ribbon.
- River Sinuosity Describes a Continuum between Randomness and Ordered Growth
- River and Basin Profiler: a module for extracting watershed boundaries, river centerlines, and catchment statistics
- Robust Measurements of Electron Precipitation Spectra from High Altitude Balloon X-ray Spectrometer Data
- Role of Parallel Solenoidal Electric Field on Energy Conversion in 2D Decaying Turbulence with a Guide Magnetic Field
- Scale-bridging using machine-learning: nanoconfinement effects in porous media
- Scale-dependent Anisotropic Energy Transfer and Conversion in Compressible Magnetized Plasma Turbulence
- Searching Twitter for signs of Socioeconomic Drivers of Dengue in Brazil
- Seismic Source Analysis and Discrimination from Regional Distance Coda Wave Ratios
- Shear Alfven Waves Driven by Magnetic Reconnection as an Energy Source for the Aurora Borealis
- Shock response of a magma ocean analog to 1 TPa
- Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in coseismic off-fault damage zone
- Signatures of Permafrost Processes in Fluvial Network Morphology and Change on the Seward Peninsula, Western Alaska, USA
- Simulated Trapping of Solar Energetic Protons as Measured by Van Allen Probes for the 7-8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Simulating 3D Vegetation Structure and Density as a Driver for Fuel Moisture Loading and Fire Behavior
- Simulating Hydrologic Field Conditions in a Greenhouse Setting
- Simulating Long-Term Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons Using DREAM3D Model
- Simulating the Solar Wind Energy Transmission During the Matuyama-Brunhes Paleomagnetic Reversal
- SmartTensors: Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning Framework for the Geoscience Applications
- Soil water and chloride profiles in a mesic woodland: Opportunity for savanna restoration and groundwater recharge
- Solar Wind Density Variability and Pressure Balance Near the Sun
- Solar energetic proton access to the inner magnetosphere compared with GOES and Van Allen Probes measurements
- Sonic Booms from Atmospheric Entries, an Earth-Mars Perspective.
- Sonic waveform imaging around a borehole within granite at the Utah FORGE geothermal site
- Spectral Properties of the Globally Distributed Flux of Heliospheric ENAs within the Source Region: Time-shifted Analysis with IBEX-Hi Observations
- Spectral Ratios from the Source Physics Experiment
- Spectral diversity of rocks and regolith at Jezero crater, Mars, as seen by the SuperCam VISIR spectrometer onboard Perseverance
- Statistical Properties of Multiscale Magnetic Reconnection and the FLARE Project
- Stochastic sampling method for Full Moment Tensor inversion and uncertainty estimation
- Stratospheric Smoke Injection above British Columbia and Australia: Mechanisms and Impacts
- Strong upper-plate heterogeneity and deeply-subducted seamounts at the Hikurangi subduction zone (North Island, New Zealand) imaged by adjoint tomography
- Study of 3D Electron-only Reconnection in a Low Electron Beta Plasma Environment
- Studying the Particle Distributions in an irregular magnetosphere During the Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal with Superposition of Dipole and Quadrupole Fields
- Style transfer as Data Augmentation for Multiscale Data-driven Full Wavefrom Inversion
- Subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST Bias in Earth System Models
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Detection from Upward Leader in Uchinada, Japan
- The Development of a Lagrangian Cloud Physics Package in HiGrad for the Simulation of Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) Clouds
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The Extreme Electromagnetic Power of Lightning Superbolts on Earth and in Space
- The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice-Mass Loss on 3-D Crustal Motion
- The Importance of Tree Size on Fire-Induced Injuries
- The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework: Open Source, Standards Based, Community Accessible, Model Interoperability for Large Scale Water Prediction
- The Resonant Ionospheric Response of the Magnitude 8.8 2010 Chilean Earthquake
- The Role of Late-Holocene Regional Ice History and Sea-Level Change in Viking Out-Migration from Southwest Greenland
- The Role of Thermal Plasma in Ring Current Dynamics
- The Scaling of Electron Heating in Low-beta Reconnection Exhausts
- The acceleration of charged particles in nonrelativistic magnetic reconnection
- The acoustic properties of the Mars atmosphere at Jezero crater
- The cryosphere and climate change communication: Messengers, messages, and outcomes of framing climate change as thawing ice
- The enigma of lobate soil patterns: Bridging scales, materials, and worlds
- The impact of cold electrons on whistler waves
- The impacts of improved ocean and sea-ice physics and coupling on polar climate in E3SM version 2
- The investigation of compound flooding using a two-way coupled earth system model
- The plasmapause is not a boundary for the radiation belts
- The potential contribution of Humboldt Glacier, North Greenland, to 21st century sea-level rise
- The relation between the energy conversion rate and reconnection rate in Petschek-type reconnectionImplications for solar flares
- The relationship between lake spatial distribution and permafrost processes on arctic deltas
- The use of InSAR and Machine Learning to Understand Crustal Displacement from Low Magnitude Earthquakes
- Thermal and Nonthermal Electron Energy Gain in Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection
- Three-dimensional Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection and Its Particle Energization
- Timescales of Changes in Outer Radiation Belt Electrons During Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the Global Positioning System Constellation
- To Touch the Sun: Parker Solar Probe and the Alfven Critical Point
- Toward on-demand measurements of greenhouse gas emissions using multirotor unmanned aircraft systems
- Transfer Learning From Numerical Experiments Predict Fault Friction in the Laboratory
- Understanding the Chemistry of the Rocks at Jezero crater, Mars, through the Combined Use of SuperCam Spectroscopic and Optical Techniques
- Understanding the influence of environmental and human components on the vulnerability of critical infrastructure in coastal regions.
- Unstructured mesh generation for unified coastal modelling in Earth system models
- Using Future streamflow to inform Decision-making efforts in Arctic River systems
- Using high-resolution integrated-hydrology and reactive-transport modeling for unraveling concentration-discharge (C-Q) relationships in a mountainous watershed
- Using new lightning-derived vertical total electron content data for global ionospheric observations
- Using the GPS Constellation to Resolve the Mechanisms Driving Very Fast Acceleration and Transport in the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Using the Spatio-Temporal 4D-FFT Method to Study Fast Modes in Compressible MHD Turbulence
- Validating DREAM3D simulations of inner belt dynamics
- Van Allen Probes instrument calibration results of the for ECT-HOPE and RBSPICE energetic particle detectors
- Variable Ion Compositions of Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Inner Heliosphere: A Field-line Braiding Model with Compound Injections
- Veins of the Earth: a Flexible Framework for Mapping, Modeling, and Monitoring the Earths River Networks
- What can we learn from multiple watershed models and observations?
- When are (simulations of) ice shelves stable? Stabilizing forces in fracture-permitting models
- Whence the Interstellar Magnetic Field Shaping the Heliosphere
- Whispering of the City: Characteristics and Origin of Environmental Shaking in the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Width-Based Discharge Partitioning in Distributary Networks: How Wrong Are We?
- Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Airborne Toxic Emissions of Formaldehyde and Aerosols from Urban Fuels
- Wind-driven effects on spectral amplitudes and seismic detection thresholds in a polar glacier setting
- 2D reconstruction of magnetotail electron diffusion region measured by MMS
- 3D Seismic Wave Modeling and Inversion in Fractured Media for Energy Transition
- 4D Data-driven Deep Waveform Learning: a Case Study at CCUS Site, San Juan NM
- A Detection of the Sea Level Fingerprint of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- A Differentiable Ecosystem Modeling Framework for Highly Efficient Forward and Inverse Problems
- A Field-Based Rainfall Simulator Tests the Influence of Vegetation on Soil Biogeochemistry and Hydrothermal Properties in Discontinuous Permafrost
- A GUI-Driven Tool for Evaluating Transient Noise on Seismic Array Components
- A Geo-structurally Based Correction Factor for Apparent Dissolution Rates in Fractured Media
- A Multi-Scale Investigation of Hydrogen Geologic Storage: Transport, Reactivity and Caprock Integrity
- A New Model for Ionospheric Absorption of HF Radio waves due to Proton Forcing
- A Numerical Model for Understanding Pickup-Ion Dynamics in the Outer Heliosphere and IBEX Observations of the ENA Ribbon
- A Spatio-temporal Model to Assess Environmental Impacts on Coccidioidomycosis in the Southwestern United States
- A Spatio-temporal Model to Estimate West Nile Virus Cases in Ontario
- A comparison study of density-driven flow in fractured porous media
- A new cold electron density model for the inner plasmasphere and its effect on wave particle interactions
- A new generation mechanism for highly oblique chorus waves enabled by cold electrons
- A new method for the simulation of electron and ion acceleration during magnetic reconnection in macroscale systems
- A time-varying occupancy model for Histoplasma in the United States
- ARMAX Regression More Accurately Determines the Timing of Solar Wind, IMF Bz, Substorms, and ULF Wave Influences on 2 MeV Electron Flux
- Acoustic Measurements of Saltation on Mars made by Perseverance
- Active Spacecraft Potential Control with an Electron Beam to Enable Cold Electron Measurements in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Along-stream biogeochemical properties in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: A CMIP6 evaluation
- An Open-source Platform to Facilitate Data-driven FWI Research
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- An Ultra-Low Resource Ion Mass Spectrometer for Observations of Planetary Ionospheres
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- An optimality principle for plant acclimation in a drying and warming environment
- Analysis of Narrow Bipolar Events Using Mode Decomposition Methods
- Analyzing the Relationship Between Land Use and Land Cover Trends and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Lekking Populations in Southeastern Idaho
- Anomalous Electric Field Perturbations In Pre- and Post-Midnight Hours over the Low Latitude Ionosphere During a Minor Geomagnetic Storm
- Application-specific model selection and model weighting of global climate models with application to regional environmental management of red tide
- Assessing the Risk of Dengue Outbreaks across Continental Biomes in Brazil
- Assessing the Utility of Google Health Trends for Forecasting Dengue in Brazil
- Assessing the feasibility of a spaceborne 3D lightning observing concept
- Assessing the influence of matrix diffusion with finite block size on particle transport in fractured media
- Auroral Beads in Conjunction With Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Equatorial Inner-Magnetosphere
- Back to the future: What evolution of Holocene grounding lines in the Amundsen Sea Embayment tells us about Pine Island's future
- Barometric Pumping Through Fractured Rock: A Mechanism for Venting Deep Underground Methane to Mars' Atmosphere
- Basin-scale investigations of topographic influence on permafrost thaw in ice wedge-affected landscapes
- Bayesian Estimation and Breathing Modes of the Heliosheath Distance from IBEX Data
- Benchmarking Pan-Arctic CMIP6 Model Streamflow to Observations: Understanding Utility across Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Bjerknes Compensation in a High-Resolution Climate Model
- Borehole DAS Ambient Noise in Sedimentary Rocks at the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site
- CICE Consortium: Advancing Sea Ice Modeling
- Certain Plant Traits Mitigate the Risk of Hydraulic Failure Under Future Climate Change in the Tropical Forests of Panama
- Characteristics and Variabilities of Electric and Magnetic Fields of Lightning Measured from Space by the Van Allen Probes
- Characteristics of Current and Electric Field Signatures during the Initial Stage in Upward Lightning at the Gaisberg Tower
- Characterization of Arctic Sea Ice Melt Pond Dynamics with Remote Sensing
- Characterizing Subsurface Structures at Rock Valley, Nevada
- Combining stress- and damage-based calving laws reproduces recent behavior of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, and enhances 21st century ocean-driven retreat
- Comparison of the on-orbit FalconSEED data on STPSat-6 and radiation transport models
- Computational and Experimental Investigation of Active Spacecraft Control to Measure Cold Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Correlation of VHF emissions observed from space with lightning processes
- Cost Analysis of Geologic Hydrogen Storage: A Case Study in the U.S. Intermountain-West Regions
- DART Benchmarking Models and Preliminary Results
- Data-Driven Bird Population Models using Statistical and Dynamical Surrogate Model Methods
- Deep Learning Accelerated Well Control Optimization in Geologic CO2 Storage
- Delta Phenotypes: Characterizing the Expression of Fluvial, Wave and Tidal Processes on the Multiscale Structure of Shorelines
- Density Fluctuation of Compressible Turbulence in the Solar Wind Near the Sun
- Development, Qualification, and Performance of a High Intensity Total Evaporation Method for Characterization of Plutonium Isotopic Certified Reference Materials
- Discussion on seismically triggered avalanches on Mars
- Dispersed Seismo-Acoustic Signals Following Martian Meteorite Impacts: Modeling and Inversion.
- Dust, Sand, and Winds within an Active Martian Storm in Jezero Crater
- Dynamics of the January 2022 eruption of Hunga volcano revealed through a combined data set of volcanic lightning
- E3SM Ocean Carbon Cycle Simulations in the North Pacific Western Boundary Currents
- EMIC wave induced proton precipitation during the 27-28 May 2017 storm: Comparison of BATSRUS+RAM-SCB simulations with ground/space based observations
- Effective Permeability in Matrix-Fracture Systems: Numerical Simulation and Theoretical Modeling
- Effects from Ion Composition Variations on Storm-time Ring Current Dynamics
- Effects of ice wedge polygon geometry and subsurface characteristics on permafrost thaw dynamics under a warming climate
- Embedding Hard Physical Constraints in Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Electric Current Prediction in Porous Media
- Ensemble Modeling for Ring Current Environment using Perturbed Solar Wind Drivers
- Environmental and ecological drivers of drought deciduousness across the Neotropics
- Equilibrium disruption and enhancement of inner belt electron decay rates
- Erosion and carbon fluxes on Arctic deltas
- Evaluating Physics-based Conductance in Global Models: Importance to Geomagnetic Disturbance Forecasting
- Evaluation of OCO-2 XCO2 from the ACOS Version 11 Algorithm
- Evaluation of a Variety of Novel Infrasound Sensors and Sensor Packages
- Exploring Connections Between Shallow Groundwater and Evapotranspiration Across the US Using Integrated Hydrologic Models
- Exploring Porosity in Asteroid 16 Psyche with 3D Hydrocode Modeling of Its Deepest Impact Structure
- Exploring Quantum Algorithms to Determine Well Capture Zones in 2D Fractured Rock Systems
- Exploring a Novel Model Conceptualization for Watershed-scale Permafrost Simulation
- Exploring if wildland fire activity can be a driver of Valley fever cases
- Exploring the Properties of Supermicron and Bioaerosol Events duringthe Surface Atmosphere Integrated Field Laboratory (SAIL) Campaign
- Explosion monitoring on planetary surface with atmosphere: comparison between Mars and Earth.
- Explosive Energy Release of Gas Emission Craters in the Russian Arctic and their Associated Seismic Magnitudes: Estimates and Implications
- Extension of Regional Infrasonic Processing Tools for Global Analysis: A Case Study From the January 15 2022 Tonga Hunga Volcanic Eruption
- Fast GP Estimation for In-situ Inference of Large Scale Climate Modeling with Statistical Machine Learning
- Finite-source Attributes of M4 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- First study of ionospheric density profiles in response to EMIC-driven proton precipitation: simultaneous observations and GLOW simulations
- Flooding events and groundwater redox dynamics of coastal ecosystems
- Forecasting Glacier Terminus Retreat Using Machine Learning
- Fracture Detection and Monitoring at the First EGS Collab Testbed Using DAS Ambient Noise
- Frost Detection Campaigns by the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Results and Lessons for the Mars 2020 mission
- Generating Antarctic Sub-shelf Melt Using Recurrent Neural Network-based Generative Adversarial Networks on Spatiotemporal Pixel Clusters
- Generating Very Large-Scale Unstructured Meshes for Storm-Surge Modelling: Parallelizing the JIGSAW Library
- Geographically-Aware Estimates of Remotely Sensed Water Properties for Chesapeake Bay
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- Global barotropic tide modeling using inline self-attraction and loading in MPAS-Ocean
- Ground Magnetic Perturbations due to Neutral-wind Driven Ionospheric Currents
- High-resolution mapping of discontinuous permafrost on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska using shallow geophysics and remote sensing
- High-resolution measurements of δ13C-CH4 reveal heavy anomalies during enhanced CH4 emissions associated with Heinrich Events
- How does the extratropical forest land-atmosphere coupling of energy and water change under elevated CO2 and warming?
- How is fault complexity linked to high-frequency radiation from Southern California earthquakes?
- Humidity Effects on Mixed Carbon and Dust Aerosols in Houston Measured to Evaluate Radiative Forcing and Deep Convection Modules in Climate Models
- Hydration of X-ray Amorphous and Clay Phases in Gale Crater, Mars
- Ice-Shelf Ocean Boundary Layer Dynamics from Large-Eddy Simulations
- Identifying Hydrological Driving Forces of Coastal Wetland Degradation Using Random Forest Classifiers
- Imaging and Characterizing Small-Scale Fractures at the Soda Lake Geothermal Field Using Seismic Double-Beam Neural Network (DBNN)
- Impact of Low Mantle Viscosity and Thin Lithosphere on Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, Over the Next 500 Years
- Impact of Shear Fracture Structure on Chemical Reactions and Fracture Permeability
- Impact of humidification on ambient aerosol optical properties; Field observations from TRACER-CAT in Houston, TX
- Impact on Projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet due to Regional Sea Level Interactions with Ice Flux and Ice-Shelf Basal Melt: Coupled Ice Sheet-Sea Level Model Results following the New ISMIP6-2300 Experimental Protocol
- Imprint of the Coronal Temperature on Suprathermal Electrons at ACE
- Improved Representation of Surface and Subsurface Drainage Networks in Integrated Hydrology Models for Managed Watersheds
- Improving Southern Ocean Climate and Ice-shelf Basal Melt Rates in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) v2 with Regional Mesh Refinement
- In Search of New Impacts of Cold Electrons on Whistler Waves: Oblique Whistlers and High-Frequency Turbulence Driven by Drift Instabilities
- Increasing Heliophysics Python Library Interoperability Through Datamodel Adapters
- Indus and Bengal Fan Loading of the Indian Plate Explains Intraplate Deformation Patterns
- Initial Results from the Radio Frequency Sensor (RFS)
- Integration of Hydrology in the Development of Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Mosquito Model to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change
- Inundation Caused by Rising Water Levels in the Great Lakes Drives Hydraulic Dysfunction in Coastal Trees
- Investigating HF Scintillation using the Rytov Approximation and a Linear Ionosphere Model
- Investigating K-change Leaders and Their Preceding Breakdown Activity with 3-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP-3D) Observations
- Investigation of Gas Transport for Underground Nuclear Explosion Detection Based on Triaxial Direct-Shear Tests
- Investigation on the Clay-Carbonate Mixture with SuperCam/IRS, Perseverance Rover
- Jezero Crater Floor and Delta Chemistry and Mineralogy Observed by SuperCam in the First 1.5 Years of the Perseverance Rover Mission
- Joint Geostationary Lightning Observations by GLM and RFS
- Laboratory Analog Experiments to Support Detection of Organics by the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Laboratory Study of Extended Electron Jets during Reconnection on TREX
- Laboratory and Ambient Comparison of Hygroscopicity and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Laboratory characterization of whistler mode excitation efficiency by an electric dipole and multi-loop antenna for the purposes of radiation belt remediation.
- Local and Global Mass Balance of Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN)
- Low-frequency Magnetosonic wave observation in association with EMIC waves by THEMIS spacecraft
- Lower Hybrid Drift Waves During Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetopause and Magnetotail and Their Relation to Electron Energization
- Machine Learning-assisted Identification of Structural Properties Controlling Transport in Fracture Networks
- Measurements of Current, Magnetic Field, and Video on a Sub-microsecond-scale at the Time of Downward Cloud-to-ground Lightning Attachment
- Mesoscale Processes in the Magnetosphere: The Elusive Mode of Plasma Transport and Energization and the Measurements Needed to Bring it to Light.
- Methane Emissions Mitigation and Retrofit Opportunities in the Intermountain West (I-West) Region
- Mitigation of Spatial Nonstationarity with Vision Transformers
- Mixed Carbon Aerosol Properties in Houston, TX (TRACER-CAT): Role of chemistry in absorption, scattering, and humidification
- Mobility in the Changing Arctic: Quantitative Methods to Assess Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts on Arctic Transportation Systems
- Modeling Diffuse Electron Precipitation Using Event-Specific Wave Diffusion Rates
- Modeling Methods for 3D Lightning Mapping from Space
- Modeling Micrometeorite Bombardment Into Metal Targets Using the FLAG Hydrocode
- Modeling Particle Acceleration and Transport in Solar Flare Magnetic Reconnection Region
- Modeling Sea Ice Fracture in a Discrete Element Framework with a Cohesive Contact Model
- Modeling the Experimental Transition Toward Electron-Only Reconnection with Multidimensional Kinetic Simulations
- Modelling fluid flow and water-rock interaction in fractured crust using a Discrete Fracture Network approach
- Monitoring Fracture Stimulations at the EGS Collab Testbeds Using Elastic-Waveform Inversion of CASSM Data
- Monitoring and Diagnosing Solar Energetic Particle Events Using the Global Positioning System Constellation
- Morphology and Dynamics of Energetic Neutral Atom Distributions Observed by the IBEX Mission
- Multi-Scale and Cross-Process Character of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability during Southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions
- Multi-event analysis of three-types of optical emissions at subauroral latitudes using ground optical and radio instruments and the Arase and Van Allen Probes satellites
- Multi-species Ion Acceleration in 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Multiscale observations of fossil fuel CO2 patterns along an urban-rural gradient
- Noise Characteristics of an Ocean-bottom Seismic Network
- Non-linear seismoacoustic responses of explosions in different geological materials: a parametric study of different emplacements and comparisons with experimental data.
- Non-linearity Observed in Laboratory LIBS Acoustic Experiments.
- Numerical Modelling of a Meteorite Impact Seismic Source Using the Stress Glut Theory
- Numerical Study of Kinetic-Scale Plasma Turbulence with Low Electron Beta
- Numerical modeling of the transient pressure surge effect in fluid-filled fractures
- Oblique and Rippled Heliosphere Structures from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- Observations from Seismic Refraction Survey of Solifluction Lobes at Garner Run and Bear Meadows, Pennsylvania
- Observations of Energetic Particles from Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 25
- Observations of Ozone, Acyl Peroxy Nitrates, and their Precursors at Carlsbad Caverns National Park During Summer 2019
- Ocean variability beneath the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf inferred from basal melt rate time series
- Opportunities for using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Address Hydrological Grand Challenges
- Organic Carbon Hysteresis Patterns During High Flow Events in a Small Mountain Stream
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- PILOT (Plasma Imaging, LOcal measurement, and Tomographic experiment): a mission concept for ground-breaking system-science observations of mass and energy flow through Earth's magnetosphere
- Permafrost Degradation in the Koyukuk River System and the Timescale Dependence of Sulfur-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Fault-Leakage Reduced-Order Modeling
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning with Differentiable Programming for Heterogeneous Underground Reservoir Pressure Management
- Physics-embedded Inverse Analysis with Automatic Differentiation for Seismic Inversion
- Plasma pressure distribution of ions and electrons in the inner magnetosphere during CIR and CME driven storms observed by Arase satellite
- Plasmapause and dense outer edge of the plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes EFW and EMFISIS measurements for radiation belt modeling
- Practical Consideration of Environmental and Justice (E&J) in Large-Scale CCS Pipeline Infrastructure Modeling
- Predicting Multiphase Flow through Complex Fractures with Machine Learning
- Predicting Vector-Borne Disease Forecasting Skill for Streamlining Model Development
- Prediction of Concentration Fields in Porous Media Using a Multiscale Neural Network
- Preliminary Results of the Summer 2022 Langmuir Energetic Radiation Campaign
- Probabilistic Machine Learning of the Natural Variability of Climate
- Progressive flat-slab coupling as a driving mechanism for the Laramide orogeny
- Quantification of the Bedrock-Through-Canopy Controls on Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Regimes Across an Arctic Watershed in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Quantifying Competition Between Chaparral and Grassland Across a Fire and Climatic Gradient in Southern California, U.S.
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation using the Total Radiation Belt Electron Content
- Quantifying the effects of participatory science on seasonal snow modeling outputs using the Community Snow Observations dataset
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Recent Changes in Streamflow Seasonality across Permafrost Basins of North America
- Reconnection Signatures within the Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortex-Induced Lower-Hybrid Waves at Earth's Magnetopause
- Reconstruction of the Electron Precipitation Spectrum Based on Modeling of Auroral Optical Emission Tomography
- Reduced-Order Models for the Prediction of Greenhouse Gas Leakage from Depleted Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Using Machine Learning Methods
- Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Role of Tropopause Polar Vortices in Modulating Arctic Cyclone Climatology
- SMARTFracs: Recent Advances in Fracture Characterization - Experiments
- SMARTFracs: Recent advances in fracture characterization
- Scientific Approaches and Challenges in Developing Benchmark Scenarios for Geoelectric Hazard
- Searching for Redox Stratification in the Jezero Crater Delta
- Seasonal Monitoring of an Infiltration Experiment Using Time-Lapse Geophysics and Chemical Characterization to Understand Nitrate Transport in the Vadose Zone
- Seismic Source Characterization using Physics-Guided Graph Convolutional Neural Network
- Seismic and strain monitoring of the EGS Collab experiment #2 testbed: Dataset overview and initial results
- Seismic moment tensor estimation and uncertainty quantification in 1D and 3D Earth models using regional waveforms with application to the Middle East
- Seven Sisters - An Inner Heliospheric Constellation to 1) Measure Longitudinal Structure of the Coronal Mass Ejections, 2) Enable Advanced Prediction of IMF Orientation at Earth, 3) Determine Particle Energization Processes in Solar Wind Structures
- Signal classification with data from the Radio Frequency Sensor
- Simulated Trapping of Solar Energetic Protons for the 7 – 8 March 2012 Geomagnetic Storm: Impact on Inner Zone Protons as Measured by Van Allen Probes
- Simulating Compound Flooding Using E3SM: The Impact of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee
- Simulating Damage in Engineered Brittle-Ductile Materials with the Combined Finite Discrete Element Method
- Simulating Long-Term Dynamics of Radiation Belt Electrons Using DREAM3D Model
- Simulating Operation Behaviors of Cascade Reservoirs Using Physics-Based Machine Learning Models: A Case Study for Gunnison River Basin
- Simulating Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring of Geologic Carbon Storage with a Stress-Dependent Rock Physics Model
- Simulating nitrogen processes in a mountainous watershed using an integrated hydrology and reactive transport model
- Simultaneous Creation of a Large Vapor Plume and Pumice Raft by an Explosive Submarine Eruption
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration at a Spherical CME-Driven Shock with the Shock Normal Angle Evolving in Space and Time
- Solar Wind Stream and Corotating Interaction Regions versus Lightning Over Equatorial South America
- Solute Transport in Fractured Geological Formations: Insights from Particle Tracking Simulations
- Spatial Data Assimilation in Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Spatial Filtering Analysis of Anisotropic Energy Transfer and Conversion in 3D Turbulence Simulations
- Spontaneous Generation of Alfvén Waves during three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona
- Statistical comparison of various dayside magnetopause reconnection X-line prediction models
- Stayin' Alive: Linking Plant Available Water and Sourcing Depths to Ecohydrological Water Fluxes in Neotropical Forests
- Steps Toward Developing a Volcano Hazard Assessment for the Jemez Mountains Region, Northern New Mexico, USA
- Stochastic Parameterization of the Ocean Surface Boundary Layer using Generative Adversarial Networks
- Studying Effects of Coulomb Collisions on the Temperature of Solar Wind Electrons Using Cylindrical VPIC Simulations
- Studying particle distributions in an irregular magnetosphere during the geomagnetic polarity reversal
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- Temperature-Dependent Life History Traits in Culex Mosquitoes and Applications in Disease Modeling
- The Climate Integrated Model of Mosquito-Borne Infectious Disease: a large-scale, mechanistic approach to science and global forecasting under climate change
- The Impact of Small-Scale Solar Wind Structure on Geomagnetic Disturbance Prediction Using the SWMF
- The Impacts of Wave State Dependent Fluxes on Global Climate in E3SMv2
- The International School of Space Science (L'Aquila, Italy): Thirty Years of Activity
- The Los Alamos Space Weather Summer School
- The Near-Sun Turbulence Mediated by Parametric Decaying Instability of Alfvén Waves
- The Ring Current Plasma Pressure: A Van Allen Probes Survey
- The Sam Bingham Community Cares Initiative
- The Seismicity of West Africa: Construction of a Focal Mechanism Catalog with a Sparse Dataset
- The Thermal Response of Permafrost to Coastal Flooding
- The growth of ring current/SYM-H under northward IMF Bz conditions present during the 21-22 January 2005 geomagnetic storm
- The impact of soil hydrological parameters on vegetation dynamics
- Thermal Electron Heating During Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection in solar flares
- Theseus: An Advanced Method for rendering Interstellar Boundary Explorer ENA Sky Maps
- Three-Dimensional Broadband Interferometric Mapping and Polarization (BIMAP-3D) Technical Development and Detailed Observations of Lightning Discharge Processes
- Three-Dimensional Generalized Semi-Kinetic Simulations of Ionospheric Outflow
- Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection spreading using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations
- Toward Automated Data-Model Calibration for the Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Transformation Mechanisms During Phase Transition Of Bridgmanite Into Post-Perovskite At Lower Mantle Pressures
- Transient Hillslope Responses to Permafrost Loss
- Transportable absolute yields of underground nuclear explosions
- Trapped Radiation Belt Electron Observations and Model Comparison
- Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model
- Turbulence and Waves in the Heliosphere-Interstellar Medium Interaction Regions and Implications for the IBEX Ribbon
- Uncertainty Quantification of Gas Transport in Fractured Rocks Resulting from Underground Nuclear Explosions: Exploring the Damage-Permeability Relationship
- Uncertainty Quantification of Machine Learning Models to Improve Streamflow Prediction in Changing Climate and Environmental Conditions
- Understanding Backazimuth Dependence of Shear Wave Splitting Patterns of S Waves Transmitted Through Strongly Anisotropic Slabs
- Understanding the Influence of Flame Residence Time in Fire Scar Formation
- Understanding the Links between Winter Surface Temperature Biases and Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies over the Southern Hemisphere in an Ensemble of E3SM Simulations
- Understanding the Subsurface of Garner Run and Bear Meadows through the eyes of Ground Penetrating Radar
- Unsupervised Extreme Weather Segmentation
- Updates and Improvements to the GPS Particle Data Product
- Using Blue Wavelengths to Estimate Snow Cover from Cloud-Free, High-Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Using a Transferable Belief Model Data Fusion Method to Predict Spacecraft Charging
- Using new lightning-derived vertical total electron content data to calibrate GNSS absolute TEC
- Variability of Solar Wind Pressure Components and Pressure Balance Near the Sun
- Volatile organic compounds at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico: sources and impact on ozone formation
- What Causes the Poleward Expansion of the Auroral Bulge During Substorms?
- Where and when is including underflow important for representing denitrification in the hyporheic zone?
- Where are the Highest Flash Rate Thunderstorms on Earth?
- Where do Underground Explosion Wavefields Fully Transition to Purely Elastic?
- Why do some rivers build deltas and others don't?
- Wind-driven Ocean: Atmospheric Scales Forcing the Ocean Circulation and Damping its Eddies
- adjTomo: an open-source Python toolkit for automating seismic waveform inversion
- Hypervelocity Airburst Shower Formation of the Pica Glass, Atacama Desert, Chile
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Arendt
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. B. Galvin
- A. Baltay
- A. Bennett
- A. C. Aiken
- A. Cousin
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Chadwick
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. Johnson
- A. Joshua West
- A. Kumamoto
- A. Kumar
- A. L. Atchley
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Keesee
- A. Malakhov
- A. Matsuoka
- A. N. Price
- A. Nag
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Steele
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- A. T. Fisher
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- A. W. Nolin
- A. W. Wood
- A.J.F. Hoitink
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail Hunter
- Adam Collins
- Adam Kellerman
- Adam S. Ward
- Adam Schneider
- Adam Varble
- Adriana Settino
- Agnit Mukhopadhyay
- Ahmed S. Elshall
- Ajay B. Limaye
- Alan Dyer
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alejandro Tejedor
- Aleksandra Pachalieva
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexa R. Van Eaton
- Alexander Robel
- Alexander Y. Sun
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra Jonko
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice Barthel
- Alison R. Gray
- Allison Jaynes
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Amir Salaree
- Amy J. Williams
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Andrew A. Delorey
- Andrew Alt
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Andrew Roberts
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Anna Horleston
- Anna Perttu
- Anthony J. Mannucci
- Anthony Sladen
- Antoine Lucas
- Antonietta Capotondi
- Arya Udry
- Ashok Kumar Gupta
- Asier Munguira
- Atsuki Shinbori
- B. A. Schichtel
- B. Banerdt
- B. C. Sive
- B. Chidester
- B. G. Andersson
- B. G. Delbridge
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Giles
- B. Larsen
- B. Lavraud
- B. P. Weiss
- B. R. Dennis
- Balasubramanya T. Nadiga
- Baptiste Chide
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Behzad Ghanbarian
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bertrand Rouet‐Leduc
- Bhavna Arora
- Bicheng Yan
- Binbin Ni
- Binzheng Zhang
- Birendra Jha
- Blake Wetherton
- Bo Gao
- Boris Faybishenko
- Bradford P. Wilcox
- Brandi Carrier
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brent D. Newman
- Brian Avant
- Brian K. Arbic
- Brian M. Walsh
- Bruce M. Howe
- Bryant Chow
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Bulbul Ahmmed
- C. A. Cattell
- C. A. Colpitts
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. A. Rowe
- C. Carr
- C. D. Cappa
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. Gangodagamage
- C. I. Czimczik
- C. J. Henney
- C. J. Owen
- C. Keegan
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Mouikis
- C. Pilorget
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. T. Russell
- Carey Legett
- Carl Tape
- Carla Romano
- Carlotta Brunetti
- Carolyn Branecky Begeman
- Carrie Manore
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy J. Wilson
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Cecilia Durán
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Chang Liao
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles J. Abolt
- Charles J. Ammon
- Charles S. Zender
- Charles W. Smith
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Chen Bin
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- Chengcai Shen
- Chet Hopp
- Chonggang Xu
- Chris O’Dell
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- Christian G. Andresen
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- Christopher Johnson
- Chuanfei Dong
- Cibele Cássia‐Silva
- Cindy Cristina Yanez
- Claudia Stolle
- Colby Haggerty
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Constantinos Charalambous
- D. A. Slayback
- D. B. Reisenfeld
- D. C. Templeton
- D. Feldman
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. McComas
- D. L. Gallagher
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Gillies
- D. Malaspina
- D. P. Hartley
- D. Ruffolo
- D. T. Welling
- Dan Lu
- Daniel A. Knopf
- Daniel Bowman
- Daniel Jensen
- Daniel Martín
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- Daniel Verscharen
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- Darren Engwirda
- David E. Rupp
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- David Mimoun
- David T. Sandwell
- Dedong Wang
- Delia W Oppo
- Diana C. Roman
- Diana Swanson
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Donald O. Rosenberry
- Donghui Xu
- Donglai Ma
- Dongyu Feng
- Douglas A. Edmonds
- Douglas M. Mach
- Douglas S. Luther
- Drew L. Siler
- Dylan R. Harp
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. A. Sproles
- E. B. Rampe
- E. Brook
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Dehouck
- E. H. Lay
- E. Heggy
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- E. S. Cochran
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- Eduard P. Kontar
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
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- Elchin Jafarov
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- Elizabeth Hunke
- Emanuele Di Lorenzo
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- Emma Lathrop
- Eric C. Bruning
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- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erin C. Pettit
- Erin K. Bessette-Kirton
- Ethan Romero-Severson
- Ethan T. Coon
- Ethan Yang
- Eva L. Scheller
- Evan A. Thaler
- Ezra J. T. Levin
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- F. Tsuchiya
- Fan Gong
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- Fangxuan Chen
- Fausto Machado‐Silva
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Folarin Kolawole
- Franck Montmessin
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. A. Catania
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. B. Crew
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- G. C. Ho
- G. Cunningham
- G. D. Meadors
- G. D. Reeves
- G. E. Hilley
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. Mount
- G. P. Zank
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriel Wilson
- Gary J. Axen
- Ge Sun
- Gennaro D’Angelo
- Gian Luca Delzanno
- Gilberto Pastorello
- Giulia Cozzani
- Gonzalo Cucho‐Padin
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. Arnold
- H. C. Godinez
- H. E. Edens
- H. Fichtner
- H. O. Funsten
- Hailong Wang
- Hao Hu
- Haoran Meng
- Hari Viswanathan
- Harihar Rajaram
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- Harsha Gurram
- Helen Weierbach
- Hemanth S. K. Vepuri
- Hiroshi Hasegawa
- Holly Kyeore Han
- Hong Yi Li
- Hong Zhao
- Hongjie Wu
- Hongkyu Yoon
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Hubertus Fischer
- Hui Li
- Hussein Aluie
- Hyun‐Seob Song
- I. G. Richardson
- I. J. Daubar
- I. M. Howat
- I. Overeem
- I. Park
- I. Shinohara
- Ilhan Özgen‐Xian
- Ilya Timofeyev
- Ilya Zaliapin
- Imke de Pater
- J. A. Clark
- J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi
- J. A. Slavin
- J. C. Holmes
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Rowland
- J. D. Vandegriff
- J. Dann
- J. David Moulton
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. Egedal
- J. F. Drake
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. Frydenvang
- J. G. Lyon
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. H. Westlake
- J. Ireland
- J. J. McGuire
- J. K. Shuman
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Hayes
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Broll
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Sokół
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Ortberg
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. R. Johnson
- J. R. Wygant
- J. S. Halekas
- J. S. Rankin
- J. Schroeder
- J. T. Niehof
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. Tu
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. W. Manweiler
- J. Webster
- J. William Carey
- J. Zhang
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- Jacob Bortnik
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- James C. Stegen
- James E. Lee
- James E. McClure
- James E. Neumann
- James J. Benedict
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- Janice Brahney
- Jared Willard
- Javier González-Rocha
- Jayaram Hariharan
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffery D. Tippmann
- Jeffrey D. Hyman
- Jeffrey P. Chanton
- Jeffrey R. Moore
- Jelle Assink
- Jennifer Harding
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Jia Huang
- Jiang Liu
- Jianlin Zhao
- Jiawei Gao
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jingyi Huang
- Jinxing Li
- Jitendra Kumar
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- Jochen Braunmiller
- Joel Dahlin
- John D. Haiducek
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- John J. Cassano
- John P. Ortiz
- John Townend
- Jon Reisner
- Jon Schwenk
- Jonas A. Kintner
- Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Jonathan Jara-Almonte
- Jongsoo Yoo
- Jordan W. Bishop
- Jorge Jara
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Joseph Stachelek
- Joshua D. Carmichael
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Julie C. Fosdick
- Jun Yang
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- K. A. Blasl
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
- K. H. Williford
- K. Hosokawa
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Keika
- K. L. Cummins
- K. Nakamura
- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- K. R. Anderson
- K. R. Pritchard
- K. W. Lewis
- K. Yakymenko
- K. Zhang
- Kai Zhang
- Karthik Balaguru
- Karthik Kashinath
- Kate Huihsuan Chen
- Katherine Calvin
- Kathleen McKee
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- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazushi Asamura
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- Kendra E. Kaiser
- Kennedy O. Doro
- Kenton A. Rod
- Kevin Pham
- Kevin Shionalyn
- Klaus Keller
- Kristen E. Fauria
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kristina Keating
- Kristopher L Kuhlman
- Kuldeep Pandey
- Kurama Okubo
- Kurt C. Solander
- Kyle Gorkowski
- L. Andersson
- L. Capannolo
- L. G. Ozeke
- L. Golub
- L. K. Jian
- L. M. Kistler
- L. Olifer
- L. R. Lyons
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. W. Beegle
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Larry G. Mastin
- Laura E. Condon
- Laura E. Simms
- Lawrence Vulis
- Leandro Maracahipes
- Leanne D. Duffy
- Lei Liu
- Liam J. Kelly
- Lin Meng
- Linda Pan
- Lise Retailleau
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Lu Pan
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- Lucile Bruhat
- Lucile Turc
- Luis Contreras-Vidal
- Léo Martire
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Ravine
- M. A. Shay
- M. A. Stanley
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. Malin
- M. Carver
- M. D. Smith
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Hill
- M. Engel
- M. Froment
- M. G. Cooper
- M. G. Henderson
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Golombek
- M. H. Burger
- M. H. Denton
- M. Hesse
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Borreggine
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. Kitahara
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. L. Begnaud
- M. M. Cowee
- M. Moncuquet
- M. Nachon
- M. Nosé
- M. Oka
- M. Opher
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Argall
- M. S. Raleigh
- M. Skiles
- M. Swisdak
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. Vellante
- M. Volwerk
- M. Øieroset
- M.‐C. Fok
- Manuel de la Torre Juárez
- Manvendra K. Dubey
- Marcos Longo
- Marcus C. Sarofim
- Maria A. Zawadowicz
- Maria del Rosario Uribe
- Mariah Baker
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- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark Hoggard
- Mark Petersen
- Mark Wahl
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- Martin Hosner
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masaaki Teramoto
- Masaaki Yamada
- Matthew Hecht
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- Matthew J. West
- Matthew Newman
- Matthieu Plasman
- Maulik Patel
- Mazen Nakad
- Maša Prodanović
- Miao Zhang
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- Michael Wehner
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- Milla Kalliokoski
- Ming Ye
- Mingjie Shi
- Mingxuan Wu
- Minna Palmroth
- Mohammed Ombadi
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- Morgan Whitcomb
- N. A. Murphy
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Ahmadi
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Lanza
- N. M. Viall
- N. Mangold
- N. Sergis
- Naomi Maruyama
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Natalia Ganushkina
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan Becker
- Nathan M. Urban
- Neala Creasy
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- Nicole S. Lovenduski
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Ning Sun
- Ningyu Liu
- Noah Hobbs
- O. Forni
- O. Malandraki
- O. Santolı́k
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Olga Alexandrova
- Oscar A. van der Velde
- Owen Roberts
- P. A. Cassak
- P. A. Johnson
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. H. Janzen
- P. H. Scherrer
- P. J. Gasda
- P. Lognonné
- P. R. Krehbiel
- P. R. Shreedevi
- P. Swaczyna
- P. Y. Meslin
- Paola Passalacqua
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- Patrick Gatlin
- Patrick Kilian
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul R. Geimer
- Paulo M. Brando
- Pedro Rodrigues Mutti
- Peishi Jiang
- Pengcheng Fu
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter K. Kang
- Philip E. Wannamaker
- Phillip J. Wolfram
- Phillip M. Bitzer
- Pierre Beck
- Pin Shuai
- Preston C. Kemeny
- Qi Tang
- Qi Zhang
- Qili Zeng
- Qing Zhu
- Quanlin Zhou
- R. A. Alfaro-Diaz
- R. A. Frazin
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. A. Yingst
- R. B. Anderson
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Busey
- R. Chhiber
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Denton
- R. Hueso
- R. J. MacDowall
- R. J. Smith
- R. L. Lysak
- R. L. McNutt
- R. M. Millan
- R. M. Skoug
- R. Nakamura
- R. S. Selesnick
- R. S. Weigel
- R. Said
- R. Sonnenfeld
- R. W. Ebert
- Rachel C. Glade
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Richard B. Alley
- Richard Massey
- Robert E Ergun
- Robert Sullivan
- Robin S. Matoza
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Rodman R. Linn
- Roger C. Wiens
- Romain Jolivet
- Roman A. DiBiase
- Romina Nikoukar
- Roy L. Rich
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Carn
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. A. Glauert
- S. A. Thaller
- S. Czarnecki
- S. D. Bale
- S. D. Peckham
- S. Dorfman
- S. E. McDonald
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. L. Bilek
- S. L. Goodbred
- S. L. Painter
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Morley
- S. T. Badman
- S. T. Stewart
- S. Tian
- S. Uhlemann
- S. V. Singh
- S. W. Kahler
- Sabrina Ménina
- Sadie Elliott
- Samuel Greess
- Samuel Kachuck
- Sandeep Kumar
- Sang Pil Yoon
- Sang‐Yun Lee
- Sarah Greer
- Sarah M. Stough
- Saro Meguerdijian
- Satish Karra
- Satoko Nakamura
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Saubhagya Singh Rathore
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- Scott D. Guzewich
- Scott K. Hansen
- Sean T. Michaletz
- Sean W. Fleming
- Senbei Du
- Sergi Molins
- Seth Redfield
- Seulgi Moon
- Shannon Dillard
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Shihang Feng
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Shikhar Rai
- Shin‐ichiro Oyama
- Shiv K. Sharma
- Shiwei Feng
- Shixuan Zhang
- Sifan Gu
- Signe K. White
- Sijie Yu
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simon Wing
- Simon Zwieback
- Simone Di Matteo
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- Soumendra N. Bhanja
- Stanislav Boldyrev
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- Stephen Bannister
- Stephen Price
- Stephen R. Guimond
- Steve Cropper
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Sunanda Sharma
- Sunny Wing-Yee Tam
- Susan M. Natali
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Swarup China
- Sylvain Fiolleau
- Sébastien Merkel
- Sönke Dangendorf
- T. B. Onasch
- T. D. Scheibe
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. Dylan Mikesell
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- T. S. J. Gabriel
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- T. Vinci
- Taiyi Xu
- Tal Zussman
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- Taryn Waite
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- Thomas K. Kim
- Tian Zhou
- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Timothy J. Lang
- Ting Chen
- Tom Pike
- Tomoaki Hori
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Tushar Mittal
- V. Apéstigue
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- V. G. Merkin
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- V. Krasnoselskikh
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- V. R. Eke
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- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Velimir V. Vesselinov
- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Victor C. Tsai
- Vivek Srikrishnan
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- Vivienne H. Payne
- W. Fox
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- W. Kent Tobiska
- W. S. Kurth
- W. W. Eshetu
- Weichao Tu
- Wenfeng Li
- Wenhong Li
- Wenyuan Fan
- Wilbert Weijer
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- William K. Eymold
- William R. Boos
- William R. Walter
- William S. D. Wilcock
- Wu Hao
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- Xiaomei Xu
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- Xingyuan Chen
- Xingzhi Lyu
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- Xylar Asay‐Davis
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- Yihua Zheng
- Ying Zou
- Yingcai Zheng
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- Yi‐Hsin Liu
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- Yuan Li
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- Yuichi Otsuka
- Yves Guglielmi
- Z. Vörös
- Zeli Tan
- Zexuan Xu
- Zhao Li
- Zhendong Cao
- Zhengyu Liu
- Zhigang Yu
- Zhiwei Ma
- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
- É. Beucler