Vassilis Angelopoulos
flowchart A[Vassilis Angelopoulos] AC["Associated Concepts (25)"] AW["Authored Works (69)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (91)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (58)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- OpenAlex ID
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Associated Concepts [?]
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Nuclear physics
- Geology
- Plasma
- Magnetic field
- Geophysics
- Magnetosphere
- Astronomy
- Electron
- Computational physics
- Engineering
- Thermodynamics
- Geography
- Chemistry
- Van Allen radiation belt
- Organic chemistry
- Atmospheric sciences
- Meteorology
- Solar wind
- Electron precipitation
- Materials science
- Ionosphere
- Atomic physics
- Optics
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Whistler waves in the foreshock transients: statistical characteristics and regimes of wave-particle resonant interactions
- What Can We Learn about Magnetotail Mesoscale Dynamics from Observations at Lunar Orbit?
- Wavelength measurements of electron cyclotron harmonic waves in Earth's magnetotail
- Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection Under Quasi-Steady Radial IMF
- Thin current sheet in the lunar distant magnetotail
- The Magnetospheric Driver of the Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble Injections
- The Dependence of Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents, Inducer of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Instabilities and Ionospheric Heating, on Geomagnetic Activity Level
- THEMIS-ASI at 15: Its Demonstrated Value for Studying the System of Systems that is Geospace
- Structure and Evolution of Meso-scale Flows in the Nightside Auroral Ionosphere during Storms and Substorms
- Statistical considerations of Storm-time Very-Near-Earth Magnetotail Reconnection
- Solar Wind Control of Electron Isotropy Boundary Properties
- Role of highly oblique whistler-mode waves in bursty precipitation of sub-relativistic electrons
- Remote sensing of EMIC and VLF wave-particle interactions with energetic particles and fields measurements from low altitude, polar-orbiting CubeSats.
- Relation between GPS scintillation and aurora in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere
- PySPEDAS New Capabilities and Development Roadmap
- On the Role of Whistler-Mode Waves in Electron Interaction With Dipolarizing Flux Bundles
- On the Role of Ducted Whistler-mode Waves in Relativistic Electron Losses
- On the Importance of Whistler-Mode Wave Ducting in Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- Nonresonant scattering of relativistic electrons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's radiation belts
- Multiple conjugate observations of magnetospheric fast flow bursts using THEMIS observations
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Statistical Distribution of ULF waves in Magnetic Latitude and Implications for Current Estimates of Radial Diffusion
- Modeling Formation and Expansion of Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Investigating the Roles of Different Foreshock Transients in Generating Ground Magnetic Field Oscillations
- Interaction between Subauroral Proton Aurora, SAR Arcs and SAPS Unveiled by Citizen Scientist Photographs
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Inner belt wisp precipitation measured by ELFIN: regimes of energetic electron scattering by VLF transmitter waves
- Heliophysics from the Moon in the Age of Artemis: Solar Corona Observations from Lunar Orbit and the Surface
- Global distribution of energetic electron precipitation observed by ELFIN in low Earth orbit
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- First ELFIN Observations of Relativistic Electron Precipitation Driven by the Combined Effect of Whistler and EMIC Waves
- Excitation of Electron Acoustic Waves by electron beams in nonlinear Landau resonance with Whistler Waves
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Patterns in Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Whistler Mode Hiss, Plume Hiss, and Chorus During an ELFIN and THEMIS Conjunction
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents, a Long-Simulated but Newly Observed Feature of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System, is Likely a Consequence of Meso-scale Magnetotail Dynamics, as Revealed by Their Preference on Geomagnetic Activity
- Electron Precipitations as Driven by Interplanetary Shock Impact on the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Ducted Chorus Waves Cause Sub-Relativistic and RelativisticElectron Microbursts
- Bursty energetic electron precipitation by high-order resonance with very-oblique whistler-mode waves
- A Parametric Survey of Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic and Electron Acoustic Waves in relation to Earth's Diffuse Aurora
- The role of magnetosheath high-speed jets in generating magnetospheric ULF waves
- The response of ionospheric currents to different types of magnetospheric fast flow bursts using THEMIS observations
- Tens to hundreds of keV electron precipitation driven by kinetic Alfven waves associated with magnetotail injections
- THEMIS and MMS Observations of Foreshock Conditions of Hot Flow Anomalies and Foreshock Bubbles
- Storm-time magnetospheric convection modes and drivers and their relation to non-storm times
- Statistics of Quasi-periodic Bursts of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves driven by Compressional Ultra-low-frequency Waves
- Statistical analysis of whistler wave properties and spatial distribution in foreshock transients
- SPEDAS: A Way Forward to Integrated Heliophysics Data, Analysis and Teams and Preparing the Next Generation of Space Scientists
- Role of ULF waves in relativistic electron loss by whistler-mode wave scattering
- Magnetospheric Source and Electric Current System associated with Intense SAIDs
- Machine learning applied to data from the THEMIS All-Sky Imager Array: Clouds and APA
- Kinetic Plasma Structures Associated with Substorm Auroral Beads by Space-Ground Coordinated Observations
- Investigating Substorm-Related Flows and Dipolarizations Using Multi-Point Spacecraft and All Sky Imager Data
- Identifying the Structure and Propagation of Pc5 ULF Waves Using Space-ground Conjunctions
- Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas (HARP), a Citizen Science Tool for Space Weather
- Global and Local Processes of Thin Current Sheet Formation during Substorm Growth Phase
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- First results from the ELFIN mission and equatorial spacecraft conjunctions
- Fast variations of energetic electron fluxes in the Earths radiation belts as an indication of nonlinear wave-particle interaction
- Expanding mission science into the inner magnetosphere with ELFIN
- Evidence on a Class of Azimuthally Propagating Dipolarization Structures in the Earths Magnetosphere from 4 to 30 Re
- Energetic electron precipitation driven by resonant scattering of quasi-periodic EMIC and whistler waves
- Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Wave-Particle Interactions: Multi-Event Analysis Using ELFIN CubeSat Observations
- ELFIN observations and modeling: Relativistic Electron Losses due to Resonant Chorus Wave Scattering
- ELFIN Observations of the Electron Isotropic Boundary
- ELFIN Observations of Energetic Electron Precipitation Driven by Nonlinear Landau Resonance with Oblique Whistler Waves
- Configuration of a magnetotail current sheet prior to magnetic reconnection
- Beam-driven Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves in Earth's Magnetotail
- Auroral Drivers of Intense dBdt During Geomagnetic Storms
- Atmospheric and Ionospheric Impacts of Intense Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Plasma Sheet and Radiation Belts Based on ELFIN CubeSat and MMS Observations
- A Magnetospheric Driver of Westward Traveling Surge: Plasma-Sheet Bubble
Linked Co-Authors
- A. I. Neishtadt
- A. J. Coster
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Runov
- Alan Dyer
- Alexander Drozdov
- Allison Jaynes
- B. Gallardo‐Lacourt
- B. Wang
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. A. Cattell
- C. R. Martinis
- C. Wilkins
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. L. Turner
- Dmitri Vainchtein
- Dong Lin
- Dong Wei
- Donglai Ma
- E. Spanswick
- E. W. Grimes
- Ethan Tsai
- F. Beyene
- G. D. Reeves
- H. U. Frey
- H. Zhang
- Haonan Wu
- Heli Hietala
- Homayon Aryan
- Hong Zhao
- I. Shinohara
- I. Y. Vasko
- J. B. Baker
- J. F. Cooper
- J. L. Semeter
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Weygand
- J. R. Wygant
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jennifer Carter
- Jian Yang
- Jiang Liu
- Jinxing Li
- Jonathan Ng
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. K. Khurana
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Kevin Pham
- L. Capannolo
- L. Gan
- L. R. Lyons
- Lunjin Chen
- M. F. Bashir
- M. G. Henderson
- M. Hartinger
- Martin Archer
- Murong Qin
- P. J. Erickson
- Q. Ma
- R. A. Wolf
- R. M. Candey
- S. B. Mende
- S. R. Kamaletdinov
- S. Tian
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Shadia Rifai Habbal
- T. E. Sarris
- V. G. Merkin
- W. A. Bristow
- W. Li
- Weichao Tu
- Weiqin Sun
- Wenbin Wang
- Wenlong Liu
- X. Zhang
- Xiaochen Shen
- Xiaofei Shi
- Xiaojia Zhang
- Xin An
- Xing Meng
- Xinlin Li
- Xueling Shi
- Y. Nishimura
- Yangyang Shen
- Ying Zou
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Zixu Liu
- А. V. Artemyev
- Е. Е. Григоренко
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Auburn University, Alabama
- Austrian Institute of Space Science Research
- Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
- Boston University, Massachusetts
- British Antarctic Survey
- Clemson University, South Carolina
- Colorado School of Mines
- Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
- Direction des Applications Militaires, Ile-de-France
- Drexel University, Pennsylvania
- Government College University Lahore, Pakistan
- Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Haystack Observatory
- Imperial College, London
- Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
- JAXA, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Kyoto University, Japan
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- Loughborough University, UK
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
- Nagoya University, Japan
- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado
- Pennsylvania State University
- Princeton University, New Jersey
- RAS, Institute of Applied Physics, Novgorod
- RAS, Polar Geophysical Institute, Murmansk
- RAS, Space Research Institute, Moscow
- Rice University, Texas
- Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory
- South University of Science and Technology, China
- Space Science Institute, Colorado
- Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
- University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Colorado
- University of Alabama, Huntsville
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- University of Calgary, Canada
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Hawaii, Manoa
- University of Hawaii, Manoa, Institute for Astronomy
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- University of Leicester, UK
- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- University of New Brunswick, Canada
- University of New Hampshire
- University of Oslo, Norway
- University of Saskatchewan, Canada
- University of Sheffield, UK
- University of Texas, Dallas
- University of Thrace, Greece
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- West Virginia University
- Zhongshan University, China
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