Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Application of multivariate Maxwellian mixture model to plasma velocity distribution function
- Error Estimation in deriving the Atmospheric Motion Vectors from cloud images
- Pi2 onset time determination with information criterion
- Predicting the Hazard From Large Events Around a Major Earthquake From an Analysis of the Aftershock Sequence
- A Practical Space-Time Model for Regional Seismicity
- Dependence of Dayside Field-Aligned Currents on the Ionospheric Conductivity: Statistical Study With DMSP-F7 Data
- Field-aligned currents in the outermost plasma sheet boundary layer with Geotail observation
- Probabilistic modeling of the long-term spatial patterns of eruptive centers: Case studies from Higashi-Izu and Kannabe-Oginosen monogenetic volcano groups, Japan
- Space-Time Inversion of Geodetic Data for Fault Slip by Monte Carlo Mixture Kalman Filter Approach
- Systematic study of the large-scale field-aligned current structures from large database
- A New Approach to Time-Dependent Inversion of Geodetic Data Using Monte Carlo Mixture Kalman Filter
- Automatic Identification of ULF Waves in Triaxial Magnetic Records
- Detection of Anomalous Seismicity as a Stress Change Sensor
- Near-Earth Reconnection Confined in the Plasmasheet during the Substorm Growth Phase: A Study of the November 24, 1996, Event
- Testing of hypotheses associated earthquake clustering features by using the stochastic reconstruction method
- The Extended Concept Of Symmetropy And Its Application To Earthquakes And Acoustic Emissions
- Analyzing earthquake clustering features by stochastic reconstruction -- foreshocks
- Application of ensemble Kalman filter to coupled atmosphere-ocean model
- Seasonal Variations of the Intensities of Large-scale Field-aligned Currents
- Simultaneous estimation of b-values and detection rates of earthquakes for the application to aftershock probability forecasting
- Transport Characteristics From Multi-Component Approach in Magnetotail Plasma Measurements
- Aftershock Relaxation for Japanese and Sumatra Earthquakes
- Earthquake forecasting using the pattern informatics (PI) index
- Estimation Accuracy of air Temperature and Water Vapor Amount Above Vegetation Canopy Using MODIS Satellite Data
- The largest events in earthquake clusters and their relationship to foreshocks
- Time Series Analysis to Detect Hydrological Anomalies Related to Earthquakes
- Data assimilation of radiation belt electrons
- Detection of precursory slips on a fault by the quiescence and activation of seismicity relative to the ETAS model and by the anomalous trend of the geodetic time series of distances between GPS stations around the fault
- Information Fusion of Tsunami Simulation Model and Tide Gauge Data Through Sequential Data Assimilation
- Accurate modeling of regional oceanic tides for detiding gravimeter data at southeastern Alaska
- GPS Ionospheric Tomography over Japan with Constrained Least-squares Method
- Geotail observations of temperature anisotropies in the cold plasma sheet on the duskside
- Is Gutenberg-Richter b value uniform in California and are spontaneous earthquakes stationary in California?
- Modelling of the spatio-temporal distribution of aftershocks based on rate- and state friction law
- Relationships between field-aligned currents and particle precipitation
- Statistical Relationship between Large-scale Field-aligned Currents and Particle Precipitation
- Stochastic declustering: visualizing of the family trees in earthquake catalogs with uncertainty
- Accurate ocean tide modeling in southeast Alaska and large tidal dissipation around Glacier Bay
- Covariance regularization through a Gaussian graphical model and its application to ocean data assimilation
- Relationships between field-aligned currents and particle precipitation
- Simulation studies on the differences between spontaneous and triggered seismicity and on foreshock probabilities
- Space-time model for diagnosis of wide regional and global seismicity
- The method to estimate a slip distribution of a large earthquake based on the spatial distribution of its aftershocks and rate- and state friction law: Further development
- A data assimilation method for plasmasphere modeling using EUV imaging data
- A new analysis method using the particle filter algorithm applicable to long-period tide gauge records
- A new scoring method for evaluating the performance of earthquake forecasts and predictions
- An empirical field-aligned current model based on the DMSP and DE 2 satellites
- Are Spontaneous Earthquakes Stationary In California?
- Detecting Seismicity Rate Transients in the Hokkaido Corner
- Displacement of the conjugate point during the course of a substorm reproduced by a global MHD simulation
- Global earthquake catalogs and long-range correlation of seismic activity (Invited)
- Identification of substorm precursor and expansion onsets by applying Singular Spectrum Transformation to ground-magnetometer data
- Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Field-aligned Currents and Particle Precipitation in the Premidnight Sector: Dependence on Solar Illumination at the Ionospheric Footpoint
- Locations of Night-side Particle Precipitation Boundaries Relative to R2 and R1 Currents
- Relationships between dayside field-aligned currents and particle precipitation
- Seismicity changes in Tohoku District before the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake
- Synthesis of wind-affected long-period seismoacoustic waves
- Theoretical Consideration to the Deformation of Island-Arc Crust Based on the Concept of Moment Tensor
- An Improved Statistical Solution for Global Seismicity by the HIST-ETAS Approach
- Building the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis (CORSSA)
- Dayside field-aligned current source regions
- Maximum likelihood estimation of error covariances in ensemble-based filters
- On the c-values of the off-fault aftershocks triggered by the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan
- Operational foreshock forecasting: Fifteen years after
- Purposes and methods of scoring earthquake forecasts
- Seismicity activation before the mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004 based on Epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model
- Slow Slip Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki M8 Earthquake off Hokkaido
- An Approach for Exploring the Dynamics of the Plasmasphere Using Data Assimilation of IMAGE/EUV Data
- CORSSA: Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
- Solar wind driving of dayside field-aligned currents
- Testing significance of earthquake precursors: Against complete randomness? Or against earthquake clustering models?
- Changes in Seismic Activity Following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake: Effects of Pore Fluid Pressure
- Particle filter with a proposal distribution generated by the ensemble transform Kalman filter
- Time-Series Modeling of Tide Gauge Records for Monitoring of the Crustal Activities Related to Oceanic Trench Earthquakes around Japan
- Effectiveness of Generalized Aurora Computed Tomography for the EISCAT_3D project
- Effects of the Dayside Ionospheric Conductance on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Estimation of the plasmaspheric helium ion distribution through assimilation of the IMAGE/EUV data (Invited)
- Field-aligned currents during the extreme solar minimum between the solar cycles 23 and 24
- Investigation on the internal acceleration process of the outer radiation belt using the particle filter
- Separating triggered and stress-change induced seismcity
- A stochastic model for tropical cyclone tracks based on Reanalysis data and GCM output
- Can We Forecast 1-Month Span Aftershock Activity from the First Day Data after the Main Shock?
- Effects of Dayside Ionospheric Conductivity on the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Solar Cycle Dependence of Night-side Field-aligned Currents
- Improved Hodograph Method and the Amplitude-Phase Gradient Method to estimate the latitude dependence of the FLR frequency, plasma density, and the resonance width using data from a ground magnetometer pair: Application to CARISMA and MAGDAS station pairs in North America
- Long-term variation of the typhoon trajectory pattern estimated from the typhoon best track data
- Predicting Offshore Swarm Rate Changes by Volumetric Strain Changes in Izu Peninsula, Japan
- Probabilistic Climate Scenario Information for Risk Assessment
- Relationship between Relativistic Electron Flux in the Inner Magnetosphere and ULF Pulsation on the Ground Associated with Long-term Variations of Solar Wind
- Short-term earthquake probabilities during the L'Aquila earthquake sequence in central Italy, 2009
- Space-time Renewal Model for Repeating Earthquakes and Slow Slip before and after the Major Earthquakes in the Northeastern Japan Subduction Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Snow Accumulation and Snow Chemistry at East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- An improved space-time ETAS model for inverting the rupture geometry from seismicity triggering
- An introduction of a new stochastic tropical cyclone model for Japan area
- Analysis of Changing Swarm Rate using Volumetric Strain
- Development of probabilistic regional climate scenario in East Asia
- Downscaling and probabilistic regional climate projection in Japan using a statistical method
- Formation of Island Arc-Trench System due to Plate Subduction on the Basis of Elastic Dislocation Theory
- Identifying spatiotemporal migration patterns of non-volcanic tremors using hidden Markov models
- Interpretation of Crustal Deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Megathrust Earthquake by the Combined Effect of Afterslip and Viscoelastic Stress Relaxation
- Multiple linear regression models to fit magnitude using rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement
- Spatial Distribution of the Coefficient of Variation for the Paleo-Earthquakes in Japan
- ULF Seismo-electromagnetic Studies in Kanto, Japan: Progress and Challenges
- An interdisciplinary approach for earthquake modelling and forecasting
- Data assimilation for AU index
- Data assimilation of global ENA and EUV measurements for reconstruction of the inner-magnetosphere
- Probabilistic regional climate projection in Japan using a regression model with CMIP5 multi-model ensemble experiments
- Real-time Mainshock Forecast by Statistical Discrimination of Foreshock Clusters
- Statistical Monitoring of the Seismic Activities before and after the Kumamoto Earthquakes
- Assessment of precursory information in seismo-electromagnetic phenomena
- Automated Determination of Magnitude and Source Length of Large Earthquakes
- Heterogeneity of direct aftershock productivity in the focal zones of large earthquakes and other clustering features of seismicity in Italy during 2005 to 2016
- Regional probabilistic climate projection for Japan with a regression model using CMIP5 multi-model ensemble experiments
- 3D ETAS based model for predicting seismicity beneath the Greater Tokyo Area
- Anomalies in wide seismicity before the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Bayesian Framework for Constraining the Magnitude of Extreme Aftershocks
- Bayesian estimation and forecast for recurrence intervals of uncertain occurrence times from paleoearthquakes
- Combining focal mechanisms into the ETAS model
- Did the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake trigger the occurrence of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake in Sichuan, China?
- Does fluid acceleration play a role in geodynamo-driven data assimilation for prediction of short-term secular variations?
- Estimation of gradual stress changes before the 2016 Mw7.0 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake
- Heterogeneity of Direct Aftershock Productivity of the Mainshock Rupture
- Real-time operational aftershock forecasting in Japan
- Seismic Detection of Very Early Aftershocks Following the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismological investigations of potentially induced earthquakes near the Hutubi underground gas storage
- Statistical testing of earthquake precursors and modelling strategies
- Triggering and Decay Characteristics of Dynamically Activated Seismicity in Japan
- A Bayesian approach to estimating the strain rate from GPS Velocity observations and application to data from Mainland China
- Application of 4-dimensional ensemble variational method for geodynamo modeling
- Application of Machine Learning to magnetospheric physics and preparation of training data for global magnetospheric configuration and physics
- Elastic strain energy and pore fluid pressure controlling aftershocks
- Implementation of Replica Exchange Monte Carlo on 4DVar for Global Optimization
- Spatial Heterogeneity of the Aftershock Productivity of the Kumamoto Earthquake Modeled by the Finite Source ETAS model
- Spatiotemporal Evolution of Background Seismicity Rate and Stress Changes Inverted from Seismic Catalog in Changning Shale-gas Hydraulic Fracturing Region, Sichuan Basin of China
- Evaluating the Usefulness of Earthquake Early Warning for a California Rail System
- Incorporating focal mechanisms into the ETAS model
- Spatial variations in seismicity characteristics in and around the source region of the 2019 Yamagata-Oki Earthquake, Japan
- A machine learning approach to fill the data gaps of the solar wind profiles causing large magnetic storms
- Estimation of Near-surface Density Based on Bayesian Method over the Delaunay Tessellation with Second-order Smooth Prior.
- Extended ETAS model by incorporating focal mechanisms
- Feasibility study of the global MHD simulation code toward reanalysis of the space weather phenomena
- Long-term earthquake forecasts for the Italy and California regions based on the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model for short-term clustering.
- Shaking with a Chance of Warning
- The research of spherical time-space ETAS model
- Virtual sounding of solar-wind effects on the AE indices based on an echo state network model
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents, a Long-Simulated but Newly Observed Feature of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System, is Likely a Consequence of Meso-scale Magnetotail Dynamics, as Revealed by Their Preference on Geomagnetic Activity
- Loading kappa distributions in particle-in-cell simulations
- Short-term estimation of the geomagnetic secular variation by machine learning
- Temporal evolution equatorial anomaly in the nightside ionosphere derived from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data
- The Dependence of Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents, Inducer of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Instabilities and Ionospheric Heating, on Geomagnetic Activity Level
- The ionospheric conductivity distribution of the global MHD simulation code determined by the data assimilation