Space Science Institute, Colorado
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Menu of Opportunities for Space and Earth Scientists in Education (MOSIE)
- Constraints on Martian Aerosol Particles Using MGS/TES and HST Data: Shapes
- Enhancing Nontraditional Informal Programs Using Exhibitions: a case study of MarsQuest
- From SuperClusters to Browsers: Using Research Simulations in Informal Education
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During 2001
- MarsQuest Online: Using the Web to Extend the Power of a Museum Exhibit
- Types, Sizes, Shapes and Distributions of Mars Ice and Dust Aerosols from the MGS TES Emission Phase Function Observations
- Calibration and Initial Analysis of Multispectral Images of Mars from the VIS Subsystem on the Mars Odyssey THEMIS Investigation
- Field Observations Using the FIDO Infrared Point Spectrometer: Mineralogical Interpretation and Implications for In Situ Investigations on Mars
- HDO in the Mesosphere: Observation and Modeling of [HDO]/[H<SUB>2</SUB>O] Variability
- Museum Exhibitions: Optimizing Development Using Evaluation
- The Education and Public Outreach Committee of the AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy Section: Supporting AGU Scientists in their Educational Endeavors
- The Single Scattering Albedo of Martian Atmospheric Dust in the 290-500 nm Region
- ULF waves and energetic electron dynamics in the outer zone
- What Every Scientist Should Know About Quality Professional Development Experiences for Teachers
- An Updated Assessment of the Hazard Due to Earth Impacts
- Building Bridges Between NASA Space Science and Native American Communities
- Cosmic Origins: A Traveling Science Exhibit and Education Program
- Developing Exhibit-based, Interactive Web Sites to Communicate Science
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During the Extremely Close Approach of 2003
- Solar Astronomy: Science in Service to Education
- TES Mineralogy in the Wings of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Band. Constraining the Mineralogy of Type 2 Terrain.
- The Benefits and Challenges of Scientist-Educator Partnerships
- The Role of Scientists in Science-Educator Partnerships
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Titan
- Cassini RPWS Observations of Saturn Lightning
- Communicating Earth System Science Through Exhibitions
- Coordinated Mars Exploration Rover and Mars Express OMEGA Observations over Meridiani Planum
- Faint Rings and Things According to Cassini
- Golfing with protons: using research grade simulation algorithms for online games
- MER Atmospheric Results: Pancam and Mini-TES
- MarsQuest Online: Bringing exploration to the public
- Mesospheric Clouds on Mars in Nadir-Pointed THEMIS-VIS Images
- Radiative Transfer Photometric Analysis of Surface Materials at the Mars Exploration Rover Landing Sites
- Space Science Education and Public Outreach Opportunities in 2007 and Beyond
- The Benefits and Challenges of Education and Public Outreach Efforts Associated With Scientific Research Programs
- The Saturn Atmosphere: An Early Cassini ISS Perspective
- Theoretical Radiative Transfer Emissivity Modeling of Quartz Fines At Nadir Incidence: Sensitivity Studies With Applications to Planetary Regolith
- Using Comparative Planetology in Exhibit Development
- VNIR spectral features observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity in hematite-bearing materials at Meridiani Planum
- Boundary Layer Dynamics as seen from MER Mini-TES
- Compositional Units on the Mars Surface From the Mars Express HRSC Color Imagery
- Coordinated Analysis of Mars Express OMEGA Hyperspectral Imaging and Mars Exploration Rover Traverse Data for Meridiani Planum
- Effects of Atmospheric Dust on Sublimation of the Martian Residual South Polar Cap
- Enceladus' global geology as seen by Cassini ISS
- Exploring the Surface of Titan with Cassini-Huygens
- Extreme Global Variability in the Middle Atmosphere of Venus
- First Low-Iron Materials on Mars and Possibility of a Major Montmorillonite Component
- Ice Grain Size Distribution: Differences Between Jovian and Saturnian Icy Satellites From Galileo and Cassini Measurements
- Icy Satellites Cartography: First Results after 18 months in Orbit
- Incorporating current research into broader educational contexts
- Realizing Benefits and Overcoming Challenges of Education Programs Associated with Scientific Research Programs
- Shoemaker Lecture: Cassini's Exploration of the Saturn System
- THEMIS-VIS Measurements of the Altitude and Velocity of Clouds in the Martian Mesosphere
- The Depths of Saturn Revealed: Discrete Cloud Systems and Winds at the 2-Bar Level as Imaged by Cassini/VIMS
- The Nature of the Mars Pathfinder "Black Rock" Lithology: Comparisons with SNC Meteorites and OMEGA spectral images of Chryse Planitia
- VNIR spectral classes of rocks in the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater, Mars as observed by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's Pancam
- Vertical wind shear on Jupiter from Cassini images
- Water Ice Clouds as Seen from the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Atmospheric Science using CRISM EPF Sequences
- Cassini Imaging of the Enceladus Plumes: Measurements and Models
- Ceres: Evoltion and Present State #2
- First CRISM Observations of Mars
- First Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos From Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM Data
- Full-disk observations of the saturnian moons in the VIS-NIR spectral range by Cassini- VIMS
- Geochemical Evidence for the Volcanic Origin of Home Plate in the Inner Basin of the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater
- MARCI Ultraviolet Global Imaging of Mars Ozone and Clouds
- Mapping Geological Units on Mars by Analyzing the Spectral Properties of the Surface from the Mars-Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC)
- Martian Mesospheric Clouds: Latest Results from THEMIS-VIS
- Modeling of the Titan Atmosphere to Obtain Surface Albedos From Cassini-VIMS Infrared Spectra
- Multi-sensor, mapping and multispectral analysis of the Mawrth Vallis region of Mars
- Omacatl and Elpis Maculae as possible sources of windblown dark material, from Cassini VIMS
- Origin of Home Plate, Columbia Hills, Mars: Hydrovolcanic Hypothesis
- Partnership Brings Educational Exhibits, Events, and Resources from Seven National Research Laboratories to the Public in a New Retail Center: The Wonders of Science at Twenty Ninth Street Project
- Perspectives on Creating "Culturally Relevant" Educational Products
- Rock Rinds at Meridiani and Surface Weathering Phenomena
- Spectral Diversity of Rock Fragments at the Meridiani Planum Landing Site
- Stratigraphic Correlation via Opportunity's Pancam of the Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Structural Model of Endurance Crater for Rover-Based Exploration of Crater Rims
- The Surfaces of Small Saturnian Satellites: What Causes the Range of Morphologies?
- CO2, SO, Hydrates, and Other Constituents on the Trailing and Anti-Jovian Hemispheres of Europa From Reprocessed Galileo/NIMS Measurements
- CRISM Observations of Water Vapor and Other Atmospheric Gases
- CRISM Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos for Multispectral Mapping of Mars with DISORT- based Radiative Transfer Modeling: Phase 1 -- Using Historical Climatology for Temperatures, Aerosol Optical Depths, and Atmospheric Pressures
- Characterizing Lunar Crustal Geology
- Comparisons between phyllosilicate-bearing strata at Mawrth Vallis and Terra Meridiani
- Europa's surface composition: What we know, what we would like to know, and how we can find out
- Investigating the Wavelength Dependence of the Single-Scattering Albedo of Martian Dust Aerosols with CRISM and MARCI Observations of the Very Dusty Atmosphere in 2007
- MARCI Observations of Mesospheric Cloud Trails and Their Association with Extreme Vertical Ascent within Localized (10's of km), Short Duration (1-2 days) Dust Lifting Events
- Mars: South Polar Spring Recession as observed by CRISM
- Mesospheric HCN, N2O, and CO: Measurements and Implications for Dynamics and Chemistry
- Mineralogy of the Moon by multiple endmember spectral unmixing of Clementine UVVIS and NIR data
- Residual South Polar Cap of Mars: MY28 MARCI Observations
- Seasonal Changes in the Martian North Polar Region from CRISM, MARCI and CTX
- Surface-Atmospheric Separation Models for Titan: Plane Parallel vs. Spherical Shell Radiative Transfer Solutions for Cassini VIMS Data
- The perturbation of near IR optical features of water ice induced by frozen acids, brines and organic polymers.
- VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Study of the Saturnian icy Satellites by Cassini-VIMS
- Cassini Imaging Observations of Lakes and Clouds at Titan's High Latitudes and the Implications of the Changes Therein
- Color Mosaics and Multispectral Analyses of Mars Reconnaissance Orbit Mars Color Imager (MARCI) Observations
- Coordinated Orbital and Landed Observations for Understanding Martian Soil and Rock Mineralogy and Textures
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Global Catastrophes in Perspective: Asteroid Impacts vs Climate Change
- Global Mapping of Minerals on Mars With OMEGA Hyperspectral Data Using a Linear Unmixing Algorithm
- How Surface-Atmospheric Separation Radiative Transfer Models Compare to Cassini VIMS Data for Titan
- Pancam Spectral Variations Across Home Plate: Bonestell Panorama, Gusev Crater, Mars
- Phoenix and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Coordinated Atmospheric Science
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Possible origins for phyllosilicate-rich materials observed at Mawrth Vallis: Evidence from fracture patterns and reflectance spectra
- Properties of Martian Dust Aerosols From the Combination of MER and MGS/MRO Observations
- Real Solar Irradiance Data for Planetary Surface Studies
- Space Weather Outreach: An Informal Education Perspective
- Space Weather Outreach: Connection to STEM Standards
- Space physics games and simulations for informal education
- Sulfates, Ferric Oxides and Al-OH Bearing Minerals in Aram Chaos
- The Aqueous Chemistry of the Soils at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Uranian Equinoctial Observations
- A Year at the Moon on Chandrayaan-1: Moon Mineralogy Mapper Data in a Global Perspective
- Atmospheric Mapping Retrievals Using MRO/MARCI Ultraviolet Images
- CRISM Limb Observations of Aerosols and Water Vapor
- CRISM Limb Profile Observations: Aerosol Particle Sizes and O2 Singlet Delta Emission
- Cosmic impact: What are the odds?
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Discover Space: an IYA program for libraries
- HST Observations of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter
- HST UV Observations of the New Jupiter Impact Site
- Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-Rich Deposits on the Central Nearside of the Moon
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- New calibrated dataset of the Galileo-NIMS observations of the Jovian satellite Ganymede and mapping of its water ice grain sizes and non-ice components
- Orientale Impact Basin: New Insights into Formation and Evolution from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Pancam Multispectral Observations of the Block Island meteorite, Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Physics and 3D in Flash Simulations: Open Source Reality
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Sulfur in Hydrothermal Deposits at Gusev Crater, Mars
- Summer-Fall Seasonal Ices at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site: Results from CRISM Observations
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Mineralogy of Late-Stage Lunar Volcanism as Observed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1
- The Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer: Instrument Description, Calibration, and On-Orbit Validation of the Spectral, Radiometric, Spatial and Uniformity Characteristics (Invited)
- The NEO population and impact frequency (Invited)
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Thermal and Near-Infrared Structural Evolution of the 2009 Wesley Jupiter Impact from 1.5-24.5 Micron Imaging
- Titan Mare Explorer (TiME): A Discovery Mission to Titan’s Hydrocarbon Lakes
- Analysis of the behavior of the 3-µm absorptions in the M3 lunar reflectance observations and indications of OH sources and processes for airless bodies
- Average Hapke parameters of the surface traversed by the Opportunity rover at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- CO2-related explosive alkaline magmatism in Gusev crater, Mars: Implications for oxygen fugacity and carbon inventory in the Noachian Martian mantle (Invited)
- Comets, Asteroids and Rubble Piles: not just debris
- Discover Earth: An earth system science program for libraries and their communities
- Discovery of Carbonate-Rich Outcrops in the Gusev Crater Columbia Hills by the MER Rover Spirit
- MARs Color Imager (MARCI) Daily Global Ozone Column Mapping from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO): A Survey of 2006-2010 Results
- Making an Impact with Public Outreach Activities on Asteroids, Comets, and Meteorites
- Mapping Water Ice Clouds wth MRO/MARCI
- Retrieval and Interpretation of 0.4 to 4.0 μm Lambert Albedos over Aram Chaos from Mars Express OMEGA Data
- STAR Library Education Network: a hands-on learning program for libraries and their communities
- Surface units of the Mars Exploration Rover landing sites analyzed with hyperspectral images
- The Swirls at SPA
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Giant Storm in Saturn's Northern Hemisphere
- Assimilation of Plasma Density Measurements Into the Dynamic Global Core Plasma Model
- CRISM-Derived Spectral Scattering Parameters for Surfaces in the Vicinity of Opportunity Mars Rover Traverses
- ChemCam Targeted Science at Gale Crater
- Clear Evidence for Hydrothermal Deposits within Gusev Crater Established by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit
- Comparing Rover and Orbiter based observations at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Compositional maps and VIS-IR spectral indicators of Vesta's surface retrieved from VIR hyperspectral data
- Dawn Arrives at Vesta: The Smallest Terrestrial Planet
- Deriving Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Sizes from TES
- Discover Earth: an earth system science program for libraries and their communities
- Distribution of Io's Volcanic Thermal Emission From Galileo and Ground-Based Data
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Fake Magnets, Real Physics: Using touch tables with fiducials to create interactive experiences
- Field Line Resonance Measurements in the Inner Magnetosphere During Large Storms: Implications for Convection and Depletion
- Field Line Resonance conjugate studies in the dayside inner magnetosphere using SAMBA antarctic magnetometers and THEMIS mission probes
- General Circulation and Transport in Saturn's Stratosphere
- Geochemical mapping of 4 Vesta begins
- Hydrocarbon ions in the Lower Ionosphere of Saturn
- Initial Pancam Visible/Near-infrared Observations of Materials near Endeavour Crater's Western Rim
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Mapping Vesta Mid-Latitude Quadrangle V-12EW: Mapping the Edge of the South Polar Structure
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Remote Sensing and Modeling of Polarimetric Signatures of Solar System Objects
- Remote sensing of the plasmasphere mass density using ground magnetometers and the FLIP model
- Saturn's Great White Storm (2010): Correlations between Clouds and Thermal Fields?
- Seasonal and Annual Change in the Martian Polar Regions
- South Residual CAP of Mars: Many Units, Many Processes
- Statistical comparison of the ionospheric energy deposition before and after sudden enhancements in solar wind dynamic pressure using AMIE output
- Temperature, grain size, and CO2-clathrate hydrates maps of Enceladus and Dione
- Temporal Evolution of Saturn's Great White Spot Storm 2010-2011
- The South Polar Structure on Vesta from Dawn: Using Geologic, Topographic and Compositional Mapping and Planetary Analogs to Test Origin Models
- The Thermal Inertia of Vesta's Surface
- Thermal Evolution of Saturn's 2010-2011 Disturbance
- Two-dimensional Ionospheric Flow Pattern Associated with Auroral Streamers
- VIR: first hyperspectral images of 4 Vesta's surface
- Vertical Distribution of Aerosols and Water Vapor Using CRISM Limb Observations
- Vesta surface mineralogy: Global and regional properties
- Vesta's temperature: First results from Dawn's Survey Orbits
- Water and other Volatiles on Vesta after the Lunar Case
- Whence, Whither, Wherefore, oh Lunar Water?
- 3D Polarized Radiative Transfer for Solar System Applications Using the public-domain HYPERION Code
- Assessment of the global energy budget of Mars and comparison to the Earth
- CPIC: a curvilinear Particle-In-Cell code for plasma-material interaction studies
- Chemical Diversity Along the Traverse of the Mer Rover Opportunity at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Dark Material on Vesta from Infall of Carbonaceous Volatile-Rich Materials
- Dawn Completes its Mapping of Vesta: An Introduction to Dawn's Findings
- Dawn at Vesta: surface mineralogy after the mapping phases
- Determination of the plasmapause boundary using ground magnetometer field line resonances, satellite observations, and modeling
- Dipolarization Fronts and Particle Acceleration
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Plasmasphere Data Assimilation from Ground-Based Observations
- Formation and Retention of Hydroxyl and Water on the Lunar Surface
- Global Surface Thermal Inertia Derived from Dawn VIR Observations
- Ionospheric Poynting Flux Response to Sudden Enhancements in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure
- Large Impact Basin Morphologies on Vesta in Solar System Context
- Modeling the expansion of a contactor plasma
- Multipoint Measurements of Anisotropic Electrons, Whistler Waves, and Radiation Belt Electrons
- Noctilucent Cloud Imaging and Tomography using a Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicle
- OH Meinel Band Polar Nightglow in the Mars Atmosphere from MRO CRISM Limb Observations
- OH and H2O on Vesta and on the Moon: A comparative analysis
- On the Solar-Wind/Magnetosphere Interaction
- Optical evidence of energetic particle precipitation caused by artificial VLF transmissions
- Pickup proton instabilities and scattering in the distant solar wind and the outer heliosheath: Hybrid simulations
- Professional- Amateur Astronomer Partnerships in Scientific Research: The Re-emergence of Jupiter's 5-Micron Hot Spots
- Saturn temperature profiles at low, medium and high latitudes derived from UVIS EUV Solar occultations
- Saturn's F Ring Core: Calm Amidst Chaos
- Science Drivers for Polarimetric Exploration of the Solar System and Beyond
- Solar wind measurements of the spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations at scales between the ion and electron gyro-radius
- Some Timescales and Time Lags in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- The Geological Context of Vesta's Dark Material
- Three Mars Years of Surface Albedo Changes Observed by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MARCI Investigation
- Topside-Ionosphere and Plasmaspheric Composition Changes During Storms
- Using polarimetry to evaluate carbon depletion found by the Stardust mission in Comet 81P/Wild 2
- VIR looking at Vesta: the north hemisphere
- Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Particle Sizes using MGS/TES and MRO/MCS
- Aerosol Particle Size Retrievals from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars
- Albedo of surface CO2 deposits in Mars' Residual South Polar Cap
- Analysis of HST pre-perihelion imaging polarimetry of Comet ISON
- Building worlds and learning astronomy on Facebook
- Calcium Sulfate Vein Observations at Yellowknife Bay using ChemCam on the Curiosity Rover
- ChemCam Compositional Results from the Shaler Outcrop in Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- ChemCam Passive Spectroscopy of the Martian Atmosphere
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Circular Polarimetry: Diagnostic of Magnetic Fields, Atmospheric Aerosols and Biologic Activity
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Comparing the Chemistry for the Pathfinder, MER and MSL Martian Landing Sites with APXS
- Composition of Vesta and Ceres from Dawn: Findings, expectations and implications (Invited)
- Data Assimilation Results from PLASMON
- Do plasma wave instabilities coexist with strong plasma turbulence in the solar wind?
- Four Mars Years of Mapping Water Ice Clouds with MRO/MARCI
- Ground-Based Observations of the Aftermath of the 2010-2011 Great Northern Springtime Storm in Saturn (Invited)
- Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC Imaging Polarimetry of Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) (Invited)
- Integrating social media and remote sensing data in a model framework to identify vulnerable areas in coastal cities after disasters
- Interplanetary dust flux to the outer planet atmospheres
- Leveraging Social Media for Pro-Am Collaborations: Support for C/2012 S1 (ISON) Observing Campaign
- Mars nighttime water-ice clouds
- Mid-infrared Observation of C/2012 S1 (ISON) with Subaru+COMCIS
- Modeling light scattering from irregularly shaped particles (Invited)
- Modeling the Skills and Practices of Scientists through an 'All-Inclusive' Comparative Planetology Student Research Investigation
- Models for Temperature and Composition in Uranus from Spitzer, Herschel and Ground-Based Infrared through Millimeter Observations
- Multiple Scattering of Light by the Surfaces of Asteroids (Invited)
- Nature and Origin of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- O+ concentration at geosynchronous orbit, and its effects on waves and magnetopause reconnection (Invited)
- Observations of ejecta clouds produced by impacts onto Saturn's rings (Invited)
- Observed and modeled response of the dayside/nightside reconnection rates to a solar wind dynamic pressure front
- Observing Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) With the Spitzer Space Telescope
- Particle-in-cell simulations of whistler turbulence: A review (Invited)
- Properties of Magnetic Reconnection as a function of magnetic shear
- Quantifying surface scattering parameters for bright and dark Martian surfaces
- Remote Sensing of PMCs with the Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere (PoSSUM) Lidar
- Saturn's Visible Aurora
- Seasonal Variation of Aerosol Particle Size Using MER/Pancam Sky Imaging
- Separation of spatial and temporal structure of auroral particle precipitation (Invited)
- Shatter Complex Formation in the Twin Craters Lava Flow, Zuni-Bandera Field, New Mexico
- The Martian Polar Vortices: Climatology and Variability During the MGS/TES Period
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions
- The dynamics of the plasmasphere boundary layer as determined by ground magnetometers, satellite observations, and modeling
- The mysteries of the diffusion region in asymmetric systems
- The scientific challenges to forecasting and nowcasting the magnetospheric response to space weather (Invited)
- Thermophysical properties of radar-dark ejecta haloes on the Moon: Constraints from Diviner thermal observations and modeling
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Venus Atmosphere - Observations needed between 65 - 120 km
- Understanding chemical trends in rock surface compositions as measured by ChemCam at Gale crater, Mars: The signatures of rock coatings and rinds in LIBS laboratory data
- Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Particle Sizes from Mars Climate Sounder Observations
- A Versatile 4-Plasma Categorization Scheme for the Solar Wind: Exploring the Statistical Properties of Plasmas of Different Origins
- Albedo of Surface CO2 Deposits in Mars' Residual South Polar Cap
- Apxs Chemical Composition of the Kimberley Sandstone in Gale Crater
- Aqueous Alteration of Endeavour Crater Rim Apron Rocks
- Asymmetric Reconnection With a Guide Field: the Saga Continues
- Beam experiments in space: how do we take the charge off the spacecraft?
- Ceres: Dawn visits a Warm Wet Planet
- Comet 67P/CG compositional maps at regional scale in the VIS-IR from Rosetta/VIRTIS-M (Invited)
- Comparison of the Martian Polar Vortices in Data Assimilation Reanalyses and General Circulation Models
- Composition of Rheasilvia Basin on Asteroid Vesta.
- Constraining the plasmasphere dynamics with multiple data sets and data assimilation
- Global Mapping of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Hyperspectral Mapping of Iron-bearing Minerals Associated with Dry and Ephemeral Lakes
- Imaging of comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from the Martian surface
- Ion acceleration in dipolarization fronts
- Limb Retrievals of the martian atmosphere: Mapping with optical observations from MGS/TES, MRO/MCS, and MRO/MARCI
- Long-Term Time Variability of Temperature, Gas Abundance and Cloud Fields in Jupiter from Thermal Emission Observations
- Lunar Impact ejecta: The View from Radar and Thermal Infrared Observations
- Manganese in Endeavour Crater Rim Materials, Mars, and Implications for Habitability
- Mapping the Vertical Structure of the Lunar Regolith in Volcanic Regions and at Constellation Sites
- Measurement of Physical Libration of Enceladus and its Interpretation
- New Map of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow
- Northern Late Winter Planetary Waves: MRO/MARCI Observations and Mars Climate Model Simulations
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Onset of reconnection in the near magnetotail: PIC simulations
- Phosphates at the Surface of Mars: Primary Deposits and Alteration Products
- Polar Volatiles on Moon and Mercury: Similarity and Difference
- Predicting the high-speed-stream caused Bs events using the Current Sheet Source Surface Model
- Probing the Interior of Enceladus from Eruption Activity
- Refilling of the Plasmasphere at Geosynchronous Orbit: Observations and Modeling
- Regional and global crustal context of soil and rock chemistry from ChemCam and APXS at Gale crater
- SAM Chlorine Observations at Gale Crater
- Simulations of Enceladus' Tendril Features
- Starchitect: Building Worlds and Learning Astronomy on Facebook and Beyond
- Statistical Comparison of a Southern Auroral Electrojet Index with Northern Hemisphere AE Indices as a Function of Solar Wind and IMF
- The Detectability of Heat Flow Signatures on Europa
- The Effects of Abrupt Wind Shears in the Solar Wind on the Earth's Magnetosphere
- The Global and Local Characters of Mars Perihelion Cloud Trails
- The Martian O<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O cycles observed with ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- VIRTIS-Rosetta Observations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Nucleus and Coma During the Mission Pre-Landing Phase.
- A Physics-based Automated Technique for the Detection of Field Line Resonance Frequency in Ground Magnetometer Data
- A Rosetta Stone for in situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection
- Albedo of Carbon Dioxide Ice in Mars' Residual South Polar Cap
- Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution
- An Updated Model of the Substorm Current Wedge.
- Ceres Evolution: From Thermodynamic Modeling and Now Dawn Observation
- ChemCam First Discovery of High Silica Sediments in Gale Crater
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater: Diurnal and Seasonal cycles of O<SUB>2</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O, and aerosols
- Chemical Alteration Pathways Resulting in High-Silica Deposits on Mars
- Comparison of Energetic Electron Distribution Functions Derived from CXDs (L~4.2), CPAs and SOPAs (L~6.6), and Model AE8 at or near the Magnetic Equator
- Detailed spectroscopic analysis of chloride salt deposits in Terra Sirenum, Mars
- Distribution and nature of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus
- Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions
- Flux predictions at geosynchronous orbit (1 eV to 40 keV) based on solar wind conditions at 1 AU.
- Forming Enceladus' Near-Surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Units
- Icy Tendrils from Enceladus
- Identification of Acetylene on Titan's Surface
- Improving Estimated Optical Constants With MSTM and DDSCAT Modeling
- Interior Evolution of Ceres and Vesta Revealed by Dawn
- Ion Beams in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
- Ionosphere-Plasmasphere coupling using the ionosphere-plasmasphere-electrodynamics (IPE) model
- Key Recent Scientific Results from the Opportunity Rover's Exploration of Cape Tribulation, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Kinetic Simulation of the Dissipation of a Turbulent Cascade
- Limb Retrievals of the martian atmosphere: Mapping with optical observations from MGS/TES and MRO/MCS.
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Mapping sub-micon ice grains on Rhea
- Mineralogical Composition and Potential Dust Source of Playas in the Western U.S. and Australia as Remotely Identified Through Imaging Spectroscopy.
- New Constraints on the Rock Size Distribution on the Moon from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
- Potential Vorticity Structure of the Mars Polar Vortices
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-4 Ezinu Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Properties of Discrete and Axisymmetric Features in Jupiter's Atmosphere from Observations of Thermal Emission: Recent Updates on the Eve of the Juno Mission Arrival at Jupiter
- Prospecting for Diverse Igneous Rock Types on Mars: Pixl on "black Beauty" Nwa 7533
- Regional and Local Temperature Maps of Dwarf Planet Ceres from Dawn/VIR
- Regolith Formation Rates and Evolution from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Spectral Diversity of Ceres' Surface as Measured by VIR
- Spectral detection of complex organics in the hydrocarbon lakes of Titan
- Superposed Epoch Analysis Comparing the Reaction of the Proton Radiation Belt and the Electron Radiation Belt during High-Speed-Stream-Driven Storms
- The Composition and Physical Properties of Chloride Salt-bearing Deposits on Mars
- The Geology of Ceres: an Overview
- The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE) Investigation
- The Structure of the Electron Diffusion Region in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- Turbulence dissipation challenge: particle-in-cell simulations
- Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn
- Anisotropic Impact Cratering on the Moon Observed in the Lunar Cold Spot Crater Population
- Archival of Amateur Observations in Support to ESA/Rosetta Mission
- Automated Grouping of Opportunity Rover Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer Compositional Data
- Ceres' Evolution Before and After Dawn: Where are We Now?
- Ceres' darkest secret and its putative exosphere
- Characteristics of Ion Distribution Functions in Dipolarizing FluxBundles: THEMIS Event Studies
- Constraining Lunar Cold Spot Properties Using Eclipse and Twilight Temperature Behavior
- Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres
- Experimental NIR Study of Water Ice, Hydrated Salts, and mixtures.
- Flowing Hot or Cold: User-Friendly Computational Models of Terrestrial and Planetary Lava Channels and Lakes
- GOES-R - Preparing for an Extreme Space Weather Event
- Getting the temperature right: Understanding thermal emission from airless bodies
- Global MHD Modeling of Auroral Conjugacy for Different IMF Conditions
- HOPE Survey of the Near-Equatorial Magnetosphere Plasma Environment
- Ice under cover: Using bulk spatial and physical properties of probable ground ice driven mass wasting features on Ceres to better understand its surface
- Instabilities Driven by a Pickup Ion Velocity Ring in the Heliosphere: Linear Theory and PIC Simulations
- Instabilities, Magnetic Reconnection, and Cosmic Rays near the Heliopause
- Interactive Exhibits Foster Partnership and Engage Diverse Learners at Their Local Libraries
- Investigation of GICs Associated with Large dB/dt Variations in Space
- Ion beams in the plasma sheet
- Ion velocity distributions in the plasma sheet
- Libraries as a venue for exciting education technology, both high tech and low
- Limb Retrievals of TES solarband/IR data (and MCS solarband data)
- Magnetic Cyclotron Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency in the Solar Wind: Wind and ACE Observations in 2005
- Modelling the Properties of Rock Coatings Observed by the Mars Exploration Rovers' Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer and Hypthesized Environments of Formation
- NASA and Public Libraries: Enhancing STEM Literacy in Underserved Communities
- New GOES High-Res Magnetic Measurements: Spectral Properties and Studies of Field Line Conjunctions
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- On modeling light scattering from dust
- Origin of the anomalously rocky appearance of Tsiolkovskiy crater
- Oxychlorine species on Mars: Implications from Gale Crater Samples
- Particle tracing modeling of ion fluxes at geosynchronous orbit during substorms
- Predicting the Reaction of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System to Driving by the Solar Wind: A Global Correlation Approach
- Reproducing the energy-dependent structure of Earth's electron radiation belts during quiet times
- Similarities Across Mars: Acidic Fluids at Both Meridiani Planum and Gale Crater in the Formation of Magnesium-Nickel Sulfates
- Simple Activities for Powerful Impact
- Slumps and Fog in Valles Marineris
- Specification of the Surface Charging Environment with SHIELDS
- Stratigraphy in the Samarkand Sulci Region of Enceladus
- The Compositions, Particle Sizes, and Distributions of Ice Aerosols in the Mars Mesosphere from 2009-2016 CRISM Visible-NearIR Limb Spectra
- The Lunar Rock Size Frequency Distribution from Diviner Infrared Measurements
- The dynamics and structure of current systems during dipolarization events
- The strength and evolution of stratospheric-auroral processes on Jupiter, as observed by IRTF-TEXES
- The tidally-modulated plume of Enceladus: an update
- Time-Resolved Raman Spectra Measured with an Aerosol Raman Spectrometer
- Transport and mixing of ammonia in Jupiter's atmosphere
- Young Lunar Volcanic Features: Thermophysical Properties and Formation
- Ammonium on Ceres
- An Experimental Investigation of Liquid Hydrocarbons on the Surface of Titan: Nitrogen Dissolution and the presence of Nitrogen Bubbles.
- Beam-plasma coupling physics in support of active experiments
- ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars: Interannual Variability in Dust Aerosol Particle Size, Missing Water Vapor, and the Molecular Oxygen Problem
- Citizen Science in Libraries: Results and Insights from a Unique NASA Collaboration
- Delivering customized apps, multimedia and NASA data to libraries and their patrons
- Deposition of Boron in Possible Evaporite Deposits in Gale Crate
- Dissipation of Alfven Waves at Fluid Scale through Parametric Decay Instabilities in Low-beta Turbulent Plasma
- Divergent Geophysical Evolution of Vesta and Ceres
- Electron heating and energy inventory during asymmetric reconnection in a laboratory plasma
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI) Overview from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Energy balance in Saturn's upper atmosphere: Joint Lyman-α airglow observations with HST and Cassini
- Experimental simulations of ethylene evaporites on Titan
- FLARE: a New User Facility for Studies of Magnetic Reconnection Through Simultaneous, in-situ Measurements on MHD Scales, Ion Scales and Electron Scales
- From Aeolis Palus to the Bagnold Dunes field: Overview of martian soil analyses performed by ChemCam in Gale Crater
- Heavy Ion Acceleration in Dipolarization Events
- How plasmas dissipate: cascade and the production of internal energy and entropy in weakly collisional plasma turbulence
- How to emit a high-power electron beam from a magnetospheric spacecraft?
- Hydrothermal Signatures at Gale Crater, Mars, and Possible In-Situ Formation of Tridymite
- Identifying Wave-Particle Interactions in the Solar Wind using Statistical Correlations
- Instabilities and Turbulence Generation by Pick-Up Ion Distributions in the Outer Heliosheath
- Interaction of high-energy beams with magnetized plasma: feasibility study for laboratory experiments
- Investigations of Ceres's Craters with Straightened Rim
- Magnetic Connection and Properties of the Solar Magnetic Field
- Mars topographic clouds: MAVEN/IUVS observations and LMD MGCM predictions
- Mission Concept to Connect Magnetospheric Physical Processes to Ionospheric Phenomena
- Modeling Geomagnetic Variations using a Machine Learning Framework
- New GOES High-Resolution Magnetic Measurements and their Contribution to Understanding Magnetospheric Particle Dynamics
- New Style of Volcanic Eruption Activity Identified in Galileo NIMS data at Marduk Fluctus, Io
- Polarimetric Study of Jupiter's Atmosphere
- Polarization Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017
- Potential Role of the Mirror and Ion Bernstein Instabilities on the Pickup Ion Dynamics in the Outer Heliosheath: Linear Theory and Hybrid Simulations
- Probabilistic Space Weather Forecasting: a Bayesian Perspective
- Retrieving aerosol profiles through horizon shadowing and polarimetry
- Sharing NASA's Scientific Explorations with Communities Across the Country: A Study of Public Libraries Collaborating with NASA STEM Experts
- Surface Mineralogy Mapping of Ceres from the Dawn Mission
- The 2017 Solar Eclipse Community Impacts through Public Library Engagement
- The Effect of Ion Multi-scales on Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail - Cluster Observations"
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- Tracking How Science Resources Result in Educator- and Community-Level Outcomes
- Understanding the Cryosphere of Europa Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Water Retention in Mature and Immature Lunar Regolith
- A Non-Perturbative Description for the Heat Flux in the Corona and Solar Wind
- A study of dust and water ice aerosols using MAVEN/IUVS data during the 2018 dust storm
- A view of the MY34 global dust storm from the perspective of the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS)
- An Inclusive Workplace for all Scientists
- Application of GIS-related and Statistical Techniques to Jovian Atmosphere
- Atmospheric Chemistry Simulations with the GEM-Mars General Circulation Model
- Community Dialogues to Enhance Community Engagement and Reach Underserved Audiences in Informal Education Venues
- Connecting Libraries to NASA with a Spectrum of Technologies
- Development and Application of Kinetic Entropy as a Diagnostic in Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Dynamical Forcing of Cap Edge Dust Lifting During the Onset of the 2018 Mars Global Dust Event
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Evidence for Shallow, Oxic Waters in the Gale Crater Lake.
- Evolution of Pickup Ions the Outer Heliosheath
- Examining Spectral Indicators of Trace Metal Contamination Near the Ambaji and Zawar Mines in Gujarat and Rajasthan, India using Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) Data
- Fully Spectral, Fully Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Turbulence
- Geochemical evidence from the ChemCam instrument highlighting the role of diagenesis at Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater, Mars
- Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets: Insight from Laboratory Simulations
- Inertial Kinetic-Alfven Turbulence in a Space Plasma
- Large-scale Compression Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in a Low-beta Plasma
- Lorenz-Mie scattering in an absorbing host medium
- MMS Observations of Beta-Dependent Constraints on Ion Temperature-Anisotropy in Earth's Magnetosheath
- Magnetotail dipolarization and dipolarization fronts using spacecraft conjunctions
- Measuring Early-Morning Cloud and Haze Opacity on Mars with THEMIS-VIS on Mars Odyssey, Identifying Diurnal Changes by Reference to MRO's MARCI
- Mid-infrared spectra and images of Jupiter's auroral regions during perijoves 11 - 15
- Multiple long-period variations in the plume of Enceladus offer insights into eruption mechanism
- Nature, distribution and origin of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Enceladus.
- Non-Traditional Approaches to Planetary Atmospheric Analysis for Research and Citizen Science: New Facets for STEAM Activities
- Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Ozone and the Polar Vortex: SPEs and SSWs
- Oxychlorine detection in Gale Crater, Mars and implications for past environmental conditions
- Particle-in-cell Simulation of Generating Electron Acoustic Double Layers
- Refractive Index Measurements of a Solar System Organic Analog
- Reworking and Diagenesis of Martian Soil: Pathway to Murray Formation Sediments?
- STAR Library Network: Reaching Underserved Audiences Where They Are
- STEM Engagement and Equity in Informal Learning Environments: The Role of Public Libraries
- Scientists Present Virtual Programs at Public Libraries: A Study from the NASA@ My Library Initiative
- Sequence of Events During and After Emplacement of Cerealia Facula Deposits on Ceres
- Solar wind turbulence effects on the magnetosphere: information theoretic approach
- Some useful light-scattering trends for retrieving properties of irregularly shaped particles
- The Distinct and Surprisingly Diverse Populations and Properties of Mars Mesospheric Aerosols
- The MEX/OMEGA Limb Dataset: Description, Analysis Tools, and Initial Results
- The effect of ion multi-scales on magnetic reconnection in earth's magnetotail -Cluster and MMS observations and comparisons with simulations
- Toward a new generation Mars Global Climate Model at LMD
- Was the MY 34 Equinoctial Global Dust Event Predictable? A Study Using MACDA and EMARS Reanalyses
- 3D Global Hybrid-Kinetic Modeling of Magnetosphere Under Quasi-Radial IMF Conditions
- A Statistical Study of Proton Microinstabilities and Nonlinear Effects in Space Plasmas
- A Study of Dust and Water Ice Aerosols Using MAVEN/IUVS Data during the 2018 Dust Storm
- Aerosol Shape Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- An updated dust aerosol model for Mars
- Atmospheric radiative forcing at the MSL landing site during the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm
- Can high-latitude ionospheric outflows be directly injected into the ring current during extreme storms?
- Community Dialogues to Catalyze STEM Learning Ecosystems
- Constraining the composition of salts exposed on Europa's surface using VIS-NIR spectra derived from Europa Clipper EIS and MISE data
- D Global Kinetic Simulations of Solar-Wind Interactions Under Extreme Space Weather
- Dependence of kinetic entropy on plasma temperature in particle-in-cell simulations of antiparallel reconnection
- Dynamic Time Lag Regression: Predicting Time Lagged Effects of Solar Activity
- Evolution of pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes Observations
- GTOSat: A Next-Generation CubeSat to study Earth's Radiation Belts
- Global magnetospheric dynamics with reduced kinetic models
- Heating of Heavy Ions in Low-beta Compressible Turbulence
- IRTF-TEXES observations of stratospheric CH<SUB>3</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission at Jupiter's high latitudes
- Investigation of Cold Proton Heating and Statistical Analysis of Ion Pitch Angle Distribution using Van Allen Probes and MMS
- Laboratory Scaling Studies of a Shear Alfvén Wave Parametric Instability relevant to the near-Sun solar wind
- Longitudinal Variations in the Stratosphere of Uranus from the Spitzer Infrared Spectrometer
- Magnetosheath Jets in Global 3D Hydrid Simulations
- Maintaining a STEM Activity Clearinghouse to Support Science Literate Facilitators
- Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) an environmental suite of sensors for the Mars 2020 rover
- Multi-Wavelength Quantification of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow from Galileo NIMS Data
- Nacreous clouds on Mars: imaging cloud formation with the Curiosity rover
- Non-diffusive Transport of Radiation Belt Electrons Resulting from Coherent Monochromatic Ultralow Frequency Waves in a Realistic Magnetospheric Geometry
- Observations of Particle Loss due to Injection-Associated EMIC Waves
- On-orbit Calibration of GOES Electron and Proton Flux Observations for Use in an Empirical Radiation Model
- Overcoming Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: Geant4-Based Design for CubeSat: Inner Radiation Belt Experiment (CIRBE)
- Particle Acceleration by Magnetosheath Jet-driven Bow Waves
- Partnering with the Nations 16,000 Public Libraries to Target a Diverse America
- Phobos Eclipse Observations with the HP<SUP>3</SUP> Radiometer on Insight
- Photochemical Haze Formation in Exoplanet Atmospheres: Insight from Laboratory Simulations
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Recent Progress Towards a Radiation Belt Remediation Strategy Based on Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Recent results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- Statistical Relationship Between ULF Wave Power and Magnetopause Location Using THEMIS Satellite Observations: Implications for Fast Mode Wave Propagation
- Statistics of 2D Electron-Scale Reconnection in Inertial Kinetic-Alfvén Turbulence
- The Beam Plasma Interactions Experiment (Beam PIE): A sub-orbital active experiment
- The Computing Connection: Using Space Exploration, Hands-on Activities, and On-line Tools to Bring Computational Thinking and Literacy to Libraries
- The Mapping Imaging Spectrometer for Europa (MISE): Science and Instrument Critical Design.
- The Mobility of Phosphorus and Potassium in Altered Hawaiian Volcanics: Constraints on Fluid Alteration on the Martian Surface
- The role of oxygen ions on local and global dynamics during reconnection in the Magnetotail
- Turbulence, Cross-Helicity, and delta|B| Evolution in the Inner Heliosphere
- Understanding the Evolution of Particle Drift Echoes Induced by Interplanetary Shocks
- Van Allen Probes observations of energetic electron events during the declining phase of solar cycle 24
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A spectrally-resolved, seasonally-varying energy budget for the Martian atmosphere, based on observational reanalyses.
- Acceleration of heavy ions in dipolarization events
- An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of Terrestrial-like Exoplanetary Atmospheres Orbiting Around Different Parent Star Types
- Application of Fundamental Physical Chemistry to Studies of Exoplanets and Giant Planets
- Characterization of High-m Poloidal ULF Wave signatures in GPS TEC Data
- Citizen Science Approaches for Global Astronomical Events
- Constraints on the height of the CH<SUB>4</SUB> homopause from an analysis of IRTF-TEXES spectra
- Detecting spatiotemporal correlation in microflares for improved solar eruption forecasting
- Detection of Molecular Water on the Sunlit Moon Using SOFIA
- Disentangling Seasonal and Solar EUV Dependences of Martian Thermospheric Densities
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview and Status
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI) Overview
- Epiklepsiphydrakion (A Clock-Stopping Song)
- High-Resolution Simulations of Dayside Reconnection and Cusp Energetic Ions
- Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in the ground magnetic ULF waves response to interplanetary shocks
- Investigating changes in dust particles size in the Martian atmosphere during Global Dust Storms with the NASA Ames Mars Global Climate Model
- Investigating the Impact of the Atmospheric State on Derived Thermophysical Properties of the Martian Surface.
- Investigation of the unknown UV absorber(s) in the atmosphere of Venus using a chemistry-transport model in combination with a radiative transfer model
- Laboratory Investigation of Haze Formation in Exoplanet Atmospheres: Implication for Habitability and Biosignatures
- MMS and Cluster conjugate observation of current sheet disturbances associated with localized fast flows in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Observations and numerical simulations of the relationship between ULF wave power, radial Alfvén speed profile, and magnetopause location
- Particle Acceleration in Electron-only Reconnection in the Low Electron Beta Regime
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of Kinetic Range Plasma Turbulence: Does Microinstability Growth Lead to Intermittency?
- Partnering with the Nations 17,000 Public Libraries in Support of Eclipse 2024
- Quantification of Io's Volcanic Heat Flow from Galileo NIMS Data to Inform a Return to Io
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Radiation belt energetic particle precipitation analysis using RBSP and SAMPEX
- Radio and Plasma Wave Generation by an Electron Beam in a Laboratory Plasma
- Re-examining the horizontal wavelength spectrum of gravity wave activity in Mars's lower atmosphere
- Simulating D/H and atmospheric chemistry on Mars and comparing with NOMAD observations
- Some Impacts of Heavy Ions on Near-Earth Magnetospheric Processes
- Spectral evidence for trace metal contamination in stream sediments associated with mining in northwest India based on AVIRIS-NG data
- Structure of the Heliosheath and Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- Surface Investigations of Aeolian Activity on Mars: Recent Advances and Outstanding Questions
- The Surface Energy Budget during the first 4 Martian Years of the Mars Science Laboratory mission
- The interaction between pulsed electron beams and magnetized plasmas
- The role of O+ in the local, mesoscale and global dynamics of the earth's magnetotail
- Thermal Forcing of Near-Surface Temperatures by Martian Water Ice Clouds
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Using Coronagraphs and Heliospheric Imagers to Answer the Outstanding Questions of Solar Wind Physics
- Using kinetic entropy to identify regions with adiabatic or non-adiabatic processes in antiparallel reconnection
- Waves and Instabilities in High-Resolution PIC simulations of Oblique Shocks
- An overview of PIXL results obtained during the Perseverance rovers exploration of crater floor lithologies at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Bursty magnetic reconnection at the Earths magnetopause triggered by high-speed jets
- Cascade and Energy Balance in Plasma Turbulence: Scale Filtering and Structure Functions
- Characterizing Aerosol Particles Sizes at Jezero Crater Using the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Imaging System
- Community Voices and Collaborative Partnerships Inform Development of Informal STEAM Education Experiences
- Comparative study of the magnetotail loading of ionospheric O+ using 3D Global Hybrid simulations.
- Constraints on the DSX Antenna Pattern Using Boomerang E-field Measurements and Linear Theory
- Convective vortices and dust devils on Jezero observed by Mars 2020
- Creating a climatology of gravity wave activity throughout Mars's lower and middle atmosphere from Mars Climate Sounder limb observations
- Detecting the edges of Earth's ion foreshock using Magnetic Gauss's Law
- Downscaling CESM2 in CLM5 to Hindcast Tropical Mountain Glaciation
- Dust lifting detection and characterization at Jezero using MEDA radiance observations
- EMIC waves and links to the spatial and temporal structure in plasma composition.
- Electron heating by magnetization and its application to dipolarization fronts in Earths magnetotail Theory, Simulations, and Observations
- Enabling Optimizations for Global Magnetospheric Kinetic Simulations with Reduced Kinetic Spectral Models
- Energy-dependent statistics of the plasmapause and coupling to the peak flux location and the slot for the electron and proton radiation belts.
- Evolving bedrock geochemistry observed by ChemCam as the Curiosity rover enters the orbitally defined sulfate unit on Aeolis Mons in Gale crater, Mars
- Factors controlling local intense dB/dt variations during shock-induced substorms
- First Results of the Surface Energy Budget, Thermal Inertia and Albedo at Jezero Crater, Mars, as obtained from the Mars 2020 MEDA Instrument
- First atmospheric results produced by the SuperCam instrument on Mars2020
- First results of the Perseverance environmental stations (MEDAs) Relative Humidity Sensor
- Fully Kinetic Simulations of Radio Emission from a Propagating Electron Beam
- Generation of residual energy by many interacting Alfven waves
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Global Distribution of ULF Wave Power at Earth and Relationship with Charged Particle Dynamics: Implications for Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Global structure and properties of ULF waves in the ion foreshock observed in a Hybrid-Vlasov simulation
- Heliophysics Audified: Resonances in Plasmas (HARP), a Citizen Science Tool for Space Weather
- How a realistic magnetosphere alters the polarisations of surface, fast magnetosonic, and Alfven waves
- Identifying the Structure and Propagation of Pc5 ULF Waves Using Space-ground Conjunctions
- Improved ultraviolet dust aerosol properties derived from MAVEN/IUVS measurements of the Mars year 34 global dust storm
- In preparation for Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) data: Using Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) Aerobraking observations to analyze diurnal temperatures and characterize thermophysical properties
- Interhemispheric Observations of Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated with Foreshock Transient Events
- Interhemispheric asymmetry due to IMF By within the cusp spherical elementary currents
- Kinetic Processes Leading to Generation of Waves in Instabilities in the VLISM
- Latest results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- Listening to the heliosphere how best to make space data audible
- Loss of Thermal Contact Between Dust and Gas in the Mars Atmosphere
- Magnetic Perturbation Events (MPEs) that cause GICs: Investigating their Interhemispheric Conjugacy and Control by IMF Orientation
- Mars Atmospheric Water Ice Opacity Retrievals Using Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM) Near-infrared Observations
- Mars Science Laboratory Visible/Near-Infrared Spectrophotometric Observations in the Glen Torridon, Edinburgh, and Mont Mercou regions, Gale Crater, Mars
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Mars surface science results from the Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI)
- Martian dust properties and cloud detection by Perseverance MEDA-RDS: analysis for the first 150 sols
- Modeling of Observations of the OH Nightglow in the Venusian Mesosphere
- Naltsos, First Rock Examined by the M2020 PIXL Instrument: Rock Components and Dust Characteristics
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Parametric decay of Alfvenic wave packets in nonperiodic low-beta plasmas: implications for laboratory and spacecraft observations
- Pc 1 wave observations associated with foreshock transient events
- Perseverance/Mars2020 measurements of the daily pressure cycle at Jezero
- Radiation Belt Remediation Using Artificially Generated Plasma Waves
- Rapid changes in Pitch Angle Distributions using Van Allen Probes measurements
- Results from TREX UV-VIS Lab Measurements of Minerals
- Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Retrievals of composition and distribution parameters of Martian aerosols using NOMAD-SO
- Second Harmonic Electromagnetic Emission in a 20keV Electron Beam-Plasma Laboratory Experiment
- Shape of the Electron Velocity Distribution Function in the Inner Heliosphere
- Sources of Intense Geoelectric Fields in the United States: Comparative Analysis of Multiple Geomagnetic Storms
- Study of 3D Electron-only Reconnection in a Low Electron Beta Plasma Environment
- Sulfate quantification on Ocean Worlds from frozen sodium sulfate brines examined by Raman spectroscopy
- The Atmosphere of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Emirates Exploration Imager Onboard the Emirates Mars Mission: Overview of On-Orbit Science Operations, In-Flight Performance, and Initial Results of Water Ice Cloud Retrievals
- The Science Case for a Return to Enceladus
- The Surface of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Winds of Jezero Crater, Mars.
- The correlation study of geomagnetic field variations at interhemispheric conjugate points in high latitude regions
- The impact of cold electrons on whistler waves
- The role of O+ in dynamics of the earths magnetotail.
- The science of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Towards Accurate Modeling of the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- Upcoming Emirates Mars Mission Dust Storm Research and Related Model Simulations by the Interactive-Dust-Lifting-Technique
- Upper limit of relativistic electrons observed in the Earths radiation belts
- Venus as an Exoplanet: An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of a CO2 Exoplanetary Atmosphere Around an M-Dwarf Star Type
- Working WITH teen stakeholders to make sense of Heliophysics Science (sun learning, as it were!)
- A Cluster of Vigorous Eruptions on Io in 2001 Revealed in Galileo Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Data
- A Multiannual Record Of Gravity Wave Breaking In The Middle Atmosphere From The Mars Climate Sounder
- A new generation mechanism for highly oblique chorus waves enabled by cold electrons
- Acoustic Measurements of Saltation on Mars made by Perseverance
- Aeolian Activity Over Two Martian Years at the InSight Landing Site
- Aeolian Activity at Jezero Crater during the Mars 2020 Mission: A Multi-instrument Analysis
- An Overview of the Mars Atmospheric State as Observed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- Basic nonlinear properties of kinetic Alfvén waves in imbalanced solar wind turbulence
- Diurnal Constraints on Water Ice Particle Sizes as Determined Through Data Fusion Using the Emirates eXploration Imager and Emirates Mars InfraRed Spectrometer
- Dust, Sand, and Winds within an Active Martian Storm in Jezero Crater
- Effects of Global Dust Storms on Water Vapor in the South Polar Region
- Elevation Dependent Meteorology in Gale Crater
- First look at the Martian Water Ice Clouds observed by the NavCam instrument on board Mars2020 Rover, Perseverance
- Frequency-resolved local measurements of phase-space energization
- Geomagnetic Substorms and Solar Eclipses: A Mutual Information Analysis
- Geospace Concussion: Global reversal of ionospheric vertical plasma drift in response to a sudden commencement
- Highly Differentiated Lavas Examined by PIXL in Jezero Crater
- Identification of Mesospheric Clouds in Dayside Disk Images from the Emirates Mars Mission
- If You Build it, they Might Not Come (but they're Already at Public Libraries): Libraries as Essential Organizations for Dissemination of NASA Science and Education (also including recommendations for the future of Science Activation)
- Impact of Bi-Modal Dust Particle Size Distributions on the MY34/2018 Global Dust Storm in the NASA Ames Mars GCM
- Inclusive and culturally responsive science communication - How social media can inspire awareness, connection, and community through a place-based education project
- Increasing Recognition of UnderrepresentedSpace Scientists: Lessons Learned from theNomination Task Force Continued Success
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Interhemispheric Observations of High Latitude ULF Waves Under Various Solar Wind Conditions
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Interhemispheric symmetry and asymmetry within the cusp spherical elementary currents during large IMF By magnitudes
- Interplay of Turbulence and Proton-Microinstability Growth in Space Plasmas
- Ionospheric Total Electron Content Perturbations Driven by Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- Laboratory characterization of whistler mode excitation efficiency by an electric dipole and multi-loop antenna for the purposes of radiation belt remediation.
- Lend Me Your Ears: The Potential of Sonification in Space Weather (Citizen) Science
- Lifting and Transport of Martian Dust by the Ingenuity Helicopter Rotor Downwash as Observed by High-Speed Imaging from the Perseverance Rove
- Low Tech Strategies for a High Tech Mission: Public Libraries and NASA's Artemis Program
- M2020/Perseverance Study of Atmospheric Tides and Waves at Jezero, Mars
- Mars 2020 MEDA Measurements of Near Surface Atmospheric Temperatures at Jezero
- Martian Surface Ice Mapping from EMM/EMIRS Temperature Retrievals
- Martian Surface Ice Mapping from EMM/EXI Observations
- Measuring the Alfvén wave Parametric Decay Instability Growth Rate in the Laboratory
- Minor Minerals Analyzed by PIXL – Major Insights into the Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks in Jezero Crater from Phosphate and Fe-Ti-Cr Oxide Minerals
- Modeling Geomagnetic Induction in Submarine Cables
- Modeling The Global Significance Of Equatorial Glaciers Of The Permocarboniferous
- Modeling the effect of a regional dust storm in Jezero crater using MarsWRF mesoscale and large eddy simulations.
- Numerical Modeling of Alfvén Wave Parametric Instabilities in a Laboratory Plasma
- Numerical Study of Kinetic-Scale Plasma Turbulence with Low Electron Beta
- Numerical studies on polysulfur in Venus' atmosphere and sensitivity to poorly constrained reaction kinetics
- Observations of the Mars Year 35 E (Early) Large-Scale Regional Dust Event
- Observations of the climate near the surface of Jezero over a half Mars year
- Orienting Rock Cores on Mars Drilled by the Perseverance Rover for Martian Paleomagnetism Studies
- Public Libraries as Hubs for Eclipse Education
- Quantitative Electron Pitch Angle Distribution Analysis
- Radiation Belt Remediation with Artificial Injection of Plasma Waves
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Solar Cycle Effect on the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- Spectrophotometric Properties of Materials from the Mars Science Laboratory at Gale Crater: Bradbury Landing to Cooperstown
- Staying Safe And Having Fun When the Space Rock Blocks the Sun
- The Diurnal and Seasonal Variability in Properties of Mars Water Ice Aerosol as Observed by EMIRS
- The Early-phase Growth of ULF Waves in the Ion Foreshock observed in a Hybrid-Vlasov Simulation
- The Energy Pathways of Impulsively Excited Global Magnetopause Surface Eigenmodes
- The effects of O+ on the global, meso and micro scales in earth's magnetotail dynamics-3D Global Hybrid simulation results
- The interhemispheric correlation study of geomagnetic field variations in polar cap regions
- Using Storytelling to Connect Diverse Communities with Science Topics Through Informal Education Experiences
- Water vapor at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Water-ice and Dust Retrieved from MAVEN/IUVS Data
- Wave Physics at the Edge of the Earth's Ion Foreshock
- What are the Auroral, Ionospheric and Ground Magnetic Signatures of Magnetopause Surface Modes?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. G. Davies
- A. García Muñoz
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Brown
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. Longobardo
- A. M. Keesee
- A. Migliorini
- A. Raponi
- A. Runov
- A. S. Brecht
- A. S. McEwen
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Alan Dyer
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alexandros Chasapis
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- Amy E. Hofmann
- Anna Kelbert
- Anne Gold
- Ariel D. Anbar
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- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- Aurélien Stolzenbach
- B. Horgan
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- Charlotte Mason
- Chen Shi
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- Christopher R. German
- Christopher R. Glein
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- David Arge Klevang Pedersen
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- G. Martı́nez
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- J. Michael Battalio
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- M. Hasan Barbhuiya
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- Oleg Korablev
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- Samuel A. Atwood
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- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo
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- К. J. Meech