R. B. Torbert
flowchart A[R. B. Torbert] AC["Associated Concepts (25)"] AW["Authored Works (41)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (146)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (65)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7188-8690
- OpenAlex ID
- https://openalex.org/A5037271759 (API record)
Associated Concepts [?]
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Nuclear physics
- Magnetic field
- Plasma
- Geology
- Magnetosphere
- Geophysics
- Solar wind
- Computational physics
- Engineering
- Thermodynamics
- Geography
- Magnetopause
- Magnetic reconnection
- Astronomy
- Electron
- Mechanics
- Chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Mathematics
- Aerospace engineering
- Computer science
- Meteorology
- Ion
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Magnetometer on the SWFO-L1 Mission
- Statistical Analysis of Electric Currents within the Magnetosheath using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Data
- Seven Sisters - An Inner Heliospheric Constellation to 1) Measure Longitudinal Structure of the Coronal Mass Ejections, 2) Enable Advanced Prediction of IMF Orientation at Earth, 3) Determine Particle Energization Processes in Solar Wind Structures
- Relating the Phases of Magnetic Reconnection Growth to the Temporal Evolution of X-line Structures in a Collisionless Plasma
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Magnetic Reconnection During the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Different Positions Along the Magnetospheric Flanks
- Kinetic Origin of Bulk Energy Conversion in the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetopause Reconnection: MMS Observations and PIC Simulations
- Interplay of Turbulence and Proton-Microinstability Growth in Space Plasmas
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Energy Conversion Associated with Flux Transfer Events at Earth's Magnetopause
- Electron Heating in the Magnetic Reconnection Inflow Region
- Electron Diffusion Region at Magnetic Dipolarization Event observed by MMS and CLUSTER
- Direct Observations of Energy Transfer from Resonant Electrons to Whistler-Mode Waves near the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Dipolarization Events With Inductive Electric Fields Observed by Van Allen Probes and Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Contrasting Dipolarization Front Structure and Dynamics for Various Solar Wind Conditions: The MMS 2018 Tail Season
- Comparing Scalar Proxy Parameters for Use in Identifying Magnetic Reconnection using MMS
- Characterizing particle dynamics from a data-driven model of the inner magnetospheric electric field
- Calculating the Electron Diffusion Region Aspect Ratio with Magnetic Field Gradients
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- The EDR Inflow Region of a Reconnecting Current Sheet in the Geomagnetic Tail with MMS
- Statistical Relationship Between the Solar Wind Conditions and the Helicity Sign of Flux Transfer Events at the Earths Magnetopause: Cluster and MMS Observations
- Statistical Analysis of Ion Diffusion Region Characteristics Using Scalar Parameters
- Statistical Analysis of Electric Currents within the Magnetosheath using Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Data
- Predicted Reconnection Signatures Observed With MMS
- On the Energization Structures of Time-Evolving Diffusion Regions of Magnetic Reconnection
- Observations and Simulations of Kinetic Entropy in a Magnetotail Electron Diffusion Region
- Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS
- Multi-scale observation of magnetotail reconnection onset
- Multi-scale Structures of Energy Transfer in Kinetic Particle Simulations of the EDR
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Waves and Parallel Electric Fields in Reconnecting Current Sheets in the Turbulent Magnetosheath
- Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices as an interplay of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Investigation of the homogeneity of the energy conversion processes atdipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Investigation of MMS observations of magnetic flux rope pair and magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: roles of magnetic reconnection in the formation and evolution of magnetic flux ropes
- Identification of coherent structures and energy dissipation in shear-driven turbulent plasma with multi-point measurements: from MMS to Helioswarm and beyond
- How Magnetic Reconnection Inside Coronal Mass Ejections May Affect Their Coherence
- Exploring the properties and distribution of EMIC waves in the outer magnetosphere
- Electrostatic Waves and Their Relation to Intermittent Shock Heating: An MMS Case Study
- Dipolarization Events in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale and Van Allen Probes
- Cold and Heavy Ions Entrained in the Dayside Magnetopause Boundary Layers
- Aspect Ratio of the Electron Diffusion Region
- A neural network-driven approach to inner magnetospheric electric field modelling
Linked Co-Authors
- A. B. Galvin
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Rogers
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Sharma
- A. W. Case
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Andrew Fazakerley
- B. J. Anderson
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Brandon Burkholder
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. J. Owen
- C. J. Pollock
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. T. Russell
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Charles W. Smith
- Colby Haggerty
- D. E. Wendel
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. Payne
- D. Ruffolo
- Daniel Verscharen
- E. V. Panov
- F. D. Wilder
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Giovanni Lapenta
- H. Matsui
- H. Y. Wei
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harsha Gurram
- I. Dandouras
- I. G. Richardson
- I. J. Cohen
- J. Berchem
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Dorelli
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. Egedal
- J. F. Drake
- J. L. Burch
- J. M. Broll
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Mukherjee
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. R. Shuster
- J. S. Halekas
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. Webster
- Jonathan Ng
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- K. A. Blasl
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- Kenneth R. Bromund
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- L. A. Avanov
- L. K. Jian
- L. M. Kistler
- Li‐Jen Chen
- M. A. Shay
- M. Hasan Barbhuiya
- M. Hesse
- M. J. Engebretson
- M. Kitahara
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. L. Goldstein
- M. Lessard
- M. O. Chandler
- M. Opher
- M. R. Argall
- M. Volwerk
- M. Øieroset
- Maria Usanova
- Martin Hosner
- Mats André
- Matthew J. West
- N. Ahmadi
- N. Fargette
- N. M. Viall
- Naoki Bessho
- Naritoshi Kitamura
- Neha Pathak
- O. Le Contel
- Olga Alexandrova
- Owen Roberts
- P. A. Cassak
- P. H. Reiff
- P. Tenfjord
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. C. Allen
- R. C. Fear
- R. E. Denton
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. M. Skoug
- R. M. Winslow
- R. Nakamura
- R. W. Ebert
- Ramón López
- Robert E Ergun
- Rungployphan Kieokaew
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. Eriksson
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. K. Vines
- S. R. Elkington
- S. V. Heuer
- S. Wang
- S. Y. Huang
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Shoji Motomizu
- Simon Wing
- Simone Di Matteo
- Suleiman Baraka
- T. Chust
- T. D. Phan
- T. E. Moore
- T. Leonard
- T. Moretto
- Tak Chu Li
- Takanobu Amano
- Tien Vo
- V. Roytershteyn
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. Y. Li
- Xuanye Ma
- Y. Saito
- Yi Qi
- Yi‐Hsin Liu
- Yoshiharu Omura
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Yutai Katoh
- Z. Vörös
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Andrews University, Michigan
- Augsburg College, Minnesota
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Austrian Institute of Space Science Research
- Boston University, Massachusetts
- Catholic University, Washington DC
- Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
- Ecole Polytechnique, LPP, Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
- European Space Research and Technology Centre
- Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Imperial College, London
- JAXA, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
- Karl Franzens University of Graz, Austria
- Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium
- Kyoto University, Japan
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- Mahidol University, Thailand
- Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamic and Self-Organization, Gottingen
- NASA Ames Research Center
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
- NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Nagoya University, Japan
- Osaka University, Japan
- Princeton University, New Jersey
- Rice University, Texas
- Royal Observatory of Belgium
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
- Southwest Research Institute, Texas
- Space Science Institute, Colorado
- Tohoku University, Japan
- University College London, Mullard Space Science Laboratory
- University of Alberta, Canada
- University of Arizona
- University of Bergen, Norway
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
- University of Cambridge, UK
- University of Chicago
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
- University of Dayton, Ohio
- University of Delaware
- University of Delaware, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Iowa
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Michigan
- University of Murcia, Spain
- University of New Hampshire
- University of Oxford, UK
- University of Pisa, Italy
- University of Southampton, UK
- University of Texas, Arlington
- University of Texas, San Antonio
- University of Tokyo, Japan
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Vanderbilt University, Tennessee
- Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- West Virginia University
- Wuhan University, China
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