University of Tokyo, Japan
flowchart I[University of Tokyo, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (14)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2442)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (535)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Tokyo, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
- University of Tokyo, Center for Climate System Research
- University of Tokyo, Center for Nuclear Study
- University of Tokyo, Department of Applied Physics
- University of Tokyo, Department of Astronomy
- University of Tokyo, Department of Earth Science and Astronomy
- University of Tokyo, Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science
- University of Tokyo, Department of Physics
- University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute
- University of Tokyo, Geophysical Institute
- University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
- University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research
- University of Tokyo, Institute of Astronomy
- University of Tokyo, Research Center for the Early Universe
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A numerical simulation of thermal convection in the Martian lower atmosphere with a two-dimensional anelastic model.
- ACE-Asia: Ground Stations Overview
- An Electrical Resistivity Structure of NE Japan Obtained by Stationary Wide-band Magnetotelluric System
- Anisotropy of Pore Structure and Permeability in Granite: Preliminary Results
- Anomalous Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Changes at San Vicente Volcano Related to Earthquakes in El Salvador, Central America
- Carbon and Strontium Isotope Profile on Neoprotozoic III at Three Gorges, China, and Possible evidence for ¡<SUP>o</SUP>Post Marinoan¡{+/-} Ice age
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Contribution of viscous dissipation at the base of the internal ocean in Europa
- Detection of Aerosol Particles by Time-Resolved Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and its Emission Properties
- Diffuse Carbon Dioxide Degassing Monitoring at Santa Ana-Izalco-Coatepeque Volcanic System, El Salvador, Central America
- Diffuse Degassing Rate of Carbon Dioxide and Volcanic Activity
- Diffuse Degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB> in and Around the NE Volcanic Rift-Zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands
- Diffuse Emission of Carbon Dioxide From Irazú Volcano, Costa Rica, Central America
- ESR dating of Quaternary Tephra in Japan ; difference in dose responses between 20ka and 700ka
- Estimate of ejecta volume of rampart craters
- Evidence of European Emissions Perturbation on the Background Tropospheric CO and Ozone in Remote Siberia/East Asia
- Exposed fossil seismogenic faults within the accretionary complex -Analogue to the Nankai Seismogenic zone-
- Four Dimensional Soil Moisture and Temperature Retrievals through an Assimilation Sheme by Using TRMM Satellite and In-situ Observations
- Gas measurements on Western Pacific in Mirai MR01-K02 cruise
- Geological and Topographical Features of the Zenis Ridge
- In-situ pressure - temperature condition of tectonic melange : constraints from fluid inclusion analysis of syn-melange veins-
- Influence of IMF Rotation on the Magnetic Field Depression in the Magnetosheath: A Kinetic View
- Isotopic Analysis of Copper and Zinc by multiple collector-ICP-mass spectrometry
- Late Quaternary Relative Sea-level Change and Glacial Melting History Around Lutzow-Holm Bay and Mt. Riiser-Larsen Regions, East Antarctica
- Magma intrusion system and 3D structure of Iwate volcano, Japan revealed from active seismic survey
- Measurements of NO<SUB>2</SUB> in Maritime Atmosphere in Japan by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Technique
- Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle by the Combined Method of Laser-heated DAC and ATEM
- Optical Observation of the Ionospheric-Magnetospheric Outflowing Oxygen Ions by XUV Onboard Sounding Rocket SS-520-2
- Overview of ACE-Asia Spring 2001 Investigations on Aerosol Radiative Effects and Related Aerosol Properties
- Physical properties of the bright reflections from the top of the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath the eastern Shikoku Island, SW Japan
- Science goals of the Planet-C mission
- Seafloor Geodetic Observations West off Miyake-jima Island During January to April, 2001
- Spatial and Secular Variations of Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing From Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, Central America
- Strike-Slip Rate of the Kangding Fault System: Implications for Regional Tectonic Evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
- Strong reflectors observed in geothermal fields
- Synoptic Distribution and Circulation of the Source Waters Relating to the North Pacific Intermediate Water Formation in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Interfrontal Zone
- The Structure of the Dissipation Region for Component Reconnection: Particle Simulations
- The UV Imaging Spectrometer for the Bepi-Colombo mission
- Why and Where do Large Shallow Slab Earthquakes Occur?
- Aftershock Decay and Productivity in Hawaii: Indicators of Temperature and Stress from Magma Sources?
- Characteristic of Atmospheric Fine Structure of Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, and Humidity During PEACE in Winter and Spring 2002
- Chemical Evolution of Ozone and Its Precursors in Asian Pacific Rim Outflow During TRACE-P
- Clouds and Trace Gas Trends Observed During TRACE-P
- Detecting lunar lava tubes by a landing mission with the Ground Penetrating Radar
- Detection of submarine fresh groundwater discharge and its relation to onshore groundwater flow system: An example from offshore Kurobe alluvial fan
- Development of Channeled Flow in Partially Molten Medium
- Effects of Biomass Burning on the Distributions of Trace Species Over the Western Pacific Ocean
- Electron Energization Process through the Electron-ion Coupling in the Shock Transition Region
- Estimation of the contribution of inter-continental transport during the PEACE-A campaign by using a global chemical model
- Export of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds From the East Asia Region in Spring
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects in Ponderomotive Force
- Geochemistry of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Volcanic Rocks Altered by Submarine Hydrothermal Activities at the Suiyo Seamount in Japan
- Global Atmospheric Budgets of Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) and Methyl Cyanide (CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN): Constraints From Aircraft Measurements Over the Western Pacific
- HNO<SUB>3</SUB> Condensation on Ice in the Upper Troposphere: Comparing Laboratory, Atmospheric and Theoretical Data
- Hard X-ray and Microwave Imaging Observations of the 18-July-2002 Flare
- Impact of Asian Outflow on O3 and its Precursors Over Japan in January 2002
- Investigations of submarine groundwater discharge in the Suruga Bay, Japan
- Magnetosheath and plasma sheet observations by GEOTAIL during the low-density solar wind event on 24-25 May 2002
- Multiplatform Measurements of Carbon Monoxide During TRACE-P Period
- NMHC emissions from Asia: sources and transport
- Nitrate removal from soil percolate: Low Permeability Layer Oxygen Barrier Method.
- Observations of PANs on Board the NASA P-3 During TRACE-P
- Paleoseismological Findings on the Penultimate Faulting of the Arifiye Segment; 1999 Izmit Earthquake, North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Possible Isotopic Evidences of Post Marinoan of Neoproterozoic III in Three Gorges Area, China
- Short-term Changes in Carbon Cycle After Fire in a Birch Forest of West Siberia
- Sources, distribution and partitioning of reactive nitrogen in the lower troposphere over western Pacific during TRACE-P
- Spatial Distributions of Tropospheric Carbon Dioxide Over the Western North Pacific During Winter and Spring.
- Surface faulting and liquefaction related to the Changureh (Avaj) earthquake, Iran, June 22, 2002
- Tectonic features of the Mariana Trough
- Testing Fast Photochemical Theory During TRACE-P Based on Measurements of OH, HO2, NO2, and CH2O
- The Cold Land Process Experiment's (CLPX) Local Scale Observation Site
- Trials for better precision of seafloor geodetic observation system
- Uppermost Mantle and Crustal Structure Beneath the WP-2 Borehole Seismic Observatory, the Northwestern Pacific Basin
- Visualization Strategy on the Earth Simulator for Large-Scale Unstructured Data Sets of GeoFEM
- A Simplified Land Data Assimilation Scheme (LDAS) for Assimilation of AMSR-E Data and Its Application to CEOP Reference Site: Mongolia
- Asian Outflow to the Pacific Observed During PEACE-B Aircraft Campaign in April-May 2002
- Asian monsoon system studies in CEOP
- CEOP Data Archive Integrated Data Mining System
- Characteristics of logging data for fracture zones in Hirabayashi NIED borehole drilling through Nojima fault
- Combined wide-angle and multichannel seismic survey at an asperity of subduction earthquakes in the Japan Trench
- Configuration of the Subducting Philippine Sea Plate and the Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the southwestern Japan arc, Revealed by Seismic Refraction/Wide-angle Reflection Profiling
- Coseismic strain changes of 10<SUP>-4</SUP> and 7x10<SUP>-5</SUP> recorded with Ishii strainmeter by continuous 24bit 25Hz monitoring on seismogenic fault of M~3 in deep gold mine, South Africa
- Determination Of Hydraulic Properties From Pore Pressure Fluctuation Measured At Multiple Depth Intervals
- Determination Of Pressure Field And Hydraulic Diffusivity Of Sub-Sea Formations By Continuous Measurements Of Pore Pressure
- Determination of specific storage of porous rocks from flow pump experiments: theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation
- Examination on Repeatability of GPS/Acoustic Seafloor Positioning for the Reference Points deployed around Japan
- Generation of the Foreshock Field-Aligned Beam Observed by Geotail
- Hugoniot measurements using 15 J laser-propelled flyer sheets
- Impact of Increased Stratospheric Water Vapor on Denitrification in the Polar Ozone Layer
- Integration of MODIS-LAI with Sim-CYCLE to Estimate the Net Primary Productivity
- Model-Based Analysis on the Mountain-Valley Circulation in the CEOP Reference Site
- Modelling CLPX IOP3 Radiometric Data by Means of the Dense Media Theory: Preliminary Results for the LSOS Test Site
- Offshore extension of the Great Sumatra Fault revealed by seismic, bathymetric and seafloor imaging
- Parallel 3D Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation in the Structure of Nobi Plain, Central Japan
- Repeated Seafloor Geodetic Observation west off Miyake-jima volcanic island
- Rheological properties of slope streaks with anastomosing patterns on Mars
- Seasonal change of NMHCs (nonmethanehydrocarbons) and halocarbons from winter to spring in East Asia observed during the PEACE (Pacific Exploration of Asian Continental Emission) aircraft measurement campaigns
- Soil Moisture Estimation Using Surface Backscattering Coefficients Observed by the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission Precipitation Radar
- The First Globally Integrated Water Cycle Data Sets by CEOP
- Ultrahigh pressure deformation of polycrystaline hcp-cobalt
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- 2003 Bam Earthquake in Southeastern Iran: an Unexpected Event Associated With a Segmented Fault
- A Method for Detecting Submarine Groundwater Discharge by Thermal Infra-Red Measurement
- A Possibility For Biological Origin Of Iron Oxides In The Marble Bar Chert, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- A Three-Dimensional Subseafloor Observatory Network for Cross-Hole, Hydrogeologic Experiments Established in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Across-arc variation in {}<SUP>40</SUP>Ar/{}<SUP>36</SUP>Ar ratios of olivines in volcanic rocks from the Izu-Ogasawara arc, Japan
- Active Normal Faults on the Forearc Slope of the Eastern Nankai Subduction Zone
- Active monitoring of upper crust using ACROSS-seismic array system
- An Integrated Framework for Analysis and Modelling of Changes in Water Use and Land Use in the Indo-Gangetic Plains
- Analysis of multi scale radiometric data acquired during the NASA Cold Land Process Experiment
- Basin migration due to subduction erosion along the Japan Trench
- Carbon Isotope Excursions of Archean Organic Matter (~3.0-2.5Ga) from Four Drilling Cores at the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
- Conduit drilling at Unzen volcano, Japan: core description and interpretation
- Continuous Observation of Travel Time of Seismic Waves Using ACROSS Vibrator and Seismic Array
- Deformation of polycrystalline Ca-Perovskite up to 50 GPa
- Determination of the Hydraulic Properties of Sub-Sea Formations Using Continuous Measurements of Pore Pressure at Submarine-Groundwater-Discharge Area
- Determination of the Infrared Emissivity with Multi-spectral Thermal Infrared Data from Space
- Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Elemental Carbon in Tokyo, Japan
- Dynamics of Chi-Chi earthquake rupture: Discovery from Seismological Modeling and Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Estimation and Validation of \delta<SUP>18</SUP>O Global Distribution with Rayleigh-type two Dimensional Isotope Circulation Model
- Field investigation of the September 5, 2004 Tokaido-Oki Earthquake Tsunami
- Fire quality and gas chemical property of Indonesian biomass burning
- Flow Characteristics in Permeable Reactive Barrier Affected by Biological Clogging
- Formation of the Cold Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- HPC Infrastructure for Solid Earth Simulation on Parallel Computers
- In Situ Observations of Dissolved Manganese in Hydrothermal Vent Plumes at Mariana Trough.
- Intercomparison of Photosynthetically Active Radiation Measurements Obtained With Different Sensor Types at Hokkaido, Japan
- Introduction of new Acoustic Transducer to the Seafloor Geodetic Monitoring System
- Lessons from Suiyo Seamount studies, for understanding extreme (ancient?) microbial ecosystems in the deep-sea hydrothermal fields
- Local Scale Radiobrightness Modeling During the Intensive Observing Period-4 of the Cold Land Processes Experiment-1
- Methane Plumes over a Marine Gas Hydrate System in the Eastern Margin of the Sea of Japan: a Proposed Mechanism for the Transport of Significant Subsurface Methane to Shallow Waters
- Paleomagnetism of the early Archean Marble Bar Chert Member, Pilbara craton, Western Australia: Implication for Archean geomagnetic reversals and Paleogeography
- Physical properties of the top of the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath the SW Japan arc, derived from onshore - offshore integrated seismic survey
- Phytoremediation of soils contaminated by cadmium
- Quantification of three-phase fluid distribution in a porous medium by X-ray transmission measurements with energy dispersion X-ray spectrometry
- Relationship between spatial distribution of the streamwater chemistry and catchment-scale geomorphic characteristics: Conceptual model approach focusing on subsurface and groundwater interaction
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Seafloor Geodetic Observation Along the Major Trenches Around Japan - Focusing on Results at Off-Miyagi Area -
- Seismogenic Mega-splay Fault in Subduction Zone-Modern and Ancient Examples from Southwest Japan
- Sensitivity of key climate parameters to global NPP using a process-based model integrated with remote sensing data
- Significant decrease of b-value of background seismicity prior to the M6.2 Northern Miyagi, Japan earthquake of 26 July 2003
- Spreading Geometry and Melt Supply at the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Streamline based analysis of non-Fickian dispersion in porous media with multi-scale heterogeneity
- Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Amounts Obtained by GOME Over East Asia in 1996-2002: Validation and Trend Analyses
- Unexpected tidal variation of the ocean-acoustic velocity
- VHF Broadband Digital Interferometer on Panel Extension Satellite
- VOC Measurements in Mega-city Tokyo: Behaviors, Sources, and Photochemical Transformations
- A Positive Magnetic Anomaly at Rainbow Hydrothermal Site in Ultramafic Environment
- Analysis of stable chlorine isotopic ratios and saline water diffusion model in sedimentary formation, Yatsushiro Bay, Japan
- Conceptual Modeling Approach to Explain the Spatial Variability of Streamwater Chemistry in a Meso-Scale Headwater Catchment
- Continuous Gas Monitoring at the Unzen-Conduit-Drilling USDP-4
- Continuous Observation of Seismic Wave Velocity and Apparent Velocity Using a Precise Seismic Array and the ACROSS Sources
- Correlation of Oxygenated Organic Aerosol With Water Soluble Organic Carbon in Tokyo
- Detailed Structure of the Brittle-Ductile Transition Zone on the Subducting Plate Boundary Beneath the Southern Part of Kii Peninsula, Southwestern Japan
- Detection of Reflected Waves from Plate Boundary Using ACROSS Source and Seismic Array
- Development Of VUV Detectors For BepiColombo Mission
- Development of Medium Energy Ion Mass Spectrometer for Future Missions in the Inner Magnetosphere of the Earth
- Development of a complete rice paddy map dataset over Asia using MODIS data
- Distribution of Fluvial Knickzones Along Mountain Bedrock Rivers in Japan
- Evaluation of splash erosion at forest floor in mature Japanese cypress plantations
- Evolution of Mixing State and Size Distribution of Black Carbon in the Urban Plumes Observed over the Ocean
- Experimental study of P-wave attenuation in partially frozen brine
- Frequent turbidite depositions in the Holocene along the Kuril trench, northwestern Pacific: implications for paleoseismic activities
- GEOTAIL Observations of the Earth's Bow Shock: Whistler Critical Mach Number and the Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Electrons
- Gas Hydrate Layer and Prominent Flares of Gas Plumes in Naoetsu Basin, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea.
- Geochemistry of Site U1309 Gabbros, IODP Expeditions 304/305 at the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 30°N
- Ground deformation of Asama Volcano, Japan, associated with the 2004-2005 unrest
- Human Health Impact of Fluoride in Groundwater in the Chiang Mai Basin
- Hydrothermal plumes at the Myojinsho submarine caldera, the Shicito-Iwojima Ridge, Izu-Bonin Arc
- IPILPS: Modelling Stable Water Isotopes Exchanges Between the Land and the Atmosphere
- Identifying critical parameters in a terrestrial ecosystem model for accuracy improvement through integration of data and/or assimilation
- In situ X-ray experiment on the structure of hydrous silicate melts under high-pressure and temperature
- Introduction of the Concept of the Transducer's Phase Center to the Seafloor Geodetic Station Positioning
- Isotopic Impact of Land Surface Processes on Precipitation: A 15-year Global Simulation using Iso-MATSIRO
- Isotopic variation of evapotranspirating vapor from grassland in the middle of Tibetan Plateau
- LIDAR Investigation Of The 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan, Earthquake
- Large Scale Groundwater Flow Model for Ho Chi Minh City and its Catchment Area, Southern Vietnam
- Latitudinal distribution of sodium in Mercury's exosphere
- MAX-DOAS Measurement of Halogen Monoxides in a Volcanic Plume and Observation of Surface Ozone Depletion in the Vicinity of the Sakurajima Volcano in Japan
- Mercury's Exosphere explored by BepiColombo mission
- Natural hazards in urban area due to the change of groundwater environment -an example from Tokyo Metropolitan Area-
- OSL Ages Of Quaternary Sediments In The Luzow-Holm Bay Region, East Antarctica, And Their Implications
- Oxidation of Reactive Nitrogen and Ozone Production in Tokyo
- Partitioning of HNO3 and Particulate Nitrate in Tokyo: Effect of Vertical Mixing
- Pb-Pb isochron age and Sr isotope study for the Middle-Upper Permian limestone in the Kamura area in Kyushu, Japan.
- Physical Characteristics and Processes of 100-m-scale raised-rim depressions (RRD's) on Earth: application to Mars
- Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Spherical Shell with Infinite Prandtl Number at High Rayleigh Number
- Relationship Between Hygroscopicity and CCN Activity for Urban Aerosol Particles
- Seafloor Dating Within The Brunhes Period With Deep-Sea Vector Magnetic Anomalies
- Seasonal variation of the source contribution of atmospheric C2-C7 NMHCs (non-methanehydrocarbons) in central Tokyo
- Seismic wave attenuation in methane hydrate-bearing sediments: vertical seismic profiling data from the Nankai Trough exploratory well, offshore Tokai, central Japan
- Slab-Derived Noble Gases Preserved in Wedge Mantle Peridotite From the Sanbagawa Belt, Shikoku, Japan
- Steady state and a singular event observed at the TAG hydrothermal mound by a long-term monitoring system
- Subsurface structure along the eastern marginal fault zone of Yokote Basin by Seismic reflection profiling studies, Northeast Japan
- The SMART Theory and Modeling Team: an Integrated Element of Mission Development and Science Analysis
- Tracing slab inputs along the Izu-Bonin-Marianas subduction zone: results from volatile emissions
- Undersea intraplate crustal movement off Miyagi Prefecture, NE Japan
- Validation of a numerical model of eruption clouds using experimental and field data
- Validation of the ASTER Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorthim with field measurements
- What controls the earthquake and tsunami sources in subduction zone? MCS profiles across the Tokachi-oki earthquake sources along the Kuril Trench
- Yet Another Possible Mechanism for Anomalous Transport: Theory, Numerical Method, and Experiments
- A Distributed Biosphere-Hydrological Model System for Continental Scale River Basins
- A Nested Modeling Scheme for High-resolution Simulation of the Aquitard Compaction in a Regional Groundwater Extraction Field
- An Assessment of Prediction Skill of Operational General Circulation Models and Land Surface Models
- An Attempt to Monitor Stress/ Physical-property at Hypocenters, Using Tidal Response, Mponeng Gold Mine, South Africa
- An anion-exchange chromatographic study on chlorine isotope effect accompanying hydration
- An integrated approach on rice paddy irrigation pattern monitoring over Asia with MODIS and AMSR-E
- Atmospheric Trace Gas Measurements During SEED2 Over the Northwestern Pacific
- Average shear stress estimation of Nojima fault from fission-track analytical data
- CEOP Phase 1 Achievements and the Implementation Plan for Phase 2
- Cation vacancy and possible hydrogen positions in hydrous forsterite
- Characteritics and Mechanism Analysis of Precipitation's Diurnal Cycle
- Chromium Oxidation State of Natural and Synthetic Ferropericlase From Lower Mantle
- Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of non-volatile particles in Tokyo
- Data Assimilation Experiment for Soil and Snow Using CEOP EOP 3 Data for Application and Validation
- Diffusion-limited chloride migration revealed by stable chlorine isotope profile and dating of groundwater age at Yatsushiro bay, Kumamoto, Japan
- Dynamics of a Thermal-Chemical-Phase Boundary Layer Above the Core-Mantle Boundary and its Influence on the Evolution of the Mantle and Core
- Estimating global specific leaf area from MODIS leaf area index and model-simulated foliage mass
- Estimating sediment sources by multiple scale field measurements and fingerprinting using radionuclides
- Evolution of Submicron Organic Aerosol in Polluted Air Exported from Tokyo
- Factors controlling the CCN number concentrations at north of East China Sea in spring 2005
- Feature Extraction of Microwave Emission Associated with Earthquakes
- Formation of fluvial knickzones in Japanese mountainous areas: A spatial analysis using GIS and DEMs
- Geochemical and sedimentological evidence for the massive dissociation and formation of subsurface gas hydrates on the Umitaka Spur, eastern margin of Japan Sea
- Geochemical variation of volcanic rocks in Central Japan with double subduction of the Pacific plate and the Philippine Sea plates
- Giant Methane Plumes, Gas Hydrate Mounds, and large Pockmarks on the Umitaka Spur, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea: Impact of the Sea Level Fall during the LGM
- Groundwater residence time estimation with CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons) in the Kurobe alluvial fan, Japan
- Groundwater, Soil Moisture, Snow Water Equivalent, and River Water in the Seasonal Variation of Total Terrestrial Water Storage in Major River Basins
- Have We Seen Comet Wild 2 Samples Before?
- Holocene Glacial Fluctuation Reconstructed From Glacio-marine Sediments at Skallen in the Lüzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
- Inter-annual Variations and Trend Analyses of Precipitation and Vapor Isotopes with a Global Isotope Circulation Model and Observations
- Internal Structure of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 Projected Into the Dust Plume
- Laboratory experiments on ultrasonic wave attenuation in partially frozen brines
- Large-Scale Landslides in Rapidly Uplifted and Extremely Snowy Mountains in the Northern Japanese Alps
- Lateral variations of CMB heat flow caused by a thermo-chemical boundary layer and the post-perovskite phase transition
- Liquid and Emulsified Sulfur in Submarine Solfatara Fields of two Northern Mariana Arc Volcanoes.
- Low Frequency Earthquake Swarms and Non-Volcanic Tremor under Shikoku, Japan
- Modified Lagrangian-Mean Analysis Of The NH Polar Vortex Evolution
- Observation and Modeling of Heat, Water and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes upon The Paddy Field for Development of The Numerical Integrate Agro-Ecosystem Simulator
- Observations of Flatfish "Spas" From Three Hydrothermally Active Seamounts in the Mariana Arc
- Oxygenated and water-soluble organic aerosols in Tokyo
- Paleomagnetism and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Koshikijima islands, west Kyushu, Japan
- Predicting Geochemical and Seismological Signatures Using Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection Models
- Regional Groundwater Flow in Quaternary Aquifers in the Kanto Plain, central Japan
- Retrieval of Integrated Cloud Liquid Water Content and Integrated Water Vapor by Cloud Microphysics Data Assimilation System (CMDAS) Over Ocean by Integrating Satellite Data
- Self-diffusions of lower mantle minerals by Molecular Dynamics
- Simulation Of Growing Season Length Of A Deciduous Forest In A Dry Tropical Area
- Stress Drop and Radiated Seismic Energy of Microearthquakes Involving Volume Change in a South African Gold Mine
- The Architecture of a Fossilized Out-of Sequence Thrust in Ancient Accretionary Complex :Footwall of the Nobeoka Thrust, Japan
- The Role of Lower Tropospheric Temperature On Indian Summer Monsoon Onset And Cyclogenesys Over The Arabian Sea
- The Soil Moisture Dependence of Thermal Infrared Emissivity as Observed From Space
- The behavior and release of methane related to hydrates in a pockmark area in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea: An approach from chlorine isotope composition in pore water and sea water
- The role of guide field in magnetic reconnection: the case of relativistic magnetic reconnection in pair plasmas
- Up-Close Fluid Sampling at a Deep Submarine Lava Eruption
- Variation of Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblage and Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Composition for the Last 30000 Years on gas-hydrate-bearing Umitaka Spur, Joetsu, Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Watershed Profiles and Stream-net Structure of Vesuvio Volcano, Italy
- None
- A Pb and Hf Isotopic Study for the Unzen Volcano
- A discovery of another petit spot volcanic field in the Cretaceous Pacific Plate
- A statistical estimation of flood risk using a 29-year river discharge simulation over Japan
- AUV-aided Seafloor Geodetic Observation System
- Accurate reproduction of daily to interannual variations of stable water isotopes using Iso- GSM and spectral nudging technique
- Acoustical Surveys Of Methane Plumes Using The Quantitative Echo Sounder In Japan Sea
- An Improved Methodology to Estimate Terrestrial Net Primary Productivity by Integrating MODIS-LAI to Ecosystem Model SimCYCLE
- An integrated approach on land surface water mapping over Asia with AMSR-E and MTSAT
- Basin migration due to subduction erosion along the Japan Trench
- Be-10 Variations in Dome Fuji Ice Core During the Last Deglaciation
- Characteristics of aerosols in east Asian outflow at Cheju in spring
- Characteristics of particulate nitrite and HONO formation in Korea
- Chemical Characteristics of Water-Soluble Organic Carbon in the Asian Outflow
- Comparison of Meteorological Data and Stable Isotope Time Series from an Indonesian Stalagmite
- Constraint on the heterogeneity of mantle conductivity structure obtained from the geomagnetic jerks
- Consumption of dissolved oxygen in the deep Japan Sea, giving a precise isotopic fractionation factor
- Cropland Area Extraction in China with Multi-Temporal MODIS Data
- Crustal growth deduced from seismic structure of the Mariana arc-backarc system
- Development of Three-dimensional Stress Imaging around Mineral Inclusions in Diamond
- Difference in Gas Emission Pattern under Different Compression Rates
- Discovery of hydrothermal plumes at the Rodoriguez segment, Mid-Indian Ridge
- Dissolved Methane in seawater and seafloor mud around the gas plumes, in off Naoetsu, eastern margin of Japan Sea
- Dynamic Mechanochemistry of Seismic Slip -Nano Spherules Lubrication
- Estimation of Land Surface Parameters by LDAS-UT: Model Development and Validation on Tanashi Field Experiment
- Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Effects of Water Sprinkling on Urban Pavement on Heat Island Mitigation
- Fault model of the 2007 Solomon earthquake estimated from the crustal deformation survey data
- Hidden Records Of Critical Melt Fraction? Constant Intergranular Component In Mantle Xenoliths
- Hydrological and chemical monitoring during Fluid Injection Test in Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Importance of covariance components of waveform data with high sampling rate in seismic source inversion
- In situ isotope signals of nitrate show how the gross nitrification was high in the surface soils in a humid temperate forest in Japan
- Indications of crustal carbon in lower-mantle Juina diamond as revealed by FIB/TEM and NanoSIMS investigations.
- Infrared and Raman spectroscopic observations on Central African carbonado and the implication to its origin
- Inter-annual Variation in Growing Season Length of a Tropical Seasonal Forest in Northern Thailand
- Is the double crossing phase transition in D" ubiquitous?
- Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes over Sea Ice Region in the Sea of Okhotsk.
- Methane-derived carbonates from the Joetsu basin, eastern margin Japan Sea: possible evidence for strong methane seepage
- Micro-Raman mass spectrometry for measuring carbon isotopic composition of carbon dioxide fluid inclusions in mantle-originated minerals
- Modeling Lunar Borehole Temperature in order to Reconstruct Historical Total Solar Irradiance and Estimate Surface Temperature in Permanently Shadowed Regions
- Multiresolution Structured and Unstructured Finite Element Method for Three-Dimensional Attenuated Earthquake Ground Motion Modeling in Basins including Topography
- Non-Linear Force-Free Modeling of AR NOAA 10930 Based on Vector Magnetogram Observation with Hinode/SOT
- Physical and bio-chemical mass-balance model around seafloor cold seepages
- Pi2 modulation of aurora as observed by all-sky TV image and magnetometers on board two geosynchronous satellites
- Postseismic Displacement Following the Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Detected by Continuous GPS Observation and the Effect of Viscoelastic Relaxation Using 3D- FEM
- Preferential Acceleration of Pressure Solution Creep of Shear Zones in Shale of Subduction Zone
- Pressure-dependent boron isotopic fractionation observed by column chromatography
- Processes for Achieving Interoperability in GEOSS
- R/V Sonne Cruise SO193: New Insights Into the Geodynamic History of the Manihiki Plateau, SW-Pacific
- Real-Time Operation Of A Multipurpose Multi-Reservoir System Using A Distributed Hydrological Model And Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
- Regional Groundwater Recharge and Groundwater Evapotranspiration in Illinois
- Relationship Between Satellite-derived Phenology and Climatic Factors Over Northeastern Asia
- Relationship between the Neoproterozoic snowball Earth and Cambrian explosion
- Role of Partial Melting in the Asthenosphere
- Seamounts, knolls and petit spots on the NW Pacific Plate represent intra-plate volcanism from the Cretaceous to present
- Seasonality and Remoteness/Locality of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength
- Seismic Velocity Contrasts at the Top Surface of the Subducting Pacific Slab Down to the Deep Upper Mantle ; Implications for Water Flow Into the Mantle Transition Zone
- Small-scale Heterogeneity in Pacific Upper Mantle Unrelated to Plumes Evidenced by Sr-Nd- Pb Isotopic Composition of Basalt from Petit-spot Volcanoes
- Soil Salinity Controls on Water and Carbon Cycling by Sunflower Plants
- Telescope of Extreme ultraviolet (TEX) onboard Japan's lunar orbiter (SELENE): Imaging of the inner magnetosphere from the moon
- Temporal Variations of Elemental Carbon in Beijing
- Temporal change of groundwater temperature by a storm event
- The Rainfall Phenomena during the Pre-Monsoon Period over the Northeastern Part of Indian Subcontinent in 2007
- Three-dimensional Seismic Structure of the Locked-Sliding Transition on the Subducting Plate Boundary beneath the Southern Part of Kii Peninsula, Southwestern Japan
- Timing of the intensification of Australian Monsoon during the last two terminations recorded in the deep sea sediment core from Timor Sea.
- Types and Evolution of Gas Hydrate System along the Tectonically Active Zones of the Western Pacific: Nankai Trough vs. Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Upper Mantle Composition Beneath the Petit-Spot Area in Northwestern Pacific: Insights From Electrical Conductivity
- Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Variation Over Asian Monsoon During Northern Summer 2007
- Using Baseflow to Constrain Water Table Depth Simulations in the NCAR Community Land Model (CLM)
- 3.2 Ga hydrothermal sedimentary sequence: DXCL drilling Project, West Pilbara, Australia
- A Mechanical-Thermal Coupled FEM Model for Tectonic Deformation in Subduction Zones
- A Scale Interaction Study on East Asian Cyclogenesis Using a General Circulation Model with an Interactively Nested Regional Model
- A Study on the Generation and Preservation of Shallow Overpressures and the Effects on the Slope Instability in the Ursa Basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico
- Acoustical surveys of Methane plumes using the quantitative echo sounder in Japan Sea 2008
- Aftershock distribution of a M 2.1 earthquake near a geologic structure boundary in a deep South African gold mine
- An Attempt to Estimate the Total Fracture Surface Energy of the Frontal Thrust
- An integrated approach on land surface water mapping with AMSR-E
- Are Headwaters Just the Sum of Hillslopes? Evidence from Geochemical and Isotopic Observation
- Assessment of Terrestrial Water Storage Dynamics from Daily to Interannual Timescales Using Combined Atmosphere-land Water Balance Computation
- CSEP Earthquake Forecast Testing Center for Japan
- Changes in Stress Associated with the 2004 Eruption of Mt. Asama, Japan as Measured by Seismic Anisotropy and GPS
- Characteristics of the fault rocks at the shallow portion of the megasplay fault system and the frontal thrust in the Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano
- Chemical Analysis of Kimberlites and Their Constituent Minerals From China and South Africa
- Common Research Framework for Global Hydrology Utilizing Various Datasets and Hydrologic Models
- Deep-currents along a rift valley of Central Indian Ridge observed by AUV "r2D4"
- Deformation characteristics of 2-3 km buried Hota accretionary complex, central Japan
- Development a Novel Method to Isolate Fatty Acids for Compound-specific Radiocarbon Dating to Reconstruct West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting History
- Development and assessment of a 59-year (1948-2006) global 0.5-degree near-surface atmospheric data
- Development of Laboratory Apparatus for Observation of Chemical Osmosis
- Development of a Low-energy Ion Mass Spectrometer for Inner Magnetospheric Research
- Development of olivine Crystal Preferred Orientation in Oshima peridotite body as a remnant of oceanic lithosphere
- Diurnal cycle of precipitation in a global cloud-resolving model
- Divalent Chromium in Ferropericlase Inclusions in Lower Mantle Diamonds Revealed by Micro-XANES Measurements
- Effects of modifying water environments on water supply and human health
- Effects of planetary-scale waves on temporal wind variations in the Venusian thermosphere
- Episodic sediment disturbance on the mega-splay fault at Tonankai earthquake area, Nankai trough, Japan
- Estimation of Turbulent Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide by Small-scale Eddies in the Deep Ocean by Low-wavenumber Forcing
- Estimation of gas flow through Taiwan Chelungpu fault during Fluid Injection Test
- GEO Water Cycle Activities and Plans
- Geochemical Nature of High-Level Melt Lenses in Oceanic Crust Formed at a Superfast Spreading Rate
- Geological influences on hydrological and isotopic characteristics in forested headwaters
- Geotechnical Characterization of Shallow Sediments from NanTroSEIZE Sites C0004, C0006, C0007, and C0008 (IODP Expedition 316)
- Global Hydrological Simulation Using MATSIRO-TRIP Land Surface Model with Groundwater Representation
- Global Structure of Isotopic Compositional Space of Oceanic Basalts by Independent Component Analysis and its Implications for Mantle Dynamics
- Global projections of changing risks of flood under the global warming simulated by MIROC GCM
- Ground-based Observations of Diffuse Auroral Structures During Reimei Overpasses
- HOx Radical Chemistry in the Pearl River Delta in China 2006
- Identification of 1771 Meiwa Tsunami deposits using radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope microprofiling of emerged massive coral boulders
- Illawarra Reversal: the onset of the end-Permian mass extinction
- Impact of Seasonal Changes in Leaf Area on Evapotranspiration of a Teak Plantation in a Dry Tropical Area
- Impact of soil moisture changes on growing season length at a teak plantation in Northern Thailand
- Influence of Biomass Burning and Mid-latitude Pollution on the Arctic Atmosphere During the ARCTAS Field Campaign: A Three Dimensional Modeling Analysis
- Initial results from the Nankai Trough shallow splay and frontal thrust (IODP Expedition 316): Implications for fluid flow
- Interannual variations in soil moisture and productivity of boreal forest in Eastern Siberia
- Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter in 2010
- Li and Sr isotope systematics of spring water around Ontake volcano in Japan: origin of fluid causes crustal deformation
- MT Measurements in the San-in Region, Japan, in Cooperation with Seafloor Electromagnetic Observations in the Sea of Japan
- Magmatic Processes in an Axial Magma Chamber at a Superfast-Spread Ridge, IODP Hole 1256D, EPR
- Mantle Melting beneath Central Japan with Overlapping Subducting Plates and Enhanced Fluid Flux
- Methanogenesis in the hot and deep: implication for the deep biosphere
- Milankovitch cycles detected in the middle Triassic bedded chert (Inuyama, Japan) and its relation with bottom water oxygenation changes
- Modeling Studies on Aging of Black Carbon and its Impact on Aerosol Optical and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Properties in Outflow From Anthropogenic Sources
- Modeling and Monitoring for Predictive Simulation of Earthquake Generation in the Japan Region
- New Research Project For The Next Nankai Trough Mega Thrust Earthquakes -Towards To Understanding The Next Mega Thrust Earthquakes. And Mitigation Damages-
- Observational Study of Particle Acceleration in the 2006 December 13 Flare
- Ozone production over the Tokyo Metropolitan Area: Physical and chemical processes simulated by Community Multiscale Air Quality model (CMAQ)
- Petrological relationships among lavas, dikes, and gabbros from IODP Hole 1256D: insight into magma plumbing system beneath the East Pacific Rise
- Phase transitions and density changes in pyrolite up to 50 GPa using multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils
- Piezomagnetic Signals due to Accumulation and Release of Stress on a Plate Boundary Beneath the Tokai Region, Central Japan.
- Rainfall,bulk deposition of nutrients and their seasonal variation in two tropical lowland and montane forests in Borneo
- Regional aspect of highly water-stressed population estimated by world water resources under SRES scenarios
- Residence time of submarine fresh groundwater discharge in Rishiri Island, north Japan: Application of groundwater age tracers of Tritium, CFCs and SF6.
- Rodriguez Segment of the Central Indian Ridge: Hotspot-ridge interaction and hydrothermal activity
- Scaling of Mixing Parameter in Homogeneous Sheared and Stratified Turbulence
- Seafloor geodetic reference station branched from submarine cable
- Soil Moisture Observations by SOMS, GCOM-W1 and SMAP in Mongolia
- Sources and Transformation of Nitrogen Loads in Rivers of the Lake Biwa Watershed, Japan: Using Dual Measurement of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes of Nitrate
- Spatial Distribution of Dense Plasma in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and its Transport Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Stabilization of Mass Absorption Cross Section of Elemental Carbon for Filter-Based Absorption Photometer by Heated Inlet
- Structural and Seafloor Morphological Evidence for Collapse of the Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
- Studying the Lunar Ionosphere with SELENE Radio Science Experiment
- The characteristic of fractional error in eddy covariance measurements and its application to data quality control
- The passive imaging of the Philippine Sea slab underneath Tokai region in Japan inferred from cross-correlation analysis of teleseismic S coda
- Timing of the last deglaciation in Skarvsnes, Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica
- WEB-DHM: A distributed biosphere hydrological model developed by coupling a simple biosphere scheme with a hillslope hydrological model
- Waveform inversion for localized seismic structure and its application to D
- Wind-Induced Redistributions of Hypoxic Water in Chesapeake Bay
- Yesterday's Japan: A system of flood risk estimation over Japan with remote-sensing precipitation data
- 27-day variations found in lightning activity and cloud amount, and thier relationship to the solar cycle
- A document centric metadata registration tool constructing earth environmental data infrastructure
- Absorbing aerosol in the troposphere of the Western Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/ARCPAC airborne field campaigns
- Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties of Arctic Haze, Forest Fire Plumes, and Ozone Depletion Events during ARCTAS (DC-8)
- An exploration for hydrothermal plume evolution using the AUV "URASHIMA" with fluid sampling system at southern Mariana Trough
- An interpretation of large-scale GRACE observations of terrestrial water storage over the Amazon
- Analysis on DOC transformation in a forested catchment using stable carbon isotope values
- Application of stable isotope measurements and microbiological analysis for detecting methanogenic activity in a temperate forest wetland
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Impact on Aerosol Properties over California as Observed During ARCTAS-CA
- Assessment of Large-scale Terrestrial Water Storage Dynamics at Multiple Timescales from Multiple Sources
- Atmospheric implications of particulate nitrite formation in Seoul, Korea
- Bedform morphology under combined flows with a 6-second oscillation period
- Broadband seismic monitoring of active volcanoes using deterministic and stochastic approaches
- Characteristic focal mechanisms of the double-planed shallow seismic zone in the northeast Japan forearc region
- Crustal structure of the Izu Collision zone, central Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observations
- Deformation characteristics and associated clay-mineral variation in 2-3 km buried Hota accretionary complex, central Japan
- Dependency on stability of turbulent diffusivity of passive and active scalars
- Diffusive modeling of global river and floodplain dynamics based on 1km-resolution DEM
- Effects of the past- and present-day ice melting on observed uplift rates in Southeast Alaska
- Effects of the planetary-scale waves on the temporal variations of the O2-1.27μm nightglow in the Venusian upper atmosphere
- Electrical resistivity structure in the mantle across the Mariana subduction system
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles from Biomass Burning and Their Physical and Chemical Properties
- Emissions of Black Carbon Particles in Anthropogenic and Biomass Plumes over California during CARB 2008
- Energy and charge state measurements of medium energy ions in space: application of a single-sided silicon strip detector
- Estimation of the Electromagnetic Energy Carried by the Alfven waves Traveling in the Plasma Sheet
- Evaluation of the applicability of optical fiber strain sensors for monitoring rock deformation caused by ocean tide -a case study at the Aburatsubo site, Japan-
- Experimentally determined attenuation and modulus in Earth analogue materials over a wide range of frequency
- Geochemical Features of Shallow Subduction Thrusts: Non-Destructive XRF Core-Imaging Scanner Analyses of NanTroSEIZE C0004 and C0007 Fault Zone Slabs
- High-pressure beamline (PLANET) at the spallation neutron source, J-PARC (Invited)
- Holocene temperature change in the northern East China Sea; Application of TEX86 paleothermometry
- Hydraulic conductivity change of a shear deforming rock fracture
- Hydraulic formation of knickzones in Japanese mountain rivers
- Hydro-biogeochemical functions of a riparian wetland in a forested catchment
- Hydrological influences on spatiotemporal variations of δ15N, δ18O of nitrate in a forested headwater catchment in central Japan: Denitrification plays a critical role in groundwater bodies
- Improvement of Cloud Microphysics Data Assimilation System with AMSR-E Sea Surface Products
- Inhomogeneity and anisotropy effects in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Interannual variation in transpiration peak of a hill evergreen forest in northern Thailand in the late dry season: Simulation of evapotranspiration with a soil-plant-air continuum model
- Interim report on the 2008 Southern and the Central Japan Alps Transect (SCAT)
- Intermediate products of sulfur disproportional reaction and their physical role in effusive to explosive submarine volcanic activity
- Long-term variation of solar activity deduced from carbon-14 content in tree rings
- Mass-Independent Fractionation of Oxygen Isotope in Earth Wind: First Principle Calculations for Photodissociation
- Mechanism of upper tropospheric warming over the Tibetan Plateau at the onset phase of the Asian summer monsoon
- Mercury's sodium exosphere and interplanetary dust distribution
- Microscale Modelling of Water and Gas-Water Flows in Subsea Sand Sediment
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Modeling the water and energy cycles in the upper Tone River Basin, Japan
- Neural network analysis for geological interpretation of tomographic images beneath the Japan Islands
- Noble gas mass spectrometry with a compressor driven recycling system for improved sensitivity
- On the use of MODIS and TRMM products to simulate hydrological processes in the La Plata Basin
- Orbital-scale stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the Japan Sea during the last 230 kyr based on oxygen and carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera
- Paleo-thermal condition of the shallow mega-splay fault based on vitrinite reflectance: Core analysis of IODP NanTroSEIZE stage 1
- Plasmaspheric EUV image seen from the lunar orbit:Result of Extreme Ultraviolet Telescope onboard KAGUYA spacecraft
- Rainfall phenomena during the period from January to July, 2009 over Bangladesh and the northeastern part of Indian subcontinent
- Rapid aerosol particle growth and increase of cloud condensation nucleus activity by secondary aerosol formation and condensation: A case study for regional air pollution in northeastern China
- Reconstruction of marine environments in the south Pacific during the last deglaciation (15 - 9 ka) using fossil corals collected from Tahiti
- Relation between the deep crustal structure and accumulation of methane hydrates in the Nankai Trough indicated by the distribution of BSRs
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Urban Air: Temporal Variations and Possible Contributions from Unidentified Hydrocarbons
- Shear wave velocity structure in the lowermost mantle beneath Central Asia
- Shock Recovery and Heating Experiments on Baddeleyite: Implications for U-Pb Isotopic Systematics of Martian Meteorites
- Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring
- Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment
- Stand-scale soil respiration estimates based on chamber methods in a Bornean tropical rainforest
- Studies on deformation/pore pressure coupling processes at Japanese URLs and the development of ultra-high resolution FBG strain sensors for rock mechanics (Invited)
- Study on monitoring global warming by using the data of Schumann resonance
- Study on reflection coefficient of clayey material focusing on smectite content and partial density
- Surface magnetic field mapping on high albedo marking areas of the moon
- Temporal change of the sources of aeolian dust delivered to East Asia revealed by electron spin resonance signals in quartz
- The IODP NanTroSEIZE Transect: Accomplishments and Future Plans
- The Mixing State of Black Carbon in Asian Outflow (Invited)
- The final status of Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter (PLANET-C) in the integration test
- The involvement of slab-derived fluids in non-volcanogenic hot springs in SW Japan
- The isotopic homogeneity in the early solar system: Revisiting the CAI oxygen isotopic anomaly
- Theoretical Consideration to the Deformation of Island-Arc Crust Based on the Concept of Moment Tensor
- Transboundary air pollution in East/Southeast Asia and geostationary measurement
- Two Novel Applications of an Integrated Model for the Assessment of Global Water Resources
- Uncertainty and heterogeneity for eddy covariance flux measurement
- Understanding the transport pathways of pollutants to the Arctic during the 2008 ARCTAS/CARB campaign: A regional scale modeling study
- δ18O-NO3- as an indicator of the nitrogen saturation stages in the stream water
- 10-year evapotranspiration estimates in a Bornean tropical rainforest
- A 60-year (1948-2007) global estimation of glacie mass changes by a global glacier model HYOGA
- A Benchmark for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurements
- A new analytical approach to estimate the hydraulic parameters of a coastal phreatic aquifer from tidally induced water table fluctuations and its application at the Niijima Island, Japan
- A study of colloids in deep groundwater using spectroscopic analysis
- A study of modulation of polar stratospheric clouds by atmospheric waves in the Southern Hemisphere using CALIPSO lidar data
- Aircraft Measurements of Upward Transport of Black Carbon Over East Asia in Spring 2009
- An Integrated Simulation of Seismic and Tsunami Waves
- Analysing the relations of hourly precipitation extremes and temperature over Japan based on ground observational records
- Anorthosite distribution and its implication in the Lunar South Pole-Aitken basin based on data derived from SELENE Multiband Imager
- Application of GSMaP and MODIS/SeaWiFS Downward Surface Short Wave Radiation in the Land Simulation System: Yesterday's Earth at EORC (YEE)
- Atmospheric replacement and late formation of N2 on undifferentiated Titan during the Late Heavy Bombardment
- Bingham fluid behavior of plagioclase-bearing basaltic magma: Approach from laboratory viscosity measurements
- Black carbon and its correlation with trace gases at a rural site in Beijing: Implications for Regional Emissions
- CO2 emission from lake-filled Katanuma crater, Narugo volcano, Japan
- Change of flood risk under climate change based on Discharge Probability Index in Japan
- Channel initiation and landsliding: objective mapping on lidar DTMs in Japan
- Characterization of Long-term Atmospheric and Terrestrial Hydrological Cycle Change Using Multiple Data Sources
- Cross-helicity turbulence model: Application to MHD phenomena from solar convection zone to heliosphere
- Delayed Segment Rupture during Great Earthquake along the Nankai Trough - Estimation from Historical Documents and Tsunami Trace Heights of the 1707 Hoei Earthquake -
- Development of a new on-line aerosol composition analyzer: a particle trap laser desorption mass spectrometer (PT-LDMS)
- Development of an Integrated Water Resources Management System
- Development of an integrated hydrological modeling system for near-real-time multi-objective reservoir operation in large river basins
- Development of an ultra-high-resolution FBG strain sensor and laboratory experiments to evaluate its performance for application to the rock masses
- Diamond and other mineralogical records of ultra-deep origin in spinel-garnet peridotite from Moldanubian Zone, Bohemian Massif (Invited)
- Dodo Field and Solitaire Field: Newly Discovered Hydrothermal Fields at the Central Indian Ridge
- Doping Effect on High-Temperature Plastic Flow in Fine-grained Alumina (Invited)
- Estimating seismic attenuation in methane hydrate bearing sediments in the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Estimation of seismic wave attenuation using sonic logging data -Comparison of estimating methods-
- Estimation of the black carbon (BC) emissions from East Asia based on accurate BC measurements in the Asian outflow
- Evaluating Influence of Groundwater-supplied Moisture Flux in Global Land Surface Hydrologic Simulations
- Experimentally determined anelastic and plastic behaviors of melt-free and melt-bearing Earth analogue materials: implications for grain and phase boundary dynamics (Invited)
- Fluid inclusions in carbonado diamond_Implication to the crystal growth environment
- Forcing a distributed hydrological model with ensemble precipitation forecasts to support dam operation during floods
- Future global population at risk of flooding
- Gas Flaring Volume Estimates with Multiple Satellite Observations
- Gas geochemistry of Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos hot spot
- Global Land Cover Change in Drylands from 2001 to 2008 using MODIS data
- Groundwater recharges and interaction between groundwater and river water in Kathmandu valley, Nepal
- Growth of gas hydrate mounds and gas chimneys of the eastern margin of Japan Sea as revealed by MBES, SSS and SBP of AUV
- Hydrological controls on denitrification in riparian zone of forested headwater catchment: Soil physical properties make difference in reduced environment
- In situ observation of the pressure-induced phase transitions of portlandite and influential factors on the pressure response
- Interannual and decadal variability of East Asian Winter Monsoon and ENSO detected in a 120-year coral record from the eastern coast of the Philippines
- Laboratory experiments for estimating chemical osmotic parameters of mudstones
- Macrofaunal communites at newly discovered hydrothermal fields in Central Indian Ridge
- Mass dependent isotopic fractionation of Ce and Nd in carbonates
- Measurements of isoprene in surface seawater of the Indian and the Pacific Oceans
- Micro-XANES measurements of ferropericlase inclusions in diamonds from the lower mantle
- Microstructure and heterogeneity of the Chelungpu fault revealed by Taiwan Chelungpu fault Drilling project (TCDP) Hole C cores
- Model based quantification of global virtual water trade and the sources of water withdrawal for major crops and livestock products (Invited)
- Modeling the hydrologic responses of the Pampangga River Basin, Philippines: A quantitative approach for identifying droughts
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume gas phase and aerosol chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Modulation of the South Asian monsoon in early summer over last decades
- Multipoint Observation of Quarter-Wave Length, Standing Alfvén Modes
- No bolide impact trace for OJP volcanism that triggered Early Cretaceous anoxia event: PGE evidence from coeval organic-rich sediments, central Pacific Ocean
- Noble gas isotopic composition as a key reference parameter in a planetary atmospheric evolution model
- Numerical model of episodic tremor and slow slip in the seismic cycle of megathrust earthquakes
- Observation of hydrothermal flows with acoustic video camera
- Observation of natural phytoplankton blooms in the western subarctic North Pacific: Is there relation to atmospheric iron supply?
- Offshore pore fluid salinity estimation from downhole logging and petrophysical measurements
- On the ratio of the gravity change rate to the uplift rate in Southeast Alaska
- Periodical oscillation of zonal wind velocities at the cloud top of Venus
- Phylogeography, cave invasion and diversification of the Philippine Sundathelphusa (Decapoda: Brachyura: Parathelphusidae)
- Presence of faecal indicator bacteria in groundwaters in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Quantitative analysis of material transfer during the ascent of garnet-amphibolite mass in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Japan
- Radiocarbon dating of Porites coral boulders cast ashore by paleo-tsunamis at southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- Rapid Settlement of Majuro Atoll, Central Pacific, Following its Emergence 2000 Years Ago
- Re-investigation on the potential of paleoclimate proxies using Reanalysis of oxygen isotopic composition of seawater with an isotope incorporated AGCM
- Recent SST trends and Flood Disasters in Brazil
- Reconstruction of Volcanic History from Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks in Subducting Shikoku Basin: Results from IODP Expedition 322
- Regional distribution and sedimentation history of the incoming sediments in the Nankai Trough
- Risk-Free Volcano Observations Using an Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter: seismic observations near the active vent of Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- S-wave velocity structure in the accretional prism beneath the Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan, revealed by vertical seismic profiling
- Sea surface and subsurface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation
- Seafloor movements after the 2005 Off Miyagi Prefecture Earthquake (M7.2) detected by GPS/acoustic geodetic observation
- Seasonal variation of black carbon aerosol at Happo,a remote mountain site
- Seasonal water storage on the Amazon floodplain: a comparison between satellite measurement and model simulation
- Seawater-Derived Noble Gases and Halogens Preserved in Peridotite and Eclogite from the Subduction-Type Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt
- Seismic anisotropy from walk-around VSP data in the Kumano basin south of Kii Peninsula (IODP Site C0009A)
- Spatial distribution of the airglow observed by the Reimei/MAC limb observations
- Statistical classification of log response as an indicator of facies variation during changes in sea level: IODP Exp 313
- Subsurface new production in the northwestern subtropical North Pacific fueled by nutrients from the Subtropical Mode Water
- Temporal change of the sources of aeolian dust delivered to East Asia revealed by electron spin resonance signals in quartz
- The Site Response in the Period Range of 2 TO 4s in the Kanto Basin
- The degassing fluctuation concerning sealing process before eruptions at Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- The role of the Bering Sea in the global climate: Preliminary results of the IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea paloceanography (Invited)
- Timing and duration of the last five interglacial periods from an accurate age model of the Dome Fuji Antarctic ice core
- Toward Quantitative Understanding of the Atmospheric Heating over the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Ultrasonic P-wave and S-wave attenuation in partially frozen porous material saturated with brine
- Volcanic? Non-Volcanic? Low-Frequency Earthquakes beneath Osaka Bay - Event Search from Continuous Records -
- What controls the polarity change of decollement reflection along the Nankai Trough?
- 2011 Japan tsunami current and flow velocity measurements from survivor videos using LiDAR
- 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Runup Distribution and Damages around Yamada Bay, Iwate
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami survey and its historical comparison at Rikuzentakata
- A low-cost, high-throughput measurement for stable carbon isotope analysis of dissolved organic carbon in fresh water using wet chemical oxidation
- A proposal of utilization of penetrators as a quick deployment system of instruments in an emergency
- Aftershock activity of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake from ocean bottom seismometer network observation
- An unified numerical simulation of seismic ground motion, ocean acoustics, coseismic deformations and tsunamis of 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Analysis of Terrestrial Water Storage Components from Global Hydrological Model Simulations Validated by GRACE data and Water Balance Analysis
- Analysis of real-time Earth magnetosphere simulation for space weather using space weather cloud computing system
- Annual variation in carbon budget using remote-sensing data and a process model in Borneo Island, Southeast Asia
- Application of an ultra-high-resolution FBG strain sensor for crustal deformation measurements at the Aburatsubo Bay, Japan
- Application of digital filters in the processing of magnetotelluric survey data
- Biogeochemical study on mud-volcano sediments from the Kumano forearc basin, Japan
- Biological response to the global climate regime shift in the Bering Sea and the central subarctic Pacific: Synthesis of multi-decadal long time series sinking particle study
- Catastrophic geomorphic effects of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami, Sanriku coastline, northeastern Honshu, Japan
- Change in stress with seismic cycles identified at an out of sequence thrust in an on-land accretionary complex: The Nobeoka thrust, Shimanto Belt, Kyusyu, SW Japan
- Characterization factors for water footprint considering the scarcity of green and blue water sources
- Climate Change Media Forum - for Enhanced Communication between Journalists and Climate Scientists in Japan
- Dehydration softening of serpentine as a trigger of intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Development of Large-Scale Data Visualization System for Magnetic Flux Tracing in Global MHD Simulations
- Development of a 3d Fbg Extensometer for Hydromechanical Well Testing
- Development of observation method for hydrothermal flows with acoustic video camera
- Effect of Bedrock infiltration on water balance and rainfall-runoff characteristics in forested headwater catchments
- Effect of pressure on rheology of fine-grained forsterite aggregate
- Effects of carbonate leaching on foraminifer stable isotopes ratios
- Estimation of anthropogenic PM2.5 emissions over Asian mega cities by integrating remote sensing and modeling
- Evidence for plasma transport via kinetic Alfven waves at the magnetopause: An event study of THEMIS observations
- Fault system and dynamic seafloor deformation in the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Geochemical signature of fluid-rock interaction in the fault gouge from the Middle Tectonic Line, Japan
- Hayabusa2, C-type Asteroid Sample Return Mission
- High speed imaging system in continuum and H-alpha at the Hida observatory for the study of high energy particles in solar flares
- Huge seafloor movements associated with the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake observed by GPS/acoustic combination technique
- Identifying the hotspots of non-renewable water use using HiGW-MAT: A new land surface model coupled with human interventions and ground water reservoir
- Imaging observation of the Earth's upper atmosphere by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere mapping observation (ISS-IMAP) mission
- Ion-neutral Coupling in Solar Prominences
- Japanese earthquake predictability experiment with multiple runs before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and CMEs and in Laboratory Plasma Merging Experiments
- Maintenance mechanism of Venus superrotation in light of turbulent-viscosity suppression
- Mapping, classification, and statistics of mass movements in Valles Marineris, Mars
- Measurement of Fluorescence Spectra from Ambient Aerosol Particles Using Laser-induced Fluorescence Technique
- Measuring flow and Manning's Roughness Coefficient at small mountain stream
- Metadata database and data analysis software for the ground-based upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project
- Mid-Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in the Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal
- Modeling Irrigation Pumping and Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Modes of Microcracks Generated by Dynamic Fault Tip Growth and their Implication for the Secondary Faulting
- Monitoring transmitted waves across a fault with a high potential for mining induced earthquakes -the Ezulwini gold mine in South Africa
- Multi-scale heterogeneity of the 2011 Great Tohoku-oki Earthquake from dynamic simulations
- New Edition of the UNESCO-IOC International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide
- New loss-process for accelerated electrons around the flare loop-top?
- Numerical simulations of geomagnetic field variations: from jerks to superchrons
- Observation and modelling of OH and HO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations in Beijing and Pearl River Delta summer 2006: missing OH source in VOC rich atmosphere
- Performance of a high-temperature heated-inlet system for SP2 calibration for the measurement of ambient black carbon
- Petrophysical Properties Of Sandy Sediments Possibly Hosting Gas Hydrate In The Eastern Margin Of Japan Sea
- Photometry of the dayside of Venus at 0.90 μm using IR1 onboard Akatsuki
- Poroelastic simulation of reverse-polarity pore pressure responses around the low permeable fault zone
- Radiated Energy of Great Earthquakes
- Relationships among shallow landslides, geomorphology, and geology inferred from decision-tree models for mountains in Taiwan and Japan
- Return to Venus of AKATSUKI, the Japanese Venus Orbiter
- Role of Anomalous States of Upper Tropospheric Circulation on Extremely Dry and Wet Summer Monsoon Events
- Scaling relationship between corner frequencies and seismic moments of ultra micro earthquakes estimated with coda-wave spectral ratio -the Mponeng mine in South Africa
- Seasonal variations of nitrate discharge from forested catchments: Suggestions from Japanese Case Studies
- Seismicity near the hypocenter of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake deduced by using Ocean Bottom Seismographic data
- Size-resolved measurements of the mixing state of soot in the megacity Beijing, China: diurnal cycle, evolution mechanism and parameterization
- Statistical analysis of monochromatic whistler waves near the Moon detected by Kaguya
- Strain anomaly of the inland crust of NE Japan induced by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (Mw9.0), Japan
- Study on the Reflection Coefficient of Clay from the View Points of the Microscopic Structure and the Mineralogy
- Supply Rate of Continental Materials to the Deep Mantle
- The First Recovery of Asteroidal Samples by the Hayabusa Mission
- The deformation structure of submarine landslide recorded in the incoming sediments on the Kashinosaki Knoll, in the Nankai Trough
- The effects of annual precipitation and mean air temperature on annual runoff in global forest regions
- The hydrothermal alteration and contact metamorphism on the tonalite and volcanics of the Komahashi-Daini Seamount, northern Kyushu-Palau Ridge
- The influence of deep groundwater discharge on spatial variability of stream discharge and chemistry
- The large deviation function for estimating frequencies of largest events in a forest-fire model
- The vertical flow in the lowermost mantle
- Toward realistic simulation of the equatorial Atlantic zonal SST gradient in a coupled general circulation model
- Transport of black carbon and CO from the Asian continent to the western Pacific and estimate of CO emissions in China
- Turbulence and flow structures in magnetic reconnection
- Twenty-year long time-series fluxes of calcareous nannoplankton in the Bering Sea and central subarctic Pacific Ocean, 1990-2009
- Volcano inflations prior to small vulcanian eruptions at Suwanose-jima volcano, Japan
- Wide-angle OBS velocity structure along the SAHKE transect, lower North Island, New Zealand
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami video and TLS based measurements: hydrographs, currents, inundation flow velocities, and ship tracks
- A Single Grain U-Pb and Pb-Pb Dating and D/H Ratios of the Phosphate Mineral in ALH84001
- Age determination and provenance of sandy sediments possibly hosting gas hydrate in the eastern margin of Japan Sea
- Applications of Markov random field models for inversion problems in geosciences
- Attenuation measurements of ultrasonic P-wave and S-wave in partially frozen unconsolidated sands
- Bias correction method for climate change impact assessment at a basin scale
- Biodiversity and biogeography of hydrothermal vent species in the western Pacific: a biological perspective of TAIGA project
- Biogeochemistry of C, N, S, Fe, and Mo and origin of organic matter in the 3.2 and 2.7 Ga sulfidic black shales from Pilbara, Western Australia: A synthesis
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Carbonate mineralogy and Illite crystallinity in the Nobeoka thrust fault zone SW Japan, ancient megaspray fault in a subduction zone
- Carbonate system at Iheya North in Okinawa Trough~IODP drilling and post drilling environment~
- Century long observation constrained global dynamic downscaling and hydrologic implication
- Chemical tracers illustrate pathways of solute discharge from artificially drained agricultural watersheds
- Climate Change Assessment and Runoff Simulation in Philippine Basins for the Water Security Master Plan of Metro Manila and its Adjoining Areas
- Community structures and activity of denitrifying microbes in a forested catchment in central Japan: survey using nitrite reductase genes
- Comparison of Stable Isotope Composition in Precipitation between Atmospheric General Circulation Models and Shale Hills Critical Zone Observations
- Comparison of atmospheric CH4 concentration observed by GOSAT and in-situ measurements in Thailand and India
- Denudation history of the Akaishi Range, central Japan, and its tectonic implications: Constraints from low-temperature thermochronology
- Development of a WRF and SiB2 based satellite land data assimilation system
- Development of a terrestrial integrated model for the sustainable utilization strategy of land-water-ecosystems
- Development of acoustic observation method for seafloor hydrothermal flows
- Different deformation and failure processes of rock observed under critically and isotropically stressed conditions due to infiltration of compressible non-wetting fluid
- Diffuse Helium Emission as a Precursory Sign of Volcanic Unrest
- Direct and remotely-sensed observations of water vapor isotopes in the North American Monsoon domain
- Dynamic balance in turbulent reconnection
- ESR dating of submarine hydrothermal activities using barite in sulfide deposition
- Effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC model
- Elongated patterns of the lunar magnetic anomalies: Implication for paleo-stress field of the lunar crust
- Energy balance-based distributed modeling of snow and glacier melt runoff for the Hunza river basin in the Pakistan Karakoram Himalayan region
- Estimating global groundwater withdrawal and depletion using an integrated hydrological model, GRACE, and in situ observations
- Estimation of Future Changes in Flood Disaster Losses
- Estimation of Groundwater Storage Variations based on Baseflow Recession Analysis
- Estimation of diarrhoea incidence through flooding simulation in low-income community areas in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
- Evaluating the dynamics of streamwater NO3- sources during storm events using the dual nitrate isotopes in forested catchments
- Evaluation of SMOS L2 Soil Moisture Products Using In Situ Observation Data of MAVEX in 2010 and 2012
- Evaluation of nutrient sources for the sponges inhabited around seafloor hydrothermal fields in the Okinawa Trough
- Evaluations of the Method to Measure Black Carbon Particles Suspended in Rainwater and Snow Samples
- Event sand layers suggesting the possibility of tsunami deposits identified in the upper Holocene sequence nearby the Kuwana fault, central Japan
- Experimental constraints on hydrothermal activities in Enceladus
- Fault-scarp knickpoint recession in 10 years after Chi-Chi Earthquake in central Taiwan
- Field Survey of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami in Fukushima
- Focal Mechanism of Semi-Volcanic Deep Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Eastern Shimane
- Frictional properties of silicic to calcareous ooze on the Cocos Plate entering the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Future Wave Height Situation estimated by the Latest Climate Scenario around Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu
- GEOSS Water Cycle Integrator
- Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Hatoma Knoll in Okinawa Trough
- Glacier runoff and its impact in a highly glacierized catchment, southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Heterogeneity in aerosol characteristics over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Implications to the radiative forcing in the Himalayan region
- Hydrogeomorphic and geochemical factors on channel head locations and developing a mountainous river network
- Imaging observation of the mesoscale structures in the Ionosphere, mesosphere, and plasmasphere from the international space station
- Impact of Climate Change on drought with terrestrial hydrologic simulation considering anthropogenic factors
- Impact of climate change on vegetation dynamics in a West African river basin
- Impact of improved atmospheric forcing data and soil-vegetation parameters in terrestrial hydrologic modeling over West Africa
- Impacts of the Indian Ocean Dipole on climate variations in the southern part of the Eurasian Continent
- Improving extreme rainfall event prediction using microwave satellite data assimilation and bogus wind modification
- In situ chemical sensing for hydrothermal plume mapping and modeling
- Interaction between surface water areas and groundwater in Hanoi city, Viet Nam
- Intercomparison Of Bias-Correction Methods For Monthly Temperature And Precipitation Simulated By Multiple Climate Models
- Izu-Bonin Arc: Intra-oceanic from the beginning? Unraveling the crustal structure of the Mesozoic proto-Philippine Sea Plate
- Lessons Learned from the 2011 Tohuku Tsunami on Coastal Structures
- Long-period seismic wave scattering by bathymetric features at a triple junction detected by dense Hi-net array
- Long-term migration of iodine in sedimentary rocks based on iodine speciation and <SUP>129</SUP>I/<SUP>127</SUP>I ratio
- Longitudinal Biases in the Seychelles Dome Simulated by 34 Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled General Circulation Models
- MR imaging of heterogeneity in partially frozen brine and their effect on ultrasonic wave propagation
- Magnetic Anomaly Lineations in the Gulf of Aden
- Magnetic structure of Bayonnaise knoll caldera including Hakurei hydrothermal site obtained from near-bottom magnetic vector field mapping by autonomous underwater vehicle
- Near-field tsunami forecasting using offshore tsunami data from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Near-trench aftershocks of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake based on ocean bottom seismograph obserbations
- Non-renewable water use on the globe and its implication to sea level change
- Nondimensional Parameters Derived by Using Damage Tensor and Their Implications for Secondary Faulting Pattern and Branch Orientation
- On the Dynamics of Extreme Meteorological Droughts during Pakistan Summer Monsoon by Focusing the Anomalous States of Upper Troposphere
- Oxygen isotopic composition of the Bering slope bottom water during the Last Glacial Maximum
- PDRM lock-in of marine sediments and a new Matuayma-Brunhes boundary age deduced from 10Be and paleomagnetic records
- Petrological evidence of ancient mantle components beneath the Mid-Ocean Ridge? Results from a serpentine seamount along the Central Indian Ridge
- Quantifying Impacts of Food Trade on Water Availability Considering Water Sources
- Quantitative determination of erosion rates in humid region using depth profiles of in situ-produced Be-10 and Al-26
- Radiosonde observational evidence of the influence of extreme SST gradient upon atmospheric meso-scale circulation
- Regional impacts of anthropogenic aerosols on precipitation scaling patterns in representative concentration pathways
- Relation between deforestation and rainfall intensity - duration thresholds for landslide occurrences: A case study of Mt. Ichifusa, Japan
- Return to Venus of Japanese Venus Orbiter AKATSUKI
- Rise of oxygen induced by Paleoproterozoic snowball glaciation: Insights from biogeochemical cycle modeling
- Role of tectonic and volcanic activity in hydrothermal systems at the southern Mariana Trough: detailed bathymetric characteristics of the hydrothermal sites
- Seismic attenuation structure of the accretionary prism in the Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, Japan, revealed by walk-away VSP
- Seismic slip propagation to shallow subduction thrust: Insights from the dark gouge and high-velocity frictional properties of the décollement zone in the Nankai subduction zone
- Shallow water submarine hydrothermal activity - A case study in the assessment of ocean acidification and fertilization
- Simulation of absolute water surface elevations in a global river model: a case study in the Amazon River
- Simulations of the MJO events during the field campaign of 2011-12 by a global cloud-resolving model NICAM
- Snow Depth Spatial Distribution Using Microwave Remote Sensing at the Puna Tsang River Basin in Bhutan
- Stroboscopic muography
- Tectonic background of a unique hydrogen-rich Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Results from Taiga Project
- The EXCEED mission - the Earth-orbiting EUV spectrometer -
- The large deviation function and recurrent properties of large earthquakes in two-dimensional forest-fire models
- The mechanism of formation of the seafloor massive sulfide ore body beneath the seafloor at HAKUREI Site in Izena Caldera, Middle Okinawa Trough
- Thin-Layering Effect On Estimating Seismic Attenuation In Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Towards a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Water Strategy
- Tracing cohesive sediment transportation at river mouths around Tokyo, Japan by Cesium originated from Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
- Transition zone origin of potassic basalts from Wudalianchi volcano, northeast China
- Two theoretical methods for calculating time-dependent saturation ratio in an expansion cloud chamber
- Uncertainties In Global Modeling Of Groundwater-induced Increase in Evapotranspiration
- Uncertainty of global snow simulation: ensemble experiments of land surface model MATSIRO
- Uppermost mantle anisotropy beneath south and northwest Pacific by ambient noise interferometry analysis of OBS records
- 137Cs dynamics in the forest of Fukushima after the nuclear power plant accident in March 2011
- 3D FDM Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation for Nankai Trough Earthquake: Effects of Topography and Seawater
- A Global Hydrological Model with Reservoir Operation Scheme: Global and Regional Applications (Invited)
- A High-Resolution Lateglacial Pollen Record from the SG06 Lake Suigetsu Core, Japan: Contrasting Mechanisms of Holocene and Bølling Warming
- A Study of Estimating Winter Wheat Yields by Using Satellite Data Assimilation with Crop Growth Model
- A finite volume formulation of the multi-moment advection scheme for Vlasov simulations of magnetized plasma
- A laboratory model of magma chamber roof melting : intermittent magma ascent and the generation of a rhythmic layering
- A scaling relationship between AE and natural earthquakes
- A strategy for studying the air pollution effects on climate and public health in Asia (Invited)
- A study on the generation mechanisms of the lunar originating ions
- Along-strike variations in seismic structure of the locked-sliding transition on the plate boundary beneath the southern part of Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- An abrupt outgassing revealed by a slow decompression experiment of cristal-bearing syrup foam
- An experiment to locate cavities as strong scatterers using S-coda waves -the Cooke4 mine in South Africa-
- CINDY2011/DYANMO MJO case simulated by a global cloud-system resolving model NICAM
- Changes in Streamflow Percentiles under Climate Change
- Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization rates and controlling factors in forest soils in Japanese archipelago
- Characterizing the sediments from tributaries and estimating their mixing ratio in the sediments from Yangtze River mouth, using ESR and CI of quartz
- Comparison of methods for determining the hydrologic recovery time after forest disturbance
- Conceptualizing Hydrologic Resilience in Temperate Forested Catchments
- Contrasts in physical properties between the hanging wall and footwall of an exhumed seismogenic megasplay fault in a subduction zone
- Deep-sea Vector Magnetic Anomalies over the Bayonnaise Knoll Caldera (Izu-Ogasawara Arc) (Invited)
- Development and mechanical consideration of image processing techniques to abstract land subsidence areas from InSAR datasets
- Development of a real-time hydrological cycle - rice growth coupled simulation system as a tool for farmers' decision making in an ungauged basin in Cambodia for the better agricultural water resources management
- Development of a satellite land and cloud data assimilation system coupled with WRF
- Development of satellite-based drought monitoring and warning system in Asian Pacific countries
- Diagenesis and Associated Sedimentary Environments of Subseafloor Argillaceous Sediments in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Diffraction image of subduction of the Hikurangi Plateau along the SAHKE transect, lower North Island, New Zealand
- Do All Large Strike-slip Earthquakes Have Supershear Ruptures?
- Does Cooling Magma Drive Deep Low-Frequency Earthquakes?
- Dynamics within geyser conduits: Insights from downhole measurements in El Jefe geyser, El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Dynamo and flow-induction in magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Effect of the Bering Strait on the AMOC hysteresis and glacial climate stability (Invited)
- El Cobreloa: A geyser with two distinct eruption styles
- Estimation of Snow Depth Derived from Microwave Remote Sensing Data Over the Himalayan Mountains
- Estimation of Uncertainty Propagation through Terrestrial Hydrologic Simulations and Objective Evaluation Strategy for In-situ and Satellite Observations of Precipitation
- Exhaustive Search of Elemental Combinations for Geochemical Discrimination of Tsunami deposits
- Finite element modeling on stress field of subduction zones and island arcs during megathrust earthquake cycles
- Flood risk projection for large river basins with delta in Southeast Asia
- Formation age and geomorphologic history of the Lonar impact crater deduced from in- situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al
- GOSAT-2 : Science Plan, Products, Validation, and Application
- Garnet shapes within Kimberlite xenoliths record the tectonic evolution of a cratonic root
- Geochemical and statistical analysis of toxic elements in tsunami deposits occurred at March 11, 2011
- Geochemistry of the Nsuta Mn deposit in Ghana: Implications for the Paleoproterozoic atmosphere and ocean chemistry
- Global budget and radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol: constraints from pole-to-pole (HIPPO) observations across the Pacific
- Global water balances reconstructed by multi-model offline simulations of land surface models under GSWP3 (Invited)
- Gondwana subduction-modified mantle domain prevents magmatic seafloor generation in the Central Indian Ridge
- Green up onset in the northern high latitude as observed from satellite data and the ground-based camera networks
- High-frequency water vapor isotope measurements with a laser spectrometer in a paddy field during growing season and application for evapotranspiration partitioning
- High-resolution detrital flux and provenance records from the Lake Suigetsu (SG06/12 cores) and climate changes in Central Japan during the last deglaciation
- Holistic view to integrated climate change assessment and extreme weather adaptation in the Lake Victoria Basin East Africa
- Identifying Droughts by Modeling the Hydrologic and Ecologic Responses in the Medjerda River Basin, Tunisia
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- Infrared Polarimetric Studies of Star and Planet Forming Regions
- Insolation-driven 100 kyr glacial cycles and millennial climate change
- Interannual variability of vapor isotope in West Africa and its relation to ENSO
- Island-Arc Collision Dominates Japan's Sediment Flux to the Pacific Ocean
- Japanese earthquake predictability experiment with multiple runs before and after the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Laboratory Experiment of Magnetic Reconnection between Merging Flux Tubes with Strong Guide FIeld
- Laboratory experiment on poroelastic behavior of Berea sandstone under two-phase fluid flow condition
- Linear Stability of Plane Poiseuille Flow in an Infinite Elastic Medium and Volcanic Tremors
- Magnetic impulse observed near the end of an auroral expansion
- Megacity-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions in East Asia
- Microbial community development in deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Earth and the Enceladus (Invited)
- Microstructural characteristics of slickenside developed in different kinds of rocks
- Mid-infrared Observation of C/2012 S1 (ISON) with Subaru+COMCIS
- Middle Holocene daily light cycle recorded in the strontium/calcium ratios of a fossil giant clam shell
- Missing link of sediment budget at a hillslope-channel transition: Application of terrestrial laser scanning
- Mixing states of soot and BC particles measured using transmission electron microscope (TEM) and single particle soot photometer (SP2)
- Modeling Hydrological Responses to Climate Change in Semi-Arid Region Watershed
- Moistening processes before the convection onset of Madden-Julian Oscillation events during the CINDY2011/DYNAMO period
- Multi-model assessment of water scarcity under climate change
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Nano-Pore Structure of Barnett Shale
- Nanograins, roughness and organic matters on a glossy fault surface with striation - An example from an exhumed subduction megasplay fault, the Nobeoka Thrust, Japan
- Numerical Simulations of multi-scale solar global convection (Invited)
- Numerical modelling of hydrate formation in porous media
- Numerical simulation of the diffusion of CO2 purposefully seeping from seabed in a small bay
- OSL dating as a possible tool for provenance study of fine grained quartz/polymineral from Lake Suigetsu sediments
- On the Generation of Seaquakes and Their Connections with Earthquake Source Mechanisms
- Operational real-time monitoring of volcanic SO2 emission rates using an innovative SO2 camera system and sophisticated retrieval techniques (Invited)
- Overshielding electric field identified by ground-based magnetometer associates plasmaspheric shoulders seen in the global EUV images
- PIC simulations on plasma response to a meso-scale magnetic dipole
- Pore structure analysis using micro focus X-ray CT for different sandy soils and link to mass transport parameters
- Postseismic seafloor movements above the focal region of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Preliminary results of the imaging observation of the MTI region by Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Upper Atmosphere, and Plasmasphere Mapping Mission on the International Space Station
- Provenance and flux of detrital materials in Lake Suigetsu sediment (SG12 core) and their temporal changes during the last 20 kyrs based on color and XRF data
- Reconstruction of global atmospheric dust concentrations using dust flux measurements in paleoclimatic archives and dust model variables
- Reduced millennial variability during glacial Stage 6 in the central North Atlantic
- Reinterpretation of the lithospheric structure beneath the Hidaka collision zone, Hokkaido, Japan 1.Outline
- Renewable energy and the atmospheric sciences
- Residence time of submarine fresh groundwater discharge in Hachijo Island, Japan: Application of dating tracers of Tritium, CFCs and SF6
- Response of seismicity to static and dynamic stress changes induced by the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Revisit of basal effective friction and pore pressure for Japan trench from topographic point of view
- Rheological profile of the Tohoku-oki interplate megathrust across the source region of the M9 great earthquake
- Sea fog observed by simultaneous radiosonde launches by three research vessels over a SST frontal region in the Kuroshio Extension
- Sea level record obtained from submerged the Great Barrier Reef coral reefs
- Seasonal variations of Asian black carbon outflow to the Pacific: Contribution from anthropogenic sources in China and biomass burning sources in Siberia and Southeast Asia
- Seismicity and state of stress near the Japan Trench axis off Miyagi, northeast Japan, after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Shallow structure and its formation process of an active flexure in the forearc basin of the central Nankai subduction zone
- Silica nanoparticles as indicator of hydrothermal activities at Enceladus ocean floor
- Simulation of radioactive tracer transport using IsoRSM and uncertainty analysis
- Small-scale convection in the mantle wedge around the Japanese islands (Invited)
- Spatial organization of stream water discharge and chemistry in forested headwaters
- Statistical Bias Correction scheme for climate change impact assessment at a basin scale
- Strong nitrogen retention against the pine-stands dieback by pine-wilt disease in a temperate conifer-deciduous forest in central Japan: Budget and mechanisms
- Study of Electron-scale Dissipation near the X-line During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma
- Subseasonal forecast skill of the 1988 U.S. drought is linked to human activities (Invited)
- Terrestrial Water Storage Variations from a Global Land Surface Model Simulation with the Anthropogenic Impacts on Hydrology
- The Impact of Local Meridional Circulations and Madden-Julian Oscillation on the Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation in Pakistan
- The attenuation structure in the source region of 2007 Noto-Hanto earthquake, northern part of central Japan
- The huge shallow slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake as a result of very low coseismic shear strength of the Japan Trench décollement material
- The proportionality between relative plate velocity and seismicity in subduction zones
- The roles of convective entrainment in spatial distributions and temporal variations of precipitation over tropical oceans
- Threshold bedrock channels in tectonically active mountains with frequent mass wasting
- Timing of insolation forcing, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and sea level changes around the current and last four interglacial periods
- Tracing Sediment Transport at River Mouths in Tokyo Bay using Cesium Originated from Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
- Two-dimensional numerical simulations on the origin of network magnetic field in the solar quiet region
- Volume source representations (1): Seismic moment and volume change of a spherical source
- Water-rock interactions at >100°C in Enceladus inferred from hydrothermal experiments and silica particles in E-ring grains
- Weighted mean method for eddy covariance flux measurement
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami runup hydrographs, ship tracks, upriver and overland flow velocities based on video, LiDAR and AIS measurements
- 3D numerical simulations of volcanic plume and tephra dispersal: Reconstruction of the 2014 Kelud eruption
- 4-D Noise-Based Seismology at Volcanoes: Ongoing Efforts and Perspectives
- A High Resolution Normal Mode Solution of Japan Sea
- A New Approach to Estimating Potential Reduction in Fish Species Richness in a Global Hydrological Model
- A Study on the Structure of Barotropic/Baroclinic Instability in the Mesosphere Using a Gravity-wave Resolving General Circulation Model
- A high resolution seismic reflection image for the oceanic LAB (Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary), beneath southern North Island, New Zealand
- A sensitivity study of MATSIRO land surface model with a simple wetland scheme for improvements in the representation of surface hydrology and surface air temperature bias
- A study of multiple tropopause structures caused by inertia-gravity waves in the Antarctic
- A study on characteristics of radial transport of relativistic electrons by ULF Pc5 waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC and RB models
- Accretionary Complexes: Recorders of Plate Tectonism and Environmental Conditions Through Time on Earth and Possibly Those Early Noachian (Hadean-equivalent) in Age on Mars
- Active Monitoring of a Fault with Seismogenic Potential Using an Ultrasonic Transmission at 1 km Deep in the Ezulwini Mine, South Africa
- Adapting a Global Flood Model for Regional Simulations: the CaMa-Flood Model as Applied to New England Catchments
- Analysis of Mixing State of Atmospheric Suspended Single Aerosol Particles using a Tandem Combination of Laser-induced Fluorescence and Incandescence Techniques
- Analyzing Shallow Landslides and Rainfall Conditions in Taiwan: An Application of the Soil Water Index
- Annual-Resolution Precipitation Record of Lake Suigetsu Based on Lamina Thickness and Its Chemical Composition during the Last 350 Year
- Assessing the Potential Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrology in the Shubuto River Basin, Hokkaido, Japan
- Assessing the prehistoric shoreline changes of the Mekong delta, Vietnam
- Attenuation Characteristics of Strong Ground Motions during the M<SUB>w </SUB>6.1 South Napa Earthquake
- Bimodal Distribution of Geyser Preplay Eruptions: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Boron Isotope Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Shallow Megathrust at the Japan Trench
- Can We Forecast 1-Month Span Aftershock Activity from the First Day Data after the Main Shock?
- Can clay minerals account for the non-asperity on the subducting plate interface?
- Changes in Benefits of Flood Protection Standard under Climate Change
- Changes in controlling factors of dissolved oxygen in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific from the past to the future
- Characterization of Mining Induced Seismic Events Around Deep Level Mining Excavations in South Africa Using High-Precision Underground Monitoring
- Collisionless Reconnection with Weak Slow Shocks Under Anisotropic MHD Approximation
- Comparison between Observed Tsunami Heights and Numerical Simulation of the 1854 Ansei-Tokai Earthquake Tsunami in Gokasho Bay, central Japan
- Concepts, tools/methods, and practices of water-energy-food NEXUS
- Consequences of Melt-Preferred Orientation for Magmatic Segregation in Deforming Mantle Rock
- Continuous Holocene Submergence of Southern Sanriku Coast Consistent with the Coseismic Subsidence of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Japan Earthquake Revealed from New Paleo-Geodetic Data
- Contrasting slip zone mineralogy of major thrusts in ancient subduction complexes: examples from the Pasagshak Point Thrust in Alaska and the Nobeoka Thrust in Japan
- Controls on Plate Motion By Oscillating Tidal Stress:Evidence from Deep Tremors in Western Japan
- Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake: influence of 3-D elastic heterogeneity
- Coupled LBM-DEM Three-phase Simulation on Gas Flux Seeping from Marine Sediment
- Cyclic loading experiments to measure material response over a broad frequency range: from tickling of rocks to squeezing of moons
- Deformation-Driven Melt Segregation: Theoretical Predictions and Laboratory Observations
- Deglacial Shelf Edge Coralgal Reef 19 ky Establishment, Successive 14.5 and 11.5 ky Partial Drowning and Back-stepping along the Papua New Guinea Peninsula Outer Shelf (Gulf of Papua)
- Dehydration of incoming sediments at the Japan Trench
- Development of a New Land Data Assimilation System for Improvement of Forecasting both Soil Moisture and Vegetation Dynamics
- Drought monitoring and warning system of rice paddy field in Asia by MTSAT and GSMaP
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast
- Dynamics of Glacial Terminations Simulated By a Coupled Ice-Sheet-Earth System Model
- E-Infrastructure and Data Management for Global Change Research
- Early Diagenetic Changes of Sediment Pore Properties Beneath the Seafloor and Their Contributions to Gas Hydrate Concentration in the Eastern Margin of Japan Sea
- Earthquake Response Analysis of Buildings at The Union Territory of Chandigarh, India, by using Building Vibration Observations due to Weak Earthquake Ground Motions
- Effects of Temperature on Solute Transport Parameters in Differently-Textured Soils at Saturated Condition
- Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen input on the aquatic food webs of river ecosystem in central Japan
- Electrons on closed field lines of lunar crustal fields in the solar wind wake
- Evidence for at Least Two Different Sources of Asian Dust to the Northwest Pacific Ocean Since the Eocene
- Evidence of Viscoelastic Deformation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Revealed from Seafloor Geodetic Observation
- Examination of the Asian Monsoon: Ongoing Studies from IODP Expedition 346
- Experimental Study of Sand Production and Mud Erosion Phenomena for Sand Mud Alternate Layer
- Feasibility of Acoustic Monitoring of Strength Drop Precursory to Earthquake Occurrence
- Finite Frequency P-Wave Tomography for French Polynesian Region
- Flood-Derived Sand Lobes on the Shelf of the Northern Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California
- Foreshock Activity during Laboratory Friction Tests using Meter-scale Rock Specimens Inferred from two Apparatuses with Different Stiffness
- Formation Mechanism of Barrier Layer in the Subtropical Pacific
- Forward modeling of stress fields around Mt. Fuji and its implication for seismic anisotropy
- Future Secretariat: an innovation research coordination and governance structure
- Geodetic and Seismic Investigation of Crustal Deformation in Northwest Himalaya
- Geodynamic and Geochemical Modeling of Mantle Processes along the Southwest Indian Ridge at 35°-40°E: A Hotspot-Mid-Ocean Ridge Interaction Region
- Geology of the Wilkes Land Sub-basin and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Insights from rock magnetism at IODP Site U1361
- Geophysical and Geochemical Signatures Associated with Mantle Fluids Beneath an Active Shear Zone, Southwest Japan
- Geothermal and compositional variety of old oceanic upper mantle in northwestern Pacific: Insights from seafloor magnetotelluric experiments
- Glacial Atlantic Overturning in CMIP/PMIP models controlled by the Southern and Northern high latitude changes
- Heterogeneous structure in and around the source region of hazardous inland earthquake
- High-Resolution Pleistocene Alkenone Temperature Records of IODP Expedition 346 Sites U1425 and U1429
- Hydrologic Connection Between Geysers and Adjacent Thermal Pools, Two Examples: El Tatio, Chile and Yellowstone, USA
- Hydrological Disturbances Caused By Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
- Impact-driven ocean acidification as a mechanism of the Cretaceous-Palaeogene mass extinction
- Impacts of Autonomous Adaptations on the Hydrological Drought Under Climate Change Condition
- Influence of majorite on hot plumes
- Influence of relative sea level on a marginal sea environment and its implication for reconstructing ice volume changes using IODP Expedition 346, Site U1427
- Initial Test Determination of Cosmogenic Nuclides in Magnetite
- Integrated simulation of snow and glacier melt runoff in a distributed biosphere hydrological modeling framework at Upper Indus Basin, Karakoram region
- Inter-linkages of SE Asian, Indian and Indonesian-Australian monsoonal subsystems on orbital and suborbital timescales
- Intermittent Displacement of the Kuroshio Extension Front from the Current Axis Revealed from Simultaneous Observations By Three Research Vessels and an Eddy-Resolving Ocean General Circulation Model
- Intraseasonal Variability of δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of Precipitation in The Indonesia Maritime Continent
- Investigation of Slip Behavior Variation in the Shallow Part of Subduction Zone on the Basis of Vitrinite Reflectance.
- Investigation on the Association of Fluid Flux with Temporal Change in Attenuation within Ruptured Fault Zone after Earthquake
- JDASH - Japan Trench Deep-sea Research for Assessing Shallow Seismic Slips and Their History
- Kinematic GPS Analysis Gives New Insights on the Origin of the Very-Long-Period Seismic Signals at Miyake-Jima Volcano during the Caldera Formation
- Large-scale volcaniclastic turbidites from subaerial caldera-forming eruptions at Dominica: insights from IODP site U1398 cores
- Late Quaternary Advance and Retreat of an East Antarctic Ice Shelf System: Insights from Sedimentary Beryllium-10 Concentrations
- Latest updates in global flood modelling: channel bifurcation and global river width database
- Limiting Behavior of the Function Governing the Dynamic Earthquake Slip Process with the Interaction Among Heat, Fluid Pressure and Dilatancy
- Linking the dynamics of the 2000 dike intrusion at Miyakejima to the focal mechanisms and the statistics of the induced seismicity
- Local electron heating in the Io plasma torus associated with Io: the HISAKI observation
- Long-term changes of water and chemical budgets after clear-cutting of a small headwater catchment in Japan
- Long-term ocean oxygen depletion due to decomposition of methane hydrate
- Magnetic Anomaly Lineations in the Gulf of Aden
- Major crustal and Moho discontinuities in the Japanese Islands identified from receiver function imaging
- Metal fluxing in a large-scale intra-arc fault: insights from the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System (LOFS) and associated geothermal fields in southern Chile
- Microstructure and influence of slickenside on faulting behavior developed in limestone
- Mid-Miocene to Pleistocene Radiolarian fossil record from IODP Expedition 346: Faunal response to the global climatic changes and local/regional tectonics
- Millennial-scale Variation in East Asian Summer Monsoon Front Position Deduced from Provenance Changes in Yangtze River Delta Sediments
- Modeling the Mass Balance of Arctic-Asian Glaciers using the WRF data: case study in the Altai Mountains
- Modelling Antarctic ice shelf melting under LGM and doubled CO2 climate using ice shelf-ocean model and climate model
- Multiple Slow-Slip Events Leading up to the 2014 Iquique, Chile Mw 8.1 Earthquake
- New insights from<SUP> 182</SUP>W anomalies in Eoarchean rocks from northern Labrador, Canada
- Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy across the Permian-Triassic boundary at Chaotian, Sichuan, South China
- Observational Evidence of Resonant Absorption in Oscillating Prominence
- Observations of Repeated Seafloor Tilt Events atop the Inward Steep Slope of the Japan Trench Using New High-Resolution Accelerometers
- Observations of oxygen in the inner magnetosphere of Saturn by Hisaki
- Observations of the Io Plasma Torus Using Exceed Onboard Hisaki
- Oceanic mantle alteration in the trench-outer rise region of the Japan trench
- Oceanic plate structures beneath the northwestern Pacific Ocean revealed by explosion experiments
- On 18.6-Year and Approximately Nine-Year Variations in Seismicity and Crustal Deformation in Japan and Its Interpretation Based on Decadal Variations in Tremors
- Ongoing hydrothermal activity in the chondritic core of Enceladus inferred from nano-silica particles and laboratory experiments
- Onshore Transport of Large Nearshore Boulders during Super Typhoon Haiyan
- Orbital and suborbital-scale sedimentary rhythms in the Middle Miocene Onnagawa Formation, Northeastern Japan
- Origin of Magnetic High at Basalt-Ultramafic Hosted Hydrothermal Vent Field in the Central Indian Ridge
- Origins of water vapor and precipitation throughout Japan in winter monsoon and extratropical cyclone events using a regional isotope circulation model
- Overshoot of atmospheric oxygen caused by the Paleoproterozoic snowball glaciation: constraining its magnitude and duration from biogeochemical cycle modeling
- Overview of Historical Earthquake Document Database in Japan and Future Development
- Paleostress analysis of a subduction zone megasplay fault - An example from the Nobeoka Thrust, Japan
- Partitioning of Large-ion Lithophile Elements Between Aqueous Fluids and Melts: Role of Saline Fluids in Sub-arc Mantle
- Permian Minimum and the Following Major Rise in Seawater <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Linked to the Glaciation/Deglaciation and Resultant Change in Weathering Rate
- Physical property and Textural transition across the Unconformity and Major Seismic Reflectors in the Upper plate of the Costa Rica Subduction zone offshore Osa Peninsula
- Plasmaspheric Shoulders Seen in the Global Euv Images and Its Relation to the Overshielding Electric Field Identified By Ground-Based Magnetometers
- Pore-scale Numerical Simulation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method for Mud Erosion in Methane Hydrate Bearing Layers
- Possibility of tilt observation at the sea floor by using the BBOBST-NX system
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- Preservation of submarine event deposits: Where is the most preferable area to reconstruct the past earthquake/tsunami events from marine sediment records?
- Processing of AUV Sidescan Sonar Images for Enhancement and Classification
- Quantitative Estimation of Chemical Weathering versus Total Denudation Ratio within Tributaries of Yangtze River Basin Based on Size Dependent Chemical Composition Ratio of River Sediment
- Re-examining the cost of stratospheric aerosol injection
- Re-visiting Bonaparte Gulf: Assessment of Sea-Level Lowstand in the Last Glacial Maximum
- Reactive overprint of the Central Indian Ridge mantle and formation of hybrid troctolites: reassessing the significance of bulk oceanic crust
- Recent Earthquakes in Yellow Sea Region and Amur Plate
- Recent Findings on Tsunami Hazards in the Makran Subduction Zone, NW Indian Ocean
- Recent Two Distinct Eruptions at Sinabung and Kelud, Indonesia
- Recent developments and applications of a real-time tool to detect magma migration in different volcanic settings and network optimization.
- Regional Characterization of Tokyo Metoropolitan area using a highly-dense seismic netwok(MeSO-net)
- Role of Southern Ocean stratification in glacial atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> reduction
- Rupture Process of the 2014 Iquique Earthquake Estimated from Tsunami Waveform and GPS Data
- Seasonal Variations in Eastward Propagation Speed of MJO Convection
- Seasonal variability of mineral composition of suspended material in the Yangtze River
- Seeking Signatures of Martian Magmatic Evolution within the Greater Thaumasia Plateau
- Seismic structure at the Kairei Hydrothermal vent field near the Rodriguez Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean
- Seismicity at the Kairei Hydrothermal Vent Field Near the Rodriguez Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean
- Separating physical and biological controls on evapotranspiration fluctuations in a teak plantation subjected to monsoonal rainfall
- Signatures of Pacific-type orogeny in Lleyn and Anglesey areas, northwest Wales
- Small Shear Modulus of Cubic CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite
- Solar wind influence on the dawn-dusk asymmetry of the Io plasma torus observed by HISAKI/EXCEED
- Sound velocity and density of liquid Fe-Ni-Si under pressure: Application to the composition of planetary molten core
- Source process of large (M~7) earthquakes in Japan Sea estimated from seismic waveforms and tsunami simulations
- Spatial Distribution of earthquakes off the coast of Fukushima Two Years after the M9 Earthquake: the Southern Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Spatial distribution of earthquakes around the southern end of the co-seismic slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
- Square Source Type Diagram
- Stress, Anisotropy and Strain Rate in Kyushu, Japan, from Earthquakes and GPS: Tectonic implications
- Study on the water related disaster risks using the future socio-economic scenario in Asia
- Submerged Humid Tropical Karst Landforms Observed By High-Resolution Multibeam Survey in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Southwestern Japan
- Tectonic controls on earthquake size distribution and seismicity rate: slab buoyancy and slab bending
- The 2011 Tohoku Tsunami observed by an array of ocean bottom electro-magnetometers
- The Early Evolution of Mars' Crust
- The Effects of Preeruptive Magma Viscosity on Eruption Styles and Magma Eruption Rates
- The Impact of Boreal Summer Intra-Seasonal Oscillation on the development of extremely wet and dry condition in South Asian Summer Monsoon
- The Non-Linear Interplay Among ENSO, ENSO Modoki, IOD and Monsoon
- The Philippine Sea slab is in contact with the crust at the source region of M 8.0 Nobi earthquake, central Japan
- The Relative Influences of ENSO Conventional, ENSO Modoki and Indian Ocean Dipole on Mindanao and Northeastern Borneo Precipitation Anomaly
- The first actual record of deep open-ocean conditions in the Ediacaran: Fe speciation in pelagic deep-sea sediments in accretionary complexes in Wales, UK
- Throughfall under a teak plantation in Thailand: a multifactorial analysis on the effects of canopy phenology and meteorological conditions
- Tidal stress influence on slow slip on the deep plate interface
- Time series analysis of hydrological drought under climate change with anthropogenic water management
- Tracing Recharge Sources and Salinization Processes of the Quaternary Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes and Hydrogeochemistry, South of the Ismailia Canal, Egypt
- Tracking Monsoon Related Provenance Changes in Continental Margin Sediments of the East China Sea: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 346.
- Transient crustal deformation due to slow slip observed on ocean bottom pressure recorders in the Hikurangi margin
- Tsunami damage in the southern Kanto region from the 1703 Genroku Kanto earthquake
- Uncertainty Analysis of CMIP5 Future Projection in Global Water Cycle
- Uncertainty Estimation of Global Precipitation Measurement through Objective Validation Strategy
- Universality of Slow Earthquakes in the Very Low Frequency Band
- Unusual tiny inclusions and accessory minerals: evidence of ultra-deep origin and low-pressure modification of the Luobusa podiform chromitites
- Upper Plate Geology Controls the Rupture Area Segmentation of Subduction Zone Earthquake - A Case Study of the Nankai Trough
- Validation of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V01.00 CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> products
- Variability of Jupiter's Main Auroral Emission in Response to Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Injections
- Variability of the Tsushima Warm Current during the Pleistocene and its relationship with the evolution of the East Asian Monsoon. Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 346 (Sites U1427 and U1428/29) based on benthic ostracod assemblages.
- Variation of Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Vertical Resolution Dependence of Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Simulated by an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Vertical transport and removal of black carbon over East Asia in spring during the A-FORCE aircraft campaign
- Visualization of the chains of risks under global climate change
- Wet Deposition of Black Carbon at a Remote Site in the East China Sea
- Why Do Slow Earthquakes Occur Favorably in Hot Subduction Zones? : 2D Numerical Analysis
- Zonal Movement of Mascarene High in Austral Summer
- A study on the impact of dynamic open water surfaces by river inundation in a global climate model
- AMOCMIP: Probabilistic projections of future AMOC evolution driven by global warming and Greenland Ice Sheet melt.
- Acoustic emission monitoring in Cooke 4 gold mine in South Africa -summary of the main findings of a 5-year SATREPS project-
- Advances in Vertical Cable Seismic (VCS) for Seafloor Massive Sulfide exploration
- Aftershock distribution and heterogeneous structure in and around the source area of the 2014 northern Nagano Prefecture earthquake (Mw 6.2) , central Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observation
- Alkali element enrichments on the BABBs at the IODP Expedition 333 Site C0012 in the northern Shikoku Basin
- An asteroid impact in the Late Triassic triggered mid-Norian radiolarian faunal turnover in the Panthalassa Ocean
- An effort for developing a seamless transport modeling and remote sensing system for air pollutants
- An observation-based model for a vapor-driven crack growth leading up to the phreatic eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014
- Assessment of Seismic Risk in Istanbul Based on the Integration of Historical Seismology and Structural Engineering
- Assessment of the Suitability of a Global Hydrodynamic Model in Simulating a Regional-scale Extreme Flood at Finer Spatial Resolutions
- Beyond Resonance: Characterizing Complex Basin Effects Using a Dense Seismic Array
- Bias correction of reanalysis data for assessment of climate change effects on river systems in a data scarce area : a case study for precipitation and temperature
- Big Data Analytics for Disaster Preparedness and Response of Mobile Communication Infrastructure during Natural Hazards
- Boundary reflection in a cylindrical sample examined by a laboratory-scale 3D numerical simulation
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> vertical distributions over the Showa Station, Antarctica before and during the ozone hole formation in 2014, measured by balloon-borne CO<SUB>2</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> instruments
- Can the Charon-forming giant impact generate elongated dark areas on Pluto?
- Characteristics of Four-years of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR V1.0 CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Products
- Climatic Changes and Evaluation of Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region- A project of GRENE-ei programs in Japan
- Combined Effect of an Atmospheric River and a Cut-off Low in Hiroshima Flooding Event on August 19, 2014
- Comprehensive Assessment of Land Surface, Snow, and Soil Moisture-Climate Feedbacks by Multi-model Experiments of Land Surface Models under LS3MIP
- Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression
- Constraints on the Nature of the G-Boundary in Subducting Oceanic Lithosphere, Based on High Frequency (14 Hz) Seismic Reflection Data
- Continental subduction induced tremor activity?
- Continuous coastal subsidence during the Holocene along a source region of the 2011 great Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake revealed from new paleo-geodetic data
- Continuous in-situ methane measurements at paddy fields in a rural area of India with poor electric infrastructure, using a low-cost instrument based on open-path near-IR laser absorption spectroscopy
- Crustal composition in the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt estimated from seismic velocity by laboratory measurements
- Crustal structure of the western Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, revealed from seismic survey
- Current Status of Japanese Participation to Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer "JUICE"
- Detailed Study of Seismic Wave Attenuation in Carbonate Rocks: Application on Abu Dhabi Oil Fields
- Detailed structure and geological background of Foldback Reflectors near Methane-hydrate BSRs inferred from 3D seismic in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Detection of Aeromagnetic Field Changes Using an Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter: Repeated Experiments at Tarumae Volcano (Japan)
- Detection of Interplate Earthquakes in the Source Area of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Using Extensive Seafloor Aftershock Observation Data
- Detection of Remarkably Low Isotopic Ratio of Iron in Anthropogenic Aerosols and Evaluation of its Contribution to the Surface Ocean
- Detection of Seismic Anisotropy From Low-Frequency Earthquakes: Eastern Shikoku
- Detection of earthquake swarms in subduction zones around Japan
- Development of Waterfall Cliff Face: An Implication from Multitemporal High-definition Topographic Data
- Development of an Underwater Gravity Measurement System Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Discovery of Seafloor Massive Sulfides in an Andesite-Dacite Knoll Caldera off Present-Day Volcanic Front, Izu-Ogasawara Island Arc, Japan
- Earth's Colorado Plateau and Loess Plateau (Ordos Basin) Comparing with Mars' Thaumasia Plateau: Evidence of Ancient Martian Lithospheric Mobility
- Earthquakes in the Mantle? Insights from Ultramafic Pseudotachylytes
- Ecosystem Resilience to the Millennium Drought in southeast Australia (2001-2009): Possible Mechanisms and Implications for Water Resources Management
- Effects of Flow Velocity and Particle Size on Transport of Ultrafine Bubbles in Porous Media
- Effects of Fluid Flow on Slip Evolution in a Thermoporoelastic Medium: Implications for Seismic Moment Evolution
- Error and energy budget analysis of a non-hydrostatic stretched-grid global atmospheric model
- Estimate L-band interferometric phase ramps from dense regional GPS network
- Evidence of Shear Failure at the Subduction Interface by VLF Earthquake Characterization in Guerrero, Mexico
- Evoluton of the Tharsis Region of Mars
- Examination of InSAR tropospheric delay correction with JRA-55 reanalysis data
- Excess pore pressure generation of oceanic basalt by permeabilty evolution at Nankai subduction zone
- Experimental study on the validation of thermal equilibrium assumption between solid and liquid phases in convective heat flow in porous media
- Factors Governing Stemflow Production from Plantation Grown Teak Trees in Thailand
- Fault model of the intraplate doublet on Dec. 7 2012 derived from near- and far-field tsunami records and its implication for the post-2011 stress state
- First application of tsunami back-projection and source inversion for the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake using tsunami data recorded on a dense array of seafloor pressure gauges
- Focal mechanisms and tidal modulation for tectonic tremors in Taiwan
- Frictional characteristics change due to spatial distribution of velocity-weakening patches
- From Source to Damage: A Case study of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- Full-waveform Inversion for Localized 3-D S-velocity Structure in D" Beneath the Caribbean using US-Array Data
- Fundamental structure model of island arcs and subducted plates in and around Japan
- Further evidence for the occurrence of tectonic tremor in the Japan Trench subduction zone
- Fusion of real-time simulation, sensing, and geo-informatics in assessing tsunami impact
- Geomorphological features of rootless cones in Myvatn, Iceland in comparison with Martian candidates
- GlacierMIP - A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
- Global Fluorine Flux Associated with Submarine Hydrothermal Fluids
- Global Projection of Coastal Exposure Associated with Sea-level Rise beyond Tipping Points
- Global-scale analysis of satellite-derived debris distribution on glacier
- Grain rotation during diffusion creep of forsterite + diopside
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations Empowered by Stress Drop Measurement
- High resolution and continuous reconstruction of Blake and Post Blake excursions using cosmogenic radio nuclides in the Antarctic ice core
- High-P,T Elasticity of Hcp Iron: Reinvestigation of the Applicability of Hcp Iron to the Earth's Inner Core
- Hydrogeological and Seismic Responses to Incoming Materials at the Non-Accreting Margin, Offshore the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Hydrological responses in water loss due to thinning of forested watersheds in Japan using the short-term water balance method
- Hydrothermal Heat Transport within an Abruptly Formed Permeable Slot: An Application to Heat Flow Peaks Observed at the Japan Trench Offshore of Sanriku
- Hygroscopicity of Materials Internally Mixed with Black Carbon Measured in Tokyo
- Identifying spatiotemporal migration patterns of non-volcanic tremors using hidden Markov models
- Imaging spatiotemporal evolution of postseismic deformation of the 2003 M6.8 Chengkung earthquake
- Imaging the spatiotemporal evolution of a slow slip event near the Boso Peninsula, central Japan
- Implications of 3.2 Ga deep seawater from sulfur isotopic analysis of barite crystals in Pilbara, Western Australia.
- Improved slicing method for GOSAT cloud detection using TIR spectra
- Improved technique for measuring the size distribution of black carbon particles in rainwater and snow samples
- In situ observation of crystallographic preferred orientation of deforming olivine at high pressure and high temperature
- Increasing Temperature Extremes during the Recent Global Warming Hiatus
- Influence of topography on debris flow development in Ichino-sawa subwatershed of Ohya-kuzure landslide, Japan
- Investigation of Boundary Layer Scheme Usage Impact to Seasonal Precipitation over the Philippines Using 24-km WRF Model Simulations
- Investigation of radioactive cesium transportation from forest canopy to floor by litterfall, stemflow and throughfall in northern Fukushima
- Investigation on Fluid Migration Triggered Seismicity in Association with Fault Zone Damage: Case Study for 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Io's volcanic influence on the Io plasma torus: HISAKI observation in 2015
- Japan Data Exchange Network JDXnet and Cloud-type Data Relay Server for Earthquake Observation Data
- Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock
- Kink-mode oscillations of the magnetotail current sheet driven by quasi-continuous reconnection during a steady magnetospheric convection: Geotail and THEMIS conjunction
- Large-Scale Flow Generation due to Inhomogeneous Turbulent Helicity
- Last 900 ka river longprofile changes controlled by Yoro fault activity and glacial sea-level changes, Nobi plain, central Japan
- Lattice preferred orientation of hcp-iron induced by shear deformation
- Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
- Long term observation of soil moisture by the in situ stations and AMSR/AMSR2 a 1.1º by 1.1º study area on the Mongolian Plateau since 2001
- Long-term Observation of Seafloor Disturbances by Array of Pressure Gauges
- Long-term continuous observation of vertical gradient of water temperature on the deep seafloor
- M7+ Virtual Earthquakes near Kanto Sedimentary Basin
- Magma generation process beneath volcanic front of Kyushu arc, southwest Japan
- Magma plumbing system of the Aso-3 large pyroclastic eruption cycle at Aso volcano, Southwest Japan: petrological constraint on the formation of a compositionally stratified magma chamber
- Microstructure analysis of marine seismogenic turbidites in Kumano forearc basin
- Modeling Statistical and Dynamic Features of Earthquakes
- Modeling temperature dependence of trace element concentrations in groundwater using temperature dependent distribution coefficient
- Molecular phylogeography of the Andean alpine plant, Gunnera magellanica
- Monitoring eruption activity from temporal stress changes at Mt. Ontake volcano, Japan
- Multi-Decadal Modulations in the Variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Multi-Modal Spatial Analysis of Metals within Individual Aerosol Particles Sampled from the Asian Continental Outflow
- Multi-time-window inversion for sea surface displacement of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami
- Near-field and far field effects of elastic structure of Japan on the slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Neutron and X-ray diffraction study on the hydrous SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass under pressure
- New Geological Evidence of Past Earthquakes and Tsunami Along the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Noise-based seismic velocity changes by using 9-component cross-correlation tensors with an application to Mt. Fuji, Japan
- Numerical modeling of watershed-scale radiocesium transport coupled with biogeochemical cycling in forests
- Numerical simulation of mud erosion rate in sand-mud alternate layer and comparison with experiment
- Numerical simulation of sealing effect of gas hydrate for CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage in marine sediment
- Observation of Light-Absorbing Aerosol Properties in Asian Continental Outflow
- On the Relation of Earthquake Stress Drop and Ground Motion Variability
- On the impact of arctic wetlands on the climate system: Model sensitivity simulations with MIROC5 AGCM and the simplified wetland scheme
- Origin of transient self-potential signals associated with very long period seismic pulses observed during the 2000 activity of Miyakejima volcano
- Paleotemperature of the Nankai accretionary prism estimated by vitrinite reflectance of carbonaceous materials retrieved during the IODP Expedition 348
- Possible revisions in reservoir operation rules as an adaptation to climate change assessed by a global hydrological model with anthropogenic activities and a state-of-the-art river routing model
- Potential Importance of Midlatitude SST Fronts for the Annular-Mode Variability, and Inter-Basin Differences in the Southern Annular-Mode Signature
- Present and Future of Metropolitan Seismic Observation network (MeSO-net) in Japan
- Propagation Velocity of Pulse-Like Rupture with a Time-Weakening Friction Law
- Proposal of global flood vulnerability scenarios for evaluating future potential flood losses
- Quantifying the Groundwater Mixing Processes under the Land-Use Change and Anthropogenic Impact: A Case Study of the Quaternary Groundwater System underlying the New Reclaimed Lands, the Eastern Fringe of the Nile Delta, Egypt
- Rapid determination of strontium-90 by solid phase extraction using DGA Resin® for seawater monitoring
- Re-examination of the 1896 Sanriku Earthquake Source
- Real time earthquake information and tsunami estimation system for Indonesia, Philippines and Central-South American regions
- Refractory Organic Compounds in Enceladus' Ice Grains and Hydrothermal Activity
- Relationship between elemental distribution in soil and human impact in Majuro Atoll
- Repeatability of high-speed migration of tremor along the Nankai subduction zone, Japan
- Repeating long-term ocean bottom seismic observations in the southern part of Japan Sea
- Response Function Estimation of Marine Magnetotelluric Data Measured at Tristan de Cunha Hot Spot
- Revisit of Criteria and Evidence for the Tectonic Erosion vs Accretion in East Asian Margin
- Rock-magnetic properties of single zircon crystals sampled from the Tanzawa tonalitic pluton, central Japan
- Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Semi-quantitative Measure of Fluid Amount and Distribution in and Around the Fault Zone During and After a Large Seismic Slip, an Example From Kamishiro-Fault During 2014 North Nagano Earthquake
- Shallow thermal structure constrained by seafloor temperature and heat flow estimated from BSRs in the Nankai subduction zone
- Simplified data assimilation for simulating wet deposition distribution of radioactive materials in FDNPP accident
- Simulating <SUP>131</SUP>I pathways from Fukushima to Kanto: a case study for March 2011
- Simulation of instrumental intensities in the Tokyo Metropolitan area using a 3D attenuation structure model.
- Simultaneous Antarctic Gravity Wave Observations in PMCs from the AIM Satellite and PMSE Observations from PANSY Radar
- Snow Cover Mapping in the Northern Area of Pakistan and Jammu Kashmir (hindu Kush Himalayas) Using Ndsi, Unmixing Method and Srtm dem Data
- Solar wind influence on the Jovian inner magnetosphere observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Spatial and temporal variations of radiated seismic energy estimated for repeating earthquakes in northeastern Japan; implication for healing process
- Spatial heterogeneity of stress and driving fluid pressure ratio inferred from mineral vein orientation along seismogenic megasplay fault (Nobeoka Thrust, Japan)
- Spatial pattern of the throughfall volume on a steep slope dominated by deciduous broad-leaved trees
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of flood protection level
- Speciation and water soluble fraction of iron in aerosols from various sources
- Stress states in subduction zones: Extrapolation of flow laws and piezometric relations of quartz to high-P/low-T metamorphic conditions
- Synthetic Tsunami Waveform and Character of Tsunami Sources in Japan Sea, a Normal Mode Approach
- Temperature- and stress-dependent rheologic structure beneath Japan inferred from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- The Clear Seasonal Difference of Carbon Flow in Teak Plantation in Northern Thailand
- The Impact of Mass Movement and Fluid Flow during Ridge Subduction inferred from Physical Properties and Zeolite Assemblage in the Upper Plate Slope of the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- The Papua New Guinea tsunamis from the 29 March and 5 May 2015 Mw 7.5 earthquake doublet
- The Pilot Phase of the Global Soil Wetness Project Phase 3
- The Problem With the Plate Boundary in the Sea of Japan
- The amount of water reserved in a "normal" oceanic mantle transition zone beneath the northwestern Pacific, inferred from data of coincident ocean bottom electromagnetic and seismic observations
- The creation of reasonable projections toward sustainable development considering the climate and socioeconomic changes in the Pacific Islands
- The effects of pressure and alloying Ni and C on sound velocity of liquid Fe-alloys
- The impact of poleward moisture and sensible heat flux on Arctic winter sea-ice variability.
- The influence of fine sediment on the fluidity of debris flows based on the equilibrium concentration and friction coefficient
- The mantle wedge anisotropy estimated by the shear-wave splitting analysis in central part of Japan
- The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015
- Thickness and Lower Limit Seismogenic Layer within the Crust beneath Japanese Islands on the Japan Sea Side
- Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand
- Title: Rice Crop Monitoring by Fusing Microwave and Optical Satellite Data
- Toward rapid and precise source analysis using teleseismic body waves and tsunami waves: In case of the 2010 Chile earthquake
- Towards a North Atlantic Plio-Pliestocene sediment color climate index
- Travel Times of Later Phases for Transmitting Waves through a Fracturing Westerly Granite Sample under a Triaxial Compressive Condition
- Uncertainty of tipping elements on risk analysis in hydrology under climate change
- Uplift rates of the marine terraces in the south coast of Japan deduced from in situ cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al
- Upper mantle structures beneath the South Pacific superswell region using broadband data from ocean floor and islands
- Use of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in Response to the 2014 Eruption of Ontake Volcano, Japan
- Validation of Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for Japanese Crustal Earthquakes by the Recipe
- Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> retrieved by PPDF-S method
- Visualizing interconnections among climate risks
- Volatile element isotopes of submarine hydrothermal ore deposits in the Western Pacific
- Vp structure in the largest slip area of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by airgun-ocean bottom seismometer surveys
- Why does Japan use the probability method to set design flood?
- Wide Angle Seismic Imaging of (serpentinite ?) Fault Zones that Pass Through the Moho in a - Foreland Basin Setting
- <p>Deep subduction of Organic Carbon Related to Jurassic Ridge-Hydrothermal Biosphere; case study from the Besshi mine in the Sanbagawa high P/T rocks, in Japan
- 2015 Volcanic Tsunami Earthquake near Torishima Island: Array analysis of ocean bottom pressure gauge records
- 2015 volcanic tsunami earthquake near Torishima Island: Ray tracing analysis of dispersive tsunami wave
- 3-D Dynamic rupture simulation for the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, earthquake sequence: Foreshocks and M6 dynamically triggered event
- 3.2 Ga sulfur isotopic heterogeneity of barite and pyrite microcrystals in Pilbara, Western Australia
- A Trial for Detecting the Temporal Variation in Seismic Velocity Accompanied by a Slow Slip Event, Using Seismic Interferometry of Ambient Noise
- A real-time moment-tensor inversion system (GRiD-MT-3D) using 3-D Green's functions
- Along-trench variations of the shallow megathrust zone in Tohoku
- Amplitude Changes of the Seismic Reflected Phases from the Plate Interface after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake around its Northern Limit Region as Revealed by Active Seismic Surveys
- An analysis on the generation of Rossby waves and gravity waves in the MLT region based on satellite and whole atmosphere model data
- Assessing the Total Economic Value of Improving Water Quality to Inform Water Resources Management: Evidence and Challenges from Southeast Asia
- Autonomous Marine Seismic Survey Systems for Seafloor Massive Sulfide (SMS) Exploration
- Behavior of pulse-like rupture with velocity-time-dependent friction from a granular layer model
- Building the ensemble flood prediction system by using numerical weather prediction data: Case study in Kinu river basin, Japan
- Classification and Quantification of light-absorbing iron oxide particles using a modified single-particle soot photometer
- Climate Change Impact Assessment in the River Basins in Asia
- Coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific in post-El Niño summer
- Comparisons of Long-term Trend of Crustal Strains and its Principal Axes Measured by Quartz Tube Extensometers and GNSS in Southwestern Miura Peninsula, Japan
- Compatibility of an Observed Geoelectric Jerk With Field Variations Influenced by Highly Electrically Conducting LLSVP
- Continental subduction induced tremor activity?
- Continuous Monitoring of Jupiter's Aurora and Io Plasma Torus with the Hisaki Satellite during Joint Observing Campaign with Juno
- Coordinated Mapping of Sea Ice Deformation Features with Autonomous Vehicles
- Correlation between earthquake occurrence and the anomalous propagation of VHF radio waves indicated by the gain and the p-value of prediction maps produced by a simple objective algorithm at the Shimabara area, Kyushu, Japan
- Cyclo-stratigraphy of the Pliocene-Miocene interval in the Japan Sea sediments (Exp.346 Site U1425 and U1430)
- Dating of barite and anhydrite in sea-floor hydrothermal deposits in the Okinawa Trough
- Detection of Shallow Slow Slip events on the Northern Hikurangi Margin using Ocean Bottom Pressure Recorders
- Detection of Very Low Frequency Earthquakes in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Development of an Integrated Global Hydrological Model with Sediment Dynamics
- Development of global distribution of debris thermal resistance on glaciers at 90m resolution derived from multi-temporal satellite measurements
- Discovery of composite diopside-magnetite lamellae in discrete olivine crytals from Colorado Plateau diatremes: indication of former hydrous ringwoodite
- Drilling constraints on bimodal volcanism and subsequent formation of contrasted uppermost crustal compositions at the middle Okinawa Trough
- Dynamic Response of Jupiter's Inner Magnetosphere to Io's Volcanic Activity Seen by Hisaki
- Dynamic triggering during rupture nucleation in sandstone
- Dynamical and thermodynamical contributions to the vertical motions over the wintertime oceanic frontal zones
- Dynamics of Monthly Anomalies of the Western Pacific Teleconnection Pattern
- Ecosystem monitoring of radiocesium redistribution dynamics in a forested catchment in Fukushima after the nuclear power station accident in March 2011
- Effects of Particle Size and Bubble Characteristics on Transport of Micro- and Nano-Bubbles in Saturated Porous Media
- Effects of entrapped air in a closed soil pipe on the soil pipe flow during a rainfall
- Effects of land use history, soil type and the number of plant species on EVI after drought event
- Effects of ring current ions on the ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on a 5-D drift kinetic ring current model
- Electron Surfing Acceleration in High Mach Number Shocks
- Emergence and evolution of millennial-scale variability in the East Asian summer monsoon over the last 3 Ma recorded in hemipelagic sediments of the Japan Sea recovered by IODP Expedition 346
- Energetic Particle Hybrid Simulations for Kinetic Ring Current Dynamics
- Enhancement of Polycrystal Anelasticity Just Before Partial Melting: Experimental Evidence and Implications for Seismic Low Velocity Zones
- Erosion rates of a small coastal island revealed by repeated measurements using TLS and UAS-SfM photogrammetry
- Estimate of the stress state in an earthquake source region in a South African deep gold mine by Diametrical Core Deformation Analysis (DCDA)
- Estimation of seismic velocity structure beneath the ocean (including Japan Sea) as well as beneath the Japanese Islands using offshore events with NIED Hi-net pick data and NIED F-net focal depth
- Evaluation of Erosion Rates on a Global Scale
- Evaluation of the Black Carbon Measurements in the Arctic
- Fast Rupture Propagation for Large Strike-slip Earthquakes
- Foreshock Migration Preceding the 2016 Mw 7.0 Kumamoto Earthquake, Japan
- Frequency spectra and vertical profiles of wind fluctuations in the summer Antarctic mesosphere revealed by MST radar observations
- GNSS-TEC observations of infrasound excited by a volcanic eruption: Inference of wave front geometry and acoustic wave energy
- Generation and decay mechanism of Ningaloo Niño
- Global Coastal Exposure due to Sea-level Rise beyond Tipping Points with Multiple Warming Pathways
- Global hotspots of water scarcity impacts due to human interventions
- Global silica cycle paced by astronomical cycles recorded in the Mesozoic bedded chert: Implications for early Mesozoic extinctions
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- Heat Flow Variation along the Nankai Trough Floor Correlated with the Structure of the Shikoku Basin Oceanic Crust
- Impact assessment of climate change on tourism in the Pacific small islands based on the database of long-term high-resolution climate ensemble experiments
- Impact of Trichodesmium Sp. on Pacific Primary production
- Impacts of Frontal SST Gradients on the Atmosphere as Revealed in New Products of the Japanese Reanalysis for the Global Atmosphere
- Impacts of salinity anomalies on vertical mixing and SST during positive IOD events
- Injection of micro-nano bubble water into unconfined aquifer and monitoring its behavior
- Intensification of tropical Pacific biological productivity due to volcanic eruptions
- Interaction of Weibel and Synchrotron Maser Instabilities in Astrophysical Shock Precursor Waves
- Io's volcanic influence on the Jovian magnetosphere: Observational evidence from the HISAKI observation
- Iron speciation analysis of 3.2 Ga old DXCL-DP drillcore BIFs and shales of the Dixon Island Formation, Cleaverville Group, Western Australia
- Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan: ten years of geochemical monitoring by means of CO<SUB>2</SUB> soil diffuse degassing
- Jupiter's Auroral Energy Input Observed by Hisaki/EXCEED and its Modulations by Io's Volcanic Activity
- Jupiter's auroras during the Juno approach phase as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope
- Kinetic desorption of fluoride in a granitic soil column: Experiments and reactive transport modeling
- Laboratory Studies on Multi-Band Imaging of Hydrous Mineral Distribution by Hayabusa2/ONC-T
- Lake deposits record evidence of large post-1505 AD earthquakes in western Nepal
- Long-term slip events in the Kanto district revealed from GNSS data during 1996—2011 and a relationship with variations in ocean bottom pressure
- MAVEN observations of a giant ionospheric flux rope around Mars in consequence of interactions between local crustal and overlaid interplanetary magnetic field lines
- Mantle wedge structure beneath the Yamato Basin, southern part of the Japan Sea, revealed by long-term seafloor seismic observations
- Measuring Relative Motions Across a Fault Using Seafloor Transponders Installed at Close Range to each Other Based on Differential GPS/Acoustic Technique
- Measuring and forecasting great tsunamis by GNSS-based vertical positioning of multiple ships
- Mechanisms of interannual variations in the western boundary currents along the Madagascar coast as revealed by the extended Time-Dependent Island Rule
- Micro low-frequency tremor near the Japan Trench before the Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Millennial-scale variations of an East Antarctic outlet glacier during the Last Glaciation
- Mixing States of Light-absorbing Particles Measured Using a Transmission Electron Microscope and a Single-particle Soot Photometer in Tokyo, Japan
- Model calculation of the velocity of debris flows containing finer sediment
- Modeling of Grain Size Distribution of Tsunami Sand Deposits in V-shaped Valley of Numanohama During the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami
- Molybdenum isotopes in modern marine hydrothermal Fe/Mn deposits: Implications for Archean and Paleoproterozoic Mo cycles
- Multimillennium changes in dissolved oxygen under global warming: results from an AOGCM and offline ocean biogeochemical model
- Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of GGD 27
- Near-seafloor magnetics using the AUV URASHIMA at strongly magnetized active back-arc volcanoes of the Okinawa Trough
- Neutral pH ocean on Ceres: Implications for formation temperature of Ceres in the protoplanetary disk
- Numerical modeling of short-term slow slip events in the Shikoku region considering the effect of earth tides and plate configuration
- Numerical studies of mantle evolution in planets of various sizes
- Observations of Ion Composition in the Io Plasma Torus
- Observations of partially developed Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mars
- Occurrence pattern and direction of motion of multiple X-lines at the dayside magnetopause
- Ocean Ekman Response to Wind Forcing in Frontal Regions and Implications for Vertical Velocity
- Ocean bottom seismometer pressure gauge observations of the 15 July 2009 Mw 7.8 Dusky Sound, New Zealand tsunami and simulations
- Oceanographic Influences on Ice Shelves and Drainage in the Amundsen Sea
- On the Response of the Aleutian Low to Greenhouse Warming
- On the three dimensional structure of stratospheric material transport associated with various types of waves
- Oxygen energization and loss during the main phase of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes observations
- Paleoseismic events inferred from marine seismogenic turbidites of the eastern Nankai Trough
- Planetary size critical to the preservation of primordial anorthosite-enriched continental crust and life potential
- Plasma dynamics and heating/acceleration during driven magnetic reconnection
- Possible effects of two-phase flow pattern on the mechanical behavior of mudstones
- Post-LGM Retreat History in Ross Sea Reflects Changing Controls on Marine Ice Sheet Behavior
- Pre-eruptive and Co-eruptive Deformation due to the 2011 Shimoe-dake, Kirishima eruption in Kyushu, southern Japan
- Predictability of Seasonal Precipitation Intensities Associated with Tropical Cyclones and Disturbances in Indo-China Region
- Preparing for the ingestion of SWOT data into continental-scale river models
- Prolonged electron accelerations at a high-Mach-number, quasi-perpendicular shock
- Provenance of Continental Margin Sediments in the East China Sea, Results from IODP Expedition 346
- Quaternary Activity of the Erciyes Fault Southeast of the Kayseri Basin, Turkey
- Rapid acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: A coupling simulation of GEMSIS-RB and GEMSIS-GM
- Re-evaluation of Thermal History of Mantle Xenoliths from Ichinomegata, NE Japan: Implications on Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interaction
- Recurring slow slip events and earthquake nucleation in the source regions of the M7 Ibaraki-Oki earthquakes inferred from seismicity
- Relative contributions of different weather systems to the changes in annual mean and extreme precipitation in CMIP5 models
- Response of Jupiter's Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Io's Volcanic Event
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Retrieval Accuracy Assessment with Gap Detection for Case 2 Waters Chla Algorithms
- Rock-magnetic properties of single zircon crystals sampled from the Yangtze River
- SMOS and AMSR-2 soil moisture evaluation using representative monitoring sites in southern Australia
- Satellite Remote Sensing is Key to Water Cycle Integrator
- Scaling Up the Pulse-Remagnetization Experiment for Large Animals
- Scaly fabrics and veins of the Mugi and Makimine mélanges in the Shimanto belt, SW Japan
- Seasonal and spatial variation of topside He<SUP>+</SUP> column density obtained from Extreme Ultra Violet Imager onboard the International Space Station
- Sedimentary Environment Changes between Tsunami Events in the Central Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
- Seismic Wave Attenuation in Fractured Reservoir: Application on Abu Dhabi Oil Fields.
- Seismic Wavefield Imaging Based on the Replica Exchange Monte Carlo Method: Application to MeSO-net Data, Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Japan
- Seismic velocity structure of the incoming Pacific Plate subducting into the central part of the Japan Trench revealed by traveltime tomography using OBS data
- Seismic waveform analyses for the 1938 Off Fukushima earthquake sequence
- Seismological Investigation on Fluid Migration Activity After Earthquakes: Case Study for 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
- Seismological structure of the subduction system associated with the Philippine Sea plate, SW Japan, - Reinterpretation of the wide-angle reflection data in the Kii Peninsula by seismic interferometry technique -
- Selection of observation points in kriging based on non-convex programming
- Sequence of slow slip events and low frequency earthquakes in the shallow part of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone observed by seafloor observation network.
- Shifts of regional hydro-climatic regimes in the warmer future
- Signature of the oceanic lithosphere asthenosphere system from seafloor electromagnetic and seismic observations
- Simulation for Inland Stress accumulation due to Interseimic Coupling in the Southwest Japan Arc
- Slip Distribution of Great Earthquakes Estimated from Deep Ocean Tsunami Waveforms: 2006 and 2007 Kuril Earthquakes
- Slip-behavior transitions of a heterogeneous linear fault
- Solar Flare Activities before Carrington event based on Low-Latitude-Aurora Survey with Historical Documents from Eastern Asia
- Some fundamental questions about the evolution of the Sea of Japan back-arc
- Sound velocity and density of liquid Fe-Ni-S at high pressure
- Stability of AMOC and bipolar seesaw under different background climate in MIROC AOGCM
- Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and Estimated Water Vapor Origins across Japan
- Statistical Monitoring of the Seismic Activities before and after the Kumamoto Earthquakes
- Statistical analysis of reflection of incident O<SUP>+</SUP> pickup ions at Mars
- Statistical study of relation between the magnetic pileup boundary and ion composition boundary around Mars based on MAVEN observations
- Statistical study of solar wind control on Jovian UV auroral activity obtained from long-term Hisaki EXCEED observations
- Stress drop inferred from dynamic rupture simulations consistent with Moment-Rupture area empirical scaling models: Effects of week shallow zone
- Structural Controls on Helium, Nitrogen and Carbon Isotope Signatures in Geothermal Fluids Along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault System, Southern Chile.
- Structures of the Hall magnetic field in the dayside magnetic reconnection inferred from Geotail data
- Study of dynamical variation of particles and waves in the inner magnetosphere using ground-based network observations - PWING Project
- Study on hydraulic property models for water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in MATSIRO with representation of water table dynamics
- Subduction structure beneath the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan, revealed by dense seismic array observation
- Sulfur isotope geochemistry of the central Japan Sea sediments (IODP Exp. 346) 20 150 kyr ago: Implications for the evolution of Asian Monsoon climate system
- Tectonics of long-offset oceanic transform faults along the Central Indian Ridge
- Temporal variations in the gene expression levels of cyanobacterial anti-oxidant enzymes through geological history: implications for biological evolution during the Great Oxidation Event
- The Effect of Extratropical Warming Amplification on the Future Tropical Precipitation
- The impact of representing arctic wetlands on summer warm and dry biases over land in MIROC5 AGCM experiment
- Tidal controls on earthquake size-frequency statistics
- Tidal modulation of slow slip events in the Nankai trough subduction zone detected by borehole strainmeters
- Time variation of 130.4nm atomic oxygen emission near Io observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Topographic representation using DEMs and its applications to active tectonics research
- Triggering of explosive reconnection in a thick current sheet by temperature anisotropy boosted tearing mode
- Triggering of explosive reconnection in a thick current sheet via current sheet compression: Less current sheet thinning, more temperature anisotropy
- Tropical Pacific variability as a key pacemaker of the global warming staircase
- Tsunami Data Assimilation and Waveform Inversion Applied to a Possible Future Scenario of Nankai Trough Tsunami
- Tsunami inversion for sea surface displacement using far-field DART data of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- UAV observation of newly formed volcanic island, Nishinoshima, Japan, from a ship
- Uncertainty of glacier runoff projection from precipitation data for High Mountain Asia
- Widespread collapse of the Ross Ice Shelf during the late Holocene reconstracted from compound specific C-14 and meteoric Be-10
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- 3-D S-velocity structure in the lowermost mantle beneath the Northern Pacific
- A Coupled Model of Stress-Driven Frictional Afterslip and Viscoelastic Relaxation Following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- A River Model Intercomparison Project in Preparation for SWOT
- A statistical perspective on ion fluxes precipitating toward the Martian ionosphere
- Aerosol influence on the recent decadal decrease in tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific
- An experimental study on ferrous iron photo-oxidation: Effect of the solar spectrum on the surface for acidification of surface water in the early Hesperian Mars
- An improved gravimetric geoid model for Japan based on the Stokes-Helmert scheme with a deterministically modified Stokes' kernel
- Analysis of Compound Water Hazard in Coastal Urbanized Areas under the Future Climate
- Analysis of convection-permitting simulations for capturing heavy rainfall events over Myanmar Region
- Arase: mission overview and initial results
- Bayesian estimation of analytical conduit-flow model parameters from magma discharge rate observed during explosive eruptions
- Biogeochemical modification of Nontronite by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Evidence of Microbially induced Smectite-to-Illite reaction
- Can we constrain postglacial sedimentation in the western Arctic Ocean by ramped pyrolysis <SUP>14</SUP>C? A case study from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin.
- Characteristics of broadband slow earthquakes explained by a Brownian model
- Characteristics of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite
- Characteristics of pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons under the interaction with Pc5 waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Continuous monitoring of a magma chamber's pressure changes using geodetic data: Time-dependent inversion with Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)
- Coupled LBM-DEM Three-phase Simulation on Seepage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Stored under the Seabed.
- Dependence of the runaway greenhouse threshold on the surface water distribution for Earth-like planets
- Detection of Frictional Heating on Faults Using Raman Spectra of Carbonaceous Material
- Developing an approach to effectively use super ensemble experiments for the projection of hydrological extremes under climate change
- Distribution of hydrothermal fluid around the ore body in the subseafloor of the Izena hydrothermal field
- Distribution of mountain wetlands and their response to Holocene climate change in the Hachimantai Volcanic Groups, northeastern Japan
- Effect of plasma density around Io on local electron heating in the Io plasma torus
- Effects of Solution Chemistry on Nano-Bubbles Transport in Saturated Porous Media
- Electrical feature at the depths of lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the petit-spot volcanic field in northwestern Pacific
- Electron energization mechanisms in collisionless magnetic reconnection for different guide-field intensities
- Energetic electrons observed in higher latitude regions of the plasma sheet near the outer radiation belt
- Energy and mass dependence of the contribution to storm-time plasma pressure observed by Arase/MEP-i
- Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
- Enhanced concentrations of ice nucleating particles in Svalbard during summer: Possible linkage with local dust emissions
- Estimation of the isotopic composition and origins of winter precipitation over Japan using a regional isotope circulation model
- Evaluation methodology for flood damage reduction by preliminary water release from hydroelectric dams
- Evaluation of urban flood damages in climate and land use changes: Case Studies from Southeast Asia
- Evolution of ionospheric convection and ULFs during the 27 March 2017 storm: ERG-SuperDARN campaign
- Fate of ice grains in Saturn's ionosphere
- Global distribution of ULF waves during magnetic storms on March 27, 2017 and April 4, 2017
- Global terrain classification using Multiple-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain (MERIT) to address susceptibility of landslides and other geohazards
- High-O<SUB>2</SUB>, low-CO<SUB>2</SUB> atmosphere on early Mars inferred from manganese oxide deposits
- Holocene deltaic succession recording millennium-scale subsidence trend near the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake: An example from the Tsugaruishi plain, northeast Japan
- How water is different from energy and food?
- Hydrological Process of Martian Surface in Hesperian epoch
- Initial results from a multi-point mapping observation of thundercloud high-energy radiation in coastal area of Japan sea
- Integrating an agent-based model into a large-scale hydrological model for evaluating drought management in California
- Intermitted Occurrence of Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon before 1.45 Ma based on the High-resolution Br Record of the Japan Sea Sediments
- Ion escape from the Martian upper atmosphere with a weak intrinsic magnetic field
- Iron isotope constraints on arsenic release from Mekong Delta sediments, Cambodia
- MERIT DEM: A new high-accuracy global digital elevation model and its merit to global hydrodynamic modeling
- Magnetic Field Dipolarization and Its Associated Ion Flux Variations in the Inner Magnetosphere: Simultaneous Observations by Arase and Michibiki Satellites
- Measurements of the Canonical Helicity Evolution of a Gyrating Kinked Flux Rope
- Medium-Energy Particle experiments (MEPs) for the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) mission
- Migration of carbon dioxide included micro-nano bubble water in porous media and its monitoring
- Modeling of larch forest dynamics under a changing climate in eastern Siberia
- New 1D modeling of the coronal heating and solar wind acceleration including shock and turbulence heatings
- Nowcast and Short-Term Forecast of Solar Radiation for Photovoltaic power and Solar thermal using 3rd generation geostationary satellite.
- On evolutionary climate tracks in deep mantle volatile cycle computed from numerical mantle convection simulations and its impact on the habitability of the Earth-like planets
- Optical Imaging Observation of the Geospace from the International Space Station by ISS-IMAP
- Particle Acceleration by Magnetic Islands in a Strong Turbulent Shock
- Phosphorus and iron speciation of the Japan Sea sediments 30 220 kyr ago (IODP Exp. 346): Implications for the evolution of Asian Monsoon climate system
- Provenance Changes Over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Recorded in Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430)
- Providing open-access online materials and hands-on sessions for GIS exercises
- Radial and azimuthal distribution of Io's oxygen neutral cloud observed by Hisaki/EXCEED
- Radial transport of high-energy oxygen ions into the deep inner magnetosphere observed by Van Allen Probes
- Rapid acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: Simulation study with Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
- Reconstructing Eolian Delivery to the Ulleung Basin (IODP Site U1430) Over the Past 12 Myr
- Reconstruction of Historical Weather by Assimilating Old Weather Diary Data
- Relative role of astronomical forcings and the atmospheric carbon dioxide during the glacial cycles of the last 1.5 million years
- Revised history of the great Kanto earthquakes from the ages of Holocene marine terraces
- Revisiting a magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz event seen by the MMS spacecraft on 8 September 2015: Large-scale context and wave properties
- Rheological structure of a lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary zone, decoded from EBSD analysis of mantle xenoliths from Ichinomegata, NE Japan
- Rockfalls in cliffs surrounding waterfall revealed by high-definition topographic measurements
- Search for Earthquake-Induced Prompt Gravity Signals in Gravimetric Data: Data Analysis and a New Observation Model
- Seasonal variation of Thorpe scale and energy dissipation rate derived from radiosonde observations at Syowa Station in the Antarctic
- Shock pressure estimation in basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact crater using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of quartz
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- Simulation of Drought-induced Tree Mortality Using a New Individual and Hydraulic Trait-based Model (S-TEDy)
- Solar System Chaos and its climatic and biogeochemical consequences
- Stochastic dynamic modeling of regular and slow earthquakes
- Stream runoff and nitrate recovery times after forest disturbance in US and Japan
- Subduction Initiation Existed Along the Ancient Continent Margins? Evidence of U-Pb ages of zircons from the Bonin Trench, Japan
- Surface Complexation Modeling of Fluoride Adsorption by Soil and the Role of Dissolved Aluminum on Adsorption
- Synergizing green and gray infrastructures to increase water supply resilience in the Brazos River basin in Texas
- Systematic Differences in Satellite Precipitation Products Associated with Cloud Types over Western North Pacific
- The Extreme Ultraviolet spectrometer on bard the Hisaki satellite
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- The extremely low-velocity layer located around the source region of non-volcanic tremor in southwestern Japan
- The mineralogical and chronological evidences of subducted continent material in deep mantle: diamond, zircon and rutile separated from the Horoman peridotite of Japan
- Thermal Expansivity Between 150 and 800°C of Hydrothermally Altered Conduit Dyke Samples from USDP-4 Drill Core (Mt Unzen, Shimabara, Japan)
- Three-Dimensional Dynamic Rupture in Brittle Solids and the Volumetric Strain Criterion
- Transient brightening of Jupiter's aurora observed by the Hisaki satellite and Hubble Space Telescope during approach phase of the Juno spacecraft
- Underwater acoustic records from underwater controlled sources and earthquakes on the Japan Trench seismic network
- Variable-Density Flow and Mass Transport in an Unsaturated-Saturated Aquifer under Horizontal Groundwater Flow Conditions: a 2-D Numerical Modelling Study of Flow Regimes and Parameter Sensitivity
- Variations of System IV period of the sulfur ions in the Io torus for the volcanic event in 2015 observed by the HISAKI/EXCEED
- Wire Probe Antenna (WPT) and Electric Field Detector (EFD0 of Plasma Wave Experiment (PWE) aboard ARASE: Specifications and Evaluation results
- ``High energy Electron exPeriment (HEP)'' onboard the ERG satellite
- 3-seasons optical observations of neutral helium distribution in interplanetary space by the Hisaki satellite
- A New Global Hydrography Database at Multiple Spatial Resolutions Based on MERIT DEM and DRT Algorithm
- A broad distribution of accreted intraplate volcanic edifice in the Late Cretaceous Tokoro greenstone belt, NE-most of Japan
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A decadal climate shift in the southwest Indian Ocean linked to recent malaria downturn in South Africa
- A first look at Bennu and Ryugu for signatures of formation in the arrangements of its surface features
- A mechanistic model of methane and carbon dioxide emissions on changing soil moisture conditions
- A three-dimensional numerical model of tectonic plates that develop due to a stress-history dependent rheology
- Abrupt large uplift caused by volcanic tsunami earthquakes near the Kermadec Islands
- All the Hillslopes Respond Quickly During 1 or 2 times a Year Storms in a Steep Headwater Catchment Under Humid Temperate Climate
- Along-strike variations in the Hikurangi Subduction zone: land-based seismic observations during the 2017-2018 SHIRE seismic onshore-offshore imaging project
- An Application of an Adjoint Sensitivity Method to the 2018 M7.9 Kodiak Earthquake Tsunami
- An early diagenetic deglacial origin for basal Ediacaran "cap dolostones"
- An experimental study of migration of CO2 included micro-nano bubble water in shallow aquife
- An impact-based assessment of riverine flooding from compound events at the global scale
- An online data assimilation method to assimilate time-averaged observations
- An unsupervised learning method for the automatic classification of earthquake and noise signals recorded in continuous waveforms
- Anchoring Megathrust Slip & Seismicity: An Empirical Study
- Application of Muography for Investigating the Internal Structure of Stromboli Volcano
- Arase and Van Allen Probes Observations of Rapid Variations of Energetic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions During Substorm Plasma Injections
- Assessing Impact of Economic Development on Water Demand and Estimation of Water Value in the Domestic Sector in the United States at Grid Scale
- Assimilation of Synthetic Swot Observations to Improve Global River Bathymetry Using Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
- Atmospheric Delay Gradient in GNSS and Topography: Influence of Land-Sea Breeze and Mountain-Valley Breeze
- Attempt to detect VLFE-like events in Tohoku-Oki using local short period OBS records
- Brightness and Color Variations on the Surface of 162173 Ryugu: Space Weathering, Thermal Fatigue and Mass Movement
- Calibration of thermal dissipation sap flow probes for Japanese cedar trees
- Capturing the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Soil Moisture Droughts under a Changing Climate
- Carbon-water interactions in forests inferred from FLUXNET and Earth Observation measurements and conceptual analysis
- Changes in Flood Dynamics in the Lower Mekong River Basin Due to Upstream Flow Regulation
- Chaotic behaviour of the Solar System over the past 250 Ma
- Characteristics of Japan Trench shallow megathrust revealed by deep-sea researches
- Characteristics of spatial distribution of boulders on Ryugu
- Classification of tremor and earthquake with neural network
- Classification of water bodies at global scale by integration of satellite observation and geodatabases
- Close-up Imaging of the Ryugu Surface from the MASCOT Lander: A Spectrophotometric Analysis
- Clustering analysis of visible spectra of asteroid Ryugu
- Comparison of Color Maps of Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu from the Approach Phase of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- Consistent Adaptation to Surface and Environmental Conditions Amongst the Passive MW Imagers and Sounders in the TRMM/GPM Precipitation Constellation Data Record
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Contribution from mass-dependent acceleration to the buildup of the ring current: Arase observations
- Contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt dynamics based on Arase observations and BATSRUS+CRCM modeling
- Coupled frictional afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Criticality of Self-similar Earthquake Rupture Propagation against Energetic Barrier
- Cusp and Nightside Auroral Sources of O+ in the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
- Deep sea environment 2.2 billion years ago constrained by iron speciation analyses of the drillcore black shales from Ghana
- Deformation of electron pitch angle distributions caused by upper-band chorus observed by the Arase satellite
- Dense simultaneous observations of ionospheric electron density & near-surface pressure perturbations excited by the 2015 Kuchinoerabujima explosive volcanic eruption in Japan: comparison with energy distribution calculated by ray-tracing
- Depth-dependent Postseismic Response of the Mw 9.0, 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake from Seismic Noise-based Monitoring.
- Detection of mantle-derived fluid from the Makimine mélange in the Shimanto accretionary complex: Evidence from helium isotope analysis on mineral veins
- Determinants for the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration
- Development of ILS, Integrated Land Simulator
- Development of a bias adjustment method for large ensemble experiment and hydrological applications
- Development of an Adaptive Tsunami Source Inversion with Optimization and Reciprocity Principle
- Development of an operational early flood forecasting system and 11-year validation of forecast skill over Japan
- Development of analysis method for ocean bottom crustal deformation by continuous observation using marine GNSS buoy
- Development of terrain classifications as a proxy to estimate VS30
- Development of the estimation method of river flood business interruption loss at the global scale
- Differences in observed climate data affect the spread of projecting future glacier mass changes
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer from Hot Protons to EMIC Waves Observed by MMS during Pc5 Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST
- Distribution and Displacement History of Coastal Boulders in Beppu Bay, Southwest Japan
- Distribution and morphology of craters on asteroid Ryugu
- Does fluid acceleration play a role in geodynamo-driven data assimilation for prediction of short-term secular variations?
- Dynamic Triggering of Low Frequency Tremor Unveiled by an OBS Array near the Japan Trench
- Dynamic climate and redox interactions on early Mars inferred from water chemistry at Gale
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Dynamo-generated magnetic field with different inner cores
- ENSO Forced and Internal Variability in Indo-Western Pacific Climate
- Earth's Magnetic Biosphere: From the Archean Origin of Magnetotaxis to Human Magnetoreception
- Earthquake-Induced Dynamic Rupture in a Slope: Due to Mass Flow or Wave Propagation?
- East Asian Monsoon History and Paleoceanography of the Japan Sea Over the Last 460,000 Years
- Effect of throughfall type on drop size distribution and soil erosion potential in a teak plantation in northern Thailand
- Effects of a weak intrinsic magnetic field on atmospheric escape from Mars
- Effects of laterally heterogeneous elastic structures on surface loading -a preliminary result for a rotationally symmetric spherical earth model
- Enhanced magmatism triggered the middle Miocene Climatic Optimum: Insights from osmium isotopes and a carbon cycle model
- Enhancing the SWOT A Priori Global River Database
- Error analysis on Regional and Global atmospheric transport model
- Establishment of an early warning system for malaria in Southern Africa, incorporating climate predictions - Overview of the iDEWS project
- Estimation of gross domestic production loss due to flood impacts: case study for Thailand flood in 2011
- Evaluating fractal scaling behaviour in groundwater level fluctuations in semi-confined aquifer in Punjab, North India
- Evaluation of global radiative transfer models by focusing on their assumption of vegetation structure
- Event size distribution of shallow tectonic tremor in the Nankai trough
- Examination of Hypocenter Depth for Normal Fault Type Earthquakes Off Fukushima Region
- Experimental Determination of Eutectic Liquid Compositions in the MgO-SiO<SUB>2</SUB>System to the Lowermost Mantle Pressures
- Exploring Renewed Methods to Identify the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Fallout Radiocesium in Watersheds
- Exploring Underwater Vent Systems: New Technologies and Strategies to Advance Life Detection and Scientific Understanding of Ocean Worlds
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- First evidence from anisotropy change of a porosity wave at Mount Fuji following the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Foreshocks and aftershocks on the frictionally heterogeneous fault
- Forward and inverse modeling of body and ocean load tides in a 3D Earth
- Frequency and magnitude of flood events during the last 8000 years recorded in the sediment from Lake Suigetsu, central Japan, and the potential linkage to the SST distribution in the equatorial Pacific
- Frequent activity of shallow tectonic tremors in the southern margin of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake rupture area
- GLOFRIM 2.0: coupling hydrologic and hydrodynamic models across scales for improved flood simulations
- Geological Records of Prehistoric Tsunamis and Subsidence at Mugi Town, Tokushima Prefecture, Western Japan
- Geological structure of the forearc slope in the Japan Trench: Preliminary results of the KH-18-1 MCS survey
- Geology on asteroid Ryugu revealed by Hayabusa2 visible multi-band imaging observations
- Geomorphic control of wetland distribution and sustainability in Japan
- Global distribution of lineaments on Ryugu
- Grain boundary sliding as an antigorite CPO formation mechanism and implications for the slab-mantle boundary rheology: Example of antigorite schist from the Sanbagawa belt, SW Japan
- Ground motion noises observed by Seafloor observation network for earthquakes and tsunamis along the Japan Trench (S-net)
- Groundwater Helium and Oxygen Anomaly Related to Inland Earthquake in Southwest Japan
- Gully formation processes at Ny-Alesund and Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, and applications to Martian gullies
- Hayabusa2 Landing Site Selection: Scientific Evaluation on Asteroid Ryugu
- How equilibrium state of soil moisture and groundwater table is influenced by climate on global scale
- Hydroacoustic records from non-tsunamigenic events and tsunamigenic earthquakes in the Pacific Ocean
- Hydroclimate of the Last Interglacial, from models and proxies
- Hydrologic components description-strengthened dynamic global vegetation model (S-TEDy): model-data comparisons
- Hydrological and biogeochemical responses and recovery processes after forest clear-cutting: The effects of small-scale forest management
- Impact of Bias-correction Uncertainties in Quantifying Potential Future Hydrologic Response in Bago River Basin
- Improving satellite-based sub-hourly surface rain estimates using vertical rain profile information
- Influence of the Pacific decadal variability on Arctic climate
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Initial report of Hayabusa2 laser altimeter (LIDAR)
- Installation and operation of ICT seafloor cabled seismic and tsunami observation system in source region of Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Integrated Models for Assessing Impacts of Climate Change and Paddy Water Management on Thermal Environment in Paddy-Dominated Watershed
- Intensive observations of imprints of the Oyashio (subarctic) front on the atmosphere in April 2013
- Interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon: Role of the Indian Ocean
- Internally resistive heated diamond anvil cell experiments on Fe-Ni-Si alloy to 200 GPa and 3900 K and its implications for Earth's core
- Intra-plate seismicity and structure heterogeneity of incoming/subducting Pacific plate along the Japan trench based on the ocean bottom seismograph observations
- Ion and electron heating and their energy partition during magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail
- Large carbon isotopic variability at the micron-scale in "Shuram" excursion carbonates from South Australia
- Lightning-triggered termination of a gamma-ray glow in a Japanese winter thunderstorm
- Linkage between regional weather systems and hydrologic cycles over Central America
- Local Thermal Properties of Asteroid Ryugu observed with Thermal Infrared Imager onboard Hayabusa2
- Longer Migration and Spontaneous Decay of Aseismic Slip Pulse on the Earthquake Nucleation Process Induced by Fault Roughness
- MAVEN observations of ion accelerations within the Martian magnetotail current sheets
- Magmatic additions to the middle and lower crust during rifting govern basin response to tectonic inversion in a magma-rich back-arc (NE Japan)
- Magnetic Field and Energetic Particle Flux Oscillations and High-Frequency Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere during Substorm Dipolarization: Arase Observations
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere connection of storm-time Region-2 field-aligned current and ring current: Arase and AMPERE/Iridium observations
- Malaria prediction using weather-based time-series distributed lag nonlinear model
- Measuring and Modeling Runoff, Soil Erosion and Sediment Yields to assess Management Options in the Post-Fallout Watersheds of Iitate Village, Fukushima, Japan
- Melting curve of iron to 290 GPa determined in a resistance-heated diamond-anvil cell: implications for the Earth and planetary core
- Microbial microdolomite aggregates found within massive gas hydrate: Implications for the Earth's deep biosphere and for extraterrestrial life?
- Microstructural observations of quartz from the basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure and shock pressure estimation
- Migrating slow slip transient prior to a shallow crustal earthquake
- Millennial-scale Variability of East Asian Winter Monsoon Intensity during the Last 2.8 Ma based on Ventilation Changes of the Japan Sea using a Depth Transect of Marine Organic Carbon Burial Rates
- Modeling Sediment Dynamics at the Global Scale
- Modeling of permeability in gas-hydrate-bearing sediments
- Modelling transpirations in multiple subtropical tidal mangrove ecosystems under salinity pressure
- Molecular Dynamics Study of Interactions between Kaolinite, Water and Carbon Dioxide
- Monitoring surface activity of Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia
- Morphological properties of surface crack patterns due to volumetric shrinkage
- Multidecadal modulations of key metrics of global climate change
- Nd isotopic features in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Near-seafloor magnetics of off-axis volcanism near the Kairei and Yokoniwa hydrothermal fields of the Central Indian Ridge
- Neodymium isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean
- New insight on the deep structure of the Wharton Basin oceanic lithosphere in the vicinity of the 11 April 2012, Mw 8.6 strike-slip earthquake
- Newly detected tremors in Puysegur and Marlborough fault system, New Zealand
- Non-Volcanic Tremor activity in the Chile Triple Junction detected by OBS stations
- On Electron Heating in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnectiomn
- Onsets of the Holocene and the Lateglacial Interstadial Have Different Mechanisms - Revealed by Robust Synchronisation of Suigetsu, NGRIP, Hulu and Other High-Resolution Archives.
- Optimization of the hydrogen absorption cell dedicated to small satellite missions.
- Orbital-scale ocean surface response to external and internal forcings during late Quaternary
- Origin of fluids involved in paleo-plate-boundary décollement in the Kodiak accretionary complex
- Overview of proximity operations at asteroid Ryugu by Hayabusa2 spacecraft
- Paradigm Shifts on Flood Risk Management in Japan and Synchronism of Socio-hydrological Histories
- Particle injections observed by Arase satellite in the inner magnetosphere
- Petrogenesis of the Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite Body, Japan
- Phosphorus and iron speciation of the Japan Sea sediments 30 220 kyr ago (IODP Exp. 346): Implications for the evolution of Asian Monsoon climate system
- Photometric Correction of Ryugu Multiband Visible Image Data
- Population displacement and flood in the world
- Post-eruptive thermoelastic deflation of intruded magma in Usu volcano, Japan, 1992-2017
- Preliminary geomorphological map of asteroid Ryugu
- Prompt acceleration of relativistic electrons associated with the solar wind pressure pulse: Comparative study between a code-coupling simulation and Arase observations
- Quantitative Studies on the Water and Energy Nexus in the Urban Water System
- Radial profiles of phase space density of relativistic electrons in the outer radiation belt during 6 magnetic storms in 2017: Arase/XEP observations
- Radioactive contamination in forested area in Fukushima after the nuclear power station accident in march 2011: Influences of the policy decision not to decontaminate forests on restarting of agriculture and life
- Real-time operational aftershock forecasting in Japan
- Receiver function imaging at the crust and uppermost mantle of Ontong Java Plateau
- Recent Report on "Slow Earthquake Database"
- Reconstructing the East Asian Monsoon from Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin
- Reconstruction of Water Column Oxygenation Level from the Depth Distributions of Organic Carbon Flux and Sediment Color in the Japan Sea in Relation to the East Asian Monsoon
- Reconstruction of the 1931 Yangtze River flood for exploring a new economic history
- Records of Contrasting Patterns of Fluid Flow Along the Base of the Mantle Wedge from 30-20 km Depths in the Sanbagawa Belt, Japan
- Red-NIR Soil-Line Coefficients Derived from Satellite Time Series
- Remote observation of Earth's plasmasphere from Earth-Moon L2 point by nano-spacecraft
- Revisiting the ENSO influence on the Atlantic Nino
- Role of Ocean Dynamics in Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- Role of Rivers in Basin-scale Energy Budget and Thermal Discharge to the Arctic Ocean
- Role of coupled atmosphere-ocean variability over the Atlantic basin in modulating North-American and European weather extremes on decadal timescales
- Sampling and Analysis of Ryugu Regolith
- Seafloor detection of multiple aseismic transients with an intervening seismic shock at the Izu-Bonin Trench
- Seasonal glacier runoff including the debris effects over Central Europe
- Seasonal variation of crustal seismicity in San-in district, southwest Japan
- Seismic refraction velocity structure in the vicinity of the Suruga Trough axial region revealed by OBS observations.
- Seismicity monitoring around the plate subduction boundary in the Suruga Trough, western flank of the Izu Collision Zone, Japan, using Ocean Bottom Seismographs
- Shallow subduction zone structures of Suruga Trough, central Japan, by means of 2-D seismic reflection and refraction surveys by Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
- Shape and geophysical properties of the asteroid Ryugu from initial observations by Hayabusa2
- Silica Kinetics and Subduction Zone Slip Behavior
- Small repeating earthquakes beneath the Tokai region, around the The Fujikawa-kako Fault Zone, central Japan, from 1979 to 2017 derived from NIED Kanto-Tokai seismic network and the NIED Hi-net.
- Socio-Hydrological Transition of Flood Risk Management and Levee Systems during the Modern Era in Japan
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Spatio-temporal Variation of Seismic Energy Released by Shallow Low-frequency Tremors in the Hyuga-nada, SW Japan, revealed by Ocean Bottom Seismological Observation
- Spatiotemporal uncertainties of remote sensing precipitation datasets and their impacts on global flood simulations
- Statistical Study of Selective Transport of Energetic Oxygen Ions During Magnetic Storms Observed by Van Allen Probes in 2013-2017
- Statistical study of heavy ion outflows from Mars observed in the Martian induced magnetotail by MAVEN
- Stochasticity representing heterogeneity and reproducing various earthquakes
- Study on the propagation of ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the model coupling between BATS-R-US+CIMI and GEMSIS-RC+RB simulations
- Studying Shallow Subduction Zone Processes Using Heat Flow Observations
- Subduction structure beneath the western part of Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan,revealed by active and passive seismic experiments
- Subduction structure of the Hikurangi Plateau, from travel-time inversion of OBS data, offshore of the Wellington region, the southern North Island, New Zealand
- Substorm injection like signatures of energetic electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary
- Surface Deformation of Asama Volcano, Japan, Detected by Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 InSAR Observations Between 2014 and 2018
- Surface Geomorphology of Near Earth Asteroid (162173) Ryugu from in-situ Observations: First Results from the MASCOT Camera
- Surface grain sizes of the touch down sites revealed by proximity imaging by Hayabusa2
- Surface temperature response to the major volcanic eruptions in multiple reanalysis data sets
- Surface wave tomography for the Pacific Ocean incorporating seafloor seismic observations and its age-dependence
- Temporal evolution of fault coupling associated with the occurrence of slow slip events in central Japan
- The Pacific Meridional Mode pacemaker effect on historical ENSO
- The change of Io's oxygen neutral cloud during a volcanically active period observed by Hisaki
- The distribution of crater morphologies across Ryugu: Implications for seismic shaking
- The third flight of the FOXSI rocket: Performance and results
- Thermo-physical properties of asteroid 162173 Ryugu by TIR on Hayabusa2
- Three-dimensional, magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the solar wind acceleration from the coronal base to 0.1 au
- Toward spatiotemporally continuous global discharge estimation by synthesizing SWOT-like observations, high-resolution terrain analysis, and hydrologic modeling
- Tsunami Data Assimilation of OBS data around New Zealand
- Two-dimensional probabilistic cell automaton model for broadband slow earthquakes
- Ultraviolet aurora's response to solar wind measured with Hisaki and Juno
- Understanding the Reliance of Kurobe River's Cascaded Dam System on Seasonal Snowmelt Runoff using a Distributed Hydrological Model
- Use of high-frequency, high-definition topographic 3D data to develop geographic thinking of students
- Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations of Magnetospheric ULF Waves Associated with Pi2 Pulsations Observed on the Ground
- Very Long-Period Seismic Signals and Collapse Events at the Kilauea Summit Crater in 2018
- Visible Spectrophotometry of 162173 Ryugu
- We performed crater size-frequency measurement on Ryugu using high-resolution images obtained by Hayabusa2. Using Ryugu cratering chronology model, the surface age of Ryugu was estimated to be 0.1 to 1 billion years from the density of craters larger than 100 m in diameter.
- Westerly Jet Behavior Over East Asia Deduced From Provenance Changes of Eolian Dust Based on ESR Signal Intensity of Quartz
- Westerly Wind Burst (WWB)/Easterly Wind Surge (EWS)-like stochastic forcing parametrization and the effects on ENSO prediction by the SINTEX-F system
- What causes seasonal earthquakes in south Iceland?
- Wind-driven and intrinsic interannual-to-decadal variability in the Kuroshio Extension
- A Method for Estimation of Cold Plasma Density from Whistler Mode Waveforms Observed by Two MMS Spacecraft
- A Statistical Study of Slow-mode Shocks and Rotational Discontinuities in the Dayside Magnetopause Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
- A new picture of flow patterns in the Japan Sea: satellite-based current detection and its variability
- A numerical model of mantle evolution caused by magmatism and mantle convection: Implication for the surface environment of Mars
- A reconciled estimate of the influence of Arctic sea-ice loss on recent Eurasian cooling
- A warm layer in the summer night side mesosphere of Mars
- Active Structures of Recurrent Great Kanto Earthquakes in Central Japan by High Resolution Subbottom Profiling and Pinpoint Core Sampling
- Activities of Education and Outreach by the Seismological Society of Japan
- Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in the Arctic: The Annual Cycle of Cloud Residuals Measured at Zeppelin Observatory on Svalbard
- Ages of Faulting and the Nature of Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Deep Nankai Accretionary Prism, IODP Site C0002, Japan
- An Integrated Data-driven Model to Simulate Hydrological Interventions
- An effect of the Rayleigh number on morphology of a long-lived lunar dynamo driven by compositional convection
- An unsupervised automatic classification algorithm for continuous seismic records using a nonparametric Bayesian approach
- Analyses of the Bright Spectra as Detected by NIRS3 on Asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Anomalous arc volcanism and subduction of linear topographic features
- Application of 4-dimensional ensemble variational method for geodynamo modeling
- Application of Databank-Based Data Assimilation and Sensitivity Analysis of Pumping Operation for Improvement of Urban Inundation Model
- Application of SeaXerocks on habitat mapping for the deep-sea megabenthos around cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in Arnold Guyot of the northwestern Pacific - from the perspective of "whale's eye view"
- Application of Today's Earth result for flood assessment
- Arc-arc collision and its effects on current seismic hazard in central Honshu, Japan
- Artificial impact crater formed by Hayabusa2 small carry-on impactor on the surface of asteroid Ryugu
- Assessing Long-term Effects of Multiple Flood Risk Management Strategies under Climate Change Scenarios: Case Study in Bago River Basin, Myanmar
- Assessing the Impact of Climate Change and Land Use Change on Water Environment in Tokoro River Basin, Japan.
- Assessment tools for impacts of climate change and paddy water management on water temperature in irrigation and drainage canal
- Atmospheric reanalysis before modern era using historical weather archives
- Attempted Ultradeep Drilling to the Nankai Trough Subduction Zone Plate Boundary: The Saga of IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 358
- Automatic Detection and Classification of the Uplifted Marine Terrace by Clustering DEM Dataset
- Axisymmetric conductance distribution of Jupiter's middle- and low-latitude ionosphere: Effects of meteoric ions
- Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus: New insights from the Hisaki satellite
- Bare-earth DEM Generation in Urban Areas Based on a Machine Learning Method
- Bayesian Inverse Modeling of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake Using Mechanically Coupled Models of Coseismic Slip, Stress-Driven Afterslip, and Viscoelastic Relaxation
- Calibration of bankfull river depth in global river routing models based on satellite altimetry data.
- Can the Liquiñe-Ofqui System Fault Generates Slow Slip Signatures?
- Change of Rainfall Characteristics in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka using more than 100-years Record
- Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere
- Characteristics of coherent high-frequency whistler mode waves at Earth's bow shock: MMS observation
- Characteristics of upward connecting leaders from Tokyo Skytree associated with negative downward flashes
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Chemical speciation and solubility of arsenic, cadmium and lead in contaminated soil from abandoned mine tailing in Toyama prefecture, Japan
- Chloride oxidation on Europa? Constraints from laboratory experiments and infrared observations using Subaru telescope
- Clustering of records of short-period ocean-bottom seismometers
- Combining Numerical Modeling and Remote Sensing to Estimate High Resolution Suspended Sediment Concentration: A Case Study on the Amazon River Basin
- Comparative study on chorus waves and energetic electron variations during CIR-driven storms between the Arase observations and RAM-SCB and electron hybrid simulations
- Comparison of hydrological control in streamwater residence times across headwater catchments
- Consideration of Turbidity Current occurrence caused by Typhoon No.24, 2018 at northern part of Suruga Bay Japan-Accidental phenomenon on the Sea Floor detected and traced by OBS Arrays-
- Constraint on the Location of the Australasian Tektite Impact Event based on the Distribution of the Ejecta Deposits across the Eastern Indochina
- Contribution of dynamics of cascading to the earthquake statistics: Dependency of b-value on fault properties and stress in the multiscale circular patch model
- Crustal accretion in a backarc spreading ridge: the oceanic core complexes in the Shikoku Basin and their tectonic implications
- Crustal structure refraction survey using Airgun-OBS at Fujikawa fault zone in northern part of Suruga Bay, Japan
- Deep learning based Tropical cyclone intensity estimation method using Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)
- Determination of stand transpiration by sapflow measurement - what is the influential factor
- Developing a method adjusting bias of long-term and multivariate outputs from ensemble experiments by Earth system models for the projection of hydrology under climate change
- Developing and operating GIS Open Educational Resources for Japanese university students
- Development and operation of near-realtime inundation analysis system in a data scarce region: A case in Myanmar
- Development of System for Long-term High-resolution Regional Reanalysis Covering Japan
- Development of a river and lake water temperature model on a global scale
- Development of high fluid pressure at the base of the shallow mantle wedge due to presence of an antigorite shear zone
- Development of terrain modeling and GIS in relation to earth and space science
- Dynamics of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing: From Global to Regional Scale
- Earthquake Sequences on Rough Faults: Effect of Residual Stresses on Subsequent Ruptures
- Earthquake reflection imaging of subduction structure beneath the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula, southwestern Japan
- Ecohydrology in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century: A Convergence of Opportunities for Global Sustainability and Social Justice and Equity
- Effect of forest thinning on low flow at a coniferous plantation watershed in Japan: model analysis
- Effects of 3-D fault geometry on rupture dynamics: Simulation of the 2019 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquakes
- Effects of gas hydrate crystal size and distribution on permeability of hydrate-bearing sediments
- Effects of spatially varying association between land use and water quality in Bali Province, Indonesia using geographically weighted regression
- Effects of the IMF direction on atmospheric escape from a Mars-like planet under a weak intrinsic magnetic field condition
- Effects of the intrinsic magnetic field on the ion loss from ancient Mars based on multi-species MHD simulations
- Electron Scattering by Low-Frequency Whistler Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron-MHD reconstruction of magnetotail reconnection regions observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Enhancement of the oxygen atoms escape from Io's atmosphere and relation to the volcanism and Io plasma torus
- Estimating the influence of seasonal changes in ecophysiological traits on canopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluxes in a Japanese cedar forest
- Estimation of Potential Inundation Risk and Evacuation Time based on Inundation Simulations by Using Rainfalls with Multiple Return Periods
- Estimation of Poverty Residents Distribution Using Satellite Images and Household Survey Data
- Estimation of river bankfull depth at a large scale: Combining satellite altimetry and river routing model using data assimilation
- Estimation of source parameters in the Bayesian framework by Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
- Evaluating the Role of Wetland in Resiliency Improvement of Water Resources, a Hydrodynamic Perspective: Case-Study of Brazos River in Texas
- Evaluation of Integrated Land Simulator using site observations
- Evaluation of the calibrated waveform data observed by the plasma wave experiment on board the Arase satellite
- Examination of <SUP>10</SUP>Be in travertine sediment as a possible tool to reconstruct high-resolution past solar activity
- Examination on a Forecast Model of Paddy Water Temperature Applying 2 Layer Heat-Balance Model and Weather Forecasting Data
- Excitation mechanisms of the storm-time Pc5 ULF waves by drift-bounce resonance with ring current ions based on the global drift-kinetic simulation
- Factors Controlling Ionospheric Outflows in the Cusp: FAST/TEAMS observations
- First insight in OBS data and shallow tremor detection at the Guerrero Gap, Mexico.
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- Flux decrease of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse:A Code coupling simulation of GEMSIS-RB and GEMSIS-GM
- Focal Mechanisms of LFEs in Parkfield by the amplitude inversion using synthetic waveforms
- Focal Mechanisms of Volcanic Deep Low Frequency Earthquakes in Northeast Japan
- Focussed Degassing of Stored Continental Deep Carbon
- Foreshocks and Mainshock Nucleation of the 1999 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake
- Further evidence for the influence of a subducting-ridge on the distribution of shallow VLFEs in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Generation of segment data using 30-m DEMs as the base material of future hazard maps
- Geologic constraints on motion of the Philippine Sea Plate during the late Cenozoic: Implications of a CCW rotation in the Pleistocene
- Global River Flow Regimes and Implications on River CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Dynamics
- Global characterization of fluvial floods through long-term high-resolution modeling
- Global estimation of energy-water-carbon coupling strength and terrestrial ecosystem resilience
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- Heat flow and thermal regime in frontal region of Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano revealed from borehole APCT and observatory thermal data
- Helium isotope variation around a caldera-type volcano
- Highly precise <SUP>182</SUP>W/<SUP>184</SUP>W of the Ethiopian basalts and Aden Bay MORB.
- Hunting the missing shallow hydrothermal reservoir prior to the 2011 Shinmoe-dake, Kirishima eruption with satellite radar interferometry
- Hydraulic Modelling for Water Leak Detection by Monitoring Damping of Transient Pressure Variation in Pipeline
- Hydrogeomorphological control of wetlands on a volcanic surface in Appi Highland, northern Japan
- Impacts of assimilating high-resolution IASI water vapor isotopic observations on weather forecasts
- Importance of a vertically tilting structure for energizing the North Atlantic Oscillation
- Improvement of Atmospheric Prediction by Data Assimilation Using Gaussian Transformation of Cloud Cover
- In-flight alignment calibration of magnetic field measurement by JACS on JUICE
- Influences of the inner spherical boundary on the bottom-up type convection at the onset in a rotating spherical shell
- Infrastructure as both hazard victim and hazard multiplier on Dominica, during and after Hurricane Maria
- Insight on the physical properties of sediments within the Nankai inner accretionary prism, from repeated borehole geophysics of NanTroSEIZE IODP expeditions 348 and 358.
- Integrating climate change into groundwater planning: Assessment of draft Groundwater Sustainability Plans under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act
- Integrating satellite optical images into operational global flood forecasting systems for better predictions
- Introduction of the space physics and heliophysics education at the University of Tokyo
- Investigation on snow-soil-atmosphere interaction and impact on the climate signals through a pacemaker experiment of SWE
- Ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail observed by Arase
- Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflow during Sawtooth Events and Substorms Using Recalibrated FAST/TEAMS Data
- Ionospheric flow fluctuations at mid-latitudes during storms as seen by SuperDARN-Van Allen Probes-Arase conjunctions
- Jet-precipitation relation associated with EASM: seeking physical ground to assess the future projection of mei-yu / baiu rainband
- Jupiter's Auroral Variations as Revealed by Hisaki: Internal and External Drivers
- Key role of western boundary currents in wintertime Euro-Atlantic blocking
- Linking hydrous mineral chemistry to fluid speciation in the subduction channel
- Locating shallow tectonic tremor with high precision: OBS Array of Arrays observation near the Japan Trench
- Long-term Total Water Storage Change from a SAtellite Water Cycle (SAWC) reconstruction over large south Asian basins
- Long-term monitoring of the effects of forest management on stream discharge and water quality in the Oborasawa Experimental Watershed, Japan
- MERIT Hydro: a new global hydrography map based on multiple satellite observations, and its application to model-satellite integration in global river hydrodynamic simulations
- MMS Observation of Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Non-thermal Electron at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock
- Magmatic hydrothermal system inferred from the resistivity structure of Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano
- MeV electrons observed at the plasma sheet boundary associated with substorm onsets
- Melting in the Fe-O-H system at 40 GPa
- Mercury's Anomalous Magnetic Field as a Result of Symmetry-breaking Self-regulating Dynamo
- Meridional Distribution of Middle-energy Protons And Pressure-Driven Currents in the Nightside Inner Magnetosphere: Arase Observations
- Migration of Radiocesium in a Weathered Granite Soil under Different Sequences of Organic Colloid Application
- Model updates and early results of a decadal high-resolution climate simulations using the Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, NICAM, for CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Modeling Coastal Ecosystem Of A Semi Enclosed Water Body By Coupling The Regional Weather Model WRF To Ecosystem Model
- Modeling of ecohydrological processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan
- Modeling seasonal snow hydrology using vertical air temperature profiles from reanalysis
- Modeling stress loading in the overriding plate due to the coupling of the megathrust around Japan
- Molecular ion upflow observed by the EISCAT radar in conjunction with the Arase (ERG) satellite during the September 7, 2017 magnetic storm
- Near-Real Time Estimation of Tsunami Sources Using a Classification of Waveforms Observed at Dense Ocean Bottom Pressure Sensors
- New approach for GNSS-A analysis with simultaneous estimation of seafloor position and sound speed variation
- Optical observation of neutral helium distribution in interplanetary space by Hisaki satellite
- P-wave upper mantle structures beneath the Ontong Java Plateau
- Pacific Contribution to Decadal Winter Temperature Trends in the Arctic
- Paleomagnetism of ca. 3-5 Ma Lavas from Western Iceland
- Particle-in-Cell Simulation on the Electron Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause in a Small Magnetosphere
- Petit-spot and seamount rejuvenation overprinting western Pacific plate
- Physical properties of the Nankai Trough at Sites C0002, C0024 and C0025, IODP Expedition 358
- Plasma Environment below 10km Altitude around Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- Plasma Wave Phase Analysis of the Magnetosphere-Multiscale Fast Plasma Investigation Data
- Precise Distributed Acoustic Sensing measurements by using the seafloor optical fiber cable system offshore Sanriku for earthquake monitoring
- Proposing method of modeling and optimizing operation of cascade dams in Kurobe river basin which has both hydropower and multi-purpose dams
- Prospects for future analyses of the returned asteroid samples in light of the observation results obtained by Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions
- Provenance of subsmerged stone pillars in a natural hazard area, coastal Tosasimizu, southwest Japan: A muptiple geological approach
- Pulsating aurora from electron scattering by chorus waves
- Quantification of the positive feedback impacts of anthropogenic heat on urban air temperature and air conditioning energy demand in an Asian megacity
- Quantifying anthropogenic acceleration of hillslope denudation in granite watersheds: impacts of deforestation on soil coverage in the Tanakami Mountains, central Japan
- Quantifying the influence of bedrock groundwater discharge on spatial variation in stream C, N, and P concentrations in forest headwaters
- Recent updates on the Hisaki observations for Jupiter's magnetosphere and Io's atmosphere
- Recipe for Predicting Strong Ground Motion on the SCEC Broadband Platform
- Relative contribution of ULF and chorus waves to the radiation belt variation: Comparison between multiple observations and BATSRUS + CRCM simulation
- Revealing the energy source for the IPT by measuring the duration of the sudden IPT brightenings.
- Revisit of a tectonics linkage in the western Pacific margin since 6Ma
- Rupture Evolution in a Temporally Stochastic Stress Field to be Slow
- Salts trapping mechanisms within ice in frozen saline lakes in Mongolia: Implications for salt-containing icy crust of Solar System bodies.
- Sandbox analogue experiments for subduction of trench-fill sediments beneath accretionary wedge and backstop
- Satellite microwave observation to monitor and predict ecohydrological conditions: a land data assimilation approach
- Scaling Potential Macroeconomic Impacts of Climate Effects of Siberian Wildfires: Insights from MIROC-SPRINTARS AOGCM Experiments
- Seasonal prediction of Asian summer climate enabled by the Pacific-Indian Ocean coupling
- Seasonal variations in global river and stream inundation extent
- Seismic reflection images of shallow subduction zone in the Suruga Trough, Central Japan
- Seismic structure near the inner core boundary in the north polar region
- Semiarid climate and upwelling hydrothermal groundwater as a driving force for silica-rich deposits in early Gale lakes on Mars
- Sensitivity of Midlatitude Heavy Precipitation to SST: A Case Study in the Sea of Japan area on August 9, 2013
- Shear wave upper mantle structure beneath the Ontong Java Plateau
- Simulating the impacts of climate change and farm-level adaptation strategies on rice yields in India and Vietnam
- Simultaneous detection of gamma-ray glow and downward terrestrial gamma-ray flash
- Slip Inversion with Radiation-corrected Empirical Green's Functions
- Slow earthquake signals in the microseism frequency band (0.1-1.0 Hz)
- Slow slip along subduction megathrust controlled by metasomatism-enhanced viscous shear
- Source Analysis for the 2018 M7.5 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Source region of auroral arcs and diffuse auroras in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase on 11 September 2018
- Spatial distribution of oxygen and hydrogen upper atmospheres of Mars as observed by Hisaki and MAVEN/IUVS
- Statistical Property of Long Lasting Poloidal Pc 4-5 Waves and Its Relation with Proton Phase Space Density Variations: Van Allen Probes Observation
- Statistical analysis for trunk structure of ring current ions using Arase ion observations
- Statistical properties of molecular ions in the ring current observed by the Arase (ERG) satellite
- Statistical study on electron and ion temperatures in the near-Earth reconnection and magnetic pile-up regions
- Statistical survey of Energetic Electron Precipitation events using coordinate observations from Arase and ground Riometer network
- Stochastic shock drift acceleration in the shock transition region with finite pitch-angle anisotropy
- Stratigraphic Expression and Slip Rate of the Main Frontal Thrust in Central Nepal: A 50,000-year record in the Bardibas area
- Stress state at the toe of the Nankai accretionary margin, with implications for characterization of the decollement
- Structural observations across the Nankai accretionary prism, IODP Expedition 358 (NanTroSEIZE)
- Study on Global Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Representation Proxy Data by Applying Signal Processing Techniques
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral microatoll archives of relative sea level in La Union province, northwestern Luzon, Philippines
- Testing the capabilities of cubesats for operational flood mapping
- The Evolution of Asteroid Ryugu Revealed by Hayabusa2 and Implications for Sample Analyses
- The Fukuroyamasawa Experimental Watershed: Long-term research of hydrological and biogeochemical response after clear-cutting in Japan
- The Value Of Real-Time Geomechanics During Riser Drilling Operations In Complex Environments: NanTroSEIZE IODP Exp 358 Case Study
- The effect of gouge formation on fault propagation along underground brittle shear fractures.
- The influence of Martian crustal magnetic fields on atmospheric escape
- The radial transport of plasmas around Jupiter's inner magnetosphere with response Io's to volcanic activity
- The vicious circle of flood and poverty under the urbanization : a case study in Bago city in Myanmar
- Thermochemical imaging of the lithosphere and upper mantle from geophysical observations: what can we really see?
- Tiny diamonds from ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks for understanding of mantle geodynamics
- Toward hyper-resolution reservoir modeling at the continental scale
- Tracking Volatiles Cycling at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, North Island, New Zealand: An Integrated Geologic, Petrologic and Isotopic Approach
- Training of Geography teachers for environmental education in cooperation with a local museum
- UVSPEX onboard WSO-UV for characterization of Earth-like exoplanets by exosphere observation
- Understanding the Adhesion Nature of Hydrocarbon-Mineral Interfaces using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Unforced AMOC Oscillation in Glacial and Deglacial Climate
- Upper mantle structure beneath the Japan Sea revealed by repeating long-term seafloor seismic observations
- Ural Blocking Driving Arctic Sea-ice Loss, Cold Eurasia and Stratospheric Vortex Weakening in Autumn and Early Winter 2016-2017
- Variations of Concentrations and Sizes of Black Carbon Particles in Northwest Greenland over the Past 350 years
- Water Governance for Sustainable Economic Development: A Case Study in Kaski District, Nepal
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- Water security for sustainable development: lesson learned from the tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh, India
- Where do we construct levees?: The automatic extraction of physical levee parameters in contiguous U.S. for global river models
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- 3-D resistivity structure model around Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano revealed by broadband magnetotellurics
- 5-Season's Optical Observation of Neutral Helium in Interplanetary Space by Hisaki
- A New Method for Quantitative Estimation of Volume Change in Metamorphic Rocks Using Deformed Mineral Vein Sets
- A consecutive development of MJO events in the 2018-2019 winter season reproduced by a three-month SST-forced experiment with NICAM
- A numerical study of magmatism and mantle convection in Mars: Implications for its crust, surface environment, and magnetic field
- A possibility of rubidium isotope as a proxy of water-rock ration at surface of aqua planets
- A uniformitarian view on intra-continental phenomena using phase separation between silicate network and aqueous fluid in the lower crust
- Absolute geolocation of SAR Big-Data: The first step for operational InSAR time-series analysis
- An unsupervised automatic classification for continuous seismic records: introducing an anomaly detection algorithm to solve the imbalanced data problem
- Analysis of Physical and Economical Flood Impacts on Residential Areas in the Bago River Basin of Myanmar
- Analysis of the Impacts of Non-Primary and Bifurcation Channel Depths to the River Flow in Mekong Delta through the use of a Global River Model
- Assessing Effects of Flood Risk Reduction Investment Considering Income Levels
- Assessment of Flood Damage on Early, Medium and Late Rice Crop
- Asymmetric shifts in dry and wet phases of the terrestrial water cycle attributed to anthropogenic climate warming
- CNN-based Automatic Identification of Rock Particles on Small Bodies
- Carbon XANES library of the heat-treated and impacted IOM simulant applied to the extraterrestrial organic matter
- Characterizing the Variable Land Surface Emissivity for Passive Microwave-Based Precipitation Estimation during the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Era
- Chemistry and spectroscopy of Europa's surface materials: Insights from laboratory experiments and infrared observations
- Chlorine speciation reveals the occurrence of perchlorate in deserts on Earth and implications for Mars
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Co-effect of Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability and Cold Ocean-Warm Land Pattern on Global Warming Slowdown and Acceleration
- Coeruptive and posteruptive crustal deformation associated with the 2018 Kusatsu-Shirane phreatic eruption based on PALSAR-2 time-series analysis
- Cold ionospheric ion dynamics inside an EMIC wave in the inflow region of dayside magnetopause reconnection
- Comparison of basis functions defined on infinite interval for pseudo-spectral Vlasov solvers
- Consistency Analysis of Global Terrestorial Water Cycle: Comparison of observations with Today's Earth simulations
- Cretaceous ridge subduction and transition in sediment provenance reconstructed by geology of Kerama Islands, Ryukyu arc
- Cross-link Radio Occultation measurements of the Venus Atmosphere by using multiple small satellites
- Decreasing trend of M<SUB>2</SUB> tidal amplitude observed along northwestern Kyushu
- Detailed spatial slip distribution for short-term slow slip events and the spatial relation to megathrusts along the Nankai subduction zone, southwest Japan
- Detection of "rapid" aseismic slip that bridges a gap between seismic slip and slow slip
- Detection of deep low-frequency earthquakes in the Nankai subduction zone over 11 years using a matched filter technique
- Detection of significant change in nitrogen oxides concentration and emission during COVID-19 lockdown in North India
- Development of GNSS-A analysis tool "GARPOS" and its application to the seafloor geodesy around Japan
- Development of regolith simulants for lunar South Pole-Aitken Basin based on lunar soil and remote sensing data
- Differential rock fragmentation in the Ohya-Kuzure Debris-flows (Japan): Inferences from UAV-based remote-sensing and uniaxial compression strength.
- ENSO's influence on North American subseasonal surface air temperature variability
- Effective formation of Al-rich surface clays through highly acidic water activity on early Mars
- Effects of an intrinsic magnetic field on ion escape under different solar XUV and solar wind conditions
- Estimating River Discharge by Assimilating SWOT Observations using a Physically Based Empirical Localization Method
- Evaluation of Effective Measures to Prevent the Vicious Circle of Poverty Accelerated by Flood: A Case Study in Bago City, Myanmar
- Evaluation of a remote system for undergraduate students to learn how to teach geography in junior high schools
- Evaluation of the effects of sound speed variation on the GNSS-A positioning accuracy of the new analysis software "GARPOS" using numerically simulated data
- Excitation mechanisms of the storm-time Pc5 ULF waves by the drift-bounce resonance with ring current ions based on the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupled model
- Experimental study of energy conversion/transport process during magnetic reconnection in flux tube merging experiments
- Fault strength at the brittle-ductile transitional depth: Experimental study using deep fault materials along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan
- First simultaneous observation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using an airglow imager and the Arase satellite in the inner magnetosphere
- GGOS Japan: 7-year history and hot topics
- Geologic map of Terra Cimmeria, Mars: potential implications for regional paleomagnetism, planetwide primordial tectonic geomorphology, and the structural history of the Tharsis Rise
- Global 5-arcmin Resolution Water Resource Assessment Using the H08 Global Hydrological Model with the Inter-grid Water Transfer Function
- Global Distribution Patterns of Light Use Efficiency Model Parameters
- Global Reach-level River Flood Reanalysis (1980-2019)
- Have Land Surface and Carbon Cycle Processes in Earth System Models Improved Over Time?
- High- and Low-stress Subduction Zones Recognized in the Rock Record
- Historical Weather Reconstruction by Cloud Cover Data Assimilation with Gaussian Transformation
- How can we reasonably compare the water surface area between models & satellites
- IODP proposal for Bend-Fault Hydrology in the Old Incoming Plate (H-ODIN) using CHIKYU: Scientific objectives and drilling site & strategy
- Impact-induced hydrothermal systems on early Earth: Potential places for efficient CO2 reduction and formation of complex organic molecules
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Improvement of GIS exercise materials for university students based on questionnaire surveys
- In Situ Measurements of Plasma Convection with FAST TEAMS
- Integrating climate change into groundwater sustainability planning: challenges and opportunities for climate informed groundwater management in California
- Intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon lifecycle based on observation and CMIP6
- Intergenerational Benchmarking for the Performance of Surface Temperature and Precipitation in CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models
- Interrupt and resurgence of subduction: switch of subducting plate from the Pacific to the Philippine Sea Plates in the Miocene SW Japan margin
- Inversion of body-wave waveforms to infer high-resolution 3-D S-velocity structure in the D″ region at the western margin of the Pacific LLSVP: Evidence for small-scale plumes and paleoslabs
- Investigation of core-mantle boundary topography using adjoint methods.
- Io plasma torus and Jovian aurora activity during the Juno era: Current status of Hisaki/EXCEED
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- Low-frequency tremor activity along northern Japan Trench before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- MERIT DEM Performs Better for Hydrodynamic Flood Model in Amazon Basin
- MMS Observations of Ion Bernstein Mode Wave-Particle Interaction in the Plasmasheet
- Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability (MACH) - Using Team Science to Determine How Magnetic Fields Influence Habitability
- Mainshock and Aftershock Sequence Simulations in Geometrically Complex Fault Zones
- Mapping on Formation and Transformation of Informal Settlements in Yangon from Historical Viewpoint
- Mid-Holocene sea-level and paleoseismic histories in Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Modeling Plume and Shock in Convective Turbulence: Non-equilibrium and Supersonic Effects
- Modelling the spatial structure of flood events in ungauged basins
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Modulations of the Silk Road Teleconnection Pattern Under Global Warming in Large Ensemble AGCM Simulations
- Molecular Ion Contribution to the Polar Plume from Mars: Effects of Solar Wind Parameters and Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Multi-event analysis of plasma and field variations in the source of Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arcs in the inner magnetosphere during non-storm time substorms
- Multidisciplinary assessment of volatile release beneath North Island, New Zealand: geologic, geochemical, and thermodynamic forward modeling approach
- Multisector analysis on water, economy, and climate change
- Nightside Auroral H<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> Outflows versus Energy Input During a Geomagnetic Storm
- Observations of mass- and charge-dependent ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Optimizing water-energy distribution during short-term flood in cascaded hydropower dams and proposing solution of conflict between stakeholders by bargaining game theory
- Pacific Meridional Modes without Equatorial Pacific Influence
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Possibility of High-Frequency Observation of Inundation Area by Small SAR Satellites Constellation
- Poverty Mapping in Developing Countries using High Resolution Satellite Imagery, OpenStreetMap and Household Survey Data
- Pre-Tharsis tectonics and the geological and structural history of Bathys Planum, Mars
- Providing Open Learning Materials to Study How to Use GIS
- Quantifying the effect of dams in reducing global flood exposure under climate change
- Quantitative comparison between the radiation-corrected EGF and the conventional EGF
- Quantitative error evaluation of GNSS-A observation using new analysis tool "GARPOS": high-rate GNSS and ocean field disturbance
- Quasi-Periodic Variation of Jupiter's Aurora Compared with Magnetospheric Dynamics
- Reduction of air pollutants over North-West India observed from space during the Covid-19 lockdown period
- Reflectance spectra measurement plan of captured samples from Ryugu: current status
- Regional characteristics of driftwood runoff: Focusing on geotectonic subdivision in Japan
- Regional concentration-response relationships between ambient PM2.5 and cause-specific mortality in Japan
- Relative contribution of ULF waves and whistler-mode chorus to the radiation belt variation during May 2017 storm
- Relative permittivity measurement of Martian regolith simulant at UHF-SHF band under the Martian surface environment
- Review of Data Platforms for Climate Change and Land Sectors
- Robotic Localization and Multi-Sensor, Semantic 3D Mapping for Exploration of Subsurface Voids
- Rupture Development in Fault Damage Zones Consisting of Sets of Preexisting Small-Scale Parallel Cracks
- Rupture and tsunami generation process of the 2015 Mw 5.9 Bonin earthquake revealed by in-situ pressure gauge array observations and an integrated simulation of seismic and tsunami waves
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- Satellite monitoring of the water cycle over the Amazon using upstream/downstream dependency: Mass-conserved interpolation of the river discharge at 0.25° along the river.
- Shallow slow earthquakes and mechanical properties at the Guerrero seismic Gap, Mexico
- Simulated vs. reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface conditions: impact on oxygen isotopes in ice cores, speleothems and precipitation
- Simulation of seismic wave propagation on Ryugu induced by the SCI impact experiment of the Hayabusa2 mission: Limited seismic shaking due to low yield strength of the surface regolith
- Slow-mode shocks and Their Role in the Symmetric Magnetic Reconnection Based on 2.5D Hybrid Simulations
- Small craters on the nearside of Phobos: Morphology and degradation
- Small lunar craters around the rim of Shackleton crater at the lunar South Pole: Spatial distribution and size-frequency
- Socio-hydrologic data assimilation: Analyzing human-flood interactions by model-data integration
- Stellar wind effect on the atmospheric escape of hot Jupiters
- Strategies to improve geochronologic constraints on coral microatolls in the Philippines
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral archives of relative sea level in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines
- Tectonostratigraphy of slope basin in the Nankai Accretionary wedge off-Muroto
- The Antarctic stratospheric warming and its impacts in 2019
- The Changing Source of the Plasma Sheet During Geomagnetic Storms
- The Formation of O<SUB>2</SUB>-dominated Atmosphere under High EUV Flux on Early Mars
- The influence of the MJO diversity on midlatitude teleconnection patterns
- The mechanism of the Freshwater outflow through the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Deep Convection Based on Canonical Ensemble Framework
- Thermal Inertia of MASCOT landing site revisited with Digital Terrain Model
- Three dimensional shear wave structure in the upper mantle beneath the oldest Pacific plate
- Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure beneath Japanese Islands from Sea of Japan to Pacific Ocean including NIED S-net, Hi-net (MOWLAS) data
- Thundercloud Project: Citizen Science Observation Campaign of High-Energy Atmospheric Phenomena from Lightning and Thunderstorms in Japan
- Time for closure: Comparing CCN and cloud droplet number concentrations in Arctic mixed-phase clouds
- Time variations of PMWE and turbulent energy dissipation rate after SSW in the Southern Hemisphere in 2019
- Upper Mantle P-wave Velocity Structure beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin from Finite-frequency P-wave Traveltime Tomography
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Validation of inundation prediction from JULES-CaMa-Flood global land surface simulations
- Validation of isotope-incorporated The Non-hydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model
- Volcanic atmospheric perturbation detected with barometer, broadband seismometer, and GNSS-TEC: Comparison with ray-tracing calculation
- 2.5D local hybrid simulations of ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks
- A Future Scenario Earthquake: Dynamic Rupture simulation on Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault
- A Global-Scale Lake Topology for Harmonizing SWOT A Priori Lake and River Databases
- A Machine Learning Approach to Map the Poor and Non-Poor Buildings in Developing Countries
- A New Detection Scheme of Wave-Breaking Events with Blocking Flow Configurations
- A Novel Approach for Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Model by Integrating Performance for Multiple Variables
- A Roof Albedo Estimation Method Using Deep Learning
- A Strategy to More Reliably Date Coral Microatolls in the Philippines
- A comparative study on electron contribution to the ring current during CME and CIR driven geomagnetic storms using RAM-SCB simulations and Arase and ground magnetic data
- A comparison of precipitation isotopes between cloud processes using a global non-hydrostatic model
- A novel collisionless fluid plasma model based on non-local closure incorporating cyclotron resonance effect
- A numerical experiment on outgassing of CO2 and water from the convecting mantle of Mars
- A statistical study of EMIC (Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron) wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere using Arase observations
- A statistical study of the solar wind dependence of multi-harmonic toroidal ULF waves observed by the Arase satellite
- A temperature estimate for abrupt warming during the last deglaciation using isotopic analysis of fluid inclusions from a stalagmite in Okinawa, Japan
- Abrupt climate responses to gradual warming in transient simulation of the last deglaciation
- Advancing Global River Network Characterization for High-Resolution Global River Discharge Modeling
- An Investigation into Urban Heat Island Development in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Between 1984 and 2020 Adopting Landsat Data
- An assessment of Japan's domestic and spillover impact on global commons using a Multi-Regional Input-Output Table
- Analysis of Observational Sampling and Geometry Effects on Dayside Measured Winds during Venus Express
- Analysis on microseism characteristics by typhoon HAGIBIS using land and ocean-bottom seismometers
- Assessing environmental impacts on the global commons at subnational levels in China
- Assessing the Social Impact of Flood Risk Management: Bridging the Economic Gap in Developing Countries
- Atmospheric Escape Rates from Mars If It Orbited an M Dwarf Star
- Boulder Falls Triggered by Small Impacts on Lunar Crater Slopes
- Case analysis of SAPS Wave Structures observed by Arase satellite and SuperDARN
- Chapter 11: Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
- Characteristic features of V0 layer in the Venus ionosphere as observed by the Akatsuki orbiter: evidence for its presence near the equator and under post-sunset conditions
- Characterization of the Nonlinear Response of Offshore Marine Sediments with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Co- and postseismic slip behaviors of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake extracted from decadal seafloor geodesy with the GNSS-A Seafloor Geodetic Observation Array (SGO-A) operated by the Japan Coast Guard
- Combining Ensemble Kalman Filter and Reservoir Computing to Predict Spatio-temporal Chaotic Systems from Imperfect Observations and Models
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Comparative study of cavernous structures on rocks formed by acid infiltration and salt weathering: Implications for rock surface structures on Jezero Crater, Mars
- Compound Fluvial, Pluvial and Coastal Flooding Risk over Southeast Asia in Current and Future Climates
- Conceptual Glacial Cycle Models Show Decreased Stability After Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Connection between Equatorward Detachment of Auroral Arc from the Oval and the Inner Magnetosphere: Conjugate Observations with an All-Sky Imager and the Arase Satellite
- Contrasting volcanic activity across Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa with multi-parameter satellite monitoring data: The CEOS Volcano Demonstrator
- Controls on interannual variability in 18O of precipitation along the North American West Coast, and implications for proxy data interpretation
- Coordinated observations of the effect of consecutive HSS pulses on relativistic electron enhancement
- Coral Evidence for Mid-Holocene Sea-Level Rise and an Abrupt Uplift Event at Badoc, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
- Cosmic-Ray Muography as a Novel Tool for Studying Warm and Humid Paleoclimates: An Example of Density Characterization of Sedimentary Bauxite Deposits
- Daily Satellite-derived Antarctic Sea-ice Velocity: Impacts on Kinematics Representation
- Designing constructed wetlands to improve flood resilience of the Brazos river basin in Texas.
- Development and validation of a coupled simulation framework representing the hydro- and thermodynamics in rivers and lakes (TCHOIR)
- Development of a 1m water body map using aerial photography
- Development of a global integrated modeling framework coupled with water quality module
- Direct comparison of surface water dynamics between models and satellites achieved by the latest global river model [CaMa-Flood ver.4]
- Direct observations of electron current in whistler-mode waves
- Distributed acoustic sensing using communication optical fiber laying along a high-speed train, Shinkansen, track
- Dry-wet asymmetricity in changes of future surface water flow: an event-wise analysis
- Ecohydrological land reanalysis
- Effect of different simulation configurations on the prediction performance of the Space Weather Modeling Framework on ground magnetic perturbations
- Effect of lateral topographic density variations on subsurface structure estimation by gravity inversion a case study in Aso Caldera, Japan
- Elasticity and yield strength of volcanic fluids controlling brittle/ductile solid-like fragmentation and eruption behaviors
- Energy Inputs to the Nightside Auroral Oval as a Function of Substorm Phase
- Energy-Resolved Detection of Precipitating Electrons of 30100 keV by a Sounding Rocket Associated with Dayside Chorus Waves
- Ensemble of Radiative-Convective Equilibrium Simulations near the Marginal Boundary between Aggregated and Scattered Regimes
- Episodic burst of earthquakes near the Japan Trench following migration of shallow tectonic tremor
- Estimating the Effects of Laterally Heterogeneous Density Structures on Coseismic Deformation -a Rotationally Symmetric Case-
- Evaluating the skill of a seasonal scale hydrometeorological prediction system in Japan based on downscaled meteorological forecasts
- Examining the Impact of Geostationary Microwave Observations in a Regional Hurricane OSSE
- Excitation of two types of storm-time Pc5 ULF waves based on the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupled model
- Exploring the Mechanisms Behind the Brackish Spring Discharge of Shiokawa River
- Flow-to-Fracture Transition of Linear Maxwell-type/Yield Strength Fluid by Air Injection; Implications in Explosive Eruptions.
- Forecasting human-water interactions: data assimilation approach
- GNSS-A observation along the Nankai Trough by Japan Coast Guards Seafloor Geodetic Observation Array (SGO-A)
- Generating Precipitation Data Using Historical Statistical Data and IMD Gridded Data for Drought Simulations of the Great Famine (1876-1878) of South-Western India
- Global flood impacts on population displacements
- Gravity Data Analysis to Extract Temporal Gravity Anomalies Associated with Slow Slip Events in the Ryukyu Trench
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- Hierarchical and structural complexities on the diffuse fault system associated with the 2000 Tottori earthquake revealed by a hyperdense seismic observation
- High resolution hydrodynamic modelling of the Congo River combining field data, remote sensing and partnership
- High-resolution Estimation of Global Cropland Suitability Based on Climatic, Soil, and Topographic Conditions
- Household food and water insecurity are positively associated with high perceived stress during COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from a low-middle income country
- How Much Inundation Occurs in the Amazon River Basin?
- How different is the response of the East Asian Monsoon to CO2 in the present-day and in deep-time?
- How robust is a multi-model ensemble of conceptual hydrological models to climate change?: lessons from 44 models in 582 river basins.
- Hydrogen generation through interactions of ferrous saponite with HS-rich fluids on early Mars: Implications for planetary climate, environmental evolution, and habitability
- Hypocenter Hotspots Illuminated Using a New Cross-Correlation-Based Hypocenter and Centroid Relocation Method
- Impact of the CME-like IMF rotation on ion escape mechanisms from a Mars-like planet under weak intrinsic magnetic field conditions
- Impact of water vapor isotopes observation on tropospheric atmospheric circulation
- Impacts of Assimilating All-Sky Infrared Satellite Radiances from Himawari-8 to Simulations of Typhoon-Induced Heavy Precipitation
- Improved geometry of the subducting Philippine Sea plate from Suruga Trough beneath the Tokai region, central Japan
- Improvement of NICAM toward the achievement of global cloud-resolving climate simulations
- Interaction of tsunamis generated by successive Mw 7.4 and Mw 8.1 earthquakes on Kermadec Islands on March 4, 2021
- Interpretable Framework of Physics-guided Neural Network for Water temperature Simulation
- Interpretations of shallow structures in Hyuga-Nada, Southwest Japan: Effect of Kyushu-Palau Ridge subduction
- Investigating the Association between Ambient Temperature and Aggression
- Investigation of adhesivity of organic enriched sea spray aerosols by atomic force microscopy
- Ion escape from ancient Mars during CME-like events: Dependence on the planetary intrinsic magnetic field and the solar conditions
- Ionospheric outflow associated with SAPS observed by SuperDARN and Arase
- Isotopic variation of winter precipitation and water vapor in northern Japan - Observation and simulation by Iso-GSM/Iso-RSM -
- Laboratory simulations of organic evaporite formation on Titan
- Linear inverse modelling of tropical interbasin interaction
- Local Diffusivity of CH4 in Clay Nano-Pore; Molecular Dynamics Study on the Effect of Interfacial Water
- Location of local earthquakes relative to subsurface structures of seismogenic zone at off-Ibaraki region, southern part of northeast Japan.
- MJO Initiation Triggered by Amplification of Upper-tropospheric Dry Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves
- Magma plumbing system of Shinmoedake volcano in Kirishima Volcano Group: Towards a unified understanding from volcanic products analyses and geophysical observations
- Magnetic field amplification by Weibel instability at planetary high Mach-number shocks
- Melting and evolution of peridotites at the Mado Megamullion, an oceanic core complex in the Shikoku back-arc basin
- Method for Real-Time Prediction of Tsunami Inundation Directly from Offshore Observations Using Machine Learning
- Microphysics dependency in 3.5km NICAM DYAMOND phase 2 experiments
- Modeling Convective Turbulent Transport with Plumes Using Double-Averaging Formulation
- Modelling potential meteorological drivers of COVID-19 infection patterns in 409 cities across 26 countries
- Modulating the reconnection efficiency by moments and field variability and various inflow characteristics
- Molecular Simulation on Adsorption Behavior of Two-Component Mixed Gas in Shale Organic Nanopores
- Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) studies on the supercomputer Fugaku: Challenges and next directions
- Numerical Investigation of Unique Salinity Distributions in Extremely Permeable Coastal Aquifers
- Observational study on preferential energization of lower-charge-state heavier ions in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Overview of NICAM activity on the supercomputer Fugaku
- Photogrammetry-Based Three-Dimensional Models of Coral Microatoll Surface Morphologies as a Tool to Aid in Reconstruction of Relative Sea-Level Histories
- Physical properties of the solar corona studied by spacecraft radio scintillation and the difference between fast and slow winds
- Pi2 oscillations in a substorm brightening aurora and source ion spectra observed on 28 December 2018 by a ground EMCCD camera and the Arase satellite at L 5
- Plasmasphere formation around terrestrial exoplanets: Possible evidence of the exoplanetary intrinsic magnetic field and atmosphere
- Potential applicability of the radiation-corrected empirical Greens function to the multi-time-window method
- Potential of Assimilating Satellite Altimetry Data in to a Continental-Scale River Routing Model
- Preprocess for nighttime light and exploring its ability of reflecting flood impact
- Progress on Understanding the Influence of Planetary Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Escape Rates
- Radiative MHD simulations of solar coronal loops considering the energy injectionfrom intergranular lanes.
- Radiocarbon Variability Recorded in Coral from Kikai Island to Understand Oceanography in the North Western Pacific Region
- Rapid flux enhancement of relativistic electrons associated with dynamic pressure enhancements of the solar wind
- Relationship of in-slab events with episodic tremor and slip and detection of updip slow slip near the locked megathrust in the Nankai subduction
- Role of ice sheet topography change during the last deglaciation: effect of winds and thermal forcing on the AMOC stability
- Roles of groundwater transport on climate systems of land planets
- Roles of whistler-mode waves for the electron injection at collisionless oblique shocks
- Rupture Absorbing Weak Zones
- Seismic Velocity Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath the Oldest Pacific Ocean Basin: Insights from Finite-frequency Tomography
- Seismic modeling with cellular automata considering competing time constants
- Selective oxidation on Europas surface: Insights for supply of oxidants into the subsurface ocean
- Simulating the Evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet until the Year 2300 with a Climate-Index Method
- Simulation of near-surface soil moisture measurement without boundary conditions using physics-informed neural networks
- Soil moisture-vegetation correlation from 733 in-situ soil moisture observations
- Source properties of shallow tremors, in the Guerrero seismic gap.
- Sr, S, and Mg isotopic study of the mantle peridotite in the northern Fizh massif, the Oman ophiolite
- Statistical Study on the Seasonal Dependence of the H+ and O+ Outflows during Non-Storm Times
- Statistical investigation of the polar mesosphere winter echoes by the PANSY radar: superposed epoch analysis to substorm activities
- Strongly vs. Weakly Coupled Data Assimilation in Coupled Systems with Various Cross-Domain Interactions
- Structural controls on shallow slow earthquakes in the Hyuga-nada subduction zone, southwest Japan
- Structures and formation age of lunar linear gravity anomalies estimated from impact simulations: Implication to the lunar ancient expansion
- Subducting seamount chain as a primary driver for slow earthquakes in Hyuga-Nada, SW Japan: Insights from recent geophysical imaging
- Summertime Circumglobal Rossby Waves in Climate Models: Small Biases in Upper-level Circulation Create Substantial Biases in Surface Imprint
- Tectonic uplift and subsidence inferred from coral archives of relative sea level in Balaoan, La Union, Philippines
- Testing quartz and feldspar luminescence dating on a deep marine sediment core from the Sea of Japan: upper age limit and dust source fingerprinting
- The Earths energy budget, climate feedbacks, and climate sensitivity
- The Fe-FeSi Phase Diagram at Mercurys Core Conditions
- The Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current are synchronized
- The Interactions Between Flood Disaster and the Agricultural Society Change in Yangtze River Basin: A Case Study of 1931 and 1954 Floods
- The Interannual Variability of the Ice Conditions in the Southern Sea of Okhotsk and Its Likely Factors
- The Mechanics of Non-Planar Fault Geometry Explained by Semi-Analytical Method.
- The Origin and Provenance Transition in the Paleo-Kuril (Nemuro) Arc, the North Western Pacific Region: Constraints from Detrital Zircon U-Pb Geochronology of Sedimentary Rocks in the Nemuro Belt Complex (Eastern Hokkaido)
- The Terminal Velocity of Axisymmetric Raindrops under General Conditions Evaluated by the Immersed Boundary Method
- The impacts of the newly found circum-Arctic wave (CAW) pattern on summer heatwaves and wildfires in recent years and the year 2021
- The role of free-tropospheric moisture convergence for summertime heavy rainfall in western Japan
- The role of resistivity on the efficiency of magnetic reconnection in MHD
- The thermal history of the Moon caused by transport of heat and heat producing elements by migrating magma
- The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change
- Toward closing the regional energy budget over ocean when integrating satellite derived energy data products
- Trace Elements Contamination in Water of Alkaline-Hyposaline Lake from Valley of the Gobi Lakes, Mongolia: Field Evidence of Elevated Level of As and U accumulated by evaporation
- Tsunami source estimation based on the distribution of paleotsunami deposit in the 17th century at Sekinehama, northeast Japan
- Use of Leaf Wax Carbon Isotopes in Bay of Bengal Sediments for Paleo-CO2 Reconstruction; A New Continuous 1.46-million-year Record of Atmospheric CO2
- Using Machine Learning Tools To Estimate Photospheric Velocity Fields Prior To The Formation Of Active Regions.
- Using perfect model prediction experiments to quantify the tropical Atlantic influence on ENSO
- Variation of solar cycles before the onset of the Maunder Minimum revealed by highprecision carbon14 analyses
- Variations of organic burial rates in terrestrial and marine environments and their relationships to atmospheric oxygen levels over Phanerozoic time
- Very broadband strain-rate measurements along a submarine fiber-optic cable off Cape Muroto, Nankai subduction zone, Japan
- Weakening of the Silk Road teleconnection pattern under global warming in CMIP6 projections
- What controlled the fault ruptures in the final stage?: A comparison of SAR-derived fault slips with gravity-inferred density structures for the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake in Japan
- A Framework for Benchmarking Global Flood Models
- A Magnetic and Geochemical Approach to the Changing Sedimentation Patterns in Response to Glacio-eustatic Changes at the Great Barrier Reef
- A Non-negligible Role of Arctic Pathways for Wintertime Pacific Blocking
- A Study on the Solar Wind Plasma Dynamics in Inner Corona by Radio Sounding Experiments onboard Akatsuki Spacecraft during 2021 Venus-Solar Conjunction
- A Support Vector Machine-based Method for Improving Real-time Hourly Precipitation Forecast in Japan
- A Two-Dimensional Annular Model of the Lunar Mantle Evolution Caused by Convection, Magma Generation and Migration
- A coral microatoll record of sea-level rise, interseismic subsidence, and El Niño in La Union, Philippines since 1902 CE
- A new look at atmospheric energetics and eddy-mean flow interaction: cyclonic and anticyclonic contributions
- A statistical study of the behaviors of energetic ions (H+, He+, and O+) in the inner magnetosphere using the Arase satellite observations
- Abrupt Vertical Shock Arising from Shallow Earthquakes
- Aiming the firehose of data at the fire: Optimizing international satellite SAR observations for volcano hazards with the CEOS volcano demonstrator project
- An Efficient Estimation of Time-Varying Parameters of Dynamic Models by Combining Offline Batch Optimization and Online Data Assimilation
- An Experimental Study of Clayey Soils on the Slow-to-fast Transition of Landslide Movements and the Rate- and State-dependent Frictional Behavior in It
- An Introduction to GPM Version 07
- An energetical analysis on wintertime meridional teleconnections over the North Pacific
- An estimate of the effects of laterally heterogeneous density distributions on coseismic gravity change
- Analysis of Electron Precipitation and Ionospheric Density Enhancements due to Hiss Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and Arase Observations
- Approximation of Gradient Flows in Stein Variational Gradient Descent using Surrogate Models
- Arase observation of the simultaneous enhancement of electron flux and whistler-mode chorus emissions associated with toroidal mode ultralow frequency waves
- Arsenic and uranium contamination of Orog lake in the Valley of Gobi lakes, Mongolia: Field evidence of conservative accumulation of U in an alkaline, closed-basin lake during evaporation
- Assessing Holocene Fault Movement along the Hinagu Fault Zone using Paleo-Sea Level Extents at Kawata Machinishi, Kumamoto, Japan
- Assessing the Impact of Economic Development on Domestic Water Demand and Its Economic Value on the Global Scale
- Assessment of land use related biodiversity loss across China in the socioeconomic transition
- Atmospheric lifetime for a hypothetical Mars-sized planet orbiting Barnard's Star
- August 2021 Plinian eruption of Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba Volcano, Izu-Bonin Arc: Constraints on the eruption dynamics from rapid response seafloor surveys
- Bayesian Inversion for Spatially Variable Fault Frictional Properties and Mantle Rheology Using Postseismic Geodetic Measurements
- Bridging water storage and discharge: a priori data and algorithm improvements towards synergistic use of SWOT's lake and river measurements
- Catastrophic Shallow Landslides on Gentle Slopes in Volcanic Areas of Japan
- Changes in the Neutralizing Distance of Thermal Pollution Caused by Thermal Power Plants in Warmer Climate Scenarios
- Characteristics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation reproduced in a NICAM-AMIP type simulation
- Collaboration between a High-resolution Modeling and an Existing Climate Modeling Groups for a Global 1-km Scale Earth System Model
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparison in the calcification rate between in vivo skeletal formation in juvenile corals and in vitro aragonite formation in biogenic polyamine solution at various CO2 levels
- Comparisons of Energetic Particle Injections Using Multipoint Observations from MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Arase
- Configuration Design and Positioning Capability Assessment of Seafloor Geodetic Network
- Conjugate observation of the source region in a storm-time substorm auroral arc using the Arase satellite at L 6 on September 8, 2017
- Constitutive Properties and Frictional Behavior of Simulated Fault Zone of Halite Developed in Granular Medium
- Constraining the complex refractive index of black carbon and light-absorbing iron oxides according to their complex forward-scattering amplitude at 633 nm wavelength
- Contribution of Silicate-hosted Magnetic Inclusions to Paleomagnetic Signals in Sediments Subjected to Reductive Diagenesis
- Contribution of the Southern Annular Mode to Variations in Water Isotopes of Daily Precipitation at Dome Fuji, East Antarctica - Study of An Isotope-Enabled Climate Model, MIROC5-iso
- Cooling of thermal electrons in the Jovian inner magnetosphere due to the solar wind effect: the HISAKI observation
- Coupling between Co-seismic Landslides and Landscape Evolution in Active Orogenic Belts
- Coupling of Integrated Land Simulator to MIROC6's Atmosphere and Ocean Models
- Deep Learning Short-term Heavy Rainfall Forecasting Using Pseudo Data
- Dependence of the Future Mass Loss of the Antarctic Ice Sheet on Climate Forcing and Ice-Shelf Disintegration
- Dependency of microplastic horizontal distribution on the size and density of particles accumulated on the seafloor in Otsuchi Bay, Japan
- Designing combination of natural infrastructures to improve flood mitigation in the Brazos basin.
- Detecting high-frequency anthropogenic seismic sources for seismic velocity monitoring
- Detection of Deep Low-Frequency Tremors from Continuous Paper Records at a Station in Southwest Japan About 50 Years Ago Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Seismogram Images
- Determining Shell Carbonate and Soft Tissue End-Member Contributions of the Japanese Surf Clam Pseudocardium sachalinense using Reverse Radioisotope Labelling Techniques
- Developing an emission model of photoelectrons and Auger electrons from the sunlit lunar surface and its application to evaluation of the lunar electrostatic environment
- Development of Thermophysical Model to Simulate Non-Gravitational Acceleration on Binary Asteroid Didymos and Dimorphos
- Development of flood damage function model for rural roads: A case study in the Teesta River Basin, Bangladesh
- Differentiable modeling in Geosciences - Breaking down the imaginary barrier between machine learning and process-based modeling with differentiable modeling
- Direct Evidence of Strike-Slip Motion for Low-Frequency Earthquake near Parkfield
- Direct Observations of Energy Transfer from Resonant Electrons to Whistler-Mode Waves near the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Diurnal variation of water vapor due to the regolith-atmosphere exchange simulated in a Mars Global Climate Model (MGCM)
- Divergent Floodplain Urbanization Patterns and Risks with Levee Effect
- EMIC wave induced proton precipitation during the 27-28 May 2017 storm: Comparison of BATSRUS+RAM-SCB simulations with ground/space based observations
- EUV Dynamic Spectra of Large Solar Flares and Their Effects on Total Electron Content
- Earthquake Magnitude With DAS: a Transferable and Universal Scaling Relation
- Earthquake sequence simulations on nonplanar faults with restraining and releasing bends quantify the probability of rupture propagation through the bend
- Effects of dust storms on ion density variation in the Martian ionosphere based on long-term MAVEN/STATIC observations
- Enhanced Sea Level Extremes in Coastal Indonesia during 2010-2017: Roles of Anthropogenic Forcing and Decadal Climate Variability
- Enhancing Renewable Energy Systems, Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals of United Nation and Building Resilience against Climate Change Impacts
- Estimating the altitude of pulsating aurora emission: triangulation from three ground-based stations during the LAMP rocket experiment
- Evaluating drywells for urban flood management using coupled surface-subsurface flow models
- Evaluating the Impact of Irrigated Paddy Fields on Water Cycle by Coupling Land Surface and Rice Growth Models
- Evaluation of Seismic Records from Earthquakes and Controlled Sources Obtained by Distributed Acoustic Sensing Technology on Seafloor Optical Fiber Cable
- Exploration of Possible Early Martian Climate and Feasibility of Valley Network Formation by Rivers and Ice Sheets for Various Surface Pressure and H2 Mixing Ratio
- Extension of Seismic Interferometry for Marine DAS Data - Application of FK Filter and Formularization of SPAC Between DAS and Seismometer
- Flood Defense Standard Estimation Using Machine Learning and Its Representation in Large-Scale Flood Hazard Modeling
- Flood impact assessment with high-quality nighttime light remote sensing data
- Forecasting tectonic tremor activity using a renewal process model
- GNSS-A seafloor geodetic observation along the Japan Trench and the Nankai Trough conducted by the Japan Coast Guard
- Generation of Millennium Atmospheric Reanalysis
- Global Discharge Estimation By Assimilating Satellite Altimetry with the Current Limitations of the Hydrodynamic Models in the perspective of SWOT mission
- Global assessment of sub-national drought impact based on the Geocoded Disasters dataset and land reanalysis
- Global sub-5km mesh Model Intercomparison (DYAMOND2) and Highlighted Experiments on Supercomputer Fugaku
- Groundwater flooding by storm surges on atolls
- Harmonized SWOT A Priori Lake-River Database to Monitor Global Surface Water Dynamics
- Harnessing Large Ensemble Forecast to Support Decision-Making for Storm Surge Risk Management
- He+ emission in Earth's plasmasphere observed by EUV telescope onboard nano-spacecraft.
- High vertical resolution analysis of Mars Global Surveyor radio occultation data with Full Spectrum Inversion
- Implementing flood protection schemes in a global river model
- Importance of constraining the pattern effect during the historical period for future temperature projection
- Insights into the occurrence and characteristics of near-trench slow slip events at the central Hikurangi subduction zone from a recent seafloor geodetic experiment
- Inter-comparison of Water Isotope-enabled Models and Reanalysis Nudging Effects
- Irrigated Cropland Expansion Exacerbates the Urban Moist Heat Stress in Northern India
- Is the Process of MJO Propagation into the Western Pacific Deterministic?
- LAMP-HEP Observation of Microburst Precipitation associated with Pulsating Aurora
- LSTM-based meta-learning framework to simulate water temperature in under-observed paddy fields with few-shot monitoring data
- Long-term ocean bottom seismic array observation at the Chile Triple Junction
- Looking back into the history of floods in Japan using a newly developed long-term gridded precipitation dataset
- Mechanical examination of the marine terrace formation and history of megathrust earthquakes on the irregular plate interface of the Sagami Trough subduction zone, central Japan
- Mechanism of Sand-Mud Transition Dynamics at an Artificial Beach Based on Horizontal and Vertical Sedimentary Modeling
- Melting of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maxima Revealed by Beryllium Isotope Ratios and Grain Size Analysis of Marine Sediment Records
- Microseismic Monitoring for Supercritical Geothermal Fluid in Kuju Volcanoes
- Mineralogy and Geochemical speciation of phosphorus minerals in early earth spherule beds from Barberton Greenstone Belt
- Modeling Molecular Complexity: Building a Novel Multidisciplinary Machine Learning Framework to Understand Molecular Synthesis and Signatures
- Modeling the Dynamics of Social Preparedness with Regional Interactions to Realize Impact-based Flood Early Warning System
- Morphology of THF Hydrate in Micromodel and its Influence on Permeability
- Multi-event analysis of three-types of optical emissions at subauroral latitudes using ground optical and radio instruments and the Arase and Van Allen Probes satellites
- Neutral Helium Emission in Interplanetary Space from the Earth's Exosphere by the Hisaki Satellite
- Non-ENSO Precursors for a Coherent Mode of Summer Monsoon Variability with Implications for Predictability
- Observation Error Estimation in Climate Proxies with Data Assimilation and Innovation Statistics
- Observation accuracy of GNSS-A seafloor geodetic observation array (SGO-A) in 2022
- Observation of pulsating auroras with a multi-spectral auroral camera AIC2 on the LAMP rocket
- On the Relationship between Energy Input to the Earth's Polar Ionosphere and the Ion Outflow Flux under Different Solar Zenith Angles
- Operational Earthquake Forecasting in Japan: Local Government Response to Warnings and Advisories for the Nankai Region
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Paleogene Ridge Subduction along the Northwest Pacific Margin suggested by U-Pb Zircon Age Distribution of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene Sandstones of the Paleo-Kuril Arc, Northeast Japan
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Plasma pressure distribution of ions and electrons in the inner magnetosphere during CIR and CME driven storms observed by Arase satellite
- Plasmasphere formation at terrestrial rocky exoplanets around M-Dwarf stars and its detectability: Possible evidence for the intrinsic magnetic field and thick atmosphere
- Quantitative Evaluation of Water Flux in the Franciscan Subduction Zone Based on Volume Change of Metamorphic Rocks
- Radiation Belt Daily Average Electron Flux Model (RB-Daily-E) from the Seven-Year Van Allen Probes Mission and Its Application to Interpret GPS On-orbit Solar Array Degradation
- Recent Changes in Japan Storm Surge Hazards are Consistent with Mean Sea Level Rise and Caused by the Intensification and Widening of Tropical Cyclones
- Recent Educational and Outreach Activities of Japanese Earth Scientists for High School Students
- Reconstruction of Daily Weather in the 1810s by Diary Data Assimilation
- Reconstruction of Lacustrine Delta and Channel of Fukushimagata Lagoon in the Niigata Plain, Japan.
- Recurrence Intervals for M>7 Earthquakes Through a Cycle of M 9 Earthquake in the Middle Segment of the Japan Trench
- Recurrent Large-Scale Solar Proton Events Before the Onsetof the Wolf Grand Solar Minimum
- Relativistic electron precipitations by chorus waves and its impacts on the middle atmosphere: Conjugate observations by the Arase satellite and EISCAT radar
- Reproducing long-term sediment discharge with GeoWEPP in a steep watershed with forest recovery
- Robust ensemble Kalman filters with the Huber norm by majorization
- Rock-magnetic and paleointensity studies of returned samples from asteroid (162173) Ryugu
- Roles of Rossby Waves, Rossby-Gravity Waves, and Gravity Waves Generated in theMiddle Atmosphere for Interhemispheric Coupling
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure around the Mariana Trench inferred from ambient noise tomography
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure in the Western Pacific inferred from partitioned waveform inversion
- SAPS electric field and particle boundaries in the equatorial magnetosphere as observed by Arase
- Scenario studies for safe usage of groundwater during the post-disaster period
- Seafloor fiber optic sensing technological development to capture slow process in the Nankai Trough megathrust.
- Search for intrinsic noble gas signature in Archean ultramafic rocks
- Seasonal Dynamics of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Sri Lankan Paddy Soils Under Controlled Water Management
- Segmentation Characteristics of Tectonic Tremors in Shikoku, Japan, Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Seismicity Cluster Analysis of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in Japan using the Nearest-neighbor Method.
- Shock remanence distribution of single-domain titanomagnetite-bearing basalt sample: implications for magnetic anomaly over impact crater
- Signatures of Auroral Potential Structure Extending Through the Near-Equatorial Inner Magnetosphere
- Significance of socioeconomic data distribution in global water scarcity assessment
- Single-station Detection of Seismic Slow Earthquakes Using Their Broadband Characteristics
- Solar Illumination Control of the H+ and O+ Outflow Dependence on Energy Input
- Spatial Relationship of Shallow Slow Earthquake and Strong Negative Velocity Impedance in the Western Nankai Subduction Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- Spatial heterogeneity and the area-specific predictors in the association between particulate matter air pollution and mortality in Japan
- Spatio-temporal analysis of typhoon eye diameters
- Spatio-temporal seismic velocity variation near the junction between Japan and Kuril trenches revealed from long-term dense-OBS network observation
- Spatiotemporal Changes of Inter-plate Aseismic Slip before and after Megathrust Earthquakes Determined from Repeating Earthquakes Recorded by the Japanese Seismic Network
- Stratification in the Core of Mars by Liquid Immiscibility in Fe-S-H
- Strongly scattering medium along the slow earthquake fault zones, inferred by new observations of short-duration tremors
- Study of Atmospheric Ion Escape from Exoplanet TOI-700 d
- Study of SO2 transport using UV images taken by Akatsuki and radiative transfer calculation
- Study of Slow-mode Shocks in the Near-Earth Magnetotail with MMS Observations
- Surface Warming in the Gulf Stream Region Explains Barents-Kara Sea-Ice Decrease
- Swarms of microearthquakes associated with tectonic tremor bursts in the northern Japan Trench
- Temporal evolution equatorial anomaly in the nightside ionosphere derived from ISS-IMAP/EUVI data
- The Evolution of Venusian Mantle Dominated by the Magmatism-Mantle Upwelling Feedback and Basalt-Barrier: a numerical study
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: Focusing X-ray Instrument for Solar Flare Observations
- The Fe-FeH Phase Diagram and Implications for Hydrogen in the Core
- The Flood and Agricultural Society Shaping Each Other: A Case Study of 1931 and 1954 Floods in Yangtze River Basin
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The New Experimental Framework with Multi-model and Multi-initial-condition for the Assessment of Extreme Weather Event in the Future: The Case of Typhoon Hagibis (2019)
- The PULSE Network: Building an Earthquake Catalogue to Further Understand SSEs on the Hikurangi Subduction Zone
- The effects of land subsidence on shallow groundwater salinities at the lower reach of the tidal river in the low-lying coastal plain
- Thermal Conductivity of Hydrous Stishovite and DHMS Minerals; Implications for Seismicity along Japanese Trench Subduction Zone
- Thermodynamic and Volcanic Gas Geochemical Insights into Volatile Release During Subduction Along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Time variations of molecular ions in the inner magnetosphere observed by Arase
- Tropical Pacific Influence on Summertime South African High-frequency Temperature Variability and Heat Waves
- Tuning Physics Parameters for Tropical Convective Systems Across Scales in Two Global Convection-Permitting Models
- Turbulent Mixing and Nutrient Supply associated with the Kuroshio Induced Submesoscale Anticyclonic Vorticity over Seamounts and Continental slopes south of Kyushu Japan
- Understanding the E' layer at the Topmost Core from Metal-Silicate Melting Experiments
- Uneven response of Asian summer monsoon precipitation to greenhouse gas and anthropogenic aerosols from India to East China
- Upper-plate structural heterogeneities delimiting the distribution of shallow slow earthquakes in the westernmost Nankai Trough
- Use of contact metamorphic aureoles to estimate magma flux rates
- Vertical Mixing as the Key Generation Mechanism of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Associated with Canonical El Niño
- Vertical structure of the thermal tides in the Venusian equatorial region clarified by Akatsuki radio occultation measurements
- Water Origins and Isotopic Composition of Heavy Baiu/Meiyu Rainfall: a Case Study in Southwestern Japan in Early July 2020
- Waveform Modeling of the 2022 Tonga Eruption Tsunami Recorded on Bottom Pressure and Tide Gauges Around the Pacific
- Where can we find unique landscapes regulated by hillslope moisture dynamics?
- Why not to Eavesdrop on Glaciers and Whales with Seafloor Seismology?
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
- XUV Spectra of Active Solar-like Stars: Extension of Empirical Laws From Solar Observations
- Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of Magmatic Rocks from Choiseul and Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands: Implications for the Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution in SW Pacific
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Farrish
- A. Glocer
- A. H. Sulaiman
- A. J. Boyd
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Meltzner
- A. Kumamoto
- A. Matsuoka
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Runov
- A. W. Merkel
- Abdul Moiz
- Aditya Riadi Gusman
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Aitaro Kato
- Aixue Hu
- Akiko Takeo
- Akiko Toh
- Alan Dyer
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alessio Sanfilippo
- Alexandra L. Post
- Alexandre M. Tartakovsky
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Allen Husker
- Allison Jaynes
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Anil Bhardwaj
- Ashraful Alam
- Atlanta Sen
- Atsuki Shinbori
- Atsushi Okazaki
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Atılım Güneş Baydin
- Aurelio Tobías
- Aya Nakayama
- Ayako Abe‐Ouchi
- Ayako Yamamoto
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. H. Mauk
- B. L. Giles
- Benchun Duan
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. A. Williams
- C. J. Pollock
- C. M. Fowler
- C. Pilorget
- C. T. Russell
- Camilla Cattania
- Catherine Annen
- Cecilia Norgren
- Chae‐Woo Jun
- Chang Liu
- Chao Yue
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles W. Smith
- Chengrui Chang
- Chihiro Kodama
- Ching-Shu Hung
- Chris Fook Sheng Ng
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christopher J. Smith
- Christos Katsavrias
- Chuan–Chou Shen
- D. C. Richardson
- D. J. Gershman
- D. N. Baker
- D. P. Hinson
- D. R. Shelly
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daisuke Takasuka
- Daisuke Tokuda
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniele Antonangeli
- David Brain
- David Burgess
- David Painemal
- Derek J. Posselt
- Donald Hampton
- Dongju Peng
- Duo Li
- E. J. Lund
- E. R. Sánchez
- E. Spanswick
- Edna W Dualeh
- Edward Byers
- Edward Park
- Eiichi Fukuyama
- Eiichiro Araki
- Emilio Herrero‐Bervera
- Emily Warren‐Smith
- Eric Edmund
- Ernesto Rodríguez
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Ettore Biondi
- Evgeny A. Podolskiy
- F. Albino
- F. L. Vernon
- F. Tsuchiya
- Fei Luo
- Florent Brenguier
- Francisco Delgado
- François Leblanc
- Fuyuki Saito
- G. D. Reeves
- Gaku Nishiyama
- Gang Zhao
- Gaohong Yin
- Genki Oikawa
- George H. Allen
- George J. Huffman
- Gerald A. Meehl
- Go Murakami
- Gou Fujie
- Gábor Tóth
- H. N. Chanakya
- H. O. Funsten
- H. V. Gupta
- Hajime Naruse
- Hajime Shiobara
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Harlan E. Spence
- Heidi Houston
- Hidekatsu Jin
- Hideo Shiogama
- Hidetaka Kuniyoshi
- Hideyuki Hotta
- Hideyuki Usui
- Hiroaki Saito
- Hiroki Ando
- Hiroki Tokinaga
- Hiroki Tsuji
- Hiroko Sugioka
- Hiromichi Nagao
- Hiromu Nakagawa
- Hiroshi Naraoka
- Hiroshi Naruse
- Hiroyuki Kumagai
- Hiroyuki Shinagawa
- Hisashi Yashiro
- Hitomu Kotani
- Hitoshi Kawakatsu
- Hua Zhang
- Hyomin Kim
- Hyungjun Kim
- I. J. Cohen
- I. J. Hamling
- I. Park
- I. Shinohara
- Ioannis A. Daglis
- Ivan di Stefano
- Iyan E. Mulia
- J Bernard Blake
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Roeder
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Souček
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jaden J. A. Hastings
- Jaime Ojeda
- James D. Goltz
- Javier Peralta
- Jeffrey Neal
- Jessie Duncan
- Jian Gong
- Jianfeng Li
- Jiaqi Liu
- Jiaxuan Li
- Jida Wang
- Jiuxun Yin
- Jody M. Webster
- John T. Fasullo
- Juliet Biggs
- Jun Nakajima
- Jun Nishioka
- Junichiro Kuroda
- Junki Komori
- Junle Jiang
- Jun’ichi Fukuda
- Justin H. Lee
- K. Hosokawa
- K. Keika
- K. Sato
- K. Seki
- Kai Kornhuber
- Kanon Kino
- Kaoru Yamaoka
- Kate Huihsuan Chen
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Katsuhiko Shiomi
- Kazuaki Ohta
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kazuhiro Yamamoto
- Kazumasa Iwai
- Kazuo Shiokawa
- Kazuo Tani
- Kazuo Yoshioka
- Kazushi Asamura
- Kazushige Obara
- Kazuya Shiraishi
- Kei Hirose
- Kenji Ohta
- Kenji Satake
- Keshav R. Tripathi
- Kevin E. Trenberth
- Kevin McGouldrick
- Kimihiro Mochizuki
- Kinya Toride
- Kiwamu Nishida
- Kiyoka Murase
- Kosuke Namekata
- Kouji Adachi
- Kunio M. Sayanagi
- Kyle Bradley
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyoko Okino
- Kyoko Watanabe
- Kôichi Sakaguchi
- L. Iess
- L. M. Kistler
- L. R. Lyons
- Laura Wallace
- Loïc Viens
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lucile Turc
- Luigi Jovane
- Luis Fabián Bonilla
- Luis Preisser
- M. C. Nolan
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. Engel
- M. Hesse
- M. Kitahara
- M. Lessard
- M. Nosé
- M. Pajola
- M. Pätzold
- Mahito Fujii
- Makoto Matsubara
- Marissa F. Vogt
- Mark A. Trigg
- Martha K. Savage
- Martin Connors
- Martin Werner
- Martin Wild
- Masaaki Teramoto
- Masahiro Tanoue
- Masahiro Watanabe
- Masaki Ogawa
- Masaki Satoh
- Masami Nonaka
- Masanori Kanamaru
- Masashi Kiguchi
- Masashige Shiga
- Masataka Kinoshita
- Masataka Shimojo
- Masayuki Kuzuhara
- Masayuki Yoshimi
- Masuo Nakano
- Mats Holmström
- Md. Rezuanul Islam
- Megan C. Kirchmeier‐Young
- Menaka Revel
- Meng Li
- Michael J. McPhaden
- Michael P. Poland
- Michael Wehner
- Mie Ichihara
- Miki Kawamura
- Ming Pan
- Minna Palmroth
- Mizuki Fukizawa
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Mohammad Heidarzadeh
- Mondira Bardhan
- Muhammad Bin Hassan
- Muhammad Mainuddin Patwary
- N. Ahmadi
- N. K. Walia
- N. Lapusta
- N. Nowrouzi
- N. R. Schnepf
- Naizhong Zhang
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Naofumi Aso
- Naoki Terada
- Naoki Uchida
- Naoko Takahashi
- Naota Hanasaki
- Naritoshi Kitamura
- Niklas Boers
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Nobuhiro Moteki
- Nobuhiro Takahashi
- Nobumitsu Yokoi
- Norah Kaggwa Kwagala
- Norihiko Sugimoto
- Norihiro Miwa
- Norman G. Loeb
- Nozomu Takeuchi
- O. Hamil
- Osamu Ishizuka
- Osamu Seki
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. Kuusiniemi
- P. R. Shreedevi
- P. S. Athiray
- P. Segall
- P. Tenfjord
- Pablo Reyes
- Patrick Martineau
- Paul Bates
- Pei‐Ying Patty Lin
- Pekka T. Verronen
- Pengcheng Zhang
- Peter Burek
- Philip Brunner
- Pierre Boué
- Pierre Romanet
- Ping Chang
- Prakat Modi
- Primož Kajdič
- Prithvi Thakur
- P̀etra Heil
- Q. Ma
- Qinglian Guo
- Qiushi Zhai
- R. B. Torbert
- R. H. Varney
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. K. Choudhary
- Ralf Greve
- Raphael M. Tshimanga
- Raphaël Grandin
- Reepal Shah
- Reiko Nomura
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Rezkia Dewi Andajani
- Rie Nakata
- Riley Troyer
- Ritsuya Shibata
- Robert E Ergun
- Robin Ramstad
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Rongjiang Tang
- Ryo Kaneko
- Ryodo Hemmi
- Ryoko Nakata
- Ryosuke Ando
- Ryota Hino
- Ryouta O’ishi
- Ryoya Sakata
- Ryu Uemura
- Ryuji Tada
- Ryuta Arai
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. Curry
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. Hung
- S. K. Ebmeier
- S. Kita
- S. Nakano
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