University of Tokyo, Center for Climate System Research
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Tilted-Trough Mechanism for AO/NAO
- Aerosol Properties derived from the PREDE POM-01 Mark II Sun Photometer
- Featured Presentation: A study of small-scale disturbances associated with stratospheric polar vortex based on a high-resolution GCM simulation
- Modeling Study of Aerosol Global Distribution and Radiative Forcing
- Satellite Investigations during the ACE-Asia Field Program
- An Estimation of the Future Development of the Ozone Layer by a Coupled Chemistry-Climate Model
- Development of a High-Resolution Climate Model for Future Climate Change Projection on the Earth Simulator
- Distribution and radiative forcing of Asian dust and anthropogenic aerosols from East Asia simulated by SPRINTARS
- Estimation of the contribution of inter-continental transport during the PEACE-A campaign by using a global chemical model
- Observed Interannual Oscillations of Planetary wave Forcing in the Northern Hemisphere Winter
- The Freezing Conditions of Planets: Effect of Obliquity
- Topographic Effects of the Ice Sheets on their Self Maintenance and Shaping the Climate during the LGM
- Future Changes in Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange and Those Impacts on Future Tropospheric Ozone
- Snowball Earth Condition in AGCMs: Effect of Season and Continental Distribution.
- Intensification of the Atlantic Deep Circulation by the Canadian Archipelago Throughflow
- Latitudinal Distribution of the Deuterium to Hydrogen Ratio in the Atmospheric Water Vapor Retrieved From Space FTS Data
- On the Determination of CCN from Satellite: Challenges and Possibilities
- Response of Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean GCM to Ice Age Conditions and CO2 Changes
- Simulating and Investigating the 100ka ice age cycle with a three dimensional ice sheet model and GCM.
- Columnar and Upper Level CO2 Concentration as Retrieved from IMG/ADEOS Thermal Infrared Data
- Impact of Cloud Occurrence on CO2 Sources/Sinks Inversions Based on Satellite Data
- Stability of Liquid Water on a Land Planet: Wider Habitable Zone for a Less Water Planet than an Aqua Planet
- Comparison of the aerosol type classification from satellite remote sensing and SPRINTARS during the ABC EAREX campaign
- Global Response to Fresh Water Release under Different Climate States
- Influence of Surface Condition over Siberia on the East Asian Climate
- Influence of dynamic vegetation change due to global warming upon the terrestrial carbon budget
- Redistribution of ocean heat and heat uptake under global warming in a climate model
- Regional Chemical Weather Forecast Over The Central Japan: PBL Structure And Chemical Transport For A Hindcast During July 2-21, 2004
- Role of climate feedback processes and ocean heat uptake in transient climate responses to CO2 increase on the atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
- Simulating the 20th Century Arctic Climate Using A Global Coupled Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Model
- Simulation of Space-borne Doppler Radar Observations of Clouds
- Structure And Formation Mechanisms Of The Southern Hemisphere Summertime Subtropical Highs
- Using an Icosahedral Grid Model as a Transport Model for Estimating CO2 Sources and Sinks
- A Joint Satellite and Global Cloud-Resolving Model Analysis of the 2006/07 Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Accuracy and Precision of CO2 Vertical Profiles Retrieved from Thermal Infrared Spectra of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS sensor
- Dynamic vegetation enhances global warming and accelerates soil carbon decomposition
- Tropical Cyclone Formation in 30-day Simulation Using Cloud-System-Resolving Global Nonhydrostatic Model (NICAM)
- A Comparison of Climate Feedback Strength between CO2 Doubling and LGM Experiments
- A Science Plan for Development of an Arctic System Model
- Chemical Characterization and Single Scattering Albedo of Atmospheric Aerosols Measured at Amami-Oshima, Southwest Japan, During Spring Seasons
- Eddy permitting simulation of the global ocean model COCO4.3 driven by the CORE inter- annual forcing
- Evaluation of Thermal State of Siberian Permafrost From Accumulated Surface Heat Flow Balance.
- First Results for a Global Aerosol Assimilation System using Multi-Sensor Datasets
- Multi-model comparison of global warming impacts on tropical cyclone genesis frequency over the western North Pacific
- Numerical modeling of coastal polynyas in East Antarctica
- Pacific water transport in the Arctic Ocean in a variable GM diffusivity model
- Parameter uncertainty analysis using an EMIC and a terrestrial vegetation model
- Rapid transmission of Climate Signals from the North Atlantic to the far Eastern Eurasian continent during the Last Deglacial period
- Retrieval Algorithm of CO2 Profile from Thermal Infrared Spectra of GOSAT/TANSO- FTS
- Simulation of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Arctic Oscillation during the mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum from PMIP2 coupled model simulations
- Elucidating mechanisms of orbitally forced Southern Hemispheric climate change with an earth system model (Invited)
- Evaluation of cloud microphysics simulated by a meso-scale model coupled with a bin-based scheme using observation data by W-band radar
- Feasibility study for Japanese Air Quality Mission from Geostationary Satellite: Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
- Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit: Multi-Sensor Satellite Simulators to Support Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Satellite Missions
- Marine carbon cycle sensitivity to background glacial climate states
- Modelling the climate, ice sheet and thermohaline circulation during the ice age termination
- Observation of greenhouse gases from ground-based telescope "Subaru" and "TAO"
- Orbitally Modulated Changes in the African Monsoon System during the last 5 Million Years
- Principal modes of Asian summer monsoon variability: Detection and changes
- Stability of Liquid Water on a Land Planet: Wider Habitable Zone for a Less Water Planet than an Aqua Planet
- Structural similarities and differences in climate feedback processes between two perturbed physics ensembles
- Subtropical Pacific SST Variability Related to the Local Hadley Circulation During the Premature Stage of ENSO
- Vertical structure of convective heating over the large-scale subsidence region in the CMIP3 models
- d18O-temeprature relationships modeled in the LGM and mid-Holocene simulations using MIROC AGCM
- Forced response of a global ice-sheet model to climate changes during the last 130,000 years
- The atmospheric evolution of Venus the habitable planet. (Invited)
- Simulating the Last Glacial Termination Using a 3-Dimensional Coupled Climate-Ice-Sheet Model
- TRMM Latent Heating products: Status and Applications