NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Calibration of an Airborne Field Mill Array
- Combined Lightning Observations Using the TRMM and FORTE Satellites
- Comparisons of IMAGE RPI and EUV Observations of Longitudinal Electron Density Structures in the Plasmasphere
- Conjugate Auroral Substorm Dynamics
- Coronal Imaging with the GOES-12 SXI Instrument
- Electron Heat Flux in Pressure Balance Structures Observed by Ulysses
- Equatorial electric field measurements by IMAGE EUV
- Global Frequency and Distribution of Lightning as Observed From Space
- Improving Models of Snow Over Arctic Sea Ice
- Measuring the Plasma Density Along the Magnetic Field: A Radio Sounding Technique
- Modeling the Impact of Winter Snow Cover on the North American Monsoon
- Observations of the Decay of Electric Fields in anvils over Kennedy Space Center
- Preliminary Design of a Lightning Optical Camera And ThundEr (LOCATE) sensor
- Properties of the Auroral Zone Ionosphere Inferred Using Plasma Contactor Data From the International Space Station
- Science@NASA: Direct to People via the Internet
- ALTUS Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES): The application of a UAV for close over-flights of thunderstorms
- Auroral Precipitation and Quasi-Trapped electrons
- Convection and easterly wave structure observed in the eastern Pacific warm-pool during EPIC-2001
- Decelerated magnetosheath plasma flow at high latitudes behind the cusp region: Interball Tail observations
- Determination of storm flashing / non-flashing condition from convective and environmental observations
- Evidence for Subauroral Electric Fields from IMAGE EUV
- Evidence for closed structures at the magnetopause: the case for multiple reconnections.
- Microphysical Properties and the Decay of Electric Fields in Florida Anvils
- Quantifying the Magnitude of the Stormtime Subauroral Currents and Electric Fields From Data-Theory Comparisons
- Self-Consistent Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Simulating Snow Over Sea Ice in Climate Models
- Simulation of the Climate of South-West Asia with a Regional Model
- Spatial distribution and variation of narrow L-shell bands in the plasmasphere supporting field-aligned propagating modes as observed by the RPI/IMAGE satellite
- Synoptic Studies of the Plasmasphere's Shape by Imaging
- The Role of Cloud Base Height in the Convective Vigor and Flash Rate of Thunderstorms
- The influence of environmental state on lightning and convective parameter distributions
- Use of Tropical Ground-Based Lightning Data for Improving Global Parameterized Lightning Fields in Chemical Transport Models
- Using Clustering to Establish Climate Regimes from PCM Output
- A Novel Method for Analyzing and Interpreting GCM Results Using Clustered Climate Regimes
- A step beyond simple keyword searches: Services enabled by a full content digital journal archive
- Analytic Solution to the Problem of Aircraft Electric Field Mill Calibration
- Assessment and Control of International Space Station Spacecraft Charging Risks
- Comparison of in-situ Electric Field and Radar Derived Parameters for Stratiform Clouds in Central Florida
- ISS Plasma Contactor Units Operations During Strong Geomagnetic Activity
- Intraseasonal Forcing of Lightning and Convective Activity in the Southern Amazon as a Function of Cross Equatorial Flow
- Modeling Intra-seasonal to Interannual Variability of Precipitation Over Central America
- NASA's Integrated Development of Solar Sail Propulsion
- Objective classification of radar profile types, and their relationship to lightning occurrence
- On the Dynamics of the North-South Seasonal Migration of Global Lightning
- Polar MM5 Simulations of the Winter Climate of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Remote Radio Sounding Science For JIMO
- Specifying the ISS Plasma Environment
- Subsetting AMSR-E Data and Products
- Surface Penetrating Radar Simulations for Jupiter`s Icy Moons
- Survey of Ion Beams Observed Near Substorm Onset by Polar/TIDE in the Nightside Magnetosphere
- The Integration of Total Lightning Information Into National Weather Service Operations
- An orbital "virtual radar" from TRMM passive microwave and lightning observations
- Analysis of Plasmaspheric Plumes: CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations and Numerical Simulations
- Correlation between Low Frequency AKR and Auroral Structures
- Correlation of Far Ultraviolet Lunar Albedo with Solar Activity
- IMAGE - POLAR Concurrent Plasmapause Observations
- LGM Summer Climate on the Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Wet or Dry?
- Observed Relationship Between Ion Energization and the Broadband ELF Spectrum
- Packaging a successful NASA mission to reach a large audience within a small budget. Earth's Dynamic Space: Solar-Terrestrial Physics & NASA's Polar Mission
- The Human Exploration Initiative: Space Radiation Measurement Needs
- The Role of the Heavy Ions in the Wave Magnetospheric Phenomena
- The utility of auroral image-based activity metrics
- Analysis of 'Christmas Tree' radiation patterns seen in Kilometric Continuum detected by RPI on the IMAGE spacecraft
- BATSE Observations of TGFs: Further Analysis
- Comparison of Storm and Flash Detection by a Satellite Optical System and Network Field Change Sensor System
- Coupled Global-Regional Climate Model Simulations of Future Changes in Hydrology over Central America
- Cross-Scale Coupling in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Did Plio-Pleistocene Warm Events Cause Destabilization of Ice Sheets, or Vice-Versa?
- Electric Field and Microphysics of Hurricanes
- Electrical Breakdown Inside a Thundercloud - Cosmic Rays vs Hydrometeor Effects
- Enabling Solar System Exploration with Small Radioisotope Power Systems
- Estimation of the Variation of the Magnetic Field Across the Magnetopause: Model/Data Synthesis
- Future directions for ITM imaging
- Mechanisms controlling the humidity of the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- Modeled and Observed Relationship Between Ion Energization and the Broadband ELF Spectrum
- Non-linear Feedbacks in the Future Hydrologic Cycle
- Probabilistic Analysis of International Space Station Plasma Interaction
- Real-Time Data Monitoring and Payload Control Using SAMPLE/ISC and REVEAL in Atmospheric Electricity Research
- Software and Hardware for Suborbital Telepresence: UAVs on the Web
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observed on BATSE/CGRO and ELF/VLF Radio Atmospherics
- Dynamics of the tail in 3D PIC simulation of the magnetosphere during IMF rotation from north to south
- First Results From The Washington DC Metropolitan Area Lightning Mapping Demonstration Project
- Geomagnetic activity indicates large amplitude for sunspot cycle 24
- Interannual and Seasonal Variability of the Tropopause Layer over the Tropical Americas
- OTD Observations of Continental US Ground Flashes Detected by NLDN
- Rapid Prototyping of Simulated VIIRS Data in the SERVIR Fire Rapid Response System
- Realizing NASA's Goal of Societal Benefits From Earth Observations in Mesoamerica Through the SERVIR Project
- Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone Intensification to Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations: WRF Simulations of Hurricane Dennis (2005)
- Sensor Management for Applied Research Technologies (SMART) On Demand Modeling (ODM) Project
- The Need for High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Thermal Remote Sensing Data In Urban Heat Island Research
- The Solar-B Mission: First Light, Future Plans and Community Participation
- Variations in Upper-Tropospheric Humidity and Convective Processes as Seen From SSM/T-2
- Wave Particle Diffusion of Energetic Ring Current Ions
- A Reanalysis of the Time Evolution and Spectroscopy of the BATSE TGFs
- Differences in the Optical Characteristics of Continental US Ground and Cloud Flashes as Observed From Space
- Evaluating Simulated Clouds With NASA A-Train Observations
- Evaluation of Radiation Belt Space Environments for Internal Charging Analyses
- Global Simulation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Laboratory Measurements of Charging of Apollo 17 Lunar Dust Grains by Low Energy Electrons
- Observations of Europa's Tenuous Atmosphere
- Properties of the Density Structures associated with Strong Fields and Plasma Outflow within the Cusp/Cleft at 2 Re
- Recent Plasma Observations Related to Dayside Magnetic Merging and the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- Sensor Management for Applied Research Technologies (SMART) On Demand Modeling (ODM) Project
- Using High Frequency Passive Microwave, A-Train, and TRMM Data to Evaluate Hydrometeor Structure in the NASA GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System
- Using Space Weather Variability in Evaluating the Radiation Environment Design Specifications for NASA'S Constellation Program
- Variations of Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- Water Vapor in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over Costa Rica: Insights from In Situ Measurements from the TC4 and CWVCS Summertime Missions
- "Electrically-Hot" Convection and Tropical Cyclone Development in the Eastern Atlantic
- An Overview of the Data Products and Technologies Provided by the Global Hydrology Resource Center
- Application of the CloudSat and NEXRAD Radars Toward Improvements in High Resolution Operational Forecasts
- Changes in Silica and Alumina Saturation in Melting Experiments on a Natural Syenodiorite: 9-20 Kilobars With Added H2O
- Degradation of Victoria Crater, Mars
- Density and Magnetic Field Structure in the Plasmasphere: Comparison Between CLUSTER Data and Models
- Diversity of Soil Textures Along Spirit's Traverse in Gusev Crater
- Enhancements and Evolution of the Real Time Mission Monitor
- Formation of Structured Dayside Boundary Layers under Different Solar Wind Conditions: THEMIS Observations.
- Image-Based Empirical Modeling of the Plasmasphere
- Investigating Automated Coronal Mass Ejection Prediction Using a Solar Cycle of MDI Magnetograms
- Lightning-generated NOx seen by OMI during NASA's TC4 experiment: First results
- Modeling the Diffuse Cloud-Top Optical Emissions From Ground and Cloud Flashes
- Observations of Two Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) over a Wide Energy Range with the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Observations of the Jovian X-ray Emission by Chandra and XMM Newton
- Potential of Future Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Ocean Surface Wind Observations for Determining Tropical Storm Vortex Intensity and Structure
- Return to the Moon in Second Life, a 3D Metaverse
- Seasonal Variation of Geomagnetic Activity and Interhemispheric Currents
- Simulation of the Impact of New Aircraft- and Satellite-Based Ocean Surface Wind Measurements on H*Wind Analyses and Numerical Forecasts
- Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2008 (SMAPVEX08)
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Relativistic Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
- The ARM-GPM Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
- Total Lightning Observations of Extreme Weather Events over the Contiguous United States
- A Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observed with the Fermi-Gamma-ray Burst Monitor: The First Sixteen Months of Operation
- A Method for Retrieving Ground Flash Fraction from Satellite Lightning Imager Data
- A Survey of NASA’s Tropical Atmospheric Research Field Campaigns
- A Ten Year Record of Space Based Lightning Measurements
- Alternative Representations of Convective Processes in the NASA GEOS-5 AGCM
- An Algorithm for Obtaining the Distribution of 1-meter Lightning Channel Segment Altitudes for Application in Lightning NOx Production Estimation
- Applications of Global Earth Observations for Natural Hazards (Flood and Landslide) Monitoring and Prediction (Invited)
- Characterization of the Lunar Plume Excavated by the LCROSS Impactor
- Characterizing Space Environments with Long-Term Space Plasma Archive Resources
- Climate change and tropical total lightning
- Demonstration of Effects on Tropical Cyclone Forecasts from Variation in Cumulus Convection Parameterization with a High Resolution Global Model
- EUV Solar Instrument Development at the Marshall Space Flight Center
- Exploring Alternative Parameterizations for Snowfall with Validation from Satellite and Terrestrial Radars
- First results from the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) (Invited)
- Future Io Exploration for 2013-2022 and Beyond: A White Paper submitted for the 2011 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- GBM TGFs and the WWLLN
- Galilean Satellite Atmospheres and Aurora
- Global Electric Circuit Implications of Total Current Measurements Over Electrified Clouds
- HST observations of Europa's atmospheric UV emission
- Halo Observations from the Ground and from Space: Further Checks on the Sprite Polarity Paradox
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- Is there a quantifiable relationship between lightning and nitrate deposition in the subtropics?
- Lunar Exploration Island, NASA’s Return to the Moon in Second Life
- Modeling Observed Fermi Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Oxygen Ion Heating Rate within Alfvenic Turbulence in the Cusp
- Plasmaspheric plumes: Occurrence frequency and quantification using a magnetospheric state vector
- Polar Spacecraft Evidence at 2 Re Geocentric Distance for Alfvenic Poynting Flux as an Energy Source for the Quasi-static Parallel Electric Field Acceleration of Auroral Electrons and Up-flowing Ion Beams in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Positron production during relativistic runaway processes associated with thunderstorms
- Prioritized System Science Targets for Heliophysics
- Probabilistic Models for Solar Particle Events
- Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convection, Tropospheric Mean Temperature and Cloud-Induced Radiative Fluxes on Intraseasonal Time Scales
- Satellite Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling for Flood Inundation Mapping in Lake Victoria Basin: Implications for Hydrologic Prediction in Ungauged Basins
- Space Weathering Impact on Solar System Surfaces and Planetary Mission Science
- Strategies to Improve the Accuracy of Mars-GRAM Sensitivity Studies at Large Optical Depths
- The 2nd Generation Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM) Development
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Focusing Optics Solar X-ray Imager (FOXSI)
- The Intracloud to Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Ratio Associated with Extreme Weather over the Contiguous United States
- The Lunar Mapping and Modeling Project
- 24-Hour Forecasting of CME/Flare Eruptions from Active-Region Magnetograms (Invited)
- A Framework For The Generation And Dissemination Of Drop Size Distribution (DSD) Characteristics Using Multiple Platforms
- A coordinated effort to address space weather and environment needs
- A perspective of the science and mission challenges in aeronomy
- Analysis of TRMM-LIS Lightning and Related Microphysics Using a Cell-Scale Database
- Applying the Karma Provenance tool to NASA's AMSR-E Data Production Stream
- Can the Plasmaspheric Plume Significantly Contribute to Magnetosheath Densities?
- Characterizing lightning processes associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (Invited)
- Comparing Aircraft Observations of Snowfall to Forecasts Using Single or Two Moment Bulk Water Microphysics Schemes
- Creating synergy between ground and space-based precipitation measurements
- Distributed Disdrometer and Rain Gauge Measurement Infrastructure Developed for GPM Ground Validation
- EUMETSAT Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Lightning Imager: From mission requirements to product development
- Electric Field Measurements during the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) Field Program
- Electrically-Active Convection and Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Atlantic and East Pacific
- First results for the Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Investigation (SUMI)
- Flux Transport and the Sun's Global Magnetic Field (Invited)
- GRIP Collaboration Portal: Information Management for a Hurricane Field Campaign
- Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Outer Heliosphere
- Global Electric Circuit Implications of Combined Aircraft Storm Electric Current Measurements and Satellite-Based Diurnal Lightning Statistics
- Increasing Interaction of Alkaline Magmas with Lower Crustal Gabbroic Cumulates over the Evolution of Mt. Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- International Observe the Moon Night - An Opportunity to Participate in the Year of the Solar System While Sharing the Excitement of Lunar Science and Exploration with the Public
- International Observe the Moon Night: Providing Opportunities for the Public to Engage in Lunar Observation
- Investigation of Long-Term Impacts of Urbanization and Global Warming in a Coastal Tropical Region
- Lightning Discharges Producing Beams of Relativistic Runaway Electrons Into Space
- Lunar Quest in Second Life, Lunar Exploration Island, Phase II
- Measurements and Analysis of Black Carbon Aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean Megacity
- Observing system variations effect on reanalyses
- Polar Spacecraft Analysis of Poynting Flux and Kinetic Energy Flux Measurements at Different Structures within and above the Auroral Acceleration Region and Their Comparison to Space-based Images (Invited)
- Possible Catalytic Effects of Ice Particles on the Production of NOx by Lightning Discharges
- Projected Applications of a ``Climate in a Box'' Computing System at the NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
- Properties of TGFs Observed with the New TGF capabilities of Fermi-GBM
- Proposed Use of the NASA Ames Nebula Cloud Computing Platform for Numerical Weather Prediction and the Distribution of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Quantification of Shipping Emissions in the Eastern Mediterranean and Comparison with Satellite Observations
- Rare TGFs and common glows: a systematic survey of data from the first flights of ADELE
- Recent improvements in retrieving near-surface air temperature and humidity using microwave remote sensing (Invited)
- Temporal Properties of Fermi TGFs
- Temporal climate inhomogeneity in reanalyses and an ongoing effort on homogenization of MERRA reanalysis
- The Application of Remotely Sensed Data and Models to Benefit Conservation and Restoration Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast
- The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
- The Effect of Satellite Observing System Changes on MERRA Water and Energy Fluxes
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The NASA Dual-Frequency Dual-Polarized Doppler Radar (D3R) System for Gpm Ground Validation
- The Scale Sizes for Coronal Hole Jets
- The Synergistic Use of NASA's A-Train Observations to Characterize the Planetary Boundary Layer and Enable Improved Understanding and Prediction of Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- The Waypoint Planning Tool: Real Time Flight Planning for Airborne Science
- The mantle and basalt-crust interaction below the Mount Taylor Volcanic Field, New Mexico
- Thermal Nonequilibrium Revisited: a Heating Model for Coronal Loops
- Three-dimensional morphology of a coronal prominence cavity
- Use and Evaluation of Psuedo-Geostationary Lightning Mapping Data within the 2010 Experimental Warning Program and GOES-R Proving Ground
- VLF Radio Observations and Modeling of the Ionospheric Effects of SGR 1550-5418
- What can geolocated sferics tell us about Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes?
- A Mission Management Application Suite for Airborne Science Operations
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A dynamic and realistic heliospheric modelling using interplanetary scintillation and photospheric magnetic data
- Analysis of Voyager observed high-energy electron fluxes in the heliosheath using MHD simulations
- Aurora on Ganymede
- Auroral Charging of the International Space Station
- Cloud Computing Applications in Support of Earth Science Activities at Marshall Space Flight Center
- Collaboration Portals for NASA's Airborne Field Campaigns
- Comparisons of Two Plasma Instruments on the International Space Station
- Coupling Between Doppler Radar Signatures and Tornado Damage Tracks
- Deep moonquake focal mechanisms: recovery and implications
- Development of the Synthetic GPM Simulator upon the MC3E measurements
- Downhole elemental analysis with LIBS
- Dynamics of particle entries within the cusp boundary deformed during the IMF rotation from Northward to Southward: 3-D large-scale Particle-In-Cell simulation
- Estimation of Urban Growth Impact on River Ecosystems through Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of the Cahaba Watershed Area
- Evaluation of Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks using TRMM/LIS Observations
- Flux Transport and the Sun's Polar Magnetic Fields at Cycle 23/24 Minimum
- Further constraints and uncertainties on the deep seismic structure of the Moon
- GLM Proxy Data Generation: Methods for Stroke/Pulse Level Inter-comparison of Ground-based Lightning Reference Networks
- HST/STIS Observations of Ganymede's Auroral Ovals at Eastern Elongation
- How were Oxidation State Heterogeneities Formed in the Martian Interior?
- Imaging the Moon's core with seismology
- Initial Results from the Miniature Imager for Neutral Ionospheric atoms and Magnetospheric Electrons (MINI-ME) on the FASTSAT Spacecraft
- Integrated Observations of Convective Clouds during MC3E - Preliminary Analysis, Successes and Challenges
- Inter-comparison of Convective Cell-based Lightning Trends from Ground-based Networks: Applications toward GLM
- Intercomparisons of ground-based and satellite-based lightning measurements used in creating a proxy dataset for the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Investigating the impact of surface heterogeneity on the convective boundary layer over urban areas through coupled large-eddy simulation and remote sensing
- Modeling Mission-Specific Worst-Case Solar Energetic Particle Environments
- Multicolor photometric observation of lightning from space: Comparison with radio measurements
- Normalized superposed epoch analysis reveals two step main phase enhancement: evidence for potential and inductive convection during intense geomagnetic events
- Observation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes with Fermi LAT
- Observations Of C-Band Brightness Temperature And Ocean Surface Wind Speed And Rain Rate In Hurricanes Earl And Karl (2010)
- On the Need for the Great Geospace Observatory
- Physical, Ecological, and Societal Indicators for the National Climate Assessment
- Possible Increase In Nitric Oxide Production by Lightning Discharges as a Result of Catalytic Effects of Ice Particles
- Pre-Mission, Mission and Post Mission Data Management for NASA Field Campaigns
- Remote Sensing of Urban Land Cover/Land Use Change, Surface Thermal Responses, and Potential Meteorological and Climate Change Impacts
- SPoRT's Participation in the GOES-R Proving Ground Activity
- Spatial correlation of rain drop size distribution from polarimetric radar and 2D-video disdrometers
- Synergies between Visible/Near-Infrared imaging spectrometry and the Thermal Infrared in an urban environment: An evaluation of the Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI) mission
- Synergistic observations of convective cloud life-cycle during the Mid-latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E)
- Systematic evaluation of NASA precipitation radar estimates using NOAA/NSSL National Mosaic QPE products
- Tests of the Grobner Basis Solution for Lightning Ground Flash Fraction Retrieval
- The CHUVA Lightning Mapping Campaign
- The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
- The Limitation on Coronal Models Due to Magnetic Field Extrapolation
- The lightning-TGF relationship on microsecond timescales
- Towards Simulating a Realistic Planetary Seismic Wavefield: The Contribution of the Megaregolith and Low-Velocity Waveguides
- Use Of MODIS Satellite Images And An Atmospheric Dust Transport Model To Evaluate Juniperus Spp. Pollen Phenology And Transport
- What Supergranule Flow Models tell us about the Sun's Surface Shear Layer and Magnetic Flux Transport
- An Alternative Inter-satellite Calibration of the UMD HIRS OLR Retrievals
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Applications of MODIS Fluorescence Line Height Measurements to Monitor Water Quality Trends and Algal Bloom Activity in Coastal and Estuarine Waters
- Assessing the Association Between Asthma and Air Quality in the Presence of Wildfires
- Automatic Detection of Coronal Loops from SDO-AIA Data
- Charging of Basic Structural Shapes in a Simulated Lunar Environment
- Closing the Seasonal Ocean Surface Temperature Balance in the Eastern Tropical Oceans from Remote Sensing and Model Reanalyses
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- Collimated Photo-Electron Gun (CPEG) Development for Spaceflight Applications: Electronics Design and Preliminary Testing
- Development of Way Point Planning Tool in Response to NASA Field Campaign Challenges
- Development of a High Resolution Weather Forecast Model for Mesoamerica Using the NASA Nebula Cloud Computing Environment
- Dichotomy of X-Ray Jets in Solar Coronal Holes
- Dimensions of Capacity Building: Lessons Learned from the NASA Applied Sciences Program
- Dynamics of the cusp boundaries and particle entry during a NorthwardIMF period: 3-D PIC large scale simulation
- Episodic drought during mid-Holocene warm period revealed by speleothem carbon and oxygen isotopes and UV fluorescence in southern Appalachians, USA
- Evaluating 1d Seismic Models of the Lunar Interior
- Evaluation of CMIP5 models in the context of food security assessments in Sahel and Eastern Africa
- Examining the Properties of Jets in Coronal Holes
- Extreme Spacecraft Charging in Polar Low Earth Orbit
- Flash Detection Efficiencies of Long Range Lightning Detection Networks During GRIP
- Forecasting the Solar Drivers of Severe Space Weather from Active-Region Magnetograms
- GRAIL Refinements to Lunar Seismic Structure
- Ganymede's Magnetic Field Environment from Hubble Space Telescope Observations and Modelling
- Ground Simulations of Near-Surface Plasma Field and Charging at the Lunar Terminator
- High Latitude Meridional Flow on the Sun May Explain North-South Polar Field Asymmetry
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Ganymede's Time-Variable Auroral Ovals
- Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Observations Of Brightness Temperatures And Ocean Surface Wind Speed And Rain Rate During NASA's GRIP And HS3 Campaigns
- Implementing Provenance Collection in a Legacy Data Product Generation System
- Investigating the Potential Range Expansion of the Vector Mosquito Aedes aegypti in Mexico with NASA Earth Science Remote Sensing Results
- Loop Evolution Observed with AIA and Hi-C
- Meridional Flow in Solar Cycle 24: The Impact on the Polar Magnetic Fields
- Mid-Latitude Coastal DSD Variability Observed at the NASA Wallops Precipitation Research Facility: GPM Ground Validation Context
- NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Public Health and Air Quality Models and Decisions Support
- NASA's New High Intensity Solar Environment Test Capability
- NASA/SPoRT's GOES-R Activities in Support of Product Development, Management, and Training
- Operational use of the AIRS Total Column Ozone Retrievals along with the RGB Airmass product as part of the GOES-R Proving Ground
- Plasma Interactions and Charging on the Lunar Surface: Modeling and Ground Tests
- Potential Climate Change Impacts on the Built Environment in the United States and Implications for Sustainability
- Real Time Space Weather Support for Chandra X-ray Observatory Operations
- Reproducing the Photospheric Magnetic Field Evolution during the Rise of Cycle 24 with Flux Transport by Supergranules
- SERVIR Science Applications for Capacity Building
- Space Weather Monitoring for ISS Space Environments Engineering and Crew Auroral Observations
- Spectral and Temporal Analysis of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Storm-time electron density enhancement in the cleft ion fountain
- Successfully Transitioning Science Research to Space Weather Applications
- São Paulo Lightning Mapping Array (SP-LMA): Deployment, Operation, Network Assessment and Initial Results
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
- The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops
- The GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)
- The High Energy Replicated Optics to Explore the Sun (HEROES)
- The Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Storm Integrated Lightning Flash Extent
- The LCROSS Ejecta Plume Revealed: First Characterization from Earth-based Imaging
- The Lunar Mapping and Modeling Portal: Capabilities and Lunar Data Products to support Return to the Moon
- The Validity CHLOROPHYLL-α Estimation by Sun Induced Fluorescence in Estuarine Waters: AN Analysis of Long-Term (2003-2011) Water Data from Tampa Bay, Florida (usa)
- The Violent Early Solar System, as Told by Lunar Sample Geochronology
- The multi-strandedness of coronal loops: Hi-C observations of small scale dynamics
- The role of lightning in controlling interannual variability of tropical tropospheric ozone and OH and its implications for climate
- Tool for Constructing Data Albums for Significant Weather Events
- Transition of Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Data Products for Operational Weather Forecasting Applications
- UAHuntsville and NASA-MSFC Heliophysics REU: Year One Strategy and Results
- Upper-Ocean Heat Balance Processes and the Walker Circulation in CMIP5 Model Projections
- Use of MODIS Satellite Data to Evaluate Juniperus spp. Pollen Phenology to Support a Pollen Dispersal Model, PREAM, to Support Public Health Allergy Alerts
- Using NASA EOS in the Arabian and Saharan Deserts to Examine Dust Particle Size and Spectral Signature of Aerosols
- Using NASA Remotely Sensed Data to Help Characterize Environmental Risk Factors for National Public Health Applications
- Using Remotely Sensed Data and Hydrologic Models to Evaluate the Effects of Climate Change on Shallow Aquatic Ecosystems in the Mobile Bay, AL Estuary
- Using Remotely Sensed Data and Watershed and Hydrodynamic Models to Evaluate the Effects of Land Cover Land Use Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in Mobile Bay, AL
- Using an A-10 Aircraft for Airborne Measurements of TGFs
- Utilizing NASA EOS Data for Fire Management in el Departmento del Valle del Cauco, Colombia
- 3D Global PIC simulation of Alfvenic transition layers at the cusp outer boundary during IMF rotations from north to south
- Absolute calibration of NASA's S-band polarimetric radar (NPOL) during IFloodS campaign using 2D video disdrometers (2DVD)
- An Investigation of Giant Cells and Associated Angular Momentum Transport
- An Investigation of the Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Lightning Rate, Extent and NO<SUB>X</SUB> Production using DC3 Observations and the NASA Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM)
- An Overview of the Solar-C Mission
- An SDO/AIA-Observed Filament Eruption Triggered by a Lid-Removal Onset Mechanism
- Analytic Perturbation Method for Estimating Ground Flash Fraction from Satellite Lightning Observations
- Assessment of Urbanization Impact on the Continental U.S. Surgace Climate
- Climate Variability and Impact at NASA's Marshal Space Flight Center
- Common Web Mapping and Mobile Device Framework for Display of NASA Real-time Data
- Consistency of Estimated Global Water Cycle Variations Over the Satellite Era
- Coronal Heating Observed with Hi-C (Invited)
- Correlation of DIAL Ozone Observations with Lightning
- Cosmic Rays: an important background for Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash identification
- DMSP Auroral Charging at Solar Cycle 24 Maximum
- Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis
- Demonstrated Performance of the Solar Probe Cup
- Determining the nature of active region heating using high spatially and spectrally resolved x-ray observations
- Development of WMS Capabilities to Support NASA Disasters Applications and App Development
- Downscaling MODIS Land Surface Temperature for Urban Public Health Applications
- Europa's Atmosphere and Aurora: Recent Advances from HST-STIS and Plans for Plume Searches with JUICE-UVS
- Evaluating Downscaling Methods for Seasonal Climate Forecasts over East Africa
- Evaluation of Model Microphysics Within Precipitation Bands of Extratropical Cyclones
- Exploring Western and Eastern Pacific contributions to the 21st century Walker circulation intensification and teleconnected precipitation declines (Invited)
- Future Extreme Heat Scenarios to Enable the Assessment of Climate Impacts on Public Health over the Coterminous U.S
- GRAIL Refinements to Lunar Seismic Structure
- HST Observations of Europa's UV Aurora Morphology (Invited)
- High Speed Intensified Video Observations of TLEs in Support of PhOCAL
- Hyperspectral remote sensing for water quality applications in Guatemala
- Implications of different digital elevation models and preprocessing techniques to delineate debris flow inundation hazard zones in El Salvador
- Investigating the feasibility of Visualising Complex Space Weather Data in a CAVE
- Modeling Relativistic Electron Precipitation Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Intensities at 10-100 km Manned Vehicle Altitudes
- Modeling of Particle Acceleration at Multiple Shocks Via Diffusive Shock Acceleration: Preliminary Results
- Near Real Time Tools for ISS Plasma Science and Engineering Applications
- Near Real-Time Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Response to Meteorological Disasters
- New Decision Support for Landslide and Other Disaster Events
- Noise Filtering For Reception of Very Low Frequency Radio
- Observations of Magnetic Reconnection From Multiple Merging Sites Along the Same Field Lines Under Northward IMF Conditions
- On the calibration and use of Dual Ion Sensors for NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale mission
- One-Hour Cadence Comparison of the AWSoM 3D MHD Model to LASCO-C2
- Onset of a Solar Filament Eruption Without a Slow-Rise Phase
- Plasmaspheric H+, He+, O+, He++, and O++ Densities and Temperatures
- Predicting and attributing recent East African Spring droughts with dynamical-statistical climate model ensembles
- Regional Climate and Variability of the Summertime Continental United States: Assessing Reanalyses Uncertainty
- SERVIR Town Hall - Connecting Space to Village
- Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) Software for the Visualization of Large Data Sets on a Video Wall
- Small Scale Coronal Dynamics observed with Hi-C
- Statistical Storm-Time Examination of MLT Dependent Plasmapause Location Derived from IMAGE EUV
- Studying the Formation, Evolution, and Habitability of the Galilean Satellites
- Terrestrial analog field investigations to enable science and exploration studies of impacts and volcanism on the Moon, NEAs, and moons of Mars (Invited)
- Testing the Compton Tail Hypothesis
- Tethered Satellites as an Enabling Platform for Operational Space Weather Monitoring Systems
- The Geospace Dynamics Observatory; a mission of discovery for Geospace
- The meteorology of storms that produce narrow bipolar events
- Thunderstorm lifecycle and morphological influences on lightning channel distributions (Invited)
- What can be learned about the lunar mantle from the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL)?
- A New Global Core Plasma Model of the Plasmasphere
- A Simplified Approach to Cloud Masking with VIIRS in the S-NPP / JPSS Era
- A Web Architecture to Geographically Interrogate CHIRPS Rainfall and eMODIS NDVI for Landuse Change
- A global upper atmosphere observatory using lidar on the International Space Station
- Aggregation Tool to Create Curated Data albums to Support Disaster Recovery and Response
- Analysis of Inter-moss Loops in the Solar Transition Region with IRIS and SDO/AIA: Automatic Event Detection and Characterization
- Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage
- Assessing air-sea interaction in the evolving NASA GEOS model
- Characterizing the Background Corona with SDO/AIA
- Combining MODIS and Landsat to Study the Impact of Urban Lands on Surface Climate in the U.S
- Cross-scale Observational Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection
- Data System for HS3 Airborne Field Campaign
- Data-Intensive Science Meets Inquiry-Driven Pedagogy: Interactive Big Data Exploration, Threshold Concepts, and Liminality
- Design of Scalable and Effective Earth Science Collaboration Tool
- Development and transition of The Radiation, Interplanetary Shocks, and Coronal Sources (RISCS) Toolset
- Evaluation of Mixed-Phase Microphysics Within Winter Storms Using Field Data and In Situ Observations
- Exploring He II 304 Å Spicules and Macrospicules at the Solar Limb
- Far-UV Eclipse Observations of Ganymede's Atmosphere with New Horizons Alice: New Constraints to the Atomic Oxygen Component
- Following up on the Discovery of Water Vapor at Europa's South Pole with HST
- Frost monitoring and forecasting using MODIS Land Surface Temperature data and a Numerical Weather Prediction model forecasts for Eastern Africa
- HEROES Observations of a Quiescent Active Region
- Hi-C Observations of Penumbral Bright Dots
- IPHEx 2014: Observations of Orographic Precipitation Processes in the Southern Appalachians
- Improved Rainfall Estimates and Predictions for 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought Early Warning
- Improved Satellite Techniques for Monitoring and Forecasting the Transition of Hurricanes to Extratropical Storms
- Influence of Mesoscale Ocean Wind Variability on Tropical Atmospheric Convection
- Integrating a Collaborative Infrastructure with a Big Data Technology to Boost Data-analysis Productivity
- Integration of Earth Remote Sensing into the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit
- LNOx Estimates Directly from LIS Data
- Land Cover Mapping for the Development of Green House Gas (GHG) Inventories in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Lightning Nitrogen Oxides (LNO<SUB>x</SUB>) Vertical Profile Quantification and 10 Year Trend Analysis using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Satellite Measurements, Air Quality Station (AQS) Surface Measurements, The National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), and Simulated by Cloud Resolving Chemical Transport Model (REAM Cloud)
- Macrospicule Jets in On-Disk Coronal Holes
- Mid-latitude Ionospheric Disturbances Due to Geomagnetic Storms at ISS Altitudes
- Modeling Optical Emission Intensities of Rapid Small-Scale Aurora
- Monitoring Lake Victoria Water Quality from Space: Opportunities for Strengthening Trans-boundary Information Sharing for Effective Resource Management
- Monitoring water quality in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala using Earth Observations
- Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery and Land Surface Modeling Supporting Dust Detection and Forecasting
- Multi-wavelength observations of Jupiter's aurora coordinated with Hisaki and other space telescopes
- NMME Monthly / Seasonal Forecasts for NASA SERVIR Applications Science
- Observations of Ganymede's variable auroral ovals on leading side derived from HST/STIS
- Particle Shape Characterization of Lunar Regolith using Reflected Light Microscopy
- Performance Characterization of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) CCD Cameras
- Preliminary Results from a Coordinated Hisaki/Chandra/XMM-Newton Study of the Jovian Aurora and Io Plasma Torus
- SPACE 365: Upgraded App for Aviation and Space-Related Information and Program Planning
- Skill Assessment of National Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts for Seasonal Drought Prediction in East Africa
- Spacecraft Charging in Geostationary Transfer Orbit
- Speed of CMEs and the magnetic non-potentiality of their source active regions
- Testing the Solar Probe Cup, An Instrument Designed to Touch the Sun
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager: Second Flight and Recent Results
- Thermal properties of cooling multi-stranded coronal loops
- Thermodynamics in the Suppressed Phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Using a Multiplatform Strategy
- Time lags of Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA lightcurves from simulations of impulsive heating
- Towards a South Asia Land Data Assimilation System: first results for transboundary basins
- UAHuntsville-NASA MSFC Heliophysics REU: A Model for Recruiting Targeted Groups
- Unique Capabilities of the Situational Awareness Sensor Suite for the ISS (SASSI) Mission Concept to Study the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Using Ensemble Short-Term Initialized Coupled NASA GEOS5 Climate Model Integrations to Study Convective Bias Growth
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Model Volcanic Hazard Risk Levels in Areas Surrounding the Copahue Volcano in the Andes Mountains
- WRF Simulation over the Eastern Africa by use of Land Surface Initialization
- 3D Ion and Electron Distribution Function Measurements from the Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- A Series of Streamer-Puff CMEs Driven by Solar Homologous Jets
- ATMS Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
- Air-sea Interactions from Weather to Interannual Variability from Satellites and Models
- Airborne GLM Simulator (FEGS)
- An Analysis of the Climate Data Initiative's Data Collection
- An Analysis of the Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Arthur (2014) from a JPSS Proving Ground Perspective
- Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage
- Are high-resolution NASA Unified WRF simulations credible tools for predicting extreme precipitation over the Great Plains?
- Background Rates of Gain Amplifying Detectors in Space
- Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations: Best Practices for Monitoring Programmatic Progress
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Capturing Data Connections within the Climate Data Initiative to Support Resiliency
- Challenges and Opportunities in Geocuration for Disaster Response
- Characteristics of Lightning within Electrified Snowfall Events using Total Lightning Measurements
- Characterization of Nighttime Light Variability over the Southeastern United States
- Characterizing Decision-Making for Earth Observation Applications in Water Management
- Characterizing hydrological hazards and trends with the NASA South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- Conduction Currents in Oceanic and Continental electrified Clouds
- Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Variability in the Suppressed Phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Development of an Objective High Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture Index
- Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US
- Evolution of Fine-scale Penumbral Magnetic Structure and Formation of Penumbral Jets
- Exploiting Untapped Information Resources in Earth Science
- Exploration and Parameter Study of Active Region Luminosity
- Exploring the properties of Solar Prominence Tornados
- FOXSI-2 Observations and Coronal Heating
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- Geocuration Lessons Learned from the Climate Data Initiative Project
- Getting Under Mars' Skin: The InSight Mission to the Deep Interior of Mars
- HEXITEC: A next generation hard X-ray Detector for Solar Observations
- HS3 Information System
- Identifying Severe Weather Impacts and Damage with Google Earth Engine
- Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project
- Interoperability Outlook in the Big Data Future
- Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm
- Investigating the relationship between turbulence and lightning
- Ionospheric Drivers of ISS Charging
- JPSS Proving Ground Activities with NASA's Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
- Jovian Auroral X-ray Emission Coinciding with an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection
- Lunar Flashlight: Exploration and Science at the Moon with a 6U Cubesat
- MMS Observations of Velocity-dispersed Ion Populations in Earth's Magnetotail.
- MMS observations of kinetic-scale structure in a magnetic depression
- Magnetic Structure and Formation of On-disk Coronal Plumes
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the June 22-24, 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Modeled Forecasts of Dengue Fever in San Juan, Puerto Rico Using NASA Satellite Enhanced Weather Forecasts
- NASA Response to Nepal Quake
- New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS)
- North Alabama Total Lightning Climatology in Support of Lightning Safety Operations
- Probing Solar Eruption by Tracking Magnetic Cavities and Filaments
- Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Lunar Simulants in Simulated Lung Fluid
- Revised View of Solar X-Ray Jets
- Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for African Basins
- Second flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager sounding rocket [FOXSI-2]
- Seeking Signs of Life in Nili Patera with Icelandic Sinter Field Exploration.
- The Fast Plasma Investigation on the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The MaGIXS Sub-Grating Diffraction Experiment and its Implications for Instrument Integration and Alignment
- The Main-belt Asteroid and NEO Tour with Imaging and Spectroscopy (MANTIS)
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The Relationship Between Fossil and Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Complex Urban Land-Use Patterns by In Situ and Remote Sensing Data from Surface Mobile, Airborne, and Satellite Instruments
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
- The kinetic scale structure of the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: Implications of collisionless magnetic reconnection and first MMS observations
- Thermal Plasma Measurements with the Solar Probe Cup: An Estimate of Perihelion Data
- Total Lightning as it Relates to Rotation in Supercell Thunderstorms
- UAHunstville/NASA Heliophysics REU: Changing Student's Perspectives on Research
- Use of GPM Data Products in SERVIR Hydrological Applications
- Using JPSS Retrievals to Implement a Multisensor, Synoptic, Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters
- Van Allen Probe Charging During the St. Patrick's Day Event
- Visibility of Hinode/XRT X-Ray Jets at AIA/EUV Wavelengths, a Temperature Indicator
- Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?
- A Bloom Filter-Powered Technique Supporting Scalable Semantic Discovery in Data Service Networks
- A Rules-Based Service for Suggesting Visualizations to Analyze Earth Science Phenomena.
- Advancing Integrated African Early Warning Science and Climate Services
- Advancing our Understanding of Active Region Evolution and Surface Flux Transport Using Far Side Imaging from STEREO 304
- Analysis of Microflares from the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Applying new seismic analysis techniques to the lunar seismic dataset: New information about the Moon and planetary seismology on the eve of InSight
- Assessing Applications of GPM and IMERG Passive Microwave Rain Rates in Modeling and Operational Forecasting
- Assessing the Provenance of regolith components in the South Pole-Aitken Basin: Results from LRO, M<SUP>3</SUP>, GRAIL, and Ejecta Modeling
- Assessment of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Initial Conditions on Coupled Model Forecasts
- Building Knowledge Graphs for NASA's Earth Science Enterprise
- Building the Column: Ground-Up Integration of Multi-Sensor Precipitation Observations
- COSIE: A Wide-field EUV Imager and Spectrograph for the ISS
- Climate Impact and GIS Education Using Realistic Applications of Thematic Datasets in a Structured Lesson-Based Workbook
- Cold ion demagnetization near the X-line of magnetic reconnection
- Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause boundary layer
- Comparison of satellite precipitation products with Q3 over the CONUS
- Coronal Jets from Minifilament Eruptions in Active Regions
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Deep Learning-Powered Insight from Dark Resources
- Developing Benchmarks for Ionizing Radiation
- Developing Initial Response Products Using Data from Optical and SAR Earth Observing Platforms for Natural Disaster Response
- Development and Evaluation of a Gridded CrIS/ATMS Visualization for Operational Forecasting
- Differential Electron Flux Spectra Measured by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) Show Strong Field-aligned Electron Population of Ionospheric Origin
- Dual-Polarization Observations of Precipitation: State of the Art in Operational and Research Applications
- Dual-polarization phase shift processing with the Python ARM Radar Toolkit
- Electron Acceleration by Stochastic Electric Fields in Thunderstorms: Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Enhancing STEM Education at Minority and Underrepresented Institutions through the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE)
- Enhancing our Understanding of Snowfall Modes with Ground-Based Observations
- Estimation and comparison of the derived Dmass and Nw parameters between NASA's S-band Polarimetric Radar (NPOL) and disdrometers.
- Estimation of precipitation over the OLYMPEX domain during winter 2015-2016 using radar, gauge precipitation and ASO snow estimates
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating the effect of observing systems on MERRA-2 water and energy cycles
- Evaluation of the Minifilament-Eruption Scenario for Solar Coronal Jets in Polar Coronal Holes
- Extreme DMSP Auroral Charging: Implications for Auroral Charging Benchmarks
- Field Campaign Explorer: Simultaneous Data Exploration, Discovery, and Visualization
- Flux Cancellation Leading to Solar Filament Eruptions
- Fly's Eye GLM Simulator (FEGS)
- GOFC-GOLD/LCLUC/START Regional Networking: building capacity for science and decision-making.
- GPM Level 1 Requirements Validation with Groundbased Dual-polarization radars
- GPM Level 1 Science Requirements: Science and Performance Viewed from the Ground
- Global Ocean Evaporation Increases Since 1960 in Climate Reanalyses: How Accurate Are They?
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Harmonizing Access to Federal Data - Lessons Learned Through the Climate Data Initiative
- High Resolution Evaluation of IMERG by Sensors, Surfaces and Seasons
- Impacts of Real-time Satellite-derived Vegetation on WRF-Hydro Simulated Streamflow
- Improvements to Lunar BRDF-Corrected Nighttime Satellite Imagery: Uses and Applications
- Investigation Into the Effects of Climate Variability and Land Cover Change on the Hydrologic System of the Lower Mekong Basin
- Ion beams in the plasma sheet
- JPSS Preparations at the Satellite Proving Ground for Marine, Precipitation, and Satellite Analysis
- Land cover mapping for development planning in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Lessons Learned in the Integration of Earth Remote Sensing Data within the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit
- Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space Station (ISS): Launch, Installation, Activation, and First Results
- Linkages between land surface modeling and bottom-up/top-down biogenic emission estimates: implications for synergic use of satellite land and atmospheric composition data
- Linking land use changes to surface water quality variability in Lake Victoria: some insights from remote sensing
- Long-distance Dating: In situ geochronology for planetary missions
- MMS observations of strong plasma enhancements at the dawn terminator
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- Making connections: Where STEM learning and Earth science data services meet
- Mars Internal Structure: Seismic Predictions for Core Phase Arrivals in Anticipation of the InSight Mission
- Methodology and Data Sources for Assessing Extreme Charging Events within the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Modeling and Data Analysis at the CCMC to Determine Threat of Spacecraft Surface Charging in Low Earth Orbit
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Nighttime Environmental Products from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite: Science Rationale
- Observational Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection in the Corona
- Observations of stratiform lightning flashes and their microphysical and kinematic environments
- Operational use of VIIRS Multispectral Imagery and NUCAPS Soundings in Short-term Weather Forecasting
- Particle Dynamics at and Near the Electron and Ion Diffusion Regions
- Photospheric Current Spikes And Their Possible Association With Flares - Results from an HMI Data Driven Model
- Plumes in Solar Coronal Holes: Magnetic Flux Content and Luminosity
- Possible Evidence of Coronal Loops Cooling from X-ray to EUV Images
- Preparing for InSight - using the continuous seismic data flow to investigate the deep interior of Mars
- Prioritization for Downlink of Scientific Observations for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Trigger Parameters from the Fast Plasma Instrumentation
- Public-Private Partnership: Joint recommendations to improve downloads of large Earth observation data
- Revisiting the Inner Magnetospheric Oxygen Torus with DE 1 RIMS
- Riding the Hype Wave: Evaluating new AI Techniques for their Applicability in Earth Science
- SWAP Observations of Post Flare Giant Arches and Evidence of Run-Away Reconnection
- Sally Ride EarthKAM: 15 Years of STEM Education and Outreach from Aboard the International Space Station
- Scientific analogs and the development of human mission architectures for the Moon, deep space and Mars
- Shift of the Magnetopause Reconnection Line to the Winter Hemisphere under Southward IMF Conditions: Geotail and MMS Observations
- Simultaneous Remote Observations of Intense Reconnection Effects by MMS and DMSP Spacecraft During Storm-time Substorms
- Skill Analysis of Seasonal Hydrologic Streamflow Forecasting for the Upper Zambezi, Africa
- Smap Soil Moisture Data Assimilation for the Continental United States and Eastern Africa
- Solar Coronal Jets in Active Regions
- Solar Probe Cup - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Sunspot Coronal Fan Loops: Location, Closure, and Heating
- Supra Arcade Downflows in the Corona Informed by Magnetospheric Dipolarization Fronts with THEMIS
- TEMPO Early Adopters in Air-Quality Forecasting, Planning and Assessment, Pollution Emissions, Health, Agriculture, and Environmental Impacts: Applications and Decision Support
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Olympic Mountains Experiment for GPM (OLYMPEX)
- The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar corona
- Towards Improving Seismic Constraints on the Deep Lunar Interior
- Trends in Lightning Electrical Energy Derived from the Lightning Imaging Sensor
- Urban Heat Wave Hazard Assessment
- Using Esri Story Map Technology to Demonstrate SERVIR Global Success Stories
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing to assist the National Weather Service (NWS) in Storm Damage Surveys
- Utilizing the Vertical Variability of Precipitation to Improve Radar QPE
- Virtual Collections: An Earth Science Data Curation Service
- X-ray Monitoring of the Jovian Polar Aurora during Juno Approach
- A Fine-Grained API Link Prediction Approach Supporting CMDA Mashup Recommendation
- A Framework for Mapping Global Evapotranspiration using 375-m VIIRS LST
- A Microfilament-Eruption Mechanism for Solar Spicules
- A Multi-Tiered Approach for Building Capacity in Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resource Management in Developing Regions
- A New Moonquake Catalog from Apollo 17 Seismic Data II: Lunar Surface Gravimeter: Implications of Expanding the Passive Seismic Array
- A Space-Based Perspective of the 2017 Hurricane Season from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission
- A Study of the Impact of Dams on Streamflow and Sediment Retention in the Mekong River Basin
- A Time Series Analysis of Global Soil Moisture Data Products for Water Cycle Studies
- A Vertical Census of Precipitation Characteristics using Ground-based Dual-polarimetric Radar Data
- A Window to the World: Lessons Learned from NASA's Collaborative Metadata Curation Effort
- A new moonquake catalog from Apollo 17 seismic data I: Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment: Thermal moonquakes and implications for surface processes
- A new perspective on the raindrop size distribution and its implications for retrievals of light rainfall
- Alaska Testbed for the Fusion of Citizen Science and Remote Sensing of Sea Ice and Snow
- An Event-based Assessment of Uncertainty in Measurements Between Multiple Precipitation Sensors During the North American Monsoon
- An Expert System toward Buiding An Earth Science Knowledge Graph
- Analysis and modeling of tropical convection observed by CYGNSS
- Analyzing remotely sensed datasets for improved characterization of field-scale interventions for food security
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Lower Mekong region
- Applications of NASA TROPICS Data for Tropical Cyclone Analysis, Nowcasting, and Impacts
- Applying Geospatial Techniques to Investigate Boundary Layer Land-Atmosphere Interactions Involved in Tornadogensis
- Assessing the impact of climate variability on cropping patterns in Kenya
- Bias Correction of Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) using a User-friendly Tool: A Step in Enhancing Technical Capacity
- Building Scalable Knowledge Graphs for Earth Science
- Chandra observations of Jupiter's X-ray Aurora during Juno upstream and apojove intervals
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Citizen Science and Open Data: a Model for Invasive Alien Plant Species in Kenya's Northern Rangelands
- Collaborative, Rapid Mapping of Water Extents During Hurricane Harvey Using Optical and Radar Satellite Sensors
- Constraining Canyon Incision Driven by Lake Overflow Floods on Early Mars
- Coronal Heating and the Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions
- Critical Magnetic Field Strengths for Unipolar Solar Coronal Plumes in Quiet Regions and Coronal Holes?
- Cross-Referencing GLM and ISS-LIS with Ground-Based Lightning Networks
- CubeX: The CubeSAT X-ray Telescope for Elemental Abundance Mapping of Airless Bodies and X-ray Pulsar Navigation
- Designing a Frost Forecasting Service for Small Scale Tea Farmers in East Africa
- Detection and Characterization of Micrometeoroid Impacts on LISA Pathfinder
- Detection and Prediction of Hail Storms in Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning
- Developing a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Decision Support System Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Products
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Development of a Lunar Borehole Seismometer
- Drought Information Supported by Citizen Scientists (DISCS)
- Dynamic Solar Coronal Jets occurring in a Near-Limb Active Region
- Effects of Land-use/Land-cover and Climate Changes on Water Quantity and Quality in Sub-basins near Major US Cities in the Great Lakes Region
- Effects of the 2017 Solar Eclipse on HF Radio Propagation and the D-Region Ionosphere: Citizen Science Investigation
- El Niño-Induced Tropical Ocean / Land Energy Exchange in MERRA-2 and M2AMIP
- Electrical and Hydrometeor Structure of Thunderstorms that produce Upward Lightning
- Electrodynamic Tethers and E-Sails as Active Experiment Testbeds and Technologies in Space
- Establishing Esri ArcGIS Enterprise Platform Capabilities to Support Response Activities of the NASA Earth Science Disasters Program
- Estimating ocean surface meteorology from passive microwave observations for the development of satellite-derived turbulent fluxes
- Evaluating Precipitation Observed in Complex Terrain During GPM Field Campaigns with the SIMBA Data-Fusion Tool
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Experiences and lessons learned from creating a generalized workflow for data publication of field campaign datasets
- Exploiting NASA's Cumulus Earth Science Cloud Archive with Services and Computation
- Exploring Regolith Depth and Cycling on Mars
- Fly's Eye GLM Simulator Preliminary Validation Analysis
- GLM Post Launch Testing and Airborne Science Field Campaign
- GPM Precipitation Estimates over the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed/LTAR site in Southeastern Arizona
- Gamma-ray observations at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms
- Ground based remote sensing retrievals and observations of snowfall in the Telemark region of Norway
- How Should Dry Lightning be Defined to Best to Correlate to Wildfire Initiation?
- How to address a global problem with Earth Observations? Developing best practices to monitor forests around the world
- Hydrological Modeling in Alaska with WRF-Hydro
- Improving Access to NASA Earth Science Data through Collaborative Metadata Curation
- In-season wheat sown area mapping for Afghanistan using high resolution optical and RADAR images in cloud platform
- In-situ Planetary Subsurface Imaging System
- Informing Drought Preparedness and Response with the South Asia Land Data Assimilation System
- Initial Efforts in Characterizing Radiation and Plasma Effects on Space Assets: Bridging the Space Environment, Engineering and User Community
- Innovative Approaches for the Dissemination of Near Real-time Geostationary Satellite Data for Terrestrial and Space Weather Applications
- Integrating Polar-Orbiting Products into the Forecast Routine for Explosive Cyclogenesis and Extratropical Transition
- Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery and Derived Products into Severe Weather Disaster Response
- Introducing the VISAGE project - Visualization for Integrated Satellite, Airborne, and Ground-based data Exploration
- Investigation of strong plasma injections observed by the MMS
- Invisibility of Solar Active Region Umbra-to-Umbra Coronal Loops: New Evidence that Magnetoconvection Drives Solar-Stellar Coronal Heating
- Jupiter's X-ray Auroral Pulsations and Spectra During Juno Perijove 7
- Landuse change impact on actual evapotranspiration using SEBAL and future changes
- Large-scale Labeled Datasets to Fuel Earth Science Deep Learning Applications
- Lightning Enhancement Over Major Shipping Lanes
- Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space Station (ISS): Launch, Installation, Activation, and First Results
- Linearity Analysis and Efficiency Testing of The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) Science Cameras for Flight
- Linking Publications to Instruments, Field Campaigns, Sites and Working Groups: The ARM Experience
- Localizing drought monitoring products to support agricultural climate service advisories in South Asia
- Magnetic Flux Cancellation as the Trigger of Solar Coronal Jets
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Mapping of Boulder Ejecta around Late Amazonian Impact Craters on Mars
- Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) Slit-Jaw Imaging System
- Model-Aided Altimeter-Based Water Level Forecasting System in Mekong River
- NASA Earth Science Disasters Program Response Activities During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017
- NASA Space Environments Technical Discipline Team Space Weather Activities
- NASA's EOSDIS Cumulus: Ingesting, Archiving, Managing, and Distributing from Commercial Cloud
- Near Real-Time Use of Optical Remote Sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar for Response to Central U.S. Flooding in Late April-Early May 2017
- Observed Structure and Characteristics of Cold Pools over Tropical Oceans using Vector Wind Retrievals and WRF simulations
- Operational Retrievals of Evapotranspiration: Are we there yet?
- Origin of Pre-Coronal-Jet Minifilaments: Flux Cancellation
- Orographic Impacts on Liquid and Ice-Phase Precipitation Processes during OLYMPEX
- Partnering with Universities, a NASA Visitor Center, Schools, and the INSPIRE Project to Perform Research and Outreach Activities
- Polarimetric Radar Retrievals in Southeast Texas During Hurricane Harvey
- Polarization Deconvolution and Geophysical Retrieval from a Dual-pol, Cross-track Scanning Microwave Radiometer (AMPR) During OLYMPEX/RADEX
- Post-Flare Giant Arches - Unanswered Questions
- Properties, propagation, and excitation of EMIC waves observed by MMS: A case study
- Quantitative analysis of a Hall system in the exhaustof asymmetric magnetic reconnection
- Recent corrections to meteoroid environment models
- Reconnection properties in Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities
- Regional Analysis of Remote Sensing Based Evapotranspiration Information
- Resource Prospector: Evaluating the ISRU Potential of the Lunar Poles
- Results from Evaluations of Gridded CrIS/ATMS Visualization for Operational Forecasting
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- Satellite-based mapping of field-scale stress indicators for crop yield forecasting: an application over Mead, NE
- Shear-wave splitting and moonquakes
- Simulating Realistic Test Data for the European Lightning Imager on MTG using Data from Seviri, TRMM-LIS and ISS-LIS
- Small aperture seismic arrays for studying planetary interiors and seismicity
- Solar Probe Cup: Laboratory Performance
- Space Weather Action Plan Ionizing Radiation Benchmarks: Phase 1 update and plans for Phase 2
- Status of Mirror Development for the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Sub-hectare crop area mapped wall-to-wall in Tigray Ethiopia with HEC processing of WorldView sub-meter panchromatic image texture
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- Supra Arcade Downflows in the Earth's Magnetotail
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The NASA Planetary Data System Roadmap Study for 2017 - 2026
- The Regional Land Cover Monitoring System: Building regional capacity through innovative land cover mapping approaches
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT): A Multinational Science Mission using a CubeSat
- The extratropical transition of Tropical Storm Cindy from a GLM, ISS LIS and GPM perspective
- Two Case Studies to Quantify Resilience across Food-Energy-Water Systems: the Columbia River Treaty and Adaptation in Yakima River Basin Irrigation Systems
- UV Reflectance of Jupiter's Moon Europa and Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Use of GIS-Based Sampling to Inform Food Security Assessments and Decision Making in Kenya
- Using Deep Learning for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation
- Using GHRC's Data Publication Workflow Portal to Improve Data Discovery
- Using Lunar Impact Basin Relaxation to Test Impact Flux Models
- Using Measurements of Topography to Infer Rates of Crater Degradation and Surface Evolution on the Moon and Mercury
- Using Satellite Lightning Data as a Hands-On Activity for a Broad Audience
- Using a Service Planning Approach to Improve the Impact of Earth Observations in the Developing World
- Utilizing ISS Camera Systems for Scientific Analysis of Lightning Characteristics and comparison with ISS-LIS and GLM
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to investigate habitat suitability of the Cape Vulture in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
- Utilizing Suomi NPP's Day-Night Band to Assess Energy Consumption in Rural and Urban Areas as an Input for Poverty Analysis
- Validating GPM-based Multi-satellite IMERG Products Over South Korea
- Verification and Enhancement of VIIRS Day-Night Band Power Outage Detection Product
- Water Cycle Variability over the Global Oceans Estimated Using Homogenized Reanalysis Fluxes
- Web-Based Tools for Data Visualization and Decision Support for South Asia
- "Bringing Space to Village" SERVIR Global's STEAM Outreach and Learning Opportunities for Youth
- A Comparative Study of GPM/DPR DSD Parameters at the NASA Wallops Precipitation Research Facility
- A Metadata Curation Approach to Improve the Discoverability and Accessibility of NASA Earth Science Data
- A NASA Field Campaign Design to Investigate Remote Sensing Applications for Severe Storms
- A SERVIR FAO Open Source Partnership: Co-development of Open Source Web Technologies using Earth Observation for Land Cover Mapping.
- A column-based multi-platform assessment of atmospheric river events observed in complex terrain during the NASA GPM OLYMPEX field campaign
- Accessing the Accuracy of CHIRPS-GEFS Rainfall in Bangladesh
- Addressing Drought Emergencies in the Heat of the Moment: A Reduced Latency MODIS NDVI Product to Support Index-based Livestock Insurance in Kenya
- An open-source tool to enable regional and field-scale ET estimates from Big Data
- Analysis and Applications of Water Vapor-derived Multispectral Composites for Geostationary Satellites
- Analysis and Review of NASA Earth Science Metadata: How Automation Plays a Role
- Announcing NASA's Black Marble (Collection V001) Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Annual Wide-Area Estimates of Consumptive Use of Water by Irrigation and Area Actually Irrigated
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Drought Monitoring in Bangladesh using a user-friendly tool
- Assessing Uncertainty in Maximum Dimension Estimates Based on 2D Projections
- Assimilating Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Water Surface Elevations into the WRF-Hydro Modeling System in Alaska using HydroDART
- Atlantic-basin tropical cyclones and associated risk to all-cause, accidental, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in 78 United States communities, 1988-2005
- Building Earth Sciences Capacity and Addressing International Development Objectives through NASA's participation in the USAID Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) program
- Capacity Building in Earth Observation: from Outcomes to Impact and Sustainability
- Characterizing Cool Arch Filament System in the Core of Hi-C2.1 Solar Active Region
- Cloud Tolerant Observations of the Diurnal Land Surface Temperature and Their Utility for Soil Moisture and Evaporation Retrieval
- Collaborative Data Curation to Support the Multi-Mission Analysis Platform (MAP)
- Collaborative Team Science Using an Open Source Web Platform to Deliver a Suite of Tools for Streamflow Retrospective Analysis and Forecasting in the SERVIR Hindu-Kush Himalaya Hub
- Collect Earth Online: A user-friendly and systematic reference data collection tool for land cover and land use applications
- Comparison of observations of thunderstorms from the ASIM optical module and from ground-based instrumentation.
- Comparison of two spatial implementations of a crop model using remotely sensed observations over southeastern United States
- Concepts for a Next Generation Solar Physics Mission
- Conjoined Flux Ropes: A New Mechanism for Filament-Channel Formation at External Polarity Inversion Lines
- Coronal Heating and the Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions
- Deep Learning for Transverse Cirrus Band Detection and Analysis
- Deepti: Deep Learning-based Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation System
- Dependence of heating of active region coronal loops on their photospheric magnetic setting
- Deriving Disturbance Indices and Loading Factors Using Remote Sensing Data and Crop Models to Develop Derived Variables for SPARROW Water Quality Models in the Southeast USA
- Design Concepts and Architecture of the Joint NASA-ESA Multi-Mission Analysis Platform
- Design and Roadmap toward a NASA Earth Science Cloud
- Determining Density from COSIE Data
- Determining the Optimum Resolution to Invert COSIE Spectrometer and Coronagraph Data
- Developing High Resolution Particulate Matter Surfaces for use in Community Health Assessments
- Developing Practical Skills for Regional Land Cover Mapping Using a Cloud Computing Platform: An Example of Capacity Building for Service Delivery
- Development of Space Weather Applications
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Development of a drought and yield assessment system in Kenya
- Diurnal Cycles of Convection Modulated by the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation in the South China Sea Region
- Drought and Crop Nowcast and Forecast in NASA SERVIR Hubs
- Dynamical Properties of He II EUV Surges that are Components of Solar Active Region Coronal Jets
- Early results from the RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array
- Electrostatic Sail Propulsion Systems Can Enable Heliospheric or Solar Orbital Missions Very Quickly (< 10 years to Heliopause)
- Enabling a Solar System Escape Mission via The NASA Space Launch System
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through web-services, training and development of novel datasets
- Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change and Environmental Factors on the Eastern Larch Beetle in Minnesota
- Experiments to Better Understand the Phenomenon of Shadow Bands
- Exploration of Different Active Region Heating Models
- Extending Terrestrial Weather R2O/O2R to Space Weather at NASA's SPoRT Center
- Extending the Climate Data Initiative to
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- Facilitating Data-Centric Recommendation in Knowledge Graph
- First Applications of GLM Data for National Climate Assessment (NCA) Studies
- First Observations of Lightning Associated with TGFs by ASIM on the International Space Station
- First observations of lightning and TLEs by ASIM on the International Space Station
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Analysis Using Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of Emergency Response and Forecasting
- Four-spacecraft measurements of the shape and dimensionality of magnetic structures in the near-Earth plasma environment
- Geostationary Lightning Mapper Status and Plans
- Heat Warning Decision Support System Enhancements in New York State Using Satellite Derived Estimates of Air Temperature
- Heliophysics at NASA and the Science of Space Weather
- Hi-C2.1 Observations of Solar Jetlets at Sites of Flux Cancelation
- Historical reconstruction and near-term forecasts of surface water in South Asia
- How to leverage the power of SAR observations for forest monitoring systems
- Impact of SMAP Soil Moisture Assimilation on Numerical Weather Forecasts over the Contiguous United States and and East Africa
- Improving MAG4's Forecasting of Drivers of Severe Space Weather
- Infusing NASA Remotely-Sensed Data into a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Integrating NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Thunderstorms and Assess Lightning Exposure and Risk in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region
- Integrating multi-source remote sensing data for global mapping of soil moisture and latent heat flux coupling
- International Coordination and Uptake of Earth Observations and Land Data Products.
- Investigation of Severe Thunderstorm Damage to Vegetation Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Investigation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) Production Mechanisms.
- Ionospheric Disturbances During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Linking Satellite Data to the "One Health" Approach
- Locally enhanced aerosols over a shipping lane produce convective invigoration but weak overall indirect effects in cloud-resolving simulations
- Long-term Experimental Watershed Infrastructure Facilitates Novel Advancements in Semiarid Catchment Hydrology through Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Magnetic Flux Cancelation as the Buildup and Trigger Mechanism for CME-Producing Eruptions in two Small Active Regions
- Magnetic Flux Emergence, Interchange Reconnection, Flux Cancellation, and Blow-out Eruptions in a Small Coronal Hole
- Measuring energy conversion in near-Earth space plasmas with MMS
- Modeling and Observations of Outlet Canyons from Lake Overflow Floods on Early Mars
- Modeling and constraining a gamma-ray glow observed at 20 km altitude during the FEGS/ALOFT campaign
- Monitoring Intense Thunderstorms in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region
- Morphology and Dynamics Observed with Hi-C and IRIS
- NASA Disaster Mapping Portal: Leveraging GIS for Disaster Response, Recovery, Resilience and Reporting
- NASA Earth Science Activities Supporting Analysis and Response to the 2018 Hurricane Season
- NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Lightning Observations During GOES-R Validation Flights: A Demonstration of Future TEMPO and GLM Synergy
- Observations of Lightning, TLEs and TGFs with ASIM on the International Space Station
- Observations of the Formation and Evolution of the Dawn-side Low Latitude Boundary Layer by the MMS.
- Ocean / Land Moisture Transport: Estimates from Reanalyses, Satellites and Land Surface Models
- Orographic Impacts on Liquid and Ice-Phase Precipitation Processes during OLYMPEX
- Overview of Results from the Hi-C 2.1 Sounding Rocket Coordinated Observations
- Phase One Ionizing Radiation Benchmarks and Next Steps
- Photospheric Magnetic Polarity of the Brightest Coronal Loops in a Solar Active Region
- Pragmatic Maximization of Asymptotic Fly Out Speed for Near-Term Exploration of the Interstellar Medium
- Predicting spacecraft charging effects due to Langmuir probe operation on a CubeSat using analytic equations
- Preliminary geomorphological map of asteroid Ryugu
- Probing Ion Precipitation at Jupiter's Poles Through Dynamic X-ray Spectra
- Progress on the Use of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth for Fine-Scale PM Analysis: Case Studies for California
- Re-examination of the population, stratigraphy, and sequence of Mercurian basins: Implications for Mercurýs early impact history and comparison with the Moon
- Research Experiences for Students in the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE) Program
- SERVIR: Connecting space to village through poetry
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Satellite monitoring of hurricane disaster recovery reveals inequalities in energy access
- Seismic expression of thermal degradation on the Moon
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program
- Sunny-side up: The promise of future solar polar missions
- Supporting Space Weather Operations-to-Research Activities
- Telegrapher Equations for Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- The Cause of Faint Coronal Jets from Emerging-Flux Regions in Solar Coronal Holes
- The Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Oxygen Ions: Global Imaging and In Situ Sampling
- The FINE Mission - Demonstrating a New Capability to Measure Species-Dependent Fine-Scale Irregularities in LEO
- The Flow of Plasmaspheric Plasma in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Analysis Platform: helping to enable international collaboration in the terrestrial biomass scientific community
- The WRF Lightning Forecast Algorithm: Sensitivities to Microphysics and Other Physics Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- The third flight of the FOXSI rocket: Performance and results
- Toward Optimum Orographic QPE - Learning from Error during IPHEx and Beyond
- Towards democratization of water related data in developing regions using cloud computing and open source geospatial web applications
- Update on the Slit-Jaw Context Imaging System of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Use of Earth Observation data for assessing changes in mangrove cover across the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System-World Heritage Site
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using NASA and NOAA satellite data to improve volcanic ash plume modeling for impact-based decision support
- Using Polar-orbiting Satellite Information to Support the Non-Weather Community
- Using SERVIR's Regional Land Cover Monitoring System to improve the integration of forest change data with other land use change at a regional scale
- Using a Knowledge Graph to Discover Earth Science Information
- Water we going to do with all these data? Service development using interdisciplinary data for flood applications
- X-ray Testing of MaGIXS Mirrors - Data Analysis and Performance Predictions
- a Comparison of Polarimetric Radar Retrievals during Hurricane Harvey
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A CME-Producing Solar Eruption from the Interior of a Twisted Emerging Bipole
- A Mission to the Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions: Polar Ice Prospecting Explorer for Lunar No-light Environments (PIPELiNE)
- A Neural Network-based Data Analysis Technique for the EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph
- A Preliminary Study of the Data From the ESIS/MOSES III Sounding Rocket Flight and Coordinating Observatories
- A Statistical Analysis of Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production Based on Measurements from TROPOMI and GLM
- A TROPOMI- and GLM-based Estimate of NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production by Lightning over the U.S.
- A Two-Sided-Loop X-Ray Solar Coronal Jet and a Sudden Photospheric Magnetic-field Change, Both Driven by a Minifilament Eruption
- A Unified Level of Service Model for NASA Earth Science Data Stewardship
- A composite Analysis of Snowfall Modes from Four Winter Seasons in Marquette, Michigan
- ARTEMIS observations of electromagnetically induced fields from the lunar interior
- Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer Calibration and Geophysical Retrievals
- Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
- Advancing Environmental Health Applications to Mitigate Emerging "One Health" Threats
- Application of Synthetic TEMPO Products at NASA SPoRT to Accelerate Use in Air-Quality and Public Health Decision Support
- Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Monitoring Peacetime Deforestation in Colombia's La Meta Department
- Applying the SPoRT Paradigm to Transitioning the Near Real-Time MAG4 Solar Event Forecast Model into Space Weather Operations
- Are the brightest coronal loops always rooted in mixed-polarity magnetic flux?
- Assessment of a spatially and temporally consistent MODIS derived NDVI product for application in index-based drought insurance
- Building and Testing a GPM Passive-Microwave Hail Retrieval and Climatology
- CME-Forecasting Performance of MAG4 with its HMI Vector Magnetogram Database
- Center-to-Limb Variation of the polarization of Mg II h & k lines as measured by CLASP2
- Changing Climate, Changing Data: Exposing Climate Data to New Users Through's Resilience Community
- Characteristics of equatorial morning overshoot observed by the Swarm constellation
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Cloud Native Data Processing and Visualizations Techniques for Earth Science Data
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Comprehensive Severe Weather Impact Assessment and Monitoring using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Auxiliary Data
- Cradle-to-Grave Evolution and Explosiveness of the Magnetic Field from Bipolar Ephemeral Active Regions (BEARs) in Solar Coronal Holes
- Creating the Future: The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform's Data Ecosystem
- Design and Construction of a NASA Airborne and Field Investigation Inventory
- Design, Testing, and Implementation of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer Slit-Jaw Context Imaging System
- Development of a Global Evaporative Stress Index Based on Thermal and Microwave LST towards Improved Monitoring of Agricultural Drought
- Development of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR global network
- Earth Observation Data for All: NASA and Google Earth Engine's Public-Private Partnership
- El Niño Related Tropical Land Surface Water and Energy Response in MERRA-2
- Electrostatic Solar Sail: A Propellantless Propulsion Concept for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- Enabling Annual Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Enabling a Solar System Escape Mission via the NASA Space Launch System
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through capacity building
- End-to-end Machine Learning Applications Framework for Earth Science
- Engaging and Inspiring young women in STEAM: NASA SERVIR's contributions to the Women in Science (WiSci) STEAM Camps
- Estimating PM2.5 in Southern California Using Satellite Data: Factors that Affect Model Performance.
- Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast Produced by High Impact Weather Assessment Toolkit from NASA SERVIR's Monitoring Extreme Weather in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region Service
- Examination of Separator Reconnection Rates in a Series of Adjacent Emerging/Existing Active Region Pairs
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- FOXSI-4: Instrument Upgrades for a Proposed Fourth Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic flux cancellation in the core of the solar active region observed by Hi-C 2.1, IRIS and SDO
- First Flight of the EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph
- Flood Mapping of Recent Major Hurricane Events with Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imaging, and Aerial Observations
- Further Evidence for Magnetic Flux Cancelation as the Build-up and Trigger Mechanism for Eruptions in Isolated Solar Active Regions
- GCMD Keyword Classification using Neural Networks
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- Heating Features of Interesting Supra-arcade Downflows
- How the changing passive microwave observing system challenges the development of water cycle climate data records
- ISS FPMU Observations of Ionospheric Plasma Variability
- Image Labeler: Label Earth Science Images For Machine Learning
- Improving Communications Between NASA Data Centers and Airborne Field Campaign Researchers
- Improving Soil Moisture States in WRF-Hydro Using SWOT Observations
- Improving Space Weather Forecasting With Wide-Field EUV Observations
- Improving accuracy of fire detection and estimation of burnt areas in the Eastern and Southern Africa region
- Increasing the adoption of innovative Earth science technology for operational use through an adaptive research-to-operations framework
- Integration of LEO and GEO Aerosol Retrieval for Global Smoke and Dust Transport Monitoring
- Inter-annual to Inter-decadal Variability in Ocean / Land Moisture Transport: Estimates from Reanalyses, Satellites and Land Surface Models
- International Scientific Coordination on Space Weather: A COSPAR Panel on Space Weather Perspective
- Intra-Event Trends in Stable Isotopes: Exploring Summer Monsoon Convective Precipitation in Arizona
- Introducing a Satellite Agnostic Approach to Identifying and Quantifying Hail Damage Swaths over the Central United States
- Investigating Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength Biases in CMIP5 Climate Models Using Remote Sensing Data
- Latest Climate Hazards Center (CHC) products for drought and agro-climatological monitoring and forecasting: AGMERG, CHIRPS v2.1 and CHIRPS-GEFS
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Lightning Observations During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- MMS observations of impulsive structures at the dawn terminator.
- Machine Learning in Earth Science: Review of the Current Landscape
- Machine Learning-Based Atmospheric Phenomena Detection Platform
- Machine-Learning Image Classification and Hazard Identification of Dust and Fog in Next-Generation Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Mapping climate vulnerability hotspots: Turning data into decision-relevant information for sustainable development in East Africa
- Metadata Deep Dive: Results from a Detailed Quality Assessment of NASA's Earth Observation Metadata
- Micro-blogging as micro-storytelling: Lessons learned using social media to engage audiences and bring science down to Earth, from space to the village and elsewhere
- Monitoring Seasonal Water Quality for Southeastern U.S. Watersheds Using Remotely-Sensed Data Integrated into Dynamic SPARROW Models
- Multi-frequency radar analysis using NASA GPM Ground Validation observations
- NASA Enterprise Knowledge Network
- Observations and Impacts of Diurnal Warm Layers During the Pre-Onset MJO in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Observations of the Formation and Evolution of the Dawn-side Low Latitude Boundary Layer by MMS
- On the Ubiquity of Magnetic Reconnection inside Flux Transfer Events at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Onset of the Magnetic Explosion in On-disk Solar Coronal Jets
- Operating a Cloud-Native Distributed Active Archive Center
- Optical seismometer for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- Pixel Based Model For High Latitude Dust Detection
- Pixel based machine learning for smoke detection in next generation geostationary satellite imagery
- Planning for a Pragmatic Interstellar Probe: Requirements, Desirements, Realities
- Potential Impacts of Future Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
- Potential for operationalizing a hydro-agricultural modeling and information system: Lessons from Mekong and Eastern Africa regional applications
- Promoting STEM Literacy and Diversity through the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE)
- Providing data access and analysis capabilities to SERVIR's data-sparse regions
- Quantification of lightning flash characteristics using meteorological imagery from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Quantifying increased groundwater demand from prolonged drought in the East African Rift Valley
- RELAMPAGO-CACTI Drop Size Distribution Observations and the Implications for Hydrologic Studies
- Real Time Internal Charging Model for Geostationary Orbit
- Satellite applications for analysis of surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in California and contiguous U.S.
- Scoreboard of the Inner Magnetosphere Charging Environment: Realtime Validation of an Ensemble of Community Models
- Service planning and product design of an Air Quality Monitoring System for Thailand and towards Coverage of the Lower Mekong region
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> due to Wildfire Outbreaks in California
- Spring Mission: Surface Exploration with a Miniaturized Scanning Electron Microscope.
- Standardizing Algorithm Documentation for Improved Scientific Communication and Data Understanding
- Standing on Apollo's shoulders: MEMS seismometers for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Storm-time Ionospheric Electrodynamics During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Stratospheric Radar Observations of Convection and Precipitation
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Surface Emissivity Impacts on GOES-R Series Mulit-spectral Imagery Applications
- The Chromospheric Layer Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP2) Sounding Rocket Mission: First Results
- The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for Improved Remote Sensing Analysis of Coastal Flooding
- The GPM Validation Network Radar Database: A Multi-Perspective Tool for Precipitation Science
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform: Next-Generation Collaboration Tool for Scientific Algorithms and Datasets
- The NASA Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- The NASA Disasters Program Mapping Portal: Connecting Scientists to Response and Recovery Activities in Near-Real Time
- The RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array: Preliminary scientific results and application to GLM calibration and validation
- The SPORT Mission and an Ad-Hoc Constellation in the Mid and Low-Latitude Ionosphere
- The Solar High-Resolution X-ray imager (SHRX): A Concept for a Sounding Rocket Experiment
- The Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition
- The evolution and extratropical transition of tropical cyclones from a GPM, ISS LIS and GLM perspective
- The twin-probe method: tracking the variable potential of small satellites to improve Langmuir probe measurement accuracy
- The worth of all-weather evapotranspiration for optimizing a regional hydrological model
- Time-Dependent Hybrid Plasma Simulations of Lunar Electromagnetic Induction in the Solar Wind
- Towards Developing a Customized Composite Drought Index for Pakistan: A framework for understanding drought in an agricultural context
- UV and Optical Lightning Activity Associated with TGFs
- Unfolding Overlapping Spectral Images to Determine the Plasma Velocity During a Solar Flare
- Unfolding Overlappogram Data: Preparing for the COOL-AID instrument on Hi-C FLARE
- Use of Earth Observation data for assessing change in mangrove cover across the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System-World Heritage Site
- Use of Soil Moisture Active Passive Satellite Data (smap) and WORLDCLIM2 Data to Predict the Potential Distribution of Visceral Leishmaniasis and its Vector Lutzomyia Longipalpis in Brazil
- Using Deep Learning to Predict Yearly Wildfire Potential from Antecedent Land Surface and Meteorological Data
- Using Ground-Based and Satellite Sensors to Quantify the Convection Within a Volcanic Plume
- Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Data in a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Water Quality Monitoring of In-Land Lakes in East Africa: How Open Source Tethys and Google Earth Engine Platforms are Improving Water Quality Data Analysis, Visualization and Decision Making
- Wavelength Calibration of the Full-Sun Ultraviolet Rocket SpecTrometer (FURST)
- What does Europa Smell Like?
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A Comparison of Evaluation Techniques for in-School Programs vs. Adult-Oriented Planetarium Programs
- A Deep Learning Approach for Surface PM2.5 Estimations from Geostationary Satellite and Numerical Model Data
- A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
- A Method to Retrieve Charge Layer Polarity Applied to Anomalous Thunderstorms in Cordoba During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- A Methodology for Limb-correction and Intercalibration of Next-Generation Geostationary Sensors to Improve Analysis of Multispectral Composite Imagery
- A NASA Pioneer SmallSat to study the Structure and Evolution of ExoJupiter Atmospheres (SEEJ:)
- A Near Real-Time Mine Alert System using Sentinel 1 data
- A Quantitative Analysis on the Use of Supervised Machine Learning in Earth Science
- A Satellite-based Decision Support Tool for Surface PM2.5 Estimates in California
- A Survey of Computational Tools in Solar Physics
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Adapting Satellite Soundings for Monitoring the Tropical Cyclones within the Intensity Forecasting EXperiment (IFEX) and JPSS Proving Ground
- Added Value of Sentinel-2 and VIIRS Data in Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Sub-field Scales
- Application of SERVIR - Mekong's RDCYIS to Enhance Drought Forecast and Warning Generation in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam
- Assessing Impact of Agroecological Interventions in Niger through Remotely-Sensed Changes in Vegetation
- Automated Contrail Detection on Terra MODIS Imagery
- Automated Metadata Scoring Approaches for Earth Observation Data
- Building A 20-Year Hail Damage Swath Events Database Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Building a Multi-Satellite Passive-Microwave Hail Retrieval and Climatology
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- Building capacity for service delivery: Air quality training for stakeholders in the Lower Mekong region
- Capacity Building Engagement for Estimating Forest Stand Height Utilizing the SAR Handbook
- Characterizing Martian Volcanic Provinces' Magmatic Evolution and Chemistry through Equations of State Modeling Initial Study
- Cloud and Precipitation Measurements Within NASA's Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Cloud-based Analytical Framework for Precipitation Research (CAPRi)
- Combining Eigenanalysis with Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Ionospheric Storm Drivers in Large Space Weather Data Sets
- Comparison of Plasma Parameters at Solar Minima between Langmuir Probe Observations onboard International Space Station and IRI Empirical Model
- Complications of Metadata Curation for NASA Airborne and Field Campaigns, Platforms, and Instruments.
- Current and Future Processing Techniques for Orbital Optical Lightning Sensors
- Dashboards to explore effects of COVID19 using Earth observations
- Data store alternatives for the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP)
- Deep Learning classifier for planetary seismicity detection
- Development and Validation of a Flood Depth Mapping System using SAR-derived Water Mask
- Development of a Suborbital Portal with End-Users and Data Archivers in Mind
- Doppler Measurements of Transition Region Transient Events at 630 Angstroms from the ESIS Sounding Rocket
- Electrical, Kinematic, and Microphysical Contrasts between Supercells Exhibiting Normal and Anomalous Charge Structures in the Southeastern United States
- Enabling Discovery and Access of Commercial Small Satellite Data
- Enhancing Evapotranspiration Data Product from GOES-16/17 Advance Baseline Imagers for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Es2Vec: Earth Science Metadata Suggestions and Analogical Reasoning
- Evolution and Upstream Conditions of Magnetotail Reconnection Inferred From Ion Distribution Functions Observed in the Electron Diffusion Regions
- Exploring storm morphology, dynamics and lightning characteristics during the lifecycle of a multicell cluster in a field campaign using a 3D visualization tool
- Fine-scale explosive energy release at sites of magnetic flux cancellation in the core of a solar active region: Hi-C 2.1, IRIS and SDO observations
- Glowbug, a Gamma-Ray Telescope for Bursts and Other Transients (including TGFs!)
- Ground-based Radar Validation Networks for GPM satellite products
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalyses
- HydroSAR: A Cloud-based SAR Data Analysis Service to Monitor Hydrological Disasters and their Impact on Population and Agriculture
- Impact of Hurricane Vegetation Destruction on the Grand Bahama Weather
- Impact of prescribed global and geostationary lightning observations on surface air quality in a chemical transport model
- Impacts of the COVID-19 Shutdown on California's Air Quality
- Improved Data Communication, Understanding and Discovery Using Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
- Improved Open Data Sharing of NASA Airborne and Field Investigation Data
- Improving Data User Accessibility to Investigation Notable Events
- Incorporation of Solar Sail Technology into NOAA's Space Weather Next Program
- Insight Into Erosion and Lake-Filling Process from Crater Rim Fluvial Breaches on Mars
- Integrating a multitude of data to study the complex meteorology of the Maritime Continent and Indo-Pacifc tropical warm pool: the JPL CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex portal in support of the science objectives
- Investigation of fire smoke plume injection height sensitivities during the 2017 Northern California wildfires outbreak using a combination of satellite data and air quality modeling: Implications for health risk assessment
- Knowledge Discovery Framework: Deep Learning Applications for Remote Sensing
- Labeling and Managing Image Data for Machine Learning in the Earth Sciences
- Lessons Learned: The first year operating as a cloud-based Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
- Lessons learned in implementing virtual capacity building activities in Earth observation to meet Central American Integration System environmental management needs
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- Low Latitude Plasma Bubble Growth Rates During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Mapping Agriculture Areas Using Synthetic Aperture Radar in the Context of Flood-Related Disaster Events
- Mapping Inundation from Hurricane Florence (2018) with L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imagery, and Ancillary Data via Machine Learning Classification
- Mapping Sulfur on Europa's Surface in the Ultraviolet using Hubble Space Telescope Observations
- Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA) multi-band network performance.
- NASA's NextGen Remote Sensing Instruments Have Arrived: Data Products For Studying Disease Vectors
- Network Jets as the Driver of Counter-streaming Flows in a Solar Filament
- Path to Open Science: A Data Perspective
- Perspectives on deep convective updraft modes using multi-sensor remote sensing data from RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Phenomena Portal: Large-Scale Visual Exploration of Atmospheric Phenomena
- Pipeline for Applications-Based Data Discovery
- Progress Towards a Pragmatic Interstellar Probe
- Public-Private Partnerships to Enable Discovery, Access and Use of NASA's Open Earth Science Datasets
- Quantifying precipitation, aridity, and runoff-producing timescales using paleolakes on early Mars
- Remote Sensing of Clouds, Water Vapor, and Near-Surface Winds under Various Aerosol Conditions during CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- Remote Sensing of Record-Setting Floods of Spring 2019 in the Central United States
- Retrieving DSD moments from GPM-DPR: A simulation study based on the full DSD spectra characterized by the Generalized Gamma model
- Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Dust Detection in Goes-R Satellite Imagery
- Short Term Precursory Signal Detected for 2018 Sierra Negra, Galapagos Volcanic Eruption Using Seismic Ambient Noise
- Soft x-ray imaging telescopes for remote observation of the magnetosphere
- Space Launch System Payload Stage Capability for Ultra-High Characteristic Energy Missions
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- Sustainable use of groundwater dramatically reduces maize, soybean, and wheat production in the United States
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Breathing Plasmasphere
- The Cold Pools of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The First Solar Flare Sounding Rocket Campaign and Its Potential Impacts for High Energy Solar Instrumentation
- The High Inclination Solar Mission (HISM)
- The International Space Station Lightning Imaging Sensor: Performance, Applications, and Cross-Platform Science
- The Lunar Environment Heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) - A mission for global magnetospheric imaging
- The Magnetic Skeleton of the Solar Corona Over Several Solar Rotations: Features, Analysis, and Community Availability
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) solar sounding rocket campaign - Calibration and performance
- The Moon as a cornerstone of understanding for terrestrial planetary interiors
- The Need for Soil Moisture in Detecting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds: A satellite assisted modeling approach
- The Open Source Field Campaign Explorer Enabling Interactive Data Visualization for Earth Science Communities
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission: Science CONOPS
- The Solar Cruiser Solar Sail Technology Demonstration Mission: An ESPA-class Rideshare Enabling New Capabilities for Space Science
- The correlation between chromospheric and coronal heating in active region plage
- Towards magnetic sounding of Mars using diurnal variations
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Use Of Geosciences Data To Estimate Effects Of Extreme Heat On Human Health- Opportunities And Challenges In Infectious Disease Surveillance
- Use cases of SERVIR land use land cover data in the eastern and southern Africa countries: research, policy and capacity building footprint
- Using Statistical and Machine Learning Models with Remotely Sensed Data to Estimate PM2.5 in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Using an Fe-55 Source for Gain Fluctuation Characterization in Sounding Rockets
- A Cloud-based Operational Surface Water Extent Mapping Service from Sentinel-1 SAR
- A Framework for Assessing Earth Observation Metadata Quality: Implications for Data Discovery and Open Science
- A Novel Machine Learning Method for Surface PM2.5 Estimations from Geostationary Satellites
- A SmallSat to Study the Structure and Evolution of ExoJupiter Atmospheres (SEEJ)
- A Survey of Earth Observation Data Needed by U.S. Federal Agencies
- A calibration baseline for lightning radiometry from space
- Advancing Open Science through Public-Private Partnerships
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- An Efficient Tool for Making Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents Easy to Author, Locate and Access
- Application of Advanced Earth Observations and Model Simulations to Improve Air Quality Monitoring in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya Region
- Assessing the strength, variability, and uncertainties of ocean surface turbulent fluxes in satellite and modeling estimates
- Automated crater counting approach to effectively count small craters in heavily bombarded regions on Ceres
- BERT-E: An Earth Science Specific Language Model for Domain-Specific Downstream Tasks
- Best Practices from NASAs Open Science response to the Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) Process
- Birth and Evolution of a Jet-Base-Topology Solar Magnetic Field with Four Consecutive Major Flare Explosions
- Bringing Research to New Heights: How CASEI Integrates Data Curation, Discovery, and Education in Earth and Atmospheric Science
- Characterizing Steady and Bursty Coronal Heating of a Solar Active Region
- Characterizing the Magmatic Evolution of the Elysium Volcanic Province on Mars
- Cloud Based Near Real Time Flood Inundation Monitoring to Support Flood Response in South Asia
- Co-developing a SAR for Disasters Reference Guide for the International Applications Community
- Consistency of Interannual to Interdecadal Terrestrial Water Balance Variations from Global Hydrologic Models over the Satellite Era
- Constraining the properties of the Southern Ocean Ice-Phase Precipitation with Dual-Polarized C-Band Radar: Applications to CloudSat and GPM
- Convection: Connections to Weather, Air Quality and Climate
- Convective Vertical Air Motion Estimates by the Spaceborne Doppler Radars of NASAs Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- Data system for NASAs Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program
- Demonstration of Chromospheric Magnetic Mapping with CLASP2.1
- Detecting Floating Marine Debris from Commercial Small Satellite Imagery with Deep Learning
- Detecting hail from space: Using a multi-frequency passive-microwave retrieval to analyze the global climatology and diurnal cycle of severe hail
- Detection and analysis of Long-Period Long-Duration Signals at the Lightning Dock geothermal field, New Mexico, using machine learning
- Dissemination of Global Surface Water Mapping from SAR and Optical Data to Global Stakeholders
- Emerging Data Stewardship Practices to Enable Effective Data Discovery and Use in Transient, Optimized Analysis Platforms
- Engaging stakeholder communities early in mission development for NASAs Atmosphere Observing System
- Environmental Conditions Associated with the Development of Anomalous Charge Structures in Central Argentinian Thunderstorms
- Evaluating Operational GEOS PM2.5 Forecasts in Thailand
- Evaluation of Crop Model Forecasting of Maize Yield in Kenya
- Evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products on streamflow simulation using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model: A case study of Great Ruaha River at Gauge 1KA59, Tanzania, Africa.
- Examination of GOES-16 GLM Flash Optical Properties & LNOx Estimates for the Continental US.
- Exploring Semantic Search Capability of Graph Convolutions Over a Knowledge Graph Built Using Earth Science Corpora
- Exploring the landscape of Earth and Space Science Informatics using latent topic modeling.
- Exploring the middle corona: new instrumentation to address science questions critical to understanding the thermal structure and dynamic evolution of the middle corona
- Explosive Events in Full disk SUMER data in C IV and Ne VIII
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): First seismic data from the farside of the Moon delivered by a commercial lander
- Flavors of flash drought: definitions and classification
- Fusing GEO and LEO Lightning Observations
- Generating informative and accurate descriptions of natural hazards and phenomena using large transformer-based models
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- High Resolution Study of Lightning and Precipitation in the Vicinity of Lightning Ignition of WildFires
- High resolution imagery to train and validate deep learning models of inundation extent for multiple satellite sensors
- Icequake identification using machine learning: towards a seismicity classifier for icy worlds
- Identifying and Mapping Agricultural Areas Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Improved Lightning NOx Production Estimates Using TROPOMI and GLM Data
- Improvements to Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) Cloud and Storm Analyses During CAMP2Ex
- Improving Temporal Sampling of ET Timeseries Retrievals using Multi-Sensor Thermal Imaging Sources
- Information Extraction on an Earth Science Knowledge Graph Built with Semantic Parsing
- Integrating Multi-agency Data Products in a Cloud-based Platform for Streamlined Discovery, Visualization, and Use
- Intercalibration of RGB Composite Imagery from Geostationary Satellites
- Investigating Geocoronal Absorption for Wavelength Calibration of Sounding Rockets
- Investigation of MMS observations of magnetic flux rope pair and magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: roles of magnetic reconnection in the formation and evolution of magnetic flux ropes
- Langmuir Probe observations of O+ depletions in the post-midnight sector during the Solar Cycle 24 minimum
- Lessons learned from replicating services for flood prediction and monitoring in Asia to the assessment of hurricane impacts in Central America
- Lessons learned in the implementation of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR network
- Leveraging citizen science and Artificial intelligence for monitoring and estimating hazardous events
- Lightning Activities at the Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center
- Locating thermal moonquakes using arrival-time misfit and attenuation
- Machine Learning pipeline for Earth Science using Sagemaker
- Mapping Inundation from Hurricane Florence (2018) with L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imagery, and Ancillary Data via Random Forest Classification
- Mekong Air Quality Explorer: A User-Friendly Application to Analyze and Visualize Air Quality Data
- Mekong Air Quality Explorer: bridging data with policies and public awareness in Thailand
- Model Validation and its Crucial Roles in Closing the Gap Between Space Weather Research, Operations, and End-User Needs: Successes and Setbacks
- Monte Carlo Simulations for Evaluating the Accuracy of GLM Detection Efficiency and False Alarm Rate Retrievals
- Multifrequency optical observations of lightning with ISS-LIS and ASIM
- NASA Earth Science Applied Sciences Disasters Program: making EO data and expertise available through the Disasters Mapping Portal to inform decision-makers throughout the disaster cycle
- NASA Science Mission Directorate Artificial Intelligence Workshop Update
- New Ways of Facilitating Improved Data Discovery and Access for NASA's Suborbital Earth Science Observations
- Observed Sensitivity of Rock Abundance on the Lunar Mare Compared to Unit Age: Implications for Regolith Evolution and Thickness
- Open Science and AI
- Paleolake Outlet Valley Incision and the Early Mars Landscape
- Physically-Based Machine Learning Approach to Dust Detection in NASA/NOAA Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Pneumatic Sampler (P-Sampler) for the Martian Moons Exploration (MMX)
- Pre-eruptive Processes of the 2018 Sierra Negra, Galapagos Eruption Inferred from Velocity Variations using Ambient Noise
- Preliminary Results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Quantification and mapping of river catchment water quality fluxes into the Lake Victoria using land SWAT hydrological model driven by Earth Observation data
- RHEAS Viewer: A tool for analysis and dissemination of hydrological and crop modeling data
- Regional Water Cycle Consistency in Atmospheric Reanalysis
- Relationship between Lightning and Precipitation Characteristics at Mid- to High-Latitudes from a GLM and GPM Perspective
- SWAP and the Middle Corona
- Science for the World: Transform to OPen Science (TOPS)
- Space Launch System Payload Stage Capability for Ultra-High Characteristic Energy Missions
- Stakeholder Engagement Program Activities Supporting the Satellite Needs Working Group
- Stewardship Best Practices for Improved Discovery and Reuse of Heterogeneous and Cross-Disciplinary Earth System Data
- Studying Solar Active-Region Magnetic Evolution Leading to a Confined Eruption
- The Artemis Gateway as a Cislunar Science Platform
- The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Synergistic Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation Measurement and Modeling Systems
- The Effect of Aerosol Loading on Shallow Convective Precipitation Inferred from Co-occurring Cloud and Precipitation within the Warm-topped Maritime Clouds Observed during CAMP2Ex
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The Gandalf Staff: A Mobile Tool for Lunar Exploration
- The Microphysical and Kinematic Properties of GPM Precipitation Profiles
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The NASA Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- The Transportable Phased Array Radar: Meeting community imperatives in weather science
- The Unresolved Problem with Deriving Lunar Thermal Profiles When Including Heat Producing Elements
- Thunder CATS, Ho! Exploring the scientific utility of combined spaceborne lidar and lightning observations of thunderstorms
- Trend Analysis of AI/ML Tools and Services in NASA
- Update of Maintenance and Development of the Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA)
- Update on the Production of Global Harmonized Landsat-8/Sentinel-2 Data Products
- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Using Machine Learning Methods to Predict Western-Region Solar Vector Magnetograms
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Create an Extensive Hail Damage Swath Database
- Using Secondary Craters to Assess Strength Differences Between Neighboring Surface Units
- Verb Sense Disambiguation for Densifying Knowledge Graphs in Earth Science
- Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin
- pyQuARC: Open Source Library for Earth Observation Metadata Quality Assessment
- A High Resolution Sea Ice Extent Product Derived From GNSS Reflected Grazing Angle
- A New Data-Driven Inundation Forecasting Technique: Forecasting Inundation Extents using Rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis (FIER) and Its Economic Impact on Lower Mekong
- A cloud-native workflow for publishing, discovering, processing, and visualizing geospatial data
- A real-time solar flare alert system for early flare physics studies: Exploratory data analysis
- AOS Inclined Time-Varying Observations of Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation
- Accessing NASA Precipitation Data via a Cloud-based Analytical Framework for Precipitation Research (CAPRi)
- Actionable data for decision-making
- An Overview of NASA's Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI): Supporting FAIR and Open Access to Airborne and Field Data
- Another Look at Erupting Minifilaments at the Base of Solar X-Ray Polar Coronal "Standard" and "Blowout" Jets
- Assessing Deep Learning Models Trained on Public versus Commercial Data using FloodPlanet, a High-Resolution Commercial Imagery Flood Dataset, for Inundation Detection
- Assessing the feasibility of a spaceborne 3D lightning observing concept
- Automatic Flood Depth Estimation Based on the HAND-based Approach for Bangladesh Floodplains
- Bipolar Ephemeral Active Regions, Magnetic Flux Cancellation, and Solar Magnetic Explosions
- Channel Topography Patterns of Lunar Rilles: Signal of Thermal Erosion?
- Comparing the Underlying Shape of the Rain Drop Size Distributions using the Full Spectra for Four Events from Four Climatically Different Locations
- Coronal cavities, coronal mass ejections, and the solar cycle.
- Current and Future Air Quality Impacts from Wildfires on Facilities and Employees at NASA Centers Estimated using NEX-GDDP Downscaled Climate Projections
- Data Fusion and Mining Techniques to Map Water Use and Drought across Spatial Scales
- Deploying a Self-Supervised Learning Based Model to Search Events Across Space and Time
- Developing & Deploying Tools to Better Observe Lightning in the Washington D.C. Area & Beyond
- Developing New and Updated Coronal and Heliospheric Data Products for NOAA's Upcoming Space Weather Follow On (SWFO) Program
- Disaster Monitoring through NASA's Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Dissemination of Global Flood Information Through NASA Disasters Program Global Initiative for Flood Forecasting and Alerting (GIFFT)
- ECCCO: The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory
- EUV Campfires Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory in Areas of Weak Magnetic Flux in a Coronal Hole
- Earth Observation Based Agroecological Resilience Mapping in Niger
- Earth Observation-integrated Water Quality Modeling System for the United States
- Earth observations to reduce flood impacts in Central America: where have we been, and where should we go?
- Empowering Infrastructures to Enable Open Science: the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform Data System
- Enhancing the spatial and temporal resolution of air-sea flux estimates from space to address fine mesoscale variability: Challenges and progress
- Evaluating Intense and Severe Convective Damage to Agricultural Crops using ECOSTRESS Observations
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Solutions: Optimal products for applied users
- Evolution of Solar Active Regions Observed by MaGIXS-1 Sounding Rocket Flight
- Expanding the time dimension of hyperspectral infrared sounding observations: designing the NUCAPS-Forecast system
- Exploring the Nature of Small-scale Eruptions that Make Coronal Jets in the Sun's Atmosphere
- Farside Seismic Suite (FSS): Lunar Seismology in the Artemis Era
- Filling the Gaps in Understanding Solar Flares
- First light results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- FloodPlanet: High-Resolution Commercial Imagery for Training and Validation of Deep Learning-Based Models of Inundation Extent
- Flooding Assessment Using Computer Vision on Smallsat Imagery
- Fostering Open Science through Public-Private Partnerships
- GAIINS: Making Agricultural and Climate Risk Insurance Gender Inclusive
- GOES-R PM2.5 Evaluation and Bias Correction - A Deep Learning Approach
- HydroSAR: Developing and Transitioning a SAR-based Inundation Monitoring Service for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
- Identification of Oceanic Mesoscale Cold Pools Using a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Ocean Vector Winds
- Improving Commercial Data Discoverability and Access for NASA's Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program
- Influence Network: Network visualization of influence between stories for Earth Science data and information exploration
- Intercomparison of Earth Observation based Crop Yield Forecasting Models in Kenya
- Introduction to the Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI-Rocket) for the Hi-C Flare Rocket
- LMHDSs: An enhanced data visualization and access web portal for your Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model
- Landslide runout analysis using remote sensing for Lower and Upper Barun lakes
- Leveraging Existing Satellite Precipitation Missions for AOS Applications Development
- Leveraging Satellite Assets for Better Decision-Making: the Satellite Needs Working Group
- Linear and Non-Linear Characteristics and Determinants of Flash Droughts from MERRA2 and ERA5-Land
- MaGIXS 2: Preparations for the Second Flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Mapping Agriculture Expansion in Mato Grosso, Brazil, Using Coefficient of Variation Analysis on Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Modeling Ejecta Blanketing Around the NASA/VIPER Investigation Site Near the Lunar South Pole: Implication of Material Transport and Burial of Water Ice
- Modeling Methods for 3D Lightning Mapping from Space
- Moderate Spatial Resolution Mapping of Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change Across Multiple Decades from Landsat
- Movin' on the ISS: Status of the post-relocation Lightning Imaging Sensor and future plans
- Multi-source Estimates of Land / Ocean Moisture Transport Variability over the Satellite Era
- NAIRAS Model Updates and Improvements to the Prediction of the Ionizing Radiation Environment from the Earth's Surface to Geospace
- NASA Earth Observations and the NASA Earth Science Disasters Program: providing data, services and science expertise through the Disasters Mapping Portal to inform end user decision-making throughout the disaster management cycle
- NASA's Earth System Observatory - The Atmosphere Observation System (AOS) Polar Project
- NOAA/NESDIS Space Weather Next Data Management and Data Flow Architecture
- Observing Supraglacial Lakes Using Semantic Segmentation and PlanetScope Imagery
- Opening Historical Airborne Data to Present Day Researchers
- Optimizing a Machine Learning Algorithm for the Development of Future Technology:
- PILOT (Plasma Imaging, LOcal measurement, and Tomographic experiment): a mission concept for ground-breaking system-science observations of mass and energy flow through Earth's magnetosphere
- Partition Coefficients of Heat Producing Elements during Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallization and their Influence on the Present-Day Selenotherm
- Plasma irregularities observed by ISS FPMU: Multi-instrument case-study and modeling results
- Promoting Collaborative Open Science through the Stakeholder Engagement Program
- QuARC: Development of a Service to Enable FAIR-er Metadata
- Quality Assessment of the Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 (HLS) Version 2.0 Data
- Rangeland Monitoring for Decision Making: Overview, Perspectives and Current Applications
- Relating Lightning Activity to the Convective Evolution of Pre-Genesis Tropical Disturbances
- SelenITA: A dual-spacecraft lunar CubeSat mission to characterize the near-surface electromagnetic plasma environment
- Serverless Vocabulary Extraction and Curation for Cross-Divisional Search in NASA's Science Mission Directorate
- Should we build Foundation AI models for Earth Science?
- Solar Flares in Metastable Magnetic Arches
- Spaceborne Passive-Microwave and Visible/IR Observations of Severe Weather: Leveraging Multiple Perspectives for Detection, Validation, and Climatologies
- Stakeholder Usage of Coefficient of Variation Method to Support the Delineation of Crop and Non-Crop Areas in Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Technical Architecture and Design Strategies for Consolidating NASA Airborne and Field Data in the Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI)
- The COMPLETE mission concept for comprehensive 3D understanding of coronal magnetic energy storage and release
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: Focusing X-ray Instrument for Solar Flare Observations
- The GPM Validation Network: Oceanic Validation of IMERG and GPROF with Ground-Based Radars
- The Multiplatform Precipitation Feature (MPF) Database: Synthesizing Satellite and Ground-Based Precipitation and Lightning Datasets for Convective Studies
- The NASA INCUS Mission
- The NASA L'SPACE Program: A Model for Creating Successful Pathways Towards More Equitable, Inclusive, and Relevant STEM Workforce Development Experiences
- The Science Discovery Engine: An Open Science Success Story
- The future of NASA Earth Science in the commercial cloud: Challenges and opportunities
- Transient Events in the Chromosphere and Corona with IBIS, ALMA, IRIS, and XRT
- Upflows in solar active regions - producing a mix of abundances that can feed into the solar wind
- Using High-Resolution Planet Data to Retrieve Aerosol Properties for the 2020 Wildfire Events
- Using Large Scale Language Models for Enabling NLP Abilities Within Earth Sciences
- Using subseasonal climate variability at the community-level to advance place-based early warning systems in West Africa
- Utilizing ensembles of land cover and land use data as a means of evaluating progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to climate action and life on land: lessons learned from the SERVIR CArbon Pilot (S-CAP)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Basu Sarbadhikari
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. van der Horst
- A. M. Morgan
- A. M. Portier
- A. M. Wahome
- A. N. Deutsch
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. Prasad
- Adam Kobelski
- Adnan Rajib
- Alain Protat
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alex Mandel
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Omar
- Allen Husker
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Alqamah Sayeed
- Amir Caspi
- Ananya Mallik
- Angela K. Rowe
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Arlindo da Silva
- Armin Sorooshian
- Aroh Barjatya
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. R. Dennis
- Bandana Kar
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Benjamin F. Zaitchik
- Beth Tellman
- Biplov Bhandari
- Brent Smith
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian Freitag
- Brian H. Kahn
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. A. Madsen
- C. Ferradas
- C. Hain
- C. I. Fassett
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. J. Mertens
- C. M. De Nardin
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Carlos M. Souza
- Carol Anne Clayson
- Charles R. Lane
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christopher Moore
- Chuntao Liu
- Cooper Downs
- Courtney Schumacher
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- D. A. Biesecker
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Allen
- D. J. Gershman
- D. L. Gallagher
- D. Malaspina
- Daile Zhang
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Watters
- David B. Wexler
- David M. Miles
- David M. Winker
- David Mimoun
- David R. Ciardi
- David Shean
- Dedong Wang
- Denis Macharia
- Derek J. Posselt
- Diego Loyola
- Dimitris Stratoulias
- Dong Lin
- Douglas M. Mach
- Duane E. Waliser
- Durgesh Tripathi
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. A. Jensen
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. Mazarico
- E. P. Nowottnick
- Elinor R. Martin
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Ellis A. Avallone
- Emily Berndt
- Eric Anderson
- Eric L. Bullock
- F. S. Porter
- Faisal Hossain
- Farrukh Chishtie
- G. J. Husak
- G. P. Zank
- G. S. Diskin
- Gaia Stucky de Quay
- Ge Peng
- George J. Huffman
- Gerald G. Mace
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Greg Michael
- Guangyang Fang
- Guillaume Gronoff
- H. E. Edens
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. K. Connor
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- Hai Zhang
- Hamada S. Badr
- Hardi Peter
- Harry P. Warren
- Heather E. Golden
- Heather Fischer
- Heidi Kristenson
- Howard B. Bluestein
- Hyongki Lee
- Hélène Brogniez
- I. Jun
- I. Pillitteri
- Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- Irfan Azeem
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Roger
- J. Dudík
- J. Mao
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Sylwester
- J. U. Ness
- J. W. Conrad
- Jackson Tan
- Jacob Parker
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jason Kooi
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jennifer Wei
- Jens Redemann
- Jessie Duncan
- John E. Yorks
- John R. Mecikalski
- Jonas Sousasantos
- Jonathan E. Grindlay
- Jonathan Wang
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- K. D. Küntz
- K. E. Korreck
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. J. Trattner
- K. Kobayashi
- K. L. Cummins
- Katelyn Tarrio
- Katrina S. Virts
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth Pickering
- Krishna M. Jain
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Krzysztof Barczynski
- Kumar Ankur
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kyle F. Itterly
- L. Andersson
- L. Golub
- L. J. Paxton
- L. K. Harra
- L. L. Hood
- L. P. Chitta
- L. T. Iraci
- L. Teriaca
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Lawrence D. Carey
- Leah D. Grant
- Lisa Upton
- Loren D. White
- Lucas A. Tarr
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Friedl
- M. A. Parsons
- M. Campbell-Brown
- M. Drilleau
- M. G. Henderson
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Newchurch
- M. M. Osman
- M. O. Chandler
- M. P. Panning
- M. R. Collier
- M. Stęślicki
- M.‐C. Fok
- Maksym Petrenko
- Manh-Hung Le
- Manil Maskey
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Mario Ruiz
- Mario Ruiz
- Mark S. Miesch
- Martha C. Anderson
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Matthew J. West
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew Rodell
- Merhala Thurai
- Michael G. Bosilovich
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael Stock
- Michael W. Davis
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Ming Pan
- N. A. Ritchey
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Gopalswamy
- N. M. Viall
- Naomi Maruyama
- Natalia Ganushkina
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Navdeep K. Panesar
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Nishu Karna
- Noah Kasmanoff
- Olivier Chanrion
- Omar Leon
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J.
- P. Lognonné
- P. M. Bremner
- P. Moitra
- P. S. Athiray
- Paola Testa
- Patrick Gatlin
- Paulo Arévalo
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pawan Gupta
- Pedro Montalvo
- Peng Xian
- Phillip C. Chamberlin
- Phillip M. Bitzer
- Pierre‐Emmanuel Kirstetter
- Qian Gong
- R. A. Beyer
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Frazin
- R. B. Torbert
- R. C. Weber
- R. J. Morton
- R. J. Redmon
- R. L. McNutt
- R. L. Storer
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- S. J. C. Oliva
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- Susan C. van den Heever
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