Estimation of Urban Growth Impact on River Ecosystems through Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of the Cahaba Watershed Area

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Listed Authors
Caliskan, S.
Campbell, K.
Cowart, K.
Foreman, M.
Keyes, D. E.
Olson, J.
Padgett-Vasquez, S.
Listed Institutions
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;
NASA DEVELOP Program - Marshall/UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA;

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