Annual Wide-Area Estimates of Consumptive Use of Water by Irrigation and Area Actually Irrigated

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Listed Authors
Boright, J. W.
Aden, S. T.
Baston, D. P.
Villiger, E. J.
Parris, T. M.
Hain, C.
Wheatley, P.
Listed Institutions
ISciences LLC, Burllington, VT, United States
ISciences, L.L.C., Burlington, VT, United States
ISciences, L.L.C., Burlington, VT, United States
ISciences, L.L.C., Darnestown, MD, United States
ISciences, LLC, Burlington, VT, United States
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, United States
Research, Environment and Culture Pod, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Springfield, VA, United States

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