University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
flowchart I[University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (3140)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (630)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Methane-rich Proterozoic Atmosphere: Possible Link to the Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth Glaciations
- A Multi-spacecraft Study of the Magnetospheric Influence on Ionospheric Chemistry - a Detailed Examination of Recent Geomagnetically Active Periods
- A Permafrost Perspective of Water and Ice in the Martian Regolith
- A Telescopic and Microscopic View of a Magnetospheric Substorm on 31 March 2001: New CLUSTER Observations of the Near Magnetotail
- A study of the relative occurrence of disparate wave phenomena leading to BBELF activity associated with ion conic production in the downward current and poleward boundary regions of the premidnight auroral oval
- Analysis of Phase Space Density of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere and Forecast of MeV Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
- Animations of Martian Field Line Configuration and Implications for Particle Deposition and Escape
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Variability
- Charged Aerosol Collection Inside PMSEs by a Magnetically Shielded Rocket Probe during MIDAS/SOLSTICE 2001
- Direct Observation of Parallel Electric Fields of the Aurora
- Elastic Thickness and Heat Flux Estimates on Ganymede
- Energy Input into the Auroral Region Lower Thermosphere
- Europa: Divining Water from Surface Geology
- FUV Intensities And Center-To-Limb Variations Of Active Regions and Quiet-Sun From UARS SOLSTICE Irradiance Measurements And Ground-Based Spectroheliograms
- Finite-Element Modeling of Solid State Convection within Europa's Ice Shell: Implications for Astrobiology
- Forecast Solar Irradiance Variability on Multiple Time Scales
- Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and Spectroscopy of Mars During 2001
- Ice at the Mesopause: What Do HALOE Measurements Predict?
- Insights into Stratospheric Chemistry and Transport from Ultra-fast Measurements in Rocket Plumes
- Investigation of the detailed energetic electron trapping boundary structure using CLUSTER II RAPID data
- Io-Related Auroral Arcs: Modelling Parallel Electric Fields
- Ion Outflows and Soft Electron Precipitation: A Possible Mechanism by Which Alfvén Waves Affect Ion Outflows
- Linear Prediction Filter Analysis of Solar Wind / Magnetosphere Coupling: Studies at non-Geosynchronous Altitudes and High Time Resolution
- Measurements of Active Chlorine in the High Latitude Boundary Layer During Springtime
- POAM III retrieval algorithm and error analysis
- Photoelectron fluxes observed by FAST compared with model predictions incorporating SNOE observations of the solar soft X-ray irradiance
- Properties of Upstream Waves at the Proton Cyclotron Frequency at Mars from MGS Observations
- Relativistic electron response to high speed solar wind streams and coronal mass ejections: A comparison.
- SORCE - Continuing Measurements of Solar Irradiance
- Seasonal Variations in the Partition of Energy Imparted to Escaping Ionospheric Ions.
- Simulating Three Dimensional Radiation Belt Dynamics
- Simulation of Current-Driven Double Layers in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Solar EUV and X-ray Irradiance: Recent Results and New Prospects
- Storm-time Injection of Plasma Sheet Electrons into the Radiation Belt During the March~31, 2001 Geomagnetic StormOuter
- Strong double layer in the downward current region.
- The Magnetospheric Response to Solar Wind Forcing on 31 March 2001: SOHO, ACE, CLUSTER, IMAGE, FAST, SAMPEX, and GEO observations of a Major Geomagnetic Storm.
- The MgII core-to-wing ratio: An update of the multi-satellite composite index
- The Self-Organized Critical Plasma Sheet and Substorm Onset
- The Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE) Database
- The role of electron-ion instabilities in the development of phase space holes from localized self-consistent electric fields (double layers)
- Toward a Characterization of Ion Outflows in a Geophysically Relevant Coordinate System
- Understanding the Global Geological History of Mars: The Contributions of Mars Global Surveyor
- Validation of POAM III Aerosols: Comparison to SAGE II and HALOE
- Validation of POAM III NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Validation of POAM III Water Vapor using HALOE and MOZAIC
- Validation of POAM III ozone: Comparisons with ozonesondes and satellite data
- Altitude dependence (5000-30000 km) of inverted-V associated parameters using Polar
- Carbon dioxide clouds in an early dense Martian atmosphere
- Cluster-Polar Simultaneous Observations of Energetic Particles in the Plasma Sheet - Evidence for Radiation Belt Leakage?
- Comparison of a Thermospheric Photochemical Model with SNOE Observations of Nitric Oxide
- Composition of Auroral Polar Cap Boundary Ion Conics
- Correlation between the Thermospheric Temperature Derived from ARGOS Observations of N<SUB>2</SUB> Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission and Solar Soft X-ray Observations from SNOE
- Cusp Electron and Ion Structures Observed by FAST
- Diffusion and injections in the radiation belts: L shell coupling
- Dipole Tilt Effects on Radiation Belt Electrons and Dst Index
- Dipole Tilt Effects on the Dst index
- Dust Levitation and Transport Near Surfaces
- Dust Vertical Distributions Simulated During the Puerto Rico Dust Experiment and the Relationship to Transport and Removal Processes
- Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Energy Balance in the Sun-Earth System During the Solar Storm Events of April 2002
- Enhanced Auroral Proton and Electron Precipitation Immediately Following Rapid Magnetopause Compressions
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of the Large Solar Flare on April 21, 2002 and the Terrestrial Photoelectron Response
- Formation of Rivers From the Effects of Large Impacts on Mars
- Gullies on Mars and Constraints Imposed by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Data
- Identifying the Source and Loss Regions for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Implications of Martian Crustal Magnetic Sources for Past and Present Atmospheric Escape
- Ion Acceleration in Alfven Waves Above the Aurora From FAST
- Ion outflow in a dynamic coordinate frame.
- Kinetic Simulation of Local Transition Layers Associated With the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interface
- Laboratory Experiments on Electrostatic Discharging in Martian Dust Devils and Dust Storms
- Laboratory Studies of Organic Polymer Particles: Implications for Early Earth
- Lobe Cell Convection and Polar cap Precipitation
- MIF in Archean Rocks: An Evidence of S8 Aerosols in the Archean Atmosphere?
- Magnetospheric energetic particle response during the April 2002 event
- Mantled and Exhumed Terrains in Terra Meridiani, Mars
- Measurements of Ice Water Content in Tropopause Arctic Cirrus during SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment)
- Methane Greenhouses and Anti-Greenhouses During the Archean Era
- Next Steps Toward an Integrated Solar-Terrestrial Data Environment: A Summary View
- Overview of the SDO Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Phase Sensitive Detection for the SORCE Total Irradiance Monitor
- Propagation of Cyclotron Maser Emissions in the Finite AKR Source Cavity
- Recent Gullies on Mars: Observations and Theories
- Search for Shuttle-Induced PMCs in SBUV and SBUV/2 Data
- Solar EUV Irradiance Variability Results from the TIMED Solar EUV Experiment
- Solar Wind to Radiation Belt Energetic Electron Response Functions Using Multi-Channel Prediction Filters
- Spreading Critical Dynamics in POLAR UVI Image Sequences as Evidence for Self-Organized Criticality in the Plasma Sheet
- Statistical results on the occurrence frequency of auroral potential structures, upgoing ion beams and plasma density depletions as a function of altitude (5000-30000 km)
- THEMIS Spectral Mapping of Melas Chasma, Mars
- Temperature-Dependent Optical Constants of Water Ice in the Far-Infrared.
- Temporal variability of Io plasma torus sources and sinks
- The Distribution of Parallel Electric Fields along Auroral Flux Tubes
- The Education and Public Outreach Committee of the AGU Space Physics and Aeronomy Section: Supporting AGU Scientists in their Educational Endeavors
- The Martian Surface As Seen by the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- The Occurrence of Ground Ice on Mars
- The Relative Atmospheric Impacts and Energy Inputs of Precipitating Solar and Magnetospheric Ion and Electron Populations during the 17-24 April 2002 Events
- The Response of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Geomagnetic Storm of April 2002
- The Substorm at 05:45 on October 13, 2001 Observed From the Ground, and the LANL, GOES, Polar, and Cluster Satellites
- Tracing the Sun-Earth Connection: The Solar Particle Chain in April 2002
- A Real-time Forecast Model for the Dst Index
- A Science Foundation for Orbital Subsurface Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- Accelerated electrons associated with Alfven waves
- Adaptive Prediction of Radiation Belt Electrons with the Extended Kalman Filter
- Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements by Airborne Sun Photometer in SOLVE II: Comparison to SAGE III and POAM III Measurements
- Alfven Wave Aurora on the Polar cap Boundary:FAST/Cluster Observations
- Analysis of Compressional Pc 5 Magnetic Field Oscillations and Associated Energetic Ion Modulations Occurring on December 20, 2002 in the Dusk Sector Outer Magnetosphere
- Arctic Chemical Ozone Loss Deduced from POAM III Using Chemical Transport Models
- Astrobiology as an Integrating Theme in Solar System Exploration
- Branch Prediction and Speculative Execution in Magnetospheric Forecasting
- Can Water Vapor Increases Explain Long-term Variability in the Brightness and Occurrence Frequency of Mesospheric Clouds?
- Cassini UVIS Time-Series Observations of Interplanetary H Lyman-alpha Emissions
- Characterization of the global {ULF} environment during the 09/24/1998 geomagnetic storm, and effect on energetic electron dynamics.
- Cluster Observations of a Near-Earth Neutral Line on August 27, 2001
- Comparison of Satellite Occultation Ozone Measurements With High Resolution In-Situ Aircraft Observations Using Trajectory Mapping
- Comparisons of Solar EUV Irradiance Variations from Measurements, Models and GUVI Terrestrial Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Coordinated Energetic Particle Measurements Using Chandra, Cluster, and Polar
- Early and Late Season Increases in PMC Occurrence Frequency in the 1978 to 2000 Time Period
- Estimating the Effectiveness of Cosmic Recycling in the History of Planetary Rings and Ring Moons
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence for Non-Equilibrium Distributions of Water-Equivalent Hydrogen Deposits near the Surface of Mars
- Generation of electron bursts by Alfven waves in the dayside auroral region
- Global Characteristics of PMCs From six Years of SNOE Data
- High Methane Abundance in the Archean and Proterozoic Atmosphere. Why CO2 is not Enough.
- Icy Satellites: Perpetual Permafrost
- Is Hydrodynamic Escape from Small Orbit Extrasolar Planets Fast or Slow? New Solution of Hydrodynamic Equations and Its Applications
- Large-Amplitude Parallel Electric Fields Associated With Inertial Alfven Waves
- Measurement of the Solar Spectral Irradiance and its Variability
- Measurements of Ice Water Content in Low-latitude Cirrus Clouds
- Measurements of Solar FUV Spectral Irradiance: TIMED-SEE Results Compared with UARS and SORCE
- Methan Rich Archean Atmosphere Supported by New Hydrodynamic Escape Solutions
- Methane Greenhouses and Anti-Greenhouses During the Precambrian
- Modeling Electrostatic Discharges Near the Surface of Mars
- Modeling Solar Irradiance With the PSPT Solar Disk Observations and RISE Solar Spectrum Synthesis
- Modeling relativistic electron fluxes in the inner magnetosphere with spatially distributed models
- Moving Beyond IGY: An Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY) Concept
- Multispacecraft Observations of Energetic Electron Anisotropies in the Plasma Sheet using CLUSTER/RAPID Data
- Near-Earth Magnetotail Reconnection and Plasmoid Formation in Connection With a Substorm Onset on 27 August 2001
- Oxygen Injections Into the Ring Current: Tail and Ring Current Observations Combined
- POAM III Validation Summary
- Perpendicular Heating of H<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> Ions Due to an Oblique Double Layer at the Transition Region of the Auroral Cavity
- Physical Properties of the MER and Beagle II Landing Sites on Mars
- Physical Synthesis of the Solar Radiance, a Tool for Understanding Spectral Irradiance
- Pre-Launch and On-Orbit Calibration of the Spectral Irrandiance Monitor (SIM) on SORCE
- Radial diffusion simulation of relativistic electron transport by ULF waves in the September 1998 storm
- Retrieval of Ozone Column Content from Airborne Sun Photometer Measurements during SOLVE II: Comparison with SAGE III, POAM III, TOMS and GOME Measurements
- Scientists and Educators in Sync: Exploring the Strengths of Each through a Collaborative Educational "Umbrella" on Space Weather
- Seasonal Variation of Auroral Electron Flux
- Solar Magnesium II Observations From the SORCE SOLSTICE
- Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in the Visible and Infrared During the SORCE Mission
- Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance: Early Results From the SOLar STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment II Aboard the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment Spacecraft
- Solar Ultraviolet Variability During the TIMED Mission
- Solar Wind Amplification and Distribution Invariance of Short Time--Scale Geomagnetic Variability in the Auroral Zone
- Strike-Slip Faulting on Ganymede
- Student Dust Counter I : Science Objectives
- Student Dust Counter II: Building the Instrument
- Studying the Surfaces of the Icy Galilean Satellites With JIMO
- Sun-to-Magnetosphere Modeling of Radiation Belt Electrons: Forecasting Using Linked Empirical Methods
- Tenuous Ring of Captured Dust at Saturn
- The Association of Liquid Water Springs With Permafrost Regions on Earth and Mars
- The Climatology of the High-Latitude Stratospheric Aerosol Measured by POAM From 1993 to 2003
- The High Resolution Dynamics Limb Sounder (HIRDLS) Validation Plan
- Theory of Ground Ice on Mars and Implications to the Neutron Leakage Flux
- Tropical Anvil Cirrus Microphysics
- Tropospheric Ozone at High Latitudes from POAM and TOMS Measurements
- ULF Magnetic Oscillations at Mars -- New Results and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Ultraviolet Spectroscopy in the Jovian System
- What is the Accuracy of the Total Irradiance Monitor?
- A Multisatellite View of the Recovery Phase of Substorms
- A dynamic model of the high-latitude geomagnetic field
- Acceleration and extreme distortion within the Van Allen radiation belts during the "Halloween" solar storms of 2003
- Application of a linear gyrofluid model to the Jupiter-Io interaction
- Average and Post-disturbance Pitch Angle Distributions Versus L From the CRRES Medium Electron A Instrument
- CLUSTER measurements of energetic electron bursts in the context of global multispacecraft observations: The telescope-microscope combination
- Cassini UVIS Observations Show Active Saturn's Rings
- Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Initial Observations of Saturn
- Characteristics of Ion Outflow Near the Auroral Zones
- Characterizing Relativistic Electrons Flux Enhancement Events using sensors onboard SAMPEX and POLAR
- Cluster Observations of Earthward Flowing Plasmoid in the Tail
- Collision, Rotation, and Accretion of Particles in Planetary Rings
- Coupling the Io plasma torus to Jupiter's ionosphere: Cassini observations of longitudinal variations
- Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons in Three Dimensions
- Direct Comparisons of Energetic Electron Precipitation and Nitric Oxide in the Upper Atmosphere During Geomagnetic Storms
- Dusty Plasma Effects on the surfaces of the Moon and Mars
- Effects of magnetic field asymmetry and compressional magnetic perturbations on radial diffusion of radiation belt electrons
- Electron Flux Prediction in the Radiation Belt via Autoregressive Models With Solar Wind Drivers
- Evolution of the Optical Properties of Smoke Plumes From Biomass Burning in a Three-Dimensional Transport Model and Comparisons to In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations From SAFARI 2000
- Extreme Solar Wind Conditions and Extreme Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM): a Model of Solar Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiance Over Time Scales From Flares to Solar Cycles
- Global Energy Partition During Superstorms
- IGY+50, the IPY, and the electronic Geophysical Year (eGY)
- Identifying Loss Mechanisms Responsible for the Rapid Depletion of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux
- Impact Induced Fluvial Erosion and Ponding on Early Mars
- Impacts of Solar Superstorms on the Earth's Middle Atmosphere
- Initial Cassini Ultraviolet Observations of Saturn's Rings
- Investigation of the origin and characteristics of {ULF} waves driven by the solar wind
- Jules Verne Voyager: A Web Interactive Tool for Comparative Planetology
- Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Coupling the Equator to the Poles
- Looking Forward to the electronic Geophysical Year
- Mars 2007 Phoenix Lander: Site Selection and Terrain Analysis
- Mars Aeronomy Science Themes and the NASA Exploration Initiative
- Measuring Strain Across Fault Zones on Ganymede
- Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments
- On the Generation of Enhanced Sunward Convection and Transpolar Aurora in the High-Latitude Ionosphere by Magnetic Merging
- Organic Haze Aerosols on the Early Earth: A Laboratory Investigation
- Potential distribution around sounding rockets in mesospheric layers with charged aerosol particles
- Predicting Radiation Belt Electron Flux with Adaptive Linear State-Space Models
- Radial Diffusion Coefficients of Radiation Belt Electrons Determined from Test-Particle Simulation Using Realistic Field Perturbations
- Radiation Belt Electron Pitch Angle Measurements from the GOES Satellites
- Relativistic electron loss measurements from the LANL GPS energetic particle instruments.
- S-Bursts and the Jupiter Ionospheric Resonator
- Sensitivity Tests of the Temerin-Li Dst Model
- Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Variability During the TIMED Mission
- Spectral Measurements of PMCs from SBUV/2 Instruments
- Stream Particles as Messengers from Saturn's Rings
- Sulfur Mass Independent Fractionation in the Oxidizing Atmosphere?
- Susceptibility Divergence at the Mean-Field SOC Limit in a 2-D Driven Current-Sheet Model
- TIM Degradation Rates and Possibilities of Measuring Secular TSI Changes
- TIMED GUVI and SEE Observations of Solar Irradiance Variations and the Terrestrial Airglow Response
- Tenuous Ring of Captured Dust at Saturn
- The CISM Data Explorer
- The Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on AIM
- The Colorado MESA Program and CU-LASP: A Model for After School Program/Research Institution Collaboratives
- The Effect of Diurnal Variations on Decadal Trends in PMC Brightness
- The Role of Deep Convection in Establishing the Isotopic Composition of Water Vapor in the Tropics
- The Spatial Distribution of the Io Plasma Torus
- The geomagnetic seasons in the auroral zone: dayside magnetopause reconnection versus solar illumination
- Tracing the location of the reconnection site from the northern and southern cusps
- Ultraviolet Observations of Icy Saturnian Satellites from Cassini
- Visualization and Science Analysis for the CISM Models
- A "Cloud Clock": Coupling laboratory data of the accommodation coefficient of HNO3 on ice with field surface coverage data to determine the age of a cloud parcel.
- A Volcanic Environment for Bedrock Diagenesis at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- A radial diffusion simulation of energetic particles in ULF compressional fluctuations
- Aqueous Volatiles in Lau Basin Hydrothermal Fluids
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Radiation Belt Model Predictions to Different Magnetic Field Models
- Assimilation of satellite radiances as a tool for studying the influence of the absorbing properties of aerosols on direct radiative forcing
- Atmospheric Escape from Planetary Atmospheres
- Burst Memory and Event Trigger System for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- CLUSTER measurements of magnetospheric substorms and their implications for the near-Earth neutral line model
- Cassini Observations and Ring History
- Cassini UVIS Star Occultation Results for Saturn's Rings
- Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Observations of Enceladus' Plume
- Cloud Properties Derived from Visible and Near-infrared Reflectance in the Presence of Aerosols
- Cluster observations of magnetospheric substorm expansion and recovery phase features in the near- and mid-tail regions: Comparison with numerical simulations
- Collisional and Rotational Evolution of Planetary Rings
- Comparing Relativistic Electron Prediction Models at Geosynchronous
- Comparison of Arctic Ozone Loss Observations during the 2004-2005 Winter
- Comparison of In situ Measurements of Cirrus Cloud Ice Water Content during the MidCiX Field Campaign
- Comparisons of the New Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) to Current Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Measurements
- Continuous, Global Ultraviolet Observations of Earth: The Future for Space Weather Observations
- Contribution of Enhanced Radial Transport to the Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Contribution of Radial Transport to the Deep Penetration of Outer Belt Electrons During Oct-Nov Magnetic Storm of 2003
- Contributions of the Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance to the Total Solar Irradiance During Large Flares
- Convective Injection of Energetic Radiation Belt Electrons Contrasted with Diffusive Loss in the Outer Zone: the Net Effect of Radial Transport
- Detecting Aerosols in the Polar Mesosphere
- Determination of Biomass Burning Aerosol Radiative and Microphysical Properties Using a Combination of Satellite Measurements and Transport Models
- Determining the Best-Estimate of Cloud Drop Size From a Variety of Remote Sensing Instruments
- Differences Between the Response of the Equatorial TEC and foF2 to Solar Soft X-ray Irradiances
- Dynamics of Saturn E ring Particles
- Earthward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Auroral Signature
- Effects of Soil Heterogeneity on Martian Ground Ice Stability
- Energetic Particle Modulation by ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Energization of outer zone electrons:spectral evolution and flux isotropization
- Estimating the TIMED Satellite Drag Using the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) Measurements
- Evidence for Local Heterogeneous Destruction of Boundary Layer Ozone based on Antarctic Field Observations
- Finite-Size Scaling of Spatiotemporal Auroral Emissions as a Signature of Reconnection Dynamics in the Plasma Sheet
- Generation Mechanism of S-Bursts at Jupiter and Earth: Initial Simulation Result
- HIRDLS Ozone Validation - Preliminary Results
- High Resolution Substorm Energetic Electrons seen in the Magnetotail by all 4 CLUSTER satellites
- Hybrid Simulations of the solar wind interaction with Comet 19P/Borrelly
- Icy satellite shell thickening: consequences for non-synchronous rotation rates and stresses
- In-Situ Microphysical Measurements In Rocket Plumes With The Cloud And Aerosol Spectrometer (CAS)
- Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability and change since 1960s: forcing and process
- Innovative Interstellar Explorer (I2E)
- Instrument Development for Single Scattering Albedo Measurements of Black Carbon Aerosols
- Intercomparisons Between Simulated Optical Properties of Smoke in Southern Africa During SAFARI 2000 and Satellite and Ground-Based Observations
- Investigating near-surface dusty environments of planetary objects
- Ion Mass-loading and Time Variability in the Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Ionospheric Convection Response to High-Latitude Reconnection: Cluster and SuperDARN Observations
- Ionospheric Erosion by Alfven Waves
- Joule Heating and Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- Large Icy Diapirs and Small Icy Satellites: Reorientation of Mini-Moons
- Long-term Observational Record of Solar Irradiance
- Maintaining the Solar UV Database in the 21st Century
- Mars Exploration Program 2007 Phoenix Mission Landing Site Selection
- Mars Surface Heterogeneity From Variations in Apparent Thermal Inertia
- Martian Ground Ice and Equilibrium With Atmospheric Diffusion.
- Measuring Reconnection Electric Fields on MMS: The Double Probe Technique
- Mechanics of tidally driven fractures in Europa's ice shell and implications for seismic and radar profiling
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Plasma in the Io Plasma Torus
- Modeling the Temporal and Azimuthal Variability of the Io Plasma Torus Observed by Cassini UVIS
- Modeling the plasma production and pickup rates at Io
- Mystery of the Volcanic Mass-independent Sulfur Isotope Fractionation Signature in the Antarctic Ice-core.
- Nitric Acid Trihydrate Formation on Na-montmorillonite Clay
- Observations of Linear and Non-Linear Alfven Waves
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- Overview and Motivation for the PUMA 2004 and 2005 Campaigns
- Particle Acceleration Associated with Large-Scale Current Systems
- Pc 1-2 waves and associated ion distributions observed during three extended conjunctions between the Polar satellite and Antarctic ground stations
- Performance Tests of a Dust Telescope
- Pitch Angle Distribution Analysis from the CRRES MEA - Average Picture and Radial Diffusion versus Local Heating
- Project SPECTRA! A New Program Focusing on Science, Math and Engineering in Middle Schools and High School
- Radial Diffusion as a Potential Source and Loss Mechanism of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind Well Beyond 1 AU: Ulysses
- Retrieval of ozone column densities and PMC microphysical properties from the CIPS instrument on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Satellite Mission
- SORCE Solar Irradiance Data Products
- Solar occultation measurements of the thermosphere by the TIMED Solar EUV Experiment (SEE)
- Structuring Student Involved NASA Flight Programs for High Quality Hardware Return While Maximizing the Student Learning Experience
- Study of Proton cutoffs during geomagnetically disturbed times
- Studying Radiation Belt Electrons with Linear State-Space Models
- Surface Properties of the Isidis Basin, Mars
- THEMIS and MOLA Provide 3-D Stratigraphy in the Terra Meridiani Region of Mars
- Teaching Engineering in the Context of Spaceflight Instrumentation Design and Development
- Teaching the Invisible: Education and Public Outreach for the MMS Mission
- The Absolute Accuracy of Space-Borne TSI Instruments: A Summary From the July 2005 TSI Accuracy Workshop
- The Cosmic Dust Input in the Atmosphere of the Earth
- The Energetic Particle Investigation for the SMART Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The FIELDS Instrumentation Package on MMS
- The LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- The Large Area Mass Analyzer: instrument to detect and analyze dust particles in space
- The MESSENGER Earth Flyby: First Results from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer
- The Role of Deep Convection in Establishing the Isotopic Composition of the Tropical Transition Layer
- The Solar Radiation Physical Modeling Project
- The Student Dust Counter
- The TSIS Sensors: Current SORCE Results and Progress Toward NPOESS
- The TSIS Sensors: Results and Instrument Analysis for the SORCE SIM Instrument
- The correlation between anticyclone frequency and midlatitude ozone variability
- The observation of nitric acid-containing particles in the tropical lower stratosphere
- The spectral composition of TSI as measured by the SORCE SIM solar spectral radiometer
- Thinking like a Teacher: How to connect Virtual Observatories to the Classroom (and Why you should want to)
- Three-Spacecraft Detections of a Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Extending More Than 390 Earth Radii in the Solar Wind
- Time Scales for Discharge of Near-Equatorial WEH on Mars: Implications for a Recent Climate Change
- Using the Space Physics Great Observatory to study magnetospheric coupling: Data-modeling closure
- Validation of O3 and O2 column densities retrieved from airborne direct solar irradiance measurements and the effects of field inhomogeneity
- Variations in the Escaping Flux and Characteristic Energies of O+ and Other Ions as a Function of Solar Illumination.
- Venus Monitoring Camera for Venus Express
- Visualization, Analysis, and Data Mining with the CISM Data Explorer
- Where Did the Spokes Go?
- Wind and ACE Detections of Extended Reconnection X-lines in Solar Wind Current Sheets
- eGY Education and Outreach: Creating a Virtual Educational Space that Pushes the Envelope for Connecting Teachers and Students to Data
- A Catalogue of ICME Events and Their Properties: A Study of the Recent Ulysses Plasma and Magnetic Field Data
- A Dust Observatory on the Lunar Surface
- A Multi-species Chemistry Approach of Io's Local Interaction
- A modular radiation-belt electron flux model
- Accretion Rates of Moonlets in Planetary Rings
- An Exploration of the Properties of CO2 Clathrate Hydrates Formed under Martian Conditions and Measurement of Possible CH4 Incorporation
- Analysis of the substorm recovery phase using a multisatellite view and LFM MHD simulation
- Arctic Ozone Loss Climatology from Solar Occultation and Microwave Limb Sounding Instruments
- Atmospheric Sensitivity to Spectral Top-of-Atmosphere Solar Irradiance Perturbations, Using MODTRAN-5 Radiative Transfer Algorithm
- Blown Away: The Impact of Nuclear Conflicts on the Global Stratospheric Ozone Layer
- Calibration of a Rocket-borne Probe for Aerosol Particles in the Polar Mesosphere
- Calibration of the Large Area Mass Analyzer (LAMA) instrument for the detection of cosmic dust
- Can drift out the magnetopause account for the rapid loss of relativistic electrons from Earth's radiation belt?
- Cassini observations and the history of Saturn's rings
- Collecting Solar System Data Stories for Project SPECTRA: A Spectroscopic Exploration of the Planets
- Comparison of In Situ and Satellite Measurements of Cirrus Microphysical and Radiative Properties
- Consequences of Regional Scale Nuclear Conflicts and Acts of Individual Nuclear Terrorism
- Correlations Between Total Solar Irradiance and Spectral Irradiances Using SORCE Measurements
- Crafting access to the virtual observatories and their data: The challenge of the non- specialist user
- Detection of oppositely directed reconnection jets in a solar wind current sheet
- Double Layers, Ion Holes, and Ion-Acoustic Solitons in the Auroral Upward Current Region: Simulations and Observations
- Dusty Plasmas on the Lunar Surface
- Electron Acceleration by Whistler Mode Chorus Waves in Jupiter's Radiation Belts
- Electron Acceleration on Jupiter-Io Flux Tube: Possible Generation Mechanism of S- Bursts
- Electrostatic Structure and Double-Probe Performance in Tenuous Plasmas
- Energetic electron spectra and flux isotropization during different phases of solar cycle
- Examination of Cadence of Solar Soft X-ray Flux on the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Fine-Scale Structure in Saturn's Rings
- Flux Variations in the Outer Radiation Belts and the Effect of Boundary Conditions: Influence of Convective and Substorm Injections from the Plasmasheet
- Full Wave Modeling of Alfvén Wave Propagation in the Io Plasma Torus
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Continuous, Global-Scale Ultraviolet Observations of Earth
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Mission Implementation
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Objectives
- High Frequency Plasma Waves Associated With Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts: WIND/WAVES Observations
- Identifying the Cause of Relativistic Electron Flux Depletions in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Integrating a Data Center and Resident Archive into the Emerging Virtual Observatiry System: Practical experience and perspectives
- Investigating the state of the Sun-Earth system during extreme events: First science results of a worldwide online conference series
- Low-Ozone Pockets in Stratospheric Anticyclones as a Process-oriented Diagnostic of Coupled Chemistry-Climate Models
- Magnetic field morphology of the jovian main aurora
- Measuring and Modeling the Plasma Environment at the Lunar Surface
- Mesospheric Ice particle sizes derived from two-color SME (1982-1986) and SNOE (1998- 2002) UV satellite measurements
- Modeling the E ring of Saturn
- Modeling the Transport and Optical Properties of Smoke Aerosols Over South America During the SMOCC Field Campaign
- Moonte Carlo Simulations of the Plumes on Enceladus
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of a Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust Propagating into the Earth's Magnetosheath
- Ozone over New Mexico; a 25 Day Intensive Ozonesonde Campaign
- Partnership Brings Educational Exhibits, Events, and Resources from Seven National Research Laboratories to the Public in a New Retail Center: The Wonders of Science at Twenty Ninth Street Project
- Planetary Ion Loss by Solar forcing
- Potential Fuel Loadings, Fire Ignitions, and Smoke Emissions from Nuclear Bursts in Megacities
- Properties of Open Fields in Magnetic Clouds at 1 AU and Implications for Patterns of Interchange Reconnection at the Sun
- Reconciling Independent Experimental Determinations of PMC Particle Size from Satellite and Ground Based Data
- Relationship Between the Plasmapause and the Outer Radiation Belt From DMSP, IMAGE, and SAMPEX Observations
- Saturn's Auroras and Polar Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS
- Seasonal variability of Polar Mesospheric Cloud altitude, particle size and observation frequency in relation to the frost point temperature.
- Solar Cycle Variation of the Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance: Recent Observations from SORCE and TIMED
- Solar Irradiance Data for Space Weather from SORCE and TIMED-SEE
- Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Activity
- Spectral Absorption Properties of Carbonaceous Particles
- Steps Towards Understanding the Spokes in Saturn's B Ring
- Temporary Capture of Planetesimals by a Planet
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Flare Irradiance Spectral Model (FISM) as an Operational Space Weather Product
- The Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment (MORE) for the RBSP Program
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Pitch-Angle Distribution Width Between 100 eV to 30 keV During Solar Electron Bursts
- The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Instrument Suite
- The Short-term Relationship of Ionospheric Electron Density With Solar Irradiance and Geomagnetic Activity in Daily Observations
- The photoelectric layer near the surface of Mars
- The plague of too much data? Challenges and opportunities for using virtual observatories in the classroom
- Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Density Enhancement due to Solar Flares
- Thermospheric Remote Sensing by Occultation: Comparison of SUSIM and SOLSTICE O2 Measurements.
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- Variability of the outer radiation belt electron content
- A Partnership between English Language Learners and a Team of Rocket Scientists: EPO for the NASA SDO Extreme-Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- A Rocket-borne Ion Mass Spectrometer for the Mesosphere That is Pumped by Rocket Aerodynamics
- A Self-consistent Approach to Io's Local Interaction With the Torus: a Hybrid Code Coupled to a Multi-species Chemistry Model.
- Activity Dependent O+ Transport Paths From the Ionosphere to the Ring Current
- Advances in Quantifying the Radiative Effects of Aerosol Particles on Climate from Airborne Field Studies
- Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission Overview and Collaborative Studies Using the AIM and TIMED Data Sets
- Aerosol Optical Properties during GoMACCS and CLASIC: Evidence of Cloud Processing and Scavenging
- An investigation of the Indian Ocean thermocline cooling during recent decades using an ocean general circulation model
- Applying Forecast Models from the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling
- Auroral Movies and Spectroscopy from Cassini UVIS
- Backscattered fraction of precipitating ionospheric photoelectrons
- Backstreaming Electrons Associated With Solar Electron Bursts
- Cassini UVIS Observations: Structure and History of Saturn's Rings
- Colorado Lights: Exploring the Sun-Earth Connection through Art and Writing
- Common Volume Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from AIM: Characterization of particle size distribution from CIPS and SOFIE experiments
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and Satellite Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Depth during MILAGRO/INTEX-B
- Comparison of PMC measurements from AIM and SBUV/2
- Comparisons of Thermal Plasma Upflow observed on DMSP with escaping ion fluxes observed at Polar during geomagnetic quiet intervals
- Complexities of a 3-D flux rope as shown by MHD simulation
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Cross-Calibration Approach Improves Accuracy for Hyperspectral Imaging
- Dayside Magnetospheric Electric Field Observations from the THEMIS Electric Field Instrument
- Development of An Electrodynamically Coupled Model between RCM and CTIPe
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Dust Measurements On-board the New Horizons Mission
- Dynamics of the Plasmasphere and the Outer Radiation Belt
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Angular Momentum Transfer at Jupiter
- Eigenmode Structure in Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Electric Field Probe Measurements in NLC and PMSE during the MASS rocket Campaign
- Energetic Particles in the Jovian Magnetotail
- Energy Balance in the Thermosphere from TIMED and SORCE data
- Evaluation of the New HOxotope Total Water Isotopologues Instrument Performance During TC4 Through Instrument Intercomparison
- First THEMIS Results Concerning the Nature and the Role of the Electromagnetic Waves During Substorm Process Versus Radial Distance
- Global Sea Salt Modeling Using a Coupled Microphysical and Climate Model and Its Comparison with Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - New Observing Capabilities for Space Weather Specification and Forecasting
- HiRISE Observations of Martian Mid-Latitude Fractured Mounds
- High Latitude Dynamics Measured by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) Experiment on the AIM Spacecraft
- How Good Are They? Comparing Commonly Used External Magnetic Field Models
- How important is Enceladus in Saturn's global magnetosphere?
- Impact ionization mass spectrometer instrument development for cosmic dust particles
- Impact of aerosol and clouds on 3D irradiance fields during the GoMACCS experiment
- Implications of Viscous Relaxation in Europa's Icy Shell for Interpreting Global Tectonic Features
- In situ measurements of nitric acid and ozone in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- In situ measurements of subvisual cirrus from the WB-57 aircraft during TC4
- In situ observation of radiation belt particle response to an interplanetary shock
- Initial results of global imaging of PMCs from the CIPS experiment on the AIM satellite
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Investigation of space and ground low-frequency particle and field oscillations during the 23 March 2007 substorm
- Ion Acceleration in Vlasov Simulations of Double Layers, Electron Holes, and Associated Waves in Earth's Auroral Ionosphere
- Ion Outflow in the Auroral Downward-Current Region: Moving Double Layers (DLs) vs. the Static Extended Potential Drop, and Parametric Studies for the DL-associated ion outflow
- Laboratory Characterization of the Structural Properties Controlling Dynamical Gas Transport in Mars-Analog Soils
- Laboratory Studies of the Lunar Surface Plasma Sheath and Methods for in situ Plasma Measurements
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds in Conjunction with an AIM Overflight
- Long-Term Variations in PMC Frequency as a Function of Latitude from SBUV
- Long-term Atmospheric Changes Caused by the Very Large Solar Proton Event in July 2000
- Low-altitude Measurements of 2-6 MeV Electron Trapping Lifetimes at 1.5 < L < 2.5
- MESSENGER's Venus Flyby: An Overview of Early Results
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind: Recent Results
- Magnetospheric ULF Oscillations Driven by Interior Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes
- Magnetospheric {ULF} Activity as a Function of Solar Wind Conditions: Toward a Quantitative Model of Radial Diffusion in the Magnetosphere
- Mass-analysis of Charged Aerosol Particles in a PMSE/NLC Layer by a Rocket-borne Spectrometer
- Measured Radiative Properties of Thin Cirrus During TC4
- Measured and modeled solar spectral irradiance and absorption for TC4 ice and water cloud scenes
- Measurements of Area Resolved Surface Spectral Albedo and Validation of MODIS Land Albedo Product during MILAGRO, GoMACCS, and TC4
- Measurements of Meteor Smoke and Ice Particles During the ECOMA-2006 and ECOMA/MASS-2007 Rocket Campaigns
- Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance During the PACific Dust EXperiment (PACDEX)
- Mesospheric Aerosol Sampling Spectrometer
- Mesospheric Ice Mass determined from the AIM CIPS imaging experiment
- Mesospheric Simulations with the NOGAPS-ALPHA model: Applications to the Summer Polar Mesosphere and AIM data
- Mesospheric planetary wave activity inferred from AIM-CIPS and TIMED-SABER for the northern summer 2007 PMC season
- Microphysical studies of mesospheric sulfate aerosol as PMC nuclei in WACCM3
- Modeling the Effect of Changes in the Terrestrial Magnetic Field on the Climatology of the Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere.
- Modelling of Io-Jupiter decameter arcs, emission beaming and energy source
- Multi-Instrument Measurements of Noctilucent Clouds in Coordination with the AIM Satellite
- Multi-scale and Multi-spacecraft Plasma Measurements in the Vicinity of an Quasi-periodic Magnetospheric Structures
- New Horizons Exploration of the Jovian Magnetotail
- New Insights Into the Column Radiative Budget Using Ground Based Hyperspectral Zenith Radiance Measurements
- New observations of electromagnetic waves in the boundary-layer from THEMIS
- No Ocean Source for Enceladus' Plumes
- Numerical simulations of the three-dimensional distribution of polar mesospheric clouds using WACCM/CARMA
- Observation and modeling of the injection observed by THEMIS and LANL satellites during March 23rd, 2007 substorm event
- Observation of Ozone Column Densities by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Explorer
- Observations and Simulation of Drift Resonant Interactions of Energetic Particles with Pc5 pulsations
- Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Turbulent, High-Speed Solar Wind
- Observing Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night by Stellar Occultation
- Overview of TIMED CEDAR observations showing the MLTI system response to changing drivers from solar maximum to solar minimum
- Ozone Gravitywave Observations from the AIM Satellite
- PMC Detection and Mapping Using Aura OMI Measurements
- Plasma jets and FTE Dayside Generation for Northward IMF on 8 June 2007: THEMIS Observations
- Professional Development Workshops for the Media: A Model for Engaging Scientists and Journalists in Earth and Space Sciences
- Project SPECTRA! Phase II: Developing Solar System Exploration Data Stories
- Propellers: Theory and observation
- Quantifying ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere and Their Effects on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Radial (L) profiles of MHD wave power and energetic electron flux during high-speed streams: dependence on IMF Bz
- Radial diffusion with outer boundary determined by geosynchronous measurements: Storm and post-storm intervals
- Ready access and utilization of data: Essential ingredients for global observation systems
- Relation between electromagnetic waves and FTE's
- Retrieval of PMC Scattering Phase Functions from Observations by the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Explorer
- SORCE Solar Irradiance Data Products
- STEREO observations of electron beams and Langmuir waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock
- Self Consistent Calculation of Fokker-Planck Coefficients for Transport in Space Plasmas
- Simulation of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Within a 3-Dimensional Chemistry Climate Model
- Simulations of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation in WACCM
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Solar UV Irradiance
- Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in the Near Infrared and Correlations to the Variability of Total Solar Irradiance During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 23
- Solar disturbances and their geospace impacts
- Spatial Structure of Plasmaspheric Plumes Observed by THEMIS
- Spectral Decomposition of the TSI Record Using the SORCE TIM and SIM Instruments
- Spokes in Saturn's B Ring: Could Lightning be the Cause?
- Storm-Dependent Radiation Belt Dynamics
- Storm-enhanced neutral wind dynamo effects on the Earth's magnetic field
- Surface Reflectance of Mexico City
- THEMIS observations of a Hot Flow Anomaly at the Earth's bow shock and its impact on the magnetosphere
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Overview and Early Results
- The Auroral Acceleration Region: FAST Observations in the THEMIS Era
- The Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of PMCs Near 55° N Observed by SHIMMER and CIPS: Implications to Long Term PMC Trends
- The Impact of Black Carbon on Cloud Radiative Forcing
- The LASP Climate Change Compendium: Looking at Climate Change at the Poles for IPY
- The LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- The Large-scale Structure of Saturn's E ring
- The MESSENGER Venus Flyby: First results from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer
- The Mesospheric Polar Vortices in GEOS, WACCM, SABER, and EOS-MLS
- The Spatial Variation of Polar Rain Electrons and its Cause
- The Variability of Cosmic Dust Influx as Seen by the AIM Satellite
- The seasonal dependence of relativistic electron fluxes in the Earth's outer van Allen Belt
- Titan Airglow Spectra from Cassini UVIS
- Titan's Nitrogen Emissions: Spatial, Temporal, and Hemispherical Distribution and Variability as Measured by Cassini-UVIS.
- Total Irradiance Monitor Observations of Total Solar Irradiance
- Use of Combined A-Train Observations to Validate GEOS Model Simulated Dust Distributions During NAMMA
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- VLF and transient electric fields in NLC and PMSE
- Variation of Atmospheric Heating Rates Derived from SORCE Solar Spectra and the SRPM Model
- Venus Airglow Measurements Obtained by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer During MESSENGER's Second Venus Flyby
- Vertical Redistribution of Aerosol by Shallow Cumulus Clouds: Observations and Modeling
- ViRBO, The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory
- Volatile Chemistry at Lau Basin Hydrothermal Sites: Basin-Wide Trends of Slab Carbonate Influence and Suggestions of Abiotic Methane Oxidation at the Mariner Vent Site
- A Community-Based Approach to Developing a Solar and Space Physics Education Literacy Framework
- A Hybrid Simulation of the Plasma Flow Around Io Coupled to a Multi-species Chemistry Model of Io's Local Interaction.
- A Sensitivity Study of the Enceladus Torus Chemistry
- A Solar Occultation Database
- A View of Mercury's Neutral Hydrogen Exosphere Through the First Two MESSENGER Flybys
- A View of the Prebiotic Earth's Atmosphere: Greenhouse Gases, Oxidized Organic Haze, and the Anti-Greenhouse Effect
- A Wave Investigation for the Juno Mission to Jupiter
- A perspective on radiation belt science
- AIM receiver/communication lock analysis: Space weather relationships
- Aerosol properties derived from spectral actinic flux measurements
- All About EVE: Education and Public Outreach for the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) of the NASA Solar Dynamic Observatory
- An Analysis of PMC Detection Sensitivity for the CIPS Instrument
- An Overview of Ultraviolet Through Infrared Reflectance Observations of Mercury during the Second Messenger Flyby.
- An automated algorithm to detect Cold Air Outbreaks in ERA-40 and WACCM
- Analysis of Substorm Recovery Phase Using a Global MHD Simulation and Satellite Data
- Assessing the History of Water On Mars Through Global Analysis of Valley Networks
- Backscattering of solar electron burst distributions
- Bifurcated Current Sheets Produced by Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind
- Cerro Negro, Nicaragua: A key Mars Analog Environment for Acid-Sulfate Weathering
- Changes in the Solar Minimum Irradiance in the Middle and Far Ultraviolet on Solar Cycle Timescales
- Characteristics of Saturn's polar atmosphere and auroral electrons derived from HST/STIS, FUSE and Cassini/UVIS spectra
- Characterization of ULF Pulsations by THEMIS
- Chemical Composition Measurement of Cosmic Dust from Impact Generated Plasmas
- Cloud and aerosol retrieval methods with scattered surface-based radiance measurements
- Cloud radiative properties derived from the Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer (SSFR) during recent airborne field campaigns
- Comparative MHD Models of the First two MESSENGER Flybys of Mercury
- Comparison of Exospheric Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer during the First and Second MESSENGER Flybys with Concurrent Ground-based Observations
- Comparison of Stratopause Height and Temperature in GEOS-5, WACCM, SABER, and MLS
- Comparison of the Color Properties of Selected Features on Mercury from Mariner 10 and MESSENGER Multispectral Images
- Conditions for the Onset and Cessation of Reconnection in Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Consequences of the Eigenmode Interpretation of Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Coupling between the Arctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere during the IPY 2007-2008 Winter
- Dissected Mantle Terrain on Mars: Formation Mechanisms and the Implications for Mid- latitude Near-surface Ground Ice
- Drivers for the Formation and Variability of Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region
- Effect of Externally-Driven Magnetospheric ULF Variations on Energetic Electron Dynamics in the Radiation Belts
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Magnetospheric Dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn
- Electric field measurements in an NLC/PMSE region during the MASS/ECOMA campaign
- Energetic Particle Precipitation Effects Observed in LIMS Data
- Establishing a Climate Benchmark Data Record from the Earth-Reflected Solar Spectral Radiance
- Evidence for the Magnetic Trapping of Solar-Flare Ions from 1-8-MeV Solar Neutrons Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Experimental Study of Hydrogen Generation During Low Temperature Basalt-Water Interaction
- Experimental program for investigating the basic physics of the lunar atmosphere
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-Bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: AN Overview of Observations during the First Messenger Flyby
- Facebook and Edublogs and Twitter, Oh My! Using Social Media to Connect Scientists to the Public
- Frequencies and polarizations of ULF waves in the magnetosphere: effects of ionospheric Pedersen and Hall conductances.
- From which side is the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere coupling processes driven?
- Generation of Parallel Electric Fields in the Jupiter-Io Torus Wake Region
- Geochemical Energy for Catabolism and Anabolism in Hydrothermal Systems
- Geological Sources of Hydrogen for Subsurface Microbial Communities
- Global observations of injection region evolution during a reconnection initiated substorm
- HOxotope Total Water Isotopologues Instrument Performance and Results from TC4
- HiRISE Images of the Sublimation of Mars Northern Seasonal Polar Cap
- High resolution Polar Mesospheric Cloud images from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment: Implications for cloud appearance and ice particle growth
- Hybrid code simulations of the solar wind interaction with Pluto
- Ice content of polar mesospheric clouds from the AIM mission: Comparison with the WACCM general circulation model
- Identification of Color Units From the Ultraviolet to the Near Infrared During the Second Messenger Flyby of Mercury
- In Flight Calibration Monitoring of the CIPS UV Imager Using Atmospheric Rayleigh Scattered Radiance
- Investigating Gravity Waves Measured by CIPS/AIM in the Northern/Southern Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Longitudinal variability in PMC structures observed from the CIPS experiment on the AIM spacecraft: Impact on PMC occurrence frequency and brightness.
- Longitudinal variability of Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) albedo and frequency from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment: Comparison of the 2007 and 2008 Northern Hemisphere cloud seasons
- Longitudinal variations in Saturn's magnetosphere caused by hot electrons.
- Low Latitude Ionosphere Measurements by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Low-Reflectance Material in Mercury's Crust
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and its Effects on Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Magnetospheric Cavity Modes Driven by Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations: Initial Results From Global MHD Simulations and Applications to Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- Martian Ionospheric and Atmospheric Interaction Under Extreme Solar Wind Conditions
- Mass Analysis of Charged Aerosol Particles During the MASS/ECOMA Campaign
- Mass Density and Ring Thickness from Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations
- Measurements of Ozone, Lightning, and Electric Fields within Thunderstorms over Langmuir Laboratory, New Mexico
- Measurements of Unexpected Ozone Loss in a Nighttime Space Shuttle Exhaust Plume: Implications for Geo-Engineering Projects
- Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer Observations of Sodium and Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere During the Second MESSENGER Flyby
- Microphysical studies of mesospheric sulfate aerosol as PMC nuclei in WACCM3
- Modeling Magnetic Field Topology at Jupiter with the Khurana Magnetic Field Model
- Modeling of the Storm time Electric Fields and the Response of the Ionosphere- Plasmasphere-Thermosphere
- Modeling the 31 December 2007 Coronal Mass Ejection and Its Impact at Messenger
- Modeling the particle acceleration near the Io FootPrint and the associated radio emissions
- Models of the Jovian Ring and Comparisions With Observations
- Myths and Mysteries of Solar Wind Speed and MeV Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Observations of Mercury's Exosphere With the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer During the Second MESSENGER Flyby
- On the Effect of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation on the Earth's Middle and Low Atmosphere
- Overstability in Saturn's Rings
- Overview of the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Instrument and Cloud Products during CLASIC/CHAPS
- PMC Variability Observed in Aura OMI Data
- Phoenix and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Coordinated Atmospheric Science
- Photoelectrons Escaping the Ionosphere During the WHI: An Alternative Method to Validate the Temporal and Spectral Variation of the Solar Irradiance in the 1-50 nm Range.
- Physical Processes Controlling PMC Cloud Formation
- Physical Properties of the Icy Soil at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Physical and Thermodynamical Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars
- Plasmoids for multiple-onset substorms observed by the Japanese lunar mission Kaguya
- Possible Segregated Ice at the Phoenix Landing Site: Was Liquid Water Involved?
- Post Storm Energetic Electron Flux Enhancement and Decay
- Preliminary Model of Jupiter's Plasma Sheet
- Preliminary identification of minerals at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- Rayleigh Lidar Network Observations and Analysis of the Evolution of the Arctic Middle Atmosphere during the IPY Winter 2007-2008
- Real Solar Irradiance Data for Planetary Surface Studies
- Realistic Plasma Sheet Models: Kinetic Reconstructions Using Cluster
- Regolith Growth and Darkening of Saturn's Ring Particles
- Relating Solar Energetic Proton Populations Observed Within the Terrestrial Magnetosphere to Coronal Mass Ejections, Magnetic Flux Ropes observations at 1 AU
- Resolving Jupiter's Aurora with the Juno Suite of Magnetospheric Instruments
- Retrieval of Cloud Optical Depth and Effective Radius from SSFR Irradiance Measurements in the Presence of Overlying Aerosol Layers During NEAQS-ITCT and Comparison to MODIS Cloud Product
- SI-Traceable Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements: The NPOESS TSIS Spectral Irradiance Monitor
- SOFIE Measurements of PMCs, Water Vapor, and Temperature
- SORCE Solar Irradiance Data Products
- STEREO multi-spacecraft investigation of solar wind electron halo depletions at 90° pitch angle
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Scattering Phase Functions and Particle Sizes for Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Sensitivity of WACCM/CARMA simulations of polar mesospheric clouds to gravity wave and microphysics parameterizations
- Simultaneous Observations of NLC From Space and From Ground.
- Size-Frequency Distribution of Rock Clasts at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Soil Properties Analysis of the Phoenix Landing Site Based on Trench Characteristics and Robotic Arm Forces
- Solar Irradiance Reference Spectra (SIRS) for IHY2007 Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI)
- Solar Spectral Variability as measured by the SORCE SIM Instrument
- Spectral Irradiance Variations and Magnetic Field Changes During Solar Cycle 23.
- State of the art in the Jovian radio arc modelization
- Statistical study on the characterization of ULF Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere by THEMIS
- Storm-Dependent Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- Study of new Particle Formation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using WACCM/CARMA
- Sublimation of Exposed Snow Queen Surface Water Ice as Observed by the Phoenix Mars Lander
- Subsurface Materials Exposed at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Sulphate Geoengineering in the UT/LS: Some Relevant Processes
- Surface Properties and Characteristics of Mars Landing Sites from Remote Sensing Data and Ground Truth
- TSIS: The Total Solar Irradiance Sensor
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Science Results After Three PMC Seasons
- The Electric Field and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Mission: Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Electrostatic Lunar Dust Analyzer Instrument
- The Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Instrument Suite on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission: Instrument Overview and Science Investigation Summary
- The Extreme Ultraviolet Contributions to the Solar Irradiance Reference Spectrum (SIRS)
- The Lunar Plasma and Dust Environment
- The Odin satellite polar mesospheric noctilucent cloud database
- The Periglacial Landscape and Ground Ice at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site
- The Space Environment of Mercury: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- The Space Weather Compendium: Trials and Tribulations to Aligning Existing Lessons with the National Standards
- The Virtual Radiation Belt Observatory: Progress and Plans
- The Whole Heliosphere Interval: Campaign Summaries and Early Results
- The influence of the winter hemisphere on polar mesospheric clouds
- Themis Observations of Long-lived Regions of Large-Amplitude Whistler Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Time-Dependent SSI Multispectral Properties for Rock, Soil, Ice, and Sublimation Lags at the Phoenix Landing Site on Mars
- Total Solar Irradiance Benchmark Measurement Requirements
- Turn the heat up - A first look at MESSENGER's near-infrared spectra of Mercury using new high-temperature emissivity measurements
- Understanding and forecasting solar EUV and UV irradiance variations
- Using MHD/particle simulations to study the origin of EMIC waves during the compression event of 29 June 2007
- WACCM Evaluation using Satellite Data and Meteorological Analyses
- Water Group Composition Near the Orbit of Enceladus
- "Discoveries in Planetary Sciences": Slide Sets Highlighting New Advances for Astronomy Educators
- A Comparison of Solar EUV Irradiance Reference Spectra and Their Affect on the Earth’s Thermosphere and Ionosphere
- A New Low Power, Light Weight, UV Ozone Photometer for use During the Concordiasi Antarctic Long Duration Stratospheric Balloon Campaign
- A Remarkable Natural Experiment: The Extremely Quiet Sun (2007-2009) and its Effect on Earth's Radiation Belts
- A study of energetic electrons near the last closed drift shell using THEMIS-SST data
- AIM CIPS Observations of the Last Five PMC Seasons using an SBUV-type analysis
- Accessing Solar Irradiance Data Products From the LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- Actinic flux and photolysis frequency characteristics in the Arctic atmosphere: Results from ARCTAS and OASIS
- Aerosol absorption coefficient and single scattering albedo from combined irradiance and actinic flux density measurements
- Aerosol, surface, and cloud optical parameters derived from airborne spectral actinic flux: measurement comparison with other methods
- Alfven/Ion-Cyclotron Waves Observed on the Earthward Side of a Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust?
- Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind and the orientation of the underlying heliospheric magnetic field
- Altitude and temperature of Saturn’s aurora from VIMS observations
- An Analysis of the PMC Particle Size Information Content of a CIPS Scattering Profile
- Anticyclones in the Middle Atmosphere During Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Arctic Eocene isotopic anomaly: unusual temperature/rainfall isotope relationship and a stormy world
- Atmospheric Influence of the Solar Proton Events and Ground Level Enhancement in January 2005
- Building upon the Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY) Experience: Transitioning Research Results to Operations (Invited)
- Characterization of Aerosols and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function from Airborne Radiation Measurements over Snow, Sea Ice, Tundra, And Clouds
- Comparison of Stratopause and Mesopause Temperature and Height between Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Compositional units on Mercury from principal component and clustering analyses of MESSENGER spectrometer observations
- Connecting Science and Literacy in the Classroom: Using Space and Earth Science to Support Language Arts
- CubeSat: Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment
- Dancing Lights: Creating the Aurora Story
- Determining Mean Electron Temperature Variation Along Magnetic Field Lines in the Earth's Plasma-sheet Using Multipoint Measurements From Cluster
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on Magnetospheric Dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn
- Energetic electrons response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt
- Energetic particle precipitation effects on the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere observed by LIMS
- Ephemeral Microstructures in Saturn’s Rings Revealed by Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultations
- Escape probability of Martian atmospheric particles: controlling effects of the electromagnetic fields
- Evaluating the Variability of Earth-reflected Hyperspectral Data Using Principal Component Analysis
- Evolution and Energization of Energetic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere: July 2004 Storms
- Evolution of Saturn's Bright Polar Aurora
- Evolution of flows and fields from the reconnection region to the inner edge of the plasma sheet
- Exploring Mercury’s Surface-bound Exosphere with the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer: An Overview of Observations during the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Gravity wave effects on polar mesospheric clouds: A comparison of numerical simulations from CARMA 2D model with AIM observations
- Hygroscopicity of Early Earth and Titan Laboratory Aerosol Analogs
- Imaging studies of Jupiter's H3+ infrared aurora
- Impact Generated Plasmas on the Lunar Surface
- In-situ composition analysis of dust particles originating from Europa and Ganymede in future missions and its scientific value
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Investigating monochromatic wave events in the summer polar mesosphere
- Investigation of dust transport on the lunar surface in laboratory plasmas
- Ionospheric Ion Outflow from the Cusp and the Polar Cap Ionosphere: Current Observations, Knowledge Gaps, and Planned Observations (Invited)
- Iron on the Surface of Mercury: From Contradiction to Convergence? (Invited)
- Jovian ring and halo models: comparing predictions for the Juno mission
- LISIRD 2: Applying Standards and Open Source Software in Exploring and Serving Scientific Data
- Latitude-Dependent PMC Local Time Variability
- Lunar Photoemission Studies with a Xe Excimer UV Lamp
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer and Energetic Particle Spectrometer Observations of Energetic Electrons during the Mercury Flybys
- MHD modeling of the interaction of the magnetosphere of Mercury with the solar wind during the MESSENGER flybys
- Magnetospheric ULF Wave Power as a Function of Solar Wind Variations
- Mass spectra of organic and inorganic dust particles measured by an impact ionization mass analyzer instrument
- Measurements of Calcium in Mercury’s Exosphere During MESSENGER’s Three Flybys
- Mercury's Bright Crater-Floor Deposits: Morphology, Distribution, and Spectral Properties
- Mercury's magnetosphere-solar wind interaction under northward and southward interplanetary magnetic field during the MESSENGER flybys
- Mercury’s atmosphere and magnetosphere: MESSENGER third flyby observations (Invited)
- Model of Io’s Local Interaction: Comparison with Galileo Flyby Observations
- Model of electromagnetic signals of Electron phase-space Holes observed by THEMIS
- Modeling the Enceladus Plume--Plasma Interaction
- Modeling the Martian climate with a new general circulation model
- Models of the Plasma Sheet at Jupiter
- Nadir and Limb Viewing Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- Observations of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide During the Current Solar Minimum
- Observations of Metallic Species in Mercury’s Exosphere During the Three MESSENGER Flybys
- Observations of Noctilucent Clouds by Odin/OSIRIS and AIM/CIPS
- Particle Transport and Acceleration in Mercury’s Magnetosphere during the MESSENGER Flybys
- Particle pressure and current density in the magnetosphere of Saturn: Origin of the Saturnian ring current
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of the Lunar Photoelectron Sheath
- Plasma Observations of Magnetopause Crossings along Jupiter’s Distant Dusk-side Flank from ~ 1650 to 2550 RJ
- Plasma and Field Measurements by the Lunar Dust Transport Package
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud Observations from OMI Compared with Coincident MLS Temperature and Water Vapor Measurements
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud properties derived from the Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission
- Polarization and Beaming Properties of the Saturn Kilometric Radiation
- Power transmission and particle acceleration along the Io flux tube
- Project SPECTRA! Using computer simulations to introduce spectroscopy to middle and high school students
- Properties of the Thermal Ion Plasma Near Rhea as Measured by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer
- Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX
- Quantitative Analysis of Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and SD-WACCM
- Radiative Heating Rates of Canadian Boreal Forest Fire Smoke During ARCTAS
- Resolved Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra of Mercury from the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Retrieval of PMC Properties From CIPS: Algorithm Description, Error Analysis and Cloud Detection Sensitivity
- Rhea’s interaction with Saturn’s magnetosphere: Evidence for a plasma source
- Saturn Auroral Movies from Cassini UVIS
- Self-consistent Euler potential modelling of the jovian magnetodisc
- Severe Space Weather Events: Global Geospace Responses to Powerful Solar Wind Drivers (Invited)
- Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars
- Small-scale ring structure observed in Cassini UVIS occultations
- Sodium and magnesium neutral and ion species at Mercury: Simulations and comparison to MESSENGER observations
- Solar Forcing of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System from Maximum to Minimum (Invited)
- Solar Wind Density Turbulence: 7.7 Hz to 185 Hz
- Solar wind influence on Pc4 and Pc5 ULF wave activity in the inner magnetosphere
- Space-Weathering on Mercury: Inferences Based on Comparison of MESSENGER Spectral Data and Experimental Space Weathering Data
- Spectral shortwave observations and modeling of ice clouds from TC4
- Spectrophotometric properties of Mercury
- Stochastic events lead to accretion in Saturn’s rings
- Structure and variability of Saturn's B and F rings from UVIS occultations (Invited)
- Systematics of Electron Flux Decay Lifetimes in the Outer Radiation Belts
- THEMIS Observation of Reconnection-Associated Hall Field at the Magnetopause: First Results from Hall MHD-Based Reconstruction
- THEMIS Observations of Field Line Resonance Excitation in Responce to a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- Ten Years of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Retrievals from MODIS
- Ten Years of Earth Observations from MODIS: What has been Accomplished
- The Electrostatic Lunar Dust Analyzer (ELDA) Instrument
- The Formation and Evolution of Double Layers in Earth's Auroral Upward Current Region
- The Impact of the Virtual Observatories on Space Weather Science, Modeling, and Predictions (Invited)
- The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Mission
- The Pitch-Angle Distribution Width Between 100 eV to 500 keV During the Solar Electron Burst of 2002 March 22
- The Role of Ions in New Particle Formation in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Using WACCM/CARMA
- The Space Environment of Mercury at the Time of the Third MESSENGER Flyby: Solar Wind and IMF Modeling of Upstream Conditions
- The Time Series Data Server (TSDS) for Standards-Compliant, Convenient, and Efficient Access to Time Series Data
- The coordinated multi-sensor, multi-platform ARCTAS fire plume study on June 30, 2008
- The effect of UV reflected back from the lunar surface on the detection of dust particles by the LDEX (Lunar Dust EXperiment) instrument
- The role of Shabansky orbits in the generation of compression-related EMIC waves
- Theory and Simulations of Interaction of Radiation Belt Electrons with MHD Waves
- Tidally Induced Variations of PMC Ice Water Content Using a Data Assimilation System
- Uncertainties in EUV and XUV ionospheric heating over solar cycle 23
- Variability of O+, O+2 and CO+2 outflow at Mars
- Variability of storm time electric fields associated with nonlinear interactions in the coupled geospace system (Invited)
- Variations in soil properties at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Vertical Plasma Flow in Auroral Boundary Coordinates for 1997
- A Preliminary comparison of the Flares as seen by SDO-EVE-ESP and GOES XRS
- A Torsional Alfvén Wave Embedded Within a Small Magnetic Flux Rope in the Solar Wind
- A global view of O+ upwelling and outflow rates between DMSP and POLAR
- Access of ionospheric oxygen to the near-Earth plasmasheet during geomagnetically-quiet conditions
- Aerosol Composition in Los Angeles During the 2010 CalNex Campaign Studied by High Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- An Ensemble Forecast for Geosynchronous Radiation Belt Fluxes
- An improved forecast system for relativistic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt
- Annual and Interannual thermocline variability of the tropical Southern Indian Ocean: remote versus local forcing
- Anticipating Juno
- Application of Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in a Earth Atmospheric Model
- Are general circulation models representing processes controlling tropical and subtropical free tropospheric relative humidity properly? The added value of water vapor isotope measurements
- Boom and Bust Cycles in Saturn's Rings
- CIPS/AIM Observation of Polar Mesospheric Cloud Structures and NOGAPS-ALPHA Analysis of the Environment in Which These Structures Form
- Calculating Wave Power from the Source Particle Distributions for EMIC Waves
- Cassini CAPS Measurements of Thermal Ion Properties: An Update
- Climatology of Upper Stratospheric Lower Mesospheric Disturbances in the Polar Winter
- Cloud property retrievals from surface spectral transmittance and airborne spectral reflectance: Comparisons with satellite, microwave, and in-situ observations during CalNex
- Comparative study of stratopause at the South Pole and Rothera
- Comparison of F Ring Features Observed in Cassini UVIS Occultations with Other Observations
- Computer simulations for minds-on learning with ``Project Spectra!''
- Controls on Synoptic Scale Variability in Atmospheric Water Vapor Stable Isotopologues from Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii (Invited)
- Data Access for the EUV Variability Experiment on the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory
- Dependence of Empirical Models of Solar Wind Coupling on Solar Cycle, Season, and Dynamic Pressure
- Different views on the Arctic surface albedo
- Direct Radiative Effects of Particulate Aerosols Emitted by the Space Transport Sector
- Dust Telescopes and Active Dust Collectors: Linking Dust to Their Sources
- Dust transport and electric field distributions in planetary craters
- Effect of Field-Aligned Potentials on M-I Coupling at Jupiter: A parameter space study
- Effect of energetic particle precipitation on the atmosphere as simulated by WACCM
- Effect of wind turbine wakes on cropland surface fluxes in the US Great Plains during a Nocturnal Low Level Jet
- Electron Transport and Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Evolving LISIRD and the LASP Time Series Server to Support Data Identification, Citation, and Provenance
- Exospheric temperature variability and the solar EUV control
- Experimental Investigations of the Lunar Photoelectron Sheath
- Extreme Space Weather at Venus and Mars: What We Know and Don't Know (Yet) (Invited)
- Fall 2010 Total Solar Irradiance Calibration Workshop
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes in the Near-Earth Tail
- First Results from the EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) on the SDO Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- First determination of the fractal perimeter dimension of noctilucent clouds/polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Forecasting Solar EUV Irradiance, Validation and Automation
- Future Long-term Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability: Achievements and Lessons from the SORCE SIM
- Global views of energetic particle precipitation and their sources: Combining large-scale models with observations during the 21-22 January 2005 magnetic storm (Invited)
- Gravity Wave Tuning in WACCM/CARMA for Application to PMC Studies
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- How to use students to do the education & outreach you don't have time for
- ICME interaction with the Martian ionosphere and atmosphere
- Identifying the Driver of Pulsating Aurora using THEMIS
- Influence of the continental ice retreat on Future Global Climate
- Intercontinental Transport of Smoke from the Siberian Forest Fires of May 2003
- International Pyroheliometer Comparison 2010 Results from SORCE/TIM
- Interplanetary Hydrogen Lyman-Alpha Emission Observations from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer on the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Io's Extended Neutral Sulfur and Oxygen Clouds Supplied by Electron Impact Dissociation of an SO2 Atmosphere
- LASP Time Series Server (LaTiS): Overcoming Data Access Barriers via a Common Data Model in the Middle Tier (Invited)
- LDEX-PLUS: Lunar Dust Experiment with Chemical Analysis Capability to search for Water
- Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Applied to Cassini-CAPS Corotational Data
- Loss Of Relativistic Electrons In The Inner Magnetosphere Via Wave Particle Interactions
- Lower Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiances During the Solar Cycle 23/24 Minimum (Invited)
- Lyman alpha airglow observations from SORCE SOLSTICE
- Mass and Energy Flow Through the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Measurement of the disk-integrated polarization of the Moon in the ultraviolet
- Measurements and modeling of solar spectral absorption by liquid water clouds
- Mesospheric Transport in WACCM
- Mirror Modes observed in the Saturnian Middle Magnetosphere
- Modeling of Mercury's pick-up ion dynamics and its response to changes in IMF conditions
- Modeling of the longitudinal modulation of the Io interaction
- Modeling the Secondary Flare Irradiance Measured by Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Modeling the Temperature Responses to Spectral Solar Variability on Decadal and Centennial Time Scales
- Multi-Variate Time Series Modeling and Detection of Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind
- Multi-point measurements of the spatial extent and azimuthal mode number of ULF waves
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Energetic Particle Events from 0.3 to 1.0 AU: Measurements by MESSENGER, STEREO, and ACE
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Multipoint Observations of the Large Substorm Associated with the Galaxy 15 Anomaly
- Multivariate Analysis of Hyperspectral Earth-reflected Solar Radiance
- Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter
- Necessary Conditions For Establishing Quasi-Stable Double Layers in Earth's Auroral Upward Current Region
- New Retrievals from AIM/CIPS
- New measurements and improved modeling of solar flares with SDO EVE (Invited)
- Non-monotonic potentials above the lunar surface: implications for electron reflectometry measurements
- Parameterization of Monoenergetic Electron Impact Ionization
- Performance of a wind-profiling LIDAR in the region of wind turbine rotor disks
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral and temporal variations of solar EUV and XUV irradiance models over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales
- Pick-Up Oxygen Ion Loss at Mars
- Planetary Magnetosphere Probed by Charged Dust Particles
- Potential reconnection sites at Jupiter's magnetopause
- Predicting and mitigating impacts of extreme space weather (Invited)
- Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX (Invited)
- Radiation Belt Electron Response to CME- and CIR-driven Geomagnetic Storms (Invited)
- Radiation Belt Radial Diffusion Coefficients Derived From Ground-based and In-situ ULF Wave Measurements
- Recent advances in modeling the coupled hydrologic cycle: Connecting atmospheric processes, land energy fluxes and hydrology (Invited)
- Resonant interactions of ULF standing waves with ring current O+ ions during geomagnetic storms
- Results from the first lunar-wake flyby of ARTEMIS on wake potential, electron beams, and electrostatic waves
- Retrieval and Interpretation of 0.4 to 4.0 μm Lambert Albedos over Aram Chaos from Mars Express OMEGA Data
- Retrieval of aerosol properties, surface albedo, and radiative forcing from SSFR, AATS-14 and HSRL measurements during CalNex and ARCTAS
- SBUV Trends in PMC Ice Water Content
- Saturn Ring Equinox Temperature Variations Retrieved by Cassini CIRS
- Saturnian Stream Particles as a Probe of Enceladus' Interior
- Significant Climate Changes Caused by Soot Emitted From Rockets in the Stratosphere
- Size and Amplitude Distributions of Langmuir-Eigenmodes in the Solar Wind
- Soft X-ray Energy Detection from Broadband Images by the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM) on Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
- Solar Irradiance Data Products at the LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Variability During the Decline of Cycle 23
- Solar flare impulsive phase observations from SDO and other observatories
- Sources of Structure in the Outer Magnetosphere of Saturn
- Space weather specification and geospace forecasting (Invited)
- Subsurface ices at the Mars Phoenix Landing Site: Assessing emplacement mechanisms
- THEMIS FTE Encounter Between Oppositely Directed Reconnection Jets at the Dayside Subsolar Region on 27 June 2007
- THEMIS measurements of the spatial structure and temporal evolution of a dayside poloidal ULF wave event
- The Electrostatic Lunar Dust Analyzer (ELDA) for the detection and trajectory measurement of slow dust particles
- The Heidelberg Dust Accelerator: Investigating Hypervelocity Particle Impacts
- The Research Experience for Undergraduates Program in Solar and Space Physics at the University of Colorado
- The Role of Precipitating Energetic Particles in Coupling Atmospheric Regions
- The Source of Saturn's Extended Neutral Cloud
- The Transient Response of the Southern Ocean Pycnocline to Changing Atmospheric Winds
- The automatic detection and tracking of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (CMEs) using heliospheric imager data
- The effects of post-condensation exchange on the isotopic composition of water in the atmosphere (Invited)
- Tomography of the Heliosphere: Ulysses Dust Measurements
- Trends in solar UV and EUV irradiance: An update to the MgII Index and a comparison of proxies and data to evaluate trends of the last 11-year solar cycle
- Using MHD modeling to specify inner heliosphere conditions during the three MESSENGER Mercury flybys
- Validation of the Glory TIM and a Ground-Based SORCE TIM (Invited)
- Variations of Earth's radiation belt intensities on time scales of days throughout the 11-year solar cycle
- Wavelet decomposition of Taylor-Green forced-turbulence: sensitivity of the incoherent component statistics to threshold value
- Wind and flux measurements in a windfarm co-located with agricultural production (Invited)
- a Fractal Aggregate Model of Early Earth Organic Hazes: UV Shielding with Minimal Antigreenhouse Cooling
- "Discoveries in Planetary Sciences": Turning Press Release Science into Teachable Moments in Higher Ed
- 3-D Implicie-PIC Simulation Studies of Electrid Fields During Magnetic Reconnection
- A Nano-Dust Analyzer on the Moon
- A Post-Equinox View of Saturn's Rings
- A Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake using ARTEMIS Measurements
- A comparison of the interaction of the solar wind with the Jovian and Kronian magnetospheres
- A global atmospheric river climatology as simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model version 5 (CAM5), compared to results from reanalyses
- ARTEMIS spacecraft observations of lunar magnetic anomalies at low altitude
- Airborne Observations of Mixed Phase Clouds in the Southern Rockies
- Aircraft profile measurements of 18O/16O and D/H isotope ratios of cloud condensate and water vapor constrain precipitation efficiency and entrainment rates in tropical clouds
- An Improved Total Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record
- An Investigation of Dynamical Mechanisms Associated with Planetary Wave Disturbances of the Winter Polar Middle Atmosphere
- An Ion Energy Analyzer for the Lunar Surface with E Parallel to B
- Are Electrons in the Magnetosheath the Source of Energetic Electrons in the Magnetosphere?
- CISM Knowledge Transfer Group: Building Real-time Analysis and Prediction Tools for the CMIT Models
- Calcium in Mercury's Exosphere: Modeling MESSENGER Data
- Can Coronal Dimmings be Used to Forecast CMEs?
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Titan Ultraviolet Airglow Spectra with Laboratory Modeling from Electron- and Proton-Excited N2 Emission Studies
- Characterization of the DARA solar absolute radiometer
- Compositional Mapping of Planetary moons by Mass Spectrometry of Dust Ejecta
- Constraining Particle Sizes of Saturn's F Ring
- Constraints on the nanoscale minerals on the surface of Saturnian icy moons
- Convective Taylor Columns in Rotating Rayleigh-Benard Convection
- Demonstration of novel polarization lidar technique for identifying horizontally oriented ice crystals
- Detection of energetic electrons in Mercury's magnetosphere with the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Discovery of B ring propellers in Cassini UVIS and ISS
- Double Layers and Electron Phase-Space Holes on Auroral Field Lines
- Dust Capture from Phoebe to Saturn's Magnetosphere
- EMIC wave growth in the magnetosphere: Contrasting energizing and non-energizing sources of anisotropy in the ring current
- Effect of wind turbine wakes on summer-time wind profiles in the US Great Plains
- Effects of Radiative Transfer on Helioseismic Signatures in Active Regions
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Electrostatic Turbulence, Parallel Electric Fields, and Alfvénic Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet
- Enabling Data Fusion via a Common Data Model and Programming Interface
- Energetic particles, plasma waves, and the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission: The space weather connection
- Energization of Radiation Belt Electrons by High and Low Azimuthal Mode Number Poloidal Mode ULF Waves
- Engaging students in astronomy and spectroscopy through Project SPECTRA!
- Estimation of a Source Parameter in Radiation Belt Electron Data using a Kalman Filter
- Evaluating the drought busting winter of 2010-11 in southern California through isotope measurements and model simulations
- Evaluations of Sun-Earth Radiative Connection Over Solar Cycle 23
- Exploring Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere: An Overview of Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Far-side imaging tools, front-side imaging, and EUV solar irradiance forecasting
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes
- Future Long-term Measurements of Solar Spectral Irradiance by JPSS TSIS
- Ganymede: The Ultraviolet Albedo and Weathering Effects
- Geophysics and Geochemistry of Enceladus and the Galilean Moons from Analysis of Ejected Ice Particles
- Global Pickup Oxygen Ion Precipitation in the Martian Thermosphere: Distributions, Effects, and Implications
- Global Simulations of Mercury's Quasi-Trapped Particle Population
- Global distribution of Na, Ca, and Mg in Mercury's exosphere from MESSENGER measurements
- High-temperature laboratory measurements in support of a statistical analysis of spectral data from MESSENGER
- Impact of 1999 Orissa Cyclone on Dynamics and Heat Budget of the Bay of Bengal
- Impact of solar spectral variability on middle atmospheric constituents
- Implications of Meteoritic Dust In The Upper Stratosphere
- In-Transit Thermal Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions Between the Ionosphere and the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current
- Infrared Cavity Radiometer Reflectometry in Support of Total Solar Irradiance Instruments
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Mesospheric Short-period Gravity Wave Propagation
- Ion flux at Ganymede
- Jupiter's Plasmasheet: Voyager and Galileo Observations
- Laboratory simulations of photoelectron sheaths
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- Lyman Alpha Spicule Observatory (LASO)
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of Flux Transfer Events at Mercury
- MESSENGER Observations of the Distribution of Planetary Ions Near Mercury
- MESSENGER Searches for Less Abundant or Weakly Emitting Species in Mercury's Exosphere
- MESSENGER observations of plasma ion composition at Mercury through the first 150 days of orbital observations
- Mapping the Environmental Boundaries for Methanogenesis in Serpentinizing Systems using a Cell-scale Numerical Model
- Martian Seasonal CO2 Frost Indicating Decameter-Scale Variability in Buried Water Ice
- Measured and modeled O+ upwelling at 800 km: Understanding the dayside asymmetry
- Measured and modeled trends in the solar spectral irradiance variability using the SORCE SIM and SOLSTICE instruments
- Measurement of Light Flash from Hypervelocity Dust Impacts at the CCLDAS Dust Accelerator
- Middle atmosphere Doppler lidar and aerosol observations on scales down to seconds
- Mineral Alteration in Acid-sulfate Fumaroles on Earth and Mars
- Model comparison of oxygen ion loss at Mars
- Model of Io's Local Interaction: a Coupled Hall-MHD/Multi-Species Chemistry Model
- Modeling Geomagnetic Storms on Prompt and Diffusive Time Scales
- Modeling Temperature Responses to Spectral Solar Forcing Since 1600
- Modeling the ion abundances in Saturn's inner magnetosphere
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-year investigation of flux ropes in the Martian ionosphere
- New Insights into Solar EUV Spectral Irradiance Variability from SDO-EVE
- New results in polarimetry of planetary thermospheric emissions: jovian case
- Non-Observation of the He II 304 A Charge-Exchange Continuum in Major Solar Flares
- On the Mythical Relation Between Solar Wind Speed and Radiation Belt Electrons
- One-carbon (bio?)geochemistry in subsurface waters of the serpentinizing Coast Range Ophiolite
- PREMOS Absolute Radiometer Calibration and Implications to on-orbit Measurements of the Total Solar Irradiance
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate solar EUV and XUV model irradiance spectra
- Photosynthesis within Mars' volcanic craters?: Insights from Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud North/South Hemispheric differences: from SME (1982- present
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Profound change of the near-Earth radiation environment caused by solar superstorms
- Properties of Saturn's Rings from Stellar Occultation Statistics
- Pulsed Alfvén Waves in the Solar Wind
- Quantifying Radial Diffusion of Radiation Belt Electrons Based on Global MHD Simulation Validated by GOES and THEMIS Measurements
- Quantitative Analysis of 2010/11 Arctic Ozone Loss Using EOS MLS and WACCM4
- Quantitative Comparison of the Variability of Simulated and Observed Hyperspectral Solar Radiance
- REU Solar and Space Physics Summer School
- Relativistic electron losses by microbursts and their relationship to flux decay time scales
- Rotational Variability in Ultraviolet Solar Spectral Irradiance
- SME Observations of Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance, October 1981 to April 1989
- Saturn's interaction with the solar wind: Clues from the thermal ion properties on the dawn flank
- Saturnian Global Magnetospheric Thermal Ion Properties from CAPS to 70 R<SUB>S</SUB>
- Seasonal Variations in Saturn's Plasma between the Main Rings and Enceladus
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- Solar Energy and Nitric Oxide in the Lower Thermosphere: Observations by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) and the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
- Solar Irradiance Data Products at the LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- Solar Spectrum Atomic Database Update Comparisons
- Solar Wind Mass-Loading Due to Dust
- Solar Wind Plasma and UV effects on Surfaces in Space
- Solar spectral irradiance variation and its impact on earth's atmosphere as observed by SCIAMACHY
- Solar wind current sheet observations over multiple length scales
- Spacecraft and Dust Charging at Enceladus
- Spectral and Radiative Transfer modeling of Saturn's Rings in the Far Ultraviolet from Cassini UVIS Spectra
- Statistical Properties of Super-Hot Solar Flares
- Structure of Mercury's magnetosphere during MESSENGER's first three months in orbit
- Studying changes of energetic particle properties in the Earth's radiation belts using the SAMPEX, POLAR, and Cluster missions
- Survey Says...! Women rising above challenges in atmospheric science through ASCENT
- TSI Instrument Validations on the TSI Radiometer Facility
- The 2013 Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) Mission to Mars
- The EUV Spectrum of an Active Region from SDO-EVE Measurements During a Lunar Transit
- The Electrostatic Lunar Dust Analyzer (ELDA): Data Analysis
- The Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex in the asymmetric velocity shear layer: PIC simulations
- The Lunar Surface: A Dusty Plasma Laboratory
- The MAVEN mission to Mars: Creating pathways for connecting to science
- The Structure of Enceladus' Plume from Cassini Occultation Observations
- The Ultraviolet Albedo Patterns of Mimas and Tethys
- The aurora, Mars, and more! Increasing science content in elementary grades through art and literacy programs in earth and space science
- The calibration of the Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX) instrument
- The location and evolution of the South Atlantic Anomaly as observed by SOLSTICE
- The stratospheric ozone response to a discrepancy of the SSI data
- Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside Ionosphere
- Towards a Domain Specific Software Architecture for Scientific Data Distribution
- Tracing the effects of solar variability to climate
- Tracking Lunar Dust - Analysis of Apollo Footage
- Transient Bursts of Energetic Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere Observed by MESSENGER
- Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause
- Turbulent Electric Field and Magnetic Field in the Tail: THEMIS High-Resolution Observations
- ULF Power Spectral Densities and Radial Diffusion Coefficients During High-Speed-Stream Storms
- Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Spectral Variation of Geologic End-members on Mercury
- Undergraduate Students' Conceptions of Natural and Anthropogenic Climate Change
- Understanding Solar Cycle Ultraviolet Variations from SME and Subsequent Satellite Measurements
- Using Dynamically Coupled Turbine/Wind Simulations to Investigate the Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence in Turbine Wake Recovery
- Vertical properties of mixed-phase clouds from in-situ ground and airborne measurements during simultaneous CAMPS and StormVEx field campaigns
- Water uptake by sodium chloride particles coated with insoluble organics: impact of chain length
- What can be learned about Polar Mesospheric Clouds from suborbital missions?
- 2D MHD test-particle simulations in modeling geomagnetic storms
- 2D and 3D Simulations of Radiation Belt Response to the Mar-Apr 2008 Whole Heliosphere Interval Corotating Interaction Regions
- 3D fully kinetic simulations of vortex induced magnetic reconnection at the Earth's magnetopause
- 8/9 February 2012 SDO-EVE and Arecibo ISR Ionospheric Capaign
- A Bounce-Averaged Test Particle Code for Studying the Evolution of the Radiation Belts
- A Dusty Origin of Io's Escaping Sodium?
- A Geochemical and Mineralogical Model for Formation of Layered Sulfate Deposits at Meridiani Planum by Hydrothermal Acid-sulfate Alteration of Pyroclastic Basalt
- A New Observation of the Quiet Sun Soft X-ray (0.5-5 keV) Spectrum
- A Termolecular Reaction Mechanism for Nitrogen Incorporation in Aerosol Produced by Far UV Irradiation of CH4-N2 Atmospheres
- Absolute Solar EUV Irradiance Measurements Obtained on NASA Sounding Rocket Flights 36.286 (23 June 2012) and 36.263 (24 July 2012) For Comparison with Solar EUV Irradiance Measurements from the EUV Spectrophotometer (ESP) Onboard the SDO/EVE and with the Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) Onboard the SOHO/CELIAS
- Accretion in Saturn's F Ring
- Actinic flux measurements and photolysis frequencies enhancements near clouds during DC3 and TORERO
- Aerosol Optical Properties Over the High Altitude Station Hanle in the Western Himalayas
- Analysis of field-aligned structure of compressional Pc 5 waves and associated energetic ion modulations observed by Polar at L~9.5
- Anticipating Juno Observations of the Magnetosphere of Jupiter
- Archiving 40+ Years of Planetary Mission Data - Lessons Learned
- Assessing modern climatic controls on southern Sierra Nevada precipitation and speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Asymmetric penetration of solar wind perturbations down to 400-km altitudes at Mars observed by Mars Global Surveyor
- Atmospheric radiation measurements and modeling during ATTREX
- Browsing, Understanding, and Accessing Solar Irradiance Data via LISIRD
- CWEX-10/11: Overview of Results From the First Two Crop/Wind-Energy Experiments
- Cassini/RPWS Dust Measurements During Enceladus Flybys
- Climate Response to Spectral Solar Forcing from GISS GCMAM
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Compositional Analysis of Interstellar Dust as seen by the Cassini Cosmic Dust Detector
- Computer simulations for the Mars Atmospheric and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission through NASA's "Project Spectra!"
- Consequences of Electron Precipitation at Mercury: X-ray Aurorae and Heavy Ion Production
- Constraining Small Scale Compositional Variations in Saturn's Rings Through Analysis of Cassini UVIS Far Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectra
- Coronal Dimmings from SDO EVE as Precursors of CMEs
- Correlations Between EUV Coronal Spectral Line Dimming and CME Kinetics
- Cratering Studies in Thin Plastic Films
- Dawnward shift of the dayside O+ outflow distribution and the Influence of e- precipitation on ion upwelling in the nightside auroral zone
- Demonstrating Advancements in 3D Analysis and Prediction Tools for Space Weather Forecasting utilizing the Enlil Model
- Deriving the Structure and Composition of Enceladus' Plume from Cassini Occultation Observations
- Development of a 3D Radiation Belt Model in Adiabatic Invariant Coordinates Using Stochastic Differential Equations
- Direct and remotely-sensed observations of water vapor isotopes in the North American Monsoon domain
- Dynamic nightside electron precipitation at Mars: ggeographical and solar wind dependence
- Dynamics and Distribution of Nano-Dust in the Inner Solar System
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electron "bite-outs" in Dusty Plasmas
- Enabling Effective Space Weather and Climatology (SWaC) Capabilities: The NRC Decadal Survey in Solar and Space Physics
- Estimation of Source Rate Parameters in Outer Radiation Belt Electrons Using a Kalman Filter
- Evidence of Multiple X-lines in the Solar Wind from Overlapping Hall Magnetic Fields
- Examining the stratospheric response to the solar cycle in coupled WACCM simulations with an internally generated Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
- Exploring Thermal and Non-Thermal Flare Emission with EVE and RHESSI
- First Results from Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE): Differential Flux Measurements of Energetic Particles in a Highly Inclined Low Earth Orbit
- First Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes REPT instrument
- Flow of Mass and Energy in the Magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn: Temporal Variability
- From Low Altitude to High Altitude: Assimilating SAMPEX Data in Global Radiation Belt Models by Quantifying Precipitation and Loss
- Ganymede: Effects of Weathering as seen in UV Spectra
- Global MHD simulation of Kronian magnetosphere with solar wind data from Cassini
- Gravity wave activity in the Arctic stratosphere during recent winters
- Ground based spectral radiance and irradiance measurements of aerosols and clouds during the DC3 field campaign
- Haloes seen in UVIS reflectance
- Impact of Tropical Cyclones on the Ocean Heat Budget in the Bay of Bengal during 1999: Processes and Interpretations
- Impact of organic coating on growth of ammonium sulfate particles: light extinction measurements relevant for the direct effect
- Importance of Particle Shape and Refractive Index in Climate Simulations of the Dust Aerosol Lifecycle
- Increased Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide Negligibly Impacts Stratospheric Aerosol Compared to Moderate Volcanoes during the decade 2000-2010
- Initial results from global MHD simulations of magnetospheric ULF pulsations driven by IMF fluctuations
- Insights into Using SDO Data for Active Region Specification and Real-time Event Monitoring
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Inward shift of outer radiation belt electrons as a function of Dst index and the influence of the solar wind on electron injections into the slot region
- Ion Cyclotron Waves at Io: 1D Hybrid Modeling
- Ion flux profiles observed at Mars
- Ionospheric Joule heating, fast flow channels, and magnetic field line topology for IMF By-dominant conditions - Observations and comparisons with predicted reconnection jet speeds
- Ionospheric sources for molecular ion outflow
- Ions in the Enceladus plume: Cassini/CAPS ion measurements at high energy resolution
- Ions in the Plume of Enceladus and the Role of Grain Interactions
- LDEX Sensitivity Studies in Preparation for the LADEE Mission
- Local Time Variations of Radial Plasma Flow in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- Lowering the Barrier to Cross-Disciplinary Scientific Data Access via a Brokering Service Built Around a Unified Data Model
- Lunar Atmosphere: Expectations and Goals for the LADEE Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Structure and Dynamics at Mercury
- MESSENGER observations of Mercury's magnetosphere under extreme solar wind conditions
- MESSENGER observations of plasma signatures in Mercury's northern magnetospheric cusp
- MESSENGER observations of the plasma depletion layer in Mercury's magnetosphere
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind at Current Sheets Associated with Extremely Small Field Shear Angles
- Magnetic signatures of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices on Saturn's magnetopause: Global survey
- Magnetopause conditions at Jupiter and Saturn and implications for the solar wind interaction
- Magnetospheric Exploration: Basic Research with a High Public Purpose
- Making Sense of 2.5 Million Surface Reflectance Spectra of Mercury from MESSENGER
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission's Red Planet program: Bridging the gap in elementary school science through climate studies of Mars
- Mercury's Sodium Exosphere: Observations During the MESSENGER Orbital Phase
- Mercury's Time-Averaged and Induced Magnetic Fields from MESSENGER Observations
- Mercury's magnetopause and bow shock from MESSENGER observations
- Microburst measurements by SAMPEX HILT: Micro and Macro temporal coupling of electron decay
- Mineral Controls on Microbial Niche Space in Subsurface Serpentinites of the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California
- Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic ions): New Results
- Modeling of the Sputtering Efficiency for Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-species analysis of ion distributions at Mars
- Nadir and Limb Viewing Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Explorer
- Noctilucent Cloud Imaging and Tomography using a Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicle
- Observations of Electrostatic Solitary Waves as Evidence of Kinetic Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at Solar Wind Current Sheets
- On the Importance of Pickup Ion Precipitation to the Martian Thermosphere Under Severe Solar Wind Conditions
- On the relationship between vertical velocity and cirrus ice crystal number, size, and water content during MACPEX
- Operation of a swept Langmuir probe on a sounding rocket
- PMC Particle Sizes Derived from Aura OMI Observations
- PMC brightness zonal variability and its correlation with temperature and water vapor
- Particle Velocity Distributions in the Magnetotail Reconnection Exhaust: Results from Implicit PIC Simulations
- Particle and Wave Energy Transport During Magnetic Reconnection
- Particle motion in association with Reconnection in the Earth's tail
- Peroxy Radical Chemistry and Partitioning under a Ponderosa Pine Canopy
- Photoelectron Emission and Lyman Alpha Measurements by the CHAMPS Rockets
- Photoelectron determination of the EUV and XUV energy input variability to the Mars ionosphere/thermosphere during the 2005 Mars-Earth-Sun alignment
- Picking the right strategy: Reaching the public through New Media
- Plans for coordinated measurements around Mars with the Mars Express and MAVEN spacecraft
- Plasma Properties in the Magnetospheric Plasmasheet of Jupiter
- Plasma Properties in the Magnetospheric Plasmasheet of Saturn
- Plasma-surface interaction in magnetic dipole fields: Understanding the near surface electrical environment in magnetic anomaly regions
- Polar Winter Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Generation and Mesosphere Cooling
- Poynting Flux in the Earths Magnetotail
- Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
- Rapid Enhanced Precipitation of Radiation Belt Electrons: Microbursts and Precipitation Bands
- Recent advances in understanding lunar surface charging: modeling, theory and spacecraft observations
- Recent science results from the CCLDAS dust accelerator
- SAMPEX: A Remarkable Radiation Belt Sentinel
- SUDA: A Dust Mass Spectrometer for compositional surface mapping for the JUICE mission to the Galilean moons
- Seasonal Variability and Local Time Dependence of Mercury's Dayside Magnesium Exosphere
- Self-Limiting Sputtering at Europa
- Shabansky Mechanism as a Source for Off-Equatorial Chorus Wave Growth
- Simulation of the Upper Clouds and Hazes of Venus Using a Microphysical Cloud Model
- Small Propeller Signatures in the C Ring and Cassini Division
- Solar Dynamic Activities in the Perspective of Outer Coronal Dynamics
- Solar Irradiance Variations and Flare Frequencies during the Interesting Solar Cycle 24
- Solar Wind Mass-Loading Due to Dust in the Vicinity of the Sun
- Sources and Losses of Mg in Mercury's Exosphere Inferred from MESSENGER Observations
- Space Weather Products from the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Space-based imaging of mesospheric gravity waves from the cloud imaging and particle size instrument
- Spatial configuration of a flux rope observed downstream from the Martian crustal magnetic fields
- Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake Outer Boundary
- Structure and variability of the Venus ionosphere inferred from photoelectron measurements by Venus Express
- Surface Compositional Units on Mercury from Spectral Reflectance at Ultraviolet to Near-infrared Wavelengths
- Surface units on Mercury defined by unsupervised classification analysis of MESSENGER spectral reflectance data from the first year in orbit
- Synoptic/Mesoscale Modulation of Surface Radiation over Arctic Sea Ice
- Temporal Variability of Observed and Simulated Hyperspectral Earth Reflectance
- The ATOMMS Radio Occultation Climate Remote Sensing System
- The Development of Several Electromagnetic Monitoring Strategies and Algorithms for Validating Pre-Earthquake Electromagnetic Signals
- The Effect of Dissipation Mechanism on X-line Spreading in 3D Magnetic
- The Latitudinal Variation of Dayside Chorus
- The MAVEN Solar Energetic Particle instrument
- The MAVEN mission to Mars: Communicating science through social media
- The Population of Small Particles in Saturn's Rings from Diffraction in Stellar Occultations
- The cause of the seasonal variation in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation along the western U.S. coast
- The interpretation of in situ plasma measurements in space dusty plasmas
- Time Variability of Energetic Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere Documented with the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Time-Resolved Temperature Measurements in Hypervelocity Dust Impact
- Transport of Thermal-energy Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions between the Ionosphere and the Inner Magnetosphere at Quiet Times Preceding Magnetic Storms
- ULF waves and energetic electrons resulting from intense interplanetary shocks
- Understanding the relationship between the spatial structure and spectral signature of 3D clouds using airborne spectral irradiance measurements and 3D radiative transfer modeling
- Updated Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Upper Troposphere Front-like Behavior in the Stratosphere
- Using a 2D Model of the Io Plasma Torus to Investigate the Effects of Density Variations on the Morphology and Intensity of the Io Footprint
- Using self-consistent Gibbs free energy surfaces to calculate size distributions of neutral and charged clusters for the sulfuric acid-water binary system
- Validation of the ACE-FTS Dataset
- Variations in Self-Gravity Wake Structures Across Saturn's Rings
- Viewing Mercury's Surface-bound Exosphere from Orbit: Eighteen Months of Observations by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Wet Mars, Dry Mars
- A Compact Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor for Future Small Satellite and CubeSat Science Opportunities
- A Comprehensive Simulation Method for Examining Radiation Belt Dynamics
- A Sungrazing Comet Application of Modeling Solar Wind Mass-Loading Due to Dust
- A Survey of Current Sheets in the Venus Induced Magnetotail
- A gravity wave case study for an observation over Antarctica using the cloud imaging and particle size experiment
- A non-storm time enhancement of outer radiation belt electrons
- A quantitative assessment of the role of soft electron precipitation on global ion upwelling
- Aged Organic Aerosol in the Upper Troposphere: Aging of boundary layer aerosol during and after convective transport and in-situ SOA formation during DC3. (Invited)
- An Overview of MESSENGER Observations of Mercury's Exosphere
- Analysis of CCN activity of Remote and Combustion Aerosol over the South East Pacific during autumn 2008 and links to Sc cloud properties
- Boulder Solar Alliance REU Site in Solar and Space Physics
- Building a Sectional Aerosol Model in CAM5
- Cassini Observations During the Saturn Auroral Campaign of Spring 2013 (Invited)
- Cassini RPWS Measurement of Dust Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Cassini observations of ion cyclotron waves and ions anisotropy
- Characteristics of Energetic Electron Events in Mercury's Magnetosphere at the 10-ms Timescale
- Characteristics of the spatial structure of Martian magnetic flux ropes recovered by the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction technique
- Characterizing the Retrieval of Cloud Optical Thickness and Droplet Effective Radius to Overlying Aerosols Using a General Inverse Theory Approach
- Chorus Waves and Spacecraft Potential Fluctuations: Evidence for Wave-Driven Enhanced Photoelectron Escape
- Climate Responses to Total and Spectral Solar Forcing on Decadal and Centennial Time Scales in the GISS/GCMAM
- Cloud optical properties and phase discrimination using transmitted spectral radiance
- Comparative study of Mars and Venus ionospheres using ionospheric photoelectron measurements by Mars and Venus Express
- Comparison of Magnesium II Core-to-Wing Ratio Measurements During Solar Minimum 23/24
- Comparison of high altitude pick-up ions at Mars and Venus
- Comparisons of DC Electric Field Measurements in the Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Using Measurements from the SuperDARN Radars and the Van Allen Probes EFW Instrument
- Compositional Analysis of Interstellar Dust as seen by the Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer III
- Comprehensive studies of the sputtering effects on CO2 atmospheres: Mars and Venus
- Connecting Data Stakeholders for a Long-term Vision of Data Stewardship
- Connecting white light to in situ observations of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU
- Contributions of Asian SO2 Pollution to the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Convection Electric Field Observations by THEMIS and the Van Allen Probes
- Coordinated observations of the Martian ionosphere and induced magnetosphere with Mars Express and MAVEN
- Cratering Studies in Thin Plastic Films
- Development of the Nano-Dust Analyzer for Detection and Compositional Analysis of Nanometer-Sized Dust Particles Originating in the Inner Heliosphere
- Differentiating Sudden Loss Mechanisms of Inner-belt Protons from Multisatellite Observations
- Direct Impacts of Waves on Cold-Point Tropopause Temperature
- Disturbances of the Wintertime Polar Upper Stratosphere and Lower Mesosphere: Observations, Modeling, and Mechanisms
- Dust mobilization on airless planetary bodies
- Dynamics of Escaping Planetary Ions from Mars and Venus in a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Effect of Electromagnetic Induction on the Magnetosphere of Mercury
- Effects of outgassing, sputtering, and erosion on the evolution of argon isotopes in the Martian atmosphere
- Effects of variation in solar conditions and crustal sources' orientation on the Martian magnetic field topology
- Electromagnetic Signals and Earthquakes 2.0: Increasing Signals and Reducing Noise
- Electron precipitation into the Martian atmosphere: interplay between scattering and the magnetic mirror force
- Energetic electron dynamics in the Earth's radiation belts: New results from the REPT instrument on board Van Allen probes
- Energetic particle injections at Saturn: their relationship to solar wind driven and rotationally driven magnetospheric dynamics as measured in situ and using ENA
- Estimates of Total Radiation Belt Electron Content (TRBEC) and its Time Evolution using the RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite on the Van Allen Probes Mission
- Estimating the Power per Mode Number and Power vs L-shell of Broadband, Storm-time ULF Waves
- Estimation of the isotopic composition of evapotranspiration based on Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer HDO moisture convergence
- Evaluation of Heterotrophy in in Serpentinite-Associated Waters from the Coast Range Ophiolite, Northern California, USA and the Zambales Ophiolite, Philippines
- Evolution of electron spectra and pitch angle distributions during the September 2012 electron storage-ring event
- Evolution of relativistic outer belt electrons during extended quiescent period
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Experimental Measurement of Micrometeoroid-Produced Neutrals
- Extension of the AURIC Radiative Transfer Model for Mars Atmospheric Research
- Field-Aligned Current Reconfiguration and Magnetospheric Response to an Impulse in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field BY Component
- First Results from NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE)
- Generation of High Frequency Electric Field Activity by Turbulence in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Global ICME-Mars Interaction and Induced Atmospheric Loss
- Grain charging in dusty plasmas (Invited)
- Heliophysics
- Hybrid Simulations of the Plasma Interaction with Europa's Atmosphere
- Impact of event-specific chorus wave realization for modeling the October 8-9, 2012, event using the LANL DREAM3D diffusion code
- In-situ spatio-temporal measurements of the detailed substructure of the substorm current wedge and its evolution (Invited)
- Inferring water vapor amounts with solar spectral irradiance: Measurements, modeling, and comparisons with in situ water vapor profiles in the upper troposphere lower stratosphere from ATTREX
- Interannual and seasonal effects of sudden stratospheric warming events on gravity wave activity
- Introducing GHOST: The Geospace/Heliosphere Observation & Simulation Tool-kit
- Inverse Energy Cascades in Rotating Turbulence
- Ion Interactions at Enceladus: Plasma Observations from the E3 and E5 encounters in a Multifluid Modeling Context
- Ion Outflow at Mars Using MEX Ion And Electron Data
- Ion composition and kinetics in Mercury's magnetotail (Invited)
- Is the faint young Sun paradox solved?
- LISIRD: LASP Interactive Solar Irradiance Data Center
- Laboratory investigation of dust impacts on antennas in space
- MARSTHERM: A Web-based System Providing Thermophysical Analysis Tools for Mars Research
- MESSENGER Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection at Mercury (Invited)
- MESSENGER observations of dayside flux transfer events: Do they drive Mercury's substorm cycle? (Invited)
- Magnetic Mystery Planets
- Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Measurements of Core Electron Heating in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts
- Measuring particle sizes in Saturn's F ring from Cassini UVIS solar occultations
- Mercury's High-Latitude Sodium Exosphere: Observations During MESSENGER's Orbital Phase
- Mesopause Horizontal wind estimates based on AIM CIPS polar mesospheric cloud pattern matching
- Meteoric Ablation in Planetary Atmospheres and the Laboratory
- Microbial Metabolic Landscapes Derived from Complementary Mineralogical, Aqueous Geochemical, and Gas Data Associated with High pH, Actively Serpentinizing Springs in the Coast Range Ophiolite (CA,USA) and Zambales and Palawan Ophiolites (Philippines)
- Modeling Energetic Electron Penetration into the Slot Region and Inner Radiation Belt
- Models and Observations of Time-Varying Hydrogen Escape at Mars
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- New Advances in Observations Around the Turbopause
- New Observations of Soft X-ray (0.5-5 keV) Solar Spectra
- New conjunctive CubeSat and balloon measurements to quantify rapid energetic electron precipitation
- Observations of Colliding Reconnection Jets in the Solar Wind
- Observations of Correlated Ozone Depletion Events and Sub-micron Particle Enhancements in Coastal Antarctica
- Observations of Ionospheric Currents at Mars and Venus
- On the Possibility of Observing Thermosphere Gravity Wave Signatures by the Global Observation of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Experiment
- Particle Energization During Magnetic Storms with Steady Magnetospheric Convection
- Plasma Depletion in a Low-Alfvénic-Mach-Number Magnetosheath: Observations at Mercury
- Plasma Properties in the Magnetospheric Plasmasheet of Jupiter
- Plasma Properties in the Magnetospheric Plasmasheet of Saturn
- PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Predicting and Mitigating Socioeconomic Impacts of Extreme Space Weather: Benefits of Improved Forecasts (Invited)
- Prediction of AU, AL, and AE indices using solar wind parameters
- Progress Towards Understanding the Degradation and Performance Characteristics of the PROBA2-LYRA Instrument
- Project PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Propellers in Saturn's rings
- Properties of clouds and the cloud transition zone retrieved from ship-borne hyperspectral observations during MAGIC
- Quantified Energy Dissipation Rates in the Terrestrial Bow Shock
- Radial Diffusion Caused by Pitch Angle Scattering and Drift Shell Splitting - Simulation and Van Allen Probes Observations
- Relativistic Electron Transport in the presence of Broadband ULF Fluctuations: How well does the diffusion paradigm apply?
- SOLSTICE II -- Magnesium II Index
- Saturn's Rings Particle and Clump Sizes from Cassini UVIS Occultation Statistics (Invited)
- Saturn's northern auroras as observed using the Hubble Space Telescope
- Shabansky Orbits and High Latitude Chorus
- Silica nanoparticles as indicator of hydrothermal activities at Enceladus ocean floor
- Simulated MERTIS observation of the Rudaki-Kuiper craters area on Mercury
- Simulation of radiation belt electron dynamics using in-situ global model of chorus waves inferred from the low-altitude electron precipitation
- Software Engineering Designs for Super-Modeling Different Versions of CESM Models using DART
- Solar Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Measurements for Thermosphere and Ionosphere Studies (Invited)
- Spacecraft potential fluctuations associated with oscillating electric fields through modulation of photoelectrons
- Statistical Study of Langmuir Waves Observed Inside the Electron Foreshock of Saturn
- Stratospheric Ozone Changes and Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) Trends Observed in SBUV Data
- Study of interaction between plasma flow and magnetic dipole field: Understanding plasma environment in lunar magnetic anomaly regions
- Synoptic Evolution of the Arctic Vortex During Elevated Stratopause Events: WACCM vs. Observations
- Temporal evolution of a gas-plasma-dust system - application to Enceladus' plume and cometary jets
- The GOLD Science Data Center - Algorithm Heritage, Data Product Descriptions and User Services
- The Importance of Electron Source Population to the Remarkable Enhancement of Radiation belt Electrons during the October 2012 Storm
- The Long, Bumpy Road to a Mars Aeronomy Mission (Invited)
- The Mass Flux of Micrometeoroids Into the Saturnian System
- The Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction at the Earth as Compared to Outer Planets
- The Multi-Instrument (EVE-RHESSI) DEM for Solar Flares, and Implications for Non-thermal Emission
- The OHMIC Mission
- The Quasi-Annual Forcing of The Sun's Eruptive, Radiative, and Particulate Output
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The Supply of Hydrogen From Fluid-rock Interactions in Subsurface and Hydrothermal Environments (Invited)
- The Van Allen Probes Mission: Using Radiation Belt Data for Space Weather Applications (Invited)
- The impact of differing physical assumptions on a water isotope climatology simulated by an isotope-enabled version of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 (CAM5)
- The impact of sudden stratospheric warming events on energetic particle precipitation effects
- Three-dimensional development of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in asymmetric boundary layers
- Time history of the Martian dynamo from crater magnetic field analysis
- Uncertainty of passive imager cloud retrievals to instrument radiometry and model assumptions: Examples from MODIS Collection 6
- Understanding Coronal Dimming and its Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
- Unexpected Far-Ultraviolet Photometric Characteristics On Mimas
- Unusual Stable Trapping of the Ultra-Relativistic Electrons in the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Using high-resolution HiRISE digital elevation models to study early activity in polar regions
- Using in situ measurements of ice residuals to evaluate cirrus microphysics in CAM5
- VITMO: A Case Study in Virtual Observatories as Data Portals and Development of Web Services as Search Tools
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes EFW Filterbank First Results: Geophysical Distributions of Large Amplitude Chorus Occurrence
- Van Allen Probes observations of energetic particle drift-phase structure in the Earth's radiation belts (Invited)
- Vertical coupling in the polar middle atmosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warming events
- Very high-resolution simulations of depolarization fronts in global scale MHD simulations of the magnetosphere
- WSA-ENLIL Cone Extension: Improving Solar Wind Forcing Parameter Estimates at Mercury
- Wake Characteristics of a Single Turbine During the CWEX-10/11 Crop Wind-Energy EXperiments
- Water Deposition into Titan atmosphere from Saturn's E-ring
- Water-rock interactions at >100°C in Enceladus inferred from hydrothermal experiments and silica particles in E-ring grains
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- A Mars Dust Model with Interactive Dynamics, Radiation, and Microphysics
- A Semantically Enabled Metadata Repository for Solar Irradiance Data Products
- A Statistical Look at the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- An Improved Retrieval for Cloud Water Contents from the Second Generation Closed Path Laser Hygrometer
- An Intercomparison of In Situ Observations of Cloud Water Content from the NSF Gulfstream V Aircraft During IDEAS 2013
- Analysis of a non-storm time enhancement in outer belt electrons
- Calibration and Performance Modeling of Free-Standing Zone Plates for Extreme Ultraviolet Solar Radiometry having High Accuracy and Stability in Space
- Characteristics of Energetic Electron Events in Mercury's Magnetosphere at the 10-ms Timescale
- Characteristics of Pitch Angle Distributions of 100s Kev Electrons in the Slot Region and Inner Radiation Belt
- Cluster Observations of Particle Injections in the Exterior Cusp
- Comet Siding Spring's Impact on the Martian Magnetosphere: Observations from MAVEN's magnetometer
- Communicating the Science of Nasa's Maven Mission through Public Engagement
- Compact and Light-Weight Solar Spaceflight Instrument Designs Utilizing Newly Developed Miniature Free-Standing Zone Plates: EUV Radiometer and Limb-Scanning Monochromator
- Cratering Studies in Thin Plastic Films
- Current-Driven Instabilities and Energy Dissipation Rates As a Predictive Tool for Solar Probe Plus
- Dust Detection Using Radio and Plasma Wave Instruments in the Solar System
- Dust Observations by the MAVEN Spacecraft at Mars associated with the Comet Siding Spring Encounter
- EMIC Waves in the Radiation Belts
- EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- ENSO and Indo-Pacific Water Isotopes: Observations, Modeling, and Implications for Proxy Reconstructions
- Effect of Upper Atmospheric Water on Martian Photochemistry and Water Loss
- Effects of Cyclotron-Drift and Bounce-Drift Cross Diffusion on Evolution of Radiation Belt Phase-Space Densites
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Energetic, Relativistic and Ultra-Relativistic Electrons: Comparison of Long-term VERB Code Simulations with Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Equatorial Magnetic Reconnection Lines during Northward IMF Conditions
- Estimates of Horizontal Ionospheric Currents on the Dayside of Mars
- Excitations From Impact: The Affect of CMEs on Venus' Mysterious Oxygen Green Line and Ionospheric Electrons. An Auroral Process?
- FISM-P: A Model of the Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiance Spectrum for Atmospheric Studies at Mars and Beyond
- Gravity Wave Effects in the Thermosphere - What Will the GOLD Imager See?
- Hybrid Simulation of the Interaction of Europa's Atmosphere with the Jovian Plasma: Multiprocessor Simulations
- Hyperdust : An advanced in-situ detection and chemical analysis of microparticles in space
- Ice Target and Gas Target Experiments in the IMPACT Dust Accelerator
- Impact of Radiatively Active Trace Gases on Long-Term Changes in the Middle Atmosphere
- Improving solar wind modeling at Mercury: Incorporating transient solar phenomena into the WSA-ENLIL model
- In-situ dust detection as a tool to study dust-plasma interactions in the Solar System
- Interannual Variability in PMCs from AIM/CIPS
- Interhemispheric Coupling in AIM/CIPS in Dec 2013/Jan 2014: A Connection to Cold Air Outbreaks?
- Ion acceleration dependence on shear angle in dayside magnetopause reconnection
- Knowledge of Mercury's Exosphere from MESSENGER Observations
- LADEE NMS Observations of Sporadic Water and Carbon Dioxide Signatures in the Lunar Exosphere
- LaTiS: Interoperability via a Universal Functional Data Model
- Laboratory investigation of dust impacts induced signals on antennas in space
- Long-duration exohiss waves outside the plasmasphere: observed by Van Allen Probes
- MAVEN IDL Toolkit: Integrated Data Access and Visualization
- MAVEN In Situ Measurements of Siding Spring and its Effect on Mars
- MAVEN remote sensing observations of Comet Siding Spring and its effects on Mars
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Science Operations, Data Acquisition, Data Management, and Data Access and Archiving
- Measurements from the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role of electric fields in controlling the structure of the inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle energization
- Modeling the Impenetrable Barrier to Inward Transport of Ultra-relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons
- Multi-point Measurements of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Multiplatform inversion of the 2013 Rim Fire smoke emissions using regional-scale modeling: important nocturnal fire activity, air quality, and climate impacts
- New Solar Soft X-ray Observations from the X123 Spectrometer
- NuSTAR's First Solar Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings / Nanoflares
- NuSTAR's first solar observations: Search for a high energy X-ray component to the "non-flaring" Sun
- OH & H2O Production and Radial Distribution from Ultraviolet Observations of C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) by MAVEN
- Observational evidence for dust-plasma interactions in the Enceladus' plume, Saturn E-ring, in Titan's ionosphere, and near comets
- Ongoing hydrothermal activity in the chondritic core of Enceladus inferred from nano-silica particles and laboratory experiments
- Pallene dust torus
- Performance Analysis of the Nano Dust Analyzer Under Solar UV Illumination
- Performance of the SUDA Dust Trajectory Analyzer
- Periodicities of the inner plasma disk of Saturn - Cassini RPWS observations
- Plasma Parameters in Io's Torus: Measurements from Apache Point Observatory
- Plasma Transport, Acceleration, and Loss in Mercury's Magnetosphere and Comparison with Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Plasma sheet access to the inner magnetosphere during bursty bulk flows
- Prompt Energization of Relativistic and Highly Relativistic Electrons during a Substorm Interval
- Radial Diffusion Coefficients Using E and B Field Data from the Van Allen Probes: Comparison with the CRRES Study
- Rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt driven by substorm injection and chorus waves
- Rebuilding of the Earth's Outer Electron Belts During the 9 October 2012 and 17 March 2013 Geomagnetic Storms
- Relativistic Electron Response Driven By Overlapping High Speed Stream and Coronal Mass Ejections
- Shock-Induced Prompt Relativistic Electron Acceleration in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Simulation of Radiation Belt Precipitation During the March 17, 2013 Storm
- Simulations of Convective Excitation of Internal Waves in Water
- Simultaneous ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Solar Wind Forcing at Mercury: Comparison Between MESSENGER Observations and ENLIL Model Results for the Low-Altitude Campaign
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Fields: ARTEMIS Observations and Correlations with Surface Properties
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- Surveying Space Scientists' Attitudes, Involvement, and Needs in Education and Public Outreach
- Testing the Interstellar Wind Helium Flow Direction with Galileo Euvs Data
- The 1, 2, 3 of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Impacts of Dynamics Driven by Observed ULF Wave Power
- The Impact of Differing Land Surface Models and Water Isotopic Parameterizations to the Distribution of Water Isotopes in a Coupled Atmosphere-Land Global Climate Model.
- The Importance of Solar Spectral Irradiance to the Sun-Earth Connection: Lessons-learned from SORCE and Their Relevance to Future Missions
- The MAVEN Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor: Providing Solar EUV Irradiances for Mars Atmospheric Studies
- The MAVEN Science Data Center
- The Teardrop Shaped Lunar Dust Exosphere
- The dynamical properties of E-ring particles derived from CDA impact mass spectra
- The properties of the Lunar dust exosphere
- The symmetry and mass of halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) as quantitative predictors for severe space weather at Earth.
- Themis Measurements of Quasi-static Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Three-dimensional Climate Simulations of Moist Greenhouse Atmospheres.
- Van Allen Probe Observations: Near-Earth injections of Mev Electrons Associated with Intense Substorm Electric Fields
- Van Allen Probes Observations of the Plasmasphere and Radiation Belts
- Wave-Particle Interactions and Radiation Belt Precipitation Loss
- 3-D Full-kinetic Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Particle Behaviour
- 3D Model Uncertainty in Estimating the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- A First Comparison between 3D Model Predictions of Mars' Oxygen Corona and Early MAVEN IUVS Observations
- A Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation Study of the Dynamic Variations in the Configuration, Convection and Auroral Emissions in Saturn's Magnetosphere Driven by the Observed Solar Wind
- A New Climate Data Record of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 1610 to Present
- A Substantial Plume of Escaping Planetary Ions in the MSE Northern Hemisphere Observed by MAVEN
- A Survey of Cassini CAPS Ion Observations During Titan Flybys TA-T83
- A regional study of atmospheric gravity waves using the USArray Transportable Array
- Accessing Solar Irradiance Data via LISIRD, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter
- Advanced In-Situ Detection and Chemical Analysis of Interstellar Dust Particles
- Aerial Moisture Transport in the Earth Climate System: A Study of the Mean State and Perturbations Due to CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Doubling using Numerical Water Tracers and a Novel Linear Algebra Analysis Framework
- Altitude Dependence of Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions as Revealed by MAVEN Observations
- An Airborne Mission to Study Background Sulfur and Prepare for a Rapid Response to a Large Volcanic Eruption
- An Assessment of the Cirrus Cloud Representation in the Tropical Tropopause Layer of the CAM5/CARMA Model Through Comparisons With ATTREX 3 and CALIPSO Observations
- An Investigation of Perpendicular Gradients of Parallel Electric Field in Separatrix Regions in Using the Magnetosphere Multiscale Mission
- Atmospheric Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events In Magnetized and Non-Magnetized Regions of Mars
- Atmospheric Profiling Combining the Features of GPS ro & Mls: Satellite to Satellite Occultations Near Water & Ozone Absorption Lines
- Azimuthal ULF Structure and Radial Transport of Charged Particles
- Bursty Bulk Flow Turbulence as Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Calibrating MMS Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) Ambient Electron Flux Measurements and Characterizing 3D Electric Field Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection
- Can ASCII data files be standardized for Earth Science?
- Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
- Charaterizing the O<SUP>+</SUP> ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Magnetopause Crossing Signatures With Predicted Reconnection Line Locations
- Comparison of Mars Initial Reference Ionosphere (MIRI) Model with Initial Data Sets from MAVEN
- Comparison of Martian magnetic pileup boundary with ion composition boundary observed by MAVEN
- Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface with SUDA
- Conjugate In-situ and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Radiation Belt Loss Mechanisms.
- Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Conversion of electromagnetic energy at plasma jet fronts
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Dayside Electron Density Depletions Observed by the MAVEN Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument
- Detailed spectroscopic analysis of chloride salt deposits in Terra Sirenum, Mars
- Development, Production and Validation of the NOAA Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record
- Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
- Distribution of Heavy Ions in the Jovian Magnetosphere from Re-Analysis of Voyager PLS Data
- Dust impact detection by the Cassini Langmuir probe in Saturn's E ring
- Dynamic Modeling of EMIC Wave Activity in a Realistic Magnetosphere
- Early Results from the MAVEN IUVS Echelle Channel
- Effect of electron ambient plasmas in reconnection jets and dipolarization fronts : MMS initial results
- Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Electric Fields Associated with Deep Injections of 10s to 100s keV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electric Mars: The first survey of Martian parallel electric fields.
- Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data
- Electrostatic dust transport on the surfaces of airless bodies
- Energetic Particles in the far and near Environment of Pluto
- Energization of Oxygen Ions at Mars: Comparison of a Global Hybrid Model to In Situ Observations
- Energy Dissipation and Transport Associated with Whistler-wave Generation during Plasma Jet Events using MMS Data
- Enhanced Loss of O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> at Mars from Electron and Ion Heating
- Europa's Plasma Environment: A Reanalysis of Galileo PLS and PWS Observations
- Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars
- Extending Observations of Phase-Space Holes and Double Layers to Consider Electron Cyclotron Maser Emission
- Extracting lunar dust parameters from image charge signals produced by the Lunar Dust Experiment
- Extreme enhancements and depletions of relativistic electrons in Earth's radiation belts
- Features of the Active Evening Plasma Sheet from MMS
- First MMS Observations of High Time Resolution 3D Electric and Magnetic fields at the Dayside Magnetopause.
- First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation
- Fully Kinetic 3D Simulations of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with Mercury
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- H Escape in 3D: MAVEN IUVS observations of the Mars corona
- He Bulge Detection by MAVEN Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- High-Level Location Based Search Services That Improve Discoverability of Geophysical Data in the Virtual ITM Observatory
- Hydrothermal Alteration Mineralogy Characterized Through Multiple Analytical Methods: Implications for Mars
- Identifying Oxygen Isotopic Signatures of ENSO Dynamics Through Isotope-Enabled Regional Ocean Modeling
- Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models
- In-Situ Dust Detection by Spacecraft Antennas: Laboratory Characterization of Particle Energies and Geometrical Effects
- Informed Source Separation of Atmospheric and Surface Signal Contributions in Shortwave Hyperspectral Imagery using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
- Initial Determinations of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Joule Heating from MAVEN Observations
- Intense energetic-electron flux enhancements in Mercury's magnetosphere: An integrated view with high-resolution observations from MESSENGER
- Internal Wave Generation by Turbulent Convection
- Interoperable Solar Data and Metadata via LISIRD 3
- Investigating Titan Airglow's Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument
- Investigating the Martian Ionospheric Conductivity Using MAVEN Key Parameter Data
- Investigations of the origin and evolution of inner magnetospheric temperature anisotropies, and implications for radiation belt dynamics
- Ion Heating and Magnetotail Losses at the Martian Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Interface
- Ion Species-Dependent Effects in Magnetic Reconnection: MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) Initial Results
- Ion cyclotron waves near Mars: Solar wind control of pickup ion instability
- Jupiter Magnetotail Interaction with a Variable Solar Wind: A 3D MHD Simulation
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock
- Laboratory Measurements of Micrometeoroid Impacts into Solid Ice and Gas Ablation Targets
- Local Time and Geomagnetic Activity Dependence of the Distribution of ULF Wave Power on Azimuthal Mode Numbers: Observations and Test Particle Simulations
- MAVEN IUVS-NGIMS-model ionospheric comparisons and insights
- MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars
- MAVEN Observations of Ionopause-like Density Gradients in the Martian Ionosphere
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MAVEN observations of high-altitude magnetic flux ropes around Mars
- MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail
- MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow
- MAVEN/IUVS Observations of the Gaseous Perturbation from Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) on Mars and its Constant Metallic Ion Layer
- MMS Observations of Kinetic Features in the Earth's Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields
- MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Observations of Energetic Particle Dynamics and Structures Prior To and During Its First Encounters with the Reconnection-Rich Regions of Earth's Magnetopause
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Mars Nitric Oxide Nightglow as observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Mars Ozone Mapping with MAVEN IUVS
- Mars' ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Multi-point, multi-scale observation of the near-Earth current sheet reconfiguration during storm-time multi-onset substorms
- Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth's Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
- New Sub-nanometer Spectral Estimates of the 0-5 nm Solar Soft X-Ray Irradiance at Mars Using the Extreme UltraViolet Monitor (EUVM) Onboard MAVEN
- Null Points in Three-Dimensional Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection
- Observational Constraints on a Pluto Torus of Circumsolar Neutral Gas
- Observations of 3-D Electric Fields and Waves Associated With Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Observations of Mercury's Surface-Bounded Exosphere from Orbit: Results from the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer aboard the MESSENGER Spacecraft
- Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere
- Observations of the Jovian Mid-Magnetosphere by the New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Ion Spectrometer
- Observations of the Martian ionosphere by the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer During the First Year of the MAVEN Mission
- On Organic Material in E Ring Ice Grains
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN
- Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
- Plasma Distributions and Composition at the Magnetopause: MMS HPCA observations
- Plasma and charged dust around Enceladus
- Plasma interactions in the Martian Nightside Ionosphere
- Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen at Mars
- Pressure balance across large magnetic flux ropes on the dayside of Mars
- Probing the Martian Atmosphere with MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Proton Characteristics in the Jovian Magnetosphere Based on Reanalysis of Voyager PLS Data
- Quantification of modern moisture source variability to southwest US
- Reconstructing climate processes driving variability in precipitation sources from mid to late Holocene speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records from the Southwest US
- Refractory Organic Compounds in Enceladus' Ice Grains and Hydrothermal Activity
- Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN
- SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model
- Scientific Synergies from the Europa Multiple-Flyby Mission
- Search For Secondary Magnetic Islands At The Dayside Magnetopause
- Simulating global and local surface temperature changes due to Holocene anthropogenic land cover change
- Simulating the Effects of Solar Flares at Mars During MAVEN
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN
- Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations
- Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
- Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Structure of the Martian Ionosphere: Observations of Suprathermal Electrons by Maven Swea
- Study of the Martian cold oxygen corona from the O I 130.4 nm by IUVS/MAVEN
- Sub-solar Magnetopause Observation and Simulation of a Tripolar Guide-Magnetic Field Perturbation
- Sunward O<SUP>+</SUP> ion jets reflected below the Martian bow shock: MAVEN observations
- Temporal Cusp Ion Signatures and Magnetopause Reconnection during Northward IMF
- Temporal and Spatial Characterization of ULF power and its relation to relativistic electrons in the radiation belts during geomagnetic storms
- Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update
- The Atmospheric Escape of Europa: The Role of Symmetrical O<SUB>2</SUB> Charge Exchanges.
- The Correlation Between Electron Density and Temperature in Low and High Strength Crustal Magnetic Field Regions at Mars
- The Dependence of Mars Atmospheric Loss on Crustal Field Location: MAVEN Observation and Comparison with a MHD Model
- The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW
- The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- The Hot Oxygen Corona of Mars: Observations by MAVEN IUVS
- The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited - Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth's Radiation Belts
- The Latest SORCE SIM Degradation Model and the Resulting SSI Measurements from 2003 to 2015
- The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere
- The MAVEN Science Data Center
- The MMS Science Data Center: Operations, Capabilities, and Resource.
- The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt
- The Role of Gravity Waves from Severe US Convection in Driving the Brewer-Dobson Circulation Using a Model with Realistic Thermodynamic Sources
- The Role of Plasma in Radiation Belt Loss.
- The climatological moisture sources and sinks for Atmospheric Rivers impacting the West Coast of the United States in modern and doubled CO<SUB>2</SUB> climates.
- The statistics of relativistic electron pitch angle distribution in the Earth's radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements
- Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS
- Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
- Using Remote Sensing Techniques to Assess the Geologic Context of Olivine-Bearing Materials within Terra Sirenum, Mars
- Using the MAVEN EUV Monitor to Validate Far-Side and Over-The-Limb Solar Activity Predictions
- Variability of the Inner Proton Radiation Belt Observed by Van Allen Probes
- Velocity Space Evolution of Dayside Reconnection Outflow
- Water and Water Ions in the Martian Thermosphere/Ionosphere
- A 1D Forward Model of Solar Wind Conditions Using JADE-I
- A Functional Data Model Realized: LaTiS Deployments
- A Lagrangian Perspective on Aerial Hydrologic Cycle Changes in a Warmer World
- A Large Radiative Forcing by Stratospheric Sulfate and Organic Aerosol
- A PDS Archive for Observations of Mercury's Na Exosphere
- A Persistent Meteoric Metal Layer in the Martian Atmosphere
- A Tenuous Cloud of Neutrals In the Outer Solar System from KBOs
- A Theoretical Picture of the Combined Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting and Chorus-Wave Interactions on Radiation Belt Electrons
- A generalized 3D framework for visualization of planetary data.
- A new capability for in situ measurements of H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>18</SUP>O and HDO in cloud water
- A shifting paradigm of the Martian magnetotail: MAVEN observations of complex field configuration
- A synthesis of isotope ratios in precipitation from an assimilation of GNIP observations in a climate model
- Advancing Low Latitude Aeronomy with the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- An Investigation of Hall Currents Associated with Tripolar Magnetic Fields During Magnetospheric Kelvin Helmholtz Waves
- Assessment of the impact of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS RO observations on mid- and low-latitude ionosphere specification and forecast using observing system simulation experiments
- Atmospheric Effects from the September 2005 Solar Flares and Solar Proton Event
- Atmospheric Effects of Energetic Electron Precipitation
- Atmospheric escape at Mars during ICMEs
- Bombardment of Cryogenic Targets with Simulated Hypervelocity Micrometeoroids in the Lab
- Career Options after an REU: Not just Grad School
- Characterization of key isotope and gas mixing ratios in the upper atmosphere of Mars
- Classifying Large-Amplitude Parallel Electric Fields Along the Magnetopause and Their Effect on Magnetic Reconnection
- Cold Electrons as the Drivers of Parallel, Electrostatic Waves in Asymmetric Reconnection
- Comparison between MAVEN measurements and HELIOSARES coupled models
- Comparison of Dynamically Modeled EMIC Wave Activity with in situ Observations: Implications for Wave Growth Assumptions
- Comparison of Global Martian Plasma Models Using MAVEN Data
- Comparisons of warm cloud properties in climate models and satellite observations
- Continuing the Solar Irradiance Data Record with TSIS
- Coupling Between Dust Impact Charge Recollection and Spacecraft Potential on STEREO with Application to Solar Probe Plus.
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Dancing to the MUSSIC: Steps towards creating a Multisatellite Ultraviolet Solar Spectral Irradiance Composite
- Data visualization and analysis tools for the MAVEN mission
- Dependence of Photochemical Escape of Oxygen at Mars on Solar Radiation and Solar Wind Interaction
- Detailed Characteristics of Radiation Belt Electrons Revealed by CSSWE/REPTile Measurements
- Detecting Field-Aligned Current Signatures Using MAVEN Observations
- Direct Observations of ULF and Whistler-Mode Chorus Modulation of 500eV EDI Electrons by MMS
- Discovery of Proton Aurora at Mars
- Dust Analyzer Instrument (DANTE) for the detection and elemental analysis of dust particles originating from the inner heliosphere
- Dust Transport from Enceladus to the moons of Saturn
- Dynamics and Chemistry in Jovian Atmospheres: 2D Hydrodynamical Simulations
- Dynamics and Transport of Nanometer-Size Dust Particles Generated in the Inner Heliosphere
- Effect of crustal field rotation on ion loss rate and seasonal variation
- Effects of Solar Irradiance on Ion Fluxes at Mars. MARS EXPRESS and MAVEN Observations
- Effects of Wind Filtering and Ageostrophic Generation on Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Activity at Chatanika Alaska
- Electric field observations associated with 100s keV electron enhancements in the slot region
- Electrostatic dust transport on airless planetary bodies: Laboratory measurements of the charge of lofted dust particles and their subsequent dynamics
- Emission Line Properties from Analysis of MAVEN-IUVS Echellograms of the Martian Atmosphere
- Enabling Cross-Discipline Collaboration Via a Functional Data Model
- Europa `s Surface Sputtering by the Thermal Plasma of the Torus Considering the Electro-magnetic Interaction Between the Plasma and the Atmosphere
- Evaluation of the generalized Ohm's law at the subsolar magnetopause diffusion region with MMS data
- Evidence of the Rayleigh Taylor Instability at Mars
- Evolutionary Modeling of Atmospheric Abundances Due to Impacts at Venus, Earth, and Mars
- Examination of Energetic Electron Acceleration in the Vicinity of Earth's Dayside Magnetopause with MMS
- Far-UV Spectral and Spatial Analysis from HST Observations of Europa
- Global Distribution of the Nightside Martian Suprathermal Electron Depletions
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Guide-Field Dependence of Dissipation Processes in Magnetopause Reconnection
- H Escape Rates and their Variability as Reflected in the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Dataset
- He Bulge Detection and CO2 variations in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars: MAVEN NGIMS data
- Heavy Plasma Ions in the Jovian Magnetosphere: What will Juno Encounter?
- High Resolution Observations of Escaping Ions in the Martian Magnetotail
- Imaging Grating Spectrometer (I-GRASP) for Solar Soft X-Ray Spectral Measurements in Critically Under-Observed 0.5 - 7 nm Spectral Range
- Impacts of spectral solar irradiance on inter-sensor radiometric calibrations
- Improving Discoverability Between the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere/Thermosphere Domains
- Inferring IMF Orientation From Martian Current Sheet Crossings Using MAVEN Data
- Influence of Sea Ice Anomalies on Antarctic Precipitation and Its Source Attribution
- Interaction of a Variable Solar Wind with Jupiter's Magnetosphere: A 3D MHD Simulation
- Interstellar He flow analysis over the past 8 years with IBEX neutral observations
- Investigating Anomalies in the Prediction Model for the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection Location
- Investigating the link between variability in precipitation source, amount, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O variability in the Southwest U.S. using an isotope enabled model that uses water tags
- Invisible Mars: New Visuals for Communicating MAVEN's Story
- Ion Density, Temperature, Composition and Winds in the Martian Ionosphere
- Ion cyclotron waves at Saturn: Implications of latitudinal distribution for the neutral water torus
- Isotope Fractionation in O Escape due to Dissociative Recombination on Mars
- Kinetic physics in exhausts formed by guide field reconnection within the magnetosheath, as observed by MMS
- Large-scale characteristics of reconnection associated with electron diffusion region encounters by MMS
- Longitudinal structures in Mars' upper atmosphere as observed by MAVEN/NGIMS
- MAVEN Measurements of Ion Escape Rates from Mars
- MAVEN Observations of Dayside Peak Electron Densities in the Ionosphere of Mars
- MAVEN Observations of the Thickness and Asymmetry of the Martian Induced Magnetospheric Boundar
- MAVEN Upstream Observations of the Cycle 24 Space Weather Conditions at Mars
- MAVEN observations of electron temperatures in the dayside ionosphere at Mars
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Energetic Particle Escape Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields During a Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock Crossing
- MMS Observations of Turbulence from Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS Super-Conjunction Studies of Chorus Wave Properties and Their Effects on Energetic Electrons
- MMS observations of heavy ion heating in a dayside reconnection exhaust
- Magnetic Topology at Mars as Inferred from Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Taken by the SWEA Instrument on MAVEN
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) and Van Allen Probes Study of Substorm Injections
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Flux-Rope Interactions in the Turbulent Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Martian Electron Density and Temperatures Below 200 km as a Function of Solar Irradiance Input
- Martian Electron Foreshock: New Results from MAVEN
- Martian Low-Altitude Magnetic Topology Deduced from MAVEN/SWEA Observations
- Martian upper atmosphere response to solar EUV flux and soft X-ray flare
- Measurements of Thermospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> Density from GOLD
- Measuring Changes in E-P with Isotope Ratios in Water Vapor
- Method to observe O<SUP>+</SUP> and S<SUP>2+</SUP> by the JADE-I instrument on NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter
- Minor Ion Species Associated With Magnetopause Flux Transfer Events as Observed by MMS
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves by ULF and the effects on auroral precipitation
- Multipoint Measurements of Energetic Electron Deep Penetration into the Low L Region
- Multipoint observations of energetic electron injections with MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Observation and Simulation of Chorus Waves Generation at the Gradients of Magnetic Holes
- Observation of Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions at L<4 during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm
- Observations and simulations of specularly reflected He<SUP>++</SUP> at Earth's quasiperpendicular bow shock
- Observations of partially developed Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mars
- On the Creation and Evolution of Small-Scale Low-Level Vorticity Anomalies During Tropical Cyclogenesis
- On the Signatures of Reconnection-Related Magnetic Islands at the Earth's Magnetopause and in the Solar Wind: New Perspectives from Observations and Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Overview of MAVEN Particle and Fields Package (PFP) Measurements During Observations of Discrete Aurora at Mars by the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS)
- Parameterizing Plasmaspheric Hiss Wave Power by Plasmapause Location
- Parametric decay of current-driven Langmuir oscillations and wave packet formation in plateau plasmas: Relevance to type III bursts
- Partitioning the effects of Global Warming on the Hydrological Cycle with Stable Isotopes in Water Vapor
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from Mars: constraints from MAVEN in situ measurements
- Plasma acceleration in the Martian magnetotail observed by MAVEN
- Prioritization for Downlink of Scientific Observations for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Trigger Parameters from the Fast Plasma Instrumentation
- Probing the Martian Exosphere and Neutral Escape Using Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN
- Prompt injections of ultra-relativistic electrons induced by interplanetary shocks: A statistical study of Van Allen Probes observations
- Proton Cyclotron Waves Occurrence Rate Upstream From the Martian Bow Shock: Related Properties of the Planetary Proton Population and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Protons in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Radiation Belt Electron Intensity Variations: Van Allen Probes era vs. Previous two Solar Cycles
- Radiation belt response to transient solar wind forcing
- Recent Findings on Whistler Mode Raytracing with the Inclusion of Finite Electron and Ion Temperature
- Reconstruction of the Electron Diffusion Region of the October 16th Event in a 2D Parametric Space
- Reconstruction of the electron diffusion region observed by MMS: First results
- Reduced ENSO Variability at the LGM Revealed by an Isotope-enabled Earth System Model
- Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Science highlights from MAVEN/IUVS after two years in Mars Orbit
- Separating Atmospheric and Surface Contributions in Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) Scenes using Informed Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
- Simultaneous Remote Observations of Intense Reconnection Effects by MMS and DMSP Spacecraft During Storm-time Substorms
- Solar Eruptive Activity at Mars' Orbit and its Potential Impacts
- Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiances for Mars: The Present and the Past
- Solar Wind Interaction and Crustal Field Influences on Mars' Upper Ionosphere: MAVEN Observations Compared to Model Results
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Magnetic Anomalies: Reiner Gamma
- Solar energetic particle events observed by MAVEN
- Statistical analysis of reflection of incident O<SUP>+</SUP> pickup ions at Mars
- Statistical observations of martian 20-30 eV photoelectrons by MAVEN/SWEA
- Statistical results from 10 years of Cassini Langmuir probe plasma measurements
- Statistical study of relation between the magnetic pileup boundary and ion composition boundary around Mars based on MAVEN observations
- Supra Arcade Downflows in the Corona Informed by Magnetospheric Dipolarization Fronts with THEMIS
- The Electric Wind of Venus: A global and persistent "polar wind" like ambipolar electric field sufficient for the direct escape of heavy ionospheric ions
- The Influence of Extratropical Cloud Phase and Amount Feedbacks on Climate Sensitivity Modified by Ocean Heat Uptake.
- The Influence of Planetary Waves on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission Science Data Center: Technologies, Methods, and Experiences in Making Available Large Quantities of Science Data
- The Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Science Data Center
- The Mars Crustal Magnetic Field Control of Plasma Boundary Locations and Atmospheric Loss: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN Observations
- The Martian diffuse aurora: Monte Carlo simulations and comparison with IUVS-MAVEN observations
- The New Climate Data Record of Solar Irradiance: Comparisons with Observations and Solar Irradiance Models Over a Range of Solar Activity Time Scales
- The Non-linear Evolution of Whistler-mode Waves at the Dayside Magnetopause and Its Relation to Magnetic Reconnection and Particle Acceleration
- The Response of ENSO Amplitude to Higher CO2 Forcing: Role of Nonlinearity
- The Response of High Energy Photoelectrons in The Mars Atmosphere to Variable Solar Input
- The SORCE Solar Spectral Irradiance Data and Degradation Models
- The Turbulent Diffusivity of Convective Overshoot
- The impact of electron temperature and neutral density profiles on ion outflow at Mars
- The singing comet 67P: utilizing fully kinetic simulations to study its interaction with the solar wind plasma
- Time-Dependent Spatial Domains of Electrons Accross the Energy Spectrum
- Transport at the Top of the Polar Vortices in WACCM
- Uncertainty Associated with Using Earth-Based EUV Measurements to Estimate EUV Irradiance at Other Planets
- Understanding the E-ring puzzle
- Unexpected Diurnal Variations in Electron Temperature in the Mars Ionosphere
- Using Aircraft Observations to Improve Passive Remote Sensing of Clouds in the Arctic
- Using IBEX Data to Constrain the Heliosphere's Large-scale Structure: Interstellar Neutral Gas and the Warm Breeze
- Van Allen Probes observations of oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Variability of D and H in the Martian Exosphere
- Variability of the Thermospheric Wind Structure of Mars: MAVEN NGIMS Measurements and Corresponding Global Model Simulations
- Variations of the Martian cold oxygen exosphere derived from the O 130.4 nm line by IUVS/MAVEN
- Water isotope tracers of tropical hydroclimate in a warming world
- Waves and Turbulence in a Disturbed Middle Atmosphere During MTeX and MIST
- What Drives the Variability of the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere?
- What Happens in the Thermosphere if the Stratosphere is Strongly Disturbed?
- Whistler mode waves driven by anisotropic electrons in the Martian magnetosphere
- Wide-Field Ultraviolet Spectrometer for Planetary Exospheres and Thermospheres
- 3D Planetary Data Visualization with CesiumJS
- A 4D model of the Io plasma torus
- A Fast-Fermi Acceleration at Mars Bow Shock
- A Functional Approach to Hyperspectral Image Analysis in the Cloud
- A New Revision of the Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record Incorporates Recent Research into Proxies of Sunspot Darkening and the Sunspot Number Record
- A Standard for Sharing and Accessing Time Series Data: The Heliophysics Application Programmers Interface (HAPI) Specification
- A comparative examination of auroral acceleration processes at Jupiter and Earth as enabled by the Juno mission to Jupiter
- A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission
- A statistical perspective on ion fluxes precipitating toward the Martian ionosphere
- A zone of preferential ion heating extends tens of solar radii from Sun
- ARCSTONE: Accurate Calibration of Lunar Spectral Reflectance from space
- Abundances of O<SUB>3</SUB> and O<SUB>2</SUB> in the Martian Atmosphere Retrieved from MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Aerosol and cloud properties derived from hyperspectral transmitted light in the southeast Atlantic sampled during field campaign deployments in 2016 and 2017
- Ambient magnetic field weakness during chorus event and their implication on the outer radiation belt dynamic
- An Empirical Model of the Variations of the Solar Lyman-Alpha Spectral Irradiance
- An overview of the first year of observations of Jupiter's auroras by Juno-UVS with multi-wavelength comparisons
- Analysis of Magnetic Flux Rope Chains Embedded in Martian Current Sheets Using MAVEN Data
- Anti-parallel versus Component Reconnection at the Earth Magnetopause
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Approaches and Activities of Professional Development During Graduate/Postdoctoral Summer Workshops
- Are H and O Being Lost From the Mars Atmosphere in the H<SUB>2</SUB>O Stoichiometric Ratio of 2:1?
- Asymmetry of the Martian Current Sheet in a Multi-fluid MHD Model
- Beyond 2D: Parallel Electric Fields and Dissipation in Guide Field Reconnectio
- Bias and sensitivity of boundary layer clouds and surface radiative fluxes in Arctic reanalysis and airborne observations over the marginal ice zone during the ARISE campaign
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn during the Grand Finale Orbits
- Characteristics of Energetic Particle Acceleration in Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by MMS
- Characterizing Solar Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Irradiance for the EMM EMUS instrument
- Characterizing the effects of regolith surface roughness on photoemission from surfaces in space
- Cold blobs of protons in Jupiter's outer magnetosphere as observed by Juno's JADE
- Comparing the Atmospheric Losses at Io and Europa
- Comparison of New Horizons SWAP Data with Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Comparison of the stratospheric polar vortices in five reanalyses datasets
- Competition Between Radial Loss and EMIC Wave Scattering of MeV Electrons During Strong CME-shock Driven Storms
- Confirmation of a traveling feature in Saturn's rings in Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem data
- Constraining Plasma Conditions of the IPT via Spectral Analysis of UV & Visible Emissions and Comparing with a Physical Chemistry Model
- Constraints on Mars Hydrogen loss from MAVEN: processes and present-day rates
- Continuing the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record
- Contrasting Properties of two Ion-Scale Magnetopause Flux Ropes
- Controlling the Electron Temperature at Mars
- Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Simulation of the System Response to a Sudden Reversal in the Interplanetary Magnetic Field B_y Component
- Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons through Landau Resonance with Obliquely Propagating Whistler Mode Chorus Emissions
- Deconvolving the atmospheric impacts of the 1991 eruptions of Mount Pinatubo and Cerro Hudson
- Deepening Minimums in Phase Space Density as an Evidence of the Localied Loss of Electrons by EMIC waves
- Density Structure of the Martian Tail
- Detecting collisions and dust in Saturn's F ring from diffraction signatures in Cassini UVIS solar occultation data
- Detecting the Reconnection Electron Diffusion Regions in Magnetospheric MultiScale mission high resolution data
- Diffusion Region's Structure at the Subsolar Magnetopause with MMS Data
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects and Heating Rates: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- Direct detection of albedo neutron decay electrons at the inner edge of the radiation belt and experimental determination of neutron density in near-Earth space
- Do habitable worlds require magnetic fields?
- Dominant Sources of Ionospheric Variability during a Quiet Sun Period
- Dust Observation by the Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Dust ablation laboratory experiments to measure the plasma and light production of meteoroids in the atmosphere
- Effects of the Crustal Magnetic Fields and Changes in the IMF Orientation on the Magnetosphere of Mars: MAVEN Observations and LATHYS Results.
- Electron Pitch Angle Distributions Along Field Lines Connected to the Auroral Region from 25 to 1.2 RJ Measured by the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment-Electrons (JADE-E) on Juno
- Electron precipitation control of the Mars nightside ionosphere
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Prediction of Oxygen OI 135.6 nm and CO 4PG Emissions in the Martian Atmosphere
- Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI) Overview from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Energetic electron acceleration and injection during dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail
- Energetic electron injections and dipolarization events in Mercury's magnetotail: Substorm dynamics
- Energy Partition and Conservation Near Electron Diffusion Regions During Magnetic Reconnection
- Engaging Audiences in Planetary Science Through Visualizations
- Europa's induced magnetic field: How much of the signal is from the ocean?
- Evidence for Break-Up of Clumps in Dynamically Stirred Regions of Saturn's Rings
- Evidence for Neutrals - Foreshock Electrons Impact Ionization at Mars
- Examining Energetic Particle Injections and the Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere with Multiple Spacecraft/Missions
- Experimental Simulation of Solar Wind Interaction with MagneticDipole Fields above Insulating Surfaces
- Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- First evidence connecting Mercury's magnesium exosphere to the regional composition of Mercury's surface from MESSENGER observations
- First in situ measurements of the Jovian Ionospheric ion population by the Juno JADE instrument
- First observations and simulations of specularly reflected He<SUP>++</SUP> at Earth's quasi-perpendicular bow shock
- Formation of Mesospheric Clouds on Mars
- From LIMS to OMPS-LP: limb ozone observations for future reanalyses
- Generation and Micro-scale Effects of Electrostatic Waves in an Oblique Shock
- Generation of Electron Whistler Waves at the Mirror Mode Magnetic Holes: MMS Observations and PIC Simulation
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- How do the surfaces of comets evolve with time?: Insights from Rosetta's two-year journey with 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Hydrogen Escape at Mars : Comparisons from MGCM-LMD Simulations and Observations from Mars-Express/SPICAM, MAVEN/IUVS and HST/ACS
- Implications for Nucleus Heterogeneity from the Comparison of Pre- and Post-Equinox Neutral ROSINA Observations Inbound and Outbound Beyond 3 AU
- Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in the Ion Loss from Mars- Results from a Multi-fluid MHD Model with the Electron Pressure Equation Included
- Improving MAVEN-IUVS Lyman-Alpha Apoapsis Images
- Improving Soft X-Ray Spectral Irradiance Models for Use Throughout the Solar System
- Influence of Magnetic Topology on Mars' Ionospheric Structure
- Investigating Flares and Solar Global Oscillations in Mg II from GOES-16 EXIS
- Investigation of Coatings for Langmuir Probes in an Oxygen-Rich Space Environment
- Investigation of the magnetic neutral line region with the frame of two-fluid equations: A possibility of anomalous resistivity inferred from MMS observations
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Ion Thermalization and Electron Heating across Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed by the MMS Mission
- Ion exhaust distributions and reconnection location with Magnetospheric Multiscale and global MHD test particles
- Ionospheric response to an interplanetary shock passage at Mars
- Juno Perijove 1 radio occultation of the Io plasma torus
- Juno observations in the sources of hectometric radiation: role of electron conics
- Jupiter's Dawn Magnetosheath and Magnetopause as Measured by Juno
- Laboratory investigation of surface processes on airless bodies due to electrostatic dust mobilization
- Laboratory study of hyper-elocity impact-driven chemical reactions and surface evolution in icy targets.
- Large Amplitude Parallel Electric Field Signatures Associated with Secondary Reconnection and Their Connection to Magnetic Turbulence
- Latest results from the MAVEN Radio Occultation Science Experiment (ROSE)
- Latitudinal distribution of the Jovian plasma sheet ions observed by Juno JADE-I
- Local Time Dependence of Neutral and Plasma EUV-Forcing Response in the Low-Latitude Martian Ionosphere
- Localized Models of Charged Particle Motion in Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusps
- MAVEN Data Analysis and Visualization Toolkits
- MAVEN Observations of the Effects of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Mars Ionosphere
- MAVEN Pickup Ion Constraints on Mars Neutral Escape
- MAVEN observations of complex magnetic field configuration in the Martian magnetotail
- MAVEN observations of the solar wind interaction with the Martian dayside upper ionosphere
- MAVEN/IUVS Periapse Lyman-alpha Observations: Variability and Constraints on H and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Abundance
- MAVEN/IUVS observations of dayglow emissions on Mars: indicator of dynamics, energetics, physical processes, and coupling between lower and upper atmosphere
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015 Through October 2017
- MMS Observations of Harmonic Electromagnetic Cyclotron Waves
- MMS Observations of Langmuir Collapse and Emission?
- MMS observations and hybrid simulations of rippled and reforming quasi-parallel shocks
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- Magnesium II Index measurements from SORCE SOLSTICE and GOES-16 EUVS
- Magnetic Topology and Ion Outflow in Mars' Magnetotail
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Poynting flux associated with magnetic reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail from 10 to 25 R<SUB>E</SUB>
- Mapping Electrostatic Solitary Wave Activity in the Bursty Bulk Flow Braking Region
- Mapping Ion and Electron Remagnetization Distance in the Reconnection Outflow Exhaust Region with MMS
- Mars Crustal Magnetic Fields and Large-Scale Dayside Ionospheric Anomaly
- Mars topographic clouds: MAVEN/IUVS observations and LMD MGCM predictions
- Mars, Venus, Earth and Titan UV Laboratory Aeronomy by Electron Impact
- Martian Electron Temperatures in the Sub Solar Region.
- Martian Metallic Ions Deposited by Comet Siding Spring Defy Expectations
- Measurements of the Drag Coefficient of Simulated Micrometeoroids
- Modeling 13.3nm Fe XXIII Flare Emissions Using the GOES-R EXIS Instrument
- Modeling effects of EMIC wave in the radiation belts simulation.
- Modeling the dynamics of a storm-time acceleration event: combining MHD effects with wave-particle interactions
- Motivating and Facilitating Advancements in Space Weather Real-Time Data Availability: Factors, Data, and Access Methods
- Multiple reconnection at the magnetopause and its impact on cusp dynamics
- Multispacecraft Observations and 3D Structure of Electromagnetic Electron Phase-Space Holes
- New Measurements of Mars Thermospheric Variability from MAVEN EUVM Solar Occultations
- Non-ideal energy conversion during asymmetric magnetic reconnection with a moderate guide field
- Observations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes in Jupiter's Downward Auroral Current Region
- Observations of wave-particle interactions in the flux pile-up region of asymmetric reconnection
- Ocean Heat Uptake Slows 21st Century Surface Warming Driven by Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks
- On Mars' Atmospheric Sputtering after Maven First two Years
- On the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection Along the Dawn and Dusk Magnetopause
- On the Relation Between Deep Penetration of Relativistic Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Location
- On-line Field Measurements of Speciated PM<SUB>1</SUB> Emission Factors from Common South Asian Combustion Sources
- One-Year Observations of Jupiter by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper on Juno
- Overview of HST observvations of Jupiter's ultraviolet aurora during Juno orbits 03 to 07
- Particle and Fields Observations Associated with Discrete Aurora at Mars: A Dual Spacecraft Perspective Using MAVEN and MEX
- Persistent gravity wave coupling from the stratosphere to the MLT versus secondary wave generation in Antarctica
- Physical Mechanism, Spectral Detection, and Potential Mitigation of 3D Cloud Effects on OCO-2 Radiances and Retrievals
- Physics of Martian Ion Plume from Magnetosphere Simulations
- Plasma Transport and Magnetic Flux Circulation in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Plasma Waves and Structures Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- Plasma sheet properties observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Plasmapause Location: Model Compared to Van Allen Probes Observations
- Plasmaspheric hiss: two statistically distinct wave populations
- Plumes Provide New Insight Into the Physis of Mars' Atmosphere.
- Poás volcano in Costa Rica as a hydrothermal analog for Mars
- Predicting Ionization Rates from SEP and Solar Wind Proton Precipitation into the Martian Atmosphere
- Pressure Balance and Plasma Transport in the Topside Ionosphere of Mars
- Quantifying the contribution of microburst precipitation to global electron loss
- Quantitative Assessment of CRAND Contribution to the Inner Belt Electron Intensity
- Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra Characterization and Evolution Based on the Van Allen Probes Measurements
- Radiation Belt response to the July 2017 Coronal Mass Ejection and the Interplanetary Shock
- Re-examination of the metallic ion layers of comet Siding Spring origin measured by IUVS/MAVEN and MARSIS/MEX
- Reconnection properties in Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities
- Reduced Solar Wind Speeds at New Horizons Beyond 30 AU
- Relativistic electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks
- Relativistic electron increase during chorus wave activities on the 6-8 March 2016 geomagnetic storm
- Retrieval of Composition and Shadowing Properties of Saturn's Rings from Cassini UVIS Spectra
- Revisiting a magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz event seen by the MMS spacecraft on 8 September 2015: Large-scale context and wave properties
- Rosetta Langmuir Probe Photoelectron Emission and Solar Ultraviolet Flux at Comet 67P
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Seasonal Transport in Mars' Mesosphere-Thermosphere revealed by Nitric Oxide nightglow
- Seasonal Variation of Martian Ion Escape from MAVEN and MEX Observations
- Separation of Electric Fields Into Potential and Inductive Parts, and Implications for Radial Diffusion
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Lunar Swirl: Influence of the Upstream Plasma Conditions
- Simulating the Solar Wind Interaction with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Latest Results
- Size of Self-Gravity Wakes from Cassini UVIS Tracking Occultations and Ring Transparency Statistics
- Sizes of the Smallest Particles at Saturn Ring Edges from Diffraction in UVIS Stellar Occultations
- Socio-Economic Impacts of Space Weather and User Needs for Space Weather Information
- Space Weather at Mars: MAVEN and MSL/RAD Observations of CME and SEP Events
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- Structure and Dynamics of the Martian Magnetosphere
- Structure of Ion Outflow in the Martian Magnetotail
- Structure of the Martian Dayside Magnetosphere
- Taking Risks for the Future of Space Weather Forecasting, Research, and Operations
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona
- The Effect of Background Plasma Temperature on Growth and Damping of Whistler Mode Wave Power in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- The Emirates Mars Mission Science Data Center
- The Evolution of Deuterium and Hydrogen in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Influence of Magnetosheath Beta and Ionospheric Conductivity in the Structure of the Lobes Near Solstice
- The Latest SORCE Solar Spectral Irradiance Data Release: Inter-Comparison and a First Look at TSIS SIM Measurement.
- The Miniature X-ray Solar Spectrometer (MinXSS) CubeSats: New soft X-ray spectrometer to investigate properties of hot plasma in the quiet Sun, active regions, and flares.
- The NASA GOLD Mission: Exploring the Interface between Earth and Space
- The New LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- The PhotoElectron Boundary as observed by MAVEN instruments
- The Role of the Dynamic Plasmapause on Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux Enhancement and Three-Belt Structure Formation
- The Social and Economic Impacts of Space Weather (US Project)
- The Structure and Properties of 0.1 - 100 keV Electron Distributions Over Jupiter's Polar Aurora Region and their Contribution to Polar Aurora Emissions
- The UV Spectrum of Phobos as measured by MAVEN/IUVS
- The absent magnetospheric cushion near Jupiter's dawn terminator?
- The complete set of Cassini's UVIS occultation observations of Enceladus plume: model fits
- The curious case of the seasonal variations of 1 Hz waves at Mars
- The effect of a guide field on local energy conversion during asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Particle-in-cell simulations
- The first year of observations of Jupiter's magnetosphere from Juno's Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- The impact on UT/LS cirrus clouds in the CAM/CARMA model using a new interactive aerosol parameterization.
- The influence of Mars' magnetic topology on atmospheric escape
- The particle size distribution in Saturn's Main Rings from VIMS and UVIS stellar occultations and RSS radio occultations.
- Thermosphere and Ionosphere Gravity Waves Observed at Mars.
- Thermospheric Expansion During Multiple Dust Storms on Mars Observed by MAVEN/NGIMS
- Thin current sheets observation by MMS during a near-Earth's magnetotail reconnection event
- Three types of aurora on Mars
- Topological Variations in Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Nightside Due to Upstream Solar Wind Conditions
- Turbulence in Three Dimensional Simulations of Magnetopause Reconnection
- UV Detection and Characterization of Plume Activity
- Using a Neural Network Approach to Find Unusual Butterfly Pitch Angle Distribution Shapes
- Using the Geminids to Characterize the Surface Response of an Airless Body to Meteoroid Bombardment
- VITMO - A Powerful Tool to Improve Discovery in the Magnetospheric and Ionosphere-Thermosphere Domains
- VLF Wave Local Acceleration & ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: The Importance of K-Dependent PSD Analysis for Diagnosing the cause of Radiation Belt Acceleration.
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of Spectral Unmixing Results from Informed Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (INMF) of Hyperspectral Imagery
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Radiation Belt Acceleration associated with Solar Wind Shocks
- Van Allen Probes observations of outer radiation belt evolution during CME and CIR storms
- Variability of Europa's Interaction with the Jovian Magnetosphere
- Warm Cloud Properties and CCN Concentrations in Climate Models and Observations
- Warming ancient Mars with water clouds
- What can surface measurements of long-lived trace gases tell us about interannual variability in UTLS transport?
- XUV Photometer System (XPS): New Dark-Count Corrections Model and Improved Data Products
- "Negative Injections" of electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm and Ionospheric Photoelectron Fluxes
- A Comparative Assessment of Solar Irradiance Observations and Models at the Dawn of TSIS
- A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography
- A HAPI Service Interface for LaTiS
- A Multi-Object Ultraviolet Spectrograph Concept for Solar System Exploration
- A question of EPPIC importance: how does space weather affect Earth's atmosphere?
- A study of dust and water ice aerosols using MAVEN/IUVS data during the 2018 dust storm
- A versatile University small satellite platform for space science
- Ablation of Micrometeoroids Simulated in the Laboratory
- Alfven Wave Propagation in a 3D Model of the Io Plasma Torus
- Analysis of Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) Observations of the Martian Disk at O135.6 nm with Implications for Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Data Analysis
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Assessing the Global Impact of Dayside Magnetic Reconnection at Mars
- Assimilating Satellite Orbit Data to Improve Neutral Density Forecasts for Operational Use
- Asymmetry in the Polar Radiation Budget of Mars driven by Seasonal Snowfall
- Atmospheric Circulation Regimes of Synchronously Rotating Habitable Exoplanets
- Atmospheric Loss, Climate Change, and Planetary Habitability: Mars, the Terrestrial Planets, and Exoplanets
- Automating the McIntosh Classification System using Machine Learning
- Battle Royale: VLF-driven local acceleration vs. ULF-driven radial transport
- Boundary Layer Asymmetries and Instabilities at Mars
- Broadband waves on the plasmapause and their interactions with electrons at seed population energies
- CU-STARs: Cultivating Undergraduate Physics Identity Through Outreach and Multilevel Mentoring
- Changes to Solar Diameter & Calculating Limb Darkening at Ultra Violet Wavelengths From Spacecraft Solar Eclipse Measurements
- Characteristics, Occurrence and Decay Rates of Three-Belt events in the Earth's Radiation Belts.
- Characterization of wave-particle interactions in the flux pile-up region of asymmetric reconnection.
- Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model
- Cold Ion Outflow in Mars' Magnetotail
- Comparing causes of impact winter at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary with an Earth system model
- Comparison of Van Allen Probes and GOES Energetic Electron Data on Multi-Year Timescales
- Comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties among aircraft and satellite measurements during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Comparisons of in situ and satellite stratospheric aerosol measurements, 1990-2005 over Laramie, Wyoming, using a new retrieval of size distributions from the in situ aerosol measurements
- Concurrent Solar Flare and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere During September 2017
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as a source of inner belt electrons: Energy spectrum study and long-term variation
- DBSCAN Hyperparameter Tuning for the Planet Four Citizen Science Project
- Detection of O II 247 nm Airglow at Mars by MAVEN/IUVS
- Direct Observations of Whistler-Mode Chorus Modulation of 500eV EDI Electrons by MMS
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Dynamic Magnetopause Current Response to the Solar Wind using MMS
- Effect of 2018 dust storm on Martian thermosphere as seen by MAVEN/IUVS limb scans
- Effects in the Lower Ionosphere during the Large Dust Storm of 2018
- Electromagnetic Surface Waves on Hall Current Sheets Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- Electron Beams at Io Observed by Galileo
- Electron Flux Oscillations in the Radiation Belts During Quiet-time Radial Transport
- Electron Substructures of Inner Low Latitude Boundary Layer Under the Southward IMF
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Predictions of Martian Airglow through Forward Modeling.
- Enceladus' complex organics, Saturn's main ring composition and Oort Cloud dust: the latest and best from Cassini's CDA
- Equilibrium kinetic theory and simulations of dipolarization fronts
- Evaluation of measurement bias of cloud water probes under icing conditions in the southern hemisphere during SOCRATES
- Evidence of Solar Proton Albedo Neutron Decay (SPAND) Produced Electrons in the Slot Region During a Ground Level Event (GLE)
- Examining the Evolution of Energetic Particle Injections with Observations by MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Extreme El Nino Events Over the Last Millennium: A Model/Proxy Synthesis Approach
- Feature Engineering for Deep Learning to Forecast Solar Events
- First flight data from the Digital Fields Board on the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS instrument
- First report of electron measurements at Europa and Ganymede auroral footprint tail crossings
- First results from the FIELDS instrument suite on Parker Solar Probe
- First results from the SCM search-coil magnetometer onboard Parker Solar Probe
- Flying through Enceladus' plume with Cassini - A multi-instrumental view
- Fragments from the Origins of our Solar System (FOSSIL): Exploring the Chemical Diversity of Comets, Asteroids, and Interstellar Dust at 1 AU.
- Generalizing Global Simulations of the Radiation Belts: Addressing Advective and Diffusive Processes in a Common Simulation Framework
- Global Biosignature Distributions of Temperate Tidally-locked Planets orbiting M-dwarfs simulated with a 3-D Chemistry-Climate Model
- Global dipole magnetic field: Boon or bane for the Martian atmospheric retention?
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): First Light Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Exospheric Temperature Science Data Product
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of Daytime Neutral Temperature Science Data Product
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Overview of ON2 and QEUV Science Data Products
- Gravity wave breaking in Jovian atmospheres
- HAPI: An API for Streaming ASCII Data over HTTP
- He<SUP>++</SUP>/H<SUP>+</SUP> Density Ratio Across the Subsolar Magnetopause of Earth
- Heat flow from the upper to the lower thermosphere.
- Hot coronal loops embedded in a cool surrounding
- Hylatis, a Cloud-Based Hyperspectral Image Analysis Toolkit
- IONOGLOW: new insight for ionospheric detection of tsunamis by airglow camera from space
- Impact of the September 2017 Solar Flare and ICME Events on Mars
- Implementation of Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements from the International Space Station: The TSIS-1 First Light and Early Mission Results
- Improved UT/LS aerosol and cirrus simulations using the CAM/CARMA cloud model with MAM aerosols
- Impulsively Reflected Ions: A New Theory for Ion Acoustic Wave Growth in Collisionless Shocks
- Increase in relativistic electron flux density during an complex interplanetary structure on 09 February 2014
- Initial Measurements of Thermospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> Density Profiles from GOLD
- Investigation of New Coatings for Langmuir Probes in Oxygen-Rich Space Plasmas
- Ion Acceleration Processes Near the Martian Exobase
- Ionospheric erosion at Mars caused by interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Jupiter's Dawn Magnetosheath, Magnetopause, and Polar Flattening as Measured by Juno
- Keeping Everyone HAPI: Achieving Interoperability for Heliophysics and Planetary Time Series Data
- Key LIME: Observations of Unusual Auroral and Magnetic Field Signatures
- Key Questions in Planetary Science to be Addressed by Exploration of a Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Lunar Compass Rover Discovery Mission Concept
- LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD)
- LHS 1140b: Habitable States and Observational Prospects
- LIME in Local Time: The Magnetosphere Acting Impulsively
- LaTiS 3: Enabling Data Interoperability via a Unifying Functional Data Model and Functional Algebra
- Laboratory experiments on dust charging and mobilization on the surfaces of airless bodies
- Localized Ionization Hypothesis for Transient Ionospheric Layers
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Operations, Research, and Mission Concepts
- Longitudinal Differences in the Response of Low-Latitude Ionosphere to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings of 2016, 2017, and 2018
- Loss of radiation belt electrons through the action of broadband electromagnetic waves.
- MAVEN IUVS and HST Observations of the Martian Exosphere During the 2018 Dust Storm
- MAVEN observations of ion accelerations within the Martian magnetotail current sheets
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015-2018
- MMS Observations of the Kinetic Processes within an Interplanetary Shock
- MMS observations of reconnecting current sheets in the disordered transition region of collisionless shocks
- Magnetic Topology and Ion Outflow in Crustal Field Cusp Regions at Mars
- Magnetized planets: shielded or coupled?
- Magnetosheath Turbulence and its Relationship with Electron Magnetic Reconnection
- Mapping Electrostatic Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetotail with MMS
- Mapping Martian Magnetic Topology with MAVEN data
- Mapping energetic particle injection regions using multipoint observations in the inner magnetosphere
- Mapping the point-of-no-return for the Martian ionosphere with MAVEN/STATIC observations
- Martian Ion Escape Variations with Solar EUV from MAVEN Observations
- Martian Nightside Aurora Observed by MAVEN Remote and In-Situ Instruments
- Martian upper-atmosphere circulation and tides revealed through MAVEN/IUVS observations of nitric oxide nightglow
- Measurements of Energetic Particle Injections during Conjunctions between MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Microscopic Properties of Mesoscale Plasma Injections
- Modern Machine Learning for Space Weather Forecasts
- Modulation at the solar rotation period of outer belt electrons, plasmapause location, convection electric field, hiss and chorus waves over the Van Allen Probes mission
- Moon Diver: A Discovery Mission Concept for Understanding Planetary Flood Basalts through the Exploration of a Lunar Mare Cross-Section
- Moons' unstable plasma wake: electron phase-space holes predicted and observed
- Multi-Sensor Analysis of Mercury's Energetic Electron Events
- New Insights into Electron-Scale Dissipation at the Earth's Bow Shock
- New Insights into Solar Flare Temperature Distributions and Elemental Abundances using MinXSS CubeSat and RHESSI X-ray Spectroscopy
- Novel Dual Aperture Design for Soft X-Ray Solar Spectrometer: Design and Calibrations
- Novel Dual Aperture Design for Soft X-ray Solar Spectrometer: Measurements from June 2018 Sounding Rocket
- Nuclear Winter Temperature Patterns Driven By Extreme Stratospheric Circulation Changes
- Observations and Modeling of Atomic/Molecular Composition in the Thermosphere
- Observations of Solar Eruptions On-Disk through the Low Corona out to 4 solar radii: Current Observations from SDO and Proposed Instruments to Fill the Gap
- Observations of Turbulence and Large Parallel Electric Fields Associated with Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Observations of Wave Signatures in Ionospheric and Neutral Densities at Mars
- Observations of a Small-Scale Flux Rope Next to an EDR at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Obstruction of Low Energy Electron Trajectories to JADE-E Due to Jupiter's Strong Magnetic Field and its Effect on Pitch Angle Measurements
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- On the Initial Enhancement of Energetic Electrons and the Innermost Plasmapause Locations: During HSS-driven storm periods and non-storm periods
- On the Role of the Last Closed Drift Shell in Fast Losses and Ultra-relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Van Allen Belts
- On the genesis and detectability of organic chemistry in hypervelocity impact ice spectra.
- Open Source Python Libraries for Visualization and Manipulation of Space Physics Data, Developed by the MAVEN Science Data Center
- Particle-in-cell simulations of Martian crustal magnetic cusp regions
- Plasma Sheet Properties Observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Polygonal Ridge Networks in Arabia Terra, Nili Fossae and Nilosyrtis: Potential Implications for Mars 2020 Landing Site Selection
- Predator-Prey Analogs for Saturn Ring Dynamics
- Predicting Io's Auroral Footprint
- Preparing for EMIRS: Using TES aerobraking observations to assess the diurnal variation of surface and atmospheric temperature.
- PyroCb Smoke Rises and Persists in the Global Stratosphere: Constraints on injected smoke mass, black carbon abundance, and ozone reaction rates with organic coatings
- Quantifying the contribution of microbursts to global electron loss in the outer radiation belt
- Radial Transport in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Refinement of a Semi-Empirical Model to Understand Spectroscopic Indications of Alfven Waves in the Solar Corona
- Refining the Mechanisms of Dust Detection by Antenna Instruments
- Remarkable coincidence of absence of nitric oxide and energetic electron observed in 2014 above Syowa Station
- Response of Inner Radiation Belt High Energy Protons to Geomagnetic Activities Observed by the RBSP Spacecraft
- Responses of the Martian Magnetosphere to Changes in the Solar Wind Velocity and the IMF Orientation
- Revolutionizing our understanding of the space environment: A data visualization tool for the NASA GOLD Mission
- SORCE SOlar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE): Latest Corrections and Data Product Version
- SORCE Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor Data Release V24, and a Look Forward to V25
- Seasonal and Dust Storm Variability in Mars H Escape inferred from MAVEN/IUVS Lyman Alpha Brightness Measurements
- Shock erosion caused by cavitons and spontaneous hot flow anomalies in a hybrid-Vlasov global simulation
- Simulating the Volcanic Ash and Volcanic Sulfate After Kelut 2014 Eruption
- Solar Flare Forecasting: A Novel Deep Learning Approach
- Source and Loss of Inner Radiation Belt Electrons of Quiet Time during Van Allen Probe Era
- Space Science with Small Satellites. A new paradigm for Education and Capacity Building.
- Statistical study of heavy ion outflows from Mars observed in the Martian induced magnetotail by MAVEN
- Structure and evolution of dayside magnetopause reconnection exhaust
- Study on the radial diffusion of energetic protons in the inner magnetosphere
- Temporal variations of the atomic oxygen on Mars' upper atmosphere derived from the O I 130.4 nm triplet observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Texture of Saturn's C Ring Plateaus as seen by Cassini ISS
- The Asian summer monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP)
- The CLARREO Pathfinder Science Data System
- The ESCAPADE mission to Mars: Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Global Impact of Martian Dust Storms on the Near-Planet Space Environment
- The Impact of Background N<SUB>2</SUB> Pressure on the Habitability of Tidally Locked Rocky Exoplanets Around Cool Stars
- The Impact of Stellar UV Activity on Habitable Moist Terrestrial Exoplanet Atmospheres Around M Dwarfs
- The Influence of Atmospheric Dust on Polar Cloud Opacity
- The LUVOIR Ultraviolet Multi-Object Spectrograph (LUMOS)
- The MMS SDC Enters 'Middle Age': Lessons learned From a NASA Flagship Mission
- The New "Community-Consensus TSI Composite" for Solar and Climate Researchers
- The Response of the Outer Van Allen Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes to Complex Solar Wind Drivers
- The Role of the Polar Vortex in Whole Atmosphere Coupling
- The Secondary Atmosphere of the Moon and its Effect on Moon's Geological History.
- The Significance of the Ambipolar Electric Field in the Martian Ionosphere
- The Solar Polar Constellation (SPOC) Mission: Combining Operational Full-Sun Magnetic Field Measurements with Polar Exploration
- The Solar Wind Interaction with the Reiner Gamma Lunar Magnetic Anomaly: The Effect of Varying Upstream Plasma Conditions
- The University of Colorado Space Weather (SWx) Data Portal
- The University of Colorado Space Weather Testbed
- The acceleration of ultrarelativistic electrons (E> 3 MeV) in the outer radiation belt based on the Van Allen Probes measurements
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The speed distribution of Saturn's E ring particles
- To What Extent Does Solar Wind Forcing Affect the Periodic Behavior of Energetic Electron Events in the Hermean Magnetosphere?
- Towards a Generalized Understanding of Ion Escape: Lessons from Measurements in the Solar System and Expectations Beyond
- Transit Spectroscopy Simulations of Tidally Locked Earth-Sized Planets Using GCMs: Examining What We Can Expect from JWST and Next-Generation Observatories
- Tripolar BM Perturbations across Dayside Magnetopause Exhausts - Comparing THEMIS Multi-Spacecraft Observations and PIC Simulations
- Turbulence Studies using MMS: data issues and physics
- Understanding the Energy Dependent Double-belt Structure in the Storm-time Outer Radiation Belt
- Untangling the Different Compositional and Dynamical Impacts of the 1991 Volcanic Eruptions of Cerro Hudson and Pinatubo
- Update to the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) Solar Irradiance Reference Spectra (SIRS)
- Using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing on Balloon Platforms for High Resolution Vertical Profiles of the Atmosphere
- Using Van Allen Probes to Mitigate Space Weather Impacts in the Radiation Belts
- Using a Plume Box Model to Resolve the Transition Between the Volcanic Plume and the Model Grid of WACCM/CARMA
- Variability in Martian Proton Aurora as Observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Variability in the Io Plasma Torus Seen by Juno Radio Occultations
- Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015
- Warm cloud properties simulated by the Community Earth System Model with a sectional warm cloud microphysics scheme
- Warm trapped fossils? Electron structure and dynamics on the nightside of Mars
- What Causes Radiation Belt Enhancements: A Look at the Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence
- "Observing Dissipation Scale Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere with Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Measurements"
- "Patchy" Magnetic Reconnection: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations and Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- A 2D Io Plasma Torus Physical Chemistry Model and Comparisons with Remote and In Situ Observations
- A Four-Belt Structure in Earth's Van Allen Belts
- A Functional Data Model Realized: LaTiS Instances Serving Disparate Datasets
- A Large, Sustained El Niño-Like Response To Nuclear Conflict
- A Method for Estimation of Cold Plasma Density from Whistler Mode Waveforms Observed by Two MMS Spacecraft
- A Preliminary Analysis Places a Portion of the Dust Grains Detected by PSP on Prograde, Low-eccentricity Orbits in the Ecliptic
- A Study of Dust and Water Ice Aerosols Using MAVEN/IUVS Data during the 2018 Dust Storm
- A comparison between MAVEN/ROSE and MAVEN/LPW measurements of electron densities at Mars' ionosphere.
- A correlation Study of Coronal EUV Brightenings and Radio Emission Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- A kinetic analysis of dipolarization front equilibrium and stability
- A simple wave particle correlator for the Parker Solar Probe Mission - Invited Paper 491142
- A statistical study of magnetic flux ropes observed in the nightside induced magnetosphere of Mars and Venus
- A warm layer in the summer night side mesosphere of Mars
- AGU Celebrates its Centennial with the Initiation of a New Journal: Perspectives in Earth and Space Science
- Ablation of Organics from Simulated Micrometeoroids
- Advances in Remote Sensing and Climate Monitoring from Shortwave Hyperspectral Observations
- Aerosol above cloud, optical depth, and direct radiative effect in the southeast Atlantic
- Alfvenic slow solar wind and proton temperature anisotropy in inner heliosphere by PSP observations
- Alfvenicity in PSP observations: comparing different measures
- Alpha Particle Content in the Solar Wind as Observed by the SPAN-Ion Instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- An Investigation of Low Energy Ion Cusp Precipitation by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Analysis Ready and Interoperable: Taming Multi and Hyperspectral Imagery
- Analysis of 3D Cloud Effects in OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals
- Analysis of GOLD Thermospheric O<SUB>2</SUB> Density Measurements
- Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Streamer Blow Out Observed the Parker Solar Probe during the First Solar Encounter
- Analysis of the Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in the X9.3 and X8.3 Flares on 6 and 10 September 2017 Observed by SDO/EVE, PROBA2/LYRA and MAVEN/EUVM
- Ancient Volcanically-Induced Transient Lunar Atmosphere and its Effect on Polar Volatiles
- Annual and Semiannual Variations of Thermospheric Composition Observed by GOLD
- Application of TRUST Principles in LISIRD
- Asymmetric Coupling between the Dust and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles in the Polar Regions of Mars
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> densities and temperatures from MAVEN/IUVS between 80-150 km: Simultaneously probing the middle and upper atmosphere
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Cassini UVIS Observations of the Enceladus Auroral Footprint on Saturn in 2017
- Characteristics and Evolution of Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characteristics of coherent high-frequency whistler mode waves at Earth's bow shock: MMS observation
- Characterization of Relativistic Electron Scattering Signatures Caused by EMIC Waves
- Characterization of warm layers on Mars with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph on board the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution spacecraft
- Characterizing thermal expansion profile of solar wind streams with Parker Solar Probe SWEAP and FIELDS
- Cloud Response to Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Implications for Future Feedbacks in the CESM1 Climate Model
- Collisionless Electron Dynamics in the Magnetosheath of Mars}
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Combining Broadband Irradiance Measurements and Plasma Temperature Approximations to Generate Solar EUV Spectra
- Comparison of GOLD nighttime measurements of OI 135.6 nm radiance with the total electron content map: preliminary results
- Comparison of Parker Solar Probe Observations during First Perihelion with Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model Results
- Comparison of Titan and Earth UV Dayglow: Cascade UV Spectrum of the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band System Excited from N<SUB>2</SUB> by Electron Impact
- Comparison of Van Allen Probes Energetic Electron Data with Corresponding GOES-15 Measurements: 2012 - 2018
- Composition Changes Around the Equinoxes
- Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014
- Cusp structures observed by the TRICE 2 sounding rockets and their relationship to the magnetopause reconnection location
- Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons Through Landau Resonance With Obliquely Propagating Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions
- Daytime Observations of the Thermosphere-Ionosphere System by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Deep learning of cloud structure and three-dimensional radiative transfer for cloud remote sensing
- Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind Deduced from Radio Measurements by Parker Solar Probe
- Deriving Impact Ejecta Launch Site Distributions for Mapping the Composition of Europa
- Detection of low mass amines, carbonyls and aromatics from within Enceladus - suitable precursors for biologically-relevant hydrothermal synthesis
- Determining Directionality of Interplanetary Dust Particles Near the Sun
- Direct Access of Solar Protons to the Near-Equatorial Magnetosphere
- Direct driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind density structures: A case study and statistical survey with BARREL and satellite data
- Diversity of Habitable Climatology of Land Exoplanets in a ROCKE-3D GCM Perturbed Parameter Ensemble
- Does Non-Thermal Escape Inhibit Abiotic O2 Build-up?
- Dust Impact Ionization Charge Yields from Gold and Silver Targets
- Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons in the Slot Region During Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Losses due to Various Wave-Particle Interactions Versus Source from Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay(CRAND)
- EMIC Rising-Tone Emissions Inducing Rapid Precipitation of Relativistic Electron
- ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint observations of the Martian magnetosphere
- ESCAPADE: the first multi-spacecraft science mission to another planet.
- Early Evolution and Propagation of a Coronal mass Ejections within 55 solar radii as seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Early Morning Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere Anomaly
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on the Martian Pickup Ion Plume in Global Martian Plasma Simulations
- Electromagnetic Energy Conversion within Reconnection Diffusion Regions
- Electron Scattering by Low-Frequency Whistler Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron-scale Magnetic Holes as a Possible Universal Signature of Energy Dissipation in Space Plasmas
- Electrons in the Young Solar Wind
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Predictions of O1356 and CO4PG Bands through Forward Modeling.
- Empirically Estimated Electron Lifetimes in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Energy Input of Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Energy-Dependent Acceleration of Ultrarelativistic Electrons (E> 3 MeV) in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Cloud Properties during ARISE
- Evolution of Water and D/H on Mars
- Evolution of pitch angle distributions of relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms: Van Allen Probes Observations
- Examining the Propagation of Energetic Particle Injections and the Resulting Effects on Earth's Inner Magnetosphere with Observations by MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Explaining Saturn Ring Textures with a Predator-Prey Model
- FISM-P: A Solar EUV and FUV Irradiance Model Optimized for Planetary Aeronomy
- FUV Emissions Poleward of the Main Auroral Oval at Jupiter: How are They Excited?
- Fast Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of a Normal Component: Macroscopic Fluid Prediction and Microscopic Physics Through Kinetic Simulations with Pictor.
- First In-situ Measurements of Electron Density and Temperature from Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy with Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS
- First Measurement From the Geostationary Orbit of the Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB) Characteristics Using GOLD Data
- First Synoptic and Global-Scale Observations of Geomagnetic Storm Effects in the OI 135.6nm Dayglow by the Global-scale Observations of Disk and Limb (GOLD) Mission
- Flocculation, switchbacks, and loss of Alfvenicity: Indicators of shear-driven turbulence in the young solar wind?
- Force balance at the Martian MPB: Observations from MAVEN in the subsolar region.
- Foreshock electron impact ionization effect on the amplitude of pickup protons generated waves at Mars
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- From Aleph to TAV: SORCE/SIM Recalibration Using TSIS
- From Quantification to Mitigation of Three-Dimensional Cloud Biases in Operational Passive Imagery Products
- GOLD observations of dayside neutral temperature variability during the July 2, 2019 total solar eclipse
- Generalized Ohm's Law Decomposition of the Electric Field in Magnetosheath Turbulence: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations
- Global-scale Observations of the Twilight Airglow
- Going with the floe: using the CESM Large Ensemble sea ice to better understand climate- and process- scale observations
- Habitability and Observability of Strongly to Weakly Oxygenated M-dwarf Exoplanets Constrained by 3D Chemistry-Climate Models
- Helium abundance and non-equilibrium in the inner heliosphere
- High Resolution Observations of the Topology of a Crustal Magnetic Cusp
- How Automation has Improved the Performance of the MMS SDC.
- How neutral is quasi-neutral: Charge Density in the Reconnection Diffusion Region Observed by MMS.
- ICED (International Center for Earth Data) sustainable cloud platform for Near Real Time data
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Identifying STEVE's magnetospheric driver using conjugate observations in the magnetosphere and on the ground
- Imaging Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation from Low-Earth Orbit via Bremsstrahlung X-ray Emissions
- Impacts of OH and HNO3 on Stratospheric Aerosol Size Distribution: from Volcanic Plumes to Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- Improved AWSoM Modeling of the First Two PSP Encounters
- Improved ice cloud representation in the CAM/CARMA cirrus model using interactive sulfate aerosol and heterogeneous nucleation.
- In Orbit Exploration of the Available Resources in Permanently Shadowed Lunar Polar Regions
- In-Flight DC and Low-Frequency Electric Field Calibration for the Parker Solar Probe
- In-situ observations of high-energy electrons in pulsating aurora using all-sky imagers, Van Allen Probes, and PFISR
- Including Aerosols in Photorate Calculations in CESM2 for Volcano Simulations
- Insights into Shallow Cumulus Surface Radiative Effect Utilizing Observations, High Resolution Modeling, and 3-D Radiative Transfer Simulations
- Intermittent heating in the inner Heliosphere: PSP observations
- Inverse Modeling of Hyperspectral Observations with Uncertainty Estimation using Neural Networks and Active Learning
- Inverted-V electron acceleration events concurring with discrete aurora observations at Mars by MAVEN
- Investigation of the Jovian radiation belts using the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE) background noise data
- Investigation of valley region composition and dynamics using GOLD satellite mission: A data assimilation approach
- Investigations of electrostatic dust transport on the lunar surface
- Io Plasma Torus Variability During the Juno Mission
- Ion Acoustic Waves Associated with Turbulent Plasma Mixing in the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Ion Optics Simulation of SUDA for the Europa Clipper Mission with Special Regard to the Ion Deflections Caused by Grounded Grids
- Ion Temperatures Near the Martian Exobase
- Ion temperature anisotropy measurements using the Solar Probe Cup on Parker Solar Probe
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- Jupiter System Dynamics Observatory: a New Frontiers Mission Concept
- K2: Towards a Comprehensive Simulation Framework of the Van Allen Radiation Belts
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- LISIRD: An Online Resource for Making Solar Data More Accessible
- Laboratory Aeronomy by Electron Impact of CO and CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Analysis of UV Observations of the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Laboratory Dust Ablation Experiments to Characterize Meteoric Luminous Efficiencies
- Large Scale Structure of the Solar Wind, Poynting Flux, and Ion Energy Flow between 35 and 130 Solar Radii.
- Large scale 1/f magnetic field spectrum in the solar wind close to the Sun: comparison between 0.15 and 0.3AU
- Leveraging CubeSat constellations and the GOLD mission for ITM science
- Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions
- Localized Magnetic Field Structures and Their Boundaries in the Near-Sun Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
- Long-term variations of inner belt electrons observed by DEMETER and SAMPEX
- Lyman-alpha Variability During Solar Flares Over Solar Cycle 24 Using GOES-15/EUVS-E
- MAVEN Insights into the Precipitation of Solar Energetic Electrons in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars during the September 2017 ICME Event
- MAVEN Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations of Discrete Aurora on Mars
- MAVEN observations of internally generated ULF waves in the upper ionosphere of Mars
- MAVEN/IUVS Measurements of the D/H Ratio in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- MHD mode decomposition in the inner-heliosphere from the Parker Solar Probe
- MHD-Scale Energy Transfer in the Inner Heliosphere from PSP observations
- MMS Observation of Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Non-thermal Electron at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock
- MMS observation of particle distributions in an Alfvén vortex
- MMS observations of the structure, evolution, and heating in the diffusion region of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet
- MS Observations of Accelerated He+ Pick-up Ions at a Quasi-perpendicular Interplanetary Shock
- Machine Learning for Gravity Wave Identification
- Magnetic Field Fluctuations Observed Adjacent to a Secondary Electron Diffusion Region at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Magnetic Reconnection Associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Different Positions Along the Flank Magnetopause
- Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts and Magnetic Flux Rope Structures in the Solar Wind: Spatial Scales at 1 AU and Heliosheath at 100 AU
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Collisional Ionosphere of Mars
- Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modelling of the early PSP encounters
- Magnetospheric Response to Driving by Complex ICMEs
- Mars Atmospheric Loss is Enhanced by Lower Atmospheric Dynamics, Including Regional Dust Storms
- Measurement of Electron Temperature Anisotropy to within 35 Rs
- Measuring the Earth's Synchrotron Emission from Radiation Belts with a Lunar Near Side Radio Array
- Mesoscale Structures in Saturn's Rings from Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultation Data
- Modeling Ionospheric Densities and Flows in Crustal and Draped Magnetic Fields at Mars
- Modeling the descent of mesospheric air following the 2013 elevated stratopause event
- Multi-point observations of solar wind turbulence during the MMS Solar wind turbulence campaign
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- Needle in a haystack: looking for the physics in big data
- Neural Network Approaches To Find Evidences Of EMIC Waves And Their Contribution To Pitch Angle Distribution Reconfiguration In The Earth's Outer Van Allen Radiation Belts
- New Insights from Long-Term Measurements of Inner Belt Protons (10s of MeV) by SAMPEX, POES, and the Van Allen Probes
- Nighttime observations of the low latitude ionosphere using GOLD and ground-based optical and radio data.
- Non-Maxwellianity of electron distributions and their source regions
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- Observation of the Heating and Acceleration of the Solar Wind by MHD Waves
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Observations of Ion-Neutral Coupling in Mars Ionospheric and Neutral Density Wave Signatures
- Observations of Non-Thermal Structure in the Proton Velocity Distribution Function Using Proton Beams Below 0.3 AU from Parker Solar Probe and at 1 AU with Wind
- Observations of Space Weather at Mars
- Observations of Turbulence and Large Electric Fields associated with MagneticReconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Observations of pole-to-pole, stratosphere-to-ionosphere connection
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- Ocean Acidification Variability in the California Current
- On the Genesis and Detectability of Organic Chemistry in Hypervelocity Impact Ice Spectra
- On the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection Along the Dawn and Dusk Magnetopause During the MMS Prime Mission
- On the Self-Similarity and Repeatability of Fast Van Allen Belt Dropouts
- On the Stability & Origin of MU69's and Pluto's Ices
- On the Ubiquity of Magnetic Reconnection inside Flux Transfer Events at the Earth's Magnetopause
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker solar probe.
- Open Source Python Libraries for Visualization and Manipulation of Space Physics Data, Developed by the MAVEN Science Data Center
- Origin of two-band chorus in the Earth's outer radiation belt
- Outer-belt electrons' drift resonance with ULF waves driven by solar wind: knowledge from Van Allen Probe mission
- Parametric Sensitivity of the Formation of Reversed Electron Energy Spectrum Caused by Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Parker Solar Probe approaches the Alfvén Point
- Parker Solar Probe observations of proton beams simultaneous with ion-cyclotron waves
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Particle Acceleration by Io's Alfvénic Interaction
- Particle Acceleration from Strong Turbulence Driven by Magnetic Reconnection
- Perturbation of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System due to the July 2, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse as Observed by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Planet Four: CO<SUB>2</SUB> jets formed by basal sublimation in Mars' southern polar regions
- Planetary Magnetic Field Control of Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Planetward flow in the Venusian magnetotail: Similarity to the Earth and difference from Mars
- Plasma Sheet Properties Observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Plasma waves near the electron cyclotron frequency in the near-Sun solar wind: implications for inner heliospheric turbulence and the structure of the solar wind
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing TES Aerobraking Observations to Assess the Uncertainty in Measurements Due to Altering Parameters.
- Progress in the Asian summer monsoon Chemical and Climate Impact Project (ACCLIP)
- Properties and Consequences of Mesoscale Plasma Convection
- Radial Evolution of MHD-Scale Solar Wind Turbulence from 35 Rs to 1 AU
- Radiation Environment Analysis of Jupiter from Juno/JADE-E, UVS and JEDI-E Penetrating Radiation Datasets
- Real Time Response of the Ionosphere of Mars to an X-Class Solar Flare
- Recovering the Earth's Climate with the ROCKE3D Global Climate Model
- Refining the mechanisms of dust detection by antenna instruments
- Relating O1356 FUV disk brightness to Mars thermospheric conditions: preparing for data from the Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrograph
- Replenishment of Near-Surface Ice by Impacts: Ceres Observations and Lunar Prospects
- Retrieving true plasma characteristics from Langmuir probes immersed in the spacecraft sheath: The Double Hemispherical Probe technique.
- Revealing the Varied Sources of Faculae-Forming Brines in Occator Crater via Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses
- SALSA - Solar Applied pLanetary dataSet cAlibration
- SWx TREC Testbed: Facilitating Model/Algorithm R2O and O2R Development within a Cloud Computing Environment
- SWx TREC: An Emerging Community Resource for Integrative Space Weather Data Access and Model/Algorithm R2O Promotion
- Satellite requirements for overlap: techniques and time needed to create a continuous data record.
- Scaling relations for the equator-to-pole temperature contrast and bulk lapse rate of terrestrial exoplanets
- Science Data Processing in the Cloud for MAVEN IUVS
- Seasonal Mars Circulation Patterns as seen through Observations and Mars General Circulation Models
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation in Vertical Profiles of the Martian Nitric Oxide Nightglow Layer
- Seasonal and latitudinal variations of dayside N<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> ratio in the Martian thermosphere derived from MAVEN IUVS observations
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Swirl and Magnetic Anomaly: The Long-term Effect of Solar Wind Standoff
- Simulating the Stratospheric Volcanic Ash Evolution after the 2014 Mt. Kelut Eruption
- Solar Irradiance Variability as Observed by the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) on the Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1) Mission
- Solar Spectral Irradiance Variability in the Ultraviolet during Cycle 24: Comparison of SOLAR/SOLSPEC and SOLSTICE/SORCE Data
- Solar Spectral Irradiance during WHPI and comparison to WHI and WSM
- Solar Wind Interaction and Pressure Balance at the Dayside Ionopause of Mars
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Spatial distribution of oxygen and hydrogen upper atmospheres of Mars as observed by Hisaki and MAVEN/IUVS
- Spectral Modeling and Observations of Compositional Changes caused by Rainstorms on Titan
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Statistics of the Magnetic Field Variability Observed by the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Magnetometers
- Stochastic heating of the solar wind becomes increasingly significant close to the Alfven critical point
- Stratigraphic and mineralogic investigations of chloride materials; Towards unraveling the timing and conditions of aqueous alteration in the southern highlands of Mars.
- Structuring in Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Associated with Soft Electron Precipitation
- Study of the Correlation between O I 135.6nm Brightness and Solar EUV Activity and Implications for Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Data
- Sub-solar electron temperatures in the lower Martian ionosphere
- Sunward Strahl in Rapid Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology During Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe's Early Encounters
- Surface Radiative Effect of Arctic Low-Level Clouds: Evaluation of Imagery-Derived Irradiance with Aircraft Observations
- Switchbacks in the near-Sun magnetic field: long-range correlations and impact on the turbulence cascade
- Switchbacks: A Statistical Investigation of Their Properties
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona During the MAVEN Mission
- Temporary slowdown of ocean acidification following a nuclear conflict
- The Climate of Early Earth Under the Young Sun
- The Critical Role of Plasmasphere in Shaping the Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The E-ring Asymmetry and Saturn's Noon-to-midnight Electric Field
- The Effect of Non-Equilibrium Ionization, Resonant Scattering, and the Solar Wind on the Broadening of Coronal Emission Lines
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Mars D/H Fractionation Factor as a Function of Temperature and Water Vapor
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment Encountered by Parker Solar Probe
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break During PSP Encounter 2
- The Response of Varying Particle Density and Incidence Angle on Polyvinylidene Fluoride Dust Detectors
- The SUfarce Dust Analyzer (SUDA ): Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface.
- The Space Weather TREC Space Weather Portal: A Tool for Enabling Research and Education
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics 2 (TRICE-2) Mission
- The University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center's Space Weather Portal: A Tool for Easing Access to and Understanding of Datasets to Characterize Space Weather Events
- The Variability of D and H in the Upper Atmospheres of Mars: Implications for Water Escape
- The altitude patterns of photo-chemical-equilibrium conditions in the Martian ionosphere
- The electrodynamic energy budgets of induced and intrinsic magnetospheres
- The influence of Martian crustal magnetic fields on atmospheric escape
- The influence of high-energy electron precipitation on middle atmosphere chemistry in WACCM
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The role of Alfvén wave dynamics in the large scale properties of the solar wind: comparing 3D MHD simulation and PSP data
- Thermospheric Tidal Effects on Longitudinal Variation of the Topside Ionosphere at Mars
- Tidal waves and ionosphere-thermosphere coupling at Mars
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- Type III Radio Bursts Observed in the Inner Heliosphere
- Unexpected Detections of Martian Nightside Proton Aurora and Connections with the Mars Magnetic Field Environment
- University of Colorado Space Weather Technology, Research, and Education Center (SWx TREC): An academic center of excellence to accelerate research to operations and operations to research transitions
- Upper atmosphere smoke penetration from mass fires simulated in WRF
- Usability Testing: Raising the Bar for Scientific Data Portals
- Using Modern Day Machine Learning Techniques for Detection of Sunlight Contamination in FEEPS Data
- Using New Technologies for the Next Generation of NASA Missions
- Van Allen Probes observations of energetic electron events during the declining phase of solar cycle 24
- Waiting time (distance) distributions of magnetic field and velocity PVI events during the first Parker Solar Probe encounter
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- Zonal wind acceleration and atmospheric heating in the Martian mesosphere during the global dust storm 2018 by ground-based IR heterodyne observation and MAVEN/IUVS
- 2D Electron Moments of the Jovian Plasmasheet as Observed by JADE-E
- A 100-year Geoelectric Hazard Analysis for the U.S. High-Voltage Power Grid
- A Cloud-based Testbed environment to help make models more "useful"
- A Double Hemispherical Probe for the Characterizing and Minimizing the Self-Wake Effects on Probe Measurements.
- A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
- A Generalized Method for Calculating Atmospheric Ionization by Energetic Electron Precipitation
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A New Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Viewer for the Enlil Solar Wind Model
- A Statistical Study of Pulsating Aurora and its Impact on M-I Coupling
- A Study of Spectral Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth from the 2016-2018 ORACLES Campaigns
- A comparison of thermospheric FUV radiance and composition from TIMED, GOLD and ICON
- A new MEPED-based Precipitating Electron data set
- A statistical study of magnetopause flux ropes and their substructure using Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS)
- An Improved Model for Daily Solar Spectral EUV Irradiance Highlighting Temperature-Based Active Region Variations
- An Improved Solar Spectral Irradiance Composite Record
- An overview of Jovian auroral acceleration processes: emphasis on energetic charged particle observations from NASA's Juno mission
- Analysis of 3D Cloud Effects in OCO-2 XCO2 Retrievals
- Analysis of a Decade of PMC Observations by Fe Boltzmann Lidar at McMurdo, Antarctica
- Ancient Martian Climate with ROCKE-3D
- Atmospheric ion escape from Mars - MAVEN observations of a state-transition at high solar EUV
- Biosphere False Positives from Thin Air: Abiotic Mechanisms for O2 and O3 Generation in Planetary Stratospheres
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Characteristics of Energetic Electrons Near Active Magnetotail Reconnection Sites
- Characterization of Warm Layers in the Martian Atmosphere with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph on board the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Spacecraft
- Characterizing Tropical Deep Convective Cloud Properties and Distribution by Fusing CloudSat/CALIPSO and MODIS Measurements
- Cirrus Cloud Statistics and Potential Effects on Surface Heating and Aerosol Loading in Metro Manila using Ground-Based High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Comparative Ultraviolet Reflectance Spectroscopy of Jupiter's Icy Moons to Constrain Impurities in the Ice
- Comparison of Magnetic Field Structure of the Induced Magnetospheres of Mars and Venus
- Constraining Energy Input by Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Constraining the 3D Distribution of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona using MAVEN Observations
- Cylindrical Langmuir Probes in Flowing High Density Plasmas
- Daedalus, a Candidate Mission for the Exploration of the Lower Thermosphere-Ionosphere: Mission Performance Demonstration of Multi-point Sampling Capability
- Day-night variation of O<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Mars lower thermosphere
- Detecting Carbon Ion Movement at Mars: Results from Static
- Detection of Organic Molecules and D-H Ratios in Laboratory Mass-Spectra of Hypervelocity Dust Impacts Into Ice
- Determination of the response time of the Martian induced magnetosphere from solar wind fluctuations using multi-spacecraft observations
- Development and Validation of the TSIS-1 Hybrid Solar Reference Spectrum (HSRS)
- Development of a Correction Algorithm for REPT Inner-Zone Electrons
- Different Fates for Dissolved Organic Carbon in Mid-Cayman Rise Hydrothermal Systems Revealed through Novel Characterizations
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Effect Above Clouds in the Southeast Atlantic from Airborne Measurement
- Direct influence of solar spectral irradiance on the high-latitude surface climate: a surface radiation budget perspective
- Disentangling Seasonal and Solar EUV Dependences of Martian Thermospheric Densities
- Donald L. Turcotte Award: Pathways to Dissipation in Weakly Collisional Plasmas
- Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events: Dynamics and Multiyear Predictability
- Dust detection by antenna instruments: the effect of impact location
- Dynamics of Electrostatically Lofted Dust Above Airless Bodies
- ESCAPADE: Unraveling Cause and Effect in Mars' Unique Hybrid Magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Electron firehose instability operating in the electron diffusion region
- Electrostatic Dust Analyzer (EDA) for Characterizing Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface
- Electrostatic removal of fine-grain regolith on sub-km asteroids
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview and Status
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS) Overview
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI) Overview
- Empirical and Forward Modeling of Oxygen OI 135.6nm in the Martian Thermosphere
- End-of-Mission SORCE-SIM Data Release Improvements
- Energy conversion associated with a series of dipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Estimation of the moving direction of the Martian magnetotail flux ropes: MAVEN observations
- Evaluating Thermospheric Densities Derived from Orbital Drag Data
- Extracting thermosphere/ionosphere parameters from simultaneous GOLD and Ground-Based All-sky Imagers Observations
- GOLD Observations of the Nighttime F-region Ionospheric Response to the Quasi-16-Day Wave Driving
- Generation of Inverted Rope-like Structures in the Transition Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- Global distribution and evolution of whistler mode chorus and hiss waves studied by a machine learning based model
- High-Cadence DST/ROSA Observations of the NUV/Blue Continuum Radiation in a Solar Flare
- High-density magnetospheric He<SUP>+</SUP> at the dayside magnetopause and its effect on magnetic reconnection
- Highlights from 17 years of SORCE SOLSTICE Observations of the Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance
- Historical Solar Irradiance Using the Updated Sunspot Record
- How does planetary magnetic field impact on Ion escape rate?
- How much material from Io reaches Europa?
- Hydrogen Loss Retrievals from MAVEN/IUVS via Temperature-Dependent Radiative Transfer Modeling
- ISEND cubesat for studying the Earth's exospheric density and its response to space weather
- Ice Accumulation at the Lunar Poles during a Transient Atmospheric Period
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at an Unmagnetized Planet Using Machine Learning Methods
- Impact of Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Low and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Impact of GOLD Disk Temperatures on a Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation Model
- In the Zoom Where It Happens: Virtual Mentorship in the Age of COVID-19
- In-situ Observation of Secondary Magnetic Reconnection Region Beside Ion-Scale Flux Rope at the Magnetopause
- Incorporating Machine Learning into Mission Operations
- Incorporation of nitrogen into organics produced by Fischer-Tropsch type chemistry.
- Inferring Plasma Flows in the Solar Photosphere & Chromosphere using Deep Learning and Surface Observations
- Influence of small-scale topography on seasonal activity in martian polar regions: a study using HiRISE digital terrain models (DTM).
- Investigating Wintertime Sources of Organic Aerosols in Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Investigating the response of the polar mesosphere to the 11-year solar cycle
- Investigation on kinetic processes based on MMS/Cluster joint measurements at the vicinity of the plasma sheet boundary layer
- Ion Acceleration at Thin Current Sheets far Downstream of the Earth's bow Shock.
- Jupiter's Polar Magnetosphere and Aurora: An Overview of New Results from Juno
- LISIRD v4: The New LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter
- Latitudinal Variation of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Drift Velocities Derived From GOLD Data
- Libera - Understanding Earth's Energy Budget
- Libera and Continuity of the ERB Climate Data Record
- Local Magnetic Field Control of Energetic Electron Fluxes in the Mercury Magnetosphere
- Longitudinally Varying Thermospheric Composition and Its Connection to the Extraordinary 2019 SSW
- Low frequency proton resonance waves and associated higher frequency waves in the Martian magnetosheath and their role on ion escape
- MAVEN Observations of Ion Escape as a Function of the Twisted Tail Magnetotail Configuration
- MAVEN observations of small scale magnetic structures embedded within larger scale magnetic field depletions in the Martian ionosphere
- MAVEN observations of variability in the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MAVEN/IUVS observations of middle and upper atmosphere during solar minimum
- MESSENGER Observations of Sputtering in Mercury's Exosphere
- MHD momentum balance in the induced magnetic field at Mars using MAVEN data.
- MMS FEEPS Observations of Streaming Energetic Particles After Tailward Retreat of Near-Earth X-Line
- MMS Magnetotail Observations of the Complete Cycle of Substorm Growth, Dipolarization, Expansion, and Recovery Phases
- Madden-Julian Oscillation Effects on Ultra-Fast Tropical Waves in the Whole Atmosphere-Ionosphere System during 2018-2019
- Magnetic Field topology reconstruction in a 3-D simulation box using Gaussian Process Regression
- Magnetic Fields, Atmospheres, and the Connection to Habitability (MACH) - Using Team Science to Determine How Magnetic Fields Influence Habitability
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Ionosphere of Mars: The Role of Collisions
- Magnetic Topology in the Mars Magnetosphere and Its Consequences
- Magnetic-field annihilation and island formation in electron-scale current sheet in Earth's magnetotail
- Mars Discrete Aurora: A Comprehensive Survey for Detection & Characterization by MAVEN/IUVS
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Martian Discrete Aurorae Observed with MAVEN-IUVS: Spectral Composition and Altitude Modeling
- Martian Seasonal Frost and Snowfall in the Northern Mid-Latitudes - Growing the Seasonal Frost Cap and Contributing Environmental Factors
- Martian crustal magnetic fields tend to decrease local ion escape
- McMurdo Lidar observations of Vertical Winds, Temperatures, and Metal Layers before, during, and after the 2019 Antarctic SSW
- Minima in phase space density and how they relate to the multi-MeV electron radiation belt depletions
- Modeling the Loss of Neutral Material From Io
- Modeling the dynamic variability of the outer radiation belt fluxes using machine learning
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Molecular Ion Contribution to the Polar Plume from Mars: Effects of Solar Wind Parameters and Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Multi-satellite MMS analysis of electron holes in the Earth's magnetotail: origin, properties, velocity gap and transverse instability
- Multipoint Measurements to Determine EMIC Wave Structure and its Relation to Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Drivers
- NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) Final Data Products of Solar Irradiance from 2003 to 2020
- Near Real-Time Global Plasma Irregularity Monitoring by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Near-term predictions of biogeochemistry in the Community Earth System Model
- O2+ temperature profiles measured by MAVEN STATIC
- Observation and simulation of upwelling growth and equatorial plasma bubbles with FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2, GOLD, and SAMI3/ESF
- Observations of Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for MOSAiC
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Observations of Energized Electrons in the Martian Magnetosheath
- Observations of Low-Energy Magnetospheric Ions by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket and the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Observations of atmospheric tides in the Martian middle and upper atmosphere from MRO and MAVEN
- Observations of lower hybrid drift waves in a disturbed electron diffusion region in Earth's magnetotail
- Observations of suprathermal particle acceleration in Earth's magnetosheath
- On the Creation of Apparent Local Peaks in Electron Phase Space Density Data by Rapid Inward ULF Wave Radial Transport
- On the Impact of High-Frequency Wind Variability on Upper Ocean Stratification
- On the Similar and Repeatable Dynamics of Relativistic and Seed Electrons in the Terrestrial Van Allen Belt
- Overcoming Technical Challenges Related to Collecting Atmospheric Data with RPAS in the High Arctic During MOSAiC
- Overcoming the Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: A Geant4-based Performance of an Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, REPTile-2
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Partially Open Fields and the Energy of Solar Eruptions
- Photochemical Modeling of Upper Atmospheric D/H on Mars
- Physical Characteristics and Spatial Variability of Ice Nucleating Particles over the Southern Ocean
- Plasma Disk Properties Observed by Juno at Jupiter
- Plasmaspheric dynamics studied using a three-dimensional machine learning based plasma density model in the inner magnetosphere
- Polar Science with the Lunar Compact Infrared Imaging System
- Predicting the Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events during 1954-2015
- Preparing for EMIRS: Utilizing the EMIRS Simulator to Help Develop a Retrieval Algorithm for Aerosols in Mars Atmosphere.
- Probing the magnetosphere via observations of electron flux oscillations associated with broadband ULF waves
- Quantitative Remote Sensing of Nighttime Ionospheric Electron DensityUsing GOLD 135.6 nm Airglow Observations
- Radial Trends in Plasma Parameters Across the Heliosphere
- Radiation belt energetic particle precipitation analysis using RBSP and SAMPEX
- Rapid energization of electrons to relativistic and ultra-relativistic energies by interplanetary (IP) shocks
- Recent Advances in Understanding Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
- Reconnection Rates at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Remote sensing of cloud by deep neural network: Training strategies
- Results of Processing GOLD Data in Near-Real-Time for Thermosphere-Ionosphere Applications
- SORCE and TSIS comparison: absolute scale reconciliation
- SWx TREC's Space Weather Data Portal: a launch pad for space weather research
- Scaling atmospheric ion escape to IMF orientation and planet magnetic dipole strength in terrestrial worlds
- Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Upper Ocean Temperature and Salinity: the Role of Atmospheric Rivers
- Seasonal variation of dayside ionospheric compositions coupled with neutral upper atmosphere on Mars
- Secondary magnetic reconnection at Earth's flank magnetopause
- Sensitivity of Phase Space Density Evolution to Event-Specific Diffusion Coefficients
- Sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to Different Paleoclimate States Simulated with the Community Earth System Model
- Sequential observations of flux transfer events, poleward-moving auroral forms, and polar cap patches
- Shear-Driven Transition to Isotropically Turbulent Solar Wind Outside the Alfvén Critical Zone
- Simulating Europa Clipper Flybys and the Effects on Compositional Mapping by the Surface Dust Analyzer
- Small scale ionospheric density irregularities at Mars: the first resolved density measurements, made by the MAVEN spacecraft
- Solar EUV Irradiance Uncertainties for Planetary Studies
- Solar Spectral Irradiance Measurements during Solar Minimum and into Solar Cycle 25: TSIS-1 SSI overlap with SORCE and CSIM-FD SSI
- Solar Wind Coupling and Magnetospheric Substorms
- Solar cycle variability of hydrogen density at the Martian exobase
- Solar wind proxy determination at Mars using an artificial neural network
- Sounding Rocket Observation of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night
- Source apportionment of regional aerosols and spatial variability from The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> Nepal Ambient Measurement and Source Testing Experiment [NAMaSTE]-2 in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal
- Space Weather at Mars: 5.5 Years of MAVEN Observations
- Spatial Heterogeneity in ENSO Sea Surface Temperatures over the Last Millennium: new insights from paleoclimate data assimilation
- Stability Regions of Surface and Subsurface Polar Volatiles from Diviner Lunar Radiometer Data
- Stability of Satellite Observations
- Standardizing Time Series Data Access across Heliophysics and Planetary Data Centers using HAPI
- Statistical Analysis of Photospheric Vertical Current Structure in Flaring Active Regions
- Statistical Properties of Electron Curtain Precipitation Estimated with AeroCube-6
- Statistical Survey of Collisionless Dissipation in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Statistical properties of solar energetic electron penetration into the Martian upper atmosphere observed by MAVEN: Effects of the magnetic field structure in the ionosphere
- Statistics of Saturn Ring Occultations
- Strateole 2 observation of stratospheric equatorial waves and their interaction with QBO winds
- SunCET: A CubeSat Mission Dedicated to the Middle Corona
- SunPy 2.0: the community-developed open-source solar data analysis environment for Python
- Temporally and azimuthally averaged mesoscale structures in Saturn's rings from Cassini UVIS occultations
- Ten Years of Magnetic Reconnection Exhaust Observations by WIND at 1 AU
- The 2D Evolution of Thermospheric ∑O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Response to Weak Geomagnetic Activity During Solar-Minimum Observed by GOLD
- The AEPEX Mission: Atmospheric Effects of Precipitation through Energetic X-rays
- The Colorado Io Torus Emission Package 2 (CITEP 2)
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The Dynamics of High Mach Number Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks
- The EUV Spectral Irradiance at Mars: It's Not Just About Solar Variability
- The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Electrostatic Dust Lofting
- The Final SORCE SOLSTICE and XPS Calibrations and Data Products
- The Highly Variable Ratio of D/H in Atoms Escaping from Mars
- The INSPIRE series of satellites for multi-point Ionospheric observations
- The Mapping of IonoSpheric Turbulence and Irregularities (MISTI) CubeSat Constellation
- The Martian Thermospheric Heat Islands: Dynamical Heating at Dawn and Dusk
- The Resilience of Habitable Climates Around Circumbinary Stars
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The Role of Injected Ring Current Ions in Generating EMIC Waves and Scattering Radiation Belt Particles
- The Role of Substorm Injections on the Extreme Geo-Effectiveness Observed in the Inner Magnetosphere on the 8 September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- The Solar eruptioN Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) Sounding Rocket
- The Solaris Solar Polar Mission: Exploring one of the last Unexplored Regions of the Solar System
- The Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX): A New NSF Supported CubeSat Project
- The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- The Venusian Atmospheric Ion Escape and its Effect on the Atmospheric Evolution
- The drivers of radial diffusion-dominated radiation belt acceleration events
- The effect of solar observables on magnetic reconnection activity in the solar wind
- The global current systems of the Martian induced magnetosphere
- The influence of the 2009 Arctic vortex split on the distribution of NO near the polar winter mesopause
- The onset of reconnection in Earth's magnetotail: simultaneous observations from Magnetospheric Multiscale and the Heliophysics System Observatory
- The role of vertical shear in the slow return to isotropy in rotating stratified turbulent flows
- The topology of the subsolar magnetopause under northward IMF conditions: Global simulations and MMS observations
- Thermospheric Composition Response to Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Observed by the Global-Scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Instrument
- Thermospheric Temperature Responses during the 2018 PEDE Event as Observed by the MAVEN IUVS Instrument: Implications for Changing Dynamics using Mars GITM Simulations
- Thermospheric data-model comparison using GOLD's solar eclipse observations
- Thin current sheets downstream of the Earth's bow shock
- Time Analysis of the SORCE and TSIS similaritY (TASTY)
- Transport of Water Ice into the Polar Regions of Mars through Scavenging by CO<SUB>2</SUB> Snowfall
- Tropical Variability of Idealized Coupled Aqua and Ridge Planets using the Community Earth System Model
- Turbulent Confinement of Large-Scale, Poloidal Magnetic Fields to Stellar Radiative Zones
- Ultraviolet Reflectance Phase Curves of Saturn's Rings
- Understanding Martian Proton Aurora through a Coordinated Multi-Model Comparison Campaign
- Unmanned aerial systems measurements in the Arctic during the MOSAiC campaign: Observations of the boundary layer and surface albedo during the melting season
- Unravelling the mysteries of Venusian atmospheric evolution through future orbital space physics measurements
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Validation of the PDFI_SS Electric Field Inversion Method Using MHD Simulations of Magnetic Flux Emergence
- Venus' Mass Spectra Show Signs of Disequilibria in the Middle Clouds
- Vertical Neutral Density (O+N<SUB>2</SUB>) Profiles From PROBA2/LYRA Observations
- Volcanic Eruptions in Global Climate Models: Lessons Learned from the VolMIP-Tambora Interactive Stratospheric Aerosol Ensemble
- Volcanic Outgassing from Lunar Maria as a Possible Source of Polar Volatiles: 3-D Simulation of Volatile Transport by Transient Volcanically-Induced Atmospheres.
- Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave
- What Can We Learn from the Equatorial ionization Anomaly (EIA) Locations in GOLD Observations?
- Whistler Mode Waves Observed During Reconnection in the Earth's Turbulent Magnetosheath
- climpred: weather and climate forecast verification in python
- 3D Structure of the Martian Inner Hot Oxygen Corona Imaged by EMM/EMUS
- 3D cloud effects on OCO XCO2 retrievals over the ocean and land
- A Global Perspective on Martian Meteoric Mg+
- A Neural Network Based Model of the Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- A New Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Viewer for the Enlil Solar Wind Model
- A Search for Spectral Variations in Auroral Emissions from Mars
- A Statistical Analysis of the Erosion and Refilling of the Plasmasphere Using Neural Network-Based DEN3D Model
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Solar Wind Conditions
- A Window into the Optically Thick Hydrogen Geocorona from GOES-R Solar Occultations
- A micromirror-based UV imaging spectrograph for Planetary Science
- A powerful machine learning technique to extract proton core, beam and alpha-particle parameters from velocity distribution functions in space plasmas
- Active VLF transmission experiments between the DSX and VPM spacecraft
- Adapting Software, Hardware, and Programming Support in a Virtual Environment for the Boulder Solar Alliance Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
- Anomalous Interplanetary Dust Populations and Dust Impact Directionality Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Atmospheric Escape Rates from Mars If It Orbited an M Dwarf Star
- Atmospheric Scale-Height and Density of Molecular Oxygen (O2) via Solar Occultations Measured by SORCE
- Characteristics of Intense Current-carrying Structures in the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Characterize our Dust Environment with DESTINY+
- Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources.
- Compact Wide Field-of-View X- and Gamma- ray Imaging Spectrometer for Planetary and Space Science Applications
- Comparing model-derived and imagery-derived wind directions and speeds in the martian polar regions.
- Data Augmentation of Magnetograms for Solar Flare Prediction using Generative Adversarial Networks
- Detection of Complex Organic Molecules and D-H Ratios in Laboratory Mass-Spectra of Hypervelocity Dust Impacts Into Ice
- Determination of atomic oxygen in the thermosphere of Mars from the Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) instrument
- Developing an Executable Paper With the Python in Heliophysics Community
- Direct observations of electron current in whistler-mode waves
- Discrete Aurora at Mars: Dependence on Upstream Solar Wind Conditions
- Discrete Aurora on the Nightside of Mars: Occurrence Location and Probability
- Drivers Behind PMC Variability: A Study Using a Decade of Lidar and CIPS Observations of PMCs in Antarctica
- EMM EMUS Observations of Martian Nightside Discrete EUV and FUV Aurora: patterns, variability, drivers, and new spectral features
- ESCAPADE: unraveling cause and effect in Mars hybrid magnetosphere
- Effects of 2020 September Moderate Geomagnetic Storms in the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) as Observed by GOLD Mission
- Electrostatic Waves and Their Relation to Intermittent Shock Heating: An MMS Case Study
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometers Observation of Argon I 104.8 nm and 106.6 nm in the Martian Thermosphere.
- Empirically determined auroral electron events at Mars - MAVEN observations
- Emulation of MHD simulations to Infer Flows in Granulation and Sunspots
- Encounters with the ionosphere and tail ray of Venus by Parker Solar Probe
- Energy Dissipation in Turbulent Plasmas
- Evaluating the Influence of the Martian Magnetic Field Environment on Proton Aurora Activity
- Expanding and Enhancing the MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultation Dataset
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Solar Flare Prediction
- Findings from the August 2021 Python in the Heliophysics Community (PyHC) Integration Strategy Workshop
- Flattening of ring particles and self-gravity wakes in Saturns rings
- Flux Transfer Events in the Northern Hemisphere Polar Cusp Under Dominant IMF Bx
- Forces, Electric Fields and Currents at the Martian MPB: MAVEN Observations and Multifluid MHD Simulation Results.
- Four, Three, Two, One... Whats Up (or Down) with the TSI Instruments?
- From Mesoscale Convection to Microscale Instabilities
- Fully automated cloud based Science Data processing for Emirates Mars Mission
- Go GHOTI: Using the GOES-R EXIS Visible Light Diode as a TSI proxy
- Heavy Ions Observed In Situ in the Topside, Equatorial Jovian Ionosphere
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Implementation of Recurrent Neural Network in Constructing Global Electron Density in the Earths Magnetosphere
- Implementing a Correction Algorithm for REPT Inner Zone Electrons
- Improved ultraviolet dust aerosol properties derived from MAVEN/IUVS measurements of the Mars year 34 global dust storm
- Improving Thermosphere-Ionosphere States and Dynamics by Assimilating GOLD Observations in a Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation Model
- In Situ Analysis of Silicate Particles Originating from Saturns Main Rings
- Influence of Dust Storm Adsorptive Properties on the Atmospheric Water Content of Mars
- Inner Magnetospheric Electric Field and its Influence on Plasmasphere Erosion and Plasma Sheet Access
- Investigating the Neupert Effect with New EUV Measurements
- Investigating the Sources for Long Term Variability in the Polar Summer mesosphere
- Investigation of MMS observations of magnetic flux rope pair and magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: roles of magnetic reconnection in the formation and evolution of magnetic flux ropes
- Investigation of the homogeneity of the energy conversion processes atdipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Investigation of the response of the ionospheric current to upstream solar wind and magnetospheric activity: a neural network approach
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere response during solar minima as a stratospheric warming is temporarily disrupted and a highspeed streamer is encountered.
- Ionospheric Energization and Escape over Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields and Non-Magnetized Regions Compared Using MAVEN Measurements
- Irregular Structure in the Core of Saturns B Ring
- Is Sputtering by Planetary Ions (Na+) a Source of Episodic Variability in Mercurys Neutral Exosphere? A Comparative Study Between MESSENGER Observations and Models.
- Know Before You Go: Space Weather at Mars
- LISIRD v4: The New LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter
- Leave no stone unturned Modeling Asteroid Regolith Grain Size Evolution
- Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions
- Longitudinal Variations of Daytime TID Activity and Their Connection to Stratospheric Gravity Wave Activity
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MAVEN observations of low frequency steepened magnetosonic waves and associated heating of the Martian nightside ionosphere
- MMS Magnetotail Reconnection Observations: Substorm Growth, Expansion, and Recovery Phases During 2017-2018 Tail Passes
- Macroscopic Roughness, Composition and Age of Saturns Rings and FUV Phase Curve Analysis
- MagneToRE: Mapping the 3-D Magnetic Structure of the Solar Wind Using a Large Constellation of Nanosatellites
- Magnetic Reflection of Heavy Ions from High Mach Number Collisionless Shocks
- Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations of Waves and Parallel Electric Fields in Reconnecting Current Sheets in the Turbulent Magnetosheath
- Magnetospheric conditions and particle injections conjugate to STEVE
- Mars Atmospheric Water Ice Opacity Retrievals Using Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM) Near-infrared Observations
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Mars surface science results from the Emirates eXploration Imager (EXI)
- Martian Outer Hot Oxygen Corona as Observed by EMM/EMUS and Comparison with a 3-D Monte Carlo Particle Transport Model
- Martian nonmigrating atmospheric tides in the thermosphere and ionosphere
- Modeling the dynamic variability of sub-relativistic outer radiation belt electron fluxes using machine learning
- Morphological Characteristics of STEVE emissions
- Morphology of EUV and FUV Martian airglow emissions observed by EMUS instrument onboard EMM
- Multi-Event Studies of Sudden Energetic Electron Enhancements in the Inner Magnetosphere and Its Association with Plasmapause Positions
- Multi-scale observation of magnetotail reconnection onset
- Multi-scale structures of dayside current layer and secondary reconnection beside ion-scale flux ropes
- Multi-step vertical coupling during sudden stratospheric warming events
- Multiscale analysis of a current sheet crossing associated with a fast earthward flow during a substorm event detected by MMS
- Nadir Observations of Discrete Aurora on Mars: Evidence for Regional Difference in Local Time Control
- Neutral ejection from Ios atmosphere: revisited neutral-ion charge-exchange cross-sections and velocity distribution of ejected neutrals
- New Insights into Shortwave Radiative Effects at the Surface in Complex Cloud-Aerosol Environments using Large Eddy Simulation, 3D Radiative Transfer, and Machine Learning
- Observations of Atmospheric Tides at High Latitudes in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Observations of multi-MeV electron flux depletion and their relation to the minima in phase space density
- Observations of thermospheric waves from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Observing the density of thin current structures downstream of the bow shock
- On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN Observations
- On the Solar Wind Proton Temperature Anisotropy at Mars' Orbital Location
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker Solar Probe
- Origins of low turbulence, quiescent magnetic field regions in the near-sun solar wind and their peculiar magnetic and anisotropic ion behavior.
- Particle acceleration by nonlinear, magnetosonic-whistler precursors
- Perspectives on the thermosphere response during the extreme storm cycle: Current status of forecasting and specification models
- Photochemical modeling of non-thermal processes affecting D escape on Mars
- Photoionization of sodium-group atoms at Mercurys exosphere
- Physical Chemistry & Spectral Simulations of the Io Plasma Torus
- Pickup Ion Measurements of the Hydrogen Geocorona
- Planetary wave-driven enhanced NO descent into the top of the Arctic polar vortex during major and minor SSWs
- Plasma Environments and Ion Escape at Mars and Venus under Similar Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- Polyvinylidene Fluoride Impact Charge Production After High Temperature Exposures
- Predicted Reconnection Signatures Observed With MMS
- Progress on Understanding the Influence of Planetary Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Escape Rates
- Quantifying Magnetic Energy Flux in the Quiet Sun Photosphere using Sunrise/IMaX Observations
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Thermosphere-Ionosphere From the Global-scale Observations of The Limb And Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Reconnection x-line orientations at the Earths magnetopause
- Regolith Dust Mobilization in the Presence of Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- Retrieval of H and O abundance from EMM/EMUS observations of Lyman alpha, Lyman beta, and O I 102.6 nm observations
- Role of the distance to the magnetopause on the EMIC occurrence rate in the radiation belts
- SORCE/TSIS Overlap Analysis: Absolute Scale Comparison and Stability Estimate
- SWARM-EX: Investigating I-T Variability with a 3 CubeSat Configuration
- SWx TREC Deep Learning Laboratory: Advances in Machine Learning for Space Weather
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation in Vertical Profiles of the Martian Nitric Oxide Nightglow Layer
- Short Duration Electrostatic Waves with Frequency Shifts in the Solar Wind Sunward of 1/3 AU
- Signatures of Atmospheric Sputtering at Mars: Probing Effects of the Solar Wind on the Oxygen Corona Using a Synthesis of MAVEN Measurements at Solar Minimum
- Size and velocity distributions of electrostatically lofted dust
- Small-scale azimuthal structure in Saturns rings
- Small-scale magnetic structure in the induced Martian ionosphere
- Spatial structure and relative variability of CO abundance in the Martian thermosphere observed by the Emirates Mars Mission
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- Spectral Runway: An Analysis of Solar Balmer Lines through both Observations and Models
- Spectral Unmixing of NEON Imaging Spectrometer Pixels Using Coincident Hyperspectral Drone Data
- Statistical Investigation of the Erosion and Refilling of the Plasmasphere - Machine Learning Based Approach
- Statistics of Multi-MeV Electron Drift-Periodic Flux Oscillations Driven by Broadband ULF Waves
- Surprising Discoveries at Mars enabled by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
- TRICE 2 Observations of Drifting Ion Upflows within the Northern Magnetospheric Cusp
- TRICE 2 and MMS Observations of Low-Energy Magnetospheric Ions
- The Atmosphere of Mars as Revealed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer
- The Compositional Impact of a Dynamical Bottleneck within Saturns E-ring
- The Effects of Solar Cycle Variability on D and H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Emirates Exploration Imager Onboard the Emirates Mars Mission: Overview of On-Orbit Science Operations, In-Flight Performance, and Initial Results of Water Ice Cloud Retrievals
- The Importance of Geology for Space Weather: An Example from the Colorado Front Range Urban Corridor
- The Lunar Meteoroid Monitor (LMM)
- The Martian D/H Ratio In Escaping Atoms and Evidence for Primordial Water
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crest Latitudes Dependence on Longitude with Season in 2020 GOLD Mission Observations
- The SWx TREC Space Weather Data Portal: bringing data from diverse sources to the community
- The Ubiquitous Nature of the 185nm Absorber(s) in the Saturn System
- The interaction of a solar wind reconnecting current sheet with Earths bow shock
- The role of turbulent electric fields observed in the tail of the magnetosphere in the energization of the outer radiation belt
- The science of the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- The source of O2 in the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Themospheric Variability During Quiet and Active Geomagnetic Conditions Using GOLD Disk Observations
- Thermal structure of Mars middle and upper atmosphere: Understanding the impacts of dynamics and solar forcing
- Thermospheric response to the December 14, 2020 solar eclipse comparison of the modeled response to observations by GOLD and ICON
- Towards Event-Based Modeling of Earths Radiation Belt Electrons
- Turbulence generation by large-scale extreme vertical drafts in stratified geophysical flows
- Unexpected enhancement of ion temperatures in Mars lower ionosphere
- University of Colorado SWx TREC Model Staging Platform: Facilitating Model/Algorithm R2O and O2R Development within a Cloud Computing Environment
- Upstream Conditions and Cross-Scale Coupling at the Reconnecting Dayside Magnetopause
- Using Machine Learning to Characterize Solar Wind Driving of Convection in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes
- Wave Activity and Ion Acceleration at Current Sheets Downstream of the Earths Bow Shock
- Wind-Induced Instabilities Observed in the Mars Ionosphere E-Region
- 2022 Hunga-Tonga eruption: stratospheric aerosol evolution in a water-rich plume
- 3D Physical Chemistry and Emission Simulations of the Io Plasma Torus
- 3D analysis of tropical wave characteristics from the Reel-down Atmospheric Temperature Sensor (RATS) during the Strateole-2 super-pressure balloon 2021 campaign
- A MAVEN case study of radial IMF at Mars: Impacts on the dayside ionosphere
- A Parametric Study of Oxygen Ion Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Excitation and Polarization by an Oxygen Ring Distribution
- A Study of Temporal Variability in Mars Discrete Aurora as Observed by EMM EMUS.
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Upstream Conditions
- A real-time solar flare alert system for early flare physics studies: Exploratory data analysis
- Accounting for the Ionospheric Radiative Recombination Contribution to ΣO/N2 Measured by GOLD
- An Analysis of Martian Limb Clouds Observed by the Emirates Mars Mission Exploration Imager
- An Overview of the Mars Atmospheric State as Observed by the Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS)
- Analysis of Dynamics of Ions in the Plasmasphere Using a Machine Learning Model
- Ancient Energetic Particle Precipitation at an Unmagnetized Planet near a Young Sun
- Assessing the Relationship Between Extreme Space Weather, Magnetospheric Disturbances, and Proton Aurora Activity at Mars
- Assessing the Utility of Ultraviolet Spectral Reflectance in the Determination of Mineral Composition in a Field Campaign
- Assimilation of Multi-Point and Multi-Source Data with Dragster
- Atmospheric Electrodynamics probe for THERmal plasma (AETHER) for the GDC mission: an Investigation of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Atmospheric lifetime for a hypothetical Mars-sized planet orbiting Barnard's Star
- Characteristics of Multi-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind at 1 AU Associated with Magnetic Reconnection and the Case for a Cascading Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Climatology of the Quasi 5-Day Wave in the Polar Summer Mesosphere and its Influence on the Onset of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Coherent and Stochastic Transport of Trapped Energetic Particles in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Comparison Between the GOLD's Observation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble Morphology with the ICON's Neutral Wind and Vertical Drift Measurements
- Comparison of the Mars PCM Dust Storm Effects on Water Vapor and the Hope Probe Observations
- Constraining IPH properties at 1.5 AU using MAVEN observations
- Cusp Ion Precipitation Associated with Magnetopause Reconnection Viewed from Global Hybrid Simulations
- Deep Learning to Infer Boundary Conditions for Models of the Solar Photosphere and Atmosphere
- Demographics of the Earth, Space and Planetary Sciences.
- Detecting and Analyzing Interstellar Dust Particles in the Local Interstellar Cloud
- Detection of Phosphate in Enceladus' Ocean: Its Implications for Geochemistry and Habitability
- Detection of the Amino Acid Histidine and Fragmentation Products in Hypervelocity Impact Ice Spectra: Implications for Flyby Mission Velocities
- Determining the physical processes that control thermal electron temperature profiles in the Mars ionosphere.
- Direct Observations of Energy Transfer from Resonant Electrons to Whistler-Mode Waves near the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Distributions of Ions Observed In Situ in the Topside, Equatorial Jovian Ionosphere
- Diurnal Constraints on Water Ice Particle Sizes as Determined Through Data Fusion Using the Emirates eXploration Imager and Emirates Mars InfraRed Spectrometer
- Diurnal Temperature Variations and Thermal Tides in the Martian Atmosphere Observed by EMM/EMIRS
- Diurnal Thermal Structure of the Martian Atmosphere from MAVEN/IUVS Stellar Occultations
- Diverting Space Weather over a Weakly-Magnetized Planet: MAVEN Observations of SEP Electron Depletion at Mars
- Drivers of Irregular Spatio-temporal Variations of Far Ultraviolet Dayglow at Mars Observed by EMM EMUS
- Dynamics of Plasmaspheric Ions Modeled by a Neural Network
- ESCAPADE: unveiling Mars' hybrid magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Early EUV irradiance forecast using virtual spacecraft outside the Sun-Earth viewpoint
- Effects of Various Ion Distributions on Relaxation of the Transmitted Cold Ion Beam Downstream of Shocks
- Effects of dust storms on ion density variation in the Martian ionosphere based on long-term MAVEN/STATIC observations
- Effects of vertical mixing due to orographic gravity wave breaking in the extratropical lower stratosphere
- Electric currents of the Venusian induced magnetosphere - Differences and similarities to Mars
- Electron Energization by High-Amplitude Turbulent Electric Fields: A Possible Source of the Outer Radiation Belt
- Electron Heating in the Magnetic Reconnection Inflow Region
- Electron dynamics in Mercury's mini-magnetosphere from a global fully-kinetic numerical model
- Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Discontinuity Observed by Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD): Preliminary Results
- Event-based Space Weather Data from Multiple, Diverse Sources with SWx TREC's Space Weather Data Portal
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Evolution of Habitability on Mars: The Inventory and Fate of Martian Water
- Exploration of Transport and Availability of Resources in Permanently Shadowed Lunar Polar Regions
- Extreme vertical drafts and the modulation of local energy dissipation in stratified geophysical flows
- Finding Better Spectral Resolution Data from SDO EVE for New Measurements of Solar Flares
- Fine-Grained Regolith Loss on Sub-Km Asteroids
- Further Insights into the Physics of Ion-Acoustic Waves in the Solar Wind by Comparison of Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission with Parker Solar Probe Measurements Combined with Supporting Theory and Simulation
- Geomagnetic storm induced thermospheric changes at mid and high latitudes: GOLD-ICON observations
- Global ambipolar potentials and electric fields at Mars inferred from MAVEN observations
- Global distribution and evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- Gravity Wave Influences on Pre-Conditioning of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings and Their Latitudinal Variability
- HCO+ Dissociative Recombination and Other Significant Drivers of Nonthermal Hydrogen Loss at Mars
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- High-Cadence Science-Quality Solar EUV Irradiances from GOES-14 and -15
- Hiss in the plasmasphere and plumes: Global distribution from machine learning techniques and their effects on the loss of energetic electrons
- Hybrid Simulations of Reconnecting Current Sheet Generation and Decay at and Downstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Identification of Mesospheric Clouds in Dayside Disk Images from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at Mars Using Machine Learning Methods
- Impact ionization dust detection with compact, hollow and fluffy dust analogs
- Impact of Hotspots in Stratospheric Gravity Waves on TID Activity at Middle Latitudes
- Impact of assimilating GOLD Temperature and O/N2 Observations in WACCMX+DART
- Improving data stewardship over the extended life of a mission science data center.
- In Situ Ion Composition Observations of Ganymede's Outflowing Ionosphere
- Induced Magnetic Field Distribution and Variability at Mars: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN Observations
- Inferring Solar Lyman Beta Line Center Brightness From Band-Integrated Lyman Alpha Brightness: Correlation Studies With SOHO/SUMER and Implications for Emirates Mars Mission
- Inhomogeneous Distribution of High-Amplitude Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Initial Observations of Pickup Ions by the HIS Sensor on Solar Orbiter
- Inordinately Large Leverage of Aerosol on Surface Solar Irradiance Variability when Co-Occurring with Shallow Cumulus Clouds
- Insights into 3D cloud radiative transfer for OCO-2
- Interplay of Turbulence and Proton-Microinstability Growth in Space Plasmas
- Interstellar Probe: a Goldmine for Interstellar Dust Research and Synergies with Heliosphere Science
- Investigating Connections Between TIDs and Stratospheric Gravity Wave Activity in Winter 2019-2020
- Investigation of the Southern Hemisphere Mid-High Latitude Thermospheric ∑O/N2 Response to the Space-X Storm
- Juno Observations of the Io Plasma Torus
- Kinetic Origin of Bulk Energy Conversion in the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetopause Reconnection: MMS Observations and PIC Simulations
- LISIRD: Making Solar Data More Accessible
- Living With the Young Sun: First Results of HST-XMM Newton and TESS Coordinated Observations of Young Suns and Modeling of Their Coronae, Winds and Eruptive Events
- Low Latitude Trapped Jovian Electrons Measured by Juno/JADE
- Lower Hybrid Drift Waves During Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetopause and Magnetotail and Their Relation to Electron Energization
- Lower Thermospheric Response to Geophysical Conditions Using GOLD Observations
- MMS Reconnection Observations: Substorm Growth, Expansion, and Recovery Phases During 2017-2020 Tail Passes
- Machine Learning (ML) Bloopers - What not to do when creating ML models
- Magnetic Reconnection During the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Different Positions Along the Magnetospheric Flanks
- Magnetic Signatures of the January 15 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss By The Planetary System
- Magnetic flux transport identification of magnetic reconnection in Earth's magnetosphere: current sheets and entangled flux ropes
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- Mars Hydrogen Densities, Temperatures, and Escape Rates in 3D from EMM/EMUS observations during Mars Year 36
- Martian Dayside Temperature Maps Derived from MAVEN IUVS Observations of O I 297.2 nm Emission
- Measurements of Thermospheric Density and Temperature from SUVI Solar Occultations
- Modeling Ring Current Proton Fluxes Using Artificial Neural Network and Van Allen Probe Measurements
- Modeling the Influence of Intrinsic Dipole Field Strength and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation on Ion Escape from Weakly Magnetized Planets
- Modeling the day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubbles with SAMI3/WACCM-X
- Navigating the Challenges of a Hybrid REU Program to Optimize Student Experience and Value
- Nitric Oxide in the Polar Winter Observed by the Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (SMR)
- Numerical Simulation of Multi-step Vertical Coupling Using a High-resolution Whole Atmosphere Model
- Observation and Modeling of Gravity Waves in the Martian Whole Atmosphere under Varying Atmospheric Conditions and Implications for Atmospheric Loss
- Observations of Atmospheric Tides at High Latitudes in the Martian Middle and Upper Atmosphere
- Observations of Suprathermal Ions (5-75 keV/e) in Association with Shocks
- Observed Deviations from Kinetic Alfvén Wave Theory in Solar Wind Turbulence Near Proton Scales
- On the Relationship Between Discrete Aurora and Magnetic Reconnection at Mars from MAVEN Observations
- On the loss of ultra-relativistic electrons (>2 MeV) near L* = 3.5 during the Van Allen Probes era
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Opportunities to Directly Observe the Interaction of Interstellar Dust with our Heliosphere with an Interstellar Probe
- Overview of Plasma Observations During the Recent Europa Flyby from Juno/JADE
- PILOT (Plasma Imaging, LOcal measurement, and Tomographic experiment): a mission concept for ground-breaking system-science observations of mass and energy flow through Earth's magnetosphere
- Planetary Data Processing in the Cloud for MAVEN IUVS Full Mission Reprocessing
- Planetary ReaCH: Developing a new model to engage Subject Matter Experts and Informal Educators in Engaging with Black and Latinx Communities
- Plasma-Neutral Coupling via Large-Scale Migrating Tides in the Mars Ionosphere-Thermosphere
- Plasmapause and dense outer edge of the plasmasphere from Van Allen Probes EFW and EMFISIS measurements for radiation belt modeling
- Plasmasphere formation at terrestrial rocky exoplanets around M-Dwarf stars and its detectability: Possible evidence for the intrinsic magnetic field and thick atmosphere
- Pushing the Frontiers of Operational Geoelectric Hazard Modeling
- Quantifying Thermal and Non-Thermal H and D Escape at Mars Using a Fully-Coupled Ion-Neutral Photochemical Model
- Radial Trends in Plasma Parameters Across the Heliosphere
- Real-Time Operational Measurements of the Thermospheric State: Recent Advances and Future Possibilities
- Reduced Upstream Motional Electric Field and Its Impact on the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars
- Retrieving Vertical Profiles of Cloud Droplet Effective Radius using Passive Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Revisiting Kennel-Petschek in the 21st Century: An Integrated Model of the Self-Consistent Capping of Electron Flux and the Control of Non-Linear Energetic Electron Precipitation into the Atmosphere
- Revisiting the quantitative relationship between traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) vs. traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) with NASA GDC- Atmospheric Electrodynamics probe for THERmal plasma (AETHER)
- Role of Turbulence and Reconnection in Dissipation in Plasmas
- Saturn Lyman-alpha airglow: re-assessment of the calibration of ultraviolet instruments since 1980
- Science Expectations for the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission
- Seasonal and Day-to-Day Variability in the Lower to Middle Thermosphere Observed by GOLD
- Seasonal and Solar EUV Flux Dependence of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona: EMM/EMUS Observations
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Solar EUV and XUV Irradiances: What We Have and What We Still Need
- Solar Rotation Effects in Earth's and Mars' Thermospheric Densities as Revealed by Concurrent MAVEN, Swarm-C, and GOES Observations
- Solar Wind- Mars Interaction Under Different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Orientations
- Sources of Ions in the Near-Mars Environment
- Space Weather at Mars: Monitoring and Reporting of Solar Flares Observed at Mars using the MAVEN Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor (EUVM)
- Spatiotemporal Variations of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation at LEO Using REACH and POES
- Spicule-Like Activity in the Upper Chromosphere: Statistics from MgII Observations
- Statistical Analysis of Plasmaspheric Erosion and Refilling - Machine Learning Approach
- Statistics of Saturn's Ring Occultations: Implications for Structure, Dynamics and Origins
- Study of Atomic Hydrogen Lyman-alpha to Lyman-beta Emission Ratio Variability in the Martian Exosphere using EMM/EMUS Observations.
- Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) Electric Field Induced Deep Particle Penetrations into Lower L Shells
- SuperDARN Observations of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Supporting Space Weather with the Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- Survey of High-Amplitude Turbulent Electric Fields in the Magnetotail with MMS Satellites
- Synthetic Dust Impact Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectra for Ongoing and Future Heliophysics Missions
- TREX Public Engagement: A Diverse Portfolio for Science Communication
- Temporal and spatial evolution of chorus waves modeled by an artificial neural network
- The DYNamics Atmosphere GLObal-Connection (DYNAGLO) CubeSat Mission
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Influence of Space Weather on Atmospheric Escape at Mars: Past and Present
- The Machine Learning application to the Spatiotemporal Prediction of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents
- The Medium Energy Proton and Electron Detector Precipitating Electron (MPE) data set
- The Neutral-Optics Velocity Analyzer
- The Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crests – Some Seasonal Differences Observed by the GOLD Mission
- The Observed Properties of H in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- The Response of Equivalent Ionospheric Currents to the External Drivers via Spatiotemporal Prediction by Neural Network
- The Ring Current Plasma Pressure: A Van Allen Probes Survey
- The Versatility of CLARREO Pathfinder Measurements
- The impact of satellite coverage on neutral density assimilative modeling
- The need for accurate measurements of thermal velocity distribution functions in the solar wind
- The non-orthogonal X-lines: MMS observations and possible causes
- The observations of FUV discrete aurora on Mars by the EMM EMUS:characterizing the spectral properties
- The plasma and dust in Enceladus' plume: revisiting Cassini Langmuir Probe and Cosmic Dust Analyser plume dataset
- The role of non-water-ice hydration in Ceres' near-surface regolith
- The role of solar-wind plasma precipitation on the Hermean magnetosphere-exosphere-surface coupling
- The temperature and composition structure of the Earth's Thermosphere – what we have and could learn from GOLD observations
- Thermospheric Condition During 3 to 4 February 2022 Geomagnetic Storm: The SpaceX Satellite Loss Event
- Thermospheric Molecular Oxygen Density via Stellar Occultations Measured by SORCE
- Thermospheric temperature and density variations from GOLD and WACCM-X
- Understanding the Role of Mercury in Investigating the Connection Between Planetary Habitability, Atmospheres, and Magnetic Fields.
- Unexpected spectral and morphological variations in discrete aurora emissions at Mars
- Unusual Effects of Magnetosonic Waves on Low Energy Protons under Geomagnetically Disturbed Conditions.
- Using Mars Climate Sounder Data to Determine the Composition of High-Altitude Clouds Observed by Curiosity Rover
- Using VLF Transmitter Signals at LEO for Plasmasphere Model Validation
- Van Allen Probes and MMS Observations of Whistler-Mode Chorus: Wave Vector and Poynting Vector Directions
- Visualizing Enlil and EUHFORIA CME Propagation Models using an Accessible Interactive 3-Dimensional Data Visualization Tool
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- Water Loss from Mars: Energetic Deuterium and Its Effects on the D/H Ratio
- Water-ice and Dust Retrieved from MAVEN/IUVS Data
- What Controls the Martian Top-Side Ionosphere? An Analysis of Balance in Solar Wind Induced Magnetic Pressure and Cold Thermal Ionospheric Pressure at Mars
- What Does Ion Escape at Mars Depend On? Examining the Correlation Between Different Upstream Solar Wind Drivers and Ion Loss at Mars
- With A New Scope, the AGU Journal "Perspectives of Earth and Space Sciences" Aims to Play a Broader AGU Role and Promote a More Diverse AGU Authorship
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Galvin
- A. C. G. Hughes
- A. D. Shane
- A. Farrish
- A. G. Burns
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. J. Steffl
- A. Luspay‐Kuti
- A. Masson
- A. Pouquet
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. Pusack
- A. R. Poppe
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Sharma
- A. Saikin
- A. V. Usmanov
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Merkel
- A. Y. Ukhorskiy
- Abigail Azari
- Adam Kellerman
- Adam McMaster
- Adiv Paradise
- Aigen Li
- Alain Pumir
- Alejandro Cardesín‐Moinelo
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander Drozdov
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Ali Rahmati
- Allison Jaynes
- Allison Liu
- Amanda Hendrix
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrew Fazakerley
- André Fehlmann
- Andrés Muñoz-Jaramillo
- Angèle Pontoni
- Anna Kelbert
- Arnaud Beth
- Aroh Barjatya
- Aronne Merrelli
- Ashley Greeley
- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- Avi M. Mandell
- Aya Nakayama
- B. Grison
- B. H. Mauk
- B. K. Meinke
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Giles
- B. Larsen
- B. Lavraud
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. R. Dennis
- B. Thurairajah
- B. Toon
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benjamin Hogan
- Benjamin S. Murphy
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Brent Smith
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- Burcu Kosar
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. Briois
- C. C. Chaston
- C. Ferradas
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. J. Owen
- C. J. Pollock
- C. K. Pankratz
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Lisse
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Martinis
- C. S. Edwards
- C. S. Salem
- C. T. Russell
- Can Li
- Carl Schmidt
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Charles W. Smith
- Cheng Sheng
- Chihoko Y. Cullens
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chris Crabtree
- Chris R. Gilly
- Christian Möstl
- Christina O. Lee
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christopher Moore
- Christopher R. Glein
- Christy Lentz
- Chrystal Moser
- Chuanfei Dong
- Clare E. J. Watt
- Claus Gebhardt
- Colby Haggerty
- D. A. Coffin
- D. A. Roberts
- D. E. George
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. E. Wendel
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. L. Gallagher
- D. M. Gillies
- D. M. Kass
- D. M. Lindholm
- D. M. Oliveira
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. P. Hartley
- D. Payne
- D. Ruffolo
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Brain
- David Burgess
- David E. Siskind
- David M. Miles
- David Mitchell
- Declan O’Brien
- Deepak K. Karan
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- Dolon Bhattacharyya
- Dong Lin
- Donglai Ma
- Duggirala Pallamraju
- E. D’Aversa
- E. G. Rivera-Valentín
- E. J. Korpela
- E. J. Rigler
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Eileen E. Hofmann
- Elias Odelstad
- Elizabeth Weatherhead
- Emmaris Soto
- Erdal Yiğit
- Erich Becker
- Eryn Cangi
- F. Allegrini
- F. Bagenal
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Eparvier
- F. J. Crary
- F. Vilas
- F. X. Timmes
- Fabian Klenner
- Fabio Feraco
- Fabrizio Sassi
- Fayu Jiang
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- Federico Gasperini
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- Franck Montmessin
- François Leblanc
- Frederik Dhooghe
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. Bellucci
- G. Boscoboinik
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. Collinson
- G. Cunningham
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Filacchione
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. V. Khazanov
- G. W. Perry
- Gangkai Poh
- Ganna Portyankina
- Ghassan Taha
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Graham Feingold
- Grant Berland
- Greg Lucas
- Guiping Liu
- H. A. Elliott
- H. Akbari
- H. Y. Wei
- Hadi Madanian
- Hanli Liu
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harsha Gurram
- Hilary Egan
- Homayon Aryan
- Hong Zhao
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Hunter Leise
- I. J. Cohen
- I. J. Rae
- I. R. Mann
- Imogen Gingell
- Ivana Kolmašová
- J Bernard Blake
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Slavin
- J. Adler
- J. B. Baker
- J. Benkhoff
- J. Berchem
- J. C. Green
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Correira
- J. D. Huba
- J. D. Lumpe
- J. Dorelli
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. F. Drake
- J. F. Ripoll
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. H. Westlake
- J. I. Moses
- J. J. Kavelaars
- J. Jahn
- J. Klenzing
- J. Knuth
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Molaro
- J. L. Verniero
- J. LaBelle
- J. Lean
- J. M. Bell
- J. M. C. Plane
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Sokół
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Mukherjee
- J. P. Elliott
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. P. Thayer
- J. R. Shuster
- J. R. Szalay
- J. R. Wygant
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Sylwester
- J. T. Clarke
- J. T. Niehof
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. W. Manweiler
- J. Webster
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jackson Jandreau
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jake J. Gristey
- James Paul Mason
- James T. Haber
- Jamie M. Jasinski
- Jan Deca
- Jared Espley
- Jean‐Claude Gérard
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- Jeff France
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- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jens Redemann
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- Jia Yue
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- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Jonathan I. Lunine
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- Joseph E. Borovsky
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- Joshua Pettit
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- Junying Yang
- Justin Deighan
- K. Dialynas
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- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- K. R. Pritchard
- K. Seki
- K. W. Paulson
- K. Zhang
- K.‐M. Aye
- Karan Molaverdikhani
- Kareem Sorathia
- Karen H. Rosenlof
- Karine Issautier
- Karl‐Heinz Glaßmeier
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kennda Lynch
- Kenneth R. Bromund
- Kevin Pham
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- Kurt D. Retherford
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- Lennart R. Baalmann
- Leonardo Regoli
- Linda E. Sohl
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- Liying Qian
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Lotfi Ben‐Jaffel
- M. A. Mischna
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- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Landis
- M. E. Wysession
- M. Guêdel
- M. H. Burger
- M. H. Stevens
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Horányi
- M. I. Desai
- M. Joan Alexander
- M. K. Elrod
- M. Kitahara
- M. L. Goldstein
- M. M. Osterloo
- M. O. Chandler
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. Pajola
- M. Pilinski
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Argall
- M. S. Bramble
- M. Samara
- M. Snow
- M. Stęślicki
- M. Swisdak
- M. Volwerk
- M. Øieroset
- M.‐C. Fok
- Majd Mayyasi
- Malcolm Dunlop
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- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Michael Wolff
- Min‐Yang Chou
- Murti Nauth
- N. A. Frissell
- N. A. Murphy
- N. A. Schwadron
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- Nancy B. Grimm
- Naoki Bessho
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- Olga Katushkina
- Olivier Poch
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- P. A. Cassak
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- Paquita Zuidema
- Paul A. Bedrosian
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- Philippa M. Molyneux
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- Piyush M. Mehta
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Q. Ma
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- R. M. Dewey
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- R. Nakamura
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- R. W. Portmann
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- Rachael Filwett
- Raffaello Foldes
- Rebecca Ringuette
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- Riley Reid
- Riley Troyer
- Robert E Ergun
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert Wood
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- Ryoya Sakata
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- Xu Liu
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- Zhao Li
- Zixu Liu
- Л. П. Гончаренко