Jared Espley
flowchart A[Jared Espley] AC["Associated Concepts (25)"] AW["Authored Works (37)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (65)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (32)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6371-9683
- OpenAlex ID
- https://openalex.org/A5067874582 (API record)
Associated Concepts [?]
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Plasma
- Nuclear physics
- Magnetic field
- Biology
- Astronomy
- Astrobiology
- Solar wind
- Mars Exploration Program
- Engineering
- Martian
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Thermodynamics
- Aerospace engineering
- Geography
- Atmosphere of Mars
- Magnetosphere
- Astrophysics
- Magnetopause
- Planet
- Mechanics
- Computational physics
- Atmospheric sciences
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- What Does Ion Escape at Mars Depend On? Examining the Correlation Between Different Upstream Solar Wind Drivers and Ion Loss at Mars
- Using an Artificial Neural Network to Apply the Magnetospheric Disturbance Index to the MAVEN Mission Dataset
- The Influence of Space Weather on Atmospheric Escape at Mars: Past and Present
- Solar Wind- Mars Interaction Under Different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) Orientations
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Potential Field Line Resonances in Ganymede's Magnetosphere Observed by Juno
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- Magnetic Investigations of the Martian Subsurface
- MAVEN Observations of Shocklets in the Upstream Martian Foreshock Region
- Identifying Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices in MAVEN Observations with a Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis Framework
- Identifying Fundamental Upstream Drivers of Ion Escape at Mars Using Machine Learning Methods
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- ESCAPADE: unveiling Mars' hybrid magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Current State of a Magnetospheric Disturbance Index (MDI) for Use at Mars
- Changes in the Martian Magnetosphere due to the Radial Orientation of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF)
- Assessing the Relationship Between Extreme Space Weather, Magnetospheric Disturbances, and Proton Aurora Activity at Mars
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Upstream Conditions
- A Study of Temporal Variability in Mars Discrete Aurora as Observed by EMM EMUS.
- A MAVEN case study of radial IMF at Mars: Impacts on the dayside ionosphere
- Voyager 2 Magnetic Field Data Near Closest Approach to Triton
- The GTOSAT Magnetometer: A Miniaturized Fluxgate
- Signatures of Atmospheric Sputtering at Mars: Probing Effects of the Solar Wind on the Oxygen Corona Using a Synthesis of MAVEN Measurements at Solar Minimum
- Plasma Environments and Ion Escape at Mars and Venus under Similar Solar Wind and IMF Conditions
- On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN Observations
- Mars Express Pickup Ion Observations as an Interplanetary Magnetic Field Proxy
- MAVEN observations of low frequency steepened magnetosonic waves and associated heating of the Martian nightside ionosphere
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder
- Know Before You Go: Space Weather at Mars
- Juno Observations of the Magnetosphere of Ganymede
- Ionospheric Energization and Escape over Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields and Non-Magnetized Regions Compared Using MAVEN Measurements
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Forces, Electric Fields and Currents at the Martian MPB: MAVEN Observations and Multifluid MHD Simulation Results.
- Flapping in the Martian Magnetotail observed by MAVEN
- EMM EMUS Observations of Martian Nightside Discrete EUV and FUV Aurora: patterns, variability, drivers, and new spectral features
- A Systematic Comparison of the Magnetic Field Distributions of Mars and Venus Under Similar Solar Wind Conditions
- A New Model of Jupiters Magnetic Field Based Upon Junos Thirty-Three Prime Mission Orbits
Linked Co-Authors
- A. C. G. Hughes
- Abigail Azari
- Aroh Barjatya
- B. M. Jakosky
- C. C. Chaston
- C. M. Fowler
- C. T. Russell
- Christina O. Lee
- Chuanfei Dong
- D. J. Gershman
- David Brain
- David E. Stillman
- David Mitchell
- E. Thiemann
- F. Eparvier
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. Boscoboinik
- G. Le
- G. M. Holsclaw
- Gangkai Poh
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. S. Halekas
- J. W. Bonnell
- Jeremy Bloxham
- Justin Deighan
- K. Moore
- K. Nykyri
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- L. Andersson
- L. W. Blum
- Leonardo Regoli
- M. O. Fillingim
- Mathias Benn
- Matija Herceg
- Michael Chaffin
- N. R. Schnepf
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Norberto Romanelli
- Phillip C. Chamberlin
- R. E. Grimm
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robin Ramstad
- S. Curry
- S. D. Bale
- S. England
- S. J. Bolton
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. M. Levin
- S. Ruhunusiri
- Sean Howard
- Shaosui Xu
- Sonal Jain
- Stavros Kotsiaros
- Susarla Raghuram
- Takuya Hara
- Tristan Weber
- Xiaohua Fang
- Xuanye Ma
- Y. Dong
- Y. Ma
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yoshifumi Futaana
- Yuki Harada
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Austrian Institute of Space Science Research
- Boston College, Massachusetts
- California Institute of Technology
- Cornell University, New York
- DTU Physics, Lyngby
- Harvard University, Massachusetts
- Howard University, Washington DC
- Imperial College, London
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Khalifa University of Science Technology and Research, UAE
- Kyoto University, Japan
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
- Princeton University, New Jersey
- Southwest Research Institute, Boulder
- Southwest Research Institute, Texas
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna
- Universite de Toulouse Paul Sabatier, France
- University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
- University of Dayton, Ohio
- University of Iowa
- University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Michigan
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
- West Virginia University
- Yale University, Connecticut
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