Yale University, Connecticut
flowchart I[Yale University, Connecticut] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (8)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1010)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (319)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Yale University, Department of Applied Physics
- Yale University, Department of Astronomy
- Yale University, Department of Chemistry
- Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics
- Yale University, Department of Physics
- Yale University, School of Engineering and Applied Science
- Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Yale University, School of Medicine
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Microphysical Mechanism for Altering Stratospheric Humidity
- Aerosols and Ice Particle Size in Tropical Cumulonimbus
- Assessing Enhanced Anaerobic and Intrinsic Aerobic Biodegradation of Trichloroethene
- Fractals as the Measure of Roughness in the Earth Sciences
- Problems of Geophysics that Inspired Fractal Geometry
- Complex Anisotropic Structure of the Mantle Wedge Beneath Kamchatka Volcanoes
- Development of a Rotation Drickamer Apparatus for Deformation Studies Under High Pressure and High Temperature: Applications to magnesiowustite and Wadsleyite
- Dislocation Microstructures in Experimentally Deformed wet Olivine
- Ecosystem Modulation of Dissolved Carbon Age in a Temperate Marsh-Dominated Estuary
- Oxygen Isotope Biomarkers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life
- Oxygen isotope effects of enzyme-catalyzed organophosphorus hydrolysis reactions: implications for interpretation of dissolved PO<SUB>4</SUB> δ<SUP>18</SUP>O values in natural waters
- Simulation of the Climate of South-West Asia with a Regional Model
- The void Limit of Two-phase Damage; Applications to Shear Localization and Shear-Enhanced Compaction
- Variation in Surface Turbulence and the Gas Transfer Velocity in a Macro-Tidal Estuary
- Gravity Waves in ER-2 Observations During CRYSTAL-FACE: Propagation Characteristics and Potential Role in Cirrus Cloud Formation
- Layer shift phase transition in kaolins by computer
- Thiols in a Connecticut Stratified Freshwater Lake
- Torsion Experiments on Wadsleyite under Transition Zone Conditions
- Work More? The 8.2 kaBP Abrupt Climate Change Event and the Origins of Irrigation Agriculture and Surplus Agro-Production in Mesopotamia
- Field measurements of isotope fractionation during evaporation
- Geodynamic setting, geochemistry, U-Pb datings and mafic enclave composition of granitoids from Eastern- and Prybrezhny Taigonos belts (southern part of Taigonos Peninsula, NE Russia)
- Land Use Change Around Nature Reserves: Implications for Sustaining Biodiversity
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- The Influence of Oxygen Environment on Kinetic Properties of Minerals
- Visualization of Colloid Deposition and Mobilization During Unsteady and Steady Porewater Flow Through Unsaturated Porous Media.
- Evaluation of the Aethalometer and the Coefficient of Haze Sampler for Measuring Black Carbon Concentration
- Impact of Global Warming on the Euphrates-Tigris Watershed
- Land-atmosphere interactions in the 2003 European heatwave: comparing observations from an extreme event with RCM predictions for future climate
- Phosphate oxygen isotope ratio proxy for specific microbial activity in marine sediments (Peru Margin)
- Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Variability within the Central Mediterranean Using Lake Sediments from the Akrotiri Peninsula, Crete
- Using GPS radio occultation data in the study of tropical cyclogenesis
- Contiguity and Bulk Physical Properties of Partially Molten Rocks
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Yukon, Tanana and Porcupine Rivers, Alaska
- Evaluation of cloud radiative forcing in global climate models with respect to humidity and stability
- Experimental study of low-temperature magnetic hysteresis properties of magnetite using first-order reversal curve analysis
- Quantifying the Primary Controls on Silica Storage and Mobilization in Grass Dominated Ecosystems
- Resonant response of deep convection to surface hot spots
- Trees and Weathering: Using Soil Petrographic and Chemical Analyses to Compare the Relative Weathering Effects of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State, USA
- Alkenone temperature and salinity: An evaluation of long chain C37 alkenone in Lake Qinghai, China
- Anthropogenic alteration of riverine water and carbonate fluxes
- Body-wave tomography at Hawaii from the first PLUME deployment of ocean-bottom seismometers
- Changes in N and P Fluxes due to Agricultural Land Use in the Mississippi River System
- Characterizing Offshore Earthquakes at Hawaii Recorded by the First PLUME Temporary Ocean-Bottom Seismometer Network
- DOC Transport to the Arctic Ocean: Improving Basin-Wide Annual Flux Estimates
- Deformation of Isochrones and Implications for Detrital Thermochronology
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Spreading and Degassing of Lava Flows
- Testing Kinematic and Mechanical Solutions for Coulomb Wedges
- A 35 Myr Higher Plant n-Alkane Stable Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Record from the Gulf of Mexico: Implications to North American C4 Grasslands and Hydrologic Cycle Dynamics
- An Archean Terrestrial Fractionation Line for Oxygen Isotopes
- Geodynamical constraint on the history of Earth's ocean volume
- Heavy boron isotopic composition of Pennsylvanian brachiopod calcite: implications for pH, CO2 and secular variation of seawater δ11B
- How to estimate the heat production of a 'hidden' reservoir in Earth's mantle
- Investigation of Kinetic Fractionation During Evaporation Using the Evaporation Flux Isotope Ratio Measured by a Tunable Diode Laser
- Looking for serpentine, finding some, within Cascadia megathrust.
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Hawaiian Islands from Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting: Results from the PLUME Ocean-Bottom and Land Seismograph Deployments
- Measurements and Model Simulations of Colloid Mobilization During Imbibition and Drainage of Unsaturated Soils
- S-wave tomographic imaging of the mantle beneath the Hawaiian Islands from the PLUME deployments of ocean-bottom and land seismometers
- Slab imaging in continental subduction under the Northern Apennines.
- Strain Analysis and Integration: Quantifying the Deformation of the Laghetti Area, Maggia Nappe, Switzerland
- Surface Wave Tomography for the Hawaiian PLUME Project and the Seismic Structure of the Hawaiian Swell
- A continental record of climatic change and carbon cycle dynamics during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- A large eddy simulation study of carbon dioxide and water vapor isotopes in the atmospheric boundary layer
- A quantitative comparison between the formation of oceanic crust and ‘transitional’ crust on rifted margins based on gravity roughness
- Anthropogenic Cycles of Rare Earth Elements
- Climate Proxy Signals in the Plio-Pleistocene Chemeron and Miocene Lukeino Formations, Baringo Basin, Kenya
- Concentration, Structure, and Lability of Dissolved Organic Matter Across 16 Major Rivers in North America
- Converted Ps amplitude variations on a dipping interface: Application to receiver functions in central Japan
- Deformation Fabrics and Water Content of Deep Continental Mantle: A Clue From an Ultra-Deep Upper Mantle Xenolith
- Dissolved organic matter as an indicator of changing watersheds in northern rivers
- Double-Sided Wedge Model For Retreating Subduction Zones: Applications to the Apenninic and Hellenic Subduction Zones (Invited)
- Exploring the History of Time in an Integrated System: the Ramifications for Water
- Exploring the links between magmatism, large-scale regional metamorphism, and fluid flow
- Global Warming’s Six Americas: An Audience Segmentation Analysis (Invited)
- Hydrologic Change during the Colonial Era of the United States: Beavers and the Energy Cost of Impoundments (Invited)
- New constraints on the crustal structure beneath northern Tyrrhenian Sea
- Nineteenth-century Northeastern United States water law and policy: explorations in incorporating changes over time and space into assessments of water availability
- Polar terrestrial ecosystems, permafrost, and extreme warm paleoclimate dynamics (Invited)
- Potential temperature and the scaling of mantle convection (Invited)
- Rayleigh Wave Azimuthal Anisotropy Observed during the Hawaiian PLUME Project
- Rayleigh-wave Group Velocity Tomography in the Vicinity of the Hawaiian Hotspot
- Simulating Forest Cover and Climate Change Impacts on Historic New England Runoff
- Some Remarks on the Microscopic Physics of Seismic Wave Attenuation and Tidal Dissipation (Invited)
- Temperature and Hydrological Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Mobilization and Transport within forest soils
- The TEENA experiment: a pilot project to study the structure and dynamics of the eastern US continental margin
- The fate of the earliest crust: the bulk silicate Earth and the meaning of 142Nd anomaly
- Using Tracer Thermochronology to Measure Modern Relief Change in the Sierra Nevada, California
- A revised conceptual model of cumulus clouds as thermal vortices
- Basin-scale upper ocean climate variability beneath the Arctic ice pack from an international array of ITPs
- Georectification of historical aerial photos to track meander change in Wood River, Klamath County, Oregon
- Grassland ecosystem responses to short- and long-term experimental manipulations of precipitation regime (Invited)
- Heating of the Lower Thermosphere during Auroral Activity: Measurements and Analysis from the Joule Sounding Rocket Missions
- Helioseismic Studies of a Sunspot using HMI Data
- Hyperthermals and orbitally paced permafrost soil organic carbon dynamics
- Icy Patterns; Collision, Eruption and Destruction (Invited)
- Investigating the contribution of mussel N regeneration to coastal primary production using stable isotope tracers
- Limited Extent of Fast Seismic Anomaly Beneath Northern Apennines Favors a Lithospheric Delamination Scenario
- Long term changes in U.S. river inorganic carbon chemistry (Invited)
- Magnetic Properties of Lake Sediments as a Possible Tool to Improve Estimates of Prehistoric Fluctuations in Fish Population
- Modelling root soil-water extraction of two different root systems in 3D
- Onset of inner core growth before 2.2 billion years ago: Insight from secular variation and paleointensity analyses
- Optimal convective brine drainage from sea ice and optimal brine channel spacing
- Origins of large igneous provinces: Thermal or chemical? (Invited)
- Quantifying biological and atmospheric processes with in-situ measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor isotopes (Invited)
- Simulating Streamflow and Dissolved Organic Matter Export from small Forested Watersheds
- Some Mineral Physics Observations Pertinent to the Rheological Properties of Super-Earths
- Testing the origin of high remanent magnetization in Vredefort impact structure
- The Onset of Plate Tectonics on Super-Earths Using a Damage Rheology
- The Role of Desorption Kinetics on the Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Cesium and Strontium in a Partially-Saturated Quartz Sand Column
- US Stream and River CO2 Evasion from the Bottom Up
- US stream CO2 evasion: What spatial and temporal patterns can tell us about soil processes. (Invited)
- Water Distribution Around the Mantle Transition Zone Constrained by Electrical Conductivity Observations and Its Implications for the Global Material Circulation (Invited)
- A Record of Early to Middle Holocene Hydroclimate Variability from the West African Sahel
- A physically based brine flux parameterization for sea ice
- Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Global Hurricane-Induced Damages
- Beyond the Classroom: The Potential of After School Programs to Engage Diverse High School Students in the Geosciences
- Constraints on the accretion of the lower oceanic crust from plagioclase deformation fabrics in the Oman ophiolite
- Crustal structure of Shatsky Rise from joint refraction and reflection seismic tomography
- Crustal thickness and evidence of magmatic underplate beneath the East Coast of the Continental US from receiver function and gravity analysis
- Fast fluvial incision in the Olympic Mountains, NW Washington State: Short-term geomorphic unsteadiness in a steady-state orogen
- Fluxes and Stable Isotopic Composition of Particulate Organic Matter in the Six Largest Rivers Draining the Pan-Arctic Watershed: Insights from Seasonally-Explicit Sampling Efforts
- Geographic Determinants of Chinese Urbanization
- Hyperspectral Mapping of the Invasive Species Pepperweed and the Development of a Habitat Suitability Model
- Large-scale liquid immiscibility at the top of the Bushveld Complex
- Multifractal Temporally Weighted Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Satellite Data
- Organic Carbon Quality and Watershed Characteristics Separate the Contribution of Δ14C of DOC to Coastal Systems from the Conterminous United States
- Overview of the Southern Andes - ANtarctic GRavity wave InitiAtive (SAANGRIA)
- Recent regional lateral carbon fluxes in the conterminous United States
- Sea-Level Variability in New Jersey for the Past 2500 Years
- Tectonic Implication of the East Sea (Sea of Japan) from Seismic Features
- The Effect of a Simulated Macropore on the Colloid-Facilitated Transport of Cesium and Strontium: Experiment and Model Results
- The Solar Oblateness Measured On Board The PICARD Spacecraft, and The Solar Disk Sextant Instrument
- The geological record of ocean acidification
- Weather uncertainty versus climate change uncertainty in a short television weather broadcast
- 3D Finite Strain Measurements: Correlation Functions and X-ray Microtomography
- A theory of deep mesoscale eddies in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Capillary Pinning of Immiscible Gravity Currents in Porous Media
- Climate engineering by manipulation of cloud properties
- Difference between even and odd cycles in the predictability of the amplitude of the around 11-year-period solar activity and prediction of the amplitude of cycle 25
- Dissolved Organic Matter Export from a Forested Watershed during Hurricane Irene
- Dynamics and Predictability of Deep Propagating Atmospheric Gravity Waves
- Evidence-based Science Communication
- Fluid transport processes within sea ice: towards physically derived models
- Global CO2 emissions from inland waters
- Hydrogen Content Of The Mantle From Combined Magnetotelluric, Mineral Physics And Xenolith Data
- Insights into physical and biological controls on the export of organic matter and nutrients from glacier ecosystems
- Late Holocene coastal stratigraphy of Sitkinak Island reveals Aleutian-Alaska megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis southwest of Kodiak Island
- Localization of geoid anomalies and the evolution of oceanic lithosphere: A case study from the Mendocino Fracture Zone
- MJO Initiation within a Lagrangian Atmospheric Model
- Mantle wedge anisotropy beneath the Japan and Ryukyu arcs from teleseismic receiver functions - Implications for mantle flow and wedge hydration
- Megaripples, multiple cap carbonates, and apparently conformable sections: observations that normalize some interpretations of Snowball Earth stratigraphy while complicating others
- Pattern formation in poroelastic systems
- Reconstruction of Tropical Ocean SST Trends during the Last Millennium: Results from the PAGES/Ocean2K Project
- Spin state of iron and elastic properties of (MgFe)(SiAl)O3 under conditions of the lower mantle
- Terrane boundaries in the southeastern United States: Insights from seismic anisotropy
- The Ice Nucleating Ability of Polluted and Unpolluted Dust Aerosols in Mixed-Phase Clouds: A Comparison Based on Space Observations
- The Lifetime of Carbon Capture and Storage as a Climate-change Mitigation Technology: How both Pressure and Migration Constrain CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage Capacity
- The Science of Science Communication and Protecting the Science Communication Environment
- The Yale Peabody Museum Mineral Collection: Past, Present, and Future
- The role of viscosity stratification on the scaling of mantle convection
- Using Islands to Systematically Compare Satellite Observations to Models and Theory
- A campaign to convey the scientific consensus about human-caused climate change: rationale, formative research, and campaign overview. (Invited)
- Biotic Proxies For Ocean Acidification?
- Boron Proxy Evidence for Ocean Acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Contribution of local background climate to urban heat islands
- Decomposition of Atmospheric Aerosol Phase Function by Particle Size and Morphology via Single Particle Scattering Measurements
- Deflection of Mantle Flow Around Subducting Slabs: The Effect of the Viscous Lower Mantle on Subslab Seismic Anisotropy
- Deformation patterns in granular materials
- Downscaling U.S. public opinion about climate change and the 'Six Americas' to states, cities, and counties
- Elevated Methane Concentrations in Trees of an Upland Forest
- Evaluation of the Alliance for Climate Education's national high school edutainment program (Invited)
- Exploring Gravity Wave Dynamics and Predictability in DeepWave (Invited)
- Fe-dominated samarskite - a new member of the samarskite 'group'?
- Hydrologic discovery through controlled experimentation, data analysis, and numerical and analytical modeling at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (Invited)
- Initiation of plate tectonics from post-magma ocean thermo-chemical convection
- Inter-Comparison of the Phase Partitioning of Water in Mixed-Phase Clouds among Global Climate Models
- Iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonates suggest a primary origin for the Precambrian Lomagundi and Shuram carbon isotope excursions
- Journey to a metal world: Concept for a Discovery mission to Psyche
- Leaf Wax Stable Isotopes from Northern Tibet: Implications for Uplift and Climate Since 15 MA
- Low-dimensional modeling of turbulent convection roll dynamics
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Energy Interchange in the Electron Diffuse Aurora
- Mantle dynamics, lithospheric structure, and topographic evolution of the Mid-Atlantic continental margin and central Appalachian orogen
- Novel Material Designed to Achieve Greater Tunability of Magnetic Dynamo Experiments
- Oxygen Isotopes in Intra-Back Arc Basalts from the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- Ozone vegetation damage effects on gross primary productivity in the United States
- Persistent ENSO in different climates?
- Prediction of the amplitude of solar cycle 25
- Quantifying greenhouse warming, aerosol cooling and the transient climate sensitivity - A novel approach
- Rapid True Polar Wander Oscillations Preserved in Continuous Orosirian Strata
- Resolving the fine-scale density structure of oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere from small-scale geoid anomalies: a case study from the Mendocino Fracture zone
- Response of biomass burning to climate changes and human activities during the past 12,000 years in Eastern North America
- Seasonality and long term trends in dissolved carbon export from large rivers to the Arctic Ocean, and potential effects on coastal ocean acidification (Invited)
- Spatial variations in temperature across the Bushveld layered intrusion revealed by REE-in-plagioclase-pyroxene thermometers with implications for magma chamber processes
- Strontium Isotopes of Gaskiers Cap Carbonate, Avalon, Newfoundland: Sequential Digestion Aids Interpretation of Petrologic Complexity
- Testing the Proterozoic GAD Hypothesis with Dynamo Models
- The Moho Structure of Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau, Northwest Pacific, from Multichannel Seismic Reflection and Wide-angle Refraction Data
- The Role Of Hydrogen In Cratonic Growth And Stability: Lessons From The Tanzanian Lithosphere
- The Value of Civic Science Literacy (Invited)
- The calibration of clumped-isotope thermometry on modern marine mollusk
- The role of clouds in early Pliocene warmth
- Tomographic imaging of the Nazca slab and surrounding mantle in the mantle transition zone beneath the Central Andes
- A High Resolution Stable Isotope Record of the lower Danian from the Caravaca Section (SE Spain)
- A Markov chain Monte Carlo approach to forward modeling anisotropic receiver functions - Application to the eastern North American craton
- A New High-Resolution N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Inventory for China in 2008
- A Systems Approach to Climate, Water and Diarrhea in Hubli-Dharward, India
- Aerosol and Dry Air Entrainment Impacts on Thermally Driven Orographic Clouds and the Development of Precipitation
- Arctic Sea Ice : Trends, Stability and Variability
- Attribution of Uhi Intensity for Cities in North America
- Causes and Consequences of the Beaufort Gyre Freshwater Storage Variability
- Changes in the Canada Basin: Results From Beaufort Gyre Observing Program/Joint Ocean Ice Studies Expeditions, 2003-2014.
- Chromium isotope composition of reducing and anoxic sediments from the Peru Margin and Cariaco Basin
- Clumped isotope paleothermometry of eggshells as an indicator of vertebrate endothermy
- Contrasting the Hydrological Cycle in Past and Future Warm Climates
- Crustal Anisotropy beneath selected Pacific Ocean-Islands from Harmonic Decomposition of Receiver Functions
- Deep Propagation of Mountain Waves Observed During the DEEPWAVE Field Program
- Deepwave2014; Observing Gravity Waves from the Troposphere to the Mesosphere
- Demagnetization and effective susceptibility of magnetic suspensions for turbulent dynamo experiments
- Deterioration of perennial sea ice in the Beaufort Gyre from 2003 to 2012 and its impact on the oceanic freshwater cycle
- Determination and Statistical Analysis of Infrasound Sources Near Socorro, New Mexico
- ENAM: A community seismic experiment targeting rifting processes and post-rift evolution of the Mid Atlantic US margin
- Estimating Earth's modal Q with epicentral stacking method
- Estimating the Indirect Climate Forcing Effects of Dust via Ice-containing Clouds for the Pliocene
- Evaluating Changes in Paleo-temperature Gradients using Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Leaf-wax Biomarkers
- Evaluating uncertainties in nitrous oxide emission inventories with multi-scale observations for an agriculture-dominated region
- Expanding the Range of Plant Functional Diversity Represented in Global Vegetation Models: Towards Lineage-based Plant Functional Types
- Experimental studies on the viscosity of (Mg,Fe)O melt up to 70 GPa
- Exploring Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- Fine Sediment Erosion and Transport to the Near Coastal Zone from Watersheds of St. Thomas, USVI
- Flat Subduction and Dynamic Topography
- Foram Farming in the Mid-Continent: Culturing Low-Mg Benthic Foraminifera to Calibrate the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer
- Geometry Properties of Porosity Waves during Magma Migration: The Influence of Viscosities and Damage
- Global Air Quality and Climate Impacts of Mitigating Short-lived Climate Pollution in China
- Has the number of Indian summer monsoon depressions decreased over the last thirty years?
- High-Pressure Melting of Pyroxenite: Implications for Deep Mantle Melting
- High-Resolution Upscaling of Closed Chamber Fluxes for N<SUB>2</SUB>o Emissions from China's Agricultural Soils
- Highlights from a decade of Ice-Tethered Profiler measurements of the Arctic Ocean
- How AMOC variations affect climate: the Northern Hemisphere versus the interhemispheric seesaw.
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on the Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Large Drainage Networks: The Pulse-Shunt Concept
- Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback Waters: Identification and Source Apportionment
- Imaging Lithospheric-scale Structure Beneath Northern Altiplano in Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia
- Impacts of a Fire Smoke Plume on Deep Convective Clouds Observed during DC3
- Investigating Carbonate System Perturbations across the Cretaceous-Palaeogene Transition using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera.
- Is Plate Tectonics Speeding up with Time?
- Large-Scale Forest Responses to Fire in Amazonia
- Large-scale atmospheric conditions during DEEPWAVE-NZ
- Limited Effect of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Oxides on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Region of Electron Diffuse Aurora: The Role of Multiple Atmospheric Reflections
- Mantle Flow associated with the Peruvian Flat Slab and Subducting Nazca Ridge as inferred from Seismic Anisotropy
- Mantle Rheology and Plate Tectonics: Damage and Inheritance
- Mid-mantle Seismic Anisotropy in the Southwestern Pacific Subduction Systems
- Mid-mantle anisotropy beneath Japan and South America from source-side shear wave splitting
- Middle Miocene-Pliocene Sea Surface Temperatures: The TEX86 Perspective
- Modeling Mantle Heterogeneity Development in Earth's Mantle Using Multidisciplinary Approaches
- Modeling Trace Element Concentrations in the San Francisco Bay Estuary from Remote Measurement of Suspended Solids
- Morphological Analysis of Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Foraminiferal Taxa
- Nature of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath Normal Oceans from High-Resolution Anisotropic Receiver Functions
- Necessity of the Ridge for the Flat Slab Subduction: Insights from the Peruvian Flat Slab
- New prognostic phenology in the Yale Interactive Terrestrial Biosphere Model: implications for plant volatile emissions and surface air pollution in the temperate zone between 1980s and 2010s
- Newly discovered Cryogenenian Diamicties and Cap-carbonate in the Neoproterozoic successions from the Tarim Craton, NW China
- Nitrous oxide emissions from streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream order
- Orbitally-resolved SST Changes during the EOT: Results from IODP 342 Expedition
- Oxygen Oases Before and After the GOE: Insights From Metals and Models
- Peruvian Trench to Andean Thrust Front: Evidence for Coupling of the Peruvian Flat Slab to the Over-Riding South American Plate
- Phase Relations of SiC at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- Preliminary Investigation of Plant Communities within Camassia quamash Habitats on the Flathead Indian Reservation
- Rapid True Polar Wander Oscillations Preserved In Continuous Orosirian Strata
- Response and Recovery of Surface Ocean Carbonate Chemistry in the Mid-latitude North Atlantic During the PETM
- Reversal Asymmetry after the end of the Cretaceous Superchron
- SKS splitting beneath the eastern United States from Transportable Array data
- Seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle near low shear velocity provinces: A comparison of the Perm Anomaly and the African LLSVP
- Seismic constraints on the evolution of the continental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary system
- Slab Rollback Instability and Super-Continent Dispersal
- Spatial Drivers in the Origin and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Snow: Implications for Proglacial Stream Biogeochemistry
- Spatial Variability of Greenhouse Gas (CH<SUB>4</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>0, and CO<SUB>2</SUB>) Soil Fluxes in Restored and Historic Marshes in California
- Statistical signal analysis of the Phanerozoic ð<SUP>13</SUP>C curve: implications for Earth system evolution
- Stronger Ocean Meridinal Heat Transport with a Weaker Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Structural perturbations in immersed granular beds due to shear-flow-driven erosion in a laboratory flume
- Ted Irving's legacy: recent developments on his pioneering work in paleomagnetism
- Temperature-Metabolism Linkage and the Effects on Marine Biota: Evidence Across the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in the South-East Atlantic
- Temporal Dynamics of Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Soil and Canopy CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust: Implications for the Mode of Crustal Growth and the Evolution of the Hydrosphere
- Temporal Trends in Freshwater Withdrawals for Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale
- Testing the Proterozoic GAD Hypothesis with Reconstructed Tomography Dynamo Models
- Testing the Role of Microbial Ecology, Redox-Mediated Deep Water Production and Hypersalinity on TEX<SUB>86</SUB>: Lipids and 16s Sequences from Archaea and Bacteria in the Water Column and Sediments of Orca Basin
- The Influence of Laterally Migrating Topographic Features on Low-temperature Thermochronometric Ages
- The Link Between Mineral Dust and Wind Speed: Implications for Wind Energy in the Maghreb
- The Urban Social and Energy Use Data Embedded in Suomi-NPP VIIRS Nighttime Lights: Algorithm Overview and Status
- The application of Mg isotopes in carbonate rocks to reconstruct environmental records
- The impact of seasonality and elevation on dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations in a northeastern Wyoming watershed
- The limited depth range of a metallic-Fe-bearing layer in the lower mantle and its implications for partial melting
- Thermo-chemical heterogeneity of continental lithospheric mantle: examples from Europe, Siberia, and North America
- Tomographic imaging of the effects of Peruvian flat slab subduction on the Nazca slab and surrounding mantle under central and southern Peru
- Trace Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals Present in Pennsylvania Groundwater are Correlated with Geogenic Brines rather than Hydraulic Fracturing Active Zones
- True Polar Wander and the Cooling of Earth
- Unstable Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Glacial Intervals and Millennial Variability: The Role of Mean Sea Ice Extent
- Using the Vertical Component of the Surface Velocity Field to Map the Locked Zone at Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Vertical Structure and Dynamics of the Beaufort Gyre Subsurface Layer from ADCP Obervations
- Vertically deflected mantle flow at the eastern edge of the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province
- Warm Pool Temperatures and the Zonal Gradient in the Tropical Pacific during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- Westerly Wind Bursts, El Nino Diversity, and the Warm Event of 2014
- Zonally asymmetric circulations and Earth's dry regions
- A Low-Dimensional Stochastic Model for Large-Scale Coherent Structures
- A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification
- A global remote sensing mission to detect and predict plant functional biodiversity change
- A mechanism for mode selection in melt band instabilities
- A terrestrial record of water isotopes reveals the Eocene-Oligoene transition in southern Argentina
- Air Quality and Climate Effects of Oil Palm Expansion in Southeast Asia 1990 - 2010
- Amasia and Supercontinent Formation by Orthoversion
- An Energy Partitioning Perspective on Lake Evaporation Variations to Climate Change
- An Exceptionally Strong Easterly Wind Burst Stalling El Niño of 2014
- An Inter-comparative Study of the Effects of Aircraft on Surface Air Quality
- Application and Validation of a GIS Model for Local Tsunami Vulnerability and Mortality Risk Analysis
- Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks
- Benthic Foraminifera, Food in the Deep Sea, and Limits to Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Measurement on Urban Roads in Nanjing, China
- Changes in Black-legged Tick Population in New England with Future Climate Change
- Characteristic Size of Tectonic Plates: Insights from Boundary Layer Theory with Grain-damage
- Characterizing azimuthal anisotropy at the mid-lithospheric discontinuity in the Superior and Wyoming Cratons
- Clumped-Isotope Thermometry and Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Speleothem Calcite From a Near Cave-Entrance Environment
- Combining information preserved in fluvial topography and strath terraces to extract rock uplift rates in the Apennines
- Constraining Lowermost Mantle Dynamics with Seismic Anisotropy Observations Beneath Australia
- Continental deformation and the mid-lithospheric discontinuity along the Grenville Front
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Cretaceous-Palaeogene experiments in Biogeochemical Resilience
- Crustal Anisotropy in the Cascadia Subduction Zone - Evidence from Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Crustal structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- Deformation of the Continental Lithosphere at the Margins of the North American Craton: Constraints from Seismic Anisotropy
- Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
- Did the Mid-Pliocene warmth bring the Northern Hemisphere Chill?
- Dynamic Flood Vulnerability Mapping with Google Earth Engine
- Emergence of a Southern Ocean oxygen minimum zone during glacial periods
- Evaluating Foraminifera as an Archive for Seawater Chromium Isotopic Composition
- Evolution of a Subducted Slab with Viscosity Controlled by Damage and Healing Processes
- Experimental investigation of grain-scale microstructure evolution during olivine-wadsleyite phase transformation under "dry" conditions
- Extra-tropical origin of equatorial Pacific cold bias in climate models
- Future Projections from the Effects of Heat Stress on Livestock: for the US and New England Region
- Geochemical Approach to Archaeal Ecology: δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of GDGTs
- Geodetic Estimate of Water in the Wharton Basin Upper Mantle
- Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- HO<SUB>x</SUB> Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison
- Haze and ozone pollution effects on the land carbon sink in China
- High Tibetan Plateau: a Nature Reserve of C<SUB>3</SUB> Flora
- Homo Sapiens as Geological Agents
- How Earth works 100 years after Wegener's continental drift theory and IGCP 648
- How to draw down CO<SUB>2</SUB> from severe Hadean to habitable Archean?
- Improvements towards using subgrid CLM output to study land-atmosphere interactions
- Inside a Diamond Planet: Experimental Investigation of High P-T SiC
- Integrated Geochemical-Petrographic Insights on Neoproterozoic Ocean Oxygenation
- Interrogating Seismic Anisotropy using Receiver Functions - An Improved Understanding of Past Deformational Processes in Cratonic North America
- Investigating the Indirect Effects of Dust via Ice-Containing Clouds in the Last Glacial Maximum and Pliocene Paleoclimates
- Land-atmosphere interactions at the subgrid scale in a climate model
- Late Oligocene to Late Miocene Antarctic Climate Reconstructions Using Molecular and Isotopic Biomarker Proxies
- Machine Learning for Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Mantle Flow Pattern and Dynamic Topography beneath the Eastern US
- Mapping Tree Density at the Global Scale
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Inversion for the Rheology of Olivine Aggregates
- Melting of (Mg, Fe)O Ferropericlase at High Pressure (> 40 GPa)
- Milankovitch wobble?
- Mitigating the Urban Heat Island under Climate Change through Urban Management
- Mixed-phase cloud physics and Southern Ocean cloud feedback in climate models
- Modification of Thickened Orogenic Crust by a Subducting Ridge: Disruption of the Andean Lower Crust of Southern Peru by the Subducting Aseismic Nazca Ridge
- Multi-decadal to Millennial-scale Reconstructions of Global Biomass Burning and its Responses to Changes in Climate, Vegetation and Anthropogenic Forcings
- OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons
- Observational Constraints on Mixed-Phase Clouds Imply Higher Climate Sensitivity
- Oil Sands Operations in Alberta, Canada: A large source of secondary organic aerosol
- Origin of plate tectonics: Grain-damage, inheritance and hysteresis
- Outside the pH box: Boron isotopes in synthetic calcite precipitated under varying solution chemistry
- Ozone pollution effects on the land carbon sink in the future greenhouse world
- Probing sub-slab anisotropy beneath Central America and Tonga from geodynamic models
- Proxy Constraints on a Warm, Fresh Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean
- Reactivity of organic complexes at mineral-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O interfaces
- Refining the alkenone-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> method: The role of algal growth conditions
- Relationships between photosynthesis and formaldehyde as a probe of isoprene emission
- SKS splitting beneath the MAGIC FlexArray experiment
- Secondary Electrons MI Coupling in the Presence of ECH and Whistler Waves
- Sedimentary Basins: A Deeper Look at Seattle and Portland's Earthquake Hazards
- Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle Beneath North America from SKS-SKKS and PKS-SKKS Splitting Discrepancie
- Seismic Tremors and Three-Dimensional Magma Wagging
- Seismological detection of "730-km" discontinuity beneath Japan subduction zone
- Shear heating and solid state diffusion: Constraints from clumped isotope thermometry in carbonate faults
- Shrinkage Cracking: A mechanism for self-sustaining carbon mineralization reactions in olivine rocks
- Simulations of Future Heat stress in the Northeast in a Convection Resolving Model
- Size and Temperature Distribution of Planetesimals
- Sn to Sg Conversion at the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin
- Stability, Variability and long-term forcing in a monthly-averaged temperature data.
- Statistics and Physics of Stratospheric Gravity Wave Attenuation over New Zealand
- Stochastic Upper Bounds in the Lorenz Equations and Applications to Geophysical Flows and Data.
- Subduction Zone Science - Examples of Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab
- Supercontinent Cyclicity: Relevant Data, Constraints, Limitations and Aspects Requiring Particular Attention
- Superthermal Electron Directional Fluxes and Their Pitch-Angle Distributions in the Region of the Diffuse Aurora
- Tephrochronology of the East African Baringo-Tugen Hills Cores: Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP)
- Testing geodynamic models of lowermost mantle flow with a regional shear wave splitting data set
- The Mantle-Atmosphere Connection: Oxidation of the Atmosphere through Mantle Convection
- Tightly linked oceanic meridional and zonal temperature gradients - a fundamental climate constraint for the Miocene, Pliocene and other epochs
- Toward better understanding of B/Ca and δ<SUP>11</SUP>B proxies: An experimental approach
- Tracking Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Patterns in Perennial Headwater Streams Throughout a Hydrologic Year Using In-situ Sensors and Optical Properties
- Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts
- Tropical cyclogenesis under the hypohydrostatic rescaling in climates with different equator-to-pole temperature gradients.
- Understanding Oscillations of the Geological Carbon Cycle
- Uranium Isotope Ratios in Modern and Precambrian Soils
- Urban Heat Islands in China Enhanced by Haze Pollution
- Variations in Cenozoic seawater uranium reconstructed from well preserved aragonitic fossil corals
- Zonally Asymmetric Circulations and Subtropical Hydrologic Change in a Warming Climate
- 21st Century Heat Stress Projections and their Effects on US Livestock
- A Model for the Decrease in Amplitude of Carbon Isotope Excursions Throughout the Phanerozoic
- A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records
- A unified nonlinear stochastic time series analysis for climate science
- Abrupt Terrestrial Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in the Southern Hemisphere
- Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Third Pole
- Archaea in aquaria: Investigating the role of environmental influences on TEX<SUB>86</SUB> in long-term culture experiments
- Capturing the global signature of surface ocean acidification during the PETM
- Climatology of the Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Distribution as a Stochastic Process
- Deciphering the Boron Proxy Records of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Deep Orographic Gravity Wave Dynamics over Subantarctic Islands as Observed and Modeled during the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Dynamics of fault motion and the tectonic style on Earth and Venus
- Effect of Water on Grain-Scale Microstructure Evolution during Olivine-Wadsleyite Phase Transition: an Experimental Investigation
- Electrical conductivity of hydrated olivine and its polymorphs
- Energy budget control of the regional ITCZ: Theory and application to mid-Holocene rainfall
- Estimating the rheological properties of the oceanic asthenosphere using geodetic data.
- Evidence for Lithospheric Loss Beneath the Appalachians Along the MAGIC Line
- Explaining regionally coherent trends in daily rainfall extremes during the Indian summer monsoon
- Exploring the Use of Alfvén Waves in Magnetometer Calibration at Geosynchronous Orbit
- Fire and ecosystem change in the Arctic across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Formation of Lithospheric Shear Zones: Effect of Temperature on Two-Phase Grain Damage
- Forward modeling of seismic anisotropy observations in the lowermost mantle beneath Australia: Constraints on mantle deformation
- Geomagnetic Reversals of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Captured in a North China Core
- Gravity Waves in the Presence of Shear during DEEPWAVE
- High Temporal Resolution Data Illuminates Seasonal Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Export from a Large Watershed
- Hydrogen isotopic fractionation during crystallization of the terrestrial magma ocean
- Impacts of Residential Biofuel Emissions on Air Quality and Climate
- Impacts of the Western Ghats on Regional Precipitation in the Summer Monsoon
- Inland Waters and the North American Carbon Cycle
- Investigating the Indirect Effects of Dust on Paleoclimates via Ice Clouds
- Key Process Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Dynamics: Comparing Multiple Model Structures and Observational Meta-analysis
- Large Long-term Effects of Fire on Soil Carbon and Nutrients Across Ecosystems: A Meta-analysis
- Late Oligocene decoupling of temperature and pCO<SUB>2</SUB>: Insights from TEX<SUB>86</SUB> paleothermometry
- Lowermost mantle anisotropy beneath the southeastern Pacific
- Mapping the impact of river regulation on carbon dynamics using coupled field surveys and remotely-sensed optical properties
- Middle Miocene through Pliocene Sea Surface Temperatures in the Indian Ocean - Constraints from Organic Proxies
- Mountain Wave Spectra and Fluxes over Complex Terrain
- Multifractal Analysis of Expoplanetary Spectra
- New sedimentary records of enhanced weathering during the PETM
- Observations and models of seismic anisotropy in the lowermost mantle: Towards an understanding of flow patterns
- Partitioning N2O Emissions within the US Corn Belt using an Inverse Modeling Approach
- Prolonged El Niño conditions in 2014-2016 and the end of "global warming hiatus"
- Quantifying the Contribution of Urban-Industrial Efficiency and Symbiosis to Deep Decarbonization: Impact of 637 Chinese Cities
- Radial anisotropy from ambient noise tomography in the Central Andes
- Regional-scale Controls on Dissolved Nitrous Oxide in the Upper Mississippi River
- Remote-sensing supported monitoring of global biodiversity change
- Secular variations of iron isotopes in ferromanganese crusts: evidences for deeply sourced iron in the Pacific Ocean?
- Seismic Anisotropy due to Crust and Uppermost Mantle Deformation Beneath Southern Peru and Bolivia: Constraints from Receiver Functions
- Seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle beneath the MAGIC array, mid-Atlantic Appalachians: Constraints from SKS splitting and quasi-Love wave propagation
- Seismic receiver function interpretation: Ps splitting or anisotropic underplating?
- Shoreline response to seismically induced land-level changes - A case study from West Aceh, Indonesia
- Spatial Variability of Organic Carbon in a Fractured Mudstone and Its Effect on the Retention and Release of Trichloroethene (TCE)
- Stratospheric mountain wave attenuation in positive and negative ambient wind shear
- Sustaining a global magnetic field on Earth but not Venus with mantle dynamics
- Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon: A numerical study of a giant impact incorporating the different equations of state for melts and solids
- The Influence of Data Uncertainty on Estimating the Rheology of Olivine Polycrystalline Aggregates
- The Influence of Wavelength-Dependent Absorption and Temperature Gradients on Temperature Determination in Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cells
- The Role of Grain Dynamics in the Onset of Sediment Transport
- The `Seismic LAB': A test for the grain boundary-sliding model
- The role of disappeared disturbances in driving the North American prairie-forest boundary
- The statistical properties of sea ice velocity fields
- Thick and thin: Crust and lithospheric structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
- Three Dimensional Magma Wagging: Seismic Diagnostics And Forcing Mechanism
- Thresholds of understanding: Exploring assumptions of scale invariance vs. scale dependence in global biogeochemical models
- Tracing Geophysical Indicators of Fluid-Induced Serpentinization in the Pampean Flat Slab Subduction Region of Chile
- Transpiration accounts for two thirds of global terrestrial evaporation
- Using a C<SUB>4</SUB> Invasive Grass to Isolate the Role of Detrital Carbon versus Rhizodeposit Carbon in Supplying Soil Carbon Pools
- A Global Characterization of Urban Heat Islands
- A simple model for variations in global mean temperature: implications for decadal variability, the global warming hiatus, and recent temperature rise
- Analyzing the Impacts of Land Use Land Change on Near Shore Coastal Habitat
- Anisotropic high-temperature plasticity of hydrated olivine single crystals and its geodynamic implications
- Can Arctic Sea Ice Decline Weaken the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?
- Characterization by Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction of bridgmanite and ferropericlase aggregates deformed at HP-HT
- Chemical characterization of organic aerosol above a mid-latitude forest reveals a complex mixture of highly-functionalized chemical species and diverse structural features with temporal variability
- Climatic and hydrologic perturbations in eastern North America during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum
- Collapse of Passive Margins by Lithospheric Damage and Plunging Grain Size
- Comparing the Global Charcoal Database with Burned Area Trends from an Offline Fire Model Driven by the NCAR Last Millennium Ensemble
- Constraining pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing histories in submarine lavas
- Constraining the Mechanism of D" Anisotropy: Diversity of Observation Types Required
- Constraints on seismic anisotropy beneath the Appalachian Mountains from Love-to-Rayleigh wave scattering
- Contributions of Volcanic Carbon Emissions to Environmental Change at the Cretaceous-Paleogene and Paleocene-Eocene Boundaries: Observational and Theoretical Constraints
- Deformation of olivine during phase transformation to wadsleyite
- Development of a Small, Inexpensive, and Field-deployable Gas Chromatograph for the Automated Collection, Separation, and Analysis of Gas-phase Organic Compounds
- Evapotranspiration partitioning for three agro-ecosystems with contrasting moisture conditions: a comparison of an isotope method and a two-source model calculation
- Facilitating atmosphere oxidation through mantle convection
- Finite frequency shear wave splitting tomography: a model space search approach
- Halogenation of Hydraulic Fracturing Additives in the Shale Well Parameter Space
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of Global Warming Explained by a Conceptual Model
- Hydrological and Geomorphological Control on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Outgassing from Low-Gradient Yangtze Rivers
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Image Patch Analysis of Sunspots and Active Regions
- Impact of Cloud Phase Composition on the Climate Response to Orbital Forcing via High-latitude Cloud Feedback
- Impacts of large scale afforestation on regional climate: a case study in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia based on WRF model
- Implications for the melting phase relations in the MgO-FeO system at Core-Mantle Boundary conditions
- Improving the simulation of mineral dust emission in a global climate model by incorporating sub-grid scale wind phenomena
- Insight on the anisotropic nature of the D'' layer through the analysis of SKS-SKKS splitting obtained via 3D spectral element modeling
- Interactions between tectonics, silicate weathering, and climate explored with carbon cycle modeling
- Last interglacial sea levels and regional tectonics from fossil coral reefs at the Gulf of Aqaba
- Light limitation plays a central role in regulating DOM reactions in temperate watersheds
- Linking paleointensities and exsolution-driven dynamo
- Local Upper Mantle Upwelling beneath New England: Evidence from Seismic Anisotropy.
- Macroscopic Strength of Oceanic Lithosphere Revealed by Ubiquitous Fracture-Zone Instabilities
- Methane Occurrence in a Drinking Water Aquifer Before and During Natural Gas Production from the Marcellus Shale
- Minimal Data Fidelity for Successful detection of Stellar Features or Companions
- Modeling SST gradient changes, the hydrological cycle response, and deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Molecular Hysteresis of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Connecticut River Watershed
- Next Generation Offline Approaches to Trace Gas-Phase Organic Compound Speciation: Sample Collection and Analysis
- Next generation offline approaches to trace organic compound speciation: Approaching comprehensive speciation with soft ionization and very high resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Nonlinear rheology of olivine in the Indian Ocean upper mantle
- Observational Inferences of Lateral Eddy Diffusivity in the Halocline of the Beaufort Gyre
- On the Yield Strength of Oceanic Lithosphere
- Plate tectonic influences on Earth's baseline climate: a 2 billion-year record
- Poleward shift and weakening of summer season synoptic activity over India in a warming climate
- Positional and Dimensional Accuracy Assessment of Drone Images Geo-referenced with Three Different GPSs
- Pyrite-H<SUB>2</SUB>S/SO<SUB>4</SUB> S isotope exchange at hydrothermal conditions: An experimental study at 300°C and 500 bars
- Reconstructions of Fire Activity in North America and Europe over the Past 250 Years: A comparison of the Global Charcoal Database with Historical Records
- Reversible and Irreversible Mountain Wave Momentum Deposition
- River Export of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon from Permafrost and Peat Deposits across the Siberian Arctic
- Small ponds play big role in greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters
- Soil Texture Mediates the Response of Tree Cover to Rainfall Intensity in African Savannas
- Soil warming response: field experiments to Earth system models
- Structural control of the upper plate on the down-dip segmentation of subduction dynamics
- Structure and Evolution of the Central Appalachians from the Mantle to the Surface: Results from the MAGIC Project
- Surprisingly robust projections of soil temperature and moisture for North American drylands in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- The Fate of Silicon Carbide in Planetary Interiors
- The Influence of a Varying Precipitation Efficiency on Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks
- The LUVOIR Decadal Mission Concept
- The relationship between Arctic sea ice and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a warming climate
- The role of pCO2 in astronomically-paced climate and carbon cycle variations in the Middle Miocene
- Uncertainty and inference in the world of paleoecological data
- Using Continuous In-situ Measurement of Fluorescence to Reveal Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in a Forested Watershed
- What Googling Trends Tell Us About Public Interest in Earthquakes
- A Synthesis on Four Decades of Global Urban Expansion: 1970-2010
- A new paleomagnetic constraint on Mesoarchean plate motion from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- A thin lithosphere and steep lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the central Appalachian Mountains: Constraints on seismic attention using MAGIC Array data
- Assembly and breakup of the core of Rodinia supercontinent
- Atmospheric nitrogen as an indicator of an oxidized mantle composition in rocky exoplanets
- Biogeochemical Effects of Rising Atmospheric CO2 on Terrestrial and Ocean Systems
- Bringing the boron proxy pieces together to solve the ocean carbonate system puzzle: Miocene Monterey excursion and PETM case studies
- Carbon cycling across the land-ocean aquatic continuum of North America
- Caribbean Temperature Evolution Since the Early Miocene
- Characterizing Australian lithospheric anisotropy with Ps receiver function analysis
- Characterizing Lithospheric Structure Beneath Connecticut using Sp Receiver Functions
- Characterizing multiple dimensions of urban change
- Climate change, ecohydrology, and the plant functional type composition of North American mid-latitude shrub steppe ecosystems.
- Constraining Lateral Carbon Exports to the Marine Environment for Suisun Marsh, California, USA
- Constraining Lower Mantle Plume Anisotropy: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
- Constraining small-scale mantle heterogeneities underneath the Pacific Ocean using USArray data
- Constraints on Ridge-to-Valley Critical Zone Structure from the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Crustal Structure of the Ecuadorian Forearc from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Dispersion Data
- Data assimilation strategy for E3SM land model carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus cycles
- Decoupled Mg and Li isotopic trends in the wake of Marinoan glaciation
- Effects of pressure and other thermodynamic conditions for the production of metallic Fe from (Mg, Fe)O
- El Niño Diversity and Change Controlled by Cross-Equatorial Winds
- Enhanced temperature effect of afforestation during 2001-2010 over North China
- Eocene Hyperthermal Events - A DeepMIP Study With CESM1.2
- Evaluating the Impacts of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development on Domestic Water Wells in Northeastern Pennsylvania Using Pre- and Post-drill Measurements
- Expanding Wallace species distribution modeling software to support national biodiversity change indicator calculations for GEO BON assessment and reporting.
- Exploring the Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Characteristics on Environmental Indices under Different Climate Regimes Using High-Resolution, Coupled CESM
- Export production and remineralization over Eocene hyperthermals at ODP Site 1263 Walvis Ridge, Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Extraterrestrial Contributions to the Prebiotic Inventory of the Early Earth from Meteorites
- Finite-frequency SKS splitting tomography with a model space search approach: Practical development and application to data
- Finite-frequency sensitivity of SK(K)S phases to lowermost mantle anisotropy: Insights from global wavefield simulations with arbitrary anisotropy using AxiSEM3D
- Gaseous Carbon Waste Streams Utilization: Status and Research Needs
- Geochemical Modeling of Species-Specific Vital Effects in Planktonic Foraminifera
- Global Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Decline Mediated by the AMOC - Implications for the ITCZ and Antarctic Sea Ice
- Hydrologic controls on pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in US streams and rivers
- Increase in biological DOM removal by photopriming in inland waters - where and how it works
- Insights on Observed ENSO Events Based on an Empirical Adjusted ENSO Energetics Framework
- Laboratory Simulation of Deformation of a Subducted Slab in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Lithium Isotope Compositions of Recent and Fossilized Cenozoic Brachiopods
- Lower mantle structure beneath Africa imaged by SKS-SKKS differential splitting and travel time delays
- Mechanisms and Impacts of a Partial AMOC Recovery Under Enhanced Climate Forcing
- Modeling and Observations of Seismic Anisotropy in the Lowermost Mantle Beneath Siberia
- Modeling the evolving interplay of the carbon and silica cycles through Earth's history
- Modification of lithospheric structure via subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting: Preliminary results from the SEISConn broadband experiment, Connecticut, USA
- Monitoring Dimensions of Biodiversity in a Mega-Diverse Region of Southern Africa: from Traits to Communities to Ecosystems
- Non-local mixing
- On a New Approach to Improve Our Estimates on Olivine Rheology by Using Geodynamic Modeling
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Organic Aerosol Compositional Variability: Impacts on Aerosol Phase State and Miscibility
- Predicting Silicate Weathering Rates across the Continental United States
- Professional Societies Role in Moving the Needle
- Quantifying Surface Climate Response to Shortwave and Longwave Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Rapid crustal growth and efficient crustal recycling in the early Earth: Implications for Hadean and Archean geodynamics
- Reverse weathering as a long-term stabilizer of marine pH and planetary climate
- Satellite monitoring of hurricane disaster recovery reveals inequalities in energy access
- Sensitivity of global TC activity to ocean-atmosphere coupling and atmospheric CO2 using the high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Redistribution, and Storage in a Warming Climate: The Role of Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Spatial and temporal patterns in copepod methylmercury bioaccumulation
- Stationary and Portable Cost-efficient Multipollutant Monitors for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Air Quality Studies
- Stream and River Methane Emissions
- Surface ocean acidification during Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM-2)
- Terrestrial magma ocean origin of the Moon
- The Chemical Consequences of Magma Ocean Solidification
- The Role of Redox on Bridgmanite and its Seismological Implications
- The carbon cycle in Long Island Sound
- The efficiency of the root pathway for microbial formation of mineral-stabilized soil carbon
- The role of mean zonal and meridional winds in ENSO dynamics in a fully coupled GCM
- The value of measuring and mapping montane urbanization
- Thermochemical Evolution of Mantle Plumes Observed Spatially (TEMPOS)
- Timescales and Mechanisms of the Tropical Pacific Response to Global Warming
- Tracing Fluid Infiltration and Resultant CO<SUB>2</SUB> Release in Subducted Lithologies of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Greece
- Tracking Neoproterozoic Environmental Evolution Through a Carbonate Lens
- Transient Glacial Incision in the Patagonian Andes from 6 to 3 Ma
- Transition Zone Structure Beneath the Eastern US
- Transition from shallow- to deep-seated melting and inception of mobile lid tectonics at 3.6 Ga in the Acasta Gneiss Complex
- Transpiration of Dryland Vegetation under a Geoengineered Future
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- U-Th Ages of Uplifted Older Coral-Reef Terraces (MIS7 to MIS11) at Huon Peninsula, Papua New-Guinea
- Value of Natural History Collections in Liberal Arts Education
- Volcanic Mercury and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Venting Through East Lake, Newberry Volcano, OR
- <SUP>2</SUP>H/<SUP>1</SUP>H Variation in Microbial Lipids is Controlled by NADPH Metabolism
- A Library of Elastic Tensors for Lowermost Mantle Anisotropy Studies and Comparison with Seismic Observations
- A convergence among estimates of a large North American carbon sink: linkages across bottom-up, top-down and sideways data sets
- Account of the Energy and Resource Potential in US's Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste: Past, Present, and Future
- Aerosol-climate interactions at the local scale are strongly modulated by the biophysical properties of the underlying land surface
- Argon Constraints on the Growth of Continental Crust and Its Composition
- Assessing Biogeochemical Connectivity and Variability in DOM Exchange Across Tidal Marshes and Estuaries Using High Resolution Measurements and Satellite Imagery
- Barrovian, Not So Fast: Insights Into the Timing and Rate of Metamorphism in NE Scotland Using Garnet Sm-Nd Geochronology
- Buildings as a global carbon sink
- Characterizing lithospheric structure beneath Connecticut using Sp receiver functions
- Combining satellite and field observations to detect changes in primary productivity in high-latitude lakes across the Landsat archive
- Constraining the temperature-dependence of metabolic rates for carbon cycle modeling
- Crime and Light in Urban Areas: An Earth Observation Approach to Understanding Societal Processes
- Crustal structure beneath southern New England: Influences of subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting
- DIC spatiotemporal variability and sources in permafrost catchments of the Yangtze River source region: insights from stable carbon isotope and water chemistry
- Decarbonation of the subducting slab: observational constraints from the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Greece
- Distinct concentration-discharge dynamics: CO<SUB>2</SUB> exhibits chemostasis, while CH<SUB>4</SUB> exhibits dilution
- Distinct seasonality of river CO<SUB>2</SUB> partial pressure and efflux in permafrost catchments of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau
- ENSO Modulation and Mean State Interactions Revisited: Implications for the Early 2000s Regime Shift
- Eocene Hyperthermal Hothouse Climate Sensitivity - A DeepMIP Study with CESM1.2
- Expanding Carbonate-based Oligocene pCO<SUB>2 (atm)</SUB> Records Using the δ<SUP>11</SUP>B pH- pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Proxy with Emphasis on the Late Oligocene Warming Event (LOWE)
- Experimental results of pressure and oxygen fugacity effects on metallic Fe formation from (Mg, Fe)O
- Geodynamic Origins of Broad and Focused Deformation in the Central California Coast Ranges Illustrated by the Monterey and Big Sur Segments of the San Gregorio-Hosgri Fault
- Global Climate Change and Evolution of Paleogene Deep-sea Biota: Turnover vs. Stability
- Global River Flow Regimes and Implications on River CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Dynamics
- Global and national trends in closing spatial biodiversity knowledge gaps
- Heat needed to melt ice: the Cryosphere's contribution to the Earth's Energy Imbalance
- Hydrologic Export Offsets High CO2 Uptake in Coastal Wetlands
- Hyporheic zone is the source of nearly 50% of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions at the global scale
- Knickpoints Drive Allopatric Speciation in the Blue Ridge Relict Landscape
- Light-Induced Processes within Blooming Seawater: Making Connections between Marine Biology, Photochemical Transformations and Biogenic Emissions
- Long-Term Grazing and Woody Plant Encroachment Alter C, N, and P Stores and the Structure and Function of Soil Microbial Communities in Juniper-Oak Savanna
- Mapping mantle heterogeneities through redox state
- Methane Emissions across Aquatic Ecosystems - From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean
- Modeling of lowermost mantle anisotropy with multiple data types: Case studies beneath Siberia and the Indian Ocean
- Multi-source Remote Sensing of Arctic-Boreal Surface Water
- Overviews of the last release of the Global Methane Budget 2000-2017: what have we learnt about the last 10 years of increasing methane?
- Paleomagnetic evidence for modern plate motion velocities at 3.2 Ga
- Patterns and drivers of global riverine hypoxia
- Photosynthetic heat tolerance, light response, and respiration rates across gradients in the northwestern Mongolian boreal-steppe
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Pressure Effect on Diffusion Creep of Olivine: Implications for the Upper Mantle Rheology
- Probabilistic Finite Frequency SKS Splitting Intensity Tomography: Applications to South America and the Central Appalachians
- Probabilistic, finite-frequency SKS splitting intensity tomography: Practical development and applications
- Public-Private Partnerships at the Universities Space Research Association's Earth from Space Institute
- Quantifying Embedded Water in Agricultural Goods for Sustainability Water Use in Mexico
- Quartz, amphibole, mica, ilmenite, apatite, and rutile precipitation from majoritic garnet reveals ultra-deep sediment subduction in the Appalachian orogen
- Quick Carbon: A Rapid, Landscape-Scale Soil Carbon Assessment Tool
- Re-Visiting the Redox-Sensitive Trace Metal Record of the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event
- Refinements to NASA's Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Repeating Aftershocks of the 16<SUP>th</SUP> April 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales (Ecuador) Earthquake Underline the Interplay Between Afterslip and Seismicity
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Scaling up DOM dynamics from the small catchment to a mesoscale basin
- Seafloor shallowing in the early Earth: Implications for the evolution of the surface environment and the origin of life
- Seasonal variations in global river and stream inundation extent
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Gas-Phase Asphalt-Related Emissions in a Potential Aerosol Mass Reactor
- Seismic Anisotropy in the Lowermost Mantle beneath North America from SKS-SKKS Splitting Discrepancies
- Serpentinization-driven evolution of the early Earth atmosphere and mantle
- Simulated polar amplification and its causes on decadal to millennial timescales
- Software workflows and tools for integrating remote sensing and organismal occurrence data streams to assess and monitor biodiversity change
- Some issues on the role of Ti-H on the physical properties of olivine.
- Species-dependent chromium isotope fractionation across the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Stirring Things Up - Productivity Boost or Just a Drain? Nutrient Sensitivity to Meridional Overturning in the Pliocene
- The Abundance and Isotopic Composition of Organic Zinc as a Tracer of Zn Availability in the Surface Ocean
- The Cape Town "Day Zero" drought and Hadley cell expansion.
- The Coast Range Orogeny of California: transpression or oblique subduction?
- The Effect of Indian Ocean Warming on Atlantic ocean salinity and meridional overturning circulation (AMOC)
- The interaction between plant substrate identity and soil microbial density on the formation of mineral-associated soil organic matter
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment
- The pathways of the Pacific meridional overturning circulation (with applications to the warm Pliocene)
- The role of early-season westerly wind bursts versus ocean heat recharge in triggering El Niño events
- The sailing rock, the dinosaur, and the stem-mammal: ice, microbial mats, or both?
- Tidal Stream Reaches Dominated by Small Streams and are Vulnerable to Sea-Level Rise
- Transient glacial incision in the Patagonian Andes from 6 to 3 Ma
- UAV deployment for fine-scale CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux estimation in a mid-size city
- Uncertainty in critical source area predictions from watershed-scale hydrologic models
- Using High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Indoor vs. Outdoor I/SVOCs in a Typical Home
- Volatiles from Earth's surface to lower mantle traced by type IaB diamonds
- Water and Land Productivity in Small-scale Grain and Vegetable Drip Systems
- Water isotope evidence for steady Cenozoic topography in the southern Andes ( 50 to 35°S)
- What are the current and future properties of coinciding aboveground, surface and belowground extreme high temperature pulses, and are these events meaningful?
- <SUP>Tundra Underlain by Thawing Permafrost Persistently Emits Carbon to the Atmosphere Over Fifteen Years of Measurements</SUP>
- A Dislocation and a Grain Boundary Walk Into a Bar
- A Reduction in Human Activities can Enhance the Urban Heat Island Intensity: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdowns
- A Stochastic ENSO Model for State Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification and Prediction
- A Surface Energy Budget Perspective on Aerosol-Climate Interactions: Role of the Evaporative Pathway
- Accounting for Subsidence Reveals 50% Deeper Permafrost Thaw and Double the Rate of Carbon Thaw in a Permafrost Warming Experiment
- Aircraft Measurements of the Deposition of Gaseous Organic Carbon: Towards an Understanding of the Impacts on Ecosystem Health and Air Quality Processes
- Animals as sentinels of the environment
- Aquatic Ecosystems are the Most Uncertain but Potentially Largest Source of Methane on Earth
- Assessing Eruptive Tempo of the Columbia River Basalt Group and Recalibrating Miocene Climate Records with Zircon Geochronology
- Assessing the Timescale of the Miocene Climate Optimum with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- Barotropic and Baroclinic Annular Modes of Variability in the Atmospheres of Mars and Titan
- Beyond Sea Surface Temperatures: a Holistic Approach to Addressing Pliocene Tropical Conditions
- Carbon and beyond: Interactive global change impacts on Amazon biogeochemical cycles
- Collision integrals, sea ice thickness distribution and Arctic climatology
- Components and Mechanisms of the North American hydrologic cycle since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Constraining the Secular Variation of Saturn's Magnetic Field.
- Crystallography of Exsolution Lamellae in Garnet: A New Tool for Interpreting Metamorphic Environments of UHP Rocks
- Decoupled changes in upwelling and acidity in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene
- Depositional rates in the Ediacaran Nafun Group, Oman, and the wider late Proterozoic world
- Development of a Telescope Design System Using STOP Analysis
- ENSO modulation and mean-state interactions: a review
- Effects of Pressure on Diffusion Creep of Hydrous Polycrystaline Olivine
- Emerging Constraints of Carbon and Influence of Water in Regional Blue Carbon Tropical Estuarine/Coastal Hot Spots:Policies, Climate Mitigation Planning
- Emissions of complex gas- and particle-phase organic mixtures emitted from oil sands operations and their detailed chemical speciation via offline analysis of airborne samples
- Estimating the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on Carbon Dynamics Across Arctic-Boreal Lakes
- Evaluation of Sub-Seasonal Coastal Flooding Forecasts for Extreme Events; Hurricane Isabel and Katrina Case Studies
- Evidence for a lithospheric mantle suture between Laurentia and the Appalachian Province beneath Connecticut using Sp receiver functions
- Flow-Driven Compression of a Soft Porous Medium with Friction
- Flows in the Polar Regions of the Sun: Limits of Observing from the Ecliptic
- Full-waveform modeling of lowermost mantle anisotropy scenarios using AxiSEM3D
- Geographic extent and drivers of Pliocene Oxygen Minimum Zones
- Imaging lithospheric structures beneath Connecticut with receiver function and wavefield migration techniques
- Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) concentration in New York City
- Impurity Effects in Thermal Regelation
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Mapped by the Juno Spacecraft
- LIP flows may not have been as thick as they appear
- Linking Slab Structure to Mantle Dynamics in the South American Subduction Zone
- Low Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Oxygenated Volatile Chemical Products
- Melting of Elemental Sulfur at High Pressures
- National trends in closing spatiotemporal biodiversity knowledge gaps via complementary data types
- Observing decarbonation: field study reveals massive CO<SUB>2</SUB> release during subduction of ocean crust
- Os and Nd isotope constraints on Paleoproterozoic global events as recorded in sediments from Russian Fennoscandia
- Pal(a)eo PERCS: A virtual, international seminar featuring Early Career Researchers in Palaeo-sciences
- Passive margins and aggressive grains: Mixing, damage and incipient subduction
- Planning for Abrupt Change: Societal evaluation and response to near-term risk in complex systems
- Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers Across Climate Datasets and Resolutions with Neural Networks
- Quantifying Embedded Water in Agricultural Goods for Sustainable Water Use in Mexico
- Rapid change in surface environment during the Hadean is facilitated by the exposure of high-magnesium peridotites
- Re-examining the horizontal wavelength spectrum of gravity wave activity in Mars's lower atmosphere
- Receiver Functions of the Transition Zone Below Yellowstone: Searching for Water
- Recognizing the Textures of Life: Implications of Diverse and Ubiquitous Ediacaran Organic Surfaces for the Detection of Microbial Structures on Other Planets
- Reconciling Seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Records with Solid Earth System Evolution
- Regional Precipitation Influenced by Stationary Wave Changes in Model of Mid-Pliocene Climate
- STOAT - A cloud-based toolbox for the intersection and analysis of remote sensing and spatiotemporal biodiversity data
- Spatial and temporal variability in organic carbon sources and storage in an oceanic mangrove system adjacent to shrimp aquaculture
- Synchrony discovered in arctic and boreal lake growing season phenologies as detected with CubeSats
- Teal Carbon -Stakeholder-driven Monitoring of Forested Wetland Carbon
- The Evolution of the Modern Silica Cycle Revisited
- The Missing Early Miocene: Evidence for a major hiatus in the Early Miocene marine sedimentary record
- The Role of Water in the Melting of Bridgmanite Under Shallow Lower Mantle Conditions
- The Role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Transient Equatorial Adjustment
- The Science Case for a Titan Flagship-class Orbiter with Probes
- The importance of westerly wind bursts for ENSO dynamics demonstrated by "wind shaving" coupled model experiments
- Urban Heat Island Inequalities by Sociodemographic Characteristics in Major U.S. cities
- Urban Inequalities: measurement and characterization using infrastructure as a lens
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- A 95-myr continuous record of sea-surface temperatures and polar amplification from planktonic foraminiferal 18O
- A Comparative Study of Measurements of the Suns Axisymmetric Flows: A COFFIES Effort
- A New Halogen Budget of the Bulk Silicate Earth Points to a History of Catastrophic Halogen Degassing Followed by Net Regassing
- A New Model of Jupiters Magnetic Field Based Upon Junos Thirty-Three Prime Mission Orbits
- A Sublime Opportunity: In Situ Observations of The Onset of Intense Activity in Transitioning Cometary Bodies
- A global examination of the impact of different approaches for prescribing land emissivity on satellite-derived urban heat islands
- A new microphysical model of composite solid-state creep in mantles and lithospheres
- A theoretical model for grain mixing, damage and heterogeneous deformation in the lab and lithosphere
- Acquisition of hydrogen to Earth-like planet by the solar radiation: A possible way to get water within the Snowline during planetary formation
- Active Layer Thickness as a Function of Soil Water Content in Alaska and Canada
- Air-Sea Coupling Shapes North American Hydroclimate Response to Ice Sheets During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Along-strike Variation in Lithospheric Structure beneath the Appalachians Imaged with Dense Seismic Arrays
- Annular Modes of Climate Variability and Their Relationship to Dust Storms on Mars
- Archaean seafloors shallowed with age due to radiogenic heating in the mantle
- Assessing animal movement responses to altered human mobility across the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Baroclinic Traveling Waves Detected by Mars 2020 MEDA
- Behavior of hydrogen and carbon in silicate melts and their effects on melt properties
- Biodiversity across scales: From fine-scale understanding of animal movements to global-scale assessment of data coverage
- Brittle-ductile segmentation of subducting oceanic plates near trenches
- Building the Species Environmental Niche from Remote Sensing and the Movements of Individuals
- Challenges and Progress in Software Development for Non-Targeted PFAS Analysis
- Comparing High-Precision Timelines of Columbia River Basalt Emplacement and the Miocene Climate Optimum with U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- Constraining Paleoproterozoic glaciation in Fennoscandia: New Re-Os ages and chemostratigraphy from FAR-DEEP
- Constraining Representation Errors in a Global Aerosol-Climate Model Grid Cell and the Case for Targeted Deployments of Low-Cost Networks to Estimate Spatial Variability of Ground Level PM2.5 Measurements
- Constraining deep mantle anisotropy with shear wave splitting measurements: Challenges and new measurement strategies
- Contaminant Source Attribution in a Region of Recent Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Appalachian Basin Through Joint Application of Multivariate Methods and Compositional Data Analysis
- Convection as the Catalyst for Europas Geysers
- Creating a climatology of gravity wave activity throughout Mars's lower and middle atmosphere from Mars Climate Sounder limb observations
- Crystallography of Exsolved Phases in Garnet: An Opportunity to Expand the Metamorphic Toolkit
- Decadal-timescale CO2 and Temperature Records of the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum
- Deforestation Outpaces Climate Change in a Biodiversity Hotspot
- Delineating Particulate Organic Matter Sources in the Major Arctic Rivers: The Importance of Contemporary Autochthony
- Documenting SmKS Slowness, Back Azimuth, and Travel Time Anomalies using Seismic Array Methodologies
- Does detecting water vapor on rocky planets indicate the presence of oceans?
- Does photomineralization of dissolved organics matter in temperate inland waters?
- Early Triassic Weathering Intensity and Climate Recovery After the end-Permian Extinction
- Effect of Aerobic Biosurfactant Producing Soil Bacteria on the Transport and Retention of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Water-Saturated Quartz Sand
- Enhanced open-ocean fish production and community resilience across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Erosion of heterogeneous rock drives fish diversification in a tectonically quiescent mountain range
- Evaluating models for lithospheric loss and intraplate volcanism beneath the Central Appalachian Mountains
- Evaluation and bias correction of a novel high-resolution gridded meteorology dataset including urban heat islands over the contiguous United States
- Fire-Grazer Interactions During the Late Quaternary Extinctions
- From Principles to Practice: Curating Research Artifacts for Reproducibility
- Gas Exchange in Large Rivers Controlled by Largest Turbulent Eddies: Implications for Remotely Sensing Gas Exchange via SWOT
- Global constraints on secular changes in mid-ocean ridge subseafloor sulfide deposition and metal fluxes through Earth history
- Harnessing the power of previously collected data to enable new soil carbon and stable isotope research
- How simple should simple models be?
- How will the tropical Pacific respond to global warming? The importance of timescale when considering apparent paleo-paradoxes
- Ice Nucleation of Fluorinated Secondary Organic Aerosol from Next-Generation Refrigerant Emissions
- Imaging Seismic Velocity Perturbations beneath the Appalachians with 2-D Scattered Wavefield Migration Technique
- Improving resolution of mantle seismic anisotropy using array techniques: Shear wave splitting of beamformed SmKS phases
- Inland waters act as periodic nitrous oxide sinks: The frequency and importance of nitrous oxide undersaturation in freshwater bodies
- Interpreting foraminiferal 13C: pH interactions and a mechanism for the carbonate-ion effect
- Investigating the link between climate and precipitation efficiency sensitivity
- Large-scale mapping of the urban thermal environment using citizen weather stations
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Limited increases in savanna carbon stocks over decades of fire suppression
- Linking quantitative unmixing of magnetic signatures of conventional and giant magnetofossils with environmental change 56 million years ago
- Low Secondary Organic Aerosol Production from Oxygenated Volatile Chemical Products
- Low-dimensional Modeling of Turbulent Convection Roll Dynamics that accounts for Boundary Shape
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss by the Planetary System
- Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling Investigations of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability (KHI) and Associated Magnetosonic Wave Emission in the Solar Coronal Regions
- Mapping personal exposomes from around the globe using wristband chemical sensors
- Modeling Deep Sea Silica Burial in the Context of Cenozoic Cooling
- Modeling the El Nino Southern Oscillation with Neural Differential Equations
- Multiple methods tell time in Ediacaran Oman
- N2O consumption in marine N2O hotspots
- New insights for tracking global and local trends in exposure to air pollutants
- New scalings for the ascending and descending branch positions of the solsticial Hadley cells in planetary atmospheres including Titan
- On the viability of backflow in subduction channels
- Pan-Arctic Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter: Synchronous Molecular Stability, Shifting Sources and Subsidies
- Patterns and drivers of fire-feedbacks across the tropics
- Phenomenological study on experiences during, immediately after, and years after two flash floods in Maryland. A look at the communitys impact on the victims of flash flooding.
- Predicting global biodiversity dynamics with new data and technologies
- Predicting spatiotemporally-resolved mean air temperature over Sweden from satellite data using an ensemble model
- Probabilistic Geodynamic Modeling as a New Step Towards Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Upper Mantle
- Revisiting uplift in the Laramide Orogeny: Evidence for the Localization of Deformation by Variations in Lithospheric Strength from both Seismic Velocity and Attenuation
- Role of Meteorological Factors in the Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States
- Savanna Fire Activity Responds Heterogeneously to Rainfall Shifts During the African Humid Period
- Searching for Mid-Mantle Water with Multitaper-Correlation SS Precursors
- Sedimentation rate scaling in the global ocean
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Couplings in Observations and Models
- Some discoveries about alloy reactions during the production of metallic Fe from (Mg,Fe)O at High-Pressure High-Temperature
- Some remarks on transient creep: micro-physics and some geophysical implications
- Sources and Sinks of Energy of Traveling Waves on Mars
- Structure of the Crust in the Northern Appalachian Mountains: Detailing the Abrupt Change in Crustal Thickness in North-Western Massachusetts
- Surviving heat waves on a hotter planet: reconstructing heat stress, and its affects, using wet bulb temperatures from the hot house to today
- The Expression of Lithospheric Anisotropy in Ps and Sp Converted Waves
- The Impacts of Tropical Indian Ocean Warming on the Pacific Trade Winds and ENSO Dynamics
- The Power of Storytelling to Garner Support, Gain Recognition, and Evoke Empathy as Demonstrated by the Project Talking Story: How Hawaiis Modern Aquaculturists Discovered a Solution to the Future in Their Past
- The Significance of Surface Gravity Waves for Oceanic Climates On Terrestrial Exoplanets
- The Structure and Dynamics of Urban Infrastructural Inequalities
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of State-Driven Emission Control Strategies
- The assembly of North China Craton (NCC) and Laurentia in the late Mesoproterozoic, and its implication for the formation of Rodinia
- The effects of late accretion during the Hadean on the physical and chemical states of the present-day mantle
- The physics of cold compaction as a constraint for interpreting the density of asteroid (16) Psyche
- The response of the tropical Atlantic to Indian Ocean warming
- The role of Ti in hydrogen dissolution and hydrogen-effects on physical properties in olivine
- Tracing garnet clinopyroxenite formation and recycling using arc magma geochemistry: an example from the modern Andean continental arc
- Tropical Pacific climate change in CMIP6 versus observations
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- URGE-ing IDEAs Forward in Yale EPS
- Uncertainties in the Global Methane Budget Asking the Experts
- Understanding the Influences of Topography and Orbital Forcing on Titans Surface Methane
- Urban air quality at high spatiotemporal resolution with the SEARCH multipollutant network
- Urban heat stress amplified by ambient warming in the US
- Using satellite imagery to improve causal impact evaluation
- Using the long-lived Mesoproterozoic Laurentia-Baltica (NENA) connection to test the geocentric-axial-dipole (GAD) model at 1.46 Ga
- Wettability axis in Lenormands phase diagram
- Wildlife Insights: How Camera Trap Data Can Foster Global Biodiversity Conservation
- A Coupled Model for Phase Mixing, Grain Damage and Shear Localization in the Lithosphere: Comparison to Lab Experiments
- A Depth-transect of Ocean Deoxygenation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Magnetofossils in Sediment Cores from the Southeast Atlantic
- A Multiannual Record Of Gravity Wave Breaking In The Middle Atmosphere From The Mars Climate Sounder
- A New Plate Tectonic Reconstruction for Western North America, 40 Ma to Present
- A Sea Ice Concentration Product From the ICESat-2 Laser Altimeter
- Accumulation of Mercury in Sediments and Fauna in the Deepest Oceans
- Alkalinity enhancement and carbon capture potential in blue carbon ecosystems
- An Experimental Study of Evolution of Strength of Olivine Aggregates Under Upper Mantle Conditions Using in-situ Synchrotron X-ray
- An experimental study of hydrogen implantation to olivine, orthopyroxene and quartz: A possible source for hydrogen in the terrestrial Planets
- Animal movement and remote sensing reveal range-wide variation in individual and population environmental niches.
- Anisotropic layers and dipping interfaces beneath the Appalachian orogen revealed by harmonic analysis of receiver functions
- Aquatic Biomass is a Major Overlooked Source to Particulate Organic Matter Export in Large Arctic Rivers
- Archaeal Lipids Suggest Ecological Shifts of Marine Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Greenhouse Worlds
- Atmospheric River Variability over the Last Millennium Driven by Annular Modes
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Biogeochemical Origins and Timing of Laminations in Mono Lake Sediments
- Biophysical Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Subgrid Temperature in CMIP6 Models
- Bistability of Atmospheric Oxygen Level
- Bounds on and Evaluation of Sea Ice Concentration Estimates from ICESat-2 Linear Ice Fraction
- Broadening Departmental Participation to Implement IDEAs in Yale EPS
- Burned area mapping in near-real time with GOES-R reflectance imagery
- Characteristics and example applications of a novel urban heat island focused gridded meteorology dataset over the contiguous United States
- Characterizing Martian Dust Storm Development using the Mars Dust Storm Sequence Database (MDSSD)
- Characterizing Predator-Prey Interactions in the Megazooplankton Siphonophora
- Climate Smart Forestry through Co-Producing Biochar and Wood Products
- Complex Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Central Appalachians from SKS Splitting Intensity Tomography
- Complex human-wildlife interactions: Idiosyncratic responses of mammals and birds to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Constraining CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Diverse Tidal Wetlands: Standardizing measurements and analysis across a network of eddy covariance sites in North America and Canada
- Constraining Lateral Carbon Fluxes from a Connecticut Salt Marsh over Multiple Tidal Cycles
- Continuous Quantitative Model of Global Paleogeography Through 2.0 Billion Years
- Coupled dynamics of the North Equatorial Countercurrent and Intertropical Convergence Zone with relevance to the double-ITCZ problem
- Crustal Deformation Caused by the Yellowstone Uplift Detected by Anisotropic Receiver Functions
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Atlantic Coastal Plain: A Data-model Comparison
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Deformation of Dry Fine-Grained Olivine Aggregates Under High-Pressure
- Detailed Chemical Analyses of New York City's Emissions, Chemistry, and Air Quality in the 21st Century
- Detecting Anisotropy from Back-Azimuth Amplitude Dependence of Sp Converted Waves
- Development and Evolution of Large-Scale Regional Dust Storms in Space and Time
- Diffuse radiation fertilization effect and its impacts on gross primary productivity and global terrestrial evapotranspiration
- Effects of Partial Melt in the Uppermost Mantle on SKS Splitting: Global Wavefield Simulations and potential Applications
- Erosion Through Layered Rocks Drives Drainage Divide Migration and Fish Dispersal in Southeast United States
- Estimating Crustal Properties and Thickness Across Appalachian Terrane Boundaries
- Evaluating basinal and global repercussions of the initial rise of oxygen via geochemical constraints from the Paleoproterozoic Onega Basin, Fennoscandian Shield
- Excitation of an MJO event in transient response to sea surface warming simulated by the Super-Parameterized CAM
- Faunal Engineering Stimulates Landscape-scale Accretion of Salt Marshes
- Frost Detection Campaigns by the Mars Science Laboratory Mission: Results and Lessons for the Mars 2020 mission
- Future Ozone-Related Short-Term Excess Mortality Under a Changing Climate: A Multi-Location Study in 407 Cities in 20 Countries
- Future Temperature-related Mortality under Physiological Adaptation Scenarios and Socio-economic Adaptive Capacities: A Modelling Framework
- Global C4 distribution estimate constrained by observations and optimality theory
- Global High-Resolution mid-Mantle Imaging with Multiple-Taper SS-Precursor Estimates
- Grazing herbivores reduce fire activity via fuel reductions across broad-scale savanna gradients
- Groundwater Methane Influenced by Surface Topography and Potential Sulfate-mediated Biogeochemical Processes in Shale Gas Development and Coal Mining Regions across Northern Appalachia
- How do the internal dynamics of sedimentary systems affect organic carbon burial and environmental signal preservation?
- How the past creates the present: reviewing the foundational roles of colonialism and systemic racism and their modern manifestations in paleontology
- Ice to Meet You: Machine Learning Classification of Ice Blocks in Europa's Chaos Regions
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle of the Pacific Northwest Using Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Impact of Extratropical Eddy Kinetic Energy Energetics on Atmospheric Rivers
- Impacts of a Weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Warming Climate
- Implementing a Dynamic Urban Scheme in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Improving Shear-wave Splitting Estimates with Multiple-taper Spectral Analysis
- Initial Considerations for Large-Scale Carbon Removal in The United States: Methods, Feedstocks, and Constraints of a National County-Level Assessment
- Integrating Observations and Models to Predict Water and Nitrogen Export under Atmospheric Warming in a Mountainous Watershed
- Interaction of Chemical Tracers with Titan's General Circulation
- Investigating Differences in Electromagnetic Radial Diffusion Estimates
- Investigating the Direct and Indirect Impacts of Global Urban Expansion on Future Climate Using a Dynamic Urban Scheme
- Ion mobility spectrometry with ammonium-adduct chemical ionization for instantaneous isomer-resolved ambient measurements: A New York City case study
- Joint Observation of Planetary Waves from the Curiosity and Perseverance Rovers
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Secular Variation During Juno's First 6 Years in Orbit
- Lithospheric structure above the Northern Appalachian Anomaly
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Pickup H+ Near Jupiter: Neutral Hydrogen Loss By The Planetary System
- Mantle 182W-3He heterogeneities explained by long-term core-mantle interaction
- Melt migration in rubble-pile planetesimals: Implications for the formation of primitive achondrites
- Modeling Diffusion-Induced Stresses in Garnet with Implications for Diffusion Chronometry
- Multi-Site Comparison of Summertime Atmospheric Aerosols in New York City
- Multi-Species Quantification of the "Carbonate Ion Effect" on δ13C and δ18O Using Field Data
- Multi-decadal and centennial modes of AMOC variability and their dependence on mean state in a climate model
- New Proterozoic paleomagnetic data from the Rehoboth Basement Inlier, Namibia, indicating 30-degree clockwise local rotation during Damaran orogenesis.
- New insights into crustal and mantle structure beneath the New England Appalachians from temporary broadband seismic deployments and integration with geological constraints
- No Major Changes Through Geologic Time in Earth's Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon Reservoir
- Noise Analysis and Stochastic Modeling of EPICA Ice Core Climate Records
- Non-Gaussian stochastic dynamical model for the El Niño southern oscillation
- Oxidation of Slab-derived Fluids by Subducted Metasedimentary Rocks and its Impact on the Oxygen Fugacity of Arc Magmas and the Mantle
- Oxygen and silicon isotope variations during opal diagenesis: Implications for biogenic silica and chert proxies from marine sediment archives
- Paleomagnetism of the Proterozoic Mafic Intrusions in Morocco: Progress and Complexity
- Piecing Together the Chaos Puzzle: Preliminary Results and Implications of Europan Block Identification Using Machine Learning
- Plate Tectonics Was in Operation in the Neoarchean
- Policy-related Gains in Urban Air Quality May Be Offset by Increased Emissions in a Warming Climate
- Pre-Equinox Wind Observations in Titan's Middle Atmosphere from Stellar Occultations and Direct Doppler-Shift Measurements with Comparisons to GCM Simulations
- Primary and secondary organic aerosol formation from asphalt pavements
- Racial/ethnic disparities in the cardiovascular disease mortality attributable to long-term PM2.5 exposure in the United States from 2001 to 2016
- Rapidly approaching a thermal tolerance tipping point in the Eurasian boreal forest at its southern margins
- Recent insights into dust lifting and sand motion at the surface of Mars.
- Reconciling observations of deep mantle anisotropy beneath the Pacific Ocean with predictions from mantle flow models
- Reconstructing mid-Pliocene El Padre thermocline conditions
- Refining Age Models of Columbia River Basalt Emplacement and the Miocene Climate Optimum with High-Precision Geochronology
- Regional Features of Periodic Variability in Mars's Storm Track and Their Relationship with Large Dust Events
- Remote Control: Debiasing Remote Sensing Predictions for Causal Inference
- Residential and Race/Ethnicity Disparities in Heat Vulnerability in the United States
- Response of the large-scale atmosphere on zonally-asymmetric surface thermal forcing under the influence of the Arctic amplification
- Role of meteorological factors in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States
- Scattered wavefield migration imaging applied to dense broadband seismic arrays deployed across the Appalachian orogen
- Seasonal, Interannual and Decadal Variability and Trends in the Arctic Ocean's Beaufort Gyre
- Sensitive Dependence of Global Climate to Continental Geometry
- Significant Ediacaran Paleolatitude Changes of West African Craton Revealed by Magnetostratigraphy of the Ouarzazate Group, Bou Azzer Inlier, Morocco
- Silicate-Carbonate Veins as Evidence for Mid- and Lower-Crustal, Open-System CO2 Transport and Mineralization
- Slab-driven flow at the base of the mantle beneath the northeastern Pacific Ocean
- Stronger westerly wind bursts under global warming: the roles of the warming pattern, Madden-Julian Oscillation and tropical cyclones
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Surface drifter and sea ice observations for characterizing mesoscale eddies in the Arctic Ocean
- Surrogate-assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of a Great Lakes Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Sustained mid-Pliocene warmth led to deep water formation in the North Pacific
- Systems Modeling for Sustainable Biomass Utilization in Urban and Rural Areas
- Temperature-dependent Offgassing Emissions from Prevalent Materials in the Built Environment: Quantifying Complex Mixtures of Volatile to Semivolatile Organic Compounds
- The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory: Long Term Trends in River Chemistry Diagnose Multi-Faceted Northern Change
- The Effects of Aerosol Phase State on the Heterogenous Ice Nucleation of Secondary Organic Aerosols
- The Evolution of Dissolved Oxygen in the Beaufort Gyre Pacific Summer Water as it relates to Warming and Biological Signals
- The Functional Role of Ericoid Mycorrhizal Plants and Fungi on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in Forests
- The Influence of Climate, Tectonics, and Topography on the Production, Decay, and Transport of Terrestrial Organic Carbon
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Rivers to Climate Forcing and Their Role in Shaping Regional Climate Changes Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- The Sun's Global Flows: Differential Rotation
- The combined Hf and Nd isotope evolution of the depleted mantle requires Hadean continental formation
- The evolution of the marine carbonate factory
- Thermal Properties in Coronal Jets
- Tilting Uranus via Secular Spin-Orbit Resonance
- Toward Geostationary Remote Sensing of the Coupled Terrestrial Carbon and Water Cycles
- Towards a dynamic human footprint for assessing human-wildlife interactions
- Towards advancing models of soil carbon dynamics by incorporating scale dependence of microbial decomposition
- Trace-Level Volatile Organic Compound Occurrence in Domestic Groundwater Wells in Areas of Extensive Horizontal Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing Activity
- Transient and Equilibrium Responses of the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation to Abrupt Greenhouse Gas Forcing
- Uneven biodiversity sampling across redlined urban areas in the United States
- Variable Distribution and Diversity of Methanogens in Soil Explains Spatial Heterogeneity of Wetland CH4 Fluxes
- Warm, not cold, temperatures were a major factor in the Late Miocene reef decline in the Coral Sea.
- Watershed DOC Uptake Occurs Almost Entirely in Lakes and Reservoirs: A New Model for Connected River, Lake and Reservoir DOC Cycling
- Wettability effects on fluid-fluid displacement in a capillary tube: phase-field modeling and experiment
- What Matters More for Urban Land Expansion: Population or Economic growth? Evidence from 300+ Cities, 1970-2014
- Zero-Shot Super-Resolution of Regional-Scale Surface Heat Simulation Using Fourier Neural Operator
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- A. R. Vasavada
- A. Sánchez‐Lavega
- Abdanour Irbah
- Ajay Ranipeta
- Alan C Mix
- Alan D. Rooney
- Albert A. Presto
- Alejandro Damian‐Serrano
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alex de Sherbinin
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexey A. Pankine
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison T. Karp
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Ananya Mallik
- Andrew D. Jacobson
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew K. Saydjari
- Ankit Barik
- Ankur R. Desai
- Ann M. Bauer
- Ann Pearson
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Aron Stubbins
- Asier Munguira
- Avni Malhotra
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin L. Hess
- Benjamin Petrick
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bijaya B. Karki
- Bowen Fang
- Brady Ferster
- Brian Jackson
- Bumsoo Kim
- Burak Güneralp
- C. A. Dalton
- C. A. Nixon
- C. Anela Choy
- C. Brenhin Keller
- C. J. Gleason
- C. M. Gough
- Caroline Leland
- Charles W. Smith
- Charlotte L O'Brien
- Chinmay Jain
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher J. Still
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher W. MacMinn
- Christy Swann
- Corinne D. Scown
- Courtney L. Wagner
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- D. A. Frost
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- D. L. Roth
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- G. Martı́nez
- Gabriel J. Bowen
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- H. L. Ford
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- H. Turkakin
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- Helen Weierbach
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
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- Imke de Pater
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- Á. Vicente‐Retortillo