Harvard University, Massachusetts
flowchart I[Harvard University, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (9)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2115)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (566)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Blue Hill Meteorological Observatory
- Harvard College Observatory
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
- Harvard University Center for Earth and Planetary Physics
- Harvard University, Department of Astronomy
- Harvard University, Department of Chemistry
- Harvard University, Department of Physics
- Harvard University, Engineering and Applied Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Model of Earthquake Sources in the Los Angeles Basin, CA
- 3D Velocity and Density Model of the Los Angeles Basin and Spectral Element Method Earthquake Simulations
- Analysis of Long-Term Trends in Tropospheric Ozone at Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes with the GEOS-CHEM Model
- Canonical Trace Gas Relationships and Altitude Spectrum of Air in the Arctic Vortex
- Flow Potentials for Transport of Charged Species in Clay Soils
- Forest Carbon Sinks: Evaluating the Cause and Rate of Sink Saturation
- Interactions of Carbon Gain and Nitrogen Addition in a Temperate Forest
- Interactions of Vegetation Dynamics and Hydrologic Processes Under Different Climate Regimes
- Interactive 3-D Immersive Visualization for Analysis of Large Multi-Parameter Atmospheric Data Sets
- Interannual Variability in Amazonian Net Ecosystem Production: Implication for Regional Carbon Cycle.
- Multiscale Joint Modes of Variability of Climate, Topography, Vegetation and Precipitation
- Phase Transitions of Aqueous Atmospheric Particles
- Sediment Retention Dynamics and Vegetation Along Three Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay
- Seismic Detection of Narrow Oceanic Plumes and Relation to Mantle Transition Zone Temperature
- Analysis of NO/NO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange and the Evolution of ClO/ClONO<SUB>2</SUB>/NO<SUB>2</SUB> During SOLVE
- Carbon exchange and quantum efficiency of ecosystem carbon storage in mature deciduous and old-growth coniferous forest in central New England in 2001
- Different cluster relocation techniques and their applications to mid-oceanic earthquakes
- Elastic and Anelastic Properties of Porous Rocks: Models and Measurements
- Fluid Mechanics and the Dynamics of the Earth's Interior
- Forecasting and Modeling Trans-Pacific Transport of Asian Pollution in ITCT2K2
- Global Atmospheric Budgets of Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) and Methyl Cyanide (CH<SUB>3</SUB>CN): Constraints From Aircraft Measurements Over the Western Pacific
- HCN and CH3CN in the Pacific Troposphere: Evidence for Oceanic Sink
- High-Resolution Cellulose Oxygen Isotope Records From Indonesian Trees
- Implications for the Neoproterozoic Biological and Climatic History from Dating of the Doushantuo Phosphorites, S. China
- Interpretation of Ground-based and Airborne Observations of Long-Range Transport in the Pacific Northwest During Spring 2002 Using the GEOS-CHEM Global Chemical Transport Model
- Kinetics of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation on Mineral Dusts
- Multiplatform Measurements of Carbon Monoxide During TRACE-P Period
- Observations and Modeling of Winter Storms in the Himalayas
- Oxygenated Organic Chemicals in the Pacific Troposphere: Sources and Chemical Consequences
- Pangaea, She No Spin
- Phase Transitions of Aqueous Atmospheric Particles
- Probing Orographic Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Himalayas During the Monsoon Using Satellite Imagery
- Process, pattern and scale: hydrogeomorphology and plant diversity in forested wetlands across multiple spatial scales
- SCEC 3D Community Fault Model for Southern California
- Stereographic Visualization and Analysis of Asian Outflow During TRACE-P
- Using Data on Vegetation Height Structure to Improve Model Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- Validation of OSIRIS Ozone Inversions
- A Generic Approach to Dynamical Interpretation of Geophysical Fluid Flow Processes
- Addressing Global Questions With in situ Measurements: Defining Accuracy Using Both Advances in Data Reduction Algorithms and Developments in Laser Systems
- Airborne Flask Measurements of O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB>, Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB>, CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Other Species During COBRA-NA 2003
- Evidence That Ambient Nitric Acid Increases Relative Humidity in Low-Temperature Cirrus Clouds
- Evidence of the Effect of Summertime Midlatitude Convection on the Subtropical Lower Stratosphere: An Analysis of Tracer Measurements From the CRYSTAL-FACE Mission
- High H<SUB>2</SUB>O in MORB From Gakkel Ridge
- Layers with biomass burning signature observed at 15.8 km in the stratosphere
- Long-term Trends in Soil CH<SUB>4</SUB> Consumption at the Harvard Forest Chronic Nitrogen Addition Experiment: Implications for the Future Growth in Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- Mantle flow, mantle plumes and hotspot motion: The cause of the bend of the Hawaiian hotspot track
- Measurements of HNO<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> on Cirrus Ice Particles and in Solution Aerosols During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Modeling and measurements of oxygen isotope tracers of sulfate formation: Implications for the sulfur budget in the marine boundary layer
- Morphology of Tropical Cirrus Crystals Derived from Single Particle and Bulk Property Analysis
- Nitric Acid Uptake on Subtropical Cirrus Cloud Particles
- On-orbit SI Traceability of the Calibration of a Spectrally Resolved Measurement of Atmospheric Thermal Radiances
- Ozone Climatological Profiles for Version 8 TOMS and SBUV Retrievals
- Preparation And Characterization Of Organic Coatings Of Variable Thickness On Inert Cores And Their Chemical Reactions With Ozone
- Quantifying Stratospheric Ozone in the Upper Troposphere Using in Situ Measurements of HCl
- Recent Advances in Ecosystem-Atmosphere Interactions: an Ecological Perspective
- SCEC CFM - A WWW Accessible Community Fault model for Southern California
- Small, Highly Reflective Ice Crystals in CRYSTAL-FACE Anvil Cirrus
- Surface Wave Constraints on Q in the Upper Mantle: Isolating the Signal of Attenuation
- Testing the Dynamical Properties of Climate Models with Observations of Spectrally Resolved Thermal Radiance
- The Atmospheric Signatures of Terrestrial Ecosystem Processes: Results From a Coupled Atmosphere-Ecosystem Model
- The GSN Noise Model: Estimates of the Least Ambient Earth Noise From the IRIS Global Seismographic Network.
- The Microphysical and Radiative Evolution of a Cirrus Anvil During CRYSTAL-FACE
- The Origin of Sterol Biosynthesis: A Time-Point for the Evolution of Eukaryotes and the Presence of O2
- The impact of the 1998 boreal forest fires on oxidant chemistry in the global troposphere
- Top-down Constraints on North American Carbon Fluxes using CO2:CO Correlations from Aircraft Data
- Transport Pathways of North American Outflow: A Global 3-D Model Analysis Constrained by MOPITT, MODIS, and AERONET Observations
- Travel Times in the Regional Distance Range: Results of the 3-D Ray Tracing.
- Two Dimensional Characterization of Atmospheric Profile Retrievals From Limb Sounding Observations
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the East Pacific Rise
- A Molecular Approach to the Study of Green Algal Evolution and Early Terrestrial Ecosystems
- A Regional Scale Coupled Atmosphere-Ecosystem Model: Formulation and Results
- A scaling analysis of vegetation carbon uptake for the North American Carbon Program: What are we missing and what can we do about it?
- Aerosol size distribution in the tropical/subtropical upper tropsophere: First observation of in-situ new particle formation in cirrus clouds
- Beyond Potential Vegetation: Combining Lidar Remote Sensing and a Height- Structured Terrestrial Ecosystem Model for Improved Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes at a Set of Sites in North and Central America
- Carbon Exchange of Central New England Deciduous Forests: Variability Related to Age and Topography
- Combining different data to constrain the anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure of the Earth's mantle.
- Imaging structure at and near the core mantle boundary with a generalized Radon transform of broad band ScS and SKKS coda waves
- In Situ Measurement of Water Vapor Isotopic Composition Near the Tropopause: First Results From the Harvard ICOS Isotope Instrument
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Guatemalan Jadeitites
- Measurements of HCl in the TTL
- Microwave Crosslink in the Active Limb Sounding of Atmospheric Water: A Simulation Study
- Model Simulations of the Global Carbon and Sulfur Cycles: Implications for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Modeling ecosystem disturbance over regional scales with the Ecosystem Demography model
- Multidisciplinary Study of the Precambrian Biosphere and Surficial Oxygenation, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: The Agouron Cores
- New Satellite Observations of Upper Tropospheric/Lower Stratospheric Aerosols: Case Studies over the U.S. and Canada
- Observations of Gas- and Condensed-Phase Nitric Acid in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- The Juno New Frontiers Jupiter Polar Orbiter Mission
- The Role of Terrestrial Ecosystem Processes in Determining Patterns of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations: Results From a Regional-Scale Coupled Atmosphere-Ecosystem Model
- Upper-mantle attenuation structure as revealed by surface-wave amplitudes
- Using the Altair UAV to Address Radiative Balance and Chemistry in the Troposphere: Instrumentation Designed to Tackle Climate Change, Regional Scale Pollution Plumes, and Photochemical Mechanisms
- A Wireless Seismoacoustic Sensor Network for Monitoring Activity at Volcano Reventador, Ecuador
- Chemical and Isotopic Variability of MORB and Implications for Upper Mantle Mixing Times
- Determination of Plume Heights of Emissions From Siberian Forest Fire in 2002 Using MISR Data
- Determination of in Situ Rates of Methane Production and Oxidation From Terrestrial Wetlands
- Diversity and Abundance of Methanotrophic Bacteria in a Permanently Stratified Lake.
- Eruptive Activity of Reventador Volcano, Ecuador, Recorded by a Seismic-Infransound Deployment
- Estimates of surface emissions of atmospheric CO based on measurements from the TES instrument
- Estimation and Validation of Regional Biomass Using Vegetation Structure Measurements from ICESAT and Forest Inventory Analysis Data
- Forward modeling of regional-scale CO2 concentrations: results from a constrained biosphere-atmosphere model
- Global Distribution of the Ozone-CO Correlation from TES and Comparison to the GEOS-CHEM Model
- Influence of Land Cover Heterogeneity, Land-Use Change and Management on the Regional Carbon Cycle in the Upper Midwest USA as Evaluated by High-Density Observations and a Dynamic Ecosystem Model
- Molecular study of a squalene cyclase homolog gene in Bacillus subtilis
- Oxygen Isotopes in porewater sulfate: evidence for unrecognized sulfur cycling
- Postglacial Climate Reconstruction Based on Compound-Specific D/H Ratios of Fatty Acids From Blood Pond, New England
- Radiative Effect of Clouds on Tropospheric Chemistry: Sensitivity to Cloud Vertical Distributions and Optical Properties
- Sensitivity of Global Tropospheric Ozone and OH to Meteorological Fields and Other Variables
- Simulation and Observation of Global Variations in Surface Exchange and Atmospheric Mixing Ratios of CO2
- Summertime influence of Asian pollution in the middle and upper troposphere during INTEX-A
- TES CO Data Validation and Application
- TES ozone profiles compared to ozonesondes
- The observation of nitric acid-containing particles in the tropical lower stratosphere
- Along Axis Variability in the Sources of Eastern Gakkel Ridge Basalts
- Arctic catastrophes in an idealized sea ice model
- Changes in the Growing Season Length at High Northern Latitudes From 1988 to 2005
- Chemical Processing of Organic Particles and Implications for Cloud Formation
- Dansgaard-Oeschger-like abrupt climate transition in a coupled GCM
- Distribution and activity of methane-oxidizing bacteria in a polluted, stratified lake.
- Earthquake Risk Following the 17 July Java Earthquake
- Effect of 2000-2050 global change on ozone air quality in the United States
- Eliassen-Palm Flux Using COSMIC Radio Occultation Data
- Ent: A global dynamic terrestrial ecosystem model for climate interactions at seasonal to century time scales through coupled water, carbon, and nitrogen dynamics
- Impacts of Meteorological Variability on Temperate Forest Photosynthesis, Respiration and Vegetation Dynamics
- Improved constraints on processes controlling tropospheric O3 and NOx through assimilation of observations from the TES, SCIAMACHY, and MOPITT satellite instruments
- Intercomparison of Global Aerosol Microphysics Models: Insights Into Cloud Condensation Nuclei Formation
- Lagged processes and critical timescales in boreal forest response to climate
- Mapping isoprene emissions from space using OMI formaldehyde measurements
- Measuring in situ rates of methane production and oxidation in a New Hampshire wetland
- Mechanics of low-relief detachment folding in the Bajiaochang field, Sichuan Basin, China
- Modeling the Anisotropic Shear-Wave Velocity Structure in the Earth's Mantle on Global and Regional Scales
- Modeling the global distribution of the oxygen isotopic composition of sulfate aerosols: Importance of transition metal catalyzed S(IV) oxidation chemistry
- Observations of condensed-phase nitric acid in a tropical subvisual cirrus cloud
- Oxygen isotopic fractionation during bacterial sulfate reduction
- Rock Rinds at Meridiani and Surface Weathering Phenomena
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Sea ice thickness sensitivity to longwave radiation: the albedo in the closet
- Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values of Aquatic Macrophytes within the Indian River Lagoon, FL, USA
- Seismic Velocity Gradients Across the Transition Zone
- Sensitivity of modeled El-Niño/Southern Oscillation period
- Soil Carbon Pools and CO2 Fluxes in the GISS Land Model
- Stable Carbon Isotope Discrimination by Form IC Rubisco Enzymes of the Extremely Metabolically Versatile Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Ralstonia eutropha}
- Sulfur and Carbon Isotope Systematics in Middle-Upper Cambrian Port au Port Group From Western Newfoundland, Canada: Implications for Seawater Sulfate Concentrations
- The Height of Lofted Biomass Burning Plumes over Alaska During the 2004 ICARTT Period
- The Oxygen Isotope Composition of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate: Evaluating the Efficacy of a Relatively New Paleoceanographic Proxy
- The state of the carbon cycle in the Northeastern United States & Canada 1982-present: results from a constrained, dynamic terrestrial biosphere model
- Validation and Interpretation of OMI Tropospheric NO2 Observations During INTEX- B
- WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons With In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data During MILAGRO
- Water Availability Does Not Control Timing of Bud Break in African Savannas
- A Brief Overview of INTEX-B and OVOC Observations Over Mexico City, Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean
- A New Approach For Absolute Temperature Calibration: Application to the CLARREO Mission
- CLARREO Mission Requirements, Technological Readiness, and Calibration/Validation Concepts
- Case-History Explorations of Scientifically Significant Earth-System Events
- Climatic Controls on the Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes from North Temperate and Southern Boreal Forests
- Controls on Branching in Valley Networks
- Cross-arc Variations in Lava Chemistry in the Tonga Arc-Lau Back Arc System, 19- 23°S
- Do geostable polycyclic isoprenoids record the rise of oxygen in the ancient atmosphere?
- Evidence for Slab Melt Contributions to the Mexican Volcanic Belt and Other Young Hot Slab Arcs from Lu-Hf Isotopes
- Exploring Student and Scientist Experiences in a Novice-Expert Partnership
- Global distribution of solid and aqueous sulfate aerosols: effect of the hysteresis of particle phase transitions
- Hindcasts of Chemistry and Aerosols: Results and Plans
- Intercomparison of transpacific transport of Asian pollution between global and coupled global-regional model simulations
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Forest Canopy Micro-Scale Structural Heterogeneity Effects on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Marble Cake Perspectives
- Mechanistic model for light-controlled leaf phenology in the Amazon rainforests
- Models of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2003 Tokachi-oki Earthquake and Interseismic Deformation in Northern Japan
- On the predictability and dynamics of westerly wind bursts in the equatorial Pacific
- Permian Large Volume Basalt In Tarim Basin Of China And Its Geological Implication
- Rain driven by receding ice sheets as a cause of past climate change
- Reconciling bottom-up, top-down, and direct measurements of biogenic VOC emissions
- Remote sensing of changes in near surface freeze and thaw timing from 1988 to 2006
- Sensitivity of sulfate direct climate forcing to the hysteresis of particle phase transitions
- Soil Biogeochemistry in the Ent DGVM
- Spontaneously Emergent Marginally Stable Highly Non-normal Jets in Turbulent Flows
- Sulfur and Oxygen isotope variability across Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Events
- Sulfur and oxygen isotope studies of sulfate reduction
- The Adjustment of Ocean Tracers at Millennial Timescales
- The dynamic similarity between columnar joints in basalt and starch
- The impact of large-scale dynamics on the variability of total column CO2
- Towards Determining the Upper Temperature Limit to Life
- Towards an Understanding of Atmospheric Methanol
- Tracing The Fate Of Methane-Derived Carbon: Insights Into The Ecological Physiology Of Anaerobic Methanotrophy Via Quantitative Molecular and Geochemical Approaches
- Understanding Elevated Tropical Tropospheric Ozone and CO During the 2006 El Niño using TES Observations and GEOS-Chem Simulations
- Using dynamic aerosol optical properties from a chemical transport model (CTM) to retrieve aerosol optical depths from MODIS reflectances over land
- Viability of Carbon Dioxide Storage in Deep Sea Sediment
- Water and Melting in Back-arc Basins: New perspectives from the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Why do Different Anthropogenic Sources of Atmospheric Nitrate have Distinctive Isotopic Signatures?
- A Reconstruction of Ocean Surface Boundary Conditions Over the Last Millennium and Beyond Using Observations of Radiocarbon, Conservative Tracers, and Nutrients
- A hierarchical Bayesian analysis of a high latitude, high resolution multiproxy data set over the last 500 years
- A high-resolution record of late Neogene environmental changes in southern Tibet
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- An Educational Tool for a New Generation of Tsunami Scientists
- An abrupt and prominent climatic reversal at 9.2 ka in the northeastern North America
- Analysis of Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols Above a South East Asian Rainforest
- Applications of Geostatistics to Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Models
- Characterization of Vertical Transport of Fire Emissions over North America: Analysis of MISR Observations with a 1-D Plume-resolving Model
- Characterization of organic aerosol with a high resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer during the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE- 08)
- Clay Mineralogy and Organic Carbon Burial in Proterozoic Basins
- Coupling the Ecosystem Demography Model 2 and the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (ED2-BRAMS) to Simulate the Seasonal Hydrometeorology in Amazonia
- Crystallization of Ammoniated Sulfate Nanoparticles: Dependence on Initial Particle Size and Solution Composition
- Degree-2 in the Transition Zone and Near the CMB: Bottom up Tectonics?
- Development of Miniaturized Intra-Cavity DFG, Fiber-Optic, and Quantum Cascade Laser Systems in Conjunction with Integrated Electronics for Global Studies of Climate Forcing and Response using UASs as a Partner with Satellite and Adaptive Models
- Dynamic Rupture on Rough Faults and Production of High-Frequency Radiation
- Early Neoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry: Fe-S Systematics from the Chuar Group
- Earth's Deep Biosphere and Life in the Solar System
- Electricity from Wind: Global Perspectives
- Evaluation Of The Ecosystem Demography Model Version 2 (ED2) In North America
- Evaluation of a mechanistic phenology and allocation model against ground-based measurements and regional satellite observations
- Exploring CO Pollution Episodes Observed at Rishiri Island by Chemical Weather Simulations and AIRS Satellite Measurements: Long-range Transport of Burning Plumes and Implications for Emissions Inventory
- Geochemical Insights Into Paleobiological Patterns of the Middle-Upper Cambrian Port au Port Group, Western Newfoundland
- Global Carbon Cycle Inside GISS ModelE GCM: Results of Equilibrium and Transient Simulations.
- Influences of Forest Tree Species and Early Spring Temperature on Surface-Atmosphere Transfers of Water and Carbon in the Northeastern U.S.
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Interseismic Deformation and the Mechanical Behavior of Megathrusts: Transient Postseismic Creep, Stress Shadows, and Megathrust Rheology
- Iron, Sulfur, Arsenic and Water: Geochemical Implications of Facultative Anoxygenic Photosynthesis in Cyanobacteria and the Slow Rise of Oxygen
- Linking Models and Data on Vegetation Structure
- Lithium isotope systematics of the Azores Platform: Insights into Li variability of mantle sources
- Models for mechanics and morphology of arcuate subduction
- Morphological Transition in Rapidly Expanding Magmas
- Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signatures Across Environmental Gradients in the Modern Black Sea
- Seasonal and Long-Term Behavior of Soil and Autotrophic Respiration in the Ent Dynamic Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Seismological Investigation of Deep Subduction Zones
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of pure ice streams due to a multivalued sliding law
- Statistical algorithm to test the presence of correlation between time series with age/dating uncertainties.
- The Atmospheric Effects of Selective Logging in the Amazon - An LES Case Study
- The BOSS: a novel approach to coupling temporal changes in geochemistry and microbiology in the deep subsurface biosphere.
- The Isotopic Evolution of the Cryogenian Ocean: a Record from Southwest Mongolia.
- The Power of Climatological Tracer Observations to Constrain Ocean Transport Pathways: Adapting Hide's Theorem to an Inverse Model
- The Regional Extent of Biogenic Aerosols in Borneo
- The Role of Sulfur Oxidation in Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Within Sulfidic Hot Springs
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Union of Science and Societal Objectives: Why Did CLARREO Resonate with NRC Decadal Survey Priorities?
- Urbanization Across Gradients: Testing Hypotheses on Effects of Land Change at Multiple Scales
- A Calibration for the Total Carbon Column Observing Network using HIPPO Aircraft Profiles
- A High-Latitude Convective Cloud Feedback and Equable Climates (Invited)
- A Model-Data Framework for Linking Satellite-Based Data on Vegetation Structure with a Height Structured Ecosystem Model Over North America
- A Test for the Presence of Covariance Between Time-uncertain Series of Data with application to a Collection of Proxy Records Showing Millennial Variability
- Aerosols over the Amazon Rainforest Investigated by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Aircraft emissions, plume chemistry, and alternative fuels: results from the APEX, AAFEX, and MDW-2009 campaigns
- An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Efforts over the last Two Decades to Reduce Human Losses due to Natural Hazards, and A Proposal for Future Efforts (Invited)
- Bacterial community composition in hydrothermal plume environments is heterogeneous and distinct
- Beyond MCMC: Data-constraint and error propagation in a dynamic terrestrial biosphere model through Bayesian model emulation (Invited)
- Boreal and California forest fire emissions and influences on atmospheric composition & chemistry during ARCTAS
- CO2 Flux Measurement Uncertainty Estimates for NACP
- Carbon cycling at a temperate evergreen forest: a comparison of three ecosystem-model data assimilation systems at Howland, ME (Invited)
- Changes in the net carbon balance following a shelterwood harvest at Howland Forest in central Maine seven years after harvest
- Climate Proxy Signals in the Plio-Pleistocene Chemeron and Miocene Lukeino Formations, Baringo Basin, Kenya
- Constraints on melting processes and ridge segmentation by new high-precision investigation of basalts from the FAMOUS segment, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution
- Decade to centennial resolution hydrogen isotopic record of climate change from southern New England for the past 16 kyr: proxy validation and multi-proxy comparisons
- Derivation and analysis of cross relations of photosynthesis and respiration across at FLUXNET sites for model improvement
- Diagnose climate feedbacks from infrared spectral and microwave refractivity measurements
- Direct Evidence of Instability-Driven Constraints on Helium Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind
- Documenting and describing the redox evolution of the Neoproterozoic ocean: lessons from the Canadian Cordillera (Invited)
- Elevated atmospheric CO2 increases water use efficiency in Florida scrub oak
- Error correlation between CO2 and CO as constraint for CO2 flux inversions using satellite data
- Estimating Parameters of a Forest Ecosystem C Model Using Multiple Stock and Flux Measurements as Joint Constraints
- Exploring Subglacial Microbial Ecology (Invited)
- Filtered Push: Annotating Distributed Data for Quality Control and Fitness for Use Analysis
- HOx Chemistry and Ozone Production during ARCTAS
- High Precision 13CH4/12CH4 measurements using Off Axis ICOS at 8 μm
- Interpretation of Aura Satellite Observations of CO and Aerosol Index related to the December 2006 Australia Fires
- Investigation of stratospheric water vapor enhancements
- Limnological consequences of climate change in Wisconsin lakes: the North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research Program (Invited)
- Linear response functions of a cumulus ensemble to temperature and moisture perturbations and implication to the dynamics of convectively coupled waves
- Long-Term Changes in Calcium (Ca) Sources in Base-Poor Forest Ecosystem: Insight from Stable Ca-Isotopes in Tree Rings
- Major and Trace Elements and Volatiles in Glasses from the 2009 Rapid Response Expedition to West Mata Volcano and Northeast Lau Spreading Center (NELSC)
- Modeling the role of HONO in the plume chemistry of boreal forest biomass burning emissions during the summer 2009 ARCTAS campaign
- Molecular Biogeochemistry: Bridging Impressionism and Surrealism
- NSF Gulfstream-V Aircraft: Enabling Real-Time Global Scale In-Situ Observations
- Nature versus nurture in shallow convection
- Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of the 2009 Jupiter impact debris field: Constraints on particle composition, size and vertical distribution
- Nitrogen Availability and Forest Canopy Albedo from Leaf to Regional Scales
- O3 Production in Boreal Fire Smoke Plumes during ARCTAS-B: Satellite Observations and Model Results
- Phenology and growth of different vegetation types in the Ent Dynamic Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (DGTEM)
- Photochemical Analysis of ARCTAS Observations
- Quantifying dust aerosol acidification by SO2 utilizing observations and modeling of the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric sulfate: Implications for dust alkalinity and the marine boundary layer sulfur budget
- Redox on Early Mars and the Origin of Surface Acidity
- Response of South American Ecosystems to Precipitation Variability
- Seismic Signature Feature Identification of the Subducting Slab of Japan (Invited)
- Sources and Sinks of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Arctic in Spring
- The ARCTAS aircraft mission: design and execution
- Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy
- Thermal and Near-Infrared Structural Evolution of the 2009 Wesley Jupiter Impact from 1.5-24.5 Micron Imaging
- Using Geostationary Observations to Improve Ozone Air Quality Forecasts
- Using Lidar and Radar measurements to constrain predictions of forest ecosystem structure and function
- Using Terra observations to quantify sources and intercontinental transport of pollution (Invited)
- Utilizing observations and modeling of atmospheric sulfate Δ17O to constrain dust aerosol acidification by SO2: Implications for dust alkalinity and the sulfur budget (Invited)
- Vegetation community structure in a mixed-canopy dynamic global terrestrial ecosystem model: sensitivity of biosphere-atmosphere exchange to canopy vertical stratification and demography
- What governs the enrichment of Pb in the continental crust? An answer from the Mexican Volcanic Belt
- A High-Resolution Porphyrin Nitrogen Isotope Record of an Oceanic Anoxic Event
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A Quantitative Examination of Solar Wind Properties as Functions of Instability Growth Rate
- Abundance and Distribution of Diagnostic Carbon Fixation Genes in a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Gradient Ecosystem
- An Atmospheric Teleconnection Linking ENSO and Southwestern European Precipitation
- An Observational Method for Verifying Trends in Urban CO2 Emissions Using Continuous Measurements and High Resolution Meteorology (Invited)
- Autonomous in-situ qPCR in the Deep Sea
- Capitalizing on Education and Outreach (E/O) Expertise to Broaden Impacts (Invited)
- Centennial scale climate variations since Deglaciation in the southern New England
- Challenges and opportunities for organic GEOTRACES (Invited)
- Collisions on a curved Earth (Invited)
- Comparative analysis of carbon, water, and energy exchanges in co-located mid-latitude forests at various stages of development
- Comparing Annual Evapotranspiration Estimates at the Watershed Scale Using Geospatial Satellite and Rainfall-Runoff Data
- Comparing near-earth and satellite remote sensing based phenophase estimates: an analysis using multiple webcams and MODIS (Invited)
- Constraints on the Archean Surface Environment from Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopes (Invited)
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Does complex terrain matter for global terrestrial ecosystem models? Forest ecosystem dynamics in the White Mountains, NH. (Invited)
- Emissions from vegetation fires and their influence on atmospheric composition over the Amazon Basin (Invited)
- Evaluating Climate Models with CLARREO (Invited)
- Evaluation of land surface model representation of phenology: an analysis of model runs submitted to the NACP Interim Site Synthesis
- Evidence for Hydrothermal Vents as "Biogeobatteries" (Invited)
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- GPS Ground Networks As Remote Sensing Tools (Invited)
- Geological and geochemical controls on the distribution of Alviniconcha vent snail symbioses: Have we finally linked mantle to microbe? (Invited)
- Global Characterization of the Ocean Ridge System
- Helium Abundance and Minor Ion Charge State Variations in the Solar Wind over the Solar Cycle
- Identifying the timescales of model error: NACP inter-comparison wavelet analysis
- Impacts of land use change on atmospheric circulation and ecosystem dynamics in the Amazon from a coupled atmosphere-ecosystem model
- Implementation of Global Carbon Cycle in GISS ModelE GCM: from Leaf to Planetary Scale
- Improve Multi-model Ensemble Climate Prediction by Using Observation Data: A Bayesian Approach
- In Situ Stable Isotopic Detection of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Monterey Bay Cold Seeps Via Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy
- Independent support for leaf homeothermy during carbon uptake and the implications for the interpretation of tree-ring oxygen isotopes
- Inter-annual Variability of Evapotranspiration in a Semi-arid Oak-savanna Ecosystem: Measured and Modeled Buffering to Precipitation Changes
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Investigating aerosol loading in the remote marine environment using multi-platform observations and GEOS-Chem
- Latitudinal gradient of nitrous oxide: inferring source distribution from global measurements and model
- Linking Remote Sensing with a State-of-the-Art Terrestrial Biosphere Model to Better Predict Ecosystem Dynamics
- MODIS-based global terrestrial estimates of gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration
- Measurement Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Concentrations in Support of Treaty Monitoring and Verification (Invited)
- Measurements of HONO and NO2 by tunable infrared differential absorption spectrometer during SHARP 2009
- Mid Latitude Afforestation Shifts General Circulation and Tropical Precipitation
- Millennial-scale cyclicity in the Pliocene: Evidence from the East African Rift Valley
- Modelling PM2.5, ozone and precursors in New England. Comparison with inferred data retrieved from satellite AOD and surface observations
- New TES profile retrievals of Tropospheric Methane
- Origin and radiative forcing of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau
- Paleomagnetic tests for impact-generated fields at Lonar and other terrestrial craters
- Phenological research using digital image archives: how important is camera system choice?
- Physiological, evolutionary, and genetic experiments with hopanoids in Methylobacterium: probing the function of geologically stable molecules
- Recalibrating the concentration of Precambrian seawater sulfate
- Recent progress in biomass burning research: a perspective from analyses of satellite data and model studies. (Invited)
- Relaxation of Energetic O and He Escape in the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
- STXM-NEXAFS Investigations of Amazonian Background Aerosols, Laboratory Secondary Organic Aerosols, and Fungal Spores
- Searching for Eustasy in Pliocene Sea-Level Records (Invited)
- Seasonal variations in convection and extratropical mixing in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Temporal Assessment of Methylmercury in an Endangered Pacific Seabird (Invited)
- Testing and Improving ENSO Models by Process using Transfer Functions
- The 2010 Chile Earthquake - Variations in the Rupture Mode
- The Frequency Dependent Characteristics of the 2010 Chile Earthquake
- The Magnitude of Hydraulic Redistribution by Plants: A Laboratory Investigation of Biological and Physical Mechanisms
- The Timing of Events of the Last Termination as Inferred Through Sediment Core Records
- Time reversal seismic imaging using laterally reflected surface waves in southern California
- Tracking Zn bioavailabilty through time: New insights from sulfidic black shales
- Transient event detection from a multi-scale analysis of continuous GPS observations (Invited)
- Understanding the mechanisms behind observed biomass dynamics at 10 Amazonian field sites: a model-data intercomparison
- Variation in Foliar Nitrogen and Albedo in Response to Elevated Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide
- A Ground-Based Instrument for the Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection of Coastal Iodine Monoxide (IO)
- A new direct absorption measurement for high precision and accurate measurement of water vapor in the UT/LS
- Aerosol Optical Properties in Amazon and the Dry-To Transition Season
- Along- and Across-arc Basalt Geochemical Trends of Seamounts in Lau Basin: Evidence for Fluid Components and Mantle Melting
- Anomalous Spring Warmth in 2010: A Precursor of Future Changes to Ecosystem Phenology and Function in the Northeastern United States
- Approaches for Communicating Key Sources of Uncertainty While Reinforcing Core Climate Science Findings
- Beyond Greenness: Towards a Continuous Phenology of Vegetation
- Biological Superoxide In Manganese Oxide Formation
- Chromium isotope variations (δ53Cr) in globally distributed chromite- and chromate-bearing minerals and rocks
- Community impacts of mid-May frost event during an anomalously warm spring
- Constraints on High-Latitude Regional Methane Fluxes Through Integration of Satellite, Aircraft and Ground-Based Observations with Models
- Constraints on near surface and free Troposphere CO2 concentrations using the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 data and the GEOS-Chem model
- Do physiological changes at leaf level explain seasonal changes in remotely sensed canopy greenness?
- Ecoclimate Teleconnections: Remote Control of the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara
- Effect of a weak lower crustal channel in Tibet on geodetic velocities
- Emissions of Methane from the Los Angeles Basin and Comparisons to Inventories
- Fluxes of H<SUB>2</SUB>, COS, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> across a temperate forest snowpack driven by below snow soil microbial processes
- Forest Canopy Temperature: a comparison between an isotopic measurement approach and photosynthesis-weighted air temperature
- HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO): Global distributions and emission sources for CH4, N2O, Black Carbon, and other trace species inferred from five aircraft missions
- Half-hourly atmospheric <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> observed by cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzer in the USDA Forest Service Climate Tower Network
- High resolution Holocene temperature records for the northeastern United States from hydrogen isotope ratios of mid-chain aquatic plant lipids
- Increased carbon uptake in marine sediment enabled by naturally occurring electrical conductors
- Influence Of Subsurface Biosphere On Geochemical Fluxes From Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids: Direct Measurement Of Subsurface Hydrogen Oxidation
- Interannual and seasonal dynamics, and the age, of nonstructural carbohydrate pools in the stemwood of temperate trees across a climatic gradient in New England
- Inversion analysis of estimating interannual variability and its uncertainties in biotic and abiotic parameters of a parsimonious physiologically based model after wind disturbance
- Is digital cover photography a viable method for measuring leaf index for phenological research in closed forest ecosystems?
- Leaf thermal and hydraulic capacitances - structural safeguards for rapid ambient fluctuations
- Megacity Carbon: Initial network design for Los Angeles
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Microbiology of Low Temperature Seafloor Deposits Along a Geochemical Gradient in Lau Basin
- Nature and extent of electrogenic microbial communities recovered from Juan de Fuca hydrothermal sulfides
- New insights on the link between phenology and productivity of temperate and boreal broadleaf deciduous forests across the globe
- On The Use of in situ Chemical Tracer Measurements in Diagnosing Chemistry Climate Models
- PhenoCam: A continental-scale observatory for monitoring the phenology of terrestrial vegetation
- Physico-chemical gradients within the hydrothermal chimney Roane define sharp boundaries for microbial community ecology
- Planktonic foraminiferal shell weight reflects sea surface temperature over the past 150 years in Santa Barbara Basin, California
- Plant water availability in dynamic vegetation models applied to Amazonia: The role of root water uptake functions under contemporary and simulated drought conditions
- Primary and Secondary Contributions to the Organic Aerosol Over the Amazon Determined by STXM-NEXAFS
- Probabilistic reconstructions of bivariate climate using a biologically-motivated model of tree-ring width
- Quantifying seasonal dynamics of canopy structure and function using inexpensive narrowband spectral radiometers
- Rate my data: a hierarchical approach to quantifying the relative value of ecological data for the development of process-based models of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Recent and future impacts of climate and land-use changes on the Amazonian ecosystems inferred from an ecosystem model
- Regional Eco-hydrologic Sensitivity to Projected Amazonian Land Use Scenarios
- Satellite detection of Northern Hemisphere Non-Frozen season changes and associated impacts to vegetation growing seasons
- Seasonality of Overstory and Understory Fluxes in a Semi-Arid Oak Savanna: What can be Learned from Comparing Measured and Modeled Fluxes?
- Selected trace gas distributions and relationships: a comparison of HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations (HIPPO) and Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Sensitivity of Global Modeling Initiative chemistry and transport model simulations of radionuclide tracers and ozone to input meteorological data
- Simulating drought impacts on energy and water dynamics in Amazonian rainforests
- Some Speculations Concerning The Abitibi Greenstone Belt As A Possible Analog To The Early Martian Crust
- Statistically significant covariance amongst a global proxy network of millennial-scale climate variations.
- Studying the Impact of the Three Dimensional Canopy Structure on LIDAR Waveforms Evaluated with Field Measurements
- Technological Basis and Scientific Returns for Absolutely Accurate Measurements
- The PhenoCam Website: Adventures in "Crowd-Sourcing" Data Collection, Distribution and Analysis
- The role of subduction fluids and mantle sources in the petrogenesis of Eastern Lau Spreading Center magmas
- The significance of plant canopy demography for predicting terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change.
- The stochastic-parametric mechanism in turbulent boundary layers: how nonlinearity and non-normality interact to self-sustain the turbulent state
- The synergistic use of models and observations: understanding the mechanisms behind observed biomass dynamics at 14 Amazonian field sites and the implications for future biomass change
- Theoretical construction of anisotropy-beta relation using EMIC, mirror and fire-hose instabilities
- Using FLUXNET Data to Improve Models of Springtime Phenology in CO2 Fluxes
- Using historical data to constrain long term carbon dynamics in land surface models: processes and data
- Using measurements at various scales to explore uncertainty in model predictions of carbon budgets and cycling through time and space
- Using settlement vegetation data for paleoclimate and carbon modeling: Preliminary results of the PalEON project
- Using the Abitibi Greenstone Belt to understand Martian hydrothermal systems and the potential for biosignature preservation in high temperature aqueous environments
- Variability and Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over Tengchong, Southwest China: A Modeling Analysis of Satellite and Ozonesonde Observations
- A Black Swan and Sub-continental Scale Dynamics in Humid, Late-Holocene Broadleaf Forests
- A magnetic field parameter study of turbulence-driven solar wind
- A statistical context for TEX<SUB>86</SUB>
- Active Fault Geometry and Crustal Deformation Along the San Andreas Fault System Through San Gorgonio Pass, California: The View in 3D From Seismicity
- Age and Availability of Nonstructural Carbohydrates in Red Maple
- Albatross as Sentinels of Heavy Metal Pollution: Local and Global Factors
- An analysis of convectively sourced water vapor in the overworld stratosphere at northern mid-latitudes
- Being There & Getting Back Again: Half a Century of Deep Ocean Research & Discovery with the Human Occupied Vehicle "Alvin"
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- CEOS: A Small, Low Cost Spectrometer for Use on the Iridium NEXT Constellation
- Characterizing Background Concentrations of Short-Lived Halocarbons
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- China's CO and CO2 emissions estimated from the bottom up: Recent trends, uncertainties, and implications of improved energy efficiency and emission control
- Color Tells a Story: Evidence of Megafloods into the Black Sea when the Alpine/Eurasian Ice Sheets Collapsed
- Congruence of 3-D Whole Mantle Models of Shear Velocity
- Consistent validation of CO2 satellite measurements and the CarbonTracker model using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Current and Future Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen to United States National Parks
- Distribution, activity and function of short-chain alkane degrading phylotypes in hydrothermal vent sediments
- Edge-driven dynamic microplate models of strike-slip faulting in the Tibetan plateau
- Effects of Weather on Caloric and Nutritive Intake in India
- Evaluating carbon dioxide variability in the Community Earth System Model against atmospheric observations
- Evaluation of ACTM forward simulations using HIPPO
- Examination of the Tropical Tropopause Layer during HIPPO
- Experimenting with Educational Games using the Xbox, PC, and iPad
- Exploring eco-hydrological consequences of the Amazonian ecosystems under climate and land-use changes in the 21st century
- Extreme Values Analysis of McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)
- Fluxes and isofluxes of methane and carbon dioxide from a low flying aircraft: Applications to regional flux measurements in the Arctic
- Formic acid measurements from space: Retrieval strategy, evaluation, and initial constraints on primary and secondary sources
- Geostationary atmospheric composition observations from the NASA Decadal Survey GEO-CAPE mission
- Global O3-CO Correlations in the Global Modeling Initiative Chemical Transport Model During July - August: Sensitivity to Emissions and Input Meteorological Data
- Global distributions of CO2, trace gases and potential temperature in HIPPO: lessons about global rates of tracer transport and inverse modeling.
- Global ozone-CO correlations from OMI and AIRS as constraints on ozone sources and transport
- Identifying Signatures of Climatic Influence on Forest Net Carbon Exchange From 20 years of Observations at Harvard Forest
- Images reveal that atmospheric particles can undergo liquid-liquid phase separations
- Impact of Climate Variability on Forest Dynamics in Eastern Amazon: the Role of Large-Scale Droughts, Local Droughts, and Other Disturbances
- Impact of extreme amounts of stratospheric sulfate aerosols
- Improved glyoxal and formaldehyde retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instruments on NASA-Aura
- Increasing carbon sequestration in the northeastern US over the past two decades
- Influences of changing freeze-thaw seasons on evapotranspiration in northern high latitudes and associated uncertainty analysis
- Informing improvements to terrestrial biogeochemical models through statistical integration of environmental datasets
- Isotopic Approaches to Allying Productivity and Sulfur Metabolism in Three Symbiotic Hydrothermal Vent Molluscs
- Landscape controls on the timing of spring, autumn, and growing season length in mid-Atlantic forests
- Large Quantities of Melt-Quenched Impact Spherules in Late Pleistocene Alaskan and Yukon "Muck" Deposits
- Large-scale increase in the seasonal cycle of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Northern Hemisphere since 1960
- Linking hydrothermal plume geochemistry with deep-sea microbial community structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Managing tradeoffs in geoengineering through optimal choice of non-uniform radiative forcing
- Methane and Ethane Measurements from a New TCCON Station in Los Angeles
- Microbial Primary Productivity in Hydrothermal Vent Chimneys at Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Microbial life in cold, hydrologically active oceanic crustal fluids
- Mid Pliocene sea levels along the southeast US coastal plain
- Modeling nonstructural carbohydrate reserve dynamics in forest trees
- Monitoring of phenological control on ecosystem fluxes using digital cameras and eddy covariance data
- NOAA-GMD HIPPO data with a look towards transport in the troposphere
- New Particle Formation in and Around Ice Clouds
- North American acetone sources determined from tall tower measurements and inverse modelling
- Observational constraints on atmospheric radiaitve feedbacks: absolute accuracy and next-generation observing systems
- On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration
- Persistent Volcanic Forcing of Severe Cold Winters in Ireland, 430-1650 CE
- PhenoCam: A Continental Observatory in Support of Monitoring, Modeling, and Forecasting Phenological Responses to Climate Change
- Phenology of belowground carbon allocation in a mid-latitude forest
- Phenology, climate change, and phenological control of vegetation feedbacks to the climate system
- Profiling Tropospheric CO2 using the Aura TES and TCCON instruments
- Road Infrastructure Development and Deforestation in Southwest Amazonia: a Tri-National Frontier Study
- Seasonal Northern Hemisphere CO2 Exchange as Observed by HIPPO
- Shock Thermodynamics of the Olivine Series: Fayalite results
- Sources of Springtime Tropospheric Ozone Over North China: A Modeling Analysis of Ozonesonde and Satellite Observations
- TCCON, OCO-2, and GOSAT - Observations of the LA Basin during OCO-2 Pre-Launch Thermo-Vacuum Testing
- The Boston Methane Project: Mapping Surface Emissions to Inform Atmospheric Estimation of Urban Methane Flux
- The effect of winter frozen season changes on Northern Hemisphere vegetation canopy growth determined from satellite microwave and optical remote sensing
- The importance of forest composition and structure in understanding the fate of the Amazon forest
- The influences of CO2 fertilization and land use change on the total aboveground biomass in Amazonian tropical forest
- Timing is everything: using near-surface and remote sensing to monitor vegetation phenology in sagebrush steppe
- Tools for Generating Useful Time-series Data from PhenoCam Images
- Top-down and bottom up estimates of methane emissions from the 2006 Indonesian peat fires using Aura TES satellite observations of CH4 and CO and GEOS-Chem"
- Toward a Unified Understanding of Mercury and Methylated Mercury from the World's Oceans
- Transformations of organic matter in the deep biosphere at North Pond
- UV Dosage Levels in Summer: Increased Risk of Ozone Loss from Convectively Injected Water Vapor
- Use of Tracers to Diagnose Ozone Interannual Variability in the Utls in the Global Modeling Initiative (gmi) Chemistry-Transport Model (ctm) Hindcast
- Using CO observations from space to track long-range transport of pollution
- Using HIPPO observations to constrain the atmospheric budgets of black carbon and methane
- Variability of HCHO over the Southeastern United States observed from space: Implications for VOC emissions
- Xenon isotopic composition of the Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) source
- A Long-Lived Tracer Perspective on the Origin of Air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer during ATTREX
- Aqueous Alteration of Outcrops on Endeavour Crater on Mars Inferred from Spatially Oversampled CRISM Spectra and Opportunity Rover Data
- Aromatic hydrocarbon emissions in the United States deduced from tall tower measurements
- Assessing ComSciCon 2013: A science communication workshop for STEM graduate students (Invited)
- Assessing the reach of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: New insights from western North America
- Atmosphere-based nation-wide emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons from the U.S
- Attribution of Trends and Variability in Surface Ozone over the United States
- Biogenic aerosols from Amazonia: Composition, size distributions and optical properties
- Biogeography and diversity of methane and sulfur-cycling ecotypes in deep subsurface sediments
- Boreal forest fires impacts on atmospheric methane, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide during the 2013 NASA CARVE campaign
- CARVE Measurements of Atmospheric Methane Concentrations and Emissions in Arctic and Boreal Alaska
- Causes of Late Pleistocene water level change in Lake Victoria, Equatorial East Africa, derived from clumped isotopes of land snails and fresh water mollusks. (Invited)
- Comparing the effects of Different Remote Sensing Techniques for Extracting Deciduous Broadleaf Phenology
- Connecting PhenoCam Sites with the ORNL DAAC MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool
- Constraining estimates of methane emissions from Arctic permafrost regions with CARVE
- Development of a Mid-Infrared Laser for Range-Resolved Methane DIAL Measurements
- Development of the Grid-Independent GEOS-Chem Module and its deployment in the GEOS-5 General Circulation Model
- Dynamic Topographic Warping of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Shorelines of the East Coast U.S.: Implications for Estimates of Past Sea Level Heights
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Fluxes from an Arctic Sedge Wetland
- El Nino, The 2006 Indonesian Peat Fires, And The Distribution Of Atmospheric Methane
- Environmental Drivers of Whole-Ecosystem Methane Fluxes from a Lowland Evergreen Forest
- Estimating Stratospheric and Tropospheric BrO columns using GEOSCCM and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Evaluating MOPITT and ACE Upper-Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide Retrievals with HIPPO In-Situ Measurements
- Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles (Invited)
- Expanding the Boundaries of Data Collection at the Harvard Forest: Construction of an Aerial Tram for Forest Re-growth Monitoring
- Field Tests of a Gas-Filter Imaging Radiometer for Methane, CH4,: A Prototype for Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder, GRIPS
- Forest cover change in the upper Midwestern United States results from both climate and land use change following European settlement: Historical survey and weather records provide robust support for modeling applications
- Future fire emissions associated with projected land use change in Indonesia
- Global O3-CO Correlations in a Global Model During July-August: Evaluation with TES Satellite Observations and Sensitivity to Emissions
- Global budget and radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol: constraints from pole-to-pole (HIPPO) observations across the Pacific
- Ground-based imaging spectrometry of canopy phenology and chemistry in a deciduous forest
- Impact Vaporization of Planetesimal Cores
- Improving the simulation of aerosol wet deposition in global models: diagnosing sources of error and identifying key physical variables
- Increased carbon uptake in the eastern US due to warming induced changes in phenology
- Isotopic Changes During Digestion: Protein
- Juno Magnetometer Observations in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Juno and Jupiter's Magnetic Field (Invited)
- Linking canopy phenology to the seasonality of biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a temperate deciduous forest (Invited)
- Long-term increase in forest water-use efficiency observed across ecosystem carbon flux networks (Invited)
- Meteorologically defined limits to reduction in the variability of outputs from a coupled wind farm system in the Central US
- Microbial imprint on soil-atmosphere H2, COS, and CO2 fluxes
- Microbial transformations of carbon in crustal aquifer fluids at North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Micromechanics based permeability evolution in brittle materials at high strain rates
- Migration of the deforming zone during seismic shear and implications for field observations, dynamic weakening, and the onset of melting
- Mixing into the TTL: What can we learn from black carbon measurements?
- Modeled hydraulic redistribution by Helianthus annuus L. matches observed data only after model modification to include nighttime transpiration
- Oceanic emissions of ammonia
- Optimal estimation of North American methane emissions using GOSAT data: A contribution to the NASA Carbon Monitoring System
- Process-based modeling of species' responses to climate change - a proof of concept using western North American trees
- Quantifying ENSO dynamics in data and in models with frequency-domain analysis
- Radiative Effects of Aerosols Versus Clouds on Key Tropospheric Oxidants in a Global Model
- Refined Views of Strike-slip Fault Zones, Seismicity, and State of Stress Associated With the Pacific-North America Plate Boundary in Southern California
- Response of biomass burning to climate changes and human activities during the past 12,000 years in Eastern North America
- Satellite Detection and Attribution of Divergent Northern Vegetation Growth Responses to Lengthening Non-Frozen Seasons (Invited)
- Satellite-based emission constraint for nitrogen oxides: Capability and uncertainty
- Scaling forest phenology from trees to the landscape using an unmanned aerial vehicle
- Sea-floor carbonate fans from the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian-Toarcian): a sedimentological signature of carbon cycle perturbation in deep time
- Sea-level responses to sediment transport over the last ice age cycle
- Seawater Dynamic Surface Tension: A case for bubble sorption as a primary mechanism in the formation of particulate marine organic aerosol (Invited)
- Selective Memory: Process-Based Temperature Calibration for Greenland Ice Core δ-18O Accounting for Seasonal Biases
- Separate Estimation of Boundary Inflow and Surface Influences on CO2 over North America using In Situ and Column Observations
- Sixty years of viscoelastic stress transfer across the North Anatolian fault
- Spatial Representativeness of Flux Tower Sites: A Comparison Between Tower and Aircraft Eddy-Covariance Fluxes
- Taking the temperature of the mantle: A global comparison of seismic models, axial ridge depths, and the petrology of mid-ocean-ridge basalts (Invited)
- Targeting patterns: A path forward for uncertainty quantification in carbon cycle science? (Invited)
- Temporal changes in the spatial extent of crop yield stagnation
- The Climate and Human Impacts of Major Explosive Volcanism AD670-730, A Multi-proxy Assessment
- The Influence of Chemical Composition and Relative Humidity on the Optical Properties of Aerosols During the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
- The Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of Southwestern Mongolia and implications for crustal growth in Asia
- The Parana paradox: can a model explain the decadal impacts of climate variability and land-cover change?
- The Scientist as Sentinel (Invited)
- The Sensitivity of Deep Convection to Environmental Humidity in Warm and Cold Climates
- The Uncertain Carbon Emissions in China (Invited)
- The chemical compositions of global MORB and their implications for mantle properties (Invited)
- The global record of local iron geochemical data from Proterozoic through Paleozoic basins
- The impact of deforestation in the Amazon on precipitation in other regions of Brazil: a challenge for sustainable development?
- The structure of temperature changes across mid-latitude North America over the Holocene
- Tropical forest phenology and metabolism: Integrated analysis of tower-mounted camera images and tower derived GPP for interpreting ecosystem scale processes
- UCVM: An Open Source Framework for 3D Velocity Model Research
- Uncertainty Assessment: What Good Does it Do? (Invited)
- Understanding Differences in AMOC Variability among CMIP5 Models using Frequency Domain Analysis
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Using Time Series of Landsat, MODIS, and Ground Measurements to Characterize and Quantify the Sensitivity of Temperate Forest Phenology to Climate Change (Invited)
- Variable sensitivity of US maize yield to high temperatures across developmental stages
- Winds from GNSS Radio Occultation
- A Long Term View of Forest Response to Environmental Change: 25 Years of Studying Harvard Forest
- A Space-Time Unified Data Set of General Circulation Model Outputs for Land Surface Modeling over Amazonia
- A Theory for the Formation and Equilibration of Equatorial Deep Jets from Stratified Turbulence
- A case-study analysis of convectively sourced water vapor plumes in the overworld stratosphere over the continental U.S. observed in situ during the SEAC4RS mission
- A quantile regression analysis of daily North American temperatures, 1979--2013
- Access to the Sea: A Roadmap for Expedition Planning
- Aerosol Physical and Chemical Properties Before and After the Manaus Plume in the GoAmazon2014 Experiment
- Age Spectra and Transport Rates in the UTLS over the Tropics and the North American Monsoon Region
- Airborne Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange above a Heterogeneous Northern-latitude Forest
- Aircraft measurements of the impacts of urban plume on cloud activation properties during GoAmazon - preliminary results
- An Evaluation of Processes Critical to Predicting the Carbon Sink of Natural Tropical Forests in a Demographic Vegetation Model
- An Ultra-High Resolution Investigation of Environmental Signals at Colle Gnifetti, Swiss-Italian Alps
- An unmagnetized early planetary body
- Anthropogenic Hg in the ocean: Trajectories of change and implications for exposure in the United States
- Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds inferred from oversampling of OMI HCHO columns
- Assessing the Complementary Constraints on North American Methane Emissions Estimates Provided by Ground-based and Space-based Observations of Methane
- Assimilating Multiple Data Types in the Community Land Model (CLM) for Deciduous Forests in North America
- Atmospheric Lifetimes and Stratospheric Removal Rates for Greenhouse Gases and Ozone Destroying Substances from CO2-tracer relationships
- Boston Column Network: Compact Solar-Tracking Spectrometers and Differential Column Measurements
- Calibration of a TCCON FTS at Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) Using Multiple Airborne Profiles
- Carbon Release from Melting Arctic Permafrost on the North Slope, AK: <SUP>12</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations and Fluxes, and Their Relationship to Methane and Methane Isotope Concentrations Measured in August 2013
- Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the Amazon Forest
- Carbon fixation in oceanic crust: Does it happen, and is it important?
- Changes in long term CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes from the Alaskan North Slope based on a sector analysis of Barrow CH<SUB>4</SUB> mole fraction measurements
- Changing snow cover in tundra ecosystems tips the Arctic carbon balance
- Comparison of CCN activity measured in pristine and polluted sites during the Intensive Operation Periods (IOP) of the GoAmazon 2014 campaign
- Comparison of Stem Map Developed from Crown Geometry Allometry Linked Census Data to Airborne and Terrestrial Lidar at Harvard Forest, MA
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Constraining crustal anisotropy from receiver functions: A new approach
- Constraining depth-dependent anisotropy: A new approach
- Constraints on the timing of the Moon-forming giant impact from MORB Xe isotopes
- Contribution of Oil and Gas Production to Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> in the South-Central United States: Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates
- Correlating Large Igneous Provinces with Lower Mantle Seismic Structure - Where Is the Plume Generation Zone?
- Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Modeling of Fluid Production and Injection in the Cavone Oil Field, Northern Italy: an Assessment of the Potential for Induced Seismicity
- Current and Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Global Crop Intensification and Expansion
- Decadal Changes in Arctic Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Tropospheric Ozone
- Decoding the Surface Temperature Record
- Determining the Dominant Controls of Land Surface Phenology: Implications for Global Modeling
- Developing an Age Model for the Cryogenian: the South China perspective
- Development and Performance of the Modularized, High-performance Computing and Hybrid-architecture Capable GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- Effects of European land use on contemporary tree-climate relationships in the northeastern United States: Implications for predictive models
- Effects of the Sea Ice Floe Size Distribution on Polar Ocean Properties and Air-Sea Exchange
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Estimating CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Bay Area from a dense surface network: First estimates from the Berkeley Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observation Network (BeACON)
- Estimating more reliable measures of forest canopy temperatures using thermal imaging
- Evaluating the Amazon water cycle components using ED model against GRACE
- Factors Controlling O<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Southeastern United States during Summer as Constrained by the SEAC<SUP><SUB>4</SUB></SUP>RS Campaign
- Finding the best windows: An apparent environmental threshold determines which diffuse flows are dominated by subsurface microbes
- Flood Basalts and Neoproterozoic Glaciation
- Flux Observations of Carbon from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL): Using Advances in Spectroscopy, Turbulent Wind Measurements, and Small, Commercial Aircraft to Create Eddy Covariance Flux Maps from the Air.
- Fluxes of reactive trace gases from Tapajos forest: Upwind precursor emissions to complement the GoAmazon campaign.
- Formation of Ice Eddies in Mountain Valleys of East Antarctica
- From Disinformation to Wishful Thinking
- From Mantle to Microbe to Mollusc: How Animal-Microbial Symbioses Influence Carbon and Sulfur Cycling in Hydrothermal Vent Flows.
- Future Deforestation in the Amazon and Consequences for South American Climate
- Gas- and particle-phase chemical composition measurements onboard the G-1 research aircraft during the GoAmazon campaign.
- Geophysical and geochemical evidence for deep temperature variations beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Global Emissions of Refrigerants HCFC-22 and HFC-134a: Unforeseen Seasonal Contributions
- Glyoxal Retrieval from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- HEMCO: a versatile software component for calculating and validating emissions in atmospheric models
- How do Midlatitude Blocks and Wave Amplitude Respond to Changes in the Midlatitude-to-Pole Near-Surface Temperature Gradient? A Study with an Idealized Dry GCM
- Human Dispersals Along the African Rift Valley in the Late Quaternary
- Ice Age Sea Level Change on a Dynamic Earth
- Impact of Grid Resolution on Chemical Transport Modeling in the Southeast US: GEOS-Chem Model Constrained with Observations from SEAC4RS Aircraft Campaign
- Impacts of Apparent Uncertainties in Energy Statistics on China's Emission Estimates
- Impacts of agricultural intensification on extreme temperatures in the US Midwest
- Impacts of the Minamata Convention for Mercury Emissions from Coal-fired Power Generation in Asia
- Improving Climate Prediction By Climate Monitoring
- Inferring Surface Water Equilibrium Calcite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O during the Last Deglacial Period from Benthic Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Records: Implications for Ocean Circulation
- Integrating communication theory and practice: Successes and challenges in boundary-spanning work
- Inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes in temperate forest ecosystems: effects of biotic and abiotic factors
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Inverse Analysis of North American Methane Emissions Using the CarbonTracker-Lagrange Modeling Framework
- Isoprene Chemistry in the Southeastern United States Constrained By GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model Interpretation of Aircraft Observations from the 2013 NASA SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Isoprene Epoxydiols Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol (IEPOX-SOA): Insights from Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Field Measurements
- Isoprene and their oxidation products in the rural atmosphere of the Amazon during the GoAmazon campaign
- Isotopic content of mixed-phase orographic precipitation
- Joining Forces for Food Security - Linking Earth Observation and Crowd-sourcing for improved Decision-support
- Late Impacts and the Origins of the Atmospheres on the Terrestrial Planets
- Loss of Homeostatic Gas Exchange in Eastern Hemlock in Response to Pollution and Rising CO2?
- Low Ozone and High Mixing Ratios of Long-Lived Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Western Pacific
- Low-Altitude CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4 </SUB>spatial Heterogeneity over the Northern Slope of Alaska
- Making Carbon Emissions Remotely Sensible: Flux Observations of Carbon from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL), its Near-Surface Survey of Carbon Gases and Isotopologues on Alaska's North Slope
- Managing for Phosphorus and Other Resources in Globalized Agriculture
- Mantle domain and segmentation at the Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation and Chemistry Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014 and Other Campaigns
- Measurements of the Aerosol Size Distribution Down to 1 Nanometer to Investigate Aerosol Nucleation and Initial Growth During the GoAmazon Campaign
- Mechanisms for the formation and growth of nanometer-sized particles in the Amazon: New insights from GoAmazon2014 and the Tapajos Upwind Forest Flux Study (TUFFS).
- Mercury and Methylmercury Distributions Along a Longitudinal Transect of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Methane Emissions from Natural Gas in the Urban Region of Boston, Massachusetts
- Methane emissions in the US and Canada: contributions of various source sectors and evolution of emissions over time
- Microbial Turnover of Fixed Nitrogen Compounds in Oceanic Crustal Fluids
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under pristine condition and the impact from the Manaus urban plume observed during the GoAmazon campaign
- Mid-ocean ridge bathymetry records past variations in sea level: evidence from spectral analysis of abyssal hills and implications for 100 ky glacial cycles.
- Model analysis of the tropospheric ozone trend over Reunion Island from 1992 to 2011
- Modeling the Complex Photochemistry of Biomass Burning Plumes in Plume-Scale, Regional, and Global Air Quality Models
- Modelling grassland phenology and growth using near-surface remote sensing derived time series
- Multi-Year Estimates of Regional Alaskan Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: Constraining a Remote-Sensing Based Model with Aircraft Observations
- NC10 Bacteria in a Marine Oxygen Minimum Zone
- Near-surface Thermal Infrared Imaging of a Mixed Forest
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- Observational Constraints on Terpene Oxidation with and without Anthropogenic Influence in the Amazon using Speciated Measurements from SV-TAG
- Observations of a stratospheric depletion and annual mean interhemispheric gradient in the atmospheric Ar/N<SUB>2</SUB> ratio from the HIPPO Global campaign
- Partial Atmospheric Loss and Partial Mantle Melting during the Giant Impact Stage of Planet Formation
- Partitioning the climatic and biological controls on photosynthetic fluxes in Amazonian tropical evergreen forests
- Pathways of Methylmercury Transfer to the Water Column Across Multiple Estuaries
- Perspectives on Applying Metabolomics to Understand Carbon Cycling and Process Rates in Deep-Sea Microorganisms
- Probing Cumulus Convection Using Lagrangian Particles
- Probing of the Changing Shapes and Viscosity of Suspended Organic Particles as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Protein Stable Isotope Fingerprinting (P-SIF): A New Tool to Understand Natural Isotopic Heterogeneity of Mixed Microbial Ecosystems
- Quantifying and predicting extremes in northeastern US temperature
- Quantizing the Complexity of the Western United States Fault System with Geodetically and Geologically Constrained Block Models
- Rapid Shortening at the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Prior to the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Reanalysis Study of the North American Monsoon and its Effect on Convective Injection of Water Vapor from the Troposphere to the Stratosphere
- Reconstructing mantle volatile contents through the veil of degassing
- Regional hydroclimate response to freshwater fluxes from the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the Last Termination
- Regional to national constraints on US N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions using atmospheric data
- Representing Extreme Temperature Events and Resolving Their Implications for Yield
- Resolution Analysis and Jointly Inverted P- and S-Wave Models of Japan's Crust and Upper Mantle.
- Response of Amazonian tropical forests to short- and long-term climatic variations
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns in Ecosystem-Scale Photosynthesis and Respiration in a Temperate Forest Revealed by Isotopic Partitioning of NEE
- Seasonal pattern of solar-induced fluorescence as a proxy for canopy photosynthesis in a temperate deciduous forest
- Seismological Constraints on Lower-Mantle Convection
- Self-Aggregation of Convection in Long Channel Geometry
- Shifting Sands and Turning Tides: Using 3D Visualization Technology to Shape the Environment for Undergraduate Students
- Simulating carbon flows in Amazonian rainforests: how intensive C-cycle data can help to reduce vegetation model uncertainty
- Simulating drought impacts on energy balance in an Amazonian rainforest
- Simultaneous Analysis of Nitrogen, Carbon and Sulfur Stable Isotopes and Concentrations in Organics and Soils
- Singapore Haze in June 2013: Consequences of Land-Use Change, Fires, and Anomalous Meteorology for Air Quality in Equatorial Asia
- Single-particle Analyses of Compositions, Morphology, and Viscosity of Aerosol Particles Collected During GoAmazon2014
- Size Resolved measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity and mixing state during Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) 2014
- Sources, properties, aging, and anthropogenic influences on OA and SOA over the Southeast US and the Amazon during SOAS, DC3, SEAC4RS, and GoAmazon
- South Pacific Decadal Variability Since the 1790s and Changes in Earth Surface Temperature
- Spatially and Temporally Refined Sources of Black Carbon Aerosols in the Arctic in spring
- Stability of Near-Coastal Stratifi cation and Upwelling Source Depth to Gradual Climate Warming and Cooling
- Stabilizing Mechanism of Siple Coast Ice Streams Margins from a Thermomechanically Derived Triple-Valued Lateral Shear Stress Law
- Standardizing PhenoCam Image Processing and Data Products
- Statistical considerations in creating water vapor data records from combinations of satellite and other observation types, including in situ and ground-based remote sensing
- Stochastic Descriptions of Small-Scale, Near-Surface Velocity Variations in the Los Angeles Basin for Modeling Earthquake Ground Motions
- Strain localization driven by co-seismic pore fluid pressurization
- Stratigraphic architecture of the Cryogenian successions of South China
- Submicron aerosol and trace gas composition near Manaus as observed during GoAmazon2014/5
- Sulfate Reduction and Sulfide Biomineralization By Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Microorganisms
- Surface ozone in the urban area of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
- Surface-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange from an Arctic Wetland
- Targeting Nitrous Oxide Reduction Efforts Using Crop-Specific, High-Resolution Emission Estimates from Synthetic Fertilizer
- Testing links between mantle plumes and true polar wander
- The ACI-REF Program: Empowering Prospective Computational Researchers
- The Earth-Lunar Disk Connection: Favorable Aspects of a High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- The Effects of Explicit Atmospheric Convection at High CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Influence of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Climate Variability on Amazon Tropical Forest
- The Influence of Microphysics on the Behavior of Moist Convection at Different Surface Temperatures
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Climate and Glacial Inception in North America
- The Influence of the Polar Jet and Bermuda High on the Variability of Surface Ozone over the Eastern United States
- The Interaction of Solar Eruptions and Large-Scale Coronal Structures Revealed Through Modeling and Observational Analysis
- The Photosynthetic Trade-off Between Direct and Diffuse Light, the Problem with Diffuse Fraction and a Proposed Solution.
- The Role of Ice Streams in Deglaciation
- The SCEC 3D Community Fault Model (CFM-v5): An updated and expanded fault set of oblique crustal deformation and complex fault interaction for southern California
- The Uncertain Carbon Emissions in China
- The Vulnerability of Permafrost from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the Process-Based Model GIPL2 Across the Permafrost Region in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability
- The importance of phenological tracking to plant community structure under stationary versus nonstationary environments
- The vulnerability of the Amazon forest to drier climate: results from an individual-based ecosystem model (ED-2.2)
- Three Dimensional Stress Maps of Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture within Heavily Cross-Linked Hydrogels
- Tidal Tomography: Constraining Long-Wavelength Deep Mantle Structure Using Earth's Body Tide Signal
- Toward Viscoelastic Block Models of the North Anatolian Fault: Integrating Geodetic and Delayed Stress Triggering Constraints in Three-Dimensions
- Toward the Direct Measurement of Coronal Magnetic Fields: An Airborne Infrared Spectrometer for Eclipse Observations
- Trace Metal and Sulfur Dynamics in the First Meter of Buoyant Hydrothermal Vent Plumes
- Tracking anthropogenic influence on isoprene chemistry over Amazonia
- Transforming Research in Oceanography through Education, Ethnography and Rapidly Evolving Technologies: An NSF-INSPIRE project.
- Tree species composition influences dependence of climate forcing on spring phenology across temperate deciduous broadleaf forests in Eastern United States
- UAVs for Glacier Mapping: Lessons Learned
- UCVM: Open Source Software for Understanding and Delivering 3D Velocity Models
- Understanding factors affecting partitioning of oxygenated organics in natural and polluted environments using SV-TAG
- Understanding processes contributing to the ecosystem flux of carbonyl sulfide and carbon dioxide in a mixed forest
- Upper Air Temperature and Circulation Climatologies from GPS Radio Occultation Measurements for Climate Process Studies and Model Evaluation
- Upper-mantle seismic structure beneath a region northeast of Japan based on Hi-net array triplication data
- Using Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (ICOS) for Aircraft Measurements of Methane Isotopologues
- Using aircraft eddy-covariance measurements to examine the spatial heterogeneity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange above three temperate forests
- Variations in Mid-Ocean Ridge CO2 Emissions Driven By Glacial Cycles
- Water Column Methylation in Estuaries
- Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?
- Whole season compared to growth-stage resolved temperature trends: implications for US maize yield
- X-Ray Microspectroscopic Investigations of Remote Aerosol Composition and Changes in Aerosol Microstructure and Phase State upon Hydration
- 2000 Years of Drought Variability in Inner Asia from Tree Rings
- A Climactic Feedback? Variations in Mid-Ocean Ridge CO2 Emissions Driven by Glacial Cycles
- A High-Latitude Winter Continental Low Cloud Feedback Suppresses Arctic Air Formation in Warmer Climates
- A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
- A gridded version of the US EPA inventory of methane emissions for use as a priori and reference in methane source inversions
- A long-term record of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from analysis of sediment hosted volcanic glass: tests of the effects of sea level on melt production
- A mechanism-denial study on the Madden-Julian Oscillation with reduced interference from mean state changes
- Aerosol Hygroscopicity Measured in Pristine and Polluted Conditions During the First Year of the GoAmazon 2014/15 Experiment
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Aircraft measurements of aerosol properties during GoAmazon - G1 and HALO inter-comparison
- Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations to Elucidate Tropical Ecosystem Processes
- An Atmosphere-based Method for Detection and Quantification of Methane Emisions from Natural Gas Infrastructure in an Urban Environment
- An Intensive Study of Aerosol Optical Properties in the Outflow of the Manaus Urban Plume, in Central Amazon
- Application of Alignment Methodologies to Spatial Ontologies in the Hydro Domain
- Aqueous photooxidation of isoprene hydroxyhydroperoxides (ISOPOOH)
- Arctic Oscillation cannot be used as analogue to predict the response of atmospheric blocking to Arctic Amplification
- Are recent global mean temperature trends anomalous relative to the CMIP5 ensemble?
- Assessing Non-Normality of Atmospheric Temperature Variability Across Different Time Scales.
- Assessment of planetary boundary layer and residual layer heights in the Northeastern U.S. using Lidar, a network of surface observations, and the WRF-STILT model
- Attributing Methane and Ozone Radiative Forcing to Changes in Precursor Emissions: Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidation from Multiple Satellite Instruments and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis
- Attribution of urban greenhouse gas fluxes: Does the biosphere in cities matter?
- Boundary element analysis of active mountain building and stress heterogeneity proximal to the 2015 Nepal earthquake
- C and N Isotopes in Ostrich Eggshell as Proxies of Paleovegetation and Paleoprecipitation: Extraction, Preservation, and Application to Pleistocene Archaeological Samples
- CCN activity of Amazonian aerosols during GoAmazon 2014/5
- Carbon Tetrachloride Emissions from the US during 2008 - 2012 Derived from Atmospheric Data Using Bayesian and Geostatistical Inversions
- Changes in the Full Distribution of Daily Temperatures with Implications for Extreme Events
- Characterizing the Chemical Complexity of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia
- Chromium Isotopes in Carbonate Rocks: New Insights into Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation
- Climate Chemistry Coupling: Ozone Loss Linked to the Unique Dynamical Structure of the Summertime Stratosphere Over the U.S. Using In Situ Aircraft, Satellite and NEXRAD Radar Observations
- Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
- Compact Solar Spectrometer Column CO2, and CH4 Observations: Performance Evaluation at Multiple North American TCCON Sites
- Comparing a Carbon Budget for the Amazon Basin Derived from Aircraft Observations
- Condensing the Moon from a MAD Earth
- Constraining the 2012-2014 growing season Alaskan methane budget using CARVE aircraft measurements
- Coseismic Faulting and Folding in an Active Thrust Sheet over Multiple Rupture Cycles Resolved by Integrating Surface and Subsurface Records of Earthquake Deformation
- Detecting CO2 and CH4 Urban Emissions using Column-Integrated Dry Air mole Fractions, In-Situ Tower Dry Air Mole Fractions, and WRF Modeling
- Detecting Patterns of Changing Carbon Uptake in Alaska Using Sustained In Situ and Remote Sensing CO2 Observations
- Development of a Flight Instrument for in situ Measurements of Ethane and Methane
- Diffusive Transfer of Oxygen From Seamount Basaltic Crust Into Overlying Sediments: an Example From the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- DigitSeis: A New Digitization Software and its Application to the Harvard-Adam Dziewoński Observatory Collection
- Disentangling the Effects of Eddy Fluxes of Heat and Momentum on the Hadley Circulation
- Dispersion and Deposition of Fine Particulates, Heavy Metals and Nitrogen in Urban Landscapes
- Dual Transport Process for Targeted Delivery in Porous Media
- Early and long-term mantle processing rates derived from xenon isotopes
- Ecosystem Diversity and Heterogeneity Determine the Resilience of the Amazon to Climate Change
- Effects of Local and Non-Local Processes on the Aging of the Tropopause Layer and the Lower Stratosphere
- Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons
- Emissions and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds in Early Spring of Western U.S.: Interactions between Oil/Gas Emissions and Biogenic Emissions
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Enhanced Removal of Biogenic Hydrocarbons in Power Plant Plumes Constrains the Dependence of Atmospheric Hydroxyl Concentrations on Nitrogen Oxides
- Environmental and Physiological Influences on the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Proxy: Results from Continuous Culture Studies and Stable Carbon Isotope Analyses
- Estimating methane emissions from dairies in the Los Angeles Basin
- Evaluate transport processes in MERRA driven chemical transport models using updated 222Rn emission inventories and global observations
- Exploiting sedimentation datasets to model the impact of sediment loading on sea level at the Yellow River Delta
- Exploring the Effects of Solar Radiation Management on Water Cycling in a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
- Extreme temperature trends in major cropping systems and their relation to agricultural land use change
- FORCAsTing the Influence of a Forest Canopy on the Bi-Directional Exchange of Gases and Aerosols
- Feedback between deglaciation and volcanism in arc settings: the example of the Mount Mazama volcanic system, Crater Lake, Oregon
- First Evaluation of the CCAM Aerosol Simulation over Africa: Implications for Regional Climate Modeling
- Flexibility in Flood Management Design: Proactive Planning Under Climate Change Uncertainty
- Formaldehyde and Glyoxal Measurements as Tracers of Oxidation Chemistry in the Amazon Basin
- Formation of Epoxide Derived SOA and Gas-Phase Acids through Aqueous Aerosol Processing in the Southeastern United States during SOAS
- Geochemical Approach to Archaeal Ecology: δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of GDGTs
- Geodetically constrained models of viscoelastic stress transfer and earthquake triggering along the North Anatolian Fault
- Global land model development: time to shift from a plant functional type to a plant functional trait approach
- Helium isotopes reveal a ubiquitous recycled component in the MORB mantle
- High sensitivity of northeastern broadleaf forest trees to water availability
- High-P,T Elasticity of Hcp Iron: Reinvestigation of the Applicability of Hcp Iron to the Earth's Inner Core
- High-resolution (SIMS) versus bulk sulfur isotope patterns of pyrite in Proterozoic microbialites with diverse mat textures
- Homo Sapiens as Geological Agents
- How Glassy States Affect Brown Carbon Production?
- Hydrothermal venting on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the last 600,000 years
- Hydroxyl, hydroperoxyl, and OH reactivity during the FIXCIT study in the CalTech environmental chamber in January 2014
- Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
- Improving estimates of surface carbon fluxes to support emissions monitoring, reporting and verification at local and regional scales: quantifying uncertainty and the effects of spatial scaling.
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Improving the predictions of ecosystem carbon fluxes using the Ecosystem Demography model
- Improving the seasonal-deciduous spring phenology submodel in the Community Land Model 4.5: Impacts on carbon and water cycling under future climate scenarios
- Influence of Radical Recyling on Spatial Distributions of HOx in the Planetary Boundary Layer - Zeppelin-Based Observations
- Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5
- Initial Results from an Atmospheric Validation of Urban Greenhouse Gas Budget Estimates for the US Northeast Corridor
- Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4
- Inverse Estimation of California Methane Emissions and Their Uncertainties using FLEXPART-WRF
- Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
- Investigation of Atmospheric Chemistry in the Tropical UTLS with NASA's Global Hawk UAS during ATTREX
- Is deforestation driving Southeastern Amazonia's hydrological transition?
- Isotopic Fractionation in Snow (IFRACS) at Storm Peak Laboratory
- Key Factors Influencing Rates of Heterotrophic Sulfate Reduction in Hydrothermal Massive Sulfide Deposits
- Kinetic Simulation and Visualization of Ion Ring Instability in Interstellar Plasma
- Land Use and climate change interactions in tropical South America
- Late Cretaceous-Early Eocene Climate Change Linked to Tectonic Eevolution of Neo-Tethyan Subduction Systems
- Leaf ontogeny and demography explain photosynthetic seasonality in Amazon evergreen forests
- Looking beyond the mean in tree-ring chronologies
- Magnetic Influences on Turbulent Heating and Jet Production in Coronal Holes
- Magnetic Reconnection in Relativistic Astrophysical Jets
- Mapping pan-Arctic CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions using an adjoint method by integrating process-based wetland and lake biogeochemical models and atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> concentrations
- Measurement of Three Dimensional Strains Surrounding Hydraulic Fracture in Brittle Hydrogel
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5
- Measuring and modelling ecosystem productivity: a PhenoCam-based approach.
- Metal-silicate partitioning during core formation on super-Earths
- Methane Flux Measurements from a Low Flying Aircraft: What they tell us about Regional Heterogeneity in Carbon Flux over the North Slope of Alaska
- Microbe-mediated transformations of marine dissolved organic matter during 2,100 years of natural incubation in the cold, oxic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under background conditions and the impact from the urban pollution and biomass burning
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Magma Supply and Glacial Cycles: Long Time Series Studies of Crustal Thickness and Seafloor Topography
- Milankovitch wobble?
- Millennial-scale drivers of carbon storage and flux in terrestrial ecosystem models
- Modeling Convective Injection of Water Vapor into the Lower Stratosphere in the Mid-Latitudes over North America
- Modeling Extremely Deep Convection over North America as a Source of Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
- Multi-year Estimates of Methane Fluxes in Alaska from an Atmospheric Inverse Model
- NASA Data Evaluation (2015): Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies
- New Methods for Applying Statistical State Dynamics to Problems in Atmospheric Turbulence
- New Parameterizations for Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Isoprene under Anthropogenic Influence
- OH observations in a tropical rain forest environment using a chemical ionization mass spectrometry technique during GOAmazon intensive campaigns
- Observed Decrease of North American Winter Temperature Variability
- Observing the Arctic Carbon Feedback: Regional scale methane flux measurements over the Alaskan North Slope using airplane flux observations and in situ measurements of δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- Orbital Evidence for Clay and Acidic Sulfate Assemblages on Mars and Mineralogical Analogs from Rio Tinto, Spain
- Origin and Constraints on Ilmenite-rich Partial Melt in the Lunar Lower Mantle
- Oxygen and sulfur isotopes in sulfate in modern euxinic systems with implications for evaluating the extent of euxinia in ancient oceans
- Particle pH Inferred from Aircraft Data: Validation and Geographical, Vertical and Seasonal Characteristics with Case Studies from the WINTER Campaign
- Partitioning autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to improve simulations of terrestrial carbon fluxes and stocks
- Photosynthetic Carbon Isotope Fractionation of the Marine Dinoflagellate <em>Alexandrium tamarense</em>: A Chemostat Investigation of Taxonomic and Physiological Controls on the Stable Carbon Isotope Record
- Planet Earth, Humans, Gravity and Their Connection to Natural Medicine-Essence from a 5000 Yrs Old Ancient Pedagogy
- Probing Cold Pool Dynamics using a Lagrangian Particle Model
- Processes Controlling the Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Aerosol Number and Size Distributions
- Projections of Suitable Wine Growing Regions and Varieties: Adaptation in Space or Place?
- Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
- Rapid and direct screening of H:C ratio in Archean kerogen via microRaman Spectroscopy
- Rapid ductile afterslip from coseismic heating
- Reactive Uptake of Ammonia and Formation of Organic Nitrogen Species for Non-Liquid/Liquid Secondary Organic Material
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Sources of Methylmercury to Coastal Waters
- Reclaiming the past: Using hierarchical Bayesian analysis to fill missing values in the tide gauge mean sea level record, with application to extreme value analysis
- Reconstructing Above Ground Forest Biomass Increment and Uncertainty Using Tree-ring Data
- Refining the alkenone-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> method: The role of algal growth conditions
- Reticence, Accuracy and Efficacy
- Revisiting "<em>You are what you eat, +1‰</em>": Bacterial Trophic Structure and the Sedimentary Record
- Revisiting Seismic Tomography Through Direct Methods and High Performance Computing
- Revisiting Tectonic Corrections Applied to Pleistocene Sea-Level Highstands
- Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA
- Satellite observations of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOC emissions from fires
- Scaling Plant Phenology in Citizen Science Programs
- Sea Level During Past Warm Periods - Unraveling Interactions Between Climate, Ice, Crust, and Mantle
- Sea level Variability and Juan de Fuca Bathymetry
- SeaVOICE: Sea-going Experiments to Test Potential Linkages among Sea Level Change, Ocean Ridge Volcanism, and Hydrothermal Activity.
- Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Aging in a Flow Reactor in the Forested Southeast US during SOAS
- Source attribution of interannual variability of tropospheric ozone over the southern hemisphere
- Sources and Fate of Reactive Carbon in an Isoprene-Dominated Forest
- Spectral Light Absorption and Scattering by Aerosol Particles in Central Amazonia
- Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
- Structural Architecture of the Western Transverse Ranges and Potential for Large Earthquakes
- Subglacial hydrology as a control on ice stream shear margin locations
- Suppression of Arctic Air Formation by Cloud Radiative Effects in a Two-Dimensional Cloud Resolving Model
- Surface Ozone Enrichment Downwind of Manaus City, in Central Amazonia
- Tangent linear super-parameterization: attributable, decomposable moist processes for tropical variability studies
- Targeted Delivery by Smart Capsules for Controlling Two-phase Flow in Porous Media
- Testing Models for the Origin of the Earth-Moon System with <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd Measurements
- The Ability of Atmospheric Data to Reduce Disagreements in Wetland Methane Flux Estimates over North America
- The Development of a High-Power, Pulsed Mid-Infrared Laser for a Two-Photon LIF Detection of Tropospheric OH
- The Effect of Recent Aerosol Trends on Solar Radiation in the Central and Southeastern United States: Implications for Regional Hydrology.
- The Influence of Urban Emissions on Background Aerosols and Trace Gases in Amazonia as Seen in the GoAmazon2014/2015 Experiment.
- The Predictive Skill of Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures, Eurasian Snow Cover and Arctic Sea Ice on Mid-High Latitude Winter Weather
- The Superposition of Eastward and Westward Rossby Waves in Response to Localized Forcing
- The Thermal States of Accreting Planets: From Mars-like Embryos to a MAD Earth
- The dynamics of climate-induced deglacial ice stream acceleration
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO<SUP>18</SUP>O and COS gas exchange across scales
- The impact of anthropogenic emissions on the otherwise pristine Amazonian rainforest: Insights on aerosol dynamics as observed during GoAmazon2014/5
- The impact of dynamic topography change on Antarctic Ice Sheet stability during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- The influence of synoptic-scale climate variability on boreal forest fire emissions and trace gas variability in Alaska
- The loss of late successional species has a disproportionate impact on terrestrial carbon storage in North America
- The path-independent M Integral around Röthlisberger channels
- The radiative impact of high stratospheric water vapor levels: implications for remote sensing data and in situ data interpretation
- Total OH reactivity measurements aboard the Zeppelin NT during the PEGASOS campaigns 2012 and 2013: Spatial and vertical distribution and contribution of substance classes
- Toward Improving Atmospheric Models and Ozone Projections: Laboratory UV Absorption Cross Sections and Equilibrium Constant of ClOOCl
- Toward an Ethical Framework for Climate Services
- Towards the First Global Block Model
- Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
- Tracking historical increases in nitrogen-driven crop production possibilities
- Transitions in High-Arctic Vegetation Growth Patterns and Ecosystem Productivity from 2000-2013 Tracked with Cameras
- Two decades of historical phenology observations of African tropical tree species: exploring the past to predict the futur
- Two decades of spatiotemporal variations in subduction zone coupling offshore Japan
- U-Th Burial Dates on Ostrich Eggshell
- UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models
- Uncertainties in Isoprene Photochemistry and Emissions: Implications for the Oxidative Capacity of Past and Present Atmospheres and for Climate Forcing Agents
- Uncertainty as Impetus for Climate Mitigation
- Uncovering the Chemistry of Earth-like Planets
- Understanding fog-plant interactions at the ecosystem scale using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide
- Up-regulation of Amazon forest photosynthesis precedes elevated mortality under drought
- Uranium Isotope Evidence for Temporary Ocean Oxygenation Following the Sturtian Glaciation
- Urbanization and the Carbon Cycle: Synthesis of Ongoing Research
- Using Remote-Sensing Derived Estimates of Soil Moisture to Constrain and Improve Terrestrial Biosphere Model Predictions of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes
- Using box models to quantify zonal distributions and emissions of halocarbons in the background atmosphere.
- Variations in mid-ocean ridge magmatism and carbon emissions driven by glacial cycles
- Volatile Organic Compounds and Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere in the Brazilian Amazon during the GoAmazon2014/5 Campaign
- What Controls the Net Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Carbonyl Sulfide? Results from 2 Years of Eddy Flux Measurements and SiB Model Simulations
- <p>Inferring subglacial lake water pressure from a bending model of surface displacement observations
- <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd Heterogeneity in the Proterozoic to Phanerozoic Mantle and Implications for Mantle Mixing
- A Collaborative Study of Source Apportionment and Total City Emissions of CH<SUB>4</SUB> from Indianapolis
- A Comparison of Full and Empirical Bayes Techniques for Inferring Sea Level Changes from Tide Gauge Records
- A Novel Approach to Constrain Near-Surface Seismic Wave Speed Based on Polarization Analysis
- A Theory of Density Layering in Stratified Turbulence using Statistical State Dynamics
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A global wetland CH<SUB>4 </SUB>dataset and process-based uncertainty structure for atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB> inverse modeling applications.
- A methane budget from the North Slope of the Alaskan Brooks Range including arctic tundra and proximate oil and gas operations
- A model analysis of halogen kinetics: the ClOOCl catalytic cycle revisited
- A multidisciplinary approach to understand interactions of red wood ants (Formica rufa-group) and geotectonic processes
- A new approach for solving seismic tomography problems and assessing the uncertainty through the use of graph theory and direct methods
- A superparameterized, isotope-enabled global climate model (iSPCAM)
- A year-long assessment of anthropogenic and biogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions in the Boston area based on atmospheric measurements in an inversion framework
- Accretion of the Moon after a High-Energy, High-Angular Momentum Giant Impact
- Aerosol microphysical properties of the remote troposphere. Preliminary results from the first ATom airborne research experiment.
- Age and Construction of Little Ambergris Cay Bedrock Rim, Southeastern Caicos Platform, British West Indies
- Aircraft-Based Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide over the Alaskan North Slope
- An Automated Method for Determining Seismic Anisotropy: Application to Laterally Varying Anisotropy at the Japan Subduction Zone
- Assessing estimates of radiative forcing for solar geoengineering starts with accurate aerosol radiative properties
- Assessing hydrological changes due to the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid infestation in New England using field measurements and ecohydrological modeling
- Assessing the statistical robustness of inter- and intra-basinal carbon isotope chemostratigraphic correlation
- Assessment of empty microbial sheaths in sediment stabilization, Catalina Harbor, California
- Authigenic Carbonate Fans from Lower Jurassic Marine Shales (Alberta, Canada)
- Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentrations Enhanced on Sulfate-Containing Particles during Multi-Day Stagnation Events at Look Rock during SOAS
- Biophysical impacts of recent US cropland expansion
- Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of NOx, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> in Central Amazon
- Bridging the Gap between Climate Research and Policy
- Canopy Stomatal Conductance Unlocks Partitioning of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon and Water Exchanges
- Chemical characterization of sesquiterpene emissions and oxidation in the Amazon using SV-TAG
- Climate and health impacts of clean cookstove implementation programs in Africa
- Climate change decouples drought from early wine grape harvests in France
- Climatic and biotic drivers of tropical evergreen forest photosynthesis: integrating field, eddy flux, remote sensing and modelling
- Closing in on the limits of life through open-access instrumentation.
- Constant Flux Proxies and Pleistocene Sediment Accumulation Rates on the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Northeast Pacific
- Constraining Seismic Structure of Upper-Mantle Discontinuities: A New Approach Using High-Frequency Triplication Data
- Constraints on Lunar Structure from Combined Geochemical, Mineralogical, and Geophysical modeling
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Contributions to summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> measured at a site in Northern China (2005-2009)
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Earthquake Detection and Location of Seismicity in Central Oklahoma
- Correcting biases in ICOADS sea surface temperature measurements
- Coupling landscapes to solid-Earth deformation over the ice-age
- Coupling tree rings and eddy covariance to estimate long-term above and belowground carbon storage at the stand level
- Decadal changes in CH4 and CO2 emissions on the Alaskan North Slope
- Detecting regional carbon-climate feedbacks in the Arctic
- Development and growth of structural wedges in northwest Qaidam basin, China
- Diffusion Rates of Organic Molecules in Secondary Organic Aerosol Particle
- Direct Radio Synchrotron Emission Imaging of a CME with the Murchison Widefield Array
- E/V Nautilus Mapping and ROV Dives Reveal Hundreds of Vents along the West Coast of the United States
- Early Summer Response of the East Asian Summer Monsoon to Atmospheric CO2 Forcing and Subsequent Sea Surface Warming
- Effects of Climate Change and Deforestation on the Amazon's Hydrological Cycle Will Require Interventions to Hydropower Planning in Brazil
- Engineering assessment of in situ sulfate production onboard aircraft at high altitude
- Evidence for Tectonism Based on Differential Uplift of the Falmouth Formation of Jamaica
- Evidence of Active Ooid Growth from Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Evidence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation driving multi-decadal variability of summertime surface air quality in the eastern United States: Implications for air quality management in the coming decades
- Evolution, response to forcing, and feedbacks of the floe size and thickness distribution
- Explaining regionally coherent trends in daily rainfall extremes during the Indian summer monsoon
- First Results of the Juno Magnetometer Investigation in Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- Flexibility in flood management design: proactive planning under uncertainty
- Forward and Inverse Modelling of Post-Seismic and Post-Glacial Deformation
- Glacial Inception in Northeast Canada: The Role of Insolation, Meteorology, and Topography
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Along the Pacific Coast of Central North America
- Global modeling of CCl<SUB>4</SUB>: Using airborne and ground-based measurements to constrain the emissions and atmospheric losses for CCl<SUB>4</SUB>
- Groundwater and lake storage contributions to global mean sea level at the Last Glacial Maximum
- High Fidelity Solar and Heliospheric Imaging at Low Radio Frequencies: Progress and Future Prospects
- How effective would solar geoengineering be at offsetting surface mass balance losses of the ice-sheets?
- Hydraulic Strategies and Response to El Niño Drought in Amazon Rainforest
- Identifying Chemical and Biological Factors Affecting Soil Carbon Cycling
- Imagining CO<SUB>2</SUB>: development and assessment of interactive visualizations for high resolution greenhouse gas observations collected by BEACO<SUB>2</SUB>N
- Impact of Anthropogenic Emissions on Isoprene Photochemical Oxidation Pathways in Central Amazonia
- Impacts of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on vegetation productivity across the North American Great Plains
- Implications of Lieblig's Law of the Minimum for Climate Reconstruction from Tree Rings.
- Integrating Measurements and Models of Water Limitation on Soil and Ecosystem Respiration in Two New England Forests from Hourly to Decadal Timescales.
- Investigating Methylmercury Exposure in North Atlantic Cetaceans Using Multiple Isotope Tracers
- Kinetics and Product Yields of the OH Driven Oxidation of Hydroxymethyl Hydroperoxide
- Known and Newly Identified Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Variability and Relationship to Aerosol Physical Properties
- Laboratory Studies of Halogen Oxides Important to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
- Land Cover and Seasonality Effects on Biomass Burning Emissions and Air Quality Impacts Observed from Satellites
- Leveraging the Novel Climates of Arboreta to Understand Tree Responses to Climate Change
- Linking big models to big data: efficient ecosystem model calibration through Bayesian model emulation
- Linking the modern to the ancient with a comprehensive geobiological understanding of biosignature preservation in microbial mats
- Low Frequency Solar Imaging Using the Murchison Widefield Array
- Low-latitude arc-continent collision as a driver for global cooling
- Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Gusev Crater Basalts: Implications for Remanence Acquisition and Impact Demagnetization of the Martian Crust
- Metagenomic Assessment of a Dynamic Microbial Population from Subseafloor Aquifer Fluids in the Cold, Oxygenated Crust
- Microbial Preference for Soil Organic Carbon Changes Along Redox Gradients as a Function of the Energetic Cost of Respiration
- Modeling Atmospheric Transport for Greenhouse Gas Observations within the Urban Dome
- Modeling Convection of Water Vapor into the Mid-latitude Summer Stratosphere
- Modeling geometrically complex faults over many earthquake cycles via neural network acceleration
- Monitoring Regional Changes in Alaskan Carbon Fluxes and Underlying Biophysical Processes Using In Situ Observations, Models and Satellite Remote Sensing
- More Frequent Weak Stratospheric Polar Vortex States Linked to Cold Extremes
- Multi-scale Top-down Closure of CH<SUB>4</SUB> & CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources in Indianapolis using Distributed Column and in situ Airborne and Tower Measurements
- New insights into photosynthesis using tracers, cameras, and satellite indices, from temperate forests to the tropics
- Next Generation Boundary Element Models for Earthquake Science
- Nonstructural carbohydrate remobilization and suckering of aspen roots following severe disturbance
- Observing atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) from space: validation, intercomparison, trend analysis and public health implications
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons
- On the renewed growth of atmospheric methane: implications for the oxidative capacity of the troposphere
- Overcoming Barriers to Public Engagement through a Multi-Institution Consortium
- PRISM4: Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping mid Piacenzian paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Paleoclimate records needed for observationally constraining equilibrium climate sensitivity
- Physical processes controlling the distribution of relative humidity in the tropical tropopause layer over the Pacific
- Potential for Extensive Forest Loss in the Klamath Mountains due to Increased Fire Activity and Altered Post-Fire Forest Recovery Dynamics in a Warming Climate
- Precipitation response to solar geoengineering in a high-resolution tropical-cyclone permitting coupled general circulation model
- Predicting future forests: Understanding diverse phenological responses within a community and functional trait framework
- Preservation of Primordial Mantle in the Aftermath of a Giant Impact
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Public Health Impacts of Excess NO<SUB>X</SUB> Emissions from Volkswagen Diesel Passenger Vehicles: a comparison between Germany and the United States
- Radiation Environments for Future Human Exploration Throughout the Solar System.
- Rapid-response Sensor Networks Leveraging Open Standards and the Internet of Things
- Reconciling Eddy Flux and Tree Ring Estimates of Forest Water-Use Efficiency
- Reconciling Weak Interior Mixing and Abyssal Recipes via Concentrated Boundary Mixing
- Reconstructing Century-Scale Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Throughout the United States using Tree-Ring δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Chronologies
- Relationship between Tectonics and Geochemistry at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from Kane to Atlantis.
- Revised Bounds on Peak Global Mean Sea Level During MIS 5a and MIS 5c
- Satellite observations of atmospheric methane and their value for quantifying methane emissions
- Sea-Level Fingerprints in a Region of Complex Earth Structure: the Case of WAIS
- Sensitivity of Global Mortality to Sulfate Geoengineering
- Sources and Seasonality of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Northern Front Range Metropolitan Area
- Southern Ocean Zonal Scale Summertime Oxygen Outgassing and Carbon Dioxide Ingassing
- Space-based constraints on global and Chinese non-methane volatile organic compound emissions: exploring the sources of uncertainties
- Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Aerosol Type: Global Distribution, Model Evaluation and Translation into Chemical Speciation
- Stability of Hydrothermal Vent Communities on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Stratospheric Ozone Sensitivity of Contemporary and Future Atmospheres to Volcanic Injection of Volatile Species
- Stratospheric solar geoengineering without ozone loss?
- Subseasonal predictions of eastern US hot weather
- Taking advantage of the predictive potential of process-based models for ice exploration
- Teleconnection mechanisms between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Stratospheric Polar Vortex Activity
- The BErkeley Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Observation Network: design, calibration, and initial evaluation of a high-density CO<SUB>2</SUB> surface network
- The Influence of True Polar Wander on Glacial Inception in North America
- The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Geoporphyrins: New Results from the Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic
- The Pacific Ventilated Thermocline and its Impact on Global Temperatures
- The Seismic Potential of Planet Earth: Results from the First Global Block Model
- The construction of sparse models of Mars' crustal magnetic field
- The effect of changes in surface winds and ocean stratification on coastal upwelling and sea surface temperatures in the Pliocene
- The long-term rotational stability of terrestrial planets with viscoelastic lithospheres: A new theory with application to Mars
- The signal of mantle convection in past interglacial sea level highstands
- The stratospheric changes inferred from 10 years of AIRS and AMSU-A radiances
- Tidal Tomography: New Insights into Long Wavelength Deep Mantle Buoyancy Structure
- Tidal energy dissipation over long geological timescales
- Toward a Climate OSSE for NASA Earth Sciences
- Twenty-Five Years of Flux Observations at the Harvard Forest; Mature Northeastern Forests are a Consistent Carbon Sink
- UAV, DGPS, and Laser Transit Mapping of Microbial Mat Ecosystems on Little Ambergris Cay, B.W.I.
- UCVM: From Supercomputers to Laptops, Querying and Visualizing 3D Seismic Velocity Models
- Using In Situ Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements from a Low Flying Aircraft in the Arctic to Measure Regional Methane Fluxes.
- Using Molecular Tracers to Understand BVOC Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants in the Southeast U.S. and Amazonia
- Volcanic CO2 Emissions and Glacial Cycles: Coupled Oscillations
- What makes Stellwagen Bank a whale feeding ground?
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- 2010-2015 methane trends over Canada, the United States, and Mexico observed by the GOSAT satellite: contributions from different source sectors
- 600 kyr of Hydrothermal Activity on the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- A Climate Benchmark of Upper Air Temperature Observations from GNSS Radio Occultation
- A Decadal (2004-2014) Analysis of Global-to-Regional Tropospheric Ozone Column Trends Using GFDL-AM3 Model Simulations and OMI Observations
- A New Tephrochronology for Early Diverse Stone Tool Technologies and Long-Distance Raw Material Transport in the Middle-Late Pleistocene Kapthurin Formation, East Africa.
- A Quantitative Study of Vertical Replenishment and its Contribution to Momentum Recovery for a Large Offshore Windfarm
- A Sulfate Aerosol Trigger for the Sturtian Neoproterozoic Snowball Event
- A Unified Model for Methylmercury Formation and Bioaccumulation in the Global Ocean
- A continuum model for meltwater flow through compacting snow
- A moist entropy budget view of South Asian summer monsoon onset
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- A multi-sensor burned area algorithm for crop residue burning in northwestern India: validation and sources of error
- A robust increase of the intraseasonal periodic behavior of the storm track in a warming climate and its use as a new constraint to understand the intensifying precipitation extremes
- A satellite-based assessment of the effects of demonetization on the 2016-2017 Indian paddy and wheat agricultural seasons
- Adjoint-Based Sensitivity Kernels for Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in a Laterally Varying Earth
- Air Pollution Forecasts using the NASA GEOS Model: A Unified Tool from Local to Global Scales
- Airborne remote sensing of ultraviolet-absorbing aerosols during the NASA ATom, SEAC4RS and DC3 campaigns
- An Investigation of the Radiative Effects and Climate Feedbacks of Sea Ice Sources of Sea Salt Aerosol
- An interactive toolkit to extract phenological time series data from digital repeat photography
- Annular Mode Dynamics: Eddy Feedbacks and the Underlying Mechanisms
- Anomalous Late Jurassic motion of the Pacific Plate with implications for true polar wander
- Anthropogenic Emissions Change the Amount and Composition of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> in Amazonia
- Assessing ExxonMobil's Climate Change Communications (1977-2014)
- Assessing attainable intensification of global pasture systems at the 5 min x 5 min scale
- Assessing cloud radiative effects on tropospheric photolysis rates and key oxidants during aircraft campaigns using satellite cloud observations and a global chemical transport model
- Assessment of Satellite Capabilities to Detect Impacts of Oil and Natural Gas Activity by Analysis of SONGNEX 2015 Aircraft Measurements
- Assessment of Wind Resource in the Palk Strait using Different Methods
- Assessment of particle emissions inventories in northeastern U.S., using remote sensing, Lidar technology, air pollution sensors, and a Lagrangian particle dispersion model
- Atmospheric Implications of Light Alkane Emissions From the U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Sector
- Background concentrations for high resolution satellite observing systems of methane
- Below-Canopy Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry and Dynamics in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest Canopy during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Campaign.
- Benefits of Applying Hierarchical Models to the Empirical Green's Function Approach
- Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of NOx and O<SUB>3</SUB> in Central Amazon
- Bridging the Gap Between Large-Scale Drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Lifetime Model Differences & Instantaneous, Localized Measurements of OH & Related Species
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Network
- Carbonates before Skeletons: A Database Approach
- Changing Groundwater and Lake Storage in the Americas from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Present Day
- Coccolith calcite time capsules preserve a molecule-specific record of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Comparison of Glaciological and Gravimetric Glacier Mass Balance Measurements of Taku and Lemon Creek Glaciers, Southeast Alaska
- Complex and surprising VOC chemistry in oil and gas producing regions: H<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUP>+</SUP> CIMS results from the SONGNEX 2015 aircraft mission
- Constraining LLSVP Buoyancy With Tidal Tomography
- Constraining ozone deposition to the sea surface using airborne data
- Constraining the redox landscape of the mid-Proterozoic oceans: new insights from the carbonate uranium isotope record
- Constraints on Southern Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and Seasonality from Atmospheric Vertical Gradients Observed on Multiple Airborne Campaigns
- Context, Biogeochemistry, and Morphology of Diverse and Spatially Extensive Microbial Mats, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands, B.W.I.
- Coupling Adaptation Tipping Points and Engineering Options: New Insights for Resilient Water Infrastructure Replacement Planning
- CubeX: The CubeSAT X-ray Telescope for Elemental Abundance Mapping of Airless Bodies and X-ray Pulsar Navigation
- Deformation-induced melting in the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Dendroclimate evidence for extreme hydrologic events over the late Holocene in the Northeastern United States
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Development of Realistic Synthetic Data Products for the Tempo Geostationary Mission
- Development of temperate ice and transitions in subglacial hydrology along ice stream shear margins
- Distinguishing between heat and moisture stress in statistical crop yield models
- Drought-induced legacy effects in wood growth across the Eastern and Midwestern U.S. are mediated by site climate, tree age, and drought sensitivity
- Effects of Solar Geoengineering on Vegetation: Implications for Biodiversity and Conservation
- Effects of dew deposition on transpiration and carbon uptake in leaves
- Effects of different types of moderate severity disturbance on forest structural complexity and ecosystem functioning: A story of ice and fire
- Elemental Mixing State of Dry Season Aerosols in Central Amazonia During GoAmazon2014/15
- Enabling large-scale viscoelastic calculations via neural network acceleration
- Enhancement and suppression of Sudden Stratospheric Warming events due to enhanced MJO-like forcing
- Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings based on the DFFG method in Yunnan province, China
- Establishment of a sensor testbed at NIST for plant productivity monitoring
- Estimating North American N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions and the N fertilizer yield fraction using the Carbon Tracker-Lagrange regional inversion framework
- Estimating Uncertainties of Ship Course and Speed in Early Navigations using ICOADS3.0
- Evaluation and Optimization of China's Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions using Observations from Northern China (2005-2009).
- Evaluation of the Consistency among In Situ and Remote Sensing Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> over North America using the CarbonTracker-Lagrange Regional Inverse Modeling Framework
- Evaluation of the reactive nitrogen budget of the remote atmosphere in global models using airborne measurements
- Extended Late-Cretaceous Magnetostratigraphy of the James Ross Basin Island, Antarctica
- Fault reactivation by fluid injection considering permeability evolution in fault-bordering damage zones
- Forests on the edge: Microenvironmental drivers of carbon cycle response to edge effects
- Formation of the Lunar Fossil Bulges and its Implication for the Early Earth and Moon
- Fossil Fuel Industry Funding of Climate-Relevant Research at U.S. Universities
- Future shifts in African air quality and the resulting impacts on human health and climate: Design of efficient mitigation strategies.
- GES DISC Data Recipes in Jupyter Notebooks
- Geographical and Vertical Distribution of Organic Aerosol (OA) during ATom-1 and 2: Chemical removal and aging as a function of photochemical age
- Global distribution of methane emissions, emission trends, and OH trends inferred from an inversion of GOSAT data for 2010-2015
- Greater Baltimore Open Air: an Internet of Things (IoT) approach to citizen science and community-driven climate, air quality, and urban heat island monitoring
- Hide and go seek with temperature signals of Northeastern US Tree Species
- High Arctic Nitrous Oxide Emissions Found on Large Spatial Scales
- High-P,T elasticity of iron-light element alloys
- High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations of Potassium Emissions in the Lunar Exosphere
- High-resolution inversion of OMI formaldehyde columns over the Southeast US to infer isoprene emissions
- Historical volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands, tephra composition, and insights into the crystal cargo of basaltic magmas
- How controllable is stratospheric radiative forcing through sulfur injection?
- How disturbance, competition and dispersal interact to prevent tree range boundaries from keeping pace with climate change
- How does warming affect carbon allocation, respiration and residence time in trees? An isotope tracer approach in a eucalypt
- How many M9 Earthquakes are possible? Interseismic coupling and rupture patch magnitudes along 15 of the world's subduction zones
- Impact of Future Volcanic Eruptions on Stratospheric Ozone
- Impacts of National Decarbonization Targets for Subnational Societal Priorities
- Importance of A Priori Vertical Ozone Profiles for TEMPO Air Quality Retrievals
- Improving Air Quality (and Weather) Predictions using Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques Applied to Coupled Models during KORUS-AQ
- Inception of the Laurentide Ice Sheet using asynchronous coupling of a regional atmospheric model and an ice model
- Increasing Communities Capacity to Effectively Address Climate Change Through Education, Civic Engagement and Workforce Development
- Increasing Tropospheric Ozone in the Southern Hemisphere Driven by Poleward Expansion of The Hadley Circulation: Ozone as a Climate Feedback Agent
- Inferring biogeochemistry past: a millennial-scale multimodel assimilation of multiple paleoecological proxies.
- Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater
- Interactions of ice sheet evolution, sea level and GIA in a region of complex Earth structure
- Investigating the Equatorial Gaps in Snowball Earth Sea Glaciers
- Iron Sulfide Minerals Record Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Anoxic Environments
- Isotopic evidence for a large-scale plume-derived mantle domain between the Indian and Pacific mantles beneath the Southern Ocean.
- Laser-Based and Ultra-Portable Gas Sensor for Indoor and Outdoor Formaldehyde (HCHO) Monitoring
- Linking Glaciochemical and Historical Evidence to Study the Impact of Climate Change and Air Pollution on Human Populations in the Last Millennium
- Local Variations in the Upper-Mantle Transition Zone Structure From a Novel Approach Using High-Frequency Triplication Data
- Low-latitude arc-continent collision as a driver for global cooling
- MIT Project Apophis: Surface Evaulation & Tomography (SET) Mission Study for the April 2029 Earth Encounter
- Mass Spectrometry of Single Particles Levitated in an Electrodynamic Balance: Applications to Laboratory Atmospheric Chemistry Research
- Measuring changes in surface elevation and velocity using GPS on Taku Glacier, Alaska
- Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age Signatures in the Distribution of Modern Ocean Temperatures
- Methane eddy covariance flux measurements from a low flying aircraft: Bridging the scale gap between local and regional emissions estimates
- MethaneSat: Detecting Methane Emissions in the Barnett Shale Region
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Melt Supply and Glacial Cycles: A 3D EPR Study of Crustal Thickness, Layer 2A, and Bathymetry
- Modeling Hf-W Evolution for Earth, Moon and Mars in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations: The Isotopic Consequences of Rapid Accretion
- Modeling the Chemical Effect of Tropopause-penetrating Convection using NEXRAD Observations
- Modeling the evolution of the Laurentide Ice Sheet from MIS 3 to the Last Glacial Maximum: an approach using sea level modeling and ice flow dynamics
- Moderate solar geoengineering greatly reduces the largest changes in climate whilst modestly increasing the changes in climate over a small fraction of the Earth
- Molten silicate mantle during a giant impact. Speciation from vapor to supercritical state
- Multi-wavelength observations of the solar atmosphere from the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse
- Nebular Volatiles in Earth's Deep Mantle from Neon Isotope Systematics of Plume-influenced South Atlantic MORBs
- Nonlinear equilibrium climate sensitivity in a perturbed physics ensemble
- Observational Constraints on a Novel Source of Secondary Methanol
- Observational Study of Deep Tropopause-Penetrating Convection and its Impact on Lower Stratospheric Composition Over the US in Summer
- P- and S-Wave Speeds of the Very Upper Crust Estimated by a New Technique Based Upon Body-Wave Polarization
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean to Neoarchean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Paleomagnetism studies at micrometer scales using quantum diamond microscopy
- Phase Behavior and Equations of State of the Actinide Oxides
- Piecing together the fragments: Elucidating edge effects on forest carbon dynamics
- Polymer as Permeability Modifier in Porous Media
- Precursory tremor of the Askja Caldera landslide, July 2014 - seismic signal analysis and numerical modelling
- Progressive Decline in Photosynthetic Uptake Capacity in a Hemlock Stand Infested by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Promoting Science-based Governance through Monitoring Changes to Agencies' Public Presentation
- Quantifying Methane Point Sources from Fine-scale Satellite Observation of Individual Plumes: Application to GHGSat Observations
- Quantifying the Influence of Agricultural Fires in Northwest India on Urban Air Pollution in Delhi, India.
- Quantifying the risks of solid aerosol geoengineering: the role of fundamental material properties
- Radial Mixing and Ru-Mo Isotope Systematics Under Different Accretion Scenarios
- Raining a magma ocean: Thermodynamics of rocky planets after a giant impact
- Reforestation Effects on Carbon Stocks in the Northeast USA: Interactions among Earthworms, Land-Use History and Soil Properties
- Resolving Ozone Vertical Gradients in Air Quality Models
- SOA derived from isoprene epoxydiols: Insights into formation, aging and distribution over the continental US from the DC3 and SEAC4RS campaigns
- Sea surface salinity and temperature-based predictive modeling of southwestern US winter precipitation: improvements, errors, and potential mechanisms
- Seasonality of photosynthesis of a Rocky Mountain subalpine forest: implications for SIF as a metric for GPP
- Sequential effects of severe drought and defoliation on tree growth and survival in a diverse temperate mesic forest
- Soil moisture memory at sub-monthly time scales
- Stratospheric controlled perturbation experiment (SCoPEx): overview, status, and results from related laboratory experiments
- Strip-bark and Whole-bark Siberian Pine Radial Growth Trends and Implications for Climate Reconstruction
- Teleseism-based Relative Time Corrections for Modern Analyses of Digitized Analog Seismograms
- The Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom): Comparing the Chemical Climatology of Reactive Species and Air Parcels from Measurements and Global Models
- The Earth isn't flat: The (large) influence of topography on geodetic fault slip imaging.
- The Impacts of 3-D Earth Structure on GIA-Induced Crustal Deformation and Future Sea-Level Change in the Antarctic
- The Pacific Ventilated Thermocline and its Influence on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Global Warming
- The SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Framework for Distributing and Querying Seismic Velocity Models
- The global warming potential of methane reassessed with combined stratosphere and troposphere chemistry
- The implications of turbulent coherent structures on Monin-Obukhov similarity theory in a dry convective boundary layer
- The last stage of Earth's formation: Increasing the pressure
- The principal Hugoniot of Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> to 950 GPa
- The utility of satellite observations for constraining fine-scale and transient methane sources
- There and back again: An oceanographer's approach to delving into -and returning from- the unknown.
- Thin film dynamics and its effect on two phase flow in porous media
- Time Dependent Frictional Changes in Ice due to Contact Area Changes
- Tracking dust deposition around the North Pacific Gyre over the past 500kyr
- Transport of Gas-Phase Anthropogenic VOCs to the Remote Troposphere During the NASA ATom Mission
- U-Series Disequilibria across the New Southern Ocean Mantle Province, Australian-Antarctic Ridge
- Ultra-high precision <SUP>142</SUP>Nd/<SUP>144</SUP>Nd measurements of the Proterozoic and implications for mixing in the Earth's mantle through time
- Urban Methane Source Attribution Using In-Situ Airborne Measurements and Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling
- Using Imaging Spectrometry measurements of Ecosystem Composition to constrain Regional Predictions of Carbon, Water and Energy Fluxes
- Using Stable Water Isotopes to investigate the Structure of Vertical Motions in the Tropics.
- Using Total Peroxy Radicals to Evaluate Ozone Production in Northern Michigan and San Antonio
- Using the CLEAN educational resource collection for building three-dimensional lessons to teach the climate system
- Velocity Structure of the Subducted Yakutat Terrane, Alaska: Insights from Guided Waves
- Vertical land motion controls regional sea level rise patterns on the United States east coast since 1900
- Visualizing Complex Environments in the Geo- and BioSciences
- Water storage in marine sediment and implications for inferences of past global ice volume
- When will we be committed to crossing 1.5 and 2 °C temperature thresholds?
- Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea
- Xe isotopic constraints on cycling of deep Earth volatiles
- 200,000 KB Under The Sea: Combining High-speed Underwater Communications and Biogeochemical Sensors/Samplers for Deep-Sea Autonomous Exploration
- A 2100 Year Ultra-High-Resolution Saharan Dust Record
- A Core Formation Model with Implications for the Properties of the Martian Interior
- A Diagnosis of Large-Eddy Simulations of Shallow Cumulus Clouds with In Situ Aircraft Observations
- A Global Gridded Inventory of Methane Emissions from Fuel Exploitation including Oil, Gas, and Coal
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A New Line-By-Line General Circulation Model for Simulations of Diverse Planetary Atmospheres
- A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Drivers of Alternate Carbon Allocation Strategies in a Temperate, Deciduous Tree Species
- A Semi-automated Method for Rapid, Bulk Fault Displacement Analysis
- A comprehensive analysis of global tropospheric chlorine chemistry
- A decadal atmosphere-based estimate on North American terrestrial uptake
- A methane observation and monitoring network for New York State
- A multi-proxy approach to understanding Late Pleistocene Eastern African paleoenvironments at archaeological sites in Kenya and Tanzania
- A new approach to benchmark present-day's TOA flux in 9.6-μm ozone band from model ensemble
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A precarious water balance for U.S. maize yield?
- Aging and Persistence of Natural Organic Matter
- Air quality forecasts using the NASA GEOS composition model
- Air quality, health and carbon implications of various power sector strategies for India
- Air-sea exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs): a missing link between the sea surface carbon pool and the reactive carbon in the atmosphere
- An Oxidized Signature for the Gakkel Ridge 'Dupal-like' Isotopic Composition
- An early diagenetic deglacial origin for basal Ediacaran "cap dolostones"
- Ancient biochemical evolution of nitrogenase through the history of Earth oxygenation
- Ancient landscapes along the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast record glacial isostatic adjustment
- Anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 fluxes in the Boston urban region
- Anthropogenic drivers of 2013-2017 trends in summer surface ozone in China
- Arctic Tundra Fire Promotes Increased Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Freshwaters and Changes Methane Hotspot Locations across the Landscape in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Are Cities Getting Greener? Analysis of Trends in Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using the New Anthropogenic Carbon Emission System (ACES v2)
- Assessing Groundwater Support of Gale Crater Lakes with a Coupled Hydrothermal Model
- Assessing formation and radiative forcing of secondary organic aerosols in the global Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Assessing the impact of climate change on the U.S. transportation network: Transportation in the United States National Climate Assessment
- Atmospheric Influence on Temperature Distributions and Extremes under Global Warming: Insights from an Idealized Model
- Automated Detection and Categorization of Antarctic Basal Units Using Radar Sounding Data: Demonstration in Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Bering Sea climate influenced by solar forcing during the late Holocene
- Bioaccessibility of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in artificial pulmonary fluid at Manaus and Curitiba- Brazil: Different Sustainable Urban Development Models and the Health Impact to the Population
- Building a crystal ball for predicting crop production: empirical vs. process-based modeling, and short-term vs. long-term prediction
- Cap Sequence Post-dating Marinoan Glacial Deposits, Naukluft Mountains, Namibia
- Carbon-Water Relations of Trees with Partial Cambial Dieback: Insights from Tree-ring Stable Isotopes
- Chapter 3: SOCCR2: The North American Energy System Contribution to the Global Carbon Cycle
- Characterizing Tropospheric Trace Gas Retrievals from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Characterizing errors in AIRS retrievals of near-surface air temperature and specific humidity, and implications for remote sensing of ET
- Chemical Reactivity in the Remote Troposphere: Patterns and Heterogeneity based on ATom measurements
- China's Food Security under Climate Change Impact: A Multi-Sector Computable General Equilibrium Assessment
- Climate-change driven air pollution extremes
- Comparative analysis of low-Earth orbit (TROPOMI) and geostationary (GeoCARB, GEO-CAPE) satellite instruments for constraining methane emissions on fine regional scales: application to the Southeast US
- Competing effects of moisture-eddy feedbacks and stationary waves in the mid-latitude atmosphere
- Constraining the Conditions of the Moon-Forming Giant Impact With Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Lithophile Elements
- Continental Ice Sheets and Continental Break-up
- Correlated soil moisture and temperature extremes and potential biases in climate impact projections
- Correlations Between MORB Helium Isotopes and Seismic Wave Speeds Beneath Ocean Basins
- Cosmogenic nuclides suggest long-term Pleistocene exposure of subglacial bedrock at the Ohio Range in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Data-driven Discretization of Partial Differential Equations
- Dating Holocene ice-sheet advance in West Antarctica using englacial radio-stratigraphy and sea-level records (Invited)
- Deep learning aftershocks
- Detecting High-Emitting Methane Sources in Oil/Gas Fields from Current and Future Satellites (TROPOMI, GeoCARB, Next-Generation Geostationary) Including Future Hyperspectral Imagers (EnMAP, PRISMA)
- Detection of Instrument Gain Problems Based on Body-Wave Polarization: Application to the Hi-net Array
- Developing a global, mechanistic model of methane emissions from hydropower reservoirs
- Diel Cycling of Methane in Arctic Ponds
- DigitSeis: Opportunities for Digitization of Analog Seismograms Through Educators and Citizen Science
- Dynamics of Deep Eastern Boundary Currents
- Dynamics of Explosive PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Growth Events in Beijing
- Edge effects stimulate soil respiration near temperate forest edges
- Edged out: Edge to interior gradients in forest microenvironment as important drivers of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Empirical Teleconnections: A Data-Driven Approach for Improving Seasonal Forecasting
- Equations of State of Stishovite and CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-type SiO<SUB>2</SUB> to Lower Mantle Conditions
- Estimating Methane Emissions from Cities using Portable Ground-based Total Column Spectrometers
- Evaluating Indices of Blocking Anticyclones in terms of their Relations with Surface Hot Extremes
- Evaluation of particle emissions inventories and cross-boundary air pollution using Lidar, remote sensing, and high-resolution modeling in the Northeastern, U.S.
- Evaluation of recent WRF Options for Modeling Atmospheric Transport of Greenhouse Gases at Regional and Urban Scales
- Experimental investigation of the effect of fault architecture on fluid pressurization due to injection
- Exploring Accumulation-Mode-H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering in a Sectional Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate Model
- Exploring the Nonlinearities in Drought Reconstructions using Tree Rings and Neural Networks
- Flavors of the intraseasonal oscillations over the Asian monsoon region
- Fractional methane emissions from natural gas infrastructure in urban domains in the Eastern United States using airborne measurements and Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling
- Frequency-Dependent Body-Wave Polarization for Constraining Local 1-D Near-Surface Structure
- From the Front Lines: Strategies from a Boundary-Spanning Consortium for Communicating with Policymakers
- GMI-IPS: Processing & Visualization Software used in ATom DC-8 Aircraft Studies
- Global OH Reactivity in the Remote Marine Boundary Layer and the Potential of Missing Reactivity
- Global sea-level forcing of abyssal hills
- Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
- Hadley cell and atmospheric eddy dynamics in high-obliquity planets
- Harassment prevention and redress through academic union contracts
- Hf/W Isotopic Evolution in Various Earth-Moon Impact Scenarios Occurring in Grand Tack Accretion Simulations
- High Latitude aircraft observations of NMHCs, halocarbons and COS during ATom
- Homogeneous early 20th century sea surface warming after correcting for historical artifacts
- Hunting where the ducks are: Regional scale measurements, models, and synthesis of concentrations and fluxes of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Identifying and Characterizing Trends in Precipitation Patterns and Related Climatic Influences across Equatorial Africa
- Impact of Motile Bacteria on Viscous Fingering
- Implications of non-local transport and conditionally-averaged statistics on Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory and Townsend's attached eddy hypothesis
- Influence of various plasma environments (Solar wind, magnetosheath, tail lobes, plasma sheet) on the lunar sodium and potassium exosphere
- Instabilities in advancing hydraulic fracture fronts
- Integration of Ground-based and Airborne Measurements Shows Substantial Methane Emissions from Freshwater Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Investigating Equatorial Gaps in Snowball Earth Sea Glaciers on Tidally-Locked Exoplanets around M-stars
- Investigating the drivers of 2013-2017 PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China
- Investigating trend of aerosol water acidity during Beijing winter haze events
- Laboratory UV Spectroscopic Studies of Rayleigh Scattering Cross Sections and Equilibrium Constants
- Linkage Between Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Mainstreaming
- Linking the Habitable Zone to Solar System and Exoplanetary Habitability
- Meta-analysis of liana leaf and wood hydraulic traits reveals a competitive advantage for water acquisition in moderate drought conditions
- Metal-silicate Partitioning of Carbon to 59 GPa and >5000 K with Implications for Earth's Core Formation
- MethaneSAT: A learning satellite for detecting and quantifying methane sources
- Microbial Preference for Dissolved Organic Matter that is <SUP>14</SUP>C-enriched, <SUP>13</SUP>C-enriched and Molecularly Distinct in the North Pond Subsurface
- Modeling the Effect of Convectively Injected Water Vapor over the Central U.S. on Stratospheric Chemical Composition
- Modeling the Effects of Isoprene Oxidation and Hydrogen Shift Reactions on HO<SUB>x</SUB>, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and Ozone
- Modelled and observed multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic jet stream and its connection to sea surface temperatures
- Monitoring Global Tropospheric OH Concentrations using Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Methane
- More frequent Sudden Stratospheric Warming events due to a stronger Madden-Julian expected in a warmer climate: role of mid-latitude tropospheric jet.
- Multivariate climate field reconstructions for the Northeastern United States
- Neogene to present changes in CO2 sources and sinks due to the growth and tectonic evolution of Indonesia
- New Insights into Tropical Tropopause Layer Structure and Composition in the Deep Tropics During Northern Hemisphere Winter
- Novel model-data comparison reveals Amazon forest responses to water stress across spatio-temporal scales
- Nutrient Constraints on Carbon Cycling in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest
- Oil palm plantations degrade aboveground carbon stocks and associated ecosystem characteristics in remaining forests
- Ozone Implications of Reactive Halogen Partitioning within Volcanic Eruption Columns
- Phenology of temperate deciduous forests: Roles of energy and moisture
- Planetary oxidation and abiotic O2 atmospheres
- Predictable hydrological and ecological responses to Holocene North Atlantic variability
- Predicting the impact of climate change on severe Beijing winter haze events using extreme value theory
- Predicting yield outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa using satellite observations to infer temperature, soil moisture, and yield
- Preparing for Floods in Manila, the Philippines Using a Machine Learning Technique - Making Global Satellite Data Locally Applicable
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- Prospects of the SmallSat Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI)
- ProvTools painlessly provides provenance
- Public disclosures and investment policies as levers to limit fossil fuel extraction consistent with less than 2 °C warming
- Quantifying Isopycnal Heave Using Dynamic Depth Warping
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Individual Coal Mine Vents with GHGSat-D Satellite Observations
- Quantifying the economic opportunity for afforestation and reforestation in Maryland (USA) using high resolution carbon monitoring products
- Quantifying the impact of African emissions on global atmospheric composition
- Recent Advances in Deriving NOx Emission Estimates from Satellite Data
- Reconstructing Past Nitrogen Cycling: Insights From Bacteriohopanepolyol <SUP>13</SUP>C Compositions
- Regional loss of long-lived tree species reduces the capacity of the biosphere to store carbon over centuries
- Remote sensing of plant functional traits as a basis for mapping biodiversity patterns and predicting ecosystem functioning
- Revisiting the Reactivity of Terrestrial Organic Matter Along the Land-Sea Continuum
- SPLAT - A flexible interface to the VLIDORT radiative transfer model for atmospheric retrieval applications
- SRM means more than global geoengineering.The Mie theory behind stratrospheric aerosol brightening can also make water more reflective. Since most agricutural water reservois are small, short-lived dispersions of reflective microbubbles (hydrosols) could help solve a global paradox of conservation economics -that water is too cheap to conserve.
- Satellite and Surface Observations Confirm Steady Decline in US NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions over the 2004-2017 Period
- Sea-salt aerosol as a driver of tropospheric bromine radical chemistry
- Seasonal Prediction of Indian Wintertime Aerosol Pollution using the Ocean "Memory" Effect
- Seasonal and spatial variation in atmospheric hydroxyl and hydroperoxyl: comparison to a photochemical box model.
- Seasonal carbon balance in Arctic tundra and boreal forests
- Significant Permafrost Nitrous Oxide Emissions Observed on a Regional Scale
- Significant contribution of anthropogenic dust to fine aerosol mass during a Chinese haze event as measured by KORUS-AQ observations
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Mercury in Annual Forage Fish, the Atlantic Silverside (menidia Menidia)
- Species Interactions Slow Warming-induced Upward Shifts of Treelines on the Tibetan Plateau
- Stakeholder-designed scenarios to investigate the effect of land use on water partitioning and high flows in New England
- Strategies from the Front Lines of Linking Science with Action
- Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering without Ozone Loss? An Update with Experimental Input
- Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment
- Subsidence and relative sea level history in the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta during the Holocene
- Substantial Convection and Precipitation Enhancements by Ultrafine Aerosol Particles
- Sulfate Formation via Cloud Processing from Multifunctional Organic Hydroperoxides
- Supply-limited versus kinetically-limited chemical erosion in the Klamath Mountains, USA
- Temporal Velocity Changes on the East Rift Zone of Kīlauea Concurrent with the Volcanic Activity of 2018 Interpreted from Changes in Single-Station Correlation Functions
- Testing Thermal Oxidation and <SUP>14</SUP>C Concentration as an Analogue for Traditional Soil Fractionation Methods
- The Central Amazonia Atmosphere Perturbed by Urban Pollution From Manaus
- The Diurnal Cycle of Column Water Vapor over Sumatra
- The Downsides of Detail: Quantifying the Uncertainty Surrounding the Implementation of a Mechanistic Plant Hydraulic Module in a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- The Dynamics of Westerly Wind Bursts
- The Effect of Geophysical Feedbacks on Sea Level During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- The Impact of Extreme Heat on Emergency Services and Spatiotemporal Crime Reports in Boston, MA
- The Impact of Human Health Cobenefits on Evaluations of Global Climate Policy
- The Longitudinally Dependent Hadley Circulation - Clustering its Seasonal and Interannual Variability
- The Origins of Fracture Surface Roughness: Observing Hydraulic Fracture in Brittle Hydrogels to understand the Dynamic Formation of Rough Crack Surfaces
- The Role of Mean State Bias in a Climate Model on Atmospheric Blocking Frequency
- The Seismically Constrained Elastic Constants of the Earth's Transversely Isotropic Inner Core
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The Vertical Momentum Budget of Shallow Cumulus Convection: Insights from a Lagrangian Perspective
- The effects of nutrient fertilization on belowground allocation in tropical dry forests: linking results from a model and an experiment
- The first-authorship geoscience gender gap: Underrepresentation of women first authors in leading geoscience journals, 2013-2018
- The impact of aerosol-radiation interactions on the effectiveness of emission control measures
- The influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures on aerosol loading in China
- The pH and Salinity of Ocean Worlds: when high-pressure ice separates the ocean from the rocky interior
- The role of bubble-mediated transport of cyanobacteria and other microbes from lake sediments
- The role of rivers in setting the marine sulfate <SUP>17</SUP>O
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- The tectonic history of the Arequipa Terrane informed by bedrock mapping of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian sediments in southern Peru
- The volume of Archean oceans constrained by temperature-dependent mantle water storage capacity
- Towards an improved representation of organic aerosol (OA) in the remote troposphere: Chemical removal and aging of OA during the ATom mission as a function of photochemical age
- Tracking changes in air pollution and gas flaring activity over Mexico's offshore oil and gas production cluster using satellite observations from 2005-2017
- Tree mortality and Extreme Rainfall in the Amazon
- Two-phase flooding of the Bering Strait reflects the sea-level fingerprint of an expanding ice-free corridor
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Unique Canopy Structural Signatures of Moderate Disturbance Derived from Terrestrial LiDAR
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- Urban biogenic C uptake estimated based on high-resolution remotely sensed biomass and urban-specific field measurements in Boston, Massachusetts
- Using GOSAT satellite data to test inventories of 2010-2015 North American methane emissions and their trends
- Using Joint Satellite and Isotopic CH<SUB>4</SUB> Measurements to Constrain Uncertainty on the Evolution of the Global CH<SUB>4</SUB> Budget.
- Variation in soil nutrients shape tropical dry forest structure, function, and recovery
- Water Exchange Patterns in the Soil-Plant Continuum Based on SMAP Microwave Satellite Measurements
- What can short-term observations tell us about attribution and predictability of ice-stream response to climate?
- What controls variations in summertime ozone dry deposition over the Northeastern US? Observational and modeling insights, and implications for ozone pollution
- Which factors contribute to zooplankton congregation over Stellwagen Bank?
- Whole-tree Nonstructural Carbohydrate Budgets and Seasonal Dynamics in Five Temperate Species
- Would solar geoengineering make dry regions wetter?
- Leveraging Preservation Bias in Last Interglacial Coral Sea-Level Records to Refine Global Ice Volumes Over the Ice Age
- <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U Burial Dating of Ostrich Eggshell: Initial Tests of a Novel Pleistocene Geochronometer
- A 3D Model of Antarctic Ice Shelf Surface Hydrology
- A Bayesian hierarchical space-time model in characterizing the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events on land surface phenology
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Revised Estimate of Sulfur Cycling in the Neogene
- A probabilistic model of surface reflectance for atmospheric retrieval algorithms from the UV to SWIR
- A simple model to simulate the seasonal changes in the canopy color of northern evergreen forests
- Abyssal hill faults paced by late-Pleistocene variations in sea level
- Advances in cavity enhanced spectroscopic techniques for laboratory studies
- Agricultural monitoring from a humanitarian perspective - Understanding links between hazards, impacts and novel financial instruments
- Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify the Effects of Low Cloud Formation on High-Latitude Cold Air Outbreaks in Warm Climates
- Air Quality Virtual Stations in a Large City of the Amazon Rainforest
- An Overview of the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) Concept of Operations
- An ice-age lever for hydroclimate? Recent constraints on MIS 3 sea level support shelf exposure as major control on Indo-Pacific Warm Pool over the last ice age
- Anthropogenic methane emissions in China estimated from GOSAT satellite observations
- Application of a new mental health surveying method for graduate student populations with implications for the Earth and Space Science community.
- Application of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric sampling: a numerical experiment by large-eddy simulation
- Arid Coastal Deposits and the Phanerozoic Record of Marine Carbonate Chemistry
- Assessing ExxonMobil's climate change communications
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Association between ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> exposure and anemia in children under 5 in India: An ecological analysis
- Atmospheric Blocking as an Evolution of Rossby Wave Packets
- Attribution of the 2010-2017 trend in atmospheric methane by improved inverse analysis of GOSAT satellite observations
- Benefits of Recent Clean Air Actions in China on Global Air Quality and Climate Change
- Calibration and Validation of On-Orbit MicroMAS-2A CubeSat Microwave Radiometer
- Chemical drivers of recent trends in ozone and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution in China
- Chilling dominates forcing and photoperiod cues to determine tree budburst in experiments, complicating forecasts for natural systems
- Classifying tree-ring stress regimes to improve climate reconstruction.
- Connecting land use management, fires, and public health: Demonstration of an online decision support tool for Equatorial Asia
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Correlated Risks for Heavy Precipitation in Mega-cities in East Asia
- Could halving warming with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering moderate key climate hazards?
- Cryptic enrichment of nitrogen isotopes reveals metabolic differences in amino acids and alters trophic level interpretations
- Detection and Imaging of Methane Emissions Plumes from Oil and Gas Facilities with GHGSat-D
- Detection and quantification of methane emissions using TROPOMI data
- Development of the Beijing Climate Center general circulation-atmospheric chemistry model BCC-GEOS-Chem
- Distinguishing local stresses affecting trees using internal statistics from tree ring chronologies
- Does the land surface become more soil moisture-limited under global warming?
- Dynamics of Westerly Wind Bursts and Connections to ENSO Past and Present.
- Effect of changing NO<SUB>x</SUB> lifetime on the seasonality and long-term trends of satellite-observed tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over China
- Elucidating the Mechanics of Tsunami Generating Earthquake Rupture with Long Period Seismology
- Estimating Anthropogenic and Natural Methane Emissions in Canada using Surface and GOSAT Satellite Observations
- Estimation of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions in South Korea Using Formaldehyde Column Densities from Aircraft
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- Evaluating top-down NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia and their impacts on simulated O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations in South Korea using OMI retrievals and aircraft observations during the KORUS-AQ campaign
- Evaluating trends in mobile CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using a near-surface, high-density urban monitoring network
- Evaluation of high resolution WRF-Chem model with observations during KORUS-AQ using updated emission estimates
- Evaluation of the relationship between vegetation optical depth (VOD) and canopy water content (CWC) in the tropics with a hydraulics-enabled terrestrial biosphere model ED2-hydro
- Expanding the Boston Region Carbon Monitoring System: The Addition of Total Column Observations of Greenhouse Gases
- Experimental Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Injection Near a Dormant Fault: Effect of Fault Structure on Fluid Pressurization in the Subsurface
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Less-mobile Domain Processes in Naturally Occurring Porous Media
- Explaining a Simple, Empirical Estimate of Water-Limited Evapotranspiration with an Idealized Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model
- Field Studies of Depositional Ice Nucleating Particles: Correlations with Ambient Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Concentration
- Fine-Scale Waves inJupiter's Atmosphere Detected by JunoCam
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Gakkel Ridge basalts and peridotites record along-strike variations in f<SUB>O2</SUB>
- GeoMIP Test Bed Experiment: Injection of Accumulation Mode H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> Particles in Chemistry-Climate Models
- Geodetic Measurements of Slow Slip Events Southeast of Parkfield, CA
- Google Maps Location History Data has Great Potentials for Improving Exposure Estimation for Air Pollution Health Studies
- Gross primary production over the North American Arctic and Boreal region inferred from atmospheric carbonyl sulfide measurements
- High Latitude aircraft observations of NMHCs, halocarbons and COS during ATom
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- How does forest structure control temperature and water fluxes in the Amazon?
- Identification of substantial precession variability in early-Pleistocene glacial cycles supports a continuous Milankovitch-type response to insolation forcing
- Impacts of Marine Cloud Brightening On Atmospheric Chemistry
- In situ Chemical Analysis of Rising Bubbles Along the Cascadia Margin
- Increasing Late-season Drought Impacts on Forest Productivity due to Mesophication in the Eastern US Forests
- Insights into Changing Regional-scale Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from Arctic Tundra Ecosystems
- Intermediate-scale Heterogeneity in Volatile Organic Compounds over the Near-Canopy Atmosphere in Central Amazonia
- Invisible Floods on the Mississippi River Floodplain: Causes and Consequences of an Urban River Avulsion in Centreville, Illinois
- Isotopic constraints on heterogeneous production of nitrate in extreme haze in Asia
- Laboratory Spectroscopic Studies of Inorganic Halogen Compounds Relevant to Stratospheric Ozone
- Land use and carbon fluxes from global shifts in food consumption
- Leaf temperature threshold: the effects of leaf temperature on tree physiology and their relations with air temperature during the 2015-2016 ENSO in the Amazon forest
- Leveraging Elevation Distributions in Last Interglacial Coral Sea-Level Records to Refine Global Ice Volumes
- Leveraging the rapid retreat of the Amundsen Ice Stream 13,000 yrs ago to constrain large-scale North American deglaciation
- Long-term Behavior of Stratospheric Aerosol Plumes in a Solar Geoengineering Scenario
- Long-term evolution of surface water inventory on tidally-locked habitable planets.
- Metal-Silicate Partitioning Behavior of Pd and Ag During Core-Mantle Differentiation and Implications for Volatile Accretion
- Methane enhancements and hotspot emissions over the contiguous United States revealed by oversampling TROPOMI data
- MethaneSAT - A New Observing Platform For High Resolution Measurements Of Methane and Carbon Dioxide
- Mg/Ca Ratios in Ostracode Genera Sarsicytheridea and Paracyprideis: A Potential Paleotemperature Proxy for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Continental Shelf and Slope Waters
- Microwave Retrievals Of Soil Moisture And Vegetation Water Content As A Means For Improved Wildfire Prediction
- Mixing State and Composition of Aerosol Particles Collected During the GoAmazon2014/15, HI-SCALE, and ACE-ENA Field Campaigns
- Modeling impact of strong regulation of near-term climate forcers in China on mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century air quality and climate using the GFDL-ESM4 coupled model
- Motile Bacteria in Viscous Fingering Flows
- Moving Forward by Looking Back: Utilization of Legacy Seismic Data in the Modern Age
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Observations in Beijing Haze Identify NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HONO as In-cloud Oxidants for Sulfate Formation
- NASA Carbon Monitoring System Phase 2 Synthesis: Scope, Findings, Gaps, and Recommended Next Steps
- Nighttime Vertical Profiles of Ozone Concentration Collected by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and the Mixing of the Nighttime Boundary Layer in an Urban Region of Central Amazonia
- Observational constraints on ambient brown carbon with IMPROVE network observations
- Observing coral bleaching and recovery in Kāne'ohe Bay, Hawaíi via remotely sensed imagery
- On the Meridional Gradient in Clear-Sky CO<SUB>2</SUB> Forcing
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China, 2013-2017: contributions from different components and emissions
- Paleocurrents in a Least-Cost Pathway Model of Human Dispersal from Sunda to Sahul, 65 - 45,000 Years Ago
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Phenology in U.S. agroecosystems - Integrating data from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network
- Potential for the Detection of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation from Space
- Potential of next-generation imaging spectrometers to detect and quantify methane point sources from space
- Precession pacing of 100-ky glacial variability over the past 2.6 Ma
- Processes Controlling the Vertical Distribution of Methylmercury in the Arctic Ocean
- Public-Private Partnerships at the Universities Space Research Association's Earth from Space Institute
- Quantification of CO2 and CH4 Emission Rates for New York City
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Individual Point Sources with the GHGSat-D Satellite Instrument
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from the Largest Oil producing basin in the US from Space
- Quantifying organic aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constrains on physical and chemical removal of OA provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying snow cover and persistence in a post restoration environment: UAV-derived forest structure data and forest gap radiation modeling
- Quantifying the Effect of Neglecting Variable Methane LIfetime on Methane Emissions Estimates
- Quantifying the Stratospheric Circulation from Satellite Measurements
- Quantifying the impact of African biomass burning on the remote Atlantic atmosphere
- Rapid growth of urban ultrafine aerosols and their impact on shallow clouds and precipitation in the Amazon rainforest
- Rayleigh Scattering Cross Sections and Indices of Refraction of Gases in the Ultraviolet Region using Broadband Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy
- Recent acceleration of methane growth rate: leading contributions from tropical wetlands and China
- Reconciliation of Seismic and Mineral Physics Constraints
- Reconciling Measured OH through Box Model Simulations during GoAmazon2014/5
- Reduced Cost Construction of Jacobian Matrices for High-Resolution Inverse Modeling: An Application to Optimizing North American Methane Sources from TROPOMI Satellite Data
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Relative Time Corrections for Digitized Analog Seismograms via the Noise Correlation Function
- Resilience of an old-growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest, USA in warmer and drier summers
- Resolution improvement of co-seismic velocity change monitoring in the 2004 Parkfield earthquake using the ambient seismic field
- Resolving interannual climate sensitivity of tree growth and forest productivity by integrating tree-rings, leaf hydraulic traits, and forest census data
- Satellite Discovery of Anomalously Large Methane Point Sources from Oil/Gas Production Facilities
- Scaling greenhouse gas emissions from freshwaters and identifying methane hotspots in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Seasonal Pigment Changes Allow Detection of Activity and Dormancy of Evergreen Photosynthesis in Cold-Climate Conifer Forests
- Seeing Plant Stress From the Sky: Integration of a Terrestrial Biosphere Model with Thermal Remote Sensing
- Sensitive and Selective Gas Sensing Module for Isoprene
- Sensitivity of organic-containing lower stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing to complex refractive index
- Sinking of the Upper Midwest, rise of the Great Lakes, and collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet forebulge
- Sniffing Trees: a Photoionization Detector for Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emission Measurements
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering without Ozone Loss? An Update with Experimental Input
- Substantial increase in the joint occurrence and human exposure of heat and haze hazards over South Asia in the mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Testing the Role of Authigenic Carbonate in Neoproterozoic Carbon Isotope Excursions
- Testing the utility of detrital zircon geochronology across complex terrane boundaries: a case study from the northern Cordillera
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Creation of a Coupled Advection-Coagulation Model to Understand the Behavior of Aerosols Injected from the SCoPEx Payload
- The Effect of the North American Monsoon Anticyclone on Cross-tropopause Convective Outflow
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Acidity on Tropospheric Reactive Halogens and the Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere
- The Lunar Sodium Exosphere: 2011 - 2013
- The Miniature Neutron Spectrometer: A CLYC-based Detector for the LunaH-Map Mission
- The Pinatubo Emulation in Multiple models (PoEMS) experiment
- The Role of Formaldehyde in Particulate Matter Formation
- The Role of Positive Feedbacks in Abrupt Arctic Winter Sea Ice Loss in Future Warming Scenarios
- The Role of Technology in Affecting Vulnerability to Heat Disasters in a Warming World
- The changing Arctic carbon budget: interactions between vegetation, hydrology, and soil temperature
- The role of long term atmospheric observations in evaluating methane emissions policies for the oil and gas sector
- Toward watershed characterization: investigation of above-belowground interactions with hyperspectral remote sensing and near-surface geophysical measurements within the Upper Colorado Basin
- Towards Monitoring Coal Mine Methane Emissions using TROPOMI Satellite Observations
- Towards a holistic understanding of tree drought recovery: Leveraging greenhouse experiments, tree-ring records, and ecosystem fluxes to quantify the impacts of water stress on tree physiology and forest carbon cycling
- Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured by KORUS-AQ
- Unsupervised Learning Reveals Geography of Global Ocean Dynamical Regions
- Using Hydraulic Fractures to Understand the Dynamic Generation of 3D Crack Roughness
- Using remotely sensed foliar traits to capture spatial variation in tropical forest productivity across edaphic gradients with a dynamic global vegetation model
- Using triple oxygen isotopes to test Cretaceous/Cenozoic LIP activity as a driver of the marine sulfur cycle
- Using Δ<SUP>95</SUP>Mo to Trace Late Carbonaceous and Non-Carbonaceous Contributions to the Earth and Mars
- Volcanic controls on seawater sulfate over the past 120 million years
- Volcanic impacts on climate and society during the Common Era
- Voluntary, Permanent Land Protection Reduces Forest Loss and Development in a Rural-Urban Landscape
- Vulnerability to heat and ozone among older adults: Results from a household survey in Houston, TX
- Water storage in the Martian mantle
- Wintertime Constraint of Primary and Secondary Formaldehyde Emission Sources over the Eastern Coastal United States.
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A NASA Pioneer SmallSat to study the Structure and Evolution of ExoJupiter Atmospheres (SEEJ:)
- A New Metric for Evaluating Northern Hemisphere Growing Season Net Flux in Climate Models
- A Nonparametric Hierarchical Stack Construction Algorithm for Benthic Oxygen Isotope Ratios based on the Gaussian Process Regression
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- A comparison of the environmental responses of canopy SIF and GPP in a subalpine conifer forest in Colorado, USA.
- A new pattern of coupling strength in North America using a linear inverse modeling framework of the land-atmosphere system
- A sea change in commercial Arctic shipping: Implications of the Transpolar Sea Route
- Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify the Effects of Low Clouds on High-latitude Cold Air Formation in Warm Climates
- Amazon forest structure mediates drought impacts on carbon uptake and evapotranspiration
- An Improved Age Model for Late Pleistocene Benthic δ18O and Analysis of the Orbital Phases of Glacial Terminations
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Asymmetrical Response of the Continental Water Cycle to Cold and Warm Climates
- Boundary Inflow Estimation for Greenhouse Gas Imaging Satellite Observations: Application to MethaneSAT
- Can Linear Optimization Methods be used for Regional Risk Mitigation with Solar Geoengineering?
- Characterizing measurement and interpretation challenges for tower-based solar-induced fluorescence data
- Characterizing the regional, sectoral and species-specific sources of pollution exposure and its associated health impacts in urban environments: case studies in Washington, D.C. and Santiago, Chile
- Combining Remote Sensing Observations of Stratospheric Water Vapor with Lagrangian Transport Modelling and Measurements of Tropopause Overshooting Convection to Understand Stratospheric Water Injection Processes
- Composition dependence of stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing
- Constraining Inversions of Rural and Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Using EM27/SUN XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Constraining carbon cycle dynamics over the ABoVE domain using in situ and space-based CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations
- Constructing a gridded inventory based on Mexico's National Inventory of Greenhouse Gases and Compounds for evaluation of Mexico's anthropogenic methane emissions
- Controlling particulate nitrate pollution in China
- Depositional rates in the Ediacaran Nafun Group, Oman, and the wider late Proterozoic world
- Destabilization of Long-Lived Hadean Protocrust and Onset of Pervasive Hydrous Melting at 3.8 Ga Recorded in Detrital Zircons of the Green Sandstone Bed, South Africa
- Detecting Mid-Tropospheric Clouds Using COSMIC-2 Radio Occultations, GFS Forecasts, and GOES-16 ABI Measurements
- Detecting changes in the high-latitude carbon seasonal cycle with a multi-model approach
- Development of the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO) 3.0 as a general emissions component for atmospheric models
- Disentangle the drivers of spatio-temporal variations in vegetation optical depth over tropical forests with ecosystem hydrodynamics modeling
- Dynamics of Deep Ocean Eastern Boundary Current
- Effects of Density Fluctuations on acceleration and energization of Alfven Wave Turbulence in the fast Solar Wind
- Eight Years of Urban Methane Emissions From a Top-down Framework in Boston, MA
- Emergent Simplicity of Continental Evapotranspiration Across Multi-Scale Observations and Climate Models
- Empirical assessment of methane emissions from oil and gas infrastructure in Mexico
- Estimating anthropogenic CO2 emissions from New York City using aircraft measurements and dispersion modelling
- Examining the Influence of Reactive Oxygen Species on "Respiration" Isotope Effects
- Extremely Wrong: When Limited Data Leads to Biases in General Extreme Values Distribution Estimates
- First results from MethaneAIR: An airborne simulation platform for the MethaneSAT mission
- Global Modeling of Cloudwater Acidity, Rainwater Acidity, and Acid Inputs to Ecosystems
- Global distribution of methane emissions: an inverse analysis of 2019 observations from TROPOMI
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Global methane budget and trend, 2010-2017: complementarity of inverse analyses using in situ (GLOBALVIEWplus CH<SUB>4</SUB> ObsPack) and satellite (GOSAT) observations
- Global satellite isoprene retrievals constrain emissions and atmospheric oxidation
- Global simulation of tropospheric halogen chemistry
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O Windows and CO<SUB>2 </SUB>Radiator Fins: A Clear-Sky Explanation for the Peak in ECS
- Harvard Forest 28-year CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux record validates forest finance model for local-to-global forest management applications
- Health impacts of long-term ozone exposure in China over 2013 - 2017
- Higher education teaching resources on imperialism and scientific racism in the geosciences, from past to present
- How deregulation, drought, and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity
- Hydrocarbon and nitrile species in Titan's upper atmosphere from Cassini/UVIS stellar occultation observations
- Identifying and correcting climate projection biases using artificial intelligence
- Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric reactive chlorine: Implications for Greenland ice core records of chlorine
- Implications from Uranium-Series Disequilibria for the Origin of Detachment Faulting along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24-30°N
- Initial Atmosphere and Ionosphere Results from PlanetiQ's First GNSS RO Satellite
- Integrating Point-Source Methane Emissions from Imaging Spectroscopy Data into the Multi-scale Methane Analytic Framework (M2AF) Information System
- Local Responses to Global Change: Predicting the Impact of Future Sea Level Change Around the Coast of Greenland
- MIDA, a software system to facilitate Model-Independent Data Assimilation and ecological forecasting
- Mapping Atlantic Benthic δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Lags During Termination 1
- Mapping yearly fine resolution global surface ozone through Regionalized Air Quality Model Performance corrections and Bayesian Maximum Entropy data fusion of observations and model output for 1990-2017
- Marine Cloud Brightening and Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Northern Hemisphere Weather Control
- Model-Based Investigation of the Upper Tropospheric-Lower Stratospheric Composition during the Field Campaign StratoClim 2017
- Modeling the Influence of Past Ocean Circulation Change on the Lags between Atlantic Benthic Oxygen-isotope Records
- Multi-satellite imaging of a gas well blowout provides new insights for methane monitoring
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Near Real-Time Global Ambient Noise Source Inversions
- New Insights into Dynamics of Coastal Low-level Jets
- Nonlinear sensitivity of ice sheets to glacial-interglacial variations in pCO2 over the past 2 Ma
- Obliquity Drives 100-ky Glacial Cycles Since the Appearance of Major Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets
- Observational evidence suggests the vernal window extends under climate warming
- Optimal climate policy in three dimensions.
- Ozone pollution in the North China Plain spreading into the late-winter haze season
- PIRE and Ice - Multiscale Modeling of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Parameterizing tropical forest diversity: integrating a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed trait measurements
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Permanent Urban Column Network for Carbon Emission Monitoring in Munich
- Persistence of the Southern annular mode on regional spatial scales
- Phase stability and equations of state of MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> at lower mantle pressures and temperatures
- Photoperiod compensates for decreased temperature sensitivity in deciduous forest greenup
- Predicting crop yields using remotely sensed observations
- Predicting the Effects of Targeted Spectral Band Attenuation in Solar Geoengineering
- Provenance and Tectonic Implications of Archean Fig Tree Group Siliciclastic Rocks in the East-Central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Quantifying Methane Point Sources in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Quantifying Mineral-ligand Structural Similarities: Bridging the geological world of Minerals with the Biological World of Enzymes
- Quantifying methane emissions from the oil/gas sector in Mexico using TROPOMI satellite observations
- Quantifying speciated aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constraints on physical and chemical removal of organic aerosol (OA) provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying whole tree non-structural carbon dynamics under long-term experimental drought using radiocarbon
- Radial growth responses to drought converge across species with increased drought severity in Eastern US hardwood forests
- Recovery of net magnetic moments from complex magnetic field maps using convolutional neural networks
- Redox evolution, climate and geochemistry on early Mars
- Reformulating the Bromine/Iodine Alpha Factor and EESC: Evolution of Ozone Destruction Rates of Bromine, Iodine, and Chlorine in Future Climate Scenarios
- Regional wind energy potentials are defined by the kinetic energy budget of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Response of a rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) to inter-annual variations in climate and nitrogen fertilization rates
- Role of Pressure in the Formation of Organo-Mineral Interactions: Implications for Organic Preservation in the Anoxic Subsurface
- Satellite observations constrain ratio of tropical and high-latitude wetland methane emissions and their climate sensitivity
- Science Planning for the MethaneSAT Mission
- Sea level response to rapid sediment redistribution in Taiwan
- Simulating Magnetic Reconnection in Partially Ionized Plasmas using Dedalus
- Soil Fluxes of Carbonyl Sulfide After Fall Senescence in a Mixed Hardwood Forest
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Nitrogen Dioxide - Similarities and Discrepancies between Model and Observations from NDACC stations
- Spectral Calibration of the MethaneAIR Instrument
- Strong temperature response in spring and autumn phenological transition dates in response to whole-ecosystem warming
- Subsolidus phase relations for Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> at mantle transition zone conditions
- Temporal variability in Permian Basin methane emissions during a period of volatile oil prices triggered by COVID-19
- The Effect of Substellar Continent Size on Ocean Dynamics of Proxima Centauri b
- The Effects of Wind Speed, Flux Rate, and Spatial Resolution on Methane Point Source Mapping with Imaging Spectrometers
- The Future is the Past: Challenges with and the Scientific Value of Legacy Seismic Data
- The air quality trade-offs of wildfire and prescribed burning
- The effect of rainfall gradients on gross primary productivity (GPP) across the Isthmus of Panama
- The global budget of atmospheric methanol: new constraints on secondary, oceanic, and terrestrial sources
- The sensitivity of convective overshoots in the tropical tropopause layer in idealized simulations
- Translating weather scale isotopic composition of rainfall to convective activity over Costa Rica
- UAV studies of atmospheric chemistry and meteorology over the tropical forest in the central Amazon
- US and Chinese climate experts share judgements on solar geoengineering
- Understanding the Role of Positive Feedbacks in Abrupt Winter Arctic Sea Ice Loss using CMIP and a Conceptual Model
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds over a Subtropical Forest in China and Implications for Emission Heterogeneity
- Urban greenhouse gas emission response to COVID-19 shutdowns
- Urbanization and Fragmentation Mediate Temperate Forest Carbon Cycle Response to Climate
- Using Geospatial Data and Atmospheric Observations to Evaluate National Inventories of Methane Emissions from Oil, Gas, and Coal
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Utilizing urban noise to monitor the changing site response of the Mexico City basin
- WRF-GC v2.0: online two-way coupling of WRF and GEOS-Chem for regional modeling of air quality-meteorology interactions
- Warming temperatures could expose more than 1.3 billion new people to Zika virus risk by 2050
- What Ice Age Data Can - and Cannot - Tell Us About the Deep Mantle
- What Lies Beneath: Vertical Heterogeneity in Vegetation Canopy Temperatures
- Wildfire risk and emissions predictions for SE Asia peatlands based on mechanistic modeling
- 3D Mantle Viscosity Structure in Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models Resolves Discrepancies in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a and 5c Global Mean Sea Level Predictions
- A GCM investigation of near-surface winds in past climates on Mars
- A Gaussian process and state space model approach for sea level reconstruction using planktonic oxygen isotope records
- A Grid-Stretching Capability for the GEOS-Chem Atmospheric Chemistry Model
- A Mechanically Strong Inner Core Implied by Deformation of Silicon-bearing Alloys
- A New Dataset of Rainfall Isotopes in Hawaii
- A New Model of Jupiters Magnetic Field Based Upon Junos Thirty-Three Prime Mission Orbits
- A Nonparametric Correlation and Causation Inference of a Peru Margin Multi-proxy Holocene Record
- A Self-Consistent Approach to Estimating Solar Flare Power-Laws within Proper Bounds
- A SmallSat to Study the Structure and Evolution of ExoJupiter Atmospheres (SEEJ)
- A Software Package for Acquiring Magnetic Field Maps Using the Quantum Diamond Microscope
- A Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts outside the Pacific Subduction Shield
- A Turbulent Heliosheath Driven by Rayleigh Taylor Instability
- A high-resolution inventory for inverse modeling ofNew York City methane emissions
- Accounting for model error, spatial resolution, and prior uncertainty structure in estimating sectoral emissions at arbitrary spatial resolution from top-down fluxes
- Aggregation of Deep Convection Weakens Convective Overshoots into the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis to Identify Processes Contributing to High-latitude Cold Air Outbreaks
- Albedo enhancement on Arctic sea ice: Part 2, estimate of radiative distribution efficiency
- Ambiguity in Recent Changes to US Methane Emissions
- An Open-Access, Cloud-Based Facility for Inferring High-Resolution Methane Emissions from Inversion of TROPOMI Satellite Observations
- Analyzing the role of surface energy fluxes in determining the seasonal patterns of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) heights at various ecosystems across the United States
- Antiracism & Technology Design: Considering Dual/Multi-Use Technology Sectors and Fostering Epistemic and Institutional Equity
- Are There Magnetofossils in the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation?
- Assessing Bias and Uncertainties in the Airborne Mass Balance Technique
- Assessment of 20102017 methane emissions from China with satellite observations
- Atmospheric Benzothiazoles in a Coastal Marine Environment: Implications for Sea Spray Aerosol Selective Organic Enrichment and Secondary Marine Aerosol Chemistry
- Attribution of the surge of global methane in 2020 using inverse analysis of GOSAT observations
- Automated monitoring of methane super-emitters using multispectral satellite instruments and machine learning.
- Banded Chert Depositional Environments and Ocean Stratification at 3.4 and 3.2 Ga, Evidenced from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
- Beyond TEX86: GDGTs inform the marine archaeal community ecology and evolution
- Bottom Water Oxygen Reconstructions off Southern Australia During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Changes in Urban Air Quality due to Shifting Greenhouse Gas Emissions during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Characterization of Tropical Cyclones via Seismic Recordings and Implications for Historic Inventories
- Characterizing aqueous-phase oxidation of dimethyl sulfide using chemical ionization mass spectrometry
- Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Troposphere over the Ocean Basins observed by NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Coastal Change in Greenland Engaging Stakeholders to Direct Research
- Comparing Radiocarbon Age Modeling Routines for Ocean Sediment Cores: Bacon, Undatable, and BIGMACS
- Competition of partitioning and reaction controls brown carbon formation from butenedial in particles
- Conflict, Climate, and Weather Variability, A Case Study: Ethiopia
- Constraining long-term NOx emissions over the United States and Europe to improve model simulations of tropospheric ozone
- Constraining the CME Core's Heating and Energy Budget with SOHO/UVCS
- Constraints on the Physical and Chemical Lifetime of Organic Aerosol (OA) in the Remote Troposphere based on in-situ measurements during the ATom mission
- Continuous Mapping of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Air Quality in East Asia by Application of a Random Forest Algorithm to GOCI Geostationary Satellite Data
- Contrasting water and energy fluxes during dry (2015 El Nino) and wet (2008 La Nina) extreme events at an Amazonian tropical forest.
- Cooking Up Chemolithoautotrophy: Monitoring Redox Conditions During the Incubation of a Microbial Consortium from a Hydrothermal Sulfide Chimney in the East Pacific Rise
- Correlation among tree-ring records independently indicative of past climate conditions
- Costs and Climate and Heath Benefits of U.S. Policies to Decarbonize the Electricity Sector
- Could Weakly Magnetized Martian Basins Reflect Cooling in a Reversing Dynamo Field?
- Countergradient precipitation response to an idealized tropical land-surface albedo gradient explained by competition with induced soil moisture gradient
- Coupled biological and photochemical control of secondary marine aerosol composition and cloud-forming ability
- Data Assimilation Effects on the Mean States of Mars General Circulation Models
- Decarbonizing the Global Light-duty Vehicle and Power Sectors: Benefits for CO2 emissions, Air Quality and Human Health
- Deep Eastern Boundary outflow into the Southern Ocean: an important eddy-driven component of the MOC
- Denoising 3-component seismic data using deep neural network
- Detailed Characterization of Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition Combining Multiple Mass Spectrometric Techniques
- Detecting an Elevated Pore Pressure in a Fault Zone Using Ambient Noise Monitoring
- Determining phase transition Clapeyron slopes in Mg2SiO4 for the mantle transition zone: A multiple logistic regression analysis on experimental data
- Direct Measurements of the Spectrum of Slip on Novel Laboratory Fault
- Diurnal Shifts in Stomatal Regulation in Response to Water Availability
- E-MORB and OIB petrogenesis investigated with machine learning
- EPAs Air QUAlity TimE Series Project (EQUATES): 2002-2017 meteorology, emissions, and air quality modeling for the Northern Hemisphere and conterminous United States
- Earthquake Detection with TinyML
- Effects of Multiple Solar Geoengineering Methods and CO2 Emissions Reduction on Global Crop Yields
- Emergent observed coupling of terrestrial water, energy, and carbon fluxes
- Episodic deluges in simulated hothouse climates
- Escape of Energetic Particles at Interplanetary Shocks: Effect on Spectral Steepening
- Estimation of the elemental composition of organic aerosols in the mid-latitude lower stratosphere over the continental US
- Evaluating Atmospheric Mercury (Hg) Uptake by Vegetation in a Chemistry-Transport Model
- Evaluating and Improving Urban VOC Chemistry in Los Angeles using WRF-chem
- Evaluation of a cohort-based terrestrial biosphere model with thermal remote sensing
- Exploring New Gas-Phase Reactions of Carbonyl-Substituted Peroxy Radicals
- Exploring subtropical stratocumulus cloud feedbacks in a hothouse climate using a simple model
- Exploring the Resolving Power of Antarctic Geodetic Measurements Using Adjoint Modeling: Implications for Climate Research
- Ferrocyanide lifetimes under longwave (300-400 nm) ultraviolet irradiation on the early Earth: implications for prebiotic chemistry
- Fidelity of Seismic Data on Microformats
- Forecasted climate penalties to surface ozone across the 21st century
- Geochemical Aggregation of Molybdenum and Tungsten at Hydrothermal Vents: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
- Glacial South Indo-pacific intermediate and deep water oxygen and preformed phosphate reconstructions and its linkage to atmospheric CO2 drawdown
- High-Resolution 2019 North American Methane Emissions Inferred from TROPOMI Satellite Observations of Atmospheric Methane
- High-resolution records of dust and productivity from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean across Termination III
- Hysteresis Without Bi-stability: Transient Hysteresis-Like Response of Arctic Sea Ice to Realistic-Rate CO2 Increase
- Idealized Modeling to Assess the Effect of Mean State Biases on Stratospheric Transport
- Identifying outflow regions of North American Monsoon Anticyclone-mediated meridional transport of convectively influenced air masses in the lower stratosphere
- Imaging Global Fault System Activity
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions on Tropospheric Reactive Bromine since the Preindustrial
- Importance of soil moisture in predicting historical and future global crop yields
- Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere
- Improved mechanistic model of the atmospheric redox chemistry of mercury
- Improving the chemical and physical processes that control secondary aerosol in South Korea
- In Situ Stratospheric Chemistry Observations from the 2021 NASA DCOTSS Campaign
- Incorporation of melt-scaling laws into models of Earths accretion and core formation
- Insights into Mechanisms for Winter-Amplified Warming at High-Latitudes During Hothouse Climates from a Simple Model
- Interactions between carbon uptake potential and ecosystem response to drought across degraded forests in the Amazon
- International Collaboration Aimed at Identifying Relevant Social, Policy, and Environmental Factors in the Progression of SARS-CoV2/COVID-19 in Six Metropolitan Areas
- Interpreting convective development from high frequency rainwater isotopes and surface based meteorological monitoring in Costa Rica
- Introducing Turbulence Kinetic Energy to Dry Deposition Modeling
- Investigating the skill of WRF bulk microphysics schemes in simulating UTLS hydration due to deep convection
- Investigation of air quality changes over East Asia using multiple satellite observations
- Laboratory studies of the evolution of gas and particle phase organic carbon over multi-day to multi-week timescales
- Late Pleistocene glacial termination age estimates and methods for comprehensive uncertainty analysis of event ages in ocean sediment cores
- Limited increases in savanna carbon stocks over decades of fire suppression
- Linked convective cycling of water, chlorine and noble gases through Earth's mantle
- Magnetization of carbonaceous asteroids by nebular fields and the origin of CM chondrites
- Mapping "Brain Coral" Regions on Mars using Deep Learning
- Mapping Global Surface Ozone Concentration Annually Through Data Fusion at Fine Resolution for 1990 to 2017 to Support Health Assessment
- Measurements of Water Isotopologues During the DCOTSS 2021 Campaign: Insights into Convection and Transport in the Summer Stratosphere
- Methane emissions from Mexican oil and gas infrastructure: key findings and policy implications
- Methane emissions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico: Evaluation of national methane emission inventories and sectoral trends by inverse analysis of in situ (GLOBALVIEWplus CH4 ObsPack) and satellite (GOSAT) atmospheric observations
- Mid-depth Ocean Stratification: Southern Ocean dynamics vs interior vertical mixing
- Monitoring and Understanding of Global Tropospheric OH
- Multi-Decadal Declines in Particulate Mercury and Sediment Export from Russian Rivers in the Pan-Arctic Basin
- Multi-decadal global ozone trends from ozonesonde and surface background sites: Why cant models reproduce trends?
- Multiple moist climate equilibrium states on arid rocky M-dwarf planets: A last-saturation tracer analysis
- No Projected Global Drylands Expansion Under Greenhouse Warming
- Numerical and Observational Study of Density Fluctuations and their Effects on Alfven Wave Turbulence in a Coronal Hole
- Observations From Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Networks Detect the Abrupt Changes in Emissions During the COVID-19 Lockdown
- On the choice and implications of rheologies that maintain kinematic and dynamic consistency over the entire earthquake cycle
- Ozone Production from Wildfires during FIREX-AQ
- Paleomagnetic results from the 2.72-2.69 Ga Vermilion District of the Superior Craton, Minnesota
- Patterns of rupture complexity revealed by earthquake source time functions
- Permafrost mercury sources and implications for methylation among Alaskan ecoregions
- Pervasive crustal weakening from widespread off-fault damage: Implications from the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Phenological assessment of boreal forest transpiration
- Polar Basal Melting at Low Obliquity on a Cold Early Mars and its Potential Implications for Groundwater Recharge and the Persistence of a Northern Ocean.
- Precession Pacing of Late Pleistocene Glacial Terminations
- QDMlab: a MATLAB toolbox for analyzing Quantum Diamond Microscope (QDM) magnetic maps
- Quantifying localized heating and grain rotation in fault zones using high-resolution magnetic field imaging
- Quantifying the Climate-Erosion Relationship in Young Volcanic Islands
- Quantifying the contribution of biomass burning in black carbon deposition on Andean glaciers and its potential climate implications
- RGB Data as a High Resolution Proxy for Southern Ocean Nutrient Changes on a Centennial Scale
- Rapid postglacial rebound amplifies global sea-level rise following West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Cross Method Synthesis and Uncertainty Quantification at the East River Watershed
- Reconciling assumptions in bottom-up and top-down approaches for estimating aerosol emissions from wildland fires in the Western US using observations from FIREX-AQ
- Riftquakes: Recording and Modeling Seismic Signals of Rifting at Pine Island Glacier
- Science and Governance Implications of Low Environmental Impact Outdoors Solar Geoengineering Experiments
- Searching for the Sea Level Fingerprint of Recent Melt in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
- Shock response of a magma ocean analog to 1 TPa
- Soil heterogeneity outweighs the effects of root exudation on SOM in a temperate forest
- Solar Cycle Temperature Response as an Independent Constraint of Transient Climate Sensitivity
- Spectrally-Selective Solar Geoengineering in a Global Climate Model
- Stable Ca isotope variations of oceanic basalts: tracers of mantle melting and mixing of melts
- Strong Radiative Effects on Moist Heat Stress Under Future Compound Temperature-Humidity Extremes
- Testing the strength of the speleothem magnetism as a rainfall proxy using a high-resolution record from central-eastern Brazil
- The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling
- The Earth's surface controls the depth-dependent seismic radiation of megathrust earthquakes
- The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice-Mass Loss on 3-D Crustal Motion
- The Impact of Rising Carbon Dioxide Emissions on Air Quality and Public Health in Megacities
- The Physics of Falling Raindrops in Diverse Planetary Atmospheres: How the Simplicity of Raindrops Can Constrain Condensible Cycles
- The Potential Impact of Solar Geoengineering on Forest Productivity in Dryland Ecosystems
- The Potential Impact of Solar Radiation Managment on Forest Productivity in Dryland Ecosystems
- The Quantum Diamond Anvil Cell A new frontier for high pressure rock magnetism
- The Role of Late-Holocene Regional Ice History and Sea-Level Change in Viking Out-Migration from Southwest Greenland
- The Role of Warm Rain Parameterizations in Global Models Too Frequent Precipitation Bias from Microphysical, Numerical, and Radiative Perspectives
- The Sensitivity of Projected Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and Sea Level Contribution to GIA
- The Signal Hill Restraining Bend: The Influence of Fault Segmentation on Earthquake Magnitudes for the Newport-Inglewood Fault, Los Angeles, CA
- The Timing of the Last Nucleosynthetic Injection into the Protosolar Molecular Cloud Inferred from 41Ca-26Al Systematics of CAIs.
- The Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) Mission: Measurement Goals and Traverse Planning
- The effects of bulk composition, temperature, and chemical stratification on Martian mantle mineralogy and seismic structure
- The impact of Ice Habit on Convectively Driven Tropical Tropopause Cirrus
- The oldest documented plate tectonic motion and a stably dipolar reversing geomagnetic field, 3.25 Ga, East Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- The value of information about solar geoengineering and the two-sided cost of bias
- Thermochemical alteration as a robust paleofield recorder in deep-time: a mineralogical case study from seafloor basalts, 3.25 Ga, East Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Towards Reconciling Rheological Models of the Tibetan Plateau from Seismic to Geological Timescales
- Towards global mapping of oil and gas infrastructure for MethaneSAT source attribution
- Trends and spatial shifts in lightning fires and smoke concentrations in response to 21st century climate over the national forests and parks of the western United States
- US Trends in Wildfire Smoke derived from NOAAs Hazard Mapping System Smoke Product and Airport Data from 2010-2020
- Understanding the Distribution of Convective Precipitation over an Idealized Synoptic Scale Soil Moisture Gradient with Horizontal Mean Wind
- Understanding the formaldehyde (HCHO) budget in a pristine forested environment using field and laboratory studies and the 1-D FORCAsT model
- Understanding the mechanism of magnetic enhancement in aeolian sediments using high-resolution magnetic imaging
- Uptake of HCl and HNO3 on solid particles in potential solar geoengineering scenarios: experiments and modeling
- Using Integrated Magnetic and Crystallographic Techniques to Examine the Pyrrhotite Lambda Transition in Natural Samples
- Using TROPOMI to guide high-resolution instruments for detection, identification and quantification of methane super-emitters
- Variation in impacts of stratospheric aerosol on climate variability and change due to composition uncertainty
- Warm Pliocene mid-latitude upwelling site SSTs: a feedback between wetter land conditions and reduced upwelling-favorable winds
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- Why Does Continental Summertime Monthly Temperature Variance Increase With Warming in Some Models but Not Others?
- WorldView-3 Satellite Maps Methane Plumes At Very High Spatial Resolution.
- A Bayesian Reconstruction of Solar Forcing from 1610 to Present
- A Detection of the Sea Level Fingerprint of Greenland Ice Sheet Melt
- A Geochemical, Nd-Sr, Stable Ca Isotopic Investigation of Modern Non-Skeletal Carbonates from Lacustrine and Marine Depositional Setting and Proterozoic Carbonates from the Sedimentary Basins of India
- A Geographical Calibration Curve Construction Method with Applications to Alkenone and TEX86 Proxies
- A Late Pleistocene Planktonic δ18O Stack of the West Pacific Warm Pool
- A Novel Cross-Correlation-Based Automatic Phase-Picking Algorithm for Seismic Array Data and its Application to PcP Arrivals
- A Portable, Ground-Based FTS for Reflected Sunlight: Performance Evaluation for Mapping CO2 and CH4 above Los Angeles
- A Rotation Procedure to Improve Seasonally Varying Empirical Orthogonal Function Bases for MJO Indices
- A multi-pronged effort needed to enhance measurements of GHG vertical profiles
- A novel, cost-effective analytical method for measuring high-resolution vertical profiles of long-lived stratospheric trace gases and ozone-depleting substances
- A peridotite source for high-Ti HIMU-like Oslo Rift lavas
- A scheme for representing aromatic secondary organic aerosols in chemical transport models: application to source attribution of organic aerosols over South Korea during the KORUS-AQ campaign.
- A simple physical mechanism explains an empirical radiative scaling of the nocturnal boundary layer
- Accelerating TEMPO Air Quality Science Through STAQS
- Accounting for landscape heterogeneity in eddy covariance fluxes and effects on carbon budgets when scaling in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK
- Accounting for the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Regulations in China
- An Analysis of Model Instability caused by Implementations of the Weak Temperature Gradient
- An Analysis of the Climate and Health Impacts of Harvard University's Building Portfolio: A Case-Study
- An Observational, Irrigation-sensitive Drought Record from Weather Data
- An adaptive auto-reduction solver for speeding up integration of chemical kinetics in atmospheric chemistry models: implementation and evaluation within the Kinetic Pre-Processor (KPP) version 3.0.0
- Analysis of the increasing trend of NH3 over East Asia during 2011-2019
- Archaeal Lipids Suggest Ecological Shifts of Marine Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea in Greenhouse Worlds
- Are we already at a 1.5C warming threshold: homogenized sea surface and land temperatures indicate between 1.2 to 1.5C warming from 1880 to 2022
- Artificial light at night: an under-appreciated effect on plant phenology in urban areas
- Assessing the Robustness of Arctic Climate Bi-stability Using a Coupled Atmosphere-Sea Ice Model
- Assessment of digitized satellite wildfire smoke plumes with airport observations across the contiguous United States and Alaska from 2008-2021
- Asynchronous carbon assimilation and tree growth explains ring-width climate sensitivity of Eastern US temperature oaks
- Attribution of the increase of global methane during 2010-2021 using inverse analysis of GOSAT observations
- Background nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over the United States and its implications for satellite observations and trends: roles of aircraft, wildfires, and nitrate photolysis
- Balloon-borne and Satellite Observations of the New Mexico PyroCb Plumes during the DCOTSS 2022 Field Campaign
- Bulk measurements and microscale heterogeneity: Reconciling differences for the detection of agnostic biosignatures
- CHEEREIO: A Generalized, Open-source Ensemble-based Chemical Data Assimilation and Emissions Inversion Platform for the GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation in the 3HP/4HB Pathway and Prospects for an Archaeal Lipid pCO2 Paleobarometer
- Carbon Losses from Southeast Asian Peatlands
- Cascading delays in the monsoon rice growing season and post-monsoon agricultural fires likely exacerbate air pollution in North India
- Chamber Studies of the Products and Mechanism of Dimethyl Sulfide Oxidation
- Characterizing the geomagnetic paleosecular variation at high latitudes in late Mesoproterozoic: new evidence from carbonate successions of the Jingeryu Formation in the North China craton
- Climate change will affect water availability and agriculture production in Southern Madagascar
- CoBE Projection: A Tool to Project Health and Climate Co-Benefits of Energy Conservation in Built Environment
- Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
- Community Resilience to Natural-Hazard Induced Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks Contaminant Releases and Exposures Through Data-Driven Risk Assessment
- Comparison of Jupiter's and Saturn's magnetic fields and implications for their interiors
- Comparison of TROPOMI Satellite Inversions of Methane to Regional-scale Modelling in Canada
- Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2
- Conscripting the Earth: Francis Birch, War Laboratories, and the Prehistory of American Mineral Physics
- Constraining the warming effect of high-altitude water ice clouds on early Mars in a 3D moist general circulation model with a simplified cloud microphysical scheme
- Continuous weekly monitoring of methane emissions from the Permian Basin by inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations
- Cracking the Case: Fluid Flow Limits the Speed of the Largest Locally-Observed Rifting Event
- Current Predictions of Ecosystem Dynamics in California Sierras using GEDI-Constrained Terrestrial Biosphere Model Simulations
- Data-driven placement of PM2.5 air quality sensors in the United States: an approach to target urban environmental injustice
- Deep Learning for Subgrid-Scale Turbulence Modeling in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Convective Atmospheric Boundary Layer
- Deformation on the Microscale: Quantifying Source Parameters and Localized Heating during High-pressure Failure in the Laboratory
- Detection and Quantification of Methane Super-Emitters by Combining Multiple Satellite Instruments
- Developing Methods to Characterize Tropical Cyclones via Long-Running Seismic Observations
- Developing Standards for and Extracting Metadata from Legacy Seismic Records
- Development of the MethaneSAT Cloud Filter
- Development of the MethaneSAT L0-1B processor
- Diamond as an alternative to sulfate for Stratospheric Aerosol Injection.
- Earth's Earliest Atmosphere and Volatile Loss During Accretion
- East Asian Methane Emissions Inferred from High-resolution Inversions of GOSAT and TROPOMI Observations: a Comparative and Evaluative Analysis
- Effects of Hot vs. Dry Vapor Pressure Deficit on Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes
- Elucidating the nature of obliterated ancient crust by studying the geochemistry of detrital zircons in the 3.6-3.2 Ga Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa
- Emplacement of the Franklin large igneous province and initiation of the Sturtian Snowball Earth
- Escaping outflows from disintegrating exoplanets: day-side versus night-side escape
- Evaluating Probabilistic Age Models and Stacks for Different Proxy Types on the Iberian Margin
- Evaluation of An Advanced Ozone Dry Deposition Model
- Evidence that Earth was exposed to Cold Dense Interstellar Medium 2 Myrs Ago as a result of the Encounter with Local Lynx Cold Clouds
- Examining Alternative Scenarios of Nonlinear Glacial Cycle Dynamics
- Expansion and intensification of the North American Monsoon during the Pliocene
- Experimental Investigations of Ice Mélange and Floating Granular Materials
- Experimental Study of Penny-Shaped Hydraulic Fracturing Process in Stiff Material Using Pressurized Complex Fluids
- Exploring Injection Locations for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering to Maximize Particle Lifetime in the Stratosphere
- Exploring subtropical stratocumulus multiple equilibria using a mixed-layer model
- Extending Earth's paleogeographic and geodynamic records into the Archean
- Faunal Stable Isotopes Describe Eastern African Hydroclimate Across the Afro-Eurasian Collision
- From an Analytic Collaborative Framework to an Earth System Digital Twin for Air Quality Analysis
- GEDI-constrained Estimates of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics in Southeast Asian Tropical Forests
- Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG): Capacity Building Partnerships to Address National Climate Change-Related Systemic Risk
- Halocarbons in the Lower Stratosphere during the North American Summer Monsoon Season
- Health impacts of smoke exposure in South America: Increased risk for populations in the Amazonian Indigenous territories
- High cloud forming potential of anthropogenic sulfate aerosols arising from SO2 emissions of a coal-fired power plant during relatively cleaner conditions of Covid lockdown in India
- How crowdsourced human mobility data might save us from disaster: Lessons learned from the 2022 hurricane season
- Hydrothermal systems as recorders of the early geomagnetic field
- Identifying Inter-model Differences in Stratospheric Response to Stratospheric Heating
- Imaging interseismic activity along the North Anatolian Fault with kinematic models constrained by dense geodetic observations
- Impacts of Forestry Practices on Manoomin/Psiη (Wild Rice) Watersheds in a Changing Climate: Exploring Tribal-University Knowledge Co-Production in Hydrologic Modeling
- Improving Pre-Satellite Era Oceanic Storm Catalogs with Seismology
- Improving gridded maps of methane emissions using plume detections as top-down constraint.
- Improving the Total CO2 Budget Estimate for an Active Stratovolcano in Costa Rica
- In Situ Stratospheric Chemistry Observations in Background and Convectively Injected Air over the United States in Summer 2021/2022
- In-situ Measurements of Water Isotopologues in Cirrus from the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Summer Stratosphere 2022 Campaign
- Introduction to the Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI-Rocket) for the Hi-C Flare Rocket
- Invariance of Stress Drop Scaling for Slow Slip Events on Novel Laboratory Fault
- Investigation of smoke exposure during the fire season in Australia: Importance of quantifying plume injection heights
- Jupiter's Magnetic Field and Secular Variation During Juno's First 6 Years in Orbit
- Key drivers of mold growth and human respiratory illness after a hurricane: Lessons from Hurricane Ida
- Long-term Observations of Smog Intensification over Northern India Associated with Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorological Feedbacks
- Machine Learned Nonlinearity of the Post-spinel Transition and Its Expression in Slabs and Plumes Worldwide
- Machine Learned Phase Diagrams of Rocky Planetary Materials at High Pressures
- Magnetic properties of martian basins cooled in a reversing dynamo
- Methane emissions from China: a high-resolution inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations
- Methanogenesis at 7-12 mbar under a simulated Martian atmosphere: New revelations from transcriptomics on the habitability of the shallow Martian subsurface
- Microphysical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols in the Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere: Influence of Biomass Burning
- NO2 Vertical Profiles over East Asia and Their Relation to Oxidant Chemistry: Implications for Geostationary Satellite Retrievals
- NO2 exposure reduction inside different vehicle cabins with activated carbon filters and their efficiency vs duration of use
- New Proterozoic paleomagnetic data from the Rehoboth Basement Inlier, Namibia, indicating 30-degree clockwise local rotation during Damaran orogenesis.
- OMI Collection 4 Formaldehyde Retrievals: Towards a Multi-Sensor, Multi-Satellite and Multi-Decadal Dataset
- Paintings by Turner and Monet Depict Trends in 19th Century Air Pollution
- Panel Discussion: Climate Intervention and Global Climate Change: Technological and Ethical Considerations - A Conversation of Candid Perspectives
- Parameter Recovery Using Remotely Sensed Variables: Problems and Solutions
- Partitioning of Urban NOx Between Short- and Long-Lived Reservoirs and Its Impact on Regional Ozone Production
- Predicting deforestation risk for REDD+ projects: using satellite-based land use cover maps and machine learning for robust deforestation baseline projections
- Primary controls in incipient erosion: A tale of two volcanic landscapes
- Processes Contributing to North American Cold Air Outbreaks Based on Air Parcel Trajectory Analysis
- Quantification of Urban Biogenic CO2 Fluxes Requires High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Vegetation Types
- Quantifying methane emissions from the global scale down to point sources using satellite observations of atmospheric methane
- Quantifying past changes in ocean oxygenation and productivity using carbon isotope gradients in benthic foraminifera
- Rapidly approaching a thermal tolerance tipping point in the Eurasian boreal forest at its southern margins
- Recent Developments and Future Directions in Phytoplankton-based Records of Cenozoic pCO2
- Reconstructing the position of the supercontinent Rodinia in the early Neoproterozoic: new constraints from Laurentia's interior and the Grenville margin
- Reducing bias in risk indices for COVID-19: looking for more fair and epidemiologically interpretable rankings
- Reevaluating the Stratospheric Water Vapor Feedback in CMIP6 Models
- Revisiting Pleistocene Benthic δ18O Stacks with BIGMACS
- Revisiting the Bastille Day Coronal Mass Ejection: Learning About the Eruption Through 3D MHD Time-Dependent Ionization Modeling of Heavy Ions
- Risks and benefits of stratospheric solid particle injection for climate intervention
- Rough Around the Edges: Is Changing Ice Shelf Roughness a Precursor to Collapse?
- Satellite data reveal a larger seasonal amplitude of the global carbon cycle compared to most bottom-up models
- Satellite quantification of methane emissions from the Middle East and North Africa to support effective climate change policy
- Sensitive Dependence of Global Climate to Continental Geometry
- Sensitivity of Stratospheric Ozone to Volcanic Eruptions: Modelled Dependencies on Latitude, Season, and Halogen Content of the Eruption
- Sensitivity of population-weighted smoke exposure to wildfires in the western United States: implications for prescribed burning at the state level and in rural environmental justice communities
- Size Dependence of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Submicron Aerosol Particle Suspensions
- Soil Moisture Drives Observed Variations In Surface Conductance
- Soil Moisture Modulates Temperature Extremes
- Spatial attribution of aircraft mass balance experiment CO2 estimations for policy relevant boundaries: New York City
- Stratospheric Impact from a Water-rich Volcanic Eruption like the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption in January 2022: Modelled Ozone Sensitivity to Injected SO2 and Water Vapor
- Strongest Covariance Between Wintertime Troposphere and Stratosphere Occurs at No Time Lag
- Structural Changes in the Social Cost of Carbon
- Sulfur radical formation from the tropospheric irradiation of aqueous sulfate aerosols
- Surface Ozone in South Korea and the Seoul Metropolitan Area: 2015-2019 Trends and Background Contributions
- The 2021 Stratospheric Aerosol Layer: Comparison of Model Results and Observations
- The Impact of Warm Season Ozone Exposure on Children's Health in the US
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferences of Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The MethaneSAT Mission: Progress and Future Plans
- The Origin of Ni and Mn Variations in Hawaiian and MORB Olivines and Associated Basalts
- The Sources of Terrigenous Sediment to the Southeast Atlantic-Southern Ocean Over the Last 150,000 Years
- The Spectral Origins of Carbon Dioxide's Logarithmic Forcing
- The benthic δ18O lag between the Eastern Equatorial Pacific and the Iberian Margin
- The impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on Antarctic ice loss and global sea levels in the coming centuries
- The role(s) of remote sensing in reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas supply chain
- The seasonal cycle of surface soil moisture: A global analysis
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- The use of satellite observations to assess burn pit exposures experienced by military personnel deployed in Southwest Asia.
- Thermally direct mesoscale circulations driven by roughness gradients
- Three-Dimensional Shear Wave Velocity Structure of the Atlantic Upper Mantle from a Regional Dataset of Fundamental-Mode Rayleigh waves
- Towards Photophoretically Levitating Macroscopic Sensors in the Stratosphere
- Tracking Seasonal Change with PhenoCam Data: Scaling Local Success to Cross-Biome Teaching Practice
- U-Plume: Automated Algorithm for Methane Plume Detection and Source Quantification by Satellite Point Source Imagers
- U.S. non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions for 2007 - 2020 derived from atmospheric observations
- Understanding Seasonal Variations of U.S. State Energy Demand
- Understanding the diurnal and seasonal patterns of regional CO2 drawdown using EM27/SUN XCO2 measurements at Harvard Forest
- Urban Nitrous Oxide Emissions from New York City Wastewater Treatment
- Using Magnetically Enhanced Laminae in Speleothems as a Paleoflood Proxy
- Water Vapor Isotopic Signatures of Moisture Transport in the UT/LS
- Water and Generation Resource Integrated Database (wGRID): A Tool to Quantify Water Impacts of Electricity Use
- What Aspects of Food Security in Southern Madagascar can be Informed by Satellite-based Remote Sensing Data?
- XCH4 and XCO2 proxies from MethaneAIR observations
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Ermakov
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- A. J. Rigden
- A. J. Soja
- A. Karion
- A. M. Morgan
- A. Nyblade
- A. Stine
- A. W. Rollins
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam T. Ringler
- Alan Fried
- Alan Robock
- Alba M. Rodriguez Padilla
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexander Robel
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alexis Berg
- Ali Akherati
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Allison L. Steiner
- Alma Hodzic
- Amir H. Souri
- Amruta Nori-Sarma
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andrew C. Schuerger
- Ane Alencar
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anita Cadoux
- Ankit Barik
- Ann Pearson
- Anna Lea Albright
- Anson H. Cheung
- Anthony Fuentes
- António Ferraz
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Armin Wisthaler
- Aryeh Feinberg
- Ashley B. Morris
- B. Chidester
- B. L. Lefer
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. P. Weiss
- B. P. de Sousa
- B. W. Crowell
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Bar Oryan
- Barra A. Peak
- Barron H. Henderson
- Becky Alexander
- Benedikt Hemmer
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Benjamin Hmiel
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. Lintner
- Bhavna Arora
- Bianca C. Baier
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Boris Faybishenko
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brendan J. Meade
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brian McDonald
- Brian N. Popp
- Britton B. Stephens
- Bruno L. De Faria
- C. D. Cappa
- C. D. Nevison
- C. E. Clapp
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Gately
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. R. Thompson
- C. W. D. Milliner
- C. Warneke
- Caitlyn Witkowski
- Carl Schmitt
- Carolina Lithgow‐Bertelloni
- Caroline C. Womack
- Caroline Leland
- Cenlin He
- Chaowei Yang
- Charles T. Driscoll
- Cheila Avalon Cullen
- Chi Hung Yan
- Christopher D. Holmes
- Christopher Moore
- Christopher P. Loughner
- Clara Orbe
- Colette L. Heald
- Colin J. Lonsdale
- Colm Sweeney
- Congcong Yuan
- Cooper Downs
- Cristian Proistosescu
- Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi
- D. F. Hurst
- D. F. Porter
- D. J. Gershman
- D. K. Adams
- D. L. Gallagher
- D. M. Peteet
- D. M. Wilmouth
- D. N. Huntzinger
- D. S. Sayres
- Dandan Wei
- Daniel J. Short Gianotti
- Daniel J. Varon
- Daniel Ortega‐Arroyo
- Daniel R. Green
- Daniel Zimmerle
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Danielle Wood
- Dara Entekhabi
- David C. Catling
- David Lagomasino
- David M. Romps
- David P. Krabbenhoft
- David Pollard
- David T. Sandwell
- David W. Keith
- Dawn M. Browning
- Delaney B. Kilgour
- Delavane B. Diaz
- Donald R. Blake
- Douglas A. Day
- Douglas A. Wiens
- Drew C. Pendergrass
- Dylan B. A. Jones
- E X Bonilla
- E. A. Ray
- E. C. Apel
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- E. J. Hintsa
- E. J. L. Larson
- Eamon Conway
- Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Edwin S. Kite
- Elisabeth L. Sikes
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elliot L. Atlas
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emily B. Franklin
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric Beamesderfer
- Erica M. Lucas
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. Chevallier
- Fangqun Yu
- Felix J Elling
- Felix Vogel
- Feng Ding
- Frances Marie Panday
- Francesca Gallo
- Frank N. Keutsch
- Freja From Østerstrøm
- G. H. C. Ng
- G. J. Frost
- G. N. Flerchinger
- G. P. Schill
- G. P. Zank
- G. R. Miller
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel Chiodo
- Gabriele Pfister
- Gaia Stucky de Quay
- Gan Luo
- Garima Raheja
- Geoffrey Gebbie
- Geoffrey Roest
- George Pouliot
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Gernot Wagner
- Gisela Winckler
- Giuseppe Torri
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Gábor Tóth
- H. C. P. Lau
- Haipeng Lin
- Hannah Nesser
- Hanqing Zhao
- Hao Tang
- Havala O. T. Pye
- Helene Muri
- Hong Liao
- Hongyu Guo
- Huiqun Wang
- Huisheng Bian
- I. Pillitteri
- Ioan Lascu
- Isaac Vimont
- Isobel J. Simpson
- Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate
- Ivan Černušák
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. B. Gilman
- J. D. Crounse
- J. D. Wood
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. Eric Klobas
- J. F. Drake
- J. H. Crawford
- J. Jason West
- J. M. Amundson
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
- J. R. McConnell
- J. R. Whetstone
- J. Stutz
- J. Tucker
- J. W. McClelland
- Jack C. Hensley
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jacob T. Seeley
- Jacqueline Austermann
- Jacqueline K.Y. Hung
- Jakob Lindaas
- James Badro
- James L. Pierce
- James Rising
- James W. Elkins
- Jared Espley
- Jared F. Brewer
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean Pierre Ometto
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jennifer L. Middleton
- Jennifer Stowell
- Jenny A. Fisher
- Jeremy Bloxham
- Jerry Tjiputra
- Jesse Farmer
- Jesse H. Kroll
- Jesse O. Bash
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jiafu Mao
- Jiancong Chen
- Jianghanyang Li
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jiuxun Yin
- Joannes D. Maasakkers
- Jocelyn Turnbull
- Joel A. Biederman
- John B. Nowak
- John C. Lin
- John Leif Jørgensen
- John P. Loveless
- John T. Sullivan
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonathan E. Grindlay
- Jonathan J. Buonocore
- Jonathan Kingslake
- Jooil Kim
- Jordan E. Krechmer
- Jordan T. Abell
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joseph Pitt
- Joshua D. Shutter
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Joshua N. Winn
- José M.G. Merayo
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- Julie Granger
- Jun Meng
- Jun Wang
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Junjie Liu
- Junsheng Nie
- Justin Burton
- K. Chance
- K. D. Froyd
- K. Dialynas
- K. Moore
- K. R. Gurney
- K. R. Verhulst
- K. W. Bowman
- Kaighin A. McColl
- Kai‐Lan Chang
- Kang Sun
- Karl B. Zinglersen
- Karl M. Seltzer
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kathryn Hobart
- Kathryn McKain
- Kavinda Nissanka
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kelvin H. Bates
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth P. Bowman
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kevin L. Griffin
- Kevin T. Uno
- Kierstin Daviau
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kiran Alapaty
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kristian D. Hajny
- L. Bruhwiler
- L. E. Lisiecki
- L. Golub
- L. K. Emmons
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Lars Stixrude
- Laura Hyesung Yang
- Laura Schaefer
- Lee T. Murray
- Lei Zhu
- Li Hu
- Liam Bindle
- Liang Xu
- Lianhong Gu
- Lin Meng
- Linda Pan
- Lisa Bröder
- Lisa Kaltenegger
- Lonnie G. Thompson
- Louis Verchot
- Lu Shen
- Lucas Henneman
- Lucas R. Vargas Zeppetello
- Luciana F. Alves
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Luke Schiferl
- M De Moor
- M. A. Fenn
- M. Asgari-Targhi
- M. E. Oskin
- M. Fromm
- M. G. Giometto
- M. J. Borreggine
- M. J. Cooper
- M. J. Evans
- M. M. Arienzo
- M. M. Hirschmann
- M. O. Schrenk
- M. Opher
- M. S. Long
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- Makoto Kelp
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Marcos Longo
- Marcus P. S. Badger
- Margaux Winter
- Marguerite Mauritz
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- Mariem Saavedra‐Pellitero
- Marine Denolle
- Mark A. Cane
- Mark Hoggard
- Markus Ammann
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- Maryam Yousefi
- Mason Stahl
- Mathias Benn
- Matija Herceg
- Matthew B. Goss
- Matthew C. Brennan
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Matthew S. Clement
- Matthias Sprenger
- Matěj Peč
- Max Berkelhammer
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Meredith Franklin
- Mian Chin
- Michael J. Prather
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michał Michalak
- Mukund Palat Rao
- Márcia C. Castro
- N. A. Murphy
- Nadja Drabon
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan Chellman
- Nathan Dadap
- Nathanael Z. Wong
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Nicholas L. Swanson‐Hysell
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Ning Zeng
- Noelle E. Selin
- P. B. Shepson
- P. J. Polissar
- P. M. Bremner
- P. O. Wennberg
- P. R. Moorcroft
- P. R. Veres
- Paige R. Voss
- Pak Wah Chan
- Parichehr Salimifard
- Paul A. Newman
- Pauli Kehayias
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peter Huybers
- Peter J. Michael
- Peter R. Colarco
- Peter R. Girguis
- Phil DeCola
- Pierre Gentine
- Piyushkumar N. Patel
- Plinio Jaqueto
- Péter Molnár
- R. A. Washenfelder
- R. C. Cohen
- R. Commane
- R. I. Trindade
- R. S. Hornbrook
- R. Wordsworth
- R.L. Kleinberg
- Rachel L. Harris
- Ralf Greve
- Rebecca M. Flowers
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- Richard H. Moore
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- Rishav Mallick
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- Ruosi Liang
- Russell L. Scott
- Ryan S. D. Calder
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- S. E. Mikaloff Fletcher
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- S. L. Goldstein
- S. Ludwig
- S. M. Levin
- S. Olinger
- S. Schauffler
- S. T. Lepri
- S. T. Stewart
- Sabine Stanley
- Sabrina Savage
- Sally E. Pusede
- Samuel L. Goldberg
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sarah A. Strode
- Sarah C. Steele
- Sarah Weidman
- Saravanan Arunachalam
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott Knapp
- Scott Zolkos
- Sean Crowell
- Sebastian D. Eastham
- Sergio Ibarra
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Seth A. Spawn‐Lee
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shannon N. Koplitz
- Shaojie Song
- Shuang Zhang
- Shumenghui Zhai
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- Stavros Kotsiaros
- Stephanie E. Cleland
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- Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
- Sun Hong-wei
- Susan M. Natali
- Susan S. Hubbard
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- Suzanne E. Tank
- Sébastien Roche
- Sönke Dangendorf
- T. A. Goudge
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- T. B. Ryerson
- T. F. Hanisco
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- Tamma Carleton
- Taylor Shingler
- Tetsu K. Tokunaga
- Theodore S. Dibble
- Thibaud M. Fritz
- Thomas Clune
- Thomas Opel
- Tianjia Liu
- Tiantian Li
- Timothy Clements
- Tobias Borsdorff
- Todd A. Mooring
- Tomás Sherwen
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- Tripti Bhattacharya
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- Ulrich K. Krieger
- Valère Lambert
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- О. В. Калашникова