Harvard University, Engineering and Applied Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aftershocks can Significantly Alter Stress Change Patterns Produced by Their Mainshock
- Factors Controlling CO2 Exchange at Harvard Forest on Hourly to Annual Time Scales
- Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate Particles Containing Mineral Dust Inclusions
- Irregularities in Early Seismic Rupture Propagation for Large Events in a Crustal Earthquake Model
- Satellite Instrumentation and Orbits for High Accuracy Spectrally Resolved Radiometry for Climate Monitoring
- Inverting for Asian Emissions of Carbon Monoxide Using Aircraft Observations During TRACE-P
- Nucleation of Rate and State Frictional Instability Under Non-Uniform Loading
- Solubility and Freezing Effects of Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> and Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> in H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> Solutions at Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Temperatures and Compositions
- Testing Theory for Fault Branching: Denali to Totschunda, Alaska, November 3, 2002
- The NASA/GTE/TRACE-P Mission:Design and Execution
- The North American Carbon Program (NACP): objectives, concepts, and recent progress.
- Transpacific pollution during ITCT-2K2: Interpretation using global 3-D model
- Exploiting observed CO:CO<SUB>2</SUB> correlations in Asian outflow to invert simultaneously for emissions of CO and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Fault Jumping and Bilateral Propagation as a General Mechanism of Backward Branching: Case Study of Transition from the Kickapoo to the Homestead Valley Fault in the 1992 Landers Earthquake
- Fault Zone Drainage, Heating and Melting During Earthquake Slip
- Global Simulation of Ammonium-sulfate-nitrate Inorganic Aerosols: Implications for Natural Visibility in the United States and Intercontinental Transport of Pollution
- Potential of Observations From the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer to Constrain Regional Sources of Carbon Monoxide
- Quantifying biogenic VOC emissions over North America using formaldehyde column observations from space
- Radiative Forcing Associated with Changes in Upper Tropospheric Ozone Resulting from Deep Convection
- Slip Transfer from the Denali to Totschunda Faults During the 3 November 2002 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Denali, Alaska, Earthquake
- Space-Based Observations of the Seasonal Variations in Biomass Burning Emissions of NOx and VOCs over Africa during 2000
- The Effect of Oxygen on Siderite and Rhodochrosite Dissolution
- Characterizing Model Errors for Inverse Modelling of Atmospheric Trace Gases
- Finite Element Modeling of Dynamic Shear Rupture Experiments Along Non-Planar Faults
- Infrasonic Monitoring of Eruptions at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador using a Wireless Sensor Network
- Inverting observations of GPS refractivies to reveal dynamical structures for climate model testing
- Optimizing climate model parameter choice using Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM)
- Short Fault Branches as Sources of Seismic Complexities
- Simmulations and Inverse Modeling of Global Methyl Chloride
- A multi-platform analysis of the North American reactive nitrogen budget during the ICARTT summer intensive
- Aerosol Properties From Multi-angle Satellite Imaging
- Analysis of Interannual Variability in Stratospheric Ozone as seen by SAGE II, HALOE, SBUV(/2) and Ozonesondes, and Implications for Ozone Trends.
- Characterization of North American Ozone-CO Correlations During the ICARTT Study
- Could the December 26, 2004 and the March 28, 2005 Sumatra Earthquakes Have Been Anticipated Using Accelerated Moment Release?
- Crystallization Pathways of Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium Aerosol Particles
- Emissions From Boreal fires: Issues in Reconciling Bottom-up and Top-down Estimates.
- Finite Element Simulations of Dynamic Shear Rupture Experiments and Path Selection Along Branched Faults
- Future Area Burned in the Western U.S.
- Importance of Peat Burning and Injection Heights in Boreal Fire Emissions: Evaluation With MOPITT Satellite Observations for the Summer 2004
- Large upper tropospheric ozone enhancements above mid-latitude North America during summer: In situ evidence from the IONS and MOZAIC ozone monitoring network
- Ozonolysis of Mixed Oleic-Acid/Stearic-Acid Particles: Reaction Kinetics and Chemical Morphology
- Reconstruction of Calcite in Response to Surface Hydration
- Space-Based Constraints on Hydrocarbon Emissions in East Asia
- Structure of the Hydrated (10-14) Surface of Rhodochrosite (MnCO3)
- Supershear Slip Pulse and Off-Fault Damage
- Surface Ozone and Atmospheric Transport over the Gulf of Maine during ICARTT
- Using MISR and MODIS Data For Detection and Analysis of Smoke Plume Injection Heights Over North America During Summer 2004
- Using Space-based Observations of Infrared Hyperspectral Radiance and Radio Occultation to Test Global Climate Models
- A New Infrared Benchmark for Testing the Predictive Capability of Models
- A comparison of analytical and adjoint Bayesian inversion methods for constraining Asian sources of CO using satellite (MOPITT) measurements of CO columns
- Aerosol Size and Composition in the Upper Tropical Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere: Boundary Conditions and Processes Influencing Stratospheric Aerosol
- Digital seismo-acoustic signal processing aboard a wireless sensor platform
- Effect of Lower Stratospheric Ozone on Trends and Interannual Variability in Tropospheric Ozone
- Evaluation of GMI simulations with TES ozone data: the effects of different transport fields.
- Extent and Distribution of Off-Fault Plasticity During Seismic Rupture Including Bimaterial Effects
- Generating Climate Benchmark Atmospheric Soundings Using GPS Occultation Data And Early Results From Formosat-3/COSMIC
- High Temporal Resolution Inverse Modeling of CO Emissions from North American Boreal Fires and Their Injection Height During the Summer of 2004
- Microscopic Mechanisms of Dissolution-Precipitation at the Water-Manganese Mineral Interfaces
- Multiple Equilibria and Hysteresis in a Zonally Averaged Moist, Cloudy, Convecting Atmosphere, with Implications for the Equator to Pole Temperature Difference abd Equable Climate Dynamics
- Role of Aromatics in Atmospheric Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Role of Fault Branches in Earthquake Rupture Dynamics
- Satellite Characterization of Urban Aerosols: Importance of Including Hygroscopicity and Mixing State in the Retrieval Algorithms
- TES observations of the tropical lower troposphere in January 2005 and 2006
- The Effect of Pre-stress Assumptions on Dip-slip Fault Nucleation
- The state of the carbon cycle in the Northeastern United States & Canada 1982-present: results from a constrained, dynamic terrestrial biosphere model
- Analysis of injection heights of boreal forest fire plumes determined from MISR data
- Assessing Model Errors Through Chemical Data Assimilation
- Attenuation of Radiated Ground Motion and Stresses from Three-Dimensional Supershear Ruptures
- Can we Detect an Influence over North America From Increasing Asian NOx Emissions?
- Constraining Climate Sensitivity Using SI Traceable Satellite Data
- Effects of Initial Stress State on Splay Fault Activation During Dynamic Rupture Propagation
- Evidence of a Late-Summer Decrease in NOx/CO Emission Ratios From Boreal Fires
- Experimental and Metrological Basis for SI-Traceable Infrared Radiance Measurements From Space
- Experimental validation of light scattering and absorption theories of fractal-like carbonaceous aerosol agglomerates
- Incorporating Undrained Pore Fuid Pressurization Into Analyses of Off-Fault Plasticity During Dynamic Rupture
- Localization of Deformation in Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation
- Photochemical Cycling of Humic-Like Substances in Atmospheric Aerosols
- Quantifying the impact of aggregation errors and model transport biases on top-down estimates of carbon monoxide emissions using satellites observations
- Recent increases in Asian emissions and consequences for transpacific ozone pollution in the United States: INTEX-B and Aura observations
- Regional Carbon Dioxide Simulations Using Coupled Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport, Weather Forecast and Research, and Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Models
- Relating Satellite Data to NOx Source Estimates Through Inverse Modelling : a 10-year Emission Assessment
- Sampling Errors of Climate Monitoring Constellations
- Sea Ice, High-Latitude Convection, and Equable Climates
- Testing Climate Model Fidelity Using Lag Autocovariance of Infrared Radiances
- The Role of Mobile Surface Ions in Nanomaterial Formation
- The influence of convection on the water vapor and isotopic composition of the upper TTL and tropical stratosphere
- Transboundary Influences on Ozone Pollution in the United States: Present Conditions and Future Projections
- Validation of OMI tropospheric NO2 observations during INTEX-B and Application to Constrain NOx Emissions Over the Eastern United States and Mexico
- Zaidaco: A tool for interactive display of time-varying global geophysical fields
- A new approach to chemically-speciated submicron aerosol fluxes over tropical and temperate forests.
- An Analysis of the Processes Controlling the Distribution and Interannual Variability of Carbon Monoxide and Ozone in the Tropical Troposphere Using TES and MLS Data and Global Models.
- An Improved Optimal Detection Method for Determining the Longwave Water Vapor Feedback
- Analysis of the Organic Fraction of the Amazonian Aerosol Using an Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Coupled With a Thermodenuder
- Characterization of Polyfunctional Oligomers From Pyruvic Acid Photolysis in Water
- Criteria for Seismic Splay Fault Activation During Subduction Earthquakes
- Dependence of Deliquescence Relative Humidity of Inorganic Salts on Particle Size
- Determining Pore Pressures Along a Slip Surface Within a Saturated Elastic-Plastic Porous Medium
- Dynamic Rupture Through Branched Fault Configurations With Off-fault Inelastic Response
- Effect of climate change on North American wildfire activity and impact on ozone air quality in the United States
- Electricity from Wind: Global Perspectives
- Ensemble-based Regional Climate Prediction: Political Impacts
- HR-ToF-AMS Study of the Yield and Chemical Composition of alpha-pinene SOA as a Function of Organic Loading
- Improving techniques for satellite-based constraints on the lightning parameterization in a global chemical transport model
- Kudzu (Pueraria montana) Invasion Doubles Emissions of Nitric Oxide, a Precursor to Tropospheric Ozone.
- Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Pristine Aerosol Particles During the wet Season of Amazonia - Detection of Primary Biological Particles?
- Microbial Reduction of Al-Substituted Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides: Redefining the Reducing Capacity of Fe Phases in Natural Soils
- Parameterization of Turbulent-Induced Correlated Phytoplankton and Nutrient Fluctuations in an Upwelling Sea Surface Mixed Layer and Their Effect on Mean Production
- Realizing On-Orbit SI Traceability: Experimental Considerations and Science Objectives in the Infrared
- Regional and Global Climate Effects of US Anthropogenic Aerosols: A Sensitivity Study with a General Circulation Model
- Revisiting the SOLVE ClOOCl and ClO measurements in consideration of the Pope et al., 2007 results.
- Seasonal and Interannual Variations of O3 and CO at a rural site near Beijing
- Sensitivity of U.S. Air Quality to Mid-latitude Cyclone Frequency and Implications of 1980- 2006 Climate Change
- Size-resolved measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during the wet season in Amazonia
- Source Attribution of Mercury Exposure for U.S. Seafood Consumers: Implications for Policy
- The Nature of the Atmospheric Aerosol over the Amazon Basin: Microchemical Observations and Cloud Nucleation Ability
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- Trend and Variability Analysis of Six-year AIRS Radiances
- Use and ground validation of MISR satellite data to constrain injection heights of emissions from forest fires in the northwestern United States
- A Parameterization of Wildfire Emission Injection Heights in North America: Analysis from Satellite Observations and Models
- Chemistry of hydrogen oxide (HOx) radicals in the Arctic troposphere in spring
- Emissions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and Observations of VOC Oxidation at Harvard Forest
- Evidence for Novel Atmospheric Organic Aerosol Measured in a Bornean Rainforest
- Evolution of the oxidative capacity of the troposphere since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Examining transport pathways in the Tropical Tropopause Layer using in situ measurements of H2O, HDO, O3, CO, and CO2
- Experimental Basis for Robust On-orbit Uncertainty Estimates for CLARREO InfraRed Sensors
- Global source-receptor relationships for mercury under present and year 2050 anthropogenic emissions scenarios
- Growing a surface-parallel shear crack by a gradual pore pressure increase: At what point is it unstable?
- Integrated Analysis of Sources and Long-Range Transport Pathways of Ozone to the Arctic Troposphere
- Measurements and Modeling of the Air-Sea Exchange of Mercury
- Principles for Robust On-orbit Uncertainties Traceable to the SI (Invited)
- Retrieval of BrO vertical profiles from SCIAMACHY limb during Arctic spring 2008
- Sampling Errors for the CLARREO GNSS Radio Occultation Instrument
- Sensitivity of Oxygen Isotopes of Sulfate in Ice Cores to Past Changes in Atmospheric Oxidant Concentrations
- Soil acidification in China: Is controlling SO2 emissions enough?
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Temperature and Electrolyte Effects on the Thermochromism of Model Organic Aerosol Matter
- The influence of convection on the water isotopic composition of the TTL and tropical stratosphere
- To branch or not to branch: Numerical modeling of dynamically branching faults
- A Comparison of HCHO and CHOCHO Concentrations and Profiles in Three North American Forests
- Climate Response to US Aerosol Sources: 1950-2050
- Comparative analysis of carbon, water, and energy exchanges in co-located mid-latitude forests at various stages of development
- Development of a spectrometer for simultaneous measurement of δ13CH4 and δDCH4 at ambient concentrations
- Ensemble projections of wildfire activity and carbonaceous aerosol concentrations over the western United States in the mid-21st century
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- Improved simulation of preindustrial surface ozone in a model with bromine chemistry
- Improving satellite retrievals of NO2 in biomass burning regions
- Inferring global change from CHAMP and COSMIC occultation data
- Landsliding as the progressive growth of a slipping region: Initiating dynamic rupture propagation by local pore-pressure increase and its potential for arrest
- Long-time Persistence of Changes in Seismicity Style Induced by Stress Changes of Great Earthquakes
- Measurements of Forest-Atmosphere Isotopic CO2 Exchange by Eddy Covariance
- Nitrogen oxides and PAN in plumes from boreal fires during ARCTAS-B and their impact on ozone: An integrated analysis of aircraft and satellite observations
- Rapid Meltwater Transport to Ice Sheet Beds with Impacts on Subglacial Hydraulics and Overall Motion (Invited)
- Strain localization within a fluid-saturated fault gouge layer during seismic shear
- Study on isoprene OH oxidation with a focus on liquid phase chemistry
- Total Uncertainty in Measurements Record for Climate: Strategies from the CLARREO Mission
- Transport analysis and source attribution of seasonal and interannual variability of CO in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
- Control of the width of West Antarctic ice streams by internal melting in the ice sheet near the margins
- Decomposition-induced Overpressures and Fault Zone Dilation During Earthquake Slip
- Economically Feasible Potentials for Wind Power in China and the US
- Evidence for phase separation in atmospheric particle samples
- Forest fluxes of carbonyl sulfide: the balance between photosynthetic and soil uptake
- Four years of in situ O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements at Harvard Forest
- Impact of geostationary satellite measurements for CO forecasting: An observation system simulation experiments with GEOS-Chem/LETKF
- Influence of Plastic Deformation on Bimaterial Fault Rupture Directivity
- Influence of material contrast on fault branching behavior
- Investigating isoprene photo-oxidation at low-NOx conditions using PTR-TOF-MS
- Meteorological modes of variability for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) air quality in the United States: implications for PM2.5 sensitivity to climate change
- Observing Future Changes in the Photochemical Environment over Western North America due to Changes in Foreign Emissions: Lessons from Mount Bachelor
- On the accuracy of climate observing systems
- Particle-Phase Chemistry of Secondary Organic Material: Modeled Compared to Measured O:C and H:C Elemental Ratios Provide Constraints
- Rate my data: a hierarchical approach to quantifying the relative value of ecological data for the development of process-based models of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Regional warming from aerosol removal over the United States: Results from a transient 2010-2050 climate simulation
- Slip-weakening zone sizes at nucleation of catastrophic subaerial and submarine landslides by gradually increasing pore pressure
- Small-scale collisions with big-scale effects: Direct numerical simulations of crystal interactions in dense suspensions and ramifications for magmatic differentiation
- Stabilizing Stick-Slip Friction
- Strain localization driven by thermal decomposition during seismic shear
- The Plug model: A potential new framework for modeling cyclic activity in Strombolian-type volcanoes
- The ups and downs of being an atmospheric aerosol: Interpreting particle flux measurements over tropical and temperate forests
- Towards Earth System Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation: Assessing Structural Uncertainty
- Using measurements at various scales to explore uncertainty in model predictions of carbon budgets and cycling through time and space
- Validation of a Size-resolved Parameterization of Primary Organic Carbon in Fresh Marine Aerosols for Use in Air-Sea Exchange Simulations
- Airborne Measurements of Important Ozone-depleting and Climate-forcing Trace Gases from 1991 to HIPPO and Beyond
- Atmospheric Methane over the Arctic Ocean: Satellite Data
- Carbon dioxide flux estimates for Amazonia by means of local measurements of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and an atmospheric transport model
- Chemical composition and emission sources of South Asian fine particulate matter estimated from satellite observations and a chemical transport model
- Comparing inversion techniques for constraining CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Brazilian Amazon Basin with aircraft observations
- Deformation-induced melting in the margin of Whillans ice stream (B2), Siple Coast, Antarctica, and implications for ice-stream dynamics
- Dynamics of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter and Implications for Marine Aerosol Production and Composition
- Emissions of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Ammonia from California's San Joaquin Valley
- Evaluation of ozone hindcasts: optimal data sets to use, and results from simulations with the GMI model for 1990-2010.
- Exploring the microbially-mediated soil H2 sink: A lab-based study of the physiology and related H2 consumption of isolates from the Harvard Forest
- Forest fluxes of carbonyl sulfide (OCS)
- Global sources and significance of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN)
- Greenhouse gas measurements from aircraft during CARVE
- Mapping geopotential height and geostrophic wind in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using COSMIC and CHAMP GPS RO data
- Methane source identification in Boston, Massachusetts using isotopic and ethane measurements
- Radical loss in the atmosphere from Cu-Fe redox coupling in aerosols
- Self-healing slip pulses driven by thermal decomposition: Towards identifying dynamic weakening mechanisms in seismic observations
- Sensitivity of the oxidative capacity of the troposphere since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Stressing, Hydraulic and Locking Processes at Ice Stream Margins
- The Atmospheric Distribution of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) and Related Species During HIPPO and Other Recent Airborne Missions
- The groundwater nitrate isotope quandary: Is the dual isotopic composition of groundwater nitrate a recorder of interactions between N and Fe in the subsurface?
- The role of lightning in controlling interannual variability of tropical tropospheric ozone and OH and its implications for climate
- Top-down and bottom-up constraints on ammonia: implications for air quality control strategies
- Tropical forest phenology and carbon dioxide fluxes: a tower-mounted camera system for integrating canopy-scale phenology with seasonality of ecosystem-scale photosynthesis
- Understanding the radiative impact of decadal trends in Short-Lived climate forcers over the Arctic troposphere: A significant role for non-BC species
- Variability of HCHO over the Southeastern United States observed from space: Implications for VOC emissions
- Acidity-dependent reactive uptake of isoprene photooxidation products
- Adding microchemistry to microstructure: Potential causes for the formation of continuous crystal networks in subliquidus basalt
- Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of North American Surface Ozone Concentrations: Implications for Dry Deposition
- Air-sea fluxes of OCS and CO2 over coastal waters and the northwestern Atlantic ocean
- Analysis of convectively sourced water vapor in the overworld stratosphere at northern mid-latitudes: An update with data from SEAC4RS
- Biochemical Controls on the Production and Composition of Primary Marine Aerosol
- Characterization of Isoprene-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation at the Look Rock Site during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS)
- Chemical Imaging and Stable Isotope Analysis of Atmospheric Particles by NanoSIMS (Invited)
- Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Loss of Refractory Marine Dissolved Organic Matter
- Determination of biogenic volatile organic compound fluxes from Harvard Forest using PTR-TOF-MS (Invited)
- Evaluation of Harvard Lyman-α Hygrometer and Harvard Herriott Hygrometer measurements from the SEAC4RS flight campaign and AquaVIT2 laboratory comparison
- First OH reactivity measurements in Harvard Forest
- Impacts of updated spectroscopy on retrievals of CO2 and CH4 from TES observations evaluated with HIPPO observations
- In Situ CO2 Flux Measurements Via an Aircraft Using a Direct Absorption Spectroscopy Instrument in Conjuction with a NOAA BAT Probe
- Measurements and modeling of CH4 and CO2 in the Boston Metro area and Northeastern Megalopolis
- Novel Instrumentation for Column Measurements and Regional Eulerian Modeling for Network Design in Boston
- On-line Measurement of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) and Their Oxidation Products by PTR-TOF-MS in a Forest Environment in the Southeastern U.S
- Regional measurements of methane fluxes and methane isotopologues in the North Slope of Alaska
- Relative Humidity and Temperature Effects on the Viscosity of Secondary Organic Material from α-pinene Ozonolysis
- Secondary Organic Material Produced via Condensational and Coagulational Growth from α-pinene Ozonolysis in a Flow Tube Reactor and Its Spectroscopic Analysis by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation
- The Effect of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) Chemistry on Global Oxidant Distributions
- Three-phase-flow dynamics in the upper plumbing system at Stromboli volcano
- Using box models to calculate emissions from long-term observations of the background global atmosphere for nitrous oxide
- Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds inferred from oversampling of OMI HCHO columns
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Decadal Changes in Arctic Radiative Forcing from Aerosols and Tropospheric Ozone
- Development and Performance of the Modularized, High-performance Computing and Hybrid-architecture Capable GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- Dynamic Weakening of Serpentinite Gouges and Bare-Surfaces at Seismic Slip Rates
- Elemental Mercury Concentrations and Fluxes in the Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean
- Experimental Studies of Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal Pore-Fluid Pressurization
- Factors Controlling O<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Southeastern United States during Summer as Constrained by the SEAC<SUP><SUB>4</SUB></SUP>RS Campaign
- Global 3-D model of oceanic mercury coupled to carbon biogeochemistry and particle dynamics: application to the transport and fate or riverine mercury
- Glyoxal Retrieval from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- HEMCO: a versatile software component for calculating and validating emissions in atmospheric models
- Impact of Grid Resolution on Chemical Transport Modeling in the Southeast US: GEOS-Chem Model Constrained with Observations from SEAC4RS Aircraft Campaign
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Inverse Analysis of North American Methane Emissions Using the CarbonTracker-Lagrange Modeling Framework
- Isoprene Chemistry in the Southeastern United States Constrained By GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model Interpretation of Aircraft Observations from the 2013 NASA SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Mass Spectral Observations of Submicron Aerosol Particles and Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol at an Anthropogenically Influenced Site during the Wet Season of GoAmazon2014
- Modeling and Optimization for Management of Intermittent Water Supply
- Particle Rebound and Phase State in Amazonia
- Particle Rebound and Phase State of Secondary Organic Material
- Probing of the Changing Shapes and Viscosity of Suspended Organic Particles as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Role of Reactive Intermediates in Manganese Oxide Formation By Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Röthlisberger Channel Model with Anti-Plane Shear Loading Superposed on In-Plane Compression
- Singapore Haze in June 2013: Consequences of Land-Use Change, Fires, and Anomalous Meteorology for Air Quality in Equatorial Asia
- Size Resolved measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity and mixing state during Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) 2014
- Solar geoengineering to limit the rate of temperature change
- Strain localization driven by co-seismic pore fluid pressurization
- The IMACS Occultation Survey: I. Pilot Study
- The IMACS Occultation Survey: II. An Extended Campaign
- The Influence of the Polar Jet and Bermuda High on the Variability of Surface Ozone over the Eastern United States
- The Vulnerability of Permafrost from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the Process-Based Model GIPL2 Across the Permafrost Region in the Northern Hemisphere: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability
- The role of gouge and temperature on flash heating and its hysteresis
- Understanding factors affecting partitioning of oxygenated organics in natural and polluted environments using SV-TAG
- Vegetation-mediated Climate Impacts on Historical and Future Ozone Air Quality
- A State-of-the-Science Hg Redox Mechanism for Atmospheric Models: Constraints from Observations and Global Implications
- Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model
- Boundary Values for Regional to Continental Scale Greenhouse Gas Flux Estimation
- Characterizing the Chemical Complexity of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia
- Comparing a Carbon Budget for the Amazon Basin Derived from Aircraft Observations
- Dealing with uncertainty in modeling intermittent water supply
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Evaluate transport processes in MERRA driven chemical transport models using updated 222Rn emission inventories and global observations
- Evaluating the Potential Importance of Monoterpene Degradation for Global Acetone Production
- Factors Controlling Liquid Particulate Matter in Amazonia
- Factors controlling global tropospheric ozone: roles of isoprene chemistry, tropospheric halogen chemistry, convection, and lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> sources
- How Glassy States Affect Brown Carbon Production?
- Integrating diverse observations of North American CH4 into flux inversions in CarbonTrackerLagrange-CH4
- Investigating model deficiencies in the global budget of ethane
- Large Igneous Provinces, Sulfur Aerosols, and Initiation of Snowball Earth
- New Parameterizations for Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Isoprene under Anthropogenic Influence
- Nighttime Chemistry and Morning Isoprene Drive Urban Ozone Downwind of a Major Deciduous Forest
- Observational Constraints on Glyoxal Production from Isoprene Oxidation and Its Contribution to Organic Aerosol Over the Southeast United States
- Reactive Uptake of Ammonia and Formation of Organic Nitrogen Species for Non-Liquid/Liquid Secondary Organic Material
- The Ability of Atmospheric Data to Reduce Disagreements in Wetland Methane Flux Estimates over North America
- Tropospheric ozone simulated by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system
- A methane budget from the North Slope of the Alaskan Brooks Range including arctic tundra and proximate oil and gas operations
- Anthropogenic Emissions Shift Pathways of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> Production in Amazonia
- Assessing estimates of radiative forcing for solar geoengineering starts with accurate aerosol radiative properties
- Contributions to summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> measured at a site in Northern China (2005-2009)
- Decadal change of summertime ozone and organic nitrates over the Southeastern United States
- Engineering assessment of in situ sulfate production onboard aircraft at high altitude
- Estimating the Strength of Superrotation with a Simplified Shallow-Water Model
- Evidence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation driving multi-decadal variability of summertime surface air quality in the eastern United States: Implications for air quality management in the coming decades
- Flux observations of isoprene oxidation products above a South East US forest point to chemical conversions on leaf canopy surface
- How Does Aerosol Optical Properties Change With The Aging of The Manaus' Pollution Plume?
- How effective would solar geoengineering be at offsetting surface mass balance losses of the ice-sheets?
- Impact of Anthropogenic Emissions on Isoprene Photochemical Oxidation Pathways in Central Amazonia
- Improved simulation of tropospheric ozone by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system
- Incomplete Sulfate Aerosol Neutralization Despite Excess Ammonia in the Eastern US: A Possible Role of Organic Aerosol
- Kinetics and Product Yields of the OH Driven Oxidation of Hydroxymethyl Hydroperoxide
- Known and Newly Identified Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Variability and Relationship to Aerosol Physical Properties
- Observations of liquid-liquid phase separation in several types of secondary organic materials free of inorganic salts
- Observing atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) from space: validation, intercomparison, trend analysis and public health implications
- Precipitation response to solar geoengineering in a high-resolution tropical-cyclone permitting coupled general circulation model
- Reduced Uncertainties in Health Impacts and Radiative Forcing Estimates in Winter Haze in eastern China through constraints of surface PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>predictions
- Satellite observations of atmospheric methane and their value for quantifying methane emissions
- Sensitivity of Global Mortality to Sulfate Geoengineering
- Stratospheric solar geoengineering without ozone loss?
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- A Sulfate Aerosol Trigger for the Sturtian Neoproterozoic Snowball Event
- Anthropogenic Emissions Change the Amount and Composition of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> in Amazonia
- Atmospheric circulations required for thick high-altitude clouds and featureless transit spectra
- Contribution of Seawater Surfactants to Generated Primary Marine Aerosol Particles
- Diffusivity of dicarboxylic acids molecules to secondary organic material governed by particle phase state
- Diurnal Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth in Korea: A synthesis from AERONET, Satellite, KORUS-AQ observation, and WRF-Chem model
- Dynamic Bubble Surface Tension Measurements in Northwest Atlantic Seawater
- Effects of El Niño on summertime ozone air quality in the eastern United States
- Elemental Mixing State of Dry Season Aerosols in Central Amazonia During GoAmazon2014/15
- Elucidating Particle Acidity during North China Winter Haze Events
- Evaluation and Optimization of China's Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions using Observations from Northern China (2005-2009).
- How controllable is stratospheric radiative forcing through sulfur injection?
- Hydroxymethane sulfonate as a possible explanation for observed high levels of particulate sulfur during severe winter haze episodes in Beijing, China.
- Impacts of 2000-2050 Climate Change on Fine Particulate Matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) Air Quality in China Based on Statistical Projections Using an Ensemble of Global Climate Models
- Increases to Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols from SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the Southeastern US
- Influences of Scavenging and Removal of Surfactants by Bubble Processing on Primary Marine Aerosol Production from North Atlantic Seawater
- Modeling and observational constraints on the sulfur cycle in the marine troposphere: a focus on reactive halogens and multiphase chemistry
- Moderate solar geoengineering greatly reduces the largest changes in climate whilst modestly increasing the changes in climate over a small fraction of the Earth
- Primary marine aerosol production: Current uncertainties involving interactions among bubbles, marine organic matter, and the sea surface microlayer
- Progressive Decline in Photosynthetic Uptake Capacity in a Hemlock Stand Infested by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Properties and Fluxes of Primary Marine Aerosol Generated Via Detrainment of Turbulence-Modulated Bubble Plumes from Fresh North Atlantic Seawater
- Quantifying Methane Point Sources from Fine-scale Satellite Observation of Individual Plumes: Application to GHGSat Observations
- Quantifying the Influence of Agricultural Fires in Northwest India on Urban Air Pollution in Delhi, India.
- Quantifying the risks of solid aerosol geoengineering: the role of fundamental material properties
- Radiocarbon (<SUP>14</SUP>C) Constraints On The Fraction Of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon In Primary Marine Aerosol From The Northwest Atlantic
- Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry in Aerosol Water as a Source of Sulfate during Haze Events in China
- Seasonal Characteristics of Widespread Ozone Pollution in China and India: Current Model Capabilities and Source Attributions
- Sensitivity of the of WRF-Chem physics in the simulation of biomass burning smoke over the South Atlantic Ocean
- Simulating Bubble Plumes from Breaking Waves with a Forced-Air Venturi
- Solar Geoengineering as part of an overall strategy for meeting the 1.5C Paris target
- Stratospheric controlled perturbation experiment (SCoPEx): overview, status, and results from related laboratory experiments
- The Role of Different Plant Soil-Water Feedbacks in Models of Dryland Vegetation Patterns
- The South Circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation and the Noachian-Hesperian Climate of Mars
- Towards a consistent framework to oversample multi-sensors, multi-species satellite data into a common grid
- What controls springtime fine dust variability in the western United States? Implications for air quality and public health risks under future climate change.
- Why We Need to Have Broad-Based Societal Discussions of the Governance of Geoengineering, at national and international levels, starting with scientists and increasingly with policy makers?
- Why are models unable to reproduce multi-decadal trends in lower tropospheric baseline ozone levels?
- A New Harmonized Multi-City Greenhouse Gas Data Product and its Applications
- A New Line-By-Line General Circulation Model for Simulations of Diverse Planetary Atmospheres
- A comprehensive analysis of global tropospheric chlorine chemistry
- Anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 fluxes in the Boston urban region
- Assessing Groundwater Support of Gale Crater Lakes with a Coupled Hydrothermal Model
- Atmospheric Evolution on Low-Gravity Waterworlds
- Characterizing Tropospheric Trace Gas Retrievals from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Comprehensive Study of Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds in the Urban Atmosphere
- Consequences for regional air quality from temporal shifts in post-monsoon agricultural burning associated with the double-crop cycle of Punjab, India
- Coupled atmosphere-magma ocean modelling of the evolution of nitrogen on early Venus
- Dynamic climate and redox interactions on early Mars inferred from water chemistry at Gale
- Dynamics of Explosive PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Growth Events in Beijing
- Estimating Methane Emissions from Cities using Portable Ground-based Total Column Spectrometers
- Evaluation of particle emissions inventories and cross-boundary air pollution using Lidar, remote sensing, and high-resolution modeling in the Northeastern, U.S.
- Evaluation of recent WRF Options for Modeling Atmospheric Transport of Greenhouse Gases at Regional and Urban Scales
- Experimental investigation of the effect of fault architecture on fluid pressurization due to injection
- Explicit Mass Spectrometric Determination of Isoprene Epoxydiol (IEPOX)-Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol with a Developed Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC) Method
- Exploring Accumulation-Mode-H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering in a Sectional Aerosol-Chemistry-Climate Model
- Fluid-assisted healing of micro-cracks in fault damage zones
- High-Resolution CH4 Enhancement Observations near Industrial Sites using the GHGSat-D Demonstration Satellite
- How relic fault zone structure guides transmission of elevated pore pressures from nearby fluid injection sites
- Improving Characterization of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
- Integration of Ground-based and Airborne Measurements Shows Substantial Methane Emissions from Freshwater Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Interpreting Complex Mass Spectrometric Measurements from Laboratory Chamber Experiments
- Introducing GHGSat-C1 and GHGSat-AV: New Additions to GHGSat's Remote Sensing System
- Investigating trend of aerosol water acidity during Beijing winter haze events
- Linkages between drought and dust in the US Southwest: Implications for air quality and public health under future climate change
- MethaneSAT: A learning satellite for detecting and quantifying methane sources
- Molecularly Detailed Measurement of Condensed Phase Atmospheric Aerosol Processes in Single Levitated Particles
- NOAA/HATS Atmospheric Trace Gas Profiles and Trends from Long-term and Campaign Sampling: Observations from Ground Sites, Balloons and Aircraft
- Planetary oxidation and abiotic O2 atmospheres
- Predicting the impact of climate change on severe Beijing winter haze events using extreme value theory
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- Quantifying Methane Emissions from Individual Coal Mine Vents with GHGSat-D Satellite Observations
- Quantifying regional-scale carbon fluxes from arctic and boreal ecosystems: insights from recent campaigns and long term trends
- Rapid Shifts in Annual Carbon Balance For a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Validating and Diagnosing Ecosystem Surprises.
- Satellite and Surface Observations Confirm Steady Decline in US NO<SUB>x</SUB> Emissions over the 2004-2017 Period
- Seasonal Prediction of Indian Wintertime Aerosol Pollution using the Ocean "Memory" Effect
- Seasonal carbon balance in Arctic tundra and boreal forests
- Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering without Ozone Loss? An Update with Experimental Input
- Stratospheric Wave Activities' Contribution to Thick High-Altitude Clouds and Featureless Transit Spectra
- Sulfate Formation via Cloud Processing from Multifunctional Organic Hydroperoxides
- The SCIAMACHY O<SUB>2</SUB> airglow retrievals: implications to mesospheric temperature and greenhouse gas remote sensing from space
- The influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures on aerosol loading in China
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- Towards an improved representation of organic aerosol (OA) in the remote troposphere: Chemical removal and aging of OA during the ATom mission as a function of photochemical age
- UV light on Early Earth and on M-dwarf Exoplanets: Implications for Prebiotic Chemistry
- Understanding the Ice Nucleation of Organic Sea Spray Aerosols
- Unprecedented NH<SUB>3</SUB> emissions detected in the high-Arctic from the 2017 Canadian wildfires
- Unseen Impacts of Organic Sulfur from Lower Sulfur Dioxide on Air Quality and Aerosol Properties
- Would solar geoengineering make dry regions wetter?
- Air quality and human health impacts from electric vehicle adoption in Chinese megacities
- An Overview of the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) Concept of Operations
- Application of spin trapping techniques to detect reactive intermediates and radical species in the gas phase
- Cloudy with a Chance of . . . ? Rain outside the Modern-Earth Regime
- Connecting land use management, fires, and public health: Demonstration of an online decision support tool for Equatorial Asia
- Consequences of Changing Winter Climate for Carbon Balance in a Temperate Forest
- Could halving warming with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering moderate key climate hazards?
- Detailed Comparison of Chamber Measurements and Mechanistic Predictions to Improve Understanding of SOA Formation Mechanisms
- Effect of Permeability Evolution in Fault Damage Zones on Earthquake Cycle
- Expanding the Boston Region Carbon Monitoring System: The Addition of Total Column Observations of Greenhouse Gases
- Experimental Modeling and Simulation of Fluid Injection Near a Dormant Fault: Effect of Fault Structure on Fluid Pressurization in the Subsurface
- GeoMIP Test Bed Experiment: Injection of Accumulation Mode H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> Particles in Chemistry-Climate Models
- How robust is deep learning-based earthquake detection? Insights from adversarial machine learning
- Long-term Behavior of Stratospheric Aerosol Plumes in a Solar Geoengineering Scenario
- Long-term evolution of surface water inventory on tidally-locked habitable planets.
- Measurements of α-Pinene Ozonolysis Products Uptake to Submicron Aerosols at A Broad Range of Tropospheric Temperatures
- Mixing State and Composition of Aerosol Particles Collected During the GoAmazon2014/15, HI-SCALE, and ACE-ENA Field Campaigns
- Observation-based power densities of US solar and wind plants
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic
- Quantifying organic aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constrains on physical and chemical removal of OA provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying the impact of African biomass burning on the remote Atlantic atmosphere
- Reconciling Measured OH through Box Model Simulations during GoAmazon2014/5
- Revised estimates of agricultural fire emissions for Punjab, India: bridging gaps in satellite observations using household survey data
- Semiarid climate and upwelling hydrothermal groundwater as a driving force for silica-rich deposits in early Gale lakes on Mars
- Stratospheric Solar Geoengineering without Ozone Loss? An Update with Experimental Input
- The CO<SUB>2</SUB> Urban Synthesis and Analysis ("CO<SUB>2</SUB>-USA") Project: Results and Deliverables
- The Creation of a Coupled Advection-Coagulation Model to Understand the Behavior of Aerosols Injected from the SCoPEx Payload
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Acidity on Tropospheric Reactive Halogens and the Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere
- The Influence of Climate, H<SUB>2</SUB>O Inventory, Glacial Flow, and Crustal Heterogeneity, on the Polar Recharge of an Early Hesperian Subpermafrost Aquifer on Mars.
- The Role of Formaldehyde in Particulate Matter Formation
- The Science and Governance of the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx)
- The changing Arctic carbon budget: interactions between vegetation, hydrology, and soil temperature
- The impact of future wildfire emissions in the western U.S. on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations
- A chemical data assimilation framework for utilizing data products from multiple platforms to optimize NMVOCs emissions in Northeast Asia: a case study during the KORUS-AQ
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Boundary Inflow Estimation for Greenhouse Gas Imaging Satellite Observations: Application to MethaneSAT
- Chemical Patterns Controlling Tropospheric Ozone and Methane: The ATom Dataset
- Cluster Analysis of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Enhancements Observed by ATom
- Comparing Results from Comprehensive Chamber Studies and Explicit Chemical Mechanisms Provides Mutual Benefits
- Comparing VOC Oxidation Results from Atmospheric Chamber Studies and Explicit Chemical Mechanisms
- Composition dependence of stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing
- Constraining Inversions of Rural and Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Using EM27/SUN XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Constraining long-term NOx emissions over the United States and Europe to improve model simulations of tropospheric ozone
- Eight Years of Urban Methane Emissions From a Top-down Framework in Boston, MA
- Exploring the effects of cloud-precipitation microphysics on simulations of moist climates on tidally-locked terrestrial exoplanets
- First results from MethaneAIR: An airborne simulation platform for the MethaneSAT mission
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- Global distribution of methane emissions: an inverse analysis of 2019 observations from TROPOMI
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Global simulation of tropospheric halogen chemistry
- How Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics Shape Observed Midlatitude Temperature Probability Distributions
- Human-driven temporal shifts in fire activity: southwest Russia and north Australia as case study regions
- Impact of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Ozone Pollution over Eastern China
- Marine Cloud Brightening and Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Northern Hemisphere Weather Control
- Modification of Particle Viscosity and Morphology of Secondary Organic Aerosols with the Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols (IEPOX)
- Optimal climate policy in three dimensions.
- Origin and fluxes of nitrous oxide during ATom
- Photophoretic Levitation of Micron and Millimeter-scale Nanofabricated Structures for Geoengineering
- Polar Basal Melting At Low Obliquity On A Cold Early Mars And Its Potential Implications For The Recharge Of A Northern Ocean.
- Precipitation Efficiency's Abstraction Art: Evaluating How Abstractions of Precipitation Efficiency in Microphysics Parameterizations Shape GCM Precipitation Outputs
- Predicting the Effects of Targeted Spectral Band Attenuation in Solar Geoengineering
- Quantifying Methane Point Sources in High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Quantifying speciated aerosol removal in the remote troposphere: Constraints on physical and chemical removal of organic aerosol (OA) provided by the ATom mission.
- Quantifying the role of biomass burning in black carbon deposition on Andean glaciers.
- Redox evolution, climate and geochemistry on early Mars
- Science Planning for the MethaneSAT Mission
- Spectral Calibration of the MethaneAIR Instrument
- The Noachian Climate of Mars: Overview of Critical Mars System Science Questions
- The balance of carbon dioxide and water on tectonically dead worlds
- US and Chinese climate experts share judgements on solar geoengineering
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds over a Subtropical Forest in China and Implications for Emission Heterogeneity
- Using ACT-America Ethane Data to Constrain Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Across the Southcentral and Eastern United States