Thomas M. Mitchell
flowchart A[Thomas M. Mitchell] AC["Associated Concepts (20)"] AW["Authored Works (92)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (5)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (69)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
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Associated Concepts [?]
- Geology
- Biology
- Engineering
- Physics
- Paleontology
- Materials science
- Seismology
- Thermodynamics
- Composite material
- Mathematics
- Geotechnical engineering
- Fault (geology)
- Chemistry
- Quantum mechanics
- Petrology
- Geochemistry
- Computer science
- Aerospace engineering
- Metallurgy
- Geography
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Three-dimensional offset measurements of the Mw 7.2 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake from the optical image correlation of historical aerial photographs.
- Microstructural Controls on Thermally-Induced Crack Damage in Rocks
- Measurements of anisotropic poroelastic moduli in Westerly granite and comparison with predictions from crack density tensors
- The Temperature Dependence of Time-Dependent Deformation in Sandstone
- Rupture Energetics and Changing Elastic Properties in Crustal Rock from Laboratory-scale seismic tomography
- Petrophysical Changes in Fault Damage Zone Rock Induced by Single and Repeated Earthquakes: a Laboratory Study.
- Mechanical interaction and localized fluid flow at a transtensional stepover as evidenced by a Miocene Andean porphyry copper system as a case study.
- Low-Frequency Measurements of Seismic Velocity and Attenuation in Antigorite Serpentinite
- Investigating the Evolution of Physical Properties of Reservoir Rocks Using a New True Triaxial Apparatus
- Fault Reactivation at the Brittle-Ductile Transition
- Direct measurement of fault pore pressure during aseismic and seismic slip
- Characterization of Fractured Networks in Geothermal Reservoirs: From Field Outcrops to Laboratory Measurements
- Visualising Three Dimensional Damage and Failure Envelopes: Implications for True Triaxial Deformation
- Tortuous pathways: Fundamental characterisation of the anisotropic permeability through clay-rich shales from macro- to nano-scale.
- Structural and numerical modeling of fluid flow and evolving stress fields at a transtensional stepover: A Miocene Andean porphyry copper system as a case study.
- Stress field disruption from fault interaction and its control on magma and fluid migration
- Strength and Permeability Evolution of Compressed Bentonite in Response to Salinity and Temperature Changes
- Stability of fault submitted to fluid injections
- Rate dependent deformation of porous sandstone across the brittle-ductile transition
- Origin of Longitudinal Ridges and Furrows in Long Runout Landslides: the Case Study of a Martian Landslide.
- Mineralogical control on thermal damage and the presence of a thermal Kaiser effect during temperature-cycling experiments
- Mechanics and seismic signature of antigorite serpentinite deformation
- Investigating coseismic fracture damage using a new high speed triaxial apparatus
- Investigating Crustal Scale Fault Systems Controlling Volcanic and Hydrothermal Fluid Processes in the South-Central Andes, First Results from a Magnetotelluric Survey
- Heterogeneity in the Fault Damage Zone: a Field Study on the Borrego Fault, B.C., Mexico
- Exploring the traces of fault-related microstructural damage at the Santorini caldera
- Dynamic permeability in fault damage zones induced by repeated coseismic fracturing events
- Damage Recovery in Carrara Marble
- Cumulative co-seismic fault damage and feedbacks on earthquake rupture
- Comparing slow and fast rupture in laboratory experiments
- Comparing crack damage evolution in rocks deformed under conventional and true triaxial loading
- Characterization of the Fault Core and Damage Zone of the Borrego Fault, 2010 M7.2 Rupture
- A three-dimensional `Kaiser damage-memory' effect through true-triaxial loading
- The influence of permeability anisotropy on the distribution of pore fluid pressure around fault zones: Insights for fault stability and reactivation
- The effect of fluids on the frictional behavior of calcite gouge
- Multi-scale velocity structure of an active seismogenic normal fault zone (Central Apennines, Italy)
- Crack Damage Evolution Under True Triaxial Loading
- The influence of initial damage on microcrack healing at hydrothermal conditions
- The Damage Structure of the Gole Larghe Fault Zone Inferred From Laboratory Measurements and Modeling of Physical and Hydraulic Properties
- Static versus dynamic fracturing in shallow carbonate fault zones
- Pulverization Texturein Fault Damage Zones: A result of Implosion Damage or Dynamic Compressive Stresses?
- Earthquake lubrication and healing explained by amorphous nanosilica
- Anisotropic Fabrics and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Ice; In-situ Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements and Resonant Ultrasound
- The role of gouge and temperature on flash heating and its hysteresis
- Paleofluid Flow in the Upper Crust: A Study Case from the Atacama Fault System
- Inferring Earthquake Physics from Deep Drilling Projects of Active Faults
- Fault welding by pseudotachylyte generation
- Experimental Studies of Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Thermal Pore-Fluid Pressurization
- Dynamic Weakening of Serpentinite Gouges and Bare-Surfaces at Seismic Slip Rates
- Assessment of the efficiency of thermal pressurisation using natural pseudotachylyte-bearing rocks
- The Damage and Geochemical Signature of a Crustal Scale Strike-Slip Fault Zone
- Strain localization in experimentally sheared gouge layers
- Silica Lubrication in Faults (Invited)
- Microstructures of reconstituted SAFOD gouge deformed in room temperature friction experiments at 14 μm/s to 6 m/s sliding velocities
- Mechanical and chemical processes in the fault zone crosscutting slope Apulian carbonate platform and their effect on the fault permeability (Gargano Promontory, Italy)
- Hydrothermal alteration in an exhumed crustal fault zone: geochemical mobility in the Caleta Coloso Fault, Atacama Fault System, Northern Chile
- Fluid inclusion evidence of post-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture
- Dynamic pulverization by rapid decompression
- Deformation band-like defects as possible precursors to microfracture planes, resulting in the generation of nanopowders on simulated fault planes
- Comparisons between gouge and bare surface friction of serpentinite at seismic slip velocities: Implications for dynamic weakening of gouge-bearing faults
- Ultra-high permeability induced by seismic shockwaves near the San Jacinto Fault
- Is the fault core-damage zone model representative of seismogenic faults? Pre-existing anisotropies and fault zone complexity
- Geochemistry and fluid inclusions across a crustal strike-slip Mesozoic fault: insights of fluid-flow / rock interaction in the Atacama Fault System
- Frictional processes in volcanic conduits
- Dynamic weakening and thermal decomposition during the Heart Mountain mega-landslide
- Damage structure, anisotropy and seismic velocity of pulverized rocks on the San Andreas Fault
- Ultra-low co-seismic stiffness of fault rocks at seismogenic (8-11 km) depth
- Fracture network characteristics, sealing, and velocity structure of an exhumed seismic fault zone; The Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian Alps
- Experimental Reactivation of Pseudotachylite-bearing Faulted Rocks
- Experimental Fault Reactivation on Favourably and Unfavourably Oriented Faults
- Dislocation Processes and Frictional Stability of Faults
- Comminution and frictional melting in volcanic conduits
- Chemical and Microstructural Changes During Development of Mixed Ultramafic-quartzofeldspathic Fault Rock and the Effect on Mechanical Behaviour; Observations from SAFOD Gouge
- Characterizing Fault Damage Zones in the Field and Laboratory; Scaling and Physical Properties
- Pulverized Fault Zone Rocks along the San Andres Fault: Investigating the damage pattern by seismic field measurements, laboratory experiments and quantitative microstructure analysis
- Experimental Measurements of Permeability Evolution along Faults during Progressive Slip
- Experimental Fault Reactivation on Favourably and Unfavourably Oriented Faults
- Dynamics of pseudotachylytes in volcanic structures
- Stuck in the Mud? Earthquake Propagation Through Clay-rich Fault Zones (Invited)
- Pulverized Fault Rocks and Damage Asymmetry along the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line, Japan: Fault Structure, Damage Distribution and Textural Characteristics
- Fault Lubrication and Earthquake Propagation in Thermally Unstable Rocks
- Experimental investigation of asymmetric pulverization along the Arima-Takatsuki fault
- Thermal Pressurization Induced by Coseismic Shear Heating Within Thermally Unstable Rocks
- The Frictional Properties of Phyllosilicates at Earthquake Slip Speeds
- Seismic Faulting of Dolomite Rocks: Textures and Possible Slip Weakening Mechanisms
- Fault Damage Zone Permeability in Crystalline Rocks from Combined Field and Laboratory Measurements
- The Structure and Fluid Flow Properties of Fault Zones: Inferences from Combined Field and Laboratory Studies
- Experimental Measurements of Permeability Evolution During Brittle Deformation of Crystalline Rocks and Implications for Fluid Flow in Fault Zones
- Slip on 'Weak' Faults by the Rotation of Regional Stress in the Fracture Damage Zone
- On the Origin and Distribution of Fracture Damage Surrounding Strike-Slip Fault Zones
- The Structure and Fluid Flow Properties of Fault Zones: Inferences from Combined Field and Laboratory Studies
- Experimental Measurements of Permeability Evolution During Brittle Deformation of Crystalline Rocks and Implications for Fluid Flow in Fault Zones
Linked Co-Authors
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Australian National University, Canberra
- Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Birkbeck University of London, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Birkbeck University of London, UK
- British Geological Survey
- Brown University, Department of Geological Sciences
- Brown University, Rhode Island
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Toulouse
- Colorado State University
- Durham University, Department of Earth Sciences
- Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
- Harvard University, Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Helmholtz Center for Geosciences, Potsdam
- Hiroshima University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Hiroshima University, Japan
- Institut de Physique du Globe, Strasbourg
- JAMSTEC, Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
- Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany
- McGill University, Canada
- McGill University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy
- National Taiwan University
- Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
- Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University of Bonn, Germany
- Royal Holloway University of London
- Ruhr University, Bochum, Department of Geophysics
- Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
- San Diego State University, California
- Sapienza University, Department of Earth Sciences
- Stanford Research Institute, California
- The Ohio State University, School of Earth Sciences
- U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver
- U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park
- United States Army
- Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile
- Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
- Universite de Strasbourg Louis Pasteur, France
- University College London, Department of Earth Sciences
- University College London, UK
- University of Aberdeen, UK
- University of Akron, Ohio
- University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
- University of Camerino, Italy
- University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- University of Chile
- University of Edinburgh, UK
- University of Jaen, Spain
- University of Leicester, UK
- University of Liverpool, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences
- University of Liverpool, School of Environmental Sciences
- University of Liverpool, UK
- University of Louisville
- University of Manchester, UK
- University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
- University of Naples Federico II, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of New Brunswick, Canada
- University of Otago, New Zealand
- University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Padua, Department of Geosciences
- University of Padua, Italy
- University of Parma, Italy
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Wisconsin, Madison, Department of Physics
- Washington University in Saint Louis, Department of Earth and Planetary Science
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