Australian National University, Canberra
flowchart I[Australian National University, Canberra] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (853)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (246)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- ANU, Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
- ANU, Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- ANU, Research School of Earth Sciences
- ANU, Research School of Physics and Engineering
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Conglomerate Provenance and Geochronology: Dating the Accretion of an Intra-Oceanic Arc, Bowers Terrane, Antarctica
- Fluvial Landscape Reconstruction and Process-Based Gridding Algorithms
- Hot LIPs and Cracked Plates in the Pacific Trigger mid-Cretaceous Geological Events
- Inverse Modelling of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Discrimination During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Assimilation Within a Forest Canopy
- Modeling Multi-Phase Flow and Energy Transport in the Earth's Crust by Combined Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods
- Orientational order-disorder phase transition in buddingtonite (NH<SUB>4</SUB>AlSi<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>8</SUB>)
- Origin Of Pyroxenites From San Jorge And Santa Isabel (Solomon Islands).
- Ultracalcic Magmas or Ankaramitic Picrites as Primitive Magmas in Island Arcs
- Catastrophic Ecosystem Collapse in Pleistocene Australia
- Continuous regionalization for massive surface waves dataset
- Eocene Plate Reorganisation and Subduction Initiation in the Western Pacific: What the Rocks can Tell us
- Late Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm-Pool From a High Accumulation-Rate Core off New Guinea in Relation to Highland Climate Change
- Scales of Topographic Dependence of Alpine Precipitation
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-Series in Fe Oxy/Hydroxides by LA-MC-ICP-MS, New Insights Into Weathering Geochronology
- Bedrock Incision Rates Through A Knickpoint Reach
- Deformation in the Jura Mountains (France) : First Results of Semi-Permanent GPS Network
- Double-dating single-grain zircons by (U-Th)/He and U/Pb
- Evidence for increased ventilation in the Antarctic Intermediate Waters During the Deglaciation in the Northern Tasman Sea, South West Pacific
- Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Southwest Pacific: Similarities with Antarctica and ENSO Inferences
- Modelling Tropical Forest Productivity Incorporating Spatial Variation And Diffuse Light Within 3-PG
- Quasi-Cylindrical FDM: an Ultra-Fast 2.5D Waveform Modeling Method for Explosion Seismic Experiments
- Thorium/U systematics of Precambrian deep-sea pelagic balck shales: implications for redox state of the early atmosphere
- Topographic Evolution of Mountains: The Influence of Episodic Rejuvenation in Southern Spain.
- A Systematic Reconnaissance of Submarine Hydrothermal Venting Along the South Tonga (Tofua) Intra-oceanic arc
- Climate and Human Pressures on Fresh Groundwater in Coral Atoll Island Nations in the Pacific
- Composition of fluids during serpentinite breakdown in subduction zones: Evidence for limited boron mobility
- Fidelity of Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratios as Environmental Recorders Using Multiple Coral Cores From Coastal Kenya
- Foraminifera And Coccolithophorid Assemblage Changes In The Panama Basin During The Last Deglaciation: Response To Sea-Surface Productivity Induced By A Transient Climate Change
- Geochemistry of basalt from the Ayu Trough, equatorial western Pacific
- Initial Chronostratigraphic and Paleoclimatic Framework for Sediment Cores From the Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate System of the Gulf of Papua New Guinea
- Integrated Basin-Scale Modelling and Assessment: Lessons and Challenges in Linking Biophysical and Socioeconomic Sciences for Enhancing Sustainability Outcomes
- Massive Siliciclastic Accumulation on Slopes off Northeast Australia During the Last Sea Level Transgression: Response of an Intensified Monsoon at 10 ka?
- Neogene Evolution of the Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Margin of the Gulf of Papua: Preliminary Results of Spring 2004 PANASH Cruise on the R/V Melville
- Reaction-Induced Permeability Change in Thermally Cracked and Deformed Aplite: Importance of Reactive Surface Area and Mineralogy
- Systematic Survey of the Kermadec-Tonga Intra-oceanic arc Between 1999 and 2004: a Significant Source of Diverse Submarine Hydrothermal Emissions
- Uppermost Pleistocene Sea-Level Transgression across a Last Glacial Maximum Mixed Carbonate/Siliciclastic Coastline, Modern Gulf of Papua Shelf Break in the Northern Ashmore Trough
- Variability of Southern Valu Fa Ridge Magmatic Systems
- Young Prehistoric Kilauea Lava Flows From Uwekahuna Bluff, Hawaii: Mixed Source or Hybrid Magmas?
- A Test of the Optimality Approach to Modelling Canopy gas Exchange by Natural Vegetation
- Declining Pan Evaporation: A Closer Look at the Ecohydrological Implications and the Physics
- Geochemistry of Seamounts Between the East Lau Spreading Center and Tonga Arc
- Late Quaternary Climate Variability in Three Austral Continents; a Southern-Hemisphere Perspective
- Mineral Dissolution and Metal Mobility From Rhizosphere and Non-rhizosphere Soils by Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids
- Petrology of Newly Discovered Submarine Volcanoes From the Kermadec-Tonga arc: Initial Results
- Plume-Vent Fluid Connections along the Tonga-Kermadec arc
- Submarine Volcano Collapses in the Tonga-Kermadec Arc
- Sulfide Metamorphism in Blueschist and Eclogite, North-Eastern New Caledonia
- The Ecology and Geochemistry of Benthic Foraminifera From the Venice Lagoon, Italy.
- Transpiration as the Leak in a Carbon Factory: A Model of Self-Optimising Vegetation
- Where are the Dunite-Wehrlite Cumulates in Arcs?
- Compositional variability and geographic provenance of atmospheric mineral dust (EPICA- Dome C ice core) from geochemical measurements
- Controls on Stirring in Three-Dimensional Mantle Convection Models
- Excess 210Pb Inventories and Fluxes Along the Continental Slope and Basins of the Gulf of Papua
- Formation of Linear Dunes and Other Secrets of the Simpson Desert, Australia
- Incorporating Remotely Sensed Measures of Vegetation Into Budyko's Hydrologic Model.
- Interannual variations of the isotopic composition of CO2 : what do they tell us about gross fluxes ?
- Is the Temperature-Based Parameterization of Potential Evapotranspiration in the Palmer Drought Severity Index Forcing Overestimates of Mid-continental Drying and Drought?
- Late Quaternary Variations in Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sedimentation From the Gulf of Papua New Guinea Based on Elemental Records
- Linking Variations at Millennial Time Scale of Sediment Nature and Accumulation to Sea- Level Fluctuations, Since Last Glacial Maximum, Along a Core Transect Across Central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua)
- Long-Term ENSO Variation Over the Last 20,000 Years From the Peru Continental Margin
- New Backarc Magma Type: Vate Trough, New Hebrides
- Quasi-spherical Approach (III): Treatment of the Earth's Center
- What are the Links Between Degassing and Eruptive Style? A Perspective from U-series Isotopes.
- Can the worldwide changes in evaporative demand be reconciled with changes expected due to global warming?
- Extended CMAM: Impacts of thermospheric neutral and ion chemistry on the middle atmosphere.
- High-Ca Boninites From the Modern Tonga Arc
- Indonesian Throughflow dynamics of the last 25 kyr: New Uranium Series results from the Indonesian Seas
- Late Cretaceous Arc Initiation on the Edge of an Oceanic Plateau (Southern Central America)
- Linking hydrologic models and data: The OpenMI approach
- PenPan: A general tool for the attribution of changing pan evaporation
- Ready access and utilization of data: Essential ingredients for global observation systems
- Tempests in the Troposphere and in Tokamaks: New Insights From Comparative Physics
- Trace element ratios in bivalve shells as records of environmental conditions
- Vegetation in a hydrologic setting: from theory to observation
- Water isotopologues in leaves
- A Test of Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotope Ratio Process Models in Tree Rings.
- Crustal Structure of the Northern Zagros Zone from Seismic Observations
- Groundwater Dynamics of Saline Transition Zones in Small Islands and Atolls
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography, Productivity, and Sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Metamorphic Rates in Northern Part of the Central Alps
- Model-based Analysis to Identify the Impacts of Climate Variability and Land Use Changes on Streamflow
- Representing uncertainty in objective functions: extension to include the influence of serial correlation
- Stilling and the terrestrial hydrologic cycle
- The structure of Kilauea's magmatic plumbing system: a geochemical perspective from historical rift lavas (1790-1980 A.D.)
- U-Pb Dating and Ion Imaging of Zircon by SHRIMP: The Serendipity of Finding the Earliest Hadean Zircons by Single-Spot Analysis
- A New Master of Natural Hazards Program at The Australian National University
- Ambient seismic noise tomography of Southeast Asia and Australia
- Applicability of the Vegetation Optimality Model across Catchments and Climates
- Changes of the variances of global precipitation based on the IPCC AR4 Climate Models
- Combined Flexural and Torsional Oscillation Methods for Laboratory Study of Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity
- Evolution of the Miocene to Quaternary Nankai forearc from drilling results within the Kumano forearc basin (IODP Expedition 319)
- Feeling the Earth Shake… at School
- New scaling rules emerge from linked optimisation of crown nitrogen and water use
- Observations of Night OH in the Mesosphere of Venus
- Optimisation explains global leaf trait patterns and plant adaptations to global change (Invited)
- Oxygen Isotope Distribution in the Early Solar System: An Ion Microscopic View of a Big Issue
- Projecting Changes in Catchment Water Availability using a Budyko Framework (Invited)
- Reconstruction of Early Pleistocene climate in southern Australia, and implications for Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation
- The Aerodynamics of Pan Evaporation
- Transdimensional Seismic Tomography
- Validating the B/Ca proxy for seawater carbonate chemistry: evidence from culture experiments with the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa
- Arabia/Africa/Eurasia kinematics and the Dynamics of Post-Oligocene Mediterranean Tectonics
- Assessing spatio-temporal variability of rainfall using a simple physically based statistical model
- Assimilation of Heterogeneous Continuous and Episodic GNSS Observations for Board Scale Earth Science Studies. (Invited)
- Does optimal adaptation allow prediction of water use by vegetation without calibration?
- Enhanced Digital Elevation Models from the SRTM data: The Australian Experience and Global Prospects
- Geodetic constraints on kinematics of Africa-Iberia plate boundary from GPS data
- Global change, soil water content, stomatal behavior and the statistics of rainfall (Invited)
- Influence of sea level and monsoon variability on sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Interactions between large-scale modes of climate and their relationship with Australian climate and hydrology
- LGM Snow-Line Elevations In The Western Tropical Pacific- Exposure Ages On Moraines From Mt. Giluwe, Papua New Guinea
- Laser ablation trace element analyses of a bamboo coral from the SE USA: Intrinsic variability and evidence for a stable Florida Current over the last 450 years. (Invited)
- SHRIMP SI- New Capabilities for in situ Stable Isotope Analysis
- Sediment Characteristics of Submarine Landslides On the Upper East Australian Continental Margin - Preliminary Findings
- The Role of Eolian Dust Fertilization in Biogeochemical Cycles in The sub-Arctic Northwest Pacific During the Late Pliocene Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation
- Wet melting along the Tonga Volcanic Arc
- A New Equation for the Aerodynamics of Pan Evaporation
- Can increased nitrogen uptake at elevated CO2 be explained by an hypothesis of optimal root function?
- Controls on Platinum-Group Element Abundances in 110 samples of Arc Lavas from the Southwest Pacific
- Drought or climate change? Distinguishing change from variability in observations and climate model projections of rainfall
- Late Holocene and recent rainforest cultural landscapes of North Queensland, Australia
- Leaf wax n-alkane δD values reflect the evaporative deuterium enrichment of leaf water
- Olivine as a key to unlocking Kilauea's magmatic history
- On the use of Radiocarbon to Decipher Sedimentary Organic Matter Sources
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon over the Last 470,000 Years
- Preliminary integrated magneto-biostratigraphy and stable isotope records of the early Eocene to early Oligocene from Indian Ocean drillcores and inland sections in Italy and Turkey
- Sensitivity of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation to surface buoyancy forcing
- The Oxidation State of Terrestrial Basalts and its Link with the Mantle
- The Regional Hydrothermal Helium-3 Plume in the Tonga-Fiji-Samoa Region of the South Pacific: An Update
- The statistical mechanical basis of Maximum Entropy Production as a thermodynamic principle for non-equilibrium systems
- An evaluation of onshore digital elevation models for tsunami inundation modelling
- Analysis of the influence of salinity on Mg/Ca ratios of cultured and coretop planktic foraminifers
- Changes in ocean wind speed with focus on regional and monthly year-to-year trends
- Coupling between Earth Surface and Ionosphere before Earthquakes: Positive Air Ionization at the Ground-to-Air Interface as Major Driving Mechanism
- Crustal Structure of Indonesia from Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Deciphering Detailed Plate Kinematics of the Indian Ocean: A Combined Indian-Australian-French Initiative
- Detecting non-stationarity, and developing models to allow for this
- Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 levels and differential day/night atmospheric warming on nitrogen cycling through a Phalaris sward
- Evaluating the potential of foraminiferal Beryllium-10 as a marine sediment chronometer in sub-tropical Australia
- Evidence for Shifts in Indo-Pacific Hydrology over the Last Two Millennia from Indonesian Speleothems
- Examining vertical patterns in Arctic tundra shrub canopies: Implications for carbon cycling in a changing environment
- Extension Within The Australia-Eurasia Collision: The Metamorphic Rocks Of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Freezing Level Height in the Western Equatorial Pacific over the Last 200 Years: Glacier Evidence from Mt. Jayawijaya, Papua Province, Indonesia
- Holocene climate change and carbon cycling in the Subantarctics
- Impact of IFT and Viscosity on Morphology of Nonwetting Phase, and Application to Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Modelling of Site Specific Effects and the Impact upon Local Tie Residuals
- Multi-scale tsunami simulation using unstructured meshes on a high-performance computer
- New P-wave Velocity Images of the Lowermost Mantle from a Bayesian Inversion of PKP, PcP, and P4KP Differential Travel Times
- On wildfire complexity, simple models and environmental templates for fire size distributions
- Orbital- and Millennial-Scale Changes in the Australasian Monsoon Through the Late Pleistocene
- Source Spectra and Site Response for Two Indonesian Earthquakes: the Tasikmalaya and Kerinci Events of 2009
- The 1992 Flores Earthquake Revisited: From Earthquake Source to Tsunami Inundation
- The Role of Serpentinites in Cycling of Carbon and Sulfur: Seafloor Serpentinization and Subduction Metamorphism
- The Timing and Properties of Deep Water Exchange Between the Nordic Seas and Open North Atlantic During the Last 20,000 Years
- The Topology of Non-Linear Global Carbon Dynamics: From Tipping Points to Planetary Boundaries
- The Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL): Scientific Workflows Operating Across Organizations and Across Infrastructures
- The effect of light on intrashell trace metal variability (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa
- The strength of large-scale plate boundaries: Constraints from the dynamics of the Philippine Sea plate since ~5 Ma
- Towards a plant carbon model based on satellite and climate observations: near real-time monitoring of primary production constrained by multiple data streams
- U-He zircon dating of the Rotoiti eruption, New Zealand: a new approach to a classic tephrochronology problem
- Uncertainty as Knowledge: Constraints on Policy Choices Provided by Analysis of Uncertainty
- A Test of Climate Change Refugia in Montane Meadow Systems
- A geodynamical view on the steadiness of geodetically-derived rigid plate-motions over geological time
- Application of 3D back-projection for source properties of large events using small sets of well distributed seismic stations
- Application of hierarchical transdimensional tomography to ambient seismic noise data from a large transportable array in eastern Australia
- Can we trace the eastern Gondwanan margin in Australia? New perspectives from transdimensional inversion of ambient noise for 3D shear velocity structure
- Changes in statistical properties of global land extreme precipitation
- Crustal Structure of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia using Bayesian Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise
- Drivers of foraminiferal and bulk-sedimentary <SUP>10</SUP>Be/<SUP>9</SUP>Be ratios in a marine sediment record offshore of sub-tropical Australia
- Drivers of global vegetation biomass trends between 1988 and 2008
- Evaluating interannual variability in speleothem records of North American monsoon rainfall
- Evidence for deeply subducting Asian lithosphere beneath the Pamir-Hindu Kush region from teleseismic tomography
- Foundational methods for model verification and uncertainty analysis (Invited)
- Gamification - Environmental and Sustainable Development Organizations Could Do More
- Gas Chemistry of Hydrothermal Systems of the Northern Lau Basin - New Results
- Global gross primary production estimation based on satellite-derived canopy conductance
- Greater carbon stocks and faster turnover rates with increasing agricultural productivity
- Hyperactive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Improving the Flexibility of Optimization-Based Decision Aiding Frameworks for Integrated Water Resource Management
- Incorporating the Vegetation Response to changing atmospheric CO2 into the Budyko Framework (Invited)
- Integrating data from multiple science networks to conduct cross-scale ecohydrological research. (Invited)
- Mantle flow, volatiles, slab-surface temperatures and melting dynamics in the north Tonga Arc - Lau Backarc Basin
- Mineralogic reservoirs for high-field strength elements in deeply subducted continental sediments
- New insights into arc-backarc systems; the Tonga-Kermadec example (Invited)
- Optimising Back-projection for Source Character in 3-D
- Paleomagnetic recording fidelity and understanding geomagnetic field behavior (Invited)
- Possible Evidence of Multiple Sea Level Oscillations in the Seychelles During the Last Interglacial
- Present-day Kinematics of Papua New Guinea from GPS campaign measurements
- Recent advances in quantitative analysis of fluid interfaces in multiphase fluid flow measured by synchrotron-based x-ray microtomography
- Rock Magnetic Record of the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition at ODP Site 747, Southern Ocean
- Sedimentary remagnetizations involving pyrrhotite and greigite (Invited)
- Sensitivity of detection of fugitive methane emissions from coal seam gas fields
- Setting priorities for exploration of uncertain water security outcomes
- Short-term variations in South Atlantic spreading rates from kinematic and tomographic models
- Subduction of lower continental crust beneath the Pamir imaged by receiver functions from the seismological TIPAGE network
- The New world of ';Big Data' Analytics and High Performance Data: A Paradigm shift in the way we interact with very large Earth Observation datasets (Invited)
- Tracking surface water mass movements in the Southwest Pacific for the last 5,000 years: Perspectives from deep-sea corals
- Trends and interannual variability in water-balance evapotranspiration across Australia
- What is the Polarity of the Global E Field between Ground and Ionosphere?
- Widespread Magnetofossil Occurrences in Deep-sea Sediments and Implications for Paleo- and Environmental Magnetism (Invited)
- >2500-km-Long Contemporaneous Deep Continental Subduction in the West Gondwana Orogen
- 3D Observations of Dispersion, Mixing and Reaction in Heterogeneous Rocks
- <SUP> Improved P-wave Tomography of the Lowermost Mantle and Consequences for Mantle and Core Dynamics</SUP>
- A Geochemical Transect Across the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume Components
- A Multi-scale Framework for Trans-dimensional Tomography
- A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction
- A New Non-linear Technique for Measurement of Splitting Functions of Normal Modes of the Earth
- A new Approach to Combine GRACE and ICESat Observations to Estimate Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in East Antarctic
- A new, rare type of oceanic islands: The case of Norfolk Island
- An Objective Rationale for the Choice of Regularisation Parameter with Application to Global Multiple-Frequency S-Wave Tomography
- Atmospheric <SUP>21</SUP>Ne abundance determined by the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer
- Atmospheric, Non-Tidal Oceanic and Hydrological Loading Effects Observed with GPS Measurements
- Attenuation Tomography of the Inner Core
- Australian Seismometers in Schools - eyes on seismology
- Australian Seismometers in Schools: Apps, Archiving and Adventures
- Bayesian Trans-Dimensional Finite Fault Inversion for the 2010 Maule (Chile) Earthquake
- Bayesian Tsunami-Waveform Inversion and Tsunami-Source Uncertainty Estimation for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Biozone Characterization of Foraminifera in Upper Pleistocene through Recent Shelf and Slope Sediments, Northern Gulf of Alaska: Integration of SHE-diversity and Polytopic Vector Analyses
- Boron Isotope Evidence for Oceanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage During the Last Deglaciation
- Calibration of the B/Ca Proxy in Cultured O. Universa Tests Under Paleogene Seawater Conditions
- Characterizing Magnetofossils from FORC Central Ridges
- Characterizing the Effect of Different Sources of Uncertainty on Surrogates of Groundwater Models
- Collaboratively Architecting a Scalable and Adaptable Petascale Infrastructure to Support Transdisciplinary Scientific Research for the Australian Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Computational Environments and Analysis methods available on the NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform
- Creating Research-Rich Learning Experiences and Quantitative Skills in a 1<SUP>st</SUP> Year Earth Systems Course
- Crustal and lithospheric structure of the Albany-Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, from passive-source seismology
- Current challenges with understanding greigite (Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S<SUB>4</SUB>) magnetism
- Deep Mantle Large Low Shear-Wave Velocity Provinces: Principally Thermal Structures?
- Detecting the CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilisation Effect from Space
- Disjunctive Grade Variation from Greenschist to Granulite Facies, Siyom Valley, Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India
- Ductile Faults Control Seismogenic Movement on Oceanic Transforms
- Enabling Data Intensive Science through Service Oriented Science: Virtual Laboratories and Science Gateways
- Equatorial Pacific Coral Geochemical Records Show Recent Weakening of the Walker Circulation
- Evidences and consequences of slow hydrogen diffusion in olivine
- Extensive hydrothermal activity in the NE Lau basin revealed by ROV dives
- Extreme Hf and light Fe isotopes in Archean komatiites - a remnant of very early mantle depletion?
- Frequency Dependence of Short Period Seismic Noise from Two Decades of Observations at Warramunga Seismic Array (WRA), Australia
- Future Challenges in Magnetic Paleointensity Stratigraphy
- Geologically Controlled Isotope-Time Patterns Reveal Early Differentiation and Crust Formation Processes
- Glacial to Interglacial Climate and Sea Level Changes Recorded in Submerged Speleothems, Argentarola, Italy
- Global Ice-loading History Reconstructed Over Five Glacial Cycles
- Global Maps of Temporal Streamflow Characteristics Based on Observations from Many Small Catchments
- Hierarchical Bayesian Inversion for the Centroid Moment Tensor
- IODP Expedition 351 Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc Origins: Preliminary Results
- Integrating conventional and digital rock physics
- Investigations on the Aridity Paradox
- Isotopic and Elemental Ratios from Porites Corals Collected Along a Natural pH Gradient
- Large-Scale Data Collection Metadata Management at the National Computation Infrastructure
- Lithospheric Controls on Magma Composition along Earth's Longest Continental Hotspot-Track
- Localisation of Mantle Upwelling Beneath Recent Intra-Plate Volcanism in Australia
- Localization of Intraplate Deformation through Fluid-Assisted Fault Reactivation in the Lower-Crust: The Flinders Ranges, South Australia
- Magnetic detection and characterization of biogenic magnetic minerals: A comparison of ferromagnetic resonance and first-order reversal curve diagrams
- Magnetotactic bacterial production in response to Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the Neo-Tethys Ocean
- Marginal Lands Gross Primary Production Dominate Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interannual Variations
- Multi-Array Probing of Lower Mantle Structure
- Multi-Model Comparison of Southern Ocean and Sea Ice Trends in CORE-II and CMIP5 Model
- Multi-Observable Probabilistic Tomography Reveals the Thermochemical Structure of Central-Western US
- Multi-scale surface wave analysis for the crustal and uppermantle structure beneath the southern Korean Peninsula
- Near-Primary Oxidized Basalts from the Submarine Vanuatu Arc
- New Approaches for Analysing Projected Changes in the Water Cycle
- New Insights into ULVZs Using a Bayesian Inference: A Case Study for ULVZs Beneath the East of Australia
- New Insights into the Active Tectonics of Eastern Indonesia from GPS Measurements
- New Perspectives on the Volcano-Tectonic Evolution of the Wairakei-Tauhara Geothermal System, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, from U-Pb Dating of Zircons
- New geodetic constraints on strain accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault from the Karliova Triple Junction to the N Aegean Trough
- Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet Dynamics in Coastal Alaska from MIS 3 to the Present: Initial Results
- Numerical Tsunami Simulation Including Elastic Loading and Sea Water Density Stratification
- On the Relationship Between Volcanic Hotspot Locations, the Reconstructed Eruption Sites of Large Igneous Provinces and Deep Mantle Seismic Structure
- Origins and implications of the relationship between warming and cumulative carbon emissions
- Oxidation State of Iron in the Izu-Bonin Arc Initial Magma and Its Influence Factors
- Pairing Leaf-Wax Isotopes and Lithogenic Fluxes to Understand the Drivers of Dustiness in the South Pacific
- Partitioning of sulfur and selenium between sulfide and silicate liquids and the thermochemistry of sulfide-selenide liquids
- Polyphase Metamorphism in UHP Eclogite from Tso Morari, Northwest India.
- Predicting long-term responses of vegetation water use to elevated atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Predicting the effects of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations on catchment carbon and water fluxes
- Preserving Deep Mantle Structure in Hotspot Lavas
- Probing the internal calcification chemistry of O. universa using B/Ca
- Reconstructing past plate-motion histories in the presence of finite-rotation noise
- Relating Variations in Streamflow to Variations in Climate in Catchments across the Contiguous United States
- Remote Sensing Forage Quality for Browsing Herbivores: A Case Study of Cutting Edge Koala Conservation
- Rupture Process of the Tonga Earthquakes of 3 May 2006 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.0) and 19 March 2009 (M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6): Intraslab Thrust Deformation Below the Megathrust
- Rupture process of the two main 2014 Pisagua earthquakes (Mw 8.1 and 7.6) from strong motion, geodetic and global seismic data
- Sedimentary and Volcanic Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Excursions from Australia and New Zealand
- Seismic Noise Observations from Multiple Arrays in the Southern Hemisphere: Challenges and Opportunities
- Seismic Properties of Partially Molten Rocks: Constraints from Experiments and Observations on Natural Rocks
- Slab Deformation in the Mantle Transition Zone: The Effect of Plate Age and Strength Evolution
- Spherical Cap Harmonic Modelling of 400 Years of Secular Variation in the South-west Pacific
- Spherical Harmonic Analysis via Bayesian Inference
- Stalagmite Survival: 500kyr of Cyclical Growth and Natural Attrition of Stalagmites in Sulawesi
- Sub-mesoscale Circulation in the Southern Ocean
- Temporal Evolution of the Mariana Arc: Mantle Wedge and Subducted Slab Controls Revealed with a Tephra Perspective
- The 1992 Flores Earthquake and the Flores Backthrust
- The 2014 Pisagua-Iquique (Chile) earthquake sequence : geodetic constraints on space-time slip behaviour of a megathrust segment
- The Effect of Upper to Lower Mantle Viscosity Jump on the Regime Diagram of Slab Deformation in the Mantle Transition Zone
- The Frequency-dependent Seismic Properties of Cracked and Fluid Saturated Glass-bead Media
- The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Upper Mantle
- The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections
- The Origin of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of Kilauea Lavas
- The Origin of White Beds below the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Revisited
- The Role of Integrated Modelling and Assessment for Decision-Making: Lessons from Water Allocation Issues in Australia
- The effect of light on the Mg/Ca ratio in the planktic foraminifer Orbulina universa: implications for a light driven vital effect on Mg incorporation into foraminiferal calcite
- Theoretical and experimental modelling of the turbulent dissolution of a vertical ice wall in salty water, and its application to the ablation of icebergs and ice shelves.
- Timing of Cordilleran Ice Rafting, Freshwater Discharge, and Implications for Subsurface Ventilation in the Northeast Pacific During the Last Deglaciation
- Tomographic-Geodynamic Model Comparisons and the Presence of Post-Perovskite and Chemical Heterogeneity in Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Toward quantifying the deep Atlantic carbon storage increase during the last glaciation
- Tracking Paths of Ocean Source Ambient Seismic Noise into, and through, the 3D Earth
- U-Pb, O and Hf isotope evidence of duration, sources and crustal signatures during granite batholith magmatism in the Ross Orogen, Antarctica
- Uncertainty Quantification and Transdimensional Inversion
- Unraveling P-T-Time-Fluids Paths: in-situ Geochronology Combined with Oxygen Isotopes in Metamorphic Rocks
- Using Zircon Geochronology to Unravel the History of the Naga Hills Ophiolite
- <p>Tsunami waveform inversion for sea surface displacement following the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake: Importance of dispersion and variable rupture velocity
- 16,000 Years of Tropical Eastern Ocean Climate Variability Recorded in a Speleothem From Sumatra, Indonesia
- A Study of the Link Between Seismic Anisotropy and the G Discontinuity Based on LPO Modeling in Oceanic Basins
- A protocol for variable-resolution first-order reversal curve (FORC) measurements
- Ambient seismic noise tomography of Jeju Island, South Korea
- An Efficient Method for Far-field Tsunami Forecasting
- Attribution of the record warm 2014 in Central England and the time of emergence of a warming signal
- BayesMT: Bayesian Inference for the Seismic Moment Tensor Using Regional and Teleseismic-P Waveforms with First-motion Data and a Calibrated Prior Distribution of Velocity Models
- Building the Petascale National Environmental Research Interoperability Data Platform (NERDIP): Minimizing the 'Trough of Disillusionment' and Accelerating Pathways to the 'Plateau of Productivity'
- Calibration of the B/Ca proxy in symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifera for application to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion in a 3D heterogeneous Earth: Application to the Australasian region
- Changes in solute chemistry of Yangtze headwaters following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Does seismicity influence silicate weathering fluxes?
- Complex Inner Core of the Earth
- Constraining the Thermal History of the Midcontinent Rift System with Clumped Isotopes and Organic Thermal Maturity Indices
- Constrains on the Uranium Isotopic Composition of Seawater and Implications for Coral U/Th Geochronology
- Contending non-double-couple source components with hierarchical Bayesian moment tensor inversion
- Crustal and upper mantle structures beneath Cenozoic volcanoes on the board of China and North Korea.
- Data Science Careers: A Sampling of Successful Strategies, Pitfalls, and Persistent Challenges
- Did the North Atlantic Ocean sequester more CO<SUB>2</SUB> during the last glacial?
- Distinguishing warming-induced drought from drought-induced warming
- Does increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase aridity?
- Earthquake Performance of Structures in the Philippines: A Post-event Assessment of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- Enabling dynamic access to dynamic petascale Earth Systems and Environmental data collections is easy: citing and reproducing the actual data extracts used in research publications is NOT
- Estimation and Propagation of Uncertainties Associated with Paleomagnetic Direction
- Fine Scale ANUClimate Data for Ecosystem Modeling and Assessment of Plant Functional Types
- From Source to Damage: A Case study of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site 1438, Amami Sankaku Basin: Implications for Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Global Evaluation of Streamflow from Ten State-of-the-Art Hydrologic Models
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Global Warming, Drought and a Greening Planet
- Hf-Nd Isotopes in West Philippine Basin Basalts: Results from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1438 and Implications for the Early History of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Subduction System
- High Pressure Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Partial Melts of Eclogite and Mantle Peridotite during Upwelling
- High precision numerical simulation of the trans-pacific tsunami caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- How errors in the calibration of GRACE accelerometers affect the estimates of temporal gravity fields
- Hydrological Influence on the Dead Carbon Fraction in a Tropical Speleothem During the Younger Dryas and the Last Millennium
- IGSN at Work in the Land Down Under: Exploiting an International Sample Identifier System to Enhance Reproducibility of Australian Geochemcial and Geochronological Data.
- Improved Detection and Location of Ocean Microseism Signals using Array Techniques
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- It Takes A 'Village of Partnerships' To Raise A 'Big Data Facility' In A 'Big Data World'.
- Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil <em>Desmophyllum</em> dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean
- Late Pliocene deglaciation of Southern Greenland
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition, Mid-Lithosphere Discontinuity and Radial Anisotropy from Multi-mode Surface Wave Tomography
- Lithospheric Controls on Magma Composition along Earth's Longest Continental Hotspot-Track
- Loading effects in GPS vertical displacement time series
- Millennial-scale environmental modulation of reductive diagenesis in hemipelagic marine sediments and Asian monsoon variations
- Modeling Diverse Pathways to Age Progressive Volcanism in Subduction Zones.
- Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ<SUP>2</SUP>H<SUB>dinosterol</SUB> in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate
- Multi-Fidelity Surrogates of Groundwater Flow
- Multi-Observable Thermochemical Tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle
- New crustal thickness estimates of the Australian Continent using virtual deep seismic soundings
- New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
- Nitrogen and carbon isotopic variations from Black Corals spanning the last 4.5kya
- Offshore Tectonics of the St. Elias Mountains: Insights from Ocean Drilling and Seismic Stratigraphy on the Yakutat Shelf
- Overriding Plate Deformation During Subduction Evolution
- Plant functional types are more efficient than climate in predicting spectrums of trait variation in evergreen angiosperm trees of tropical Australia and China
- Pore-scale Evaluation of Immiscible Fluid Characteristics and Displacements: Comparison Between Ambient- and Supercritical-Condition Experimental Studies
- Pore-scale discretisation limits of multiphase lattice-Boltzmann methods
- Post-seismic induced deformation after great earthquakes in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Probabilistic Tsunami-Source Estimation with Parsimonious Rupture Kinematics
- Probabilistic joint inversion of lowermost mantle P-wave velocities and core mantle boundary topography using differential travel times and hierarchical Hamiltonian Monte-Carlo sampling
- Process-based upscaling of surface-atmosphere exchange
- Rapid Discrimination of Biogenic and Detrital Magnetite Through a Double Verwey Transition Temperature
- Regional mapping of ultra-low velocity zones beneath the Coral Sea using Bayesian inference
- Relative efficiencies of remanence acquisition in biogenic and detrital magnetite
- Rigorous Approach in Investigation of Seismic Structure and Source Characteristicsin Northeast Asia: Hierarchical and Trans-dimensional Bayesian Inversion
- Sample Identification at Scale - Implementing IGSN in a Research Agency
- Seismic Characterization of the Jakarta Basin
- Seismic Characterization of the Newberry and Cooper Basin EGS Sites
- Seismic Structure of Southeast Asia from Full Waveform Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes at the Geysers Geothermal Region Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
- Standardised online data access and publishing for Earth Systems and Climate data in Australia
- THE Interoperability Challenge for the Geosciences: Stepping up from Interoperability between Disciplinary Siloes to Creating Transdisciplinary Data Platforms.
- The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis
- The Glacial-Interglacial Monsoon Recorded by Speleothems from Sulawesi, Indonesia
- The Identity of Hydrous Defects Controlling the Rheology of Olivine
- The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Speeds and Attenuation in the Upper Mantle: an update from the Laboratory
- The LPO Iron Pattern beneath the Earth's Inner Core Boundary
- The PKP travel time anomaly of the South Sandwich Island earthquakes in the context of inner core anisotropy
- The Structure of Olivine Grain Boundaries Inferred from Transient and Steady State Deformation Experiments
- The Turbulent Convective Plume at Ice Shelf Fronts and the Sides of Tabular Icebergs
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The formation of pyrite nodules in carbonaceous sediments as determined by in situ S isotope and trace element analyses
- Towards rapid uncertainty estimation in linear finite fault inversion with positivity constraints
- Trace Elemental Geochemistry of Pacific Margin Seep and Non-seep Benthic Foraminifera
- Trans-dimensional Bayesian inference for large sequential data sets
- Tsunami Records on Seismometers
- Up-regulation of Amazon forest photosynthesis precedes elevated mortality under drought
- Validating Annual Growth Bands of Deep-Sea Black Corals and Calculating Ocean Reservoir Ages in the Gulf of Mexico
- W-phase Source Inversion Using High-rate Regional GPS Data for Large Earthquakes.
- Water weakening in experimentally deformed milky quartz single crystals
- Weak leaf photosynthesis and nutrient content relationships from tropical vegetation
- What would optimal vegetation do when confronted with steadily increasing atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Wind erodibility response of physical and biological crusts to rain and flooding
- A Laboratory Investigation of the Effects of Subglacial Meltwater Plumes on Submarine Ablation at the Fronts of Tidewater Glaciers
- A physiologically-based plant hydraulics scheme for ESMs: impacts of hydraulic trait variability for tropical forests under drought
- Anisotropy of Eddies in Turbulent Baroclinic Flow
- Application Of Receiver Based Techniques To Image Crustal Structures Of Scandinavia
- Basement Basalts from IODP Site 1438, Amami-Sankaku Basin: Implications for Sources and Melting Processes during Subduction Initiation in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana System
- BayesMT: Bayesian inference for the seismic moment tensor using regional and teleseismic-P waveforms with first-motion data and a calibrated prior distribution of velocity models
- Biophysical response of dryland soils to rainfall: implications for wind erosion
- Building connections between datasets, researchers and publications at NCI using RD-Switchboard
- Caldera Formation at the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion
- Constraining past seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and temperature records developed from foraminiferal geochemistry
- Continental Growth Along the Proto-Pacific Margin of East Gondwana in Australia: Insights from Seismic Tomography
- Continental scale data assimilation of discharge and its effect on flow predictions across the contiguous US (CONUS)
- Crustal Imaging of the Faroe Islands and North Sea Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Deciphering the Boron Proxy Records of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Dry Season Impact on Physiological Functioning of Two Tropical Tree Species in the Daintree Rainforest, Northeast Australia
- Elevated helium isotope ratios in the northern Lau and north Fiji basins: Intrusion of the Samoan hotspot or another OIB component?
- Environmental magnetic records of the Dali Lake borehole sequence in Inner Mongolia and implications for paleoclimatic variations in the semi-arid East Asia since the last deglaciation
- Estimation of network bias in the shift in Helmert parameters induced by great earthquakes
- Evidence for Increased Carbon Storage in the Mid-Depth South Atlantic During the Last Deglaciation
- Evidence of Past Deformation Events Along the East Gondwana Margin Revealed by Seismic Anisotropy Tomography
- Exploring the Earth Using Deep Learning Techniques
- Extending the Common Framework for Earth Observation Data to other Disciplinary Data and Programmatic Access
- Framing of Uncertainty in Scientific Publications: Towards Recommendations for Decision Support
- GeoNet's `Felt Rapid': Collecting What Is Needed, When You Need It, No More, No Less. Rapid, Volumous Data For Response Versus Detailed, Precise Data For Research
- Geodetic constraints on slip partitioning at a convergent plate boundary: Reconciling long-term structural deformation with earthquake cycle observations in West Java
- Global Land Carbon Uptake from Trait Distributions
- Global near real-time precipitation estimates by optimally blending gauge, satellite, and model data
- High severity fires, positive fire feedbacks and alternative stable states in Athrotaxis rainforest ecosystems in western Tasmania.
- Implementing a Data Quality Strategy to Simplify Access to Data
- Implications for Seawater <SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U Composition and Weathering on Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Based on Modern and Fossil Corals
- Incorporation of Multiple Datasets in Earthquake Source Inversions: Case Study for the 2015 Illapel Earthquake
- Incorrectly Interpreting the Carbon Mass Balance Technique Leads to Biased Emissions Estimates from Global Vegetation Fires
- Indo-Pacific hydroclimate over the past millennium and links with global climate variabilty
- Insights into the presence of post-perovskite in Earth's lowermost mantle from tomographic-geodynamic model comparisons
- Late Miocene-Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification linked to Antarctic ice-sheet growth
- Linking netCDF Data with the Semantic Web - Enhancing Data Discovery Across Domains
- Lowering the Barriers to Using Data: Enabling Desktop-based HPD Science through Virtual Environments and Web Data Services
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Monitoring groundwater storage change through joint assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage and SMOS soil moisture observations
- Multipathing within LLSVPs in models of thermal and thermochemical mantle convection
- NCI HPC Scaling and Optimisation in Climate, Weather, Earth system science and the Geosciences
- NCI's Distributed Geospatial Data Server
- North Pacific Modulation of the Global Carbon Cycle Through MIS-2: Insights from IODP Expedition 341
- Northern Korean Peninsula 1-D velocity model from surface wave dispersion and full-waveform data
- OPeNDAP servers like Hyrax and TDS can easily support common single-sign-on authentication protocols using the Apache httpd and related software; adding support for these protocols to clients can be more challenging
- Optimal versus observed vegetation responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the last 40 years
- Pb-Pb systematics of lunar rocks: differentiation, magmatic and impact history of the Moon
- Pore-scale Simulations of Capillary Trapping of CO2 Under Supercritical Conditions
- Probabilistic Uncertainty of Parameters and Conceptual Models in Geophysical Inversion
- Progress Towards an Open Data Ecosystem for Australian Geochemistry and Geochronology Data
- QBCov: A Linked Data interface for Discrete Global Grid Systems, a new approach to delivering coverage data on the web
- Raising Virtual Laboratories in Australia onto global platforms
- Rapid uncertainty estimation in finite fault inversion: Case study for the 2015, Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake
- Realising the Benefits of Adopting and Adapting Existing CF Metadata Conventions to a Broader Range of Geoscience Data
- Reconciling Mantle Wedge Thermal Structure with Arc Lava Thermobarometric Determinations in Oceanic Subduction Zones
- Regional Studies on the Effectof Transitioning from ITRF08 to ITRG14
- Reproducible Research in the Geosciences at Scale: Achievable Goal or Elusive Dream?
- SOCCOM Biogeochemical Profiling Floats: Representativeness and Deployment Strategies Utilizing GO-SHIP/Argo Observations and SOSE/Hycom Model Output
- Satellite Gravimetry and the Gravitational Dirichlet Problem
- Stable Vanadium Isotopes as a Redox Proxy at High Temperatures?
- Submarine geology and geomorphology of active Sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald Islands
- Tectonic origin and deformation process of the Mayer Kangri medium-high pressure metamorphic dome in Central Qiangtang of Tibet
- Tectonics of the Philippine Sea plate before and after 52 Ma subduction initiation to form the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc
- The Changing Role of Data Stewardship in Creating Trustworthy, Interdisciplinary High Performance Data Platforms for the Future.
- The Effect of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Centre Offset Modeling on the ITRF?
- The Glacial-Interglacial summer monsoon recorded in southwest Sulawesi speleothems: Evidence for sea level thresholds driving tropical monsoon strength
- The Lord Howe Rise continental ribbon: a fragment of eastern Gondwana that reveals the drivers of continental rifting and plate tectonics
- The Petermann Glacier Experiment, NW Greenland
- The Terminal Stage of Subduction: the Hindu Kush Slab Break-off
- The impact that modelling ocean tides can have in the estimation of GRACE temporal gravity fields
- The role of lee waves for dissipation of transient eddies in the Southern Ocean
- Thermo-compositonal anomalies of the Australian upper mantle
- Three-dimensional velocity model of crustal structure in the southern Korean Peninsula and its full-waveform validations
- Time-Series Radiocarbon Measurements Indicate Carbon Turnover Across Soil Fractions is Correlated With Productivity in a Long-Term Agricultural Experiment
- Towards Core Modelling Practices in Integrated Water Resource Management: An Interdisciplinary View of the Modelling Process
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- Trans-Dimensional Bayesian Imaging of 3-D Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in Northeast Asia
- Trans-dimensional sampling using sparse parameterizations in geophysical inverse problems
- Understanding identifiability as a crucial step in uncertainty assessment
- Uniform summertime cooling across New Zealand during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
- Using Global, Quantitative Models of the Coupled Plates/Mantle System to Understand Late Neogene Dynamics of the Pacific Plate
- Volcanism, Iron, and Phytoplankton in the Heard and McDonald Islands Region, Southern Indian Ocean
- What is Next? Linking all Samples of Planet Earth.
- What is the Emerging Knowledge of the Early Earth from the Oldest (>3.6 Ga) Rocks?
- Widespread occurrence of magnetic nanoparticle inclusions in marine sediments and their importance in paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic studies
- <SUP> 36</SUP>Cl, <SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al analyses from the GISP2 bedrock core and the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A Critical Appraisal of the `Day' Diagram
- A better way of representing stem area index in two-big-leaf models: the application and impact on canopy integration of leaf nitrogen content
- A new magnetofossil approach to trace paleoenvironmental changes across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- A volatile topic: Parsing out the details of Earth's formation through experimental metal-silicate partitioning of volatile and moderately volatile elements
- Adjoint Sensitivity Method to Determine Optimal Set of Stations for Tsunami Source Inversion
- An agent-based modelling framework to explore the role of social media and stubborn people on evacuation rates during flooding events
- Assessing the biogeochemical impact of AMOC collapse during Heinrich Stadial 1: New surface and mid-depth records from the South Atlantic
- Building a Generic Virtual Research Environment Framework for Multiple Earth and Space Science Domains and a Diversity of Users.
- Constraints on North-American Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Models from Analyses of GPS-measured Crustal Rebound
- Correspondence between North Pacific Ocean ventilation, Cordilleran Ice Sheet variations, and North Atlantic Heinrich Events
- Diminishing the effect of noise correlation on the seismic moment tensor inversion
- Discretization limits of multi-component lattice-Boltzmann methods and implications on the real porous media simulations
- Do Splitting Functions Constrain Earth's Density Structure?
- Earth's Multiple Reverberations From Global Seismic Interferometry Provide new Constraints on the Earth's Internal Structure
- Earthquake Intensity and Strong Motion Analysis Within SEISCOMP3
- Eurasia-North America plate motion and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment
- Evaluation of skill at simulating heatwave and heat-humidity indices in Global and Regional Climate Models
- Evolution of deep crustal magma structures beneath Mount Baekdu volcano (MBV) intraplate volcano in northeast Asia
- Evolution of whole-mantle plumes: Consequences for hotspot volcanism
- Geoscience Australia Publishes Sample Descriptions using W3C standards
- Geospatial Data as a Service: The GEOGLAM Rangelands and Pasture Productivity Map Experience
- Geospatial Data as a Service: Towards planetary scale real-time analytics
- Global-scale evaluation of 22 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling
- Hydrothermal venting on the flanks of Heard and McDonald islands, southern Indian Ocean
- Improving Seismic Data Accessibility and Performance Using HDF Containers
- Inferences on the Physical Nature of Earth's Inner Core Boundary Region from Observations of Antipodal PKIKP and PKIIKP Waves
- Interferometric Seismic Sources on the Core Mantle Boundary Revealed by Seismic Coda Crosscorrelation
- Investigating Observed Northwest Australian Rainfall Trends in CMIP5 Detection and Attribution Experiments
- Large-scale, high-performance and cloud-enabled multi-model analytics experiments in the context of the Earth System Grid Federation
- Last Deglacial Sea Level: A Curated Database of Indicators of Past Sea Levels from Biological and Geomorphological Archives
- Linking Incoming Plate Faulting and Intermediate Depth Seismicity
- Localized Rapid Warming of West Antarctic Subsurface Waters by Remote Winds
- Long-period ground motions at near-regional distances caused by the PL wave from, inland earthquakes: Observation and numerical simulation of the 2004 Mid-Niigata, Japan, Mw6.6 earthquake
- Macromolecular Rate Theory (MMRT) Provides a Thermodynamics Rationale to Underpin the Convergent Temperature Response in Plant Leaf Respiration
- Magma Fertility is the First-Order Factor for the Formation of Porphyry Cu±Au Deposits
- Mantle Upwellings Below the Ibero-Maghrebian Region with a Common Deep Source from P Travel-time Tomography
- Multi-core, multi-constraint chronostratigraphic framework over past 50,000 years places high-resolution Gulf of Alaska ocean-ice-sediment history into a global framework
- Overturned Alboran slab beneath westernmost Mediterranean
- Parameterizing Venus' aerosol particle size distribution
- Persistent Homology to describe Solid and Fluid Structures during Multiphase Flow
- Possible heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
- Precise determination of cosmogenic Ne in CREU-1 quartz standard, using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer
- Predictive geophysics: geochemical simulations to geophysical targets
- Quantifying mantle structure and dynamics using plume tracing in seismic tomography
- Reconstructing Southern Greenland Ice Sheet History During the Plio-Pleistocene Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: Insights from IODP Site U1307
- Revealing climate modes in steric sea levels: lessons learned from satellite geodesy, objective analyses and ocean reanalyses
- Seismic constraints of thinning and fragmenting continental lithosphere beneath the Korean Peninsula
- Smoothing Data Friction through building Service Oriented Data Platforms
- Surface Buoyancy Fluxes and the Strength of the Subpolar Gyre
- Teleseismic P-wave tomography of the Sunda-Banda Arc subduction zone
- The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Themes and Call for Participation
- The Role of Range Acceleration Observations and Regularisation in the Estimation of Sub-monthly Temporal Gravity Fields From GRACE Observations
- The reconstruction of late Holocene depth-to-water-table based on testate amoebae in an eastern Australian mire
- Tracking Research Data Footprints via Integration with Research Graph
- Tracking forest canopy dynamics from an automated proximal hyperspectral monitoring system: linking remote sensing observations to leaf level photosynthetic processes
- Transdimensional Bayesian tomography of the lowermost mantle from shear waves
- Tropical forest soil microbes and climate warming: An Andean-Amazon gradient and `SWELTR'
- Uncertainty Estimation in Tsunami Initial Condition From Rapid Bayesian Finite Fault Modeling
- Uncertainty Quantification in Earthquake Source Characterization with Probabilistic Centroid Moment Tensor Inversion
- Using Laboratory Experiments to Improve Ice-Ocean Parameterizations
- Using machine learning to accelerate sampling-based inversion
- Using the Principles of F.A.I.R Data to Improve the Measure of Value of Big Data and Big Data Repositories
- Water data in US: a spatial, temporal and sectoral analysis
- Water incorporation in olivine at upper mantle pressures and water-undersaturated conditions
- 3D shear velocity structure of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone from transdimensional trees inversion of seismic noise
- A GIA-based Reconstruction of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A low-angle normal fault earthquake and tsunami: The 1852 Banda Sea Earthquake, Eastern Indonesia
- Absence of the West Antarctic ice sheet during the last interglaciation
- Adaptive Ensemble Kalman Filter to Mitigate Error Misspecifications in GRACE Data Assimilation
- Addressing the massive CMIP6 data science challenge through the ESGF global federation
- Ambient Noise Wave-Equation Tomography of the Alpine Crust and Uppermost Mantle
- Analysis of the 25th February 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.5 Papua New Guinea Southern Highland Fold-and-Thrust Belt Earthquake using ALOS2 and GNSS Observations
- Assessing the uncertainties in the historical reconstructions of steric sea level changes
- Barotropic versus Baroclinic eddy saturation
- Boosting Data Science in Geochemistry: We Need Global Geochemical Data Standards and Networking!
- Building a multipurpose Geoscience Virtual Research Environment to cater for multiple use cases, a range of scales and diverse skill sets.
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Carbon Cycling in the Deep Northeastern Atlantic during the Mid-Brunhes Transition
- Characterization of Complex Magnetic Mineral Assemblages in Nankai Trough Sediments, off Japan (IODP Expedition 370)
- Combining global tomographic inversions with geodynamical growth models to constrain the origins of Earth's inner core features
- Concentrated basal melt under Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Constraints on oxygen fugacity within metal capsules
- Craton formation, stabilization and the initiation of plate tectonics
- Deeper Search Capabilities to Permit Interdisciplinary Data Access and Research
- Delivering IGSN to Australian Academics from Multiple Laboratories via a Centralised National Service
- Detection of PKJKP waves in the Earth's correlation wavefield: New constraints on shear properties of the Earth's inner core
- Development of an Adaptive Tsunami Source Inversion with Optimization and Reciprocity Principle
- Diagenetic Fate of Biogenic Soft and Hard Magnetite in Chemically Stratified Sedimentary Environments of Saco do MAMANGUÁ, Brazil
- Diagnosing Energy Transfer in an Idealized, North-Atlantic, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Earth and Environment Science Information Partners: ESIP & E2SIP parallel pathways on opposite sides of the globe
- Enhanced Zonal Asymmetry in the Equatorial Pacific During the Last Deglaciation Based on Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes
- Evolving Data-driven science: the unprecedented coherence of Big Data, HPC, and informatics, and crossing the next chasms
- Fluids in 4K
- Generating improved estimates of streamflow using model averaging of downscaled runoff products under uncertainty
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Higher than expected CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilisation inferred from leaf to global observations
- Human and climate impacts on future upstream water dependency and water scarcity levels of global transboundary water bodies
- HystLab: New Software for Processing and Analyzing Hysteresis Data
- Improving quality within the FAIRly Big Data repository at NCI Australia
- Incorporating Trait Distributions into Land Surface Models
- International collaboration for magnetotelluric data and model sharing and interoperability
- Low-Frequency Measurements of Seismic Velocity and Attenuation in Antigorite Serpentinite
- Making data from a national catalogue discoverable by Web data search tools
- Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the Late Miocene
- Parallel MCMC multi-algorithm strategies for the thermochemical structure of lithosphere
- Professional Societies Role in Moving the Needle
- Quantifying the influence of oxygen fugacity on the seismic properties of olivine
- Reconstructing 3000 Years of South Pacific Gyre Dynamics from New Zealand Black Corals
- Reimagining AGU's Diversity and Inclusion Policies and Practices
- Rheological heterogeneities in mantle plumes
- Roles and skills required for communities to successfully build research data standards and data infrastructures.
- Scientific Software Solution Centre for Discovering, Sharing and Reusing Research Software
- Sediment and Faunal Evidence of Ice Shelves and Their Disintegration during the Early Holocene Deglaciation of Nares Strait
- Solving the switching-form Richards' equation for modeling unsaturated-saturated flow and solute transport across scales
- Southern Ocean heat uptake: distribution, pathways and timescales
- Southwest Pacific Gyre Dynamics During the Common Era: A New Perspective From Deep-Sea Antipatharians
- Stalagmite-based Paleomagnetic Record of Multidecadally-resolved post-Blake Geomagnetic Excursion
- Subduction Initiation at Passive Margins and Amagmatic Basin Closure: The Revival of Ampferer-Type Subduction and the Formation of Alpine-type Orogens
- Talking the talk AND walking the walk: UMass Geosciences' community-based efforts to increase diversity and inclusivity through improved department climate
- The Infrastructure of Data Reuse and Trust: All the elements to support open and FAIR data along with those necessary for attribution and credit.
- The Mantle Transition Zone in Scandinavia
- The Rescue of Magnetotellurics (MT) Time Series Datasets
- The deep roots of the San Andreas Fault zone
- The important role of HPC and data-intensive infrastructure facilities in supporting a diversity of Virtual Research Environments (VREs): working with Climate
- Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy of Volcanic Glasses: Toward Improving Eruption Monitoring
- Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal plant function
- Towards Networks of Trusted Virtual Domain Repositories that are connected to Networks of Persistent Physical Repositories
- Transformation of ancient organic carbon in exposed organic-rich black shale of the Monterey Formation, Naples Beach, CA
- Using Hysteresis Reversal Curves (FORCs) to Diagnose Magnetic Domain State Quantitively
- Validation of GRACE and GRACE FO data across the gap between missions
- Volcanic flux variations along the Hawaiian hotspot track: plume pulsations vs. plume-lithosphere interaction
- 21st Century Fate of the Mocho-Choshuenco Ice Cap in Southern Chile
- A Research and teaching worflow for the development of geodynamic numerical models with Jupyter
- Analysis of Level1B GRACE FO Data Using Range Acceleration Observations and Validation of GRACE and GRACE FO Across the Gap Between Missions.
- Atoll groundwater, people and climate change: wicked problems?
- Carbon system influences on the planktic foraminiferal Mg/Ca proxy in low seawater Mg/Ca
- Defining Best Practices in a High Performance Petascale Data Repository to Enable Interdisciplinary Data-intensive Research at the Australian National Computational Infrastructure
- Development of an Analysis Centre Software for multi-GNSS Precise Orbit and Clock Estimation
- Diagnosing Energy and Heat Transfer in the North Atlantic Region of Idealized and Realistic Ocean-Atmosphere Models: A Frequency-Domain Approach
- Earthquake Sequence Simulations with Inertia, Viscoelasticity, Shear Heating, and Fault Zone Fluid Migration
- Earthquakes and Megafloods: Extreme Events Recorded in Marine Sediments of the Pacific Northwest since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Enabling Earth and Environmental Sciences Data and Applications to Play a Role in Interdisciplinary Data-intensive Global Scientific Challenges
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes.
- Exploring for the Future in Australia: Characterizing and Assessing the Lithosphere for Resource Discovery
- Facilitating Future Reuse of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data: Moving to an Online Dirt-to-Desktop (D2D) Data Path to Standardise Data Collection, Curation and Publication.
- Frequency-Domain Analysis of the Energy Budget in an Idealized, Coupled, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- GSKY - A high performance service for multi-petabyte sized datasets
- Gaussian Process Models: A Framework for Probabilistic Continuous Inverse Theory
- Genesis of metamorphic baddeleyite and high δ<SUP>18</SUP>O zircon in impure marble from the Tongbai orogen, Central China: insights from petrochronology and Hf-O isotope compositions
- Global bioclimatic controls of leaf nitrogen: an implementation of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Global fully-distributed parameter regionalization based on observed streamflow from 4229 headwater catchments
- Identifying regions of drought mortality risk for tree species: a case study focussed on SE Australia.
- Improving data reusability for high performance datasets
- Magnetic mapping of a speleothem from Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga with a scanning SQUID microscopy and its magnetic mineralogy
- Making metadata be FAIR, in particular enhancing the 'R'? - The Approach of the Australian Metadata Working Group.
- Monitoring Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes and Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography around Mt. Agung in Bali, Indonesia, using a Dense Local Seismograph Network
- On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda Arc
- Our Treasures Need No Longer be Buried: Advancing Physical Samples from Personal Items to Globally Shared First Class Objects of International Research.
- Passive Seismic Monitoring of Arctic Environment.
- Preservation and reactivation of ancient lithospheric-scale structures in Alaska inferred from receiver function imaging and geologic constraints
- Radiocarbon evidence for coupled centennial scale ocean-atmosphere variability in the Southwest Pacific Gyre
- Regional to teleseismic distance propagation of distinctive Love wave pulses in continental and oceanic environments
- Research Driven Educational Tools with Jupyter notebooks and Juptyerhub
- Retrieval of interstation local body waves from teleseismic coda correlations
- Reusing Historic Magnetotelluric Time Series Data on HPC Infrastructure
- Sub-surface delineating of Agung Batur Volcanic Complex using Ambient Noise Tomography
- Successful data training stories from NCI
- The Origin of the Earth's Correlation Wavefield
- The distribution of water resource security in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China under a changing context
- The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for <SUP>2</SUP>H compared to <SUP>18</SUP>O
- The lowermost mantle structure beneath Alaska and Northern Pacific revealed by grid-search modeling of shear-wave triplications
- The seismic signature of oxidizing metasomatic fluids
- Thermomechanical models with surface processes: Low-Temperature Thermochronology predictions for model calibration
- Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian Continental Collision Revealed by Joint Tomography with Body and Surface Wave Data
- Uncertainty from the Perspective of Model Management in Organisations and Society
- Unlocking the full range of information available in first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Up, down and around: Transformational approaches to geophysical inverse problems.
- Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
- Using Surrogate Models to solve Geophysical Inverse Problems
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet History from a Subglacial Bedrock Core
- A Back to Basics Approach to Enable Earth and Environmental Science Data and Information Services to be FAIR and Key Players in Modern Transdisciplinary Research and Applications
- A Biased Tour of Geophysical Inversion
- A Framework for Practical Factor Fixing Demonstrated with Uncertainty Quantification of a Water Quality Model
- A cheap and cheerful, open source dashboard for the global effort to monitor seismic noise variations through the COVID-19 pandemic
- A robustness comparison of sampling methods for Sobol' sensitivity analysis of rainfall-runoff models
- Achieving SDG6: Managing and Confronting Risks
- Ambient noise tomography of Australia: application to AusArray deployment
- An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of Terrestrial-like Exoplanetary Atmospheres Orbiting Around Different Parent Star Types
- Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
- Assessing recovery of the Australian mountain systems following the 2019-2020 wildfires using a network of monitoring and experimental manipulation infrastructure
- Assessing the influence of vegetation properties on multi-frequency microwave vegetation optical depth
- Assessment and Integration of Bulk and Component-specific Methods for Identifying Mineral Magnetic Assemblages in Environmental Magnetism
- Attenuation of the uppermost inner core viewed by tomography
- Building Australia's Scalable Drone Cloud
- Circumpolar variations in Southern Ocean eddy energy: An ensemble approach
- Connecting earth science data to the planet's grand challenges
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Controlling variables of denudation across catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef
- Drivers of Atmospheric and Oceanic Surface Temperature Variance
- Dynamics of Arc-continent Collision: The Role of Crustal-mantle Dynamics on Controlling the Evolution of Stress Regime
- Extremes in a Tree-ring Drought Reconstruction for Australia's Monsoonal North are Modulated by Central Pacific Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures
- High resolution seismic imaging of the Hawaiian ULVZ: A large-scale layer of varying topography
- Human settlements and climatic changes in Remote Oceania over the last millennium: Multi-proxy records from Vanuatu
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Integrating Data Stewardship into the Research Lifecycle: A PARSEC Approach
- Microstructural Controls on Mineral Carbonation Reactions
- Next-generation model of the Australian crust from synchronous and asynchronous ambient noise imaging
- On the feasibility of regional Centroid-moment-tensor in the Australian continent and its continental shelf
- Optimizing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Trapping in Geological Carbon Sequestration by Reducing Nonwetting Phase Connectivity
- Preparing For Multidisciplinary Science In The Exascale Era
- Proposing a Deep learning Approach for Extracting Earthquake Source Parameters from InSAR Observations
- Putting Data to Work: Moving science forward together beyond where we thought possible!
- Recognizing Fossil versus Remobilized Crustal Boundaries in Alaska through Earthscope TA Combined with Geologic History
- Seismic Hazard and Risk: Fragility and Vulnerability of Housing in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, in Response to 2018 Earthquakes
- Seismic Velocity Structures in the Western part of Java from Body-Wave and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Seismic anisotropic signatures of complex crustal magmatic pathways beneath the Mount St. Helens region
- Seismic characterization of explosive and collapse events at the Kilauea summit during the 2018 eruption
- Seismic constraints on melt organization within silicic magmatic systems
- Significant variations in late Holocene South Pacific Gyre strength
- Stepwise joint inversion for 1-D crustal V<SUB>p</SUB>/V<SUB>s</SUB> structure using surface wave dispersion, Rayleigh wave ZH ratio, and receiver function data
- The onset of anelastic behaviour in polycrystalline olivine
- Towards 4D mapping velocity changes with coda wave interferometry: methodology and applications
- Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
- Urban Noise - The benefits of broadband seismometers in schools
- Urban Water Security through Integrated Problem Diagnosis and Solution Design
- User Guided Modernization of Earth System Grid Federation Architecture and Services
- What does integration mean for assessment of water availability? Enabling good practice, team science, pathway reflexivity, scale decisions and uncertainty assessment
- Zinc on the edge: lithospheric controls on the distribution of basin-hosted zinc deposits
- A Catch-All Approach to Ocean Capacity Building in West Africa
- A Global Characterization of Adaptations Addressing Vulnerabilities Across the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- A Joint Point-source Moment Tensor and a Single Force Inversion Within Hierarchical Bayesian Inference
- A New View of the Earth's Outer Core Through Global Correlation Wavefield
- A Temporal Record of Plio-Pleistocene Volcanism of the Kurile-Kamchatka arc from ODP Site 881, northwest Pacific
- A detailed earthquake catalogue for Timor and Eastern Indonesia using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
- A new Probe of the Earths Innermost Inner Core by Multiple Reverberating Podal and Antipodal Body Waves
- An estimate of early Pliocene global mean sea level constrained by differentially uplifted sea level indicators and geodynamic models of the Patagonian slab window
- Applying the Adjoint Method to Reconstruct Earths Mantle in Space and Time
- AuScope Virtual Research Environments: Building a Data and Analytical Framework to Support a Decadal Plan for a Downward Looking Telescope.
- Building Data Infrastructures to Enable AI in the Geosciences
- CCREM: New Reference Earth Model from the Global Coda-correlation Wavefield
- Chapter 8: Droughts, floods, and monsoons: Not Your Parents' Water Cycle
- Characterization of the groundwater storage in the south-eastern Australian basins using GPS deformation and groundwater head level data
- Co-seismic and Post-seismic Deformation Associated with the 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, Earthquake Sequence, and its Impact on the Rinjani Volcano Inferred from InSAR Time-series and Seismic Data Analysis
- Comparing Enabling Pathways for Sustainable River Basin Governance and Management: Case Studies from Australia, Brazil, China and France.
- Converging Identifier Infrastructures: the Proposed Partnership between IGSN and DataCite
- Direct modeling of strain rate recorded on a Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array in Canberra, Australia
- Effects of subduction termination processes on continental lithosphere
- Estimating Sediment Thickness Across South Australia Using Receiver Functions
- Evidence for Distinct Anisotropy in the Innermost Inner Core From Coda-correlation
- Experimental Drought Modifies Termite Wood Decomposition in a Tropical Rainforest
- Explaining Nitrate Formation at Paleo-Mars by Investigating Diurnal and Heterogeneous Nitrogen Chemistry
- Full-waveform tomography of Sulawesi accounting for the effects of surface topography and the fluid ocean
- Geodynamic, Geodetic, and Seismic Constraints Favour Deflated and Dense-Cored LLVPs
- Global Constraints of Earths Uppermost Mantle Regional Discontinuities: Insights on Temperature, Composition, and Geodynamics
- Global assessment of past compound events, model performance and future projections
- Global-scale Inter-source Correlation Wavefield
- Grain-size Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Relaxation in Dry, Melt-free Polycrystalline Olivine: An Update
- How Many Components? A New Statistical Approach for Fitting Complex Paleodirections.
- How ocean eddies can exert a collective, large-scale effect on the atmosphere at decadal time scales
- How sphericity combines with the age and width of slabs to dictate the dynamics and evolution of subduction systems on Earth
- IGSN 2040 Physical Samples Graph: Connecting Data and Knowledge to The Physical World
- Imaging Yellowstones magmatic system with adjoint ambient noise tomography
- Imaging the crustal magmatic system below Valles Caldera: new constraints from shear velocity tomography using a densely spaced nodal transect
- Inner-core Shear-wave Anisotropy Revealed by Earthquake Coda-correlation Wavefield
- Interconnected global deep-sea circulation changes over the past 25,000 years
- International Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets
- IsoFootprint: Decarbonizing the Mass Spectrometry Manufacturing Sector
- Methodologies for the study of change in hydrology and society
- Modeling of Observations of the OH Nightglow in the Venusian Mesosphere
- New Insights into Surface Deformation of the Northeast Australian Plate Boundary Zone from a Board-scale Synthetic Kinematic Model
- Observing transient, rapid mass changes in the Earth system with GRACE Follow-On laser ranging measurements
- Operationalizing earth sciences to facilitate small scale climate mitigation activities
- Past and Present Deformation along the San Andreas from Microseismicity, Geodesy, and Seismological Constraints
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Plant-Water Sensitivity Regulates Wildfire Vulnerability
- Potentially Tsunamigenic Mass Wasting along Macquarie Ridge, the Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary, Southwest Pacific Ocean
- Preliminary earthquake catalogue for an ongoing temporary seismic network in SW Australia derived using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow
- Probing the Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary: Macquarie Ridge in 3-D
- Probing the Upper Mantle Structure With the Southern Ocean Storms and Australian Seismic Arrays
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Resolving the influence of local flows on urban heat amplification during heatwaves
- SASSY21: A 3-D seismic structural model of the lithosphere and underlying mantle beneath Southeast Asia from full-waveform inversion
- Seismic ambient noise tomography in the Jakarta Basin, Indonesia
- Seismic and Mineralogical Modeling of ULVZ-slab Interaction at the Northeastern Edge of Pacific Large Low Shear Velocity Province
- Sharing and Reproducibility: Working in Collaborative, Cross-Discipline Teams that Inform the Culture Change of an Ecosystem
- Southern Ocean pathways of Antarctic Bottom Water: conduits vs blender
- Subsurface Imaging of the Lake George Basin, Eastern Australia through Seismic Interferometry of Traffic Noise
- Teleseismic moment tensor inversion for ring-faulting at active calderas: Case studies at Sierra Negra in the Galapagos Islands and Kilauea in Hawaii
- The Australian Termite Diversity Anomalys Effect on Termite Mound Abundance and Dead Wood Occupancy
- The Baffin Bay Deglacial Experiment (BAD-Ex): Spatiotemporal Observations of the Last Demise of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- The Effect of Original Saturation on Residual Nonwetting Phase Capillary Trapping Efficiency
- The Future of X-informatics Lies in Collaborative Convergence: an Exemplar from the Global Global OneGeochemistry Initiative.
- The Global Fingerprint of Modern Ice-Mass Loss on 3-D Crustal Motion
- The Quantification of water isotopic enrichments of plant stems
- The contribution of soil, topographic, and vegetation traits to plant-water sensitivity
- Toward Improving Point-Source Moment-Tensor Inference by Incorporating Earth Structure Uncertainty: Implications for the Long Valley Caldera Earthquakes and Beyond
- Understanding Grain size Dependence of Pyrrhotite Magnetic Particles using Micromagnetic Modelling
- Understanding the Deformation of the Nazca Slab Using Seismic Anisotropy
- Urban Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Bern, Switzerland: Observations and Modelling
- Venus as an Exoplanet: An Initial Exploration of the 3-D Structure of a CO2 Exoplanetary Atmosphere Around an M-Dwarf Star Type
- Weaker AMOC at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Wind-Driven Fluctuations in Southern Ocean Abyssal Overturning
- A 3-D numerical investigation of the impact of aseismic ridges on subduction dynamics and stress
- An Estimate of Antarctic Bottom Water Export Variability from GRACE Satellite Data
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Annual Precipitation Explains Variability in Dryland Vegetation Greenness Globally but not Locally
- Assembly of Indonesian Rainforests during the last two glacial terminations
- CCMOC: A New View of the Earth's Outer Core Through the Global Coda Correlation Wavefield
- Challenging the Status Quo: What Databases/Data Compilations are You Using for Your Data-Driven Geochemical Research? Will they still be accessible in 2030? Are your data compilations ethical?
- Characterizing Non-double-couple Components of Shallow Seismic Sources Using Affine-invariant Bayesian Samplers: A Case Study to DPRK Explosions and Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Earthquakes
- Citing samples and derived analytical data at granularity of the individual object to ensure credit is given to those that undertake and fund the original primary research.
- Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Diverse Metabolic Potential within Ectothiorhodospiraceae in Extreme Environments: a Case Study in the Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, California
- Complex patterns of past and ongoing crustal deformations in Southern California revealed by seismic azimuthal anisotropy
- Considerations for the Application of Rb-Sr Geochronology using LA-ICP-MS/MS
- Crustal Structure of the Macquarie Ridge Complex Constrained by the Ambient Noise and Earthquake Autocorrelograms
- Delayed resurgence of the Mediterranean following the post-Messinian megaflood
- Does Kamaʻehu Volcano Sample a "Kea" or "Loa" Mantle Source Within the Hawaiian Plume?
- Ecoclimatic Sensitivity in the Tropics to Last Glacial-Interglacial Climate Change via Data Mobilization in the Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- Emission Suppression Technology: Revolutionizing Noble Gas Isotope Analysis
- Enabling proper Citation of Individual Objects Across Large Collections of Datasets
- Enhanced 3-D Seismic Structure of Southwest Australia
- Evidence of melt accumulation beneath Yellowstone Caldera from full-waveform inversion
- Examining the Physical Mechanisms Connecting Interacting Climate Modes and East Australian Precipitation
- Exploring the role of the Pacific Ocean and Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Late Pleistocene global climate
- Glacial Fans as an archive of Ice Sheet Dynamics: A Multi-proxy Investigation of the Northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet during Siku Events using Surveyor Fan Sediments acquired from IODP EXP 341
- Global Cooperation for Interdisciplinary FAIR Data Policy and Practice: The WorldFAIR Project and OneGeochemistry
- Global reorganization of deep-sea circulation and carbon storage after the last ice age
- Global-Scale Inter-Source Correlations in Seismic-Event Late Coda Wavefield
- Grain Size Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Relaxation in Dry, Melt-free Polycrystalline Olivine and its Seismological Implications
- High-Resolution Seasonal Climate Variation in Equatorial Africa Revealed by Modern and Fossil Primate Teeth
- Identifying Weather Phenomena Responsible for Extreme Rainfall and Drought Recovery in Southeast Australia
- Impacts of Diel Warming and Light Levels on Wheat Growth, Respiration, and Carbon Metabolism
- Incipient ocean spreading beneath the Arabian shield
- Indian Ocean Walker Circulation Signals Reflected in Regional Precipitation δ18O
- Intra-plate Seismicity of the Gawler Craton and Lake Eyre Basin, Australia.
- Lithospheric Controls on the Distribution of Porphyry Copper Deposits
- Local-scale surface wave and body wave tomography of the Lake George fault zone in eastern Australia from traffic noise interferometry
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Mapping Hydrocarbon Charge-points in the Wessex Basin Using Seismic, Geochemistry and Mineral magnetics
- Meridional Overturning Circulation from Satellite Observables: a State Estimate Test
- Monitoring tool for 4D hydrological pore pressure variation
- Neoproterozoic Dolomites Preserve Primary Clumped Isotope Temperatures
- No anthropogenic change in the frequency or severity of Australian multi-year droughts compared with the past millennium
- Observations of up to fivefold reverberating waves through the Earth's center: distinctly anisotropic innermost inner core
- OneGeochemistry: Progress on the Path toward Shared, Reusable, and Interoperable Geochemical Data
- Probabilistic ambient noise imaging of the Macquarie Ridge Complex using ocean-bottom and land-based seismometers
- Probabilistic seismic source inversion incorporating uncertainty in 3D earth models: case studies for southeast Australia and the Korean peninsula
- Regional To Global Hydroclimate Responses To Forced Temperature Changes During The Past 2,000 Years
- Robust Future Changes in Meteorological Drought in CMIP6 Projections Despite Uncertainty in Precipitation
- SASSIER22: Full-waveform tomography of the eastern Indonesian region that includes surface topography and the fluid ocean
- Scanning for Planetary Cores with Single-Station Inter-Source Correlations
- Sea level and dynamic topography change since the mid-Pliocene: Leveraging a global dataset of 12 wavecut scarps
- Shear velocity tomography reveals a shallow and laterally focused magmatic reservoir below Valles Caldera, NM.
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Southern Ocean Storms Using the Australian Seismic Arrays
- Spatiotemporal monitoring of groundwater resources in Loxton and Waikerie aquifers in South Australia using InSAR deformation and groundwater level measurements
- Strike-slip, Transpression, or Subduction? Investigations of Seismic Anisotropy beneath the Evolving Australian-Pacific Plate Boundary South of New Zealand
- The AD 1450s Eruption of Kuwae, Vanuatu: Regional Disaster with Global Climate Effect?
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Inferences of Global Ice Volume During the Last Glacial Maximum
- The influence of lithospheric thickness variations beneath Australia on mantle flow and seismic anisotropy
- Tracking Crustal Thickness at the Sediment Inundated Edge of the Gawler Craton, Australia
- Understanding first-order reversal curve diagrams for hematite
- Unravelling an enigmatic boundary along the Sunda-Banda volcanic arc
- Volcanoes 1, Humans 0: New Reconstruction Elucidates Forced Response of the Pacific Walker Circulation over the Past 800 Years
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. García Muñoz
- A. J. Pietruszka
- A. S. Brecht
- Adele K. Morrison
- Adrian K. George
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Agus Santoso
- Alan C Mix
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alex Sen Gupta
- Alexander Prent
- Alexandra G. Konings
- Alison Specht
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amir Salaree
- Amy Gilligan
- Andrea Burke
- Andrea Castelletti
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andreas Schmittner
- Andrew E. Kiss
- Andrew F. Thompson
- Andrew L. Stewart
- Andrew McC. Hogg
- Andrew P. Roberts
- Andrew P. Scafaro
- Andréa S. Taschetto
- Andrés García
- Anna L. Herring
- Anna M. Ukkola
- Annika Herbert
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Anusuriya Devaraju
- B. L. Konecky
- B. L. N. Kennett
- Babak Hejrani
- Barry Croke
- Belén Martrat
- Benjamin J. Henley
- Benoît Tauzin
- Brandon Schmandt
- Brian A. Haley
- Brian K. Arbic
- C. D. Parkinson
- C. M. Eakin
- Chengxin Jiang
- Chiara Holgate
- Christopher Erdmann
- D. Agarwal
- D. C. Bowden
- D. E. Portner
- D. Fils
- D. N. Wiese
- D. Wildenschild
- Danica Adams
- Daniel R. Green
- Danton Diego Ferreira
- Daoyuan Sun
- David Heslop
- Debi Kilb
- Deborah Wehner
- Eelco J. Rohling
- Eldert Fokker
- Elmer Ruigrok
- Fangqin Chen
- Florian Pappenberger
- Fred Richards
- Frederick Bouckaert
- G. Jóhannesson
- Gab Abramowitz
- Ge Peng
- Georgina Falster
- Guoliang Li
- H. C. P. Lau
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- Hans Thybo
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Hans‐Peter Bunge
- Helen McGregor
- Henryk Dobslaw
- Hirokuni Oda
- Hiroo Kanamori
- Huaiyu Yuan
- Ian Jackson
- Ian S. Williams
- Irina Artemieva
- J. F. Snape
- J. M. Stock
- J. R. McConnell
- J. Robertson
- J. S. Stoner
- Jacqueline Austermann
- James Renwick
- James W. B. Rae
- Jan Adamowski
- Jason P. Evans
- Jay R. Alder
- Jeaneth Machicao
- Jeanne Sauber
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jens Klump
- Jens Zinke
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica L. Blois
- Jiaqi Li
- John W. Williams
- Josep Peñuelas
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Joseph K. Ansong
- Justin Buck
- Justin Wilgus
- K. H. Kilbourne
- Kassandra M Costa
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kenji Satake
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Khosro Ghobadi‐Far
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kirsten Elger
- Klaus Gessner
- Kristin Bergmann
- Kristine L. DeLong
- Laurence Mabile
- Laurie Menviel
- Lesley Wyborn
- Linda Pan
- Lior Suchoy
- Lisa Tauxe
- Logan Brenner
- Lucia Profeta
- Luis Rivera
- Lukas Jonkers
- M. Shirzaei
- Malcolm C. A. White
- Marc F. Müller
- Mark A. Sephton
- Mark Hoggard
- Marthe Klöcking
- Martin G. De Kauwe
- Martina Stockhause
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maureen H. Walczak
- Maxim D. Ballmer
- Meghan Miller
- Melissa Haeffner
- Michael W. Liemohn
- Min Chen
- N. A. Ritchey
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nathan Chellman
- Navid C. Constantinou
- Nerilie J. Abram
- Nicholas Rawlinson
- Nicky M. Wright
- Nicola Ulibarri
- Nienke Blom
- Nikita Kaushal
- Nina Ridder
- Noah S. Diffenbaugh
- Ondřej Mottl
- Osamu Sandanbata
- Owen K. Atkin
- Paige E. Martin
- Paola A. Arias
- Pascal Edme
- Patrick A. Rafter
- Paul Spence
- Paul Tregoning
- Pavel Golodoniuc
- Pengxiang Hu
- Peter Lehmann
- Phil R. Cummins
- Pierre D. Glynn
- Ping Tong
- Ping Zhang
- R. J. Harrison
- Rebecca Farrington
- Rexha Verdhora Ry
- Rhodri Davies
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Robert G. Hatfield
- Robert Mulvaney
- Robert R. Downs
- Romain David
- Ross Maguire
- S. P. Ellingsen
- S. W. Bougher
- S.K.V. Hines
- Sabine Eckhardt
- Saket Pande
- Samantha Stevenson
- Samuel L. Goldberg
- Sarah A. Torhan
- Sarah E. Perkins‐Kirkpatrick
- Sarah G. Purkey
- Sarah J. Ivory
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Saskia Goes
- Shane J. Cronin
- Shelley Stall
- Shingo Watada
- Shin‐Chan Han
- Shubham Agrawal
- Siavash Ghelichkhan
- Simon Haberle
- Simon Stephenson
- Simone Pilia
- Siyuan Zhao
- Sloan Coats
- Sophie Coulson
- Stanley P. Sander
- Steven D. Allison
- Stewart Fallon
- Sujata A. Murty
- Susanna Werth
- Susanne M. Straub
- Suzette G. A. Flantua
- T. W. Becker
- Thanh‐Son Phạm
- Theodore Lim
- Thian Yew Gan
- Thomas Felis
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Thomas Westerhold
- Thuany Costa de Lima
- Tim DeVries
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tobias Friedrich
- Tom Winder
- Tongzhang Qu
- U. Faul
- Udara Amarathunga
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Vincent J. Fazio
- Voon Hui Lai
- Wenbo Wu
- Whitney M. Behr
- William R. Gray
- Wyn Williams
- Xiang Zhao
- Xiaolong Ma
- Yasuhiro Murayama
- Zhongwen Zhan
- Émilie Pauline Dassié