ANU, Research School of Earth Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Wavelet-Based Method for Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation
- Combined field and experimental constraints on quartzite flow laws, and application to the rheology of the continental crust
- Coral Records of the Indian Ocean Dipole
- Crustal decoupling of Hf and Nd isotope systems in high-grade metamorphic rocks
- Inversions for Seismic Wavespeed and Anisotropy Beneath the Australian region
- Isotopic Composition of the Neolithic Alpine Iceman's Tooth Enamel and Clues to his Origin
- Laboratory Measurements of Seismic Wave Attenuation in Upper-mantle Materials: the Effect of Partial Melting
- Marie Byrd Land Mylonites Record Onset of Continental Extension in West Antarctica
- Osmium Transport From the Continents to the Ocean
- Papuan Ultramafic Belt (PUB) Ophiolite: Field Mapping, Petrology, Mineral chemistry, Geochemistry, Geochronology, And Experimental Studies Of The Metamorphic Sole
- Rapid Climate Oscillations During the Last Deglaciation Synchronised by TIMS U-series Dating of a Stalagmite in East China
- Reconstructing Sea Level, Deep Water Temperature and Oxygen Isotopic Ratio Over the Last Four Climatic Cycles
- Siderophile Element Compositions of Lunar Impact Breccias: Implications for the Cataclysm and Early Earth
- Solidification in Channel Flows: Effects of Channel Irregularities on Transitional (Time-Dependent) Flow Behavior
- Solidification in Channel Flows: Lava Tubes or Open Channels?
- Surface Wave Tomography: a Three-Stage Approach
- Targeting the (3.8-4.0 Ga) Impactors: Siderophile Element Signatures of Lunar Impact Melts
- Terrestrial Runoff Into the Great Barrier Reef: Direct Evidence From the Coral Record for Major Increases in Anthropogenic Fluxes
- The Stability of phlogopite and amphibole up to 2.0 GPa and partial melting experiments of a metasomatic mantle (NHD-peridotite) at 1.0 GPa
- Timing and Magnitude of Oxygen Isotope Stage 5a and 5c Sea Level Oscillations at Barbados: Implications for the Melting History of the Laurentide Ice Sheet During OIS 5 and 6
- Western Pacific Subduction - New Results from Regional Joint P and S Travel-Time Tomography
- Why is there a Strong Shear Signature for Deep Slabs?
- A 250 Year Coral Record of Environmental Change in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- A continental-scale Inventory of Soil Organic Carbon and Stable Carbon Isotopes from Australian Sandy Soils
- Augmented surface wave tomography for the Australasian region
- Coral Radiocarbon Record of Interannual Variability in Wind-induced Upwelling Along the Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
- Evolution of Strength Recovery and Permeability During Fluid-rock Reaction in Experimental Fault Zones
- Insights into the architecture of basaltic magmatic systems from melt inclusion studies
- Last glacial climate change correlated with sea-level changes recorded in the coral terraces
- Lithium Isotopes; a Potential aid to Understanding Granite Petrogenesis
- Long-term, High-frequency Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Record from Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes of Pedogenic Carbonate from the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene John Day Formation at Longview Ranch, Central Oregon (28.7-23.6 Ma).
- Melt Inclusions Record Extreme Compositional Variability in Primitive Magmas at Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii
- Modelling seismic waves in strongly heterogeneous media using a wavelet-based method
- New Estimates of Rhenium in the Crust: Implications for Mantle Re-Os Budgets
- Rhenium Loss During Outgassing of Hawaiian Lavas
- Rheological Estimates of Santiaguito Lavas From Analog Experiments With Bingham Plastic Materials
- Seismic Wave Attenuation in Partially Molten Olivine Aggregates: Laboratory Measurements and Seismological Implications
- Sensitivity kernels for finite-frequency surface waves
- Wavefront Evolution in Complex Layered Media Using the Fast Marching Method
- What is the Influence of Anisotropy on Tomographic Images of the Mantle
- Zircon U-Pb And Biotite 40Ar/39Ar Ages Of Kohistan Lower Crustal Tonalite And Their Implications For The History Of Continental Collision
- 280-year Long Sr/Ca and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O Records From Flinders Reef, Western Coral Sea
- 3-D Empirical Travel Times for Global Heterogeneity
- <SUP>15</SUP>N Enriched Archean Crust, or <SUP>15</SUP>N Depleted Crust Recycled into -6 \permil Upper Mantle?
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-Series in Fe Oxy/Hydroxides by LA-MC-ICP-MS, New Insights Into Weathering Geochronology
- A Tropical View of Quaternary Sequence Stratigraphy and a Dynamic View of the Sink Along the Northeast Australian Margin: The Accumulation of Riverine Material on Slopes Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Accurate Multi-Phase Traveltimes in 2-D Layered Media Using a Fast Marching Scheme With Source Grid Refinement
- Comparison Between Speleothem Isotopic And Instrumental Climate Records: Annual δ <SUP>1</SUP><SUP>8</SUP>O Cycles, And Inter-annual δ <SUP>1</SUP><SUP>8</SUP>O And δ <SUP>1</SUP><SUP>3</SUP>C isotopes
- Constraining Landscape Evolution from Age-Elevation Relationships: a Quantitative Approach
- Constraining Passive Margin Escarpment Evolution by Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Constraining the Erosion History of Ancient Mountain Belts by Thermochronology: the Effect of Flexural Isostasy
- Contrasts in Cratonic Structure Within Australia From Surface Wave Tomography
- Copper Solubility and Speciation in Mineral-Buffered Fluids at Crust to Upper Mantle Conditions
- Dislocation Microstructures in Deformed Olivine Displaying the C-type and B-type Fabrics
- Escarpment Erosion and Landscape Evolution in Southeastern Australia
- Factors affecting the evaluation of scattering attenuation
- Fluvial Responses to Holocene sea Level Variations Along the Macdonald River, New South Wales, Australia
- Geochemical Records of Bleaching Events and the Associated Stressors From the Great Barrier Reef
- Holocene Evolution of the Middle Fly River, Papua New Guinea
- Hydrothermal deposits in the Southern Trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Observations and Preliminary Results from the 2003 MBARI Dive Program
- Magnesium Isotopes in the Earth and Moon by Laser Ablation MC-ICPMS
- No Core Contribution in Mantle Plumes: New Evidence From Tungsten Isotopes
- On PKiKP Recorded at Short Distance on the Warramunga Array and the High Frequency PKiKP Coda
- Seismic Wave Attenuation and Dispersion: Insights From the Earth and the Laboratory
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in the Circulation and Thermal Evolution of the Mantle in Subduction Zones: Insights From 3-D Laboratory Experiments.
- Tectono-morphic scenarios for the Southern Alps of New Zealand.
- The Composition of Olivine Grain Boundaries
- The Origin of the Low Velocity Zone: Laboratory Constraints
- Three Dimensional Slab Structure of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Topographic Steady State in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
- Young monazite ages timing extension and contraction: Problems and interpretations
- 3-D Teleseismic Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath Northern Tasmania, Australia
- A Record of Multiple Sea-Level High-Stands for the Last 650 ka Preserved at Henderson Island, a Coral Atoll in the South Pacific
- Basaltic Lava Channels
- Bedout basement rise, offshore northwestern Australia: evidence of an unshocked mafic volcanic hyaloclastite volcanic breccia
- Coral Evidence for Abrupt Changes in Ocean-Atmosphere Dynamics in the SW Pacific since 1565 AD
- Delay Times From Clustered Multi-Channel Cross Correlation and Simulated Annealing
- Dislocation Microstructures and Dissociation in Deformed Olivine Displaying the A-, B- and C-type Fabrics
- Disturbed Sr and Nd Isotope Systematics in Zircons With Concordant SHRIMP U-Pb Ages
- Double- and triple-dating of single detrital zircons with (U-Th)/He, fission-track, and U/Pb systems, and examples from modern and ancient sediments of the western U.S.
- Evolving Mantle Regimes Revealed by <SUP>143</SUP>Nd Isotopic Compositions of 3850Ma to Modern Mafic rocks
- Extensional Faulting at 15\deg North on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, ODP Leg 209
- Fault-Segment Rupture and Mineralization During Aftershock Localized Fluid Flow
- Fe and S isotope variations in cyanobacterial mats: modern analogues of ancient stromatolites
- Fresh Insights into Surface Wave Tomography - Applications to the Australian Region
- Glacial Erosion Patterns in Valley Systems in Northern Sweden Investigated Using Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Global upper mantle azimuthal anisotropy and the peculiar behavior of the Australian plate
- Guided Waves in Subduction Zones and the Heterogeneity Structure of the Subducted Plate
- High resolution coral records of reactive and micronutrient trace metals: Monitoring biological responses to flood plumes.
- Implications of Mn-Mg-rich Contaminant Phases for Mg/Ca Past Temperature Reconstructions
- In Search of the Mixed Derivative partial<SUP>2</SUP>M/partial{P}∂ {T} (M = G, K): Joint Analysis of Ultrasonic Data for Polycrystalline Pyrope From gas- and Solid-Medium Apparatus
- Interpretation of Images from Joint Body-Wave Tomography
- Last Interglacial sea-surface temperature recorded in Porites corals obtained from Hateruma, Japan.
- Lithospheric Structure of East Antarctica: Results From the First Year of the SSCUA Broadband Seismic Deployment
- Localization in rate-dependent shearing deformation, with application to torsion testing
- New constraints on Quaternary sea level oscillations provided by U-series measurements of a submerged speleothem from the Italian coastline
- On Resolution of Surface Wave Tomography: Geometrical Rays and Finite-Width Rays
- Petrology and Provenance of Turbidite Sands From the Pandora and Moresby Troughs, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Quasi-Spherical Approach: A Fast Method for Modeling of Seismic Wave Propagation in a 2D Slice of a Global Earth Model With Lateral Heterogeneity
- Reevaluating plate driving forces from 3-D models of subduction
- Sediment Flux to the Gulf of Papua Continental Slope Using Pb-210 Geochronology, Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area
- Seismic Applications of the Fast Marching Method: Traveltime Prediction in Complex Layered Media and 3-D Tomographic Imaging
- Seismological Applications of Laboratory Measurements of Dispersion and Attenuation in Upper-Mantle Materials
- Soil Production, Landscape Evolution and Vegetation Dynamics in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
- Tear in the subducting slab beneath the southern Mariana Arc: evidence from P-wave tomography
- The Rheology of Dry, Melt-Free Polycrystalline Fo90 Olivine
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Models of Subduction and Subduction-Induced Mantle Flow
- Upper-Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath Northwestern Australia From Waveforms of P, PP, S, and SS Waves
- A LASER RIMS Instrument to Date Igneous Rocks using Rb-Sr and Measure Elemental Chemistry
- Acoustic Anomalies in Magnesioferrite up to 700 °C
- An Angstrom Sized Window on the Origin of Water in the Inner Solar System: Atomistic Simulation of Adsorption of Water on Olivine
- Analyses of Pb (204-206-207-208) Isotopic Compositions in Basaltic Glasses Using Multi-ion Counter SHRIMP II
- Atmospheric Delay Modelling in GPS Analysis and its Influence on Geocenter and Earth Rotation
- Automatic Dfferentiation in Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Branched Alkanes with Quaternary Carbon Centers (BAQCs): Biomarkers for Ancient Microbes or Recent Microbial Activity?
- Chemical Evidence for Episodic Growth of a Fibrous Antitaxial Calcite Vein From Externally Derived Fluid
- Crustal Noble Gases in Jwaneng Diamonds With Links to Seismic Tomography
- Depth of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Transition and Related Viscosity Structure
- Does Ti record the crystallization temperature of zircon?
- Elasticity of polycrystalline MgSiO3-orthoenstatite to 1373K
- Extinct Plutonium Geochemistry of Ancient Hadean Zircons
- First Principles Simulation of the Energetics, Structure and Effect of the 'Titanium-Clinohumite' Defect in Forsterite
- Four-dimensional Structural Evolution of the Western Pacific Convergent Margin Based on Paleogeographic Reconstructions and Seismic Tomography
- Geochemical Ecology of a High Latitude Coral: Plesiastrea versipora a new Paleo-Environmental Archive
- Global tomography of the upper mantle and transition zone
- High Resolution Coral Record of Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Climate During the Penultimate Deglaciation, Sumba, Indonesia
- Internally consistent mineral solubility and hydrous melting relations for simple silicate-H2O systems and their significance
- Laboratory Measurements of Seismic Wave Attenuation in Natural Dunite
- Life on Earth before 3.83 Ga? Carbonaceous Inclusions from Akilia (West Greenland)
- Lithospheric "corner flow" via extensional faulting and tectonic rotation at non-volcanic, slow-spreading ridges
- Modelling the Contrasting Viscoelastic Behaviours of Melt--Free and Melt--Bearing Olivine
- Noise Correlations at Regional Distances and Receiver Based Studies in Australia
- Post-depositional Mn-Mg-rich carbonates: Implications for foraminiferal Mg/Ca paleothermometry
- Pre-Archean thermal events recorded in >4.0 Ga zircons
- Probing the Climate of the Western Pacific Warm Pool During a Perturbed Thermohaline Circulation (10-60 Ka) Using Oxygen Isotopes From Long Lived Fossil Bivalves
- Pushing the Limits of Geological SIMS: Optimization of Techniques and Strategies for New Capabilities
- Quantifying Metamorphism and Exhumation in the Kumaun Lesser Himalaya, North West India
- Recent sedimentation beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Subduction hinge migration: The backwards component of plate tectonics
- Testing Models of Mantle Upwelling: Microstructure, Crystallography, and Seismic Anisotropy of Peridotites From 15 Degrees N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Testing the Ti-in-Zircon Thermometer
- The Ecology and Geochemistry of Benthic Foraminifera From the Venice Lagoon, Italy.
- The Evolution Of Steroids And Eukaryotes In The Proterozoic
- Timing of Deformation and Crustal Structure of the North Himalaya Constrained by 45 Ma Granitoid Plutonism
- Trace Element Transfer In The Mantle Wedge: Evidence From Polyphase Inclusions In Garnet-Pyroxenites (Dabie-Shan, China)
- Uranium-Series age Constraints for the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 15 (~600 ky) Interglacial
- A New Kinematic Model for the Himalayan Development Based on Along-Strike Variations in Structural Geometry in the NW Indian Himalaya
- Are strongly tilted plume conduits gravitationally unstable?
- Back Arc Basalts With Subduction Signature?
- Chronostratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, SW Salton Trough: A High-Fidelity Record of Slip on the West Salton Detachment Fault and Subsidence in its Upper Plate
- Combined 142-143 Nd Isotopic Data from 3.6- 3.87 Ga Rock Suites Document Incomplete Mixing of Early Mantle
- Comparison between direct and indirect estimates of ductile strain rates in a major lithospheric continental shear zone : the Ailao Shan Red River.
- Damage, Stress Transfer and Mineralisation Around Major Faults
- Determination of Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios in microgram-quantity coral and foraminiferal samples with permil-level precision by cold plasma inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry
- Dynamics of the early, hot mantle: depletion, plates and slower cooling
- Earthquake Location and Upper Mantle Structure From P Wave Polarization in French Polynesia and Australia: Preliminary Results
- Exploiting Ambient Seismic Noise - Spectral Broadening via Transfer Functions and Surface Wave Tomography
- Fluid Flow Controlled By Progressive Fault Triggering And Aftershock Distributions In Archean Fault Systems
- Formation of Channelized Lava Flows on an Unconfined Slope
- Garnet Pyroxenites from Kaula, Hawaii: Implications for Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
- Gradient Sensitivity Kernels for Structural Analysis
- Holocene records of Western Pacific Warm Pool paleoclimate using fossil long-lived giant Tridacna from Papua New Guinea
- Improving Reconstruction With Deformable Continents: The fit of South America and Africa
- Late Cenozoic Shifts of Deformation and Magmatism: Association with Andean Uplift and Giant Ore Deposits, Southern Central Andes (33-36S)
- Lithospheric Structure and Seismotectonics of Central East Antarctica
- Mantle Regulation of Core Cooling: a Geodynamo Without Core Radioactivity?
- Mars Age eXperiment (MAX)
- Measuring Local Strain Rates In Ductile Shear Zones: A New Approach From Deformed Syntectonic Dykes
- Metasomatic Reaction Zones as Monitors of Trace Element Transfer at the Slab-Mantle Interface: the Case of the Hochwart Peridotite (Ulten Zone, Italy)
- Micromechanics of Attenuation by Diffusionally-Assisted Grain-Boundary Sliding
- Multi Valued Travel Times for Crustal Scale Applications
- Permeability and Porosity Evolution of Quartz Fault Gouges During Hot Pressing Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Pre to Post-Bomb Seawater 14C History in the Gulf of Alaska Inferred From a Deep Sea Coral: Isididae sp.
- Rapid Mantle Source Variations During the Latest Episode of Kilauea's Prolonged Pu'u O'o Eruption, Hawaii
- Role of Crustal Recycling in The Upwelling Mantle: Data on Olivines From OIBs, LIPs Basalts, Komatiites And MORBs
- Seasonal and interannual variations of surface salinity in the Java Sea during 1982-2002 derived from coral data
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath French Polynesia from Shear-Wave-Splitting
- Seismic Wavefront Tracking in Heterogeneous Media: Theory and Application
- Slabology: Insights into the Fate of Subducted Slabs and Thermal History from 3-D Numerical Models of Subduction
- Stochastic guided waves from the Indonesian subduction zone to the Australian Craton
- Tectonic Evolution of Southeast Australia: Insights From Body Wave Tomography
- The Effect of Melt on the Creep Strength of Polycrystalline Olivine
- The Systematics of Activity-Composition Relations in Mg-Fe2+ Oxide and Silicate Solid Solutions
- The evolution of a weathering profile and the rates of soil and saprolite production
- Trace Element, δ18O and δ13C in a Holocene Stalagmite From Southwestern Mexico
- Trace-Element Diffusion Coefficients in Olivine
- U-Pb SHRIMP investigation of the timing and duration of melt production and migration in a Pacific margin gneiss dome, Fosdick Mountains, Antarctica
- U-Th-Ra and U-Pa disequilibria in Izu-arc basalts: the interplay of depleted mantle wedge and sediment poor slab fluid
- Uncertainties in Seawater Paleothermometry Deriving From Intra- and Inter-Test Mg/Ca Variability in Globigerinoides ruber. How Accurate are we on Reconstructing Palaeocean Temperatures?
- Weathering and Uplift of South Island New Zealand Recorded in the Geochemistry of Sediments in the Bounty Trough Deep Sea Fan
- Why We Should Expect to Find Alternative Forms of Life on Earth
- A Finite Element Study of Elastically-Accommodated Grain Boundary Sliding
- A Holocene Record of Monsoon Intensity From Speleothems in Flores, Indonesia
- Ancient crust in the world's youngest giant porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea
- Applications of a Multivalued Travel Time Solver in two and three Dimensions
- Bowen Lecture: The origin of the Moon and the early history of the Earth revisited
- Common Observables of Trench Migration and Plate Motion in Different Global Reference Frames
- Construction of the Eastern Himalaya by Thick-skinned Thrust Stacking of the Indian Basement: No Lower Crustal Flow from Tibet is Needed
- Controls on Mg/Ca variation in planktonic foraminifera: insights from microanalysis of laboratory cultured Orbulina universa
- Detailed Seismic Imaging of the Australian Lithosphere Using a Dense Rolling Array of Seismometers
- Diel Changes in U/Ca of Cultured Orbulina universa from Laser ICP-MS Profiles
- Early Formation of Terrestrial Crust
- Elemental Imaging and Proxy development in Deep Sea Corals
- Episodic Layering of the Early Mantle by the 'Basalt Barrier' Mechanism: Implications for Tectonic and Geochemical Evolution
- Experimental problems with the measurement of the metal-sulfide-silicate partition coefficients of the Highly Siderophile Elements
- Fine Sediment Residency in Streambeds in Southeastern Australia.
- High-Precision Nd isotopes in Picrites from Hawaii and Iceland - No Evidence for an Early- Formed Enriched Reservoir
- Higher Melt Fractions are Generated in Metamorphosed Hydrothermally Altered Rocks: Significance to Ore Genesis
- Lack of Correlated Isotopic and Compositional Variations in Mauna Loa Lavas: A Serious Problem for Pyroxenite/Eclogite Plume Source Models
- Lithospheric Edges and Sutures
- Localization in rate-dependent shearing deformation, with application to torsion testing
- Modeling The Role of Subduction in the Production and Evolution of Thermal and Chemical Heterogeneity in the Mantle
- Modeling Three-dimensional Variations in Mantle Flow due to Rollback Subduction and Back- arc Extension: Implications for Arc Magmagenesis
- Natural Seismicity in NW Australia: Another Look at Continental Intraplate Earthquakes
- New estimate of the inner-outer core density ratio from previously unobserved steep- incidence inner core reflections
- Pieces of Laurentia in East Antarctica
- Processing micronuggets-containing LA-ICP-MS data
- Rapid increase in global ice volume at the inception of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Recent Advances in Seismic Wavefront Tracking Techniques and Their Applications
- Seismic waveform tomography in the time-frequency domain with applications to the Australian upper mantle
- Shallow coseismic deformation in Western Australia observed with InSAR and seismic data
- Site occupancy and distribution of Ti in zircon
- The Ecology and Trace Metal Geochemistry of Living Benthic Foraminifera in the Venice Lagoon, Italy
- The Role of Ammonia in the Evolution of Enceladus
- The role and fate of peritectic garnet in S-type granite Petrogenesis: The example of the Cape Granite Suite (South Africa)
- Use of coda wave interferometry for estimating the variation in source orientation between double couples
- Vanadium Partitioning and Mantle Oxidation State: New Experimental Data
- An Electron Backscatter Diffraction Investigation of Plastic Deformation in Pyrite: Microstructural Changes, Slip Systems and a Revised Deformation Mechanism map
- Climate impacts on short and long timescales on water isotope distribution, precipitation source, and water vapor source in a coupled general circulation model
- Constraining Paleotopography of the Sierra Nevada, California, Through U-Pb Detrital Zircon Analysis of Eocene River Deposits
- Detection of Multiply Reflected Core Phases at Broadband and Short Period Arrays in Australia
- Effects of carbonate host rock assimilation on trace element and isotopic variation in minerals from a layered alkaline intrusive complex
- Effects of pH and Temperature on Calcification of the Planktic Foraminifer O. universa: Insights from Culture Experiments.
- Evolution of Deformation Processes, Stress States and Pore Fluid Factors During High Fluid Flux Fault-Valve behavior Near the Base of the Seismogenic Regime - an Example From the Archaean Argo Fault System, Kambalda, Western Australia
- Experimental Perspective on Cause of Planktonic Foraminifera Intrashell Mg/Ca Variability and Impact on Paleoceanographic Applications
- Full waveform inversion for upper-mantle structure in the Australasian region
- Geochemical Behavior of Selenium in Igneous Systems
- Global Transition Zone Discontinuities and Seismic Heterogeneities From Body-Wave Travel-Times and Long Period Surface Waves
- High-Ca Boninites From the Northern Tonga Region: Involvement of Four Independent Components During Petrogenesis, and Retention of Monosulfide Solid Solution in the Source
- Imaging Crustal Structure Beneath Southern Australia: SoC Preliminary Results
- Improved GPS Analysis Including Modelling of non-Tectonic Signals Confirms Simple 4-4.5 Year Period for SSEs in Guerrero, Mexico, and Allows Prediction of the Next Event in 2010
- Inner Core Boundary Properties From Amplitudes and Anti-Correlation in Observations of Body Waves Reflected at the Boundaries of the Core
- Isotopic analysis of small Pb samples using MC-ICPMS: The limits of precision and comparison to TIMS
- Joint Local/Teleseismic Tomographic Inversion in Taiwan Using TAIGER and Other Data
- Laboratory-based Interpretation of Upper-Mantle Seismic Tomograms: Progress and Prospects
- Li/Mg in biogenic aragonite as a potential paleotemperature proxy
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Coastal and Continental Croatia Determined from Broadband Teleseismic Waveform Modeling
- Magmatic Processes at Kilauea Volcano Revealed by the Puu Oo Eruption
- Magnetite fractionation of "chalcophile" elements
- Multi-proxy Evidence of Australian Summer Monsoon Variability During the Holocene: Links to the East-Asian Monsoon and the North Atlantic
- NA Nonlinear Equation-of-state Inversion
- New Results from WOMBAT: an Ongoing Program of Passive Seismic Array Deployment in Australia
- Probability of Radial Anisotropy in the Deep Mantle
- Rapid Temporal Geochemical and Isotopic Variations of Tephra From the Ongoing 2008 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Seismic Investigations of Lithospheric Transitions between the Northern and Southern Australian Cratons (BILBY)
- Silicate-H2O Systems at High Pressure Conditions
- Silicate-Sulfide-Oxide Phase Equilibria in Subduction Zones
- Slip Localization, Fault Weakening and Slow Earthquakes as a Consequence of Fault Gouge Strengthening in Hydrothermal Regimes - Insights From Laboratory Experiments
- Stilling and the terrestrial hydrologic cycle
- Structure of the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Across the Arabian Peninsula
- The Mount Kinabalu Granite of North Borneo: Result and Cause of Orogenic Deformation
- The Recent Prehistoric Geochemical Evolution of Summit Lavas From Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Zn Isotopic Composition of Diatom Frustules: an Archive of Past Trace Metal Depletion in HNLC Zones?
- Thermal durations and heating behaviour for the Barrovian metamorphism, Scotland
- Ventilation change in the deep Southern Ocean: a possible solution to the de-glacial radiocarbon 'mystery'?
- What is the Density Distribution in Earth's Mantle?
- 100 Years of Studies of the Crust and Upper Mantle in Croatia
- A New Master of Natural Hazards Program at The Australian National University
- A Seismological Portrait of the Anomalous 1996 Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, Earthquake (Invited)
- Age Determination and Growth Rates in Deep-Water Bamboo Corals (Isididae)
- Assessment of 3D hydrologic deformation using GRACE and GPS
- AusMoho: A new Moho map of the Australian Continent
- Characterizing the ambient seismic wavefield for upper crustal imaging: energy sources and station deployment protocols in an ocean island setting
- Coherence of the Dabie Shan UHPM terrane investigated by Lu-Hf and 40Ar/39Ar dating of eclogites
- Combined Flexural and Torsional Oscillation Methods for Laboratory Study of Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity
- Constraints on Southeast Australian Lithosphere From Multi-Step Modeling of Teleseismic and Noise Data Recorded by the SEAL3 Experiment
- Cooling and solidification of channelized viscoplastic lava flows
- Core Structure Reexamined Using new Teleseismic Data Recorded in Antarctica: Evidence for, at Most, Weak Cylindrical Seismic Anisotropy in the Inner Core
- Discovery of New Hydrothermal Venting Sites in the Lau Basin, Tonga Back Arc
- Dislocation Creep of Fine-Grained Olivine
- Dynamical Evolution and Chemistry of the Mantle (Invited)
- Dynamical Geochemistry
- Earthquakes and Stations of the Southern Hemisphere: Keys to the Inner Core Anisotropy Puzzle?
- Effectiveness Of Different Cleaning Protocols For Foraminiferal Trace Metals Analyses: New Insight From Microanalytical Analysis Using Laser Ablation ICP-MS
- Estimation of hydrological loading effects to correct VLBI analysis
- Evidence for chondritic Lu/Hf in the early crust - mantle system from Antarctic and Western Australian Eoarchean zircon
- Extensive and Diverse Submarine Volcanism and Hydrothermal Activity in the NE Lau Basin
- Fijian tonalities and crustal evolution
- Full Waveform Tomography for radially anisotropic structure: New insights into present and past states of the Australasian upper mantle
- Germanium/Silicon and Silicon Isotope Records of Marine Diatom Opal from a Low Silicon Environment
- Hadean to Modern Mantle Evolution from a 142Nd-143Nd-176Hf Isotopic Perspective
- Helium, Carbon, and Helium Isotopes in the Northern Lau Basin
- High Resolution Imaging of the Core-Mantle Boundary with PcP-P Seismic Traveltime Data
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Waves from Ambient Noise and Earthquake Data: Australian Crust
- Laboratory models of three-dimensional mantle flow: Implications on Northwest U.S. volcanism for plume and non-plume sources (Invited)
- Laboratory-based Interpretation of Seismological Models: Dealing with Incomplete or Incompatible Experimental Data (Invited)
- Lower Paleozoic Continuity of the East Gondwanan Margin and Implications for Interpretation of Tectonostratigraphic Zones of the Himalaya
- Mantle source history and magmatic plumbing system of Kilauea Volcano inferred from the chemistry of historical (1790-1980 AD) rift zone lavas
- Modeling mantle circulation and density distributions in subduction zones: Implications for seismic studies
- New Geodetic Infrastructure for Australia: The NCRIS / AuScope Geospatial Component
- Noble gas mass spectrometry with a compressor driven recycling system for improved sensitivity
- On the applicability of Benford's Law in the Geosciences
- On the theory relating changes in area-average and pan evaporation (Invited)
- Paleoarchaean rhyolitic volcanism and the origin of the granitic continental crust
- Projecting Changes in Catchment Water Availability using a Budyko Framework (Invited)
- Rapid Temporal Geochemical and Isotopic Variations of Tephra From the Ongoing 2008-2009 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Rayleigh wave group tomography in southeast Australia and Tasmania from cross-correlation of the ambient noise wavefield recorded with WOMBAT, a rolling array experiment
- Regional Versus Global Influences on North Atlantic Climate Across Plio-Pleistocene Climate Transitions: a Multi-Proxy Based Approach
- Regional deformation from the 2004 Macquarie Ridge great earthquake, Australia-Pacific plate boundary zone
- Relative roles of fluid fluxed and decompression melting within the Tonga Arc-Lau Basin system: Insights from the Fonualei spreading centre
- Seismic Imaging Results From a Decade of Rolling Array Deployments in Southeast Australia
- Sr/Ca as a Potential Proxy of Sub-surface Temperature Variability in C. secundum
- Structure of the Lithosphere Beneath Croatia Determined from Broadband Radial Receiver Functions
- Structure of the Lithosphere Beneath Macedonia From Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- The boron geochemistry of siliceous sponges
- Thermal erosion of felsic ground by the laminar flow of a basaltic lava, with application to the Cave Basalt, Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Three-dimensional laboratory modeling of the Tonga trench and Samoan plume interaction
- Towards Automated Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion in Australia Using 3D Structural Model
- Towards a Global Multiple-frequency Tomography of the Earth's Mantle
- Transient mantle layering and the episodic behaviour of Venus due to the `basalt barrier' mechanism
- U-Pb dating of baddeleyites in two shergottites and a chassignite after careful petrographic characterization
- Using an Isotope enabled coupled atmosphere-ocean model to understand variations in isotope records from peatlands
- 1. Physical properties and age of mid-slope sediments dredged from the Eastern Australian Continental Margin and the implications for continental margin erosion processes
- A Hierarchical Bayes Formulation of Inverse Problems. Application to Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface wave Dispersion
- A Synthesis of Local, Teleseismic, and Ambient Noise Data for High-Resolution Models of Seismic Structure in Western and Southeast Australia
- An Australian contribution to CryoSat-II cal/val in East Antarctica including the Totten glacier region
- Climate of Australia over the past 100 ka inferred from stable isotopes in avian eggshells (Invited)
- Composition of glass from high-temperature rhyolite of the Snake River Plain Yellowstone hotspot track: implications for crustal melting
- Cretaceous exhumation history of Cordillera Darwin, southern Patagonia, from patchily recrystallized garnet and U-Th-Pb monazite dating
- Earth's Inner Core as a Conglomerate of Anisotropic Domains
- Environmental effects and the validation of GPS time series (Invited)
- Evolution of Kilauea Volcano's shallow magmatic plumbing system: a geochemical perspective from historical rift lavas (1790-present)
- Great Earthquakes and the stability of the Australian Plate (Invited)
- Helium Isotope and C/3He Signatures in Lau Basin Volcanoes: Arc, Back-arc, and Samoan Hotspot Affinities
- Imaging Turkey's Crust with Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise
- Influence of the Samoan Plume in the Northwestern Lau Back-arc Basin
- Integrated magnetobiostratigraphy, paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic inferences of the middle Eocene-Oligocene interval from the Monte Cagnero Section, central Italy
- Intrashell isotopic and trace element variation at the micron-scale in cultured planktic foraminifers
- Magnetic Signatures Associated with Early Diagenesis (Invited)
- Model and proxy isotopic insights on the evolution of southern tropical African hydrology from 21 ka to present (Invited)
- Monsoon speeds up Indian plate motion
- Multi-Step Modeling of Receiver Functions Combined With Constraints From Seismic Tomography: Crustal Structure Beneath Southeastern China
- Multiple Active Volcanoes in the Northeast Lau Basin
- Noble Gases in a Heterogeneous, Dynamic Mantle
- On the Differential Rotation of the Earth's Inner Core From Testing the Nature of Differences in Repetitive Seismic Waveforms
- Preliminary Eocene-Oligocene magnetostratigraphy of ODP Hole 711A from the western Indian Ocean
- Resolving ontogenetic from gametogenic and outer crust calcification in planktic foraminifers (Invited)
- Rollback subduction: the great killer of mantle plumes
- Simultaneous Absolute and Relative Traveltime Inversion Technique to Combine Independent Arrays in southeastern Australia
- Strong mechanical coupling along the central Andes: implications for trench curvature, shortening, and topography
- Structure of the southeast Australian lithosphere from a transportable seismic array experiment
- Trans-dimensional approaches to seismic imaging and inversion (Invited)
- Upper Mantle Structure and Properties from Combined Seismological and Experimental Models (Invited)
- Using Ancient Dust to Track Atmospheric Circulation and Orogenesis in Western Equatorial Pangaea
- Water and its Influence on the Lithosphere to Asthenosphere Boundary
- 3D Structure of Flinders Ranges from Local Earthquake Tomography
- A Supernova-Induced Irradiation Event In The Early Solar System - No Direct Support From The <SUP>176</SUP>Lu-$^{176}Hf Angrite Whole Rock Data
- Ancient Life at the Extremes: Molecular Fossils and Paleoenvironmental Contexts of a Neoproterozoic Hypersaline Setting
- Anisotropic Earth's Inner Core within a Dynamic Core Scenario
- AuSREM - Australian Seismological Reference Earth Model
- Autocorrelation of Seismic Traces - Recovery of the Australian Moho
- Carbonate system and salinity controls on B/Ca of tropical and subtropical planktic foraminifera: Insight from culture experiments
- Channeled lava dynamics: implications for Hawaiian lava studies
- Combined ambient and teleseismic methods bridge the gap between surface geology and seismic structure through the full depth of the crust
- Crustal Structure of Australia from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Diagenetic Sensitivity of Rock Magnetic Environmental Proxies
- Dislocation Damping and Anisotropic Attenuation in the Earth's Upper Mantle
- Effects of Global Changes in Buoyancy and Mechanical Forcings on the Southern Ocean Dynamics and the Global Overturning Circulation
- Enhanced Stormwater Contaminant Removal and Improved Runoff Quality Using Modified Sorbents in Tree Filters
- Ensemble approaches to structural seismology: seek many rather than one
- Estimating Variations of H<SUB>2</SUB>O in Andesitic Magmas - Implications to Eruption Variability and Associated Hazards
- Forsterite solubility in NaCl-H2O fluids at upper mantle P-T conditions
- Geomagnetic excursions: Knowns and unknowns
- Ground-truthing Coral Chemo-geodesy: Insight into Past Earthquakes
- High frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies
- High-frequency wave propagation and the nature of the lithosphere
- How to fully exploit frequency-dependent S-wave travel times for refining the Earth's mantle imaging?
- Lithospheric sutures, continental fragments and hot spots revealed by a transportable seismic array experiment in southeast Australia
- Low δ<SUP>18</SUP>O zircons from the Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center: a key to crustal anatexis along the track of the Yellowstone hotspot
- Magmatic architecture of Kilauea's rift zones: A geochemical perspective from historical lavas (1790 A.D. to present)
- Magnetic properties of sedimentary greigite (Fe3S4): An update
- Mapping continental upper mantle with multi-mode surface waves: Case studies for Australia and North America
- Microfacies analysis of Green River Formation stromatolites and comparison to microbial mat experiments
- Multi-scale full waveform inversion using teleseismic and regional data sets
- New P-wave Images of the Core Mantle Boundary Region from a Bayesian Inversion of PKP, PcP, and P4KP Differential Travel Times
- New Results from WOMBAT: Seismic Attenuation Tomography in Southeast Australia
- Nubia-Arabia-Eurasia Plate Motions and the Dynamics of Mediterranean and Middle East Tectonics
- On the Heterogeneity of the Lowermost Mantle from PcP-P and ScS-S Differential Travel Times
- Orogenic curvatures in the New England Orogen (eastern Australia): structural constraints and geodynamic evolution
- Paleomagnetism of sediments from Southern Ocean ODP Site 744 (southern Kerguelen Plateau): implications for early-to-middle Miocene climate in Antarctica
- Plastic Deformation of Quartz: Unfinished business?
- Quantification of Mass Independent Fractionation in Pb by TIMS and Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
- Rapid Magmatic Rates Implied by Widespread Contemporaneous Magmatism in the NE Lau Basin
- Rhodolith-forming coralline red algae from New Caledonia (SW Pacific) record half a century of sea-surface temperature variations and mining history
- Seasonally resolved sea surface temperature variability over the past 435 years in the northwestern Pacific recorded in Porites coral in Kikai Island, Southern Japan
- Subduction: The Gatekeeper for Mantle Melting.
- Surface expressions of mantle upwellings: Expect the unexpected
- The Alpine "orogenic lid" - upper plate of a metamorphic core complex?
- The Australian Seismometers in Schools Project: Building relationships between scientists, schools and local enthusiasts
- The Crustal Structure of Indonesia from Seismic Noise Tomography
- The Effect of Titanium on Water Incorporation and Rheology of Olivine
- The flooding of Beringia and North Pacific Intermediate Water formation
- Towards Defining Modes of Paleomagnetic Variability: A 15,000 Year Inclination Anomaly Stack for the Eastern North Pacific
- Towards an annually-resolved reconstruction of Indo-Pacific hydrology over the past 2,000 years
- Velocity Dispersion Measurements in Cracked Quartzite
- When the Earth's Inner Core Shuffles
- 4-D Transdimensional Tomography of Iceland Using Ambient Noise
- A Bayesian transdimensional algorithm for earthquake location and 1D velocity model determination
- A Strong-motion catalog for Indonesia
- A new probe of the inner core boundary: Frequency dependent amplitude ratio of PKiKP/PcP observed at the Hinet array
- Active NE-SW Compressional Strain Within the Arabian Plate
- Assessing sensitivity of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) to fault parameters: Sumatra case study
- Beneath Bass Strait: Linking Tasmania and Mainland Australia using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Beyond Waveform Forward Modeling: The Lowermost Mantle Beneath the East of Australia
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Complex age and internal structure of zircon in the Boulder batholith, MT: petrography, CL and BSE imaging, and SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology
- Cretaceous crust beneath SW Borneo: U-Pb dating of zircons from metamorphic and granitic rocks
- Critical evaluation of current cleaning protocols for foraminiferal trace metal analyses using single shell Laser-Ablation -ICP measurements
- CryoSat-2 validation in East Antarctica: ASIRAS, ALS and in situ data analysis over Law Dome and Totten Glacier
- Diatexite Deformation and Magma Extraction on Kangaroo Island, South Australia
- Dislocation Damping vs Grain-Boundary Relaxation in Olivine: Insights from Polycrystals Derived from Synthetic and Natural Precursors
- Distribution of contemporary crustal deformation and mechanisms for extension in the Woodlark Rift: insights from GPS
- Diverging behavior of chalcophile elements during petrogenesis of MORB and backarc basin magmas
- Elastically Accommodated Grain-Boundary Sliding: New Insights from Experiment and Modeling
- Estimating properties of nonlinear mesoscale eddies using mixing length arguments
- Evaluating the potential of foraminiferal Beryllium-10 as a marine sediment chronometer in sub-tropical Australia
- GPS Velocity Field Across the Caucasus
- Geological structure of central Java, Indonesia from ambient seismic noise tomography
- Helium Isotope Variations in the Northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
- Heterogeneity of speleothem records of North American monsoon rainfall: cave or climate?
- Illuminating the upper mantle beneath the Newer Volcanics province, southeast Australia, using seismic body wave tomography
- Imaging Mantle Melting Beneath Island Arcs and Backarc Spreading Centers
- Imaging the North Anatolian Fault Zone with multi-scale full waveform inversion
- Improved source parameters using a new regional velocity model for seismic hazard assessment in Indonesia
- In the global ocean circulation there is a net transfer from available potential energy to kinetic energy
- Incompatible Trace Elements in Olivine: Using Sc, Y and V as Temperature and Redox Monitors in Basaltic Magmas
- Infrequent earthquakes and far-field plate tectonic forces: the importance of crustal structure in relating short and long term processes in intraplate settings.
- International Collaboration for Strengthening Capacity to Assess Earthquake Hazard in Indonesia
- Laboratory Exploration of Multiple Zonal Jet Regimes
- Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from paired LA-ICPMS and IRMS analyses on single foraminifers
- Lawsonite Veins in Eclogite and Bluschist as Recorders of Subduction Fluids
- Mapping crustal structure variation beneath the Piton de la Fournaise volcano
- Non-linear motions of Australian geodetic stations induced by non-tidal ocean loading and the passage of tropical cyclones
- PDRM lock-in of marine sediments and a new Matuayma-Brunhes boundary age deduced from 10Be and paleomagnetic records
- Planktonic Foram Sr/Ca Indicates Long-Term Stability of Carbonate Saturation State and Seawater Sr/Ca during the Cenozoic
- Plate motions: Simpler than they look
- Pliocene Mantle Exhumation, Granulite-Facies Metamorphism, and Anatexis driven by Banda Arc Slab Rollback beneath Seram, Eastern Indonesia
- Plume and plate controlled hotspot trails in the South Atlantic
- Poroelastic Relaxation in Thermally Cracked Aggregates of Sintered Glass Beads
- Reconstruction of Tropical Ocean SST Trends during the Last Millennium: Results from the PAGES/Ocean2K Project
- Recycling of water within the mantle: New insights from pyroxene water data
- Regional variation of P-wave velocity in the uppermost inner core
- Searching for Clues to the Processes and Conditions of Past Martian Environments: The Roles of Episodic Solutions, Analog Sites and Fe-O(-H) Phases
- Seasonal-scale features and forcing of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation 4,400-4,200 years ago
- Seismic Noise Sources and Storm Severity in the Southern Ocean, Insights from the Warramunga Array (WRA), Northern Territory, Australia
- Slow-downs and speed-ups of India-Eurasia convergence since ~20 Ma: Data-noise, uncertainties and dynamic implications
- Southern Australian high-resolution mid Holocene to present climate change in relation to Southern Hemisphere climate drivers
- Statistical Detection of Anthropogenic Temporal Changes in the Distribution of Tropical Cyclones
- Subduction disfigured mantle plumes: Plumes that are not plumes?
- Surface Wave Dispersion from Recent Australian Earthquakes
- The first year of the Australian Seismometers in Schools Network: Inspiring Students to follow careers in science by participating in a national science experience
- The origin of chemical heterogeneity in the Hawaiian mantle plume
- Thermal Emission Spectroscopy of Rhyolitic and Basaltic Melts: A New Laboratory Approach
- Timing and Mechanisms of Exhumation in West Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Tomographic Imaging of Jakarta Area from Cross-correlation of Seismic Ambient Noise
- Towards multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and sublithospheric upper mantle
- Unraveling past aeolian and fluvial inputs off NW Africa - a magnetic, sedimentological and geochemical perspective
- W-Phase Inversion for Finite Fault Slip
- Was the Eemian warmer than the Holocene? Indications from high- and low-altitude speleothems in the Italian Alps
- Water Retention and Rheology of Ti-doped, Synthetic Olivine
- What Really Lies Beneath? Defying Conventional Geophysical Inversion and new Observations From the Crust to the Core
- What controls boron incorporation into foraminiferal calcite?
- A Simple Model of Sedimentary Magnetization Acquisition
- A preliminary report on noble gas isotope analyses using the Helix-MC multi-collector mass spectrometer
- Analysis of the tropopause parameters over the Iranian region using GPS radio occultation measurements
- Archean, Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic Crust of Central East Antarctica: New Insights on Subglacial Geology from Proxy Geologic Materials
- Collapse in Thermal Plumes
- Constraints on Magma Storage Conditions Beneath Grenada, Lesser Antilles as Inferred from the Petrology of Plutonic Xenoliths
- Crustal Extension and Rotation in the Isparta Angle Region of South-West Anatolia from a new GPS Velocity Solution
- Deciphering the crustal structure of the Tasmanides in southeastern Australia with anisotropic short-period Rayleigh wave tomography
- Effect of low dissolved oxygen concentration on planktonic foraminifera: results from laboratory culture experiments and implications for oceanic anoxic events
- From the Pacific to the Arctic: Paleoclimatic History of the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea (Invited)
- Geodetic Constraints on Deformation and Earthquake Hazards in the E Mediterranean and Adjacent Regions (Invited)
- High-frequency non-linear motions induced by non-tidal ocean loading and their effect on estimating the geocenter motion from a geodetic network
- Innovative analysis constraints in the ANU GRACE mascon solutions
- Interaction Between Orbital and Millennial Forcing of the Australasian Monsoon Over the Last 40,000 Years
- Is there a Link Between Geomagnetic Reversal Frequency and Paleointensity? A Bayesian Approach
- Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and radial anisotropy of the Australian continent from multi-mode surface waves
- Magmatically Greedy Reararc Volcanoes of the N. Tofua Segment of the Tonga Arc
- Magnetic Unmixing: From the Known to the Unknown (Invited)
- Model of the western Laurentide Ice Sheet from glacio-isostatic adjustment analysis and revised margin locations
- Multi-observable thermochemical tomography of the lithosphere and upper mantle beneath the Western/Central US
- Optimal estimation in an inverse problem arising in absorbance spectroscopy of geological materials
- Plate-scale Seismic Studies of Anatolia: Implications on Tectonic Interpretations (Invited)
- Porewater salinity and δ18O reveal a kilometer-deep subsurface pathway for glacial meltwater into the Gulf of Alaska
- Quaternary Hot-spot Activity within the Australian Continent Fueled by Edge-driven Convection: Combined Evidence from Seismic Tomography and 3D Geodynamic Modelling
- Sea level record obtained from submerged the Great Barrier Reef coral reefs
- Seismic Potential of the North Anatolian Fault in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey
- Separating intrinsic and apparent seismic anisotropy (Invited)
- Speleothem carbon isotopes in the tropics: a proxy for vegetation and what they reveal about the demise of Homo floresiensis
- The Depth of Magnetisation of Australia, and its Uncertainty, from a Hierarchical Inversion
- The Onset of Anelastic Behaviour in Fine-Grained Olivine at High Temperature
- The deep structure of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Invited)
- The evolution of the neoproterozoic São Gabriel juvenile terrane, southern Brazil based on SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and ?18O data on detrital zircon
- The seismic properties of sintered glass-bead media: effects of thermal cracking and fluid saturation
- Time-Reverse Imaging for the Tsunami Source
- Variability of the Indian Ocean Dipole during the last millennium
- What is the Right Temperature Sensitivity for Foraminiferal Mg/ca Paleothermometry in Ancient Oceans?
- Abor volcanics: Magmatic 'breadcrumbs' on the trail of the Kerguelen mantle plume?
- Application of Microanalytical Techniques to an Extremely Slow Growing Speleothem: a Pilot Study Covering the Last Glacial Period
- Basin and Crustal Structure of Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia from Two Seismic Campaigns
- Characterizing Magnetofossils from FORC Central Ridges
- Composition of Crustal Melts at the Source Area: Information from Glassy Melt Inclusions in Anatectic Enclaves
- Compositional Variations of Paleogene and Neogene Tephra From the Northern Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Creating Research-Rich Learning Experiences and Quantitative Skills in a 1<SUP>st</SUP> Year Earth Systems Course
- Ductile Faults Control Seismogenic Movement on Oceanic Transforms
- Evidences and consequences of slow hydrogen diffusion in olivine
- Future Challenges in Magnetic Paleointensity Stratigraphy
- Glacial-interglacial sea ice proxies from the Antarctic Peninsula using the James Ross Island ice core.
- High pressure experimental study of eclogite with varying H<SUB>2</SUB>O contents
- IODP Expedition 351 Lithostratigraphy: Volcaniclastic Record of Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Jet-topography Effects on Horizontal Eddy Mixing in the Southern Ocean
- Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation
- Magnetic detection and characterization of biogenic magnetic minerals: A comparison of ferromagnetic resonance and first-order reversal curve diagrams
- Mapping Petroleum Migration Pathways Using Magnetics
- Neogene Extension and Exhumation in NW Sulawesi
- Oxidation State of Iron in the Izu-Bonin Arc Initial Magma and Its Influence Factors
- Probing the internal calcification chemistry of O. universa using B/Ca
- Sedimentary and Volcanic Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Excursions from Australia and New Zealand
- Sulfur in Degassing Volcanoes: Thermochemistry and Experiments
- The Fate of Subducted Sediment at the Base of the Mantle Transition Zone: Water and the K-hollandite → NAL Phase Transformation
- The Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes during Arc Initiation - Preliminary Data
- The Influence of Water on Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Upper Mantle
- The Role of Gas-Silicate Chemisorption Reactions in Modifying Planetary Crusts and Surfaces
- The Sedimentary Record of an Intraoceanic Magmatic Arc, from Inception through Maturation to Abandonment: IODP Expedition 351, Site U1438
- Tracing the Source of Borneo's Cempaka Diamond Deposit
- Triassic High-P Metamorphism of the central Qiangtang terrane, Tibet; constraints using mineral equilibria modelling and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Untangling Magmatic Processes and Hydrothermal Alteration of in situ Superfast Spreading Ocean Crust at ODP/IODP Site 1256 with Fuzzy c-means Cluster Analysis of Rock Magnetic Properties
- What Can Sea Ice Reconstructions Tell Us About Recent Regional Trends in Sea Ice Around Antarctica?
- What geological data can be used to define the timing of plate collision?
- 16,000 Years of Tropical Eastern Ocean Climate Variability Recorded in a Speleothem From Sumatra, Indonesia
- AnalySize: New software for analyzing and unmixing sediment grain size distribution spectra
- Analytical Complementary Relationship Between Actual and Potential Evaporation Defined by Steady State Reference Surface Temperature
- Calibration of the B/Ca proxy in symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifera for application to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Continuous eclogite melting and variable refertilisation in upwelling heterogeneous mantle
- Direct-seismogram inversion for receiver-side structure with unknown source-time functions
- Does increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase aridity?
- Estimation and Propagation of Uncertainties Associated with Paleomagnetic Direction
- From Source to Damage: A Case study of the M7.2 October 2013 Bohol Earthquake
- Global Warming, Drought and a Greening Planet
- High Pressure Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Partial Melts of Eclogite and Mantle Peridotite during Upwelling
- High precision numerical simulation of the trans-pacific tsunami caused by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil <em>Desmophyllum</em> dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean
- Mapping Petroluem Migration Pathways Using Magnetics and Seismic Interpretations
- Regional mapping of ultra-low velocity zones beneath the Coral Sea using Bayesian inference
- Seismic Structure of Southeast Asia from Full Waveform Seismic Ambient Noise Tomography
- The Flores speleothem carbon isotope record: vegetation, volcanism and the demise of Homo floresiensis
- The formation of pyrite nodules in carbonaceous sediments as determined by in situ S isotope and trace element analyses
- Toward a 530,000-year Hydroclimate History for the Southern Half of the Australasian Monsoon
- Tsunami Records on Seismometers
- What would optimal vegetation do when confronted with steadily increasing atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Abrupt hydroclimate disruption across the Australian arid zone 50 ka coincident with human colonization
- Anisotropy of Eddies in Turbulent Baroclinic Flow
- Antarctic climate variability at regional and continental scale over the last 2000 years
- Basin seismology in the megacity of Jakarta, Indonesia
- Biogeochemical Fractionations from SHRIMP SI 4-isotope Sulfur Analysis
- Bulk Modulus Relaxation in Partially Molten Dunite?
- Constraints on the evolution of the Naga Hills: from disparate origins to tectonic amalgamation
- Deformation of phase D and Earth's deep water cycle
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Early Onset of Industrial-Era Warming Across the Oceans and Continents
- Geodetic constraints on slip partitioning at a convergent plate boundary: Reconciling long-term structural deformation with earthquake cycle observations in West Java
- In Situ XANES of U and Th in Silicate Liquids at High Pressure and Temperature
- Incorporation of Multiple Datasets in Earthquake Source Inversions: Case Study for the 2015 Illapel Earthquake
- Indo-Pacific hydroclimate over the past millennium and links with global climate variabilty
- Insights into accumulation variability over the last 2000 years at James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula
- Late Miocene onset of dominant 100,000 year East Asian summer monsoon cycles
- Late Miocene-Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification linked to Antarctic ice-sheet growth
- New Age Constraints for the Manipur Ophiolitic Mélange: Insights into Tethyan Ophiolites of the Indo-Myanmar Range
- Optimal versus observed vegetation responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the last 40 years
- Oxygen Fugacity in Large Metal Capsules
- Planktic foraminifera form their shells by attachment of metastable carbonate particles
- Rapid uncertainty estimation in finite fault inversion: Case study for the 2015, Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake
- Retrieval of P wave Basin Response from Autocorrelation of Seismic Noise-Jakarta, Indonesia
- SHRIMP-SI Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Sulfides from Brazilian Deposits: Analytical Capability to Resolve Single Grain Textural Complexities and Distinct Sulfur Sources
- Satellite Gravimetry and the Gravitational Dirichlet Problem
- The Glacial-Interglacial summer monsoon recorded in southwest Sulawesi speleothems: Evidence for sea level thresholds driving tropical monsoon strength
- The degassing of magma and planetary redox dynamics
- Unmixing hysteresis loops of the late Miocene-early Pleistocene loess-red clay sequence
- Using Radiative Signatures to Diagnose the Cause of Warming Associated with the Californian Drought
- Water sensitivity of the seismic properties of polycrystalline olivine
- Widespread occurrence of magnetic nanoparticle inclusions in marine sediments and their importance in paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic studies
- Oligo-Miocene Monazite Ages in the Lesser Himalaya Sequence, Arunachal Pradesh, India; Geological Content of Age Variations
- A Budyko-like vegetation carbon assimilation framework and its global application
- A Critical Appraisal of the `Day' Diagram
- A new magnetofossil approach to trace paleoenvironmental changes across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Alaskan crustal thickness variations from P receiver functions provide insight into both inherited and active plate boundary structures
- Alteration heterogeneities in peridotites tectonically exhumed along slow-spreading ridges
- Continuous sea-level reconstructions beyond the Pleistocene: improving the Mediterranean sea-level method
- Detecting slab structure beneath the Banda Arc from waveform analysis of deep focus earthquakes
- Earth's Coming of Age: Isotopically Tracking the Global Transformation from the Hadean to the Geologically Modern Earth
- Evolution of C-O-H-N volatile species in the magma ocean during core formation.
- Heinrich events and sea level changes: records from uplifted coral terraces and marginal seas
- Hydration of the Atlantis Massif: Halogen, Noble Gas and In-Situ δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Constraints
- Investigating Observed Northwest Australian Rainfall Trends in CMIP5 Detection and Attribution Experiments
- Last Deglacial Sea Level: A Curated Database of Indicators of Past Sea Levels from Biological and Geomorphological Archives
- Localized Rapid Warming of West Antarctic Subsurface Waters by Remote Winds
- Metamorphism Near the Dike-Gabbro Transition in the Ocean Crust Based on Preliminary Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole GT3A
- Petro-structural, geochemical and carbon and oxygen isotopic study on carbonates crosscuting the Oman Ophiolite peridotites: evidence of polygenic CO<SUB>2</SUB> trapping
- Quantifying mantle structure and dynamics using plume tracing in seismic tomography
- Relationship Between Central East Antarctica, Australia and Laurentia in the Columbia and Rodinia Supercontinents: Proterozoic Crustal Linkages from Age and Isotopic Compositions of Glacial Igneous Clasts
- Remelting of nanogranitoids in UHP felsic granulites from Erzgebirge (Bohemian Massif, Germany)
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Surface Buoyancy Fluxes and the Strength of the Subpolar Gyre
- The Age, Origin and Collision of the Spongtang Ophiolite, Ladakh Himalaya
- The influence of water and redox conditions on the seismic properties of olivine
- Towards prediction of heatwaves based on the complementary relationship between actual and potential evaporation - energy partitioning and hydrologic attributes
- Uncertainty Estimation in Tsunami Initial Condition From Rapid Bayesian Finite Fault Modeling
- Upper mantle seismic anisotropy beneath Northern Peru from shear wave splitting analysis.
- Water incorporation in olivine at upper mantle pressures and water-undersaturated conditions
- 3700 Million Year Old Stromatolites in the Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland: Their Geologic Context and More Details of the Evidence for Early Life
- A GIA-based Reconstruction of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Ambient Noise Wave-Equation Tomography of the Alpine Crust and Uppermost Mantle
- Atomic Scale Simulations of Hydrolytic Weakening in Olivine
- Attribution of Change in Near-surface Air temperature due to Change in Precipitation
- Barotropic versus Baroclinic eddy saturation
- Biogeochemical Fractionation of MIF Sulfate
- Crustal structure variation across the southwestern Indian Ocean from receiver functions determined at Ocean-Bottom Seismometers
- Fluctuating pressure and fluid fluxing during subduction: records from rhythmically zoned high pressure/low temperature garnets
- Fluids in 4K
- Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in altered ocean crust from the East Pacific Rise and SW Indian Ridge
- HystLab: New Software for Processing and Analyzing Hysteresis Data
- Indian Ocean Dipole variability during the last millennium
- Mantle Dynamics beneath Mount St. Helens from Shear Wave Splitting
- Monitoring landscape evolution of the Joulni Lunette at Lake Mungo, Australia
- Multilayer bimineralic models for Southern Highlands magnetic anomalies on Mars:Insights from peridotitic laterites in New Caledonia
- Multiple sulfur isotope record from the Precambrian of South America shows an unusual trend.
- New Insights into the Pacific Plate Driving Forces since mid-Miocene: A Major Contribution from a Pressure-driven Poiseuille Flow
- New insights on the role of olivine dislocation creep rheology in subduction dynamics models
- Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Equatorial Indian Ocean during the Late Miocene
- Projected changes in global aridity under warming and CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment
- Quantifying Uncertainties in the Inference of Lithospheric Heat Flow
- Rapid sea level changes during the period into and out of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Rheological transition at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary: insights from geodynamics modelling using a single dislocation creep parameterization
- Seismic Constraints on Erosion and Breakup of the Continental Lithosphere at the Eastern Margin of Eurasian Plate, and an Implication of Intraplate Volcanism
- Southern Ocean heat uptake: distribution, pathways and timescales
- Stability/Instability of Sediment-Hosted Marine Hydrothermal Carbon Reservoirs, an Unquantified Feedback on Earth's Past and Future Climate
- Testing how boron-based proxies work using a general geochemical model of coral calcification
- The Mantle Transition Zone in Scandinavia
- The PAGES 2k Network: Status update on Phase Three projects
- The Role of Oceanic Transform Faults in Seafloor Spreading: A Global Perspective From Seismic Anisotropy
- The composition of melts in the incipient melting regime of the upper mantle
- The deep roots of the San Andreas Fault zone
- Tomographic proxies for the presence of post-perovskite in the lowermost mantle
- Tropical ocean responses to large volcanic eruptions during the last millennium
- Tungsten Isotopes in Mantle Plumes: Heads it's Positive, Tails it's Negative
- Validation of GRACE and GRACE FO data across the gap between missions
- A 3000 year record of southwest Pacific nitrogen supported marine production
- A new model for transformation of ferrihydrite to hematite in soils and sediments
- Advancing the Particle-In-Cell Scheme to an Adaptive, Unstructured Mesh Computational Modelling Framework
- An Augmented Porphyry Copper Deposit Exploration Model and Screening Strategy Supporting AN Environmentally-Sound Mine Life Cycle for 21<SUP>ST</SUP> Century, Deep Underground Copper Mines Deserving of a Social License for Mining while Supplying a Vital Metal for Industry: Bridging the Urban-Rural and Developed-Developing Socio-Economic Divide
- Analysis of Level1B GRACE FO Data Using Range Acceleration Observations and Validation of GRACE and GRACE FO Across the Gap Between Missions.
- Base metals and sustainable development: Drawing treasure maps with seismic tomography
- Chronostratigraphy of long lacustrine sedimentary records from Tasmania, Australia
- Compressive sensing, compressive inversion? Investigating the potential of sparsity-promoting schemes for geophysical inverse problems
- Constraining Earth's Multi-scale Topographic Response to Global Mantle Flow
- Continental-scale Magnetic Properties Of Surficial Australian Soils
- Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy in the Transitional Region from Oblique Subduction to Oblique Collision along the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary
- Defining 'pre-industrial climate': Past global changes during the most recent two millennia
- Detrital Remanent Magnetization of Magnetic Mineral Inclusions: Implications for Relative Paleointensity Determinations
- Early Continental Crustal Volume Estimates from Consideration of Hf isotopic Compositions and Geodynamic Regimes recorded in the Oldest (>3.6 Ga) Rocks
- Gaussian Process Models: A Framework for Probabilistic Continuous Inverse Theory
- High-Resolution Crustal Velocity Images along the North Anatolian Fault Zone in NW Turkey Obtained from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Holocene Paleo-Environmental Changes Inferred from Microbially Mediated Iron-Sulfide Formation in the Dead Sea, Israel
- Inferring Equations of State of the Lower Mantle Minerals Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
- Influence of the iron spin transition in ferropericlase on global tomography
- Insights on Inner-Core Anisotropy Obtained from the Earth's Correlation Wavefield
- Legacy arsenic contamination in urban lakes: the unique vulnerability of shallow weakly-stratified lakes
- Less remineralized carbon in the intermediate depth South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath Fennoscandia Based on P- and S-wave Receiver Functions
- Lithospheric and deep mantle structure of the North Atlantic Region from joint probabilistic inversion of seismic, satellite, and geochemical datasets
- Low-frequency seismic properties of olivine-orthopyroxene mixtures
- Magmatic and impact-induced gas-solid reactions controlled the early evolution of the martian surface and atmosphere
- Magnetic Eddy Viscosity of Mean Shear Flows in Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics
- Magnetochronology of the Mid-Miocene mammalian fauna in Lanzhou Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: implications for mammal migration
- Mechanisms for Dynamic Support in Northeast Brazil and Southwest Africa
- Modern precipitation analysis for paleoclimate scientists
- Multiproxy approaches (B/Ca, Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, U/Ca, Li/Mg) to reconstructing sea surface temperature in the Great Barrier Reef
- Natural variability of multi-year droughts in Australia in Last Millennium simulations
- New Constraints on Earth's Inner Core Attenuation from Amplitude Information in the Global Correlation Wavefield
- NoLiMit: Software and Physics-Based Catalogs of Seismic Waveforms for Analyses of the Earth's Mantle Transition Zone
- On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda Arc
- P-Wave Coda Correlation Analysis of the Structure of the Crust and Large Sedimentary Basins
- Passive Seismic Monitoring of Arctic Environment.
- Petrology of Fresh Submarine Lavas from Recent Phonolitic Volcanism on the Central Kerguelen Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean
- Preservation and reactivation of ancient lithospheric-scale structures in Alaska inferred from receiver function imaging and geologic constraints
- Quantitative Interpretation of Biogenic Magnetite Signals and Their Use as a Sensitive Environmental Tracer
- Radiocarbon evidence for coupled centennial scale ocean-atmosphere variability in the Southwest Pacific Gyre
- Shear Wave Splitting with a Dense Array: New Insights on Cascadia from iMUSH
- Simulating the development of Lattice-Preferred Orientation and Seismic Anisotropy within an adaptive, unstructured mesh, computational modelling framework
- Simulation of remanent, transient, and induced first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Some obvious but important points for quantifying hematite contributions to sedimentary magnetizations
- Spatial-temporal-compositional character of basalt magmatism accompanying subduction inception in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc
- The Life of Zircon and Monazite in a Cenozoic Polymetamorphic Terrane - Higher Himalayan Crystallines (HHC)
- The Origin of the Earth's Correlation Wavefield
- The PAGES 2k Network: Overview, Progress and Vision
- The evolution of the Indian ocean sector of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool over the last 0.5 Myr
- The lowermost mantle structure beneath Alaska and Northern Pacific revealed by grid-search modeling of shear-wave triplications
- Tight Coupling of Tropical Indo-Pacific Climate Variability through the Last Millennium
- Towards Late-Coda Correlation Tomography
- Transforming understanding of paleomagnetic recording: Insights from experimental observations and numerical predictions
- Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian Continental Collision Revealed by Joint Tomography with Body and Surface Wave Data
- Understanding dipolar magnetostatic interactions in bulk natural samples with extended first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Unlocking the full range of information available in first-order reversal curve (FORC) diagrams
- Up, down and around: Transformational approaches to geophysical inverse problems.
- Updatable, high-resolution seismic velocity models of the Australian lithosphere
- 3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Mantle Flow in the Transition Zone
- A Preisach-based Model of Chemical Remanent Magnetisation Acquisition
- A cheap and cheerful, open source dashboard for the global effort to monitor seismic noise variations through the COVID-19 pandemic
- Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
- Assessment and Integration of Bulk and Component-specific Methods for Identifying Mineral Magnetic Assemblages in Environmental Magnetism
- Attenuation of the uppermost inner core viewed by tomography
- Best Practices for Coral Proxy-SST Calibration for 20th Century δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο<SUB>sw</SUB> Reconstruction - Initial Results from CoralHydro2k
- Circumpolar variations in Southern Ocean eddy energy: An ensemble approach
- Coda-correlation Tomography: Theory and Examples
- Coda-correlation Wavefield: State of the Art and Recent Advances
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Constraining the Structure of Ross Ice Shelf by Spectral Autocorrelogram of Teleseismic P-wave Coda
- Constraints on Earth's Radial Velocity Structure from the Global Correlation Wavefield
- Coral Reefs Are Complex and So Are the Science Disciplines Needed to Save Them
- Crustal structure and its tectonic implications to the Banda Arc-Australian continent collision revealed by teleseismic receiver functions
- Depth dependent deformation of the Nazca slab from Seismic anisotropy
- Dynamics of Arc-continent Collision: The Role of Crustal-mantle Dynamics on Controlling the Evolution of Stress Regime
- Dynamics of single subduction systems using 2D and 3D numerical models
- Evidence for Limited Early Crustal Volumes and Diverse Geodynamic Regimes Recorded in the Oldest (3.6-4.0 Ga) Rocks
- Gird-search Modeling the Lowermost Mantle Structure Beneath Central America and the Central Pacific
- Global observations of mantle discontinuities from ScS reverberations
- Improving Seismic Moment-Tensor Inference Incorporating Uncertainty in Earth Structure
- Improving the Resolution of the Isotropic Moment Tensor Component using Rotational Ground Motions
- Inferring Modern Ice Mass Flux from Satellite Geodetic Constraints on Long Wavelength Gravity: Contending with a Suite of Confounding Geophysical Signals
- Inherited lithospheric structures control arc-continent collisional heterogeneity
- Inverting the magnitude and sources of Meltwater Pulse 1A by fingerprinting sea-level constraints
- Linking Lithospheric Structure, Mantle Flow and Intra-Plate Volcanism
- Linking Slab Structure to Mantle Dynamics in the South American Subduction Zone
- Magnetic Eddy Viscosity of Mean Shear Flows in Magnetohydrodynamics
- Mineral Magnetism: Some Surprises And Future Challenges
- Multi-proxy evidence for a millennial expansion of the south Pacific gyre driven by ENSO/SAM interactions
- Oceanic Anisotropy from PS Splitting
- On the feasibility of regional Centroid-moment-tensor in the Australian continent and its continental shelf
- Palaeo-CO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions based on δ<SUP>11</SUP>B measured in different morphotypes of Globigerinoides ruber
- Probing the Inner Core Anisotropic Structure Using Global Coda-correlation Wavefield.
- Sediment-hosted metal deposits and the billion-year stability of cratonic lithosphere
- Seismic anisotropic signatures of complex crustal magmatic pathways beneath the Mount St. Helens region
- Seismic characterization of explosive and collapse events at the Kilauea summit during the 2018 eruption
- Shear velocity tomography of the crust below Valles Caldera using a densely spaced nodal transect
- Significant variations in late Holocene South Pacific Gyre strength
- Simulating the Development of Seismic Anisotropy within an Unstructured Mesh, Computational Modelling Framework: Application to Transform Fault
- Small-scale heterogeneity in the lowermost mantle beneath Alaska and northern Pacific revealed from shear-wave triplications
- Tectonic History of Australia Preserved by Mantle Anisotropic Boundaries
- Testing component analysis of remanent magnetization curves with a series of synthetic mixtures: insights into the reliability of unmixing natural samples
- The onset of anelastic behaviour in polycrystalline olivine
- Three Centuries of Southwest Pacific Gyre Biogeochemistry Reconstructed from a New Zealand Black Coral
- Tracking plume paths and sources in the mantle
- Urban Noise - The benefits of broadband seismometers in schools
- Using Thermo-Mechanical Models of Subduction to Constrain Effective Mantle Viscosity
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- A Joint Point-source Moment Tensor and a Single Force Inversion Within Hierarchical Bayesian Inference
- A New View of the Earth's Outer Core Through Global Correlation Wavefield
- A new Probe of the Earths Innermost Inner Core by Multiple Reverberating Podal and Antipodal Body Waves
- CCREM: New Reference Earth Model from the Global Coda-correlation Wavefield
- Compositional Stratification across the Mantle Transition Zone as sustained by Plume Ponding and Segregation
- Dynamical Controls on Transport and Transformation of Antarctic Bottom Water across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Evidence for Distinct Anisotropy in the Innermost Inner Core From Coda-correlation
- Global Constraints of Earths Uppermost Mantle Regional Discontinuities: Insights on Temperature, Composition, and Geodynamics
- Global-scale Inter-source Correlation Wavefield
- Inner-core Shear-wave Anisotropy Revealed by Earthquake Coda-correlation Wavefield
- Mapping Earths upper and mid-mantle discontinuities using ScS reverberations.
- Potentially Tsunamigenic Mass Wasting along Macquarie Ridge, the Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary, Southwest Pacific Ocean
- Probing the Upper Mantle Structure With the Southern Ocean Storms and Australian Seismic Arrays
- Toward Improving Point-Source Moment-Tensor Inference by Incorporating Earth Structure Uncertainty: Implications for the Long Valley Caldera Earthquakes and Beyond
- A Systematic Search for Post-garnet Phase Transition Signals at the 660-km Discontinuity
- CCMOC: A New View of the Earth's Outer Core Through the Global Coda Correlation Wavefield
- Characterizing Non-double-couple Components of Shallow Seismic Sources Using Affine-invariant Bayesian Samplers: A Case Study to DPRK Explosions and Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Earthquakes
- Compositional heterogeneities in the mid-mantle associated with geodynamical flow patterns
- Crustal Structure of the Macquarie Ridge Complex Constrained by the Ambient Noise and Earthquake Autocorrelograms
- Global-Scale Inter-Source Correlations in Seismic-Event Late Coda Wavefield
- Imaging Mineralizing Fluids of Porphyry Cu Deposits Using Local Earthquake Tomography: Northern Chile Case Study
- Observations of Regional Seismic Discontinuities in the Earth's Upper Mantle from SS- and PP- precursors
- Observations of up to fivefold reverberating waves through the Earth's center: distinctly anisotropic innermost inner core
- Probabilistic ambient noise imaging of the Macquarie Ridge Complex using ocean-bottom and land-based seismometers
- Probabilistic seismic source inversion incorporating uncertainty in 3D earth models: case studies for southeast Australia and the Korean peninsula
- Scanning for Planetary Cores with Single-Station Inter-Source Correlations
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Southern Ocean Storms Using the Australian Seismic Arrays
- Spatiotemporal monitoring of groundwater resources in Loxton and Waikerie aquifers in South Australia using InSAR deformation and groundwater level measurements
- The exceptional flood events of February-April 2022 in eastern Australia studied by radar remote-sensing images and GPS displacement measurements
- Thermochemical Maps of Earth's Mantle Transition Zone from Reverberated Seismic Phases
- Thermochemical maps reveal persistent stagnation of plumes and slabs in the mantle transition zone