University of Aberdeen, UK
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Heterogeneity of groundwater - surface water interactions in the hyporheic zone of a salmon spawning stream in Scotland: hydrological and ecological implications.
- Implications of Subglacial Drainage Configuration for Rates and Styles of Glacial Erosion, Sediment Transfer and Deposition
- Investigating the Influence of Riparian Zone Geology on Stream Water Chemistry in the Scottish Highlands Using a GIS Framework.
- Linking hydrology and catchment geomorphic characteristics to the spatial pattern of habitat use by spawning Atlantic salmon in two upland Scottish streams
- The Value of Fluid Inclusions in Astrobiological Exploration
- Hydrological Controls on Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes in Agricultural Catchments
- The influence of high magnitude/ low frequency flood events on the spawning habitat of Atlantic salmon in the headwaters of a Scottish stream.
- Did Andean Uplift Control Climate Change in the Central Andes
- Constraints on Mantle Thermal Variations from the Sedimentary Record of Large Igneous Provinces
- Linking channel morphology, stream flow and micro-scale hydraulics in habitats utilized by spawning Atlantic salmon
- Marine Sedimentary Record of Cenozoic Monsoon Intensity Preserved in the Asian Marginal Seas
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- Relating species and functional diversity using stable isotope probing
- The use of (Uncertain) Landscape Discretization Schemes in Process-Oriented Catchment Models of Different Complexity
- Use of Stable Isotope Techniques to Differentiate Between Processes Contributing to N2O Emissions From Soils
- A Ground-Based Radar Backscatter Investigation on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Crustal Genesis and Dynamics in the Jurassic Talkeetna Arc
- Crystallization of Arc Lower Crust in the Jurassic Talkeetna Island Arc
- Influence of Catchment Scale and Landscape Controls on Runoff Sources and Mean Residence Times in Montane Watersheds
- Linking Biogeochemistry to Microbial Diversity Using New 13C Approaches
- Separating climatic and human impacts in the early Holocene: biotic response around the time of the 8200 cal. yr BP event
- Testing the Variable Source Area Hypothesis Using Tracers and GIS in an Nested Mesoscale Catchment
- Addressing Key Questions in the Bioatmospheric Nitrogen Cycle Using Stable Isotope Techniques
- Discrete Element Modeling of Oscillatory Sheet Flow Using Medium and Coarse Spherical Sand Grains.
- Dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon cycling in small order rivers: a stable isotope study.
- High Precision Dating of Holocene Peat Deposits
- High-frequency Environmental Tracer Data to Improve our Knowledge of Hydrological Functioning in Nested Mesoscale Catchments
- Marine Erosional Records of Progressive Tibetan Uplift in the South China Sea
- On the control of climate- and human-modulated fluvial sediment delivery on river delta development: The Indus
- Tracers as Tools in Characterizing Watersheds as Integrated Hydroecological Systems
- Using Long-Term Hydrochemical Tracer Data to Assess the Influence of Climatic Variability and Forestry on the Hydrological Functioning of Montane Watersheds
- A large-scale middle Miocene carbonate (?) mound structure in the Norwegian-Danish Basin: evidence for hydrocarbon migration?
- Analysis of High-Resolution OBS/H and MCS Data Across the Termination of a BSR in Lima Basin, Peru Margin - Velocity Structure and Paleo-BSRs
- Are Landscape Hierarchies of Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange Patterning Important in Spawning Site Selection by Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.,)?
- Characterising the Hyporheic Environment and Inferring Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions with Continuous Monitoring of Dissolved Oxygen Using Optical Sensors
- Climate and Tectonic Signals Preserved in the Indus Submarine Fan, Arabian Sea
- Field experiments to assess the links between bed-material entrainment and invertebrate drift in gravel-bed rivers during floods
- Glacial-interglacial changes in sediment source to the Meiji sediment deposit in the North Pacific Ocean using Ar and Nd isotopic fingerprints: A drift deposit or a displaced Yukon River submarine fan?
- Hierachical Landscape Controls on Channel Morphology in Mountainous River Basins in Scotland.
- Isotopic and Reporter Techniques to Verify Links Between Plant C Flow and Denitrification
- Monitoring and Modelling the Influence of Overland Flow on Hydrology and Hydrochemistry at Different Scales in Montane Watershed
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- Progress in Life Marker Chip Technology for Detection of Life on Mars
- Recent Advances in Stable Isotope Techniques for N2O Source Partitioning in Soils
- Responses of Emergent Behaviour in Headwater Catchments to Long-term and Short-term Environmental Change
- Saucer-Shaped Sandstone Intrusions: Facts, Inferences and Unknowns
- Saucer-shaped Clastic Intrusions and Associated Injectites in the Westerm San Joaquin Valley
- Subduction and Denudation Dynamics Along the Andean Margin of Chile, Assessed by Low- Temperature Thermochronology.
- The geometry and emplacement of conical sandstone intrusions
- The survival of large organic molecules during hypervelocity impacts with water ice: implications for sampling the icy surfaces of moons
- Understanding Flow Pathways, Mixing and Transit Times for Water Quality Modelling
- A Study of Airborne Radar Altimetry Waveforms and Ku Band Ground Penetrating Radar Measurements From the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Accessing seismic data through geological interpretation: Challenges and solutions
- Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Soils - revealed using 13C-labelled methane tracers
- Bulk and Clay Mineralogy of Mud from Nankai Trough IODP Expeditions 315 and 316
- Changing our View of Aggradational Fluvial Systems - The Distributary Fluvial System (DFS) Paradigm
- Conceptualizing and upscaling process understanding of the hydrological and biogeochemical functioning of larger catchments
- Conceptualizing landscape controls on catchment transit times in different geomorphic provinces
- Continent Elevation, Mountains, Erosion and Freeboard
- Defining Reference Conditions for Assessing Biophysical Status of Rivers
- Density-dependence, Drift and Disturbance: Feedbacks and Interactions Between Hydraulics, Bed Stability and Invertebrates in a Sandy Gravel-bed River
- Do end-member models reduce uncertainty in the structural interpretation of seismic data?
- Episodic sediment disturbance on the mega-splay fault at Tonankai earthquake area, Nankai trough, Japan
- Erosional Unloading driven by the South Asian Monsoon as the cause of the regional Miocene Unconformity in the Himalayan Foreland?
- Incorporating a Spatially Dynamic Conceptualization of Dominant Processes into Hydrological Models
- Influence of Hydrology and Seasonality on DOC Exports from 3 Contrasting Upland Catchments
- Lithostratigraphy of the NanTroSEIZE Transect Area in Nankai Trough: A Summary of Results from IODP Expeditions 314, 315, and 316
- Multi-scale Dynamics of Surface and Subsurface Processes and Effects on the Hydrochemistry and Hydroecology of a Montane Salmon Spawning Stream
- Nitrous Oxide Production and Reduction in the Sea Surface Microlayer: Nitrification or Denitrification?
- Nitrous Oxide Production by Bacterioneuston
- Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far away from original giant landslide
- Orbital forcing of Devonian Lacustrine Ecosystems
- Regional Tectonic And Climatic controls On The Evolution Of The Song Hong-Yinggehai And Qiongdongnan Sedimentary Basins, South China Sea.
- Seasonal and diurnal melt-induced flow dynamics at a land terminating outlet of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Slope Failures and Subsequent Mass-Movement Deposition Related to Mega Splay Fault Activity: Results From Drilling the Nankai Accretionary Prism During IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316
- Snowpack and Firn Densification Gradients in the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Implications for Estimates of ice Sheet Mass Balance
- Structural evolution in accretionary prism toe revealed by magnetic fabric analysis: NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, Sites C0006 and C0007
- Trace Element Geochemistry of Mafic Clasts in the Indus Molasse Conglomerates: Source Region and Implications for Timing of Initiation of Indo-Eurasian Collision
- Using Long-Term Data Sets to Constrain and Regionalize Transit Time Estimates in Mountainous Catchments
- Are Deltaic Subaqueous Clinothems One-Highstand Affairs?
- Can high-resolution isotope data help identify and model dominant runoff processes at different catchment scales?
- Capturing dominant runoff processes in a complex, heterogenous mesoscale catchment: integrating tracers and modelling
- Catchment Transit Times - Does Scale Matter?
- Direct evidence for an efficient, variable-pressure, channelised drainage system at the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Distributive Fluvial Systems of the Chaco Plain - Satellite Image Assessment of Fluvial Form and Facies Distributions
- Holocene Evolution of the Indus River Basin: the effect of climate and drainage reorganization on the Harappan
- Hydrological forcing of ice motion at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Is the Composition of Dissolved Organic Carbon Changing in Upland Acidic Streams?
- Linking Fossil Fish Cyclicity and Paleoenvironmental Proxies in the mid-Devonian
- Modelling the thermal evolution of orogens: where’s the heat?
- Non-linearities in hydrological connectivity and microbiological flux in nested catchments - implications of environmental change
- NorthWatch Workshop I: Climate Drivers and Hydrological Regimes in Northern Catchments
- Quantifying nitrogen fluxes and their influence on the greenhouse gas balance - recent findings of the NitroEurope Integrated Project
- Sediment Buffering and Transport in the Holocene Indus River System
- Small-scale convection in the upper mantle as a mechanism for generating sedimentary sequences
- The Relationship between the Boltysh and Chicxulub Asteroid Impacts: Implications for Celestial Mechanics at the K/Pg boundary
- The effects of coastal ocean warming and increased supra-glacial run-off on the submarine melt rate of Kangerdlugssuaq Gletscher, East Greenland
- The ongoing avulsion of the Taquari River - Geomorphic and Vegetative Change
- The role of radiogenic heat production in the generation of ultra high temperature crustal metamorphism
- Transit Times as process-based tools to aid hydrological prediction in ungauged basins
- Using multiple tracers to examine the scaling and coupling of water and carbon fluxes in a larger nested catchment
- A virtual observatory in a real world: building capacity for an uncertain future - the UK pVO
- Climate and Provenance Evolution Recorded in the Sub-aqueous Indus Delta since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Climate-driven changes in scour regime and potential risks to salmonid survival in the Middle Fork Salmon River, Idaho
- Determinants of NEE and NBP of croplands in Europe (Invited)
- Integrated simulation of daily isotope variability at two spatial scales in a nested agricultural catchment
- Large rivers in sedimentary basins: Morphology and form observed from satellite imagery
- Modelling meltwater delivery to the ice-bed interface through full thickness fractures on outlet glaciers of the western Greenland Ice Sheet
- New interpretations based on seismic and modelled well data and their implications for the tectonic evolution of the west Greenland continental margin
- Plio-Pleistocene Bering Sea - North Pacific Ocean Circulation Dynamics Inferred from Sediment Source Changes at the Meiji Drift, Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Relative influence of upland and lowland headwaters on the isotope hydrology and transit times of larger catchments
- Seasonal acceleration of the Greenland Ice Sheet in contrasting melt-seasons
- Seasonal speed-up of large Greenland marine-terminating outlet glacier related to surface melt-induced changes in subglacial hydrology
- Seasonal variations in Greenland Ice Sheet motion: inland extent and behaviour at higher elevations in a land-terminating transect
- Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Stability in a Highly Eroding La Rogativa Watershed, Spain
- Spatial and temporal variability of catchment transit times
- Supraglacial forcing of subglacial drainage in the ablation zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Testing Competing Proxies for Asian Monsoon Intensity Since 14 KA in the South China Sea
- Testing the instability hypothesis for the formation of drumlins
- The relationship between melt, refreezing and runoff across a transect on the Greenland ice sheet
- Through-water terrestrial laser scanning of gravel beds at the plot scale: a preliminary investigation
- Using chemical and isotopic tracers to conceptualise hydrological function in a larger scale catchment draining contrasting geomorphic provinces
- What is the total water storage in catchments and can tracers help?
- Catchment internal flow dynamics and how virtual flux tracking can inform about changes in water age and switches in dominant flow generation
- Contrasting styles of sedimentation and deformation in the Chugach Terrane accretionary complex, south-central Alaska
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Dynamics of riparian wetlands and stream flow generation in montane watersheds
- Evaluating hydrological model structure using tracer data within a multi-model framework
- From Coarse-scale Soil Data Information to Fine-scale Saturated Area Prediction in a Scottish Watershed
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- How do orogenies end? The rise and stop of the Caledonian Orogeny
- Hydrologic Connectivity for Understanding Watershed Processes: Brand-new Puzzle or Emerging Panacea?
- Investigating Runoff Generation in a Headwater Forested Catchment Using a Typology of Nonlinear Storage-Discharge Relationships
- Modern Landform Distribution of the Gilbert River Distributive Fluvial System (DFS) and Predictions Regarding Ancient Coastal Plain Progradational Successions
- New aerogeophysical data reveal the extent of the Weddell Sea Rift beneath the Institute and Möller ice streams
- North American ultra-distal tephrochronology
- Pleistocene-Recent Drainage Evolution in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin
- Predicted Progradational Signatures of Distributive Fluvial Systems (DFS)
- Predicting Coupled Emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4 from Arable Fields in Ireland Using the ECOSSE Model
- Radar imaging of basement control on ice-sheet dynamics in West Antarctica
- Radar-derived bed reflectivity across Pine Island Glacier
- Rapid erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet inferred from hydrological investigations
- Satellite Imagery Evaluation of Soil Moisture Variability in the Ganges Basin, India
- The Environmental Virtual Observatory: A New Vision for Catchment Science
- The Rhynie hot-spring system: implications for the Devonian timescale, development of Devonian biota, gold mineralization, evolution of the atmosphere and Earth outgassing
- Using Isotopes to Assess Transit Times and Pollution Risk in Mesoscale Catchments
- Using hydrodynamics, tracers and landscape organisation to evaluate catchment-wide process dynamics in a simple model framework
- A Quantitative Comparison of Fracture Attributes and Fracture Patterns: Insights From Deformation Bands and Basement-hosted Fractures
- A bird's eye view: the cognitive strategies of experts interpreting seismic profiles
- A novel framework to simulating non-stationary, non-linear, non-Normal hydrological time series using Markov Switching Autoregressive Models
- Communicating River Level Data and Information to Stakeholders with Different Interests
- Continental rift observables limit upper mantle strength
- De-convolution of stream flow and tracer responses: which secrets can be revealed by flux tracking?
- Flow dynamics in the Weddell Sea Sector of West Antarctica from an analysis of basal roughness
- Geological control of flow in the Institute and Möller Ice Streams, West Antarctica
- How reliable are stable isotope records of climate from Sphagnum cellulose?
- Hyperextension, rifted margin geometry and its incorporation into mountain belts: Insights from the western Alps
- Ice flow in the Weddell Sea sector of West Antarctica as elucidated by radar-imaged internal layering
- Ice shelves record the history of channelised water flow beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
- Influence of Subglacial Conditions on Ice Stream Dynamics: Seismic and Potential Field Data from Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Integrating Stable Isotope Tracers with Rainfall-Runoff Models as Tools for Assessing Catchment-Scale Water Storage Dynamics
- Investigation of a new approach for the modelling of subglacial hydrology
- Radar-derived hydrological conditions beneath Evans Ice Stream, West Antarctica
- Sensitivity testing of a 1-D calving criterion numerical model constrained by observations of post-LIA fluctuations of Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, SW Greenland
- South Pole ice stream temporal and spatial evolution in the last glacial cycle
- Speed-up of a land-terminating margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet in contrasting melt years
- Tectonic and climatic controls on long-term silicate weathering in Asia since 5 Ma
- The Quantification of Natural Fracture Patterns: How Good is the Crack Tensor?
- The influence of open fracture anisotropy on CO<SUB>2</SUB> movement within geological storage complexes
- The role of climate in the global patterns of ecosystem carbon turnover rates - contrasts between data and models
- The role of observational uncertainties in testing model hypotheses
- 3-D Distribution of Retained Colloids in Unsaturated Porous Media
- A first look at the use of centrifuge modelling for glacier crevassing
- A new peat bog testate amoeba transfer function and quantitative palaeohydrological reconstructions from southern Patagonia
- Adaptation of soil microbial activity will accelerate the climate change induced release of C from the world's soils
- Assessing impacts of hydropower schemes in upland rivers and sensitivity to hydrological change: new modelling tools for evaluating environmental flows
- Bringing life to soil physical processes
- Can we trace the eastern Gondwanan margin in Australia? New perspectives from transdimensional inversion of ambient noise for 3D shear velocity structure
- Changing tidewater glacier extent and response to climate from Little Ice Age to present: observations and modelling of Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, SW Greenland
- Combining Carbon Accumulation and Hydroclimatic Variations Throughout the Holocene: Can we Detect a Climate Signal from Northeastern Canadian Boreal Peatlands ?
- Critical evaluation of <SUP>13</SUP>C natural abundance techniques to partition soil-surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux
- Crustal thickness and affinity in the southern Beaufort Sea from old deep seismic reflection profiles and gravity modelling and implications for Canada Basin evolution
- Detailed Northern Anatolian Fault Zone crustal structure from receiver functions
- Do storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hydrological connectivity? (Invited)
- Effects of different land-uses on soil organic carbon pools in the Peruvian tropical forests
- Heavy Minerals in Palaeotsunami Deposits: Assemblages, Spatial Distribution and Microtextural Imprints
- How Deltas Die - a Case Study of the End of Sedimentation in Two Giant Deltas
- Hydrometric and tracer-based assessment of time-variable groundwater contributions to stormflow in a small tropical catchment
- Imaging the North Anatolian Fault using the scattered teleseismic wavefield
- Integrating the pulse of the riverscape and landscape: modelling stream metabolism using continuous dissolved oxygen measurements
- Keeping it simple: a conceptual model of DOC dynamics in a subarctic alpine catchment
- Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles in the rhizosphere
- Low molecular carbon compounds present in the rhizosphere control denitrification kinetics
- Major strike-slip faulting along the tectonic boundary between East and West Antarctica: implications for early Gondwana break-up and Jurassic granitic magma emplacement
- Multi-proxy evidence of a mid-Holocene shift in the climatic system of Maritime Canada at ca. 6.8 ka BP
- Nitrogen limitation of nitrous oxide fluxes in the tropical Andes
- Paleomagnetic dating of paleo-weathering surfaces, North America and Scotland
- Preservation of onshore palaeotsunami and storm deposits: Case studies from Iceland, Scotland and Iberia
- Providing a challenge for isotope-enabled models: stable isotopic analysis of Sphagnum alpha-cellulose from raised peat bogs
- Radio-echo sounding of 'active' Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Response of vegetation and carbon accumulation to changes in precipitation and water table depths in two bogs during the Holocene: a modelling exercise
- Seismicity and Crustal Anisotropy Beneath the Western Segment of the North Anatolian Fault: Results from a Dense Seismic Array
- Spatial and temporal controls on stream water dissolved organic carbon fluxes under hydrological extremes
- Spatial and temporal patterns of water storage in hydropedological units in northern headwaters: integrating isotopic and hydrometric approaches
- State of the lithosphere-asthenosphere coupling beneath the United Kingdom
- Summer moisture balance from peatland water table reconstructions for the last 1100 years from North America and Europe
- The lithosphere of Ellesmere Island and adjacent northwestern Greenland (CALE 'A' transect onshore)
- The stress field and its sources in the North Atlantic Realm and Europe
- Turbidity Currents In The Ocean; Are They Stably Stratified?
- Unexceptional dynamic response of the Greenland ice sheet to exceptional climate forcing
- Using tracers to develop a parsimonious coupled flow-biogeochemistry model with reduced uncertainty
- Waterflood oil recovery under mixed-wet conditions: laboratory observations
- A coupled hydrological-biogeochemical model to simulate DOC dynamics in a sub-arctic headwater catchment underlain by permafrost
- Abrupt variations in brittle-ductile transition depth and lower crustal properties beneath two branches of the north Anatolian fault zone, Turkey.
- Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths.
- Combining Full Waveform Inversion and Traveltime Tomography
- Constraining the role of magma before, during and after the break-up of continents using seismic reflection data
- Coupling hydrological and biogeochemical models to assess the role of landscape units on dissolved organic carbon transport
- Determining the Palaeodrainage of the Nile River from a Provenance Study of the Nile Delta Cone Sediments
- Do river channels decrease in width downstream on Distributive Fluvial Systems? An evaluation of modern mega-fans
- Estimation of Dynamic Storage across Northern Catchments
- Evolution of Northeast Atlantic Magmatic Continental Margins from an Ethiopian-Afar Perspective
- GIS Analysis of Size Relationships between Drainage Basins and Alluvial Fans
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Eurekan Orogen of Ellesmere Island
- Heterogeneity in sensitivity and response to drought in a headwater catchment
- High resolution images of the mid- to lower-crust beneath the North Anatolian Fault obtained using the scattered seismic wavefield
- Holocene tephrostratigraphy in high-latitude peatlands of the Southern Hemisphere: a link through time?
- Identification of greenhouse gas hot-spots and predicting district-wise GHG Intensities in rice based crop rotations in India using DNDC model
- Influence of vegetation on water isotope partitioning across different northern headwater catchments
- Localisation of Mantle Upwelling Beneath Recent Intra-Plate Volcanism in Australia
- Process Inference from High Frequency Temporal Variations in Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Dynamics Across Nested Spatial Scales
- Regional scale climatic trends derived from Younger Dryas glaciers in the U.K.
- Sampling Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> for Isotopic Flux Partitioning: Non Steady State Effects and Methodological Biases
- Stripping Away the Forest; Sweden's Glacially Streamlined Landscape Evaluated through Lidar
- The Earthquake Loading Cycle and the Deep Structure of the North Anatolian Fault
- The Elum Project: A Network of UK Sites to Understand Land-Use Transitions to Bioenergy and Their Implications for Greenhouse Gas Balance and Carbon Cycling
- The Potential Role of Igneous Intrusions on Hydrocarbon Migration, West of Shetlands, UK
- The impacts of land-use change from grassland to bioenergy Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow on the crop and ecosystem greenhouse gas balance
- Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment.
- A New Kinematic Model for Polymodal Faulting: Implications for Fault Connectivity
- Archaean Crustal Growth, Proterozoic Terrane Amalgamation and the Pan-African Orogeny, as Recorded in the NE African Sedimentary Record.
- Circum-Arctic lithospheric transects from onshore to offshore
- Clean hot water drilling for exploration of the Antarctic deep subglacial environment
- Combining High Resolution Measurements and Simulations of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes Under Large-Scale Breaking Waves
- Correlations Between Fluvial Morphologic Changes and Vegetation, and Fluvio-deltaic Behavior on Deltas Using Remote Sensing
- Evaluation of Petrophysical Data for Geopressure Analysis in HPHT Settings: A Case Study of the UK Sector of the Central North Sea.
- Exploring controls on ice stream destabilisation during the LGM/Holocene transition in West Greenland
- Geological Features and Crustal Structure of the Cretaceous Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria: Insights from Detailed Analysis and Modelling of Magnetic and Gravity Data
- Glacial erosion during orogenesis: A study of the intraplate Eurekan Orogeny of Ellesmere Island.
- Hydroecological Interfaces between Landscapes and Riverscapes
- Identifying Impacts of Hydropower Regulation on Salmonid Habitats to Guide River Restoration for Existing Schemes and Mitigate Adverse Effects of Future Developments
- Integrating hydrogeophysics and hydrological tracers to characterise the spatial structure of groundwater storage in the critical zone of montane environments
- Interpreting high-frequency sensor data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in the source and transport of water and solutes at the catchment scale
- Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
- Linking High Frequency Variations in Stream Water DOC to Ages of Water Sources in Peat-Dominated Montane Watersheds
- Modelling the Influence of Long-Term Hydraulic Conditions on Juvenile Salmon Habitats in AN Upland Scotish River
- New Approaches to Assessing and Predicting the Hydrologic Impacts of Urban Disturbance Using Isotopes and Transit Time Analysis
- New crustal thickness estimates of the Australian Continent using virtual deep seismic soundings
- Perennial plate tectonics with lasting mantle lithosphere scars
- Predicting Fluid Flow in Stressed Fractures: A Quantitative Evaluation of Methods
- Predicting bulk permeability using outcrop fracture attributes: The benefits of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator
- Relationships between vegetation dynamics and hydroclimatic drivers in the northern high-latitude uplands
- Spatial Organisation of Groundwater Dynamics and Runoff Responses in Montane Catchments: Integrating Field Data in a Modelling Framework
- Storage Dynamics and Non-Linear Connectivity between Landscape Units Control Runoff Generation and Stream Water Age Distributions
- Taxonomic and trophic-level differences in the climate sensitivity of seasonal events
- The Role of Synthetic Reconstruction Tests in Seismic Tomography
- Tracer-aided modelling using long-term and high resolution data to assess non-stationarity in stream water age
- Using High Resolution Tracer Data to Constrain Storage and Flux Estimates in a Spatially Distributed Rainfall-runoff Model
- VeWa: Assessing Vegetation Effects on Water Flows and Mixing in Northern Mountain Environments using Stable Isotopes and Conceptual Runoff Models
- An analytical method for assessing the spatial and temporal variation of juvenile Atlantic salmon habitat in an upland Scottish river.
- AnisoVis: a MATLAB™ toolbox for the visualisation of elastic anisotropy
- Assessing the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on the Spawning Migration of Atlantic Salmon.
- Bedform signature and sediment properties of a 20<SUP>th</SUP> century grounding line beneath Pine Island Ice Shelf, West Antarctica from high-resolution AUV data.
- Conceptualisation of Snowpack Isotope Dynamics in Spatially Distributed Tracer-Aided Runoff Models in Snow Influenced Northern Cathments
- Continental Growth Along the Proto-Pacific Margin of East Gondwana in Australia: Insights from Seismic Tomography
- Crack Damage Evolution Under True Triaxial Loading
- Crustal Imaging of the Faroe Islands and North Sea Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Ecohydrological partitioning of water at long-term experimental sites in Northern latitudes using stable isotopes
- Electrical resistivity surveys to understand vegetation-water interlinkages in a northern latitude headwater catchment
- Environmental constraints on plant transpiration and the hydrological implications in a northern high latitude upland headwater catchment
- Fold-Thrust mapping using photogrammetry in Western Champsaur basin, SE France
- FracPaQ: a MATLAB™ Toolbox for the Quantification of Fracture Patterns
- Global carbon uptake by cement carbonation
- High-resolution Teleseismic Tomography Reveals a Complex Lithospheric Structure Beneath the North Anatolian Fault
- Lasting mantle scars lead to perennial plate tectonics: damage structures, jelly sandwiches, and a crème brûlée
- Modelling impacts of second generation bioenergy production on Ecosystem Services in Europe
- Nucleation of cracks in sedimentary rocks under non-uniform loading: insights from simultaneous X-ray and neutron imaging
- Public engagement in 3D flood modelling through integrating crowd sourced imagery with UAV photogrammetry to create a 3D flood hydrograph.
- Radiometric age dating of peat cores from ombrotrophic bogs: challenges and opportunities presented by the Industrial Period
- Rapid advance and retreat of a major Greenland tidewater glacier: demonstrating extreme sensitivity of terminus stability to climate change
- Riding the Right Wavelet: Detecting Fracture and Fault Orientation Scale Transitions Using Morlet Wavelets
- Scaling Effects of Riparian Peatlands on Stable Isotopes in Runoff and DOC Mobilization
- Simulating the Earth System Response to Negative Emissions
- Sismostratigraphy of the Ceará Plateau to decipher the Cenozoic evolution of Brazilian Equatorial Margin
- Spatio-Temporal Effects Of River Regulation On Habitat Suitability For Juvenile Atlantic Salmon: Implications For Ecosystem Functioning.
- Strain localization and the ephemeral development of C'-C-S shear structures in shear zones: a numerical modelling approach
- The Patterned Topography of Ice Stream Beds; Insight from the Spatial Frequency of Mega-Scale Glacial Lineations
- The Response of Stream and Soil Chemistry to Decreases in Acid Deposition in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- The geomorphic signature of present ice-sheet flow in the radar-sounded subglacial record: Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
- The influence of permeability anisotropy on the distribution of pore fluid pressure around fault zones: Insights for fault stability and reactivation
- Tracer-aided modelling to explore non-linearities in flow paths, hydrological connectivity and faecal contamination risk
- UAV, LiDAR & ground-based surveying from Stackpole Quay: best practice for accuracy of virtual outcrops and structural models
- Using stable isotopes in process-based ecohydrologic modelling to infer vegetation imprint on water fluxes, partitioning and storage in boreal ecosystems
- 2D Coda Attenuation Analysis of Active Sources: The Rockall Basin
- 3D Coda Attenuation Tomography of Acoustic Emission Data from Laboratory Samples as a tool for imaging pre-failure deformation mechanisms
- A Continental-scale River Corridor Model to Synthesize Understanding and Prioritize Management of Water Purification Functions and Ecological Services in Large Basins
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- A simple topography-driven, calibration-free runoff generation model
- A three-dimensional `Kaiser damage-memory' effect through true-triaxial loading
- Assessing ecohydrological controls on catchment water storage, flux and age dynamics using tracers in a physically-based, spatially distributed model
- Breakup magmatism on the Vøring Margin, mid-Norway: New insight from interpretation of high-quality 2D and 3D seismic reflection data
- Comparing crack damage evolution in rocks deformed under conventional and true triaxial loading
- Detecting the transition to failure: wavelet analysis of multi-scale crack patterns at different confining pressures
- Effect of environmental change on yield and quality of fruits and vegetables: two systematic reviews and projections of possible health effects
- Estimation and Regionalization of Baseflow Mean Response Time in the Loess Plateau, China
- Full-Waveform Modelling of Seismic Wave Propagation and Scattering within Extrusive Basalt Sequences
- High resolution isotope data and ensemble modelling reveal ecohydrological controls on catchment storage-discharge relationships and flux travel time distributions
- Hydrological connectivity in the karst critical zone: an integrated approach
- Igneous Sheet Intrusions as a Record of Paleostress States
- Image processing for quantifying fracture orientation and length scale transitions during brittle deformation
- Information footprint of different ecohydrological data sources: using multi-objective calibration of a physically-based model as hypothesis testing
- Interaction of the Cyprus/Tethys Slab With the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Anatolia
- Late Permian rivers draining the uplifted Cape Fold Belt: magnetostratigraphy and detrital thermochronology of Karoo Basin sediments
- Lithospheric thickness variations across the North Anatolian Fault Zone
- Post-breakup faulting of the outer Vøring Margin
- Predicting Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Groundwater Boreholes Using Self-Potential Data
- Quantifying the role of vegetation in controlling the time-variant age of evapotranspiration, soil water and stream flow
- Rapid advance and retreat over centennial/millennial timescales at Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, SW Greenland - implications for modelling, and behaviour of tidewater glaciers
- Regional variations in the provenance of desert sedimentary systems: An example from the Paraná Basin, Brazil
- Seismicity and seismic hazard in Sabah, East Malaysia from earthquake and geodetic data
- Stress interactions among arrays of tensile cracks in 3D: Implications for the nucleation of shear failure and the orientations of faults.
- Structural characteristics of the décollement zone and underthrust sediments in the Nankai accretionary prism: Geologic architectures in the Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370
- Terrestrial Responses to Variability in the Southern Westerlies Inferred from Deep Holocene Peat Archives
- The Formation of Laurentia: Evidence from Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Tomography
- The Thermal Evolution of the Southeast Baffin Island Continental Margin: An Integrated Apatite Fission Track and Apatite (U-Th)/He Study
- The essential value of long-term experimental data for hydrology and water management
- Transdimensional, hierarchical, Bayesian inversion of ambient seismic noise: Australia
- Using isotopes to quantify evaporation and non-stationary transit times distributions in lake water budgets
- Visualising Three Dimensional Damage and Failure Envelopes: Implications for True Triaxial Deformation
- Water Travel Time Distributions in Permafrost-affected Catchments: Challenges, Progress and Implications
- 2D Coda Attenuation Mapping of Romania Using Sensitivity Kernels
- A Synthesis on the Dynamics of Water and Energy Partitioning of Seasonally Dry Forests
- A natural example of permeability reduction from porosity occlusion due to CO<SUB>2</SUB> - rock interaction: implications for carbon capture and storage.
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- How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors
- How dynamic are ice-stream beds?
- Improving Global N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Estimates Through the use of a Global Nitrous Oxide Database
- Integrating an Agent-Based Model for E. coli Behaviour with a Tracer-Aided Hydrological Model to Test a Perceptual Model Linking Catchment Hydrological Functioning to Microbial Water Quality
- Investigating the Evolution of Physical Properties of Reservoir Rocks Using a New True Triaxial Apparatus
- Isotopes in catchment systems: past and present insights from monitoring and modelling and current challenges
- Land, water, greenhouse gas and fertiliser intensities of plant- and animal-based food production worldwide.
- Linking mountain snowmelt to interbasin transfers of groundwater in the semi-arid Andes
- P and S wave travel-time tomography of SE Asia-Australia collision zone
- Paleo-thermal anomaly along with the decollement off the Cape of Muroto, Japan: controlled by subduction
- Post-subduction tectonics in North Borneo: constraints from P receiver functions
- Predicting the Probability and Degree of Preferential Flow in Porous Media from Pore-Network Geometric and Topological Properties
- Scaling the impact of rhizosphere processes - from imaged pore scale nutrient uptake to full field continuum models
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- The Influence of Flexural Rigidity on Wave-induced Hydrodynamics within Aquatic Vegetation Canopies
- The Role of Hydrology in Relation to Soil Organic Carbon Turnover in Pool Based Models.
- The value of long-term observations for hydrological event response analysis
- Time-Dependent analyses of First Motion derived Focal Mechanism Solutions in Volcanic Media
- Virtual Outcrop Models for development of spatial reasoning skills and public engagement
- A New Agent-Based Model for Assessing the Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Sources and Transfer Mechanisms Contributing Faecal Indicator Organisms to Streams
- A new P-wave mantle tomographic model for Africa and a receiver function study of the Ethiopian plateau
- A review of Chinese agricultural decision support tools
- Assessment of nitrogen balance and benchmarks for sustainable N management in the main cropping systems of China
- Bedrock landsliding and fluvial landscape evolution: the Quebrada Arcas alluvial fan system, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
- Clay lies still? The Role of Authigenic Clays in Fault Zones and the implications for Fluid Flow
- Coffee Arabica and shade trees show complementary use of soil water in a traditional agroforestry system
- DOC transport and export in a dynamic tropical catchment
- Damage indicators and failure prediction in focal mechanism solutions
- Depositional regimes at the Brazilian Equatorial Margin during the Cenozoic
- Discovery of giant submarine canyons on the Davie Ridge (western Indian Ocean): timing of formation and significance.
- Eco-morphodynamic restoration and the development of aquatic habitat in a gravel bed river.
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Explicit Incorporation of Fractures into Pore Network Models
- High-TiO2 Basalts at Iceland and the North Atlantic Igneous Province
- In-situ synchrotron X-ray tomography of fluid injection experiments
- Integrating juvenile habitat quality and river connectivity models to prioritise the management of manmade barriers to migration for Atlantic salmon across spatial scales
- Interfacial tension measurement of N<SUB>2</SUB> + brine systems
- Joint inversion of P and S wave arrival times for Vp/Vs ratio in SE Asia
- Linking the landscape and riverscape through ecohydrological studies in the Scottish Highlands: the Girnock and Bruntland catchment studies
- Near-surface flowpath dominance in a pristine humid tropical rainforest
- New Insights Into Seismic Absorption Imaging
- Pore-Scale Colloid Retention Processes in the Vadose Zone: A Statistical Analysis
- Post-Subduction Tectonics in North Borneo: Constraints on Crustal and Mantle Structure from Receiver Functions
- Quantifying the role of vegetation in partitioning "green" and "blue" water fluxes in drought-sensitive lowland headwaters: implications for sustainable and land and water management under climate change.
- Rock physics and mineralogical characterization of seismic attenuation in volcanic rocks at laboratory sample scale
- Sand dams: harvesting rainwater, recharging aquifers and supporting multiple SDGs through green-grey infrastructure
- Simulating Energy and Water Dynamics for a Temperate Urban Microclimate Using a Fully Distributed Eco-Hydrological Model
- Subduction zones and orogenic processes in southeast Asia: Insights from seismic imaging and the spatial distribution of earthquakes
- The Crustal Structure of Cyprus: Insights from Joint-Inversion of Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- The Demnitzer Mill Creek catchment: a drought-sensitive lowland headwater and long-term environmental observatory in Brandenburg, NE Germany.
- The First Impact Crater in the Paleogene: Implications for Recovery After the K-Pg Mass Extinction
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental
- Transpiration is the youngest water flux in the humid tropics
- Using isotopes to understand ecohydrological flux dynamics in forests and grasslands in a drought-sensitive lowland catchment
- Using isotopes to understand the evolution of water ages in a complex agricultural catchment
- What's the damage? Multiscale analyses of attributes in fault damage zones - fracture length distributions, orientation scale transitions and network connectivity
- Zeta potential of calcite-brine interface - new insights into the effect of brine composition and concentration
- A new integrated assessment framework for climate-smart food security in sub-Saharan Africa: methods and phase I results
- Analysis of teleseismic shear-wave splitting in the post-subduction environment of Sabah, Borneo
- Analyzing Radiation, Air Temperature and Soil Moisture Controls on Urban Surface Temperatures Using an Ecohydrologic Model
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Deciphering Plant-Soil Water Interactions in Tropical Agroforestry Systems
- Flow path resistance in heterogeneous porous media recast into a graph-theory problem
- Global Land-Use Change, Biomass and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Producing Plant- and Animal-based Human Food
- Hydrodynamics of large-amplitude oscillatory flows over cylinder arrays
- Isotope tracers reveal summer drought effects on urban water systems and their recovery in Berlin, Germany
- Magma Mixing and the Contrasting Chemistries of Basalt at Most Spreading Ridges and the North Atlantic Igneous Province
- New constraints on seismicity in Eastern Sabah, Malaysia
- Noble gases confirm plume-related mantle degassing beneath Southern Africa
- PIV for Peanuts - a Low Cost Particle Image Velocimetry System to Observe Terminal Velocity in Suspensions
- Parameterizing tropical forest diversity: integrating a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed trait measurements
- Planetary resilience jeopardized by homogenization of the terrestrial water cycle
- Restoring multi life-stage, connected aquatic habitat via geomorphic forcing in gravel bed river restoration
- Seismic Structure and Tectonic Evolution of Borneo and Sulawesi
- The Prodigal Bubble - Celebrating the Return of the Bubble to a Recirculating Suspended Sediment Tower
- The Rheological Effects of Disordered Carbon in Strained Rocks: a Case Study in the Haut Giffre, French Alps.
- Upscaling water storage - flux - age interactions in larger catchments using tracer aided ecohydrological models
- Connections of water sources and water partitioning in a heavily urbanised system
- Effects of subduction termination processes on continental lithosphere
- Heterogeneous catchment functioning revealed by cross-scale monitoring of stable water isotopes and tracer-aided ecohydrological modeling at larger scales
- How to measure, report and verify soil carbon change
- If You Cant Measure It, You Cant Improve It: How Research Community Can Efficiently Support GHG Inventories under the Paris Agreement
- Imaging Subduction, Collision, and Extension in Sabah, Borneo: Constraints from Receiver Functions
- In-situ monitoring of stable water isotopes in soil and xylem water reveals shallow sources of root water uptake in riparian Willow trees (Salix alba)
- Measurements of anisotropic poroelastic moduli in Westerly granite and comparison with predictions from crack density tensors
- Miocene structural inversion of the Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin (SW Georgia, Caucasus) in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone
- Modelling of snow, glacier and rainfall contribution to the total runoff in high-altitude Stok catchment, Ladakh region, India from 2002-2019.
- PACKMAN An Open Source, Portable Instrument to Investigate Space Weather
- Soil microorganisms regulate extracellular enzyme production to maximize their growth rate
- Tektonika, unlocking Earth Sciences
- Unravelling the role of landscape characteristics, hydroclimate and water management on NO3-N cycling via a 30-year distributed modelling in a lowland catchment
- Variation of Crustal Thickness and Seismic Structure in Borneo
- Zeta Potential of Intact Carbonate Core Samples Saturated with Aqueous Solutions of Varying Composition, Concentration, and Carbon-Related Ions Content
- Changes in Slope Canyon-Channel Systems Record the Asynchronous Uplift of Pemba and Zanzibar Islands, Offshore Northern Tanzania.
- Estimating the Rock Distribution of Lunar Regolith Using Ground Penetrating Radar: A Case Study at Von Kármán Crater
- Geologic Interrogation of 3D Outcrop Reconstructions: Sources of Uncertainty and Mitigation Strategies
- Low Frequency Multi-Offset Planetary Radar: A Novel Mission Scheme that Utilizes both Rover and Lander
- Probing Into The Crust Through Eastern Scotland
- The Need for Integrated Critical Zone Process Understanding of Water Flow in Cities
- The North Borneo Puzzle: Detailed seismic imaging of a complex post-subduction tectonic setting
- Using Seismic Data from NASA's InSight Mission to Characterize and Relate Marsquakes with any Identifiable Surface Changes.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alagappan Ramanathan
- Amy Gilligan
- Binayak P. Mohanty
- C. B. Voter
- Christiane Marx
- Claire J. Oswald
- Clare E. Bond
- David G. Cornwell
- David Healy
- Deborah Wehner
- Djordje Grujić
- Doerthe Tetzlaff
- Jan Vinogradov
- Maren Dubbert
- Marina Dottore Stagna
- María Paz Zorzano
- Mohamed Gouiza
- Mohd Soheb
- Nicholas Rawlinson
- P. G. Meredith
- Pete Smith
- Rhodri Davies
- Roberto Rizzo
- Salvatore Calabrese
- Sarah H. Ledford
- Shaktiman Singh
- Simone Pilia
- Thasshwin Mathanlal
- Thomas Gusmeo
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Xiaoqiang Yang