University of Padua, Department of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Calcareous Nannofossil Response to Transient and Long-term Climate Evolutions: the PETM and Early Eocene in the Southern Alps (Italy).
- Co-seismic Static Stress Drops for Earthquake Ruptures Nucleated on Faults After Progressive Strain Localization
- Is the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) recorded in the central-western Tethys?
- Shear-Wave Structure Model of Venetian Plane, Italy, From Seismic Noise Measurements
- An example of hydrogeophysical characterization of hillslope hydrology
- Assessment of local hydraulic properties from Electrical Resistivity Tomography monitoring of tracer test experiments
- Compressibility and Structural Stability of Hydrous Olivine Fo97Fa3 up to 34 GPa by XRD and Raman Spectroscopy
- Crystal Chemistry of Hydrous Forsterite and its Vibrational Properties up to 41 GPa
- Deciphering P-T-t Paths from Reaction Microstructures in Metamorphic Rocks: a New Approach by Means of Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modelling
- Effects of Fault Orientation on Fault Rock Assemblages of Exhumed Seismogenic Sources
- Involvement of Pore Fluids During Frictional Melting from Hydrogen Isotopic Investigation of Pseudotachylytes
- Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Magneto-Biostratigraphy of the Cicogna section (Belluno Basin, NE Italy)
- On the genetic connection between misorientation and weakness: slip-tendency analysis of exhumed fault zones in the Alps
- Organic Carbon Burial Following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) a Mechanism for Global Cooling?
- Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and geochronology of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) from the Middle Atlas and Western Meseta, Morocco
- Repeated Production of Pseudotachylyte at the Brittle/Ductile Transition (Western Alps, Italy)
- SAFOD Brittle Microstructure and Mechanics Knowledge Base (SAFOD BM2KB)
- Seismic Fault Zone Rocks from a Subduction Megathrust (Kodiak Is., AK)
- Seismic slip at the base of the seismogenic layer along the exhumed extensional Oligocene Trois Villes Fault (Western Italian Alps)
- Spectral and Morphological Analysis of Daedalia Planum Lava Field
- Structure and density of perovskite from subducted oceanic crust in the lower mantle.
- Thermochronological Evidence for a Late Pliocene Climate-Induced Erosion Rate Increase in the Alps
- 3-D FEM-based thermal modeling of frictional melt cooling and constraints on microstructures in pseudotachylytes vein
- A terrestrial PETM record of variations in carbon and hydrologic cycles from Northern Italian
- Evidences of transient increase of fluid pressure in isolated patches of the active San Andreas Fault in SAFOD phase III cores
- Hexagonal anorthite in pseudotachylyte: a new finding to constrain the thermal history during a seismic event
- High Temperature Solid-State Coeval Brittle and Ductile Deformation during Cooling of Lake Edison Granodiorite (Sierra Nevada, California)
- Impact of ERT data inversion uncertainty on the assessment of local hydraulic properties from tracer test experiments
- Improved understanding of the relationship between hydraulic properties and streaming potentials
- Inferring earthquake mechanics from exhumed faults (Invited)
- Integrated provenance-detrital thermochronology studies in ANDRILL AND-2A drill core: first evidence of an Oligocene exhumation episode (McMurdo Sound, Antarctica)
- Internally consistent geothermometers for garnet peridotites and pyroxenites
- Li/Mg ratios in shallow- and deep-sea coral exoskeletons as a new temperature proxy
- Mechanics of the 1963 Vaiont landslide (Northern Italy) from low- and high-velocity friction experiments
- Quantifying the Structure of an Exhumed Seismogenic Fault Zone Using Terrestrial Laser-Scanning and Differential GPS
- Structural Control on Hydrothermal Fluid Circulations in Two Volcanoes of the Aeolian Archipelago, Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy)
- Surface roughness of ancient seismic faults exhumed from seismogenic depths (Gole Larghe Fault, Italian Alps)
- The importance of being coupled: Stable states, transitions and responses to changing forcings in tidal bio-morphodynamics (Invited)
- The response of tidal morphologies to changing physical and biological forcings
- Water-Weakening of Quartz and Variable Strength of the Crust: Direct Field Evidence from the Relative Strength of Calcite and Quartz (Invited)
- Analysis of the erosion of marsh boundaries produced by wind-wave impact in a shallow tidal basin
- Evidence of Thermal Pressurization in High Velocity Friction Experiments on Smectite-Rich Gouges
- Evidence of transient increases of fluid pressure in SAFOD phase III cores
- Experimental Investigation of Flash Weakening in Limestones
- Microstructural evidence of melting in crustal rocks (Invited)
- Modeling the effect of Wind-Waves and Tidal Flows on sediment resuspension in Shallow Microtidal Basins
- Molecular H2O in Microporous Silicates: Thermodynamically Ice-Like?
- On the relevance of the initial conditions in field tracer tests monitored by time lapse ERT: the Settolo (Italy) case study
- Patterns in salt-marsh ecosystems: the role of biotic and abiotic forcings
- Principal Slip Zones in Limestone: Natural and Experimental Examples of `Clast-Cortex Grains' and Implications for the Seismic Cycle
- Role of Ferric Iron and Protons in Mg-Fe Interdiffusion in (Mg,Fe)O
- Sliding behavior of calcite and dolomite marbles at seismic deformation conditions
- Spectra of volcanic rocks glasses as analogues of Mercury surface spectra
- Surface roughness of ancient seismic faults exhumed from 10 km depths (Gole Larghe Fault, Italian Alps) characterized over five orders of magnitude
- A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Bacchiglione River (Italy)
- A saline tracer test monitored via both surface and cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography
- An analytical biogeomorphic model for salt-marsh equilibrium states and transient dynamics
- Apatite triple dating of Andrill AND-2A sediments (McMurdo Sound, Antarctica)
- Biogeomorphology of tidal landforms: physical and biological processes shaping the tidal landscape
- Borehole GPR data inversion for hydro-geophysical applications
- Calibration of a Surface Water Continuous Hydrological Model via Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- Constraints on friction during earthquakes from rock deformation experiments
- Evolution through mutation and selection of biological and morphological features in the intertidal zone
- Experimental investigation of earthquake precursory slip pulses and accelerating creep
- Exploratory results from a new rotary shear designed to reproduce the extreme deformation conditions of crustal earthquakes
- Fault roughness evolution with slip (Gole Larghe Fault Zone, Italian Alps)
- Geochemistry of eastern North American CAMP diabase dykes
- Laboratory Observations on Tidal Network Growth and Development
- Oligocene dextral strike-slip faulting in Anatolia: an early escape
- Saltwater contamination in the Venice Lagoon margin. Effects on soil productivity
- Searching for optimum sulfurous water well sites using surface geophysical methods
- Simulating thermal stress features on hot planetary surfaces in vacuum at high temperature facility in the PEL laboratory
- Slipping zones from exhumed faults in dolostones (Borcola Pass Fault, Italian Southern Alps)
- Soil mapping using electro-magnetic methods: development of a unified constitutive model
- The Role of Reactivation and Fluid Pressure Cycling in The Development of Late Zeolite-bearing Faults and Fractures From The Adamello Batholith, Italy
- The evolution of fabric with displacement in natural brittle faults
- Three-dimensional micro-roughness of a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface
- Time-lapse ERT for the monitoring of soil-plant interactions in the root zone
- Ultra-low co-seismic stiffness of fault rocks at seismogenic (8-11 km) depth
- Constraints on the coseismic properties of faults dynamically weakened due to silica gel lubrication
- Detrital dating on drill-core records from McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea (Antarctica)
- Development of seismic anisotropy during subduction-induced 3D mantle flow
- Early-middle Eocene chronology of the Southern Ocean: magnetostratigraphic data from the South Island of New Zealand
- Effects of Relative Mean Sea Level Variations on Tidal Networks Generated on Experimental Setting
- Mirror-like slip surfaces in dolostone: natural and experimental constraints on a potential seismic marker
- Modelling fault surface roughness and fault rocks thickness evolution with slip: calibration based on field and laboratory data
- Monitoring soil-vegetation interactions using non-invasive geophysical techniques
- Paleocene-Eocene magnetostratigraphy and climate-driven rock-magnetism from the Belluno Basin (Italy)
- Risk of land degradation due to saltwater intrusion along the Venice coastland, Italy
- Salt marsh equilibrium states and transient dynamics in response to changing rates of sea level rise and sediment supply
- Scaling of friction and fracture energy in experiments and seismological estimates
- The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum: a multi-proxy record of paleoceanographic changes in the South Atlantic (ODP Site 1263)
- The geological manifestation of earthquake swarms: Evidence from the Adamello Batholith in the Southern Italian Alps
- Water in the Slab: a Trilogy
- a Comparison Between Hydrological Model Predictions and Micro-Gravity Time-Lapse Distributed Surveys
- a Comparison Between Zero-Offset and Vertical Radar Profiling Gpr Techniques with Emphasis on Problematic Borehole Effects
- An assessment of the record in compositional variations from mantle source to magmatism at East Island, Crozet archipelago
- Back-Transformation kinetics in the MgSiO3 system at upper mantle conditions
- Calcium pyroxenes at Mercurian surface temperatures: investigation of in-situ emissivity spectra and thermal expansion
- Clast-cortex grains in natural and experimental carbonate-bearing fault zones: slip-rate independent formation at shallow depth
- Effect of glass on the frictional behaviour of igneous rocks during earthquakes
- Effect of water on the frictional behavior of cohesive rocks during earthquakes (Invited)
- Elastic properties of alkali-feldspars
- Evolution of Microroughness with Increasing Slip Magnitude on Pseudotachylyte-Bearing Fault Surfaces
- Fluid inclusion evidence of post-seismic fluid flow induced by dynamic rupture
- Fluid pressure and fault strength: insights from load-controlled experiments on carbonate-bearing rocks
- Friction at seismic slip rates: testing thermal weakening models experimentally
- Genesis and fluid source in Arabia crater mounds: mapping, fractal analysis, and impact simulations
- Geophysical characterization of crude-oil contamination: the example of the Trecate site (Italy). (Invited)
- Is fully coupled hydrogeophysical inversion really better than uncoupled? A comparison study using ensemble Kalman filter assimilation of ERT-monitored tracer test data. (Invited)
- Linking morphology to ecosystem structure using satellite for monitoring Wetlands
- Silica Lubrication in Faults (Invited)
- Soil-plant-atmosphere water balance via time-lapse 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Eddy covariance measurements
- Statistical characterization of wind-wave induced sediment resuspension events in shallow tidal basins
- Strain localization in experimentally sheared gouge layers
- The Secret Gardener: Vegetation and the Emergence of Bio-geomorphic Patterns in Tidal Environments
- The importance of inherited structures in slope evolution: the Ridnaun Valley case, Italy
- Thermochronological Evidence for Cenozoic Segmentation of Transantarctic Mountains
- Time-lapse ERT for the monitoring of soil-plant interactions in the root zone
- Weakening mechanisms along Low-Angle Normal Faults in pelagic limestones (Southern Apennine, Italy): insights from microstructural analysis
- Composition of Crustal Melts at the Source Area: Information from Glassy Melt Inclusions in Anatectic Enclaves
- Interdisciplinary Study of Urbanization and Impacts - the Poplex 2014 Field Campaign
- Microstructures and Petrology of Melt Inclusions in the Anatectic Sequence of Jubrique (Betic Cordillera, S Spain): Implications for Crustal Anatexis
- Phobos Grooves Analysis: do They Favor the In Situ or the Asteroidal Capture Origin?
- Remelting of Nanogranites in Peritectic Garnet from Granulites of Jubrique, Betic Cordillera, Southern Spain
- TIR Spectroscopy: Looking for Igneous Rocks on the Surface of Mercury.
- The H<SUB>2</SUB>O Content of Granite Embryos
- Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Distributed Temperature Measurements and Modeling in the Hyporheic Zone of an Alpine River.
- Water and Slabs in the Transition Zone - Hydrous Ringwoodite in Diamond
- 3D Tomography of Accretionary Lapilli From The Island of Stromboli (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy): Spatial Arrangement, Internal Structure, Grain Size Distribution and Chemical Characterization
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar ages and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of alkaline and tholeiitic rocks from the northern Deccan Traps
- Benthic Foraminifera, Food in the Deep Sea, and Limits to Bentho-Pelagic Coupling
- Geochemical Stratigraphy of Southern Parana' Lava Piles
- H<SUB>2</SUB>O content of nominally anhydrous mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Udachnaya kimberlite
- Investigating sulfur partitioning between nominally volatile-free minerals and silicate melts
- Micro 3D ERT tomography for data assimilation modelling of active root zone
- Neoproterozic Re-Os age of a sulfide inclusion in a superdeep diamond: Implications for mantle convection beneath Juina, Brazil
- Use of Time-lapse Mise-á-la-Masse Measurements to Monitor a Saline Tracer Test: Advantages and Limitations.
- Coseismic Origin of Foliated Cataclasites and Preservation Potential During the Seismic Cycle
- Detrital Thermochronology, Geochronology and Petrography of the LGM Eastern Ross Sea (Antarctica), with Implications for Tectonic Evolution of Marie Byrd Land
- Intermediate-Depth Subduction Earthquakes Recorded by Pseudotachylyte in Dry Eclogite-Facies Oceanic Lithosphere from the Alps
- Interplay between Seismic Fracturing and Aseismic Creep in the Woodroffe Thrust, Central Australia - Inferences for the Rheology of Relatively "Dry" Middle Continental Crust
- Interplay between fracture and flow at different scales in the middle and lower continental crust
- Localization of Ductile Shear on Precursor Pseudotachylyte in the Lower Crust
- Microstructural Evolution during Mid-Crustal Shear Zone Thickening and Thinning, Mount Irene Detachment Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Multi-frequency inversion of FDEM data for the study of ancient meandering channels in tidal landscapes
- New Stability Field of Jeffbenite (ex-"TAPP"): Possibility of Super-Deep Origin
- Non-invasive monitoring and modelling of the root active zones: progresses, caveats and outlook.
- Phyllosilicate-rich ultra-thin layers in carbonate fault gouge drive seismic slip propagation
- Pseudotachylytes and mirror-like surfaces from extensional faults in Alpine Corsica (France)
- Single-crystal elastic constants of spinel (MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>) to 11.1 GPa by Brillouin scattering
- What is the earthquake fracture energy?
- 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Mise-à-la-Masse Method as Tools for the Characterization of Vine Roots
- A comparison of petrophysical data inputs for establishing time-depth relationships: a guide for future drilling expeditions
- Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Included in Super-Deep Diamonds
- Intrabasement structures as structural templates for rifts: Insights from the Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand
- Mantle sources for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province basalts from Hf isotopes
- Occurrence of high-Al N-MORB along the Easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge
- Possible climate effects of the CAMP intrusive and extrusive activity and its influence on the end-Triassic mass extinction
- Quantifying apparent anisotropy in a chemically heterogeneous Earth's mantle
- Remelting of nanogranitoids in UHP felsic granulites from Erzgebirge (Bohemian Massif, Germany)
- Sulfur partitioning applied to LIP magmatism - A new approach for quantifying sulfur concentration in basaltic melts
- The Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP)
- Advances in submicron Raman spectroscopy mapping of serpentinite fault rocks
- Assessing The Extent of Citrus Trees Root Apparatus Under Deficit Irrigation Through Geophysical Imaging
- Can compositional mantle heterogeneities be detected with seismic anisotropy?
- Changing the viewpoint: entrapment of melt inclusions upon heating
- Coseismic ruptured creeping Guanxian-Anxian fault during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake (China)
- Hydrous melting in the deep mantle
- Laboratory Study of Lagoonal Environments Evolution: Setup and Control of the Tidal Wave Generation System
- Mantle Radial Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones: New Constraints from Seismology, Geodynamics, and Mineral Physics
- Melt inclusions at extreme crustal conditions
- Melt inclusions from the deep continental crust: recovering the starting composition of crustal melts
- New Ladinian Magnetostratigraphy from Dolomites (Italy): An Improvement of the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale of the Triassic
- On the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Geochemically Distinct Lavas in the Deccan Large Igneous Province
- 3D geodynamic models for the double subduction-collision system: The Taiwan and Alps/Apennines orogens
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of Giant Plagioclase Basalts of the Deccan Traps
- An exceptionally exposed seismogenic source in the Atacama Desert: The Bolfin Fault Zone (Chile)
- Brittle-viscous deformation and the earthquake cycle in the lower crust
- Chaotic Late Triassic Carbon And The Overlooked Extinction At The Norian-Rhaetian Boundary
- Earthquake lubrication and healing caused by amorphous silica powder - experimental wear products compared to natural fault rocks
- Earthquake reactivation and seismic slip in presence of viscous fluids
- Extrinsic viscous anisotropy in two-phase aggregates
- Field and experimental evidence of frictional melting in fluid-rich faults
- Geodynamic and Seismological Numerical Modelling for Seismic Anisotropy Studies
- High-stress creep in amphibolite-facies ultramylonites hosting pseudotachylytes: ductile instability or brittle failure?
- How hot is a lab-earthquake?
- Lower Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones
- Mantle dynamics in the Tibet: Insights from 3-D numerical modeling
- Melting of subduction modified mantle and continental crustal assimilation recorded by end-Triassic tholeiites from southern Eastern North America
- Pseudotachylytes from the Atacama Desert (Northern Chile)
- Synthetic Experiments on the Importance of Anisotropy in the Construction and Interpretation of Teleseismic P- and S-wave Tomographic Models of Subduction Zones
- The role of inherited orogenic structures on metamorphic core complex formation: a 3D numerical investigation
- Three-dimensional Modelling of the Recent Evolution of the Mediterranean Convergent Margin
- A Field and Experimental Study of Shear Localisation, Strain Partitioning and Frictional Melting in a Debris Avalanche generated by Volcanic Flank Collapse
- An alternative dynamic mechanism for syncollisional magmatism
- An integrated approach to investigate intra-point bar grain-size variability: an example from the Holocene alluvial succession of the Venetian Plain (Italy)
- Denitrifying permeable reactive barriers for groundwater remediation: Barrier design and assessment using resistivity imaging and solute transport modelling
- Diamond-Bearing Metasediments Point to Thick, Cool Lithospheric Root Established by the Mesoarchean beneath Parts of the Slave Craton (Canada)
- Discriminating mid-channel and bank-attached fluvial bars by flow divergence: Implications for the interpretation of stratigraphic records
- Fluids during (ultra-)high temperature metamorphism: new perspectives and changes in paradigm
- High stress amplifications in seismogenic continental lower crust from field and microstructural indicators
- Imaging 3D Anisotropic Subduction Zone Structure with Teleseismic P-waves: Method and Application to the Western United States
- Mesoarchean deposition age for diamond-bearing metasediment of the northwestern Slave craton, Nunavut Territory (Canada)
- New data on the stick-slip mechanics of seismogenic faults from rotary shear experiments
- Numerical modeling of intraplate and petit-spot volcanism originating from hydrous mantle transition zone
- Numerical modeling of magmatism and metamorphic core complex formation in the North China Craton
- Quantifiable effects of vegetation on river meander morphology and dynamics
- Understanding the eco-geomorphologic feedback of coastal marsh under sea level rise: vegetation dynamic representations, processes interaction, and parametric sensitivity
- Weakening mechanisms efficiency during seismic slip.
- Miocene structural inversion of the Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti back-arc basin (SW Georgia, Caucasus) in the context of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone