Institut de Physique du Globe, Strasbourg
flowchart I[Institut de Physique du Globe, Strasbourg] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (331)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Pore Crack Interaction Model for the Brittle Failure of Porous Granular Rocks
- Acoustic Emission Activity and Spatial Distribution of Damage Associated with Compaction Band Formation
- Active Tectonics of the Lower Tagus Valley Fault(Portugal) and Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Analysis of the 23 June 2001 Southern Peru Earthquake Using Locally Recorded Seismic Data
- Analysis of the 24 July 2001 Shallow Earthquake Mw=6.3 Recorded in the Northern Chile Altiplano
- Effects on Ridge Segmentation, Magmatic Plumbing and Eruption Style Caused by Weak Hot-spot to Ridge Interaction: the Central Indian Ridge and Rodrigues Hot-spot Couplet.
- Evidence for Holocene Slip and Large Earthquakes on the Yammouneh Fault (Lebanon)
- Experimental Approach of Percolation in Porous Rocks: Threshold and First Infinite Cluster
- Hidden Fault Systems in the Upper Rhine Graben, New Insights From Seismology and Geology
- Localized Failure Modes in a Compactant Porous Rock
- Petrology and Geochemistry of MORB from 30° E to 50° E along the Southwest Indian Ridge: Marion Hotspot/Ridge interaction?
- Recent development of a co-operative National Accelerometric Network in France (RAP) : description and first results.
- Seismic Source Study of the 19 January, 1995 Tauramena (Colombia) Earthquake
- The Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Structure as Seen by Surface Waves: Recent Results From Multimode Waveform Inversion
- The Tripoli-Roum thrust: source of the Beirut 551~AD earthquake and cause of the rise of Mount-Lebanon
- Tomographic Model for the AAD Region From Waveform Inversion of Rayleigh Waves and Multiscale Parameterization
- Upper Mantle Structure beneath Afar: inferences from surface waves.
- Active Crustal Structures in the Southern Rhine Graben: From Local Earthquake Tomography and Reflection Seismics to Numerical Modelling.
- Development of Discrete Compaction Bands in Two Porous Sandstones
- Seismic Microzonation for the Estimation of Sites Effects in an Urban Area - the Case Study of the City of Mulhouse (NE France)
- Seismotectonic Characteristics around the Arica Bend, Central Andes (16° S-20° S): Preliminary Results
- A New Methodology to Probe the Failure and Compactive Yield Behavior of Porous Rocks Under Undrained Conditions
- Fresh Submarine Seismic Breaks due to Historical Thrust Earthquakes Offshore Lebanon
- Global upper mantle azimuthal anisotropy and the peculiar behavior of the Australian plate
- InSAR Measurements of Ground Deformation Related to the 2003, May 21 Mw = 6.8 Zemmouri, Algeria Earthquake
- Late Cenozoic and active transpression along the Dead Sea fault in northwestern Syria
- Neogene and active shortening offshore the reactivated Levant margin in Lebanon: results of the SHALIMAR cruise
- Scaling of Natural Stylolites and Their use as Stress-Depth Gauges
- Seismic Evidence for Neogene and Active Shortening Offshore Lebanon (SHALIMAR Cruise)
- Sources of the AD 551, 1202 and 1759 earthquakes (Lebanon and Syria)
- Strain Localization and 3-Dimensional Distribution of Strain Gradient Inferred From X-ray CT Imaging
- Assessment of Finite-Frequency Theory for Regional Surface Wave Tomography
- Dilatancy and Failure in Basalt From Mt Etna Under Triaxial Compression
- Eight Years of Surface Deformation in the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression) Observed With SAR Data
- GRACE-derived Terrestrial Water Storage Depletion Associated with the 2003 European Heatwave
- Geocenter : notion, definition and realization
- High resolution 3D laser scanner measurements of a strike-slip fault
- Hydrology and oceanic contributions to seasonal gravity changes recovered from the GRACE mission
- Mascon Solutions From GRACE
- Oceanic detachment faults at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Seafloor generation at a melt-poor ultra-slow-spreading ridge
- Shear Wave Splitting on the East European Platform
- The European Gravity Field 2002-2005 from GRACE and GGP Data
- Volcanic versus A-volcanic Accretion at a Melt-Poor Ultraslow-Spreading Ridge; New Insights from Magnetization of 0-30 Ma Seafloor at the Easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge
- 1000 Years of Usage: The Life Story of a Roman Aqueduct Provides Tectonic Information
- A CGPS Network Along the Rhine Graben in Eastern France: Monitoring Slow Rates of Deformation at the Northwestern Margin of the Alps
- An Automated Waveform-Similarity Phase Selection Algorithm for Fully 3D Adjoint Tomography
- Broadband Rotational Ground Motions: Observations And Modelling
- Determination, by 10Be Cosmogenic Dating, of Slip-rates on the Karakorum Fault (Tibet) and Paleoclimatic Evolution Since 200 ka
- Fast morphochronologic slip-rates on the Altyn Tagh fault at ~ 90°E: a critical assessment of potential sources of an enduring discrepancy.
- Faulted Tell and ancient road by the Dead Sea Transform in southern Turkey
- From Coseismic to Cumulative Offsets: Linking the Earthquakes to the Long Term Slip Rate Along the Kunlun Fault (Tibet)
- From Slow to Ultra-Slow: The Southwest Indian Ridge at 24 Ma
- Is Europe getting dryer? Soil moisture depletion observed from GRACE
- Large offset normal faults, ridge obliquity, and the distribution of volcanism at a melt-poor ultra-slow spreading ridge
- Mechanics of coupled granular/fluid flows
- Modeling the Gravity Change Induced by the 2004 Sumatra Andaman Earthquake as Seen by GRACE
- Monitoring and Modelling of a Solute Ttransport Experiment Using 2D Resistivity Tomography
- Observations Of Rotational Motions Around Vertical And Horizontal Axes: Comparison With Translations
- Recovery of the Three-Gorges Reservoir Impoundment Signal from ICESat altimetry and GRACE
- Rotational Signals In The P Coda
- Slip deficit along the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault from paleoseismology, historical seismology and archeoseismology
- Source- And Basin-Related Effects On Ground Rotational Motions: A Synthetic Study
- Southern California `Event' Kernels for 3D Tomographic Inversions Based Upon Adjoint Methods
- Stylolite formation: dynamic modeling where elastic and surface forces compete with material disorder.
- The Gravity Signature in GRACE of the Sumatra-Andaman 2004 Earthquake
- The Seismic Cycle and the Difference Between Foreshocks and Aftershocks
- The influence of anisotropy on the yield-cap and transport properties of Diemelstadt sandstone during a dilatant-compactant transition in deformation mode
- Using Adjoint Methods to Improve 3-D Velocity Models of Southern California
- Variety of Stylolites Morphologies and Statistical Characterization of the Amount of Heterogeneities in the Rock
- Adjoint Tomography of Southern California
- Clear signature of Last Glacial Maximum advances in Southern Tibet
- Co-seismic and paleo-seismic slip along the Kokoxili Mw 7.8 earthquake rupture
- Discrete Compaction Bands in Porous Sandstone: Stress Scaling and Energetics of Propagation
- Earthquake Clustering along the Dead Sea Fault: The Influence of Strain Pattern and Geometrical Complexities on Rupture Propagation
- Episodic behavior of the Dead Sea fault from slip rate variations and integrated seismicity
- GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdrology in AFrica): a New Experiment Combining Hydrology and Geodesy to Investigate Water Storage Changes from the Sahara to the Equatorial Monsoon Zone.
- GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdrology in AFrica): an Experiment to Validate GRACE in Africa From the Sahara to the Equatorial Monsoon Zone
- Geodetic Monitoring Of A Karst Aquifer In The Larzac Region, South Of France
- Global Imaging of Upper Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities and Discontinuities From Observations of Body-Wave Travel-Times and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion.
- Local Earthquakes Tomography in the Southern Tyrrhenian Region (Italy): Geophysical and Petrological Inferences on Subducting Lithosphere
- Morphological Changes of the Invading Structure in a 2D Multiphase Flow Driven by Oscillatory Pressure
- Scaling of Natural Stylolites and Their use as Stress-Depth Gauges
- Seismic Evidence for Neogene and Active Shortening Offshore Lebanon (SHALIMAR Cruise)
- Seismicity Patterns and Permeability Reduction Associated With the Anisotropic Propagation of Discrete Compaction Bands in Diemelstadt Sandstone
- The Apame Project: Archeo-Paleoseismology for the Protection of Archeological Sites and Cultural Heritage in the Middle East
- The Tectonic Geomorphology and the Archeoseismicity of the Dead Sea Transform in Jordan Valley
- Thinning Factors and Crustal Thicknesses at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin
- Two-Phase Fluid Flow in a Porous Medium Under the Influence of an Oscillatory Body Force
- 4D Absolute Gravity, Surface to Depth Gravity and Microgravity Measurements: Application to Groundwater Monitoring in a Karst System in the Larzac Plateau (France)
- Adjoint Tomography of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Japan Subduction Zone
- Application of X-ray CT Imaging to the Study of Compaction Localization in High Porosity Sandstones
- Assessing the conditions of continental breakup at magma-poor rifted margins: what can we learn from slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges ?
- Channel formation by piping: destabilization of loosely consolidated dense granular media due to interstitial fluid flow
- Deformation and Failure Properties of Colli Albani Tuff
- Estimating tropospheric phase delay in SAR interferograms using Global Atmospheric Models
- First Gravity and Geodetic Results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdRology in AFrica) Experiment
- GGP - An International Project Dedicated to Studies of Geodynamics Based on Superconducting Gravimeter Observations
- Imaging Earth's Interior Based Upon Adjoint Methods
- Impact of High-Resolution Data Assimilation of GPS Zenith Delay on Mediterranean Heavy Rainfall Forecasting
- In situ monitoring of the hydro-thermo-mechanical behavior of an active normal fault in the Corinth Rift (Greece)
- New Exploration of Kerguelen Plateau Margins
- Oceanic corrugated surfaces and the strength of the axial lithosphere at slow spreading ridges
- Paleoseimic investigations along the Ganos fault and characteristics of the 9 August 1912 Ganos earthquake (Ms=7.3) - North Anatolian Fault / Turkey
- Seismic swarm activity and regional fluid fluxes in the Corinth Rift(Greece)
- Strong Southern California Crustal Heterogeneity Revealed by Adjoint Tomography
- Surface-exposure cosmogenic dating of Southern Tibet moraines reveal glaciations coincident with the Northern Hemisphere
- Testing the Performance of W-phase Source Inversion
- The Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Sichuan, China: Surface rupture and oblique right-lateral co-seismic thrusting
- Active tectonics and kinematic modeling at the triple junction between the East Anatolian Fault, the Dead Sea Fault and the Cyprus Arc
- Adjoint Tomography of the Southern California Crust (Invited) (Invited)
- Annual water storage variability in Southwest Niger: confrontation of absolute gravimetric measurements and magnetic resonance soundings surveys with hydrological observations
- Electrokinetics dependence on water-content in sand
- Modeling coupled fluid-grain deformation within fault zones
- Rupture Characteristics of the 1912 Mürefte (Ganos) Earthquake Segment of the North Anatolian Fault (Western Turkey)
- Seismic cycle, long-term faulting behavior and slip rate variations along the Dead Sea Fault (Jordan)
- Seismoelectric and seismomagnetic measurements: original experiments within the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel (France) (Invited)
- Seismoelectric measurements for the characterization of partially saturated porous media
- Three dimensional surface slip partitioning of the Sichuan earthquake from Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Towards a Global Multiple-frequency Tomography of the Earth's Mantle
- Upper mantle shear wave structure of the North American mantle and its control on continental deformation
- A review of the GGP network and scientific challenges (Invited)
- Comparison of lake mass variations from GRACE high resolution mascon solutions and altimetry
- Dyke intrusion dynamics during the ongoing rifting episode in Afar
- From slow to ultra-slow: Does spreading rate affect seafloor roughness and crustal thickness?
- Gravimetric response of water table fluctuations in the Sahelian Diffa site (East Niger): local effects including poro-elasticity
- Incision and uplift patterns along the Yellow River from fluvial terrace dating in northeastern Tibet: implications for plateau building
- Long-term and Short-term Earthquake Behavior Along The Dead Sea Fault (Jordan) From Geomorphology, Paleoseismology And Archeoseismology
- Ocean-continent-transition at magma poor rifted margins, the magnetic signature of a magmatic breakup?
- Quaternary Slip on the Southern Segment of the Karakorum Fault and Pulan Graben, Western Tibet
- Roughness of fault surface: evidence of self-affine morphology from the submillimetric scale to large earthquake surface rupture
- Self-affine fault surface roughness: implications for the slip distribution and the amount of static stress drop after an earthquake
- Self-similarity and stationarity of stylolites: effect of heterogeneities initially present in the rock
- The combination of satellite and in-situ gravimetric and hydrogeophysical measurements constrains water storage capacity in South West Niger
- A Journey Through the Mantle Transition Zone Under Western US From Single and Multiple Scattered Waves
- A review of seismoelectric data processing techniques
- Analysis of background microseismicity for crustal velocity model, fault delineation and regional stress direction in Southern Apennines, Italy
- Calibrating broad-band seismometers in the extreme cold : Application to the observatory station CCD (Concordia, DomeC, Antarctica)
- Co-seismic and cumulative offsets of the recent earthquakes along the Karakax left-lateral strike-slip fault in western Tibet
- Comminution and frictional melting in volcanic conduits
- Contribution of gravimetry to the Taiwanese orogeny study
- Deformation in the Upper Rhine Graben from Gurn (gnss Upper Rhine Graben Network)
- Dependence of Relative Timing of Continental Crustal Rupture and Melt Generation on the Deformation Mode of Lithosphere Thinning and Stretching
- Elastic thickness control of lateral dike intrusion at mid-ocean ridges
- From hyper-extended rifts to orogens: the example of the Mauléon rift basin in the Western Pyrenees (SW France)
- Ground and space geodesy to constrain water storage changes in West Africa: latest results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) project (2008-2011)
- How to fully exploit frequency-dependent S-wave travel times for refining the Earth's mantle imaging?
- Intensive microgravity field campaign dedicated to the search of low to medium amplitude hydrological signals: a case study in Southwest Niger
- Link between Coulomb stress changes and seismic activation in the Marmara sea after the Izmit (Turkey) earthquake
- Lithospheric structure and kinematics of deformation of the Western Kunlun range (Xinjiang, China)
- Low Seismic Wave Speeds in the Upper Mantle: Fluid and Melt Expressions in the Deep Earth?
- Numerical simulations of sedimentation from dense slurries and implications for size segregation
- On the use of GPS baseline variations instead of velocity field to compute strain rate
- Seasonality of microseismic signal in Antarctica, and its link to sea ice
- Seismic velocity variations at the EGS geothermal reservoir of Soultz-Sous-Forêts (France): Some observations for understanding stress regime changes during hydraulic stimulations using 4D tomography
- Shear-enhanced compaction and strain localization in porous limestone: a study based on X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Correlation
- Slip history of the Dead Sea fault system for the last 100 ka
- Spatial heterogeneity of tectonic stress and friction in the crust: new evidence from earthquake focal mechanisms in Taiwan
- The effect of model and parameter uncertainties on the quality of forecasts for the timing of volcanic eruptions
- Time-resolved seismic tomography at the EGS geothermal reservoir of Soultz-Sous-Forêts (France) during hydraulic stimulations. A comparison between different injection tests
- Towards a failure criterion for magmas
- Uncertainty estimations for seismic source inversions
- Unraveling the Detailed Aftershock Sequence of the Mw=9.0, 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake Through the Application of Match Filtered Techniques
- Volcano-tectonic earthquake source mechanisms during magma ascent at Piton de la Fournaise volcano
- W phase source inversion using the high-rate regional GPS data of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- About 500-yr interval of huge and widespread paleotsunamis along the Sanriku coast, northern Honshu, Japan
- Comparing the deformation and hydrothermal alteration record of tectonic exhumation of mantle-derived ultramafic rocks from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and from Ocean Continent Transitions (Central Alps and Western Iberia Margin)
- Constraint of the active coastal deformation and seismic cycle in the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake area
- GPS Velocities and Structure Across the Burma Accretionary Prism and Shillong Anticline in Bangladesh
- Geometry of basement faults around the Soultz geothermal wells from reflected and converted seismic waves recorded during the 2007 multisource VSP survey
- Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Altimetry and Digital Elevation Models in the Polar Regions
- Postseismic and interseismic deformation across the El Asnam fault (Algeria) from merged PS-InSAR and Small Baseline methods
- Revisiting the 1912 Murefet, Turkey earthquake and tsunami
- Rift inheritance in orogenes: a case study from the Western Pyrenees
- Seismic monitoring of catchment activity: tracking short time-scale variability in landscape dynamics
- Seismoelectric numerical modeling in non-saturated conditions
- Surface faulting along the inland Itozawa normal fault (eastern Japan) and relation to the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake
- The 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, its seismic cycle, and postseismic hazard viewed from onshore geologic and geomorphic investigations
- The Modern Gorda-Juan de Fuca Subduction System and the Inherited Stratification of the Transition Zone below Western US
- Towards a spatially and temporally constant Karakorum fault slip rate
- Analysis of one year time-lapse electrical data to unravel hydrological processes acting on a clayey landslide
- Co-seismic and Cumulative Offsets of the Recent Earthquakes along the Karakax Left-lateral Strike-slip Fault in Western Tibet, China
- Compaction and contraction: Densification timescales of porous magmas
- Deformation associated to exhumation by detachment faulting of upper mantle rocks in a fossil Ocean Continent Transition: The example of the Totalp unit in SE Switzerland
- Do tidal peaks help to discriminate the oceanic microseismic noise sources?
- Effect of surface fissure on apparent resistivity measurements
- Estimation of the Gravimetric Pole Tide Using GGP Superconducting Gravimeters
- Filling the gap between geophysics and geotechnics in landslide process understanding: a data fusion methodology to integrate multi-source information in hydro-mechanical modeling
- GPS Velocity Field in Bangladesh: Delta Subsidence, Seasonal Water Loading and Shortening Across the Burma Accretionary Prism and Shillong Massif
- Long Period Source Characteristics of Great Earthquakes: diagnosing complexity
- Monitoring and near-real time forecasting of landslide surface displacements using continuous GNSS observations and a combined statistical-mechanical model: the service of the French Landslide Observatory - OMIV. (Invited)
- Real-time Implementation of the Waveloc Technique for Monitoring Earthquake Swarms
- Return period of great Himalayan earthquakes in Eastern Nepal: evidence from the Patu and Bardibas strands of the Main Frontal Thrust
- Role of WEGENER (World Earthquake GEodesy Network for Environmental Hazard Research) in monitoring natural hazards (Invited)
- Strain partitioning in hyper-extended, strongly segmented rift systems: insights from the Cretaceous Bay of Biscay- Pyrenean rift system and comparison with present-day mature rift-transform margins
- Supershear Rupture of 2013 Jan 05, Mw 7.5, Craig, Alaska earthquake
- Tectonic geomorphology, aftershock relocation, and sources of the great 1950 and 1897 East Himalayan earthquakes
- The 2010 Mw 7.8 Mentawai Earthquake: a Tsunami Earthquake With Triggered Subevents Modeled by Regional hr-GPS, Teleseismic Body Waves and Tsunami Observations
- Using crustal thickness, subsidence and P-T-t history on the Iberia-Newfoundland & Alpine Tethys margins to constrain lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup
- A global shear velocity model of the mantle from normal modes, surface waves and body waves
- An Objective Rationale for the Choice of Regularisation Parameter with Application to Global Multiple-Frequency S-Wave Tomography
- Aridification of the Sahara desert caused by Tethys Sea shrinkage during Late Miocene
- Assessing the Influence of Orogenic Inheritance on the Architecture, Time Evolution and Magmatic Budget of Hyper-extended Rift Systems: a Combined Mapping and Numerical Modelling Approach
- Basement Aquifers : How Useful Are Gravity Data ?
- Constraining Lithosphere Deformation Modes during Continental Breakup for the Iberia-Newfoundland Conjugate Margins
- Current-controlled Sedimentary Features into Lake Saint-Jean (Québec, Canada): a Record of Wind-driven Processes?
- Data Quality Control of the French Permanent Broadband Network in the RESIF Framework.
- Dissolution-precipitation processes governing the carbonation and silicification of the serpentinite sole of the New Caledonia ophiolite
- Earthquake Rupture Forecast of M>= 6 for the Corinth Rift System
- Global S-Wave Tomography Using Receiver Pairs: An Alternative to Get Rid of Earthquake Mislocation
- Linking the tectonic evolution with fluid history in magma-poor rifted margins: tracking mantle- and continental crust-related fluids
- New Constraints on K-Pg boundary Environmental Changes with Lithium Isotopes
- One exhibition, many goals. A case study on how to combine scientific questions with stakeholder views on effective communication of risks.
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Results From the Chenaillet Ophiolite (French/Italian Alps) and its Interpretation as a Former Oceanic Core Complex
- Pre-, Co-, and Post-Seismic Fault Slip in the Northern Chile Seismic Gap Associated with the April 1, 2014 (Mw 8.2) Pisagua Earthquake.
- Segmentation and Large-Scale Nucleation of the 2014 Pisagua Earthquake Sequence
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Rift Systems: Implication for the Nature, Kinematics and Timing of the Iberian-European Plate Boundary
- Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Iberia and Newfoundland Rifted Margins: A Quantitative Modeling Approach
- Tectono-sedimentary breccias associated with mantle windows in hyper-extended domains (Eastern Swiss Alps): field observations, geochemistry, and consequences for the subduction interface
- The Corinth Rift Laboratory (Greece): What Can Micro-Seismicity Reveal?
- The Corinth Rift Laboratory, Greece (CRL) : A Multidisciplinary Near Fault Observatory (NFO) on a Fast Rifting System
- The potential of hybrid gravimetry for hydrology; application to a sudanian catchment (West Africa)
- Traveltime Dispersion in an Isotropic Elastic Mantle: Dominance of the Lower Mantle Signal in Differential-frequency Time Residuals
- A combined geodetic and seismic model for the Mw 8.3 2015 Illapel (Chile) earthquake
- Active faulting in Raghunandan Anticline, NE Bengal Basin, implications for future earthquake hazards
- Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography of a Deep Geothermal Area in the Upper Rhine Graben from the EstOF Dense Regional Array
- Are Deep Seismic Reflections at Volcanic Margins from the Petrological Moho or from within the Mantle?
- Bringing a Bayesian Perspective to Large Dimensional Problems in Geophysics
- Designing a low-cost effective network for monitoring large scale regional seismicity in a soft-soil region (Alsace, France)
- Designing a new post-hole seismological station on Antarctica inlandsis (Concordia station)
- Effects of post-perovskite phase transition properties on the stability and structure of primordial reservoirs in the lower mantle of the Earth
- Evolution of Lake Turkana level at the end of the African Humid Period: modalities and forcings
- How Can Asymmetric Detachment Faults Lead To Final Symmetric Distal Ocean Continent Transitions?
- Hybrid Gravimetry for the Monitoring of Water Storage Changes in the Critical Zone of West Africa
- Impact of Mafic Underplating and Mantle Depletion on Subsequent Extension: a Numerical Modeling Approach
- M9-Class Earthquake Cycle Revealed From Vertical Deformation of the Honshu Coast (NE Japan) on Various Timescales
- New constraints on the velocity structure at the base of the mantle from the coupling of normal modes
- Probabilistic modeling of earthquakes
- Quantifying the Benefits of Shallow Posthole Installation for the Future French Permanent Broadband Stations
- Surface Break and Coseismic Slip of the Great 1950 Assam Earthquake and Previous Events along the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis
- Up-Scaling Field Observations to Ground Truth Seismic Interpretations and Test Dynamic Models of Deep Water Rifted Margins: What are the Challenges?
- Very early rift sedimentation in the Turkana depression (EARS, Kenya): example of the Topernawi Formation
- Wind-driven Water Bodies : a new paradigm for lake geology
- Feedback on the Installation of a Borehole Broadband Seismometer at Station BOUF, French Permanent Broadband Network
- Geochemistry of the New Caledonia Serpentinites: Evidences for Multiple Serpentinization Events at Various Depths
- Hidden Structures and Magmatic Pathway Evidenced by Small Earthquakes on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion)
- Holocene slip-rate of the western Altyn Tagh fault (Kuyake basin)
- Magnetic mapping around Les Saintes islands (Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe) for structural interpretation
- Magnetotelluric survey in the quest for crustal conductivities in Nepal after the Mw 7.9 Gorkha earthquake of April 25, 2015
- Nature of the Mantle in the Iberia/Newfoundland Magma-poor Rifted Margin on the Basis of Radiogenic Isotopes in Separates Clinopyroxenes: Preliminary Results.
- Porous media deformation due to fluid flow: From hydrofracture formation to seismic liquefaction, a numerical and experimental study
- Spatially and Temporally Constant Slip-rate Along the Ganzi-Yushu Segment of the Xianshuihe Fault System, Eastern Tibet
- Triggering Processes of Microearthquake Swarms in the Western Corinth Rift, Greece
- Uplifted Yellow river terraces across the Haiyuan fault, China and their implications to geometrical complexity of strike-slip fault system
- What is the smallest change caused by geothermal fluids at depth that can be seen from magnetotelluric monitoring?
- A Hydraulic Stress Measurement System for Investigations at Depth in Slim Boreholes
- Automated seismic detection of landslides at regional scales: a Random Forest based detection algorithm
- Automatic Processing and Interpretation of Long Records of Endogenous Micro-Seismicity: the Case of the Super-Sauze Soft-Rock Landslide.
- Confirmation of a change in the global shear velocity pattern at around 1,000 km depth
- Evaluation of W Phase CMT Based PTWC Real-Time Tsunami Forecast Model Using DART Observations: Events of the Last Decade
- Evaluation of the new infrastructure for French Permanent Broadband Stations in Auvergne (France).
- Evolution of the Concordia seismological observatory station CCD (GEOSCOPE network): a new post-hole installation on Antarctica inlandsis
- Extreme Mesozoic crustal thinning in the Eastern Iberia margin: The example of the Columbrets Basin (Valencia Trough)
- How does continental lithosphere break-apart? A 3D seismic view on the transition from magma-poor rifted margin to magmatic oceanic lithosphere
- Kinematics of Active Deformation Across the Western Kunlun Mountain Range (Xinjiang, China), and Potential Seismic Hazards Within the Southern Tarim Basin
- Lateral Variations of the Behavior of the North Anatolian Fault from the Marmara Sea to the Karliova Triple Junction Using Geodetic Data
- Mechanical Strain Measurement from Coda Wave Interferometry
- Monitoring electrical properties for improving the lithological and hydrological characterization of landslides
- Opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean: Implications for Geometric Rifting and Asymmetric Initial Seafloor Spreading after Continental Breakup
- PISE: A test and calibration facility dedicated to seismological instrumentation. Feedback on a batch of 110 stations
- Present-day Opening of the Natron Rift: Tectonic and Magmatic Processes at Work
- Recent GPS Surveys Reveal Coupling Complexities in the TalTal Area, Chile (24°S-26°S) : Consequences on Seismic Hazard in the Atacama-Antofagasta Regions.
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Events Associated with SSC over Year of Solar Maximum during Cycle 23: 1. Identification of Related Sun-Earth Events
- Statistical analysis of solar events associated with SSC over year of solar maximum during cycle 23: 2. Characterisation on the Sun-Earth path - Geoeffectiveness
- The 2017 Mw = 8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake: a slab bending or slab pull rupture?
- The Magmatic Budget of Rifted Margins: is it Related to Inheritance?
- Transitory signal in the Copiapó region of the Chilean subduction interface
- Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Elastic Strain Effect on Coda Wave Interferometry
- Analysis of the 2014 (Mw 8.2) Pisagua Earthquake Sequence from Seismological and Geodetic Observations
- Analysis of time series of terrestrial optical images for understanding gravitational instabilities
- Characterization of archaeological structures using the magnetic method: a case study in Thaj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Checking Data Quality of Co-located Broadband and Strong-motion Sensors in Southern California Seismic Network
- Combining Sentinel-1 and Ground-based SAR to retrieve landslide 3D displacement: application to Pas de l'Ours landslide, France
- Continuous monitoring in volcanic geothermal fields: integrated observational approach for exploration drilling
- Controls on interannual storage changes in a continental scale integrated hydrologic model and comparisons to GRACE
- Forcing Mechanisms of Rockfalls in a Volcanic Environment: Ten Years of Seismic Data on the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, La Réunion.
- Implication of the 1960 Mw=9.5 Valdivia, Chile, Earthquake and the Mw=7.7 Aysén Slow Earthquake for slip Partitioning along the South Chile Subduction zone
- InSAR-Measured Seasonal Surface Deformation Induced by the West African Monsoon
- Inversion of the source-time function for earthquakes in northern Chile using different least squares regularization methods
- Observing the Small Scale of Aseismic Slip along Continental Strike Slip Faults from Space
- Seasonality of Antarctic microseisms: a window on sea ice variability
- South Pacific Plume Imaging and Modeling
- The February 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquake in Mexico Ruptured a Small Patch of the Oaxaca Megathrust
- The LTU Stress Trailer: A Hydraulic Stress Measurement System for Geothermal Exploration
- 3D CMT Inversion of M<SUB>w</SUB> ≥ 5 Earthquakes during the Mayotte Seismic Crisis
- 3D printing the world: developing geophysical teaching materials and outreach packages
- Analysis of the Applicability of Ambient Noise Based Techniques to Monitor Deep Geothermal Reservoirs by Numerical Modelling
- Birth of a large volcano offshore Mayotte through lithosphere-scale rifting
- Coseismic Slip Vectors of 24 August and 30 October 2016 Earthquakes in Central Italy: Oblique Slip and Regional Kinematic Implications
- Deciphering shorelines of the Holocene Mega-Chad lake: role of the isostatic rebound
- Enrichment Process of Scandium in the Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia: Synchrotron Spectroscopic Study of Spatial Distribution and Speciation.
- Formation of the Iberian-European convergent plate boundary fault and its effect on intraplate deformation in central Europe
- GPS Constraints on the Active Deformation in Tunisia: Implications on the Geodynamics of the Western Mediterranean
- High-Resolution Onboard Manual Locations of Mayotte Seismicity since March 2019, Using Local Land and Seafloor Stations
- Hybrid gravimetry as a tool to spatialize water storage fluctuations in mountainous catchments. The case of the Strengbach catchment, Vosges mountains, France.
- Impact of 3D Earth's structures on W-phase CMT parameters
- Late Quaternary extension rates across the northern half of the Yadong-Gulu rift - Implication for East-West extension in southern Tibet
- Magnetism and Archaeology: Three-component Magnetometers for Ground and Drone Surveys and Integrated Approach for Advances in Archaeological and Geophysical Research
- Rupture model of the March 16 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.7 earthquake: a large foreshock of the M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.2 Pisagua mainshock
- Spatial Patterns of Storm-Induced Landslides and Their Relation to Past Extreme Rainfall
- Spatio-temporal evolution of pre-seismic slip prior to the 2014 Iquique earthquake
- Stress transfer and poroelasticity associated to the 2019 Ridgecrest (California) earthquake sequences
- The 2007 caldera collapse of Piton de la Fournaise volcano: source process from very long period seismic signals
- The 2018-2019 Mayotte Seismic Crisis: Evidence of an upper Mantle Rifting Event ?
- Birth of a large volcanic edifice through lithosphere-scale dyking offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean)
- COYOTES Project (comoros & Mayotte: Volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity)
- Draping High-Resolution Magnetic Mapping in the Northern Vosges and Rhine Graben (France) Using a Three-Component Fluxgate Magnetometer Mounted on Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
- Evaluating the Statistical Significance of Foreshocks in Southern California Using the ETAS Model
- Evolution of the Concordia seismological observatory station CCD (GEOSCOPE network): a new post-hole installation on Antarctica inlandsis
- Insight on rupture dynamics from probabilistic fault models of Chilean large earthquakes
- Plate-boundary kinematics of the Afrera linkage zone (Afar) from InSAR and seismicity
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Recent evolutions of the GEOSCOPE broadband seismic observatory
- Seismo-tectonic analysis of the ongoing Mayotte crisis suggesting reactivation of a caldera structure below the Moho
- The 2018-2020 seismo-volcanic crisis, east of Mayotte, Comoros islands: in-depth study of poorly instrumented first months of crisis
- The June 2020 Mw 7.4 La Crucecita, March 2012 Mw 7.4 Ometepec and February 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa Earthquakes in Mexico Ruptured Small Patches of the Cocos Megathrust
- The Shortening Rate of North Danghe Nanshan Thrusts at Its Junction with The Altyn Tagh fault, Constrained by Cosmogenic Isotope and OSL Dating of Serial Offset Terraces
- Unexpectedly large tsunamis generated by submarine volcanic earthquakes: Evidence of trapdoor faulting at a submarine caldera
- Imaging Mantle Structure Using SOLA Applied to Normal Modes
- Landslide and Flash Flood Timing from Satellite Radar Imagery in the Western Branch of the East African Rift
- hyper-resolution critical zone modeling for continental west Africa to simulate water budgets: first results