University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
flowchart I[University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (90)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- One Year of Systematic Aerosol Lidar Measurements in the Troposphere
- Estimation of Annual Runoff Statistics in Ungauged Basins with Parsimonious Evaluation of Climatic Indices
- On The Soil Moisture Dynamics: Does Simplification Alter Soil Moisture Prediction?
- Seismically Active Areas Monitoring by TIR Robust Satellite Techniques: a Sensitivity Analysis on Recent Events Occurred in Europe
- 4D Geoelectrical Tomography for Hydrogeological Applications: Lab-scale and Field Experiments in Southern Apennine Chain (Italy).
- On The Potential Of A Robust, Satellite Data Analysis Strategy For Monitoring And Mitigation Of The Volcanic Hazard.
- Dealing With Spatiotemporal Processes In Soil Moisture As Critical Point Phenomena
- Results from CAT/SCAN, the Calabria-Apennine-Tyrrhenian/Subduction-Accretion-Collision Network
- LAIC Model - a New Source of Information for Seismo-Tectonics
- The Effects of Disturbance and Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Uptake by Boreal and Temperate Forests
- Quasi-periodic traveling waves of large-scale Earth's global seismicity
- Wireless technologies for the monitoring of strategic civil infrastructures: an ambient vibration test of the Faith Bridge, Istanbul, Turkey
- Characterization of Italian strong-motion recording sites for a new soil classification
- Comparing independent observations at the time of Abruzzo April 6th 2009 earthquake: new vs false ideas
- Monitoring volcanic thermal activity by Robust Satellite Techniques: achievements and perspectives
- On the potential of a multi-temporal AMSR-E data analysis for soil wetness monitoring
- RST (Robust Satellite Techiniques) analysis for monitoring earth emitted radiation at the time of the Hector Mine 16th October 1999 earthquake
- Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for Saharan Dust detection and monitoring (Invited)
- Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) for monitoring Earthquake active regions: the case of Abruzzo April 6th 2009 event. (Invited)
- Site effect investigation in the Aterno valley using earthquake data after the Mw 6.3 April 6 L'Aquila earthquake
- Improving and Integrating Ground and Satellite Based Observational Technologies for Earthquake Precursor Studies: the Case of Abruzzo Earthquake (april 6, 2009; ML~5.8) (Invited)
- Near Real Time Detection and Tracking of the EYJAFJÖLL (iceland) Ash Cloud by the RST (robust Satellite Technique) Approach
- Oil Spill Disasters Detection and Monitoring by RST Analysis of Optical Satellite Radiances: the Case of Deepwater Horizon Platform in the Gulf of Mexico
- Root zone soil water dynamics and its effects on above ground biomass in cellulosic and grain based bioenergy crops of Midwest USA
- Simulating Regional Dynamic Vegetation and Water Resources with Coupled Biophysical and Hydrologic Models
- Comparing N2O emissions at varying N rates from irrigated and rainfed corn in the US Midwest
- Integrating Observations and Knowledges for Earthquake Precursors Studies. Preliminary results and strategy of PRE-EARTHQUAKES FP7 Project
- Investigating Root Zone Soil Moisture Using Electrical Resistivity and Crop Modeling
- Monitoring flood events using the AMSR-E based Polarization Variation Index
- Natural Slip Surfaces in Fault Cores of Seismogenic Carbonate Faults
- Thermal Infrared Satellite survey at the time of M9 Tohoku earthquake/tsunami (Japan, March 11, 2011)
- Compaction localization in the porous carbonates of Bolognano Formation (Majella Mountain, Italy)
- Constraints on Fault Dynamic Weakening Mechanisms From Natural Slip Surfaces in Carbonate Faults
- Dynamic Assessment of Seismic Risk (DASR) by Multi-parametric Observations: Preliminary Results of PRIME experiment within the PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project
- Hydrothermal quartz formation during fluctuations of brittle shear-zone activity and fluid flow: grain growth and deformation structures of the Pfahl shear zone (Germany)
- Improving Sea Water Quality Monitoring by Integrating Satellite, Aerial and Ground based Multispectral Observations in the optical band: the case of Ionian Sea along Basilicata (Italy) coasts
- Modelling a strike-slip fault system affecting porous carbonates in Favignana Island (Sicily, southern Italy)
- Description and application of the 3D-CMCC FEM on multi-temporal NDVI satellite imagery and future scenarios
- From integrated observation of pre-earthquake signals towards physical-based forecasting: A prospective test experiment
- Imaging irregular magma reservoirs with InSAR and GPS observations: Application to Kilauea and Copahue volcanoes
- Improvements of the RST (Robust Satellite Techniques) approach for the thermal monitoring of the earthquake prone areas: an analysis on Italian peninsula in the period 2004-2012
- Iosmos (ionian Sea Water Quality Monitoring by Satellite Data) Project: Strategy and First Achievements
- Mechanical and chemical processes in the fault zone crosscutting slope Apulian carbonate platform and their effect on the fault permeability (Gargano Promontory, Italy)
- On the added value of real-time integration of independent observations of potential earthquakes precursors: the cases of Tohoku (Japan, March 11 2011, M=9) and Emilia Romagna (Italy, May 20 and 29 2012, M=5.8) earthquakes
- Weakening mechanisms along Low-Angle Normal Faults in pelagic limestones (Southern Apennine, Italy): insights from microstructural analysis
- A new MODIS based approach for gas flared volumes estimation: the case of the Val d'Agri Oil Center (Southern Italy)
- An ecohydrological framework to explain shifts in vegetation organization across climatological gradients
- Long Term RST Analyses of TIR Satellite Radiances in Different Geotectonic Contexts: Results and Implications for a Time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)
- Monitoring Sea Water Turbidity by means of the Robust Satellite Technique (RST)
- RST (Robust Satellite Techniques) analysis for monitoring earth emitted radiation in seismically active area of California (US): a long term (2006-2011) analysis of GOES-W/IMAGER thermal data
- Rapid Response Products of The ARIA Project for the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Robust Satellite Techniques analysis of ten years (2004-2013) of MSG/SEVIRI TIR radiances over Greece region
- a Goes-W Satellite Thermal Infrared Survey (2006-2014) Over South Western us Earthquake Prone Area: Preliminary Results on 24 August 2014 Napa Earthquake (M=6)
- A New Classifier for Flood Hazard Mapping over Large Regions
- Development of a national system for prevention and mitigation of earthquake damages to people and properties, and the reduction of costs related to earthquakes for the Italian Government
- Evaluation of rainfall evaporation retrieved by lidar means and its intercomparison with an analytical solution model during a virga episode.
- Improving the RST Approach for Earthquake Prone Areas Monitoring: Results of Correlation Analysis among Significant Sequences of TIR Anomalies and Earthquakes (M>4) occurred in Italy during 2004-2014
- Predicting root zone soil moisture with satellite near-surface moisture data in semiarid environments
- <SUP> The σ-IASI-as Code: A General Purpose All-Sky Radiative Transfer Model</SUP>
- Improvements of the Robust Satellite Techniques for monitoring the Earth thermal emission in seismic areas: an analysis on 11 years (2005-2015) of MTSAT TIR observations over Japan
- Microwave Radiometer and Lidar Synergy for High Vertical Resolution Thermodynamic Profiling in a Cloudy Scenario
- RST-FIRES, an exportable algorithm for early/small fires detection: field validation and algorithm inter-comparison by using MSG-SEVIRI data over Italian Regions
- RSTVOLC: an effective algorithm for the monitoring of active volcanoes from space
- Size matters a lot: tree height and prior growth predict drought-induced tree death in Italian oak forests
- Stream-power model of meander cutoff in gravel beds
- Using SSTAs (Significant Sequences of TIR Anomalies) to trigger Natural Time Analysis: a Long Term Study on Earthquakes (M>4) occurred over Greece in 2004-2013
- Using Small Drone (UAS) Imagery to Bridge the Gap Between Field- and Satellite-Based Measurements of Vegetation Structure and Change
- A future climate assessment on the quality and quantity of CrVI contaminated groundwater in the eastern Mediterranean
- Geomorphic Flood Area (GFA): a DEM-based tool for flood susceptibility mapping at large scales
- Identifying Pre-Seismic TIR Anomalies: A Long Term (2004-2015) Of RST Analysis Over Turkish Area
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity of Direct Economic Flood Damages: the FloodRisk Free and Open-Source Software
- Multi-sensor network for monitoring earthquake precursors and preparation processes near subduction zone at Boso, Japan
- On the identification of suitable parameters to be included in a multi-parametric system for t-DASH (time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard)
- Spatio-temporal Mapping of Soil Salinity Using Joint Inversion of Time-lapse Multi-coil and Multi-heights Electromagnetic Induction Measurements
- The Copernicus Academy and Relay Networks initiatives and recent EU-funded projects for education in space technologies and applications
- The contribution of multi-sensor optical satellite data to flood detection: the performances of RST-FLOOD in Basilicata region (southern Italy)
- A public-private collaboration initiative for innovative Earth observation technologies and methodologies for investigating climate change impacts: the OT4CLIMA project
- Assessment of Species-Area Relationship alteration induced by hydrological and biological E-Flows in Agri River System (Italy)
- Monitoring ash events from space combining polar and geostationary satellite observations: recent results from RST<SUB>ASH</SUB> algorithm
- On the potential of the parameter "RST-based satellite TIR anomalies" in the framework of a multi-parametric system for time-Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t-DASH)
- Safer_RAIN: a Fast-Processing DEM-Based Algorithm for Pluvial Flood Hazard Assessment Across Large Urban Areas
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors of the 5 August 2018 M6.9 Loloan Earthquake Observed by CSES and Ground-based GNSS Receivers
- Simulations of Space Borne Lidar Measurements of Thermodynamic Profiles in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- The iAQUEDUCT project activities in a small Mediterranean rural catchment: Preliminary results of field and remote sensing campaigns to parameterize Richards-based hydrological models.
- Vulnerability to Land Degradation in Italy: From Macro-scale to Micro-scale Analysis
- Combined Geophysical Methods for Landslide Residual Risk Assessment: the Pomarico Landslide (basilicata, Southern Italy) Case Study
- Experimenting Earth Science labs at University of Basilicata during the Coronavirus-19 pandemic
- Statistical analysis for the identification of ionospheric perturbations in Total Electron Content (TEC) possibly related to earthquake occurrence
- Analyzing multi-temporal series of optical and microwave satellite data for hydrogeological risk mitigation: the MITIGO Project experience.
- Recent advances on long-term analyses of TIR satellite radiances in relation with earthquake occurrence.