Brown University, Department of Geological Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Alkenone Perspective on Glacial-Interglacial Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- An Experimental Study of Harzburgite Reactive Dissolution in an Alkali Basalt
- Argon Isotopic and Experimental Petrologic Evidence for Phenocrysts Versus Xenocrysts in the Youngest Toba Tuff
- Black Butte Dacitic Dome, Ca: A Study of Ascent Rates Using Amphibole and Plagioclase Reactions and Crystal Size Distribution
- Comparison of Historical and Prehistorical Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Biological Productivity in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotope Ratios Record Late-Quaternary Temperature Changes at Crooked Pond, Massachusetts.
- Convective Pattern and Type of Volcanism on Mars
- Dramatic High-Speed Velocity Dependence of Quartz Friction Without Melting
- Experimental Constraints on the Tholeiitic-Alkalic Transition in Kerguelen Archipelago Basalts
- Fatty Acids and Stable Carbon Isotopes of a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium: Implications for Carbon Cycling in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments
- Geochemical and Biological Implications of Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Associated with Gas Hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico
- High Resolution Climatic Evolution of Coastal Northern California During the Past 15,000 Years
- Hydrogen-isotope Variations in Plant Biomarkers From Lake Tulane (FL) Sediments Indicate Moisture-balance Variations during the Past 70 ka
- Implications of Subduction Zone Anisotropy for Mantle Wedge Flow, Melt and Volatiles
- Life after NEAR
- Longterm Post-orogenic Evolution of the Lithosphere
- Magnetic Signature of Environmental Changes in the Last 1.2 My at ODP Site 1146, South China Sea
- New Perspectives on the Structure and Morphology of the Submarine Flanks of Galápagos Volcanoes- Fernandina and Isabela
- Oxygen Isotope and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Records in the California Margin before the mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Temperature, Chemistry and Flow Rate at Areas of Diffuse Venting, Main Endeavour Field
- Petrology of the 1991-2 Pinatubo Magma System
- Pinatubo Eruption Dynamics Inferred from Equilibrium and Kinetics Experiments
- Principal component analysis of SPdKS/SKPdS phases recorded at broad-band teleseismic arrays
- Regolith Processes on Eros
- Seismic Imaging of the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California Using Data From PASO-DOS
- Sr Diffusion in Biotite and Phlogopite Micas
- Statistical Characterization of Kilometer-Scale Topography of Volcanic Units In Daedalia Planum, Mars: New Results From MGS MOLA Data Analysis
- The ABYSS Mission: Satellite Altimetry Optimized for Seafloor Geophysics
- The Consequences for Volcanic Eruption Styles on Mars of Shallow Interactions Between Magma and Volatiles
- The Influence of Fault Friction on Earthquake Stress Transfer and Fault Interaction
- The Influence of Grain Size Evolution on Convective Instability
- The Role of Water in the Extraordinary Frictional Weakening of Quartz Rocks During Rapid Sustained Slip
- The Trajectories and Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Global Synthesis
- Thermal Boundary Layer Instabilities for a Fluid Heated From Below and From Within
- Time Series Studies of Faunal Colonization and Temperature Variations at Diffuse-Flow Hydrothermal Vent Sites Near 9° 50'N, EPR
- Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Indian Monsoon.
- A Reappraisal of Recrystallization Mechanisms
- An Inverted Continental Moho and the Serpentinization of the Cascadia Forearc Mantle
- Basal Drag and the Erosion of Subcratonic Lithosphere
- Beyond Red: The Composition of the Martian Surface
- Carbon isotopes of lipid biomarkers in modern travertine deposits: Implications for biogeochemical dynamics in hot-spring systems (Yellowstone National Park, USA)
- Cerberus Fossae and Athabasca Valles: Dike Formation, Cryosphere Cracking and Aqueous Flooding
- Crater Flat, Nevada: An Experimental Investigation of Petrology and Magma Ascent
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Northern Portion of the Arabia-Eurasia Collisional Belt
- Crustal buoyancy and lithospheric strength beneath old mountains
- Decadal- to Orbital-Scale Links Between Climate, Productivity and Denitrification on the Peru Margin
- Different Piezometer Relations for Different Recrystallization Mechanisms in Quartz?
- Estimating Strain Due to Comminution in Simulated Gouge
- Evidence for the Formation of Pliocene Sierran High-Potassium Magmas from Deep Melting of a Phlogopite-Clinopyroxene Metasomatized Peridotite
- Extending the Instrumental Record of Sea-Level Change: A 1300-Year Sea-Level Record From Eastern Connecticut
- First Seismic Evidences for Anomalies Related to the Trindade Plume in SE and Central Brazil
- High-Latitude Ice-Rich Mantle on Mars: Morphology, Morphometry, and Stratigraphy
- Holocene Evolution of two Upwelling Systems - Offshore Northern California and the Central Gulf of California
- ISM-TES Joint Analysis of Pyroxene on Mars
- Insolation Gradient Reconciling Early Warming Relative to d18O Terminations
- Intraplate Seismicity in SE Brazil: a Trend of Higher Activity in Areas of Thinner Lithosphere
- Kinetics of melt-rock reaction in partially molten rocks with applications to harzburgite-dunite dissolutional transformation
- Local constraints on CMB structure from multichannel, broadband SKS-coda analysis
- Magnetic Properties and Environmental Changes in Monsoonal Regime (ODP leg 184, South China Sea)
- Mineralogy of the Moon: How did we start? What did we find? Where are we going?
- Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Galápagos Rift, 86°W to 89.5°W: 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Hydrothermal Venting
- Nature and Timing of Magma Interaction Processes in Arc Volcanic Systems: Data from Rocks and from Phase Equilibria Experiments
- Oceans on Mars: An Assessment of the Observational Evidence and Possible Fate
- Orbital forcing, paleoclimates, and the Martian polar layered deposits.
- Paleomagnetic and Environmental Magnetic Studies of Pampeano Formation Loess Deposits From Centinela Del Mar, Argentina
- Pre-eruption Conditions and Magma Dynamics of Recent Amphibole-Bearing Etna Basalt
- Probing for Groundwater in the Northern Lowlands of Mars
- Reaction Induced Weakening in Experimentally Deformed Plagioclase-Olivine Aggregates
- Reduction of Spectral Contrast Between Laboratory and Remote Spectral Observations
- Teleseismic Scattering from the Base of the Lithosphere and Other Mantle Discontinuities from NE North America
- The Development of Intraplate Volcanic Ridges on Young Pacific Lithosphere
- The Effect of Small Scale Convection on the Uplift Rate of Beta Regio
- The Optical Effects of Space Weathering Products on Silicate Surfaces
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: A web-based system for modeling multi-scale earthquake processes
- Thermal Convection in a Fluid Layer Heated From Below and From Within - Implication for Planetary Evolution
- Vegetation Disturbance on a Multi-year Scale in the Great Basin, U.S. as Identified by AVHRR
- A Tropical Climate Puzzle: Plio-Pleistocene Obliquity-Dominated Temperature and Productivity Records From the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- An Independent Test of the Load/Unload Response Ratio Proposed Method of Earthquake Prediction
- Analysis of Gravity in the GLIMPSE study region: evidence for deeper mantle processes in the formation of the Sojourn and Hotu Matua ridge systems.
- Compound Specific D/H Analysis of Late Holocene Lacustrine Sediments in Sub-Tropical North America: Implications for Reconstructing Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Hydrologic Conditions.
- Controls on the Spatial-Temporal Cl- Pattern in the Coastal Plain Aquifer of Israel
- Crustal Structure Beneath the Gravity Lineations in the South Pacific from Seismic Refraction Data
- Crustal Structure and Mantle Anisotropy from Florida to Edmonton
- Determination of Crustal Thickness in Alaska Using Receiver Functions
- Differing Comminution Characteristics of Quartz and Feldspar in Westerly Granite Simulated Gouge
- Distinct D/H Signatures From Miocene Sediment Water in Clarkia Fossil Bed, Northern Idaho: Implications for Preservation of Ancient Biomolecules
- Distribution of Recent Volcanism and Morphology of Volcanic Features in the GLIMPSE Study Area west of the East Pacific Rise
- Effect of Mineral Reaction on the Deformation of Plagioclase-Olivine Aggregates
- Fault Roughness and Matedness Suggest Significant Fault-Interface Dilatancy With Slip
- Flash Melting of Crustal Rocks at Almost Seismic Slip Rates
- Frequency of Steep Slopes on Mars: Evidence for Active Permafrost Layer at High Latitudes During High Obliquity Periods
- Geological Evidence for Recent Ice Ages on Mars
- Geomorphic Indicators of Ground Ice on Mars and Evidence for Climate Change
- Grain-Scale Processes during Isobaric and Isothermal Melting of Lherzolite
- Hart's Mechanical Equation of State in Rock-Salt: Data and Theoretical Model Based on Subgrain Boundary Migration
- How Big is the Problem? Constraints on the Extent of Cheatgrass Invasion in the Great Basin, US
- How Sharp is the Base of the Lithosphere?
- Imaging the transition between the region of mantle melt generation and the crustal magma chamber beneath southern East Pacific Rise with short-period Rayleigh waves
- Integrating Research and Education: Preparing Graduate Students to Teach
- Late Pleistocene 100-kyr Problem Viewed from Sea Surface Temperature Records: A Connection to Obliquity Cycles?
- Lateral variations in the structure of the thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle from the dispersion of core-diffracted waves
- Lithium isotopic composition of the lower continental crust: A xenolith perspective
- Magma Ascent Rates Determined Using Multiple Petrographic Methods: A Comparison of Decompression-induced Amphibole and Plagioclase Reactions and Crystal Size Distribution
- Mapping and Collection of Deep-Sea Corals from Seamounts in the NW Atlantic
- Mars Surface Composition Through Pan-spectral Analysis: Mafic Mineralogy, Alteration, and Hydration
- Melting due to Buoyant Migration of Water in the Hot Mantle Wedge Above a Subducting Plate
- Microearthquakes Near Matua Seamount, GLIMPSE Study Area
- Millennial-Scale Abrupt Changes in Strength of the Monsoons During the Last Glacial: Event Sequence During Low Latitude Stadial/Interstadial Transitions
- Nanoindentation Creep of Quartz, Olivine, and Calcite, with Implications for Rate and State Friction Laws
- On the significance of composition gradients across dunite-harzburgite interfaces in ophiolites.
- Origin of Cross-Grain Gravity Lineations and Intraplate Volcanic Ridges: Constraints and Ideas From the GLIMPSE Experiment
- Origin of Sublimation Polygons in the Antarctic Western Dry Valleys: Implications for Patterned Ground Development on Mars
- P and S wave delay times and SKS splitting results from the GLIMPSE experiment: comparison with gravity anomalies and recent volcanism.
- Phlogopite Thermometer Calibration and Use: Magmatic History and Processes in the Roman Potassic Province
- Preliminary Experimental Results on a Volcanic Meimechite Composition From Meymecha, Siberia
- Seismic evidence for a diffuse ultra-low velocity zone in the CMB region beneath North America.
- The Impact of Olivine-Orthopyroxene Phase Boundaries on Mechanical Absorption: Inferences from Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS)
- The North and South Polar Water Ice Margins on Mars
- The Response of Sea Surface Temperature to Past Global Climate Change at a California Margin Site
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- Tropical Cold-Based Mountain Glaciers on Mars: Evidence for Significant Amazonian Climate Change
- Upper Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Anatolian Plateau and Surrounding Regions
- A 10 Million Year, High-Resolution Record of C4 and C3 Plant Evolution from Arabian Sea ODP Site 722
- A Cooperative Test of the Load/Unload Response Ratio Proposed Method of Earthquake Prediction
- A Model for the MSH 2004 Eruption based on Recent Observations, Petrology of the 1980-86 Eruptions, and Experiments
- A Robust, Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Vegetative Phenology Using Satellite Vegetative Indices in the Presence of Outliers, Noisy Data and Data Gaps
- Alkenone and Isotopic Records of Holocene Climatic and Environmental Change From Laminated West Greenland Lakes
- An experimental study of the kinetics of lherzolite reactive dissolution: Implications for contrasting styles of melt transport in the mantle.
- Carbon Biogeochemistry of Marine Sediments at the ODP Leg 204, Hydrate Ridge
- Carbon Isotopic Ratio Of Individual Lignin Moieties In Stalagmite As A Novel Indicator Of Past C3/C4 Plant Variations
- Climatic Calibration of Paleoecological Data and Data/Model Comparisons
- Co-existing Overlapping-Spreading-Center and Ridge-Transform Geometry
- Compositional variations across a dunite - harzburgite - lherzolite - plagioclase lherzolite sequence at the Trinity ophiolite: Evidence for multiple episodes of melt flow and melt-rock reaction in the mantle.
- Constraints on the Upper Mantle Structure of the Slave Craton From Surface Wave Tomography
- Cratering Evidence For The Age And Thickness Of An Extensive Ice-Rich Mantle In Western Utopia Planitia, Mars
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Detailed Multi-scale Earthquake Modeling Using Rate and State Friction and the Fast Multipole Method on Parallel Computers
- Diffusive Fractionation of U-Series Nuclides During MORB Production
- Distinguishing Inter-annual Phenological Variability from Long-term Change in the Great Basin Using a new Method of Time-Series Modeling
- Dramatic Strain Weakening in Wet and Dry Olivine Aggregates
- Dynamic Reduction of FeO-Bearing, Anhydrous Aluminosilicate Melts
- Early Onset and Origin of 100-kyr Cycles in a Tropical Pleistocene SST Record
- Earthquake Prediction in Large-scale Faulting Experiments
- Evidence for High Latitude Influence On Tropical Oceans Over the Pliocene and Pleistocene Epochs
- Evolution in Planktonic Foraminifer Fauna and Sea Surface Temperature Variation in last 500 ky, Northern South China Sea
- Global Spectral and Compositional Diversity of Mars: A Test of CRISM Global Mapping with Mars Express OMEGA Data
- High Latitude and Tropical Climates Linked Prior to the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: Evidence From the Eastern Tropical Pacific
- High Volatile Content and Shallow Melting at the end of the Siberian Flood Basalts: Experimental Results
- Holocene Climate History of North Central Minnesota, Interpreted From δ D and δ \<SUP>18</SUP>O of Lake Sediments
- Hydrogen Isotopic Ratios of Lacustrine Algal and Terrestrial Organic Matter as a Quantitative Proxy for the Reconstruction of Relative Humidity and Source Water Composition in Continental Settings
- Hydrous Synthesis of Aluminum Bearing Silicate Perovskite: Implications for Hydrogen Storage in the Lower Mantle
- Imaging the Subduction Factory Beneath Central America: The TUCAN Broadband Seismic Experiment
- MORB Composition in Intra-transform Spreading Centers: A Key Test of Models of Mantle Flow and Melt Transport
- Mantle Plume Upwelling Rates: Evidence from U-Series in Young Ocean Island Basalts
- Mantle anisotropy beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua and the TUCAN Broadband Seismometer Array
- Mechanisms of Ductile Shear Localization From Observations of Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Metal Deposition Along the Peru Margin Since the Last Glacial Maximum: Evidence For Regime Change at \sim 6ka
- Northern Polar Layered Deposits on Mars: Identification and Characterization of Signals of Possible Climatic Origin
- Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism: a consequence of mantle dynamics at scales small compared to deep mantle plumes and plates.
- Preliminary Earthquake Locations From the Costa Rica Component of the TUCAN Network
- Reaction Rates in Deformation and Hydrostatic Experiments in the Anhydrous System Anorthite - Forsterite
- Reconstructing Terrestrial Biospheric Responses and Feedbacks to Past Climatic Change
- Regime Shifts in Climate Forcing of Peru Denitrification
- Sedimentary archives of extreme flooding events in the Northeastern Caribbean
- Some Mechanical Implications of the Development and Evolution of Y shears in Simulated Granite Gouge
- The Behavior of Pyroxenes During Partial Melting of Pyroxenite and Lherzolite in the Mantle: An Experimental and Numerical Study
- The Effect of Solid Mantle Flow Above a Subducting Plate on Melting and Fluid Migration
- The Effects of Strain and Strain Rate on the Spatial Separation/Segregation of Olivine and Orthopyroxene in a Synthetic Harzburgite
- The Role of Silica Content in Dynamic Fault Weakening Due to Gel Lubrication
- Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults- Implications for Hydration of the Upper Oceanic Mantle
- Tomographic inversion of amplitudes and phases of Rayleigh waves with 2-D sensitivity kernels applied to southern California
- Trajectories of Vegetation Change Under Controlled Land-use in Sudanian West Africa
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Using Multiproxy Influx Data to Clarify the Origin of Carbon-Isotope Signals in Organic Matter from Late Quaternary Lake Sediments: Application to an Altitudinal Transect of Lakes on Mt. Kenya, East Africa
- A High-Resolution Drought Record Spanning the Past ca. 800 Years From Sub-annually Laminated Lake Sediment, East Java
- A New Look At The 1996 Gorda Ridge Eruption
- A User's Version View of a Robustified, Bayesian Weighted Least-Squares Recursive Algorithm for Interpolating AVHRR-NDVI Data: Applications to an Animated Visualization of the Phenology of a Semi-Arid Study Area
- Amazonian Mid-Latitude Regional Glaciation on Mars: Lineated Valley Fill, Lobate Debris Aprons and Plateau Deposits at the Dichotomy Boundary and Implications for Climate Change
- Ancient Crust, Hydrolytic Weathering, and Impact Melt Preserved in the Isidis Basin, Mars
- Asthenospheric Anisotropy Beneath North America
- California Margin Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Paleoproductivity Records at ODP Site 1012
- Cold-Based Tropical Mountain Glaciers on Mars: Insights From the Antarctic Dry Valleys and Implications for Mars Amazonian Climate Change
- Complications in Receiver Function Analysis on the Ocean Floor: Water and Sediment Reverberations
- Compositional Controls on Oceanic Mantle: Geophysical Evidence from the MELT Area
- Crystallization of and Conditions in the MSH 2004-05 Dacitic Magma as Indicated by Phenocryst Compositions and Experiments.
- Delamination Origin for Columbia River Flood Basalts and Wallowa Mountain Uplift in NE Oregon
- Development of C-Axis Fabrics During Superplastic Flow of Ice
- Differences in Water Migration through the Unsaturated Zone due to Antecedent Conditions Prior to Multiple Natural Precipitation Events Detected by GPR
- Distinguishing Na, K, and H3O+ Jarosite and Alunite on Mars using VNIR, Emittance and Mossbauer Spectroscopy on the MER and Mars Express/OMEGA Missions
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Eruption rates at Fernandina volcano, Galapagos archipelago, from cosmogenic helium in surficial lava flows
- Estimating the Absolute Water Content of Arabia Terra Using Mars Express OMEGA Data
- Geochemical and Sedimentological Records of Late Quaternary Climate Change, Lake Tanganyika, Tropical East Africa
- Geomorphic Processes and Cold-Based Glaciers in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Implications for Glaciation and Climate Change on Mars
- Green leaf phenology at Landsat resolution: scaling from the plot to satellite
- High-Resolution Late Holocene Temperature and Biogeochemical Records From Southwest Greenland
- Independent Confirmation of a Sharp Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary in Eastern North America Using S-to-P Scattered Waves
- Interrelated Glacial, Volcanic and Hydrologic Processes on the Tharsis Montes, Olympus Mons and Hecates Tholus, Mars
- Late Holocene Temperature and Aridity Changes From Lake Qinghai, China
- Martian Geological Record: Some New Implications for the Amazonian Climate History
- Nitrogen and Hydrogen Isotope Records for the Last 18-kyr from a Southern Alaska Lake
- Plio-Pleistocene Ocean Productivity: A Story of Interbasin Symmetry
- Plume-Lithosphere Interaction Beneath a Moving Plate: 3-D Numerical Explorations
- Postglacial Climate Reconstruction Based on Compound-Specific D/H Ratios of Fatty Acids From Blood Pond, New England
- Roles of Small-scale Convection, Crustal Heating, and Basal Motions in the Evolution of the Subcratonic Lithosphere
- Seismic attenuation and velocity constraints on the formation of oceanic lithosphere and the origin of the low-velocity zone
- Shear-Wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Mantle Wedge
- Small-scale Convection and Anisotropy in the Mantle Beneath Southern California From High-Resolution Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Southern Hemisphere Signature in Glacial-Deglacial Sequence of SST and Denitrification Along the Peru Margin
- Strain Partitioning and Crystallographic Textures of Experimentally Deformed Olivine + Orthopyroxene Aggregates
- Strengths and Limitations of Spectral Parameters for Mapping Surface Composition on Mars
- Synchronous decadal to centennial scale variability in surface productivity off Peru and Indian Monsoon during the last millennium
- Temperature-Dependent Geochronometry of the Surface of Venus
- Temporal Geochemical Variations in Lavas From Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- The Deep Impact Collision: New Results
- The Ins and Outs of Water in the Earth's Mantle
- The Mechanical Responses of Two-Phase Magnesium Sulfate-Hydrate/Water Ice Aggregates: Impacts of a Eutectic Solidification Microstructure on Strength and on Strain Homogeneity
- The Nyanza Project: Interdisciplinary Research Training In Tropical Lakes
- The Valence State of Silicon and Redox Dynamics in Aluminosilicate Melts
- The distribution of mafic minerals on Mars as inferred by the OMEGA/Mars Express dataset
- Tropical Mountain Glaciers on Mars: Accumulation Conditions, formation Times, Glacier Dynamics, and Implications for Planetary Spin-Axis Obliquity values
- Upper mantle anisotropy and shear wave velocity structure beneath the Slave craton inferred from Rayleigh waves
- Using a curve-fitting methodology on remotely sensed time series to detect subtle patterns of land surface phenology
- Volcanoes in the Classroom: Simulating an Eruption Column
- Water Table Depth Reconstruction in Ombrotrophic Peatlands Using Biomarker Abundance Ratios and Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotope Composition
- Western Tropical Pacific Convection and Temperature Since the Late Holocene Based on a High-Altitude Lacustrine Geochemical Record From New Guinea
- What We Learned From the Venus Surface in-situ Exploration And What Looks Promising to do Next
- 3-D tomography of the Gulf of California extensional province by Rayleigh wave inversion
- A 60,000-yr record of climate in Southeast Tropical Africa: Preliminary results from Lake Tanganyika
- A Search for Shergottite-like Outliers in Orbital TES Data Using the Mini-TES Spectrum of Bounce Rock
- Along-Arc Variations in Attenuation in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Mantle Wedge
- Coherent Obliquity Band and Heterogeneous Precession Band Responses in Early Pleistocene Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures
- Constraining Upper Plate Deformation in Nicaragua Through Delineation of the August 3, 2005 Mw 6.3 Strike Slip Earthquake Fault Plane
- Constraints on Mineral-Phase Abundances and Compositions in the Low-Albedo Northern Plains of Mars using MGS-TES, OMEGA, and Laboratory Spectral Data.
- Crustal Thickness Variations Beneath the Central American Arc
- Does Syndeformational Reaction Always Cause Strain Localization?
- Dynamically Characterizing a Variety of Phenological Responses of Semi-Arid Areas to Hydrological Inputs using Multi-Year AVHRR NDVI Time Series and HYDRO1k-Type Terrain Parameters
- Evolution of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Through Plio-Pleistocene Glaciation
- Factors controlling hydrogen isotope ratios of plant leaf waxes: implications for interpreting delta D record during major intervals of climate transition
- First Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos From Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM Data
- Forecasting and characterizing the recent eruption at 9deg50'N on the East Pacific Rise using Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- Frictional behavior of serpentine at high sliding velocity: Implications for seismic coupling at oceanic transform faults
- Gravity Lineations as a Manifestation of Small-Scale Upper Mantle Convective Instability.
- Gravity anomalies and structure of the Quebrada/Discovery/Gofar transform system
- Growing Agricultural Frontiers: Spread and Intensification of Mechanized Agriculture in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon
- H-Isotopic Fractionation During Biosynthesis of Leaf Waxes in C3 Plants: Trees vs. Grasses
- Hesperian-aged Valleys on Martian Volcanoes: Snowmelt, Drainage, and Erosion on Ceraunius Tholus
- High Resolution Hydrogen Isotope Records of Climate Change During the Early Holocene From Two Adjacent Lakes in Massachusetts, Eastern North America
- Holocene Paleohydrological Changes in Northern Michigan: Interpretations of Biomarker Distributions and Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis from Peatlands
- Investigating the Role of Compositionally-Diverse Glasses in Interpreting Martian Chemistry and Mineralogy as Viewed by TES
- Mars Mineralogy from OMEGA Visible-Near Infrared Measurements
- Mars Surface Hydration Seen by MEx/OMEGA Through the 3 μm Feature.
- Mass Changes in Earth's Global Water Reservoirs from GRACE
- Mid- to late Holocene climate change in tropical Africa: regional patterns, rates, and timing
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- North Atlantic Sea Surface Conditions During the Plio-Pleistocene Transition: High Variability, Dramatic Cooling, and Crashing Productivity
- Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions From Fernandina Lavas: the Volatile Content of the Galapagos Plume and Evidence for Melt Interaction With Plagioclase-rich Cumulate
- Phenology model from weather station meteorology does not predict satellite-based onset
- Phenology-based Land Cover Classification and Assessment of Land Cover Trends: A Case Study in the Western U.S.
- Plastic and Anelastic Responses of Ice-I/Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate Eutectic Aggregates
- Positive Feedback Mechanisms Between Reaction and Deformation Processes in Plagioclase-Olivine Rocks
- Prelude to the Livello Bonarelli (OAE 2): Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology in the Cenomanian
- Processes and Conditions Over Time in the Pre-eruption MSH 2004-06 Dacitic Magma System.
- Rayleigh Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Science Goals and Priorities for Lunar Exploration: NRC Interim Report
- Seismic Velocities and Earthquake Locations in the Central America Upper Mantle: results from the TUCAN Experiment
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography in the Central American Subduction Zone: Implications for Flow and Melt in the Mantle Wedge
- Slowdown of Pliocene-Pleistocene Cooling and Associated Oceanic Changes at 2.1 Ma
- Spatial rainfall gradients in equatorial Africa during the Little Ice Age: ITCZ migration and tropical SST variability
- Stability and instability in an evolving oceanic transform fault system
- The Chemical Consequences of Partial Melting, Melt Transport and Melt-Rock Reaction in a Two-Porosity Double- or Triple-Lithology Mantle: A Trace Element Perspective
- The Effect of Peridotite Serpentinization on Solid Flow and Thermal Distributions in the Wedge Above a Subducting Slab
- The Effects of Carbonic Fluids on Quartz Deformation: An Experimental Investigation
- The Hydration State of the Martian Surface as Seen by Mars Express OMEGA
- The Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- The use of Sphagnum cellulose oxygen isotope ratios in ombrotrophic peatlands as a proxy for paleoclimate.
- Using Peatland Archives to Assess Climate Forcing of Holocene Vegetational Changes: Case Studies From the Great Lakes Region
- Using ambient seismic noise to determine short period phase velocities and shallow shear velocities in young oceanic lithosphere
- Vegetation and Water Level Changes for the Northeast U.S. During the "8.2 ka Event"
- A 60,000-yr organic geochemical record of precipitation, temperature, and vegetation change in Southeast Tropical Africa
- A Quantitative, High-resolution Hydrologic and Temperature Record From the Northern Great Plains, USA
- An Overview of Volatile and Isotopic Variations Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Anelastic Response of Ice-I/Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate Eutectic Aggregates Obtained from Creep and Cyclic-Loading Experiments
- Anisotropic plasticity of single crystals of wet synthetic quartz
- CO2 Strengthening of Quartz in the Dislocation Creep Regime?
- CRISM Retrieval of Surface Lambert Albedos for Multispectral Mapping of Mars with DISORT- based Radiative Transfer Modeling: Phase 1 -- Using Historical Climatology for Temperatures, Aerosol Optical Depths, and Atmospheric Pressures
- Characterization of Sulfate Minerals in Juventae Chasma from CRISM images
- Co-existing Overlapping-Spreading-Center and Ridge-Transform Geometry
- Comparisons of Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Laser-Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Derived Bulk Chemistries for Natural Surfaces of Volcanic Rocks
- Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Front
- Deep Hydrothermal Circulation and Implications for the Early Crustal Compositional and Thermal Evolution of Mars
- Experimental Evidence for High-Pressure Phase Separation in the H2O-CO2-CaCl2 System: Implications for Rock Rheology
- Flash Heating and Weakening of Crustal Rocks During Coseismic Fault Slip
- Geology of the NW Rim of the Hellas Basin
- Global and Regional Controls on Alkenone Sea Surface Temperature and Productivity Records for the Pleistocene From the Arabian Sea
- Gully formation in terrestrial simple craters: Meteor Crater, USA and Lonar Crater, India
- Gully-Polygon Interactions, Stratigraphy, and Distribution on Earth and Mars: Thermal Contraction Crack Polygons as Part of Cold-Desert, Near-Surface, Fluvial Systems
- Implications of the Cyclostratigraphy of Jurassic Lacustrine Strata of the Hartford Rift Basin (CT and MA, USA) for the Time Scale of the Early Mesozoic
- Improving Seismic Constraints on Subduction Zone Geometry
- Insights Into Deglacial Through Holocene Climate Variability At The Peru-Chile Margin From Very High Sedimentation Rate Marine Cores
- Late Amazonian Glaciation at the Dichotomy Boundary on Mars: New Evidence from MRO for Glacial Thickness Maxima and Multiple Glacial Phases
- Layering of Al- and Fe/Mg-phyllosilicates in Western Mawrth Vallis, Mars, and Implications for Aqueous Processes During the Noachian Period
- Localization Mechanisms of Melting and Melt Migration in the Mantle Wedge at Convergent Plate Boundaries
- Lunar lava flows and related eruption styles: Relation to dike emplacement processes
- MDIS Observations from the Second MESSENGER Venus Flyby
- Mantle Structure, Melting and Flow in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica and Izu Bonin-Marianas Subduction Zones
- Mars early geological and climatic evolution, derived from its surface mineralogy
- Mechanisms for 3-D Flow in the Mantle Wedge at Subduction Zones
- Mechanisms of Ductile Shear Localization From Observations of Naturally Deformed Peridotites
- Mineralogic Diversity and Geomorphology of CRISM-detected Phyllosilicate Bearing Materials in Nili Fossae, Mars: Implications for Aqueous Alteration
- Multi-sulfate and Iron Oxide Assemblages Within the Valles Marineris Interior Layered Deposits
- Novel Stable Isotope Methods for Assessing Changes in Seasonality of Precipitation from Sediments of Ombrotrophic Peatlands
- Occurrence and Stratigraphy of Phyllosilicate and Hydrated Silicate Minerals on Mars from OMEGA and CRISM
- Oxidation Kinetics and Textures for Natural and Synthetic MORB Glasses and Subliquidus Melts: RBS Analyses
- Phyllosilicate identification in Mawrth Vallis: an analysis of CRISM multispectral data and targeted images FRT4ECA and HRS307A
- Planetary ices up close: imaging by cryogenic SEM.
- Rapid Land-Use Changes for Large-Scale Industrialized Agriculture and Associated Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Brazilian Amazon
- Reaction between lherzolite and eclogite-derived melts in the upper mantle
- Relationship between Leaf Water and Leaf Waxes in Growing Pine Needles
- Response of Rwenzori (Uganda - DR Congo) Glaciers and Mountain Lake Ecosystems to Climate Change: Past, Present, Future
- Salinity and Temperature Reconstruction from Oxygen Isotopes and Mg/Ca in Benthic Foraminifera in the NE Pacific margin for the Late Holocene
- Sedimentary Fan Deposits in Jezero Crater Lake, in the Nili Fossae Region, Mars: Meter- scale Layering and Phyllosilicate-Bearing Sediments
- Shear Attenuation and Dispersion in Harzburgite
- Simple Models of Melting and Trace Element Transport in Subduction Zones
- Slope streaks in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Characteristics, candidate formation mechanisms, and implications for slope streak formation on Mars
- Spectral Mapping of Interior Layered Deposits of Western Candor Chasma by CRISM
- Synchronization of Glacial-Interglacial SST changes in the Tropical Oceans: Evidence for Amplification of Climate Sensitivity by Carbon Dioxide Over the Past 2.7 Ma
- Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Landscape Development of Puerto Rico
- Temperature of mantle melts beneath Central America: Integrating petrologic and seismic observations
- Testing the Snowpack Hypothesis for Gully Formation on Mars: Utilization of the Antarctic Dry Valleys (ADV) as a Terrestrial Analog
- Tests for Wet Mechanism of Slope Streaks Formation on Mars.
- The Dispersal of Ash From an Ancient Volcanic Center on Mars
- The Malili Lakes, Indonesia: Potential Archives of Long Records of Terrestrial Paleoclimate from the Equatorial Western Pacific
- The Origin and Significance of F-rich Amphibole Rims in 2005 Mount St. Helens Dacite and Similar Eruptions
- The Venus Express VIRTIS and MESSENGER teams
- The extent of phyllosilicates in the northern highlands around Mawrth Vallis: CRISM observations of Western Arabia Terra
- Thermal Contraction Crack Polygons on Earth and Mars: Morphological Analysis and Climate Implications
- Thermal-Mechanical Behavior of Oceanic Transform Faults- Implications for Hydration of the Upper Oceanic Mantle
- Trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge: insights from integrating seismology and 3D subduction zone modeling
- Tropical Mountain Glaciers on Mars: Altitude-Dependence of Ice Accumulation, Accumulation Conditions, Formation Times, Glacier Dynamics, and Implications for Planetary Spin- Axis/Orbital History
- Volatiles in Basalts From Intra-Transform Spreading Centers: Implications for Melt Migration Models
- Volatiles in the Lunar Volcanic Glasses, Evidence for the Presence of Indigenous Water in the Moon's Interior
- Zonal and Meridional Sea Surface Temperature Gradients and Orbital Variability During the Plio-Pleistocene Transition
- 3-D Isotropic and Anisotropic S-velocity Structure in the North American Upper Mantle
- A 280,000-Year Temperature and Productivity Reconstruction From the Great Salt Lake in the Western US Using Long-Chain Alkenones
- A Possible Link between Mantle Heterogeneity and Dunite Channel Distribution in an Upwelling Mantle: A Numerical Study
- A controlled evaluation of magnetite formation in synthetic submarine basaltic glass: implications for paleointensity studies
- Abrupt onset of widespread drought at the mid-Holocene transition observed from New England through Eastern Michigan
- Active Early Chemistry Proposed for Mawrth Vallis, Mars, Based on Changing Redox Processes in Ancient Phyllosilicate Rocks
- Along-arc Variations in Volatile Cycling in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Amazonian Dike Swarms In Utopia Basin, Mars
- An Environmental Magnetic Record of Quaternary Moisture Change From the Loess/Loessoid Deposits of the Central Eastern Pampas of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- An Overview of Ultraviolet Through Infrared Reflectance Observations of Mercury during the Second Messenger Flyby.
- An abrupt and prominent climatic reversal at 9.2 ka in the northeastern North America
- Astronomical pacing of ecosystem function in the Green River Formation of Utah and Colorado
- Bounds of foundering in the southern Sierra Nevada
- CRISM-OMEGA Observations of Compositionally Distinct Crater Ejecta in the Syrtis Major Region of Mars.
- Caloris Impact Basin: Exterior Geomorphology, Stratigraphy, Morphometry, Radial Sculpture, and Smooth Plains Deposits
- Chain-Length Distribution and Hydrogen Isotopic Fraction of n-alkyl Lipids in Aquatic and Terrestrial Plants: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
- Changing Ocean Surface Conditions in the Late Pliocene North Atlantic: Insights From a Latitudinal Transect
- Characterizing Lithospheric Thickness in Australia using Ps and Sp Scattered Waves
- Climatic Control of Oceanic Suboxic Zones on Centennial to Million Year Timescales
- Collaborative Comparison of Earthquake Simulators
- Comparison Between Mid-Holocene and Twentieth Century Climatic Change and Alpine Treeline Fluctuations in the Western U.S. Based on Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotopes, Tree Rings, Pollen, and Macrofossils
- Comparison of ground-based measurements of natural radiation to airborne radiation survey data on transects from coastal California to the Colorado Plateau
- Constraining melt generation and migration at convergent plate boundaries with trace element transfer models
- Constraints from Magmas on the Upper Mantle beneath the Western US
- Constraints on the Evolution of the Upper Crust and Volcanic Deposits of Mars
- Constraints on the causes of the High Lava Plains volcanism from inversions of surface wave phase and amplitude data
- Coordinating CRISM Observations of Sulfates near Valles Marineris with the Subsurface Bright Salty Soils Exposed in Gusev Crater via Lab Experiments
- Cratering on Mercury Interpreted from MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- Crustal Thickness and Vp/Vs Beneath the Florida to Edmonton Broadband Seismometer Array
- Dichotomy Boundary Glaciation Models: Implications for Timing and Glacial Processes
- Discovery of the Acid-Sulfate Mineral Alunite in Terra Sirenum, Mars, Using MRO CRISM: Possible Evidence for Acid-Saline Lacustrine Deposits?
- Diverse Habitable Environments Characterized with Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express Data
- Diversity of Mineralogy and Occurrences of Phyllosilicates on Mars
- Effects of crust and mantle variations on seismic waves within the Gulf of California
- Environmental and Climatic Control on the Occurrence and Abundance of Long Chain Alkenones in Lakes of the Interior United States
- Evidence for a heterogeneous astenosphere from intra-transform and seamount lavas
- Examination of Gunnison River influences on Cactus Park Lake Beds using Heavy Mineral and Geochemical Analyses
- Experimental Constraints on the Strength of Antigorite Deformed at High Temperature and Pressure
- Exploring Earth's Lowermost Mantle With Core-Diffracted Waves From Linear Arrays
- Explosive Volcanic Eruptions on Mercury: Eruption Conditions, Magma Volatile Content, and Implications for Mantle Volatile Abundances
- Extreme Warmth in the Late Miocene North Atlantic
- Fossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) as Paleothermometers in the African Tropics
- Frictional Properties of Fault Gouges Recovered from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316 Drilling
- Garnet Polycrystals in a Barrovian Sequence in Dutchess County, New York
- Geochemical Variation in Prehistoric and Historic Lavas, Sakura-jima, Japan
- Geology of the unusual double-ring Raditladi basin on Mercury
- Global Frontier of Land-Use Change: Recent Explosion of Croplands in the Southwestern Amazon
- High-Resolution Reconstructions of Temperature and Precipitation During the Last Millennium from Lake Tanganyika, Africa
- Imaging During MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury
- Imaging Lithospheric Discontinuities Beneath North America with Teleseismic Ps and Sp Receiver Functions
- Imaging the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary with Scattered Waves
- Implications of grain-size evolution on the seismic structure of the oceanic upper mantle
- Influence of Strain History and Strain Amplitude on the Internal Friction of Ice-I and Two- Phase Ice/Salt Hydrate Aggregates
- Laboratory Investigations of the Origin of Pulverized Rocks
- Leveraging Educational, Research and Facility Expertise to Improve Global Seismic Monitoring: Preparing a Guide on Sustainable Networks
- Linking International Development Actors to Geophysical Infrastructure: Exploring an IRIS Community Role in Bridging a Communications Gap
- Long-Term Dissolution Rate of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers
- MESSENGER's Second Flyby of Mercury: A Scientific Overview
- Mars' Paleomagnetic Field as the Result of a Single-Hemisphere Dynamo
- Martian gullies as seen by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM)
- Melt Could Create a Sharp Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Below Eastern North America
- Mercury's Smooth Plains: Distribution, Origin, and Significance
- Mercury's internal magnetic field: Constraints on fields of crustal origin
- Mid- to late-Holocene NAO-type variability and the impacts of climate change on Paleo- Eskimo and Norse occupation in West Greenland based on lacustrine alkenones and compound-specific hydrogen isotopes
- Mid-Holocene onset of high-amplitude decadal to centennial scale variability along the Peru Chile Margin
- Milankovitch Modulation of the Ecosystem Dynamics of Fossil Great Lakes
- Multiscale Earthquake Simulator, Using Rate and State Friction and Fast Multipoles, Focused on Parkfield, California
- Noachian Megabreccia on Mars
- Novel Insights to the Factors Controlling Monsoon Precipitation in Southwestern US From a mid-Pleistocene Lake Sediment Record, Valles Caldera, Northern New Mexico
- Novel proxies for reconstructing paleohydrology from ombrotrophic peatlands: biomarker and compound-specific H and C stable isotope ratios
- Orbital Identification of Carbonate-Bearing Rocks on Mars
- Orbital forcing of Devonian Lacustrine Ecosystems
- Oxidation Dynamics and their Effects on Texture and Magnetic Response in Remelted and Quenched Submarine Basaltic Glass
- PRISM3 Pliocene Sea surface Temperature Reconstruction
- Paleo- Stress and Strain Rates in an Intra-Arc Strike-Slip Fault, Sierra Nevada, California
- Paleolimnological records of recent changes in glacier status, precipitation, and temperature in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda-D. R. Congo
- Phyllosilicates in Mawrth Vallis: Implications for a Past Aqueous Environment
- Polycrystalline Garnet Porphyroblasts, an EBSD Study
- Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid- latitudes of Mars
- Rayleigh-Wave Tomography in the Nicaragua-Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Reconciling Cave, Marine, and Loess Proxies for Summer Monsoon Strength at the Precession Band
- Relating Phylogeny to Alkenone Distributions in Lacustrine Alkenone-Producing Haptophytes: Implications for Continental Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- Shear-wave Splitting Tomography and Flow in the Mantle Wedge Beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- Simple Models for Melting and Melt Migration in an Upwelling Heterogeneous Mantle Column with Applications to Isotopic Variations in MORB and Residual Peridotites
- Solar Activity Induced Pronounced Temperature Oscillations During the Late Pleistocene to the Early Holocene in the Northeastern North America
- Spatial Patterns of Productivity in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
- Spring Deposits and Mud Volcanoes on Mars
- Stress-dependence of dislocation creep rate: Implications for transitions between creep mechanisms in the upper mantle
- Study of extrabasinal-sourced rock clasts in Mesozoic and Cenozoic conglomerates and stream terrace gravels from the Colorado River Basin upstream from the Grand Canyon
- Sulfates and Other Hydrated Minerals in Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris and Implications for Water Geochemistry
- The Enigma of Millennial-scale Rainfall Variations in the Southeast African Tropics: a Breakdown of the ITCZ Paradigm
- The Fate of Unsubducted Fragments of the Farallon Plate
- The Formation and Evolution of Youthful Gullies on Mars: Surface Melting at the End of Mars' Most Recent Ice Age
- The Global Tectonics of Mercury
- The Nicaragua - Costa Rica slab and wedge: imaging deep fluid pathways
- The Surface of Venus and Implications for its Geological and Geodynamical Evolution: The View Before Venus Express and Outstanding Questions for the Future
- The base of the seismogenic zone in the oceanic lithosphere
- The isotopic composition of fixed nitrogen species in precipitation at Bermuda: Implications for the atmosphere and ocean
- Thermal Convection Heated both Volumetrically and from Below: Implications for Predictions of Planetary Evolution
- Ti Diffusion in Pyroxene
- Topography of Equatorial Mercury from MESSENGER Flybys 1 and 2
- Trace Elements in Basalts From the Siqueiros Fracture Zone: Implications for Melt Migration Models
- Variability of the Δ17O Value of Atmospheric Nitrate Aerosol in a Global 3D Chemical Transport Model
- Volcanism on Mercury: Characteristics and Distribution from the First MESSENGER Flyby
- A 75,000-Year Precipitation Record from Lake Malawi, Africa Based on Compound-Specific D/H Ratios
- A Paleoevaporation Proxy Using Compound Specific Stable Isotope Measurements from Peatland Biomarkers
- A comparison of branched tetraethers in soils and lake sediments from the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda: Potential for MBT/CBT paleothermometry
- A quantitative and qualitative comparison of aquatic and terrestrial plant lignin phenols: Critical information for paleoecological reconstructions
- Anisotropic domains in the North American upper mantle
- Aquatic Macrophytes Inputs of Middle Chain Length n-alkyl Lipids into Lake Sediments: a Linear Algebra Approach
- Benthic and planktonic δ18O from the northern South China Sea: Implications for East Asian Monsoon seasonality and the marine δ18O chronology
- Biogenic and terrestrial sediment records of the last two glacial cycles from offshore southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Bucking the Conventional Wisdom: Development of Crystallographic Preferred Orientation During Creep Involving Grain Boundary Sliding
- Comparison of The Christiansen Feature Position and Lunar Iron: Evidence for Space Weathering Effects
- Compositional units on Mercury from principal component and clustering analyses of MESSENGER spectrometer observations
- Detailed 3-D S-wave velocity beneath the High Lava Plains, Oregon, from 2-plane-wave Rayleigh wave inversions
- Distribution and Character of Lunar Low-Ca and Mg-Rich Pyroxenes
- Dynamic Upwelling in the Mantle Beneath the Gulf of California (Invited)
- Dynamics of melt extraction channels? Evidence from the Beni Bousera ultramafic massif. (Invited)
- Early Results from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter on LRO (Invited)
- Equatorward Southern Westerlies and Reduced Deep Ocean Ventilation During the Last Glacial
- Estuarine Alkenones: A High-Resolution Record of Sea-Surface Temperature from Narragansett Bay over the Past Millennia
- Evaluating Anthropogenic Impacts to the Nitrogen Cycle Based on the Isotopes of Nitrate (Invited)
- Evaporites in Martian Paleolakes: Observations and Implications
- Evolution of Mediterranean sea surface temperature: Evidence for an intensification of European glaciation at the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary?
- Experimental deformation of natural diabase at high-pressure: implications for the rheology of the lower crust
- Haptophyte alga from Greenland lakes offers unprecedented opportunity to decipher alkenone biosynthetic pathways and functionality
- Heinrich I and Younger Dryas Glaciation in the Central Andes
- High porosity harzburgite and dunite channels for the transport of compositionally heterogeneous melts in the mantle: I. Melt flow field, porosity, dunite and harzburgite channel distributions (Invited)
- High porosity harzburgite and dunite channels for the transport of compositionally heterogeneous melts in the mantle: II. Geochemical consequences
- Holocene precipitation seasonality captured by a dual isotope approach at Steel Lake, Minnesota
- Implications of Sediment Diapirs on the H2O Flux into the Mantle at Arcs (Invited)
- Insights into Lunar Far-side Highlands Crustal Development from the Moscoviense Basin and the Moon Mineralogy Mapper onboard Chandrayaan-1
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- Isabella Anomaly: Lithospheric drip, delamination or fragment of the Farallon plate?
- LCROSS Impact Conditions and Ejecta Evolution: Insight from Experiments
- Linking Fossil Fish Cyclicity and Paleoenvironmental Proxies in the mid-Devonian
- Lithospheric Discontinuities Beneath North America (Invited)
- Lithospheric structure beneath the central North Carolina-Tennessee Blue Ridge Mountains
- Lost Impacts (Invited)
- Lunar Sinuous Rilles: Analysis of Morphology, Topography, and Mineralogy, and Implications for a Thermal Erosion Origin
- MESSENGER multispectral observations of Mercury (Invited)
- Magnetite Formation in Submarine Basaltic Glass: Insights From Synthetic Analogues
- Mantle Flow Above and Below the Subducting Lithosphere in Central America
- Mechanisms for Incorporation of Hydrogen in and on the Lunar Surface
- Melt Inclusions from the Galápagos Plume: Clues to the Origin of ‘Ghost Plagioclase’
- Mercury after the Third MESSENGER Flyby
- Mercury's Bright Crater-Floor Deposits: Morphology, Distribution, and Spectral Properties
- Microphysics of Low-Frequency Attenuation: Grain Boundaries, Heterophase Boundaries, Subgrain Boundaries, Spatiotemporal Scaling (Invited)
- Microstructural evolution in coarse grained dunite deformed to large strains
- Mid-Pleistocene Orbital and Millennial Scale Climate Change in a 200 ky lacustrine sediment core from SW North America
- Modeling Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 100 Years of Land-Cover and Land-Use Change on the Amazon Agricultural Frontier
- Modeling mantle circulation and density distributions in subduction zones: Implications for seismic studies
- Near-surface magnetic fields and dust transport at lunar swirls (Invited)
- New Proxies from Loess-Paleosols on Mount Kilimanjaro document Late Pleistocene Megadroughts in East Africa
- Noble Gas Partitioning Between Olivine and Melt to 2 GPa
- Oblique impacts into low impedance layers
- Orientale Impact Basin and Vicinity: Topographic Characterization from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data
- Orientale Impact Basin: New Insights into Formation and Evolution from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Paleolimnological records of decade- to century-scale rainfall variability in East Java, Indonesia during the past millennium
- Pattern formation in magma dynamics: The oscillatory instability
- Pedestal crater deposits as seen by SHARAD
- Plastic anisotropy and LPO development in sheared and recrystallized quartz single crystals
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) as Biomarkers of Regional Fire in the Paleorecord
- Probing the Mechanisms of Rock Friction at the Nanometer Scale with Atomic Force Microscopy
- Role of Convective Instabilities in the Evolution of the Oceanic Upper Mantle
- Seasonal CO2 Ice at Mid-Latitudes on Mars: Implications for Subsurface Water Ice
- Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars
- Shear Attenuation and Dispersion in Olivine + Orthopyroxene Aggregates (Synthetic Harzburgite)
- Shear wave velocity structure beneath southern California: Mantle at crustal depths beneath the Borderlands
- Simultaneous Modeling of Transient Creep and Grain Boundary Sliding
- Small Glaciofluvial Valleys on Amazonian Mars
- Strain localization through the continental lithosphere: toward a new mantle rheology..
- Strong Along-Arc Variations in Attenuation in the Mantle Wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua (Invited)
- Structure and Morphology of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- Summary of impact markers and potential impact mechanisms for the YDB impact event at 12.9 ka
- The Dynamo's Sensitivity to Core-Mantle Thermal Interactions: Investigations of Mars and Earth (Invited)
- The Importance of Insolation on the Temperature Variations for the Past 80 kyr in the Chinese Loess Plateau
- The LCROSS Impact Cratering Experiment
- The Link between Hi - Magnesium Andesite Distribution in Baja California Peninsula and the Undetached Fragments of the Farallon Plate
- The Role of Spinel Minerals in Lunar Magma Evolution
- The hydrologic and thermal evolution of tropical Africa since 21 kyr BP: Recent progress and synthesis
- The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath Australia imaged by Sp phases
- The role of Grain Boundary Sliding in the evolution of Lattice Preferred Orientation (Invited)
- Two-component Mixing in MORB: Evidence from the Quebrada-Discovery-GoFar Fracture Zone (EPR 3°-5°S)
- Using an Isotope enabled coupled atmosphere-ocean model to understand variations in isotope records from peatlands
- Weathering and hydrothermal alteration of basalts in Iceland: mineralogy from VNIR, TIR, XRD, and implications for Mars
- West Pacific climate evolution (12-7 Ma): Linkages to tectonic events, cryosphere evolution and orbital forcing
- Who’s on top? SST proxy comparison from the Peru Margin Upwelling System
- "A bundle of columns" model for trace element fractionation during melting and melt migration in a vertically upwelling, chemically and lithologically heterogeneous mantle
- 3D High-Resolution Seismic Tomography in the Upper Mantle of Gulf of California Region by SEM Seismogram Simulation and Adjoint Inversion
- A Study of Short-Period Surface Wave Data, Geodynamic Models, and the Rheology and Dynamics of the Mantle Beneath the East Pacific Rise
- A comparative study of melt-rock reactions in the mantle: laboratory dissolution experiments and geological field observations
- A multi-proxy record of volume in the Great Salt Lake over the Holocene
- A terrestrial Eocene stack: tying terrestrial lake ecology to marine carbon cycling through the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Alkenone-derived Mediterranean SST during the Serravallian to Messinian Stages of the late Miocene (6.3-12.9Ma) reveals cooling prior to northern hemisphere glaciation
- An assessment of leaf wax hydrogen isotopes as a climate proxy in proglacial arctic lake sediments
- Asthenospheric Mantle Flow by Viscous Fingering Instabilities
- Asthenospheric Shear Controls Global Patterns of Intraplate Volcanism
- Atom Probe Tomography of Olivine
- Carbon Cycle Dynamics through the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: Orbital Couplings to Lacustrine Cycling
- Centennial scale climate variations since Deglaciation in the southern New England
- Centennial-scale hydrological variations in East Java, Indonesia during the past 1400 years from paleolimnological records
- Coherent Tropical Ocean Response to Plio-Pleistocene Ice Age Cycles (Invited)
- Compaction driven melt localization in dunites and associated rocks in the mantle: Field observations and numerical experiments
- Crystallographic preferred orientations and melt-rock interactions : olivine-rich troctolites from IODP Hole U1309D
- D/H and δ18O-salinity relationships for Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: Applications to Paleoenvironmental and Hydrology Studies
- Diel fluctuations in summer streamflow depend on stream channel sediment storage and valley-floor vegetation in the forested western Cascades of Oregon, USA
- Distribution and Composition of Prominent Low-Ca Pyroxene Exposures in the South Pole-Aitken Basin as Observed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
- Distribution of REE between clinopyroxene and basaltic melt along a mantle adiabat: Effects of major element composition, water, and temperature
- East African Droughts of the Last 2 Millennia: Insights from Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotopes at Sacred Lake, Mount Kenya
- Effects of impact angle and target structure on seismic efficiency
- Encouraging and Attracting Underrepresented Racial Minorities to the Field of Geosciences-A Latin American Graduate Student Perspective
- Environmental Fluctuations during the Rise of Dinosaurs in Western North America
- Evaluating Sources, Chemistry and Climate Changes From the Isotopes of Nitrate in Ice Cores (Invited)
- Evidence for Sulfur Degassing in Oceanic Basalts
- Experimental Constraints on He, Ne, Ar Behavior at Mantle Conditions
- Experimental deformation of natural dunite: Effects of suppressed diffusion creep on microstructural evolution
- Flux Decoupling and Chemical Diffusion in Redox Dynamics in Aluminosilicate Melts and Glasses (Invited)
- Geomorphic record of Noachian, Hesperian and Amazonian materials and deposits preserved within Asimov Crater, Mars: A cross-sectional view of the role of volatiles through martian history
- High-resolution morphologic and spectral characteristics of Crater-exposed Bedrock on Mars: Insights into the petrogenesis, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Martian crust
- Hydrated Silica at Mawrth Vallis and Implications for Past Environment
- Ice-house-like orbital forcing of a mid-Devonian Ecosystem (Orcadian Basin, Scotland)
- Identifying the erosion regime present during formation of lunar sinuous rilles
- Implications of the Distinctive Mafic Mound in Central SPA (Invited)
- Influence of water content on the strength of gabbroic rocks and insights into using empirical flow laws for determining lower crustal rheology
- Integrated Record of Terrestrial Biotic Change from the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation of northern New Mexico
- Iron in Plagioclase: Synthesis Experiments with Applications to Lunar Reflectance Spectroscopy
- Land-Ocean Correlation of Orbital-Scale Climatic Changes in the Western Mediterranean during MIS 1/2 and 11/12
- Large-Strain Frictional Behavior of Megasplay Fault Zone Materials and Accretionary Wedge Sediments Recovered from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316 Drilling
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene hydrological change in central Indonesia from Lake Towuti, Sulawesi
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Beneath Regions of Recent Volcanism in the Basin and Range Province and Mojave Desert
- Lithosphere-Asthenosphere boundary from a petrological perspective: Results form the Basin and Range, Western USA (Invited)
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Salton Trough/Gulf of California Region from Sp Receiver Functions
- Local Study of Flexural Rigidity in Old Oceanic Lithosphere
- Magnetic Response and Redox Reaction Texture in Basaltic Glass, Interrelated (Invited)
- Mantles of terrestrial planets immediately following magma ocean solidification
- Melt percolation and associated deformation: field and microstructural evidence from the Beni Bousera ultramafic massif
- Modeling 3-D flow in the mantle wedge with complex slab geometries: Comparisons with seismic anisotropy
- Networking Skills as a Career Development Practice: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)
- New Paleoenvironmental and Biotic Records from the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Interval of the Algarve Basin, Portugal
- Orbital Scale Sea Surface Temperature and Carbonate Preservation Changes in the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the Pliocene Warm Period
- Pyroclastic Eruptions in a Mars Climate Model: The Effects of Grain Size, Plume Height, Density, Geographical Location, and Season on Ash Distribution
- Quantifying the isotopic composition of NOx emission sources: An analysis of collection methods
- Seismic Anisotropy Beneath California: Constraints from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Shear-wave splitting and mantle anisotropy in the southern South American subduction zone
- Silicate Mineralogy of SPA: A New View from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Source-limited dike propagation at the base of the lithosphere: implications for rift initiation
- Sources of volatiles in basalts from the Galapagos Archipelago: deep and shallow evidence
- South Pole-Aitken Basin: Evidence for Post-Basin Resurfacing from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data
- Spatial and Temporal Geochemical Variation in Basalt from the northern Andean Southern Volcanic Zone
- Strain history effects on the plastic and anelastic properties of planetary ice
- Stratification of Azimuthal Anisotropy in the North American Craton (Invited)
- Temperature calibration of lacustrine alkenones using in-situ sampling and growth cultures
- Template for the Terrestrial Planets: The Moon (Invited)
- The 190Pt-186Os Decay System Applied to Dating Platinum-Group Element Mineralization in Layered Intrusions, Ophiolites and Detrital Deposits
- The Ejecta Evolution of Deep Impact: Insight from Experiments
- The Impact of Elevated Temperatures on Continental Carbon Cycling in the Paleogene
- The Kuroshio Extension during the Pliocene-Pleistocene climate transition: orbital-scale temperature reconstructions from ODP Site 1208
- The Structure and evolution of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken Basin from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) (Invited)
- The Thickness of Proximal Ejecta from the Orientale Basin as revealed by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA)
- The Transition from Complex Crater to Peak-Ring Basin on the Moon: New Observations from LOLA Global Topography and Constraints on Basin Formation Models
- The chemical composition of organic nitrogen in marine rainwater and aerosols
- The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and cratonic lithospheric layering beneath stable North America (Invited)
- The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath North America and Australia (Invited)
- The permafrost glacial hypothesis - how permafrost carbon dynamics controlled atmospheric CO2 and Pleistocene climate
- Thermal infrared emissivity measurements in a simulated lunar environment of major silicate minerals on the Moon
- Time-Dependence of Intraplate Volcanism Caused by Shear-Driven Upwelling of Low-Viscosity Regions of the Asthenosphere
- Toward global waveform tomography of the whole mantle using SEM: Efficient simulation of the global wavefield using a homogenized crust
- Visualizing Earth's Core-Mantle Interactions using Nanoscale X-ray Tomography
- Was the Archean mantle thermal regime special? Constraints from residual peridotites
- Who stole my δ14N? Local vs. remote drivers of the South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone during the Holocene
- 3-D patterns and volumes of decompression melting fueled by asthenospheric flow: comparison and interaction of shear-driven upwelling with small-scale convection
- 4 Vesta in Color: High Resolution Mapping from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A Model for the Distribution of Volatiles at the LCROSS Impact Site
- A Zonal Mode in the Indian Ocean over the Past Millennium? Isotopic Evidence from Continental Climate Archives and Model Simulations
- Along-strike translation of a fossil slab
- An in lake comparison of the branched GDGT lacustrine paleothermometer with other temperature proxies
- Analysis of Surface Volcanism on Mercury
- Anisotropy above and below the subducting Nazca lithosphere
- Anoxia Precedes the end-Triassic Mass Extinction: Evidence from the Kennecott Point Formation, British Columbia
- Assessing post-depositional alteration and the integrity of ice core nitrate-N and -O isotopic records at the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Assessing the Crustal Stratigraphy of Mercury: Results from MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Bi-Hemispheric Changes in Westerly Winds Helped Drive Plio-Pleistocene Productivity Changes
- Bridging the Gap between Scientific and Indigenous knowledge to Better Understand Social Impacts of Changing Rainfall Regimes
- Can small-scale convection in the oceanic upper-manlte exist in light of shear-wave velocity observations?
- Caught in the act: evidence for seismic arrest on natural friction-melt-bearing faults?
- Clay Formation Dominantly in the Subsurface? Implications for Early Mars Environments
- Climate Change During the Pliocene Warm Period: A Perspective from the Southern Hemisphere
- Compositional anomalies in Moscoviense Basin: Constraints from integrated Diviner, Moon Mineralogy Mapper and Spectral Profiler analyses
- Compositional maps and VIS-IR spectral indicators of Vesta's surface retrieved from VIR hyperspectral data
- Constraints on the history of open-basin lakes on Mars from the timing of volcanic resurfacing
- D/H Ratios of the Lunar Volcanic Glasses
- Development of a rotational Drickamer apparatus: A progress report
- Dynamics of a haptophyte bloom in Lake George, ND: Implications for alkenone-based temperature reconstructions
- Effect of Laser Power on Atom Probe Tomography of Silicates
- Effects of fO<SUB>2</SUB>, fH<SUB>2</SUB>O and a<SUB>oxide</SUB> on formation and density of extended planar defects in olivine
- Ejection and Lofting of Dust from Hypervelocity Impacts on the Moon
- Electromagnetic Constraints on the Structure of the Oceanic Upper-Mantle: Consistencies and Inconsistencies with Other Observations
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Experimental deformation of partially molten granite and implications for strain localization
- Experimental investigation of LPO development and recrystallized grain size evolution in plagioclase and plagioclase + olivine aggregates
- Formation of Lunar Mg-Spinel Lithologies by Melt-Wallrock Reaction
- Global azimuthal anisotropy structure of the upper mantle
- Helium Solubility in Cyclosilicates and Implications for Noble Gas Recycling
- High resolution Holocene temperature records for the northeastern United States from hydrogen isotope ratios of mid-chain aquatic plant lipids
- High-temperature laboratory measurements in support of a statistical analysis of spectral data from MESSENGER
- Hollows on Mercury: Bright-haloed depressions imply recent endogenic activity
- Hydrological Variability in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool: Late Pleistocene and Holocene Records from Lake Matano, Indonesia
- Influence of Large Lakes on Methane Greenhouse Forcing in the Early Eocene
- Joint inversion of teleseismic S-wave relative arrival times and Rayleigh wave phase and amplitude deviations in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Large Impact Melt Flow Feature identified across the floor of Copernicus Crater by Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M<SUP>3</SUP>)
- Lava erosion on Mercury: Model results using new observations from MESSENGER
- Lithospheric Structure of the Rio-Grande Rift and the Colorado Plateau
- Major hydrologic shifts in northwest Florida during the Holocene from a lacustrine sediment record
- Mantle Heterogeneity and Off Axis Volcanism on Young Pacific Lithosphere
- Mapping Vesta Equatorial Quadrangle V-8EDL: Various Craters and Giant Grooves
- Mapping Vesta Southern Quadrangle V-13SFW: Investigating Craters, Grooves and Plains
- Mapping Vesta's Equatorial Quadrangle V-9EFW: Compositional variation and Surface maturity
- Mapping Vesta's Northern Quadrangle V-4NFW: Local and Regional Stratigraphy
- Martian Hot Springs? Silica deposits in the Nili Patera Caldera.
- Measurement of activation volume for creep of dry olivine at upper mantle pressure
- Melt transport through continental lithosphere by dike injection from a partially molten asthenosphere
- Microstructures of antigorite serpentinites deformed at high pressure and high temperature
- Migration of extension in the northern Gulf of California
- On the Origin of Localized Fast Mantle Flow Velocity in Numerical Models of Subduction
- Orbital- to millennial-scale abrupt hydrologic change in central Indonesia during the past 60,000 years
- Origin of Aristarchus Olivine Deposits Based on M3, WAC, and Diviner Analyses
- Paleoclimate modeling of the Amazonian glacial cycles using the new version of the LMD Global Climate Model
- Paleoelevation and paleotemperature of the Ethiopian Plateau from multi-system stable isotope analysis
- Po Anisotropy in Old Pacific Lithosphere
- Possible Sources of Polar Volatiles
- Predicting and testing continental vertical motion histories since the Paleozoic
- Preliminary results from the Southeastern Suture of the Appalachian Margin Experiment (SESAME): Initial observations and a comparison between vault and direct-burial stations
- Quantifying the influence of halogens on nitrate photochemistry at Summit, Greenland
- Rayleigh wave phase velocities in old oceanic seafloor from the PLATE experiment
- Recent geologic activity on Mercury
- Reconstruction of Holocene Temperature History in the Rwenzori Mountains (uganda - DR Congo) Based on Midge Analysis of Lake Sediments
- Relationship between basin formation and mare emplacement: Examining mare basalt deposits in the lunar Orientale basin
- SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Results for California
- Seismological Constraints on Deep Mantle Processes
- Self-consistent models for REE partitioning among high-Ca pyroxene, low-Ca pyroxene, and basaltic melts with applications to REE distribution during adiabatic mantle melting and pyroxenite-derived melt and mantle interaction
- Sequestration of volatiles in the martian crust through hydrated minerals
- Simple models for trace element fractionation during melting, melt transport and melt-rock reaction in a chemically and lithologically heterogeneous mantle
- Simulating a Mars mission for the identification of samples of high mineralogical interest using a portable imaging spectrometer
- Strain localization in the oceanic lithosphere: The role of alteration products and fluid flow
- Strain localization processes in a suite of sheared gabbros: examining the rheology of the lower crust
- Style of exhumation and rheological evolution of a Mediterranean subduction complex
- Subtropical North Pacific sea surface temperatures reconstructed at the orbital timescale during the Plio/Pleistocene climate transition
- Terrestrial cold-desert analogs: Antarctic landforms and implications for regional glaciation on Mars
- The Chronology of Basin Formation and Subsequent Volcanism on the Moon and Mercury
- The Timing of Oceanic Mantle Depletion
- The influence of dehydration reactions on the mechanical behavior of antigorite: Implications for understanding strain localization and seismicity
- The role of plains volcanism in the formation of Mercury's crust
- The role of weak phases on strength and strain localization in quartz aggregates
- The stability of the ilmenite-rich cumulates and its implications for structures in the lunar mantle and core
- Thermal Structure of Convergent Plate Boundaries Incorporating the Heat of Melting and Crustal Accretion
- Time-series of water column alkenones and 18S rRNA confirm that Uk'37 is a viable SST proxy in Narragansett Bay, RI
- Topology of the Mantle Abyssal Layer; Superplumes Big and Small
- Toward global waveform tomography with the SEM: Improving upper-mantle images
- Towards interpreting nitrate-δ<SUP>15</SUP>N records in ice cores in terms of nitrogen oxide sources
- Trace element abundances in pyroxenes from a dunite-harzburgite-lherzolite sequence at the Trinity ophiolite: Evidence for multiple episodes of melt migration and melt-rock reaction
- U-Pb Zircon geochronology, Hf isotope and trace element geochemistry of a unique lower crustal - upper mantle section of a dying slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge (Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean)
- Uppermost Mantle S-wave Velocity Structure of the East Anatolian-Caucasus Region
- Using Short-Term Postseismic Displacements to Infer the Ambient Deformation Conditions of the Upper Mantle
- Volatile Content of the Mid-ocean Ridge Mantle Inferred from Off-axis Seamounts and Intra-transform Lavas
- Weak Intraplate Volcanism Caused by Shear-Driven Upwelling
- Whence, Whither, Wherefore, oh Lunar Water?
- Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
- Widespread, Juvenile Alteration of the Ferrar Dolerite in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
- 3-D Shear Velocity Structure of Costa Rica and Nicaragua from Teleseismic and Ambient Noise Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- A 10Be Chronology of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Glaciation in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda
- A Model for Earth's Mantle Dynamic History for The Last 500 Ma and Its Implications for Continental Vertical Motions and Geomagnetism
- A REE-in-two-pyroxene Thermometer and a REE-in-garnet-cpx Thermometer for Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
- A method for constraining cooling rate of mafic and ultramafic rocks based on REE-in-two-pyroxene thermometer and REE diffusion in pyroxenes
- A mid-Pleistocene record of monsoonal precipitation in southwestern US, insights into the occurrence of drought
- An experimental study of the kinetics of lherzolite and basalt interaction: Effect of water
- Assessment of the global energy budget of Mars and comparison to the Earth
- Centennial-scale variability in Peru Margin intermediate water circulation during the last deglaciation
- Climatic and Chemical Effects of Punctuated Volcanism on Early Mars
- Constraints on the coseismic properties of faults dynamically weakened due to silica gel lubrication
- Continental Ecosystem Instability During the Late Triassic Rise of Dinosaurs
- Coupling of N2O and CO2 fluxes from agriculture in Michigan
- Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs estimates near the Brunswick magnetic anomaly using receiver functions from the SESAME array
- Dark Material on Vesta from Infall of Carbonaceous Volatile-Rich Materials
- Dislocation Enhancement of Seismic-Frequency Attenuation: Subgrain Boundary Diffusion and Triggered, Critical Emission of Dislocations
- Ecosystem Resilience to Ocean Deoxygenation and Acidification: Lessons from Contrasting Mass Extinction Events
- Effects of land use and geological factors on the spatial variability of soil carbon and nitrogen in the Konya Basin, Turkey
- Effects of land-use history, fertilization, and precipitation on short-term N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from agricultural soils using open-path eddy flux N<SUB>2</SUB>O and static chamber methods.
- Ejecta From Impacts: Experimental Studies of Target Effects and Application to Planetary Impacts
- Elemental composition of the surface of Mercury from the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer
- Evaluating remotely sensed phenological metrics in a dynamic ecosystem model at Harvard Forest
- Experimental Constraints on the Effective Pressure Law for Failure at the Base of the Seismogenic Zone
- Experimental constraints on the impact of slab dip, gaps and rollback on mantle wedge flow
- Experimental study of Gas Phase Formation and Evolution in Low fO2 Planetary Basalts.
- Flash Heating of Crustal Rocks at Seismic Slip Rates
- Formation of plagioclase-bearing peridotite and a peridotite-wehrlite-gabbro suite through melt-rock reaction: An experimental study
- GRAIL Gravity Observations of Lunar Volcanic Complexes
- GRAIL Gravity Observations of Peak-Ring Basins on the Moon: Implications for Basin Formation
- Geological Evolution of the Moon: Recent Findings, New Perspectives and Fundamental Questions from 50 Years of Solar System Exploration
- Geophysical and topographic expression of early Mesozoic grand cycles of the Milankovitch band
- Grain size analysis of the Bright Materials on 4 Vesta
- Haptophyte DNA and alkenone signatures during a spring algal bloom event in Lake George, ND, USA
- How has magmatism in the northwest United States affected the lithosphere? Insights from Sp Receiver Functions
- How hot is red? Thermal structure of the melting mantle from seismic tomography and thermobarometry
- Inferences about the Plio-Pleistocene History of the Greenland Ice Sheet based on Paleoceanographic Data from the North Atlantic Ocean
- Intercomparison of Carbonate Deposits on Mars: VNIR Spectral Character and Geologic Context
- La Niña-Induced Rainfall Events in East Java, Indonesia During the Past Millennium
- Landscape Evolution in Polar Deserts: Alteration Rind Detachment via Thermal Fatigue Weathering in Antarctica
- Late Holocene Hurricane Activity in the Gulf of Mexico from a Bayou Sediment Archive
- Linking the near-surface camera-based phenological metrics with leaf chemical and spectroscopic properties
- Long chain alkenones in the Toolik Lake region of Alaska: characterization, abundance and in situ water column calibrations from three lakes
- Lunar Orientale Basin: Testing A Model for the Origin of Basin Rings and Geological Units Using GRAIL Data
- Lunar cryptomare: Analysis of mineralogy and distribution of ancient volcanic deposits
- Maps of Lunar Topographic Roughness: Correlation with Geological Features
- Mercury's high northern latitude magnetic signature: Limitations on an internal source
- Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust through Complex Craters and Links to Lunar Meteorite Geologic Context
- New Quantitative Estimates of Lunar Surface Hydration from Moon Mineralogy Mapper Data
- Nitrous Oxide Emission Flux Measurements for Ecological Systems with an Open-Path Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Sensor
- OH and H2O on Vesta and on the Moon: A comparative analysis
- Older Smooth Plains on Mercury Obscured by Impact Features
- Olivine LPO and the interpretation of seismic anisotropy in the upper mantle
- Orbital- to millennial-scale abrupt hydrologic change in central Indonesia during the past 120,000 years
- Perceptions of the Decision Process though Drought and Flood in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- Pn Anisotropy in Old Pacific Lithosphere
- Precipitation Heterogeneity in Western and Central Indonesia During the Past 500 years: Proxy Records and Mechanisms
- Preferred orientation of Ridges in Phyllosilicate Terrains, Mars: Implications for Crustal Habitability
- Preliminary Focal Mechanism Analysis of the 6 November 2011 M 5.7 Oklahoma sequence
- Preliminary TEX86 temperatures and a lake level record of tropical climate extremes derived from sediment cores and seismic stratigraphy from Lake Turkana, East Africa
- Present-day rheology of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Mojave desert in CA from naturally deformed peridotite xenoliths
- Processing of Nitrate in Snow at Summit, Greenland
- Punctuated flow of water and brine in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica: Topographic and environmental controls and guides for brine activity on contemporary Mars
- Reconstruction of Holocene and late Pleistocene climate change from Lake Qinghai, China using organic geochemical proxies
- Reflectance properties of spinel-plagioclase mixtures
- Rheological implications of the seismological lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
- Sedimentary Evidence for Land Use Change in the Narragansett Bay Watershed: Late Woodland period (~500 AD) to the present
- Significant Variations in the Strength of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Across the California Plate Boundary
- Space Weathering on Airless Bodies
- Spectral and chemical characterization of hyper-arid and hypo-thermal oxidation processes as an analog for Amazonian alteration on Mars
- Staggering Changes in Mediterranean Sea Surface Temperatures Coincide with Global Climate and Evolution Transitions during the Late Miocene - Pliocene
- Structure of Pacific-plate upper mantle from active-source seismic measurements of the NoMelt experiment
- Subtropical climate change during the Pliocene warm period- The strong role of eccentricity and precessional forcing modulation during equable climates
- Surface Compositional Units on Mercury from Spectral Reflectance at Ultraviolet to Near-infrared Wavelengths
- Surface units on Mercury defined by unsupervised classification analysis of MESSENGER spectral reflectance data from the first year in orbit
- Surviving Impact in Experiments and on Planets
- Testing and Improving Theories of Radiative Transfer for Determining the Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces
- The Nitrogen Isotopic Record From the Peru-Chile Suboxic Zone; Distinguishing Internal and External Signals Across the Last Deglaciation
- The consequences of melting and melt segregation in the overturned ilmenite-bearing cumulates at the core-mantle boundary of the Moon
- The development of a sloping lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and its effect on melt accumulation and lithosphere heating
- The effect of muscovite on the recrystallization of experimentally deformed quartz under general shear
- The influence of dynamic recrystallization on deformation mechanisms and strain partitioning in experimentally deformed plagioclase aggregates
- The influence of nutrients on the relative distributions of brGDGTs and implications for the lacustrine paleothermometer
- The influence of water on the formation of mantle shear zones
- The isotopic composition of ammonium in marine rainwater
- The lithosphere of the Appalachian orogen and Atlantic passive margin
- Three Dimensional Anisotropic Structure of the Southern Puna Plateau
- Three-dimensional Numerical Models of the Cocos-northern Nazca Slab Gap
- Towards the Tracing of NO<SUB>x</SUB> Sources by Isotopic Signature
- Tracing anthropogenic impacts on nitrate deposition at Summit, Greenland from 1760 to 2002
- Transient Rapid Changes in Nutrient Cycling at the Onset of Terrestrial Colonization by Rooted Plants in the Devonian Caithness Flagstone Group, Orkney Islands
- Upper Mantle Q Structure Beneath Old Seafloor in Western Pacific
- VIR looking at Vesta: the north hemisphere
- Variability of Eastern Tropical Pacific Climate During the Last Two Millennia from δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of Individual Foraminifera
- Variability of Western Pacific Warm Pool Rainfall since 50 ka BP: Lithologic and Isotopic Perspectives from Lake Matano, Central Sulawesi
- Viscous fingering in the Earth's mantle beneath western North American and the Pacific plate
- Volatile content and distribution in the Azorean mantle plume
- A Spectral Map Of Mercury From MESSENGER
- A landscape-scale assessment of nutrient limitation in the tropical forests of Luquillo, Puerto Rico
- A plate-driven model for enigmatic volcanic history of the Cascades-Yellowstone System
- A possible difference in cooling rates recorded in REE in coexisting pyroxenes in peridotites from supra-subduction ophiolites and mid-ocean ridges
- Accelerated thermokarst formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Analysis of the Use of Nitrogen Isotopes as Tracers of NOx Sources
- Ascent and Eruption of Magma: A Planetary Perspective
- Atom Probe Tomography of Geomaterials
- Background continental atmospheric deposition from a remote alpine site in the Canadian Southern Rocky Mountains
- Characterization of Apollo Bulk Soil Samples Under Simulated Lunar Conditions
- Chemical zonation in olivine-hosted melt inclusions: A record of syn-eruptive cooling
- Closure Temperature in Cooling Bi-Mineralic Systems With Application to REE-in-Two-Pyroxene Thermometer
- Coherence between sedimentary leaf wax hydrogen isotopes and diatom assemblages from Lake E5 in northern Alaska
- Constraining deformation at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the San Andreas fault with Sp phases
- Crust and mantle discontinuities beneath the southern Appalachians
- DAN Active Parameters and Mastcam Hydration Survey Imaging: Comparisons Across Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Deep vs. shallow expressions of continental cratons: Can cratonic roots be destroyed by subduction?
- Depositional architecture of fan deposits and preserved bedforms on the southwest margin of Mt. Sharp from HiRISE imagery
- Despinning and Tidally Driven Tectonics in the Pluto-Charon Binary System
- Developing and testing models for creep of polycrystalline ice: new laboratory approaches
- Dislocation-accommodated grain boundary sliding - from olivine to ice (Invited)
- Distribution of REE Between Garnet and Clinopyroxene: A New Thermobarometry for Garnet Peridotites and Eclogites
- Dynamic pulverization by rapid decompression
- Exploration: New Treasures in the Old World
- Formation of Ganymede's Grooved Terrain by Convection-Driven Resurfacing
- Geologic and Environmental Context for Gale Crater, Mars: Insights from the Antarctic Dry Valleys
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and their controls from an agriculture system in Massachusetts
- High-elevation amplification of warming since the Last Glacial Maximum in East Africa: New perspectives from biomarker paleotemperature reconstructions
- Impact-induced compositional variations on Mercury
- In situ and ex situ observations of alkenone-producing haptophyte species' distributions in Lake George, ND, USA: Implications for paleothermometry
- Intensification of tropical agriculture as seen by satellite
- Is Enceladus' Internal Ocean Doomed to Freeze?
- Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion (Invited)
- Long-chain Diols as a Lacustrine Paleothermometer: Calibration, Caveats, and Future Possibilities
- Mantle Response to a Slab Gap and Three-dimensional Slab Interaction in Central America
- Mineral carbonation of serpentinite in the San Andreas Fault: Implications for aseismic creep
- Nitrate chemistry in the snow and atmosphere at Summit, Greenland
- North Pacific Origins of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations: The View from the Kuroshio Extension
- Orbital-scale summer precipitation and temperature variability in central China reconstructed with leaf wax hydrogen isotopes and branched GDGTs
- Organic geochemical paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions from Argentina Loess/Loessoid deposits
- Outcrop-Scale Remote Sensing of Lava-Water Interactions: Implications for Assessing Water-Rock Interactions on Mars
- Pan-Spectral Analysis of Classic Martian Low-Albedo Regions: Updates on the Nature and Distribution of Primary and Secondary Mineral Phases
- Paratethys-Southern Ocean teleconnection in the mid-Burdigalian: European climate on the verge to the Miocene Climate Optimum
- Progress in applying lacustrine alkenones as a quantitative continental paleotemperature proxy
- Properties and Effects of Langmuir Turbulence in the Upper Ocean (Invited)
- Responses of forest cover and agricultural land changes to local and national drivers of land development in the Miombo Woodlands of western Tanzania
- Rheological property of mafic schist and geological interpretation to the subduction dynamics
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Deformation beneath the Hindu Kush-Pamir Mountains and the Tadjik Basin
- Simulated MERTIS observation of the Rudaki-Kuiper craters area on Mercury
- SsPmp delay times from the SESAME broadband array: An alternative method for constraining crustal thickness in regions of thick sedimentary cover
- Strong amphibole fabric development during diffusion creep of hydrated mafic rocks
- The Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN): A member-driven network approach to supporting women in the Geosciences
- The Electrical Structure of Upper Mantle Beneath 70Ma Pacific Seafloor Constrained by Seafloor Magnetotelluric Data
- The Role of Stress-Effected Subgrain Size Distribution in Anelastic Recovery: An Experimental Study on Polycrystalline Ice-Ih
- The effect of crystal-plastic deformation on Ti concentration in quartz
- The effect of dynamic recrystallization and LPO formation on deformation mechanisms in experimentally deformed plagioclase aggregates
- The effect of muscovite on the fabric evolution of quartz under general shear
- The effects of strain-rate cycling on experimentally deformed fine-grained anorthite aggregates: implications for mid-crustal strain localization
- The isotopic variability of NO<SUB>x</SUB> from biomass burning
- The preservation of long-range transported nitrate in snow at Summit, Greenland (Invited)
- The times they are a-changin': seasonal variations of leaf spectra in relation with leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Unsaturation ratios of novel tri-unsaturated alkenones from Northeastern Alaska: insights from water column calibration and sediments
- Variability in eastern equatorial Pacific intermediate water circulation during the last glacial termination: the impact of high latitude climate on equatorial stratification
- Variability of Indian summer monsoon over the past 252 kyr revealed by stalagmite record in Southwest China
- Windows into the Martian Subsurface: Prospects for a Deep Biosphere
- "Supporting Early Career Women in the Geosciences through Online Peer-Mentoring: Lessons from the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN)"
- A Three-Dimensional Shear-Velocity Model of the Atlantic Upper Mantle from Analysis of a Regional Dataset of Fundamental-Mode Rayleigh Waves
- Ambient noise Rayleigh wave tomography in the lithosphere of a southeastern U.S. continental suture zone
- Constraints on Shear Velocity in the Cratonic Upper Mantle From Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity
- Degassing history of a mid-ocean ridge rhyolite dome on the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California
- Geologic Observations and Numerical Modeling: A Combined Approach to Understanding Crater and Basin Formation and Structure
- Geological Mapping of Impact Melt Deposits at Lunar Complex Craters: New Insights into Morphological Diversity, Distribution and the Cratering Process
- Geophysical and geochemical evidence for deep temperature variations beneath mid-ocean ridges
- High Resolution Models of Regional Phase Attenuation and Velocity Structure of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau and Zagros
- Imaging Rayleigh Wave Attenuation and Phase Velocity beneath North America with USArray
- Imaging a Remnant Slab Beneath Southeastern US: New Results from Teleseismic, Finite-frequency Tomography.
- Imaging accretionary structures in the crust and mantle of the southeastern U.S.A.
- Inherited Upper Mantle Structures in the Southeastern United States
- Laboratory and Field Measurements of the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- Lattice-preferred Orientation and Volatile Content of Olivine in Arc Mantle Lithosphere, Based on Xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada Batholith, California
- Mantle Discontinuities and the Origins of the U.S. Cratonic Lithosphere
- Mantle anisotropy in the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the southeastern United States
- Melt inclusion shapes: Timekeepers of short-lived giant magma bodies
- New Insights Into the Ocean as a Source of Atmospheric N in the North Atlantic Region
- P-to-S Receiver Function Constraints on Crustal Structure and Rift Magmatism in the Southeastern United States
- Permafrost Disturbance Impacts on Dissolved Ion Loads and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Sedimentation Rates at IODP Site U1424 since the Pliocene Deciphered from Spectral Analyses of RGB and GRA Bulk Density Profiles
- Seismic constraints on the evolution of the continental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary system
- Slab Driven Plate Motions and Three-dimensional Mantle Flow Pathways in the Central American Subduction Zone
- Soil nitrogen and carbon impacts of raising chickens on pasture
- Tales from supereruptions: Combining pumice and mineral textures with phase equilibria to constrain the evolution of giant silicic magma bodies in the crust
- The Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in West Antarctica at Present and Since the Last Glacial Stage
- The Melt Segregation During Ascent of Buoyant Diapirs in Subduction Zones
- The Oruanui and Taupo Magma Bodies (central Taupo Volcanic Zone, NZ): Evolution and Longevity as recorded in Pumice Textures
- The effect of syntectonic hydration on rock strength, fabric evolution, and polycrystalline flow in mafic lower continental crust rocks
- Variability of Water in the Convecting Mantle
- Volatile element content of the heterogeneous upper mantle
- Water in the Lunar Interior: Truth and Consequences
- 2D Global Rayleigh Wave Attenuation Model Using Finite Frequency Focusing and Defocusing Theory
- A Gradient in Cooling Rate Beneath the Moho at the Oman Ophiolite: Fresh Insights into Cooling Processes at Mid-Ocean Ridges from REE-Based Thermometry
- A new method and application for determining the nitrogen isotopic composition of NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- Ammonia Bearing Species on Ceres: Implication on Origin and Evolution
- Antigorite rheology? Experimental challenges and complicating observations
- Application of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method to Mantle Melting: An Example from REE Abundances in Abyssal Peridotites
- Can LREE Enriched Patterns in Clinopyroxenes in Abyssal Peridotites be Produced by Melting of a Depleted Mantle Source?
- Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape
- East China Sea δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record Detects Millennial-Scale Changes in the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Heterogeneous water content in the lunar interior: insights from orbital detection of water in lunar pyroclastic deposits and silicic rich domes
- Imaging Rayleigh Wave Attenuation Beneath North America with USArray
- Intrusive Magmatism and Explosive Volcanism on the Moon and Mercury: Insights from Floor-Fractured Craters
- Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Temperature Reconstructions from Paleolakes of the West Turkana and North Awash Basins, East Africa
- Linking composition, deformation, and P-T conditions using peridotite xenoliths from the subcratonic mantle lithosphere, Wyoming craton, Montana, USA
- Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Depletion of the Moon
- Mercury's Crustal Magnetic Field from Low-Altitude Measurements by MESSENGER.
- Morphometry of Small Flat Floored Craters on Mercury: Implications for Regolith Thickness
- New insights on the final stages of the Appalachian orogeny in the southeast U.S.A.
- Orbital Evidence for Clay and Acidic Sulfate Assemblages on Mars and Mineralogical Analogs from Rio Tinto, Spain
- Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-11 Sintana Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Preliminary Geological Map of the Ac-H-6 Haulani Quadrangle of Ceres: An Integrated Mapping Study Using Dawn Spacecraft Data
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity in the Indian Ocean Upper Mantle
- Relating Amphibole Abundance to the Rheology of the Lower Crust
- Rheology of Ilmenite-bearing dunite and its Implications for Lunar Cumulate Mantle Overturn
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Shallow Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the North Anatolian Fault
- Slab Driven Mantle Deformation and Plate-Mantle Decoupling
- Some Remarks on the Interpretation of the REE-in-two-Mineral Thermobarometers
- Some like it hot: The spectrum of temperature rise during earthquakes
- Spatio-temporal variability in isotopic signatures of atmospheric NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions from vehicles
- Spectral Diversity of Ceres' Surface as Measured by VIR
- Statistical discrimination of induced and tectonic earthquake sequences in Central and Eastern US based on waveform detected catalogs
- The First Global Geological Map of Mercury
- The Nitrogen Footprint Tool for Institutions: Comparing Results for a Diverse Group of Institutions
- The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source
- The Reduction of Friction in Long Runout Landslides as an Emergent Phenomenon.
- The Seismic Properties of the Southeastern U.S. Asthenosphere
- The Steepest Slopes on the Moon: Gradual Degradation and Instant Removal by Basin-Forming Impacts
- The effect of growth rate on the production of Ti-enriched rims of quartz phenocrysts in the Bishop magma bodies.
- Thick, Cold and Dry Roots: the Key to Longevity of Continental Arc Lithosphere?
- Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn
- A Depleted Component in Shield Lavas from Mauna Kea, Hawai'i
- A synthesis of collaborative integrated studies of permafrost disturbance impacts on carbon and nitrogen composition and export
- Arctic sea ice: an investigation into the origin of nitrate using δ<SUP>15</SUP>N, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Attenuation in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate Using Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Building and Modification of the Continental Lithosphere: the History of the Contiguous U.S. as told by MLDs and LABs
- Changes in Atlantic Mid-Ocean Ridge Degassing Rate Forced Global Climate Trends for the Past 20 Myr
- Constructing a High-Resolution Temporal Record of Spreading-Rate Variations Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Control of the Lithospheric Mantle on intracontinental Deformation: Revival of Eastern U.S. Tectonism
- Crater-related flow features on Ceres - Implications for cryovolcanism
- Distribution of the Ammoniated Species on the Surface of Ceres
- Effects of Size and Shape of Mantle Source on the Fractionation of Isotopes during Melting of a Heterogeneous Mantle: A Time-Dependent Study
- Evaluating the mush extraction + multiple magma batch model for the Lake City magmatic system (Colorado, USA) using zircon U/Pb TIMS-TEA
- Evidence for Surface Ice at the Lunar South Pole from LRO's Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter and Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Experimental investigation of processes responsible for dehydration weakening and embrittlement
- Extracting Rayleigh wave dispersion from ambient noise across the Indian Ocean
- Formation of the Sputnik Planum basin and the thickness of Pluto's subsurface ocean
- Hydration of Lunar Regolith at Local Sunrise
- Imaging and Analyzing the Upper Lithosphere Beneath the Southern Appalachians using Global Seismic Phases Recorded by the SESAME Broadband Array
- Imaging and Interpreting Lithospheric Structure in the Southern Appalachians using the SESAME Broadband Array
- Leaf wax biomarker reconstruction of Early Pleistocene hydrological variation during hominin evolution in West Turkana, Kenya
- Observing and modeling frequency-dependence in Sp receiver functions: Implications for the continental lithosphere
- PhaseMap: Comparison of Late Pleistocene Surface Temperature Proxies to an Accelerated CCSM3 Simulation
- Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Indian Ocean
- Structure of the Upper Mantle and Mantle Transition Zone in Central Mongolia
- The role of the metasomatized oceanic lithosphere on the composition of mid-ocean ridge basalts from the East Pacific Rise
- The shallow water cycle budget of Mars from Recurring Slope Lineae
- The thermal structure of cratonic lithosphere from global Rayleigh wave attenuation
- Three-dimensional shear wave velocity structure of the Atlantic upper mantle from analysis of a regional dataset of fundamental-mode Rayleigh waves
- Tracking agricultural soil nitric oxide emission variations with novel isotopic measurements
- Understanding deep cumulates: insights into crust-building processes across time and tectonic setting
- Using Spring Water Nitrate to Monitor Spatiotemporal Trends in Nitrogen Deposition for the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan
- Volatile transport in subvolcanic magma reservoirs
- "Fingerprinting" Vehicle Derived Ammonia Utilizing Nitrogen Stable Isotopes
- A 2D double-porosity model for melting and melt migration beneath mid-oceanic ridges
- A synthesis of Plio-Pleistocene leaf wax biomarker records of hydrological variation in East Africa and their relationship with hominin evolution
- Advances in Alkenone Paleotemperature Proxies: Analytical Methods, Novel Structures and Haptophyte Species, Biosynthesis, New indices and Ecological Aspects
- Characterizing agricultural soil nitrous acid (HONO) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions with their nitrogen isotopic composition
- Comparison of Approaches to the Prediction of Surface Wave Phase Velocity
- Consistent link between Indian Ocean climate variability and mean state across past and future climates
- Constraints on the Chemistry and Abundance of Hydrous Phases in Sub Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities
- Constraints on the lithosphere in and surrounding the Arctic basin from combined ambient noise and earthquake tomography
- Effluent Gas Flux Characterization During Pyrolysis of Chicken Manure
- Evidence for small-scale convection in the Pacific and Atlantic upper mantle from joint analysis of surface wave phase velocity and seafloor bathymetry
- From the Classroom to the Field: Intervention Training to Address Sexual Harassment in the Geosciences
- Geophysical Exploration of Tyuonyi Pueblo in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, USA
- How We Got to the Northern Hemisphere Ice Ages: Late Miocene Global Cooling and Plate Tectonic CO2 Forcing
- Inheritance vs ongoing evolution of the passive margin lithosphere in the southeastern United States: A comparison of <50Ma tectonism with tomographically imaged lithospheric structures.
- Intensified Indian Ocean climate variability during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Interaction of ultra-depleted MORBs with plagioclase: implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB>/Ba ratios
- Investigating the rheology and dynamics of three-phase crystal mush using microstructural analysis from plutons of the Coastal Maine Magmatic Province
- Late Noachian/Early Hesperian Ridge Network in Nili Fossae: Evidence for Water-Saturated Near-Surface Crust
- Late-Holocene hydroclimate and atmospheric circulation variability in southern Patagonia: insights from triple stable isotopes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δD) of peat bog Sphagnum moss
- Length-scales of Slab-induced Asthenospheric Deformation from Geodynamic Modeling, Mantle Deformation Fabric, and Synthetic Shear Wave Splitting
- Lipid and DNA biomarker analyses of Narragansett Bay Sediments: Evaluating the U<SUP>K'</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> proxy in an Estuarine Environment
- Long-period Rayleigh wave phase velocity tomography of the U.S.
- Magnetotelluric Investigations of the Yellowstone Caldera: Understanding the Emplacement of Crustal Magma Bodies
- Mechanistic modeling of reactive soil nitrogen emissions across agricultural management practices
- Models and Experiments of Melt-Rock Interaction in the Lower Oceanic Crust
- Modern Analogs for Prehistoric El Niño Variability: Evidence from two Short-Lived Bivalve Species, Donax obesulus and Mesodesma donacium
- North American Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Imaged Using an Adaptive Bayesian Inversion
- Numerical modeling the formation of impact craters: Implications for the structure of Europa's ice shell
- Paleoenvironmental change as seen from a multiproxy perspective in the West Turkana Kaitio core (WTK13), Kenya
- REE and Isotopic Compositions of Lunar Basalts Demonstrate Partial Melting of Hybridized Mantle Sources after Cumulate Overturn is Required
- Re-designing an Earth Sciences outreach program for Rhode Island public elementary schools to address new curricular standards and logistical realities in the community
- Reconstructing Tropical Southwest Pacific Climate Variability and Mean State Changes at Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly using Geochemical Proxies from Corals
- Regionally Strong Feedbacks between the Atmosphere and Terrestrial Biosphere
- Satellite-Observed Vertical Structures of Clouds over the Amazon Basin
- Seismological Constraints on Lithospheric Evolution in the Appalachian Orogen
- Simulating Canopy-Level Solar Induced Fluorescence with CLM-SIF 4.5 at a Sub-Alpine Conifer Forest in the Colorado Rockies
- Slush Fund: The Multiphase Nature of Oceanic Ices and Its Role in Shaping Europa's Icy Shell
- Southern hemisphere craton modification by plume-lithosphere interaction
- Stretching and smearing of chemical heterogeneity by melting and melt migration beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Structure of Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Discontinuities beneath Central Mongolia from Receiver Functions
- The Evolution of Land Plants and the Silicate Weathering Feedback
- The Lithosphere-asthenosphere Boundary beneath the South Island of New Zealand
- The Wibbly-Wobbly Moon: Rotational Dynamics of the Moon After Large Impacts
- The changing face of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: Imaging continental-scale patterns in upper mantle structure across the contiguous U.S. with Sp converted waves
- The spatial sensitivity of Sp converted waves-kernels and their applications
- Trace element evidence for a depleted component intrinsic to the Hawaiian plume
- Tracking Reactive Nitrogen Sources, Chemistry and Deposition in Urban Environments Using Stable Isotopes
- Tracking nitrogen oxides, nitrous acid, and nitric acid from biomass burning
- Using Digital Cameras to Detect Warning Signs of Volcanic Eruptions
- Visualizing Three-dimensional Slab Geometries with ShowEarthModel
- Volatiles in off-axial mid-ocean ridge basalts and the role of the metasomatized oceanic mantle lithosphere
- Water Isotope Proxy-Proxy and Proxy-Model Convergence for Late Pleistocene East Asian Monsoon Rainfall Reconstructions
- A 2D ridge model for melt migration constrained by geophysical, geochemical, and petrologic observations
- A Comparative Study of Slab-edge Driven Mantle Flow in the Alaska subduction Zone, the Cocos-Nazca Gap, and the Vanuatu-North Fiji system
- A comprehensive portrait of the central Pacific lithosphere-asthenosphere system from NoMelt seafloor geophysical observations
- A lithospheric-mantle phase boundary at 30 km depth beneath the northeast Pacific NoMelt site
- A parameterization with a constrained potential energy conversion rate of vertical mixing due to Langmuir turbulence
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Building a Sustainable Toolkit for Bystander Intervention Training to Improve Workplace Climate
- ADVANCEGeo: Building partnerships to transform workplace climate
- Alkenone and DNA biomarkers elucidate diverse Isochrysidales community in Narragansett Bay (RI, USA): Implications for coastal alkenone paleothermometry
- An Efficient Approach to Eliminate Steryl Ethers and Wax Esters for Comprehensive Analysis of Alkenones and Alkenoates
- Antigorite Slip During Dehydration: Rig Compliance and Loading Condition Experiments
- Are the Moon's Nearside-Farside Dichotomies the Result of a Giant Impact?
- Assessing spatial and temporal variations in an aquifer system using repeat temperature-depth measurements: an example from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Assessing the Structure of the Lunar Deep Interior: a Seismological and Selenophysical Perspective
- Beyond U<SUP>K'</SUP>37 (U<SUP>K</SUP>37): Exploring Novel Long Chain Alkenone and Alkenoate Proxies
- Calibration of organic biomarker proxies in order to record past fire presence near Swamp Lake, CA
- Characterizing the Concentration and Isotopic Composition of Nitrous Acid (HONO) from Vehicular Emissions
- Comparing Ocean Boundary Vertical Mixing Schemes with Langmuir Turbulence
- Comprehensive in situ constraints on LPO fabric of fast-spreading oceanic lithosphere from seismic anisotropy
- Constraining phase separation in magma reservoirs from field observations and modeling
- Constraining the Recycling Efficiency of Nitrogen in Modern-day Subduction Zones: Implications for Evolution of the Mantle and Atmosphere
- Decoupling between precipitation and temperature during early Holocene in central Tibetan plateau: new evidence from lacustrine alkenones
- Deforming while cooling: The effect of gradual stress increases on the microstructures of experimentally deformed quartz
- Development of Highly-Speciated NO<SUB>y</SUB> Collection Method for Nitrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope Analysis (δ<SUP>15</SUP>N, Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O)
- Different responses of H1 event between the Third Pole area and the Asian Monsoonal domination and the possible driving mechanisms
- Early Pleistocene Millennial-Scale Hydroclimate Fluctuation in Kenya with Implications for Hominin Evolution
- Early Pleistocene temperature history of Paleolake Lorenyang, West Turkana Basin (Kenya)
- Effects of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2 </SUB>mixtures on eruption cycles in shallow magma reservoirs
- Effects of the aqueous fluid and porosity on the rheology of quartz aggregates at the brittle-plastic transition
- Effects of volatile exsolution on the long-term growth and stability of magma chambers
- Evidence for the Global Distribution and Uniform Temperature Response of Distinct Alkenones from Group I Haptophytes
- Evolution of Black Sea surface salinity in the past 16 thousand years inferred from novel phylogenetically-informed alkenone indices
- Experimental Investigation of Geologic Controls on Blueschist Deformation in Slow Slip and Tremor Regions
- Formation of terrestrial craters on thick ice sheets
- Freezing Water Spheres: Connecting Dynamics and Surface Features of Icy Moons
- Freshwater long-chain alkenones in surface sediments from Northern Siberian lakes: Occurrence and temperature calibration
- Geochemistry and deformation microstructures of composite pyroxenite-peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton
- Group I Alkenones in the Volcanic Lakes of Northeastern China: Implication for Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- H<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Production, Storage, and Release Over 4.5 Gyr of Martian History: Implications for Atmospheric Warming, Habitability, and ISRU
- High-resolution 10,000-year temperature reconstructions from Lake Fog2, northern Alaska
- Highly Concentrated Nitrogen Atmospheric Deposition in an Urban, Coastal Region
- Holocene Spring Temperature Reconstruction Using Alkenones from Freshwater Lake Sediments in Southwest Iceland
- How representative are the isotope ratios of MORB and OIB of their heterogeneous mantle sources?
- Hydrologic and Ecologic change in Arctic Alaska during and since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Impact Generated Porosity at Depth Within the Lunar Crust
- Impact of non-Emiliania huxleyi-derived alkenones on SST reconstruction from marginal ocean settings with significant freshwater flux
- Inter-hemispheric Dynamics of the Indian Summer Monsoon across the Penultimate Deglaciation
- Intra-event Variations of Nitrogen Isotopes of Ammonium in Wet Deposition
- Investigation of Atmospheric Ammonia and Ammonium Dynamics in Providence, Rhode Island
- Investigation of Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry in Smoke Plumes Emitted from Western Wildfires
- Jump in Asthenosphere Structure Across the Gorda Ridge Spreading Center
- Late Pleistocene Seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O reconstructions in the Indian and Asian Monsoon Regions
- Link between tremor and the processes leading to volcanic eruptions: the dynamics of gas pockets trapped beneath permeable media
- Major Increase in Winter and Spring Precipitation During the Little Ice Age in the Westerly Dominated Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Measuring Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity in the Antarctic Upper Mantle from Ambient Seismic Noise
- Measuring Rayleigh wave phase velocity in Alaska from ambient seismic noise
- Mechanics of Fault-Tip Deformation in Brittle and Ductile Faults: Laboratory Test of Off-Fault Yield Models & Fracture Energy Budget
- Mechanisms of Strain Localization during Dynamic Recrystallization of Olivine
- Middle to Late Pleistocene Paleoenvironmental Variations at the Olorgesailie Basin, Kenya
- Modeling of Mead Impact Basin and implications for planetary heat flow
- Morphologic changes in hydrothermal vent sites in the Lau Basin and their implications for the resiliency of vent fields in Back-Arc Basins
- Multi-disciplinary approach to constraining present-day internal structure of the Moon with implications for the evolution of the lunar interior
- New Analysis of High Pressure Data for Olivine Deformation
- New insights into the changing relationships between fire, humans, and climate in the Yosemite region of California's Sierra Nevada
- New perspective on recovery processes in the upper mantle and their geophysical implications from natural and experimental peridotites
- Novel Propyl and Isopropyl Alkenones in Saline Lakes and Their Potential Paleoclimate Significance
- Nutrient cycling in a warming alpine environment: investigating the provenance and persistence of atmospheric nitrate and ammonium deposition using isotopes
- Observations and Models of Oceanic Macroturbulence: Meet the New Bias, Same as the Old Bias
- Occurence of Group I Isochrysidales in Alaska Maar lakes and its implications for alkenone based paleotemperature proxy
- Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate
- Partial degassing and regassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in CO<SUB>2</SUB> undersaturated mid-ocean ridge basalts
- Probing Mantle Heterogeneity across Spatial Scales: Global Blindspots and Chimeric Models
- Pure, but not Simple (Shear): Structural Characterization of the gabbroic crust and crust-mantle transition in the Wadi Tayin Massif of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman (Oman Drilling Project Holes CM1A, CM2B, GT1A & GT2A)
- Radially Anisotropic Shear Velocity Model of the Indian Ocean Upper Mantle
- Reconciling geophysical and geochemical constraints on the temperature and composition of cratonic lithosphere
- Records of Plio-Pleistocene environmental variability from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): Comparison with other African records and implications for hominin evolution
- S-to-P receiver functions for the central Pacific from NoMelt
- Seismic attenuation structure of the Pacific upper mantle in the NoMelt experiment region as constrained by Rayleigh waves from earthquakes
- Sequence of Events During and After Emplacement of Cerealia Facula Deposits on Ceres
- Simulations of Pre-critical PKiKP Coda Waves with Implications for Small-Wavelength Heterogeneity in Earth's Inner Core
- Strain Weakening of Olivine-rich Rocks Linked to Microstructural Evolution During Diffusion Creep
- Sustained Non-Photochemical Quenching Shapes the Seasonal Pattern of Solar-Induced Fluorescence at a High-Elevation Evergreen Forest
- Tectonic Control of the Carbon Cycle and Climate: Resolving the Effects of Global Spreading-Rate Variations with High Temporal Resolution over the Past 20 Myr
- Temperature and Compositional Dependence of High Field Strength Elements Partitioning between Pyroxenes and Basaltic Liquids
- Testing the Potential of Full-waveform Inversions Based on Machine Learning Applied to Synthetic Magma Reservoirs
- The Advantages of Sp Pre-stack Migration Based on Scattering Kernels
- The Payenia volcanic province, deciphering the role of the lithospheric mantle
- The Structure of the Upper Plate Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Alaska from Inversion of Scattered Body Wave Phases and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- The deep structure of North American lithosphere illuminated by complementary seismic data types
- Thermomechanical evolution of experimentally-derived hematite slip surfaces
- Toward a joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity, site amplification, and ellipticity measurements for a 3-D shear-velocity model of the U.S.
- Tracking Atlantic Multi-Decadal Variability in lake sediment records from southwest Iceland
- Understanding the Origins of the Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities in the Kalahari Craton
- Using Data and Models to Quantify Uncertainties in Coral Reconstructions: Implications for Paleo-ENSO Variability
- Variation of volatile contents in melt inclusions from Central Andean Volcanic Zone
- Variations in Mantle Anisotropy from Lithosphere to Asthenosphere beneath the Eastern U.S.
- Volatiles in the Chile Ridge Basalts and the Role of Adjacent Andean Subduction Zone
- 3D Immersive Visualization Facilitating New Paradigms and Scientific Reproducibility in Solid Earth Dynamics
- A Leaf Wax Biomarker Record of Plio-Pleistocene Environmental Change from the Baringo Basin (Tugen Hills), Kenya
- A Physical Model of the High-Frequency Seismic Signal Generated by Debris Flows
- A Sparsity Divergence Constrained Factor Analysis and Target Transformation Method and Application to Hydrous Minerals Detection on Hyperspectral Imagery
- A Three-Stage Model for Trace Element and Isotope Fractionation During Solidification in Magmatic Veins
- A relook at slow anomalies in eastern North America using a radially anisotropic shear velocity model
- A stable Calcium Isotopic study on Abyssal Peridotite from the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Empowering geoscientists to transform workplace climate through bystander intervention and research ethics training
- AMOC Variability over the Last 2 Ma from a North-South Atlantic Transect Using Nd Isotopes
- Abiotic CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux from the Precambrian Shield on Earth and during the Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian periods on Mars
- Alteration of the Pacific Lithosphere and Asthenosphere by the Hawaiian Hotspot: A Re-Examination
- Ambient Noise Array-to-station Correlations: Wiener Filters
- An Alkenone and Leaf Wax Biomarker Record of West African Sea Surface Temperature and Vegetation Change Across the Plio-Pleistocene Boundary from ODP Site 659
- An Evolving Multi-Scale Repository of Heterogeneity from the Reconciliation of Community Earth Models
- An Isotopically Depleted Component Intrinsic to the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
- Asian Tectonics, the Fe Hypothesis for the North Pacific, and Late Cenozoic Cooling
- Bayesian inversion of Sp and Ps phases and Rayleigh waves for lithospheric and asthenospheric structure beneath Alaska
- Beyond UK'37: the first core top sediment calibration of non-C37 Alkenone paleotemperature Proxies
- Carbon in the Convecting Mantle
- Changing Shape of Mantle Heterogeneity during Mantle Flow and Melt Migration beneath Mid-ocean Ridges
- Characterizing the plumbing system during the 2018 Kilauea volcano rift eruption
- Climate, fire, and herbivory in northwest Alaska over the last 35,000 years
- Complex shear-wave splitting implies simple anisotropy in the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the eastern U.S.
- Constraining the olivine diffusion creep flow law using naturally deformed peridotite
- Cycling of hydrous minerals and implications for the martian hydrological cycle
- Direct Evidence for Thermal Pressurization in Experimental Faults
- Discrete Spectral Absorption Bands in 4-8 μm Infrared Region: New Tool for Remote Compositional Assessment of Olivine Fe Content
- Distribution of trace elements between low-Ca pyroxene and basaltic melts with applications to pyroxenite-derived melt and peridotite interaction in a lithologically heterogeneous mantle
- Do Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuities exist?
- Environmental controls on the carbon and water (H and O) isotopes in peatland Sphagnum mosses
- Evaluation of CloudSat's cloud-profiling radar for mapping snowfall rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Evidence for asthenospheric partial melt beneath the Anatolian region: Constraints from Sp receiver functions
- Exploring the evolution of the coupled mantle-atmosphere system: A 1D parameterized approach
- Extreme Warming in the African Tropics during the Mid-Holocene: Environmental Impacts and Causal Mechanisms
- Fifteen years since discovery: Group I alkenones yield the first organic geochemical proxy of cold season temperatures
- Globally synchronous, hemispherically symmetric evolution of sea surface temperatures during a Pliocene glaciation 'M2'
- Grain Size Piezometry is Affected by Increasing Stress during Cooling
- Ice Age Storage of Carbon and Oxygen in the Abyssal Pacific Ocean
- Imaging crustal melt beneath northeast Japan with Ps receiver functions
- Impact-Driven Mobilization of Deep Crustal Brines on Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Importance of Permeability and Deep Channel Network on the Distribution of Melt, U-series disequilibria, and Radiogenic Isotope Variations in MORB
- Investigation of the importance of atmospheric deposition on nutrient cycling in a major northeastern U.S. estuary
- Laboratory Studies of Extraterrestrial Clouds through Terrestrial Means
- Laboratory observations of fluid pressure and fault dilatancy controlling earthquake instability
- Measuring the properties of the Alaskan lithosphere and asthenosphere with Bayesian inversion of body and surface waves
- Mineralogy, Water-rock Alteration and Geochemical Conditions in the Hawaíi Scientific Drilling Program Core: Implications for Understanding the 3-D architecture of Volcanic Subsurface
- Modeling the Effect of Ice Unloading on Eruption Cyclicity
- Modeling the Role of Volcanism in the Past 20 Million Years of Global Cooling
- North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Changes from Mid to Late Holocene
- Novel Morphological Approach to Building Vegetation-Specific Paleofire Profiles of the Arctic Tundra
- Overtone Interference in Fundamental-Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase and Amplitude
- Persistent lack of diversity in the geosciences: the case of ADVANCEGeo Partnership to promote Institutional and cultural change
- Quantifying dry deposition of ammonia and ammonium to Narragansett Bay using a Relaxed Eddy Accumulation sampling technique
- Rheological and Microstructural Analysis of Ilmenite-Olivine Aggregates Deformed in Shear: Implications for Lunar Mantle Convection
- Rheology of the fluid oversaturated quartz shear zone at the brittle-ductile transition
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Deformation beneath the Hindu Kush-Pamir Region
- Seismic Anisotropy in the Greenland Mantle from Shear Wave Splitting
- Sensitivity of shorefast ice breakup to a warming climate in Arctic communities
- Serpentinite Slip Localization During Dehydration
- Shear Attenuation Beneath the Central Pacific and Implications for Anelasticity and Hydration in the Oceanic Upper Mantle
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure Beneath Alaska from Rayleigh Wave Amplification and Phase Velocity
- Slab-driven Asthenospheric Weakening Facilitating Tectonic Plate Motion
- Soil porosity explains Amazon forest response to droughts?
- Species mixing of alkenone-producers at high latitude marginal oceans and its potential for sea ice margin reconstructions
- Stormwater and Rain: Sources of Nutrients to Upper Narragansett Bay?
- The Depth, Sharpness, and Strength of the G Discontinuity from S-to-p Receiver Functions at the NoMelt Site in the Central Pacific
- The Freezing and Fracture of Icy Satellites: Experimental Analog and Stress Analysis
- The Indian Summer Monsoon Over the Past 640,000 Years
- The Lunar Volatiles Orbiter: A Discovery mission proposal to determine the history and dynamics of solar system volatiles through observations of the Moon
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- The abundance of water in the lunar mantle: constraints from modeling, remote sensing, and laboratory data
- The coherent evolution of Miocene global temperature, ecosystems, and greenhouse gas levels
- The reactive nitrogen landscape in the high Colorado alpine: quantifying atmospheric inputs
- Thresholds for atmospheric convection over land and over ocean
- Tracking nitrogen oxides, nitrous acid, and particulate nitrate from wildfire during WE-CAN
- Tracking phase separation in mature silicic magma reservoirs
- Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) viscous deformation during subduction, recorded at the leading edge of the mantle wedge, Samail ophiolite
- Understanding the response of magma plumbing systems to changes in stress using a coupled dike-chamber model
- Undrained Deformation Experiments in Fontainebleau Sandstone
- Unusual Alkenone Profiles of Emiliania Huxleyi Strains Isolated from High Latitude Ocean Areas: Implications for Paleo-SST Reconstructions
- Upper-mantle physical, chemical, and anisotropic structure beneath the U.S. constrained by measurements of Rayleigh wave site amplification and azimuthally anisotropic phase velocity
- Volatiles in Lunar Mare Magmatic Processes and Evolution of the Moon
- Watt's going on with the quartz recrystallized grain size?? Application of the wattmeter for predicting quartz recrystallized grain size
- What can We Learn from REE Abundances in Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxene in Spinel Peridotites?
- Winter-spring Warming Over the Past 2,000 Years: Alkenone Temperature Reconstruction from Southwest Iceland
- Advancements on dense-array seismology: A detailed analysis of the ambient noise field recorded in Long Beach, California
- Air Entrainment and Turbulent Dynamics of the March 22, 1944 Vesuvius Eruption Plume
- Alkenone-Specific δ<SUP>2</SUP>H: A New Global Core Top Dataset and Its Implications for Paleo-Salinity and -Seawater δ<SUP>2</SUP>H Reconstructions
- Antigorite deformation and dehydration-induced compaction
- Application of Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Solving Full-Waveform Seismic Forward and Inverse Problems
- Assessment of ultramafic silicate weathering fluxes derived from high-resolution sampling: an example from the Zambales ophiolite, Luzon, Philippines
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the North Pacific Ocean
- Bridge to the stars: A mission concept to an interstellar object
- C<SUB>38</SUB> Ethyl Alkenoates as New Group II Isochrysidales Proxy for Detecting Mixed Alkenone Productions in Ocean Sediments
- Changes in the Rate of Ocean Crust Production over the Past 20 Myr
- Chemical Alteration and Nitrogenous Biogeochemical Signatures in Altered Volcanic Glasses as Astrobiologically Relevant Targets for Mars Sample-Return
- Clumped Isotope Constraints on Changes in Paleotemperature and Past Hydroclimates: A Case Study from the Northwestern Great Basin, Lake Surprise, California
- Constraining Elevated Urban Atmospheric Ammonia/Ammonium Sources in New England Utilizing Novel Isotopic Measurements
- Controls on Surface Wave Overtone Interference
- Deciphering the Distribution of Partial Melt in the Asthenosphere with Converted Seismic Waves
- Decomposing mesoscale convective systems and isolated convection in tropical South America
- Demystifying the anomalous high-latitude marine alkenones: novel paleo-sea ice and paleo-SST proxies
- Direct-waves passive monitoring of fault zones: processing strategy and source/structure sensitivity trade-offs
- Earth-like Habitable Environments in the Subsurface of Mars
- Effects of water fraction on strengths and microstructures of quartz aggregates at the brittle plastic transition
- Elastic Impacts of Fault Zone Structures as a Physical Alternative to the Brune-Haskell Model
- Evaluating the Thermal and Geochemical Evolution of Mars
- Evaluation of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)
- Faulting and Fore-arc Sliver Transport in the Nicaraguan Subduction Zone
- Fore-Arc Sliver Transport Mechanism in Nicaragua Revealed by Upper-Plate Earthquakes
- Frictional Stability at High Pressure vs. Fault Angle: A Derivation for Experimental Applications Including Confining Resistance and Its Implications for Natural Seismicity
- Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion for Finite Domains
- Greenhouse Gas and Ice Volume Drive Pleistocene Indian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Isotope Variability
- High-resolution Elemental Concentrations of Linxia Loess Sequence and Their Implications for Multiscale Monsoon Variations
- Imaging Noise Sources: Comparing a Data-Driven, Matched-Field Processing Technique and Noise Source Inversion
- Imaging the Upper Plate and Mantle Wedge in the Nicaraguan Subduction Zone with Sp Phases
- Improving workplace culture, indoors and out: Challenges and opportunities to make the geosciences more inclusive and welcoming
- Influences of Solar Irradiation and Aerosol Surface Area on Nitrous Acid Production in Western U.S. Wildfire Smoke
- Interactions between Subduction-related Processes and the Upper Plate Lithosphere in Alaska
- Interpretation and evaluation of machine learning-based earthquake monitoring
- Investigating the Origin of Gypsum in Olympia Undae.
- Isotopic Evidence That Recent Agriculture Overprints Climate Variability in Nitrogen Deposition to the Tibetan Plateau
- Isotopic evidence that alkyl nitrates are important to aerosol nitrate formation in the Equatorial Pacific
- Isotopically Tracking Nitrogen Oxides, Nitrous Acid, Nitric Acid, and Particulate Nitrate from Wildfire during FIREX-AQ
- Laboratory Testing Of Mineral Detection And Abundance Algorithms With Visible-Short Wave Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Level-set imaging of the Los Angeles Basin using the Community Seismic Network
- Leveraging Field-Campaign Networks to Effect Collaborative Change on Sexual Harassment
- Low-temperature plastic yielding of olivine aggregates deformed at high pressures: New results leveraging a novel cell assembly for the Griggs Apparatus
- Middle to late Holocene sea surface temperature and productivity changes in the Northeast Pacific
- New insights into community-scale changes in shorefast sea ice from satellite remote sensing
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Orbitally-resolved Pliocene environmental variability at North Pacific ODP 883
- Partially molten asthenosphere beneath Anatolia and in high temperature regions globally
- Patterns in the Mantle Discontinuity Structure of the Cratonic Lithosphere
- Reassessment of Pliocene Permanent El Niño through new Alkenone based SST Reconstruction in the Pacific Warm Pool
- Rheology of Talc at High P-T Conditions with Implications for Subduction-zone Interface
- Sea ice reconstruction in the Okhotsk Sea during the last deglaciation
- Seismic Tomographic Modeling of Israel and the Middle East: Improved Resolution Through Optimized Model Parameterization
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Shear attenuation and anelastic mechanisms in the central Pacific upper mantle
- Speciated Collection of Nitric Acid and Fine Particulate Nitrate for Nitrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope Determination
- The Andes and ENSO Statistics Correction
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The Effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Magma Chamber Growth, Longevity and Eruption Frequency
- The Paleoclimate of Chew Bahir, Ethiopia, during the last 200 kyr: Human Responses to Hydroclimate Fluctuations
- The effects of temperature and fluid pressure on thermal pressurization of pore fluids in faults
- The influence of seismically-induced deformation on the microstructure of quartz in ductile regime
- The seismic structure of the Alaskan crust and upper mantle
- To impermeable, and beyond: Expanding conceptual models for the hidden hydrogeosphere
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Longobardo
- A. Malakhov
- A. Raponi
- Alessandro Frigeri
- D. Turrini
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- E. Mazarico
- F. Capaccioni
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- J. C. Kasper
- L. Montabone
- M. A. Mischna
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Ciarniello
- Mario D'Amore
- P. M. Bremner
- S. Erard
- S. Fonte
- Sierra Ferguson
- Simone De Angelis
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- К. J. Meech