U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 2-D Gravity Modeling of the Southern California Lithosphere
- 3-D Crustal Structure in Southwestern China
- 3-D Slope Stability of Coastal Bluffs Incorporating 3-D Pore-Water Pressures, Seattle, WA
- 3-D Velocity Structure of Southwestern British Columbia and Northern Washington
- 40Ar/39Ar Age Constraints on Caldera Formation of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
- A Distal Record of Large Hawaiian Submarine Landslides: the Lithology of Sediments Obtained From the Deep-sea Floor Adjacent to the Hawaiian Islands, KR01-K12 Cruise.
- A New Geologic Map of the NESCA Site at Escanaba Trough, Southern Gorda Ridge
- A Newly Recognized Shield Volcano Southwest of Oahu Island, Hawaii
- A Window Into Mantle Sources and Crustal Contamination in the Northern Cascade arc: Mafic Lavas From the Glacier Peak Area, Washington State
- Access to Strain and Other Low Frequency Geophysical Observations
- Accurate Estimates of Specific Yield: Are Long-Term Aquifer Tests Really Necessary?
- Advantages of Combining Geodetic and Seismic Data in the Analysis of the Earthquake Rupture process
- An Experimental Approach to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in Saline Aquifers: Application to Paradox Valley, CO
- Analyzing Slip Models to Estimate Distributions of Seismic Energy Radiated by Earthquakes
- Aquifer Testing in Fractured Rock: Conceptual Similarities in Aquifer Heterogeneity From Varied Geologic Settings
- Arsenite Oxidation by Anaerobic Bacteria in Mono Lake, California
- Assessing the Time-Predictable Earthquake Recurrence Model at Parkfield, CA Using Geodetic Data
- Basin structure of the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys and geometry of the Northridge and San Fernando faults as determined from the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment, Phase II (LARSE II)
- Beach Erosion and Accretion: Comparison of the Seasonal Influence of Suspended- and Bedload-Sediment Transport at Grays Harbor, Washington, U. S. A.
- Biogeochemical Process Comparison of the Five USGS Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budget (WEBB) Sites
- Biogeologic Control of Methane--Implications for Global Climate Change
- Budget of Methyl Bromide in the Atmosphere: Isotopic Constraints
- Caldera-Forming Eruptions of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: Probable Source of the Dawson Creek Tephra in Yukon Territory, Canada
- Carbon Isotope Fractionation Effects During Degradation of Methyl Halides in Agricultural Soils
- Carbon Isotopes in Unsaturated-Zone Gases and Ground Water Near a Radioactive-Waste Disposal Area, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Changing Deformation Rates Through Time: Insights From New Quaternary Stratigraphic Studies in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- Characterization of Colloidal Nanoparticles Released from Hg-bearing Mine Wastes
- Chemical versus temporal controls on evolution of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanoes in the Aleutian arc
- Chromium Stable Isotope Fractionation - An Indicator of Hexavalent Chromium Reduction.
- Climate Record in a 240 kyr Sediment Core From Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Collaborative Projects at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC)
- Colloid-Facilitated Hg Transport from New Idria and Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine Tailings
- Comparison and Combination of Solutions From the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Compensating Mechanisms That Minimize Flux Variability Through Unsaturated Fractures
- Complex fault patterns in Western Nagano, Japan revealed by the double-difference method
- Constraints on the Depth of Andesitic Magma Storage Beneath Mt. Mazama from Infrared Spectroscopy and Experimental Petrology
- Coupling a new unsaturated flow model based on kinematic waves to the MODFLOW stream package
- Crater Lake Revealed: Using GIS to Visualize and Analyze Postcaldera Volcanoes Beneath Crater Lake, Oregon
- Crustal Structure Across the Northridge Earthquake Region Using Wide-Angle Seismic Profiling along the LARSE II Transect
- Crustal Structure of Western China
- Crustal Structure of the Puget Lowland, Washington State From the Dry SHIPS '99 Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Profile
- Crustal structure of North America and the Adjacent Ocean Basins
- Decline of a Hydrothermal Vent Field - Escanaba Trough 12 Years Later
- Deep structure in the region of the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys, southern California, from LARSE II seismic imaging, earthquake relocation, and magnetic modeling -- a progress report
- Density Structure of the Upper Mantle under North America
- Depth Constraints on Crustal Density Variations by Comparing Isostatic Gravity and Velocity Models in the Los Angeles Region, Southern California
- Detailed Observations and Sampling of the Sea Cliff Hydrothermal Field (GR-14) on the Northern Gorda Ridge
- Differential Strain Accumulation Across Lake Tahoe as Measured From Submerged Paleo-Shorelines
- Dissimilatory Reduction of Elemental Selenium to Selenide in Sediments and Anaerobic Cultures of Selenium Respiring Bacteria
- Dissolution Rates of Synthetic Methane Hydrate and Carbon Dioxide Hydrate in Undersaturated Seawater at 1000m depth
- Distal Volcano-Tectonic Earthquakes (DVT's): Diagnosis and use in Eruption Forecasting
- Distinguishing Submarine Landslide Deposits From Migrating Sediment Wave Fields
- Does Apparent Stress Vary With Earthquake Size? Possible Mechanism of Artificial Size Dependency
- Does recent deformation at the base of slope provide evidence of a connection between the Newport-Inglewood and the Rose Canyon fault zones offshore southern California?
- Effective Transition Zone and Revised 3-D Dislocation Model of Interseismic Deformation for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Effects of Subsurface Microbial Ecology on Geochemical Evolution of a Crude-Oil Contaminated Aquifer
- Effects of catchment scale on stormflow timing and composition: A landscape discretization approach
- Eruptive Activity and Ground Deformation Revealed by Satellite Radar Interferometry at Makushin Volcano, Alaska: 1993 - 2000
- Estimates of Bottom Shear Stress on a High-energy, Wave-dominated Ebb-tidal Delta Using Three Methods
- Estimates of Recent Horizontal Strain from GPS in the White Wolf Fault Region, California.
- Estimating Dry-Range Water Retention Properties Using Specific Surface Area and Particle-Size Measurements
- Estimation of Velocity Structure Using Microtremor Recordings from Arrays: Comparison of Results from the SPAC and the F-K Analysis Methods
- Evidence for incomplete magma degassing during hydromagmatic explosions that produced the Keanakako'i Ash, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Fault Geometry and Earthquake Activity in the Marmara Sea
- Fault Interaction and Stress Triggering of 20th Century Earthquakes in Mongolia
- Fine Structure of Icelandic Crust: A Critical Re-evaluation of the Plume Hypothesis
- Foreshock-Centric Short-Term Earthquake Hazard Forecasts
- Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints on the Origin of the Northern Nevada Rift
- Geodetic evidence for nonlinear mantle rheology beneath the Mojave Desert, California
- Geodynamic and Seismic Modeling of the MELT region of the East Pacific Rise: An Example of Plate Scale Hotspot-Ridge Interaction
- Geologic Mapping of Medicine Lake Volcano, CA, USA
- Geology of the Continental Margin Beneath Santa Monica Bay, Southern California, from Small-Airgun, Seismic-Reflection Data
- Global observation of Omori-law decay in the rate of triggered earthquakes
- Global variations in density, composition, and thermal regime of continental roots
- Gravity and Magnetic Interpretations in the Region of the LARSE II Transect, Southern California
- Heat Flow and the Seismotectonics of the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins of Southern California
- Heat Transport and Groundwater Flow on the Summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Heat as a Tracer for Estimating Ground-water Recharge
- Heavy Stable Isotopes As Indicators Of Redox-Sensitive Contaminant Dynamics: Progress With Selenium
- Helium Isotope Compositions in Springs From the Three Sisters Region, Central Oregon, USA.
- High Resolution Climatic Evolution of Coastal Northern California During the Past 15,000 Years
- High-Resolution Seismic Refraction and Reflection Images and Velocities Across the Mission Creek Strand of the San Andreas Fault, Desert Hot Springs, San Bernadino County, CA
- Horizontal and Vertical Deformation Near Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Oregon, From Leveling, EDM, and GPS
- Ice Rheology Beyond Planet Earth
- Imaging Fault Geometries With High-Resolution Seismicity Data in a Complex Normal Faulting Setting in the Central Apennines, Italy
- Implications of Volcanism in Coastal California for the Deformation History of Western North America
- Inflation Rate of Shishaldin Volcano Inferred from Two-Way Stress Coupling
- Instrumental Record of Debris Flow Initiation During Natural Rainfall
- Integrated Geophysical and Geologic Mapping of the Death Valley Region, California and Nevada
- Integrated Kinematic Analysis of GPS and Fault Slip Data in the Eastern California Shear Zone, Walker Lane and Sierra Nevada
- Interpretation of Refraction Data From the San Fernando Valley Sedimentary Basin
- Inverse Modeling of BTEX Dissolution and Biodegradation at the Bemidji, MN Crude-Oil Spill Site
- Inversion of Earthquake Rates for Stress Changes, Part 1: Inversion method and validation tests
- Inversion of earthquake rates for stress changes, Part 2: Comprehensive inversions for stress changes at Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes, Hawaii
- Investigating Earthquakes by Radar Interferometry
- Iron Isotope Variations in Natural Aqueous Systems: Further Clues to Fractionation Mechanisms
- Is Present Day Continental Deformation Nearly Plate-Like? If so, Why?
- Isotopic Constraints (U, Th, Pb, Sr, Ar) on the Timing of Magma Generation, Storage and Eruption of a Late-Pleistocene Subvolcanic Granite, Alid Volcanic Center, Eritrea
- Isotopic and Chemical Analysis of Nitrate Source and Cycling in the San Joaquin River, California
- Laboratory Measurement of Compressional and Shear Wave Speed in Polycrystalline sI and sII Gas Hydrates and Ice as Functions of Temperature and Pressure
- Laboratory Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Pure Methane Hydrate Between -5 and -30 ° C
- Large Deep-Ocean Impacts, Sea-Floor Hiatuses, and Apparent Short Term Sea-Level Changes
- Large Pb Isotopic Variations in Pre-shield Stage Kilauea Magmas
- Large-scale Crustal Features, Epithermal Gold Deposits, and the Yellowstone Hotspot, Western U.S.
- Late Holocene Eruptions of Mount Rainier, Washington
- Late Permian to Early Triassic Non-Marine Magnetostratigraphy, Junggar Basin, NW China
- Late Pliocene - Pleistocene climate change in the Prydz Bay region: Stable isotopic records from ODP Leg 188
- Life and Death of the Resurrection Plate: Evidence for an Additional Plate in the NE Pacific in Paleocene-Eocene Time
- Linkages Between Shoreline Progradation and Climate, Southwest Washington, USA
- Local and Regional Inputs of Lead in Pacific Deep Water Over the Past 20 Myr
- Los Angeles Seismotectonics: Evidence from Shotgun Seismicity Patterns and the Gridlock of Late Quaternary Faults and Folds
- Magmatic Activity Beneath the Quiescent Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, Inferred from Satellite InSAR
- Mechanics of Volcanic Activity in Long Valley and Kilauea/Mauna Loa Volcanic Areas from Multi-parameter Borehole Measurements
- Mercury Contamination From Historic Mining in Water and Sediment, Guadalupe River and San Francisco Bay, California
- Mercury Contamination and Bioaccumulation Associated with Historical Gold Mining in the Bear and Yuba River Watersheds, Sierra Nevada, California
- Mercury Speciation and Sorption Processes in Mining Environments: Origins, Influences, and Implications
- Mercury loss from the forest floor during wildland fire
- Methane Cycling and Flux in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Comparison of Natural and Impacted Coastal Lagoons on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Mixing of Magmatic Volatiles With Meteoric Groundwater in the Summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Models for the Filling of Crater Lake, Oregon
- Multibeam Imagery Shows Extensive Iceberg Reworking of the Lower Glacier Bay, Alaska Fjord
- Multiple-Fault Rupture of the M7.1 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves Generated by Explosions and Aftershocks
- Nd and Pb Isotope Evolution of Atlantic Deep Water Masses: Evidence for Variations in Water Mass Exchange and Weathering Inputs Over the Past 20 Myrs
- Neogene Evolution of the Southern Costa Rica Arc: New Geological and Geochronological Data
- New Hawaiian Bathymetric Data
- New High-Resolution Marine Single-Channel Seismic Data From the Emperor Seamounts: Initial Observations From ODP Leg 197
- Nitrate Stable Isotopes: Tools For Determining Nitrate Sources and Patterns Among Sites With Different Land Uses in the Mississippi River Basin
- On the relations between cratonic lithosphere thickness, plate motions, and basal drag
- Origin and Significance of Opposite-Verging Neogene Thrust Pairs Within the Northern California Transform Margin Northeast of the San Andreas Fault
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate in the Monterey Bay and California Current
- Palaeoseismology on Jumping Faults: the Case of the Kamena Vourla Fault, Central Greece.
- Paleoseismic Study of the Southern Part of the Chelungpu Fault
- Paleoseismic and Geomorphic Evidence for Quaternary Fault Slip on the Central Range Fault, South American-Caribbean Plate Boundary, Trinidad
- Permeability and Strength of Core Samples From Drillholes at the Southern end of the Nojima Fault, Japan
- Petrological Constraints on the Thermal Structure of the Southern Washington Cascades
- Physical and Thermal Structure of the Bishop Tuff, California
- Plunge Pools in Hawaiian Submarine Canyons
- Possible Fluid-Driven Seismicity Migration in the 1997-98 Long Valley Caldera Earthquake Swarm
- Precise Repicking and Relative Relocation of Volcanic Earthquakes at Soufriere Hills Volcano Reveals Distinct, Stationary Sourcs for Early Earthquake Swarms
- Predicting Site Response in Oakland for Scenario Earthquakes on the Hayward Fault
- Preliminary results of a high-resolution seismic imaging investigation on St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska
- Processes Affecting Mercury Dynamics in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada
- Re-examination of faulting process and tsunami generation of the 1952 Tokachi-Oki earthquake (M 8.2) along the Kurile trench
- Refining the age of the Lake Transgression to the Gilbert Shoreline in the Bonneville Basin
- Regional and Teleseismic Estimates of Radiated Seismic Energy for the February 28, 2001, Nisqually Earthquake
- Regional faulting associated with the southern Alaska orocline
- Remotely Triggered Seismicity in Volcanic and Hydrothermal Environments - Which Processes?
- Resources for Teaching About Evolution from the U.S. Geological Survey
- Rupture Behavior of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Associated With Background Seismicity and Tectonics
- Sand Bedforms and Sand Suspension on the Grays Harbor Ebb-Tidal Delta, Washington, U.S.A.
- Seasonal to Inter-annual Morphologic Change Along a US Pacific Northwest Coast
- Seismicity and Forecasting of the 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo: A Ten-Year Retrospective
- Seismicity as the Conversation Among Faults, or Earthquake Interaction Viewed Through the Prism of Stress Transfer
- Shallow Ground-Water Flux Beneath a Restored Wetland Using Two-Dimensional Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Heat Transport
- Shallow-Depth Velocities and Structure Within the San Bernardino Valley, California
- Simultaneous Seismic Tomography and Gravity Inversion for Tertiary Basin Geometry Beneath Puget Lowland, Washington
- Site Response in the Port of Tacoma, Washington
- Soil gas transport along the San Andreas fault, Parkfield, CA: field observations and numerical modeling
- Soil organic radiocarbon and mineralogy at two coastal California sites
- Source Mechanism of Strombolian Explosions Determined From Moment Tensor Inversion of Very-Long Period Data
- Sources of multiphase and very-long period signals accompanying dome growth and collapse activity at Merapi volcano, Indonesia
- Steep-Dip Seismic Imaging of the Shallow San Andreas Fault at the SAFOD Drill Site
- Strategies for Sharing Seismic Data Among Multiple Computer Platforms
- Stress Change Consistent with a Slip Model of the Chi-chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Structure and Tectonics of the Saint Elias Orogen
- Surface roughness, Dc, and rate- and state-dependent friction
- Temporal evolution of a hydrothermal system in Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan, inferred from the complex frequencies of long-period events
- Textural Characterization of 1912 Novarupta Pyroclasts: Understanding Fluctuations in Eruptive Style and Intensity
- Thallium Isotope Variations in Seawater and Ferromanganese Deposits
- The Antarctic Seismic Data Library System for Cooperative Research
- The Bay Area Earthquake Cycle:A Paleoseismic Perspective
- The Canby-Molalla Fault, Oregon
- The Commercial TREMOR Strong-Motion Seismograph
- The Effect of Conduit Inclination on Eruptive Style
- The Influence of Bubble Nucleation Mechanism on Eruptive Degassing: Experiments with Dacite and Rhyolite Melts
- The Role of Woody Debris in Boreal Forest Recovery After Fire
- The Shevlin Park Tuff, Central Oregon Cascade Range: Magmatic Processes Recorded in an Arc-Related Ash-Flow Tuff
- The Waianae Slump Southwest of Oahu Island, Hawaii
- The role of fracture energy in earthquake stress drop: Should apparent stress scale with seismic moment?
- The use of Streambed Temperature to Characterize the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ephemeral Streamflow in the Southwest
- Three-Dimensional Visualization of Fault Slip Data
- Thrust Faulting, Vp, Vs, Vp/Vs and Poisson's Ratios Beneath the Santa Clara Valley, California as Determined from the Santa Clara Seismic Investigation (SCSI)
- Time-Dependent Earthquake Probability Controlled by Coseismic Stress Step and Loading Rate
- Tomographic Imaging of V<SUB>P</SUB>, V<SUB>S</SUB>, V<SUB>P</SUB>/V<SUB>S</SUB> and Poisson's Ratio Along the LARSE Phase II Seismic Line in Southern California
- Toward a 30 Event Record at Wrightwood: the Events are Unfolding
- Transient Response of Seismicity and Earthquake Probabilities to Stress Transfer in a Brownian Earthquake Model
- Tsunamigenic Aftershocks From Large Strike-Slip Earthquakes: An Example From the November 16, 2000 M<SUB>w</SUB>=8.0 New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Earthquake
- U/Pb Zircon Geochronology of an Ultrahigh-Pressure Eclogite From the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
- Understanding the dynamics of magmatic systems - evidence from Long Valley Caldera and Kilauea Volcano
- Unsaturated Flow Near the Contact of Sediments and Fractures
- Unusual Modern and Holocene Carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- Use of a Simple Genetic Algorithm to Design a Hydraulic-Head Observation Network That Minimizes Ground-Water Flow Model Prediction Uncertainty
- Using Multiple Tracers to Verify Model Simulations of Solute Transport at the Five USGS Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budget (WEBB) Sites
- Utility of Magnetic and Gravity Data in Characterizing Blind Thrusts in the Los Angeles, California, Region
- Variability of Natural Attenuation of Contaminant Metals Resulting from Changes in Stream Channel Vegetation and Remediation Efforts, Pinal Creek, Arizona
- Why an increase in differential-stress decreases pore pressure in porous rock and granular soil (fault gouge)
- usSEABED: Database Efforts in Marine Surficial Sediments of the US EEZ
- "This Dynamic Planet" Map: Feedback Solicited on 3rd Edition in Progress
- 1997 Kagoshima, Japan Earthquake Couplet as a Test of a Rate/State Stress Transfer Model to Forecast Time-dependent Seismicity
- 3-D Elastic and Viscoelastic Models of Cascadia Interseismic Deformation
- A 11.5 ka paleo-seacliff left behind by Melt Water Pulse 1B sea-level rise
- A Describing Function Approach to Aggregating High-Resolution Land-Surface Data for Macroscale Hydrologic Modeling
- A Digital Map of Susceptibility to Large Landslides in Santa Clara County, California
- A Latest Glacial and Holocene Record From Medicine Lake, Siskiyou County, California: Preliminary Diatom, Pollen, and Sediment Data
- A Numerical Simulation of Magma Motion and Seismic Wave Radiation Associated with a Volcanic Eruption
- A Proposed Physical Model of Strain Accumulation in the San Francisco Bay Region
- A Strontium Isotope Reconnaissance of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence in Central California, USA.
- A Synthesis and Reinterpretation of Field Observations on Hillslope Contributions to Streamflow
- Accumulation Rates of Trace Elements in the Cariaco Basin-A 20-kyr History of Seawater Chemistry and Global Climate
- Aftershock Decay and Productivity in Hawaii: Indicators of Temperature and Stress from Magma Sources?
- Alongshore polarization of currents over the inner shelf off Huntington Beach
- An Integrated Approach to Resolving Structure Associated with the Monte Vista Fault Zone, Southwest Santa Clara Valley, California, Using Geologic, Potential-field and Seismic Data
- An Overview and Preliminary Data of a Five-year Water Quality Study of the Yukon River
- Analysis of Atmospheric Nitrate Deposition in Lake Tahoe Using Multiple Oxygen Isotopes
- Application of Geophysical Methods and Numerical Models to Quantify Solute Transport Into a Fresh-Water Lake: Sea of Galilee, Israel
- Are the Cratonic Margins Vertical? The Case Study of the TESZ from Thermal and Seismic Data
- Bathymetric and Seismic-Reflection Profiles Hint at the Origins of Medicine Lake, CA (USA)
- Biogeochemical Weathering Processes in a California Marine Chronosequence as Implicated by Pore-Water Major-Constituent Concentrations and Germanium-Silicon Fractionation
- Broadband Observations of Plate Boundary Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area
- CRUST '02: A new global Model
- Calcium Dynamics in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence: New Insights From Calcium Stable Isotopes
- Calcium Isotopes in Foraminifera Shells: Evaluation for Paleo-temperature Reconstruction
- Cascadia Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies Delineate Hydrated Forearc Mantle
- Change in the stress for the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake and its large aftershocks (M>6.0): effect on seismicity and earthquake triggering
- Character and Significance of Surface Rupture Near the Intersection of the Denali and Totschunda Faults, M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, Alaska, November 3, 2002
- Characteristic Fault Rupture: Implications for Fault Rupture Hazard and Distribution of Earthquake Sizes
- Chemical and Isotopic Tracers of Groundwater Sustainability: an Overview of New Science Directions
- Coal-Mining Seismicity in the Trail Mountain Area, Utah: Part I--Case Study for Assessing Ground-Shaking Hazard
- Coal-Mining Seismicity in the Trail Mountain Area, Utah: Part II-Ground Motion Prediction Equations and Seismic Moment Tensors
- Communicating Pacific Rim Risk: A GIS Analysis of Hazard, Vulnerability, Population, and Infrastructure
- Comparison of Aftershock Relocations and Velocity Models Through the Vicinities of the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge Earthquakes, California: Results from Combining LARSE99 Reflection and CISN/SCSN/TriNet Seismicity Data
- Comparison of Heat and Bromide as Tracers of Stream Exchanges With Shallow Ground Water
- Comparison of Three Independent Estimates of Bottom Stress on the Inner Shelf
- Complex Proximal Deposition During the Plinian Eruptions of 1912 at Novarupta, Alaska
- Contribution of Earthquake-Induced Landslides to Hillslope Erosion and Sediment Production
- Coseismic Deformation of the 2002 Denali Fault (Alaska) earthquakes from InSAR: preliminary results and prospects
- Coseismic Slip Beneath Forearc Basins in Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes: Implications for the Size and Mode of Rupture on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Crustal Deformation Across the Basin and Range Province, Western United States, Measured with the Global Positioning System, 1992-2002
- Crustal Profiling in Iceland Using Earthquake Source-Arrays
- Deep Water Multibeam Sonar Surveys on the Hawaiian Ridge
- Deep-Seated Landsliding and Rock Mass Strength Along the Big Sur Coast, CA
- Definition of the Silver Creek Fault and Evergreen Basin Sediments From Seismic Reflection Data, San Jose, California
- Deformation and seismicity triggered beneath Mammoth Mountain, California, by surface waves from the M7.9 Denali fault, Alaska, earthquake of 3 November 2002
- Density Structure of the Upper Mantle beneath North America
- Designing Groundwater Monitoring Networks for Regional-Scale Water Quality Assessment: A Bayesian Approach
- Digital Geologic Map of Mount Mazama and Crater Lake Caldera, Oregon
- Dynamic parameters estimation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Effect of Elevated Methane Pressure on Methane Hydrate Dissociation Behavior at Temperatures Between 250 and 278 K
- Effects of soil thermal dynamics on carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere
- Emplacement of the 7,500 yr B.P. Palos Verdes Submarine Debris Avalanche, Southern California
- Estimates of Hydrodynamic Roughness and Bedform Heights in a Wave-Dominated Flow
- Estimating Strain Due to Comminution in Simulated Gouge
- Evidence for a Large Bolide Impact in the Proto-Pacific Ocean Preceding the Chicxulub Impact by About 2 Million Years
- Evidence for a Widespread Disruption Layer Associated With the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in the Upper Fox Hills Formation Throughout the Badland National Park Region of South Dakota
- Exploring Gusev with MER A
- Faunal and Isotopic Evidence of the Medieval Warm Period in San Francisco Bay, California
- Ferric Iron-Bearing Sediments as a Mineral Trap for Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration: Iron Reduction Using SO<SUB>2</SUB> or H<SUB>2</SUB>S Waste Gas
- First results of a physics-based, integrative model of the San Andreas fault system near the Big Bend including fluids, tectonics, and post-seismic relaxation.
- Freshwater Inflows to San Francisco Bay and Estuary, California From Ion Microprobe Analysis of Trace Elements in Estuarine Bivalve Shells
- Frictional Heating of Pore Fluid Produces Complete Stress Drop in Large Earthquakes
- From multi-year observations to millennial inferences: Uncertainties in paleohydrologic reconstructions of deep unsaturated zones in the desert southwest, U.S.A.
- Geochemical Fingerprinting of the World Trade Center Attack in New York Harbor Sediments
- Geologic Panoramas of the Walls of Crater Lake Caldera, Oregon
- Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 3 November 2002, Mw 7.9, Denali- Earthquake, Alaska
- Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Fine-grained Ice Ih
- Gravity and Magnetic Expression of the San Leandro Gabbro with Implications for the Geometry and Evolution of the Hayward Fault Zone, Northern California
- Ground-water modeling and the installation of deep multiple-well monitoring sites in the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California
- Groundwater Level Changes in a Deep Well in Response to an Intrusion Event on the Summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Helium and Carbon Isotope Systematics of Springs in the Separation Creek Drainage System, Three Sisters area, Central Oregon Cascades.
- High Resolution Mapping and Near-Bottom Investigations of the Galapagos Rift Between 86W and 89.5W Using ABE, Alvin and a new Towed Digital Camera
- History of Heating, Uplift, and Cooling South of the Mendocino Triple Junction, Coastal California
- Holocene Evolution of two Upwelling Systems - Offshore Northern California and the Central Gulf of California
- Hydrothermal Tar Mounds in Escanaba Trough, Southern Gorda Ridge
- Importance and Use of Plants in Evaluating Water Flow and Contaminant Transport in Arid Environments
- Improved Data Access From the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- In-place alkalic lavas recovered from Hilina Bench off-shore Kilauea, Hawaii: significance in reconstructing ancient Kilauea history
- Influence of Interlayer Bonding on the Frictional Behavior of Sheet-Structure Minerals
- Instrumentation of the Weeks Creek Landslide for Improved Landslide Monitoring
- Interactions Among Permafrost, Fire Disturbance, and Moss Cover Near Delta Junction, Alaska
- Interseismic Strain and Rotation Rates in the Northeast Mojave Domain, Eastern California
- Investigation for Anomalous Focal Mechanisms: Bárdarbunga Volcano, Iceland Events
- Iron Fractionation During Microbial Reduction of Iron
- Isotope Based Inference of Organic Carbon Storage and Turnover Rates in Buried Sediments.
- Isotopic and Chemical Analysis of Nitrate Sources and Cycling in the San Joaquin River Near Stockton, California
- Lake Tahoe Bottom Characteristics Extracted from SHOALS Lidar Waveform Data and Compared to Backscatter Data From a Multibeam Echo Sounder
- Large-amplitude cross-shore internal bores resuspend sediments near the shelf break, Santa Monica Bay, California
- Lifelines and Earthquake Hazards Along the Interstate 5 Urban Corridor: Cottage Grove, Oregon, to Vancouver, B.C.
- Locations and Magnitudes of Historical Earthquakes from Seismic Intensity Data
- Long Valley caldera GIS Database
- Magma Supply Dynamics at Westdahl Volcano, Alaska, Modeled from Satellite Radar Interferometry
- Mapping of near Surface Active Faults in Georgia Strait
- Marine Geology of the San Pedro Continental Shelf and Initial Results from Seismic-Reflection Data Obtained in Santa Barbara Channel
- Mechanism of Uranium Sorption by Apatite Materials from a Permeable Reactive Barrier Demonstration at Fry Canyon, Utah
- Melt Inclusions as Windows on Subduction Zone Processes - A Retrospective
- Methane in Sediments From Three Tropical, Coastal Lagoons on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- Microbial Reduction of Elemental Selenium to Selenide in Anoxic Sediments - A XANES Study
- Mid-Shelf mud Deposition During the Holocene Transgression on the Monterey Bay, California Shelf
- Modeling Fluid Flow and Microbial Reactions in the Peru Accretionary Complex
- Modeling Tritium Transport Through a Deep Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Modern Estuarine Sedimentation in Suisun Bay, California
- Morphodynamics of Accreting Beaches
- Moving Closer to EarthScope: A Major New Initiative for the Earth Sciences*
- Multibeam Bathymetry of Haleakala Volcano, Maui
- Near-Surface Structure and Faults of the Long Beach, California Area as Determined from High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Refraction Imaging
- Near-surface Faults and Structure of the Western Santa Clara Valley, California as Seen From High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Refraction Images
- Neotectonic Record of Late Cenozoic Collision, Uplift, and Glaciation in the Gulf of Alaska
- New Data From the Waianae Slump Southwest of Oahu Island, Hawaii
- New eclogitization and protolith ages for the Maksyutov Complex (south Ural Mountains) based on U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data
- Nitrate Source, Transport and Fate in Ground Water Near La Pine, Oregon
- Noise levels in Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) data; Preliminary results
- Observations of Deep Long-Period (DLP) Seismic Events Beneath Aleutian Arc Volcanoes; 1989 to 2002
- Observations that Constrain the Scaling of Apparent Stress
- Oceans on Mars: An Assessment of the Observational Evidence and Possible Fate
- Offshore Stratigraphic Controls on Salt-Water Intrusion in Los Angeles Area Coastal Aquifers
- PBO-Style Seismic and Geodetic Monitoring at Frequently-Active Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- Paleoseismic Evidence for Prehistoric Earthquakes on the Northern Maacama Fault, Willits, California
- Physical Properties of Sediment Related to Gas Hydrate in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Piggyback Tectonics: Long-Term Growth of Kilauea on the South Flank of Mauna Loa
- Pore fluid pressure variations related to anisotropic poroelasticity
- Post-Seismic Fault Healing on the Rupture Zone of the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine, California Earthquake
- Pre-eruptive Volatile Concentrations in Rhyodacitic Melt Inclusions From Mt. Mazama: Implications for Eruption Triggering
- Present-Day Kinematics of Crustal Deformation of the Walker Lane and Central Nevada, Derived From GPS Data
- Production of Submicron-Sized Elemental Selenium Spheres by Anaerobic Bacteria that Respire Oxyanions of Selenium
- Progress Towards More Reliable Seismic Energy Estimates
- Quanitfying atmospheric nitrogen loading to watersheds using nitrate isotopes (15N, 17O, 18O)
- Quantifying Strain Budgets in the Cascadia Forearc Using a Catalog of Quaternary Crustal Faults
- Radiocarbon in an integrated approach to understanding controls on soil carbon sequestration
- Re-Os Isotopic Evidence for Long-Lived Heterogeneity and Equilibration Processes in Earth's Upper Mantle
- Re-examination of the 1975 Kalapana, Hawai'i tsunami using a fractal source model
- Recent developments on intraslab earthquakes in warm-slab environments that are relevant to seismic hazard appraisal with applications to the Cascadia system
- Regional Seismographic Network Applications at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai\`{}i
- Rheology of the lithosphere inferred from postseismic uplift following the 1959 Hebgen Lake earthquake
- Roots of the Long Valley Caldera ? Mono Craters Volcanic Field
- SAR Interferometry in Landslide Monitoring
- Satellite InSAR Reveals a new Style of Deformation at Yellowstone Caldera
- Seismic Evidence for Widespread Serpentinized Forearc Upper Mantle Along the Cascadia Margin
- Seismic Stratigraphy of Detroit Seamount: Observations From ODP Leg 197
- Seismicity "Rings" Point to Magmatic Intrusion Beneath Mammoth Mountain, CA in 1989
- Selection and Evaluation of Landing Sites for the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Gravity Inversion Model in Frenchman Flat Basin, Nevada
- Sensitivity of Decomposition Rates and Long-term Carbon Sequestration to Modeled Disturbance Scenarios: Implications for National Monitoring Efforts
- Shallow Eruption Depths for Ancestral Kilauea: Implications for its Growth
- Shear Wave Velocity, Seismic Attenuation, and Thermal Structure of the Continental Lithosphere
- Silicate Weathering of Marine Terraces North of Santa Cruz, California
- Source depth dependence of micro-tsunamis recorded with ocean-bottom pressure gauges and its use for earthquake source parameter studies
- Source scaling relationships of small earthquakes estimated from the inversion method using stopping phases
- Stress-Induced Borehole Failure in the SAFOD Pilot Hole: Implications for the Strength of the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield
- Stress-induced anisotropic poroelasticity in granular materials and porous rock
- Stress-triggering of the 3 November 2002 M=7.9 Denali earthquake by the 23 October 2002 M=6.7 Nenana Mountain shock
- Surface deformation over Akutan Island, Alaska, during the 1996 seismic swarm, revealed by both C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry
- Targets for Earthscope (USArray) in Southern California: Mid-Crustal Decollements Beneath the Transverse Ranges
- Tectonomagnetic Anomaly Observed at Parkfield, California, from 1993 to the Present - Correspondence to Increased Shear Strain-Rate during the Same Period.
- Temperatures of Thermal and Slightly Thermal Springs on Mount Hood, Oregon, Apparently Unperturbed by the Magnitude-4.5 Earthquake on June 29, 2002
- Tephrochronology and Paleomagnetism in the Northwest Wall of Kilauea Caldera, Hawai`i, Reveal the Age of the Observatory Shield
- The Analysis of Otolith and Calcite Strontium Isotopic Composition with the SHRIMP-RG Ion Microprobe
- The Calaveras Fault, Northern California: A Geophysical Perspective on Offset and 3-D Geometry
- The Development of Intraplate Volcanic Ridges on Young Pacific Lithosphere
- The Dynamics of Large Earthquakes on Complex Faults
- The Internet Quick Report of the CISN Engineering Strong Motion Data Center
- The Neogene Nd and Hf Isotope Evolution of Pacific Deep and Bottom Water
- The Role of Sea-Breezes in Nearshore Cold Water Events - a Southern California Case Study.
- The Role of Woody Debris in Boreal Forest Carbon Sequestration
- The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth: Results from Site Characterization Studies and the 2.2-Km-Deep Pilot Hole
- The seafloor off Greater Los Angeles: Visualizing Gigabytes of Data
- The seismic response of the Seattle sedimentary basin, Washington State, to teleseisms recorded on the Seattle SHIPS array
- Thermal Efficiency of Lava Tubes of the Pu'u O'o-Kupaianaha Eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Three-Dimensional Fault Zone Structure and Earthquake Locations at Parkfield, CA: Preparing for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Model of the Los Angeles Region From Active Source Seismic Data
- Time-Series Analysis of Streambed Thermal Records to Model Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction Within a Coastal Watershed
- Toward an ITRF2000 Combined Solution for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Tracing Atmospheric Sulfate Through a Subalpine Ecosystem Using <SUP>17</SUP>O and <SUP>35</SUP>S, Loch Vale Watershed, Colorado
- Transport of Solutes in Groundwater Through a Hillslope-Riparian Transition During two Rain Events at the Panola Moutain Research Watershed, Georgia
- Two Bioreactors for Removing Methyl Bromide Following Contained Fumigations
- Ultra-high Chlorine in Submarine Kilauea Glasses: Evidence for Assimilation of Brine by Magma
- Uncertainty Inherent in Geologic Data, Interpretations and Conceptual Models Used in Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Unusual Strong Ground Motion Amplification at the Coyote Lake Dam, California
- Use of Ground-water Temperature Patterns to Determine the Hydraulic Conductance of the Streambed Along the Middle Reaches of the Russian River, CA
- Using Accurate Hypocenter Locations to Understand Volcanic Earthquake Mechanisms
- WOVOdat: A New Tool for Managing and Accessing Data of Worldwide Volcanic Unrest
- Watershed Characteristics Influencing Suspended Sediment Discharge From Rivers of the Western Transverse Range, California.
- Waveform inversion of oscillatory signatures in long-period events beneath volcanoes
- 3-D Terrain Corrections to Heat Flow Data, Topographically-Driven Groundwater Flow, and the Strength of the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, CA
- 31+/-17 ka <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Plateau Age on the Very Low-Potassium Hat Creek Basalt Fits Stratigraphic and Geochronologic Constraints of Contiguous Units
- A 100-Year Average Recurrence Interval for the San Andreas Fault, Southern San Francisco Bay Area, California
- A 2000-Year Preliminary Record of Large Earthquakes on the Southern Hayward Fault
- A Framework for the Probabilistic Analysis of Tsunami Hazards
- A Fresh Look at the Triggering of Earthquake Pairs, Such as the Landers-Big Bear, Landers-Hector Mine, Izmit-Duzce, and Nenana-Denali, and March-May 1997 Kagoshima Events
- A High Resolution Climatic Transect Across the Coastal Margin of Northernmost California During the Past 3,500 Years
- A Perspective on Simulations of Environmental Systems and Prediction Uncertainty
- A Seismic-Wave-Induced Fluid Pressure Increase: An Alternative Hypothesis for the Strain Transient at Long Valley Caldera Following the 1992 M7.3 Landers, California Earthquake
- A Statistical Model for Predicting Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Deep Sediments at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
- A Study of Mid-Miocene Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanics and the Search for the Steens Mountain Reversal
- A Time Series Investigation of the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate in Monterey Bay Seawater
- A critical examination of the Emperor and Hawaiian volcanic chains
- Absence of Late Neogene Offset on the Northern Calaveras Fault
- Acoustic Emission Analysis of Stick Slip Behavior on Rough and Smooth Fractures in Westerly Granite
- Acoustic Facies of Late Quaternary Channel and Overbank Systems - Gulf of Santa Catalina, California Borderland.
- Aerosol Deposition to Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert
- Ages of Potentially Tsunamigenic Landslides in Southern California
- Anaglyph Image Technology As a Visualization Tool for Teaching Geology of National Parks
- Analysis of Gravity in the GLIMPSE study region: evidence for deeper mantle processes in the formation of the Sojourn and Hotu Matua ridge systems.
- Antipodal Hotspots on the Earth: Vestiges of Major Oceanic Bolide Impacts?
- Application Of Geowall Technology To The Analysis Of A Three Dimensional Geologic Map Of The Santa Clara (Silicon) Valley, California
- Attempting to Bridge the Gap Between Laboratory and Seismic Estimates of Fracture Energy
- Basal Melting of Snow on Early Mars: Possible Origin of Valley Networks.
- Basin Attenuation and the characteristics of simple spectral ratio and H/V site response estimates
- Before PBO: What Do We Know About Ground Deformation in the Cascade Range?
- Borehole Tensor Strain and Pore Pressure Noise from Mini-PBO Sites in the San Francisco Bay Area: Comparison with Parkfield Instruments
- Broadband Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area Measured at Mini-PBO Stations: Implications for PBO
- Calibration of Alyeska Seismographs for the Denali Fault Earthquake of 3 November 2002
- Centrifugally Driven Flow in Diverse Porous Media Over Wide-Ranging Moisture Conditions
- Changes in Carbon Isotope Composition of Methyl Halides Resulting from Biological and Chemical Degradation
- Characterization of Acid Mine Drainage Sources Using Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes, Chalk Creek, Colorado
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Comparison of Aquifer Recharge Estimates Based on Measured and Estimated Hydraulic Properties
- Constraints on the mechanics of the Southern San Andreas fault system from GPS velocity and stress
- Cool Cratons and Thermal Blankets: How Continents Affect Mantle Convection
- Coupled Vapour Phase and Dissolved Gas Analysis to Elucidate Physical and Geochemical Processes in Reactive Zones
- Creating Access to Data of Worldwide Volcanic Unrest
- Crustal Deformation of the Northern Basin and Range from Measurement with the Global Positioning System
- Crustal Structure of the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Area
- Crustal Velocity Structure From First Arrival Seismic Tomography in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia and Washington
- Dacite Dome Growth and Disruption During the 1912 Novarupta Eruption: The Missing Episode
- Dating one Slide Event of the Complex Compound Goleta Submarine Landslide, Santa Barbara Basin, California, USA
- Degradation of Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloride in Soil Microcosms: Use of Stable C Isotope Fractionation and Stable Isotope Probing to Identify Reactions and the Responsible Microorganisms
- Depths and Ages of Deep-Sea Corals From the Medusa Expedition
- Detrital zircon provenance analysis of Oligocene sandstone in the eastern Xorkol basin and its implications for the magnitude of displacement along the eastern Altyn Tagh fault
- Development of the Waianae slump and Kaena Ridge, Hawaii
- Differentiating atmospheric and mineral sources of sulfur during snowmelt using δ <SUP>34</SUP>S, <SUP>35</SUP>S activity, and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of sulfate and water as tracers
- Differing Comminution Characteristics of Quartz and Feldspar in Westerly Granite Simulated Gouge
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing From Devils Kitchen, Mt. Hood, Oregon
- Dramatic Changes in Sediment Discharge and Runoff From a Rapidly Urbanizing Coastal Watershed
- Earthquake Loss Estimation: What Matters?
- Earthquake source parameters determined using the SAFOD Pilot Hole vertical seismic array
- Earthquakes in Continental Interiors: A Review of Possible Causes
- Effect of a Material Contrast on a Dynamic Rupture: 3-D
- Effects of Benthic Flux on Dissolved-Mercury Distributions in Camp Far West Reservoir, California
- Effects of Hayward fault interactions with the Rodgers Creek and San Andreas faults
- Enhanced N Deposition and Peatland Carbon Stocks in Boreal Alberta
- Episodes II and III of the 1912 Novarupta Eruption : Understanding Pauses and Shifts in Intensity Using Pyroclast Textures
- Eruptive style and geochemistry of North Arch lavas
- Estimating Earthquake Hazards in the San Pedro Shelf Region, Southern California
- Estimating catchment residence time using environmental tracers: modeling recharge and input uncertainty
- Estimation of Parameters for a Recurrence Model of Small Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Estimation of Streambed Seepage using Time-Series Analysis of Heat as a Tracer in Three California Coastal Rivers
- Evidence for a Tear in the Juan de Fuca Plate in the Vicinity of the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake
- Exploration of the Humboldt Slide using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility - Comparison with the Gaviota Slide
- Exploring Ideas About Why Methane Generation and Hydrate Formation Occur So Abundantly in the Bering Sea Basin
- Exsolution Textures and Zircon Geochemistry, North Qaidam UHP Terrane, NW China
- Fate and Transport of Nitrate in an Alpine Catchment Based on Dual-Isotopic and End-Member Mixing Analysis
- Field Observations of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Implications for Mapping Tectonic Structure in Metamorphic Terranes
- Fine-Scale Structure of the San Andreas Fault and Location of the SAFOD Target Earthquakes
- Flow-Package Emplacement of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes Ignimbrite During the 1912 Novarupta, Alaska, Eruption
- Focused subsurface flow in the Amargosa Desert characterized by direct-current resistivity profiling
- Four-dimensional tomography reveals changes in structure 1996 - 2002 at the Coso geothermal area, California
- Geophysical Anomalies and Seismicity Suggest a Connection Between the Hayward and Calaveras Faults, Eastern San Francisco Bay Area, Northern California
- Geophysical Investigation of the Denali Fault and Alaska Range Orogen Within the Aftershock Zone of the October-November, 2002, M=7.9 Denali Earthquake
- Geotechnical and Microstructural Characterization of the Recent Delta Po River Flood Deposit, Adriatic Sea, Italy
- Geotechnical and Surface Wave Investigation of Liquefaction and Strong Motion Instrumentation sites of the Denali Fault, Mw 7.9, Earthquake
- Global Occurrences of Marine Gas Hydrate Beyond Active and Passive Continental Margins
- Ground Motions in the Near Field of the November 3, 2002 Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake
- Headspace Gas Analysis from the Po Delta and Adriatic Sea: Abundant Deltaic Gas and Associated Anomalous Sub-bottom Profiler Records
- Heat Flow in the SAFOD Pilot Hole and Implications for the Strength of the San Andreas Fault
- High-Altitude Magnetic Survey Over the United States
- High-Resolution Photo-Mosaicing of the Rosebud Hydrothermal Vent Site and Surrounding Lava Flows, Galapagos Rift 86W: Techniques and Interpretations
- High-Resolution Seismic Images and 3-D Seismic Velocities of the San Andreas Fault Zone at Burro Flats, Southern California
- History and Eruptive Style of Mount Veniaminof, a Huge Alaskan Basalt-to-Dacite Volcano With Pleistocene and Holocene Caldera-Forming Eruptions
- Hydrogeologic Framework of the Southeastern Funeral Mountains, California-Nevada, and Implications for the Major Water-Supply Springs in Death Valley National Park
- Hydrothermal deposits in the Southern Trough of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California: Observations and Preliminary Results from the 2003 MBARI Dive Program
- Hydrothermal disturbances at the Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park (USA) in 2003
- Imaging the Transition From Aleutian Subduction to Yakutat Collision in Central Alaska, With Local Earthquakes and Active Source Data
- Interpretation of the Seattle Uplift, Washington, as a Passive Roof Duplex
- Isotopic Study of the Sources and Cycling of Nitrate and Algae Associated with Low Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the San Joaquin River, California
- Kinematic and Dynamic Rupture Models of the November 3, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali, Alaska, Earthquake
- Landscape Evolution and Carbon Accumulation: Uniformitarianism Revisited
- Late Quaternary Surface Rupture and Associated Transpressive Uplift on a Section of the State Line Fault in the south-central Amargosa Desert Basin, Southwestern Nevada
- Location and Shallow Structure of the Frijoles Strand of the San Gregorio Fault Zone, Pescadero, California
- Long Valley Deep Hole Geophysical Observatory --- Strain Instrumentation and Installation.
- Long-Period and Very-Long-Period Seismicity Associated with Lava Extrusions and Volcanic Degassing at Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Measured versus predicted recharge and bromide transport through a sandy soil in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Melt-Grown Grain Textures of Eutectic Mixtures of Water Ice with Magnesium- and Sodium-Sulfate Hydrates and Sulfuric-Acid Hydrate Using Cryogenic SEM (CSEM)
- Methane Hydrate Recovered From A Mud Volcano in Santa Monica Basin, Offshore Southern California
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Carbon-Isotope Dynamics in a Deep Unsaturated Zone Near Beatty, Nevada
- Modeling Of LARSE II Refraction Data In The Western Mojave Desert, California
- Modeling the Fault Plane and Slip Distribution of the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, Japan
- Natural Gas and Hydrate Accumulations in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea
- New Insights into Crustal Attenuation from Deep Borehole Studies
- New Insights on Stress Rotations From a Forward Regional Model of the San Andreas Fault System Near its Big Bend in Southern California
- New Stable Isotopic Techniques of Nitrate Applied to Investigation of Estuarine Nitrate Sources in Elkhorn Slough, CA
- Nitrogen isotopes as indicators of streamflow generation processes in a headwater forested catchment: Focusing on atmospheric NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> contribution using δ <SUP>18</SUP>O signature
- North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature, Western U.S. Vegetation, and the Demise of the Miocene Rocky Mountain Monsoon
- Northern California LIDAR Data: A Tool for Mapping the San Andreas Fault and Pleistocene Marine Terraces in Heavily Vegetated Terrain
- Observation of a Rayleigh Wave Induced by Infrasonic Elephant Vocalizations: a Possible Communication Mode?
- Open Access to Decades of NCSN Waveforms at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- Organic and Inorganic Species in CBM Produced Water: Implications for Water Management Strategies
- Origins of Newberry Volcano, Central Oregon: A Cascade Backarc, High Lava Plains, Basin and Range Shield Volcano?
- Paleoearthquakes on the Denali-Totschunda Fault system: Preliminary Observations of Slip and Timing
- Paleoseismic Data Used to Evaluate Long Term Earthquake Behavior
- Pliocene Reorganization of Hayward-Calaveras Fault Junction, San Francisco Bay Region, California, USA
- Plume-Scale Testing of a Simplified Method for Detecting Tritium Contamination in Plants and Soil
- Possible Connections Between the Coronado Bank Fault Zone and the Newport-Inglewood, Rose Canyon, and Palos Verdes Fault Zones Offshore San Diego County, California.
- Potential field Modeling of the 3-D Geologic Structure of the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) at Parkfield, California
- Preliminary analysis of water discharge and suspended sediment data from the Columbia River Basin: shifting rating curves and diminishing sediment loads
- Present Day Deformation of the Aegean Region: Short- and Long-Term Motions, Stress State and Lithospheric Rheology
- Process-Modulated Contrasts in Slope Exposure of Landslides in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Rationalizing Hybrid Earthquake Probabilities
- Regolith Composition Gradients as a Means to Quantify Chemical Weatheirng Rates
- Reinterpreting Stress Orientations Near the San Andreas Fault
- Relationship Between Mapped Fault Stepovers and Earthquake Fault Planes at Depth
- Revised Calculated Volumes Of Individual Shield Volcanoes At The Young End Of The Hawaiian Ridge
- Revising the Triassic Unroofing History of the Qinling-Dabie Collisional Orogenic Belt: New Detrital Zircon Provenance Data from the Songpan-Ganzi Complex Turbidites, West-Central China
- Rheological Stratification of the Continental Lithosphere: Constraints from Space Geodesy
- Rupture Dynamics With Energy Loss Outside the Slip Zone
- SHRIMP U/Pb age of unusually large zircon in low-T jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, SW Japan
- Seismic Anisotropy and Mantle Creep in Young Orogens
- Seismic Evidence for a Mantle Source for Mid-Proterozoic Anorthosites and Implications for Models of Crustal Growth
- Seismic Images and Subsurface Structure of the San Bernardino Basin Between the San Jacinto and San Andreas Faults, Southern California
- Seismic Imaging Evidence for the Extension of the Silver Creek Fault from the Southern Santa Clara Valley into the East Bay
- Seismic Structure of the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys, Southern California: Results From LARSE II Refraction, Industry Reflection, and Oil-Test Well Data
- Seismic and GPS Monitoring of the 2003 Norris Geyser Basin Hydrothermal Disturbance, Yellowstone National Park
- Seismicity and Lithospheric Structure in Southern California
- Shallow Geometry and Velocities Along the Rialto-Colton Fault, San Bernardino Basin, California
- Shear-wave Seismic Attenuation in Southern California and Taiwan: A Comparison
- Short Magma Residence Times at Mt. Rainier and the Probable Absence of a Large, Integrated, and Long-lived Magma Reservoir System
- Silicic Eruptions of the Past 50 kyr at the Three Sisters Volcanic Cluster
- Source models for the 2003 Denali Fault Earthquakes from InSAR and GPS.
- Spatio-Temporal Variations of Post-Seismic Deformation after the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in SW Iceland
- Spreading Flanks of Ocean-Island Volcanoes: Similarities and Differences at Mauna Loa and Kilauea, Hawaii
- Stress Drop and Stiffness for the 1992 Landers, 1994 Northridge, and 1995 Kobe Earhquakes
- Stress Interaction and Triggering of Aftershocks Associated With the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Stress Transfer, Thermal Unrest, and Implications for Seismic Hazards Associated with the Norris Uplift Anomaly in Yellowstone National Park
- Stresses Associated to the Onset of the Pu'u 'O¯'ō Kūpaianaha Eruption
- Structures in the Hayward and Calaveras Fault Zones Inferred From Relocated Seismicity
- Submarine Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas Offshore Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau, Hawaii
- Subsurface Structure of San Leandro From the San Francisco Bay to the Hayward Fault
- Subsurface Structure of the Eastern Santa Clara Valley From Downtown San Jose to the Calaveras Fault
- Sulfide as a Chemoautotrophic Electron Donor for Dissimilatory Arsenate Reduction in Mono Lake, California
- Supervised Classification of Surficial Geology Units Using Local Statistics from Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles as Input into an Artificial Neural Network
- Tectonic implications of the thermal regime, San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Tests of the Accuracy of the Dc' Estimate of Earthquake Slip-Weakening Distance
- The Anatahan volcano-monitoring system
- The Boring Volcanic Field of the Portland Basin: Diverse Primitive Mafic Magmas Erupted in a Frontal Arc Setting
- The Coral and the Moon: A Biological Effect Possibly Affecting the Precision of the Sr/Ca Paleotemperature Proxy
- The Cottage Lake Lineament, Washington: Onshore Extension of the Southern Whidbey Island Fault?
- The Ewing Impact Structure: Progress Report
- The Hayward Fault in the East San Francisco Bay Region, California: A Regional Geophysical and Geological Perspective
- The Influence of Ground Water on Stream Restoration Following Dam Removal
- The Relation of the Grenville/Appalachian Boundary to the April 20, 2002 Au Sable Forks, New York and the April 29, 2003 Fort Payne, Alabama Earthquakes
- The Role of Stress Interaction in Thrust and Subduction Earthquakes
- The West Napa Fault as defined by gravity and magnetic data, northern California
- The role of turbulence in explosive magma-water mixing
- Thermal and Chemical Variations in Subcrustal Cratonic Lithosphere: Evidence from Crustal Isostasy
- Tracing Nitrate Contributions to Streams During Varying Flow Regimes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA
- Transient rheology of the uppermost mantle in the epicentral region of the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine earthquake, California
- Transport of Colloid-Associated Arsenic and Mercury: Column Experiments and Microscopic, Spectroscopic, and Chemical Analyses of Colloidal Material
- Unsaturated Zone Tracer Test at the Bemidji, Minnesota Crude Oil Spill Site
- Unzen Scientific Drilling Project, Japan: Studies of Stress, Fractures and Physical Properties in Flank Wells
- Use of Thermocouple Arrays to Investigate the Environment Within Actively Forming Chimney Deposits, Guaymas Basin
- Use of the Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD) to Simulate Water Quality at Five U.S. Geological Survey Research Watersheds
- Using Hydrograph Recession Analysis for Linking Hydrology to Chemistry: A Flow Regime Approach
- Variations in accumulation rate of late Quaternary turbidite deposits in Santa Monica Basin, offshore southern California
- Visco-Elastic Damage Rheology Model: Theory and Experimental Tests
- Viscoelasticity, Postseismic Slip, Fault Interactions, and the Recurrence of Large Earthquakes
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Elevated Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Unsaturated-Zone Vapors Near a Chemical and Low-Level Radioactivity Waste-Disposal Facility, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Volcanism during the past 84 ka at Atitlan caldera, Guatemala
- 2-D Lithospheric Density Modeling in Southern California
- A Collaborative Approach to Petrologic Monitoring of the Mt. Saint Helens 2004 Eruption
- A Global Dataset of Noble gas Concentrations and Their Isotopic Ratios in Volcanic Areas
- A Global Search for Stress Shadows
- A Scientific Hypothesis Debunked by Parkfield Earthquakes - Material Contrasts and Rupture Directivity
- A Stochastic Estimate of Ground Motion at Oceano, California, for the M6.5 December 22, 2003, San Simeon Earthquake, Derived from Aftershock Recordings
- A Test for Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin
- A Three-Dimensional View of the Tualatin and Northern Willamette Basins, Oregon, from Inversion of New Gravity Data
- Active Volcanic and Hydrothermal Processes at NW Rota-1 Submarine Volcano: Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Addressing Multi-Scale Problems in Geophysics With Coupled Modeling Tools: Current Development Status of the Lithomop Deformation Modeling Code Within the Pyre Framework
- Age Models for a Continous 250-kyr Quaternary Lacustrine Record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- An Analysis of Fault Nucleation and Rupture in Westerly Granite Using Continuous Acoustic Emission Monitoring
- An Ongoing Episode of Magmatic Inflation at the Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range: Inferences from Recent Geodetic and Seismic Observations
- Analysis of Strong Motion at the UPSAR array for the Sept. 28, 2004 M6 Parkfield, CA Earthquake
- Antipodal Hotspots and Bipolar Catastrophes: Were Oceanic Large-Body Impacts to Blame?
- Application of Time-Series Method for Estimating Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction from Streambed Thermal Records
- Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability in Aquatic Photosynthesis and Respiration with Oxygen and Carbon Stable Isotopes
- Attenuation Within Sedimentary Basins, and the Shapes of Site Response Curves in the Puget Lowland, Washington State
- Basement Control of Fault Orientation and Style of Deformation Along the Active Strike-Slip Boundary of the Inner Southern California Borderland, Gulf of Santa Catalina
- CO<SUP>2</SUP> and CH<SUP>4</SUP> Exchange in Interior Alaska: Interactions Between Fire, Water, Soils and Vegetation.
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Kill Zones Around the Resurgent Dome, Long Valley Caldera, CA
- Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States
- Chromium Stable Isotope Fractionation During Abiotic Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium
- Climate-Change Uncertainties and Water Supplies from Western Mountains--What are Observations and Models Trying to tell us?
- Cold Compaction of Porous Ice and the Density of Phoebe
- Comparative investigation of soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux measurements and geostatistical estimation methods on Masaya volcano, Nicaragua
- Complex Magnetic Fabrics in Igneous Rocks
- Compositional Variations in the Continental Lithosphere Constrained by Non-Geochemical Data
- Constructing a Model of a Dipping Southern San Andreas Fault, Southern California
- Construction of a 3D seismic velocity model for the Barents Sea region using sediment vs. crystalline crust thickness relationships
- Continental Upper Mantle: T, Vs, Qs
- Controlled Source P and S Wave Tomography at SAFOD
- Correlation Confidence: A Systematic Approach to Presenting and Evaluating Tephra Data
- Crustal Deformation across the Sierra Nevada-Northern Walker Lane, Basin and Range Transition, Western United States Measured with GPS, 2000-2004
- Crustal Structure Across the San Andreas Fault at the SAFOD Site, California, From Gravity and Magnetic Studies
- Crustal Structure of the Tarim Basin and Northern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
- Cycling of Halogens Through the Cascadia Subduction Zone and the Cascade Volcanic arc: Insights From Thermal Springs in Central Oregon, USA
- Cycling of Li, K, Rb, and Cs at Subduction Zones and Ridge Crests With Implications for Ocean Chemistry: Hydrothermal Experiments at 35-350° C and 600 bars
- Debunking Urban Legends about Seismic Velocities in Urban Basins Using Oil Industry Sonic and Density Logs
- Deformation of the Aniakchak Caldera, Alaska, Mapped by InSAR
- Denitrification in the Sediments of a Nitrate-rich River Draining an Agricultural Watershed
- Dense passive seismic survey of Mt. Fuji, Japan during 2002-2004
- Detection of time-varying deformation signals in continuous GPS data
- Determination of Thermal Properties at the SAFOD Site Through Cross-Hole Temperature Monitoring
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages From Northern Alaska and Northern Canada: Implications for Opening of the Canada Basin
- Development of an Unsaturated Region Below a Perennial River
- Diatom, Total Organic Carbon, And Sediment Geochemistry Record From Southampton Bay, A Brackish Tidal Marsh In Northern San Francisco Bay, California
- Dynamic Coulomb Stress Highly Dependent on Rupture Propagation Parameters
- Dynamic Traction Evolution and Fracture Energy On Extended Faults Inferred From Kinematic Slip Models
- Dynamics of Deformation in Asia from a Combined GPS Solution and Finite Element Models
- Earthquake Prediction in Large-scale Faulting Experiments
- Estimating Source Recurrence Rates for Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA)
- Evaluating Tripod Lidar as an earthquake response tool
- Evaluation of LiDAR Imagery as a Tool for Mapping the Northern San Andreas Fault in Heavily Forested Areas of Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California
- Experimental Determination of Isotopic Fractionation of Chromium(III) During Oxidation by Manganese Oxides
- Exploiting LiDAR for Regional Morphologic Correlation and Dating of Wave-cut and Fault-Controlled Landforms
- Extreme Slip Heterogeneity and Near-Fault Ground Motions
- Finding Active Faults in a Glaciated and Forested Landscape: the Southern Whidbey Island Fault, Washington
- Fluid overpressures on the San Andreas Fault following the passage of the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Forecasting the evolution of seismicity in southern California: Animations built on earthquake stress transfer
- Frictional heterogeneity and heat flow
- From Isolated Sites to Complete Ruptures; the Next Hurdle for Paleoseismology on the Southern San Andreas Fault
- GIS Development of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Maps
- GPR Surveying for Paleochannels at the Green Valley Fault
- GPS-Constrained Microplate Kinematics and Plio-Pleistocene Tectonic Evolution of the North Anatolian Fault and North Aegean Sea
- Geochronology and Mineral Inclusions of Eclogite, Ortho-, and Paragneiss Zircon, North Qaidam UHP Terrane, Northwest China
- Geologic structure of Middle Mountain within the San Andreas Fault zone near Parkfield, California
- Geophysical Characterization of Seismogenic Structures in Northern California
- Glaciers in Kenai Fjords NP: Exploration and Change
- Global Outer-Rise/Near Trench Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms: Trends and Diversity
- Heterogeneity And Spatial Correlation Of Clusters Between The Upper And Lower Plane Seismicity Of The Double Seismic Zone Beneath NE Japan Revealed By Double-Difference Relocations
- High precision Pb, Sr, and Nd isotope geochemistry of alkalic early Kilauea magmas from the submarine Hilina bench region, and the nature of the Hilina/Kea mantle component
- High resolution paleoceanography of the central Gulf of California during the past 15,000 years
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Refraction Imaging of a Thrust Fault Near Point Arena, Northern California
- High-Resolution Strain on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Before, During, and After the September 28, 2004, M6 Earthquake: Implications for Fault Response, Loading, and Nucleation.
- History of the Parkfield Prediction Experiment
- How Thick is the Earth's Crust?
- Hydrothermal Mineralization Along the Volcanically Active Mariana Arc
- IRIS Controlled Source Seismic Experiments: Continental Structure, Instrumentation, and Education
- Imaging the Crust of the Los Angeles Region: Forward and Inverse Velocity Models and Reflectivity Migrated from Automatic Line Drawings of Shot Gathers
- Imaging the M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake 2002 rupture at the Delta River using LiDAR, RADAR, and SASW Surface Wave Geophysics
- Impact of Land use Change From Natural to Agricultural Ecosystems on Groundwater Recharge
- In the Footsteps of Charles Darwin: Patterns of Coastal Subsidence and Uplift Associated with Seamount Subduction, Basal Fore-arc Erosion and Seamount Accretion in Latin America
- In-Situ Measurements of Turbidity Currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon
- In-Situ Resolution of Internal Fault Zone Properties: Structure, Rock Mechanics and Rupture of the Pretorius Fault, South Africa (NELSAM Project)
- InSAR Measurements of Ground Deformation Related to the 2003, May 21 Mw = 6.8 Zemmouri, Algeria Earthquake
- InSAR and the Hector Mine Earthquake
- Initiation of Ridges and Transform Faults
- Integrating Laboratory Compaction Data With Numerical Fault Models: a Bayesian Framework
- Interpreting the Frictional Behavior of the Smectite Clay Montmorillonite
- Inverting Peak Ground Motions for Rupture Directivity in Moderate and Large Earthquakes
- Investigating the Timing and Extent of Early Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism While Expanding the Steens Mountain Magnetic Reversal Record.
- Kaguyak to Katmai: Post-Glacial Tephras in Katmai National Park, Alaska
- Kinematic Deformation of the Interior Western U.S. Extensional Regime with Mantle Flow
- Landscape variations in vegetation and soil: a moisture gradient at Bonanza Creek, Alaska
- LiDAR Imagery of the San Andreas Fault Zone at the Vedanta and Olema Ridge Paleoseismic Trench Sites, Pt. Reyes, CA
- Lithium Contents and Isotopic Compositions of Ferromaganese Deposits from the Global Oceans
- Local Postseismic Relaxation Observed After the 1992 Landers (M=7.3), 1999 Hector Mine (M=7.1), 2002 Denali (M=7.9), and 2003 San Simeon (M=6.5) Earthquakes
- Magnetic Excursion Recorded in Basalt at Newberry Volcano, Central Oregon
- Making Water Chemistry Data From Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems Accessible Using Open Source Tools
- Mapping the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of N and O Isotopes in Precipitation Nitrate Across the Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States
- Marine Geology of the Southwestern San Juan Islands: New Insights From Multibeam Imagery and Processed Aeromagnetic Data
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Melt Inclusion Evidence for Both Water-Fluxed and Decompression Melting at Galunggung, Indonesia
- Mercury Benthic Flux: A Comparison Between 3 Mining-Impacted Water Bodies in the Western United States
- Mercury Isotope Variations in Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
- Methanogenic and Methanotrophic Heterogeneity at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Microstructure and Physical Properties of Sulfate Hydrate/Ice Eutectic Aggregates in the Binary System Sodium-Sulfate/Water at Planetary Conditions
- Microstrutural analyses of an exhumed part of the San Andreas fault near the SAFOD site, California
- Mid-Crustal Decollement(s) Beneath the Transverse Ranges of Southern California
- Modeling Heat and Fluid Flux of Seafloor Mounds in the Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling Physical Limits on Extreme Earthquake Ground Motion
- Modeling Shoreline Erosion and Channel Migration in a Highly Dynamic Bay Entrance: Willapa Bay, WA
- Modeling nearshore morphological evolution at seasonal scale
- Monitoring microearthquake activity and structure changes at the Coso geothermal area
- Mount St. Helens Volcano Reawakens: An Overview of the First Month of Activity
- Mount St. Helens' Eruptive Activity
- National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS): U.S. Geological Survey Program to Provide new Access to Proprietary Data
- Natural variations in calcium isotope composition as a monitor of bone mineral balance in humans.
- Near-Field High-Resolution Seismic, Strain and Displacement Measurements for Earthquake Source Studies in Deep Mines in South Africa
- New Interpretation of Deep Seismic Refraction data from the Tocantins Province, Brazil
- New Thoughts About Newberry Volcano, Central Oregon USA
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- Newly Recognized Fault Structures and Earthquake Hazards in the Western Santa Clara Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Non-Linear Internal Tides Move Cool sub-Surface Waters From the mid-Shelf to the Beach
- Noncharacteristic Slip on the Northern San Andreas Fault at the Vedanta Marsh, Marin County, CA
- Observations of Seafloor Outcrops in the Oblique Subduction Setting of Adak Canyon: Implications for Understanding the Early History of the Aleutian Island Arc
- Observations on Alluvial Fans with Relevance to Recent Sediment Transport
- Offshore Double-Planed Shallow Seismicity of the NE Japan Forearc Region Revealed by Hypocenter Determination Using the sP Depth Phase
- Origin of Thermal and Compositional Zoning in the Bishop Magma Reservoir: Insights from Zoned Quartz Phenocrysts
- Overview of the 2004 M6 Parkfield, California, Earthquake
- Oxidation Kinetics of Arsenic(III) by Aquifer Material
- Paleomagnetic Rotations in the Northwest U.S. - Setting the Stage for Contemporary Deformation Models of the Cascadia Convergent Margin
- Parkfield: A Mainshock Defined and a Definition Tested
- Past and Future Directions of North Pacific Tephrochronology
- Persistence of the Parkfield seismicity patterns through the 2004 mainshock
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks collected in Association with ROV Investigations of Three Hydrothermal Sites in the Mariana Arc: NW Rota-1, E. Diamante, and NW Eifuku
- Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes as a Tracer for Sources and Cycling of Phosphate in San Francisco Bay
- Points Along the Reaction Path: Complementary Approaches to Understanding Arsenic Transitions in Two Surficial Environments Impacted by Mining Activities
- Post-Seismic Deformation Following the June 2000 Earthquake Sequence in Southwest Iceland
- Preliminary 3-Dimensional Geologic Map of the Santa Rosa Plain, Northern California
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment: the Seaside, Oregon Pilot Study
- Quantifying Atmospheric N Sources in Major Watersheds of New York State
- Quantifying Shoreline Change Using Mean High Water and High Water Line Shorelines: Should Proxy-Datum Offsets be Incorporated?
- Quantifying the Bioporosity of Recent Po Delta Sediments
- Quaternary Geology, Unsaturated Soil-Moisture Measurements, and Evidence for Overland Flow in the Globe Piedmont, Mojave Desert, CA
- Quaternary Tectonism in a Collision Zone, Northwest Washington
- Reconstructing Watershed History from Reservoir Stratigraphy: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, Northern California
- Rheology of ice II at low differential stresses
- Roles of Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism and Mantle CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Seismicity of the Double Wadati-Benioff Seismic Zone of NE Japan: A New Proposed Mechanism for Lower-zone Seismicity
- SHRIMP U-Pb Dating of Zircon From the Xugou UHP Eclogite, Sulu Terrane, Eastern China
- San Francisco Bay Area Velocity Structure From Controlled-Source Seismic Refraction Imaging
- Seasonal Seismicity Associated with Western United States Volcanoes
- Sediment Accumulation Rates of Late Quaternary Deposits in San Pedro Basin, the Gulf of Santa Catalina, and San Diego Trough, Offshore Southern California
- Seismic Velocity Structure From a Refraction - Reflection Survey Across the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD
- Seismic Velocity Structure and Seismotectonics of the Hayward Fault System, East San Francisco Bay, California
- Seismic-Reflection Profiling Across the Urban Area of Santa Clara Valley, California: Images of the Northeastern Margin of the Cupertino Basin
- Seismomagnetic Effects of the September 28, 2004, M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transient Storage Model With Streambed Sorption Applied to Experimental Field Data
- Significance of stress transfer in time-dependent earthquake probability calculation
- Site Characterization for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
- Size and Age Characteristics for West Coast Tsunamigenic Landslides
- Slip in Great Megathrust Earthquakes and its Relation to Crustal Structure as Revealed by Satellite Free-air Gravity
- Slip in the 2004 Parkfield M6 Earthquake: Comparison With Previous Events and Implications for Earthquake Recurrence Models
- Slip in the 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake Measured on Alinement Arrays
- Small-Scale Structures Derived From Microearthquake Locations Using SAFOD and HRSN Data
- Some Mechanical Implications of the Development and Evolution of Y shears in Simulated Granite Gouge
- Source Mechanism of Vulcanian Degassing at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico, Determined From Moment-Tensor Inversion of Very-long-period Seismic Waveforms
- Source mechanisms of strong vulcanian explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, B.W.I., from moment tensor inversions of very-long-period data
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydraulic Properties in the Russian River Streambed, Central Sonoma, County, CA
- Spatial variability of induced ground-water recharge beneath the Russian River, California
- Stabilization of eroded soil organic carbon in two types of depositional basins
- Stick-Slip as a Mechanism for Earthquakes Revisited
- Stratigraphy and Paleomagnetism of the Pine Creek and Castle Creek Eruptive Episodes, Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Strong-Motion Data From the Parkfield Earthquake of September 28, 2004
- Structure and Composition of the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths: Recent Results from the SAFOD Experiment
- Structure of the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A 3-D Tomographic P-wave Velocity Model
- Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone and SAFOD Drill Site as Revealed by Surface Geologic Mapping and Seismic Profiling Near Parkfield, California
- Structure of the San Bernardino Basin Between the San Jacinto and San Andreas Faults
- Submarine slope failures north of Puerto Rico, their estimated recurrence time, and their tsunami potential
- Subsurface Study of Faults Near Point Arena and the San Andreas Fault Zone, Northern California, Using High-Resolution Reflection and Refraction Profiling
- Surface Fault Slip Associated with the 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake
- Surface deformation associated with the March 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Island, Alaska, revealed by C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry
- Teaching Geology at San Quentin State Prison
- Testing Data Collection Strategies for Improving Ground-Water Model Predictions
- Testing the Utilization of Aeromagnetic Data for the Determination of Curie-Isotherm Depth
- The Arsenic Cycle in Searles Lake, California: An Arsenic-Rich, Salt-Saturated Soda Lake. II. Isolation of Arsenic-Metabolizing Microbes.
- The Arsenic Cycle in Searles Lake, California: An Arsenic-Rich, Salt-Saturated Soda Lake: I. Sediment Experiments.
- The Channel Islands Thrust Fault, Southern California: Structure at the Juncture Between the Western Transverse Ranges and the Continental Borderland
- The Columbia River Estuary: Sediment Source or Sediment Sink? Process-based Modeling of Sand Transport and Morphological Change at a Dynamic River Mouth
- The Effect of Bandwidth Limitations on the Inference of Slip-Weakening and Energy Parameters from Seismograms
- The Geologic Setting of Hydrothermal Vents at Mariana Arc Submarine Volcanoes: High-Resolution Bathymetry and ROV Observations
- The Influence of Melt Composition and Dissolved Water on the Melt-Vapor Surface Tension of Dacite and Rhyolite Magma
- The Meaning of 87Sr/86Sr Ages of Authigenic Seamount Phosphorite
- The Northern California Earthquake Data Center: Seismic and Geophysical Data for Northern California and Beyond
- The Onshore-Offshore LARSE I Transect: San Clemente Island to the Mojave Desert--Crustal blocks and the Moho
- The Pretorious fault, Mponeng mine, South Africa: A site selected for the establishment of a natural earthquake laboratory
- The Role of Fire History in Northern Latitude Organic Matter: Spatial and Temporal Patterns of C and Hg
- The Seismicity of Stable Continental Regions
- The Source Physics of Large Earthquakes - Validating Spontaneous Rupture Methods
- Thellier-Thellier Paleointensity and Directional Results From Hawaiian Lava Flows
- Three-dimensional Geology of the Hayward Fault and its Correlation with Fault Behavior, Northern California
- Tilt Recorded by a Portable Broadband Seismograph: The 2003 eruption of Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands
- Tomographic Images of the Yellowstone Hotspot Structure
- Tomographic Imaging of Vp/Vs Along the LARSE II Profile in Southern California
- Tracing Nitrogen Sources in Forested Catchments Under Varying Flow Conditions: Seasonal and Event Scale Patterns
- Transient Rheology of the Upper Mantle: Evidence From two Case Studies
- Trends in Snowfall Versus Rainfall for the Western United States
- Understanding Long-Term Boreal Soil Carbon Accumulation: Insight from a Dynamic Layered Soil Model
- Using Controlled Landslide Initiation Experiments to Test Limit-Equilibrium Analyses of Slope Stability
- Viscoelastic Deformation Model of the Western United States Instantaneous Velocity Field
- Water Quality Parameters as Environmental Tracers of Stream Exchanges with Ground Water
- Wave Friction Factors from Energy Flux Comparisons Outside of the Surf Zone
- What controls slip heterogeneity- prestress, fracture energy, or sliding friction?
- Yellowstone Hotspot Melting And Its Relation To Pre-Existing Crustal Structures And Great Basin Extension
- 3D velocity structure of Mt. Fuji and the south Fossa Magna, Japan
- A 35-40% Likelihood of a Highly Damaging Tokyo Earthquake in Next 30 Years
- A Broad Holocene-Active San Andreas Fault on Durmid Hill, Southern California-A Zone of Interaction with the Brawley Seismic Zone?
- A Comparison of Isotopic Variation of Particulate Organic Matter on Daily and Seasonal Scales in the San Joaquin River
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic and Archaeomagnetic Secular Variation Records for Western North America
- A Dislodged Tectonic Block Wedged Beneath Tokyo, and Implications for the Enigmatic 1855 Ansei-Edo Earthquake
- A Fault Model of the 1993 Klamath Falls Earthquakes Estimated From SAR Interferometry
- A Lithospheric Refraction/Reflection/Teleseismic Model of LARSE Line 2: Thrusting of the Santa Monica Mountains-San Fernando Valley Block Beneath the Central Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- A New Historical Catalog of Destructive Earthquakes near Tokyo and Implications for the Long-term Seismic Process
- A New Look At The 1996 Gorda Ridge Eruption
- A Possible Link Between Volcanic Eruptions in the Cascade Graben and Large Cascadia Earthquakes
- A new global search inversion method to image earthquake kinematic rupture history: an application to the 2000 western Tottori earthquake
- Active Fault Deformation Along the South Boundary of the Western Transverse Ranges Province, Point Dume to the Northern Channel Islands, Southern California
- Age of the most recent event and range of slip rate on the central Maacama fault, near Ukiah, Mendocino County, California
- An Electromagnetic Survey of the JIP Drill Sites in Atwater Valley
- An Unbroken Moho and the Strength of the Lower Crust beneath the San Andreas Fault: A new look at the LARSE-I profile
- Anatahan Activity and Monitoring, 2005
- Argon Geochronology of Lavas at Mt. Veniaminof Volcano Dates Pleistocene Climatic Events on the Alaska Peninsula
- Arguments for a Comprehensive Laboratory Research Subprogram on Hydrocarbon Gas Hydrates and Hydrate-Sediment Aggregates in the 2005-2010 DOE Methane Hydrate R & D Program
- Arsenophilic Bacterial Processes in Searles Lake: A Salt-saturated, Arsenic-rich, Alkaline Soda Lake.
- Bacterial and Chemical Degradation of Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloride in Soils: Too Much of a Good Thing.
- Boreal Forest Fire Cools Climate
- Boreal Forests and Wildlfire Severity - Effects of Climate Change and the Fire Regime on Processes Influencing Biogeochemical Cycles
- Borehole Array Observations of Non-Volcanic Tremor at SAFOD
- Changes in the Orientation of Local Stresses Prior to and During Magmatic Activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Water and Gases From the SAFOD Wells: Implications to the Dynamics of the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California
- Compilation of a Composite Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Path Recorded in Basalts Erupted During Initial Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism
- Complex Transient Deposition From Historical Sustained Explosive Eruptions
- Constraining Oxygen-17 NMR Spectra of High Pressure Crystals and Glasses: New Data for Jadeite, Pyrope, Grossular, and Mullite
- Cooperative Development of the Pakistan Seismic Network System (PSNS)
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake, Japan
- Crack Damage in Core Samples From the San Andreas and Nojima Faults
- Crustal Dehydration and Overpressure Development on the San Andreas Fault
- Crustal Structure Beneath China Inferred from Receiver Function and Apparent SS wave Splitting
- Crustal Structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau, China, From Deep Crustal Seismic Profiling Data
- Crustal Structure of the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau From the Songpan-Ganzi Terrane to the Ordos Block
- Decadal Estimates for Soil Carbon Inputs and Losses for Black Spruce Boreal Forests in Interior Alaska, USA and Northern Manitoba, Canada
- Deciphering Magma Flow Directions From Complex Magnetic Fabrics
- Development and Validation of a Field-Deployable Optical Spectrometer for Real-Time, Natural Abundance Measurements of O and H Isotopes of Water
- Development of Software for Studying Earthquakes Across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales by Coupling Quasi-static and Dynamic Simulations
- Diel Stable Isotopic Variation of Dissolved Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrate and Particulate Organic Matter in the San Joaquin River, California
- Discovery Along the San Andreas Fault: Relocating Photographs From the 1906 Earthquake in San Francisco and San Mateo Counties
- Discrete and Continuous Gravity Studies of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, South-Central Oklahoma
- Diversity of Arsenate Respiratory Reductase Genes Along Gradients of Arsenate and Arsenite Within Hypersaline, Alkaline Sediments
- Drilling Across Active Faults in Deep Mines in South Africa for Monitoring Earthquake Processes in the Near-Field
- Dynamic rupture simulations of large events on the San Andreas fault in the San Francisco Bay area using realistic nonplanar fault geometry
- ENVISAT SAR and InSAR Observations of Deformation and Crater Floor Elevation Change of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Earthquake potential at Parkfield, CA inferred from geodetic data spanning two earthquake cycles with assessment of model resolution and uncertainty
- Earthquake source parameters of repeating microearthquakes at Parkfield, CA, determined using the SAFOD Pilot Hole seismic array
- Effects of fracture and crack healing in sI methane and sII methane-ethane gas hydrate
- Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemistry of Cuttings and Core Samples From SAFOD Drill Hole
- Elucidating Sources and Factors Affecting Delivery of Nitrogen to Surface Waters of New York State
- Evolution of Diverse Mantle Sources for the Kilauea Volcano Over 270 Ka
- Evolution of fault scarp knickpoints following 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in West-Central Taiwan
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing the Predictive 3D Model for Core Site Locations
- Families of Long-Period Seismic Signals Observed in Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia
- Field-Measured Infiltration Properties of Mojave Desert Soils
- Finite-source waveform inversion of volcanic LP/VLP seismic signals
- Forecasting Probabilistic Seismic Shaking for Greater Tokyo Based on 400 Years of Intensity Observations
- Frictional behavior of natural clay-rich fault gouges from ODP Leg 190, Nankai Trough, offshore Japan
- Gas-Water-Rock Interactions in Saline Aquifers Following CO2 Injection: Results From Frio Formation, Texas, USA
- Geochronology of prograde and eclogite-facies zircon growth, North Qaidam UHP terrane, NW China
- Geologic and Site Survey Setting for JIP Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Drilling
- Geological and Sediment Thickness Data Sources From the U.S. Continental Margins
- Geomagnetic anomalies accompanying seismic activity during the 2002 Mt. Etna eruption
- Geomorphic controls on the amount and quality of organic matter associated with mineral surfaces
- Geophysical Constraints on Present-Day Surface Deformation and Flow at Depth Beneath the Continents
- Growth and Construction of Oceanic Crust at Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge
- Guided Seismic Waves: Possible Diagnostics for Hot Plumes in the Mantle
- Heat Flow Studies in the SAFOD Main Hole
- High Resolution Seafloor Environmental Characterization of Methane Seeps in the Mississippi Canyon Near Atwater Valley 13/14, Gulf of Mexico.
- High Resolution Seismic Images of the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Program Drilling Transect
- High resolution records of upwelling and tropical incursions of the of Gulf of California during the past 1,600 years: diatom and silicoflagellate proxy data
- Holocene Fault Scarps and Shallow Magnetic Anomalies Along the Southern Whidbey Island Fault Zone Near Woodinville, Washington
- Hunting the Saddle Mountain Fault Zone in the Olympic Peninsula With Airplane and Canoe
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrochemical responses among nested catchments of the Sleepers River Research Watershed.
- Ice/hydrohalite crystallization structures in sub-eutectic freezing experiments in the system NaCl-H20 and possible implications for the properties of frozen brines in Europa: A preliminary report
- Implications of the Postseismic Displacement Field Generated by the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Earthquakes, as Measured by CGPS
- InSAR Imaging of Volcanic Deformation Over Aleutian Islands
- InSAR and the Hector Mine Earthquake: Crustal Deformation v Atmospheric Anomaly
- Integrating Microbial Community Composition With Biogeochemical Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics: Examples From Lignin and Polyphenol Decomposition
- Investigating Plant Patterns on Alluvial Fan Deposits of the Mojave Desert Using High Resolution Imagery
- Is There Biogeochemical and Stable Isotopic Evidence of Canal Water Intrusion in the A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge?
- Isotopic characterization of carbon dioxide flux and DOC along a moisture gradient at Bonanza Creek LTER, Alaska
- Kinematic Modeling and Complete Moment Tensor Analysis of the Anomalous, Vertical CLVD Bardarbunga, Iceland, Event
- LIDAR Investigation Of The 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan, Earthquake
- Land-Use Change in Arid Regions Can Mobilize Millennial Accumulations of Unsaturated-Zone Salts
- Large-Scale Aquifer Test at the Bemidji, Minnesota, Oil-Spill Site: Implications for Modeling Multiphase Flow, Natural Attenuation, and LNAPL Remediation
- Late Holocene Andesitic Eruptions at Mount Rainier
- Late Holocene Turbidity Currents in Monterey Canyon and Fan Channel: Implications for Interpreting Active Margin Turbidite Records
- Late Quaternary Activity on the Cerro Goden Fault, Puerto Rico and Limitations of High-resolution Seismic Reflection/refraction Data for Trench-scale Investigations
- Latest Pliocene and Quaternary diatom floras of the Lake Tahoe basin, California and Nevada, USA
- Li Concentration and Isotope Cycling In The Ocean, An Experimental Study
- Lithogenic vs Biogenic Stream Water Chemistry: Following the Solute Flush
- Lithologic Characterization of the Deep Portion of the SAFOD Drillhole
- Location and Magnitude of the 1855 Ansei Edo Earthquake
- Massive Collapse of Steep Volcanoes Driven by Pore-Fluid Pressures
- Mesoscale Structure and Lithology of the SAFOD Phase I and II Core Samples
- Methane Content and Distribution of Natural Gas Hydrate Accumulations in the Deep-Water Basins of the Bering Sea
- Methane Leakage from Pingo-like Features on the Arctic Shelf, Beaufort Sea, NWT, Canada
- Mineralogy of the SAFOD Main Hole: Detailed characterization of fault and country rocks
- Modeling Fluid Sources and Their Role in Controlling Subduction Zones Pore Pressures
- Modeling of Reactive Transport of Nitrate in a Heterogeneous Alluvial Fan Aquifer, San Joaquin Valley, California
- Morphological Implications of Oceanographic Measurements Acquired along a Mega-Transect at the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- Near-Surface Seismic Images and Geometry of the San Andreas Fault, Santa Cruz Mountains, California
- New Continuous Timeseries Data at the Northern California Earthquake Data Center
- New Map of Subducted Slab Geometry in the Chile-Argentina Flat Slab Subduction Zone, South America: Implications for Ridge Buoyancy
- Nitrogen sources and cycling in the San Francisco Bay Estuary: A nitrate dual isotopic composition approach
- Numerical models of fluid flow and poroelastic deformation in calderas
- Observations of Fracture in Westerly granite under AE feedback and Constant Strain Rate loading: Nucleation, Quasi-static Propagation, and the transition to Unstable Fracture Propagation
- Observing the San Andreas Fault at Depth
- Old phenocrysts gather on the shores of the Aegean
- On the Partitioning of Mechanical Work Between Surface Energy and Heat During Earthquake Ruptures
- On the possible role of sliding friction in controlling the 2004-2005 Mount St. Helens eruption
- Optimizing Numerical Modeling and Field Data Collection in an Interdisciplinary Study of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Overview of SAFOD Phases 1 and 2: Drilling, Sampling and Measurements in the San Andreas Fault Zone at Seismogenic Depth
- Overview of seismicity associated with the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Palaeointensities From Hawaiian Surface Lava Flows: a Direct Comparison of Thermal and Microwave Techniques
- Permeability of Whole Core Samples of Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan TCDP Scientific Drillhole
- Phyllosilicate mineral assemblages, elemental compositions and microstructures from the SAFOD Main Hole
- Plagioclase in Dacites of the Current Mt. St. Helens Eruption: Constraints for Magma Origin and Dynamics
- Pleistocene Paleoclimatic Features at Mount Mazama Volcano and the Crater Lake Region, Oregon, Dated by Ar Geochronology
- Pre and Post-Eruptive Geochemical Investigations at Mount St. Helens, WA
- Preliminary Observations of Stress and Fluid Pressure in and Near the San Andreas Fault at Depth in the SAFOD Boreholes
- Preliminary Results from the ChevronTexaco Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrates JIP: Hydrocarbon Gases in Sediments
- Premonitory Acoustic Emissions and Slip Nucleation during Stick Slip Experiments in Naturally and Smooth (Saw-cut) Faulted Westerly Granite
- Present-Day Microplate Tectonics of Tibet and its Relation to Rheological Stratification and Flow in the Lithosphere
- Quantification of Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Ectomycorrhizal Trees
- Quantitative Analysis of 0-2 Ma Volcanic Vent Distribution in Space, Time, and Composition Centered on Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California, USA
- Radiated Seismic Energy and Mean Square S-Wave Spectral Comparisons for Large Earthquakes
- Reconstruction of Ancestral Hydrothermal Systems on Mount Rainier Using Hydrothermally Altered Rocks in Holocene Debris Flows and Tephras
- Relations Between Microseismicity and Surface Creep Along Major Strike-Slip Faults of the San Francisco Bay Region (CA)
- Salinity Effects on the Biogeochemical Cycles of Sulfate, Arsenate, Nitrate, and Methane in Anoxic Sediments of Mono Lake and Searles Lake, California.
- Seawater Calcium Isotopes Variations Over the Past 24 Million Years From Marine Barite
- Seismic Evidence for Rock Damage and Healing on the San Andreas Fault Associated with the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismic Imaging Investigation of the Calaveras Fault in Dunne Memorial Park, Hollister, CA
- Seismic Profiles Across The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater
- Seismic refraction and potential field modeling of the northwestern Basin and Range transition zone, Nevada and California
- Seismomagnetic Effects from the Long-awaited September 28, 2004, M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Shallow Gas and High-resolution Studies in an Active Canyon: Cap de Creus, Gulf of Lions
- Size distribution of submarine landslides and implications for tsunami probability in Puerto Rico
- Solution-Transfer Processes and the Frictional Strength of Heated Brucite
- Some Recent Laboratory Measurements of Fault Zone Permeability
- Sources and Flow Directions of Dikes at Sinker Butte Volcano, Western Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Streambed Fluxes in an Agricultural Watershed, Leary Weber Ditch, IN
- Spectral Analysis of Localized Stress Variations, the Spatial Distribution of Faults, and the Scaling of Physical Properties near the San Andreas Fault
- Strength of the San Andreas Fault Zone: Insight From SAFOD Cuttings and Core
- Stress evolution associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake: Consequences for seismicity, postseismic slip and deformation
- Structural and Lithologic Characterization of the SAFOD Pilot Hole and Phase One Main Hole
- Structure and Composition of the San Andreas Fault Zone at Parkfield: Initial Results from SAFOD Phases 1 and 2
- Supraslab earthquakes above the Pacific-plate slab in NE Japan: A possible graveyard of detached seamounts and volcanic ridges?
- Temporal Patterns of Deposition at the Termination of an Active Submarine Channel-Levee System: Hueneme Fan (4 Ka - Present), Santa Monica Basin, California Borderland
- Testing new Empirical Relations Between Elastic Wavespeeds in the Earth's Crust Using SAFOD Main Hole Logs
- The Basalt of Yellowjacket Butte, Another Large and Interesting Lava Flow at Medicine Lake Volcano, N. California, USA
- The Critical Zone Exploration Network: A Tool For Understanding Earth's Weathering Engine
- The Effect of Fire and Drainage on CO2 Fluxes in Black Spruce Stands of Interior Alaska
- The Effect of Variable Geochemical Conditions on the Reactive Transport of U(VI) in Small Scale Tracer Tests
- The Laminated Marca Shale: High-Frequency Climate Cycles From the Latest Cretaceous
- The Mechanical Responses of Two-Phase Magnesium Sulfate-Hydrate/Water Ice Aggregates: Impacts of a Eutectic Solidification Microstructure on Strength and on Strain Homogeneity
- The Problem of Alluvial Fan Slopes
- The Role of Wind-driven Circulation in Severe Hypoxic Events in Upper Klamath Lake, OR
- The San Andreas Fault at SAFOD: Seismic Imaging and Borehole Comparisons
- The Seismicity and Tsunamis of Canada: 1663-2005
- The Stress Triggering Role of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake
- The Transition Between N-S and NE-SW Directed Crustal Shortening in the Central and Northern Puget Lowland: New Thoughts on the Southern Whidbey Island Fault
- The Yellowstone Hotspot and Related Plume: Volcano-Tectonics, Tomography, Kinematics, Dynamics and Mantle Flow
- The carbon isotopic composition of heterotrophically-respired CO2 flux from soil organic matter
- The effects of mass deposition, gas flux and salt diapirs on surface sediment geochemistry in Keathley Canyon (northern Gulf of Mexico)
- Thermal Pressurization Explains Enhanced Long-Period Motion in the Chi-chi Earthquake
- Three Decades of Field Experiments Show Minimal Variability in Maximum Preferential Flow Speed
- Time-Dependent Tomography and Microearthquake Moment Tensors in the Coso Geothermal Area
- Tracing Sources of Organic Matter and Nitrate in the San Francisco Bay-Delta-River Ecosystem Using Isotopic Techniques: Comparison of Insights Gained from Fixed-site, Synoptic, and Diel Sampling Strategies
- Trends in Snowfall versus Rainfall for the Western United States
- Two Million Years of Desert Aerosols: Evidence for Non-Biological Isotopic Fractionation of Ca in Hyperarid Soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
- USAID Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
- Ultra-low Frequency Electromagnetic Monitoring of Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area: Initial Results of an Earthscope PBO Project
- Unraveling the Earthquake History of the Denali Fault System, Alaska: Filling a Blank Canvas With Paleoearthquakes
- Upper-Crustal Reflectivity of the Central California Coast Range Near the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), USA
- Using Websites to Convey Scientific Uncertainties for Volcanic Processes and Potential Hazards
- Very-long-period seismic source at Mount St. Helens
- Water Balance and Residence Time in Stream Functional Units of Differing Scales
- Wave-Current Interaction and its Effect on Sand Transport at the Mouth of a Dynamic Estuary: Mouth of the Columbia River, OR
- What can Nitrate Isotopes in Precipitation tell us about NOx Sources, Atmospheric Cycling, and Source Areas? Results from the First National Survey in the United States.
- What can we Learn From the December 26, 2004 Sumatra Earthquake to Improve Tsunami Hazard Assessment Models?
- When it happens again: impact of future San Francisco Bay area earthquakes
- 40Ar/39Ar Ages of the Early Columbia River Basalt Group: Determining the Steens Mountain Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal (R0-N0) as the top of the C5Cr Chron and the Imnaha Normal (N0) as the C5Cn.3n Chron.
- A First Observation of Fault Guided PSV-Waves at SAFOD and its Implications for Fault Characteristics
- A High Resolution Record of Strontium and Calcium Isotopes Over the Paleocene Eocene Boundary From Marine Barite
- A Macroscopic Description of Dynamic Fault Weakening in Complex Fault Zones
- A Miocene to Pleistocene Sierra Nevada rain shadow? Evidence from hydrogen isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass
- A New Campaign GPS Network and Alinement Array on the Bartlett Springs Fault: Preliminary Velocities and Creep Rates
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- A new probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for greater Tokyo
- Active Faulting at the Northeast Margin of the Greater Puget Lowland: A Paleoseismic and Magnetic-Anomaly Study of the Kendall scarp, Whatcom County, Northwest Washington
- Active Seismicity Controlled by a Slab Fragment Wedged Beneath Tokyo
- Age and Elevations of High-Level OIS2 Pluvial Lake Manly Shorelines, Northern and Central Death Valley: Implications for Lacustrine Sequence Stratigraphy in Southern Death Valley and the OIS6 Pluvial Lake Level
- An Effective and Fairly Simple Expression for Predicting the Polarization of Strong Ground Motions
- An Updated Eurasian Crustal Model Using Multiple Seismic Methods
- Analysis of a M2.2 Earthquake in Tautona Gold Mine, South Africa, and Estimate of its Energy Budget
- Anatomy of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure from seismic, geophysical, and borehole data along the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA
- Annual Peak Discharges in Southern California -—Are the Data Trendy?
- Anomalous Hydrothermal Activity in Hot Creek Gorge Area, Long Valley Caldera, California, USA
- Apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He dating of slip on the Crescent Fault, Nevada.
- Archean Crustal Evolution in the Northern Wyoming Province: Implications for Mantle Keels
- Arsenic, Prokaryotes, and Closed Basin Soda Lakes of the Western USA.
- Assessing Methane Release From the Colossal St\oregga Submarine Landslide
- Assessing Teachers' Comprehension of What Matters in Earth Science
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and other Spatial Effects on the Isotopic Compositions of Nitrate and Organic Matter at Regional and National Scales
- Atoms to Ecosystems: A Workshop for Science Journalists
- Bacterially Mediated Breakdown of Cinnabar and Metacinnabar and Environmental Implications
- Basement Gravity Feature in East-central Nevada and West-central Utah and its Tectonic Implications
- Basins Formed by Interaction of Left- and Right-Lateral Faults in the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- Better U-Pb Zircon Standards for SIMS and LA-ICPMS? Preliminary Results of Detailed Characterization and Pre-treatment using CA-TIMS
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron and Phosphorous in Deep Saprolite
- Calculating Tsunami Flow Speed from Tsunami Deposits
- Carbon Isotope Composition as an Indicator of DOC Sources to a Stream During Events in a Temperate Forested Catchment
- Carbon cycling and carbon metabolism by soil fungi in a boreal forest: impacts of wildfire and permafrost on functional genes, isotope signatures, and ectomycorrhizae
- Cenozoic Fault Evolution During Three Successive Tectonic Episodes in the Outer Continental Borderland off Southern California
- Changes in Ocean Chemistry Across the K/T Boundary: A Laser-Ablation Study of a Marine Ferromanganese Crust
- Characterization of Sedimentary Deposits Using usSEABED for Large-scale Mapping, Modeling and Research of U.S.Continental Margins
- Characterization of fault rock compositions, alteration mineral assemblages, and preliminary implications for fluid-rock interaction in the San Andreas Fault system at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Characterizing Fluvial Incision in the Colorado River System in Southern Utah: Integrating Regional Patterns and Local Rates
- Comparison of Southern California Shear Strain Rates From Triangulation, Trilateration, and GPS
- Complex faulting in the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon, California, earthquake sequence: observations from seismicity, seismic velocity structure, and InSAR imagery
- Constraining the flow and fracture of planetary ices through laboratory experiment
- Controls on timing and amount of activity on various strands of the Hayward Fault Zone, San Francisco Bay Region, California, USA
- Correlating Late Glacial and Holocene Marine and Lacustrine Climate Records in Northern California, USA
- Correlating Volcanism in Coastal California with Slab Windows predicted from Pacific Plate Isochrons
- Correlation of deep crustal seismic velocity anomalies and intrusive units in the vicinity of the sheeted-dike-gabbro boundary at IODP Site 1256D
- Corroborating a new probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for greater Tokyo from historical intensity observations
- Coupling Chemical and Physical Weathering Across the Passive Margin Escarpment of Southeastern Australia
- Crustal P-Wave Speed Structure Under Mount St. Helens From Local Earthquake Tomography
- Crustal Structure of Mainland China from Deep Seismic Sounding Data
- Crustal structure across the Tualatin basin, Oregon, from gravity and magnetic studies
- DOC composition at spring snowmelt and summer baseflow in boreal forest streams of interior Alaska
- Decompression Melting beneath the Indonesian Volcanic Front
- Deep Earthquake of 5 February 2005 under Mindanao, Philippines: Source Process and S- wave Waveform Anomaly Detected in Central Japan
- Deep, Carbon Dioxide-Rich Degassing of Pavlof Volcano, Aleutian arc
- Developing an Algorithm for Finding Deep-Sea Corals on Seamounts Using Bathymetry and Photographic Data
- Discovery of Talc in SAFOD Serpentinite Cuttings: Possible Implications for the Origin of Creep in the San Andreas Fault
- Distal Impact Ejecta Material in Marine Sediments in the North-Central Pacific Ocean
- Distribution and Rates of Terrigenous Sediment Accumulation on the Hueneme Submarine Fan in the Late Holocene (4.3 Ka-Present), Santa Monica Basin, California
- Diversity of tsunamigenic earthquakes along the Sunda subduction zone: 2004- 2006
- Does 14C in Tree Core Record the History of CO2 Emission and Deformation at Yellowstone?
- Dynamic Simulations of Tsunami Generation from the Mw=7.7 July 17, 2006 Java Earthquake
- Earthquakes, Segments, Bends, and Fault-Face Geology: Correlations Within the San Andreas System, California
- Effects of High Carbon Dioxide Soil-Gas Concentrations and Emission Rates From Mammoth Mountain, California, USA
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Quantification of Water Content Distribution during Infiltration and Redistribution in Soils
- Elemental Analysis of Zircon by High Mass Resolution USGS-Stanford SHRIMP-RG: Measuring and Evaluating Ti-in-zircon Temperatures and Compositional Characteristics
- Environmental Factors Controlling Hyporheic Flow and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates Beneath the Sediment Interface of Streams and Floodplains
- Estimating Tritium Fluxes from the Shallow Unsaturated Zone to the Atmosphere in an Arid Environment Dominated by Creosote Bush (USGS-ADRS)
- Estuarine science and decision-support tools to restore Puget Sound delta and estuarine ecosystems: The Skagit River Delta
- Evaluating Isotope and Geochemical Tracers of Paleosalinity, Freshwater Input, and Regional Climate Change at Celestun Lagoon, Yucatan Peninsula
- Evidence of Phosphate d18O Retention in Apatite During Regional Metamorphism
- Evolution of the California Current during the past 12,000 years based on diatoms and silicoflagellates
- Evolution of the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America Slab Window System: A Trench- Ridge-Fault Example From the Pacific Rim
- Fault Zones from Top to Bottom: A Geophysical Perspective
- Fault-Bounded Late Neogene Sedimentary Deposits in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Southern CA: Constraints on the Evolution of the San Jacinto Fault
- Flow in an initially dry stream channel
- Formation of Unique Tellurium Nanocrystals with Anaerobic Growth of Bacillus selenitireducens and Sulfurospirillum barnesii using Te-oxyanions as Electron Acceptors.
- Fossil Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems in Pleistocene Brokeoff Volcano, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- GPS constraints on crustal deformation in the eastern Transverse Ranges Province, southern California
- Geochronology of Zircon from Modern Plutons Beneath Two Contrasting Arc Volcanoes
- Geochronology of the Franciscan Eastern Belt in the Yolla Bolly Area, Northern California, and the Nature of the South Fork Mountain Schist
- Geotechnical Considerations of Canyon Formation: the Case of Cap de Creus Canyon, Mediterranean Sea
- Google Earth Views of Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis Pilot Study, Seaside, Oregon
- Grain-Size Analysis of Sediments From San Francisco Bay: A Comparison of LISST and Sieve Analysis Methods
- Gravity Signature Of The Sumatra 2004 And 2005 Earthquakes: What We Learn From A Wavelet Analysis Of GRACE Data
- Heat Flow Measurements Across the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California Preliminary Results from SAFOD
- Helium Isotopes in Basalt-Hosted Olivines From the Yellowstone Plateau: Implications on Volcanic Processes
- High-Rate (1 sps) GPS Observations from the 2003 M 6.5 San Simeon, California, Earthquake in the Parkfield Region
- Highly Compressed Free Gas in Deep-Water Natural Gas Hydrate Systems
- Homogeneous Earthquake Faulting, Stress and Fault Strength on Kilometer Scales
- How Frequently Can a "Supervolcano" Erupt? Rapid Emplacement of Voluminous Compositionally Diverse Ignimbrites, Central San Juan Calderas, Colorado
- Hydrologic Triggering of Shallow Landslides in a Field-scale Flume
- Hydrothermal Manganese Mineralization Near the Samoan Hotspot
- Imagining the unimaginable: How do we forecast and predict a large caldera eruption?
- InSAR Geodesy of Aleutian Volcanoes
- InSAR analysis of the 21 May 2003 Zemmouri earthquake (Mw 6.8, Northern Algeria): Rupture constraint of an offshore hidden fault
- Insights Into the Hydrology of the Willamette River Basin Using d18O of Water During Summer Baseflow Conditions
- Integrated geologic and Geophysical Studies of North American Continental Intraplate Seismicity
- Is magnitude variability on North-Anatolian and San-Andreas fault segments a consequence of geometry and resultant irregular tectonic loading?
- Laboratory and Field Testing of two Rotational Seismometer Models
- Landscape controls on hillslope-riparian-stream hydrologic connections in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Landslide Processes of the Ventura Anticline, Viewed from the Field and from 1-m LiDAR
- Massive submarine slope failures during the 1964 earthquake in Port Valdez, Alaska
- Methane emissions from boreal peatlands in a changing climate: Quantifying the sensitivity of methane fluxes to experimental manipulations of water table and soil temperature regimes in an Alaskan boreal fen
- Microbial Fuel Cell as Life Detector: Arsenic Cycling in Hypersaline Environments
- Microearthquake characterisation of an artificially stimulated hydraulic fracture at the Coso geothermal area, California
- Mismatches Between GPS and Geologic Slip Rate Estimates: Causes and Consequences
- Modeling Tsunami Sedimentation
- Modeling long-term morphological change and mixed bed sediment evolution in the Deschutes Estuary
- Modeling the Effects of Zinc and Orthophosphate on the Growth of Phytoplankton from Coeur d'Alene Lake, ID
- Moisture Controls on CO2 Fluxes From Boreal Wetlands: Integration of Experimental and Gradient-Based Measurements at the Bonanza Creek LTER, Interior Alaska
- Natural gas hydrate in sediments imaged by cryogenic SEM: Insights from lab experiments on synthetic hydrates as interpretive guides.
- Neogene Structural Basins Beneath Santa Rosa Plain: Strike-Slip Basins Formed in Wake of the Mendocino Triple Junction During Initiation of the Rodgers Creek-Healdsburg Fault Zone
- New Hybridized Surface Wave Approach for Geotechnical Modeling of Shear Wave Velocity at Strong Motion Recording Stations
- Nitrogen fluxes through unsaturated zones in five agricultural settings across the USA
- Numerical Modeling of Submarine Landslide-Generated Tsunamis as a Component of the Alaska Tsunami Inundation Mapping Project
- Origin and Evolution of the Yellowstone Hotspot from Seismic-GPS Imaging and Geodynamic Modeling
- Paleoseismic Investigation of the San Andreas Fault at Coachella, California
- Patterns of seismogenesis for giant plate-boundary earthquakes in island-arc-type subduction systems
- Plastic and Anelastic Responses of Ice-I/Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate Eutectic Aggregates
- Plate Coupling, Block Rotation and Crustal Deformation in the Pacific Northwest
- Possible Recording of Rapidly Changing Transitional Geomagnetic Field Within a Single Lava Flow, Sheep Creek Range, North Central Nevada
- Post-fire channel change in Wildwood Canyon, Verdugo Mountains, Burbank, CA
- Post-seismic Deformation Following the Great 2004 Sumatra-Andaman and 2005 Nias Earthquakes From GPS Data
- Postseismic Deformation and Fault-slip From the 2004 M6 Parkfield, California Earthquake Using 2 Years of GPS and Creepmeter Data
- Postseismic relaxation from the 2004 Sumatra earthquake simulated on a 3D viscoelastic Earth model
- Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins: Results From the Frio Brine Test, Texas, USA
- Potentially Labile Soil Organic Matter in Erosional and Depositional Settings of an Undisturbed Zero-order Watershed
- Precursory Accelerating Moment Release: An Artifact of Data-Selection?
- Preliminary Reactive Geochemical Transport Modeling Study on Changes in Water Chemistry Induced by CO2 Injection at Frio Pilot Test Site
- Project REPEAT: Rates and Evolution of Peat Accretion through Time in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Prolonged Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism: Evidence From Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry, North Qaidam UHP Terrane, NW China
- Prolonged Exposure of Basement Edifices caused by Dissolution of Biogenic Ooze by Hydrothermal Venting
- Pumping-Induced Unsaturated Regions Beneath a Perennial River
- Quantifying nutrient sources in an upland catchment using multiple chemical and isotopic tracers
- Quantifying the effects of soil drainage on carbon storage in boreal soils
- Reality Check: Using the 1906 Simulations to Assess Performance of Northern California Networks
- Reanalysis of the Pyroclastic Fall Deposit from the 18 May 1980 Eruption of Mount Saint Helens, USA
- Record of Fluctuating Magmatic Environments, Melt Fractionation, and Mixing of Crystals: Elemental Compositions of Zircon Zones, Spirit Mountain Batholith, Nevada
- Regional Estimates of Radiated Seismic Energy for Four Moderate (4.6 ≤ M ≤ 5.2) Southern California Earthquakes
- Regional geophysical setting of the Yellowstone Hotspot track along the Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA.
- Registration Procedures for Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Geomorphologic Studies
- Representing the effects of lateral spreading during ponded infiltration: an inverse modeling approach
- Response of the Colorado River to a late Pleistocene pulse of fine-grained sediment
- Salinity Effects on the Biogeochemical Cycles of Arsenic, Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Carbon in two Hypersaline Soda Lakes
- San Andreas Fault Geometry Near Parkfield, California
- Sand Wave Migrations Within Monterey Submarine Canyon, California
- Searching for Scaling With Magnitude of Signals in the Early Portion of P Waveforms Recorded in South African Mines
- Seismic Reflection Images of the Crust Beneath the 2001 M = 7.7 Kutch (Bhuj) Epicentral Region, western India
- Seismic Rotations and Strains at UPSAR from the September 28, 2004, M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismic activities around an M4.8 'characteristic earthquake' sequence off Kamaishi, NE Japan
- Seismic reflection and gravity evidence for multiple phases of basin formation in Pahrump and Mesquite Valleys, Nevada and California
- Serving Bay Area Geologic Hazard Information in Google Earth KML; a Network-Link Approach
- Simultaneous determination of thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and specific heat in sI methane hydrate
- Slip in the 2003 San Simeon earthquake and its effect on the Parkfield segment
- Soil Carbon Dynamics in Relation to Landscape Dynamics
- Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics: Establishing Linkages Between Fine-Scale Processes and Regional Scale Mass-Balance.
- Soil drainage and topographic influences on wildfire consumption of soil organic carbon in boreal forests: implications for carbon stability
- Source Dynamics of Long-Period Seismicity in Volcanic and Hydrothermal Systems
- Source to Sink Continuity Through Relative Sea-Level Changes From OIS 3 to the Present: Only the Pathway Changes in the California Borderland
- Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta, California, Using Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Isotopes
- Sources of Nitrogen to Streams of Varying Land Use as Determined Through Dual Isotope Analysis of Nitrate
- Spatial Covariance of Ground Motions in NGA Data
- Stratigraphy, Paleomagnetism, and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of the Miocene Stanislaus Group, Central Sierra Nevada and Sweetwater Mountains, California and Nevada
- Streambed Seepage and Implications for Local Hydrology: Time Series Analysis of Streambed Thermal Records and Other Methods Applied to a Strongly-Losing Stream
- Strength of SAFOD Fault Gouge Under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Stress drop of earthquakes from the Multi-Window Spectral Ratio method in a regional network
- Stress, faulting and fluid flow in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA
- Structural Controls on the Distribution of Fault Slip in the Parkfield, California, Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Structure of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater from Wide-Angle Seismic Waveform Tomography
- Structure of the Seattle Uplift from Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic, Geologic, and Geomorphic Data
- Submarine slope failures near Seward, Alaska, during the M9.2 1964 earthquake
- Surface Deformation in Paso Robles, California, Associated with the December 22, 2003 San Simeon Earthquake from RADARSAT-1 Interferometry
- Tectonic Segmentation of the Cascadia Convergent Margin - An Overview
- Tectonic deformation along a diffuse transform margin: a new geophysical interpretation of the Monterey Bay Region, California
- Temporal variation in Oxygen-18 and Deuterium Isotopic Composition of Rainfall and Throughfall in a Small Headwater Watershed, Northern Wisconsin
- The 2004 Parkfield Earthquake and the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment
- The Concept of Potential in Unsaturated Flow: Buckingham's Genius and Legacy
- The Effect of Brine Composition and Concentration on Strength of Expandable Clays
- The Effect of Spatially Correlated Failures on Natural Hazard Damage Assessments
- The Extent and Recurrence of Holocene Turbidity Currents in Monterey Canyon and Fan Channel, offshore California
- The M=7.6 Earthquake in the Pakistani-Administered Region of Kashmir on Oct. 8, 2005
- The Northern California Earthquake Management System: A Unified System From Realtime Monitoring to Data Distribution
- The Role of Active-Source Seismology in Earthscope
- The Slip-Rate Discrepancy for the Altyn Tagh Fault: An Example of Epistemic Uncertainty
- The South Boundary of the Subducted Yakutat Terrane Seems to Affect the Distribution of Forearc Subsidence Since the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake (Mw=9.2)
- The USGS 3D Seismic Velocity Model for Northern California
- The rainfall limit of the soil N cycle on Earth: stable isotopes of N and O in arid to hyperarid soils of the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The spatio-temporal evolution of afterslip following the 2004 Parkfield, California earthquake
- Three-Dimensional Compressional Wavespeed Model, Earthquake Relocations (1966- 2005), and Focal Mechanisms for the Parkfield, California, Region
- Three-Dimensional Geologic Map of Northern California: A Foundation for Earthquake Simulations and Other Predictive Modeling
- Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Northern Nevada Rift and Beowawe Geothermal Area, North-central Nevada
- Time Scale of Magma Mixing Determined From Olivine Speedometry at Williams Crater, Crater Lake, OR
- Tracer Observations of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Exchange Across the Stream-Catchment Interface
- Tracing Sources of Nitrate and Organic Matter in the Willamette River Basin During Summer Baseflow Conditions using Isotopic Techniques
- Tracing the sources of phosphate into the San Joaquin River using oxygen isotope signatures
- Tritium Concentrations in the Yukon River Basin and their Implications
- Tsunami Hazard Estimates Based on Real-time Seismic Data: Analysis of the 03 May 2006 Tonga Event
- Tsunamis in the Caribbean
- U-Pb Dating Reveals Rapid Accretion of Gabbroic Crust at the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Survey Data in Google Earth
- Using Drill Cutting Separates to Estimate the Strength of Narrow Shear Zones at SAFOD
- Using Google Maps to Access USGS Volcano Hazards Information
- Using Satellite Gravity to Map and Model Forearc Basins and Thickness of Trench Sediment Worldwide: Implications for Great Earthquakes
- Variability in Ground Motions in the San Francisco Bay Urban Area from Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault
- Variability of Near-stream, Sub-surface Major-ion and Tracer Concentrations in an Acid Mine Drainage Environment
- Variation of Desert Soil Hydraulic Properties with Pedogenic Maturity
- Vertical Motions of Oceanic Volcanoes
- Vertical-Axis Rotations Within Columbia River Basalt Flows Define a Sharp Eastern Boundary of the Coast Range Block with Potentially Increased Seismic Risk for Portland, Oregon
- 3D Image Tour of the Hayward Fault in the East Bay, San Francisco Bay Region, California
- 40Ar/39Ar Ages for the Sentinel-Arlington Volcanic Field, Southwestern Arizona
- A Comparison of Naturally-Occurring and Artificially Stimulated Uranium(VI) Bioreduction in Sediment from a Field-scale Experiment in Rifle, CO
- A Dynamic Soil Layer Model for Assessing the Effects of Wildfire on High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
- A GIS Framework for Mitigating Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards at Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity
- A Proposed Objective-Oriented Groundwater Model for Conjunctive Use Planning of Surface and Groundwater
- A Prototype Hydrothermal Monitoring System, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- A Three-dimensional Geologic Model of the Hayward-Calaveras Fault Junction
- A Virtual Tour of the 1868 Hayward Earthquake in Google EarthTM
- A geochemical approach to assessing the relative contributions of rivers, wetlands and island drains to dissolved organic matter in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- A new method for mapping depth to the Curie-temperature isotherm in the Great Basin from aeromagnetic anomalies
- A role for high frequency hydrochemical sampling in long term ecosystem studies
- ASTER Observations of 2000-2007 Thermal Features at Pavlof Volcano and Mt. Hague (Emmons Lake Volcanic Center), Alaska
- Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Data map Rock Alteration and Water Content at Mount Adams, Mount Baker and Mount Rainier, Washington: Implications for Lahar Hazards and Hydrothermal Systems
- Assessing Streambed Recharge Under a Wide Range of Flow Conditions Using Time-series Analysis of Streambed Thermographs
- Assessing tsunami hazard to the U.S. East Coast using relationships between submarine landslides and earthquakes
- Atmospheric Rawinsonde and Pigeon Release Data Implicate Infrasound as the Long- Range Map Cue in Avian Navigation
- Augmentation of the Darcy-Buckingham-Richards Formulation to Account for Fast Response to Infiltration of Soil Moisture at Depth
- Back-arc Seamount Distribution Along the Western Aleutian Volcanic Arc
- Bacterial Influence on the Solubility of Cinnabar and Metacinnabar at New Idria, CA
- Basin Structure Beneath the Santa Rosa Plain, Northern California: Implications for Damage Caused by the 1969 Santa Rosa and 1906 San Francisco Earthquakes
- Before the 1868 Earthquake: An 1800-year geologic history of surface ruptures along the southern Hayward fault
- Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Macro- and Micronutrients to the Water Column of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Caldera-related Tertiary Granitic Plutons in the Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field, Western USA: Links to Subvolcanic Batholiths
- Capacity Building for Caribbean Tsunami Warnings: A Regional Training Course
- Carbon accumulation in bogs and fens after permafrost degradation in central Alaska
- Cenozoic East Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution From Wilkes Land Continental Margin Sediments and IODP Drilling in 2009
- Cessation of Slip on the Pilarcitos Fault and Initiation of the San Francisco Peninsula Segment of the (Modern) San Andreas Fault, California
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Surface, Soil, and Ground Waters of a Small (10 ha) Catchment Using Stable Isotopes (C, N, S) and Chemical Methods
- Characterization of Recent Extreme Wave Deposits, SE Hawaii
- Chromium isotope variation along a contaminated groundwater plume: a coupled Cr(VI)- reduction, advective mixing perspective
- Clasts of Bladed Serpentine in a K/T Boundary Layer From the Central North Pacific: Implications for Catastrophic Impact by a Chondritic Projectile
- Clockwise Rotation and Implications for Northward Drift of the Western Transverse Ranges from Paleomagnetism of the Piuma Member, Sespe Formation, near Malibu, California
- Combined Seismic Reflection and Refraction Profile Across the Hayward Fault in Fremont, Alameda County, California
- Compaction Can Limit Peak Vertical Velocity at Yucca Mountain
- Composition of Magmas, Minerals, and Melts of Tuffs and Lavas from the San Luis Caldera Complex, Colorado: Framework for Crystal Recycling and Melt Extraction Processes
- Constraints on Seismogenesis of Small Earthquakes (-2.8 ≤ M{W} ≤ 3) Defined by the Dense Instrument Network of the Natural Earthquake Laboratory in South African Mines (NELSAM)
- Constraints on the Rupture of the October 21, 1868, Hayward Earthquake Determined From the Distribution of Modified Mercalli Intensity
- Constructing a Model of a Dipping Southern San Andreas Fault, Southern California
- Continental Microplate Tectonics
- Continuing Inflation at Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, From GPS, InSAR, and Leveling Observations
- Continuing subsidence and deformation of the Surtsey volcano, 1991 - 2002, Iceland
- Continuous real-time monitoring of chloride in geothermal areas in Yellowstone National Park: initial results from newly developed long-term in-situ chloride analyzers.
- Controls on Coarse-Grained Sediment Delivery and Distribution in the Holocene Santa Monica Basin, California: Implications for Evaluating Source-to-Sink Flux at Millennial Time Scales in a Deep-Marine Basin
- Core Across the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD - Photographs, Physical Properties Data, and Core-Handling Procedures
- Creating Geospatial RSS and ATOM Feeds for Map-based Interfaces
- Crustal Structure Across the Three Gorges Dam from Wide-Angle Seismic Data
- Deep Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Basins of Northwestern China
- Deformation of Sedimentary Rock Across the San Andreas Fault Zone: Mesoscale and Microscale Structures Displayed in Core From SAFOD
- Depth to Detachment Estimates for the Tanos and West Tanos Faults, Hagen Embayment, New Mexico
- Development of a State-Wide 3-D Seismic Tomography Velocity Model for California
- Development of a Wireless Network of Temperature Sensors for Yellowstone National Park (USA)
- Differential Energy Radiation from Two Earthquakes in Japan with Identical MW
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Vegetation on Methylmercury Production in Wetlands as Assessed by Experimental Plant Removal
- Dissolved Organic Carbon as a Drinking Water Constituent of Concern in California Agricultural Watersheds
- Distinguishing Between Lithogenic and Biogenic Processes in a Soil Chronosequence
- Distinguishing NOx Source Contributions to Wet and Dry Nitrate Deposition in the United States using Stable Isotopes
- Distribution of Hydrothermal Mineral Assemblages in the Sevenmile Hole Area, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Diving surveys of small seamounts on the outer rise of the Japan Trench, and replacement of benchmarks for seafloor geodesy
- Dynamic Magma Chamber Processes Reflected in Trace-Element Data From the May 1915 Eruption of Lassen Peak, California
- Dynamic Models of Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Earthquake Geology of the Bogd Fault, Gobi Altay, Mongolia
- Ecohydrology Controls on Feedbacks Between Northern Wetlands and Climate Systems
- Effect of Brucite on the Frictional Strength of Serpentinite
- Effect of mixing on oxygen reduction, denitrification, and isotopic fractionation in a heterogeneous aquifer in an agricultural setting.
- Enormous Power Output and Fluid Fluxes Driven Through a few Mid-plate Outcrops
- Establishing the Limits of Yellowstone Hotspot Volcanism at the Time of the Steens Mountain Reversal
- Evidence From Detrital Zircon U-Pb Analysis for Suturing of Pre-Mississippian Terranes in Arctic Alaska
- Evolution of an Intermontane Basin Along the Northern San Andreas System: Evidence from Basin Structure of Little Lake Valley (Willits), Northern California Inferred from Gravity and Geologic Data
- Evolution of vertical permeability in Coso Geothermal Well 58A-10
- Experimental Study of U(VI) Release Kinetics from Aquifer Sediments from a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site (Rifle, Colorado, USA)
- Experimental observations of fault zone compaction during stick-slip sliding: implications for fault strength and stability
- Field test of an autocorrelation technique for determining grain size using a digital camera
- Flow Data for Solute Transport Modeling from Tracer Experiments in a Stream Not Continuously Gaining Water
- Forearc Structure and Fault Slip Near the Epicenter of the April 1, 2007, Megathrust Earthquake (Mw 8.1) and Tsunami in the Solomon Islands
- Fragmentation and Cataclasis of Lava Domes: Field Evidence of Conduit-Margin Faulting and Cryptodome Unloading at Mount St. Helens
- Fragmentation on a grand scale: A slab fragment dislodged from the descending Pacific plate slab wedged Beneath Tokyo
- Frictional Strength of Hayward Fault Gouge
- Geophysical Investigations Along the Hayward Fault, Northern California, and Their Implications on Earthquake Hazards
- Geothermal Monitoring in Yellowstone National Park
- Global Seismic Monitoring: Past, Present, and Future
- Google Mapplets for Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity
- Gouge Powder from Earthquakes Rupture-zones and Laboratory Rupture Experiments: Sub- microscopic Observations and Particle size Distribution
- Ground Water / Surface Water Exchange: Streambed Versus a Channel Bar
- Groundwater Monitoring of Land Application with Manure, Biosolids, and other Organic Residuals
- Growth Patterns of Deep-sea Fans Revisited: Evolving Fan and Related Turbidite-system Morphology in the Inner Basins of the Southern California Continental Borderland
- Gulf of California Sediment and Proxy SST Records Suggest a Post 6 ka Development of the Arizona Monsoon and Solar Forcing of Cycles
- High-Resolution LiDAR Topography of the Plate-Boundary Faults in Northern California
- High-Resolution Rainfall From Radar Reflectivity and Terrestrial Rain Gages for use in Estimating Debris-Flow Susceptibility in the Day Fire, California
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Refraction Imaging of the Hayward Fault in Fremont, Alameda County, California
- How to Display Hazards and other Scientific Data Using Google Maps
- Hydrated Iron Sulfate Minerals by FT-IR, ESEM and XRD: Effects of Hydration, Metal Ions, and Oxidative State
- Hydromechanical response characterization by integration of geophysical and hydrological data, San Lorenzo, California
- Igneous origin of K-feldspar Megacrysts in Granitic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada Batholith
- Imaging Rupture Asperities and Earthquake Potential of Partly Creeping Faults
- Imaging the Crust of the Los Angeles Region: Forward and Inverse Velocity Models and Reflectivity Migrated from Automatic Line Drawings of Shot Gathers
- Impact of Near-Stream Ground Water Pumping on Streambed Fluxes
- Implications of Preliminary Gravity and Magnetic Surveys to the Understanding of the Bartlett Springs Fault Zone, Northern California Coast Ranges
- In-Situ Resolution of Internal Fault Zone Properties: Structure, Rock Mechanics and Rupture of the Pretorius Fault, South Africa (NELSAM Project)
- Insights on the Physics of Earthquakes from Laboratory Stick-Slip Friction in Conjunction with a Dynamic Rupture Model
- Integration of Electric Resistivity Profile and Infiltrometer Measurements to Calibrate a Numerical Model of Vertical Flow in Fractured and Karstic Limestone.
- Interactive effects of fire, soil climate, and vegetation on CO2 fluxes in an upland black spruce forest and peatland in interior Alaska
- Into the Future: Continuing Evolution of the Pacific-Juan de Fuca-North America Plate System
- Intraplate Seismicity Within "Stable" North America
- Investigations of CO2 Emissions From Holocene Volcanic Features of Mono Lake and the Mono Craters Volcanic Chain in Eastern California
- Isolation of Strain MLTeJB From Mono Lake, California, a Dissimilatory Tellurite Respiring Prokaryote.
- Isotopic Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Geothermal Fluids, Long Valley, CA
- Isotopic Evidence of Nitrate Sources and its Relationship to Algae in the San Joaquin River, California
- Isotopic Methods for Determining the Relative Importance of Bioavailability Versus Trophic Position in Controlling Mercury Concentrations in Everglades Mosquitofish
- Jurassic to Present Evolution of the Arctic Ocean Region: Questions for IPY
- Lagrangian water quality dynamics in the San Luis Drain, California.
- Landscape and climate controls on fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Large wave-shaped bedforms in the axial channel of Monterey Submarine Canyon: Monterey Bay, California
- Late-Quaternary Environmental Change in the Sierra Nevada: A 19,000-Year Sedimentary Organic Matter Record From Swamp Lake, Yosemite National Park, California
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- LiqueMap: A Real-Time Postearthquake map of Liquefaction Probability
- Liquefaction Scenarios in the Northern Santa Clara Valley for a Repeat of the 1868 Hayward Fault (M6.7-7.0) Earthquake
- Long-Lived Crustal Structures and Their Role in the Tectonic Evolution of the Cascadia Backarc
- Magma plumbing system of Akutan volcano, Alaska inferred from InSAR images and numerical modeling
- Magmatic Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Mammoth Mountain, California -- A Decreasing Trend From 1996 to 2007
- Mapping dikes and faults in the Oregon forearc using high-resolution aeromagnetic data
- Mass Dependent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes in Source Rocks, Mineral Deposits and Spring Waters of the California Coast Ranges, USA
- Mechanical modeling of the Father's day dike intrusion along the east rift zone of Kilauea, Hawaii, constrained from ALOS PALSAR interferometry
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Mercury Cycling in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California: Sediment Biogeochemistry
- Micro- Nano- and Picoearthquakes at SAFOD: Implications for Earthquake Rupture and Fault Mechanics
- Microbial community evolution across a granitic chronosequence, Santa Cruz, California
- Microbial decomposer communities in Alaskan permafrost soils and their response to thaw
- Microbially Induced Temperature Changes in a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume
- Micrometeorite Impacts in Beringian Mammoth Tusks and a Bison Skull
- Modeling Vegetative Controls on the Water Balance in Shallow Desert Soils
- Modern Earthquake Hazard Assessments in Afghanistan: A USGS Training Course
- Monazite and Zircon Record Proterozoic and Paleozoic Metamorphism of Paragneiss, North Qaidam UHP Terrane, NW China
- Multi-Methods High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Active Fault Zones
- Multi-directional Block and Breccia Emplacement in the Moat of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Revealed by High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Surveys near the 1.76-km-deep, ICDP-USGS Eyreville Corehole
- Nano-sized Minerals of Elemental Selenium and Tellurium Formed by Bacterial Dissimilatory Reduction of Se- and Te-Oxyanions.
- Naturally Occurring Cr and Ni in the Sacramento Valley: II. Mn Oxides and the Mobility of Cr(VI) and Ni
- Near-field strong ground-motions during the September 12-13, 2007 Sumatran earthquakes
- Near-surface geophysical surveying of the Green Valley fault, Fairfield CA
- New 40Ar/39Ar age Determinations of Basalts From the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- New Airborne LiDAR Survey of the Hayward Fault, Northern California
- New Codes for Ambient Seismic Noise Analysis
- New geochemical and isotopic constraints on magmagenesis in an Ordovician arc-continent collision, Ireland: The Tyrone Igneous Complex
- Nitrate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Riparian-Zone Ground Water of the Lower San Joaquin River, California
- Non-Linear Nitrogen Cycling and Ecosystem Calcium Depletion Along a Temperate Forest Soil Nitrogen Gradient
- Non-Poissonian Distribution of Tsunami Waiting Times
- Numerical Simulation of Recent Turbidity Currents in the Monterey Canyon System, Offshore California
- Numerical Simulations of Multi-phase, Multi-component Hydrothermal Fluid Flow: Implications for Heat and Mass Transport and Deformation of the Yellowstone Caldera
- Olivine Crystallization and Mantle Potential Temperatures Beneath Yellowstone
- Oxidative and reductive transformations of arsenic by photosynthetic microbial communities from hot springs on Pahoa Island, Mono Lake, California
- Patterns of Stream Flow and Temperature at Tantalus Creek, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park (USA)
- Penguin Bank: A Loa-Trend Hawaiian Volcano
- Perchlorate in the Hydrologic Cycle - An Overview of Sources and Occurrence
- Petrotectonic Evolution of the Chuacús Complex, Central Guatemala, by U/Pb Geochronology
- Pitfalls of Estimating Background Seismicity Rates from Interevent-time Statistics
- Planetary ices up close: imaging by cryogenic SEM.
- Potential for Recharge in Agricultural Soils of the Mississippi Delta
- Preliminary Results from SAFOD Phase 3: Implications for the state of stress and shear localization in and near the San Andreas Fault at depth in central California
- Probabilistic seismic hazard in the San Francisco Bay area based on a simplified viscoelastic-cycle model of fault interactions
- Progress in developing an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Re-affirming the Magnetic Precursor to the 1989 Loma Prieta, CA, Earthquake Using Magnetic Field Data Collected in the US in 1989 and 1990
- Relationships Between Stream - Ground Water Exchange and Topography of the Channel, Valley, and Watershed
- Rupture parameters of the 21 May 2003, Mw 6.8, Zemmouri (Northern Algeria) earthquake deduced from InSAR
- Samples and Data Products from the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Segmentation of the Calaveras-Hayward Fault System Based on 3-D Geometry and Geology at Large-Earthquake Depth
- Segregating Gas from Melt: an Experimental Look at Ostwald Ripening in Rhyolitic Magma
- Seismic Characterisation of Hydraulic Stimulation Tests at the Coso Geothermal Area, California
- Seismic Evidence for Complex, Multi-layered, Deep Structure of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA
- Seismic Imaging and Gravity Studies of the Eagle Rock and Raymond Faults in Arroyo Seco, Los Angeles County, California
- Seismic Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of South America and Surrounding Ocean Basins
- Seismotectonic Models of the Three Recent Devastating SCR Earthquakes in India
- Semantic Mediation and Integration of Volcanic and Atmospheric Data:In Search of Statistical Signatures
- Sensitivity of the Carbon Cycle in the Arctic to Climate Change
- Sequestration of Tellurium From Seawater by Ferromanganese Crusts: A XANES/EXAFS Perspective
- Shear Wave Velocity Structure Beneath the Western Basin and Range Province, Eastern California: Implications for Crustal-scale Tectonic Models
- Site Response in the San Joaquin/Sacramento River Delta
- Slip in Great Megathrust Earthquakes and its Relation to Crustal Structure as Revealed by Satellite Free-air Gravity
- Small-Scale Structures Derived From Microearthquake Locations Using SAFOD and HRSN Data
- Soil carbon as a metric for longterm ecosystem function
- Source Modeling and Seismic-Volcano Implications of the 2004-2007 Accelerated Deformation at Yellowstone Caldera
- Source Models of the June 17th, 2007 Kilauea Intrusion: Monte Carlo Optimization
- Southern California Hydrographic Shifts During the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age.
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Hydraulic Properties in the Russian River Streambed, Central Sonoma County, California
- Spatial evaluation of extreme wave deposits at Boca Olivia, Bonaire
- Spatial resolution of afterslip following the 2004 M6 Parkfield earthquake
- Spatial variability in organic layer characteristics following wildfire in interior Alaskan black spruce forests
- Stable and transient motion on Kilauea's south flank from InSAR Persistent Scatterers
- Storm Rainfall Conditions for Floods and Debris Flows from Recently Burned Basins in Southwestern Colorado and Southern California
- Structural Heterogeneity Along the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California, from Seismic Imaging: Velocity, Anisotropy, and Attenuation
- Structural controls on the Surprise Valley fault system, northwestern margin of the Basin and Range, based on combined geologic, potential-field, and seismic reflection modeling
- Structure and Composition of the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths: Recent Results from the SAFOD Experiment
- Surface Deformation from ALOS Interferometry Related to the July 2006 Seismic Crisis and Dike Intrusion on Central New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
- Surface Geometry and Geomorphology of the Rodgers Creek Fault, San Francisco Bay Area
- Systematic temporal thallium isotope variations in a 72 Ma old Fe-Mn crust: A proxy for changes in ocean chemistry?
- Systematics of Natural Perchlorate in Precipitation, Soils, and Plants at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Tectonic History of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Tectonic Setting of the Gravity Fault and Implications for Ground-Water Resources in the Death Valley Region, Nevada and California
- Tectonic and geomorphic controls on littoral sediment distribution and transport along an emergent, rocky coastline: Northern Monterey Bay, California
- Temporal Evolution of Continental Lithospheric Strength in Actively Deforming Regions
- Ten Years of Monitoring the Eruption of Shrub Mud Volcano, Alaska
- The 1989 Ms 7.1 Loma Prieta, California, Magnetic Earthquake Precursor Revisited
- The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, Earthquake Brought Thrust and Strike-Slip Faults Near Algiers Closer to Coulomb Failure
- The 2004 Sumatra Earthquake Mw 9.3: Seismological and Geophysical Investigations in the Andaman-Nicobar Islands
- The Age and Tectonic Significance of the Paleoproterozoic Great Falls Tectonic Zone, Southwestern Laurentia
- The August 15, 2007 M=8.0 Ica, Peru Earthquake
- The Effect of Land-Surface Subsidence Processes on the Remaining Peat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- The Hayward Fault Exposed! 20,000 Visitors Made it a Success
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- The M7 October 21, 1868 Hayward Earthquake, Northern California-140 Years Later
- The McCreary Glade Earthquake Sequence: Possible Reactivation of Ancient Structures Near Lake Pillsbury, Northern Coast Ranges, Mendocino County, California
- The October 11, 1918 Mona Passage tsunami modeled using new submarine landslide evidence.
- The Pulse of Cordilleran Batholith Formation Revealed in the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Large Silicic Volcanic Fields
- The Southernmost Branch of the Lucia Canyon System Offshore Central California: New Insights From High-resolution AUV Bathymetry and Chirp Sub-bottom Profiles
- The Streambed as a Dynamic Membrane in the Watershed
- The role of the streambed zone on the fate of nitrate in the Morgan Creek, MD watershed
- Time-dependent Seismic Tomography of the Coso Geothermal Area, 1996-2006
- Topographic Controls on Hillslope-Riparian Water Table Continuity in a set of Nested Catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- Trace Element and Textural Variation in Plagioclase Phenocrysts from Prehistoric Eruptions at Mount St. Helens
- Tracing seasonal nitrate sources and loads in the San Joaquin River using nitrogen and oxygen stable isotopes
- Two-phase Neogene extension of the northwestern Basin and Range deduced from thermochronology of a single sample
- Using Continuous Monitoring of Ambient CO2 and H2S to Assess Toxic Gas Hazards in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
- Using Pore Water Chemistry to Understand Critical Zone Mineral Weathering Reactions: A Comparison of Three Tropical Watersheds
- Using ShakeMap to Map MMI Intensity for the 1868 Hayward, the 1898 Mendocino, and the 1906 San Francisco Earthquakes
- Using Transient Temperature-Depth Data to Constrain Groundwater Flow Velocities in Thermal Aquifers of Long Valley Caldera, California
- Using a Global Search Inversion to Constrain Earthquake Kinematic Rupture History and to Assess Model Uncertainty
- Using inverse modeling of aquifer tests to estimate hydraulic properties and heterogeneity of fractured sedimentary rocks at the former Naval Air Warfare Center, West Trenton, NJ
- Viscoelastic Surface Waves
- Volatile Emissions from Hot Spring Basin, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Volatile Flux and Composition at Yellowstone Reflects a Gas-Charged Hydrothermal System Above a Basalt-Fueled Silicic Magma Reservoir
- Why do Different Anthropogenic Sources of Atmospheric Nitrate have Distinctive Isotopic Signatures?
- Widespread Occurrence of Plant Perchlorate
- Yellowstone and Long Valley - A Comparison of Two Restless Calderas
- Zircon U-Pb Ages Chronicle 3 Myr of Episodic Crystallization in the Composite Miocene Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- Zircon U-Th and U-Pb Ages From Quaternary Silicic Volcanic and Plutonic Rocks, and Their Bearing on Granitoid Batholiths
- Zircon from Mount St. Helens Reveals Residence Times of Tens to Hundreds of Thousands of Years at Low Magmatic Temperatures Prior to Eruption
- 12 May 2008 M=7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake Calculated to Increase Failure Stress and Seismicity Rate on Three Major Fault Systems
- 3D Spontaneous Rupture Models of Large Earthquakes on the Hayward Fault, California
- 40Ar/39Ar ages of the older eruptive units of Somma-Vesuvius volcano, Italy
- A California Statewide Three-dimensional Seismic Velocity Model From Both Absolute and Differential Times
- A Multi-isotope Tracer Approach Linking Land Use With Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in the San Joaquin River System
- A Preliminary Full Spectrum Magnetic Anomaly Database of the United States With Improved Long Wavelengths for Studying Continental Dynamics
- A Study of the San Andreas Slip Rate on the San Francisco Peninsula, California
- A Synthesis of the Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Central US
- A combined observation-modeling approach for estimating water and suspended- sediment flux through a large tidal inlet: the Golden Gate, San Francisco, USA
- A multi-isotope investigation of sources and cycling of nitrate and organic matter in the San Joaquin River, Delta, and northern San Francisco Bay
- Accelerated Ground Deformation of the Yellowstone Caldera, 2004-2008: Update from GPS and InSAR Observations
- Active Strike-Slip Faulting in the Inner Continental Borderland, Southern California: Results From New High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Data
- Age and Slip Distribution of Past Earthquakes Along the Bogd Fault (Mongolia)
- Analyzing Fault Gouge Under Seismic Conditions in Laboratory Experiments
- Anatomy of the Java plate interface from depth-migrated seismic images: Implications for sediment transfer
- Application of a Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Model to Simulate Uranium Desorption in a Heterogeneous Contaminated Aquifer
- Are slow slip events more than the cumulative sum of slip in Tremor?
- Arsenic, Anaerobes, and Autotrophy.
- Assessing the Influence of Multiple Rainfall Pulses on Soil Moisture Dynamics During Long Duration Frontal Storms
- Assessment of Creep on the Bartlett Springs Fault using GPS and Alinement Array Measurements
- Asymmetric Spreading, and the Construction of Oceanic Crust at the Kane Oceanic Core Complex
- Biogenic Particle Transport in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon off Southwestern Taiwan
- Boreal Forest Organic Soil Properties: Variation Within Soil Profiles and Across Landscapes
- By Air and Land: Estimating Post-Fire Debris-Flow Susceptibility through High-Resolution Radar Reflectivity and Tipping-Bucket Gage Rainfall
- Changes in Seismic Response of the Natural Resources Building, Olympia, WA Due to Earthquake Shaking
- Changes in Shallow Groundwater Chemistry Following CO2 Injection at the ZERT Field Site, Bozeman, Montana
- Characteristics of Recent Wave-Formed Deposits, SE Hawai'i
- Clever Cobbles, Embedded Accelerometers: Quantifying the Internal Dynamics of Experimental Debris Flows
- Collaborative Comparison of Earthquake Simulators
- Combined Results from Modeling, Single-hole, and Cross-hole Experiments may Indicate Permeability Anisotropy in 3.4-3.6 Ma Oceanic Crust
- Comparing Observations of Low Frequency Earthquakes From Tremor at Three Subduction Zones
- Comparison of Coincident Terrestrial and Airborne Lidar Datasets with Respect to Detection of Ground Metrics and Topographic Change
- Comparison of Repeating Magnitude 2 Earthquakes Near the SAFOD Site, California, With Similar-Magnitude Mining-Induced Earthquakes in South Africa
- Composition and arsenic-attenuating capacity of biogenic iron (hydr)oxide flocs at the Lava Cap Mine Superfund Site, Nevada County, CA.
- Conduit-margin faulting at Mount St. Helens - a seismogenic process?
- Connecting Snowmelt Runoff Timing Changes to Watershed Characteristics in California
- Constraining Diffusivity and Critical Slope from Post-Fire Sediment Flux of the Day, Canyon, and Corral Fires, California
- Controlled-Source Seismic Imaging of Rift Processes and Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough
- Controls on alongshore transport in the Santa Barbara Littoral Cell; a process-based model analysis
- Conversion of Steep Hawaiian Hillslope Transport From Soil Creep to Overland Flow Accelerates Erosion Rates Over 100-fold
- Coulomb Stress Analysis of the 21 February 2008 Mw= 6.0 Wells, Nevada, Earthquake
- Coulomb Stress Interactions Among Earthquakes in the Gorda Deformation Zone, the San Andreas, Mendocino Fracture Zone, and Cascadia Megathrust
- Crustal Structure in the Imperial Valley Region of California From Active-Source Seismic Investigations
- Degrading gas hydrates as a possible source for gas release and the formation of pockmark features, Mackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada
- Designing Shots for the 2010 Seismic Refraction and Reflection Survey in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- Detailed P- and S-wave Velocity Models Along the LARSE II Transect, Southern California
- Direct measurement of asperity contact growth in quartz at hydrothermal conditions
- Does the West Salton Detachment extend through San Gorgonio Pass, southern California?
- Drainage-Divide Approach to Finding Boundaries of Geologic Bodies Using Gradients of 2D Potential Field Anomalies and 3D Tomographic Velocity Anomalies
- Dynamic Earthquake Source Models - From Idealizations to Complexity with Interaction between Scales
- EXAFS of Frozen Elemental Mercury and its Implications for Abandoned Mercury Mine Wastes
- Earthquake Record of the Peninsula Segment of the San Andreas fault, Portola Valley, California
- Earthquake Stress Drops and Inferred Fault Strength on the Hayward Fault
- Earthquake Swarms Near the Northern End of the Calaveras Fault
- Earthquake early warning in California: Evaluating Hardware and Software
- Earthquakes, Upper Plate Structure and Subducted Seamounts in the Central Cascadia "Locked" Zone
- Eastern Denali Fault Slip Rate and Paleoseismic History, Kluane Lake Area, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Effects of Climate Change and Disturbances on Carbon Sequestration of California Ecosystems
- Effects of supershear rupture speed on the high-frequency content of S waves investigated using spontaneous dynamic rupture models and isochrone theory
- Ejecta of Multiple Impacts Found Across the K/T Boundary in Deep-Sea Cores LL44- GPC3 and DSDP 91-596 from the Northern and Southern Pacific Ocean
- Elemental Analysis of the Sediment, Magnetic Grains and Microspherules from the Younger Dryas Impact Layer
- Empirical and Computational Tsunami Probability
- Energy Dissipation in Calico Hills Tuff due to Pore Collapse
- Environmental Cycling of Cr Using Stable Isotopes: Kinetic and Equilibrium Effects
- Episodic Assembly of Igneous Intrusions in the Shallow Crust at two Spatial and Temporal Scales, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Episodic Tremor at UPSAR
- Estimating Fault Slip Rates: Four Ways to Evaluate Differences Between GPS and Geologic Rates
- Evidence for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Under Iron-Reducing Conditions in a Crude-Oil Contaminated Aquifer
- Evidence of Shallow Faulting Across the Silver Creek Fault in San Jose, California
- Evidence of Tsunami in a Coastal Pond in NW Puerto Rico
- Examining sediment transport processes within two submarine canyons off coastal southern California using sediment trap arrays and naturally-occurring radionuclides
- Examining the Evolution of the Peninsula Segment of the San Andreas Fault, Northern California, Using a 4-D Geologic Model
- Exhumation rates recorded by zircon and monazite, North Qaidam UHP terrane, NW China
- Explosive Eruption of Aphyric Rhyolitic Liquid During May 2008 from Chaitén Volcano, Chile
- Field Evaluation of Travel Times and Flow Mechanisms in the Mississippi Delta Vadose Zone Using Tracers
- Film Flow in Macro- and Micropores: How Much Unsaturated-Zone Hydrology can it Explain?
- Forecasting Changes in Real-Time Landslide Monitoring Data
- Four Years After the Event, What Does GRACE Satellite Gravity Teach us About the Sumatra December 2004 Post-Seismic Processes ?
- From Analyses of Fallen Monuments to Tsunami Waveform Modeling: a Century of Seismological Developments Seen Through the Landmark 1908 Messina Earthquake
- Geodetically-inferred Coseismic and Postseismic Slip Due to the 31 October 2007 M 5.4 Alum Rock Earthquake: Implications for Fault Characteristics and Earthquake Hazard
- Geologic Characteristics of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in the Central Aleutians
- Geomorphic Evidence for Multiple Large Post-glacial Earthquakes on the Western Seattle Fault
- Geomorphic mapping of the southern Maacama fault based on LiDAR data
- Geophysical Setting of the February 21, 2008 M6 Wells Earthquake, Nevada, and Implications on Earthquake Hazards
- Geophysical and Geologic Training of the Afghan Geological Survey, May, 2008
- Geostatistics for the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Flatfile Database
- Global Patterns of Radiated Energy for Thrust Earthquakes in Subduction Zones
- Ground Deformation Analysis of Blast-Induced Liquefaction at a Simulated Airport Infrastructure Using High Resolution 3D Laser Scanning
- Ground Motion Simulations of Scenario Earthquake Ruptures of the Hayward Fault
- High-Resolution, Shallow Seismic Imaging of the Imperial Fault, Imperial County, California
- Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Methylmercury Production Associated With Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California
- How Will the San Francisco Bay-Delta Ecosystem Respond to Climate Change and Continued Population Growth?
- How much do we understand the structure and evolution of the Salton Trough?
- Hybrid Genetic Algorithm - Local Search Method for Ground-Water Management
- Hydrated Mantle Beneath Circum-Pacific Forearcs: An Earthquake-Hazard Application (?) of Global Geophysical Databases
- Hydrology and Channel Head Erosion in a Semiarid Discontinuous Ephemeral Stream Network near Oracle, Arizona
- Hydromechanical Responses in Dipping Fractured Mudstones at the NAWC Site, West Trenton, NJ
- Hydrothermal Quartz Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Altered Post-Collapse Rhyolite at Sevenmile Hole, Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park, WY
- Hydrothermal fluid flow models of Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy constrained by InSAR surface deformation time series observations
- Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Water Quality
- Implications for Fault and Basin Geometry in the Central California Coast Ranges from Preliminary Gravity and Magnetic Data
- In Situ Bioreduction of Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer: Overview of Results from the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado
- Incorporating Intergranular Pressure Solution Into Models of Fault Zone Deformation
- Interaction Between Early San Andreas Strike-Slip Faulting and Extensional Tectonism in the Chocolate Mountains: A Prologue to Growth of the Salton Trough Along the Plate Boundary in Southern California
- Interaction of the Walker Lane and the Cascade Volcanic Arc, Northern California
- Interpretation of denitrification and stable isotope fractionation in a heterogeneous aquifer using backward particle tracking simulation
- Interpreting Faults and Fractures in Hydrothermal Basins With High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data in Yellowstone National Park
- Investigation of Hawai'i Tsunami Boulder Deposits to Assess Caribbean Tsunami Hazards
- Iron isotope fractionation by microbial iron reduction in modern chemically precipitated sediments
- Is the Temperature Sensitivity of Decomposition Modified by the Number of Active Microorganisms in Northern Frozen Soils?
- Isotope Geochemistry of the Yukon and Copper Tributaries in Alaska: Continental Weathering in a Changing Environment
- Isotopic Responses to Processes Related to Oxygen Cycling During Diel Studies in the San Joaquin River, California
- Issues and Advances in Understanding Landslide-Generated Tsunamis: Toward a Unified Model
- KML-Based Access and Visualization of High Resolution LiDAR Topography
- Kinematics of the crustal velocity field in the western US
- Kinetics of mercury-sulfide nanoparticle formation in the presence of dissolved organic matter
- Late Quaternary Activity and Seismogenic Potential of the Gonave Microplate: Plantain Garden Strike-Slip Fault Zone of Eastern Jamaica
- Late Quaternary Activity and Seismogenic Potential of the Gonave microplate: South Coast Fault Zone of Southern Jamaica
- Mapping the depth-extent of crustal magnetic sources in the Great Basin, USA
- Measuring both Rotational and Translational Ground-Motions from Explosions and Local Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Methane Seepage From the Arctic Shelf; 20 Years of Research on the Beaufort Sea Margin
- Micro- and Nano-scale Diffusion Domains Acting as Kinetic Controls for U(VI) Release to the Hanford 300-Area Aquifer
- Milankovitch-scale correlations between deeply-buried microbial populations and biogenic ooze lithology
- Modeling Grain-Scale Diffusion Kinetics Controlling Uranium Sorption and Transport in Contaminated Sediments.
- Modeling a large co-seismic stress change associated with the Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan
- Monitoring Natural Biodegradation of TCE in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks Using delta 13C of TCE and its Degradation Products: Estimating Isotopic Fractionation Factor under Field Conditions
- Moving, Deep Non-volcanic Tremor at San Andreas Fault, CA, Imaged by Small-aperture Seismic Arrays
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Ground Water at the U.S. Geological Survey Cape Cod Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Research Site, Massachusetts
- Multidisciplinary investigation of the fate, transport, and remediation of chlorinated solvents in fractured rocks at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC): Scientific and management challenges, and strategies for a successful research program
- Nanoscale Zirconium-(oxyhydr)oxide in Contaminated Sediments From Hanford, WA - A New Host for Uranium
- Narrow Sub-basins Along the Margins of the Los Angeles Basin Inferred From Gravity
- Near-Source Observations of Earthquakes: Implications for Earthquake Rupture and Fault Mechanics
- Non-Vertical Dips of the Southern San Andreas Fault and their Relationships to Mantle Velocities, Crustal Tectonics, and Earthquake Hazard
- Numerical Simulation of Slip Localization in Mechanically Heterogeneous Fault Zones
- Nutrient sources to urban streams in three metropolitan areas of the United States using dual nitrate isotopes
- Observation and Prediction of Dynamic Ground Strains, Tilts and Torsions Caused by the M6.0 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake and Aftershocks Derived From UPSAR Array Observations
- Oligocene and Miocene arc volcanism in northeastern California
- On the Magnetic Precursor of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Paleomagnetic Sampling of Holocene Silicic Eruptive Products at Medicine Lake Volcano, Southern Cascade Range
- Paleomagnetism of the Miocene Columbia River Basalt Group in Oregon and Washington from the Pacific Coast to the Columbia Plateau: Magnetostratigraphy, Vertical-Axis Rotations, Paleosecular Variation, and Remagnetization
- Paleoseismic interpretation and a preliminary geologic slip rate for the Parkfield segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Peat Formation Processes During the Past 7000 Years in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Permeability-Porosity Relationships of Subduction Zone Sediments
- Plio-Pleistocene Evolution of Concealed Basins Separated by a Bedrock Ridge West of the Rodgers Creek and Healdsburg Faults, Northern California
- Plug Flow, Fracture, and Fast Emplacement of a Magma Sheet, Trachyte Mesa Laccolith, Henry Mts., USA.
- Potential effect of algal productivity in the San Joaquin River on nitrate concentrations and isotope ratios
- Precise Relative Location of San Andreas Fault Tremors Near Cholame, CA, Using Seismometer Clusters: Slip on the Deep Extension of the Fault?
- Predicted Liquefaction in the Greater Oakland and Northern Santa Clara Valley Areas for a Repeat of the 1868 Hayward Earthquake
- Probabilistic seismic hazard in the San Francisco Bay area based on seismicity simulation
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Rapid Late Cenozoic Subsidence Along the Aleutian Forearc Identifies Nucleation Areas of Great Earthquakes and Transoceanic Tsunamis
- Real-time Geodetic Data for Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Applications: Current and Future Activities at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Recurring Large-Scale, Earthquake-Induced Landslides in Port Valdez, Alaska
- Repeating Earthquakes Near Parkfield Offer Insight Into Fault Mechanics
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Rock Magnetic Characterization of Lavas Erupted From Haleakala Volcano, Maui, Hawaii
- Satellite gravity fields for studying the earthquake cycle
- Sea-floor Geology and Benthic Habitats of the San Pedro Shelf, California: the View in Google Earth
- Searching For The Optimal Landslide Size
- Sediment Flux in Hueneme and Mugu Submarine Canyons
- Seismic Images of Near-Surface Faulting Along the Northern Projection of the Silver Creek Fault, Eastern and Southern San Francisco Bay, California
- Seismic Reflection Profiles Image the Rodgers Creek Fault and Cotati Basin Beneath Urban Santa Rosa, California
- Seismic Wave Propagation in Layered Viscoelastic Media
- Simple estimation of minimum unsaturated contaminant travel times at Rainier Mesa and Shoshone Mountain, Nevada Test Site
- Simulating the Effects of Wildfire on Permafrost and Soil Carbon Dynamics over the Yukon River Basin using the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Six months later: Testing the Coulomb stress change model by examining calculations made immediately after the 12 May, 2008 Ms=8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- Slow-Speed Weakening of Serpentinite Sheared Against Quartzofeldspathic Rocks: Implications for Fault Creep in the San Andreas System
- Source Area of Earthquake- and Storm-Induced Turbidite Events in Submarine Canyons Along the Central California Coast Identified by Entrained Microfauna
- Source Mechanism of Explosive Degassing at Kilauea Volcano Imaged From Inversion of Very Long Period Seismic Waveforms
- Sources and Transformations of Nitrate from Streams Draining Varying Land Uses: Evidence from Dual Isotope Analysis
- Stable Isotope Data of Veins From the 2007 SAFOD Core
- Stanford - USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network: Status Report and Data Availability Via the Web
- Stochastic analysis of particle trajectories through river valleys
- Stress Evolution Following the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake: Consequences for Afterslip, Relaxation, Aftershocks, and Departures from Omori Decay
- Structure and composition of the San Andreas Fault in central California: Recent results from SAFOD sample analyses
- Study of extrabasinal-sourced rock clasts in Mesozoic and Cenozoic conglomerates and stream terrace gravels from the Colorado River Basin upstream from the Grand Canyon
- Study of the 6 August 2007 Crandall Canyon mine (Utah, USA) collapse from ALOS PALSAR InSAR
- Super-High-Resolution Seismic-Reflection-Based Analysis of the Late Pleistocene- Holocene Highstand-Active Newport Channel and Its Distributaries, Southern California Borderland
- THE GREAT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHAKEOUT: Earthquake Science for 22 Million People
- Tectonic setting of magmatism in an arc and retroarc crustal section in southern California
- Tectonics of Coastal Central California: Deep Geophysics and Structural Interpretation of Active Faults
- Temporal evolution and paleodepth variations in arc granitic rocks from the Transverse Ranges tilted crustal section, southern California
- Thallium isotopes in ferromanganese crusts as a proxy for marine productivity
- The 1868 Hayward Earthquake Alliance: A Case Study - Using an Earthquake Anniversary to Promote Earthquake Preparedness
- The 1996 Earthquake Swarm and Intrusion at Akutan Volcano, Alaska: An Example of a Failed Eruption
- The 75th Anniversary of the Great Sanriku-oki, Japan earthquake of March 2nd, 1933: New Observations and New Insights into the Largest Recorded Outer-Rise Earthquake
- The Caetano Caldera, Nevada: 5 km Thickness of Intracaldera Rhyolite Ignimbrite and Co-Magmatic Batholith
- The California Post-Earthquake Information Clearinghouse: A Plan to Learn From the Next Large California Earthquake
- The Chemical Interplay of Serpentinization, Methanogenesis, and Carbonate Formation at 200C and 300 bar
- The Contribution of Coseismic Displacements due to Splay Faults Into the Local Wavefield of the 1964 Alaska Tsunami
- The Faults and Hot Springs of Surprise Valley: Perspectives from Detailed Gravity and Magnetic Data
- The Hosgri Fault Zone, Central California: Collection and Preliminary Analysis of Marine Magnetic and Seismic Reflection Data
- The Influence of Temperature on Fault Strength and the Base of the Crustal Seismogenic Zone along the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary
- The Late Holocene Compositionally Zoned Glass Mountain Eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano, California
- The Morphology and Distribution of Submerged Reefs in the Maui Nui Complex, Hawaii: New Insights Into Their Evolution Since the Early Pleistocene
- The New USGS Volcano Hazards Program Web Site
- The Rhizosphere Zone: A Hot Spot of Microbial Activity and Methylmercury Production in Saltmarsh Sediments of San Francisco Bay, California
- The Role of Forethought and Serendipity in Designing a Successful Hydrogeological Research Site
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- The San Andreas Fault as a Backstop to Crustal-Scale Folding Revealed by Geologic and Geophysical Modeling Near Parkfield, Central California
- The Use of Near-Surface Geophysics in the Design of a Subsurface Water Management System
- The fifth model for the huge tsunami generation off northwest Sumatra during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
- The two Faces of Equipartition
- Three-Dimensional Mapping of Magnetic Strata From Aeromagnetic Anomalies: The Deformed Neroly Formation South of Mt. Diablo, Northern California
- Time-Dependent Seismic Tomography
- Topographic Change Detection Monitoring Using Terrestrial Lidar at Archaeological Sites in the Colorado River Corridor of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
- Toxicity of Atmospheric Aerosols on Marine Phytoplankton
- Tracing mineral weathering reactions in the critical zone using Mg, Ca, and Sr isotopes, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Tracking the long-term evolution of geomagnetic secular variation from tiny wiggles in marine magnetic profiles
- Transitioning out of the middle Holocene - enhancement of ENSO cycles between 4 and 3 ka along the Pacific coast of North America
- Tsunami probability in the Caribbean region
- Understanding potential feedbacks in aquatic systems: submerged aquatic plans and turbidity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
- Uplift and Magma Intrusion at Long Valley Caldera, California, From Insar and Gravity Data
- Uranium Association With Framboidal Pyrite and Magnetite-like Phases in Alluvial Sediments
- Uranium Desorption From Contaminated Sediments at the USDOE IFC Research Site in Rifle, CO: From Batch to Field
- Uranium(IV) oxidation during anoxic chemical extractions of natural sediment: Importance of Fe(III)
- Using High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data to Map Pervasive Folding in the Lithologically Indistinct Franciscan Coastal Belt
- Using Mesozoic to Cenozoic Tectonostratigraphy to Constrain Neogene Slip of the Rodgers Creek - Maacama Fault System, Northern Coast Ranges, California
- Very Rapid Transitional Geomagnetic Change Recorded During Thermal Remagnetization of a Warm Lava Flow
- Volcanic Unrest Induced by Hydrothermal Fluid Flow: Insights from Models Incorporating Heterogeneous Property Distributions and Fluid Sourcing
- Western Boundary of the Seattle Uplift, Washington
- Where Does the Seattle Fault End? Structural Links and Kinematic Implications
- X-ray, vibrational and NMR spectroscopic investigations of natural organic molecules and their complexes: Applications & Limitations
- Zircon Trace Element Contents and Refined U-Pb Crystallization Ages for the Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- 2008 Kasatochi Eruption: SHRIMP Constraints on Concentration of Volatiles in Melt Inclusions
- 3D potential-field model of a Triassic Nikolai large igneous province vent, central Alaska Range
- A Comprehensive Regional Shoreline Change Assessment of Alaska’s North Slope: 1947-2007
- A Field Assessment of the Effects of the M7.6 Earthquake, 30 September 2009, beneath Padang, Western Sumatra, Indonesia
- A Seismological Portrait of the Anomalous 1996 Bardarbunga Volcano, Iceland, Earthquake (Invited)
- A World That Includes Both Dynamic and Static Stress Changes
- A global outer-rise/outer-trench-slope (OR/OTS) earthquake study
- A modeling system for predicting the impact of severe storms on the U.S. West Coast
- ARkStorm: A West Coast Storm Scenario
- Acetylene fermentation: An Earth-based analog of biological carbon cycling on Titan
- Acid-leachable Li and Mg from Lake Cuitzeo sediments in the central Mexico: Paleoclimate change during the past 45 Ka
- Airborne Measurements of Gas Emissions during the 2009 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Altered Landscapes and Groundwater Sustainability — Exploring Impacts with Induced Polarization, DC Resistivity, and Thermal Tracing
- An Entropic Explanation for Gutenberg-Richter Scaling
- An Evaluation of Infrastructure for Tsunami Evacuation in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia (Invited)
- An In-Situ Root-Imaging System in the Context of Surface Detection of CO2
- An application of Global Positioning System data from the Plate Boundary Observatory for deformation monitoring purposes (Invited)
- Application of nitrate and water isotopes to assessment of groundwater quality beneath dairy farms in California
- Ar-Ar Ages of Lake Tahoe Basalts Confirm Several Eruptions at 2.3 to 2.0 Ma and Establish 0.92 Ma Activity
- Arsenic Species in Scute (Shell Plate) and Lung Tissues of Desert Tortoises
- Assessing the bioavailability and toxicity of isotopically modified ZnO nanoparticles using enriched isotope tracers and biodynamic modeling
- Attenuation of the S+Lg+Surface Wave Group out to 600 km in Northeastern North America: A Baseline Study?
- Automatic Event Detection and Improved Moment Estimates Reveal that Repeating Earthquakes are Sometimes Time- and Slip-Predictable
- Beach morphodynamics of the mixed grain-size delta of the dammed Elwha River, Washington
- Benthic Oxygen Demand in Former Salt Ponds as Estimated by Porewater Profiles
- Beringian Megafaunal Extinctions at ~37 ka B.P.: Do Micrometeorites Embedded in Fossil Tusks and Skulls Indicate an Extraterrestial Precursor to the Younger Dryas Event?
- CISN ShakeAlert - Towards a Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for California
- CISN ShakeAlert: Specification of the Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System
- CISN ShakeAlert: Three Years of Comparative Real-Time Earthquake Early Warning Testing in California
- Calibration Shots Recorded for the Salton Seismic Imaging Project, Salton Trough, California
- Carbon isotopic exchange between dissolved inorganic and organic carbon
- Cenozoic Ignimbrites, Source Calderas, Relict Magma Chambers, and Tectonic Settings: Perspectives from Cordilleran North America (Invited)
- Cenozoic Plume-Slab Interaction Beneath the Pacific Northwest
- Changes in the Snowmelt Runoff Component for California Watersheds
- Changing timing of the onset of spring in western North America—An update (Invited)
- Character of the long-period and very-long-period seismic wave field during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska (Invited)
- Chemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Cenozoic Pacific Northwest Volcanism
- Chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic characteristics of mud from the LUSI mud volcano, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia: implications for the environment, public health, and eruption processes
- Clay-Rich Gouge Identified in Serpentinite from the San Andreas Fault Zone at Nelson Creek, Monterey County, California
- Climate and regolith constraints of chemical weathering and mass flux in granitic terrain
- Coarse clast transport and deposition during the September 29, 2009 tsunami in American Samoa and Samoa
- Coherence of Mach Fronts During Heterogeneous Supershear Earthquake Rupture Propagation: Simulations and Comparison With Observations
- Combining U-Th-Pb Geochronology with Trace Element Analysis Using the SHRIMP-RG Ion Microprobe
- Comparing Earthquake Simulators That Include Rate and State Friction
- Competition between Methane and Alkylbenzenes for Electron Acceptors during Natural Attenuation of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Complexity and segmentation of the Seattle Fault System
- Composition and stability of U(IV) phases at Rifle, CO (Invited)
- Constraints on Methane Distribution from Acoustic Profiles of Shallow Sediments Across the Alaska Shelf
- Coulomb stress interactions among large earthquakes in the Gorda deformation zone, Mendocino fracture zone, Cascadia megathrust, and northernmost San Andreas fault
- CoulombExpress: Automated near-realtime forecasts of earthquake-induced stress transfer and expected seismicity rate changes (Invited)
- Cryogenic structure and ice content of lacustrine sediments in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Deciphering tectonic tremor beneath the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California: Repeating events, migration, and possible deep slip preceding the 2004 M 6.0 earthquake
- Deducing mineral weathering reactions from solute profiles in highly leached regolith, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Deep underground recording of induced and natural earthquakes to investigate rupture processes and fault-zone strength
- Deformation Mechanics of Quartz at a Single Asperity under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Deformation at a Complex Strike-Slip Plate Boundary: Modeling the Southern California GPS Velocity Field
- Delineating subsurface zones of natural bioreduction using the complex resistivity method
- Denali Fault Earthquake Postseismic Deformation Models (Invited)
- Determining Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sources of Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains using Nitrogen Isotopes
- Determining the Ages and Eruption Rates of the Columbia River Basalt Group Magnetozones
- Determining the Desorption Kinetics of U(VI) from Contaminated Sediments Under Complex and Changing Solution Conditions
- Development of Hydrologic Characterization Methodology of Faults: (2) Field investigations in Berkeley, California
- Distinguishing between tectonic and lithologic controls on bedrock channel longitudinal profiles using cosmogenic 10Be erosion rates and channel steepness index
- Does the terrestrial phenology concept apply in water?
- Dynamic Strength Variation of Laboratory Faults at Slip Velocities up to 1 m/s
- Dynamic Weakening During Earthquakes by Gouge Lubrication
- Dynamic triggering - near and far (Invited)
- Earthquake Dynamics in the Greater Antilles Subduction Zone
- Earthquake Geology of the Bulnay Fault, Mongolia
- Earthquake-Like Slip Events on a Laboratory Fault
- Effect of Fringing Reefs on Tsunami Inundation: American Samoa
- Effects of Dual-Pump Recovery on Crude-Oil Contamination of Groundwater, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Effects of transient flow and water chemistry on U(VI) transport
- Elevated Ground Temperatures at Crude Oil Spill Sites due to Microbial Activity
- Epistemic uncertainty with earth tide models and its effect on estimates of transient strain recorded by PBO borehole strainmeters
- Erosionally Exhumed Fill and Floor of a Ring-Fault-Bounded Plate-Subsidence Caldera: 33.2-Ma Bonanza, Southwest Colorado
- Evaluation of Geochemical Processes Affecting Uranium Sequestration and Longevity of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation
- Evaluation of High-Rate Real Time GPS Processing at USGS Pasadena
- Evidence for Multiple Export Pathways of Mercury from the Inoperative New Idria Hg Mine, CA
- Failure modes of thawing permafrost bluffs on the Chukchi Sea coast, Alaska
- Fate of Carbon in Sediments of a Drying High Latitude Lake, Interior Alaska
- Fault zone structure from topography: Signatures of en echelon subsidiary fault slip at Mustang Ridge on the creeping San Andreas Fault, Monterey County, California, USA
- Fernandina caldera collapse morphology in geometric and dynamic comparison to sandbox models, subsidence sinks over nuclear-explosion cavities, and some other calderas
- Field Evaluation of Preferential Flow in Agricultural Soil of the Mississippi Delta
- Field Observations Of The 29 September Tsunami In American Samoa: Spatial Variability And Indications Of Strong Return Flow
- Field Studies Provide Insight into Tritium Migration in an Arid Environment
- Fluid Chemistry and Associated Biological Potential in Diverse Serpentinizing Systems of New Zealand’s South Island
- Forecasting probabilistic seismic shaking for greater Tokyo from 400 years of intensity observations (Invited)
- Fully-coupled hydrologic/geomechanical simulations of slope failure in a prototypical steep mountain catchment
- Generation of the September 29, 2009 Samoa Tsunami: Examination of a Possible Non-Double Couple Component (Invited)
- Geochemically Distinct Lavas from Overlapping Arc Front Volcanoes Drawing from a Common Parent, Eastern Aleutian Arc
- Geochronology of zircon surfaces enhances the record of magma storage and recycling beneath Mount St. Helens
- Geologic Map and Eruptive History of Veniaminof Volcano Record Aleutian Arc Processing of Mantle-Derived Melts
- Geologic hazard monitoring with real-time GPS (Invited)
- Geophysical Investigation of the Lake City Fault Zone, Surprise Valley, California, and Implications for Geothermal Circulation
- Geophysical Setting of the Blue Mountain Geothermal Area, North-Central Nevada and its Relationship to a Crustal-Scale Fracture Associated with the Inception of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Hazard Science in Support of Community Resiliency: The Response of the Multi Hazards Demonstration Project to the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Trench Canyon Fault Zone, Mono Lake, Northeastern California
- High Variability in Coseismic Slip and Extreme Local Tsunami Runup
- High resolution seismic reflection profiles of Holocene volcanic and tectonic features, Mono Lake, California
- Hillslope-channel coupling in a steep Hawaiian catchment accelerates erosion rates over 100-fold
- Holocene Paleoenvironment of the North-central Great Basin: Preliminary Results from Favre Lake, Northern Ruby Mountains, Nevada
- Holocene history of the North American monsoon: Reconciling terrestrial and marine proxies
- Hot VOCs and Tritium Transport — A Conundrum Solved?
- Humic substances and the biogeochemical arsenic cycle in groundwater of the Blackfoot Disease endemic area, southwestern Taiwan
- Hydrated mantle in forearc settings: Evidence from low-earth-orbit magnetic anomalies (Invited)
- Hydro-morphodynamics of two large eddies and associated sandbars along the Colorado River during high flow
- Hydrologic Reorganization of Degrading Permafrost Landscapes at Multiple Spatial Scales
- Identifying Precursors to the 2009 South Pacific tsunami?
- Impact of groundwater pumping vs. a large upstream dam on streamflows and temperature under varying climate
- Implications of diel changes in water chemistry and isotopes in large rivers for regional to national-scale water quality monitoring programs (Invited)
- In-situ stress and fracture characterization for planning of a hydraulic stimulation in the Desert Peak Geothermal Field, NV
- InSAR measurement of surface deformation at the Hanford Reservation associated with the 2009 Wooded Island earthquake swarm (Invited)
- Influence of Postseismic Transients on Earthquake Cycle Deformation: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Don’t Know (Invited)
- Influence of wash disturbance and summer rainfall on dispersion and productivity of bajada vegetation in the Mojave Desert
- Iron isotopes in a soil chronosequence: evidence of fractionation due to biological lifting of iron
- Isolating sources and signals of dynamic and static earthquake triggering at near and far ranges (Invited)
- Land-use and land-cover change in California: Implications for regional carbon flux
- Landslide Kinematics and Subsurface Inference from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
- Late Quaternary offset along the sinistral Cady fault within the greater dextral Eastern California Shear Zone, southern California
- Linking process-based measurements and observations with bluff recession estimates and inferred bluff erosion mechanisms on the Chukchi coast, North Slope, Alaska
- Liquefaction Probability Curves for Surficial Geologic Units
- Magmatic interactions on short time scales: magma mixing during the Kalama eruptive period at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Magnetic, Electromagnetic, and Bathymetric Survey of the Lake of the Arbuckles, South-Central Oklahoma
- Mammoth Mountain Magmatic Gas Emissions Persist 20 Years after the 1989 Geologic Unrest
- Mapping Active Faults and Tectonic Geomorphology offshore central California
- Mapping the Juan de Fuca Slab Beneath the Cascadia Margin
- Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Corrosion in Groundwater at the Rifle IFRC site
- Methylmercury production and export from a restored tidal marsh: Crissy Field, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, CA
- Mmax and Lithospheric Structure in Central and Eastern North America
- Modernization of the Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network
- Monitoring and Modeling of Ground Deformation at Three Sisters volcanic center, central Oregon Cascade Range, 1997-2009 (Invited)
- Morphologic Scarp Dating for the 21st Century (Invited)
- Multi-tracer analysis of vertical nitrate fluxes in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
- Multiscale Studies of U(VI) Desorption From Contaminated Sediments
- Near Source Observations of Earthquake Processes- Seismic Results from the NELSAM Project, South Africa (Invited)
- NetQuakes - A new approach to urban strong-motion seismology
- New Global Geological Maps of Crustal Basement Age
- Newberry Volcano, Oregon: No traveling hot spot is needed
- Observations and Modeling of Co-seismic Stress Changes in the M7.6 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taiwan - Apparent Evidence for Complete Stress Drop on a Small Fault Patch
- On the reported magnetic precursor of the 1993 Guam earthquake
- On the resolution of shallow mantle viscosity structure using post-earthquake relaxation data: Application to the 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake
- Organic carbon contents and isotopic compositions in the Lake Cuitzeo sediments from the central Mexico during the past 45 Ka: Changes in lake level and climate
- Organic chemical composition of mud from the LUSI mud volcano, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia
- Origin of Titan's dunes: noncohesive sand in bidirectional winds or sticky sand in unidirectional winds?
- Oxygen Isotopes of Dissolved Phosphate in Vegetation and Soil Water Extracts
- Oxygen-isotope composition of Quaternary rhyolitic and basaltic lavas in the southern Owens Valley and Kern Plateau, CA
- Pattern-Based Application of ERT to Soil Water for Plant Use (Invited)
- Penecontemporaneous Pleistocene andesite-dacite lavas and shallow gabbroic cumulates at Mt. Rainier, WA, shown by SIMS U-Pb zircon and Ar geochronology
- Periphyton As A Source Of Bioavailable Cd and Cu To Invertebrate Benthic Grazers
- Permafrost controls on soil C storage and turnover in upland black spruce ecosystems of interior Alaska
- Permafrost thaw in upland catchments of central Alaska: groundwater connection and landscape evolution as discerned from U isotopes and dissolved organic carbon
- Petrology of andesites from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Phenological assessment in the Owhyee Uplands: integrating climate drivers and ecological response at local to regional scales
- Phosphorus Geochemistry and Transport along Groundwater Flow paths at Five Agricultural Watersheds, USA
- Postdam evolution of aeolian landscapes in the Colorado River corridor through Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
- Potential Inundation in the San Francisco Bay Region Due to Rising Sea Levels
- Potential-field modeling and high-resolution seismic imaging to characterize subsurface structure in Surprise Valley, California
- Pre-Stack Depth-Migrated Reflection Images of the Central California Coast Ranges: Industry Seismic Reflection Profile “SJ-6”
- Preliminary Geophysical Characterization of a CO2-Driven Geyser in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Preliminary Heat Flow Measurements from Plate Boundary Observatory Boreholes along the San Andreas Fault System
- Preliminary investigation of factors affecting the seismic potential of the Bartlett Springs fault zone, northern California
- Probabilistic estimates of surface slip including the effects of creep and afterslip
- Projecting Future Changes in Sagebrush Distribution in the Great Basin
- Prolonged Eocene Magmatism and Assembly of the Caetano Caldera, Cortez Area, Nevada: Inferences from SHRIMP U-Pb Zircon Dating
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Quantification of coupling between erosion and hydrology in an intensely monitored "field laboratory" in southeastern Arizona, USA
- Quantifying Heat Flow from a Restless Caldera: Shallow Measurement from a Vapor Dominated Area of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Reestablishment of the Ancestral Cascades Arc in Western Nevada and Eastern California by Rollback of the Shallow Farallon Slab
- Reservoir fluid and gas chemistry during CO2 injection at the Cranfield field, Mississippi, USA
- Resolving Seismic Moment Tensors with Body-Wave Amplitude Ratios
- Rifting, volcanism, and magma genesis at the northern end of the Danakil Depression: The Alid volcanic center of Eritrea (Invited)
- Robust Distributed Earthquake Monitoring with CISN software in Northern California
- Rupture directivity and local site effects: the M7.3 Honduras earthquake of May 23, 2009
- Search for response of seismicity to static and dynamic stresses imparted by the 1999 M=7.4 Izmit and M=7.1 Duzce, Turkey, earthquakes: Seismicity rate rapidly decayed at Izmit but remains high at Duzce; remote dynamic effects not detected
- Seismic Observations of the Redoubt Magmatic System: 1989 through 2009
- Should Coulomb stress change calculations be used to forecast aftershocks and to influence earthquake probability estimates? (Invited)
- Simulated Damping of Periodic Fluctuations in Net Infiltration Within a Thick Unsaturated Zone in Southern Nevada: Implications For Radionuclide Transport
- Simulation of Groundwater/Surface-Water Interaction to Inform Groundwater Management in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California
- Site Response And Slow Basin Waves In The Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta
- Solute contributions from precipitation to the compositions of soil waters in a marine terrace chronosequence
- Source-Responsive Model for Unsaturated Flow Under High-Flux or Rapid-Change Conditions
- Spatial and temporal variation in deformation magnitude adjacent to the San Andreas Fault system, Santa Cruz Mountains, California
- Statistics of Long Paleoearthquake Records: Comparison of San Andreas Fault and Dead Sea Fault Behavior
- Stress triggering in en echelon thrust ruptures and related tear faults: The 2003 M=6.9 Zemmouri, Algeria, earthquake and fault interactions
- Structure and process beneath the western US: Integrating disparate geophysical datasets (Invited)
- Structure of the Tahoe and Truckee Basins, California, from Geophysical Constraints
- Subevents of long-period seismicity during the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Submarine Arc Volcanism in the Southern Mariana Arc: Results of Recent ROV studies
- Submarine Tholeiitic Volcanism (ca. 3.6 to 4.9 Ma) West of Ka‘ena Ridge, Hawaiian Islands: Implications of Low Magma Productivity in the Evolution of the Hawaiian Plume
- Supershear During Nucleation of the 2009 M 6.3 L’Aquila, Italy Earthquake
- Supraslab earthquakes above the Pacific-plate slab offshore Sanriku, NE Japan
- Tectonic Settings of Great Outer-Rise/Outer-Trench-Slope (OR/OTS) Earthquakes in the Instrumental Record
- Temporal Changes in Apparent Resistivity on the Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network
- Tests of the hypothesis that the decay of aftershock density with distance indicates triggering by dynamic stress
- Tethys and the evolution in Afghanistan: tectonics and mineral resources
- The 2009 Samoan and Sumatran Earthquakes: A Coincidence with Precedents (Invited)
- The Alaska Soil Carbon Database: A Powerful Database for Soil Carbon Synthesis and Modeling
- The Hazard Notification System (HANS)
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (2) Petrology and geochemistry of rhyolitic melts drilled at Krafla
- The July 2009 flurry of 3≤M<6 seismicity across Taiwan, and its possible relationship to coseismic and postseismic stresses imparted by the 1999 M=7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake
- The Role of Geology and Shallow Lithostratigraphy in the Distribution of Methane Flux through Shallow Sediments Across the Beaufort Shelf of Alaska
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Rift Processes and Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough (Invited)
- The Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt - a paradigm for active shortening in the Columbia embayment from Pasco to the Pacific Ocean (Invited)
- The jammed-to-mobile transition in frozen sand under stress
- The origins of large volume, compositionally-zoned volcanic eruptions - new constraints from U-series isotopes and numerical thermal modeling for the 1912 Katmai-Novarupta eruption
- The strength of clathrate-rich mixtures of ice I and methane clathrate hydrate
- Thermal Energy Recovery from Enhanced Geothermal Systems - Evaluating the Potential from Deep, High-Temperature Resources
- Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of the Yellowstone Geothermal System
- Thirty Years (1980 to 2009) of Southern California Seismicity: Searching for Temporal and Spatial Variations Possibly Associated with Tectonic Stress Changes
- Towards understanding how geographic, hydrologic, and chemical processes interact to produce trends in groundwater quality
- Tracing Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Ammonium and Nitrate in the Sacramento River and northern San Francisco Bay using Stable Isotope Techniques
- Transient Changes in Shallow Groundwater Chemistry During the MSU-ZERT CO2 Injection Experiment
- Tsunami Sediment Transport and Deposition in a Sediment Limited Environment on American Samoa
- Tsunami inundation mapping: Comparing inundation limits interpreted from satellite imagery to field observations in American Samoa and Sumatra
- Use of Solute Isotopic and Elemental Ratios to Distinguish Between Lithogenic and Biologic Inputs to Soil Pore Water (Invited)
- Visualization of High-Resolution LiDAR Topography in Google Earth
- Zircon from Swift Creek stage eruptions records the assembly and evolution of an intrusive magmatic complex beneath Mount St. Helens
- A Model-Based Study of Ecohydrological Controls in the Mojave Desert
- A Strong Stress Shadow Effect from the 1992 M=7.3 Landers, California, Earthquake
- A Strong Stress Shadow Effect of the 2004 M=9.2 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake on the Andaman Sea Transform-Rift System 250 km Away
- A kinematic model for the formation of the Siletz terrane by capture of coherent fragments of the Farallon and Resurrection plates (Invited)
- A new look at Northwind Ridge: implications for the history of the Canada Basin
- A tale of two rivers: studies in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers using a multi-isotope and chemical approach to investigate linkages between hydrology, nutrients, and algae (Invited)
- A unifying model of planform straightness of ripples and dunes in air and water
- Anatomy of La Jolla Canyon
- Another Look at Strong Ground Motion Accelerations and Stress Drop
- Arra-Funded Geotechnical Characterization of Seismographic Station Sites
- Assessing preferential fluxes in deep vadose zones using a source-responsive modeling approach
- Assessment of Downstream Cycling of Point Source Ammonium Input to the Sacramento River, California Using Stable Isotopes
- Assessment of Parametric Uncertainty using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Surface Complexation Models in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
- Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer: Impact on Uranium and Other Redox-sensitive Contaminants Over Time and Space (Invited)
- Biostratigraphic and Paleoecologic Potential of Calcareous Nannofossils in Nearshore Environments: IODP Expedition 313 New Jersey Shallow Shelf
- Breakdown (?) of the Gutenberg-Richter Frequency-Magnitude Relation for Earthquakes in the SAFOD Target Zone
- Brief Lifespans and Rapid Recurrence of Large Ignimbrite-Caldera Cycles (Super-Eruptions) in the Mid-Tertiary Southern Rocky Mountain Volcanic Field, Colorado-New Mexico
- Building the Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis (CORSSA)
- Campaign GPS Measurements from 2000-2010 in the Sierra Block South of Long Valley Caldera, CA, USA
- Catalysis of Methane Production in Serpentinization Systems
- Cathodoluminescence Depth Profiling of Zircons
- Characterization of the extent of Mercury Contamination in the Androscoggin River from a former Chlor-alkali Facility, Berlin, New Hampshire
- Characterizing Morphology and Erosional Trends of Permafrost Bluffs, Barter Island, Alaska
- Climatically driven changes in erosion rates recorded in alluvial fan sediments, Providence Mountains, eastern Mojave Desert, California
- Combining Borehole and Laboratory Observations to Explain the Stress State of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD (Invited)
- Comparing batholith-source connections for the Cadiz Valley Batholith and a deeper sheeted intrusive complex in the Mojave Desert, CA through whole rock and pre-magmatic zircon geochemistry
- Comparison of Parameter Estimates and Uncertainty Calculated with Correlated Versus Uncorrelated Observation Errors
- Complex rupture source of the 12 January 2010 Léogâne, Haiti earthquake derived from geologic, geodetic, and seismologic observations
- Composition and Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds Near a Chemical and Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in an Arid Environment with a Thick Unsaturated Zone
- Confirmation that Large-Magnitude Megathrust Earthquakes Are Linked to the Subduction of Thick, Laterally Continuous Bodies of Trench Sediment
- Constraining the Depth Dependence of Fault Constitutive Parameters in Spontaneous Rupture Models
- Context Conundrums: Observations and Conceptual Models are Primary Controls on Interpretations of Temporal and Spatial Scales of Stream-Groundwater Interactions (Invited)
- Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting: Evidence from the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
- Controls on Ecosystem and Root Respiration in an Alaskan Peatland
- Correlation between thermal gradient and flexure-type deformation as a potential trigger for exfoliation-related rock falls (Invited)
- Coseismic slip distribution of the February 27, 2010 Mw 8.9 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Coupling of Groundwater Recharge and Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination (Invited)
- Coupling urban growth scenarios with nearshore biophysical change models to inform coastal restoration planning in Puget Sound, Washington
- Derivative Products Based on the Geologic Map of Lassen Volcanic National Park and Vicinity, Northern California
- Description of extreme-wave deposits on the northern coast of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
- Detecting missing earthquakes on the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault following the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon earthquake
- Detection of anomalous signals in temporally correlated data (Invited)
- Determination of slip rates for offshore fault zones: An example from the Palos Verdes fault zone, southern California
- Determining surface water sources using spatial and temporal variation in stream chemistry in a headwater catchment
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Age Populations in Time and Space in the Arctic Alaska Terrane
- Development of a Methodology for Hydrogeological Characterization of Faults: Progress of the Project in Berkeley, California
- Did the TBJ Ilopango eruption cause the AD 536 event?
- Digital Geologic Map Database of Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California
- Discovery Of An Extensive Hydrothermal Sulfide/Sulfate Mounds Field In East Diamante Caldera, Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Distributed fault rupture in the Yuha Desert, California, associated with the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, and the contribution of InSAR imagery to its documentation
- Distribution of reduction-oxidation conditions and relation to trends in nitrate in groundwater, Central-Eastside San Joaquin Valley, California
- Earthquake Focal Mechanisms Imply Homogeneous Stress at Seismogenic Depths
- Earthworm - reusing a single (open source) software system to study the earth from its core to its magnetosphere
- Effect of Temporal Residual Correlation on Estimation of Model Averaging Weights
- Effects of Large Dam Removal and Groundwater Pumping on Stream Temperature under Humid, Semiarid, and Arid Conditions
- Effects of soil parameterization on distributed hydrologic response: Testing a distributed hydrologic model using a hypothetical reality dataset
- Effects of the Biofuels Initiative on Water Quality and Quantity in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Erosion from topography: Using airborne lidar to infer denudation rates from hillslopes, hilltops, and valley networks in transient landscapes
- Estimating trench-fill thickness from satellite gravity data and implications for global estimation of megathrust-earthquake potential
- Evaluating Prediction Uncertainty of Uranium Transport in Small Scale Tracer Tests
- Event Detection Tools Applied to Volcanic Swarms - An Assessment of Comparative and Complementary Performance
- Evolution of the Three Sisters Volcanic Cluster, Oregon, over the past 100 ka—Animation of a Detailed Geologic Map (Invited)
- Except in Highly Idealized Cases, Repeating Earthquakes and Laboratory Earthquakes are Neither Time- nor Slip-Predictable
- Experimental deformation and grain growth of pure water ice aggregates
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Fluxes in Groundwater in Agricultural Areas
- Facultative anoxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria driven by arsenite and sulfide with evidence for the support of nitrogen fixation
- Fault Wear During Earthquake-Like Slip-Events in Laboratory Experiments
- Fault zone evolution and topographic change detection using LiDAR
- Fault zone structure of the Wildcat fault in Berkeley, California - Field survey and fault model test -
- Fault-Wear Under Constant Slip-Velocity: Experimental Observations
- Finite Element Analysis Of Structural And Magmatic Interactions At Mono Basin (California)
- Fire in the Mojave Desert: The role of microtopography on floral reestablishment following fire
- Full Vector Studies of the Last 10 Thousand Years Derived From The East Maui Volcano Hawaii
- Gas-driven eruptions at Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand: towards a coherent model of eruption
- Geochemistry of formation fluids from the SAFOD wells, Parkfield, California
- Geologic Map of Lassen Volcanic National Park and Vicinity, Northern California
- Geologic character of fault geometry and deformation of the Wildcat Fault, Berkeley, California
- Geophysical Investigation of the Wooded Island earthquake swarm, Hanford Site, Washington (Invited)
- Geophysical investigation of the fault architecture of the San Andreas - Calaveras Fault junction in central California
- Gravity and magnetic investigations of the Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, Mono Basin, California
- Groundwater Quality in the North San Francisco Bay Groundwater Basins, CA
- Guiding the Search for Surface Rupture and Paleoseismic Sites using Low-Level Aerial Surveys, Geodetic Imaging, Remote Sensing and Field Mapping (Invited)
- Halogen Degassing during Emplacement and Crystallization of the Chaitén Rhyolitic Lava Dome(s)
- Hayward Fault: A 50-km-long Locked Patch Regulates Its Large Earthquake Cycle (Invited)
- High-pressure geomicrobial experimentation: narrowing the in situ-in vitro gap (Invited)
- History and Vulnerability of Permafrost in Upland and Lowland Boreal Landscapes (Invited)
- Imaging 3D pumice textures using Synchrotron X-ray tomography: understanding andesitic Subplinian eruptions at Mt. Ruapehu, New Zealand
- Imaging Lithospheric Cascadia Structure with Ambient Noise Tomography
- Impact of Ethanol on Natural Attenuation of BTEX: Development of Models for Evaluating Field Experiments and Their Implications
- In-situ, high spatio-temporal resolution measurements of CO2 flux and isotopic composition on Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Insights from GRACE and GPS data on the seismic cycle and mantle rheology (Invited)
- Integrated Sr-isotope and bio-chronology of Oligocene-Miocene sequences, onshore and offshore New Jersey
- Inter-Lab Strength and Friction Correlations on SAFOD Samples
- Interior Western U. S. Deformation Coming into Focus with Maturing Survey and Continuous GPS Networks
- Intimate Views of Cretaceous Plutons, the Colorado River Extensional Corridor, and Colorado River Stratigraphy in and near Topock Gorge, Southwest USA
- Intraplate Splay Faults and Near-field Tsunami Generation during Giant Megathrust Earthquakes in Chile, Alaska, and Sumatra
- Investigating Earthquake Rupture Processes in a Deep South African Gold Mine (Invited)
- Investigating Gulf of Alaska climate and ecosystem variability at annual to centennial resolution over the Holocene
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Is the rate of global tsunami occurrence increasing?
- Kinetics of Abiotic Uranium(VI) Reduction by Sulfide
- Laboratory observations of the response of fault strength as normal stress is changed, and implications for dynamic rupture
- Late Cenozoic geology and lacustrine history of Searles Valley, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California
- Lessons learned from 25+ years of piggybacking environmental isotope studies onto large-scale federal and state water quality monitoring programs (Invited)
- Linking potential denitrification rates to microbial gene abundances in multiple boreal ecosystems
- Long-Period Ground-Motion Simulations of the Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Lower crustal earthquake swarms beneath Mammoth Mountain, California - evidence for the magmatic roots to the Mammoth Mountain mafic volcanic field?
- Magma transport and storage at Kilauea volcano, HI
- Magmatic and kinematic history of Siletzia, a Paleocene-Eocene accreted oceanic terrane in the Oregon Coast Range
- Mapping aboveground biomass for interior Alaska using Landsat data and field measurements
- Mapping hydrothermal alteration in Yellowstone National Park using magnetic methods
- Mechanisms of fault gouge evolution and physical properties
- Metamorphic Petrology Meets Rock Mechanics: Solution-Transfer Creep and Reaction Weakening of Serpentinite Sheared Against Crustal Rocks (Invited)
- Metasomatic Origin of Fault Gouge Comprising the Two Actively Creeping Strands at SAFOD
- Methylmercury Production Across San Francisco Bay Regional Habitats: Balancing Benthic Microbial Activity and Inorganic Mercury Availability (Invited)
- Micro-seismicity, fault structure, and hydrologic compartmentalization within the Coso Geothermal Field, California, from 1996 until present
- Modeling Lahar Hazard Zones for Eruption-Generated Lahars from Lassen Peak, California
- Modeling geothermal systems: A systematic investigation of permeability reduction under hydrothermal conditions
- Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine-scale do climate models need to be? (Invited)
- Nanometric Gouge in High-Speed Shearing Experiments: Superplasticity?
- Neogene Fault-normal Compression Revealed by a 3D Geologic Map Centered on the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Parkfield Region, California
- New Paleomagnetic and Geochemical Reference Sections in Miocene Grande Ronde Basalt Flows on the Columbia Plateau are Fundamental to Stratigraphic, Structural, and Tectonic Studies in the Portland Metro Area and Coast Ranges of Oregon and Washington
- New Tomographic Images of the Yellowstone Plume and its Interaction with the Farallon Plate From the Integrated Analysis of Body and Surface Waves
- New gas standard for calibration of Nu-instruments Noblesse multi-collector mass spectrometers for argon-isotopic measurements
- Nitrogen fate and Transport in Diverse Agricultural Watersheds
- Origin of the Siletz Terrane and its Implications for the 3D Structure of the Cascadia Forearc
- Osa Creek gabbro-granite ring complex, Sierra Nevada, CA, by degassing-driven subsidence of mafic-magmatic sheets
- Outstanding Issues in the Assessment of Enhanced Geothermal Systems Resources
- Paleomagnetic Determination of Deformation at the Sutter Buttes Volcano, California
- Paleomagnetic correlation of the surface and subsurface stratigraphy in the southern part of the Idaho National Laboratory, eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Paleoseismic Study on the Peninsula Section of the San Andreas Fault South of Crystal Springs Reservoir, San Mateo County, California
- Paleozoic and Paleoproterozoic Zircon in Igneous Xenoliths Assimilated at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Periodic, chaotic, and doubled earthquake recurrence intervals on the deep San Andreas Fault: Implications for large earthquakes? (Invited)
- Physical Properties and Distribution of Intrusive Rocks (Plutons) in the Great Basin
- Pilot study of real-time groundwater monitoring coupled to USGS streamgaging stations
- Possible Causes of Decreasing Benzene Concentrations in an Oil-Contaminated Aquifer
- Potential Arctic sea ice refuge for sustaining a remnant polar bear population (Invited)
- Potential dissolved organic matter release from permafrost soils upon thaw
- Potential scientific objectives for a 2018 2-rover mission to Mars and implications for the landing site and landed operations
- Potential-Field and Seismic Reflection/Refraction Studies of the Eagle Rock and Raymond Faults in Arroyo Seco, Los Angeles County, California
- Preliminary Geologic Map of Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Preliminary Results from SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Project
- Preliminary results of field mapping of methane plumes offshore of Coal Oil Point, California with a RESON 7125 multibeam sonar in water-column mode
- Putting zircon surface geochronology and geochemistry in textural context using 3D Xray tomography: Probing the magmatic history of Mount St. Helens
- Pyroclasts Key to Age and Use of Meter-Size Granite Basins, Sierra Nevada, CA (Invited)
- Quasi-Periodic Recurrence of Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault (Invited)
- Rapid Crustal Uplift at Birch Bay, Washington
- Real-time Monitoring of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Amount, Composition, Source and Reactivity Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Applications for Drinking Water Quality
- Real-time Remote Data Online For Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park
- Recent developments in the use of hydroacoustics for monitoring suspended-sediment transport in rivers (Invited)
- Reconstructing paleosalinity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California using major elements in peat
- Refinement of Late Early to Middle Miocene Diatom Biostratigraphy for the Eastern Coast of the United States - Application to IODP 313 Coring on the New Jersey Shallow Shelf
- Relationships between soil microbial communities and soil carbon turnover along a vegetation and moisture gradient in interior Alaska
- SAFOD Core Reveals Low Strength of Deep San Andreas Fault Gouge and Provides Explanation for Low Heat Flow in Creeping Section of Fault
- Science for decision making: Transmitting hazard science using catastrophic scenarios
- Scientific Studies in Support of Shutting In the Macondo Well (Deepwater Horizon) Blowout, Gulf of Mexico (Invited)
- Seasonal and elevational variation of δ18O and δ2H in the Willamette River basin (Invited)
- Sediment budget for a polluted Hawaiian reef using hillslope monitoring and process mapping (Invited)
- Sedimentary Record of the February 27, 2010, Chile Tsunami
- Sedimentation in Canada Basin, Western Arctic
- Seismic Moments for Episodic Tremor near Cholame Estimated from Spectra of Ground Motion at UPSAR
- Seismic Monitoring and Post-Seismic Investigations following the 12 January 2010 Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake (Invited)
- Seismicity on an interplate asperity off-Kamaishi, NE Japan over two earthquake cycles
- Significant earthquakes on the Enriquillo fault system, Hispaniola, 1500-2010
- Silicic magma accumulation beneath Mount Mazama, Oregon, 71 ka to 24 ka constrained by SHRIMP measurements of dissolved volatile concentrations in melt inclusions
- Simultaneous explosive and effusive activity at Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Simultaneous measurement of real contact area and fault normal stiffness during frictional sliding
- Social-Ecological Controls Over Earth-System Stewardship: a Framework for Sustainability in a Rapidly Changing World
- Soil carbon accumulation and loss in Alaska's boreal forest: exploring the interactive effects wildfire and permafrost thaw
- Soil carbon storage in Alaska: Results from a new database and a multi-regional landscape approach to spatial distribution assessment
- Solute contributions from precipitation to the compositions of soil waters in a marine terrace chronosequence
- Source properties of microearthquakes revealed by near-source observation at SAFOD (Invited)
- Source to Sink Tectonic Fate of Large Oceanic Turbidite Systems and the Rupturing of Great and Giant Megathrust Earthquakes (Invited)
- Southwest Washington Littoral Drift Restoration Project: Beach and Nearshore Morphological Monitoring
- Spatial and temporal variation of fault slip and distributed off-fault deformation, Santa Cruz Mountains, central California
- Spatial and temporal variations in nitrogen sources and cycling in north San Francisco Bay: Combining multi-isotope and hydrologic modeling approaches
- Stabilization of labile organic C along a chronosequence of soil development: mineralogical vs. biological controls
- Stable Isotope Fractionation during Chromium(III) Oxidation by δ-MnO2
- Stanford - USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network: Hardware Developments in Magnetometer Calibration and Data Recording
- Stress interaction of strike-slip and thrust faults associated with the 2010 M=7.0 Haiti earthquake
- Strong static stress interaction of the 1960 M=9.5 and 2010 M=8.8 Chile earthquakes and their aftershocks
- Strontium isotopes in peat deposits of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Records of variable sediment sources and salinity over the past ~6,700 years
- Structure of crust and uppermost mantle at northern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Structure of the Aftershock Zone of the Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake from the USGS-BME Portable Instrument Deployment
- Studies of Arc Volcanism in the Southern Mariana Arc from Pagan to Tracey: Preliminary results from ROV Hyper-Dolphin Dives
- Study of Ground Motion Polarization in Fault Zones: a Relation with Brittle Deformation Fields ?
- Submarine groundwater discharge and the coastal ocean extreme bloom incubator Monterey Bay, CA
- Surface Melt Produced on Faults During Laboratory Stick-slip Experiments
- Tectonic Tales: Changes in Central Walker Lane Strain Accommodation near Bridgeport, California; as told by the Stanislaus Group
- Terrain Classification of Aster gDEM for Seismic Microzonation of Port-Au Haiti, Using - and - Based Analytic Methods
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Post-Wildfire Geomorphic Transport Processes (Invited)
- Testing the USGS 3D San Francisco Bay Area Seismic Velocity Model using Observations of 0.5 to 2 s Surface Waves from Local and Regional Earthquakes (Invited)
- The Bogd and Bulnay Faults of Mongolia: Slip Rate and Earthquake Recurrence Along Two Intracontinental Strike-Slip Faults (Invited)
- The Effect of Megathrust Earthquakes on the Southern Andean Backarc
- The Effect of Redox Mechanisms on the Fractionation of Uranium `Stable' Isotopes
- The Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault in Haiti: Holocene Offsets and Seismic Hazard
- The Future of Land-Use in the United States: Downscaling SRES Emission Scenarios
- The M 8.8 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake: GPS Seismology Comes of Age (Invited)
- The Mechanics and Chemistry of Grussic Saprolite Formation in Granite
- The NetQuakes Project - Research-quality Seismic Data Transmitted via the Internet from Citizen-hosted Instruments (Invited)
- The Obsidian Creep Project: Seismic Imaging in the Brawley Seismic Zone and Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Imperial County, California
- The Road Less Traveled: Why the 2002 Denali Rupture Took the Totschunda Exit
- The Role of Channel Bar Influences on Groundwater / Surface Water Interactions
- The Role of Sediment Supply in the Formation of Tsunami Deposits: A Comparison of the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2009 South Pacific Tsunamis (Invited)
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- The dynamics of tectonic tremor throughout the seismic cycle
- The fate of carbon in a thawing world (Invited)
- The resolution of mantle viscosity using nine years of GPS measurements following the 1999 M=7.1 Hector Mine, CA, earthquake (Invited)
- The stable isotope compositions of mercury in atmospheric particles (PM10) from Paris (France) and vicinity
- Tidal triggering of LFEs near Parkfield, CA
- Tilted lake shorelines record the onset of motion along the Hilton Creek fault adjacent to Long Valley caldera, CA, USA
- Trace element and oxygen isotope composition of Hawaiian hotspot zircon
- Tracking nonpoint nitrogen pollution from urbanizing watersheds (Invited)
- Tracking the Mineralogical Fate of Arsenic in Weathered Sulfides from the Empire Mine Gold-Quartz Vein Deposit by using Microbeam Analytical Techniques
- Transient deformation detection utilizing results from time-dependent inversion of Global Positioning System data
- Transition of Benthic Nutrient Sources after Engineered Levee Breaches Adjacent to Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon
- Tree-ring 14C and CO2 emissions at Mammoth Mountain and Yellowstone, USA
- Tremor evidence for dynamically triggered creep events on the deep San Andreas Fault
- Triggered Fault Slip in Southern California Associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake
- Tsunami Flow Speed Estimates Using Inverse Modeling Of Normally-Graded Sandy Deposits Formed During The 29 September 2009 Tsunami Near Satitoa, East Upolu, Samoa
- Two coarse pyroclastic flow deposits, northern Mono-Inyo Craters, CA
- U(VI) transport under the condition of water table fluctuations
- USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- USGS Menlo Park GPS Data Processing Techniques and Derived North America Velocity Field (Invited)
- USGS Multi-hazard Demonstration Project tsunami scenario: Selecting a scientifically defensible Aleutian megathrust earthquake source
- Understanding Metal Sources and Transport Processes in Watersheds: a Hydropedologic Approach (Invited)
- Unsaturated-Zone Dynamics in a Volcanogenic CO2 Emission Zone
- Update on the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data
- Updated Paleomagnetic Pole from Cretaceous Plutonic Rocks of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Using airborne magnetic data to map folding and faulting in sedimentary layers: implications for seismic hazard (Invited)
- Variations in Advected Heat from Devils Kitchen Hydrothermal Area, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California 1922-2010
- Variations in tremor activity and implications for lower crustal deformation along the central San Andreas Fault (Invited)
- Very-long-period seismicity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i, 2007-2010 (Invited)
- Volatile contents in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from primitive magmas in the Northern Cascade arc
- Watershed Fire Regime Effects On Particulate Organic Carbon Composition in Oregon and California Coast Range Rivers
- a Study of Fault Zone Hydrology
- "Ghost transients" in the southern California GPS velocity field: An investigation using finite-fault earthquake cycle models
- A 9000-Year Record of Centennial-to-Multi Centennial Scale Pluvial Events From Lower Bear Lake Sediments (San Bernardino Mtns., Coastal Southwestern North America)
- A Geophysical Investigation of the Offshore Portion of the Northern Segment of the San Andreas Fault on a "green research vessel"
- A Hydropedological View of Critical Zone Structure and Function at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire, USA
- A New Look at an Old Proxy: Spring Chemistry as an Indicator of the Solute Weathering Release from Deep Groundwater Systems
- A Radiocarbon Database for Improving Understanding of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics: Part I
- A Submarine Perspective on Hawaiian Volcanoes
- A multiple-point geostatistical approach to quantifying uncertainty for flow and transport simulation in geologically complex environments
- A new reference global instrumental earthquake catalogue (1900-2009)
- A seismological perspective of the shallow magma and hydrothermal systems under Kilauea Caldera
- Accurate sediment-load calculations in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Advanced remote sensing to quantify temperate peatland capacity for belowground carbon capture
- Aftershock Focal Mechanisms Imply that Static Stress Changes Contribute to Earthquake Triggering
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA) following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake: Feasibility Demonstration and Preliminary Results
- Airborne Electromagnetic Mapping of Subsurface Permafrost
- An Active Area Model of Rapid Infiltration Response at Substantial Depth in the Unsaturated Zone
- Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Tropical and Boreal Soils: Ecological Significance
- Andean Backarc Deformation and the Plate Boundary Earthquake Cycle
- Application of Geochemical Parameters for the Early Detection of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage from Sequestration Sites into Groundwater
- Arctic Coastal Erosion Modeling
- Assessing Tsunami Hazard from the Geologic Record
- Assessing and Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Changes in the United States
- Assessment of Parametric Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Atmospheric Propagation Modeling Indicates Homing Pigeons use Loft-Specific Infrasonic 'Map' Cues
- Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Airborne and Ground-Based Robotic Platforms for Adaptive Geophysical Surveying
- Balancing practicality and hydrologic realism: Insights from applications of a parsimonious model of unsaturated-zone preferential flow
- Basement Control of Sediment Routing in the Gulf of Alaska
- Basic Hydrology: From Hyporheic Flow and Transient Storage to Stream-Catchment Connections
- Biologically enhanced mineral weathering: what does it look like, can we model it?
- Bridging the gap between empirical and mechanistic models for nitrate in groundwater
- Building the GEM Faulted Earth database
- CISN ShakeAlert: Delivering test warnings for California earthquakes
- CORSSA: Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
- Campaign gravity results From kilauea volcano, hawaii, 2009-2011
- Can Earthquakes Induced by Deep Fluid Injection Projects Be Controlled or Limited?
- Carbon-sequestration and ecosystem services in the boreal ecoregion of Alaska
- Challenges in the Development of Geothermal Energy Resources
- Changing sources of respiration between a black spruce forest and thermokarst bog
- Chromium isotope variations (δ53Cr) in globally distributed chromite- and chromate-bearing minerals and rocks
- Climatic Water Deficit in California: Regional Trends, Projections, and Landscape Impacts
- Climatic thresholds, base level, and the depth and intensity of chemical weathering
- Coastal Processes and Geomorphology along Crissy Beach and Inside San Francisco's Golden Gate
- Community Exposure and Sensitivity to Earthquake Hazards in Washington State
- Comparison of the low-cost MEMS accelerometers used by the Quake-Catcher Network and traditional strong motion seismic sensors
- Comprehensive Testing of ASL-Owned Accelerometers
- Comprehensive analysis of triggered tremor around the Parkfield-Cholame section of the San Andreas Fault
- Constraining models for C Exchange in Permafrost and Peatland Soils: Soil radiocarbon and its utility for C turnover
- Constraining the Location and Dimensions of Mass Anomalies on Mercury from Mariner 10 Doppler Data
- Continental Microplate Tectonics: What is the Block Geometry and How Many Blocks are Necessary?
- Controls on Ecosystem Respiration in a Peat Plateau and Adjacent Collapse Formations in Interior Alaska
- Controls on ebullition and methane emissions in Alaskan peatlands experiencing permafrost thaw
- Coupled reactive flow modeling with declining reactivity in fractured geothermal systems
- Crustal deformation in the central California coast region inferred from Global Positioning System data
- Crustal structure of the Salton Trough and southern San Andreas Fault based on gravity and magnetic investigations
- Deciphering tectonic provenance signatures from the trace element geochemistry of igneous zircon
- Deformation in the Berkeley hills - the influence of geological and fault structure on hydrology within the Wildcat Fault Zone, Berkeley, California
- Dense array recordings of the central Virginia earthquake aftershock sequence: A prototype for Flexi-RAMP
- Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in a Forested Headwater Catchment: Advances With the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-tracer
- Development of a methodology for hydrologic characterization of faults for geological repository siting
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emanations from a Deep Magmatic Source-Multiphase Dynamics, Soil Impacts, and Lessons for Sequestration Monitoring
- Direct Measurement of the Volume of Liquid Water Emitted During Eruptions of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Disappearing Twelvemile Lake in Alaska's Discontinuous Permafrost: Scoping Analysis of Water Budget
- Distribution of Natural Perchlorate in a Desert Landscape-Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada
- Dynamic Variations in Crustal Permeability: Possible Implications for Subsurface CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Dynamic modeling of nitrate pollution in groundwater using moderate resolution land imagery
- Earthquake Nucleation and Fault Slip: Possible Experiments on a Natural Fault
- Earthquake Recurrence and Slip Over the Past 4 - 5 events on the Southern Santa Cruz Mountains Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Earthquake cycle modulation via the redistribution of surface water mass
- Eastern boundary of the Siletz terrane in the Puget Lowland from gravity and magnetic modeling with implications for seismic hazard analysis
- Ecohydrologic function and disturbance of desert ephemeral stream channels
- Ecological and water quality impairment resulting from the New Idria Mercury Mine and natural sources in the San Carlos and Silver Creek watersheds, central California
- Economic Impact Analyses of Interdisciplinary Multi-hazard Scenarios: ShakeOut and ARkStorm
- Effect of a Si-rich layer on olivine carbonation under in-situ conditions
- Effects of Future Warming and Fire Regime Change on Boreal Soil Organic Horizons and Permafrost Dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Effects of Temporal Residual Correlation on Model Weights
- Effects of physical mixing on apparent reactions and isotope fractionations
- Effects of the Yakutat terrane collision with North America on the neighboring Pacific plate
- Efficient solutions for 3D frictional sliding problems on rough faults: implications for dilatant deformation
- Electrical properties of methane hydrate + sediment mixtures
- Electrical resistivity imaging of hydrologic changes in an anthropogenically modified arid environment
- Enabling Data Synthesis at Fluxdata.org: Lessons Learned
- Episodic growth of Mt. Shasta, CA, documented by argon geochronology
- Erosion rates across a steep rainfall gradient on Kauai over 5 year to 5 million year timescales
- Estimating aboveground biomass in the boreal forests of the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Estimating the Likelihood of Extreme Seismogenic Tsunamis
- Europa's Ocean Can Be Sustained By Hydrothermal Plumes and Salt Transport
- Evaluating the use of empirical error analyses on terrestrial lidar data for geomorphic change detection
- Evaluation of Prediction Uncertainty of Uranium Transport in Small Scale Field Experiments
- Evaluation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Nutrients, Carbon , and Metals to the Monterey Bay Extreme Bloom Incubator
- Evidence for Freshwater Discharge at a Gas Hydrate-Bearing Seafloor Mound on the Beaufort Sea Continental Slope
- Evidence from ALOS PALSAR data for diking in the rapid onset of the 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Examining tellurium geochemistry using laboratory-based sorption studies and spectroscopic investigation of natural samples
- Experimental Slip Events as Possible Proxies for Fault Patch Slip During Earthquakes
- Exploring a Link Between Great and Giant Megathrust Earthquakes and Relative Thickness of Sediment and Eroded Debris in the Subduction Channel to Roughness of Subducted Relief
- Exploring the Limits of Lateral Resolution and Anomaly Precision of Marine Gravimeter Data
- Extensive Deep Rock Damage in the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD
- Fault Wear and Friction Evolution: Experimental Analysis
- Fault intersections along the Hosgri Fault Zone, Central California
- Faulting and Groundwater in Arid Environments: Ground and Airborne Geophysics in Support of Framework Hydrology
- Field Geophysics at SAGE: Strategies for Effective Education
- Fine scale variations of surface and ground water chemistry in an ephemeral to perennial drainage network in the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH, USA
- Fine-scale ignimbrite morphology revealed in LiDAR at Crater Lake, OR
- Five Earthquakes In The Last 50 Ka In The Northwestern Yakima Fold And Thrust Belt, Central Washington
- Forecasting Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Great Plains Using Scenario-Based Modeling
- Fused breccia in Middle Miocene ignimbrites and other deterministic constraints on timing of faulting in Midway Valley, Nevada
- General Purpose Real-time Data Analysis and Visualization Software for Volcano Observatories
- Geologic Map of the Bodie Hills Volcanic Field, California and Nevada: Anatomy of Miocene Cascade Arc Magmatism in the Western Great Basin
- Geologic Mapping and Paired Geochemical-Paleomagnetic Sampling of Reference Sections in the Grande Ronde Basalt: An Example from the Bingen Section, Columbia River Gorge, Washington
- Geologic Mapping of Basalt Flows: Implications for Petrology
- Geologic map of the Caetano caldera, north-central Nevada: One of the world's best-exposed and most informative calderas
- Geological investigations on the Wildcat Fault, Berkeley, California, with reference to hydrology
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Groundwater contamination by pesticides and their metabolites: intrinsic properties and hydrodynamic constraints
- Healing of near-surface and fault zone damage induced by the 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of Fault Zones: Methods and Examples From The San Andreas Fault
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Brawley Seismic Fault Zone
- High Resolution, Multi-Proxy Records of Holocene Biomass Burning, Environmental Change, and Human Occupation in the Southern Maya Lowlands
- Holocene changes in the of the North American Monsoon and its Pacific moisture sources
- How Reservoirs Alter DOM Amount and Composition: Sources, Sinks, and Transformations
- How does transient storage change as a function of valley position and flow rate?
- Hydraulic Stimulation of Fracture Permeability in Volcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks at the Desert Peak Geothermal Field, Nevada
- Hydrologic Characterization Study at Wildcat Fault Zone
- Hydrologic Controls On Methylmercury Availability In Coastal Plain Rivers
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Hydrothermal Chloride Flux from the Area of Ongoing Uplift West of South Sister Volcano, Oregon
- Identifying and locating tectonic tremor beneath the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, CA, with the PASO array
- Identifying the Hazard Before the Earthquake: How Far Have We Come, How Well Have We Done?
- Imaging the Structure of the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary using Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) Data and Wavelet Analysis
- Imbalance in the Hydrologic Cycle-Open Systems, Ebbs and Flows, and Multi-Stable States
- Impacts of Disturbances, Management and Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics and N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from 1992 to 2050 in the US Great Plains
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- Inferring the magmatic plumbing system and melt evolution from olivine-hosted melt inclusions at Cinder Cone, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Influence of Permafrost Distribution on Regional Groundwater Flow in the Yukon Flats Basin, Alaska
- Influence of basement structure on the location of Mono Domes, utilizing potential-field methods, Mono Basin, California
- Initiation of Massive Landsliding through Progressive Strength Reduction in Volcanoes
- Integrated Hydrogeologic Framework Study in Spring Valley, Nevada Using Audiomagnetelluric, Gravity, Magnetic and Borehole Data
- Interdisciplinary Study of Magmatic Carbon Dioxide at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Interpretation of seismic signals at Lone Star Geyser in the context of surface activity using visible and infrared video
- Inversion of Ground Motion Data from a Seismometer Array for Rotation using a Modification of Jeager's Method
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust and Source Sediments-Studies of Types and Properties to Assess Environmental Effects
- Isotopic Analysis of Fingernails as a USGS Open House Demonstration of the Use of Stable Isotopes in Foodweb Studies
- Isotopic Techniques For Identifying Active Groundwater Flow Along A Complex Fault Zone Associated With The Hayward Fault System
- Isotopic composition of water from a mine drainage site in Creede County in south central Colorado
- Jet dynamics at Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Laboratory tidal triggering in the presence of pore fluid
- Late Holocene Paleo-Uplift Events at the Tapion Restraining Bend in Haiti: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence in the Vicinity of the 2010 Rupture Zone
- LiDAR as a Fault-Mapping Tool in an Urban Setting: The Location of the Rodgers Creek Fault Through Santa Rosa, California
- Linking methane oxidation with perchlorate reduction: a microbial base for possible Martian life
- Listening to data from the 2011 magnitude 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake
- Long-Offset Seismic Investigations of the Deep Bering Sea
- Long-term interaction of carbon cycling and geochemical weathering in soils: Does substrate quality matter over millennial timescales?
- Low δ<SUP>18</SUP>O zircons from the Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center: a key to crustal anatexis along the track of the Yellowstone hotspot
- Magma mixing and crystal exchange at Yellowstone caldera revealed though sub-crystal-scale age, trace-element, and Hf-isotopic analyses of zircons
- Magma transport and storage at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii I: 1790-1952
- Magma transport and storage at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii II: 1952-2008
- Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, California, tracked by <SUP>14</SUP>C in tree core
- Magmatic Enclaves
- Mapping the Arctic: Online Undergraduate Education Using Scientific Research in International Policy
- Measuring and Monitoring Heat Flow and Hydrothermal Changes in the Yellowstone Geothermal System using ASTER and MODIS Thermal Infrared Data
- Megafauna recovered from a cold hydrocarbon seep in the deep Alaskan Beaufort Sea, including a new species of Axinus (Thracidae: Bivalvia: Mollusca)
- Mercury and organic matter: Linkages and breakdowns across the California Delta
- Mercury contamination from mine and natural sources in Harley Gulch, downstream from the Abbott and Turkey Run Mercury Mines, Lake County, California
- Micro- and nano-environments of C sequestration: Multi-element spectromicroscopy assessment of soil organomineral assemblages
- Migrating swarms of brittle-failure earthquakes in the lower crust beneath Mammoth Mountain, California
- Mineralogy of Faults in the San Andreas System That are Characterized by Creep
- Miocene through Pleistocene Diatom biostratigraphy, the Antarctic margin off Wilkes Land, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318 rise sites
- Model development and calibration for investigating climate, soil, and plant physiological controls on desert ecosystems
- Modeling Time-Dependent Dike Propagation During the 2007 Father's Day Intrusion From Seismicity and Deformation Data
- Modeling Watershed-Scale Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions in Mountain Meadows
- Modeling fluxes and form in landslide-prone terrain
- Modeling the production and transport of methane in an Alaska rich fen peatland
- Moment Tensor Inversions using Strong Motion Waveforms of the Taiwan TSMIP Data, 1993-2009
- Monitoring the subsurface hydrologic response to shallow landsliding in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Multi-Proxy Evidence of Late Holocene ENSO Variability from Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific
- Multi-proxy records of regional climate variability during the past 2,000 years in North America and the adjacent oceans
- National Geothermal Data System
- Neogene Sediment Transport, Deposition, and Exhumation from the Southern Alaska Syntaxis to the Eastern Aleutian Subduction Zone
- New <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar eruption ages for the western Aeolian Arc, Southern Italy
- New Perspectives of Permafrost Distribution and its Influence on Groundwater Flow and Ecosystem Performance for the Yukon Flats Area, Northern Alaska
- New thermal and gravity models of the North American lithosphere
- Next steps in using accessory minerals to date the evolution of silicic magmas
- Nitrate Contamination of Deep Aquifers in the Salinas Valley, California
- On the relationship between Very-Long-Period events, bubble collapse, and eruption processes at the Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- PTHA Slip Models in the Aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
- Partitioning of Organic Contaminants and Tracer Compounds in a CO2-Brine System at High Salinities
- Periodic flow instabilities during Lone Star Geyser (YNP) eruptions, as deduced from acoustic measurements
- Permeability, Electrical Resistivity and Frictional Strength of SAFOD Fault Gouge and Damage Zone Rocks
- Physical analysis of tephra from Cinder Cone, Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA
- Planform Straightness of Ripples and Dunes in Air and Water
- Pleistocene ice-rich yedoma in Interior Alaska
- Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province
- Post-Last Glacial Maximum (Latest Pleistocene to Holocene) geology of the Santa Barbara shelf, southern California
- Pre-eruption Magmatic Events Recorded by Vesicles in Mafic Enclaves: Evidence From the 1915 Eruption of Lassen Peak, California
- Prediction uncertainty in basin-scale predictions of water quality
- Preliminary analysis of the Baranof Fan system, Gulf of Alaska, based on 2D seismic reflection and multibeam bathymetry data
- Preliminary planktic and benthic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of cores from the Canada Basin, western Arctic Ocean
- Probability of large explosive volcanic eruptions in the Cascades
- Projected Bioclimatic Change for the San Francisco Bay Area
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Quantifying CO2 Fluxes Across a Gradient of Permafrost in Boreal Alaska
- Quantitative rock-fall hazard and risk assessment for Yosemite Valley, California
- Quaternary N-S shortening across the Garlock fault in Pilot Knob Valley, California
- Rapid uplift in Laguna del Maule volcanic field of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (Chile) measured by satellite radar interferometry
- Real-time GPS integration for prototype earthquake early warning and near-field imaging of the earthquake rupture process
- Recent Progress in Understanding a Paleomagnetic Record of Rapid Transitional Field Change in the Sheep Creek Transition Zone (Miocene), North Central Nevada
- Resistivity Imaging of the Mono-Inyo Volcanic Chain, Mono Basin, California Using the Audiomagnetotelluric Method
- Results from USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- Revealed social preference for potable groundwater: An Eastern Iowa case study
- Rock Magnetic Cyclostratigraphy and Magnetostratigraphy of the Rainstorm Member of the Neoproterozoic Johnnie Formation indicate a 2.5 Myr Duration for the Negative <SUP>13</SUP>C Isotopic Anomaly
- SCEC Broadband Platform Strong Ground Motion Simulations
- SCEC Earthquake Simulator Comparison Results for California
- Sedimentology of cores recovered from the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean
- Seismic Imaging of the Waltham Canyon Fault, California: Comparison of Ray-Theoretical and Fresnel Volume Prestack Migration
- Seismic Monitoring with NetQuakes: The First 75 in the Pacific Northwest
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Seismic tomography of the US and China using joint-inversion of body- and surface-wave constraints
- Seismically Articulating Kilauea Volcano's Active Conduits, Rift Zones, and Faults through HVO's Second Fifty Years
- Seismicity Associated with a Stranded Plate Fragment Above the Juan de Fuca Slab in the Vicinity of the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Seismicity, topography, and free-air gravity of the Aleutian-Alaska subduction zone
- Self-potential, Ground-tilt and Infra-Red Emission Associated with Geyser Eruptions: Implications for Volcanic Monitoring
- Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Estimation for a Reactive Transport Model of Uranium Bioremediation
- Short-Term Biogeochemical Consequences of Long-Term Permafrost Degradation in a Northern Peatland
- Sierran affinity (?) metasedimentary rocks beneath the Coast Range Ophiolite of the Sierra Azul block east of the San Andreas fault, Santa Clara County, CA
- Signature of hydrothermal alteration in ground-magnetic surveys at Yellowstone National Park
- Small wash functions and effects of their disturbance on vegetation of a Mojave Desert bajada
- Soil morphology as an indicator for spatial patterns of runoff generation thresholds
- Solid phase electron donors control denitrification in groundwater at agricultural sites
- Source characterization of long-period and very-long-period seismicity during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano
- Source-Responsive Prediction of Preferential Transport in Response to Infiltration
- Sources And Implications Of Hydrocarbon Gases From The Deep Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Recent Turbidity Currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, California
- Speciation of Energy Critical Elements in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts and Nodules by Principal Component Analysis and Least-squares fits to XAFS Spectra
- Stable (<SUP>88</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) strontium isotopes in marine barite
- Stable Isotope Fractionation during Cr(III) oxidation by manganese oxides Swati Joshi (sjoshi@calstatela.edu), Wang D T (dtw@mit.edu), Ellis A S (aellis3@calstatela.edu) Johnson T M (tmjohnsn@uius.edu), Bullen T D (tdbullen@usgs.gov)
- Stable isotopes as indicators of sources and processes influencing nitrate distributions in dairy monitoring wells and domestic supply wells in the Central Valley, California
- Stratigraphy and compositional evolution of Cinder Cone, a composite monogenetic cone in Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Stream-Groundwater Interactions in Streams Wetting Up and Drying Down
- Streamlining volcano-related, web-based data display and design with a new U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Science Center website
- Stress Conditions at the Subduction Zone Inferred from Differential Earthquake Magnitudes
- Strong Rocks and Weak Faults in the Lower Crust of California
- Subducted Seamounts and Along-strike Variations in the Thickness of the Subduction Channel beneath the Oregon Shelf
- Subsea Permafrost Mapped Across the U.S. Beaufort Sea Using Multichannel Seismic Data
- Sulfur Cycling in the Rainforest of Puerto Rico
- Tectonic Tremor beneath the Parkfield section of the San Andreas Fault Triggered by Shear and Surface waves from the MW 9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan, Earthquake
- Tectonic tremor locations along the western Mexico subduction zone using stacked waveforms of similar events
- The 3 Coastal Margins of Alaska - Stepping Offshore Geophysically
- The Distribution of Subsea Permafrost and Shallow Methane on the Central U.S. Beaufort Inner Shelf from Newly Acquired Geophysical Data
- The Forearc-Basin Sedimentary Record of Central Aleutian Tectonics
- The Future of Land Use in the United States: Downscaling SRES Emission Scenarios to Ecoregions and Pixels
- The Impact of Space-Geodetic Data on California Earthquake Risk
- The Influence of the Wallula Fault and Pasco Basin on the Tectonic Framework of South-Central Washington
- The Mafic Lower Crust of Neoproterozoic age beneath Western Arabia: Implications for Understanding African Lower Crust
- The Mw 5.8 Virginia Earthquake of August 23, 2011 and its Aftershocks: A Shallow High Stress Drop Event
- The Recent Rate of Great Earthquakes: Global Clustering or Random Variability?
- The Role of Adsorbed Water on the Friction of a Layer of Submicron Particles
- The Role of Wildfire in the Export of Particulate Organic Carbon from a Small Mountainous River
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP): Active Rift Processes in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Seismic velocity structure of the Brawley Seismic Zone, Salton Buttes and Geothermal Field, Salton Trough, California
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Tomographic characterization of a sediment-filled rift valley and adjacent ranges, southern California
- The Sedimentary Signature of Recent Tsunamis
- The Variation of Brune Stress Drop with Hypocentral Depth for Moderate (3.4 ≤ M ≤ 5.8) Earthquakes in Northeastern North America
- The economic value of remote sensing information: a case study of agricultural production and groundwater vulnerability using applied environmental science and hydrogeospatial methods
- The effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> on magma vesiculation during explosive volcanic eruptions
- The frequency dependence of friction in experiment, theory, and observations of low frequency earthquakes
- The hazard posed by large damaging aftershocks of megathrust megaquakes: Insights from Sumatra, Maule, and Tohoku
- The importance of groundwater flow in thawing permafrost systems
- The influence of magma supply rate on eruption style and textures of erupted ash particles
- The recent marine sedimentary record of Baranof Island, Southeast Alaska - implications for paleoclimate reconstructions
- The transition from frictional sliding to shear melting in laboratory experiments and the implications for scale dependent earthquake source properties
- Toward a Facies Model for AMS Fabrics in Deposits from Pyroclastic Currents
- Toward the next generation of research on earthquake-induced landslides: current issues and future challenges
- Tracing the source and fate of nitrate in contemporary mixed land-use surface water systems
- Treefall inputs to boreal soils and implications for C dynamics
- U-Th isotopes provide insights into the build-up to the 7.7 ka climactic eruption of Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Uncertainties in Interpolated Ground Motions at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant During the 2007 Chuetsu-oki, Japan, Earthquake
- Understanding the Effects of Climate and Water Management on Carbon and Energy Fluxes for Restored Wetlands in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Use of the water-table fluctuation method to identify and characterize discrete episodes of positive and zero recharge
- Using an Acoustic System to Estimate the Timing and Magnitude of Ebullition Release from Wetland Ecosystems
- Using ground-based LiDAR to determine the role of fire on soil microtopography in the Mojave Desert
- Visualizations of Climate Futures for the temperate prairies of North Dakota to Oklahoma
- Volatile Contents in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from Primitive Magmas in the Northern Cascade Arc
- Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon Research Coordination Network
- Wetland Plant Physiology Exhibits Controls on Carbon Sequestration Processes in a Restored Temperate Peatland of California, USA
- When CO2 kills: effects of magmatic CO2 flux on belowground biota at Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Widespread Triggering of Earthquakes in the Central US by the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Widespread seismicity excitation following the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard
- 'Reactive' Inorganic Mercury: A critical examination of preservation and storage techniques
- 3-D Reconstructions of Subsurface Pleistocene Basalt Flows from Paleomagnetic Inclination Data and 40Ar/39Ar Ages in the Southern Part of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho (USA)
- A Comparison of Peat Formation Processes over Recent and Millennial Time Scales in Tidal Marshes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- A Full-Vector Geomagnetic PSV Curve Derived from East Maui Volcano Lava Flows for the Last ~15,000 years
- A Hybrid-Cloud Science Data System Enabling Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis for Monitoring Hazards
- A New Model for Episodic Caldera Deformation at Yellowstone
- A Rare Seaward Expression of Oblique Subduction: The Mw 8.6 Sumatran Earthquake of April 11, 2012
- A Sequential Chemical Extraction and Spectroscopic Assessment of the Potential Bioavailability of Mercury Released From the Inoperative New Idria Mercury Mine, San Benito Co., CA
- A hyperspectral approach to estimating biomass and plant production in a heterogeneous restored temperate peatland
- A modeling framework for CO2-storage in depleted gas reservoirs
- Abiotic CO<SUB>2</SUB> reduction during geologic carbon sequestration facilitated by Fe(II)-bearing minerals
- Active rifting processes in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Advantages and Limitations of Cluster Analysis in Interpreting Regional GPS Velocity Fields in California and Elsewhere
- Aftershock Imaging with Dense Arrays (AIDA): Results and lessons learned from the dense deployment of EarthScope portable instruments following the August 23, 2011, Mw 5.8, Virginia Earthquake
- Airborne Geophysical Surveys Illuminate the Geologic and Hydrothermal Framework of the Pilgrim Springs Geothermal Area, Alaska
- Al-tobermorite in Pyroclastic Rock-Seawater Environments: 1963-1967 Surtsey Tephra and 2000-year-old Roman Baianus Sinus Harbor Concrete
- Alluvial Fan Records of Climatically Driven Changes in Hillslope Eerosion Rates: Successes, Limitations, and Future Directions
- An effective pressure law for rock friction and some implications for deep crustal faulting
- An experimental and modeling study of grain-scale uranium desorption from field-contaminated sediments and the potential influence of microporosity on mass-transfer
- An experimental study of summertime coastal fog and its inland penetration in Northern California
- Analysis And Modeling Of Shear Waves Generated By Explosions At The San Andreas Fault Observatory At Depth
- Analysis of Terrain Proxy Using Measured V<SUB>S30</SUB> Data
- Applied Use Value of Scientific Information for Management of Ecosystem Services
- Augustine Volcano's late Pleistocene rhyolite eruption and its modern-day residuum
- Benthic macrofaunal colonization patterns and preservation of laminated sediments: Observations in an extreme coastal basin environment in the lower Gulf of California
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bonanza, an "Extreme" Resurgent Ignimbrite-Caldera Cycle in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado
- Building a large magma chamber at Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, and H<SUB>2</SUB>S Degassing Related to the 2009 Redoubt Eruption, Alaska
- Can Differences in Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Processes Between Tsunamis and Storms Help Differentiate the Resulting Deposits?
- Carbon Balance and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Positive and Negative Feedbacks from Permafrost Thaw
- Carbon Dynamics in the Western United States from 1992 to 2050
- Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Ecosystems of the Western United States: Finings of a Recent Resource Assessment
- Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide degassing and cryptic thermal input to Brimstone Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Carbon isotopic analysis of dissolved organic carbon in produced water brines by wet chemical oxidation and cavity ring-down spectroscopy
- Changes in Central Walker Lane Strain Accommodation near Bridgeport, California; as told by the Stanislaus Group
- Characteristics of calderas and major ignimbrites in the western Great Basin, USA: Phenocryst-rich rhyolites and voluminous zoned magma chambers
- Characterization of Brittle Structures in Basalts of the Central and Western Snake River Plain, Idaho with Evidence and Implications for Fracture Connectivity in Boreholes with High Thermal Gradients
- Characterizing potential earthquake signals on the Stanford-USGS ultra-low frequency electromagnetic (ULFEM) array
- Chemical and isotopic heterogeneity in the Yellowstone magma reservoir revealed through sub-crystal-scale zircon age, trace-element, and Hf-isotopic analyses
- Chemical-abrasion SIMS dating of zircon from the Eocene Caetano caldera, Nevada
- Compact Adaptable Mobile LiDAR System Deployment
- Comparing pre- and post-chemical abrasion ages for Miocene Peach Springs Tuff zircon from ID-TIMS and SIMS analyses
- Comparison of the electrical response of dry and hydrosaturated gabbro as a function of uniaxial stress
- Constraining Quaternary offset of the Cady fault, eastern California shear zone, southern California, with geologic mapping, luminescence dating, and geophysics
- Constraining the origin of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain volcanic province using seismic imaging
- Constraints on gas and gas hydrate distribution in the Bering Sea from seismic reflection data
- Constraints on the Upper Crustal Magma Reservoir Beneath Yellowstone Lake Inferred From Lake-Seiche Induced Strain Observations
- Constraints on the coseismic properties of faults dynamically weakened due to silica gel lubrication
- Continuous Groundwater Monitoring Collocated at USGS Streamgages
- Coseismic and Postseismic Stress Rotations due to Great Subduction Zone Earthquakes
- Crystallization of oxidized, moderately hydrous arc basalt at mid-to-lower crustal pressures
- Defeating Earthquakes
- Detecting Randomness: the Sensitivity of Statistical Tests to Deviations from a Constant Rate Poisson Process
- Developments in Ground-Motion Modeling in Eastern North America
- Did the Bering Sea Form as a Cenozoic Backarc Basin?
- Dissolved phosphorus distribution in shallow groundwater beneath dairy farms, Central Valley, California
- Distinctive Geomorphology of Gas Venting and Near Seafloor Gas Hydrate-Bearing sites
- Distribution of biologic, anthropogenic, and volcanic constituents as a proxy for sediment transport in the San Francisco Bay coastal system, California
- Do transient storage parameters directly scale in longer, combined stream reaches? Reach length dependence of transient storage interpretations
- Earthquake Nonconcordancies in the Aceh-Nias and Mentawai Forearcs: Implications for the Energetics of Earthquakes and Tsunamis
- Earthquake Recurrence and Deformation in the Last Four Events on the Santa Cruz Mountains Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Earthquake-caused subsidence events of the Duck Flats at the eastern end of the Knik Arm, Alaska
- East meets West: Differing views of the Aleutian Low's role in affecting Holocene productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific Ocean
- Effects of Native Forest Restoration on Soil Hydraulic Properties, Auwahi, Maui
- Effects of the Paso Robles Geothermal Reservoir on water quality and availability in the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin, California
- Electrical conductivity of lab-formed methane hydrate + sand mixtures; technical developments and new results
- Estimation of groundwater quality trends using alternative travel-time distribution models applied to tracers of groundwater age
- Evaluation of C accumulation rates, as determined by 137Cs and 210Pb, for a vegetation gradient in central Alaska
- Evaluation of Nutrient Concentrations, Sources, and Pathways in Three Urban Streams in Durham County, North Carolina using Stable Isotopes
- Evidence of multiple, prehistoric, ground-rupturing earthquakes along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault system near Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- Evolution of Induced Seismicity in Response to Injection into Fractured Reservoirs
- Evolution of Rhyolite at Laguna del Maule, a Rapidly Inflating Volcanic Field in the Southern Andes
- Examination of carbon associated with metal-humus complexes, short-range-order Al and Fe oxides, and crystalline Al and Fe oxides: Differences in carbon abundance and mean residence time
- Facilitation of intermediate-depth earthquakes by eclogitization-related stresses and H2O
- Factors Contributing to Multi-Fault Rupture in the 2010 M7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake
- Field-scale evidence for biogeophysical signatures resulting from natural attenuation of a well characterized crude oil spill
- Flash Heating of Crustal Rocks at Seismic Slip Rates
- Flow direction indicators in lithic-rich, basal ground layers in western exposures of the Miocene Peach Spring Tuff, California
- Forearc structure from legacy multichannel seismic data linked to mechanical variability and rupture segmentation on the central Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone
- Formation of lacustrine plains in west-central Alaska as a result of permafrost degradation and aggradation
- Frictional Strengths of SAFOD Core and Franciscan Melange Samples at Elevated Temperatures
- Geochemical Monitoring Of The Gas Hydrate Production By CO2/CH4 Exchange In The Ignik Sikumi Gas Hydrate Production Test Well, Alaska North Slope
- Geochemical fine-sediment tracers in San Francisco Bay and its outer coast: the role of local watersheds
- Geochemical fingerprinting of Wilson Creek Formation tephra layers (Mono Basin, CA) using titanomagnetite compositions
- Geologic map of southwestern Sequoia National Park and vicinity, Tulare County, California, including the Mineral King metamorphic pendant
- Geometry, Timing, and Rates of Active Northeast Tilting Across the Southern Coachella Valley and Santa Rosa Mountains
- Geophysical studies of Mono Lake, east-central California
- Glass and mineral analyses from first deposits of Peach Spring Supereruption (SW USA) illuminate initial tapping of a zoned magma chamber
- Halogen Chemistry and Stable Cl Isotope Composition of Thermal Springs in the Cascade Arc
- Heat Flow in the Salton Trough Revisited and Implications for Regional Tectonics
- Heavy mineral analysis for assessing the provenance of sandy sediment in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System
- High resolution scenarios of land-use and land-cover change for the conterminous United States
- High-Resolution Seismic Tomography from Dense Array Recordings of the August 23, 2011 Central Virginia Earthquake Aftershock Sequence
- High-resolution seismic imaging, Mono Lake fault zone, eastern Sierra region, Walker Lane, California
- High-resolution, paired geochemical-paleomagnetic stratigraphy of the Sentinel Bluffs Member of the Grande Ronde Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group
- Hunting for eruption ages in accessory minerals
- Imaging the complex Farallon subduction system with USArray derived joint inversion of body waves and surface waves
- Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Marsh Sediment Biogeochemistry in Barataria Bay, LA, USA
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- In Pursuit of Parental Arc Magmas: The effects of pressure on the composition of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-saturated peridotite melts
- In Search of the Largest Possible Tsunami: An Example Following the 2011 Japan Tsunami
- In situ measurement of ammonium utilization by phytoplankton in the Sacramento River to determine the impacts of high nutrient loading on the base of the food web
- InSAR Evidence for the Spokane Fault, an Active Shallow Thrust Fault Beneath the City of Spokane Washington, USA
- Influence of DOM and redox potential on the leaching of As and Cr from coal fly ash
- Initial Coastal Morphologic Response to Dam Removal on the Elwha River, WA
- Integrated Ground-Based LiDAR and Global Fiducials Program Satellite Imagery Time Series Analysis of the Terminus of Bering Glacier, Alaska During the 2008-2011 Surge
- Integrating experimental studies of hydrous mantle melting with numerical models of the global variability in the temperature - depth structure of the mantle wedge
- Interactions of sinistral and dextral faults in the Eastern California Shear Zone: the Manix and Calico faults
- Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Northern Salton Trough, Southern California, Using Data From the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Investigating controls on calcium isotope ratios in marine carbonates and barite over the Cenozoic
- Is There a Relationship Between Cascadia Non-Volcanic Tremor, the Forearc Mantle Wedge, and the Down-dip Limit of Seismogenic Rupture?
- Landslide sub-surface characteristics inferred from Terrestrial Laser Scanning surface displacement fields
- Large Quantities of Melt-Quenched Impact Spherules in Late Pleistocene Alaskan and Yukon "Muck" Deposits
- Late Cenozoic Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Ancestral Cascade Arc in the Bodie Hills, California and Nevada: Insights from Integrated Geologic, Geophysical, Geochemical and Geochronologic Studies
- Late Cretaceous Middle Fork caldera and its resurgent granite porphyry intrusion, east-central Alaska
- Late Quaternary Blind Thrust Faults along the Southern Margin of the Cul-de-Sac Plain, Haiti: A Newly Recognized Seismic Source?
- Long Period seismic source characterization at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Long-term changes in regular and low-frequency earthquake inter-event times near Parkfield, CA
- Love Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Nankai Region, Southwest Japan: Observations and Physical Interpretation
- Magma storage conditions prior to the caldera-forming eruption of Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Magnetic Orbital and Reversal Stratigraphy of the Johnnie Formation, Death Valley region, with implications for the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
- Magnetic, gravity, radiometric, LiDAR, and seismic data to characterize the region of the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake near Mineral, Virginia
- Mapping the edge of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, New Mexico: a piece of the puzzle to understanding a potential geothermal resource
- Maximum depositional ages and evolving provenance of Franciscan metagraywackes, NW California: LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb data
- Mesoscale Phenomena Associated with Mineral Surfaces and Pathway-Dependent Chemical Processes
- Methane Emission through Diffusion and Ebullition in Thaw Wetlands in Interior Alaska
- Microbial community response to permafrost thaw after wildfire in an Alaskan upland boreal forest
- Migrating Activity of the 2010 Madison Plateau, Yellowstone National Park, Earthquake Swarm: Evidence for Fluid Triggering?
- Modeling Rupture Through Stable-Sliding Zones and Implications for an Alaskan-Aleutian Megathrust Earthquake
- Modeling Seismicity Rate Changes in Oklahoma and Arkansas
- Modeling a lava-flow aquifer system with multiple-point geostatistics
- Modeling of Potential-Field Data Along Profiles of the Salton Sea Seismic Imaging Project Transects, Southern California
- Modelling Hydrodynamics, Sediment Transport and Provenance in the South San Francisco Bay Salt Ponds
- Monitoring Volcanoes and Forecasting Eruptions - Toward a Process-Based Model
- Monitoring and modeling conditions for regional shallow landslide initiation in the San Francisco Bay area, California
- Morphologic and Dynamic Similarities Between Polygonal Dunes on Mars and Interference Ripples on Earth
- Multi-decadal variation in southern California drought during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age (~800AD-~1800AD) - evidence from coeval terrestrial and marine proxies
- Multiplet earthquake relocations and stacked waveform inversions in the Yellowstone volcanic field and implications for volcanic-tectonic interactions
- Natural heterogeneity and evolving geochemistry of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation brine in response to continuing CO2 injection at Cranfield EOR site, Mississippi, USA
- Near Surface Structure of the Frijoles Strand of the San Gregorio Fault, Point Año Nuevo, San Mateo County, California, from Seismic Imaging
- Near-solidus rhyolitic melts of MORB+4 wt% H<SUB>2</SUB>O from base-of-crust through shallow subducted slab pressures
- Near-surface structure of the 1906 main trace of the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco peninsula segment, California
- New Imaging Of Submarine Landslides Near Whittier, Alaska, From The 1964 Earthquake And A Comparison To Other 1964 Failures In Alaskan Fjords
- New geophysical constraints on the tectonic history of the Bering Sea
- Newly recognized submarine slide complexes in the southern California Bight
- North-vergent thrust fault between Baltica and Laurentian affinity rocks in the frontal part of Romanzof orogen, NE Brooks Range, Alaska
- Observations of Gas Emissions from Cascade Range Volcanoes (USA) using a Portable Real-Time Sensor Package and Evacuated Flasks
- Observations of seafloor fluid venting along the transform margin between the North American and Pacific plates in the Gulf of California
- Paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar studies on tholeiite basalt samples from "HOTSPOT" corehole taken at Kimama, Idaho, central Snake River Plain
- Paleomagnetic, geochronologic, and petrologic data discriminate tholeiitic basalts of the northern Hat Creek graben, northeastern California
- Patterns of Hydrothermal Plume Distribution and the Magmatic Budget Along 2500 km of the Southeast Indian Ridge
- Patterns of volcanism, weathering, and climate history from high-resolution geochemistry of the BINGO core, Mono Lake, California, USA
- Peeking below Columbia River flood basalts with high-resolution aeromagnetic data: implications for central Washington earthquake hazards
- Performance Tests of Real-Time Permanent Displacement Estimates and Rapid Rupture Characterization From Real-Time High-Rate GPS
- Permafrost degradation and organic layer thickening over a climate gradient in a discontinuous permafrost region
- Petrologic evolution of the Caetano magmatic system: What can we learn from a dissected, 34 Ma caldera in the northern Great Basin, western U.S.A.?
- Postglacial eruptive history of Laguna del Maule volcanic field in Chile, from fallout stratigraphy in Argentina
- Postseismic Deformation Probing of Heterogeneous Rheology of the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle
- Potential hazards from structural and gravitational anomalies within sedimentary basins of northwest Washington
- Practical Estimates of Field-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Bedrock Outcrops using a Modified Bottomless Bucket Method
- Pre-eruptive volatile content of mafic magma from the 2.0-1.7 ka Castle Creek eruptive period, Mount St. Helens
- Pre-injection Comparison of Methods for Sampling Formation Water and Associated Gas from a Monitoring Well at a Carbon Dioxide Injection Site, Citronelle Oil Field, Alabama
- Preferential Flow in Unsaturated Fissures of English Chalk
- Project Hotspot: Temporal Compositional Variation in Basalts of the Kimama Core and Implications for Magma Source Evolution, Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho
- Quantification of Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Using the Eddy Covariance Method
- Quantifying Methane Fluxes in Sediments from Mangrove-dominated Costal Lagoons
- Quantifying Preferential Flow and Seasonal Storage in an Unsaturated Fracture-Facial Domain
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Quantifying the interval between rejuvenation and eruption of rhyolite at Yellowstone caldera using high-resolution NanoSIMS geospeedometry
- Rapid acceleration leads to rapid weakening in earthquake-like laboratory experiments
- Rapid late Quaternary slip on the San Andreas fault zone in the Coachella Valley and the distribution of slip across the Pacific-North America plate boundary
- Reactive transport modeling of long-term secondary water quality impacts of a crude oil spill at Bemidji, Minnesota
- Real-Time GPS Monitoring for Earthquake Rapid Assessment in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Recent landscape change in California's Central Valley
- Recipe for an Eclectic Life as Research Scientist and Mom
- Reconciling Volatile Outputs with Heat Flow and Magma Intrusion Rates at the Yellowstone Magma-Hydrothermal System
- Record of AN Extraterrestrial Impact in Lacustrine Basins of North, South and Central Mexico in the Younger Dryas Boundary Layer (ydb)
- Recycling of water within the mantle: New insights from pyroxene water data
- Reevaluation of tephra volumes for the 1982 eruption of El Chichón volcano, Mexico
- Reflection imaging using RVSP processing of aftershock recordings from the August 23, 2011 central Virginia earthquake
- Regional Geophysical Expression of a Carbonatite Terrane in the Eastern Mojave Desert, California
- Remote Identification and Characterization of Fault Scarps Along the Pacific-North American Plate Boundary Using Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) Data and Wavelet Analysis
- Repeating foreshock sequences and laboratory stick-slip
- Reported geomagnetic and ionospheric precursors to earthquakes: Summary, reanalysis, and implications for short-term prediction
- Resolving the age of Wilson Creek Formation tephras and the Mono Lake excursion using high-resolution SIMS dating of allanite and zircon rims
- Rhyolite genesis at the Picabo Volcanic Center of the Snake River Plain: Progressive recycling of hydrothermally altered rhyolites revealed by high resolution analysis of individual zircons
- Role of Permafrost in Ecosystem and Landscape Heterogeneity
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 5—the San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside County, California
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 6: San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 7: Data and Analysis to Date
- Seismic Hazard in Haiti: A Geologic Perspective
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Caja del Rio Geothermal Area, New Mexico
- Seismotectonic Implications Of Clustered Regional GPS Velocities In The San Francisco Bay Region, California
- Shallow Structure of the Eagle Rock and Raymond Faults in Arroyo Seco, Los Angeles County, California
- Simultaneous estimation of local- and flowpath-scale rate-limited mass transfer parameters using electrical-resistivity tomography
- Slope instability in complex 3D topography promoted by convergent 3D groundwater flow
- Some Factors Controlling the Seismic Hazard due to Earthquakes Induced by Fluid Injection at Depth
- Sonobuoy-based velocity functions for sediment thickness calculation in the deep Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean
- Sorting out the Magmatic from the Hydrothermal: An example from Yellowstone
- Spatially Variable Creep Rate on the Bartlett Springs and Maacama Faults, Northern California, Estimated via Bayesian Inversion of Global Positioning System Data
- Spectral Amplification Factors of Long-Period (3 to 10 s) Strong Ground Motions in and around the Los Angeles Basin during the Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake of April 4, 2010
- Statistical Tests of the PTHA Poisson Assumption for Submarine Landslides
- Strength and elastic thickness (Te) of the North American lithosphere: main results and applicability
- Strength of the Creeping Segment of the San Andreas Fault Inferred from Intact SAFOD Core Material
- Stress imparted by the great 2004 Sumatra earthquake shut down transform faults and activated rifts up to 400 km away in the Andaman Sea
- Stress-guided time-dependent afterslip model of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake obtained from joint analysis of the GPS time series and repeating earthquakes
- Structure of the active rift zone and margins of the northern Imperial Valley from Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) data
- Subsurface imaging across the 2001 Spokane, Washington earthquake swarm
- Surface Water Conditions in the Central Gulf of California During the Past 52 Kyrs Based on Diatoms and Silicoflagellates: Implications for Monsoonal Moisture Transport
- Surface Wave/Dispersion Curves For A Velocity Model Of The Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta
- Systematic Behavior of the Non-dipole Magnetic Field during the 32 ka Mono Lake Excursion
- Systematic search for missing earthquakes in Central California around the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon and the 2004 Mw6.0 Parkfield earthquakes
- Technology and Geologic Mapping at Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Tectonic Control on Deposition and Evolution of the Baranof Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Tectonic and climatic influences on the deposition and preservation of Quaternary units along the range-front of the Manastash Anticline, Yakima Fold Belt, Washington
- Tectonic tremor locations using template matching of low frequency earthquakes
- Tempered stable models for preasymptotic pollutant transport in alluvial settings: The influence of medium heterogeneity
- Tests of GNSS receivers for dynamic, high sample rate response using controlled sources of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
- The 130-km-long Green Valley Fault Zone of Northern California: Discontinuities Regulate Its Earthquake Recurrence
- The 2001 - Present Triggered Seismicity Sequence in the Raton Basin of Southern Colorado/Northern New Mexico
- The 2012 Reactivation of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia
- The Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model: An Interdisciplinary Tool to Assess the Responses of Natural Resources in Alaska to Climate Change
- The Ash of Ohlson Ranch: A well-dated Stratigraphic Marker for Constraining Deformation Across the Northern San Andreas Fault
- The Bear River Fault Zone, Wyoming and Utah: Complex Ruptures on a Young Normal Fault
- The Denali Fault and Interior Alaska Tectonics in Mid- to Late-Cenozoic Time
- The Holocene history of the North American Monsoon: the opportunities and challenges of spatial and temporal variability
- The Hydrodynamics of Natural and Incised Mountain Meadows
- The ICDP Hotspot Scientific Drilling Program: Overview of geophysical logging and seismic imaging through basaltic and rhyolitic volcanic deposits
- The May 17th, 2012 M4.8 earthquake near Timpson, east Texas: Was it natural or was it induced?
- The NetQuakes Project - Seeking a Balance Between Science and Citizens.
- The Pacific Coast Fog Project: A Multi-disciplinary Effort to Provide Web-based Climate Products for Ecologists
- The Relative Influence of Aquatic and Terrestrial Processes on Methylmercury Transport in River Basins
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise - Recent Progress
- The September 20-22, 2009, earthquake swarm at Mount Rainier, Washington: Evidence for triggering by fluid injection
- The Ups And Downs Of The Santa Rosa Island Fault, Northern Channel Islands, California: More Than Simple Strike Slip
- The application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in geophysical investigations of geothermal systems
- The complexity of earth observation valuation: Modeling the patterns and processes of agricultural production and groundwater quality to construct a production possibilities frontier
- The fate of mercury at two small co-located headwater watersheds in interior Alaska
- The influence of pore texture in pyroclastic flow deposits on compaction and welding
- The influence of storm intensity on shallow landslide abundance
- The role of ocean circulation on methane hydrate stability and margin evolution
- The tool of microbial genomics research for interpreting the lability of permafrost carbon and potential greenhouse gas feedbacks at different scales of resolution.
- Thermal controls on exfoliation and rock falls in Yosemite National Park, California
- Tidal marsh accretion processes in the San Francisco Bay-Delta - are our models underestimating the historic and future importance of plant-mediated organic accretion?
- Title: Long Valley Caldera 2003 through 2012: Overview of low level unrest in the last decade Authors: Stuart Wilkinson, David Hill, Michael Lisowski, Deborah Bergfeld, Margaret Mangan
- Tomographic imaging of the tectonic tremor zone beneath the San Andreas fault in the Parkfield region
- Towards improved 3D cross-borehole electrical resistivity imaging of discrete fracture networks
- Tracking the Evolution of Young Mush at Long Valley through High Spatial Resolution U-Th Zircon Dating and Sanidine Geospeedometry of Inyo Domes Rhyolite
- Transport through a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Riparian Buffer
- Tree-core records of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at three western USA volcanoes
- Tremors in the Bayou: The Events on the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Tritium Plume Dynamics in the Shallow Unsaturated Zone Adjacent to an Arid Waste Disposal Facility
- USGS Dasymetric Mapping Tool Applied to the Conterminous United States
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- Understanding magma formation and mantle conditions in the Lassen segment of the Cascade Arc: Insights from volatile contents of olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Unique and remarkable observations of Seiche behavior in Lake Yellowstone
- Updated size distribution of submarine landslides along the U.S. Atlantic margin
- Upscaling of U(VI) Desorption Modeling from Batch Scale to Decimeter Scale
- Use of Temperature and Surface Gas Flux as Novel Measures of Microbial Activity at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Use of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) for Geological Studies in Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Vesiculation and textural variations within mafic enclaves of the Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Vulnerability of topography-limited and recharge-limited groundwater systems to sea-level rise-induced salinization
- Water quality impacts of hydraulic-fracturing chemicals observed in a permeable, quartz-sand aquifer
- Weathering of Fractured Rock in the Deep Critical Zone
- 3D imaging of crustal structure under the Piedmont province in central Virginia, from reflection RVSP processing of aftershock recordings from the August 23, 2011 Virginia earthquake
- 40Ar/39Ar and U-series ages of a Late Pleistocene geomagnetic excursion in Western North America: The Halina Pali event in Western North America?
- A Comparison of Mass Transport Models for Evaluating U(VI) Desorption at the Decimeter Scale
- A Directivity Model For Moderate To Large Earthquakes Based On The Direct-Point Parameter
- A Fresh Look at the Geologic Evolution of Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll, U.S. Line Islands
- A Kinematic Model for Formation of the Yakutat, Siletz, and Crescent Forearc Terranes: Implications for Seismogenic Behavior of the Cascadia Subduction System
- A Possible Tohoku-Magnitude Tsunami Along The Alaska Peninsula, The 1946 Scotch Cap Tsunami
- A comparison of recent, short-, and long-term carbon accumulation rates for a vegetation gradient in central Alaska
- A comparison of slip rate, recurrence interval, and slip per event on several well-characterized faults (Invited)
- A conceptual model of Kilauea's magma plumbing system
- A recommended protocol for the preservation and storage of ';reactive' inorganic mercury in sediment
- Acetylene Fermentation: Relevance to Primordial Biogeochemistry and the Search for Life in the Outer Solar System
- Acoustic and manual measurements of methane ebullition in peatlands
- Active Tectonics of Southern California Revealed by Cluster Analysis of GPS Velocities
- AirSWOT: A New Airborne Instrument for Hydrology
- Alaskan Beaufort Sea Heat Flow and Ocean Temperature Analysis: Implications for Stability of Climate-Sensitive Continental Slope Gas Hydrates
- Alteration, mass conservation, and magmatic compositions of lavas of the Columbia River flood basalt province: Insights from the Sentinel Bluffs Member, Grande Ronde Basalt
- Aluminosilicate melts and glasses at 1 to 3 GPa: temperature and pressure effects on recovered structural and density changes
- Ambient Noise Tomography In The Great Valley, California Near The Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta
- An 8700 Year Record of Holocene Climate Variability from the Yucatan Peninsula
- An Ecosystem Assessment of Carbon Storage and Fluxes Over Space and Time in the Conterminous United States
- Analytical Expressions for Deformation from an Arbitrarily Oriented Spheroid in a Half-Space
- Applying fog climatology to water balance modeling for the Russian River watershed, California
- Applying time-reverse-imaging techniques to locate individual low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas fault near Cholame, California
- Archaeological Geophysics at the San Marcos Pueblo, New Mexico, USA
- Arsenic, Anaerobes, and Astrobiology
- Assessing Effects of Native Reforestation on Soil Moisture Dynamics During Artificial and Natural Rainfall
- Basin scale permeability and thermal evolution of a magmatic hydrothermal system
- Beneath the Arctic Green: Have recent increases in plant production been offset by increases in soil decomposition?
- Bioavailability of Mercury to Riverine Food Webs as a Function of Flood-Event Inundation of Channel Boundary Sediments
- Body and Surface-wave ambient noise seismic interferometry in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, California
- Boreal forest soil erosion and soil-atmosphere carbon exchange
- Broadband Analysis of the Energetics of Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Sunda Forearc from 1987-2012
- Burst, background, and triggered low-frequency earthquakes and non-volcanic tremors
- California Marshes as Recorders of Paleotsunamis
- Can climate change increase fire severity independent of fire intensity?
- Carbonatite: A Geophysical investigation of a rare earth element terrane, eastern Mojave Desert, California
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Changes in Vegetation Reflect Changes in the Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera Hydrothermal System
- Characterization and comparison of ultra-low frequency electromagnetic (ULFEM) signals on the QuakeFinder array and the Stanford-USGS array, and their potential relation to seismic activity
- Characterizing Fracture Connectivity and Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity in Sedimentary Rocks Using Hydraulic Tomography
- Characterizing Geographic Variability in Magma Composition and Eruptive Style During Voluminous Mid-Tertiary Magmatism in the Northern Great Basin Using Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Phenocryst O Isotopic Data
- Combined use of stable isotopes and hydrologic modeling to better understand nutrient sources and cycling in highly altered systems (Invited)
- Comparison of Adjective vs. Benthic Sources of Nutrients to a Former Salt Pond under Restoration
- Comparison of Thermo-Elastic and Poro-Elastic Effects during Shear Stimulation of Desert Peak EGS Well 27-15 Using a Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Simulator
- Comparison of methane emissions from wetlands measured from aircraft and towers
- Comparison of particle-tracking and lumped-parameter models for determining groundwater age distributions and nitrate in water-supply wells, Central Valley, California, USA
- Concordant ages for the Lava Creek Tuff from high-spatial-resolution U-Pb dating of zircon rim faces and single-crystal sanidine <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating
- Constraining the timing of turbidity current driven sediment transport down Monterey Canyon, offshore California
- Controls on Patterns of Repeated Fault Rupture: Examples From the Denali and Bear River Faults
- Cratonic roots under North America are shifted by basal drag: new evidence from gravity and geodynamic modeling
- Crustal migration of magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> tracked by tree-ring radiocarbon and seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Crustal structure during active rifting in the central Salton Trough, California, constrained by the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Damage and Shaking Intensity in the M5.7 Canyondam Earthquake
- Dating widespread tephras and their proximal equivalents by SIMS analysis of accessory mineral rims and by argon geochronology (Invited)
- Deep soil carbon and vulnerabilities to anthropogenic change (Invited)
- Deep-crustal seismicity in volcanic regions by fluid-enhanced wallrock embrittlement
- Deformation of the Bellingham Basin in the Northern Cascadia Forearc as Inferred from Potential Field Data
- Depths and Temperatures of Mantle Melt Extraction in the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone (Invited)
- Dextral Shear on the Olympic-Wallowa Lineament, Washington--Evidence from High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Anomalies and Implications for Cascadia Seismic Hazards
- Diffuse degassing through magmatic arc crust (Invited)
- Dissimilatory perchlorate reduction linked to aerobic methane oxidation via chlorite dismutase
- Do Karstic Unsaturated Zones Have the Fastest Preferential Flow?
- Dynamics within geyser conduits: Insights from downhole measurements in El Jefe geyser, El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Earthquake Rate Changes and Interevent Distance Distributions in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- Effective groundwater modeling of the data-poor Nubian Aquifer System (Chad, Egypt, Libya, Sudan) - use of parsimony and 81Kr-based groundwater ages (Invited)
- Effects of variable climate, land use, and hydrogeochemical setting on decadal surface water quality trends, Iowa, USA
- El Cobreloa: A geyser with two distinct eruption styles
- Elastoviscoplastic properties of SAFOD fault gouge
- Environmental Change along the central Oregon Coast; A 7500 year Paleolimnological Reconstruction
- Eruptive History of Mammoth Mountain and its Mafic Periphery
- Evaluation of Biostimulated Uranium Reduction as A Remediation Strategy for Deep Aquifers Following In-Situ Leaching And Recovery
- Evaluation of Uranium Transport Prediction Uncertainty in Field Experiments
- Experimental constraints on lower-crustal differentiation processes in arcs
- Experimental study on controls on fluid chemistry and permeability evolution during serpentinization reactions
- Exploring the Possible Role That Solid Phase LNAPL Biodegradation End Products Have on Electrical Biogeophysical Signatures
- Exploring uncertainty in the Earth Sciences - the potential field perspective
- Explosive and effusive volcanism in the Salton Trough, Salton Buttes, CA
- Extending Seismic Tomography along the San Andreas Fault to the Lower Crust with Low Frequency Earthquakes
- Factors Contributing to Multi-Segment Rupture in the 2010 M7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake
- Fault Friction and Physics: Lessons from SAFOD (Invited)
- Fault Preconditioning for PyLith
- Fault interaction along the Central Andean thrust front: The Las Peñas thrust, Cerro Salinas thrust and the Montecito Anticline
- Flights of older, elevated marine wave-cut platforms on Santa Rosa Island, CA
- Flow and fracture of ices, with application to icy satellites (Invited)
- Fluid geochemistry monitoring at three California volcanoes (Invited)
- Fog as an ecosystem service: Quantifying fog-mediated reductions in maximum temperature across coastal to inland transects in northern California
- Fracturing mapping and rockfall susceptibility assessment in Yosemite Valley (California, USA)
- Gap Between Cascadia Megathrust Rupture Area and Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) Suggests Forearc Mantle Control of ETS
- Geochemical Monitoring for Potential Environmental Impacts of Geologic Sequestration of CO2
- Geochemistry of the Medieval Climate Anomaly varve sequence in Deep Inlet, Alaska, using core-scanning XRF, synchrotron micro-XRF and XANES spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy
- Geologic Exploration of the Planets: A Personal Retrospective of the First 50 years
- Geomechanics of Hydraulic Stimulation in Geothermal Systems: Designing and Implementing a Successful Enhanced Geothermal System at Desert Peak, Nevada
- Geometry Of The San Andreas Fault In The Salton Trough And Its Effect On Simulated Shaking For A Rupture Similar To That Of The Great California Shakeout Of 2008
- Geophysical expression of caldera related volcanism, structures and mineralization in the McDermitt volcanic field
- Giant Scour on Eel Fan, California Records Decadal Trubidite Recurrence Interval
- Gravity changes associated with recent great earthquakes from a decade-long observation of GRACE gravity fields: Inversion of the earthquake source parameters and constraint to the Earth's viscoelastic structure
- Growth, Survival, and Death of Bacteria and Fungi Following Wet-up of Seasonally Dried Soil Revealed by Heavy Water Stable Isotope Probing
- Hazard assessment of long-range tephra dispersal for a Plinian eruptive scenario at Popocatépetl volcano (Mexico). Inplications on civil aviation
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of Faulting in the Berkeley Hills, California
- High T-P frictional strength and stability of exhumed fault core gouges, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- High-resolution aeromagnetic survey of the Mono Basin-Long Valley Caldera region, California
- High-resolution paleoclimatology of the coastal margin of northernmost California during the past 7,300 years
- Holocene Biomass Burning, Environmental Change, and Human Land Use in the Southern Maya Lowlands
- Holocene Geology and Geochemistry, and Ongoing Seismicity of Aniakchak Caldera Volcano, Aleutian Arc
- How Complete is the ISC-GEM Global Earthquake Catalog?
- How to Make Data a Blessing to Parametric Uncertainty Quantification and Reduction?
- How to identify garnet lherzolite melts and distinguish them from pyroxenite melts
- Humans and fire shape the land: climate change only exacerbates the trends
- Hydraulic Fracturing, Wastewater Injection and Unintended Earthquakes (Invited)
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Hydrological controls on methylmercury flux from an intertidal salt marsh
- Hydrothermal Monitoring in a Quiescent Volcanic Arc: Cascade Range, Northwestern United States
- Implications of slow slip without tectonic tremor: insights from Kilauea (Hawaii) and Boso (Japan) (Invited)
- Influence of Older Structure on Quaternary Faulting in Northeastern California Suggested by Potential-Field Data
- Integrated climate/land use/hydrological change scenarios for assessing threats to ecosystem services on California rangelands
- Integrating Remote Sensing Data, Hybrid-Cloud Computing, and Event Notifications for Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis (Invited)
- Integrative analysis and discoveries of Yellowstone science revealing new interpretations and assessments of earthquake and volcano risk
- Introducing Python tools for magnetotellurics: MTpy
- Investigating the San Andreas Fault System in the Northern Salton Trough by a Combination of Seismic Tomography and Pre-stack Depth Migration: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Investigating the low-frequency earthquake and non-volcanic tremor system
- Investigation of - and Post-Seismic Signals in GRACE Satellite Gravity Data Using Mcmc Approach
- Ion microprobe study of Au and Carlin-type trace metals in rhyolite melt inclusions from Eocene dikes and ash-flow tuff in northern Nevada
- Landscape response to normal fault footwall uplift in the Basin and Range Province, western United States
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene Volcanism in the Lassen Domefield and Surrounding Region, California
- Leveraging On-premise and Public Cloud Computing to Enable Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis for Monitoring Hazards (Invited)
- Linkages Between Changes in Lake Extent and the Distribution of Permafrost, Yukon Flats Basin, Interior Alaska, USA
- Localized rejuvenation of a crystallizing pluton recorded in zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, southern Cascade Range, California
- Long Period Earthquakes Beneath California's Young and Restless Volcanoes
- Long-lived structural control of Mt. Shasta's plumbing system illuminated by <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Long-term rates and the depth extent of fault creep along the San Andreas Fault system in northern California from alinement arrays and GPS data
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes of the Southern Alps, South Island, New Zealand
- M -6 laboratory earthquakes driven by aseismic slip (Invited)
- Magma Plumbing and Transport at Yellowstone--Implications from Geodesy and Geochemistry (Invited)
- Magma formation in hot-slab subduction zones: Insights from hydrogen isotopes in Cascade Arc melt inclusions
- Mainshock Static Stress Changes and Background Stress Jointly Influence the Distribution of Aftershock Focal Mechanisms
- Mammoth Mountain, California broadband seismic experiment
- Mantle origin of the Emeishan large igneous province from an analysis of residual gravity anomalies
- Measurements of Cloud Droplet Size and Fog Water Deposition
- Megacity Megaquakes: Two Near-misses, and the Clues they Leave for Earthquake Interaction
- Megasplash at Lake Tahoe
- Mercury methylation, export and bioaccumulation in rice agriculture - model results from comparative and experimental studies in 3 regions of the California Delta, USA
- Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Rice and Wetland Biota: employing integrated indices of processes that drive methylmercury risk
- Microbial communities of the deep unfrozen: Do microbes in taliks increase permafrost carbon vulnerability? (Invited)
- Miocene lava flows and domes, cooling fractures, carapace breccia, and avalanche deposits near Goldstone, California
- Modeling Rupture with Heterogeneous Prestress and Through Stable-Sliding Zones, and Implications for an Alaskan-Aleutian Megathrust Earthquake
- Modeling the unmeasurable: scaling soil physiology from microns to meters and seconds to centuries (Invited)
- Modification of Carrier Gas Stream to Improve 13C/12C Isotopic Accuracy in Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy-Based Measurements of Low-Concentration Dissolved Carbon Samples
- Monitoring of Fluid Injection in an Enhanced Geothermal System: Towards Probabilistic 3D Time-lapse Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
- Multi-temporal harmonization of independent land-use/land-cover datasets for the conterminous United States
- Mw 8.6 Strike-Slip Earthquake off Sumatra and Slip Partitioning
- Near real-time monitoring of surface deformation at Long Valley Caldera, California (Invited)
- Near-Surface Structure of the Peninsula Segment of the San Andreas Fault, San Francisco Bay Area, California
- New Magnetic Anomaly Compilation Illuminates the Formation of the Aleutian Basin
- New identification and interpreted correlation, deposition, and significance of widespread Quaternary volcanic ash in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- New slip rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the San Andreas fault zone
- Numerical simulation of fracture permeability evolution due to reactive transport and pressure solution processes
- On Offset Stream Measurements and Recent Coseismic Surface Rupture in the Carrizo Section of the San Andreas Fault
- On the Potential Uses of Static Offsets Derived From Low-Cost Community Instruments and Crowd-Sourcing for Earthquake Monitoring and Rapid Response
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- Oxygen isotopes as a tracer of phosphate sources and cycling in aquatic systems (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic constraints on the timing and duration of latest Pleistocene to early Holocene eruptions at Mount Shasta volcano, California, USA
- Paleosecular variation, geochemistry, correlation, and timing of Grande Ronde Basalt lava flows, Columbia River Basalt Group
- Paleoseismic Studies of the Peninsula San Andreas Fault near Crystal Springs Reservoir, Woodside, California
- Parameter Estimation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Ecohydrological Modeling in Desert Environments
- Permafrost response to climate change: Linking field observation with numerical simulation
- Place-classification analysis of community vulnerability to near-field tsunami threats in the U.S. Pacific Northwest (Invited)
- Pliocene to late Pleistocene magmatism in the Aurora Volcanic Field, Nevada and California, USA
- Pre-eruptive storage conditions and continuous decompression relations of rhyodacite magma erupted from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Predicting the geophysical response to changes in permafrost associated with lake talik evolution
- Preliminary Results from Real-Time GPS Monitoring in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Preliminary paleoseismic observations along the western Denali fault, Alaska
- Probing the source and timing of rejuvenation and hybridization in post-caldera rhyolite magmas at Yellowstone Caldera
- Productivity, ventilation and oxygenation in the north-central Bering Sea during the last deglaciation
- Project Hotspot: Linear accumulation rates of late Cenozoic basalt at Kimama, Idaho, and implications for crustal strain and subsidence rates of the central Snake River Plain
- Projected Surface Radiative Forcing due to 2000 to 2100 Land Use Land Cover Albedo Change Across the Conterminous United States
- Quantification of the abundance and mean residence time of carbon associated with metal-humus complexes, short-range-order Al and Fe hydroxides, and crystalline Fe oxyhydroxides across a suite of ecosystems
- Quantifying the Seismic Hazard From Natural and Induced Earthquakes (Invited)
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on C release from permafrost soils
- Quaternary Eruptions of the Mono-Inyo Craters, California
- Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: evolution and processes
- Real-time GNSS volcano deformation monitoring (Invited)
- Reconstructing Holocene bottom water oxygenation and fluvial discharge in the marine environment near Eureka, California using a portable XRF method
- Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system
- Refining age estimates for three historic ground rupturing earthquakes in the Santa Cruz Mountains: 14C Wiggle-matching and Non-Native Pollen as age indicators (or not!)
- Regional stressing rate appears to control duration and decay of off-fault aftershocks in the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake
- Relating seismic swarms and deformation in Long Valley Caldera, California
- Remote Sensing of the Arctic Coast of Alaska Using Airborne Lidar Data
- Resolving the early chronology of Mono Craters volcanism with combined <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating
- Rhyolites in the Kimberly Drill Core, Project Hotspot: First Intracaldera Ignimbrite from the Central Snake River Plain, Idaho?
- River mouth morphodynamics - Examples from small, mountainous rivers (Invited)
- Rock fall triggering from cyclic thermal forcing of exfoliation fractures
- Root Cohesion Controls on Shallow Landslide Size, Shape and Location
- Seafloor geology of the U.S. Line Islands region
- Sediment Dynamics and Coastal Response to Large-Scale Dam Removal: Elwha River, USA
- Sedimentary facies in submarine canyons
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Seismic imaging of a slope stability mitigation project at Newby Island Sanitary Landfill, San Jose, California
- Seismic waves radiated during dynamic rupture of granite laboratory samples
- Shallow structure and geomorphology, northern San Andreas fault, Bodega Bay to Fort Ross, California
- Shallow velocity structure in the Imperial Valley region of Southern California
- Shrinking Arctic Lakes are Forming New Local Permafrost, but for How Long?
- Spatial-temporal variation of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, CA
- Springs, streams, and gas vent on and near Mount Adams volcano, Washington
- Stable Isotopes of Tilted Ignimbrite Calderas in Nevada
- Steady Rotation of the Cascade Arc, Northwest USA and Canada
- Stochastic-Dynamic Earthquake Models and Tsunami Generation
- Stress-based aftershock forecasting: the 2008 M=7.9 Wenchuan, and 2013 M=6.6 Lushan earthquakes
- Stress-dependent voltage offsets from polymer insulators used in rock mechanics and material testing
- Structure of the Volcanic Vent Distribution of the Cascades Arc from a New Database of Holocene and Pleistocene Volcanism, with Focus on Pre-Caldera Monogenetic Volcanism at Mount Mazana, Oregon
- Subsurface geometry of the San Andreas-Calaveras fault junction: influence of the Coast Range Ophiolite
- Suggestions for successful piggybacking of biogeochemical studies onto regional to national-scale environmental monitoring programs (Invited)
- Surface-Water Exchanges for Streams Entering Lakes Compared with Shoreline Exchanges in General
- Tectonic Tremor Triggered along Major Strike-Slip Faults around the World
- Testing Geyser Models using Down-vent Data
- The Chukchi Borderland: a Sediment-starved Rifted Continental Margin
- The Development of a Restless Rhyolite Magma Chamber at Laguna del Maule, Chile
- The Effect of Local Lacustrine Conditions on the Expression of Regional Holocene Climate in the Ruby Mountains, Nevada, USA
- The Great 1933 Sanriku-oki Earthquake: Possible Compound Rupture of Outer Trench Slope and Triggered Interplate Seismicity
- The Nature of Fault Creep and Weakening in the San Andreas System Deduced from Studies of SAFOD Core (Invited)
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise - Recent Progress
- The Sequential Emplacement of the Chaos Crags Dome Complex in Lassen National Park and a Subsequent Avalanche Event Revealing the Internal Structure of a Crystal-Rich Lava Dome
- The energy-water nexus: Potential groundwater-quality degradation associated with petroleum production from shale and tight reservoirs
- The global aftershock zone (Invited)
- The implications of microbial and substrate limitation for the fates of carbon in different organic soil horizon types: a mechanistically based model analysis
- The influence of stormwater pathways on pore-pressure timescales near shallow landslide sites
- The mechanisms and timescales of rhyolite generation at Yellowstone caldera: New insights from 238U-230Th crystallization ages, trace-elements, and isotope compositions of zircon and sanidine
- The profound reach of the M8.6 11 April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake: short-term global triggering followed by a longer-term global shadow
- The role of nitrification in silicate hydrolysis in soils near Santa Cruz, CA
- The role of residual (undegassed) and environmental waters in pyroclastic volcanic glass in nature and experiments (Invited)
- The spatial relationship between aseismic and seismic slip on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, CA inferred from Bayesian inversion of geodetic data (Invited)
- The unusual mineralogy of the Hayes River rhyolite, Hayes Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska
- The use of high resolution ground and airborne magnetic surveys to evaluate the geometry of hydrothermal alteration zones over volcanic provinces (Invited)
- The western limits of the Seattle and Tacoma faults and their interaction with faults of the Olympic Massif, Washington (Invited)
- Three Dimensional Visualization of Mono Basin, California from Geophysical Studies
- Thresholds of biotic/abiotic interactions in soil carbon storage
- Time constraints on faults activity in the Eastern California Shear Zone from U-Pb (SHRIMP-RG) dating of syntectonic opal
- Tracking Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton using Stable Isotopes to Determine the Impact of Nutrient Loading on the Base of the Food Web
- Tracking hydrothermal feature changes in response to seismicity and deformation at Mud Volcano thermal area, Yellowstone
- Transferrable Lessons about Non-Point-Source Gas Transport from the Amargosa Desert
- Tremor Source Interactions and Implications for the Structure of the Lower-Crustal San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, California
- Two applications of the Recently Developed UZF-MT3DMS Model for Evaluating Nonpoint-Source Fluxes (Invited)
- U-Th and Os isotopes trace lower crustal interaction in magmas erupted during the build-up to the 7.7 ka climactic eruption of Mount Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- Under What Conditions, If Any, Can Fault Slip Rates Be Estimated From Average GPS Velocities Of Fault-Bounded Blocks Revealed By Cluster Analysis?
- Understanding response times and groundwater flow dynamics of thaw zone (talik) evolution below lakes in the Yukon Flats, Alaska, USA
- Understanding the Magnitude Dependence of PGA and PGV: A look at differences between mainshocks and aftershocks in the NGA-West2 data and ground motion from small magnitude Anza data
- Use of a multi-isotope and multi-tracer approach including organic matter isotopes for quantifying nutrient contributions from agricultural vs wastewater sources
- Use of dissolved inorganic carbon isotopes to track photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrification along a 56 mile transect in the Sacramento River and San Francisco Bay
- Using <SUP>10</SUP>Be erosion rates and fluvial channel morphology to constrain fault throw rates in the southwestern Sacramento River Valley, California, USA
- Using End-Member Mixing Analysis to Identify Transport Pathways in Agricultural Watersheds
- Using melt inclusions and fluid inclusions to track ore-metal behavior in magma-hydrothermal systems (Invited)
- Using new passive-diffusion sampler arrays to detect precursory helium anomalies related to volcanic unrest
- Variability in Nitrate and Ammonium Distributions and Associated Processes at the Groundwater/Surface-water Interface in a Groundwater Flow-through Pond
- Voluminous tholeiitic basalts near Mount Shasta, California, as regional strain markers
- Were the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquakes Natural, Induced, or Something in Between?
- What caused terrestrial dust loading and climate downturns between 533 and 540 A.D.?
- Where do we stand after twenty years of dynamic triggering studies? (Invited)
- White and gray pumice in pyroclastic deposits. (Invited)
- Widespread and Compositionally Diverse Magmatism Characterizes Late Holocene Time at Medicine Lake Volcano, California
- Zero Magnitude Effect for the Productivity of Triggered Tsunami Sources
- 3-D Velocity Model of the Coachella Valley, Southern California Based on Explosive Shots from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations Across Interacting Faults: the Mw7.0, 2010, Haiti Earthquake
- 3D Geometry of Fault Intersections in Central California: The Importance of Ultramafic Ophiolitic Rocks
- 3D P and S Wave Velocity Structure and Tremor Locations in the Parkfield Region
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th crystallization ages for the oldest domes of the Mono Craters, eastern California
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and U-Pb Ages and Isotopic Data for Oligocene Ignimbrites, Calderas, and Granitic Plutons, Southern Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains: Insights into the Volcanic-Plutonic Connection and Crustal Evolution in Western Nevada
- A Constructed Freshwater Wetland Shows Signs of Declining Net Ecosystem Exchange
- A Spectral Estimate of Average Slip in Earthquakes
- A methodology to generate high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and surface water profile for a physical model using close range photogrammetric (CRP) technique
- Accelerating Convergence in Simulations of Crustal Deformation with Spontaneous Rupture
- Advances in volcano monitoring and risk reduction in Latin America
- Aftershocks of the 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake: Detection, Location, and Focal Mechanisms
- Afterslip-dominated surface rupture in the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake as constrained by structure-from-motion analysis and terrestrial laser scanning
- Airborne Hyperspectral Infrared Imaging Survey of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Ambient Vibration and Earthquake-Data Analyses of a 62-STORY Building Using System Identification and Seismic Interferometry
- Apparent Eruptive Response of Cascades and Alaska-Aleutian Arc Volcanoes to Major Deglaciations
- Applying GOES-derived fog frequency indices to water balance modeling for the Russian River Watershed, California
- Aspects of Decision-Making for Risk Reduction during the Prolonged Earthquake Sequence in Canterbury, New Zealand
- Assessing Wetland Methane Emission Changes in the Conterminous U.S. from 1973 to 2010
- Assessing the Influence of Mineral Surface Chemistry on Soil Organic Matter Stability in the US in Response to Climate Change
- Assessment of changes in nutrient and sediment delivery to and carbon accumulation in coastal oceans of the Eastern United States
- Assessment of groundwater recharge in an ash-fall mantled karst aquifer of southern Italy
- Automated Techniques to Extract Shallow Landslide Data from LIDAR
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by use of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Boron Isotopic Tracers
- Bimodal Distribution of Geyser Preplay Eruptions: Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Broad-scale gravity changes following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki thrust and 2012 Indian Ocean strike-slip earthquakes and implications for coseismic dilatation and viscoelastic relaxation
- Broadband Seismic Observations of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse Activation for August 24, 2014, M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Can Analysis of Acetylene and Its Biodegradation Products in Enceladus Plumes be Used to Detect the Presence of Sub-Surface Life?
- Changes in Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from the Northeastern Great Basin: A 13,500 Year Sedimentary Record from Swan Lake, ID.
- Characterization of deformation perpendicular to relative plate motion and major faults of the northern San Andreas system using geodetic data
- Characterizing Recent Slip on the Kuikui Fault, a Link Between the Green Valley and Bartlett Springs Fault Zones, Wilson Valley, Northern California.
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Comparisons of Low-Strain Amplification at Soft-Sediment, Hard-Rock, Topographic, and Fault-Zone Sites in the Hayward Fault Zone, California
- Connecting Wastewater Injection and Seismicity through Pore Pressure
- Constraining Soil C Loss upon Thaw: Comparing Soils with and without Permafrost
- Continuity of the West Napa Fault Zone Inferred from Aftershock Recordings on Fault-Crossing Arrays
- Controls on northern wetland methane emissions: insights from regional synthesis studies and the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- Coseismic and early postseismic slip of the 2014 South Napa earthquake from ABIC-based modeling of campaign GPS and InSAR data
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation due to the South Napa earthquake inferred from modeling of Global Positioning System data
- Cross-borehole ERT monitoring of a tracer injection into chlorinated-solvent contaminated fractured mudstone
- Crowd-Sourced Global Earthquake Early Warning
- Crustal Permeability
- Decadal-Scale Decoupling of the Japan Trench Prior to the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Geodetic and Repeating-Earthquake Observations
- Decaying Rate of Volcanic Inflation near Three Sisters, Oregon, Measured with GPS and InSAR
- Deep long-period earthquakes under Mount St. Helens captured with dense recordings by iMUSH
- Degassing history of a mid-ocean ridge rhyolite dome on the Alarcon Rise, Gulf of California
- Determining rates of Quaternary uplift across the Santa Rosa Island Fault, Channel Islands National Park, Southern California
- Determining the Hydrological Importance of Coastal Fog in Northern California Using Stable Isotopes of Water
- Development of Probabilistic Methods to Assess Meteotsunami Hazards
- Diatom-inferred Holocene record of moisture variability in Lower Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mountains, California, USA
- DigitalCrust - a 4D Framework to Organize Our Knowledge of Crustal Properties
- Disaster Response and Decision Support in Partnership with the California Earthquake Clearinghouse
- Diverse Approaches USED to Characterize the Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards Along the Southern Alaska Continental Margin
- Dryland Precipitation Variability and Desertification Processes: An Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Rain Variability within the Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Dynamic Rupture Models of Earthquakes on the Bartlett Springs Fault, Northern California
- E-DECIDER Disaster Response and Decision Support Cyberinfrastructure: Technology and Challenges
- E-DECIDER Rapid Response to the M 6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Earthquake Early Warning: User Education and Designing Effective Messages
- Earthquake Hazard When the Rate Is Non-Stationary: The Challenge of the U. S. Midcontinent
- Effects of Land Use and Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from a Recent National Assessment
- Effects of fire on decomposition: assessing the relative importance of soil environment versus charring on decomposition in boreal conifer forests
- Enclave Compositions Indicate Multiple Felsic Components at Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Estimating Global Natural Wetland Methane Emissions Using Process Modeling: The Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Contributions to Atmospheric Methane Fluctuations
- Estimation of Hydraulic Properties Influencing Recharge and Contaminant Transport through Complex Vadose Zones by Analyzing Perched Water Data from the 1994 Large-Scale Infiltration Test at the Idaho National Laboratory
- Evidence Against the New Madrid Long-Lived Aftershock Hypothesis
- Evidence of Coseismic Subsidence Along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone During the Late Holocene
- Evidence of a Pre-eruptive Fluid Phase for the Millennium Eruption, Paektu Volcano, North Korea
- Evolution of fracture permeability of ultramafic rocks at hydrothermal conditions: An experimental study on serpentinization reactions
- Factors Contributing to Multi-Segment Rupture in the 2010 M7.1 Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake
- Factors in Rapid Coastal Retreat: Comparing Two New Datasets for Alaska's Arctic Coast
- Fault-based Earthquake Rupture Forecasts for Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece
- Field and LiDAR observations of the Hector Mine California 1999 surface rupture
- Forecasting Inundation from Debris Flows That Grow By Entraining Sediment
- Foreshocks Are Not Predictive of Future Earthquake Size
- From Ridge to Reef, Quantifying Sediment Pollution to Hawaiian Coral Reefs
- From pumice to obsidian: eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. I- The AD1100 Big Glass Mountain eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano (California).
- Frozen in Time? Microbial strategies for survival and carbon metabolism over geologic time in a Pleistocene permafrost chronosequence
- Geodetic observations of megathrust earthquakes and backarc wedge deformation across the central Andes
- Geologic and structural controls on rupture zone fabric: A field-based study of the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake surface rupture
- Geology of Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Oregon, USA
- Geometry of the San Andreas Fault and Sedimentary Basin in the Northern Salton Trough
- Geomorphological mapping and geotechnical testing of the March 22, 2014, SR530 landslide near Oso, Washington
- Glacial cycles and the growth and destruction of Alaska volcanoes
- Global Catalog Analysis Shows That Dynamic Triggering Or Shadowing Of Remote M≥5.5 Earthquakes Is Rare
- Groundwater Flow Impacts on Thawing Permafrost Systems
- Gulf of Alaska Holocene paleoceanography and paleoclimatology from diatom proxies in core EW0408-22JC, Crawfish Inlet, Baranof Island, Alaska.
- Heat and Groundwater Flow through Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Insights Gained from Alternative Models of Permeability/Depth Relationships for the Columbia Plateau, USA
- Helium As a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan De Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
- High-Magnitude (>Mw8.0) Megathrust Earthquakes and the Subduction of Thick Sediment, Tectonic Debris, and Smooth Sea Floor
- Hillslope Erosion and Water Quality from the Rim Fire, Sierra Nevada, CA
- Holocene Evolution of Precipitation Patterns in the Southwestern US, Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean: Comparison with Tropical SST Records
- Holocene Geologic Slip Rate for the Banning Strand of the Southern San Andreas Fault near San Gorgonio Pass, Southern California
- Holocene climatic and hydrological changes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada
- Hotspots, Lifelines, and the Safrr Haywired Earthquake Sequence
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Water Dynamics in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Lake-Rich Landscape
- Hydrologic Connection Between Geysers and Adjacent Thermal Pools, Two Examples: El Tatio, Chile and Yellowstone, USA
- Implementation of GNSS-Constrained Real-Time Finite Fault Modeling for Improved Earthquake Early Warning: Current Activities at USGS, Menlo Park
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- Increased Earthquake Rates in the Central and Eastern US Portend Higher Earthquake Hazards
- Increased Understanding of Watershed Dynamics through the Addition of Stream and Groundwater Temperature Monitoring at USGS Groundwater Streamgages
- Induced Seismicity Monitoring at the Decatur, IL, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Demonstration Site
- Induced Seismicity: Balancing the Scientific Process With the Need for Rapid Communication of Evolving Seismic Hazards
- Initial Paleomagnetic Results from a New Drill Core from Clear Lake, California
- Insights into Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Study Sites GC955 and WR313 from New Multicomponent and High-Resolution 2D Seismic Data
- Integrating Actionable User-defined Faceted Rules into the Hybrid Science Data System for Advanced Rapid Imaging & Analysis
- Integration of multitemporal and multisource data using point cloud based methods to quantify landscape change at the Mill Gulch earthflow, California
- Intraplate Seismicity and Lithospheric Strength as Inferred from 3D Seismic Models
- Investigating Rapid Uplift and Subsidence Near Norris, Yellowstone, During 2013-2014
- Investigations on the "Extreme" Microbial Arsenic Cycle within the Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the Former Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman Pit, Clear Lake, California.
- Investigations on the "Extreme" Microbial Methane Cycle within the Sediments of an Acidic Impoundment of the Inactive Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine: Herman Pit, Clear Lake, California.
- Key stream/sediment exchanges of water and heat near stream mouths
- Land-Use Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: An Integrative Tool for Resource Assessment and Planning
- Land-use impacts on water resources and protected areas: applications of state-and-transition simulation modeling of future scenarios
- Landslide Mobility and Hazards: A Geophysical Overview of the Oso Disaster
- Large-Scale Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: River Channel and Floodplain Geomorphic Change
- Late Pleistocene biogenic sedimentation in the Gulf of Alaska: A biogeochemical perspective from IODP Expedition 341
- LiDAR Analysis of Hector Mine Fault Scarp Degradation
- Lidar Mapping Documents Post-glacial Faulting West of the High Cascades Axis at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon
- Management of Water for Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations Enhanced with the Expanded U.S.Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Manually Interpreted Land-Use Change for Validation and Regional Assessments - 2001 TO 2011
- Mapping Ground Temperature and Radiant Hydrothermal Heat Flux on Mammoth Mountain, CA
- Mapping and Measuring Thermal Areas in Yellowstone using ASTER and Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data
- Mapping permafrost with airborne electromagnetics
- Mapping the Extent of the Lovejoy Basalt Beneath the Sacramento Valley, CA, Using Aeromagnetic Data
- Marine Neotectonic Investigations Using Integrated AUV and ROV Surveys
- Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) Between 2010 and 2014 from Temporal Gravity Variations Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) Between 2010 and 2014 from Temporal Gravity Variations
- Maximum Magnitudes of Earthquakes in Geothermal Fields?
- Measuring Variable Scales of Surface Deformation in and around the Yellowstone Caldera with TerraSAR-X Interferometry
- Mechanics of the 2004 M2.2 Earthquake Along the Pretorius Fault, Tautona Mine, South Africa
- Mercury in the mix: An in situ mesocosm approach to assess relative contributions of mercury sources to methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Methane Dynamics in Sediments from Mangrove-dominated Costal Lagoons
- Mineral chemistry and U-series geochronology reveal timescales of differentiation for late Pleistocene peraluminous rhyolite erupted from Hayes Volcano, Alaska
- Modeling CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycling using porewater stable isotopes in a thermokarst bog, interior Alaska
- Modeling Heat Transfer, Fluid Circulation and Permeability Alteration in Hydrothermal Systems with Loose Coupling to Magmatic Intrusion Modeling in the Lower Crust
- Modeling the Impact of Multiple Physical Processes on the Stimulation and Longevity of Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Mud On the Move: Measuring Suspended Sediment Concentrations within Tidal Wetlands in the San Francisco Estuary
- Multi-phase Temporal Seismic Imaging of a Slope Stability Mitigation Project at Newby Island Sanitary Landfill, San Jose, California
- Multiple-Event Deformation on the West Tahoe Fault from Lidar and Trenching: Reconciling On and Offshore Paleoseismology
- Near-Field Deformation Associated with the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake Surface Rupture
- Near-Field Deformation Associated with the South Napa Earthquake (M 6.0) Using Differential Airborne LiDAR
- Near-Surface San Andreas Fault Location and Dip Near Woodside, California From Tomographic Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs Ratios
- Ocean Contribution to Seismic Gravity Changes: the Sea Level Equation for Seismic Perturbations Revisited
- Organic Compounds Complexify Transport in the Amargosa Desert—The Case for Phytotritiation
- Origin of Siletzia, an Accreted Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Paleomagnetic Correlation of Late Miocene-Pliocene Basalt Flows in the Northwestern Basin and Range: Documenting Timing of Faulting, Volcanism and Vertical-axis Rotation in Surprise Valley, Northeastern California
- Paleomagnetism and <SUP>40</SUP>ar/<SUP>39</SUP>ar Geochronology of the Plio-Pleistocene Boring Volcanic Field: Implications for the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale
- Paleoseismic Studies of the Peninsula San Andreas Fault at the Filoli Estate, Woodside, California
- Passive Fog Water Measurements Along the Northern California Coast During the Summer of 2014
- Pedestrian Evacuation Analysis for Tsunami Hazards
- Petrogenetic connections between volcanic rocks and intrusive suites in the California arc - toward an integrated model for upper-crustal magma system evolution
- Pre-Earthquake Paleoseismic Trenching in 2014 Along a Mapped Trace of the West Napa Fault
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Preliminary Source Characterization and Tsunami Modeling of Submarine Landslides along the Yucatan Shelf/Campeche Escarpment, southern Gulf of Mexico
- Present-Day Deformation in Northeastern California, Northwest Nevada and Southern Oregon
- Progress in Evaluating Potential EM Earthquake Precursors: Comparison of Independent Ultra Low-Frequency Electro-Magnetic (ULFEM) Systems
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Rapid Response Products of The ARIA Project for the M6.0 August 24, 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Reaction Weakening of Dunite in Friction Experiments at Hydrothermal Conditions and Its Relevance to Subduction Zones
- Reactive transport modeling of secondary water quality impacts due to anaerobic bioremediation
- Recent and Future Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change in the United States and Its Impact on Climate Forcing
- Recurring features of mid-Miocene transitional geomagnetic field behavior: Observations from NE Nevada and SE Oregon
- Regional gravity and magnetic anomalies related to a Proterozoic carbonatite terrane in the eastern Mojave Desert, California
- Remote Sensing of Canopy Leaf Area Index in Non-Forested Wetlands
- Remote Sensing of Vegetation Parameters for Modeling Coastal Marsh Response to Sea Level Rise
- Remote Sensing-based Models of Soil Vulnerability to Compaction and Erosion from Off-highway Vehicles
- Remote sensing of water quality and contaminants in the California Bay-Delta
- Renewed Inflation of Long Valley Caldera (2011 - Present)
- Response of the San Francisco Bay to Natural and Anthropogenic Changes over the Last Decades
- Roles of the Mendocino Transform, Vizcaino Block, and Onshore King Range Terrane in Evolution of the Northern San Andreas Fault System and Its Associated Slab Windows
- Satellite-based quantification of the bottom trawling induced sediment resuspension over an entire shelf
- Seasonal Variations in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux, Vadose Zone Gas Concentrations, and Natural Attenuation Rates at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Sedimentary Response of AN Ephemeral Lake during Deglacial and Holocene Climate Evolution, Swan Lake, Southeast Idaho.
- Sedimentary and Volcanic Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Excursions from Australia and New Zealand
- Seismic Intensity, PGA and PGV for the South Napa Earthquake, August 24, 2014
- Seismic Monitoring at the Decatur, IL, Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Site
- Seismic Velocity and Thickness of Sediments Beneath the Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea
- Signatures of Fluid-Pressure Triggering, Natural and Induced: Comparing Migrating Earthquake Swarms in Long Valley Caldera, California and Azle, Texas
- Simulating Climate, Fire, and Management Influences on Forest Carbon Dynamics in Single- and Multi-Species Forests of the Southwestern and Southeastern US
- Site Effects in the City of Port au Prince (Haiti) Inferred From 2010 Earthquake Aftershocks Recordings.
- Slab melting and magma generation beneath the southern Cascade Arc
- Source-time functions of low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas fault
- Sources of Increased Spring and Streamflow Caused by the 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Sources of fine-grained sediment to streams using fallout radionuclides in the Midwestern United States
- Statistical Analyses of Historical Rock Falls in Yosemite National Park
- Strain partitioning and timing of strike-slip faulting in the central Mojave Desert, CA, indicated by newly dated Pliocene and lower Pleistocene deposits
- Stress transferred by the 2014 M=6.0 American Canyon (Napa), California, earthquake, to the West Napa and Concord-Green Valley faults
- Stress-stimulated current of dry rocks with constant clamping stress
- Strong Motion Recording in the United States
- Structural Control on South Napa Earthquake Sequence and Its Effects
- Structure and Evolution of the North American Upper Mantle: Insight from Integrative Modeling of Gravity, Topography and Seismic Tomography Data
- Successes and Challenges in the SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience) REU Program
- Successful ShakeAlert Performance for the Napa Quake
- Surface Fault Rupture from the M6.0 South Napa Earthquake of Aug. 24, 2014
- Surface deformation and seismic signatures associated with the eruption cycle of Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Surface deformation before, during and after the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake from a spatially dense network of survey and continuous GPS site
- Surface slip associated with the 2014 South Napa, California earthquake measured on alinement arrays
- Sustained High Seismicity Rate Beneath Tokyo Associated with after-Slip of the 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Synthetic velocity gradient map of the San Francisco Bay region, California, supports use of average block velocities to estimate fault slip rate where effective locking depth is small relative to inter-fault distance
- Tectonic Tremor along the Parkfield-Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault Triggered by the 2014 M6.0 South Napa and Other Regional Earthquakes
- Tephrostratigraphic and paleomagnetic correlations of the Miocene Peach Spring Tuff (PST) in the Alvord Mountain area, central Mojave Desert, California
- The 2014 Mw6.1 South Napa Valley earthquake, an energetic event with shallow asperities and rapid postseismic slip
- The Dynamics of the Post-Caldera Magmatic System at Yellowstone: Insights from Age, Trace Element, and Isotopic Data of Zircon and Sanidine
- The Effect of Finite Thickness Extent on Estimating Depth to Basement from Aeromagnetic Data
- The Enormous Challenge faced by China to Reduce Earthquake Losses
- The Influence of Coastal Wetland Zonation on Surface Sediment and Porewater Mercury Speciation
- The Influence of Organic-Soil Horizons on Thermal Dynamics in High-Latitude Soils: Identifying Thresholds for Permafrost State Change
- The Mw4.8 Norris Geyser Basin Earthquake of 30 March, 2014 and its Relationship to Crustal Deformation and Seismic Activity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: from Publication to Implementation
- The West Coast Earthquake Early Warning Global Navigation Satellite System Working Group
- The Yellowstone 'hot spot' track results from migrating Basin Range extension
- The influence of salinity and restoration on wetland soil microbial communities and carbon cycling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Region
- Thermal and petrologic constraints on the lower crustal melt accumulation in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Three-Dimensional Resistivity Model of the Mono Craters Region in Eastern California from Magnetotellurics
- Transverse and Longitudinal Streambed Flux and Nitrate Removal in an Agricultural Stream Reach
- Tsunami Preparedness: Building On Past Efforts to Reach More People… California and Beyond!
- Tungsten Stable Isotope Compositions of Ferromanganese Crusts
- Understanding Carbon Storage in Permafrost Peatlands: Examples from Thermokarst Landscapes in Interior Alaska
- Understanding North Texas Seismicity: A Joint Analysis of Seismic Data and 3D Pore Pressure Modeling
- Updated Guidelines for ANSS Instruments
- Using electrical conductivity to monitor geothermal solute flux in major rivers of Yellowstone National Park
- Variability of rock uplift rates in space and time along the Mendocino Coast, CA, as determined from channel profile analysis and catchment denudation rates
- Variability of the internal tide on the southern Monterey Bay continental shelf and associated bottom boundary layer sediment transport
- Vesicularity variation to pyroclasts from silicic eruptions at Laguna del Maule volcanic complex, Chile
- Water discharge from Lone Star Geyser, Yellowstone NP, WY
- What Controls the Duration of Aftershocks, and Why It Matters for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Is the Recent Increase in Seismicity in Southern Kansas Natural?
- 2015 USGS Seismic Hazard Model for Induced Seismicity
- A 13,500 Year Record of Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from Swan Lake, Idaho, USA
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Century of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- A Cr Isotope Proxy For Ocean Deoxygenation
- A Direct-Push Sample-Freezing Drive Shoe for Collecting Sediment Cores with Intact Pore Fluid, Microbial, and Sediment Distributions
- A Double Hotspot Model for the Origin of Line Islands Ridge
- A First Look at the Turnover Dynamics of Low Molecular Weight Organic Carbon in Shallow and Deep Soils of Coastal Prairie Grassland Ecosystem
- A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late Holocene Environmental Change from Laguna Ek'Naab, Northern Holmul Region, Peten, Guatemala
- A Hydraulic Tomography Experiment in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks, Newark Basin, New Jersey, USA
- A Millennial-Scale Record of Mercury and Lead Contamination in Peatlands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to Unraveling the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Basalt Flows within Northermost Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- A Photogrammetric Approach to Measuring Temporal Change in Tree Kill Areas at Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera, California
- A Reactive Transport Model for the Distribution and Age of Carbon in Soils and Sediments Through Direct Simulation of the Stable and Radiogenic Isotopologues
- A Synthesis of Characteristics of Submarine Landslides Generated by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Six Fjords
- A Tale of Two Reservoirs: Kı¯lauea's April-May 2015 Events
- A blue carbon soil database: Tidal wetland stocks for the US National Greenhouse Gas Inventory
- A model to simulate nonhydrostatic internal gravity waves in the ocean
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Acetylene fuels reductive dechlorination of TCE by Dehalococcoides/Pelobacter-containing microbial consortia
- Aftershocks of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Early Results from Project NAMASTE
- Afterslip Behavior Following the M6.0, 2014 South Napa Earthquake with Implications for Afterslip Forecasting on Other Seismogenic Faults.
- Age of the Lava Creek supereruption and magma chamber assembly at Yellowstone based on <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar and U-Pb dating of sanidine and zircon crystals
- Age, Distribution, and Style of Deformation in Alaska North of 60°N: Implications for Assembly of Alaska
- Agent-based Modeling with MATSim for Hazards Evacuation Planning
- Annual net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide and methane from a temperate brackish marsh: should the focus of marsh restoration be on brackish environments?
- Application of Ca stable isotopes to long-term changes in the Ca cycle of a Northern Hardwood forest
- Application of Dynamic Strains to Earthquake Source Characterization and Earthquake Early Warning
- Applying IPCC Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) land-use projections in a regional assessment of land-use change in the conterminous United States.
- Assessing Landslide Mobility Using GIS: Application to Kosrae, Micronesia
- Assessing the Sources and Age of Fine-grained Channel and Suspended Sediment using Radionuclides
- Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
- Basement and Basin Structures of the Northwest Paraná Basin, Brazil: Illuminated by Matched-Filter Analysis and 2D Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data
- Basin-fill Aquifer Modeling with Terrestrial Gravity: Assessing Static Offsets in Bulk Datasets using MATLAB; Case Study of Bridgeport, CA
- Bayesian Nitrate Source Apportionment to Individual Groundwater Wells in the Central Valley by Use of Elemental and Isotopic Tracers
- Benchmarking Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Application to Lava Flow Simulations and Hazard Assessment
- Bringing a Bayesian Perspective to Large Dimensional Problems in Geophysics
- Building continental-scale 3D subsurface layers in the Digital Crust project: constrained interpolation and uncertainty estimation.
- CCP Receiver-Function Imaging of the Moho beneath Volcanic Fields in Western Saudi Arabia
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> contents of basaltic arc magmas from the southern Cascades: Corrections for shrinkage bubble effects and implications for crustal storage
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Advocating for, and Advancing, Collaboration and Technology Interoperability, Between the Scientific and Emergency Response Communities, to Produce Actionable Intelligence for Situational Awareness, and Decision Support
- California Sea Cliff Metrics: Mapping and Validation
- California's Vulnerability to Volcanic Hazards: What's at Risk?
- Cascadia Tremor Muted Beneath Forearc Faults
- Climate-driven increase of natural wetland methane emission offset by human-induced wetland reduction in China over the past three decades
- Coefficient of Variation Estimates for the Plate Boundary Fault System of California
- Combining Multiple Rupture Models in Real-Time for Earthquake Early Warning
- Comparing Siliceous Productivity Proxies Along the California Margin During Pliocene Warmth: Smear Slides vs. Biogenic Silica
- Comparing global soil models to soil carbon profile databases
- Comparison of airborne and spaceborne TIR data for studying volcanic geothermal areas
- Computational and Experimental Simulations of Cr(VI) Remediation via In Situ Reduction in an Alluvial Aquifer at Hinkley, California
- Constraining friction, dilatancy and effective stress with earthquake rates in the deep crust
- Constraining soil C cycling with strategic, adaptive action for data and model reporting
- Constraints on Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley, Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP)
- Constructing a Cross-Domain Resource Inventory: Key Components and Results of the EarthCube CINERGI Project.
- Correlating Rayleigh-wave Breakout Phases with Source Parameters from 2-D Dip-slip Fault Geometries Under Equivalent Prestress Conditions
- Correlation of Chlorite Frictional Strength with Composition
- Coupled Uranium-Series and (U-Th)/He Zircon Geochronology of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center (ELVC): Dating the Record of Voluminous Tephra Production in Quaternary Eastern-Beringia.
- Crustal Strike-Slip Faulting along Small Circle Paths in the Northwestern United States
- Crustal-scale perspective on the rapid development of Oligocene silicic calderas and related underlying plutonic systems, western Nevada USA
- Cryoturbation, Peat Accumulation, And Gleying: Do These Processes Affect Soil Carbon Distribution Within Permafrost Profiles?
- DCShake: Measuring Variations in Earthquake Ground Motions in Washington, DC
- Decreasing Methylmercury Export from a Managed Wetland: A Landscape Manipulation Experiment
- Delineating Spatial Patterns in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System using Geothermometry
- Delta Morphodynamics from River Sediment Input: Dam Removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA.
- Detailed Geophysical Imaging in San Pablo Bay Reveals a New Strand of the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault Zone
- Determining Magma Mixing Duration Prior to the 1915 Eruption of Lassen Peak, California by Comparing Experimental Growth of Reaction Rims and Natural Olivine Crystals in Black Dacite
- Differentiating Induced and Natural Seismicity Using Space-Time-Magnitude Statistics Applied to the Coso Geothermal Field
- Disaster Response Tools for Decision Support and Data Discovery - E-DECIDER and GeoGateway
- Does unsaturated flow drive soil carbon residence times?
- Driving Factors of Carbon Distribution in Soils as Determined by z*
- Drought Impact on Fumarole Gas Composition at Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA.
- Earthquake Forecasts for Gorkha Immediately Following the 25<SUP>th</SUP> April, M=7.8 Mainshock
- Earthquake Rate Models for Evolving Induced Seismicity Hazard in the Central and Eastern US
- Employing 2D Forward Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data to Further Constrain the Magnitude of Extension Recorded by the Caetano Caldera, Nevada
- Ephemeral-streamflow Induced Focused Recharge in the Desert Southwest (US)
- Eruption Forecasting in Alaska: A Retrospective and Test of the Distal VT Model
- Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
- Evidence for fast seismic lid structure beneath the Californian margin and its implication on regional plate deformation
- Evidence of a Large-Magnitude Recent Prehistoric Earthquake on the Bear River Fault, Wyoming and Utah: Implications for Recurrence
- Evidence of sub Kilometer-scale Variability in Stress Directions near Active Faults: An Example from the Newport-Inglewood Fault, Southern California
- Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon
- Evolving hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost lowlands: what it means for lake systems
- Examining Communities at Risk: Physical and Socioeconomic Impacts of an Earthquake Scenario on the Hayward Fault (The HayWired Scenario)
- Experimental constraints on the genesis of hydrous arc dacites
- Extensive barite deposits on a seepage site along the offshore San Clemente Fault, Mexican Borderland
- Fault slip and distributed deformation in the eastern California shear zone
- Field-based assessment of landslide hazards resulting from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
- Fluid-Faulting Interactions Examined Though Massive Waveform-Based Analyses of Earthquake Swarms in Volcanic and Tectonic Settings: Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley, Lassen, and Fillmore, California Swarms, 2014-2015
- Forecasting eruptions using pre-eruptive seismic patterns at Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia
- Forecasting the Beginning, Middle, and End of Eruptions
- Forecasting wetting and drying of post-wildfire soils in response to precipitation: A time series optimization approach
- Forward and Reverse Modeling Compressive Deformation in a 3D Geologic Model along the Central San Andreas Fault Zone
- Full source tensor inversions of San Jacinto fault zone earthquakes using 3D Green's functions with the gCAP method
- Geochemical and Geochronologic Investigations of Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusions in Rhyolites from the Mesoproterozoic Pea Ridge IOA-REE Deposit, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri
- Geochemical and Isotopic Data for Oligocene Ignimbrites, Calderas, and Granitic Plutons, Southern Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains: Insights into the Volcanic-Plutonic Connection and Crustal Evolution in Western Nevada
- Geological, Geophysical, and Stochastic Factors in Nepal's Gorkha Earthquake-Triggered Landslide Distribution
- Geomagnetic Secular Variation Recorded in Volcanic Rocks: The End of the Geocentric Axial Dipole
- Geometry of the southern San Andreas fault and its implications for seismic hazard
- Geomorphological expression of a complex structural region: San Andreas Fault through the San Gorgonio Pass, southern California
- Geophysical Investigations of a Proterozoic Carbonatite Terrane, southeast Mojave Desert, California
- Geothermal and Hydrogeologic Controls on Regional Groundwater Temperatures
- Gorkha earthquake-induced landslides and dammed lakes: Evolution and outburst modeling
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
- Helium as a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan de Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
- Hidden Intra-Basin Extension: Evidence for Dike-Fault Interaction from Magnetic, Gravity, and Seismic Reflection Data in Surprise Valley, NE California
- High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Observations of Crater-Lake Surface Temperatures at Kawah Ijen Volcano, East Java, Indonesia
- High-Resolution Geophysical Constraints on Late Pleistocene-Present Deformation History, Seabed Morphology, and Slip-Rate along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault, Offshore Southeastern Alaska
- High-Sr Volcanic Domes from the Lassen Volcanic Region, Southernmost Cascade Arc, Northern California: Implications for Andesite and Dacite Magma Generation
- High-resolution seismic attribute analysis for the detection of methane hydrate and substrate fluid migration pathways along the central U.S. Atlantic Margin
- High-resolution seismic imaging of the gas and gas hydrate system at Green Canyon 955 in the Gulf of Mexico
- Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska
- How Much Can the Total Aleatory Variability of Empirical Ground Motion Prediction Equations Be Reduced Using Physics-Based Earthquake Simulations?
- How Well Do Submarine Canyon Deposits Represent the Sediment-transport Events That Created Them?
- Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
- Identifying and Quantifying Chemical Forms of Sediment-Bound Ferrous Iron.
- Ignimbrites to Batholiths
- Imaging spatially variable afterslip using stress-drive models governed by rate and state friction and constrained by geodetic observations following the South Napa earthquake
- Imaging the magmatic and hydrothermal systems of Long Valley Caldera, California with magnetotellurics
- Impacts of Wildfire on Hawaii Island's Pre-Contact Landscape
- Implementing a C++ Version of the Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion for Earthquake Early Warning
- Implications for seismic hazard from new gravity data in Napa and vicinity, California
- Importance of the temperature field and its uncertainties in modeling ductile deformation of the southern California lithosphere
- Improved Constraints on the Eruptive History of Northern Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Improvements Needed in the <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Study of Geomagnetic Excursion Chronology
- Incorporating Orographic Effects on Precipitation into Downscaled GCM Output
- Increasing Carbon Loss from Snow-Scoured Alpine Tundra in the Colorado Rocky Mountains: An Indicator of Climate Change?
- Indications of Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling at a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Site from Time-Lapse Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) Profiles
- Induced earthquake magnitudes are as large as (statistically) expected
- Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Land-Use Changes, and Regional Carbon Dynamics in United States
- Intense Seismic Activity at Chiles and Cerro Negro Volcanoes on the Colombia-Ecuador Border
- Inter- and Intra-method Variability of V<SUB>S</SUB> Profiles and V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30</SUB> at ARRA-funded Sites
- International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
- Investigation of Hyporheic Microbial Biofilms as Indicators of Heavy Metal Toxicity in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana
- Ironing out the details of soil organic matter cycling: The unique role of Fe-bearing minerals in regulating organic matter transformation in soils
- Is the Record of Crustal Strain in the Pacific Northwest in the Holocene, as Revealed by Paleoseismic Investigations, Consistent with Regional Clockwise Rotation in the Cascadia Backarc and Forearc?
- LIDAR Helps Identify Source of 1872 Earthquake Near Chelan, Washington
- Landslide distribution resulting from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake sequence
- Late Holocene Paleoseismic History and Segmentation of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah, USA
- Late Holocene record of sedimentologic and paleooceanographic events in western Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
- Late Quaternary Offset of Alluvial Fan Surfaces along the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California
- Lessons from geothermal gases at Yellowstone
- Linking Interseismic Crustal Deformation to Long-Term Rock Denudation and Surface Processing in Taiwan
- Linking Slope Sedimentation, Gradient, Morphology, and Active Faulting: An Integrated Example from the Palos Verdes Slope, Southern California Borderland
- Loading Rate-Dependent Elastoviscoplasticity in San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Fault Gouge: Implications for Repeating Earthquakes and Fault Zone-Guided Waves
- Longevity of Yellowstone hotspot volcanism: Isotopic evidence linking the Siletzia LIP (56 Ma) and early Columbia River Basalt Group (17 Ma) mantle sources
- Macroseismic Intensities from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake
- Magma Differentiation and Storage Inferred from Crystal Textures at Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Magma Supply Rate Controls Vigor (And Longevity) of Kīlauea's Ongoing East Rift Zone Eruption
- Management of Reclaimed Produced Water in California Enhanced with the Expanded U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth - Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions
- Mercury Concentrations in Fish and Sediment within Streams are Influenced by Watershed and Landscape Variables including Historical Gold Mining in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Microbial communities and greenhouse gas production from a thermokarst bog chronosequence: Mechanisms of rapid carbon loss
- Modeling Change in Watershed Streamflow, Groundwater Recharge and Surface Water - Groundwater Interactions Due to Irrigation and Associated Diversions and Pumping
- Modeling future water demand in California from developed and agricultural land uses
- Modeling the Evolution of Localized Strain in Orogenic Wedges: From Short-term Deformation to Long-term Tectonic States
- Monitoring the Thermal Regime at Hot Creek and Vicinity, Long Valley Caldera, Eastern California
- Near Field Deformation of the M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0 24 August, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Estimated by Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Change Detection Techniques
- Neogene to Recent Mafic Volcanism in Death Valley Reveals Architecture of Deep Mojavia Lithosphere
- Network cation coordination in aluminoborosilicate and Mg- aluminosilicate glasses: pressure effects in recovered structural changes and densification
- New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Estimates in the Bering Sea using an Automated Sediment Physics Modeling Approach
- New Constraints on the Geochemistry of the Millennium Eruption of Mount Paektu (Changbaishan), Democratic People's Republic of Korea/China
- New Hydrologic Insights to Advance Geophysical Investigation of the Unsaturated Zone
- New Measurements of Shear-wave Splitting in Saudi Arabia
- New Methods for Gas Hydrate Energy and Climate Studies
- New determination of the shape of the Seattle basin, Washington from gravity and magnetic data: Implications for seismic ground motion and crustal faults
- New geochronological constraints of the Lassen segment's regional volcanism
- Newberry Volcano (Oregon, USA) Revised
- North American Rocky Mountain Hydroclimate: Holocene patterns and variability at multi-decadal to millennial time scales
- Northern San Andreas Fault slip rates on the Santa Cruz Mountain section: <SUP>10</SUP>Be dating of an offset alluvial fan complex, Sanborn County Park, Saratoga, CA
- Novel Technique for Assessing Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary
- Nucleation process of the M<SUB>J</SUB> 6.7 northern Nagano prefecture, Japan, earthquake of November 22, 2014
- Observations and Implications of Fault-Zone Trapped Waves From the 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake, California
- On the Depositional Characteristics of Natural Cohesive & Mixed Sediments: "floccin' across the USA!"
- Optimizing the decomposition of soil moisture time-series data using genetic algorithms
- Origin of Siletzia, a Large Igneous Province in the Cascadia Forearc, and the Early History of the Yellowstone Hotspot
- Partially-Filled Macropores in Swelling and Nonswelling Media: Flow Modes Requiring Supplementation of Darcy's Law
- Periodicity of Kı¯lauea's Dike Intrusions
- Petrologic and Volcanologic Constraints on Depths of Evolved Magma Generation and Storage at Northern Harrat Rahat and Harrat Khaybar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Pointwise functions for flexible implementation of crustal deformation physics in PyLith
- Pore Pressure Distribution and Flank Instability in Hydrothermally Altered Stratovolcanoes
- Postseismic gravity changes caused by persistent viscoelastic relaxation after a series of great earthquakes since 2004
- Preferential and diffuse high-volume flow through an interbedded fractured-rock unsaturated zone
- Preliminary Paleoseismic Results from Excavations across the Surface Rupture Associated with the 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Probabilistic modeling of earthquakes
- Pulsed Eruptions of the Sentinel Bluffs Member, Grande Ronde Basalt, Determined from Geochemical and Paleomagnetic Characterizations of Lava Flows
- Rapid Damage Mapping for the 2015 M7.8 Gorkha Earthquake using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-2 Satellites
- Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Recent Improvements to the Finite-Fault Rupture Detector Algorithm: FinDer II
- Regional Sampling of Mantle Peridotites in Serpentinite Blocks Collected from Serpentinite Bodies in the San Francisco Bay Area, California: Petrological Trends
- Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA
- Rejuvenation of shallow-crustal silicic magma bodies at Augustine and Hayes volcanoes, Alaska
- Rotation of the Pacific Northwest and Deformation Across the Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt Estimated with GPS
- SAFRR AND Physics-Based Scenarios: The Power of Scientifically Credible Stories
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenarios and USGS-NTHMP Collaboration
- Salient Features of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake in Relation to Earthquake Cycle and Dynamic Rupture Models
- Seasonal Changes in Atmospheric Noise Levels and the Annual Variation in Pigeon Homing Performance
- Seasonal Oxygen Dynamics in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Implications for Rates of Methane Oxidation
- Seawater-overwash impacts on freshwater-lens water supplies of low-lying oceanic islands: example from Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion
- Seismic Evidence of A Widely Distributed West Napa Fault Zone, Hendry Winery, Napa, California
- Seismic Imaging of a Continental Intraplate: Long-Term Persistence of Fossil Rifts and Hot Spots in the Central and Eastern United States
- Seismic Reflectivity of the Crust in the Northern Salton Trough
- Seismic Source Mechanism of Gas-Piston Activity at Kilauea Inferred from Inversion of Broadband Waveforms
- Seismicity and coupled deformation modeling at the Coso Geothermal Field
- Self Potential as an indicator of biogeochemical transformations during active hydrocarbon biodegradation processes
- Setting A Stopwatch for Post-Caldera Effusive Rhyolite Eruptions at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming
- Shallow Structure and Location of the Piedmont Thrust Splay of the Hayward Fault, Oakland, California
- Site Characterization at Napa Strong Motion Sites Using Tomography, MASW, and MALW
- Slip pulse characteristics, Kathmandu basin resonance and high-frequency waves radiation during unzipping of locked MHT by the 2015, Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.
- Slow Slip Events on a 760 mm Long Granite Sample
- Sounding the Alert: Designing an Effective Voice for Earthquake Early Warning
- Source Mechanism of Tiny Long-Period Events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005
- Source model and ground shaking of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Mw7.8 earthquake
- Steady, modest slip over multiple earthquake cycles on the Owens Valley and Little Lake fault zones
- Strategic crisis and risk communication during a prolonged natural hazard event: lessons learned from the Canterbury earthquake sequence
- Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
- Strength of Wet and Dry Montmorillonite
- Stress Change on Faults at Kīlauea Volcano from an Intrusive Event in April-May, 2015
- Stress Drop and Depth Controls on Ground Motion From Induced Earthquakes
- Stress Drops for Potentially Induced Earthquake Sequences
- Submarine Neotectonic Investigations of the Bahia Soledad Fault, off Northern Baja California Near the US - Mexico Border
- Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid-injection in eastern Texas
- The ANSS Station Information System: A Centralized Station Metadata Repository for Populating, Managing and Distributing Seismic Station Metadata
- The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles
- The Influence of Crystal Mush on Magmatism Under Arc Volcanoes Recorded in Zircon from the Lassen Volcanic Center, California and Mount Hood, Oregon
- The LandCarbon Web Application: Advanced Geospatial Data Delivery and Visualization Tools for Communication about Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes
- The Role of Middle and Late Holocene North Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures on Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States
- The Spokane fault, Washington, Imaged with High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic Data—Implications for the 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence
- The effect of organic and inorganic aqueous uranium speciation on U(VI) bioavailability to an aquatic invertebrate
- The effects of thick sediment upon continental breakup: seismic imaging and thermal modeling of the Salton Trough, southern California
- The long-term perspective on the carbon balance of permafrost peatlands in the Holocene: implications for modern permafrost thaw
- Three Ingredients for Improved Global Aftershock Forecasts: Tectonic Region, Time-Dependent Catalog Incompleteness, and Inter-Sequence Variability
- Timing and processes for exhumation of HP/LT rocks of the southern Brooks Range (AK): Insight from combined geochemistry and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar thermochronology of white mica
- Tomographic Image of a Seismically Active Volcano: Mammoth Mountain, California
- Towards a more complete SOCCR: Establishing a Coastal Carbon Data Network
- Trends in snowfall versus rainfall in the Western United States--Revisited
- Tsunami Size Distributions at Far-Field Locations from Aggregated Earthquake Sources
- USGS GNSS Applications to Earthquake Disaster Response and Hazard Mitigation
- USGS Imagery Applications During Disaster Response After Recent Earthquakes
- Uncorking Shallow Slip and the Slip History of the 2014 South Napa Earthquake
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Unsaturated zone carbon dioxide flux, mixing, and isotopic composition at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Upland Reticulate Mottling Reveals Soil Biophysical Processes across Scales: Development of Structured Heterogeneity in a Marine Terrace Chronosequence
- Using Optical Oxygen Sensors and Injection Experiments to Determine in situ Microbial Rate Constants for Methane Oxidation and Heterotrophic Respiration in a Boreal Bog and Fen
- Using a Thermokarst Bog Chronosequence to Examine Post-thaw Changes in Net Carbon Balance and the Interactions Between Permafrost, Vegetation, and Carbon
- Using mineral geochemistry to decipher slab, mantle, and crustal inputs to the generation of high-Mg andesites from Mount Baker and Glacier Peak, northern Cascade arc
- Using the Digital Crust to Understand Geochemical Reactions in the Critical Zone - a Conceptual Overview
- Utilizing hydrologic, statistical, and geochemical tools to assess uranium mobility in surface and near-surface environments
- Vapor Saturation as The Cause of Volcanic Eruptions at the Lassen Volcanic Center, California, as Inferred from Crystallization Pressures and Temperatures
- Wastewater Disposal, Hydraulic Fracturing, and Seismicity in Southern Kansas
- What is the value of biomass remote sensing data for blue carbon inventories?
- Why did the Nepal Gorkha Earthquake Have so few Effects on Glacial Lakes?
- Zircon U-Pb Age Distributions in Cogenetic Crystal-Rich Dacitic and Crystal-Poor Rhyolitic Members of Zoned Ignimbrites in the Southern Rocky Mountains by Chemical Abrasion Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (CA-LA-ICP-MS).
- Zircon trace element geochemistry and growth of the Pleistocene to Holocene Mono Craters rhyolite magma system, California (USA)
- 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Northwest Santa Barbara Basin: Implications for Slope Stability and Submarine Landslide Occurrence
- 3D relationship between substrate fluid flow and submarine slope failure within the western Santa Barbara Channel
- A Comparison of Slow Slip Events at Etna and Kilauea Volcanoes
- A Constellation of CubeSat InSAR Sensors for Rapid-Revisit Surface Deformation Studies
- A Eukaryotic green alga, Picocystis, dominates Mono Lake, California in an algal bloom - Hints at cryptic oxygen cycle in euxinic waters
- A Holocene record of ocean productivity and upwelling from the northern California continental slope
- A Late Cenozoic Kinematic Model for Deformation Within the Greater Cascadia Subduction System
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A Process-based TRIPLEX-GHG Model for Simulating Terrestrial N2O Emissions: Model Development and Calibration
- A Spatiotemporal Clustering Model for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3-ETAS) - Toward an Operational Earthquake Forecast
- A Study of Spatially Variable Bed Forms Exposed to Time-Varying Flow Conditions in a Complex Estuarine Environment, the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- A Tropical Paradox - High Mercury Deposition, but Low Mercury Bioaccumulation in Northeastern Puerto Rico
- A first look at the turnover dynamics of low molecular weight organic carbon in shallow and deep soils of coastal prairie grassland ecosystem.
- A framework for global terrain classification using 250-m DEMs to predict geohazards
- A hybrid machine learning model to estimate nitrate contamination of production zone groundwater in the Central Valley, California
- A national-scale remote sensing-based methodology for quantifying tidal marsh biomass to support "Blue Carbon" accounting
- A new strategy for earthquake focal mechanisms using waveform-correlation-derived relative polarities and cluster analysis: Application to a fluid-driven earthquake swarm
- A progress report on the development of the COSMOS International Guidelines for Applying Noninvasive Geophysical Techniques to Characterize Seismic Site Conditions
- A tale of two cores: Evaluation of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb dating methods of salt marsh sediments for two cores collected 30 years apart
- A terrestrial lidar assessment of climate change impacts on forest structure
- A tree fell in the forest, and SPREE heard it: seismic recording of the 2011 St. Croix Valley Blowdown
- Accelerated rates of in situ microbial activity after permafrost collapse estimated from a porewater isotope model
- Active tectonics of the Imperial Valley, southern California: fault damage zones, complex basins and buried faults
- Aftershock Forecasting: Recent Developments and Lessons from the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, Earthquake
- An Application of the Geo-Semantic Micro-services in Seamless Data-Model Integration
- An Evaluation of Vegetation Influences on Infiltration in Hawaiian Soils
- Analysis of the ground motions from the M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Gorkha and M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.3 Dolakha earthquakes in Nepal in 2015
- Apparently spontaneous fracture of a granitic exfoliation dome: observations and monitoring
- Applying Human-Centered Design Methods to Scientific Communication Products
- Aquifer Recharge Estimation In Unsaturated Porous Rock Using Darcian And Geophysical Methods.
- Atmospheric Rivers as a Trigger for Landslides and Post-Fire Debris Flows in Southern California
- Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in the Hawaiian Islands
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds as Indicators of Change in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert, USA
- Building a Communication, Education, an Outreach Program for the ShakeAlert National Earthquake Early Warning Program
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints I: Thermophysical Parameters
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints II: Model Formulation and Bounds on Geotherms
- Can a city combat sea level rise alone: the impact of higher seawalls on the neighbors?
- Characterization of the Navy Fan Channel-to-Lobe Transition: Geomorphology, Gradient, and Structure Imaged through High-Resolution AUV Bathymetry
- Characterizing Variability in Long Period Horizontal Tilt Noise Through Coherence Analysis
- Classifying Historic Images to Quantify Spatial and Temporal Changes in Tree Mortality at Horseshoe Lake (Mammoth Mountain, California)
- Closet to Cloud: The online archiving of tape-based continuous NCSN seismic data from 1993-2005
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Coastal Permafrost Bluff Response to Summer Warming, Barter Island, NE Alaska
- Combining slope stability and groundwater flow models to assess stratovolcano collapse hazard
- Comparison of U-Th and U-Pb zircon ages from erupted plutonic clasts and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar eruption ages from Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Comparison of geochemical data obtained using four brine sampling methods at the SECARB Phase III Anthropogenic Test CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection site, Citronelle Oil Field, Alabama
- Conditions of Garnet Saturation in Hydrous, Oxidized Arc Basalt - an Experimental Study
- Connecting Taxon-Specific Microbial Activities to Carbon Cycling in the Rhizosphere
- Connecting crustal seismicity and earthquake-driven stress evolution in southern California
- Constraining Daily-To-Annual Carbon Budgets in a Brackish Tidal Marsh in the San Francisco Bay Delta: Insights on Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Contortionist bubbles in andesitic enclaves: implications for gas migration and phase segregation in crystal-rich magmas.
- Contrasting Nitrogen Fate in Watersheds using Agricultural and Water Quality Information
- Coupling Fluvial and Oceanic Drivers in Flooding Forecasts for San Francisco Bay
- Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data for Education and Research Opportunities with the Quake-Catcher Network
- Data Delivery Latency Improvements And First Steps Towards The Distributed Computing Of The Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network Earthquake Early Warning System
- Data and software release in the USGS, assessing research output and impact
- Decadal to seasonal coastal change observed at Barter Island, Alaska
- Depositional and Structural Controls on the Evolution of the Gas Hydrate Petroleum System in Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Depositionary Margins: The Destruction and Renovation of Subduction Forearcs
- Design of a Seismic Reflection Multi-Attribute Workflow for Delineating Karst Pore Systems Using Neural Networks and Statistical Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
- Detecting and Correcting Systematic View Angle Biases in MODIS Land Surface Temperature with Google Earth Engine
- Detecting changes in water limitation in the West using integrated ecosystem modeling approaches
- Developing an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System to Estimate Field Terrain Corrections for Gravity Measurements
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Long Valley Volcanic System, California, Using Magnetotellurics
- Development of a simulation of the surficial groundwater system for the CONUS
- Digging Deep: how the convergence of national-scale and field-based soil core data shines a light on sustainability of wetland carbon sequestration
- Disparity of Chlorine to Fluorine Concentration Ratios Between Thermal Waters and Rocks of Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Distributing Earthquakes Among California's Faults: A Binary Integer Programming Approach
- Divergent late-stage crystal records in melt domains from the Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Does flowpath alteration by centrifugal force cause deviation from Darcy's law?
- Early Afterslip of the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>8.2 Illapel, Chile Megathrust Earthquake: Overlapping Slip Regions Challenge the Fixed Asperity Model
- Early Mars Climate Environment: How Much Water Was Available in the Late Noachian?
- Economic consequences of earthquakes: bridging research and practice with HayWired
- Effective Collaboration Between Scientists and Local Governments to Improve Scientific Communication for Public Safety in Dallas and Irving, Texas
- Effects of Elastoplastic Material Properties on Shallow Fault Slip and Surface Displacement Fields
- Effects of Regulation on Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas
- Electrical Resistivity Tomography Reveals Upward Redistribution of Soil-Water by Coyote Brush in a Shrub-Grassland Ecotone
- Enhanced Carbon Uptake from Nitrogen Deposition in North American Forests is a Species Dependent Phenomenon
- Estimating Unsaturated Zone N Fluxes and Travel Times to Groundwater at Watershed Scales
- Estimating ecosystem carbon change in the Conterminous United States based on 40 years of land-use change and disturbance
- Estimating secular velocities from GPS data contaminated by postseismic motion at sites with limited pre-earthquake data
- Estimating soil moisture exceedance probability from antecedent rainfall
- Evaluating the Use of Declustering for Induced Seismicity Hazard Assessment
- Evidence for Recent Activity on the Chatham Strait Fault from Seismic Reflection and GPS Modeling, Southeastern Alaska
- Evolution and Submarine Landslide Potential of Monterey Canyon Head, Offshore Central California
- Expanding CyberShake Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Calculations to Central California
- Expanding the 2011 Prague, OK Event Catalog: Detections, Relocations, and Stress Drop Estimates
- Experimental Constraints on the Respiratory Health Hazard Posed by Crystalline Silica-bearing Volcanic Ash
- Exploring the Causes of Distal Volcano-Tectonic (dVT) Seismicity Using Hydrothermal Modeling
- Extensive Cryopegs on Barter Island, North Slope, Alaska
- Field Measurements and Modeling of the Southeast Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Fire and reduced vigor facilitate vegetation shifts: MC2 results for the conterminous US with CMIP5 climate futures
- Flexible Implementation of Multiphysics and Discretizations in PyLith Crustal Deformation Modeling Software
- Fog-drip contributions to soil moisture as determined through passive fog collector measurements, leaf wetness data, and soil moisture at Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma County, California.
- Food Quality and Phytoplankton Community Composition in San Francisco Bay using Imaging Spectroscopy Data from the California HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- Formation of Siliceous Sinters on Paoha Island, Mono Lake USA
- Frequency-size distributions of Wadati-Benioff zone and near-boundary, intraplate earthquakes
- Friction of DFDP-2 Ccuttings at Hhydrothermal Conditions
- Future water demand in California under a broad range of land use scenarios
- Genesis of Silica-Carbonate Type Mercury Ore Deposits in Coast Range California from Mantle Derived Fluids
- Geometry and active tectonics of the Los Osos-Hosgri Fault Intersection in Estero Bay, CA: Reconciling seismicity patterns with near-surface geology
- Geophysical Evidence for the Origin of the Aleutian Basin
- Geophysical Exploration of Tyuonyi Ruins in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, USA
- Geophysical Framework of a Rare Earth Element Enriched Terrane, Mountain Pass, California
- Geophysical imaging of a vapor dominated hydrothermal system in Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Glacial legacy control on landslide mobility in NW Washington
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western Saudi Arabia
- Ground Tilt Time Delays between Kilauea Volcano's Summit and East Rift Zone Caused by Magma Reservoir Buffering
- Harnessing Big Data to Represent 30-meter Spatial Heterogeneity in Earth System Models
- Hazard Models From Periodic Dike Intrusions at Kı¯lauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Helium as a Tracer for Fluids Released from Juan de Fuca Lithosphere Beneath the Cascadia Forearc
- High-resolution Geophysical Constraints on Fault Structure and Morphology in the Catalina Basin, Southern California Inner Continental Borderland
- High-resolution multi-channel seismic images of the Queen Charlotte Fault system offshore southeastern Alaska
- Hillslope erosion and hydrologic response in two small watersheds in Yosemite National Park following the 2013 Rim Fire, CA
- Holocene Earthquakes of Magnitude 7 During Westward Escape of the Olympic Mountains, Washington
- Humanizing Aggregated Data: Developing Personas to Prioritize User Needs for Earthquake Early Warning
- Hydraulic Tomography in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks to Estimate High-Resolution 3-D Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydrogeology and geochemistry of the El Tatio geothermal basin, Atacama, Chile
- Hydrological and management responses to scenarios of climate change in the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed
- Hydrothermal Rock-Fluid Interactions in 15-year-old Submarine Basaltic Tuff at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
- Hyporheic Microbial Biofilms as Indicators of Heavy and Rare Earth Metals in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana
- Identifying Predictors of Arsenic Bioavailability in Low-Sulfide, Quartz-Hosted Gold Deposits: Case Study at the Empire Mine State Historic Park, CA, USA
- Impact of Diverse Hydrologic Pathways, 3D Failure Geometries, and Unsaturated Soil Suctions on Shallow Landsliding
- Improving Estimates of Aboveground Biomass as Trajectory Indicators in Tidal Wetlands using NAIP Imagery
- Improving urban change maps for the conterminous United States from 1992 to 2011 by disaggregating roads from the National Land Cover Dataset
- Insights from Potential-Field Data on the Structural Framework of the Sacramento Delta, California
- Insights into earthquake rupture and recovery from paleoseismic faults
- Insights into the Mount St. Helens Magma Plumbing System from Coarse-grained, Crystal-rich Enclaves
- Integrating Blue Carbon Initiatives with the Management of Wildlife Cobenefits: a Case Study at the Nisqually River Delta, WA
- Integrating Ground Penetrating Radar, Lidar, and Geologic Mapping to Image Fault Displacements at Mount Mazama (Crater Lake), Oregon
- Interrogating the Isabella Anomaly with the Central California Seismic Array
- Interseismic coupling of major faults in the north San Francisco Bay from InSAR, GPS and seismic data
- Investigating the Spatial Extent of a Barely Prehistoric Earthquake on the Bear River Normal Fault, Wyoming and Utah
- Is <SUP>137</SUP>Cs Dating Becoming Obsolete in North America?
- Joint Seismic-Geodetic Algorithm for Finite-Fault Detection and Slip Inversion in the West Coast ShakeAlert System
- Jumping over the hurdles to effectively communicate the Operational Earthquake Forecast
- LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO): Probing Injection-Induced Seismicity with a Dense Array
- Large-scale restoration of salmon spawning habitat in a regulated, gravel-bedded river
- Late Pleistocene eruptive history of the Mono Craters rhyolites, eastern California, from U-Th dating of explosive and effusive products
- Lava Flow Morphology and Hazard Assessment in the Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Life in Ice: Microbial Growth Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Production During Winter in a Thermokarst Bog Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing Targeted Metagenomics
- Lowered Fracture Energy During Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes Promotes Rupture Fronts That Radiate High Frequency Seismic Waves
- Magma Reservoirs: How Well do We Know Them, Why Does it Matter, and How Can We Do Better?
- Management of Reclaimed Produced Water in the Rocky Mountain States Enhanced with the Expanded U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Mapping, Monitoring, and Modeling Geomorphic Processes to Identify Sources of Anthropogenic Sediment Pollution in West Maui, Hawai'i
- Maybe Some Big Ground Shakes One Hundred Years Ago in a Big State Near the Ocean Were Caused by People
- Mechanical Mercury Extraction Process® Test Results at Combie Reservoir
- Methods for Investigating Mercury Speciation, Transport, Methylation, and Bioaccumulation in Watersheds Affected by Historical Mining
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Modeling Green's Function Errors through a Statistical Approach: Application to the 2009 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.1 L'Aquila, Italy, Earthquake Sequence
- Modeling Peat Ages Using <SUP>7</SUP>Be Data to Account for Downwash of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb
- Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Rocky Headlands
- Modeling Unsaturated-Saturated Coupled Heat and Groundwater Transport in a Warming Watershed with Seasonal Frozen Ground and Snowmelt
- Modeling the Interaction between Fluid Pressure and Faulting in an Earthquake Swarm at Long Valley Caldera
- Modeling the potential persistence of various ecological systems under CMIP5 future climate and land use scenarios throughout California, USA
- Modelling of snowmelt infiltration in heterogeneous seasonally-frozen soil monitored by electrical resistivity measurements
- Moment Magnitudes and Local Magnitudes for Small Earthquakes: Implications for Ground-Motion Prediction and b-values
- Monitoring and Modeling: The Future of Volcanic Eruption Forecasting
- Most Detailed Direct Measurements Yet of Turbidity Currents in the Deep Ocean: Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- New Holocene Slip-rate Sites Along the Mojave San Andreas Fault Near Palmdale, CA
- Noble gas isotopes in groundwater as a proxy for past water table depth
- Novel views of the lithospheric magnetic field for hazard mitigation, tectonics, and geology
- Opal-replaced "Phenocrysts" in Fresh Pumice from 1817 Phreatomagmatic Deposits from Kawah Ijen, East Java, Indonesia: Implications for Eruptive Timescales?
- PRISM, Processing and Review Interface for Strong Motion Data Software
- Patterns and controls of methane fluxes across permafrost and ice-wedge degradation wetland chronosequences in Arctic and boreal Alaska
- Phosphorus cycling and limitation under modified conditions that represent potential future conditions with a changing climate.
- Physics-based conduit models of dome extrusion: Steady-state solutions applied to the Mount St. Helens 2004-2008 eruption
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and Streamflow Response to Spatially Distributed Precipitation in Two Large Watersheds in Northern California
- Preliminary Results from Paleoseismic Excavations across the San Andreas Fault at the Scarp Creek Site on the San Francisco Peninsula, California
- Probing the rhizosphere to define mineral organic relationships
- Products and Services Available from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
- Projecting 21<SUP>st</SUP> century coastal cliff retreat in Southern California
- Quantifying CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing from Volcanoes - Recent major advancements and future challenges
- Quantifying Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Fine-grained Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Raman microspectroscopy for in situ examination of carbon-microbe-mineral interactions
- Rapid Measurement of Tectonic Deformation Using Structure-from-Motion
- Recent decline in crop water productivity in the United States: a call to grow "more crop per drop"
- Recycling, Remobilization, and Eruption of Crystals from the Lassen Volcanic Center
- Reducing Uncertainty and Bias in US Coastal Wetland Carbon Stock Estimates
- Reducing Uncertainty in GMPE's Through Physical Explanations of the Path Term
- Refined earthquake locations for Oklahoma and Southern Kansas illuminate the regional fault network
- Relative ages of relict landscape surfaces at the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan, China
- Reproducibility and Repeatability of Site-noise and Instrument Self-noise from Multiple Installations of Broadband Seismometers
- Residence time revisited: The role of radiocarbon in reactive transport modeling
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Carbon Cycling in North American Grasslands
- Rethinking Volcanic Plumbing Systems: The Prevalence of Offset Magma Reservoirs at Holocene Volcanoes
- Review and Application of Time Nonlocal Transport Models to Capture Solute Retention
- Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Modeling the Dynamic Evolution of the Coastal Carbon Sink Across Multiple Landforms
- Rupture process of the Milan, Kansas Earthquake of November 12, 2014 (M4.9) and Its Relationship to Fluid Injection
- SIMS Constraints on the Near-Eruption Crystallization of Accessory Minerals from Intracontinental Rhyolites of the Western United States
- Salt Marsh Response and Recovery to Coseismic Subsidence
- Satellite Gravity Gradients Bound Rupture Domains on Subduction Zone Megathrusts
- Segmentation of the Cascadia Forearc in Southwestern Washington—Evidence from New Potential-Field Data
- Seismic Evidence for Splays of the Eureka Peak Fault beneath Yucca Valley, California
- Seismic source associated with the repetitive events recorded at the Nevado del Huila volcano - Colombia in November 2008
- Seismo-acoustic tremor and plume height hysteresis from the March 2016 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska
- ShakeAlert Users Transition to the Production Prototype System
- Simulated responses of ecosystem net primary productivity to climate and atmospheric changes in recent decades for the conterminous U.S.
- Site characterization using noninvasive single- and multi-station methods at southern California seismic stations
- Site response and station performance of the newly-upgraded Myanmar National Seismic Network
- Smartphone-Based Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning in Chile
- Source characteristics of the Fairview, OK, earthquake sequence and its relationship to industrial activities
- Source characteristics of the September 3<SUP>rd</SUP>, 2016, Pawnee earthquake as compared to other moderate Oklahoma events
- Spatial and Temporal Influences on Carbon Storage in Hydric Soils of the Conterminous United States
- Speak Simply When Warning About After Shocks
- Strain rate orientations near the Coso Geothermal Field
- Strategizing a comprehensive laboratory protocol to determine the decomposability of soil organic matter in permafrost
- Stratigraphic Complexity and Basement Structure in the Western Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea
- Stream Temperature Spatial and Temporal Response to Large Dam Removal and Groundwater Pumping under Varying Climate Conditions
- Strength and Stability of Oklahoma Basement Rock: Preliminary Observations from Experiments at In-situ Conditions
- Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Salton Trough Region of Southern California: A Comparison with San Andreas Fault Structure in the Loma Prieta Area of Central California
- Subaqueous tectonic geomorphology along a 400 km stretch of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault System, southeastern Alaska
- Subduction Top to Bottom: A Brief History of an Idea and Publication Concept
- Subsidence detection in Grizzly Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Tearing the terroir: Details and implications of surface rupture and deformation from the 24 August 2014 M6.0 South Napa earthquake, California
- Temperature Modeling of an Oil-Contaminated Aquifer with Heat from microbial degradation
- Tephrochronology and Stratigraphy of Silicic and Basaltic Volcanic Ash Layers at Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument, Idaho, USA
- Terrestrial laser scanning for quantifying seismic and aseismic tectonic deformation
- The Berryessa Salient—Regulator of Major Earthquakes Along the Green Valley Fault, Northern California?
- The Biogeography of Endorheic Soda Lakes in the Western United States
- The East Bay Seismic Investigation: High-Resolution Seismic Tomography Imaging Across the Hayward Fault Zone Near San Leandro, California
- The Effects of Rapid Sedimentation upon Continental Breakup: Kinematic and Thermal Modeling of the Salton Trough, Southern California, Based upon Recent Seismic Images
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The Influence of Particles on the Rheological Behavior of Ice
- The Near-Source Intensity Distribution for the August 24, 2014, South Napa Earthquake
- The Origin of High-angle Dip-slip Earthquakes at Geothermal Fields in California
- The Pawnee Sequence: Poroelastic Effects from Injection in Osage County, Oklahoma
- The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault Zone - The Knife-Edged Pacific-North American Plate Boundary
- The Southern Washington Cascades magmatic system imaged with magnetotellurics
- The Theoretical and Observational Limits of Earthquake Early Warning
- The challenge of establishing decomposition functional types to estimate heterotrophic respiration at large scales
- The challenges associated with applying global models in heterogeneous landscapes: A case study using MOD17 GPP estimates in Hawaii
- The effects of water on stress drop and heat production during laboratory stick-slip events
- The influence of testing apparatus stiffness on the source properties of laboratory stick-slip
- The timescales of magmatic differentiation from alkali basalt to trachyte from <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar geochronology
- Tracing Forest Change through 40 Years on Two Continents with the BULC Algorithm and Google Earth Engine
- Trusted Data Sharing and Imagery Workflow for Disaster Response in Partnership with the State of California
- U-Pb (SHRIMP) Ages of Be and U-rich Opal in Tuffaceous Breccia at Spor Mountain, Utah: Interpreting a Record of Continuous Opal Formation, Episodic Be-U Mineralization, and Remobilization Events
- Understanding Rates of Change: How have climate transitions during the Holocene driven the pace of vegetation change in California ecosystems?
- Update of the USGS 2016 One-year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States From Induced and Natural Earthquakes
- Using remotely piloted aircraft and onboard processing to optimize and expand data collection
- Variability in surface water productivity in the central Gulf of California during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Variation of Surface Creep Rate Along the Philippine Fault Based on Surveys of Alinement Arrays and Offset Cultural Features
- Verification and Validation of High-Frequency (f<SUB>max</SUB> = 5 Hz) Ground Motion Simulations of the 2014 M 5.1 La Habra, California, earthquake
- Were the 1952 Kern County and 1933 Long Beach, California, Earthquakes Induced?
- 100 Years of Accumulated Deformation at Depth Observed in the Elizabeth Lake Tunnel, Southern San Andreas Fault
- A 20-year catalog comparing smooth and sharp estimates of slow slip events in Cascadia
- A Continuous Holocene Record of Hydroclimate from Kartchner Cavern, AZ, Supported by Multiyear Dripwater Monitoring
- A DOM Odyssey: The Tale of Molecular Transformations in an Aquifer near Bemidji, MN
- A Key Puzzle Piece: Revisiting the Shaking Distribution from the 1952 Kern County, California, Earthquake
- A New Structural Model for the Red Sea from Seismic Data
- A Soil Service Index: a method for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soil resources
- A cross-scale framework of peatland resilience based on long-term research in interior Alaska and the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A forward-looking, national-scale remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks
- A seismic intensity survey of the April 16, 2016 Mw 7.8 Muisne, Ecuador earthquake, and a comparison with strong motion data
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- Additional Testing of the Hypothesis that Great (>Mw8.0) Megathrust Earthquakes Are Linked to the Subduction of Thick (>1.0km) Sediment and Bathymetrically Smooth Seafloor
- Analysis of Landslide Kinematics using Multi-temporal UAV Imagery, La Honda, California
- Analysis of the Source and Ground Motions from the 2017 M8.2 Tehuantepec and M7.1 Puebla Earthquakes
- Association between mapped vegetation and Quaternary geology on Santa Rosa Island, California
- Back-Projection Imaging of extended, diffuse seismic sources in volcanic and hydrothermal systems
- Back-Projection Imaging of extended, high-frequency pre-, co-, and post-eruptive seismicity at El Jefe Geyser, El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Bayesian estimation of analytical conduit-flow model parameters from magma discharge rate observed during explosive eruptions
- Benthic Foraminifers identify the source of displaced sediment from a sediment density flow at 1840 m near the Seafloor Instrument Node of the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Bioremediation of Uranium-Contaminated Groundwater using Engineered Injection and Extraction
- Breaching of strike-slip faults and flooding of pull-apart basins to form the southern Gulf of California seaway from 8 to 6 Ma
- Building a Communication, Education, an Outreach Program for the ShakeAlert National Earthquake Early Warning Program - Recommendations for Public Alerts Via Cell Phones
- California Earthquake Clearinghouse Crisis Information-Sharing Strategy in Support of Situational Awareness, Understanding Interdependencies of Critical Infrastructure, Regional Resilience, Preparedness, Risk Assessment/mitigation, Decision-Making and Everyday Operational Needs
- Carbon Fluxes and Transport Along the Terrestrial Aquatic Continuum
- Citizen Science and Event-Based Science Education with the Quake-Catcher Network
- Co- and post-seismic shallow fault physics from near-field geodesy, seismic tomography, and mechanical modeling
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Comparison of Earthquake Damage Patterns and Shallow-Depth Vs Structure Across the Napa Valley, Inferred From Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and Multichannel Analysis of Love Waves (MALW) Modeling of Basin-Wide Seismic Profiles
- Constraining magma physical properties and its temporal evolution from InSAR and topographic data only: a physics-based eruption model for the effusive phase of the Cordon Caulle 2011-2012 rhyodacitic eruption
- Controls on wind abrasion patterns through a fractured bedrock landscape
- Crustal inheritance and arc magmatism: Magnetotelluric constraints from the Washington Cascades on top-down control
- Determination of timescales of nitrate contamination by groundwater age models in a complex aquifer system
- Determining on-fault magnitude distributions for a connected, multi-fault system
- Determining the physical and chemical processes behind four caldera-forming eruptions in rapid succession in the San Juan caldera cluster, Colorado, USA
- Direct Measurements of the Evolution and Impact of Sediment Density Flows as they Pass Through Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon
- Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen release from Holocene permafrost and seasonally frozen soils
- Does Geology Matter? Post-Hurricane Maria Landslide Distribution Across the Mountainous Regions of Puerto Rico, USA
- Driving Processes of Earthquake Swarms: Evidence from High Resolution Seismicity
- Dynamic triggering of remote aftershocks of the M=6.6 July 20, 2017 Bodrum-Kos, Turkey, earthquake?
- Dynamics of biogeochemical sulfur cycling in Mono Lake
- Earthquake Clustering on the Bear River Fault—Influence of Preexisting Structure on the Rupture Behavior of a New Normal Fault
- Empirical relations between the April 1, M8.2 2014 Chile earthquake and the April 16, M7.8 2016 Ecuador earthquake, and a comparison with instrumental ground motion
- Environmental Characteristics of Carbonatite and Alkaline Intrusion-related Rare Earth Element (REE) Deposits
- Environmental change and the conversion of permanently frozen ground to wetlands
- Estimating changes to groundwater discharge temperature under altered climate conditions
- Estimating patterns in Spartina alterniflora belowground biomass within salt marshes
- Evaluating permafrost thaw vulnerabilities and hydrologic impacts in boreal Alaska (USA) watersheds using field data and cryohydrogeologic modeling
- Evaluating the influence of shallow magma degassing on the groundwater temperature distribution in volcanic system
- Everything you wanted to know about VAMPs but were afraid to ask
- Expanding the Delivery of Rapid Earthquake Information and Warnings for Response and Recovery
- Experimental Investigations of Boron, Lithium, and Halogens During High-Temperature Water-Rock Interaction: Insights into the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
- Fault zone structure and kinematics from lidar, radar, and imagery: revealing new details along the creeping San Andreas Fault
- Field Measurements and Modeling of Dust Transport and Deposition on a Hawaiian Volcano
- Fire Frequency and Vegetation Composition Influence Soil Nitrogen Cycling and Base Cations in an Oak Savanna Ecosystem
- Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Cohesive Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Forecasting Induced Seismicity Using Saltwater Disposal Data and a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Forecasting Western U.S. Snowpack
- Foreshocks and Swarms of Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas
- Formation and Stability of Microbially Derived Soil Organic Matter
- Frequency-Dependent Tidal Triggering of Low Frequency Earthquakes Near Parkfield, California
- Frictional strengths of fault gouge from a creeping segment of the Bartlett Springs Fault, northern California
- From Open Data to Science-Based Services for Disaster Risk Management: the Experience of the GEO Geohazards Supersite Network
- Full-Wave Ambient Noise Tomography of the Long Valley Volcanic Region (California)
- Geochemical and isotopic determination of deep groundwater contributions and salinity to the shallow groundwater and surface water systems, Mesilla Basin, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico
- Geomorphic and geologic evidence for slip along the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas Fault System through the San Gorgonio Pass structural knot, southern California
- Geophysical Exploration of Tyuonyi Pueblo in Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, USA
- Global distribution of radiolytic H<SUB>2</SUB> production in marine sediment and implications for subsurface life
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western Saudi Arabia from a Reference Model
- H/V spectral ratio tomography at Groningen Gas Field
- High-resolution mapping of wetland vegetation biomass and distribution with L-band radar in southeastern coastal Louisiana
- How much swamp are we talking here?: Propagating uncertainty about the area of coastal wetlands into the U.S. greenhouse gas inventory
- Hurricane Harvey: Infrastructure Damage Assessment of Texas' Central Gulf Coast Region
- Hydrovolcanic and Hydrothermal Biomediated Mineral Growth in Basaltic Tuff, Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
- Imaging Cascadia coupling: optimal design for an offshore seafloor geodetic network
- In Situ Magnetic Susceptibility Variations at Two Contaminated Sites: Brandywine, MD and Bemidji, MN
- Influence of pore pressure change on coseismic volumetric strain
- Insights gained from relating cumulative seismic moments to fluid injection activities
- Interannual variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> exchange in a brackish tidal marsh in Northern California
- Internet-Based Solutions for a Secure and Efficient Seismic Network
- Is Interseismic Deformation along the Sumatra Subduction Zone Ever 'Stable'?
- Joint models of GPS and GRACE data of the postseismic deformation following the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean earthquake
- Large-N Array Observations of Injection-Induced Seismicity in Northern Oklahoma: the LASSO Experiment
- Levee Vertical Land Motion Changes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Localized fluid discharge in subduction zones: Insights from tension veins around an ancient megasplay fault (Nobeoka Thrust, SW Japan)
- Mantle Earthquakes in Thinned Proterozoic Lithosphere: Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia
- Mapping Intraplate Volcanic Fields: A Case Study from Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
- Melt extraction during heating and cooling of felsic crystal mushes in shallow volcanic systems: An experimental study
- Microseismic Analysis of Fracture of an Intact Rock Asperity Traversing a Sawcut Fault
- Microseismic Events Associated with the Oroville Dam Spillway
- Model-free aftershock forecasts constructed from similar sequences in the past
- Modeling Rupture of 2D Dip-Slip Faults with Variable Dip and Heterogeneous Fault Pre-stress Fields: Implications for Tsunami Generation
- Mono Lake sediments preserve a record of recent environmental change
- Multi-scale, multi-method geophysical investigations of the Valles Caldera
- New Frontiers in Characterization of Sub-Catalog Microseismicity: Utilizing Inter-Event Waveform Cross Correlation for Estimating Precise Locations, Magnitudes, and Focal Mechanisms of Tiny Earthquakes
- North American coastal carbon stocks and exchanges among the coupled ecosystems of tidal wetlands and estuaries
- Path and site effects in GMPEs: Incorporating crustal physical properties for region-specific ground motion estimation using small magnitude data from Southern California
- Path spectra derived from inversion of source and site spectra for earthquakes in Southern California
- Pinpointing the North Korea Nuclear tests with body waves scattered by surface topography
- Plumbing the depths of Yellowstone's hydrothermal system from helicopter magnetic and electromagnetic data
- Preliminary Results from an Integrated Airborne EM and Aeromagnetic Survey in Yellowstone National Park
- Preliminary three-dimensional geohydrologic framework of the San Antonio Creek Groundwater Basin, Santa Barbara County, California
- Rain increases methane production and methane oxidation in a boreal thermokarst bog
- Real-time, high frequency (1 Hz), in situ measurement of HCl and HF gases in volcanic plumes with a novel cavity-enhanced, laser-based instrument
- Reconstructing Holocene Upwelling Conditions in Monterey Bay, California
- Refining Southern California Geotherms Using Seismologic, Geologic, and Petrologic Constraints
- Root-driven Weathering Impacts on Mineral-Organic Associations in Deep Soil
- Segmentation and supercycles: A catalog of earthquake cycle complexities from the Sumatran Sunda Megathrust and other well-studied faults worldwide
- Seismic Hazard Analysis on a Complex, Interconnected Fault Network
- Seismic Imaging of the West Napa Fault in Napa, California
- Seismic Velocity Structure across the Hayward Fault Zone Near San Leandro, California
- Semi-Automated Classification of Seafloor Data Collected on the Delmarva Inner Shelf
- Separating non-diffuse component from ambient seismic noise cross-correlation in southern California
- Shallow Crustal Structure in the Northern Salton Trough, California: Insights from a Detailed 3-D Velocity Model
- Shallow Vs Structure Accross Hayward Fault Zone Inferred from Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)
- Shear-wave velocities beneath the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia, using ambient seismic noise analysis
- Source Parameter Variability of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in Japan's Subduction Zones
- Space-Time Earthquake Rate Models for One-Year Hazard Forecasts in Oklahoma
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Eruption Locations, Compositions, and Styles in Northern Harrat Rahat, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Stability of Cr Remediation Products Linked to Duration of Bioremediation.
- Stable isotope ratios in freshwater mussel shells as high resolution recorders of riverine environmental variation
- Strength and deformation mechanisms of rhyolitic glass at lower seismogenic zone conditions
- Stress Rotation Across the Cascadia Megathrust Requires a Weak Subduction Plate Boundary at Seismogenic Depths
- Tectonic links between the Olympic-Wallowa lineament and the Hite fault, Cascadia backarc of Oregon and Washington, as interpreted from high-resolution aeromagnetic anomalies
- The Approaching Obsolescence of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs as a Means of Dating Wetland Soils and Sediments in North America
- The Continental Margin of East Asia: a collage of multiple plates formed by convergence and extension from multiple directions
- The HayWired Scenario - How Can the San Francisco Bay Region Bounce Back Better?
- The Limits of Earthquake Early Warning for Finite Ruptures
- The Role of Fluid Distribution on Fault Strength at Deformation Conditions near the Brittle-Plastic Transition
- The Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: Insights from Project Hotspot
- The Vertical Flux Method (VFM) for regional estimates of temporally and spatially varying nitrate fluxes in unsaturated zone and groundwater
- The last 1000 years of ocean change in Monterey Bay, California: insights from the marine sedimentary record
- The permeability of fault zones in the upper continental crust: statistical analysis from 460 datasets, updated depth-trends, and permeability contrasts between fault damage zones and protoliths.
- Tidal and seismic response of the Arbuckle Group: First results from Osage County, Oklahoma
- Timing and compositional evolution of Late Pleistocene to Holocene volcanism within the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Toward a standardized soil carbon database platform in the US Critical Zone Observatory Network
- Toward actionable science: Empowering ecologists to engage in the process of translation through decision-maker and stakeholder partnerships
- Towards Structural Imaging Using Scattering Artifacts Detected in Ambient Field Correlations
- Using Tectonic Tremor to Constrain Seismic-wave Attenuation in Cascadia
- Using V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30</SUB> to Estimate Station M<SUB>L</SUB> Adjustments (dM<SUB>L</SUB>)
- Using a Full Complex Site Transfer Function to Estimate Strong Ground Motion in Port-au-Prince (Haiti).
- Using low-frequency earthquake families on the San Andreas fault as deep creepmeters
- Using rates of oxygen and nitrate reduction to map the subsurface distribution of groundwater denitrification
- V<SUB>S</SUB> Characterization of Hard-Rock DAM Sites in British Columbia
- Variability of the 2014-present inflation source at Mauna Loa volcano revealed using time-dependent modeling
- Verifying mapping, monitoring and modeling of fine sediment pollution sources in West Maui, Hawai'i, USA
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Carbonate Clumped Isotopes as Proxies of Lake Level Change: Mono Lake Modern Sediments Inform Pleistocene Interpretations
- A "Typical" Landslide Distribution from Above-Average Winter Storms in the San Francisco Bay Area: a New Landslide Inventory from the East Bay Region
- A GIS framework for assessing environmental effects of oil and gas releases
- A Hybrid Statistical-Mechanistic Model for Forecasting Groundwater Quality in the Great Lakes Basin
- A Next-Generation of U.S. Volcanic Hazard Assessments
- A SCEC CyberShake Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model for Northern California
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A multi-method exploration of landslides and their contribution to landscape evolution
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Accelerated deformation rates in the Cascadia backarc and links to Pliocene slab tear
- Advanced Ground Motion Characterization in ShakeMap Modeling Energy-Related Ground Motion Parameters
- An Investigation of Seismicity Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing in the Sichuan Basin of China based on Data from a Temporary Seismic Network
- An Updated Compilation of V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30 </SUB>in the United States
- Analysis of aerosol deposition on snowfields over major high mountain ranges
- Analysis of the Ground Motions of the September 7th and 19th 2017 Tehuantepec and Puebla-Morelos Earthquakes
- Analysis of the Tocopilla (Mw 7.7) 2007 earthquake using fully Bayesian Inverse Methods
- Application of age-estimation models to manage nitrate contamination in a complex aquifer system
- Assessing the Character and Run-out Distances of Recent Sediment Density Flow Events from their Deposits in Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Balancing human and ecological needs in drought preparedness and response: a case from Montana's Upper Missouri Headwaters
- Big Shock Shakes Big City!
- Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Hypersaline Mono Lake Sediments
- Can a drone equipped with a miniature methane sensor determine methane fluxes from an Alaskan wetland?
- Carbon cycling across the land-ocean aquatic continuum of North America
- Characterizing multi-hazard exposure for lands, assets, resources, and people associated with the U.S. Department of the Interior
- Characterizing seismogenic fault structures in Oklahoma
- Co-existing Discrete Bodies of Rhyolite and Punctuated Volcanism Characterize Yellowstone's Post-Caldera Evolution
- CoSMoS: a comprehensive assessment of coastal hazards due to climate change
- Coastal and Fluvial Integrated Flood Forecast Modeling: A Case Study in South San Francisco Bay
- Comprehensive Seafloor Mapping of the Cascadia Margin for Subduction Zone Hazards
- Connecting volcanic and plutonic activity at the Platoro caldera complex, Southern Rocky Mountains Volcanic Field, Colorado
- Constraining Lateral Carbon Exports to the Marine Environment for Suisun Marsh, California, USA
- Constraining Magma Compressibility, Volatile Content and Pressure Changes at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, prior to the 2006 Eruption
- Constraints on Deccan Traps eruptive timescales based on high resolution terrestrial mercury chemostratigraphy
- Constraints on geothermal reservoir volume change calculations from InSAR surface displacements and injection and production data
- Coupling a field-scale resolving land surface model to a global atmosphere model: Uncovering the role of sub-grid heterogeneity in land-atmosphere interactions
- Cryopegs of Northern Alaska
- Cryptic evolved melts may be common in basaltic shield volcanoes: xenoliths from Volcan Fernandina
- Data integration across scales to estimate subsurface nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Deformation Observed in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption and Earthquake Sequence Using Differential Airborne Lidar Topographic Data
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Development of a simulation of the surficial groundwater system for the contiguous United States
- Differentiation of basalts of the Harrat Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia
- Direct measurement of fault pore pressure during aseismic and seismic slip
- Disaster Diplomacy Can Effectively Reduce International Natural Disaster Risk: A US Government Partnership Success Story
- Distribution of Secondary Faulting and Deformation Patterns Along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Southeastern Alaska
- Dynamics of the Tongariro Magmatic System During the 2012 Eruptive Sequence: Insights from Magnetotellurics
- Earthquake catalog reconstruction from analog seismograms: Application to the Rangely Experiment microfilms
- Earthquake sequences of the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption
- Effects of Fog Deposition on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal Food Webs
- Effects of nitrogen deposition on water use efficiency of global terrestrial ecosystem based on IBIS model
- Electrical characterization of methane hydrate with coexisting brine
- Eocene to Recent permanent forearc deformation in Northern Cascadia, southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Estimates of Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration: 2005-2014
- Estimating N2O Emission from Global Forests and Grasslands Using a Dynamic Process-Based Model Under Climate Change
- Estimation of Source Parameters and Associated Uncertainties from Inversion of Historic Intensity Data for the 1952 Kern County, California Earthquake
- Evaluating the Impact of Produced Water Spills in the Permian Basin on Soil Biogeochemistry
- Evaluation of V<SUB>S30</SUB> at Three Southern California Edison Substations Using S-wave Refraction Tomography and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves
- Evaluation of source parameter estimates with Markov Chain Monte Carlo method
- Evidence for a Positive Feedback Between Shallow Groundwater Flow and Shear Failure in an Active Earthflow
- Evolutionary characteristics of families of repeated earthquakes in southern Kansas, Central United States, induced by wastewater disposal
- Evolving magnetic and material properties of 50-year-old basaltic tuff, SUSTAIN drilling project, Surtsey volcano, Iceland
- Expansion of GPS-Acoustic Arrays offshore the Cascadia and Alaska Subduction Zones
- Exploring possibilities in measurement of surface deformation from high resolution topographic data: Earthquakes, landslides, and fault creep in California
- Extreme Fault Connectivity and What It Means for Seismic Hazard Models
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Field geophysical investigations of the Blue Mountains uplift, northeastern Oregon
- Fluvial geomorphic evolution under sediment-starved vs. sediment-rich conditions: Response to the world's largest dam removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA
- Forecasts of Induced Seismicity and its Hazard from a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Forward and inverse techniques for gravitational data using the spherical triangular tessellation
- Full site and source spectra in Southern California from direct Brune-constrained inversion
- Garnet Stability in Typical Arc Magmas - Experimental Results for Mount St. Helens Dacite
- Geochemical and Biological Measures of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases to Surface Waters
- Geochemical and isotopic determination of deep groundwater contributions and salinity to the shallow groundwater and surface water systems, Mesilla Basin, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico
- Geologic Map of the Northern Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Geologic map of the Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains, Nevada: Voluminous Oligocene silicic calderas and plutons of the ignimbrite flareup in the western US Cordillera
- Geologic map of the southern Stillwater Range, western Nevada: Insights into the development of silicic calderas and plutons
- George A. Thompson: How unabated curiosity about Earth's topography led us deep into the crust and mantle
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western Saudi Arabia and Application to Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Groundwater Inflow into Upper Klamath Lake, OR, and its Potential Role in Algal Bloom Dynamics
- Groundwater responses to future sea level rise in California
- Heat Flow Data and Seismic Imaging Reveal Both Transient and Steady-State Thermo-Mechanical Processes at Work Beneath Southern California
- High-resolution seafloor imaging of the diverse North Hikurangi Margin, including the creeping and catastrophic North Tuaheni Landslide
- Historical Inventory and Lidar-Based Mapping of Landslides in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area, Minnesota
- Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity in Ohio in 2016: Case study of the Conotton sequence in Harrison County
- Hydrologically-induced deformation in Long Valley Caldera and the adjacent Sierra Nevada range
- Identifying physics-based thresholds for rainfall-induced landsliding
- Implications of 5+ years of post-seismic crustal deformation following the M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 October 28, 2012 Haida Gwaii and M<SUB>w</SUB>7.5 January 5, 2013 Craig, AK earthquakes along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault system
- Indian Ocean Dipole variability during the last millennium
- Inflationary deformation accompanying collapse/explosion events at Kilauea summit: the role of elastic rebound
- Infrasound from the repeated collapses of Kilauea caldera: High-resolution source location and waveform inversion
- Initial Interpretation of the Source Mechanism of Caldera Collapse Events During the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
- Integrated Geophysical Investigation and 3-D Fault Characterization of the Rochester and Adna 7.5 Minute Quadrangles, Thurston and Lewis Counties, Washington
- Integrating diverse geodetic data to understand processes in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption and earthquake sequence.
- Interagency Remote Sensing Collaborations to Assess and Monitor Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Drivers
- Investigation of the Potential Respiratory Hazard of Combined Exposure to Volcanic Ash and Urban Pollutants in a Multicellular Human Lung Model
- Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of the Rahat Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia
- Land Change and Carbon Modeling Based on USGS LCMAP Products in the Chesapeake Bay Ecoregion
- Land Use/Land Cover Change Impacts on Carbon Storage in Coastal Wetlands: A Framework to Improve National-Scale Carbon and GHG Accounting
- Land cover and land-use change are important drivers of global climate change and can have both positive and negative feedbacks on the climate system
- Landslide Mobility enhanced by Basal Liquefaction: Evidence from the 2014 Oso Landslide, Washington State, USA
- Lateral Variations in Vs30 at Six Sites Near Napa, California
- Long-term Trends in Vadose Zone Gas Concentrations and Fluxes as Indicators of Changing Crude Oil Composition and Degradation Rates
- Magnetotelluric Evidence for Asymmetric Simple Shear Extension and Lithospheric Thinning in South China
- Management-driven scenario planning to aid climate adaptation in the Southwest US
- Mechanical controls on the distribution of earthquake afterslip from fault zone drilling and laboratory testing
- Megathrust Earthquakes and Coseismic Landslides in Cascadia: Insights from a New Inventory of Thousands of Landslides Dated Using Calibrated Surface Roughness
- Minimal destabilization of microbial necromass through a soil profile with wetting and drying
- Modern biogenic and diatom surface sediment distributions in Monterey Bay, California
- Monitoring Water and Ice Dynamics in Degrading Permafrost Using Ambient Seismic Noise
- Morphologic and Structural Variation Along the Offshore Cascadia Margin: Implications for Megathrust Behavior
- New Applications of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Coastal Process Studies
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- New Seafloor Bathymetry and Backscatter Mapping of the Southern California Borderland
- New insights into Seattle fault zone geometry: incorporating shallow offshore deformation using high resolution seismic reflection imagery
- New perspectives from mapping and high-resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar dating of Tongariro volcano, New Zealand: implications for stratovolcano lifecycles, glaciovolcanism and tectonic-volcano interactions
- New technologies to measure temporal variations of magmatic helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain California
- Nonlinear Constitutive Laws for Fault Dynamics
- Northward Migration of the Oregon Fore-arc Block on the Gales Creek Fault
- Numerical modeling of the seismic reflection response from gas hydrate reservoirs at Walker Ridge 313, Terrebonne Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Observations of a Delta during a Massive Increase in Sediment Supply: Wave vs. Tidal Domination
- Observing a Wide Range of Fault Creep Behavior in California using Geodetic Imaging
- Opportunities for Wetland Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction from Coastal States in the Contiguous U.S.
- Quantifying Probability of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Trichloroethene (TCE) Occurrence in the Rock Matrix of a Mudstone Aquifer
- Reactive transport of nitrogen species near the groundwater-lake water interface
- Reasons to doubt the 15 November 2017 Pohang, South Korea, earthquakes were induced
- Reconstructing Miocene Paleogeography of the Middlegate and Eastgate Basins, NV through Geologic Mapping and Sedimentary Provenance Analysis
- Redistribution of particulate organic carbon following marsh lateral erosion in a back-barrier estuary
- Reevaluating seismic hazards from new mapping of the Back Butte-San Joaquin fold-thrust belt, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
- Regional and Spatial Variations in Aftershock Productivity and Foreshock Rates
- Revisiting apparent root cohesion at the Coos Bay, Oregon landslide: A comparison of three models
- Ridge to Reef: Mapping Sediment Transport and Determining the Storms of Geomorphic Relevance on West Hawaii (USA)
- Sea level rise in the Samoan islands escalated by viscoelastic relaxation after the 2009 Samoa-Tonga earthquake
- Searching for Brittle-Failure Earthquakes in the Mantle Lithosphere beneath Harrat Rahat, Saudi Arabia
- Sediment Flux and Shot-Lived Fallout Radionuclide Activities in an Urban setting, Dead Run, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Seismic Imaging of the West Napa Fault in Napa, California
- ShakeAlert v. 2.0 Testing and Certification
- Shaking is Almost Always a Surprise: The Earthquakes That Produce Significant Ground Motion
- Shallow Fault Slip and Near-fault Deformation on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Snow Cover, Air Temperature and Groundwater Flow Affect the Ground Thermal Regime of Zero-Order Upland Arctic Drainage Networks
- Spatial and Temporal Characterization of the Petrified Springs Fault, Central Walker Lane, Nevada: Documenting Middle Miocene Dextral Slip
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Sulfur Cycling During the Onset of Meromixis in Mono Lake, California
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Manganese, Phosphorus, and Iron in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho/Oregon, are controlled by Reservoir Stratification
- Subaqueous Tectonic Geomorphology Along the Queen Charlotte Fault: Evidence for Plate Boundary Localization Based on Slip-Rate Estimates For The Last 17,000 years
- Subsidence, Migration, and Destruction of a Plio-Pleistocene Retrowedge Foredeep Basin in Eastern Taiwan: Evidence for Un-Steady Growth of the Collisional Orogen
- Surface Roughness and Fluid Viscosity Controls on Propagation of a Hydraulic Fracture Across a Frictional Interface
- Systematic Mapping of An Ocean-Continent Transform Plate Boundary: The Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia
- Temporal Evolution of a Crude Oil LNAPL Source Zone
- The 1933 Long Beach, California, Earthquake: Ground Motions and Rupture Scenario
- The 2018 summit eruption and caldera collapse at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Burkian Earth
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): Initial Benchmarks and Future Directions
- The Doty Fault Network: 3-D regional deformation applied to seismic hazard characterization in the forearc of Washington State
- The Earthquake Rates They Are a-Changin': Improving Forecasts During Earthquake Swarms
- The Effect of Microbial Diversity on Organic Matter Transformations in Soils
- The Kilauea 2018 eruption: Insight from surface deformation and topography change observations
- The Myanmar National Seismic Network: Performance, monitoring, and ground motions from 2.5 years of real-time seismic data
- The Persistence of Rupture Segmentation from a Worldwide Survey
- The cold shoulder: microbial carbon metabolism across an ancient permafrost chronosequence
- The influence of sea level on incident wave, infragravity wave, and non-linear low-frequency bore evolution across fringing coral reefs
- The respiratory selenite reductase of the haloalkaliphile Bacillus selenitireducens MLS10
- The role of sea level rise in shaping coastal carbon budgets
- The role of subsurface freeze and thaw on groundwater storage and connectivity in a variably saturated upland Arctic hillslope
- Timing of Subtropical Iceberg Transport and Meltwater Flows in the Deglacial North Atlantic
- Tracking Thousands of Microearthquakes for a Month in Northern Oklahoma: What a Large-N Array Can Reveal About Induced Seismicity
- Tracking differential landslide motion on the Big Sur coast with SfM topography
- Two Combinatorial Optimization Methods that Determine On-Fault Earthquake Magnitude Distributions
- Understanding Summit Failure Processes during the 2018 Kilauea Eruption through Analysis of Earthquake Swarms
- Understanding the Impact of In-Plume Ash-Gas Interactions Upon the Respiratory Hazard of Volcanic Ash
- Undulations of shear surfaces control strength of fault gouge and may aid catastrophic landslide motion
- Unsaturated Zone CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CO<SUB>2</SUB> at an Arid Region Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site
- Upper Crustal Structure and Velocities of the Hayward Fault Zone Determined From the 2016 East Bay Seismic Experiment
- Use of Advanced Analytical Methods and Toxicity Assays to Understand the Impact of Hydrocarbon Transformation Products at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Using Communication Science to Communicate About Science: A Case Study for Aftershock Forecasts
- Using physical and chemical sediment characteristics to distinguish fluvial and oceanic event deposits within mid-shelf depocenters
- Utilizing mid continental shelf event deposits enriched in littoral sand to characterize storminess during the late Holocene
- Variability of Hurricane Maria debris-flow source areas in Puerto Rico—Implications for hazard assessment
- Variation of shallow landslide location with storm characteristics and hillslope soil profiles
- Volcanic ash surface chemistry modified by elemental diffusion during late-stage microlite crystallization
- a New Middle Eocene Marine Section from ELAZIĞ Province, Central Turkey: New Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Constraints on the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- 3D investigation of controls on slope failure in the western Santa Barbara Channel
- 50<SUP>th</SUP> Anniversary of the 1969 Santa Rosa, California, Earthquakes: A Mitigation Retrospective and Earthquake Hazard Outlook
- A Machine Learning Model to Produce Predictions of Groundwater Ages in Wells at the Regional Scale, Great Lakes Basin, USA
- A Multidisciplinary Investigation of Fault-Driven Plastic Deformation in Earth's Shallowest Crust
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- A Plan to Improve the Monitoring of Yellowstone's Hydrothermal System
- A Ship's Ballasting History as an Indicator of the Invasion Potential of Aquatic Species - an Example of Benthic Foraminifers From Port Valdez, Prince William Sound, Alaska, USA
- A mobile atomic gravimeter for gravity surveys
- A new use for Coast Range ophiolite serpentinite, promoting creep in the San Andreas Fault system of northern and central California
- Aftershock Forecasts Following the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes of July 2019
- Airborne Lidar and Electro-Optical Imagery Along Surface Ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- Aleutian Basin Stratigraphy: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Don't Know
- Ambient noise tomography of the Saudi Arabian Shield
- An Extraordinary Period of Dome Collapse at Mount Shasta, California, USA
- An analysis of source models and ground motion predictions from ShakeAlert geodetic and seismic algorithms for the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake
- Analyzing the Geodetic Mass Balance Uncertainty Budget on North American Benchmark Glaciers
- Application of Geostatistical Techniques to Optimize Resource Targeting on Celestial Bodies
- Application of Machine-Learning Techniques to Pareto-Optimal Groundwater Management Solutions
- Application of Reactive Transport Modeling to Quantify Enhanced Bioremediation and Removal of Chloroethenes from Groundwater
- Arsenic concentrations and fluxes in major rivers of Yellowstone National Park
- Assessing ShakeAlert earthquake early warning performance using California earthquake simulations: Validation metrics from near-field observations
- Assessing the Detection of Seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California, Using a Network-Based Covariance Matrix Analysis
- Assessing the Distribution of Mapped Faults and Surface Ruptures Related to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence: What We Knew and What We Could Have Known
- Assessment of the Deep Plumbing of the Truth or Consequences Geothermal System using Magnetotelluric Surveys, Groundwater Residence Time Tracers, and Hydrologic Modeling.
- Atmospheric N Deposition Drives Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination
- Automated Change Detection Using Cylindrical Primitives Generated from a Deep Neural Network
- Automated Detection of Air-Ground Coupled Waves at Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
- Automatic satellite-based flood mapping for disaster response
- Basal sediment accretion along the south central Chile margin and implications for megathrust processes and great earthquakes
- Between States: The Microbial Ecology of Biogeochemical Processes Near the Freezing Point.
- CHIMP - a shaking dataset for historical large earthquakes in California
- Capturing Change in the Icefield-to-Ocean ecosystem of Southcentral Alaska
- Carbon Cycling in Tidal Wetlands in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain: a Test Case for Dynamic Modeling of Wetlands across the USA.
- Characterizing virus activity, persistence, and virus-host dynamics in Arctic and Tropical soils using stable isotope probing targeted metagenomics
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 1—Modeling of physical processes)
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 2—Modeling of Water Quality and Ecosystem Processes)
- Coastal fog events buffer stream temperature change in salmonid habitat in California
- Combining Luminescence Dating and High-Resolution Imaging to Analyze an Evolving Microcontinent, Isla Ángel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, México
- Combining fault geometry and paleoearthquake timing data to model prehistoric earthquake rupture lengths along the Wasatch fault zone, Utah
- Commingled Seafloor Pockmarks and Micro Depressions Offshore Big Sur, California
- Communicating Geohazards: Delivering Information Responsibly in Crisis and Calm
- Constraining the exsolved volatile fraction, the H<SUB>2</SUB>O/CO<SUB>2</SUB> molar ratio, and magma compressibility of the 2006 Augustine eruption, Alaska
- Coseismic Slip and Afterslip of the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes Inferred Through Bayesian Inversion
- Coulomb Stress Models for the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, California
- Cratons of North America, Australia and Antarctica: comparative analysis of their thermal state, composition and evolution
- Creeping Before the Fall: Glacial Bluff Landslides, Lake Michigan
- Cross-Fault Interaction in the July 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- Crustal velocity changes during 2018 Sierra Negra volcanic eruption, Galápagos, using ambient noise
- Damage and stress-induced seismic velocity changes during the progressive collapse of Kīlauea's summit
- Data driven modeling of groundwater ages and nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Deep Learning as a Tool for Rapidly Assessing Pore-Water Pressure Conditions in Hillslopes
- Delineating the Near-Surface West Napa Fault in St Helena, California Using Vp/Vs and Guided Waves
- Deriving a proxie for soil carbon turnover using field descriptions of soil development
- Development of earthquake correction models for GRACE and GRACE Follow-On gravity data time series
- Distributing Earthquakes on San Francisco Bay Area Faults: A Combinatorial Approach
- Does enhancing plant-microbe symbiosis improve phytostabilization in mine tailings more than compost amendment?
- Drone Geophysics: Lessons learned for testing and development to expand traditional geophysical methods for sUAS surveys
- Dynamic Rupture Scenarios of Large Earthquakes on the Hayward Fault System, California, using Observations from Geology and Geodesy
- Dynamic permeability changes in the upper crust
- Dynamics of episodic magma injection and migration at Yellowstone caldera: revisiting the 2004-2009 episode of extraordinary caldera uplift with InSAR and GPS time series
- Earthquake Hazards in Hawaii: Challenges in Assessing Earthquake Probabilities in a Volcanic Environment
- Effective dilatancy strengthening as a mechanism for earthquake rupture barrier and possible aseismic slip on East Pacific Rise transform faults
- Effects of Topography on 3D Landslide Slip-surface Geometry
- Electrical properties of multi-component methane hydrate systems, a potential tool for constraining volumetric distribution of fluids in high-saturation formations
- Engaging Geophysics Students in the Field — the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Eruption Dynamics During Early Eruption Phases of the Ubehebe Crater Cluster, Death Valley, California
- Evaluating Seismicity Patterns in Western China
- Evaluating Simulation-Based Earthquake Forecasts with Examples from UCERF3-ETAS
- Evaluation of 2-D Shear-Wave Velocity Models and V<SUB>S30</SUB> at Six Strong Motion Recording Stations in Southern California using Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Refraction Tomography
- Evidence for Seismic and Aseismic Vertical Slip Along the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault in Northern San Pablo Bay, California
- Exploring the next generation of EEW testing: Large magnitude events, geodetic data and station latency information, with a focus on the Ridgecrest sequence
- Extrapolating Petrologic Aspects of Caldera Systems to Targets for Geophysical Observations
- Factors contributing to hurricane-induced landslides in Puerto Rico: Implications for hazards and sediment mobilization
- Failure to alert? Exploring perceptions of ShakeAlert during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Fault Behavior and Surface Deformation Linked to Shallow Mechanical Properties during the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake
- Fault Continuity and Rupture Branching of the West Napa Fault Resulting from the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake, Inferred by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Fault Damage Zones in 3D with Active-Source Seismic Data
- Fault-normal rupture displacement gradients and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019
- Finite source parameters of moderate earthquakes of the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- Fire on the Mountain: Total War in the Maya Lowlands
- Forecasting Wetland Habitat to Support Multi-Species Management Decisions in the Central Valley of California
- Forecasts of Induced Seismicity and its Hazard from a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Forward simulation of potential-field anomalies for evaluating 3D geologic models
- Gaia's Exhalation from the 2019 Searles Valley Earthquake
- Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation from the 2019 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 and M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes in California with SAR
- Geomorphic evidence of late Quaternary faulting along the M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake rupture
- Groundwater emergence and saltwater intrusion with sea-level rise in California
- Groundwater inflow toward the magma conduit at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i, May 2018
- Helium Isotope and Gas Chemistry Variations at Sulphur Banks, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
- High Resolution Reconstruction of Primary Productivity and Climate of the Central Gulf of California During the Past 7100 years
- High-fidelity detection of rockfalls in Yosemite Valley by coupling historical imagery with Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning
- Hillslope Sediment Yield and Delivery to Whiskeytown Reservoir in Response to the 2018 Carr Fire, Northern California
- Holocene Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
- How Would the San Francisco Bay Area Recover after a Major Earthquake? Policy Implications of Evaluating the HayWired Scenario with the Bay Area REMI Model
- How do you know when it's gonna blow? Two years of USGS participation in the Siskyou Science Festival
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- How the deformation is accommodated and distributed within active fault zones? Insights from satellite geodesy and realistic fault modeling
- Hydraulic Fracture Injection Strategy Influences the Probability of Earthquakes in the Eagle Ford Shale Play of South Texas
- Hydraulic tomography in fractured rocks: High-resolution mapping of hydraulic conductivity and fracture network connectivity for improved remediation design
- Hydrologic Export Offsets High CO2 Uptake in Coastal Wetlands
- Hydrologic Impacts of Linked Disturbances in Boreal Alaska, USA
- Hydrologic monitoring and morphometric analysis to characterize debris flow initiation at multiple temporal scales in Southeast Alaska
- Hydrothermal Activity in Southwestern Yellowstone National Park
- Imaging the Plate Boundary of the Subducted Gorda Slab with Converted Phases and Guided Waves
- Impact of phosphatization events across the Rio Grande Rise (Southwest Atlantic) during the Miocene
- Importance of deformation history in characterizing active faulting in the eastern Coast Ranges, northern San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin
- Infiltration Properties and Runoff Generation Thresholds in a Highly Eroded Landscape, Santa Rosa Island, California, USA
- Influence of permafrost and site history on losses of permafrost carbon after thaw
- Initial field observations of surface displacement along the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake rupture
- Insight into the Formation and Evolution of the Continental Crust from Lower-Crustal/Upper-Mantle Experimental Phase-equilibria results
- Interpreting the Plumbing of the Rincon Geothermal System using Electromagentic Surveys and Hydrothermal Models
- Intra-rift deformation and transition to marine conditions on southeastern Isla Angel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Investigating Fault Rupture Connectivity Between Upper-plate Faults and the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Paleoseismic Investigation of the Little Salmon Fault Zone, Hydesville, California
- Investigating groundwater seepage control on bluff failure along Michigan coastline using UAVs
- Investigation of Volcano-tectonic Interactions in the Natron Rift of the East African Rift System using Numerical Modeling
- Iron Mineral Transformations At A Hydrocarbon Contaminated Long-Term Research Site Inferred From Magnetic Susceptibility
- Laboratory observations of fluid pressure and fault dilatancy controlling earthquake instability
- Landsliding and sediment mobilization from Narrow Cold Frontal Rainbands (NCFR): examples from the Sierra Nevada foothills of California
- Late Eocene Extension of the Cascadia Forearc and its Control on Modern Deformation
- Leveraging Wetland Soil Carbon Data Sets to Address Spatial Representation of Wetland Carbon Stocks
- Links between magma flux, reservoir position, and topography at arc volcanoes
- Localized Shear and Thermal Softening of Magnesian Carbonates in Downgoing Slabs: A New Model for Intraslab Earthquakes
- Long Incubation Time and Repeated Chamber Evacuation for Explosive Dacites from Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington
- MTPy: A Python toolbox for magnetotelluric data
- Magma intrusion and volatile ascent beneath Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Magma reservoir failure and the onset of caldera collapse at Kīlauea Volcano in 2018
- Magma supply rate beneath Mammoth Mountain, California estimated from helium isotopes and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions
- Mapping Crude Oil Plume Discharge through Lake Sediments using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Geophysics, Direct Measurements, and Machine Learning
- Mapping surface water change continuously using the Landsat TM archive
- Measurement and Modeling of Perennial Thaw Zone Development in Boreal Alaska
- Measuring and Modeling Ecosystem Carbon Budgets and Greenhouse Gas Exchange from Restored Marshes across a Salinity Gradient
- Melt Inclusions and Their Application - New Perspective on the Subsurface Architecture of Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Mendocino Fracture Zone - Not So Simple!
- Mercury Chemostratigraphy and Geochemical Box Model Constraints on Large Igneous Province Eruption Rates: Case Studies from the Deccan and Siberian Traps
- Metagenomic Exploration of the Mono Lake Water Column: How Microbes Thrive despite High Salt and Arsenic Concentrations
- Microbial Succession in Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, CA
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Modeling future land use and water demand in California's Central Coast
- Modeling the vulnerability of socio-ecological communities to groundwater shortages during drought at a regional scale
- Modern sedimentation rates measured along the Queen Charlotte Fault, southern Haida Gwaii, Canada to Icy Point, Alaska
- Moment tensors of waste-water disposal induced seismicity in Southern Kansas.
- Monterey Canyon, a Sand Transport Conduit and Temporary Storage Reservoir
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-scale Integrated Modeling in the USGS Water Mission Area
- Multiparameter Study of Eruptive Behavior at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone
- Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?
- Near-real-time tracking of volcanic systems using ground deformation data
- Near-surface Fault Slip Data for the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake from Curved Coseismic Striations
- Neotectonic significance of Franciscan Complex bedrock structure adjacent to the Maacama Fault Zone in the Ukiah-Hopland area, northern California
- New Advances in CyberShake PSHA Models
- New Insights into Structural Elements of the Upper Mantle below the Contiguous United States from S-to-P Converted Seismic Waves
- Next Generation Seismic Hazard Models in California
- Numerical Modeling of Down-Rift Pressure Surges From Episodic Caldera Collapse During the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
- Numerical simulations of fault behavior during the transition from orthogonal to oblique extension
- Objective, automated approximation of landslide source zones from landslide point inventories
- Observations and models of crustal deformation transients following the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
- Origin of a public health concern: Cristobalite in ash from the May 18, 1980 Mt St Helens eruption
- Performance of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System During the Ridgecrest Sequence
- Permafrost Mapping with Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Two Wetland Systems North of the Tanana River, Interior Alaska
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Playa Dust Mineralogy and its Impact on Atmospheric Reactivity and the Production of Reactive Halogens
- Post-caldera volcanism at Yellowstone Caldera: Rapid extraction of multiple discrete magma bodies
- Preliminary Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the July 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes
- Preliminary Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Dissolved Organic and Inorganic Carbon Delivery to Tillamook Estuary, Oregon (USA).
- Progress in Understanding Seaclifff Evolution Using Remote Sensing Techniques and Historical Data Source
- Projecting climate-based water availability for habitat and human land use in California's Central Valley - an integrated modeling approach
- Projections of terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under different scenarios of land use and climate change
- Prospective and Pseudo-prospective Aftershock Forecasts after the July 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- Pseudo-prospective Evaluation of Aftershock Forecasts during the Ridgecrest sequence
- Quantifying Drought Effects on Waterfowl Food Resources in California's Central Valley Through Time-Series Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- Quaternary Deformation of the Hog Ranch-Naneum Anticline, Yakima Folds, Washington
- Rapid Synthesis of Surface Rupture Mapping and Observation Data During Response to the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, CA
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Rapid recovery of soil hydraulic conductivity following the October 2017 Northern California wildfires
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Real-Time Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Method During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Reconciling detrital zircon and fish faunal evidence for Miocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization and basin integration of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
- Reconciling shallow and deep fault slip associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Reconstructing Surface Reservoir Age with Aleutian tephrochronology
- Records of Magma Evolution & Eruption during Yellowstone's Last Caldera Cycle from Geospeedometry and Zircon Petrochronology
- Refined Principal Stress Estimates for Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas Based on Seismological Tools and Laboratory Experiments
- Regionalized generic ETAS models for use as Bayesian priors in global Aftershock Forecasting
- Relating Microseismicity to Fault Geometry at the Rattlesnake Ridge Landslide
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Relationship of mercury methylation and demethylation potential rates to methylmercury concentrations in vegetated and unvegetated rice paddy soil
- Remote Detection of Rock Bridges via Infrared Thermography: Investigating the Stability of Exfoliation Sheets on El Capitan in Yosemite Valley (California, USA)
- Reported Investments in Earthquake Mitigation Top 73 to 80 Billion in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, Since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
- Reproducibility of Charcoal Count Data: Empirical Analysis of an Implicit Assumption in Peak Detection Methodology
- Responses of ecosystem productivity to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the conterminous U.S. from 1971 to 2015
- Retrospective and Real-Time Event-Based Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm for the West Coast, USA
- Rising Mean Annual Temperature Alters Nutrient Cycling and Availability in Hawaiian Tropical Montane Wet Forest
- Role of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Characteristics and Presence on Marsh-Estuarine Sediment Fluxes: Barnegat Bay, New Jersey
- Rupture of Pre-existing Conjugate Faults During the M7.1 Earthquake Near Ridgecrest, CA
- Seismic Fault Exploration in Urban Fault Zones, Los Angeles, California
- Seismic response of the Coso Geothermal Field after the M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
- Shallow Deformation and Slip Rate Estimates on the Kirby Hills Fault, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, Northern California
- Signatures of focused fluid flow and methane venting along the Queen Charlotte Fault off southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia
- Simplifying interpretation of volcanic deformation at Long Valley caldera, California, with seismic and hydrologic data
- Site response analyses of U.S. Geological Survey Rapid Aftershock Pasadena (RAP) stations deployed after the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Source, site and path characterization of the July 2019 M7.1 and M6.4 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Spatial Variability of Nonergodic Site Response from Ambient Noise and Strong Ground Motion, with Application to Earthquake Early Warning
- Spatiotemporal variation in site-wide Spartina alterniflora belowground biomass may provide an early warning of tidal marsh vulnerability to sea level rise
- Stable isotopes provide insight into sources and cycling of dissolved nitrogen compounds in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Stop the Presses: Aftershock Forecasts in the Media from Bombay Beach to Anchorage to Ridgecrest
- Stormquakes
- Strain-estimated Ground Motions and Magnitudes of the 2019 Mw 6.4 and 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes
- Strength Recovery and Dependence on Normal Stress in Hydrothermal Quartzite Tests
- Structural Framework of the Camas Prairie Geothermal System, Southcentral Idaho
- Structural Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault System near Coachella Valley from Magnetotelluric Imaging
- Structural and Geothermal Implications from a Detailed Geophysical Investigation, Northeastern Oregon
- Structural and seismic hazard implications of geologic map and potential field geophysical observations at Mount Diablo, California
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): The Concept and Progress on a Major Publication Venture
- Submarine Canyons, Sediment Storage, and Mass Wasting in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Thaw dynamics of a rapidly degrading isolated permafrost plateau in south-central Alaska
- The 1989-90 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: A Catalyst for Innovation in Aircraft - Ash Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Communications, Real-Time Data Analysis, and Eruption Forecasting
- The Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network Performance Evaluation during the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Recorded on a High Density, Real-Time Seismic Network
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The Chemistry and Mineralogy of Sinter Deposits From two Large Geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes on Long Valley Caldera and Adjacent Sierra Nevada at Different Temporal and Spatial Scales
- The Greenland-Iceland Ridge is Continental
- The Production/Erosion Cycle of Landslide-Prone Material in Tropical Environments, Puerto Rico, USA
- The Ridgecrest sequence as an example of variable warning times from Earthquake Early Warning
- The Rise of the Toxic Diatom Genus Pseudo-nitzschia in Monterey Bay, CA: A 1000-year Record of Nearshore Biogenic Sedimentation and Phytoplankton Productivity
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network - Modernization and Collaboration for Reliable Data Streams to Enhance Earthquake Early Warning Applications
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network: Real-time Estimates of Crustal Deformation Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence
- The complex interaction pattern between slow-slip events and earthquakes in Central Alaska
- The invasive foraminifera Trochammina hadai as a biostratigraphic marker of the Anthropocene in San Francisco Bay
- The magmatic plumbing system of monotonous volcanoes: Mayon, Philippines
- The onset of hydrothermal activity at El Tatio (northern Chile) and its implications for the post-glacial history of the Altiplano
- The phytostabilization potential of native plants: a survey of endemic plants and microbes across the historic Harshaw Mining District, Southern Arizona
- Tight Coupling of Tropical Indo-Pacific Climate Variability through the Last Millennium
- Trenchward Migrating Megathrust Splay Faults in Junken Trough, Alaska
- Understanding earthquake impact on communities through structural building damage and social vulnerability metrics
- Understanding the importance of water and ice dynamics at a thermokarst site with novel geophysical observations
- Using trace metal ratios in volcanic glass for Aleutian tephrochronology
- Vadose Zone Controls on the Seasonal Dynamics of a Large, Slow-Moving Landslide
- Variability in Synthetic Earthquake Ground Motions Caused by Source Variability and Errors in Wave Propagation Models
- Variability of Business Characteristics Exposed to Building Damages from Earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Vulnerability to Groundwater Arsenic in the Bengal Basin: The Interplay between Dense Populations, Geologic Complexity, and Large-Scale Geogenic Contamination
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- What Are the Sources of 91 Low Latitude Fossils Found in the GISP2 Ice Core and Dating from 535 to 542 A.D.?
- Younger Dryas marine ecosystem record from Sitka Sound Alaska, USA: Rapid transition from proglacial lake to open ocean
- 2021 U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model for Hawaii
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Surface Water Trends for the Conterminous United States Using Monthly Image Composites
- 3D characterization of fluid-flow within the western Santa Barbara Channel
- A Complicated Record of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Lake Level and Salinity Variability at Mono Lake, California
- A Conceptual Framework for Emergency Food and Water Requirements in a Disaster and Case Study for the HayWired Earthquake Scenario
- A National Assessment of Tidal Wetland Carbon Sequestration and GHG emissions with Implications for Land Management in the United States
- A new paleoceanographic record from Tanner Basin in the outer California Borderlands: preliminary results from the southern California Current System
- A simplified one-dimensional unsaturated hydrology model for rainfall-induced landslides
- A tough but light design of a RAD7 coastal buoy - making your measurements watertight.
- ASTUTI-Costa Rica: Fixed Network Smartphone-based Earthquake Early Warning
- Ability of thermal energy from rainfall to warm and thaw soils at a thermokarst site in south-central Alaska
- An Automated Procedure for Producing USGS ShakeMap Parametric Input from Non-Traditional Seismic Networks with Application to the Community Seismic Network
- An Earthquake Detection Algorithm for Local Seismic Monitoring of Underground Caverns: The Sorrento Salt Dome, Louisiana Case Study
- Answering to stakeholders: Sensitivity of liquefaction hazard during earthquakes to sea-level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Aquifer Vulnerability Evaluation Based on Water Table Fluctuations
- Assessment of seismic hazard map performance for California through comparison with historical shaking data
- Backarc-forearc links across the Oregon-Washington Cascade Range interpreted from high-resolution magnetic anomalies
- Beyond b-value: The True Nature of Deviations in Earthquake Size Distributions
- Bridging the precision gap in zircon <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>206</SUP>Pb ages between 100 and 350 ka: Development of a coupled ID-TIMS and ID-MC-ICPMS zircon dating technique
- Can hillslopes keep pace with landslide frequency in the humid tropics of Puerto Rico (USA)?
- Can we use causal theory to understand how Earth processes shape life? Examples from the Baja GeoGenomics consortium
- Characterizing Stress Orientations in Southern Kansas
- Coasting Into 2020: a Decade of Discoveries for Blue Carbon Ecosystems
- Combining Soil Chamber and Eddy Covariance Measurements to Better Constrain CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Restored Tidal Wetland
- Comparing Earthquake Strain Records from Borehole Strainmeters and Fiber-Optic Array
- Comparison of Bioeffect Screening Results for Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products: Implications for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analyses
- Comparison of Ground-based and Space-based Surface Rupture Mapping of the May 15, 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake, Nevada
- Comparison of V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30</SUB> and f<SUB>0</SUB> values from single station earthquake-to-microtremor ratio (EMR) and multi-station array-based site characterization methods
- Compilation of Geologic and Seismic Velocity Characteristics at Advanced National Seismic System Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites
- Constructing a Paleoseismic Record from Lacustrine Landslide Deposits
- Contributions of rivers and lakes to the carbon balance of the United States during 1900-2019
- Converging science and policy-based greenhouse gas budgets for North America for the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes Study (RECCAP-2)
- Convolutional Neural Networks to Improve Soil-Cover Maps by Identifying Rock Outcrops in California
- Correlating Aleutian Tephra Layers Using Trace Element Ratios
- Could Some Mars Seismic Events be Generated by Fluid Flow?
- Creep on the Sargent Fault Over the Past 50 Years from Alignment Arrays and Implications for Slip Transfer Between the Calaveras and San Andreas Faults
- Cryptic Evidence for Primitive Magma Storage and Eruption in Thickened Crust
- Detailed Seismic Imaging of the Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone from Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Detailed traveltime tomography and seismicity around the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquake using dense rapid-response seismic data
- Developing a Next Generation UAS Volcano Observation Platform
- Developing geospatial algorithms for fault identification along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth?
- Earthquake Distributions Along Northern Caribbean Faults Are Sensitive to Assumptions of Plate Boundary Coupling and Segmentation
- Earthquake Early Warning Testing Developments: Realistic Warning Time Estimates for Large Magnitude Events
- Economists and stakeholders weigh in on the HayWired earthquake scenario
- Empirical Map-Based Models of Nonergodic Site Response in the Greater Los Angeles Area
- Evaluating postglacial and modern rock-fall rates in Yosemite Valley, California
- Evaluating the Spatial Success of Landslide Prediction Models using Visual Contingency Tables
- Evaluating the Usefulness of Earthquake Early Warning for a California Rail System
- Evaluation of Connectivity Between Ridgecrest Faults and the Garlock Fault Using PGV of Guided Waves
- Exploring the Coda Envelope Technique for Moment Magnitude Estimation of Small Earthquakes in Southern Kansas
- FLUXNET-CH4 and seasonality of methane emissions from freshwater wetlands
- Fault Complexity of The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence As Inferred From PGV of Guided Waves
- Field-scale applications of magnetic susceptibility for monitoring iron transformations associated with hotspots of biogeochemical activity
- Forearc Mantle Helium as a Constraint on Location of the Seismogenic Zone along the Cascadia Subduction Interface
- Forecasting Wetland Habitat to Support Dynamic Multi-Benefit Water Management Decisions in the Central Valley of California
- Foreshock Cascades to Failure
- From Frog to Forest Conservation: Identifying Climate-Refugia for At-Risk Species in the Southern Sierra Nevada Forest
- From the Mantle to the Upper Crust: Migrating Volcanic Earthquakes After the 2009 Harrat Lunayyir Dike Intrusion, Saudi Arabia
- Generation of synthetic ground motions for induced seismic events in Oklahoma using varied fault orientations
- Genomic and ecological signatures of landscape change: a geologically-constrained, simulation-based case study in the Baja California Peninsula
- Geological Thermal Energy Storage for Urban Centers
- Geometrical Fault Complexity and the Rupture Dynamics of the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- High-Resolution Coastal Bluff Monitoring through Crowd-Sourced SfM
- How Rare Earthquakes Impact Seismic Hazard Assessments
- Imaging the next Cascadia earthquake: Optimal design for a seafloor observation network given realistic data uncertainties
- Including Three-dimensional Finite Fault and Distributed Slip Models in Ground Motion Forecasting for Earthquake Early Warning
- Increased salinity decreases annual gross primary productivity of a brackish wetland
- Incremental Caldera Collapse at Kīlauea Volcano Observed in Ground Tilt and High-Rate GPS Data: Implications for the Magmatic System
- Insights Into Fire-based Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes From a Long-term Data Set in Alaska
- Integrating High Resolution Gravity, Magnetic and Magnetotelluric Data to Characterize the Structural Framework of a Blind Geothermal System in Southern Gabbs Valley, NV
- Interpreting the Queen Charlotte plate boundary from 3D seismic tomography and relocated earthquakes
- Interseismic fault healing at hydrothermal conditions
- Investigating early earthquake rupture characteristics with borehole strainmeters
- Investigating hurricane-induced compound flooding and sediment dispersal using coupled hydrology and ocean models
- Investigating the effects of topography and magma reservoir structure on volcano-tectonic interactions in a youthful continental rift
- Is Earthquake Rupture Predictability Real or Apparent?
- Late Holocene (3.0-2.6 ka) enhancement of ocean-terrestrial teleconnections in California, Nevada, and coastal Oregon
- Late Miocene-Pliocene Volcanism in the Sierra de San Francisco, Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- Late Neogene Basaltic Flare-up: 330-vent NE-trending Belt—170-km-long—Continuous through Central Sierra Nevada-Long Valley-Adobe Hills-Mina Deflection-to Candelaria
- MMI-Based Site Amplification Factors for USGS Earthquake Early Warning Algorithms
- Methane flux attribution analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at heterogeneous wetland sites
- Microbiological Evidence for Clipperton Island as a Stepping-Stone for Migration Across the Eastern Pacific Barrier.
- Microcontinent Evolution of Isla Ángel de la Guarda, Gulf of California, México, from Neotectonic Mapping, Luminescence Dating, and Topographic Analysis
- Moletrack mechanics: Deciphering surface rupture processes from mobile laser scanning and mechanical models
- New Discovery of Pliocene Tidal Deposits Near the Crest of the Central Baja California Peninsula: A Key Constraint on Vertical Crustal Motions and Genetic Divergence
- New insights into the tectonic history and Quaternary fault activity of the Santa Lucia Bank region, offshore south-central California
- Optimizing Point-Source-Based Earthquake Early Warning Alerting Regions for the ShakeAlert System using a ShakeMap Catalog of U.S. West Coast Earthquakes
- Overlap of Slow and Seismic slip under Kīlauea's South Flank in the May 4, 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.9 earthquake.
- Paleoearthquakes in the Sedimentary Record
- Physical and compositional stratigraphy in the 5.6 Ma Bicycle Lake basalt, southeastern Fort Irwin, California
- Poroelastic Problems in Pylith
- Progress in Prediction Using Geomorphic Transport Laws
- Projecting the Coupled Impact of Sustainable Groundwater Management Laws and Development Planning on Land-use/land-cover Change in California
- Quantifying vertical fluxes of water, uranium, and metals-mixtures in the unsaturated zone at various mine life-cycle stages
- Re-examination of the Subsurface Fault Structure in the Vicinity of the 1989 Loma Prieta Mw 6.9 Earthquake, Central California, Using Steep Reflection, Earthquake, and Aeromagnetic Data
- Recovering ascent rates and eruption dynamics from the properties of sintered volcanic shear zones: A case study from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center (USA)
- Regional-Scale Landscape Change: Data Preparation and Two Examples Using Object-Based Image Analysis and Windowed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm to Interrogate Results
- Repeating Earthquakes Trigger Themselves in Parkfield
- Results from the Chalk Hill Paleoseismic Site, Northern Rodgers Creek Fault, San Francisco Bay Region
- Sediment routing across the southern Cascadia subduction margin with implications for earthquake magnitude and recurrence
- Seismic and Geodetic Progression of the 2018 Caldera Collapse of Kīlauea Volcano
- Shaking Caused by Some Fast and Slow Moving Faults
- Should all of Nepal be treated as having the same earthquake hazard?
- Slow Dextral Slip on the Gales Creek Fault at Scoggins Dam: Hazard Implications for the Greater Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro Metropolitan Area, Oregon and Washington
- Source Time Functions for a M4.5 Aftershock within the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Earthquake Sequence
- Sourcing and characterizing geochemical changes from unpermitted produced water dumping, Permian Basin, USA
- Spatially explicit projections of land use and carbon dynamics in the conterminous United States: A new approach linking the LUCAS and CBM-CFS3 models
- Stick-Slip at the Kilometer Scale: Estimating Rate and State Friction Parameters from Modeling Repeated Caldera Collapse Events at Kīlauea Volcano in 2018
- Stress drop and ground-motion source comparison of the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence: A community validation study
- Stress, topographic form, and bedrock-mantled landscapes - are they just barely soiled or distinctly different?
- Submarine landslide distribution and potential sources of seismoturbidites along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Margin
- Submarine waveform field records enhanced frequency of sediment transport events during the Pleistocene, offshore Morro Bay, California
- Subsurface Rupture Zones along Multiple Faults during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Inferred by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Surface water availability and field-measured permeability on Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, CA
- Tectonic Controls on Landscape Evolution and Habitat Distributions Along the Central Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
- Tephra compositions and textures from historical and Holocene eruptions of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska
- The Distribution of Magnitude Differences Yields Robust Estimates of b-value in Transiently Incomplete Aftershock Catalogs
- The Next Decade of Physics-Based Eruption Forecasting
- The Plum Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm: A Case Study of Two West Coast, USA, Datasets
- The role of water and ice beneath the surface: insights into the Cryosphere from Near-Surface Geophysical observations
- The roles of restoration, elevation, and tide in the salt marsh carbon flux game
- Thermal Transport by Rain into Thawing Permafrost Landscapes
- Topographic and Volcanic Evolution of Central Baja California, Mexico - Constraints and Evidence for a Pliocene Marine Embayment or Trans-Peninsular Strait
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- USGS volcano observatories in 2020: Review of the past 10 years and a look to the future
- Understanding the Impact of the North American Crustal Stress Field on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Updates to the U.S. Geological Survey National Strong Motion Project Acquisition, Processing, and Review System
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Using Empirical Land-Cover Changes to Construct Climate Change Scenarios in the Great Basin
- Using Tree Density Mapping to Assess Rockfall Hazards at Whitney Portal, California after the June 24, 2020 Lone Pine Earthquake
- Using high-resolution, multi-disciplinary simulations to investigate the effect of community and structural vulnerabilities on neighborhood recovery
- Using stable isotopes to understand multi-scale changes in aquatic biogeochemistry in the human-impacted San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Weakening of Peridotite Accompanying the Initiation of Shear at Hydrothermal Conditions: Effect of Fluid Chemistry
- When water meets fire: The Effects of Hydrologically-Related Processes in Long Valley Caldera at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales
- A Comparison Between a BGM-3 and a New AT1M Marine Gravity Meter During a Survey in the North Atlantic in December 2020.
- A New Generation Shipboard Marine Gravimeter by Dynamic Gravity Systems for the UNOLS Academic Research Fleet
- A Study of Options for Estimating Floor Shaking Levels of Tall Buildings in Earthquake Early Warning
- A Synthesis of Tidal Wetland Methane Emissions Across the Contiguous United States
- Advanced broadband acquisition and processing techniques for marine sparker seismic-reflection data
- Assembly of an Extreme Magmatic Differentiate: Sugarloaf Mountain, USA
- Assessing impact of geolocation error on canopy height measurement performance of GEDI
- Chemistry of the Water in the Crater Lake at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Combining MODFLOW simulation with GRACE remote sensing data to support drought management in the Delaware River Basin, USA
- Communicating Aftershock Forecasts for Situational Awareness During Humanitarian Response
- Conjugate Rupture Patterns and Role of Fluids in the 2020 Maacama Fault, California Earthquake Swarm
- Conserving a Minimum Stress State on Faults: New Constraints for Combinatorial Rupture Forecasts
- Continental-scale Mapping of 30-meter Evapotranspiration Using Machine Learning
- Converted-wave Elastic Reverse Time Migration Imaging of the Pacific Northwest
- Coupled Models in PyLith for Earthquake Cycle Simulations
- Current lidar technology approaches for Surface Topography and Vegetation Structure Measurements
- Detection of near field distributed fault creep displacements using augmented planar primitives generated from mobile laser scanning
- Development and application of a Landsat-based unvegetated-vegetated marsh ratio for the contiguous United States
- Drivers of declining suspended sediment concentrations across US rivers
- Ecological Settings of Earth's Coastlines
- Elements of an Extended Short-Term Tsunami Forecast
- Evidence from Dominican University of California Archaeological Site CA-MRN-254 (Marin County, California, USA) that Persistent Aridity Associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly did not Impact Invertebrate Resources
- Evolving the Design and CONOPS of a Volcanic Monitoring UAS Over Several Flight Campaigns
- Finite-source attributes of 39 M 3.9 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California earthquakes
- Flow heterogeneity impact on dissolution reaction behavior in geologic porous media
- High-Resolution Thaw Dynamics of Two Latitudinally Distant Alaska Thermokarst Sites: A Field Study
- High-resolution P-wave Velocities Across the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault at Mee Ranch, Central California
- Holocene Westerly Jet Variability Over East Asia and Its Linkages with the Aleutian Low and the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Wetland Methane Emissions in the San Francisco Bay Sacramento San Joaquin River Delta: Detection and Prediction with a Data-Driven Model
- How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands
- Identifying directions for improving water prediction by evaluating multiple national-scale hydrologic models
- Implementation of the AQMS/Jiggle System at the Puerto Rico Seismic Network: Process, Pitfalls, and Triumphs
- Increasing access to early-career experience at the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Science Center via targeted recruitment and hiring
- Induced Seismicity Behavior within the Oklahoma LASSO Nodal Array Illuminated by Machine-Learning Methods
- Influences of Deglaciation and Post-Glacial Climate on the Deposition and Compositions of Hydrothermal Travertine in Yellowstone Caldera
- Initial Results from Campaign and Continuous Heat Flow Measurements in Mono Lake, California
- Interseismic fault loading in Californias North Coast constrained by geodetic data
- Investigating CO2 and CH4 Fluxes Across a Heterogeneous Restored Tidal Salt Marsh in the South San Francisco Bay, California, Using Eddy Covariance, Chamber, and Porewater Measurements
- Kinematic slip model of the July 8, 2021 M6.0 Antelope Valley, California, earthquake
- Latency and Geofence Testing of Wireless Emergency Alerts intended for the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system (West Coast, United States of America)
- Learning Actionable Science: Mindsets and Skills used by Experienced Researchers
- Long-term shifts in particulate organic matter dynamics evident throughout the San Francisco Bay-Delta system
- Machine learning predictions of mean ages of groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin, USA
- Magma Chamber Pressure History at Kilauea volcano from April 2018 to December 2020
- Modeling of postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Monthly estimates of global freshwater wetland methane emissions for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes
- Multi-agencymulti-platform monitoring of potential landslide and tsunami hazards at the Barry Arm landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- New Approaches for Characterization of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products
- Next-generation wildlife tracking devices and integrated sensors for measuring species-environment interactions and advancing conservation
- Non-violent Water-Lava Interaction in Kilaueas Summit Crater Lake Generates Little Ash and a 13 km High Plume
- Paleomagnetic characteristics of Basalts on the Devils Garden Plateau, Northeastern California
- Physical and Chemical Evolution of the Historically Unprecedented Crater Lake at the Summit of Kilauea Volcano, 2019-2020
- Quantifying Seasonal Snow Depth Spatial Variability in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Quantifying event-scale source to sink sediment dynamics across multiple watersheds using regional-scale repeat lidar
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
- Quantifying the role of debris flows on steepland evolution
- Reassessment of the lake-based Pliocene hydroclimate proxy network in western North America
- Remarkable Interannual Variability in the Carbon Sink Strength of an Alaskan Boreal Peatland Complex Based Upon a Decade of Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Repeating Earthquakes Partially Reload Themselves in Parkfield
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on an Instraslab Earthquake: The M7.6 2020 Sand Point, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on the 29 July 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor geodetic observations of the July 22 2020 Mw 7.8 Simeonof earthquake
- Seismic and Thermal Detection of Internal Waves, Seiches, and Methane Release in Mono Lake, California
- Seismicity induced by massive wastewater injection near Puerto Gaitan, Colombia
- State of Our Nations Coast: Using HCD to Improve Delivery of USGS Coastal Hazards Information
- Structural properties of the Southern San Andreas fault zone in northern Coachella Valley from magnetotelluric imaging
- Testing the MMI Contour Triggering Option for Generating ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Messages with Testsuite 2.0 Events
- Testing the US West Coast ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System in Complex Earthquake Sequences
- The weight of cities: Urbanization effects on Earths subsurface
- Topographic and 3D elastic variations: when to account for it in fault slip estimates?
- Toward inclusion of peak ground displacement magnitude estimates in ShakeAlert
- Trace element and radiogenic isotope (Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) geochemistry of diverse lava types in the southern Washington backarc.
- Tracking soil thaw and permafrost degradation across multiple timescales using ambient seismic noise
- USAID-USGS Earthquake Disaster Assistance Team: Collaborating with International Partners to Reduce Earthquake Risk Worldwide
- Understanding Crustal Stress Heterogeneity in Southern California using Focal Mechanism Inversions and Shear Wave Splitting Fast Velocities.
- Using microearthquakes to investigate the earthquake preparation process at the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Turbidity and CDOM in the San Francisco Bay Delta
- Variability in Post-Wildfire Soil Hydraulic Properties Related to Local and Regional Climatological, Geological, and Burn Characteristic Factors.
- Variations in Frictional Restrengthening at Hydrothermal Conditions
- Water Balance of the Turn-of-the-Century Drought in the Southwestern United States
- What is most important when using computers to understand fast fault slip under ground?
- What is the Magnitude in Earthquake Early Warning?
- Where the Fault Meets the Road: Structure, Deformation and Rheology of the Urban Hayward Fault
- "Decision-Relevant" Multi-Model Hydrologic Evaluation in the Delaware River Basin for Assessments of Water System Vulnerability under Drought
- 2023 U.S. 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model
- A Synthesis of Delaware River Basin Water Use, Water Management, and Land Use Information in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment
- Advanced Regularization Techniques for Geophysical Inversions on Unstructured Meshes
- Alaska Subduction Zone Shallow Megathrust Slip Variability Revealed by Seafloor Geodesy
- An Educational Crop-Climate Simulation Model to Enhance STEM Engagement in High Schools
- An Empirical Magnitude Scale for Landslide-Inducing Storms
- An Integrated Hydrologic and Water Systems Model in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment for the Delaware River Basin
- Assisting Community-Level Tsunami Mitigation and Recovery Planning from a State and Federal Level
- Biogeochemical Origins and Timing of Laminations in Mono Lake Sediments
- Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Modeling Wetland Management as a Nature-based Climate Solution.
- Climate, Time, and Soil Development Interact to Shape the Depth Distribution and Structure of Microbial Communities
- Considerations for Optimizing Magnetic Surveys with Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS)
- Constraining CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Diverse Tidal Wetlands: Standardizing measurements and analysis across a network of eddy covariance sites in North America and Canada
- Controls on spatial variation in porewater methane concentration across U.S. tidal wetlands
- Converted-Wave Reverse Time Migration Imaging in Subduction Zone Settings
- Crediting Blue Carbon Lateral Fluxes: Measurement and Prediction of Flux Rates
- Cross-Fade Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation For Fault Slip Modeling
- Detection and quantification of preferential flow using artificial rainfall with multiple experimental approaches
- Direct Measurements of Hydraulic Conductivity of Carbonate Porous Rocks at Sample Scale by Evaporation and Quasi-Steady Centrifuge (QSC) Methods
- Ecosystem Functional Recovery Following Disturbance: Drivers of Carbon Flux in a Restored Tidal Freshwater Wetland
- Emulation of Volcano Deformation Sources Using Machine Learning Models: a Gaussian Process-Based Approach
- Enhancing Usability of USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) Lidar Data Through Jupyter Notebook-Based Data Access and Processing
- Environmental Controls on Subsurface Temperature and Permafrost Thaw Progression at a Discontinuous Permafrost Site in Interior, AK
- Estimating Fault Surface Creep Using Lidar Time Series Analysis
- Evaluating the Effects of Reservoir Presence on Modeled Basin Hydrology in the NHM-PRMS
- Excess Cumulative Stress at the Tokai Section of the Nankai Megathrust from Combinatorial Optimization of Earthquake Distributions
- Finite-source Attributes of M4 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Hydrodynamic Controls on the Stability of Individual Loops in Coastal Channel Networks
- Implementing Earthquake Cycle Simulations in PyLith
- Induced Seismicity Template Matching and Location Determination at Geothermal Monitoring Sites in Nevada
- Induced Seismicity in Southeastern New Mexico
- Integrated Landscape Science Challenges in a Changing World
- Investigating Paleoenvironmental Influences on the Magnetic Record from the Pacific Northwest Margin since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Locating an Urban Fault Along the San Francisco Peninsula Using High-Resolution Active-Source Seismology
- Locations of the Serra and Related Faults Along the San Francisco Peninsula in the City of San Carlos from Multi-Method, Active-Source Seismic Imaging.
- Mapping Bedrock Outcrops in the Sierra Nevada using Machine Learning
- Methane Fluxes in Tidal Wetlands Across the Contiguous United States: Annual Conversion Factors and the Interplay of Salinity and Temperature on CH4 flux
- Methods for measuring wind speed and direction for accurate estimations of methane fluxes
- Modeling a Recharge Mound and Identifying Groundwater-Flow Parameters at a Managed Aquifer Recharge Facility Using Repeat Microgravity Data
- New Opportunities with the Alaska and Cascadia Near-Trench Community Geodetic Experiment
- Opportunities for Nature-Based Climate Solutions Federally Managed Lands and Waters and Monitoring for Effects of the Policies
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on Volcanic Activity at Clear Lake, California
- Paleoseismic Evidence for a Near Historic rupture within the Seattle fault zone: Implications for complex hanging wall kinematics above an active blind reverse fault
- Patterns of permafrost microbial functional genes and in situ greenhouse gas concentrations indicate that permafrost is an active microbial ecosystem
- Permafrost Microbial Communities Are Active Across a Holocene to Pleistocene Permafrost Chronosequence as Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing.
- Poroelastic Faulting in Pylith
- Post 1980 Decreases in Snow Water Equivalent and Increases in Snow Drought Across the Conterminous United States
- Post wildfire hydrologic process understanding through model parameter estimation: wrapping WRF-Hydro in PEST++
- Quantification of Geomorphic Evolution Timescales in Microtidal Salt Marshes: Estimating Lifespan Using Numerical Models and Remote Sensing
- Quantifying Phosphorus Balances and Water Quality Trends in the Mississippi River, 1975 - 2017
- Quantum Parametric Mode Sorting Lidar for Measurement of Snow Properties
- Remote Sensing of Fault Slip, Fault Creep, and Landscape Change: Implications for Surface Topography and Vegetation Measurement Needs.
- Seeing what hides beneath: teaching a stream temperature model to recognize and respond to groundwater-surface water exchange
- Seismotectonics of the Easternmost Segment of Gofar Transform Fault
- Self-consistently simulating transient and steady-state river-channel width
- Serpentinite bodies and complex fault geometry through time: the southern Bartlett Springs fault, northern California Coast Ranges
- Shallow Heat and Fluid Flow around Lava Domes and Faults in Mono Lake, California
- Snow Water Equivalent Modeling in Complex Mountainous Terrain Based on Snow Telemetry and Snow Depth Trends
- Streamflow Observations in Support of Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Objectives
- Strength Recovery and Hydraulic Transmissivity Evolution in Shear Fractures in Westerly Granite at Hydrothermal Conditions
- The Greenhouse Gas Budget of North America 2010-2019: Results from the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes study (RECCAP2)
- Too big to fail without shaking: 3D slope stability modeling reveals coseismic landslides within uplifted marine terraces in Oregon (USA)
- Towards DAS-based Earthquake Event Detection for Earthquake-Early-Warning
- U.S. Geological Survey Tsunami Sources Powell Center Working Group: Cascadia Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Meeting Summary
- Understanding Snow Deposition Patterns Leading to Natural Avalanche Formation in Heterogenous Mountain Terrain
- Using High Frequency Flux Measurements to Constrain Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Tidal Wetland Carbon Budget
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Baltay
- A. I. Chung
- A. K. Diefenbach
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Michalak
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail Jaye
- Adina Paytan
- Alan C Mix
- Alexa R. Van Eaton
- Alexander García
- Alexandra E. Hatem
- Alfredo L. Aretxabaleta
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amanda E. Cravens
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew J. Barbour
- Andrew V. Newman
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Anna M. Wilson
- Anthony F. Pivarunas
- Apoorva Shastry
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Ashley M. Matheny
- B. Philibosian
- B. W. Crowell
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin M. Sleeter
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamín Idini
- Brian A. Bergamaschi
- Brian A. Ebel
- Brian D. Kilgore
- Brian L. Sherrod
- Burke J. Minsley
- C. A. Williams
- C. Bouligand
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- C. L. Glennie
- C. M. Gough
- C. R. Lawrence
- Caitlin M. Casey
- Camille L. Stagg
- Chet Hopp
- Chris R. Vernon
- Christian Ayala-Ortiz
- Christina Richardson
- Christoph Kern
- Christopher R. German
- Clara Yoon
- Claudie Beaulieu
- Cole M. Speed
- Colin Pennington
- D. A. Lockner
- D. A. Schmidt
- D. Goldberg
- D. L. Roth
- D. R. Shelly
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel S. Brothers
- Daniel T. Trugman
- David Butman
- David C. Podgorski
- Dawn J. Wright
- Debi Kilb
- Diane E. Moore
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- E. A. Sproles
- E. J. Fielding
- E. S. Cochran
- Edwin Sumargo
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Eric J. Ward
- Eric L. Geist
- Erich H. Peitzsch
- Erika E. Lentz
- Erika Koontz
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. F. Pollitz
- F. L. Vernon
- Francis K. Rengers
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gavin McNicol
- Gil Bohrer
- Grace A. Parker
- Gregory J. McCabe
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Hao Tang
- Haoran Meng
- Hilary Chang
- Indira Molina
- Iryna Dronova
- J. A. Carr
- J. B. DeSanto
- J. B. Miller
- J. D. Smith
- J. Gong
- J. H. Chan
- J. J. Lyons
- J. J. McGuire
- J. K. Saunders
- J. M. Nevitt
- J. M. Warren
- J. P. Perkins
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. Prancevic
- J. R. Murray
- J. R. Patton
- J. S. Deems
- J. S. Stoner
- Jabari C. Jones
- Jack Elston
- Jack Willard
- Jacob A. Zwart
- James A. Falcone
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Randerson
- Janet R. Barclay
- Jared Peacock
- Jason A. Addison
- Jason M. Stoker
- Jeanne L. Hardebeck
- Jeffrey R. Kennedy
- Jennifer Andrews
- Jesse E. Dickinson
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jessica K. Leet
- Jessie K. Pearl
- Jianwu Tang
- Jing Tao
- Joel D. Blomquist
- John B. Shaw
- John R. Nimmo
- Jonathan M. Winter
- Jonathan M.G. Glen
- Jonathan Wang
- Jorge A. Villa
- Josef Dufek
- Julia B. Goolsby
- Justin L. Rubinstein
- K. J. Ryan
- K. Kroll
- K. L. Allison
- K. M. Sampson
- K. R. Anderson
- Kang Wang
- Karen B. Gran
- Karen Luttrell
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Katherine R. Merriman
- Kathryn Materna
- Ken W. Krauss
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Kirstie L. Haynie
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Larry G. Mastin
- Lauren E. Koenig
- Lauren N. Harrison
- Lauren N. Schaefer
- Laurence G. Miller
- Leah Langer
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Liv Herdman
- Luke A. McGuire
- Lydia M. Staisch
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. B. Magnani
- M. D. Behn
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. E. West
- M. R. Reid
- M. Simons
- M. Tzortziou
- Maciej Lisicki
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Maren Böse
- Margaret L. Palmsten
- Margaret S. Avery
- Maria Clementina Caputo
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Mark P. Waldrop
- Mary-Cathrine Leewis
- Masako Tominaga
- Mathias Goeckede
- Mathis P. Hain
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Matthew M. Haney
- Maurice A. Tivey
- Men‐Andrin Meier
- Michael Manga
- Morgan P. Moschetti
- N. Jackson
- N. M. Beeler
- N. Richard Knowles
- Nadine Igonin
- Nicholas J. van der Elst
- Nina S. Oakley
- Nori Nakata
- Oliver S. Boyd
- P. C. D. Milly
- P. Segall
- Patrick Lynett
- Patrick M. Reed
- Paul A. Bedrosian
- Peter J. Haeussler
- Phillip H. Larson
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Piotr Szymczak
- Qing Zhu
- R. Arrowsmith
- R. D. Catchings
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Radost Waszkiewicz
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert D. Sabo
- Robert Lewis Walker
- Rodrigo Vargas
- Roland Bürgmann
- Ruth Harris
- S. E. Minson
- S. L. Nooner
- S. R. James
- S. Topp
- S. W. McCoy
- S.W. White
- Samuel Saxe
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott C. Neubauer
- Sean K Ahdi
- Sean Richard LaHusen
- Shaul Hurwitz
- Sheila F. Murphy
- Spahr C. Webb
- Stephen A. Solovitz
- Stephen B. DeLong
- Stephen J. Angster
- Steven Constable
- Steven Sobieszczyk
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Sydney S. Foks
- T. A. Morrow
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Jeppson
- T. Partridge
- T. Pavelsky
- T. S. Hogue
- Takahiko Uchide
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Théa Ragon
- Tom Parsons
- Tomohisa Irino
- Verónica L. Morales
- Vincent J. M. Salters
- W. C. Hammond
- Ward E. Sanford
- Wenyuan Fan
- William D. Barnhart
- William Farmer
- William J. Riley
- William L. Ellsworth
- William Struble
- Xiao Yang
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xinxiang Zhu
- Xubin Zeng
- Yajing Liu
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuehua Zeng
- Zachary D. Smith
- Zachary S. Miller
- Zafer Defne
- Zhaohui Aleck Wang
- Zhiliang Zhu