U.S. Geological Survey
flowchart I[U.S. Geological Survey] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (10)"] AW["Affiliated Works (5230)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (647)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver
- U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska
- U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado
- U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff
- U.S. Geological Survey, Florida
- U.S. Geological Survey, Hawaii
- U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park
- U.S. Geological Survey, Sioux Falls
- U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson
- U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of the Effects of Clearcutting Hardwood Forests on Nitrate Movement in 3 Watersheds in Northeastern North America
- A New Mechanism for Pore Pressure Changes Induced by Distant Earthquakes
- A Regional Modeling Study of the Influence of Urban Land Cover Change on the Lower Atmosphere in Baltimore-Washington DC
- A Sediment Budget for the Deschutes River, Oregon
- A fault friction driven model of crustal stress in the Los Angeles region
- A new Generation of Real-Time Earthquake Exhibits for Museums
- Algal Nitrate Assimilation and Productivity in an Urban, Concrete-Lined Stream Dominated by Tertiary Treated Municipal Waste-Water
- Analysis of Airborne Ash and Elevated Surface Temperatures Detected on Multiple Satellite Data Sets of the Mt Cleveland Eruption, 2001
- Application of Surface-Water Microlayer Sampler in the Hydrologic Assessment of Frog Malformations in Minnesota
- Applying the U<SUP>K</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> Method in the Chesapeake Bay: Calibration, Development, and Comparison With Paleotemperatures Obtained From Mg/Ca Ratios
- Aquifer Testing in Fractured Rock: Conceptual Similarities in Aquifer Heterogeneity From Varied Geologic Settings
- Assessing Processes of Post-Seismic Deformation from Geodetic Observations Following the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Assessing the Response of Alaska's Glaciers to Post-Little Ice Age Climate Change
- Back to Baltimore - Hydrology and Hydrometeorology of Flooding in an Urban Environment
- Biocomplexity, Complicatedness, and Simplicity in the Lower Mississippi Region
- CO2 Degassing at Kilauea Volcano: Implications for Primary Magma, Summit Reservoir Dynamics, and Magma Supply Monitoring
- Calibrating a Regional Ground-Water Flow and Subsidence Model in Antelope Valley, California, Using InSAR-Derived Subsidence Maps
- Calibration of a Deterministic Net Infiltration Model for the Death Valley Region Using Measured Daily Stream Flows
- Carbon Isotopes in Unsaturated-Zone Gases and Ground Water Near a Radioactive-Waste Disposal Area, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Changes in Storage Zone Characteristics for Pinal Creek, Arizona due to Flow Conditions and Management Practices
- Characterization of Particles Recovered From a 4 Km Ice Core Above Lake Vostok, Antarctica
- Climate Record in a 240 kyr Sediment Core From Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho
- Climate Variability, Dissolved Organic Carbon, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Coastal Paleoclimate: Unraveling Temperature and Salinity History Using Ostracode Shell Chemistry
- Comparison and Combination of Solutions From the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Comparison of Methods to Estimate Seepage Between Stream and Ground Water System, Willamette Valley, Oregon
- Complex Behavior of Contaminant Flux and the Ecology of the Lower Mississippi River
- Conceptual Design for the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
- Constraining Spatially Varying Elastic Storage Properties in Deforming Aquifer Systems Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Cooperative Educational Project - The Southern Appalachians: A Changing World
- Cross-Borehole Flowmeter Testing to Define Fracture-Flow Parameters
- Crystalline Bedrock Geology, Faulting, and Crustal Architecture in the Larse Region of the Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- Deep Fluids from the Subducting Pacific Plate and Associated Microbial Activity on a Mariana Forearc Serpentine Seamount, ODP Leg 195
- Designing Inset Models: Guidelines for Placement and Size
- Determining the Source of a Large Holocene Flood, Deschutes River, Oregon
- Diel Variation in Dissolved Trace-Element Concentrations in Streams Draining Abandoned Mine Lands
- Ecology of the Ostracode Loxoconcha in Chesapeake Bay: Application to Shell Chemistry Calibration
- Effects of Subsurface Microbial Ecology on Geochemical Evolution of a Crude-Oil Contaminated Aquifer
- Empirical Evidence for the Importance of Vegetation Spatial Distribution and Temporal Dynamics in Modulating Streamflow from Macroscale Watersheds in Various Physiographic and Climatic Regimes
- Estimating Fault Displacement from the 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake Using LIDAR
- Estimating the Effects of Basin Characteristics on Stream Pesticide Concentrations Using Coupled Watershed and Regression Models
- Estimating the Probability of Earthquake-Induced Landslides
- Evidence for incomplete magma degassing during hydromagmatic explosions that produced the Keanakako'i Ash, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Flow and Sediment Transport on a Shallow Reef Flat: South-central Molokai, Hawaii
- Fluid Pressure Changes in the Surprise Spring Basin Near Twenty-Nine Palms, California, Induced by the 1992 Landers and 1999 Hector Mine Earthquakes
- Fundamental Concepts of Recharge in the Desert Southwest
- GPS Results in Mongolia, Post-Seismic Deformation, and Implications on Crust/Mantle Viscosity in Central Asia
- Geochemical and Geochronological Constraints on the Origin of the Northern Nevada Rift
- Geomorphometric Analysis of Debris Flow Terraces at Mount Rainier, WA Using Spacecraft Acquired Topography
- Heat Flow and the Seismotectonics of the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins of Southern California
- Hillslope versus riparian zone runoff contributions in headwater catchments: A multi-watershed comparison
- Holocene Climate Variability: Pollen Evidence from Chesapeake Bay Sediments
- Hydrogeologic and Biogeochemical Controls on the Fate and Transport of Nitrate and Pesticides in the Riparian Zone of Cow Castle Creek, South Carolina
- Hydrogeology and Physical Characteristics of Water Samples at the Red River Aluminum Site, Stamps, Arkansas
- IP Network Design and Implementation for the Caltech-USGS Element of TriNet
- Incorporating Site Amplification into Seismic Hazard Analysis: A Fully Probabilistic Approach
- Influence of Nitrogen-Fixing Biological Soil Crusts on Nitrogen Gas Fluxes (NO, N<SUB>2</SUB>O + N<SUB>2</SUB>) in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Interannual Variability in Amazonian Net Ecosystem Production: Implication for Regional Carbon Cycle.
- Intraplate Triggered Earthquakes: Observations and Interpretation
- Investigation of Flow Along a Vertical Fault: Field Techniques
- Isotopic and Chemical Analysis of Nitrate Source and Cycling in the San Joaquin River, California
- Joint Application of Watershed Modeling Tools to Support the Management of Nutrient Loading to Chesapeake Bay
- Large-Scale Numerical Modeling of Flow and Transport in a Deep Unsaturated-Zone System for Natural and Artificial Recharge Analysis
- Long-Term Changes in Biodegradation and Volatilization Rates in the Capillary Fringe at the Bemidji, Minnesota Crude-Oil Research Site
- Mechanics of Volcanic Activity in Long Valley and Kilauea/Mauna Loa Volcanic Areas from Multi-parameter Borehole Measurements
- Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age, and 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Climate Variability From Chesapeake Bay
- Mercury Contamination and Bioaccumulation Associated with Historical Gold Mining in the Bear and Yuba River Watersheds, Sierra Nevada, California
- Mercury loss from the forest floor during wildland fire
- Modeling Sierra Nevada Wildfire Season Severity and Suppression Costs Under a Climate Change Scenario
- Modeling of Vertical Transport of Dissolved Naphthalene in Creosote From a Shallow to a Deep Aquifer at a Superfund Site as Support for the Remedy
- Monthly Regional Climate Modeling from 1930 to the Present in the Arid Southwest
- Multibeam Imagery Shows Extensive Iceberg Reworking of the Lower Glacier Bay, Alaska Fjord
- Nationwide Assessment of Channel Physical Characteristics That Influence Solute Storage and Downstream Transport
- Nitrate and Phosphate Concentration Trends in Selected Puerto Rico Rivers over the Past Four Decades--The Impact of Human Activity on Tropical Island Landscapes and Water Quality
- Non-Contact Measurement of Stream Discharge from Land and Helicopter
- Nutrient Mass Balance for the Mobile River Basin in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi
- Patch-scale controls on denitrification in stream bed sediments
- Plant and Microbial Dynamics Along Gradients in Soil Texture and Eolian Dust Accumulation in the Colorado Plateau.
- Practical Applications for Earthquake Scenarios Using ShakeMap
- Processes and Rates of Sediment and Wood Accumulation in Headwater Streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A.
- RELM (the Working Group for the Development of Region Earthquake Likelihood Models) and the Development of new, Open-Source, Java-Based (Object Oriented) Code for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Rates of Erosion Determined From <SUP>10</SUP>Be Analysis of Alluvial Sediments, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North Carolina
- Refining the age of the Lake Transgression to the Gilbert Shoreline in the Bonneville Basin
- Relationship Between Landscape Character, UV Exposure, and Amphibian Decline
- Resolution Issues for the Joint Inversion of Seismic and Geodetic Data in Earthquake Rupture Analyses
- Response of peakflow discharges to the catastrophic 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption
- Sediment Retention Dynamics and Vegetation Along Three Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay
- Shallow Ground-Water Flux Beneath a Restored Wetland Using Two-Dimensional Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Heat Transport
- Shallow-Depth Velocities and Structure Within the San Bernardino Valley, California
- Simulated Hydrologic Responses to Climate Variations and Change in the Merced, Carson, and American River Basins, Sierra Nevada, California, 1900-2099
- Simulation-Optimization Model for Water-Resources and Land-Subsidence Management, Edwards Air Force Base, California
- Southern California Earthquake Center Crustal Motion Map Version 3.0
- Spatial Variability of Ground-Water Recharge Estimates in the Glassboro Area, New Jersey
- Temporal Changes in Water Quality of two Karst Springs in Northern Alabama, 1999-2001
- Testing and Implementation of Real Time Probabilistic Aftershock Hazard Mapping
- Testing the use of Naturally Occurring Radium Isotopes to Quantify Groundwater Discharge and Recharge
- The Impact of The Fractal Paradigm on Geography
- The January 26, 2001 Mw7.6 Bhuj, India, Earthquake: Observed and Predicted Ground Motions
- The Online GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: Providing Timely Information About Worldwide Volcanism
- The Response of Net Nitrification Rates to a Clearcut in a Deciduous Forest in the Catskill Mountains of New York
- The Southern California Fault Activity Database
- Thresholds in Subsurface Flow Generation: An Intercomparison of Three Different Headwater Catchments
- Toward A 3-D Picture of Hydraulic Conductivity With Multilevel Slug Tests
- Towards an Objective Model of Catchment Hydrology
- Using CFCs to Age Date Ground Water Along Flow Paths Originating from Lakes
- Using Environmental Tracers to Determine Long-Term Effects of Recharging Recycled Water in the Central Ground Water Basin, Los Angeles County, California
- Variability in Basin-Scale Recharge to the Navajo Sandstone Aquifer of the Upper Mohave Desert, Southwestern Utah
- Variability of Natural Attenuation of Contaminant Metals Resulting from Changes in Stream Channel Vegetation and Remediation Efforts, Pinal Creek, Arizona
- Water Quality Loads: An Uncertainty Framework
- Water Quality, Habitat, and Biological Conditions at Selected Sites in the Highly Urbanized Santa Ana River Basin, California
- Water Waves Generated by Subaerial Mass Flows
- Why Deterministic, Nonlinear, Aperiodicity is Rarely Identifiable in Geophysical Time Series
- usSEABED: Database Efforts in Marine Surficial Sediments of the US EEZ
- "This Dynamic Planet" Map: Feedback Solicited on 3rd Edition in Progress
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th Disequilibrium in Zircon and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr Variations in Plagioclase as Recorders of Magmatic Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite: Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
- A Method for Retrieving Water Storage Variability from GRACE
- A Primer on Seismicity Rate Change Models
- A Synthesis and Reinterpretation of Field Observations on Hillslope Contributions to Streamflow
- A possible deep, long-term source for water in the Northern San Andreas Fault system: A ghost of Cascadia subduction past?
- Acquisition and Evaluation of Thermodynamic Data for Morenosite-Retgersite Equilibria at 0.1 MPa
- Activity remotely triggered in volcanic and geothermal centers in California and Washington by the 3 November 2002 Mw=7.9 Alaska earthquake
- An Overview and Preliminary Data of a Five-year Water Quality Study of the Yukon River
- Assessing the Effect of Aquifers and Oil Fields on the Interseismic Velocity Field Across Metropolitan Los Angeles
- Atmospheric and Microbial Components of Desert Nitrate Deposits Indicated by Variations in <SUP>18</SUP>O:<SUP>17</SUP>O:<SUP>16</SUP>O Isotope Ratios
- Bromus tectorum} Invasion Alters Soil Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in an Arid Colorado Plateau Grassland
- CISN Display - Reliable Delivery of Real-time Earthquake Information, Including Rapid Notification and ShakeMap to Critical End Users
- Ca. 400 Ma Recrystallization of Norwegian Ultrahigh-pressure Eclogites: an ion Microprobe and Chemical Abrasion Study
- Carbon Dynamics Change Over Time in a Restored Freshwater Wetland in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta, California
- Changing Water-Resources on Ile de la Gonave, Haiti
- Characterization of Surface-Water/Ground-Water Interaction Along the Spokane River, Idaho and Washington
- Characterizing Saline Waters with Isotopes in the Coastal Alluvial Aquifers of Monterey Bay, California
- Chilean Analog for 17th-Century Uplift Along the Southern Kuril Trench
- Climatic and environmental records from Altai glaciers, Siberia, recovered from ice-cores and snow samples
- Comparison of Techniques for Estimating Baseflow of Streams in the Lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Southwestern Georgia
- Compound-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis - Field Evidence of MTBE Bioremediation
- Creating a Distributed, Community-Modeling Environment in Support of the Working Group for the Development of Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models (RELM)
- Definition of the Silver Creek Fault and Evergreen Basin Sediments From Seismic Reflection Data, San Jose, California
- Design Considerations for Continental-Scale Water-Quality Networks
- Dirty Snowballs and Magic Carpets: an Ontology of Geophysical Disturbance
- Downstream Aggradation Owing to Lava Dome Extrusion and Rainfall Runoff at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Dynamics of River Chemistry
- EarthInquiry: Using On-Line Data to Help Students Explore Fundamental Concepts in Geoscience
- Education and Outreach at the USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
- Effect of Redox Conditions on MTBE Biodegradation in Surface-Water Systems
- Effects of an Alpine Ski Resort on Hydrology and Water Quality in the Northeastern U.S.: Preliminary Findings from a Field Study
- Engineered Geophysical Disturbances, Geomorphic Processes, and Ecosystem Patterns in Large, Multi-purpose Rivers
- Estimate of Plio-Pleistocene Dip-Slip Rates Using Offset Flood Basalts in the Northern Panamint Range and Darwin Plateau, California
- Experimental Drainage Basins in Israel
- Export of Carbon From the Yukon River and Some of its Major Tributaries
- Factors Affecting the Success of Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation of MTBE and BTEX
- Flood frequency and magnitude relationships in the Cosumnes and Mokelumne drainage basins, Sierra Nevada, California
- Flow and Sediment Suspension on a Coral Reef in West Maui
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
- Fluid Pressure Increases in Hydrothermal Systems Induced by Seismic Waves: Possible Triggers of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
- Freshwater Inflows to San Francisco Bay and Estuary, California From Ion Microprobe Analysis of Trace Elements in Estuarine Bivalve Shells
- GPS Fault Slip Sensors in Earthquake Alert Systems
- Geochronologic Constraints on Duration of Magma Emplacement and Heat Transfer in the Deep Crust: new data from the Ivrea Zone, Western Alps, Italy
- Gravitationally Induced Shear Stresses in the Los Angeles Region
- Ground-water modeling and the installation of deep multiple-well monitoring sites in the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California
- Growing and Advancing Calving Glaciers in Alaska
- Hazard Zonation from Historic Earthquakes
- Holocene Liquefaction Near the Seattle Fault at the Issaquah Creek Delta
- Holocene and Pleistocene Marine and Non-marine Sediment from Tampa Bay, Florida
- Hydrologic and Vegetation Changes in the Northwestern U.S. and Their Role in Shaping Past and Future Fire Regimes
- Hydrometeorological Analysis of Flash Floods in the Baltimore Metropolitan Region
- Identifying the Source of High-Nitrate Ground Water Related to Artificial Recharge in a Desert Basin
- Impacts of river-bed aggradation and lahar activity downstream of Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala: a Landsat Thematic Mapper perspective
- Implementation and compatibility of a North American Volcanic and Plutonic rock database (NAVDAT)
- Importance and Use of Plants in Evaluating Water Flow and Contaminant Transport in Arid Environments
- Integrating EarthScope Research and Education on a National Scale
- Interpreting tracer breakthrough tailing from different forced-gradient tracer experiment configurations in fractured bedrock
- Investigation of Water Quality and Aquatic-Community Structure in Village and Valley Creeks, City of Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama 2000-01
- Isotopic and Chemical Analysis of Nitrate Sources and Cycling in the San Joaquin River Near Stockton, California
- Long-Term Behavior of a Slow-Moving Landslide Inferred From Ground-Based Surveys and Analysis of Digital Terrain Models
- Magnitude, Location, and Ground Motion Estimates Derived From the Community Internet Intensity Maps
- Metal Uptake Rates by Veronica anagallis aquatica at Pinal Creek near Globe, Arizona.
- Mid-Shelf mud Deposition During the Holocene Transgression on the Monterey Bay, California Shelf
- Modeling Denitrification in Agroecosystems of Central Illinois: Investigations at Field and Watershed Scales
- Modeling Np and Pu Transport with a Surface Complexation Model and Spatially Variant Sorption Capacities: Implications for Reactive Transport Modeling and Performance Assessments of Nuclear Waste Disposal Sites
- Modeling Tritium Transport Through a Deep Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Morphometric Discharge Relationships in the Cosumnes River Drainage Basin, Sierra Nevada, California
- New Evidence of Tsunamis from Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Nitrate Source, Transport and Fate in Ground Water Near La Pine, Oregon
- Nitrate and Aluminum Transport Through Soil Layers in a Clear-Cut Watershed
- Nitrate in Ground Waters of the United States: Contrasting Scales and Processes
- Noise levels in Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) data; Preliminary results
- Offshore Stratigraphic Controls on Salt-Water Intrusion in Los Angeles Area Coastal Aquifers
- Optimizing GPS arrays to image both tectonic and anthropogenic deformation
- Physical and Hydrochemical Evidence of Lake Leakage and Assessment of Karst Features in the Vicinity of Lake Seminole, Southwestern Georgia and Northwestern Florida
- Pitcairn Hotspot Produces Bountiful Earthquake Swarm
- Possible earthquake-generated wave deposits near Yellowstone Lake: Clues into triggering mechanisms of a large hydrothermal explosion crater
- Preliminary slip history of the 2002 Denali earthquake
- Rapid Sea-Level Rise at 8.0-7.5 ka and Antarctic Ice Sheet Thinning
- Real-time Hydrologic Observations of Hidden Creek Lake Jökulhlaups, Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Recent Innovations in Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Mass Balance of the Colorado River Ecosystem Below Glen Canyon Dam: A laser-Based Approach
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in Southern California?
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in Stable Continental Regions: Beacons of Stress?
- Representing the Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution in a Model Simulating Regional Groundwater Flow in a Heterogeneous Volcanic Terrane
- Restoration of a Freshwater Wetland on Subsided Peat Soils: Potential Effects on Release of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors
- STEP: Likelihood Testing of an Online Time-Dependent Hazard Mapping Application
- Seasonal Deuterium Excess in a Tien Shan Ice Core: Influence of Moisture Transport and Recycling in Central Asia
- Sediment Retention Within Coastal Plain Bottomland Forested Wetlands
- Self-Consistent Spatial Heterogeneity of Crustal Stress
- Short-term Variability of Physical and Chemical Parameters in Suboxic/Anoxic Bottom Waters of the Chesapeake Bay During Late July 2002.
- Significance of microtopography as a control on surface-water flow in the Everglades
- Simulation of Flow and Transport of Septic-Derived Nitrate at Multiple Scales Within a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer System
- Southern California regional earthquake probability estimated from continuous GPS geodetic data
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Streamflow and Dissolved Solids in the Rio Grande from Del Norte, Colorado, to El Paso, Texas, 1993-95
- Subtropical Glacial, Deglacial and Holocene Millennial Climate Variability From Tampa Bay, Florida
- Tephrochronology and Paleomagnetism in the Northwest Wall of Kilauea Caldera, Hawai`i, Reveal the Age of the Observatory Shield
- The 2001 Mw7.7 Bhuj, India Earthquake and Eastern North American Ground-Motion Attenuation Relations: Seismic Hazard Implications
- The Contribution of Natural and Restored Wetlands to Changes in the Concentration and Composition of Dissolved Organic Material in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and San Francisco Estuary
- The Effect of a Shallow Thrust-Fault Reflecting Boundary Condition on Teleseismic Radiated Energy: Study Using Dynamic Finite-Element Rupture Models and Synthetic Body Wave Seismograms
- The Global Seismographic Network
- Thermal Efficiency of Lava Tubes of the Pu'u O'o-Kupaianaha Eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Time-Varying Record of Sediment Resuspension Under Waves on the Inner Shelf of Santa Cruz, CA
- Toward an ITRF2000 Combined Solution for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network
- Transport of Solutes in Groundwater Through a Hillslope-Riparian Transition During two Rain Events at the Panola Moutain Research Watershed, Georgia
- Uncertainty Inherent in Geologic Data, Interpretations and Conceptual Models Used in Groundwater Flow Modeling
- Use of Naturally Occurring Noble Gas Tracers to Evaluate the Freshwater/Saline Water Interface of the Edwards Aquifer, South-Central Texas.
- Use of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Measure Trace Metal Distribution in the Brain
- Using Dynamic Programming and Genetic Algorithms to Reduce Erosion Risks From Forest Roads
- Volatile Organic Compounds and Stable Isotopes in Groundwater as Tracers of Industrial-Age Recharge in the Southern California Coastal Plain
- Water Residence Times and Runoff Sources Across an Urbanizing Gradient (Croton Water Supply Area, New York)
- Water-Vapor Transport Paths associated with Winter Storms in California and the West--North Pacific Decadal Variations, El Niños, and La Niñas
- Wave and Tidally Driven Flow and Sediment Flux Across a Fringing Coral Reef: Southern Molokai, Hawaii
- A New Optical Cell for Spectroscopic Studies of Geofluids at Pressures up to 100 MPa
- A New Quiet GSN Site at the South Pole: Comparison of Seismic Data Between SPA and QSPA.
- A Seismic-Wave-Induced Fluid Pressure Increase: An Alternative Hypothesis for the Strain Transient at Long Valley Caldera Following the 1992 M7.3 Landers, California Earthquake
- Addressing Uncertainty in Predictive Groundwater Modeling in the Context of a Major Regulatory Permitting Process
- Application Of Geowall Technology To The Analysis Of A Three Dimensional Geologic Map Of The Santa Clara (Silicon) Valley, California
- Application of GIS and Visualization Technology in the Regional-Scale Ground-Water Modeling of the Twentynine Palms and San Jose Areas, California
- Aseismic Slip and Stress Transfer in Guerrero, Southern Mexico
- Assessment of Modern Climate Baselines for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions and Model Testing in North America
- Atmospheric Deposition and Fate of Mercury in High-altitude Watersheds of the Rocky Mountains.
- Biogeochemical Tracers in Arctic Rivers: Linking the Pan-Arctic Watershed to the Arctic Ocean (the PARTNERS project)
- CISN Display Progress to Date - Reliable Delivery of Real-Time Earthquake Information, and ShakeMap to Critical End Users
- Challenges in Seismic Hazard Mapping of the Great Basin
- Chemical Evolution of Riparian Groundwater and Stream Baseflow at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA
- Constraints on the mechanics of the Southern San Andreas fault system from GPS velocity and stress
- Could a Complex Earthquake like the 2002 Denali Fault Event hit the Los Angeles area?
- Coupled Vapour Phase and Dissolved Gas Analysis to Elucidate Physical and Geochemical Processes in Reactive Zones
- Deformation of the Hidden Creek Lake ice dam: evidence for faulting through the entire thickness of a glacier
- Development of Modern Analogue and Mutual Overlap Techniques for Paleoclimatic Reconstructions and Model Validation from Plant Macrofossil Assemblages in North America
- Differentiating atmospheric and mineral sources of sulfur during snowmelt using δ <SUP>34</SUP>S, <SUP>35</SUP>S activity, and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O of sulfate and water as tracers
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing From Devils Kitchen, Mt. Hood, Oregon
- Do Trees Tell the Same Story as Glaciers? Reconstructing Drought in Glacier National Park, Montana Since AD 1540
- Effects of Benthic Flux on Dissolved-Mercury Distributions in Camp Far West Reservoir, California
- Effects of Calibration Period and Trend Terms on Regression Model Based Streamwater Constituent Load Estimates
- Effects of Harvesting Intensity and Herbivory by White-tailed Deer on Vegetation and Nutrient Uptake in a Northern Hardwood Forest
- Estimates of Nitrogen Removal in U.S. Streams and Reservoirs from the SPARROW Watershed Model
- Estimating Paleoflood Magnitude From Tree-Ring Anatomy and the Height of Abrasion Scars
- Evaluation of a Laser-Acoustic System for Continuously Monitoring Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Grain Size in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Fate and Transport of Bacteriophage (MS2 and PRD1) During Field-Scale Infiltration at a Research Site in Los Angeles County, CA
- Focused subsurface flow in the Amargosa Desert characterized by direct-current resistivity profiling
- Forest Disturbance Through Alpine Ski Area Development: Results of a Paired Watershed Study in the Northeastern U.S.
- GeoFramework: A Modeling Framework for Solid Earth Geophysics
- Heat Flow in the SAFOD Pilot Hole and Implications for the Strength of the San Andreas Fault
- Historic Carbon Isotopic Shifts in Pinyon Pines and Woodland Junipers are Unprecedented During the Quaternary History of These Taxa
- How do near-source ground motions change when ruptures go super-shear?
- Hydrometric Analysis of the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, USA: Linkage Among Rainfall, Watershed Wetness, and Stormflow
- ICESat Observations of Southern Alaska Glaciers
- Importance of Fe(II)-Hydroxide Complexes For the In-Situ Bioremediation of ARD Sites
- Influence of Fracture Trends on Ground Water Flow Directions in Metamorphic Bedrock Aquifers, Eastern Massachusetts
- Influence of the Atchafalaya River on Stratigraphic Evolution of the Chenier Plain Inner Shelf, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Integration of Research and Education at USGS
- Inter-aquifer Dynamics in and Near a Confining Unit Window in Shelby County, Tennessee, USA
- Inverse modeling of interbed storage parameters using land subsidence observations, Antelope Valley, California
- Isotopic Study of the Sources and Cycling of Nitrate and Algae Associated with Low Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the San Joaquin River, California
- Jökulhlaup triggering: Observations at Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Land Use and Stream Ecosystems in the Ozark Highlands, Missouri and Arkansas - Extracting a Weak Signal From Background Noise
- Local and Long-Distance Effects of Land Use Change on Nutrient Levels in Streams and Rivers of the Conterminous United States
- Long-Term Earthquake Forecasts in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Contrarian Perspective
- Mafic injection and local hybridization in a nearly frozen magma chamber: failed (?) rejuvenation in the Searchlight pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- Magmatic construction and duration of solidification of Searchlight pluton, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- Mapping Great Earthquake Rupture Area
- Measuring Fault Slip - Why and How?
- Measuring Mercury and Other Elemental Components in Tree Rings Using Particle Induced X-Ray Emission
- Measuring Seismic Surface Waves with 1-Hz GPS
- Mineralogical Studies Related to Endemic Diseases in Rural P. R. China
- Modeling CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Carbon-Isotope Dynamics in a Deep Unsaturated Zone Near Beatty, Nevada
- Neotectonics of the Panamint Valley fault zone: Active slip on a low-angle normal fault system
- New Directions for DLESE
- Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation by In-Stream Populations of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria
- Nitrogen isotopes as indicators of streamflow generation processes in a headwater forested catchment: Focusing on atmospheric NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> contribution using δ <SUP>18</SUP>O signature
- OpenSHA: Community Tools for Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Organic Compounds in Produced Waters From Coalbed Methane Wells in the Powder River Basin, WY
- Plume-Scale Testing of a Simplified Method for Detecting Tritium Contamination in Plants and Soil
- Process-Modulated Contrasts in Slope Exposure of Landslides in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Prolonged Effect of Severe Wildfires on Mercury and Other Volatiles in Forest Soils of the Lake Superior Region, USA
- Quantifying Reemission Of Mercury From Terrestrial And Aquatic Systems Using Stable Isotopes: Results From The Experimental Lakes Area METAALICUS Study
- Quantifying the Role of Cloud Water in the Hydrology of Two Montane Forest Sites on East Maui, Hawaii
- Rationalizing Hybrid Earthquake Probabilities
- Reach-Scale Application of <SUP>15</SUP>N-Enriched Nitrate Tracer for Measuring Denitrification in a Nitrate-Rich Stream
- Reconstructing U.S. National Trends in Metals from Reservoir and Lake Sediments, 1970 to Present
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in Intraplate Regions: Distributed Hazard, Dependent Events
- Review of PIXE Mercury Detection Research at the Louisiana Accelerator Center
- Selenium removal during a flood experiment: Best management practice for a contaminated wetland?
- Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Change in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean During the Last Glacial Maximum: Reassessment of the CLIMAP LGM.
- Simulation of the Effects of Climatic Extremes on Sources of Agricultural Drain Flow, Western San Joaquin Valley, California
- Small scale variations in soil depth affecting the patterns and relationships between soil moisture and transpiration
- Solute Transport and Surface-Subsurface Exchange in the Everglades Characterized by a Tracer Release in Surface Water
- Statewide Characterization of Bedrock Fractures in Connecticut for Hydrogeologic Purposes
- Statistical Development of Flood Frequency and Magnitude Equations for the Cosumnes and Mokelumne River Drainage Basins, Sierra Nevada, California
- Study of Ground-Water Recharge Rates in the Northern Powder River Basin
- Suspended-Sediment Export From Four Small Montane Humid-Tropical Watersheds With Varying Land use and Lithology, Puerto Rico
- Tectonics from topography: Methods, Application, and Limitations
- The Common Phenomenon of Transient-Triggered Seismicity
- The Effect of Basin Scale on Diurnal Streamflow Timing in Snowfed Catchments
- The Environmental Impact of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Coastal Ocean, New Jersey: Inferences from Stable Isotope, Trace Metal, and Organic/Inorganic Carbon Records
- The GSN Noise Model: Estimates of the Least Ambient Earth Noise From the IRIS Global Seismographic Network.
- The History of Land-Use Change in the South Florida Ecosystem: Paleoecologic Data as a Guide for Restoration
- The New ILP Database of Quaternary Faults and Folds in South America
- The effect of land-cover misclassification on predicted impervious surface
- The role of turbulence in explosive magma-water mixing
- Through Thick and Thin: The Effect of Sediment Deposits on Central US Ground-motion Predictions
- Time-Lapse Geophysics for Aquifer Characterization and Remediation Monitoring
- Tracing Nitrate Contributions to Streams During Varying Flow Regimes at the Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont, USA
- Tracing Terrestrial Silica Cycling Using Ge/Si Ratios, Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Trends in Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Lake Sediments Across the United States, 1970 to Present
- Unsaturated Zone Tracer Test at the Bemidji, Minnesota Crude Oil Spill Site
- Use of Crosshole Radar Tomograms for Geostatistical Estimation and Simulation of Interwell Permeability: Limitations due to Tomographic Resolution
- Use of Dendrochronology for Determining the Chronology of Landslide Activity Along Meadow Run, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia USA
- Use of Volume-Weighted Particles to Improve the Method of Characteristics
- Use of the Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD) to Simulate Water Quality at Five U.S. Geological Survey Research Watersheds
- Using News Media Databases (LexisNexis) To Identify Relevant Topics For Introductory Earth Science Classes
- Validation of Groundwater Models: Meaningful or Meaningless?
- Visualizing and Analyzing Geologic and Hydrologic Models of the Death Valley Regional Ground-water Flow System, Nevada and California
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Elevated Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Unsaturated-Zone Vapors Near a Chemical and Low-Level Radioactivity Waste-Disposal Facility, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Volcanic rocks from Somma-Vesuvius (Italy): Evidence from an extensive geochemical and Sr-isotopic database, diverse magma sources, and crustal contamination.
- Volcanism during the past 84 ka at Atitlan caldera, Guatemala
- Volcano emissions of trace metals, atmospheric deposition, and supply to biogeochemical cycles
- Water Availability for the Western United States: The Role for Science
- Water-Quality Trends in the Neuse River Basin, North Carolina, 1974-2003
- Watershed and mainstem river linkage on the Green River, Desolation and Gray Canyons, East-Central Utah
- When Good Tracers Go Bad: Tracer-dilution Sausage Recipes Revealed
- A Comparison of Molecular and Isotopic Chemistry of Overland Flow DOM and yPOM to Soil Sources From a Small Mid-western Agricultural Basin
- A Comparison of Techniques for Mapping the Distribution of Sediment on the Bed of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- A New Twist on the Seasonality of Nitrate Retention and Release in Adirondack Watersheds
- A Progress Report on the Working Group for the Development of Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models (RELM)
- A Structural Interpretation of Early Aftershock Double-Difference Event Locations from the 12/22/03 Mw 6.5 San Simeon Earthquake, Central California
- Age Models for a Continous 250-kyr Quaternary Lacustrine Record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- An Analytical Framework for Predicting the Downstream Geomorphic Effects of Dams on Rivers
- Anatomy of a Flash Flood in the Amargosa Desert, U.S.A.
- Anomalous Intensities in the Gangetic Plain Following Great Himalayan Earthquakes
- Bracketing the Warm Peak Phases of the Middle Pliocene Climate
- Can Periodic Cicadas be used as a Biomonitor for Arsenical Pesticide Contamination?
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Kill Zones Around the Resurgent Dome, Long Valley Caldera, CA
- Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States
- Climate Controls on Sediment Discharge in Selected Fluvial Systems in Indonesia
- Climate-Change Uncertainties and Water Supplies from Western Mountains--What are Observations and Models Trying to tell us?
- Cloud Water Interception at two Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Sites in Hawai'i
- Co-seismic slip history and early afterslip of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake
- Comparison of Estimates of Coseismic Displacement From the 2003 M 6.5 San Simeon Earthquake
- Comparison of the Plio-Pleistocene and Quaternary transtensive deformation structures along the Pacific-North American Plate boundary, Eastern Sierra region, southwestern Inyo County, California
- Concurrent use of multiple observation types: impact on ground-water model parameter estimates
- Controls on inorganic monomeric aluminum release from soils after a clearcut in southeastern New York State, USA
- Cycling of Organoarsenic Compounds in Agricultural Watersheds
- DOC Export from a Small Permafrost Watershed
- Decoupled Shelf-Ocean Phytoplankton Productivity Responses Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Deep Coring in the Valles Caldera, Northern New Mexico to Obtain a Long-Term Paleoclimatic Record
- Determination of Thermal Properties at the SAFOD Site Through Cross-Hole Temperature Monitoring
- Diel Variation of Oxygen and Inorganic Carbon in a High Productivity, High Alkalinity Stream: Biological and Geochemical Controls
- Differential Response in Plant Taxa Morphology and Physiology During Increases in Late-Quaternary Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Affect Plant-Climate Interactions.
- Dispersal Scaling from the World's Rivers
- Distribution and Origin of the 1883 Augustine Tephra-Fall Deposits, South-Central Alaska
- Drainage Basin Evolution Along the San Jacinto Fault, Southern California
- Drilling an Active Pahoehoe Lava Flow
- Earlier snowmelt streamflow in western North America--a response to Pacific decadal variability or climate change?
- Earthquakes Triggered by SmS Arrivals
- Economic Valuation of Aquifer Storage Projects
- Effects of Urban Development on Water-Quality in the Piedmont of North Carolina-- The NAWQA Urban Land-Use Gradient Study
- Effects of Urbanization on the Condition of Streams in the Piedmont of North Carolina: Responses of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages
- Estimating Natural Recharge in a Desert Environment Facing Increasing Ground-Water Demands
- Estimating Uncertainty and Frequency of High-Velocity Paleotsunami Inundation From Geologic Records in Back Barrier Settings, Test Locality Cannon Beach, Oregon, Central Cascadia Margin, USA
- Evaluating Tripod Lidar as an earthquake response tool
- Evolution of Triggered Aftershock Sequences
- Extreme Slip Heterogeneity and Near-Fault Ground Motions
- Flathead River Basin Hydrologic Observatory, Northern Rocky Mountains
- Flow and sediment-transport modeling of Kootenai River White Sturgeon Spawning Habitat.
- Forest Road Decommissioning Policies Determined using Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamic Programming
- GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring in the White Mountains, Inyo County, California.
- GPS Data Products for Solid Earth Science
- Glaciers in Kenai Fjords NP: Exploration and Change
- Hierarchical Controls of Fire Weather and Fire Climate in the Western United States
- High-Resolution Pollen Record of Deglacial Climate Variability in Central Florida
- History of the Parkfield Prediction Experiment
- How the 2004 Onset of Snowmelt and Streamflow Varied with Elevation
- Hydraulic Characterization using InSAR and Nuclear Devices
- Hydrogeologic and Geochemical Controls on The Transport and Fate of Agricultural Chemicals in Ground Water Beneath Riparian Zones
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Connections between Uplands and Streams in Contrasting Landscapes
- Identifying Watershed Sediment Sources In The Chesapeake Bay
- Impacts of Land Use on Wetland Vegetation in the Eastern United States: Timing and Scale
- Implications of Acoustic Bed Velocity Measurements for Sediment Transport and Bedform Dynamics in Large Sand-bed Rivers
- Implications of Soil Gas Survey Results Over Known Carbon Dioxide Systems for Long-term Monitoring
- Implications of the Scaling of Dynamic Strains for Earthquake Triggering
- Influence of Anthropogenic Alterations on Geomorphic Response to Climate Variation and Change in San Francisco Bay, Delta, and Watershed
- Influence of Coarse-Grained Incised Valley Fill on Ground-Water Flow in Fluvial Fan Deposits, Stanislaus County, California, USA
- Integrating Climate and Ecosystem-Response Sciences in Temperate Western North American Mountains: The CIRMOUNT Initiative
- Intensified North Atlantic Deep Water During Middle Pliocene Warm Period?
- Investigating Hydrological Processes Controlling Streamflow Generation at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia
- Landscape Change Priorities at the U.S.Geological Survey, 2005-2015
- Lidar measurement of topographic change during the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens, WA
- Mobility of major and trace elements in a coupled groundwater-surface water system: Merced River, CA
- Modeling nearshore morphological evolution at seasonal scale
- Modeling the Geochemistry of Red Mountain Creek, Colorado, With Implications for Premining conditions
- Monitoring a Field-Scale Biostimulation Pilot Project Using Cross-Hole Radar and Borehole Geophysical Methods
- Monitoring non-linear wave propagation in the 2004 Garner Valley demonstration project
- Mountain Systems, Persistent Drought and the Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study from Glacier National Park, USA
- Multiproxy deglacial record of climate change in central Florida from fresh water ostracodes using paired Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and O-18.
- Newly discovered subsidence at Lassen Peak, southern Cascade Range, California, from InSAR and GPS
- Nitrogen removal in floodplains through denitrification: results from an isotope field experiment
- Nonlinear Soil Response Induced in Situ by an Active Source at Garner Valley
- Onshore-Offshore Correlation of Geologic Evidence for Great Cascadia Earthquakes--Permissive Agreement Between Washington Estuaries and Cascadia Deep-Sea Channel
- Osmium Isotope Straigraphy of Ferromanganese Crusts
- Osmium-isotope Evidence for a Projectile Component in Impact-melt Rocks, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Virginia, USA
- Paleoclimate Controls on Pennsylvanian Cyclostratigraphy
- Parkfield: A Mainshock Defined and a Definition Tested
- Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature Variability
- Post-Little Landscape and Glacier Change in Glacier Bay National Park: Documenting More than a Century of Variability with Repeat Photography
- Predicting nitrate contamination in recently recharged groundwater: High Plains regional aquifer
- Predictive Tools for Evaluating Aeolian Sediment Redistribution After Experimental Floods: Monitoring Studies in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Progress Toward Quantifying CISN ShakeMap Uncertainty
- Prospective Tests of Southern California Earthquake Forecasts
- Protracted construction of gabbroic crust at a slow-spreading ridge: Constraints from SHRIMP Pb/U zircon ages in IODP hole 1309D, Atlantis Massif, MAR (30°N)
- Quantifying Atmospheric N Sources in Major Watersheds of New York State
- Quantifying Sources and Fluxes of Aquatic Carbon in U.S. Streams and Reservoirs Using Spatially Referenced Regression Models
- Rainfall-Runoff Modeling to Compare Hydrological Processes Governing Solute Transport in Five Different Agricultural Watersheds
- Reconstructing Watershed History from Reservoir Stratigraphy: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, Northern California
- Record of Holocene Lake Levels in Bear Lake Utah/Idaho
- Record of the Southwest Monsoon from Gulf of Mexico Sediment Cores
- Regional Long-term Coastal Change in Southern California
- Rehabilitation Experiments in the Context of Adaptive Management, Lower Missouri River
- Relating Channel-Geometry Changes to Stream Discharge and Sediment Discharge at the Pine Creek Bridge, Upper Yellowstone River, Montana
- Seasonality of Diel Cycles of Dissolved Trace-Metal Concentrations in a Rocky Mountain Stream
- Sediment Studies Refute EIS Hypothesis, While Most Fundamental Process Questions Remain Unanswered: An Update on Experiments in Grand Canyon
- Seismicity Patterns of the September 28th Parkfield Event
- Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transient Storage Model With Streambed Sorption Applied to Experimental Field Data
- Sensitivity of Southwestern US Mountain Ecosystems to Climate Variability: Interactions Among Forest Dieback, Fire, and Erosion
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey at Garner Valley Digital Array
- Simulation of Conjunctive Agricultural Water Use with the new FARM package for MODFLOW-2000
- Snow and climate change research in two mountain catchments, Glacier National Park, Montana
- Southern Alaska Glaciers: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Ice Volume
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Wave Ripple Wavelengths in the Inner Shelf
- Spatial variability of ground-water recharge in selected principal aquifers of the eastern United States
- Spatial variability of induced ground-water recharge beneath the Russian River, California
- Stable Cl And O Isotope Ratios Of Anthropogenic And Natural Perchlorates
- Studying the Effect of Wave Shape and Beach Geometry on Longshore Sediment Transport With the NearCoM Nearshore Model
- Subsidence induced by ground-water withdrawels across the Wasatch Front, Salt Lake Valley, Utah
- Surface Fault Slip Associated with the 2004 Parkfield, California, Earthquake
- Suspended-Sediment Transport Where Rivers Become an Estuary: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, Water Years 1999-2002
- Swaying and Shaking of Sea Cliffs: Fatigue and Failure Mechanisms on Rocky Coasts
- Terrestrial Sources of Perfluorinated Gases: Excess CF<SUB>4</SUB> and SF<SUB>6</SUB> in Mojave Desert Groundwaters
- The Effects of Urbanization and Flood Control on Sediment Discharge of a Southern California River, Evidence of a Dilution Effect
- The Glacier National Park GLORIA Project: A new US Target Region for Alpine Plant Monitoring Installed in the Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana
- The Potomac River Basin and Western Shore Chesapeake Bay Drainage as a Proposed CUAHSI Hydrologic Observatory
- The Relative Effects of Hydrology, Ecology, and Climate on Temporal Trends and Spatial Patterns of Stream Nitrate Concentrations in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- The Relative Effects of Wave Climatology and Tidal Currents on Beach Processes Adjacent to a Major Tidal Inlet, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, California
- The Relative Importance of Concentration and Mass Flow Observations in the Calibration of Solute Transport Simulations
- The South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study: Integrated Circulation and Sediment Transport Studies. A Project Overview.
- The South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study: Nearshore Hydrodynamics Field Experiment
- The South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study: Numerical modeling of circulation and sediment transport in Long Bay, SC
- The Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Model (WEBMOD): A TOPMODEL application developed within the Modular Modeling System
- The use of Bounded Intervals for Data Representation in the Evaluation of Uncertainties in Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
- Tracing Nitrogen Sources in Forested Catchments Under Varying Flow Conditions: Seasonal and Event Scale Patterns
- Transport and transformation of mercury through soils from contrasting watersheds: Implications for resource management
- Triggered Earthquakes Following Parkfield?
- Uncertainties in Site Amplification Estimation
- Understanding Geology; Understanding Rivers
- Use of Continuous Resistivity Profiling to Detect Low-Salinity Ground Water Beneath the Upper Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina
- Use of Selected Goodness-of-Fit Statistics to Assess the Accuracy of a Model of Henry Hagg Lake, Oregon
- Using 3D Interactive Visualizations In Teacher Workshops
- Using Controlled Landslide Initiation Experiments to Test Limit-Equilibrium Analyses of Slope Stability
- Using Diverse Data Types to Calibrate a Watershed Model of the Trout Lake Basin, Northern Wisconsin
- Using Model Simulations to Improve Interpretations of Paleoclimate Variability and Estimates of Vegetation Response to Potential Future Drought
- Using Residence-Time Distributions to Compare Water-Level Hydrographs
- Using Tsunami Deposits in a Probabilistic Inundation Study at Seaside, Oregon
- Using high-resolution suspended-sediment measurements to infer changes in the topographic distribution and grain size of bed sediment in the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam
- Vulnerability to Episodic Acidification of Streams in Shenandoah National Park
- What Researchers Should Know and be Able to do When Contemplating Involvement in Education and Outreach
- Where the Rubber Hits the Road: The Politics and Science of Climate Change in Congress
- Will SCIGN Fulfill its Biggest Promise, to Test Regional Tectonic Models?
- Wind-Wave Variability in the Northeast Pacific, 1981-2003
- 20th- and 21st-Century Changes in Streamflow Associated With Global Warming
- A Brief History of the Collection amd Analysis of Data From Large Fixed-Station Monitoring Networks
- A Dynamical Model of Seismogenic Dome Extrusion, Mount St. Helens, 2004-2005
- A Geochemical Approach for Investigating Watershed Sediment Sources
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- A comparison of grading in deposits from five tsunamis: Does tsunami wave duration affect grading patterns?
- A new Optical Technique for Raman Spectroscopy of Hydrocarbon-Water Reaction at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures
- Aftershock Densities, Peak Ground Motions, and Earthquake Triggering
- An Integrated Approach to a Complete Carbon Budget for the Delaware River Basin
- Are Changes in Biogeochemical or Hydrologic Processes Responsible for Increasing DOC Concentrations in Headwater Streams of Northeastern North America?
- Are Site-Based Sampling Protocols Useful for Characterizing Watersheds and Fish Distribution Patterns Necessary for Successful Restoration?
- Assessing Diurnal Variability in Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrate with Discrete and High Frequency In Situ Monitoring
- Assessing Volcanic Threat and Prioritizing Volcano Monitoring in the United States
- Bedform Morphology Under Significant Wave-Tidal Current Interaction at the Mouth of a Major Tidal Inlet, San Francisco, California
- Borehole Flow and Contaminant Distribution in Sedimentary-Bedrock Recharge Areas
- C-band Radar Observes Water-level Change in Coastal Louisiana Swamp Forests
- Changes in Stream Water Quality Related to Land Use and Watershed Scale in the Catskill Mountains of New York State
- Climate Change Over a Glacial-Interglacial Cycle From the Mid Pleistocene: A Lacustrine Record From the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Climate Influences on Large-Magnitude Natural Snow Avalanches in John F. Stevens Canyon, Montana
- Comparison of Sediment-Transport and Bar-Response Results From the 1996 and 2004 Controlled-Flood Experiments on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Consensus and Scatter Among Recent Climate-Change Projections for California
- Constraining Mid Pliocene North Atlantic Warming Using a Multiproxy Approach
- Contrasts in Flushing Patterns Among Solutes
- Correlation of Climate Variability with Water Quality in the High Plains Aquifer
- Crustal Genesis and Dynamics in the Jurassic Talkeetna Arc
- Dam Removal as Nearshore Restoration - Patterns and Processes of the Elwha River Delta
- Depth-Dependent Changes of Nitrate Concentration in Ground Water, Yucaipa Area, California
- Detention Basins may Help Reduce Nutrient Loads to Lake Tahoe
- Determining Sediment Sources in the Anacostia River Watershed
- Determining the Chemical and Biological Availability of Zinc in Urban Stormwater Retention Ponds
- Development of a Generalized Three-Dimensional Geologic Model for Simulation of Regional Groundwater Flow in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California
- Direct Comparison of Monazite Ages Obtained By in situ Techniques: Ion-Probe Isotopic Ages Versus Electron Microprobe Chemical Ages
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Export From the Penobscot River Basin to the Gulf of Maine
- Drawdown Estimation and Quantification of Error
- ENVISAT SAR and InSAR Observations of Deformation and Crater Floor Elevation Change of Anatahan Volcano, Mariana Islands
- Effect of Transient Leakage From Confining Units on Apparent Groundwater Age
- Effects of Urban Development on Water Quality in the Piedmont of North Carolina: Association of Landscape Variables With Water Quality
- Effects of mountain resort development on streamwater nitrogen export: Importance of spatial location of land use / land cover change
- Elucidating Sources and Factors Affecting Delivery of Nitrogen to Surface Waters of New York State
- En Echelon Hydrothermal Systems
- Environmental Changes on the Eastern Black Sea Shelf During the Last 12 ka
- Estimation of Diurnal to Seasonal Ecosystem Parameters Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Evaluating Subsidence in the Central Valley, CA, using InSAR
- Evaluation Of The Hydrologic Connection Between Mammoth Creek And Mammoth Community Water District Water Supply Wells, Mono County, California
- Evaluation of Sulfate Reduction Using a Series of Modified Push-Pull Tests in an Aquifer-Wetland System Impacted by Landfill Leachate, Norman, OK
- Evidence For A Series Of Large Freshwater Discharge Events To The North Atlantic Immediately Preceding The Younger Dryas
- Evidence that Stress Amplitude Does Not Affect the Temporal Distribution of Aftershocks
- Extending Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis to Portfolio and Regional Loss Estimation: A San Francisco Bay Area Example
- Fault rock mineralogy and fluid flow in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA
- Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia
- Flood Estimation at Ungaged Locations: a Hybrid Geographic and Predictor-Variable Region-of-Influence Regression Model
- Four-dimensional surface deformation analysis, snow volume calculation, and fault mapping with Ground Based Tripod LiDAR
- GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring in the White Mountains
- Heat Flow Studies in the SAFOD Main Hole
- High Releases From Glen Canyon Dam Cause Short-term Eddy-bar Aggradation if Timed to Coincide With Significant Input of Sediment From Tributaries
- Hydrochemical responses among nested catchments of the Sleepers River Research Watershed.
- Hydrogeology of a Transboundary Sandstone Aquifer, Quebec - New York
- Hydrologic Flushing of Forest Soils and the Consequent Leaching of Nitrogen and Calcium During Rainstorms and Snowmelt, Catskill Mountains, New York
- Hydrologic Links Among Urbanization, Channel Morphology, Aquatic Habitat, and Macroinvertebrates in North Carolina Piedmont Streams
- Identifying Subsidence using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in Coachella Valley, California
- Incorporating Hydrologic Insight into Geophysical Inversion: Resolution Limitations and Direct Estimation of Solute Plume Moments
- Integrated Methods for Site Characterization and Conceptual Model Development for a Contaminated Fractured-Bedrock Aquifer
- Investigating Effects of the November 2004 High-Flow Release From Glen Canyon Dam on Aeolian Sand-Transport Rates in the Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Is There Biogeochemical and Stable Isotopic Evidence of Canal Water Intrusion in the A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge?
- It's all about connections: coupled hydrological and biogeochemical cycles affecting delivery of nitrogen to surface waters
- Land-Use Change in Arid Regions Can Mobilize Millennial Accumulations of Unsaturated-Zone Salts
- Landscape-Scale Patterns in the Capacity of Riparian Buffers to Reduce Stream Nutrient and Sediment Loads
- Large-Scale Aquifer Test at the Bemidji, Minnesota, Oil-Spill Site: Implications for Modeling Multiphase Flow, Natural Attenuation, and LNAPL Remediation
- Late Quaternary Activity on the Cerro Goden Fault, Puerto Rico and Limitations of High-resolution Seismic Reflection/refraction Data for Trench-scale Investigations
- Limitations of Snow-Water Equivalent and Precipitation Data in Seasonal Flow Forecasting in the Upper Klamath River Basin of Oregon and California
- Micropaleontological Record of Post-glacial History in Lake Champlain and Adjacent Regions: Implications for Glacial Lake Drainage and Abrupt Climate Events
- Modeling of Reactive Transport of Nitrate in a Heterogeneous Alluvial Fan Aquifer, San Joaquin Valley, California
- Multi-sensor analysis of changing growing season dynamics across northwest North America since 1998
- New Programming Environments for Uncertainty Analysis
- New Visualization Techniques to Analyze Ultra-High Resolution Four-dimensional Surface Deformation Imagery Collected With Ground-based Tripod LiDAR
- Not a Tsunami, Not a hurricane, Just an Opportunity!
- Optimal Experiment Design for Distributed Parameter Identification in Groundwater Modeling: Case Study -V Warren Subbasin, California
- Optimizing Numerical Modeling and Field Data Collection in an Interdisciplinary Study of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Overview of Endangered Suckers in the Klamath Basin: Does it Take One to Know One?
- Overview of Hydrologic Issues in the Upper Klamath River Basin, Oregon
- Overview of the Working Group for the Development of Regional Earthquake Likelihood Models (RELM)
- Pitfalls in Inversion and Interpretation of Continuous Resistivity Profiling Data: Effects of Resolution Limitations and Measurement Error
- Pollen and stratigraphic evidence for abrupt climate changes in the Northeastern United States: Lake Champlain
- Pre and Post-Eruptive Geochemical Investigations at Mount St. Helens, WA
- Predicting Hyporheic Exchange of Water and Solutes in Streams on the Basis of a Priori Estimates of Stream Physical Characteristics
- Quantitative Analysis of 0-2 Ma Volcanic Vent Distribution in Space, Time, and Composition Centered on Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California, USA
- Regional and temporal variation in riverine nitrogen species across the United States: Importance of organic nitrogen
- Remotely Triggered Earthquakes Following Moderate Mainshocks: Where, When, Why?
- Repeated Rapid Retreats of Bering Glacier by Disarticulation - The Cyclic Dynamic Response of an Alaskan Glacier System
- Response of deep percolation in the vadose zone to climate variability
- River-Aquifer Interactions, Geologic Heterogeneity, and River Management
- Seasonal Variations in the Flux and Isotopic Composition of Nitrate in the Upper Illinois River
- Sediment Budgets the 'Old Fashioned' way for two Subbasins of the Rio Puerco, Central New Mexico
- Sediment Yields and Sediment Sources in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Seismic Profiles Across The Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater
- Seismic and Core Stratigraphic Evidence for Abrupt Climate Changes in the Northeast: Lake Champlain
- Sensitivity of Spring-Summer Drought to Warming in Montane and Arid Regions of The Western US
- Source of High-Chloride Water to Deep Wells in a Coastal California Aquifer
- Sources and Pathways of Bacterial Contamination in Urban Streams and Ocean Beaches, Santa Barbara, California
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Streambed Fluxes in an Agricultural Watershed, Leary Weber Ditch, IN
- Sprague River geomorphology studies, Klamath Basin, Oregon
- Standardizing geologic data interchange: GeoSciML from the IUGS/CGI datamodel collaboration
- Standards Development for the U.S. National Geologic Map Database
- T-RELM: Testing Center for Probabilistic Earthquake Forecasts
- The B4 Project: Scanning the San Andreas and San Jacinto Fault Zones
- The Effect of Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Ecohydrology of Pinyon Juniper Woodlands with Soil Biocrust
- The Influence of Watershed Properties on the Large-Scale Transport of Nitrogen
- The Occurrence of Chlorothalonil, its Transformation Products, and Selected Other Pesticides in Texas and Oklahoma Streams, 2003-2004
- The Role of Wind-driven Circulation in Severe Hypoxic Events in Upper Klamath Lake, OR
- The Significance of Wellbore Flow in the Santa Clara Valley, California
- The Working Groups on California Earthquake Probabilities
- The roles of magmatic and external water in the March 8 tephra eruption at Mount St. Helens as assessed by a 1-D steady plume-height model
- Toward Real-Time Continuous, Automated Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Results of a Pilot-Scale Experiment, Charleston, South Carolina
- Tracing Solute Sources in a Small Tropical Granitoid Watershed
- Tracing Sources of Organic Matter and Nitrate in the San Francisco Bay-Delta-River Ecosystem Using Isotopic Techniques: Comparison of Insights Gained from Fixed-site, Synoptic, and Diel Sampling Strategies
- USGS Online Short-term Hazard Maps: Experiences in the First Year of Implementation
- Unraveling the Earthquake History of the Denali Fault System, Alaska: Filling a Blank Canvas With Paleoearthquakes
- Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A.
- Use of Depth-Dependent Sampling to Refine Understanding of Source Areas and Short-Circuit Pathways for Contaminants to Reach Public Supply Wells, High Plains Aquifer, York, Nebraska
- Using an Integrated, Remote-Sensing Methodology to Evaluate the Effects of Dam Operations on Fine-Grained Sediment Storage and Sand Bar Restoration in Marble Canyon
- Validation and Regional Application of Three Biologically Based Urbanization Models in the South Atlantic Gulf and Tennessee River Basins
- Warming in the Yukon River Basin is Likely to Release Substantial Amounts of Soil Organic Carbon
- Web-Based Services: Combined and Validated GPS Data Products for the Western US
- Where the Rubber Meets the Road; Varied Techniques for Measuring the Land-Atmosphere Exchange of Water and Energy in a California Watershed and the Driving Influences on this Exchange
- Wildfire, channel disturbance, and stream temperature: spatio-temporal patterns and associations with the distribution of fish and amphibians in central Idaho
- A 2 Million Year History of Plutonism and Volcanism in the Searchlight Magma System, Eldorado Mountains, Nevada (USA)
- A Threshold Relation Between Harvest Intensity and Stream Chemistry in a Northern Hardwood Forest of the Northeastern U.S.
- Aftershocks Versus Remotely Triggered Earthquakes: Same or Different?
- Anatomy of the Chesapeake Bay impact structure from seismic, geophysical, and borehole data along the Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA
- Anomalous Hydrothermal Activity in Hot Creek Gorge Area, Long Valley Caldera, California, USA
- Biogeochemical and hydrologic processes controlling mercury cycling in Great Salt Lake, Utah
- But are optical measurements good for anything practical?
- Calculating Tsunami Flow Speed from Tsunami Deposits
- Calculating the Gutenberg-Richter b value
- Calculating the Probability of Strong Ground Motions Using 3D Seismic Waveform Modeling - SCEC CyberShake
- Carbon Isotope Composition as an Indicator of DOC Sources to a Stream During Events in a Temperate Forested Catchment
- Carbon and Nitrogen Fate Within Shallow Subsurface Hyporheic Flowpaths of Streams
- Cenozoic (0-46 Ma) Ice-Rafting History of the Central Arctic: Terrigenous Sands on the Lomonosov Ridge
- Characterising Permanent El Nino v. La Nina-Like States in the Pliocene: a Multi-Proxy Approach.
- Characterizing the impacts of the 2006 New Year's flood in the Laguna de Santa Rosa floodplain, Sonoma County, CA
- Combining kinematic GPS solutions from multiple basestations in order to obtain an improved aircraft trajectory
- Comparison of Metolachlor Leaching Predicted by Upscaled One-dimensional Point Models With That Predicted by a Semi-distributed Watershed Model
- Comparison of Southern California Shear Strain Rates From Triangulation, Trilateration, and GPS
- Complex faulting in the 2003 Mw6.5 San Simeon, California, earthquake sequence: observations from seismicity, seismic velocity structure, and InSAR imagery
- Computation of Aquifer-System Compaction in Water-Table Aquifers using MODFLOW
- Conifer Encroachment into Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park: How Anthropogenic Impacts to Local Hydrology Affect Meadow Habitat
- Controls on large landslide distribution in the southeastern interior Columbia River basin
- Cross-validation of Dune-tracking and Acoustic Bed Velocity Measurements for Assessing Bedload Transport in a Large River
- Determination of Methane Hydrate Solubility in the Absence of Vapor Phase by in-situ Raman Spectroscopy
- Development of Objective-Oriented Groundwater Models for Warren Subbasin, California
- Diel Variability in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Determined by in-situ Optical Measurements.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Optical Properties as Indicators of Trihalomethane Formation Potential in an Agricultural Watershed
- Does 14C in Tree Core Record the History of CO2 Emission and Deformation at Yellowstone?
- Early-Holocene Climate Change in Beringia: Mediation of Global-Warming Impacts by Regional-Scale Boundary-Condition Changes
- Ecohydrological Linkages, Multi-scale Processes, Temporal Variability, and Drivers of Change in a Degraded Pinyon-Juniper Watershed: Implications for Erosion Modeling
- Ecosystem scale controls on the vascular plant component of dissolved organic carbon across a freshwater delta
- Effects of Diversion Dams on the Physical and Ecological Characteristics of Rocky Mountain Streams
- Effects of High Carbon Dioxide Soil-Gas Concentrations and Emission Rates From Mammoth Mountain, California, USA
- Effects of Local Farming and Deforestation on Sediment Discharge Inferred From Sediment Accumulation Rates and Patterns in Lake Core Records From Coastal Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
- Effects of experimental protocol (baseline climatology, validation data selection and map- comparison methods) on the evaluation of global vegetation model accuracy: a comparison of simulated and observed vegetation patterns for Asia
- Effects of the Basal Boundary on Debris-flow Dynamics
- Effects of the West Desert Pumping Project on Near-Surface Brine Resources in the Newfoundland Basin, Tooele and Box Elder Counties, Utah
- Environmental Factors Controlling Hyporheic Flow and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates Beneath the Sediment Interface of Streams and Floodplains
- Estimating Tritium Fluxes from the Shallow Unsaturated Zone to the Atmosphere in an Arid Environment Dominated by Creosote Bush (USGS-ADRS)
- Estimation of Unsaturated and Saturated Flow from an Irrigated Orchard to the Merced River, California
- Estuarine science and decision-support tools to restore Puget Sound delta and estuarine ecosystems: The Skagit River Delta
- Evaluating Conjunctive-Use Strategies in Coastal Los Angeles: The Role of Ground-Water Simulation and Visualization in the Decision-Making Process
- Evolution of Background Noise and Development of Station Noise Models for GSN Stations ANMO and TUC
- Factors Controlling Tidal Flat Morphology in South San Francisco Bay
- Fault-Bounded Late Neogene Sedimentary Deposits in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Southern CA: Constraints on the Evolution of the San Jacinto Fault
- Faunal-based sea surface temperature reconstruction of the mid-Pliocene equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Flow in an initially dry stream channel
- Fragmented Landscapes in the San Gorgonio Pass Region: Insights into Quaternary Strain History of the Southern San Andreas Fault System
- Geomorphic Response to Global Warming in the Anthropocene: Levee Breaches in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Watershed
- Geomorphology and Ecology of Mountain Landscapes: an interdisciplinary approach to problem-based learning in a particular geographical setting
- Heat Flow Measurements Across the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, California Preliminary Results from SAFOD
- Holocene Climate and Water Quality Variability Inferred from Estuarine Sediments in the Chesapeake Bay: a Phytoplankton-Based Reconstruction
- Hydrology and Climate in the Sierra Nevada: Disproving the Myth of Linear Gradients with Elevation
- Imaging postseismic transient nearfield deformation following the 2004 Parkfield earthquake in central California with ground-based LiDAR
- Impacts of the new land surface physics and vegetation dynamics on the the GFDL AGCM simulation of climate.
- Incorporating Bed-Sediment Grain Size in Predictions of Suspended-Sediment Concentration: Three Approaches Tested Using 20,000 Bed-Sediment Grain-Size Measurements From the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Incorporating PROPACK into PEST to Estimate the Model Resolution Matrix for Large Groundwater Flow Models
- Influence of Acoustic Waves on Perchloroethylene Ganglia Dissolution in a Pore Network
- Insights Into the Hydrology of the Willamette River Basin Using d18O of Water During Summer Baseflow Conditions
- Integrated Science Investigations of the Salton Sea, California, USA
- Interaction of Mercury and Organic Matter in the Yukon River Basin
- Isotopic Evidence that Trees Enhance Nitrogen Inputs and Cycling in California Grassland- Savanna
- Langbein Lecture: Shallow Flows That Shape Earth's Surface
- Linking Ground Water Age and Chemistry Along Flow Paths to Examine the Influence of Land Use Practices on Water Quality
- Linking Mid-Atlantic Landscapes to Glacio-Isostatic Adjustments
- Long-Term Controls on Solute and Sediment Fluxes From a Rapidly Weathering Tropical Watershed
- Long-Term Slip Rate on the Southern San Andreas Fault Determined by Th-230/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate.
- Lu-Hf Geochronology of Garnet Tectonites From the Northern U.S Cordillera: Evidence for Protracted History of Deformation and Metamorphism Beginning in the Late Mesoproterozoic
- Massive Bedforms and their Movement Mapped at the Mouth of San Francisco Bay using Multibeam Sonar
- Measuring Hg and MeHg fluxes from dynamic systems using high resolution in situ monitoring - case study: the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Measuring Mid- and Near-Field Rotational Ground Motions in Taiwan
- Meltwater Induced Glacier Landslides - Waxell Ridge, AK
- Microbial Diversity in Soil Cores From the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Mixed sediment beach processes: Kachemak Bay, AK
- Modeling Coastal Change in Response to Shoreface Irregularities
- Modeling SeaWiFS Chlorophyll in Estuaries as a Function of Nutrient Inputs and Other Estuarine Characteristics
- Modeling Tsunami Sedimentation
- Modeling alongshore propagating tides and currents around West Maui, Hawaii and implications for transport using Delft3D.
- Modeling surf zone hydrodynamics and sediment transport - toward an integrated approach
- Monitoring Submarine Ground-Water Discharge Using a Distributed Temperature Sensor, Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts
- Monitoring and Assessment of Ground-Water Resources at the Regional to National Scale
- NearCoM Modeling of San Francisco Bight and its Open Coast
- Nitrogen fluxes through unsaturated zones in five agricultural settings across the USA
- North Atlantic Deep Ocean Temperature Variability During Middle Pliocene (3-3.3Ma) Warm Period
- Oxygen and Chlorine Isotopic Fractionation During Microbial Reduction of Perchlorate
- Paleoseismic Investigation of the San Andreas Fault at Coachella, California
- Physical Monitoring of Flow Into and Within Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Post-fire channel change in Wildwood Canyon, Verdugo Mountains, Burbank, CA
- Potential utility of optical proxies for lignin in DOM
- Precursory Accelerating Moment Release: An Artifact of Data-Selection?
- Predicting Ripple Wavelength in Wave-Current Flows
- Probability of Multi-Fault Rupture in California
- Proxy records of Late Holocene climate events in the eastern United States: Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age
- Quality Control of the USGS Broadband Seismic Networks
- Quantifying Beach Response to Episodic Large Wave Events, a Predictive Empirical Model, Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA
- Quantifying DOC Flux From Sediments Into a Drinking Water Reservoir Using Optical Profiling
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Discharge Measurements Using At-site Observations
- Quantifying Urban Groundwater in Environmental Field Observatories
- Quantifying nutrient sources in an upland catchment using multiple chemical and isotopic tracers
- Quaternary Foraminiferal Assemblages From IODP-ACEX Cores, Central Arctic Ocean
- Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean
- Rates and Effects of Climate Warming and Permafrost Thawing in the Yukon River Basin: The Yukon Climate Effects Assessment and Monitoring Network
- Reduction of Fine Sediment Input: What is Practical and at What Scale?
- Reduction of surface displacement by magma compressibility during the ongoing eruption of Mount St. Helens, and its implication for volcano monitoring
- Remote Sensing as a Tool to Track Algal Blooms in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- Revisions to the U.S. Geological Survey's MODFLOW Lake Package for Simulation of Ground-Water Interactions With Lakes
- SRP Rhyolites in deep source regions: physico-chemical characterization and interaction processes
- Saline Lakes: Platforms for Place-Based Scientific Inquiry by K-12 Students
- Sand Wave Migrations Within Monterey Submarine Canyon, California
- Seasonal Flood Deposits in Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i, Hawaii—Implications of Fluvial Sedimentation for Coral-Reef Ecosystems
- Sedimentologic and structural controls of floodplain development in the Sprague River, Oregon, USA
- Selenium re-suspension in the Water Column of the Great Salt Lake
- Simulating the San Andreas Plate Boundary System: Progress and Prospects
- Site Characterization Using Satellite Imagery
- Soliton-mediated conduit flow: Deep Hawaiian magma migration
- Sources and Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta, California, Using Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Isotopes
- Sources of Nitrogen to Streams of Varying Land Use as Determined Through Dual Isotope Analysis of Nitrate
- Spatial and Temporal Connections Between Sediment Delivery and Resuspension Potential along the California Coast
- Spontaneous Potential Anomalies on Active Volcanoes: New Time and Spatial Series from Masaya, Telica, and Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
- Stable Isotopes of Water in the Yukon River System, 2001 through 2005: Characterization and Implications
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Statistical indices of the relative mobilities of debris flows, rock avalanches, and lahars
- Studying Temperature Variations at Active Volcanoes to Create a Proxy for Mass Flow
- Surveying and Monitoring River Systems Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A theoretical basis for the instrument requirements with special focus on the emerging wide-swath altimeters
- Surveying and Monitoring Surface Water Bodies from Satellite Platforms: An overview of the Ongoing Efforts Assessing the Potentials and Limitations
- Taking the Pulse of Hydrology Education
- Temporal variation in Oxygen-18 and Deuterium Isotopic Composition of Rainfall and Throughfall in a Small Headwater Watershed, Northern Wisconsin
- The 16 May 2005 Flood in Yosemite National Park--A Glimpse into High-Country Flood Generation in the Sierra Nevada
- The 1986 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska A Case Study on the Effect of Magma Composition on Degassing-induced Crystallization During Magma Ascent
- The Global Seismographic Network: Structure, Diversity and Operational Challenges
- The Importance of Simulating Unsaturated Zone Flow in the Humid Climate of the Trout Lake Basin, Northern Wisconsin
- The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica and the New Antarctic Web Portal Interactive Viewer
- The Murrumbidgee Monitoring Network: Supporting CEOP, GEWEX and Hydrological Research in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
- The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program
- The gap in the Arctic Cenozoic Record: Expect the Unexpected
- The shape and dynamics of giant marine sand waves near San Francisco and their relationship to tidal forcing
- Thirty Years Later: Reflections of the Big Thompson Flood, Colorado, 1976 to 2006
- Topographic Control on Cloud Cover Variations Along the West Coast
- Topographically Based Habitat Assessment Tools for Riverine Ecosystem Management
- Tracing Sources of Nitrate and Organic Matter in the Willamette River Basin During Summer Baseflow Conditions using Isotopic Techniques
- Use of Reactive Transport Modeling to Evaluate Remedial Options for an Acid Mine Drainage Stream, With Emphasis on Prediction Uncertainty
- Use of stable isotope ratios to estimate the cloud-water component of the water balance in localities with orographic clouds
- Using Google Maps to Access USGS Volcano Hazards Information
- Using HAZUS To Investigate The Impact Of Varying Seismic Hazard Definitions On Scenario Loss Estimates
- Using Macroscopic Charcoal to Reconstruct the Holocene Fire Activity of the Willamette Valley, Oregon and Washington
- Using Repeat Photography in Geoscience Education to Build a More Informed Citizenry
- Variability of Near-stream, Sub-surface Major-ion and Tracer Concentrations in an Acid Mine Drainage Environment
- Variable Marine Reservoir Effect in Bivalves From Champlain Sea Sediments in the Lake Champlain Valley, USA
- 50 years of Global Seismic Observations
- A 2000-year record of temperature and salinity variation in Chesapeake Bay
- A Critical Stress State in Stable Continental Regions?
- A GIS Framework for Mitigating Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards at Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity
- A New Approach for Combining GPS and Seismic Data in Kinematic Inversions
- A New Approach for Estimating Background Rates of Erosion Using Concentration of Meteoric 10-Be Adhered to River Sediment: Application to the Rapidly Eroding Waipaoa Basin, New Zealand
- A discovery of another petit spot volcanic field in the Cretaceous Pacific Plate
- A role for high frequency hydrochemical sampling in long term ecosystem studies
- Abrupt climate change and collapse of deep-sea ecosystems during the last 20,000 years
- An Educator's Resource Guide to Earthquakes and Seismology
- An interdisciplinary effort to identify source parameters for models that predict eruption cloud transport and dispersion for aviation safety
- Analysis of the Two-Dimensional Effect in the H/V Spectral Ratio Method for Bedrock Depth Estimation
- Applicability of Raman Spectra Distributed Temperature Sensing in Hydrologic Observatories
- Areal and Shear Strain Coupling of PBO Borehole Strainmeters From Teleseismic Surface Waves
- Arsenic Release Mechanism in an Intensively Irrigated Agricultural Region of the Alluvial Aquifer, Eastern Arkansas, USA
- Assessing the Effects of Corn-Based Ethanol Production on Stream Water Quality
- Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Macro- and Micronutrients to the Water Column of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Beyond Cross Sections; LiDAR in Support of Sprague River geomorphology Studies, Klamath Basin, Oregon
- Bezymianny and Shiveluch Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia and Mount St. Helens, WA: Response of Volcanoes That Have Experienced Edifice Collapse
- Biogeochemical Controls on Mercury Methylation: A compilation of Data Across Fresh and Saltwater Wetlands
- Calving Theory and the Thinning, Retreat, and Disarticulation of Bear Glacier, Alaska
- Characterization of Recent Extreme Wave Deposits, SE Hawaii
- Chlorofluorocarbon and Tritium Concentration in Springs in the Norris Geyser Basin Area: Constraining Circulation Rate, Mixing Processes, and Ground-Water Evolution of Locally Derived Ground-Water in Yellowstone National Park, USA.
- Chromium isotope variation along a contaminated groundwater plume: a coupled Cr(VI)- reduction, advective mixing perspective
- Climate Change Has Cascading Ecological Effects on Mountain Ecosystems
- Climatically Driven Loss of Calcium in Steppe Soil.
- Coastal Morphodynamic Response of a Shallow Sediment Mound Forced by Strong Tidal Currents and Large Waves
- Cobble Cam: Grain-Size Analysis of Gravel Bars from Digital Photographs
- Collaborative Observation and Research (CORE) Watersheds: new strategies for tracking the regional effects of climate change on complex systems
- Comparison of Two Landslides and Related Outburst Flood Deposits and Their Effects on River Evolution, Owyhee River, Oregon
- Complexities of the Sediment Fingerprinting Approach -- With Examples from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and Lake Tahoe
- Conceptualizing and Communicating River Restoration
- Consistency between hydrological models and field observations: Linking processes at the hillslope scale to hydrological responses at the watershed scale.
- Control of groundwater recharge-discharge on coupled N-processing across the sediment- water interface of floodplain sediments
- Correlation of Sub-Aerial Beach Change with Numerical Model Derived Nearshore Wave Conditions
- Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Methylmercury Production and Export from a Boreal Wetland
- CyberShake 2007: Update on Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Calculations for Southern California
- Data Integration for Interpretation of Near-Surface Geophysical Tomograms
- Denitrification-Coupled Iron(II) Oxidation: A Key Process Regulating the Fate and Transport of Nitrate, Phosphate, and Arsenic in a Wastewater-Contaminated Aquifer
- Detection and Attribution of Anthropogenically Induced Changes in Snowpack Over the Western U.S.
- Detection and Attribution of temperature changes in the mountainous western United States.
- Dissolved Organic Carbon as a Drinking Water Constituent of Concern in California Agricultural Watersheds
- Distinguishing NOx Source Contributions to Wet and Dry Nitrate Deposition in the United States using Stable Isotopes
- Distribution of Perchlorate in Aquifers Used for Public Water Supply in California, USA
- Diurnal variability in riverine dissolved organic matter composition determined by in situ optical measurement in the San Joaquin River, California.
- Dominance of Changes in Bed-Sand Grain Size Over Bed-Sand Area in Regulating Suspended-Sand Concentration: Examples From the Colorado River
- Effective Use of Time-Series Data to Calibrate a Coupled Ground Water/Surface Water Model in a Small Headwater Watershed, Northern Wisconsin
- Elwha River Delta: Geomorphology of a Mixed-Sediment Beach
- Enriched Perchlorate and Relationship with Other Major Anions in Atmospherically Derived Deposits of Nitrate of the Mojave Desert
- Estimating Ecosystem Responses to Changes in Mercury Loading: Lessons From the METAALICUS Project
- Evaluating the effects of a +3C climate change with a regional recharge model
- Evolution of Volcano-Plutonic Centers in the Northern Colorado River Extensional Corridor, Nevada-Arizona: Protracted Cycles of Replenishment, Mush Accumulation, Fractionation, and Melt Extraction
- Examining the potential impact of a warming ocean on food insecure Africa: concerns and mechanisms for abrupt climate change
- Explorating coupled production of dissolved organic material and methyl mercury in a tidal wetland using the intrinsic chemical composition of the organic material
- Flow Data for Solute Transport Modeling from Tracer Experiments in a Stream Not Continuously Gaining Water
- Fractal scaling for surface water-subsurface water interaction through the Earths crust
- GEOSS Registry System: Enabling the Registering and Discovering of Geospatial Web Services Worldwide
- Geoelectrical Evidence of Bicontinuum Transport in Ground Water
- Geophysical Site Characterization Using Space-Based Imagery and Integrated Imaging Analysis Methods: AN Overview
- Geoscience Information Network
- Geothermal Monitoring in Yellowstone National Park
- Growth of the Tuolumne Batholith: Zircon Crystallization Temperature, Age and Trace Element Data
- High Permeability of Yellowstone Quaternary-age Volcanics: Evidence From Streamflow Hydrograph Analysis and Ground-water Ages
- Human Induced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle of the Western United States
- Hydrogeologic Characterization of Fractured Crystalline Bedrock on the Southern Part of Manhattan, New York, Using Advanced Borehole Geophysical Methods
- Hydromechanical response characterization by integration of geophysical and hydrological data, San Lorenzo, California
- Improving climate change knowledge in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA.
- Independent Wetland Vegetation Response to Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Hydrologic Control, Everglades, FL, USA
- Insights Into the Evolution of the SW Laurentian Margin: Geochronological Constraints From the Paleoproterozoic Farmington Canyon Complex, Utah
- Instant Grainification: Real-Time Grain-Size Analysis from Digital Images in the Field
- Integrating GPS and Seismic Data in Earthquake Source Inversions
- Interacting Convective Processes in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii
- Interpretation of 40Ar/39Ar Age-spectra in Low-grade Polymetamorphic Rocks: The Importance of Petrologic constraints
- Investigating the Sources and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in an Agricultural Watershed in California (U.S.A.)
- Investigations of CO2 Emissions From Holocene Volcanic Features of Mono Lake and the Mono Craters Volcanic Chain in Eastern California
- Isotopes of Dissolved Copper and Zinc in Stream Waters
- Isotopic Discrimination of Perchlorate Sources in Ground Water
- Isotopic Evidence of Nitrate Sources and its Relationship to Algae in the San Joaquin River, California
- Limits on characteristics of invertebrate assemblages associated with streamflow patterns in the western United States
- Magmatic Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Mammoth Mountain, California -- A Decreasing Trend From 1996 to 2007
- Mercury Accumulation in the Forest Floor of the North Central United States
- Mercury Cycling in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California: Water Column Processes
- Mercury Cycling in Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California: Sediment Biogeochemistry
- Microbial Origin and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Agricultural Willow Slough Watershed, California: Insights From Amino Sugars
- Mid-Pliocene Sea-Surface Temperature Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Modeling Streambed Hyporheic Exchange Using a Spectral Scaling Based Pumping Model
- Modeling Surface Runoff in the Mustang Creek Basin, California, Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Modeling Vegetative Controls on the Water Balance in Shallow Desert Soils
- Modeling Water Temperatures in the Colorado River Below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona to Assess the Influence of Operational and Environmental Factors on Downstream Thermal Dynamics
- Modern Earthquake Hazard Assessments in Afghanistan: A USGS Training Course
- Modified Sediment Rating Curve Approach for Supply-dependent Conditions
- Monitoring: a vital component of science at USGS WEBB sites
- Mounting Mid-Pliocene Paradoxes, Mounting Concern About Climate Sensitivity
- Multi-directional Block and Breccia Emplacement in the Moat of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Revealed by High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Surveys near the 1.76-km-deep, ICDP-USGS Eyreville Corehole
- Multiproxy Deglacial Record of Climate Change in Central Florida
- Myths of Isotopic Reference Materials Busted
- Natural Paleoseismometers: Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) - Integral Constraints on Maximum Ground Accelerations
- Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic Link Between Panarea And Sardinia Predating The Opening Of The Tyrrhenian Sea
- Near-Surface Site Characterization Using a Combination of Active and Passive Seismic Arrays
- Near-field strong ground-motions during the September 12-13, 2007 Sumatran earthquakes
- New STS-1 Electronics: Development and Test Results
- New U-Pb SHRIMP-RG Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of the Main and Northern Granitoid Belts of NE Russia
- New Visualization Techniques to Analyze Ultra-High Resolution Three- and Four-Dimensional Airborne and Tripod LiDAR Point-Cloud Data
- Nitrate and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Riparian-Zone Ground Water of the Lower San Joaquin River, California
- Non-Volcanic Tremor Near Parkfield, CA Systematically Excited by Teleseismic Waves
- Non-volcanic Tremor and Earthquakes Driven by the Large Transient Shear Stresses of the 2002 Denali Earthquake
- Occurrence of Antibiotics and Emerging Contaminants in Dairy Farming
- Of Magic Carpets, Rolling Snowballs, and Sleeping Dragons: an Energetics-based Classification for Hillslope/channel Interactions
- Options for Monitoring Climate-driven Recharge Changes in Western Mountains
- Ostracode Mg/Ca Paleothermometry: Applications and Complications
- Oxidative and reductive transformations of arsenic by photosynthetic microbial communities from hot springs on Pahoa Island, Mono Lake, California
- PRISM Sea Surface Temperatures: Overview and new PRISM3 Low Latitude Pacific SSTs.
- PRISM3 Global Paleoclimate Reconstruction: A Global Warming Data Set
- Pathogens in Dairy Farming: Source Characterization and Groundwater Impacts
- Perchlorate in the San Antonio Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
- Polar Organic Compounds in Surface Waters Collected Near Lead-Zinc Mine and Milling Operations in Missouri
- Pollen evidence for Thermophilic and Hydrophilic Terrestrial Vegetation in the Central Arctic During the Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Post-Impact Sedimentation of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Local and Regional Effects
- Progress in developing an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS)
- Progressive Landslides in Uplifted Volcanic Plateaus: Persistent Loci of Channel Perturbation
- Protracted construction of gabbroic crust at a slow-spreading ridge: Constraints from SHRIMP Pb/U zircon ages in IODP hole 1309D, Atlantis Massif, MAR (30°N)
- Pulsed Discharge Through Wetland Vegetation as a Control on Bed Shear Stress and Sediment Transport Affecting Everglades Restoration
- Quantifying Wetland Dynamics and Hydrologic Function with Landsat Thematic Mapper
- Recalibrating ML for the California Integrated Seismic Network
- Recent improvements in earthquake and tsunami monitoring in the Caribbean
- Recharge response to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Record of Hybridization Preserved in Zircon, Aztec Wash Pluton, NV
- Redox Processes and Water Quality of Selected Principal Aquifer Systems
- Redox-controlled iron isotope fractionation during basalt differentiation?
- Russian-American Experience in Science Education and Volcanological Research
- Salmon and Wetland Influences on Streamwater Mercury Fluxes in Southeastern Alaska
- Sand Ripples and Surficial Grain Size on the Florida Continental Shelf Following 2004 Hurricane Ivan
- Seasonal Patterns of Precipitation Isotopic Composition in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Sediment Transport and Dust Flux in Disturbed and Undisturbed Dryland Ecosystems: From Site Specific Estimates to Trends Across Gradients of Woody Plant Cover
- Seismic Evidence for Complex, Multi-layered, Deep Structure of the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Delmarva Peninsula, Virginia, USA
- Seismological Evidence for Increasing Oceanic Storm Intensity
- Simulating advective transport through locally refined grids
- Solitary Waves, Magma Migration and Dome Building Eruptions at Mt. St. Helens, Washington
- Sources of Seasonal Water-Supply Forecast Skill in the Western US
- Spatial evaluation of extreme wave deposits at Boca Olivia, Bonaire
- Storm Rainfall Conditions for Floods and Debris Flows from Recently Burned Basins in Southwestern Colorado and Southern California
- Stratigraphic Controls on Seawater Intrusion, and Implications for Ground-Water Management, Dominguez Gap Area of Los Angeles, California
- Suggested Physics Between Cosmic Ray Flux and Regional Hydroclimate
- Survey-scale airborne lidar error analysis from parallel swath comparison
- Systematics of Natural Perchlorate in Precipitation, Soils, and Plants at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Tectonic Setting of the Gravity Fault and Implications for Ground-Water Resources in the Death Valley Region, Nevada and California
- Tectonic and geomorphic controls on littoral sediment distribution and transport along an emergent, rocky coastline: Northern Monterey Bay, California
- The Complex Effects of Simplifying Network Structure: A Modeling Evaluation of Chemical Migration in Fracture-Controlled Aquifers
- The Influence of Wetland Cover and Dissolved Organic Carbon on Mercury Export in Forest Landscapes, Northeastern USA
- The Involvement of Microbially Derived Extracellular Proteins in Nanoparticle Formation and Aggregation
- The NOAA Near Real-time OMI-SO2 Cloud Visualization and Product Distribution System
- The National Land Imaging Program
- The Role of Dissolved Organic Matter in Environmental Mercury Methylation by Sulfate- Reducing Bacteria
- The SPASM Model of Seismogenic Solid-state Extrusion at Mount St. Helens
- The mid Pliocene Warm Period: A Test-bed for Integrating Data and Models
- The role of the streambed zone on the fate of nitrate in the Morgan Creek, MD watershed
- Thermal Conductivity Control of Heat Flow and Effects on Crustal and Surface Compositions and Aqueous Extrusions in Thick Evaporites: Earth and Mars
- Thermal Modeling as a Test for Internal Consistency Between Thermo- and Geochronology and Thermobarometry: Application to the Acadian Orogeny in SE Vermont.
- Thresholds of Climate Change in Ecosystems - Synthesis and Assessment
- Total Mercury and Methylmercury in the Great Egg Harbor River Watershed, New Jersey, USA
- Transport processes of nitrogen, phosphorus, and pesticides in five agricultural watersheds in the United States
- Trends in Stream Water Quality in the Southeastern United States
- Trends in Streamflow in the Missouri River Basin from 1957 to 2006
- Tsunami Deposits on Simeulue Island, Indonesia--A tale of two tsunamis
- US scientific contributions to the water resources program of the International Atomic Energy Agency
- United States contributions to international hydrology and the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme
- Using Resolution Information to Remove Artifacts from GPS Inversions
- Using Transient Temperature-Depth Data to Constrain Groundwater Flow Velocities in Thermal Aquifers of Long Valley Caldera, California
- Volatile Emissions from Hot Spring Basin, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Vs30 from site response and local magnitude corrections
- Water Quality Signal of Animal Agriculture at USGS Monitoring Stations is Related to Animal Confinement and/or Farm Size
- Who Needs Environmental Monitoring?
- Why do Different Anthropogenic Sources of Atmospheric Nitrate have Distinctive Isotopic Signatures?
- Widespread Triggered Non-volcanic Tremor Along the California Transform Plate Boundary
- Zircon U-Pb Ages Chronicle 3 Myr of Episodic Crystallization in the Composite Miocene Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- Zircons From the Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster: Volcanic Sampling of an Evolving Batholith
- 40Ar/39Ar ages of the older eruptive units of Somma-Vesuvius volcano, Italy
- A Geochemical and Geophysical Examination of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Loading Estimates into Lynch Cove, Hood Canal, WA
- A Novel Field Apparatus for Conducting Linked Geochemical-Microbiological Experiments in Shallow Sediments
- A Paleoenvironmental Record of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in a Permafrost Core from Northern Alaska
- A Practical Modeling Approach for NAPL Dissolution Kinetics, Microbially-Mediated Redox Reactions and Aquifer-Aquitard Diffusion to Assess Remedial Options
- A Tectonic Model for the Midcontinent U.S. Lithosphere Based on Structural Analyses of Mesoproterozoic Through Cenozoic Deformation
- A combined observation-modeling approach for estimating water and suspended- sediment flux through a large tidal inlet: the Golden Gate, San Francisco, USA
- Abrupt changes in deep-sea ecosystem structure and biodiversity during the last deglaciation and Holocene
- Air entrainment and the dynamics of volcanic jets and plumes
- An Improved State-Parameter Estimation of Forest Carbon Dynamics in a Boreal Forest Ecosystem of Interior Alaska Using Data Assimilation
- An Integrated Approach to Determine Ground-water Surface Water Flux in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System at the Norman Landfill Research Site, Oklahoma
- An Isotope Survey of the Danube
- An integrated climate service strategy for African drought monitoring and prediction: linking information to action
- Application of Phospholipid Fatty Acids in the Evaluation of Post-Katrina Wetland Soils
- Assessing the Stability of Hydrologic and Associated Biogeochemical and Geomorphic Regimes Using Historical Reconstructions
- Better constraints on the size and volatile content of the Mount St. Helens magma reservoir following the end of the 2004-2008 eruption
- Candidate Tsunami Deposits at Carpinteria Salt Marsh, Southern California
- Changes in Monthly Streamflow Conditions in the Missouri River Basin from 1957 to 2007
- Changes in shallow VT seismicity and stress between background and pre-eruptive phases (1999-2004) at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Channel Evolution on the Dammed Elwha River, Washington, in Response to two Major Winter Flood Seasons
- Characteristics of Recent Wave-Formed Deposits, SE Hawai'i
- Characterizing Nearshore Sediment Transport in the Santa Barbara Littoral Cell Using Repeated Shallow Bathymetric Surveys
- Charting a Course to Earth System Science Literacy
- Climate Change and Glacier Retreat: Scientific Fact and Artistic Opportunity
- Climate-Related Variations in Black Carbon Accumulation in Chesapeake Bay Holocene Sediments
- Co-seismic ruptures of the 12 May, 2008, Mw 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan: EW crustal shortening on oblique, parallel thrusts along the eastern edge of Tibet
- Community Velocity Model for the New Madrid Region, Central U.S.
- Comparison of Natural Dams from Lava Flows and Landslides on the Owyhee River, Oregon
- Comparison of Vs30 Measurements Against Predictions in Southern California
- Conceptualizing landscape controls on catchment transit times in different geomorphic provinces
- Constraining Diffusivity and Critical Slope from Post-Fire Sediment Flux of the Day, Canyon, and Corral Fires, California
- Convergent Margin Structure and a Unifying Concept
- Conversion of Steep Hawaiian Hillslope Transport From Soil Creep to Overland Flow Accelerates Erosion Rates Over 100-fold
- Cost-Efficient Interstate Management of Nitrogen Enrichment of Rivers, Streams, and Coastal Waters
- Coupled Warming and Drought in the American Southwest During Long mid-Pleistocene Interglacials (MIS 11 and 13)
- Cycling of Mercury in the Sediments of the Penobscot River (ME) and Great Bay (NH) Estuaries
- Debris-flow Dynamics Inferred From Aggregated Results of 28 Large-scale Experiments
- Defining And Employing Reference Conditions For Ecological Restoration Of The Lower Missouri River, USA
- Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficients in Fused Silica From 23 to 250°C Using Raman Spectroscopy
- Determining Heterogeneity of Lithologic Units from Flow Logs and Aquifer Tests
- Developing a Framework for Assessing Climate-Change Impacts on Common Loon Habitat Suitability in Northern Wisconsin
- Development of a Bayesian Network to Evaluate Sea-Level Rise Impacts for Decision Making
- Direct measurement of asperity contact growth in quartz at hydrothermal conditions
- Discovery of the Acid-Sulfate Mineral Alunite in Terra Sirenum, Mars, Using MRO CRISM: Possible Evidence for Acid-Saline Lacustrine Deposits?
- Dissolved Organic Matter, Organic Matter Optical Properties and Mercury in Rivers and Streams
- Distribution of Ground Motions for the 2008 Mw5.4 Chino Hills Earthquake
- Do the corals off Molokai,Hawaii preserve a long-term groundwater discharge record?
- Earth Science Literacy: Big Ideas and Supporting Concepts
- Earth Science Literacy: Building Community Consensus
- Earthquake early warning in California: Evaluating Hardware and Software
- Eastern Denali Fault Slip Rate and Paleoseismic History, Kluane Lake Area, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Effects of Climate Change and Disturbances on Carbon Sequestration of California Ecosystems
- Elevated CO2, nitrogen availability and marsh tolerance for sea-level rise
- Erosion and Redeposition of Reservoir Sediment in Response to Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- Evaluating Failure Mechanics of the Malpais Landslide, Eureka County, Nevada
- Evaluating Temporal Variations in Fault Slip-Rate and Fault Interaction in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Evaluation Of Airborne LiDAR Data To Predict Presence / Absence
- Event-Based Monitoring of Sediment Flux Following Removal of Oregon's Marmot Dam
- Evidence of Tsunami in a Coastal Pond in NW Puerto Rico
- Examination of magnetic resonance soundings in the Central Platter River Basin for ground water model enhancements
- Examining the Role of Topological Factors in Controlling the Hydraulic Conductivity of Granular Deposits Through the Analysis of Geophysical Well Logs: Results From the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Site
- Extending the SST gradient into the Arctic: Paleoclimate evidence and future climate implications
- Field Evaluation of Travel Times and Flow Mechanisms in the Mississippi Delta Vadose Zone Using Tracers
- Field Flume Experiments Resolve Feedback Processes Governing Historic Formation, Recent Degradation, and Restoration of the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape
- Flood Flows and Climate Variability and Change in the US, an Exploration of the Literature, Theory, and Long-term Flood Records
- Fluxes of new and old mercury from mercury amendments to Puerto Rico soil columns
- Four-dimensional snowmelt distribution in the Sierra Nevada imaged with ground-based Tripod LiDAR
- Geologic evidence northeast of Puerto Rico for an Atlantic tsunami in the last 500 years
- Geophysical and Geologic Training of the Afghan Geological Survey, May, 2008
- Geosciences Information Network (GIN): A Distributed, Interoperable Data Network for the Geosciences
- Geosciences Information Network (GIN): A modular, distributed, interoperable data network for the geosciences
- Geostatistics for the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) Flatfile Database
- Glaciers along the Copper River, Alaska, Controlled by Landslides, Vegetation, Lakes, Rivers (and Climate)
- Ground-Water Availability Responses to Climate Variability on Interannual to Multidecadal Timescales, Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer System, USA
- Groundwater Hydrology within the crater of Mount St. Helens from Geophysical Constraints
- Groundwater and Surface Water Interactions of Small Arid-Landscape Lakes in Khorezm, Uzbekistan
- Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys for Hydrological Framework Studies in Nebraska
- Holocene Arctic Paleoceanography from Ostracode Shell Chemistry and Faunas
- Holocene Climatic and Hydrologic Variability as Recorded in the Benthic Foraminifera Ammonia Beccarii From Tampa Bay, Florida
- Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Methylmercury Production Associated With Agricultural and Non-agricultural Wetlands of the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, California
- How to Produce Dacitic Melt at Kilauea: Evidence from Historic Kilauea Lava Lakes
- Hydroecological Feedbacks Promote Flow-Parallel Patterning in the Everglades and Low- Gradient Floodplains
- Hydrologic controls on the sources and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in an agricultural catchment in the Central Valley, California (U.S.A.)
- Impact of Landslide Dams on River Profile Evolution
- Impact on aviation operations of volcanic gas and ash clouds from the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi, Alaska
- Impacts of Agricultural Practices on Concentrations and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon
- In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of the Structures of Aqueous Fluid, Hydrous Melt, and Supercritical Fluid in the System KAlSi3O8-H2O up to 900 °C and 2.3 GPa
- In situ measurements of organic matter dynamics during a storm event in an agricultural watershed
- Influence of current on suspended-sand concentration profiles in combined flows
- Interactions of Stream Flow Dynamics and Mercury Variation During Snowmelt in an Adirondack Catchment
- Interpretation of denitrification and stable isotope fractionation in a heterogeneous aquifer using backward particle tracking simulation
- Interpreting Flow Logs with an Integrated Wellbore Analysis Tool, AnalyzeHOLE
- Inventory and Analysis of Landslides in Redwood Creek, California Following the 1997 Storm
- Investigating extent of dissolved organic carbon stabilization by metal based coagulant in a wetland environment
- Investigating multi-decadal scale changes in ENSO variability using a coupled A/OGCM
- Investigation of Hawai'i Tsunami Boulder Deposits to Assess Caribbean Tsunami Hazards
- Is Downtown Seattle on the Hanging Wall of the Seattle Fault?
- Late Miocene to early Pliocene planktonic foraminiferal sea surface temperature estimates from DSDP Site 103 (northern Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge) based upon the Modern Analog Technique
- Linking Sediment Management Practices, Ebb-Tidal Delta Evolution, and Shoreline Change in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System
- Linking diurnal trends in methylmercury concentration and organic matter photo-reactivity in wetlands of the Yolo Bypass, California
- Mapping Hurricane Inland-Storm Tides
- Mapping Potential Ivory Billed Woodpecker Habitat using Lidar and Hyperspectral Data Fusion
- Mercury sediment biogeochemistry in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Methane Seepage From the Arctic Shelf; 20 Years of Research on the Beaufort Sea Margin
- Mid-Miocene Rhyolite Sequence, Highland Range, NV: Record of Magma Evolution and Eruption From the Searchlight Pluton Magma Chamber
- Modeling Coastal Morphodynamics using Local Estimates of Alongshore Sediment Transport: Limits and Alternatives
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes on Denitrification and Stream Nitrogen Losses in River Networks
- Molecular Scale Dissolved Organic Matter Interactions Impact Mercury Bioavailability for Uptake and Methylation by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
- Moving Climate Data Records from Research to Operations
- Multi-proxy records of estuarine ecosystem response to Late Holocene climate variability, Chesapeake Bay, USA
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Ground Water at the U.S. Geological Survey Cape Cod Toxic Substances Hydrology Program Research Site, Massachusetts
- Multidisciplinary investigation of the fate, transport, and remediation of chlorinated solvents in fractured rocks at the former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC): Scientific and management challenges, and strategies for a successful research program
- Multivariate Statistical Approach Applied to Sediment Source Tracking Through Quantification and Mineral Identification, Cheyenne River, South Dakota
- North American Glacial Lake Drainage through the St. Lawrence Estuary from 13 to 9 ka
- Numerical Study of Sediment Suspension Over Bedforms in Combined Flows
- Nutrient sources to urban streams in three metropolitan areas of the United States using dual nitrate isotopes
- Occurrence and Geochemistry of Polonium-210 in Ground Water, Lahontan Valley, Nevada
- PRISM3 Pliocene Sea surface Temperature Reconstruction
- Paleoseismological analysis in Tehran region (Central Alborz, Iran)
- Peat Deposits of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: An Archive for Anthropogenic Contamination of Mercury, Lead, and Other Trace Metals
- Perchlorate as a Ground-Water Tracer Along the Lower Colorado River
- Potential Disappearance of Subalpine Vegetation from Yosemite
- Preliminary interpretation of regional gravity and magnetic data over southwest Afghanistan
- Process-based reference conditions: An alternative approach for managed river systems
- Real-time Geodetic Data for Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Applications: Current and Future Activities at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Recent Advancements in the U.S. Geological Survey Streamgaging Program
- Recent Advances in Modeling Phosphorus and Nitrogen Delivery to the Gulf of Mexico and Implications for Managing Nutrients n the Mississippi River Basin
- Reconstructing Colonial Land Cover Changes Across the Northeastern United States to Understand Hydrologic Changes
- Regional Shoreline Change Along the North Slope of Alaska
- Relating Forage-Fish use With Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particle-Size Distributions of Mixed Grain-Size Beaches in the Elwha and Dungeness Drift Cells , Central Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington State.
- Research for Stakeholders: Delivering the ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario to Golden Guardian Emergency Exercise Planners
- Rupture history of 2008 May 12 Mw 8.0 Wen-Chuan earthquake: Evidence of slip interaction
- Scaling Hyporheic Flow and Biogeochemical Reactions across a Wide Range of Flow and Sediment Conditions in Aquatic Systems
- Seasonal Patterns of Flood, Wind, and Wave Coherence Along the US West Coast: Implications for Sediment Dispersal and Deposition.
- Seismic Wave Strain, Rotation, and Gradiometry for the 4 March 2008 TAIGER Explosions
- Signs of aqueous activity in Gale Crater, Mars as viewed by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Simulating the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period: how similar are the models?
- Small watershed-scale research and the challenges ahead
- Sources and Transformations of Nitrate from Streams Draining Varying Land Uses: Evidence from Dual Isotope Analysis
- Spatial properties of the San Andreas Fault plate boundary surface trace between Desert Hot Springs and the Bombay Beach based on satellite and B4 Imagery.
- Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Coastal Water Quality on the Kona Coast: The Land Use Connection
- Sulfates and Other Hydrated Minerals in Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris and Implications for Water Geochemistry
- Surf zone prediction and assimilation using a Bayesian network
- Tapping Environmental History to Recreate America's Colonial Hydrology
- Testing the Applicability of Using Groundwater Temperatures to Constrain Recharge Rates in Arid Intermontane Basins
- Tests of RTG (Real Time GIPSY) for Earthquake Early Warning and Response Applications in Southern California
- The Effects of Hillslope Scale Variations in Soil Depth on Soil Moisture and Transpiration Responses to Rainfall Events
- The Magnitude-Frequency Distribution on the Southern San Andreas Fault Follows the Gutenberg-Richter Distribution
- The Rhizosphere Zone: A Hot Spot of Microbial Activity and Methylmercury Production in Saltmarsh Sediments of San Francisco Bay, California
- The Role of Forethought and Serendipity in Designing a Successful Hydrogeological Research Site
- The Role of Late-Cenozoic Lava Flows in the Evolution of the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
- The Scientific and Institutional Context for the Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- The Spatial and Temporal Variability of a High-Energy Beach: Insight Gained From Over 50 High-Resolution Sub-aerial Surveys
- The role of ground water in water-supply emergency planning
- The subtidal momentum balance in a periodically stratified estuary: The dominance of tidal timescale processes
- Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR) by Methane - in Situ Observation and Raman Characterization in Fused Silica Capsules at Temperatures up to 450°C
- Three-Dimensional EarthVision Modeling for Ground-Water Resource Applications: Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, Southern Oklahoma
- Tidal-dominated Sediment Transport in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon off Southwestern Taiwan: Radiochemical, Sediment Trap and Current Meter Observations
- Translating Climate-Change Probabilities into Impact Risks - Overcoming the Impact- Model Bottleneck
- Trends in Stream Water Quality in the Southeastern United States 1973- 2005
- Trends in the First Two Moments of Peak Flow Data in California
- Trends in the Timing and Volume of Peak Flow Events in the Missouri River Basin
- USGS Multi-Hazards Winter Storm Scenario
- Understanding Pathways of Water-Resource Development: An End-Member, Water- Balance Approach
- Upgrading the Southern California Seismic Network Along the Southern San Andreas Fault for Near-Source Ground Motions and Earthquake Early Warning
- Upwelling-driven buoyant plume dynamics in northern Monterey Bay
- Use of Continuous Specific Conductance to Differentiate the Sources of Water to an Agricultural Stream With Subsurface Drainage Networks
- Use of Phosphate-Oxygen Isotope Ratios as a Tracer for Sources and Cycling of Phosphorus in the Illinois River in AR and OK
- Use of a Lumped Seasonal Agricultural Flow in an Inverse End-Member Mixing Analysis to Understand Transport of Water and Solutes in Irrigated Catchments
- Using Australian Acidic Playa Lakes as Analogs for Phyllosilicate and Sulfate Depositional Environments on Mars
- Using Multiple Environmental Age Tracers to Investigate Interactions between Hydrothermal and Shallow Local Systems in the Norris Geyser Basin Area, Yellowstone National Park.
- Using Natural and Synthetic Zircons to Test the Reliability of Hf Isotopic Measurements During Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS Analyses
- Using Repeat Ground-Based, Airborne, and Space-Based Photography and Multispectral Imagery to Document the Post-Little Ice Age Behavior of Alaksan Glaciers
- Using simplifications of reality in the real world: Robust benefits of models for decision making
- Using spatial and temporal changes in bed-sediment grain size to trace sand transport: results of 30,000 bed-sediment grain-size measurements from Grand Canyon between 2000 and 2008
- Using tomograms for quantitative interpretation of processes and properties
- Vertical Grain Size Trends in Suspended Sediment Deposits and Applications to the Identification and Interpretation of Tsunami Deposits
- Volatile Evolution of Magma Associated with the Solchiaro Eruption in the Phlegrean Volcanic District (Italy)
- Volcanic Geology of Negit Island, Mono Lake, CA
- Water Resources Availability in Kabul, Afghanistan
- Widespread Effects on Aviation of the 2008 Eruption of Chaiten Volcano, Chile
- Zircon Recycling in Arc Intrusions
- Zircon Trace Element Contents and Refined U-Pb Crystallization Ages for the Tatoosh Pluton, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington Cascades
- A Collaborative Environment for Knowledge Base Development
- A Comparison of Mathematical Models of Fish Mercury Concentration as a Function of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition Rate and Watershed Characteristics
- A GPS Real Time Earthquake and Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System (Invited)
- A Methylmercury Prediction Too For Surface Waters Across The Contiguous United States (Invited)
- A New Late Glacial Site in the Central Appalachians of Virginia. Preliminary Findings From Paleobotany, Palynology, and Geomorphology
- A Simple Method to Predict Threshold Shear Velocity in the Field
- A Simple Model for Predicting Shoreline Position on a High-Energy Sandy Beach at Monthly to Multi-Year Timescales
- A modeling system for predicting the impact of severe storms on the U.S. West Coast
- ARkStorm: A West Coast Storm Scenario
- Acetylene fermentation: An Earth-based analog of biological carbon cycling on Titan
- Adapting to climate change at Glacier National Park, Montana, USA (Invited)
- Additional Observations for Quantifying Non-Darcian Flow (Invited)
- Advances in understanding societal vulnerability to tsunamis in the United States
- Afghanistan - Debris Covered Glaciers, Supraglacial Lakes, and the Potential for Catastrophic Flooding (Jökulhlaups)
- Aftermath of an outburst flood: Holocene channel and floodplain development in the semi-arid lower Sycan River, Oregon
- Altered Landscapes and Groundwater Sustainability — Exploring Impacts with Induced Polarization, DC Resistivity, and Thermal Tracing
- Amplification and Dampening of Soil Respiration by Changes in Temperature Variability
- An Appalachian Amazon? Magnetofossil evidence for the development of a tropical river-like system in the mid-Atlantic United States during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- An Integrated Approach to Quantify Groundwater - Surface Water Interactions: the Norman Research Site, Oklahoma
- An OGC Hydrology and Hydrogeology Interoperability Experiment
- Analysis of Prediction Uncertainty of Vs30 in Southern California
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Application of Satellite Based Laser Altimetry to Estimation of River Hydraulics and Remote Estimation of River Discharge
- Applying Dispersive Changes to Lagrangian Particles in Groundwater Transport Models
- Are expansive North American marshes a relict of historical land use change?
- Arsenic Species in Scute (Shell Plate) and Lung Tissues of Desert Tortoises
- Assessment of SPME Partitioning Coefficients: Implications for Passive Environmental Sampling of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds
- Assessment of climate change effects on water and carbon cycling and habitat change in the Yukon River Basin: Piloting a National Strategy (Invited)
- Benthic Oxygen Demand in Former Salt Ponds as Estimated by Porewater Profiles
- Biodegradation of 17β-Estradiol, Estrone and Testosterone in Stream Sediments
- Biotic Responses of Headwater Streams to Geophysical Alteration and Disturbance Related to Climate Change
- Borehole flowmeter measurements of horizontal groundwater flow before and during an aquifer test in central Indiana
- Broadband Geoelectrical Signatures of Water-Ethanol Solutions in Ottawa Sand
- Burial and Exhumation of Inner Shelf Bedrock Reefs due to Winter Storms
- CISN ShakeAlert: Three Years of Comparative Real-Time Earthquake Early Warning Testing in California
- CISN ShakeAlert: Using early warnings for earthquakes in California
- Calculating CyberShake Map 1.0 on Shared Open Science High Performance Computing Resources
- Calculations of Bed-Material Transport, Chetco River, Oregon
- Calibration of Models Using Groundwater Age (Invited)
- Case study for obtaining hydrological parameters from Space borne Lidar and High resolution Remote Sensing imagery
- Causes and Corrections for STS-1 Gain Changes in the Global Seismographic Network
- Central United States Velocity Model Version 1: Description and Validation
- Century-long regional climate simulations for North America: Changes in the mean state and its variability in a doubled-CO2 atmosphere
- Channel Change and Bed-Material Transport in the Lower Chetco River, Oregon
- Characterization of Methane Hydrate Growth from Aqueous Solution by Raman Spectroscopy
- Characterization of eco-hydraulic habitats for examining biogeochemical processes in rivers
- Classification of northern Alaska coastal morphology from high-resolution oblique photography
- Climate and 20th century establishment in alpine treeline ecotones of the western US
- Climate and regolith constraints of chemical weathering and mass flux in granitic terrain
- Coarse clast transport and deposition during the September 29, 2009 tsunami in American Samoa and Samoa
- Combined Sewer Overflows as a Source of Hormones to Surface Water
- Combining Remote Sensing and Climate Reanalysis Data to Estimate Evapotranspiration in sub-Saharan Africa
- Comparison of computationally frugal (linear) to expensive (nonlinear) methods for analyzing inverse modeling results
- Competition between Methane and Alkylbenzenes for Electron Acceptors during Natural Attenuation of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Complexity and segmentation of the Seattle Fault System
- Concentration, Structure, and Lability of Dissolved Organic Matter Across 16 Major Rivers in North America
- Constraining Volcano-Hydrologic Interaction at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua Through Continuous Temperature Monitoring and Modeling
- Convolution modeling of two-domain, nonlinear water-level responses in karst aquifers (Invited)
- Cycling of Volatiles and Stable Isotopes During High-P Subduction Dehydration of Serpentinite
- DataONE: Enabling Data-Intensive Biological and Environmental Research through Cyberinfrastructure
- Design of Reconnaissance Helicopter Electromagnetic and Magnetic Geophysical Surveys of the North Platte River and Lodgepole Creek, Nebraska
- Detecting Explosive Volcanic Eruptions with the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN)
- Determining Spatial and Temporal Variation in Sources of Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains using Nitrogen Isotopes
- Determining change in vegetation structure using small-footprint, waveform-resolving lidar
- Developing a Fine Resolution Forest Height Map for Mississippi Using Landsat Time Series Observations and GLAS Lidar Data
- Differences in Sulfate Behavior along a North-South Gradient of Unglaciated Eastern U.S. Catchments
- Distribution of Groundwater Ages at Public-Supply Wells: Comparison of Results from Lumped Parameter and Numerical Inverse Models with Multiple Environmental Tracers
- Dramatic beach and nearshore morphological changes due to extreme flooding at a wave-dominated river mouth (Invited)
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Dust in the western U.S.: how biological, physical and human activities at the local scale interact to affect hydrologic function at the landscape scale (Invited)
- Earthquake Early Warning: A Prospective User's Perspective (Invited)
- Epicentral Determination from Macroseismic Data: Insights from Four Centuries of Observations (Invited)
- Estimating maximum earthquake magnitude for exponentially distributed seismicity in the central and eastern United States
- Evaluation of 3-D flow structure and corresponding scour holes in the vicinity of a submerged wing dike in a large sand bed river
- Evaluation of Geochemical Processes Affecting Uranium Sequestration and Longevity of Permeable Reactive Barriers for Groundwater Remediation
- Evaluation of High-Rate Real Time GPS Processing at USGS Pasadena
- Evaluation of recharge in selected aquifer systems of the United States using tracers of groundwater age (Invited)
- Evapotranspiration from Upper Klamath Lake: Reducing Uncertainty in the Water Balance
- Evolving demand for ecosystem services and their impact in a coastal New England watershed
- Exploring Variability in Acidic Saline Playa Lakes in WA with HyMAP Hyperspectral Data
- Factors Controlling Streamwater Mercury-DOC Relations Across Watersheds
- Failure modes of thawing permafrost bluffs on the Chukchi Sea coast, Alaska
- Field Evaluation of Preferential Flow in Agricultural Soil of the Mississippi Delta
- Field Studies Provide Insight into Tritium Migration in an Arid Environment
- Findings from a study of phosphorus storage and bioavailability in sediments of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA: Possible applications to other aquatic systems
- Geochemistry and the Understanding of Groundwater Systems
- Geologic Signatures of the September 2009 South Pacific Tsunami (Invited)<i/>
- Geologic hazard monitoring with real-time GPS (Invited)
- Gravity Monitoring of Canal Infiltration: Results from Dutch Flats, Nebraska
- Groundwater Flow with Freeze-Thaw in Dynamic Permafrost Systems: Numerical Simulation
- Hazard Science in Support of Community Resiliency: The Response of the Multi Hazards Demonstration Project to the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County
- High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Trench Canyon Fault Zone, Mono Lake, Northeastern California
- High resolution seismic reflection profiles of Holocene volcanic and tectonic features, Mono Lake, California
- High-Resolution Simulations of Paleoclimate over North America and Comparisons with Paleoclimatic Data (Invited)
- Holocene Sea-ice History in the Arctic Ocean
- Homogenization Temperature Measurements in Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell for Melt and Fluid Inclusions from the Jiajika Pegmatite Deposit, China
- Horizontal Borehole Flowmeter Evaluations in an Unconsolidated Aquifer Simulator
- Hot VOCs and Tritium Transport — A Conundrum Solved?
- Hydraulic Characterization of the Hyporheic Corridor at the Hanford 300 Area Using Geoelectrical Imaging and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Methods (Invited)
- Hydrologic controls on nutrient processing in a sub-arctic stream
- Icequake Tremors During Glacier Calving (Invited)
- Identifying Source Waters in the Karstic Madison Aquifer on the Basis of Water Chemistry, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
- Imaging The October 2008 Glacier Point Rock Falls, Yosemite Valley, With High-Resolution Photography and Repeat Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Invited)
- Imprint of Late Quaternary Climate Change on the Mid-Atlantic Landscape
- Improving Mass Balance Modeling of Benchmark Glaciers
- In Situ-produced vs. Meteoric 10Be in Hillslope Soils: One Isotope, Two Tracers, Different Stories
- In-situ Raman Spectroscopic Investigation of Sulfur, Sulfur-Water, and Sulfur-Methane-Water Systems Between 22 and 450 °C
- InSAR measurement of surface deformation at the Hanford Reservation associated with the 2009 Wooded Island earthquake swarm (Invited)
- Increasing the scope of riverine ecology with state-of-the-art fluvial remote sensing (Invited)
- Interacting Effects of Land Management Strategies and Climate Change on the Ecohydrologic Systems of the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed
- Investigating groundwater discharge from a Great Basin playa
- Land area change and fractional water maps in the Chenier Plain, Louisiana, following hurricane Rita
- Landslide Kinematics and Subsurface Inference from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
- Late Quaternary Ostracodes and Paleoceanography from HOTRAX core HLY0503-18, Lomonosov Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean
- Limnological consequences of climate change in Wisconsin lakes: the North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research Program (Invited)
- Linking Groundwater Age and Chemistry Data to Determine Redox Reaction Rates and Trends in Nitrate Concentrations in Agricultural Areas. (Invited)
- Linking River Morphology to Larval Drift of an Endangered Sturgeon
- Linking process-based measurements and observations with bluff recession estimates and inferred bluff erosion mechanisms on the Chukchi coast, North Slope, Alaska
- Linking regional initiatives to improve predictions of drought impacts on living marine resources in the U.S. Southeast: Apalachicola Bay oyster fishery as a potential test case
- Long-Period Cultural Noise: The Panama Canal Seiche
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the mantle
- Mammoth Mountain Magmatic Gas Emissions Persist 20 Years after the 1989 Geologic Unrest
- Mapping Active Faults and Tectonic Geomorphology offshore central California
- Marine and terrestrial biotic response to climate variability across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA
- Meeting the Challenge of Data Stewardship through Community Partnership and Practice: Examples from the USGS (Invited)
- Mercury Export from the Yukon River, Alaska: Correlations to organic carbon and terrestrial landscape sources
- Meteoric water in normal fault systems: Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic measurements on authigenic phases in brittle fault rocks
- Methylmercury in diverse stream ecosystems across the United States (Invited)
- Mid-Pleistocene Orbital and Millennial Scale Climate Change in a 200 ky lacustrine sediment core from SW North America
- Mobilization Of Polonium-210 In Naturally-Contaminated Groundwater, Churchill County, Nevada
- Modeling Magma Decompression During the 1912 Plinian Eruption at Novarupta, Alaska
- Modeling and forecasting tephra hazards at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, during 2009 unrest and eruption
- Modeling right-lateral offset of a Late Pleistocene terrace riser along the Polaris fault using ground based LiDAR imagery
- Modern Distribution of Arctic Ocean Ostracodes: Implications for Applications to Paleoceanographic Reconstructions
- Monitoring Levees and Subsidence in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Monitoring and Modeling of Ground Deformation at Three Sisters volcanic center, central Oregon Cascade Range, 1997-2009 (Invited)
- Multi-scale Hydroacoustic Remote Sensing of Sturgeon and Their Habitats in A Large, Turbid River
- Multi-tracer analysis of vertical nitrate fluxes in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
- NetQuakes - A new approach to urban strong-motion seismology
- Nitrate in groundwater in the United States
- North American Water and Energy Balances Under a Doubling of Atmospheric CO2
- Not all Surface Waters show a Strong Relation between DOC and Hg Species: Results from an Adirondack Mountain Watershed
- OMG Earthquake! Can Twitter improve earthquake response?
- Occurrence, fate, and ecosystem implications of endocrine active compounds in select rivers of Minnesota
- Parameterization Impacts on Linear Uncertainty Calculation
- Partitioning of sediment-associated organic matter in agricultural watersheds: controlling parameters and water quality implications
- Permafrost controls on soil C storage and turnover in upland black spruce ecosystems of interior Alaska
- Permafrost thaw in upland catchments of central Alaska: groundwater connection and landscape evolution as discerned from U isotopes and dissolved organic carbon
- Phenological assessment in the Owhyee Uplands: integrating climate drivers and ecological response at local to regional scales
- Phosphorus Geochemistry and Transport along Groundwater Flow paths at Five Agricultural Watersheds, USA
- Postdam evolution of aeolian landscapes in the Colorado River corridor through Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA
- Preliminary Study of the Effect of the Long Lake Valley Project Operation on the Transport of Larval Suckers in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Process-based, morphodynamic hindcast of decadal deposition (1856-1887) and erosion (1951-1983) patterns in San Pablo Bay, California
- Products and Services Available from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
- Projecting Future Changes in Sagebrush Distribution in the Great Basin
- Quantitative Hydrogeological Framework Interpretations from Modeling Helicopter Electromagnetic Survey Data, Nebraska Panhandle
- Quaternary climate change and hillslope processes: What can we learn from alluvial fans?
- Rainfall-runoff model calibration at an ungauged catchment using the map-correlation method
- Recent IAEA Initiatives in Groundwater Dating And Their Role in Improving Water Resources Assessment and Availability
- Reconnaissance Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Tutuila Island, American Samoa
- Regional Simulation of Groundwater Transport of Nitrate in the Delmarva Peninsula, USA (Invited)
- Regional modeling of groundwater flow and arsenic transport in the Bengal Basin: challenges of scale and complexity (Invited)
- Resistivity Surveys on the Mauna Kea Saddle: Implications for groundwater resources on the Island of Hawaii
- Rethinking the terrestrial water balance: Steps toward a comprehensive indicator framework
- Revised Assumptions and a Multidiscipline Approach to a Solar/Climate Connection
- Revisiting Earthquake Magnitudes and Rates in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Rifting, volcanism, and magma genesis at the northern end of the Danakil Depression: The Alid volcanic center of Eritrea (Invited)
- Role of InSAR in Monitoring and Characterizing Natural Hazards
- Scientific Contributions to Aviation Safety: A User's Perspective
- Sediment storage and evacuation in systems with contrasting hillslope-channel coupling (Invited)
- Sedimentary mercury dynamics in Great Bay Estuary (NH) (Invited)
- Seeing the light: Applications of in situ optical measurements for understanding DOM dynamics in river systems (Invited)
- Seismic Noise Characterization in the Northern Mississippi Embayment
- Self-Noise Models of Seismic Instruments
- Semi-empirical constitutive relations for dynamic weakening based on high speed friction experiments
- Sensitivity of Runoff to Climate Warming over the Western U.S
- Simulating ENSO During the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene
- Simulating Space and Time Patterns of River-Aquifer Exchange - the Missing Scale (Invited)
- Simulating the Effects of Climate Change on Lakes in a Small Headwater Watershed using a Coupled Groundwater/Surface-Water Model
- Simulation of Groundwater/Surface-Water Interaction to Inform Groundwater Management in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and California
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Joint Inverting Seismic, Geodetic, and Geological Observations
- Soil microbial activity and structure in mineralized terranes of the Western US
- Sources of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Disinfection By-Product Precursors to the McKenzie River: Use of absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy
- Stable Isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) Help to Delineate Flow Paths and the Importance of Different Climate Patterns in Watersheds of the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Stalled eruption or dike intrusion at Harrat Lunayyir, Saudi Arabia?
- Steady-State and Transient Groundwater Flow and Advective Transport, Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory and Vicinity, Idaho
- Stream nitrate responses to hydrological forcing and climate change in northern forests of the USA (Invited)
- Structure of the Tahoe and Truckee Basins, California, from Geophysical Constraints
- Survivor Interviews from the Sept. 29, 2009 tsunami on Samoa and American Samoa
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Activities at UNAVCO: New Support Resources and Project Highlights
- The 2009 Earth Science Literacy Principles
- The Central Valley Hydrologic Model
- The Deep Carbon Cycle and CO2 Sequestration
- The Echo Cliffs Precariously Balanced Rock; Discovery and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- The Global Framework for Providing Information about Volcanic-Ash Hazards to International Air Navigation
- The Global Seismographic Network
- The Impact of Extreme Flooding on Mussel and Microbial Nutrient Dynamics at the Water-Sediment Interface
- The Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture on Springtime Runoff in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- The NOAA-NASA OMI/GOME-2 Near-Real-Time Monitoring System of Volcanic SO2 and Aerosol Clouds
- The PETM in the mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain: A widespread record of unique climate signatures in shallow-shelf Marlboro Clay
- The Role of Backbarrier Filling in the Evolution of a Barrier Island System
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory for Observing Slip Phenomena
- The Slumgullion Natural Laboratory: Overview of the 2009 Multidisciplinary Reconnaissance
- The Transition from Stable Creep to Stick-slip Instability in Gravity-driven Landslide Motion (Invited)
- The Yakima Fold and Thrust Belt - a paradigm for active shortening in the Columbia embayment from Pasco to the Pacific Ocean (Invited)
- The effects of habitat restoration on endangered fishes in the Upper Klamath Basin
- The effects of hydraulics, geomorphology, and storm events on metabolism rates in an agricultural river
- The importance of local and regional variability in developing spatial models of potential refugia in a subarctic landscape
- The past, present and future of tsunami field surveys post-Samoa, 2009
- The role of terrestrial vegetation in mercury deposition: fate of stable mercury isotopes applied to upland and wetland forest canopies during the METAALICUS experiment (Invited)
- The use of isotopes and major ions in a watershed model to better understand the fluxes of water through the Rio Blanco Watershed, Puerto Rico
- Threshold sea level rise rates for wetland survival: limits to ecogeomorphic feedbacks (Invited)
- Towards a global data network for the geosciences
- Towards understanding how geographic, hydrologic, and chemical processes interact to produce trends in groundwater quality
- Trace element signatures in quartz reveal crystallization histories of Katmai magmas: a combined electron microprobe/cathodoluminescence study
- Tracing Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Ammonium and Nitrate in the Sacramento River and northern San Francisco Bay using Stable Isotope Techniques
- Transient Modeling of Reactive Solute Transport in a Submarine Groundwater Discharge Zone
- Tsunami Sediment Transport and Deposition in a Sediment Limited Environment on American Samoa
- Tsunami inundation mapping: Comparing inundation limits interpreted from satellite imagery to field observations in American Samoa and Sumatra
- Uncertainties Associated With Model-Estimated Nitrogen Fluxes to Coastal Waters, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Trace Seasonal DOM Dynamics, Hurricane Effects, and Hydrologic Transport in the Everglades
- Using GSFLOW and Hydrologic Tracers to Assess Surface and Groundwater Interactions, Residence Times, and Flowpaths in Two Lake Tahoe Watersheds
- Using Passive Seismicity to Characterize and Quantify Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
- Using remote-sensing products to identify velocity thresholds on submerged aquatic vegetation cover in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Using spectral approaches to magnetic field survey analyses to characterize marine sedimentary environments
- Utilizing chromophoric dissolved organic matter measurements to derive export and reactivity of dissolved organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean: A case study of the Yukon River, Alaska
- Water yield loss in the Upper Colorado River basin driven by dust radiative forcing in snow
- Weathering in Central Alaskan Rivers - Sulfur Sources and Cycling using S and O Isotopes
- Zircon from Swift Creek stage eruptions records the assembly and evolution of an intrusive magmatic complex beneath Mount St. Helens
- 2006-2008 Eruptions and Volcano Hazards Of Soputan Volcano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- A 21st Century Observing System for Forcings of Extreme Precipitation and Flood Events in California
- A Comparison of Climate Change in the Lahontan and Bonneville Basins with the GISP2 δ18O Record for the Period 45-11 cal ka (Invited)
- A Contemporary Assessment of Lateral Fluxes of Organic Carbon in Inland Waters of the USA and Delivery to Coastal Waters
- A CyberShake-Based System for Operational Forecasting of Earthquake Ground Motions
- A Distribution-Based Parameterization for Difference Tomographic Imaging of Solute Plumes
- A Review of Carbon Cycle Impacts of Biotic Disturbances in North American Forests
- Aerial Surveys Using Consumer Electronics: Fast, Cheap and Best of All: Useful!
- Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys for Baseline Permafrost Mapping and Potential Long-Term Monitoring
- Airborne electromagnetic surveys in support of groundwater models in western Nebraska
- An Intercomparison of Annual Seasonality estimates in the Shenandoah National Park from 2000 to 2009
- An Observed Step Change in River Delta Turbidity Following 1982-1983 El Nino Floods
- An ecological channel classification framework for understanding the effects of climate change at a regional scale, Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River system, part of the Southeast Regional Assessment Project (SERAP)
- An integrated, multiscale approach to predicting the response of lotic biota to climate change in the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint Basin
- An unusual circular depression in Samangan province, northern Afghanistan: impact crater, diatreme, salt diapirism or karst related?
- An updated hydroclassification of streamflows at minimally-altered streamgages for the conterminous United States
- Anticipating and Communicating Plausible Environmental and Health Concerns Associated with Future Disasters: The ShakeOut and ARkStorm Scenarios as Examples
- Application of ICESat/GLAS laser altimetry to the Estimation of Surface Water Level and River Discharge
- Application of Satellite Based Imagery and Altimetry to Estimation of River Hydraulics and Remote Estimation of River Discharge
- Application of a Nested Modeling Approach Using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin in the Southeastern USA
- Applications of in situ optical measurements in ecological and biogeochemical studies - a framework for a user-driven national network
- Aquifer-Scale Proportion as a Measure of Regional-Scale Groundwater Quality
- Are There any Satisfactory Geological Analogues for a Future Greenhouse Warming: with Special Reference to the Pliocene
- Are expansive North American marshes a relict of historical land use change? (Invited)
- Arra-Funded Geotechnical Characterization of Seismographic Station Sites
- Arsenic evolution in fractured bedrock wells in central Maine, USA
- Ash Deposition Mechanisms and Plume Scrubbing in the 2008 Okmok Eruption, Umnak Island, Alaska
- Assessing Hydraulic Connections Across Structural Blocks, Pahute Mesa, Nevada—Detecting Distant Drawdowns
- Assessing Hydraulic Connections Across Structural Blocks, Pahute Mesa, Nevada—Interpreting Hydraulic Properties
- Assessing Low Frequency Climate Signals in Global Circulation Models using an Integrated Hydrologic Model
- Assessing earthquake hazards with fault trench and LiDAR maps in the Puget Lowland, Washington, USA (Invited)
- Assessing patterns of bed-material storage and flux on a mixed bedrock-alluvium river: Umpqua River Oregon, USA
- Assessing the Utility of and Improving USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Products
- Assessing the spatial variability of constraints on groundwater abstractions due to potential adverse resource impacts on surface water ecosystems - a GIS based approach
- Assessment of the physical and chemical sustainability of deep, low-arsenic groundwater in the Bengal Basin: Regional- and local-scale considerations (Invited)
- Bed-material, channel stability, and regional gravel production dynamics in Oregon coastal rivers
- Building a Community Framework for Adaptation to Sea Level Rise and Inundation
- CISN ShakeAlert: Development of a Prototype User Display for Providing Earthquake Alerts to End Users
- Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network: Recent Developments
- Catastrophic Shifts in Wetland Geomorphology and Ecology in Response to Hydrology-Vegetation-Sediment Transport Feedbacks (Invited)
- Causes of over- and underestimation of low streamflows by use of index-streamgage approaches in the United States
- Changes in Marsh Vegetation, Stability and Dissolved Organic Carbon in Barataria Bay Marshes Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Characterization of Diffusion-Controlled Growth and Dissolution of Methane Hydrate in Aqueous Solution by Raman Spectroscopy
- Characterization of the extent of Mercury Contamination in the Androscoggin River from a former Chlor-alkali Facility, Berlin, New Hampshire
- Characterizing Land Surface Change in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Using L-band UAVSAR Polarimetric and Differential Interferometric Radar Imagery
- Characterizing Morphology and Erosional Trends of Permafrost Bluffs, Barter Island, Alaska
- Characterizing Past Variances, Extremes, and Trends in Land Surface Phenology
- Characterizing the Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Marshland Vegetation, Gulf Coast Louisiana, Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- Climate Change Impacts to Watershed Hydrology using an Integrated Hydrologic Model (Invited)
- Climate Feedbacks of a Northern Macrotidal and Microtidal Salt Marsh
- Climate change impacts on vegetation in the San Francisco Bay Area: a novel approach to vulnerability analysis (Invited)
- Climate-induced tree mortality: earth system consequences for carbon, energy, and water exchanges
- Comparison of Methylmercury Ecology in Adjacent Coastal Plain Rivers in South Carolina
- Complex rupture source of the 12 January 2010 Léogâne, Haiti earthquake derived from geologic, geodetic, and seismologic observations
- Composition and Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds Near a Chemical and Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in an Arid Environment with a Thick Unsaturated Zone
- Control of Submarine Groundwater Flow and Chemistry by Onshore and Offshore Buried Peat Along a Developed Long Island Shoreline
- Controls on vegetative flow resistance in wetlands and low-gradient floodplains
- Correlation Between Stable Isotope Composition and Cloud Altitude (Radar Echo Tops) in Tropical Rainfall: Puerto Rico and Hawaii
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Coupling of Groundwater Recharge and Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination (Invited)
- Coupling urban growth scenarios with nearshore biophysical change models to inform coastal restoration planning in Puget Sound, Washington
- DataONE: Survey of Earth Scientists, To Share or Not to Share Data
- Decadal Variation in Stable Isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) of Water in the Yukon River System during an Extended Period of Warming Air Temperatures
- Demonstrating How Hazard Science Can Improve Community Resiliency: The Multi Hazards Demonstration Project of the US Geological Survey and the Great California ShakeOut. (Invited)
- Description of extreme-wave deposits on the northern coast of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
- Determination of Groundwater Flow Paths in a Coastal Southern California Aquifer
- Determining Physical Fish Habitat in Large Rivers with Multibeam Sonar: An Example with Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River
- Development of Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint hydrology and habitat model parameters through biophysical remote sensing
- Disproportionation and Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction Reactions in S-H2O-CH4 and S-D2O-CH4 Systems from 200 to 340 °C at Elevated Pressures
- Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer, Northwestern Mississippi
- Dissolved and Colloidal Trace Elements in the Mississippi River Delta Outflow after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
- Distributed fault rupture in the Yuha Desert, California, associated with the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, and the contribution of InSAR imagery to its documentation
- Distribution of reduction-oxidation conditions and relation to trends in nitrate in groundwater, Central-Eastside San Joaquin Valley, California
- Does Stormwater Management Create a Methylmercury Problem?
- Earthquake Rupture Complexity Evidence from Field Observations (Invited)
- Earthquake behavior of the Enriquillo fault zone, Haiti revealed by interactive terrain visualization
- Ecohydrology of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: A Critical Determinant for Water Availability
- Ecosystem thresholds: Interrelated tipping points in broad-scale tree mortality, fire regimes, and ecohydrological dynamics (Invited)
- Eddy Covariance Measured Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes for a Restored Wetland, Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Effects of River Regulation on Aeolian Landscapes, Grand Canyon National Park, USA
- Effects of the Biofuels Initiative on Water Quality and Quantity in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Emissions by Uncontrolled Coal Fires
- Energy—Water Interdependence
- Enhanced decomposition offsets enhanced productivity and soil carbon accumulation in coastal wetlands responding to climate change (Invited)
- Estimated velocities and inferred cause of overwash that emplaced inland fields of cobbles and boulders at Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- Estimating Pole/Zero Errors in GSN-IU Network Calibration Metadata
- Estimation of Nitrogen Loads to Two Impaired Reservoirs in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina Using LOADEST and SPARROW Models, 1997-2008
- Evaluation of conditions leading to inundation of the airstrip serving the remote village of Kaktovik, North Slope, Alaska
- Evidence for Deep Tectonic Tremor in the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Evidence for Deglacial, Younger Dryas and Early Holocene Climate Variability, Chesapeake Bay
- Examination of groundwater-surface water interaction at the Hanford 300 Area using time-lapse resistivity imaging and distributed temperature sensing (Invited)
- Exchange processes across sandy beach barriers: Examples from Malibu and Younger Lagoons, California
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Fluxes in Groundwater in Agricultural Areas
- Field Demonstration of Slim-hole Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging Tool for Groundwater Investigations
- Field Experiment Provides Ground Truth for Surface NMR Measurement
- Fire in the Mojave Desert: The role of microtopography on floral reestablishment following fire
- Flood Hazards: Communicating Hydrology and Complexity to the Public
- Forest responses to increasing aridity and warmth in the southwestern United States
- From M8 to CyberShake: Using Large-Scale Numerical Simulations to Forecast Earthquake Ground Motions (Invited)
- From Process Models to Decision Making: The Use of Data Mining Techniques for Developing Effect Decision Support Systems
- From Seismic Resonance to Sediment Thickness: Ambient Seismic Noise Analysis Using the Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Method (Invited)
- Geophysical Investigation of the Wooded Island earthquake swarm, Hanford Site, Washington (Invited)
- Geospatial Education: Working with the NASA Airborne Science Program
- Gigapixel panoramas of Glacier National Park create enhanced education experiences
- Global, High-Resolution Identification of Areas Most Vulnerable to Rain-vs-Snow Transitions under Imposed Warmings
- Guiding the Search for Surface Rupture and Paleoseismic Sites using Low-Level Aerial Surveys, Geodetic Imaging, Remote Sensing and Field Mapping (Invited)
- Halogen Degassing during Emplacement and Crystallization of the Chaitén Rhyolitic Lava Dome(s)
- High frequencies are a critical component of aftershock triggering at <100-150 km (Invited)
- Historical Bathymetry and Bathymetric Change: Mississippi-Alabama Coastal Region 1847-2009
- Holocene Climate Variability in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean from Benthic Foraminifers, Stable Isotopes and Pollen
- Holocene paleoclimate characterization in Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego) using sedimentary, physical and geochemical proxies
- Hope for the Forests? Habitat Resiliency Illustrated in the Face of Climate Change Using Fine-Scale Modeling
- How Important is Vegetation Drought Stress Response when Predicting Streamflow within the Semi-Arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- Human alterations, dynamic equilibrium, and riparian ecosystem responses along selected rivers in Tuscany, Italy (Invited)
- Hydraulic Models for the Accumulation of Mercury-Contaminated Fine-Grained Sediment in Forested and Non-Forested Near-Bank Regions of the South River, Virginia, 1930-2007
- Hydrogeophysical Monitoring of Transport Processes: Are Chemically "Conservative" Tracers Electrically Conservative? (Invited)
- Impacts of Climate Change on Landscape Dynamics in the US Southeast
- In situ CDOM fluorescence measurements: A continuous proxy for dissolved organic carbon concentration in rivers and streams?
- Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures during the mid-Piacenzian
- Information Needs While A Disaster Is Occurring
- Informing climate change adaptation with insights from famine early warning (Invited)
- Insights into Rift-Related Extension in Western Saudi Arabia through Observations and Modeling of the 2009 Dike Intrusion in Harrat Lunayyir (Invited)
- Integrating Cutting-edge Approaches to Describe and Interpret the Timing of Physical and Biological events: A Leap Forward for Monitoring Global Change Across Scales
- Integrating stations from the National Gravity Database into a local GPS-based land gravity survey
- Investigating Causes and Consequences of 150 Years of Channel Morphology Evolution in San Pablo Bay, California
- Investigating surface and groundwater mixing dynamics under varying antecedent moisture conditions in a karst aquifer, Central Texas
- Investigating the Underlying Causes of Tree Mortality with Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Tree-rings
- Investigation of biogeophysical signatures at a mature crude-oil contaminated site, Bemidji, Minnesota
- Investigations into early rift development and geothermal resources in the Pyramid Lake fault zone, Western Nevada
- Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of the Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake: A Case for 3-D Strain Accommodation in a Single Earthquake Cycle
- Kinematic fault slip model from joint inversion of teleseismic, GPS, InSAR and subpixel-correlation measurements of the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake and postseismic deformation (Invited)
- Landscape controls on total and methyl mercury in the upper Hudson River basin of New York State
- Lessons learned from an emergency release of a post-fire debris-flow hazard assessment for the 2009 Station fire, San Gabriel Mountains, southern California
- LiDAR and Field Observations of Earthquake Slip Distribution for the central San Jacinto fault
- Links Between the Hydrological Cycle and Carbon Cycle Constrained with Stable Isotope Ratios of Leaf Waxes in an Alaskan Peatland
- Liquefaction in the 15 April 2010 Mw 4.5 Randolph, Utah, Earthquake
- Localized Damage Associated with Topographic Amplification During the 12 January 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Long-Period Ground-Motion Simulations of the Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake
- Long-Term Changes in Streamwater Total Phosphorus in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin Using Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season
- Long-term (10 year) trends in the chemistry of urban streams
- Long-term Groundwater Contamination after Source Removal: Role of Sorbed Carbon and Nitrogen at Cape Cod, MA
- MERGANSER - A Predictive Model of Mercury in Fish and Loons in New England Lakes
- Making the Handoff from Earthquake Hazard Assessments to Effective Mitigation Measures (Invited)
- Mechanisms Controlling Variability of Lake Salinity in Dune Environments in a Semi-arid Climate: The Nebraska Sand Hills (Invited)
- Mercury Export from the Yukon River Basin: a unique opportunity to assess global atmospheric sources at large scales and potential future response to climate change
- Micropillar Compression Technique Applied to Micron-Scale Mudstone Elasto-Plastic Deformation
- Modeling Climate Change and Ecosystem Response—Developing Tools to Guide Resource Management in the Southeastern U.S
- Modeling of permafrost dynamics and hydrological processes under seasonal and long term temperature variations
- Modernization of the Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network - Progress Report
- Modification of suburban carbon and nitrogen fluxes by a coupled channel/floodplain system assessed using in situ sensors
- Monitoring Forest Carbon Dynamics for REDD: A Landsat-Lidar Fusion Approach
- Moving beyond traditional fire management practices to better minimize community vulnerability to wildfire in southern California
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Riverine Ecosystems and Responses of Fish Populations in the Context of Global Climate Change and Predictive Uncertainty
- Multi-scale interactions affecting transport, storage, and processing of solutes and sediments in stream corridors (Invited)
- Multilevel Groundwater Monitoring of Hydraulic Head and Temperature in the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 2007 to 2008
- Near real-time imaging of molasses injections using time-lapse electrical geophysics at the Brandywine DRMO, Brandywine, Maryland
- Near-Surface Soil Carbon, C/N Ratio and Tree Species Are Tightly Linked across Northeastern USA Watersheds
- Near-Vent Processes during the 2008 Okmok Eruption, Umnak Island, Alaska
- New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community (Invited)
- New high-resolution topographic model for the Pliocene Greenland-Scotland Ridge
- New insights from improved temporal resolution of groundwater-surface-water exchange (Invited)
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loads in an Agricultural Watershed Affected by Poultry Litter Application and Wastewater Effluent, Northeastern Oklahoma and Northwestern Arkansas, 2002-2009
- Nitrogen fate and Transport in Diverse Agricultural Watersheds
- North American Drought: Red, White, or Blue?
- Observations of wave-driven surf-zone dynamics on a high-energy beach, Ocean Beach, San Francisco
- Olivine Crystallization and Re-equilibration as a Function of Cooling Rate: Observations from Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii
- Optimizing Parameters of a Terrestrial Ecosystem Model against Eddy Covariance Measurements from Ten FLUXNET Sites using Smoothed Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Optimum Pathways of Fish Spawning Migrations in Rivers
- Parameterizing a Large-scale Water Balance Model in Regions with Sparse Data: The Tigris-Euphrates River Basins as an Example
- Perched Soil Zone (PSZ) Aquifer Package for MODFLOW-2005
- Pilot study of real-time groundwater monitoring coupled to USGS streamgaging stations
- Plio-QUMP: Quantifying Uncertainty in Model Predictions for the Pliocene
- Plugs or Flood-makers? The Unstable Landslide Dams of Eastern Oregon
- Possible Causes of Decreasing Benzene Concentrations in an Oil-Contaminated Aquifer
- Prediction intervals for estimated water-quality concentrations and fluxes with serially-correlated residuals
- Preliminary results of field mapping of methane plumes offshore of Coal Oil Point, California with a RESON 7125 multibeam sonar in water-column mode
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Maps of Seattle, Washington, Including 3D Sedimentary Basin Effects and Rupture Directivity: Implications of 3D Random Velocity Variations (Invited)
- Products and Services Available from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
- Public Release of Estimated Impact-Based Earthquake Alerts - An Update to the U.S. Geological Survey PAGER System
- Quantifying and modeling Quaternary surface deformation in the New Madrid seismic zone, Central U.S
- Quantifying the transfer of sediment from terrestrial source to deep-sea sink over millennial timescales
- Rapid Crustal Uplift at Birch Bay, Washington
- Rapid Retreat of Alaska Glaciers by Floatation and Passive Calving
- Rates of BTEX Biodegradation under Nitrate Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediments Impacted by Contaminated Groundwater
- Real-time Monitoring of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Amount, Composition, Source and Reactivity Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Applications for Drinking Water Quality
- Reanalysis of the USGS Alaskan benchmark glacier dataset
- Recent developments in the use of hydroacoustics for monitoring suspended-sediment transport in rivers (Invited)
- Reducing Community Vulnerability to Wildland Fires in Southern California
- Relation Between PAHs and Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealant in Urban Environments (Invited)
- Relationships between soil microbial communities and soil carbon turnover along a vegetation and moisture gradient in interior Alaska
- Remote Sensing Assessment of Soil Moisture, Soil Mineralogy and other Environmental Factors Influencing Mosquito-borne Infection Risks in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, U.S. - Mexico Border (Invited)
- Response of Colorado River runoff to dust radiative forcing in snow (Invited)
- Retreat of the Puget lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet (Invited)
- Role of Climate Variability in Modulating Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction over the Southeast United States
- Running On-Demand Strong Ground Motion Simulations with the Second-Generation Broadband Platform
- SCEC CVM-Toolkit (CVM-T) -- High Performance Meshing Tools for SCEC Community Velocity Models
- Science Roles and Interactions in Adaptive Management of Large River Restoration Projects, Midwest United States
- Science in Support of Aviation-Risk Management since the April 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Scientific Studies in Support of Shutting In the Macondo Well (Deepwater Horizon) Blowout, Gulf of Mexico (Invited)
- Searching for Eustasy in Pliocene Sea-Level Records (Invited)
- Sedimentary Record of the February 27, 2010, Chile Tsunami
- Seismic Monitoring and Post-Seismic Investigations following the 12 January 2010 Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake (Invited)
- Seismotectonics of the 2010 El Mayor Cucapah - Indiviso Earthquake and its Relation to Seismic Hazard in Southern California
- Sensitivity analysis of the Wetland Accretion Rate Model for Ecosystem Resilience (WARMER)
- Simulated Changes in Salinity in the York and James River Estuaries, Southeastern Virginia, USA, from Projected Sea-Level Rise in the Chesapeake Bay
- Simultaneous explosive and effusive activity at Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Jointly Inverting Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Solubility of Particulate Mercury in Coastal Waters of the Central U.S. Gulf Coast
- Solving for Earthquake Rupture Rates on a Complex Fault Network
- Source Inversion Validation: Quantifying Uncertainties in Earthquake Source Inversions
- Sources and Quantities of Nitrogen Contributing to Eutrophication of Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon in Mangrove Forest Ecosystems (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variations in nitrogen sources and cycling in north San Francisco Bay: Combining multi-isotope and hydrologic modeling approaches
- Spatial variation in water table responses across a hillslope
- Status report on the USGS component of the Global Seismographic Network
- Strongly Gliding Harmonic Tremor Preceding Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2009
- Structure of the Aftershock Zone of the Mw 7.0 Haiti Earthquake from the USGS-BME Portable Instrument Deployment
- Sub-weekly to interannual variability of a high-energy shoreline (Invited)
- Submarine groundwater discharge and associated nutrient fluxes into San Francisco Bay
- Surface hydrology-climate interdependency in the Central Valley Agrosystem
- Temporal patterns of slip rate on the Little Lake fault, eastern California shear zone, from terrestrial lidar, cosmogenic radionuclides, and InSAR analysis (Invited)
- Ten Tips for Talking to Townies: Observations on Risk Communication from the Multihazards Demonstration Project
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Post-Wildfire Geomorphic Transport Processes (Invited)
- Testing the USGS 3D San Francisco Bay Area Seismic Velocity Model using Observations of 0.5 to 2 s Surface Waves from Local and Regional Earthquakes (Invited)
- The Determining and Communicating the Role of Urban Fuels in Structure Loss During Large California Fire Events
- The Effect of Spatial Scale on Paleovegetation Data-Model Comparisons for 6 ka and 21 ka in the Western United States
- The Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault in Haiti: Holocene Offsets and Seismic Hazard
- The Extreme Ice Survey: Capturing and Conveying Glacial Processes Through Time-Lapse Imagery and Narration
- The Fate and Transport of Glyphosate and AMPA into Surface Waters of Agricultural Watersheds
- The GSN Data Quality Initiative
- The GeoDataPortal: A Standards-based Environmental Modeling Data Access and Manipulation Toolkit
- The Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on Soil Moisture in California's Russian River Basin
- The Influence of Canal Water Releases on the Distribution of Methylmercury in Everglades National Park: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration
- The May 2010 submarine eruption from South Sarigan seamount, Northern Mariana Islands
- The Road Less Traveled: Why the 2002 Denali Rupture Took the Totschunda Exit
- The Role of Science and Engineering in Rebuilding a More Resilient Haiti (Invited)
- The Role of Sediment Supply in the Formation of Tsunami Deposits: A Comparison of the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2009 South Pacific Tsunamis (Invited)
- The Role of Trans Tensional Structures and Lake Mead Reservoir in Groundwater Flow in Black Canyon, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV-AZ
- The SCEDC Seismic Station Information System software: Database for Populating, Archiving, and Distributing Seismic Station Metadata
- The Use of Surface Energy Balance Models As a Means to Quantify Changes in Glacier Mass Balance: Application to the Collier Glacier, OR
- The Value of Natural Tracers for Parameter Estimation in a Creek-Wetland Complex
- The World's Largest Experiment Manipulating Solar Energy Input To Earth Resumed In 2003
- The application of fDOM sensors in freshwater systems: Limitations, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future enhancement and novel development
- The ePRISM experiment: An early Pliocene global paleoclimate reconstruction
- The effects of fire-flood events on the sediment yield of a coastal California watershed
- The future of volcanic ash-aircraft interactions from technical and policy perspectives
- The impact of the 2009-10 El Niño on West Coast beaches
- The relationship of near-surface active faulting to megathrust splay fault geometry in Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Time-Lapse Geoelectrical Imaging of a Controlled Ethanol Release in Ottawa Sand
- Timing of the End-Triassic Extinctions on Land: the Moenave Formation on the Southern Colorado Plateau, USA
- Tracking the Mineralogical Fate of Arsenic in Weathered Sulfides from the Empire Mine Gold-Quartz Vein Deposit by using Microbeam Analytical Techniques
- Tree-ring 14C and CO2 emissions at Mammoth Mountain and Yellowstone, USA
- Trends In Concentrations And Loads Of Nitrogen And Carbon In Streams And Rivers Of The Western United States, 1990-Present
- Trends in large wood storage and transport on the low-gradient Roanoke River, North Carolina
- Triggered Fault Slip in Southern California Associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, Earthquake
- Tsunami Flow Speed Estimates Using Inverse Modeling Of Normally-Graded Sandy Deposits Formed During The 29 September 2009 Tsunami Near Satitoa, East Upolu, Samoa
- USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- USGS Scientists in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Making a Difference (Invited)
- Ultra-High Resolution Four Dimension Imaging Across the Earth Sciences (Invited)
- Ultraviolet imaging of volcanic SO2: Implementation as part of a multidisciplinary approach to studying summit activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (Invited)
- Unsaturated-Zone Dynamics in a Volcanogenic CO2 Emission Zone
- Update on the Center for Engineering Strong Motion Data
- Use of Video Podcasts to Communicate Scientific Findings to Non-Scientists— Examples from the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program
- Use of an Analytical Model to Screen New or Increased Groundwater Withdrawals for Potential Impacts on Streamflow
- Use of the Time-Domain Induced Polarization Method to Map the Spatial Distribution and Depth of the Hanford-Ringold Contact in the Hanford 300 Area: Results from 2d Complex Resistivity Inversion
- Using Measurements of Heat and Pressure to Characterize Hyporheic Exchange through a Riffle-Pool Sequence in the Truckee River, NV
- Using aerial and satellite-borne radar data and ground-based measurements to assess soil moisture characteristics in the Anaktuvuk River Fire, Alaska
- Vegetation changes during the last deglacial and early Holocene: a record from Little Salt Spring Florida
- Volumes and eruption rates for the 2008-2009 Chaitén rhyolite lava dome
- Water Security - National and Global Issues
- Water Use Conservation Scenarios for the Mississippi Delta Using an Existing Regional Groundwater Flow Model
- Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS): A new tool for description and exploration of long-term changes in surface-water quality
- 4-D Gravity at The Geysers
- A Critical Path for Data Integration in the U.S. Earth Sciences
- A Parallel Simulated Annealing Approach to Solve for Earthquake Rupture Rates
- A Regional Assessment of the Effects of Conservation Practices on In-stream Water Quality
- A Web-Based Decision Support System for Assessing Regional Water-Quality Conditions and Management Actions
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- A contemporary national nitrogen inventory as a benchmark for future progress in mitigating nitrogen pollution in the USA
- A field- and modeling- based study of the denudation and topographic evolution of the Washington Cascades
- A kinematic model of patchy slip at depth explains observed tremor waveforms on the San Andreas fault near Parkfield, California
- A new multi-proxy reconstruction of Atlantic deep ocean circulation during the warm mid-Pliocene
- A progress report on the ARRA-funded geotechnical site characterization project
- A sulfur isotope perspective of fluid transport across subduction zones
- Accurate sediment-load calculations in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Aftershock Relocation and Shear Wave Splitting in the Yuha Desert Following the 4 April 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Kayla A. Kroll (UCR), Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS), Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
- Age distribution of lithium-cesium-tantalum enriched pegmatites and relationships to orogeny
- Airborne Electromagnetic Mapping of Subsurface Permafrost
- An Assessment of Fire Regime Changes in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region Using Simulated Historical Fire Maps and Remotely Sensed Current Fires
- An Earthquake Rupture Forecast Inversion Applied to Fault Systems in California
- An integrated approach to monitoring the effect of sediment and turbidity on aquatic biota and water quality in the New York City water supply
- Analysis of Sierra Nevadan Snowpack and the Spatial Distribution of Wolverine Habitat
- Analyzing the Pacific-North American teleconnection pattern and its relationship to climate using RegCM3, a high-resolution regional climate model
- Arctic Coastal Erosion Modeling
- Assessing Hydrometeorological Extremes for Resource and Hazards Management under Climate Change
- Assessing and Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Changes in the United States
- Assessing the effects of climate change on groundwater resources in a runoff-dominated watershed
- Automatic tremor detection with a combined cross-correlation and neural network approach
- Basic Hydrology: From Hyporheic Flow and Transient Storage to Stream-Catchment Connections
- Biotic-abiotic feedbacks in desertification: a modeling perspective on connectivity
- Bridging the gap between empirical and mechanistic models for nitrate in groundwater
- Broadband CyberShake Platform: Seismogram Synthesis for Broadband Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Broadband Ground Motion Simulations for a Kinematic Variation of the Mw 7.8 ShakeOut Rupture
- CISN ShakeAlert: Delivering test warnings for California earthquakes
- Carbon-sequestration and ecosystem services in the boreal ecoregion of Alaska
- Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Source Spectra from an Array of Arrays
- Changes in Continental Water Storage Caused by Groundwater Depletion Since 1900
- Changes in soil aggregate dynamics following 18 years of experimentally increased precipitation in a cold desert ecosystem
- Changes in the alpine: testing a climate extrapolation model with a unique high elevation mountain climate network
- Changing Use and Occurrence of Pesticides in Surface Waters of California's Rice-Growing Region
- Characteristics of the High-Frequency Energy Release of the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion Recordings
- Characterization of a storm surge exposed arctic inlet: Shaktoolik, Alaska
- Chasing storms in an agricultural catchment: the stream DOM story
- Classification of groundwater age (nuclear/mixed/pre-nuclear) based on tritium: development and application of a non-linear, two end-member mixing model to samples obtained from long-screened wells
- Climate Change and Groundwater-Implications for Global Food and Water Security
- Climate Shifts and Plant-Community Transformations Affect Nitrogen Cycling in Semi-Arid Rangelands
- Climate Variability and Water-Regulation Effects on Surface Water and Groundwater Interactions in California's Central Valley
- Cold Desert Fluvial Sedimentation and Buried Ice Geology: Garwood Valley (Antarctica) as a Guide to Martian Delta and Gully Geomorphology, Mineralogy, and Biomarker Distribution
- Community Exposure and Sensitivity to Earthquake Hazards in Washington State
- Comparison of 4-kilometer and 800-meter transient PRISM climate datasets and their influence on hydrologic modeling
- Comparison of Moment Rates from GPS Observations and Late Quaternary Paleoearthquakes on the Wasatch Fault, Utah
- Comparison of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logs to Hydraulic Tests in Wells Completed in Glacial Sediments in New England
- Comparison of Strong Currents and Impacts on the California (USA) Maritime Communities from the 2010 Chile and 2011 Japan Teletsunamis
- Comparison of spatially and temporally distributed recharge simulated using coupled and decoupled watershed hydrology models
- Comparison of the 2008-2011 and 1993-1995 Surges of Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Comparison of the low-cost MEMS accelerometers used by the Quake-Catcher Network and traditional strong motion seismic sensors
- Compositional zoning of the Devine Canyon Tuff, Oregon
- Connecting the historic 2011 Mississippi River flood to marsh sedimentation on the Delta
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Constraining models for C Exchange in Permafrost and Peatland Soils: Soil radiocarbon and its utility for C turnover
- Control of submarine groundwater discharge patterns and salinity by a low-permeability paleochannel cap at Indian River Bay, Delaware
- Coordinate Reference System Metadata in Interdisciplinary Environmental Modeling
- Coordinating Post-Tsunami Field Surveys in the us
- Coupled hydrological, ecological, decision and economic models for monetary valuation of riparian ecosystem services
- Cross-Regional Assessment Of Coupling And Variability In Precipitation-Runoff Relationships
- Cross-scale interactions, legacies, and spatial connectivity: integrating time and space to predict post-disturbance response across scales
- DOC quantity and quality in northeastern USA catchments
- Data Quality Review of the IRIS/USGS and ANSS Networks Using the Tohoku, Japan Earthquake
- Deformation Induced Dissolution-Creep in the Ductile Lishan Fault Zone, Taiwan
- Delineating Zones of Seawater Intrusion in a Coastal Southern California Aquifer
- Detecting and Mapping Invasive Phragmites australis in the coastal Great Lakes with ALOS PALSAR imagery
- Determination of Reservoir Mean Residence Time by Age Dating of Flow-Weighted Samples Collected in a Gaining Mountain Stream
- Developing methods for probabilistic assessment of water requirements for oil and gas extraction, applied to the Bakken Formation of North Dakota and Montana
- Development of Saline Flow Systems in Closed Basins
- Development of a Ground Water Data Portal for Interoperable Data Exchange within the U.S. National Ground Water Monitoring Network and Beyond
- Development of a data-driven numerical model for San Francisco Bay marsh habitat sustainability
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emanations from a Deep Magmatic Source-Multiphase Dynamics, Soil Impacts, and Lessons for Sequestration Monitoring
- Direct Geoelectrical Evidence of Mass Transfer at the Lab scale
- Disappearing Twelvemile Lake in Alaska's Discontinuous Permafrost: Scoping Analysis of Water Budget
- Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics Control Filtered Total Mercury Concentrations in an Adirondack River Basin
- Distribution of Natural Perchlorate in a Desert Landscape-Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada
- Do small surface strains in the New Madrid seismic zone reflect a physical process?
- Does nitrogen saturation theory apply to unpolluted temperate forests? A test along a forest soil nitrogen gradient in Oregon
- Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Flux with Climate and MODIS Vegetation Indices as Drivers
- Dynamic creation and distribution of flexible climate indices for ecological modeling and climate change impact assessments
- E-DECIDER: Earthquake Disaster Decision Support and Response Tools - Development and Experiences
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Warm Events at the Antarctic Margin
- Earthquake ages and displacements, Frazier Mountain paleoseismic site
- Earthquakes with anomalously steep dip in the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake - Possible indicators for enhanced plate coupling
- Ecohydrological consequences of drought- and infestation-triggered tree die-off: insights and hypotheses
- Ecohydrological impacts of vegetation conversion from diverse sagebrush steppe to exotic grassland: insight from a long-term experiment
- Ecohydrology across Scales in an Arid, Human-dominated Landscape: Implications for Ecosystems, Water Availability and Human Interactions
- Ecological and water quality impairment resulting from the New Idria Mercury Mine and natural sources in the San Carlos and Silver Creek watersheds, central California
- Effects of Climate Variability on Nitrogen Export from an Alpine Watershed
- Effects of physical mixing on apparent reactions and isotope fractionations
- Employing the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) to Investigate Site Effects in Christchurch, New Zealand Using the κ Method
- Ensuring Data Quality through a Lifecycle Approach: Examples and Lessons from the US Geological Survey
- Estimating Nitrogen Loss across Varying Flow Regimes in a Southeastern Floodplain Using a Multidimensional Ecohydraulic Model
- Estimating earthquake magnitudes from reported intensities in the central and eastern United States
- Estimating the Regional Flux of Nitrate and Agricultural Herbicide Compounds from Groundwater to Headwater Streams of the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain, USA
- Evaluating natural gas development impacts on stream ecosystems in an Upper Colorado River watershed
- Evaluating the Effects of Horizontal Spatial Discretization on Interflow in the Soil Zone Using the Richards and Groundwater Flow Equations
- Evaluation Of High-Frequency Mean Streamwater Transit-Time Estimates Using Groundwater Age And Dissolved Silica Concentrations In A Small, Forested Watershed
- Evaluation of Paleotsunami Deposits along the California Coast to Determine the Tsunami Threat from Distant Sources
- Everglades Depth Estimation Network: Integrating Real-time Networks to Provide Hydrologic Data for the Restoration of the Everglades
- Examples of Earthquakes as a Source of Volcanic Tremor
- Examples of Video to Communicate Scientific Findings to Non-Scientists-Bayesian Ecological Modeling
- Experimental attrition rates of bed-material sediment from geologic provinces of Western Oregon and their application to regional sediment models
- Factors Controlling Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Examples from the Atlantic Coast, USA
- Fault Architecture of the Salton Sea through multi-scale Seismic Reflection Surveys
- Faulting and Groundwater in Arid Environments: Ground and Airborne Geophysics in Support of Framework Hydrology
- Fens as Whole-Ecosystem Gauges of Groundwater Recharge Under Climate Change
- Field Flumes to Floodplains: Revealing the Influence of Flow Dynamics in Structuring Aquatic Ecosystems
- Field Observations of Erosion, Deposition, and Tsunami Flow Characteristics on the Sendai Coastal Plain after the March 2011, Tohoku-oki Tsunami, Japan
- Field and lab soil measurements for determining threshold friction velocity across deserts in the southwestern U.S
- Five Earthquakes In The Last 50 Ka In The Northwestern Yakima Fold And Thrust Belt, Central Washington
- Focused exhumation along megathrust splay faults in Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Forecasting Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Great Plains Using Scenario-Based Modeling
- Forecasting future phosphorus export to the Laurentian Great Lakes from land-derived nutrient inputs
- Forest Mortality in High-Elevation Pine Forests of Eastern California, USA; Influence of Climatic Water Deficit
- Forest response to 1,000 years of drought variability in the Southwestern United States
- Fracture mechanics at a large scale: Splay-fault origin for the Yakima fold-and-thrust belt, Washington State
- Freshwater Mussels as Biological Sensors and Cyclers of Aquatic Nitrogen Constituents: An Experimental Investigation
- Geoelectrical Monitoring of Shallow Vadose Zone Moisture Dynamics over Three Annual Cycles: Electrical Resistivity Tomography Results
- Geologic Frameworks and Faulty Hydrology
- Geologic Map of the Bodie Hills Volcanic Field, California and Nevada: Anatomy of Miocene Cascade Arc Magmatism in the Western Great Basin
- Geological and Geochemical Field Survey on the Sendai Plain following the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami
- Global survey of frequency dependent attenuation
- Groundwater Contributions of Flow, Nitrate, and Dissolved Organic Carbon to the lower San Joaquin River, California, during 2006-2008
- Groundwater availability under hydrogeologic and ecological constraints: A regional assessment for the Great Lakes Basin
- Groundwater contamination by pesticides and their metabolites: intrinsic properties and hydrodynamic constraints
- Groundwater-Level Changes Caused by Strain and Seismic Shaking from the August 23, 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.8 Virginia Earthquake
- Habitat Complexity Metrics to Guide Restoration of Large Rivers
- Holocene deposition and megathrust splay fault geometries within Prince William Sound, Alaska
- How do you tell how big something is without direct measurement? Estimating grain size using an image's spectrum
- How does forest thinning affect short- and long-term water partitioning in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed, and how do these changes compare to unmediated forest responses to climate change?
- Hydrogeophysics at the watershed-scale using airborne electromagnetics
- Hydrologic Connectivity as a Window into Pattern Conditions and Formation Processes in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Hydrologic Controls On Methylmercury Availability In Coastal Plain Rivers
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Hydrologic Effects of Brush Management in Central Texas
- Impacts of Disturbances, Management and Climate Change on Carbon Dynamics and N<SUB>2</SUB>O and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from 1992 to 2050 in the US Great Plains
- Impacts of current and future dust deposition on Colorado River basin hydrology
- Improving Groundwater Predictions using Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- In Situ Stoichiometry in a Large River: Continuous Measurement of Doc, NO3 and PO4 in the Sacramento River
- Independent Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Modeled Runoff in the Conterminous United States
- Influence of Bifurcation Geometry on Fluvial Fish Migration Patterns
- Influence of Precipitation Regime on Microbial Decomposition Patterns in Semi-Arid Ecosystems
- Integration of remotely-sensed and ground-based measurements to constrain simulations of groundwater flow and land subsidence, San Joaquin Valley, CA
- Intensity Distribution of the 2011 Mw5.8 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake
- Interactive effects of reactive nitrogen and climate change on US water resources
- Interdisciplinary Study of Magmatic Carbon Dioxide at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Investigating controls on surface-water quality in streams recharging a karst aquifer
- Investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes and tremor along the Cholame segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Investigation of the Hector Mine Earthquake Surface Rupture with Airborne LiDAR data
- Is the Sierra Nevada losing its snow? -- Scenarios of climate change impacts on spring snowpack in California.
- Key constraints on Earth's climate during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Kinect Technology Game Play to Mimic Quake Catcher Network (QCN) Sensor Deployment During a Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (RAMP)
- Lake Levels in Northeastern South Dakota Reach Historical Maximum Elevations in 2011
- Land Use and Climate Alter Carbon Dynamics in Watersheds of Chesapeake Bay
- Landsat-derived Patterns of Snow Covered Area (SCA) and the Potential for Enhancing the Spatial Resolution of MODIS-derived SCA Estimates
- Large wood transport dynamics on the low-gradient Roanoke River, North Carolina
- Late Holocene to present climatic and anthropogenic drivers affecting wetland plant communities, Florida Everglades, USA
- Leapfrogging of tree species provenances? Interaction of microclimate and genetics on upward shifts in tree species' range limits
- Lithospheric Control on Spatial Patterns of Active Faulting in the Southeastern Sierra Nevada, California
- Love wave triggers tremor along San Jacinto fault in the Anza region, California
- Magma transport and storage at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii I: 1790-1952
- Magma transport and storage at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii II: 1952-2008
- Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain, California, tracked by <SUP>14</SUP>C in tree core
- Magnitude Uncertainty and Ground Motion Simulations of the 1811-1812 New Madrid Earthquake Sequence
- Manipulation of subalpine and alpine microclimate in the Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment
- Mapping wetland species and the impact of oil from the Deep Horizon using the Airborne/Visible Imaging Spectrometer and Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis
- Marine and land active-source seismic investigation of geothermal potential, tectonic structure, and earthquake hazards in Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- Marine ferromanganese deposits as a source of rare metals for high- and green-tech applications: Comparison with land-based deposits
- Measurement and Analysis of Coherent Flow Structures over Sand Dunes in the Missouri River near St. Louis, MO, by means of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and a Multibeam Echo Sounder
- Measurements of Acetic Acid and its Relationships with Trace Gases on Appledore Island, ME during the ICARTT Campaign
- Measurements of Large-scale Fluctuations in Flow, Lower Mississippi River, May 2011
- Measuring groundwater flow at the Sanford Laboratory with coupled surface/subsurface time-lapse gravity measurements
- Mercury and organic matter: Linkages and breakdowns across the California Delta
- Mercury contamination from mine and natural sources in Harley Gulch, downstream from the Abbott and Turkey Run Mercury Mines, Lake County, California
- Mercury dynamics in a Coastal Plain watershed: Insights from multiple models and empirical data
- Metadata in an Integrated Geo-Climate Data Integration Framework
- Millennia May Pass Before Upland BMPs Improve Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During a mid-Pleistocene Glacial (MIS 12) from a Terrestrial Lacustrine Record in the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Mississippi River Flood of 2011 and the Activation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway: Observations and Modeling of a Levee Breach
- Modeling Broadband motions from the Tohoku earthquake
- Modeling the effects of climate and land use change on instream temperature in the Upper Tar River, North Carolina
- Modern geomorphology in a post-glacial landscape and implications for river restoration, eastern Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, USA
- Modernization of the Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network - ARRA and Beyond
- Modifying patch-scale connectivity to initiate landscape change: an experimental approach to link scales
- Moving Beyond Whole-stream Tracer Injections to Understand the Role of Flow and Geomorphic Variability in Stream and River Ecosystems
- Multi-decadal Black Carbon Variations Reveal Anthropogenic Influences on Fire in the Post-Colonial Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Multi-method Assessment of the Braided Planform Stability - Toklat River, Alaska
- Multi-proxy records of regional climate variability during the past 2,000 years in North America and the adjacent oceans
- Multivariate analyses and end-member mixing to characterize karst groundwater flow
- National streamflow trends and development of hydrologic change indicators for surface-water resources of the United States
- Natural Recharge Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis of an Adjudicated Groundwater Basin using a Regional-Scale Groundwater Flow and Subsidence Model
- New Perspectives of Permafrost Distribution and its Influence on Groundwater Flow and Ecosystem Performance for the Yukon Flats Area, Northern Alaska
- New estimates of Earth System vs. Chaney sensitivity from the Cenozoic
- Nutrient Retention within the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System in the 2011 flood
- Observations of Permafrost Bluff Failure Processes, Barter Island, NE Alaska
- Obtaining permeability estimates from NMR logging data in an unconsolidated groundwater aquifer
- Occurrence and Environmental Effects of Boscalid and Other Fungicides in Three Targeted Use Areas in the United States
- Oil Detection in a Coastal Marsh with Polarimetric SAR
- On the Genesis of the Lower Kolyma Yedoma Based on Multidisciplinary Approach
- One stop shop for all your Scientific Data
- Origin of volcanogenic-epithermal beryllium deposits: Modeling hydrothermal leaching of topaz rhyolite at Spor Mountain, Utah
- Parcel-scale urban coastal flood mapping: Leveraging the multi-scale CoSMoS model for coastal flood forecasting
- Particulate Organic Carbon In-Stream Transport and Response to Flood Events
- Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and the Environment
- Persistent occurrence of EMIC waves around magnetic noon after a high speed solar stream
- Petrography and U-Pb zircon geochronology of Caledonian age orthogneisses dredged from the Chukchi Borderland, Arctic Ocean
- Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province
- Pore Network Simulation to Develop Electrical Petrophysical Relations in the Presence of Mass Transfer
- Potential Effects of Future Climate Change on the Bioclimatic Habitat of Ecoregions and Managed Lands in Oregon
- Prediction of altered streamflow conditions at ungaged basins across the conterminous United States
- Prediction uncertainty in basin-scale predictions of water quality
- Processes Affecting Nitrogen Speciation in a Karst Aquifer
- Products and Services Available from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center (SCEDC) and the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN)
- Projected Bioclimatic Change for the San Francisco Bay Area
- Quantifying Drawdown in Complex Geologic Terrain with Theis Transforms
- Quantifying Recent Changes in the Natural Thermal Regime of Cold-Water Streams
- Quantitative Sediment Transport Analysis Of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami
- Rapid characterization of earthquake disasters using real-time sensors and imagery differencing
- Real-time GPS integration for prototype earthquake early warning and near-field imaging of the earthquake rupture process
- Recently Exposed Fumarole Fields Near Mullet Island, Imperial County, California
- Regional mapping methods using ASTER data to map minerals in the U.S. Basin and Range
- Remotely Sensed Predictions and In Situ Observations of Lower Congo River Dynamics in Support of Fish Evolutionary Biology
- Resolving Hyporheic and Groundwater Components of Streambed Water Flux using Heat as a Tracer
- Response of the United States streamgage network to high- and low-flow periods
- Responses Of Subalpine Conifer Seedling Germination And Survival To Soil Microclimate In The Alpine Treeline Warming Experiment
- Results from Advanced 3D Mapping for Improving Hydrogeologic Frameworks in the North and South Platte River Basins, Western Nebraska
- Results from USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Sea-Level Variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Seasonal Variability in Mercury Speciation within Select Coastal Lagoons of Central California
- Sediment Dynamics and the Burial and Exhumation of Bedrock Reefs as Elucidated by High-resolution Repetitive Sonar Surveys: Northern Monterey Bay, CA
- Seismological evidence and dynamic model of reverse rupture propagation during the 2010 M7.2 El Mayor Cucapah earthquake
- Shaking and flooding by the Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Site Response in the Bíobío Region, Chile Using the κ Method
- Solid phase electron donors control denitrification in groundwater at agricultural sites
- Spatial Analysis of Suitability for Managed Aquifer Recharge in a Groundwater Basin in Central Coastal California
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fugitive Dust Flux from Colorado Plateau Landscapes
- Spatio-Temporal Mechanistic Watershed Modeling of Mercury, Carbon, and Nitrogen Fate and Transport in a Coastal Plain Watershed (McTier Creek watershed, SC, USA)
- Spring Indices (SI): National (and Global) Indicators of Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Society
- Stable Isotope and Isotopomeric Constraints on Nitrous Oxide Production in a Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Structural Constraints and Earthquake Recurrence Estimates for the West Tahoe-Dollar Point Fault, Lake Tahoe Basin, California
- Structural Controls on the Surface Rupture Associated with the Mw7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake of 4 April 2010: A Comparative Analysis of Scarp Array Kinematics, Orientation, Lithology and Width
- Subsidence due to Excessive Groundwater Withdrawal in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Sulfur and Methylmercury in the Florida Everglades - the Biogeochemical Connection
- Surface rupture and slip variation induced by the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, Baja California, quantified using COSI-Corr analysis on pre- and post-earthquake LiDAR acquisitions
- Surface ruptures on the Xiaoyudong fault: A significant segment boundary breached during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China
- Testate Amoebae as Paleohydrological Proxies in the Florida Everglades
- Testing Flood Pulse and Evapotranspiration-Driven Nutrient Accumulation Hypotheses in the Everglades "River of Grass"
- The Effect of Wave Variability on Bedform Dimensions
- The Effect of the opening of the Morganza Spillway on the Flow Patterns and Sediment Distribution within the Swamps of the Atchafalaya River Basin
- The Forearc-Basin Sedimentary Record of Central Aleutian Tectonics
- The Future of Land Use in the United States: Downscaling SRES Emission Scenarios to Ecoregions and Pixels
- The Impacts of Altered Precipitation Frequency and Amount on Carbon, Nitrogen, and Hydrological Processes in Subalpine Ecosystems
- The Influence of the Wallula Fault and Pasco Basin on the Tectonic Framework of South-Central Washington
- The Quake-Catcher Network: Bringing Seismology to Homes and Schools
- The U.S. Geological Survey Geo Data Portal: A web service architecture and implementation for geo-climate data access and processing
- The Upside to Hg-DOM Associations for Water Quality: Removal of Hg from Solution Using Coagulaion with Metal-Based Salts
- The answer is blowing in the wind: using wind induced resonance of trees to measure time varying canopy mass, including interception
- The applicability of fossil foraminifera as a paleo-tsunami indicator: evidence from the 2011 Tohoku and A.D. 869 Jogan tsunami events
- The climatic water balance in an ecological context
- The coupling of runoff and dissolved organic matter transport: Insights from in situ fluorescence measurements in small streams and large rivers
- The effect of increased temperature and altered precipitation on plants in an arid ecosystem
- The power of research exploration within education: lessons from an international field hydrology course
- The role of DOM in the methylation of mercury by sulfate-reducing bacteria
- The worldwide status and potential future directions of reference hydrologic networks and their importance in assessing climate driven trends in streamflow
- Thermal and compositional evolution of the Mid-Miocene Searchlight magmatic system recorded by zircon
- Three Dimensional Simulations of Strong Motions for Great Earthquakes on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Tidal flux of dissolved organic carbon, total mercury, and methylmercury from a mangrove marsh
- Time-frequency analysis of fiber-optic temperature data on groundwater-surface water interactions
- Tracking the deposition of sediments from the Great Mississippi Flood of 2011
- Transpiration Driven Hydrologic Transport in vegetated shallow water environments: Implications on Diel and Seasonal Soil Biogeochemical Processes and System Management
- Tritium Fluxes through the Shallow Unsaturated Zone adjacent to a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility in an Arid Environment
- U-Pb Zircon geochronology, Hf isotope and trace element geochemistry of a unique lower crustal - upper mantle section of a dying slow-spreading mid-ocean ridge (Macquarie Island, Southern Ocean)
- Uncertainty evaluations for model-based interpolation in the earth sciences
- Understanding regional beach evolution patterns on an alongshore-dominated littoral cell based on 17 years of single-point sand thickness measurements
- Understanding the Contribution of Glacier Mass Balance to Total Runoff in the Gulf of Alaska Region
- Understanding the Effects of Climate and Water Management on Carbon and Energy Fluxes for Restored Wetlands in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Understanding the Peach Spring supereruption through its basal layer deposits (Southwestern USA)
- Updated Global Patterns of Drought and Heat-Induced Forest Die-off, and Ecohydrological Feedbacks
- Use of Citizen Scientists through Crowd Sourcing for Inventory and Monitoring
- Use of helium as a tracer for groundwater-model calibration of the Dhofar region of southern Oman
- Use of radon-222 to evaluate the influence of groundwater discharge on fecal indicator bacteria concentrations in the near-shore ocean, Malibu, California
- Using Classification Trees to Examine Spring Wet Slab and Glide Avalanche Occurrence Along the Going-To Road Corridor, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
- Using GRACE Satellites to Monitor Water Depletion in the Tigris Euphrates River Basins
- Using Video to Communicate Scientific Findings -- Habitat Connections in Urban Streams
- Using ground-based LiDAR to determine the role of fire on soil microtopography in the Mojave Desert
- Variations in organic carbon chemistry in the Gulf Coast and coastal marshes following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements
- Water Quality of "Tritium-Dead" Drinking Water Wells in California
- Watering the Forest for the Trees: An Emerging Priority for Managing Water in Forested Landscapes
- Weather and short period climate driven fluctuations of streamflow over the western US.
- Wetland Vegetation Monitoring within Barataria Basin, Louisiana Following Exposure to Oil
- Zinc isotopes in sediment core from urban and reference lakes across the United States
- 'Reactive' Inorganic Mercury: A critical examination of preservation and storage techniques
- 4-D monitoring of levee stability from Balloon and Airborne LIDAR data sets, Sherman Island, Sacramento Delta
- A Balloon-LIDAR (BLIDAR) for Earthquake Science
- A Bivalve Proxy for Neogene Antarctic Shelf Marine Environments
- A Decade Remote Sensing River Bathymetry with the Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LiDAR
- A Fish-Eye View of Connectivity Across Watersheds and Effects on Downstream Waters
- A Lifecycle Approach to Brokered Data Management for Hydrologic Modeling Data Using Open Standards.
- A Nitrogen Inventory of Major Water Regions Across the USA as a Benchmark for Future Progress in Mitigating Nitrogen Pollution
- A Simulation-Optimization Model for the Management of Seawater Intrusion
- A Standardized Database of Well-Drillers' Records for the Glaciated United States
- A Stochastic Hourly Stream Temperature Model to Forecast Land-Use and Climate Change Effects on Temperature Threshold Exceedance Duration for Freshwater Mussels
- A Visualization Approach for Projecting Future Distributions of North American Bioclimates
- A comparison of static versus dynamic models of sea-level rise impacts to atolls: Insights from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- A hacker's guide to catching a debris flow: Lessons learned from four years of chasing mud in Colorado and southern California
- A test of catastrophic transition mechanisms in the Chihuahuan Desert Grassland
- AEM and NMR: Tools for the Future of Groundwater Management
- Aftershock Decay with Distance from a Fault
- Airborne geophysical surveys used to delineate geological features associated with the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake in Louisa County, Virginia
- An Agnostic Approach to Trace Concentrations of Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds: Using Screening Levels to find the Human Signature in California Groundwaters
- An automated system for access to derived climate indices in support of ecological impacts assessments and resource management
- Analyzing the Pacific-North American Teleconnection and its Relationship to Present and Future Climate in the CMIP5 Models
- Anatomies of Sandy Tsunami and Storm Deposits
- Anthropogenic Osmium in Airborne Particles from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
- Anthropogenic controls on geomorphic evolution of the Upper Missouri River
- Are Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission Fluxes Under-estimated? The Groundwater Volcanic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Component at Lassen Volcano, California
- Assessing the Accuracy of Alaska National Hydrography Data for Mapping and Science
- Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential within the San Joaquin Basin, California
- Assessing the Value of Landsat: What data and policy inputs are needed?
- Assessing the effects of climate change on groundwater resources in a runoff-dominated watershed
- Assessing the sensitivity of Alaska's Coastal Ecosystem to Changes in Glacier Runoff
- Assigning Super-Critical Carbon Dioxide Density Ranges for Basin-Scale Sequestration Capacity Assessments
- Atmospheric Dust in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Integrated Analysis of Digital Imagery, Total Suspended Particulate, and Meteorological Data
- Bathymetry-Density Interaction as a Driver for Seawater Recirculation in Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- Bed Morphology and Ice Thickness, Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Biophysical Controls on Carbon Cycling in Restored and Unrestored Urban Streams
- Calibration of a 1D Crustal Velocity and Q Model for Ground Motion Simulations in Central and Eastern US
- Can current New Madrid seismicity be explained as a decaying aftershock sequence?
- Carbon Balance and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Positive and Negative Feedbacks from Permafrost Thaw
- Carbon Dynamics in the Western United States from 1992 to 2050
- Carbon Stocks and Accretion in Shallow Marsh Soils of the Mississippi Delta Plain, Louisiana
- Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Ecosystems of the Western United States: Finings of a Recent Resource Assessment
- Carbon and Neodymium Isotopic Fingerprints of Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the Warm Pliocene
- Carbon gas emissions from small streams in a lake-rich landscape: the importance of groundwater and methane
- Carbon stocks in the Alaska Yukon River Basin
- Catchment classification and similarity using correlation in streamflow time series
- Catchments as filters: Understanding catchment processes through annual duration curves
- Challenges in Extracting Information From Large Hydrogeophysical-monitoring Datasets
- Changes in surf zone morphodynamics driven by multi-decadal contraction of a large ebb-tidal delta
- Changing Nitrate Concentrations in Arid Basin Aquifers- How Anthropogenic and Natural Processes Affect Water Quality and Availability in Trans-Pecos, TX
- Changing amounts and sources of moisture to the U.S. southwest in response to global climate change
- Changing sources and sinks of carbon in boreal ecosystems of Interior Alaska: Current and future perspectives
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover and Fog Inundation in the Northern Channel Islands Using Satellite Datasets and Comparison to Ground Measurements
- Climate change and the rising cost of living for forests in the southwestern United States and beyond
- Climate, Tree Growth, Forest Drought Stress, and Tree Mortality in Forests of Western North America: Long-Term Patterns and Recent Trends
- Climate-Water Resources-Land-Use in California's Central Valley: Integrating Groundwater and Surface Water Modeling
- Coastal Louisiana Wetlands Restoration Monitoring with Global Fiducials Program (GFP) Imagery
- Coloumb Stress Modeling of the 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma Earthquake Sequence
- Comparing the Impacts of Forest Thinning and Mortality on Streamflow, Recharge, and Forest Productivity in a Semi-Arid Mountain Watershed
- Complex Fault Interaction in the Yuha Desert
- Continuous Groundwater Monitoring Collocated at USGS Streamgages
- Creating a Global Fiducials Program (GFP) Site: Lago Cachet Dos example in Chile
- Cumulative sediment reduction to the Lower Mekong River from planned dams
- Current progress on GSN data quality evaluation
- Currents, Drag, and Sediment Transport Induced by a Far-Field Tsunami
- CyberShake: Broadband Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Southern California
- Deciphering landscape complexity to predict (non)linear responses to extreme climatic events
- Declustering observations to prevent computational bias
- Deformation maps of earthquakes from the Frazier Mountain paleoseismic site; timing and geometry of surface ruptures for the last 1500 years
- Deployment and Earthquake Scenarios for the QCN in Mexico
- Detecting Ambient Tectonic Tremor in Southern California
- Developing climate change indicators and a climate change monitoring plan for decision-makers at a National Marine Sanctuary
- Discriminating streambed groundwater influx from bank groundwater seeps as a control on endangered mussel habitat
- Dissolved organic carbon source integration in an agricultural watershed
- Distinguishing local ecology from regional hydrologic change in a subtropical wetland, Florida Everglades USA
- Do Tsunami Deposits Thin Landward? Observations from the 11 March 2011 Tohoku-oki Tsunami on the Sendai Coastal Plain
- Do transient storage parameters directly scale in longer, combined stream reaches? Reach length dependence of transient storage interpretations
- E-DECIDER: Using Earth Science Data and Modeling Tools to Develop Decision Support for Earthquake Disaster Response
- ERIM (Electrical Resistivity Infiltrometer Monitoring): A Non-invasive Method for Detection of Preferential Flow in Soils
- Effect of Microclimates on Evapotranspiration Rates, Energy Balance, and Water Use Estimation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Effects of Biogeochemical Transformations, Source Variation, and Flowpath Routing on Interpretations of Concentration-Discharge Hysteresis Loops to Decipher Catchment Processes
- Effects of Projected Twenty-First Century Sea Level Rise, Storm Surge, and River Flooding on Water Levels in the Skagit River Floodplain and Estuary
- Effects of antecedent land cover on physical, chemical, and biological responses to urbanization in streams across the conterminous United States
- Effects of bark beetle outbreaks and wildfire in the western US on carbon stocks during recent decades
- Effects of hydrologic event history on suspended-sediment behavior
- Emerging and Legacy Contaminants in The Foodweb in The Lower Columbia River: USGS ConHab Project
- Emulation Modeling with Bayesian Networks for Efficient Decision Support
- Environmental Flow Assessments in the McKenzie and Santiam River Basins, Oregon
- Eocene to present slip rate history of the eastern Denali Fault System
- Estimating Thermoelectric Water Use
- Estimating changes in carbon burial on the western US coastal shelf due to anthropogenic influences on river exports
- Estimation of groundwater quality trends using alternative travel-time distribution models applied to tracers of groundwater age
- Estimation of shaking level in tall buildings in earthquake early warning system
- Evaluation of Nutrient Concentrations, Sources, and Pathways in Three Urban Streams in Durham County, North Carolina using Stable Isotopes
- Evaluation of Stream Loads Used to Calibrate a SPARROW Model for California, USA
- Event turbidity-discharge patterns: A survey of U.S. streams and the search for descriptive relationships
- Evolution of a Dammed River: Trajectories of Geomorphic Change on the Trinity River, CA
- Exploring SWOT discharge algorithm accuracy on the Sacramento River
- Field-scale evidence for biogeophysical signatures resulting from natural attenuation of a well characterized crude oil spill
- Finding Nothing: Algorithms to search for circular features across geospatially integrated datasets
- First-year dam removal activities in the Elwha River - dam removal, sediment dispersal, and fish relocations
- Floodplain denitrification within contrasting hydrologic environments
- Fluid injection triggering of 2011 earthquake sequence in Oklahoma
- Forecasting the Effects of Land-Use and Climate Change through 2060 on Stream Temperature in The Upper Tar River, North Carolina
- Generalization of the CCLADS method for modeling anisotropic diffusion tensors on three-dimensional finite-volume grids
- Geologic and physiographic controls on bed-material yield, transport, and channel morphology for alluvial and bedrock rivers, western Oregon
- Geologic evidence for a tsunami source along the trench northeast of Puerto Rico
- Geotechnical Trainspotting: Early Observations From the New Seattle Liquefaction Array
- Glacier seismology in a coastal temperate rainforest
- Global Change And Water Availability And Quality: Challenges Ahead
- Hartree-Fock values of energies, interaction constants, and atomic properties for excited states with 3 d <SUP>N</SUP>4 s<SUP>0</SUP> and 3 d <SUP>n</SUP>4 s<SUP>2</SUP> configurations of the negative ions, neutral atoms, and first four positive ions of the transition elements
- Hartree-Fock values of energies, interaction constants, and atomic properties for excited states with p <SUP>N</SUP> configurations of the negative ions, neutral atoms, and first positive ions from boron to bromine
- High-resolution seismic imaging, Mono Lake fault zone, eastern Sierra region, Walker Lane, California
- Holocene Hydrologic Variability - Providing a Baseline to Evaluate Current and Future Conditions
- How does a single precipitation event erode a landscape? Clues from meteoric 7Be and 10Be analysis of suspended sediments and soils
- Hydrogeologic Framework Development for Integrated Hydrologic Modeling of Mountain Block Alluvial Systems in Lake Tahoe and Martis Valley, Nevada and California
- Hydrogeomorphology of the Hyporheic Zone: Mobile Bedforms, Dynamic Hyporheic Flow, and Influence on Stream Ecology
- Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes as Controls on the Quantity and Chemical Quality of Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Multiple Spatial Scales in the Colorado River
- Impact Assessment of Large Scale Floods Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Oil on Marsh Sediment Biogeochemistry in Barataria Bay, LA, USA
- Impacts of the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami along the Sendai coast protected by hard and soft seawalls; interpretations of satellite images, helicopter-borne video footage and field studies
- Implications for Ecosystem Services of Watershed Processes that affect the Transport and Transformations of Mercury in an Adirondack Stream Basin
- Improving the resolution of the 2010 Haiti earthquake fault geometry using temporary seismometer deployments
- In-situ Observations of Liquid-liquid Phase Separation in Aqueous MgSO<SUB>4</SUB> Solutions: Geological and Geochemical Implications
- InSAR Evidence for the Spokane Fault, an Active Shallow Thrust Fault Beneath the City of Spokane Washington, USA
- Increases in Flood Magnitudes in California Under Warming Climates
- Indian Ocean Planktic Foraminiferal Distribution and Sea Surface Temperature Estimates of the Warm Mid-Piacenzian with Implications for the Instability of Monsoon-Related Upwelling and the Indian Ocean Dipole
- Influence of Climate Change on Wave Dissipation over Coral Reefs: Effects on Beach Morphology
- Influence of DOM and redox potential on the leaching of As and Cr from coal fly ash
- Influence of Fog and Overcast on Stream Temperature across Several Scales
- Influence of fault trend, fault bends, and fault convergence on shallow structure, geomorphology, and hazards, Hosgri strike-slip fault, offshore central California
- Influence of riparian vegetation on near-bank flow structure and erosion rates on a large meandering river
- Integrated Ground-Based LiDAR and Global Fiducials Program Satellite Imagery Time Series Analysis of the Terminus of Bering Glacier, Alaska During the 2008-2011 Surge
- Integrated Landscape Responses to Climate in Northern Catchments
- Integrating geology and geomorphology; the key to unlocking Quaternary tectonic framework of the San Andreas Fault zone in the San Gorgonio Pass region, southern California
- Integration of subsidence, deformation, and groundwater-level measurements to characterize land subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
- Inter-Eruption Evolution of Mount St. Helens Tracked by Coda Wave Interferometry
- Intermediate-Timescale Vertical Exchange in a Peatland and Implications for Landscape Patterning
- International Studies of Hazardous Groundwater/Surface Water Exchange in the Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami Affected Areas of Kamchatka
- Interrogation of the megathrust zone by waveform complexity
- Introduction to the Global Fiducials Program
- Investigating the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes and tremor along the Cholame segment of the San Andreas fault
- Investigation of the Offshore Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault: Slip Partitioning, Shallow Deformation, and Fault Trend Influence
- Investigation of the high-frequency attenuation parameter, κ (kappa), from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 7.1 Darfield, New Zealand earthquake
- Joint variability of global sea-surface temperatures and runoff in the conterminous United States
- Just passing through --- high Hg deposition to Puerto Rico forest moves quickly off the landscape
- Landscape Vulnerability Analysis from Historic Lower Mississippi River Flood in 2011
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Late Cenozoic Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Ancestral Cascade Arc in the Bodie Hills, California and Nevada: Insights from Integrated Geologic, Geophysical, Geochemical and Geochronologic Studies
- Late Cretaceous Middle Fork caldera and its resurgent granite porphyry intrusion, east-central Alaska
- Late Holocene Climate Variability and Land-use change impacts on fire disturbance and carbon dynamics in the Florida Everglades
- Late Quaternary Blind Thrust Faults along the Southern Margin of the Cul-de-Sac Plain, Haiti: A Newly Recognized Seismic Source?
- Long-term changes in regular and low-frequency earthquake inter-event times near Parkfield, CA
- Long-term impacts due to sediment supply changes towards the San Francisco Bay-Delta system
- Magnetic, gravity, radiometric, LiDAR, and seismic data to characterize the region of the M5.8 August 23, 2011 earthquake near Mineral, Virginia
- Magnetotelluric Phase Tensor Applications to Geothermal Assessment in New Zealand and New Mexico
- Mapping Saline Groundwater in a Coastal Southern California Aquifer System
- Mapping Subsea Permafrost, Relict Methane Hydrate, and Gas Migration: New Cross-Shelf Multichannel Seismic Surveys on the Central US Beaufort Shelf
- Megadroughts: a framework for assessing risk in the coming century
- Megathrust splay fault geometry and uplift history along the western margin of the subducted Yakutat Terrane, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Meltwater Origin of the 2005 Mount Steller Landslide Confirmed by Analysis of Global Fiducials Program Imagery
- Modeling Coarse and Fine Particle Transport In-Stream and Within Depositional Areas
- Modeling Saltwater Intrusion using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Monitoring Changes in Channel Morphology in Las Vegas Wash with Global Fiducials Program Imagery
- Monitoring Rapid Changes at Bering Glacier, AK Using Global Fiducials Program Imagery
- Natural heterogeneity and evolving geochemistry of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation brine in response to continuing CO2 injection at Cranfield EOR site, Mississippi, USA
- Natural modes of variability and their teleconnections over the Pacific-North American region in CMIP3 and CMIP5 models
- Near-field tsunami inferred from numerical modeling of medieval overwash at Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- New Imaging Of Submarine Landslides Near Whittier, Alaska, From The 1964 Earthquake And A Comparison To Other 1964 Failures In Alaskan Fjords
- New constraints on the early Paleozoic history of Arctic Alaska and its bearing on Arctic tectonic reconstructions
- NorWeST: A Regional Stream Temperature Model for High-Resolution Aquatic Vulnerability Assessments in the Northwest U.S
- Northwest Climate Science Center: Integrating Regional Research, Conservation and Natural Resource Management
- Numerical analysis of one-dimensional temperature data for groundwater/surface-water exchange with 1DTempPro
- Observed impacts of duration and seasonality of atmospheric-river landfalls on soil moisture and runoff in coastal northern California and the role of long-duration atmospheric rivers in creating extreme hydrometeorological events
- Off-shore to near-shore transects of ferromanganese crusts adjacent to the California margin Tracey A. Conrad1, James R. Hein2, Adina Paytan1 1University of California Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 (tconrad@ucsc.edu) 2USGS, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA (jhein@usgs.gov)
- Particle size distributions of suspended sediment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Peeking below Columbia River flood basalts with high-resolution aeromagnetic data: implications for central Washington earthquake hazards
- Performance Tests of Real-Time Permanent Displacement Estimates and Rapid Rupture Characterization From Real-Time High-Rate GPS
- Physiological stresses of limber pine seedlings at and above treeline immediately following natural and experimentally advanced snowmelt
- Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin
- Pond Identification, Classification, and Inundation Dynamics at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in northwest Florida, USA
- Potential for use of optical measurements to understand the fate of urban contaminants
- Pre-injection Comparison of Methods for Sampling Formation Water and Associated Gas from a Monitoring Well at a Carbon Dioxide Injection Site, Citronelle Oil Field, Alabama
- Preliminary Focal Mechanism Analysis of the 6 November 2011 M 5.7 Oklahoma sequence
- Preliminary Holocene History of Fault Slip for the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Preliminary Results on Earthquake Recurrence Intervals, Rupture Segmentation, and Potential Earthquake Moment Magnitudes along the Tahoe-Sierra Frontal Fault Zone, Lake Tahoe, California
- Quantifying Integrated Hydrologic Model Input and Parameter Uncertainty using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations
- Quantifying Organic Matter in Surface Waters of the United States and Delivery to the Coastal Zone
- Quantifying floodplain and mainstem channel response to the removal of the Elwha River dams using "old school" techniques
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Quantitative predictions of streamflow variability in the Susquehanna River Basin
- Radiocarbon Age Offsets in Arctic Lake Sediments Describe the Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Past Climate Warming
- Rapid Shoreline Response to the Removal of the Aldwell Dam on the Elwha River, Washington State
- Reactive transport modeling of long-term secondary water quality impacts of a crude oil spill at Bemidji, Minnesota
- Reconstructing mercury contamination of a steep, gravel-bed river using reservoir theory
- Refurbished extensometer sites improve the quality and frequency of aquifer-system compaction and groundwater-level measurements, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
- Regression Models for Aquifer Vulnerability to Nitrate Pollution in Osona (NE Spain)
- Relationships between dissolved organic matter and discharge: New insights from in-situ measurements in a northern forested watershed
- Responses of Wind Erosion to Climate-Induced Vegetation Changes on the Colorado Plateau
- Results of USGS Workshop on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage in Coals, Shales, Basalts, and Ultramafic Rocks
- Revisiting the Fully Automated Double-ring Infiltrometer using Open-source Electronics
- Rupture history of the 2010 Mw 7.3 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Satellite observations of vegetation productivity provide new insight into United States bioenergy targets
- Seasonal Variability in Boreal Wildfire Activity Associated with Landscape Patterns of Burned Area
- Seasonal fluctuation and estuarine removal of glacially-derived iron fluxes to the Gulf of Alaska
- Sediment Sources, Sedimentation Processes and Post-Depositional Changes of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Tsunami Deposits on the Sendai Plain, Japan
- Sedimentary deposits and processes in the lower Elwha River, Washington, USA, during dam removal
- Shallow Geology and Permafrost Characterization using Ground-Penetrating Radar to infer Hydrological Controls and Landscape Evolution of Interior Alaska
- Shifts in Timing and Magnitude of Precipitation Modulate Soil Carbon Pools in Semi-Arid Ecosystems
- Simulating Multi-Scale Mercury Fate and Transport in a Coastal Plain Watershed
- Simulation of recharge for the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system using an integrated hydrologic model
- Simultaneous estimation of local- and flowpath-scale rate-limited mass transfer parameters using electrical-resistivity tomography
- Site-specific Ground-Motion Predictions for Earthquake Early Warning in the LA Basin using CyberShake Simulations
- Small changes in the timing of precipitation on the arid Colorado Plateau leads to large changes in nitrogen biogeochemistry mediated through biocrust moss mortality.
- Spatial and temporal patterns in conterminous United States streamflow characteristics
- Spatial variability of suspended sediment concentration within a tidal marsh in San Francisco Estuary
- Spatially Variable Creep Rate on the Bartlett Springs and Maacama Faults, Northern California, Estimated via Bayesian Inversion of Global Positioning System Data
- Stable Isotope Signatures Illustrate the Importance of Fog and Cloud Water in Ecohydrological Processes
- Stable Isotopic Composition of Columbia and Snake River Waters Over A 16-Year Period Yield Unexpected Contrasts With Discharge
- Stormwater management impacts on urban stream water quality and quantity during and after development in Clarksburg, MD
- Subsurface imaging across the 2001 Spokane, Washington earthquake swarm
- Surficial Sediment Characteristics of the San Francisco Bay Coastal System
- Synchronizing the North American Varve Chronology with Greenland ice core records using meteoric 10Be flux
- Technology and Geologic Mapping at Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Tectonic and climatic influences on the deposition and preservation of Quaternary units along the range-front of the Manastash Anticline, Yakima Fold Belt, Washington
- Telling zoned from zoned: LA-MC-ICPMS and SIMS iron isotopic measurements of olivine
- Tertiary Tectonics of the West Qinling Fault Zone : evidence from deformation, sedimentation, and magneto-stratigraphy in associated basins in the NE Tibetan plateau
- Testing seismic hazard models with Be-10 exposure ages for precariously balanced rocks
- The 8 February 1843 Lesser Antilles Earthquake: A "Missing" Great Earthquake
- The Bear River Fault Zone, Wyoming and Utah: Complex Ruptures on a Young Normal Fault
- The Contributions of the Global Fiducial Program to the Long-Term Satellite Monitoring of the Bering Glacier, Alaska
- The Denali Fault and Interior Alaska Tectonics in Mid- to Late-Cenozoic Time
- The Effect of Plate Structure on Intraplate Volcanism, Kodiak-Bowie Seamount Chain, Gulf of Alaska
- The Effects of Volcano-Induced Ozone Depletion on Short-lived Climate Forcing in the Arctic
- The Frontiers of Resource-Related Scientific Research
- The Geo Data Portal an Example Physical and Application Architecture Demonstrating the Power of the "Cloud" Concept.
- The Hydrothermal System at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River: Exposed and Hidden
- The Important Elements of a Science Video
- The Quake-Catcher Network: A Seismic Network for the World
- The Relative Importance of Convective and Trade-wind Orographic Precipitation to Streamflow in the Luquillo Mountains, Eastern Puerto Rico
- The Relative Influence of Aquatic and Terrestrial Processes on Methylmercury Transport in River Basins
- The Remains of the Dam: What Have We Learned From 10 Years of Dam Removals?
- The Right Scale for the Question Asked: A Challenge for Great Lakes Hydrology and Restoration Forecasts
- The Role of Interdisciplinary Earth Science in the Assessment of Regional Land Subsidence Hazards: Toward Sustainable Management of Global Land and Subsurface-Fluid Resources
- The Shoreline Management Tool, an ArcMap Tool for Analyzing Water Depth, Inundated Area, Volume, and Selected Habitats, with an Example for the Lower Wood River Valley, Oregon
- The USGS "Did You Feel It?" Macroseismic Intensity Maps: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Citizen-Empowered Seismology
- The Use of Measured Suspended Sediment Concentrations at Alcatraz to Infer Net Suspended Sediment Transport at the Golden Gate
- The contribution of sediment from forested areas of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- The early Pliocene diatom biochronology in the Southern Ocean: evidence from Sites U1359 and U1361 off Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica
- The effects of biodegradation and photodegradation on DOM optical properties
- The effects of low-tide rainfall on metal content of suspended sediment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- The effects of source and path heterogeneity on simulated strong ground motions from great earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone
- The fate of carbon dioxide injected into a coal-bearing formation
- The fate of mercury at two small co-located headwater watersheds in interior Alaska
- The identification of a Pliocene time slice(s) for data/model comparison
- The influence of storm intensity on shallow landslide abundance
- The response of complex and direct-current electrical measurements in the presence of multirate solute transport
- The role of spring insolation in the seasonality of precipitation of the eastern United States
- The turbid coastal plume of the Elwha River during dam removal
- Theoretical electron scattering amplitudes and spin polarizations. Electron energies 100 to 1500 eV Part II. Be, N, O, Al, Cl, V, Co, Cu, As, Nb, Ag, Sn, Sb, I, and Ta targets
- Time-reversal imaging techniques applied to tremor waveforms near Cholame, California to locate tectonic tremor
- Timing is everything: using near-surface and remote sensing to monitor vegetation phenology in sagebrush steppe
- Title: Long Valley Caldera 2003 through 2012: Overview of low level unrest in the last decade Authors: Stuart Wilkinson, David Hill, Michael Lisowski, Deborah Bergfeld, Margaret Mangan
- Toward a Unified Understanding of Mercury and Methylated Mercury from the World's Oceans
- Towards improved 3D cross-borehole electrical resistivity imaging of discrete fracture networks
- Tracking Nonpoint Source Nitrogen and Carbon in Watersheds of Chesapeake Bay
- Tracking hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in rock-forming and accessory minerals from the Lyon Mountain Granite and related iron oxide apatite (IOA) ores from the Adirondack Mountains, New York State
- Transparency and Refutability: Why and How Demonstrated using a Synthetic, Highly Nonlinear Groundwater Transport Problem
- Transport through a Heterogeneous Alluvial Aquifer beneath an Agricultural Riparian Buffer
- Tree-core records of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at three western USA volcanoes
- Tremors in the Bayou: The Events on the Napoleonville Salt Dome, Louisiana
- Triggering at an Alaska-Aleutian Arc Tremor Sweet Spot
- Triggering of Tremor along the San Jacinto Fault near Anza, California
- Tritium Plume Dynamics in the Shallow Unsaturated Zone Adjacent to an Arid Waste Disposal Facility
- U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- USGS research on geohazards of the North Pacific: past, present, and future
- Uncertainty in turbidite correlations along the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- United States Regional GIC Hazard Assessment
- Updates and Improvements to the Quake-Catcher Network's Rapid Earthquake Detections
- Upper-Ocean Heat Balance Processes and the Walker Circulation in CMIP5 Model Projections
- Use of MODIS Vegetation Data in Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Reactive Nitrogen Flux
- Use of NARCCAP data to characterize regional climate uncertainty in the impact of global climate change on large river fish population: Missouri River sturgeon example
- Use of Precipitation Data Derived from Satellite Data for Hydrologic Modeling: Flood Forecasting and Snowpack Monitoring
- Use of Seasonal Meteorological Metrics to Forecast for Deep Slab Avalanches in Southwest Montana
- Use of Soil-Streamwater Relationships to Assess Regional Patterns of Recovery from Acidic Deposition Effects
- Use of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) for Geological Studies in Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Using Global Fiducials Program Imagery to Document 50 Years of North American Glacier Change
- Using Loosely Coupled Models to Assess Climate-Change Impacts on Common Loon Occurrence in Northern Wisconsin
- Using Repeat LiDAR Surveys to Determine the Geomorphic Changes Related the Removal of the Marmot Dam on the Sandy River, Oregon
- Using SPARROW to Model Total Nitrogen Sources, and Transport in Rivers and Streams of California and Adjacent States, U.S.A
- Using Video to Communicate Scientific Findings -- Parking lot sealcoat as a source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination
- Using a Global Vegetation Model to Plan Local Natural Resource Management
- Using a Network of Flux Towers to Investigate the Effects of Wetland Restoration on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes
- Utilizing Ground-based LiDAR (Terrestrial Laser Scanning) to estimate hydraulic roughness in gravel-bed rivers
- Validating Annual Growth Bands of Deep Sea Corals from the Gulf of Mexico and Southeastern United States
- Variable Sources and Differentiation of Lavas from the Copahue-Caviahue Eruptive Complex, Neuquen Argentina
- Vegetation Lineaments Near Pearblossom: Indicators of San Andreas Foreberg-Style Faulting?
- Volcanic-Ash Hazards to Aviation—Changes and Challenges since the 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Vulnerability of a subarctic barrier spit to global warming induced changes in storm surge and wave runup: Shaktoolik, Alaska
- Vulnerability of topography-limited and recharge-limited groundwater systems to sea-level rise-induced salinization
- Water and Forest Health: Drought Stress as a Core Driver of Forest Disturbances and Tree Mortality in Western North America
- Watershed Responses to Changes In Mercury Loading: Results from the Terrestrial Aspects of the METAALICUS Project
- Watershed storage-baseflow relations and monthly water balances at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A
- Why Seedlings Die: Linking Carbon and Water Limitations to Mechanisms of Mortality During Establishment in Conifer Seedlings
- 4D Micro-Piston Motion of Halemaumau Lava Lake Surface Measured with Ground-Based Tripod LiDAR, Kilauea, Hawaii
- A Coordinated USGS Science Response to Hurricane Sandy
- A Global Perspective on Warmer Droughts as a Key Driver of Forest Disturbances and Tree Mortality (Invited)
- A National Modeling Framework for Water Management Decisions
- A New Open Data Open Modeling Framework for the Geosciences Community (Invited)
- A Precedent-setting Case of Dynamic Triggering
- A comparison of slip rate, recurrence interval, and slip per event on several well-characterized faults (Invited)
- A recommended protocol for the preservation and storage of ';reactive' inorganic mercury in sediment
- A tree-ring based reconstruction of North Pacific Jet variability and its influence on Sierra Nevada fire regimes
- ADCP-based Deep-water Current Velocity Structure and Suspended Sediment Distribution in the Northeastern South China Sea
- Accurate sediment budgets in rivers require high-resolution discharge-independent measurements of suspended-sediment concentration
- Active Structures in the Georgia Basin, NW Washington State, USA, and SW British Columbia, Canada
- Active faulting on the Wallula fault within the Olympic-Wallowa Lineament (OWL), eastern Washington State
- Advances in Parameter and Uncertainty Quantification Using Bayesian Hierarchical Techniques with a Spatially Referenced Watershed Model (Invited)
- Advancing knowledge gained from sediment budgets through sediment age dating and fingerprinting in small watersheds
- Agricultural conversion reduces biospheric vegetation productivity in the absence of external inputs
- An Ecosystem Assessment of Carbon Storage and Fluxes Over Space and Time in the Conterminous United States
- An Empirical Approach to Modeling Methylmercury Concentrations in an Adirondack Stream Watershed
- An integrated, indicator framework for assessing large-scale variations and change in seasonal timing and phenology (Invited)
- An objective and parsimonious approach for classifying natural flow regimes at a continental scale
- Anomalous Solute Transport in Saturated Porous Media: Linking Transport Model Parameters to Electrical and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Properties
- App-lifying USGS Earth Science Data: Engaging the public through Challenge.gov
- Application of Differential Evolutionary Optimization Methodology for Parameter Structure Identification in Groundwater Modeling
- Applying downscaled climate data to wildlife areas in Washington State, USA
- Applying time-reverse-imaging techniques to locate individual low-frequency earthquakes on the San Andreas fault near Cholame, California
- Aquatic carbon fluxes in HD: using in-situ sensors to obtain a high definition picture of carbon cycling in streams (Invited)
- Assessing Gaps in the U.S. Geological Survey Streamgage Network
- Assessing the contribution of legacy sediment and mill dam storage to sediment budgets in the Piedmont of Maryland
- Assessing the future risk of persistent drought using climate model simulations and paleoclimate data (Invited)
- Assessing the importance of terrain parameters on glide avalanche release
- Assessment of the Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources of the Clinton, Medina, and Tuscarora Formations in the Appalachian Basin
- Best Practices for Making Scientific Data Discoverable and Accessible through Integrated, Standards-Based Data Portals
- Biological soil crusts: a fundamental organizing agent in global drylands
- Building Climate Service Capacities in Eastern Africa with CHIRP and GeoCLIM
- California Marshes as Recorders of Paleotsunamis
- Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN): Infrastructure upgrade to support Earthquake Early Warning (EEW)
- Can climate change increase fire severity independent of fire intensity?
- Carbon Consequences of Land Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) over the Past Three Decades
- Cascading Disaster Assessment for the ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario
- Changes in Seismic Velocity During the 2004 - 2008 Eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns of Cloud Cover And Fog Inundation in the California Channel Islands
- Characterizing the SWOT discharge error budget on the Sacramento River, CA
- Climate as a driver of continent-wide irruptions in boreal seed-eating birds (Invited)
- Climate change impacts on vegetation of the San Francisco Area: evaluating sensitivity of change across an ensemble of future climates (Invited)
- Combining Hydrologic and Geochemical Methods to Quantify Sources and Volumetric Contributions of Baseflow
- Combining Real-Time Seismic and GPS Data for Earthquake Early Warning (Invited)
- Commentary: Urgent need for large-scale warming manipulation experiments in tropical forests
- Comparing the Biogeochemical Potential of Hyporheic Zones Driven by Different River Morphologies
- Comparison of Active and Passive Seismic Methods for Calculating Shear-wave Velocity Profiles: An Example from Hartford County, Connecticut
- Comparison of Adjective vs. Benthic Sources of Nutrients to a Former Salt Pond under Restoration
- Comparison of four methods of aerodynamic roughness length parameterization in semi-arid shrublands with airborne LiDAR, hyperspectral, and meteorological data
- Comparison of particle-tracking and lumped-parameter models for determining groundwater age distributions and nitrate in water-supply wells, Central Valley, California, USA
- Comparison of the Various Methodologies for Estimating Thermoelectric Power Generation Water Withdrawals and Their Effect on Water-Use Trends from 1985-2010 in the United States
- Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Azaarenes in Runoff from Freshly Applied Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat
- Conflicting Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd ages in the garnet gneisses of the Central Appalachians, Eastern U.S.: Implications for the timing and duration of Grenville Orogeny and a case for using coupled Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochronology
- Connection to deep groundwater alters ecosystem carbon fluxes and budgets: an example from a Costa Rican rainforest (Invited)
- Continuous Estimation of Baseflow Contribution to Snowmelt-dominated Streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin: A Chemical Hydrograph Separation Approach
- Continuous Water Quality Monitoring in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to support Ecosystem Science
- Crustal anisotropy near the Wilzetta fault during the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake sequence
- Crustal migration of magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> tracked by tree-ring radiocarbon and seismicity at Mammoth Mountain, California
- CyberShake: Running Seismic Hazard Workflows on Distributed HPC Resources
- Data Discovery of Big and Diverse Climate Change Datasets - Options, Practices and Challenges
- Data-Model Comparison of Pliocene Sea Surface Temperature
- Deep-water sediment transport processes in the northeastern South China Sea: Mooring and shipboard-based observations
- Definitional Noise in Estimates of Water Use for Electrical Generation (Invited)
- Deformation of the Bellingham Basin in the Northern Cascadia Forearc as Inferred from Potential Field Data
- Depth segmentation of fault slip: deep rupture in the 2011 Van Earthquake leaves shallow hazard
- Detecting change in long hydrological time series: moving on from double-mass curves
- Detecting weathered oil from the Deepwater Horizon incident in the wetlands of Barataria Bay, Louisiana, using a time series of AVIRIS imaging spectrometer data (Invited)
- Developing a NIDIS Drought Early Warning Information System for Coastal Ecosystems in the Carolinas
- Developing a Small-scale De-fluoridation Filter for use in Rural Northern Ghana with Activated Alumina as the Sorbent
- Development of a tree-ring isotope proxy for cool-season temperatures for the Colorado River Headwaters
- Developments in real-time monitoring for geologic hazard warnings (Invited)
- Dextral Shear on the Olympic-Wallowa Lineament, Washington--Evidence from High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Anomalies and Implications for Cascadia Seismic Hazards
- Different Climate - Fire Relationships on Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in California
- Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) usage and adoption in U.S Geological Survey (USGS)
- Discussion of U.S. Geological Survey development of R packages in the open source community: Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) and dataRetrieval
- Do Larger Tsunamis Form Thicker Deposits?
- Downscaling climate model output for water resources impacts assessment (Invited)
- Dust emissions from unpaved roads on the Colorado Plateau
- Dynamic Aeolian Deposition of Glacial Iron to the Open Ocean: 2 Years of Time-Series Observations from Middleton Island and the Copper River Delta
- ENSO-driven flooding events in East Java, Indonesia during the past Millennium
- Earth observation for regional scale environmental and natural resources management
- Earth-Science Research for Addressing the Water-Energy Nexus
- Ecological-site based assessments of wind and water erosion: informing management of accelerated soil erosion in rangelands
- Effect of Plant Uptake on Perchlorate Isotopic Composition
- Effects of Winter Flooding Peat Soils on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Effects of variable climate, land use, and hydrogeochemical setting on decadal surface water quality trends, Iowa, USA
- Efficient Metamodel Estimates of Nitrate Flux to Groundwater and Tile Drains (Invited)
- EflowStats: An R package to compute ecologically-relevant streamflow statistics
- Elucidating the construction of the Austurhorn Intrusion, SE Iceland, using zircon elemental and isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
- Embedded Analytical Solutions Improve Accuracy in Convolution-Based Particle Tracking Models using Python
- Estimates of shortening across the Seattle fault zone, Washington State, from seismic reflection profiles and slip modeling
- Estimating Available Water Capacity in the Lower Mekong River Basin by Integrating GRACE Observations into a Land Surface Model
- Estimating Environmental Drivers for Broad-Scale Ecological Models: Comparing Performance of Modeled Stream Flow and Meteorological Observations
- Estimating Groundwater-Age Distributions Contributing to Streams in the Fractured-Rock Terrain of the Upper Potomac River Basin, USA (Invited)
- Evaluating North America Paleoclimate Simulations using Simulated and Observed Paleovegetation Data for 6 ka and 21 ka
- Evaluating hydrologic response to land cover and climate change: An example from the Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
- Evaluation Of High-Frequency Mean Streamwater Transit-Time Estimates Using Groundwater Age And Dissolved Silica Concentrations In A Small, Forested Watershed
- Evaluation of - and ESTIMATED-V<SUB>S30</SUB> Values
- Evaluation of Speleothem Oxygen Isotope Fractionation from a Tropical Cave on the Island of Guam
- Evidence for large-magnitude paleo-earthquakes on the Ventura fault: Implications for earthquake recurrence, fault slip rate, and seismic hazard assessment in southern California
- Exploring Hydrofluorocarbons as Groundwater Age Tracers (Invited)
- Exploring ice-ocean-sediment interactions during nearly 20 km of retreat in the past 30 years at Columbia Glacier, AK
- Extending ESGF Data Publication at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation
- Extending Seismic Tomography along the San Andreas Fault to the Lower Crust with Low Frequency Earthquakes
- Extracting Length and Time Scales of Downstream Suspended Transport from Sediment Budget Data: ~100 to 1000-yr Travel Times from the Appalachians to the Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A
- Extremely Shallow Extensional Faulting Near Geothermal Fields
- Feedbacks Between Wave Energy And Declining Coral Reef Structure: Implications For Coastal Morphodynamics
- Finite-Fault and Other New Capabilities of CISN ShakeAlert
- Fish community response to departures in hydrologic reference conditions, Tennessee River Basin, Southeastern USA
- Flow history and its influence on nitrate concentrations in the Mississippi River Basin
- Fluid geochemistry monitoring at three California volcanoes (Invited)
- Food and water security scenarios for East Africa over next 20 years
- From Spring to Fall: Life Cycle Responses of Plant Species and Communities to Climate Change
- Further Evidence for Medieval Faulting along the Puerto Rico Trench
- Future analogues of present climate as a guide for projecting change in vegetation distributions
- Genesis of giant promontories during two-stage continental breakup and implications for post-Rodinia circum-Arctic margins (Invited)
- Geometry Of The San Andreas Fault In The Salton Trough And Its Effect On Simulated Shaking For A Rupture Similar To That Of The Great California Shakeout Of 2008
- Geomorphic field experiment to quantify grain size and biotic influence on riverbed sedimentation dynamics in a dry-season reservoir, Russian River, CA
- Geophysical Characterization and Monitoring for Anomalous Transport (Invited)
- Geothermal Prospecting in Utah: a new thermal model of the Black Rock Desert
- Geothermal Pumping and Induced Seismicity in Southern California Geothermal Fields
- Gravity and magnetic anomalies used to delineate geologic features associated with earthquakes and aftershocks in the central Virginia seismic zone
- Groundwater Depletion and Capture: Revisiting 'The Source of Water Derived From Wells'
- Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction of Several Irrigation Systems in the Mississippi River Basin Alluvial Aquifer
- Historical changes in the annual number of large floods in North America and Europe
- Holocene Geology and Geochemistry, and Ongoing Seismicity of Aniakchak Caldera Volcano, Aleutian Arc
- How Volcanism Controls Climate Change
- How do Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability Alter Links between Microbial Growth Efficiency and Soil Carbon Storage?
- How do Soil Microbial Enzyme Activities Respond to Changes in Temperature, Carbon, and Nutrient Additions across Gradients in Mineralogy and Nutrient Availability?
- How sampling integration scale affects estimates of coupled groundwater and nitrogen fluxes into an agricultural stream
- Humans and fire shape the land: climate change only exacerbates the trends
- Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface
- Hyporheic Zone Denitrification: Flow Path Controls and Scaling Consequences for N budgets for the Whole Stream
- Identification of Geologic and Anthropogenic Sources of Phosphorus to Streams in California and Portions of Adjacent States, U.S.A., Using SPARROW Modeling
- Impact of Groundwater Flowpaths on Subsurface Denitrification and Nutrient Loading to an Estuary
- Implications for San Andreas Fault Ruptures Based on New Evidence from the Cabazon, CA Paleoseismic Site, San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone
- Improved characterization of stream turbidity-discharge behavior using continuous monitoring data
- Improving High-resolution Spatial Estimates of Precipitation in the Equatorial Americas
- Improving Regional Groundwater Models with Transmissivity Observations
- In situ nitrate measurements capture short-term variability and seasonal transitions during a drought - flood year in the Mississippi River Basin
- Influence of flow regime and channel morphology on larval drift and dispersion in a large regulated river
- Integrated climate/land use/hydrological change scenarios for assessing threats to ecosystem services on California rangelands
- Integrated lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of Quaternary sediments from the intermediate and deep Arctic Ocean
- Integrated stratigraphy of a shallow marine Paleocene-Eocene boundary section, MCBR cores, Maryland (USA)
- Interpreting Organic Carbon Cycling from High-Frequency Stream FDOM, Turbidity, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements at the USGS WEBB Watersheds
- Intraoceanic Arc Tectonic and Sedimentary Processes: Translation from Modern Activity to Ancient Records
- Investigation of Quaternary slip rates along the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas Fault near San Gorgonio Pass
- Kelp, cobbles, and currents: biological reduction of coarse sediment entrainment stress
- Land Cover Vegetation Changes and Hydrology in Central Texas
- Landsat: Planning the Next 20 Years of Earth Observation and Science
- Landscape-scale Habitat Templates and Life Histories of Endangered and Invasive Fish Species in Large Rivers of the Mid-Continent USA (Invited)
- Late Holocene climate and land-use impacts on ecology and carbon cycling in Atlantic coastal plain tidal freshwater wetlands
- Linkages between hydrogeomorphology and nutrient availability in wetlands (Invited)
- Linking Short-term Upstream and Downstream Geomorphic Responses to the Removal of Condit Dam, White Salmon River, Washington
- Linking climate change and karst hydrology to evaluate species vulnerability: The Edwards and Madison aquifers (Invited)
- Long Term Dynamics of Interior Least Tern Sandbar Habitat: Landsat's Contribution to a Metapopulation Ecological Model
- Long-term Trends in Mean Annual Streamflow in the United States for the Period 1960 to 2012
- Making sense of Big Data in Hydrology (Invited)
- Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Mercury Concentrations in Coastal Sediment from Younger Lagoon, Central California
- Mercury Sources and Cycling in the Great Lakes: Dramatic Changes Resulting from Altered Atmospheric Loads and the Near-Shore Shunt
- Mercury methylation, export and bioaccumulation in rice agriculture - model results from comparative and experimental studies in 3 regions of the California Delta, USA
- Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Rice and Wetland Biota: employing integrated indices of processes that drive methylmercury risk
- Microbial communities of the deep unfrozen: Do microbes in taliks increase permafrost carbon vulnerability? (Invited)
- Millennial-scale features in ?18O from a stalagmite in the eastern United States
- Missing Great Earthquakes
- ModelMuse: A U.S. Geological Survey Open-Source, Graphical User Interface for Groundwater Models
- Modeled changes in extreme wave climate for US and US-affiliated Pacific Islands during the 21st century
- Multi-Scale Simulations of Past and Future Projections of Hydrology in Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada (Invited)
- Multi-channel optical backscatter observation in the northeastern South China Sea
- Multi-scale geomorphic and hydrogeologic influences on bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) spawning habitat in headwater streams
- National Assessment of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources -- Trends and Interpretations
- Natural peat degradation of equatorial peatlands in inland Borneo as a threshold-response to enhanced Late Holocene El Niño activity
- Near-bottom energy cascade from subinertial flows to ocean mixing in the northeastern South China Sea
- Neodymium and carbon isotopic fingerprints of warm Pliocene circulation throughout the deep Atlantic
- New investigations of the October 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake surface rupture
- Nutrient Processing in Urban Headwater Streams and Floodplains Following Restoration (Invited)
- Offshore observations of aftershocks following the January 5th 2013 Mw 7.5 Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault earthquake, southeast Alaska
- On Offset Stream Measurements and Recent Coseismic Surface Rupture in the Carrizo Section of the San Andreas Fault
- On the Potential Uses of Static Offsets Derived From Low-Cost Community Instruments and Crowd-Sourcing for Earthquake Monitoring and Rapid Response
- Ostracode Mg/Ca Ratios from Quaternary Sediments of the Arctic Ocean
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- PAH Concentrations Decline Following 2006 Ban on Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealants in Austin, Texas
- Paleoclimatic Reconstructions From Plant Macrofossils For The Last Glacial Maximum, Middle Holocene, And Latest Holocene In The American Southwest
- Palynological Response to Middle Eocene Climate Variability in the North Atlantic Ocean: IODP Expedition 342, Newfoundland Ridge, Offshore Canada
- Patterns in foliar nutrient resorption stoichiometry at multiple scales: controlling factors and ecosystem consequences (Invited)
- Patterns of new versus recycled primary production in the terrestrial biosphere (Invited)
- Patterns of wildfires and emissions under future climate conditions across the conterminous United States
- Physical and Biological Responses to Dam Removal Sediment Release, Patapsco River, Maryland
- Place-classification analysis of community vulnerability to near-field tsunami threats in the U.S. Pacific Northwest (Invited)
- Post Earthquake Investigation Of The Mw7.8 Haida Gwaii, Canada, Rupture Area And Constraints On Earthquake Source Models
- Prediction, Time Variance, and Classification of Hydraulic Response to Recharge in Two Karst Aquifers
- Pressure-temperature history of the Brooks Range and Seward Peninsula, Alaska HP-LT units and geodynamic implications
- Progress on big data publication and documentation for machine-to-machine discovery, access, and processing
- Projection-based Model Reduction of Unconfined Groundwater Systems
- Python-Assisted MODFLOW Application and Code Development
- Quantifying Soil Carbon Change from Wildfires in Peatland Ecosystems of the Eastern United States Using Repeat LiDAR
- Quantifying groundwater exchange rates in a beach barrier lagoon using a radioisotopic tracer and geophysical methods: Younger Lagoon, Santa Cruz, CA
- Quantifying sediment distribution and channel changes following removal of the Glines Canyon Dam, Elwha River, Washington
- Quaternary hyperpycnal fans on the shelf of an active margin basin, Northern Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Radar Determination of Fiord Morphology, Bed Depths, and Ice Thickness - Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Rapid, decimeter-resolution fault zone topography mapped with Structure from Motion
- Reach-scale predictions of the transport and fate of contaminants of emerging concern using a multi-tracer injection at Fourmile Creek (Ankeny, Iowa)
- Reconciling historical and contemporary evidence of aeolian-based, gully annealing processes in Glen, Marble, and Grand Canyon, USA
- Reconstructions of Columbia River flow from winter and summer precipitation sensitive proxies in the Northwestern U.S. and implications for 21st century flow
- Reducing surface water total and methyl mercury concentrations and bioavailability using a coagulation-wetland system
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Regional downscaling of temporal resolution in near-surface wind from statistically downscaled Global Climate Models (GCMs) for use in San Francisco Bay coastal flood modeling
- Remote Sensing of the Arctic Coast of Alaska Using Airborne Lidar Data
- Remote-sensing of Riverine Environments Utilized by Spawning Pallid Sturgeon Using a Suite of Hydroacoustic Tools and High-resolution DEMs
- Repeat Photography of Alaskan Glaciers and Landscapes as Both Art and as a Means of Communicating Climat Change
- Revisions Recommended to Bulletin 17B - US National Flood Frequency Guidelines
- Rising Air and Stream-Water Temperatures in Chesapeake Bay Region, USA (Invited)
- River flow changes related to land and water management practices across the conterminous United States
- Riverine export of dissolved organic carbon to the Gulf of Maine
- Rupture Complexity of the Mw 8.3 Sea of Okhotsk Earthquake: Rapid Triggering of Complementary Earthquakes?
- S-Isotope Fractionation between Fluid and Silicate Melts
- Science For Decision-Makers: Climate Change Indicators For The North-Central California Coast And Ocean
- Sea surface temperature and salinity patterns in the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic during interglacial MIS 11c: Implications for oceanic circulation reconstruction
- Seasonally-Dynamic SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Flux Using Earth Observation Data
- Sediment Mobilization From Reservoirs Can Cause Short Term Oxygen Depletion In Downstream Receiving Waters
- Sediment Source Apportionment in Laurel Hill Creek, PA using Bayesian Chemical Mass Balance and Isotope Fingerprinting
- Sedimentary Signal Propagation and Preservation from Land to Sea
- Seismic Wave Attenuation Estimated from Tectonic Tremor and Radiated Energy in Tremor for Various Subduction Zones
- Seismic investigation of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico: Results from 2013 high-resolution 2D and multicomponent seismic surveys
- Severe Storms and California's Fragile Delta--Historical Impacts and New Monitoring Approaches
- Short-period Rayleigh wave tomography for Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes, Hawaii, from ambient seismic noise
- Shrinking Arctic Lakes are Forming New Local Permafrost, but for How Long?
- Significant 20 Year Increases in Organic Carbon Concentrations have not changed how Intra-Annual Variability is Driven by Hydrology and Seasonality across a Boreal Landscape
- Simulating the Hydrologic Effects of Climate Change in 5 Research Watersheds using a Distributed-Parameter Watershed Model
- Site effects in the city of Port au Prince (Haiti) : A combined use of spectral ratio methods and empirical Greens functions simulations
- Six large tsunamis in the past ~1700 years at Stardust Bay, Sedanka Island, Alaska
- Social.Water--Open Source Citizen Science Software for CrowdHydrology
- Spatial Variability of Snowpack Fracture Propagation Propensity at the Slope Scale
- Spatial downscaling and mapping of daily precipitation and air temperature using daily station data and monthly mean maps
- Spatial patterns in a base-flow index across the conterminous United States (Invited)
- Spatial-temporal variation of low-frequency earthquake bursts near Parkfield, CA
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Groundwater Depletion using GRACE Satellite and Modeling Approaches (Invited)
- Spring onset variability and trends in the CMIP5 archive (Invited)
- Stable isotope values in coastal sediment estimate subsidence near Girdwood during the 1964 great Alaska earthquake
- Status of Public Earthquake Early Warning in the U.S
- Stream Metabolism and Aquatic Vegetation in Agriculturally Dominated Landscapes
- Subsurface geometry of the San Andreas-Calaveras fault junction: influence of the Coast Range Ophiolite
- Superstorm Sandy-related Morphologic and Sedimentologic Changes in an Estuarine System: Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey
- Surface - Groundwater Interactions Control Egg-Incubation Temperature Regimes on the Copper River Delta, Alaska: Implications for Understanding Likely Climate Change Impacts
- Surface-Water Exchanges for Streams Entering Lakes Compared with Shoreline Exchanges in General
- Systematic Parameter Estimation of a Density-Dependent Groundwater-Flow and Solute-Transport Model
- Tackling sea ice parameter uncertainties in GCM simulations of the mid-Pliocene
- Taking advantage of HTML5 browsers to realize the concepts of session state and workflow sharing in web-tool applications
- Tales of Two Turbidity Currents Recorded in Monterey Submarine Canyon, USA
- Temperature is a potent driver of regional forest drought stress, disturbance, and tree mortality (Invited)
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- Testing exposure of a jet engine to a dilute volcanic-ash cloud
- Testing the Rapid Detection Capabilities of the Quake-Catcher Network
- The Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory Data Quality Analyzer
- The Chukchi Borderland: a Sediment-starved Rifted Continental Margin
- The Community Seismic Network and Quake-Catcher Network: Monitoring building response to earthquakes through community instrumentation
- The Department of the Interior Strategic Sciences Group and its Response to Hurricane Sandy
- The Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotation (Env-DATA) System: Linking Animal Tracks with Environmental Data
- The High Plains Groundwater Availability Study: Abundant Groundwater Doesn't Necessarily Mean Abundant Surface Water
- The Importance of Fault System Connectivity for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (Invited)
- The Importance of Removing Seismic Sensor Instrument Response
- The Mission Imperative for Sending Federal Scientists to Major Meetings: Making the Case (Invited)
- The NorWeST Stream Temperature Database, Model, and Climate Scenarios for the Northwest U.S. (Invited)
- The Northeast Climate Science Center
- The November 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma Earthquake: Induced or Triggered?
- The Pliocene Indian Ocean: A Unique Planktonic Foraminifer Distribution
- The Role of Science in Managed Aquifer Recharge--the Equus Beds aquifer near Wichita, Kansas Andrew Ziegler, Director Brian Kelly, Office Chief Michael Jacobs, Manager of Water Planning and Production Debra Ary, Engineer, Water Systems Planning (Invited)
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The San Andreas Fault 'Supersite' (Invited)
- The Search for a Paleotsunami Record in the Coastal Wetlands of Southern California: A Progress Report
- The Sediment-Fingerprinting Approach: Uncertainty and Limitations
- The dominating impact of small-scale streambed structural heterogeneity on hyporheic exchange and biogeochemical hotspots in lowland rivers
- The effect of porosity on fault slip mechanisms at East Pacific Rise transform faults: insight from observations and models at the Gofar Fault (Invited)
- The effects of particles and dissolved materials on in situ algal pigment fluorescence sensors
- The spatial relationship between aseismic and seismic slip on the San Andreas Fault near Parkfield, CA inferred from Bayesian inversion of geodetic data (Invited)
- The western limits of the Seattle and Tacoma faults and their interaction with faults of the Olympic Massif, Washington (Invited)
- Tools for Interdisciplinary Data Assimilation and Sharing in Support of Hydrologic Science
- Towards a Trawling-Affected Sediment Budget on the NW Iberian Shelf
- Transferrable Lessons about Non-Point-Source Gas Transport from the Amargosa Desert
- Two applications of the Recently Developed UZF-MT3DMS Model for Evaluating Nonpoint-Source Fluxes (Invited)
- USGS Geospatial Fabric and Geo Data Portal for Continental Scale Hydrology Simulations
- Uncertainty of streamwater solute fluxes in five contrasting headwater catchments including model uncertainty and natural variability (Invited)
- Uncertainty quantification and propagation in a complex human-environment system driven by fire and climate
- Understanding Pliocene Climate: The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (Invited)
- Understanding relations between breeding bird species and extreme weather
- Updating an equivalent porous medium karst aquifer model using the coupled continuum pipe-flow method
- Upscaling aquatic ecology: Pairing modern analytics with Big Data to simulate 2500 U.S. lakes
- Use of high-resolution imagery acquired from an unmanned aircraft system for fluvial mapping and estimating water-surface velocity in rivers
- Using High-Resolution Models to Predict the Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in the Crown of the Continent
- Using a sediment budget to understand geomorphic response following dam removal
- Using an Earthquake Simulator to Model Tremor Along a Strike Slip Fault
- Using heat as a tracer to estimate spatially distributed mean residence times in the hyporheic zone
- Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States
- Using the Averaging-Based Factorization to Assess CyberShake Hazard Models
- Using the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) to derive source parameters and the site attenuation term, kappa (κ), using aftershocks of the 2010 Darfield, New Zealand earthquake
- Variability Common to First Leaf Dates and Snowpack in the Western Conterminous United States (Invited)
- Variability of Cloud Cover and Its Relation to Spring Snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada
- Voluntary Field Data Collection for Landscape Phenology and Surface Water Essential Climate Variable Research
- Water depth-composition trends in ferromanganese crusts adjacent to the California margin compared to those in equatorial Pacific crusts
- Which mechanisms dominate the net effects of forest thinning on water yield and forest productivity in the semi-arid Santa Fe Municipal Watershed?
- dMODELS: A software package for modeling volcanic deformation
- 1,500 Year Periodicity in Central Texas Moisture Source Variability Reconstructed from Speleothems
- 3D Geometry of Fault Intersections in Central California: The Importance of Ultramafic Ophiolitic Rocks
- 3D P and S Wave Velocity Structure and Tremor Locations in the Parkfield Region
- 3D density model of the western US lithosphere: Insights on chemistry, temperature, topography, and intraplate stress
- <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th crystallization ages for the oldest domes of the Mono Craters, eastern California
- A Constructed Freshwater Wetland Shows Signs of Declining Net Ecosystem Exchange
- A High-Resolution Stalagmite Record of East-Central North America Hydroclimates during Marine Isotope Stages 3-5
- A New Object-Oriented MODFLOW Framework for Coupling Multiple Hydrologic Models
- A Numerical Simulation for Movement of Contaminated Water through a Wellbore
- A field comparison of techniques to quantify surface water - groundwater interactions
- A methodology to generate high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and surface water profile for a physical model using close range photogrammetric (CRP) technique
- A suite of R packages for web-enabled modeling and analysis of surface waters
- ARkStorm@Tahoe: Science as a foundation for discussing, recognizing and mitigating storm-disaster vulnerabilities in mountain and downstream communities
- Absolute age constraints on rapid, axial progradation of a high-relief clinoform depositional system in the Colville foreland basin, Arctic Alaska
- Advances in Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Identify the Mixing of Waters
- Advances in volcano monitoring and risk reduction in Latin America
- Aftershocks of the 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake: Detection, Location, and Focal Mechanisms
- An Ecohydrological Approach to Riparian Restoration Planning in the American Southwest
- An Investigation of Coastal Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Inputs Using Electrical Resistivity, Temperature, and Geochemical Tracer in Pescadero Lagoon, California
- Analysis and Anatomy of Several High Latitude, High Elevation Ice-Rock Avalanches
- Analysis of Inter- and Intra-individual Variation in Foraging Habits of the Endangered Hawaiian Petrel Using Stables Isotopes
- Apparent Anisotropic Diffusion of SF<SUB>6</SUB> in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone
- Applying GOES-derived fog frequency indices to water balance modeling for the Russian River Watershed, California
- Aquifer-System Characterization by Integrating Data from the Subsurface and from Space, San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
- Assessing SWOT discharge algorithms performance across a range of river types
- Assessing Wetland Methane Emission Changes in the Conterminous U.S. from 1973 to 2010
- Assessing the Factors of Regional Growth Decline of Sugar Maple
- Assessing the Fate of Nitrogen Deposition on the Colorado Plateau
- Assessing the Impacts of Land-Use Change and Ecological Restoration on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: Findings from a Regional Network of Eddy Covariance Towers
- Assessing the Nation's Brackish Groundwater Resources
- Assessing the effectiveness of winter cover crop on nitrate reduction in two-paired sub-basins on the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Assessment of changes in nutrient and sediment delivery to and carbon accumulation in coastal oceans of the Eastern United States
- Assessment of groundwater response to droughts in a complex runoff-dominated watershed by using an integrated hydrologic model
- Automatic Delineation of Sea-Cliff Limits Using Lidar-Derived High-Resolution DEMs in Southern California
- Basin-Scale Exports vs. Coastal Delivery of Carbon, Nutrients and Particulates Above and Below Arctic River Deltas
- Bedform dynamics in a large sand-bedded river using multibeam echo sounding
- Biogeochemical patchiness, geomorphic feedbacks, and flow connectivity in river-floodplain corridors
- Biologic Indicators of Seabed Methane Venting Along the US Mid-Atlantic Margin
- Broadening Students' Perspectives of STEM Disciplines by "Getting their Feet Wet" in an Ecologically Enhanced Stormwater Basin
- Building Capacity for Production of Gridded Precipitation Products in the East Africa Community
- Carbon Exports to the Gulf of Maine: Temporal Variations of Spatial Patterns from Hours to Years
- Carbon burial in lakes and reservoirs of the conterminous United States
- Carbon evasion from surface waters in Alaska
- Changes in Seasonal Precipitation Recorded by Speleothem Rock Magnetism
- Characterization of Groundwater Flow Processes in the Cedar Creek Watershed and the Cedarburg Bog in Southeastern Wisconsin
- Characterization of a 21-Story Reinforced Building in the Valley of Mexico Using MEMS Accelerometers.
- Characterizing Flow and Suspended Sediment Trends in the Sacramento River Basin, CA Using Hydrologic Simulation Program - FORTRAN (HSPF)
- Characterizing changes in streamflow under historical and current climates for the Russian River, California
- Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Big Data: A Scientific and Social Framework for Natural Resources and Environments
- Climate Change-Related Hydrologic Variation Affects Dissolved Organic Carbon Export to the Gulf of Maine
- Climate Factors Contributing to Streamflow Inputs and Extreme Water-level Deviations from Long-term Averages for Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron
- Climate and Physical Disturbance Effects on the Spectral Signatures of Biological Soil Crusts: Implications for Future Dryland Energy Balance
- Climate and flow variation revealed in tree rings of riparian cottonwood, western North Dakota, USA
- Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of Major Floods in North America and Europe
- Climatic and Grazing Controls on Biological Soil Crust Nitrogen Fixation in Semi-arid Ecosystems
- Coal-Tar-Sealcoated Parking Lots: "Hot spots" of PAHs and N-heterocycles to Urban Streams and Lakes Result in "Hot Moments" of Toxicity
- Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change: the Role of Macroclimatic Drivers along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Coastal hazards projections on the U.S. West Coast using a dynamic water level modeling approach
- Combining ESGF Data node with its complementary data services at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation
- Combining Long-Term Watershed Monitoring at Buck Creek with Spatially Extensive Ecosystem Data to Understand the Processes of Acid Rain Effects and Recovery
- Connections Among Terrestrial Sources of Organic and Inorganic Carbon and Surface Waters in a Permafrost- and Wildfire-Impacted Headwater Catchment, Alaska
- Constraining the Fore-Arc Flux Along the Central America Margin
- Cost-Effective Fuel Treatment Planning
- Cross-borehole ERT monitoring of a tracer injection into chlorinated-solvent contaminated fractured mudstone
- Cumulative Significance of Hyporheic Exchange and Biogeochemical Processing in River Networks
- Dam Breach Release of Non-Cohesive Sediments: Channel Response and Recovery Rates
- Data System Architectures: Recent Experiences from Data Intensive Projects
- Decadal-Scale Increases in Dissolved Carbon Flux from the Western Canadian Arctic to the Arctic Ocean
- Defining and Identifying Functional Habitat to Inform Species Recovery on a Large Regulated River
- Determining the Hydrological Importance of Coastal Fog in Northern California Using Stable Isotopes of Water
- Developing a Small-Scale De-Fluoridation Filter for Use in Rural Northern Ghana with Activated Alumina As the Sorbent
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Diagramming Scientific Papers - A New Idea for Understanding/Teaching/Sharing Science
- Differentiating Tectonic and Anthropogenic Earthquakes in the Greater Los Angeles Basin, Southern California
- DigitalCrust - a 4D Framework to Organize Our Knowledge of Crustal Properties
- Directional landscape connectivity as a predictor of water and material fluxes and indicator of system dynamics in both aquatic and terrestrial landscapes
- Diversity of recent tsunami impact, sedimentary record, and hazards from local to distal environments.
- Do Small Mammals and Vegetation Metacommunity Dynamics Determine the Extent and Pattern of Treeline in the High Elevation Zone of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range?
- Documenting 35 Years of Land Cover Change: Lago Cachet Dos Drainage, Chile
- Drought sensitivities of dominant plant functional types in the Colorado Plateau
- Dryland Precipitation Variability and Desertification Processes: An Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Rain Variability within the Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Earthquake Hazard When the Rate Is Non-Stationary: The Challenge of the U. S. Midcontinent
- Ecohydrology: no future without a past
- Ecophysiological responses of three dominant species to experimental drought on the Colorado Plateau
- Ecosystems Vulnerability Challenge and Prize Competition
- Effects of Land Use and Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from a Recent National Assessment
- Effects of Timber Harvest on Mercury Cycling in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Enabling innovative research by supporting the life cycle of high frequency streaming sensor data in the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON)
- Enhancing Floodplain Management in the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Vegetation and Water Cycle Satellite Observations
- Estimating Model Probabilities using Thermodynamic Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Estimation of Hydraulic Properties Influencing Recharge and Contaminant Transport through Complex Vadose Zones by Analyzing Perched Water Data from the 1994 Large-Scale Infiltration Test at the Idaho National Laboratory
- Eulerian and Lagrangian Measurements of Water Flow and Residence Time in a Fringing Coral Reef Embayment
- Evaluating Investment in Missouri River Restoration: The Missouri River Effects Analysis
- Evaluating Wetland Mapping Techniques for New Brunswick Using Landsat-5 TM, ALOS-Palsar and Radarsat-2 Dual-Polarized Images
- Evaluating changes in water quality with respect to nonpoint source nutrient management strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Evaluating the Influence of Precipitation, Temperature, and Soil Moisture on Upper Colorado River Basin Streamflow and Drought
- Evaluation of Potential Evapotranspiration from a Hydrologic Model on a National Scale
- Evaluation, Calibration and Comparison of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) National Hydrologic Model (NHM) Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Gridded Datasets
- Evidence of Coseismic Subsidence Along the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone During the Late Holocene
- Evolution of Fine-Grained Channel Margin Deposits behind Large Woody Debris in an Experimental Gravel-Bed Flume
- Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum
- Exposing USGS sample collections for broader discovery and access: collaboration between ScienceBase, IEDA:SESAR, and Paleobiology Database
- FAMOUS transient climate simulations compared to PRISM4 SST time-series between 3.3 and 3.2 Ma
- Factors in Rapid Coastal Retreat: Comparing Two New Datasets for Alaska's Arctic Coast
- Feasibility of Twitter Based Earthquake Characterization From Analysis of 32 Million Tweets: There's Got to be a Pony in Here Somewhere!
- Feedback of land subsidence on the movement and conjunctive use of water resources
- Fen to bog transitions in high latitudes: what conditions lead to permafrost aggradation?
- Fens As Ecohydrologic Gauges of Climate Change in California
- Fitting Three- and Four-Parameter Probability Distributions to Daily Streamflow
- Five years on: Revisiting GSN data quality
- Flood Induced Increases in Aeolian Transport Along the Missouri River
- Flood-Derived Sand Lobes on the Shelf of the Northern Santa Barbara Channel, Southern California
- Fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane from diverse aquatic environments in an agricultural landscape
- From GCM Output to Local Hydrologic and Ecological Impacts: Integrating Climate Change Projections into Conservation Lands
- Fully-Integrated Simulation of Conjunctive Use from Field to Basin Scales: Development of a Surface Water Operations Module for MODFLOW-OWHM
- Fully-automated estimation of actual to potential evapotranspiration in the Everglades using Landsat and air temperature data as inputs to the Vegetation Index-Temperature Trapezoid method
- Geology of Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Oregon, USA
- Geometry of the San Andreas Fault and Sedimentary Basin in the Northern Salton Trough
- Geophysical Investigation of the Offshore Section of the Northern San Andreas Fault: Fault Zone Geometries, Shallow Deformation Patterns, and Holocene Sediment Distribution
- Geospatial Hydrochemical and Microbiological Implications on the Occurrence of Crude Oil Biodegradation and Methanogenesis
- Geostatistical Analysis of Tritium, <SUP>3</SUP>H/<SUP>3</SUP>He Age and Noble Gas Derived Parameters in California Groundwater
- Global patterns in lake surface temperature trends
- Ground Deformation Mapping of Houston-Galveston, Texas Using InSAR Time-Series Analysis
- Ground Motion Attenuation and Shear-Wave Splitting Analyses for the November 2011 M5.7 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Ground Motion Site Effects from Multi-Method Shear-Wave Velocity Characterization at Seismograph Stations Deployed for Aftershocks of the August 2011 Mineral, Virginia, Earthquake
- Groundwater level response in U.S. Principal Aquifers to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Groundwater-Level Altitudes and Changes and Measured Compaction of Fine-Grained Sediments by Borehole Extensometers in the Gulf Coast Aquifer System; 1977-2013
- Heat and Groundwater Flow through Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Insights Gained from Alternative Models of Permeability/Depth Relationships for the Columbia Plateau, USA
- Heat tracing as a tool for locating and quantifying hydrological hot spots and hot moments that impact surface water and groundwater quality
- High Resolution Integrated Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resource Management: Tahoe Basin Case Study
- High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing of the 2013-2014 Eruption of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia
- High-Speed Limnology: A Sensor Platform for Investigating Processes and Spatial Variability in Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Holocene climatic and hydrological changes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada
- Hydrogeologic Controls on Water Dynamics in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Lake-Rich Landscape
- Hydrologic Connectivity Estimated throughout the Nation's River Corridors
- Hydrologic Controls over Water Use in a Forested Floodplain Wetland
- Hydrological Disturbances Caused By Explosive Volcanic Eruptions
- Identifying dissolved organic carbon sources at a gaged headwater catchment using FDOM sensors
- Identifying hydrologic vulnerabilities to permafrost change and the effects on carbon transport to aquatic systems
- Impact of Unconventional Shale Gas Waste Water Disposal on Surficial Streams
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Improved Algorithms for Blending Dam Releases to Meet Downstream Water-Temperature Targets in the CE-QUAL-W2 Water-Quality Model
- Improved Rainfall Estimates and Predictions for 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought Early Warning
- Improving Groundwater Data Interoperability: Results of the Second OGC Groundwater Interoperability Experiment
- Improving Tsunami Hazard Assessment: Lessons from Deposits from Seven Modern Tsunamis
- Improving USGS National Hydrologic Model Parameterization with Satellite-Based Phenology Products
- Improving government decision making in response to floods using soil moisture observations from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data
- In Forests Globally, Large Trees Suffer Most during Drought
- Increased Understanding of Watershed Dynamics through the Addition of Stream and Groundwater Temperature Monitoring at USGS Groundwater Streamgages
- Increasing Northern Hemisphere Water Deficit
- Increasing Warning Times for the Onsite Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm
- Indium Sorption to Iron Oxides
- Induced Seismicity Monitoring at the Decatur, IL, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Demonstration Site
- Induced Seismicity: Balancing the Scientific Process With the Need for Rapid Communication of Evolving Seismic Hazards
- Inferring relative tsunami magnitudes from inverse and forward sediment transport modeling of tsunami deposits in the Eastern Aleutian Islands.
- Influence of combined waves and currents on bedform orientation and evolution
- Integrating the science and socio-economics of resilience along the Northeastern coast
- Interactions among forest age, valley and channel morphology, and log jams regulate animal production in mountain streams
- Judicious use of custom development in an open source component architecture
- Key stream/sediment exchanges of water and heat near stream mouths
- Lack of Evidence for Pervasive DOC Concentration Increases in the Mississippi River Basin
- Land-Use Impacts on the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle: An Integrative Tool for Resource Assessment and Planning
- Landslide Mobility and Hazards: A Geophysical Overview of the Oso Disaster
- Large-Scale Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: River Channel and Floodplain Geomorphic Change
- Late Holocene Environmental History of the Los Osos Watershed, Morro Bay, CA
- Late Holocene Hydrologic Variability Reconstruction of the Coastal Southwestern United States Using Lake Sediments from Crystal Lake, CA
- Leaf Wax n-Alkane Distributions and Stable Isotope Ratios, Paleovegetation, and Dust Flux to Reconstruct North Pacific Climate During the Late Holocene
- Linking Statistically- and Physically-Based Models for Improved Streamflow Simulation in Gaged and Ungaged Areas
- Longitudinal dam interactions control channel morphology: The impacts of the Garrison and Oahe Dams on the Upper Missouri River
- Magmatic responses to Late Cretaceous through Oligocene tectonic evolution of the western Alaska Range
- Making Sense of Sensors: Stream Carbon Flux Determination at the Five USGS WEBB Watersheds
- Management of Water for Unconventional Oil and Gas Operations Enhanced with the Expanded U.S.Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Mangrove forests: a potent nexus of coastal biogeochemical cycling
- Mapping Mantle Mixing and the Extent of Superplume Influence Using He-Ne-Ar-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-N<SUB>2</SUB> Isotopes: The Case of the East Africa Rift System
- Mapping permafrost with airborne electromagnetics
- Matching scale to processes in stream DOM biogeochemistry
- Mercury Speciation and Trophic Magnification Slopes in Giant Salamander Larvae from the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Mercury and Methylmercury Distributions Along a Longitudinal Transect of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Mercury and methylmercury related to historical mercury mining in three tributaries to Lake Berryessa, Putah Creek Watershed, California
- Mercury in the mix: An in situ mesocosm approach to assess relative contributions of mercury sources to methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Mineral chemistry and U-series geochronology reveal timescales of differentiation for late Pleistocene peraluminous rhyolite erupted from Hayes Volcano, Alaska
- Mixing controls on nitrogen and oxygen concentrations and the relationship to mean residence time in a hyporheic zone of a riffle-pool sequence.
- Mobile Phone Based Participatory Sensing in Hydrology
- Modeled and Observed Transitions Between Rip Currents and Alongshore Flows
- Modeled changes in extreme wave climates in the Pacific Ocean during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century and implications for low-lying U.S. and U.S.-affiliated atoll islands
- Modeling Sandbar Morphodynamic Response to River Hydrographs: An Empirical Approach Using Landsat TM Imagery
- Modeling coupled avulsion and earthquake timescale dynamics
- Monthly Water Balance Model Portal for the United States
- Multi-Ecosystem Assessment of Mercury Bioaccumulation in Fishes: Habitat, Landscape, and Biogeochemical Drivers of Fish Mercury
- Multi-decadal forcing of precipitation along the southeastern USA during the late Holocene
- Multi-site Field Verification of Laboratory Derived FDOM Sensor Corrections: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Multivariate Analysis of Laboratory and in Situ Optical Measurements to Investigate Dom Dynamics in a Tidal Wetland
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission Concept
- National Assessment of Floodplain Connectivity
- National Geospatial Data Asset Lifecycle Baseline Maturity Assessment for the Federal Geographic Data Committee
- Near-field Oblique Remote Sensing of Stream Water-surface Elevation, Slope, and Surface Velocity
- Nitrate Sources and Transport in the Upper Illinois River Basin Evaluated with Stable Isotope Ratios and SWAT Modeling
- Nitrous Oxide: A Greenhouse Gas That is Also an Ozone Layer Depleting Gas
- Noble Gas Signatures in Groundwater and Rainwater on the Island of Maui, Hawaii - Developing a New Noble Gas Application in Fractured, Volcanic Systems
- North East Water Resources Network (NEWRnet): A real-time water quality sensor network to study impacts of climate variability for Delaware, Rhode Island and Vermont
- Northern Hemisphere sea-ice cover during the Holocene - proxy data reconstruction and modelling
- Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Conditions in a Coastal Aquifer, Southern California, USA
- Observations of the Changing Spatial Patterns of Post-Wildfire Erosion and Deposition Using Terrestrial LIDAR
- Observing Nutrient Dynamics in Streams Draining Varied Land Uses Using In Situ Optical Sensors
- Offset of Latest Pleistocene Shoreface Reveals Slip Rate on the Hosgri Strike-Slip Fault, Offshore Central California
- Old data, New tricks: New insights into the Stillwater Complex
- Online, On Demand Access to Coastal Digital Elevation Models
- Open climate data and services to serve landscape modeling and decision making at the USGS: Past, present and future.
- Optical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Maine Rivers
- Orbital-Scale Cyclostratigraphy and Ice Volume Fluctuations from Arctic Ocean Sediments
- Organic Compounds Complexify Transport in the Amargosa Desert—The Case for Phytotritiation
- Organic Substances from Unconventional Oil and Gas Production in Shale
- Paleo-perspectives on the "velocity" and magnitude of future climate changes
- Palynology, geochemistry and Re-Os age of the Lower-Middle Pennsylvanian stage boundary, central Appalachian basin, USA
- Pavement Sealcoat, PAHs, and Water Quality of Urban Water Bodies: An Overview
- Pedestrian Evacuation Analysis for Tsunami Hazards
- Physical drivers of lake evaporation across a gradient of climate and lake types
- Physiological limitation at alpine treeline: relationships of threshold responses of conifers to their establishment patterns
- Pollen and palynofacies analyses of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum sediments from the North American continental shelf
- Post-Fire Debris-Flow Hazard Assessments at the U.S. Geological Survey - Recent Advances and Future Directions
- Practical Modeling of Flow Connectivity in Intermittently Flowing Wetlands and Streams
- Predicting Redox Conditions in Groundwater Using Statistical Techniques: Implications for Nitrate Transport in Groundwater and Streams
- Predicting watershed sediment yields after wildland fire with the InVEST sediment retention model at large geographic extent in the western USA: accuracy and uncertainties
- Preserving Our Homeland: A Collaboration to Connect Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Mashpee Wampanoag Youth
- Processes Controlling Temporal Changes in Agriculturally-Affected Groundwater
- Projected Future Climate Analogues and Climate "Velocities" in North America
- Python tools for rapid development, calibration, and analysis of generalized groundwater-flow models
- Quantifying Hydraulic Properties and Connections Between Structural Blocks at Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site
- Quantifying the Source and in-Stream Gain/Loss of Nitrate Using Continuously-Collected Water Quality Data
- Quantifying the role of climate variability on extreme total water level impacts: An application of a full simulation model to Ocean Beach, California
- Quaternary Sea-Level History from the US Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Radar remote sensing for levee health assessment in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Rapid warming of the world's lakes: Interdecadal variability and long-term trends from 1910-2009 using in situ and remotely sensed data
- Real-Time Monitoring to Assess Temporal Changes in Groundwater Quality
- Recent Experience Using Active Love Wave Techniques to Characterize Seismographic Station Sites
- Recent Fault Activity in the 1886 Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake Epicentral Area and its Relation to Buried Structures
- Recent Forest Disturbance History in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Reconstructed using Remote Sensing and Management Record
- Recent and Future Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change in the United States and Its Impact on Climate Forcing
- Recent and Late Holocene Alaskan Lake Changes Identified from Water Isotopes
- Reconciling Changes to the Geologic Time Scale, in the U.S. Geologic Names Lexicon
- Reconstructing Tsunami Flow Speed from Sedimentary Deposits
- Recruitment of subalpine tree populations sensitive to warming within and above current altitudinal range
- Reduced Well Yields Caused by Hydraulic Head Declines and Associated Inelastic Aquifer Compression
- Remobilization Rates and Cumulative Contributions of Floodplains and Legacy Sediments from Piedmont Tributaries
- Remote sensing of water quality and contaminants in the California Bay-Delta
- Resampling Gaged Networks to Provide Uncertainty Estimates for Daily Streamflow Predictions in Ungaged Basins
- Results from the NASA-ISRO SAR Mission Applications Workshop: Linking Mission Goals to Societal Benefit
- Roles of the Mendocino Transform, Vizcaino Block, and Onshore King Range Terrane in Evolution of the Northern San Andreas Fault System and Its Associated Slab Windows
- Sedimentary Response of AN Ephemeral Lake during Deglacial and Holocene Climate Evolution, Swan Lake, Southeast Idaho.
- Seismic Monitoring at the Decatur, IL, Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Site
- Seismic Velocity and Thickness of Sediments Beneath the Aleutian Basin, Bering Sea
- Semi-analytical model of cross-borehole flow experiments for fractured medium characterization
- Sensitivity of Stream Methyl Hg Concentrations to Environmental Change in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, USA
- Sensitivity of intermittent streams to climate variations in the western United States
- Sewage Contamination under Different Storm and Hydrologic Conditions in Three Urban Waterways
- Shift of thermokarst lakes from methane source to climate-cooling carbon sink
- Simply active, or contributing too? Investigating the hydrologic connectivity of shallow water tables in a headwater catchment.
- Simulation of Tremor and Slow Slip Earthquakes Along a Strike-Slip Fault
- Siphateles (Gila) sp. and Catostomus sp. from the Pleistocene OIS-6 Lake Gale, Panamint Valley, Owens River system, California
- Solid-Phase Speciation of Arsenic As the Primary Control on Dissolved As Concentrations in a Glacial Aquifer System: Quantifying Speciation of Arsenic in Glacial Aquifer Solids with μXAS Mapping.
- Sources and Movement of Saline Groundwater in a Coastal Aquifer, Southern California, USA
- Sources of fine-grained sediment to streams using fallout radionuclides in the Midwestern United States
- Submarine groundwater discharge is an important source of REEs to the coastal ocean
- Surface slip associated with the 2014 South Napa, California earthquake measured on alinement arrays
- Surface-Water to Groundwater Transport of Pharmaceuticals in a Wastewater-Impacted Stream in the U.S.
- Swell-generated Set-up and Infragravity Wave Propagation Over a Fringing Coral Reef: Implications for Wave-driven Inundation of Atoll Islands
- Synthetic testing of the Pacific Northwest earthquake early warning system
- Teaching an Old Client New Tricks - the GloVIS Global Visualization Viewer after 14 Years
- Temporal Changes in S-Wave Velocity at Different Depths Near Parkfield, CA
- Temporally Variable Land Cover Parameterizations for the USGS National Hydrologic Model
- Testing the hydrologic utility of geologic frameworks for extrapolating hydraulic properties across large scales
- The Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) Dataset: Quasi-Global Precipitation Estimates for Drought Monitoring and Trend Analysis
- The Dynamics of Mercury Speciation and Transport at a Central California Coastal Lagoon
- The Dynamics of the Post-Caldera Magmatic System at Yellowstone: Insights from Age, Trace Element, and Isotopic Data of Zircon and Sanidine
- The Effects of Biodegradation and Photodegradation on DOM Optical Properties: Controlled Laboratory Study Using Plant, Soil and Algal Leachates
- The Importance of Permafrost Thaw, Fire and Logging Disturbances as Driving Factors of Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Alaskan Ecosystems
- The Influences of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter in the Gulf of Maine
- The Interaction between Logjams, Channel Evolution, and Sports Fisheries on a Dam Regulated Low Gradient River.
- The New Online Metadata Editor for Generating Structured Metadata
- The PlioMIP and PRISM Projects: Mid- and High-Latitude Warmth during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- The Role of Altered Landscapes in the Disaster Lifecycle
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: from Publication to Implementation
- The U.S. Geological Survey's Sediment-bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy: A Tiered Multi-metric Approach to Environmental Health and Hazards in the Northeastern USA
- The USGS National Climate Change Viewer: a model visualization web application
- The Use of CHIRPS to Analyze Historical Rainfall in Colombia
- The dependence structure of daily hydrological processes
- The role of lake physical characteristics in shaping the net surface energy budget of a lake: from local to global
- Transverse and Longitudinal Streambed Flux and Nitrate Removal in an Agricultural Stream Reach
- Tree responses to hummock hydrology in a forested coastal swamp
- USGS Science Data Catalog - Open Data Advances or Declines
- Understanding Carbon Storage in Permafrost Peatlands: Examples from Thermokarst Landscapes in Interior Alaska
- Understanding connectivity of meandering streams and shallow aquifers: Lessons learned from an observational study in northern New Mexico
- Unmixing <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Muscovite Ages Using Powder X-ray Diffraction
- Updated Guidelines for ANSS Instruments
- Usability Analysis within The DataONE Network of Collaborators
- Use of Digital Image Technology to 'Clearly' Depict Global Change
- Use of Fixed-Film Bioreactors, in Situ Microcosms, and Molecular Biological Analyses to Evaluate Bioremediation of Chlorinated Benzenes By Indigenous Bacteria and a Bioaugmented Dechlorinating Consortium
- Use of MODIS Data in Dynamic SPARROW Analysis of Watershed Loading Reductions
- Use of Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season to Assess Effectiveness of Agricultural and Environmental Best Management Practices in California and Nevada, USA
- Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Map the Bedrock Morphology of Bering Glacier, Alaska
- Using Gridded Snow Covered Area and Snow-Water Equivalence Spatial Data Sets to Improve Snow-Pack Depletion Simulation in a Continental Scale Hydrologic Model
- Using Halogens (Cl, Br, F, I) and Stable Isotopes of Water (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) to Trace Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes in Prairie Wetlands
- Using Paleoseismic Trenching and LiDAR Analysis to Evaluate Rupture Propagation Through Segment Boundaries of the Central Wasatch Fault Zone, Utah
- Using Satellite Imagery from the International Charter to Support Disaster Response Management
- Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrogeologic Framework to Investigate Potential Sources of Water Springs in the Death Valley Regional Groundwater Flow System
- Using an Integrated Surface Water - Groundwater Flow Model for Evaluating the Hydrologic Impacts of Historic and Potential Future Dry Periods on Simulated Water Budgets in the Santa Rosa Plain Watershed, Northern California, USA
- Using electrical conductivity to monitor geothermal solute flux in major rivers of Yellowstone National Park
- Using tsunami deposits to validate inundation modeling at Sedanka Island: Revealing clues about great earthquakes in the Unalaska seismic gap.
- Variability and Hysteresis in Streamwater Dissolved Organic Carbon during Hydrologic Events and its Implications on Hydrologic Flow Paths at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Variability of the internal tide on the southern Monterey Bay continental shelf and associated bottom boundary layer sediment transport
- Vegetation Response and Streamflow Anomalies: Exploring the Modulating Effect of Watershed Storage as Estimated by a Regionalized Stream Recession Index
- Vertical deformation along the Indio Hills, San Andreas Fault, California
- Water Resources Risks and the Climate Resilience Toolkit: Tools, Case Studies, and Partnerships
- Where and why hyporheic exchange is important: Inferences from a parsimonious, physically-based river network model
- Wildfire Risk Management: Challenges and Opportunities
- Wildfires and storms: Increased vulnerability of water quality in the southwestern U.S. in the face of climate change
- 2015 USGS Seismic Hazard Model for Induced Seismicity
- 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Northern hemisphere jet stream variability
- 3D Geologic Model of the San Diego Area
- 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Northwest Santa Barbara Channel and Implications for Submarine Landslide Generation
- 3D insight into fault geometries, deformation, and fluid-migration within the Hosgri Fault Zone offshore central California: Results from high-resolution 3D seismic data
- A 13,500 Year Record of Holocene Climate, Fire and Vegetation from Swan Lake, Idaho, USA
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Centroid Model of Species Distribution to Analyize Multi-directional Climate Change Finger Print in Avian Distribution in North America
- A Classification of Recent Widespread Tree Mortality in the Western US
- A Combined Approach to Model Reduction for Nonlinear Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulations Using POD and DEIM.
- A Hybrid, Parallel Krylov Solver for MODFLOW using Schwarz Domain Decomposition
- A Hydraulic Tomography Experiment in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks, Newark Basin, New Jersey, USA
- A Local Index of Cloud Immersion in Tropical Forests Using Time-Lapse Photography
- A Millennial-Scale Record of Mercury and Lead Contamination in Peatlands of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California
- A New Microbial Player on the Iron Redox Court of Shallow-Water Hydrothermal Vents
- A New Model of Orbital Pacing for Pliocene Glaciations
- A Physical Explanation for the Development of Redox Microzones at Stream-Groundwater Interfaces
- A Regional Strategy for the Assessment and Management of Transboundary Aquifer Systems in the Americas
- A Satellite-Based Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Vegetation Index-Temperature Trapezoid Concept: A Case Study in Southern Florida, U.S.A.
- A Stochastic Model For Extracting Sediment Delivery Timescales From Sediment Budgets
- A Synthesis of Characteristics of Submarine Landslides Generated by the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake in Six Fjords
- A century of vegetation instability and resilience on the Colorado Plateau
- A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water
- A field method to quantify exchange with less-mobile porosity in streambeds using electrical hysteresis
- A simple method for detection of changes in relations between solute concentration and stream discharge
- Accounting for Long Term Sediment Storage in a Watershed Scale Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Routing
- Acidic Deposition along the Appalachian Trail Corridor and its Effects on Acid-Sensitive Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources
- Actionable Science Lessons Emerging from the Department of Interior Climate Science Center Network
- Age Dating Fluvial Sediment Storage Reservoirs to Construct Sediment Waiting Time Distributions
- Agent-based Modeling with MATSim for Hazards Evacuation Planning
- An Induced Infiltration and Groundwater Transfer Project to Enhance Recharge in the Lower Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer: Modeling and Analysis
- An Infiltration Perspective on the Hydrologic Legacies of Landscape Disturbance by Wildfire
- An Ocean Acidification Pulse in the Pre-onset Carbon Isotope Excursion Preceding the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- An investigation of upland erosion and sources of fine-sediment using aerial and terrestrial LiDAR, mineralogy, geochemistry, and particle-size, Humbug Creek and Malakoff Diggings State Historic Park, California
- Analysis of Infrequent (Quasi-Decadal) Large Groundwater Recharge Events: A Case Study for Northern Utah, United States
- Annual net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide and methane from a temperate brackish marsh: should the focus of marsh restoration be on brackish environments?
- Annual regression-based estimates of evapotranspiration for the contiguous United States based on climate, remote sensing, and stream gage data
- Application of Alignment Methodologies to Spatial Ontologies in the Hydro Domain
- Application of a "Semi-Structured" Approach with MODFLOW-USG to Inform Metamodels of Stream Depletion for Decision-Support
- Are stream stabilization projects reducing suspended sediment concentrations and turbidity in the New York City Water Supply Watershed?
- Assessing Coastal Aquifer Response to Projected Sea Level Rise in California
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage using GRACE Satellites and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessing Geomorphic and Vegetative Responses to Environmental Flows in the Willamette River Basin
- Assessing and Synthesizing the Last Decade of Research on the Major Pools and Fluxes of the Carbon Cycle in the US and North America: An Interagency Governmental Perspective
- Assessing the Sources and Age of Fine-grained Channel and Suspended Sediment using Radionuclides
- Atmospheric effects on variability and seasonality of groundwater levels in the Eastern U.S.
- Balanced Sediment Fluxes in Southern California's Mediterranean-climate Zone Salt Marshes
- Baseline Hydrothermal Monitoring Data from Cascade Range Volcanoes
- Biodegradability of dissolved and particulate organic matter in tributaries of contrasting land-use in the Upper Mississippi River
- Biotic Nitrogen Enrichment Regulates Calcium Sources to Forests
- Borehole Magnetostratigraphy of Sediments in a U.S. Geological Survey Multiple-Completion Well, San Diego County, California
- Brokering access to massive climate and landscape data via web services: observations and lessons learned after five years of the Geo Data Portal project.
- Building a Data Science capability for USGS water research and communication
- Building continental-scale 3D subsurface layers in the Digital Crust project: constrained interpolation and uncertainty estimation.
- California Sea Cliff Metrics: Mapping and Validation
- Can We Mitigate Climate Extremes using Managed Aquifer Recharge: Case Studies California Central Valley and South-Central Arizona, USA
- Cessation of the 2004-2008 Dome-Building Eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Challenges to Applying a Metamodel for Groundwater Flow Beyond Underlying Numerical Model Boundaries
- Changes in Center Time of Spring Discharge and Precipitation in Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 1927-2012
- Changing Station Coverage in the Upper Colorado River Basin: Is This a Problem?
- Characterization of Physical Controls on Stream Base-flow and the Flux of Surface Water and Groundwater Using Multivariate Analysis in the Northern Great Plains
- Characterization of Seasonally Dependent Emergent Vegetation Variables for Coastal Impact Models
- Characterization of the 2015 M4.0 Venus, Texas, Earthquake Sequence Using Locally Recorded Seismic Data
- Characterizing Geology and Mineralization at High Latitudes in Alaska Using Airborne and Field-Based Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Characterizing Land-cover Changes Since 1650 in the Southeastern United States for Application to Regional Climate Modeling
- Characterizing hydrologic changes of Great Dismal Swamp using SAR/InSAR technology
- Classifying the Sizes of Explosive Eruptions using Tephra Deposits: The Advantages of a Numerical Inversion Approach
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Climate, karst, and critters—A multidisciplinary evaluation of karst species vulnerability to climate change
- Closing the North American Carbon Budget: Continental Margin Fluxes Matter!
- Coastal fog frequency and watershed recharge metrics for coho salmon conservation recovery
- Coastal marsh response to rising sea levels in the Grand Bay, MS estuary
- Collaborations for Building Tribal Resiliency to Climate Change
- Combining Push Pull Tracer Tests and Microbial DNA and mRNA Analysis to Assess In-Situ Groundwater Nitrate Transformations
- Community-Supported Data Repositories in Paleobiology: A 'Middle Tail' Between the Geoscientific and Informatics Communities
- Comparing Siliceous Productivity Proxies Along the California Margin During Pliocene Warmth: Smear Slides vs. Biogenic Silica
- Comparing Stream DOC Fluxes from Sensor- and Sample-Based Approaches
- Comparison of Mercury Mass Loading in Streams to Wet and Dry Atmospheric Deposition in Watersheds of the Western US: Evidence for Non-Atmospheric Mercury Sources
- Comparison of Tsunami Deposits Surveyed in 2010 and 2015 From the 2010 Maule Earthquake and Tsunami in South-Central Chile.
- Computing Real-time Streamflow Using Emerging Technologies: Non-contact Radars and the Probability Concept
- Consequences of scale of flow field observation on apparent energy expenditure and habitat selection by juvenile coho
- Continuous Ship-borne Methane Measurements on the Upper Mississippi River and Selected Tributaries
- Contrasting dissolved organic carbon dynamics at two forested catchments interpreted from high-frequency optical sensor measurements
- Controls on the fore-arc CO2 flux along the Central America margin
- Cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be Chronologies of Moraines and Glacially Scoured Bedrock in the Teton Range, with Implications for Paleoclimatic Events and Tectonic Activity
- Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data: Lessons Learned from the Quake-Catcher Network
- Crustal Thickness Across Alaska via Ps Receiver Functions and Gravity Data and Comparison to Lithospheric Structure
- DCShake: Measuring Variations in Earthquake Ground Motions in Washington, DC
- Decreasing Methylmercury Export from a Managed Wetland: A Landscape Manipulation Experiment
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed
- Delta Morphodynamics from River Sediment Input: Dam Removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA.
- Demonstration of a Groundwater Age Determination Using <SUP>39</SUP>Ar in Support of a Multi-Tracer Groundwater Analysis of Wells in Fresno, CA
- Dendrochronological assessment of drought severity indices for Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Designing Flood Management Systems for Joint Economic and Ecological Robustness
- Development and Dissemination of a Nationwide Helium Database for a National Assessment of Helium Resources.
- Development of Groundwater Modeling Capacity in Mongolia: Keys to Success
- Development of Scientific Tools at the USGS to Prepare for Ash-Producing Eruptions
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Digital Crust: Information architecture for heterogeneous data integration
- Discriminating Between Induced vs. Tectonic Seismicity From Long-Term History of Fault Behavior in Intraplate Regions
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics Along Terrestrial-aquatic Flowpaths in a Catchment Dominated by Sandy Soils
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Rivers of the Conterminous United States: Influence of Terrestrial - Aquatic Linkages
- Do Interspecific Differences in the Stable Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of n-Alkanes Reflect Variation in Plant Water Sources or in Biosynthetic Fractionation?
- Downstream Channel Change and Bed-material Transport along the North Fork Stillaguamish River Following the March 22, 2014 SR530 Landslide, Northwestern Washington, USA
- Drought, Land-Use Change, and Water Availability in California's Central Valley
- Drought-induced Changes in Dryland Soil Biogeochemical Cycles
- Dryland feedbacks to climatic change: Results from a climate manipulation experiment on the Colorado Plateau
- Ecoregion Framework Facilitating Synthesis and Up-scaling of Tower CO2 Exchange Measurements
- Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
- Ecosystem response to multiple drought events: the role of legacy effects
- Effective Climate Refugia for Cold-water Fishes
- Effectively Communicating Information about Dynamically Changing Arctic Sea Ice to the Public through the Global Fiducials Program
- Effects of Coarse Legacy Sediment on Rivers of the Ozark Plateaus and Implications for Native Mussel Fauna
- Effects of Land-Use Change and Managed Aquifer Recharge on Geochemical Reactions with Implications for Groundwater Quantity and Quality in Atoll Island Aquifers, Roi-Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Effects of Reservoir Filling on Sediment and Nutrient Removal in the Lower Susquehanna River Reservoir: An Input-Output Analysis Based on Long-Term Monitoring
- Employing 2D Forward Modeling of Gravity and Magnetic Data to Further Constrain the Magnitude of Extension Recorded by the Caetano Caldera, Nevada
- Enhancing Public Participation to Improve Natural Resources Science and its Use in Decision Making
- Enhancing introductory hydrology curriculum by integrating perspectives from multi-disciplinary graduate fields of study
- Erosion Characteristics and Horizontal Variability for Small Erosion Depths in the Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta, California, USA
- Eruption Forecasting in Alaska: A Retrospective and Test of the Distal VT Model
- Estimating Ecosystem Carbon Stock Change in the Conterminous United States from 1971 to 2010
- Estimating Non-stationary Flood Risk in a Changing Climate
- Estimating Riverine Air-Water Gas Exchange and Metabolism from Long Oxygen Time Series
- Evaluating North America Paleoclimate Simulations for 6 ka and 21 ka Using a Combination of Observed Paleovegetation Data and Process-Based Vegetation Model Simulations
- Evaluating inverse models for reconstructing flow speed from sandy tsunami deposits
- Evaluating petrophysical relationships in fractured rock using geophysical measurements
- Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Water Supplies and Operations: How Important are Feedbacks between Groundwater and Surface Water Use and Management?
- Evaluation of Soil Moisture, Storm Characteristics, and Their Influence on Storm Runoff and Water Yield at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Evaluation of the effects of sea-level change and coastal canal management on saltwater intrusion in the Biscayne aquifer of south Florida, USA
- Evapotranspiration estimation in heterogeneous urban vegetation
- Evolution of Surface Water Conditions in the Gulf of California During the Past 2000 years: Implications for the North American Monsoon
- Evolving hydrologic connectivity in discontinuous permafrost lowlands: what it means for lake systems
- Examining a Half Century of Northwestern North American Glacier Behavior
- Exhumation of Metamorphic rocks during the Taiwan Orogeny: A Study on the Soufeng Fault
- Explaining Variations in Streamflow Recession Rate Using Observations of Subcatchment-Scale Heterogeneity in Flow Contribution
- Exploring Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheet Variability in the Pliocene using Ice Rafted Debris Records and Iceberg Trajectory Modelling
- Factors Affecting Source-Water Quality after Disturbance of Forests by Wildfire
- Field, Laboratory and Imaging spectroscopic Analysis of Landslide, Debris Flow and Flood Hazards in Lacustrine, Aeolian and Alluvial Fan Deposits Surrounding the Salton Sea, Southern California
- Fluid-Faulting Interactions Examined Though Massive Waveform-Based Analyses of Earthquake Swarms in Volcanic and Tectonic Settings: Mammoth Mountain, Long Valley, Lassen, and Fillmore, California Swarms, 2014-2015
- Forecasting the Beginning, Middle, and End of Eruptions
- From carbon numbers to ecosystem services: usable results comparing natural versus managed lands
- From mountains to the ocean: quantifying connectivity along the river corridor
- GLASS 2.0: An Operational, Multimodal, Bayesian Earthquake Data Association Engine
- Generating relevant climate adaptation science tools in concert with local natural resource agencies
- Geochemical Legacies and the Future Health of Cities: An Analysis of two Neurotoxins in Urban Soils
- Geomorphic response to large-dam removal: Impacts of a massive sediment release to the Elwha River, Washington
- Geophysical Imaging of the Stillwater and Bushveld Complexes and Relation to Platinum-group Element Exploration
- Geophysical Investigations of a Proterozoic Carbonatite Terrane, southeast Mojave Desert, California
- Geothermal and Hydrogeologic Controls on Regional Groundwater Temperatures
- Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration potential in restored freshwater marshes in the Sacramento San-Joaquin Delta, California
- Ground Motions during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: An Expected Event that Defied Expectations
- Harmonization of Multiple Forest Disturbance Data to Create a 1986-2011 Database for the Conterminous United States
- Has global warming changed timing of winter-spring streamflows over North America?
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Using Contrasting Peatland Histories To Determine Fate Of Permafrost Carbon With Future Climate Change And Permafrost Thaw
- Hierarchical controls on native larval lamprey habitat in the Umpqua basin, southwestern Oregon, U.S.A.
- High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Observations of Crater-Lake Surface Temperatures at Kawah Ijen Volcano, East Java, Indonesia
- High-Resolution Geophysical Constraints on Late Pleistocene-Present Deformation History, Seabed Morphology, and Slip-Rate along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault, Offshore Southeastern Alaska
- High-resolution seismic attribute analysis for the detection of methane hydrate and substrate fluid migration pathways along the central U.S. Atlantic Margin
- Holocene Ostracoda from the Herald Canyon, Eastern Siberian Sea from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
- How do Long-Term Changes in Precipitation Seasonality Affect Dryland Carbon Dynamics? Evidence from a 21-YEAR Manipulative Climate-Change Experiment
- How does Low Impact Development affect Urban Base Flow?
- How much does downscaling contribute to uncertainty in downscaled climate projections? A case study in Eastern North Carolina.
- Hurricane Sandy Washover Deposits on Southern Long Beach Island, NJ
- Hurricane Sandy deposits on Fire Island, NY: Using washover deposit stratigraphy to understand sediment transport during large storms.
- Hydrologic Connectivity Estimated throughout the Nation's River Corridors
- Hydrologic Controls on Modern Microbialite Formation
- Hydrologic and Climatic Variability in and Modeling of Streamwater Sulfate Concentrations at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Changes Resulting from the Onset of Episodic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Colonia River, Chile
- Identifying and Quantifying Chemical Forms of Sediment-Bound Ferrous Iron.
- Identifying the main drivers of soil carbon response to climate change in arctic and boreal Alaska.
- Impact of Climate Variability on the Hydrogeochemistry of Ecologically Important Prairie Wetlands and Lakes
- Impacts of Wildfire on Hawaii Island's Pre-Contact Landscape
- Implications for seismic hazard from new gravity data in Napa and vicinity, California
- Importance of the temperature field and its uncertainties in modeling ductile deformation of the southern California lithosphere
- Improved Radiometric Capabilities of Landsat 8, Coupled With Lidar, Estimate Semi-arid Rangeland Biomass and Cover
- Improving Streamflow Simulation in Gaged and Ungaged Areas Using a Multi-Model Synthesis Combined with Remotely-Sensed Data and Estimates of Uncertainty
- Incorporating Vertical Ray-Path Measurements in Crosshole Radar Tomography
- Induced earthquake magnitudes are as large as (statistically) expected
- Influence of Oceanic and Estuarine Drivers on Wetland Shoreline Change: Moving Towards a Framework for Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hazards Along Sheltered Coasts
- Informing climate change adaptation in the Northeast and Midwest United States: The role of Climate Science Centers
- Intense Seismic Activity at Chiles and Cerro Negro Volcanoes on the Colombia-Ecuador Border
- International Aftershock Forecasting: Lessons from the Gorkha Earthquake
- Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Interpreting high-frequency sensor data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in the source and transport of water and solutes at the catchment scale
- Is Kīlauea's East Rift Zone eruption running out of gas?
- Landscape Predictors of Groundwater Influence on Stream Temperature in Forested Headwater Catchments
- Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization for the Management of Seawater Intrusion, Santa Barbara, CA
- Laser Ablation Trace Element Analysis of Modern and Fossil <em>Desmophyllum</em> dianthus from Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons in Mid-Atlantic Ocean
- Linear Modeling and Evaluation of Controls on Flow Response in Western Post-Fire Watersheds
- Linking North Atlantic Teleconnections to Latitudinal Variability of Wave Climate Along the North American Atlantic Coast
- Linking Slope Sedimentation, Gradient, Morphology, and Active Faulting: An Integrated Example from the Palos Verdes Slope, Southern California Borderland
- Lipid Biomarkers and Carbon Isotopic Composition from Authigenic Carbonates and Seep Sediments from the US Mid-Atlantic Margin
- Long-Period Seismicity and Very-Long-Period Infrasound Driven by Shallow Magmatic Degassing at Mount Pagan, Mariana Islands
- Long-term autonomous volcanic gas monitoring with Multi-GAS at Mount St. Helens, Washington, and Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Low stress drops observed for M1.5-5.6 Earthquakes During the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma sequence
- Management of Reclaimed Produced Water in California Enhanced with the Expanded U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Mapping bathymetry in an active surf zone with the WorldView2 multispectral satellite
- Mapping the Influence of Prior Tectonism on Seismicity in the Central and Eastern US
- Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) From Temporal Gravity Variations
- Mean Transit Time as a Predictor of Groundwater Discharge Response in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Measuring Change in Arctic Coastal Environments Using Repeat Aerial Photography and SfM Elevation Models
- Mechanisms, Monitoring and Modeling Earth Fissure generation and Fault activation due to subsurface Fluid exploitation (M3EF3): A UNESCO-IGCP project in partnership with the UNESCO-IHP Working Group on Land Subsidence
- Mercury Concentrations in Fish and Sediment within Streams are Influenced by Watershed and Landscape Variables including Historical Gold Mining in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Mercury Methylation and Detoxification by Novel Microorganisms in Mercury Enriched Mesothermal Springs
- Mercury Methylation in Alaskan Peatlands Spanning a Large Range of Trophic Structure
- Mercury Speciation in Saltmarsh Porewater, Groundwater, and Surface Water: Cape Cod, MA
- Methane and Nitrous Oxide Temporal and Spatial Variability in Midwestern Streams Containing High Nitrate Concentrations
- Microbial communities and greenhouse gas production from a thermokarst bog chronosequence: Mechanisms of rapid carbon loss
- Mobilization of Aquatic Carbon from Permafrost: Tracking the Ancient Carbon Signal.
- Modeling Regional Climate Responses to 17<SUP>th</SUP>-20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Land Use Change over the Southeastern United States
- Modeling the Local Ecological Response to Regional Landscape and Global Change Forcings: A Case Study of Bioenergy in North Carolina, USA
- Modeling wildfire impact on hydrologic processes using the Precipitation Runoff Modeling System
- Modelling tsunami sedimentation associated with the AD 1755 event in Algarve (Portugal)
- Monitoring fluvial erosion of the Oso landslide, Washington, using repeat Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry
- Morphology and Age of the Southern New England Landslide Zone
- Multi-frequency acoustic derivation of particle size using 'off-the-shelf" ADCPs.
- Nannoplankton Deformation from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Evidence for Deep Photic Zone Undersaturation
- Nanoparticulate, sub-micron and micron sized particles emanating from hydrothermal vents
- Near Field Deformation of the M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0 24 August, 2014 South Napa Earthquake Estimated by Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Change Detection Techniques
- Novel Technique for Assessing Ammonium Utilization by Phytoplankton in the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary
- On the Depositional Characteristics of Natural Cohesive & Mixed Sediments: "floccin' across the USA!"
- On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
- Organic Characteristics of High Sierra Nevada Snowfall during the Winter of 2014
- Oxidation of naturally reduced uranium in aquifer sediments by dissolved oxygen and its potential significance to uranium plume persistence
- Partially-Filled Macropores in Swelling and Nonswelling Media: Flow Modes Requiring Supplementation of Darcy's Law
- Patterns of Diel Variation in Nitrate Concentrations in the Potomac River
- Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami-evacuation planning
- Physical Thresholds as Ecological Proxies in Aquatic Ecosystems
- Potatoes and Trout: Maintaining Robust Agriculture and a Healthy Trout Fishery in the Central Sands of Wisconsin
- Predicting future, post-fire erosion and sedimentation with watershed models in the western USA
- Prediction of regional flow duration curves: geostatistical techniques versus multivariate regression
- Preliminary Results on the 2015 Eruption of Wolf Volcano, Isabela Island, Galápagos: Chronology, Dispersion of the Volcanic Products, and Insight into the Eruptive Dynamics
- Problems, Prescriptions and Potential in Actionable Climate Change Science - A Case Study from California Coastal Marsh Research
- Quantifying Amount and Variability of Cloud Water Inputs Using Active-Strand Collector, Ceilometer, Dewpoint, and Photographic Measurements
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management and Disturbances in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) by linking inventory data, remote sensing and carbon modeling
- Quantifying effects of humans and climate on groundwater resources through modeling of volcanic-rock aquifers of Hawaii
- Quantifying nitrogen inputs to the Choptank River estuary
- Quantifying the Value of Downscaled Climate Model Information for Adaptation Decisions: When is Downscaling a Smart Decision?
- Quantifying uranium transport rates and storage of fluvially eroded mine tailings from a historic mine site in the Grand Canyon Region
- Quaternary sea level high-stand deposits of the southeast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Age, distribution, and implications.
- Rapid Reconnaissance Mapping of Volatile Organic Compounds by Photoionization Detection at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Reconsidering Fault Slip Scaling
- Reconstructing Late Holocene Relative Sea-level Changes on the Gulf Coast of Florida
- Reconstructing Tsunami Deposits in the Eastern Aleutians Using Forward and Inverse Sediment Transport Models
- Regional Evaluation of Groundwater Age Distributions Using Lumped Parameter Models with Large, Sparse Datasets: Example from the Central Valley, California, USA
- Regional Scale Estimates of Baseflow and Factors Influencing Baseflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Regional in-situ optical water quality sensor network quantifies influence of land use and seasonality on storm event nitrate and dissolved organic carbon loading
- Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA
- Regional variability in the accuracy of statistical reproductions of historical time series of daily streamflow at ungaged locations
- Rejuvenation of shallow-crustal silicic magma bodies at Augustine and Hayes volcanoes, Alaska
- Relating Streamflow Depletion to Groundwater Pumpage in the Context of Uncertainty
- Relative Influence of Top-Down ond Bottom-Up Controls on Mixed Severity Burn Patterns in Yosemite National Park, California, USA
- Remote sensing approach to map riparian vegetation of the Colorado River Ecosystem, Grand Canyon area, Arizona
- Removal of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems of a temperate river network.
- River Suspended Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Transport in Two Montane Catchments in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory of Puerto Rico over 25 years: 1989 to 2014
- Role of Soils in Hydrologic Response to Climate Extremes and Land Use Change
- SAFRR AND Physics-Based Scenarios: The Power of Scientifically Credible Stories
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenarios and USGS-NTHMP Collaboration
- Scaling Hydrologic Exchange Flows and Biogeochemical Reactions from Bedforms to Basins
- Seasonal to Decadal Change of Arctic Coastal Bluffs, Barter Island, Alaska
- Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska
- Sediment Budget and Sediment Fingerprinting as Management Strategies to Understand Sediment Contributions to Receiving Waters
- Sediment Dating With Short-Lived Radioisotopes In Monterey Canyon, California Imply Episodes Of Rapid Deposition And Erosion
- Sediment Dynamics Affecting the Threatened Santa Ana Sucker in the Highly-modified Santa Ana River and Inset Channel, Southern California, USA
- Sediment record of Deglacial Sea-Level from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014, western Arctic Ocean
- Sensitivity of streamflow to climate change in California
- Shallow Water Hydrothermal Vents in the Gulf of California: Natural Laboratories for Multidisciplinary Research
- Short-term Fallout Radionuclide Ratios and Mass Balance Identify New Suspended Sediments of Channel Origin
- Simulation of Deep Water Renewal in Crater Lake, Oregon, USA under Current and Future Climate Conditions
- Slip Transfer and the Growth of the Indio and Edom Hills, Southern San Andreas Fault
- Slow Climate Velocities in Mountain Streams Impart Thermal Resistance to Cold-Water Refugia Across the West
- Soliciting scientific information and beliefs in predictive modeling and adaptive management
- Source and Cycling of Trace Metals and Nutrients in a Microbial Coalbed Methane System
- Spatially Explicit Estimates of Suspended Sediment and Bedload Transport Rates for Western Oregon and Northwestern California
- Speleothem isotopic evidence for rapid human-induced expansion of grasslands in Madagascar at 890 CE
- Structure and geomorphology of the "big bend" in the Hosgri-San Gregorio fault system, offshore of Big Sur, central California
- Subseafloor to Sea-Air Interface Characterization of Methane Dynamics in the northern US Atlantic Margin Seep Province
- Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
- Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective
- Taking the pulse of the carbon release during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Selected Species of Mercury, Carson River Superfund Site, Nevada
- Tephrochronology as a tool to constrain radiocarbon reservoir age in the deglacial Bering Sea
- Testing simple methodologies to estimate at-a-station hydraulic geometry in large river networks with limited observations
- The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Behavior of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements during Magmatic Differentiation as Observed in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii
- The Effect of Incidence Angle on Stereo DTM Quality: Simulations in Support of Europa Exploration
- The Global Seismographic Network: New Sensor Developments, Quality Assessments and Continuing Challenges
- The Influence of Drought on Spring Vegetation Green-up
- The LandCarbon Web Application: Advanced Geospatial Data Delivery and Visualization Tools for Communication about Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes
- The Neotoma Paleoecology Database
- The Next Generation in Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Modeling within the MODFLOW Software Family: A New Package for MODFLOW-2005 and MODFLOW-OWHM
- The NorWeST project: Crowd-sourcing a big data stream temperature database and high-resolution climate scenarios for western rivers and streams
- The One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model - The next generation in fully integrated hydrologic simulation software
- The Origin and Age of Scallop Floodplain Benches from Difficult Run, Fairfax County, Virginia.
- The Record of Geomagnetic Excursions from a ~150 m Sediment Core: Clear Lake, Northern California
- The Role of Antecedent Geology in Submarine Slope Failure: Insights from the Currituck Slide Complex along the Central U.S. Atlantic Margin
- The U.S. Geological Survey National Helium Resource Assessment
- The UNESCO-IHP Working Group on Land Subsidence: Four Decades of International Contributions to Hydrogeological Related Subsidence Research and Knowledge Exchange
- The combined use of InSAR and GPS Time-Series to Infer the Deformation Signals at the Yellowstone Caldera
- The dynamics of stream-aquifer connectivity: an observational study in northern New Mexico
- The effect of organic and inorganic aqueous uranium speciation on U(VI) bioavailability to an aquatic invertebrate
- The impact of snowpack decline on high elevation surface-water flow in the Willamette River: a stable isotope perspective
- The long-term perspective on the carbon balance of permafrost peatlands in the Holocene: implications for modern permafrost thaw
- Three Ingredients for Improved Global Aftershock Forecasts: Tectonic Region, Time-Dependent Catalog Incompleteness, and Inter-Sequence Variability
- Three Years Measuring Sediment Erosion and Deposition from the Largest Dam Removal Ever at Weekly-to-Monthly Scales Using SfM: Elwha River, Washington, USA.
- Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand
- Tidal Hydrodynamics under Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios with Coastal Morphology along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
- Toward Improved Simulation of Operations in Integrated Hydrologic Modeling
- Toward a Better Approach to Data-Model Comparison
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts
- Tracking recent climate and anthropogenic change in Central America in sediments form the lower fan of the Rio Yaqui, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Transit Times In A Shallow Aquifer From Tracer Measurements In The Aquifer And A Gaining Stream
- Triritum/He-3 dating of groundwater in the United States: general features and specific applications
- Trophic Status Controls Mercury Methylation Pathways in Northern Peats
- Tropical Cyclones in Simulations of the Middle Holocene
- UNESCO's HOPE Initiative—Providing Free and Open-Source Hydrologic Software for Effective and Sustainable Management of Africa's Water Resources Temporary Title
- USGEO Common Framework For Earth Observation Data
- Underestimation of Global Vulnerability to Tree Mortality and Forest Die-Off from Hotter Drought in the Anthropocene — A Synthesis of Contrasting Evidence and Perspectives
- Understanding strain transfer and basin evolution complexities in the Salton pull-apart basin near the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Unsaturated zone carbon dioxide flux, mixing, and isotopic composition at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site
- Unusually High Nitrate Concentrations in Some Midwest United States Streams in 2013 Following the 2012 Drought
- Use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index to Assess Vegetative Nutritive Value in Halophytic Graminoid Habitat across Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain
- Using Canopy Temperature to Infer Hydrologic Processes in Floodplain Forests
- Using Inundation and Sediment Transport Modeling To Characterize Earthquake Source Parameters from Tsunami Deposits
- Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs
- Using NASA Warm Ice Sounding Explorer (WISE) Data to Reexamine the Bed Morphology of Malaspina Glacier, Alaska
- Using Rapid-Response Scenario-Building Methodology for Climate Change Adaptation Planning
- Using a Thermokarst Bog Chronosequence to Examine Post-thaw Changes in Net Carbon Balance and the Interactions Between Permafrost, Vegetation, and Carbon
- Using the Digital Crust to Understand Geochemical Reactions in the Critical Zone - a Conceptual Overview
- Utilizing hydrologic, statistical, and geochemical tools to assess uranium mobility in surface and near-surface environments
- Validated Metrics of Quick Flow Improve Assessments of Streamflow Generation Processes at the Long-Term Sleepers River Research Site
- Validating Annual Growth Bands of Deep-Sea Black Corals and Calculating Ocean Reservoir Ages in the Gulf of Mexico
- Variability and Trends in Annual Runoff Efficiency in the Conterminous United States
- Varying effects of geomorphic change on floodplain inundation and forest communities
- Watershed Influences on Residence Time and Oxygen Reduction Rates in an Agricultural Landscape
- What You See Depends on Your Point of View: Comparison of Greenness Indices Across Spatial and Temporal Scales and What That Means for Mule Deer Migration and Fitness
- Why Does the Convolution Integral Method Provide Systematically Biased Estimates of Watershed Residence Times?
- Wrench faulting in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Zircon trace element geochemistry and growth of the Pleistocene to Holocene Mono Craters rhyolite magma system, California (USA)
- 2013 Flood Waters "Flush" Pharmaceuticals and other Contaminants of Emerging Concern into the Water and Sediment of the South Platte River, Colorado
- 3D Structural and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Northwest Santa Barbara Basin: Implications for Slope Stability and Submarine Landslide Occurrence
- 3D relationship between substrate fluid flow and submarine slope failure within the western Santa Barbara Channel
- <SUP>182</SUP>W in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
- A 400-year reconstruction of spring temperatures for the upper Colorado River Basin
- A Comparison of Resistivity Imaging Techniques Using 1D, 2D and 3D MT Inversions in the Middle Rio Grande Rift, NM
- A Eukaryotic green alga, Picocystis, dominates Mono Lake, California in an algal bloom - Hints at cryptic oxygen cycle in euxinic waters
- A Global Catalog of Calibrated Earthquake Locations
- A History of Repeated Failures: Stratigraphy of the Currituck and Cape Fear Slide Complexes on the Central U.S. Atlantic Margin
- A Low Salinity Mystery in a Turbidity Current Measured During the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- A Simple Water Balance Model Adapted for Arctic Hydrology Reveals Glacier and Streamflow Responses to Climate Change in the Copper River, Alaska
- A Spatiotemporal Clustering Model for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3-ETAS) - Toward an Operational Earthquake Forecast
- A Study of Spatially Variable Bed Forms Exposed to Time-Varying Flow Conditions in a Complex Estuarine Environment, the Mouth of the Columbia River, USA
- A Transformational Journey: Compositional Changes in Organic Matter during Desorption from Sediments
- A Tropical Paradox - High Mercury Deposition, but Low Mercury Bioaccumulation in Northeastern Puerto Rico
- A conceptual cross-scale approach for linking empirical discharge measurements and regional groundwater models with application to legacy nitrogen transport and coastal nitrogen management
- A critical review of wetland greenhouse gas measurement techniques and scaling considerations
- A cross-scale approach to understand drought-induced variability of sagebrush ecosystem productivity
- A detailed comparison of laboratory and borehole NMR estimated parameters in unconsolidated aquifers
- A hybrid machine learning model to estimate nitrate contamination of production zone groundwater in the Central Valley, California
- A national-scale remote sensing-based methodology for quantifying tidal marsh biomass to support "Blue Carbon" accounting
- A smartphone app and analysis framework for rapidly characterizing and predicting shorebird habitat
- A tale of two cores: Evaluation of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb dating methods of salt marsh sediments for two cores collected 30 years apart
- Abiotic and biotic controls over biogeochemical cycles in drylands: Insights from climate change and nitrogen deposition experiments on the Colorado Plateau
- Accelerated rates of in situ microbial activity after permafrost collapse estimated from a porewater isotope model
- An Ecological Tipping Point Defined by Shallow Marine Foraminifera in the latest Paleocene
- An Evaluation Tool for CONUS-Scale Estimates of Components of the Water Balance
- Analyzing Flood Vulnerability Due to Sea Level Rise Using K-Means Clustering: Implications for Regional Flood Mitigation Planning
- Annual Variation of Carbon Stable Isotope Ratio in Tree Rings of Riparian Cottonwood Over the Last 225 Years.
- Apples and Oranges of Hyporheic Transport: How Benthic Biolayers are Distinguished by In-Stream and Subsurface Tracer Observations.
- Aquifer Recharge Estimation In Unsaturated Porous Rock Using Darcian And Geophysical Methods.
- Arctic Ocean Cyclostratigraphy: An Alternative to Marine Oxygen Isotope curves as measures of Cryospheric and Sea-Level History
- Arctic and Western North Atlantic shallow marine diversity patterns: A comparison of controlling factors
- Are there Tuffs from Toba Supereruptions in Singapore?
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage Changes from New GRACE Mascons Solutions and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessing Future Projections of Climate Extremes Over the South Central USA
- Assessing Geologic Controls on Groundwater Discharge in the Loup River Basin of Nebraska by Using Aerial Thermal-Infrared Imagery
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessing the Ecological and Geomorphic Context of Dam Removals in the United States
- Assessing the Resilience of a Blue Carbon Store: Characterizing the Lateral Flux of DIC from an East Coast U.S. Saltmarsh using Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C
- Attribution of Disturbances Causing Tree Mortality for the Continental U.S.
- Automated Near-Field Displacement Estimates from Mobile Laser Scanning - Case Study for the M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.0 August 24, 2014 Napa Earthquake
- Automated quantification of surface water fraction using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
- Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in the Hawaiian Islands
- Bayesian network modeling applied to coastal geomorphology: lessons learned from a decade of experimentation and application
- Benchmarking Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in the South Central US
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds as Indicators of Change in a Deep Arid Unsaturated Zone, Amargosa Desert, USA
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints I: Thermophysical Parameters
- Building a Community Thermal Model for Southern California Using Heat Flow, Geologic, Seismologic and Petrologic Constraints II: Model Formulation and Bounds on Geotherms
- CONUS-wide Evaluation of Five Different Potential Evapotranspiration Simulation Algorithms Within a Distributed-parameter Hydrologic Model
- Calibration of Deterministic Streamflow Models in Ungaged Basins Using Statistically-Derived At-Site Streamflow Simulations
- Can a city combat sea level rise alone: the impact of higher seawalls on the neighbors?
- Carbon burial in salt marshes following tidal restriction: A case study from Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Changes in Nannoplankton Assemblages during the recovery of the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Changes in dissolved organic matter quality in a northern hardwood forest revealed by excitation emission spectroscopy
- Changing Temperature Gradients Linked to Holocene Moisture Trends in the Northern Hemisphere
- Changing stream temperatures in a changing world: evaluating spatio-temporal patterns and trends across the eastern US
- Characterization of Holocene Surface Deformation Along the Seattle Fault Zone, Washington
- Characterization of the Navy Fan Channel-to-Lobe Transition: Geomorphology, Gradient, and Structure Imaged through High-Resolution AUV Bathymetry
- Characterizing AirSWOT water elevation accuracy on the Willamette River
- Characterizing Variability in Long Period Horizontal Tilt Noise Through Coherence Analysis
- Climate Change Impacts on Biogenic Emissions in the Central Hardwoods
- Climate Voyager: An Iteratively Built Information and Visualization Tool for At-Risk Climate Communities
- Climatic Events and Historical Disturbances Control Acute and Chronic Water-Quality Impairment After Wildfire
- Coastal Permafrost Bluff Response to Summer Warming, Barter Island, NE Alaska
- Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration in a Warmer Climate
- Coastal hazards along the U.S. West Coast during the 2015-16 El Niño
- Combining structure-from-motion derived point clouds from satellites and unmanned aircraft systems images with ground-truth data to create high-resolution digital elevation models
- Come rain or shine: Multi-model Projections of Climate Hazards affecting Transportation in the South Central United States
- Community climatic niche means as a tool to understand species range shifts across scales
- Comparing Mid-Century Climate Change Projections at Convective Resolving Scales (2-km) for Life Zones Within Puerto Rico
- Comparison of geochemical data obtained using four brine sampling methods at the SECARB Phase III Anthropogenic Test CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection site, Citronelle Oil Field, Alabama
- Concentration-Discharge Relationship and Endmember Mixing in the Intermediate and Large Watersheds of the US West
- Conceptual Model Evaluation using Advanced Parameter Estimation Techniques with Heat as a Tracer
- Connectivity along the river corridor: new insights, needs, and future avenues
- Constraining Daily-To-Annual Carbon Budgets in a Brackish Tidal Marsh in the San Francisco Bay Delta: Insights on Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Contrasting Nitrogen Fate in Watersheds using Agricultural and Water Quality Information
- Contribution of Nutrient-enriched Groundwater to Excessive Algal Growth along a Select Reach of the East Fork Carson River, West-Central Nevada
- Coupling Flow & Transport Modeling with Electromagnetic Geophysics to Better Understand Crustal Permeability
- Coupling Fluvial and Oceanic Drivers in Flooding Forecasts for San Francisco Bay
- Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology
- Cross-Linkage of Multiple Criteria to Enhance the Selection, Applicability, and Use of Biogeographic Occurrence Data
- Data and software release in the USGS, assessing research output and impact
- Data integration of Soil Survey Geographic Database data with layers of The National Map and data from archived geologic maps.
- Dating Stream Base Flows Using Dissolved Gases and Diurnal Temperature Changes
- Decadal to seasonal coastal change observed at Barter Island, Alaska
- Detection and Characterization of Pulses in Broadband Seismometers
- Development of Monthly Water Budget Estimates for the CONUS and Application to the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Geologic Model of the Long Valley Volcanic System, California, Using Magnetotellurics
- Development of a simulation of the surficial groundwater system for the CONUS
- Digging Deep: how the convergence of national-scale and field-based soil core data shines a light on sustainability of wetland carbon sequestration
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Waters Draining Permafrost Landscapes - a Circumpolar Synthesis
- Distinctive Sedimentary Record of a Landslide Generated Mega-tsunami, Taan Fjord, Alaska
- Distribution of Potentially Corrosive Groundwater in the United States: Implications for an Important Source of Drinking Supply
- Diurnal and Seasonal Cloud Base Patterns Highlight Small-Mountain Tropical Cloud Forest Vulnerability
- Do Downscaled General Circulation Models Reliably Simulate Current Climatic Conditions?
- Do Spawning Salmon Contribute Marine-Derived Contaminants to Southeast Alaskan Streams?
- Does Density-Driven Nocturnal Water Column Mixing Drive Redox Oscillations in Flocculent Organic Sediments?
- Does resolution of flow field observation influence apparent habitat use and energy expenditure in juvenile coho salmon?
- Drought-induced recharge promotes long-term storage of salinity beneath a prairie wetland
- Earth Observations for Early Detection of Agricultural Drought: Contributions of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET)
- Ecological modeling of planktonic foraminifera to facilitate climate model-proxy reconcilliation during the mid-Piacenzian
- Effect of Vegetation on Sediment Transport across Salt Marshes
- Effect of distal Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta outflow on suspended-sediment flux in Lower South San Francisco Bay
- Effective Collaboration Between Scientists and Local Governments to Improve Scientific Communication for Public Safety in Dallas and Irving, Texas
- Effects of Climate Phasing, Soil-Moisture Storage Capacity, and Snow Accumulation on Budyko Diagram Relations
- Effects of Sea Level Rise and Coastal Marsh Transgression on Soil Organic Matter in a Chesapeake Bay Salt Marsh
- Effects of Vegetation Composition and Trophic Structure on Pathways of Mercury Methylation in Alaskan Peatlands
- Ensembles of 21st Century Colorado River Flow Projections Exhibit Substantial Diversity in Response to Seasonal Hydroclimatic Scenarios
- Enterprise tools to promote interoperability: MonitoringResources.org supports design and documentation of large-scale, long-term monitoringprograms
- Estimating Achievable Accuracy for Global Imaging Spectroscopy Measurement of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover
- Estimating Unsaturated Zone N Fluxes and Travel Times to Groundwater at Watershed Scales
- Estimating ecosystem carbon change in the Conterminous United States based on 40 years of land-use change and disturbance
- Estimating pothole wetland connectivity to Pipestem Creek, North Dakota: an isotopic approach
- Estimating the probability of arsenic occurrence in domestic wells in the United States
- Evaluating Snow-depletion Curve Refinements in Selected Watersheds Across the Continental United States
- Evaluating interception of larval pallid sturgeon on the Lower Missouri River- data acquisition, interpolation, and visualization
- Evaluating soil mineral and geochemical variations in Alaska using a geo-tectonic framework
- Evaluation of Hydrologic Simulations Developed Using Multi-Model Synthesis and Remotely-Sensed Data within a Portfolio of Calibration Strategies
- Evaluation of the continuous rate of supply lead-210 sediment age model: Two sources of potential bias and implications for carbon burial rates
- Event Water Balance and Recharge at the Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- Evidence for Recent Activity on the Chatham Strait Fault from Seismic Reflection and GPS Modeling, Southeastern Alaska
- Evolution and Submarine Landslide Potential of Monterey Canyon Head, Offshore Central California
- Exploring the Cause of Catastrophic Caribbean Inundation in 1200-1480 C.E. Using Numerical Models Compared with Geological Evidence
- Extension of the USGS Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System to Simulate Hydrology in Large Glacierized Basins
- Extensive Cryopegs on Barter Island, North Slope, Alaska
- Facilitating Identification of Poorly Preserved Marine Microfossils through 3D Printing
- Federal climate change programs in the water-limited Southwest: intersection of mission, stakeholders and geography to build successful collaboration
- Field Study to Assess the Effects of Trace Concentrations of the Common Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole on the Attached Bacterial Community Inhabiting a Sandy, Drinking-Water Aquifer in Cape Cod, Massachusetts USA.
- First Applications of the New Parallel Krylov Solver for MODFLOW on a National and Global Scale
- Fish Mercury Loads and Lake Productivity Are Not Impacted by Wildland Fire in Northern Minnesota
- Fish Population Responses to Exceptional High and Low Flows
- Fjord Delta Modification by a Massive Landslide Tsunami in Taan Fjord, AK
- Flood effects provide evidence of an alternate stable state caused by dam management on the Upper Missouri River
- Fluvial Landforms and Landscape Transformations on the Willamette River, Oregon, USA
- Fog-drip contributions to soil moisture as determined through passive fog collector measurements, leaf wetness data, and soil moisture at Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma County, California.
- Formation of Siliceous Sinters on Paoha Island, Mono Lake USA
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- From Paris to Iowa and Back: Global Temperature Targets, Agricultural Impacts, and Producer Response
- GeoFORCE Alaska: Four-Year Field Program Brings Rural Alaskan High School Students into the STEM Pipeline
- Geometry and active tectonics of the Los Osos-Hosgri Fault Intersection in Estero Bay, CA: Reconciling seismicity patterns with near-surface geology
- Geomorphic responses of gravel bed rivers to fine sediment releases during annual reservoir drawdowns: Spatial patterns and magnitude of aggradation along Fall Creek and Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon
- Geophysical Observations Indicating Mechanisms that Caused the 1946 Unimak Tsunamis
- Geophysical surveys of the Queen Charlotte Fault plate boundary off SE Alaska: Preliminary results
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Glacial/Interglacial climate and vegetation history of North-East of Brazil during the last 1.5 Ma and their connection to the Amazonian rainforest
- Global High Resolution Mineral Maps Of The Moon Using Data From the Kaguya Multiband Imager and LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer
- Green infrastructure and episodic groundwater recharge
- Groundwater withdrawal in the Central Valley, California: implications for San Andreas Fault stressing and lithosphere rheology
- High Temporal Resolution Data Illuminates Seasonal Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Export from a Large Watershed
- High-Elevation Evapotranspiration Estimates during Drought: Using Streamflow and LiDAR Snow Observations to Close the Upper Tuolumne River Basin Water Balance
- High-resolution Geophysical Constraints on Fault Structure and Morphology in the Catalina Basin, Southern California Inner Continental Borderland
- High-resolution multi-channel seismic images of the Queen Charlotte Fault system offshore southeastern Alaska
- Historical Assessment of Recruitment of Grass carp in the Lower Sandusky River Using Past Known Recruitment Events Under the Tidal Influence of the Muddy Creek Bay.
- Historical and Projected Trends in Landscape Drivers Affecting Carbon Dynamics in Alaska
- History of Recent Surface-Rupturing Earthquakes on the Burbank fault, Yakima Folds, Central Washington
- How did the delta respond? An analysis of greenup and evapotranspiration (ET) of the Colorado River Delta following the Minute 319 pulse flows to Mexico
- How important is exact knowledge of preferential flowpath locations and orientations for understanding spatiotemporally integrated spring hydrologic and transport response?
- Hydraulic Tomography in Fractured Sedimentary Rocks to Estimate High-Resolution 3-D Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydraulic complexity, larval drift, and endangered species recovery in the Upper Missouri River
- Hydrologic model calibration using remotely-sensed data in Alaska
- Hyporheic Microbial Biofilms as Indicators of Heavy and Rare Earth Metals in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana
- Identifying Predictors of Arsenic Bioavailability in Low-Sulfide, Quartz-Hosted Gold Deposits: Case Study at the Empire Mine State Historic Park, CA, USA
- Identifying groundwater management strategies with reduced models of flow and transport
- Imagining a maximum future irrigation footprint to evaluate water resources in a Wisconsin County
- Impact of Extreme Streamflows on Brook Trout Young-of-Year Abundance
- Implementation of Water Management Practices in a Global Scale Land Model
- Improved Integration of Aquifer-Test Results in a Regional Groundwater Model of the Death Valley System
- Improved Lg attenuations maps in the central U.S.-Rocky Mountain transition zone: New insight from induced seismicity in Oklahoma, Kansas, and the Raton Basin
- Improving predictions of hydrological low-flow indices in ungaged basins using machine learning
- In Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response of Permafrost and Active Layer in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Incident wave, infragravity wave, and non-linear low-frequency bore evolution across fringing coral reefs
- Including stage-dependent roughness coefficient in algorithms to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed water elevation, width, and slope
- Increasing aeolian dust deposition to snowpacks in the Rocky Mountains inferred from snowpack, wet deposition, and aerosol chemistry
- Innovative Remote Sensors for Streamflow Measurement
- Innovative, Yet Familiar Tools to Access USGS Earth Science Data
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Insights into the formation of wave-dominated deltas from ground-penetrating radar profiles of the Oxnard Plain, California and the Elwha River Delta, Washington
- Integrating Blue Carbon Initiatives with the Management of Wildlife Cobenefits: a Case Study at the Nisqually River Delta, WA
- Intensified coastal development in beach-nourishment zones
- Interactions Between Hydroclimate and Soil Properties Control the Risk For Altered Hydrologic Partitioning From Changing Snowmelt
- Interannual variability of the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones striking the California coast
- Interpreting Beryllium-7 and Lead-210 fluxes and ratios for age dating fluvial sediments in Difficult Run Watershed, Virginia, USA
- Investigating Methylmercury Exposure in North Atlantic Cetaceans Using Multiple Isotope Tracers
- Investigating Oil-Prone Kerogen Conversion to Hydrocarbons Using AFM-based Infrared Spectroscopy
- Is <SUP>137</SUP>Cs Dating Becoming Obsolete in North America?
- Isotopic Expression of Soil Denitrification across Gradients in Nitrogen and Carbon Availability
- Kilauea's double eruption, 2008-2016: volatile budget and associated hazards
- LPJ-GUESS Simulated North America Vegetation for 21-0 ka Using the TraCE-21ka Climate Simulation
- Large-scale Watershed Modeling: NHDPlus Resolution with Achievable Conservation Scenarios in the Western Lake Erie Basin
- Late Holocene Sea Ice and Productivity in the Western Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean
- Late MIS3 to modern central Arctic Paleoceanography based on Ostracode Faunal Assemblages
- Latest Quaternary structural and stratigraphic controls on continental shelf morphology along a transpressive transform margin, Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Legacies from extreme drought increase ecosystem sensitivity to future extremes
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Lidar and paleoseismic trenching reveal first documentation of late Quaternary onshore faulting in the forearc of southwestern British Columbia
- Limiting the Effects of Earthquake Shaking on Gravitational-Wave Interferometers
- Linking Surface and Subsurface: Gas emission, lava extrusion, and inferred melt S contents from Mount Cleveland, Alaska
- Location, location, location! Regional differences in morphologic and hydrodynamic controls on extreme total water levels along the West Coast of the United States
- Long-Term Increases in Yukon River Water Chemistry as Indicators of Changing Flowpaths, Groundwater, and Permafrost
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: The next generation of fully integrated hydrologic simulation software
- Management of Reclaimed Produced Water in the Rocky Mountain States Enhanced with the Expanded U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Mapping deep aquifer salinity trends in the southern San Joaquin Valley using borehole geophysical data constrained by chemical analyses
- Mapping long-term wetland response to climate
- Maximizing Impact: Pairing interactive web visualizations with traditional print media
- Measurement and Discrepancies of Tsunami Flow Directions Using Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and Dip Orientations of Heavy Mineral Layers in Tsunami Deposits
- Measurements of near-bottom sediment resuspension and transport by internal tides in Monterey Submarine Canyon: Initial results from the Coordinated Canyon Experiment.
- Measuring Erosion and Deposition During the World's Largest Dam Removal in Near-Real-Time: An Example of 4-Dimensional SfM from the Elwha River, Washington, USA
- Measuring the impact of an API-first mentality with ScienceBase after 4.5 years
- Mechanical Mercury Extraction Process® Test Results at Combie Reservoir
- Mechanisms of sediment transport to shoreline salients onshore of fringing coral reefs
- Mechanistic Lake Modeling to Understand and Predict Heterogeneous Responses to Climate Warming
- Mercury and Methylmercury Related to Historical Mercury Mining in Three Major Tributaries to Lake Berryessa, Upper Putah Creek Watershed, California
- Methods for Automating Analysis of Glacier Morphology for Regional Modelling: Centerlines, Extensions, and Elevation Bands
- Methods for Investigating Mercury Speciation, Transport, Methylation, and Bioaccumulation in Watersheds Affected by Historical Mining
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Modeled atoll shoreline and run-up changes in response to sea-level rise and varying large wave conditions at Wake and Midway Atolls, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Modeling Calcite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Cave Calcites
- Modeling Earthquake Rupture and Corresponding Tsunamis Along a Segment of the Alaskan-Aleutian Megathrust
- Modeling Peat Ages Using <SUP>7</SUP>Be Data to Account for Downwash of <SUP>210</SUP>Pb
- Modeling Sediment Bypassing around Rocky Headlands
- Modeling Tsunami Inundation and Sediment Transport To Characterize Earthquake Source Parameters from Tsunami Deposits
- Modeling storm and sea level rise impacts on marsh transgression
- Molybdenum isotope fractionation during complexation with organic matter in the Critical Zone
- Molybdenum isotopes in modern marine hydrothermal Fe/Mn deposits: Implications for Archean and Paleoproterozoic Mo cycles
- Monitoring and Mapping Off-Channel Water Quality in the Willamette River, Oregon
- Most Detailed Direct Measurements Yet of Turbidity Currents in the Deep Ocean: Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Multiscale Climate Emulator of Multimodal Wave Spectra: MUSCLE-spectra
- Natural Hazards Risk Reduction and the ARkStorm Scenario
- Navigating translational ecology: Creating opportunities and overcoming obstacles for scientist participation
- New Methodology for Computing Subaerial Landslide-Tsunamis: Application to the 2015 Tyndall Glacier Landslide, Alaska
- New approaches in cataloging and distributing multi-dimensional scientific data: Federal Data Repositories example
- New from the Old - Measuring Coastal Cliff Change with Historical Oblique Aerial Photos
- New mineralogical and geochemical evidence for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the Neo-Tethys (Central Turkey)
- Newly imaged channel-fan morphology and submarine landslides in the Catalina Basin, southern California Borderland
- Noble gas isotopes in groundwater as a proxy for past water table depth
- Opal-replaced "Phenocrysts" in Fresh Pumice from 1817 Phreatomagmatic Deposits from Kawah Ijen, East Java, Indonesia: Implications for Eruptive Timescales?
- Our fingerprint in tsunami deposits - anthropogenic markers as a new tsunami identification tool
- Overview of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report Process, results and next steps
- Oxygen Isotope Composition of Nitrate Produced by Freshwater Nitrification
- PRISM, Processing and Review Interface for Strong Motion Data Software
- PRISM4: Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping mid Piacenzian paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Parameter optimization of a hydrologic model in a snow-dominated basin using a modular Python framework
- Particle Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Systems and Implications for Mining Seafloor Massive Sulfides
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Patterns and Interactions Between Hydrodynamics and the Fate of Nitrate in Newly Emergent Coastal Deltaic Floodplains
- Permeability prediction of high S<SUB>por</SUB> samples from spectral induced polarization (SIP): limitations of existing models
- Physical Drivers Vs. Effects of the Wolf-Elk Trophic Cascade on Fluvial Channel Planform, Olympic National Park, Washington
- Pliocene Constraints on Earth System Senstivity
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and Streamflow Response to Spatially Distributed Precipitation in Two Large Watersheds in Northern California
- Preliminary Prioritization of California Oil and Gas Fields for Regional Groundwater Monitoring Based on Intensity of Petroleum Resource Development and Proximity to Groundwater Resources
- Pressure Solution Creep and Textural Softening in Greenschist Facies Phyllonites
- Professional Development for Graduate Students through Internships at Federal Labs: an NSF/USGS Collaboration
- Projecting 21<SUP>st</SUP> century coastal cliff retreat in Southern California
- Publishing Linked Open Data for Physical Samples - Lessons Learned
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management, Disturbances and Subsequent Forest Recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE)
- Quantifying effects of humans and climate on groundwater resources of Hawaii through sharp-interface modeling
- Quantifying the Relative Impact of Continental Shelf and Storm Characteristics on Nearshore Waves during Hurricanes
- Quaternary subsidence of the Oahu Coastal Plain, Hawaiian Islands
- Rapid Field Response to the 3 September 2016 M5.8 Earthquake Near Pawnee, Oklahoma: Summary of Structural Damage and Liquefaction Observations
- Recent developments from the OPEnS Lab
- Reconstructing Century-Scale Changes in Nitrogen Cycling in Forests Throughout the United States using Tree-Ring δ<SUP>15</SUP>N Chronologies
- Regional Analysis of the Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Groundwater Resources in California
- Regional Climate Enterprises in the South Central U.S.: Crossover Relationships to Maximize User Engagement Effectiveness
- Regional Measurement and Modeling of Floodplain Wetland Nutrient and Sediment Fluxes: The Chesapeake Watershed
- Remote Sensing of Vegetation Recovery from Disturbance in Drylands
- Remotely-sensed horizontal structure and evolution of the leading and trailing edges of the salt wedge at the Columbia River mouth
- Repeat mapping surveys capture changes in seafloor morphology after a well-documented sediment gravity flow event in Monterey Canyon
- Representing Simple Geometry Types in NetCDF-CF
- Response of aboveground carbon balance to long-term, experimental shifts in precipitation seasonality is contingent on plant community type in cold-desert rangelands
- Retrospective evaluation of continental-scale streamflow nudging with WRF-Hydro National Water Model V1
- Role of wildfire in controlling the source and flux of particulate organic carbon from a small, mountainous, semi-arid watershed
- Satellite Gravity Gradients Bound Rupture Domains on Subduction Zone Megathrusts
- Sea Level Driven Marsh Expansion in a Coupled Model of Marsh Erosion, Forest Retreat, and Human Impacts
- Searching for a paleotsunami record in the Hawaiian Islands
- Seasonal Phosphorus Sources and Loads to Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, as Determined by a Dynamic SPARROW Model
- Seasonal trends with depth for inorganic constituents within the Hells Canyon Complex of Reservoirs, Idaho
- Seasonal variation in sediment flux between an estuary and a salt marsh
- Sediment Gravity Flows Triggered by Remotely Generated Earthquake Waves on the Cascadia Margin
- Sediment Source Analysis at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, California
- Sediment and Mercury Loads to Humbug Creek: A Sierra Nevada Tributary Impacted by the Malakoff Diggins Hydraulic Mine
- Sediment flux measurements at the oceanic boundary of a large estuary
- Seismic Evidence for Splays of the Eureka Peak Fault beneath Yucca Valley, California
- Significance of a Shelf-wide Dissolution Event during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Maryland and New Jersey, USA
- Simulated responses of ecosystem net primary productivity to climate and atmospheric changes in recent decades for the conterminous U.S.
- Simulating the parameters of multi-modal groundwater residence-time distributions using parsimonious and automatically generated numerical models that incorporate spatial variation of drainage density, aquifer thickness, recharge, and aquifer properties
- Sixty Years of Geomorphic Change and Restoration Challenges on Two Unchannelized Reaches of the Missouri River
- Slope stability in the critical zone: The relative influence of long vs. short-time scale soil and vegetation properties on debris-flow initiation during a catastrophic rainfall.
- Smartphone-Based Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning in Chile
- Soil and groundwater VOCs contamination: How can electrical geophysical measurements help assess post-bioremediation state?
- Source characteristics of the Fairview, OK, earthquake sequence and its relationship to industrial activities
- Source characteristics of the September 3<SUP>rd</SUP>, 2016, Pawnee earthquake as compared to other moderate Oklahoma events
- Spartina alterniflora Salt Marsh Elevation Change and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Response to Climate Change: Effects of Altered Hydrology and Increased Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Spatial Patterns in Water Temperature in Pacific Northwest Rivers: Diversity at Multiple Scales and Potential Influence of Climate Change
- Spatial Variability of Organic Carbon in a Fractured Mudstone and Its Effect on the Retention and Release of Trichloroethene (TCE)
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Chlorate
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Statistical procedure for filtering streamflow and river survey data for at-a-station hydraulic geometry studies
- Stochastic and Deterministic Modeling Of Watershed-Scale Suspended Sediment Delivery Timescales
- Stochastic post-processing of a regionalized monthly water balance model for the conterminous United States
- Storage and residence time of suspended sediment in gravel bars of Difficult Run, VA
- Strain rate orientations near the Coso Geothermal Field
- Stratigraphic Complexity and Basement Structure in the Western Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea
- Stream Temperature Spatial and Temporal Response to Large Dam Removal and Groundwater Pumping under Varying Climate Conditions
- Strong Seasonality in the Response of Streams to Declining Acidic Deposition—the Latest on the Chemical Recovery of Adirondack Streams
- Strong seepage of shallow groundwater shifts the timing of the annual thermal signals in stream water
- Structural uncertainty of downscaled climate model output in a difficult-to-resolve environment: data sparseness and parameterization error contribution to statistical and dynamical downscaling output in the U.S. Caribbean region
- Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Salton Trough Region of Southern California: A Comparison with San Andreas Fault Structure in the Loma Prieta Area of Central California
- Studying Exchange with Less-mobile Porosity at the Laboratory Scale: Experimentation and Multiphysics Simulations
- Studying onshore-offshore fault linkages and landslides in Icy Bay and Taan Fjord to assess geohazards in Southeast Alaska
- Subaqueous tectonic geomorphology along a 400 km stretch of the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault System, southeastern Alaska
- Subglacial Ice-Sheet Weathering: Insights from Uranium and Radium Isotopes
- Subsidence detection in Grizzly Island in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- Subsurface Environment Sampler for Improved In Situ Characterization of Subsurface Microbial Communities
- Summary of Paleotsunami Investigations in Aliomanu, Anahola, Kauai
- Surface-Air Mercury Fluxes Across Western North America: A Synthesis of Spatial Trends and Controlling Variables.
- Tectonic tremor activity associated with teleseismic and nearby earthquakes
- Terrestrial "Islands" in a Changing Climate
- Textures of Pyroclasts From Explosive Basaltic Eruptions at Soputan Volcano, Indonesia
- The Biogeography of Endorheic Soda Lakes in the Western United States
- The Eruption Forecasting Information System: Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Using Databases
- The Modern Detrital Record of Northern and Central California: Assessing the Propagation of Geochronological and Geochemical Provenance Signals
- The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault Zone - The Knife-Edged Pacific-North American Plate Boundary
- The Response of Stream and Soil Chemistry to Decreases in Acid Deposition in the Catskill Mountains, New York, USA
- The Role of Climatic Conditions in Controlling Observed Variability of Timing and Peak Discharge of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: Lago Cachet Dos, Chile
- The Roles of Shallow and Deep Groundwater Storage During Drought at Panola Mountain Research Watershed, Georgia, U.S.A.
- The Theoretical and Observational Limits of Earthquake Early Warning
- The Use of Waterborne Resistivity Profiling to Quantify Hydraulic Conductivity of 150 Kilometers of Streambed in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain
- The impact of the "calendar effect" and pseudo-daily interpolation algorithms on paleoclimatic data-model comparisons
- Trade winds drive pronounced seasonality in vadose zone carbonate chemistry in a tropical Western Pacific island karst site
- Tropical rain forest biogeochemistry in a warmer world: initial results from a novel warming experiment in a Puerto Rico tropical forest
- Tropical river suspended load and solute dynamics in storms within an extreme drought, Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory, Puerto Rico
- U-Pb (SHRIMP) Ages of Be and U-rich Opal in Tuffaceous Breccia at Spor Mountain, Utah: Interpreting a Record of Continuous Opal Formation, Episodic Be-U Mineralization, and Remobilization Events
- U.S. Geological Survey Science at the Intersection of Health and Environment
- USGS Science Data Life Cycle Tools - Lessons Learned in moving to the Cloud
- Uncertainty in the Modeling of Tsunami Sediment Transport
- Understanding Cold-Water Refuges and Thermal Stratification in a Large Regulated River
- Understanding Flow and Transport in Ice Wedge Polygons Using Tracers
- Update of the USGS 2016 One-year Seismic Hazard Forecast for the Central and Eastern United States From Induced and Natural Earthquakes
- Use of Multibeam-Bathymetry and Seismic-Reflection Data to Investigate the Origin of Seafloor Depressions Along the Southeastern Carbonate Florida Platform
- Using FOSM-Based Data Worth Analyses to Design Geophysical Surveys to Reduce Uncertainty in a Regional Groundwater Model Update
- Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Changing Distributions of Dominant Species in Oil-Contaminated Salt Marshes of Louisiana
- Using Monte Carlo Simulation to Prioritize Key Maritime Environmental Impacts of Port Infrastructure
- Using ambient seismic-noise to identify shallow interfaces important for assessing ecological groundwater flow dynamics
- Using an implicitly-coupled hydrologic and river-operations models to investigate the trade-offs of artificial recharge in agricultural areas
- Using recent hurricanes and associated event layers to evaluate regional storm impacts on estuarine-wetland systems
- Using regional pore-fluid pressure response following the 3 Sep 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake to constrain far-field seismicity rate forecasts
- Virtual Vents: A Microbathymetrical Survey of the Niua South Hydrothermal Field, NE Lau Basin, Tonga
- Warm and Cool Droughts: The Influence of Temperature on Colorado River Flow
- Wave Attenuation across a Tidal Marsh in the San Francisco Bay
- Western Water and Climate Change-An Overview
- Wet meadow ecosystems and the longevity of biologically-mediated geomorphic features
- When Does Choice of Downscaling Method Matter in Decision Making? A Case Study with Maple Syrup Production
- Where did all the water go? Surface water-groundwater interactions during a historic flow in the Lower Colorado River.
- Wildfire vs. Agricultural Operations: A Tale of Overprinted Disturbance Regimes
- Yakutat-North America plate boundary exhumation: From earthquakes to orogenesis along the Fairweather fault
- "New Space Explosion" and Earth Observing System Capabilities
- A 150 kyr-long hydroclimate record from Southern California using Searles Lake sediments: initial findings
- A Continental-scale River Corridor Model to Synthesize Understanding and Prioritize Management of Water Purification Functions and Ecological Services in Large Basins
- A DOM Odyssey: The Tale of Molecular Transformations in an Aquifer near Bemidji, MN
- A Framework for Effective Assessment of Model-based Projections of Biodiversity to Inform the Next Generation of Global Conservation Targets
- A Regional Groundwater Observatory to Enhance Analysis and Management of Water Resources
- A Simple, Efficient and Effective Modeling Approach to Determine Baseflow Based on Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- Active Layer and Water Geochemistry Dynamics throughout the Yukon River Basin
- Advancements in Large-Scale Data/Metadata Management for Scientific Data.
- Advances in Applications of Hierarchical Bayesian Methods with Hydrological Models
- Aftershocks driven by afterslip and fluid pressure sweeping through a fault-fracture mesh
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Altered nutrition during hot droughts will impair forest functions in the future
- An Introspective Critique of Past, Present, and Future USGS Decision Support
- An initial validation of Landsat 5 and 7 derived surface water temperature in US lakes and estuaries
- An investigation of the role of winter and spring precipitation as drivers of streamflow in the Missouri River Headwaters using tree-ring reconstructions
- Anatomy of a turbidity current: Concentration and grain size structure of a deep-sea flow revealed by multiple-frequency acoustic profilers
- Antecedent topography and morphological controls on sediment accumulation and slope stability of the U.S. Atlantic margin
- Arctic Oases? - River Aufeis Maintain Perennial Groundwater Habitat in the Arctic
- Assessing More than a Decade of Alaska/yukon, High Elevation, Glacier Ice/rock Landslides
- Assessing spatiotemporal changes in forest carbon turnover times in observational data and models
- Assessing the Influence of Copper-Nickel-Bearing Bedrock on Baseline Water Quality in Filson Creek Watershed, Northeast Minnesota
- Assessing the Uncertainty in Water Budget Components within the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System
- Assessment of rainfall thresholds for landslide triggering in the Pacific Northwest: extreme short-term rainfall and long-term trends
- Bank-derived material dominates fluvial sediment in a suburban Chesapeake Bay watershed
- Bedforms, Channel Formation, and Flow Stripping in the Navy Fan, Offshore Baja California
- Benthic Foraminifers identify the source of displaced sediment from a sediment density flow at 1840 m near the Seafloor Instrument Node of the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Building Effective Pipelines to Increase Diversity in the Geosciences
- Building a USGS National Crustal Model: Theoretical foundation, inputs, and calibration for the Western United States
- Can small island mountains provide relief from the Subtropical Precipitation Decline? Simulating future precipitation regimes for small island nations using high resolution Regional Climate Models.
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Flux Related to Forest Type and Managed and Unmanaged Conditions in the Great Dismal Swamp, USA
- Carbon transport in Monterey Submarine Canyon
- Changes in standing stocks and fluxes of carbon due to salinization: tidal freshwater wetland forest retreat to marsh
- Changes in the relation between snow station observations and basin scale snow water resources
- Characterization of Thermal Refugia and Biogeochemical Hotspots at Sleepers River Watershed, VT
- Characterizing Mobile/Less-Mobile Porosity and Solute Exchange in Dual-Domain Media Using Tracer Experiments and Electrical Measurements in a Hassler-Type Core Holder
- Chemical characterization of soil organic matter in a Chesapeake Bay salt marsh: analyzing microbial and vegetation inputs to SOM
- Chemistry of the Marlboro Clay in Virginia and Implications for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Chukchi Borderland | Crustal Complex of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Climate controls on streamflow variability in the Missouri River Basin
- Co-production and modeling landscape change - successes and challenges in developing useful climate science
- Communicating Glacier Change and Associated Impacts to Communities and Decision-makers
- Comparing horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios with sediment-to-bedrock spectral ratios in a region with a thin layer of unconsolidated sediments
- Controls on Soil Organic Matter in Blue Carbon Ecosystems along the South Florida Coast
- CyberShake Physics-Based PSHA in Central California
- Cycling of modern autochthonous organic matter dominates carbon flow in lakes of north central Alaska
- Data Type Registry - Cross Road Between Catalogs, Data And Semantics
- Deciphering the Preparatory and Triggering Factors Responsible for Post-Glacial Slope Failures: Insights from Landslide Age and Morphology in Yellowstone National Park
- Deformed Fluvial Terraces of Little Rock Creek Capture Off-Fault Strain Adjacent to the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Design thinking can deepen the collaboration between scientists and society: Lessons from the innovation economy
- Developing a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Decision Support System Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Products
- Developing a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure for Evaluating Landing Sites and Performing Surface Operations for the Mars 2020 Lander
- Differentiating Natural and Anthropogenic Groundwater-Level Changes in Critical Habitats: An Example from Devils Hole, Nevada
- Differentiating between anthropogenic and geological sources of nitrate using multiple geochemical tracers
- Direct Measurements of the Evolution and Impact of Sediment Density Flows as they Pass Through Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon
- Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen release from Holocene permafrost and seasonally frozen soils
- Distributions of Benthic Foraminifera in the Salisbury Embayment before and after the PETM Onset
- Do I Really Sound Like That? Communicating Earthquake Science Following Significant Earthquakes at the NEIC
- Drivers of atmospheric evaporative demand during African droughts
- Drought in West Africa: How CHIRPS and Reference Evapotranspiration can be used for Index Insurance in a Non-Stationary Setting
- Dryland responses to global change suggest the potential for rapid non-linear responses to some changes but resilience to others
- Earthquake Preparedness and Education: A Collective Impact Approach to Improving Awareness and Resiliency
- Effects of Thermal Variability on Broadband Seismometers: Controlled Experiments, Observations, and Implications
- Effects of land use on the timing and magnitude of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate fluxes: a regional analysis of high-frequency sensor measurements from forested, agricultural, and urban watersheds
- Effects of the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate Oscillations on Missouri River Basin River Flows
- Empirical Observations of Surface Ruptures Highlight the Role of Regional Stress Orientation on Earthquake Rupture Propagation
- Enhancing Famine Early Warning Systems with Improved Forecasts, Satellite Observations and Hydrologic Simulations
- Enhancing access and usage of earth observations to support environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Ensonifying Change: Repeat Ultra-High-Resolution Surveys in Monterey Canyon before and after Passage of a Turbidity Current
- Environmental Characteristics of Carbonatite and Alkaline Intrusion-related Rare Earth Element (REE) Deposits
- Estimating changes to groundwater discharge temperature under altered climate conditions
- Estimating discharge and non-point source nitrate loading to streams from three end-member pathways using high-frequency water quality and streamflow data
- Evaluating Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Water Resources in Semiarid Regions
- Evaluating Micrometeorological Estimates of Groundwater Discharge from Great Basin Desert Playas
- Evaluating the influence of shallow magma degassing on the groundwater temperature distribution in volcanic system
- Everything you wanted to know about VAMPs but were afraid to ask
- Evidence That Recent Warming Is Reducing Upper Colorado River Streamflow
- Examining the Effects of Anthropogenic Landscape Transformation on Wetland Habitats within the Grand Kankakee Watershed
- Examining the value of global seasonal reference evapotranspiration forecasts tosupport FEWS NET's food insecurity outlooks
- Exotic Members of Southern Alaska's Jurassic Arc
- Expanding the Delivery of Rapid Earthquake Information and Warnings for Response and Recovery
- Factors Controlling Nitrogen Loadings in Major River Basins Across the United States
- Fire, Climate, and Human Activity: A Combustive Combination
- First Gridded Spatial Field Reconstructions of Snow from Tree Rings
- Flocculation Settling Dynamics of Natural Cohesive Suspended Sediments: "Floccin' Across the USA!"
- Foraminifera Models to Interrogate Ostensible Proxy-Model Discrepancies During Late Pliocene
- Foreshocks and Swarms of Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas
- Formation and evolution of the near axis 8˚20'N seamount chain: Evidences from the geophysical data analysis
- Geomorphic and habitat response to a large-dam removal in a Mediterranean river
- Global terrain classification using Multiple-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain (MERIT) to address susceptibility of landslides and other geohazards
- Go big or die out: Bifurcation and bimodality in submarine sediment flow behaviour
- Groundwater Discharge of Legacy Nitrogen to River Networks: Linking Regional Groundwater Models to Streambed Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange and Nitrogen Processing
- Groundwater movement on a Low-lying Carbonate Atoll Island and its Response to Climatic and Sea-level Fluctuations: Roi Namur, Republic of the Marshall Islands
- Gsflow-py: An integrated hydrologic model development tool
- Habitat change and geomorphic response related to sediment releases during reservoir drawdowns at Fall Creek Lake, Oregon
- High-resolution Insights into Carbon Cycling in the Upper Mississippi and Lower Columbia River
- How Do We Ensure Research and Scientific Integrity? A Diverse Panel Discusses the Critical Components and Challenges of Crafting and Implementing Effective Scientific Integrity Policies.
- How stable are inter-annual patterns in snow accumulation on glaciers? Results from ground-penetrating radar surveys on Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers, Alaska between 2013 and 2017
- How to address a global problem with Earth Observations? Developing best practices to monitor forests around the world
- How well do basic models describe the turbidity currents coming down Monterey and Congo Canyon?
- Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization of Folsom Reservoir Operation to Maximize Storage in Whole Watershed
- Hydrologic Controls on Sediment Retention in a Diversion-Fed Coastal Wetland
- Hydrologic Impacts of Wildfire on a Small Sub-alpine Southwestern U.S. Watershed: A Simplified Modeling Approach
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Impacts of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From Low-Order Tributaries
- Hydrology or biology? Modeling simplistic physical constraints on lake carbon biogeochemistry to identify when and where biology is likely to matter
- Hyper-Resolution Groundwater Modeling using MODFLOW 6
- Hyporheic less-mobile porosity and solute transport in porous media
- Identification of Error Terms in Regional Water Budgets
- Imaging Strong Lateral Heterogeneities with USArray using Body-to-Surface Wave Scattering
- Impact of sea-level rise on Everglades carbon storage capacity in the Holocene
- Impacts of Potential Changes in Land Use, Climate, and Water Use on Water Availability, Coastal Carolinas Region, Southeastern United States
- Improved Management of Water and Natural Resources Requires Open, Cognizant, Adaptive Science and Policy
- Improvements in Quantifying Bank Erosion for Sediment Budgets within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed by Integrating Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry
- Improving Estimates and Forecasts of Lake Carbon Pools and Fluxes Using Data Assimilation
- In Situ Magnetic Susceptibility Variations at Two Contaminated Sites: Brandywine, MD and Bemidji, MN
- Inferring Groundwater Age in an Alluvial Aquifer from Tracer Concentrations in the Stream - Little Wind River, Wyoming
- Insights from field observations into controls on flow front speed in submarine sediment flows
- Integrated Web-Based Immersive Exploration of the Coordinated Canyon Experiment Data using Open Source STOQS Software
- Integrating time-series and spatial surveys to assess annual, lake-wide emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from a eutrophic lake
- Integrating understanding of biophysical processes governing larval fish dispersal with basin-scale management decisions: lessons from the Missouri River, USA
- Interactive Mapping of Inundation Metrics Using Cloud Computing for Improved Floodplain Conservation and Management
- Interannual variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> exchange in a brackish tidal marsh in Northern California
- Intermittent Flooding of Arctic Lagoon Wet Sedge Areas: an investigation of past and future conditions at Arey Lagoon, Eastern Arctic Alaska
- Investigating the Role of Hydrologic Residence Time in Nitrogen Transformations at the Sediment-Water Interface using Controlled Variable Head Experiments
- Investigating the development of less-mobile porosity in realistic hyporheic zone sediments with COMSOL Multiphysics
- LANDFIRE Remap: A New National Baseline Product Suite
- LPJ-GUESS Simulated Western North America Mid-latitude Vegetation Changes for 15-10 ka Using the CCSM3 TraCE Climate Simulation
- Laboratory Investigation of Complex Conductivity and Magnetic Susceptibility on Natural Iron Oxide Coated Sand
- Large-N Array Observations of Injection-Induced Seismicity in Northern Oklahoma: the LASSO Experiment
- Late Holocene Permafrost Aggradation in the Western Kenai Lowlands, Alaska: Implications for Climate Reconstruction and Carbon Cycling.
- Late Holocene sea ice conditions in Herald Canyon, Chukchi Sea
- Lateral carbon export in the Mississippi River Basin, integrating fluxes from the headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico
- Legacy Nitrate Impacts on Groundwater and Streams
- Linking Surface and Subsurface Processes: Implications for Seismic Hazards in Southern California
- Long-Term Patterns in C-Q Relations in an Adirondack Stream Reveal Decreasing Severity of Episodic Acidification
- Long-term effects of fire and harvest on carbon stocks of boreal forests in northeastern China
- Loss of ecosystem productivity with repeated drought: a multi-year experiment to assess the role of drought legacy effects
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: New Features and Improvements; The Next Generation of MODFLOW Conjunctive Use Simulation
- Machine learning model trained on generalized groundwater flow models to estimate regional distribution of groundwater age in the glaciated U.S.
- Managing Floodplain Expectations on the Lower Missouri River, USA.
- Mapping Multi-Cropped Land Use to Estimate Water Demand Using the California Pesticide Reporting Database
- Measuring and building resilience after big storms: Lessons learned from Super-Storm Sandy for the Harvey, Irma, Jose, and Maria coasts
- Merging Methods to Manage Uncertainty: Combining Simulation Modeling and Scenario Planning to Inform Resource Management Under Climate Change
- MoisturEC: an R application for geostatistical estimation of moisture content from electrical conductivity data
- Monitoring Drought along the Gulf of Mexico and the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean Using the Coastal Salinity Index
- Monitoring Wetland Hydro-dynamics in the Prairie Pothole Region Using Landsat Time Series
- Multi-disciplinary scientists as global change adaptation anchors: Filling the gaps in the Boundary Organization paradigm
- Multi-scale geophysical study to model the distribution and development of fractures in relation to the knickpoint in the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory (Puerto Rico)
- Multiple episodes of fast exhumation since Late Cretaceous in the Three Rivers region, SE Tibetan Plateau, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology
- Multiyear Downstream Response to Dam Removal on the White Salmon River, WA
- N<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes From Amazon Cropland Are a Significant Component of Watershed N Budgets.
- Natural gas sources from methane seeps on the Northern U.S. Atlantic Margin
- New Evidence for Quaternary Strain Partitioning Along the Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska
- New technological developments provide deep-sea sediment density flow insights: the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Nitrogen trends in rivers of the conterminous U.S. in the context of land use and sources
- Noble Gas signatures of Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Novel Quantification of Sediment Concentration in Turbidity Currents Through in-situ Measurements of Conductivity and Temperature
- Numerical Modeling of Anaerobic Microzones Development in Bulk Oxic Porous Media: An Assessment of Different Microzone Formation Processes
- Numerical and machine learning simulation of parametric distributions of groundwater residence time in streams and wells
- Observations of Near-Field Rotational Motions from Oklahoma Seismicity using Applied Technology Associate Sensors
- Open Source Platform Application to Groundwater Characterization and Monitoring
- Optical Remote Sensing Algorithm Validation using High-Frequency Underway Biogeochemical Measurements in Three Large Global River Systems
- Orbital-scale Central Arctic Ocean Temperature Records from Benthic Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Ostracode Mg/Ca Ratios
- PEER NGA-East Overview: Development of a Ground Motion Characterization Model (Ground Motion Prediction Equations) for Central and Eastern North America
- Permafrost stores a globally significant amount of mercury
- Permeability Changes Observed in the Arbuckle Group Coincident with Nearby Earthquake Occurrence
- Physical Samples Linked Data in Action
- Preliminary Results from Powell Research Group on Integrating GRACE Satellite and Ground-based Estimates of Groundwater Storage Changes
- Preliminary three-dimensional geohydrologic framework of the San Antonio Creek Groundwater Basin, Santa Barbara County, California
- Probing the Gaps: A Synthesis of Well-known and Lesser-known Hydrological Feedbacks Influencing Vegetation Patterning and Long-term Geomorphic Change in Low-gradient Fluvial Landscapes
- Progress and limitations on quantifying nutrient and carbon loading to coastal waters
- Quantifying the Contribution of Regional Aquifers to Stream Flow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Quivering on the brink: Common observations of turbidity current frequency and triggering in disparate settings
- Radio Tracking Fish with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS).
- Real-time, high frequency (1 Hz), in situ measurement of HCl and HF gases in volcanic plumes with a novel cavity-enhanced, laser-based instrument
- Reconstructing the 1935 Columbia River Gorge: A Topographic and Orthophoto Experiment
- Reducing uncertainty in dust monitoring to detect aeolian sediment transport responses to land cover change
- Regional Interdependence in Adaptation to Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding
- Regional-scale comparison of the effects of lakes and reservoirs versus streams on water quality
- Repeat Mapping in Upper Monterey Canyon Captures the Effect of Sediment Transport Events of Known Magnitude and Duration on the Seafloor Morphology
- Repeat Mapping in the Lower Monterey Submarine Canyon Sheds Light on Morphological Change During Discrete Sediment Density Flow Events
- Science to Manage a Very Rare Fish in a Very Large River - Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River, U.S.A.
- Seabed Motion During Sediment Density Flows as Recorded by Displaced Man-Made Motion-Recording Boulders and a Heavy Instrument Platform
- Seasonal Dynamics of River Corridor Exchange Across the Continental United States
- Seasonal reversal of temperature-moisture response of net carbon exchange of biocrusted soils in a cool desert ecosystem.
- Sediment Budgets and Sources Inform a Novel Valley Bottom Restoration Practice Impacted by Legacy Sediment: The Big Spring Run, PA, Restoration Experiment
- Sediment Dating With <SUP>210</SUP>Pb and <SUP>137</SUP>Cs In Monterey Canyon, California Reveal the extent of recent sediment movement down canyon
- Segmentation along the Queen Charlotte Fault: The long-lived influence of plate-motion rotation and Explorer Ridge fracture zones
- Seismic Evidence for a Fossil Slab Origin of the Isabella Anomaly in Central California
- Semi-automatic Data Integration using Karma
- Shoreline Erosion and Slope Failure Detection over Southwest Lakeshore Michigan using Temporal Radar and Digital Elevation Model
- Short and long-term soil carbon accumulation in marsh salinity types of the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain: implications for future global climate change and coastal restoration
- Snapshot science: new research possibilities facilitated by spatially dense data sets in limnology
- Soil Porewater Salinity Response to Sea-level Rise in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands: A Modeling Study
- Solute-specific patterns and drivers of urban stream chemistry revealed by long-term monitoring in Baltimore, Maryland
- Spatial Trends and Variability of Vertical Accretion Rates in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana, U.S.A. using Pb-210 and Cs-137 radiochemistry
- Species- to continental-scale influences of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on tree growth and mortality across the conterminous United States
- Stability of Cr Remediation Products Linked to Duration of Bioremediation.
- Storage in alluvial deposits controls the timing of particle delivery from large watersheds, filtering upland erosional signals and delaying benefits from watershed best management practices
- Storm Runoff and Seasonal Dissolved Carbon Flow Dynamics Across Watershed Scales in the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone, Alaska
- Sub-hectare crop area mapped wall-to-wall in Tigray Ethiopia with HEC processing of WorldView sub-meter panchromatic image texture
- Surface Water Geochemistry, Sediment, and Field Parameters During Snowmelt and Monsoons in the New Mexico Reach of the Animas and San Juan Rivers, 2016
- Sustainability of utility-scale solar energy: Critical environmental concepts
- Sustainable Land Imaging User Requirements
- Temporal changes in surface roughness around 88°S from repeat high-resolution Airborne Topographic Mapper laser altimetry
- The 2<SUP>nd</SUP> State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR-2): Process, Progress and Institutional Context
- The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA): High Spatial Resolution Global Monitoring of Volcanic Eruptions
- The Approaching Obsolescence of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs as a Means of Dating Wetland Soils and Sediments in North America
- The Biogeochemistry of Indium, Gallium, and Germanium in Mine Wastes
- The California Seafloor Mapping Program — Providing science and geospatial data for California's State Waters
- The Deglacial to Holocene Paleoceanography of Bering Strait: Results From the SWERUS-C3 Program
- The Effect of Climate Change on Snow Pack at Sleepers River, Vermont, USA
- The HayWired Scenario - How Can the San Francisco Bay Region Bounce Back Better?
- The Indigenous Observation Network: Collaborative, Community-Based Monitoring in the Yukon River Basin
- The Influence of Geography and Geology on Seismic Background Noise Levels Across the United States as Revealed by the Transportable Array
- The Limits of Earthquake Early Warning for Finite Ruptures
- The Observed Functionality of Dams and Reservoirs
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- The Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault Zone - Geomorphology of a submarine transform fault, offshore British Columbia and southeastern Alaska
- The Record of Tsunamis and Storms in a Coastal Mangrove Pond, NW Puerto Rico
- The Role of Driving Factors in Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: A Scientific Basis for Policy and Management Decisions
- The Value of Long-Term Research at the Five USGS WEBB Catchments
- The Vertical Flux Method (VFM) for regional estimates of temporally and spatially varying nitrate fluxes in unsaturated zone and groundwater
- The down canyon evolution of submarine sediment density flows
- The importance of groundwater to the seasonal variation in nutrients and eulittoral periphyton biomass in the ultra-oligotrophic Lake Tahoe
- The relationship between active deformation, stratigraphic architecture, and submarine slope failure in the Santa Barbara Channel, southern California
- The role of baseflow in dissolved solids delivery to streams in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- The role of mountain precipitation as a drought buffer in Puerto Rico: Assessing natural systems' resilience to change
- Thermal and Hydraulic Conditions Supporting the Recruitment of Asian Carp in Seiche Affected Rivers of Lake Erie Basin - A Case Study of the Lower Sandusky River in Ohio
- Towards an integrated strategy for monitoring wetland inundation with virtual constellations of optical and radar satellites
- Tracking the Fate of Explosive-Trinitrotriazine (RDX) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems Using Stable Isotopic Tracer
- Triggering of frequent turbidity currents in Monterey Canyon and the role of antecedent conditioning
- USGEO DMWG Cloud Computing Recommendations
- Underwater Light Regimes in Rivers from Multiple Measurement Approaches
- Updating estimates of low streamflow statistics to account for possible trends
- Using Continuous In-situ Measurement of Fluorescence to Reveal Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in a Forested Watershed
- Using Eco-hydrologic modeling in the Penobscot River Watershed to explore the role of climate and land use change on DOC concentration and flux
- Using GRACE Amplitude Data in Conjunction with the Spatial Distribution of Groundwater Recharge to Estimate the Components of the Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly across the Contiguous United States
- Using Heat as a Tracer to Estimate Saline Groundwater Fluxes from the Deep Aquifer System to the Shallow Aquifers and the Rio Grande in the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico, USA
- Using Network Analysis to Characterize Biogeographic Data in a Community Archive
- Using Uncertainty Quantification to Guide Development and Improvements of a Regional-Scale Model of the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer System Spanning Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida
- Using V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30</SUB> to Estimate Station M<SUB>L</SUB> Adjustments (dM<SUB>L</SUB>)
- Using a large-n nodal array to search for remote dynamic triggering in a region of induced seismicity in northern Oklahoma.
- Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa
- V<SUB>S</SUB> Characterization of Hard-Rock DAM Sites in British Columbia
- Value of Earth Observation for Risk Mitigation
- Variability of Shoreline Change Rates Along the North Coast of Alaska from the U.S. Canadian Border to Icy Cape
- Vegetation change and pollen geochronology from the Atlantic Coast of the United States during the last Millennium
- Verifying Sediment Fingerprinting Results with Known Mixtures
- Water resources management: Hydrologic characterization through hydrograph simulation may bias streamflow statistics
- What Role do Nor'Easters have on the Jamaica Bay Wetlands Sediment Budget?
- What is the Best Model Specification and Earth Observation Product for Predicting Regional Grain Yields in Food Insecure Countries?
- "Hey Alexa, Open USGS Did You Feel It?" — Exploring voice-enabled technologies to improve the citizen-science earthquake reporting experience
- 2018 Update of the National Seismic Hazard Models for the United States
- A 450,000-year sea-ice reconstruction, Alpha Ridge, central Arctic Ocean: implications for the Mid-Brunhes Event
- A GIS framework for assessing environmental effects of oil and gas releases
- A Hybrid Statistical-Mechanistic Model for Forecasting Groundwater Quality in the Great Lakes Basin
- A Late Pliocene Restructuring of the Bay of Bengal Mixed Layer
- A Neural Network for Mapping Groundwater TDS using Deep Borehole Geophysical Logs
- A Preliminary Drought History From 4000 Years Ago To Present As Indicated By Lake Lowstands in Lake Jackson, Florida/Alabama
- A SCEC CyberShake Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model for Northern California
- A Semi-Analytical Particle-Tracking Method for Groundwater Flows Simulated on Unstructured Control-Volume Finite-Difference Grids
- A User-driven Approach for Meeting the Nation's Land Imaging Needs
- A carbon cycle partnership and program: reaching out towards international engagement and collaborations
- A century of erosion and deposition of a marsh planform - which has been more important at sculpting the landscape?
- A comprehensive approach to informing and monitoring results of stream management practices in the Upper Esopus Creek watershed
- A database of nitrate isotopes in waters of the Northern Forest region in the USA and Canada
- A multiple methods vertical land movement analysis to support sea level rise planning for Washington State
- A new approach to forecasting aftershocks via Coulomb stress transfer in large, complex plate-boundary earthquakes: The 2016 M=7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand, and 2017-2018 M≤8.2 Mexico earthquakes
- A new methodology for conducting a geoenvironmental assessment of undiscovered uranium resources in the United States
- A new multi-source dataset describing surface water regimes across North American wetlandscapes
- A physically-based approach for estimating post-wildfire debris flow initiation thresholds
- A rapid launch of near-term ecological forecasting: Chasing tree die-off experimentally during an intensifying drought
- A risk-based assessment of the impacts of a changing climate in the U.S. Northeast
- ARkStorm and the 2017 Relentless Storm Season
- Achieving High Quality Data in Community-Based Water Quality Monitoring: Fulfilling Community & Scientific Objectives
- Adaptive Management as structured Translational Ecology: A proposal and a case study from Puerto Rico
- Addressing SST Uncertainty for Future Precipitation Extremes within the Southeast and Caribbean US at Convective Permitting Scales
- Addressing the Challenges of Ground-Based Monitoring of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from the Lower East Rift Zone Eruption of Kilauea Volcano with Satellite-Based Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Advanced Simulation Capabilities to Explore Pre-and-Post Fire Surface water-Groundwater Interactions after the 2017 California Wine-Country Fires
- Advancing Best Practices for the Analysis of the Vulnerability of Military Installations in the Pacific Basin to Coastal Flooding under a Changing Climate
- Advancing Hydrological Modeling at the Continental Scale with Hierarchical Bayesian Methods
- Airborne and ground geophysical data used to image rare earth element bearing iron-oxide apatite deposits in the eastern Adirondacks, New York
- An Early Warning System for Marine Flooding of Reef-Lined Islands
- An Updated Compilation of V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30 </SUB>in the United States
- An assessment of array types and processing algorithms for microtremor observations, via the COSMOS Blind Trials
- Analysis of Rainfall Trends for the Belg Season in Ethiopia
- Analysis of Snow Variability Over High Mountain Asia and Other Major High Mountain Ranges
- Analysis of thermal emission from Kīlauea's 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption, using satellite remote sensing assets
- Anticipated improvements to in-river DEMs from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission
- Approaches for effective calibration of the National Water Model to improve subsurface process simulation
- Arctic Alaska's barrier islands: Morphological types and historical change
- Arctic aufeis fields host the large hyporheic zones that serve as winter oases
- Arctic vegetation, temperature, and hydrology during early Eocene transient global warming events.
- Assessing Accuracy and Tradeoffs from Several Power Spectral Density Estimate Algorithms
- Assessing climate risks and adaptation opportunities in the Southeast U.S. as part of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- Assessing geomorphic change from increasing flood frequency and magnitude using stream gage data and aerial imagery
- Assessing the Character and Run-out Distances of Recent Sediment Density Flow Events from their Deposits in Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Assessing the Dynamics of the Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem in the Context of Restoration and Fire in Western North America using the Ecosystem Demography (ED2) Model
- Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Over Large Rivers
- Assisting Geophysicists in Data Management: Perceptions and Opportunities
- Atmospheric corrections of WorldView-3 imagery to improve the accuracy of space-borne estimates of crop residue cover assessments in Mid-Atlantic agricultural regions.
- Attribution of changes in hydrologic extremes to changing land cover
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part I: Evaluating the National Water Model's baseflow and deep percolation estimation in the Northern High Plains
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part II: Alternative Non-Linear Reservoir Functions for Improving Hydrograph Forecasts
- Bering Sea climate influenced by solar forcing during the late Holocene
- Big Data Analytics to Enable Integrated Research of Biodiversity and Climate Datasets in the Amazon Basin
- Big Shock Shakes Big City!
- Biocrust CO<SUB>2</SUB> cycle in a cool desert ecosystem: pulsed loss in the hot season, sustained uptake through the cool wet season.
- Building and Implementing Science Collaborations Innovatively and Effectively: Exploring Lessons Learned and Opportunities in the Carbon Space
- Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal palaeoecology inferred from isotopic and trace element geochemical signals
- Changes in Lake Water Chemistry During Transport Through Sediments and Recharge to Groundwater
- Chapter 5: SOCCR2: Current State of the Carbon Cycle in Agricultural Systems in North America
- Characterization of a gravel to sand transition on the Lower Yellowstone River, Montana
- Characterizing Wind Noise and Spatial Variability on Near-Surface Broadband Seismometers
- Characterizing multi-hazard exposure for lands, assets, resources, and people associated with the U.S. Department of the Interior
- Characterizing the breakdown of floral volatiles by ozone in a heavily polluted Los Angeles area
- Climate Adaptation Plans: Assisting Water Managers in Mitigating Impacts on Water Resources in an Uncertain Future
- CoSMoS: a comprehensive assessment of coastal hazards due to climate change
- Coastal and Fluvial Integrated Flood Forecast Modeling: A Case Study in South San Francisco Bay
- Combining Multiple Sampling Methods to Quantify Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange at a Previously Characterized Field Site
- Combining UAV and Surface Observations for Rapid Discharge Estimation and SWOT Validation in Remote Areas
- Combining long-term observations with experiments to test hypotheses on stream water dissolved organic carbon dynamics at the Sleepers River Research Watershed
- Comparative Genomic Analysis of Iron-Oxidizing Thiomonas Isolates from Acid Mine Drainage
- Comparing Complex Agricultural Water Demands derived from Conventional Land Use Data Sets and Enhanced Land Use Estimation Using the California Pesticide Reporting Database
- Compositionally dependent response of andesites to eruption at Augustine Volcano
- Consistent Reanalysis of Five North American Glacier Mass Balance Records
- Constraining Lateral Carbon Exports to the Marine Environment for Suisun Marsh, California, USA
- Continental Scale Variations of Flow-Frequency Duration Curves and Hydraulic Geometry
- Controls on fluvial morphology in Olympic National Park, Washington, USA: physical factors or wolf-driven trophic cascades?
- Coupling Groundwater Flow Modeling with Geophysical Mapping and Hydrologic Monitoring to Assess Water Availability in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Creating Transformative Partnerships and Experiences to Foster Science that is Useful and Used
- Cretaceous foreland dynamics, eustasy, and climate from continental shelf and distal sections, Arctic Alaska
- Criteria for Geomorphic Response from Large Dam Removal
- Cryopegs of Northern Alaska
- Data integration across scales to estimate subsurface nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Decadal changes in groundwater recharge and nitrate concentrations in a shallow aquifer under changing agricultural practices: application of repeat sampling and machine learning approaches
- Decadal-Scale Morphodynamic Modeling in Support of Coastal Restoration: Sensitivity of Barrier Island Response to Storms, Sea Level Rise, and Restoration Actions
- Deformation Observed in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption and Earthquake Sequence Using Differential Airborne Lidar Topographic Data
- Delayed Response to Management of Chesapeake Bay Nitrogen Sources Caused by Long-Term Storage of Nitrogen in Groundwater
- Demonstration of Enhanced Biodegradation in a Bioaugmented Activated Carbon Remedy for Chlorobenzenes
- Deriving Disturbance Indices and Loading Factors Using Remote Sensing Data and Crop Models to Develop Derived Variables for SPARROW Water Quality Models in the Southeast USA
- Deriving digital elevation models using high-resolution satellite imagery in high relief volcanic areas
- Detecting Regional Effects of Agricultural Management Practices on Nutrient and Sediment Flux in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Detrital Zircon age spectra of Middle and Upper Eocene strata of the U.S. Gulf Coast
- Detrital zircon geochronology of the Early to Middle Mississippian Maccrady Facies Track, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana
- Development and implementation of tools to monitor and forecast post-wildfire debris flows
- Development of a simulation of the surficial groundwater system for the contiguous United States
- Development of terrain classifications as a proxy to estimate VS30
- Differences in Event Water Delivery Thresholds and Hydrologic Flowpaths among Humid Tropical Catchments of Varying Land Cover in Central Panama
- Differentiating natural and anthropogenic nitrate contamination to groundwater through conventional and unconventional geochemistry
- Disaster Diplomacy Can Effectively Reduce International Natural Disaster Risk: A US Government Partnership Success Story
- Dissolved Kr and Xe isotope ratios in groundwater enable quantitative resolution of water-table depth at the time of recharge
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Quality across Stormflow and Baseflow in Rivers of the Chesapeake Bay
- Does signal-free detrending increase coherence across spatial scales in large tree-ring networks?
- Downscaling Soil Moisture Monitoring by Combining Remote Sensing Observation and In Situ Measurements
- Drivers of Bistability in a Rapidly Submerging Marsh
- Early warning of food insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring predictors beyond traditionally used seasonal rainfall forecasts
- Econometric panel approaches to isolating the causal impact of impervious cover on annual peak floods
- Effect of Parameter Uncertainty on Surface Water Depletion Caused by Groundwater Pumping
- Effect of flocculation on estimated sediment flux derived from optical turbidity measurements in the San Francisco Estuary
- Effects of Gas Phase Methane on the Development of Underpressures Within Low-Permeability Sedimentary Rocks During Glacial Loading Cycles in the Eastern Michigan Basin, Ontario, Canada
- Effects of Human Influences and Natural Persistence on Low Streamflow Changes in the United States
- Effects of increased temperature on C cycling of a wet tropical forest: Initial results from a novel field warming experiment in Puerto Rico
- Effects of regulation and urbanization on historical flood trends in the United States
- Efficient and comprehensive hydrogeological characterization of remote stream corridors using drones
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through web-services, training and development of novel datasets
- Enhancing the topobathymetric infrastructure using integrated remote sensing methods to mitigate coastal hazards
- Environmental Pulse Flows as a Tool for Restoration of Plant Communities: A Case Study of Remote Sensing Methods to Measure Greenness and Evapotranspiration in the Lower Colorado River Delta
- Establishing a national forest soil monitoring network: Chemical variability in forest soils
- Estimates of Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration: 2005-2014
- Estimating surface runoff at the monthly timescale for the conterminous U.S.
- Evaluating the Impact of Produced Water Spills in the Permian Basin on Soil Biogeochemistry
- Evaluating the adequacy of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios to estimate site response from relatively thick (up to 1800 m) unconsolidated sedimentary sequences
- Evaluating the hydrologic impact of an irrigation curtailment program using Landsat satellite data in the Upper Klamath Basin
- Evaluating the need for two-way groundwater-surface water exchange mechanisms in the National Water Model over the Northern High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled Winds over the Beaufort Sea coast
- Evaluation of satellite-derived water quality variables using satellite remote sensing and in situ data in San Luis Reservoir
- Evidence for a Positive Feedback Between Shallow Groundwater Flow and Shear Failure in an Active Earthflow
- Evolutionary characteristics of families of repeated earthquakes in southern Kansas, Central United States, induced by wastewater disposal
- Evolving geometric and environmental controls on Columbia Glacier ice dynamics
- Examining Agricultural Cost Components in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain for Integration into a Decision Support System
- Examining floods from individual events to cumulative floodplain storage across the conterminous US
- Exploring Drivers of Regional Water-quality Change Using Differential Spatially Referenced Regression - A Pilot Study in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Exploring the relationship between sorption, mass transfer, and flow rate in dual domain porosity media
- Extreme Fault Connectivity and What It Means for Seismic Hazard Models
- Extreme Floods in the Baltimore Metropolitan Region and the Myth of the 1000-YEAR Flood
- Facilitating transdisciplinary interaction in Coastal California: Results from a longitudinal study
- Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers in Kenya
- Flow Alteration, River Valley Morphology, and the Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Sediment Availability along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Flows influence export of sediment and solute chemical constituents in mid-Atlantic watersheds
- Fluvial geomorphic evolution under sediment-starved vs. sediment-rich conditions: Response to the world's largest dam removal, Elwha River, Washington, USA
- Foraminiferal reaction to changes in Pliocene Climate
- Forecasts of Induced Seismicity and its Hazard from a Hydromechanical Earthquake Nucleation Model
- Forensic Examination of Soil on a Shovel to Narrow the Search for a Clandestine Grave Along a Transcontinental Path
- Fourth National Climate Assessment - Coastal Effects Chapter
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Causes, Consequences, and Management
- Geochemical and Biological Measures of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases to Surface Waters
- Geologic Mapping of the Pequop Mountains, NE Nevada: Exploring Basic and Applied Topics in the Easternmost Ruby Mountains-East Humboldt Range Metamorphic Core Complex
- Geologic map of the Stillwater Range and Clan Alpine Mountains, Nevada: Voluminous Oligocene silicic calderas and plutons of the ignimbrite flareup in the western US Cordillera
- Geomorphic and structural mapping in pursuit of a slip rate for the Santa Susana Fault, southern California
- Geomorphic response to dam removals on the lower Penobscot River, Maine, USA
- Global Seismographic Network Data Quality from Signal to Noise Measurements at Tidal Frequencies
- Global assessment of evapotranspiration impacted by anthropogenic land cover changes
- Grass Carp Response to Flow Turbulence: Egg Mortality and Larvae Response to Altered Flows.
- Groundwater Inflow into Upper Klamath Lake, OR, and its Potential Role in Algal Bloom Dynamics
- Groundwater responses to future sea level rise in California
- HadCM3 PlioMIP Phase 2 Contribution: Enhanced Boundary Condition Core Experiments.
- Helping Decision Makers Incorporate Climate Model Projections into their Future Planning
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- Historical Changes in Extreme Floods in the United States
- Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Great Dismal Swamp, southeastern Virginia, USA
- Holocene limnologic evolution and river flood history from a multi-basin sinkhole lake in Washington County, Florida
- Holocene shell geochemical and paleoecological records of a submarine cave in Okinawa, Japan
- Hot spots of nutrients, trace metals and endocrine disrupting compounds in Potomac Watershed
- How Hydrologic Connectivity Regulates Water Quality in River Corridors
- Hurricane defoliation effects on water cycle processes in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico
- Hydroclimatology of the Mississippi River Basin
- Hydrologic and biogeochemical significance of perennial thaw zones in degrading permafrost
- Hydrologic characteristics of western United States extensional basin playas related to Li enrichment: example from the Bristol Trough, California
- Hydrologic-geologic threshold effects on groundwater-surface water interaction
- Hydrological interactions of biogeochemical and active layer dynamics within a large-scale heterogeneous permafrost environment, the Yukon River Basin.
- Hysteresis and response to storm events in a tropical landscape: Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico
- Identifying a set of plausible GCMs for regional climate change studies. Case study: Northeastern U.S.
- Impacts of Elevated CO2 and Whole Ecosystem Warming on Photosynthesis and Respiration of Two Ericaceous Shrubs in a Northern Peatland
- Impacts of Land Use and Management Changes on Total Nitrogen Yields and Loads in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Impacts of permafrost thaw on mercury dynamics
- Implications of Critical Flow Phenomena for Estimating Lava Flux During Recent Activity at Kīlauea Volcano
- Improving regional water quality predictions by parsing river corridor contributions to "whole-stream" reactions
- In search of a microbial indicator for "groundwater under the direct influence of surface water" (GWUDI): Results from studies of flow-through groundwater lakes (kettle ponds) in Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Influence of Climate Change on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
- Informing Flood Risk Reduction, De Soto, Missouri
- Infusing NASA Remotely-Sensed Data into a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Insights from Aftershocks of the 30 November 2017 Dover, DE, Earthquake
- Insights into the 2018 eruption of Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, from geophysical data and visual observations.
- Insights into the collapse of Kīlauea caldera using seismicity and infrasound
- Integrated Hydrology and Operations Models to Investigate Climate Scenarios in Carson Valley, Nevada, a Snowmelt Dominated Agricultural Basin
- Integrated Modeling of Hydro-Geomorphic Hazards: Floods, Landslides and Sediment
- Integrating 3D information from ecoacoustics and lidar remote sensing to characterize landscape-level biodiversity variability
- Interagency Remote Sensing Collaborations to Assess and Monitor Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Drivers
- Interception-Rearing Complexes: An Explicit Experiment in Large-River Restoration to Promote Survival of Larvae of the Endangered Pallid Sturgeon
- Investigating Lake-Area Dynamics across a Permafrost-Thaw Spectrum Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys and Remote Sensing Time-series Data
- Investigations of Morphological Changes During Hurricane Sandy Using a Coupled Modeling System
- Investigations on the Sources of Flood Conveyance Methylmercury Production
- Isotopic Composition of Lithium in Lithium-bearing Clays from the Southwestern US
- It's 2018: what does New Research Tell us about the Role of Biological Soil Crusts in Dryland Ecohydrological Cycles, both now and for the Future?
- Kīlauea 2018: Mapping and measuring lava extent and summit deformation using high resolution satellite data.
- Laboratory Experiments to Evaluate Hydraulic Factors Mediating Dispersal of an Endangered Sturgeon
- Laboratory and Field Reflectivity Measurements of Beach and Desert Sands within the Hapke BRDF Model Using Portable Spectrometers.
- Land Change and Carbon Modeling Based on USGS LCMAP Products in the Chesapeake Bay Ecoregion
- Land Use/Land Cover Change Impacts on Carbon Storage in Coastal Wetlands: A Framework to Improve National-Scale Carbon and GHG Accounting
- Land use influences storm hysteresis of dissolved organic matter character and concentration
- Land-Surface Movement from Aquifer System Deformation in the Southern Chesapeake Bay Region of Virginia
- Landscape legacies and the biogeochemistry of surface waters in permafrost affected terrains
- Late Holocene Changes to the South Florida Mangrove Coastline and Projections for the 22<SUP>nd</SUP> Century: Interaction of Climate, Sea Level, and Local Factors
- Less-mobile Exchange Dynamics in Porous Media
- Lessons Learned from Bedrock Investigations in the Epicentral Region of the 2011 M5.8 Mineral, Virginia Earthquake
- Li-rich Claystone in the McDermitt Caldera, Nevada: Characteristics and Possible Origin
- Linking Hydrologic Flowpaths and Catchment Structure in the Foothills/Montane Regions of the Colorado Front Range
- Linking regional groundwater models with thermal infrared field surveys to characterize spatial patterns of groundwater discharge at the scale of river networks
- Locating Fe Rich Anoxic Groundwater Discharge Using Spectral Induced Polarization
- Long-term and Higher Temporal Resolution River Reach Width Estimation through the Assembly of Multi-spatial, -spectral, and -temporal Resolution Databases: Experience from an Alaska Pilot Study.
- Low temperature brittle-ductile deformation associated with uranium mineralization in the footwall of the Mesozoic Chatham normal fault, Virginia
- Management-driven scenario planning to aid climate adaptation in the Southwest US
- Manure and Fertilizer Inputs to Land in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 1950-2012
- Mapping Agricultural Subsurface Drainage by Proximal and Remote Sensing Technologies Integrated with a Satellite Navigation System - Invited Paper 351735
- Mapping changes to channel incision in headwater streams through time using multi-temporal lidar
- Measuring and Modeling Regional Sediment and Nutrient Fluxes of Floodplains and Streambanks, from Mountains to the Sea
- Microbial community homogeneity of low-biomass Utica Shale produced waters and core
- Mid-Piacenzian (Pliocene) Marine Paleoenvironments of the North Atlantic Region
- Millennial-scale and glacial-interglacial hydrological changes in the southwestern U.S. over the last 150,000 years
- Mineralogical insights into the 2018 Puna eruption at Kilauea volcano: magma origins and mixing timescales
- Modeling assessment of climate change impacts on water quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Modeling causal drivers of phosphorus loads in Chesapeake Bay tributaries using structural equation models
- Modeling post-wildfire hydrology and debris flow timing using a regionally generalizable approach
- Modeling the Transport and Fate of Oil-Particle-Aggregates (OPAs) in Rivers after an Oil Spill
- Modeling the response of nutrient loads to management actions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed through participatory modeling
- Monitoring and managing hormones, nutrients, and salts in drinking water sources
- Morphologic and Structural Variation Along the Offshore Cascadia Margin: Implications for Megathrust Behavior
- Most Earth-surface Calcites Precipitate Out of Isotopic Equilibrium
- Multi-Site Comparison of Sediment Trends in the Lower Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin: Implications for Coastal Restoration
- Multidisciplinary Studies of Permafrost Coast Processes, NE Alaska
- NASA Earth Science Activities Supporting Analysis and Response to the 2018 Hurricane Season
- National Water Model Community Collaboration and Engagement: A Software Development Approach
- Natural Infrastructure Metrics Workgroup: Framework, Metrics, and Suggestions for Agencies and Academics to Measure Coastal Resilience Performance and Effectiveness
- Natural Slow Growing and Long Duration Seismicity Swarms: Reactivating Joints or Foliations in Igneous Plutonic Rock in the Central Peninsular Ranges, Southern California
- Near Real-Time Monitoring and Detection of Rapidly Changing Magmatic Processes during Kilauea's 2018 Lower East Rift Zone Eruption
- Nearshore benthic light attenuation due to sediment transport following dam removal on the Elwha River, WA: In-situ observations and statistical modeling
- Neurodiversity and innovative approaches to scientific inclusion at the U.S. Geological Survey
- New Applications of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Coastal Process Studies
- New Approaches to Technology Development: How ESIP and USGS are working towards comprehensive Earth data provenance
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- New technologies to measure temporal variations of magmatic helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain California
- No measurable calcium isotopic fractionation during crystallization of Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii, and its implication to calcium isotopic fractionation during mantle partial melting
- Noble Gas Concentrations in Cloud Water: Implications for Solubilities of Trace Gases in Clouds and Fog
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Northward Migration of the Oregon Fore-arc Block on the Gales Creek Fault
- Observation of Less-mobile Porosity Dynamics in an Urban Stream
- Observations of a Delta during a Massive Increase in Sediment Supply: Wave vs. Tidal Domination
- Oiling accelerates loss of salt marshes, southeastern Louisiana
- Operationalizing Crowdsourcing at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Optical properties of high latitude lakes and implications for airborne and satellite remote sensing
- Optimal Managed Aquifer Recharge to Address Land Subsidence within California's Central Valley
- Overcoming Nutrient Limitation: Will Phosphorus Availability Constrain Global Plant Production Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>?
- Oxygen Isotopic Record of Silicic Magma Genesis in Iceland through Time: Evidence Suggests Abrupt Late Pleistocene Onset of Glacial Climate Influence
- Oxygen isotope ratios in calcitic ostracode shells from the Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Paleobathymetric Reconstructions of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain During the Latest Paleocene and Earliest Eocene
- Parallel Groundwater Modeling using MODFLOW 6
- Patterns of coastal response and recovery from the 2015-16 El Niño
- Peer-to-Peer Bystander Intervention Training for Employees in Science and Science-Support Roles: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
- Petrology and REE potential of mid-Cretaceous alkaline intrusive rocks in the Darby Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Physics guided machine learning: a new paradigm for modeling dynamical systems
- Poroelastic modeling of wastewater injection in southern Kansas
- Precipitation-Pulse Regimes Determine Functioning of Dryland Ecosystems
- Predicting Water Quality in Groundwater and Streams Using Machine Learning Methods
- Preliminary ages of prehistoric earthquakes on the Banning Strand of the San Andreas Fault, near North Palm Springs, California
- Probabilistic Modeling of Provenance of Trace Soil Evidence
- Process-Guided Data-Driven modeling of water temperature: Anchoring predictions with thermodynamic constraints in the Big Data era
- Production and Transport of Fe- and Mg-bearing Silicate Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Fluids at the East Pacific Rise (9° 50' N)
- Promoting advances in hydrological modeling through development of the open-source water quality modelling system RSPARROW
- Quantifying Probability of Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Trichloroethene (TCE) Occurrence in the Rock Matrix of a Mudstone Aquifer
- Quantifying atmospheric dust deposition to the Colorado Front Range
- Quantifying forest range shifts and biotic velocities since the Last Glacial Maximum in the upper midwestern US
- Quantifying spatial variations in the environmental effects of oil and gas activity using remote sensing
- Quaternary Slip History of the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California
- Re-examining the Role of Lakes in Carbon Cycling Across High Latitudes - Results from ABoVE
- Reactive transport of nitrogen species near the groundwater-lake water interface
- Recent trends in nutrient and sediment loading to coastal areas of the conterminous U.S. (2002-2012): Insights and global context
- Reducing future risk during the 2018 Kilauea eruption: a new model for enabling subject matter expert-decision maker engagement
- Reduction and quantification of forest change mapping error: supporting carbon accounting in seven East African countries
- Relationship of Cenozoic volcanic activity to lithium concentrations in playas and sediments around the world and implications for genesis of lithium-enriched brines
- Resolving Shifting Nitrogen Budgets of the Long Island Sound Estuary
- Response of Coastal Waves and Surge to Interaction between Hurricane Matthew and the Gulf Stream
- Revisiting the Hynesian View of Streams and Their Valleys
- River Response to Large-Dam Removal in a Mediterranean Hydroclimatic Setting: Carmel River, California, USA
- Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise
- Seasonal Patterns in Orthophosphate Concentrations in Chesapeake Bay Watersheds
- Seasonal shifts in solute flux and water source chemistry in a coastal glaciated watershed undergoing rapid change: Wolverine Glacier Watershed, Alaska
- Sediment Flux and Shot-Lived Fallout Radionuclide Activities in an Urban setting, Dead Run, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- Sedimentary Lithofacies Associated with Magma-Water Interaction and Caldera Formation on Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Sedimentary and Microfossil Differences Between Sediments Deposited by Hurricane Irma and the 1755 Lisbon Tsunami
- Sedimentation in Response to Glacial Retreat in Icy Bay from Late Holocene to Present.
- ShakeAlert v. 2.0 Testing and Certification
- Shaking is Almost Always a Surprise: The Earthquakes That Produce Significant Ground Motion
- Shallow Fault Slip and Near-fault Deformation on the Creeping Section of the San Andreas Fault
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- Slip Rate Dependence of Scaling Relationships for Fault Dimensions and Magnitude
- Smart Mapping: Automated 4-Dimensional Visualization of Water Quality in Chesapeake Bay
- Spatial Variation and Characteristics of Groundwater Evapotranspiration Across a Headwater Riparian Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Manganese, Phosphorus, and Iron in Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho/Oregon, are controlled by Reservoir Stratification
- Spatial patterns of Hydroclimate in the Alaska-Yukon region from late Holocene proxy evidence that includes elevation gradients
- Spatial variability in the sources of groundwater salinity in the Rio Grande Valley of the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico and West Texas, USA
- Spectral mapping of Atacama del Salar, Chile using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data, an analog for U.S. playa-hosted lithium resource assessment
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- State of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Wetlands of North America
- Stream-centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds
- Streamflow, Baseflow, and Hydrologic Partitioning in Response to Changing Snowmelt in the Upper Rio Grande Basin, 1980 - 2015
- Subsurface Framework and Results for the U.S. Geological Survey Assessment of Potential Carbon Dioxide Storage Resources of the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain and Eastern Mesozoic Rift Basins
- Sustainable Land Imaging Landsat 10 User Needs
- Systematic Mapping of An Ocean-Continent Transform Plate Boundary: The Queen Charlotte Fault System, Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia
- Tectonic influence on lithium brine genesis at Salar de Atacama, Chile.
- Temperature Response of Foliar Dark Respiration and Consequences for the Stand Carbon Budget
- Temporal Evolution of a Crude Oil LNAPL Source Zone
- Temporal and spatial scales of sediment transport processes for watershed management
- Temporal and spatial variability in surface roughness and snow accumulation rate around 88°S from repeat high-resolution airborne data
- Terrestrial Organic Matter as a Subsidy to the Lower Aquatic Food Web in Estuarine Habitats
- The 1933 Long Beach, California, Earthquake: Ground Motions and Rupture Scenario
- The 2018 U.S. Geological Survey-Department of Interior UAS Kīlauea Eruption Response
- The 26th June 2018 eruption at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos archipelago: early results on seismic tremor and low frequency seismicity from a temporary network
- The Biogeochemistry of Germanium in Mine Wastes
- The CHIRPS-GEFS Precipitation Dataset for Improved Food Security Forecasts and Analysis in Africa.
- The Changing Nature of Suspended Solids in Chesapeake Bay and Its Relationship to Trends in Water Clarity
- The Chesapeake Bay TMDL 2017 Midpoint Assessment
- The Deadly Montecito Post-Fire Debris Flow of January 9, 2018 and the Successes and Challenges of Post-Fire Debris-Flow Prediction and Early Warning
- The Dryland Litter Cycle: Moving Litter Decomposition Beyond Spatial Stasis
- The Impact of Ground Control Points on Drone-Based Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
- The New Five-Year Federal Strategic Plan in STEM Education: What's in it for Science?
- The Pothole Hydrology-Linked Systems Simulator (PHyLiSS): Development and Application of a Systems Model for Prairie-Pothole Wetlands
- The Role of Invasive, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Curtailing Sediment Availability to Tidal Marshes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
- The SCEC Software Ecosystem for Earthquake System Science Research
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The USGS National Digital Catalog: the registry for federal and state geoscience resources
- The Value of USGS Science: Volcano Science Mauna Loa Eruption Scenario Use Case
- The geochemical composition of produced waters from the Utica Shale Play in the Appalachian Basin: Implications for treatment and reuse
- The impact of run-of-river dams on sediment longitudinal connectivity and downstream channel equilibrium
- The impacts of climate change on ecosystems, ecosystem services, and biodiversity in the United States
- The influence of sea level on incident wave, infragravity wave, and non-linear low-frequency bore evolution across fringing coral reefs
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- The role of ponded waters versus rivers in regional nutrient budgets
- The scientific and societal value of long-term watershed research.
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Three-dimensional canopy structure is necessary to model snowpack mass and energy budgets in montane forests
- Time Scales of Precipitation-Groundwater-Stream Impulse Response Across a Northeast Watershed
- Towards a global forecast for wave-induced flooding on coral reef-lined coastlines
- Towards a global synthesis of land-surface fluxes for natural and human-altered watersheds using the low-dimensional Budyko framework
- Towards real-time water quality forecasts for streams of the United States
- Trace H and F Concentrations in Feldspar as Monitors of Volatile Processes in the Earth and Moon
- Trace Hydrocarbon Signatures in West Virginia Groundwater
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Tracking Geomorphic Change and Downstream Progress of Sediment Released by Removal of Bloede Dam, Lower Patapsco River, Maryland
- Tracking Thousands of Microearthquakes for a Month in Northern Oklahoma: What a Large-N Array Can Reveal About Induced Seismicity
- Tracking differential landslide motion on the Big Sur coast with SfM topography
- Transient impacts of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on sedimentation on the Mid-Atlantic Shelf
- Trends in U.S. stream quality: Distinguishing the effects of changes in streamflow versus changes in watershed management
- USGS Progress toward Operational Remote Sensing of River Discharge
- USGS Science Data Policies: An Evolving Culture of Data Management
- USGS science helps protect the safety and health of the Nation's communities from the effects of disasters
- Uncertainty in Streamflow Records in the U.S.: Estimates from Data Mining
- Understanding the importance of soil aggregate destabilization as mechanism of stream DOC increase in two Northeastern headwater catchments.
- Unsaturated Zone CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CO<SUB>2</SUB> at an Arid Region Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site
- Update on Powell Research Group Study Integrating GRACE Satellite Data, Regional Groundwater Models, and In-Situ Data to Assess Water Storage Changes in Major Aquifers in the U.S.
- Urban legacies: Aquatic stressors and low aquatic biodiversity persist despite implementation of stormwater control measures
- Use of Advanced Analytical Methods and Toxicity Assays to Understand the Impact of Hydrocarbon Transformation Products at a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Using Communication Science to Communicate About Science: A Case Study for Aftershock Forecasts
- Using Forward Gravity Modeling to Estimate the Magnitude,Timing, and Areal Influence of Regional Water Storage Anomalies detected by GRACE within the Conterminous United States
- Using Global Fiducials Data and Imagery to Support and Inform National Security Decision-Making
- Using Heat as a Tracer to Estimate Deep Saline Groundwater Inputs to the Rio Grande in the Mesilla Basin, New Mexico, USA
- Using Hydrologic Theory to Guide Data-Driven Models: Predicting Flow-Duration Curves with Multi-Output Neural Networks
- Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Cope with Climate Extremes and Change in the Western U.S.
- Using Network Theory and Ontology-Based Decision Support to Bridge Disconnects Between Science and Decision Making
- Using a concentration-discharge framework to improve post-wildfire water quality interpretation and prediction
- Using groundwater age tracers to inform hexavalent chromium source and distribution at a site in the Western Mojave Desert, California
- Using new regional geodetic mass balance data to reassess whether cumulative mass change at the South Cascade benchmark glacier represents regional mass loss
- Validation and development of multiphase reservoir simulations with controlled source electromagnetics
- Validation of seven gridded rainfall products for the Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon region using in situ observations
- Variations on Variability: Contrasting Changes in Absolute and Relative Variability of Daily Streamflow
- Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems in the Face of Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Warmer temperature affects the capacity of fine-root production to recover after a hurricane event in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico
- Warming effects on litter decomposition and carbon cycling in a tropical forest
- Water Security, Drought and Climate Change: A California Perspective
- Water quality status and trends in Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries in 1985-2016: Temporal and spatial patterns uncovered through criteria attainment assessments
- Watershed-Scale Analysis of Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Nitrogen/Phosphorus Concentrations across an Urbanization Gradient during Baseflow and Stormflow
- What mediates tree mortality during drought in the southern Sierra Nevada?
- Wildfire-Vegetation-Climate Interactions in the Pacific Northwest Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Stream bank legacy sediment and nutrient contributions to mid-Atlantic watershed nutrient exports
- 3D investigation of controls on slope failure in the western Santa Barbara Channel
- 50<SUP>th</SUP> Anniversary of the 1969 Santa Rosa, California, Earthquakes: A Mitigation Retrospective and Earthquake Hazard Outlook
- A Comparison of Orbital-Resolution, late Pleistocene, Alkenone and Faunal-Based Sea-Surface Temperature Reconstructions from the Southwest Pacific
- A Digital Filtering Approach to Infer Vertical Fluxes from Streambed Temperature Profiles: Reconciling Process-Based and Time-Series Analyses
- A Late Holocene Drought History Inferred from Evidence of Lake-Level Lowstands in the Southeastern U.S.
- A Machine Learning Model to Produce Predictions of Groundwater Ages in Wells at the Regional Scale, Great Lakes Basin, USA
- A Microgravity Pilot Study: Insights into Storage Change, Specific Yield, and Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction in the Mesilla Groundwater Basin, New Mexico.
- A Proposed Hydrologic Model Taxonomy as a Means to Improve Hydrologic Model Comparison, Evaluation, and Reproducibility
- A Visualization Workflow for Quantifying Parameter Sensitivities and Uncertainties for Hydrologic Models
- A four-dimensional approach for restoring thermal diversity in regulated rivers
- A functional flows approach for developing environmental flow standards in California
- A landslide climate indicator from machine learning
- A paleohydrologic view to risk-based water resources planning in the western United States
- A paradigm shift in volcanological imaging: Two decades of thermal infrared data from Terra
- A partial polarimetric decomposition-based method for delineating wetlands/inundation under vegetation
- Advances, insights, and ecological application of thermal research in Pacific Northwest rivers
- Aftershock Forecasts Following the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes of July 2019
- Aiding land and water management in agricultural areas: Machine learning methods predict and map shallow aquifer redox conditions and indicate denitrification potential in an important extensive unconsolidated drinking water aquifer system in the northern agricultural areas of the U.S.
- Airborne Lidar and Electro-Optical Imagery Along Surface Ruptures of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence, Southern California
- Alaskan Hydrographic Feature Extraction using IfSAR and Landsat
- Along-Strike Variability in the Sealing Nature of Faults in the Context of Water Injection and Groundwater Quality in the Poso Creek Oil Field, Kern County, California
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Along-strike variations in sediment input at the Alaska Peninsula subduction zone from new open access multichannel seismic reflection data of the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Alternative ecological regimes of large river floodplains: perspectives, tools, and applications
- An Ecological Resilience Assessment to Inform Restoration of the Upper Mississippi River System
- An Extraordinary Period of Dome Collapse at Mount Shasta, California, USA
- An Open-Access Framework to Track Post-fire Shifts in Dominant Plant Functional Type at the Watershed Scale
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- An intra-anAn intra-annual, spatially-explicit (30-m) regional model (700,000 km<SUP>2</SUP>) of methane emissions from prairie pothole wetlands nual, spatially-explicit (30-m) regional model (700,000 km<SUP>2</SUP>) of methane emissions from prairie pothole wetlands
- An observationally-based spatial SWE model for the western United States and Alaska
- Analysis of Belg Rainfall Trend over Agropastoral Regions of Ethiopia
- Analyzing the Geodetic Mass Balance Uncertainty Budget on North American Benchmark Glaciers
- Application of Geostatistical Techniques to Optimize Resource Targeting on Celestial Bodies
- Application of Machine-Learning Techniques to Pareto-Optimal Groundwater Management Solutions
- Application of Neural Networks to Map Hydrography and Improve Drainage Models Derived from Lidar
- Application of Reactive Transport Modeling to Quantify Enhanced Bioremediation and Removal of Chloroethenes from Groundwater
- Application of subseasonal climate forecasts for improving food insecurity early warning in West Africa
- Aquatic Carbon Exports from Alpine and Boreal Wetlands to Headwater Streams
- Aqueous geochemistry in support of machine learning models for the glacial aquifer system, northern USA
- Arctic Ocean Warming During Marine Isotope Stage 11 Based on Planktic Foraminifera
- Arsenic mobilization in aquifers affected by spills: detecting arsenic in groundwater using field-deployable analysis techniques
- Assessing Decadal-Scale Change at the Shingobee Headwaters, North-Central Minnesota
- Assessing gas and fluid migration into aquifers near the Elk Hills, North Coles Levee, Orcutt, and Oxnard oil fields, California
- Assessment of NMR logging for estimating hydraulic conductivity in glacial aquifers
- Atmospheric N Deposition Drives Biodegradation of Subsurface Crude-Oil Contamination
- Atmospheric circulation characteristics associated with extreme high water level events at Foggy Island Bay, Alaska
- Automatic satellite-based flood mapping for disaster response
- Baseflow Age Distributions in a Snow-Dominated Headwater Stream as a Function of Climate and Watershed Structure
- Bedform distribution, dynamics, and ecological potential during a flood event in a large channelized river
- Biscuit Brook in the Catskill Mountains of New York: A Sentinel Watershed from the Essays of John Burroughs to Climate Change
- Boreal Wetland Mapping by UAV to Upscale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Bringing Undergrads to the Field: A Short Course on Tectonics and Seismic Research in Kodiak, Alaska
- Calibration Updates for Landsat Collection 2
- Calibration of the SCEC broadband platform for European Applications - The example of Germany -
- Can green stormwater infrastructure save suburban streams?
- Capturing Change in the Icefield-to-Ocean ecosystem of Southcentral Alaska
- Carbon Cycling in Tidal Wetlands in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain: a Test Case for Dynamic Modeling of Wetlands across the USA.
- Carbon burial rates and linkages to wetland hydrology and elevation in a tidally restricted wetland
- Cesium removal from water system by using the nitric acid treated bamboo charcoal in polysulfone carrier
- Characterization of Iron Oxides in the Streambed Using Magnetic Susceptibility
- Characterization of hydrological model calibration using information theory
- Characterizing Dynamic Sediment-Flow Relationships at a Headwater Catchment Using Physically and Statistically Based Models
- Characterizing the nature of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath Prindle Volcano, Yukon-Tanana Upland, Alaska
- Climate change mitigation through restoration of diked wetlands
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 1—Modeling of physical processes)
- Climate-to-ecosystem integrated modeling in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary: An overview of the CASCaDE project (Part 2—Modeling of Water Quality and Ecosystem Processes)
- Cold air drainage and pooling in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest: synoptic versus local controls
- Combining a stochastic climate emulator with surrogate models of dynamic coastal simulators to drive coastal flood impacts research
- Combining satellite and field observations to detect changes in primary productivity in high-latitude lakes across the Landsat archive
- Commingled Seafloor Pockmarks and Micro Depressions Offshore Big Sur, California
- Comparison of Inter-Annual and Long Term Trends in Glacier-Wide Mass Balance of Three Neighboring Glaciers in SE Alaska 1998-2018
- Completing the map - Catchments in absentia
- Connecting the dots with airborne geophysics: Mapping aquifer structure at new scales in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Coseismic Slip and Afterslip of the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes Inferred Through Bayesian Inversion
- Coupled measurement of sapflux and water-table fluctuations to quantify groundwater versus soil-water utilization by riparian trees during weather extremes
- Cryospheric process representation in local to national-extent hydrologic models
- Current Status of the Mount Rainier (Washington) Lahar Detection System
- Current Trends in Satellite Land Remote Sensing
- Daily Stream Carbon Concentration as a Proxy for Whole Wetland Carbon Exchange in Fens
- Data driven modeling of groundwater ages and nitrate fluxes in agricultural areas
- Deciphering the tectonometamorphic evolution and localization of deformation within the Wyoming Province of southwest Montana
- Denitrification in a Subterranean Estuary at a Cape Cod Embayment, East Falmouth, Massachusetts
- Dense Northern Chile Catalog with Graph-Theory-Based Earthquake Arrival Associations
- Deriving discharge thresholds for runoff-generated debris flow initiation using process-based modelling and machine learning methods
- Design Thinking for the Applied Sciences: Developing a Novel Approach to Encourage the Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Open Source Tools for Forest Monitoring
- Determination of perfluoralkyl substances in drinking and surface waters by LC/MS/MS with online solid-phase extraction
- Determining the contribution of surface soil organisms to subsurface soil fertility and CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in a semi-arid desert
- Developing the us National Plan for Tsunami Disaster Impact Assessments
- Differentiation of vernal pool communities assessed by eDNA: a community science experience
- Disagreement among statistically downscaled data sets increases uncertainty in high-elevation hydroclimate projections
- Discrete and Continuous Nutrient Monitoring and Modeling of Long-Term Trends to Support Management Decisions in a Complex Estuarine Environment: Riverine Nutrient Inputs to the California Delta
- Divergent landscape evolution shapes fluvial chemistry and carbon balance in the western Canadian Arctic
- Does the past haunt us? Landuse legacy and its consequences for hydrology and water quality
- Drinking water quality in the glacial aquifer system, northern USA: Geogenic contaminants are commonly found at high concentration in this aquifer system that provides drinking water to 30 million people
- Drone Geophysics: Lessons learned for testing and development to expand traditional geophysical methods for sUAS surveys
- Dust deposited on snow cover in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, 2011-2016: Compositional variability bearing on snow-melt effects
- Earthquake Hazards in Hawaii: Challenges in Assessing Earthquake Probabilities in a Volcanic Environment
- Earthquake rupture pathways along the southern Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault, San Diego, California
- Ecosystem recovery from a major hurricane: insights from high-frequency aquatic sensors
- Ecosystem response to the removal of two large dams in the Pacific Northwest
- Effects of Backarc Basins on the Geochemical Evolution of Oceanic Arcs
- Effects of Intrabasinal Recycling on the Preservation of Tectonic and Climate Signals Determined from Provenance Analysis
- Effects of contemporary and legacy agricultural phosphorus on U.S. river water quality
- Effects of drought and defoliation on moisture and energy balances in a tropical mountain cloud forest
- Effects of montane surface water development on fractured rock aquifer recharge during drought, Sierra Nevada foothills, northern California
- Employee-Led Efforts to Prevent Harassment and Foster Inclusion at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Enabling Annual Land Cover Mapping in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region
- Enabling access and usage of earth observations in environmental decision making in Eastern and Southern Africa through capacity building
- Energetically Approaching the Colorado Conundrum
- Engaging Geophysics Students in the Field — the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE)
- Environment, diversity, evolution and Cope's Rule: Drivers of size in planktonic foraminifera.
- Escalation of Future River Nitrogen Pollution under Land Use and Emission Scenarios based on the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Estimation of historical monthly evapotranspiration rates for the conterminous U.S.
- Evaluating LPJ-GUESS Simulations of Wildfire-Vegetation-Climate Interactions in the Pacific Northwest
- Evaluating relative effects of groundwater and heat exchange processes on annual stream temperature signals in mountain streams
- Evaluation of Floodplain Connectivity and Larval Fish Transport During an Extreme Event
- Evaluation of ground motion models for USGS seismic hazard models using near-source instrumental recordings of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Evidence for Seismic and Aseismic Vertical Slip Along the Hayward-Rodgers Creek Fault in Northern San Pablo Bay, California
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Less-mobile Domain Processes in Naturally Occurring Porous Media
- Exploration of artificial intelligence approaches to Earth observing remote sensing
- Exploring subtropical mountain buffering against globally-forced precipitation declines: Results from a high-resolution climate model experiment for Puerto Rico.
- Exploring the Evolution of Injection-Induced Seismicity in Northern Oklahoma Using a Large-N Seismic Array
- Exploring the next generation of EEW testing: Large magnitude events, geodetic data and station latency information, with a focus on the Ridgecrest sequence
- Expression of Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2 on the East Coast of North America
- Failure to alert? Exploring perceptions of ShakeAlert during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Farming for human health and a smaller dead zone: How agricultural conservation practices, climate change, and subsurface drainage intensification affect nitrate loads in Iowa
- Fine-Scale Spatial Variability in Seasonal Snowpack Trends
- Fine-time-scale DEM analysis illuminates long-term geomorphic legacy of 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption in North Fork Toutle River watershed
- Fire history, climate change, and temperate forest resilience
- Flood nonstationarity across the US: Detection, attribution, and adjustment
- Floodplain/Streambank Modulation of River Loads of Sediment and Nutrients, from Reaches to Watersheds to Regions
- Fluoride in Basin-Fill Aquifers of Western U.S. Aquifers: Predicting Concentrations at Domestic and Public Supply Depths Using Machine Learning Methods
- Fluvial Flux Of Clastic And Dissolved Loads, Western Oregon And Northwestern California, USA
- Forcasting el Nino with Convolutional Recurrent Networks
- Forecasting Wetland Habitat to Support Multi-Species Management Decisions in the Central Valley of California
- Forecasting the Changing Importance of Baseflow in Sustaining Streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Present -2080
- Forest cover mitigates the impacts of rainfall variability on streamflow in Puerto Rico
- Formation criteria for hyporheic anoxic microzones: Assessing interactions of hydraulics, nutrients and biofilms
- Forward and inverse numerical modelling: complementary approaches to better understand palaeotsunamis
- From Classroom to Community: Student Contributions to WikiProject Limnology & Oceanography Expand Public Education in the Aquatic Sciences
- From seeps to watersheds: characterizing the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge across riverscapes
- GEOMON Network - Tool for the Understanding of the Combined Effects of Acidification, Eutrophication, Climate Change and Land Use on Forest Biogeochemistry
- Geochemical characterization of eroding coastal permafrost and organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea near Drew Point, Alaska
- Geogenic Contaminants in Ground Water Used for Public Supply in the Conterminous U.S.
- Geometry of normal faulting along the east side of the San Joaquin Valley from borehole geophysics and implications for groundwater migration
- Geomorphic and Sedimentological Controls on Hyporheic Flow in an Alpine River
- Geomorphic response to urban development with infiltration-focused stormwater management in headwater streams
- Geophysics at multiple scales to address groundwater depletion in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- Groundwater Connection and DOC Transport in the Yukon River Basin Inferred from Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Permafrost Catchments
- Groundwater Modeling Results of Flood-MAR Efficiency in the Cosumnes River Floodplain
- Groundwater emergence and saltwater intrusion with sea-level rise in California
- Growth Responses of Avicennia germinans (Black Mangrove) to Soil Warming at the Marsh-Mangrove Ecotone: A Mesocosm Approach
- Habitat conservation to protect carbon resources in the United States: how science and land management work together
- Heterogeneity in hyporheic flow, pore water chemistry, and microbial community composition in an alpine streambed
- High-Frequency Data Reveals Deicing Salt Application Causes Elevated and Increasing Conductivity and Chloride along with Widespread Exceedances of Chloride Water Quality Criteria in Urban Eastern US Streams
- Holocene hydroclimate variability impacts on vegetation and carbon dynamics in the Great Dismal Swamp, southeastern Virginia, USA
- How drying and wetting events impact landscape methane fluxes
- Hydro-climatic drought in the Delaware River Basin
- Hydrogen-bonding Networks in Highly Saline Brines from the Lower Eagle Ford Group: Implications for Wettability of Continuous Reservoirs
- Hydrologic Export Offsets High CO2 Uptake in Coastal Wetlands
- Hydrologic Resilience from Coastal Fog for Coho Salmon Recovery Planning
- Hydrologic and Soil Mercury Processes After Fire in a Semi-arid Urban Creek
- Hydrothermal Activity in Southwestern Yellowstone National Park
- Identifying Sediment Contribution from Rills to Post-Fire Debris Flows
- Impacts of climate change and sea-level rise on future management scenarios of a wetland groundwater system
- Impacts of meteorological and anthropogenic droughts on drying of Hamun Lake on the Iran-Afghanistan border
- Improved understanding of land cover and land use change impacts on ecosystem functioning using high spatiotemporal resolution satellite observations
- Inferring velocity variations from optical flow tracking at the Wolverine Glacier, South Central Alaska
- Infiltration Properties and Runoff Generation Thresholds in a Highly Eroded Landscape, Santa Rosa Island, California, USA
- Influence of permafrost and site history on losses of permafrost carbon after thaw
- Initial field observations of surface displacement along the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake rupture
- Inorganic carbon export from intertidal salt marshes revealed from <SUP>224</SUP>Ra:<SUP>228</SUP>Th disequilibria
- Insights Into Sediment Gravity Flows from Man-Made Motion-Recording Boulders.
- Insights in marsh forest boundary transgression in response to storms and sea-level rise from modelling
- Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, Indonesia
- Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling: Opportunities and Challenges for Advancing a National Capability for the U.S.
- Integrating Mineral and Groundwater Isotopic and Geochemical Analysis for Attribution of Salinity Sources and Aquifer Flow-Path Architecture in the Mesilla Basin, USA
- Interaction of multiple resources in controlling dryland soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange with the atmosphere
- Interpreting the Plumbing of the Rincon Geothermal System using Electromagentic Surveys and Hydrothermal Models
- Invasive carp and their relation with turbulence: How flow turbulence can influence the mortality of grass carp eggs and the swimming behavior of larvae.
- Iron Mineral Transformations At A Hydrocarbon Contaminated Long-Term Research Site Inferred From Magnetic Susceptibility
- Landscape and management controls on temperature and flow permanence of Great Basin streams
- Landsliding and sediment mobilization from Narrow Cold Frontal Rainbands (NCFR): examples from the Sierra Nevada foothills of California
- Latest Climate Hazards Center (CHC) products for drought and agro-climatological monitoring and forecasting: AGMERG, CHIRPS v2.1 and CHIRPS-GEFS
- Lessons from a 15-year eddy-covariance dataset: could changing soil water content tip the temperate forest carbon balance?
- Lessons from a Decade of Global Observation of Volcanic Degassing
- Leveraging Wetland Soil Carbon Data Sets to Address Spatial Representation of Wetland Carbon Stocks
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Linking Hydrological, Biogeochemical, and Anthropogenic Processes Across Watershed Scales
- Long-Term Monitoring Reveals Isotopic Shifts Associated with Decreasing Atmospheric Sulfate and Nitrate Deposition, Northeastern USA
- Long-tailed Sediment Storage Time Distribution from the Meandering Powder River, Montana
- Long-term Orogenic Growth, Decay, and Rebirth: A Cretaceous-Recent Exhumational Lag Time Perspective from Arctic Alaska
- Long-term declines in dissolved solids in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1929 to 2017: Exploring drivers of change with new trend analysis tools
- Long-term nitrogen concentration saturation in river corridors weakens removal capacity and increases regional export
- MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (Version 2) - A MODFLOW-Based Conjunctive Use Simulation Software for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
- Machine Learning Models to Predict the Occurrence of Arsenic in Domestic Wells throughout the Conterminous United States
- Making pumice: a post-fragmentation process?
- Mapping Blue-Green and Grey Infrastructure for Africa
- Mapping Crude Oil Plume Discharge through Lake Sediments using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Geophysics, Direct Measurements, and Machine Learning
- Mapping Winter Cover Crop Performance in Maryland
- Measuring Basal Force Fluctuations of Debris Flows Using Seismic Recordings and Empirical Green's Functions
- Measuring and Modeling Ecosystem Carbon Budgets and Greenhouse Gas Exchange from Restored Marshes across a Salinity Gradient
- Mg/Ca Ratios in Ostracode Genera Sarsicytheridea and Paracyprideis: A Potential Paleotemperature Proxy for Arctic and Sub-Arctic Continental Shelf and Slope Waters
- Microbial Diversity in the Deep Sandstones of a Carbon Sequestration Well
- Mixed-Organic/Inorganic-Chemical Exposure in USA Point-of-Use Drinking Water
- Model-Independent Data Assimilation Package for Estimation of High Dimensional Model Parameters and Dynamic States Fields
- Modeling Turbulent Mixing Across the Sediment-Water Interface of Streams
- Modeling and mapping high arsenic and manganese concentrations in the glacial aquifer system, northern USA: Using machine learning methods to predict water quality conditions in an extensive, stratigraphically complex, unconsolidated drinking water aquifer system
- Modeling mangrove ecosystem sea-level rise vulnerability for Pohnpei, Micronesia
- Modeling the vulnerability of socio-ecological communities to groundwater shortages during drought at a regional scale
- Modern analogue to the Cretaceous collision of the Alexander-Wrangellia-Peninsular terrane with northwestern North America: Ongoing collision of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas arc with central Japan
- Modern sedimentation rates measured along the Queen Charlotte Fault, southern Haida Gwaii, Canada to Icy Point, Alaska
- Monitoring Seasonal Water Quality for Southeastern U.S. Watersheds Using Remotely-Sensed Data Integrated into Dynamic SPARROW Models
- Monterey Canyon, a Sand Transport Conduit and Temporary Storage Reservoir
- Multi-Region Assessment of Pharmaceutical Mixtures and Predicted Effects in Urban-Gradient, Headwater Streams Across the United States
- Multi-scale Integrated Modeling in the USGS Water Mission Area
- National-extent Modeling of River Corridor Functions: What Level of Process Representation Improves Management Outcomes for Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems?
- Near-Field Ground Motions from the 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquakes: Subdued Shaking due to Pervasive Non-Linear Site Response?
- Near-surface Fault Slip Data for the M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake from Curved Coseismic Striations
- New Advances in CyberShake PSHA Models
- New Seafloor Mapping on the Cascadia Margin
- New airborne magnetic and radiometric data over the Charleston, South Carolina, area reveal subsurface structures and variations in Quaternary sedimentary processes
- Next Generation National Water Model Architecture: Organizing principles to support evolving capabilities.
- Nitrate dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane drives the carbon cycle in authigenic carbonates along the Atlantic and Pacific Margin
- Nitrogen-fixing trees enhance access to mineral nutrients from bedrock
- North Atlantic Piacenzian Data Model Comparison: PRISM4 and PlioMIP2
- Observations and models of crustal deformation transients following the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
- Occurrence of Pathogens in Rural Groundwater in the Fractured-Rock Terrain of Southwestern Wisconsin, USA
- Operational earthquake forecasting during the M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest sequence using the UCERF3-ETAS model—evaluation and lessons learned
- Optimizing stream infrastructure and ecosystem services through transformative partnerships: watershed coordination of dam and culvert management decisions
- Organic Substances in Wastewater from Continuous Oil and Gas Production in the Permian Basin
- Oscillations of ductile to brittle deformation during exhumation of a late Paleozoic terrane boundary from lower crustal anatectic to shallow seismic crustal conditions.
- Overcoming Geologic and Evolutionary Constraints to Recover an Endangered Sturgeon in a Regulated River
- Paleo Calendar Effects on Radiation, Atmospheric Circulation, and Surface Temperature, Moisture, and Energy-Balance Variables Can Produce Interpretable But Spurious Large-Scale Patterns and Trends in Analyses of Paleoclimatic Simulations
- Panola Mountain Research Watershed—34 Years of Research at a Forested Headwater Catchment in the Piedmont of the Southeastern United States
- Parameter Sensitivity of the National Hydrologic Model Alaska Domain
- Patterns and drivers of global riverine hypoxia
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in the United States: Occurrence, Fate, Transport, and Exposure
- Permafrost Mapping with Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Two Wetland Systems North of the Tanana River, Interior Alaska
- Phased Approach to Modelling of the Eel River Valley, Humboldt County, California
- Physics Guided Machine Learning: A New Paradigm for Modeling Dynamic Systems
- Planktonic respiration and organic matter cycling using short-term in situ measurements
- Playa wetlands as possible drought refugia in a sagebrush steppe ecosystem
- Pollen-based reconstruction of Paleocene-Eocene climate in the mid-Atlantic region
- Potential Aeolian Sediment Transport Pathways, Provenance, and Landscape Evolution in the Chuckwalla Valley, Southeastern California.
- Potential impacts of mercury released from thawing permafrost
- Precipitation Isotope Ratios and Tree-ring based Snowpack Relationships to inform Climate Reconstructions from Lake Sediment δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Predicting Geogenic Contaminants in Principal Aquifers of the United States
- Preferential flow mechanisms and implications for carbon transport and cycling in permafrost systems
- Primary production in estuaries is complicated. Whole ecosystem experiments and multiple metabolism methods reveal nitrogen limitation in part of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem
- Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic
- Progress in Understanding Seaclifff Evolution Using Remote Sensing Techniques and Historical Data Source
- Projecting climate-based water availability for habitat and human land use in California's Central Valley - an integrated modeling approach
- Putting the Research Catchments on a Map: An Overview of Research Sites that have Shaped Knowledge in Trans-Disciplinary Research
- Quality control of multi-source in situ precipitation measurements: Filtering and processing techniques used in CHIRPS
- Quantifying Drought Effects on Waterfowl Food Resources in California's Central Valley Through Time-Series Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- Quantifying Past and Future Nitrogen Sources to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Quantifying Seasonal Impacts on Glacier Change Using Low Altitude Helicopter Airborne Laser Scanning; Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
- Quantifying the Intensity of the Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Quaternary Deformation of the Hog Ranch-Naneum Anticline, Yakima Folds, Washington
- RUMShake: A pilot amplification study in western Puerto Rico
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Rates and Patterns of Shoreline Change Along the Arctic Coast of Alaska: Bering Strait to the U.S. Canadian Border
- Real-Time Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Method During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Realtime Seismic Hazard Forecast Incorporating Realistic Coulomb Stress Transfer: 2019 Ridgecrest, California, and 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake Tests
- Reconciling detrital zircon and fish faunal evidence for Miocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization and basin integration of the Snake and Columbia Rivers
- Reconciling shallow and deep fault slip associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a Holistic Representation of River Corridors from Headwaters to the Ocean
- Refined Principal Stress Estimates for Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas Based on Seismological Tools and Laboratory Experiments
- Regionalized generic ETAS models for use as Bayesian priors in global Aftershock Forecasting
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Relative influences of catchment geometry, valley geology, flood hydrology and land use change on two forested mountain rivers on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.
- Remobilization of historical mine waste to water supplies after wildfire
- Remote Detection of Focused Groundwater Discharge into Rivers using Waterborne Self-Potential Logging: Laboratory and Field Experiments
- Remote sensing of crop residue using the SWIR bands of the Worldview-3 satellite platform
- Response of Simulated Foliar Dark Respiration to Long-Term Temperature Change
- Responses of ecosystem productivity to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the conterminous U.S. from 1971 to 2015
- Rethinking the Development of the Piedmont Uplands of Southeastern North America: Pleistocene Age Colluvium and Organic-Rich Sediments Dating from Early MIS 3 to MIS 5
- Retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet During the Last Interglacial
- Retrospective and Real-Time Event-Based Performance of the PLUM Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm for the West Coast, USA
- Return flows from alluvial floodplain beaver ponds enhance metal-rich hydrologic exchange
- Revised Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic and Improving Collaborations in Science
- Revising Flood-Frequency Curves under Climate Change in the United States
- Rupture of Pre-existing Conjugate Faults During the M7.1 Earthquake Near Ridgecrest, CA
- Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
- Scaling up DOM dynamics from the small catchment to a mesoscale basin
- Scientific Working Collections - a Case Study in the new USGS Collections Policy
- Seafloor Depth of George VI Sound, Antarctic Peninsula, From Inversion of Operation IceBridge Aerogravity
- Seasonal influence of soil moisture and cave air CO<SUB>2</SUB> on the stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of drip water and speleothem calcite in Grand Caverns, Virginia
- Sedimentary and Modeling Evidence of Distant-source Tsunamis in the Hawaiian Islands
- Sedimentary evidence of tsunamis impacting Anegada, British Virgin Islands
- Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Lessons Learned from the Development and Promotion of the SAR Handbook
- Segmentation and Supercycles: A Catalog of Earthquake Rupture Patterns from Well-Studied Faults Worldwide
- Signatures of focused fluid flow and methane venting along the Queen Charlotte Fault off southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia
- Simulating Two-Way Feedbacks between Surface-Water and Groundwater Management with the Surface Water Operations Process (SWO) for MODFLOW-OWHM2 with a FloodMAR example
- Simulating mid-Pliocene Sea-Surface Temperatures with the PlioMIP2 Ensemble: a Data-Model Comparison
- Simulating the large-scale features of Pliocene climate: The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project Phase 2
- Simulation of Deep Ventilation and Ecological Effects in Crater Lake, OR, 1951-2099.
- Site Selection for Satellite-Based Stream Gaging in Alaska
- Site response analyses of U.S. Geological Survey Rapid Aftershock Pasadena (RAP) stations deployed after the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes
- Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Social Science and ShakeAlert
- Soil Microbial and Organic Carbon Responses to Altered Precipitation Regimes Across a Southwestern United States Elevation Gradient
- Stable isotopes provide insight into sources and cycling of dissolved nitrogen compounds in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- Station Validation using Regional Amplitude Comparisons of Teleseismic Events
- Stirring Things Up - Productivity Boost or Just a Drain? Nutrient Sensitivity to Meridional Overturning in the Pliocene
- Stop the Presses: Aftershock Forecasts in the Media from Bombay Beach to Anchorage to Ridgecrest
- Storage conditions and longevity of rift zone magmas at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i: melt inclusion insights from the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Stormwater control impacts on urban hydrology: A meta-analysis
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation for the M7.1, 2019 Ridgecrest California Earthquake
- Submarine Canyons, Sediment Storage, and Mass Wasting in the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Sulfur concentrations and oxidation states of products from the 2018 Kīlauea fissure eruption based on melt inclusions, embayments, and matrix glasses
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 fissure eruption
- Summarizing and comparing annual stream temperature signals from mountain streams across the U.S.
- Surface rupture associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence: Comparison of field-based and remotely sensed observations
- Temporal Variations in Soil Moisture Profiles with Varying Landscape Positions in a Small Forested Watershed in the Southeastern United States with Implications for Flowpaths, Recharge, and Evapotranspiration
- Temporal and spatial variability in surface roughness and accumulation rate around 88° S from repeat airborne geophysical surveys
- The 1989-90 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: A Catalyst for Innovation in Aircraft - Ash Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Communications, Real-Time Data Analysis, and Eruption Forecasting
- The 2019 M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in the eastern California Shear Zone: Overview of Tectonic and Seismological Lessons
- The 30 November 2018 Mw7.1 Anchorage Earthquake
- The Benefits of Using High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures for Simulating Historical and Future Climate Extremes
- The Caltech/USGS Southern California Seismic Network Performance Evaluation during the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Recorded on a High Density, Real-Time Seismic Network
- The Fossil Rodent Midden Record in the Americas: Metagenomics and other novel opportunities
- The Interplay of Irrigation and Geologic Processes that Causes Anomalously High Uranium Concentrations in Groundwater in Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, CA
- The Mt. Mansfield Paired-Watershed Study: (Nearly) 20 years of monitoring to track high elevation hydrology and development impacts in Vermont and northeastern USA
- The Ridgecrest sequence as an example of variable warning times from Earthquake Early Warning
- The Role of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Marine Isotope Budgets
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network - Modernization and Collaboration for Reliable Data Streams to Enhance Earthquake Early Warning Applications
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network: Real-time Estimates of Crustal Deformation Associated with the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence
- The effects of wildfire on snow water resources estimated from canopy disturbance patterns and meteorological conditions
- The importance of storms in transmitting centennial sediment signals
- The seasonality of extreme floods in the conterminous United States
- The topographic signature of ecosystem climate sensitivities in the western U.S.
- Three-dimensional distribution of residence time metrics in the glaciated United States using boosted regression trees trained on numerical models
- Toward maximizing utility of geophysical approaches for groundwater management
- Towards validating Cascadia great earthquake rupture models using tsunami deposits: Detailed mapping and tsunami sediment transport modeling of the A.D. 1700 tsunami deposit in the Salmon River Estuary, OR
- Tracking Land-Based Nutrient and Bacteria Inputs to Tillamook Estuary, Oregon (USA)
- Trusted Digital Repositories Promote Public Access to U.S. Geological Survey Digital Assets
- Two pulses of carbon released during the onset of Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- USGS EDMAP Program: Training the Next Generation of Geologic Mappers
- Uncertainty in critical source area predictions from watershed-scale hydrologic models
- Understanding how shifting climate regimes and glacier melt will influence dissolved organic carbon quantity and quality in southcentral Alaska
- Unoccupied Airborne Systems and Near-Surface Geophysics: What Does the Future Hold?
- Urbanization and climate trends in streamflow across the U.S.
- Using Boosted Regression Trees to Predict Base Flow Nitrate Concentrations in Streams in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
- Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Transient Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Using Global Fiducials High Resolution Imagery, Landsat Imagery, and Sentinel Imagery to Monitor Cyclic Subglacial Draining of Berg Lake, Alaska: 2014 - 2019
- Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Data in a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Using Naturally Occurring Tracers to Quantify Components of Urban and Agricultural Streamflow
- Using a Large-N Seismic Array to Explore Source Properties of Injection-Induced Earthquakes in Northern Oklahoma
- Using age tracers and decadal sampling to discern sources and trends of nitrate, arsenic and uranium in groundwater beneath irrigated cropland
- Using field data to parameterize post-wildfire flow models
- Using temperature to constrain water entrainment of full-scale turbidity currents
- Utilizing Pedogenic Iron-oxides for Cosmogenic <SUP>3</SUP>He Geochronology of Soils
- Volatile Organic Compounds in Produced Water from Four Oil Fields in California
- Water, water everywhere, but every drop unique: The future of managing low levels of complex contaminant mixtures in drinking water and the implications for human health
- Web-based Spatio-temporal Visualization of Water Quality and Habitat Status and Change in Chesapeake Bay
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- What defines a flood? Building shared understanding across differing attributes and definitions of flooding
- What the Ecosystem Models are Missing: Hydraulic Functional Traits Differ Among Subspecies of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
- 2021 U.S. National Seismic Hazard Model for Hawaii
- 3D characterization of fluid-flow within the western Santa Barbara Channel
- 3D fault architecture controls the dynamism of earthquake swarms
- A Geospatially Complete Wetland Vulnerability Index to Guide Wetland Monitoring and Restoration
- A Line-scanning, Low-Cost LiDAR System for Continuous Beach Morphology Observations
- A National Assessment of Tidal Wetland Carbon Sequestration and GHG emissions with Implications for Land Management in the United States
- A Reconstruction of Southcentral Alaska Late Holocene Hydroclimate from Peatland Cellulose Oxygen Isotopes
- A Statistical Forecasting Approach to Metapopulation Viability Analysis
- A Tale of Two Deltas: The Link Between Lake Level Change and Sedimentation in Lake Powell as Recorded by Sediment Cores from the San Juan River Delta and the Colorado River Delta
- A framework for ecological flow allocation in multiple reservoir operation
- A global assessment of changes in 20-year, 50-year, and 100-year river flood return periods
- A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals climatic drivers of forest die-off.
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- A multiple lines of evidence approach for choosing at-site nonstationary flood-frequency analysis methods
- A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts
- A parsimonious process-based regionalization of hydrologic response across Alaska
- A tough but light design of a RAD7 coastal buoy - making your measurements watertight.
- ALOS-2 Time Series of Long-wavelength Deformation near the Mendocino Triple Junction
- ASTUTI-Costa Rica: Fixed Network Smartphone-based Earthquake Early Warning
- Advancements in Water Quality Modeling using SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes)
- Alteration of lithium clay resources and its effect on lithium concentration
- An Evaluation of Species Status Assessments: Discovering Climate Information Themes, Understanding USFWS Scientists' Climate Information Needs and User Engagement with a Web-based Decision Support Tool
- An iterative approach to developing and refining a regional groundwater model to provide actionable understanding of groundwater flow and nitrogen transport in coastal subbasins
- Answering to stakeholders: Sensitivity of liquefaction hazard during earthquakes to sea-level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area, California
- Anticipate and Adapt: protecting natural resources under extreme rainfall
- Application of hydraulic insight obtained from the HYDRoSWOT data set to the estimation of high flows in large rivers
- Applying Local-Scale Knowledge to Solve Broad Global Environmental Change Problems: a Case Study for Climate Change Refugia Conservation
- Assessing COVID-19 environmental impacts through remote sensing
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: A History of Change
- Attribute Strength for the Site Selection of Satellite-Based Stream Gaging in the Continental United States
- Automated Extraction of Dune Crests from Multibeam Sonar Data to Calculate Transport Vectors of Endangered Pallid Sturgeon Larvae on the Lower Missouri River
- Backarc-forearc links across the Oregon-Washington Cascade Range interpreted from high-resolution magnetic anomalies
- Bayesian inference of geological properties from induced seismicity data using an energy-based poromechanics model
- Benefits of modeling interdependent environmental variables, streamflow and stream temperature, with deep learning
- Boulder deposits on Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: Evidence of tsunami or storm?
- Bruce Richmond's contributions to tsunami sedimentology
- Calibrating Alaska's natural seismograph: preliminary results of the sedimentary response to the 2018 Anchorage Earthquake in lakes and fjords of south-central Alaska
- Calibrating an All-Lands Wind Erosion Model for Rangelands
- Can strategic buffers mitigate anthropogenic land cover impacts and improve coastal health?
- Capacity Building Engagement for Estimating Forest Stand Height Utilizing the SAR Handbook
- Case Study of a Cloud-based Web-camera Observation Framework for Streamgages in the Context of the USGS Next Generation Water Observing System
- Catchment specific thresholds for fully automated flow accumulation modeling
- Changes in slope of the concentration discharge relation for total organic carbon from 1973 to 2019 in major rivers in New England suggests changes in magnitudes of sources
- Changing Hydrologic Conditions in the Rio Grande Headwaters and Implications for Water Resource Management
- Channel response to a dam-removal sediment wave captured at high-temporal resolution using routine streamflow data
- Characterizing Stress Orientations in Southern Kansas
- Characterizing groundwater seepscapes: Variable hydrologic and biogeochemical fluxes through space and time
- Characterizing the signature of recent earthquakes preserved in central Virginia reservoir sediments
- Climatic Controls on Wildfire Regimes and Vegetation from 15-10 ka in the Pacific Northwest (USA)
- Coastal Wetland Soil Nitrogen Concentrations and Process Rates Respond to Management History and Fire Disturbance
- Coasting Into 2020: a Decade of Discoveries for Blue Carbon Ecosystems
- Combining Dissimilar Hydrologic Model Formulations Using a Catchments/Nexus Interface: Building the Next Gen National Water Model
- Combining Soil Chamber and Eddy Covariance Measurements to Better Constrain CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes in a Restored Tidal Wetland
- Comparing Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon During Throughfall and Stream Events in a Forested Catchment
- Comparing Sap Flow and Groundwater Uptake by Trees Across a Range of Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions in a Humid Riparian Zone
- Comparing flow laws for remote sensing of discharge: Tanana River Alaska
- Comparison of Bioeffect Screening Results for Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products: Implications for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analyses
- Comparison of V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30</SUB> and f<SUB>0</SUB> values from single station earthquake-to-microtremor ratio (EMR) and multi-station array-based site characterization methods
- Compilation of Geologic and Seismic Velocity Characteristics at Advanced National Seismic System Strong Motion Accelerometer Sites
- Constraining the Paleoseismic Record on the Wallula fault in Southeastern Washington from Widespread Liquefaction Features: Nice scarp, Where's the Fault..?
- Continental-scale and decadal patterns in animal phenology discovered using the Arctic Animal Movement Archive
- Contribution of small agricultural reservoirs to changing carbon cycles in the Amazon-Cerrado region.
- Coordinated, continuous, and compelling shoreline mapping and monitoring to support Alaska communities' capacity to plan for and mitigate coastal hazards in the face of climate change
- Correlation between mass, size, and preservation of fossil Cibicidoides shells from the Atlantic and Pacific
- Coupling Bayesian modeling of lake oxygen dynamics with machine learning to advance aquatic ecosystem understanding
- Creep on the Sargent Fault Over the Past 50 Years from Alignment Arrays and Implications for Slip Transfer Between the Calaveras and San Andreas Faults
- Critical Zone network cluster research: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales
- DOM dynamics from a long-term optical sensor deployment at Sleepers River, Vermont
- Decomposing the Performance of Streamflow Prediction into Errors of Timing and Distribution
- Defining the Hydrofabric for the Next Generation National Water Model
- Depth-dependent behavior of deep low frequency tremor in Cascadia and Nankai
- Detecting geomorphic and sedimentary effects of modern climate change: how much do we know?
- Developing High-Resolution Sea Surface and Lake Surface Temperature Datasets for Simulating Future Climate Extremes
- Developing a Database of SF<SUB>6</SUB>, CFCs, and Dissolved Gases for the United States
- Developing a Radar based Landslide Monitoring System (LMS) Along the Eastern Lake Michigan Bluffs
- Developing and Testing a Long Short-Term Memory Stream Temperature Model in Daily and Continental Scale
- Development and Incorporation of Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Site Response Models in Seismic Hazard Analyses
- Development of an Operational Remote-Sensing Streamgaging System in Alaska to Support Water Resources Management
- Disentangling the Contributions of Snow, Frozen Ground, Soil Moisture, and Water Table Fluctuations to GRACE-detected Seasonal TWS Variability in the Delaware River Basin
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Dynamic response of coastal landforms to sea-level rise: representing lateral wetland processes in a probabilistic framework
- ENSO dynamics in the GFDL SPEAR_LO climate model
- Earthquake Early Warning Testing Developments: Realistic Warning Time Estimates for Large Magnitude Events
- Economic and societal benefits of Earth observations: Repository design, development, and testing
- Effective hydrological events in an evolving mid-latitude mountain river system following cataclysmic disturbance—a saga of multiple influences
- Enhancing CyberShake Simulations for Engineering Applications
- Estimating Effects of Climate Change on Nitrogen Flux to Chesapeake Bay
- Estimating Forest Stand Height in Savannakhet, Lao PDR Using InSAR and Backscatter Methods with L-Band SAR Data
- Estimating Piacenzian Planktonic Foraminiferal Sea Surface Temperature Preferences
- Estimating carbon emissions from a historic megafire using Landsat imagery and field inventory data
- Estimating the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on Carbon Dynamics Across Arctic-Boreal Lakes
- Evaluating SensorWeb Approaches in Data Collection to Improve Water-resource Monitoring, Modeling and Forecasting
- Evaluating the Usefulness of Earthquake Early Warning for a California Rail System
- Evaluation and combination of monthly evapotranspiration equations for the conterminous U.S. from 1895
- Evaluation of Connectivity Between Ridgecrest Faults and the Garlock Fault Using PGV of Guided Waves
- Evaluation of River Profile Adjustment Potential due to Sediment Management at Los Padres Dam, Carmel River, CA
- Evaluation of V<SUB>S30</SUB> Near Strong Motion Recording Sites Using MASW and S-wave Refraction Tomography, San Bernardino County, California
- Event- to decadal-scale water level fluctuations across the Mississippi River Delta
- ExaSheds: Advancing Watershed System Science using Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Extreme-Scale Simulation
- Expanding the Societal Benefits of Earth Observations through Leading Practices for Public Private Partnerships
- Exploring the Coda Envelope Technique for Moment Magnitude Estimation of Small Earthquakes in Southern Kansas
- Exploring the Relationship of Groundwater Exploitation and Variability in Chemical Composition in Bristol, Cadiz, and Danby Dry Lakes, California
- Fault Complexity of The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence As Inferred From PGV of Guided Waves
- Field observations of the influence of invasive submerged aquatic vegetation on currents and sediment transport in a tidal, freshwater system
- Field-scale applications of magnetic susceptibility for monitoring iron transformations associated with hotspots of biogeochemical activity
- Fishway Entrance Gate Experiments With Adult American Shad
- Flow Conditioned Parameter Grids for Mechanistic, Statistical, and Machine Learning Hydrologic Models: A Seamless Basin Characteristic Dataset for the Contiguous United States
- Foraminifera Species Distribution Models Inform Proxy Interpretation and Place Future Change in Geological Context
- Forecast Flood Inundation Mapping at Continental Scale from National Water Model River Discharges
- Forecasting Wetland Habitat to Support Dynamic Multi-Benefit Water Management Decisions in the Central Valley of California
- Forecasting stream temperature using data assimilation in support of water management decisions
- Forestry and mercury: Site specific factors that influence the catchment sensitivity to forest harvest
- From hot to cold: Assessing the mineralogical diversity of hydrothermal vent plume particles on Earth with an eye towards hydrothermally active icy ocean worlds
- From regional flood risk analysis to local: comparing coastal flooding in Miami Beach with XBeach and SFINCS
- From soil to stream: reading subsurface structure from stream chemistry
- Future wave climate in nearshore California: new insights into the need for nearshore projections in local coastal hazard assessments
- Geologic Controls on Seafloor Fluid Seepage in Cascadia from New Multibeam Echosounder Data
- Geological Thermal Energy Storage for Urban Centers
- Geotechnical Characterization of a Saline Wetland with Implications Towards Quantifying Peat Collapse
- Global Fiducials and the U.S. Geological Survey
- Global Fiducials imagery for observing long-term forest dynamics in the North Carolina mountains under a changing climate and atmosphere
- Global Urban Population Exposure to Extreme Heat
- Great Expectations: Deconstructing Process-based Pathways Underlying Beaver-related Restoration to Guide Evaluation
- Ground Motion in Urban Los Angeles from the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes: Recorded Versus Model-Predicted Response
- Hazard, Risk, and Opportunity in a Large-River Floodplain, Lower Missouri River, USA
- Here's what 3<SUP>o</SUP>C looks like: Combining local observations, adaptations with western science in SW Alaska.
- High-Resolution Coastal Bluff Monitoring through Crowd-Sourced SfM
- High-precision, heavy noble gas isotope ratios in groundwater identify past water-table depth
- Hold the salt: Characterizing the ecological impacts of freshwater salinization and identifying hotspots for future mitigation
- Holocene records of wetland hydrology and fire in Great Dismal Swamp (Virginia and North Carolina, USA): documenting natural variability and human impacts
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How Pleistocene sea-level change and wave erosion have shaped the morphology of Midway Atoll
- Human and natural impacts on sedimentation in the Merrimack River Estuary, Massachusetts, USA
- Hydro-climatic drought in the Delaware River Basin
- Hydrologic Properties of a Highly Permeable Firn Aquifer in the Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Hydrologic and temperature effects of reintroduced beaver in headwater streams
- Identifying Sturgeon Spawning Locations Through Ensembles of 1-Dimensional Hydraulic Models
- Impacts of Large-Scale Climate Patterns and Localized Disturbance Events on Primary Production in an Aridland River
- Impacts of groundwater withdrawals on lake hydrology and ecology in a water-rich region: what matters most?
- Implications of future climate for management of migratory waterfowl habitat
- Increased salinity decreases annual gross primary productivity of a brackish wetland
- Incremental slip rates of the Puente-Hills blind-thrust fault based on analysis of back-limb folding: Implications for seismic hazards in the Los Angeles region and structural evolution of fault-related folds
- Individual Storm Event Influence on Seasonal Snow Depth Distribution in Complex Mountain Terrain
- Influence of magma-water interactions on eruptive products at Poás volcano, Costa Rica
- Infrasound from Giant Bubbles During Shallow, Explosive Submarine Eruptions
- Initiating a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay
- Integrating Science and Technology with Disaster Response
- Integrating drivers of nutrient biogeochemistry in riverine floodplains to inform restoration design
- Integrating oil and gas wastewaters into Food-Energy-Water (FEW) models
- Interacting effects of warming and CO2 on marsh stability and carbon accumulation
- Internal tide-driven cooling may buffer some shallow-water coral reefs from future global warming
- Intra-annual Freshwater Salinization Regimes in Rivers Draining the Arid and Semi-arid Western United States
- Introducing and evaluating two new satellite-gauge gridded precipitation products: CHIRPS3.0 and AgMERG
- Invasive aquatic vegetation as a sink for inorganic sediment and organic carbon in an estuarine system
- Investigating Holocene Hydroclimate using Sediment Cores from Florida Panhandle Sinkhole Lakes
- Investigating Possible Effects of Changing Hydroclimatic Persistence on Lake Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms
- Investigating seasonal surface elevation changes of Wolverine Glacier, Alaska, using high-resolution geodetic surveys, ground-penetrating radar, and firn modeling
- Is Earthquake Rupture Predictability Real or Apparent?
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- Lacustrine Paleoseismic Records of Large Cascadia Earthquakes from Lake Ozette, Washington
- Lessons Learned in Knowledge Coproduction: The People Make the Project
- Leveraging the Global Fiducial Library (GFL) to Enhance Dynamic Surface Water Extent (DSWE) Product Evaluation.
- Lidar-derived soil surface roughness as a measure of biological soil crust disturbance and recovery within cool and hot deserts
- Liming experiments in acid forest soils reveal short-term and long-term pH-driven changes in soil microbial community composition and carbon cycling
- Linking land use legacies: Connecting groundwater nutrient export to historical land use using MODPATH
- Lithium Budget and Isotopic Fractionation of Pre- and Post-Eruptive Rhyolites at Clayton Valley, Nevada: Melt Inclusion, Pumice Glass, and Mineral Insights on Economic Lithium Enrichment
- Littoral sediment from rivers: Patterns, rates and processes of river mouth morphodynamics
- Local and Valley-Scale Controls on the Physical Patterns of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
- Long-Term, Annual, and Seasonal Solute Export Patterns in Two Snow-Covered, Forested Headwater Experimental Watersheds in Northern U.S.
- Magmatically driven uplift in the central Cascades arc, USA, revealed by fluvial incision dynamics of Columbia River tributaries
- Making `Chemical Cocktails' in Streams across the Periodic Table of Elements
- Mercury exposure in fish from US national parks
- Mercury stocks and vulnerability in permafrost soils and lake sediments
- Methane flux attribution analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at heterogeneous wetland sites
- Modeling Estrogenic Activity in Streams Throughout the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Moletrack mechanics: Deciphering surface rupture processes from mobile laser scanning and mechanical models
- Monitoring the Dynamics of the Bering Glacier with Global Fiducials Imagery
- Monitoring turbidity in San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using satellite remote sensing
- More Resilient Mangrove Forests For More Resilient People
- Multi-Tracer Assessment of Recharge Sources and Flowpaths In an Arid Landscape
- Multi-satellite Sensor Data Fusion for Monitoring Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands: Challenges and Progress
- Multiproxy dendrochronological dating of coseismic land-level changes in the Puget lowlands
- Neural Network Model for Extraction and Validation of Hydrographic features in Alaska Using Ifsar Data
- New insights into the tectonic history and Quaternary fault activity of the Santa Lucia Bank region, offshore south-central California
- Next-Generation Water Resources Modeling System: A Community Research, Development, Testing and Operations Software Framework
- Next-generation tool for digitizing wave runup
- Non-contact ground-penetrating radar: results, applications, and limitations from testing in the United States
- Orbitally-resolved Pliocene environmental variability at North Pacific ODP 883
- Organizing Science Enterprises to Support Production and Delivery of Actionable Information on the Current and Future State of Earth Systems
- Parameter Estimation for Multiple Post-Wildfire Hydrologic Models in Southern CA, USA
- Photosynthetic acclimation to whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two peatland shrub species: implications for ecosystem modeling
- Physical, Biogeochemical and Hydrological Controls of Streambed Nutrient Cycling and Greenhouse Gas Production
- Potential for a new interceptometer: Monitoring tree sway as an indicator of interception before, during, and after it rain
- Predicting Water Temperature Dynamics of Unmonitored Lake Systems with Meta Transfer Learning
- Predicting river light regimes and associated patterns in primary productivity
- Prediction of flood claims over the contiguous United States (CONUS) by building a classification/regression-hybrid machine learning scheme
- Prioritizing Climate Adaptation Decisions for Historic Preservation: A Pilot Study at Cape Lookout National Seashore to Test Optimization Model
- Prioritizing Threats for All-Hazard Planning at the U.S. Department of the Interior
- Process-Guided Deep Learning for Water Temperature Prediction
- Projected Large-Scale Regional Baseflow Decreases in Response to Changing Climate in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Projected climate change-driven streamflow declines present challenges in meeting rising water demand across the Southwestern United States
- Prototyping the Development of a New Map of World Coastal Ecosystems
- Quantifying Diagenesis, Contributing Factors, and Resulting Isotopic Bias in Benthic Foraminifera using the Foraminiferal Preservation Index: Major Implications for Geochemical Proxy Records
- Quantifying peat carbon loss from centuries of drainage in the Great Dismal Swamp, USA
- Quantifying river recharge rates based on tritium-helium groundwater ages
- Quantifying vertical fluxes of water, uranium, and metals-mixtures in the unsaturated zone at various mine life-cycle stages
- Rapid accumulation of a large subsoil nitrate reservoir in an arroyo floodplain and associated aquifer contamination
- Rapid and Episodic Groundwater Erosion of Coastal Gullies Controlled by Rainfall Intensity and Substrate Variability: Insights from the Canterbury coast (New Zealand)
- Realtime Risk: An Automated Real-Time Global Earthquake Rate Forecasting Tool
- Recent Developments in USGS SPARROW Modeling
- Records of engagement and decision making for environmental and socio-ecological challenges
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a New Generation of Continental-Scale Water Quality Models
- Refugia from Climate Change: Emerging Concepts and Applications
- Results from the Chalk Hill Paleoseismic Site, Northern Rodgers Creek Fault, San Francisco Bay Region
- Retrieval of intertidal biofilm quantity and nutritional quality through field spectroscopy provides potential for regional mapping of shorebird food resources
- Sea level and climate control the Arctic Ocean halocline over the last 35,000 years
- Seasonally dynamic watershed storage lags and river corridor reactivity across basins
- Sediment Connectivity of Estuaries around the World
- Sediment Dynamics Within an Urbanized Pacific Northwest Estuarine Embayment
- Sediment routing across the southern Cascadia subduction margin with implications for earthquake magnitude and recurrence
- Seismic Risk Assessment of Critical Infrastructure: A case study of Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines in the Conterminous United States
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Time-to-Alert Improvements in California with Seismic Network Build-Out
- Shallow vs Deep Groundwater Discharge Influences the Thermal Stability of Streams: A Continental-Scale Analysis
- Simulating the effects of climate change on waves in the nearshore of Foggy Island Bay
- Simulation of Near Fault Ground Motions for the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquake
- Simulations of Seattle Fault Earthquakes Incorporating Realistic Near-Surface Structure
- Sintered Pumice Aggregates: A Window into Primary Magmatic Fragmentation
- Slow Dextral Slip on the Gales Creek Fault at Scoggins Dam: Hazard Implications for the Greater Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro Metropolitan Area, Oregon and Washington
- Social science and ShakeAlert, the earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the United States
- Solid-state <SUP>13</SUP>C NMR and stable isotopic analysis of petrified wood: Insight into organic matter degradation and Late Triassic climate change
- Sourcing and characterizing geochemical changes from unpermitted produced water dumping, Permian Basin, USA
- Spatially-explicit, temporally dynamic model of wetland methane emissions from prairie wetland of central North America
- Spatio-temporal assessment of Wave Energy Conversion in California, across technologies and water depths
- Strategic Habitat Conservation and Adaptive Strategies for Recovery and Pre-listing Conservation of Eleutherodactylus (coqui) Amphibians in Puerto Rico
- Submarine landslide distribution and potential sources of seismoturbidites along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Margin
- Submarine waveform field records enhanced frequency of sediment transport events during the Pleistocene, offshore Morro Bay, California
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Substantial Declines in Salinity Observed Across the Upper Colorado River Basin During the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century, 1929 to 2019
- Synthesizing Stormwater Infrastructure in United States Cities: Are we speaking the same language?
- The 2011 M5.7 Prague Earthquake Sequence: Varied Fault Orientations in a Uniform Stress Field
- The Cape Romain Coastal Conservation Partnership: multi-decision-maker adaptation planning for global change along the U.S. Atlantic coast
- The Dragonfly Mercury Project: A National Scale Assessment of Mercury Bioaccumulation and Risk in US National Parks Through a Citizen Science Framework
- The Future Resiliency of Mangrove Forests to Sea-Level Rise in the Western Pacific: Initiating a National Assessment Approach
- The Plum Earthquake Early Warning Algorithm: A Case Study of Two West Coast, USA, Datasets
- The Role of Hydrates, Competing Chemical Constituents, and Aerosol Surface Composition on ClNO2 Formation from Dusts
- The Role of Lithology in Fault Re-Strengthening: A Case Study of the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Induced Earthquake Sequence
- The Value of Global Fiducial Imagery for Monitoring and Assessing Multi-Decadal Shoreline Change on the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coasts 669255
- The importance of shared concepts: hydro-informatics standards promote Interoperability and integration in development of a versatile water-resources modeling system
- The importance of the water-energy limitation threshold in drought impact studies
- The role of urban canopy architecture in precipitation redistribution
- The roles of restoration, elevation, and tide in the salt marsh carbon flux game
- The spatial structure and origin of trace metals and biological material in dust in the Salt Lake Valley, UT, USA
- Thermokarst Ponds Drive Landscape-Level Carbon Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Dynamic Ice-Rich Arctic Ecosystem Over Decadal Time Scales
- Thickness of sub-stream unconsolidated material as a driver of baseflow temperature and channel connectivity: Observations from Shenandoah National Park headwater streams
- Time-dependent variations in velocity structure and seismogenic fault orientations in southern Kansas
- Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Tracking coastal tidal wetland change using Landsat time series
- Tree Rings Reveal Multi-century Snowpack Dynamics of the Cascade Range, USA
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Trends in Regional Large Magnitude Snow Avalanche Occurrence and Associated Climate Patterns in the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains
- Trends in volcano response and capacity building by the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP): Looking back at 2010 and forward to 2030
- Trends of "Teal Carbon" Stocks including Primary Production, Soil and Decomposition along Forested Swamp Gradients of the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley
- UCSC-GEOPATHS SUMMER INTERNSHIP US Geological Survey Coral Reef Hazards Assessment
- USGS Coral Reef Project
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Use of Polymorphic Model Realizations to Allow Dynamic Reconfiguration of Continental Scale Modeling
- Use of SPARROW Ratios with Limited Tributary Monitoring to Estimate Loading from the Entire Great Lakes Basin
- Use of alternative site amplification models in simulations and uncertainty analysis
- Useful, useable, and scalable: Climate adaptation science to support adaptive management in the US Caribbean
- Using D-Claw to Inform Lahar Hazard Assessment at Mount Baker Volcano, Washington, USA
- Using D-Claw to model landslides, debris flows, water bodies, and their interactions.
- Using Landsat and ECOSTRESS Thermal Remote Sensing to Examine Habitat Conditions for the Endangered Delta Smelt
- Using Soil Moisture Profile Event and Recession Dynamics from Multiple Landscape Positions to Constrain Groundwater Recharge Occurrence in a Forested, Seasonally-Water Limited Watershed in the Southeastern United States
- Using dynamic regression and a process-based watershed erosion model to evaluate suspended sediment reductions from stream restoration projects
- Water Resources in a Changing World: Long-Term Hydrologic Monitoring Provides Insight into Changes on Precipitation and Stream-Water Quality at Robinson Forest in Eastern Kentucky, Appalachia, USA
- Wildfire and the water balance
- A Detailed View of the 2020-2021 Southwestern Puerto Rico Earthquake Sequence with Deep Learning
- A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation and Benchmarking of Hydrologic Model Performance
- A Laboratory Perspective on The Study of The Spectral Characteristics of Low-Volume and Air-Sensitive Carbon-Rich Grains in Preparation for Sample Return Missions
- A Parsimonious Stochastic Watershed Model for Risk-based Decision Making
- A Predictive Geoelectric Field Model: Development, Results, and Challenges
- A Synthesis of Tidal Wetland Methane Emissions Across the Contiguous United States
- A continuous record of climate and vegetation change from Late Miocene Lake Fort Yukon in continental Alaska
- A machine learning approach to weighting the remotely sensed ET ensemble members of OpenET
- A reactive transport approach to modeling cave seepage water chemistry for improved understanding of speleothem-based paleoclimate proxies.
- Advancing the Science of Carbon Dioxide Removal to Inform Decisions and Actions in response to Climate Change: An Interagency Research Coordination Strategy
- Advancing what URGE began efforts to implement URGE recommendations at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Age Validation for Nonpoint Source Assessment Tool in Central Valley, California
- Airborne Geophysical Imaging of Subsurface Alteration and Fluids and their Implications for Slope Stability with Applications to Stratovolcanoes in Alaska and the Cascades
- Airborne geophysical surveys of the lower Mississippi Valley demonstrate system-scale mapping of subsurface architecture
- An Online Earth Observation Compendium Tool to access and understand offerings of civil and commercial missions
- An application of luminescence sediment tracing using a portable luminescence reader in two-dimensions to evaluate the colluvial wedge sedimentological model
- Application of synchrotron-based techniques to examine Ge speciation in sphalerite
- Arctic-Boreal Wetland Vegetation Communities Mapping in the Peace-Athabasca Delta Using AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Data
- Assessing the Impacts of Rapid Climate Change on Arctic Soil Conditions by Combining Satellite and In Situ Measurements
- Baseflow response to future climate change in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Boreholes: Future-Proofing Infrastructure to Enhance the Capabilities of Geophysical Network Arrays
- Calibration and Validation for the Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) Mission Concept: Challenges of a Multi-Sensor System for Imaging Spectroscopy and Thermal Imagery
- Can large-scale models accurately represent pumping impact on streams?
- Capturing weak long-period signals: A survey of event spectra and noise threshold requirements
- Characterizing In-Channel Conditions for River Networks of the Pacific Northwest, U.S. Based on Modeled Streamflow Permanence and Water Temperatures.
- Climate-induced Extremes on the Food, Energy, Water Nexus (C-FEWS) and the Role of Engineered and Natural Infrastructure
- Coastal Digital Twin: Learning a Fast and Physics-informed Surrogate Model for Coastal Floods Via Neural Operators
- Combining MODFLOW simulation with GRACE remote sensing data to support drought management in the Delaware River Basin, USA
- Communicating Aftershock Forecasts for Situational Awareness During Humanitarian Response
- Comparative Hydrologic Changes in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Conjugate Rupture Patterns and Role of Fluids in the 2020 Maacama Fault, California Earthquake Swarm
- Continental-scale Mapping of 30-meter Evapotranspiration Using Machine Learning
- Continuous monitoring of Eastern Lake Michigan bluffs using Sentinel -1 and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) data
- Contrasts in the integrated strength of crustal blocks drive localized rock uplift and exhumation along the San Andreas fault system in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, USA
- Crustal fault valve control of the CO2 rich Erebus volcano phonolite magmatic system, Antarctica
- D-score: deconstructing mean squared error and model performance
- Data Marathon: Continually Processing Magnetotelluric Data for the Ongoing National Scale Survey, USMTArray-CONUS South
- Decreases in Root Strength and Hydraulic Conductivity Promote Reactivation of Coastal Bluff Landslides, Puget Sound, WA
- Deep Water, a New Application of Deep Learning to Surface-water Detection and Modeling
- Defining Community Vulnerability and Designing Community Engagement about Debris Flow Hazards
- Detecting Sediment Disturbances using Computed Tomography (CT), Gamma Density, and Magnetic Susceptibility Measured on Lake Cores from the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Developing evidence-based guidelines for protective actions and earthquake early warning systems
- Development of Cloud Computing Infrastructure for the Automated Creation and Delivery of Near-Real-Time Earthquake Impact Products
- Developments in Cloud Computing, Dynamic Data Routing, and Virtualization for an Efficient Seismic Network
- Discovering and accessing data for integration and reuse begins with the ability to confidently identify common characteristics across diverse data catalogs
- Distribution and Speciation of Ge in Sphalerite from Zn-Pb deposits in the USA: Implications for Ore Genesis and Resource Recovery
- Dynamic modeling of water quality from basin to watershed scales
- EDMAP: An Educational Component of the U.S. Geological Surveys National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program
- East-dipping seismically anisotropic foliation above the Appalachian decollement inferred from azimuthally varying Ps receiver functions at SESAME stations in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont terranes: Implications for Alleghanian deformation patterns in the Appalachian Orogen, U.S.A.
- Ecological Settings of Earth's Coastlines
- Elucidating cultural norms driving Water Resources management in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Evaluating Rockets Earthquake Safety Activity Book for Enhancing Shared Awareness of Earthquake Safety in Children and Parents
- Evaluating the Constraints Imposed on Deep Geologic CO2 Storage Capacity by Shallow Injectivity of Produced Brine: A Modeling-Based Optimization Approach Applied to the Illinois Basin
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture and Shear Strength Uncertainty on Rainfall-Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Susceptibility Framework
- Evaluation of Offshore Wave Climates along the Alaskan North Slope using K-means Clustering
- Examining residents perceptions and attitudes toward sources and messengers of Kilaueas 2018 eruption information
- Expected Value Metrics for Earthquake Early Warning Seismic Station and Redundant Telemetry System Applications
- Exploring site effects in probabilistic seismic hazard maps
- Exploring the origin of shallow anisotropic mantle fabric beneath New England
- Extending the spectral range of the RObotic Lunar Observatory(ROLO) model to climate science-relevant wavelengths
- Feedbacks between sea-level rise, groundwater flow, and permafrost extent in the coastal zone
- First Ground Performance Measurements and On Orbit Plans for the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT)
- Floating transient electromagnetic mapping of rivers and estuaries
- Floodplain reconnection in agricultural landscapes and tradeoffs in water quality
- Forecasting land change in response to sea-level rise and frequent flooding
- From Imaging Spectroscopy to Earth System Science: The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation Science Data System
- Fungi in a Warmer World: First record of fungal diversity in the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum of Thailand and Slovakia
- GPU Accelerated Solutions for Curl-Curl Equation in Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Computations
- GSpy Standardizing Airborne Geophysical Datasets in Python
- Geohydrologic Characterization of Southern Sonoma Valley to Support Water Management, Sonoma County, California
- Geophysical imaging of the extents and layering of the Stillwater, Duluth and Bushveld Complexes and relation to platinum group element exploration
- Global earthquake monitoring and tsunami early warning: ocean observing capabilities, sustainable development requirements, and case examples from Japan, Canada, and the Caribbean
- Groundwater flow model investigation of the vulnerability of water resources at Chaco Culture National Historical Park related to oil and natural gas drilling
- Holocene pore-ice water isotope variations from permafrost peat soils in southern Alaska
- How elevation influences carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from tidal fresh and saltwater wetlands
- How reliable is the geomorphic record of multiple strike-slip earthquakes?
- How will increases in temperature and nutrient loading impact greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen processing in salt marsh soils across a climatic gradient?
- Identifying directions for improving water prediction by evaluating multiple national-scale hydrologic models
- Identifying oil and gas wells at risk of being abandoned in the future using production data from large databases
- Impact of Climate and Irrigation on GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Implementation of the AQMS/Jiggle System at the Puerto Rico Seismic Network: Process, Pitfalls, and Triumphs
- Implementing Landscape Connectivity with a Topographic Filtering Model
- Improved Characterization of the Tundra Ecosystem Preserved in the Camp Century Ice Core Subglacial Sediment, Northwestern Greenland
- In hot deserts, drought is a stronger regulator of biogeochemistry over the short-term than physical disturbance
- Influences of Deglaciation and Post-Glacial Climate on the Deposition and Compositions of Hydrothermal Travertine in Yellowstone Caldera
- Insights for evolution of induced earthquake clusters from a high-resolution catalog for Oklahoma
- Interseismic fault loading in Californias North Coast constrained by geodetic data
- Introducing the OPERA Project for Systematic Surface Water, Surface Deformation, and Surface Disturbance Data Products from Satellite Observations
- Investigating CO2 and CH4 Fluxes Across a Heterogeneous Restored Tidal Salt Marsh in the South San Francisco Bay, California, Using Eddy Covariance, Chamber, and Porewater Measurements
- Investigating changes to the occurrence of large floods in the United States
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Extremes on Nitrogen Flux in CONUS Watersheds
- Iron Oxide Minerals in Atmospheric Dust: Types, Amounts, Sizes, Occurrences, and their Effects on the Earth System
- Key components of marine mineral-related characterization studies learned from collaborative research on mineral systems in the Southern California Borderland
- Lacustrine Paleoseismic Records of Large Cascadia Earthquakes from Lake Ozette, Washington
- Large-scale stresses on aquifer water quality from nitrogen loading: The Wisconsin experience with science and statute
- Late Cenozoic river incision, erosion, and relief generation in the southern Appalachians, New River Valley, Virginia
- Latency and Geofence Testing of Wireless Emergency Alerts intended for the ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system (West Coast, United States of America)
- Leveraging Remote-Sensing of Plant Traits to Infer Soil Biogeochemical Properties and Microbial Metabolic Potential at Watershed Scale.
- Linking Fire-induced Evapotranspiration Shifts to Streamflow Signals in the Western United States
- Long-term experimental drought increases soil nitrogen mineralization rates in southeast Utah
- Machine learning predictions of mean ages of groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin, USA
- Measurement and interpretation of bubble number-density evolution through the upper 1200 meters of the SPC14 South Pole Ice Core
- Methane Emissions from Northern Wetlands During the Holocene : A Synthesis Approach to Account for Wetland Expansion and Fen-Bog-Permafrost Transitions
- Microbial Induced Anaerobic Oxidation of Magnetite to Maghemite in a Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Aquifer
- Modeling Levee Formation in the D-Claw Debris Flow Model
- Modeling the Responses of Greenhouse Gas Emissions to Drought-induced Saltwater Intrusion in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands
- Modeling wild pollinator abundance and pollinator contributions to crop yields in the United States
- More than skin-deep: subsurface properties and processes control streamflow across spatial and temporal scales
- Morphotypical variation and geochemistry of planktic foraminifera in the Late Holocene Arctic Ocean
- Multi-objective hydrologic model calibration using global-scale gridded soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and runoff datasets
- Multi-proxy constraints on Marine Isotope Stage 5e sea-level position in the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Implications for glacio-isostatic adjustment and sea-level modeling.
- Near-Ridge Magmatism Explored Using 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Enriched MORB from the 820' N Seamount Chain
- New Approaches for Characterization of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products
- New Diagnostic Assessment of MCMC Algorithms Effectiveness, Efficiency, Reliability, and Controllability in Calibrating Hydrological Models
- New Insights on Strain-Partitioning Along the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada, from 2021 Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Nitrogen Gas Emissions from Shale Critical Zone Environments
- Novel Remote Sensing Approach for Estimating Biocrust Fractional Cover In Semiarid Ecosystems
- Nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay: Development of an empirical approach for water-quality management
- Observations of High-frequency Energy from the 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake on a Hydrophone Streamer
- Operational Flood Forecasting in an Estuary: Integrating Data and Models
- Opportunities for upscaling near-surface geophysical imaging of the critical zone using geomorphology and airborne geophysical surveys
- Origin and age of the Cross-Hosgri slope: implications for sedimentation on the central California shelf
- PCA and NMFk to constrain the geologic controls of hydrothermal processes
- Perspectives of Global Subject Matter Experts on Challenges and Potential Solutions to Gender Barriers in Forest Carbon Monitoring
- Population-Based Earthquake Early Warning Alert Performance Comparison of PLUM with ShakeAlert
- Post-fire temporal trends in soil-physical and soil-hydraulic properties and simulated runoff generation: Insights from different burn severities in the 2013 Black Forest Fire, CO, USA
- Pre-processing Geomagnetic Disturbance Inputs for Operational Geoelectric Field Maps
- Predators of the Deep: virus-host dynamics in the terrestrial subsurface
- Predicting Larval Alewife Transport in Lake Michigan Using Hydrodynamic and Lagrangian Particle Models
- Prediction of high-resolution time-varying baseflow using machine learning and assessment of baseflow response to drought in the Delaware River Basin, USA
- Prehistoric Tsunami Deposits in Floras Lake, Oregon: Using Vibracore Data to Identify Tsunami Events and Constrain Rupture Recurrence Intervals Along the Southern Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Preliminary Assessment of the Wave Generating Potential from Landslides at Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Process learning of stream temperature modelling using deep learning and big data
- Progress in Data-Model Integration for Long Term Carbon Burial Rates in Coastal Wetlands
- Pyrite Nanoparticles as Biogeochemical Tracers: Constraining the Effects of Ocean Chemistry on Particle Chemical and Morphological Evolution
- Quantification of wildfire-induced perturbations to soil-water characteristic curves and their importance in generation of post-fire debris flows
- Quantifying Nitrogen Budgets and Analysis of Water Quality Trends in the Mississippi River
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Quantifying earthquake source parameter uncertainties associated with local site effects using a dense array
- Quantifying hydrologic and cryologic conditions of dominant landscapes on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Recommended Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission
- Reducing a Stream Networks Horton-Strahler Stream Order Improves the Skill of Flood Inundation Maps from Height Above Nearest Drainage Method
- Regional-Scale Soil Carbon Mapping: A Case Study from the East River, Colorado, USA
- Remember Where You Are: Teaching A Stream Temperature Model To Embrace Long-Term Groundwater Exchange Patterns
- Remote Sensing Surface Mineralogy and Foliar Metal Content to Discern Contaminant Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Remote sensing of biological soil crusts to understand and forecast soil health, stability, and contributions to climate
- SCSN Advanced Telemetry and Real-Time System Monitoring Tools
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on an Instraslab Earthquake: The M7.6 2020 Sand Point, AK Earthquake
- Season of Grazing Interacts with Soil Texture, Selecting for Cover of Biocrust Morphogroups
- Sediment sources linked to hydrologic pathways and relative transit time: unraveling structural vs functional connectivity
- Sediment yield from three watersheds following the 2018 Carr Fire, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, northern California
- Seismic Background Noise Levels across the Continental United States from USArray Transportable Array: The Influence of Geology and Geography
- Semantics and machine reasoning enable interoperable, user-friendly biodiversity and ecosystem services modeling
- Slow cooker: Nine Million Years of Magmatism Precede Two Zoned Tuffs and a Big Caldera; Petrologic Development of the Bandelier Magma System
- Slow-moving landslides over the U.S. West Coast: InSAR-derived inventory and geologic controls
- Societal Benefits of Earth Observations Repository: Iterative Design and User Input
- Soil Depth Models in Assessments of Shallow Landslide Potential
- Soil carbon transit time determination in shale-rich environments
- Sources of Intense Geoelectric Fields in the United States: Comparative Analysis of Multiple Geomagnetic Storms
- Southeastern U.S. Centennial-Scale Drought and Pluvials Controlled by Ocean Heat Transport and Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Spatial and temporal scales of nutrient loading to a coral reef flat by submarine groundwater discharge: Faga'alu, AS
- Spectral Mixture Analysis for Surveillance of Harmful Algal Blooms (SMASH): A Hybrid Laboratory- and Satellite-Based Approach to Identify Algal Taxa in Inland Waterbodies via Remote Sensing
- State of stress in North America: Key observational constraints for geodynamic and geomechanical models
- Streamflow drought in the United States during the last century: a mutli-decadal analysis of drought variability, drivers and trends
- Structural watershed controls on headwater streamflow permanence: a process-based modeling approach
- Supporting Earthquake Early Warning Response and Learning through ShakeAlert Educational Resources
- System Characterization of Earth Observation Sensors
- Systematic Remote Sensing of Arctic Sea Ice with Global Fiducials Imagery
- Testing the MMI Contour Triggering Option for Generating ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning Messages with Testsuite 2.0 Events
- Testing the US West Coast ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System in Complex Earthquake Sequences
- The Bering Strait Was Flooded During Marine Isotope Stage 3: Evidence from Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopes and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Modeling
- The Drying Regimes of Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams
- The Effect of Sea Level Rise Driven Groundwater Inundation on Island Freshwater Lens Volume
- The Importance of Earthquake Early Warning Education in Free-Choice Learning Environments
- The Importance of Geology for Space Weather: An Example from the Colorado Front Range Urban Corridor
- The Pliocene-to-present course of the Tennessee River revealed by cosmogenic 26Al/10Be burial dating
- The River Corridors Evolving Connectivity of Lotic and Lentic Waters
- The U.S. Geological Survey Hazards URGE Pod: Bridging organizational boundaries to confront systemic racism in our workplaces
- The U.S. Landslide Inventory Compilation and Updated National-Scale Assessment of Landslide Occurrence and Susceptibility
- The US Geological Survey (USGS) Surge, Waves, and Tide Hydrodynamics (SWaTH) Network
- The ecological recovery of plugged and abandoned oil and gas well pads across the Colorado Plateau
- The influence of rock-mass strength on post-wildfire erosion, Santa Monica Mountains, southern California, USA
- The sedimentary response in Alaskas lakes and fjords to the 2018 Anchorage Earthquake
- Time of Emergence of Bioclimatic Variables using Observations and Multi-model Large Ensembles
- Toward Improving Bottom-Up Estimates of Geologic Methane Emissions: First Results from New Microseepage Measurements in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins
- Towards a Coupled Land Surface Model - MODFLOW modeling Framework: a Regional Case over the Northern High Plains aquifer
- Towards a New Baseline of Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay Using GNSS and InSAR
- Tracking soil thaw and permafrost degradation across multiple timescales using ambient seismic noise
- Transient width adjustments of straight river channels with cohesive banks
- Tsunamigenic landslide hazards in the steep maritime Arctic and subarctic: The case of Barry Arm landslides
- USAID-USGS Earthquake Disaster Assistance Team: Collaborating with International Partners to Reduce Earthquake Risk Worldwide
- USAID-USGS Landslide Disaster Assistance Team: Helping to Build Landslide Technical Capacity through International Partners
- Understanding Perceptions and Attitudes in Washington, Oregon and California about ShakeAlert, the Earthquake Early Warning System for the United States of America
- Understanding limitations in generalizability and performance across two process guided deep learning architectures for predicting stream temperature
- Update on the 2020 U.S. Geological Survey National Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Enhanced Oil Recovery and Associated Carbon Dioxide Retention Resources
- Urbanization effects on water quality are enhanced by water withdrawal in a mid-sized watershed
- Using GRACE Gravity Data to Constrain Monthly Evapotranspiration Across the Contiguous United States
- Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Estimate Groundwater Use in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain
- Validation of Remotely Sensed Turbidity and CDOM in the San Francisco Bay Delta
- Variability and Precision of Acoustic-to-Seismic Coupling from Explosions Recorded Across Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory
- Variability in Post-Wildfire Soil Hydraulic Properties Related to Local and Regional Climatological, Geological, and Burn Characteristic Factors.
- Variability in hydrologic response to rainfall across a burn scar: observations from the Dolan Fire, California
- Variable depth to bedrock under mountain streams influences channel temperature, dewatering, and concurrent stream water gains and losses
- Vegetation mediated the seasonality of Holocene fire activity in the eastern U.S. until Indigenous populations became a dominant influence 3,000 years ago
- Video Analysis of Earthquake-Related Behavior: Understanding Influences of Social and Physical Context
- Watershed Hydrobiogeochemical Resilience to Wildfire
- When and how quickly do magma systems look like those associated with rifting? A case study from the Southern Rocky Mountains and northern Rio Grande Rift
- Why do my squiggles look funny? A gallery of compromised seismic signals
- Why do some earthquakes lead to bigger ones? Comparisons between the Ridgecrest and Monte Cristo earthquakes
- "Decision-Relevant" Multi-Model Hydrologic Evaluation in the Delaware River Basin for Assessments of Water System Vulnerability under Drought
- 2023 U.S. 50-State National Seismic Hazard Model
- A Continuing, Holistic Earthquake Scenario Development and Delivery Strategy at the U.S. Geological Survey
- A Dynamic Holocene North Greenland Ice Sheet: The Marine Sediment Perspective
- A Fault-Based Crustal Deformation Model with Deep Driven Dislocation Sources for the 2023 Update to the US National Seismic Hazard Model
- A Multi-Objective SnowModel Calibration Approach for Water Supply Forecasting in Colorado
- A New Framework for Convergent Research: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST)
- A New Inventory of U.S. Islands to Support Conservation Planning and Management
- A Quarter Century of Nearshore-Beach-Dune Observations: Coastal Change in the Columbia River Littoral Cell
- A Synthesis of Delaware River Basin Water Use, Water Management, and Land Use Information in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- A look into the effects of granular non-local sediment transport on the topographic profile of fault scarps.
- A physics-informed machine learning model for streamflow prediction
- Abundances and Distribution of Short-Chain (C1-C6) Carboxylic Acids in Diverse Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids
- An Integrated Hydrologic and Water Systems Model in Support of Water Availability Modeling and Assessment for the Delaware River Basin
- An Overview of ANSS
- An efficient and parameter-free algorithm to delineate slope units for landslide susceptibility
- Analysis of Methane Emissions from Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells to Identify Contributing Geologic and Drilling Factors
- Analysis of post-fire sediment yield in a western Sierra Nevada watershed burned by the 2021 Caldor Fire
- Analyzing Behavioral Responses Captured on Video to the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai Eruption, Atmospheric shockwaves, and Tsunami
- Assessing Drivers of Relative Groundwater Influence in the Upper Neversink River Watershed using Paired Air-Water Temperature Measurements and Geophysical Data
- Assessing the Impact of Soil Carbon Amendments on Water Quality and the Potential to Address Legacy Contaminants during Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Assessing the System-wide Effects of a Major Change in Wastewater Discharge to a Large Inland Tidal Delta
- Atmospheric-Solid Earth Coupling Excites Global Vibrations from the Upper Crust to the Upper Mantle Following the 2022 Hunga Eruption, Tonga.
- Biophysical Drivers of the Coastal Treeline Elevation
- Biotic and Abiotic Soil Contributions to Dryland Carbon Cycling: Insights from a Long-term Climate Change Experiment
- Building Trust in Science-based Policy Assessment through Stakeholder Engagement and Collaborative Watershed Modeling in São Paulo - Brazil
- Can panel studies help untangle the effects of wildfires on low flows in the western United States?
- Carbon Sequestration Potential of Coastal Restored Wetlands
- Challenges and Opportunities for Monitoring and Modeling Wetland Management as a Nature-based Climate Solution.
- Characterizing Tsunami Signals from the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai Eruption and its Effects on the Caribbean
- Characterizing and Predicting Hydrological Drought for Improved Early Warning of Drought Onset, Duration, and Severity in the Colorado River Basin
- Chronostratigraphic Data Reveals Formative Processes in Mid-Atlantic River Corridors: Evidence from the White Clay Creek, PA
- Climate Change Impacts on the Natural World
- Climate Regulates the Consequences of Drought and Physical Disturbance for Dryland Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Climate, Time, and Soil Development Interact to Shape the Depth Distribution and Structure of Microbial Communities
- Cluster Analysis and Multiclass Prediction to Discover Flood Generation Mechanisms Across the Conterminous United States
- Coastal Change Research Along Alaska's Arctic Coast
- Comparing Water Partitioning among CONUS-Scale Hydrologic Models and Data Products to Inform Model Development Priorities for Water Availability Assessments
- Comparing fault healing in laboratory experiments to repeating earthquakes: A case study of Prague, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
- Connecting Geology and Society: How the U.S. Geological Survey is Developing a Methodological Approach to Geoheritage Mapping
- Considerations for Modernizing Earthquake Data Analysis at the Southern California Seismic Network
- Considering the influences of non-linear plant responses to climate variation and disturbances for dryland productivity
- Constraining CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Diverse Tidal Wetlands: Standardizing measurements and analysis across a network of eddy covariance sites in North America and Canada
- Constraining seismic noise and estimates of sensitivity and orientation as a function of depth
- Continuous Atmospheric and Hydrologic Exchange Data Show Resilience of California Tidal Marsh Carbon Fluxes to July 2022 Heatwaves
- Coral RXCT Calibration Methods
- Cratonic High-Conductivity Zones of the US Midcontinent, Based on Magnetotelluric Studies: Insight into Northwest-Trending Long-Lived Fault Zones
- Crossing Boundaries Between National Security and Science: Resources, Informal Mining, and Threat Financing
- Cyclostratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Atlantic Coastal Plain: A Data-model Comparison
- Deep Causal Bayesian Network for Modeling Spatial Seismic Building Damage from Remote Sensing Observations
- Deep learning enhanced earthquake catalog reveals the complex multiple-fault 2020-2021 Southwestern Puerto Rico earthquake sequence, with high aftershock productivity, was driven by stress transfer
- Deriving the Climatic Mass Balance Gradients of Alaskan Glaciers through the Integration of Field Measurements and Remote Sensing
- Developing Guidance to Communicate Global Aftershock Forecasts
- Developing Smoothed Seismicity Rate Models for the 2023 USGS National Seismic Hazard Model
- Developing Standards for and Extracting Metadata from Legacy Seismic Records
- Development of a Companion Questionnaire for 'Did You Feel It?': Assessing Response in Earthquakes to include Earthquake Early Warning
- Development of a Seismic Directivity Adjustment Model to the Median and Aleatory Variability of Ground Motion Models
- Development of a software framework for integrated water assessments at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Divergent controls on decomposition and persistence of soil organic matter fractions
- Documenting More than a Century of Bering Glacier Piedmont Lobe Behavior with Multiple Source, Multiple Sensor Geospatial Imagery and Data
- DupuitLEM and the Search for Fundamental Insights into the Coevolution of Landscape Hydrology and Geomorphology
- Dynamic Estimates of Geologic CO2 Storage Capacity in the Illinois Basin Constrained by Modeling Injectivity of Brine Extracted for Pressure Management
- Dynamic glacier or stagnant ice patch? Assessing detection limits of glacier motion in Alaska and western North America
- Earthquake Early Warning with Graph Learning
- Earthquake Scenarios for Risk Management: A Case Study of Three Cities in Latin America
- Effects of Air Exposure on the Ultraviolet-Visible Reflectance Characteristics of Analog Minerals
- Effects of Coupling MODFLOW with Land Surface Models to Reduce Bias in Groundwater-flow Simulations
- Empirical Critical Levels of Ozone for U.S. Tree Species and Their Uncertainties with Machine Learning
- Ensuring Trustworthy Science in Federal Research Laboratories
- Environmental Changes Across the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary as Revealed by Biostratigraphic and Magnetic Analyses of Continental Shelf Sediments from the Holland Park Core, Virginia
- Estimating Biogeochemical Rates by a Novel Tracer Approach
- Estimating Stream Salinity Impairment Across the Delaware River Basin Using Space- and Time-Aware Machine Learning
- Estimating water availability across the continental United States using watershed-scale water balances
- Evaluating Large-Scale Long-Term Forest Road Restoration Effects on Public Lands in the Northwestern United States
- Evaluating the Regional-Scale Influence of Antecedent Soil Moisture on Seismically Induced Landsliding Using a Deterministic Landslide Initiation Framework
- Evaluating water-quality monitoring protocols for obtaining accurate model estimates of the frequency, magnitude, and duration of river water-quality exceedances
- Exploring Relationships Between Emerging Climate Change Signals and Species Range Shifts
- Exploring Social Science and Education Research for ShakeAlert, the Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States
- Finite-source Attributes of M4 to 5.5 Ridgecrest, California Earthquakes
- First Efforts Towards a USGS Integrated Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- First Imaging Spectroscopy Observations and Early Science from the NASA Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Floodplain High Flows Can Enhance Wetland Ecosystem Respiration and Biogeomorphic Change
- Fracture mesh faulting in the swarm-like 2020 Maacama sequence revealed by high-precision earthquake detection, location, and focal mechanisms
- Gas Hydrate Saturation Estimates at the Alaska Gas Hydrate Production Test Site Using Seismic Amplitude Analysis
- Gender Equity and Climate: Learning from Women in Capacity Building Programs that use Earth Observation for Forest Carbon Monitoring
- Geophysical Investigations Into the Structure, Activity and Hydrology of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Global Distributions of Fractional Cover in Arid Lands: Early Analyses from NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation
- Groundwater Recharge in Northern New England: Meteorological Drivers and Impacts on Low Streamflows
- Groundwater Salinity Dynamics and Drivers Along an Actively Degrading Arctic Coastline
- High Resolution Pseudo-Global-Warming SnowModel Simulations Reveal Future Elevation Dependent Snow Loss and Earlier, Flashier Surface Water Input in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- High-frequency monitoring of agricultural drainage channels to quantify impacts on water quality and material exports to downstream rivers in central California
- High-resolution analytical techniques in the development of a novel paleoclimate archive; Laminated soil carbonate rinds as a tool for investigating late Quaternary climate-vegetation links
- Hilltop and Lake Artifacts in an Airborne Electromagnetic Survey in Wisconsin: Induced Polarization or Geology?
- How Might Streamflow and Baseflow Respond to Climate Change in the Colorado River Basin?
- How important is accounting for petrogenic-derived organic carbon in SOC turnover modeling?
- Hunting for hints of streamflow depletion in hydrographs
- Hydrologic monitoring to support landslide forecasting in Sitka, Alaska
- Identifying Opportunities and Needs for Further Landslide Mapping in the United States
- Imaging hydraulic properties along fault zones with earthquake swarms in southern California
- Impact of mixing regime shift on phytoplankton, and invasive mussel in Lake Michigan under a warming climate: a biophysical modeling study
- Implementation of a SPARROW-Based Monitoring Network Optimization Using Available Models.
- Importance of Process Resolution in Land Surface Models for Simulating Integrated Water Availability
- Improving the Characterization of Geologic Methane Emissions Across the United States: Preliminary Results from New Microseepage Measurements in the San Juan Basin
- InSAR applications to earthquake-triggered ground failure mapping and modeling
- Incorporating Near-Surface Structure into the 3-D Cascadia Seismic Velocity Model For Earthquake Hazard Estimates in the Pacific Northwest
- Increased magma flux in the central Cascades arc influences crustal deformation, volcanic vent patterns, and fluvial channel development in the Columbia River Gorge
- Increasing Alaskan geohazard resilience through educator collaborations, high quality teaching resources, and working with rural Native students
- Induced Seismicity Template Matching and Location Determination at Geothermal Monitoring Sites in Nevada
- Integrated Hydrologic Model to Understand Snowmelt and Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Integrated Water Prediction at Regional and National Scales
- Integrated hydrologic model to explore groundwater and surface water interactions during drought conditions in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Investigating Brittle-Ice Behavior and Onset in Antarctic Ice Cores in Preparation for the Hercules Dome Ice Core Project
- Investigating the Driving Mechanisms of the Biogeobattery using Cores from a Crude Oil Spill Site
- Iron Oxide- and Oxyhydroxide-rich Hydrothermal Deposits at the Fåvne Vent Field on the Ultraslow Mohns Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Combining Geomechanical Classification and Reflectance Spectroscopy in Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Later and less labile: shifting dissolved organic matter dynamics in a rapidly changing landscape, Wolverine Glacier watershed, south central Alaska
- Lessons Learned from the Search for Organic Biosignatures of Ancient Life on Earth with Application to Mars
- Linking Snow Drought and Associated Streamflow Response Across the Conterminous US, With Special Attention to the Mediating Influence of Soil Moisture and Groundwater Storage in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Long-Term Trends in Nitrate and Chloride in Streams in an Exurban Watershed
- MODIS Data Products help to explain Environmental Conditions Leading to Desiccation of Terminal Lakes in the Great Basin of the Western United States
- Mapping Basin-Scale Aquifer Storage Change and Specific Yield Using Repeat Microgravity and Groundwater-Level Data
- Mapping Shallow Fluids in Volcanic Terrain with Electromagnetic data
- Maximizing Stakeholder Voices at the Convergence Research Table
- Methane Fluxes in Tidal Wetlands Across the Contiguous United States: Annual Conversion Factors and the Interplay of Salinity and Temperature on CH4 flux
- Mid-Holocene Drought Inferred from Four Lake Level Reconstructions in Northern Florida
- Minerals and Other Materials Identification and Mapping with EMIT
- Modeling Geomagnetic Induction in Submarine Cables
- Modeling Strategy in Support of Integrated Water Availability Assessments in Regional Water Science Basins
- Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the 1949 Tacoma Narrows Landslide-Induced Tsunami (Washington, USA)
- Modeling groundwater responses to multiple stresses in a coastal aquifer using transfer function models and wavelet analysis
- Modernization of the Southern California Seismic Network (SCSN), Advancing Regional Earthquake Monitoring Using Telemetry Diversity and High-Fidelity Seismic Stations
- Monitoring Drifting Arctic Sea Ice with High-Resolution Global Fiducials Imagery
- Monitoring Fish Populations Using AI Detection Models
- Mountain Glacier Change in North America: Insights from U.S. Geological Survey Glaciers and Climate Research
- Multi-scale remote sensing of extreme drought impacts on vegetation productivity across drylands of the southwestern US
- Multi-scale substrate mapping from AUV imagery and LIDAR bathymetry using machine learning
- Multi-spectral Canopy Analysis for Detection of Subcanopy Headwater Streams
- National Water Availability Assessment for the US - Approach and preliminary results
- Near-field Co- and Post-seismic Deformation from Multiple Insar Products Constrain Field Observations of the Complex Surface Rupture of the 2020 M6.5 Monte Cristo Range, Nevada, Earthquake
- New Features in PyLith Version 3 Including Multiphysics Capabilities and Higher Order Discretizations
- New Measurements from Appalachian and Michigan Sedimentary Basins Imply that Geologic Methane Emissions Are Less Widespread than Previously Assumed.
- Next Generation USGS Soil Moisture Monitoring Activities to Improve National Water Availability Assessments
- Observations of extensive mineral replacement at Von Damm vent field
- Opportunities for Nature-Based Climate Solutions Federally Managed Lands and Waters and Monitoring for Effects of the Policies
- Paired Air and Stream Water Temperature Analyses Highlight Potential Changes in Post-fire Groundwater Flowpaths to Mountain Streams
- Paleoseismic Evidence for a Near Historic rupture within the Seattle fault zone: Implications for complex hanging wall kinematics above an active blind reverse fault
- Patterns of permafrost microbial functional genes and in situ greenhouse gas concentrations indicate that permafrost is an active microbial ecosystem
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Positioning AQMS Software in GitLab for Growth
- Post wildfire hydrologic process understanding through model parameter estimation: wrapping WRF-Hydro in PEST++
- Progress in reducing nutrient and sediment loads to Chesapeake Bay: Three decades of monitoring data and implications for restoring complex ecosystems
- Prolonged Drought in a Mediterranean EcoRegion Suppresses Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology
- Pseudo-Invariant Targets for Imaging Spectroscopy Validation
- Pushing the Frontiers of Operational Geoelectric Hazard Modeling
- Quantifying Natural Geologic Methane Emissions from Microseepage in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado, United States
- Quantifying Phosphorus Balances and Water Quality Trends in the Mississippi River, 1975 - 2017
- Quantifying natural geologic methane emissions from microseepage in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, United States
- RainMan: A Global Change Experiment Integrating Proximal Remote Sensing with Direct Measures of Semiarid Grassland Structure and Function
- Rapid and gradual permafrost thaw: A tale of two sites
- Real-time performance and new developments of the Propagation of Local Undamped Motion (PLUM) earthquake early warning algorithm for the West Coast, U.S.A.
- Recent advances in the design and implementation of community-focused continental-scale digital hydrologic data infrastructure in service of integrated water modeling.
- Regional scale water availability assessment in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Relating in-situ soil moisture data to remotely sensed spectral profiles
- Remotely Sensed Retrievals for Fractional Abundance of Quartz and Feldspar to Assess the Influence on Radiative Forcing in Earth System Models
- Sediment Resuspension and Harmful Algal Blooms in the southern Chesapeake Bay
- Sediment sources and dis/connectivity linked to hydrologic pathways and geomorphic processes: integrating emergent observational techniques and stochastic modeling framework across spatiotemporal scales
- Seeing what hides beneath: teaching a stream temperature model to recognize and respond to groundwater-surface water exchange
- ShakeAlert® Educational Resources: Progress and Future Plans to Support Earthquake Early Warning
- Simulating the gravity change caused by groundwater-storage change
- Six years of fluvial evolution after large dam removal on the Carmel River, California
- Smaller is Not Always Better: Evaluating SnowModel Resolution, Blowing Snow, and Meteorology Parameterizations against Streamflow Observations
- Soil nitrogen cycling potential at watershed scales inferred from soil metagenomes and aboveground proxies detected by remote sensing
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Meltwater Infiltration and Warming in a Maritime Snowpack over Wolverine Glacier, Alaska
- Statistical models of depth-to-bedrock across eastern Wisconsin, USA using AEM data
- Status and Future of the Internet of Water in the Upper Colorado
- The 2020 Westmorland, California earthquake swarm as aftershocks of a slow slip event sustained by fluid flow
- The Earth Mineral dust source InvesTigation (EMIT): Instrument Performance and Initial Results
- The Geomorphic Origins of Variable Source Area Hydrology
- The NCAR/USGS 4-km Long-term Regional Hydroclimate Re-analysis over the CONUS
- The Need for Integrated Critical Zone Process Understanding of Water Flow in Cities
- The Value of User Needs-Driven Long-Term Satellite Observations as a Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation Policies
- The role of landslide size and mobility on simulated tsunami size at Barry Arm, Alaska
- Toward the Emergency Assessment of Post Fire Debris Flow Inundation Hazard
- Transdisciplinary USGS Earth-System Science to Advance National Security
- Transitioning to action: Long-term cross-disciplinary collaboration across the earth system sciences to facilitate local adaptation strategies for high-elevation amphibian species in the US Caribbean.
- Twenty years of seasonal predictions reveal when, where, and why nutrient concentration standards may be exceeded across the Illinois River Basin
- USGS Southwest Gravity Program: Monitoring Groundwater Storage Change Using Non-Traditional, Non-Invasive Methods
- Understanding Scaling Relationships Between Physical Complexity and Fish Diversity in Large Floodplain-river Ecosystem
- Understanding the Manifestation of Drought in Reservoirs.
- Using Bayesian Model Averaging to Develop an Observationally Constrained Ensemble of Downscaled Earth System Models to Support the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment
- Using Deep Learning and Site Clustering to Develop Predictions of In-stream Nitrate in Intensively Managed Watersheds
- Using High Frequency Flux Measurements to Constrain Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Tidal Wetland Carbon Budget
- Using Machine Learning to Automate Trend Model Evaluations for Large-scale, Multi-site Water-quality Trend Assessments
- Using ambient seismic noise to constrain properties of the Barry Arm landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Where might wildfires increase and decrease low flows in the Colorado River basin?
- Which Earthquakes Are the Most Damaging? An Examination of Community-Collected 'Did You Feel It' Data in California, USA
- Why does PSHA overpredict historically observed shaking data?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Baltay
- A. Bergstrom
- A. I. Chung
- A. J. Elliott
- A. Joshua West
- A. L. Dugger
- A. N. Price
- A. P. Ellis
- A. Pickering
- A. T. Fisher
- Aaron A. Mohammed
- Aaron Heldmyer
- Abigail Jaye
- Adam M. Booth
- Adam T. Ringler
- Adam Terando
- Adina Paytan
- Adrian P. Monroe
- Adrienne Wootten
- Aiguo Dai
- Alan C Mix
- Alex Mayer
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- Alexander Y. Sun
- Alexandra E. Hatem
- Alicia Torregrosa
- Alison P. Appling
- Allen Husker
- Amanda C. Spivak
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amy E. East
- Amy Gartman
- Anastasia Makhnykina
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew Calderwood
- Andrew Collins
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew J. Newman
- André Scarlate Rovai
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna Kelbert
- Annette I. Patton
- Annie L. Putman
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Appy Sluijs
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Ashley M. Matheny
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. M. Carpenter
- B. Pirenne
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- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Barry Croke
- Ben Leshchinsky
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin M. Sleeter
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- Brian A. Bergamaschi
- Brian A. Ebel
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- Brian A. Varela
- Brian Avant
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- Brian L. Sherrod
- Bridget R. Scanlon
- Bruce E. Jaffe
- Burke J. Minsley
- C. A. Williams
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- C. Nathan Jones
- C. R. Lawrence
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- C. W. D. Milliner
- C. Özgen Karacan
- Caitlin M. Casey
- Camille L. Stagg
- Cansu Demir
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- Carl J. Legleiter
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carol A. Finn
- Celeste D. Lohr
- Cenlin He
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles H. Luce
- Charles M. Cannon
- Charles T. Driscoll
- Chet Hopp
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- Christian Ayala-Ortiz
- Christina Richardson
- Christina Schädel
- Christo Buizert
- Christof Pearce
- Christopher N. Janousek
- Christopher R. German
- Ciaran J. Harman
- Claire C. Treat
- Claire J. Oswald
- Clara Yoon
- Colin A. Doolan
- Colin Pennington
- Courtney L. Wagner
- Craig T. Simmons
- Curt D. Storlazzi
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- D. F. Sumy
- D. G. Bellugi
- D. Goldberg
- D. L. Karwan
- D. L. Roth
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- Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis
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- Thomas M. Over
- Thomas Weber
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Timothy Clements
- Timothy J. Bralower
- Timothy O. Hodson
- Timothy S. Collett
- Todd G. Caldwell
- Tom Lorenson
- Toshiro Tanimoto
- Trevor J. Porter
- Tyler E. Huth
- V. D. Wanless
- V. E. Romanovsky
- V. G. Salmon
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- V. V. Petrenko
- Vadim Levin
- Valérie Clouard
- Velimir V. Vesselinov
- Venkatesh Merwade
- Victor Bense
- W. H. Carande
- Ward E. Sanford
- Wenyuan Fan
- William B. Moore
- William D. Barnhart
- William E. Odom
- William Farmer
- William K. Eymold
- William K. Smith
- William L. Ellsworth
- William Rush
- Xavier Comas
- Xiao Yang
- Xiaohua Xu
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xuanhua Chen
- Xueling Shi
- Yann Klinger
- Yao Zhang
- Yasuo Ogawa
- Yiran Li
- Yiwen Mei
- Yolanda C. Lin
- Yongjun Huang
- Yongxin Zhang
- Yuankun Xu
- Yuehua Zeng
- Zachary E. Ross
- Zhifeng Yang
- Zhiliang Zhu
- Zhong Lü
- О. В. Калашникова