U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Early Holocene Eruptive Period at Mount Rainier, Washington
- Debris Avalanches and Debris Flows Transformed from Collapses in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, México.
- Eruptive Activity and Ground Deformation Revealed by Satellite Radar Interferometry at Makushin Volcano, Alaska: 1993 - 2000
- Horizontal and Vertical Deformation Near Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Oregon, From Leveling, EDM, and GPS
- Hydrology of Temperate Glaciers: Utility of Steady-State Models of Basal Water Flow and Insights From the Study of Hydraulic Transients
- Localized Glacier Deformation Associated with Filling and Draining of a Glacier-Dammed Lake and Implications for Outburst Flood Hydraulics
- Magmatic Activity Beneath the Quiescent Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, Inferred from Satellite InSAR
- Mechanical Differences Between Subaerial and Subaqueous Mass Movements
- Mechanics of Volcanic Activity in Long Valley and Kilauea/Mauna Loa Volcanic Areas from Multi-parameter Borehole Measurements
- Seismicity and Forecasting of the 1991 Eruption of Mount Pinatubo: A Ten-Year Retrospective
- Sudden aseismic fault slip on the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- A Mechanism for Seismically Induced Pore Pressure Changes Inferred from High Frequency Water Well Data
- Magma Reservoir Processes Revealed by Geochemistry of the Ongoing East Rift Zone Eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Magma Supply Dynamics at Westdahl Volcano, Alaska, Modeled from Satellite Radar Interferometry
- PBO-Style Seismic and Geodetic Monitoring at Frequently-Active Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- Renewed Inflation of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawai`i
- Satellite InSAR Reveals a new Style of Deformation at Yellowstone Caldera
- Scaling of Experimental Debris Flows and Avalanches
- Surface deformation over Akutan Island, Alaska, during the 1996 seismic swarm, revealed by both C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry
- Swarm Sequences in the Waiotapu and Waimangu Geothermal Areas, New Zealand, January-June 1995
- VALVE: Volcano Analysis and Visualization Environment
- What's up in the Cascades? I: Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon
- What's up in the Cascades? II: Newberry volcano, Central Oregon
- A Novel Tsunami Inundation Mapping Technique
- A Volcano Population Index for Estimating Relative Risk With Example Data From Central America
- Acid Loading of Soils by Magmatic CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Mammoth Mountain, California
- Assessing the Role of Floods, Land Conversion and Bank Materials in Determining Channel Change Along the Willamette River, 1850-1996
- Before PBO: What Do We Know About Ground Deformation in the Cascade Range?
- Broadband Deformation in the San Francisco Bay Area Measured at Mini-PBO Stations: Implications for PBO
- Co-eruptive deformation of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes, Africa, from radar interferometry
- Extreme events and geomorphic resilience-insight from response to the cataclysmic 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption
- Jökulhlaup triggering: Observations at Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Mixing Ratios of Br, BrO, Cl, and ClO in High-Temperature Volcanic Gases
- Stress Transfer, Thermal Unrest, and Implications for Seismic Hazards Associated with the Norris Uplift Anomaly in Yellowstone National Park
- The Anatahan volcano-monitoring system
- The Mount Rainier Lahar Detection System
- Volcano emissions of trace metals, atmospheric deposition, and supply to biogeochemical cycles
- A Collaborative Approach to Petrologic Monitoring of the Mt. Saint Helens 2004 Eruption
- A.D. 1835 Eruption of Volcán Cosigüina, Nicaragua: New Data and Interpretations
- Airborne thermal infrared observations during the first month of the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington
- An Ongoing Episode of Magmatic Inflation at the Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range: Inferences from Recent Geodetic and Seismic Observations
- Coupling between basal shear stresses and internal stresses plays a crucial role in granular avalanches
- Crisis GIS: Preparing for the Next Volcanic Crisis in the United States
- Decoupled, localized deformation in the SE crater of Mount St. Helens associated with the 2004 eruption
- Effects of lava-dome emplacement on the Mount St. Helens crater glacier
- Field Experiments on Active Kilauea Lava Flows to Improve Cooling Models for Pahoehoe Lava Flows
- Lidar measurement of topographic change during the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens, WA
- Magmatic plumbing of Mount St. Helens - petrologic insights
- Mount St. Helens Volcano Reawakens: An Overview of the First Month of Activity
- Newly discovered subsidence at Lassen Peak, southern Cascade Range, California, from InSAR and GPS
- Petrologic monitoring of Mt St. Helens through laser ablation ICP-MS analysis of ash and dome material
- Regulation of Landslide Motion by Dilatancy and Pore-pressure Feedback
- Seismicity associated with the first month of the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Surface deformation associated with the March 1996 earthquake swarm at Akutan Island, Alaska, revealed by C-band ERS and L-band JERS radar interferometry
- Volcanic Gas Measurements During the 2004 Unrest at Mount St. Helens
- Volcano-tectonic deformation at Mount Shasta and Medicine Lake volcanoes, northern California, from GPS: 1996-2004
- What's new? Identifying juvenile magma in early-erupted ash samples from Mount St. Helens
- 2005 Crater Lake Formation, Lahar, Acidic Flood, and Gas Emission From Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska
- A New Look At The 1996 Gorda Ridge Eruption
- Airborne Measurement of CO2, SO2, and H2S Emission Rates During the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Airborne thermal infrared imaging of the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Anatahan Activity and Monitoring, 2005
- Assessing Volcanic Threat and Prioritizing Volcano Monitoring in the United States
- Automated Earthquake Detection During the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Communicating Uncertainty to the Public During Volcanic Unrest and Eruption -A Case Study From the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, USA
- Complex P-T History of Amphiboles From the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Complications in Determining Oxygen Fugacities From Olivine-Melt Equilibrium Illustrated by the Pu'u'O'o Lavas, Hawaii
- Direct Sampling of a 35 Hour Old Volcanic Cloud From Hekla Volcano (Iceland)
- Dynamics of the Mount St. Helens Crater Glacier During the Eruption of 2004-05
- Emission Rates, Pre-eruption Gas-Saturation and Ascent Degassing During the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Evidence for Magmatic Intrusion at Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, from GPS measurements.
- Frictional properties of gouge generated during the 2004-2005 lava dome extrusion at Mount St. Helens and implications for seismicity
- Geophysical Constraints on Lava Rheology and Edifice Strength During Emplacement of the 2004-2005 Dome at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Ground Deformation Associated with the 2004-2005 Dome-building Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- High-Frequency Sampling From Shallow Borehole Tiltmeters Extends the Monitoring Capabilities at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Implications for Hazards Maps of Identification, Routing, and Initiation of ca. 2 ka Lahars at Misti Volcano, Southern Peru
- InSAR Imaging of Volcanic Deformation Over Aleutian Islands
- Is the 2004-05 Eruption of Mount St. Helens Tapping New Dacite From the Deep Crust?
- Late Holocene Andesitic Eruptions at Mount Rainier
- Measuring the Dome Growth of the 2004-2005 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- New Evidence for Holocene Glacier Fluctuations on Mt. Baker, Washington
- On the possible role of sliding friction in controlling the 2004-2005 Mount St. Helens eruption
- Overview of seismicity associated with the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Photogeologic Mapping of the 2004-2005 Mount St. Helens Eruption
- Plagioclase in Dacites of the Current Mt. St. Helens Eruption: Constraints for Magma Origin and Dynamics
- Surface deformation associated with the 2004-2005 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- The composition of volcanic gas from the 2004-5 Mount St. Helens lava dome, measured using Open Path Fourier Transform infra red Spectroscopy (OP FTS)
- The composition of volcanic gas issuing from Pu`u `O`o, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, 2004-5
- Unspiked K-Ar Dating Of Hawaiian Rejuvenated Volcanism
- Using Digital Elevation Models and LAHARZ to Forecast Inundation by Lahars
- Very-long-period seismic source at Mount St. Helens
- Youngest volcanism about 1 million years ago at Kaho`olawe Island, Hawai`i, was not part of rejuvenated-stage volcanism
- A Remotely Operated, Automatic Scanning DOAS System at White Island, New Zealand.
- An Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb (OASIS) for Volcano Monitoring
- Communicating Potential Ash-Fall Hazards With Scenario Maps at Mount St. Helens
- Crustal P-Wave Speed Structure Under Mount St. Helens From Local Earthquake Tomography
- Disturbance Hydrology: Beyond the Hillslope--the Influence of Channel Modification
- Do Glaciers on Cascade Volcanoes Behave Differently Than Other Glaciers in the Region?
- Extreme Decompression-induced Crystallization During the 2004-present Eruption of Mount St. Helens Implications for Shallow Deformation Mechanisms
- Gas Emissions From Augustine Volcano, Alaska 1995-2006
- Hydrologic Triggering of Shallow Landslides in a Field-scale Flume
- InSAR Geodesy of Aleutian Volcanoes
- Lithium enrichment in plagioclase and melt inclusions from the October 2004 eruption of Mount St Helens, Washington: Evidence of pre-eruptive vapor transfer?
- Monitoring Kilauea Volcano Using Non-Telemetered Time-Lapse Camera Systems
- Morphodynamics of the North Fork Toutle River Near Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Near- and far-field deformation associated with the ongoing dome building eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Photogrammetric Analysis of the Current Dome-Building Eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Post-Earthquake Deformation From the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake: Borehole Dilatometer Data
- Processes and Conditions Over Time in the Pre-eruption MSH 2004-06 Dacitic Magma System.
- Pyroclastic Flows, Lahars, and Mixed Avalanches Generated During the 2005-2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Reconciling Gases With Glasses: Magma Degassing, Overturn and Mixing at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Short-term Temporal Variability of SO2 Emissions at White Island, New Zealand
- Sr Isotopic Variation of Plagioclase Crystals in Mount St. Helens, Southern Washington
- Storage and interaction of compositionally heterogeneous magmas from the 1986 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Structural Geology of the Mount St. Helens Fault-Gouge Zone - Field Relations Along the Volcanic Conduit - Wallrock Interface
- Techniques for Measuring Lava Dome Growth During the 2004 2006 Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- The 2006 Eruption of Raoul Volcano (Kermadecs): A Phreato-magmatic Event From a Hydrothermally-Sealed Volcanic Conduit System.
- Three-dimensional elastic wave analysis of the October 2, 2004 tremor at Mount St. Helens, Washington.
- Timing, distribution, and character of proximal products of the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Trace Elements in Phenocryst Phases as a Record of Volatile Exsolution and Migration?: Mount St. Helens 2004-2005
- Volcanoes - the Ultimate Source of Trace Metal Enrichment of Atmospheric Dust
- A GIS Framework for Mitigating Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards at Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity
- Airborne CO2 and H2S Measurements at Hot Spring Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- An Episode 56 Perspective on Post-2001 Comagmatic Mixing Along Kilauea's East Rift Zone
- Bezymianny and Shiveluch Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia and Mount St. Helens, WA: Response of Volcanoes That Have Experienced Edifice Collapse
- Channel Width Adjustments to Flood Flows in a Highly Erodible Landscape, North Fork Toutle River, Mount St. Helens, WA
- Continuing Inflation at Three Sisters Volcanic Center, Central Oregon Cascade Range, USA, From GPS, InSAR, and Leveling Observations
- Detection of Slow Slip Events Along the Cascadia Subduction Zone Using Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeters
- Fragmentation and Cataclasis of Lava Domes: Field Evidence of Conduit-Margin Faulting and Cryptodome Unloading at Mount St. Helens
- From Map Unit to Magma Chamber: Understanding the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano
- Ground Tilt Associated with the 2004-Present Eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Hydromagmatic and peperitic interactions: A new experimental approach.
- Insights Into Subaqueous Explosive Eruptions From the Dynamics of Underwater Explosions
- Low-Cost Photogrammetric Technique Used to Measure Dome Growth at Mount St. Helens Volcano, 2007-2007
- Magma plumbing system of Akutan volcano, Alaska inferred from InSAR images and numerical modeling
- Mechanical modeling of the Father's day dike intrusion along the east rift zone of Kilauea, Hawaii, constrained from ALOS PALSAR interferometry
- Mount St. Helens Fault Gouge - Textural Constraints on Deformation Mechanisms
- Neoglacial fluctuations of Deming Glacier, Mt. Baker, Washington USA.
- New stratigraphic constraints on Holocene glacier advances at Mt. Baker, Washington
- Optimized Autonomous Space - In-situ Sensorweb: A new Tool for Monitoring Restless Volcanoes
- Rapid Objective Rapid Delineation of Areas At Risk From Block-and-Ash Pyroclastic Flows
- The Magmatic Component of the Plate Boundary Observatory.
- The application of multi-temporal, multiple-satellite SAR data for the analysis of backscattering variations, InSAR-derived water-level changes over swamp forests, and subsidence over Southeastern Louisiana
- Time-lapse Images of Dacite Dome Growth at Mount St. Helens, Washington, 2004-2007
- Vertical Displacements During the Earthquake Cycle: Observations with InSAR.
- Zircon from Mount St. Helens Reveals Residence Times of Tens to Hundreds of Thousands of Years at Low Magmatic Temperatures Prior to Eruption
- Conduit-margin faulting at Mount St. Helens - a seismogenic process?
- Erosion and Redeposition of Reservoir Sediment in Response to Removal of Marmot Dam, Sandy River, Oregon
- Eruption Products and Collection Methods for the 2008 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Event-Based Monitoring of Sediment Flux Following Removal of Oregon's Marmot Dam
- Explosive Eruption of Aphyric Rhyolitic Liquid During May 2008 from Chaitén Volcano, Chile
- GIS-based statistical mapping technique for block-and-ash pyroclastic flow and surge hazards
- Gas Emissions from Failed and Successful Eruptions in Alaska, 1990-2006
- Helmand River Hydrologic Studies Using InSAR and Altimetry
- Human perturbation to atmospheric phosphorus
- Hydroclast and Peperite generation: Experimental Results produced using the Silicate Melt Injection Laboratory Experiment
- Impact on aviation operations of volcanic gas and ash clouds from the 2008 eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi, Alaska
- InSAR monitoring of the 2008 eruption at Okmok volcano, Alaska
- Insight Into Initial Eruption Cloud Conditions Using the ATHAM Model: Application to Satellite Tracking of Volcanic ash From the 13 July, 2008 Eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Interaction of Dacitic and Basaltic Magmas Deduced from Evolution of Phenocrysts and Mixing of Crystal Populations during the Kalama Eruptive Period at Mount St. Helens
- Multiscale Earthquake Simulator, Using Rate and State Friction and Fast Multipoles, Focused on Parkfield, California
- New Insights into Cascadia Slow Slip Events Using Plate Boundary Observatory Borehole Strainmeters
- New Isopach Maps of Holocene Rhyolitic Tephras at Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California
- OASIS - Optimized Autonomous Space - In-situ Sensorweb
- Overview of the 2004-2008 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Real-time Geodetic Data for Earthquake and Volcano Hazards Applications: Current and Future Activities at the U.S. Geological Survey
- Rupture history of 2008 May 12 Mw 8.0 Wen-Chuan earthquake: Evidence of slip interaction
- Study of the 6 August 2007 Crandall Canyon mine (Utah, USA) collapse from ALOS PALSAR InSAR
- Subaqueous non-vesicular to poorly-vesicular shards: hydroclastic fragmentation on seamounts and summit calderas
- The 1996 Earthquake Swarm and Intrusion at Akutan Volcano, Alaska: An Example of a Failed Eruption
- The 2008 Eruption of Chaitén Volcano, Chile and National Volcano-Monitoring Programs in the U.S. and Chile
- The 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano, Southern Chile: a tectonically controlled eruption?
- The New USGS Volcano Hazards Program Web Site
- Tidal Calibration of Multicomponent Borehole Strainmeters: The Roles of Vertical and Shear Coupling
- Tracking Volatile Movement and Fluxing in Magmatic Systems with Mineral Geochemistry: A Comparison Between two Mount St. Helens Eruptions
- U Decay-Series Evidence for the Eruption of Two Magma Batches Between 2004 and 2008 at Mount St. Helens
- Using LAHARZ to Forecast Inundation from lahars, debris flows, and rock avalanches: Confidence Limits on Prediction
- Volatile Concentrations in Calc-Alkaline Andesites from Mount Hood Volcano, Oregon
- Which Came First, the Tremor or the Slip, and is There Slip-Free Tremor in Cascadia?
- Airborne In Situ Measurements of Ozone in the Tropospheric Plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Airborne Measurements of Gas Emissions during the 2009 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- An Unusual Cluster of Low-Frequency Earthquakes at Mount Baker, Washington, as Detected by a Local Broadband Network
- An anomalous swarm of low-frequency events at Mount Baker, Washington, June-August 2009
- Ash dispersal forecasts and event reconstruction of the Redoubt Volcano’s 2009 explosive activity using the VOL-CALPUFF model
- Comparing and Contrasting the 2009 and 1989-90 Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Deformation Mechanics of Quartz at a Single Asperity under Hydrothermal Conditions
- Evaluation of High-Rate Real Time GPS Processing at USGS Pasadena
- Geodetic Measurements and Mechanical Models of Cyclic Deformation at Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Geologic hazard monitoring with real-time GPS (Invited)
- Hazard Science in Support of Community Resiliency: The Response of the Multi Hazards Demonstration Project to the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County
- Height of the Planetary Boundary Layer During ICEALOT 2008
- High resolution satellite and airborne thermal infrared (TIR) imaging of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Lahar Inundation of the Drift River Valley During the 2009 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Numerical Weather Models and Mitigating Atmospheric Artifacts in InSAR
- Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb
- Photogrammetric analysis of dome growth during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska (Invited)
- Plenty of Deep Long-Period Earthquakes Beneath Cascade Volcanoes
- Quantifying Heat Flow from a Restless Caldera: Shallow Measurement from a Vapor Dominated Area of the Yellowstone Plateau Volcanic Field
- Radar observations of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Initial deployment of a transportable Doppler radar system for volcano-monitoring
- Size-resolved chemistry of aerosols produced by Halema'uma'u eruption 2008-2009, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Joint Inverting Seismic, Geodetic, and Geological Observations
- The 2009 Magmatic Intrusion and Faulting in Harrat Al-Shaqah (Lunayyir), western Saudi Arabia, Observed by Satellite Radar Interferometry (InSAR) (Invited)
- Understanding the origin of micron-sized silicate spherules emitted during quiescent degassing from the 2008-2009 summit eruption at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Valleywide patterns of posteruption erosion and deposition in the South Fork Toutle River, Washington—evidence of valley morphology and hillslope-channel coupling affecting sediment supply, storage, and delivery
- Volatile Budget of Kilauea Volcano Receives Stimulus from the Magma Bank
- Volatiles in gases and melt inclusions erupted during the 2008-9 Halema`uma`u eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- A seismic perspective on eruptions at Bezymianny Volcano (Invited)
- Analysis of GPS-measured deformation before, during, and after the 2004-2008 dome-building eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Apatite sulfur systematics and crystal population in the 1991 Pinatubo magmas
- Application of Microbeam Techniques to Identifying and Assessing Comagmatic Mixing Between Summit and Rift Eruptions at Kilauea Volcano (Invited)
- Borehole Tiltmeter and CGPS Response to VLP Seismic Events under Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
- Chaitén town (Chile) inundated by a complex multi-peaked volcanic flood in May 2008 (Invited)
- Challenges to Integrating Geographically-Dispersed Data and Expertise at U.S. Volcano Observatories
- Changes in Seismicity and Stress in Response to Fluid Injection, Paradox Valley, Colorado
- Characterizing and comparing seismicity at Cascade Range (USA) volcanoes
- Comparison of Rapid SO2 Emission Rates from a Dual Ultraviolet Camera System with those of FLYSPEC Traverses at Kilauea Volcano, May 2010
- Digital Geologic Map Database of Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California
- Dynamic deformation of Seguam Volcano, Alaska, 1992-2007, from multi-interferogram InSAR processing
- Erosion and entrainment of snow and ice by pyroclastic density currents: some outstanding questions (Invited)
- Examination of Near-Field Entrainment of High-speed Jets
- Global detection of explosive volcanic eruptions with the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) and application to aviation safety (Invited)
- Halogen Degassing during Emplacement and Crystallization of the Chaitén Rhyolitic Lava Dome(s)
- High-precise DEM Generation Using Envisat/ERS-2 Cross-interferometry
- Identifying sediment sources and quantifying rates of erosion along the North Fork Toutle River near Mount St. Helens, WA
- Investigation of shallow volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes at Mount St. Helens, Washington, from 1990-2010
- Mapping three-dimensional surface deformation by combining multiple aperture interferometry and conventional interferometry: application to the June 2007 eruption at the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii
- Mechanisms of Strain Localization within the 2004-2008 Mt. St. Helens lava domes: The role of effusion rate?
- Morphology and growth of the 2009 Redoubt Volcano lava dome
- Nanometric Gouge in High-Speed Shearing Experiments: Superplasticity?
- P-wave attenuation tomography of Mount St. Helens: preliminary results from coda-normalized spectra
- Preliminary Geologic Map of Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- Preliminary Holocene Eruptive History of Ambang Volcano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Preparing for the next eruption in the Cascades: Unexpected outcomes from the 2004 - 2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington (Invited)
- Pyroclastic density currents from the May 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano (Chile) and subsequent dome collapse
- Refining the Workflow of UV Camera Measurements: Data Collection from Low Emission Rate Volcanoes under Variable Conditions
- Science in Support of Aviation-Risk Management since the April 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland
- Shallow Repeating Seismic Events Under an Alpine Glacier at Mount Rainier, Washington
- Simultaneous explosive and effusive activity at Chaitén volcano, Chile
- Simultaneous measurement of real contact area and fault normal stiffness during frictional sliding
- Slip History of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Constrained by Jointly Inverting Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Testing the sensitivity of precursory changes in multiplets to surficial phenomenon at Mount St. Helens (2004-2008)
- The Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP) - Past and Future
- Tropospheric correction of InSAR time-series with the weather research forecasting model: an application to volcanic deformation monitoring
- USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- Ultraviolet imaging of volcanic SO2: Implementation as part of a multidisciplinary approach to studying summit activity at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii (Invited)
- Volumes and eruption rates for the 2008-2009 Chaitén rhyolite lava dome
- Why do models predict such large ash clouds? An investigation using data from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, Iceland
- 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake Coseismic Deformation Observed and Constrained by Space Geodetic Sensors
- A Different View of Kilauea's Past 2500 Years
- Amphibole trace elements as indicators of magmatic processes at Mount St. Helens
- Application of Numerical Weather Models to Mitigating Atmospheric Artifacts in InSAR
- Bed-sediment entrainment by debris flows: the race is not to the swift
- Computing Debris-flow Mobilization and Run-out with a Two-phase Depth-averaged Model
- Diffuse CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emanations from a Deep Magmatic Source-Multiphase Dynamics, Soil Impacts, and Lessons for Sequestration Monitoring
- Geodetic Measurements and Numerical Modeling of the Deformation Cycle for Okmok Volcano, Alaska: 1993-2008
- Groundwater-Level Changes Caused by Strain and Seismic Shaking from the August 23, 2011 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.8 Virginia Earthquake
- High temporal SO<SUB>2</SUB> emission rate data as part of a multiparameter approach to studying summit vent activity at Kilauea volcano
- Hydrogeomorphic responses to explosive volcanic eruptions-what have we learned?
- Imaging eruption columns from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska using Doppler weather radar
- Impact of Near-Exit Entrainment on Plume Development
- Improvements on the relationship between plume height and mass eruption rate: Implications for volcanic ash cloud forecasting
- Initiation of Massive Landsliding through Progressive Strength Reduction in Volcanoes
- Latest Isopach Mapping of Holocene Rhyolitic Tephras at Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California
- Modeling deformation associated with the 2004-2008 dome-building eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Observing ETS Evolution With Borehole Strainmeters
- Radiometric Ages for the Koloa Volcanics from the Deep Subsurface in the Lihu'e Basin, Kaua'i, Hawai'i
- Real-time GPS integration for prototype earthquake early warning and near-field imaging of the earthquake rupture process
- Results from USGS Geodesy Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009
- Seasonal Inundation Monitoring of Northern Pantanal Wetland, Brazil Using ALOS SAR/InSAR and Envisat Altimetry
- Simulated Radiative Transfer DOAS - A new method for improving volcanic SO2 emissions retrievals from ground-based UV-spectroscopic measurements of scattered solar radiation
- Sulfur evolution of the 1991 Pinatubo magmas based on apatite
- Synthesis of observations of halogen-containing gases, ozone, and gaseous elemental mercury in the tropospheric plume of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- The January 21, 1951 Blast of Mount Lamington in Papua New Guinea: Sequence of Events and Characteristics of the Deposits
- The Kinematics of Levee Formation in Geophysical Mass Flows
- The Shallow Magmatic Plumbing Systems of Kilauea, Hawai`i Revealed Through Bouguer Gravity and Total Magnetic Anomaly Mapping
- The transition from frictional sliding to shear melting in laboratory experiments and the implications for scale dependent earthquake source properties
- Tsunami population-vulnerability index based on pedestrian-evacuation modeling
- Use of satellite remote sensing to support crisis response to the 2010 eruption of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
- Visualizing Geophysical Flow Problems with Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Volcanic Versus Anthropogenic CO2: An Example of the Importance of Geoscience Evidence
- A new multiparameter database of Holocene and Pleistocene Cascades magmatism
- A tactical, permanent telemetered volcano monitoring station design
- Changing patterns of seismicity and ground deformation at the end of the Mount St. Helens 2004-2008 dome-building eruption
- Dynamics and deposits of multiple pyroclastic density currents associated with the May 2008 eruption of Chaitén volcano (Chile)
- From mantle to ash cloud: quantifying magma generation, ascent, and degassing rates at Kilauea during short-lived explosive episodes using short-lived U-series radionuclide disequilibria
- Glacier quakes mimicking volcanic earthquakes: The challenge of monitoring ice-clad volcanoes and some solutions
- Granular Dilatancy and its Effect on Debris-flow Dynamics
- Hydraulics of embankment-dam breaching
- Joint Correction of Ionospheric Artifact and Orbital Error in L-band SAR Interferometry
- Large-area Active Landslide Detection and Monitoring with ALOS/PALSAR Imagery over Northern California and Southern Oregon, USA
- Long term volcano monitoring by using advanced Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry technique: A case study at Unimak Island, Alaska
- Modeling Floods in Athabasca Valles, Mars, Using CTX Stereo Topography
- New developments to improve SO2 cameras
- New geologic map and radiometric ages, Oldonyo Lengai volcano and vicinity, United Republic of Tanzania
- Observations of Gas Emissions from Cascade Range Volcanoes (USA) using a Portable Real-Time Sensor Package and Evacuated Flasks
- Particle aggregation in volcanic clouds from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: Observations of Doppler weather radar, satellite images and tephra-fall deposits
- Petrological insights into the storage conditions, magmatic processes, and time scales that yielded the centennial 2010 Merapi explosive eruption
- Place-classification analysis of community vulnerability to near-field tsunami threats in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- Pre-eruption deformation caused by dike intrusion beneath Kizimen volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, observed by InSAR
- Predicting debris-flow initiation and run-out with a depth-averaged two-phase model and adaptive numerical methods
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Seismic and Gas Analyses Imply Magmatic Intrusion at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska in 2012
- Stakeholder-driven geospatial modeling for assessing tsunami vertical-evacuation strategies in the U.S. Pacific Northwest
- Technology and Geologic Mapping at Newberry Volcano, Oregon
- The Remains of the Dam: What Have We Learned From 10 Years of Dam Removals?
- The September 20-22, 2009, earthquake swarm at Mount Rainier, Washington: Evidence for triggering by fluid injection
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- Using semi-automated photogrammetry software to generate 3D surfaces from oblique and vertical photographs at Mount St. Helens, WA
- Vents and Dikes in the Heart of the Koa'e Fault System at Kilauea
- A Detailed Examination of DTM Source Data: Light, Camera, Action
- Analysis of recently digitized continuous seismic data recorded during the March-May, 1980, eruption sequence at Mount St. Helens
- Cascadia slow slip events and earthquake initiation theories: Hazards research with Plate Boundary Observatory geodetic data (Invited)
- Changes in Seismic Velocity During the 2004 - 2008 Eruption of Mount St. Helens Volcano
- Changes in Vegetation Reflect Changes in the Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera Hydrothermal System
- Characterizing volcanic emissions using ground-based infrared and ultra-violet camera systems (Invited)
- Deep long-period earthquakes west of the volcanic arc in Oregon: Direct evidence of fluid migration through the forearc mantle wedge
- Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of Stressing-Rate State Evolution in Rate-State Friction Laws
- Helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in xenoliths and lavas from Harrat Hutaymah, Saudi Arabia: insight to magma sources
- Hydrothermal Monitoring in a Quiescent Volcanic Arc: Cascade Range, Northwestern United States
- Improving real-time estimates of mass eruption rate through one-dimensional plume modeling
- Insights Into Aleutian Volcanism from Insar Observations
- Investigating subsidence at volcanoes in northern California using InSAR
- Linking Short-term Upstream and Downstream Geomorphic Responses to the Removal of Condit Dam, White Salmon River, Washington
- Long-term contraction of pyroclastic flow deposits at Augustine Volcano using InSAR
- Low intensity hawaiian fountaining as exemplified by the March 2011, Kamoamoa eruption at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i (Invited)
- Magma Plumbing and Transport at Yellowstone--Implications from Geodesy and Geochemistry (Invited)
- Observing active deformation of volcanoes in North America: Geodetic data from the Plate Boundary Observatory and associated networks
- Operational real-time monitoring of volcanic SO2 emission rates using an innovative SO2 camera system and sophisticated retrieval techniques (Invited)
- Paleomagnetic constraints on the timing and duration of latest Pleistocene to early Holocene eruptions at Mount Shasta volcano, California, USA
- Real-time GNSS volcano deformation monitoring (Invited)
- Relating seismic swarms and deformation in Long Valley Caldera, California
- Seismoacoustic analysis of Ultra-Long-Period Signals Generated in the Atmosphere during the 2009 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Spatial Databases for CalVO Volcanoes: Current Status and Future Directions
- Structure of the Volcanic Vent Distribution of the Cascades Arc from a New Database of Holocene and Pleistocene Volcanism, with Focus on Pre-Caldera Monogenetic Volcanism at Mount Mazana, Oregon
- Testing exposure of a jet engine to a dilute volcanic-ash cloud
- Theoretical and practical considerations for the design of the iMUSH active-source seismic experiment
- Towards an operational implementation of particle aggregation in ash dispersion models (Invited)
- Tracking hydrothermal feature changes in response to seismicity and deformation at Mud Volcano thermal area, Yellowstone
- Using a sediment budget to understand geomorphic response following dam removal
- Attenuation and Scattering Tomography of the Deep Plumbing System of Mount St. Helens
- Decaying Rate of Volcanic Inflation near Three Sisters, Oregon, Measured with GPS and InSAR
- Deep long-period earthquakes under Mount St. Helens captured with dense recordings by iMUSH
- Degassing Dynamics from Long-Period and Very-Long-Period Seismicity and Infrasound at Mt. Pagan Volcano
- Double-difference relocations and spectral ratio analysis of volcanic seismic events in the Mount St. Helens crater using a 3D velocity model suggest slip events under the new dome with constant stress-drop scaling.
- From pumice to obsidian: eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. I- The AD1100 Big Glass Mountain eruption at Medicine Lake Volcano (California).
- Geomorphological mapping and geotechnical testing of the March 22, 2014, SR530 landslide near Oso, Washington
- High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing of the 2013-2014 Eruption of Sinabung Volcano, Sumatra, Indonesia
- Imaging Magma Under St. Helens (iMUSH): Details of passive-source seismic deployment and preliminary 3-D velocity structure
- Integration of Petrologic, Geophysical, and Gas Monitoring Data at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Landslide Mobility and Hazards: A Geophysical Overview of the Oso Disaster
- Mapping the Spatial Distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB> release from Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii, USA
- Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) Between 2010 and 2014 from Temporal Gravity Variations Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) Between 2010 and 2014 from Temporal Gravity Variations
- Measuring Variable Scales of Surface Deformation in and around the Yellowstone Caldera with TerraSAR-X Interferometry
- Numerical Modeling of the 2014 Oso, Washington, Landslide.
- Post-2008 Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR
- Present-Day Deformation in Northeastern California, Northwest Nevada and Southern Oregon
- Renewed Inflation of Long Valley Caldera (2011 - Present)
- Seismic Signals of the 2014 Landslide near Oso, Washington
- Spatial and temporal patterns of dome extrusion during the 2004-2008 eruption of Mount St. Helens
- The West Coast Earthquake Early Warning Global Navigation Satellite System Working Group
- The role of gouge and temperature on flash heating and its hysteresis
- Thermal and petrologic constraints on the lower crustal melt accumulation in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Tracking the nature and duration of magma transfer beneath Mauna Loa using a crystal population and kinetic modelling approach
- Vesicularity variation to pyroclasts from silicic eruptions at Laguna del Maule volcanic complex, Chile
- Volcview: A Web-Based Platform for Satellite Monitoring of Volcanic Activity and Eruption Response
- iMUSH-aided fault-plane studies at Mount St. Helens, Washington: Evidence for magma recharge
- A Photogrammetric Approach to Measuring Temporal Change in Tree Kill Areas at Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera, California
- A Tale of Two Reservoirs: Kı¯lauea's April-May 2015 Events
- Aggregated Particle-size distributions for tephra-deposit model forecasts
- Cessation of the 2004-2008 Dome-Building Eruption at Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Characterizing Explosive Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Using Seismic, Infrasound, Lightning and Video Data
- Constraining friction, dilatancy and effective stress with earthquake rates in the deep crust
- Controls on the Breach Geometry and Flood Hydrograph During Overtopping of Non-cohesive Earthen Dams
- Debris-flow Run-up on Vertical Barriers and Adverse Slopes.
- Development of Scientific Tools at the USGS to Prepare for Ash-Producing Eruptions
- Entrainment of Air into Vertical Jets in a Crosswind
- Exceptional Bedload Flux Following the 2008 Eruption of Chaitén Volcano, Chile
- Forecasting eruptions using pre-eruptive seismic patterns at Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia
- Forecasting the Beginning, Middle, and End of Eruptions
- GeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. Helens
- Integration and Testing of Miniaturized Volcanic Gas-Sensing Instruments on UAS Platforms
- Is Kīlauea's East Rift Zone eruption running out of gas?
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Geology and Hazards at Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington
- Lightning During the Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Linking space observations to volcano observatories in Latin America: Results from the CEOS DRM Volcano Pilot
- Long-Period Seismicity and Very-Long-Period Infrasound Driven by Shallow Magmatic Degassing at Mount Pagan, Mariana Islands
- Long-term autonomous volcanic gas monitoring with Multi-GAS at Mount St. Helens, Washington, and Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Magma Supply Rate Controls Vigor (And Longevity) of Kīlauea's Ongoing East Rift Zone Eruption
- Magma surge from the mantle: the Father's Day Eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Magma-tectonic interactions in Kīlauea's Southwest Rift Zone in 2006 through coupled geodetic/seismological analysis
- Mass Intrusion at Mount St. Helens (WA) From Temporal Gravity Variations
- Modernization of the International Volcanic Ash Website - a global resource for ashfall preparedness and impact guidance.
- Nature and Intensity of the 22-23 April 2015 Eruptions of Volcán Calbuco, Chile, from Satellite, Lightning, and Field Observations
- Observations of electrical discharges during eruptions of Sakurajima volcano
- Preliminary Shear Velocity Tomography of Mt St Helens, Washington from iMUSH Array
- Recent Seismic and Geodetic Activity at Multiple Volcanoes in the Ecuadorean Andes
- Revisiting the Atmospheric Rise Heights of Volcanic Eruption Plumes on Mars
- Spatial Compilation of Holocene Volcanic Vents in the Western Conterminous United States
- Spreading And Collapse Of Big Basaltic Volcanoes
- Stress Change on Faults at Kīlauea Volcano from an Intrusive Event in April-May, 2015
- Studies of Aleutian volcanoes based on two decades of SAR imagery
- Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective
- The Added Value From 4D Volcano Gravimetry: Lessons Learned From 20 Years of Observations
- The Volcano Disaster Assistance Program: Working with International Partners to Reduce the Risk from Volcanic Eruptions Worldwide
- The longevity of lava dome eruptions: analysis of the global DomeHaz database
- Time-variable magma pressure at Kīlauea Volcano yields constraint on the volume and volatile content of shallow magma storage
- Tomographic Imaging of the Magmatic System at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Translating Volcano Hazards Research in the Cascades Into Community Preparedness
- USGS GNSS Applications to Volcano Disaster Response and Hazard Mitigation
- Upcycling UAS into modular platforms for Earth science and autonomy research
- Using mutiproxy approach to reconstruct 1991 coral mortality episode in the South China Sea
- Volcano Gas Measurements from UAS - Customization of Sensors and Platforms
- Volcano dome dynamics at Mount St. Helens: Deformation and intermittent subsidence monitored by seismicity and camera imagery pixel offsets
- Volcano-hazards Education for Emergency Officials Through Study Trip Learning—The 2013 Colombia-USA Bi-national Exchange
- When do Volcanic Eruptions make Lightning? Observations from Sakurajima, Japan
- A multi-parametric approach to studying volcanic lightning utilizing LMA observations, ash characteristics, plume dynamics, seismic, and infrasound data at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Aligning petrology with geophysics: the Father's Day intrusion and eruption, Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai`i
- Along-arc trends in volatile composition within the Aleutian Arc with implications for volatile cycling
- Assessing the Ecological and Geomorphic Context of Dam Removals in the United States
- Eruptive Dynamics Inferred from Textural Analysis of Ash Time Series: The 2015 Reawakening of Cotopaxi Volcano
- FrankenRaven: A New Platform for Remote Sensing
- From the Slab to the Surface: Origin, Storage, Ascent, and Eruption of Volatile-Bearing Magmas in the Aleutian arc
- Hydrological sensitivity of volcanically disturbed watersheds—a lesson reinforced at Pinatubo
- Impact of Diverse Hydrologic Pathways, 3D Failure Geometries, and Unsaturated Soil Suctions on Shallow Landsliding
- Increased degassing from the Southern Central American Volcanic Arc in response to crustal stress change following the 2012 Nicoya earthquake?
- Isotopic Insights Into the Degassing and Secondary Hydration Rates of Volcanic Glass From the 1980 Eruptions of Mount St. Helens
- Key Lessons and New Directions from Pinatubo 1991
- Landscape Response to the 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens: Using Historical Aerial Photography to Measure Surface Change
- Linking Surface and Subsurface: Gas emission, lava extrusion, and inferred melt S contents from Mount Cleveland, Alaska
- Local Earthquake P-wave Tomography at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Lowered Fracture Energy During Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes Promotes Rupture Fronts That Radiate High Frequency Seismic Waves
- Managing Long-term Risks from Natural Hazards in a Dynamic Volcanic and Institutional Environment: The Spirit Lake Story
- Modeling landslide runout dynamics and hazards: crucial effects of initial conditions
- Modeling of February 1993 Intrusion Seen by JERS-1 Satellite, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Monitoring and Modeling: The Future of Volcanic Eruption Forecasting
- New Methodology for Computing Subaerial Landslide-Tsunamis: Application to the 2015 Tyndall Glacier Landslide, Alaska
- Ocean Island Volcanoes—Just How Similar Are They?
- Passive Remote Sensing of Water Vapor in the Plume of Sabancaya Volcano, Peru
- Principle component analysis to separate deformation signals from multiple sources during a 2015 intrusive sequence at Kīlauea Volcano
- Resolving the architecture of monogenetic feeder systems from exposures of extinct volcanic fields
- SIMS Constraints on the Near-Eruption Crystallization of Accessory Minerals from Intracontinental Rhyolites of the Western United States
- Seismic source associated with the repetitive events recorded at the Nevado del Huila volcano - Colombia in November 2008
- Seismo-acoustic tremor and plume height hysteresis from the March 2016 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Mount St. Helens Region from the iMUSH array
- Surface Deformation and Source Model at Semisopochnoi Volcano from InSAR and Seismic Analysis During the 2014 and 2015 Seismic Swarms
- The Eruption Forecasting Information System: Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Using Databases
- The effects of water on stress drop and heat production during laboratory stick-slip events
- The influence of testing apparatus stiffness on the source properties of laboratory stick-slip
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part I: Overview and Characteristics of Continuous RF
- VHF Radiation Observed During Eruptions of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, Part II: Continuous RF Discharge Mechanisms
- Where did the time go? Friction evolves with slip following large velocity steps, normal stress steps, and (?) during long holds
- Accuracy of entrainment coefficients in one-dimensional volcanic plume models
- Comparing Three-Dimensional Geophysical Models of Mount St. Helens
- Computational simulation of laboratory-scale volcanic jets
- Discovering Parameters for Ancient Mars Atmospheric Profiles by Modeling Volcanic Eruptions
- Distinct Crater and Conduit Infrasound Reveal an Open Vent Volcano Running Out of Gas
- Electrification processes and lightning generation in volcanic plumes—observations from recent eruptions
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Impacts of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From Low-Order Tributaries
- Imaging Seismic Zones and Magma beneath Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH Broadband Array
- Landscape Change and Microbial Response in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Preliminary Results
- Monitoring the development of volcanic eruptions through volcanic lightning - Using a lightning mapping array, seismic and infrasound array, and visual plume analysis
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- Real-time, high frequency (1 Hz), in situ measurement of HCl and HF gases in volcanic plumes with a novel cavity-enhanced, laser-based instrument
- Remotely Characterizing the Topographic and Thermal Evolution of Kīlauea's Lava Flow Field
- Seasonal deformation and active landslide thickness revealed by spaceborne InSAR observations: a case study of Crescent lake landslide, WA
- Seasonal gravity change at Yellowstone caldera
- Shear Wave Structure of Mount St. Helens, WA Region From Ambient Noise, Earthquake Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Strength and deformation mechanisms of rhyolitic glass at lower seismogenic zone conditions
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- Tidal and seismic response of the Arbuckle Group: First results from Osage County, Oklahoma
- Using low-frequency earthquake families on the San Andreas fault as deep creepmeters
- A Next-Generation of U.S. Volcanic Hazard Assessments
- Analysis of thermal emission from Kīlauea's 2018 Lower East Rift Zone eruption, using satellite remote sensing assets
- Applying Conceptual Models to Multi-Parameter Remotely Detected Observations of Volcanic Unrest Over Multiple Decades in Latin America
- Assessing lava flow dynamics and rheology using sUAS data
- Characteristics of Volcanic Thunder and Electromagnetic Pulses from Lightning at Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska
- Characterizing ash-atmosphere interactions for better hazard prediction from explosive volcanic eruptions
- Compositionally dependent response of andesites to eruption at Augustine Volcano
- Continuous gravity reveals huge mass changes during the onset of intrusion, eruption, and collapse at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaíi, April-May 2018
- Deep repeating earthquakes beneath Mauna Kea volcano
- Direct measurement of fault pore pressure during aseismic and seismic slip
- Earthquake sequences of the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption
- Feedback Between Dike Intrusions, Opening in the Deep Rift Zones, and Flank Motion, Suggested by the Numerical Modeling of Geodetic Data Spanning 1993-1997 at Kilauea Volcano
- Gas composition monitoring with Multi-GAS during the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawai'i
- Global prevalence of M4+ earthquakes at volcanoes and their potential use in eruption forecasting
- Hindcasting May 2018 Kilauea Summit Explosions with Remote Sensing, Geophysical Monitoring, and Eruption Simulations. Part 1: Seismic Source Inversions and Self-consistent Initial Conditions for Plume Models.
- Hindcasting May 2018 Kilauea summit explosions with remote sensing, geophysical monitoring, and eruption simulations. Part 2: Combining 3D Multiphase Eruptive Plume Modeling with Multiple Geophysical Datasets
- Infrasound from the Fissure 8 Lava Fountain on Kilauea's Lower East Rift Zone
- Infrasound from the repeated collapses of Kilauea caldera: High-resolution source location and waveform inversion
- Initial Interpretation of the Source Mechanism of Caldera Collapse Events During the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
- Insights into Magma Mixing and Sulfur Degassing During the 2018 Kīlauea Fissure Eruption via Mineral and Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
- Insights into the collapse of Kīlauea caldera using seismicity and infrasound
- Integrating diverse geodetic data to understand processes in the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano eruption and earthquake sequence.
- Kīlauea 2018: Mapping and measuring lava extent and summit deformation using high resolution satellite data.
- Lava flow hazard modeling and the assessment of effusion rates and topographic change with UAS and lidar during the 2018 Kīlauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Modulation of seismic activity in Kilauea's East Rift Zone by summit inflation and deflation
- New technologies to measure temporal variations of magmatic helium and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at Mammoth Mountain California
- Preliminary Tephrostratigraphy and Eruption History of Misti Volcano, Southern Peru, Since the Late Pleistocene
- Pāhala mantle source area earthquake swarms: reliable precursors to eruption at Kīlauea?
- Remote Measurements of Volcanic Plume Electrification Using a Sparse Network Technique
- Science Diplomacy Before, During, and After Disaster Strikes
- Size-resolved chemistry of volcanic aerosol from the 2018 Kīlauea Lower East Rift Zone eruption, traced from source to exposed communities
- Structural readjustment due to large-scale mass redistribution at active basaltic shield volcanoes based on multi-temporal SAR satellite data
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with the May 2018 fissure eruption in Kilauea's Lower East Rift Zone
- The 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea Volcano: Tales from a Gas Perspective
- The 2018 U.S. Geological Survey-Department of Interior UAS Kīlauea Eruption Response
- The 2018 summit eruption and caldera collapse at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The Kilauea 2018 eruption: Insight from surface deformation and topography change observations
- The Relationships Between Plume Dynamics and Volcanic Electrification as Measured by a Lightning Mapping Array: a Case Study of Sakurajima Volcano, 2015
- The infrasound signal from a draining lava lake: the exceptional recordings from Halema`uma`u, Kīlauea volcano in April and May 2018
- Understanding Summit Failure Processes during the 2018 Kilauea Eruption through Analysis of Earthquake Swarms
- Use of Social Media to Deliver Volcano-Hazards Information and Build Trust During the 2018 Kīlauea Crisis
- VOLCANIC ERUPTION TREMOR: Analyzing the Plume Height Relationship and Application of a Fluvial Seismology Model
- What can topography tell us about the regional-scale history of Cascades arc magmatism over the last 2 Myr?
- A Physical Seismicity Model for Volcanic Eruption Tremor Based on Particle Impacts and Turbulence
- A Plan to Improve the Monitoring of Yellowstone's Hydrothermal System
- Adapting Hazard Communications Tactics for a Fatalistic World
- Analysis of normal stress stepping experiments indicates that friction evolution depends on contact area quality rather than quantity
- Architecture and Flow Behavior of June, July, and August 1980 Pyroclastic-flow Deposits at Mount St. Helens
- Breadcrust Blocks Sample the Pre-eruptive Conduit in Vulcanian to Subplinian Eruptions
- Characteristics of the beginning of the 2019 eruptive crisis at Ubinas volcano (Peru)
- Communicating Geohazards: Delivering Information Responsibly in Crisis and Calm
- Current Status of the Mount Rainier (Washington) Lahar Detection System
- Damage and stress-induced seismic velocity changes during the progressive collapse of Kīlauea's summit
- Defining eruption source parameters using an operational record of explosive volcanism
- Early Detection of Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Using VHF Radiation from Vent Discharges
- Experimental Study of Particle Aggregation in Jets Using Particle Image Velocimetry
- Exploring the relationship between repose time and cumulative moment magnitude for volcanoes worldwide
- Fine-time-scale DEM analysis illuminates long-term geomorphic legacy of 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption in North Fork Toutle River watershed
- Formation of Dense Pyroclasts by Sintering of Ash Particles During the Pre-climactic Eruptions of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991
- Gravity change associated with Kīlauea's 2018 summit collapse and recovery
- Incorporating Rainfall Infiltration and Pore-Pressure Diffusion Models for Simulating Landslide Initiation and Runout
- Insights Into the Electrification of Volcanic Plumes from Lightning and Infrasound
- Integrated Geoscience Studies for Volcanic Hazard Mitigation of Mt. Agung, Bali, Indonesia
- Laboratory observations of fluid pressure and fault dilatancy controlling earthquake instability
- Landforms and Deposits Produced by Shallow Submarine Eruptive Activity During the 2016-2017 Eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska
- Lava effusion rates and channel dynamics during the 2018 Kilauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Long Incubation Time and Repeated Chamber Evacuation for Explosive Dacites from Glacier Peak Volcano, Washington
- Low-latency remote sensing data in volcanology: justification, application, and communication
- Magma intrusion and volatile ascent beneath Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Magma reservoir failure and the onset of caldera collapse at Kīlauea Volcano in 2018
- Measuring Basal Force Fluctuations of Debris Flows Using Seismic Recordings and Empirical Green's Functions
- Mechanisms of discrete explosions during the 2016-17 emergent basaltic eruptions of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska, USA
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke (Kuril Islands) and Ulawun (Papua New Guinea) volcanoes using remote techniques
- National-scale volcanic threat assessments as a tool to raise risk awareness, develop preparedness, and engage the public in regions with infrequent eruptions
- Observations and models of crustal deformation transients following the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence
- Progress Toward Global Volcanic Swarm Statistics for Improved Eruption Forecasting
- Rapid-response GPS following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Relating topography to Quaternary volcanism and crustal structure within the Cascades Arc
- Strength Recovery and Dependence on Normal Stress in Hydrothermal Quartzite Tests
- Sulfur concentrations and oxidation states of products from the 2018 Kīlauea fissure eruption based on melt inclusions, embayments, and matrix glasses
- Sulfur dioxide emissions associated with Kīlauea Volcano's 2018 fissure eruption
- Surges in eruption rate during the 2018 eruption of Kilauea Volcano tracked with multiparameter data
- The Case for Including Pore-pressure Evolution Equations in Depth-averaged Models of Debris Flows and Related Phenomena
- The Emergence of a New Thermal Area in Yellowstone
- The USGS Southern California GNSS Network - Modernization and Collaboration for Reliable Data Streams to Enhance Earthquake Early Warning Applications
- The legacy of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption: Volcano geophysics and its use in volcano monitoring and eruption forecasting
- Thirty Years of Explosive Volcanism and Aviation: Redoubt, Pinatubo, Eyjafjallajökull and beyond
- Tracking Explosive Eruptions with Volcanic Lightning
- Turbulent structure and particle clustering in analog volcanic jets
- Where did the time go? The remarkable slip-sensitivity of fault healing at quasi-stationary slip rates
- Cross model sensitivity analysis of the 9 January 2018 debris-flow inundation event in Montecito, CA
- Developing a Next Generation UAS Volcano Observation Platform
- Effective hydrological events in an evolving mid-latitude mountain river system following cataclysmic disturbance—a saga of multiple influences
- Evaluating Public Perception of Communication Effectiveness by USGS Volcanoes Social Media Accounts During Kīlauea's 2018 Eruption
- Evaluating the sensitivity of debris flow inundation patterns to initiation and upstream flow characteristics
- Examining the Relationship Between Electrical Activity and Jet Velocity During Vulcanian Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano
- Experimental Study of Particle Aggregation in a Humid and Turbulent Environment
- Future Directions in Volcano Seismology
- Geologic time-series over millennia to minutes reveal life cycles of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions
- Influence of magma-water interactions on eruptive products at Poás volcano, Costa Rica
- Insights into Pre-eruptive Magma Storage, Differentiation, and Eruption Triggering from the 36.5 Ma Cueva Tuff, Organ Caldera, New Mexico
- Lava flow forecasting aided by remote sensing during the 2018 Kīlauea lower East Rift Zone eruption
- Magma source depths and magma recycling in the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawai'i based on volatiles in melt inclusions
- Movement monitoring and runout simulations of the Gold Basin landslide complex using LiDAR, SAR, and numerical models
- Protecting air travel from volcanic ash in the coming decade
- Seismic and Geodetic Progression of the 2018 Caldera Collapse of Kīlauea Volcano
- Spatial Analysis of Volcanic Lightning within Eruption Clouds
- Temporal, Spatial, and Geochemical Variations in Eocene-Oligocene Ignimbrite Flare-Up Volcanism in Southern New Mexico
- The Largest Gravity Changes Ever Recorded: Continuous Gravity Monitoring of the Onset of Kīlauea's 2018 Eruption
- The lower East Rift Zone intrusion at Kīlauea Volcano, 2018 from GPS, InSAR and tilt
- Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change
- Trends in volcano response and capacity building by the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (VDAP): Looking back at 2010 and forward to 2030
- USGS volcano observatories in 2020: Review of the past 10 years and a look to the future
- Understanding the dynamics of magmatic gas behavior in lava fountains during the Kīlauea 2018 rift eruption via FTIR, MultiGAS, and petrology
- Using D-Claw to Inform Lahar Hazard Assessment at Mount Baker Volcano, Washington, USA
- Using D-Claw to model landslides, debris flows, water bodies, and their interactions.
- Volatile metal emissions from volcanic degassing and lava-seawater interactions at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai'i
- Advancing what URGE began efforts to implement URGE recommendations at the U.S. Geological Survey
- An airborne remote sensing instrument for high-resolution imaging of volcanic plumes
- Contrasting volcanic activity across Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa with multi-parameter satellite monitoring data: The CEOS Volcano Demonstrator
- Coupling infrasound, lightning, and satellite imagery to characterize the 2020 Taal volcanic eruption
- Decrease in Volcano Jet Noise Peak Frequency as Crater Expands
- Dome Growth at La Soufriere, St. Vincent Quantified from Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter
- Evolving the Design and CONOPS of a Volcanic Monitoring UAS Over Several Flight Campaigns
- How to Pick the Right Size a Methodology Study Comparing Laser Diffraction and Dynamic Image Analysis Size Distributions of Volcanic Ash Particles from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Influence of flank spreading on the location of the 2018 dike intrusion at Kilauea
- Modeling Levee Formation in the D-Claw Debris Flow Model
- Multi-disciplinary characterization of the June 2019 eruptions of Raikoke, Kuril Islands, and Ulawun ,Papua New Guinea, volcanoes using remote techniques
- Multi-pronged Investigation of Potential Diffusive Fractionation in Lava Fountains during Kilauea Volcanos 2018 Eruption
- Non-violent Water-Lava Interaction in Kilaueas Summit Crater Lake Generates Little Ash and a 13 km High Plume
- Preliminary Assessment of the Wave Generating Potential from Landslides at Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Redox conditions of magmas from the 2018 eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii: combined Fe- and S-XANES measurements of glasses and the importance of redox re-equilibration in olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Synthesizing seismic and atmospheric data with 3D conduit-plume models reveals early-stage explosion dynamics in the 2018 Kilauea eruption
- Teleseismic waves reveal anisotropic poroelastic response of wastewater disposal reservoir in Oklahoma
- The U.S. Geological Survey Hazards URGE Pod: Bridging organizational boundaries to confront systemic racism in our workplaces
- The U.S. Landslide Inventory Compilation and Updated National-Scale Assessment of Landslide Occurrence and Susceptibility
- The USGS Volcano Science Centers Significant Volcanic Event Response Plan - A Formal Structure for Crisis Response
- The role of the usability advocate: A practical approach to fostering a user-centered design mindset in geoscience product development
- Towards quantitative probabilistic lava flow hazard assessment in Hawaii
- Tsunamigenic landslide hazards in the steep maritime Arctic and subarctic: The case of Barry Arm landslides
- USAID-USGS Earthquake Disaster Assistance Team: Collaborating with International Partners to Reduce Earthquake Risk Worldwide
- USGS Volcano Science Center URGE sub-pod: Actions towards a more inclusive and diverse workplace
- Using Detailed Eruption Chronologies to Answer Forecasting Questions: A Case Study from Merapi, Indonesia and Santa Maria/Santiaguito, Guatemala
- Using TROPOMI satellite SO2 observations to inform near-real-time volcano monitoring and eruption warnings by the Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Volcanic Flow Maps (VFMs): A Simple Tool for Tracking the Emplacement of Volcanic Mass Flows Using SAR Data
- A physics-based constitutive equation for frictional response to normal stress changes
- Aiming the firehose of data at the fire: Optimizing international satellite SAR observations for volcano hazards with the CEOS volcano demonstrator project
- Ambient Noise Tomography of Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia
- Drivers of Volcano Deformation (DVD) Verification and Validation Exercises: Phase 1
- Dynamics of the January 2022 eruption of Hunga volcano revealed through a combined data set of volcanic lightning
- Frictional Healing and Stress
- Gravitational and Magmatic Forces Drive both Slow and Rapid Slip on the South Flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- How the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory Has Used Eruption Scenario and Tabletop Exercises to Prepare for Future Events in Yellowstone and the Southwest USA
- Lava Lake Characteristics From Seismic and Acoustic Recordings of Gas-Emission Events
- Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the 1949 Tacoma Narrows Landslide-Induced Tsunami (Washington, USA)
- New frontiers of continuous volcano gravimetry
- Sediment Entrainment by Shallow Mass Flows Over Sloped Topography
- Strength Recovery and Hydraulic Transmissivity Evolution in Shear Fractures in Westerly Granite at Hydrothermal Conditions
- The role of landslide size and mobility on simulated tsunami size at Barry Arm, Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. K. Diefenbach
- A. P. Ellis
- Alexa R. Van Eaton
- Allan Lerner
- Allan M. Rubin
- Andrew Collins
- Andrew J. Barbour
- Anna Perttu
- Annie L. Putman
- Antonio Lanzirotti
- Benjamin B. Mirus
- Benoît Taisne
- Brian D. Kilgore
- Chris Vagasky
- Christoph Kern
- Chung Yi Hou
- D. A. Lockner
- Daniele Carbone
- David Hyman
- David Lloyd George
- David Miller
- Diana C. Roman
- Diane E. Moore
- E. K. Montgomery-Brown
- Edna W Dualeh
- Elisa Trasatti
- F. Albino
- Flavio Cannavò
- Francisco Delgado
- G. P. Waite
- H. R. Dietterich
- Hannah Rose Spero
- I. A. Johanson
- I. J. Hamling
- J. D. Pesicek
- Jack Elston
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jelle Assink
- Jennifer L. Miselis
- Jon J. Major
- Josef Dufek
- Joseph A. Bard
- Josh Crozier
- Juliet Biggs
- K. R. Anderson
- Katherine R. Barnhart
- Kathleen McKee
- L. Karlstrom
- Larry G. Mastin
- Lauren N. Schaefer
- Liv Herdman
- M. E. Pritchard
- M. R. Head
- Maciej K. Obryk
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Matthew M. Haney
- Michael P. Poland
- Michal Camejo-Harry
- N. Badt
- N. M. Beeler
- Nadine G. Reitman
- Pathikrit Bhattacharya
- Rachel E. Volentine
- Raphaël Grandin
- Robin S. Matoza
- Roger P. Denlinger
- Ronni Grapenthin
- S. A. Carn
- S. E. Ogburn
- S. K. Ebmeier
- Shaul Hurwitz
- Sonja A. Behnke
- Stephen A. Solovitz
- Stephen C. Phillips
- T. Jeppson
- T. M. Lopez
- Thomas M. Mitchell
- Tim Wright
- Valérie Cayol
- W. A. Thelen
- Y. Zhan
- Yosuke Aoki