U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson
flowchart I[U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (211)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Conceptual Model For Effluent-Dependent Riverine Environments
- Borehole Geophysics and Surface Electromagnetic Induction Surveys to Describe Ephemeral Channel Recharge in the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin
- Deep Temperature Profiles to Evaluate Recharge in the Desert Southwest, United States
- Estimating the Probability of Earthquake-Induced Landslides
- Using a Bed Sediment Thermograph From Beneath an Ephemeral Stream to Identify Periods of Flow
- Variability of Natural Attenuation of Contaminant Metals Resulting from Changes in Stream Channel Vegetation and Remediation Efforts, Pinal Creek, Arizona
- A Multiparameter Approach for Measuring Flood-Induced Aquifer- and Bank-Storage Changes Along the San Pedro River, Arizona.
- Cooperative Public Outreach - It can be Accomplished
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
- The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sand bar deposits along the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
- Agent-Based Modeling of Physical Factors That May Control the Growth of Coccidioides immitis (Valley Fever Fungus) in Soils
- Analysis of Volcanic Deposits From the 2001 Eruption of Mt. Cleveland, Alaska Using Multisensor Satellite Data and Field Observations
- Anatahan, Northern Mariana Islands: Reconniassance Geological Observations During and After the Volcanic Crisis of Spring 1990, and Monitoring Prior to the May 2003 Eruption
- Field Measured Infiltration Fluxes at the Onset of Ephemeral Streamflow
- Historic Carbon Isotopic Shifts in Pinyon Pines and Woodland Junipers are Unprecedented During the Quaternary History of These Taxa
- Late Quaternary Surface Rupture and Associated Transpressive Uplift on a Section of the State Line Fault in the south-central Amargosa Desert Basin, Southwestern Nevada
- Numerical Simulations Used to Test the Effects of Lithology and Recharge Rates on Temperature Profiles Beneath Ephemeral Streams in Southern Arizona
- Students Across Borders: A Summer Earth Science Workshop for Hispanic High School Students
- Water Availability for the Western United States: The Role for Science
- Comparison of Methods to Estimate Ephemeral Channel Recharge, Walnut Gulch, San Pedro River Basin, Arizona
- Evidence from Rodent Middens for Summer Rainfall Variability over the Last 22,000 Years from Northern Chile's Rio Salado (22º S)
- Gravity Monitoring of Ground-Water Storage Change in the Southwestern United States
- Mountain Systems, Persistent Drought and the Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study from Glacier National Park, USA
- New Constraints on Models for Time-Variable Displacement Rates on the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- Paleo-environmental Perspectives on Climate-change Monitoring in the National Parks of the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountains
- Simulating Sub-Decadal Channel Morphologic Change in Ephemeral Stream Networks
- A Formulation for the Entrainment of Fine-Sediment in Coarse-Bedded Rivers
- Changes in Seasonality of Streamflow in the Southwestern United States
- Disentangling the Climate/Growth Signal of Millennial Pinus Chronologies from the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA
- Hydraulic Response of Colorado River Rapids to a Reworking Flood
- Large-Scale Sediment Routing: Development of a One-Dimensional Model Incorporating Sand Storage
- Optimizing Numerical Modeling and Field Data Collection in an Interdisciplinary Study of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon
- Remote Sensing of Debris Flow Deposition and Reworking by the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Repeat Microgravity Surveys for Estimating Ground-Water Storage Change, Recharge, and Specific Yield
- The Past Climate Variability and Impacts Clearinghouse: Linking New Users to Paleoenvironmental Resources
- Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A.
- A Geologic and Geomorphic Mapping Approach to Understanding the Kinematic Role of Faulting in the Little San Bernardino Mountains in the Evolution of the San Andreas Fault System in Southern California
- A Multifractal Model of Magnetic Susceptibility in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks
- A New Ghost-Node Method for Linking Different Ground-Water Models and Initial Investigation of Heterogeneity and Nonmatching Grids
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- Aerial Transient Electromagnetic Surveys of Alluvial Aquifers in Rural Watersheds of Arizona
- Basins Formed by Interaction of Left- and Right-Lateral Faults in the Eastern Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- Computation of Aquifer-System Compaction in Water-Table Aquifers using MODFLOW
- Debris flows and Record Floods from Extreme Mesoscale Convective Thunderstorms over the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona
- Fault-Bounded Late Neogene Sedimentary Deposits in the Santa Rosa Mountains, Southern CA: Constraints on the Evolution of the San Jacinto Fault
- Fragmented Landscapes in the San Gorgonio Pass Region: Insights into Quaternary Strain History of the Southern San Andreas Fault System
- Gravity Monitoring of Ground-Water Storage Change in Central and Southern Arizona
- Nutrient Sourcing of Nine Plant Species in the Southwestern U.S. using Strontium Isotopes
- Parameterization of an Urban Runoff Model
- Rapid Estimation of Recharge Potential in Ephemeral-Stream Channels Using Electromagnetic Methods, and Measurements of Channel and Vegetation Characteristics
- The Strontium Fingerprint and Footprint: Using 87Sr/86Sr to Find the Sources and Range of Architectural Timber Acquisition of Great House Construction at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico
- Transient Electromagnetic Study of the Geologic Framework, Upper San Pedro Basin, Mexico
- A 30 year study of carbon, groundwater, and climate coupling in a large boreal peat basin
- A framework of field observations and spatial data for understanding dust emissions in the Mojave Desert
- Abrupt changes in hydrology and vegetation in the West African monsoon region since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Enriched Perchlorate and Relationship with Other Major Anions in Atmospherically Derived Deposits of Nitrate of the Mojave Desert
- From Fireproof Desert to Flammable Grassland: Buffelgrass Invasion in the Sonoran Desert
- Ground-Water Sources, Flow-Paths, and Residence Times in the Middle Verde River Watershed, Northern Arizona
- Natural Perchlorate and Climate-An Imperfect Relationship
- Nutrient Sourcing of Ten Plant Species in the Southwest U.S. using Strontium Isotopes: Effects of Rooting Depth, Bedrock Type, and Landscape Age
- Perchlorate in the Hydrologic Cycle - An Overview of Sources and Occurrence
- Pulsed Episodes of Shortening Within the Tian Shan Foreland: Implications for Deformation Rate Interpretations Throughout Central Asia
- Reevaluation of the spring onset/fire association in the western U.S. using Phenological vs. Hydrological Models
- Simulating advective transport through locally refined grids
- Terrane Definition From Textural Measures of Aeromagnetic Data
- Widespread Occurrence of Plant Perchlorate
- A Quantitative Method to Identify Lithology Beneath Cover
- Climate-controlled strath-terrace formation and abandonment during the Late Pleistocene in Southern California
- Does the West Salton Detachment extend through San Gorgonio Pass, southern California?
- Estimation of bedrock lithology concealed by basin sediment fill using magnetic anomaly data
- Interaction Between Early San Andreas Strike-Slip Faulting and Extensional Tectonism in the Chocolate Mountains: A Prologue to Growth of the Salton Trough Along the Plate Boundary in Southern California
- Measuring Phenological Changes due to Defoliation of the Non-Native Species, Saltcedar (Tamarisk) Following Episodic Foliage Removal by the Beetle Diorhabda elongate and Phenological Impacts on Forage Quality for Insectivorous Birds on the Dolores River
- Results of co-located gravity and water-level monitoring at alluvial aquifer wells in southern Arizona
- Scaling Sap Flow Results Over Wide Areas Using High-Resolution Aerial Multispectral Digital Imaging, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and MODIS Satellite Imagery in Saltcedar Stands on the Lower Colorado River
- Spatial Precipitation Frequency of an Extreme Event: the July 2006 Mesoscale Convective Complexes and Debris Flows in Southeastern Arizona
- Tamarisk Water Flux Patterns Before, During and After Episodic Defoliation by the Salt Cedar Leaf Beetle on the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Use of Chemical and Isotopic Tracers for Estimating Ground-Water Recharge, Flow Paths, and Residence Times in the Middle San Pedro Basin, Southeast Arizona
- Use of the Continuous Slope-Area Method to Estimate Runoff Through Ephemeral Stream Channels in SE Arizona
- Expanding the Usefulness of Existing Data-Collection Infrastructure with Wireless Sensor Networks
- Measuring sap flow, and other plant physiological conditions across a soil salinity gradient in the lower Colorado River at Cibola National Wildlife Refuge: Vegetation and soil physiology linkages with microwave dielectric constant
- Minimum Irrigation Requirements for Cottonwood (Populus fremontii and P. deltoides) and Willow (Salix gooddingii) Grown in a Desert Environment
- Next Generation Data Model for Phenology Observations
- Phase I of a National Phenological Assessment
- Potential for Water Salvage by Release of the Biocontrol Beetle, Diorhabda carinulata, on Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) Dominated Western U.S. Rivers
- Quantitative Measures of Mineral Supply Risk
- The Border Environmental Health Initiative: Investigation of the Transboundary Santa Cruz Watershed
- The post-1984 step change in spring temperatures and spring onset in the Western U.S.A.: Proximal and distant drivers
- Using Webcam Technology for Measuring and Scaling Phenology of Tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima) Infested with the Biocontrol Beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on the Dolores River, Utah
- A regional-scale network for geoid monitoring and satellite gravimetry validation
- Combining disparate data for decision making
- Estimating large-scale evapotranspiration in arid and semi-arid systems: A multi-site study linking MODIS and Ameriflux data
- Monitoring impacts of Tamarix leaf beetles (Diorhabda elongata) on the leaf phenology and water use of Tamarix spp. using ground and remote sensing methods
- Surficial Geologic Mapping Using Digital Techniques Reveals Late-Phase Basin Evolution and Role of Paleoclimate, Death Valley Junction 30' × 60' Quadrangle, California and Nevada
- Trends In Concentrations And Loads Of Nitrogen And Carbon In Streams And Rivers Of The Western United States, 1990-Present
- A Multi-Gage Calibration Approach for Modeling a Semiarid Santa Cruz watershed in Arizona-Mexico Border
- Geological, technological, and political-economic constraints on future supplies of critical elements
- Historical determinants of past and current biodiversity patterns and their implications for conservation under future climate change
- Holocene vegetation, fire and erosional history of City of Rocks National Reserve, South-Central Idaho
- Hydrogeologic Framework of the Upper Santa Cruz Basin (Arizona and Sonora) using Well Logs, Geologic Mapping, Gravity, Magnetics, and Electromagnetics
- Lidar-derived carbon estimates in encroaching juniper woodlands
- Mapping Landscape Phenology Preference of Yellow-billed Cuckoo with AVHRR data
- Monitoring of Tamarisk - Beetle Interactions on the Lower Virgin River
- Multifractal Models of the Distribution of Magnetic Susceptibilities in Coarsely Crystalline Rocks
- Resilience of the spatial patterning of soil resources in creosote-encroached grassland
- Spatiotemporal Transitions between Foliar Phenological Limits of Suboptimal Temperatures and Evapotranspirational Demand in Woodlands and Forests of the Southwestern U.S.A. under a Warming Climate
- Spring Indices (SI): National (and Global) Indicators of Climate Impacts on Ecosystems and Society
- Vegetation Phenology and Intensity as a Function of Climate and River Flows for an Ephemeral Desert River, 2000 to 2010, Using MODIS Satellite Data
- An Exploration of the Importance of Flood Heterogeneity for Regionalization in Arizona using the Expected Moments Algorithm
- Climatic Indices and their teleconnections with hydroclimatic variability in the conterminous USA
- Determining the Importance of Calibration for Predicting Relative Changes in Streamflow from Land Use/Cover Changes
- Ecohydrology of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) in the western United States and implications of water balance following a biocontrol agent introduction
- Environmental controls on saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) transpiration and stomatal conductance and implications for determining evapotranspiration by remote sensing
- Extending Geologic Map Units Beneath Cover Using Geophysical Textural Measures
- Ground measured evapotranspiration scaled to stand level using MODIS and Landsat sensors to study Tamarix spp.response to repeated defoliation by the Tamarix leaf beetle at two sites
- Hydrologic characterization of a permafrost-affected headwaters catchment using a coupled groundwater-surface water model and field measurements of active layer characteristics
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 5—the San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside County, California
- Salton Seismic Imaging Project Line 6: San Andreas Fault and Northern Coachella Valley Structure, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California
- Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases
- The fate of mercury at two small co-located headwater watersheds in interior Alaska
- An integrated, indicator framework for assessing large-scale variations and change in seasonal timing and phenology (Invited)
- Future Implications of Climate-driven Vegetation Change in North America Since the Last Glacial Period
- Groundwater Depletion and Capture: Revisiting 'The Source of Water Derived From Wells'
- Increased accuracy through variable-baseline gradient measurements with superconducting gravimeters
- Lacunarity Measures of Potential Fields in Covered Lithology Identification
- Recent Applications of Continental-Scale Phenology Data for Science, Conservation and Resource Management
- Response of biomass burning to climate changes and human activities during the past 12,000 years in Eastern North America
- Assessing the Nation's Brackish Groundwater Resources
- Building Capacity for a Long-Term, in-Situ, National-Scale Phenology Monitoring Network: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Damping of multi-frequency infiltration with depth in the vadose zone
- Dissolved Solids in Streams of the Conterminous United States
- Don't Use Geophysics
- Estimates of evapotranspiration for riparian sites (Eucalyptus) in the Lower Murray -Darling Basin using ground validated sap flow and vegetation index scaling techniques
- Groundwater level response in U.S. Principal Aquifers to natural climate variability on interannual to multidecadal timescales
- Mapping Drought Impacts on Agricultural Production in California's Central Valley
- Monitoring and modeling very large, rapid infiltration using geophysics during the 2014 Lower Colorado River pulse flow experiment
- Predicting Treatment Windows for Invasive Buffelgrass in Southern Arizona using MODIS and Climate Data
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Spatio-temporal Forest Composition Changes Inferred from Fossil Pollen Records
- Remote Sensing-based Models of Soil Vulnerability to Compaction and Erosion from Off-highway Vehicles
- Too Fast to Measure: Network Adjustment of Rapidly Changing Gravity Fields
- A century of vegetation instability and resilience on the Colorado Plateau
- Atmospheric effects on variability and seasonality of groundwater levels in the Eastern U.S.
- Can We Mitigate Climate Extremes using Managed Aquifer Recharge: Case Studies California Central Valley and South-Central Arizona, USA
- Climate Variability and Vadose Zone Controls on Damping of Transient Recharge Fluxes
- Estimating wide-area evapotranspiration at multiple scales using optical vegetation index methods
- Experimental Floods in a Time of Drought: The 2014 Pulse Flow in the Lower Colorado River, Arizona, USA, and Mexico
- Geomorphic response to large-dam removal: Impacts of a massive sediment release to the Elwha River, Washington
- Geomorphological expression of a complex structural region: San Andreas Fault through the San Gorgonio Pass, southern California
- Monitoring Aquifer-Storage Change and Land Subsidence Related to Groundwater Withdrawal in the Willcox and Douglas Groundwater Basins in Southeastern Arizona
- Regional Scale Estimates of Baseflow and Factors Influencing Baseflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Semi-Arid Water Resource Challenges - Can Water Harvesting Close the Gap?
- Synthesizing Fluvial Sedimentary and Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal—A Two-Decade Perspective
- The Next Generation in Subsidence and Aquifer-System Compaction Modeling within the MODFLOW Software Family: A New Package for MODFLOW-2005 and MODFLOW-OWHM
- Electromagnetic analysis of groundwater on the Arizona-Utah border
- Estimating Historical Land Subsidence and Monitoring Aquifer-Storage Change Related to Groundwater Withdrawal in the Willcox Groundwater Basin in Southeastern Arizona
- Filtering of cyclical surface forcings in a layered vadose zone
- Hydrologic Interpretations of Long-Term Gravity Records at Tucson, Arizona
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: The next generation of fully integrated hydrologic simulation software
- Methods for Measuring Effects of Changes in Tamarisk Evapotranspiration on Groundwater at Southwestern Uranium Mill Tailings Sites
- Monitoring Groundwater-Storage Change and Land Subsidence in the Tucson Active Management Area, Arizona
- Phenology of Succession: Tracking the Recovery of Dryland Forests after Wildfire Events
- Post-Wildfire Potential for Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in the Southwestern United States in Restored Ephemeral and Intermittent Stream Channels
- Potential for Water Savings by Defoliation of Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) by Saltcedar Beetles (Diorhabda carinulata) in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- A Framework for Effective Assessment of Model-based Projections of Biodiversity to Inform the Next Generation of Global Conservation Targets
- Biodiversity and Climate Modeling Workshop Series: Identifying gaps and needs for improving large-scale biodiversity models
- Comparing and improving reconstruction methods for proxies based on compositional data
- Geomorphic and geologic evidence for slip along the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas Fault System through the San Gorgonio Pass structural knot, southern California
- Geophysical Tools for an Improved Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model of the Big Chino Sub-basin, Central Arizona
- New Temperature Calibrations and Validation Tests of 5- and 6-Methyl brGDGTs in Lake Sediment
- Non-invasive water-table imaging with joint DC-resistivity/microgravity/hydrologic-model inversion
- Quantifying the Contribution of Regional Aquifers to Stream Flow in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Simulation of space-based (GRACE) gravity variations caused by storage changes in large confined and unconfined aquifers
- Toward actionable science: Empowering ecologists to engage in the process of translation through decision-maker and stakeholder partnerships
- Towards extensive spatio-temporal reconstructions of North American land cover: a comparison of state-of-the-art pollen-vegetation models
- Long-term Experimental Watershed Infrastructure Facilitates Novel Advancements in Semiarid Catchment Hydrology through Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Reconstructing Forest Composition in the Northeastern United States from Fossil Pollen Data during the Common Era
- Spatial fingerprint of temperature changes in eastern North America during the Younger Dryas
- A Microgravity Pilot Study: Insights into Storage Change, Specific Yield, and Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction in the Mesilla Groundwater Basin, New Mexico.
- Better Together: A Story of Co-production Between the USA National Phenology Network and Invasive Species Managers
- Characterizing evapotranspiration dynamics in the riparian zone of the Colorado River Delta to evaluate ecosystem changes in response to the Minute 319 environmental pulse flow to Mexico
- Comparing Approaches to Network Design and Drift Correction for Relative-Gravity Surveys
- Impact of the spatial resolution of satellite images on the evapotranspiration estimation of urban green spaces using optical remote sensing
- Improved understanding of land cover and land use change impacts on ecosystem functioning using high spatiotemporal resolution satellite observations
- Mapping surface water change continuously using the Landsat TM archive
- Patterns and Possible Mechanisms of Younger Dryas Temperature Trends in Eastern North America
- Quantifying Drought Effects on Waterfowl Food Resources in California's Central Valley Through Time-Series Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- The phytostabilization potential of native plants: a survey of endemic plants and microbes across the historic Harshaw Mining District, Southern Arizona
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Structure from Motion for Estimating Biocontrol Impacts on Riparian Tamarisk
- Using time-series satellite vegetation indices to assess fractional plant cover changes and ecological recovery for riparian restoration sites on the Colorado Plateau
- Vegetation indices trends in restoration and non-restored riparian vegetation sites: Exploring the potential to detect changes in foliar cover through Landsat and UAV vegetation indices in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico.
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Surface Water Trends for the Conterminous United States Using Monthly Image Composites
- A Statistical Forecasting Approach to Metapopulation Viability Analysis
- Lessons Learned in Knowledge Coproduction: The People Make the Project
- Organizing Science Enterprises to Support Production and Delivery of Actionable Information on the Current and Future State of Earth Systems
- Response to Surface Flow: Vegetation Greenness and Water Use in the Colorado River Delta since 2000
- Solar and sensor geometry, not vegetation response, drive satellite NDVI phenology in widespread ecosystems of the western United States
- A Framework for the Systematic Evaluation and Benchmarking of Hydrologic Model Performance
- A Machine Learning and Data Fusion Approach for Classifying High-Resolution Operational Land Imager Spectral and Vegetation Dynamic Data in Support of Habitat Mapping in the Transboundary Region of the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts.
- Combined repeat microgravity and flow discharge estimates to understand focused recharge dynamics along a flooding ephemeral wash, Arroyo de los Pinos, Socorro Couny, NM
- Harnessing Remote Sensing Data to Support Ecosystem Restoration on Tribal Lands
- A New Framework for Convergent Research: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST)
- Comparing Water Partitioning among CONUS-Scale Hydrologic Models and Data Products to Inform Model Development Priorities for Water Availability Assessments
- Evaluating the Effects of Reservoir Presence on Modeled Basin Hydrology in the NHM-PRMS
- Importance of Process Resolution in Land Surface Models for Simulating Integrated Water Availability
- Integrated Hydrologic Model to Understand Snowmelt and Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Integrated hydrologic model to explore groundwater and surface water interactions during drought conditions in the Upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Mapping Basin-Scale Aquifer Storage Change and Specific Yield Using Repeat Microgravity and Groundwater-Level Data
- Modeling a Recharge Mound and Identifying Groundwater-Flow Parameters at a Managed Aquifer Recharge Facility Using Repeat Microgravity Data
- Monitoring the Subsurface Extent of Infiltrated Effluent Along a Dry Reach of the Santa Cruz River, in Arizona, Using Repeat Microgravity
- Regional scale water availability assessment in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Simulating the gravity change caused by groundwater-storage change
- USGS Southwest Gravity Program: Monitoring Groundwater Storage Change Using Non-Traditional, Non-Invasive Methods
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. L. Dugger
- Adrian P. Monroe
- Alex Rinehart
- Alicia Torregrosa
- Daniel K. Jones
- David Gochis
- Jacob Conrad
- Jeffrey R. Kennedy
- Jesse E. Dickinson
- Jessica M. Driscoll
- Joshua D. Larsen
- K. M. Sampson
- Katherine R. Merriman
- Matthew P. Miller
- Meghan T. Bell
- Miguel L. Villarreal
- Robert W. Dudley
- Roy E. Petrakis
- Samuel Saxe
- Suzanne S. Paschke
- Sydney S. Foks
- Thomas M. Over
- Timothy O. Hodson