U.S. Geological Survey, Florida
flowchart I[U.S. Geological Survey, Florida] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (317)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping: Results of Field Tests Conducted to Quantify the Effects of Different Ground Covers
- Application of the SWAN Wave Model to Hurricane Generated Waves on the North Carolina Continental Shelf
- Barrier Island Elevations Relevant to Storm Impacts: South East U.S. Coast
- Complex Behavior of Contaminant Flux and the Ecology of the Lower Mississippi River
- Conceptual Design for the Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI)
- Evaluation of a Predictive Equation for Runup
- Head-Dependent Flux Boundary Representation of Linear Hydrologic Features in Embedded Groundwater Flow Models
- Large Scale Coastal Behaviour on the Outer Banks, NC During Hurricane Dennis
- Linkages Between Shoreline Progradation and Climate, Southwest Washington, USA
- Nonlinear Analysis of Unevenly Sampled Shoreline Position Signals
- Partitioning of Evapotranspiration Measurements Over a Heterogeneous Forest Cover
- Review of Contaminant Chemical Properties of Lower Mississippi River Waterways
- Scaling of Rock Fractures: An Overview
- The Use of PB-210 in Deciphering the Rate of Salt-Water Intrusion in South Florida.
- Unusual Modern and Holocene Carbonate sedimentation in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
- A Siliciclastic-Infilled Sedimentary Basin Within a Large Carbonate Platform, Tampa Bay, Florida
- Benthic Fluxes of Radium in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
- Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Composition of OM From Florida Bay, the Initial Results of a Paleoenvironmental Seagrass Reconstruction
- Distribution and Architecture of Channels Preserved on Continental Shelves: A Comparison of the Carolinas and the U.S. East Coast
- Drought and Fire Effects on Evapotranspiration From Sawgrass in Florida
- Dynamics of River Chemistry
- Dynamics of Shoreline Position
- Geologic Development and Sand Accumulation Within a Northeastern South Carolina Spit
- Geologic Framework and Surficial Sediment Mapping Within South Carolina's Long Bay, From Little River to Winyah Bay
- Hindcasting Storm-Induced Erosional Hazards for the Outer Banks, NC.
- Holocene and Pleistocene Marine and Non-marine Sediment from Tampa Bay, Florida
- Parameterization of Incident and Infragravity Swash Variance
- Relationship of Offshore Sediment Distribution to Short-Term Shoreline Change Using High Resolution Shoreface Mapping Techniques
- Shallow Seafloor Conductivity Structure from Nearshore Electromagnetic Surveys
- Sources and Chronology of Nitrate Contamination of Spring Waters: Integrating Science and Policy Decisions
- Transgressive Shoreface Architecture Within a Sediment Starved Arcuate Strand: Long Bay, South Carolina
- Wave and Longshore Current Modeling on the North Carolina Continental Shelf
- An Approach for Forecasting Shoreline Stability Based on Fractal Persistence
- On the 234,238U isotope systematics in two tropical estuaries: the Amazon and Fly Rivers.
- Reproducibility of Geochemical and Climate Signatures in Montastrea annularis
- Sediment and nutrient accumulation in Bear Lake post reconnection with Bear River
- Solution of the One-Dimensional Consolidation Equation for Saturated Clays Using a Spectral Method
- The History of Land-Use Change in the South Florida Ecosystem: Paleoecologic Data as a Guide for Restoration
- The global dispersion of microorganisms and pollutants in clouds of desert dust
- The impact of uncertainty in evapotranspiration on the water balance at a pasture site in Florida
- Transoceanic transport of metals and deposition in the Southeastern United States
- Where In The Coral Is The Magnesium (and other trace elements) ?
- Applications of Dune Erosion Models to Barrier Island Breaching
- Atmospheric microbiology in coastal northern California during Asian dust events
- Century-scale Variabioity in the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone
- Development and Application of the SEDCON Index for Resource and Risk Assessment of Coral Ecosystems
- Forecasting Shoreline Position
- Geochemical Signatures in Corals from Looe Key, Florida since 1870 A.D.
- High-Resolution Pollen Record of Deglacial Climate Variability in Central Florida
- Multiproxy deglacial record of climate change in central Florida from fresh water ostracodes using paired Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and O-18.
- Reconstructing Watershed History from Reservoir Stratigraphy: Englebright Lake, Yuba River, Northern California
- Record of the Southwest Monsoon from Gulf of Mexico Sediment Cores
- Regional Long-term Coastal Change in Southern California
- The role of low soil moisture in mitigation of Water and Carbon exchange at a Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum) Pasture in Central Florida.
- Trace, Minor Elements, and Stable Isotopes in Montastraea faveolata as an Indicator of Stress
- A 25ka monsoon variability record from the Bay of Bengal: a key concept.
- Analysis of Multiple-Aquifer Tests Using a Single Moving Radial Inverse Model
- Calculation of Aquifer Parameter and Sensitivity Values Using Both Analytical and Numerical Solutions in an Aquifer Test in Duval County, Florida
- Evaluation of Geophysical and Thermal Methods for Detecting Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Suwannee River Estuary
- Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia
- Geological and Sediment Thickness Data Sources From the U.S. Continental Margins
- High Frequency Climate Variability Over the Last 1400 Years in the Gulf of Mexico
- Holocene Climate Variability in the Mississippi Catchment as Inferred From Gulf of Mexico Sediments
- Increasing Mississippi Discharge During Both the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period: A Gulf of Mexico Perspective on Climate Variability Over North America
- Origin of Pb-210 in Florida Bay, A Constant Non-atmospheric Source.
- A 1400-Year Record of Sea-Surface Temperature Variability From the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Barrier Island Failure During Hurricane Katrina
- Black corals as proxies for thermohaline circulation of the Western North- Atlantic
- Combined geophysical and geochemical tracer techniques to assess rates and impact of submarine groundwater discharge into Tampa Bay, Florida
- Compatibility Between Boundary Conditions and Flow Assumptions in the Storative Semiconfining Layers of a Leaky Aquifer
- Development and Calibration of a Variable-Density Numerical Model of a Deep-well Injection Site near the Southeastern Florida Coast
- Effects of Local Farming and Deforestation on Sediment Discharge Inferred From Sediment Accumulation Rates and Patterns in Lake Core Records From Coastal Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
- Effects of microtopography and capillarity on specific yield in wetlands
- Every Wave Model Deserves Good Wave Data
- Gulf of Mexico Moisture Balance Controls Hydrologic Variability on the North American Continent over the Past 1400 Years: A Geochemical Perspective
- Hindcasting the Coastal Impact of Hurricane Ivan and Assessing Future Vulnerability to Storms
- Investigation of the relationship between hurricane waves and extreme runup
- Model of the Seasonal and Interannual Benthic Community Metabolism of the Northern Florida Reef Tract
- Modeling Flow and Solute Transport in Karst Aquifers with Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- Modeling Tsunami Sedimentation
- Near Shore Distribution of Silt and Clay, Organic Carbon, Select Trace Elements, and Seagrass in Bottom Sediments of a 0.5 kilometer Near-shore Corridor of Tampa Bay, July 2003
- Scalability of Coral Rugosity From Microns to Centimeters
- Strengths and Limitations of Marine Resistivity Studies Targeting Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) on the Gulf Coast of Florida
- The Great Leap Forward: Particle age in Coastal Models
- The NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar A Cross-environment Lidar
- Using Google Earth for Rapid Dissemination of Airborne Remote Sensing Lidar and Photography
- Using Hydrological Modeling to Explain Patterns of Habitat Use by Fishes and Crustaceans in Channelized Tidal Wetlands
- Verification of the SBEACH Overwash Module on Santa Rosa Island, Florida
- Extracting a climate signal from the skeletal geochemistry of the Caribbean coral Siderastrea siderea
- Influence of Deep Navigational Channels on the Hydrodynamics and Water Quality of Shallow Coastal Basins
- Investigating the Forcing and Response in Proxy Records of Multi-Decadal Scale Climate Variability
- Mg/Ca in Different Size Classes of Planktonic Foraminifera
- On the residual circulation in Tampa Bay
- Physical and Numerical Modeling of Buoyant Groundwater Plumes
- Spatial evaluation of extreme wave deposits at Boca Olivia, Bonaire
- The Influence of Hurricanes and Other Biogeochemical Factors on Net Mercury Methylation and Mercury Cycling in the Gulf of Mexico
- Three-Dimensional Flow Generated by a Partially Penetrating Well in a Two-Aquifer System
- A Geochemical and Geophysical Examination of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Loading Estimates into Lynch Cove, Hood Canal, WA
- Bald Cypress Contributions to Total Evapotranspiration in a Dwarf Cypress Ecosystem in Big Cypress National Preserve
- Carbon Fluxes on the Florida shelf
- Development of a Bayesian Network to Evaluate Sea-Level Rise Impacts for Decision Making
- Effects of Bathymetric Lidar Errors on Hydraulic Models
- Evaluation Of Airborne LiDAR Data To Predict Presence / Absence
- Forecasting coastal morphologic response to extreme storms
- Inter-Colony Fidelity of Sr/Ca Variability in the Massive Caribbean Coral Siderastrea siderea: a Sub-Fossil Example
- Inter-Decadal to Multi-Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Tropical Pacific Since AD 1648
- Mapping Hurricane Inland-Storm Tides
- Modeling Wave Overtopping on the Chandeleur Islands during Hurricane Katrina using XBeach
- Optimum wave height and runup parameterization for use during hurricane conditions
- Reproducibility of a High-Resolution, Late Holocene Foraminiferal Mg/Ca Record From the Gulf of Mexico
- A Bayesian Approach to Forecasting Storm-induced Coastal Cliff Retreat
- Analytical Models of the Transport of Deep-Well Injectate at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida, U.S.A
- Coastal Change Forecasting and Verification (Invited)
- Determining change in vegetation structure using small-footprint, waveform-resolving lidar
- Do Different Massive Corals from the Same Reef Record the Same Climate Signal? A Test from the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys
- Effects of Turbulent Ground-Water Flow on Hydraulic Heads and Parameter Sensitivities in Preferential Groundwater Flow Layers within the Biscayne Aquifer in Southeastern Florida
- Evaluating Importance of Heat Transport Mechanisms Neglected in Design of Low Temperature Geothermal Systems
- Hurricane disturbance and recovery of carbon and energy balance in a tidal mangrove forest
- Land area change and fractional water maps in the Chenier Plain, Louisiana, following hurricane Rita
- Measurement of Wetland Evapotranspiration in Southern Florida
- Reconstructing the seawater nutrient history of Biscayne National Park, FL, using phosphorus recorded in coral skeleton
- Simulating Lake-Groundwater Interactions During Decadal Climate Cycles: Accounting For Variable Lake Area In The Watershed
- A General Formulation for Wave-Current Interaction in Strongly Sheared Flows
- A Temporal Assessment of Barrier Island Vulnerability to Extreme Wave Events, Virginia Coast Reserve
- Coastal-change vulnerability in the northern Gulf of Mexico: A Bayesian approach
- Comparison of Measured and MODIS Albedo - Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida USA
- Denitrification in the karstic Floridan Aquifer
- Diurnal and seasonal variation of coastal carbonate system parameters in South Florida and the Caribbean
- Electromagnetic methods for rapidly characterizing porosity distributions in the upper part of the Biscayne aquifer, southern Florida
- Geophysical Conceptual Model for Benthic Flux and Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- Historical Bathymetry and Bathymetric Change: Mississippi-Alabama Coastal Region 1847-2009
- How to place your bet on the future coastal environment (Invited)
- Implementation of Alternative Infiltration Parameters to Compensate for Coarse Temporal Resolution in Regional Hydrologic Models
- Integrating coastal geomorphic evolution predictions driven by storms and longer-term processes (Invited)
- Model Improvement by Assimilating Observations of Storm-Induced Coastal Change
- Modeling Gaussian distributions of wave runup using parameterizations for setup and swash
- On the Inclusion of Surface-Water Observations in the Groundwater Model Calibration Process
- Trends and Controls on Summer Surface-Water Temperatures in Salmonid-Bearing Headwater Streams in Two Common Geomorphic Settings, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Upscaling topographic and hydraulic resistance data in a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Everglades ridge and slough landscape
- Using Field Measurements to Determine Appropriate Hydrodynamic Surface-Water Formulations
- Deepwater Horizon Oil-Protection Sand Berm and its Morphologic Interactions with a Natural Barrier Island: an Overview
- Everglades Depth Estimation Network: Integrating Real-time Networks to Provide Hydrologic Data for the Restoration of the Everglades
- Improvements of Visual Based Shoreline Accuracy From Satellite Imagery and Simultaneous Differential GPS Surveys
- Investigating the Geomorphic Behavior of the Cape Canaveral Coast Through High-Resolution Beach Monitoring, Sediment Analysis, Oceanographic Observations, and Numerical Modeling
- Multi-proxy records of regional climate variability during the past 2,000 years in North America and the adjacent oceans
- Observation of a Distinct Transition in Transport Response to Injection Stress in the Floridan Aquifer System, Southeastern Florida, U.S.A
- Seismic-Reflection Technology Defines Potential Vertical Bypass in Hydrogeologic Confinement within Tertiary Carbonates of the Southeastern Florida Platform
- Tidal flux of dissolved organic carbon, total mercury, and methylmercury from a mangrove marsh
- Use of Linear Prediction Uncertainty Analysis to Guide Conditioning of Models Simulating Surface-Water/Groundwater Interactions
- Using a Paired Simple-Complex Model Approach to Quantify Predictive Bias in Variable Density Groundwater Modeling
- Video Based Observations of Event-Driven Behavior of Double Barred Nearshore Bathymetry at Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
- A Comparison between XBeach and Terrestrial Laser Measurements of Surf-Zone Hydrodynamics and Beach Morphology
- A nationally consistent method for assessing coastal vulnerability to hurricane-induced erosion
- Assessing seasonal temperature variability from Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in Globigerinoides ruber from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Centennial- to millennial-scale variability of surface ocean temperature and salinity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during the late Holocene
- Decadal variability in Gulf of Mexico sea surface temperatures since 1734 CE
- Effect of a Shore-Oblique Ridge on Beach and Bar Morphodynamics at Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida
- Effective use of surface-water management to control saltwater intrusion
- Exploring Statistical Characterizations of Morphologic Change and Variability: Fire Island, New York
- Impact of Water Level on Carbon Sequestration at a Sub-tropical Peat Marsh
- Investigation of a Northern Gulf of Mexico brain coral, Diploria strigosa, for Climate Reconstructions
- Medium-term Morphologic Response to Variations in Spatial and Temporal Forcing: Fire Island New York
- Modeling Saltwater Intrusion using Adaptive Mesh Refinement
- Nested modeling approach to quantify sediment transport pathways and temporal variability of barrier island evolution
- OBIS-USA and Ocean Acidification: Chemical and Biological Observation Data, Integrated for Discovery and Applications
- Pond Identification, Classification, and Inundation Dynamics at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in northwest Florida, USA
- Prediction of barrier island restoration response and its interactions with the natural environment
- Random and bias errors in simple regression-based calculations of sea-level acceleration
- Sea-Level Acceleration Hotspot along the Atlantic Coast of North America
- Tree island pattern formation and alternative equilibria in the Florida Everglades
- Using Regional Net Precipitation to Infer Sustainable Net Groundwater Exchanges in Florida Lakes
- Water withdrawals reduce native fish diversity across the sunbelt of the US
- A replicated record of multi-centennial climate variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico spanning the last 4.4 kyrs from paired δ18O and Mg/Ca in G. ruber
- A sediment trap-based study of the stable isotopic differences between two morphotypes of the planktic foraminifer, Globigerinoides ruber (white) in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- A spatial and vertical comparison of coral Sr/Ca variations and growth rates in Montastraea faveolata colonies in Veracruz, Mexico
- Challenges in collecting hyperspectral imagery of coastal waters using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
- Development of Conceptual Benchmark Models to Evaluate Complex Hydrologic Model Calibration in Managed Basins Using Python
- Does the complex inner-shelf bathymetry control the geomorphic evolution of a two cuspate headland system, at Cape Canaveral, Florida?
- Ecotone resilience in a coastal system of mangroves and hardwood hammocks
- Impact of Water Level on Carbon Sequestration at a Sub-tropical Peat Marsh
- Influences on the Morphologic Response to Hurricane Sandy: Fire Island, NY (Invited)
- Integrated lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and paleoceanography of Quaternary sediments from the intermediate and deep Arctic Ocean
- Multibeam Mapping and Remotely Operated Vehicle Exploration of the Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands Region
- Ocean acidification research alongside extended continental shelf exploration in the western Arctic Ocean
- Predicting geomorphic evolution through integration of numerical-model scenarios and topographic/bathymetric-survey updates
- Probabilistic Forecasting of Coastal Morphodynamic Storm Response at Fire Island, New York
- Sea surface temperature variability in the Gulf of Mexico from 1734-2008 CE: A reconstruction using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea
- Seagrass biomass and productivity in the Florida Keys, USA: ground-level and airborne measurements
- Simultaneous Multiple Footprint and Multiple Field of View LiDAR for Submerged Topographic Mapping (Invited)
- Superstorm Sandy-related Morphologic and Sedimentologic Changes in an Estuarine System: Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary, New Jersey
- The predictive consequences of parameterization
- A Bayesian Network to Predict Barrier Island Geomorphologic Characteristics
- A New Object-Oriented MODFLOW Framework for Coupling Multiple Hydrologic Models
- Assessment of the Coastal Landscape Response to Sea-Level Rise Using a Decision-Support Framework
- Biologic Indicators of Seabed Methane Venting Along the US Mid-Atlantic Margin
- Centennial-scale winter climate variability over the last two millennia in the northern Gulf of Mexico based on paired δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Mg/Ca in Globorotalia truncatulinoides
- Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and Big Data: A Scientific and Social Framework for Natural Resources and Environments
- Development of a new morphometric to assess beach storm response and recovery
- Distinct Benthic Community Trends Driven by Particle Transport and Deposition in Mid-Atlantic Bight Canyons, NW Atlantic
- Do We Really Understand What a Meter of Sea-level Rise by 2100 Means for the Coast?
- Estimating storm-induced wave runup using numerical and parameterized models
- Evaluation of anthropogenic influence in probabilistic forecasting of coastal change
- Feedback of land subsidence on the movement and conjunctive use of water resources
- Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Morphological Changes on Tidal Hydrodynamics in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Influence of Sea-Level Rise and Storms on Soil Accretion Rates in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park, USA
- Mangrove forests: a potent nexus of coastal biogeochemical cycling
- Numerical Study of a Groundwater Flow Cycling Controlled By Seawater Intrusion within Karst Conduit Networks Using Modflow-CFP
- Observational Data Analysis and Numerical Model Assessment of the Seafloor Interaction and Mobility of Sand and Weathered Oil Agglomerates (Surface Residual Balls) in the Surf Zone
- Ocean Acidification Model Predicts a 65% Reduction in Large Benthic Foraminiferal Carbonate Sediment Production on the West Florida Shelf By 2140
- Online, On Demand Access to Coastal Digital Elevation Models
- Past and future drivers of increased erosion risk in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Performance Of Bathymetric Lidar On Flow Properties Predicted With A 2-Dimensional Hydraulic Model
- Quantifying the role of climate variability on extreme total water level impacts: An application of a full simulation model to Ocean Beach, California
- Review of Nearshore Morphologic Prediction
- Sustained morphologic changes to the shoreface related to Hurricane Sandy: Fire Island, NY
- The Development of a National-Scale Coastal Landform and Anthropogenic Classification Framework
- The Future of Nearshore Processes Research
- The U.S. Geological Survey's Sediment-bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy: A Tiered Multi-metric Approach to Environmental Health and Hazards in the Northeastern USA
- The threshold between storm overwash and inundation and the implication to paleo-storm records and climate signatures.
- USGS "iCoast - Did the Coast Change?" Project: Crowd-Tagging Aerial Photographs to Improve Coastal Change Prediction Models
- Uncertainty quantification of surface-water/groundwater exchange estimates in large wetland systems using Python
- Understanding Variability in Beach Slope to Improve Forecasts of Storm-induced Water Levels
- Understanding and Predicting Time-Dependent Dune Erosion
- Water Level and Fire Regulate Carbon Sequestration in a Subtropical Peat Marsh
- Centennial-scale links between Atlantic Ocean dynamics and hydroclimate over the last 4400 years: Insights from the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Climate, karst, and critters—A multidisciplinary evaluation of karst species vulnerability to climate change
- Comparison of coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O with pseudocorals derived from in situ sea surface salinity and temperature measurements
- Exploring Linkages Between Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Conditions and North American Hydroclimate during the Holocene
- How climate and weather affect the erosion risk in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Influence of Oceanic and Estuarine Drivers on Wetland Shoreline Change: Moving Towards a Framework for Assessment of Coastal Erosion Hazards Along Sheltered Coasts
- Lipid Biomarkers and Carbon Isotopic Composition from Authigenic Carbonates and Seep Sediments from the US Mid-Atlantic Margin
- Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ<SUP>2</SUP>H<SUB>dinosterol</SUB> in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate
- Multi-species Coral Sr/Ca-Based Sea-Surface Temperature Reconstruction Using Orbicella faveolata and Siderastrea siderea from Dry Tortugas National Park, FL
- Sediment Trap Time Series of GDGT Flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Paleothermometer
- Temperature Calibration of a Northern Gulf of Mexico <em>Siderastrea siderea</em> Coral
- Tidal Hydrodynamics under Future Sea Level Rise Scenarios with Coastal Morphology along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Understanding the Dynamic Interactions of Barrier Island Morphology and Hydrodynamic Drivers
- Using unknown knowns to predict coastal response to future climate
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A smartphone app and analysis framework for rapidly characterizing and predicting shorebird habitat
- A system of systems assessment of the mitigation of surge and nuisance flooding under present and future conditions
- Barrier island response modes interpreted from geomorphological and storm-response observations coupled with a morphodynamic model
- Bayesian network modeling applied to coastal geomorphology: lessons learned from a decade of experimentation and application
- Carbon fluxes in North American coastal and shelf seas: Current status and trends
- Characterizing barrier-island response to storm and human impact: a century of observations from Breton Island, Louisiana
- Decoupling Shoreline Behavior Over Variable Time and Space Scales
- Design of a Seismic Reflection Multi-Attribute Workflow for Delineating Karst Pore Systems Using Neural Networks and Statistical Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
- Development of Return Period Inundation Maps In A Changing Climate Using a Systems of Systems Approach
- Dynamic simulation of storm-driven barrier island morphology under future sea level rise
- Incipient Motion of Sand and Oil Agglomerates
- Integrating data types to enhance shoreline change assessments
- Investigating spatial variability in gas-flux dynamics within Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida using hydrogeophysical methods
- Location, location, location! Regional differences in morphologic and hydrodynamic controls on extreme total water levels along the West Coast of the United States
- Millennial-scale variability in the local radiocarbon reservoir age of the Florida Keys reef tract during the Holocene
- New Jersey (USA) wetlands past, present and future: using sediment archives to inform and guide wetland protection, restoration and resilience
- Observations of Wave Runup and Overwash during a Storm Event
- Quantifying the Relative Impact of Continental Shelf and Storm Characteristics on Nearshore Waves during Hurricanes
- Quantity of dates trumps quality of dates for dense Bayesian radiocarbon sediment chronologies - Gas ion source <SUP>14</SUP>C dating instructed by simultaneous Bayesian accumulation rate modeling
- Revealing the different Evapotranspiration of vegetated land in shadow and in sunlight by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
- Robust evidence for forced changes in ENSO: from the mid-Holocene to the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling of rates and variability of Holocene sea-level changes in the western North Atlantic and the Caribbean
- Use of Multibeam-Bathymetry and Seismic-Reflection Data to Investigate the Origin of Seafloor Depressions Along the Southeastern Carbonate Florida Platform
- Using coral Ba/Ca records to investigate seasonal to decadal scale biogeochemical cycling in the surface and intermediate ocean.
- Using recent hurricanes and associated event layers to evaluate regional storm impacts on estuarine-wetland systems
- A synthesis of the 2013 Typhoon Haiyan storm surge, the deposits and the post event state of the coast.
- Assessment of the Coral Temperature Proxies for Orbicella faveolata in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico
- Characterizing spatial and temporal variability in methane gas-flux dynamics of subtropical wetlands in the Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida
- Coastal groundwater discharge for the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts calculated with three-dimensional groundwater flow models
- Development of a Florida Coastal Mapping Program Through Local and Regional Coordination
- Environmental controls on barium incorporation into planktic foraminifer, Globorotalia truncatulinoides
- Environmental controls on the geochemistry of Globorotalia truncatulinoides in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions
- Late Holocene dinosterol hydrogen isotope variability in Lac Lalolalo and Lac Lanutavake on Wallis Island
- Mapping and Characterization of Paleoshoreline Features on the West Florida Shelf
- Monitoring Drought along the Gulf of Mexico and the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean Using the Coastal Salinity Index
- Quantifying uncertainty in coral Sr/Ca-based SST estimates from Orbicella faveolata: A basis for multi-colony SST reconstructions
- Rapid accumulation of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous in karst river sediments: Climatic and ecological implications
- Science to Manage a Very Rare Fish in a Very Large River - Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River, U.S.A.
- Soil Porewater Salinity Response to Sea-level Rise in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands: A Modeling Study
- Testing the fidelity of the Sr/Ca proxy in recording ocean temperature in a western Atlantic coral
- A century of erosion and deposition of a marsh planform - which has been more important at sculpting the landscape?
- Assessing and updating a probabilistic framework to predict sea-level rise impacts
- Automated 4D coastal slope failure characterization tool for assessment of coastal vulnerability
- Combining Numerical and Statistical Models to Predict Storm-Induced Dune Erosion.
- Decadal-Scale Morphodynamic Modeling in Support of Coastal Restoration: Sensitivity of Barrier Island Response to Storms, Sea Level Rise, and Restoration Actions
- Effects of Late Holocene Morphologic Evolution on Tidal Hydrodynamics in Mobile Bay, AL
- Forecasting and Observing Coastal Erosion Hazards during Hurricane Irma
- Late Holocene Changes to the South Florida Mangrove Coastline and Projections for the 22<SUP>nd</SUP> Century: Interaction of Climate, Sea Level, and Local Factors
- Measuring Hydrodynamic Drivers and Coastal Response of Hurricane Irma on the Florida Gulf Coast
- NCA4 U.S. Caribbean Regional Chapter
- Paleosea-Level Records from Late Quaternary Coral Reef Terraces on Araki Island, Vanuatu; Comparison With Previous Results from Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea
- Predictions of Shoreline Position and Implications to Future Sea Turtle Nesting Availability
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- The mighty Susquehanna—extreme floods during the past two millennia
- Using carbon isotope ratios to verify predictions of a model simulating the interaction between coastal plant communities and their effect on ground water salinity
- iCoast - Did the Coast Change? A Look at Crowd Sourced Classifications of Oblique Imagery Collected After Hurricane Sandy, 2012
- A Tool for Remote Calibration of Web-Based Surfcams
- A machine learning approach for identifying dune toes on beach profile transects
- Accounting for future sea level rise in barrier island restoration strategies to reduce storm-driven inundation and erosion
- Climate Change Impacts Along the northern U.S. Gulf Coast
- Gas flow offshore Oregon and California, how much is coming out: Results from MBES, SBES, GasQuant, BubbleBox and ROV-based studies during FK190612
- Groundwater Subsidies to Salmon-Bearing Streams: A 10+ Year Retrospective from South-Central Alaska
- Model-Independent Data Assimilation Package for Estimation of High Dimensional Model Parameters and Dynamic States Fields
- Quantifying Historic Barrier Island Geomorphology to Differentiate Natural and Anthropogenic Processes at Long Beach Island, New Jersey
- Seismic-Reflection and Multibeam Data Used for Detection of Vertical Fluid Flow in Karst Chimneys, Florida Platform, USA
- US Coastal Research Program: A Transformational Community of Practice
- Advancing the Chord-Line Family of Cliff Delineation Algorithms with a Puerto Rico Case Study
- Assessing the magnitude and direction of storm-related sediment fluxes on barrier islands
- Evaluating Peatland Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion using Coupled Simulations of Coastal Transport and Soil-Plant Mechanistic Models in the Florida Coastal Everglades
- Exploring Thresholds of Mesoscale Barrier Island State Change in a Cross-Shore Morphodynamic Model
- Geologic framework, morphologic features, and anthropogenic impacts contribute to variable sediment availability and shoreface morphology at the Rockaway Peninsula, NY
- Next-generation tool for digitizing wave runup
- Progress with a network of Siderastrea siderea corals yields insights into past climate of the Inter-America Sea
- Space-based monitoring of water depth and soil salinity over collapsing peat marshes using Sentinel-1 SAR amplitude observations
- Statistics of Boat-Traffic Impacts on Salt Marshes along the Florida Intracoastal Waterway
- The Potential of Wave Energy Conversion to Mitigate Coastal Erosion from Hurricanes
- The roles of storminess and sea level rise in decadal barrier island evolution
- Using Pre-Existing Cameras to Monitor Coastal Geophysical Processes With Open-Source Tools