Evaluating changes in water quality with respect to nonpoint source nutrient management strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

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Listed Authors
Keisman, J.
Sekellick, A.
Blomquist, J.
Devereux, O. H.
Hively, W. D.
Johnston, M.
Moyer, D.
Sweeney, J.
Listed Institutions
USGS Maryland/Delaware/District of Columbia Water Science Center, Baltimore, MD, United States
USGS Maryland/Delaware/District of Columbia Water Science Center, Baltimore, MD, United States
USGS Maryland/Delaware/District of Columbia Water Science Center, Baltimore, MD, United States
Devereux Environmental Consulting, Inc., Silver Spring, MD, United States
USGS Eastern Geographic Science Center, Reston, VA, United States
University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD, United States
USGS Virginia Water Science Center, Richmond, VA, United States
Environmental Protection Agency Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, MD, United States

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