University of Maryland, College Park
flowchart I[University of Maryland, College Park] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (4730)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1169)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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- Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMD College Park
- University of Maryland, Department of Astronomy
- University of Maryland, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
- University of Maryland, Department of Chemistry
- University of Maryland, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Comparison of Re-Os Isotopes and Abundances of Highly Siderophile Elements in Chondritic Meteorites: Constraints on Terrestrial Late Accretion
- A Moderate Growth Trend in Global Net Primary Productivity Superimposed on High Interannual Variability: Results of Satellite Data Analysis1980-2000
- A Three Year Intercomparison of Oceanic Optical Properties from MOS and SeaWiFS
- Aerosol Retrieval for the NPOESS/VIIRS Sensor: Algorithm Description and Validation Using MODIS Data
- An Experimental Study of Magnetite Solubility as a Function of Pressure Along the Dewpoint Curve in the NaCl-, KCl-, HCl-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-Melt System.
- Annual Cycle of MODIS Albedo, Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance and BRDF Products
- Application of ensemble back trajectory and factor analysis methods to aerosol data from Fort Meade, MD: Implications for sources
- Deep Convection and Its Chemical Consequences over the Central U. S. in a Stretched-grid Chemical Transport Model
- Detection and Mapping of Desertification
- Development and Evaluation of Uniform- and Stretched-grid Versions of the University of Maryland Chemical Transport Model
- Effects of Interannual Climate Variability on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Fluxes in the Last Two Decades With Unusual Warming and ENSO Cycle
- Effects of NOAA-AVHRR Orbital Drift on Land Surface Temperature and Related Hydrologic Dynamics
- Empirical Evidence for the Importance of Vegetation Spatial Distribution and Temporal Dynamics in Modulating Streamflow from Macroscale Watersheds in Various Physiographic and Climatic Regimes
- Estimating North American Carbon Sink with Process-Based Ecosystem Modeling and Satellite Observation
- Estimating the Probability of Earthquake-Induced Landslides
- Explaining the Paleoproterozoic Rise of O<SUB>2</SUB>
- Floodplain Flow Resistance Greatly Enhanced by Woody Debris Jams created in Riparian Vegetation
- Forest Disturbance Monitoring Using Multi-satellite Data
- Global Observations of Forest Cover: Monitoring the World's Forests and other Land Cover Types
- Li Isotopic Composition of the Mantle
- Light Li Isotopic Composition in Subducting Slabs: Evidence From Alpine Eclogites
- MODIS Vegetation Cover Products for Estimating Tree Cover and Monitoring Change
- Mapping Forested Wetlands Using Multitemporal SAR in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Measuring the Human Footprint on Ecosystem Function
- Modeling Lidar Waveforms Using a Radiative Transfer Model
- Monitoring and Modeling Land Use Change and Future Scenarios in the Baltimore - Washington Metropolitan Region
- Multi-Platform Haze Layer Characterization for the Eastern Coastal Region of Southern Africa during SAFARI 2000
- NPOESS/VIIRS Cloud Module: An Overview of the Science and Software
- Near Surface Variable Estimation with MODIS Data, Validation Using the Oklahoma Mesonet
- Negative trend in the surface currents on the Pacific equator
- On the Acceleration of Pickup He<SUP>+</SUP> at 1 AU
- On the Relationship Between the Effects of Targeted Weather Observations and Local Low Dimensionalities in the Atmosphere
- On the Solar Cycle dependence of atomic N and O in the Earth exosphere and its relation to N<SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> content in the magnetosphere
- Os Isotopic Composition of Late-Archean Komatiites From Alexo in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada
- Osmium Isotope Compositions of Komatiite Sources Through Time
- Postfire Response of North American Net Primary Productivity Derived from Satellite Observations
- Relationship Between Climate Variability and Total Ozone Change in the Northern Mid-Latitudes
- Relationship between the south trade winds convergence east of the North-East Brazil and equatorial upwelling in the Atlantic Ocean.
- Remote sensing of vegetation and fire dynamics during SAFARI 2000
- SAPYRO: A Regional Spatio-temporal Model for Estimating Pyrogenic Emissions From Vegetation Fires in Southern Africa
- Siberian Landcover Analysis with MODIS and Landsat
- Siberian Landscape Disturbance Study
- Siderophile Element Fractionation in the Earth's Core: Direct Estimate of Partition Coefficients from Primitive Siberian Flood Basalts
- Spatial Distribution of Bed Particles in Natural Boulder-Bed Streams
- Stretched grid GCM simulations of the onset of the North American Monsoon
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Patterns of Carbon Release From Burning of Organic Mats in Alaskan Black Spruce Forests
- The Case for Scientific Drilling of Precambrian Sedimentary Sequences: A Mission to Early Earth
- The MODIS Land Rapid Response Project: A Comprehensive Suite of Products to Support U.S.D.A. Forest Service Fire Management
- The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) fire products and SAFARI 2000: mapping and validation of regional biomass burning
- The Role of Rheological Anisotropy in the Formation of Natural Folds: a Numerical Investigation
- The Trajectories and Impacts of Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Global Synthesis
- Three Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Rheology in Orogens: A Field Perspective
- Topographic Change Detection using Full-waveform Imaging Lidar
- Towards Determining the Circulation of the North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea
- Trace Gases and Aerosol Optical Properties Over the US Mid-Atlantic During Summer 2001
- Urban and Rural Ozone Pollution over Lusaka (Zambia, 15.5S, 25E) during SAFARI-2000 (September 2000)
- Use of O and S Isotopes to Define Sources of Water and Sulfate in Acid Mine Drainage Waters
- Using breeding and the Bred Vector Dimension to estimate the spatial structure of the analysis "errors of the day"
- Validation of Large-Footprint Lidar Sub-Canopy Topography Measurements Beneath a Dense Tropical Forest
- Validation of NASA's Earth Observing System in SAFARI 2000: Southern Africa Validation of EOS (SAVE)
- Weekly Evolution of NAO Variability
- A Comparative Os Isotopic Study of Al-undepleted Komatiites From the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and Ti-enriched Komatiites From the Finnish Lapland
- A Comparison of Several Chemical Transport Models With Aircraft Derived Plumes of CO From East Asia During the Spring 2001 NASA/TRACE-P Mission
- A Comparison of Sulfur Dioxide Column Content Between Aircraft and Satellite Over the U.S. Mid-Atlantic
- A National Program for Analysis of the Climate System
- A Volcanic End to Terminal Neoproterozoic Glaciation?
- Air Quality in the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Region: An Aircraft Survey
- Air-Sea Interaction in the Tropical Atlantic: is it Really Local?
- Airborne Characterization of Haze Over the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S.
- An Index of Upper Level Frontogenesis and Climate Variability of Surface Temperature
- Archean cratons aren't forever: Os isotope evidence for two periods of mantle lithosphere replacement beneath the North China craton
- Assessing Human Impacts on Climate System over Global Urban Areas
- Assessing the impact of fire on the seasonal dynamics of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> at high northern latitudes
- Biogeophysical Effects and the Production of Entropy by the Earth System
- Dawn Discovery Mission: A Journey to the Beginning of the Solar System
- Effects of surface fuel consumption on patterns of permafrost in a black spruce forest complex in interior Alaska
- Estimating Canopy Leaf Area with Indirect Measurements: Comparison of Instruments and a Sensitivity Analysis in Alaskan Boreal Forest Stands
- Expoliting Local Low Dimensionality of the Atmospheric Dynamics for Efficient Ensemble Kalman Filtering
- Extremely Rapid Crystal Fractionation During Episodes 30-31 of the Pu`u O`o Eruption: Implications for Magma Chamber Processes
- Fine Aerosol Composition and Radiative Effects in the Baltimore-Washington Corridor: Findings From the 2001 Summer Intensive
- Groundwater Level Response to Precipitation in Catskill Formation Aquifers, Northern Pennsylvania
- High Latitude Soil Moisture Observations to Study Climate Variations and to Evaluate Climate Models
- Human Disturbance around Tropical Nature Reserves and Implications for Biodiversity
- Imaging Laser Altimetry in the Amazon: Mapping Large Areas of Topography, Vegetation Height and Structure, and Biomass
- Impervious Surface Area Mapping using Landsat Imagery: Applications to Hydrology and Land Use Change Monitoring
- Key Signatures of Hall Mediated Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Large-area lidar remote sensing of Amazonia in 2003; LVIS flight plans and data products
- Lithium Content and Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
- Lithium isotopic composition of xenolithic eclogites: implications for subduction zone processes
- Mapping tree and impervious cover using Ikonos imagery: links with water quality and stream health
- Melting of the Continental Crust: Products and Processes
- Melting, Melt Reservoirs and Magma Transport in Earth's Continental Crust - How Does the Top-down View from the Igneous World Compare With the Bottom-up View From the Metamorphic World?
- Mesoscale Diagnosis and Simulation of the South American Monsoon System
- Modeling Biomass Burning Emissions for comparison with MOPITT retrievals: Boreal Forest Case Studies
- Osmium Isotopes from Appalachian Ophiolite Chromites
- Overview of the Validation of Land Surface Products From the MODIS Sensor
- Particle heating and energization in intense reconnection current layers
- Precipitation source/sink connections between the Amazon and La Plata River basins
- Rainfall Intensity and Drop Size Measurements with Polarimetric X-band Radar
- Seasonal Variations in UTLS Ozone as Determined by Measurements From the TOPSE Campaign, Satellite Observations, and Model Output
- Sulfur (δ<SUP>34</SUP>S) and oxygen (Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O) isotopic measurements of sulfate from two Antarctic ice cores over a complete glacial/interglacial cycle
- Synthesis of satellite data with process modeling of the North American carbon sink at high resolution
- The Hydrologic Regime of the La Plata Basin in South America
- The MODIS Vegetative Cover and Change Products: Validation and Analysis
- The Sulfur Isotopic Composition of the Sun
- The structure of the fast plasma flow in the plasma sheet: Comparison between observations and two-fluid simulations
- Thin current sheet instabilities relevant to the onset of reconnection in the geomagnetotail: Theory and observations
- Three Dimensional Mesoscale Reconnection and its Relation to Magnetotail Dynamics
- Tracer Transport Driven by GEOS DAS Fields: Successes and Failures
- Tropical and Extra-Tropical Interactions in an Ocean Reanalysis.
- Use of Ground-Based Lightning Observations in a 3-D Coupled Cloud/Chemistry Model
- Use of Tropical Ground-Based Lightning Data for Improving Global Parameterized Lightning Fields in Chemical Transport Models
- Using Data on Vegetation Height Structure to Improve Model Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes
- Validation of MODIS Active Fire Products With Coincident ASTER Data
- Variability of terrestrial CO2 fluxes after volcanic eruptions
- What We've Learned From the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) Project
- X-Ray Microtomography of Olivine-Basalt Partial-Melts
- A General Code Coupling Framework and the Dissection of the LFM Code
- A review of the role of carbon cycle science in supporting carbon management policy
- Ab initio molecular orbital calculations for boron isotope fractionations on boron acids and borates
- Albedo/BRDF Retrievals from MODIS Using 8-day Clear-sky Composites
- Assessing Biogeochemical Cycling in Forested Ecosystems Through Integration of Remotely-Sensed Forest Structure with an Ecosystem Model
- Continental-scale partitioning of fire emissions during the 1997-2001 El Niño / La Niña period
- Detecting and Simulating Urban-induced Climate Changes via EOS observations and NCAR Community Land Model
- Evaluation of pollutant outflow and CO sources during TRACE-P using model-calculated, aircraft-based, and MOPITT-derived CO concentrations
- Forecasting Magnetospheric Dynamics Using Solar Wind Measurements: Role of Global and Multi-Scale Processes
- Full-Waveform, Wide-Swath Lidar Imaging of Forested and Urban Areas in Leaf-On Conditions: Development, Results and Future Direction
- Gamma Ray Flashes due to Plasma Effects in the Stratosphere: Role of Whister Waves
- Global and Multi-scale Phenomena in Geospace: Solar Wind - Magnetosphere Coupling
- How Has Urbanization Altered the Carbon Cycle in the United States?
- Improved MODIS burned area mapping by combined use of multi-temporal Terra and Aqua MODIS data -- early results
- Increasing the accuracy of information from coarse-resolution satellite imagery
- Latest summary of MODIS land data products from Aqua
- Major and Trace Element Geochemistry and Os Isotopic Compositions of Komatiites From Dundonald Beach, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada
- Mass-Dependent Molybdenum Isotopic Variations in Molybdenites Determined by MC-ICP-MS
- Maximum Entropy Production and the Evolution of the Biotic Carbon Cycle
- Modeling Land Use Change in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Modeling Metamorphism Using Pseudosections
- Modeling Peak T and Retrograde Evolution of Ultra-hot Granulites From Brazil
- Modeling and Mechanisms of Intercontinental Transport of Biomass-Burning Plumes
- Multi-year southern Africa MODIS burned area product generation and validation
- Numerical Simulation of Solar Wind Structures Upstream of Earth
- Progress in the Development of Techniques for Detection of Chemical Interactions Between the Core and Mantle
- Radiative Forcing Associated with Changes in Upper Tropospheric Ozone Resulting from Deep Convection
- Recycling Lower Continental Crust: Evidence From High Mg Andesites in the North China Craton
- Relations Between Albedos and Emissivities From MODIS and ASTER Data Over North African Desert
- Remote Sensing and Modeling of Boreal Forest Regrowth Dynamics
- Rock avalanches revisited: New insights into catastrophic event triggering through experimental physics
- Simulation of the Intercontinental Transport, Aging, and Removal of a Boreal Fire Smoke Plume
- Stream Health Linkages with High Resolution Land Cover and Landscape Configuration Metrics
- The Global Distribution of Candidate Geological CO2 Reservoirs and Their Economic Implications for Deployment of Carbon Capture Technology
- The MODIS Rapid Response Project: Near-Real-Time Processing for Fire Monitoring and Other Applications
- The Virtual Heliospheric Observatory: Preliminary Designs
- The impact of the 1998 boreal forest fires on oxidant chemistry in the global troposphere
- Theoretical study on structural factors correlated with <SUP>23</SUP>Na NMR parameters
- Time Series of Snow Covered Area for Hydrologic Response Units of the Tom River Basin, Russia, from Satellite Imagery, 1980-1985
- Towards Understanding The Spatial Relationship Of Land Cover Thermal Anomalies And Anthropogenic Features On The Siberian Landscape.
- Trace Gas Transport and Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production during a CRYSTAL-FACE Thunderstorm Simulated using a 3-D Cloud-Scale Chemical Transport Model
- Trace gas emissions from boreal forest fires - 1995 to 2002
- Tropospheric Ozone from TOMS: Providing the First Depictions of the Extent of Global Pollution
- Using MODIS Thermal Anomaly Data To Locate And Identify Natural And Anthropogenic Disturbance
- Using MOPITT data and a Chemistry and Transport Model to Investigate Injection Height of Plumes from Boreal Forest Fires
- Using Vegetation Continuous Fields to Monitor Change in Forest Cover
- A Framework for Assessing Ecosystem Responses to Land Use Change
- A New, Physically Based Algorithm, for Retrieving Aerosol Properties over Land from MODIS
- A long-term Land data record from AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS
- A new Instrument Mode for Electrons on the Wind Spacecraft
- An Introduction to Problems Encountered with Well Instrumentation
- Applying Atmospheric Measurements to Constrain Parameters of Terrestrial Source Models
- Are the terrestrial long-term satellite observations from NOAA AVHRR adequate to justify the Earth Science conclusions that have been based on them?
- Assessing the Ability of Laser Altimeter Return Waveforms To Detect Surface Topographic Change
- Assessing the effect of human-induced land degradation on ecosystem function in the former homelands of South Africa
- Atmospheric corrections for land long term data records
- Basic GAPS: A Dynamic Earth System Model For Students
- Beyond Potential Vegetation: Combining Lidar Remote Sensing and a Height- Structured Terrestrial Ecosystem Model for Improved Estimates of Carbon Stocks and Fluxes at a Set of Sites in North and Central America
- Cassini CIRS: Preliminary Results on Saturn's Rings
- Challenges in Estimating Global Tropical Deforestation in the 1980s and 1990s
- Changes In Growing Season Determined From Alaska GLOBE Data And NDVI
- Changing Dynamics of Forest Clearing in Mato Grosso: Implications for Ecosystem Processes
- Characterizing Deep (> 500 km) Earthquake Regions to Investigate the Fate of Subducting Slabs
- Classifying fire type based on MODIS vegetation time-series signal
- Clouds Versus Carbon: Predicting Vegetation Roughness by Maximizing Productivity
- Complexity in Magnetospheric Dynamics: from Modeling to forecasting
- Detection of human induced degradation of dry lands at regional scales
- Do Deep Convective Zones Exist in Low-Accumulation Firn?
- Evaluation of Operational Albedo Algorithms For AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS: Case Studies in Southern Africa
- Evolution of the Optical Properties of Smoke Plumes From Biomass Burning in a Three-Dimensional Transport Model and Comparisons to In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations From SAFARI 2000
- Examination of the Thermal Transformation of Chrysotile by Using Dispersion Staining and Conventional X-ray Diffraction Techniques
- Forty Five Years of Observed Soil Moisture in the Ukraine: No Summer Desiccation (Yet)
- Full-waveform, Laser Altimeter Measurements of Vegetation Vertical Structure and Sub-Canopy Topography in Support of the North American Carbon Program
- Gamma Ray Flashes Due to Plasma Processes in the Atmosphere: Role of Whistler Waves
- Impacts of Land Use on Wetland Vegetation in the Eastern United States: Timing and Scale
- In-situ boron isotopic analysis of modern and ancient marine carbonates by LA ICP-MS
- Land Use Change Around Nature Reserves: Implications for Sustaining Biodiversity
- Large Scale Mapping of Disturbance and Recovery Using Fusion of Radar and Lidar: An Assessment
- Lessons from high-resolution satellite case studies for global-scale models of biomass burning: An approach for assessing the component of net deforestation linked with fire
- Lightning NO<SUB>X</SUB> Production and Ozone Photochemistry in the July 10 1996 STERAO Storm Studied with a 3-D Coupled Cloud/Chemistry Model
- Liquid Sodium Laboratory Models of the Earth's Outer Core
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Deep Continental Crust
- Making Existing Surface Albedo Products Compatible with the Needs of Land Surface Models
- Mapping and Monitoring Boreal Forest Regrowth Dynamics using Satellite Data Products
- Mapping land cover change in South America using MODIS data from 2000-2004
- Mass Balance Considerations for Highly Siderophile Elements Between the Upper and Lower Mantle
- Measurement and Analysis of the Spatial Organization of Bed Particles In Boulder-Bed Streams
- New results From HIPWAC Measurements of Ethane in the Stratosphere of Titan
- On the Relative Importance of Foliation Development and Syntectonic Metamorphism on Shear Zone Formation
- Origin of Tungsten Excess in Komatiites
- Osmium-isotope Evidence for a Projectile Component in Impact-melt Rocks, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure, Virginia, USA
- Overview of the Light Aircraft Aerosol Research Inlet (LAARI)
- Predicting Climate Sensitivity Using Observations of Fluctuations in a Model with Adjustable Feedbacks
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Large Scale Water Budget: Case Study in Siberia
- Radiation Budgets in Support of LBA Hydrological Modeling
- Re-Os Systematics of Variably Altered Ultramafic Rocks, North Carolina.
- Re-Os systematics of komatiites and komatiitic basalts at Dundonald Beach, Ontario, Canada: Evidence for a complex alteration history and implications of a late-Archean chondritic mantle source
- Reconstruction of Fire Spread within Wildland Fire Events in Northern Eurasia from the MODIS Active Fire Product
- Relationships between Stream Biotic Integrity and Satellite-derived Land Cover Metrics in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA
- Saturn's A Ring as Seen by the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS Experiments
- Smoke Over Haze: Comparative Analysis of Satellite, Surface Radiometer and Airborne In-Situ Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing Over the Eastern US
- Structure of Saturn's Magnetosphere as Revealed by Energetic Particles
- Summary of the Chemistry Transport in Deep Convection Cloud Modeling Workshop Intercomparison
- Synchrotron Radiation Study of the Kinetics of Dehydration of Chrysotile Fiber
- Temporal Patterns of Fire in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Testing Models of Core-Mantle Exchange
- The effect of iron on the chlorine concentration in felsic melts
- The effect of rising atmospheric oxygen on carbon and sulfur isotope anomalies recorded in the Neoproterozoic Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, USA
- Understanding the TVX Relationship between NDVI and Surface Temperature for the Varying Landscape of Oklahoma
- Variations in the fire regime in the North American boreal forest between 1990 and 2004 and their potential impacts on terrestrial carbon storage
- A Comparison of Cassini CIRS Measurements of Saturn's Troposphere with Ground-based Observations
- A Landsat Record of North American Forest Disturbance
- Aerosol Climatology at Pune, Western India: Implications to Direct Radiative Forcing and Heating Rates
- Airborne Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols in Northern China: EAST-AIRE IOP 2005
- An Improved Spatial Data Set of Tropical Deforestation Rates for the 1980s and 1990s
- Analysis of Correlated Complex Solar Type III Radio Bursts and Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Events
- Application of Recent Advances in Forward Modeling of Emissions from Boreal and Temperate Wildfires to Real-time Forecasting of Aerosol and Trace Gas Concentrations
- Biomarkers of a Low-Latitude Neoproterozoic Glaciation
- Boreal Forest Fire Biomass Consumption for Carbon Emission Estimation: Measurement Requirements and Current Research
- Boreal Forests and Wildlfire Severity - Effects of Climate Change and the Fire Regime on Processes Influencing Biogeochemical Cycles
- Characteristics and Impact of Imperviousness From a GIS-based Hydrological Perspective
- Characterizing a Dynamic Land Cover Change Frontier Using MODIS Phenology Metrics: Cropland Expansion in Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Clustering of Large Particles and Their Relationship to Bed Roughness
- Daisen Volcano, Southwest Japan: Does the Slab Melt?
- Destruction of Cratonic Lithosphere: the North China Craton
- Detecting Deforestation In Paraguay From Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery Using A Spatio-temporally Explicit Algorithm
- Detecting Siberian Silk Moth Damage in Central Siberia Using Multi-Temporal MODIS Data from 2000 to 2005
- Determining Sediment Sources in the Anacostia River Watershed
- Element partitioning during core-mantle differentiation in a magma ocean: New high-pressure data on CI- and EH-chondrite model compositions
- Estimating Changes in Forest Height and Structure in Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Using LIDAR Remote Sensing
- Estimation and Validation of Regional Biomass Using Vegetation Structure Measurements from ICESAT and Forest Inventory Analysis Data
- Evaluating Soil Carbon Sequestration in Central Iowa
- Evaluation of Lightning NOx Treatment in v2 of the GMI Model and its Effect on Upper Tropospheric NOx and O3
- Evaluation of the VIIRS active fire detection algorithm using MODIS-based proxy data and ASTER
- Experimental determination of boron isotope fractionation in seawater
- Forest structure from lidar and multi-angle imaging spectrometer data
- Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements (HSEs) by Sulfide-Silicate Partitioning: A New Spin
- Global Structure and Dynamics of the Kronian Magnetosphere: Cassini Results
- Global agricultural fire activity from three years of MODIS data
- Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect
- Interball Observations of Flux Transfer Events
- Large upper tropospheric ozone enhancements above mid-latitude North America during summer: In situ evidence from the IONS and MOZAIC ozone monitoring network
- Lessons Leaned from Terra and Aqua MODIS SWIR Bands On-orbit Performance
- Mapping Recent Lava and Pyroclastic Flows at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica, Using Medium-Footprint, Waveform-Recording Airborne Lidar
- Metamorphism in Plate Boundary Zones
- Modeling of land surface processes in La Plata Basin
- Multi-resolution methods for mapping tropical forest cover change
- Multiscale behavior of the magnetosphere: Modeling with Levy flights and fractional kinetics
- Observations of surface solar radiation variability from space and ground
- One View of Dynamic Crustal Rheology During Orogenesis
- Operational Land Cover Products From VIIRS in the NPP/NPOESS Era
- Partial Melting in the Iron-Sulfur System at High Pressures
- Phenology Monitoring in Alaska with GLOBE Data, AVHRR NDVI and the CLAVR Algorithm
- Physics and chemistry of ferromagnesian silicate post perovskite
- Provenance of Ice-Rafted Debris and Icebergs Offshore of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, From the Early Miocene to the Present
- Quantifying Forest Cover Change in Paraguay Using Data From Different Landsat Instruments
- Recent Data Campaigns and Results from the Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS): An Airborne, Medium-Footprint, Full-Waveform, Swath Mapping Laser Altimeter System
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Forest Fires in North America as Determined from 12 Years of Daily AVHRR Data
- Synergy Between Ground Measurements and High Spatial Resolution Imagery to Validate Medium Spatial Resolution Land Surface Product
- The Microphysical and Chemical properties of aerosol particles from the United Arab Emirates Unified Aerosol Experiment (UAE2) and from the Bodele-BODEX Experiment
- The study of atmospheric aerosol characteristics and its radiative forcing over North China from ground and satellite observation
- Thermal Equation of State of Fe3S and Sulfur in Earth's Core
- Towards A Community Protocol for Validating Global Climate Data Records Representing Sub-Pixel Land Cover Components and Changes Through Time Using AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS
- Trace Gas Measurements made from Aircraft over North America and China
- Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A.
- Use of Polar Orbiting Earth Observatories to Create a Synoptic Inventory of North American Forested Areas Affected by Wildfire
- Variations in fire severity and frequency as a driver of changes in succession and long-term patterns of carbon storage in Alaskan boreal forests
- A Service Oriented Architecture to Enable Sensor Webs
- A Vector Version of the 6S Radiative Transfer Code for Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Data
- An Integrated Evaluation Strategy For Demonstrating In Situ Bioenhanced NAPL Dissolution
- Analysis of Tropical Forest Vertical and Spatial Structural Dynamics Using Large-footprint Lidar
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV) and Towed Vehicle Technologies for Under-Ice Hydrothermal Vent Studies at the Gakkel Ridge
- Bioenhanced DNAPL Dissolution: Understanding how Microbial Competition, Biostimulation, and Bioaugmentation Affect Source Zone Longevity
- Bowen Lecture: Tracing Crust-Mantle Recycling With Lithium Isotopes
- Carbon Fluxes from Land Use-Related Fires in Mato Grosso, Brazil
- Comparison of Anthropogenic CO2, NOx, and CO Emissions: Exploiting a Synergy Between Air Quality and Carbon Cycle Studies
- Computational Framework for the Living with Star Program
- Consumption of surface organic layer carbon during fires in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Contiguity and Bulk Physical Properties of Partially Molten Rocks
- Detection of Forest Stress Using Seasonal MODIS Imagery
- Distinguishing between conversion and maintenance fires in the Amazon
- Dive and Discover: New Arctic Educational Modules and Near Real-Time Coverage of Exploration on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Does the empirical Ball-Berry law of stomatal conductance emerge from maximization of productivity?
- Dynamical Scales in the Magnetosphere: Absence of Scale-free Distributions
- Effect of the FCC to HCP Phase Transition on Trace Element Partitioning Between Metal and Sulfide Melt
- Evaluating the Contribution of Soil Carbon to Global Climate Change Mitigation in an Integrated Assessment
- Evaluating the forecast uncertainty reduction index given the use of AIRS radiances.
- Evaluation of Global Biomass Burning Carbon Emission Estimates using Fire Radiative Power
- Evolution of Sulfur Isotopes and Oceanic Oxygenation Recorded in a Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonate From the Chaidam Block, China
- From P-T-age to secular change and global tectonic regimes (or Essene in reverse - from granulites to blueschists and eclogites over time)
- Global Vegetation 3-D Structure Sampling with Full-Waveform Laser Altimetry
- Gold, Copper, and Iron Partitioning in Sulfur-Bearing Vapor-Brine-Melt Systems at 800°C and 100 MPa.
- Gone but not Forgotten? The Use of Airborne Laser Mapping in the Recovery Strategy for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
- Influence of Incidence Angle on the Use of C-Band SAR Data for the Detection Flooded Forests
- Insights into the deep continental lithosphere from xenolith studies
- Integrating Satellite Imaging Radar of Alaskan Fire-Disturbed Boreal Forests into Natural Resource Management Applications and Biogeochemical Modeling: the First Fifteen Years
- Interball Observations of Multiple Flux Transfer Events
- Inverse Model Estimates of Global Carbon Monoxide Emissions Using GMD Network Observations
- Laser Remote Sensing of Canopy Habitat Heterogeneity as a Predictor of Bird Species Richness
- Lithium elemental and isotopic disequilibrium in minerals from peridotite xenoliths from far- east Russia: product of recent melt/fluid-rock reaction
- Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) for NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols by the VIIRS Instrument for NPOESS
- Modeling Gamma Ray Flashes Due to Plasma Processes in the Middle Atmosphere
- Monitoring Start of Season in Alaska
- NASA NEESPI Data Center
- New Frontiers in Arctic Exploration: Autonomous Location and Sampling of Hydrothermal Vents Under the Ice at Earth's Slowest Spreading Ridge (IPY Project 173)
- Observed and Simulated Regional North American Vegetation Dynamics: 1982- 2005
- Ocean Instabilities Captured By Breeding On A Global Ocean Reanalysis
- Online estimation of background and observation errors within LETKF
- Optical Analysis of Coated and Uncoated Soot Particles
- Predicting Vegetation Structure using Lidar and Multiangle Remote Sensing Data Fusion
- Quantification of Uncertainty due to Atmosphere in Long-Term AVHRR-NDVI Data Record
- Quantifying forest disturbance and regrowth in support of the North American Carbon Program
- Recent increases in fire emissions from South America derived from a combination of surface and atmospheric satellite observations
- Role of vegetation biophysical process and land cover change in East Asian monsoon development
- SAMURAI: Polar AUV-Based Autonomous Dexterous Sampling
- Separating Real Aerosol Effects from Artifacts in Using Satellite Retrievals for Studying Aerosol Indirect Effect
- Surveying and Monitoring River Systems Using Satellite Remote Sensing: A theoretical basis for the instrument requirements with special focus on the emerging wide-swath altimeters
- The Effects of Changes in Land Cover/Land Use on Nutrient Loadings to the Chesapeake Bay Estuary Using Forecasts of Future Urbanization
- The Goes Wfabba in Lba Eco III
- The Interaction Between the Titan Exosphere and the Kronian Magnetosphere: MIMI Observations Statistical Analysis and Modeling
- The Seasonal and Spatial Distribution of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fossil Fuels in Asia
- The importance of heterogeneity: integrating lidar remote sensing and height-structured ecosystem models to improve estimation forest structure and dynamics
- The sensitivity of Mid-Atlantic United States air quality to current and planned anthropogenic emission reductions
- Uncertainties in the composition of Earth, its core and silicate sphere
- Using Lidar-derived 3-D Vegetation Structure Maps to Assist in the Search for the Ivory- billed Woodpecker
- Validation Of A New Parametric Radiative Transfer Model For Atmospheric Correction Of Thermal Infrared Channels
- A Dynamic Soil Layer Model for Assessing the Effects of Wildfire on High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
- Aerosol Properties and Radiative Forcing over Mega-cities in China
- An Overview of the Validation Plans for OCO Observations
- Analysis of Early Forest Regrowth in the Eastern US using IceSAT/GLAS-LiDAR and Landsat- spectral data.
- Analysis of Tropical Forest Structural Dynamics Using Medium-footprint Lidar
- Atmospheric Oxidation of Iodinated Hydrocarbons
- Beyond Potential Vegetation II: Using Repeat Lidar Data on Changes in Vegetation Height to Test Model Predictions of Ecosystem Dynamics
- CO2 Laser Heating System at GSECARS
- Characterizing and Mapping Ice Sheet Surface Topography Using a Medium-Footprint, Multi- Beam, Waveform-Recording Lidar
- Contrasting Sources Of Granites In The Fosdick Migmatite Dome, West Antarctica
- Coupling Satellite and Ground-Based Snow Data With Snow Cover Model for Estimating the Area-Averaged Snow Water Equivalent Over Large River Basins
- Data Analysis and Statistical Methods for the Assessment and Interpretation of Geochronologic Data
- Detecting Naturally-Produced Sulfide Nanoparticles by Adsorptive, Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry.
- Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosols Using AERI Data
- Dynamics of the Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures in Diverse Environments
- Estimation of Carbon Stocks, Fluxes and Dynamics using Lidar and Ecosystem Models
- Evaluating the Potential of Waveform Lidar and Hyperspectral Data Fusion for Species Level Biomass Mapping.
- Evidence from U-Pb geochronology, mineral rare-earth element chemistry and trace element thermometry for short-lived ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism in the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, Southern Brasília Belt
- Experimental Study of the Partitioning of Au, Ag, Mo, W, Zn, Mn, and Ti among Pyrrhotite and Immiscible Fe-S-O and Rhyolitic Melts
- F-region Magnetospheric ULF Generation by Modulated Ionospheric Heating
- Generating a Long-term Land Data Record from the AVHRR and MODIS Instruments
- Global and Regional Potential for Biofuels From Residue and Waste
- Growth of Fibrous Talc and Anthophyllite in the Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell (HDAC)
- Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements of the ClOOCl Absorption Cross Section On Our Understanding of Polar Ozone Chemistry
- Impact of Wildland Fire and Climate Change on the Amur Tiger and its Habitat
- Including Land Use and Land Cover Change in Earth System Models
- Investigation of uncertainty in surface reflectance measures derived from AVHRR caused by orbital drift and variations in viewing geometry.
- Is the Relationship Between Peak Runoff Discharge and Land-Use Pattern Convex? A Numerical Experiment with the IHLUO Model
- Land Cover of Northern Eurasia: Comparison and Assessment of Coarse Resolution Maps
- Landscape and climate controls on fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Length scales of magma transport in reactive two-phase flow
- Magnetic Field Modulated Dust Streams From Jupiter in Interplanetary Space
- Mapping the levels of eutrophication concentration in the Gulf of Mexico using high resolution ocean color data
- Medium Resolution Global Earth Observations with Landsat: Looking 35 Years Back and 50 Years Forward
- Melting in the Fe-Si System at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Monitoring National Forests in Eastern U.S. Using Landsat Observations
- Multi-beam Lidar Instrument Design, Measurement Capabilities, and Technical Readiness
- Multiscale Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
- Multivariate Dependence Estimation in Geophysics
- New methods for assimilating remotely sensed observations of snow covered area into land surface models
- North American Landscape Phenology: a 250m spatial resolution product derived from MODIS
- On the Relative Importance of Foliation Development and Syntectonic Metamorphism on Shear Zone Formation
- Optical Analysis of Coated and Uncoated Soot: Data for Global Climate Change Models
- Oxygen Fugacity Buffers at Conditions of the Deep Earth
- Precessional and Sea Level Induced Hydrological Changes in the Mediterranean Sea During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Preservation of Fertile Mantle Components at Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Quinone-Hydroquinone complexes as components of humic acids: Theoretical studies of structure, stability and visible-UV spectra
- Recycled MORB in the Convecting Upper Mantle? Evidence From Os, Sr and Nd Isotopes in Orogenic Peridotites and Pyroxenites From the Totalp Massif, Eastern Switzerland
- Recycling deep cratonic lithosphere and generation of intraplate magmatism in the North China Craton
- Remote Sensing of Coastal Marsh Vegetation Structure using Multi-angle Imaging
- Revised estimate of radioactive energy in the Earth
- Space Weather Forecasting and Risk Assessment
- Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka: Results from the 2007 Field Season
- Sulfur and oxygen isotope studies of sulfate reduction
- Suprathermal Heavy Ion Variations in the <20 Rs Kronian Magnetosphere
- Th-Pb Monazite-in-Garnet Ages From the Greater Himalayan Sequence of Central Nepal
- The Importance of Ecosystem Thresholds in Assessing Safe Concentrations of Greenhouse Gases
- The NASA NEESPI Tools Use in Studies of Environmental Changes in Northern Eurasia
- The effect of fault segmentation on the dynamics of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults
- The role of the lower continental crust in chemical geodynamics
- The role of zonal flows in laboratory and space plasmas1
- Thresholds controlling shifts in forest cover types in the boreal region of Interior Alaska: inter- actions between climate, fire and edaphic factors
- Timber volume and biomass estimates in central Siberia from satellite data.
- Two decades of forest disturbance and regrowth across the United States evaluated using the Landsat record for the North American Carbon Program
- Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism (UHPM): Quo Vadimus?
- Unraveling Ages of Discrete Cryptic Events During Polyphase Orogenesis in SE Brazil
- Unraveling Polyphase High-Grade Metamorphism and Anatexis in the Fosdick Migmatite Dome, West Antarctica, Using Mineral Equilibria Modeling and In Situ Monazite Geochronology
- Variability in the Mass and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Fossil-Fuel-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions for the Countries of the North American Carbon Program
- Variability of basin-scale terrestrial water storage from a novel application of the water budget equation: the Amazon and the Mississippi
- A Boundary Integral Formulation for Multiparticle Flow
- A Description of the Global, Monthly, Fossil-Fuel Carbon Dioxide Time Series Based on National Estimates
- A New Approach for Scenario Development for Future Assessments in the IPCC
- A Possible Impact Basin on Pallas
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- An Approach for Developing Earth Science Data Records of Global Forest Cover Change
- An overview of the role of disturbance in the terrestrial carbon budget
- Analysis of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the 2004 Alaskan fires
- Analyzing the Impacts of Forest Cover Changes on Watershed Hydrology
- Assessing the Impact of Recurrent Fires on Forests in Southern Amazonia
- Assessment of Long-Term Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Productivity in Eastern China Using High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Output
- Carbon and CO Emissions From the 2004 Alaskan Fires
- Could K and Rb be in Earth's Core?
- Cutting Through the Plate: Rift Interaction North of the Galapagos Triple Junction
- Degree-2 in the Transition Zone and Near the CMB: Bottom up Tectonics?
- Does Management Matter?: Using MISR to Assess the Effects of Charcoal Production and Management on Woodland Regeneration
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging to Quantify Spatial Soil Heterogeneity
- Enhanced Terrestrial Carbon Uptake in the Northern High Latitudes in the 21st Century from the C4MIP Model Projections
- Enhanced biological activity in the western and central equatorial Pacific over the past decade
- Estimating Fire Radiative Energy From MODIS
- Estimation of Tropical Forest Leaf Area Index Using Medium-Footprint Lidar
- Evaluating large scale forest disturbance resulting from Hurricane Katrina using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) LiDAR
- Extreme Carbon Isotope Anomalies of the Proterozoic Eon: Fact or Fiction?
- Fluid Source-based Modeling of Melt Initiation within the Subduction Zone Mantle Wedge: Implications for Geochemical Trends in Arc Lavas
- Forest Biomass retrieval strategies from Lidar and Radar modeling
- Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Cariaco Basin
- Fusion of Multi-Angle Imaging Spectrometer and LIDAR Data for Forest Structural Parameter Retrieval Using 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Future drying of the southern Amazon and central Brazil
- GOZCARDS: Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere
- Generating Precise and Accurate Waveform-Derived Products From Medium-Footprint Geodetic Imaging Lidar
- Geodetic Imaging of Glacio-Seismotectonic Processes in Southern Alaska
- Global Vegetation Structure from NASA's DESDynI Mission: An Overview
- Global and Regional Future Potential for Energy from Municipal Solid Waste
- Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate and vegetation
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for IPCC 5th Assessment
- How Burying Biomass Can Contribute to CO2 Stabilization
- Identification in primitive basalts of a single melt reaction from an isotopically heterogeneous mantle source region
- Imapct of midlatitude and tropical drought on terrestrial ecosystems and the global carbon cycle
- Impact of lightning NO emissions on North American photochemistry as determined using the GMI model
- Implementation of the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Project: Current Progress and Future Plans
- Indicators of Provenance Weathering: Li and δ7Li in Mudrocks from the British Caledonides
- Insights into fluid flow and environmental conditions present in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits from measurements of permeability and porosity
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- International Collective Governance and the Need to Reduce Scientific Uncertainty about Geoengineering
- International Commodity Markets, Local Food Prices and Environment in West Africa
- Is Absence of Evidence of UHPM Evidence of Absence: Did Conditions on Earth Before the Ediacaran Period Allow Formation of UHP Rocks but Only Rarely Their Exhumation?
- Is evapotranspiration and its components from boreal forests constant with stand age after fire and drainage conditions?
- Land Cover Change Community-based Processing and Analysis System (LC-ComPS): Lessons Learned from Technology Infusion
- Land-Use Implications of Strategies for Stabilizing CO2 Concentrations
- Linking Models and Data on Vegetation Structure
- Lithium in the deep continental crust
- MODIS Tree Cover Validation for the Northern Taiga-Tundra Transition Zone
- Mapping Potential Ivory Billed Woodpecker Habitat using Lidar and Hyperspectral Data Fusion
- Mapping Spatial Patterns of Woody Plant Cover Expansion in Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands, USA
- Measurement Capabilities and Expected Performance of the DESDynI Multi-beam Lidar
- Melting at the core-mantle boundary
- Minimizing CLARREO sampling errors through orbit selection
- Modeling Fire Emissions from Multiple Land Use Transitions in Southern Amazonia
- Multiple Sulfur Isotope Signatures Across Environmental Gradients in the Modern Black Sea
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Nonlinear dynamics of mirror instability
- North American Forest Dynamics Evaluated Using Landsat Observations and FIA Measurements: Science Goals within NACP
- Phase Diagram of Wustite at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Phase Diagrams of Iron Rich Alloys and Their Influence on the Chemical Structure of Planetary Cores
- Potential climate-change impacts on the Chesapeake Bay
- Pressure Effects in the Mass-Independent Fractionation Parameters of UV-Photolyte Sulfur from Broadband Irradiation of SO2
- Propagation of uncertainties from the assimilation of meteorological observations to CO2 forecast
- Quantifying the role of fire in the carbon cycle around the globe, and its climate sensitivity in equatorial Asia
- Regulation of a Novel Phosphatase Common in Marine Bacteria
- Rutile is holding Nb and Ta in the mantle, negligible Nb and Ta in the core
- Satellite Carbon Monoxide Measurements as Top-Down Constraints on Fire Trace Gas Emissions
- Shortwave Aerosol Radiative Forcing over East-Asia Determined from Satellite and Ground based observations
- Siderophile element distribution in metal-sulfide nodules of EH3 Sahara 97072: A relict condensation signature overprinted by transient melting events
- Simulating the Effects of Fire on Forests in the Russian Far East: Integrating a Fire Danger Model and the FAREAST Forest Growth Model Across a Complex Landscape
- Simulating the Effects of Wildfire on Permafrost and Soil Carbon Dynamics over the Yukon River Basin using the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Simulation of Large Footprint Lidar Waveforms from Forests: Analysis of the Sensitivity of Height Estimates to Footprint Characteristics
- Soil Carbon Sequestration - Science for Enhancement and Implementation
- Soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and grain yields under long-term fertilizations in the upland red soil of Southern China
- Spatial Variability of Tree Transpiration Along a Soil Drainage Gradient of Boreal Black Spruce Forest
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Sulfate in the Fresh Water, King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- Temporal variability in coastal region chlorophyll a near outflows in the Gulf of Mexico
- The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED3) Global Burned Area Data Set
- The NASA NEESPI Data Portal: Products, Information and Services
- The Strength of Disease: Molecular Bonds Between Asbestos and Human Cells
- The role of FeS(aq) molecular clusters in microbial redox cycling and iron mineralization.
- Three-Dimensional Melt Distribution in Partially Molten Rocks
- USGS GSD-1G: A Geological Reference Glass for in situ Elemental and Isotopic Analysis
- Using InterComm Enhanced ESMF to Couple TIME-GCM and CAM
- VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Algorithm for NPOESS
- 15 Years of Ground-based UV-visible Observations of Bromine Monoxide Over Harestua, Southern Norway (60°N, 11°E)
- A Global View on How Aerosols Modifying Deep Convective Clouds' Macro- and Micro- physical Properties
- A Model-Data Framework for Linking Satellite-Based Data on Vegetation Structure with a Height Structured Ecosystem Model Over North America
- A Remote Sensing based Regional Lake Surface Area Analysis for the Arctic Environment
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- A novel approach to generating time of flight mass spectra for low energy neutral atom detection
- A reconnection mechanism for the generation of anomalous cosmic rays
- Accuracy of DESDynI Biomass Estimates using Lidar and Data Fusion Methods
- Aerosol Properties Observed on the Mesoscale and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Comparisons during the 2008 Pre-monsoon TIGERZ IOP in Kanpur, India
- Amazon forests did not green up during the 2005 drought
- An interpretation of large-scale GRACE observations of terrestrial water storage over the Amazon
- Analysis, Simulation, and Predictions for the Detection of Hydrogen Abundance Regions by the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) on board LRO
- Analyzing the impacts of forest disturbance and regrowth on watershed hydrology: A case study from the Homochitto Watershed, Mississippi
- Application of Satellite Based Laser Altimetry to Estimation of River Hydraulics and Remote Estimation of River Discharge
- Assessing the use of Geoscience Laser Altimeter System data to quantify forest structure change resultant from large-scale forest disturbance events- Case Study Hurricane Katrina
- Assessment of burn severity from a large fire year in the Alaskan boreal forest
- Assimilation of AIRS and conventional CO2 observations with an EnKF
- Atmospheric Variability Metrics for GEO-CAPE Measurement Definition
- Carbon and Air Quality Emissions from Crop Residue Burning in the Contiguous United States
- Case study for obtaining hydrological parameters from Space borne Lidar and High resolution Remote Sensing imagery
- Change in Arctic surface water: A remote sensing approach using MODIS 250m data
- Changes in the Solar Modulation of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath
- Climate change and tropical total lightning
- Comparison of BrO observed by ground-based MAX-DOAS and satellite for Barrow, Alaska during ARCTAS, March and April 2008
- Comparison of Medium Frequency Burst Generation Theories
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Convective CO2 dissolution: Analog experiments and direct numerical simulations
- Developing a Fine Resolution Forest Height Map for Mississippi Using Landsat Time Series Observations and GLAS Lidar Data
- Development of Anisotropic Mobility During Two-phase Flow
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Aerosols in China
- Distribution of Anorthositic and Noritic Material in the Apollo Basin
- Dominant Role by Vertical Wind Shear in Regulating Aerosol Effects on Deep Convective Clouds
- Effect of disturbance data set selection on quantification of fire emissions (Invited)
- Effects of Land Cover Changes on the Climate of the La Plata Basin in South America
- Effects of Plasma Beta on Multiple Island Ion Acceleration
- Electron Scale Structure of Thin Current Sheets in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- Energetic Particles in the Heliosheath: A Report from Voyagers 1 and 2 (Invited)
- Epithermal Neutron Observations and Lunar South Pole Targeting for LCROSS impact planning using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploring Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Estimating Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Sources and Sinks in the Mid-Continent Intensive using Inventories and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Estimation of Tropical Forest Height and Biomass Dynamics Using Lidar Remote Sensing at La Selva, Costa Rica
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Global and seasonal assessment of interactions between climate and vegetation biophysical processes using GCM and a preliminary comparison with the assessment from satellite products
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Height of the Planetary Boundary Layer During ICEALOT 2008
- Impact of Orbital Drift on Long-Term AVHRR NDVI Time-Series Data
- Improved estimates of the North American atmospheric reactive nitrogen budget using chemical transport models, surface measurements, and space-based observations of NH3 and NO2
- In-situ synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction and visual imaging study of magnesite + quartz + water at mid-crustal temperatures and pressures
- Influence of dihedral angle on the contiguity of partially molten aggregates
- Interactions Between Wind Erosion, Vegetation Structure, and Soil Stability in Groundwater Dependent Plant Communities
- Intercomparison of 20th century tropical climate model hindcasts and coral δ18O data using a forward proxy model
- Interpretations of OH/HOH IR Absorptions on the Moon from Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (Invited)
- Investigating the Physical State of the western U.S. Upper Mantle Using a Multi-Disciplinary Approach (Invited)
- Kinetic PIC simulations of reconnection signal propagation parallel to magnetic field lines: Implifications for substorms
- Lidar modeling with the 3D DART model
- Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) for NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: mapping of hydrogen with high spatial resolution and determination of neutron radiation environment
- Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector for NASA’s LRO mission: instrument concept and first data
- Lunar Magma Ocean Bedrock Anorthosites Detected at Orientale Basin by M3
- Magnesium isotope fractionation during differentiation of Harney Peak granite
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust
- Managing scientific complexity in public policy: the case of U.S. climate change legislation in the 111th Congress
- Melt permeability barriers as a function of spreading rate beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Midinfrared Multi-technique Spectroscopy of Synthetic Olivines (Forsterite to Fayalite)
- Modeling Microbial Processes in EPIC to Estimate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from soils
- Molybdenum isotopes in sediments from a dynamic basin: the Mediterranean Sea
- Multiple Site Evaluation of a Dynamic Organic Soil Model for Analyzing Carbon Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change and Fire Disturbance in Interior Alaska
- New Mg-Spinel Rock-Type on the Lunar Farside and Implications for Lunar Crustal Evolution (Invited)
- Optical Properties of Coated Soot Measured by Photoacoustic Spectrometry
- Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Particles by Waves Generated from a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Precise and Accurate High-Altitude Waveform Lidar Mapping of Greenland Land and Arctic Sea Ice in Support of Operation IceBridge
- Predicted Performance of NPOESS/NPP Aerosol Algorithms
- Prediction of Tropical Climate on Intraseasonal Timescale using Phase Space Reconstruction
- Progress on Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Progressive Microscopic Damage and the Development of Macroscopic Fractures in Porous Sandstones
- Pyroxenite Formation in the Totalp Ultramafic Massif, Switzerland: Constraints From Highly Siderophile Elements
- Real-time Global Flood and Landslide Prediction Using Satellite Observations (Invited)
- Recent STEREO Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Reconstruction of the interplanetary magnetic field during the Holocene and its implications for the future
- Regional Earth System Prediction for the Chesapeake Bay
- Regional Satellite Observations for Dryland Degradation Studies (Invited)
- Regional variations of neutron flux and search of Hydrogen enhanced areas at southern polar region of Moon from LEND/LRO instrument
- Remote Compositional Analyses of Lunar Olivine-Bearing Lithologies
- Simulation of the Halloween 2003 shocks to 10 AU with the 3D MHD Hybrid Heliospheric Modeling System With Pickup Ions (HHMS-PI)
- Spectroscopic Character and Spatial Distribution of Hydroxyl and Water Absorption Features Measured on the Lunar Surface by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper Imaging Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1
- Stability of ridge-ridge-ridge triple junctions based on the mechanics of rift interaction: Examples of the Galápagos and Rodriguez triple junctions
- Subducted Crustal Signatures in Diamondiferous Xenoliths from the Nyurbinskaya Pipe, Yakutia, Russia: Trace-Element and Oxygen Isotope Characteristics of Garnets
- Sulfur Contents of Planetary and Protoplanetary Cores
- Synthesis of multiple observations of the disturbance impacts on the carbon cycle
- Ten Years of Earth Observations from MODIS: What has been Accomplished
- The Case for Ceres: Report to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey Committee
- The Effects of Tidal Dissipation on the Thermal Evolution of Triton
- The Galapagos Microplate Revealed
- The Heliopause Reconnection X-line
- The Mineralogy of Late-Stage Lunar Volcanism as Observed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1
- The Relationship Between Crop Residue Harvest, Erosion, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in the Kalamazoo Watershed
- The Seasonal Response of Temperatures in Titan's Troposphere and Stratosphere
- The effect of copper on the estimation of sulfur fugacity from the composition of pyrrhotite: an experimental evaluation
- The influence of fire-free interval on carbon cycling in the Alaskan boreal fores
- Towards Developing Earth Science Data Records of Global Forest Cover Change
- Transient cracks and triple junctions induced by Cocos-Nazca propagating rift
- U.S. Forest Disturbance Evaluated using Landsat Observations and FIA Measurements: Initial Results and Ongoing Research in the North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Project
- UAVSAR's first campaign over temperate and boreal forests
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Variability of Forest Change Rates within and among US Geographic Regions as Observed in the North American Forest Dynamics Project
- Vulnerability and Resiliency of Arctic and Sub-Arctic Landscapes (VuRSAL) - A NASA Sponsored Scoping Study on Feedbacks in High Latitude Systems
- Water Vapor from Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer Limb Soundings
- Water, Hydroxyl, and the Search for Alteration and Oxidation on the Moon (Invited)
- Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD): Demonstration of MODIS-Landsat Data Fusion to Provide a Consistent, Long-term, Large-area Data Record for the Terrestrial User Community
- A Boundary Element Model of Three-Dimensional Melt Geometry
- A Combined Study of the Influence of Melting, Temperature, and Chemical Composition on Seismic Wave Velocities
- A Comparison of MERRA and NARR Reanalyses with the DOE ARM SGP Continuous Forcing data
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A Preliminary Validation of the ACOS/GOSAT Xco2 Product Using TCCON Data
- A Prototype Flood Early Warning SensorWeb System for Namibia
- A Study of Warm-cloud rain Detection using A-Train Satellite Data
- A Two Fluid Code to Study Cross Scale Coupling in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- A detailed investigation of the effects of molecules and defocusing in the high resolution mass spectrogram of Cassini Plasma Suites Ion Mass Spectrometer (CAPS IMS)
- A stratified layer of light elements at the top of the outer core
- Acceleration of ions and electrons during magnetic reconnection in a multi-island environment
- Achieving improved understanding of global forest distribution: a synthesis of global and regional land cover products
- Alfven Wave Generation by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source: Theory, Modeling and Experimental Results
- Amazon old-growth forest wind disturbance and the regional carbon balance
- An experimental study of Li partitioning between olivine and diopside at mantle conditions
- Analyzing long-term hydrological impacts of forest disturbance and growth: a case study from Homochitto Watershed (MS)
- Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Outer Heliosphere During the Present Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Anthropogenic Nutrient Loading in the Northeastern US 1920-2000
- Application of ICESat/GLAS laser altimetry to the Estimation of Surface Water Level and River Discharge
- Application of Satellite Based Imagery and Altimetry to Estimation of River Hydraulics and Remote Estimation of River Discharge
- Applications of Near Real-Time Image and Fire Products from MODIS
- Ash and dust together in the UTLS: April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruptions and Taklimakan Desert dust storms
- Biomass Burning Emissions and Deforestation in The Legal Amazon
- Carbon sequestration through wood burial and storage: practical potential and policy considerations (Invited)
- Characterizing Ice Sheet Surface Topography and Structure Using High-Altitude Waveform Airborne Laser Altimetry
- Climate-induced shrubland greening in northern Quebec over the Landsat era
- Comparison of ground-based and satellite-based NO2 column measurements: First steps to correlating in-situ and remote measurements
- Conterminous U.S. Forest Disturbance Dynamics Evaluated from Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Contrasting lithium and magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering
- Correlation of Illumination and Topography Factors with Epithermal Neutron measurements at the Lunar Poles using the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Crustal thickness variations at oceanic ridge segment and transform faults: implications for three-dimensional melt extraction pathways
- DESDynI Lidar Measurements of Forest Structure
- Deep Water Cycle: its Role in Earth's Thermal Evolution and Plate Tectonics
- Determination of the Optical Properties of Dust and Pollution Aerosols, Their Radiative Forcing Climate Effects across China
- Direct Measurement of the Absorption Cross-Section of Uncoated and Coated Soot by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Drivers of Vulnerability of Carbon Stocks to Variations in the Fire Regime In Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Dust Aerosol Analysis and Prediction with Lidar Observations and Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Early Earth's history as inferred from studies of Archean komatiites
- Effect of Ground Surface Reflectance on LiDAR Waveforms, Height Metrics and Biomass Estimation
- Effects of climate variability on vegetation dynamics in the Sudano-Sahelian region of Africa
- Evaluation of Ncep Global Forecast System (gfs) Cloud Properties Using Satellite Retrievals
- Evidence for Decadal Variation in Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration between 1982 and 2002
- Expansion of the world's deserts due to vegetation-albedo feedback under global warming
- Experimental Investigations Of Failure Mechanisms Associated With Slow Slip Events
- Exploring with Multiple Spacecraft the Scene of the Traveling Strong Shock and its Driver
- Fire Radiative Energy and Biomass Burned Estimation Under Sparse Satellite Sampling Conditions: Using Power Law Probability Distribution Properties of MODIS Fire Radiative Power Retrievals
- Forest Biomass Mapping Using Lidar-derived Canopy Height Metrics at Maine in USA
- Forest Biomass Retrieval from Digital Beamforming SAR (DBSAR)
- Fractional crystallization and replenishment of the magma chamber at the East Pacific Rise 9°50' N
- From Fall to Spring, or Spring to Fall? Seasonal Cholera Transmission Cycles and Implications for Climate Change
- General Model of Mo Scavenging in Euxinic Waters Based on Seasonal Observations in Rogoznica Lake
- Geochemical dynamics in selected Yellowstone hydrothermal features
- Geochemistry of Planetary Cores: Insights from Iron Meteorites
- Global Landsat Surface Reflectance Products Derived Using GLS 2000 and 2005 Images
- Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (1997-2009)
- Greening Trends in North American Boreal Forest and Tundra during 2000-2009 from MODIS and in situ Measurements
- Hydraulic Consequences of Hydrilla, an Invasive Submerged Aquatic Plant, in Freshwater Tidal Channels
- Impact of varying spatial resolution on dust aerosol lifecycle simulated in the NASA GEOS-5 AGCM
- Impacts of long-range transport and local emissions on California near-surface ozone and sulfur oxides during the ARCTAS period--A multi-scale modeling study
- Improvements in the determination of ice sheet mass fluxes and freshwater fluxes using Icebridge data. (Invited)
- Integrating a Detailed Agricultural Model in a Global Economic Framework: New methods for assessment of climate mitigation and adaptation opportunities
- Intercomparison of 20th century tropical climate model hindcasts and coral δ18O data using a forward proxy system model
- Interoperable Data Systems for Satellite, Airborne, and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
- Interpretation of Variations in MODIS-Measured Greenness Levels of Amazon Forests During 2000 To 2009
- Introduction to the Application of Remote Sensing in Terrestrial Carbon Monitoring, Modeling and Management
- Inventing Wastewater: The Social and Scientific Construction of Effluent in the Northeastern United States
- Is the Magnetic Field in the Heliosheath Sector Region and in the Outer Heliosheath Laminar?
- Laboratory quantification of permeability-porosity relationships for seafloor vent deposits: anisotropy in flange, slab, and crust samples
- Large-area Ice Sheet and Sea Ice mapping from High-altitude Aircraft: Examples from the LVIS Sensor
- Lead isotopic evolution of Archean continental crust, Northern Tanzania
- Leveraging spatial statistics in the development of an historical narrative for water resources in the Northeast United States
- Linkage of Global Water Resources, Climate, and Human Health: A Conundrum for Which Cholera Offers a Paradigm (Invited)
- Long-term (10 year) trends in the chemistry of urban streams
- Long-term trends and interannual variability of fires in South America during 2001-2009
- Low-Temperature cooling history of a Modi Khola transect, central Nepalese Himalaya
- Magnetic susceptibility of the South African Agouron scientific drillcores quantifies iron and sulfur alteration relevant to geochemical oxygenation proxies
- Mapping Canopy Height and Biomass Dynamics in the Sierra Nevada using Waveform Lidar
- Modeling Generation of ULF Electromagnetic Waves by Modulated Heating of the Ionospheric F2 Region
- Modeling Joint Climate and Bioenergy Policies: Challenges of integrating economic and environmental data. (Invited)
- Monitoring Forest Carbon Dynamics for REDD: A Landsat-Lidar Fusion Approach
- Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends
- Multi-scale energy conversion during composite Madden-Julian Oscillation
- NASA's DESDynI in Alaska
- N_2 Density and Temperature in the Lower Thermosphere Measured by RAIDS
- New attempts to identify core-mantle interactions in plume-derived materials using ultra-high precision tungsten isotope measurements
- Particle acceleration during low-β, multi-island reconnection
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Electrons by Alfven Waves Generated with Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Preparing the EPIC Model for Evaluating Bioenergy Production Systems: A Test of the Denitrification Submodel using a Long-Term Dataset
- Producing Science-Ready radar datasets for the retrieval of forest 3D structure: Correcting for terrain topography and temporal changes
- Quantification of Uncertainty in AVHRR NDVI Data
- Quasi-100 ky glacial-interglacial cycles triggered by subglacial burial carbon release
- Radiative Energetics of Mineral Dust Aerosol over Zhangye China during the AMY 2008 Field Campaign
- Realizing the potential of the GRACE Data Assimilation System (Invited)
- Regional Earth System Prediction for Policy Decision-Making
- Relationship between ULVZ topography and mantle convection
- Riverine Landscapes: Exploring Connectivity, Extinction Risk, and Biogeography in an Alternative Geometry (Invited)
- Rosetta-Alice Observations of Exospheric Hydrogen and Oxygen on Mars
- Scale effects on information content and complexity of streamflows
- Sensitivity of LIDAR Canopy Height Estimate to Geolocation Error
- Snow and sea ice thickness measurements from Operation IceBridge: bridging the past, present, and future
- Software Release and Distribution of the NASA Land Information System: Legacy and Lessons Learned
- Soil Moisture Data Assimilation in Soil Water Flow Modeling
- Soil Moisture Differences Cause Variation in the Relationship Between L Band SAR Backscatter and Aboveground Biomass
- Streaming Limit: New Observations and Model Results
- Super-Alfvénic propagation of reconnection energy flux: Kinetic PIC simulations compared to Satellite Observations
- Suppression of energetic electron transport by double layers in flares
- Temporal climate inhomogeneity in reanalyses and an ongoing effort on homogenization of MERRA reanalysis
- Terrestrial ecosystem dynamics over complex terrain: challenges for measurements and models (Invited)
- Testing Coronal and Solar Wind MHD Models with UV Spectroscopic and Visible Light Coronagraph Data
- The AVHRR component of a long-term global active fire data record
- The Cassini Enceladus encounters in the view of energetic particle measurements
- The Delivery of Water to the Lunar Mantle by Late Planetesimal Accretion (Invited)
- The Influence of Dihedral Angle and Deformation on Contiguity of Partially Molten Rocks
- The Magnetosphere as a Multiscale Complex Network
- The Swirls at SPA
- Three-Dimensional Vegetation Structure from Lidar Remote Sensing: An Overview (Invited)
- Total lightning flash characteristics observed from TRMM Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) and their relationship with regional convection and precipitation type
- Toward global baselines and monitoring of forest cover for REDD: the Global Forest Cover Change project
- Ultraviolet Exploration of 21 Lutetia by the Alice UV Spectrometer Aboard Rosetta
- Uncertainties of global moderate resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) products derived from remote sensing data
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Using Data on Vegetation Structure to Initialize and Test Ecosystem Models (Invited)
- Water Quality Loading: Trends in the Northeastern Corridor of US During the 20th Century
- 4 Vesta in Color: Lithologic heterogeneity from Dawn Framing Camera Images
- A 3-D modeling approach to melt migration and extraction pathways at the Siqueiros transform along the East Pacific Rise
- A Critical Look at Climate Models: External Aerosol Forcing and Internal Feedback
- A Study of the Stratospheric Aerosols on Jupiter Using Hubble Space Telescope Data
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- A spatially extensive, 25-year time series of urbanization impacts on stream chemistry and biological response
- Active surveillance of the aquatic environment for potential prediction, prevention and spread of water borne disease: the cholera paradigm
- Adding disturbance information from landsat and lidar to an advanced ecosystem model to investigate spatial and temporal disturbance and recovery dynamics on regional forest structure and carbon fluxes
- AeroStat: NASA Giovanni Tool for Statistical Intercomparison of Aerosols
- An Assessment of Fire Regime Changes in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region Using Simulated Historical Fire Maps and Remotely Sensed Current Fires
- Analysis of Tropical Forest Structure Dynamics Using Medium-footprint Lidar and Landsat Time Series Stacks
- Analysis of natural convection in saline aquifers with heterogeneous permeability
- Analyzing the carbon cycle with the local ensemble transform Kalman filter, online transport model and real observation data
- Anomalous Viscosity and the Breaking of Magnetic Field Lines in Reconnection
- Application of NASA Observational Data and Habitat Suitability Modeling to Wavyleaf Basketgrass (Oplismenus hirtellus)
- Application of NASA's modern era retrospective-analysis in Global Wetlands Mappings Derived from Coarse-Resolution Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing
- Approaches for Landscape-scale Forest Carbon Assessment
- Assessment of the Proximity of MODIS Active Fire Detections to Roads and Navigable Rivers in the Brazilian Tropical Moist Forest Biome
- Attempt to quantitize non-linear wave particle interactions using multi-pass test particle code
- Audit and Certification Process for Science Data Digital Repositories
- Behavior of lithium and magnesium isotopes during extreme weathering of the Columbia River Basalt
- Biomass Inventory Using Small Footprint Lidar: Preliminary Results in Two Maryland Counties
- Biomass burning observations for near-real-time applications: advances in satellite data processing
- Building-specific quantification of fossil fuel CO2 emissions in an urban domain: the case of Indianapolis, US
- CME Parameter Input to ENLIL: LASCO halo cone versus STEREO measurements
- CWRF Downscaling to Improve U.S. Intraseasonal-Interannual Climate Prediction
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Combining multiple remote sensors with reanalysis and a radiative transfer model to assess the microphysical impact of smoke on cirrus clouds
- Comparative Modeling of 2011 March 21 SEP Event at STEREO-A and Earth's L1
- Comparing the stress change characteristics and aftershock decay rate of the 2011 Mineral, VA, earthquake with similar earthquakes from a variety of tectonic settings
- Comparison of Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements from GOES-13, Aircraft, AERONET and the Surface During DISCOVER-AQ in July 2011
- Connecting Environmental Observations with Cholera Outbreaks in Bangladesh
- County-Scale Carbon Estimation in NASA's Carbon Monitoring System
- DRAGONs DISCOVER Air Quality over Baltimore
- Data Assimilation and Predictability Studies on Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) Using the WRF-LETKF System
- Deriving Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Sizes from TES
- Detecting forest canopy layering: applying lidar remote sensing to further understand the role of vertical structure in species habitat preference
- Determination of vegetation canopy structure and biomass using a fully polarimetric repeat-pass L-band radar
- Determining Optimal Lunar Polar Landing Sites Based on Illumination Simulations
- Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Does Vesta Have Moons? Dawn's Search for Satellites
- Dominant Aerosol Particle Type/Mixture Identification at Worldwide Locations Using the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET)
- Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method for studying thermal flow in cooling Magma Oceans
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Solubility on Density and Mineral Trapping in Saline Aquifers
- Effects of Future Warming and Fire Regime Change on Boreal Soil Organic Horizons and Permafrost Dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Effects of Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations on CWRF Regional Climate Simulation
- Effects of stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Efficiency of melt extraction from partially molten regions
- Electron Holes and Anomalous Heating in the Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection
- Empirical Records of Environmental Change across the Archean-Proterozoic Transition
- Estimation of Surface Carbon Fluxes with an Advanced Data Assimilation Methodology
- Estimation of tropospheric column BrO and free tropospheric BrO concentrations using satellite measurements of total column BrO and cloud pressure from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite
- Evaluating the influence of chemical weathering on the composition of the continental crust using lithium and its isotopes
- Evaluation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in GISS ModelE Using ASR Observations
- Evaluation of Convective Transport of Trace Gases During the TC4 Mission
- Evaluation of improved operational standard tropospheric NO2 retrievals from Ozone Monitoring Instrument using in situ and surface-based NO2 observations
- Evidence of Space Weathering Processes Across the Surface of Vesta
- Evolution of Permeability and Pore Structure of Porous Limestone at Elevated Temperature
- Expanding Underrepresented Minority Participation: America's Science and Technology Talent at the Crossroads
- Expanding carbon stock and flux modeling capabilities through the improvement of LiDAR-derived forest age estimates
- Feedbacks between climate, fire severity, and differential permafrost degradation in Alaskan black spruce forests - implications for carbon cycling
- Field deployment and initial results from micro-pulse lidar systems during NASA's DISCOVER AQ campaign
- Fine Scale Assessment of Forest Cover Change over South America using Landsat Data
- First Solar Images Using a Photon Sieve
- First global Landsat surface reflectance products validated using near simultaneous MODIS observations
- Free energy and entropy flows in magnetised plasma turbulence
- Functional connectivity as a possible indicator of desertification in degraded grasslands
- GLM Proxy Data Generation: Methods for Stroke/Pulse Level Inter-comparison of Ground-based Lightning Reference Networks
- Geochemical Reference Earth Model: thermal and geoneutrino fluxes
- Geomorphic and hydrologic controls on lagoon-inlet systems and procedures to predict responses to climate or land-use changes
- Global Climatology of Surface Precipitation: Role of TRMM and GPM
- Global monitoring of large reservoir storage from satellite remote sensing
- High Resolution Ecosystem Modeling as Part of a Robust Carbon Monitoring System
- High-Latitude Vegetation Trends in North America from Integration of MODIS, Landsat, and Dynamic Vegetation Models
- Highly Siderophile Elements in Terrestrial Planets: Evidence From Shergottite Meteorites
- Hollows on Mercury: Bright-haloed depressions imply recent endogenic activity
- Hot Flow Anomalies at Venus
- How Famine Started in Somalia: A Simple Model of Fresh Water Use
- Impact of lightning-NO emissions on the relationship between ENSO and tropospheric ozone
- Impacts of Global Climate Variations and Changes on U.S. Air Quality
- Impacts of a changing fire frequency on soil carbon stocks in interior Alaskan boreal forests
- Impacts of grazing, fire, and precipitation variability on woody plant cover expansion in semi-arid grasslands of southeastern Arizona
- Improved OMI BrO and OClO algorithms and BrO validation
- Improvements to AMS Pre-College Programs: Results of a Self-Study on DataStreme Atmosphere, Ocean and Earth's Climate System
- Improving global fire carbon emissions estimates by combining moderate resolution burned area and active fire observations
- Influence of prognostic land use on 21st century climate prediction
- Integration of ALOS/PALSAR backscatter with a LiDAR-derived canopy height map to quantify forest fragmentation
- Inter-comparison of Convective Cell-based Lightning Trends from Ground-based Networks: Applications toward GLM
- Interpreting Lidar Measurements to Better Estimate Surface PM2.5 in Study Regions of DISCOVER-AQ
- Land Cover Classification at Continental to Global Scales using Kernel Machines
- Land-Use in Climate Models: Lessons, Limitations, and Challenges for the Future
- MHD Simulation of the Excitation of Compressional Mode ULF Waves and the Implied Magnetospheric Relativistic Electron Acceleration
- MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Bias Adjustment Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- MODIS Near real-time (NRT) data for fire applications
- MODIS-Landsat data fusion for continental scale burned area mapping
- Macro vs. Micro: relating the Spectral Properties of Vesta and the HED Meteorite
- Mapping Land Cover and Land Use Changes in the Congo Basin Forests with Optical Satellite Remote Sensing: a Pilot Project Exploring Methodologies that Improve Spatial Resolution and Map Accuracy
- Mapping Land, Vegetation, and Ice with Wide-swath, Full-waveform Laser Altimetry from High-altitude UAV Aircraft
- Mapping and Characterizing Fire in the Arctic Tundra of North America
- Maximizing the science return from 3.3 g of martian meteorite: A consortium study of olivine-phyric shergottite NorthWest Africa 6234
- Measuring Mangrove Type, Structure And Carbon Storage With UAVSAR And ALOS/PALSAR Data
- Model of Blue Jet Formation Due to Dynamical Contraction
- Modeling Effects of Vegetation and Topography on Subcanopy Solar Irradiance using Waveform Lidar
- Modeling fire occurrence as a function of landscape
- Modeling the Impacts of Disturbances on Carbon Dynamics Over Large Regions
- Modeling the carbon cycle under altered ecosystem disturbance rates and the impacts on climate change mitigation strategies over the 21st century within an integrated assessment model
- Moving toward a Biomass Map of Boreal Eurasia based on ICESat GLAS, ASTER GDEM, and field measurements: Amount, Spatial distribution, and Statistical Uncertainties
- Multi-year black carbon emissions from cropland burning in the Russian Federation
- NLAS: Improving the Accessibility and Utility of Lidar Waveform Data in the Earth Sciences
- NSF CAREER: What did we learn and advance in our knowledge on shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- North America Terrestrial Carbon Sink Estimation using Top-down and Bottom-up Methods
- Observations of boreal forest fire seasonality and interannual variability from MODIS active fire registrations
- Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems of the Upper Amazon: Characterizing their Distribution and Inundation State Using Multiple Resolution Microwave Remote Sensing
- Patterns of Dissolved Organic Matter Characteristics in perennial and non-perennial streams of a Maryland Coastal Plain Watershed
- Photometric properties of Vesta from Dawn
- Probabilistic reconstructions of bivariate climate using a biologically-motivated model of tree-ring width
- Projecting future impacts of hurricanes on the carbon balance of eastern U.S. forests
- Quantification of Uncertainty in AVHRR NDVI Data
- Quantification of space/time explicit fossil fuel CO2 emissions in urban domes
- Quantifying the Impacts of Afforestation Induced Vegetation Changes on Surface Climate in Northern China
- Radar and Satellite Remote Sensing for Global and Regional Flood Prediction and Water Cycle Studies
- Reclassified Cropland Active Fire and Burned Area Detections by the MODIS 1 km Sensor in Canadian Provinces by land cover type, 2001 - 2010
- Reconnection in the Heliosheath: Effects of Plasma Beta on Particle Acceleration and the Shape of Magnetic Islands
- Regional-Scale Forcing and Feedbacks from Alternative Scenarios of Global-Scale Land Use Change
- Relationship between the interannual variability of satellite-observed fires and sea surface temperature anomalies
- Rich-and-Poor Model for Human and Nature Interaction
- River Basin Scale Water Balance Using GRACE
- Role of Lower-hybrid Waves to Radiation Belt Electrons
- Sea Ice Lead Distribution from High Resolution Airborne Imagery
- Seemingly Incongruous Voyager 1 & 2 Energetic Particle Observations in the Heliosheath Through 2011
- Sensitivity of Vegetation Structure and Dynamics to Climate Data
- Slip Instability and Rupture Propagation During Slow Slip Events
- Sources and Transformations of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Potomac River Estuary
- Spatial and temporal distribution of onroad CO2 emissions at the Urban spatial scale
- State of the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice covers from Operation IceBridge snow and ice thickness observations
- Status and Future of a Real-time Global Flood Detection and Forecasting System Using Satellite Rainfall Information
- Strategies for broadening participation in the Maryland Sea Grant REU program
- Suppression of energetic electron transport by double layers in flares
- Surface Topographic Changes in Southern Greenland, 2003-2011, Measured Using Space and Airborne Lidar Remote Sensing
- Systematic Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during November 2007 to February 2008
- Table Top Modeling of Red Sprites and Blue Jets
- The Application of a Vestoid-Derived Photometric Model to the Surface of (4) Vesta
- The CHUVA Lightning Mapping Campaign
- The Impact of Santa Ana Winds on Wildland Fire Regimes
- The Implications of Future Food Demand on Global Land Use, Land-Use Change Emissions, and Climate
- The Thermal Inertia of Vesta's Surface
- The Use of Data from Two Major Lunar Neutron Campaigns (Apollo 17 and Lunar Prospector) as a Benchmark for the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND, on board LRO spacecraft)
- The dynamics, structure and signatures of magnetic bubbles in the outer heliosphere
- The geochemistry of lithium-bearing geothermal water, Taupo Volcanic Zone, and shallow fluid processes in a very active silicic volcanic arc
- The heliospheric structure during the recent solar minimum: shocks in the lower corona and the magnetic field structure in the heliosheath
- The measurement of bromine monoxide from Fairbanks, AK and comparison with OMI/AURA
- The relationship between hurricane wind fields and the associated disturbance in US forest ecosystems
- The role of an elevated reservoir in a six-day pollution event over the eastern US
- The role of land cover in high latitude land surface temperature heterogeneity
- The role of land in climate policy - and the role of climate policy in the future of land resources over the coming decades
- Theoretical construction of anisotropy-beta relation using EMIC, mirror and fire-hose instabilities
- Time resolved global dust source function using satellite observations: Its development and application in a global aerosol model
- Toward the design of sustainable biofuel landscapes: A modeling approach
- Towards a Data-Driven Simulation of Wildfire Spread: a Data Assimilation Methodology for Parameter Calibration
- Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Spectral Variation of Geologic End-members on Mercury
- Uncertainty Analysis in Large Area Aboveground Biomass Mapping
- Uncertainty in historical pasture reconstructions and its impact in carbon-climate models
- Urban CO2 emissions metabolism: The Hestia Project
- Using High-Level Data Search Capability of the Heliophysics Virtual Wave Observatory (VWO)
- Very High Energy Solar Protons in the Sun's Atmosphere and at Earth: Gamma-Ray Flares and Ground-Level Events
- Vesta Phase Reddening from Dawn Observations
- Vesta surface mineralogy: Global and regional properties
- Voyager Observations of Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath
- Waveform LiDAR across forest biomass gradients
- What drives the Amazon green up phenomenon?
- A 14-Year TRMM Composite Climatology of Tropical Rainfall with Version 7 Data
- A New Ecological Model Oriented Forest Plantation Map of China
- A Robust Deconvolution Method based on Transdimensional Hierarchical Bayesian Inference
- A Simple Model for Human and Nature Interaction
- A Terrestrial Surface Climate Data Record for Global Change Studies
- A biomass representative land cover classification for the Democratic Republic of Congo derived from the Forets D'Afrique Central Evaluee par Teledetection (FACET) data set
- A decision-tree-based method for reconstructing disturbance history in the Russia boreal forests over 30 years
- A global assessment of forest fragmentation from a paired static and dynamic perspective: a case study in protected areas
- A new framework for modeling fires and their interaction with ecosystems, the carbon cycle, land-use and climate mitigation strategies
- A new method to extract forest height from repeat-pass polarimetric and interferometric radar data
- Addressing the pasture anomaly: how uncertainty in historical pasture data leads to divergence of atmospheric CO2 in Earth System Models
- Adiabatic Phase Mixing and Fast Electron Heating in Thin current Sheet
- Advancing Coupled Human-Earth System Models: The Integrated Ecosystem Demography Model (iED) Project
- Advancing coupled human-earth system models: The integrated Earth System Model Project
- Advancing methods for global crop area estimation
- An Empirical Model of Global Climate: Implications for Future Temperature
- An Empirical Model of Global Climate: Reduced Impact of Volcanoes upon Consideration of Ocean Circulation
- An Interpretation of Supra-Arcade Downflows as Reconnection Onset Bursts
- An overview of observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America
- Analyzing the long-term hydrological impacts of forest change
- Antarctic Microseism: Relationship with Sea Ice Extent and the Southern Annular Mode
- Application of Single Photon Lidar for Retrieval of Ecosystem Structure
- Applications of proxy system modeling in high resolution paleoclimatology
- Assessment of Recently Unchanged Forested Areas in the United States Using Landsat-WELD and LIDAR Data
- Assessment of polar orbiting and geostationary satellite active fire retrievals using a suite of ground, airborne and spaceborne reference data sets
- Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Constraints on Terrestrial Carbon Cycling in the C4MIP Models
- Big insights from tiny samples: evidence for widespread lithospheric replacement beneath the eastern North China Craton
- Calibration of space-bourne radar altimeters with tide gauge records and high resolution model runs
- Climate implications of including albedo effects in terrestrial carbon policy
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Co-benefits of Global Greenhouse Gas Mitigation for Future Air Quality and Human Health via Two Mechanisms
- Collection and analysis of inorganic and water soluble organic aerosols over Maryland and Virginia
- Comparing gyrokinetic particle simulation of the mirror instability with quasilinear theory and hybrid simulations
- Compressional Mode ULF Waves Excitation and Relativistic Electron Acceleration during a Geomagnetic Storm Event
- Congruence of 3-D Whole Mantle Models of Shear Velocity
- Constraining lateral temperature and attenuation variations in the lower mantle
- Controls on Carbon Consumed by Wildland Fires in the Boreal Forest Region of Alaska
- Coupling an agricultural ecosystem model with a global economic model for simulations of regional greenhouse gas mitigation from agricultural systems
- CrIS SDR Calibration and Validation Activities at NOAA-STAR and Contribution to the Provisional Maturity Product Level
- Crystallization of Magma Oceans
- DFL-MaP: A Global Real-time Hydrological Modeling System for Drought-Flood-Landslide Monitoring and Prediction
- DOC and FPOM Concentrations and Fluxes in Urban Streams
- Data Distribution and Documenting Uncertainty Information for the Earth System Data Record: The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Data Prospecting Framework - a new approach to explore "big data" in Earth Science
- Dawn Completes its Mapping of Vesta: An Introduction to Dawn's Findings
- Deflection of Mantle Flow Beneath Subducting Slabs and the Origin of Sub-slab Seismic Anisotropy
- Dependence of Energetic Ion and Electron Intensities on Proximity to the Magnetically Sectored Heliosheath: Voyager 1 and 2 Observations
- Deriving Leaf Area Index (LAI) from multiple lidar remote sensing systems
- Detection of melting atop the mantle transition zone
- Developing a System of National Climate Assessment Indicators to Track Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Preparedness
- Developing a Virtual Rock Deformation Laboratory
- Dryland degradation: Measurement and effects on ecosystems
- Dust dynamics in the Encke Gap: Hill's equations and ion interactions.
- Dynamics of ULVZ-mantle interaction using fast multipole boundary element method
- Effect of vegetation structure on subcanopy solar radiation: a comparative study
- Effects of Aqueous Mineral Carbonation on Deformation and Transport Properties in Dunite
- Effects of integrated stormwater management and stream engineering on nitrogen uptake and denitrification in streams
- Electrons in Regions Upstream and Downstream of ICME Driven IP Shocks
- Enhanced Langmuir Fluctuation by Strahl Electrons and Its Influence on the Formation of the Halo Component
- Environmental Monitoring of Endemic Cholera
- Estimating Biomass Burning Emissions for Carbon Cycle Science and Resource Monitoring & Management
- Estimating ICESat-1 Inter-Campaign Elevation Biases at 86S Using LVIS Lidar Data
- Estimating terrestrial aboveground biomass estimation using lidar remote sensing: a meta-analysis
- Estimating the spatial-temporal characteristic of the drought in Karamoja of Northeastern Uganda
- Evaluating Student Success and Progress in the Maryland Sea Grant REU Program
- Evaluating the Ability to Monitor Eastern U.S. Forest Regrowth with IKONOS Stereo Imagery and Landsat Disturbance History
- Evaluation of historical land cover, land use, and land-use change emissions in the GCAM integrated assessment model
- Four years of sea ice thickness and snow depth results from Operation IceBridge: results, accuracy assessments, and future directions
- From LACIE to GEOGLAM: Integrating Earth Observations into Operational Agricultural Monitoring Systems
- Further Studies of Forest Structure Parameter Retrievals Using the Echidna® Ground-Based Lidar
- Generation and Nonlinear Evolution of Ion Cyclotron and Mirror Mode Waves in the Corona
- Geochemistry of Snowball Earth glacial tillites from China and North America: implications for the bulk composition of the Neoproterozoic upper crust
- Global Estimates of PBL Depth from Space-Borne LIDAR
- Global O3-CO Correlations in the Global Modeling Initiative Chemical Transport Model During July - August: Sensitivity to Emissions and Input Meteorological Data
- Global Tropospheric OH
- Global ozone-CO correlations from OMI and AIRS as constraints on ozone sources and transport
- Guiding an image acquisition strategy: MODIS-derived growing season timing and cloud cover probability as inputs to a global agriculture monitoring (GEO-GLAM) system of systems
- Headwater management alters sources, flowpaths, and fluxes of water, carbon, and nitrogen in urban watersheds
- High-Altitude Laser Altimetry from the Global Hawk UAV for Regional Mapping of Surface Topography
- High-Resolution Spatially Gridded Biomass Burning Emissions Inventory In Asia
- High-resolution Global Crop Simulation Design and Implementation for Sustainability and Climate Change Analysis
- High-resolution modeling of the influences of absorbing aerosols on rainfall over northern India and the Himalaya foothills during boreal summer
- How has magmatism in the northwest United States affected the lithosphere? Insights from Sp Receiver Functions
- How important is individual tree information for biomass modeling and mapping?
- Hydration adjacent to a deeply subducting slab: the roles of nominally anhydrous minerals and migrating fluids
- Hydroclimatological Controls of Endemic and Non-endemic Cholera of the 20th Century
- Hydrological Controls on Water Chemistry that Supports Freshwater Mussel Populations
- Idealized Experiments for Data Assimilation of Vapor Isotopes with Isotopic AGCM and Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Impact of Very Short-lived Halogens on Stratospheric Ozone Abundance and UV radiation in a Geo-engineered Atmosphere
- Impact of land convection on the water vapor and temperature variability in the TTL with an emphasis over Bauru (Brazil)
- Improved Boundary Layer Heights from the Micropulse Lidar Network
- In Situ Airborne Measurement of Formaldehyde with a New Laser Induced Fluorescence Instrument
- Influence of human-climate system feedbacks on predicted 21st century land use/land cover trajectories, fossil fuel emissions, and climate change
- Interactions and Feedbacks Between Land Surface Processes and Water Cycle Dynamics in Africa
- Large scale landslide mud flow modeling, simulation, and comparison with observations
- Large-amplitude oblique whistler waves and relativistic electron acceleration
- Lightning-Rainfall-Cloud Relationships and Regime Variations
- Linking Lidar, SAR and ED: How lidar and SAR fusion can influence the predictions and modeling of future forest states
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Aleutian Arc Magmas
- Long-Range Correlations and Extreme Space Weather
- Long-Term Stability Assessment of Sonoran Desert for Vicarious Calibration of GOES-R
- Long-term effects of ocean warming on vibrios
- Long-term trends in land surface properties from Chinese Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products
- Longitudinal patterns in carbon and nutrient export from urban watersheds with contrasting headwater management
- Low Velocities in the Oceanic Upper Mantle and Their Relation to Plumes: New Insights From SEM-based Waveform Tomography
- Magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause
- Management and Climate Controls on Fire Trends in the Continental United States
- Mapping Palm Swamp Wetland Ecosystems in the Peruvian Amazon: a Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Approach
- Mapping Primary intact forest, primary degraded forest and the changes in Sumatra-Indonesia using Landsat time-series data sets from 1990 to 2010
- Mars Dust and LETKF Data Assimilation of TES Observations
- Marsh loss from 1984 - 2011 in the Breton Sound, Barataria and Terrebonne Basins, Louisiana, U.S.A.: Impacts of hurricanes and excess nutrients
- Maryland Delaware Climate Change Education Assessment and Research (MADE-CLEAR): Assessing the needs and engaging the community
- Melt Redistribution by Pulsed Compaction in the Ultra Low Velocity Zone
- Model of Blue Jet Formation Due to Dynamical Contraction
- Modeling Multi-Spacecraft Observation to Understand SEP Origin, Acceleration, and Transport and to Infer their Radial, Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations
- Modeling of 2008 Kasatochi volcanic sulfate direct radiative forcing: integrated use of OMI SO2 plume height data and comparison with MODIS and CALIOP observations
- Modeling of wave dynamics following modulated ionospheric heating
- Modeling risk of ignition as a function of landscape and human presence using satellite observations
- Modeling the effects of fire severity on soil organic horizons and forest composition in Interior Alaska
- Modeling the impact of bay breeze circulations on nitrogen deposition
- Monitoring Agricultural Production in Primary Export Countries within the framework of the GEOGLAM Initiative
- Monitoring Fires from Space and Getting Data in to the hands of Users: An Example from NASA's Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
- Monitoring Fires from Space: a case study in transitioning from research to applications
- Moving Toward Continuous Satellite Monitoring of PM2.5 Using the GOES Aerosol/Smoke Product (GASP) and Aircraft Profiles
- Multi-scale Measurements and Modeling of Greenhouse Gas and Pollutant Emissions from Coal Power Plants and Gas Mining at Four Corners
- New Transport Models of Infiltration-driven Mineral Reaction during Regional Metamorphism of Marls from Northern New England
- Nitrate removal in two relict oxbow urban wetlands: a 15N mass-balance approach
- Numerical modeling of CO2 sequestration inside a fracture in porous media based on space discretization by means of integral finite difference method
- OMPS SDR Status and Performance Evaluation
- Observational Evidence for the Impacts of Vegetation Cover Change on Summer Atmospheric Water Vapor over Northern China
- Obtaining Interpretable Receiver Functions to Study Lithospheric Structure in the Central US
- On the Possibility of a Thin, Molten Silicate Basal Magma Layer at the Base of Earth's Mantle
- Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Prediction over Snow-covered Land Using an Artificial Neural Network and a Land Surface Model
- Patterns of Forest Disturbance and Recovery Dynamics on Structure and Carbon Fluxes in New England Forests
- Permeability and three-dimensional melt distribution of partially molten mantle rocks
- Phenological and ecological consequences of changes in winter snowpack in the Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Phenology of species interactions in response to climate change: two case studies of plant-pollinator interactions using long-term data
- Polarization of Saturn's moon Iapetus
- Potential for Woody Bioenergy Crops Grown on Marginal Lands in the US Midwest to Reduce Carbon Emissions
- Predicting fire activity in the US over the next 50 years using new IPCC climate projections
- Properties of Slowly Moving Thermal Waves in Saturn from Cassini CIRS Observations from 2004 to 2009
- Prospects for projecting the impact of Earth system processes on Integrated Assessment
- Proton Heating by Cyclotron Waves in the Presence of a Finite Source and a Sink
- Quality assessment of MODIS-based atmospheric correction of conterminous United States Web Enabled Landsat ETM+ data
- Quantifying the importance of representing small lakes in coarse resolution processes
- Rapid Onboard Data Product Generation with Multicore Processors and FPGA
- Recent Observations of Anomalous Cosmic Rays as Voyager 1 Approaches the Heliopause
- Reconstructing a 40-year record of forest disturbance in Russia from contemporary satellite data
- Resolving Histories of Magmatic Volatiles in Fluids and Silicate Melts as a Function of Pressure, Temperature, and Melt Composition through Apatite Geochemistry
- Retrieval, Evaluation, and Interpretation of OMI Observations of Tropospheric NO2 Columns
- Rheological implications of the seismological lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary
- Scenario Planning for Coastal Adaptation
- Sea surface temperatures and terrestrial water storage provide early warning information about fire season severity in the Amazon
- Seasonal Variability in Boreal Wildfire Activity Associated with Landscape Patterns of Burned Area
- Significant Variations in the Strength of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Across the California Plate Boundary
- Simulation study on the nonlinear EMIC waves
- Simultaneous assimilation of AIRS and GOSAT CO2 observations with Ensemble Kalman filter
- Simultaneous data assimilation of CO2 and meteorological variables within LETKF coupled with NCAR CAM model
- Snow Conditions Near Barrow in Spring 2012
- Snow cover detection and snow depth algorithms for the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument
- Solar wind strahl broadening by self-generated Langmuir waves
- Status Report on Evaluation of OMPS SDR
- Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Quantity and Quality Along a Wetland-Cropland Catchment Gradient
- Summary of ICESat-1 inter-campaign elevation biases and detection methods
- Suomi NPP VIIRS active fire product status
- Tectonic and source controls on granite melt chemistry
- Testing the Value of Information of Climate Change Indicators that use Earth Observations
- The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Field Campaign
- The Composition of the Dwarf Planet Ceres
- The Dependencies of Ecosystem Pattern, Structure, and Dynamics on Climate, Climate Variability, and Climate Change
- The Frequency and Fate of Understory Forest Fires in Amazonia
- The Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED4) Burned Area Data Set
- The Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition: An Alternative View on "Permanent El Niño"
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The impacts of altered tropical cyclone activity on climate mitigation strategies
- The relative impact of climate change mitigation policies and socioeconomic drivers on water scarcity - An integrated assessment modeling approach
- The role of fire in the pan-tropical carbon budget
- The structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection of FInite Extent
- Time Series of High Resolution Satellite Data as a Means to Produce and Validate Biogeophysical Parameters
- Towards Data-Driven Simulations of Wildfire Spread using Ensemble-based Data Assimilation
- Tracer and Chemistry Modeling of Thunderstorms for the DC3 Field Experiment
- Tracking three-decade land surface albedo change in Greenland using satellite data
- Use of Real-time Satellite Rainfall Information in a Global Flood Estimation System
- Using TRMM-derived rainfall estimates to characterize hydrological processes within the data-scarce environment of the Congo Basin
- Using Voxelized Point-Cloud Forest Reconstructions from Ground-Based Full-Waveform Lidar to Retrieve Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles
- Validating Remotely Sensed Land Surface Evapotranspiration Based on Multi-scale Field Measurements
- Validation and Temporal Analysis of Lai and Fapar Products Derived from Medium Resolution Sensor
- Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Particle Sizes using MGS/TES and MRO/MCS
- Viscous fingering in the Earth's mantle beneath western North American and the Pacific plate
- Water Ice Permafrost at Lunar Poles: Observational Evidence from Lend Instrument Onboard Lro
- What can ice core data tell us about global-scale biomass burning rates?
- What's happening inside the subduction factory?
- Why is Remote Sensing of Amazon Forest Greenness so Challenging?
- Will Global Warming modify the Madden-Julian Oscillation activity: A CCSM4 study ?
- 10 Years of NH3 Variability over the US Measured by AIRS
- A Demonstration of Big Data Technology for Data Intensive Earth Science (Invited)
- A Diagnostic Decision Support System for BMP Selection in Small Urban Watersheds
- A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies: Applications to Annually-Banded Coral Archives
- A Rugged, Wireless, Throwable Raspberry Pi (Invited)
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- A merged surface reflectance product from the Landsat and Sentinel-2 Missions
- A spatially extensive, 25-year time series of urbanization impacts on stream chemistry and biological response
- Advancing Indonesian forest resource monitoring using multi-source remotely sensed imagery
- An Error Model for High-Time Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products
- An Improved Global Flood Forecasting System Using Satellite Rainfall Information and a Hydrological Model (Invited)
- An Overview of Lightning NOx Production Research Associated with the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment (Invited)
- An integrated assessment of energy-water nexus at the state level in the United States: Projections and analyses under different scenarios through 2095
- Analogies Between the East African Rift Around the Tanzania Craton and the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Analysis of water soluble organic aerosols over the mid-Atlantic region of the United States: A method for chemical characterization using IC/MS/MS
- Anticipating U.S. severe droughts - A NASA NEWS initiative on extremes
- Arctic Ice and Cloud Feedbacks in CMIP5 Models
- Arctic sea ice freeboard from NASA's Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) and Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS)
- Assessing air quality and climate impacts of future ground freight choice in United States
- Assessment of Urbanization Impact on the Continental U.S. Surgace Climate
- Bacterial Community Structure after a 17-year Reciprocal Soil Transplant Simulating Climate Change with Elevation
- CAMx and CMAQ Model Intercomparison for July 2011 in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Region
- Calibration/Validation of S-NPP/VIIRS Day-Night Band using Moon Light
- Carbon Consequences of Land Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) over the Past Three Decades
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Charactering the Surface Radiation Budget over the Tibetan Plateau Using Ground Observations, Reanalysis, and Satellite Datasets
- Characterizing land surface energy budget from hyperspectral remote sensing data
- Characterizing uncertainties of the national-scale forest gross aboveground biomass (AGB) loss estimate: a case study of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Chemical consequences of compaction within the freezing front of a crystallizing magma ocean
- China Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation by Fusion of Inventory and Remote Sensing Data: 1st results from Heilongjiang Province and Yunnan Province
- Cloud climatology and challenges for optical remote sensing over High Northern Latitudes of the globe (Invited)
- Combined evidence for four- and three-wave interactions in solar type III radio bursts
- Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON): Observations of the Dust Grains from SOFIA and of the Atomic Gas from NSO Dunn and McMath-Pierce Solar Telescopes (Invited)
- Comparing Land Surface and Air Temperature Urban Heat Islands Over the Contiguous USA
- Comparison between DMSP-OLS and S-NPP Day-Night Band in Correlating with Regional Socio-economic Variables
- Comparison of Observed and Simulated Boundary Layer Height Estimates during Discover-Aq July 2011
- Compositional variations in the slow solar wind as seen by SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Consistency of land surface reflectance data: presentation of a new tool and case study with Formosat-2, SPOT-4 and Landsat-5/7/8 data
- Constraining Cometary Crystal Shapes from IR Spectral Features
- Constraining Lithospheric Structure across the California Borderland using Receiver Functions
- Constraining deformation at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the San Andreas fault with Sp phases
- Cropland management dynamics as a driver of forest cover change in European Russia (Invited)
- Daily albedo estimation and comparison to MCD43 product
- Decomposing Uncertainty in Climate, Socioeconomics and Technological Change for a Decision to Impose Aggressive Building Energy Standards across the United States
- Deflection of Mantle Flow Around Subducting Slabs: The Effect of the Viscous Lower Mantle on Subslab Seismic Anisotropy
- Demonstration of centimeter-level precision, swath mapping, full-waveform laser altimetry from high altitude on the Global Hawk UAV for future application to cryospheric remote sensing
- Determining the extent and dynamics of surface water for the ABoVE field campaign
- Developing Earth Observations Requirements for Global Agricultural Monitoring
- Developing a National Climate Indicators System to Track Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Preparedness
- Developing and implementing a data acquisition strategy for global agricultural monitoring: an inter-agency initiative
- Developing regional vegetation height products from ICESat/GLAS datasets
- Diurnal Effects on Lunar Slope Hydration derived from the Lunar Orbiting Neutron Spectrometers and Lunar Orbiting Laster Altimeter Topography
- Early mantle composition and evolution inferred from 142Nd and 182W variation in Isua samples
- Effect of anthropogenic land-use and land cover changes on climate and land carbon storage in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century (Invited)
- Efficient flowline simulations of ice-shelf/ocean interactions: Sensitivity studies with a fully coupled model (Invited)
- Estimating Agricultural Land Use Change in Karamoja, NE. Uganda Using Very High Resolution Satellite Data
- Estimating Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature over Snow-covered Land in North America Using a Land Surface Model and a Support Vector Machine
- Estimating Surface Energy Fluxes via Assimilation of Land Surface Temperature from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites
- Estimating soybean cultivated area using multi-source remotely sensed data (Invited)
- Estimation of Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation from Multiple Satellite Data
- Evaluating the Importance of Local Environment on Tree Structural Allometries
- Evaluation of ICESat-1 Inter-Campaign Elevation Biases From the Comparison of Airborne and Space-based Lidar Data in Antarctica
- Evaluation of the Importance of Wet Scavenging for the may 29, 2012 DC3 Severe Storm Case Using Results from Wrf-Chem Simulations
- Evaluation of the NASA Microwave Radiative Transfer Model for Soil Moisture Estimation using Aquarius Brightness Temperature Observations
- Evidence for large sulfur isotope fractionation in carbonate hosted Neoarchean pyrites
- Evidence for melt partitioning between olivine and orthopyroxene in partially molten harzburgite
- Explaining Wetland Inundation Dynamics by Catchment Hydrology
- Fire dynamic and forest cover loss in Russia, 2000-2012 (Invited)
- Fire severity estimated from remote sensing data to evaluate the Coupled Atmosphere-Wildland Fire-Environment (CAWFE) model
- Fluids escape in subduction zones: new constraints from 3-D microtomography data
- Formaldehyde Photochemistry in the Upper Troposphere in and Near Convective Storms During the DC3 Study
- From Big Data to Small Transportable Products for Decision Support for Floods in Namibia
- Gaps in Data and Modeling Tools for Understanding Fire and Fire Effects in Tundra Ecosystems
- Generating a Crop Rotation Dataset for the U.S and its Application in Inferring Land Use Change Induced Wetland Losses in the Prairie Pothole Region
- Generation of whistler waves by continuous HF heating of the upper ionosphere
- Geometric Aspects of Artificial Ionospheric Layers Driven by High-Power HF-Heating
- Global Albedo and Radiative Cooling from Anthropogenic Land-cover Change, 1700 to 2005
- Global Forest Cover Change Assessment from 1990s to 2000s at 30m
- Global O3-CO Correlations in a Global Model During July-August: Evaluation with TES Satellite Observations and Sensitivity to Emissions
- Global Precipitation: Means, Variations and Trends During the Satellite Era (Invited)
- Global Web-Enabled Landsat Data (Invited)
- Global, long-term Earth Science Data Records of forest cover, change, and fragmentation from Landsat: the Global Forest Cover Change Project
- Gold distribution in Archean continental crust: Evaluating the effects of intracrustal differentiation in the Tanzanian Craton
- Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss and Outlet Glacier Dynamics from Laser Altimetry Record (1993-2013) (Invited)
- High rates of soil respiration suggest large fluxes of labile C in a turfgrass system
- How to make a craton
- How well does WWLLN reproduce the satellite-observed distribution of flashes during the 2007-2012 time period?
- Ice sheet (de)stabilization via grounding zone processes (Invited)
- Illumina sequencing of fungi associated with manganese oxide deposits in cave systems
- Impact of Blowing Snow on the Outgoing Longwave Radiation over Antarctica as Observed by CALIOP, CERES and MODIS
- Impact of Land Model Data Assimilation and Calibration on Coupled Land-Atmosphere Prediction
- Impact of historical air pollution emissions reductions on nitrogen deposition
- Impacts of Fire-Free Interval on Soil Carbon Consumption, Fire Distribution, and Carbon Cycling in the Alaska Boreal Forest Region
- Implementing a combined polar-geostationary algorithm for smoke emissions estimation in near real time
- Improvements to the MODIS Land Products in Collection Version 6
- Improving Climate Literacy for Students and Faculty in Higher Education in Maryland and Delaware
- In Search of Earth's Building Blocks: The Game Is Afoot
- In-situ X-ray Synchrotron Microtomography: Real Time Pore Structure Evolution during Olivine Carbonation
- Infrared Heterodyne Earth Atmospheric Remote Spectrometer (IHEARS)
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Inter-Sensor Comparison of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Products to Improve Precipitation Retrievals
- Interaction of the planetary boundary layer depth with aerosol and boundary-layer clouds
- Intercomparison of modeled and observed marine surface climate variation over the pre-anthropogenic last millennium: First-order results from the PAGES/Ocean2k project
- International Global Crop Condition Assessments in the framework of GEOGLAM
- Investigate the Capabilities of Remotely Sensed Crop Indicators for Agricultural Drought Monitoring in Kansas
- Land Cover Data for Global-Scale Applications
- Land Long Term Climate Data Records from AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS
- Land and Cryosphere Products from Suomi NPP VIIRS: Overview and Status
- Li isotopes reflect chemical weathering intensity in streams and ground waters draining basalts
- Linear and nonlinear dynamics of liquid planetary cores
- Local Time Asymmetries in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Low velocities in the oceanic upper mantle and their relation to plumes: insights from SEM-based waveform tomography
- MODIS-Landsat data fusion for automated continental 30 m burned area mapping
- Magnetic Fields of Rapidly Rotating Liquid Metal Turbulence at High Magnetic Reynolds Number (Invited)
- Magnetic Reconnection in Asymmetric Configurations (Invited)
- Magnetic Reconnection with Anisotropic Pressure
- Mapping Impervious Surfaces Globally at 30m Resolution Using Landsat Global Land Survey Data
- Mapping and monitoring cropland burning in European Russia: a multi-sensor approach
- Mapping forest plantations in Mainland China: combining remotely sensed land cover and census land use data in a land transition model
- Mapping of forest disturbance magnitudes across the US National Forest System
- Mapping stand-age distribution of Russian forests from satellite data
- Mechanisms for Particle Acceleration in Impulsive Flares
- Model of Blue Jet Formation and Propagation in the Nonuniform Atmosphere
- Modeling Diurnal and Seasonal 3D Light Profiles in Amazon Forests
- Modeling interactions between land cover and climate in integrated assessment models (Invited)
- Monitoring Lake and Reservoir Level: Satellite Observations, Modeling and Prediction
- Multiproxy reconstructions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: progress and challenges (Invited)
- NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: A large-scale study of environmental change in Western North America and its implications for ecological systems and society
- Observational Evidences for the Impacts of Vegetation Greenness Change on Climate over Northern China
- Observations Of Multiple Boundary Crossings From Five Closely Spaced Themis Probes Crossing Earth's Magnetopause
- On the Rotation of the Magnetic Field Across the Heliopause at Voyager 1
- One carbon cycle: Impacts of model integration, ecosystem process detail, model resolution, and initialization data, on projections of future climate mitigation strategies
- One-way coupling of an integrated assessment model and a water resources model: evaluation and implications of future changes over the U.S. Midwest
- Onset of nonlinear convection during CO2 sequestration
- Optimizing burn severity assessments in Alaskan tussock tundra from optical imagery
- Oxygen Compounds in Saturn's Stratosphere During the 2010 Northern Storm
- Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Instrument Performance Evaluation
- Performance of Vegetation Indices for Wheat Yield Forecasting for Punjab, Pakistan
- Permeability Evolution and the Mechanisms of Porosity Change (Invited)
- Petrogenesis of Cretaceous mafic intrusive rocks in the Fosdick Mountains, Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: melting of metasomatized sub-continental arc mantle along the active plate margin of Gondwana
- Planet Within a Planet: Implications of Principal Component Analysis of Global Tomographic Models
- Poleward expansion of mangroves is a threshold response to decreased frequency of extreme cold events
- Precambrian geodynamics: models vs. concepts and constrains (Invited)
- Precision and accuracy assessment of soybean cultivated area classification for United States area estimates
- Predicting Post-disturbance Changes in Forest Recovery Rates Using Statistical Models
- Preliminary snow products from the Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM) AMSR2 instrument
- Priorities for Venus Exploration
- Projecting climate-driven increases in North American fire activity
- Properties of Mirror Mode Waves and Ion Cyclotron Waves Observed by Stereo
- Protecting Future Biodiversity via Re-allocation of Future Land-use Change Patterns
- Quantification of annual carbon emissions from deforestation in South America
- Reactive Transport Modeling of Injected CO2 in Heterogeneous Porous Media by Means of Numerical Method
- Refining the interpretation of hydroclimate proxies via the integration of a new, efficient isotope-enabled AGM and proxy system modeling: a comparative study
- Regional climate variability and patterns of urban development - Impacts on the urban water cycle and nutrient export (Invited)
- Relating out-of and in-ecliptic solar wind composition with Ulysses/SWICS and SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF
- Retrieving Leaf Area Index and Foliage Profiles Through Voxelized 3-D Forest Reconstruction Using Terrestrial Full-Waveform and Dual-Wavelength Echidna Lidars
- Role of macro-scale instability of ion shell distribution in shaping the solar wind turbulence spectra
- Rotation induced drift waves in planetary magnetospheres with nonthermal distributions of electrons
- Scale and Seasonal Controls on Nitrate and Sediment Retention in Freshwater Tidal Wetlands
- Scaling of Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection
- Sedimentary input into the source of Martinique lavas: a Li perspective
- Seismometers on Europa: Insights from Modeling and Antarctic Ice Shelf Analogs (Invited)
- Sensitivity analysis of artificial neural network (ANN) brightness temperature predictions over snow-covered regions in North America using the Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer (AMSR-E) from 2002 to 2011
- Separating Leaves from Trunks and Branches with Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Lidar Scanning: Improving Canopy Structure Characterization in 3-D Space
- Simulating Aerosol-cloud-radiation Feedbacks Over East Asia Using WRF-Chem
- Simulating Freshwater Availability under Future Climate Conditions
- Small amount of CO2-H2O rich melts in the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (Invited)
- Solar Energetic Particles and Their Near-Earth Effects in Cycle 24 So Far (Invited)
- Solar Energetic Protons at >500 MeV in the Sun's Atmosphere and in Interplanetary Space: The 2012 May 17 Ground Level Event
- Spatial Patterns of Forest Cover Loss in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Spatial Scaling of Floods in Atlantic Coastal Watersheds
- Spatial and temporal patterns of forest disturbance in geographically distinct regions: rates, intensity, and size distribution
- Supplementing Global Narratives with National to Regional Scale Scenarios for Decision Support (Invited)
- TRMM-derived rainfall estimates used to characterize hydrological processes within the data-scarce environment of the Congo Basin
- Taking stock of circumboreal forest carbon by combining inventory plot measurements with airborne and spaceborne LiDAR
- Terrestrial ecosystems response to climate and climate change: plant migration and the future of forested systems
- The Development of Drift Wave Turbulence in Magnetic Reconnection
- The Effect of CO2-Saturated Brines on the Hydraulic and Mechanical Behavior of Dunite
- The Impact of Amazonia Droughts on Carbon Dynamics as Simulated by an Ensemble of Community Earth System Models
- The Inorganic Cycle in A Smiple Ocean Box Model
- The Structure of Reconnection Exhausts and Dipolarization Fronts in the Magnetotail
- The performance of a coupled SVAT and DGVM model over six decades in West Africa
- The uncertainty of modelled ICESat-2 returns across a sparse boreal forest structure gradient
- Three Surface Melt Mechanisms in West Antarctica Elucidated by Self-Organizing Maps
- Tundra Fire Effects Mapping from Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Data
- US Forest Disturbance Rates Observed from Landsat
- Uncertainty estimation for intercomparison of paleoclimatic observations and simulations (Invited)
- Understanding impacts of climatic extremes on diarrheal disease epidemics: Insights from mechanistic disease propagation models
- Urban Cholera and Water Sustainability Challenges under Climatic and Anthropogenic Change
- Use of spatially refined satellite remote sensing fire detection data to initialize and evaluate coupled weather-wildfire growth model simulations
- Using a detailed uncertainty analysis to adjust mapped rates of forest disturbance derived from Landsat time series data (Invited)
- Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States
- Vegetation Fires in the Coupled Human-Earth System Under Future Environmental and Policy Perspectives
- Von Karman similarity decay of energy and the heating of protons and electrons in a kinetic plasma
- Vulnerability of North American Boreal Peatlands to Interactions between Climate, Hydrology, and Wildland Fires
- WIFIRE: A Scalable Data-Driven Monitoring, Dynamic Prediction and Resilience Cyberinfrastructure for Wildfires
- Will A Warmer West Antarctic Also Bring A Wetter Ice Sheet?
- 20,000 Photons Under the Snow: Subsurface Scattering of Visible Laser Light and the Implications for Laser Altimeters
- 4D Hybrid Ensemble-Variational Data Assimilation for the NCEP GFS: Outer Loops and Variable Transforms
- A Compact Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer for the Exocube Mission
- A Geographic Perspective on Factors Controlling Post-Fire Succession in Boreal Black Spruce Forests in Western North America
- A Global Error Model for Satellite Precipitation Products
- A High-Resolution Two-Stage Satellite Model to Estimate PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations in China
- A Hybrid Global Ocean Data Assimilation System at NCEP and UMD
- A Local Approach to Hybrid Data Assimilation
- A Model for Estimation of Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation from Multiple Satellite Data
- A New Cloud and Aerosol Layer Detection Method Based on Micropulse Lidar Measurements
- A Preliminary Assessment of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) Measurements Using TCCON Data
- A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies
- A Proxy System Modeling Toolbox for Comparing Water Isotope Observations to Simulations
- A Quarter-Century U.S. Forest Disturbance History Mapped from Landsat
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- A Statistical Study of FTE Orientations
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Emissivity Earth System Data Record
- A Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST&E) Earth System Data Record (ESDR) for Earth Science Research
- A diurnal study of lunar topography to determine regolith temperature contributions to the inference of hydrogen volatiles using epithermal neutrons from the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND).
- A global, 30-m resolution land-surface water body dataset for 2000
- A high-resolution Sulphur Isotope Record of Neoarchean Atmospheric Chemistry: Deciphering the Driver of Atmospheric Bi-stability in the Prelude to the GOE.
- Abundances of C<SUB>3</SUB>H<SUB>x</SUB> Hydrocarbons in Titan's Stratosphere from Cassini CIRS
- Advancing Methods for Estimating Cropland Area
- Advancing Our Understanding of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land Use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Aerosol Microphysical and Macrophysical Effects on Deep Convective Clouds
- Aerosol hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity under clean conditions and polluted events during the Aerosol-CCN-Cloud Closure Experiment (AC<SUP>3</SUP>Exp) campaign
- Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes Provide Novel Constraints on Sources and Sinks of Reactive Gases in the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Airborne In-Situ Trace Gas Measurements of Multiple Wildfires in California (2013-2014)
- Airborne Observations of BrO and HOBr by Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) during CONTRAST (CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics)
- Allometric Scaling Across Environmental Gradients
- An Analysis of Deep Convective Transport in May 21, 2012 DC3 Alabama Thunderstorms Using Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- An Overview of Ozone and Precursor Temporal and Spatial Variability in DISCOVER-AQ Study Regions
- Analyses of fire growth and behavior using new VIIRS 375 m active fire data and a coupled weather-fire model (CAWFE)
- Analyzing the Effects of Dust on Atmospheric Composition over Northwestern China in Spring 2008 Using WRF-Chem
- Assessing performance of gravity models in the Arctic and the implications for polar oceanography
- Assessing the Remotely Sensed Drought Severity Index for Agricultural Drought Monitoring in North China
- Assessing the cumulative effect of the weather variability on wetlands and the hydrological connection between wetlands and downstream waters
- Assessing the effectiveness of winter cover crop on nitrate reduction in two-paired sub-basins on the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Assessment of Fire Occurrence and Future Fire Potential in Arctic Alaska
- Assessment of NASA GISS Post-CMIP5 Single Column Model Simulated Cloud Fraction, Liquid Water Path, and Precipitation Using Ground-based and Satellite Observations
- Asymmetric Mid-Ocean ridges: Interplay Between Plate and Mantle Processes and Consequences for Melting
- Asymptotic Theory of Solar Wind Electron Halo Distribution
- Atmospheric Blocking and Sub-Arctic Climate: Insights from CMIP5
- Atmospheric and forest decoupling from AMSR-E passive microwave brightness temperature observations in snow-covered regions over North America
- Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption: Gridded, annual estimates of net ecosystem carbon exchange
- BrO in the Tropical and Subtropical UTLS: Longitudinal Gradients over the Pacific Ocean
- Can Surface Energy Budgets be Balanced on Continental Scales Using Observational Datasets?
- Can Suspended Iron-Alloy Droplets Explain the Origin, Composition and Properties of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces?
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Carbon Dioxide as an Indicator of Biogenic Activity and Biomass Burning Emissions in the Southeast United States
- Changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Pollution over the Past Decade Observed by Aura OMI
- Characterization of Siberia Larch Forest from Palsar L-Band Radar and Landsat Vcf Data Trained by High-Resolution Stereo and Field Data
- Characterization of the Difference between Aerosol Retrievals from Multi-Sensors and AERONET
- Characterizing continuous urban growth using composited time-series Landsat data
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Cloud Feedbacks and Glacial-Interglacial Climate Variations
- Co-evolving Hydroclimatic Signatures and Diarrheal Disease Dynamics in Bangladesh: Implications for Water Management and Public Health
- Combining FLUXNET data with atmospheric CO2 observations in a global data assimilation framework to study variability of carbon sources and sinks
- Combining MODIS and Landsat to Study the Impact of Urban Lands on Surface Climate in the U.S
- Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - First Science Results by Rosetta/OSIRIS
- Community Radiative Transfer Model for Inter-Satellites Calibration and Verification
- Comparison of the Martian Polar Vortices in Data Assimilation Reanalyses and General Circulation Models
- Consequences and Resolution of Lunar Lower Mantle Partial Melt
- Constraints on the Thermal and Compositional Nature of the Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary from Seismic Anisotropy
- Continued increase in atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude in the 21st century projected by the CMIP5 Earth system models
- Coronal Electron Acceleration by Double Layer Confinement
- CryoVEx2014: Observations of Arctic Snow and Sea Ice Properties for Validation of Cryosat and Icebridge Retrievals
- Data Management Solutions for Tracking Restoration Progress in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Decadal Variability of Ammonia Observed by AIRS over CONUS
- Decoding polyphase migmatites using monazite petrochronology
- Deformation and Metasomatic Evolution at the Subduction Plate Interface As Viewed from Study of HP/UHP Metamorphic Rocks
- Derive Icebridge Sea-Ice Freeboard and Thickness Data through Full Waveform Analysis
- Determination of Water Soluble Organic Carbon Collected ~1 km above the Earth's Surface during a Mid-Atlantic Air Quality Episode and Comparison to Aerosol Optical Properties
- Determination of stratospheric and anthropogenic contributions to enhanced mid-tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> in the tropical western Pacific
- Developing Climate Literate, Pre-service, Middle- and High-school Teachers
- Developing a Pilot Indicator System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- Dextral strike-slip tectonism and arc processes in the Sierra Nevada and Idaho batholiths
- Diagnosing Factors Influencing Amoc Decline in Climate Models
- Directivity Patterns of Complex Solar Type III Radio Bursts: Stereoscopic Observations
- Discovery of Suprathermal Fe+ in the Magnetospheres of Earth and Saturn
- Dispersion Simulations Using Inline WRF-HYSPLIT for Atmospheric Studies in Complex Terrain (ASCOT) Experiment
- Distributions and Correlations of Organic Trace Gases in the Western Pacific Atmosphere
- Disturbance Distance: Using a process based ecosystem model to estimate and map potential thresholds in disturbance rates that would give rise to fundamentally altered ecosystems
- Do BRDF effects dominate seasonal changes in tower-based remote sensing imagery?
- Dynamics of global vegetation biomass simulated by the integrated Earth System Model
- Early Differentiation Processes Recorded By 142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean Rocks from Isua
- Earth Observations Requirements for Global Agricultural Monitoring: Evaluating the Revisit Capabilities of Current & Planned Moderate Resolution Optical & Thermal Infrared Earth Observing Missions
- EcoSAR: NASA's P-band fully polarimetric single pass interferometric airborne radar
- Ecological Decision Scaling: A Framework For Incorporating Ecological Principles in Water Management Decision Making
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage: Practical constraints and real-world possibilities
- Effects of Climate Change on Stormwater Capture Depths in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region
- Effects of topography on upper mantle discontinuities for array detections of PP precursors
- Efficient Assimilation of Precipitation: Results with TRMM/TMPA and Plans for GPM
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Electrical Conductivity of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2 </SUB>rich-Melt at mantle conditions: interpretation of the LAB using petrology-based 1D conductivity profiles.
- Electrical conductivity and permeability of partially molten mantle rocks: results from digital rock physics experiments
- Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection: The Interplay of Parallel Electric Fields and Fermi-Bounce Acceleration
- Electron Heating and Acceleration in 2D Collisionless Reconnection
- Emissions from Natural Gas Operations in the Marcellus Scale Formation: In Situ and and Remote Sensing
- Empirical Determination of the Human Influence on Climate Change
- Enceladus Environmental Explorer (EVE): A Mission Concept
- Energetic Particle Observations from Cassini Deep Tail Passes in 2013-2014
- Energetic electron interaction with broadband ULF waves
- Ensemble Integration of Forest Disturbance Maps for the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Environmental Selenium Transformations: Distinguishing Abiotic and Biotic Factors Influencing Se Redox Transformations
- Estimating Background and Lunar Contribution to Neutrons Detected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) Instrument
- Estimating Canopy Height of a Temperate Forest from TanDEM-X and LVIS Data
- Eu Anomalies Constrain Recycling of Lower Continental Crust
- Evaluating changes in water quality with respect to nonpoint source nutrient management strategies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
- Evaluating the Amazon water cycle components using ED model against GRACE
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: Past, Current Status and Future Directions.
- Evaluating the Influence of Surface and Precipitation Characteristics on TMI and GMI Precipitation Retrievals.
- Evaluating the Isoprene Oxidation Mechanism Using Aircraft Observations from SENEX 2013
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Evolving Capabilities and Expectations for the GPCP Precipitation Products
- Evolving Human Alteration of the Carbon Cycle: the Watershed Continuum
- Examining the Oxidative Capacity of the Troposphere in the Remote Tropical Western Pacific Using Measurements from CONTRAST
- Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Hotter Than the Average Model
- Export and Metabolism of Carbon in Urban Watersheds: Climate Implications
- FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments): A Major Next-Step for Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection
- Factors of Forest Loss using An Object-based Mapping Method -A Case Study in North America
- Far-Ultraviolet Surface Reflectance of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by the Alice Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Fire Regime and Land Abandonment in European Russia: Case Study of Smolensk Oblast
- First Near-Continental Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Vertical Foliage Profile (VFP) Product from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- Forecasting Ionospheric Space Weather Due To High Speed Streams
- Forest Biomass Mapping from Prism Triplet, Palsar and Landsat Data
- Forest patch height uncertainty from spaceborne data in the taiga-tundra ecotone
- Forward Radiative Transfer Capabilities Facilitating Satellite-based Radiance/Brightness-temperature Observations
- From Land Use to Land Cover: Restoring the Afforestation Signal in a Coupled Integrated Assessment - Earth System Model and the Implications for CMIP5 RCP Simulations
- From melting to emplacement: the importance of fractional crystallization
- From percent tree cover to categorical forest cover and change: propagating the uncertainty in detecting forest disturbance
- Frontiers in Ecosystem Science: Energizing the Research Agenda
- Full-waveform Airborne and Spaceborne Laser Altimetry for Mapping and Sampling the Earth's Forests, Cryosphere, and Land surfaces
- Further testing of anisotropic plasma turbulence theory with spacecraft observations of the solar wind
- GEOGLAM Crop Assessment Tool: Adapting from global agricultural monitoring to food security monitoring
- GEOGLAM Crop Monitor Assessment Tool: Developing Monthly Crop Condition Assessments
- GEOGLAM best available crop masks and calendars for the four primary crop types (corn, wheat, soy and rice) within the main agricultural producing regions of the world.
- Generation of suprathermal protons via parallel electron fire-hose instability: Particle-in-cell simulations
- Geodynamic and Geochemical Modeling of Mantle Processes along the Southwest Indian Ridge at 35°-40°E: A Hotspot-Mid-Ocean Ridge Interaction Region
- Geography of Global Forest Carbon Stocks & Dynamics
- Geometric Dependence of Electric Field Swelling in Simulation of HF Ionospheric Heating
- Geospatial Information Informs Bonobo (pan Paniscus) Conservation Efforts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Global Budgets of Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide
- Global Field Orientation Across the Heliopause As a Result of Regions of Reconnection
- Global Land Surface Albedo Climatologies Derived from Eight Satellite Products and Three Decadal Albedo Trend Analysis
- Global Potential for Hydro-generated Electricity and Climate Change Impact
- Global Urbanization Modeling Supported by Remote Sensing
- Global assessment of sub-pixel fire retrievals using MODIS 1 km data
- How Will Climate Change Impact Cholera Outbreaks?
- How is Mercury's dynamo powered?
- How the morphology of dusts influences packing density in small solar system bodies
- Hubble Space Telescope View of Comet C/Siding Spring during its Close Encounter with Mars
- Hydroclimatic Assessment of West Nile Virus Occurrence Across Continental US
- IO in the Lower Stratosphere and Vertical Profiles over the Tropical Eastern and Western Pacific
- Impact of Forests on Local Temperature Based on Satellite Observations
- Impact of Sea Surface Salinity on Coupled Dynamics for the Tropical Indo Pacific
- Impacts of drought on the water and energy systems
- Impacts of recent droughts on North American terrestrial ecosystems
- Impacts on Water Management and Crop Production of Regional Cropping System Adaptation to Climate Change
- Improving Timeliness of Winter Wheat Production Forecast in United States of America, Ukraine and China Using MODIS Data and NCAR Growing Degree Day
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: The Subduction Factory
- Indium: Understanding its Behavior in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems Today to Meet Tomorrow's Demand
- Influence of Aquatic Vegetation on Channel Hydraulics, Morphology, and Seasonal Accretion in Tidal Freshwater Marsh Inlet Channels
- Infrared Retrievals of Ice Cloud Properties and Uncertainties with an Optimal Estimation Retrieval Method
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Integrating a Collaborative Infrastructure with a Big Data Technology to Boost Data-analysis Productivity
- Integration of Multisensor Remote Sensing Data for the Retrieval of Consistent Times Series of High-Resolution NDVI Images for Crop Monitoring in Landscapes Dominated By Small-Scale Farming Agricultural
- Investigating the biogeophysical impacts of land cover change on future climate
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy across Reconnection Exhaust Jets
- Ion acceleration dependence on shear angle in dayside magnetopause reconnection
- Jets of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by Rosetta/OSIRIS
- Land Cover Indicators for U.S. National Climate Assessments
- Land-Use/Land Cover Change as Driver of Earth System Dynamics: past progress, future priorities, and new data and models for advancing the science
- Large- and Meso-scale Structure of Low Shear Velocity Provinces
- Large-Scale Mapping and Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems with the NISAR Mission
- Li Isotopic Composition and Concentration of the Upper Continental Crust: New Insights from Desert Loess
- Link Between Enhanced Arctic Tropospheric BrO Observed By Aura OMI and Meteorological Conditions
- Linking AOD from Satellites to Surface PM2.5 over the Eastern US Using Aircraft Observations
- Linking Satellite Derived Land Surface Temperature with Cholera: A Case Study for South Sudan
- Lithium Isotopes as Proxy of Continental Silicate Weathering
- Long Range River Discharge Forecasting Using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Satellite to Predict Conditions for Endemic Cholera
- Low Frequency Waves During RF Heating of the Ionosphere
- Magma storage and evolution of the Central Plateau Member Rhyolites, Yellowstone caldera, USA
- Magmatism, Hydrothermal Cooling and Asymmetric Accretion at Slow-spreading Ridges
- Magnetic Field Enhancement and Hydromagnetic Dynamics in an Experimental Model of the Earth's Core
- Magnetic Reconnection and Drift Wave Turbulence
- Magnetic Reconnection in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Heliospheric Current Sheet: The Implications of the Different Environments Seen by the VoyagerSpacecraft
- Magnetospheric and Ground Response to a Strong Interplanetary Shock
- Maintaining the Accuracy of a Sea Surface Height Climate Data Record from Multi-mission Altimeter Data
- Mapping changes in agricultural cropping frequency across Zimbabwe using cross-scale time-series remote sensing data and a novel signal decomposition method
- Mapping post-disturbance stand age distribution in Siberian larch forest based on a novel method
- Mars Thermal History: Core, Atmosphere, Mantle, Phobos and Surface (MaTH CAMPS)
- Measurement of the Gas Environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph on Rosetta
- Mesozoic terrane accretion and formation of the Idaho batholith
- Minimizing Reanalysis Jumps Due to New Observing Systems
- Minor Ion Species in the Solar Wind As Seen with SOHO/Celias/Mtof
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeling Suomi-NPP VIIRS Solar Diffuser Degradation due to Space Radiation
- Modeling the Formation of Tropical Rings of Atomic Bromine and Iodine
- Moderate forest disturbance as a stringent test for gap and big-leaf models
- Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of the Archean Mantle As Inferred from Studies of Komatiites
- Morphological Forms of Cometary Activity
- NASA IceBridge: Airborne surveys of the polar sea ice covers
- NCA-LDAS: An Integrated Terrestrial Water Analysis System for Development, Evaluation, and Dissemination of Climate Indicators
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Indian Space Research Organisation Synthetic Aperture Radar Mission Concept
- New Retrieval Techniques Enables Sensitive Measurements of Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> from Suomi NPP OMPS
- New Seismic Observables Constrain Structure within the Continental Lithosphere
- New insights from<SUP> 182</SUP>W anomalies in Eoarchean rocks from northern Labrador, Canada
- Non-Equilibrium Erosion and Suspenion By a Forced Impinging Jet
- Observations and trends of emissions from gas flaring in the Persian Gulf region using OMI
- On the Ordinary mode Instability for Non-Extensive Anisotropic Distribution
- Ophiolite Perspectives on Oceanic Mantle Heterogeneity
- Organic Halogen and Related Trace Gases in the Tropical Atmosphere: Results from Recent Airborne Campaigns Over the Pacific
- Ozone Enhancement in the Lower Troposphere over East Asia Observed by OMI: Evidence of Transboundary Pollution Transport from China to Korea and Japan
- Ozone Production Efficiency in the Baltimore-Washington Urban Plume
- Paleoclimate Sampling as a Sensor Placement Problem
- Patterns in Polar Climate Change: How Well Do GCMs Capture Melt-Season Variability?
- Plant Migrations Role on Future Carbon Balance from Climate Change
- Plasma Speeds Upstream of Saturn and in the Magnetosphere as Measured by Cassini's Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI)
- Potential Updates to VIIRS Aerosol Optical Thickness Algorithm
- Precipitation Structures and Associated Cloud Microphysics in an MJO event during DYNAMO: Cloud-Resolving Modeling and Radar Observations
- Precipitation Uncertainty and its Impacts on Hydrologic Modelling and Flood Prediction: An Investigation in IFloodS Focal Basins
- Predictability and Ensemble Modeling of the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region
- Predictive Skill of Meteorological Drought Based on Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasts: A Real-Time Assessment
- Prescribing the K<SUB>p</SUB>, AE and D<SUB>st</SUB> Response Using the Magnetospheric State Technique
- Prognostic land surface albedo from a dynamic global vegetation model clumped canopy radiative transfer scheme and satellite-derived geographic forest heights
- Prompt Ion Outflows and Artificial Ducts during High-Power HF Heating at HAARP: Effect of Suprathermal Electrons?
- Protocol for Validation of the Land Surface Reflectance Fundamental Climate Data Record using AERONET: Application to the Global MODIS and VIIRS Data Records
- Proton-Cyclotron and Firehose Instabilities in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind
- Quantifying change in North American Arctic lakes between 1990 and present.
- Quantifying the Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases: What Does It Take to Satisfy Scientific and Decision-Making Needs?
- Radar Detections of Buried Supraglacial Lakes Across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Radiometric Inter-Comparison between Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2 on METOp-A/B
- Rainwater Harvesting-based Safe Water Access in Diarrhea-endemic Coastal Communities of Bangladesh under Threats of Climate Change
- Real Time Pore Structure Evolution during Olivine Mineral Carbonation
- Recalibration of Coupled Optical/Thermal MODIS Infrared Surface Melt Magnitude Retrieval During the Spatially-Extensive 2012 Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Event
- Recent Advances in Global and Regional Fire Monitoring with the Collection 6 MODIS Fire Products
- Recent Forest Disturbance History in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Reconstructed using Remote Sensing and Management Record
- Recent Observations and Modeling of Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs at HAARP and EISCAT
- Recent results on the Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Reconstruction of auroral zone ion outflow during a substorm from VISIONS ENA measurements
- Regional Air Quality Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing and Natural Gas Activity: Evidence from Ambient VOC Observations
- Regional Rates of US Forest Regeneration Measured from Annual Landsat Disturbance History and Ikonos Stereo Imagery
- Relation between CO and Black Carbon from Satellite Measurements
- Remote Measurement of Short-term Post-fire Vegetation Regrowth in Sierra Nevadan Forests
- Remote sensing in support of high-resolution terrestrial carbon monitoring and modeling
- Revisiting Cholera-Climate Teleconnections in the Native Homeland: ENSO and other Extremes through the Regional Hydroclimatic Drivers
- Role of Wet Scavenging of HO<SUB>x</SUB> Precursors in DC3 Oklahoma and Alabama Thunderstorms as Determined Using Aircraft Observations and Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- Roles of Upper-Level Processes in the Multi-Intensity Changes of Hurricane Sandy (2012)
- Rotational Splittings of Acoustic Modes in an Experimental Model of a Planetary Core
- S-NPP CrIS Full Resolution Sensor Data Record Processing and Evaluations
- S-NPP OMPS Nadir In-Flight Performance
- Salinity Variation in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Salty Anomalies Forced by Central American Gap Winds: Aquarius Observations
- Satellite Inference of Thermals and Cloud Base Updraft Speeds Based on Retrieved Surface and Cloud Base Temperatures
- Satellite Observations of Trace Gases and Their Application for Studying Air Quality Near Oil and Gas Operations
- Satellite and Model Assessment of Regional Aerosol Trends and Potential Impacts on Clouds in the western North Atlantic Ocean
- Scaling and Variability of Global Storms
- Scaling of Ion Heating During Magnetic Reconnection: Kinetic PIC Simulations
- Search for Correlations Between Sprites and Tgfs By Goddard Robotic Telescope Wide Field (GRT-WF)
- Seismic constraints on the evolution of the continental lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary system
- Sensitivity of Simulated Martian Atmospheric Temperature to Prescribed Dust Opacity Distribution. Comparisons of Model Results With Reconstructed Data From Past Mars Missions
- Sensitivity of Tropical Tropospheric Composition and radiative forcing to Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production and ENSO
- Sensitivity of regional meteorology and atmospheric composition during the DISCOVER-AQ period to subgrid-scale cloud-radiation interactions
- Shear Weakening due to Drainge from Water-Filled Crevasses Along the Margins of Jakobshavn ISBRÆ
- Simultaneous generation of Superpiles and Superplumes in the lower mantle
- Sink or Swim? the Role of Intracrustal Differentiation in the Generation of Compositional Diversity and Crustal Delamination in the Archean
- Size and frequency of forest loss and gain in China during 2000-2005
- Slab Stagnation in the Lower Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Snpp CrIS Instrumental Status and Raw Data Record Quality Since the Mission
- Solar wind turbulence: anisotropy, anisotropy, anisotropy!
- Spatial Estimation of Timber Production and Carbon in Harvested Wood Products Using Remote Sensing
- Spatial distributions of trace organic species: Results from the TORERO and CONTRAST airborne campaigns with the interpretation aided by the CAM-Chem 3D chemistry climate model
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization in China: Historical and Future
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Saturated Crevasses Along the Margins of Jakobshavn ISBRÆ
- Spectroscopic Observations of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) from Mars using ChemCam, OMEGA and SPICAM.
- Statistical Analysis of Cloud Properties Around China Region Using MODIS
- Stratospheric Injection of Bromine from Very Short Lived (VSL) Sources Inferred from CONTRAST
- Strength Profiles of the Continental Lithosphere: Fabric Dependence, Strain Dependence, and Implications for Stability and Localization
- Stress Field Above an Ice Cauldron on Europa
- Studies of the Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by the Fourth Gyroharmonic at HAARP
- Subpixel Mapping of Wetland Inundation Using Time-Series Landsat Data: An Assessment of Its Sensitivity to Climate Change Indices
- Subtropical Low Cloud Responses to Central and Eastern Pacific El Nino Events
- Sulfur Isotope Trends in Archean Microbialite Facies Record Early Oxygen Production and Consumption
- Sulfur isotopic fractionation during planetary differentiation
- Suprathermal Ion Observations in the Solar Wind and Magnetosheath around the T96 Cassini Encounter with Titan
- Surface Elevation Measurements of Greenland and Antarctica Using NASA's Land, Vegetation and Ice Sensor (LVIS)
- Surface Radiation Budget Variability at Climatic Time Scales
- Surface-based Measurements on Aerosol First Indirect Effects over a Site in Southeastern China
- Survey of Photopolarimetric Properties of Dust/Aerosols Presented as an Ensemble of Rough Spheroids
- Sustainability Indicators for Coupled Human-Earth Systems
- Sustained Magnetic Connections from L1: IMAP Science with Planetary Transfers and Hohmann-Parker Resonance Orbits
- Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust: Implications for the Mode of Crustal Growth and the Evolution of the Hydrosphere
- The 3-D Structure of Reconnection Jets
- The Anthropogenic Influence on Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide: Implications for Inverse Analysis of Process-Level Carbon Cycle Fluxes
- The CONvective TRansport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) Experiment
- The Co-Benefits of Global and Regional Greenhouse Gas Mitigation on US Air Quality at Fine Resolution
- The Collisional Cascade Model For Saturn's Ring Spokes
- The Coupling of Ion and Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection and the Role of Parallel Electric Fields
- The Expansion of the Marginal Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic
- The Geomorphology of Comet Churymov-Gerasimenko As Revealed By Rosetta/Osiris: Implicationsfor Past Collisional Evolution
- The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
- The Great "Non-Event" of 7 January 2014: Challenges in CME Arrival Time and Geomagnetic Storm Strength Prediction
- The Impact of Conflict on Forests in South Sudan
- The Mechanisms for Particle Acceleration and Heating in Multi-Island Magnetic Reconnection
- The Nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko : a New Case of Contact Binary ?
- The Paleoclimate Uncertainty Cascade: Tracking Proxy Errors Via Proxy System Models.
- The Reconstruction Potential of a 350 year-long, Mid-Elevation Proxy for PDSI in a Tree-Ring Record from Tropical North Queensland, Australia.
- The Role of Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions in Regional Air Quality - A NU-WRF Study Over the United States
- The Role of Suomi NPP VIIRS Data in Land Science and Applications.
- The ever-increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal cycle amplitude: contributions from high latitude warming, CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization, and the agricultural Green Revolution
- The influence of carbon, sulfur, and silicon on trace element partitioning in iron alloys
- The influence of local circulations on vertical profiles of NO2 and O3 at semi-rural sites during DISCOVER-AQ campaigns in California, Texas, and Colorado
- The role of bay breezes and regional transport on a high surface ozone episode during the Houston, Texas DISCOVER-AQ field campaign
- Thermal Infrared Spectroscopy of Atmospheric Species Critical to Radiative Forcing of Earth's Climate
- Titan interaction with the supersonic solar wind: Cassini T96 observations
- Titan's Topside Ionospheric Composition: Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Mass spectrometer Measurements
- Toward improving streamflow prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin via assimilating bias-adjusted satellite snow depth retrievals
- Towards the Consideration of Surface and Environment variables for a Microwave Precipitation Algorithm Over Land
- Towards the Development and Validation of a Global Field Size and Irrigation Map using Crowdsourcing, Mobile Apps and Google Earth Engine in support of GEOGLAM
- Tracing Earth's O<SUB>2</SUB> Evolution Using Zn/Fe Systematics in Carbonates
- Tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by magnesium isotopes
- Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites
- Tracking Trends in Fractional Forest Cover Change using Long Term Data from AVHRR and MODIS
- Tracking evolution of urban biogeochemical cycles: salinization of fresh water
- Transdimensional Bayesian Joint Inversion of Complementary Seismic Observables with Realistic Data Uncertainties
- Transdimensional Inversion for Earth's Radial Mantle Viscosity Profile
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Tungsten in groundwaters, surface waters, and associated sediments: Closing some of the knowledge gaps
- Updated global volcanic sulfur emissions and the direct radiative forcing during 2005-2012: GEOS-Chem simulations with constraints from OMI and CALIOP
- Updates to the contribution of VSL species to stratospheric Br<SUB>y</SUB>
- Urban Extent Mapping Using Object-Based Texture Classification and Landsat Data
- Use of TRMM/GPM Rainfall in Real-Time Global Flood Calculations
- Using Ancient Glacial Diamictites to Track the Compositional Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust
- Using Integrated Assessment Models to Estimate the Economic Damages from Temperature Related Human Health Effects in the US
- Using NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) to develop annual US Forest Disturbance products
- Using Radio Emissions to Understand Solar Particle Events
- Using Satellite Observations to Evaluate the AeroCOM Volcanic Emissions Inventory and the Dispersal of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Clouds in MERRA
- Using Seismic Discontinuities to Image Melt and Dynamics in the Sub-Continental Upper Mantle
- Using Source Apportionment to Evaluate the Cross State Transport of Ozone in the Eastern United States
- Using Topside Reflections to Image Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath North America via the Earthscope Transportable Array
- Using aircraft and satellite observations to improve regulatory air quality models
- VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Products for Air Quality Applications
- VIIRS Aerosol Products During the SEAC4RS Field Experiment
- Variability of O<SUB>3</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Shapes during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
- Vegetaton Continuous Fields ESDRs--Long-Term Trends in Vegetation Cover
- Vicarious Validation of Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Day /Night Band using DOME-C and Greenland under moon-light
- Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Heating Near Upper Hybrid Resonance
- Voyager 1 and 2 Measurements of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Ray Intensities and Anisotropies in and Beyond the Heliosheath
- Water weakening in porous carbonate rocks: equilibrium and disequilibrium pore fluid effects
- <em> Stability of coorbital objects around the Pluto-Charon binary</em>
- A Carbon Monitoring System Approach to US Coastal Wetland Carbon Fluxes: Progress Towards a Tier II Accounting Method with Uncertainty Quantification
- A Centroid Model of Species Distribution to Analyize Multi-directional Climate Change Finger Print in Avian Distribution in North America
- A Comparison of Auroral In-Situ Rocket Electron Measurements and Ground-Based Multi-spectral EMCCD Imaging
- A Framework for Real-Time Collection, Analysis, and Classification of Ubiquitous Infrasound Data
- A Gauge - OLR Blended Analysis of Global Daily Precipitation: A 37-Year Data Record for Hydroclimate Applications
- A Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance product: a resource for Agricultural Monitoring
- A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations
- A Mechanism for Helium-3 Abundance Enhancements in Solar Flares
- A Model of the Heliosphere with Jets
- A Prototype Indicators System for U.S. Climate Changes, Impacts, Vulnerabilities, and Responses
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- A low-cost sensor for high density urban CO2 monitoring
- A new map of circa 2010 global urban extent from Landsat data
- A new pan-tropical estimate of carbon loss in natural and managed forests in 2000-2012
- AAF G1 and Millimeter Wavelength ARM Radar Observations and Analysis from the ACAPEX Field Campaign
- ATMS Snowfall Rate Product and Its Applications
- Achieving Forecasts in the Thermosphere and Ionosphere with Lead Times of a Few Days
- Advanced 360<SUP>o</SUP> FOV, wide energy range, non-HV, gated time of flight mass spectrometers for Small Satellites and Cubesats
- Advances in Satellite Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Over Land
- Advancing a framework for fostering innovative use of ICESat-2 data to inform actionable decisions of value to society
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- AgriSense-STARS: Advancing Methods of Agricultural Monitoring for Food Security in Smallholder Regions - the Case for Tanzania
- Agricultural Intensification as a Mechanism of Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts
- Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with Cryosat-2
- Airborne Observations of Urban-Derived Water Vapor and Potential Impacts on Chemistry and Clouds
- Aircraft measurements of aerosol properties during GoAmazon - G1 and HALO inter-comparison
- An Analytical Model of Tribocharging in Regolith
- An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies
- Annual Greenland accumulation derived from airborne radar and comparisons to modeled and in situ data
- Applications of Advanced Technology for Monitoring Forest Carbon to Support Climate Change Mitigation
- Applying Individual Tree Structure From Lidar to Address the Sensitivity of Allometric Equations to Small Sample Sizes.
- Arctic Summer Sea-Ice Extent: How Free is Free?
- Arctic and Antarctic Topography Measurements Using LVIS
- Are high-resolution NASA Unified WRF simulations credible tools for predicting extreme precipitation over the Great Plains?
- Assessing Impacts of Drought on Agriculture Production and Food Security in Karamoja of Northeastern Uganda with Meteorological and NDVI-Based Indices - Some findings and challenges
- Assessment of and Improvements to Acoustic Velocimetry in Flows in Core-like Geometries
- Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Aurora Activities Observed by SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band during St. Patrick's Day, 2015 G4 Level Geomagnetic Storm
- Automated JPSS VIIRS GEO code change testing by using Chain Run Scripts
- Biogeochemical and biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest
- Biomass-burning aerosol effects on convective cloud properties and in the detrained UTLS environment: a pyroCb case study
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Capacity in Earth Observations for Agricultural Monitoring: The GEOGLAM Experience
- Changes in Carbon Pools Influenced by Changes in Physiography a Decade Following Wildfire in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska
- Characterization of smoke aerosols over the Indochina Peninsula from multi-platform satellite observations
- Characterizing Arctic sea ice topography and atmospheric form drag using high-resolution IceBridge data
- Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
- Characterizing the Magnetospheric State for Sawtooth Events
- Characterizing the distributions and sources of dust during atmospheric river landfall in the western U.S.
- Characterizing waveform uncertainty due to ambient noise for the Global Seismic Network
- Charon's Color: A view from New Horizon Ralph/Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera
- Climate Change and Global Food Security: Food Access, Utilization, and the US Food System
- Climate-driven PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and ozone change and their associated health exposure over continental US in 2050s
- Climate-related Indicators and Data Provenance: Evaluating Coupled Boundary Objects for Science, Innovation, and Decision-Making
- Climatic Forcing for Contemporary Greenland Ice Sheet Change
- Climatic and Landscape Controls on Storage Capacity of Urban Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs): Implications for Stormwater-Stream Connectivity
- Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
- Color and Composition of Pluto and Its Moons from the New Horizons Mission
- Comparison of Global Atmospheric Rivers Depicted from Satellite and NWP Reanalysis
- Compositional layering within the large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs) in the lower mantle
- Compositional mantle layering revealed by slab stagnation at ~1,000 km depth
- Concepts and Results of New Method for Accurate Ground and In-Flight Calibration of the Particle Spectrometers of the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission
- Consistency analysis of the water cycle from recently derived satellite products
- Consistent High-Quality Global SO<SUB>2</SUB> and HCHO Datasets from EOS Aura/OMI and Suomi NPP/OMPS
- Constraining anisotropy in the US continental lithosphere using a joint inversion of receiver function and ambient noise data
- Continuum kinetic methods for analyzing wave physics and distribution function dynamics in the turbulence dissipation challenge
- Coronal Waves and Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed at Widely Separate Locations
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Cosmic Ray Exposure Modification of the Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of Iron Meteorites
- Coupled Porosity and Chemical Evolution of Hydrothermal Circulation: Implications for the Morphology of Vents and Recharge Zones at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- Crossover behavior of multiscale fluctuations in Big Data: Langevin model and substorm time-scales in Earth's magnetosphere
- Data Assimilation-Based SST Reconstruction from Coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο Records
- Derive Arctic Sea-ice Freeboard and Thickness from NASA's LVIS Observations
- Detection of Rain-on-Snow (ROS) Events Using the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and Weather Station Observations
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Developing a global mixed-canopy, height-variable vegetation structure dataset for estimating global vegetation albedo and biomass in the NASA Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model and GISS GCM
- Development of Large-Scale Forcing Data for GoAmazon2014/5 Cloud Modeling Studies
- Development of a social-hydrological-health framework for understanding risks of occurrence of diarrheal diseases
- Development of the HgCdTe Avalanche Photodiode Detectors and the Improvement in the CO2 Lidar Performance for the ASCENDS Mission
- Differentiating Climate Change and Emissions Influence on Future Ozone and Health
- Differing mechanisms in the CO2 seasonal cycle and its amplitude change
- Dilatancy and pore pressure effects during fracture and shear of antigorite-rich serpentinite
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Doubling of the Russian Fire Return Interval: Implications for Forest Biomass and Composition
- Drift Rates of Three Micro-g LaCoste Turnkey Airborne Gravity Systems (TAGS) Used for the GRAV-D Project
- Drift Wave Turbulence and Magnetic Reconnection
- Dust Particle Alignment in the Solar Magnetic Field: a Possible Cause of the Cometary Circular Polarization
- Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
- Dynamical and thermodynamical modulations of future atmospheric river changes in the west coast of North America
- Dynamics of Industrial Forests in Southeast United States Assessed using Satellite and Field Inventory Data
- ENSO-related Precipitation Seasonal Evolution and Multi-decadal Changes in Recent Reanalysis Datasets and CMIP5 Models
- Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
- Effects of PBL Mixing on Simulated NO<SUB>2</SUB> Profile Shapes in the Coupled WRF/CMAQ Model and Comparison to Observations during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011
- Effects of resolution and spectral nudging in simulating the effects of wintertime atmospheric river landfalls in the Western US
- Efforts Toward an Early Warning Crop Monitor for Countries at Risk
- Electrification of Shaken Granular Flows as a Model of Natural Storm Charging
- Electron Energization in Reconnection Outflows with Kinetic Riemann Simulations
- Electron motion and distribution functions in the diffusion region of asymmetric reconnection
- Engaging Students and Teachers in Immersive Learning Experiences Alongside NASA Scientists and With Support from Institutional Partnerships
- Enhance Retrieval Sensitivity to Lower Tropospheric Ozone from OMI Measurements
- Estimates of Lightning NOx Production Based on OMI NO2 Observations over the Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating models of the US Continental Crust using Ambient Noise Datasets: A Transdimensional Approach
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating the impact of climate policies on regional food availability and accessibility using an Integrated Assessment Model
- ExoCube INMS with Neutral Hydrogen Mode
- Exploring Agro-Climatic Trends in Ethiopia Using CHIRPS
- Exploring Links Between Hydrologic Changes and Land Surface Phenology in Greenland
- Exploring New Multi-Instrument Approaches To Observing Terrestrial Ecosystems And The Carbon Cycle From Space
- Exploring the tropical Response to Global Warming via an Overriding Technique
- Extending the long-term EOS record of NO2 and SO2 with SNPP OMPS Nadir Mapper
- First Results of the MAVEN Magnetic Field Investigation
- First Row Transition Metals in Olivine - Petrogenetic Tracers for the Evolution of Mantle-Derived Magmas
- Flat Slab Formation and Evolution below Cratonic Lithosphere: Insights from 3D Time-Dependent Modeling
- Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases from the Baltimore-Washington Area: Results from WINTER 2015 Aircraft Observations
- Forest Vertical Structure of Sierra Nevada Observed by the First Spaceborne Tandem SAR Mission
- Forest abovegroundbiomass mapping using spaceborne stereo imagery acquired by Chinese ZY-3
- Forest cover of North America in the 1970s mapped using Landsat MSS data
- Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations
- Full Spectral Resolution Data Generation from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder on S-NPP at NOAA and its Use to Investigate Uncertainty in Methane Absorption Band Near 7.66 µm
- Fusion of Hyperspectral Hyperion and Multispectral Landsat Time Series Imagery to Improve Results and Capabilities
- GSICS Satellite Intercalibration Products
- Generation of Nonlinear Electric Field Bursts in the Outer Radiation Belt through Electrons Trapping by Oblique Whistler Waves
- Geodetic Imaging Lidar: Applications for high-accuracy, large area mapping with NASA's upcoming high-altitude waveform-based airborne laser altimetry Facility
- Global 30m 2000-2014 Surface Water Dynamics Map Derived from All Landsat 5, 7, and 8
- Global Ammonia Distributions and Recent Trends from AIRS 13-years Measurements
- Global Bare Ground Gain in the First Decade of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century from Landsat Data: the Preliminary Results on Estimation and Distribution
- Global Evaluation of Vegetation Carbon Residence Times as Simulated by ISI-IMP2 Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) Using a Data Product based on Satellite and Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Global Food Security in a Changing Climate: Considerations and Projections
- Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of the Santo Domingo Basin, Northern New Mexico
- Greenland Flow Dynamics: (De)coding Process Understanding
- Hierarchical Object-based Image Analysis approach for classification of sub-meter multispectral imagery in Tanzania
- High resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: retrieval, evaluation, and interpretation
- High-Resolution Modeling Disturbance-Induced Forest Carbon Dynamics with Lidar and Landsat Observations
- High-Resolution Regional Biomass Map of Siberia from Glas, Palsar L-Band Radar and Landsat Vcf Data
- High-resolution remote sensing and coupled fire-weather simulation modeling offer unprecedented insight to megafire behavior: The 2014 California King Megafire case study
- How to draw down CO<SUB>2</SUB> from severe Hadean to habitable Archean?
- Hydrological connectivity via gully formation in tropical watersheds limits the effectiveness of riparian buffers in protecting streams
- Hyperspectral and photogrammetric helicopter-based measurements over western Greenland
- Ice sheet surface mass balance from models and GRACE
- Imaging Mantle Discontinuities Beneath North America Using ScS Reverberations
- Impact of Aerosol Direct Effect on East Asian Air Quality During the EAST-AIRE Campaign
- Impact of Real-world Factors Influencing Investment Decisions on the Costs and Distribution of Climate Change Mitigation
- Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon
- Impact of land use change on the land atmosphere carbon flux of South and South East Asia: A Synthesis of Dynamic Vegetation Model Results
- Impacts of Lateral-Boundary-Condition Errors on Regional Climate Downscaling: Lessons Learned from the NASA Downscaling Project
- Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations
- Improving the frequency of high spatial resolution leaf area index maps using Landsat OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI
- Increasing climate extremes under global warming - What is the driving force?
- Increasing rainfall in central U.S. driven by changes in mesoscale convective systems
- Inferring brown carbon content from UV aerosol absorption measurements during biomass burning season
- Influence of Land Cover and Climate on CO2 and CH4 fluxes from Urban Soils
- Initial In-situ Hydrologic Measurements of the Greenland Perennial Firn Aquifer
- Initial Results in Global Flood Monitoring Using GPM Data
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Insights on crustal growth from detrital zircons in ancient glacial deposits
- Integrated Food-Energy Systems: Challenges and Opportunities
- Integrating Ensemble Data Assimilation and Indicator Geostatistics to Delineate Hydrofacies Spatial Distribution
- Integration of Canopy Height Information Derived from Stereo Imagery with SAR Backscatter Data to Improve Biomass Mapping
- Investigating Differences in Isoprene Oxidation Chemistry Between Gas-Phase Mechanisms Using a Constrained Chemical Box Model
- Investigating Sources of Uncertainty in Surface Wave Ellipticity Measurements across the USArray
- Investigating the Farallon Slab with Probabilistic Traveltime Tomography
- Investigating the Greenland firn aquifer near Helheim Glacier based on geophysical noninvasive methods and in situ measurements
- Investigating the Impact of Marine Ship Emissions on Regional Air Quality using OMI Satellite NO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations and the CMAQ Model
- Investigating the Impacts of Wildfires on Air Quality in the Western US
- Investigating the Vertical Structure of Volcanic Clouds Using NPP/OMPS Limb Aerosol Observations and the GEOS-5/GOCART Model
- Investigating the role of total precipitable water and leaf area index in the decoupling of passive microwave brightness temperatures over snow-covered regions of forested terrain in North America
- Investigations of Liquid Water Retention in the Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Ion-Driven Instabilities in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations of 19 March 2005
- LVFS: A Big Data File Storage Bridge for the HPC Community
- Landsat Detection of the Effects of Hurricane Sandy on New Jersey Coastal Marshes
- Landsat-based Earth Observations and Crowd-sourced Data Provide Near Real-time Monitoring of Chimpanzee Habitat
- Large Scale Mapping of Vegetation Structure and Terrain Surface using Single Photon Lidar (SPL)
- Late Cenozoic deformation of the Eurasian and Burma Plates due to subduction of the Indian Plate beneath SE Tibetan Plateau and Myanmar
- Link between Enhanced Arctic tropospheric BrO observed by Aura OMI and meteorological conditions
- Lithologic melt partitioning and transport properties of partially molten harzburgite
- Lithological, Chemical and Chronological Constraints on Melt Extraction from the Mantle Section of the ~492 Ma Shetland Ophiolite Complex, Scotland
- Local Discrepancies in Continental Scale Biomass Maps: A Case Study over Forested and Non-Forested Landscapes in Maryland, USA
- Local generation of the strahl in the solar wind electrons via whistler instability
- MAVEN MAG Observations of Magnetic Field Enhancements and Decreases in the Induced Magnetosphere of Mars
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MMS Observations of Parallel Electric Fields
- Magnetic Field Gain in a Laboratory Model of the Earth's Outer Core
- Magnetic flux annihilation and the development of magnetic field depletions in the sectored heliosheath
- Magnetized Jets Driven by the Sun, the Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited: Consequences for Draping of BISM ahead of the HP and Time Variability of ENAs
- Magnetotail Reconnection Jets at Lunar Distances
- Mangrove Blue Carbon stocks and change estimation from PolInSAR, Lidar and High Resolution Stereo Imagery combined with Forest Cover change mapping
- Mapping Out the Diffusion Region in Magnetopause Reconnection: from CLUSTER to Magnetospheric Multiscale
- Mapping land surface energy budget from the AVIRIS and MASTER data
- Mapping the Cerrado vegetation classes using Rapid Eye imagery
- Mapping the Changing Extent and Thickness of Arctic Multiyear Sea Ice
- Massive Cellular Automata in Geosimulation: Antarctica Ice Melting as Example
- Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
- Mentoring Undergraduate Students in Estuarine Research Experiences: Different Strokes for Different Folks
- Merging Marine Ecosystem Models and Genomics
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under background conditions and the impact from the urban pollution and biomass burning
- Mid-Latitude Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production from OMI and WWLLN Data
- Migration, Storage and Seismic Signatures of Melting at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
- Mitigating JPSS J1 VIIRS DNB Performance Shortfalls with Expanded Cal/Val
- Model of the Streamer Zone of a Leader
- Morphology of Large- and Meso-scale structures in the Mid and Lower Mantle
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- Multi-parameter Correlation of Jovian Radio Emissions with Solar Wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Data
- Multi-temporal UAV based data for mapping crop type and structure in smallholder dominated Tanzanian agricultural landscape
- Multiple sulfur isotope studies of the oldest rocks in South Korea: Possibility of recycling of ancient sulfur in Daeijak Island.
- Multisatellite Observations of Long-lasting Poloidal Pc 4 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere.
- Multiscale Nature of the Dissipation Range in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Alfvénic Turbulence
- Multispacecraft study of interplanetary shocks at 1 AU.
- NASA IceBridge: Scientific Insights from Airborne Surveys of the Polar Sea Ice Covers
- Nearly a Decade of CALIPSO Observations of Asian and Saharan Dust Properties near Source and Transport Regions
- New Inferences of Earth's Mantle Viscosity Structure and Implications for Long-wavelength Structure in the Lower Mantle
- Next Generation UAV Based Spectral Systems for Environmental Monitoring: project developments, preliminary outcome and findings
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Nongyrotropic electrons in guide field reconnection.
- Numerical Models of Subduction Beneath Non-Uniform Overriding Plates. Implications for Subduction Velocity and Seismic Anisotropy
- Obliquely propagating electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma for different types of anisotropic kappa distribution
- Observational Characteristics of Langmuir Turbulence Associated with Solar Type III Radio Bursts
- Observational Study of Ion Diffusion Region tailward of the Cusp: Polar and Cluster Observations in 1998-2008
- Oceans Abound? Tectonic Tests of Global Ocean Models for Enceladus and Mimas
- Optical Properties of Volcanic Ash: Improving Remote Sensing Observations
- Orientation and Motion of Flux Transfer Events under Different Upstream Conditions.
- Particle Acceleration in 3D Magnetic Reconnection
- Particulate Matter Pollution and its Regional Transport in the Mid-Atlantic States
- Pattern Formation and Reaction Textures during Dunite Carbonation
- Phase Change Related Mechanical Instabilities During Two-Phase Flow in the Mantle.
- Phenological Impacts of Hurricane Katrina (2005) and Gustav (2008) on Louisiana Coastal Marshes
- Pluto As Seen by the LEISA Spectrometer on New Horizons
- Positive dust and low cloud feedbacks help to generate tropical north atlantic Multidecadal variability
- Potential Dominant Plant Functional Type and Terrestrial Carbon Redistribution in Northern North America from Future Climate Change
- Potential Elevation Biases for Laser Altimeters from Subsurface Scattered Photons: Laboratory and Model Exploration of Green Light Scattering in Snow
- Predicting Ground Based Magnetometer Measurements Using the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
- Prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall by Phase-Space Reconstruction Model
- Predictions for Electrostatic Dust Levitation about Bennu's Equator
- Predictive modeling of cholera using GRACE and TRMM satellite data
- Preferential accumulation of gas hydrate in the Andaman accretionary wedge and relationship to anomalous porosity preservation
- Pulsed Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 Column Concentration in the ASCENDS 2014 Airborne Campaign
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management and Disturbances in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) by linking inventory data, remote sensing and carbon modeling
- Quantifying Forest Ecosystem Services Tradeoff—Coupled Ecological and Economic Models
- Quantifying Uncertainty Across an Array of Seismic Applications
- Quantifying the Causes of Differences in Tropospheric OH within Global Models
- Quantifying the auroral response from measured source populations of electrons and electromagnetic wave activity
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: Establishing the D1974 Flow as an Ideal Mars Analog
- RIS4E at Kilauea's December 1974 (D1974) Flow: In Situ Geochemical Analysis and Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Fumarolic Alteration.
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E at Kilauea's December 1974 Flow: Assessing the Integration of Portable Infrared Multispectral Imaging into Planetary Surface Exploration
- Radiometric Quantification of Aurora Activities during Severe Geomagnetic Storms from SNPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Observations
- Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions
- Reduction of Ion Heating in Magnetic Reconnection by Large Scale Effective Potentials
- Regional Influences of Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Activity: Back-trajectory Analysis of Baltimore/Washington Ethane Concentrations
- Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Retrieving the Convective Thermals and Updraft Speeds at Cloud Base from VIIRS
- Revised spatially distributed global livestock emissions
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Salinization Enhances Mobilization of Nutrients from Sediments to Streams
- SciDB versus Spark: A Preliminary Comparison Based on an Earth Science Use Case
- Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP)
- Seismic Tomography of the Continental United States from a Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Body Waves
- Semi-Arid Water Resource Challenges - Can Water Harvesting Close the Gap?
- Shapes and Rotations of the Small Satellites of Pluto
- Shear-Driven Reconnection in Kinetic Models
- Shortwave Direct Radiative Effects of Above Cloud Aerosols Over Global Oceans Derived From Eight Years of CALIOP and MODIS Observations
- Shrinkage Cracking: A mechanism for self-sustaining carbon mineralization reactions in olivine rocks
- Siberian boreal forest structure estimates from concurrent multi-angle WorldView acquisitions
- Similarity Analysis of the Streamer Zone of Blue Jets and Gigantic Blue Jets
- Size-Frequency Distribution of Boulders ≥ 10 m on Comet 103P/Hartley 2
- Soybean Area and Yield Estimation Using MODIS and Landsat Data in the Conterminous United States
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in terrestrial Ecosystems Net primary Production: A Model-Data Comparison
- Stakeholder Alignment and Changing Geospatial Information Capabilities
- Status of High Latitude Precipitation Estimates: The Role of GPM in Advancing our Current Understanding
- Steady-State Model of Solar Wind Electrons and Implications for Kappa Distribution
- Stormwater Runoff and Water Quality Modeling in Urban Maryland
- Study of Multiple Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on the FLARE (Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiments)
- Sulfur Isotopic Composition of Ocean Island Basalts: New insights into the composition of the primitive mantle and mantle recycling.
- Summer Climate Responses to Atmospheric Teleconnections and Greenland Ice Mass Variations in the Last Four Decades from the MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- Summer and winter time heterogeneity in aerosol single scattering albedo over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: Relationship to chemical composition and mixing state
- Suomi NPP Surface Type Environmental Data Record - a Continuity of EOS MODIS Land Cover Product
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- Temperature Anisotropy Distribution and Evolution in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind
- Terrestrial Planet Space Weather Information: An Update
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: Observing, Understanding, and Predicting Social-Ecological Change in the Far North
- The Behavior of Chalcophile and Siderophile Elements during Magmatic Differentiation as Observed in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii
- The Chemical Link between Isoprene and Formaldehyde
- The Coupling of Ion and Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection and the Role of Parallel Electric Fields
- The Effects of Weather Patterns on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of SO2 over East Asia as Seen from Satellite Measurements
- The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW
- The Fate of the Forest in Brazil, 2000 to 2013
- The Global Range of Subduction Zone Thermal Structures From Exhumed Blueschists and Eclogites: Rocks are Hotter than Models
- The Human Influence on Global Warming: Sensitivity to AMOC and OHE
- The Impact of Model Uncertainty on Seasonal Sea Ice Forecasts
- The Impacts of Numerical Schemes on Asymmetric Hurricane Intensification
- The Obama - Xi Accord: A Need for Further Action
- The Oxidation State of Komatiites and the Redox History of the Mantle
- The Performance and Feasibility of Ensemble Forecast Sensitivity to Observations-based Proactive Quality Control Scheme
- The Salinity Budget of the Subtropical Salinity Maxima
- The Spectrum of Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons
- The Use of Regulatory Air Quality Models to Develop Successful Ozone Attainment Strategies
- The Value of High Resolution Forest Canopy Maps for Implementing Carbon Sequestration Programs in Maryland
- The Vertical Distribution of Buried Volatiles at the Moon revealed by Thermal and Epithermal Neutron Fluxes from LEND Observations
- The changing seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean
- The conceptual and scientific motivation for the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The dynamical signature on the change of hydrological extremes under global warming
- The food production and consumption balance in sub-Saharan Africa under different SSPs, from 2010 to 2050
- The hydrometeorological implications of zoning laws: Can land use regulations of urban density and sprawl improve a city's resilience?
- The impact of diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- The observed response of ozone production to the policy-driven decrease of NOx and CO emissions in the Baltimore/Washington area
- The role of spatial scale and background climate in the latitudinal temperature response to deforestation
- The science and technology case for a global network of compact, low cost ground-based laser heterodyne radiometers for column measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- The structure of continental crust: comparison of body wave apparent incidence angle and receiver function results
- Theoretical estimation of equilibrium sulfur isotope fractionations among aqueous sulfite species: Implications for isotope models of microbial sulfate reduction
- Time Domain Structures: Generation Mechanisms and Their Role for Electron Acceleration in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Time Series of Greenland Ice-Sheet Elevations and Mass Changes from ICESat 2003-2009
- Towards a National Space Weather Predictive Capability
- Towards capturing detailed patterns of taiga-tundra ecotone forests from space
- Trace Gas Retrievals from the GeoTASO Aircraft Instrument
- Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites
- Tracking Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Patterns in Perennial Headwater Streams Throughout a Hydrologic Year Using In-situ Sensors and Optical Properties
- Training and Validation of the Fast PCRTM_Solar Model
- Trends and Implications of Stream Temperature for Energy and Fish Production
- Trends in Surface Radiation Budgets at Climatic Time Scales
- Ultraviolet emission from CG's coma: fluorescence versus electron-impact excitation
- Uncertainty analysis of moderate- versus coarse-scale satellite fire products for quantifying agricultural burning: Implications for Air Quality in European Russia, Belarus, and Lithuania
- Understanding Climate Change Impacts in a Cholera Endemic Megacity: Disease Trends, Hydroclimatic Indicators and Near Future-Term Projections
- Understanding scale dependency of climatic processes with diarrheal disease
- Understanding the El Niño-like Oceanic Response in the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
- Understanding the relative influence of climatic variations and agricultural management practices on crop yields at the US county level
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure Beneath the Western Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North America from SS Precursors
- Upscale Effects of Variable-Resolution Meshes on the Large-Scale Circulation
- Use of System Identification Techniques to Explore the Hydrological Cycle Response to Perturbations in Climate Models
- User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
- Using In-Situ Seismic Measurements to Model the Velocity Structure of Subsurface Aquifers in Southeast Greenland
- Using NASA remote-sensing data to constrain forest-related land-use forcings in global carbon-climate models
- Using Visualization Science to Evaluate Effective Communication of Climate Indicators
- Using the Occurrence and Statistics of NEIALs Observed with PFISR as a Means to Remote Sense Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes
- Vegetation Continuous Fields--Transitioning from MODIS to VIIRS
- Vlasov Simulations of Ionospheric Turbulence near the Upper Hybrid Resonance and Fourth Gyroharmonic
- Wall-to-wall assessment of carbon stock and flux consequences of forest disturbances in the Pacific Northwest United States using remote sensing and forest inventory data
- Watershed-Marine Linkages: Monitoring how Terrigenous Runoff and Wave-Induced Resuspension Affect Marine Sediment Dynamics in Bays with Coral Reefs, St. John, USVI
- Where are the forests in the United States "not disturbed" over a quarter century?
- Winter wheat production forecast in United States of America using AVHRR historical data and NCAR Growing Degree Day
- Zonal Flow Velocimetry using Acoustic Modes in Experimental Models of a Planetary Core
- Calibration to improve forward model simulation of microwave emissivity at GPM frequencies over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- <p>A Full Eulerian Vlasov-Maxwell Study of Turbulent Dynamics and Dissipation
- <SUP>182</SUP>W evidence from flood basalt lavas for the long-term survival of primordial mantle
- <SUP>182</SUP>W in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
- A Centimeter-Scale Investigation of Geochemical Hotspots in a Soil Lysimeter
- A Data-driven Approach to Integrate Crop Rotation Agronomic Practices in a Global Gridded Land-use Forcing Dataset
- A Fast Hyperspectral Vector Radiative Transfer Model in UV to IR spectral bands
- A Joint Land-Atmosphere Carbon Data Assimilation System
- A Laboratory Experiment for the Statistical Evaluation of Aerosol Retrieval (STEAR) Algorithms
- A Modernized System for Agricultural Monitoring for Food Security in Tanzania
- A Multi-sensor Assimilation Framework for Global Snow: Towards A Combined, Radiometric and Gravimetric Data Assimilation Approach
- A Satellite Emulator for Evaluating Sea Ice Volume in Coupled Earth System Models
- A Tribute to the Life and Accomplishments of Molly K. Macauley
- A comparison of non-parametric techniques to estimate incident photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS for monitoring primary production
- A first step to compare geodynamical models and seismic observations of the inner core
- A model analysis of halogen kinetics: the ClOOCl catalytic cycle revisited
- A new finite element code for the study of strain-localization under strike-slip faults
- A shifting paradigm of the Martian magnetotail: MAVEN observations of complex field configuration
- ACIX: Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison Exercise
- Aboveground Biomass Estimation from Simulated GEDI Waveforms: First Results from Africa
- Acceleration of Mass Losses and Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 1992 to Present
- Active Source Seismic Investigation of Firn Aquifer Structure in Southeastern Greenland
- Adjacent fjords and glaciers respond differently to ice sheet surface melt in West Greenland
- Advances in Pulsed Lidar Measurements of CO2 Column Concentrations from Aircraft and for Space
- Advances in the Collection 6 MODIS Burned Area Product for Global and Regional Fire Monitoring
- Agricultural Applications for Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Data in Monitoring Water Use, Water Quality, and Water Security
- An Assessment of Differences in Tree Cover Measurements between Landsat and Lidar-derived Products
- An Overview of the 2017 Airborne Campaign for NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- An Ozone Profile Climatology based on Ozone-sondes and AURA MLS Data with Added Profiles for Ozone Hole Conditions and Wave One Parameterization for Tropical Tropospheric Ozone.
- An Update on NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment
- Arctic Indicators of Change
- Assessing the Performance of LVIS Waveform Lidar Topography and Canopy Structure Measurements in Gabon
- Assessing the performance of the GEDI spaceborne lidar instrument using a waveform lidar simulator
- Assessing uncertainty and sensitivity of model parameterizations and parameters in WRF affecting simulated surface fluxes and land-atmosphere coupling over the Amazon region
- Assimilating Flask Sampling and OCO-2 Carbon Dioxide Measurements Using a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Data Assimilation System
- Associations between aboveground forest biomass and waveform LiDAR metrics: implications for modeling footprint-level biomass using Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation data.
- Asymmetry in crustal thickness and spreading rate at mid-ocean ridges
- Atmospheric Methane measurements with a multiwavelength IPDA LIDAR
- Atmospheric escape at Mars during ICMEs
- Automated quantification of surface water fraction using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
- Beyond edge effects: landscape controls on forest structure in the southeastern US
- Breaking Ice 2: A rift system on the Ross Ice Shelf as an analog for tidal tectonics on icy moons
- CME Arrival-time Validation of Real-time WSA-ENLIL+Cone Simulations at the CCMC/SWRC
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates from a LETKF Data Assimilation System and Investigation of Observational Error Specification
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sounder lidar multi-wavelength approach: Minimizing biases and extracting vertical CO<SUB>2</SUB> information
- Calibration of a Complex Watershed Model using High Resolution Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Retrievals
- Can in situ formaldehyde and organic aerosol observations constrain a space-based proxy for organic aerosol abundance?
- Canopy Height and Vertical Structure from Multibaseline Polarimetric InSAR: First Results of the 2016 NASA/ESA AfriSAR Campaign
- Carbon Cycle Science in Support of Decision-Making
- Carbon, fire, and fuels: The importance of fuels and fuel characterization and the status of wildland fire fuels data for the United States
- Catalog and Characteristics of Earthquake Swarms in Northern California
- Changing fire frequency and carbon consumption in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Characteristics of Dissipation within Reconnection Regions at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Closing the loop on elevation change at Summit, Greenland.
- Closing the loop: integrating human impacts on water resources to advanced land surface models
- Cold ion demagnetization near the X-line of magnetic reconnection
- Cold plasma and magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause boundary layer
- Combination of Multi-Model Probabilistic Forecasts Using Objectively Determined Weights
- Comparing IceBridge and CryoSat-2 sea ice observations over the Arctic and the Southern Ocean
- Comparison of Deep Convective Transport in Cumulus-Parameterized and Cloud-Resolved WRF-Chem Simulations of Different Scale Storms during the DC3 Field Campaign
- Comparison of seasonal variability of Aquarius sea surface salinity time series with in situ observations in the Karimata Strait, Indonesia
- Consistent surface fluxes from atmospheric and oceanic reanalyses
- Consistent volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> products between Aura/OMI and S-NPP OMPS
- Constitutive relations for antigorite-rich fault gouge under conditions of high pore fluid pressure
- Constraining Earth System Models in the Tropics with Multiple Satellite Observations
- Constraining Magnetic Reconnection Characteristics with the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- Constraining Mass Anomalies Using Trans-dimensional Gravity Inversions
- Constraining crustal structure in sediment dominated regions: An H-k-V stacking method
- Constraining mantle discontinuity structure beneath North America using ScS reverberations
- Continuation of long-term global SO<SUB>2</SUB> pollution monitoring from OMI to OMPS
- Coronal Disturbances and the Early Evolution of SEP Events
- Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology
- Covariability Between Geomagnetic and Ocean Forcing (Climatic) Data Sets
- Cratonic modification and subsequent asthenospheric interaction: Evidence from absolute P-wave tomography
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Deriving the instrument transfer function from OMI solar observations and its implications for trace gas retrievals
- Detecting Seismic Anisotropy in the Mantle Transition Zone with SS Precursors
- Determination of electron precipitation characteristics and ionospheric conductance using high spatio-temporal resolution ground-based multi-spectral imaging
- Determining Changes in Groundwater Quality during Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Developing Land Surface Emissivity Product for JPSS and GOES-R Missions
- Development and implementation of a GEOGLAM Crop Monitor web interface
- Development of an improved active fire global data set using S-NPP/VIIRS 375 and 750 m data
- Developments in Miniaturized Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (mini-LHR) construction for groundtruth measurements of CH4 and CO2 in harsh terrain
- Differential Electron Flux Spectra Measured by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission (MMS) Show Strong Field-aligned Electron Population of Ionospheric Origin
- Disparity of Chlorine to Fluorine Concentration Ratios Between Thermal Waters and Rocks of Yellowstone National Park, USA
- Driving the Heliospheric Jellyfish
- Early Assessment of Sentinel-3A measurements over Arctic Sea Ice
- Early Earth differentiation processes investigated through the short-lived <SUP>146</SUP>Sm-<SUP>142</SUP>Nd and <SUP>182</SUP>Hf-<SUP>182</SUP>W isotope systems
- Early Onset of Industrial-Era Warming Across the Oceans and Continents
- Early Terrestrial Mantle Differentiation Recorded in Paleoarchean Komatiites
- Earth's Outer Core Properties Estimated Using Bayesian Inversion of Normal Mode Eigenfrequencies
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage (WHS): Can it be a viable climate and energy strategy?
- Effect of CO2 Solubility on Dissolution Rates of Minerals in Porous Media Imbibed with Brine: Actual Efficiency of CO2 Sequestration
- Effect of Water on the Formation of Barriers to Melt Transport in the Martian Lithosphere
- Effects of Lower-hybrid Waves on Electron And Ion Heating During Asymmetric Reconnection
- Efficient Estimation of the Impact of Observing Systems using EFSO
- Electron Energization in Guide Field Reconnection Outflows with Kinetic Riemann Simulations
- Electron Heating near the Reconnection X-line Versus in the Downstream Exhaust
- Electron distribution functions and collisionless resistivity during asymmetric reconnection
- Electronic Field Data Collection in Support of Satellite-Based Food Security Monitoring in Tanzania
- Electrostatic upper-hybrid waves and energetic electrons in the Earth's radiation belt
- Emissions of CO and NO<SUB>x</SUB> at Two Near-Road Sites within the Baltimore-Washington Region: Influence of Meteorology
- Emulating the Marine Carbonate System using Pattern Scaling
- Energy-dependent and Fraction Specific Response of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon during Photodegradation
- Engaging with Underserved Urban Communities on Climate Resilience
- Enhancements to NASA's Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE)
- Enhancing Resilience to Heat Extremes: Multi-model Forecasting of Excessive Heat Events at Subseasonal Lead Times
- Enhancing SWAT for simulating water, carbon and nutrient cycling along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum
- Equatorial distributions of energetic ion moments in Saturn's magnetosphere using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- Estimates of Global Rangeland Net Primary Productivity and its Consumption Based on Climate and Livestock Distribution Data
- Estimation of Global Surface Carbon Fluxes Using Advanced Data Assimilation
- Evaluating Dietary Changes and Their Impact on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus and Climate Change Mitigation using an Integrated Assessment Model
- Evaluating Emissions Inventory Improvements Using Observations and the CMAQ Model: Impacts on Air Quality Attainment Strategies
- Evaluation Of The MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Fundamental Climate Data Record.
- Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Total Column Formaldehyde over the Tropical Western Pacific and Central United States
- Evaluation of a monthly hydrological model for Integrated Assessment Models
- Evaluation of the CMAQ and GMI Model-Simulated Shape Factors with DISCOVER-AQ Observations with Implications for Retrievals
- Evaluation of the Reanalysis Surface Incident Shortwave Radiation Products from NCEP, ECMWF, GSFC, and JMA using Satellite and Surface Observations
- Evidence for an Ancient Periglacial Climate in Gale Crater, Mars
- Evolution of supercritical fluid in deeply subducted continental crust: a case study of composite granite-quartz veins in the Sulu belt, China
- FLARE: a New User Facility to Study Multiple-Scale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection Through in-situ Measurements
- Field Measurements and Modeling of the Southeast Greenland Firn Aquifer
- Field strategies for the calibration and validation of high-resolution forest carbon maps: Scaling from plots to a three state region MD, DE, & PA, USA.
- Financial Strategies Moderate Weather Impacts on Food Security Outcomes
- Fire Impacts on Mixed Pine-oak Forests Assessed with High Spatial Resolution Imagery, Imaging Spectroscopy, and LiDAR
- Firn Thickness Changes (1982-2015) Driven by SMB from MERRA-2, RACMO2.3, ERA-Int and AVHRR Surface Temperature and the Impacts to Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Balance
- First observations of volcanic eruption clouds from L1 by DSCOVR/EPIC
- Flux Cancellation Leading to Solar Filament Eruptions
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- Forecasting Space Weather in the Upper Atmosphere: From Science to Prediction
- Full Speed Developments in the Three Meter Laboratory Model of The Earth's Core
- Fusion of multi-source remote sensing data for agriculture monitoring tasks
- GOFC-GOLD/LCLUC/START Regional Networking: building capacity for science and decision-making.
- Geo(spatial) Health Investigation of Rotavirus in an Endemic Region: Hydroclimatic Influences and Epidemiology of Rotavirus in Bangladesh
- Global Assessment of Exploitable Surface Reservoir Storage under Climate Change
- Global Flood Monitoring: First Steps Toward Integrating Remote Sensing Information
- Global Flood Response Using Satellite Rainfall Information Coupled with Land Surface and Routing Models
- Global Land Product Validation Protocols: An Initiative of the CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation to Evaluate Satellite-derived Essential Climate Variables
- Global Seismic Image of Mantle Transition Zone based on Finite-Frequency Theory.
- Global Urban Mapping and Modeling for Sustainable Urban Development
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Greenland firn aquifer investigations from remote sensing, geophysics, and in situ measurements
- Ground-Truthing a Next Generation Snow Radar
- Guide-Field Dependence of Dissipation Processes in Magnetopause Reconnection
- Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent cascade of slow waves in sub-ion-gyroradius scale in low-beta plasma
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Heat Flux Instability
- High Concentrations of Hydrogen-bearing Volatiles at the Base of Poleward-facing slopes in the Moon's Large Southern Permanently Shadowed Regions.
- High Latitude Precipitating Energy Flux and Joule Heating During Geomagnetic Storms Determined from AMPERE Field-aligned Currents
- High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, LPVEx, GCPEx and Olympex: Sensitivity of Microphysics
- High resolution satellite remote sensing used in a stratified random sampling scheme to quantify the constituent land cover components of the shifting cultivation mosaic of the Democratic Republic of Congo
- High spatial resolution mapping of the Cerrado's land cover and land use types in the priority area for conservation Chapada da Contagem, Brazil.
- High-Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Biomass for Forest Carbon Monitoring - A Case Study in Three Mid-Atlantic States, USA
- ISINGLASS campaign multi point sensors and data integration
- Impact of Error in Atmospheric State on Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals from a Laser CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sounder
- Impacts of water management on U.S. thermoelectricity production
- Implementation Targets for the Paris Climate Agreement
- Implementing of lognormal humidity and cloud-related control variables for the NCEP GSI hybrid EnVAR Assimilation scheme.
- Improve the retrieval sensitivity to lower tropospheric ozone and long-term consistency of SAO OMI ozone profile retrieval
- Improved TanDEM-X forest height estimation assisted by simulated GEDI lidar canopy height
- Improving Emission Estimates With The Community Emissions Data System (CEDS
- Improving thermodynamic representation in permafrost modeling within the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model
- Increased Tidal Dissipation in Rocky Satellites Subjected to Realistic Rheological Responses
- Indian Monsoon Precipitation in CMIP5: The role of tropical convection in biases and inter-model spread
- Initial Results in Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) Using GPM Data
- Insight into the Global Distribution and Chemical Composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> from the SPARTAN Global Aerosol Network
- Integration of ALS and TLS for calibration and validation of LAI profiles from large footprint lidar
- Interannual-Interdecadal Precipitation Variability in Tropical Wet and Dry Zones
- Inverse modeling with HYSPLIT Lagrangian Dispersion Model - Tests and Evaluation using the Cross Appalachian Tracer Experiment (CAPTEX) data
- Investigating the Effects of Stark Broadening in the Balmer Lines Observed in Solar Flares
- Investigating the Propagation of Meteorological Model Uncertainty for Tracer Modeling
- Investigating the impact of a northerly low-level jet on GHG flux estimates for Indianapolis using WRF-LETKF
- Is Recovery of Forest Soils from Acidic Deposition Accelerating Watershed Release of Atmospherically Deposited Nitrogen Accumulated over Past Decades?
- Is the Aquarius sea surface salinity variability representative?
- Joint tomographic inversion of surface wave and body wave data: shear wavespeed and Vp/Vs ratios in the mantle beneath the Continental US
- Kinetic physics in exhausts formed by guide field reconnection within the magnetosheath, as observed by MMS
- Laboratory Evolved Gas Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Materials: Implications for Analyses of Si-rich Amorphous Material in Gale Crater by the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument
- Large Floods in Narrow Valleys and Wide Floodplains: The Hydro-Climatology and Geomorphology of Flooding in Atlantic Slope Watersheds
- Leveraging field and remotely sensed data to reduce uncertainty in national inventories of coastal wetland carbon fluxes: Year 2 findings from the NASA "Blue" Carbon Monitoring System
- Lidar Applications for Fine Tuning Forest Inventory Estimates in the Nonforest and Understory Carbon Pools
- Lineament Azimuths on Europa: Implications for Evolution of the Europan Ice Shell
- Link between premidnight second harmonic poloidal waves and auroral undulations
- Link between von-Karman energy decay and reconnection heating in turbulent plasmas
- Long term forest cover change in China and the improvements to disturbance size-frequency modeling
- Low Cloud Feedback Amplifies Tropical North Atlantic Mutidecadal Oscillation: Observations, Model and Consequences
- MAVEN Observations of Current Sheet Dynamics in the Martian Magnetotail
- MAVEN Observations of the Thickness and Asymmetry of the Martian Induced Magnetospheric Boundar
- MAVEN Observations of the Variable Nature of Ionospheric Waves
- MAVEN Upstream Observations of the Cycle 24 Space Weather Conditions at Mars
- MAVEN observations of the effects of space weather on the configuration of the martian induced magnetosphere
- MMS Observations and Non-Force Free Modeling of a Flux Transfer Event Immersed in a Super-Alfvenic Flow
- MMS Observations of Turbulence from Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS Observations of the Flux Transfer Events in presence of the cold ions
- MMS observations of large guide field symmetric reconnection between colliding reconnection jets at the center of a magnetic flux rope at the magnetopause
- MMS observations of strong plasma enhancements at the dawn terminator
- MMS observations of wave-particle interactions in a kinetic-scale Alfvén-branch wave
- Magnetic Cloud Bz solar cycle variation and the space weather implications
- Magnetic Cyclotron Waves near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency in the Solar Wind: Wind and ACE Observations in 2005
- Mapping Brazilian Cropland Expansion, 2000-2013
- Mapping Fuel Loads and Dynamics in Rangelands Using Multi-Sensor Data in the Great Basin, USA
- Mapping the Dynamics of Surface Water Extent 1999-2015 with Landsat 5, 7, and 8 Archives
- Marginal Instability Threshold Condition of Ordinary Mode for Anisotropic Kappa Distributions
- Mars Internal Structure: Seismic Predictions for Core Phase Arrivals in Anticipation of the InSight Mission
- Maximizing a Multilevel Mentoring Model to Improve Research Experiences for Undergraduates Student Outcomes
- Measurements and models of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant fluxes in the Baltimore/Washington Area.
- Meso-scale Slow Velocity Features on the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Meter Scale Heterogeneities in the Oceanic Mantle Revealed in Ophiolites Peridotites
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during the Seasonal Permafrost Thaw at the Bonanza Creek Research Forest: Results from the May 2016 Field Campaign
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Modeling and Monitoring South Atlantic Anomaly in Low Earth Orbit Using SSUSI Photometric Data
- Modern Day Re-analysis of Pinatubo SO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection, Cloud dispersion and Stratospheric Aerosols
- Modulation of whistler-mode chorus waves by ULF and the effects on auroral precipitation
- Monitoring Phenology of Coastal Marshes in Louisiana using the Landsat Archive
- Monitoring and Modelling the Evolution of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai (Kingdom of Tonga) Volcanic Island by means of Satellite Remote Sensing
- Multi-scale probabilistic seismic imaging with the USArray
- Multi-spacecraft observations of ICMEs propagating from 1 AU to 1.5 AU
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes In The Molopo Farms Complex May Shed Light On Mechanisms Of Mineralization In The Bushveld Igneous Complex
- Multiscale level-set method for accurate modeling of two-phase immiscible flow with deposited thin-films on solid surfaces
- Multivariate, multi-sensor assimilation of land remote sensing datasets for National Climate Assessment
- NASA Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 Applications - Advancing Dialogue for More Effective Decisions and Societal benefits
- NASA airborne laser altimetry and ICESat-2 post-launch data validation
- NCA-LDAS: A Terrestrial Water Analysis System Enabling Sustained Assessment and Dissemination of National Climate Indicators
- NCEI-TSG: A Global in situ Sea-surface Salinity and Temperature Database of Thermosalinograph (TSG) Observations
- National-scale crop type mapping and area estimation using multi-resolution remote sensing and field survey
- Near real-time estimation of burned area using VIIRS 375 m active fire product
- New frontiers: Exploring climate and health research opportunities for the geoscience community
- Northeast U.S. Mechanisms of Cold-season Hydroclimate Variability and Change in Observations and Models
- Numerical simulations of Aerosol and Trace Gas Emissions and Transformations over the North China Plain
- Observing atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) from space: validation, intercomparison, trend analysis and public health implications
- On the Preservation of Intergranular Coesite in UHP Eclogite at Yangkou Bay, Sulu belt of eastern China
- Optical Characterization and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter of Leaf Leachates from Restored and Forested Delmarva Bay Catchments
- Optical Observations of Interhemispheric Electron Bouncing during Pulsating Aurora
- Outcomes of a NASA Workshop to Develop a Portfolio of Low Latency Datasets for Time-Sensitive Applications
- Overview of MAVEN Particle and Fields Package (PFP) Measurements During Observations of Discrete Aurora at Mars by the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS)
- Ozone Production and Its Sensitivity to NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOCs: Results from the DISCOVER-AQ Field Experiment, Houston 2013
- Paris INDCs: will they achieve the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement?
- Particle Dynamics at and Near the Electron and Ion Diffusion Regions
- Pathfinder Version 5.3 AVHRR Sea Surface Temperature Climate Data Record
- Performance of the LFSO2 algorithm at NOAA for near real time monitoring volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> cloud
- Phase Equilibria Modeling of Coesite Eclogite from the Sulu Belt, Eastern China
- Physics of the diffusion region in the Magnetospheric Multiscale era
- Plant Migrations Impact on Potential Vegetation and Carbon Redistribution from Climate Change in Northern North America
- Preliminary assessment of the GOES-R ABI hourly land surface albedo and reflectance products prototyped with Himawari AHI data
- Preparing for InSight - using the continuous seismic data flow to investigate the deep interior of Mars
- Preservation of magma ocean redox heterogeneities: evidence from Paleoarchean komatiites
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Probing the nature of pick-up ions (and kappa distribution) in the heliosheath through global ENA measurements and in-situ measurements
- Projecting Soil Feedbacks to Atmospheric CO2 Following Erosion and Deposition on Centennial Timescales in Two Contrasting Forests: A Study of Critical Zone-Atmosphere Exchange
- Proxy surrogate reconstructions of Common Era Atlantic meridional overturning circulation
- Purpose, Processes, Partnerships, and Products: 4Ps to advance Participatory Socio-Environmental Modeling
- Quantification of Global Warming: Critical Evaluation of GCMs
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management, Disturbances and Subsequent Forest Recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE)
- Quantifying Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases in Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area from Airborne Measurements
- Quantifying Seasonal Skill in Coupled Sea Ice Models using Freeboard Measurements from Spaceborne Laser Altimeters
- Quantifying cloud-base updraft speeds of marine stratocumulus from cloud-top radiative cooling
- Quantifying co-benefits of source-specific CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reductions in Canada and the US: An adjoint sensitivity analysis
- Quantifying molecular scale stabilization mechanisms at the organic-mineral interface
- Quantifying the Uncertainties and Multi-parameter Trade-offs in Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Velocity and Ellipticity
- Quasilinear Analysis of Electromagnetic Electron Cyclotron and Electron Firehose Instabilities in Homogeneous and in Inhomogeneous Solar Wind Plasmas
- REM-3D Reference Dataset: Reconciling 100 million surface-wave observations
- Radar and optical observations of small mass meteors at Arecibo
- Rare earth element evidence for ultra-thick primary crust in the Archean
- Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products and Predictions for Aviation Alerts
- Receiver Performance Analysis of a Multi-wavelength Sampling Integrated Path Differential Absorption CO<SUB>2</SUB> Lidar
- Recent shifts in Himalayan vegetation activity trends in response to climatic change and environmental drivers
- Reducing the Impact of Cloud Cover on Operational Crop Inventories
- Reevaluating Reaction Rates from Diffusion Profiles in Minerals and Effects on Trace Element Thermometers.
- Relative Contribution of Major Ecoregions to Inter-annual and Seasonal Variability of Terrestrial Ecosystems Gross Primary Productivity
- Remote Sensing Analysis of Malawi's Agricultural Inputs Subsidy and Climate Variability Impacts on Productivity
- Remote Sensing of Groundwater with GRACE and GRACE Follow On
- Remote sensing of essential ecosystem functional variables
- Reserves and trade jointly determine exposure to food supply shocks
- Response of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Properties to Aerosol Perturbations Associated with Meteorological Conditions from the 19-month AMF-Azores Campaign
- Retrieval of ice cloud properties with visible/near-/shortwave-infrared (VNIR/SWIR) and thermal-infrared (TIR) obaservations
- Revisiting the question of recycled (MIF) sulfur in sulfide inclusions from diamond
- Routine Mapping of the Snow Depth Distribution on Sea Ice
- SEP Modeling Throughout the Inner Heliosphere Based on the ENLIL Global Heliospheric Model
- Satellite Monitoring for Early Warning and Triggering Disaster Risk Financing in Uganda
- Satellite remote sensing of cloud-base updrafts for convective clouds and stratocumulus
- Satellite-derived emissions inventories and detection of missing sources
- Scaling of the Rate of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection with Diamagnetic Effects
- Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Height Distributions for the Arctic Ocean in Winter, Just Prior to Melt
- Seasonal, Diurnal, and Inter-annual Variability of Cloud Frequency and Cloud Base Height over the Contiguous United States from Ceilometer Measurements
- Seismic anisotropy in subduction zones: numerical modeling and infinite strain axis calculations
- Seismic observations of mid-mantle discontinuities on a global scale: implications for convection and composition
- Selection of on-orbit references for Global Space Based Inter-Calibration System
- Semi-Supervised Geographical Feature Detection
- Siderophile Element Constraints on the Origin of the Moon
- Simulation Study Based Analysis of the Statistical Properties of Biomass Estimators that use a Sample of GEDI Lidar Measurements
- Single Plant Root System Modeling under Soil Moisture Variation
- Slow fault propagation under conditions of high pore fluid pressure
- Solar Eruptive Activity at Mars' Orbit and its Potential Impacts
- Spatial and Temporal Intercomparison of Four Global Burned Area Products
- Spatial velocity response of Helheim Glacier to the presence of a firn aquifer
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Trends in Surface Water and Flooding Extent from Three Decades of Seasonally Continuous Landsat Time Series at Subcontinental Scale: Product Development and Applications
- Speed of Melt Migration Along Permeability Barriers and the Preservation of Uranium Decay Series Diequilibrium
- State of the Carbon Cycle - Consequences of Rising Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Stratospheric Inorganic Bromine Loading Inferred from CONTRAST BrO and Organic Bromine Observations
- Strength and Deformation Rate of Plate Boundaries: The Rheological Effects of Grain Size Reduction, Structure, and Serpentinization.
- Strengthening Agricultural Decisions in Countries at Risk of Food Insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning
- Subsurface Scattered Photons: Friend or Foe? Improving visible light laser altimeter elevation estimates, and measuring surface properties using subsurface scattered photons
- Super-Alfvenic Propagation and Damping of Reconnection Onset Signatures
- Suppression of Hydrogen Emission in a White-light Solar Flare
- Suprathermal H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Ions in the Solar Wind, Magnetosheath, and Magnetosphere near Titan
- Telecoupled governance of land use change: Sustainable palm oil conservation benefits limited by preferential certification
- Temporal characteristics and energy deposition of pulsating auroral patches
- The 3D Reference Earth Model (REM-3D): Update and Outlook
- The Advance of Atmospheric Sounding in NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) in the JPSS Era
- The Effect of a CME passage at Phobos: Expected Changes in Surface Potential
- The Effects of Turbulence on Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Heliosphere with Jets and its implications for the global Energetic Neutral Atoms Maps throughout the Solar Cycle and its impact on the large-scale draping of the interstellar magnetic field
- The Impact of the Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation over the Maritime Continent on the Propagation of the MJO into the Western Pacific
- The Influence of Cloud Feedbacks on Glacial-Interglacial Variations in Climate
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The International Space Station as a Key Platform to Synergize Observations of Fundamental Ecosystem Properties
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Lithospheric Structure of Madagascar
- The NSF Arctic Data Center: Leveraging the DataONE Federation to Build a Sustainable Archive for the NSF Arctic Research Community
- The Nature of Dissipation in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- The Potential of Spaceborne Remote Sensing for Deriving Canopy Structure Metrics and Informing Biodiversity and Habitat Mapping
- The Pressure-Induced Structural Response of A<SUB>2</SUB>Hf<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>7</SUB> (A=Y, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Yb) Compounds from 0.1-50 GPa
- The Role of Diabatic Heating on the Co-Variability of Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity and Zonal Index with Implications in a Changing Climate
- The Role of the Guide Field in Electron Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection
- The Sentinel-2 MSI Can Increase the Temporal Resolution of 30m Satellite-Derived LAI Estimates
- The Time-Dependency of Deformation in Porous Carbonate Rocks
- The `Seismic LAB': A test for the grain boundary-sliding model
- The comparison of in-situ Sea Surface Temperature anomalies gridded data sets.
- The effect of carbon-rich fluid alteration on the mechanical and physical properties of ultramafic rocks from Linnejavrre, Norway
- The impact of ground plot edge-effects on empirical relationships between footprint-level biomass and GEDI waveform lidar metrics
- The impact of multi-decadal sub-surface circulation changes on sea surface chlorophyll patterns in the tropical Pacific
- The impact of subglacial lakes on catchment-scale drainage dynamics in East Antarctica.
- The magnetic field in Jupiter's plasma sheet and magnetopause boundary layers
- The use of remotely-sensed wildland fire radiation to infer the fates of carbon during biomass combustion - the need to understand and quantify a fire's mass and energy budget
- Thinking small: Experimental and theoretical insights into how nanoconfinement and nanocrystals impact mineral carbonation
- Three-dimensional Particle-in-cell Simulations of an MMS Observationof Guide Field Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Topographic and physicochemical controls on soil denitrification potential in prior converted croplands located on the Delmarva Peninsula, USA
- Toward Multi-Model Frameworks Addressing Multi-Sector Dynamics, Risks, and Resiliency
- Toward Satellite Sea-Surface Salinity Data Validation using NCEI Real-time and Delay-mode in situ Observations
- Towards Decadal Hindcasts of Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Towards Real-Time Mapping of Smallholder Maize Yields Using Multiple New Sensors
- Towards a New 3-D Radial Anisotropic Model of the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone
- Towards a proxy model for maximum latewood density
- Towards improved snow mass estimation in Alaska: Integration of satellite-based passive microwave brightness temperatures with support vector machines into an ensemble-based land data assimilation system
- Tracing Mantle Plumes: Quantifying their Morphology and Behavior from Seismic Tomography
- Tracing biogeochemical Se cycling in seleniferous reclaimed mine soils
- Transitioning from MODIS to S-NPP VIIRS data for Agricultural Monitoring
- Turbulence in the Heliospheric Jets
- Understanding coupling between natural and human systems to ensure disease resilient societies
- Using Li and Its Isotopes as a Tracer of Subduction-Related Metamorphic Fluid-Rock Interactions
- Using NASA Remote Sensing Data to Reduce Uncertainty of Land-use Transitions in Global Carbon-Climate Models
- Using Pattern Scaling to Explore Precipitation Sensitivity to Global Temperature Change.
- Using Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Clusters of Ozonesonde Profiles to Evaluate Climatologies and Create Linkages between Meteorology and Pollution
- Using new observations to improve high latitude and high altitude precipitation estimates in support of water and energy budget calculations and prediction of future changes
- Utilizing Earth Observations for Reaching Sustainable Development Goals in Water, Sanitation and Public Health
- VIS and NIR land surface albedo sensitivity of the Ent Terrestrial Biosphere Model to forcing leaf area index
- Variability of Mid-Infrared Aurora on Jupiter: 1979 to 2016
- Variations in crustal thickness and seismic anisotropy in the northeastern United States from receiver function analyses
- Visualization and Quantification of Olivine Carbonation Using 4-dimensional Synchrotron Microtomography
- Vulnerability and Inequality in an Increasingly Wetter World: A Namibia Case Study
- Was There a Significantly Negative Anomaly of Global Land Surface Net Radiation from 2001-2006?
- Wave Phenomena Associated with Interplanetary Shocks
- What do we really know about Earth's early crust?
- Whole Earth P-wave Structure from Transdimensional Tomography
- Wide Dynamic Range Multiband Infrared Radiometer for In-Fire Measurements of Wildland Fire Radiant Flux Density
- Wintertime Emission Ratios of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>y</SUB> from Washington, D.C.-Baltimore
- Zonal Acoustic Velocimetry in 30-cm, 60-cm, and 3-m Laboratory Models of the Outer Core
- <p>Energy Dissipation and Dynamics in Large Guide Field Turbulence Driven Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- <p>Semi-Numerical Studies of the Three-Meter Spherical Couette Experiment Utilizing Data Assimilation
- 20<SUP>th</SUP>-Century Climate Change over Africa: Seasonal Variation in Hydroclimate Trends and Sahara Desert Extent
- A Centaur Reconnaissance Mission: a NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer Seminar mission design experience
- A Compact Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer for Measuring Atmospheric Composition with Preliminary Results from the Dellingr Mission
- A Comparison of Vertical Deformations Derived from Space-based Gravimetry, Ground-based Sensors, and Model-based Hydrologic Loading over the Western United States
- A Decade of High-Resolution Arctic Sea Ice Measurements from Airborne Altimetry
- A Geostatistics-Informed Hierarchical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Complex Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling
- A Large Seasonal Variation of Energetic C<SUP>+</SUP> and CO<SUP>+</SUP> Abundances in Saturn's Magnetosphere Probably Resulting from Changing Ring Illumination
- A Novel Observation-Guided Approach for Evaluating Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by the DOE ACME Model
- A Practical Review of Integrated Urban Water Models: Applications as Decision Support Tools and Beyond
- A Recommended Set of Key Arctic Indicators
- A Search for Rarely Seen Ultraviolet Coma Emissions and New Species Upper Limits at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph
- A breeze-driven current on sloped littoral waters
- A data-model integration approach toward improved understanding on wetland functions and hydrological benefits at the catchment scale
- A half-decade of field research on the Greenland firn aquifers - major advances and looming questions.
- A low-cost, portable, laser heterodyne radiometer for validating passive satellite observations of column carbon dioxide and methane
- A multi-scalar investigation of development and health in Ethiopia: household electrification in a agriculturally dependent and climate sensitive country
- ARM Tethered Balloon System & AALCO Activities at AMF3 Site at Oliktok Point, AK
- Accessing the uncertainties of seismic velocity and anisotropy structure of Northern Great Plains using a transdimensional Bayesian approach
- Adapting Infrastructure and Civil Engineering Practice to a Changing Climate: Developing a Manual of Practice
- Adaptive framework to better characterize errors of apriori fluxes and observational residuals in a Bayesian setup for the urban flux inversions.
- Agricultural response functions to changes in carbon, temperature, and water based on the C3MP data set
- Airborne Lidar Measurements of Surface Topography and Structure in Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems
- Algorithm theoretical basis for GEDI level-4A footprint above ground biomass density.
- An experimental study of the effects of adsorbing and non-adsorbing gases on friction and permeability evolution in clay-rich fault gouge
- An new MHD/kinetic model for exploring energetic particle production in macro-scale systems
- Analysis of Stakeholder-Defined Needs in Northeast U.S. Coastal Communities to Determine Gaps in Research Informing Coastal Resilience Planning
- Anisotropic structure of the Inner Core and its uncertainty from transdimensional body-wave tomography
- Annual global tree cover estimated by fusing optical and SAR satellite observations
- Assessing Extratropical Influence on Tropical Climatology and Variability with Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- Assessing performance and seasonal bias of pollen-based climate reconstructions in a perfect model world
- Assessing the Energy and Emissions Implications of Alternative Population Scenarios Using a State-Level Integrated Assessment Model
- Assessment of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters (MCD43A1 Collection 6) for directional reflectance retrieval
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration Measurements with Clouds from an Airborne Lidar
- Atmospheric Correction Inter-comparison Exercise (ACIX)
- Autonomous Acqisition of Science Grade Spectra From UAS's
- Biomass Burning and Natural Emissions in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: Chemical Composition and Impact on the Oxidative Capacity of the Atmosphere
- Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems
- Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic: Long-term Trends, Radiative Impacts, and Source Attributions
- Bridging the Expert and Citizen Divide: Integrating Public Deliberation to Inform NASA's Asteroid Initiative
- Bridging the Gap Between Large-Scale Drivers of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Lifetime Model Differences & Instantaneous, Localized Measurements of OH & Related Species
- Brown Dog: A Data Transformation Ecosystem for Research - Advancing from Beta to 1.0
- Building sector feedbacks lead to increased energy demands
- CATS Near Real Time Data Products: Applications for Assimilation into the NASA GEOS-5 AGCM
- Calibration of low-cost gas sensors for an urban air quality monitoring network
- Can Runoff Responses be Used to Predict Aquatic Biogeochemical Fluxes from Boreal Forest Ecosystems?
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Centro TORTUGA's Integrated Research and Professional Development Training for Early Stage Hispanic Students in Puerto Rico
- Change in Frictional Behavior during Olivine Serpentinization
- Characteristics of Swarm Seismicity in Northern California
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Characterizing Exterior and Interior Tropical Forest Structure Variability with Full-Waveform Airborne LIDAR Data in Lopé, Gabon
- Characterizing Ion Flows Across a Dipolarization Front
- Characterizing the Seismic Ocean Bottom Environment of the Bransfield Strait
- Chemical structure of the Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) fluorescent matter.
- Cirrus Horizontal Heterogeneity Effects on Cloud Optical Properties Retrieved from MODIS VNIR to TIR Channels as a Function of the Spatial Resolution
- Collecting, Managing, and Visualizing Data during Planetary Surface Exploration
- Combined Use of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data for Agricultural Monitoring
- Comparing Estimated Cirrus Radiative Forcing from HSRL and Standard Backscatter Lidar Derived Optical Properties
- Comparing Temporally-Separated Solar Wind Structures at 1 AU (STEREO A and OMNI)
- Comparison of MERRA-2 and ECCO-v4 ocean surface heat fluxes: Consequences of different forcing feedbacks on ocean circulation and implications for climate data assimilation.
- Comparison of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from OMI and OMPS from 2012 to 2016
- Compositional changes in the UCC through time revealed by tungsten isotopes
- Constraining Aerosol Properties with the Spectrally-Resolved Phase Function of Pluto's Hazes
- Constraining mass anomalies in the interior of spherical bodies using Trans-dimensional Bayesian Hierarchical inference.
- Constraints on the perturbed mutual motion in Didymos due to impact-induced deformation of its primary after the DART impact
- Continuation of Global NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Monitoring with Suomi NPP OMPS
- Controls on Soil Organic Matter in Blue Carbon Ecosystems along the South Florida Coast
- Convection in horizontal decompaction channels at the base of the lithosphere
- Coordinated Development and Deployment of Scenarios for Sustained Assessment
- Creation of Synthetic Surface Temperature and Precipitation Ensembles Through A Computationally Efficient, Mixed Method Approach
- Cropland expansion in Brazil, 2000 to 2014
- Curiosity and the Four Seasons: In Situ Measurements of the Atmospheric Composition over Three Mars Years
- Deep Convective Transport in Cumulus-Parameterized and Cloud-Resolved WRF-Chem Simulations of an MCS and Storms from Different Convective Regimes during the DC3 Field Campaign
- Determining Crust and Upper Mantle Structure by Bayesian Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion at a Single Station: Preparation for Data from the InSight Mission
- Determining L-M-N current sheet coordinate directions using virtual spacecraft data from a simulation of asymmetric magnetic reconnection
- Developing the remote sensing-based water environmental model for monitoring alpine river water environment over Plateau cold zone
- Diagnosing Geospatial Uncertainty Visualization Challenges in Seasonal Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts
- Diagnosing entropy production and dissipation in fully kinetic plasmas
- Differentiating surface water change from seasonal and inter-annual variability in North Western Canada using multi-decadal time series of data
- Direct Observations of Isoprene Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Ambient Cloud Droplets
- Direct numerical simulation of reactive flow and modeling of pore-scale transport phenomena in fractured media
- Discovery of Suprathermal Fe+ in and near Earth's Magnetosphere
- Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Drainage Cycles of Water-Filled Crevasses in Jakobshavn Isbræ as a Function of Conduit Creep Deformation
- Dryland Agrivoltaics: A novel approach to collocating food production and solar renewable energy to maximize food production, water savings, and energy generation
- ENSO Precipitation Variations as Seen by GPM and TRMM Radar and Passive Microwave Observations
- Economic implications of climate-driven trends in global hydropower generation
- Effects of Climate and Social Change on Pasture Productivity and Area in the Alay Valley, Kyrgyzstan
- Effects of Large Wood on River-Floodplain Connectivity in a Headwater Appalachian Stream
- Effects of Snow/ Soil Interface on Microwave Backscatter of Terrestrial Snowpack at X- and Ku- Band
- Effects of the reconnection electric field on crescent electron distribution functions in asymmetric guide field reconnection
- Efforts to integrate CMIP metadata and standards into NOAA-GFDL's climate model workflow
- Electron Impact Studies Relevant to Rosetta Coma Measurements of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Electron scale magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath: Kinetic PIC simulation study
- Elemental Redistribution at the Onset of Soil Genesis from Basalt as Measured in a Soil Lysimeter System
- Empowering Local Organizations and Decision-makers in a Changing Climate: EO-guided Environmental Surveillance of Cholera and Rotavirus for South Asia
- Energy Dependence of Electron-Scale Currents and Dissipation During Magnetopause Reconnection
- Energy-Water-Land Nexus: The relative contributions of climate and human systems on global water scarcity
- Enhanced contribution of wetland methane variability during recent El Nino
- Estimating Surface Elevation Bias Due to Subsurface Scattered Photons from Visible Wavelength Laser Altimeters
- Evolution of Plate Tectonics on Earth since the Mid-Mesoarchean was Controlled by Sedimentary Fluxes from Continents to Oceans and Mantle Temperature
- Examining fire-induced forest changes using novel remote sensing technique: a case study in a mixed pine-oak forest
- Exploring Land Use and Land Cover Change and Feedbacks in the Global Change Assessment Model
- Exploring drivers of wetland hydrologic fluxes across parameters and space
- Exploring the Climate Literacy Development Utilizing a Learning Progressions Approach
- Exploring the Impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in South East Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016
- Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature Version 5 (ERSSTv5): Upgrades, Validations, and Intercomparisons
- FLARE: a New User Facility for Studies of Magnetic Reconnection Through Simultaneous, in-situ Measurements on MHD Scales, Ion Scales and Electron Scales
- Field Measurements of Trace Gases and Aerosols Emitted by Undersampled Combustion Sources Including Wood and Dung Cooking Fires, Garbage and Crop Residue Burning, and Indonesian Peat Fires
- Fine Scale Variability of Surface Broadband and Spectral Albedo Over the Southern Great Plains
- Fire-induced surface forcing of the Siberian larch forests since 2000 in the context of climate change
- Fluid-mobile and volatile element cycling through the Hikurangi accretionary prism, New Zealand
- Forest biomass mapping from fusion of GEDI Lidar data and TanDEM-X InSAR data
- Fusion of GEDI, ICESAT2 & NISAR data for above ground biomass mapping in Sonoma County, California
- G-REALM: A lake/reservoir monitoring tool for drought monitoring and water resources management.
- GPM and TRMM Radar Vertical Profiles and Impact on Large-scale Variations of Surface Rain
- Generating Melt During Exhumation of Continental Crust from Ultrahigh Pressure (UHP) Conditions
- Geothermal modelling and geoneutrino flux prediction at JUNO with local heat production data
- Global Ozone Distribution relevant to Human Health: Metrics and present day levels from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Global Snow from Space: Development of a Satellite-based, Terrestrial Snow Mission Planning Tool
- Global and regional observations of mid-mantle discontinuities: implications for mantle dynamics and flow
- Global source attribution of sulfate aerosol and its radiative forcing
- HWRF development constrains by storm sample choice
- Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 Reflectance Products for Land Monitoring
- Heterogeneous Delivery of Silicate and Metal to the Earth via Large Planetesimals
- High spatial resolution mapping of land cover types in a priority area for conservation in the Brazilian savanna
- High-Resolution Forest Carbon Monitoring and Modeling: Continued Prototype Development and Deployment Across The Tri-state Area (MD, PA, DE), USA
- High-resolution in situ electron measurements combined with conjugate multi-spectral auroral imaging
- How big are different parts of pictures of the rock under us?
- Hyporheic Zone Residence Time Distributions in Regulated River Corridors
- Identifying Wave-Particle Interactions in the Solar Wind using Statistical Correlations
- Identifying forest patterns from space to explore dynamics across the circumpolar boreal
- Impact of Future Volcanic Eruptions on Stratospheric Ozone
- Impacts of National Decarbonization Targets for Subnational Societal Priorities
- Impacts of historic and projected land-cover, land-use, and land-management change on carbon and water fluxes: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Implementing of lognormal humidity and cloud-related control variables for the NCEP GSI hybrid EnVAR Assimilation scheme.
- Implications of sustainable development considerations for comparability across NDCs
- Implications of various land use change scenarios on global water scarcity over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Implications of water constraints for electricity capacity expansion in the United States
- Improved velocity distributions for exospheric Na and K surrounding the Moon
- Improving Global Net Surface Heat Flux with Ocean Reanalysis
- In Situ Global Sea Surface Salinity and Variability from the NCEI Global Thermosalinograph Database
- InSAR time series analysis of ALOS-2 ScanSAR data and its implications for NISAR
- Increasing Helicity to Achieve a Dynamo State on the Three-Meter Model of the Earth's Core
- Inferences from the Chronology of Dengue and Zika Outbreaks in Human Populations
- Inferring Enceladus' ice shell strength and structure from Tiger Stripe formation
- Influences of Coupled Hydrologic and Microbial Processes on River Corridor Biogeochemistry and Ecology
- Influences of Dam Operations in Groundwater-Surface Water Mixing Zones: Towards Multiscale Understanding
- Infusion of SMAP Data into Offline and Coupled Models: Evaluation, Calibration, and Assimilation
- Insights from Modeling the Integrated Climate, Biogeochemical Cycles, Human Activities and Their Interactions in the ACME Earth System Model
- Interaction of Technology Adoption Constraints and Multi-level Policy Coherence at the Energy-Food Nexus
- Interannual Variability of Water Ice Clouds at Gale Crater
- Intercomparison of 30+ years of AVHRR and Landsat-5 TM Surface Reflectance using Multiple Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites
- Intra-LLSVP Heterogeneity from Spherical Slepian Analysis
- Investigating the climate and carbon cycle impacts of CMIP6 Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Community Earth System Model (CESM2)
- Investigating the early snowmelt of 2015 in the Cascade Mountains using new MODIS-based snowmelt timing maps
- Investigating the source of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic emissions observed in the Radiation belts
- Investigations of Wind/WAVES Dust Impacts
- Ion and Electron Energization in Guide Field Reconnection Outflows with Kinetic Riemann Simulations and Parallel Shock Simulations
- Kappa distributions in Saturn's magnetosphere: energetic ion moments using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- Kinetic scale structure of low-frequency waves and fluctuations
- Kinetic-scale fluctuations resolved with the Fast Plasma Investigation on NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission.
- Landsat and Sentinel-2A Surface Albedo Estimation and Evaluation Against In Situ Measurements Across the US SURFRAD Network
- Lessons Learned from 10 Years of STEREO Solar Wind Observations
- Lidar observed seasonal variation of vertical canopy structure in the Amazon evergreen forests
- Linking seasonal surface water dynamics with methane emissions and export from small, forested wetlands
- Lithospheric strucutre and relationship to seismicity beneath the Southeastern US using reciever functions
- Long term, non-anthropogenic groundwater storage changes simulated by a global land surface model
- MESSENGER's Special Delivery: Gas and Dust Production from Comets 2P/Encke and C/2012 S1 (ISON) at Small Heliocentric Distances
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Mantle viscosity structure constrained by joint inversions of seismic velocities and density
- Mapping Saturn's Night Side Plasma Sheet Using Cassini's Proximal Orbits.
- Mass Balance of East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Reconciling ICESat Altimetry with GRACE Gravimetry and Long-term Ice History
- Measurements and models of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>Flux in the Baltimore/Washington area.
- Mobile Digital Applications for Farmers to Transform Agriculture Statistics from the Bottom Up
- Model-data integration for developing the Cropland Carbon Monitoring System (CCMS)
- Modeling cometary photopolarimetric characteristics with Sh-matrix method
- Modeling the Large-scale Environments of Long-lived Mesoscale Convective Systems Conducive to Heavy Precipitation in the Central United States
- Modeling the recovery and degradation of mangroves at the global scale
- Monitoring coastal marshes biomass with CASI: a comparison of parametric and non-parametric models
- Monthly Sea Surface Salinity and Freshwater Flux Monitoring
- Multi-scale, multi-model assessment of projected land allocation
- Multidecadal variations of solar radiation reaching the surface and the role of aerosol direct radiative effects
- National forest cover monitoring in mainland South and Southeast Asia: method development and capacity building
- New Approach in Modelling Indonesian Peat Fire Emission
- Non-zero Δ<SUP>33</SUP>S preserved in rocks from the Basal Ultramafic Sequence indicate crustal contamination in the most primitive magma of the Rustenburg Layered Suite (Bushveld Complex, South Africa)
- Normal Mode Derived Models of the Physical Properties of Earth's Outer Core
- Observational Evidence for Enhanced Greenhouse Effect Reinforcing Wintertime Arctic Amplification and Sea Ice Melting Onset
- Observations by the Rosetta-Alice Ultraviolet Spectrograph of a Coronal Mass Ejection Impact on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Observations of Building Performance under Combined Wind and Surge Loading from Hurricane Harvey
- Ocean Predictability and Uncertainty Forecasts Using Local Ensemble Transfer Kalman Filter (LETKF)
- Ocean heat content estimation from in situ observations at the National Centers for Environmental Information: Improvements and Uncertainties
- On the Initiation of an Isolated Convective Storm Near the Central Urban Area of Beijing Metropolitan Region
- Open Source Tools for Assessment of Global Water Availability, Demands, and Scarcity
- Orientation and spread of reconnection x-line in asymmetric current sheets
- Origin, Maintenance and Variability of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL): The Roles of Monsoon Dynamics
- Overshoot and Non-Overshoot Pathways to 1.5<SUP>o</SUP>C and Above: The Temperature Tunnel
- Ozone Profile Retrievals from the OMPS on Suomi NPP
- PREDICT: A next generation platform for near real-time prediction of cholera
- Permafrost degradation in high-latitude regions in recent decades
- Permeability and 3-D melt geometry in shear-induced high melt fraction conduits
- Physical properties of shallow landslides and their role in landscape evolution investigated with ultrahigh-resolution lidar data and aerial imagery
- Pluto's surface composition and atmosphere
- Pore fluid pressure and the seismic cycle
- Potential role of salinity in ENSO and MJO predictions
- Pre-service teacher professional development on climate change: Assessment of workshop success and influence of prior knowledge
- Predicting the La Niña of 2020-21: Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Variance in Solar and Atmospheric Variability
- Prediction of winter wheat high yield from remote sensing based model: application in United States and Ukraine
- Probing Mantle Heterogeneity Across Spatial Scales
- Production of Prebiotic Molecule Precursors from Hypervelocity Impact Simulation Experiments on Carbonate Sediments
- Progress towards NASA MODIS and Suomi NPP Cloud Property Data Record Continuity
- Propagation and Loss-Cone Properties of Relativistic Electron Beams in the Magnetosphere
- Quantify the Biophysical and Socioeconomic Drivers of Changes in Forest and Agricultural Land in South and Southeast Asia
- Quantifying Fire Impact on Alaskan Tundra from Satellite Observations and Field Measurements
- Quantifying mantle structure and dynamics using plume tracing in seismic tomography
- Quantifying the changes in the High Mountain Asia snow hydrology
- Quantifying the variability of potential black carbon transport from cropland burning in Russia driven by atmospheric blocking events.
- Quantifying uncertainties of seismic Bayesian inversion of Northern Great Plains
- REM-3D Reference Datasets: Reconciling large and diverse compilations of travel-time observations
- Radio Emissions from Magnetopause Reconnection Events
- Regional Responses to Constrained Water Availability
- Regional aerosol trends over the North Atlantic Ocean since 2002: identifying and attributing using satellite, surface, and model datasets
- Regional comparison of tundra carbon budget response over the Alaska North Slope to varying environmental conditions as informed by in situ and flux tower measurements, remote sensing and biophysical modeling
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Multipurpose Reservoirs: Case Study Applications in Indonesia, Mexico, and Uruguay
- Remotely-sensed and in-situ observations of Greenland firn aquifers
- Representing Reservoir Stratification in Land Surface and Earth System Models
- Reservoir computer predictions for the Three Meter magnetic field time evolution
- Reservoir-induced Alterations in Flood Seasonality: Patterns, Processes, and Implications
- Resolution of lava tubes with ground penetrating radar: preliminary results from the TubeX project
- Retrieval of the Land Surface Reflectance for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 and its validation.
- Revisiting surface albedo changes over Greenland since 1980s using satellite data from GLASS, CLARA, MODIS, and Landsat
- Robust Flood Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series
- Rosetta/Alice Measurements of Atomic and Molecular Abundances in the Coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- STEREO observations of insitu waves in the vicinity of interplanetary shocks
- Satellite Based Cropland Carbon Monitoring System
- Satellite assessment of increasing tree cover 1982-2016
- Satellite based hydroclimatic understanding of evolution of Dengue and Zika virus
- Satellite-based estimation of cloud-base updrafts for convective clouds and stratocumulus
- Scaling of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate with Guide Field
- Sea Ice in the NCEP Seasonal Forecast System
- Seismic Analysis of the 2017 Oroville Dam Spillway Erosion Crisis
- Seismic Anisotropy in Mantle Transition Zone: Constraints from Observations and Synthetic Modeling of SS Precursors
- Seismic and aseismic fault slip during the 2016 Central Apennines earthquake sequence in Italy
- Seismic and thermodynamics constraints on temperature and composition of the Italian crust.
- Seismic signal and noise on Europa and how to use it
- Sensitivity Study of IROE Cloud Retrievals Using VIIRS M-Bands and Combined VIIRS/CrIS IR Observations
- Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis for Streamflow Prediction Using Different Objective Functions and Optimization Algorithms: San Joaquin California
- Sensitivity of Support Vector Machine Predictions of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Over Snow-covered Terrain in High Mountain Asia
- Separating Multiple Episodes of Partial Melting in Polyorogenic Crust: AN Example from the Haiyangsuo Complex, Northern Sulu Belt, Eastern China
- Simple Climate Model Evaluation Using Impulse Response Tests
- Small Bodies in the Kuiper Belt : Lessons from Pluto's Small Satellites
- Small aperture seismic arrays for studying planetary interiors and seismicity
- Snow Radiance Data Assimilation over High Mountain Asia Using the NASA Land Information System and a Well-Trained Support Vector Machine
- Soil Nutrient Stocks in Sub-Saharan Africa: Modeling Soil Nutrients Using Machine Learning
- Spatiotemporal patterns of fire-induced forest mortality in boreal regions and its potential drivers
- Spectrally adjusted surface reflectance and its dependence with NDVI for Landsat and Sentinel 2
- Statistical Properties for Hybrid Estimators of Biomass that use GEDI Waveform Data
- Striking Seasonality in the Secular Warming of the Northern Continents: Structure and Mechanisms
- Studying emissions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Baltimore/Washington area using airborne measurements: source attribution, flux quantification, and model comparison
- Surface-atmospheric water cycle at Gale crater through multi-year MSL/REMS observations
- System Dynamics based Dengue modeling environment to simulate evolution of Dengue infection under different climate scenarios
- Temporal Patterns in Dissolved Organic Carbon Composition in an Urban Lake
- The 3D Reference Earth Model: Status and Preliminary Results
- The Contribution of Directional Clumping Index to Leaf Area Index Estimation
- The Devil in the Dark: A Fully Self-Consistent Seismic Model for Venus
- The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART)
- The Earth's Thorium and Uranium Abundance and Distribution
- The Effects of Ridge Axis Width on Mantle Melting at Mid-Ocean Ridges
- The Evolution of Integrated Assessment and Emerging Challenges in the Assessment of Human and Natural System Interactions
- The GEDI Performance Tool
- The Growing Population of Dark Objects Inferred to Have High Surface Porosity
- The PDS4 Data Dictionary Tool - Metadata Design for Data Preparers
- The Plasma Proton Environment within Saturn's inner magnetosphere as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) during Saturn Orbit Insertion
- The Preservation and Detection of Organic Matter within Jarosite
- The Regional Land Cover Monitoring System: Building regional capacity through innovative land cover mapping approaches
- The Sea Level Rise Tipping Point of Delta Survival
- The Solar Wind Source Cycle: Relationship to Dynamo Behavior
- The Solar Wind-Mars Interaction Boundaries in Three Dimensions
- The Solidus of Mar
- The Structure of the Heliosphere with Solar Cycle and Its Effect on the Conditions in the Local ISM
- The absent magnetospheric cushion near Jupiter's dawn terminator?
- The development of a Planetary Broadband Seismometer (PBBS) for the Lunar Geophysical Network and the Ocean World
- The effect of a guide field on local energy conversion during asymmetric magnetic reconnection: Particle-in-cell simulations
- The effect of tail stretching on the ionospheric accessibility of relativistic electron beam experiments
- The impact of forest structure and spatial scale on the relationship between ground plot above ground biomass and GEDI lidar waveforms
- The importance of grain size to mantle dynamics and seismological observations
- The ins and outs of mélange diapirs: a multidisciplinary approach to formation, ascent, and observation
- The pressure-induced structural response of rare earth hafnate and stannate pyrochlore from 0.1-50 GPa
- The relationship of lightning activity and short-duation rainfall events during warm seasons over the Beijing metropolitan region
- The role of three-dimensional transport in driving enhanced electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection
- The structure of the electron diffusion region during asymmetric anti-parallel magnetic reconnection
- The vertical and horizontal chemical inhomogeneity over the planetary boundary layer of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Thermal Profile of the Lunar Interior Constrained by Revised Estimates of Concentrations of Heat Producing Elements
- Topographic Metric Predictions of Soil redistribution and Organic Carbon Distribution in Croplands
- Toward a Multi-City Framework for Urban GHG Estimation in the United States: Methods, Uncertainties, and Future Goals
- Toward a new 3-D radial anisotropy model of the upper mantle and transition zone
- Towards Snowpack Characterization using C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Towards Year-round Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage over Snow-Covered Terrain via Multi-sensor Assimilation of GRACE/GRACE-FO and AMSR-E/AMSR-2.
- Towards an integrated strategy for monitoring wetland inundation with virtual constellations of optical and radar satellites
- Towards large-scale mapping of urban three-dimensional structure using Landsat imagery and global elevation datasets
- Transient porosity pulses and microfracturing during a stress-generating retrograde metamorphic reaction
- Trends in Surface Level Ozone Observations from Human-health Relevant Metrics: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- Turbulence in Three Dimensional Simulations of Magnetopause Reconnection
- UV Reflectance of Jupiter's Moon Europa and Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Ultraviolet Characterization of Comet and Asteroid Surfaces as Observed by the Rosetta Alice Instrument (Invited)
- Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective
- Understanding complexities in coupled dynamics of human-water and food security
- Understanding hydro-climatic drivers of infectious diarrheal diseases in South Asia and their projected risks from regional climate models
- Updated Reference Model for Heat Generation in the Lithosphere
- Updates on the development of Deep Blue aerosol algorithm for constructing consistent long-term data records from MODIS to VIIRS
- Updating older forest inventory data with a growth model and satellite records to improve the responsiveness and currency of national carbon monitoring
- Urban Streams as Transporters or Transformers of Carbon and Nutrients: Does Size Matter?
- Urbanization accelerates long-term salinization and alkalinization of fresh water
- Uses of Single Photon Lidar (SPL) in the Monitoring Reporting and Verification of afforestation and carbon offset projects
- Using Analysis Increments (AI) to Estimate and Correct Systematic Errors in the Global Forecast System (GFS) Online
- Using EFSO/PQC to Improve the Quality of Observations and Analyses
- Using High-Resolution Imagery to Characterize Disturbance from Hurricane Irma in South Florida Wetlands
- Using InSAR Time Series Analysis to Interpret Co- and Postseismic Deformation of the 2016 Mw 6.4 MeiNong Earthquake in SW Taiwan
- Using a water-food-energy nexus approach for optimal irrigation management during drought events in Nebraska
- Validation of the MODIS Collection 6 MCD64 Global Burned Area Product
- Variables that influence energy partition in asymmetric reconnection
- Variations/Changes in Daily Precipitation Extremes Derived from Satellite-Based Products
- Visualizing lava flow interiors with LiDAR
- Water within the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Constraints and the Impact on Future Global Change Scenarios
- What Does Titan's Atmosphere Look Like Near The Poles At The End Of The Cassini Mission ?
- Will Enhanced Spring Vegetation Activity Under A Warming Climate Amplify Drought in the Summer: A Perspective from 2012 US Drought
- Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? - insight from a modeling-based global study
- Winter Crop Mapping for Improving Crop Production Estimates in Argentina Using Moderation Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Effects of model resolution and parameterizations on the simulations of clouds, precipitation, and their interactions with aerosols
- "Not if, but how": Moving from ad-hoc engagement to systematic capacity building for freshwater management
- 20 years of wheat in Argentina: An agronomic, economic and remote sensing perspective
- 20-year evolution of high elevation ice sheet runoff - motion relationship in the Pâkitsoq region of Western Greenland
- 3D Reference Earth Model: Regionalized and Smooth Flavors
- A Comparison of Aerosol-Cloud Microphysical Effects from Long-Range Transported Aerosols in Two Different Systems: The Arctic Ocean and the Subtropical North Atlantic
- A Controlled Freeze-Thaw Experiment to Model Sediment and Phosphorus Loads from Bank Erosion of Legacy Sediments
- A Framework to Facilitate Integrated Sub-Regional Multi-Sector Infrastructure Investment Planning
- A Fully Coupled Surface Water Storage and Subsurface Soil Water Dynamics Model for Characterizing Hydroperiod of Wetlands
- A Global partnership for flood risk reduction
- A Predicted Small and Round Heliosphere
- A Proactive Quality Control (PQC) based on Ensemble Forecast Sensitivity to Observations
- A Search for Plasma Waves in the Distant Martian Environment
- A Strategy for Monitoring Human-induced Land Change at the Global Scale
- A Study of Boreal Mid-Latitude Lightning-NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production
- A combined Radar and optical algorithm for refining temporal information in the MODIS burned area product using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery
- A computational model for exploring particle acceleration during macroscale magnetic reconnection
- A framework for efficient chemical separation of tungsten and other trace elements using organic acids for high-precision mass spectrometry
- A global picture on correlating primordial mantle signatures in Ocean Island basalts
- A global time series of tree-canopy cover maps from 2000 to 2015
- A large decline of tropospheric NO<SUB>2 </SUB>in China since 2013 observed from space by SNPP OMPS
- A multidisciplinary assessment of heat flux at the core mantle boundary
- A multivariate index for summertime mid-latitude and Saharan Heat Low interaction and implications for dust loading
- A new multi-source dataset describing surface water regimes across North American wetlandscapes
- A novel understanding of Carrying Capacity from a two-way coupled Human-Climate-Water Model
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A regionally-tailored aerosol retrieval algorithm for deriving high-resolution and high-accuracy aerosol optical depth over Eastern China
- A satellite data record of annual global land cover and long-term change 1982-2016
- Advances in Neutrino Geophysics
- Advances in a community watershed model to represent land management impacts on watershed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes
- Advances in the representation of reservoirs in integrated human-Earth systems models: scenarios and insights
- Aerosol plume height climatology from synergistic use of VIIRS, OMPS, and CALIOP
- Agricultural Monitoring in the Americas: An International Working Group to Realize the Goals of GEOGLAM and AmeriGEOSS
- Agroecosystems in Transition: Sea Level rise and Saltwater Intrusion Alter Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Farmlands
- Air Pollution Source Apportionment in a Coastal Transition Zone Using a Combination of Pollutant Monitoring Techniques During the OWLETS-2 Field Campaign
- Air Pollution and Health Co-Benefits of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- Air quality forecasts using the NASA GEOS composition model
- Air-sea Interactions in a High-Resolution Ocean-atmosphere Simulation
- Ammonia, water vapor, and clouds in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone
- An 1km global forest above-ground biomass map generated from multiple satellite products and ancillary information
- An Adaptive and Mission-Enabling Laser Desorption/Ablation High Resolution Mass Spectrometer for Lunar Reconnaissance and/or Astrobiological Exploration
- An Airborne Mission Simulator at X- and Ku-bands driven by SnowEx 2017 Data
- An Energy-Water-Land Nexus Perspective from the Paris Pledges in Latin America
- An Experimental Study on the Formation of Scandium-Rich Rocks
- An Introduction to the Advanced Regional OSSE Framework for Hurricane Prediction
- An MMS Event Study of 3D Asymmetric Reconnection with Extended MHD
- An Overview of the NASA V1 VIIRS Land Products
- An assessment of the impacts of cloud vertical heterogeneity on global ice cloud records from passive satellite retrievals
- An emerging new picture on plasma heating at Earth's quasi-perpendicular shocks
- An new MHD/kinetic model for exploring particle accelerationin solar flares
- Analogs of Ice and Fire: Conducting Fieldwork in the Icelandic Highlands to Inform Volcanic Interpretations on Mars and Instrument Development for Europa
- Analysis of Extreme Flooding Along the Atlantic Coast
- Analysis of Trends in Total Stratospheric Ozone
- Analysis of the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.5 Papua New Guinea earthquake using the sub-pixel offset method
- Anthropogenic Forcing Uncertainty and Arctic Temperature Change
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application of Machine Learning Methods in Estimation of Coastal Storm Surge
- Application of a K-band FMCW Radar for the temporal tracking of dry snow stratigraphy, snowpack melt-freeze states, and mixed snow-rain precipitation events
- Applying Land Data Assimilation to Simulate Days Suitable for Fieldwork for Agricultural Decision-Making
- Archetypical pathways of deforestation and population displacement caused by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia
- Areal Differences of Rainfall Variability in the Beijing Metropolitan Region: Potential Signs of the Impact of Air Pollution and Urbanization
- Assessing Downscaled High Resolution SMAP Soil Moisture Data Products for Potential Applications in the National Water Model
- Assessing impacts of agricultural interventions and land use planning activities on deforestation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
- Assessing inter-annual changes in carbon fluxes on croplands using high resolution carbon monitoring system
- Assessing possible mutual orbit period change by shape deformation of Didymos after a kinetic impact in the NASA-led Double Asteroid Redirection Test
- Assessing the Impacts of Management Styles on the Trends of Aboveground Carbon Fluxes in Eastern US Forestland 1986 - 2015
- Assessing the Structure of the Lunar Deep Interior: a Seismological and Selenophysical Perspective
- Assessing the shape accuracy of individual burn scars in the Western United States
- Assessing the uncertainty in the aircraft-based mass balance estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area: Comparison of top-down estimates to various bottom-up inventories
- Assessing the uncertainty in the terrestrial water budgets over High Mountain Asia
- Assessment and Validation of an Observing Systems Simulation Experiment (OSSE) System using a Summary Assessment Metric (SAM) Inter-comparison of OSSE and Observing System Experiment (OSE) Results
- Assessment of altimetry using ground-based GPS data from the 88S Traverse, Antarctica, in support of ICESat-2
- Assessment of merging technique using Triple Collocation (TC) from satellite and reanalysis dataset over Different Land Covers in East Asia: GLDAS, MOD16, GLEAM, and MERRA.
- Assessment of the Impact of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS RO Observations on Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere Specification using the GSI Ionosphere Data Assimilation System
- Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise
- Auroral electrodynamics revealed by high speed in-situ and inferred electron precipitation characteristics
- Automatic Detection of Magnetospheric Regions around Saturn using Cassini Data
- Automatic Fire Detection Using Carbon Monoxide Emissions
- Baltimore and Beijing: A tale of two cities
- Beyond "forest" change: assessing and improving global forest cover products
- Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar environment Above Swirls (BOLAS): Tethered Microsat Investigation Of Space Weathering and the Water Cycle at the Moon
- Black Carbon Measurements and Calibration
- Black Carbon, Aerosol Water, Mixing States and Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- Boundary Layer Characteristics from Radiosonde Observations in China and Their Links to Aerosol Pollution
- CATS Version 3 Aerosol Products and Use for Retrievals of Aerosol Extinction and Surface Air Quality with the NASA GEOS AGCM
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux inversions in the Washington DC / Baltimore metropolitan area: FLAGG-MD 2016 flight campaign
- Can a subducted sedimentary layer survive into the deep mantle? Maybe, if it is strong or thin.
- Can we classify different Aedes borne diseases?
- Cassini/MIMI measurements of energetic ion moments and the polytropic index in Saturn's magnetosphere.
- Characterization of Model Variability in CMIP5
- Characterization of a Europa analog environment at Kverkfjöll, Iceland
- Characterization of microbial communities associated with advanced wastewater treatment for water reuse
- Characterizing Along-Stream Variability in Energy Dissipation Using Seismic Observations
- Characterizing Meltwater Within a Firn Aquifer on the Greenland Ice Sheet using Active Source Seismology
- Characterizing global bare ground gain using Landsat imagery
- Characterizing isotopic source signatures of wetland methane emissions to better interpret changes in the atmosphere
- Characterizing primordial S-isotope compositions in Ocean Island Basalts using µ<SUP>182</SUP>W and <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>4</SUP>He relationships
- Citizen Framing of Solar Radiation Management Issues: Perspectives from Phoenix and Washington, DC
- Classification of Arctic Sea Ice Surface Types During the Melt Season in High-Resolution IceBridge Imagery
- Classifying drivers of forest loss
- Climate Change Impacts on Global and Regional Water across the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Combined near-surface geophysical measurements to characterize a firn aquifer in the southeastern part of the Greenland ice sheet
- Communicating the risk of a changing climate upon health to local policy makers in Maryland
- Community-enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater Infrastructure Costs (CLASIC) A Tool for Sustainable Water Infrastructure Municipal Planning: A Framework OverviewEPA National Priorities Grant #836173
- Comparing Modeled Cirrus Radiative Forcing Estimates from Constrained Lidar Extinction Retrievals to Direct Coincident Radiometer Measurements
- Comparison and validation of High Mountain Asia land surface models and groundwater storage estimates using GRACE mascon resolution operators
- Comparison of Analysis and Forecast Uncertainty from Two Different Ensemble Generation Mechanisms: LETKF vs. ET.
- Comparison of OMI and Pandora Ozone and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements in the Mid-Atlantic Region during the OWLETS 2017 Campaign
- Conditions of melt ascent leading to the igneous composition of the Martian surface
- Constraining precipitation amount over cold regions
- Constraining sedimentary basins in the Southeastern US using P-to-s receiver functions
- Constraining the Composition of Terrestrial Building Blocks: The Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of the Earth's Mantle
- Constraints on Seismic Anisotropy in the Mantle Transition Zone from Long-Period SS Precursors
- Continuing Satellite Monitoring of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Trace Gases with the Operational SNPP OMPS Instrument and First Comparisons with S5P TROPOMI
- Correlation between rate dependent frictional stability and viscoelastic energy dissipation
- Correlation-Cutoff Method for Covariance Localization in Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation
- County-level forest structure and biomass mapping from fusion of GEDI lidar data and TanDEM-X InSAR data
- Coupling of Multiple Small-Scale Electron Transport Models to Examine Auroral Events
- Cross-validation and Transferability Performance of GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Models
- Cutting out the middleman: Calibrating and validating an ecosystem model using remotely sensed surface reflectance
- Data Assimilation of Terrestrial Water Storage to Adjust Precipitation Fluxes
- Data-Model Integration for Improved Prediction of River Corridor and Watershed Function
- Data-driven Modeling, Prediction and Predictability: The Complex Systems Framework
- Decadal Trends in Air Pollution over the Eastern United States: Insights from Surface Observations, Satellite Measurements, and Numerical Modeling
- Decompaction channel formation and elevation in planetary lithospheres
- Determining proxies for fate and transport of metals using sensor data in three major urban watersheds
- Determining the Elastic Thickness of Sputnik Planitia on Pluto and its Surrounding Using Topography and Inverse Theory
- Developing a Data Visualization Tool within the Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative
- Developing a Framework for Stormwater Green Infrastructure Resilience
- Developing a Strategy for Lava Tube Exploration by Deploying Field Portable Instrumentation in an Analog Environment
- Developing fine-scale snow cover fraction estimates using deep learning
- Development and Application of Kinetic Entropy as a Diagnostic in Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era climate variability.
- Development of Satellite Oceanographic Data Quality Monitoring Systems and Services at NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
- Development of a forest structure Essential Biodiversity Variable for Colombia's Biodiversity Observation Network
- Development of in situ analysis of δ<SUP>7</SUP>Li in garnets to decipher metamorphic processes
- Development of the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED): Toward reconciliation of top-down and bottom-up constraints on fire contributions to variability and trends in carbonaceous aerosol
- Diagnosing dissipation in non-relativistic collisionless shocks
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Disruption and Reaccumulation as the Origin of the Ryugu and Bennu Top Shapes?
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Quality across Stormflow and Baseflow in Rivers of the Chesapeake Bay
- Diurnal variability of surface temperature over lakes: Case study for Lake Huron
- Do stream hydraulics control the grain size of suspended sediment deposition in Maryland's Piedmont and Atlantic Coastal Plain streams?
- Dryland Agrivoltaics: A novel approach to collocating food production and solar renewable energy to maximize food production, water savings, and energy generation
- Dynamically Weighted Hybrid Gain Data Assimilation: Perfect Model Experiments.
- EOFSAC Portal - A tool for food security and agricultural data discovery and analysis
- Early snowmelt timing leads to divergent wildfire responses in vegetated ecosystems of western USA
- Early warning for crop failure enhances livelihood and food security in Uganda
- Eco-hydrological modeling using field-based and Earth Observations to assess water use efficiency and support agricultural water resources management
- EcoMap: A Decision-Support Tool to Monitor Global Mangrove Vulnerability and its Drivers
- Effect of Planetary Redox Conditions on Key Carbon Cycling Processes
- Effect of Thermally-controlled Permeability Barriers on the Location of Arc Volcanism at Subduction Zones
- Effect of including model uncertainties in HYSPLIT inverse modeling
- Effect of viscosity structure on long wavelength convection and comparison with tomographic models
- Effects of Episodic Salinization on Carbon, Nutrients, Base Cations, and Trace Metals Fluxes Across Urban Metropolitan Regions
- Effects of air pollution on daytime urban heat island intensity in China
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Efficient Parallel Implementation of Off-line and On-line Ensemble Data Assimilation Interfaces for MOM6
- Efficient generation of variable, high k<SUB>⊥, </SUB>kinetic Alfvén waves
- Electromagnetic Geophysical Mapping of a Stream Channel in a Tropical Montane Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Electromagnetic Surface Waves on Hall Current Sheets Associated with Magnetic Reconnection
- Electron scale magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath: Kinetic PIC simulation study
- Electrostatic Dust Levitation around Small Bodies
- Energetic ion distributions within the magnetosphere of Saturn: Insights into species-dependent dynamics
- Energy and Motion of Pulsating Aurora
- Ensemble Spread as a Precursor to Extreme Space Weather Events
- Enterprise LST Algorithm Development and Its Evaluation on NOAA-20 VIIRS Data
- Environmental and ecological drivers of American robin (Turdus migratorius) migration and habitat selection
- Environmental trade-offs of stream restoration for managing stormwater and nutrients in urban ecosystems
- Estimating Forest Disturbance Intensity in Southeastern US Using Time Series Landsat Observations and Field Inventory Data
- Estimating Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Data
- Estimating Surface PM2.5 and Understanding Its Interaction with Planetary Boundary Layer by an Integrated Approach
- Estimating surface temperature change over Tibetan Plateau using satellite land surface temperature and top of atmosphere radiation
- Estimation and Adaptive Online Correction of Systematic Errors in the Global Forecast System (GFS) Using Analysis Increments
- Estimation of Respirable Particles in the San Joaquin Valley Using Aerosol Optical Thickness and Column Water Vapor from Imaging Spectrometers: The Role of a "Static" Estimation
- Estimation of Sea Ice Albedo from SNPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS
- Estimation of instantaneous and daily solar radiation using an optimization-based method: from MODIS to VIIRS
- Evaluating Precipitation Impact on the National Water Model Soil Moisture
- Evaluating RapidEye and Landsat Data for Winter Wheat Mapping in Fine Scale Agricultural System of Punjab, Pakistan.
- Evaluating land use change trajectories following forest loss in Indonesia
- Evaluating the Effects of Finite-Frequency Theory on the Determination of the Mantle Transition Zone Thickness.
- Evaluating the economic impact of improving uncertainty in the carbon cycle
- Evaluating the tungsten constraint on lunar origin
- Evaluation of Lightning Data Assimilation in Simulations of Parameterized Convective Cloud and Precipitation Processes Using the WRF Model
- Evaluation of Tidal Susceptibility in Rocky Exoplanets: Implications for High Volcanic and Seismic Activity
- Evaluation of a Machine Learning-based Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval from GOES-16 Satellite Observations
- Evaluation of stream restoration strategies for urban residential watersheds by coupling riparian and aquatic ecosystem modeling
- Evaluation of the Surface Reflectance Long-Term Data Record from AVHRR over Multiple Land Surface Types
- Evaluation of turbulent mixing in HYSPLIT using measurements from controlled tracer experiments
- Evidence for Langmuir Solitons in Solar Type III Bursts
- Evolution of Coronal Bright Points and Jet Onset Times
- Extent and canopy height maps of Trees outside Forest (ToF) for Bangladesh
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Farming carbon: the link between saltwater intrusion and carbon storage in coastal agricultural fields
- Federal Geosciences Budgets in the Trump Era: A Close Look at the State of Government Support
- First Responses of the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere during Extreme Geomagnetic Storms
- Flash Drought Characteristics and Prediction
- Four-spacecraft measurements of the shape and dimensionality of magnetic structures in the near-Earth plasma environment
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Causes, Consequences, and Management
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Seasonal Patterns and Processes
- From symmetric to asymmetric magnetic reconnection rate
- Fusing GEDI, ICESat-2 and NISAR data for aboveground biomass mapping in Sonoma County, California, USA
- G-REALM: A Lake/Reservoir Monitoring tool for Water Resources and Regional Security assessment
- GEDI Aboveground Biomass Modeling: Which Waveform Metrics are Most Useful to Predict Biomass Across Different Continents and Plant Functional Types?
- GEDI Full-Waveform Laser Altimeter: Instrument performance expectations based on modeling and pre-flight test data
- GEOGLAM at the Interface of Agriculture, Food Security, Earth observation, and Global Policy Frameworks
- GEONEX: Land Surface Reflectances from Geostationary Sensors
- GMI-IPS: Processing & Visualization Software used in ATom DC-8 Aircraft Studies
- GPR imaging of lava tubes with the TubeX project
- Geochemical Characteristics of Granulite and Constraining the Geophysical Properties of the Lower Continental Crust
- Geodetic Investigation of the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien Earthquake Co- and Postseismic Deformation
- Geophysical Surface Consequences for Terrestrial Exoplanets Subjected to Recent Orbital Scattering
- Global Scale Crop Yield and Condition Forecasting System Using Multiple Earth Observation Datasets
- Global Validation of Geostationary Satellite Active Fire Products: GOES-16, HIMAWARI, and Meteosat Second Generation series
- Global agricultural green and blue water consumptions under future climate and land use changes
- Global food supply adaptation in a world of increasingly constrained groundwater
- Global groundwater depletion: Future outlooks using a multisector approach
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Global model for radiogenic heat production in the lithosphere and Earth's geoneutrino flux
- Global observability of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities: implications for mantle mineralogy
- Global trends in mangrove canopy height, biomass and carbon stocks
- Globalizing air pollution: Linking production, consumption and climate impacts
- Great Lakes Convective Snow: A GPM Passive Microwave Perspective.
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New York City Based on Airborne Mass Balance Experiments
- Greenhouse gas fluxes in restored and natural freshwater depressional wetlands
- HLS BRDF normalization and surface albedo. Evaluation against the US SURFRAD and Australian OzFlux networks
- Health co-benefits from air pollutant reduction through coal-fired power plant cancellations
- Heat producing elements in the modern MORB mantle
- Heterogeneous patterns of mangrove disturbance and recovery from Hurricane Irma
- Historical Warming Has About Tripled Global Population Annually Exposed to Extreme Events
- Hot spots of nutrients, trace metals and endocrine disrupting compounds in Potomac Watershed
- How Solar Orbiter will observe small-scale time variations of the solar wind and identify characteristic structures
- How collisionless are solar wind electrons? The role of skewed kappa distributions in the solar wind heat-flux transport
- How do current and future precipitation patterns affect nitrogen cycling in Best Management Practices?
- Hydrologic drivers of soil organic carbon stabilization in seasonally-saturated wetlands
- Hydrological modelling and future scenarios to support decision making in the Alto Mayo basin, Peru
- ISINGLASS Campaign Data Mapping and Assimilation
- Ice Production Rate in Precipitating Ice Cloud: A Comparison between Synergic Satellite Observations and GCM Outputs
- Icy Road Forecast and Alert Services Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Weather Forecast, and Road Observations
- Illumination and Thermal Environment at (4) Vesta and (1) Ceres
- Impact of Aerosols on Lightning due to Aerosol Radiative and Microphysical Effects on a Climate-time Scale
- Impact of Errors in Atmospheric State on XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals from a Laser CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sounder
- Impact of Forest Structure on Net Ecosystem Productivity Using Airborne Eddy Covariance and LiDAR Canopy Height
- Impacts of Climate Variability and Extremes on US Power Sector Investments
- Impacts of domestic and foreign emissions on decadal variations of aerosols and radiative forcing in China and US
- Implications of Forecasting Thermosphere-Ionosphere Conditions After Initiation of an Eruptive Solar Event
- Implications of the Paris Agreement for Stranded Assets in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Improvement of Tropical Rainfall Climatology and Definition of Inter-Annual Variations with TRMM and GPM Data
- Improving Bottom-up Emissions Information Based on Air Quality Measurement and Modeling Feedbacks - The KORUS Emissions Inventory
- Improving Fractional Land Cover Data Sets from EOS MODIS
- Improving Tropical Cyclone Predictions by Assimilation of Satellite-Retrieved Precipitation with Gaussian Transformation
- Improving biospheric models of net ecosystem exchange in the eastern U.S. to inform top-down anthropogenic CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission estimates during the growing season in the DC/ Baltimore metropolitan area
- Improving forest ecosystem characterization to advance water quality modeling at the watershed scale
- Improving the AVHRR LTDR BRDF Correction for the Pre-MODIS era (1982-2000)
- Improving the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System with hybrid data assimilation
- Improving the National Emissions Inventory for Fires: The Impact of Industrial Sources in the MODIS Active Fire Product
- Improving tropical cyclone initialization for NCEP operations: A case study of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)
- Improvisational theater: a powerful tool for science communication and public engagement
- Inconsistent estimates of forest cover change in China between 2000 and 2013 from multiple datasets: differences in parameters, spatial resolution, and definitions
- Increasing Helicity to Achieve a Dynamo State in a Spherical Couette Sodium Experiment
- Individual Tree Mapping from LiDAR point clouds based on topological tools
- Inference of mantle viscosity structure from density tomography
- Information measures of land-carbon source-sink dynamics
- Initial Demonstration of Polar Satellite Microwave and GPSRO Data Climate Monitoring Using GRUAN Measurements
- Initial Results from the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer on NASA's Dellingr Mission
- Initial report of physical property measurements, ChikyuOman 2018: Crust-Mantle boundary and the mantle section from ICDP Oman Drilling Project Phase II
- Insights from Aftershocks of the 30 November 2017 Dover, DE, Earthquake
- Integrating 3D information from ecoacoustics and lidar remote sensing to characterize landscape-level biodiversity variability
- Integrating Climate Shocks and Climate into Malnutrition Research and Decision Making
- Integrating Global EO and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Impact Assessment
- Integrating Input-Output and System Dynamics for Hydro-Socioeconomic Modeling
- Integrating Spatially Exhaustive Mapping and Sampling for National and Regional Forest Change Assessments
- Integrating large cohorts of first-year undergraduates into research efforts: Lessons from the University of Maryland's FIRE program
- Integrating machine learning and brightness temperature assimilation to improve snow estimates over High Mountain Asia.
- Inter-comparison of SO<SUB>2 </SUB>retrievals between S5P/TROPOMI and SNPP/OMPS
- Intercomparison of machine learning algorithms for satellite derived estimates of essential climate variables
- Internal Structure and Stability of Carbonate-rich Melts atop the Mantle Transition Zone
- International Coordination and Uptake of Earth Observations and Land Data Products.
- Investigating Emissions of CO, NO<SUB>y</SUB>, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inferred from Near-Road Observations in the Baltimore-Washington Region: Impact of Ambient Temperature
- Investigating Smoke Emission Coefficients using MODIS Fire Radiative Energy and Smoke Aerosols
- Investigating the Origins of a Block in a Mélange Matrix on Santa Catalina Island
- Investigation of the trends in ambient ethane, in the Baltimore-Washington region (BWR) - natural gas leaks or upwind fracking?
- Ion acceleration and the development of turbulence during 3D magnetic reconnection in impulsive flares
- Ion heating during magnetotail reconnection
- Isotopic Anomalies in Short-lived Systems: The Plot Thickens
- Jupiter's magnetic field and source location of decametric radio emissions observed by Juno
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- LaSRC Cloud Detection Algorithm for Landsat 8 and Sentinle-2 Data
- Land-use and land-management scenarios to support regional-global ecosystem assessments
- Landsat's History: The story behind nearly a half-century of monitoring the Earth's surface with Landsat
- Large-Scale Synchrony and Climate Drivers of Barrenground Caribou Migration across North America
- Late Winter Observations of Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Sail Heights
- Learning About and From Ecological Forecasting Models: A Decision Science Approach
- Lessons from the Arctic Observing Framework for Sea Ice Forecasting - A Task of the US Arctic Observing Network (US AON)
- Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production in the Tropics as Determined Using OMI NO<SUB>2</SUB>Retrievals and WWLLN Stroke data
- Linking Improvements in Sulfur Dioxide Emissions to Decreasing Sulfate Deposition by Combining Satellite and Surface Observations with Trajectory Analysis
- Linking Surface Monitors, Satellite Data, and Emissions Inventories to Investigate Regional Haze Trends in the Eastern U.S.
- Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filtering Implemented on 2D and 3D Dynamo Flows
- Local predictability of the atmosphere and ocean using Granger causality
- Long-Term Trends in Tropospheric Ozone and Ozone Chemistry in the Baltimore-Washington Region
- Machine Learning Predictions for Magnetic Field Time Evolution in a Three-Meter Liquid Sodium Spherical Couette Experiment
- Managing the distributional effects of energy taxes and subsidy removal in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Mapping and Monitoring Myanmar's Malaria Landscape
- Mapping global canopy cover and vertical profile metrics using spaceborne lidar
- Mapping human settlements and population density in the Democratic Republic of Congo using Landsat data
- Maritime Aerosol Network precipitable water vapor measurement: satellite and global reanalysis evaluations under clear sky conditions.
- Measurement of the Growth Rate of Urban Rock Varnish on the Smithsonian Castle by Portable X-ray Fluorescence
- Measurements of Same-Material Tribocharging in Granular Silica
- Measuring Mass Fluxes of Nutrients to a First-Order Stream within a Pristine Mountain Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Measuring Vegetation Structure and Surface Topography using Waveform-Recording Lidar
- Measuring energy conversion in near-Earth space plasmas with MMS
- Mechanisms of Ion Jet Formation in Magnetic Reconnection
- Medieval Climate Anomaly hydroclimatic variation inferred from Aitutaki corals
- Merging Process Understanding with Numerical Models across Scales to Predict River Corridor and Watershed Function
- Metabolomic and metagenomic insights into drought- and flood-induced greenhouse gas emissions in soils
- Methane-cycling microbial communities vary along a hydrologic gradient in depressional freshwater wetland soils.
- Microbial Insights into Freshwater Tidal Wetland Redox Biogeochemistry
- Microbial carbon cycling in planetary-analogue hydrothermal environments at Kverkfjoll volcano, Iceland
- Microseismic Remote Sensing of Sea Ice: Exploratory Study on the Potential Uses of the EarthScope Transportable Array in the Detection of Sea Ice Dynamics
- Mid-term report of K-LIS: Korea Land Data Assimilation and Asia Land Data Assimilation projects
- Migration of ground penetrating radar (GPR) data to image the floor of lava tubes; TubeX project
- Model of Artificial Plasma Layers Induced by HF-heating at Arecibo
- Modeling Energy-Water Dynamics and Regional Interactions in a Multi-Model Framework
- Modeling Indium Enrichment in the Mount Pleasant Ore System
- Modeling the Determinants of Agricultural Groundwater Extraction in the Ogallala Aquifer
- Modeling the response of nutrient loads to management actions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed through participatory modeling
- Modelling the water-food-energy nexus during agricultural drought in Sweden
- Monitoring Concentrations of PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>and Black Carbon in a Neighborhood in Washington, DC: When Using Citywide Averages for Environmental Assessment Underestimates Impacts in a Community
- Monitoring and managing hormones, nutrients, and salts in drinking water sources
- Monitoring and quantifying the impact of forest degradation associated to charcoal production in sub Saharan Africa through the integration of medium, high and very high-resolution remote sensing data and field-based information
- Monitoring the dynamics of global surface water 1999-2017
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for the Assessment of Agricultural Land Suitability for Irrigation with Reclaimed Water
- Multi-Scale Storm Surge Prediction for High-Resolution Forecasts and Climate Scenarios
- Multi-sector Approach to Assessing Interconnection Cost Implications of Future Power Generation Capacity Expansion in the United States
- Multi-year and multi-season transcriptomic profiling of forest tree species from LTER sites for understanding latitudinal variation in growth performance.
- Multipoint Spacecraft Observations of Long-lasting Pc4 - Pc5 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere.
- NASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NU-WRF) Model Simulations for the Brown Ocean Effect: A Case Study of Tropical Cyclone Kelvin (2018)
- NASA's newest Earth observing spaceborne laser altimeters and the next generation
- NCEP's Hybrid-GODAS: A Path towards an Operational "Strongly Coupled" Ocean/Ice/Wave Data Assimilation System
- NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Lightning Observations During GOES-R Validation Flights: A Demonstration of Future TEMPO and GLM Synergy
- NOAA Operational products from S-NPP and NOAA-20 Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- National and Regional Agricultural Monitoring in East Africa in support of Food Security Decisions
- New Insights into Electron-Scale Dissipation at the Earth's Bow Shock
- New Insights into the 10 September 2017 Mega-Eruption
- New Science Results from the Cassini Grand Finale Mission Phase based on Measurements by the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI)
- Nightside Discrete Auroral Arcs: Inferring Electrodynamics from Imagery in the Isinglass Sounding Rockets Case Studies
- Nonlinearity of the ITCZ response to climate perturbations revealed by q-flux Green's function experiments
- O<SUB>2</SUB> Activity in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Observations of Electron Dissociative Excitation by the Rosetta-Alice Far-ultraviolet Spectrograph
- Objective Integration Soil Moisture Satellite Observations and Model Simulations toward a Blended Drought Index
- Observational Evidences of Decadal Changes in Precipitation, Circulation and Radiation, Associated with the "Deep Tropical Squeeze" of the Pacific ITCZ
- Observations of Didymos: Past Results and Future Plans
- On Electron Heating in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnectiomn
- On the Use of GPS to Estimate Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in the Western United States: A Comparison of Seasonal Hydrological Loading Inferred from GPS, GRACE, and the NASA Catchment Land Surface Model
- Operational Ocean Reanalysis at NCEP: Upgrading from 1 degree MOM3 GODAS to ¼ degree MOM6 Hybrid-GODAS
- Optimization of Future SmallSats Constellations through OSSE: A Test Case of Assessing the Value of Deploying EON-MW in High- and Low-Inclination Orbits
- Overview of DSCOVR/EPIC Level 2 products
- Ozone Production Efficiency in the Baltimore-Washington Urban Plume: Evaluating CMAQ with aircraft (DISCOVER-AQ) and satellite (OMI) observations
- PIC simulation studies of magnetic reconnection in the shock transition and downstream regions of Earth's bow shock
- Palaeoecological-scale Resilience in Andean Socio-Ecological Systems
- Particle Heating and Energy Partition in Low-β Guide Field Reconnection with Kinetic Riemann Simulations
- Past Global Changes Early-Career Network
- Performance of DSCOVR EPIC Atmospheric Correction Algorithm
- Performance of a broadband seismometer on Europa and implications for the detection of liquid water below its icy surface
- Permafrost Variability over the Northern Hemisphere Based on the MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- Permeability profile across the crust-mantle sections in the Oman Drilling Project inferred from onboard measurements of dry and wet resistivity
- Petrochronologic constraints on the thermal evolution of the Catalina Schist
- Physical and Biological Implications of Eddy Signatures in the Benguela and California Current Regions
- Picture this SELFI: A Maturation Project for a Submillimeter Enceladus Life Fundamentals Instrument (SELFI)
- Plume Penetration into Venusian Lithosphere and the Origin of Coronae.
- Portable, low-cost, column carbon dioxide and methane measurements for validating satellite observations in remote locations
- Potential causes for increased wildfire activity over North America in recent three decades
- Pre-Harvest Loss Estimation Using Satellite Data Calibrated with Drone Data in Tanzania
- Pre-launch assessment of Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) performance for biomass mapping
- Predicting Geographical Variation in Health-Related Quality of Life
- Predicting Groundwater Usage with Machine Learning Methods and Traditional Statistical Techniques: An Application to the Ogallala Aquifer
- Predicting Tree Diversity with Full-Waveform Lidar Data across the Tropics
- Prediction of C-band SAR backscatter over snow-covered terrain using machine learning
- Preliminary Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Potassic Mafic Lavas from the Virunga Volcanic Province, Rwanda
- Preliminary investigation of Ti transport and isotopic fractionation in the critical zone
- Primary Forest Extent and Loss in Brazil, DRC and Indonesia
- Primitive mantle reservoirs investigated using short-lived Hf-W systematics
- Probing Extreme Fire and Volcanic-Eruptive Plumes with Satellite Remote Sensing
- Probing Mantle Heterogeneity across Spatial Scales: Global Blindspots and Chimeric Models
- Producing coherent and unbiased joint temperature-precipitation realizations from Earth System Models
- Profiles of reactive trace gases over remote oceans during ATom
- Propagation of environmental variability through global food supply chains - Current knowledge and future priorities
- Prototyping an Observatory for Invasive Water Plants in Benin to Support Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land
- Pyroxenite Xenoliths Preserve Partial Melting Event in the Western Rift, Uganda
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying the Trade-off Between Cost and Precision in Estimating Area of Forest Loss Using Probability Sampling in Guyana
- Quantifying the Uncertainties in an Ensemble of Decadal Climate Predictions
- Quantifying the extent & pattern of forest structure across a circumpolar biome boundary
- Quantitative Maps Describing Respirable Particle Episodes in the San Joaquin Valley Using Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Quantitative evaluation of the influences of multiple factors on the differenced Normalized Burned Ratio in North American ecosystems
- REM-3D Reference Datasets: Reconciling large compilations of normal mode, body and surface wave observations
- Radiance-based Validation for NOAA-20/VIIRS and GOES-16/ABI Land Surface Temperature Product
- Raman Intensities of Mobility-Size Selected Sub-micron Black Carbon Particles
- Randomness of Vibrios in the environment
- Re-Os Isotope and Highly Siderophile Element Systematics of 89 Ma Gorgona Komaiites
- Re-Os and Oxygen Systematics of Variably Altered Ultramafic Rocks, North Carolina
- Real-time interactive analyses and visualization of massive and diverse seismological observations
- Recent Updates to the NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability Operational Model
- Recent measurements of ozone, aerosols, and precursors over the Chesapeake Bay and Long Island sound areas
- Reconciling conflicting estimates of the global methane budget during 1980-2012 using ensemble-based accounting
- Reconciling the Mass Balance of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Derived from ICESat and GRACE and Bridging the Gap to ICESat-2 and GRACE-FO
- Reconstruction of snow on Arctic sea ice
- Regional Differences in the Effects of Urbanization on Seasonally-separated Flow Duration Curves
- Regional Ocean Data Assimilation Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Relationships between the PBLH and surface pollutants derived from lidar observations over China: regional pattern and influential factors
- Reliability of Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Washington D.C. and proposing an alternative
- Remote sensing observations capture winter crop rotation in Argentina
- Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation Over the Continental US
- Resolving Terms of Vlasov's Equation with MMS
- Retrieving Fire Perimeters and Ignition Points of Large Wildfires from Satellite Observations
- Rifting and the Elevation of Bands on Europa
- Risk of hospitalization for asthma associated with changes in timing of spring onset
- Role of Dilatant Hardening on Stabilization of Fault Slip in Experimentally Deformed Permeable Rocks
- Role of Hydraulic Geometry in Flood Peak Attenuation in Coastal Plain Streams
- Role of electron trapping during reconnection in laboratory and space plasmas
- Rural Population Mapping at Moderate Spatial Resolutions Using Geospatial Data Fusion
- SWAT-MODFLOW Model Evaluation for Highly Irrigated Region
- Sample-based Assessment of Direct Drivers and Rates of Forest Disturbance in the Congo Basin
- San Francisco's Urban Water Supply: Assessing Alternatives under Future Climate Uncertainty and Demand Growth Scenarios
- Satellite Monitoring of the Evolution of Smoke Particle Optical Properties, Controlling Factors, and Climate Effects
- Satellite retrieval of CCN(S) at the base of marine boundary clouds and validations by ship borne CCN measurements over the Southern Oceans
- Scale-dependent weighting and localization for global numerical weather prediction
- Scaling up field measurements of methane fluxes from forested wetlands using inundation time series
- Science Data Visualization in AR/VR for Planetary and Earth Science
- Sea ice data assimilation in SODA3 reanalysis.
- Seasonal Change Detection of Riverscape Terrain and Vegetation using Drone Laser Scanning
- Seasonal Hydrologic Connectivity and Site-Level Differences Influence Wetland DOM Composition and Photoreactivity
- Seasonal to interannual variation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> production and efflux in a saline-alkali soil with gypsum and wheat straw amendment
- Seismic constraints on the thermal structure of the Italian crust
- Seismic expression of thermal degradation on the Moon
- Self-Consistent Simulations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Substorm
- Shearing in a Warmer Climate: Insights from Observations and Modeling on Hydrologic Perturbations of an Outlet Glacier
- Siderophile Element Systematics of the Early Archean Mantle: Evidence from 3.3 Ga Ruth Well Komatiites, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Significant Contribution of Multidecadal Ocean Variability in Recent Warming of the Northern Continents
- Simulations of the Pre- and Post-impact System Dynamics of the DART Mission Target Binary Asteroid 65803 Didymos
- Simultaneous measurements of trace gases and aerosols using the SMART-s and Pandora spectroradiometer during the 2017 OWLETS campaign
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Quantification of snow water equivalent uncertainty across North America via ensemble-based land surface modeling
- Society and our coasts: The role of coastal wetlands in reducing disaster impacts and promoting human health
- South America natural vegetation mapping based on the Landsat images from 1982 to 1989
- Space Beats Time: a spatio-temporal method for analyzing abrupt environmental change
- Spaceborne GEDI and TanDEM-X data fusion for enhanced forest height and biomass
- Spaceborne Site Index Estimates of Young North American Boreal Forest Growth
- Spatial Distribution of Pedogenic Carbonate in the Cropland of North China Plain: Impacts of Soil Organic Carbon and Salts
- Spatial Representativeness of Oceanic Proxies and Assimilation into Climate Models
- Spatial multi-objective optimization framework for multifunctional Urban Green Infrastructure implementation based on high resolution data. Case study: Baltimore city
- Spatially variable thermochemical and melting anomalies above the mantle transition zone beneath Hawaii
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Hydrologic Connectivity Controls the Physicochemical Properties Of a Semi-Arid Urban River System
- Spurious Low Velocity Zones in Joint Inversion of Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Stability of strongly and weakly coupled data assimilation: error correlation cut-off
- Statistical Analysis of Optical and Radar Meteor Detection from PFISR
- Status of the GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Product
- Stratospheric Injection of Brominated Very Short-Lived Substances: Aircraft Observations in the Western Pacific and Representation in Global Models
- Streamflow Responses to Runoff and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations within Two Nested Watersheds in Costa Rica
- Strengthening Effect of High Pore Pressure on the Frictional Behavior of Serpentine Gouge
- Strengthening Food Security Assessments in Kenya Through Implementation of a National Crop Monitor System
- Striking Seasonality in the Surface and Upper-Air Warming over North America: Structure and Mechanisms
- Studies of whistler and lower hybrid drift waves during asymmetric reconnection in space and laboratory plasmas
- Study of Spatio Temporal Dynamics of Brahmaputra River Islands, India
- Study of the effects of density and temperature variations on the generation of suprathermal electrons tails due to electrostatic bremsstrahlung
- Study the Spectral and Structural Signatures of Canopy Defoliation by Herbivorous Insects at the Individual Tree Level using Bi-temporal Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and LiDAR Measurements
- Substantial Convection and Precipitation Enhancements by Ultrafine Aerosol Particles
- Sulfur isotope and abundance systematics of angrite meteorites
- Supporting Engaged Geoscientists: How Universities Can Lead the Way
- Synergistic Approach for Improved Nitrogen Dioxide Observations from UV-Visible Remote Sensing Instruments
- Synthetic Study of Spaceborne LiDAR Snow Depth Retrieval Assimilation within the NASA Land Information System
- Temperature Measurements of the MgO [111] Hugoniot using Streaked Optical Pyrometry
- Termination of Solar Cycles and Correlated Tropospheric Variability
- The 2018 Qaanaaq Fireball: A Seismic Recording of a Meteorite Impact Event into the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The America's Pledge Analysis: A Multi-Scale Analysis Approach for Understanding the Implications of State, Local, and Business Actions to Reduce Emissions
- The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) Airborne Campaign
- The Domestic and International Implications of Future Climate for U.S. Agriculture
- The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART): The First Planetary Defense Mitigation Demonstration Mission
- The FLARE Device for Next-Step Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection on Multiple Scales and Its First Plasma Operation
- The Feasibility of Directly Imaging Cold Planets with MIRI/JWST
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Future of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development in the United States
- The Impact on Seasonal Forecasts of GMAO's Higher Resolution Seasonal Prediction and Data Assimilation System
- The Influence of Microporosity on the Effective Permeability of Reservoir Rocks
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: Diabatic Lofting and Radiative Effects of Aerosol and Water Vapor
- The NASA Earth Observations for Food Security and Agriculture Consortium: Supporting Decisions in Agricultural Markets and Food Security
- The NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS). Algorithm updates geared towards users applications and first light results from NUCAPS NOAA-20.
- The Northeast Winter Monsoon: Evolution and ENSO Impact in Observations and Model Simulations
- The Plasma Proton Environment within Saturn's F-G Ring Gap as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Mass Spectrometer during Saturn Orbit Insertion
- The Relationship Between Thin Cirrus Properties and Dynamic Formation Mechanism Using Airborne and Space-Based Lidars
- The Relationships between Cloud Top Radiative Cooling Rates, Surface Heat Fluxes and Cloud Base Heights in Marine Stratocumulus
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) in Greenland: Testing Instrument Performance on an Icy World Analog
- The Transition from Reworking of Hadean Crust to Generation of New Archean Crust: The Slave Craton Perspective
- The evaluation of the spatial and temporal variations in tropospheric ozone production using air quality models and multiplatform observations to improve ozone control strategies
- The expansion of shedding debris from the unstable areas of the primary of 65803 Didymos
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The ionospheric role in the generation of small-scale auroral structures
- The observable macroscopic effects of nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the outer radiation belt
- The ocean can act as a rain gauge for tropical precipitation
- The puzzle of renewed growth in atmospheric methane concentrations: engaging with interdisciplinary networks and raising awareness
- Thoughts about satellite land surface products at Medium/High resolution
- Three decades of South American urbanization history from Landsat: first results
- Time-serial data cubes of NDVI for monitoring and analysis of plant phenology at regional to global scales
- Total variation regularization of geodetically constrained block models in southwestern Taiwan
- Toward cholera free nations: How NASA satellites helped in real time disease forecasting in Yemen
- Toward integrated seasonal predictions of land and ocean carbon flux: lessons from the 2015-16 El Nino
- Towards Synthetic Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Assimilation over Snow-Covered Terrain in Western Colorado
- Towards a Better Understanding of the Steering Flows Responsible for the Unusual Looping Track of Hurricane Joaquin (2015)
- Towards a Global Climatology of OH Sensitivity
- Towards a Unified and Coherent Land Surface Temperature Earth System Data Record from Geostationary Satellites
- Towards the Estimation of Biospheric Contributions to the Regional Carbon Cycle in the Eastern United States Using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Transport and Distribution of Phosphorus Fractions from Urban Stormwater Runoff to Receiving Waters
- Tree Trade-offs in Urban Restored Riparian Zones: Measurements and Modeling
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- Tributary Junction Dynamics in an Urban Watershed and Consequences for Bedload Transport
- Turbulence in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Guide-Field Magnetopause Reconnection
- Understand the decadal trends of aerosols in East and South Asia and the relationship between emission, AOD, PM2.5, and boundary layer processes
- Understanding Life Signatures Across Geothermal-Ice Gradients in Europa-like Environments using Raman Spectroscopy
- Updates and Verification of the SAO ozone profile algorithm for the long-term OMI Ozone Profile (PROFOZ) product
- Upscaling Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases Using Landcover Information and Temporal Trends from Towers
- Urban legacies: Aquatic stressors and low aquatic biodiversity persist despite implementation of stormwater control measures
- Use of Remotely Sensed Snow Observations for National Water Model Analysis.
- Use of USGS streamflow data for field-based and data-driven research
- Using Bayesian Inference to Constrain Density Anomalies Inside Celestial Bodies from Gravity Data
- Using Deep Impact to Continuously Monitor Spatial Variations in 103P/Hartley 2's Volatiles
- Using EFSO and PQC to identify detrimental observations and improve forecasts
- Using Earth Analogs of the Moon to Study Volcanic Fields and Prepare for Human Lunar Geophysical Exploration
- Using Geodetic Data to Interpret Co- and Postseismic Deformation of the 2016 M<SUB>w </SUB>6.4 MeiNong Earthquake
- Using He<SUP>++ </SUP>and H<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> to Study the Two-way Passage of Suprathermal Ions through Saturn's Magnetopause
- Using KORUS-OC Observations for a Feasibility Study on Using Satellite- & Ground-based Data for Offshore Air Quality Monitoring
- Using SERVIR's Regional Land Cover Monitoring System to improve the integration of forest change data with other land use change at a regional scale
- Using Time Series of Landsat Data for Cropland Mapping in South America
- Using Visualization Science to Improve Expert and Public Understanding of Probabilistic Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts
- Using Waveform Fitting to Retrieve Snow Freeboard of Antarctic Sea Ice from CryoSat-2
- Using big data to detect and attribute global hydrological change
- Validation of NOAA-20 OMPS Radiance Products Using Model Simulations and Collocated SNPP and TROPOMI Ozone Products
- Validation of the SNPP NOAA Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) Carbon Trace Gas Products
- Validation of the Sentinel 2 surface reflectance over a corn field
- Variations in Global Tropospheric OH Over the Last Several Decades
- Variations of Daily Precipitation Intensity and Extremes in the Tropics from TRMM/TMPA and Other Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets
- Vertical Distributions and Trends of Aerosol Properties in the Baltimore, MD/D.C. Region from Aircraft, Satellites, and Surface Observations from 2000 to 2018
- Visualizing a Decade of Change in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Water resource evaluation of the Guandu river basin, Brazil: current state and future scenarios
- Wave generation and heat flux suppression in astrophysical plasma systems
- Wet Scavenging in Cumulus-Parameterized WRF-Chem Simulations of a Supercell Storm during the DC3 Field Campaign
- When Life got Hard: An Environmental Driver for Metazoan Biomineralization
- Where Are Things Shaking? A Seismological Perspective for Potential Landing Sites on Europa
- Widespread increase and acceleration of slow-moving landslides in response to extreme rainfall
- Winter Storm Tracks and Related Weather in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Weeks 3-4 Reforecasts
- Winter crops coverage's classification in the Southeast of the Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
- Year-round Estimation of Terrestrial Water Storage in a Snow-Covered Basin through the Assimilation of Multisensor Satellite Observations from GRACE and AMSR-E
- Zoom in on Martian Seasonal Frost Extent and Timing: Preliminary Results from a High Resolution, Mid Latitude Frost Survey
- 3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Flow in the Mantle Transition Zone
- A Global Agricultural Monitoring (GLAM) Use Case to Evaluate Amazon Web Services for Near-Real Time Decision Support
- A High-resolution Precipitation Data for Hydrologic Modeling - An Evaluation Study for Basins in Nepal
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- A Search for Technetium in the Solar System
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Statistical Analysis of Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production Based on Measurements from TROPOMI and GLM
- A Statistical Test for the Population of Contact Binaries in the Kuiper Belt
- A Synthetic Comparison of Observation Constellation Configurations with the Goal of Global Snow Mass Characterization
- A TROPOMI- and GLM-based Estimate of NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production by Lightning over the U.S.
- A computational model for exploring particle acceleration during macroscale magnetic reconnection
- A hybrid model-observation analysis of changes in global flood hazard
- A more consistent alternative to the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) as a proxy for burn severity in North American boreal forests
- A new method to retrieve PBLH from lidar under different thermodynamic conditions: algorithm development and application
- A new near-real time fire emissions product from VIIRS daily global coverage
- AVHRR LTDR product cloud and snow mask
- Accelerated and accurate Radiative Transfer simulations in OMI Ozone Profile retrievals: combining PCA-based RT model and Look-up table correction
- Achieving FAIR's Data Reusability in Integrated Modeling Environments
- Actionable knowledge and the art of engagement
- Advances in fire science from a constellation of satellite sensors
- Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Advancing the Uptake of Earth Observations for Informing Agricultural Decisions in Eastern Africa under the NASA Harvest and GEOGLAM Programs
- Aerosol Impacts on TC rainfall area and intensity over western Pacific
- Aerosol Models for Atmospheric Corrections Over Land
- Aerosol composition in the UTLS and its connections to the anthropogenic and natural emissions and the monsoon convective system
- Agricultural Land Suitability Assessment for Reclaimed Water Use Using Geospatial Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Maryland
- Agricultural monitoring from combined optical and SAR data
- Agriculture Remotely-Sensed Yield Algorithm (arya): Application to Winter Wheat.
- Aircraft Observations of High Concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 over Hebei Province, China in Spring 2016
- All Of Our Mangrove Maps Are Wrong: A Framework For Harmonizing Mangrove Maps For SDG Reporting
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- An Evolving Multi-Scale Repository of Heterogeneity from the Reconciliation of Community Earth Models
- An Integrated Modeling Approach for Identifying Major Sources and Health Impacts of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Asia
- An advanced algorithm for ice cloud-top height and ice water path retrieval at a hybrid spatial resolution using joint passive infrared and microwave observations
- An algorithm for medium resolution sensors' BRDF correction
- An evaluation of SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW model for different irrigation schemes
- An open source tool to reduce geolocation uncertainty in GEDI data
- Analysis of Pulsed Lidar Measurements of CO2 Column Concentrations made during the 2017 ASCENDS Airborne Campaign
- Analysis of corn and soybean yield variability at field scale using VHR satellite data
- Analysis of terrain subtle deformation using PS-InSAR and UAV images: A case study of Chaishan, Taiwan
- Analysis of the trends in ambient ethane and methane in the Baltimore-Washington region
- Anisotropic Permeability of Experimental Partially Molten Dunite Deformed In Shear
- Anthropogenic VOCs in the Washington-New York City Airshed and their Role in Ozone Production
- Applications of the Radium Quartet to Quantify Water Exchange in Salt Marshes
- Assessing Watershed and Reservoir Level Sediment Management Options for Reducing Hydropower Production Loss Under LULC Uncertainty
- Assessing connectivities in green infrastructure ecosystem services with science-policy dialogues
- Assessing occupational exposure risk factors for subclinical malaria as a function of land cover and land use in Myanmar
- Assessing the Use of Forecast Meteorological Analyses to Support Aerosol Retrieval in Near Real-Time
- Assessment of ICESat-2 ice-sheet surface heights based on comparisons with GPS heights along the 88S Traverse
- Assessment of Stratospheric Balloon Observations towards Assimilation in NOAA's GSI-based Global Data Assimilation System
- Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise II
- Bayesian estimates of Low Birth Weight Rate by U.S. County
- Benefits of International Collaboration for Professional and Scholar-Network Development: A 4-year Evaluation of NSF PIRE: E-FIRE
- Bringing the community to the data and the data to the community: GEOGLAM efforts to transform Earth observations into actionable information
- Building a global forecast system for fire carbon emissions: Toward a framework that integrates remote ocean and local climate information in a time series model
- CO2 Laser Sounder Lidar: Toward Atmospheric CO2 Measurements with High-Precision, Low-Bias and Global Coverage
- CORALS: Characterization of Ocean Realms and Life Signatures
- Can high-latitude ionospheric outflows be directly injected into the ring current during extreme storms?
- Can high-resolution satellite information help improve our understanding of the water cycle over complex terrain?
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Characterization of the InSight Landing Site Near Surface Properties Using the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe (HP<SUP>3</SUP>) Mole as a Seismic Source
- Characterizing Surface Properties using NASA Operation IceBridge ATM Waveform Data
- Characterizing the plumbing system during the 2018 Kilauea volcano rift eruption
- Classifying and characterizing Arctic and sub-Arctic wetlands using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data in support of a National Wetlands Inventory dataset for Alaska
- Climate Change Drives Phenological Shifts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Cloud formation over La Reunion Island for surface products
- Co-Designing an Environmental Observatory to Support Eco-Entrepreneurship in Benin
- Co-Developing Tools to Assess Leak Repairs in Natural Gas Distribution Systems
- Co-locating agriculture and solar power renewables (agrivoltaics) to create a more sustainable food, energy, and water future
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Combining satellite remote sensing, chemical transport modeling, and land use regression models to estimate long term trends in global burden of NO2 on pediatric asthma incidence
- Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Approaches to Simulate the Impacts of Climate and Population on Building Electricity Demand
- Composition of the Sun and inner solar system
- Considering larger-scale weather phenomena and temporal variation on the global distribution of extreme heat events (EHEs) across 150 most populated metropolitan locations
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part I: Petrologic case study of the Rio San Juan Complex (Dominican Republic)
- Constraining the temperature conditions of paleo-subduction plate interfaces, Part II: Geodynamic modeling
- Constraints for the Martian meteoroid impact seismic signals through modeling based on comparison of Terrestrial, Lunar and Martian data
- Contextualizing Landscape-Scale Forest Cover Loss in the DRC between 2000 and 2015
- Contributions of Urban Land and Anthropogenic Aerosols of Houston to Convective intensity and Precipitation of a Deep Convective Storm
- Correcting oscillatory modes in numerical models using singular spectrum analysis and data assimilation
- Correlating the Interplanetary Factors Behind Geomagnetic Storms
- Current and future data and services at ESA's Planetary Science Archive: from a peanut to the spherical duck
- DeepClimGAN: A High-Resolution Climate Data Generator with Space, Time, and Inter-Variable Correlation
- Dependence of kinetic entropy on plasma temperature in particle-in-cell simulations of antiparallel reconnection
- Detected Global Agricultural Greening from Satellite Data
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Reflected Waves
- Determining the potential surface distribution of CO<SUB>2</SUB>and H<SUB>2</SUB>O on the nucleus of comet 103P/Hartley 2 from EPOXI IR images
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era AMOC variability.
- Development of Level 3 Land Surface Temperature Product for JPSS Mission
- Diagnosing Energy Dissipation in Turbulent Fully Kinetic Continuum Vlasov-Maxwell Plasmas
- Differences in Niche Space between Migratory and Resident Ungulates- Predicting Migratory and Resident Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Behavior through Remotely Sensed Plant Phenology, Snow, and Landcover
- Earth observation systems to promote public sector monitoring of mangroves and terrestrial forests in Benin and Ghana in support of SDG15
- Earth observations and models to support agricultural water resources management
- Earth observations for prediction of water-borne diseases: Lessons learned from Cholera
- Earth's Bulk Structure and Heterogeneity from Big Data and Full-Spectrum Tomography
- Earthquake Sequence Simulations with Inertia, Viscoelasticity, Shear Heating, and Fault Zone Fluid Migration
- Ecosystems in transition: Effect of sea level rise and saltwater intrusion on coastal farms
- Effect of Out-of-Plane (Guide) Magnetic Field on the Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate
- Effective merging of satellite and ground aerosol measurements using an ensemble Kalman Filter based approach
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the stability of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Effects of irrigation on water, carbon and nitrogen budgets in a semi-arid watershed
- Efficacy of using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery, terrestrial laser scanning, and airborne laser scanning data in measuring three-dimensional forest properties
- Electron acceleration in solar flares
- Empirical irrigated and rainfed crop responses to temperature and precipitation in U.S. counties.
- Energy Transport and Partition in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause Reconnection Electron Dissipation Region
- Enhancing GPM Passive and Combined Microwave Algorithms with Dynamic Surface Information for Drizzle Retrieval and Improved Precipitation Detection Over Land
- Enhancing terrestrial snow mass estimation via assimilation of AMSR-E brightness temperature spectral differences using the Catchment land surface model and support vector machine regression
- Environmental Implications of Trade Restrictions
- Estimation and correction of systematic Errors in GFS Using Analysis Increments
- Evaluating Threshold Responses to Hurricane Wind Speeds in Mangrove Forests across Puerto Rico and Southwest Florida
- Evaluating solar background and electronic noise for GEDI waveform detectors and optimizing signal detection
- Evaluating the Timescales of Tectonic Mélange-forming Processes Using Sm-Nd Garnet Geochronology
- Evaluating the potential of full-waveform lidar data for predicting tree species richness in the tropics
- Evaluating the sensitivity of modeled surface soil moisture and microwave brightness temperature to soil profile layering schemes
- Evaluation of MODIS and VIIRS Cloud-Gap Filled Snow-Cover Products for Production of a Moderate-Resolution Earth Science Data Record
- Evaluation of snow observation data using an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) framework
- Evaluation of the Impacts of Precipitation Uncertainties on Flood Magnitude and Timing
- Evaluations of Satellite-derived Spring Phenology and Implications in Public Health Applications
- Evidence for Oscillating Two Stream Instability and Spatial Collapse of Langmuir waves in a Solar Type II Radio Burst Source Region
- Evolution of the foreshock and shock dynamics caused by the turning of the interplanetary magnetic field associated with extreme geomagnetic storms
- Examination of Suspended Sediment-Discharge Relationships to Identify Changes in Sediment Sources in an Urbanized Watershed
- Exploration of C-band synthetic aperture RADAR (SAR) backscatter dependence on snow-mass related information
- Exploring Alternate Instrumentation for the Three-Meter Spherical Couette Experiment using Data Assimilation
- Exploring Factors Affecting the Inference of Surface-Level NO<SUB>2</SUB> from Orbital and Suborbital Tropospheric Column Observations
- Exploring Potential of Loon Stratospheric Balloon Instrument Hosting Capability
- Exploring Precipitation Intensity Changes Using Satellite-Based Monthly and Daily Products
- Exploring the Potential for ICESat-2 Observations to Advance Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- FLUXNET Methane Synthesis: Modeling Wetland Methane Fluxes from Sites to the Globe
- Fault Stabilization by Dilatant Hardening in Granular Rocks
- Fault-normal rupture displacement gradients and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019
- Feedback between Surface and Deep Processes modulates the Supercontinent Cycle
- Field measurements of Aerosols hygroscopicity and CCN activity in north China: implications for predicting CCN number concentrations in polluted environment
- Finite element method approach for quantifying the conditions for shape deformation of the primary of binary asteroid Didymos after the DART impact
- Forecasting future global biodiversity: Predicting current and future global plant distributions, community structure, and ecosystem function
- Forest Age Structure Modeling with LiDAR Measurements and Landsat Data
- Forest Cover Indices for Identifying Canopy Cover in Multispectral Imagery
- Forest Disturbance Intensity Based on Annual Landsat Observations and Field Inventory Data
- Forest disturbance in China from 2000 to 2005: models of trend and variance in size-frequency distributions
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: An Emerging Environmental Problem
- Freshwater Salinization Syndrome: Anthropogenic effects of road salting over land use and time
- From ICESat to ICESat-2 via IceBridge: New Insights into a Changing Sea Ice Cover
- From Sub-Regional to Global: Fusing Together Data Sets Across Scales and Sectors to Inform Integrated Regional Food-Energy-Water Planning
- Further Comparisons of SO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals between S5P/TROPOMI and SNPP and NOAA-20/OMPS
- Future changes in the flows of virtual water
- GEDI Surface Topography, Height and 3-D Structure Measurements: Algorithm Overview and Waveform Product Assessment
- GEDI's Footprint Level Aboveground Biomass Algorithm (L4A): Conceptual framework and Model Selections per Geographic Strata
- GEMMA: Geophysical Exploration of the Moon with MEMS Accelerometers
- Gap filling in large-area and long-term land use/land cover change time series using cloud-based Markov-Cellular Automata
- Generation of the lower-hybrid wave inside a reconnecting current sheet in space and laboratory
- Geodetic Imaging of the Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation from the 2019 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.1 and M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes in California with SAR
- Geodetic remote sensing constrains moment release from 2017/18 combined SSE and earthquakes near Guerrero, Mexico
- Geophysical Exploration Of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)
- Geophysics at the Edge of the Solar System: New Horizons at (486958) 2014 MU69
- Global 1km products of surface downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation from MODIS
- Global Air Pollutant Emissions Estimates to 2018 and Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) Project Updates
- Global Ecosystem Demography Model (ED-global v1.0): Development, Calibration and Evaluation for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)
- Global Precipitation Observations and CMIP/AMIP Calculations: Means, Trends and Intensity Changes
- Global and Regional Climate Responses to Black Carbon Emissions from the Arctic and Mid-latitudes
- Global carbon and biomass implications of mangrove land use change 2000-2016
- Global detections of mid-mantle reflectors reveal compositionally-distinct geodynamical domains
- Global validation of the NASA MODIS and VIIRS burned area products
- Globalizing air pollution
- Great Expectations? Reconciling the Aspirations, Outcomes, and Possibilities of Co-production
- Harmonized Landsat / Sentinel-2 (HLS) Data for Land Science
- High Time Resolution Auroral Electron Measurements
- High-resolution mapping of forest above ground carbon storage over the 11 state RGGI+ domain
- High-time resolution observations of mid-latitude aurora during the 14 November 2012 Geomagnetic storm.
- Highly siderophile element and <SUP>187</SUP>Os/<SUP>188</SUP>Os heterogeneity in the 1.95 Ga Jormua Ophiolite, Finland: Implications for upper mantle budgets and evolution history
- Historical Tsunami Effects near the New Hebrides Trench
- Hourly PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Estimates from Different Measurements of a Geostationary Satellite and Their Spatiotemporal Patterns over Central East China
- How and why has extreme hourly precipitation changed in the major urban agglomerations over China?
- How climate affects China's crop production by region
- How to train your model: Calibrating the simple climate model Hector
- Hurricane-related forest degradation and dieback across the Caribbean
- Hyper-Resolution Surface Hydrology in the Nepalese Himalayas
- ICI-Hot project: Timing of development of West Antarctica's subglacial topography evaluated using apatite and zircon double/triple-dating
- Identifying Data Needs and Gaps, and Ways to Improve Decision-Making of Stakeholders via the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Applications Project
- Identifying Population Vulnerability to Malaria in Myanmar
- Illumination and Temperature on Rough Terrain: Fast Methods for Solving the Radiosity Equation
- Impact of Uncertainty in Injection Height of Emissions from Industrial and Shipping Sectors on Global Sulfur Dioxide and Aerosol Distributions
- Impacts of aerosols on the spatial inhomogeneity of mixed-phase deep convective clouds and torrential rain in urban areas
- Impacts of climate variability and extremes on US power system capacity and operations
- Implication of lowering fertilizer usage on energy, agriculture, and land systems
- Implications of bioenergy crop expansion on water availability and nitrogen loading over the conterminous United States
- Improve the Accuracy, Long-term Consistency, and Speed of the SAO OMI Ozone Profile Product
- Improved Cropland Burning Emissions Inventory in Ukraine: A Regional Case Study
- Improved Observation of Global Precipitation During the Satellite Era
- Improved Standard Nitrogen Dioxide Product from Aura/OMI
- Improved understanding of terrestrial water-carbon linkages using satellite soil moisture and a dynamic global vegetation model
- Improvement of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project in High Latitudes Using the Latest Satellite and Surface Observations
- Improving SO<SUB>2</SUB> Layer Height Retrieval for the OMI and OMPS Spectrometers with an Inverse Machine Learning Based Approach
- Improving the Local Climate Analysis Tool by Incorporating User Input
- Incorporating reservoir operations in long-term integrated human-Earth system models
- Individual Tree Mapping from airborne LiDAR point data based on topological tools
- Inferences of mantle viscosity from whole-mantle density models and implications for large-scale structure
- Inferring the thickness of non-catastrophic deep-seated landslides from airborne synthetic aperture radar interferometry
- Influence of Pore Fluid Pressure on Slip Behavior beyond Effective Stress Threshold
- Information Content Analysis of Ice Cloud Retrievals using Joint Thermal Infrared(IR)and Microwave(MW)Observations
- Informing the Governance of Geoengineering Research Through Public Deliberations
- Injection Induced Seismicity from Coupled Pore Pressure Diffusion and Earthquake Sequence Simulations
- Insights on Emulation Performance from Large Ensemble Experiments
- Instrumental, Lander, and Geophysical Resonances from the InSight Seismometer on Mars
- Integrated, Stakeholder-Driven, Regional Energy-Water-Land Planning in Latin America
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Risk Assessment
- Integrating long term satellite data and in situ observations to study snow-albedo-temperature feedback over the Tibetan Plateau
- Intensified multi-decadal variability on North American Monsoon (NAM) Summer precipitation related to AMO as well as Monsoon high pressure system
- Inter-annual Changes in Carbon Balance on U.S Croplands
- Interannual variability and trends of stratospheric gravity waves from nearly two decades of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations
- Investigating Hillslope Self-Similarity: Field Observations of Weathering Profiles Across a Sequence of Repeating Ridges and Valleys
- Investigating the Water Reuse Adoption by U.S. Farmers using Agent-Based Modeling
- Ion-Scale Structure of the Outer Electron Diffusion Region
- Is My Tropical Cyclone Storm Recurrence Rate Biased? … An Evaluation of Epistemic Uncertainty in Storm Recurrences Rates
- Juxtaposition of HP Rocks Exhumed from Different Maximum Pressures After Subduction: P-T Evolution of Lawsonite-bearing Schists from the Chinese SW Tianshan
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- LANCE @ 10 Years
- Laboratory Analysis of Neutral and Ion Sputtering of Lunar Soils
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Large-scale land acquisitions catalyze commodity frontier expansion in Argentina's Dry Chaco
- Lessons Learned from Three Years of Monitoring Cholera
- Leveraging Earth Observation for agriculture monitoring in Eastern Africa
- Leveraging Earth Observations in agriculture monitoring. Building a sustained capacity development model based on Remote Sensing in Eastern Africa
- Leveraging Earth Observations to Inform Early Action and Policy, in Support of Food Security
- Lithospheric Structure in the Southeastern US using Reverberation-Corrected Receiver Functions
- Long-term mass variations of Greenland and Antarctica from low-degree Stokes gravity field
- Long-term trends in hydrology and biogeochemistry in a geomorphically restored urban stream
- MERRA-2 Ocean: The NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office's Weakly Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Reanalysis
- MMS Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection: Characterizing Terms in the Vlasov Equation Throughout the Diffusion Region
- Machine learning predictions for magnetic field time evolution in a Three-Meter liquid sodium spherical Couette experiment
- Magnetic Reconnection from a Turbulence Perspective.
- Magnetic Waves in the Martian Ionosphere
- Magnetic reconnection as a source of velocity spikes in the solar wind
- Magnetic reconnection observations in the bow shock transition region
- Magneto-Coriolis modes in the Three-Meter liquid sodium spherical-Couette experiment
- Magnetopause reconnection rate and the solar wind control function under strong to extreme driving conditions
- Magnetospheric Science - Global Simulations: Capabilities and Limitations
- Mapping 'green wave' velocity across North America - spatiotemporal patterns of spring vegetation phenology derived from MODIS MCD12Q2
- Mapping Winter Cover Crop Performance in Maryland
- Mapping fractional cover of major fuel type components across Alaskan tundra
- Mapping global land change from 1982 to 2016
- Mapping human settlements and population density in the Democratic Republic of Congo using Landsat data
- Mars and Earth - distinct inner solar system products
- Methane Dynamics in Restored and Natural Mineral-soil Wetlands
- Microbial signals of perturbation, recovery and resilience - lessons learned and applications of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Microphysical Impact of Aerosols on Convective Clouds and Precipitation
- Modeling Climate and Conflict Shocks on Acute Malnutrition in Children
- Modeling Melt Migration in the Lithosphere and Asthenosphere of Io, with Applications to Heat Pipe Evolution and Cyclical Volcanism
- Modeling of light scattering by packed media: applications to icy layers on cosmic bodies
- Modelling the effects of 3D shallow scatterers and atmospheric sources on Martian seismic signals at high frequencies
- Monitoring tree height, loss, and gain in South America using Lidar and Landsat data for 1985-2018.
- Multi-decadal estimates of aboveground biomass estimated from repeat airborne waveform lidar acquisitions
- Multi-decadal expansion of intensive cropland land use in South America
- Multi-sensor Integration using Machine Learning for UAV-based Landmine Detection
- Multiple Sulfur Isotopes Reveal a Possible Non-Crustal Source of Sulfur for the Bushveld Province
- Multispacecraft Observations of Pc 4 -5 Pulsations in the Dayside Magnetosphere: Particle Signatures.
- NASA Carbon Monitoring System Phase 2 Synthesis: Scope, Findings, Gaps, and Recommended Next Steps
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS - and its origins in MODIS Terra
- NO<SUB>x</SUB> in the remote troposphere during ATom: Reconciling measurements and models
- Near Rear Time 1 km SMAP Soil Moisture Data Product for Potential Use in National Water Model
- New directions and innovative uses for the Greenland Geodetic Network (GNET)
- New opportunities for developing high spatial resolution land products derived from gap free Landsat reflectance time series in Google Earth Engine
- Nonuniform Bow Shock Boundary at Mars
- NuSTAR hard X-ray observations of the Jovian aurorae during Juno perijove and apojove intervals
- Observation and theory of waves driven by agyrotropic beam near the electron diffusion region
- Observations and Modeling of a High-Latitude Extended Filament Channel Eruption
- Observations of Riparian Groundwater Quality Following Restoration Projects to Model Chemical Impacts of Tree Removal
- Observed Decrease of Summer Sea-land Breeze in Shanghai from 1994 to 2014 and Its Association with Urbanization
- Observing Changes in the Mangrove Forests of the South Florida Everglades following Hurricane Irma using Remote Sensing Measurements
- On the Martian Induced Magnetosphere Boundary: MAVEN Observations
- On the fast magnetic reconnection rate value of order 0.1
- On the solar nebula origin of (486958) 2014 MU<SUB>69</SUB>, a primordial contact binary in the Kuiper belt
- Opportunities for innovative Earth Observation from Space providing information for science from discovery to sustainable development.
- Optical seismometer for the Lunar Geophysical Network
- Optimization-based surface shortwave radiation estimating from multiple geostationary sensors
- Optimizing ground penetrating radar (GPR) Imaging of Lava Tubes: TubeX results on full waveform imaging and exploration strategies
- PSP/WISPR observations of the dust trail of (3200) Phaethon
- Pan-tropical 30m map of wetlands
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Particle Heating and Turbulence in Low-beta Guide Field Reconnection
- Pathways to a New Agricultural Revolution: NASA Harvest Exploring New Models for Public Private Partnerships in Earth Observations for Agriculture
- Perspectives on the terrestrial carbon cycle by integrating forest structure within land-surface models
- Pitfalls and perils of machine learning-based passive microwave brightness temperature data assimilation over terrestrial snow in High Mountain Asia
- Planetary and Earth seismology with space geodesy: seismic requirements on performances for Earth, Europa, the Moon and Jupiter.
- Post-launch Evaluation of GEDI Footprint-Level Cover and Biomass Algorithms
- Potential GNSS-R CYGNSS Land Applications for NOAA's Hydrological Predictions
- Potential environment stress of land and water in Brazil under future social-economic development pathways through global trade
- Potential for the Detection of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation from Space
- Precise Orbit Determination improvement evaluation using the Jason-2/T2L2 oscillator corrective model
- Predicting Crop Loss Remotely Through Satellite Imagery and Drones in Tanzania
- Probing Extreme Fire Plumes with Satellite Remote Sensing
- Production and application of manure nitrogen and phosphorus in the continental U.S. during 1860-2017
- Project New Hope: Achieving an Earth-like dynamo generated by Spherical Couette flows.
- Quantification of the Uptake of Anthropogenic Emissions of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Quantifying Red Maple Tree Transpiration across Different Urban Forest Management Contexts in Maryland
- Quantifying agricultural land cover responses to drought across different socioeconomic contexts
- Quantifying hydrologic regime shifts on ecological time scales using wavelets
- Quantifying the Contribution of Urban Energy Demand to Changes in Forest Carbon Stocks in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Multitemporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Assessment.
- Quantifying the influence of vegetation and albedo changes on High Mountain Asia hydrology
- Quantifying variability in fire-driven PM2.5 concentrations within Alaska during years of low, moderate, and high fire activity
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Jovian Hot Spots with Keck 5-μm and HST UVIS Observations
- Rain or Shine: Changes in Water and Mass Fluxes of a Pristine Watershed in Response to Rainfall Events and Regional Drought
- Randomness in the spatiotemporal movement of Vibrio cholerae
- Rapid prototyping, interactive visualization and data validation methods for models of planetary interiors
- Rate-dependent Stable Fault Propagation Observed in Porous Rocks at High Pore Fluid Pressures
- Recent Increases in Artisanal Gold Mining in West Africa
- Reconciling shallow and deep fault slip associated with the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- Refining Active Source Seismic Refraction Field Configurations for Applications in Critical Zone Studies
- Refining the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.5 Papua New Guinea Earthquake Slip Distribution Using Sub-Pixel Offset
- Regional Climate Impact Assessment of Vegetation Change in Loess Plateau: Combining WRF-NOAH Model and Long Time Series Satellite Observations
- Relating Deep Earth Structures to Geochemical Data
- Reliably forecasting field-scale crop yields through optimizing number and location of crop cuts: A case study in Ukraine
- Remote Sensing of Water Quality in Lake Toba (Indonesia)
- Remote sensing of plant functional diversity from space - the potential of GEDI and SBG over California
- Reproducible Determination of the Photo-sensitivity of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter
- Retrieving Aerosol Optical Properties using Multitemporal and Multispectral Observations of the New Generation Geostationary Satellites
- SEIS first year: nm/s^2 (and less) broadband seismology on Mars and first steps in Mars-Earth-Moon comparative seismology.
- Satellite Sensing the Horizontal Inhomogeneity of the Cloudy Planetary Boundary Layer over the Subtropical Eastern Pacific Ocean
- Satellite-based Agricultural Monitoring: past, present and future
- Scientific Data Stewardship for NOAA Oceanographic Satellite Observational Products.
- Sea Ice Melt Pond Properties as Observed by ICESat-2
- Seismic hazard implications of post-seismic deformation and stress transfer from the 2019 Searles Valley California Earthquakes
- Seismic observations of ponding plumes beneath the mantle transition zone
- Seismicity on Tidally Active Ocean Worlds in our Solar System and Beyond
- Sensitivity of simulated GEDI waveforms to forest leaf area and implications for footprint aboveground biomass models
- Shear localization from the interplay between fault motion and grain size evolution
- Simulating Regional Climate: What is the role of soil texture?
- Slab-wedge Coupling Promotes Deep Subduction of Sediment: Geodynamic Insights to Mantle Geochemical Heterogeneity
- Snow Ensemble Uncertainty Project (SEUP): Exploring Variability and Uncertainty in Modeled SWE Estimates Using an Ensemble-based Approach
- Socio-economic opportunities for afforestation across the RGGI domain using high-resolution NASA CMS products
- Source attribution of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and O<SUB>3</SUB> concentrations and health outcomes from 2010 and 2011 in Washington D.C. using sensitivity analyses in the GEOS-Chem adjoint model
- Spatial heterogeneity in groundwater and evaporative fluxes and their influence on lakes with varying methane dynamics within Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- Spectral Analysis of Simultaneous Optical and Radar Meteor Detections by Arecibo ISR
- Statistics of the Magnetic Field Variability Observed by the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Magnetometers
- Status and Future of Integrating Satellite Monitoring of Global Floods
- Strategies for Cohort Building and Retention Among Early Stage Hispanic Undergraduate Students in the Geosciences
- Strengthening agricultural decisions in countries at risk of food insecurity: The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning.
- Structural and parameter uncertainty in centennial-scale simulations of community succession in Upper Midwest temperate forests
- Studying the seed population of Saturn's <1 MeV ion radiation belts using Cassini/MIMI measurements
- Submillimeter Solar Observation Lunar Volatiles Experiment (SSOLVE)
- Sustainable Water Management in the Lower Colorado Basin: Influence of Climate and Regulatory Context on the Ability to Meet Human and Environmental Water Needs
- Synergistic use of optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time series imagery for timely and accurate mapping of soybean for small scale farms.
- Synthesis model development in the context of management decision support system
- Synthesis of Cyanide Ions (CN<SUP>-</SUP>) via Hypervelocity Impacts (HVIs)
- Systematic Study of Sdiff Scattering in the Pacific Basin Using a New Manifold Learning Algorithm
- Temporal Variations in Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Autocorrelation due to Groundwater Changes
- Temporal and spatial variability in surface roughness and accumulation rate around 88° S from repeat airborne geophysical surveys
- Terrestrial laser scanning improves LiDAR and radar biomass calibration in tallest mangrove forest on Earth
- The 3D Reference Earth Model Project: Data, Model and Tools
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The Climate Mitigation Opportunity behind Global Power Transmission and Distribution
- The Community Code Verification Exercise for Simulating Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The Flux of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases in Maryland (FLAGG-MD): Recent Progress
- The Great Oxidation Event: An Inside Job?
- The Greenland firn aquifer: Discovery and subsequent interdisciplinary field measurements
- The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) Global Wildfire Information System (GEO-GWIS)
- The Induced Libration of Didymos B Resulting from the DART Impact
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform: Next-Generation Collaboration Tool for Scientific Algorithms and Datasets
- The Landscape Hydrologic Capacitance Hypothesis: Exploring hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic drivers of wetlandscape hydrology
- The Link Between Ontong-Java and Louisville Revealed in the West Pacific
- The Lunar Environment Monitoring Station (LEMS) as a building block for a geophysical network at the Moon
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Lunar Sodium Exosphere: 2011 - 2013
- The Occurrence and Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Plasmas
- The OpenSSP Snow Particle and Scattering Property Database: Current Status and Future Plans
- The PAGES 2k Network: Overview, Progress and Vision
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The Structure of the Heliotail as probed by a Kinetic-MHD, a Multi-Ion Description of the Heliosphere and Energetic Neutral Maps
- The carbon storage potential of coastal farmlands experiencing saltwater intrusion
- The effect of saltwater intrusion on the spatial inaccessibility of carbon in coastal agricultural fields
- The inherent costs and uncertainties of water scarcity in a changing world
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The modulation of solar wind hydrogen deposition in the Martian atmosphere by foreshock phenomena
- The nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the outer radiation belt
- The role of crustal recycling: Coevolution of deep-mantle structure and geochemical heterogeneity
- The role of small shallow landslides in landscape evolution as revealed by high resolution differential lidar surveys and field mapping
- The strength of Southern California from rheological and geodynamical approaches
- The use of Earth Observation data for agricultural condition monitoring at sub-national scale in Argentina
- Theoretical understanding of the linear relationship between convective updrafts and cloud-base height for shallow cumulus clouds
- Three Dimensional Electron-Only Reconnection
- Three dimensional simulations of lower-hybrid instabilities in moderate guide-field magnetotail reconnection
- Timing Terminators: Forecasting Sunspot Cycle 25 Onset, Activity Levels and Overcoming Social Constraints That Hamper Progress
- Titan's ionospheric chemistry, fullerenes, oxygen, galactic cosmic rays, the formation of exobiological molecules on and within its surfaces and lakes
- Toward Generalized Change Detection on Planetary Surfaces with Deep Learning
- Towards Assimilation of Terrestrial Water Storage Derived from GRACE and Ground-based GPS into a Land Surface Model
- Towards Global Monitoring of Key Commodity Crops Using Multi-Source Data
- Towards a Multi-Variate, Multi-Sensor Assimilation Framework over Snow-Covered Terrain in Western Colorado
- Trends and patterns of functional diversity and disturbances in semi-arid environments: opportunities for airborne and global lidar observations
- Tropical forest structure and biomass mapping from fusion of GEDI lidar data and TanDEM-X InSAR data
- Turbulence in Three-Dimensional Guide-Field Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Twenty Years of Earth Observations from MODIS: What has been Accomplished?
- Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of magnetic reconnection and kinetic physics in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- Ultra-Fast Measurements of Precipitating Electrons in Earth's Cusp
- Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) viscous deformation during subduction, recorded at the leading edge of the mantle wedge, Samail ophiolite
- Uncertainty in simulated groundwater and terrestrial water storage as revealed through comparison with GRACE data and GRACE data assimilation
- Understanding Ecohydrology in a Managed Watershed through Integrated Modeling and Observations
- Understanding Fluid Behavior in Monviso Using Chlorite-Bearing Altered Eclogites from the Lower Shear Zone
- Understanding and predicting the controlling factors of Ultra-Low Frequency wave penetration during geomagnetic storms
- Understanding stakeholder perceptions of green infrastructure ecosystem services to improve urban environmental management
- Undrained Deformation Experiments in Fontainebleau Sandstone
- Up-going whistler-mode waves and their interactions with upward-moving energetic electrons: a study on the polar environment of Jupiter's magnetosphere
- Using more "future" data with EFSO/PQC in Reanalysis
- Using physical insights to minimize error and maximize efficiency in spatial decomposition approaches to surge hazard assessment
- Utilizing Multi-Sectoral Modeling to Anticipate Environmental Security Concerns Relevant to National Security Missions
- VISIONS-2 Observations of Electron Dynamics and Alfvén Waves
- Validation of high spatial resolution surface reflectance using a camera system (CAMSIS)
- Validation of modeled snow properties in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan
- Validation of the combined active and passive microwave snow retrieval algorithm by using NASA SnowEx 2017 and ESA NoSREx 2009-12
- Variations in Amazonian forest canopy structure and light environments across environmental and disturbance gradients
- Water-borne diseases in a changing climate
- Watershed 'Chemical Cocktails' - Evolving Urban Biogeochemical Processes
- Wetland FLUXNET synthesis for CH<SUB>4</SUB>: understanding CH<SUB>4</SUB> fluxes at daily to interannual timescales
- What is the role of climate sensitivity in extreme sea-level rise scenarios?
- Why Should Water Vapor Near-UV Absorption Be Included in the Modeling of Atmospheric Radiation?
- Wildfire smoke forecasts using HYSPLIT-based emission inverse modeling system and satellite observations
- Will green things continue to help when it gets hotter and rains more?
- Within-flash time evolution of cloud-top optical emissions: Implications for satellite-based lightning observations
- 3D diffusion of water in melt-inclusion-bearing olivine phenocrysts
- A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning Techniques for UXO Detection using Geophysical Sensors
- A Fast Radiosity Method for Thermal Modeling on Rough Planetary Surfaces
- A Framework for Earth Observations Based National and Regional Agriculture Monitoring
- A Kinetic Plasma Rosetta Stone for Understanding Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- A Panoptic View of Scattering in the Core-Mantle Boundary Region of the Pacific
- A Prospective Microwave Plasma Source for In Situ Spaceflight Applications
- A TRMM/GPM Composite Climatology and its Use in the New Version of GPCP
- A case study of non-resonant mode three-second ULF waves observed by MMS
- A hot early Earth? Assessing Archean and Proterozoic temperature history under different geological constraints.
- A local ensemble transform Kalman filter data assimilation for a regional Eulerian level set wildfire model
- A new mesoscale Regional Arctic ocean/sea ice REanalysis (RARE) is Used to Examine Climate Variability
- A plant-by-plant strategy for high-ambition coal power phaseout in China
- Abrupt decline in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide after the outbreak of COVID-19
- Active faulting along the Noa Dihing River, easternmost Himalaya
- Active-Source Seismology Using Astronaut Surface Operations During the Apollo 11 Mission
- Adapting the CoastWatch satellite course to the COVID-19 life
- Aerosol and Planetary-Boundary-Layer Interactions and Impact on Convection in Urban Regions
- Aircraft-Based Measurements of Black Carbon and Inferred Emissions over the Baltimore-Washington Area Pre- and Post- COVID-19 Lockdowns.
- Amphibian Collapses Exacerbated Malaria Outbreaks in Central America
- An Evaluation Study of the International Space Station Lightning Imaging Sensor
- An Evaluation of the Tropospheric NO<SUB>2 </SUB>Air Mass Factors from TROPOMI Over Polluted Cities Using the NASA-GSFC NO<SUB>2 </SUB>Algorithm
- An Internet-OF-Things Platform for Digital Weather Service: From Measurement to Information Delivery
- An Investigation of Oxygen Fugacity in Ocean Island Basalts
- An Ocean Snowfall Detection Algorithm for ATMS
- An agent-based framework for high-resolution modeling domestic water use under urbanization and climate change
- Analysis and Attribution of the Decrease in Tropospheric Column NO<SUB>2</SUB> as Observed by TROPOMI Over the Mid-Atlantic During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Analysis of the trends in ambient methane in the Baltimore-Washington region and comparison to model outputs.
- Assessing the Impact of Assimilating Lagrangian Surface Drifters during the Gulf of Mexico Grand Lagrangian Deployment (GLAD)
- Assessing the Impact of Site Legacy on Methanogen Community Composition and Activity in the Soil of a Restored Freshwater Mineral Wetland Through the Use of <SUP>13</SUP>C-DNA Stable Isotope Probing
- Assessment of Total Ozone Retrieval from DSCOVR EPIC with MERRA-2 and Brewer Measurements
- Atmospheric-based greenhouse gas measurements approaches can help cities achieve their climate and sustainability goals
- Balancing the electron Vlasov equation with MMS: Characterizing phase space density gradients during magnetopause reconnection
- Bayesian seismic refraction inversion for critical zone science and near-surface applications
- Beyond the cold air advection: how do stratocumulus-surface coupling state respond to horizontal temperature advection?
- Biophysical and socioeconomic drivers of global land-use change: A global-local-global linkages approach
- Blending Apollo-era and LRO Data and New Technologies to Assess Seismic Hazards on the Moon
- Boreal Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation with ICESat-2
- Brittle Faulting in Porous, Water-saturated Sandstone Deformed under High Pore Fluid Pressure
- Building a lunar network using a flexible, long-lived Lunar Geophysical Package (LGP)
- COVID19: Challenges in predicting air-borne viruses impacting human health
- Can hillslopes keep pace with landslide frequency in the humid tropics of Puerto Rico (USA)?
- Can transmission of infections air borne viruses be controlled?
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> Pollution Related to the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic Observed by Aura/OMI, SNPP/OMPS, and S5P/TROPOMI
- Characterizing Biopatterns via Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry
- Characterizing Forest Edge Structure Globally
- Characterizing the regional, sectoral and species-specific sources of pollution exposure and its associated health impacts in urban environments: case studies in Washington, D.C. and Santiago, Chile
- Climate Related Shifts in Hydrology Can Impact Source and Delivery of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter to Aquatic Systems in a Mesic Boreal Forest Watershed
- Coastal Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment Due to Coincident Occurrence of Tropical Cyclone-Induced Surge and Precipitation
- Combining Model Predictions with Satellite Data to Improve Agricultural Water Use and Nutrient Management
- Community Emissions Data System (CEDS): Asia and Global Emissions to 2019
- Compact Lunar Hydration and Mineralogy Explorer (CLuHME)
- Comparing Environmental and Energy Policy Options in India: Sectoral Impacts and Interactions
- Comparison of CMIP6 Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity to that Inferred from the Century and a Half Long Climate Record Using an Empirical Model of Global Climate
- Comparison of Field and Laboratory Measurements of Schist Anisotropy, Chester Dome, Vermont
- Considerations for Lava Tube Exploration
- Context and Future Directions for Integrating Forest Carbon into Sub-National Climate Mitigation Planning in the RGGI+ Region of the U.S.
- Continental-scale and decadal patterns in animal phenology discovered using the Arctic Animal Movement Archive
- Continental-scale impacts of fire PM2.5 emissions from boreal and tundra fires on air quality and health
- Correlating Economic Activity Indicators and Tropospheric Column Nitrogen Dioxide during COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
- Correlation between back-arc spreading center and volcanic arc location
- Coupled shape and spin evolution of Bennu due to the YORP effect
- Coupling Advanced Forest Carbon Science with University Climate Action Planning
- Creating Scalable, Quantitative Smallholder Farmer Data for Model Training through Conversational Farm Record Keeping
- Cyclic fluid flow in a high-pressure shear zone: Insights from Li isotope zoning in garnet
- DAVINCI+ Answers Long-Standing and Emerging Questions About the Venus Atmosphere
- DAVINCI+: Opening the History Book of Venus and Connecting Analog Exoplanets
- Decadal Trends in Ozone and Ozone Precursors in the Northeastern United States
- Decoupled He-W isotope systematics in the East African Rift System
- Deducing Internal Geometry and Stability of Lunar Lava Tubes from Observable Surface Features
- Deep learning enabled detection of low incidence plant disease with integrated proximal and remote sensing
- Deformation along Enceladus' Tiger Stripes: Insights from tidally modulated icequakes and stress release at Ross Ice Shelf rifts, Antarctica
- Degradation as a catalyst for primary forest conversion in Indonesia
- Designing Decision Support Systems with Interdisciplinary, International Teams: A Case Study of the Environment, Vulnerability, Decision, Technology Model
- Detecting the Mantle Transition Zone of Mars From Seismic Triplicated and Reflected Waves
- Detection of construction objects using time series of Sentinel-2 data and neural networks
- Developing Map-Based Web Interfaces to Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Models
- Developing New Pathways for Energy and Environmental Decision-making in India
- Development and Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycling in the Noah-MP-CN Land Surface Model
- Development of a "nature run" for observation system simulation experiments (OSSE) for snow mission development
- Development of a Machine Learning Model for Partial Column Ice Water Path and Water Vapor Retrieval
- Dimorphos' orbital perturbation induced by shape modification of Didymos after the DART impact
- Dispersion Model Evaluation using the 1996 Model Validation Program Tracer Study
- Downscaling climate in complex terrain with temperature sensor networks: deployment and data analysis challenges
- Drastic Changes in Regional NO<SUB>2</SUB> pollution during COVID-19 observed by OMPS-NMs on NOAA-20 and SNPP
- Dynamics of Mangrove Carbon Stocks in the Niger Delta - linking remote sensing timeseries of vegetation structure, loss drivers and in situ measurements
- Dynamics of the Martian bow shock location and machine learning detection
- Earth Observation Technology Applied to SDG 15.8 in West Africa: Multi-data Stream Analysis and Validation Approaches
- Ecoacoustic recordings capture animal population and community changes over time
- Effect of diminishing snow cover and increasing temperature on terminal lakes in the western United States
- Emerging Infectious Diseases, MEDEA, and Global Fiducials
- Energetic Fe Ions In And Near The Magnetospheres Of Earth, Jupiter, And Saturn
- Enhancement of snow and ice albedo performance in VIIRS global surface albedo products
- Enhancing Evapotranspiration Data Product from GOES-16/17 Advance Baseline Imagers for NOAA NWP, NWM and Drought Monitoring Operations
- Enhancing the Efficiency of a Permeable Reactive Barrier in Remediating Trichloroethylene in a Contaminated Groundwater Using an Amended Trench
- Ent/ACTS: Canopy Albedo Predictions With An Analytical Geometric-Optical Radiative Transfer Model for Fusing Lidar Remote Sensing and Demographic Dynamic Global Vegetation Models Coupled to Earth System Models
- Environmental Taxation and Regional Inequality in China
- Estimating Future Virtual Water Trading within the U.S. Electricity Grid
- Estimating biomass burning emissions with HYSPLIT-based emission inverse modeling system and GOES Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) observations
- Estimating daily PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and PM<SUB>10</SUB> concentrations in Alaska using a random forest model
- Estimating lightning-produced NOx over the Iberian Peninsula by using the DLR TROPOMI-NO2 research product
- Evaluating GEDI Geolocation Uncertainty against Airborne LiDAR: Implications for Footprint-level Analyses
- Evaluating New Visualization Services for Browsing Spatiotemporal Earth Observation Satellite Data
- Evaluating Southern Ocean Tides Using ICESat-2 over Ice Shelves
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Methodologies for Novelty-based Target Selection in Planetary Imaging Data Sets: Examples from the Mars Science Laboratory Mission
- Evaluation of V05 Precipitation Estimates from GPM Constellation Radiometers Using KuPR as the Reference
- Evolution and Upstream Conditions of Magnetotail Reconnection Inferred From Ion Distribution Functions Observed in the Electron Diffusion Regions
- Examination of the Effects of Aerosols on a PyroCb and Their Dependence on Fire Intensity and Aerosol Perturbation Using a Cloud-System Resolving Model
- Examining the Economic and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Using Earth Observation Data
- Exploring Aerosol's Effect on Lightning by using Joint Observation of GOES-R and ARMS
- Exploring High-resolution Observations of Arctic Sea Ice with ICESat-2
- Exploring environmental factors driving wildland fire ignitions in Alaskan tundra
- Exploring sea-level rise uncertainties using CMIP5/CMIP6 ensembles combined with a reduced complexity climate model (Hector-BRICK)
- Exploring the Mineralogical Landscape of Lava Tubes: Implications for Signatures of Habitability and Life Detection
- Exploring the Origin of Pyroxenites using Spinel Compositions of Western Rift Ugandan Xenoliths
- Fine Particulate Matter and Global Health: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Quantify Sector and Fuel-Specific Sources of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Mass and Mortality Across Global, National, and City Scales
- First Validation of GEDI Vegetation Structure Metrics in South African Savannas.
- Forecasting Wheat Yield Using Remote Sensing: the Arya Forecasting System
- Formaldehyde as a Proxy for Hydroxyl Radical Variability in the Remote Troposphere
- Fusing GEDI waveforms with spaceborne SAR data for improved forest structure estimation
- GEDI Measurements of Topography, Height and 3D Structure Measurements
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Geodetic slip inversion for the 2017/18 SSE and associated earthquakes near Guerrero, Mexico
- Geometrical Characteristics of Microchaos on Europa and Relation with Regional Stress Field
- Global Patterns of Changing Agricultural Land Use in Drought Regions
- Global land use for 2015-2100 at 0.05° resolution under diverse socioeconomic and climate scenarios
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- Goddard Latent Heating Retrieval Algorithm for TRMM and GPM
- Green stormwater infrastructure and water resources in the urban built environment: opportunities and barriers in a coupled natural-human system.
- Greenland Geodetic Network (GNET): Access to Datasets and an Understanding of the Infrastructure Potential
- Greenland's Shear Margins in a Warming World: Observations, Process, and Insights
- High-Resolution Sea Ice Topography from ICESat-2
- High-resolution forest carbon modeling for climate mitigation planning over the 11-state RGGI+ region, USA
- High-resolution monitoring of forest carbon sequestration to meet climate goals
- Hybrid Weather Prediction: A Blend of Machine Learning and Numerical Modeling
- ICESat-2 observations of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice
- Identifying Social Determinants of Health Associated With COVID-19 Racial Disparities in Louisiana, USA
- Impact on global air quality due to reduced mobility from COVID-19 related shutdowns
- Impacts of Time-dependent Magnetotail Reconnection on the Energetic Particle Injections into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Impacts of a Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance Restoration on Urban Stream Elemental Chemistry
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Implementation of Non-Spherical Dust Model Improves Dark Target Ocean Dust Retrieval
- Improvement of NOAA SFR algorithm through machine learning approach
- Improvement to the NOAA NCEI Global Blended Sea Surface Wind Product
- In situ Chemistry Experiment - μscope, Photoluminescence and Raman OBservations on Europa (ICE-μPROBE)
- In-depth analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from electric transmission and distribution systems
- Insights in the reasons for the model spread in the radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Insights into Yellowstone's magmatic system from 3D seismic waveform modeling and inversion
- Integrating GEDI Observations with a Forest Model Predicts Stand-level Attributes
- Integrating GEDI, ICESat-1 and -2 to Characterize Vegetation Structure Dynamics: DOs and DON'Ts
- Integrating Near-Surface Geophysics and Planetary Science: The GEODES Project Provides a Blueprint for Multi-Scale and Multi-Technique Geophysical Exploration and Resource Identification Beyond Earth
- Interdecadal Variability and Trends in Global Precipitation during the Satellite Era: CMIP6 Simulations vs Satellite Estimates
- Introduction to the Updated GPCP Monthly Product - V3.1
- Ion Velocity Spectrometer (IVS) for Solar Wind Monitor
- Janus: A NASA SIMPLEx mission to explore two NEO Binary Asteroids
- Kinetic instabilities in the shock transition region and magnetic reconnection in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock
- Knowledge Discovery Framework: Deep Learning Applications for Remote Sensing
- LGBTQ+ Scientists and Allies in the Agronomy, Crop, and Soil Science Societies: Sharing Stories and Enacting Change
- Lagrangian Analysis of Ozone Production in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area Based on Air Parcel Trajectories and In Situ Airborne Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- Land Use Engagement and Malaria Prevalence in Ann Township, Myanmar: The Role of Forest-Related Activities
- Land-Atmosphere Interactions in the Tropical Cyclone Maintenance or Intensification (TCMI) of TS Bill (2015)
- Land-Use Harmonization Datasets for Global Carbon Budget 2019 and Beyond
- Laser Desorption/Ablation Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for the Exploration of Astrobiology Targets in the Next Decade
- Lava Tube Exploration Research during Analog Lunar and Martian Missions at HI-SEAS: Preparation for the Human Exploration of the Moon and Mars
- Lessons Learned from NASA's Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Applications Efforts: How to Leverage Stakeholder Engagement & Applications Activities to Inform Decision-Making
- Li isotope zoning in garnet from Franciscan eclogite and amphibolite: The role of subduction-related fluids
- Lidar-based methods to determine PBLH and cloud coupling: algorithm development and application
- Life and DEFT: Space Weather Preparedness
- Limitations of Remote Sensing for Assessing Damage Caused by Desert Locusts during the East Africa Upsurge
- Linking GLM Flash Rate Observations and HWRF Modeled Atmospheric Parameters
- Long-Range Active Time-Resolved Laser Spectroscopic Instruments for Lunar Exploration - Mineralogy, Volatiles and Chemistry of Lunar Regolith
- Longitudinal Wave Observations Using MAVEN NGIMS Aerobraking and Deep Dip Data
- Lunar Density Anomalies From a Flexible Gravity Inversion Approach
- Machine Learning-assisted Agent-Based Modeling for Hurricane Track Prediction
- Magnetic Field Dropouts at near-Sun Switchback Boundaries: A Superposed Epoch Analysis
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Corona as a Source of Switchbacks in the Solar Wind
- Magnetic reconnection observed at Earth's bow shock
- Magnetopause Boundary Location Analysis: Models vs. Observations
- Making Sustained Progress to Addressing the 'Practitioners Dilemma'
- Making `Chemical Cocktails' in Streams across the Periodic Table of Elements
- Maritime Object Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Measurements and models of COVID-19 impacts on short-lived pollutants and greenhouse gases over the eastern US
- Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Enhancements from Wildfires with a Pulsed IPDA Lidar
- Metamorphism and the evolution of plate tectonics
- Methods and tools to improve understanding and application of biodiversity data based on satellite Earth observation: Examples from Benin, Ghana and Brazil
- Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA) multi-band network performance.
- Modeling 3-D radial anisotropy in the Indian Ocean upper mantle from fundamental and higher mode surface waves and a non-linear hierarchical transdimensional Bayesian approach
- Multi-Sourced Flood Inventories over the Contiguous United States for Actual and Natural Conditions
- Multi-scale Snow-Atmosphere Interactions Over Mountain Snowpack for Climate Applications
- Multi-sensor Assimilation of Synthetic AMSR-E Brightness Temperature Spectral Differences and Synthetic GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Retrievals to Improve Terrestrial Snow Mass
- Myanmar Malaria Early Warning System (MMEWS): Multi-sensor satellite data fusion system for monitoring socio-environmental predictors of malaria in Myanmar
- NOAA Oceanographic Satellite Products Stewardship and Data Quality Monitoring at National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
- Near Real Time One-kilometer SMOPS Soil Moisture and Its Potential Applications
- Near-Surface Plasma Effects of OSIRIS-REx Sampling
- New seismological constraints on the crustal structure of Mars and the Moon
- Nongyrotropic Electron Distribution Functions and the Origin of Waves during Asymmetric Guide Field Reconnection
- Novelty and Discovery Content Analysis Methods for the Planetary Data System Image Atlas
- On the potential viability of epidemiological models in utilitarian COVID-19 prediction
- Operationalizing earth observation based machine-learning models for field-scale crop yield forecasting
- Optimizing the design of the Arctic GHG monitoring tower network using synthetic data experiments.
- Organic Characterization of Mauna Loa Lava Tubes, Hawaii, as Analogs for Mars: Implications for Martian Habitability and Exploration
- Ozone Photochemistry in New York City - Long Island Sound: Results from Summer 2020 Aircraft Observations
- Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals from Joint UV and Visible Measurements by the TEMPO
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first three Venus flybys: foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Particle Energization During Magnetic Reconnection With a Novel Computational Model
- Particle simulations of magnetotail dynamics guided by empirical reconstruction of substorms with data-mining algorithms: Steady and unsteady reconnection regimes
- Particulate- and dissolved-phase polychlorinated biphenyls and heavy metals interactions through a bioretention cell.
- Passive Microwave Satellite Characterization of Light Precipitation from Microphysical to Global Scale
- Past, Present, and Future of Flooding-induced Crop Loss in U.S. Midwest
- Performance of GEDI footprint aboveground biomass models
- Permafrost in a Simple Carbon-Climate Model
- Perpendicular electron acceleration by the lower-hybrid drift instability
- Perspectives on Magnetic Reconnection from MMS
- Physically Based Hydrology Model in a Snowmelt-Dominant Watershed
- Planetary Scale Seasonal and Tidal Atmospheric Mass Transport: Role of Gradiometry Measurements
- Predictability of Atmospheric Conditions Potentially Favorable for COVID-19 Transmissibility
- Predictive assessment of transmission of cholera
- Preliminary results of UV index and other biological indices in Asia for the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)
- Probing magma storage during the May 2018 eruption using coupled dike-chamber models
- Progress on the Three-Meter Model of Earth's Core this (Strange) Year: New Hope for Dynamos with Inner Sphere Roughness.
- Promoting Modeling Accessibility Through the Development of Interactive, Web-Based Visualization Tools.
- Quantifying and Assessing Protected Area's Carbon Sequestration Potential and Ecological Values at Regional-scale
- Quantitative assessment of surface particulate matter concentrations change over China during the COVID-19 pandemic and its implication to Chinese economic activities
- Quantitative characterization of evolving strain and microstructure during brittle faulting
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Jovian Hot Spots and NH-3 Plumes with HST and Keck NIRSPEC
- Radiometric Dating of Rocky Planetary Bodies with Rb-Sr and LA-ICPMS
- Rapid Response and Landslide Mapping using Freely Available Synthetic Aperture Radar in Google Earth Engine
- Reactive Crystallization of the Basal Magma Ocean on Terrestrial Planets
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions seen from the in-situ aircraft observation over the Baltimore, MD-Washington, D.C. area during COVID-19 pandemic period: Mass balance flux estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and source sector attribution using activity metric data
- Responding to emerging food security needs using Earth Observation systems in Kenya
- Roles of TAO/TRITON and Argo in tropical Pacific observing system: An OSSE study for multiple time scale variability
- S-coda wave analysis of InSight seismic data to determine the scattering and intrinsic attenuation in the crust of Mars
- Saharan Dust Aerosols Impact Deep Convective Cloud Prevalence, Possibly by Inhibiting Marine New Particle Formation
- Sea-Ice Freeboard Determination from High Resolution SAR Altimetry
- Searching for "Win-Win" Solutions for Food-Water-GHG Emissions Tradeoffs across Irrigation Regimes of Paddy Rice in China
- Secular oxidation of the mantle decreased the proportion of reducing gases in volcanic emissions and could trigger the atmospheric oxygenation
- Sequencing Geophysical Signals to Glean Structural Insights
- Short- and long-term fault-slip kinematics of the Churachandpur-Mao fault zone, Indo-Burman Ranges.
- Simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> emitted from Alaskan wildfires using HYSPLIT
- Simulations of Post-Impact Granular Dilation on Airless Bodies
- Single-Scattering Properties of Melting Precipitation for GPM Passive Microwave and Radar Remote Sensing Applications
- Slope-aspect dependent hillslope water storage capacity, threshold responses and runoff generation
- Snowfall Type Classification for Improving Passive Microwave Snowfall Estimates
- Soybean Yield Prediction at Field Level Using Sentinel-1 Data
- Space Weather at Mars: 5.5 Years of MAVEN Observations
- Spatial Variation in Bedrock Weathering Under a sequence of ridges and valleys in the Great Valley Sequence of Northern California revealed through geophysics and deep drilling
- Spatiotemporal Soil Moisture Variability in Corn and Cotton Fields with Uniform Irrigation During the Growing Season
- Spontaneous Reconnection in Three-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Collisionless Plasma Turbulence
- Statistical and energetic characteristic of High Frequency (HF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) Martian events
- Storm Surge and Wave Heights Impacts over Coastal Wetlands during Extreme Events: A Case-Study in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System
- Strongly Focused Flow along Shear-Induced Melt Bands in Experimental Olivine-Basalt Aggregate
- Tectonic Deformation and Surface Processes of the Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Time Series Analysis of ARIA Sentinel-1 InSAR Products
- Terrestrial Seismic and Magnetic Field Studies of Volcanic Fields as an Analog to Lunar Surface Prospecting
- The "helicity plug": halting nonlinear energy transfer from MHD to kinetic scales in plasma turbulence
- The 3D Reference Earth Model Project: Reconciled Data, Full-spectrum Tomography and Community Tools
- The Aerosol Radiative Effect on Precipitation and Circulation associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation over the Maritime Continent
- The ChinaHighPM<SUB>2.5</SUB> data set: generation, validation, and spatiotemporal variations from 2000 to 2018 in China
- The Cloud Structure and Ammonia Abundance in Jupiter's Equatorial Zone Derived from 5-µm Spectra
- The Error Propagation of Global Precipitation Estimation through Distributed Hydrological Modelling
- The Future of Planetary Surface Gravimetry
- The Global Distribution of Human and Natural Threats to Protected Mangrove Regions
- The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation: An Update After a Year On-Orbit
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Historical Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Agricultural Productivity
- The Impact of Meteorology on Air Pollution in the Lower Atmosphere over the North China Plain in Spring 2016
- The Inland Maintenance and Re-Intensification of Tropical Storm Bill (2015): Precipitation Microphysics
- The Interplay between Capillarity and Wettability in Pinch-off Phenomenon
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Moon as a cornerstone of understanding for terrestrial planetary interiors
- The Paths to Resilient Shorelines: An Engineering Analysis of Sea Level Rise Planning from the Gulf Coast to the Mid-Atlantic
- The dominating control of terrain relief on the soil water content distribution during wet-dry transitions in headwaters
- The evolution of energy-water-agriculture inter-connectivity across scales in the U.S.
- The generation of whistler-mode waves and their interactions with energetic electrons in Jupiter's polar regions, including applications beyond the giant planet
- The impact of human and livestock respiration on urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget
- The influence of horizontal temperature advection on the stratocumulus lifetime: an idealized LES study
- The synergistic effects of climatic and anthropogenic factors on the sustainability of coastal ecosystems
- Three definitions of ductile shear zones resulting from grain-size evolution below a frictional fault
- Toward Understanding Anomalously Low Aftershock Productivity
- Toward integrated seasonal predictions of land and ocean carbon flux: lessons learned from NASA's subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions
- Towards Joint Inversion of Geophysical Datasets in Planetary Analog Studies
- Towards an Integrated Terrestrial Freshwater Remote Sensing System using the NASA Land Information System, Data Assimilation, and Synthetic Retrievals of Snow, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation over Western Colorado
- Towards pantropical structure and biomass mapping from fusion of GEDI and TanDEM-X data
- Tracking 2020 decreases in carbon dioxide due to the COVID19 pandemic in NASA's GEOS modeling system: implications for space-based carbon monitoring
- Tracking `chemical cocktails' in the Chesapeake Bay watershed using routine monitoring and high-frequency measurements
- Tracking the changing stranded assets risks from existing and planned coal power plants
- Two timescales of fault stabilization by dilatant hardening: slow slip events followed by prolonged dynamic rupture
- Type III Solar Radio Burst Profiles, Directionality, and Wave Scattering Model
- US Climate Action in a Paris Committed World: What's at Stake?
- Ultra-Long Wavelength Radio Astronomy using the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT) on the Farside of the Moon
- Ultra-Low Frequency waves and their direct role in energetic particle precipitation
- Understanding the Impact of the North American Crustal Stress Field on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA)
- Understanding the multiscale impacts of responses to water scarcity and land use change
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- Urban Flood Monitoring Using an Integrated River Basin-Urban Flood Modeling Approach
- Urbanization enhanced summertime extreme hourly precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta
- Urgent and critical need for developing countries to invest in Earth observation-based agricultural early warning and monitoring systems to achieve Zero Hunger (SDG-2)
- Using Nature to Increase Coastal Resilience: Implicit and Explicit Wave Attenuation Modeling at varying Spatial Scales
- Using Near-Road Observations to Assess the Impact of COVID-19 Travel Restrictions on Air Pollution Emissions from Mobile Sources
- Using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics to Simulate Melting and Mixed-Phase Scattering Properties
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using kinetic entropy to identify regions with adiabatic or non-adiabatic processes in antiparallel reconnection
- Using multi-source satellite image series for a data-informed crop yield estimation at different management scales
- Using snow radiative transfer modeling to quantify surface melt over the Larsen C from passive microwave observations
- Utilizing ensemble-based data assimilation and the NASA Land Information System to improve soil moisture estimation across high mountain Asia
- Variability of the Solar Wind Flow Asymmetry in the Martian Magnetosheath observed by MAVEN
- Vectorized CRTM for the Simulation and Direct Assimilation of Satellite Radiances
- Venus, Earth's Divergent Twin?: Testing Evolutionary Models For Venus with the DAVINCI+ Mission
- Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> Effective Layer Height Retrieval with OMI Using a Machine Learning Driven Approach
- What We can Learn about Monsoon Rainfall from the Energy Flow?-Energetic Constraint for the Leading Neutral Mode of Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Future Projection
- What complexity PSM for paleoclimate data assimilation? Results from a tree-ring width data model intercomparison study
- What does an Empirical Spatial-Temporal Propinquity Model Reveal About the Trend in Frequency of Extreme Precipitation?
- What is the Optimal Mixture of Space-borne Sensors for Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Freshwater?: A Comparative Analysis of Passive Optical, Passive Microwave, Active Microwave, and LiDAR Retrievals
- Whistler Waves in the Young Solar Wind: Properties, Origin, and Consequences for Particles
- Wildfire Smoke Particle Properties and Evolution, From Space-Based Multi-Angle Imaging: The Williams Flats Fire During the FIREX-AQ Campaign
- kglobal, A Power Law Producing Model for Energetic Electron Acceleration in Macroscale Systems
- 3D turbulence and air entrainment in pyroclastic density currents from video analysis
- A 1-km global dataset of historical (1979-2013) and future (2020-2100) Koppen-Geiger climate classification and bioclimatic variables
- A Better Understanding of Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
- A Case Study Inter-comparing MALMA and GLM
- A GCM-Oriented and Artificial Intelligence Based Passive Microwave Diurnal Ice/Snow Cloud Retrieval Product using CloudSat/CALIPSO as the Baseline
- A Multi-Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of Buried Ice Beneath Pyroclastic Deposits at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland
- A Principled Approach to Melting Snowflakes and the Production of Mixed-Phase Hydrometeor Particle Distributions
- A Snowfall Retrieval Algorithm for ATMS over Ocean, Sea Ice, and Coast
- A Synthesis of Tidal Wetland Methane Emissions Across the Contiguous United States
- A Transient Peak in Seawater Sulfate After the 635-Ma Snowball Earth
- A Turbulent Heliosheath Driven by Rayleigh Taylor Instability
- A Typology for Representing Human Actors in MultiSector Dynamics Models
- A calibration baseline for lightning radiometry from space
- A comparison of heliotail configurations arising from different treatments of non-ideal MHD effects with ENA maps at IBEX energies
- A decade of GCOM-W1 AMSR2 rainfall record at NOAA
- A global land data system to provide variable high-resolution spatial products
- A high-resolution inventory for inverse modeling ofNew York City methane emissions
- A melange of subduction ages: Constraints on the timescale of shear zone development and underplating at the subduction interface, Catalina Schist (CA, USA)
- A new global water management module: Distributed vs. Lumped representations
- A regional analysis of the effects of corn growth on surface heat flux partitioning and land-atmosphere coupling in the central United States summer
- A solar source of Alfvenic magnetic field switchbacks: in situ remnants of magnetic funnels on supergranulation scales
- A statistical study of three-second foreshock ULF waves observed by MMS
- A three-meter laboratory model of the Earths outer core
- Addressing the complex tectonometamorphic history of the Catalina Schist using Sm-Nd garnet geochronology
- Addressing uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics research: an eBook guide for novice and experienced modelers
- Advancing Spatial Information for Private Sector, Conservation, and Policy Interventions to End Global Forest Loss
- An Analysis of High Water Levels Generated by Rivers, Tides and Storm Surges in the Urban Anacostia River-Estuary System
- An Educational Program for Engaging Rural Students for Agricultural in situ Data Collection
- An Open Science Approach to 2020 Boreal-wide Biomass Mapping with ICESat-2 and Landsat
- An Overview of NASAs Lucy Mission: First to the Trojans
- An Overview of Preliminary Results from Emissions-MIPa Climate and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project
- Analysis of the trends in ambient methane in the Baltimore-Washington region and comparison to model outputs and WetCHARTs wetland emissions.
- Analysis on the dependence of the Martian Bow Shock on Seasonal and Solar Wind Variations.
- Annual forest disturbance intensity mapped using Landsat Time Series and field inventory data for the Conterminous United States (1986-2015)
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Apache Sedona in Action: Analyzing Large-scale Arctic Observations Using an Open-source Big Data Platform
- Application of SWAT-MODFLOW for evaluating the impacts of climate change on the surface- and groundwater resources of the lower Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River Basin, USA
- Application of subseasonal scale climate forecasts in supporting food-insecurity early warning
- Arctic Aerosol Model Validation and Evidence for Deposition Ice Nucleation over Siberia
- Arctic warming-induced cold damage to East Asian terrestrial ecosystems
- Argus - An interactive application to enable scientific discovery through multi-sector and multi-scale visual analytics
- Artificial Intelligence for Astrobiology
- As Seen on Parker Solar Probe: Waves Generated by Proton Beams Produced by Magnetic Reconnection
- Assessing Fault Slip and Seismic Hazard in Taiwan using Space Geodesy
- Assessing Sea Ice Lead Characteristics with ICESat-2
- Assessing multi-sector near-term transition and longer-term physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways
- Assessing the Suitability of UAV-mounted Geophysical Sensors for UXO Detection
- Assimilation of Blended Satellite Soil Moisture Data Products to Further Improve Noah-MP model Skills
- Atmospheric Correction Inter-Comparison Exercise II
- Automatic Identification of Ion Energy Dispersion Events in the Cusp Ionosphere
- Baffin Island subglacial precipitates record subglacial melting beneath the northern Laurentide Ice Sheet concurrent with Heinrich events
- Balancing Vertical and Lateral Carbon Fluxes for Cropland in the U.S. Midwest
- Balloon soundings with an oscillating ascending and descending paths
- Bedrock water storage dynamics under extreme drought: consequences for plant water availability, recharge, and runoff
- Bridging the gap in polar altimetry
- Bursty magnetic reconnection at the Earths magnetopause triggered by high-speed jets
- Characterizing Steady and Bursty Coronal Heating of a Solar Active Region
- Characterizing the Decline of the Great Salt Lake during the Current Exceptional Drought in Utah using MODIS Satellite Data Products
- Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Troposphere over the Ocean Basins observed by NASA's Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom)
- Classifying Deep Moonquakes Using Convolutional Neural Nets and Synthesized Seismic Data
- Climate-smart agricultural production and adaptation to climate change
- Cloud microphysics parameterization explored within a Bayesian filtering framework
- Co-locating Agriculture and Renewable Energy Production (agrivoltaics) to Create Resilient Food, Energy, and Water Systems in Drylands
- Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers.
- Community Emissions Data Systems (CEDS): Emissions to 2020
- Comparison of GEDI Topography and Height Products with High-Altitude Airborne Lidar
- Complex Hydrometeor 3-Dimensional Volume Jacobian for Microwave to FIR Bands
- Composition, Source, and Photodegradation Exposure Control Dissolved Organic Matter Biodegradability in a Freshwater Wetland Landscape
- Comprehensive Assessment of Five Global Daily Downward Shortwave Radiation Satellite Products
- Conflict and Climate: Drivers of fire activity in Syria in the 21st century
- Conservation, climate change, and optimal energy pathways in southern Africas low carbon energy transition
- Constraining controls on heterogeneous weathering processes across a sedimentary ridge-valley system using near-surface geophysics
- Contributing Mechanisms to Skillful Seasonal Forecasts of Spring Carbon Uptake
- Correlated Spatio-temporal Evolution of Extreme-Ultraviolet Ribbons and Hard X-rays in a Solar Flare
- Correlation between back-arc spreading center and volcanic arc location
- Cropland Use Changes Following Climate Extremes: Quantifying Two Decades of Global Land Use Responses
- Damage on living trees contributes to 36% of biomass losses in tropical forests
- Decrease in the Martian He Bulge during PEDE-2018 and Changes in Upper Atmospheric Circulation
- Deriving Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Traits
- Detecting and Characterizing Sea Ice Pressure Ridges with ICESat-2
- Detection of Drizzle and Light Snowfall Over the Southern Ocean Using Optimal Estimation for the GPM Combined Algorithm
- Detection of short peptides identified as prospective psychrophilic biosignatures with the CORALS instrument
- Detection of the Aerosol Effect on Lightning based on Ground and Satellite Measurements over the Southern Great Plains during Summer
- Developing Spatial Magnitude Frequency Distributions with LROC NAC Data for Preliminary Lunar Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessments
- Development and Evaluation of North America Wildfire Ensemble Forecast.
- Diagnosing NASA Earth Science Models (ESM) using a live visualization environment: A novel approach
- Discovering Robust Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Colombia
- Diurnal Cycles of Aerosols Derived from Deep Blue Aerosol Retrievals Using ABI and AHI
- Divergent historical GPP trends among state-of-the-art multi-model simulations and satellite-based products
- Diverse 21st-century energy market due to uncertain terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink
- Domain-agnostic Outlier Ranking Algorithms (DORA): A Configurable Pipeline for Outlier Detection in Scientific Datasets
- Drivers and impacts of marsh migration in the coastal critical zone
- Earth Information System (EIS) - Freshwater: A Pilot Study Exploring Open Science on the Cloud
- Earth Information System (EIS) -Freshwater: A cloud-based open system for integrated hydrological cycle studies
- Earth observation inspired environmental equity and decision-making framework for prediction of water-borne diseases
- Effects of Radial Expansion, Collisions, and Wave-Particle Interactions on Protons, Electrons, and Alpha Particles in the Solar Wind
- Effects of Water Vapor and Inorganic Seed Particles on Secondary Organic Aerosol Water-Uptake
- Efficient Degassing of Planetesimals During Melting and Differentiation: Water Delivery to Earth via Unmelted Material
- Electron energization by electron-only reconnection in the Earths quasi-parallel bow shock
- Electron energy spectra in solar flares and Earths magnetotail
- Electron heating by magnetization and its application to dipolarization fronts in Earths magnetotail Theory, Simulations, and Observations
- Electron-Scale Structures and Cross-Scale Features in the Magnetopause Region from Multi-Spacecraft MMS Data
- Elucidating the Magma Plumbing System of the Active Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, Natron Rift, Tanzania Using Geodesy and Numerical Modeling
- Equilibrium and Effective Climate Sensitivity Inferred from the Historical Climate Record Using an Empirical Model of Global Climate Compared to CMIP6
- Estimating Antarctic Grounding Zone Ice Flexure with ICESat-2 Data
- Evaluating Efficacy of Magnetic Probe Positions on the Three-Meter Spherical Couette Experiment
- Evaluating aerosol retrievals from LEO and GEO orbits: A step towards consistent global aerosol data records
- Evaluating the Impacts of 2020 Iowa Derecho Over Agricultural Fields Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Evaluating the Retrieval of TROPOMI NO2Columns with the NASA NO2Algorithm
- Evaluation of OpenET DisALEXI and Ensemble ET over the State of California
- Evaluation of a Hybrid Approach to Atmospheric Modeling that Combines Machine Learning with a General Circulation Model
- Evaluation of multiple satellite-based atmospheric products across High Mountain Asia
- Evidence for the Parametric Three Wave Interactions in the Upstream Regions of Interplanetary Shocks
- Evolution of Melt Pond Fraction and Depth on Multiyear Ice in 2020 from High Resolution Satellite Observations
- Evolution of the Aerosol Radiative Efficiency During the Last Decade Using the AERONET Database
- Examining Historic Limitations, Improvements, and Potential Applications of Remote Sensing to Study Water-, Air-, and Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases
- Examining the Nexus of Environmental Policy, Climate Physics, and Maritime Shipping with Deep Learning and Space-borne Data
- Examining the Role of Combined Pressures from Climate and Land Cover Change on P. Knowlesi Malaria Potential in Southeast Asia
- Experimentally-Constrained Seismic Velocity Model for Partially Molten Upper Mantle Rocks
- Exploring the Impact of Multisectoral and Multiscale Constraints and Opportunities on Power Plant Siting with the Capacity Expansion Regional Feasibility (CERF) Model
- Exposing the Physical Basis of Satellite Precipitation Retrieval Errors
- Extending algorithm of JPSS VIIRS Vegetation Index Product to GOES-R ABI Data
- Field observations of the temporal evolution of meltwater and false bottoms for level ice during MOSAiC expedition
- Filling a Science-Policy Gap around Natural Climate Solutions with High-Resolution Forest Carbon Science
- First Validation of GEDI Canopy Height in African Savannas
- First atmospheric results produced by the SuperCam instrument on Mars2020
- First results of NO2 observations from NOAA-20 OMPS: drastic regional changes during COVID-19 pandemic
- First-Row Transition Elements, Ga, and Ge in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
- Fusing GEO and LEO Lightning Observations
- GDESS: A Framework for Evaluating Simulated Atmospheric CO2 in Earth System Models
- GEDI, The Saga Continues: Past, Present and Future of the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation
- Generating Affordable, Scalable Agriculture Data through Mobile-Based Advertising, Field Digitization and Farm Record Keeping
- Generating satellite SAR-based landslide density heatmaps for rapid landslide detection in Google Earth Engine
- Geochemical and Geophysical implications for the source of Ocean Island Basalts
- Global seasonal dynamics of surface water and ice
- Grand Climate Engineering Experiments: Quantifying their Impact Through Remote Sensing of the Arctic Cryosphere
- Gridded Fossil fuel CO2 emissions in support of the UNFCCC inventory reporting framework
- Ground-based retrievals of aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared for validation and ancillary information of satellite-based algorithms
- HectorUI: An Interactive Climate Model
- Heterogeneous Melt Distribution and Anisotropic Permeability in Sheared Partially Molten Rock
- High Latitude Considerations in the Latest GPCP monthly and daily products
- High performance computing for high-resolution snow modeling
- High-resolution mapping of pantropical canopy height by integration of GEDI and TanDEM-X Data
- High-resolution snow modeling and data assimilation techniques for the next generation of remotely sensed observations on a snow covered digital twin
- Hourly regional SO2 monitoring with geostationary instruments for atmospheric composition: Preliminary results from TEMPO and GEMS
- How Deep convection is favored under heavily polluted environment despite plausible surface stabilization?
- How do we measure an icy shell? Seismic constraints on the thickness of an Antarctic ice shelf as an analog for icy-ocean worlds
- IPCC AR6 WGI Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment
- Icequakes and ice rheology along rifts within the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Identifying Central Tendencies in Ensemble Solutions to Geophysical Inverse Problems
- Identifying Drivers of Future Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean Using a Scenario Discovery Approach
- Impact of Hydropower Dams in the Mekong on the Tonle Sap Lakes Hydrodynamics
- Impact of Suomi-NPP CrIS Midwave Band Failure on the NUCAPS Retrieval Products and User Feedback.
- Impact of Thailands Renewable Energy Policies on the Food-Energy-Water-Land Nexus: An Extended Input Output Approach
- Impact of aerosols on shallow and deep convective clouds: Some new insight from recent studies
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Emissions of Short Lived Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in the Mid-Atlantic States.
- Impacts of the spatial heterogeneity of atmospheric CO2 concentration on carbon-climate feedbacks
- Implementing SnowModel into the Land Information System Framework to Support High Resolution Modeling of Snow Heterogeneity
- Implications and Symptoms: Role of the Water Governance Components in Iran on the Existing Water Bankruptcy
- Implications of Global Agricultural Trade Uncertainty for Latin Americas Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems
- Implications of InSight Results on the Thermal and Dynamic Evolution of Mars
- Implications of Palm Expansion in Southeast Asia
- Improved Lightning NOx Production Estimates Using TROPOMI and GLM Data
- Improvement of NOAA Snowfall Product through Machine Learning
- Improving Data Exploration of Earth Systems Model Data with iViz: A Powerful Easy-to-use Interactive Visualization Toolkit
- Improving Global Burned Area Estimates by Merging High and Moderate Resolution Satellite Fire Products
- Improving Soil Moisture and Runoff Estimation across Irrigated Areas via SMAP Assimilation across South Asia
- Improving the joint estimation of CO2 and surface carbon fluxes using local ensemble transform Kalman filter together with constrained ensemble Kalman filter and relexed prior regularization
- In flight Monitoring Results of the Microchannel Plates Detectors for MMS/FPI
- In situ measurement of the geotechnical properties of asteroid (101955) Bennus near surface from the OSIRIS-REx sampling maneuver
- Increasing heat risk in Chinas urban agglomerations
- Indices of Extremes: Geographic patterns of change in temperature and precipitation and associated vegetation impacts
- Individual Tree Extraction from Terrestrial Lidar Point Clouds Based on Topological Tools
- Innovating Reforestation Protocols for Carbon Markets with High-Resolution Forest Carbon Science
- Integrating Aerosols Observations from LEO and GEO: Capturing Global Diurnal Cycle
- Integrating Oyster Castles into Living Shorelines to promote coastal bays resilience to Sea Level Rise
- Integrating thermochemical modelling and seismic observations to constrain temperature, composition, and geodynamics of Earths upper and mid mantle
- Inter-annual Variations of Tropical Ocean RainfallDifferences Among Satellite Estimates
- Introducing Version 2 VIIRS Deep Blue aerosol products
- Introducing the GPCP Version 3.1 Daily Precipitation Dataset
- Introducing the OPERA Project for Systematic Surface Water, Surface Deformation, and Surface Disturbance Data Products from Satellite Observations
- Investigating Potential Causes for Spurious Magnetopause Crossings in MHD Simulations
- Investigating the Fate of the Sea Ice and Interaction with the Polar Atmosphere from a Langrangian Framework
- Investigating the magnitude of snow redistribution over the Antarctic Ice Sheet using ICESat-2, IceBridge, and atmospheric reanalysis data
- Investigation of the Robustness of Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis Results to Different Joint Distribution Models of Storm Parameters
- Ion Energization During Macroscale Reconnection
- Isotopic Records of C, N Storage and Processing in Natural and Restored Typha Wetlands
- Isotopic evidence of multiple recycled sulfur sources erupted at Samoa
- Land Cover and Land Use Change Trajectory Hopping Facilitates Estate Crop Expansion into Protected Forests in Indonesia
- Large EMulated ENSembles (LEMENS) Enable Robust Evaluation of Climate Impacts on Extreme Drought Events
- Late Phase Gamma-Ray Emission in Two Flares Observed by RHESSI
- Latest results from ChemCam Passive Sky Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- Leveraging Adaptive Viewing to Improve the Efficacy of Space-Borne Retrievals for Terrestrial Hydrology Applications within an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE).
- Leveraging Machine Learning for Temporal Downscaling of Current and Future Climate Model Projections
- Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines
- Long-term Research of Microbial Quality of Irrigation Waters in Maryland and Pennsylvania
- Loss of twenty percent of global wetlands since 1700 estimated by soil drainage reconstruction
- Machine Learning as a Tool to Aid in the Interpretation of Spectroscopic Data: Applications to Lunar and Planetary Exploration
- Machine learning predictions of high Reynolds number rotating MHD turbulence
- Magnetic reconnection for low-density inflow conditions
- Managing Stormwater with Urban Forests: Transpiration Rates and Whole-Tree Water Use by Deciduous Species Varies across Management Contexts
- Measuring and Modeling Carbon Isotopes in the Atmosphere to Diagnose the Carbon Cycle
- Meeting the need for strategic reforestation planning: high-resolution geospatial framework for future forest carbon storage and protected area expansion
- Meteorological Sensitivity of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Mixed Phase Clouds over the Arctic and Subtropics
- Methods to determine PBL depth and coupling of continental clouds with surface from lidar
- Mid-latitude mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds and their interactions with aerosols: how ice processes affect microphysical, dynamic and thermodynamic development in those clouds and interactions?
- Mid-mantle heterogeneities in the southern Pacific observed from SS and PP Precursors
- Miniature ICPMS for in situ chemical analysis
- Model for the composition of the deep continental crust based on geochemical and geophysical data
- Modeling Effects of Moderate Disturbance Severity and Spatial Distribution on Forest Canopy Structure and Complexity
- Modeling feedbacks of varying scale to the human-Earth system on a per timestep basis using GCAMs Python API
- Modeling the Atmospheres of Tidally Locked Exoplanets in N columns
- Moisture and Warm Air Intrusion in the New Arctic in Spring
- Monitoring Human Nighttime Activity Change Based on NASAs Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Monthly estimates of global freshwater wetland methane emissions for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes
- Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites (MINDS): Application to GOME, OMI, and TROPOMI
- Multi-model application in electricity sector transition in southern Africa
- NASA Harvest Data Platforms for Understanding Agricultural Supply Chains in the COVID-19 World
- NASA's Land Science Investigator-led Processing System (Land SIPS): Ensuring Continuity of Data Records between Terra, Aqua, Suomi-NPP, and NOAA20
- NASAs Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Applications Efforts: A Comprehensive Review of Stakeholders Needs and Interests in Carbon Monitoring
- Neptune and Uranus through the Eyes of the Palomar High Angular Resolution Observer (PHARO)
- New Insights on Satellite-based Detection of Microphysical Zones of Particles Nucleation and Growth in Convective Clouds
- New Insights to the Origin of Ultramafic-Mafic Magmatism, Gorgona Island, Colombia
- New Observations of Vertical Canopy Structure and Dynamics from GEDI across Earths Tropical and Temperate Forests
- Non-Harris thin embedded current sheets and their dipolarization in PIC simulations
- Non-Traditional Geoscience can Save the Earth too!
- Observations of Firn Compaction near South Pole Compared with Model Predictions
- Observations of lower-hybrid wave structures and interactions with plasmas in magnetotail reconnection diffusion regions
- On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN Observations
- On the estimation of BTH fossil fuel emissions based on a bayesian inversion system: OSSE experiments using dense observation network
- On-orbit performance of GEDI footprint aboveground biomass models
- Online Data Visualization and Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities
- Open Source and Performant Hydrological Modeling in Python: mosartwmpy, a Case Study
- OpenET: Operational Evapotranspiration Data for Water Management in the Western United States
- Optical and Radar Data Synergie to Capture Intra/inter Field Yield Variability
- Optimizing Dual-Band Satellite Altimetry to Map Declining Arctic Sea Ice
- Overview of MEDA results aboard Perseverance over the first sols on Mars
- Overview of Recent Indonesian Throughflow Monitoring and Mixing
- Ozone Anomalies in the Colorado Front Range due to Wildfires in October 2020 - A Case Study
- PIC Reconnection Simulation Results for Impulsive Flares with Enhanced Helium-3 Abundances
- Pangeo Forge: A New Integrated Platform for Analysis-Ready, Cloud Optimized Data Production
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Presence and Absence of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Parker Solar Probe observations Venusian foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Partitioning the Sources of Methane and Diagnosing the Post-2007 Atmospheric Growth using Measurements of 13CH4 in an Atmospheric Inverse Model
- Passive Microwave Precipitation Type Classification Using Machine Learning Results Comparison and Lessons Learnt
- Peak Rate Factor in Response of Selected Maryland Watersheds to Hurricane Sandy
- Planetary Boundary Layer Observations from Thermodynamic Profiles and Cloud Aerosol Tracking
- Pollution Inequality of Toxic Chemical Release Embodied in Final Demand by States and Income Groups in the US
- Potential changes in rainfall erosivity under climate change in southeastern United States.
- Precipitation Trends and Interdecadal Variability During the Satellite Era (1979-Present)
- Predicted Ductile Rheology of Textured and Non-textured Rocks in Southern California
- Predicting the Variables Affecting the Transmission Dynamics of COVID-19
- Prediction of E. coli Concentrations in Agricultural Pond Waters: Application and Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms
- Prevalence of Magnetic Reconnection in the near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Probabilistic Coastal Hazard Analysis: A Comprehensive Framework for Quantification of Coastal Storm Hazards Integrating Synthetic Hurricanes, Joint Distributions, Numerical Modeling, and Machine Learning
- Probabilistic flood hazard assessment of multi-mechanism floods using a computationally tractable Bayesian-motivated approach
- Probing the structure and dynamics of NEO binary asteroids using targeted flybys: The Janus Mission
- Properties of Alpha Particles in Magnetic Switchbacks
- Properties of Regolith from Experiments at Small-Scale in Seismic Simulants: PORES4
- Prototype global forest aboveground carbon monitoring system with process-based model and spaceborne lidar and optical observations
- Provenance of Greenlands first confirmed subglacial lake: high effective pressures support water flow accumulation
- Quantification of soybean expansion in South America using satellite observations and field survey
- Quantifications of Volcanic Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Emissions from DSCOVR EPIC
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Precipitation Type Detection with Bayesian Deep Learning
- Quantifying the Land Surface and Boundary Layer Influences on the Maintenance and Intensification of TS Bill (2015) using the NASA Unified WRF Modeling System with a Lagrangian Backward Trajectory Analysis of the NOAA HYSPLIT Model
- Radiative Transfer Modeling of Jovian Hot Spots and Ammonia Plumes with Keck NIRSPEC and HST
- Rapid, uniform fluid flow at the subduction interface: Lithium chronometry of amphibolite-facies melange blocks (Catalina Schist, CA)
- Reference Atmospheric Temperature Trends Observed from Satellites in Stable Orbits
- Regional Stress Direction Control on Volcanic Vent Alignments near the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Regional atmospheric inversions of CO2 and 14CO2 over Europe
- Reproducibility and Meta-Repositories: The Power to Make the Stuff
- Resolving the Force Term of the Electron Vlasov Equation with MMS
- Restoring environmental flows in tropical floodplains by coordinating water-energy operations
- Revisiting Gilbert Whites 1971Strategies of American Water Management:A 21stCentury Natural Hazards Perspective
- Revisiting the predictive aims for disease models: Critical assessment of SIR model competence in cholera prediction
- Robust assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of land scarcity
- Role of energy storage in US capacity expansion pathways with improved modeling of power sector dynamics
- STITCHES: a comprehensive option for Earth System Model emulation for impact research, and its implications for designing future ESM scenario experiments
- Scaling Up Technology Innovation for Addressing Climate Change and Sustainability Goals
- Scenario Discovery Analysis of Drivers of Solar and Wind Energy Transitions through 2050
- ScenarioMIP: Some results and looking ahead to new experimental designs.
- Scientist-Stakeholder Relationships Drive Carbon Data Product Transfer Effectiveness within the NASA Carbon Monitoring System
- Sea Ice Thickness Estimates Within the Canadian Arctic Archipelago from ICESat-2
- Seismic Analogs for the Detection of Subsurface Lunar and Martian Void Spaces
- Seismic scattering in the Martian lithosphere: an analytical approach using InSight data
- Sensitivity of total column NO2 at marine sites within the Chesapeake Bay during OWLETS-2
- Sequencing core diffracting seismic phases: implications for mega-ULVZ properties
- Shifts Towards Healthy Diets in the US Can Reduce Environmental Impacts But Would Be Unaffordable For Poorer Minorities
- Simultaneous retrievals of biomass-burning aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared over northern Thailand during the 2019 pre-monsoon season
- Slow Faulting in Porous Sandstone under High Pore Fluid Pressure Conditions
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Associated With Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Song Da Permian komatiites, northern Vietnam contain H2O excess in their primary melts and mantle source similar to other komatiites worldwide
- SpaceML Worldview Search - Learnings from an AI citizen scientist team building a NoCode Data Curator from Unlabeled Petabyte Scale Imagery
- Spatial & Multisectoral Impacts of Paris Agreement Article 6 under Different Equity-driven Emissions Mitigation Pathways
- Spatial Asynchrony in Environmental and Socioeconomic Benefits of Stream Restoration
- Spatial Correlation in Ground Motion Prediction Errors in Central and Eastern North America
- Spatial and Temporal variability of lunar hydration across the southern hemisphere as observed by Deep Impact
- Spatiotemporal Stability of Phytoplankton Functional Groups in Two Agricultural Irrigation Ponds
- Spectral Runway: An Analysis of Solar Balmer Lines through both Observations and Models
- Structure and dynamics of flux ropes in the solar wind with implications for switchbacks
- Studies of Gulf Stream front air-sea dynamics using the global GEOS-ECCO coupled digital twin system
- Summer Meltwater Dynamics at Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Sunward Strahl in Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology during Rapid Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe Fast Electron Data
- Supporting Open Science through Cloud-Based and Interoperable APIs for Data Access and Visualization: The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) Data System
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Surface Topography Observations Needed to Advance Cryosphere Science in the Coming Decades
- Sustainable bioenergy in India: Mitigating the impacts of increased bioenergy on water use, emissions, and food prices
- Sweet Spots for Dynamo Action in a 1000 Rm Spherical Couette Experiment.
- TELL: A Python Package for Predicting the Short- and Long-Term Evolution of Total Electricity Loads in the United States
- TEMPO Level 2 Trace Gas Retrievals Version 3
- Tectonic Deformation and Surface Processes of the Tibetan Plateau Constrained by Time Series Analysis of ARIA Sentinel-1 InSAR Standard Products
- Tele-connection of consumption and agricultural use within conterminous United States: land, water and water scarcity
- Temperature Variations at the Base of the Seismogenic Zone throughout Southern California
- Temporal Precision in Land-Use Datasets for Annual Global Carbon Budgets
- Ten Recommendations to Overcome Barriers to Adopting Open Science Principles
- Ten Years of Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness Estimates from CryoSat-2 Using a Physical Model and Waveform-fitting
- Terrain Trees Library: a tool for efficient and scalable terrain mesh processing
- The Challenges of Wildfire Emission Forecasts Related to NOAA National Air Quality Forecasting Capability
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed; a Suite of Tools for Understandingthe Earth System with Confidence.
- The EDR Inflow Region of a Reconnecting Current Sheet in the Geomagnetic Tail with MMS
- The GEDI Gridded Biomass Product: Patterns of Coverage and Precision After Two Years of Operation
- The GTOSAT Magnetometer: A Miniaturized Fluxgate
- The Hygroscopic Properties of Biomass Fuels-Eucalyptus and Dung under Different Combustion Conditions
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The Implications of Global Change for the Co-Evolution of Argentinas Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The Plasma Proton Environment within Saturns F-G Ring Gap as Observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Ion Mass Spectrometer during Saturn Orbit Insertion
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- The Role of IMF Clock Angle on Dayside Magnetic Reconnection at Mars
- The Scaling of Electron Heating in Low-beta Reconnection Exhausts
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of State-Driven Emission Control Strategies
- The challenge of predicting coronavirus outbreak risk.
- The development of a machine learning diagnostic package to enhance chemical mechanism implementations within atmospheric chemistry models
- The drivers of the Martian bow shock location: a statistical analysis of Mars Volatile EvolutioN and Mars Express observations
- The expansion of tree plantations into Latin American drylands and protected areas
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The land ice representation in the NASA Goddard seasonal forecasting system
- The need for regionally focused burned area products in the high northern latitudes
- The potential of GEDI to monitor forest structural diversity from space
- The role of shallow and deep critical zone architecture on hydrologic partitioning
- Thermal and Nonthermal Electron Energy Gain in Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection
- Three-dimensional Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection and Its Particle Energization
- Tidal Dissipation Within a Mushy Zone at the Inner Core Boundary of Rocky Worlds
- Toward a Bayesian data assimilation methodology within the NOAA Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System
- Towards Accurately Measuring Atmospheric CO2 Enhancements from Wildfires an Airborne Demonstration with a Pulsed Multiwavelength Lidar
- Towards Better Characterization of Terrestrial Water Storage in Land Surface Models via Multivariate Assimilation of GRACE/GRACE-FO, GPS-derived Surface Deformation, and Leaf Area Index
- Towards Better Hydrologic Process Understanding at Shell Creek Watershed
- Towards Improved Monitoring of Combustion Emissions: An Enhanced Combustion Detection Approach Using Machine Learning and NASAs Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Towards a next generation NASA fire information system: Harnessing the full power of NASA fire data and models
- Towards a quantitative understanding of the relationship between properties of seismic waveforms and the underlying scattering media
- Towards global flood mapping with machine learning based on the Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel 2 data
- Tungsten Abundance and Isotope Composition of the Upper Mantle
- Tungsten-182 isotopic compositions of granitic rocks from the Black Hills, South Dakota.
- Tungsten-182 variability in ocean island basalts from combined geochemical and geophysical perspectives
- US Trends in Wildfire Smoke derived from NOAAs Hazard Mapping System Smoke Product and Airport Data from 2010-2020
- Understanding How Plant Functional Types Modulate CH4 Production and Transport Improves Emissions Estimates from Freshwater Wetlands
- Understanding Initial Terrestrial Planet Differentiation: The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- Update of Maintenance and Development of the Mid-Atlantic Lightning Mapping Array (MALMA)
- Update on the Production of Global Harmonized Landsat-8/Sentinel-2 Data Products
- Using Ambient Observations to Evaluate Emissions Estimates.
- Using GEDI to improve biomass estimates and understand recent biomass change in tropical forests
- Using Geostationary aerosol products to characterize the Spatial and Temporal Variabilities in Biomass Burning Emissions During FIREX-AQ Field Campaign
- Using Land Use Engagement Surveys to Improve Understanding of Malaria Exposure In Ann Township, Myanmar
- Using Machine Learning to Detect Chaos Terrain on Europa
- Using Seismic Refraction to Characterize the Urban Critical Zone in Eastern U.S. Watersheds
- Using VIIRS Night-Time Imagery to Assess the Eastern Ukraine Conflict
- Using a Simple Climate Model to Track Global Carbon Flows Under Negative-Emissions Scenarios
- Using climate models to assess spatio-temporal crime behavior in cities
- Using the Geostationary Lightning Mapper to Analyze Convective Activity for Operational Meteorology
- Validating satellite based FluxSat v2.0 Gross Primary Production (GPP) trends with FluxNet 2015 eddy covariance observations
- Validation of absolute measurement bias and measurement repeatability of the NASA ICESat-2 mission
- Variable Ion Compositions of Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Inner Heliosphere: A Field-line Braiding Model with Compound Injections
- Very Long Timescale of Grain Size and Shear Zone Evolution in a Continental Strike-slip Setting.
- Volcanic SO2 height retrieval from UV satellite measurements
- Waves Generated by Electron Beam in a Crater-Shaped Flux Rope
- Ways to Navigate the Clean Energy Transition in a Changing Climate
- Weather Forecasting Software as Service (SaaS) Using Internet-Of-Things Technology
- Web Presentation of CENRAIS Monitoring of GOES-R ABI Image Navigation and Registration
- What We Learn When We Look at Rocks from Other Worlds
- Whistler Waves Bursts at Switchback Boundaries in the Young Solar Wind: Generation Mechanisms and Effects for Superthermal Electrons
- Whistler Waves Generated by Electron Beams on/near the Separatrix in Asymmetric Reconnection with a Guide Field
- Why the transition state should be considered when evaluating how KIE influence isotopic composition: implication for equilibration trajectories and reaction path models
- X- and Ku- band radar algorithms for SWE retrieval and Validation with SnowSAR airborne data
- "Decision-Relevant" Multi-Model Hydrologic Evaluation in the Delaware River Basin for Assessments of Water System Vulnerability under Drought
- A 34-year record of proxy-Shortwave cloud albedo from SBUV observations compared with historical/AMIP CESM2 climate model runs
- A Direct Insertion Technique to Assimilate Sea Surface Height in a Storm Surge Model
- A Field-Based Rainfall Simulator Tests the Influence of Vegetation on Soil Biogeochemistry and Hydrothermal Properties in Discontinuous Permafrost
- A Global Investigation of IMF-Crustal Field Interactions at Mars Using MAVEN Data
- A Methodology to map Maximum Global Snow Cover during the MODIS Era
- A Multi-state Evaluation of the Climate Change Preparedness of Terrestrial Protected Regions
- A Recurrent, Unusually Wide Double Chain in the Rurutu-Arago Hotspot Track
- A Storm Time Conjunction of MMS and THEMIS at the Magnetopause
- A Study of Temporal Variability in Mars Discrete Aurora as Observed by EMM EMUS.
- A Watershed-scale Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Crop Yields in Atlantic Canada
- A first look at the OPERA Dynamic Surface Water eXtent and Land Surface Disturbance products and their applications
- A new method for the simulation of electron and ion acceleration during magnetic reconnection in macroscale systems
- A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities
- Addressing Underestimation in Global Forest Structure Mapping
- Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Aerosol-boundary layer interaction modulated entrainment process
- Africa 30 m NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) Burned Area Product Generation, Comparison with the NASA 500 m Burned Area Product, and Comprehensive Validation with 3 m PlanetScope Burned Area data
- Agriculture Velocity of Winter Wheat in Ukraine
- Airborne Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric Column CO2 Concentrations to Cloud Tops in the Arctic
- An Adaptive Blending of Particle Filters with Ensemble Kalman Filters for Convective-Scale Data Assimilation
- An Analysis of Switchbacks Observed Near the Alfvén Critical Surface
- An Aquatic Ecosystem Carbon Monitoring System (AECMS) for Quantifying Carbon Fluxes, Sources and Sinks of Inland Waters: New Developments in the Simulation of Aquatic Nutrient and Carbon Cycling in Water Bodies
- An Artificial Intelligence based science translator architecture for dissemination of hydrological information beyond scholarly communities
- An Evaluation of Multi-resolution ICESat-2 ATL08 for Terrain and Canopy Heights Monitoring in North America Boreal Forests with Airborne LiDAR
- An Insight into Microbial Methane Production in Wetlands Using 13CH3D and 12CH2D2Clumped Isotopes
- An Novel Terrain Detection Method For Automated Processing of Laser Scanning Point Clouds
- Analysis of MODIS Satellite Imagery for Major California Wildfires and Their Impacts on Surface Energy and Water Cycle in the Earth System Modeling Perspective
- Analyzing Airborne Fraction Trends and the Ultimate Fate of Anthropogenic CO2 by Tracking Carbon Flows in a Simple Climate Model
- Application of machine learning techniques for tracking evolution of the Ross Ice Shelf rift system
- Assessing Remote Sensing for Forest Carbon Monitoring and Its Implications for Tree Outside Forest in Maryland
- Assessing the Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Progress Towards Malaria Elimination within the Scope of the SDG 3.3
- Assessing the Relationship Between Extreme Space Weather, Magnetospheric Disturbances, and Proton Aurora Activity at Mars
- Assessment of Emerald Network state in Luhansk region under Russian partial occupation and war
- Assessment of digitized satellite wildfire smoke plumes with airport observations across the contiguous United States and Alaska from 2008-2021
- Assimilating SMAP-based Soil Moisture Products into EPIC Crop Model for Improved Simulation of Surface and Subsurface Soil Moisture
- Atmospheric Correction Over Land with Lasrc and its Validation
- Automated Detection and Depth Measurement of Melt Ponds on Arctic Sea Ice in ICESat-2ATLAS Data: The Density Dimension Algorithm for Bifurcating Sea-Ice Reflectors (DDA-bifurcate-seaice)
- Avoiding the Potential Pitfalls of Clean Energy Transition in Myanmar
- Back-trajectories analysis for characterizing the origin and spatio-temporal variability of precipitation in Colombia, and the implications for the local electrical energy markets
- Beneath the Ghost Forest: Biogeochemistry and Function in Soils as they Transition from Coastal Forest to Wetland
- Beryllium Isotopes for Resolving Dynamics in the Stratosphere (BIRDIES): a balloon campaign targeting deep convection gravity waves
- Bi-directional Reflectance Modeling and Single-Scattering Albedo Mapping of the Didymos System through LICIACube and DART Imaging
- CCMS v.2.0: Improved Cropland Carbon Monitoring System
- Catalyzing bottom-up solutions to environmental grand challenges through transdisciplinary research: application to the freshwater salinization syndrome
- Changing Tropical Extreme Rainfall Characteristics in Warmer Climates
- Characteristics of Multi-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind at 1 AU Associated with Magnetic Reconnection and the Case for a Cascading Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Characterization of Acoustic Emissions during Transient Creep Deformation due to Brittle Creep using Geometric-Mean Reverse-Time Migration
- Characterization of the DART Impact Site on Dimorphos
- Characterizing Winter/Spring Arctic Ocean sea-ice elevation distribution using NASA's ICESat-2 and ATM data
- Characterizing the Model Domain for GEDI04_A Aboveground Biomass Density Algorithms
- Climate extremes and variability on TRAPPIST-1e
- Cloud and Aerosol Detection using Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Information from Passive Satellite Instruments
- Collaborative Research: Constraining the Thermal Structure of Fossil Subduction Plate Interfaces Through Combining Petrology and Geodynamics
- Color Analysis of Dimorphos Surface from the LUKE Instrument aboard LICIACube Satellite
- Commentary on Assessing the Performance of Machine/Statistical-Learning Models for Severe Natural Hazard Events
- Community Radiative Transfer Model: Implementing a new cloud scattering database and developing the forward radar module
- Community Resilience to Natural-Hazard Induced Above Ground Petroleum Storage Tanks Contaminant Releases and Exposures Through Data-Driven Risk Assessment
- Comparison of GEDI and ICESat-2 Terrain and Canopy Height Estimates in African Savanna Vegetation
- Comparison of Methods for Identifying Persistent Spatial Patterns in the Microbial Water Quality of Irrigation Ponds
- Comparison of Univariate Assimilation using GRACE / GRACE-FO Retrievals, GPS Surface Deformation, and Leaf Area Index Retrievals in Enhancing Land Surface Model Performance
- Compositional heterogeneities in the mid-mantle associated with geodynamical flow patterns
- Compound flood hazard assessment using a Bayesian framework
- Comprehensive Monitoring of the Microchannel Plate Detectors Across the MMS/FPI Suite
- Conditional Emulation of Global Precipitation with Generative Adversarial Networks
- Connecting People to the Arctic Ocean - Scientists, Educators, and Wooden Boats
- Connecting communities with the coastal zone, from land to sea
- Consequences of Planning for High Adoption of Uncertain Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies
- Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: New Challenges and First Detection
- Constraining Tropical OH with Satellite Observations of its Drivers
- Constraining surface mass balance, firn air content, ICESat-2 volume change, and GRACE/-FO mass change to improve ice-sheet mass balance estimates
- Constraining the properties of asteroid Dimorphos from post-DART impact analysis, semi-analytical models and numerical simulations
- Constructing a Database to Support the Study of ABoVE-domain Tundra Fire Dynamics
- Contemporary Climate-Fire Feedbacks and the Potential Amplification of Future Fire Emissions
- Continuing Global SO2 Data Record from OMI and SNPP/OMPS to JPSS-1/NOAA-20/OMPS
- Crop Type and Yield Mapping Using Long-term Satellite Observations, Weather and Field Data
- Crustal Structure Constraints from the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars
- Crustal structure of Mars from the first observation of surface waves
- Crystals and Melt Inclusions Record Deep Storage of Superhydrous Magma Prior to the Largest Known Plinian Eruption of Cerro Machin Volcano, Colombia
- Current Predictions of Ecosystem Dynamics in California Sierras using GEDI-Constrained Terrestrial Biosphere Model Simulations
- DART Determination of Momentum Transfer from Kinetic Impact: initial results
- DART Mission Ejecta Plume: Modeling Reflectance Images through Radiative Transfer and Geometric Optics in Support to LICIACube Observations
- DART's Planetary Defense Investigation and Achieving the Mission's Level 1 Requirements: Current Status and Ongoing Activities
- DPOD2020: a DORIS extension of ITRF2020 for Precise Orbit Determination
- DSCOVER EPIC Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) from Recent Volcanic Eruptions
- Data Fusion and Mining Techniques to Map Water Use and Drought across Spatial Scales
- Decarbonization in Ukraine: Forced Way to a Cleaner Future after the War
- Decomposing Night-Time Light Associations Based on Land Use Classification
- Deep Learning for Boulder Detection on Planetary Surfaces
- Deep critical zone weathering influenced by rock damage from active faults: Implications for catchment water balances
- Design and Development of an Efficient Standoff Raman Optical System for Lunar Science and Exploration
- Developing & Deploying Tools to Better Observe Lightning in the Washington D.C. Area & Beyond
- Developing High Spatiotemporal Resolution Inundation Maps to Detect Rapid Changes in Surface Hydrology and Methane Emissions across Ecosystem Gradients in Alaska
- Developing a Global 3D Forest Structural Biodiversity Trait Database
- Development and Consequences of Rayleigh-Taylor-Like Driven Instability in Heliosheath with a Multi-Ion treatment
- Development of Synergetic Satellite-Derived Wildfire Plume Height Products for the Western U.S.
- Development of UFS-based Coupled GEFS for Subseasonal Forecasts
- Development of a 10 m Resolution Maize and Soybean Map Over China
- Development of a Tetrahedral Magnetic Gradiometer for UXO and Landmine Detection
- Development of multi-satellite nitrogen dioxide product: Application to GOME-2 on MetOP-A and -B
- Diagnosis of Particle Energization in Plasma Turbulence as a Result of Wave-Particle Interactions using MMS Data
- Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in magnetic reconnection
- Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Global Peak Water Limits
- Discrepancies in Net Primary Production Estimated from Satellite Observations versus In Situ Autonomous Profiling Floats
- Discrete Element Modeling of Dust Triboelectrification on Airless Bodies
- Dynamics of guide-field reconnection: MMS measurements, PIC simulations, and MRX experiments
- ESCAPADE: unveiling Mars' hybrid magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Earth's power and composition documented with geoneutrinos
- Earthquake Aftershocks Pattern Prediction
- Effects of ICESat-2 Vegetation Product Spatial Sampling Rate on Satellite-Derived Momentum Aerodynamic Roughness Fields
- Electron acceleration and heating in magnetic reconnection in the transition region of the Earth's bow shock
- Electron-scale Reconnection in Three-dimensional Shock Turbulence
- Emulating the chemistry within a chemical transport model using a machine learning surrogate ensemble.
- Enhancement of NOAA Snowfall Rate Product through Machine Learning
- Enterprise Version 8 Total Column Ozone Algorithm (EV8TOz) Application to multiple UV/Visible satellite sensors
- Environmental and Socio-economic Implications of Global Low Carbon Power Transition
- Estimating Nitrogen Content in Winter Cover Crops Using Sentinel-2 Red-Edge Indices
- Estimation of the change in velocity experienced by Dimorphos in response to the DART spacecraft impact
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Evaluating Simulated Precipitation Features in Two NASA Global Convection-Permitting Models
- Evaluation of Machine-Learning Architectures and Expanded Feature Sets for GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Density Prediction
- Evaluation of SRTM and Copernicus DEM Differencing with Land Cover Classification
- Evaluation of the Sentinel 3 Synergy Surface Reflectance Product
- Evidence of a Non-Orthogonal X-Line in Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection
- Evolution of the Aerosol Daily Direct Radiative Efficiency Using the Aeronet Database
- Examining the relationship between aerosols, deep convection, and lightning over the Amazon Basin
- Excessive Subsidence of the Southeast Atlantic Biomass Burning Aerosol Plume in the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) Model
- Experimental Rock Physics Characterization of the Geophysical Properties of Lunar Analog Material at Skull Cave in Lava Beds National Monument, California
- Exploring Energy Transfer from the Bell Instability using Simulations and Field-Particle Correlation Analysis
- Exploring how MultiSector Dynamics Influence the Evolution of the U.S. Electricity System Power Plant Landscape Under a Range of Future Global Climate and Socioeconomic Scenarios
- Exploring sustainable energy pathways for a South American sub-region
- Exploring the Potential of a Variational-Particle Filter for Data Assimilation and Ensemble Prediction within Unified Forecast System Applications
- Exploring the bias in satellite-based passive-microwave retrievals from vertical structure perspective
- Fire-vegetation interactions in Arctic tundra and their spatial variability
- First Airborne Flux Measurements of Greenhouse Gas Exchange over The Everglades during BlueFlux
- First Assessment of the Dynamical State of the Didymos Binary Asteroid System Before and After the DART Impact
- First Measurements of Neptune's Stratospheric Winds
- First Steps in Developing an Ontology of Targeting for the Planetary Data System (PDS) Archives
- First observations of seismic waves travelling through the Martian core
- Flare Ribbon Signatures of Reconnection Plasmoids
- Flooding events and groundwater redox dynamics of coastal ecosystems
- Frequency-resolved local measurements of phase-space energization
- Fully-resolved 36S Measurement using the Nu Panorama Reveals Scale Compression on δ36S
- Future Threats to the Recovery of the Ozone Layer
- Future of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas as Sea Ice Thins under Climate Change
- Gamma-Ray Observations of the Particle Release in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Generalized Theory of Weak Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Generating a global CH4 product by assimilating TROPOMI retrievals into NASA's GEOS
- Geometrical Relations Between Slab Dip and the Location of Volcanic Arcs and Back-Arc Spreading Centers
- Geomorphic Controls on Groundwater Sources of Headwater Streamflow as Observed Through Air-Stream Water Temperature Relationships Across a Boreal Forest Climate Transect
- Geoneutrinos: Transformative Insights into Global Geochemistry
- Global Methane Budget 2000-2020: Wetland model synthesis
- Global Patterns of Cropland Conversion under Climate Change: Analyzing the Role of Socioeconomic Factors
- High precision sulfur isotope composition of lunar orange and black glass from drive tube 74002/1
- High-resolution spatial and temporal snow distribution trends over CONUS (1990-2021)
- How do cloud property retrieval biases due to 3-D effects affect broadband cloud radiative effect estimation?
- How good are gridded precipitation datasets for Africa? A comprehensive validation of eight precipitation products for continental applications
- How much NOx does lightning produce? A review of remotely sensed estimates and uncertainties
- Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the DART Impact
- Identifying Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices in MAVEN Observations with a Machine Learning and Statistical Analysis Framework
- Impact of Planetary Parameters on Water Clouds Microphysics with 1-D CARMA
- Impact of foreshock turbulence on magnetopause reconnection and ionosphere
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Determinants of Spatial Interaction Demand: A Case Study of NYC Bike-sharing System
- Improved Deep Blue Aerosol Data Records from SNPP/NOAA-20 VIIRS and Beyond
- Improving SWAT-C simulation of terrestrial carbon using a new forestry module: A case study in the St. Croix River Basin
- Improving the Representation of a Fire's Diurnal Cycle in Fire Emissions Inventories and Smoke Modeling Frameworks
- Improving the SWAT-C Model to Predict the Dynamics of Site-scale Soil Organic Carbon in the U.S. Corn Belt
- Improving wildfire severity prediction with evapotranspiration retrievals from thermal imaging
- Influence of Pumice Texture on Magma Decompression Rate Estimates Using Bubble Number Density: Application to the Largest Known Plinian Eruption of Cerro Machin Volcano, Colombia
- Influence of Stream and Regolith Morphology on Sediment Dynamics in Urbanized Fall Zone Streams
- Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Black Carbon and Carbon Monoxide Emissions in the New York City Metropolitan Area
- Initial Modeling Results of the Deflection Efficiency Resulting from the DART Impact
- Initial Results from the DART Impact Modeling Working Group and Momentum Enhancement Estimates from the DART Impact
- Initial Size and Shape of Didymos from the DART Mission
- Integrating Successive Depressional Wetlands into a Catchment-scale Picture: Connectivity and Flow Paths
- Integrating agriculture and agronomic models with social and demographic modeling to accelerate sustainable agricultural intensification
- Interchange Reconnection within Coronal Holes Powers the Fast Solar Wind: Connecting Parker Solar Probe Observations and Simulations to Coronal Reconnection Dynamics
- Interchange reconnection within coronal holes powers the fast solarwind: Suprathermal ion flows and bursty magnetic fields modulated by the network magnetic field.
- Intercomparison of Earth Observation based Crop Yield Forecasting Models in Kenya
- Investigating Deep Moonquake Clustering Using the Scattering Transform
- Investigating Vertical Land Motions in the Chesapeake Bay of Eastern North America with GPS and InSAR
- Investigating a Possible Earth to Sun Connection - Can the Earth Affect the Sun?
- Investigating how Arctic Sea Ice Ridge Topography Varies with Ice Age
- Investigating the DART Impact Event with the Lucy LOng Range Reconnaissance Imager
- Joint, Probabilistic Gravity and Magnetic Inversions for Planetary Exploration
- Juno probes the electrodynamic interaction between Jupiter and Io
- Kinetic Origin of Bulk Energy Conversion in the Electron Diffusion Region of Magnetopause Reconnection: MMS Observations and PIC Simulations
- Land-Use Harmonization: Past, Present, and Future
- Landscape fragmentation and forest edges as risk factors of zoonotic malaria emergence
- Landscapes of the Tiger: Near-real-time Monitoring of Habitat Change for Panthera tigris through Synthesis of Earth Observations and Field Data
- Large spatial variation and stagnation of cropland gross primary production increases the challenges of sustainable grain production and food security in China
- Leveraging High-Resolution Forest Carbon Science to Support Maryland's Net-Zero GHG Reduction Goal
- Leveraging Novel High-Resolution NO2 Datasets to Fill Blind Spots from NO2 Monitors and Address Environmental (In)justice
- Lidar-imagery fusion reveals rapid coastal forest loss in Delaware Bay consistent with marsh migration
- Linking Forest Biomass and Carbon Flux: Toward a Landscape-Scale Evaluation of Bottom-Up Flux Estimates Using Airborne Eddy Covariance Observations
- Location of Meteoroid Impacts on Mars Using Seismic and Acoustic Waves Data From InSight
- Long-term Basin-scale Hydropower Expansion under Alternative Scenarios in a Global Multisector Model
- Lunar Gravimetry and Shallow Seismology with the VIPER Rover
- MAVEN Observations of Shocklets in the Upstream Martian Foreshock Region
- MODIS Data Products help to explain Environmental Conditions Leading to Desiccation of Terminal Lakes in the Great Basin of the Western United States
- MRV From Space: GEDI Opens a New Era of Biomass Inference
- Machine Learning Enhanced Snowfall Rate Retrievals from Passive Microwave Sensors
- Magnetic Field Reconnection as the Source of the Solar wind
- Mapping Albedo Variations to Constrain the History of the Didymos System with Imaging from DART and LICIACube
- Mapping Land Cover Change Across Senegal with Convolutional Neural Networks and Very High Resolution Data
- Mapping Methane Sources in the Baltimore-Washington, DC Area Using an Instrumented Mobile Platform
- Mapping of Temporary Roofs in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria Using PlanetScope Data
- Mechanisms for Slow Faulting in Porous Sandstones Deformed under Drained Conditions
- Methane Fluxes in Tidal Wetlands Across the Contiguous United States: Annual Conversion Factors and the Interplay of Salinity and Temperature on CH4 flux
- Methane Parametric Sensitivity of Simple Climate Model Hector
- Methane emissions from prairie pothole wetlands: Plot-scale biogeochemical drivers and landscape-scale past and future estimates
- Methane fluxes in the Arctic wetland: finer resolution upscaling using machine learning and remote sensing
- Methodology to determine cloud-surface coupling from lidar
- Metrics to Accelerate Private Sector Investment in Sustainable Development Goal 2—Zero Hunger
- Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Sediments from Basaltic Watershed of Lake Sandvatn, Iceland; Implications for Ancient Sedimentary Processes on Mars
- Modeling Two Decades of Russian Winter Wheat Expansion & Intensification
- Modeling carbon dioxide removal constraints in net-zero scenarios using historical analogues
- Mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) Ensemble Distribution Modeling: Applications for Control and Elimination
- Multi-Tier Bayesian Network Models for Coastal Compound Probabilistic Flood Hazard Analysis
- Multi-region, Cross-Sensor Transfer Learning for Segmentation of Crop Field Boundaries in Satellite Images with Limited Labels
- NASA's DART Impact: Reshaping-induced Mutual Orbit Perturbation on (65803) Didymos
- NASA's Student Airborne Science Activation for Minority Serving Institutions: Inaugural Program, Educational Outcomes, and Lessons Learned
- NEOWISE Observations of Low Production Comets Near Perihelion
- NPreciSe: Introducing near-real-time NOAA Satellite Precipitation Validation System
- New Constraints on the Martian Crustal Structure and Seismic Anisotropy near the Dichotomy Revealed by the Largest Marsquake Ever Recorded
- New Datasets for Estimating Wildfire Area Burned at Regional Scales for the Continental US: Implications for Estimating Carbon-Based Emissions
- New Results from the Three Meter Liquid Sodium Experiment with a Rough Inner Sphere
- New approach for estimating the ocean observation impacts on coupled assimilation using EFSO
- Noble Gas Analysis on Plume Influenced Ocean Island Basalt from the Easter Salas y Gomez Seamount Chain
- Non-parametric observation uncertainty quantification through data assimilation
- Observational Evidence of Strong Forcing from Aerosol Effect on Low Cloud Coverage With Large-scale Ship-track Samples
- Observations of the DART Impact by JWST
- Observing Marine Heatwave Spatial Patterns in the Chesapeake Bay using Satellite Data
- On the Development of the CrIS Hybrid Principal Component (HPC) Radiance Product
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- OpenMapFlow: A Machine Learning Workflow for Rapid Map Creation using Earth Observation Data
- Optical Scattering in the DART Impact Plume: Preliminary Estimates of Line-of-Sight Optical Depth and Mass
- Orbit Period Variations of Dimorphos After the DART Impact
- Osiris: An R package to process climate impacts on agricultural yields for the Global Change Analysis Model
- PIC Simulations of Magnetosonic Waves Generated by Flare-Accelerated Ions
- Pantropical Forest Structure and Biomass Mapping by Integrating GEDI Lidar and TanDEM-X InSAR Data
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of the Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Whistler Waves in Coronal Conditions
- Pathways For Diversifying And Enhancing Science Advocacy
- Patterns of boreal forest growth: linking remote sensing observations across regions to constrain simulations of forest change
- PlanetScope and Sentinel-2 Data to Quantify the Extent and Drivers of Global Forest Loss: Sample-Based Analysis
- Polar Stereo Cloud Motion Winds using MODIS and SLSTR
- Potential shifts of climate zones in global terrestrial protected areas and implications for biodiversity conservation
- Potential to monitor ocean heat content with ocean conductivity content
- Pre and Post-Impact Observations of Didymos in Support of NASA's DART Mission
- Precipitation Measurements from the NASA TROPICS Mission using observational and model-derived databases.
- Precipitation Type from PMW Observations: Constellation Retrieval with Uncertainty Estimates
- Predictability of Extreme Events : Data-driven Modeling in the Complex Systems Framework
- Preliminary Results of a Deeper Exploration of a NW Greenland Subglacial Lake
- Preliminary Validation of the Global Hourly, 5-km, All-sky Land Surface Temperature (GHA-LST) dataset
- Preserved barform deposits in the Carolyn Shoemaker formation, Gale crater, Mars
- Programming instruction for research: an adaptive and active approach to teaching applied programming for earth science research during an 8-week internship
- Projected Drought Risk Among the World's Tall and High Biomass Forests
- Projection of global forest carbon sequestration potential under changing climate
- Quality Assessment of the Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 (HLS) Version 2.0 Data
- Quantification of net greenhouse gases emissions from U.S. croplands using data-model integration
- Quantifying Aboveground Biomass Dynamics from Charcoal Degradation in Mozambique using GEDI Lidar and Landsat
- Quantifying Melt Distribution and Permeability Inside and Outside Shear-Induced Melt-Rich Bands Using Digital Rock Physics
- Quantifying the Climate Change Driven Air Quality Health Impacts on Indigenous Communities in the United States
- Radiative Transfer Simulations of the DART Ejecta Brightness Distribution
- Rapid Response In-Season Crop Mapping for Ukraine using PlanetScope in light of the 2022 Russian Invasion
- Recovering waste heat from coal-fired power plants in urban district heating systems in northern China
- Relating the Phases of Magnetic Reconnection Growth to the Temporal Evolution of X-line Structures in a Collisionless Plasma
- Remote Sensing Data Fusion for Earth Science Application Using Python
- Representing Lakes in the Global Hydrological Model Xanthos
- Representing Reservoir Water Storage in an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics
- Role of hydropower, wind, and solar in the evolution of global energy under different demand and technological growth scenarios
- STITCHES: Emulating ESM Output for Impact and Risk Modeling
- Satellite Surface Reflectance Validation with Ground-Based Automated Camera Systems
- Satellite-Based Flood Inundation Mapping: A Multi-Regional Evaluation of VIIRS and SAR Products
- Satellite-derived daily fine-scale surface NO2 concentrations in China by combing machine and deep learning models
- Scalable Cropland and Crop Type Mapping with Machine Learning and Earth Observations for Field-scale Agriculture and Food Security Monitoring
- Scaling of the Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate with Out-of-Plane (Guide) Magnetic Field
- Sea Level Rise Impacts on the Biogeochemistry of the Coastal Critical Zone: Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Seasonal Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology
- Seasonal invariance of the Martian Bow Shock structure
- Seismic Data at Lava Beds National Monument for Analog Studies to Aid Lunar Resource Exploration
- Seismic constraints of a subglacial lake found in Northwest Greenland
- Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight
- Sensitivity of a Distributed Watershed Model to Detailed Soil Data
- Simulating flood events at daily time step in the global hydrological model Xanthos using an event-scale runoff generation module
- Simulating global dynamic surface reflectances for imaging spectroscopy spaceborne missions - LPJ-PROSAIL
- Simulations of a Laterally Propagating Rarefaction Shockwave at the Interface Between a Randomly Packed 3D Cohesive Granular Assembly and Vacuum in Microgravity
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Snowfall Type Classification for Improving Passive Microwave Falling Snow Retrievals
- Soil Moisture Roles and PBL Development During Flash Drought
- Solar Energetic Particle-Associated Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the Mk3 and Mk4 Coronagraphs of the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory
- Southern Africa's Future Low-carbon Electricity System under a Changing Climate
- Spring Land Temperature in Tibetan Plateau and Global-Scale Summer Precipitation - Initialization and Improved Prediction -The GEWEX/LS4P Phase I Experiment
- Spritacular - A Citizen Science Project to Study Electrical Discharges Above Thunderstorms
- Stratocumulus-surface decoupling prolongs cloud lifetime: the mechanism
- Studying Effects of Coulomb Collisions on the Temperature of Solar Wind Electrons Using Cylindrical VPIC Simulations
- Studying the Formation History of Valentine Cave by Modeling its Inflation
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Surface and Internal Properties of Didymos and Dimorphos from Fractures/Lineaments Analysis and Mass Movements/Wasting Processes
- Switchback Properties Revealing their Source and Evolution Processes: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Synthesizing tropical agricultural methane emission products, models of wetland emissions and atmospheric observations to support the Global Stocktake
- Synthetic Modeling of Multi-Offset GPR and Seismic Data for Void and Buried Rock Detection on the Moon
- Temporal analysis of C-band InSAR decorrelation for canopy height mapping over dry forests and tropical savannas
- Testing the hypothesis that extremes in stream specific conductance are associated with snowmelt.
- Tethys 2.0: A Tool to Explore Global Monthly Sectoral Water Withdrawals and Consumption at 1/8th Degree Resolution in Response to Human and Earth System Dynamics Across Alternative Futures
- The Color of Didymos–Dimorphos from the DART-LICIACube LUKE Wideangle Camera
- The Comprehensive Auroral Precipitation Experiment for NASA's Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- The Coupled Impacts of Atmospheric Composition and Obliquity on the Climate Dynamics of TRAPPIST-1e
- The Future Evolution of Global Natural Gas Trade
- The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration
- The Greenhouse Gas Budget of North America 2010-2019: Results from the Second Regional Carbon Cycle and Processes study (RECCAP2)
- The Important Variables that Affect the Production of Lightning over summer South Great Plains based on Machine Learning and WRF Models
- The Influence of Space Weather on Atmospheric Escape at Mars: Past and Present
- The Post-impact Spin State of Dimorphos Resulting from the DART Impact
- The Regional Arctic Reanalysis (RARE)
- The Role of Machine Learning and Earth Observations in Supporting Sustainable Food Systems for Smallholders in Africa
- The Shape of Dimorphos, the Target Asteroid of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) Mission
- The Social-Ecological System (SES) for Inland Freshwater Salinization and Implications for Collective Management
- The Subsurface Structure Of Kilbourne Hole From An Active Source Seismic Survey In An Astronaut Training Ground.
- The Use of Remote Sensing Technologies in Agricultural Statistics in the Americas
- The boulder size-frequency distribution of asteroids (65803) Didymos and Dimorphos: Implications on the system origin and evolution
- The creation of a multivariable data set for use in machine learning classification of ungrouped chondritic meteorites
- The driest and wettest: a bird's eye view of hydrological extremes through GRACE and GRACE-FO satellites
- The latest Global Precipitation Climatology Project Daily and Monthly products (Version 3.2): Early results and comparisons
- The retrieval of infrared dust optical depth and coarse-mode effective diameter based on collocated MODIS and CALIOP observations
- The reversibility of magnetic reconnection
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- Thermal Electron Heating During Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection in solar flares
- Thermal Evolution and Interior Structure of Main-Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro
- Thermochemical maps reveal persistent stagnation of plumes and slabs in the mantle transition zone
- Thinking Beyond COVID-19: The Geo-Environmental-Sociological-Epidemiological (GESE) Framework for prediction of respiratory infections.
- Timing of Rainfall Associated with Arctic Cyclones and Impacts on the Sea Ice
- Toward Validation and Improvement of GEDI's Biomass Products in Africa
- Towards Optimal Precipitation Retrieval: Complementing Satellite Products
- Towards Scalable Crop-type mapping with EO and ML for Decision-making
- Towards a Dynamic Multiscale Wildfire Digital Twin
- Towards a Global Wave Model System on Unstructured Meshes
- Towards a global framework for developing predictive intelligence water-borne infectious disease decision making system
- Towards accurate cropland area estimation with Earth observations and machine learning in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Towards high-resolution flood monitoring at daily scale: fusing Suomi-NPP/VIIRS and Sentinel-1 SAR based inundation maps by adversarial learning
- Tracking Ambient Air Pollution from Space Integrating Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Tracking the 2019 African Fire Emissions and the Impact of Small Fires on the Atmospheric Composition
- Training Strategies of CNN for Land Cover Mapping with High Resolution Multi-spectral Imagery in Senegal
- Transformation of the Sea-Ice "Cover" in the New Arctic - Insights Into Melt Progression From ICESat-2 High-Resolution Data Analysis With the DDA-bifurcate-seaice
- Two decades of global water cycle variability - non-stationarity assessed by land data assimilation
- Two-Stage Sampling for Crop Area Estimation: A Case Study in Ukraine
- Unexploded Ordnance Mapping Across the Ukrainian Front-Lines using Commercial VHR Optical Satellite Imagery and Semantic Segmentation Convolutional Neural Networks
- Unusual Endmembers and Water Excess in Song Da 260 Ma Komatiites Revealed by Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions
- Updates in the Development of a Surface Reflectance Validation Camera System (CAMSIS)
- Urban Methane Enhancements from the Underlying Ground Infrastructure of College Park, Maryland
- Use of two operational ML models for forecasting 24-hours-average PM2.5 concentration in the Aburrá Valley, Colombia, using global forecasts and satellite information.
- Using Machine Learning and Earth Observation to Forecast Crop Yields in Kenya
- Using Self Organizing Maps to identify mechanisms for future increases in wintertime sea ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Using Stable Isotopes to Probe Mechanisms Underlying Net Soil Methane Flux from Transplanted Soil Monoliths in a Coastal Forest
- Using an Airborne Multiwavelength CO2 Lidar to Measure Atmospheric CO2 Enhancements from Wildfires and to Estimate CO2 Emissions
- Validation of Aerosol Model and Reanalysis Products over the Arctic and Implications for Regional Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Validation of NO2 product from NOAA-20 OMPS with Pandora and OMI/TROPOMI observations
- Validation of gridded datasets of near-surface temperature variables: uncertainties, spatial heterogeneity and clear-sky bias
- Vegetation changes and burn severity drive post-fire hydrological response as shown by high resolution ET observations in Western U.S.
- Voyager Observations of the Energy Dependence of Galactic Cosmic Rays Anisotropies in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- Water-in-Plagioclase Hygrometry: New Partitioning Experiments and Evidence for Superhydrous Magma Beneath Cerro Machin Volcano, Colombia
- Wave-particle Interactions due to the Whistler Wave along the Separatrix in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- Wildfire pollution and respiratory health outcomes in Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Simon-Miller
- A. Amarante
- A. C. G. Hughes
- A. Cheng
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. H. Armstrong
- A. Hoffman-Hall
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. J. Soja
- A. Karion
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. Koval
- A. L. Dugger
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Michalak
- A. M. Sayer
- A. M. Stickle
- A. Malakhov
- A. Mittelholz
- A. R. Rhoden
- A. Rożek
- A. Runov
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Rivkin
- A. S. Sharma
- A. Shepherd
- A. T. Tokunaga
- A. V. Di Vittorio
- A. Visser
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- Abdullah A. Fahad
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Abigail Azari
- Abigail Birnbaum
- Abigail Jaye
- Adam Michael
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Agustín Sánchez‐Lavega
- Akihiko Ito
- Akihiko Kuze
- Akua Asa-Awuku
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alan J. Kaufman
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alek Petty
- Alessandro Rossi
- Alex Gardner
- Alex Mandel
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexander Kotsakis
- Alexander L. Handwerger
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Abdolali
- Ali Behrangi
- Ali Omar
- Ali Rahmati
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Alice Lucchetti
- Alireza Moghaddasi
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Allen Hope
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Anders Eriksson
- Anderson Luís Ruhoff
- Andrea J. Fassbender
- Andrea Molod
- Andreas F. Prein
- Andrew Hamilton
- Andrew J. Newman
- Andrew Mullen
- Andrey Divin
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Angelia L. Seyfferth
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Anna Gülcher
- Anna Horleston
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Anton Darmenov
- Antonia Hadjimichael
- António Ferraz
- Aolin Jia
- Ariane Arias‐Ortiz
- Arlene M. Fiore
- Aroh Barjatya
- Ashish Sharma
- Atticus Stovall
- Attilio Rivoldini
- Augusto Getirana
- Avni Malhotra
- B. A. Forman
- B. Banerdt
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. D. Loomis
- B. E. Schmidt
- B. E. Smith
- B. J. Andrews
- B. J. Buratti
- B. J. Thompson
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. McLean
- B. N. Duncan
- B. R. Dennis
- B. T. Cardenas
- Bailing Li
- Baoxiang Pan
- Barnabé Cherville
- Barry Baker
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Ben Kravitz
- Benjamin Fernando
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamín Idini
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bhavna Arora
- Bijoychandra S. Takhellambam
- Billy E. Johnson
- Bo Cheng
- Brad Weir
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian C. O’Neill
- Brian Freitag
- Brian J. Enquist
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Brooke Medley
- Bryce Currey
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Burcu Kosar
- C. A. Kletzing
- C. A. Nixon
- C. A. Thomas
- C. B. Olkin
- C. Barnet
- C. Briois
- C. C. Bedford
- C. Draper
- C. Elder
- C. Froment
- C. Gately
- C. Hain
- C. J. A. Howett
- C. Kreemer
- C. M. Ernst
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Hartzell
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Max Stevens
- C. Nathan Jones
- C. R. Neal
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. R. Thompson
- C. S. Salem
- C. S. Siddoway
- C. T. Russell
- C. Wang
- Can Li
- Carey Legett
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Caroline Beghein
- Casey D. Burleyson
- Cathy J. Wilson
- Cecilia Durán
- Cecilia Norgren
- Celia Trunz
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Cenlin He
- Chad A. Greene
- Changhui Peng
- Chaoqun Lü
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles K. Gatebe
- Charlotte DeVitre
- Chelsea L. Parker
- Chen Bin
- Cheng‐Zhi Zou
- Chia-Chuan Chang
- Chloé Michaut
- Chongchong Qi
- Chongming Yang
- Chris Derksen
- Chris Moeckel
- Chris R. Vernon
- Christian G. Andresen
- Christian Tate
- Christina O. Lee
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher E. Doughty
- Christopher P. Loughner
- Chuanfei Dong
- Chuntao Liu
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- Claire Welty
- Claudia Di Biagio
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Colby Haggerty
- Colm Sweeney
- Constantinos Charalambous
- Corinne Hartin
- D. B. Jess
- D. Balis
- D. Barahona
- D. C. Richardson
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Allen
- D. J. Christian
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. L. Buczkowski
- D. L. Kohlstedt
- D. L. Turner
- D. M. Giles
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. DellaGiustina
- D. P. Haffner
- D. P. Hartley
- D. Payne
- D. S. Stamps
- D. Turrini
- D. V. Reames
- Dafeng Hui
- Daile Zhang
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel C. Anderson
- Daniel E. Kaufman
- Daniel J. Scheeres
- Daniel L. Goldberg
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Daniel Tong
- Daniel Zuleta
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Daniele Visioni
- Dany Waller
- David Bekaert
- David Butman
- David Crisp
- David Dralle
- David Lagomasino
- David M. Lawrence
- David R. Thompson
- David S. Trossman
- David Shean
- David V. Gold
- Dawn Woodard
- Denis Felikson
- Denis Tremblay
- Di Tian
- Diego Loyola
- Dimitris Menemenlis
- Diyang Cui
- Dmitry Efremenko
- Dolly Hall
- Donald R. Blake
- Dong L. Wu
- Dongdong Wang
- Dorian S. Abbot
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Doyeon Ahn
- Doyeon Kim
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. B. Rampe
- E. C. Apel
- E. C. Seybold
- E. D. Gutmann
- E. Dotto
- E. E. Palmer
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Dlugokencky
- E. J. Fielding
- E. J. Hintsa
- E. J. Hyer
- E. L. Evans
- E. M. Wilcox
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- E. Mazarico
- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- E. S. Shoemaker
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Eduard P. Kontar
- Edward G. Stets
- Edward J. O’Loughlin
- Edward Kim
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Ehud Strobach
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Ellen Buckley
- Ellen Stuart-Haëntjens
- Elsa M. Ordway
- Emilio Grande
- Emily Lichko
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emily Zechman Berglund
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Eric Anderson
- Eric Keenan
- Eric T. Wolf
- Eric W. Sanderson
- Erin C. Pettit
- Erin R. Delaria
- Eryn Cangi
- Esteban Gazel
- Ethan Yang
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eunjee Lee
- Ewan S. Douglas
- Eyal Shalev
- F. Allegrini
- F. Capaccioni
- F. Chevallier
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Nimmo
- F. S. Mozer
- Fatima M Younis
- Fausto Machado‐Silva
- Feiqin Xie
- Feng Dong
- Fernando Tormos-Aponte
- Flavio Iturbide-Sánchez
- Foivos Karakostas
- Fortunat Joos
- Frances Marie Panday
- Franck Montmessin
- Frank Daerden
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. C. Ho
- G. Cauzzi
- G. Cremonese
- G. Filacchione
- G. G. Howes
- G. J. Husak
- G. Le
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. Martínez
- G. Martı́nez
- G. P. Zank
- G. Peltzer
- G. S. Diskin
- G. V. Khazanov
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gabriela Schaepman‐Strub
- Gaige Hunter Kerr
- Gangkai Poh
- Gary A. Morris
- Gavin McNicol
- Geoffrey Roest
- George C. Hurtt
- George J. Huffman
- George Koch
- Gifford H. Miller
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Glynn Hulley
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Grace C. Wu
- Greg A. Barron‐Gafford
- Guangyang Fang
- Guido R. van der Werf
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Gustavo E. Romero
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
- Guwei Zhang
- Gábor Tóth
- Géraldine Zenhäusern
- H. A. Weaver
- H. Arnold
- H. Conway
- H. Fuqua Haviland
- H. T. Smith
- Haijun Li
- Hailong Wang
- Haipeng Zhang
- Hannah Kerner
- Hanqin Tian
- Hao He
- Hao Tang
- Haoming Liang
- Haozhe Yang
- Harsha Gurram
- Hassan Beydoun
- Henri Samuel
- Ho Y. Kim
- Holger Vömel
- Holly A. Michael
- Hong Yi Li
- Hongbin Yu
- Hongxun Liu
- Hua Shu
- Huan Meng
- Huanzhou Yang
- Huiming Bao
- Huiqun Wang
- Huisheng Bian
- I. G. Richardson
- I. J. Daubar
- I. N. Razlivanov
- I. S. Puchtel
- I. Zouganelis
- Ian Bailey
- Imke de Pater
- Ines Fenni
- Irina Petropavlovskikh
- Isaac Moradi
- Ismaïla Diallo
- Ivanka Štajner
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Richardson
- J. A. Slavin
- J. B. Miller
- J. C. E. Irving
- J. C. Kasper
- J. C. Roger
- J. D. Crounse
- J. D. Smith
- J. David Neelin
- J. Dorelli
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. E. Grove
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. Egedal
- J. F. Cooper
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Konter
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. Jiménez-Martín
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. Eigenbrode
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Bauer
- J. M. Duncan
- J. M. Sunshine
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. Morgenthaler
- J. P. Walsh
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. Peischl
- J. R. Shuster
- J. R. Spencer
- J. R. Whetstone
- J. S. Halekas
- J. Stutz
- J. T. Niehof
- J. W. Bonnell
- J. Webster
- J. de León
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jacob A. Zwart
- Jacob Wessel
- Jadwiga H. Richter
- Jake Lee
- James A. Carton
- James Juno
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Haber
- James T. Randerson
- James W. Dottin
- James W. Elkins
- James W. Hannigan
- Jared Espley
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jawairia A. Ahmad
- Jay Fuhrman
- Jean‐Baptiste Vincent
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jean–Paul Montagner
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey B. Basara
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jennifer Wei
- Jessica D. Lundquist
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jia Yi Ng
- Jia Yue
- Jianping Mao
- Jianwu Tang
- Jianyu Zheng
- Jian‐Yang Li
- Jiaqi Li
- Jie Gong
- Jifu Yin
- Jing Wei
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingjing Peng
- Jingting Huang
- Jin‐Ho Yoon
- Jin‐Soo Kim
- Joanna Joiner
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- Joel D. Blomquist
- Joel Dahlin
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johannes Mohrmann
- John Leif Jørgensen
- John P. Krasting
- John T. Sullivan
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan Ng
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Jonathan R. Lamontagne
- Jonathan Wang
- Jongsoo Yoo
- Jong‐Seong Kug
- Jordan A. Caraballo‐Vega
- Jordan I. Christian
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Jorge Pla‐García
- Joseph A. Santanello
- Joseph Pitt
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Juan Carlos Afonso
- Julia Guimond
- Julianne M. Fernandez
- Julie M. Nicely
- Jun Wang
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- Justin Deighan
- Jyoti S. Jennewein
- József Bór
- K. Chance
- K. Dialynas
- K. Dokgo
- K. Emma Knowland
- K. G. Klein
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. J. McGuire
- K. L. Allison
- K. L. Cummins
- K. L. Laferriere
- K. L. Riverman
- K. L. Siebach
- K. M. Sampson
- K. Nykyri
- K. Ogasawara
- K. Olsen
- K. R. Gurney
- K. Raeder
- K. S. Carslaw
- K. Shimizu
- K. W. Bowman
- K. W. Lewis
- K. W. Paulson
- K.T. Ramesh
- Kai Yang
- Kang Liang
- Karthik Venkataramani
- Katherine Calvin
- Katherine Dagon
- Kathryn McKain
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kayleigh M. Harvey
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kazuhito Ichii
- Kelly Devlin
- Kelly Fast
- Kelly M. Brunt
- Kendra E. Kaiser
- Kennda Lynch
- Kennedy O. Doro
- Kenneth Hurst
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth Pickering
- Kerry Emanuel
- Keyvan Malek
- Kim Calders
- Kim Locke
- Kimberley Miner
- Kimberly A. Casey
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Klaus Keller
- Komlavi Akpoti
- Krishnaprasad Chirakkil
- Kristen E. Fauria
- Kristen M. Krumhardt
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kuishuang Feng
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Kwo‐Sen Kuo
- Kyle D. Brumfield
- Kyle Duncan
- Kyoung‐Joo Hwang
- Kyung‐Ja Ha
- L. A. Avanov
- L. Bruhwiler
- L. D. Woodham
- L. E. Brown
- L. Golub
- L. Harrison
- L. K. Emmons
- L. Montabone
- L. N. Lamsal
- L. P. Chini
- L. P. Chitta
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. W. Blum
- Lara F. Pérez
- Larry W. Horowitz
- Latif Kalin
- Laura Duncanson
- Laura Landrum
- Laura Sammon
- Lauren C. Andrews
- Lauren Zamora
- Laurent G. J. Montési
- Laurie Padman
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lee T. Murray
- Leeya Pressburger
- Lei Ma
- Lei Sun
- Leighton A. Regayre
- Leslie R. Lait
- Levan Lomidze
- Li Zhang
- Linette N. Boisvert
- Lior Rubanenko
- Lisa Milani
- Lisa Tauxe
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Liv Herdman
- Li‐Jen Chen
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Luis Fernando Chaves
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Léo Martire
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Shay
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. Benna
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. C. Malin
- M. C. Nolan
- M. D. Nelson
- M. D. Smith
- M. Drilleau
- M. E. Banks
- M. E. Brown
- M. E. Hill
- M. E. Oskin
- M. Fulle
- M. G. A. Lapôtre
- M. G. Trainer
- M. Giuranna
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Grott
- M. H. Huang
- M. Hasan Barbhuiya
- M. Hesse
- M. I. Desai
- M. I. Sitnov
- M. K. Elrod
- M. L. Humber
- M. L. Rudolph
- M. O. Fillingim
- M. Oka
- M. Opher
- M. P. Panning
- M. Pajola
- M. Pulupa
- M. Pätzold
- M. R. Argall
- M. R. Combi
- M. R. Koutnik
- M. S. Bramble
- M. Samara
- M. Stęślicki
- M. Swisdak
- M. T. Lemmon
- M. T. Thorpe
- M. W. Buie
- M. Øieroset
- Mahdi Navari
- Mallory E. DeCoster
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Marc Oggier
- Marc Simard
- Marco Bagnardi
- Marcos Longo
- Marcus C. Sarofim
- Mari R. Tye
- Maria Usanova
- Maria Womack
- Maria Zubkova
- Mariah Baker
- Marika M. Holland
- Marko Orescanin
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martin Cordiner
- Martin Knapmeyer
- Martin van Driel
- Mary-Grace Bato
- María J. Molina
- María Paz Zorzano
- Masatoshi Hirabayashi
- Mathias Goeckede
- Matija Herceg
- Mats A. Granskog
- Mats André
- Matthew Bromley
- Matthew G. Jackson
- Matthew J. Kohn
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Matthew Lawson
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew Rodell
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matthieu Plasman
- Matěj Peč
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maurizio Battaglia
- Max Collinet
- Max Mutchler
- Max Post van der Burg
- Maxim D. Ballmer
- Megan Thompson-Munson
- Mehdi Hosseini
- Mehdi Ketabchy
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Melody Avery
- Mengqi Zhao
- Meredith L. Carr
- Mian Chin
- Michael Chaffin
- Michael E Weber
- Michael H. Wong
- Michael J. Prather
- Michael L. Stevens
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Michael Stock
- Michael Wolff
- Min Chen
- Ming Pan
- Mingxuan Wu
- Moiz Usmani
- Mollie D. Gaines
- Muhammad Hassan Khan Niazi
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Ahmadi
- N. C. Schmerr
- N. E. Petro
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. L. Chabot
- N. Richard Knowles
- N. Schörghofer
- N. Sergis
- N. Stein
- Nancy H. F. French
- Nander Wever
- Naoki Bessho
- Naota Hanasaki
- Natalia Wójcicka
- Natalie H. Raia
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan M. Urban
- Nathan Thomas
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Natthachet Tangdamrongsub
- Navdeep K. Panesar
- Neal Graham
- Neha Pathak
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicholas M. Schneider
- Nicholas R. Nalli
- Nick Schutgens
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nienke Brinkman
- Nikolaj Dahmen
- Nikolaos Evangeliou
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Ning Zeng
- Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo
- Norberto Romanelli
- Nori Nakata
- O. Forni
- O. Malandraki
- O. V. Sergienko
- Oleksiy Agapitov
- Olivier S. Barnouin
- Omiros Giannakis
- Orlando Romeo
- Osamu Seki
- Owen P. McKenna
- P. A. Cassak
- P. B. Shepson
- P. C. D. Milly
- P. C. Griffith
- P. H. Reiff
- P. J.
- P. J. Cameron-Smith
- P. L. Whelley
- P. Lawrence
- P. Lognonné
- P. M. Bremner
- P. R. Mahaffy
- P. R. Moorcroft
- P.J. van Oevelen
- Pamela Wales
- Pascal Hedelt
- Patricia Lawston-Parker
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- Patrick Campbell
- Patrick Kilian
- Patrick M. Reed
- Patrick Michel
- Paul A. Newman
- Paul Sánchez
- Paul Walter
- Pawan Gupta
- Peng Xian
- Pengfei Han
- Peter E. van Keken
- Peter H. Yoon
- Peter O. Hopcroft
- Peter R. Colarco
- Peter von der Gathen
- Philippe Garnier
- Philippe Lognonné
- Pieter P. Tans
- Prabhakar Misra
- Pradeep Wagle
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Qian Shen
- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qiuan Zhu
- Quancheng Huang
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. B. Decker
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Boeke
- R. C. Weber
- R. Commane
- R. Damoah
- R. Dwi Susanto
- R. E. Arvidson
- R. E. Denton
- R. E. Grimm
- R. J. Salawitch
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. J. Swap
- R. L. McNutt
- R. Lolachi
- R. Michell
- R. Nakamura
- R. P. Callahan
- R. R. Ghent
- R. S. Hornbrook
- R. T. Daly
- Rachel L. Lamb
- Rachel R. Fern
- Rachel Rice
- Rachel Wegener
- Rahil Makadia
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Ramón López
- Randal D. Koster
- Randi R. Jandt
- Raphaël Garcia
- Ray F. Weiss
- Reem A. Hannun
- Ricardo Arévalo
- Richard Cosentino
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard I. Cullather
- Richard J. Walker
- Rick Saylor
- Rita R. Colwell
- Ritvik Sahajpal
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert C. Levy
- Robert D. Field
- Robert J. Lillis
- Robert Ricker
- Robert Sullivan
- Robert Wood
- Robert Zinke
- Robin Ramstad
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- Rohit Nandan
- Rolf H. Reichle
- Romina Nikoukar
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Ronald-Louis Ballouz
- Ross Maguire
- Roy L. Rich
- Rubén Delgado
- Rudolf Widmer‐Schnidrig
- Rudra Pokhrel
- Russell Doughty
- Russell R. Dickerson
- Ryan O. Milligan
- Ryan S. D. Calder
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Carn
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. A. Montzka
- S. A. Triana
- S. Ahmad
- S. Curry
- S. D. Bale
- S. England
- S. Eriksson
- S. F. Fung
- S. Fonte
- S. Gburek
- S. J. Schwartz
- S. K. Antiochos
- S. L. Farrell
- S. M. Morrison
- S. M. Petrinec
- S. M. Tulaczyk
- S. Marchi
- S. Nagihara
- S. Platnick
- S. R. Hemming
- S. T. Badman
- S. Tharimena
- S. Vance
- S. Vargas Domínguez
- S. W. Bougher
- S. W. Cooley
- S. W. Kahler
- S. Wang
- S. Zurita‐Zurita
- Sabrina F. Tigik
- Sabrina Ménina
- Safa Motesharrei
- Sahra Kacimi
- Sampa Das
- Sanaz Esmaeili
- Sang-Moo Lee
- Sara Navarro
- Sarah A. Horvath
- Sarah A. Strode
- Sarah C. Penniston‐Dorland
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott D. Guzewich
- Scott D. King
- Scott DeNeale
- Scott J. Goetz
- Scott Karbashewski
- Scott M. McLennan
- Scott W. Powell
- Sean Crowell
- Sean Horvath
- Sean Howard
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Sean Turner
- Sebastián Carrasco
- Seoung Soo Lee
- Seth A. Jacobson
- Sha Feng
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shannan Y. Jones
- Shannon Dillard
- Shantanu V. Bhide
- Shaosui Xu
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Shixuan Zhang
- Shufen Pan
- Shuhai Xiao
- Shunlin Liang
- Siegfried Eggl
- Simon C. Stähler
- Simon N. Gosling
- Simone Tilmes
- Simran Sangha
- Siwa Msangi
- Siyu Shan
- Solomon Ehosioke
- Sonal Jain
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Soroosh Sorooshian
- Sourish Basu
- Srija Chakraborty
- Stanislav Boldyrev
- Stanley B. Grant
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Stavros Kotsiaros
- Stefan Hendricks
- Stefano Galelli
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stephan R. McCandliss
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen P. Palm
- Steve Smith
- Steven Christe
- Stijn Hantson
- Stéphanie C. Werner
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Susan Benecchi
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Susan E. Ziegler
- Susan M. Natali
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susanne Flø Spinnangr
- Susarla Raghuram
- Susheel Adusumilli
- Suzanne E. Tank
- T. B. Ryerson
- T. C. Sutterley
- T. D. Phan
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. J. Fudge
- T. M. Davison
- T. Neumann
- T. Oda
- T. Pavelsky
- T. R. Watters
- T. Woolley
- Tak Chu Li
- Takuya Hara
- Tanguy Bertrand
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Thaddeus D. Komacek
- Thanh Duc Dang
- Thanh H. Nguyen
- Thomas Bodin
- Thomas Clune
- Thomas Holmes
- Thomas Stanley
- Tiange Xing
- Tianjia Liu
- Tianle Yuan
- Tianning Su
- Tien Vo
- Tilman Spohn
- Timothy J. Lang
- Timothy W. Cronin
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tom Eames
- Tom Pike
- Tong Bai
- Toshi Matsui
- Travis Thurber
- Trevor F. Keenan
- Trevor Williams
- Troy Arcomano
- Tsuneo Matsunaga
- U. C. Herzfeld
- Ukkyo Jeong
- V. Chmielewski
- V. E. Hamilton
- V. J. Bray
- V. M. Escobar
- V. M. Uritsky
- V. Roytershteyn
- Vaishali Naik
- Valerie Finlayson
- Vanessa Bailey
- Veljko Petković
- Vernon R. Morris
- Vesta Afzali Gorooh
- Vikalp Mishra
- Vincenzo Della Corte
- Vivek Srikrishnan
- Viviana Maggioni
- Vladimir Lyakhovsky
- Vladislav Izmodenov
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. H. Swartz
- W. Jesse Hahm
- W. P. Kustas
- W. T. Reach
- Walter D. Mooney
- Walter H. F. Smith
- Wanshu Nie
- Ward E. Sanford
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wenlu Zhu
- William B. Moore
- William F. Hoover
- William F. McDonough
- William J. Koshak
- William J. Riley
- William K. M. Lau
- William Nardin
- Wim Thiery
- Witold F. Krajewski
- Woogyung Kim
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiangyu Liu
- Xiao-Peng Song
- Xiaohua Fang
- Xiaohua Pan
- Xiaoli Sun
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xinrong Ren
- Xin‐Zhong Liang
- Xiwu Zhan
- Xuanye Ma
- Xubin Zeng
- Xueliang Liu
- Y. A. Omelchenko
- Y. M. Collado‐Vega
- Yadu Pokhrel
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yakov Pachepsky
- Yalei You
- Yanan You
- Yang Ou
- Yannian Zhu
- Yao Zhang
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yevgeny Derimian
- Yi Qi
- Yingxi Shi
- Yi‐Hsin Liu
- Yongkang Xue
- Yongzhen Fan
- Yoshihide Wada
- Youhua Tang
- Youmi Oh
- Yuan Xue
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yue Li
- Yuejian Zhu
- Yuki Harada
- Yun Zhang
- Yunyao Li
- Yunyue Yu
- Yusuf Jamal
- Yu‐Ping Chin
- Zachary Fasnacht
- Zhang Xiao
- Zhanqing Li
- Zhibo Zhang
- Zhifeng Yang
- Ziqin Ni
- Zoe Pierrat
- Zongbo Xu
- É. Beucler
- É. Stutzmann
- А. С. Соболев
- Д. С. Лауретта
- Оleg Dubovik