University of Maryland, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Aerosol Effects on the Surface Radiation Budget over the Indian Monsoon Region
- East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: An International Regional Experiment (EAST-AIRE): Preliminary Results from 2005
- In Situ Measurements of Aerosol Mass Concentration and Spectral Absorption in Xianghe, SE of Beijing, China
- Initial Estimate of the Mg II Index from 1932 to 1974
- Isolating the Effect of Surface Roughness Changes on Climate
- Nocturnal Secondary Ozone Maxima over the Mid-Atlantic U.S. from Shear Induced Turbulence in the Low Level Jet
- Radiation Budget Estimates from MODIS
- The Global Soil Moisture Data Bank - Benchmark Soil Moisture Observations
- Towards an Assimilative Solar Wind Model: Perfect Model Experiments
- A Chemical Climatology of the Mid-Atlantic US Lower Troposphere: Implications for Origins and Lifetimes
- A Modeling Study of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) Using the Slab Ocean Model Configured CAM3.1
- Asian Summer Monsoon Heat Sources and Moisture Sinks in Global Reanalyses: Consistent Representation of Variability and Trends?
- Dust Plume Position and Transport in the NASA GEOS-4 Model Compared With MODIS, TOMS, AERONET, and Ground-Based Measurements
- Estimates of Surface Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation over North America from GOES Observations
- Global Distribution of Aerosol Absorption as Observed by the EOS Aura OMI Sensor
- Hydroclimate Variability Over the Great Plains: Land and Ocean Influences
- Hydroclimate Variability and Change Over the South Asian Monsoon Region: The Need for Regional Reanalysis
- In Situ Measurements of Aerosol Mass Concentration and Spectral Absorption at Three Location in and Around Mexico City
- Investigation of the "Elevated Heat Pump" Effect on the Asian Summer Monsoon Using Cloud Observations From METEOSAT-5
- Lessons From the NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis Project
- New Information From Observations and Cloud-Resolving Models Leads to Improvements in Lightning NOx Parameterizations for Global Chemical Transport Models
- Ocean Instabilities Captured By Breeding On A Global Ocean Reanalysis
- Optical Analysis of Coated and Uncoated Soot Particles
- SO2 Over China Detected With EOS Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Surface Radiative Fluxes from GOES-E over the Amazon Basin: Model Comparison
- Uncertainties in Estimating Decadal Global Steric Sea Level Rise
- An Evaluation of the Impact of Lightning NO Emissions in the GMI Model on Upper Tropospheric Chemistry in the Tropics using SHADOZ data
- Land Surface Skin Temperature and Its Variations from FIFE and Beyond
- Non-hydrostatic Flow Observed in an Inlet Leading to Lake Pontchartrain
- North American Pollutant Export and Associated Ozone Radiative Forcing During the Summers of 2002 and 2004
- Optical Analysis of Coated and Uncoated Soot: Data for Global Climate Change Models
- Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures in the Twentieth Century: An Evolution-Centric Analysis of Variability and Trend
- Quasi-100 ky glacial-interglacial cycles triggered by subglacial burial carbon release
- Sampling Errors of Climate Monitoring Constellations
- Simulations of Tropospheric NO2 by the Global Modeling Initiative (GMI) Model Utilizing Assimilated and Forecast Meteorological Fields: Comparison to Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) measurements
- Testing Climate Model Fidelity Using Lag Autocovariance of Infrared Radiances
- The Meridional and Equatorial Modes of Tropical Atlantic Variability: Related?
- The NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Evapotranspiration Product: the New MOD16
- The spectral absorption by aerosols from 350-2500nm and its radiative forcing implications
- Urban aerosol effects on surface insolation and surface temperature
- Use of Combined A-Train Observations to Validate GEOS Model Simulated Dust Distributions During NAMMA
- Wind farms and weather: the predictability of wind farm-induced changes in the downstream atmosphere.
- A Climate Change Penalty in Pollution Ozone Observed over the Eastern US
- A Numerical Study of Precessional Forcing on the Water Budget of the Mediterranean Sea and Northern Africa During the Messinian Salinity Crisis
- Aerosol Optical Properties Measured on the Mesoscale During the TIGERZ Campaign in the Indo-Gangetic Plain Region of Kanpur, India
- An Overview on the Project to Develop Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- ELF and ALEX SURF WINTER WAVES: Lidar Intercomparison of Aerosol and Water Vapor Measurements in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area During the Winter Water Vapor Validation Experiments (WAVES) 2008 campaign.
- Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements of the ClOOCl Cross Section On Our Understanding of Polar Ozone Chemistry
- Interactions between deep convective clouds and aerosols as observed by satellites
- Lightning NOx from Island Convection over the Maritime Continent - Local and Regional Perspectives
- Lightning-generated NOx seen by OMI during NASA's TC4 experiment: First results
- Measurements of stratospheric ClO, HO2, BrO and O3 with a balloon-borne submillimeterwave heterodyne radiometer
- Mediterranean water cycle changes: transition to drier 21st century conditions in observations and CMIP3 simulations
- North American Pollutant Export Due to Anthropogenic Emissions and Lightning
- Variability of Shallow Water Masses of the Northern and Tropical Oceans as Viewed in Nine Ocean Analyses
- WRF-Chem Regional Modeling of the Mid-Atlantic: Comparison with Aura and Ground Based Measurements
- Wind Farms and Weather Modification.
- A Mediterranean dust source? A link between the desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea and climate in the late Miocene
- An overview of dust aerosol effect on semi-arid climate during 2008 China-US joined field campaign
- Characterization of the Regional Hydrological Cycle of the La Plata Basin
- Experimental use of Land Surface Models in the La Plata Basin
- Impact of Lightning-NO Emissions on Eastern United States NOx and O3 Determined Using the CMAQ Model
- Investigating the urban heat island effect on air quality
- Observed Diel, Seasonal, and Long-Term Trends in O3, SO2, and Precursor Emissions over the Eastern US
- On the use of MODIS and TRMM products to simulate hydrological processes in the La Plata Basin
- Optical Properties of Coated Soot Measured by Photoacoustic Spectrometry
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Trace Gases over the Eastern United States derived from WRF/Chem
- The Impact of Anthropogenic Global Warming on the Wind Power Resource
- The fate of Saharan dust across the Atlantic: An integrated modeling and observational study
- Towards a Space-Based Estimate of Tropospheric Column BrO: A Description of Model Estimates of the Stratospheric Contribution to the Total Column
- Tropical Lake Levels and Their Relationship to Rainfall
- Using Ecosystem Functional Types in land-surface modeling to characterize and monitor the spatial and inter-annual variability of vegetation dynamics
- A Study of Asian Dust Physical and Chemical Properties using AMF-China and AERONET Data
- Collaboration Web Spaces for the Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications (CIERA)
- Constructing a carbon cycle analysis system with the local ensemble transform Kalman filter and online transport model
- Evaluation of the precipitation regime over South America through the new generation Reanalyses
- Insights from Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Retrievals into a Mars Global Circulation Model
- Measurements and Models of SO2 over Central China
- Movement of the Sub-tropical and polar jet streams derived from total ozone data
- Polar ClO Photochemistry: The Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements
- Sea Surface Temperatures and their Relationship to Melt and Freeze Onset in the Central Arctic
- The Community Initiative for Emissions Research and Applications
- Trends and Variability in the Wind Power Resource in the NARCCAP simulations
- A Lagrangian analysis of transport across the Antarctic polar vortex in the southern spring
- A-Train Observations of Young Volcanic Eruption Clouds
- Addressing Science and Policy Needs with Community Emissions Efforts
- Breeding Vectors in the Phase Space Reconstructed from Time Series Data
- Can We Estimate Surface Carbon Fluxes With a 6-hour Data Assimilation System?
- Chemistry-Radiation Feedback due to Tropospheric Ozone in a Regional Air Quality Model
- Constraints on the photolysis and the equilibrium constant of ClO-dimer from airborne and balloon-borne measurements of chlorine compounds
- Demonstration of a novel cavity ring down spectrometer for NO2 measurement during Discover AQ (July, 2011) where column profiles in the troposphere were collected over the mid Atlantic region of the United States
- Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle
- Developing Consistent Earth System Data Records for the Global Terrestrial Water Cycle: Focus on Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Fluxes
- Ensemble Data Assimilation for the Mars Atmosphere
- Evaluation of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Simulations with the GEOS-5/ GOCART Model during the Frostburg/DISCOVER-AQ Field Campaigns
- Ground-based measurements of anthropogenic column sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide at Frostburg, MD in November 2010 and comparison with aircraft and OMI/AURA satellite measurements
- Horizontal and vertical distribution of air pollution over Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay
- How Famine Started in Somalia: A Simple Model of Fresh Water Use
- Impact of Aerosols, Sea Surface Temperature, and Climate Sensitivity on Global Climate
- Initial Comparisons of In-Situ, Model, and Remotely-Sensed NO2 Observations During DISCOVER-AQ
- Integrated Modeling in Earth and Space Sciences: An Information Theoretic Framework
- NOx Emissions and Lifetimes: Using DISCOVER-AQ to Evaluate CMAQ NO2 Through Use of Field Observations and Satellite Retrievals
- Progress in Near Real-Time Volcanic Cloud Observations Using Satellite UV Instruments
- Remote Sensing for Air Quality Applications: An Overview for the Eastern US
- Rich-and-Poor Model for Human and Nature Interaction
- Satellite Products and Pollution: Examples of Validation and Process Studies from the Field
- Seasonal Variations in Mars Atmospheric Predictability
- Simulating Aerosol-cloud-radiation Feedbacks over East Asia Using Wrf-chem
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Aerosols and Trace Gases over the Chesapeake Bay estuary during the Summer 2011 CBODAQ and DISCOVER-AQ campaigns
- A Simple Model for Human and Nature Interaction
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Atmospheric energy and water balance perspective to projection of global-scale precipitation increase: may mitigation policies unexpectedly amplify precipitation?
- Automatic Detection and Analysis of the Planetary Boundary Layer from Radiosonde, Lidar and Infrared Spectrometer at the Southern Great Plains
- Correlation Analysis of Column-Density Data with Surface Mixing Ratios for o3 and NO2 during Discover-Aq
- Effective Assimilation of Global Precipitation
- Estimation of SW radiation budget using geostationary satellites and quasi-real-time monitoring of PV power generation
- Exploring the Capabilities of Satellite Observation of Anthropogenic Sulfur Dioxide (SO<SUB>2</SUB>) in the Lower Atmosphere
- Fighting Chaos: Applications of Breeding
- GRIPS - The Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder
- Improvement on OMI Ozone Profile Retrievals and Validation With Ozonesonde Observations
- Mixed layer impact of Hurricane Katia passing over the Amazon/Orinoco plume as viewed in remotely sensed salinity observations
- Multidecadal Signals in the Sea Level Budget
- Simultaneous data assimilation of CO2 and meteorological variables using LETKF and the NCAR CAM model
- Tropical Cyclone interaction with the Amazon-Orinoco river Plume: new insights from SMOS and Aquarius missions
- Using the Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo and Angstrom Exponent from AERONET to Determine Aerosol Origins and Mixing States over the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- A Transport Analysis of In Situ Airborne Ozone Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- A WRF-Chem flash rate parameterization scheme and LNOx analysis of the 29-30 May 2012 convective event in Oklahoma during DC3
- African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century
- ENSO Representation in CMIP5 Models
- ENSO-Induced Variabilities in Tropical Tropospheric Composition: Observed and Modeled Evaluation of the 2006 El Nino and 2007 La Nina
- Effects of Assimilation Window Length and Radiatively Active Water Ice Clouds on Martian Thermal Tides and Martian Atmosphere Predictability
- Elevated O3 in Fresh and Aged Lightning-NOx Plumes Interacting with Biomass Burning Plumes over the Central U.S. during DC3 (Invited)
- Exploring Water Management Options with SIWA: A Simple, Coupled Human-Water-Climate Model
- Field Tests of a Gas-Filter Imaging Radiometer for Methane, CH4,: A Prototype for Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder, GRIPS
- Lightning NOx Production per Flash based on OMI NO2 Observations
- Moisture flux changes and trends for the entire Arctic in 2003-2011 derived from EOS Aqua data
- Satellite-based assessment of global volcanic degassing
- Simulating Freshwater Availability under Future Climate Conditions
- Storm Chasing Goes Global: Precipitation Systems' Trajectories and Life Cycle Evolution as Seen from Space
- Suomi-NPP OMPS Observations of Large-Scale Air Pollution Events over China
- The Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder (GRIPS)
- The Global Terrestrial Water Cycle Earth System Data Record
- The National Emissions Inventory Significantly Overestimates NOx Emissions: Analysis of CMAQ and in situ observations from DISCOVER-AQ
- Vertical transport of Formaldehyde by Thunderstorms in DC3 (Invited)
- Determination of Water Soluble Organic Carbon Collected ~1 km above the Earth's Surface during a Mid-Atlantic Air Quality Episode and Comparison to Aerosol Optical Properties
- First Global Observations of HCHO from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite
- Observations and trends of emissions from gas flaring in the Persian Gulf region using OMI
- Using Integrated Assessment Models to Estimate the Economic Damages from Temperature Related Human Health Effects in the US
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Investigating the Impact of Marine Ship Emissions on Regional Air Quality using OMI Satellite NO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations and the CMAQ Model
- Particulate Matter Pollution and its Regional Transport in the Mid-Atlantic States
- Sampling the Vertical Moisture Structure of an Atmospheric River Event Using Airborne GPS Radio Occultation Profiling
- Satellite-observed NO<SUB>2</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, and HCHO Vertical Column Densities in East Asia: Recent Changes and Comparisons with Regional Model
- The Use of Regulatory Air Quality Models to Develop Successful Ozone Attainment Strategies
- The observed response of ozone production to the policy-driven decrease of NOx and CO emissions in the Baltimore/Washington area
- A CloudSat Perspective on the Cloud Climatology and Its Association with Aerosol Perturbations in the Vertical over Eastern China
- Competing influence of greenhouse warming and aerosols on thermodynamic and dynamic controls of the Asian monoon
- Evaluating Emissions Inventory Improvements Using Observations and the CMAQ Model: Impacts on Air Quality Attainment Strategies
- Impacts of snow darkening by absorbing aerosols on South Asian monsoon
- Measurements and models of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant fluxes in the Baltimore/Washington Area.
- Numerical simulations of Aerosol and Trace Gas Emissions and Transformations over the North China Plain
- Possible Impact of Snow Darkening by Light-absorbing Aerosols on the Hydrological Cycle over Eurasia
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Calibration of low-cost gas sensors for an urban air quality monitoring network
- Evaluation of pollutant emissions in North China Plain using aircraft measurements from the Air Chemistry Research In Asia (ARIAs) campaign
- Impact of Aerosol-PBL Interactions on the Long-term Trend of Surface Air Quality in China
- Integrating Polar-Orbiting Products into the Forecast Routine for Explosive Cyclogenesis and Extratropical Transition
- Origin, Maintenance and Variability of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL): The Roles of Monsoon Dynamics
- Studying emissions of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Baltimore/Washington area using airborne measurements: source attribution, flux quantification, and model comparison
- The changing phenology of the land carbon fluxes as derived from atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- Using Analysis Increments (AI) to Estimate and Correct Systematic Errors in the Global Forecast System (GFS) Online
- A Proactive Quality Control (PQC) based on Ensemble Forecast Sensitivity to Observations
- A coupled modeling system for studying the impacts of growing biofuel crops in marginal lands on the food-energy-water nexus
- A novel understanding of Carrying Capacity from a two-way coupled Human-Climate-Water Model
- Analysis of Trends in Total Stratospheric Ozone
- Baltimore and Beijing: A tale of two cities
- Black Carbon Measurements and Calibration
- Classification mapping of salt marsh vegetation by flexible monthly NDVI time-series using Landsat imagery
- Climate model shows large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara increase rain and vegetation
- Column Effective Imaginary part of refractive index derived from UV-MFRSR and SKYNET in Seoul, and implications for retrieving UV Aerosol Optical Properties from GEMS measurements
- Comparing city fossil fuel CO2 emissions between ODIAC and inventory-based estimates
- Correlation-Cutoff Method for Covariance Localization in Strongly Coupled Data Assimilation
- Data-driven Modeling, Prediction and Predictability: The Complex Systems Framework
- Decadal Trends in Air Pollution over the Eastern United States: Insights from Surface Observations, Satellite Measurements, and Numerical Modeling
- Develop a high spatiotemporal resolution canopy-emitted solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence dataset for better estimating ecosystems gross primary productivity
- Direct Observations of Pollution Gradients Within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Overview of the Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study-2 (OWLETS-2)
- Dynamically Weighted Hybrid Gain Data Assimilation: Perfect Model Experiments.
- Effects of Cumulus Parameterization Closures on Summer Precipitation Prediction over Southern China by the Regional Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting Model (CWRF)
- Ensemble Spread as a Precursor to Extreme Space Weather Events
- Estimating Surface PM2.5 and Understanding Its Interaction with Planetary Boundary Layer by an Integrated Approach
- Estimation and Adaptive Online Correction of Systematic Errors in the Global Forecast System (GFS) Using Analysis Increments
- Evaluation of Lightning Data Assimilation in Simulations of Parameterized Convective Cloud and Precipitation Processes Using the WRF Model
- Evaluation of Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterizations for U.S. Climate Simulation
- Improving Tropical Cyclone Predictions by Assimilation of Satellite-Retrieved Precipitation with Gaussian Transformation
- Improving biospheric models of net ecosystem exchange in the eastern U.S. to inform top-down anthropogenic CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission estimates during the growing season in the DC/ Baltimore metropolitan area
- Improving the Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System with hybrid data assimilation
- Inconsistent estimates of forest cover change in China between 2000 and 2013 from multiple datasets: differences in parameters, spatial resolution, and definitions
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Investigating Emissions of CO, NO<SUB>y</SUB>, and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Inferred from Near-Road Observations in the Baltimore-Washington Region: Impact of Ambient Temperature
- Investigating plume origins detected by lidar and aircraft during a high-ozone event in the Chesapeake Bay using HYSPLIT backward trajectories during the 2017 OWLETS campaign
- Lightning NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production in the Tropics as Determined Using OMI NO<SUB>2</SUB>Retrievals and WWLLN Stroke data
- Linking Improvements in Sulfur Dioxide Emissions to Decreasing Sulfate Deposition by Combining Satellite and Surface Observations with Trajectory Analysis
- Local predictability of the atmosphere and ocean using Granger causality
- Long-Term Trends in Tropospheric Ozone and Ozone Chemistry in the Baltimore-Washington Region
- Ozone Production Efficiency in the Baltimore-Washington Urban Plume: Evaluating CMAQ with aircraft (DISCOVER-AQ) and satellite (OMI) observations
- Probability of Limiting Future Warming to 1.5°C and 2.0°C for Various Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Trajectories of Future GHG Abundances
- Recent measurements of ozone, aerosols, and precursors over the Chesapeake Bay and Long Island sound areas
- Snow-darkening Effects by Deposition of Light-absorbing Aerosols on Tibetan Plateau Snow Cover, and Impact on Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
- Stability of strongly and weakly coupled data assimilation: error correlation cut-off
- The Influence of Anthropogenic VOCs in Regions that are Minimally Influenced by the Terrestrial Biosphere and their Role in Ozone Production
- The evaluation of the spatial and temporal variations in tropospheric ozone production using air quality models and multiplatform observations to improve ozone control strategies
- Towards the Estimation of Biospheric Contributions to the Regional Carbon Cycle in the Eastern United States Using a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Using CWRF Multi-physics Ensemble to Improve Extreme Precipitation Prediction
- Using EFSO and PQC to identify detrimental observations and improve forecasts
- Variations in Global Tropospheric OH Over the Last Several Decades
- Vertical Distributions and Trends of Aerosol Properties in the Baltimore, MD/D.C. Region from Aircraft, Satellites, and Surface Observations from 2000 to 2018
- Visualizing a Decade of Change in the Arctic Sea Ice Cover
- Wet Scavenging in Cumulus-Parameterized WRF-Chem Simulations of a Supercell Storm during the DC3 Field Campaign
- A TROPOMI- and GLM-based Estimate of NO<SUB>x</SUB>Production by Lightning over the U.S.
- Aircraft Observations of High Concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 over Hebei Province, China in Spring 2016
- Anthropogenic VOCs in the Washington-New York City Airshed and their Role in Ozone Production
- Can high-resolution satellite information help improve our understanding of the water cycle over complex terrain?
- Correcting oscillatory modes in numerical models using singular spectrum analysis and data assimilation
- ECS, Climate Feedback, and TCRE: A Comparison of CMIP6 Values to Estimates Inferred from the Century-Long Climate Record
- Estimation and correction of systematic Errors in GFS Using Analysis Increments
- Exploring Factors Affecting the Inference of Surface-Level NO<SUB>2</SUB> from Orbital and Suborbital Tropospheric Column Observations
- Global analysis of comparing Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), FLUXNET2015 observations and VEgetation-Global-Atmosphere-Soil (VEGAS) model
- Impact of wild fire on U.S. air quality over the past 20 years - a modeling study in the satellite era
- Quantification of the Uptake of Anthropogenic Emissions of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Simulating Regional Climate: What is the role of soil texture?
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Variability of Desert-Monsoon Climate Subsystem: A New Perspective
- The Human System and Climate Models: Population, Inequality, Consumption, and Bidirectional Coupling of the Earth and Human Systems.
- Using Operation IceBridge to Link CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 Sea Ice Freeboard Retrievals in the Antarctic
- Using more "future" data with EFSO/PQC in Reanalysis
- Aerosol and Planetary-Boundary-Layer Interactions and Impact on Convection in Urban Regions
- Aircraft-Based Measurements of Black Carbon and Inferred Emissions over the Baltimore-Washington Area Pre- and Post- COVID-19 Lockdowns.
- An analysis of temperature trends conducive to chemical loss of ozone in the Arctic stratosphere: are the coldest Arctic winters getting colder?
- Analysis and Attribution of the Decrease in Tropospheric Column NO<SUB>2</SUB> as Observed by TROPOMI Over the Mid-Atlantic During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Analysis of the trends in ambient methane in the Baltimore-Washington region and comparison to model outputs.
- Assessing the recent impact of COVID-19 on carbon emissions from China using domestic economic data
- Beyond the cold air advection: how do stratocumulus-surface coupling state respond to horizontal temperature advection?
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Reduction Influenced by Traffic in Beijing due to COVID-19
- Challenges and Opportunities in Satellite Data Services for Interdisciplinary Research and Applications
- Comparison of CMIP6 Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity to that Inferred from the Century and a Half Long Climate Record Using an Empirical Model of Global Climate
- Decadal Trends in Ozone and Ozone Precursors in the Northeastern United States
- Enhanced Terrestrial Carbon Sink Inferred from O<SUB>2</SUB>/N<SUB>2</SUB> Ratio Compared to Dynamic Global Vegetative Models
- Estimating lightning-produced NOx over the Iberian Peninsula by using the DLR TROPOMI-NO2 research product
- Examination of the Effects of Aerosols on a PyroCb and Their Dependence on Fire Intensity and Aerosol Perturbation Using a Cloud-System Resolving Model
- Exploring Aerosol's Effect on Lightning by using Joint Observation of GOES-R and ARMS
- Global Patterns of Changing Agricultural Land Use in Drought Regions
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- Global wet and dry contrasts exacerbated by radiation-cloud-convection-circulation interactions during 1980-2014: An observational portrayal
- Impacts of Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations on Simulated Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions for Deep Convective Clouds over Houston
- Impacts of Urbanization on Convective Storms through Urban Land and Aerosol effects
- Intraseasonal Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow
- Lagrangian Analysis of Ozone Production in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area Based on Air Parcel Trajectories and In Situ Airborne Measurements from the 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Campaign
- Lidar-based methods to determine PBLH and cloud coupling: algorithm development and application
- Measurements and models of COVID-19 impacts on short-lived pollutants and greenhouse gases over the eastern US
- Ozone Photochemistry in New York City - Long Island Sound: Results from Summer 2020 Aircraft Observations
- Potential relationship between aerosols and lightning in sichuan Basin and Western Sichuan Plateau, China
- Reduced greenhouse gas emissions seen from the in-situ aircraft observation over the Baltimore, MD-Washington, D.C. area during COVID-19 pandemic period: Mass balance flux estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CO, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and source sector attribution using activity metric data
- Reformulating the Bromine/Iodine Alpha Factor and EESC: Evolution of Ozone Destruction Rates of Bromine, Iodine, and Chlorine in Future Climate Scenarios
- Regional climate feedback exacerbating wildfires in western United States
- Revised and extended benchmark results for Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in spherical atmospheres
- Spaceborne Detection of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Enhancement Induced by Australian Mega-bushfires
- TRIUMPH: Transport Indonesian Seas, Upwelling, and Mixing Physics
- The Formation to Long-term Trend of Fine-mode Particles: In-situ Observation and Remote Sensing of Anthropogenic Aerosols in China
- The Impact of Meteorology on Air Pollution in the Lower Atmosphere over the North China Plain in Spring 2016
- The impact of human and livestock respiration on urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> budget
- The impact of the atmospheric turbulence development tendency on new particle formation: a common finding on three continents
- The influence of horizontal temperature advection on the stratocumulus lifetime: an idealized LES study
- What does an Empirical Spatial-Temporal Propinquity Model Reveal About the Trend in Frequency of Extreme Precipitation?