Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMD College Park
flowchart I[Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMD College Park] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (102)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (1)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Conjugate Study of a Localized High-Energy Precipitation Event in the Evening Sector
- Applications of Chaotic Dynamics to Weather Forecasting
- Global Maps of Electrodynamical Parameters During Substorms
- Interplanetary Recycling: the Acceleration of Suprathermals in CME-Related Solar Particle Events and Interplanetary Shocks
- Multi-instrument study of transient event observed at the South Pole
- Nonlinear Development of Weak Beam-Plasma Instability and Generation of Harmonic Langmuir Waves
- Nonlocal Electromagnetic Drift Instabilities in Current Sheet Equilibrium
- Nonlocal Kinetic Analysis of Plasma Instabilities Relevant to the Onset of Reconnection in the Geomagnetotail Current Sheet
- Beam-Plasma Interaction and Associated Ion Heating
- Comparison of Two Different Techniques to Derive the Electric Current Density in the Ionosphere
- Expoliting Local Low Dimensionality of the Atmospheric Dynamics for Efficient Ensemble Kalman Filtering
- MHD Simulation Attempts to Explain the Spectral Symmetry and Minimum Variance Directions in the Solar Wind
- Modulation of the auroral acceleration region by Alfven waves: A new mechanism for ULF wave modulation of electron acceleration
- Near-Real-Time Web-based Interactive Data Access
- The Electrodynamics in the Ionosphere During Substorms
- Thin current sheet instabilities relevant to the onset of reconnection in the geomagnetotail: Theory and observations
- Event Fluences of Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He and <SUP>4</SUP>He: Different Behavior During the Rise and the Maximum of Solar Cycle 23
- Location of the termination shock: an attempt to reconcile recent Voyager observations with Ulysses/SWICS pickup ion data and other diagnostics
- Lower-hybrid-drift and modified-two-stream instabilities in current sheet equilibrium
- MHD Simulation and Novel 3-D Visualization of Magnetic Holes in the Solar Wind
- Measurements of Polar Cap Absorption (PCA) Events at Very High Geomagnetic Latitudes in the Antarctic
- Penetration of interstellar hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms into the heliosphere through the solar wind-LIC interaction region
- Pickup ions generated near the sun during solar maximum
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Search for the Heliosheath with Voyager 1 Magnetic Field Measurements
- Temperature Dependent Collisional Energy Transfer of N<SUB>2</SUB> (a<SUP>1</SUP>Π<SUB>g</SUB> and a'<SUP>1</SUP>Σ<SUB>u</SUB>, v=0 and 1)
- The Autonomous Real-time Remote Observatory (ARRO)
- Transport Parameters in the Heliosphere Inferred from Observed Cosmic Ray Spectra
- Unusual Energetic Particle Signatures as Voyager 1 Approaches the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- A Transition to Fast Flows and Its Effects on the Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays Observed by Voyager 2 near 70 AU
- Continuing the Search for the Heliosheath by Voyager 1
- Correlation of Solar Wind Parameters between SoHO and Wind
- Interball-1 Observations of FTEs
- Space Weather From Explosive Events at the Sun
- The relation between the solar wind dynamic pressure at Voyager 2 and the energetic particle events at Voyager 1
- Voyager-1 Observations of MeV Ions and Electrons in the Vicinity of the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- Analysis of Upper Hybrid Wave Growth Rates From Measured Electron Distributions; An Encounter With the Source of Auroral Roar
- CREAM Observation of January 20th Solar Flare
- Discrete Auroral Radio Emissions
- Energy conversion in magnetic reconnection
- HF "Swishers" Observed with a Recent Sounding Rocket: A Ray Tracing Study
- Improving our view of the low energy neutral particle populations.
- Interpreting Auroral Roar Fine Structure Measurements
- Magnetic and Optical Signatures of Pc 3-4 Waves in Relation to Wave Transmission at South Pole, Antarctica
- Self-consistent turbulent acceleration of electrons to suprathermal energies
- The SMART Theory and Modeling Team: an Integrated Element of Mission Development and Science Analysis
- Voyager Observations of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath and Over the Solar Maximum Period of Cycle 23
- Anomalous Resistivity for X-Line Reconnection
- Pc 1-2 Waves and Energetic Particle Precipitation During and After Magnetic storms: Superposed Epoch Analysis and a Case Study
- Real-time Data Access From Remote Observatories
- Simulation of Multiple Harmonic Electromagnetic Radiation
- The Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for Atmospheric Data Assimilation
- Theory of Multiple Harmonic Electromagnetic Radiation
- A GKE/FKI Particle Simulation of Current Sheet Instabilities With Finite Guide Field and Comparison with Theory
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Measurements of the Kinematics of Energetic Neutral Atom Collisions with Surfaces
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Seeking to improve low energy neutral atom detection in space
- Simulation of Multiple Harmonic Plasma Emission
- Suprathermal particles in CIRs at 1 AU
- Voyager Observation of Galactic Cosmic Ray Elctrons in the Heliosheath
- Growth-rate analysis of Kronian narrowband emission
- Identification of Dipolarization-Associated High Frequency Waves That Exhibit an Inverse Cascade Feature
- Observations of the heliosheath and solar wind termination shock by Voyager 2
- On The Development Of Spectrum Of Streaming Instabilities In Strongly Magnetized Plasma
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Turbulence at Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- The Unusual Time History of Galactic and Anomalous Cosmic Rays at 1 AU over the Solar Minimum of Cycle 23
- Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution of the Electron-Beam-Plasma Instability
- Analysis of Self Similar Scaling in Kinetic and Magnetic Energy Density as a Function of Distance From Sun
- Solar induced long- and short-term variations of the cosmic ray intensity in the past, and predictions and opportunities for the future
- The Current-Driven LH Instability and The Formation of Stable Electron Holes
- The Unusual Time History of Galactic an Anomalous Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere over the Deep Solar Minimum of Cycle 23/24
- The effects of low solar activity upon the cosmic radiation and the interplanetary magnetic field over the past 10,000 years, and implications for the future. (Invited)
- Anomalous resistivity from Buneman instability: Theory and simulation
- IMF Turbulence and Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Plasma IMS Composition Measurements for Europa and Ganymede
- Quasi-isotropic electron distribution via nonlinear beam-plasma interaction
- Voyager Studies of Cosmic Ray Transport in the Heliosheath
- Ionospheric energy inputs affecting plasma outflow and neutral upwelling
- Stochastic heating and acceleration of minor ions by turbulent Alfven waves
- Voyager Observations of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosheath
- A new theory of fundamental plasma emission in thermal plasma
- Energy partition in magnetic reconnection outflows
- Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Thermal Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
- Study of Ion Temperature Anisotropy Boundaries in the Magnetosheath
- Voyager I Observations of Unusual Variations of Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Distant Heliosheath
- Extreme event distribution in Space Weather: Characterization of heavy tail distribution using Hurst exponents
- Interpretation of Lion Roars Observed in Magnetosheath Modeled by Generalized (r,q) Distribution Function
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy Boundaries in the Dayside Magnetosheath
- On quiet-time solar wind electron distributions in dynamical equilibrium with Langmuir turbulence
- Crossover in Scaling: Asymptotic Hyperbolic Behavior and Computation of Crossover Point
- Crossover behavior of multiscale fluctuations in Big Data: Langevin model and substorm time-scales in Earth's magnetosphere
- The Sun's Magnetic Field During The Maunder Minimum And Modern Risks From A Weak Field
- A novel understanding of Carrying Capacity from a two-way coupled Human-Climate-Water Model
- Climate model shows large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara increase rain and vegetation
- High-frequency thermal fluctuations and instabilities in the radiation belt environment
- Inconsistent estimates of forest cover change in China between 2000 and 2013 from multiple datasets: differences in parameters, spatial resolution, and definitions
- Local predictability of the atmosphere and ocean using Granger causality
- Dependency of Plasma Emission on Plasma-to-Cyclotron Frequency Ratio: Particle-In-Cell Simulation
- The Human System and Climate Models: Population, Inequality, Consumption, and Bidirectional Coupling of the Earth and Human Systems.
- What controls the thermodynamic evolution of the expanding solar wind?
- The Effects of Upper-Hybrid Waves on Energy Conversion in the Electron Diffusion Region