University of Maryland, Department of Physics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3D Magnetic Reconnection in Magnetopause-like Configurations
- A Multi-spacecraft Study of the Magnetospheric Influence on Ionospheric Chemistry - a Detailed Examination of Recent Geomagnetically Active Periods
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Double Layers, Electron Scattering and Anomalous Resistivity in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Evolution of the ionospheric density near the upper hybrid layer during O mode heating
- Interplanetary Recycling: the Acceleration of Suprathermals in CME-Related Solar Particle Events and Interplanetary Shocks
- Ionization states of heavy ions in large solar particle events: 1998-2001
- Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- Nonlocal Kinetic Analysis of Plasma Instabilities Relevant to the Onset of Reconnection in the Geomagnetotail Current Sheet
- Outer Ring Current Energetic N+1 and O+1: Solar Cycle and Geomagnetic Variations and Relation to Topside Ionosphere Ion Densities
- Parameter differences between liquid metal experiments and numerical dynamos
- Phase Transition-like Behavior of Magnetospheric Substorms: Global MHD Simulation Results
- Radial and Latitudinal Intensity Gradients of Anomalous Cosmic Rays During the Solar Cycle 22 Recovery Phase
- Reconnection in the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- SEP Fe Charge States in 3He-Rich Interplanetary Shock Events
- Structuring of full plasma patches in the high latitude with realistic drives
- The Seed Population for Energetic (>50 keV/nucleon) Ions Accelerated at Interplanetary Shocks
- The Three Dimensional Nature of Reconnection
- A Multi-Instrument Survey of the Ionization States of Heavy Ions in Large Solar Particle Events: 1992-2002
- ACE observations of energetic particles associated with transient interplanetary shocks
- Development of Electron Holes and Anomalous Resistivity in 3-D Magnetic Reconnection
- Evidence That Particle Drift Does not Contribute Significantly to Low-Rigidity ACR Transport During A > 0 Recovery
- Expoliting Local Low Dimensionality of the Atmospheric Dynamics for Efficient Ensemble Kalman Filtering
- Forecasting the Global and Multi-scale Features of Magnetospheric Dynamics During Substorms
- Heavy Ion Composition of Upstream Events: New Challenges for Old Models
- Identifying the Real Seed Population for Shock Accelerated Energetic Particles: Recent Observational Progress
- Ionospheric Outflow and Ring Current Composition During 2001 Geomagnetic Storms
- Low Energy Ion Composition Variations in Large Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Observations of Electron Holes and Their Relationship to Magnetic Reconnection
- Observations of Exceptional Elemental and Isotopic Composition Patterns in <SUP>3</SUP>He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- On Modeling the April 21, 2002 SEP event
- PML boundary conditions implementation in 1D and 2D wave propagation code for an inhomogeneous, magnetized ionospheric plasma.
- SAMPEX Measurements of Geomagnetic-Cutoff Variations During the 4/21/02 Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Solar Energetic Particles and Interacting CMEs: Cause or Coincidence?
- Spectral Properties of Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near 1 AU
- Structuring of full plasma patches in the high latitude with realistic drives-continued.
- The Relative Atmospheric Impacts and Energy Inputs of Precipitating Solar and Magnetospheric Ion and Electron Populations during the 17-24 April 2002 Events
- Tracing the Sun-Earth Connection: The Solar Particle Chain in April 2002
- Upstream Events and Magnetospheric Disturbances
- Composition and Spectral Evolution of Energetic Ions at Voyager 1 in the Vicinity of the Solar Wind Termination Boundary
- Effects of the Solar Wind and Ionospheric Conductance on the Transpolar Potential and Magnetosheath Flow: Global MHD Modeling
- Evidence That Voyager 1 Exited the Solar Wind at ∼85 AU and Re-entered at ∼87 AU in August 2002 and February 2003.
- Hall Mediated Reconnection in Wide Current Sheets
- High resolution three-dimensional simulations of structuring of polar cap patches
- Low Energy Anomalous Cosmic Ray Observations: New Insights and Challenges to our Understanding of Heliospheric Particle Transport
- Macroscopic Instability of the Ion Shell Distribution Function in the Divergent Solar Wind
- Measurements of the Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity-Dependence for Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Mode-conversion effects in modeling ionospheric interaction experiments
- Non-uniform precipitation of solar energetic particles across the Earth's polar caps
- Production of Energetic Electrons during Magnetic Reconnection
- Rapid Slow-Down of the Solar Wind Upstream of the Termination Shock from Strong Electron-Impact Ionization of Interstellar Neutrals: A Possible Explanation of the Voyager Observations
- Rock avalanches revisited: New insights into catastrophic event triggering through experimental physics
- Testing Shock Acceleration in Solar Particle Events: Composition of Suprathermal Onsets
- The Effect of the Guide Field on the Developement of Turbulence in 3-D Reconnection
- The X-ray source region of <SUP>3</SUP>He-rich solar energetic particle events
- Thin anisotropic current sheets: Equilibrium theory and simulations of current -driven instabilities
- Composition and Sources of Suprathermal Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Data-based Modeling of the Dynamical Inner Magnetosphere During Strong Geomagnetic Storms
- Electron Energization During Magnetic Reconnection
- Elemental Abundance Variations of Gradual SEP Events at Low Energies as Measured by ACE/ULEIS and WIND/STEP Over the Last Solar Cycle
- Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Inner Heliosphere: 1997 to 2004
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission During Cassini's First Orbits at Saturn: Source Strength and Dynamics
- Energetic Particle Acceleration at Near-Earth by Interplanetary Shocks
- Energetic particle injections in Saturns magnetosphere
- Equation Free Projective Integration and its Applicability for Simulating Plasma
- Forecasting Interplanetary Shocks Using Energetic Particle Data
- Gamma Ray Flashes Due to Plasma Processes in the Atmosphere: Role of Whistler Waves
- Generation and evolution of heater-induced density irregularities due to self-focusing instabilities in the ionosphere
- Gyrokinetic Stability of Z-pinch and Dipole-like Configurations
- Heavy Element Abundances in the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet
- High latitude structuring of plasma patches: present and future
- Modeling non-Harris Current Sheets to fit Tail Cluster Observations
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Energetic Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near Earth
- NOZOMI/ACE Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Energetic Particles
- Near-Saturn Solar Wind Speeds Determined from MIMI/ CHEMS Measurements of Pickup Ion Spectra at the Cassini Spacecraft
- New constraints from the inner source pickup ions on the dust population near the sun
- Observation of the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Interaction Near the Subsolar Point During Active Geomagnetic Periods on October 24 and 31, 2003
- On the role of O+ on Magnetic Reconnection in the Earth's Magnetotail: a comparison between CLUSTER observations and simulation results
- Proton Landau Damping of Oblique Alfven Waves in the Solar Wind
- The Effect of Heavy Ions and Mass Density on Magnetic Reconnection
- The Relative Abundances of H, He, and Heavy Ions in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- A Fermi Mechanism for the Production of Energetic Electrons During Magnetic Reconnection
- CREAM Observation of January 20th Solar Flare
- Empirical Modeling of the Geomagnetic Field: A High-resolution Tail Current Sheet Module
- Evolution of Electron Drift and Holes in an Initially Sub-Buneman Current Sheet
- Halo Instability in the Foreshock and Cosmic Ray Acceleration
- How to Scale Physical Processes Inside Collisionless Shocks in Astrophysics vs Solar Wind Shocks
- Nonlinear 3D simulations of mesoscale structuring by multiple drives in high latitude plasma patches
- Nonlinear Evolution of Thermal Self-Focusing Instability in Ionospheric Modifications at High Latitudes: Aspect Angle Dependence
- Observation of the Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Trapped Protons in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Implications for Sources, Transport, and Loss
- Recent developments in the modeling of magnetic reconnection in the local cosmos
- Saturn's Magnetospheric Boundaries
- Single-particle Motion and Collective Plasma Dynamics in Thin Current Sheets: Guide Field Effects
- Spatial Distribution, Composition and Charge State of Energetic Ions Upstream from the Kronian Magnetosphere
- Suprathermal Heavy Ion Observations During the Titan-5 Close Flyby
- The Exosphere of Titan and its Interaction With the Kronian Magnetosphere : MIMI Observations and Modeling
- The Occurrence of Suprathermal C+1 and N+1 in Saturn's Magnetosphere in Relation to Saturn's Moons
- Thin Current Sheets and Plasma Bubbles
- Turbulence and Anomalous Resistivity in Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection
- A Fermi model for electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection
- Bistability of Magnetic Reconnection With a Guide Field and its Impact on Onset
- Bullard Lecture: Building laboratory models of planetary cores
- Co-existence of self-organized criticality and intermittent turbulence in the solar corona
- Generation and amplification of VLF waves in the radiation belts.
- Gyrokinetic Simulations of Solar Wind Turbulence
- High Energy Solar Physics from Lunar-Based Observatories
- Initial Cassini/MIMI Investigation of Saturn's Downtail Magnetospheric Suprathermal Heavy Ion Composition
- Magnetospheric Configurations Derived From a High-Resolution Data-Based Model of External Field Sources
- Particle Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection With Open Boundary Conditions
- Radiation Belt-Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RB-SPICE)
- Ring Current at Saturn: Energetic Particle Pressures in Saturn's Equatorial Magnetosphere Measured with Cassini/MIMI
- Self-consistent Theory of Young Plasma Bubbles: Kinetic and 3D Aspects
- Suprathermal Ion Composition and Periodicities in Saturn's Magnetotail
- The dissipation region of magnetic reconnection: Kinetic PIC results for large systems
- A Statistical Model of Reconnecting Magnetic Islands in a Current Layer
- A mechanism for the formation of plasma patches in the high-latitude ionosphere1
- A non Thermal Model for the Titan Extended Exosphere
- Energetic Particles in Saturn's Magnetotail
- Energy Spectra and Composition of Particle Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- F-region Magnetospheric ULF Generation by Modulated Ionospheric Heating
- Fast Reconnection in Electron-Positron Plasmas via Turbulent Outflow Jets
- Nonlinear Mirror Waves in Space Plasmas
- On the filamentary structure of energetic electrons during flares
- Production of energetic electrons and ions during magnetic reconnection
- Simulation of Water Detection in Lunar Polar Regions With Different Types of Neutron Detectors
- The Saturnian Ring Current: The Role of Suprathermal Pressure.
- The Weibel Instability in Electron-Positron Plasma Reconnection
- Two-scale structure of the electron diffusion region during magnetic reconnection: Implications for reconnection rate and experimental observations
- Wave motions in rotating, spherical, hydromagnetic experiments
- A Comparison of Experiments and Large Eddy Simulations of Spherical Couette Flow in Liquid Sodium
- A Statistical Model of Reconnecting Magnetic Islands in a Current Layer
- Dipolarization Front: A Distinctive Feature of the Reconnection Onset in the Magnetotail
- Discovery of a transient radiation belt at Saturn
- Energetic Charged Particle Injections at Saturn
- Energetic Ions and Magnetic Fields Upstream From the Kronian Magnetosphere
- Generation of Polarized Shear Alfvén Waves by a Rotating Magnetic Field Source
- Global Neutral gas Distribution at Saturn and Jupiter Derived From ENA Images
- Ion Acceleration During Magnetic Reconnection
- Laboratory geodynamo models: Effects of a soft iron inner core
- Non-Linear Whistler Waves in Magnetic Reconnection
- On The Development Of Spectrum Of Streaming Instabilities In Strongly Magnetized Plasma
- On the Long-Term Abundance of Energetic Sodium Ions in Saturn's <20 Rs Magnetosphere
- Orientation and Structure of Reconnection Layer from Simulated Spacecraft Data
- Rapidly rotating experiments as laboratory models of planetary cores
- Structure, Variation and Pressure Balance in the Saturnian Plasma Sheet. Combined MIMI, CAPS and MAG Measurements From Cassini
- Suprathermal Heavy Ion Composition in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The Effects of Pickup Ions on Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause
- The Multiscale Physics of Magnetic Reconnection
- The Nonlinear Dynamics of Magnetic Reconnection and Applications to Solar Eruptions
- The Saturnian Ring Current as Revealed Through Combined Plasma, Energetic Particle and Magnetic Field Measurements. Inertial or Pressure Gradient Driven?
- The Weibel instability during pair reconnection
- A Statistical Model of Magnetic Islands in a Large Current Layer
- An Empirical Approach to Simulating the Development of Various Olivine Fabric and Associated Seismic Anisotropy in Complex Geodynamic Flow Models
- Anomalous Cosmic Ray Production in the Heliosheath
- Coronal Rotation Between 1.5 and 3.5 Solar Radii at Solar Minimum
- Dipolarization fronts: Particle simulations with open boundaries and THEMIS observations
- Energetic Solar Wind Ions As Probes Of Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Experiments on the scattering of fast electrons by Alfven waves
- Hall-MHD model of dipolarization fronts
- Investigations of the orientation of the reconnection X-line via numerical simulations
- Ionospheric Current Drive at Low Frequencies (Invited)
- Magnetic field elasticity and the role of reconnection in MHD turbulence (Invited)
- Particle pressure and current density in the magnetosphere of Saturn: Origin of the Saturnian ring current
- Precession in a laboratory model of the Earth's core
- Rotating turbulence and precession in a laboratory model of the Earth's core
- Secondary Islands in Sweet-Parker Reconnection: Scaling, Onset, and Impact on Coronal Energy Storage
- The Multi-Scale Nature of Collisionless Shocks in Plasmas (Invited)
- The Spatial Distribution of Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause
- The kinetic structure of reconnection exhaust
- The relation between solar active region location and the lowest frequency of type III emission
- Trench-parallel Anisotropy in Subduction Zones: Evaluating the Contributions of Olivine Fabric Transitions and Flow Around Slab Edge in Numerical Flow Models
- Turbulent Heating in the Fast Solar Wind
- 2D Hall-MHD simulations of multiple dipolarization fronts
- A Lunar Laser Retroreflector for the FOR the 21ST Century (LLRRA-21): Selenodesy, Science and Status
- A statistical model of magnetic islands in a large current layer: validation from Hall MHD simulations and Cluster FTE observations
- Comparisons of the Suprathermal He+ Spectrum in Saturn's Magnetosphere with the Pickup He+ Spectrum Upstream of Saturn's Bow Shock
- Dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail and their shaping by the reconnection onset features
- Energetic ion events upstream from the Saturnian bow shock: A multi-instrument study with Cassini measurements
- Ion/electron heating associated with low-frequency turbulence (Invited)
- Long Term Time Variations of the Suprathermal Ion Composition in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Magnetized Fluid Flow in an Earth-like Geometry
- Magnetospheric Periodicities at Saturn Equinox
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Geophysical Applications
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Instrument Concept
- Orbital Gravity Gradiometry Beyond GOCE: Mission Concepts
- Precessional States in a Laboratory Model of the Earth's Core
- Suprathermal Ion Spectral Tails Throughout the Heliosphere: to 9 AU with Cassini, to 17 AU with New Horizons, and in the Outer Heliosphere and Heliosheath with Voyager 1 and 2
- Suprathermal Minor Heavy Ions In Saturn's Magnetosphere
- The flare productivity of active regions
- The kinetic structure of collisionless slow shocks and reconnection exhausts- the effects of strong temperature anisotropy
- Theory and simulations of a multi-scale magnetotail current sheet model
- What Breaks Magnetic Field Lines in 3D Simulations of Low β Plasmas?
- A non-tearing mechanism for generating secondary magnetic islands during reconnection
- Angular Momentum Transport in Turbulent Spherical Couette Flow
- Excitation of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator with HAARP
- Flow Transition Region in the Heliosheath
- Formation of Dipolarization Fronts as a Part of the Magnetic Reconnection Onset Process in Two-Dimensional Current Sheets
- Ionospheric energy inputs affecting plasma outflow and neutral upwelling
- Long-Term And/Or Seasonal Variation of Suprathermal O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> and N<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> at Saturn
- On Probing the Lunar Interior: The Next Generation of Lunar Laser Ranging
- Reconnection at the Heliopause and the Motion of Energetic Particles in the Outer Heliosphere
- Super-Alfvénic propgation of reconnection energy: Kinetic PIC simulations
- The flare productivity of active regions
- The kinetic structure of collisionless slow shocks and reconnection exhausts
- Type II Radio Bursts as an Indicator of CME Location
- University of Maryland Three Meter Geodynamo Progress
- Why dayside reconnection is rare at Saturn
- Dipolarization Fronts from Reconnection Onset
- Easier access to Cassini/MIMI public data
- Hydrogen-Bearing Volatiles at the Lunar Equatorial Terminator
- Hydromagnetic Waves and Progress in the University of Maryland Three Meter Experiment
- Instabilities of Magnetized Fluid Flow in an Earth-like Geometry
- Ion acceleration and abundance enhancements in coronal heating and during impulsive flares
- Magnetic reconnection in the heliosheath and the generation of anomalous cosmic rays
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Lunar Neutron Spectrum and Orbital Neutron Detection
- Particle Acceleration and Transport in 3D Reconnection: Implications for the Heliosheath
- Reconnection at the Heliopause and Its Effects on the Transport of Energetic Particles
- Reconnection in ICMEs by Relaxation into the Taylor State
- Roles of magnetic reconnection and buoyancy in the formation of dipolarization fronts: three-dimensional particle simulations of two-dimensional current sheet equilibria
- Simplified Analytical Model of Superrotation Venusian Atmosphere
- Testing of Lunar Permanently Shadowed Regions for Water Ice: LEND Results for about Three Years of Observations
- The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Epithermal Neutron Detector (LEND): GOING BEYOND NOMINAL ANGULAR RESOLUTION
- Transport inhibition of coronal energetic electrons by multiple double layers: application to solar flares and expansion of the corona
- A Decade of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Change from Airborne and Satellite Altimetry (Invited)
- A Porous, Layered Heliopause
- A Review of Experimental Studies of High-Latitude Heater-Induced Irregularities (Invited)
- A Slow Axisymmetric Magnetic Instability in an Earth-like Geometry
- Characterization of emergent leakage neutrons from multiple layers of hydrogen/water in the lunar regolith by Monte Carlo simulation
- De-trapping Magnetic Mirror Confined Fast Electrons by Shear Alfvén Waves
- Degradation of the magnetic structure of elongated ICMEs by interior reconnection
- Determining the Magnitude of Neutron and Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) Fluxes at the Moon using the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector during the Historic Space-Age Era of High GCR Flux
- Dust Degradation of Apollo Lunar Laser Retroreflectors and the Implications for the Next Generation Lunar Laser Retroreflectors
- Energetic particle injections at Saturn: their relationship to solar wind driven and rotationally driven magnetospheric dynamics as measured in situ and using ENA
- Exploration of Volatile Resources on the Moon with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND)
- Four Years of the Lunar Hydrogen Exploration by the LEND experiment on-board the LRO mission
- Helioseismology in a bottle: an experimental technique
- How Will the Violation of Taylor's Hypothesis Alter the Turbulent Power Spectra Measured by Solar Probe Plus?
- Large Galactic Cosmic Ray Anisotropies in the Heliosheath
- Observations of the CO Dayglow at 4.7?m on Mars: Variations of Temperature and CO Mixing Ratio at 50 KM
- Rare Suprathermal Heavy Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Shapes of Energetic Ion Spectra in Saturn's Magnetosphere Compared with those at Earth and Jupiter
- Spontaneous Reconnection Onset in the Magnetotail: Competition Between Tearing, Interchange and Flapping Motions in 3-D PIC Simulations
- The Role of Alfven Wave Collisions in Generating Current Sheets in Plasma Turbulence
- A diurnal study of lunar topography to determine regolith temperature contributions to the inference of hydrogen volatiles using epithermal neutrons from the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND).
- Cross Calibration of Omnidirectional Orbital Neutron Detectors of Lunar Prospector (LP) and Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) by Monte Carlo Simulation
- Estimating Background and Lunar Contribution to Neutrons Detected by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) Instrument
- Probing Planetary Bodies for Subsurface Volatiles: GEANT4 Models of Gamma Ray, Fast, Epithermal, and Thermal Neutron Response to Active Neutron Illumination
- Cluster Close Separation at the Bow Shock Campaign: Initial Results.
- How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings
- Ion Dynamics and Field Structure of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks near the Critical Mach Number
- Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND
- The Vertical Distribution of Buried Volatiles at the Moon revealed by Thermal and Epithermal Neutron Fluxes from LEND Observations
- Formation of Gas Traps in the Martian Soil and Implications for Methane Variability on Mars.
- Long Duration Gamma-Ray Flares & Solar Energetic Particles — Is there a Connection?
- Reservoir computer predictions for the Three Meter magnetic field time evolution
- The development of a Planetary Broadband Seismometer (PBBS) for the Lunar Geophysical Network and the Ocean World
- Analysis of Positive Ionospheric Storm Disturbances
- Machine Learning Predictions for Magnetic Field Time Evolution in a Three-Meter Liquid Sodium Spherical Couette Experiment
- Pockets of methane in the shallow Martian subsurface. Implications for rapid and seasonal changes of the atmospheric methane on Mars.
- A study of mid-latitude long-lasting positive storm effects in the American sector
- Direct Evidence of Nonstationary Collisionless Shocks in Space Plasmas
- Identification and Analysis of Long-Lived Storm Enhanced Density
- Planetary Scale Seasonal and Tidal Atmospheric Mass Transport: Role of Gradiometry Measurements
- Progress on the Three-Meter Model of Earth's Core this (Strange) Year: New Hope for Dynamos with Inner Sphere Roughness.