D. J. McComas
flowchart A[D. J. McComas] AC["Associated Concepts (25)"] AW["Authored Works (58)"] CA["Linked Co-Authors (100)"] CI["Linked Collaborating Institutions (61)"] A== dcterms:relation ==>AC AW== author ==>A AW== author ==>CA AW== affil ==>CI click AC "#associated-concepts" click AW "#authored-works" click CA "#co-authors" click CI "#collaborating-institutions" NI["add incoming edge"] NO["add outgoing edge"] NI-- ? -->A A-- ? -->NO click NI "#add-incoming-edge" click NO "#add-outgoing-edge" style NI stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5 style NO stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9745-3502
- OpenAlex ID
- https://openalex.org/A5008358094 (API record)
Associated Concepts [?]
- Physics
- Quantum mechanics
- Nuclear physics
- Plasma
- Magnetic field
- Astronomy
- Solar wind
- Geology
- Astrophysics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Geography
- Astrobiology
- Engineering
- Ion
- Meteorology
- Electron
- Aerospace engineering
- Environmental science
- Computer science
- Heliosphere
- Magnetosphere
- Mathematics
- Atmospheric sciences
Authored Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Water-group ions from Europa and Ganymede: A window into surface ice evolution
- The Evolution of Polar Coronal Holes Observed by IBEX
- Taylor microscale and effective Reynolds number near the Sun from PSP
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Science Expectations for the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Event on July 9th 2022
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Extremely 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Crossing the Leg of a Coronal Mass Ejection at 14 Solar Radii
- Observations of Jupiter's Dusk Magnetopause at High Southern Latitude: Implications for 3-D Magnetosphere Structure and Solar Wind Interactions
- Observations of Energetic Particles from Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS During the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 25
- Observation of Turbulent Magnetohydrodynamic Cascade in the Jovian Magnetosheath
- Oblique and Rippled Heliosphere Structures from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the 15 February 2022 solar energetic particle event
- Multi-Injection Event observed by Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS in March 2022
- Low Latitude Trapped Jovian Electrons Measured by Juno/JADE
- Interchange reconnection within coronal holes powers the fast solarwind: Suprathermal ion flows and bursty magnetic fields modulated by the network magnetic field.
- Interchange Reconnection within Coronal Holes Powers the Fast Solar Wind: Connecting Parker Solar Probe Observations and Simulations to Coronal Reconnection Dynamics
- He/H Ratio in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- H ENA Measurements in the Subsolar Magnetosheath over a Solar Cycle
- Global Parameter Estimation of Interstellar Helium from IBEX-Lo observation
- Fast Shock, Slow Shock, or Bow Wave? Multi-fluid Simulations of the Solar Bow Shock
- Equatorial Pitch-angle Distributions of Ions Within the Io, Europa, and Ganymede Neutral Tori as Measured by the JADE and JEDI Particle Detectors Onboard Juno
- Energetic Electron Spectra Observed by the PSP EPI-Hi HET Instrument for SEP Events of July 2022
- Diverse Dust Populations in the Near-Sun environment Characterized by PSP/IS☉IS
- Charting Interstellar Medium near the Heliosphere
- Beta-dependent Constraints on Ion Temperature Anisotropy in Jupiter's Magnetosheath
- Association of intermittency with electron heating in the near-Sun solar wind
- 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounter 12 Perihelion
- Whence the Interstellar Magnetic Field Shaping the Heliosphere
- Variations in the He/H Abundance Ratio Measured in Solar Energetic Particle Events by Parker Solar Probe
- Unusual composition in a solar energetic particle event observed near the Sun
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Spectral Properties of the Globally Distributed Flux of Heliospheric ENAs within the Source Region: Time-shifted Analysis with IBEX-Hi Observations
- Return of the IBEX Ribbon.
- Proton outflow associated with Jupiters auroral processes and moon-magnetosphere interactions
- Proton Distribution in the Heliosheath: From Particle Acceleration to ENA Observation
- Plasma Observations in Ganymedes Magnetosphere during the PJ34 Juno Flyby
- Pickup Ion Spectrum Downstream of the Termination Shock Inferred from IBEX ENA observations and Comparison with Kinetic Simulations
- Parker Solar Probe/ISOIS Observations of Energetic Solar Electron Events
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the January 2021 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Measurements of Cosmic Rays in to 0.1 AU
- Observation of Low-energy Solar Energetic Particle Event by Parker Solar Probe during Encounter 6
- Nature of Turbulence in the Jovian Magnetosheath from Juno Data
- Narrowing Down the Physical Mechanisms Governing the IBEX Ribbon
- Interstellar Neutral He Parameters from Crossing Parameter Tubes with the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) informed by 10 Years of Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations
- ISN Hydrogen Signal from One Solar Minimum to the Next
- Geant4 Modeling of the Parker Solar Probe EPI-Hi Instrument Response to Solar Energetic Electrons
- Flux tubes and energetic particles in Parker Solar Probe orbit 5: magnetic helicity-PVI method and ISoIS observations
- First Solar Orbiter Observations of Energetic Heavy Ion Properties in a Widespread SEP Event
- Evolution of the Heliotail Lobes over a Solar Cycle as Measured by IBEX
- Energetic Particles Associated with Sub- and Super-Parker Spirals - Signatures of the Dynamic History of Stretched and Switched-Back Magnetic Fields
- Determining the Near-instantaneous Curvature of Earth's Bow Shock Using Simultaneous IBEX and MMS Observations
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Complete Solar Cycle Observations of Interstellar Neutral Helium with IBEX: Consequences of Modulation in Heliospheric Boundaries
- Collisional Evolution of the Inner Zodiacal Cloud: In-Situ observations from PSPs first 6 orbits
- Breathing of the Heliosphere
- A Three-Dimensional Map of the Heliosphere from IBEX
- 11 Year Full Solar Cycle Maps from IBEX-Lo Interstellar Neutral Atom Observations (2009-2019)
Linked Co-Authors
- A. Greco
- A. H. Sulaiman
- A. Pusack
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Labrador
- Ali Rahmati
- Angèle Pontoni
- B. H. Mauk
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bishwas L. Shrestha
- Brian E. Wood
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Paranicas
- Christina O. Lee
- Corentin Louis
- D. B. Reisenfeld
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. J. Gershman
- D. Lario
- D. Malaspina
- Daniel Pacheco
- E. Möbius
- Erika Palmerio
- F. Allegrini
- F. Bagenal
- F. Rahmanifard
- Fernando Carcaboso
- Francesco Pecora
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. M. Mason
- G. P. Zank
- H. O. Funsten
- I. G. Richardson
- I. Kowalska-Leszczyńska
- J. C. Kasper
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. F. Drake
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Sokół
- J. Montgomery
- J. R. Szalay
- J. S. Rankin
- J. T. Niehof
- Jingnan Guo
- K. Goetz
- K. Ogasawara
- L. Claire Gasque
- L. J. Begley
- M. Bzowski
- M. E. Hill
- M. Horányi
- M. I. Desai
- M. Opher
- M. Pulupa
- M. Swisdak
- Mitchell M. Shen
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. E. Raouafi
- Neal J. Turner
- O. Malandraki
- P. A. Delamere
- P. H. Janzen
- P. Kollmann
- P. Louarn
- P. Swaczyna
- P. W. Valek
- Q. Nénon
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. C. Allen
- R. D. Strauss
- R. L. McNutt
- R. M. Winslow
- R. Srama
- R. W. Ebert
- R. Wilson
- Robert E Ergun
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. D. Bale
- S. J. Bolton
- S. Kempf
- S. M. Levin
- S. M. Petrinec
- S. T. Badman
- S. Vance
- T. Munsat
- Thomas K. Kim
- Tibebu Getachew
- Vratislav Krupař
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. S. Kurth
- Yash Sarkango
- Z. Sternovsky
- Zigong Xu
Linked Collaborating Institutions
- Academy of Athens, Greece
- Aerospace Corporation, California
- Boston University, Massachusetts
- Brazilian National Institute for Space Research
- California Institute of Technology
- Catholic University, Washington DC
- Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany
- Dartmouth College, New Hampshire
- Florida Institute of Technology
- Free University of Berlin, Germany
- George Washington University, Washington DC
- Imperial College, London
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
- Johns Hopkins University, Maryland
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
- Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
- Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Lindau
- Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy, California
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
- National Observatory of Athens, Greece
- New York University
- Polish Academy of Sciences, Space Research Center
- Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, South Africa
- Princeton University, New Jersey
- Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest
- Rice University, Texas
- Southwest Research Institute, Texas
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna
- U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC
- University of Alabama, Huntsville
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- University of Alcala, Spain
- University of Arizona
- University of Bern, Switzerland
- University of Calabria, Italy
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
- University of California, Los Angeles, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
- University of Chicago
- University of Colorado, Boulder
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
- University of Delaware
- University of Iowa
- University of Kiel, Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics
- University of Leicester, UK
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- University of Montana
- University of New Hampshire
- University of North Dakota
- University of Oxford, UK
- University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
- University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei
- University of Stuttgart, Germany
- University of Tasmania, Australia
- University of Texas, San Antonio
- University of Turku, Finland
- University of Waikato, New Zealand
- Wesleyan University, Connecticut
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