National Observatory of Athens, Greece
flowchart I[National Observatory of Athens, Greece] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (177)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (120)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Look at the Structure and Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Corinth
- Crustal Strain in Greece and the Aegean from Multiply Repeated GPS Measurements in the Interval 1988--2000
- Earthquake Time-Slip History of the Kaparelli Fault (Greece) from in situ Chlorine-36 Cosmogenic Dating
- First Results from EW0108 Marine Seismic Survey of the Gulf of Corinth
- Conditional Probability Approaches for the Occurrence of Earthquake Generated Tsunamis
- Investigation of the Influence of Different Velocity Models on the Focal Mechanism Solutions Derived from Inversion of Regional Broadband Waveforms for Earthquakes in Greece
- Seismicity Properties as a Marker of the Active Plate Convergence in the western Hellenic Arc
- Active Fault Segmentation in South-west Bulgaria and Stress Triggering of the April 4, 1904 Earthquakes
- Microseismicity and Active Deformation in Rhodes, Southeastern Hellenic arc
- Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Aspospirgos Area, Athens - Greece
- The Athens 7-9-1999 Earthquake and its post Event Activity as Recorded by a Local Seismic Array
- Observations of Very-Long-Period Tremor at the Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan
- Pitfalls of paleohydrographic reconstructions based on the foraminiferal multispecies approach
- Short-term Earthquake Prediction from Properties of Foreshocks
- An Algorithm for the Real-Time Recognition of Foreshocks: Application in Greece
- Characteristic Tsunami Events in the Area of Rhodes Island, East Hellenic Arc
- Earthquake Prediction From Foreshocks
- Imaging the Southern Hellenic Subduction Zone Through Migration of Scattered Teleseismic Body Waves
- New Developments in the Study of Seismicity and Crustal Structure in the Western Hellenic arc
- Static stress changes along strike slip faults in Slovenia and Greece and seismic hazard implications
- Status of the SAFER Project (Seismic eArly warning For EuRope)
- Predicting lightning density in Mediterranean storms based on the WRF model dynamic and microphysical fields
- Estimaton of the Mean Repeat Time of Mega Earthquakes Occurring in the Hellenic Arc and Trench, East Mediterranean Sea
- High-resolution seismic imaging of mantle-wedge structure across northern and southern segments of the western Hellenic subduction zone
- Tsunami Risk Mapping in Coastal Zones of Low Tsunami Hazard: The Case of the Balchik Town, Bulgarian Coast, Black Sea
- Along-strike slab segmentation under Greece from a 500 km long teleseismic receiver-function swath profile : control on large earthquakes, upper plate motion, and surface morphology
- Climate Change Impact on Future Air Quality in Europe: a Two-Way Approach
- Defining the Entrainment Zone in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
- Inferring absorbing organic carbon content from AERONET data
- Segmentation of the Subduction Zone, Lithospheric Coupling and the Generation of Mega Earthquakes along the Hellenic Arc and Trench
- Seismic Characterization of the Transition from Continental to Oceanic Subduction along the western Hellenic Subduction Zone
- Slab stress field in the Hellenic subduction zone as inferred from intermediate depth earthquakes
- Changes of Mediterranean cyclones in the future climate employing high resolution climate simulations
- Data Analysis of Continuous GPS networks in central and western Greece: station velocities and crustal extension estimates
- Evaluating present and future fire risk due to climate change in the Mediterranean: a case study for Greece
- Investigating potential seismic hazard in the Gulf of Gökova (South Eastern Aegean Sea) deduced from recent shallow earthquake activity
- Multi-Parameter Precursory Activity Before L'aquila Earthquake Revealed by Joint Satellite and Ground Observations
- An evaluation of the multidisciplinary precursors preceding the L'Aquila earthquake (Mw=6.3) of 6 April 2009
- Dynamic Assessment of Seismic Risk (DASR) by Multi-parametric Observations: Preliminary Results of PRIME experiment within the PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project
- High-resolution imaging of the subduction thrust location, properties and geometry, from teleseismic converted waves in the Western Hellenic and Lesser Antilles subduction zones
- Improved Earthquake Location in the area of N. Euboean Gulf
- Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves and Dam Safety
- New features revealed by multi-method seismic imaging of the seismic structure and activity of the Lesser Antilles and Hellenic subduction zones, and their comparison with Tohoku
- Reducing Seismic Hazard and Building Capacity Through International Cooperation
- Seismic structure and activity of the north-central Lesser Antilles subduction zone from an integrated approach: similarities with the Tohoku forearc
- Air-Sea Interaction Observed from Aircraft Measurements in DYNAMO
- Anisotropies of wide-spread solar energetic electron events observed with STEREO and ACE
- Basin evolution, organization of faulting and the distribution of displacement within the Gulf of Corinth rift
- Challenges and potential solutions for the connection of ESPAS, IUGONET and ISDC
- Deep Seismic Structure of the SW Segment of the Hellenic Subduction Zone : the ULYSSE Cruise Preliminary Results
- Description of earthquake sequences using complex network theory: the cases of Italy (L'Aquila, 2009) and Southern California (Baja, 2010)
- Earthward penetration of Pc 4-5 waves and radiation belt electron enhancements during geospace magnetic storms
- Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET) Metadata Database and Its Interoperability
- Marine Surface Layer Characteristics Over the Summertime Costal Water Off Virginia Beach
- New Collaboration Among Geodesy Data Centers in Europe and the US Facilitates Data Discovery and Access
- Role of ULF and VLF waves in radiation belt dynamics
- The First Ground Level Event of Solar Cycle 24 and its longitudinal distribution in the inner heliosphere
- A Global Overview of Short-Term Foreshocks and Their Predictive Value
- A New Arabia-Africa-Eurasia GPS Velocity Field (1994-2014) and E Mediterranean Block Model: Implications for Continental Deformation in a Zone of Active Plate Interaction
- A Strategy for Short-Term Earthquake Forecasting Based on Combined Ground and Space-Based Observations
- A study of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling using Swarm ULF wave observations
- Anisotropies of Solar Energetic Electron Events Observed By Multiple Spacecraft
- Coseismic Coastal Movements Associated with Strong Submarine Paleoearthquakes in the Eastern Segment of the Hellenic Arc: Observations from Rhodes Isl. (Greece)
- Dependence of radiation belt enhancements on the radial extent of Pc5 waves and the plasmapause location
- Fault-based Earthquake Rupture Forecasts for Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece
- Investigation of solar wind and magnetospheric forcing effects on the outer Van Allen belt through multi-point measurements in the inner magnetosphere
- Mashup of Geo and Space Science Data Provided via Relational Databases in the Semantic Web
- Possibilities for Observations of Electromagnetic Perturbations Related to Seismic Activity with Swarm Satellites
- Seismicity and Geometry Properties of the Hellenic Subduction Zone
- An earthquake from space: detection of precursory magnetic anomalies from Swarm satellites before the 2015 M8 Nepal Earthquake
- Dust size parameterization in RegCM4: Impact on aerosol burden and radiative forcing
- GLONASS Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution (PPP-AR) and its Integration with GPS for Earthquake Early Warning
- Land Deformation at the Thessaloniki - Giannitsa Plain (Greece) Deduced from 20- years Radar Observations using Persistent Scatterers Techniques
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Performance of Precipitation Algorithms During IPHEx and Observations of Microphysical Characteristics in Complex Terrain
- Satellite-Derived Aerosol Variability over China
- Structural analysis of the southwestern segment of the Hellenic subduction zone by joint analysis of seismic reflection and refraction
- Temporal-Spatial Pattern of Pre-earthquake Signatures in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Associated with Major Earthquakes in Greece.
- The Use of Intensity Scales In Exploiting Tsunami Historical Databases
- Tropospheric Volcanism and Air-Traffic
- 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Projected Changes in Arctic Cyclone Activity
- A 3D parameterization of nutrients atmospheric deposition to the global ocean
- A pilot study of the Earthquake Precursors in the Southwest Peloponnes, Greece
- Atmospheric acidification of mineral aerosols as a modulator of bioavailable phosphorus for ecosystems
- Deep Seismic Imaging of the Hellenic Subduction Zone with New MCS Data of the SISMED Project
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Influence of Atmospheric Processes on the Solubility and Composition of Iron in Saharan Dust
- Observations of particle acceleration by small-scale flux rope dynamics in the solar wind
- On the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Field-Aligned Currents Observed with the Swarm Satellite Constellation: Implications for the Energetics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Pc1 wave statistics with Swarm observations in the topside ionosphere
- Probabilistic TSUnami Hazard MAPS for the NEAM Region: The TSUMAPS-NEAM Project
- Quantifications of Geomagnetic Storm Impact on TEC and NmF2 during 2013 Mar. event
- Short-Term Foreshocks and Earthquake Prediction
- Slab Segmentation in the South-Eastern Aegean: Evidence from Seismicity.
- Swarm Magnetic Measurements: Bearer of Potential Nepal Earthquake Precursors?
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- Tsunami Evacuation Exercises: the Case of Heraklion, Crete Isl., Greece
- A new GPS velocity field in the south-western Balkans: insights for continental dynamics
- An Integrated Monitoring System of Pre-earthquake Processes in Peloponnese, Greece
- Evidence of Ubiquitous Large-Amplitude Alfven waves in the Global Field-Aligned Current System
- Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on Strain Accumulation on the Hellenic Subduction Zone off Crete
- Historic Landslide Data Combined with Sentinel Satellite Data to Improve Modelling for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Mapping Saturn's Night Side Plasma Sheet Using Cassini's Proximal Orbits.
- Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Uncertainty Characterized based on Field Campaign Data over Complex Terrain
- Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis within the Framework of the `HESPERIA' HORIZON 2020 Project
- The 2014 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.9 Gokceada and 2017 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.3 Lesvos Earthquakes in the Northern Aegean Sea: The Transition from Right-Lateral Strike-Slip Faulting on the North Anatolian Fault to Extension in the Central Aegean
- The ASTARTE Paleotsunami Deposits data base - web-based references for tsunami research in the NEAM region
- The Contribution for Improving GNSS Data and Derived Products for Solid Earth Sciences Promoted by EPOS-IP
- Validation of foF2 and TEC Modeling During Geomagnetic Disturbed Times: Preliminary Outcomes of International Forum for Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment
- Breaking a Subduction-Termination from Top to Bottom: The Large 2016 Kaikōura Earthquake
- COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams: Coordinated Research Initiative Targeting Improvements of Global Resilience to Space Weather Impacts
- Characteristics and source apportionment of aerosol over Varanasi
- Diel, seasonal and interannual variability of particulate matter (PM<SUB>1</SUB>, PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, PM<SUB>10</SUB>) in Cyprus
- Forecasting dust impact on solar energy in Egypt
- Imaging Slab Detachment within the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone
- Links Between Sulfur Dioxide, Transition Metals and Adverse Health Effects
- New ULF & ELF wave indices derived from Swarm observations to investigate magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Particle pH and the Gas-Particle Partitioning of Inorganic and Organic Species: Observations Versus Predictions
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models for Predictions of TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event
- The Potential of Satellites to Investigate the Lithosphere-Atmosphere Coupling Processes Linked to Geo-health Environment
- A New Method for Identifying Kolmogorov's Inertial Subrange and Analyzing the Variability of the -5/3 Power Law Using Observations from FLIP
- Across-strike variations of fault slip-rates constrained using in-situ cosmogenic <SUP>36</SUP>Cl concentrations.
- Addressing SDG7 Through the NextSENSE Showcase
- Analysis of X-Band Dual Polarization Radar Observations over Multiple Complex Terrain Regions
- Case studies on using earth observations addressing key environmental challenges along the sustainable development goals
- Characterization and Modeling of Satellite-Based Precipitation Uncertainty over Complex Terrain
- City Scale Air Pollution Modelling and High Resolution Exposure Mapping of an Urban Hotspot in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Flood fatalities and resilience indicators in eight European countries
- Insights and Policy Implications from a Harmonized Earth Observation Approach to Urban Air Quality
- Real-Time identification of Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances resulted from the TechTIDE project.
- Seismicity and geodynamics of western Peloponnese and central Ionian Islands: insights from a local seismic deployment.
- The 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.8 Zakynthos (Ionian Sea, Greece) Earthquake: Seismic Source and Local Tsunami Characterization
- The Last Mile Project as an example of Urban resilience to Near Shore Tsunami: the Kos example
- The seismotectonic Atlas of Greece v1.0
- Validation of TROPOMI NO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals Using PANDORA Measurements in Athens, Greece
- A Numerical Approach to the Interseismic Deformation in Nubia-Anatolia Convergence with New GPS Data in Cyprus and Southern Turkey
- Ionospheric signatures of the M7.0 earthquake in Dodecanese Islands
- Long term variability of carbonaceous aerosol over Southeast Asia: Association with changes in vegetation cover and biomass burning
- Microphysics and Optical Attenuation in Coastal Fog
- Observations of Dust Particle Orientation with the SolPol direct sun polarimeter
- Projections of atmospheric soluble iron deposition under CMIP6 emission scenarios.
- Radon Monitoring in Gulf of Corinth, Greece. A Long Term Monitoring and Correlation with Seismicity.
- Aerosol and Clouds impact on selecting Inclination for surfaces to maximize incoming Solar Radiation
- Data Assimilation and Modeling for Large Scale Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation in Support of the Decision Makers in Attica Region, Greece
- Deep Learning for Event Detection on Grasslands
- EO4D_ash: a Pilot for Integration of Earth Observation Data for Detection, Discrimination & Distribution (4D) of Volcanic Ash
- Energetic Particles Associated with Sub- and Super-Parker Spirals - Signatures of the Dynamic History of Stretched and Switched-Back Magnetic Fields
- Energetic particle measurements in the inner heliosphere with Solar Orbiters Energetic Particle Detector: First results
- First year of energetic particle measurements by Solar Orbiter's Energetic Particle Detector
- From active subduction zone to reactivated near surface faults: using stress drop estimates to infer the relative influence of geological conditions and observational constraints
- Modeling of Spherical Dust Particle Charging due to Ion Attachment
- On the Generation of Pi2 Pulsations due to Plasma Flow Patterns Around Magnetosheath Jets
- Particle Pitch Angle Distributions after Passing Through 3d Current Sheets in the Heliosphere
- Pervasive compression and deep structure of the Hellenic subduction forearc, west of Crete, revealed by penetrative long offset multichannel seismic data
- Quantifying Capabilities in Observing Coronal Mass Ejections
- Radial diffusion coefficients: a database and a machine learning model for use in radiation belt simulations
- Real-time Source Apportionment of Organic Aerosols in Three European Cities
- Solar Orbiter Energetic Particle Detector: Early Results and Science Data Center
- Source characteristics and tsunami energetics of the 2020 Mw 7.0 Neon Karlovasion (Samos) Earthquake in the Eastern Aegean Sea
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- The First Widespread Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Solar Orbiter on 2020 November 29
- Uncertainties in ground based AOD retrievals due to NO2
- Analysis of a Multi-Spacecraft Event During the First Solar Orbiter Perihelion: the 21 March 2022 SEP event
- Atmospheric Controls on Aerosol Iron Solubility under Different Climate Scenarios
- Developing a Database of Historical Extratropical Cyclones
- Dust-sensitive Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in the EC-Earth3 Earth System Model: comparison with INP observations and radiative effects
- Exploring DAS as a Tool for Earthquake Monitoring in Urban Environments
- Forward and inverse theory for phase transmission fiber optics
- Investigating the Acceleration Efficiency of VLF and ULF Waves on Different Electron Populations in the Outer Radiation Belt Through Multi-Point Observations and Modeling
- Microwave Frequency Fiber Interferometry (MFFI): A Promising Technique for Earthquake detection in Commercially Deployed Cables
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- The 15 January 2022 Eruption Of The Hunga Tonga Volcano: A Multi-Instrument Far-Field Ionospheric Disturbances Evaluation Over Europe.
- The ASKOS experiment at Cabo Verde: first results and implications for desert dust research
- Urban Shallow Subsurface Imaging and Hazard Assessment with Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Athens, Greece
- Validation of Ionospheric Specifications During Geomagnetic Storms: TEC and foF2 during the 2013 March Storm Event-II
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Aran
- A. Bécel
- A. Galvé
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Matsuoka
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. P. Walsh
- A. W. Labrador
- Adonis Bogris
- Afroditi Nasi
- Alessandro Verdecchia
- Alexander Kollhoff
- Alfredo Falconieri
- Ali Rahmati
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrê S. H. Prévôt
- Anna Belehaki
- Athanasios Nenes
- Athanasios Papaioannou
- B. Grison
- B. W. Crowell
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Bernd Heber
- C. Kay
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Camilla Scolini
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Christos Katsavrias
- Claudio Cesaroni
- D. C. Bowden
- D. J. McComas
- D. Lario
- D. Píša
- Daniel Pacheco
- David M. Miles
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Diego Melgar
- E. S. Cochran
- Eleanna Asvestari
- Erika Palmerio
- Fernando Carcaboso
- G. C. Ho
- G. M. Mason
- Gang Chen
- Georgios Balasis
- Honn Kao
- I. A. Galkin
- I. G. Richardson
- I. Shinohara
- I. Tsagouri
- In Sun Song
- Ioannis A. Daglis
- Ivana Kolmašová
- J. C. Kasper
- J. F. Drake
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. L. Verniero
- J. S. Rankin
- J. T. Niehof
- John Onwuemeka
- Joseph McInerney
- Kilian B. Kemna
- Konrad Steinvall
- Konstantinos Chousianitis
- Konstantinos Tassis
- L. A. Balmaceda
- L. Rastäetter
- Luca Spogli
- Lucia Mona
- Luka Ilić
- M. Codrescu
- M. E. Hill
- M. Fedrizzi
- M. I. Desai
- M. L. Mays
- M. Pulupa
- Manuela Temmer
- Marie Boichu
- Mateja Dumbović
- Matthew J. West
- Montserrat Costa-Surós
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Sergis
- Nazla Bushra
- Nicolas Wijsen
- O. Malandraki
- O. Santolı́k
- Olga Khabarova
- Omiros Giannakis
- Pete Riley
- R. A. Mewaldt
- R. Bučík
- R. C. Allen
- R. L. McNutt
- R. M. Harrington
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Ron Miller
- S. D. Bale
- Savvas Raptis
- Sotirios A. Mallios
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Stelios Kazadzis
- Stelios Myriokefalitakis
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tomoaki Hori
- Twan van Noije
- Vasiliki Daskalopoulou
- Vassilis Amiridis
- Viviane Pierrard
- Vratislav Krupař
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. Li
- Xiaohua Xu
- Yajing Liu
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Zigong Xu
- Μαρίνα Γεωργίου
- Νikolaos S. Melis
- Л. П. Гончаренко