University of Stuttgart, Germany
flowchart I[University of Stuttgart, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (6)"] AW["Affiliated Works (293)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (52)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Stuttgart, Department of Physics
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Geodesy
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Geophysics
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Plasma Physics
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Space Sciences
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 14C Marine Reservoir Age 14.2 to 12.8 kyr cal BP
- Experimental and Mathematical Studies of Pore-Scale Transverse Dispersion in a Helical Soil Column
- Determination of Pore-Scale Transverse Dispersivity: Analysis of Data From Helical Column Experiments
- Experiments With an Optical Seismometer
- First-order variance of solute travel time in non-stationary media
- Signals of fluid and stress triggering in local earthquake clusters
- Water Temperature Variability Along the West Coast of the Gulf of California
- Effective Dispersion in Heterogeneous Media: Comparison between Experiments, Inverse Modeling, and First-Order Theory
- A Generalization of the Local Estimator Technique
- Calculated Phase Relations in the System KFMASH Between 6 and 16 GPa
- Contrasting Protoliths of Cretaceous Metamorphic Rocks from the Luk Ulo Accretionary Wedge Complex of Central Java, Indonesia
- Geostatistical Inversion of Conductivity and Dispersivities for Hydraulic Heads and Tracer Data from a Sandbox Experiment
- A Generalised-Nearest-Neighbor (GNN) technique for the improved parametrization of spatialy distributed models using remote sensing data
- A combined hydrological and fuzzy rule based model for catchment scale nitrate dynamics
- Assessment of Model Parameters Interdependency of a Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model
- Complex Rheological Modelling with the ADER-DG Method: Anisotropy, Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity.
- Finding an Appropriate Similarity Measure for Catchment Characterization
- Three-phase flow simulations in discrete fracture networks
- Dehydration Behavior of Metapelites and Metabasites at Very low to low Grade Metamorphic Conditions
- Drainage Experiments in Heterogeneous Sand Columns With Different Geometric Structures
- Impact of Sampling Volume on the Probability Density Function of Steady-State Concentration
- Probability Density Functions of Hydraulic Head and Velocity in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Relation Between Connected Patterns in Heterogeneous Soil Parameter Fields and Solute Transport Models in the Unsaturated Zone
- Simulation of Solute Flow and Transport in a Geostatistically Generated Fractured Porous System
- Solute Mixing in Thermally Induced Buoyancy Flow
- The average equilibrium capillary pressure-saturation relationship in two-phase flow in porous media
- Time Varying Parameterization of Hydrological Models
- A Hypothesis-Driven Approach to Site Investigation
- Characterization And Simulation Of Hydraulic Conductivity Fields Using Copula Based Approaches
- Collisional versus coastal accretionary prism in the Andes at 35° S: a comparison
- From the Pore to the Laboratory Scale: Predicting Flow Behavior for Drainage and Imbibition in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Front roughness and averaged saturation for two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media
- Modelling Spatial Hydrologic Patterns Using Physically-Based Models Driven by Remote- Sensing and Reanalysis Data
- Multisite rainfall dependence
- Robust Dynamic Parameter Estimation for Hydrological Models
- Simulation of Radar Rainfall Fields: A Random Error Model
- Spatio-Temporal Extrapolation of Unit Hydrograph Parameters Based on Catchment and Event Extrapolators for Predictions in Ungauged Basins
- The North Atlantic Oscillation since 1500 A.D.: Climate Anomalies and Human Affairs
- Water Availability Using Remote Sensing in Data Scarce Conditions
- A Data-based Analysis of Valley Effects on Precipitation Characteristics with Consideration of Circulation Patterns
- An uncertainty model for radar-based multi-sensor precipitation estimates: A non-Gaussian copula-based approach
- Conditioning of a mesoscale hydrologic model with proxy soil moisture fields
- Development of a 1 D hydrodynamic habitat model for the Hippopotamus amphibious as basis for sustainable exploitation of hydroelectric power
- Effects of Non-Gaussian Spatial Dependence of Hydraulic Conductivity on Hydrodynamic Macrodispersion
- Hydrological modelling in poorly gauged catchments using a constraints
- Modeling kinetic interphase mass transfer for two-phase flow in porous media including fluid-fluid interfacial area
- Modeling of compositional flow in coupled porous media - free-flow domains
- Step wise calibration of hydrological model using unusual events
- Stochastic Simulation of Hydraulic Conductivity Fields using non-Gaussian Dependence
- Two-phase flow in fracture - matrix systems including the role of interfacial areas
- Uncertainty of human health risk predictions under different site exploration strategies
- Using Ensemble Kalman Filters for Bayesian Geostatistical Inversion
- A Task-oriented Approach for Hydrogeological Site Characterization
- Data-Driven Robust Design and Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Application to Underground Carbon Dioxide Storage
- Divide and Conquer: A Valid Approach for Risk Assessment and Decision Making under Uncertainty for Groundwater-Related Diseases
- Effects of Multidimensional Description of the Spatial Structure of Hydraulic Conductivity on Solute Transport
- Enhanced dilution and transverse mixing due to flow focusing: a stochastic-analytical approach
- Modeling of Block-Scale Effective Macrodispersion Tensors as Space Random Functions
- Modelling of evapotranspiration and soil moisture patterns based on simulation of actual radiation and wind fields
- On the value of incorporating spatial statistics in large-scale geophysical inversions: the SABRe case
- Phase Relations and Densities of Crustal Material Deeply Buried into the Mantle
- Precipitation downscaling for hydrological applications using regional climate model outputs (Invited)
- Statistical Downscaling of Extreme of Precipitation and Temperature and Their Effects on Local Hydrology
- Study of Changes in the Frequencies of Unusual Climatic Events, from Regional to Continental Scale
- Uncertainty in Model parameter Estimates and Impacts on Risk and Decision Making in the Subsurface
- Use of data depth function for diagnosis of hydrological model
- Analytical Evaluation of the Full Probability Density Function of 2-D Steady-State Plumes Accounting for Uncertainty of Transverse Mixing
- Applicaton of Copulas an a new Geostatistical Tool
- Comparison of Coupled Fluid-Geomechanical Models for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage
- Effects of Multidimensional Description of the Spatial Structure of Hydraulic Conductivity on Solute Transport
- Efficient Bayesian updating with PCE-based particle filters based on polynomial chaos expansion and CO2 storage
- First Science Results of the CCLDAS Dust Accelerator Facility
- Goal-oriented Site Characterization in Hydrogeological Applications: An Overview
- Identification and simulation of contaminant source architecture
- Interpolation of Environmental Variables Considering Additional Information Using Spatial Copulas
- Length of Steady-State Plumes: Uncertainty Analysis in two-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- MC Estimator Variance Reduction with Antithetic and Common Random Fields
- Modeling topographic effects on snowmelt with adapted degree-day model applying MODIS data
- Modelling microbially induced carbonate precipitation and its influence on CO2 and water flow in the subsurface
- Multi-physics Approaches for Hydro-Geomechanical Coupling in CO2 Storage
- OPM: The Open Porous Media Initiative
- Optimal Design of site investigation: Entropy based Utility functions and efficient implementations
- Optimization of Pilot Point Locations for Conditional Simulation of Heterogeneous Aquifers
- Potential of Microbes to Increase Geologic CO2 Storage Security
- Prediction in Ungauged Basin Based on Hydrological Similarity Analysis
- Rational risk-based decision support for drinking water well managers by optimized monitoring designs
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Temporal Moments revisited: Why there is there no better way for physically-based model reduction in time
- Variations in Tectonic Styles of Arc-Continent Collisions
- Vortex Induced-Mixing in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A reverse analysis framework for the assessment of data worth in optimal design
- Application of data depth function to define predictive uncertainty of hydrological model
- Development of Hydrological Model of Klang River Valley for flood forecasting
- High-frequency observations of δ2H and δ18O in storm rainfall
- Hydraulic fracturing in unconventional reservoirs - Identification of hazards and strategies for a quantitative risk assessment
- Identification of Functional Catchment Similarity
- Improving Control of Microbially-Induced Mineral Precipitation in Flow Systems - Experiments and Modelling
- Model Reduction and Multi-Scale Simulation for Solute Transport in Fractured Porous Media
- Modeling evaporation from porous media influenced by atmospheric processes
- Parameter estimation by ensemble Kalman filters with transformed data: Approach and application to hydraulic tomography
- Precipitation interpolation and corresponding uncertainty assessment using copulas
- Proposal of a new Concept using Hydrogeological Classification to Overcome the Disparity of Local Observations and the Demand for Regional Scale Groundwater Assessment
- Review of the gravity number as a qualitative criterion for CO2 storage efficiency in northern Germany
- Study of Changes in the Frequencies of Unusual Hydroclimatological Events in Europe and United States Region
- Surface tension modeling on the pore-scale with dynamic contact angles and contact line movement
- The Potential of Microbial Activity to Increase the Efficacy of Geologic Carbon Capture and Storage
- Towards Optimal Allocation of Computer Resources: Trade-offs between Uncertainty, Discretization and Model Reduction
- Transient flow conditions in probabilistic wellhead protection: importance and ways to manage spatial and temporal uncertainty in capture zone delineation
- COUPLING TWO-PHASE COMPOSITIONAL POROUS-MEDIUM AND FREE FLOW -from environmental to technical systems- (Invited)
- Challenges for the Sequential Interaction Between Optimal Design of Field Campaigns and Model Calibration for Non-Linear Systems
- Copulas for the description of non-Gaussian spatial dependence (Invited)
- Deciphering Timescales and Mechanisms of Mineral Reactions During Exhumation Processes Using Element Zoning in Exsolution Lamellae in a Garnet Pyroxenite From the Granulitgebirge in Saxony, Germany
- Demonstration of risk based, goal driven framework for hydrological field campaigns and inverse modeling with case studies
- Do Bayesian Model Weights Tell the Whole Story? New Analysis and Optimal Design Tools for Maximum-Confidence Model Selection
- Estimating runoff using hydro-geodetic approaches; assessment and comparison
- Evaluating experimental design for soil-plant model selection using a Bootstrap Filter and Bayesian model averaging
- Infilling missing hydrological data - methods and consequences
- Interstellar dust at our doorstep
- Issues and recent advances in optimal experimental design for site investigation (Invited)
- Modelling of Uncertainty and Characterization of Catchment based on Asymmetry of Copula
- Next Generation Satellite Gravimetry Mission Study (NGGM-D)
- Nine steps to risk-informed wellhead protection and management: Methods and application to the Burgberg Catchment
- Numerical Upscaling of Solute Transport in Fractured Porous Media Based on Flow Aligned Blocks
- On combination of strict Bayesian principles with model reduction technique or how stochastic model calibration can become feasible for large-scale applications
- A Risk-Based Multi-Objective Optimization Concept for Early-Warning Monitoring Networks
- A space weather information service based upon remote and in-situ measurements of coronal mass ejections heading for Earth
- Characterisation of Runoff - Storage Relationships By Satellite-Gravimetry and Remote Sensing
- Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Methods for More Reliable Predictive Uncertainty Quantification and Optimal Design of Experiments
- Comparison of Applying FOUR Reduced Order Models to a Global Sensitivity Analysis
- Consistent Simulation Framework for Efficient Mass Discharge and Source Depletion Time Predictions of DNAPL Contaminants in Heterogeneous Aquifers Under Uncertainty
- Continental water storage inferred from 3-D GPS coordinates in Danube Basin
- Cratering Studies in Thin Plastic Films
- Density-Driven Migration of Heavy NAPL Vapor in the Unsaturated Zone
- Discharge Estimation Using Hydro-Geodetic Approaches
- Evaluation of Brine Migration Risks Due to CO2 Injection - an Integrated Natural and Social Science Modeling Approach
- Heat and Water Transport in Soils and Across the Soil-Atmosphere Interface: Comparison of Model Concepts.
- How to Address Measurement Noise in Bayesian Model Averaging
- Hyperdust : An advanced in-situ detection and chemical analysis of microparticles in space
- Impacts of Land Use Change on Energy Usage and Ghg Emissions
- In-situ dust detection as a tool to study dust-plasma interactions in the Solar System
- Incorporating Locally Averaged Distributions Based on Categorical Land-Use Information into Point Estimation
- Inverse Groundwater Flow Modelling Via Conditional Simulation
- Is There a Critical Distance for Fickian Transport? - a Statistical Approach to Sub-Fickian Transport Modelling in Porous Media
- Metamorphic Pressure-Temperature Path for Ultrahigh-Pressure Eclogites from North-East Greenland Determined from Isochemical Phase Equilibrium Diagrams, Conventional and Zr-in-rutile Thermometry
- Model Selection on Solid Ground: Comparison of Techniques to Evaluate Bayesian Evidence
- Ongoing hydrothermal activity in the chondritic core of Enceladus inferred from nano-silica particles and laboratory experiments
- Pallene dust torus
- Spatial Statistical Model for the Optimal Combination of Direct and Indirect Precipitation Measurements
- The Teardrop Shaped Lunar Dust Exosphere
- The dynamical properties of E-ring particles derived from CDA impact mass spectra
- The properties of the Lunar dust exosphere
- Uncertainty Analysis of the Variable Parameter McCarthy-Muskingum (VPMM) Method with Presence of Lateral Flow
- Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery to Investigate Surface Displacements and Surface Features of the Super-Sauze Earthflow (France)
- A Coupled Modeling Approach for Root-Soil Interaction Processes Using DuMu<SUP>X</SUP>
- A Full Empirical Description of Mixing and Dilution - The Fingerprint of Non-Fickian Mixing
- Advanced In-Situ Detection and Chemical Analysis of Interstellar Dust Particles
- Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface with SUDA
- Copula-based conditional merging of information on different spatial and temporal scales
- Enceladus Life Finder: Search for Life in a Habitable Moon.
- Evaluating the Competitive Use of the Subsurface: The Influence of Energy Storage and Production in Groundwater
- Evaluation of the Coupling of a Full-Dimensional Multiphase Model with a Vertical Equilibrium Model for the Simulation of Underground Gas Storage
- Identification of Organics in Ice Grains from Enceladus
- Implementing Quality Assurance for the Numerical Research Software Dune / PDELab / DuMu<SUP>x</SUP>
- Investigation of asymmetrical spatial dependence of the regional climate model precipitation using empirical bivariate copulas
- Modeling, Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis of Subsurface Fluid Migration in the Above Zone Monitoring Interval of a Geologic Carbon Storage
- Monitoring the injection of microscale zero-valent iron particles for groundwater remediation by means of complex electrical conductivity imaging
- Never Use the Complete Search Space: a Concept to Enhance the Optimization Procedure for Monitoring Networks
- New insights in the interstellar dust properties and its interaction with the heliosphere from data, simulations and experiments
- Occultation Evidence for Haze in Pluto's Atmosphere in 2015 at the New Horizons Encounter
- Parameterization, Spatial Simulation, and Quantified Effects of Non-linear Spatial Dependence
- Pore-scale studies of interphase mass and heat transfer during two-phase flow in porous media
- Space Weathering of airless bodies in the Solar System - Combining hypervelocity dust impacts with energetic irradiation experiments
- Space-time simulation and disaggregation of observed precipitation using a copula based stochastic model
- Thermodynamically Constrained Averaging Theory (TCAT) Two-Phase Flow Model: Derivation, Closure, and Simulation Results
- A P-T path for amphibolites from the metamorphic sole of the Dinaride ophiolite zone in Bosnia
- Advances in Spectral Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) for Near-Surface Geophysical Exploration
- Asymmetry in Spatial Dependence Structures
- Coarse Graining of Non-Fickian Solute Transport - PTRW on Smoothed Velocity Fields
- Combining Radar and Daily Precipitation Data to Estimate Meaningful Sub-daily Precipitation Extremes
- Comparing Models and Methods for the Delineation of Stream Baseflow Contribution Areas
- Explorer of Enceladus and Titan (E<SUP>2</SUP>T): Investigating Ocean Worlds' Evolution and Habitability in the Saturn System
- How Much Dust Does Enceladus eject?
- Intelligent Decisions Need Intelligent Choice of Models and Data - a Bayesian Justifiability Analysis for Models with Vastly Different Complexity
- Measuring dynamics of household vulnerability in selected coastal megacities to inform transformative adaptation
- Performance of Optimization Heuristics for the Operational Planning of Multi-energy Storage Systems
- Putting Man in the Machine: Exploiting Expertise to Enhance Multiobjective Design of Water Supply Monitoring Network
- Simulating Pre-Asymptotic, Non-Fickian Transport Although Doing Simple Random Walks - Supported By Empirical Pore-Scale Velocity Distributions and Memory Effects
- Transformation and Resilience on Urban Coasts
- A dusty road connecting Saturn and its rings - preliminary results from Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyser during the Grand Finale Mission
- And yet it moves! Involving transient flow conditions is the logical next step for WHPA analysis
- Bayesian Model Selection under Time Constraints
- Can re-regulation reservoirs and batteries cost-effectively mitigate sub-daily hydropeaking?
- Comparison of Multivariate Spatial Dependence Structures of DPIL and Flowmeter Hydraulic Conductivity Data Sets at the MADE Site
- Comparison of Three Model Concepts for Streaming Potential in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Dust Observation by the Radio and Plasma Wave Instrument During Cassini's Grand Finale
- Evaluating Predictive Uncertainty of Hyporheic Exchange Modelling
- From Compression to Extension: Cretaceous A-type Granite as Indicator of Geodynamic Changes in the Adria Part of the European Neotethys Suture Zone
- How well are the climate indices related to the GRACE-observed total water storage changes in China?
- Interpolation of Regional Groundwater Quality Parameters With Categorical and Real-Valued Secondary Information in the State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Investigation of the Impact of Precipitation Uncertainty on Spatially Distributed Hydrological Modelling
- Minimizing transient influence in WHPA delineation: An optimization approach for optimal pumping rate schemes
- Multivariate Non-Symmetric Stochastic Models for Spatial Dependence Models
- Partial melting of zoisite eclogite from the Sanddal area, North-East Greenland Caledonides
- Simulating Non-Fickian Transport across Péclet Regimes by doing Lévy Flights in the Rank Space of Velocity
- Space-time precipitation extremes for urban hydrology
- Synergetic Combination of Radar Information and Gauge Measurements - with the Conflict between Two Types of Data Being Removed via Displacement and Downscaling
- The future of hydropower planning modeling
- What is stopping you from installing solar systems? Contrasting Chilean with German homes.
- Adaptive Pressure Management in Geological CO<SUB>2</SUB> Storage: Application to A Brine Extraction Field Experiment
- Ages and Trace Element Patterns of Apatite and Zircon in a Diorite from the Mt. Papuk metamorphic complex (Pannonian Basin Basement in Croatia, CE Europe)
- Bayesian model selection under computational time constraints: application to river modeling
- Characterization Length-Scales to Determine Atmospheric Forcing to Simulate Evaporation and Shallow Subsurface Soil Moisture Dynamics
- Dust Detection in Space by Wave Instruments
- Enceladus' complex organics, Saturn's main ring composition and Oort Cloud dust: the latest and best from Cassini's CDA
- Fragments from the Origins of our Solar System (FOSSIL): Exploring the Chemical Diversity of Comets, Asteroids, and Interstellar Dust at 1 AU.
- Including Multiple Types of Information Measured at Non-Colocated Locations for Simulation of One Spatially Distributed Variable - Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site
- Interpolation of Regional Groundwater Quality Parameters With Categorical (Land Cover) and Real-Valued Secondary Information in the State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Modeling Sediment Transport in Three-Phase Surface Water Systems
- Optimal sampling design for well catchment investigation towards transient analysis of wellhead protection areas
- Planning of a Groundwater Remediation Using Nano Zero Valent Iron Particles
- Primary Controls on the Natural Denitrification Potential of Aquifers
- Quantifying Bedform-Scale Hyporheic Exchange in Bedrock Rivers: The Eramosa Bedrock River Field Site
- Quantifying the uncertainty in GNSS-R sea level measurements
- Save the Lake! Floating Solar Photovoltaic to Avoid Algae Blooms?
- Science Diplomacy: The Next Ten Years
- Sensitivity of simulated meander-scale hyporheic exchange to river bathymetry and flow
- The Hydrologist's Guide to Bayesian Model Selection, Averaging and Combination
- Unsupervised learning for probabilistic wellhead protection area analysis: A novel approach to identify hydraulic conductivity fields that best approximate geological uncertainties
- Using Combinatorial Optimization on Graph Networks to Compute Fluid Flow through Discrete Fracture Networks
- Value and impact of international science in supporting the implementation of the Global Agenda 2030 - with a special focus on risk reduction, adaptation and urban resilience
- Versatile and low-cost GNSS-R receivers by means of software defined radio
- A Satellite-based Approach for Total Runoff Estimation: Stream Project
- Bayesian Inversion of Hierarchical Geostatistical Models using a tailored MCMC Algorithm
- Choosing Between Heterogeneity and Anisotropy - What's in the Data and What Do Your Purposes Require?
- Detection of low mass amines, carbonyls and aromatics from within Enceladus - suitable precursors for biologically-relevant hydrothermal synthesis
- Estimating spatial snow cover distribution using distributed snowmelt models and MODIS data
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Heat Transport in the Shallow Subsurface (Numerically and Experimentally)
- Non-Gaussian simulation: including multiple types of information at non-colocated locations
- Punctuated evolution of the Archean SCLM in sync with the supercontinent cycle
- Testing PFAS-Immobilization
- The SUfarce Dust Analyzer (SUDA ): Compositional Mapping of Europa's Surface.
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Sediment Transport in Multiphase Systems
- Using physics-based regularization in Artificial Neural Networks to predict thermochemical energy storage systems
- What Bayesian Multi-Modeling Can('t) Do for You
- A robust simulated annealing technique for flood clustering
- A unified framework for quantitative interdisciplinary flood risk assessment
- Diagnosing Model-structural Errors with a Sliding Time-window Bayesian Analysis
- Digitalisation: the Next Frontier for Wind Energy Research
- Filling the data gaps within GRACE missions using Singular Spectrum Analysis
- Investigation of salt-precipitation processes in porous-media systems at the pore scale
- Occultations from SOFIA
- Overcoming the Model-to-Experimental Data Fit Problem in Porous Media: a New Quantitative Method to Evaluate and Compare Models
- Preparing Earth Sciences to Upcoming Infrastructures. The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)
- Providing relevant uncertainty information to decision makers: Subjective post-processing of rigorous Bayesian uncertainty assessment of model projections
- Space-Time Statistical Quality Control of Extreme Precipitation Observations
- Space-time Variability of Area-Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves from Radar Data
- Spaceborne River Discharge from a Nonparametric Stochastic Quantile Mapping Function
- The Formation to Long-term Trend of Fine-mode Particles: In-situ Observation and Remote Sensing of Anthropogenic Aerosols in China
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Sediment Transport in Multiphase Systems
- Towards a community-wide effort for clean benchmarking in geostatistical inversion
- Wind effects on soil-atmosphere gas exchange for gases of different density: A study with laboratory experiments and coupled subsurface - free flow modelling
- A Quantitative Method to Evaluate the Performance of Competing (Stochastic) Invasion Percolation Models under Different Gas-Flow Regimes
- A coupled pore-network phase-field model for salt-precipitation processes
- Agrivoltaic systems in Latin America: Mapping the synergies for climates and crops
- Characterize our Dust Environment with DESTINY+
- Compositional profiles of the Enceladus dust plume from CDA measurements at flybys E5 and E17
- Computing Bayesian Model Evidence for high resolution data-sets using the Method of Forced Probabilities
- Evaluating gridded precipitation products for regionalisation of hydrological model parameters
- Exporting sunshine: Planning South Americas energy transition with hydrogen exports
- Finite Volume Neural Networks: a Hybrid Modeling Strategy for Subsurface Contaminant Transport
- Generating Hourly Precipitation Time Series by Power Spectrum Simulation
- How to Treat Measurement Noise in Bayesian Model Selection And Why It Matters
- Investigating the Past 100 Years of Fault Zone Deformation and Coulomb Stress Changes of Kilaueas Decollement
- Laboratory calibration of the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument
- Planning South America's energy transition: Hydropower inflows and synthetic hydropower cascades
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on an Instraslab Earthquake: The M7.6 2020 Sand Point, AK Earthquake
- Seafloor Geodetic Constraints on the 29 July 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik, AK Earthquake
- Ship-based GNSS Tsunami Detection
- The Compositional Impact of a Dynamical Bottleneck within Saturns E-ring
- Thermodynamic Analysis of Sediment Transport in Multiphase Systems
- Towards a Seasonal Spatial Distribution of Simultaneous Severe Floods
- What Does Really Happen in a Dust Impact?
- Alaska Subduction Zone Shallow Megathrust Slip Variability Revealed by Seafloor Geodesy
- Analysis of Impact Ionization Mass Spectra of Anthracene Dust Particles – a Pilot Study Characterizing Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Using Dust Analyzer Instrument
- Coupled free-flow/pore-network modeling of nonequilibrium nonisothermal evaporation in soils at the land surface: Impact of water film flow and mass and heat transfer across air-water interfaces
- Detecting and Analyzing Interstellar Dust Particles in the Local Interstellar Cloud
- Detection of Phosphate in Enceladus' Ocean: Its Implications for Geochemistry and Habitability
- Impact ionization dust detection with compact, hollow and fluffy dust analogs
- Implementation of Modern Developments in Precipitation Intensity Duration Frequency Curves (IDF) of Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany
- Interstellar Probe: a Goldmine for Interstellar Dust Research and Synergies with Heliosphere Science
- Opportunities to Directly Observe the Interaction of Interstellar Dust with our Heliosphere with an Interstellar Probe
- Science Expectations for the Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) onboard the Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) Mission
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. R. Poppe
- Aigen Li
- András Bardóssy
- Anneli Guthke
- B. R. Smith-Konter
- Bo Guo
- Bushra Amin
- C. M. Lisse
- Cass T. Miller
- Christopher E. Kees
- Christopher R. Glein
- Cole J.C. Van De Ven
- D. A. Schmidt
- D. Goldberg
- D. J. McComas
- D. Malaspina
- Ehsan Modiri
- Fabian Klenner
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Ishani Banerjee
- J. B. DeSanto
- J. R. Szalay
- Jannik Haas
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- K. Dialynas
- Kevin G. Mumford
- Kirstie L. Haynie
- L. A. Ward
- Lennart R. Baalmann
- M. Horányi
- Marcelo A. Olivares
- Mark A. Zumberge
- Michael Person
- Neal J. Turner
- Olivier Poch
- Peter J. Haeussler
- Qiang Chen
- R. Orosei
- R. Srama
- Rainer Helmig
- Robert C. Witter
- S. E. Minson
- S. Hunziker
- S. Kempf
- S. L. Nooner
- Shuya Tan
- Sidian Chen
- Spahr C. Webb
- T. Munsat
- William D. Barnhart
- Yasuhito Sekine
- Z. Sternovsky