University of Calabria, Italy
flowchart I[University of Calabria, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (108)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (73)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Sea-Salt Record of the EPICA - Dome C Deep Ice Core
- Mercury speciation in the Mediterranean Sea
- Seismicity in the Calabrian Forearc: Is it Consistent with Ongoing Subduction?
- Sequential Pumping Tests at a Well Field, Montalto Uffugo Scalo, Italy
- A new Large Lab-scale Facility for Hydro-Geophysical Experiments: Hydrogeosite
- Alignment of Velocity and Magnetic Fields in Fast and Slow Solar Wind
- Cross-scale effects in solar wind turbulence
- Crustal motion of the Calabrian Arc from the CALARCO GPS deployment
- Developments in analysis of basaltic ash applied to recent activity at Etna and Stromboli volcanoes
- Landslides triggered by rainfalls: regionalization of empirical models
- The Existence and Origin of Turbulence in Solar Active Regions
- A buried volcano in the Calabrian Arc (Italy) revealed by high-resolution aeromagnetic data
- Local relaxation processes and maximum entropy states in two-dimensional hydrodynamic turbulence
- PELE'S HAIR: case studies from Kilauea
- Scaling properties of the reduced magnetic helicity in the near Earth' space
- Space-time statistics of isotropic MHD turbulence: the role of the sweeping effect
- Statistics of magnetic reconnection in two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Submarine mass wasting on the Ionian Calabrian margin
- Evidence for Nonlinear Development of MHD scale Intermittency in the Inner Heliosphere
- Joint Inversion of Gravity and Gravity Tensor Data Using the Structural Index as Weighting Function Rate Decay
- Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Discontinuities: Inhomogeneous Heating, Intermittency, and Non-Gaussian Statistics
- Advancing Heliophysics Student Research and Public Outreach in an Urban Environment
- Energy cascade and phase-synchronization in the solar wind turbulence
- Interchange Reconnection in a Turbulent Corona
- Possible tsunami transmission across the Strait of Gibraltar: numerical simulations
- Generation of X-points and secondary islands in 2D magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
- Generation of ion temperature anisotropy in kinetic hybrid-Vlasov simulations (Invited)
- Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Rapid quantitative assessment of land patterns change and erupted volumes by spaceborne SAR
- Simulation of debris flow events in Sicily by cellular automata model SCIDDICA_SS3
- Spatial Transport of Magnetic Flux Surfaces in Strongly Anisotropic Turbulence
- Dissipation and Reconnection in Current Sheets in Turbulence of a Coronal Loop Model
- Interchange Reconnection and Slow Solar Wind Formation at the boundaries of open field regions in the Solar Corona
- Magnetic Reconnection and Intermittent Turbulence
- Vlasov Plasma Turbulence in the Solar Wind at Proton Kinetic Scales
- A New Technique for the Investigation of the Energy Cascade Associated with Coherent Structures in Kelvin-Helmoltz Turbulence
- Collisional effects in weakly collisional plasmas: nonlinear electrostatic waves and recurrence phenomena
- Identification of the different magnetic field contributions during a geomagnetic storm in magnetosphere and at ground.
- Microbial Mg-carbonate Precipitation and Early Diagenetic Dolomite Crust Formation at Hypersaline Lagoon, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.
- Random Interchange of Magnetic Connectivity
- The TERENO-preAlpine Observatory: A Research Infrastructure for Hydrometeorological Observation and -Modeling across Compartments and Scales
- ULF waves: the main periodicities and their relationships with solar wind structures and magnetospheric electron flux
- Wave-Particle Interactions with Whistlers: Comparison Between Particle-in-Cell and Quasi-Linear Simulations
- Collisions of two Alfvénic wave packets in a kinetic plasma
- Differential kinetic behavior of protons and alpha particles in turbulent solar wind: hybrid Vlasov simulations
- Explosive particle dispersion in space plasma turbulence
- Ionospheric currents and TEC variations during the March 17, 2015 Sudden Impulse.
- Numerical simulation support to the ESA/THOR mission
- Numerical study of the transition to kinetic turbulence induced by large-amplitude Kinetic Alfvén fluctuations
- On the Validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in MHD, Hall-MHD, and Hybrid-Vlasov-Maxwell Turbulence
- Statistics of Magnetic Reconnection X-Lines in Kinetic Turbulence
- THOR contribution to space weather science
- Timescale separation in the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling during St. Patrick's Day storms in 2013 and 2015
- Turbulence Heating Observer - Thor
- Turbulence and Reconnection: an analysis of turbulence generated by instabilities in reconnection outflows
- A study on the non Maxwellian nature of ion velocity distribution functions using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) data
- Collisional dissipation in Vlasov turbulence
- Diffusion Region's Structure at the Subsolar Magnetopause with MMS Data
- How plasmas dissipate: cascade and the production of internal energy and entropy in weakly collisional plasma turbulence
- MMS Observations of Protons and Heavy Ions Acceleration at Plasma Jet Fronts
- Magnetic Reconnection during Turbulence: Statistics of X-Points and Heating
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observation of Plasma Velocity-Space Cascade Processes
- Numerical Preparations Toward Identifying Heating Mechanisms using Distributions Function Measurements from SWEAP and Parker Solar Probe.
- On the properties of energy transfer in solar wind turbulence
- Turbulence generated by reconnection jets collision
- Development and Application of Kinetic Entropy as a Diagnostic in Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Multi-Scale Physics in Velocity Shear Driven Vortices in Space Plasmas
- Spaceborne Support to the Prediction of Lava Distance to Run: a Discussion
- Statistics of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulence and its Effect on Plasma Heating
- The Field-Particle Correlation Technique: A Method for Determining Particle Energization in the Inner Heliosphere
- Vertical drafts and mixing in stratified turbulence
- Effect of Synoptic Storm Type on Areal Reduction Factor Estimation: a Case Study in the Mediterranean Region
- Geostatistical Framework for Spatial Sampling Designing, Predicting, and Uncertainty Modeling of Soil Moisture supported by Soil Electrical Resistivity
- High-temperature laboratory-based measurements of emissivity of eruptive products: a comparison with the existing satellite derived database ASTER GED
- Large-scale intermittency, instabilities and mixing in stratified flows
- Non-Maxwellianity of electron distributions and their source regions
- Physical modeling of rainfall infiltration processes in stratified pyroclastic soils
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose Particle Energization in Turbulence, Magnetic Reconnection, and Shocks
- 'Dynamic Emissivity-Temperature Trend' and its impact to Spaceborne Applications: Mount Etna case study
- A parallel code for fixed mass multifractal analysis.
- Active network dynamics of temporary streams in the Mediterranean climate
- Asynchronous Extended Cellular Automata for subsurface flow modelling: applications in synthetic two and three-dimensional heterogeneous test cases
- Characterizing spatial and temporal patterns of stream network dynamics
- Impact of a fully coupled high-resolution medium range hydrometeorological forecast in an ensemble framework: evaluation of a case study in the Calabria peninsula (Southern Italy)
- Italian SWA-Solar Orbiter Working Group on "Kinetic Processes"
- Italian SWA-Solar Orbiter Working Group on "Particle Energization"
- Italian Solar Orbiter-SWA Working Group on "Multiscale Physics"
- Non-Markovian Pitch-Angle Scattering as the Origin of Particle Superdiffusive Transport Parallel to the Average Magnetic Field
- Solar Wind Turbulence Features for Parallel and Perpendicular Sampling Direction
- 2.5D local hybrid simulations of ULF wave transmission across collisionless shocks
- A Link between Large- and Small-scale Intermittency in Stratified Turbulent Flows
- Coherent vortices in Solar Wind Turbulence at Sub-Ion and Electron Scales
- Flux tubes and energetic particles in Parker Solar Probe orbit 5: magnetic helicity-PVI method and ISoIS observations
- Loss of Geomorphic Diversity in Flood-Regulated Shallow Tidal Embayments
- MagneToRE: Mapping the 3-D Magnetic Structure of the Solar Wind Using a Large Constellation of Nanosatellites
- Observation and modeling of hierarchical channel network dynamics in temporary streams
- Observations of electrostatic fluctuations by Magnetospheric MultiScale in the terrestrial magnetosheath
- Phase Space Diffusion of Particles and Turbulent Structures Dynamics at Collisionless Shocks Propagating through Turbulent Media
- Probing the solar corona with sungrazing comets: determination of the magnetic field and coronal density from the striae in the tail of Comet Lovejoy
- Seasonal and event-based dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in a Mediterranean headwater catchment by long-term high-frequency measurements
- The Influence of the Upstream Medium Conditions on the Properties of the Energetic Particle Intensity Enhancements Associated with Interplanetary Shocks
- Transrelativistic Electron Acceleration in Plasma Turbulence: The Efficiency of Particle Trapping at Different Scales
- Turbulence generation by large-scale extreme vertical drafts in stratified geophysical flows
- A first level vulnerability assessment of buildings on a flood-risk area
- Buoyancy Flux and Helicity Trends in Stably Stratified Turbulence
- HENON: the HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce
- Observations of Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) with the Solar Orbiter/Metis coronagraph: first simultaneous imaging of a comet in visible light and ultraviolet emission
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Greco
- A. Pouquet
- Alain Pumir
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alfonso Senatore
- Alvise Finotello
- Andrea D’Alpaos
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Bennett A. Maruca
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Colby Haggerty
- D. Fischer
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. J. McComas
- D. Lario
- D. Ruffolo
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Burgess
- David M. Miles
- Davide Tognin
- Emiliya Yordanova
- Fabio Feraco
- Francesco Pecora
- G. Zimbardo
- Gianluca Botter
- Giuseppe Consolini
- Giuseppe Mendicino
- Giuseppe Nisticò
- Harikrishnan Charuvil Asokan
- I. G. Richardson
- I. Zouganelis
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. H. Westlake
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. Souček
- Jana Šafránková
- Jorge L. Chau
- Karine Issautier
- Kazue Takahashi
- Lubomír Přech
- Luca Carniello
- Luca Franci
- Lucile Turc
- Luis Preisser
- M. A. Shay
- M. E. Hill
- M. F. Marcucci
- M. Laurenza
- Marco Marani
- Minna Palmroth
- Nicola Durighetto
- Olga Alexandrova
- P. H. Reiff
- Pierre Henri
- Primož Kajdič
- R. A. Qudsi
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. Bruno
- R. Chhiber
- R. De Marco
- R. D’Amicis
- R. L. McNutt
- R. Nakamura
- Raffaello Foldes
- S. D. Bale
- S. K. Vines
- S. Perri
- Salvatore Mancuso
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Tibebu Getachew
- Vania Da Deppo
- W. H. Matthaeus
- Zdeněk Němeček