University of Alaska, Fairbanks
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- University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Arctic Research Center
- University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Geohydrologic Analysis of an Upland-Dome Aquifer System, a Case Study of Ester Dome, Alaska
- Analysis of Soil Moisture Using a Long-term Record of Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter
- Arctic Watershed Studies: Temporal and Spatial Variability and Climate Sensitivity
- Atmospheric Response to Variations in Arctic Sea Ice Conditions
- Carbon Cycle Model Linkage Project (CCMLP): Evaluating Biogeochemical Process Models with Atmospheric Measurements and Field Experiments
- Carbon Storage in Successional Landscapes Following Disturbance by Fire in the Cherskii Region, Northeast Siberia
- Co\-located intercomparison of radar and optical wind and temperature measurements in the mesosphere
- Continuous Monitoring of Hydrothermal Vent Chemistry: A Window to Subseafloor Processes
- Controls on Arctic NDVI Patterns: a Zonal Analysis
- Effects of Anchor Ice on Bedload Transport
- Effects of variance of layer depth and bottom friction on dense eddy propagation on slope
- Enhancing NASA's Contribution to Arctic Terrestrial Hydrology and the Study of Polar Change
- Environmental Variation, Vegetation Distribution, and Carbon Dynamics in High Latitudes
- Evaluating the Role of Surface Storage in a Low-Gradient Arctic Watershed using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Evidence for Hydrothermal Circulation and Alteration on 20-25 Ma Crust About to be Subducted in the Middle American Trench
- Factors to be Considered in Long-Term Monitoring of a Former Nuclear Test Site in a Geophysically Active and Water-rich Environment
- Fingerprinting of Soil Organic Matter in the Arctic to Help Predict Carbon Dioxide Flux
- Heat Flow on the Incoming Plate Offshore Nicoya, Costa Rica margin: Implications for Hydrothermal Circulation and the Thermal State of the Subducting Plate
- Impact of North American Land Variability on the Re-emergence of SST Anomalies in the North Atlantic
- Initiation of Snow Melt on the North Slope of Alaska as Observed with Spaceborne Passive Microwave Data
- Interpretation of RADARSAT SAR interferograms of Sagwon, Alaska, to establish temporal and physical permafrost parameters
- Lena River Ice Regime And Recent Change
- Mapping of Permafrost Patterned Ground Using Kite Aerial Photography
- Measurement of Soil Moisture on 50 m Postings Using InSAR
- Modeling the Effects of Soil Thermal Dynamics on the Seasonality of Carbon Fluxes across Northern Temperate and High Latitude Regions
- Nitrogen and Carbon Budgets for Three Boreal Forest Watersheds
- Observations and Analysis of Diffuse Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on Image
- Observations on the Origin of Submarine Volcanic Cone Morphologies in Hawaii
- Origin of the polygons and underground structures in Southern layered deposits and Utopia Planitia on Mars
- Periodic and Aperiodic Variability of Temperature, Chemistry and Flow Rate at Areas of Diffuse Venting, Main Endeavour Field
- Pre-college Students Contributing to Long-Term Climate Studies
- Probabilistic Forecast of Earthquakes Using Spatially Variable b-Values
- Reconstruction of the Dynamics of Mammoth Tundra-Steppe Ecosystem Productivity
- Regional Characteristics of Snowmelt Across the North American Arctic
- Remote Sensing of the Auroral Magnetosphere From the Ground Observations of Impulsive Auroral Hiss
- SAR Measurement of Ice Dynamics of Lake El'gygytgyn, Siberia
- Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison in Barrow Alaska, 2000-2001
- Spatial and Temporal Hydrologic Data Sets for the Arctic
- Spatial patterns in buoy-derived sea-ice motion and deformation in the Arctic Ocean over the last two decades.
- Succession after fire: variation in \delta<SUP>13</SUP>C of organic tissues and respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> in boreal forests
- The Lake El'gygytgyn sediment core - a 300ka climate record of the terrestrial Arctic
- The Latest Holocene Sedimentary Environmental Magnetic Record From Lake Dood, Mongolia
- The Role of Snow and Surface Organic Layer in Permafrost Stability in the Alaskan Northern Forest Ecosystems
- U.S. Timber Harvest from 1750 to 1997
- Uncertainties in high-latitude net CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes, seasonality and interannual variability from a Bayesian inversion
- Watershed-scale analyses of an Arctic drainage using advanced high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM)
- A New Distributed Hydrologic Model Based on ARHYTHM and RiverTools
- A Reconstruction of Humidity Changes for the Last 8000 Years, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Adjustment of Daily Precipitation Data for two Alaskan Stations for 1995-2001
- Aerosol Transport to the U.S. Receptor Sites during ACE-Asia
- An Investigation of Water Loss Mechanisms and the Significance of Open Taliks in the Hydrologic Dynamics of Thermokarst Ponds
- Atmospheric Response to Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Conditions
- Biogeochemistry of Soils Associated With Cryptogamic Crusts on Frost Boils
- Boreal black spruce and soil carbon exchange along an elevation gradient
- Bridge Structure, Foundation and Approach Embankment Performance for the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Changes in Lena River Streamflow Hydrology: Human Impacts vs. Natural Variations
- Climate, Surface Energy Balance and Ground Thermal Regime at Three Arctic Sites (Spitsbergen, Siberia, Alaska)
- Correlation of Changing Annual Air and Permafrost Temperatures in Northern Alaska
- Deglacial and Holocene Records of Climate Change in the Tropics from Lake Sediments, Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela
- Detecting a liquid and solid H2O layer by geophysical methods
- Development of a New Permafrost Observatory at Barrow, Alaska
- Effects of soil thermal dynamics on carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere
- Effects of surface fuel consumption on patterns of permafrost in a black spruce forest complex in interior Alaska
- Effects of the M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake on glaciers in the Alaska Range
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic
- Experimental warming increases soil carbon flux in a recently burned Alaskan boreal forest
- Gummi-Bears On Fire! Bringing Students and Scientists Together at the Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA)
- Impacts of Changing Permafrost Extent on Vegetation Transitions on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Interactions Among Permafrost, Fire Disturbance, and Moss Cover Near Delta Junction, Alaska
- Investigation of Electron Density Profile in the Lowest Ionosphere by SRP-4 rocket experiment
- Investigations of Contrails in the Subarctic Atmosphere Above Fairbanks, Alaska
- Isolating vegetation and soil contributions to energy and carbon fluxes in Siberian forest tundra
- Long-term Records of Pacific Salmon Abundance From Sediment Core Analysis: Relationships to Past Climatic Change, and Implications for the Future
- Measurement of Solid-State Precipitation at the Watershed Scale
- Model Studies of Fresh Water Fluxes in the Arctic Ocean
- Modeling Runoff in Basins Containing Continuous and Discontinuous Permafrost, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Morphogenesis of Soils Associated With Frost Boils
- New Features of Rescaled Range Analysis of the Running Sandpile With Applications to Geophysical Systems
- Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates Associated With Surface Water - Ground Water Interaction Within an Agriculturally-impacted, Coastal Watershed
- Nitrogen Leaching During a Deciduous-to-Coniferous Successional Transition in Alaska's Boreal Forest.
- Novel Dynamics with the Addition of Diffusion to a SOC System
- Observations and Analysis of Discrete and Diffuse Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- On the Relationship Between Medium Frequency Scatter and Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes
- Origin of Measured Precipitation on Alaska's North Slope
- Overview of the SDO Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Permafrost in the Fox Permafrost Tunnel
- Potential for Influence of Land Surface Processes on ENSO
- Pyrolysis-GC/MS and Other Techniques for Characterizing Seasonal Variation of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Subarctic Watershed.
- Role of Siberian Permafrost in the Global Atmospheric Carbon Budget
- Role of the Low-Frequency Variability in Determining Arctic Climate Trends
- Sensitivity of Estimation of Snow Surface Direct Beam Spectral Albedo by Reciprocity Approach to Various Sky and Surface Conditions
- Sensitivity of Soil Carbon Stock Estimates to Soil Spatial Patterns
- Simulated Soil Moisture Dynamics and Hydrologic Processes in Discontinuous Permafrost
- Soil Moisture Response to a Changing Climate in Arctic Regions
- Solar EUV Irradiance Variability Results from the TIMED Solar EUV Experiment
- Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison in Barrow Alaska, 2001-2002
- Storm Surge Climatology of the Arctic Marginal Seas
- Streamflow Regime and Change in the Large Northern Watersheds
- Study of Disinfection By-Products and Long Term Storage of Drinking Water.
- Surface Rupture on the Susitna Glacier Fault Associated with the M 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- The Ramifications of Meddling with Systems Governed by Self-organized Critical Dynamics
- The current-voltage relationship, cold electrons and waves in multiple auroral arcs
- Thermal Properties of Alaskan North Slope Soils.
- Thermospheric Composition: GUVI Observations of O/N2
- Vegetation Feedbacks Explain Recent High-latitude Summer Warming in Alaskan Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Vegetation-Soil-Active Layer Relationships Along a Low-Arctic Bioclimate Gradient, Alaska
- Volcanic Pulses at the Northern East Pacific Rise 12°00'-12°30'N
- A 3-D Thermomechanical Ice-Sheet Model: Preliminary Simulation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet With the Goldsby-Kohlstedt vs. Glen Flow Laws
- A Remote Sensing - GIS Based Approach to Monitor Morphodynamics of the Alaskan Arctic Coasts
- A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa
- A Sub-Decadal Continental Margin Record of Little Ice Age-to-Modern Climate-Induced Changes in Sediment Delivery and Transport in the Gulf of Alaska
- Bedload Transport During an Extreme Runoff Event in Arctic Alaska
- Building Learning Communities for Research Collaboration and Cross-Cultural Enrichment in Science Education
- Carbon Exchange Along a Vegetation Gradient from Arctic Tundra to Boreal Forest
- Characterizing the Influence of Permafrost on Hydrological Processes through a Spatially Distributed Model
- Chemistry of Springs Across the Mariana Forearc Shows Progressive Devolatilization of the Subducting Pacific Plate
- Comparison of simulated spectral bidirectional reflectance function of snow-covered austral summer sea ice with measurements
- Comparisons of Bulk Dielectric Measurements of Tundra Moss Using 7 Different Technologies
- Complexities of Eruptive Processes at Mariana Forearc Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes and Implications for Serpentinite Mélange Development
- Education/Public Outreach, and IDEAS grant in support of the NASA HEX sounding rocket mission launched March 2003 in Alaska
- Effects of Permafrost on the Rate of Spruce Migration During Climate Warming
- Encouraging Involvement of Alaska Natives in Geoscience Careers
- Estimating peak last-interglacial warmth in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Experiments on Sediment Trap Efficiency in Reservoirs
- Global Patterns in Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction: A Latitudinal Gradient in Nitrogen Retention and Loss
- Ground-Water Capture Zone Delineation of Hypothetical Systems: Methodology Comparison and Real-World Applications
- Horizontal Sounding Rocket Plasma Density Measurements of Growth Phase Aurora
- Hydrological Changes in the Arctic in Response to a Changing Climate
- Hydrothermal Venting in the Southern Most Portion of the Mariana Backarc Spreading Center at 12.57 Degrees N
- IPY: An excellent opportunity to improve Arctic DEMs and document today's Arctic for future generations
- Implications of results from the HEX sounding rocket mission
- Indication of active overthrust faulting along the Holocene-Wisconsin transition in the marginal zone of Jakobshavn Isbr{\ae}
- Insight From EXAFS and the Multi Site Complexation Model (MUSIC) Into the Discrepancy Between SCM-Predicted and Experimental pH-Dependent Ni Sorption to Hydrous Manganese Oxyhydroxide
- Integrating research and education in a study of Arctic frost-boil ecosystems
- Long-Term Warm-Season Stream Temperature Variations and Changes Over Siberian Lena River
- Low runoff response to permafrost dynamic within the Lena River watershed
- Mechanisms of Biogeochemical Influence on Phosphorus Bioavailablity in Cold Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Methane Emissions from the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern High Latitudes during the 20th Century: A Retrospective Analysis with a Process-based Biogeochemistry Model
- Modeling Study of Arctic Storm with the Coupled MM5-Sea Ice-Ocean Model
- Opportunities and Challenges for Arctic Geoscience in the IPY (International Polar Year)
- Physical and Chemical Implications of Mid-Winter Pumping of Tundra Lakes
- Pingos in Solar System
- Potential enhancement of CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission in North Slope Wetlands of Alaska by Caribou
- Progress and Challenges in Modeling Soil Carbon Dynamics of High Latitude Ecosystems: Temporal and Spatial Perspectives
- Remote Sensing of Magnetospheric Plasma Density from the Analysis of Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- Remotely Induced Eruptions: the Caldera-Forming Eruption of Fisher Volcano
- Seismic Monitoring of Alaska's Volcanoes: A Comparison of Event Detection With IASPEI and Earthworm Acquisition Systems
- Signatures of Magnetic Storms Induced by Magnetic Clouds
- Signatures of Self-Organized Criticality as System Forcing Changes
- Soil Leachates and Contaminant Mobilization
- Spatial Based Integrated Assessment of Bedrock and Ground Motions, Fault Offsets, and Their Effects for the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Temperatures in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska
- Streamflow Response to Seasonal Snowcover Extent Changes in Large Siberian Watersheds
- Submarine Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas Offshore Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau, Hawaii
- Summer Circulation in the Barents Sea Derived as a Variational Inverse of the Climatological Data
- The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map: A tool for analysis of change in permafrost regions
- The Driving Force of Frost Boils and Hummocks Formation
- The New Polar Explorers of the 21st. Century: Autonomous Vehicles
- The Potential Impact of Hydrologic Change on Humans in the Arctic
- Tracer Tests and Peeper Samplers Used to Quantify In-Stream Nitrate Fluxes and Removal Rates in an Agricultural Watershed
- Use of Thermocouple Arrays to Investigate the Environment Within Actively Forming Chimney Deposits, Guaymas Basin
- Variation in frost-boil morphology and associated vegetation characteristics along a climatic gradient
- Water Balance of Shrinking Thermkorst Ponds near Council, Alaska
- Widespread Degradation of Ice Wedges on the Arctic Coastal Plain in Northern Alaska in Response to the Recent Warmer Climate
- A Multi-Tracer Analysis for the Study of the Movement and Mixing of Fresh Waters in a Shallow Arctic Estuarine System
- A coupled thermo-mechanical model of the differential frost heave
- Bulk Thermal Properties of the Active Layer in the Foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska
- CO<SUP>2</SUP> and CH<SUP>4</SUP> Exchange in Interior Alaska: Interactions Between Fire, Water, Soils and Vegetation.
- Changes In Growing Season Determined From Alaska GLOBE Data And NDVI
- Chironomid δ ^{18}O and \delta$D as Paleoclimate Proxies: Progress and Puzzles
- Circulation in the Landfast Ice Zone of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
- Comparison of the UAF Ionosphere Model with Incoherent-Scatter Radar Data
- Coupled Physical and Chemical Study of the Subarctic Snowpack: Feedback of Metamorphic Intensity on Climate Change
- Design and Planning for an Arctic Ocean Observatory on the Beaufort Shelf
- Development of Bias-Corrected Precipitation Database and Climatology for the Arctic Regions
- Distribution and Ablation Patterns of an Arctic Snowpack in a Windy Environment
- Distribution and Origin of the 1883 Augustine Tephra-Fall Deposits, South-Central Alaska
- EarthSLOT (an Earth Science, Logistics, and Outreach Terrainbase): Or, How You Can Create 3D, Interactive Visualizations of the Earth with Little or No Funds.
- Ecosystem Water Use Varies With Disturbance And Stand Age
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Examination of interplate coupling in the southern Alaska subduction zone, based on the GPS data
- Experiments on Submarine Knickpoints
- Future freshwater demands in the Arctic
- Glacial Advances and Retreats in Tectonic Southeast Alaska During the Little Ice Age and Last Glacial Maximum: Preliminary Results from EW0408
- Groundwater discharge and base flow variability in the Brooks Range, North Slope, Alaska
- High-Resolution Holocene Records of Paleoceanographic and Paleoclimatic Variability from the Southern Alaskan Continental Margin
- Historical Changes in Carbon Storage of the Eastern United States: Uncertainties Associated With Forest Harvest and Agricultural Activities
- Historical Land Use Modeling of Agriculture and Forestry
- Historical human demands for freshwater in the Arctic
- Human Impacts on Wildfires in Interior Alaska
- Hydrologic Changes in the Large Northern Siberian Watersheds
- IMPROVING SCIENCE EDUCATION AND CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN RURAL ALASKA:The Synergistic Connection between Educational Outreach Efforts in the Copper Valley, Alaska.
- Impact of vegetation cover and stand age on scaling carbon fluxes in the upper Midwest: a multiple eddy flux site study
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Influence of Snowpack Metamorphism on Tropospheric Chemistry
- Interactions of Multiple Factors in Creating Small Patterned-Ground Features Across the Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements by RPI Using Three Dipole Antennas on IMAGE
- Ionosphere dynamics study of Sun-Earth Connection Events of October-November 2003 with the UAF Polar Ionosphere Model
- Kuparuk River Watershed: A Proposed Hydrologic Observatory (HO) in the Arctic
- Local Electron Density Measurements from Sounding Experiments by RPI on IMAGE
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Methane Emissions and the Greenhouse Gas Budget in Alaska for the Past and 21st Centuries
- Modeling the Dynamics of Wildfire in the North American Boreal Forest
- Monitoring Climate Variability and Change in Northern Alaska: Updates to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Climate and Permafrost Monitoring Network
- NPEO North Pole Web Cams observe Arctic Summertime
- NSF-ARCSS Freshwater Initiative (FWI): Synthesis as Coordination of Thought to Discover Emergent System Properties
- Observations of Halogen Concentrations in Polar Snow near Barrow, Alaska Indicate that Bromide is Highly Affected by Atmospheric Chemistry
- Observing the Polar Regions from Space: Educational Opportunities for an International Polar Year and International Heliophysical Year
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms II
- Payoffs and Pitfalls of a Minority Outreach Program: An Alaskan Example
- Potential Uses of EarthSLOT (an Earth Science, Logistics, and Outreach Terrainbase) for Education and Integration in the International Polar Year
- Preliminary field investigations and findings of thermokarst evolution and sediment transport in a sub-arctic watershed
- Presence and Expression of Microbial Genes Regulating Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Along the Tanana River Successional Sequence
- Reassessment of the Genesis of "Thaw Lakes" on the Arctic Coastal Plain in Northern Alaska
- Regional Atmospheric Circulation Change in the North Pacific During the Holocene Inferred from Lacustrine Carbonate Oxygen Isotopes, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Remote Sensing of Magnetospheric Plasma Density from the Analysis of Discrete Whistler Mode Echoes Received by RPI on IMAGE
- Remote Sensing of Spring Streams on Alaska's North Slope
- Remote Sensing of Tolkien's Middle Earth: A Unique Interactive Application of Earth System Observational Tools
- Role of Fire in the Permanent Loss of Permafrost under a Changing Climate
- Role of Sea Ice in a Mechanism of Arctic Decadal Variability
- Snowmelt Hydrology of a Headwater Arctic Basin Revisited
- Soil Carbon Stabilization Along Climate and Stand Productivity Gradients in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska
- Soils, Permafrost, Fires and Climate Change Impacts
- Students Engaged in Climate Change Research Through Vegetation Phenology Studies
- Submarine Volcanic Cones in the Central Aleutian Arc: Relationship to Arc Rifting and Oblique Plate Convergence
- Successful Schoolyard Long-term Ecological Research: Studies of Deadman's Slough by Successive Classes of 4th Grade Students in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Tectonics of the South Anyui suture: present day version
- The PBO Nucleus: Integration of the Existing Continuous GPS Networks in the Western U.S.
- The Physical and Chemical Effects of Mid-winter Water Removal from Alaskan North Slope Lakes
- The Role of the Permafrost Reservoir in the Global Carbon Budget
- Thermokarst lake bubbling as a source of atmospheric methane (CH4) at rapid climate transitions during the last glacial period.
- Use of a Spatially-Distributed, Process-Based Hydrologic Model to Simulate the Influence of Discontinuous Permafrost on Hydrologic Processes
- Uses of Several Photographic Methods to Detect Changes of Glaciers in Arctic Alaska
- Variations in the fire regime in the North American boreal forest between 1990 and 2004 and their potential impacts on terrestrial carbon storage
- Variations of d18O in Precipitation Along Different Vapor Transport Paths of Asia
- Virtual Reality Visualization of Permafrost Dynamics Along a Transect Through Northern Alaska
- A simple bias-correction procedure to estimate false precipitation due to blowing snow flux into the precipitation gauge
- An Approach for Understanding and Comparing the Dynamics of the Climate System and Climate Models
- Antimony Speciation and Transport in Streams and Sediments in Mine Tailings and Waste-rock Environments, Alaska and the Yukon
- Application of a 1-Dimensional Viscoelastic Bending Beam Model to the Buoyant Terminus of Lake-Calving Mendenhall Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Aqueous Volatiles in Lau Basin Hydrothermal Fluids
- Are We Being Effective? Measuring the Long Term Impact of a Minority Bridging Program Using Short Term Tools.
- Assessing Long Term Freshwater Needs in the Arctic
- Benthic Community Composition and Seabed Characteristics of a Chukchi Sea Pockmark
- Boreal Forest Fire Biomass Consumption for Carbon Emission Estimation: Measurement Requirements and Current Research
- Boreal Forests and Wildlfire Severity - Effects of Climate Change and the Fire Regime on Processes Influencing Biogeochemical Cycles
- Calibration of a Ground-Water Model for an Underground Nuclear Test Site to Magnetotelluric Results
- Characterization of Six Vent Fields Within the Lau Basin
- Characterizing and Monitoring Hazardous Air Pollution Caused by Wildfire in Interior Alaska in Summer 2005 Using MODIS Imagery
- Climate, Plant Biomass, NDVI, and LAI Relationships Along The Full Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Cryogenic Features Of Tundra Soils Along A Bioclimate Gradient In Arctic Alaska And Canada
- Detection of Environmental Changes in the Arctic Seas: Carbon and Water Masses
- Extreme High and Low Flows in the Alaskan Arctic
- Fluid-sediment Interaction and Formation of Mn oxi-hydroxide related to a Ridge Flank Hydrothermal System
- Flux and Transformation of Soil Organic Carbon Across the Eroding Coastline of Northern Alaska, Preliminary Results
- GIS Analysis of Marine Geophysical Signatures to Decipher Depositional Patterns of Platinum Placer in Offshore Goodnews Bay Region, Alaska.
- GLOBE Earth Science Education and Public Outreach in Developing Countries GLOBE Earth Science Education and Public Outreach in Developing Countries
- Geomorphologic Changes in an Active Sub-Arctic Thermokarst
- High Speed Imagery of Elves and Halos
- Hydrological Responses to a Warming Climate on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Impacts of landscape evolution on hydrology: headwater channels in deglaciated terrain.
- Initial watershed response to boreal forest fires in Interior Alaska
- Ionospheric Current Systems Under Magnetic Cloud Condition
- Local geological conditions and seismic site response in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Mid-Level Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties Derived From Polarization Lidar Measurements and Model Simulations
- Modeling non-sorted circles along low Arctic climate gradient, Dalton highway, Alaska
- Nature and Extent of Permafrost Degradation in the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone in Alaska
- Net methane exchanges between the atmosphere and land ecosystems in the northern high latitudes over the 21st century
- Nitrogen Inputs and Transformations in a Boreal Wetland: Hypotheses and Preliminary Results From the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- North Pacific Atmospheric Circulation Change and Effective Moisture Variability in the Yukon Territory, Canada
- Optimization Based Upscaling of Hydrogeological Properties for Flow and Transport Simulation
- Origin for Kuparuk River Basin Springs, North Slope of Alaska
- Particulate Organic Carbon Fluxes across the Arctic Land-Sea Interface
- Partitioning and Fate of Potentially Exported Soil Organic Carbon From the Eroding Coastline of Northern Alaska
- Permafrost Observatory near Gakona, Alaska. Local-Scale Features in Permafrost Distribution and Temperatures.
- Persistent Organic Pollutants in Semi-permeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) Deployed in the Ambient Air of Alaska
- Phase Sensitiveness to Soil Moisture in Controlled Anechoic Chamber: Measurements and First Results
- Phenology Monitoring in Alaska with GLOBE Data, AVHRR NDVI and the CLAVR Algorithm
- Physical Impacts and Hydrological Model Simulations of a Tundra Watershed Affected by Fire, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Primary Production and C Flow in the Chukchi Sea Land-Fast Ice-Ocean Ecosystem and Sensitivity to Environmental Factors
- Rock glaciers in different climates: the Brooks Range, Alaska, and Swiss Alps
- Siberian Lena River Stream Temperature Regime and Change
- Siberian lakes are growing in the north, shrinking in the south
- Simulating the Permafrost Distribution on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Small-scale Patterned Ground in the Arctic: Maps of Vegetation and Thaw Depth on a North-South Transect
- Small-scale snow cover variability of a headwater arctic basin
- Soil Nitrogen Cycling Associated With Small Patterned Ground Features Along a High-Latitude Temperature Gradient in Northern Alaska
- Soil moisture as signal and noise in SAR interferometry
- Soluble Organic Carbon In Size Fractionated Arctic Tundra Soils, Alaska
- Spatial Variability of Arctic Precipitation Bias Adjustments
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Hydraulic Properties to Represent Discontinuous Permafrost in a Spatially-distributed, Process-based Hydrologic Model
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Active Layer Thickness over the Russian Arctic Drainage Basin
- Stable isotope characteristics of pre last interglaciation ice wedges near Fairbanks Alaska
- Strain Accommodation Along an Oblique Subduction Zone: Integrating Paleomagnetic Data and Stress Patterns in the Central Aleutian Forearc
- Streamer formation in sprites
- Streamflow Response to Seasonal Snowcover Change over the Large Northern Rivers
- Structure of the Hydrated (10-14) Surface of Rhodochrosite (MnCO3)
- Synthesis of Water Balance Data for Northern Research Basins
- Systematic Lidar Study of Polar Mesospheric Clouds at Rothera, Antarctica
- TIDI Broadband Neutral Wind Data and Comparison with Ground Based Radar Neutral Wind Measurements from Different Latitudes
- The Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Temperature-Dependent Model with Coupled Inland Ice Sheet, Ice Stream and Ice Shelf Flow
- The Effect of Fire and Drainage on CO2 Fluxes in Black Spruce Stands of Interior Alaska
- The Effect of Vegetation, Soil Organic Layer and Snow on the Modified N-Factor in Patterned-Ground Ecosystems
- The North American Arctic Transect: Patterned-Ground Ecosystems Across the Full Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Understanding the Impacts of Changes in Freshwater on Human Communities and Cultures Using Multi Agent Systems Modeling
- Uneven Response of Arctic Tundra to Recent Environmental Changes
- Variations in fire severity and frequency as a driver of changes in succession and long-term patterns of carbon storage in Alaskan boreal forests
- Vent Fluid Chemistry From Six Hydrothermal Fields Along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center From 20°03'S to 22°13'S.
- Warming in the Yukon River Basin is Likely to Release Substantial Amounts of Soil Organic Carbon
- A Case for the Establishment of Large, Long-term Arctic Hydrologic Observatories
- A Dissolved Oxygen Model to Help Manage Water Use in Arctic Lakes
- A Distributed Web-based Solution for Ionospheric Model Real-time Management, Monitoring, and Short-term Prediction
- A census of marine zooplankton in the tropical/subtropical Atlantic from the surface to 5000 m.
- AOOS\: Implementing an Ocean Observing System in Alaska
- Aboveground Phytomass of Vegetation Communities Along an Arctic Climate Gradient
- Application of 1D S-Transform in Discrimination Problems in Remote Sensing
- Biocomplexity of Arctic Patterned-Ground Ecosystems
- Biogeochemical and Isotopic Records of Holocene Climate Change in the Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Bottom-up estimates of CH4 emissions from northern thaw lakes: modern and paleo- perspectives
- Carbon sources and fates in the Gulf of Papua
- Changes in Soils and Permafrost as a Function of Distance to the Beaufort Sea Coast, Alaska
- Characrterizing frozen ground with multisensor remote sensing
- Circulation in the Landfast-Ice Zone of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
- Climatic Change and Marine Ecosystems in the NE Pacific: A Holocene Perspective
- Comparing AFARS Ground-Based Polarization Lidar and W-band Radar Measurements to CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODIS Overpass Data
- Consumption of surface organic layer carbon during fires in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Earth Science Education
- DOC composition at spring snowmelt and summer baseflow in boreal forest streams of interior Alaska
- Decadal Changes of Vegetation Greenness in the Canadian Arctic
- Determining solid precipitation on Alaska's Arctic Slope
- Diffusion of gases in thawed Siberian loess as a control over greenhouse gas emissions from permafrost
- Distribution and Origin of Organic Matter Preserved in Modern Surface Sediments throughout Coastal SE Alaska
- Do Continental Shelf Strata Contain Evidence of Rapid Late 20th Century Glacial Melting and Increased Runoff in Alaska?
- EarthSLOT: A case-study on serving your own virtual globe for academic purposes
- Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Evidence for the Incorporation of Terrestrial Carbon in Arctic Coastal Food Webs in the Western Beaufort Sea
- Evidence of an Asteroid Impact in the Central Arctic Ocean?
- Exchange between the Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska: Data over an annual cycle
- Exploring Means of Determining Surface Deformation at Augustine Volcano
- Fifteen Years of Synthetic Aperture Radar Calibration Using Trihedral Reflectors at the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Geographic Information Network of Alaska: Real-Time Synoptic Satellite Data for Alaska and the High Arctic, Best Available DEMs, and Highest Available Resolution Imagery for Alaska
- Geology of La Gloria and Las Cumbres Volcanic Fields. Two highly eroded avalanche caldera complexes at the eastern sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.
- Helium Isotope Variations and Mantle Plume-Spreading Ridge Interaction Along the Galapagos Spreading Center
- High time resolution velocity measurements on Jakobshavns Isbrae
- How do you say 'Global Warming' in Your Language?" Linguistic Research on Climate Change in the Upper Tanana Valley, Alaska
- IPY Public Outreach Using Virtual Globes: A prototype example of interactive and non- interactive tools based on McCall Glacier research
- Influx of Different Galapagos Plume Components to the Galapagos Spreading Center: Evidence From Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Variations in Axial Lavas Between 86W and 92.5W
- Initiation of Patterned Ground Features via Differential Frost Heave - Thermal Boundary Effects
- Integrated Regional Changes in Arctic Climate Feedbacks: Implications for the Global Climate System
- Integrating Research and Education in a Study of Biocomplexity in Arctic Tundra Ecosystems: Costs, Results, and Benefits to the Research Agenda
- Interactions and Feedbacks in the Changing Arctic Hydrologic System
- Interactions of Cook Inlet tides with wind-driven and tsunami-generated oscillations
- Interactive Volcano Studies and Education Using Virtual Globes
- Intra-permafrost water and hydrological chronology; a case study of aufeis and spring hydrology in continuous permafrost regions
- Late Holocene Drought Record From Castor Lake, North-Central Washington State
- Marine Geodatabase and Multiple Regressive Pattern Recognition Technique: A New Approach to Marine Placer Resource Assessment.
- Methane emissions from boreal peatlands in a changing climate: Quantifying the sensitivity of methane fluxes to experimental manipulations of water table and soil temperature regimes in an Alaskan boreal fen
- Modeling Circulation in the Landfast Ice Zone
- Modeling Hydrology-Vegetation Interactions in Non-Sorted -Circle Ecosystems
- Moisture Controls on CO2 Fluxes From Boreal Wetlands: Integration of Experimental and Gradient-Based Measurements at the Bonanza Creek LTER, Interior Alaska
- Molecular Assessment of litter decay dynamics across old and young forest sites
- Monitoring Seasons Through Global Learning Communities
- Monitoring Start of Season in Alaska
- Motion patterns of glaciers in the eastern Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, seen on ERS-1 SAR Interferograms
- Multi-Method Analysis of Arctic Groundwater Dynamics in a Changing Climate
- Observations at forearc carbonate mounds offshore Costa Rica
- Observations of Magnetospherically Reflected (MR) Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on the IMAGE Satellite: Diagnostics of Electron Density and Ion Composition
- On the Importance of Warm Pacific Water Inflow Along the Alaskan Coast
- Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols In Alaska and Transport of Smoke to Remote Arctic Regions
- Oxygen isotope and salinity relationships from SE Alaska track freshwater sources in the NE Pacific
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for Significant Rotations Within the Aleutian Island Arc.
- Pedological Properties of the Eroding Coastline along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Permafrost Degradation and Effects on Watershed Chemistry and Hydrology
- Permafrost and hydrologic response: Summer warming as an analog for climate warming
- Potential Rapid Effects on Soil Organic Matter Characteristics and Chemistry Following a Change in Dominant Litter Inputs
- Quantifying potential aircraft tephra exposure using a volcanic ash dispersion model
- Rates and Effects of Climate Warming and Permafrost Thawing in the Yukon River Basin: The Yukon Climate Effects Assessment and Monitoring Network
- Regional-Scale Vegetation Dynamics in Patterned-Ground Ecosystems of Arctic Tundra
- Role of Underground Erosion of Ice Wedges in Drainage System Formation
- Satellite Based Extrusion Rates for the 2006 Augustine Eruption
- Sea Ice Thickness Measurements by a Wideband Penetrating Radar
- Sensitivity of Ice Shelf Flow to Nonlinear Viscosity in a Thermocoupled Sheet/Stream/Shelf Antarctic Ice Sheet Model
- Shaping the seafloor by glacial ice and deep ocean currents; morphology along the HOTRAX 2005 transect
- Siberian Lena River Ice Regime and Change
- Simulation of Runoff and Sediment Yield Using Support Vector Machines: A Preliminary Analysis
- Soil Nitrogen Transformations Associated With Small Patterned-Ground Features Along the Complete Arctic Bioclimatic Gradient
- Soil Properties and Patterned Ground Across the North American Arctic Transect
- Soil climate and frost heave along the Permafrost/Ecological North American Arctic Transect
- Spectroscopic Properties as Indicators of Changes in the Quality and Lability of Dissolved Organic Matter During Storm Flows in Northern Forested Watersheds
- Spheres Are Boring: Studying Irregular Particles with Polarization Lidar
- Structure of Syngenetic Permafrost: New Data from the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel, Fox, Alaska
- Studies of the Northern Alaskan Coastal System: Ongoing project work and synthesis activities
- Temporal and Spatial Changes of Permafrost in the Tien Shan Mountains Since the Little Ice Age.
- The North American Arctic Transect: Baseline Vegetation and Active Layer Maps for the IPY
- The Use of High Resolution NWP data for Dispersion Modeling of Airborne Volcanic Ash and Tephra Fallout
- The role of historical fire disturbance in the carbon dynamics of the pan-boreal region: A process-based analysis
- Thermokarst Characteristics and Distribution in a Transitional Arctic Biome: New Discoveries and Possible Monitoring Directions in a Climate Change Scenario
- Trace Element Speciation and Distribution Study at Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interfaces
- Trans-polar observations of the morphological properties of Arctic sea ice
- Turf Hummocks in Arctic Canada: Characteristics and Development
- Using Google Maps to Access USGS Volcano Hazards Information
- Vegetation Differentiation of Arctic Patterned-ground Ecosystems
- Virtual Globes and Glacier Research: Integrating research, collaboration, logistics, data archival, and outreach into a single tool
- Visualizing the NSF and IPY Arctic Research Databases using Virtual Globes
- Watershed Response to Boreal Forest Fires in Interior Alaska
- Winter chemistry of North Slope lakes
- A Dynamic Soil Layer Model for Assessing the Effects of Wildfire on High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
- A Laboratory Scale Study of the Fluid and Energy Dynamics in Non-sorted Circle Systems of Alaska
- A Multiphase Study of the Chemical Composition of Air, Aerosol Particles, Snow, and Ice Forms Collected Near Barrow, Alaska Provides Information on Bromine Activation
- A Preliminary Study of Biomass Estimation of Boreal Forest in Alaska Using ALOS PALSAR Polarimetric Images
- A Transition in Atmospheric Moisture Transport as Observed in Stable Isotope Data From Mount Wrangell
- Accuracy of precipitation measurements in the Arctic, Barrow, Alaska
- Aerosol Scavenging by Cirrus Clouds: Evidence from Polarization Lidar Measurements
- Alaskan Exemplary Program The Rural Alaska Honors Institute (RAHI) A Quarter Century of Success of Educating, Nurturing, and Retaining Alaska Native and Rural Students An International Polar Year Adventure in Barrow
- An Automated Chamber Network for Evaluation the Long-term Response and Feedback of Soil Carbon Dynamics to Global Change
- An Eulerian View of storm events and their relationship to storm surge along the coast of Alaska
- Analysis of Pdiff coda using the axi-symmetric finite difference method
- Anatomy of Diamagnetic Cusp Cavities - Cluster observations
- Automated system for smoke dispersion prediction due to wild fires in Alaska
- Can an Alder Disease Influence the Controls of Ecosystem Water Flux?
- Carbon Biogeochemistry in the Western Arctic Ocean and Inferences on an Ice Free Arctic Ocean
- Carbon Isotopes and the Diverging Growth Response of Treeline Trees to Changing Climate in Alaska
- Changes in Greenland Outlet Glacier Systems Synchronous With Increasing Summer Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Past Decade
- Changes in Plant Communities in Northern Alaska Under Scenarios of Climate Change 2003 to 2100: Implications for Climate Feedbacks
- Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Lake Victoria Basin
- Cryogenic Structure of Perennially Frozen Lacustrine Sediments
- Ecohydrology Controls on Feedbacks Between Northern Wetlands and Climate Systems
- Education Outreach in Village Schools during the SnowSTAR 2007 Alaska-Canada Barren Lands Traverse.
- Effects of Boreal Forest Fires in Interior Alaska
- GEOG 342: Exploring the Virtual Earth
- Groundwater Mounding Beneath Stormwater Infiltration Basins
- Homogeneous biogeochemical functions in terrestrial ecosystems of the heterogeneous coastal temperate forest ecosystem
- How Do We Actually Solve the Equations for Ice Shelves and Streams?
- Improving Managed Aquifer Recharge Operation to Reduce Nutrient Load in an Agricultural Basin: Delineation of Processes, Controls, and In-situ Potential
- Increased Active Layer Development Associated with Thermokarst Activity in Continuous Permafrost Region in the Brook Range foothills, Alaska
- Integrating Thermokarst Features in the UpperKuparuk and Imnvait Basin Using Remote Sensing and Ground-Truth Data into TOPOFLOW
- Interactive effects of fire, soil climate, and vegetation on CO2 fluxes in an upland black spruce forest and peatland in interior Alaska
- Interpreting the Spatial Heterogeneity of Lake Drying in the Minchumina Basin, Central Alaska
- Landscape and climate controls on fire severity in Alaskan black spruce forests
- Late Quaternary Environmental Changes Inferred from the stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Aquatic Insects (Chironomidae: Diptera) and Stable Hydrogen Isotope Composition of bulk sediments from Idavain Lake, Southwest Alaska
- Megathrust Slip and the Care and Feeding of the Subduction Channel Through which the Seismogenic Zone Runs
- Modeling Runoff on the North Slope of Alaska Using the HBV Model
- North Atlantic warming: Fingerprints of climate change and long-term variability
- Observations of Magnetospherically Reflected (MR), Specularly Reflected (SR), and Back Scattered (BS) Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on IMAGE: Diagnostics of Electron Density, Density Structure, and Ion Composition
- Occurrence Pattern of Whistler Mode (WM) Echoes Observed by RPI/IMAGE as a Function of Geomagnetic Activity
- Opportunities for IPY Higher Education and Outreach
- Paleolimnological Investigations Across a Physiographic Gradient Record Recent Aquatic Ecosystem and Watershed Scale Changes: Southwest Alaska National Parks and Preserves
- Permafrost monitoring K12 outreach program
- Reducing uncertainty in emission estimates of methane bubbling from arctic lakes
- Roles of Clathrate Hydrates in Crustal Heating and Volatile Storage/Release on Earth, Mars, and Beyond
- Seasonal changes in the concentration and chemical quality of dissolved organic matter exported from wetland soils to streams in coastal temperate watersheds
- Sensitivity of the Carbon Cycle in the Arctic to Climate Change
- ShakeMap Implementation in Alaska
- Snow-mediated Ptarmigan Browsing Controls Shrub Expansion in Arctic Alaska
- Solar Wind Short Distance Propagation Model With Moving Boundaries
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Temperatures and Snow Cover in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska
- Sprites and lightning in Venus: constraints for observations by the Planet-C mission
- Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Geographic Sources of Marijuana in Alaska
- Streamflow response to seasonal snow cover changes over large Siberian watersheds
- Studies of contemporary glacier basal ice cryostructures to identify buried basal ice in the permafrost: an example from the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska.
- Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka: Results from the 2007 Field Season
- Surface Water Storage Change as Evidence of Groundwater Gradients
- Sustaining the Bering Ecosystem: A Social Science Research Plan
- The Relationship Between Sea Ice Variability and Arctic Tundra on the Pan-Arctic, Regional and Site Scales
- The Role of Nitrogen Dynamics in the Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics to Changes in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Climate, and Land Use
- The Sensitivity of Northern Groundwaters to Climate Change: A Case Study in Northwest Alaska
- The vulnerability of carbon storage in boreal North America during the 21st Century to increases in wildfire activity
- Thermokarst Distribution in the Noatak Basin, Alaska: Increased Frequency and Correlations with Local and Regional Landscape Variables
- Thresholds controlling shifts in forest cover types in the boreal region of Interior Alaska: inter- actions between climate, fire and edaphic factors
- Towards Determining the Upper Temperature Limit to Life
- Trends of Vegetation Greenness in the Arctic from 1982-2005
- Tundra Soil-Water Content and Temperature Behavior and Implications for Winter Tundra Travel
- Using Artificially Generated Electromagnetic Signals, Produced by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Full Transmitter Array, for Geophysical Probe Waves.
- Using a dynamical systems approach to characterize climate for physical interpretation and comparison of models to observations
- Wildlife, Snow, Coffee, and Video: The IPY Activities of the University of Alaska Young Researchers' Network
- 2-D MHD and Hall-MHD local simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Ionopause of Mars
- 30 years of change in understory plant communities along the Tanana River, Alaska: Revisiting the concept of turning points
- A Recent Shift in the Carbon Balance of High-latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems in Response to Changes in Climate and Disturbance Regime
- A Tribute to Hank Bass: The Past, Present, and Future of US Infrasound Research
- A high velocity layer at depth beneath Bezymyannii Volcano, a possible source of seismicity?
- Aeolian erosion of terrestrial ignimbrites and the formation of yardangs: synergistic remote and field observations on Earth with applications to Mars
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- An International Polar Year Adventure in the Arctic
- An overview of the role of disturbance in the terrestrial carbon budget
- Arctic Summer Surface Energy Balance at Two Coastal Drained Lake Basins, Barrow, Alaska
- Arctic Synthesis Collaboratory: A Virtual Organization for Transformative Research and Education on a Changing Arctic
- Biodegradability of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in estuaries draining glacial and wetland-dominated watersheds
- Biophysical controls of carbon exchange in old growth Mountain Ash stands
- Boreal Forest Organic Soil Properties: Variation Within Soil Profiles and Across Landscapes
- Buried Glacial Basal Ice Along the Beaufort Sea Coast, Northern Alaska
- Burn severity influences post fire surface energy and mass exchange in arctic tundra
- Carbon storage in frozen loess and soils of the mammoth tundra-steppe biome
- Challenges of Predicting the Hydrologic Response of Ungauged Arctic Catchments
- Characterization of ice Content in Permafrost Soils on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska Using Induced Polarization
- Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Basaltic Formation Fluids on a Ridge Flank: Using Drilling Perturbations to Elucidate Water-Rock-Microbial Reactions
- Classification of Cryostructures of Basal Glacier Ice Using Tomodensitometry
- Comparison of Magnetic Field-Based Methods for Solar Wind Propagation Time Delay from Single-Spacecraft Measurements at ACE and WIND Satellite
- Computational Performance of the UAF Eulerian Parallel Polar Ionosphere Model (UAF EPPIM)
- Contrasts in the flux and composition of particulate organic matter in a temperate estuary as a function of river discharge
- Cryofacial Analysis of Permafrost Soils
- Cumulative effects of rapid climate and land-use changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia
- DataSite: A Data Processing System For Research Sites
- Debris-Rich Basal Ice Layer Effects on Polar Glacier Dynamics
- Decadal changes of phenological patterns over Arctic tundra biome
- Deformation of Okmok Volcano Associated with its 2008 Eruption
- Delineating Water Tracks in Headwater Drainage Basins of the Alaskan Arctic
- Development of an Autonomous Buoy for Year-Round Measurement of Ozone, CO2, and BrO Over the Arctic Ocean
- Dimensionless snowmelt depletion curves using MODIS-derived SCA for improved hydrologic modeling
- Education Outreach in Village Schools during the SnowSTAR 2007 Alaska-Canada Barrenlands Traverse.
- Effects of Atmospheric Factors on Parah (Elateriospermum tapos) Phenology in Southern Thailand
- Energy dissipation of large amplitude nonlinear waves in the South China Sea
- Environmental Significance of Oxygen Isotopes Variability in Precipitation and Cave Dripwater in Oregon
- Estimation Of Leaf Area Index From Landsat Imagery For Texas High Plains Using Support Vector Machines
- Experimental Increases in Snow Depth Alters the Seasonality, Structure and Function of Ecosystems in Alaska and Greenland
- Extended Region Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Model
- First Recovery of Submarine Basalts from the Chukchi Borderland and Alpha / Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Gas Hydrates and Perturbed Permafrost: Can Thermokarst Lakes Leak Hydrate-Derived Methane?
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the NanTroSEIZE Transect; IODP Expeditions 315/316
- Geodetic measurements for monitoring rapid crustal uplift in southeastern Alaska caused by the recent deglaciation
- Glaciation of the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska
- Glacier runoff as a source of labile dissolved organic matter for near-shore marine ecosystems in the Gulf of Alaska
- Google's Geo Education Outreach: Results and Discussion of Outreach Trip to Alaskan High Schools.
- Groundwater Modeling of the Texas High Plains using Modflow
- High Latitude Nitrogen Oxide oxidation during wintertime
- High resolution ground-based snow measurements during the NASA CLPX-II campaign, North Slope, Alaska
- Hydrothermal Plume Geochemistry along the East Lau Spreading Center
- Influence of Thermokarst Failures on Hillslope and Stream Water Quality
- Intrusion of Warm Bering/Chukchi Waters Onto the Shelf in the Western Beaufort Sea
- Iterative Methods for Reconstructing Glacier Basal Boundary Data
- KML-based teaching lessons developed by Google in partnership with the University of Alaska.
- Long-term Water Quality and Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges
- Mammoth ecosystem: Climatic areal, animal's density and cause of extinctions
- Mercury and major element snowmelt chemistry at an Alaskan Arctic coastal site
- Methane from Arctic Lakes: Observations from 50 lakes in Alaska and Siberia
- Multisensor and Multispectral Approach in Documenting and Analyzing Liquefaction Hazard using Remote Sensing
- NASA World Wind: A New Mission
- Nearshore Thermal Habitat and General Circulation Mapping in Arctic Alaskan Coasts Using Archived AVHRR Images
- Nitrogen Attenuation of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Response to Global Environmental Change
- Observation of volcanoes through webcams: Tools and techniques
- Observing Microscale Variations in Snow Stratigraphy Using Near Infra-red Photography
- On the Effect of Medium Energy Electron Precipitation on the Earth's Middle and Low Atmosphere
- Pliocene Arctic forests: climate reconstructions from a 3 million year old site on Bylot Island derived from stable isotope values of fossil wood.
- Pore Water Geochemistry of IODP Exp 315 and 316: The NanTroSEIZE Transect
- Rapid Arctic Change: Mapping the Extent of Change on Human Systems
- Rapid Arctic change and implications for sea-ice use and its management at the local and regional level: An example from Alaska
- Rapid Late Cenozoic Subsidence Along the Aleutian Forearc Identifies Nucleation Areas of Great Earthquakes and Transoceanic Tsunamis
- Rare Earth Element and Trace Metal Composition of Pore Fluids in the Nankai Trough as Relates to the Lithostratigraphy and Deep Biosphere.
- Response of lower trophic level production to long-term climate change in the southeastern Bering Sea
- Satellite Altimetric Mappings of Arctic Sea Surface Topography: An Evaluation
- Satellite Remote Sensing Tools at the Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Seasonal dynamics of carbon and nitrate uptake in streams draining watersheds underlain by discontinuous permafrost
- Shifts in Seasonal Hydrology Across Northern Eurasia: Emerging Trends and Water Cycle Linkages
- Simulating CO2 Released from Soil: A Bayesian Approach
- Simulating the Effects of Wildfire on Permafrost and Soil Carbon Dynamics over the Yukon River Basin using the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Simultaneous Measurements of the High-Energy Particle Properties at a Cusp Diamagnetic Cavity and Surrounding Magnetosheath: Evidence for Local Acceleration Mechanism?
- Snow-Depth Variability and Implications to Tundra Travel on the North Slope of Alaska
- Spatial dynamics of thermokarst and thermo-erosion at lakes and ponds in North Siberia and Northwest Alaska using high-resolution remote sensing
- Sprite Spectra at 10,000 fps
- Stable Isotope Mapping of Alaskan Grasses and Marijuana
- Strength of Frozen Soils and Tundra Travel Criteria
- Study of Hematite Nanoparticle Interaction With Zn(II), Oxalate, and Shewanella oneidensis Using ATR-FTIR, EXAFS, and STXM
- Testing a numerical model for thermokarst lake expansion using morphologic measurements, N. Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- The BOSS: a novel approach to coupling temporal changes in geochemistry and microbiology in the deep subsurface biosphere.
- The Effects of Scale and Spatial Heterogeneities on Diffusion in Volcanic Breccias and Basalts: Amchitka Island, Alaska
- The Greening of the Arctic IPY Project
- The Perfect Fire? Aging Stands in the Alaskan Boreal Forest Encounter Global Warming
- The Physical Principles of the Generation of Whistler Mode Echoes by a Radio Sounder (RPI) on a Spacecraft (IMAGE)
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- The Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) Program, Climate Services, and Meeting the National Climate Change Adaptation Challenge
- Triangulated sprite initiation altitudes
- Tundra Fires in the Noatak National Preserve, Northwestern Alaska, Since 6000 yr BP
- UAFSmoke Modeling in Alaska
- Underground thermo-erosion of ice wedges: numerical simulation of tunnel freeze- back
- Using Artificially Generated VLF Electromagnetic Signals, Produced by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Full Transmitter Array, as Geophysical Probe Waves.
- Using NIR Photography to Document Snow Stratigraphy Quickly: Lessons from Three Field Campaigns
- Volcanic Ash Dispersion Modeling: The Puff model
- Water under-saturated phase equilibria of basaltic andesites from Westdahl volcano, Alaska
- World Wind Java Enabling Technology
- A Comparison of Cold Air Outbreaks in WACCM and ERA40
- A Guide to the Neogeography of Alaska
- A circulation based perspective on the impacts of the 1976 Pacific Climate Shift on Alaskan weather
- A mesoscopic model of low-density snow under rapid loading
- Airborne, Ground-based, and Satellite Measurements of BrO during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Evapotranspiration on the Alaskan North Slope: Preliminary Characterization of Fluxes and Turbulence in the Imnavait Creek Basin
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Anomalous Resistivity Generated by the Current Driven Ion Acoustic Instabilities in Weakly Collisional Plasmas
- Application of in-situ measurements to characterize moisture and thermal dynamics in organic soils
- Assessing the Potential Effects of Northern High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Climate System (Invited)
- Attracting structures in volcanic ash transport
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Beaufort Sea Mesoscale Meteorology Modeling Study: Sea Breeze Simulation
- Bush Physics for the 21st Century, A Distance Delivery Physics Course to Bridge the Gap in Rural Alaska and Across the North
- Characterization of climate indices in models and observations using Hurst Exponent and Reyni Entropy Techniques
- Circumpolar Arctic greening: Relationships to summer sea-ice concentrations, land temperatures and disturbance regimes
- Climatology of Extreme Winds in the Chukchi/Beaufort Seas/Alaska Region Using the North American Regional Reanalysis
- Coastal sea-ice processes in Alaska and their relevance for sediment dynamics and coastal retreat (Invited)
- Comparing Field Measured Runoff and Precipitation in Several Large Arctic Alaskan Rivers
- Contrasting natural abundance radiocarbon signatures of methane released upon permafrost decomposition. (Invited)
- Coupling a Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model with WRF
- Cryogenic structure and ice content of lacustrine sediments in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Deposition of N2O5 to the snowpack at high latitudes
- Determining Organic Matter Sources to CH4 Production and Bubbling from Alaskan Lakes using Stable Isotopes and Radiocarbon Ages
- Effects of the past- and present-day ice melting on observed uplift rates in Southeast Alaska
- Evaluating Contributions of Wetland and Lake Emissions of Methane to Atmospheric Methane Concentrations with models of Biogeochemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry Transport in Northern High Latitudes
- Evidence for subduction of upper plate serpentine at the western edge of the Caribbean plate
- Evolution of crystal fabric: Ice-Age ice versus Holocene ice
- Extreme winter cyclones and the extinction of a reindeer population (Invited)
- Fate of Carbon in Sediments of a Drying High Latitude Lake, Interior Alaska
- Forces acting at a distance: Performing laboratory experiments with students in remote locations
- Forecasting Coastal Ice Decay and Break-up in Northern Alaska
- Geodetic Constraints on the Tectonics of Alaska and the North Pacific (Invited)
- Geomorphological characteristics of Yedoma terrains in the northern part of Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Glacial-interglacial cycles of erosion and sediment transport along the western North American margin constrained by reconciling geologic and climate model data sets
- Greenhouse gas release from arctic permafrost: positive feedback to climate warming (Invited)
- Ground and Satellite Conjunction Study of Small-scale Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- High resolution Arctic snow observations: SnowNet (Invited)
- Holocene Evolution of the Indus River Basin: the effect of climate and drainage reorganization on the Harappan
- Hydrologic Reorganization of Degrading Permafrost Landscapes at Multiple Spatial Scales
- INRA Constellation of Experimental Watersheds: Cyberinfrastructure to Support Publication of Water Resources Data
- Imprint of the Bering Plate in Chukotka, East Siberia, from Regional GPS Observations
- Influence of free parameters on time delay calculations using magnetic field-based methods for solar wind propagation simulation from a single spacecraft
- Interplanetary shock characteristics and associated geosynchronous magnetic field variations deduced from sudden impulses observed on the ground
- Ionosphere Mesosphere Polar Aeronomy Campaign (IMPAC)
- Modeling Gaussian Random Fields by Anchored Inversion and Monte Carlo Sampling
- Multiple Axis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) Observations of Bromine Monoxide (BrO) at Barrow, Alaska: An Instrumental Inter-Comparison
- Multiple Site Evaluation of a Dynamic Organic Soil Model for Analyzing Carbon Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change and Fire Disturbance in Interior Alaska
- Negative climate feedbacks from surface permafrost degradation in the continuous permafrost zone - Thermokarst lakes on the run
- Novel Disturbance on Alaska’s North Slope: Effects of a Large Wildfire on Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Numerical Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska using a High Spatial Resolution Dataset
- Numerical Modeling of Tectonic and Submarine Landslide-Generated Tsunamis in Whittier, Alaska
- Particle Energization in Cusp-Like Diamagnetic Cavities
- Patterns in dissolved organic carbon quality in a New England coastal watershed: it’s relationship to urban and wetland sources and flow dynamics
- Permafrost Degradation Risk Zone Assessment using Numerical Models
- Permafrost controls on soil C storage and turnover in upland black spruce ecosystems of interior Alaska
- Permafrost thaw in upland catchments of central Alaska: groundwater connection and landscape evolution as discerned from U isotopes and dissolved organic carbon
- Physical and chemical properties of aerosols at a coastal site Paposo (Chile) during VOCALS campaign
- Positive and negative feedbacks to climate change associated with methane emissions from arctic permafrost systems (Invited)
- Preliminary investigation of subsurface hydraulic parameter estimation using airborne electromagnetic surveys
- Progress made towards including wildfires in real-time cloud resolving forecasts at NOAA/ESRL and examining its impact upon weather and air quality
- RAVEN - High-resolution Mapping of Venus within a Discovery Mission Budget
- Radar Sounding of Temperate Permafrost (Fairbanks, AK): Study of Dielectric and Scattering Losses in Mars-Analog Environment
- Recent Changes of the Earth’s land ice from GRACE: methods, signals and errors (Invited)
- Recent Changes to the Strength of the CO2 Sink in Boreal Land Regions (Invited)
- Recent and Future Changes in Eurasian Permafrost: Observations, Modeling, Possible Consequences (Invited)
- Regional climate change downscaling for Alaska
- Rockfalls and Block-and-Ash Flows at Augustine Volcano, 2003-2009
- Scaling properties of sea ice deformation during winter and summer
- SeaRISE Greenland: On "spin-up" procedures using InSAR surface velocities
- Seasonality of Air-sea-ice-land Variables for Arctic Tundra in Northern Eurasia and North America
- Sediment Buffering and Transport in the Holocene Indus River System
- Sediment/Aqueous Partitioning of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Spring Meltwater
- Simulating the effects of soil organic nitrogen and grazing on arctic tundra vegetation dynamics on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia
- Soil respiration flux in northern coastal temperate rainforest ecosystems
- Sources of Nitrate to Alaskan Streams
- Stable N isotope values of black spruce ecosystem components integrate source N isotope values, soil fertility, and microbial biomass: a natural and experimental study from Alaska
- Streamflow Regulation Effects on the Mean Annual Discharge of the Large Siberian Rivers
- Studies of Strong Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Sub-keV Electron Signatures Within Pulsating Aurora
- Subsurface microbial observatories deployed in young ocean crust
- Thaw bulb dimensions determined using electrical imaging across thermokarst lakes, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- The ARCTAS aircraft mission: design and execution
- The Alaska Soil Carbon Database: A Powerful Database for Soil Carbon Synthesis and Modeling
- The First Application and Validation of the Hydrologic Model WaSiM-ETH at a Watershed Underlain by Permafrost
- The Intersection of Environmental Variability, Policy, and Human Values: International Treaties, Yukon River Salmon, and Food Security in a Changing Arctic (Invited)
- The Rationale for a New High-resolution Imaging Radar Mission to Venus
- The geochemical composition of frost flowers in the Alaskan Arctic and their role in mercury deposition
- The importance of local and regional variability in developing spatial models of potential refugia in a subarctic landscape
- The magnitude and controls on denitrification during managed aquifer recharge into a shallow, unconfined aquifer in a coastal groundwater basin
- Thermally-Conditioned Paleo-Permafrost Variations from Global Climate Modeling
- Thermokarst lake expansion and drainage in continuous permafrost, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Towards a Space-Based Estimate of Tropospheric Column BrO: A Description of Model Estimates of the Stratospheric Contribution to the Total Column
- Towards better-constrained assessments of the carbon balance of North America in the 21st Century: a comparison of recent model and inventory-based estimates
- Tundra fire regimes in the Alaskan Arctic: Vegetation-fire linkages during the late Holocene
- U.S. Global Climate Change Impacts Report, Overview of Regions
- Understanding Satellite BrO Measurements during ARCTAS and ARCPAC
- Using Google Earth for K-12 Education
- Using Support Vector Machines to Characterize Runoff-triggering in Small Watersheds
- Validating Northern Texas High Plains Groundwater Model with Data from Observation Wells
- Value and Resilience in the Case of 'Invasive' Tamarix in the Colorado River Riparian Corridor
- Variation of Hydrological Regime with Permafrost Coverage over Lena Basin in Siberia
- Vegetation biomass, leaf area index, and NDVI patterns and relationships along two latitudinal transects in arctic tundra
- VolksWRF - A Weather Modeling Portal for the General Public
- WRF/Chem forecasting of wildfire smoke in Alaska
- Warm Oceans, Fast Glaciers: the connections
- Whistler Mode Echoes Observed Below 2,000 km Altitude by Radio Plasma Imager (RPI) on IMAGE: Radio Sounding of Electron Density and Ion Composition (H+, He+, O+)
- Yedoma and thermokarst in the northern part of Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Yukon River Hydrology and Climate Changes, 1977-2006
- A Model of Grain Growth and Crystal Fabric in Polar Snow and Firn
- A New Interpretation of Total Column BrO during Arctic Spring
- A Study of Elevated and Surface-Based Inversions in the Interior of Alaska
- A Tool to predict ice growth in Arctic Lakes
- A Two-dimensional Magnetoseismic Network in the United States
- A new inventory of glaciers and supraglacial debris for the Alaska Range with a case study of rock avalanche loading
- A principled stopping criterion for the reconstruction of basal properties in ice sheets
- Adding Vectors across the North: Development of Laboratory Component of Distance Education Physics Course
- Alaska climate divisions based on objective methods
- Alaska tundra vegetation trends and their links to the large-scale climate
- Arctic in Rapid Transition (art): Integrating Priorities for Arctic Marine Science Over the Next Decade
- Ash Deposition Mechanisms and Plume Scrubbing in the 2008 Okmok Eruption, Umnak Island, Alaska
- Assessing Solid-State SWE Sensors in Windy Arctic Conditions
- Assessing the Potential to Simulate Peak Discharge of Arctic Alaskan Basins Using Minimal Input Datasets
- Bush Physics for the 21st Century, A Distance Delivery Physics Course Targeting Students in Rural Alaska and Across the North
- Changes in Land Ice from GRACE: Signal, Errors and Relation to Other Missions (Invited)
- Changes in tundra vegetation over 25 years as measured by Landsat NDVI in the Upper Kuparuk River Basin, North Slope, Alaska, 1985-2009
- Climate Change Experiments in Arctic Ecosystems: Scientific Strategy and Design Criteria
- Continental Evolution Involving Subduction Underplating and Synchronous Foreland Thrusting: Evidence from the Trans-Alaska Crustal Transect
- Coupling Physics, Biology and Terrestrial Runoff to Ocean Acidification and Carbonate Mineral Suppression in the Pacific-Arctic Region (Invited)
- Creating future fit between ice and society: The institutionalization of a refuge in the Arctic to preserve sea ice system services in a changing North
- Data-model comparison reveals unprecedented recent burning of Alaskan boreal forests since CE 1860
- Determination of Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity with Thermal Needle Probe Measurements
- Dissolved organic matter and stream biogeochemistry in watersheds underlain with discontinuous permafrost in subarctic Alaska (Invited)
- Drivers of Vulnerability of Carbon Stocks to Variations in the Fire Regime In Alaskan Boreal Forests
- Dynamic Neural Networks for Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes
- Emissions by Uncontrolled Coal Fires
- Exploring Dielectric Signature of Martian Mid-Latitude Ice Using Earth Analog Study
- Exploring the relation between crystal fabric and climate history in an ice-core record
- Flat-slab subduction, whole crustal faulting, and geohazards in Alaska: Targets for Earthscope
- Floodplain Responses to Rapid Climate Changes at the End of the Last Ice Age in Arctic Alaska
- Fluid and chemical fluxes along a buried-basement ridge in the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank
- Fortuitous Evaporation Pan Observations on the Alaskan North Slope
- Freeing data through The Polar Information Commons
- Geotechnical investigations of the ice-rich syngenetic permafrost in Interior Alaska
- Geothermal Exploration in Pilgrim, Alaska: First Results From Remote Sensing Studies
- Greening of the Arctic: Spatial and temporal (1982-2009) variation of circumpolar tundra NDVI and aboveground biomass
- Has the Alaskan climate crossed a threshold? Satellite and tree-ring data indicate biome shift
- Heterogeneity, anisotropy, and compartmentalization of fluid, heat, and solute transport in the upper ocean crust on ridge flanks (Invited)
- High-speed observations of sprite halo and streamer onset
- History and Vulnerability of Permafrost in Upland and Lowland Boreal Landscapes (Invited)
- Holocene thermokarst lake formation and development in areas of icy, organic rich permafrost
- How Rapidly is the Tibetan Plateau Rising, and What Fraction of that is Tectonic? (Invited)
- How do oceans regulate ice flow?
- Hybrid Broad Phase Contact Detection Method for Lunar/Mars Regolith Modeling Designed for Use on Heterogeneous Computer Systems
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Responses to Fire and Thermokarst Formation in Arctic Alaska
- Hyper-resolution hydrological modeling of polygonal ground
- Ice Cover Enhances Methane Consumption in Alaskan Thermokarst Lakes
- Impacts of thermokarst formation on soil carbon dynamics on the North Slope of Alaska
- Improving degree-day melt modeling of the Greenland ice sheet in the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Indigenous Contributions to Sustainability
- Integrating Native knowledge and community perspectives in geoscience research and education
- Investigating Gulf of Alaska climate and ecosystem variability at annual to centennial resolution over the Holocene
- Investigating the interactions between biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes in the northern high latitudes using a land surface model; feedbacks and climatic impacts
- Iron limitation on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf: model and field observations of affects of circulation on the timing and magnitude of production (Invited)
- Iterative inverse problem techniques: Ice sheet scale parameter identification (Invited)
- Large-scale climate controls of Interior Alaska river ice breakup
- Lidar-based biomass assessment for the Yukon River Basin
- Linking North Slope Climate, Hydrology, and Fish Migration
- Long term Measurements of ozone, bromine monoxide and carbon dioxide over the Frozen Arctic Ocean Surface: first data from O-Buoy Deployments
- Long-Term Hydrogeochemical Records from Ocean Drilling Program Borhehole Observatories in the Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Mapping aboveground biomass for interior Alaska using Landsat data and field measurements
- Marine Transportation Implications of the Last Arctic Sea Ice Refuge
- Microbial borehole observatories deployed within the oceanic crust: Design considerations and initial results from long-term colonization experiments (Invited)
- Mitigating agricultural impacts on groundwater using distributed managed aquifer recharge ponds
- Modeling Crop Phenology in a Process-based Land Surface Scheme: CN-CLASS
- Modeling dynamics of tundra plant communities on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia
- Modern glacial outwash sand along the Denali Fault: Thermochronological constraints on strike-slip fault and glacier interaction
- NanTroSEIZE observatories: Installation of a long-term borehole monitoring systems offshore the Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Near-Vent Processes during the 2008 Okmok Eruption, Umnak Island, Alaska
- Nitrogen and phosphorus in Yedoma soils of Northeast Siberia: stocks, fluxes and the ecosystem consequences of nutrient release from permafrost thaw
- Nutrient limitation of a thermokarst lake and large river ecosystem in the Kolyma River basin (Russia)
- On the ratio of the gravity change rate to the uplift rate in Southeast Alaska
- Pan-Arctic Simulation of Coupled Nutrient-Sulfur Cycling due to Sea Ice Biology
- Petrology and Geochemistry of the Northeast Seamounts of the Galapagos Platform
- Photosynthetic recovery of foliage after wind disturbance activates ecosystem CO2 uptake in cool-temperate forests in northern Japan
- Plio-Pleistocene Bering Sea - North Pacific Ocean Circulation Dynamics Inferred from Sediment Source Changes at the Meiji Drift, Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Polar Science: From the Field to the Classroom (Invited)
- Quantification of interannual and inter-seasonal variability of lake areas within discontinuous permafrost of the Yukon Flats, Alaska
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Quantifying Future Changes in High-Latitude Methane Emissions and potential climate feedback Under Regional Climate Change Uncertainty
- Quantifying Snow Transport Using Snow Fences and Sonic Sensors
- R/V SIKULIAQ - A New Ice-capable Asset For The Future UNOLS Fleet
- Radiocarbon-based estimates of residence times for soil organic carbon of Tundra and Boreal forests in Alaska
- Real Students and Virtual Field Trips
- Regional Modeling of Outlet Glaciers Using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Relationships between soil microbial communities and soil carbon turnover along a vegetation and moisture gradient in interior Alaska
- Relative Importance of Multiple Factors on Terrestrial Loading of DOC to Arctic River Networks
- Response of vegetation structure and function to experimental drought and flooding in an Alaskan fen
- Review of Crustal (Non-Volcanic) Seismicity in the Aleutian Arc
- Role of Storage in Arctic Basins
- Sea ice as a tracer for circulation features associated with the Barrow area Bowhead whale feeding hotspot
- Seamounts South of the Galapagos Spreading Center Provide New Constraints on Plume-Ridge Interaction and Evidence for a Depleted Plume Component
- Seasonal Patterns of Carbon and Water Fluxes in Three Representative Ecosystems in the Northern Foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska
- Seasonal Variations in CO2 Flux among Arctic Plant Communities in Northern Alaska
- Seismicity at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia: Volcano-Tectonic Earthquake Swarms Triggered by the 2010 Maule, Chile Earthquake and Non-Triggered Background Activity
- Shrub Expansion Along Arctic Alaskan Streams and Gullies Reduces Erosion Since 1980
- Simultaneous Observations of Multi-mode Echoes on IMAGE: Propagation, Reflection, and Scattering of Whistler-, Slow Z-, Fast Z-, LO-, and RX-mode Waves at Low Altitude (<5,000 km)
- Snow Cover and Hydrology Changes over Large Siberian Watersheds (Invited)
- Snow Micro Penetrometer for classifying grain types in the alpine and arctic environment
- Soil carbon accumulation and loss in Alaska's boreal forest: exploring the interactive effects wildfire and permafrost thaw
- Soil carbon storage in Alaska: Results from a new database and a multi-regional landscape approach to spatial distribution assessment
- Streamflow Response to Snowcover Variation in the Large Northern Rivers (Invited)
- The Blazing Arctic? Linkages of Tundra Fire Regimes to Climatic Change and Implications for Carbon Cycling (Invited)
- The Effect of Warming Arctic Climate on Coupling Between the Sea Ice Cover and the Upper Ocean
- The Impacts of Thermokarst Failures on Lakes: Rapid Attenuation of Major Impacts gives way to Potential Long-term Effects on Benthic Processes
- The Need for System Scale Studies in Polar Regions
- The fate of carbon in a thawing world (Invited)
- The role of changing synoptic circulation patterns on the climate of McCall Glacier, Alaska
- Thermokarst Associations with Landscape Characteristics in Arctic Alaska: Implications for Future Permafrost Degradation at Landscape to Regional Scales
- Transient and asymptotic behavior in a regular network model for the ice-albedo feedback under thermal forcing
- Turbulent exchange and segregation of HOx radicals and volatile organic compounds above a deciduous forest
- Twenty-five Years of New Discoveries in Atmospheric and Space Electricity (Invited)
- Uranium isotopes in Pleistocene permafrost: evaluating the age of ancient ice
- Using Snow Fences to Augment Fresh Water Supplies in the Arctic Lakes
- Variations in Vegetation & Hydrology: Linkages to Evapotranspiration in the Alaskan Arctic
- Visualizing Moisture Storage in Basin Lysimeters Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Water Balance of One Control and One Snow-Manipulated Arctic Lake
- A Quantification of Climate Feedback from Permafrost Degradation, Thermokarst-Lake Expansion, and Subsequent Methane Emission Under Climate Policy and Uncertainty
- A moderate resolution inventory of small glaciers and ice caps surrounding Greenland and the Antarctic peninsula
- A new global mascon solution focused on land ice evolution
- Active Methanotrophs and their Response to Temperature Changes in Arctic Lake Sediments
- Alaska GeoFORCE, A New Geologic Adventure in Alaska
- An Early Pleistocene Till, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada
- An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions
- An overview of CORK borehole observatory microbiology experimentation techniques
- An update on surge-type glaciers and spatial constraint of surge behavior in the Alaska Range
- Anticipated impacts of climate warming on ecosystems in Interior Alaska
- Application of Whistler- and Z- Mode Radio Sounding to the Determination of Plasma Density, Ion Effective Mass and Composition, and Ducts in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Archaea in Arctic Thermokarst Lake Sediments
- Arctic Oil Spill Mapping and Response Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Arctic Snow Distribution Patterns at the Watershed Scale
- Assessing glacier response to changing climate using new and historical field observations on the Kahiltna Glacier in the Central Alaska Range
- Baseline Environmental Monitoring Program at Toolik Field Station, Alaska
- Buried glacier ice in permafrost, a window to the past: examples from Bylot Island, Canadian Arctic
- Changes in Arctic black carbon concentrations, deposition, transport, and sources during recent centuries
- Changing sources of respiration between a black spruce forest and thermokarst bog
- Characteristics of VLF and ELF sferics associated with TLEs observed in a combined aircraft and ground-based campaign in 2011
- Characterization of Suspended Sediment Load on Three North Slope Rivers
- Chukchi Edges Project - Geophysical constraints on the history of the Amerasia Basin
- Climate Change, Globalization and Geopolitics in the New Maritime Arctic
- Climate driven changes in hydrology, nutrient cycling, and food web dynamics in surface waters of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Construction Progress and Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Controls on Ecosystem Respiration in a Peat Plateau and Adjacent Collapse Formations in Interior Alaska
- Dam Effect on Flow Regime and Change over Kolyma River in Siberia
- Denali Rocks - An Innovative Geology Module for High School Students at the Alaska Summer Research Academy
- Determining the Best Science Blogger: Teachers or Scientists?
- Development, Calibration and Deployment of an Electromagnetic Flowmeter for Cross-Hole Hydrogeologic Experiments
- Dining Dovekies Demand, "When, Where and What's for Dinner?" The Impact of Seasonal Changes in Snow Melt and the Development of the Arctic Marine Food Web on Seabirds.
- Discrete Element Method (DEM) Application to The Cone Penetration Test Using COUPi Model
- Dissolved organic carbon fluxes from soils in the Alaskan coastal temperate rainforest
- Dye Tracers for Characterizing Breakup in Arctic Rivers: An Old School Solution for a Modern Conundrum
- Effects of Future Warming and Fire Regime Change on Boreal Soil Organic Horizons and Permafrost Dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Effects of reducing SO2 and NOx emission from ships on air quality in Alaska
- Engaging Alaskan Students in Cryospheric Research
- Enhancing the Accessibility and Utility of UAVSAR L-band SAR Data
- Estimating Rates of Sedimentation using LiDAR, GPS, and Historic Aerial Imagery
- Estimating aboveground biomass in the boreal forests of the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Evaluation of WRF/Chem PM2.5-simulations using mobile and fixed location monitoring data from the Fairbanks, Alaska 2008/09 winter field campaign
- Feedbacks between climate, fire severity, and differential permafrost degradation in Alaskan black spruce forests - implications for carbon cycling
- Floating vegetation mats on thermokarst lake margins, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Forest Canopy Temperature: a comparison between an isotopic measurement approach and photosynthesis-weighted air temperature
- Grímsvötn 2011 Explosive Eruption, Iceland: Relation between Magma Chamber Pressure Drop inferred from High Rate Geodesy and Plume Strength from Radar Observations
- Historical Overview of ODP/IODP CORK Hydrological Observatories
- Hydrological Measurements in Several Streams During Breakup in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska
- Hydrological Role of Lakes in Low-Gradient Arctic Watersheds
- Improved OMI BrO and OClO algorithms and BrO validation
- In a Time of Change: Integrating the Arts and Humanities with Climate Change Science in Alaska
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Influence of climate on ice-rheology at Dome C, East Antarctica
- Initial Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Large-Scale SuperDARN Observations of a Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream at Mid-Latitudes
- Lepidoptera Larvae as an Indicator of Multi-trophic Level Responses to Changing Seasonality in an Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Meeting International Career Development Needs through Free Online Webinars
- Micro-Scale Topographical Controls on Arctic Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Fluxes and Stocks
- Microbial Fe biomineralization in mafic and ultramafic rocks
- Microbial phylogeny of igneous minerals and glasses in deep ocean crust
- Modeling dynamics of circum-arctic tundra plant communities in response to climate warming and grazing pressure
- Modeling seasonality of ice and ocean carbon production in the Arctic
- Modeling the production and transport of methane in an Alaska rich fen peatland
- Moho Depth of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Multi-Station Waveform Classification with Dynamic Neural Networks
- Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment: Quantification and prediction of coupled processes in the terrestrial Arctic system
- Nine field experiments measuring CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O eddy fluxes from instantaneous mixing ratio output by an enclosed gas analyzer
- Non-volcanic tremor during several transient slip episodes in Alaska
- O-buoy measurements over the Arctic sea ice: Temporal and spatial extents of ozone depletion events
- Observations and Analysis of Whistler Mode Echoes during Quiet and Disturbed Periods: Measurement of the Electron Density and Ion Effective Mass as a Function of Geomagnetic Activity
- Observations of Ducted and Nonducted Fast Z mode Echoes from IMAGE: Measurement of Z mode Duct Parameters
- On the Divergence of the Auroral Electrojets
- Peat accumulation in drained thermokarst lake basins in continuous, ice-rich permafrost, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Performance Characteristics of the Electronic Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) Sensor in Arctic, Marine, and Humid Continental Climates
- Pleistocene ice-rich yedoma in Interior Alaska
- Pliocene to Recent alkalic volcanic centers in southeast Alaska: western component of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province
- Potential Application of Terrasar-X Satellite Data for Discriminating Age of Drained Thermokarst Lake Basins on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Properties and Formation of Erosional Pipe-Shaped Structures in Ignimbrites Around Valles Caldera, Jemez Mountains
- Quantifying CO2 Fluxes Across a Gradient of Permafrost in Boreal Alaska
- Quantifying links among climate, vegetation, and fire activity in Alaskan tundra ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales
- Quantifying methane ebullition in thermokarst lakes with space borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Reconstruction of Alaskan Arctic environmental changes for past 1 ka using δ<SUP>13</SUP>C of peat cellulose and their <SUP>14</SUP>C wiggle-match dating
- Related Changes in Shrub Growth, Snow Duration, and Permafrost in Response to post-1970s Warming in Arctic Alaska
- Relationship between structures of sprite streamers and inhomogeneity of preceding halos captured by high-speed camera during a combined aircraft and ground-based campaign
- Remote Sensing, Modeling, and In-Situ Measurements to Study the Spring and Summer Thermal Regime of the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska
- Results from the regional deployment for the 2011 Sayarim experiment
- Ridge-flank crustal microbiology investigated with long-term borehole observatories
- Role of Lithology in Methane Flux from an Alaskan Thermokarst Lake
- Satellite and ground-based observations of patterns and seasonality of sea-ice, summer warmth, snow, and NDVI along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Seasonal variation in methane emissions from an interior Alaska thermokarst lake
- Shifting ice regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and implications for permafrost and surface-water dynamics
- Stereo observations of sprites in support of NHK project: The Cosmic Shore
- Surface water dynamics of shallow lakes following wildfire in Alaska's discontinuous permafrost
- Synoptic climatology reconstruction using ice core data from McCall Glacier, Alaska
- Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) Polarimetry for Detection and Monitoring of Thermokarst Landforms in the Noatak Basin, Brooks Range, Alaska
- THE CONTRIBUTION FROM GLACIERS TO SEA LEVEL RISE - assessing the present state of the art
- Tall shrub expansion facilitated by patterned ground in the northwest Siberian Low Arctic
- Temperature Regimes in Traditional Iñupiat Ice Cellars in Barrow, Alaska
- Temporal Trends in Stream N Concentrations and Responses to Disturbances in US Forested Basins
- Terrestrial multi-proxy late Miocene to early Pliocene climate reconstruction of Cook Inlet forearc basin, southern Alaska
- The 2011 Grímsvötn Eruption From High Rate Geodesy
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- The Cold Surface Layer of Kahiltna Glacier, Central Alaska Range
- The Demise of the Circumboreal Mammoth Steppe as an Ecological Regime Shift: Drivers and Consequences
- The Geomorphic Expression and Surface Patterns of Ash-flow Deposits on Earth: Implications for the Presence of Ash Deposits on Mars.
- The IPD and the Need for Sustained Observations and Coordinated Analyses in Polar Regions
- The Importance of Large-Scale Wind Measurements
- The Radiation Budget of Sea Ice during the Springtime Melt
- The importance of representing interactions among permafrost dynamics, soil warming, and fire in modeling soil carbon responses of northern high latitude terrestrial ecosystems to climate change
- The influence of changing seasonality and snow cover on arctic ground squirrel phenology.
- The measurement of bromine monoxide from Fairbanks, AK and comparison with OMI/AURA
- The role of seasonality and large-scale climate drivers in recent Pan-Arctic tundra vegetation variability and change
- Threshold Responses of Aspen and Spruce Growth to Temperature May Presage a Regime Shift in the Boreal Forest
- Thresholds in Xeric Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Timing and magnitude of CO2 and CH4 release from the permafrost region: an expert elicitation
- Transpiration response of boreal forest plants to permafrost thaw
- Understanding the Mechanisms by Which a Perennial Arctic Stream Appears Intermittent
- Unveiling the climate memory of an Arctic polythermal glacier: a combined radar and thermomechanical modeling approach
- Variable Contributions to Shear Strength Reduction for Percussive Excavation in Lunar Regolith Simulant
- Vegetation and climate interactions in controlling permafrost aggradation and degradation on decadal to centennial timescales
- Vegetation of the Central Beringian Lowlands: Evidence of a Glacial Refugium Found in IODP Expedition 323 Sediment
- Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon Research Coordination Network
- Water Vapor Isotope Measurements over the Alaskan Boreal Forest with Aircraft and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Whistler Mode Radio Sounding from IMAGE: Measurement of Electron Density, Ion Effective Mass, and Ion Composition in the Plasmasphere at Low Altitude (~90-3000 km) Along B<SUB>o</SUB>
- Yedomas in Alaska: Evolution of ice-rich landscapes in a changing climate
- 10+ years of ACORK: Continuous pore pressure record from the decollement zone at Nankai Trough off Muroto
- 4.5 Years of Seafloor Uplift in Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Modeling a Source Mechanism
- A Bilateral U.S. - Russia Contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region
- A Three-Year Comparison of Hydrological Measurements in Seven Streams During Breakup in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska
- A geometric setting for seismic moment tensors
- A nonlinear dynamical 2D coupled mathematical model for phase transitions in methane gas hydrates within permafrost under climate change
- A synthesis of thermokarst and thermo-erosion process rates
- A year-long journey across the Arctic Ocean: the story of the chemical composition of the air as recorded by O-Buoy # 4
- Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in ice wedge polygon dominated regions of Alaska
- Adaptive anchored inversion for Gaussian random fields using nonlinear data
- Airborne Imaging-DOAS measurements of the horizontal and vertical distribution of bromine monoxide during the BROMEX campaign in spring 2012 around Barrow, AK
- Alaska Coastal Tundra Vegetation's Links to Climate
- Alaska, Naturally Occurring Asbestos: Experiences, Policy and 2012 Limitation of Liability Legislation
- An Overview of GIS Applications in Landslide Susceptibility Study through Case Studies
- An initial assessment of suspended sediment transport on rivers in interior Arctic Alaska
- Analytic Solution and Sensitivity Study for Optical Scintillation Measurements of Boundary Layer Turbulent Fluxes: A Cure for Iteration
- Avulsion History of the Yukon River Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Barrow real-time sea ice mass balance data: ingestion, processing, dissemination and archival of multi-sensor data
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Black carbon concentrations and fluxes since the Last Glacial Maximum in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores
- CORK-Lite: Bringing Legacy Boreholes Back to Life
- Carbon Balance and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Positive and Negative Feedbacks from Permafrost Thaw
- Carbon and nitrogen release from thawing permafrost: the biogeochemical physiology of upland thermokarst
- Changing Winds and Its Influence on Momentum and Sensible Heat Fluxes in the Pacific Arctic Marginal Ice Zone
- Characterizing the Drivers of Intermittent Flow in Arctic Alaska Streams
- CommServer: A Communications Manager For Remote Data Sites
- Cone penetration and bevameter geotechnical tests in lunar regolith simulants: discrete element method analysis and experimentation
- Critical Mechanisms for the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- Crossing disciplinary lines to gauge the effects of past and present ecosystem change on humans
- Cryofacies evidences of a Yedoma (?) development during the last glacial maximum in Yukon (Canada) along the current Alaska border
- Deep Structure of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Defining interactions of in-stream hydrokinetic devices in the Tanana River, Alaska
- Denali Geographic 2012 : A University led scientific field experience for High School students at the Alaska Summer Research Academy
- Development of Visualizations and Loggable Activities for the Geosciences. Results from Recent TUES Sponsored Projects
- Development of a coupled framework for simulating interactive effects of soil thermal and hydrological dynamics in landscapes underlain by permafrost
- Dynamic Coupling of Alaska Based Ecosystem and Geophysical Models into an Integrated Model
- Early Stages Of Biome Shift in Boreal Alaska: Climate Sensitivity of Tree Growth and Accelerated Tree Mortality
- Ecosystem carbon storage capacity as affected by disturbance regimes: a general theoretical model
- Effects of spatially variable snow cover on thermal regime and hydrology of an Arctic ice wedge polygon landscape identified using ground penetrating radar and LIDAR datasets
- Electron and ion density variation below 4000 km along the L~2 flux tube as a function of geomagnetic activity: A study using whistler mode echoes observed by RPI/IMAGE
- Energy fluxes retrieval on an Alaskan Arctic and Sub-Arctic vegetation by means MODIS imagery and the DTD method
- Engaging Scientists in K-12 Professional Development and Curriculum Development in the Context of Alaska's Large Marine Ecosystems
- Environmental Controls over Peat Accumulation in Arctic Alaska
- Eocene to present slip rate history of the eastern Denali Fault System
- Estimation of Carbon loss by fire in a burned black spruce forest in interior Alaska using radiocarbon
- Evolving drainage networks and nutrient fluxes in continuous permafrost zones of interior and arctic Alaska
- Exploration of serpentine seamount, South Chamorro seamount
- Explosions within a Deep Crater: Detection from Land and Space
- Field aligned electron and ion density distribution inside the plasmasphere below 4000 km using whistler mode radio sounding by RPI on IMAGE
- Field-based ET calibration and validation sites in interior Alaska: Preparatory Science for NASA's planned HyspIRI Mission
- First Results from Airborne and Ground-based LiDAR Studies in Northern Alaska
- First Year Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Formation of lacustrine plains in west-central Alaska as a result of permafrost degradation and aggradation
- Frozen debris lobes, permafrost slope instability, and a potential infrastructure hazard in the south-central Brooks Range of Alaska
- GeoFORCE Alaska, A Successful Summer Exploring Alaska's Geology
- Heterogeneity in High Latitude Lake Area Trends and Relationship to Landscape Characteristics
- High Resolution Characterization of Heterogeneous Arctic Tundra Subsurface Properties using a Multiscale Bayesian Fusion Approach with Geophysical Datasets
- Horizontal gradients of bromine monoxide (BrO) across the lead and young sea ice features, from surface based instruments near Barrow, AK during the BRomine, Ozone, Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX), Spring 2012
- Hydrokinetic Resource Characterization on the Tanana River Near Nenana, Alaska
- Identification of previously unrecognized tundra fire events on the Arctic Slope of Alaska
- Impact of declining Arctic sea ice on recent decreasing terrestrial Arctic snow depths
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Improved Sampling Strategy for Arctic Snow Distribution
- Influence of Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics on Trace Metals in Two Small Alaskan Arctic Rivers
- Integrating Science Communication Training and Public Outreach Activities into the Juneau Icefield Research Program
- Internal structure of a lithalsa in the Akkol Valley, Russian Altai Mountains
- Internal wave energy dissipation: near and far, where and how?
- Internal waves and modern and ancient hiatuses in pelagic caps of Pacific guyots and seamounts
- International Studies of Hazardous Groundwater/Surface Water Exchange in the Volcanic Eruption and Tsunami Affected Areas of Kamchatka
- International Volcanological Field School: Introduction to Geohazard Research and Monitoring
- Investigating geothermally-heated ground at Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska using remote sensing observations of anomalous snow-melt and in-situ shallow temperature measurements
- LAI Calculated from High-Resolution Imagery: Accounting for Water Tracks
- Land ice evolution from a new GRACE iterated global mascon solution
- Late Quaternary environmental changes inferred from stable carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotope values at Teshekpuk Lake, North Slope, Alaska
- Linking vegetation composition to geomorphic units in a polygonal tundra landscape: a framework for improving estimates of plant functional type coverage in ecosystem models
- Long-term seasonal observations over the transitioning Arctic Ocean pack-ice: The O-Buoy Chemical Network
- Magnetosheath Cavities Associated With Bow Shock Processes
- Measurement of Field Aligned Electron Density Distribution, Ducts, and Z-mode Cavities from the Ducted and Nonducted Fast Z-mode Echoes Observed on IMAGE
- Measurements of Vertical Profiles of Turbulence, Temperature, Ozone, Aerosols, and BrO over Sea Ice and Tundra Snowpack during BROMEX
- Measuring and Modeling Changes in Permafrost Temperature at the UAF Permafrost Observatory in Barrow, Alaska
- Methane Emission through Diffusion and Ebullition in Thaw Wetlands in Interior Alaska
- Methane seeps along boundaries of receding glaciers in Alaska and Greenland
- Modeling Investigation of Atmospheric Moisture Transport over the North Pacific: Role of Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems
- Modeling leaf phenology variation by groupings of species within and across ecosystems in northern Alaska
- Modeling of Mutiscale Electromagnetic Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions near Discrete Auroral Arcs Observed by the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Modeling the Thermal Balance Between River Ice and Groundwater Springs
- Monitoring of the Geospace Environment by Ground-based McMAC and Falcon Magnetometers
- Northeast Pacific Geomagnetic And Environmental Change During The Last 140 Kyr Recorded By Deep-Sea Sediment Core EW9504-17PC
- Numerical modeling of the 1964 Alaska tsunami runup in Chenega Cove, Alaska: the role of horizontal displacements of ocean bottom
- Observing hourly changes in a glacier's surface with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- On determining the fractional solubility of aerosol iron in seawater
- On the Driver of Short-term Variations in Roughness Parameters over a Forest
- Origin of massive ice at Cape Marre-Sale, Yamal Peninsula, Siberia, Russia: contrasting views
- Oxygen consumption in subseafloor basaltic crust
- Permafrost degradation and organic layer thickening over a climate gradient in a discontinuous permafrost region
- Piloting a Global Collaborative Experiment to Determine your Place on the Planet and the Circumference of the Earth
- Precipitating Electron Population Inversion from Auroral Optical Data during the MICA Rocket Launch
- Preliminary Results of the Permafrost Carbon Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Quantifying Permafrost Characteristics with DCR-ERT
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Radiocarbon Age Offsets in Arctic Lake Sediments Describe the Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Past Climate Warming
- Reconstruction of Holocene climate changes related to peatland carbon dynamics in central Alaska: case study using stable carbon and oxygen isotope and 14C wiggle-match dating
- Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq: A New Asset For The UNOLS Fleet
- Role of Permafrost in Ecosystem and Landscape Heterogeneity
- Scaling Process Studies and Observations in the Arctic for Improved Climate Predictability
- Sea-ice information co-management: Planning for sustainable multiple uses of ice-covered seas in a rapidly changing Arctic
- Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictions of Arctic Sea Ice: Challenges and Strategies
- Snow Conditions Near Barrow in Spring 2012
- Stable isotope (C and N) and sedimentary facies analyses of the Cantwell Formation, Denali National Park, Alaska as indicators of Maastrichtian paleoenvironment
- Successes and limitations in imaging glacier and ice cover motion with ground-based radar interferometers - from Greenland outlet systems to a Cascade volcano
- Temporal and spatial characteristics of surface ozone depletion events from measurements over the Arctic Ocean
- The Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model: An Interdisciplinary Tool to Assess the Responses of Natural Resources in Alaska to Climate Change
- The Ampules Mission: A New Type of Sounding Rocket Payload for the Measurement of Three- Dimensional, Neutral Winds and Gradients in the Lower Thermosphere
- The Castle Mountain fault, south-central Alaska: New lidar-based observations on the sense of slip
- The Impact of a Lower Sea Ice Extent on Arctic Greenhouse Gas Exchange
- The contribution of coherent structures to the aggregation of large-scale heat fluxes in the Alaskan boreal forest
- The effects of forest fire on the frozen soil thermal state
- The hydrology of Arctic landscapes with differing ice wedge polygon type through field measurements and modeling
- Thermal regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and streams and implications for continued permafrost degradation
- Time-series geochemical and tracer injection recovery data from the deep (basaltic) crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1301A/1362B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Tracing changes in the western Arctic's annual sea-ice cycle from the local to the regional scale at Barrow, Alaska
- Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by Midlatitude SuperDARN Radars
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- Uncertainties in Arctic Precipitation
- Under-utilized Important Data Sets from Barrow, Alaska
- Understanding Pan-Arctic Tundra Vegetation Change Through Long-term Remotely Sensed Data
- Using Synthetic Aperture Radar to Study River Ice Breakup on the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska
- Using semi-automated bubble traps, bubble survey transects, and point process models to understand ebullition spatial heterogeneity in thermokarst lakes
- Variations of surface and subsurface conditions after tundra fire in Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Volcanic plumes monitored with GPS: The eruptions of Okmok 2008, and Redoubt 2009, Alaska
- Whistler and Z Mode Radio Sounding Results from IMAGE: Implications for the Generation and Propagation of Naturally Occurring Plasma Waves
- Widespread Expansion of Boreal Shrublands in the Siberian Low Arctic Is Linked to Cryogenic Disturbance and Geomorphology
- 'Nuna', an Earth Science summer camp for rural Alaska middle-school students
- 40Ar/39Ar Dates from Cretaceous Bentonites in a Foreland Basin Setting, North Slope, Alaska
- A Prototype Two-tier Mentoring Program for Undergraduate Summer Interns from Minority-Serving Institutions at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- A Super Arctic Summer Storm: Rapid Intensification, Long Persistence and Associated Surface Wind Anomalies
- A simple 2D model of supraglacial debris cover evolution
- Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Alaskan Lakes Along a Latitudinal Transect
- Assessing seedbank recruitment windows of opportunity in thaw slump thermokarsts
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Simulations During Cold Air Outbreaks over the Gulf Stream
- Auroral ion upflow and outflow: dynamics of the ionospheric source (Invited)
- Automated Detection of Opaque Volcanic Plumes in Polar Satellite Data
- Biogeochemical Dynamics of Zero-Order Arctic Catchments
- Can increased biomass offset carbon release from permafrost region soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert elicitation?
- Carbon Inputs to Arctic Streams and Lakes during Climate Warming: Lessons from Prehistory
- Carbon Storage, Leaf Wax Abundances, D/H ratios, and Moss Diversity Linked to Increased Moisture in Early Holocene Arctic Alaska Records
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Challenges in Modeling Disturbance Regimes and Their Impacts in Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems (Invited)
- Characteristics of snow accumulation on a large mountain glacier in the Gulf of Alaska
- Characterization of an Active Thermal Erosion Site, Caribou Creek, Alaska
- Characterizing Variation of Isotopic Markers in Northern Alaskan Caribou Forages
- Characterizing subsurface controls on the Arctic ecosystem carbon cycling across scales using geophysical, in-situ and remote sensing datasets
- Chukchi-Beaufort Seas High-Resolution Atmosphere Reanalysis (CBHAR): Data Verification and Climate Analysis
- Climate Change and Thawing Permafrost in Two Iñupiaq Communities of Alaska's Arctic: Observations, Implications, and Resilience
- Cold Ion Behavior during Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Comparing and combining glacier mass balance methods at the basin scale in Alaska
- Comparison of annual accumulation rates derived from in situ and ground penetrating radar methods across Alaskan glaciers
- Comparison of auroral latitude convection to central polar cap convection. (Invited)
- Comparisons of DC Electric Field Measurements in the Ionosphere and Inner Magnetosphere Using Measurements from the SuperDARN Radars and the Van Allen Probes EFW Instrument
- Continuous water vapor isotopic measurements indicate differential Arctic storm tracks: Application to McCall Glacier ice core climate reconstructions in Northern Alaska
- Contrasting Historical and Recent Breakup Styles on the Meade River of Arctic Alaska in the Context of a Warming Climate
- Contributions of the world's glaciers to the hydrological cycle in the 21st Century
- Coupled terrestrial-glacier-fjord-ocean processes in the Gulf of Alaska and Greenland (Invited)
- Coupling between Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves and Kinetic Alfven Waves at the Magnetopause
- Creating collaboration opportunities for marine research across the Arctic: The SEARCH-ACCESS partnership and an emerging sea ice prediction research network
- Cryo-Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Hydraulic Properties of Soils in Cold Regions
- Current Sheet Formation in Planetary Magnetospheres
- Deformation record of 4-d accommodation of strain in the transition from transform to oblique convergent plate margin, southern Alaska (Invited)
- Density and crosswind from GOCE - comparisons with other satellite data, ground-based observations and models
- Distinct Surface Features of Ignimbrites Related to Post-depositional Degassing - Criteria for their Identification on Other Planetary Surfaces
- Earthquake sources near Uturuncu Volcano
- Effects of increased snow on growth response and allocation patterns of arctic plants
- Effects of permafrost thaw on nitrogen availability and plant nitrogen acquisition in Interior Alaska
- Effusion Rates from High Temporal, Low Spatial Resolution Sensors
- Energy cascade in the magnetosphere-ionosphere system: A case study
- Estimation of ancient organic matter transformation due to thermokarst process at the Bykovsky peninsula on Laptev Sea coast
- Evolution of geometric and hydraulic parameters as function of discharge in two streams in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
- Evolving Toward the Next Antarctic Ice Shelf Disintegration: Recent Ice Velocity, Climate, and Ocean Observations of the Larsen B Ice Shelf Remnants
- Exploring Paleoclimatic and -Oceanographic Consequences for Arctic Beringia by the Eocene Formation and Progressive E-W Lengthening of the Aleutian Ridge (arc) Across the North Pacific Basin
- Extreme rates of riverbank erosion of the high bluff formed by the ice-rich syngenetic permafrost (yedoma), Itkillik River, Northern Alaska
- Feedbacks between tall shrubland development and active layer temperatures in northwest Siberian arctic tundra
- Fire Effects on Microbial Dynamics and C, N, and P Cycling in Larch Forests of the Siberian Arctic
- First Results from UAS Deployed Ocean Sensor Systems during the 2013 MIZOPEX Campaign
- Frozen debris lobe stability, a function of thermal and hydrological processes
- Geochemistry of the Medieval Climate Anomaly varve sequence in Deep Inlet, Alaska, using core-scanning XRF, synchrotron micro-XRF and XANES spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy
- Global structure of Saturn's magnetopause boundary and the search for magnetic reconnection
- Ground-based portable radar interferometer for imaging glacier flow, ocean-glacier ice interactions, and river ice breakup
- High-latitude ionospheric drivers and their effects on wind patterns in the thermosphere
- How Much Surface Deformation Results from Slab Processes Rather than Surface Plate Tectonics?
- Hyperspatial Thermal Imaging of Surface Hydrothermal Features at Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska using a small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS)
- IODP 327 tracer experiment: recovery of microspheres in basaltic crustal fluids from IODP Holes 1362B, 1362A, 1301A, 1301B, and 1026B on the eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Implementation of a two-source energy balance model in a sub-Arctic deciduous boreal forest
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE-Arctic)*
- Increased Groundwater Upwelling from Changes in Permafrost as a Control on River Ice Thickness
- Influences of increased riparian thaw depths on stream temperatures and chemical export in beaded arctic streams
- Interannual Variability and Long-Term Changes of Atmospheric Circulation over the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Landscape heterogeneity controls growth variability of alder, willow, and birch shrubs in response to observed increases in temperature and snow
- Large Scale Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska
- Last Decade of Changes in Ground Temperature and Active Layer Thickness in the High Canadian Arctic and in Barrow
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Beringia vegetation dynamic reconstructions based on a yedoma exposure, Itkillik (Alaska)
- Lava-snow interactions at Tolbachik 2012-13 eruption: comparison to recent field observations and experiments
- Leaves are just the tip of the iceberg: A review of plant roots in Arctic tundra
- Local Effects of Ice Floes on Skin Sea Surface Temperature in the Marginal Ice Zone from UAVs
- Local sources of pollution and their impacts in Alaska (Invited)
- Locating the source of high frequency pulsating aurora via population dispersion
- Long-term Variations in Ice Formation and Breakup Dates for a Thermokarst Lake in Barrow, Alaska: Climatic Drivers and Hydrologic Impacts
- Long-term impacts of boreal wildfire on carbon cycling dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Magnetopause Boundary Normal Analysis at Jupiter and Saturn: Evidence of Kelvin Hemholtz Vorticies
- Measurement of Field Aligned Electron and Ion Densities and Ducts from the Whistler and Z Mode Radio Sounding from IMAGE
- Measuring diurnal cycles of plant transpiration fluxes in the Arctic with an automated clear chamber
- Methane production potentials in a thermokarst lake and its underlying permafrost
- Methods for Creation and Detection of Ultra-Strong Artificial Ionization in the Upper Atmosphere (Invited)
- Microbial communities of the deep unfrozen: Do microbes in taliks increase permafrost carbon vulnerability? (Invited)
- Modeling Active Layer and Permafrost Dynamics of Ice Wedge Polygon Dominated Arctic Ecosystems
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems: Description of the Predisposition and Initiation/Expansion Sub-models
- Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics in Northern Eurasia: Implications to Permafrost Carbon Pool
- Modeling post-fire vegetation succession and its effect on permafrost vulnerability and carbon balance
- Moisture budget of Northern Eurasia: uncertainties, changes and implications for hydrology of Siberian rivers
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Solar Wind Measurements
- New Insights into Tectonics of the Saint Elias, Alaska, Region Based on Local Seismicity and Tomography
- Nonlinearities, scale-dependence, and individualism of boreal forest trees to climate forcing
- Observation Platforms and Data Streams of the Arctic Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE-Arctic)
- Observed and modeled response of the dayside/nightside reconnection rates to a solar wind dynamic pressure front
- Observed ice wedge degradation at multiple continuous permafrost locations and their simulated effects on watershed scale hydrology
- Observing lake ice phenology across Alaska using in situ sensors, aircraft, and satellites
- On The Measurement of Neutral Winds and Gradients in the Lower Thermosphere with Multi-Point, Chemical-Release Sounding Rocket Payloads
- Paleo-Permafrost Distribution Downscaled in South America: Examination of the GCM-based maps with the observations
- Paleodata-model integration reveals uncertain boreal forest carbon balance due to rapid recent fire regime change
- Parametric study of the factors affecting wheel slip and sinkage for the Mars Exploration Rovers
- Permafrost Organic Matter Study in the Lower Kolyma Lowland (Eastern Siberia) Based on Drilling Record
- Permafrost carbon pools in a larch-dominated watershed in northeast Siberia
- Photochemical Bromine Production from Arctic Surface Snowpacks and Resulting Chemistry Aloft (Invited)
- Physical flow parameters at a confluence of two streams in Interior Alaska
- Plasma wave activity in the polar E-region: New insights from HF radar observations in Antarctica
- Preliminary Results from a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Priorities for Venus Exploration
- Probing ice mélange rheology with observations of fast motion during iceberg calving events
- Pronounced Warming of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Quantifying Arctic Terrestrial Environment Behaviors Using Geophysical, Point-Scale and Remote Sensing Data
- Rapid disturbances in Arctic permafrost regions (Invited)
- Reconstructed Arctic biome and soil distributions: implications for the late Quaternary permafrost subsystem
- Recovery and archiving key Arctic Alaska vegetation map and plot data for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Field Experiment (ABoVE)
- Relationship between large-scale circulation and ice core proxy data from the McCall Glacier, Alaska
- Remote Sensing, Modeling, and In-situ Data Fusion for Ecohydrology and Cryospheric Studies in the Far North (Invited)
- Remote sensing of Alaskan boreal forest fires at the pixel and sub-pixel level: multi-sensor approaches and sensitivity analysis
- Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq: Joining the UNOLS Fleet in 2014
- Response of glacier mass balance and discharge to future climate change, upper Susitna basin, Alaska
- Seasonal and Latitudinal Variations in Dissolved Methane from 42 Lakes along a North-South Transect in Alaska
- Second-Year Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Shrub Abundance Mapping in Arctic Tundra with Misr
- Soil Surface Organic Layers in Alaska's Arctic Foothills: Development, Distribution and Microclimatic Feedbacks
- Spatial Scale Gaps of Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Arctic Tundra
- Spatial and Spectral Characterization, Mapping, and 3D Reconstructing of Ice-wedge Polygons Using High Resolution LiDAR Data
- Spatial distribution of thermokarst landforms across Arctic Alaska
- Spatial heterogeneity in biogeochemical transport on Arctic hill slopes
- Spatial variability of surface organic horizon thickness across Alaska
- Spatial variation in spring CO2 efflux along the trans-Alaska pipeline, Alaska: Contribution of spring carbon
- Spatio-temporal analysis of surface temperature and water level variability of thermokarst lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska using multiscale satellite thermal images and ICESat laser altimetry
- Storm-Time and Quiescent Variations in the Thermosphere Exhibited in Maps of Exospheric Temperatures
- Structure of Uturuncu volcano from seismic tomography
- Students Around the World Engaged in Climate Science (Invited)
- Synthesis of Methane Emission from Lakes and Ponds Across Climate Sensitive Permafrost Environments
- The Ecohydrological Consequences of Woody Plant Encroachment: How Accessibility to Deep Soil Water Resources Affects Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- The Evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Along the Earth's and Saturn's Magnetopause
- The Role of Evapotranspiration on Soil Moisture Depletion in a Small Alaskan Subarctic Farm
- The Role of Explicitly Modeling Bryophytes in Simulating Carbon Exchange and Permafrost Dynamics of an Arctic Coastal Tundra at Barrow, Alaska
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The classical model for moment tensors
- The effects of Jakobshavn Isbrae's acceleration on the surrounding ice
- The influence of climate and tectonics on topography in the Hayes Range, Alaska
- The record may be in the fabric: Preservation of climate history in polar ice sheets
- Toward Improved Parameterization of a Meso-Scale Hydrologic Model in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Towards Robust Estimation and Correction of Ionospheric TEC Signatures in Low Frequency Spaceborne SAR data
- Tropospheric and Boundary-Layer Water Vapor Isotopes over the Boreal Forest and Mediterranean Sea: Validation of Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Retrievals of HDO and H2O
- Tsunami Modeling and Inundation Mapping in Southcentral Alaska
- Tundra fire and vegetation dynamics: simulating the effect of climate change on fire regimes in Arctic ecosystems
- Twenty-first century changes in the hydrology, glaciers, and permafrost of the Susitna Basin, Alaska
- UAS measurements of ice fog and diamond dust in the Arctic at the DOE ARM mobile facility of Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Understanding and Quantifying the Uncertainties of Volcanic Ash Emission Retrievals in Near Real Time Operations
- University Start-up Companies as a Response to Changing Federal Funding
- Updating the Arctic Gravity Project grid with new airborne and Extended Continental Shelf data
- Using otoliths from a non-migratory fish (Slimy sculpin - Cottus cognatus) to evaluate temporal and spatial variability in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of river waters from a large and remote watershed in southwest AK, USA - the Nushagak River
- Validating Thermospheric Neutral Winds Produced by a Global Model
- Variations in methane concentration and isotopic composition in a broad survey of lakes in Arctic Alaska
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Volcano Infrasound
- Wind-driven mixing causes a reduction in the strength of the continental shelf carbon pump in the Chukchi Sea (Invited)
- 2014 Earthquake Swarm in Northwest Brooks Range, Alaska
- A Comparison of Arctic Ozone Depletion Event Characteristics from Coastal- and Ocean-based Observations
- A Matrix Approach for Assessing the Non-Local Effects of Local Feedback Processes
- A New Hyperspectral Designed for Small UAS Tested in Real World Applications
- A Regional Coupled Model System to Examine Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice, Ice Sheet and Permafrost Interactions in the Arctic: HIRHAM5 - HYCOM - CICE - PISM - GIPL
- A Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- A Statistical Survey of Sprite Streamer Splitting
- A Wind-Driven, Hybrid Latent and Sensible Heat Coastal Polynya at Barrow, Alaska
- A proposal to the dissipated energy budget in the auroral ionosphere at the substorm recovery phase: Challenge from thermospheric wind variations in the pulsating aurora
- AON observations in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
- Advanced Ice Velocity Mapping Using Landsat 8
- Advection of Sea-Ice Meltwater and Halocline Water Along the Siberian Continental Margin
- Aerial Photography as a Tool to Document Coastal Change Along Eroding Shorelines in Northern Alaska
- Aftershock Sequence of the Mw = 7.9 Little Sitkin, Alaska Earthquake of June 23, 2014
- Aftershock source properties of events following the 2013 Craig Earthquake: new evidence for structural heterogeneity on the northern Queen Charlotte Fault
- Air Temperature Evolution for the Last 10 Years in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
- Alaska Broad Scale Orthoimagery and Elevation Mapping - Current Statewide Project Progress and Historic Work in Alaska
- Alaska Satellite Facility: The Quest to Stay Ahead of the Big Data Wave
- Alaskan wave and river hydrokinetic energy resource assessment, river energy converter testing and surface debris mitigation performance
- An Assessment of Thermokarst Driven Changes in Land Cover of the Tanana Flats Wetland Complex of Alaska from 2009 to 2100 in response to Climate Warming
- An Extreme Hot Flow Anomaly and Its Geoeffects
- Analysis of In Situ Thermal Ion Measurements from the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Arctic Cyclone Water Vapor Isotope Ratios Support Past Sea Ice Retreat Recorded in Greenland Ice Sheet
- Arctic Spring Transition in Warming Climate: A Study Using Reanalysis Dataset
- Assessment of bubble-borne methane emissions in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf via interpretation of sonar data
- Asymmetric Ionospheric Outflow Observed at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Atmospheric Aerosol Sampling with Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Alaska: Instrument Development, Payload Integration, and Measurement Campaigns
- Atmospheric physical processes regulating diurnal and seasonal variations in CO2 fluxes over a large reservoir
- Baseline values of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Trace Metals in the Yukon River, Alaska
- Beads: Long Lasting Stationary Optical Features in Sprites
- Carbon Pool of Permafrost in Kolyma-Indigirka Lowland
- Changes in Arctic sea ice deformation from 2000-2010
- Changes in Landscape-level Carbon Balance of an Arctic Coastal Plain Tundra Ecosystem Between 1970-2100, in Response to Projected Climate Change
- Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska.
- Changing Seasonality of Tundra Vegetation and Associated Climatic Variables
- Characteristics of 630nm auroral polarization observed at Pokar Flat, Alaska
- Characterizing Soil Organic Matter Degradation Levels in Permafrost-affected Soils using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Cips (Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment) Observations of a Newly Discovered Population of Very Large Ice Particles in Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Classification, Characterization, and Automatic Detection of Volcanic Explosion Complexity using Infrasound
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Communicating for Climate Change Adaptation: Lessons from a Case Study with Nature-Based Tour Operators
- Comparing Calculations of Far-Field Coseismic Deformation
- Comparison of High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data from Three Persistently Degassing and Seismically Active Alaskan Volcanoes
- Comparison of Snow Depth Measurements and Snow Patterns at Scales Ranging from 1 km<SUP>2</SUP> to 210 km<SUP>2</SUP>
- Constraining Soil C Loss upon Thaw: Comparing Soils with and without Permafrost
- Controls on northern wetland methane emissions: insights from regional synthesis studies and the Alaska Peatland Experiment (APEX)
- Coronal Heating: Parker Model or Turbulence, or Both?
- Correlating Permafrost Organic Matter Composition and Characteristics with Methane Production Potentials in a First Generation Thermokarst Lake and Its Underlying Permafrost Near Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
- Cryostratigraphy and Main Physical Properties of Active Layer Soils and Upper Horizon of Permafrost at the Barrow Environmental Observatory Research Site.
- Cultural Implications of Out-of-Phase Weather across northern Alaska after 500 CE: Regional Variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age
- Cyclone and Anticyclone Activities Impact Eurasian Surface Climate and Cause Extreme Cold Events ?
- Developing a numerical model of ice wedge degradation and trough formation
- Developing an Error Model for Ionospheric Phase Distortions in L-Band SAR and InSAR Data
- Development of Integrated Bathymetric-Topographic Digital Elevation Models for Remote Alaskan Coastal Communities
- Direct Observation of Rhyolite Magma by Drilling: The Proposed Krafla Magma Drilling Project
- Distributed Permafrost Observation Network in Western Alaska: the First Results
- Diverse Approaches USED to Characterize the Earthquake and Tsunami Hazards Along the Southern Alaska Continental Margin
- Dramatic Weakening of the Pacific Water Boundary Current in the Beaufort Sea during the First Decade of the 2000s.
- Dual Current Sheet Formation in the Earth's Magnetotail: Implications for Substorm Growth and Expansion
- Dust in the Arctic during the Past Millennium from a Developing Array of Ice Cores: Linkages to Climate and Land Use
- Dynamical downscaling of regional climate for Alaska
- EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
- Effects of Intensified 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Drought on the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- Effects of Soil Property Uncertainty on Projected Active Layer Thickness
- Effects of spatial and temporal resolution on simulated feedbacks from polygonal tundra.
- Electron Precipitation Associated with Small-Scale Auroral Structures
- Enhanced Seasonal Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB> by Northern Ecosystems - Observations and Models
- Eruptive History of the Rhyolitic Guangoche Volcano, Los Azufres Volcanic Field, Central Mexico
- Estimating Arctic Tundra Soil Water Content Variability and Relationship to Landscape Properties Using Above- and Below-Ground Imaging
- Estimating regional auroral electron energy deposition using ground-based optical measurements
- Evaluating Post-fire Ecosystem Effects in Tussock Tundra of the Seward Peninsula: Characterizing Above-ground Biomass Accumulation, Soil Nutrient Pools, and Foliar Nitrogen.
- Exploring Science Applications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Aboard UNOLS Ships
- Exploring Small-Scale Movement and Deformation of Landfast Sea Ice through InSAR Observations and Pseudo-Inverse Modeling
- Extreme Weather Events on the Last Frontier: Meteorological Analyses and Societal Impacts
- Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic waves in three-dimensional fault zone models
- Fire Characterization and Fire-Related Land Cover Classification Using Hyperion Data over Selected Alaskan Boreal Forest Fires
- Flow Is Plastic, It's Fantastic
- From Ponds to Predictions: What Do We Need to Know About Small-Scale Sea Ice Processes in a Rapidly Changing Arctic?
- From pumice to obsidian: eruptive behaviors that produce tephra-flow dyads. II- The 114ka trachyte eruption at Pu'u Wa'awa'a (Hawai'i).
- GREECE Sounding Rocket Mission Overview
- Gas bubble dimensions in Archean lava flows indicate low air pressure at 2.7 Ga
- Geology and stratigraphy of the San Lorenzo Tezonco deep well and its correlation to surrounding ranges, Mexico Basin
- Glacier Mass Loss in Alaska from Airborne Lidar Altimetry
- Global glacier mass balance modeling - Where to go from here?
- Ground Ice in the New Crrel Permafrost Tunnel
- High-Resolution Modeling of Freshwater Discharge and Glacier Mass Balance in the Gulf of Alaska Drainage
- HyLab: Building In-State Capabilities for Imaging Spectroscopy in Alaska
- Hybrid Simulation of the Interaction of Europa's Atmosphere with the Jovian Plasma: Multiprocessor Simulations
- Hydrologic Connectivity in Headwater Catchments Underlain by Continuous Permafrost: Hydrological, Thermal and Biogeochemical Patterns
- Hydrology and biogeochemistry of zero-order channels draining arctic hillslopes
- Hydropower licensing and evolving climate: climate knowledge to support risk assessment for long-term infrastructure decisions
- Hydrothermal and Magmatic Reservoirs of the Lazufre Volcanic Area Revealed from High-resolution Seismic Noise Tomography.
- Identifying Dynamical Forcing and Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks Critical to the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- Influence of Fire on Permafrost in Lowland Forests of the Tanana Flats, Interior Alaska
- Initial Conceptualization and Simulation of Arctic Tundra Landscape Evolution Using the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Initiation of Sprite Streamers from Natural Mesospheric Structures
- Inner Magnetosphere/Subauroral Flow Bursts in the Partial Ring Region and Their Possible Driving by Tail Flow bursts
- Insights into Arc-Wide Magmatic Processes from Volcano-Seismic and Geochemical Data in Alaska
- Inter-Annual and Shorter-Term Variability in Physical and Biological Characteristics Across Barrow Canyon in August - September 2005-2014
- Interannual and seasonal variability in landfast sea ice growth and properties at Barrow, Alaska: A comparison between observations and CICE model simulations
- Inundation Mapping and Hazard Assessment of Tectonic and Landslide Tsunamis in Southeast Alaska
- Investigating the Cause of the 2012 Acceleration of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland Using High Resolution Observations of the Glacier Terminus
- Ionosphere effect correction in InSAR using improved split spectrum processing
- Is Arctic Transpolar Drift Predictable?
- Isotopic Content of Ground Ice in the Lower Kolyma River Valley (Eastern Siberia)
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Dayside Magnetopause, View from Local 3-D MHD Simulations
- Kinetic aspects of wave propagation in the Io plasma torus
- Large-Scale Ionospheric Effects Related to Electron-Gyro Harmonics: What We Have Learned from HAARP.
- Linking Hydrology, Shrub Habitat, and Novel Wildlife in the Arctic
- Linking Inundation Patterns and Dynamics in a Permafrost Landscape to Hydrologic, Thermal, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Processes
- Localized Slip and Distributed Deformation in Oblique Settings: The Example of the Denali Fault System, Alaska
- Locating the source of short duration auroral pulsations via population dispersion
- Long-Term Release of Carbon Dioxide from Arctic Tundra Ecosystems in Northern Alaska
- Long-Term Trends in Stream Biogeochemistry and Hydrology in Watersheds Underlain with Discontinuous Permafrost in the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- MIZOPEX - A UAS Arctic Campaign During Summer 2013
- MLT Dynamics Related to Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events
- Magnetic flux circulation in the rotationally-driven giant magnetospheres
- Mapping Hazardous River Ice from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Mass and Energy Balance Modeling of Glaciers in the Upper Susitna Basin, Alaska
- Measured Hydrologic Storage Characteristics of Three Major Ice Wedge Polygon Types, Barrow, Alaska
- Measurement and Modeling of Cryosphere-Geosphere Interactions in South Central Alaska
- Meso-Scale Hydrological Modeling Using Small Scale Parameterizations in a Discontinuous Permafrost Watershed in the Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Methane and Carbon Cioxide Emissions from 40 Lakes Along a North-South Latitudinal Transect in Alaska
- Methane concentrations and oxidation in nearshore waters of the Lena River Delta
- Methane seeps along boundaries of arctic permafrost thaw and melting glaciers
- Middle to late Holocene fluctuations of the Vindue glacier, an outlet glacier of the Greenland Ice Sheet, central East Greenland.
- Modeled changes in terrestrial C storage on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska suggest a mid-century 21st shift from C sink to source.
- Modeling and Measuring the Interaction between Hydrokinetic Devices and the Hydraulic and Sedimentary Environment of the Tanana River, Alaska
- Modeling temporal variations in interseismic subsidence rates recorded by corals in the Simeulue-Nias region, Sumatra: How can we explain them?
- Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Permafrost in National Parks of Alaska: Will Permafrost Survive the Climate Warming of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century?
- Modelled and observed present-day state of the Jakobshavn Isbræ, west Greenland
- Modelling Glacier Mass Balance on Regional and Global Scales: How Precise Can the Models Be?
- NOAA/National Weather Service Operational Applications and Training of S-NPP Imagery and Products in Preparation for JPSS Mission Readiness
- NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic
- New atmospheric methane observations in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian Seas during SWERUS-C3
- New trends in communicating risk and cultivating resilience: a multi-disciplinary approach to global environmental risk
- No-source tsunami forecasting for Alaska communities
- North American Winter-Spring Storms: Modeling Investigation on Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Impacts
- Northern Peatland Shifts Under Changing Climate and Their Impact on Permafrost
- Novel Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Observations with Artificial Airglow Using RF Excitation with HAARP
- Numerical Internal Tide Scattering, Diffraction, and Dissipation on the Tasman Continental Slope
- Numerical Resolution of Seismic Wavefield Simulations in Southern California
- Object-Based Image Classification of Floating Ice Used as Habitat for Harbor Seals in a Tidewater Glacier Fjord in Alaska
- Observations of Auroral Ionopheric Response Effects As Seen By the MICA Sounding Rocket
- Oil Spill Detection and Tracking Using Lipschitz Regularity and Multiscale Techniques in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
- Overstory and Understory CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Energy Fluxes of a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
- Paleo-Ice Sheet/Stream Flow Directions of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Based Upon New Synthesis of Multibeam Seabed Imagery
- Paleo-tsunami and Tephrochronologic Investigations into the Late Holocene Volcanic History of Augustine Volcano on the Southwest Coast of the Kenai Peninsula, Lower Cook Inlet Alaska
- Parametric Properties and Impacts of Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies
- Peak water from glaciers: advances and challenges in a global perspective
- Permafrost Thaw and Redistribution of Carbon from Lands and Oceans to the Atmosphere: the East Siberian Region
- Permafrost degradation after the 2002 wildfire in Kougarok, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Petrogenesis of Mafic and Ultramafic Enclaves from the Central Aleutian Arc, and Implications for the Formation of New Crust
- Photogrammetrically Derived Estimates of Glacier Mass Loss in the Upper Susitna Drainage Basin, Alaska Range, Alaska
- Plate Coupling and Strain of the Far Western Aleutian Arc Modeled from GPS Data
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Present-Day Strain Transfer Across the Yakutat Collision in SW Yukon - SE Alaska: The Death of the Southern Denali Fault?
- Pressure Ridge Keel Shapes in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Progress and Challenges for GLIMS 2: Merging the GLIMS and RGI Glacier Databases
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Radar Interferometric Possibilities for Determining Sea Ice Thickness
- Radiometrically Terrain Corrected ALOS PALSAR Data Available from the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Rapid Arctic Transitions in Relation to Infrastructure and Climate Change: Comparison of the Permafrost and Geoecological Conditions in the Bovanenkovo Gas Field, Russia and the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Alaska
- Rapid Recovery of a Gully Thermokarst: 10 Years of Observation of the Toolik River Thermokarst, North Slope, Alaska
- Receiver Function Analyses of Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia and Lastarria/Cordon Del Azufre Volcanoes, Chile
- Recent Results From the Whistler- and Z-mode Radio Sounding From the IMAGE Satellite
- Recent results on the Greenland Aquifer from remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Reconnection Driven by the Rayleigh-Taylor Instability and Its Application to Radial Transport in the Giant Magnetospheres
- Recurring Swarms of Deep Long Period Earthquakes in the Denali Volcanic Gap Suggest a Continuation of Volcanic Processes in the Absence of Active Volcanism
- Relationship Between Large-Scale Circulation and Ice Core Proxy Data from the McCall Glacier, Alaska
- Relationships between Slow Slip and Earthquakes at the Brittle-Ductile Transition of Subduction Zones
- Relative Sea Level Change in Western Alaska As Constructed from Satellite Altimetry and Repeat GPS Measurements.
- Remote Sensing of Arctic Environmental Conditions and Critical Infrastructure using Infra-Red (IR) Cameras and Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs)
- Remote Sensing of Auroral Conductance using Incoherent Scatter Radar and All-sky Imagers
- Renewed Volcano-Stratigraphc Studies of Calderas with Geothermal Potential in Mexico
- Requirements and Implementation Feasibility for a CubeSat Thermal Infrared Imaging System to Monitor the Structure of Volcanic Ash Clouds
- Research Capacity Building through Professional Development for K-12 Teachers
- Responding to Change in NW Alaska: Ethnographic Film and the Voices of the People
- Responses of the Bering-Chukchi Shelf Circulation at Synoptic and Inter-Annual Time Scales to the Location, Strength, and Direction of North Pacific and Western Arctic Winds
- Revealing basin and regional scale snow accumulation magnitude and variability on glaciers throughout Alaska
- Role of Model Initialisation for Projections of 21st Century Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
- Sea ice dynamics and the role of wind forcing over the Beaufort Sea
- Seasonal Variability of Riverine Geochemistry (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>DIC</SUB>, δ<SUP>44/40</SUP>Ca, and major ions) in Permafrost Watersheds on the North Slope of Alaska
- Sedimentary input of trace metals from the Chukchi Shelf
- Seismic Tremor Reveals Subglacial Discharge at Tidewater Glaciers
- Seismology Outreach in Alaska
- Shift of thermokarst lakes from methane source to climate-cooling carbon sink
- Signs of the Land: Reaching Arctic Communities Facing Climate Change
- Siku: A Sea Ice Discrete Element Method Model on a Spherical Earth
- Simulating Interactive Effects of Frozen Soil Hydrological Dynamics in the Caribou-Poker Creek Research Watershed, Alaska
- Snow Pattern Delineation, Scaling, Fidelity, and Landscape Factors
- Solar Wind Observations from 10 to 30 AU Measured With The New Horizons Solar Wind Around Pluto (SWAP) Instrument
- Solar wind dynamic pressure pulse - driven magnetospheric vortices and waves
- Source Inversions of Volcano Infrasound: Mass Outflux and Force System for Transient Explosive Eruptions
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by a Longitudinally Distributed Chain of SuperDARN Radars Across the United States
- Sources and Fluxes of Atmospheric Methane from Lakes in the Alaskan Arctic
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Arctic Tundra Snow: Processes, Patterns, and Problems
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Dominant Heat Fluxes in Arctic Rivers
- Spatially Distributing a GRACE Mascon Solution Across Gulf of Alaska Glaciers
- Sub-Regional Sea Ice Preferences of Pacific Walrus in the Bering Sea Using SAR Data
- Summer Arctic Atmospheric Circulation Response to Spring Eurasian Snow Cover and its Possible Linkage to Accelerated Sea Ice Decrease
- Summer polar mesosphere and lower thermosphere response to El Niño-Southern Oscillation
- Surge Driven Return Flow Results in Deposition of Coarse Grain Horizons Archiving a 4000 Year Record of Extreme Storm Events, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
- Temporal and spatial variability of the Greenland firn aquifer revealed by ground and airborne radar data
- Terrestrial and stream chemical linkages reveal extent of rock weathering in the perhumid coastal temperate rainforest of Alaska.
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- Terrigenous fluxes of pollen, insect scale and land plant palynodebris observed by sediment traps deployed in the subarctic Pacific
- Testing a Light-weight Compact Gamma Ray Detector for Measuring Snow Water Equivalent
- The Application of Methane Clumped Isotope Measurements to Determine the Source of Large Methane Seeps in Alaskan Lakes
- The Effect of Sedimentation Conditions of Frozen Deposits at the Kolyma Lowland on the Distribution of Methane and Microorganisms Activity
- The Effect of Topography on the Seismic Wavefield
- The Effects of Permafrost Thaw on Organic Matter Quality and Availability Along a Hill Slope in Northeastern Siberia
- The Expansion of the Marginal Ice Zone in the Pacific Arctic
- The Future of the Plate Boundary Observatory in the GAGE Facility and beyond 2018
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in Three Dimensions
- The Impact of Climate Change on Microbial Communities and Carbon Cycling in High Arctic Permafrost Soil from Spitsbergen, Northern Norway
- The Importance of Permafrost Thaw, Fire and Logging Disturbances as Driving Factors of Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Alaskan Ecosystems
- The Influence of Organic-Soil Horizons on Thermal Dynamics in High-Latitude Soils: Identifying Thresholds for Permafrost State Change
- The Joint Fire Science Program Fire Exchange Network: Facilitating Knowledge Exchange About Wildland Fire Science Across the U.S.
- The Missing Link Coupling the Foreshock to the Magnetosphere?: Impact of the Magnetosheath Velocity Fluctuations on the Growth of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.
- The Morphology of Polar Snow Surfaces: A Race Between Time and Snow Grain Properties
- The Next Step in Ice Flow Measurement from Optical Imagery: Comprehensive Mapping Of Ice Sheet Flow in Landsat 8 Imagery Using Spatial Frequency Filtering, Enabled by High Radiometric Sensitivity
- The R/V Sikuliaq: A new technologically advanced research platform for the Arctic
- The Role of Remote Sensing in Modeling Landscape Change and Its Associated Carbon Cycle Impacts Across Terrestrial Arctic Ecosystems
- The Seamless SAR Archive (SSARA) Project and Other SAR Activities at UNAVCO
- The Super Arctic Storm in 2012 - Investigation of Dynamics Mechanism
- The Synergistic Relationship Between Networks of Instruments and Global Models
- The Whole World In Your Hands: Using an Interactive Virtual Reality Sandbox for Geospatial Education and Outreach
- Third-Year Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Three-station measurements of upward vertical wind associated with auroral precipitation.
- Time-Dependent Variations of Slow Slip Events in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Timing of Retrogressive Thaw Slump Initiation in the Noatak Basin, Northwest Alaska, USA
- Top-down versus bottom-up estimates of methane fluxes over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Trace Element Fractional Solubility in Ultrapure Water From Samples Collected During the US GEOTRACES Eastern Tropical South Pacific Section
- Tracing Trajectories of Air Parcels Transported through Spatially Resolved Horizontal Neutral Wind Fields Observed in the Thermosphere above Alaska
- Tracing arctic hydrology with observations of water vapor isotopes from in situ, airborne, and satellite platforms
- Tree Species Linked to Large Differences in Ecosystem Carbon Distribution in the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- Twenty-first century changes in the hydrology, glaciers, and permafrost of the Susitna Basin, Alaska
- Two Dimensional Physical Chemistry Model of the Io Plasma Torus
- Two-Layer Models for Landslide-Generated Tsunamis
- Two-source energy balance model implementation in the Alaska Arctic tundra
- Understanding future projected changes and historical trends in extreme climate and streamflow events in warm boreal permafrost basins of Interior Alaska
- Updates to the contribution of VSL species to stratospheric Br<SUB>y</SUB>
- Using Commercial Digital Cameras and Structure-for-Motion Software to Map Snow Cover Depth from Small Aircraft
- Using InSAR for Characterizing Pyroclastic Flow Deposits at Augustine Volcano Across Two Eruptive Cycles
- Using Observational Data to Inform Physically Based Models of Subsurface Thermal Hydrology Properties and Active Layer Thickness at the Barrow Environmental Observatory, Alaska
- Using ShakeMap to Improve Awareness of Seismic Hazard and Risk in Alaska
- Variation of Site Specific Pollutants with Vehicular Traffic in New Delhi: A Case Study
- Variations in evapotranspiration fluxes across geomorphological units and plant functional types in a polygonal-structure Tundra in Barrow, Alaska
- Variations in the Horizontal and Vertical Distributions of Organic Carbon Stocks across Ice Wedge Polygons of Arctic Alaska
- Volcanic Ash and SO2 Monitoring Using Suomi NPP Direct Broadcast OMPS Data
- Water Vapor Products from Differential-InSAR with Auxiliary Calibration Data: Accuracy and Statistics
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss
- When ice meets water: Sub-aqueous melt and its relevance in various settings
- Wind-SST-Sea Ice Relations in the Marginal Ice Zone of the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- a Seismic Reflection Study on the Ablation Area of the Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- "The first step is admitting you have a problem…": the process of advancing science communication in Landscape Conservation Cooperatives in Alaska
- A "CASE" Study on Developing Science Communication and Outreach Skills of University Graduate Student Researchers in Alaska
- A 15-year slow slip event on the Sunda megathrust offshore Sumatra
- A Catalog of Moment Tensors and Source-type Characterization for Small Events at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- A Comparison of Process-Scale Modeling and Measurements of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides at Summit, Greenland
- A High-Resolution GPS Motion Record of Variations in the Rate of Glacial Speed Related to Water Inputs on Yahtse Glacier, South Central Alaska 2009-2011
- A Method for In-Situ Measurement of Stem Water Content in Trees and Shrubs Using Time Domain Reflectometry
- A Multi-frequency Look at Gas Seeps on the Eastern Siberian Margin
- A New Model for Turbulent Heating of Jupiter's Magnetosphere
- A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification
- A Photogrammetric Approach to Measuring Temporal Change in Tree Kill Areas at Mammoth Mountain and Long Valley Caldera, California
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- A Statistical Study of Plasmaspheric Plumes and Ionospheric Outflows Observed at the Dayside Magnetopause
- A Tiered Mentoring Model of Exposing and Engaging Students with Research Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum
- A hierarchic approach to examining panArctic vegetation with a focus on the linkages between remote sensing and plot-based studies.
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- A uniform parameterization of moment tensors
- Abrupt release of terrigenous organic carbon to the Laptev Sea at termination of the Younger Dryas
- Achieving the NOAA Arctic Action Plan: The Missing Permafrost Element - Permafrost Forecasting Listening Session Results
- Active-Layer Soil Moisture Content Regional Variations in Alaska and Russia by Ground-Based and Satellite-Based Methods, 2002 Through 2014
- Along-Strike Geochemical Variations in the Late Triassic Nikolai Magmatic System, Wrangellia, Central Alaska
- An Analysis of Historic and Projected Climate Scenarios in the Western United States Using Hydrologic Landscape Classification
- An Integrated View of Tectonics in the North Pacific Derived from GPS
- An atmospheric origin of the multi-decadal bipolar seesaw
- Analysis of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks in a Small Catchment of Northeastern Siberia
- Antarctic Peninsula Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
- Application of Lipschitz Regularity and Multiscale Techniques for the Automatic Detection of Oil Spills in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
- Arctic Marine Biogeochemistry in a Global Ice-Ocean Ecosystem Model: A Look at Seasonal Features and Spatial Patterns
- Arctic Ozone and Bromine Chemistry: Relationships with Snow Composition and Open Lead Presence
- Arctic Sea Ice Basal Melt Onset Variability and Associated Ocean Surface Heating
- Assessment of Sea-Air Fluxes of Methane from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Based on Multi-Year High-Precision Observations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Seawater
- Assessment of the permafrost changes in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century and their impact on infrastructure in the Alaskan Arctic
- Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission Preliminary Results
- Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100
- Bedfast and floating ice lake talik properties measured using surface nuclear magnetic resonance on the North Slope, Alaska
- Bioavailable Carbon and the Relative Degradation State of Organic Matter in Active Layer and Permafrost Soils
- Biome Context and Lotic Ecosystem Rates
- Building Science Identity in Disadvantaged Teenage Girls using an Apprenticeship Model
- Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics.
- Changes to Glacier Runoff and Downstream Effects on the Susitna Basin, Alaska Over the Twenty-First Century
- Characteristics and Applications of a High Performance, Miniaturized, Infrasound Sensor
- Characterization of Sea-Air Methane Fluxes Around a Seafloor Gas Seep in the Central Laptev Sea
- Characterizing Geology and Mineralization at High Latitudes in Alaska Using Airborne and Field-Based Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
- Characterizing Variability in the Spatial Distribution of Bromine Explosion Events in the Vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
- Characterizing organic matter lability in Alaskan tundra soils using mid-infrared spectroscopy
- Circum-Arctic lithospheric transects from onshore to offshore
- Circumpolar Dynamics of Arctic Tundra Vegetation in Relation to Temperature Trends
- Climate Variations and Alaska Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines in Spring
- Climate change and natural hazards in the Arctic
- Combining High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data to Identify Subsurface Fluid Movement within the Katmai Volcanic Complex, Alaska
- Comparison between thermospheric winds measured by a ground-based Fabry-Perot spectrometer at Mawson, Antarctica, and winds determined in-situ from satellite drag
- Comparison of Ensemble and Adjoint Approaches to Variational Optimization of Observational Arrays
- Compositional Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Comprehensive Mapping of Ice Flow From Landsat 8: Two Years of Surging and Seasonal Change for Alaska's Glaciers, and Counting…
- Concerning the petroleum hydrocarbons migration in the permafrost zone
- Connecting small-scale turbulence to large-scale dynamics in the mesosphere using the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- Consolidating and updating estimates of northern peatland extents and carbon stocks
- Continuous monitoring of soil gas efflux with Forced Diffusion (FD) chamber technique in a tundra ecosystem, Alaska
- Correlations between the Heterogeneity of Permafrost Thaw Depth and Vegetation in Boreal Forests and Arctic Tundra in Alaska.
- Coseismic Slip Variation and the Intimate Link with Fault Structure
- Coseismic deformation of the 2001 Ms 8.1 Kunlun earthquake inferred from GPS
- Coupled Monitoring and Inverse Modeling to Investigate Surface - Subsurface Hydrological and Thermal Dynamics in the Arctic Tundra
- Crowdsourcing Science to Promote Human Health: New Tools to Promote Sampling of Mosquito Populations by Citizen Scientists
- Cryoturbation, Peat Accumulation, And Gleying: Do These Processes Affect Soil Carbon Distribution Within Permafrost Profiles?
- Cultivating a Global Pool of Future Geoscientists and Mentors
- Current sheet thinning, reconnection onset, and auroral morphology during geomagnetic substorms
- Declining Sea Ice Extent Links Early Winter Climate to Changing Arctic Lakes
- Detecting and Forecasting Permafrost Degradation in a Warming Climate
- Developing Short Films of Geoscience Research
- Diagnosing the drivers of rain on snow events in Alaska using dynamical downscaling
- Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic and Boreal Streams: Rates and Fates of Decomposition
- Diverse Water-Magma Interactions In The Conduit And Column During The 2008 Okmok Eruption, Alaska
- Does Water Management Reduce uncertainty of Projected Climate Change Impacts on River Discharge?
- Drivers and Estimates of Terrain Suitability for Active Layer Detachment Slides and Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Brooks Range and Foothills of Northwest Alaska, USA
- Drivers of River Water Temperature Space-time Variability in Northeast Greenland
- Driving Factors of Carbon Distribution in Soils as Determined by z*
- EarthScope Transportable Array Siting Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
- Earthquake source studies and seismic imaging in Alaska
- Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia
- Effects of 45 Years of Heavy Road Traffic and Infrastructure on Permafrost and Tundra at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Effects of a Ground Source Heat Pump in Discontinuous Permafrost
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Endurance of larch forest ecosystems in eastern Siberia under warming trends
- Energetic Particles in the far and near Environment of Pluto
- Enter Sandbox
- Environmental Factors Influencing Arctic Halogen Chemistry During Late Spring
- Eruption Forecasting in Alaska: A Retrospective and Test of the Distal VT Model
- Estimating Trapped Gas Concentrations as Bubbles Within Lake Ice Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Europa's Plasma Environment: A Reanalysis of Galileo PLS and PWS Observations
- Examining mechanisms in the final stages of the elimination of boreal tree species on vulnerable sites in boreal Alaska
- Extreme natural acidification in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: Effects of permafrost thawing and seawater freshening
- Fate of permafrost-released organic matter in the Laptev Sea: What is its lateral transport time along the transect from the Lena delta area to the deep sea of the Arctic interior?
- Field-Based and Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Applied Research in the State of Alaska
- Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- First application of time-domain electromagnetic technology (TEM) for permafrost mapping on the Arctic shelf.
- Forecast of Permafrost Distribution, Temperature and Active Layer Thickness for Arctic National Parks of Alaska through 2100
- Frequency Based Volcanic Activity Detection through Remotely Sensed Data
- Frozen Ground Controls on Hydrological Processes
- Future of Plant Functional Types in Terrestrial Biosphere Models
- Geochemical compositional differences of the supramicron plankton-dominated fraction in two regimes of the Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) of the outer East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Geophysical evidence for non-uniform permafrost degradation after fire across boreal landscapes
- Getting to the root of the matter: Landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
- Glacial runoff strongly influences food webs in Gulf of Alaska fjords
- GlacierMIP - A Model Intercomparison of Global-scale Glacier Mass-balance Models and Projections
- Global and Meso-scale Thermospheric Neutral Wind Response to Geomagnetic Storm
- Greenland Ice Sheet glacier motion and ice loss: New understanding of ice sheet behavior through remote sensing
- Gridded Data in the Arctic; Benefits and Perils of Publicly Available Grids
- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Using Contrasting Peatland Histories To Determine Fate Of Permafrost Carbon With Future Climate Change And Permafrost Thaw
- High-resolution observations of convection structure related to Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Auroral Streamers using SuperDARN and Allsky Imagers.
- High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
- Holocene primary productivity and the atmosphere/ocean linkage in the Gulf of Alaska
- Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock and Their Ground Signatures
- Hybrid simulation of wave propagation in the Io plasma torus
- Hydrograph separation of a sub-arctic glacial watershed, Interior Alaska
- Hydrologic Modeling in the Kenai River Watershed using Event Based Calibration
- Hydrologic Processes Of Reference Watersheds In US Forest Service Experimental Forests
- Hypsometric control on glacier mass balance sensitivity in Alaska
- IMAGE Observations of Sounder Stimulated and Naturally Occurring Fast Z mode Cavity Noise
- Ice Regime and Melt-out Timing Cause Divergent Hydrologic Responses among Arctic Lakes
- Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier
- Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
- Identifying the main drivers of soil carbon response to climate change in arctic and boreal Alaska.
- Imaging an Englacial Brine Conduit within a -17°C Polar Glacier
- Impact of shallow water bodies on the permafrost temperature and estimation of risk of thermokarst development at the Barrow Environmental Observatory area.
- Improved crosshole radar data collection for the measurement of porescale water
- In Search for Diffuse Hydrothermal Venting at North Pond, Western Flank of the Mid-Atlantic-Ridge
- Inclusion of Additional Plant Species and Trait Information in Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Arctic Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Influence of Geomagnetic and IMF conditions on High Latitude Upper Atmospheric winds and Temperatures
- Initial Conceptualization and Application of the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes
- Integrating Art and Science Through "Design Challenges"
- Integrating World Views, Knowledge and Venues in Climate Science Education
- Interspecific Competition and Trade-offs in Resource Allocation are the Key to Successful Growth of Seedlings of White Spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) at Subarctic Treelines in Warming Alaska.
- Investigating Biofilm Recalcitrance In Pipe Flow Systems
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Investigation and Quantification of Water Track Networks in Boreal Regions Using Remote Sensing and Geophysical Data
- Ion cyclotron waves near Mars: Solar wind control of pickup ion instability
- Ion gyroradius effects on Alfvenic field aligned currents and electron energization in planetary magnetospheres.
- Is the "Atlantification" of the Arctic Ocean extending?
- Jupiter Magnetotail Interaction with a Variable Solar Wind: A 3D MHD Simulation
- Lakes in Northern Permafrost Regions and Feedbacks with the Methane Cycle
- Large Response to Precipitation and Tidal Forcing at Columbia Glacier Imaged with Terrestrial Radar Interferometry
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Linking Plagioclase Zoning Patterns to Active Magma Processes
- Live and Dead Root Biomass in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Local and Non-local Mechanisms of Polar Amplification
- Long-term linkages between glaciers, permafrost and hydrology at two glacierized watersheds in Alaska
- MTeX: The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment
- Making SAR Data Accessible - ASF's ALOS PALSAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Project
- Making geospatial data in ASF archive readily accessible
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Measurement of Creep on the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam using Terrestrial Radar Interferometry (TRI).
- Measuring Change in Arctic Coastal Environments Using Repeat Aerial Photography and SfM Elevation Models
- Measuring and Modeling Solid Earth - Cryosphere Gravimetric Signals in GRACE and Future Satellite Missions
- Merging Field Measurements and High Resolution Modeling to Predict Possible Societal Impacts of Permafrost Degradation
- Mesoscale eddies over the Laptev Sea continental slope in the Arctic Ocean
- Mesospheric turbulence detection and characterization with AMISR-class radars under consistent meteorological conditions
- Morphologic Analysis of Lunar Craters in the Simple-to-Complex Transition
- Multi-resolution Changes in the Spatial Extent of Perennial Arctic Alpine Snow and Ice Fields with Potential Archaeological Significance in the Central Brooks Range, Alaska
- Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
- Multi-sensor geophysical constraints on crustal melt in the central Andes: the PLUTONS project
- Multi-surface Langmuir probe observations from the MTeX and WADIS rocket campaigns
- Multi-year study of the carbonate system in the Chukchi Sea with emphasizes on its western part
- Multiscale Observational Platforms and Bayesian Data Integration to Estimate Snow Depth and Snow-water-equivalent over the Ice-wedge Polygonal Tundra
- Multiyear ice transport and small scale sea ice deformation near the Alaska coast measured by air-deployable Ice Trackers
- NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic
- New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Estimates in the Bering Sea using an Automated Sediment Physics Modeling Approach
- New Landsat-based Ice Velocity Mosaics of Antarctica
- Numerical Models of Alaskan Tectonics: A Review and Looking Ahead to a New Era of Research
- Observations of Methane Concentration and d13C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> in the East Siberian Sea Waters
- On asymmetries of turbulent magnetic fluctuations in Jupiter's and Saturn's magnetospheres
- On the Usefulness of Hydrologic Landscapes for Hydrologic Model Calibration and Selection
- On the existence of an East Siberian-Chukchi ice sheet: New insights from the SWERUS-C3 Expedition 2014
- On the plausible observational features of the nonlinear interaction between the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and magnetic reconnection
- Optical properties of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) on the East Siberian shelf
- Outreach program by measurements of frost depth in Japan
- Persistency and Intensity of Arctic Storms and their Integrated Impacts on Sea Ice Melting
- Pluto's atmosphere-plasma interaction: Hybrid simulations
- PoLAR Voices: Informing Adult Learners about the Science and Story of Climate Change in the Polar Regions Through Audio Podcast
- Post-fire Thermokarst Development Along a Planned Road Corridor in Arctic Alaska
- Preliminary Results from Downhole Osmotic Samplers in a Gas Tracer Injection Experiment in the Upper Oceanic Crust on the Eastern Flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Producing Mosaiced Infrared Data on Natural Hazards for Real-time Emergency Management using UAS and Thermal Infrared Cameras
- Putting Research to Work for Monitoring Volcanic Hazards and Enhancing Public Safety
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Realizing the full potential of Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Regional Patterns of Ice-Wedge Degradation Across Northern Alaska: What Does Asynchronous Timing of Onset Tell Us Regarding Triggering Mechanisms, Thresholds, and Impacts?
- Relative sea level and coastal environments in arctic Alaska during Marine Isotope Stage 5
- Response of Northern Hemisphere Mid- and High- Latitude Storm Activities to Arctic Sea Ice Forcing: A Modeling Investigation
- Revisiting Notable Earthquakes and Seismic Patterns of the Past Decade in Alaska
- Rheology of Asthenosphere in the Kuril-Kamchatka Subduction Zone from Postseismic GPS Observations after Great 2006-2007 Earthquakes
- River Ice and Flood Detection Products Derived from Suomi NPP VIIRS Satellite Data to Support Hydrologic Forecast Operations in Alaska
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenarios and USGS-NTHMP Collaboration
- Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity in the Southern Gulf of California
- Seafloor Science and Remotely Operated Vehicle (SSROV) Day Camp: A Week-Long, Hands-On STEM Summer Camp
- Seasonal Inundation Dynamics on the Barrow Peninsula, AK
- Seasonal Variation in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Photoreactivity within a Small Sub-arctic Stream.
- Seasonal Variations of Biomass Burning Tracers in Alaskan Aerosols
- Seasonal evolution of glacier velocity and portraits of basal motion across southeast Alaska via cross-correlation of optical satellite imagery
- Seasonal ice flow patterns as indicators of subglacial hydrology on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Seeing the World in a Grain of Sand
- Seismic stratigraphy and structure of the Chukchi Borderland: implications for the opening of the Canada Basin
- Sensitivity of Residual Soil Moisture Content in VIC Model Soil Property Parameterizations for Sub-arctic Discontinuous Permafrost Watersheds
- Sensitivity of permafrost carbon release to past climate change in Arctic Alaska
- Shear Wave Splitting Observations Beneath Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- Simulations and Characteristics of Large Solar Events Propagating Throughout the Heliosphere and Beyond (Invited)
- Slow Slip Events and rotation of the Peninsula block in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Snow Bedforms Create the Surface Roughness of Polar Snow
- Solar Wind at 33 AU: Setting Bounds on the Pluto Interaction
- Spatio-temporal Variation in Glacier Ice as Habitat for Harbor Seals in an Alaskan Tidewater Glacier Fjord
- Spatio-temporally continuous monitoring of surface and ground temperature in Interior Alaska forest by optical Fiber DTS
- Specific features of sedimentology in the outer part of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Spring Fluids from a Low-temperature Hydrothermal System at Dorado Outcrop: The First Samples of a Massive Global Flux
- Statistical Analysis of Sprite Streamer Splitting via High-Speed Observations
- Strategizing a Comprehensive Laboratory Protocol to Determine the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter in Permafrost
- Studying bubble-induced methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: the next step towards a quantitative assessment.
- Subsea Permafrost Climate Modeling - Challenges and First Results
- Succession Stages of Tundra Plant Communities Following Wildfire Disturbance in Arctic Alaska
- Surface Roughness and Snow Accumulation in East Antarctica
- Temperature sensitivity of stream gross primary production and respiration from the tropics to the arctic
- Temporal Changes of Seismic Properties During Inter-Eruption Periods of Redoubt Volcano
- Temporal and spatial characteristics of auroral energy deposition
- The Affect of Pre and Syn-Ascent Crystallization on Vesiculation Kinetics and Permeability Development in Low Viscosity Magmas
- The Alaska Land Carbon Assessment: Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Atmospheric Escape of Europa: The Role of Symmetrical O<SUB>2</SUB> Charge Exchanges.
- The Autumn of break-ups: When Jakobshavn Isbrae lost its floating tongue
- The East Siberian Arctic Shelf is a significant source of atmospheric methane as referred from multi-year ship-based observations (2000-2015)
- The Eurasian and Makarov Basins target changes in the Arctic Ocean
- The ICESat-2 Inland Water Height Data Product: Evaluation of Water Profiles Using High Altitude Photon Counting Lidar
- The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Level 4 Carbon Product calibration and validation using eddy covariance observations across North America, Australia and Finland
- The Origin(s) of the Methane Excess in the Shallow East Siberian Arctic Shelf Unraveled with Triple Isotope Analysis
- The Permafrost Condition from 1960 to 2300 Based on Simulations of the GIPL2 Permafrost Dynamics Model across Eurasia: Implications for Soil Carbon Vulnerability, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts
- The Role of Snow Cover in Affecting Pan-Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw and Carbon Dynamics
- The Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto: Part 2
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The influence of the Moho in local and teleseismic wavefield simulations
- The role of sustained observations and data co-management in Arctic Ocean governance
- The use of Global Positioning System units and ArcGIS Online to engage K-12 Students in Research Being Done in their Local Communities
- Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland
- Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
- Three-dimensional data assimilation and reanalysis of radiation belt electrons: Observations over two solar cycles, and operational forecasting.
- Tools for Observation: Art and the Scientific Process
- Towards Full-Waveform Tomography of the Italian Lithosphere
- Towards a better understanding of the sensitivity of permafrost and soil carbon to climate and disturbance-induced change in Alaska
- Tracing of submarine groundwater discharge in the Siberian Arctic coastal zone: the case study in the Buor-Khaya Bay, Laptev Sea.
- Transient Storage in Zero-Order Channels Draining Arctic Hillslopes
- Trends in the Spring Breakup Dates Within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska
- Triple-Isotope-Based Source Apportionment of Methane in Waters of the Outer Laptev Sea
- Two-dimensional modeling of longitudinal modulations in the Io plasma torus
- US CLIVAR Working Group: Arctic Change and Possible Influence on Mid-latitude Climate and Weather
- Unprecedented Spring Breakup on the Sagavanirktok River - Alaska North Slope
- Using Multiple Soil Carbon Maps Facilitates Better Comparisons with Large Scale Modeled Outputs
- Using Place-Based Independent Class Projects as a Means to Hone Research Skills and Prepare a Future Geospatial Workforce
- Using SAR Interferometry to Assess Infrastructure Hazards From Frozen Debris Lobes in Northern Alaska
- Using SfM Photogrammetry from a Manned-aircraft to Settle Debate on the Heights of the Five Tallest Mountains in the US Arctic
- Using Surface NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to Determine Sediment Structure and Properties Beneath Thermokarst Lakes
- Using a Whole-stream Approach to Quantify Headwater Yedoma DOC Processing Rates in NE Siberia, Russia
- Variation and Fine Structure of Mesospheric Turbulence Layers as Observed During the MTeX Rocket Experiment
- Variation of Plasmaspheric (90-4000 km) Field-aligned Electron Density and Ion Composition as a Function of Geomagnetic Storm Activity
- Velocity contrast and 10km vertical Moho offset across the Denali fault from double-difference tomography and fault zone head wave analysis
- Vertical Soil Carbon Distributions in the Contiguous United States: Effects of Land Cover and History of Cultivation
- Vertical Structure and Vertical Evolution of Halogen Activation Events Observed by Autonomous Buoys
- Viscoelastic Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Water Temperature Controls in Arctic Basins
- What Can We Learn About Glaciers and Ice Sheets From 30 Years of Landsat Imagery?
- Will the Arctic Land Surface become Wetter or Drier in Response to a Warming Climate
- Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission
- Wintertime photosynthetic capacity of black spruce (Picea mariana) in boreal forests in interior Alaska
- a Real-Time Earthquake Moment Tensor Scanning Code for the Antelope System (brtt, Inc)
- A Cusp Density Enhancement Study using CHAMP / EISCAT conjunctions
- A Flexible Socioeconomic Scenarios Framework for the Study of Plausible Arctic Futures
- A High-Resolution Model of the Beaufort Sea Circulation
- A NASA Community of Practice for Scientists and Educators Working with American Indians and Alaskan Natives
- A New Technique For Quantifying Effusive Volcanic Activity at Tolbachik Volcano Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A Synthesis of Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates in Northern Permafrost Regions
- A Wave Resource Assessment for Yakutat, Alaska
- A first telecoupling analysis of multi-species poaching trade in Nepal: When outside demands seek and distribute a local resource in times of globalization
- A model-based telecoupling analysis for the Patagonian shelf: a new suggested template on how to study global seabirds-fisheries interactions for sustainability
- Airborne Observations of Reactive Bromine Transport in the Arctic
- Airborne geophysics for mesoscale observations of polar sea ice in a changing climate
- Altered Perspectives: Immersive Environments
- An Active Englacial Hydrological System in a Cold Glacier: Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- An investigation of regional tropospheric methane in central interior Alaska using direct-sun FTIR
- Antarctic Megadunes:Form and Character from Satellite and Field-based Studies
- Antarctic-wide changes in ice sheet surface velocities and glacier discharge
- Anticipating Future Extreme Climate Events for Alaska Using Dynamical Downscaling and Quantile Mapping
- Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) in Student Experiential Learning on Climate Change and Sustainability
- Application of the TopoFlow model to two sub-basins of the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed
- Applying an Orographic Precipitation Model to Improve Mass Balance Modeling of the Juneau Icefield
- Arctic Indicators of Change
- Arctic Marine Water Isotope Characteristics: In-situ, Continuous Surface and Water Column Isoscapes (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H) and Linkages into the Marine Food Web
- Arctic Sea Ice Classification and Mapping for Surface Albedo Parameterization in Sea Ice Modeling
- Arctic Storm Activities in Ensemble Simulations by the HIRHAM-NAOSIM Regional Coupled Climate Model
- Arctic aerosol and cloud observations via MAX-DOAS: Methods and comparison with established methods
- Arctic and Boreal Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability
- Arctic sea ice: an investigation into the origin of nitrate using δ<SUP>15</SUP>N, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O
- Assessing Seedling Recruitment in Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Alaskan Low Arctic
- Assessing deformation and morphology of Arctic landfast sea ice using InSAR to support use and management of coastal ice
- Assessing present and future climate changes in Siberia and their regional socioeconomic consequences using a web-based big data geoprocessing platform
- Assessment of climate and land use change impacts on surface water runoff and connectivity in a continuous permafrost catchment on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Assessment of the permafrost changes in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century under various disturbances to the land cover in the Alaskan Arctic
- Assimilation of Sonic Velocity and Thin-Section Measurements from the NEEM Ice-Core
- Atmosphere cleaning by heavy precipitation: quantitative assessment of aerosol washout and boundary layer recover evaluated by MPLNET lidar measurements.
- BLM Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Resource Management Operations
- Building University Capacity to Visualize Solutions to Complex Problems in the Arctic
- Carbon and Nitrogen Pools of Soil and Fine Roots across Alaskan Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystems.
- Changes in belowground C that accompany ecosystem shifts: an approach to constraining depth, timing, and magnitudes of soil change
- Changes in the Seasonal Sea-Ice Cycle and Implications for Coastal Communities in Alaska: Community-Based Observations, Remote Sensing Data and Participatory Scenarios Analysis
- Characterizing Methane Emission Response to the Past 60 Years of Permafrost Thaw in Thermokarst Lakes
- Circumarctic Conversations: Using Strategic Communication to Engage Participants and the Community in the 2016 Arctic Science Summit Week
- Climate Drivers of Alaska Summer Stream Temperature
- Climatic sensitivity of the cloud cover and radiation balances over the North Slope of Alaska due to declining sea ice coverage
- Coasts under multiple stresses: lessons learned from ARSTISTICC's eight coastal study sites.
- Collaborating on Climate: The Signs of the Land Camp as a Model for Meaningful Learning Between Indigenous Communities and Western Climate Scientists
- Comparison between Simulations and Transport Models for Imbalanced Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Comparison of New Horizons Plasma Data with Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Comparison of the Evolution of Quiet Time Field-aligned Electron and Ion Densities from Whistler Mode Radio Sounding with that from SAMI2 Simulations
- Complex patterns of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century Greenland outlet glacier change
- Conceptualization and Simulation of the Alaskan Arctic Tundra Landscape Evolution Using the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Consequences of Changes in Vegetation and Snow Cover for Climate Feedbacks in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Continuing Climate Warming Will Result in Failure of Post-Harvest Natural Regeneration across the Landscape in Interior Alaska
- Control of Boreal Forest Soil Microbial Communities and Processes by Plant Secondary Compounds
- Correlation between Coulomb Stress Rate Change imparted by the Slow Slip Events and Seismic Rate Change in Lower Cook Inlet of the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Cumulative effects of climate change and ice-wedge degradation, Prudhoe Bay oilfield Alaska
- Data Recipes: Easy-to-Follow Instructions for Using SAR Data
- Decadal to seasonal coastal change observed at Barter Island, Alaska
- Deciduous trees are a large and overlooked sink for snowmelt water in the boreal forest
- Decrease in glacier coverage contributes to increased winter baseflow of Arctic rivers
- Deep nitrogen acquisition in warming permafrost soils: Contributions of belowground plant traits and fungal symbioses in the permafrost carbon feedback to climate
- Detecting magma bodies in the Icelandic crust: Constraints from Volcano Geodesy and Joint Interpretation with Other Data
- Detection of Flooded Areas in a Time Series of High Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Images using Curvelet Transform and Unsupervised Classification.
- Determining albedo reduction by light-absorbing particles in snow over large areas - What can we learn from field observations?
- Developing a numerical model of ice wedge degradation and trough formation
- Development and Evaluation of a Gridded CrIS/ATMS Visualization for Operational Forecasting
- Development of Gridded Ensemble Precipitation and Temperature Datasets for the Contiguous United States Plus Hawai'i and Alaska
- Development of two landscape-scale arctic observatories in northern Alaska
- Diminishing warming effects on terrestrial ecosystem net carbon uptake in northern high latitudes
- Discerning spatial and temporal LAI and clear-sky FAPAR variability during summer at the Toolik Lake vegetation monitoring grid (North Slope, Alaska)
- Discrete Element Method Simulations of the Interactions of Woody Debris with Hydrokinetic Energy Infrastructure
- Distribution and Degradation State of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Ice Wedge Polygons of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Drivers and Impacts of Ecological Change on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Drivers and implications of recent large fire years in boreal North America
- Earthquake Swarms in Interior Alaska
- Earthquakes on Your Dinner Table
- Effect of rheology on tsunami inundation caused by submarine mass failures along the US East Coast
- Effects of Flat Slab Subduction on Shear Wave Splitting in Alaska
- Effects of Wind Filtering and Ageostrophic Generation on Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Activity at Chatanika Alaska
- Effects of modeling decisions on cold region hydrological model performance: snow, soil and streamflow
- Effects of soil warming on CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in tundra soil: Response to a 2015 episodic event
- Empowering the village communities for sustained observation of permafrost-related environmental changes, Upper Kuskokwim, Alaska
- Energy-Water-Land-Climate Nexus: Modeling Impacts from the Asset to Regional Scale
- Engaging new generation of Arctic researchers: 14 years and counting
- Estimating Rates of Permafrost Degradation and their Impact on Ecosystems across Alaska and Northwest Canada using the Process-based Permafrost Dynamics Model GIPL as a Component of the Integrated Ecosystem Model (IEM)
- Estimation of full moment tensors, including uncertainties,for earthquakes, volcanic events, and nuclear tests
- Europa `s Surface Sputtering by the Thermal Plasma of the Torus Considering the Electro-magnetic Interaction Between the Plasma and the Atmosphere
- Evolution of Ice Mélange Motion During Periods of Terminus Quiescence
- Field-aligned currents in auroral vortices
- Fire Effects on Vegetation Community, Carbon Pools, and Permafrost Vulnerability in Subarctic Tundra
- Full Waveform Misfit Kernels for Fault Zone Seismic Waves in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- GLOBE-al Impact through Diversity Bootcamps and Student Research Symposia
- Generating Multispectral VIIRS Imagery in Near Real-Time for Use by the National Weather Service in Alaska
- GeoFORCE Alaska: Four-Year Field Program Brings Rural Alaskan High School Students into the STEM Pipeline
- Geophysical Inversion of Thermospheric Wind Observations by a Multistatic Network of Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometers Across Alaska, to Produce 2-Dimensional Maps of Three-Component Wind Vectors at 250 km Altitude.
- Geophysical Investigation of a Thermokarst Lake Talik in Continuous Permafrost
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Global glacier and ice sheet surface velocities derived from 31 years of Landsat imagery
- Global outlook from the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P): Changes in thermal state of permafrost and active layer thickness over the last decade
- Go_LIVE! - Global Near-real-time Land Ice Velocity data from Landsat 8 at NSIDC
- Heat flux dynamics in low Arctic rivers
- High Latitude Precipitating Energy Flux and Joule Heating During Geomagnetic Storms Determined from AMPERE Field-aligned Currents
- High resolution bed topography for the Malaspina Glacier lobe
- Historic Record and Drivers of Snow Depth in Western Alaska
- Historic and Contemporary Shoreline Retreat Rates at the Community of Goodnews Bay, Alaska
- Historical and Projected Trends in Landscape Drivers Affecting Carbon Dynamics in Alaska
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): A cloud-based infrastructure for generic processing of SAR data
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- ISINGLASS campaign multi point sensors and data integration
- Identifying and Characterizing Climate-related Changes Influencing Accessiblity to Ecosystem Services in Rural Boreal Alaska
- Imaging the Italian Lithosphere based on Adjoint Tomography
- Impact of Arctic Sea ice Decline Trend on Northern Hemispheric Storm Activity: A Modeling Investigation
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- In Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Response of Permafrost and Active Layer in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
- Infrasound signal detection and characterization using ground-coupled airwaves on a single seismo-acoustic sensor pair
- Instability Dynamics and Turbulent Mixing Efficiency from 3-D Direct Numerical Simulations of Gravity Wave Packet Breaking in A Mesopause Inversion Layer
- Integrating STEM Place-Based, Culturally Responsive and Citizen Science Learning in Exploring the Impacts and Feedbacks of a Changing Arctic
- Interaction of a Variable Solar Wind with Jupiter's Magnetosphere: A 3D MHD Simulation
- Internal Creep Dynamics of Frozen Debris Lobe-A, Brooks Range, Alaska
- Internal Structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone at Blackburn Canyon from a Dense Linear Deployment across the Fault
- Investigating middle-atmospheric gravity waves associated with a sprite-producing mesoscale convective event
- Ionospheric Correction of InSAR for Accurate Ice Motion Mapping at High Latitudes
- Isentropic Analysis of Cold Air Outbreaks from the Arctic to North American Mid-Latitudes
- Krafla Magma Testbed: An International Project Crossing The Scientific Frontier From Geothermal System Into Magma
- Land Deformation Product Development at the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Landfast Sea Ice Breakouts: Stabilizing Ice Features, Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing at Barrow, Alaska
- Late Holocene Sea Ice and Productivity in the Western Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean
- Life in Ice: Microbial Growth Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Production During Winter in a Thermokarst Bog Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing Targeted Metagenomics
- Lightning spectra at 100,000 fps
- Linking Plagioclase Zoning Patterns to Active Magma Processes
- Linking benthic microbial community dynamics to diel redox variations in a near shore costal environment, Héeia Fishpond
- Living Between A Rock And A Hard Place: New Insights On The Crustal Deep Biosphere
- Lower-thermospheric wind variations in auroral patches during the substorm recovery phase
- MMS Observation of Inverse Energy Dispersion in Shock Drift Acceleration Ions
- Major cause of unprecedented Arctic warming in January 2016: Critical role of an Atlantic windstorm
- Measured Two-Dimensional Ice-Wedge Polygon Thermal and Active Layer Dynamics
- Measuring short term velocity changes of Kangilerngata Sermia, west Greenland using a Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer
- Mechanisms of vegetation protective effect on thermal state of permafrost in Alaska.
- Mesozoic and Cenozoic Tectono-depositional History of the Southwestern Chukchi Borderland: Implications of Pre-Brookian Passive-margin Slope Deposits for the Jurassic Extensional Deformation of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during the Seasonal Permafrost Thaw at the Bonanza Creek Research Forest: Results from the May 2016 Field Campaign
- Methane-related metabolisms of deep-sea sediments captured with a colonization experiment.
- Modeled and measured linkages between glaciers, permafrost and hydrology in a subarctic watershed, Interior Alaska
- Modeling vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its consequences on regional land cover dynamic in boreal Alaska
- Multipoint Observations of an Active Auroral Arc by a Sub-Orbital Sounding Rocket Mission
- National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
- New Generation of ELF/VLF Wave Injection Experiments for HAARP
- Next generation sensing platforms for extended deployments in large-scale, multidisciplinary, adaptive sampling and observational networks
- Observations of Ionosphere Structures During Ionospheric Disturbances Using Ground-Based GNSS Receivers
- On the Magnetospheric Heating Problem
- On the stability of fast rotating magentodiscs
- Overcoming All-Too-Common Challenges of Community Collaboration: Research Fatigue and Integration of Local Priorities
- PFISR GPS tracking mode for researching high-latitude ionospheric electron density gradients associated with GPS scintillation
- Paleo-perspectives on dynamic coastal change, James Lagoon, Kenai Fjords National Park.
- Particle Energization in 3-D Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) Instability Simulation
- Past and present flow organization of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Patterns and controls of methane fluxes across permafrost and ice-wedge degradation wetland chronosequences in Arctic and boreal Alaska
- Patterns of glacier basal motion across southcentral Alaska from cross-correlation of Landsat imagery
- Peat Insulation Moderates the Sensitivity of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Warming in Arctic Alaska
- Permafrost Mobilization from the Watershed to the Colville River Delta: Evidence from Biomarkers and <SUP>14</SUP>C Ramped Pyrolysis
- Petrology and geochemistry of three early Holocene eruptions from Makushin volcano, Alaska
- Physicochemical properties of soils in the sago palm (Metroxylon spp.) growing area of Surat Thani province Thailand
- Plume Magnitude and Thermal Monitoring as Tools in Eruption Forecasting
- Populating the Advanced National Seismic System Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog
- Potential for improved extraction of tellurium as a byproduct of current copper mining processes
- Processing of Interferometric Time-Series acquired with Ground-Based Radar for Mapping Deformation of the Calaveras Fault at Coyote Dam
- Prototyping Radiometrically Terrain Corrected Sentinel-1A Large-Scale Processing
- Pulsating Aurora in Eveningside Giant Auroral Undulations
- Quantifying Direct and Indirect Impact of Future Climate on Sub-Arctic Hydrology
- Radial Evolution of the Solar Wind
- Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products and Predictions for Aviation Alerts
- Recent circum-Arctic ice-wedge degradation and its hydrological impacts
- Reconciling Estimates of Mantle Viscosity Across Scales: Case Study of the Basin and Range
- Regional and climate forcing on forage fish and apex predators in the California Current: new insights from a fully coupled ecosystem model.
- Remote-Sensing Data Distribution and Processing in the Cloud at the ASF DAAC
- Remotely sensing a cold region dune field using airborne LiDAR and high resolution aerial photography
- Resilience and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems: Key Mechanisms and Habitats
- Resilience and sensitivity of carbon stocks to increased fire frequency in Arctic tundra
- Response of Jupiter's Aurora to Plasma Mass Loading Rate Monitored by the Hisaki Satellite During Io's Volcanic Event
- SAR processing in the cloud for oil detection in the Arctic
- Scenarios in Social-Ecological Systems: Co-Producing Futures in Arctic Alaska
- Seasonal Forecasts of Extreme Conditions for Wildland Fire Management in Alaska using NMME
- Sediment Dynamics Facilitate Tidewater Glacier Periodicity
- Sentinel-1 Archive and Processing in the Cloud using the Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3) at the ASF DAAC
- Short-term response of the solid Earth to cryosphere fluctuations and the earthquake cycle in south-central Alaska
- Shrub water use dynamics in arctic Alaska
- Siku DEM Simulations of Beaufort Sea-Ice Fracture Pattern.
- Simulated Impact of High Alkalinity Glacial Runoff on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Uptake in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska
- Slow Slip in the Alaska Subduction Zone and the Long-term Slip Budget on the Megathrust
- Snow depth and snow persistence patterns in the Arctic from analysis of the entire Landsat archive
- Spatial-temporal variations of seismic noise and their relation to wind, rivers, and basins in central Alaska
- Steps toward identifying a biogeochemical signal in non-equilibrium methane clumped isotope measurements
- Super Soaker: A Sounding Rocket Mission to Study Transport, Chemistry, and Energetics of Water in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Implications for Polar Mesospheric Cloud Occurrence
- Survey of Permafrost Thaw Influence on Surface Water Dissolved Organic Matter in Sub-Arctic Alaska
- Synthesis of Fluvial Dissolved Organic Matter and Inorganic Nitrogen Data Across Space and Scale in the Arctic: Circumpolar Truths and Regional Distinctions
- Tale of Two Deltas: Permafrost Dynamics on the Colville and Yukon-Kuskokwim Deltas
- Talik comparisons below bedfast and floating ice thermokarst lakes using electromagnetic geophysics
- Tectonic, astrochronostratigraphic, and biostratigraphic implications of the paleomagnetic polarity reversal stratigraphy of the Late Triassic Bigoudine Formation (Argana Basin, Morocco)
- Temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis in a thermokarst lake sediment core
- Temporal Changes of Vp/Vs Ratios during Inter-eruption Periods of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- The "Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2)" Sounding Rocket
- The Effects of Fog on the Surface Energy Balance of McCall Glacier, Alaska: Combining Time-Lapse Photography with Weather Station Data
- The First Light for a New Ground-based Imaging Capability of JHU/APL in Support of Auroral Science Campaigns and Missions
- The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thicknes
- The Influence of Phenocrysts on Magma Degassing in Rhyolitic Systems
- The Nitrate Inventory of Unsaturated Soils at the Barrow Environmental Observatory: Current Conditions and Potential Future Trajectories
- The Persistence of Subsistence: Wild Food Harvests in Rural Alaska, 1983-2013
- The Role of Stratosphere Vortex Downward Intrusion in a Long-lasting Arctic Summer Storm
- The SARVIEWS Project: Automated SAR Processing in Support of Operational Near Real-time Volcano Monitoring
- The effects of meteorology and air mass history on ozone depletion events in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer
- The observation of underwater frazil ice formation and upward sediment transport in an Arctic polynya in the Chukchi Sea
- Thermal structure surrounding the rhyolite magma chamber encountered by IDDP-1, Krafla, Iceland
- Thermospheric wind and temperature fields observed using two ground based all-sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometers in Antarctica
- Three-dimensional hybrid simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at Saturn's magnetopause
- Time-series measurements of methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) distribution during open water and ice-cover in lakes throughout the Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- Towards a Moment Tensor Catalog for Italian Earthquakes based on IMAGINE_IT 3D Crustal Model
- Tracking Present Surge Progression and it's Impact on Walsh and Steele Glaciers, Yukon/Alaska, with Landsat, ASTER, and Historical Data
- Transmission and Reflection of Dispersive Alfven Waves in the Io Plasma Torus
- Transport of CH<SUB>4</SUB> through open-talik lakes in discontinuous permafrost aquifers
- Turbulent Magnetic Fields Near Saturn's Magnetopause Boundary
- Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Response of the Io Plasma Torus to a Volcanic Event
- Uncertainty Analysis using Experimental Design Methods for Assessing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration and Coal Bed Methane Production Potential of Subbituminous Coals of the Nenana Basin, Interior Alaska
- Unprecedented permafrost thaw dynamics on a decadal time scale: Batagay mega thaw slump development, Yana Uplands, Yakutia, Russia
- Use of Airborne Electromagnetic Geophysical Survey to Map Discontinuous Permafrost in Goldstream Valley, Interior Alaska
- Using Mid Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict the Decomposability of Soil Organic Matter Stored in Arctic Tundra Soils
- Using NPP-Suomi VIIRS I-band data to delineate high- and low-intensity burn areas for forest fires in interior Alaska
- Using a Large N Geophone Array to Identify Hydrothermal Seismic Sources in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
- Validation of 3D Velocity and Attenuation Models in the North Island of New Zealand with Full-Wavefield Simulations
- Variability in understory evapotranspiration with overstory density in Siberian larch forests
- Virtual Globes, where we were, are and will be
- Warming in the Nordic Seas, North Atlantic Frankenstorms and thinning Arctic sea ice
- Waves and Turbulence in a Disturbed Middle Atmosphere During MTeX and MIST
- Widespread and rapid thermokarst development in a region of very cold continuous permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- seismo-live: Training in Computational Seismology using Jupyter Notebooks
- "I get by with a little help from my friends": A case study in Holy Cross and Grayling using geographic, ethnographic, and biophysical data to tell the story of climate change effects in the lower-middle Yukon River region
- A Cloud-Based System for Automatic Hazard Monitoring from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
- A Decade of High-Resolution Arctic Sea Ice Measurements from Airborne Altimetry
- A Multi-Biomarker Biogeochemical Investigation of a Permafrost Core from Interior Alaska Dating to 40,000 Years Before Present: Insight Into Millenial-Scale Carbon Accumulation and Degradation Status
- A New Wave of Permafrost Warming in the Alaskan Interior?
- A Recommended Set of Key Arctic Indicators
- A cross-scale framework of peatland resilience based on long-term research in interior Alaska and the Northwest Territories, Canada
- A new drag spool for measuring basal sliding and till deformation
- Active Deformation of the Northern Cordillera Observed with GPS
- Active Tectonics of the Far North Pacific Observed with GPS
- Agro-climate Projections for a Warming Alaska
- Alaska Testbed for the Fusion of Citizen Science and Remote Sensing of Sea Ice and Snow
- Ambient Noise Tomography at Regional and Local Scales in Southern California using Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity
- An isotopic view of water and nitrate transport through the vadose zone in Oregon's southern Willamette Valley's Groundwater Management Area
- Applying an orographic precipitation model to improve mass balance modeling of the Juneau Icefield, AK
- Arctic Storms and Their Influence on Surface Climate in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- Arctic System Science: Meeting Earth System and Social Impact Challenges through Integrative Approaches and Synthesis
- Arctic Tundra Greening and Browning at Circumpolar and Regional Scales
- Arctic water tracks retain phosphorus and transport ammonium
- Assessing Effects of Climate Change on Access to Ecosystem Services in Rural Alaska: Enhancing the Science through Community Engagement
- Assessing and Projecting Greenhouse Gas Release due to Abrupt Permafrost Degradation
- Belowground Plant Dynamics Across an Arctic Landscape
- Boreal Forest Permafrost Sensitivity Ecotypes to changes in Snow Depth and Soil Moisture
- Building Capacity for Actionable Science and Decision Making in Alaska
- CO2 emissions from permafrost regions in Alaska during the nongrowing seasons
- Characterizing volcanic activity: Application of freely-available webcams
- Chukchi Borderland | Crustal Complex of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- Co-production and modeling landscape change - successes and challenges in developing useful climate science
- Collaborative Projects Weaving Indigenous and Western Science, Knowledge and Perspectives in Climate Change Education
- Comparison of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the two- and three-dimensional configurations
- Comparison of New Horizons SWAP Data with Three-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Comparison of atmospheric CO2 columns at high latitudes from ground-based and satellite-based methods
- Connecting Alaskan Youth, Elders, and Scientists in Climate Change Research and Community Resilience
- Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Sea-Level over the Next Millennium
- Contributions to Jarvis Creek Watershed, Alaska, from Winter Accumulation and Glacier Melt Inferred Through Airborne and Ground-Penetrating Radar
- Cross-scale transport processes in the three-dimensional Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Crustal Deformation in the Northern Andes - New GPS Velocity Field and "Broken Indentor" Model
- Data-driven local-scale modeling of ionospheric responses to auroral forcing using incoherent scatter radar and ground-based imaging measurements
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Do Transient Electrodynamic Processes Support Enhanced Neutral Mass Densities in Earth's Cusp-Region Thermosphere via Divergent Upward Winds?
- Downstream impacts of climate induced glacier change in High Mountain Asia
- Driving Factors of Understory Evapotranspiration within a Siberian Larch Forest
- Dynamic Triggering of Seismic Events and Their Relation to Slow Slip in Interior Alaska
- Ecosystem Dynamics and Fate of Warm Permafrost after Tundra Wildfire on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Effect of crustose lichen on soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in sphagnum moss regime of tundra, west Alaska
- Effect of thermokarst lake margin expansion rate on sub-lake permafrost thaw in continuous permafrost
- Effects of Boreal Lake Wetlands on Atmospheric <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB>
- Environmental change and the conversion of permanently frozen ground to wetlands
- Eurasian Winter Storm Activity at the End of the Century: A CMIP5 Multi-model Ensemble Projection
- Evaluation of the ICESat-2 Inland Water Height Data Product Using Airborne Multiple Altimeter Beam Experimental Lidar (MABEL) Observations from Above the Troposphere
- Evolution of fast ice thickness from Cryosat-2 radar altimetry data, a case study in Scar Inlet, Antarctica
- Examination of Cross-Scale Coupling During Auroral Events using RENU2 and ISINGLASS Sounding Rocket Data.
- Factors Impacting Spatial Patterns of Snow Distribution in a Small Catchment near Nome, AK
- Filling the monitoring gaps across the US Arctic by permanently adopting USArray stations
- Flickering aurora observations at 500 frames per second
- Geophysical mapping of deep permafrost change after disturbance
- Giant Auroral Undulations: Large, wavelike structures in the equatorward auroral boundary seen during geomagnetic storms.
- Gravity Wave Detection through All-sky Imaging of Airglow
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of Global Warming Explained by a Conceptual Model
- High and Increasing Shoreline Erosion Rates of Thermokarst Lakes Set in Ice-Rich Permafrost Terrain of the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- High-Latitude Wintertime Urban Pollution: Particulate Matter Composition and Temporal Trends in Fairbanks, Alaska
- High-resolution in situ electron measurements combined with conjugate multi-spectral auroral imaging
- Historical and Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Alaska: Implications to Landscape Changes and Permafrost Carbon Pool.
- Humidification of the Arctic: Effects of more open ocean water on land temperatures and tundra productivity along continental and maritime bioclimate transects
- Hybrid simulations of radial transport driven by the Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Hydrokinetic Debris Interaction Simulator
- Hydrologic vulnerability of tribal reservation lands across the U.S.
- ISINGLASS Auroral Sounding Rocket Campaign Data Synthesis: Radar, Imagery, and In Situ Observations
- Ice-Wedge Polygon Formation Impacts Permafrost Carbon Storage and Vulnerability to Top-Down Thaw in Arctic Coastal Plain Soils
- Ichnofabrics and Facies in the Paleocene of Chicxulub: A Record of the Recovery of Life Post-Impact
- Impacts of Changed Extratropical Storm Tracks on Arctic Sea Ice Export through Fram Strait
- Impacts of Permafrost on Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
- Impacts of an Intense Arctic Storm in August 2016 on Sea Ice Decline
- Improving Permafrost Hydrology Prediction Through Data-Model Integration
- Integrated evaluation of the vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implications for the regional carbon balance in boreal Alaska
- Integrating remote sensing, field observations, and ground temperature modeling to help address permafrost-related societal challenges around native village of Telida, Interior Alaska
- Intra-basin variability in lateral flow and runoff generation over continuous permafrost
- Ionospheric Correction in Using ALOS PALSAR InSAR Data for Monitoring Permafrost Subsidence associated with an Arctic Tundra Fire
- Ionospheric effects on DInSAR measurements of interseismic deformation in China
- Ionospheric electron heating associated with pulsating auroras: joint optical and PFISR observations
- Landsat time series analysis documents beaver migration into permafrost landscapes of arctic Alaska
- Leveraging biology interest to broaden participation in the geosciences
- Linking Research, Education and Public Engagement in Geoscience: Leadership and Strategic Partnerships - Chris McEntee
- Local air pollution in the Arctic: knowledge gaps, challenges and future directions
- Magnetic Connection and Properties of the Solar Magnetic Field
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Geomagnetic Substorm on March 1, 2017
- Mapping Soil Carbon in the Yukon Kuskokwim River Delta Alaska
- Measurements of Ion-Neutral Coupling in the Auroral F-Region in Repsonse to Increases in Particle Precipitation
- Measurements of seasonal frost depth by frost tube in Japan
- Melt season lengths on Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves from passive microwave data
- Mercury genomics in the Arctic Ocean
- Mesoscale thermospheric wind in response to nightside auroral brightening
- Methane efflux measured by eddy covariance in Alaskan upland tundra undergoing permafrost degradation
- Modeling hydrological controls on vegetation distribution across topography in Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Modeling long-term permafrost degradation
- Modeling of the Ionospheric Scintillation and Total Electron Content Observations during the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Modeling soil temperature change in Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Modeling the Evolution of the System IV Period of the Io Torus
- Modeling the GLOF Hazard Process Chain at Imja Lake in the Nepal Himalaya
- Multiscale-Driven approach to detecting change in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery
- Near-Surface Profiles of Water Stable Isotope Components and Indicated Transitional History of Ice-Wedge Polygons Near Barrow
- New Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data
- New Science Applications Within the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
- Numerical simulations of permafrost dynamics in the source area of the Yellow River, central-eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Observations of Inland Snowpack-driven Bromine Chemistry near the Brooks Range, Alaska
- Offshore Earthquake 2012 in the California Borderlands: Possible Extension of Seismically Active Area Offshore
- Opposing effects of fire severity on climate feedbacks in Siberian larch forests
- Organic carbon biolabilty increases with depth in a yedoma permafrost profile in Interior Alaska
- Partitioning GRACE ice loss for the Juneau Icefield using modeling, airborne and ground observations
- Permafrost conditions at the Upper Kuskokwim river area and its influence on local communities.
- Plasma Transport and Magnetic Flux Circulation in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Pleistocene Park: the restoration of steppes as a tool to mitigate climate change through albedo effect
- Possible causes of Arctic Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines
- Predicting Changes in Arctic Tundra Vegetation: Towards an Understanding of Plant Trait Uncertainty
- Preparing for Science at Sea - a Chief Scientists Training Cruise on Board the RV Sikuliaq
- Rain increases methane production and methane oxidation in a boreal thermokarst bog
- Record low lake ice thickness and bedfast ice extent on Alaska's Arctic Coastal Plain in 2017 exemplify the value of monitoring freshwater ice to understand sea-ice forcing and predict permafrost dynamics
- Reduced Solar Wind Speeds at New Horizons Beyond 30 AU
- Refining Southern California Geotherms Using Seismologic, Geologic, and Petrologic Constraints
- Regional comparison of tundra carbon budget response over the Alaska North Slope to varying environmental conditions as informed by in situ and flux tower measurements, remote sensing and biophysical modeling
- Remote sensing of electron density and ion composition using nonducted whistler observations on OGO 1 and Van Allen Probes
- Remotely Sensing Lake Water Volumes on the Inner Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- Results from Evaluations of Gridded CrIS/ATMS Visualization for Operational Forecasting
- Runoff generation from neighboring headwater basins with differing glacier coverage using the distributed hydrological model WaSiM, Eklutna, Alaska
- SIIOS in Alaska - Testing an `In-Vault' Option for a Europa Lander Seismometer.
- Seasonal Evolution of Thermal Conductivity of Snow and its Impact on Surface Temperature Regimes
- Seasonal and Regional Differences in Reactive Bromine Abundance near the North Pole, the Beaufort Gyre, and at Utqiaġvik (Barrow), Alaska
- Seasonal dynamics of permafrost carbon emissions: A passive, quasi-continuous <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> sampler
- Sedimentary Geochemical and Palynological Evidence of Late-Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change from Baradères Bay, Haiti
- Sedimentary Reconstructions of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Past 1500 Years from Blue Holes in the Caribbean
- Seismic Signatures of Brine Release at Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Sentinel-1 Interferometry from the Cloud to the Scientist
- Shear Wave Splitting Underneath Northwest Canada and Eastern Alaska from Transportable Array and Mackenzie Mountains Data
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow in Alaska
- Simulating low-flow conditions in an arctic watershed using WaSiM
- Snowscape Ecology: Linking Snow Properties to Wildlife Movements and Demography
- Spatial variation of slip behavior beneath the Alaska Peninsula along Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Spectral Indices in Simulations of Imbalanced Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Stacking GPS observations on ETS and inter-ETS tremor times to improve geodetic observations of slip in Cascadia
- Statistical Study between Solar Wind, Magnetosheath and Plasma Sheet Fluctuation Properties and Correlation with Magnetotail Bursty Bulk Flows
- Subduction on Venus and Implications for Volatile Cycling, Early Earth and Exoplanets
- SuperDARN elevation angle calibration using HAARP-induced backscatter
- Systematics of Alkali Metals in Pore Fluids from Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes: IODP Expedition 366
- Teleseismic P and S wave attenuation constraints on temperature and melt of the upper mantle in the Alaska Subduction Zone.
- The Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom): Comparing the Chemical Climatology of Reactive Species and Air Parcels from Measurements and Global Models
- The Best of Both Worlds: Developing a Hybrid Data System for the ASF DAAC
- The Density Profiles of O in the Lower Martian Thermosphere/ionosphere
- The Girls on Ice program: Improving perceptions of climate change and environmental stewardship by exploring a glacier landscape
- The Indigenous Phenology Network: Engage, Observe, and Adapt to Change
- The Influence of Ice Properties on Borehole Deformation at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
- The Integration of Remote-Sensing Detection Techniques into the Operational Decision-Making of Marine Oil Spills
- The Isinglass Auroral Sounding Rocket Campaign: data synthesis incorporating remote sensing, in situ observations, and modelling
- The Response of Tundra to Biophysical Changes Ten Years Following the Anaktuvuk River Fire, Arctic Foothills, Alaska.
- The Role of Driving Factors in Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems of Alaska
- The influence of soil organic matter chemistry and site/soil properties in predicting the decomposability of tundra soils
- The last millennium of Aleutian low variability based on dendrochonolgy and water isotope proxies
- The predominance of young carbon in Arctic whole-lake CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions and implications for Boreal yedoma lakes.
- The roles of stratosphere vortex downward intrusion and troposphere baroclinity in two summer Arctic storms
- The thin brown line: The crucial role of peat in protecting permafrost in Arctic Alaska
- The uppermost mantle section of a maturing arc: Insights from the Talkeetna Arc section, Alaska
- Thermal regime of an ice-wedge polygon landscape near Barrow, Alaska
- Thermokarst lake dynamics and its influence on biogeochemical sediment characteristics: A case study from the discontinuous permafrost zone in Interior Alaska
- Towards Experimental Operational Fire Weather Prediction at Subseasonal to Seasonal Scales for Alaska Using the NMME Hindcasts and Realtime Forecasts.
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Tracking and unpacking rapid Arctic change: Indicators of community health and sustainability in northern Alaska and links to cryospheric change
- Tree density and permafrost thaw depth influence water limitations on stomatal conductance in Siberian Arctic boreal forests
- Uncertainties for seismic moment tensors and applications to nuclear explosions, volcanic events, and earthquakes
- Uncertainty in Earth System Models: Benchmarks for Ocean Model Performance and Validation
- Understanding the Complexities of Communicating Management Decisions on the Subsistence Use of Yukon River Salmon
- University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects
- Up-going Red Water in the Ice at the Bottom of the World: Picture Taking Boxes and Listening Boxes Tell Us How and Why
- Using high resolution ortho-imagery and elevation data to assess resilience along the southern Chukchi Coast between 2003 and 2016
- Using real objects to teach about climate change: an ethnographic perspective
- Validation of Ground-based Optical Estimates of Auroral Electron Precipitation Energy Deposition
- Variations of plasmaspheric field-aligned electron and ion densities (90-4000 km) during quiet to moderately active (Kp < 4) geomagnetic conditions
- Wind energy input into the upper ocean over a lengthening open water season
- A 3000-Year Sediment Proxy Record of Extreme Storm Surges, Chukchi Coastline, Alaska
- A Case Study of Wave Energy Forecast Improvement Using Data Assimilation
- A CubeSat Approach to Martian Ionospheric Tomography
- A Hierarchical, Synoptic, and Dynamic Seascape Framework for Observing and Understanding Pelagic Biodiversity
- A Large Amplitude (>300 M/S) Neutral Wind "Jet" Observed Near 130 km Altitude and Associated DC Electric Fields, Energetic Electron and Other Measurements Revealed by a Vapor Trail and Dual Sounding Rocket and Ground-Based Instruments in the Auroral Zone Lower Ionosphere
- A Numerical Experiment of the global Jupiter Magnetosphere: Initial Results from Multifluid MHD
- A Strategy for Global Snow Information for Nature and Society
- A Transitioning Ecosystem: Food for Thought in the Northern Bering Sea / Bering Strait Region
- A Water Cycle for the Anthropocene
- A live demo of the glacier flow modeling library icepack
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- A stratospheric pathway linking a colder Siberia to Barents-Kara sea ice loss
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- Alaska Arctic Observatory & Knowledge Hub: Community-based Observations of Changes in the Seasonal Cycle in Alaska's Arctic
- An Integrated Approach to Ocean Acidification Research and Monitoring: Using Observations and Models to Support the Alaskan Blue Economy
- An assessment of arctic observing based on the historically low sea ice coverage of the Bering Sea in winter 2017-18
- Analysis of TEC content in the atmosphere during high solar activity.
- Analyzing how scenarios of climate extremes and lake water-use impact stream low flows and connectivity in an Arctic Coastal Plain watershed in northern Alaska
- Apportioning seasonality of soil respiration sources: A passive, quasi-continuous <SUP>14</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> sampler
- Arctic Alaska's barrier islands: Morphological types and historical change
- Arctic Chlorine Chemistry Influenced by NO<SUB>x</SUB> Pollution from Villages and Oil Fields
- Arctic and Boreal Carbon: Key Findings from the State of the Carbon Cycle Report
- Arctic research and pragmatic science diplomacy: A perspective from the International Arctic Research Center
- Auroral electrodynamics revealed by high speed in-situ and inferred electron precipitation characteristics
- Automated RTC and INSAR Stack-Processing at the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Automatic Detection of Magnetospheric Regions around Saturn using Cassini Data
- Bering Sea climate influenced by solar forcing during the late Holocene
- Broad-scale Geospatial Analysis of CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions Using High-Resolution Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery Across Alaska and Western Canada
- Building Coastal Resiliency in Indigenous Communities through Erosion Monitoring Programs
- CASSCADE - The Circum-Arctic Shelf Sediment CArbon DatabasE
- Can We Share Who We Are: Climate Change In My Community
- Can a drone equipped with a miniature methane sensor determine methane fluxes from an Alaskan wetland?
- Can cities save us? Evaluating cities role in global climate
- Changing Arctic Climate Leads to Rare and Destructive Ivu (Ice Override)
- Characterization of natural organic matter in surficial waters of a watershed underlain by discontinuous permafrost in interior Alaska
- Characterizing the Kinetic Solar Wind Interaction at Pluto
- Citizen Scientists and Seasonal Snow Modeling: Constraining Outputs by Using Avalanche Probes and Smartphones
- Classifying Stream-Lake Catchment Systems Along River Corridors of an Arctic Coastal Plain Watershed to Guide Resource Management in the Context of Land-Use and Climate Change
- Climate Warming Accelerated by Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Beneath Lakes
- Climate adaptation science in Alaska: evolution of a flexible collaborative network for responding to climate change
- Co-eruptive and post-eruptive source models at Okmok volcano from GPS and InSAR measurements
- Co-producing sea ice tools to improve situational awareness and crisis response in the Arctic
- Community Research Partnerships for Sustainable Traditional Harvest Practices: Novel approaches to collaborative research design supporting science to action in interior Alaska rural
- Community-Based Monitoring of Erosion and Flooding in Alaska Native Villages
- Complex Faulting and Triggered Rupture During the 2018 M<SUB>W</SUB>7.9 Offshore Kodiak, Alaska Earthquake
- Comprehensive Multi-Solar Cycle Observations of Auroral Luminosity
- Connecting People, Infrastructure and Permafrost Information in Alaska
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Continental margin processes in the Neoarchean: insights from the Angikuni Lake, Nunavut, Canada
- Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to sea-level over the next millennium
- Contributions of USArray Stations to Regional Earthquake Monitoring in Alaska
- Controls of Crystal Shape on Degassing Mechanisms in Crystal-Rich Magmas with Rhyolitic Groundmass Melts
- Coulomb Stress Changes by Long-term Slow Slip Events in the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone
- CoulombAnalysis: Program for Flexibly Calculating Coulomb Stress Changes on Receiver Faults with Any Orientations and Non-vertical Profiles with Any Trends
- Coupling of Multiple Small-Scale Electron Transport Models to Examine Auroral Events
- Creating High-resolution Permafrost Maps Using LiDAR as Baseline Datasets for Landscape Change on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Cryopegs of Northern Alaska
- Cryoplanation terraces at the Seward Peninsula: mechanisms of origin and influence on subsurface hydrology on the local scale
- Cryospherically Induced Stress Fluctuations in Tectonically Active Southern Alaska
- Cultivating Leadership, Diversity and Inclusivity in Academia
- Data Streams, Model Workflows, and Educational Pipelines for Hydrologic Sciences
- Dayside magnetodisc reconnection on Saturn
- Deformation characterization in a shear zone within the Cretaceous Chugach accretionary prism, Southcentral Alaska
- Detecting Recent Changes in Vegetation, Landscape Water Availability and Freeze/Thaw Characteristics in Interior Alaska Using VIS-NIR-TIR and Microwave Remote Sensing
- Development of a Land Cover Database Suitable for Estimating Current and Future Methane Emissions from Northern Boreal and Tundra Regions.
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Numerical Model for Arctic Coastal Erosion, Infrastructure Risk, and Evaluation of Associated Coastal Hazards
- Diel Cycling of Methane in Arctic Ponds
- Dispersive scale Alfven waves and broadband electron energization in the Jovian magnetosphere
- Divergent Responses of a Rich Fen in Interior Alaska to Inundation: Interannual Variation in Carbon Fluxes and Water Balance
- Dynamics of High-latitude F-region Winds Driven by Multi-scale Magnetospheric Energy Input
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Earthquake Swarms and Slow Slip on a Sliver Fault in the Mexican Subduction Zone
- Earthquake Swarms and Their Relation to Slow Slip in Interior Alaska Revealed Through Relative Earthquake Relocation
- Earthquake nucleation and fault slip complexity in the lower crust of central Alaska
- Ecosystem Functional Diversity of the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra: A Contribution to GEO-BON Essential Biodiversity Variables
- Effects of permafrost thaw and changes in soil moisture on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Alaskan upland tundra
- Employing Seasonal Climate Forecasts to Develop Useful Products for Fire Managers in Alaska
- Empowering Youth, Scientists and Indigenous Communities through GLOBE Climate Change Research
- Energy and Motion of Pulsating Aurora
- Estimating 2D Neutral Wind Patterns Using Line-of-Sight Data from Multiple Scanning Doppler Imagers
- Evaluating Diversity and Implications of Microbial Presence in Upper Atmosphere
- Evaluating Uncertainties in Marine Biogeochemical Models: Benchmarking Aerosol Precursors
- Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled Winds over the Beaufort Sea coast
- Evaluation of Under-ice Phytoplankton Blooms in the Fully-coupled, High-resolution Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Exospheric neutral hydrogen density near the subsolar magnetopause deduced from XMM-Newton X-ray observations
- FAMOS multi-model intercomparison of the pan-Arctic ice algal productivity on seasonal and decadal timescales
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- FPI Observations of Enhanced Temperatures and Vertical Wind Activity Associated with Auroral Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Fast Spectroscopy and Interferometry of a Lightning Flash
- Fate of terrestrially-derived carbon in freshwaters across the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Few System Assessment of Onsite Water Reuse in Remote Alaska
- Field-aligned Variations in Plasmaspheric Electron and Ion (H<SUP>+</SUP>, O<SUP>+</SUP>, He<SUP>+</SUP>) Densities during the 30 August 2005 Major Geomagnetic Storm: Role of Penetration Electric Fields and Thermospheric Neutral Winds and Composition
- Fire on Ice: Boundary Spanning and Disaster Diplomacy in Wildfire Science and Management in Alaska
- First-Light Observations from the Transition Region Explorer (TREx) Ground-Based Network
- Forecasted changes in tundra ecosystem productivity along a north-south environmental gradient in northern Alaska
- From Ice-Wedge Polygons to Pan-Arctic Landscapes: Intensive Mapping of Ice-Wedge Polygons at Extensive Spatial Scales Using Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Frost depth in Hokkaido, Japan during the winter season from 2011 to 2018
- Glacier response to calving events determined by competition between dynamic thinning and advective thickening
- Glacier-Ocean Interactions in Western Antarctic Peninsula Fjords
- Global Adjoint Tomography - New Generation Earth Mantle Model
- Ground validation of satellite HCHO measurements at northern high latitudes
- HF Propagation Experiments Through Ionospheric Heated Regions Using e-POP
- High-mountain Asia geodetic glacier mass balance from a high-resolution DEM record
- High-resolution F-region Joule heating and ion temperature estimates in the southern high latitudes and polar cap
- High-resolution permafrost modeling and mapping in Alaska
- Historical analysis of the use of sea ice and weather modeling data in Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in the Arctic for application in an early warning context: case study in Arctic Alaska
- Horizontal advection critical for maintaining an Antarctic biological hotspot
- How has North Pacific Decadal Variability Impacted the Health of an Alaska Yellow Cedar Forest Over the Past 300 Years?
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): A cloud-based infrastructure for generic processing of SAR data
- Hydrogeology of Slow-Spreading Oceanic Crust: A Tracer Study in North Pond Borehole Observatories
- ISINGLASS Campaign Data Mapping and Assimilation
- Identification and Relocation of Earthquakes in the Sparsely Instrumented Mackenzie Mountain Region, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
- Impact of Sea Ice Thickness and Freeboard Products on Performance of Seasonal Forecasts
- Impact of tundra snow layer thickness on modelled radar backscatter
- Impacts of Ice-Free Storm Seasons for Alaska's Coastal Communities
- Implications for MI coupling from a subcorotation-driven System IV model
- Influence of Ocean Acidification and Climate Change on the Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Alaska: A regional modeling study
- Influence of lake ice formation and break-up on ASCAT backscatter
- Integrated, Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Research of Arctic Change and Impacts on Security and Infrastructure Resilience in Alaska
- Integration of Ground-based and Airborne Measurements Shows Substantial Methane Emissions from Freshwater Ecosystems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Investigating the Methane Producing and Antibiotic Resistant Potential of Microbes in Alaskan Permafrost.
- Investigation of Severe Thunderstorm Damage to Vegetation Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Keeping pace with evolving communication needs for Alaska earthquakes and tsunamis
- Linking changes in access to subsistence resources to ecological mechanisms in the lower-middle Yukon River area, interior Alaska.
- Long-term Permafrost Change Projections across the Northwest Territory (NWT), Canada: Implications for Ecosystem, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts.
- Machine Learning techniques to evaluate reproducibility of climate model simulations on hybrid architectures.
- Magnetic Boundary Structure in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Magnetopause Surface Reconstruction from Tangent Vector Observations
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere (MIT) Coupling via Lightning Generated Magnetospherically Reflected (MR) Nonducted Whistlers
- Mapping Belowground Carbon Pools and Potential Vulnerability in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Measurement of Trace Gas Profile in The Arctic Winter
- Metabolic Scaling of River Networks
- Methane Radiocarbon and Clumped Isotope Measurements in Lakes from Permafrost Landscapes Link Methanogenesis Kinetics with the Age of Carbon Substrates
- Modeling Energy Balance and Refreezing in Firn in Southwest Greenland During the 2017 Melting Season
- Modeling Surface Water and Soil Freezing Processes using WaSiM
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Modeling the response of permafrost affected mesoscale watersheds to long term warming
- Moment tensor estimation and uncertainty quantification using mtuq, instaseis, obspy and pymc
- Monitoring Breakup Conditions on an Arctic River: The case of the Sagavanirktok River, Alaska USA
- New Insights Test our Fundamental Understanding of How Thermokarst Influences Permafrost Peatlands
- New Sodium Resonance Wind-Temperature Lidar at Poker Flat Research Range: Analysis of gravity wave activity measurements
- Nightside Discrete Auroral Arcs: Inferring Electrodynamics from Imagery in the Isinglass Sounding Rockets Case Studies
- Not Just Chance: Ocean and Atmospheric Factors in the Record Low Bering Sea Ince Winter of 2017-2018 and effects on health and safety
- Numerical Modeling of Historical and Projected Permafrost Soil Temperatures with Carbon Flux Implications
- Observations of O/N<SUB>2 </SUB>Variations from the Ground During the Alaska Auroral Jets Rocket Campaign
- Observations of small-scale GWs and spectra using high-resolution Na mixing ratios in the MLT
- Opportunity to Plan and Develop a Comprehensive US Arctic Research Infrastructure Network Hub at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Origin, Burial and Preservation of Late Pleistocene-age Glacier Ice in Arctic Permafrost (Bylot Island, NU, Canada).
- P-wave Tomography of the Mackenzie Mountains Region, Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada
- Pathways to High Resolution Simulation of Land Surface Processes in Arctic Region: A Case Study on C & N Cycles Using PFLOTRAN Coupled E<SUP>3</SUP>SM Land Model (ELM)
- Potential Decomposability of Permafrost Carbon Stocks in Ice-Wedge Polygons of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain
- Prediction of Springtime Tropospheric Arctic Reactive Bromine Levels From Environmental Variables
- Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data at Full Resolution
- Quantification of annual soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in unburned and burned black spruce forest of interior Alaska
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying methane ebullition from northern lakes with space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
- Quantifying regional-scale carbon fluxes from arctic and boreal ecosystems: insights from recent campaigns and long term trends
- Quantifying the bottom-up influence on methane dynamics in one Mackenzie River (Canada) Delta lake with time-series measurements over two years (2015-2017)
- Quantitative Comparison of Transport Rates between Fluid Simulations (with Test Particles) and Hybrid Simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Reading The Record of Melting Events Using Compositional Mapping and In-Situ Geochronology, Adirondack Mountains, New York, U.S.A.
- Regional Tsunami Hazard Maps Verified by High-Resolution Numerical Modeling
- Replacement times of the rare earth elements in the North Atlantic Ocean based on thorium supply
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- Resonant mode conversion of Alfven waves in the low-latitude boundary layer structured by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilty
- Rupture Complexity in Conjugate Fault Systems: Case Studies of the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake and the Mw 7.9 Kodiak earthquake
- SAR-CBC: A Capacity Building Center for the Use of SAR in Decision Making
- Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise
- Science Diplomacy Before, During, and After Disaster Strikes
- Science Diplomacy Through Science Assessment and Knowledge Co-Production in Alaska and the Arctic
- Scientific Ballooning for Imaging Earth's Aurora under the Sun
- Scientific and National Security Missions Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Facilities in the Alaska High Arctic
- Sea ice science decision support during ICEX 2018
- Seasonal carbon balance in Arctic tundra and boreal forests
- Secondary Gravity Wave Generation Resulting from Mountain Wave Breaking
- Self-Consistent Simulations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Substorm
- Sensitivity of Sea ice Simulations to Ice Dynamic Treatments
- Shear wave Splitting in the Mackenzie Mountains and Northern Cordillera
- Shrub expansion introduces new sets of root traits in the Arctic
- Simulation of Landscape Changes on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain with the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Snow as a Driver for Climate Processes and its Relevance for Modeling
- Socio-Ecological Indicators of Change in the Arctic
- Socio-Environmental Systems (SES) on the Changing Mongolian Plateau: A review
- Software for Ice Sheet Model Validation Using Recently Available and Extensible Datasets
- Spatial Variation in Thermokarst Subsidence after the Anaktuvuk River Fire on the North Slope, Alaska
- Spatial and temporal trends in melt season lengths for Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves from 1978-2018 from passive microwave measurements
- Spectroscopic characterization of permafrost natural organic matter composition and reactivity from a sub-Arctic discontinuous region
- Sprite streamer response to multi-stroke lightning flash
- Statistical Analysis of Sprite Streamer Splitting: A Ten Year Survey
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions in Intense and Long-lasting Arctic Storms
- The 2018 Qaanaaq Fireball: A Seismic Recording of a Meteorite Impact Event into the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) Project
- The Chukchi Sea in a changing environment: A synthesis of modeling and observations
- The CuPID Cubesat Observatory: Imaging Soft X-rays from the Magnetosheath
- The Economics of Mitigating Geological Methane Release Through Carbon Market Revenue
- The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: Alaska
- The Grand Challenge Initiative - Cusp: A campaign of sounding rocket missions to study the multi-scale physics occurring in Earth's geomagnetic cusps
- The Impact of Fire, Landscape Position, and Nitrogen Availability on Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The Properties of Saturn Magnetodisc and Cushion Region: Implications for Radial Transport.
- The Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS) in Greenland: Testing Instrument Performance on an Icy World Analog
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The impact of fire on energy balance in tundra soils in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, AK: Implications for Permafrost Thaw under Climate Change
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The ionospheric role in the generation of small-scale auroral structures
- The losers are turning green: Expanding Arctic riparian tall shrub cover indicates a shift in stream hydrologic regime
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- Three-Dimensional Thermospheric Wind Structure within an Auroral Substorm Constructed from Observation via Multiple Sounding Rocket Flights within 16 Minutes: the HEX-2 Mission
- Toward optimization of rheology in ice models through data assimilation.
- Towards a Comprehensive, Long-Term Arctic Observing System: Arctic Observing Summit 2018 Call to Action
- Tracking reservoir stability through multi-data stream statistical data assimilation: Application to the 2008 eruption of Okmok, AK
- Trajectories of air parcel transport driven by thermospheric winds reconstructed using ground-based Fabry-Perot observations from Alaska and Antarctica
- Transferring Skills or Building a Network? What Interviews with Trainers Reveals About Building Capacity for Actionable Climate Science
- Transport properties as a function of plasma beta in the giant planet magnetospheres
- Trends in Bedfast Lake Ice Extent on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- Tundra Fires in Alaska: A Weather Perspective
- USAPECS: a national ECS network in the global context
- Understanding Controls on Arctic Soil Moisture Using In-Situ Soil Moisture and Thaw Depth Observations and Airborne SAR Data at Barrow and Seward Peninsulas, Alaska
- Understanding the Impacts of Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Loads on Food-Energy-Water Security in Remote Arctic Communities
- University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrumentation Projects: Third Alaska Campaign
- Using High Resolution Borehole Closure and Tilt to Infer the Relation Between Ice Properties and Flow
- What else can citizen science and 'amateur' observations reveal about STEVE?
- What happens when 250 years of rapid ice loss induces one of the world's fastest crustal uplift rates directly above one of its fastest-slipping faults? Cryosphere-solid earth interactions in the Glacier Bay region, southeast Alaska
- Whole Atmosphere Coupling : Investigations of Weather and Space Weather at Poker Flat Research Range, Chatanika, Alaska
- Workshop Outcomes: Opportunities to Apply Remote Sensing in Arctic/Boreal Wildfire Management and Science
- Characterizing Brown Carbon in Northern High Latitudes
- A Case Study to Understand the Ionospheric Structures over Poker Flat Research Range using Forward Propagation Model SIGMA.
- A Mass-Conserving Bed Solution for the Hubbard Glacier from Airborne Radar Data
- A Matrix-Based Approach to Feedback Analysis in the Context of a Globally Resolved Energy Balance Model
- A Wadati-Benioff Zone Beneath the Wrangell Volcanic Field Revealed by the WVLF Broadband Array
- A narrow window of summer temperatures is associated with shrub growth in Arctic Alaska
- A semi-automated adjoint tomography workflow applied to New Zealand's North Island
- A survey of flux transfer events observed in the dayside magnetopause
- Accelerating foreshocks of crustal earthquakes controlled by frictional heterogeneities
- Accounting for spatial heterogeneity of freeze/thaw cycles in surface state retrieval for permafrost landscapes
- Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity
- Along-strike segmentation of intermediate-depth seismicity along the Alaska Peninsula and implications for slab dehydration
- Ambient Seismicity on Europan Analogs using the Seismometer to Investigate Ice and Ocean Structure (SIIOS)
- An Evaluation of SPECFEM3D for Local Infrasound Propagation Over Topography
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- An inquiry based approach to learning how to build spacecraft for undergraduate students and how we have benefited from the experience.
- Arctic Deltas: Carbon and nitrogen rich deposits in a dynamic permafrost landscape
- Arctic Thermokarst Lake Carbon Gas Emission Estimates and Scaling
- Arctic tundra and boreal forest surface energy balance retrieval using a thermal-based remote sensing model
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning and remote sensing reveals over six decades of surface-water dynamics in Alaska with connections to climate change.
- Assessing Dynamic Vegetation Model Parameter Uncertainty across Alaskan Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Assessing Key Environmental Drivers of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra
- Assessing the Degradation State of Soil Organic Matter in the Permafrost Region
- Assessment of Spatiotemporal Variability in Arctic-boreal Carbon Flux Budgets
- Assessment of nitrogen dynamics in soil, vegetation, and surface water across successional stages of ice-wedge degradation and stabilization in the tundra of northern Alaska
- Atmospheric circulation characteristics associated with extreme high water level events at Foggy Island Bay, Alaska
- Auroral Reconstruction CubeSwarm - ARCS: a NASA Heliophysics mission concept for decoding the aurora
- Azimuthal variation in the Io plasma torus: New insights from the Hisaki satellite
- Big Imagery as a Resource to Understand Patterns, Dynamics, and Vulnerability of Arctic Polygonal Tundra
- Bluff geometry and material variability influence stress states relevant to coastal permafrost bluff failure
- Boreal W"o"rming: Mechanisms and Limiting Factors of Earthworm Invasion in Arctic and Sub-arctic Ecosystems
- Borehole Observatories on the Mariana Forearc: A Window Into Dynamic Processes Within a Subduction Channel
- Broad-scale airborne mapping detects widespread methane emission hotspots associated with thermokarst
- Can coupling sliding and hydrology models produce better estimates of ice flow?
- Causes and Consequences of Catastrophic Lake Drainage in an Evolving Arctic System: First Year Activities and Initial Results
- Changes to streamflow variability observed in continuous permafrost watersheds in remote Arctic location
- Changing Characteristics of Runoff and Freshwater Export From Watersheds Draining Northern Alaska
- Characterizing the Aerosol Composition and Formation throughout Winter, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Climate Change in Alaska: Monitoring and Assessing the Vulnerability of Alaska's Ecosystems and Population
- Climate Drivers as Indicators of Arctic Tundra Variability and Change
- Climate workforce skills through Arctic research - putting community college students in charge
- Closing the winter gap - year-round measurements of soil respiration sources in Arctic tussock tundra
- Coastal dynamics in the Kara Sea: spatial and temporal variability from small to large scales
- Comparative Studies on Magnetotail Dynamics Between the Earth, Saturn and Jupiter
- Comparing Multiple Approaches of Creating Digital Elevation Models to Estimate Sedimentation Rates within an Alpine Flood Corridor
- Comparing Sprite Currents with High-Speed Video Measurements
- Comparison of the Effects of Ten Years of Warming and Twenty Years of Altered Plant Species Composition on Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Alaskan Arctic Tundra
- Comprehensive Alaska/Yukon glacier change over the last 47 years captured in satellite time-lapse movies: a visual record of ice and climate
- Constraining the Properties of a Subglacial Lake in Northwest Greenland with Active Source Seismology
- Contrasting Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks and Ice Contents along Two Arctic Hillslope Toposequences
- Convergence NNA:Coordinate a Transdisciplinary Research Network to Identify Challenges of and Solutions to Permafrost Coastal Erosion and Its Socioecological Impacts in the Arctic
- Coupling between Kinetic Alfven Waves and Kelvin-Helmholtz Waves at the Magnetopause
- Cultural Tradition in a Non-traditional College Course: Connecting Tribal Youth to Community Climate Impacts
- Damage Zone Resonance: Observation and Analytical Fitting of Fault Zone Trapped Wave Normal Modes Using Dense Near-fault Seismic Array
- Data-driven: Alaska Citizen Scientists Quantify Stories of Berry Variability in Changing Climates
- Denitrification and Nitrous Oxide Production in Boreal Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems Varying in Permafrost and Fire Disturbance History
- Detecting catchment-scale permafrost degradation and biogeochemical regime change from high-frequency stream chemistry
- Development of Energy Models with Limited Data to Optimize Use and Benefits of Renewable Energy Resources in Isolated Food-Energy-Water Systems: A Remote Alaska Community Example
- Development of Water Masks using Synthetic Aperture Radar via a Fully Convolutional Neural Network at the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Development of a Tightly Coupled Multi-Physics Numerical Model for an Event-Based Understanding of Arctic Coastal Erosion
- Differences in transpiration between high latitude upland and floodplain shrubs: implications for ecosystem energy balance
- Dissolved organic matter dynamics across a gradient of ice-wedge degradation and stabilization, northern Alaska
- Does storytelling make a difference for inclusion and learning in an intergenerational Public Participation in Scientific Research project?
- E3SM Land Model (ELM) in Arctic Region: Changing of Thermal-Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Coupling from Climate Scale to Community-level Ecosystems
- Efforts to Integrate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS) to Provide Safe and Reliable Research Platforms
- Electron Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Implication for Transport
- Electron energization by dispersive scale Alfvén waves at Jupiter: Results of 2D kinetic simulations in a dipolar geometry.
- Engaging students in the field: implications of design choices
- Evaluating GEOS-Chem with snow aerosol source against ground observations of Arctic reactive bromine events
- Evaluation of Wildfire Initiated Thermokarst Degradation Using in-situ and Remotely Sensed Data at a site on the Seward Peninsula of Alaska
- Exploring space physics under the aurora borealis: The University of Alaska Fairbanks Space Physics graduate program
- Exploring the Earth's outer atmosphere: an innovative approach to measure in-situ exospheric densities
- Fingerprints of Arctic Sea Ice Forcing on Atmospheric Circulation Variability
- First Observations from the TREx Spectrograph: the Optical Spectrum of STEVE and the Picket Fence Phenomena
- Flow variation and the biogeochemistry of desert streams
- Forecasting Substorms using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Forest density influences on surface energy and soil thermal dynamics in Siberian larch forests underlain by permafrost
- Formation, flow, and break-up of ephemeral ice mélange at LeConte Glacier and Bay, Alaska
- From Level-1 to Level-3: Integrating Time Series Analysis Into the Sentinel-1-based SARVIEWS Volcano Monitoring Service
- Geochemical characterization of eroding coastal permafrost and organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea near Drew Point, Alaska
- Geologic implications of the subsurface stratigraphy of the Mexico Basin (Mexico City), central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Arc
- Geophysical Observations of Drained Permafrost Lake Taliks, North Slope, Alaska
- Glaciers on the Brink: New Alaskan Ice thickness Constraints from Operation IceBridge Airborne Radar Sounding
- Global Structure and Time Variation of Pluto's Plasma Wake
- Goldstream Valley Permafrost Map
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- Gravity Wave Activity in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere in Winter 2018-2019
- Habitat Suitability Model; Building Towards Predictive Fire-Land Management Framework
- High Potential for Loss of Circumpolar Pingos, Ice-wedge Polygons and Rock Glaciers due to Climate Change
- High-resolution receiver function imaging of crustal structure and subduction across Southcentral Alaska
- Historical and Future Changes of High-impact Wind Events in Coastal Alaska
- Host moss identity is a significant predictor of associated N fixation rates in Arctic Alaska
- Identification of Regions Susceptible to Thermokarst Initiation due to "Climate Priming" on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain
- Imaging spectroscopy of boreal vegetation to aid fire risk assessment, Alaska
- Imaging the Magnetotail Response to the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction from the Ground
- Impact of Change in Soil Thermal Gradient on the Fate of Soil Nitrogen
- Impacts of Particle Composition and NO<SUB>x</SUB> on the Vertical Distribution of Reactive Bromine in the Arctic Troposphere
- Impacts of Rapid Climate Changes on Mass Movements in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
- Implications of an Intensified Fire Regime Across Interior Alaska's Spatiotemporal Black Spruce Dominated Landscape: Relationships Among Plant Diversity, Functional Traits and Fire
- Importance of High Quality Bathymetry for Prediction of Storm Surge
- Importance of cross-border team science in permafrost research for risk mitigation
- Improved understanding of Arctic land ice loss by integrating observations and models
- Incorporation of Observations into Regional High-Resolution Permafrost Modeling and Mapping in Alaska
- Indigenizing Arctic Climate Communication: a collaborative experiment weaving Alaska Native place-based knowledge with climate data sonification
- Influences of Hillslope Biogeochemistry on Anaerobic Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in a Tundra Watershed
- Inland Water Observations with ICESat-2
- Insights into Changing Regional-scale Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from Arctic Tundra Ecosystems
- Insights into the biodegradation of sulfolane, an emerging groundwater contaminant, through stable isotope probing coupled to metagenomics
- Integrated real-time observations with stratigraphically-constrained samples of the 2018 eruption of Veniaminof, Alaska
- Integration of Observational Data and Dynamical Downscaling for Projections of Future Winds in Alaska
- Introducing icesat2py, an Open Source Python Library for Obtaining and Working with ICESat-2 Data
- Investigating multi-scale gravity wave coupling across atmospheric regions using multiple instruments
- KiNET-X: Kinetic-scale energy and momentum transport experiment
- Learning Outcomes of Field Experiences From the Perspective of Undergraduate Students
- Lessons from 10 Years of the Alaska Fire Science Consortium: Spanning Boundaries in Wildland Fire Science and Management
- Long-term monitoring of permafrost degradation documents two forms of landscape response
- Long-term trends in dissolved organic matter from fluvial systems across biomes
- MMS Observations of Multi-Scale Wave Structures with Energetic Electrons at the High-Latitude Dayside Boundary Layer In the Vicinity of the Southern Cusp
- MMS Observations of Plasma Heating and High Frequency Waves in Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices
- Magnetite-apatite deposits at El Laco volcano, Chile, formed by extrusion of an iron-rich melt
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Modeling Millennial Time Scale Changes in Water Balance of Mesoscale Watersheds within Permafrost Regions
- Modeling the relative importance of blowing snow and surface snow in Arctic bromine activation and ozone depletion using regional 3D chemical transport modeling
- Multiyear Automated Analysis of Auroral Images to Categorize Ionospheric Irregularity Layer
- Oblique subduction at the end of the Aleutian slab beneath the Wrangell Volcanic Field
- Observational constraints on ambient brown carbon with IMPROVE network observations
- Observations of Formaldehyde Above Various Arctic Biomes in Alaska
- Observations of Vigorous Vertical Thermospheric Neutral Winds at High Latitudes
- Ocean Acidification in Alaska: Chemistry, Clams, Cod, and Crabs
- On scaling InSAR to a planetary scale - the final frontier
- Parallel electric field driven electron energization in high-m poloidal standing Alfven waves: A proxy for understanding auroral bead formation
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Permafrost Mapping with Electrical Resistivity Tomography in Two Wetland Systems North of the Tanana River, Interior Alaska
- Plant Phenological Stages of Small Grain Crops in Response to Climate Change in Alaska
- Precipitation climatology and impact on vegetation productivity in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Southwest Alaska
- Probing Spatial Differences in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Meteorology in Interior Alaska Winter Pollution Events
- Public Participation in Scientific Research: Designing for Broad Audiences in a Changing Alaska
- Quantifying hydrologic regime shifts on ecological time scales using wavelets
- Quantifying the influence of soil, snowpack, topography and vegetation properties on soil hydro-thermal behavior across an Arctic watershed in a discontinuous permafrost environment
- Radar-Derived Ice Thickness and Bed Topography Measurements of the Bering-Bagley Glacier System, Alaska
- Radial transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere: view from the entropy concept
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Recent updates on the Hisaki observations for Jupiter's magnetosphere and Io's atmosphere
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Regional CH4 column gradients over Tanana Flats wetlands in interior Alaska
- Regional Observations of Methane Emissions from California's Dairies using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Response of permafrost temperature regime in the North-Eastern Yakutia to the recent climate changes.
- Response of the Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Outside the Plasmapause During the 24 August 2005 Major Storm.
- Revisiting the anthropogenic impacts on biogenic secondary organic aerosol in southeast US
- Revolutionize Forest Research and Management: Fast and Accurate Data Collection Using UAV Photogrammetry in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest
- Sea Ice Leads as Drivers of Interannual Variability of the Beaufort Gyre in Winter.
- Sea Salt Aerosol from Blowing Snow above Sea Ice - Arctic in situ Observations
- Sea ice - ocean - atmosphere coupling regimes and Arctic cyclone activity
- Seasonal hydrogeochemical variability of water and solute fluxes to subarctic high-latitude coastal ecosystems across a gradient of ice to rain dominated watersheds
- Self-organization of ice-wedge systems during their formation and degradation
- Sensitivity of frontal melt to surface meltwater runoff routing
- Shear Velocity Model of Alaska via Joint Inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocities, and Receiver Functions across the USArray
- Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Alaska Subduction Zone Inferred from S-wave Splitting and SKS-splitting
- Simulating Arctic Vegetation Types Across Ecological Gradients in the E3SM Land Model
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Soil warming leads to stimulate soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in tundra ecosystem, Seward Peninsula of western Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century Carbon Storage and Emissions after Wildfire in an Old-Growth Forest Landscape
- Spatial distribution of the polar thermospheric wind acceleration and importance of the 2D measurement with SDIs
- Spatial variations in seasonal and inter-annual surface displacement after the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) measured by field surveys and L-band SAR interferometry
- Species-specific responses to climate change in a temperate rainforest
- Sprite Streamer Interactions at 100,000 Frames per Second
- Statistical study on the near-Earth soft X-ray signals observed from the XMM-Newton astrophysics mission
- Strategies to Develop a Year-Round Comprehensive US High Arctic Research Center in Alaska to Serve Broad National Interests
- Stream Chemistry Indicates Catchment Response to Disturbance and Regional Warming in the Boreal Forest
- Teaching Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft: An Inquiry-based Approach to Teaching Geoscience and Engineering
- Thaw dynamics of a rapidly degrading isolated permafrost plateau in south-central Alaska
- The 1989-90 Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska: A Catalyst for Innovation in Aircraft - Ash Hazard Mitigation, Hazard Communications, Real-Time Data Analysis, and Eruption Forecasting
- The 30 November 2018 Mw7.1 Anchorage Earthquake
- The Arctic Observing Summit:Continued Progress towards an Integrated, Multipurpose, International Arctic Observing System
- The Challenges of Food-Energy-Water Data Collection in Remote Islanded Microgrids: Lessons Learned and Recommendations Moving Forward
- The Development of Cubesat Instruments to Image Magnetic Reconnection
- The Net Aquatic and Terrestrial Carbon Balances are Linked by Weather Events in a Headwater Arctic Catchment
- The Pangeo Platform: a community-driven open-source big data environment
- The SAR-CBC Project: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Recent SAR Capacity Building Activities
- The Satellite Era Cyclicity of Arctic Sea Ice Area Extent
- The Significance of Intergenerational and Intercultural Knowledge Transfer on Youth and Adults
- The Use of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data for Long-Term Monitoring and Change Detection
- The closed polar cap of the Jovian magnetosphere: implications for auroral precipitation from global MHD and test particle simulations
- The influence of environmental microseismicity on detection and interpretation of small-magnitude ice quakes in a polar glacial setting: quantifying uncertainty
- The interface of science and community: a look into how glacial lake outburst flood modeling and forecasting information is utilized for decision-making in downstream communities. Case studies of Suicide Basin and Snow Glacier, Alaska.
- Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates from California Dairies by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Toward reliable phase uncertainty estimates for decorrelating targets
- Towards First pan-Arctic Ice-wedge Polygon Map: Understanding the Synergies of Data Fusion and Deep Learning in Automated Ice-wedge Polygon Detection from High Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Trace Gas and Ozone Profile measurement in The Arctic Winter
- Tracking Arctic Coastal Changes Through a Collaborative Network of Northern Alaska Coastal Indigenous Communities
- Transient Impacts of Arctic Storm on Sea ice: Regional and Seasonal Analysis
- Tsunami of the 2018 M<SUB>W</SUB>7.9 Kodiak Earthquake.
- Tundra wildfire triggers long-term lateral nitrogen loss
- Turbulent plasma heating associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Two decades of coastal ice and ocean change in northern Alaska: Evolving research partnerships and observing approaches
- Understanding snow patterns for improved earth system modeling in the Arctic
- Using Gaussian Process Emulators to Reduce Uncertainty in Sea Level Projections with Ice Sheet Models
- Using citizen science data to improve modeling of seasonal snow
- Using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR observations to evaluate passive microwave melt detection methods over Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves
- VLF/LF Whistler Mode Wave Injection and Radio Sounding Experiments from the Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Satellite
- Validation of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Topographic Maps In Alaska and Greenland
- Virtual Reality Modeling of the CRREL Permafrost Tunnel for Online Education on Permafrost and Climate Change
- Warm hole in Pacific Arctic sea ice cover forces mid-latitude Northern Hemisphere cooling
- Warming-induced Release of Greenhouse Gases From the Soil into the Atmosphere: How Consequential Can It Be?
- Wave breaking, instability and transport in the upper mesosphere
- Web-based and Cloud-based RTC and InSAR Time Series Stacking of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery with the Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3)
- Weighing Micro-Lysimeters Used to Quantify Dominant Vegetation Contributions to Evapotranspiration in the Arctic
- Wildfire Driven Succession of Microbial Community and Function in Interior Alaska - Shedding Light on the Dynamic Relationship Between Microbial and Plant Communities
- Wildfire as a Driver of Permafrost Degradation in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems of Alaska, Siberia and Northeast China: Implications for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts.
- Working across Disciplines to Understand the Food-Energy (few) Nexus in Remote Arctic Communities
- Iterative Deterministic and Bayesian Seismic Imaging of the Wasatch fault zone, Utah,Incorporating Earthquake and Ambient Noise Waveforms
- <SUP>Tundra Underlain by Thawing Permafrost Persistently Emits Carbon to the Atmosphere Over Fifteen Years of Measurements</SUP>
- A Deep Learning Approach to the Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations at High and Mid-Latitudes
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- A Half-century Perspective of Climate-induced Forest Change from Reference Stands at Bonanza Creek LTER
- A Modular SAR/InSAR Imaging Geodesy Training Course for Capacity Building
- A Multivariate Hydrologic Benchmark for the WRF-Hydro-Based NOAA National Water Model over Experimental Alaskan Watersheds
- A Novel and Global Way to Explore Solar-Terrestrial Interactions: SMILE
- A Recirculating, Subsurface Eddy Increases Deep Residence Times in an Antarctic Biological Hotspot
- A co-production of knowledge approach to understand how sea ice loss constrains Indigenous hunting opportunities for traditional marine mammal resources in northwest Alaska
- A mixed-methods approach to assessing sub-seasonal retreat rates of retrogressive thaw slumps in the Eureka Area, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada
- A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts
- ASF Making Remote-Sensing Data Available Using Constantly Evolving Technology
- Ability of thermal energy from rainfall to warm and thaw soils at a thermokarst site in south-central Alaska
- Accounting for Subsidence Reveals 50% Deeper Permafrost Thaw and Double the Rate of Carbon Thaw in a Permafrost Warming Experiment
- Adding Utility to Automated Snow Depth Measurements Across a Number of Remote Sites in Subarctic and Arctic Alaska
- Aligning vision and action: Learning Google Earth Engine for research
- An Exploration of the Growing Season Climate and NDVI Variability in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Southwest Alaska
- Analysis and modeling of sprite green ghosts
- Analysis of spectral and propagation characteristics of ionospheric structures over Poker Flat Research Range using modelling and observations.
- Applying seasonal forecasts for summer fire weather outlooks in Alaska at a 3-month lead
- Applying the FEW Nexus in Rural Alaska: Concept vs. Reality
- Arctic Climate Change: Sensitivities to the Forcing Scenario in CMIP6
- Arctic Cyclones: AN Impact-Targeted Assessment of Trends
- Assessing Burn Severity in the Alaskan Boreal Forest using Remote Sensing Methods
- Assessing climate change and glacier status in the high Andes of central Chile
- Assessing recruitment age and climate sensitivity of deciduous shrubs in tundra disturbed by retrogressive thaw slump thermokarst in the Alaskan Low Arctic
- Assessment of River Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies for Isolated Remote Alaska Communities - Impacts on Micro-Scale Food, Energy, and Water System Infrastructure Loads
- Automated Mapping of Ice-wedge Polygon Troughs in the Continuous Permafrost Zone using Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Automatic Generation of Water Masks of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Using a Fully Convolutional Network Trained Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images.
- Beavers engineer vast arctic tundra lowlands of Alaska
- Biomining the Future, Extracting Rare Earth Elements from Alaskan Coal
- Born to Burn: Characterization of Fuel Loads, Flammability and Plant Traits Across Spatiotemporal Gradients of Black Spruce Dominated Communities
- Boundary Spanning and Co-production with Management Partners in Arctic/Boreal Systems: Lessons from 10 Years of the Alaska Fire Science Consortium
- Broadening Participation in Community Scientific Endeavors
- Carbon Export from the Pacific Northwest Coastal Rainforest Margin
- Case studies of solar minimum exospheric neutral density at 10 Re subsolar location using XMM-Newton X-ray observation and a global MHD model
- Changes in direct radiative effect of biogenic secondary organic aerosol from pre-industrial to present day
- Characteristics of Thermospheric Gravity-Wave Induced Wind and Temperature Perturbations Observed by All-Sky Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometers
- Characterizing extreme thermokarst methane emissions in interior Alaska with implications for pan-Arctic source attribution
- Climate change, knowledge co-production, and partnership in Kake, Alaska
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Constraining subglacial processes from surface velocity observations using surrogate-based Bayesian inference
- Continuous multi-offset ground penetrating radar (GPR) observation of the two-layer lake ice and snow system for ice physical properties
- Coupling between Alfven and Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the low latitude boundary layer
- Cultivating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Within the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks to Foster a Caring, Trusting and Safe Work Environment
- Daily to multi-decadal velocity variations at Athabasca Glacier, Alberta, Canada
- Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Decreasing density and ice content in shallow firn cores at DYE-2, Southwest Greenland from 2013-2019
- Dendro-geomorphological Analysis of the Slate Creek Landslide, Alaska.
- Detailed Seismic Imaging of the Mw7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone from Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Detecting Temporal Changes in Land Cover Based on Disturbance in Alaska
- Development and Validation of a Flood Depth Mapping System using SAR-derived Water Mask
- Development of a Crop Classifier using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar via a Fully Convolutional Network
- Effect of Topography of Slope Terraces on the Seward Peninsula on Ground Thermal Regime, Hydrology and Development of Biogeochemical Processes
- Effects of Geomagnetic Storm Activity on the O+/H+ Transition Height
- Effects of High-resolution Forcing on Joule Heating and Ionosphere-Thermophere Disturbances
- Electrical energy consumption for domestic water treatment and distribution in remote Alaskan communities
- Electron Density Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Electron energization and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Electron energization by parallel electric fields in high-m poloidal Alfven waves: consideration of standing and ballooning modes
- Energizing suprathermal electron populations via dispersive scale Alfvén waves at Jupiter
- Energy Resource Modelling and Analysis for Assessment of Renewable Energy Impacts on Isolated Micro-Scale Food-Energy-Water Systems using Energy-Water, Energy-Food, and Sustainable Energy Indices: Examples from Remote Alaska Communities
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluating a UAV-based mobile sensing system designed to quantify ecosystem-based methane
- Evaluating global and regional observing frameworks for use in a coordinated Arctic observing system
- Evaluating the Influence of Short-term Cryospheric Fluctuations on the Earthquake Cycle in Southern, Coastal Alaska
- Evaluation of Connectivity Between Ridgecrest Faults and the Garlock Fault Using PGV of Guided Waves
- Evolution of sea ice radiometric properties during melt and breakup
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- Examining the Continental-Level Relationship Between Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Gross Primary Productivity at High Latitudes
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Exploring near Earth space with sounding rockets
- Fault Complexity of The 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence As Inferred From PGV of Guided Waves
- First narrow-field Fabry-Perot interferometer observation of artificial airglow
- Force and moment tensor uncertainty quantification with 1D and 3D Earth models
- Fostering STEAM: an equity and mindset-based approach to supporting educators
- Frequent winter 2020 storms over the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas continue recent trend
- From leaf to landscape: multi-scale measurements of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in a tundra ecosystem
- Frost depth in Japan during the winter season from 2011 to 2020
- Gaseous Loss of Nitrogen from Boreal Soils
- Geochemical characteristics of frozen active layer and near-surface permafrost in the Anaktuvuk River Fire scar, Alaska
- Geographic analysis of beaver pond locations in Western Arctic Alaska
- Geophysical Investigations of Drained Lake Basin Taliks, North Slope, Alaska
- Get HyP3! SAR processing for everyone
- Global Capabilities of Modeling Auroral Precipitation - Characterizing Contributors and Drivers
- Gravity Wave, Planetary Wave, and Tidal Activity in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere in Winter 2018-2019 and Winter 2019-2020
- Growth Decrease Linked to Warming Minimum Temperatures at Coastal Mountain Hemlock Sites, Gulf of Alaska
- Heterogeneity and photoreactivity of organic carbon from yedoma permafrost and thermokarst influenced aquatic systems in interior Alaska.
- High-resolution receiver function imaging of the subduction zone across Southcentral Alaska
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How Does the Proximity of Mountain Glaciers Affect the Microclimates of Adjacent Forests in Southeast Alaska?
- Humanizing Science by Building Bridges Through Shared Conversation - The Alaska Voices Project
- HydroSAR: A Cloud-based SAR Data Analysis Service to Monitor Hydrological Disasters and their Impact on Population and Agriculture
- ISEND cubesat for studying the Earth's exospheric density and its response to space weather
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Ikaaġvik Sikukun: Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- Impacts of Watershed Glacier Coverage on Interannual Variability in Watershed Organic Matter and Nutrient Concentrations and Fluxes
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- InSAR phase errors induced by Faraday rotation
- InSAR-derived Thermoelastic Lava Flow Compaction Following the 2014/15 Holuhraun Fissure Eruption
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- Influence of Thawing Permafrost on Soil-Plant Mineral Element Transfer: Case Study in Interior Alaska
- Initial Validation Results for the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model
- Insights Into Fire-based Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes From a Long-term Data Set in Alaska
- Integrating oceanographic surveys and stream runoff observations to estimate seasonal variation in freshwater content within a high latitude glacier fed estuary
- Investigating the association of thermal structure and glacier surging on the continental side of the St. Elias Mountains in Yukon, Canada
- Ion behaviors in the meso-scale 3-D Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Ion-neutral Coupling in the E- and F-regions during a Substorm
- Kinetic-scale energy and momentum transport experiment (KiNET-X): expectations for ion and electron heating
- Knowledge Exchange among Local Residents and Earth Scientists on Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Landscape connectivity and dissolved organic matter in a degrading permafrost polygonal landscape
- MMS Observations of Cross Scale Heating within the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Mapping Agriculture Areas Using Synthetic Aperture Radar in the Context of Flood-Related Disaster Events
- Mapping rainfall interception by shrubs in an Arctic tundra watershed using L-band SAR data
- Measurement of thermospheric neutral wind and ion drift velocities by using chemical releases of Ba/Sr operated by CHI rocket experiment
- Medium-scale sea ice deformation during autumn-to-winter transition in the Arctic Ocean
- Microbe-substrate interactions following simulated microbial inoculation to thawed yedoma permafrost
- Modeling Future Flooding Extremes to Explore Unidentified Risks in the Arctic
- Modeling Interannual Variations and Spatial Gradients of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Over the Arctic Ocean
- Modeling Studies on Blowing Snow Process Associated with Extreme Arctic Weather
- Modeling supraglacial lake drainage and its effects on the seasonal evolution of the subglacial drainage system in a tributary setting
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier
- Modeling the acquisition of newly thawed deep nitrogen and its impact on vegetation dynamic and ecosystem carbon cycle.
- Moving from citizen science to stewardship action through scenarios storytelling
- Multi-Disciplinary Evidence for a Large, Previously Unrecognized Caldera in the Islands of Four Mountains, Central Aleutian Arc, Alaska
- Multi-mode Radio Sounding from IMAGE: Magnetospheric Electron Density ( 90 km - 8000 km) Obtained from Simultaneous Nonducted Whistler and fast Z mode Echoes Observed on IMAGE
- Near Real Time Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Fluctuations and Geomagnetically Induced Currents Risk Assessment
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- Nightside high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere responses to an extreme substorm
- Novel Sea Ice Volume Tracers in an Earth System Model: Understanding the Thermodynamic and Dynamic Processes Governing Arctic Sea Ice Evolution at the Regional Scale
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observations of Strong Vertical Winds within the Auroral Zone during Active Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Observations of Waves Launched by Substorm Onset
- Observations of small-scale billows in a strong polar mesospheric cloud (PMC) in a highly perturbed temperature/wind environment over the Poker Flat Research Range (65N, 147W) on 11-12 August 2019 by lidar, radar, and imaging
- Observations of the 22 July 2020 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Simeonof earthquake from small-aperture seismic arrays in Alaska
- Ocean Acidification in the Gulf of Alaska: A decade of observations from 2008 to 2017
- Ocean acidification in the Distributed Biological Observatory, 2017-2019
- Overwinter Accumulation of Nitrous Oxide in Snow-Covered Sub-Arctic Boreal Soils
- POLARIS: The Pursuing Opportunities for Long-term Arctic Resilience for Infrastructure and Society
- Performance of Carbon Flux Models Across the ABoVE Domain Using Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Permafrost region disturbances in space and time: a pan-arctic perspective
- Perspectives, practitioners, and purpose: Infusing a pedagogy of place in an undergraduate watershed management course
- Physics-based Simulation Can Facilitate Hypothesis Testing for Increasingly Dynamic Coastal Permafrost Systems
- Playing the odds: using remotely sensed data to assess risk from wildfire and permafrost thaw in the Arctic
- Predicting Ground Magnetic Field Fluctuations from Geomagnetic Storm Data Using a Novel Transformer-Based Model
- Prediction of Geomagnetic Field Disturbance across Alaska using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks trained from OMNI and superMAG 2000-2015 datasets
- Properties of Change: Politics and Land Ownership in Northern Alaskan Social-Environmental Systems
- Proving Ground Activities: A Direct Broadcast Partnership at the Geographic Information Network of Alaska
- Quantifying Useful Wrongness: The Crucial Role of Model Metrics and Validation in Bringing Heliophysics Models from Creation to Application
- Rayleigh wave detection to monitor seismicity associated with brine release at Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Recent Changes to Marine-terminating Glaciers in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve
- Regional shifts in paleohurricane activity over the past 1500 years reconstructed from blue hole sediment records in the Bahama Archipelago
- Remote Sensing of Record-Setting Floods of Spring 2019 in the Central United States
- Resonant Alfven Waves in the Lower Ionosphere During an Active Aurora-Observations by Electric and Magnetic Field Probes on a Dual Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Retrieval of Alaskan Wildfire Aerosol Properties from GOES-17
- Salt Precipitation Along a Brine-To Interface as a Reactive Hydraulic Barrier in Arid Aquifers
- Science Applications for Soft X-ray Imaging Missions
- Science-to-operations for Alaska wildfire management in times of COVID-19: Usability lessons from rapid data tool development
- Sea Ice Deformation at MOSAiC
- Simulating AVIRIS-NG Hyperspectral Image from Sentinel-2 Multispectral Image for Improved Wildfire Fuel Mapping, Boreal Alaska
- Simulating Soft X-ray Images of the Magnetosheath
- Simulating the effects of climate change on waves in the nearshore of Foggy Island Bay
- Single Spacecraft Tomography to Determine the Spatial Structure of the Magnetosheath Using Soft X-rays
- Soil Characteristics and Plant Functional Groups across Successional Stages of Ice-wedge Degradation and Re-stabilization in the Tundra of Northern Alaska
- Spatial Evolution of Snow Melt On the Arctic Coast: A Field Campaign in Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Spatial Snowdrift Modeling using the Snow Movement Over Open Terrain for Hydrology (SMOOTH) model
- Spatial patterns of snow distribution in Arctic permafrost landscapes estimated from ground- and UAV-based observations
- Spring Sea ice forecasts and Bering Sea Indigenous marine mammal harvests
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Density Holes
- Strategies for Safely Landing on Venus Tesserae
- Subglacial till properties from AVA crossing angle analysis at Taku Glacier, Alaska
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Summer pCO<SUB>2</SUB> dynamics based on autonomous surface vehicles in eastern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea
- Surface Moisture Budget of Tundra and Boreal Ecosystems in High Latitudes: Variations and Drivers
- Teaching Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft During The Covid-19 Lockdown
- Testing an Implementation of WRF-Hydro for the Chena River (AK) watershed
- The Alaska Garden Helper: A Web Tool Addressing Food Security and Climate Change
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Earth's outer exosphere densities during solar maximum and solar minimum, estimated from XMM-Newton soft X-ray observations and OpenGGCM global MHD model
- The Ground Imaging to Rocket investigation of Auroral Fast Features (GIRAFF) sounding rocket mission
- The Impacts of Rapid Climate Change on Mass Movements in Denali National Park, Alaska
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Lunar Environment Heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) - A mission for global magnetospheric imaging
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Response of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System from Large-Scale Waves Associated with Geomagnetic Storms as Seen from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- The effect of shrinking boreal lakes on plants, soils, and microbial communities in nearshore habitats: Implications for C cycling and storage
- The impact of spatial and temporal aggregation on the relationships among SIF, GPP, and hyperspectral reflectance using airborne data
- The role of water and ice beneath the surface: insights into the Cryosphere from Near-Surface Geophysical observations
- Thermal Transport by Rain into Thawing Permafrost Landscapes
- Thermokarst Ponds Drive Landscape-Level Carbon Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Dynamic Ice-Rich Arctic Ecosystem Over Decadal Time Scales
- Tools for Generating Positive Team Cohesion in High Intensity Field Trips
- Towards panarctic mapping of drained lake basins in permafrost regions
- Tree Ring Reconstruction Places Exceptionally High Modern Lake Erie Water Levels into a 350 Year Perspective
- Tree-ring and Oral History Together Guide the Prehistory of Hoonah and Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska
- Two-Dimensional Strain in Landfast and Drifting Sea Ice Using Space- and Ground-Based Radar Interferometry
- Understanding Composition and Decomposability of Arctic Soils by Integrating Laboratory Incubations with New Measurements and Models
- Understory CO<SUB>2</SUB>emissions in tussock tundra of Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- University of Alaska Fairbanks Student-Built Heavy Lift Multirotor (HLM) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) as a Platform for Conducting Arctic Research
- Use of Machine Learning to Characterize and Predict Wildfire Activity in Alaska
- Use of unmanned aerial vehicles and stakeholder-driven knowledge co-production enhance forecasting of the Suicide Basin glacier lake outburst flood in Juneau, Alaska
- Using Machine Learning and Geomagnetic Storm Data to Determine the Risk of GIC Occurrence
- Using Measurements of Diameter and Tilt in Antarctic Boreholes to Improve our Understanding of the Influence of Ice Properties on Deformation
- Using deep learning and multi-source satellite data to refine wildland fire progression estimates with boreal fire drivers
- Using space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to detect superseeps in Alaskan lakes
- VIIRS Direct Broadcast Advances for Improved Wildland Fire Monitoring in Alaska
- Velocity Shear Driven Aurora
- When Nature and Infrastructure Collide: Examining Frozen Debris Lobes and Their Impact on the Dalton Highway, Brooks Range, Alaska
- Whistler Mode Chorus Waves and Their Influence on Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance.
- Working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
- 2021 Results from the UH Program to Teach Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft
- A Cloud-based Operational Surface Water Extent Mapping Service from Sentinel-1 SAR
- A Dendro-Geomorphological Analysis of the Slate Creek Landslide, Alaska
- A Framework for Identifying the Limiting Factors, Underlying Causes, and Possible Solutions in Food-Energy-Water Security: a FEW case studies from rural Alaska
- A Last Interglacial plant wax 2H record from the Canadian Arctic reveals the combined influences of winter moisture transport and catchment vegetation cover on paleo precipitation records
- A Modeling Study of Energy Deposition by Meso-scale High-latitude Drivers into the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- A Novel Technique for Wavespeed Determination in Ground-Penetrating Radar Applied to the Problem of Constraining Ice Content and Subsurface Geometry in Rock Glaciers
- A Synthesis of Wildfire Impacts on Permafrost Thaw Depth Across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- A community of practice approach to improving and communicating seasonal sea-ice forecasts
- A new view on the timing and kinematics for major structures associated with the Denali fault system
- A process model for co-production of Indigenous education resources.
- A user-friendly, multi-parameter protocol for monitoring permafrost thaw
- Activating the Space Between Disciplines to Address Complex Environmental Problems
- Advancing Global SWE Observations Through the NASA SnowEx Campaign
- Aftershock Summary for the July 28, 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- Air quality as a socioscientific issue addressed through a University/K-12 partnership
- Alaska Coastal Center: Matchmakers for Coastal Research and Communities
- Albedo enhancement on Arctic sea ice: Part 1, estimating the maximum radiative forcing.
- Aligning many centers - insights from the initiation phase of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks Roadmap process
- An Information Theory Approach to Identifying Cross-Scale Coupling in Kelvin-Helmholtz Structures in Hybrid Simulations
- An Overview of Multiple Capacity Building Approaches Employed by the Synthetic Aperture Radar Capacity Building Center (SAR-CBC) Project
- An Update on Extraction of Wavelike Oscillations in Thermospheric Temperature and Line-of-Sight Wind Data Acquired by All-Sky Imaging Optical Doppler Spectroscopy
- An adaptive spectral subtraction algorithm to remove persistent cultural noise
- Antecedent precipitation influence on storage and transport of nitrate and DOM in boreal catchments
- Application of Information Theory on Propagation of Solar Wind Properties
- Application of an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operations Course to Develop Remote Sensing Researcher Skills for Arctic Research and Public Service Missions Operations
- Applying Mutual Information Theory to GAMERA Simulations of Jupiter and Saturn-like Magnetospheres
- Arctic Beaver Observation Network (A-BON): Tracking a new disturbance regime
- Arctic Cyclones in Reanalyses and E3SM Simulations: Changes, Driving Mechanisms, and Ice-Ocean Impacts
- Arctic River Integrated Observations through Synoptic Sampling (RIOS): Aquatic Networks Reveal Ecosystem Export of Carbon and Nutrients in Permafrost Watersheds
- Arctic-boreal lake methane ebullition estimation using ground penetrating radar
- Array Processing of Receiver Functions Across the Southern Alaska Cordillera Using 400 Nodal Seismometers
- Assessing the controls on ecosystem functional diversity in the Arctic tundra at circumpolar and regional scales
- Assessment of Malaspina Glaciers Vulnerability Through Field Data and Modelling
- Auroral Electron Characteristics Utilizing a Heterogeneous Approach
- Automated Soundscape Analysis Reveals Strong Influence of Time Since Wildfire on Boreal Breeding Birds
- BALBOA First Test Flight Experience and Lessons
- Biodegradability of Organic Matter Eroding Along the Alaska Beaufort Sea Coast
- Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Broaden Participation in Geoscience through Effective Partnerships and Networks
- Braiding Knowledges to Effectively Support Students and Increase Climate Literacy Efforts through Effective Partnerships and Networks
- Breaking the Adriatic Plate: Adjoint 3D Tomography for the Italian Lithosphere
- Brooks Range Perennial Snowfields: Extent Detection via Satellite and from the Field in Alaska
- Building a Spectral Library to aid Hyperspectral Data Simulation for Boreal Alaska
- Calibrated 21st century mass loss projections from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Can a single shallow ice core be representative of local variability in firn properties?
- Carbon Release Accelerated by Abrupt Thaw at Eight Mile Lake, AK
- Cascading security and ethical considerations of Arctic geoengineering solutions
- Categorizing FTE-like Boundary Layer Signatures Produced by the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Using Hall-MHD Simulations and Virtual Spacecraft
- Changing Soil Communities in the Arctic: Impact of Disturbance Induced Permafrost Thaw on Microbial Communities
- Characterization and Confirmation of Ground Ice in the Malaspina Forelands, Alaska through Transient Electromagnetic Methods, Satellite Imagery, and Historical Records
- Characterization of infrasound source directionality from explosive volcanic eruptions
- Citizen Science: Shoreline Change Monitoring in Southwestern Alaska
- Citizen science and distributed ionospheric measurements - a 10Xing opportunity
- Cloud Based Near Real Time Flood Inundation Monitoring to Support Flood Response in South Asia
- Cloud-based Processing and Delivery of Analysis-Ready SAR Datasets
- Co-Production & Equity: Creating a Research-based Framework
- Co-developing a SAR for Disasters Reference Guide for the International Applications Community
- Co-producing Climate Research in Rural Southeast Alaska: the Kake Climate Partnership
- Collapse of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf by intersecting fractures.
- Complex Collaboration For Understanding Drivers and Consequences of Arctic Environmental Change
- Complicating Resilience in a Global Arctic: Energy Infrastructures at a Precarious Juncture
- Conductive and non-conductive heat fluxes within supraglacial debris constrained via temperature profile data analysis on the Kennicott Glacier, Alaska
- Connecting Climate Change and Seismic Resilience of Alaskan Infrastructure Systems
- Contextualizing the 2021 M8.2 Chignik and 2020 M7.8 Simeonof earthquakes: Background seismicity detected by the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment
- Controls on plant leaf wax distributions within individuals and communities across a latitudinal transect of the eastern Canadian Arctic
- Coordinated observations of the daytime thermosphere with ICON and GOLD
- Cultural Connections to Science through Language and Storytelling
- Data Quality Control of Diverse IMS Seismo-Acoustic Station Channels
- Dating Individual Zones in Phenocrysts from the 20162017 Eruption of Bogoslof Volcano Provides Constraints on Timing of Magma Recharge and Rates of Magma Crystallization
- Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Deep Learning Identification of Volcanic Thermal Anomalies in VIIRS Infrared Imagery
- Defining the Equatorial Extent of Subsurface Ice on Mars through Global Geomorphic Mapping
- Degradation, stabilization, and initial aggradation of permafrost following an arctic tundra fire
- Describing the Upper Atmosphere using Machine Learning to investigate long-term observational data sets
- Designing middle and high school coastal hazard curricula and a teacher training course expected to contribute to long-term resilience within rural coastal communities
- Detecting Large Explosions using Infrasound Data Augmentation and Machine Learning
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Developing and Implementing a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at an International Research Center in an Arctic University to Build Trusting, Caring and Professional Relationships Across International Research Communities
- Did permafrost carbon contribute to global warming at the end of the last ice age?
- Direct Broadcast Operations at the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA): Twenty Years and Counting!
- Direct Connection Between Auroral Oval Streamers/Flow Channels and Equatorward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Dissemination of Global Surface Water Mapping from SAR and Optical Data to Global Stakeholders
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Dust-climate archive time machines
- Early but not late growing season warming enhances peatland net ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake
- Effect of the Deepening of Driven Active Layer on the Hydrology and Hydrochemistry within the Yukon River Basin
- Effects of Bedrock Channel Surface Roughness on the Impact Energy and Frequency of Saltation-Abrasion
- Electron energization in kinetic Alfven waves: Effects of cold electron populations.
- Elucidating the ion heating mechanism in hybrid simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Emplacement of a Mid-Crustal Sill in an Active Continental Rift: the Socorro Magma Body, Rio Grande Rift
- Enabling Cloud-based InSAR Science
- Enhanced Regional Earthquake Catalog With Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment Data
- Environmental Influences on Seismic Noise Across the U.S. Arctic
- Establishing a benchmark for ground magnetic field perturbations predictions using machine learning models
- Estimating Ice Discharge at Greenland's Three Largest Outlet Glaciers Using Local Bedrock Uplift
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction products: Optimal products for applied users
- Evaluating possible future rain in winter hazards for major communities in Alaska and the Yukon Territory
- Evaluating the Effects of Tundra Fires on Soil Microtopography and Hydrologic Surface Networks in Polygonal Permafrost Landscapes
- Evaluation of Offshore Wave Climates along the Alaskan North Slope using K-means Clustering
- Evaluation of the 2020 and 2021 Alaska Summer Fire Seasons from March Seasonal Forecasts
- Event Detection and Spectral Analysis of Lava Lake and Inner Crater Seismic Activity at Erebus Volcano Observed with a Dense Three-Component Near-Summit Seismic Array
- Evidence of Electron Energisation by Alfvenic Turbulence
- Evolution of the 2021 lava dome at Great Sitkin Volcano, Aleutian Islands analyzed by multi-sensor remote sensing data
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Solid Particles on Volcano Acoustics
- Explosion-source classification on a large, labeled collection of volcanic infrasound waveforms using machine learning
- Extrapolating snowpack properties from small temperature sensors in two watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Extreme Precipitation Events in Alaska: Historical Trends and Projected Changes
- Facilitating convergence of independent observing efforts: A Research Networking Activity for observations in support of food security in the Pacific Arctic sector
- Field observations of the temporal evolution of meltwater and false bottoms for level ice during MOSAiC expedition
- Field-Aligned Currents in Auroral Vortices
- Fine-scale ground truth of ground displacement in the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) for satellite and airborne L-band SAR
- Finite Element Modeling of Poroelastic Response to Karst Conduit Pressurization and Subsequent Change in Groundwater Storage: Toward the Use of High Precision Tiltmeters in Karst Aquifer Monitoring Applications
- First Estimates of Volcanic Mercury Emissions from Three Alaska Eruptions
- First Steps Towards Modeling Eruption Size at Arc-Volcanoes in Near-Real Time Using Multidisciplinary Data
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- Forecasting Ground-Level Magnetic Perturbations Using a Spherical Elementary Current System
- Fusing geospatial datasets to identify patterns and controls on Arctic coastal erosion
- Global Survey of Electron Precipitation due to Whistler-Mode Waves in the Earths Inner Magnetosphere
- Global pattern of diffuse electron aurora and ionospheric conductance caused whistler mode chorus wave, and its comparison with the Ovation-PRIME empirical model results
- Goldilocks meets Smokey the Bear: assessing wildfire hazards and communication
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Permafrost Peat Altered by Gradual Drying but Depends on Landscape Position and Peat Biogeochemistry
- Ground motion and Structure at Fort Greely, Alaska
- Heliospheric imaging and science from the Moon with LEXI
- High-Resolution Thaw Dynamics of Two Latitudinally Distant Alaska Thermokarst Sites: A Field Study
- High-resolution frost heave map at the fire scars in Batagay, NE Siberia, derived by L-band InSAR and validation with field observation
- High-salinity liquid water as a source of uncertainty in bedfast lake ice mapping on the Arctic Coastal Plain in northern Alaska
- Holocene pore-ice water isotope variations from permafrost peat soils in southern Alaska
- How Jupiters unusual magnetospheric topology structures its aurora
- Human and Physical Systems Interactions in the Arctic: Early Results from the Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments
- Hyperspectral measurements of the Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska
- Ice Fog Monitoring Near Fairbanks, AK
- Ice-Flow and Surge History of the Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, From Landsat and Sentinel Data, and Autonomous Repeat Image Feature Tracking (autoRIFT).
- Identifying and Mapping Agricultural Areas Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Impact of foreshock transients on the flank magnetopause and the ionosphere
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions on Tropospheric Reactive Bromine since the Preindustrial
- Impacts of Spatial Resolution on an Intense Arctic Cyclone Simulations
- Implementing an Ensemble Model Approach for Geomagnetic Field Disturbance Predictions in Alaska utilizing Multivariate LSTM Neural Networks
- Improving Arctic infrastructure to power observations with marine renewable energy
- In-flight real-time classification of Arctic Cryospheric environments using small unmanned aircraft system and on-edge deep learning
- InSAR and Optical Sensor Fusion for SWE Retrievals: A case study in the Jemez River Basin, NM
- InSAR-based analysis of Seasonal permafrost deformation in the Yukon Wildlife Refuge
- Incorporating Permafrost into Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Policy and Action
- Increasing Retention of Minoritized Genders in the Cryospheric Sciences
- Indigenized Co-Production of Knowledge Evaluation Framework
- Influence of waves and temperature on permafrost bluff retreat at Barter Island, NE Alaska
- Initial Analysis of Multipoint Thermal Ion Data from KiNET-X Mission
- Inspiring Girls Expeditions of Alaska: A model for mentorship and stimulating interest in field sciences for high school youth and early career professionals
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations During the 2013 and 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms
- Interhemispheric Observations of Geomagnetic Pulsations Associated with Foreshock Transient Events
- Introducing the OPERA Project for Systematic Surface Water, Surface Deformation, and Surface Disturbance Data Products from Satellite Observations
- Investigating the Fate of the Sea Ice and Interaction with the Polar Atmosphere from a Langrangian Framework
- Investigation of MJO signals in the E-region of NH high latitude region with PFISR and SD-WACCMx
- Joint analysis of geodetic and gas emission datasets to monitor and understand restless volcanoes: Case of Taal volcano, Philippines
- Just Ask the Kids: Climate Resilience Engagement through Dirty Snow Citizen Science Inquiry Investigations in Alaska and Montana
- Kinetic scale field line resonances and auroral bead formation
- Learning from Kkeeyh: Connecting generations and multiple knowledge systems through cross cultural learning and teaching
- Legacies of fire in fluvial yields of carbon and nitrogen from boreal catchments
- Less surface sea ice melt in the CESM2 improves Arctic sea ice simulation with minimal non-polar climate impacts
- Lessons learned from NASA SnowEx Hackweek 2021 for fostering open science communities
- Local 2.5-D Hybrid Simulations of Tangential-Discontinuity Driven Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Long-term AOD-PM2.5 Relationship in Alaska during Summer Fire Season
- Long-term change in river silicon from the poles to the tropics
- Long-term deformation and short-term transients at Erebus volcano, Antarctica, from 20+ years of GNSS observations
- M8.2 Chignik Earthquake Aftershock Sequence: 3 Very Different-looking Types of Earthquakes in a Single Sequence
- MAGICIAN Project: Machine Learning, Data Collection, and Education for Space Science Research
- MacGyverying, modern astrophotography, and the aurora citizen scientist
- Machine Learning Models as an Alternative to Standard Interpolation Techniques for Estimating OMNI Data Gaps
- Mapping Ice Resources on Mars
- Mapping Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Using ArcticDEM and Machine Learning
- Measurements of the meridional advective acceleration, modified Coriolis parameter, and neutral wind forcing in the E-region during different geomagnetic activity
- Measuring Changes in Inclination and Diameter of Antarctic Boreholes to Improve our Understanding of the Influence of Ice Properties on Deformation
- Methane Emissions from Northern Wetlands During the Holocene : A Synthesis Approach to Account for Wetland Expansion and Fen-Bog-Permafrost Transitions
- Model-Data Comparison for the Kinetic-Scale Energy and Momentum Transport Experiment (KiNET-X)
- Modeling Arctic Lakes with the LAKE2.0 Model
- Modeling Infrasound Propagation with Realistic Terrain and Atmospheres Using a Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Motion on Athabasca Glacier
- Modelling of the I-T System with the High-latitude Input for Meso-scale Electrodynamics (HIME) Framework
- Monitoring auroral and polar precipitation and their associated scintillation with GNSS networks combined with all-sky imager and SuperDARN observations
- Monitoring the development of magnetospheric storms and substorms with GNSS TEC, Scintillation, and All-sky cameras: A New Madrigal Product
- Monochromatic Long-Period Seismicity Prior to the 2012 Earthquake Swarm at Little Sitkin volcano, Alaska
- Multi-agencymulti-platform monitoring of potential landslide and tsunami hazards at the Barry Arm landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Multi-station inversion of P-wave receiver functions at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- Multipoint Observations of Dispersive Scale Alfvenic Field-Aligned Resonances Powering Substorm Auroral Beads
- Near-continuous observations of Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf conditions andsub-ice-shelf environment
- New Understanding of the Formation of Hot Flow Anomalies and Foreshock Bubbles
- News from the Pan-Arctic Initiative on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Arctic Coasts
- Noise Characteristics of the Alaska Regional Infrasound Network and Implications for General Infrasound Station Performance
- Observations of Ion Upflow in Conjunction With Pulsating Aurora
- Observations of stratospheric vortex generated gravity waves and subsequent impacts on thermosphere/ionosphere variability and traveling ionospheric disturbance generation
- Observing Thermospheric Secondary Gravity Waves Above Breaking Regions
- On the nature of turbulent heating and transport in Jupiters dawn/midnight sector.
- Optimal Talik Geometry under Thermokarst Lake in Quasi Equilibrium State in Arctic Coastal Plain
- Optimization of Maximum Photosynthetic Carboxylation Rate (Vc,max) in CLASSIC for North Americas Boreal Forests using Eddy Covariance Data
- Paleoclimate Reconstruction and Comparison to Modern Climates in Cape Espenberg Alaska
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Palynological and Geochemical Analyses of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, IODP Expedition 364: A PETM Record from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
- Participation of Early Career Researchers in Group Reviews of the IPCC Reports: Outcomes and Lessons Learned.
- Particle-In-Cell Simulations to Study the Stability of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes
- Partnering with tribal environmental programs to assess coastal hazards and produce data products for mitigation and adaptation efforts, Bristol Bay, Alaska
- Pc 1 wave observations associated with foreshock transient events
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Permafrost mercury sources and implications for methylation among Alaskan ecoregions
- Permafrost thaw and coastal erosion between 1950 and 2100 at three coastal communities in Arctic Alaska, past observations and future projections
- Phenological characteristics in year-round stem respiration of a boreal black spruce (Picea mariana) stand on permafrost, interior Alaska
- Photo-enhancement of the degradation of two current-use pesticides in simulated sunlight by Arctic dissolved organic matter
- Post-rifting relaxation from 2015-2021 following the dike intrusion of the Bararbunga-Holuhraun eruption, Iceland
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Potential for development of the process of thermokarst in the zone of discontinuous permafrost in Alaska.
- PredictFest: To Build Capacity for Arctic Stakeholders in Need of Multi-Scale Predictions
- Predicting the Unpredictable: Future Vegetation Near Fairbanks, Alaska, Taking Into Account Succession and Wildfire
- Preliminary assessment of the micro-topographic impacts of ice-wedge systems using remote sensing and field observations
- Processes driving retreat of Hunt Fjord Ice Shelf, northern Greenland
- Propagation of Two Types of Hot Flow Anomalies
- Provenance of Greenlands first confirmed subglacial lake: high effective pressures support water flow accumulation
- Quantifying crater morphology changes during the 2019-2020 Shishaldin Volcano eruption using SAR amplitude images.
- Quantifying hydrologic and cryologic conditions of dominant landscapes on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
- Quantifying the Stability and Potential Retreat of Tidewater Glaciers in Greenland
- Quantitative and Qualitative Insights into Boreal Forest Fire Fuel Type and Condition from Tree-Scale Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
- RAPID Response to the July 29, 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- Radar Interferometry on Drifting Sea Ice: Measuring Micro-Strain, Detecting Cracks, and Supporting On-Ice Decisions
- Rainy days in the Arctic
- Rapid Earthquake Characterization of the 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquake using GNSS Instantaneous Velocities
- Real-time Data Product Streams for Permafrost Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Sensing
- Recent warming reverses forty-year decline in Catastrophic lake drainage and hastens Gradual lake drainage across northern Alaska
- Reducing uncertainty of Arctic ecosystem models through identification of key parameters
- Remarkable Interannual Variability in the Carbon Sink Strength of an Alaskan Boreal Peatland Complex Based Upon a Decade of Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Resolving the carbon-climate feedback potential of high latitude wetland CO2 and CH4 exchanges
- Response of Glacier Thermal Structure to Surge-Like Perturbations
- SIDEx Observations of Sea Ice Stress-Strain-Fracture Fields
- Saltwater Intrusion in Proglacial Lakes at Malaspina Glacier, Southeast Alaska: Introducing the Worlds Newest Tidewater Glacier
- Seasonal Changes in Surface Water Concentrations of Historic and Current-Use Brominated Flame Retardants in an Arctic Lake
- Seasonal evolution of sea-ice pore microstructure and connectivity in relation to granular and columnar ice texture
- Seismic Imaging of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone From Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Seismic and infrasound characterization of the ongoing eruption of Semisopochnoi volcano, Alaska
- Seismic imaging of the Alaska Peninsula using the body-wave double-difference tomography
- Sensitivities of Simulated Arctic Cyclone to Different Representations of Model Physics within WRF
- Sentinel SAR Global River Width and Inundation database
- Shallow Seismic Exploration in Proglacial and Supraglacial Debris-Covered Environments, Malaspina and Sourdough Glaciers, Alaska
- Shear-velocity and anisotropic model of the Alaskan lithosphere obtained by ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Signatures of Permafrost Processes in Fluvial Network Morphology and Change on the Seward Peninsula, Western Alaska, USA
- Simulating Arctic hydrology with WaSiM
- Simultaneous inversion and uncertainty analysis of moment tensor and source location based on 3D strain Greens function database computed by spectral-element methods: with applications to the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- Site-level Evaluation of Boreal Forests Carbon Dioxide and Energy Fluxes along a Permafrost Gradient in CLASSIC
- Skip the Processing: On Demand Analysis-Ready InSAR from ASF
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen, Plant Functional Groups, and Plant Tissue Nutrient Content Across Successional Stages of Ice-wedge Degradation and Re-stabilization in the Tundra of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Soil Properties, Soil Organic Matter Composition and Vulnerability of Arctic Hillslope Catenas
- Solar minimum hydrogen atom density near a subsolar magnetopause, estimated from the XMM soft X-ray observations, the IBEX ENA observations, and the CASSINI geocorona Ly-alpha observations
- Sources of Auroral Conductance - Balance and Impacts
- Sourcing energized electrons in the Io-Jupiter flux tube via Alfven waves
- Spatiotemporal evolution of melt ponds in the Arctic: MOSAiC observations and model results
- Specularly Reflected (SR) Whistlers
- State-of-the-Art (SOTA) Bathymetric Mapping of the Surface, Magmatic, and Structural Processes Building the Geomorphic Form of the Aleutian Ridge (Arc)
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Density Holes
- Statistical analysis of whistler wave properties and spatial distribution in foreshock transients
- Stochastic sampling method for Full Moment Tensor inversion and uncertainty estimation
- Storm-Driven Particulate and Dissolved Organic Inputs to a Desert Stream Following a Large Wildfire: Comparison before and after a Year of Drought that Interrupted Upland-Stream Connectivity
- Stress Triggering and Megathrust Cascades Along the Eastern Alaska Subduction Margin
- Strong upper-plate heterogeneity and deeply-subducted seamounts at the Hikurangi subduction zone (North Island, New Zealand) imaged by adjoint tomography
- Systematically Quantifying Neutral Wind Response Times Over the High Latitude Auroral Oval
- TEK Talks: Shifting the Perspective on Working with Indigenous Peoples
- THEMIS and MMS Observations of Foreshock Conditions of Hot Flow Anomalies and Foreshock Bubbles
- Tectonic setting of the Koryak region, Siberia from the 2020 M 6.4 Chukotskiy earthquake
- Temporal and spatial variability in Ku- and Ka-band radar interactions with snow-covered sea ice from MOSAiC: KuKa data and implications for interpretation of satellite radar altimetry data
- The 30 year Evolution of the Alaska Satellite Facility
- The ASF OpenSARLab A cloud-based (SAR) Remote Sensing Data Analysis Platform
- The Arctic Carbon Monitoring and Forecasting System: a novel forecasting framework to build new understanding and reduce model uncertainty of the permafrost carbon-climate feedback.
- The Arctic Observing Summit Accomplishments from 2013-20, and Goals for 2022!
- The August 2018 Mw=6.4 Kaktovik (North Slope), Alaska earthquake: a further look combining InSAR and relocated seismicity
- The Effects of Small Geomagnetic Storms on Ionospheric Densities
- The Features of Hydrologic and Thermal Regimes of Coarse Blocky Materials in High Mountains, Central Asia and their Impact on River Runoff.
- The Ionosphere-Thermosphere Responses to Multi-scale High-latitude Drivers during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day Storm
- The July 2020 Simeonof Earthquake: Coseismic Slip and the Megathrust Slip Budget
- The NASA MEaSUREs ITS_LIVE project: Accelerating glacier science through satellite data synthesis
- The NISAR ASF Partnership: Thick as Thieves and Tied at the Hip for Open Science
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Utility of Signal-to-Noise Ratios to Filter GNSS Instantaneous Velocities for Rapid Earthquake Characterization
- The Varying Strength and Impact of Negative Fire-Vegetation Feedbacks Across the North American Boreal Forest Biome
- The beginnings of SCOPED: Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery
- The cryosphere and climate change communication: Messengers, messages, and outcomes of framing climate change as thawing ice
- The influence of the magnetosheath-magnetosphere asymmetry on the nonlinear interaction between magnetic reconnection and KelvinHelmholtz instability
- The interaction of a solar wind reconnecting current sheet with Earths bow shock
- The possibility of the IBEX ENA observations providing the in-situ measurements of the outward H fluxes in the outer exosphere
- The stop-and-go mechanism: Towards an integrated approach to model seismicity, outgassing, deformation, and thermal unrest at active volcanoes
- The subseasonal-to-seasonal role of blocking atmospheric patterns on Alaska wildfire activity
- Thermospheric modification by isolated periods of geomagnetic activity during solar minimum.
- Three-Dimensional Small-Scale Kinetic Structure in a Finite Magnetic Field
- Toward Improving Bottom-Up Estimates of Geologic Methane Emissions: First Results from New Microseepage Measurements in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins
- Towards a multi-scale predictive model of the high-latitude ionospheric convection
- Tracking Seismicity at Barry Arm Landslide
- Transient Electromagnetic Soundings of the Malaspina Glacier, Alaska
- Turbulent Heating of the Giant Planet Magnetospheres Considering Both Diffusion and Advection Effects
- UAF Space Weather UnderGround Program: A Student-Built Magnetometer Array in Alaska for Space Science Research
- UAFs Climate Scholars Program: Forging A New Model for Teaching, Learning, and Leadership in Climate Change Education
- Uncovering the Glacially-Obscured Tectonic Structure of the St. Elias Orogen
- Understanding Alaska & Arctic winter snow projections based on stabilized warming scenarios
- Understanding formation of ice wedges and origin of trapped greenhouse gas at Zyryanka, Northeastern Siberia
- Understanding permafrost and agriculture interactions for ensuring sustainable, adaptable and resilient permafrost-agroecosystems
- Unrest dynamics of Domuyo volcano, Argentina, constrained by InSAR and thermal time series
- User-friendly magnetosheath model and its validation for the LEXI and SMILE mission support
- Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Long-Short Term Machine Learning Models to Provide Insights into GIC Drivers and Risk of Occurrence.
- Using Future streamflow to inform Decision-making efforts in Arctic River systems
- Using TROPOMI satellite SO2 observations to inform near-real-time volcano monitoring and eruption warnings by the Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Using a Layer-based Model Parameterization to Globally Invert 2D Electrical Resistivity Data from Submarine Permafrost Environments
- Using large earthquakes to characterize infrasound station performance with colocated seismometers
- Vegetation greening and winter ground temperature decoupling across the Canadian Arctic
- Volcanic earthquake catalog enhancement using integrated detection, matched-filtering, and relocation tools
- Volcano Remote Sensing Cheat Sheet: A Resource for Discovering and Using Data
- What does cultural inclusivity look like in observing systems?
- What is an Indigenous centered Food Security Observation System?
- What to expect after the 2021 Chignik earthquake?
- Whistler Mode Radio Sounding of Ions: Measurements of Dayside and Nightside O+/H+ Transition Height
- Wildfire impacts to aridland stream chemistry across a hydroclimatic gradient
- Wind-driven effects on spectral amplitudes and seismic detection thresholds in a polar glacier setting
- Zachariae Isstrm Ice Shelf Changes, North-East Greenland, 1975 to 2021 Sea Ice and the Timing and Triggering of the Collapse of Greenlands Largest Ice Shelf
- 15 Years of Abiotic and Biotic Phenological Change in the Arctic
- 2023 SnowEx field campaign in Alaska, U.S.
- 3D Physical Chemistry and Emission Simulations of the Io Plasma Torus
- A "Galactic Disk"-Model for Three-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes in a Finite Magnetic Field
- A Cubesat Mission Concept to Understand the Underlying Physical Processes for Radio Scintillation
- A Model Parameter Sensitivity Comparison Across Two Alaskan Sites in Continuous and Discontinuous Permafrost Tundra
- A New Global 30m HAND Dataset to Support Hydrological Services and Applications
- A Novel Geospatial-First Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Heating Loads in Alaska: When Perfect (Data) are the Enemy of Good (Data)
- A Perennial Snowfield Melt Model as a Synthesis of Climate, Field, and Remotely Sensed Data from the Brooks Range, Alaska
- A Rock Glacier Inventory of the Central Alaska Range, Alaska
- A Self-Supervised Semi-Supervised Approach to Automatic Classification of THEMIS All-Sky Images
- A Study of Magnetic Active Regions: An Information Theory Approach
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- A time series of soil carbon pool change following permafrost thaw
- Academia to Response: Emergency Applications of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Typhoon Merbok Impacted Alaskan communities
- Accelerated organic carbon mobilization from thaw slumps on the Taymyr Peninsula quantified using remote sensing
- Acoustic characteristics of lava fountaining during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland
- Active Control of the Radiation Belt Particle Populations with Ionospheric Amplification of VLF Waves
- Adjoint tomography of an accretionary wedge and shallow slow-slip regions in the North Island of New Zealand
- Alaska Subduction Zone Shallow Megathrust Slip Variability Revealed by Seafloor Geodesy
- Alaska's Equity-focused Approach to Addressing Community-specific Tsunami Hazards
- All-Sky Camera Auroral Image Model to Test Energy Inversion Methods.
- An Incoherent Scatter Radar and All Sky Imager Derived Empirical Conductance Model
- Analysis of recent melt season cyclones in a warming Pacific Arctic
- Anthropogenic amplification of biogenic secondary organic aerosol formation
- Applying Information Theory to GAMERA Simulations of Jupiter and Saturn-like Magnetospheres
- Arctic Cyclones in CMIP6 Historical Simulations
- Arctic Cyclones in the Era of Rapid Climate Change
- Assessing Landscape Vulnerability to Permafrost Thaw, Wildfires, and Hydrologic Changes on Boreal Alaska
- Assessing Machine Learning Assisted Phase Detection on the Alaska Seismic Network
- Assessing Structural and Parameter-Based Uncertainty in High-Latitude Terrestrial Biosphere Models through combination of Causal Loop Analysis and Ensemble Modeling
- Assessment of permafrost changes in the 21st century in the Alaskan Arctic and Brooks Range
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- Atmospheric pollutant emissions during Arctic wildfires
- Automatic Flood Depth Estimation Based on the HAND-based Approach for Bangladesh Floodplains
- Axial Asymmetry in Jovian Magnetopause Reconnection
- Boreal Tree Adaptation to Seasonal Drought Conditions: A Water Use Perspective
- Borehole Instrument Design for Deployment on the Athabasca Glacier
- Bridging Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Justice Through Coursework
- Broadening Youth Participation in Arctic Community and Citizen Science
- Broadening and evaluating "broader impacts" in cryospheric and polar sciences proposals and research
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Calibrated probabilistic modelling of a maybe sometimes marine-terminating glacier
- Calibration of the Arctic Coastal Erosion Model at Drew Point, AK, Over a Permafrost Bluff Block Collapse Event in Summer 2018
- Cedar Tree Ring Histories from Southeast Alaska: A Collaborative Student Project
- Changes in Plant Functional Group Biomass and Tissue Nutrient Content Across Stages of Ice-wedge Degradation and Re-stabilization in the Arctic Tundra of Jago River Reserve and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Characterization of Non-Gaussianity in snow distributions in various landscapes and wind fields
- Characterizing the St. Lawrence Island Sea Ice Environment Through Community Interviews and Remote Sensing Analysis
- Citizen and community science for climate resilience education- linking program design and outcomes in diverse learning environments
- Comparison of March-initialized seasonal forecasts and May-initialized seasonal forecasts for the Alaska fire season
- Connecting Institutions and Disciplines through NASA Research Internship by Investigating Air Quality and Snow
- Consequences of Shrub Expansion in the Boreal Forest: Quantifying Alder's Seasonal Ecophysiological Dynamics
- Constructing a Machine Learned Global Geomagnetic Field Prediction Model from Magnetic Local Time Dependent Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks
- Contextualizing the Distributed Measurements of the KiNET-X Experiment using Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code Simulations
- Continuing Intensification of Arctic Cyclone Activity
- Coseismic Slip Model Evaluation and 3-month Stress Driven Afterslip Simulation of the July 29, 2021 Mw 8.2 Chignik Earthquake.
- Creating a Psychologically Inclusive Field Work Environment: Understanding and Managing Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation in STEM fields
- Creating seasonal fire weather outlooks for fire managers in Alaska
- Cross-Correlation of Hydrologic Data to Assess Water Exchange between Conduits and the Surrounding Rock Matrix in Karst Aquifers
- Dayside Transient Phenomena and Their Impact on the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Daytime E-region Disturbance Winds – Observations vs. Simulations
- Deep learning tools for in-flight classification of Arctic environments using autonomous aircraft systems
- Detecting Hydrological Connectivity in Polar Environments Using Silicon Isotopes
- Detecting Vegetation Recovery Post Fire: Analyzing the Anaktuvuk River Fire Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- Detection of glacier firn aquifers across Alaska using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR
- Developing Typologies of River Silicon Seasonality Across Biomes to Understand Controls on Changing Exports.
- Development of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochemical Modeling to Predict Permafrost Methane Emissions
- Diagnosis of Arctic Cyclone Structure and Comparison with Midlatitude Cyclones
- Diagnostics of Ionospheric Field Aligned Irregularities (FAIs) Using "Patchy" Specularly Reflected (SR) Whistler-Mode Echoes Observed on IMAGE
- Did the Megathrust Slip during the 2020 M7.6 Sand Point, Alaska, Strike-Slip Earthquake?
- Disentangling the spatial drivers of late-Holocene tropical cyclone frequency variability across the North Atlantic using high-resolution sedimentary archives
- Disparate permafrost landscape changes following the 2015 Sagavanirktok River Flood, Alaska
- Dissemination of Global Flood Information Through NASA Disasters Program Global Initiative for Flood Forecasting and Alerting (GIFFT)
- Drawing on Arctic Observing Summit deliberations to guide sustained observations of Arctic change
- Drivers of Volcano Deformation (DVD) Verification and Validation Exercises: Phase 1
- Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
- Dynamic Jovian Magnetosphere Responses to Enhanced Solar Wind Ram Pressure
- Dynamic Structures and Mechanisms of An Intense Arctic Cyclone in Summer 2016
- Easing Obstacles to Teaching Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Science: ASF OpenSARlab
- Edaphic Factors Are More Important Than Climate for Explaining Congeneric Shrub Trait Variation Across the Arctic Tundra
- Effect of crustose lichen (Ochrolecia frigida) on soil CO2 emission in a sphagnum moss community underlain by permafrost, western Alaska
- Electro-Optical and Longwave Infrared Observations of Dynamic River Ice Conditions in Support of Ice Road Operations in Alaska
- Electron Energization by Parallel Electric Fields Within Ballooning Modes
- Electron-scale Reconnection in Three-dimensional Shock Turbulence
- Engaging Rural Alaskan Youth in Geohazard Education, Advocacy, and Competitive Academics
- Enhancing Direct Readout Capabilities for Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Environmental Justice Considerations for Remote Sensing Approaches: Calculating Heating Loads in Alaska through Geospatial and Machine Learning Techniques
- Estimating the altitude of pulsating aurora emission: triangulation from three ground-based stations during the LAMP rocket experiment
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Solutions: Optimal products for applied users
- Evaluating Tsunami Hazard for Anchorage and Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska
- Evaluating the Impact of Snow and Ice Roads on Tundra Landscapes in Northern Alaska
- Evolution of Soils and Erosion Rates on Recent Post-glacial Landscapes in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Southeast Alaska
- Examining the Europa plasma environment via a multi-dimensional physical chemistry model
- Examining the infrasound wavefield recorded by the iMUSH large-N nodal seismic array
- Exospheric neutral density near the Earth's subsolar magnetopause deduced from the XMM-Newton X-ray observations during solar maximum
- Expanding Interdisciplinary Research Acoss Knowledge Systems
- Expanding beaver engineering exacerbates changes in the Arctic
- Exploration and Quality Control of Large-scale Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data to Study Permafrost Degradation in Arctic Alaska
- Exploring Complicating Factors in Long Term Risk Modeling and Planning in Alaska River Systems
- Exploring Fine-scale Drivers of Methane Sources and Sinks in a Boreal Wetland
- Fault frictional heterogeneities can explain earthquakes with no foreshocks, accelerating foreshocks and earthquake swarms observed in central Alaska
- Forecasting Ground Magnetic Perturbations at High and Mid-Latitudes Using Deep Learning and Near Real-Time Solar Wind Data
- Formaldehyde and its main sources in wintertime Fairbanks, Alaska
- Fresh Eyes on Ice
- Global Mappings of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Wave Driven Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and comparison to previous reported emissions
- Ground Based Observational Study of Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in Thermospheric Winds over High Latitudes
- Harmonized Sentinel-1 SAR Global River geometry and Inundation database
- High Elevation Post-Fire Landscapes on Snow Melt Trends in Seasonal and Transitional Snow Zones
- High Frequency Ambient Noise Seismic Data Processing and Quality Control Toward Monitoring Changes in Spatiotemporal Seismic Velocities
- How a Levee Impacted Water Quality and Fish in Piledriver Slough in Salcha, Alaska
- HydroSAR: Developing and Transitioning a SAR-based Inundation Monitoring Service for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
- IGM, a data assimilation and Glacier Evolution Model Accelerated by Deep-learning and GPU
- Ice-wedge Degradation and Stabilization in the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska (2011-2022)
- Identification of Cryoseismic Events in Utqiaġvik, Alaska Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS)
- Imaging the Alaskan Lithosphere Based on Full-waveform Joint Inversion of Seismic Ambient Noise and Local Earthquake Data
- Implications of Fire Disturbance on Soil Carbon Cycling and Permafrost in Black Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska: A Case Study at Hess Creek
- Improved Gravity Anomaly Maps for Alaska, Constraint on Regional Faults
- Improving Biological Fidelity of Arctic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Permafrost
- Improving the Characterization of Geologic Methane Emissions Across the United States: Preliminary Results from New Microseepage Measurements in the San Juan Basin
- Increased fire frequency and tree regeneration strategies reinforce boreal forest biome shift
- Informing Decarbonization through Machine Learning (ML): A Geospatial ML Pipeline for Estimating Heating Loads
- Initial Warning Time Estimates for Earthquake Early Warning in Alaska
- Integrating Community Knowledge and Large Scale, Phenological Data: Building a Partnership to Determine Alaska's Berry Future
- Interactive Museum Exhibit Illustrating Seismic Responses During Flow Through Karst Conduits
- Interannual variability of summertime formaldehyde (HCHO) vertical column density and its main drivers in northern high latitudes
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations and Solar Insolation During the 2013 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storm
- Interhemispheric ULF wave propagation caused by foreshock transient events under quiet solar wind condition
- Investigating Differences in Observed Geomagnetic Field Signatures Spanning Latitudes and Hemispheres
- Investigation of atmospheric acoustic wave signals from the January 15th, 2022 Hunga, Tonga volcanic eruption recorded by Alaska's dense network of multi-sensor stations
- Investigation of complex seismic wave propagation in sedimentary basins via 3-D waveform modeling
- Ionospheric Total Electron Content Perturbations Driven by Magnetospheric Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- Is There Hope for Accurate Carbon Flux Estimates Based on UVP Images?
- LAMP-HEP Observation of Microburst Precipitation associated with Pulsating Aurora
- Landscape Reorganization Caused by Cascading Arctic Lake Drainage
- Landscape fire projections for boreal and Arctic Alaska: regional variation in climate-fire futures and implications for adaptation
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Influenced the Arctic Water Cycle through Multiple Interglacial Periods
- Lava Fountain Jet Noise during the Eruption of Fissure 8, Kīlauea Volcano
- Leveraging Google Earth Engine to explore 50 years of changing coastlines in the Alaskan Arctic
- Leveraging VIIRS imagery for Student Engagement, Social Media, and Science Literacy
- Local Hybrid Simulations of Tangential-Discontinuity Driven Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Local topography's impact on ice slab formation in Southwest Greenland's percolation zone
- Magmatic fluids and upper mantle earthquakes in cratonic rifts: Examples from East Africa
- Magnetospheric origin of Jovian auroral dawn storms
- Mapping Agriculture Expansion in Mato Grosso, Brazil, Using Coefficient of Variation Analysis on Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Mapping Major Plant Functional Types using AVIRIS-NG Image at Various Spatial Scales to Aid Wildfire Management in Boreal Alaska.
- Mathematical Modeling of Thermospheric Mass Density Via Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis
- McKinley Wildfire: Socio-ecological Factors and Structure Survival in a Rural WUI Area
- Methane emission observed at glaciers terminus area in Alaska, 2019-2022
- Methane emissions show exponential inverse relationship with electrical resistivity from discontinuous permafrost wetlands in Alaska
- Methods for measuring wind speed and direction for accurate estimations of methane fluxes
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Formation and Expansion of Foreshock Bubbles and Hot Flow Anomalies
- Modern Decline in North Pacific Ocean Primary Production is Unprecedented for the Past Millennium in the Denali Ice Core
- Monitoring the Seasonal and Interannual Ground-surface Displacement in Tundra Regions along the North Slope of Alaska
- Multi-faceted perspectives of success: mentorship and building capacity within projects
- Multi-scale F-region Neutral Winds During the March 27th, 2014 Substorm Event
- Multipoint Cluster observations of kinetic Alfven waves, electron energization, and ion outflow response in the mid-altitude cusp associated with solar wind pressure and IMF Bz variations
- Multipoint Thermal Ion Measurements for the KiNET-X Mission
- Muti-Station Analysis of Icequakes and Earthquakes in Southern Alaska using Random Forests
- Narrowing the Latency Gap for Disaster Response and Open Science: ARIA's Analysis-Ready Displacement Data for Everyone
- New Measurements from Appalachian and Michigan Sedimentary Basins Imply that Geologic Methane Emissions Are Less Widespread than Previously Assumed.
- New insights on the Denali Volcanic Gap and the shallow crustal structure of South-Central Alaska across the Alaska Range via Bayesian joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity using a dense nodal array.
- Next Generation Permafrost Map for Alaska
- OPERA RTC Product, Algorithm, and Validation Approach
- Observation of pulsating auroras with a multi-spectral auroral camera AIC2 on the LAMP rocket
- Observational Challenges to Understanding Sprite Streamers
- Observing Gravity Waves Coupled From Below in Earth's Atmosphere
- Ocean Acidification Research Center: Monitoring for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Oceanic transports in the eastern Arctic Ocean: evidence from 15 years of mooring observations
- On Developing Seasonal Predictions of Lightning Likelihood in Alaska
- On the circulation, water mass distribution, and nutrient concentrations of the western Chukchi Sea
- One million GUNW products from ARIA and counting: Enabling open-science and disaster management for everyone
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Overview of the "Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations" (LAMP) Sounding Rocket Mission
- Oxygen isotope values of Pleistocene land snail shells from Central Alaska
- Particle Mixing during the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- Partitioning the Fate of Soil Carbon Dioxide Between Losses to Atmosphere and Subsurface Hydrologic Flow Paths
- Patterns and Variability of the Antarctic Sea Ice Cover Preceding the 2022 Record Minimum Extent
- Patterns of Vegetation Succession Following Lake Drainage in Northern Alaska
- Pedogenic and mineralogical influence on soil organic carbon stability and depth distribution in a coastal temperate rainforest, southeast Alaska
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Permafrost Pathways: Connecting science, people, and policy to advance understanding of the local to global impacts of permafrost thaw and to develop just and equitable responses
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Persistent, Energetic Pulsating Aurora Observed During the LAMP Sounding Rocket Mission Launch Window
- Perspectives on the Scaling Relationships between Summertime Surface Albedo and Melt Pond Fraction in the Central Arctic Ocean from Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
- Plane Strain Analytical Models of InSAR-Observed Enhanced Oil Recovery Injection Wellsite Deformation NM, USA
- Plasmasphere Tomography
- Post-Fire Controls On Active Layer Depth Across The Anaktuvuk River Fire
- Post-fire Thaw Subsidence at Beaver Creek, Yukon, Detected by L-band InSAR and Preliminarily Report of Field Observation
- Probing magnetopause dynamics with soft X-ray imaging
- Progress and challenges by early career polar scientists (USAPECS) in addressing inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility
- Quantifying Natural Geologic Methane Emissions from Microseepage in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado, United States
- Quantifying Variations in Soil C:N Relationships for the Permafrost Region.
- Quantifying Watershed-Scale Heterogeneity of Soil Thermal Regimes across a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Quantifying natural geologic methane emissions from microseepage in the Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, United States
- Quantitative Assessment of Stabilizing or Destabilizing Effect of Fjord Geometry on Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Rapid and gradual permafrost thaw: A tale of two sites
- Regional geoengineering using tiny glass bubbles would accelerate the loss of Arctic sea ice
- Regional scale patterns of remotely sensed methane hotspots with respect to Arctic lake change and thermokarst geomorphology
- Regional-scale assessment of Holocene lake drainage ages in Arctic permafrost - first results
- Relation between magnetopause position and dayside reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Remote Sensing of ice wedge systems through varying spatial scales with a focus on NDVI
- Remotely sensing 71 years of Permafrost Soil Cultivation in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
- Removing Systematic Closure Phases in InSAR Time Series Using Intensity Observations
- Sea Ice Prediction Network: Lessons Learned and Next Steps
- Seasonal Cycles and Longitudinal profiles of Rock Weathering in High Latitude Deglaciating Catchments
- Seasonal forecasting of Alaska snowmelt timing for the early wildfire season
- Seismic COmputational Platform for Empowering Discovery (SCOPED), Year 1: Collaboration, Software, Training, and Workshops
- Seismic Imaging across the Northern Chukchi Borderland: Implications of the Canada Basin Opening
- Seismic moment tensor estimation and uncertainty quantification in 1D and 3D Earth models using regional waveforms with application to the Middle East
- Seismic response of Nenana sedimentary basin, central Alaska
- Sentinel-1 Bursts: ASF services offering direct access inside an SLC
- Sinkhole Susceptibility Modeling using Frequency Ratio (FR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Greene County, Missouri
- Site Characterization and Seismic Noise Correlation with Hydrologic Data Using a Dense Nodal Seismic Array Deployed Within the Santa Fe Sink-Rise, FL, USA Karst Aquifer System
- Size-Resolved Characterization of Sulfate and S(IV) Species in Atmospheric Aerosols in Fairbanks, Alaska Winter
- Sleuthing the Slough: Ten Years of Engaging (and Managing) a K-6 School-wide Environmental Impact Study
- Snow Avalanche Hazard Mapping for the State of Alaska
- Snow Redistribution after Regional Lake Drainage on Arctic Tundra
- Snow: A Natural Substance for Learning about Science, Climate, and Alaskan Native Culture during COVID: the COSI Connects Snow Kits
- Soil Organic Carbon and Microbial Composition Effects on Carbon Mineralization in Laboratory Warming Experiments
- Some Problems with Applications of Simplified Equations for Estimation of Active Layer Thickness Increase and Long-Term Permafrost Thawing in Warming Climate
- Sources and Processes Influencing Local Arctic Wintertime Air Pollution
- Spatial Distribution of Wildfire Threat in the Far North: Exposure Assessment in Boreal Communities
- Spatial Relationships between Microbes and Minerals in Incipient Carbonate Dendrolitic Microbialites, Little Hot Creek, CA
- Spatial and Temporal Influences of Infrastructure on Seasonal Snowmelt Timing, Vegetation Productivity and Early Season Surface Water Alaskan Coastal Communities
- Spatial and Temporal Scales of Pulsating Aurora during the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) Rocket Mission
- Spatial variability of soil moisture in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Interior Alaska.
- Stability of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes: Latest Two-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Stakeholder Usage of Coefficient of Variation Method to Support the Delineation of Crop and Non-Crop Areas in Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Statistical Study of the Energetic Electron Microinjections at the High-latitude Magnetosphere
- Steps Toward Culturally Inclusive Review Process for Youth Research Symposia in Alaska and Beyond
- Storm-time Variability of Exospheric Hydrogen Density in the Ring Current Region: Simulation Results
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
- Structure and dynamics of Jupiter's dawnside magnetosphere: model/data comparisons
- Structure of an Active Detachment Under the Kantishna Hills Anticline Near the Denali Fault/Northern Alaska Range Foothills Thrust System From Seismicity and Receiver Function Anisotropy
- Subduction fluids control slab slip behaviors and megathrust earthquakes at the Alaska Peninsula
- Subseasonal to Seasonal Predictions of Polar Low Activity using a Hybrid Statistical-Dynamical Approach
- The 2019 McKinley Fire in South-Central Alaska: burn severity and fire effects from high-resolution aerial imaging spectroscopy
- The 2022 Alaska Fire Season
- The Bow Shock and Magnetosheath Responses to Density Depletion Structures
- The Effect of Snow Cover on Infrasound Sensors
- The Effects of Late Spring and Summer Snowfall on Arctic Sea Ice Radiative Forcing
- The Effects of the Arctic Oscillation on Snow on Sea Ice in a Warming Arctic
- The Formation of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: imaging an extinct spreading ridge
- The Generation of Radial Outflow Velocity in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter and the Coupling with Turbulent Heating
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Impacts of a Changing Permafrost Tundra Ecosystem on Dissolved Organic Carbon Age and Concentration in Surface and Groundwater in a Long-Term Experiment
- The JPSS Program: Providing Critical Services to Alaska Wildfire Operations
- The Kake Climate Partnership: Implementing a Knowledge Co-Production Framework to Provide Climate Services in Southeast Alaska
- The Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission: Multiplatform, multipoint measurements to study microbursts and pulsating aurora
- The Metacoupled Arctic: Human-Nature Interactions Across Local to Global Scales as Drivers of Sustainability
- The Modular Spectrometer for Atmosphere and Ionosphere Characterization (MoSAIC) for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission.
- The SAR-CBC Project: SAR Capacity Building for Decision Making Communities in Central and South America
- The Science Objectives of the 2022-2023 University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrument Project
- The Seasonal Cycle of Arctic Snow Depth: Linkages to ICESat-2 Summer Freeboards and Albedo
- The Thermal Response of Permafrost to Coastal Flooding
- The University of Alaska Space Weather UnderGround Educator Development Program
- The University of Alaska Space Weather Underground Program: Student-built magnetometer array using unique construction and deployment techniques.
- The importance of evolving basal motion for long-term projections of glacier change
- The interhemispheric correlation study of geomagnetic field variations in polar cap regions
- Thermokarst processes observed by remote sensing and ground surveys at intact and disturbed tundra on the North Slope, Alaska
- Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Characterization in a Karst Aquifer Using Cross-Correlation Analysis of Water Level Data
- Timing of Rainfall Associated with Arctic Cyclones and Impacts on the Sea Ice
- Tools for predicting when the fire season-ending rains will come in Alaska
- Toward Automated Data-Model Calibration for the Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- U.S. Geological Survey Tsunami Sources Powell Center Working Group: Cascadia Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Meeting Summary
- Understanding Permafrost Landscape Evolution: Ice-Wedge Trough Network Change Detection from Historical Aerial Imagery using Convolutional Neural Networks and Graph Analysis
- Understanding the Dissipation of Different Scale Solar Wind Magnetic Structures Using Information Theory
- Unrest Dynamics of Domuyo Volcano, Argentina: Multiphysics Models Constrained by InSAR and Thermal Time Series
- Unsupervised Machine Learning Clustering of Seismic and Infrasound Data Quality Metrics
- Using Transfer Entropy to Identify Kelvin-Helmholtz Turbulence Structures and Cross-Scale Coupling in MHD and Hybrid Simulations
- Using Very-Low-Frequency, Electrical Resistivity Tomography, and Temperature Dynamics in Warm Discontinuous Permafrost Study
- Using ambient seismic noise to constrain properties of the Barry Arm landslide, Prince William Sound, Alaska
- Utility of Open-Access Scintillation Data: Review of 2022 Space Weather Events in the NSF CEDAR Madrigal Database
- Velocity Record of the 2020-22 Muldrow Glacier Surge, Denali National Park, Alaska
- Vertical Gradients of Pollutants Measured during Winter in a Subarctic City.
- Vertical Profiles of Reactive Bromine near Utqiagvik and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollution
- Warming and Thawing Permafrost in Alaska
- Water-group ions from Europa and Ganymede: A window into surface ice evolution
- What Does Equitable Co-production Entail? Three Perspectives
- What determines the intensity change of an Arctic cyclone?
- What is success in improving Arctic observing?
- Wide energy electron precipitation during pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket experiment and computer simulation
- Wildfires as a source of aerosol nutrients and impacts on marine biogeochemical cycles
- Winter Rain, Surface Icing, and Urban Transportation Hazards: Using Weather Station Data and Traffic Networks to Map Evolving Icing Hazards and Travel Risks in Anchorage, Alaska
- Wintertime Sources and Sinks of Volatile Organic Compounds in Fairbanks, Alaska
- a Century of Surges of the Sit'tlein (malaspina) Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- adjTomo: an open-source Python toolkit for automating seismic waveform inversion
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. Bennett
- A. G. Burns
- A. H. Armstrong
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Hull
- A. J. Ridley
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Bramson
- A. M. Keesee
- A. M. Tian
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. R. Poppe
- A. S. Reimer
- A. T. Russell
- A. V. Rocha
- A. W. Nolin
- A. W. Stephan
- A. W. Yau
- A. Wech
- Abiyot Workayehu
- Adam S. Wymore
- Agnit Mukhopadhyay
- Akinori Ito
- Albert A. Presto
- Alberto Michelini
- Alek Petty
- Alessandro Tagliabue
- Alex Gardner
- Alex J. Webster
- Alex J.C. Witsil
- Alex Rinehart
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander Norton
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alexandra M. Iezzi
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Alicia J. Hotovec‐Ellis
- Alisa Baranskaya
- Allan Lerner
- Allen L. Robinson
- Allison Jaynes
- Amber E. Budden
- Ana P. Barros
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrea Perez‐Silva
- Andrew Collins
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Andrew R. Bowie
- Andrew R. Mahoney
- Andrey V. Pnyushkov
- Andréa Puzzi Nicolau
- Andy Aschwanden
- Anna C. Talucci
- Anna Crawford
- Anna Irrgang
- Anne Gädeke
- Annett Bartsch
- Aparna Bamzai‐Dodson
- Arial J. Shogren
- Arlan Dirkson
- Arthur R. Rodgers
- Ashlee Dere
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Asti Bhatt
- Atsuhiro Muto
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. G. Koffman
- B. J. Anderson
- B. Kunduri
- B. R. Hillman
- B. R. Neupane
- B. Wang
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Bandana Kar
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin W. Abbott
- Bernard Coakley
- Bertrand Bonfond
- Betsy M. Summers
- Binzheng Zhang
- Bonnie Light
- Bradley Gay
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brandon Schmandt
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brett Buzzanga
- Brian Buma
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian J. Yanites
- Brian M. Walsh
- Brice Noël
- Bruce Chapman
- Bryant Chow
- Burcu Kosar
- Burke J. Minsley
- Byron C. Crump
- C. C. Chaston
- C. Carr
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Elder
- C. G. Barcheck
- C. Gangodagamage
- C. I. Czimczik
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. J. Pollock
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- C. M. Dundas
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Miège
- C. R. Clauer
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. S. Ng
- Caio Ciardelli
- Can Li
- Carl Schmitt
- Carl Tape
- Chad A. Greene
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles W. Smith
- Chelsea L. Parker
- Chen Wang
- Cheng Sheng
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Chris Polashenski
- Chris Rollins
- Christina Schädel
- Christine F. Waigl
- Christine Gabrielse
- Christoph Kern
- Christopher A. Shuman
- Christopher Cox
- Christopher D. Arp
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Claire C. Treat
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- Clare E. J. Watt
- Clare Webster
- Colin Triplett
- Connor Drooff
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- Corentin Caudron
- Craig R. See
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- D. Goldberg
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- D. Malaspina
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- Dai Chang-lei
- Daniel E. Ibarra
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- Donald Hampton
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- Dong Lin
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- Doğacan Öztürk
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- Elyn Humphreys
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- Enhao Feng
- Eric Anderson
- Erin C. Pettit
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- Erin Trochim
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Eun Hwa Kim
- Ezgi Karasözen
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- F. D. Wilder
- F. J. Crary
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- F. Waldhauser
- Fengzhou Tan
- Flavio Cannavò
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- François Massonnet
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- Freysteinn Sigmundsson
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- Gary J. Axen
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- Gifford H. Miller
- Gijs de Boer
- Go Iwahana
- Gonzalo Cucho‐Padin
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Greg Lucas
- Gregory R. Quetin
- Guido Grosse
- Guiping Liu
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- Guy Salomon
- H. A. Elliott
- H. Akbari
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- H. K. Connor
- H. Kil
- H. R. Dietterich
- H. U. Frey
- H. Zhang
- Hadi Madanian
- Haijiang Zhang
- Hajo Eicken
- Hamed Gamaleldien
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Haonan Wu
- Heidi Kristenson
- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Helena Bergstedt
- Hervé Claustre
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Hongrui Qiu
- Housen Chu
- Howard E. Epstein
- Hugues Lantuit
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- Ian Raphael
- Ilya Kuzichev
- J. A. Clark
- J. A. Gochenour
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. B. DeSanto
- J. C. Rowland
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- J. Dann
- J. David Moulton
- J. E. Kay
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- J. Jahn
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- J. L. Semeter
- J. M. Bell
- J. M. Weygand
- J. M. Young
- J. Mao
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Oberheide
- J. P. Thayer
- J. R. McConnell
- J. R. Patton
- J. R. Shuster
- J. R. Szalay
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Souček
- J. Stutz
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. Tamminen
- J. W. Bonnell
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- J. W. McClelland
- J. de la Beaujardiere
- Jaclyn Clement Kinney
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- Jacopo Taddeucci
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- Jean-Christophe Raut
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- Jonathan F. Donges
- Jonathan M. Lees
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- Jongsoo Yoo
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- Joshua Pettit
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
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- Katrina E. Bennett
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- Yuk‐Chun Chan
- Yuni Lee
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zhigang Yu
- Zhiqi Zheng
- Zhong Lü
- Zhonghua Xu
- Zhonghua Yao
- Zhuo Wang
- Zhuohui Xiao
- Zixu Liu
- Zoe Pierrat
- Å. K. Rennermalm