University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 40Ar/39Ar Age Constraints on Caldera Formation of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska
- A Self-consistent Model of the Interacting Ring Current Ions with Electromagnetic ICWs
- A Statistical Study of Ion Upflows as Seen by Incoherent Scatter Radar
- A semi-automatic calibration method for seismic arrays applied to an Alaskan array
- ACE-Asia: Asian Aerosol Transport Into Alaska
- Altitude-Time Development of Sprites
- An Overview of Observations of the Energy and Mass Balance of Coastal Ice Covers in Northern Alaska
- Analysis of Airborne Ash and Elevated Surface Temperatures Detected on Multiple Satellite Data Sets of the Mt Cleveland Eruption, 2001
- Approaches to data quality assurance: from deployment to operation
- Arctic Watershed Studies: Temporal and Spatial Variability and Climate Sensitivity
- Argon Isotopic and Experimental Petrologic Evidence for Phenocrysts Versus Xenocrysts in the Youngest Toba Tuff
- Artificial Plasma Jets Dynamics in "North Star" Active Experiment
- Auroral Spectra as a Tool for Detecting Extra-Etrrestrial Life
- Caldera-Forming Eruptions of the Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska: Probable Source of the Dawson Creek Tephra in Yukon Territory, Canada
- Chemical versus temporal controls on evolution of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanoes in the Aleutian arc
- Climatic Effects in Unstable Glacier Response
- Comparison of Cloud Fractions and Cloud Properties Retrieved Over the North Slope of Alaska.
- Crustal Thickness Across the Alaska Range
- Crystal Structure, Dielectric Relaxation and Rheology of the High Pressure Phases of Ice
- Data Driven High Latitude Ionospheric Specification
- Deformation of Grimsvotn volcano, Iceland: 1998 eruption and subsequent inflation
- Determining {HF} communications channel parameters using {SuperDARN}
- Dragged Neutral --Campaign Observations with Fabry-Perot Interferometers and HF-radars in Alaska--
- Dynamic Responses in the Polar Thermosphere to Auroral Heating -- Comparison of FPI Neutral Winds With a High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Model Results --
- Dynamics of duskside proton aurora observed with the Svalbard all-sky imager and the IMAGE satellite under northward IMF condition : November 26, 2000 event
- Electron energies, densities, and electric fields in sprites from aircraft based optical observations*
- Evaluation of the High Latitude Magnetic Conjugacy of Auroral Features Based on DE-1 and Viking Data
- Experimental Constraints on Degassing and Permeability in Volcanic Conduit Flow
- Factors to be Considered in Long-Term Monitoring of a Former Nuclear Test Site in a Geophysically Active and Water-rich Environment
- Fingers/Embers/Trolls Occurring in the Wake of Sprites
- Generation and Propagation of Auroral Alfven Waves
- Generation of Near-Earth Reconnection by Divergent Flows in the Plasma Sheet
- Greenhouse Effect and its Altitude Gradients - by Accurate Surface Longwave Radiation Measurements
- High Resolution Airborne InSAR DEM of Bagley Ice Valley, South-central Alaska: Geodetic Validation with Airborne Laser Altimeter Data
- High-latitude Thermospheric Vertical Wind Activity From Dynamics Explorer-2 WATS Observations
- Hybrid Enclaves in Arc Plutons: A Possible Link Between Plutonic Processes and Eruption
- Interactions of Solar Initiated Disturbances Within 1 AU and Their Role in Real Time Predictions of interplanetary Shocks at 1AU and Geomagnetic Storms
- LT and MLT Dependencies of Pc 4 Amplitudes at CPMN Conjugate Stations
- Late-stage Pyroclastic Flow and Fall Deposits From Volcán Ceboruco, Mexico: Insights From a Small Volume Caldera-Forming Eruption
- Long-term Numerical Investigations on the Water Budget Quantities Predicted by the Hydro-Thermodynamic Soil Vegetation Scheme (HTSVS)
- Looking at the Auroral Ionosphere From Below (CEDAR) and Above (ISTP)
- Macro-Scale Effects of Hall Physics in Magnetic Reconnection
- Magnetic Reconnection in Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices: Hall Dynamics
- Mesoscale Thermospheric Composition Perturbations due to Vertical Winds: Comparison of the Modeled OI 135.6 nm Auroral Emission to POLAR Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) Observations
- Mesospheric Energy Input Owing to Sprites and other TLE's and the Possible Effects Thereof
- Monitoring Snow Drifts, Blowing Snow, and Wind Slabs from Ground and Space for Climate Studies and Land Surface Modeling
- New Evidence for the Brightness and Ionization of Blue Starters and Blue Jets
- New GPS Constraints on Crustal Deformation Along the Fairweather Fault and Implications for Motion of the Yakutat Block, Southern Alaska.
- North Andean deformation associated with the oblique subduction of the Nazca and Caribbean plates and the Carnegie Ridge: new CASA GPS results
- Nucleation Rates of Bubbles in Magmas
- Observation of Atmospheric Trace Species by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer at Poker Flat, Alaska
- On the Freezing of Pyroclastic Flows
- Ongoing Elevation and Volume Changes of Alaskan Glaciers
- Paleosecular Variation of the Geomagnetic Field in Alaska, Revisited: New Measurements from the Aleutian Islands.
- Performance of Longwave Radiation Instruments: Comparisons Between Measured and Modeled Irradiances During Arctic Winter
- Permafrost Warming, Thawing and Impacts
- Post-processing of Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function Measurements of Summer Sea ice in the Southern Ocean
- Present-Day Deformation Across the Tibetan Plateau Measured by GPS
- Proximal Ignimbrite Geometry on Santorini, Greece Using Ground Penetrating Radar
- Remote Sensing in the Vicinity of the El'gygytgyn Impact Crater, Siberia
- Revisiting the fast-ice regimes of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas 25 years on
- Sedimentation and Denudation Rates of a Tidewater Glacier Eroding Batholithic Bedrock: Leconte Glacier, Alaska
- Simulation of Soil Freezing and Thawing: direct and inverse problems
- Simultaneous DE-1 and Viking Observations of Magnetically Conjugate Auroral Phenomena and the Evolution with Increasing Latitudes
- Simultaneous Earthquake Swarms and Eruptions in Alaska, Fall 1996
- Some Future Challenges Facing Ground-Based Optical Aeronomy
- Space-time and Spectral Structures of Sprite Halos Obtained from High-speed Photometric and Imaging Observations
- Spatial Variation of, and Correlations Among, Snow Surface Albedo and Physical Parameters of Summer Snow Cover on Sea Ice in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Spatial Variations in the Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of Earthquakes at Mount Pinatubo Volcano.
- Spatial and temporal variability of Arctic summer sea-ice albedo and its dependence on meltwater hydraulics
- Statistics of TLE Types and Properties Observed During the 1999 Sprites Balloon Campaign
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Strong Intraplate Earthquakes in the Kodiak Island Region, Alaska in 1999-2001
- Substorm convection patterns observed by the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
- Surface Deformation Caused by a Shallow Magmatic Source at Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Arc
- Taku Glacier on the Move Again: Active Deformation of Proglacial Sediments
- The 1997 Eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, a Synthesis of Remotely Sensed Data
- The 2001 January 13th M<SUB> {W}</SUB>7.7 and February 13th M<SUB> {W}</SUB>6.6 El Salvador Earthquakes: Deformation and Stress Triggering
- The Effect of Solar Wind Pressure Pulses on the Size and Strength of the Auroral Oval
- The Great Alaska "Earthquake" of 1998-2001
- The Harmonic Analysis of Temperature Time Series
- The History of the Glacier Facies Concept
- The Modeling of Active Layer Thickness and Permafrost Temperature Regime (past, present and future) within East-Siberian Transect, using GIS.
- The Seasonal Evolution of Albedo in a Snow-ice-land-ocean Environment
- Transition betwendiffuse and structured regions in sprites.
- Ultra-Long Lightning Continuing Current
- Unrest at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska in 1996 - Evidence for a Magmatic Intrusion?
- Volcanic Earthquake Triggering by Dynamic Stresses Associated with Nearby Tectonic Earthquakes: Constraints from the Katmai Group Volcanoes, Alaska
- Volcanic and Tectonic Deformation of Unimak Island in the Aleutian Arc
- Volumetric Constraints on Hydrous Phase Stability in the Earth's Transition Zone: The Relative Importance of the B-Phases Relative to Hydrated Spinelloids in Multicomponent Systems
- 1 ms High Speed Observations of Sprites
- A Quantitative Image Processing Approach to GUVI Observations of the Equatorial Arcs.
- A Trend of Fast Climate Warming in Northern Quebec Since 1993. Impacts on Permafrost and Man-made Infrastructures.
- A Twenty Year Time Series of Permafrost Temperatures in Alaska
- A tool for modeling permafrost and snow in CCSM
- Active Accretion of the Yakutat Block to North America
- Active Remote Sensing of Clouds
- An Unparalleled Opportunity to Study Postseismic Processes
- Analysis and Optimization of a Lagrangian Volcanic Ash Particle Tracking Model called Puff
- Analyzing the uncertainty of bulk parameterized cloud microphysical processes
- Auroral Precipitation and Quasi-Trapped electrons
- Basaltic Inputs to a Dacitic Magma: Results From Phase I Drilling at Unzen Volcano, Japan
- CLUSTER Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Comparison with Hall Physics Effects.
- Changes in Crustal Seismic Deformation Rates Associated with the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake
- Character and Significance of Surface Rupture Near the Intersection of the Denali and Totschunda Faults, M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake, Alaska, November 3, 2002
- Climate, Surface Energy Balance and Ground Thermal Regime at Three Arctic Sites (Spitsbergen, Siberia, Alaska)
- Comparison of a Thermospheric Photochemical Model with SNOE Observations of Nitric Oxide
- Composition Change in the Lower Thermosphere Over Alaska from TIMED/CEDAR Ground-Based and GUVI Observations
- Contribution of proton precipitation to space-based auroral FUV observations
- Correlation between the Thermospheric Temperature Derived from ARGOS Observations of N<SUB>2</SUB> Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission and Solar Soft X-ray Observations from SNOE
- Coseismic Displacements From the MW 6.7 and MW7.9 Denali Fault Earthquakes and Resulting Coulomb Stress Change on Faults in Alaska
- Crustal Deformation Measured by GPS on Reykjanes Peninsula due to Triggered Earthquakes on June 17, 2000
- Data Visualization Tools and Techniques developed for the TIMED/GUVI Instrument
- Dayside auroras during storms of April 2002: TIMED/GUVI observations
- Deployment of Seismic Instruments Following the Denali Fault Earthquake Sequence 2002
- Dress Warm, Focus on the Fluids and Be Patient: Studying Ice Habitats and Constraints on Microbial Life at Low Temperatures
- Effect of Climate Change on Permafrost in Alaska: Short-Term (Decadal) Variability and Long-Term (Millennial) Changes.
- Effects of soil thermal dynamics on carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere
- Effects of the M7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake on glaciers in the Alaska Range
- Elements of the active magmatic system of Seguam Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska inferred from co and post-eruptive surface deformation spanning 1993-2000
- Elevation Changes on Malaspina, Agassiz and Marvine Glaciers, Alaska, from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- Escape of Sierra Nevada-Great Valley Block Motion Contributes to Upper-Plate Contraction Within the Southern Cascadia Margin Near Humboldt Bay, CA.
- Evaluation of NCEP Re-analysis Radiation and Cloud Products in the Arctic Based on Comparison With Ground-based and Space-borne Measurements.
- Experimental Calibration of Amphibole Break Down Rates in Response to Decompression and Heating: Examples From the 1989-1990 eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Experimental Constraints on Magma Ascent During the Usu 2000 Eruption, Japan
- Exploiting Web-Based Systems to Provide Interactive Interpretation, Access and Display of Far Ultraviolet Data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on TIMED
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of the Large Solar Flare on April 21, 2002 and the Terrestrial Photoelectron Response
- Field Evidence for Subaqueous to Subaerial Volcanism in Okmok Caldera, Alaska
- Fusion of Radarsat SAR interferograms with Other Image and Geological Data Sets to Establish Temporal, Spatial and Physical behaviors of the Active Layer at Sagwon, Alaska
- GUVI/TIMED Observations During the April 14-24, 2002 Storm
- Global Ultaviolet Imager (GUVI): on-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
- Global, Three-Dimensional Hybrid Code Simulation of the Earth's Magnetosphere: Field and Particle
- Ground-based Measurements of the Effect of Sunlight on the Electron Acceleration Mechanism in Discrete Auroral Arcs
- Gummi-Bears On Fire! Bringing Students and Scientists Together at the Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA)
- High Latitude Ion Up-Fluxes: A Statistical Study Using Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- High Resolution Measurements and Modeling of Auroral Hydrogen Emission Line Profiles
- Ice Complex Islands and Bars With Frozen Sea Floor on the Eastern Siberia Shelf.
- Impact of Mountain Topography and Altitudinal Zonation on Alpine Permafrost Evolution and Ground Water Hydrology
- Intra-caldera Events: A Look at the Hydrovolcanic Deposit Stratigraphically Located Between two Caldera-Forming Eruptions of Okmok Volcano, Umnak Island, Alaska
- Ionospheric convection patterns observed during periods of steady magnetospheric convection
- JERS-1 SAR Mosaics of the North American Boreal Forests
- Magma Supply, Storage and Pathways From Deformation Studies at Alaskan Volcanoes
- Magmatism in the Denali Volcanic Gap, Southern Alaska
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Presence of Flow Shear and Hall Physics
- Modeling of Permafrost and Gas Hydrate Stability Zone Dynamics within Alaskan Arctic Shelves and Continental Margins
- Multipoint Observations of the Ion Isotropy/b2i Boundary:q
- New 40Ar/39Ar Data From Opholite and Metamorphic Complexes of the South Anyui Suture Zone, Northeast Russia.
- New Insights into the Tectonic History of the Central Brooks Range, Alaska: Application of 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Encapsulated Illite-rich Shales and Clays
- New Quantitative Tectonic Models for Southern Alaska
- Obliquity-coupled Atmospheric Variations and the Small Cratering Record on Mars
- Pre-eruptive dynamics of the 3400 yBP Aniakchak Caldera forming eruption: A phase equilibria study.
- Products Derived From GUVI Dayglow and Auroral Data
- Rapid Wastage of Alaska Glaciers: Preliminary Links to Alaska Climatology.
- Reliably Powering Remote Seismic Stations in a Harsh Environment
- Remotely Triggered Seismicity at Alaskan Volcanoes Following the Mw 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Rupture Process of the M7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska, Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion Recordings
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity
- Search for a Possible Triggering Effect Between Tectonic Earthquakes and Swarms at Volcanoes
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition as Measured by TIMED/GUVI
- Seismicity at Great Sitkin Volcano, Andreanof Islands, Alaska
- Similarities Between RF- and Lightning-Induced Airglow in the Upper Atmosphere
- Source Kinematics and Dynamics of the 3 November, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska Earthquake
- Source Parameters and Crustal Attenuation in Interior Alaska: Estimates Using Broadband Lg-Wave Spectra Derived from the BEAAR Experiment Data.
- Source Process of the November 3, 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake (Central Alaska)
- Southern Alaska Tectonics: How the MW 7.9 Denali earthquake fits into the puzzle
- Spatial Variation in Present Day Deformation, Southcentral Alaska, Revealed by GPS Measurements
- Sprite 2002 Campaign in Brazil
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed and ELF Modulated RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Study of Joule Heating for Small Scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Processes
- Surface Deformation Caused by Shallow Magmatic Activity at Okmok Volcano Detected by GPS Campapigns 2000-2002
- Temperature and Precipitation Trends and Variability in Alaska Since 1950
- Temporal and spatial variability of microclimate and permafrost conditions in Fairbanks region, Alaska.
- Temporal variation in the cross-polar-cap potential for periods of steady IMF as determined using SuperDARN.
- Temporal variations in the motion of GPS stations proximal to the epicentral region of the 2002 Denali Fault sequence
- The 1998-2002 Deep Megathrust Slip Event, Alaska
- The 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake: Aftershock Locations, Moment Tensors and Focal Mechanisms from the Regional Seismic Network Data
- The Comparison of East Siberian and Alaskan Transects in terms of Permafrost Dynamics (in the past, present and future) using Geographical Informational System.
- The Gakkel Ridge: Crustal Accretion at Extremely Slow Spreading Rates
- The Impact of Microphysical Schemes and Parameter Choices on MM5 Simulations of Warm-Season High Latitude Cloud and Precipitation Systems
- The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Density Depletions Observed by GUVI
- The Nenana Mountain Magnitude 6.7 Earthquake of October 23, 2002
- The Response of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Geomagnetic Storm of April 2002
- The Upper Mantle: Misunderstood or Just Complicated?
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Response to the Solar Flares of April 2002 as Observed by the TIMED Global UltraViolet Imager (GUVI)
- Thermospheric composition derived from TIMED/GUVI limb scans
- Thermospheric wind, temperature, and compositional response to auroral events above Alaska and Western Canada
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of Current Sheet Thinning During the Substorm Growth Phase
- Tracing the Sun-Earth Connection: The Solar Particle Chain in April 2002
- Tsunami Hazard Maps of Alaska Communities
- Validation of the GUVI Auroral Radiance Measurements Using the UARS/PEM Instrument
- Vegetation-Soil-Active Layer Relationships Along a Low-Arctic Bioclimate Gradient, Alaska
- Volcanic Tremor and its use in Estimating Eruption Parameters
- 3-D Viscoelastic FEM Modeling of Postseismic Deformation Caused by the 1964 Alaska Earthquake, Southern Alaska
- A 3-D Thermomechanical Ice-Sheet Model: Preliminary Simulation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet With the Goldsby-Kohlstedt vs. Glen Flow Laws
- A Description Of Crevasse Formation Using Continuum Damage Mechanics
- A Macroscopic Approach to the Response of Glaciers to Climate
- A Reanalyis of the Contribution of Meteoric Ice, Flooding and Snow Ice Formation to the Mass Balance of Antarctic Sea Ice
- A Remote Sensing - GIS Based Approach to Monitor Morphodynamics of the Alaskan Arctic Coasts
- Active Structures in the Foothills of the North-Central Alaska Range
- Aftershock Recordings of Nenana Mt. and Denali Fault Earthquakes of 2002
- Amphibole Reaction Rims in Response to Decompression compared to Heating: An Experimental Approach
- An observation-based, hybrid 3D-MHD solar wind modeling system, H3DM
- Analysis of Composition and Chronology of Dome Emplacement at Black Peak, Alaska Utilizing ASTER Remote Sensing Data and Field-Based Studies
- Analysis of Volcanic Deposits From the 2001 Eruption of Mt. Cleveland, Alaska Using Multisensor Satellite Data and Field Observations
- Analyzing model uncertainty in predicted surface fluxes resulting from prescribed soil and vegetation parameters
- Argon isotopes as recorders of magmatic processes
- Auroral Infrasound Observed at I53US at Fairbanks, Alaska
- Automatic Detection of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in GUVI Data
- Barrow Ak: A Focal Point for Ice-Albedo-Transmission Feedback Processes in Arctic Sea Ice.
- Black Peak Caldera, Alaska: Preliminary Investigations of the ∼4600 BP Caldera-forming Eruption and Subsequent Post-caldera Activity
- Change in Stress Directions Along the Central Denali Fault, Alaska, After the 2002 Earthquake Sequence
- Comparison between All-Sky Images Observed by Satellite SMEI and Simulations by using the HAF Solar Wind Model
- Comparison of the Modeled 135.6 nm Auroral Emission to TIMED GUVI Observations: Mapping Thermospheric Composition Variations During Auroral Events Above Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Constraints on the Mechanism of Attenuation and Thermal Structure in Subduction Zones: Results from BEAAR
- Contrail Layer Forecasts for Fairbanks, Alaska
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the Denali Fault Earthquake as Estimated From GPS Measurements.
- Coupling a Lagrangian Dispersion Model and Remote Sensing Data for Quantification of Volcanic Ash Transport and Deposition
- Crustal Deformation Associated With the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake Sequence Observed by SAR Interferometry
- Deciphering Silicic Dome Emplacement Processes in the North Pacific: Quantitative Analyses of High Resolution Satellite and Field-Based Data
- Determination of Crustal Thickness in Alaska Using Receiver Functions
- Determining the Relative Importance of Ionospheric Parameters to Ion Upwelling using Multivariate Analysis
- Developing a numerical model of frost boils dynamics.
- Diagnosing the influence of radiative forcing on local recycling of precipitation using a three-dimensional recycling model
- Differing Forms of Continental Rifting on the Eurasian and Amerasian Margins of the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Dynamics of Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Early Postseismic Deformation Following the Mw 7.9 Denali Earthquake, 2002, From GPS Measurements.
- Encouraging Involvement of Alaska Natives in Geoscience Careers
- Energetic and dynamic impact on the upper atmosphere during the April 2002 geomagnetic storm
- Energy Distribution of Precipitating Electrons Estimated From Optical and Cosmic Noise Absorption Measurements
- Establishing Permafrost Temperature Data Reanalysis
- Evaluating the Split Window Volcanic Ash Detection Method Using the Numerical Dispersion Model Puff
- Evaluation of predicted soil frost and snow metamorphism by means of WINTEX and LAPP data
- Experimental Constraints on the Magma Chamber Conditions and Degassing of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Exposing Middle School Students to Remote Sensing in Alaska
- Extrapolation of climatic Time Series based on Principal Component analysis
- Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Events in Alaska
- Flow Dynamics from Elevation Changes on the Malaspina-Seward Glacier System, Alaska-Yukon, using High Resolution Airborne and SRTM InSAR-Derived DEMs
- From the Sun to the Ice - Then Where? A Bi-polar, Integrated View of the Role of Polar Snow and Floating Ice Covers in the Earth's Heat Budget During IPY 2007/08
- Geeksta Rap: An Example of the Utilization of Elements of Popular Culture in Science Education and Outreach
- Geodetic slip rates for the major strike-slip faults in the eastern Tibet
- Geophysical Investigation of the Denali Fault and Alaska Range Orogen Within the Aftershock Zone of the October-November, 2002, M=7.9 Denali Earthquake
- Glacial Till Detection Experiments With Transient Electromagnetic Methods
- Global Characteristics of PMCs From six Years of SNOE Data
- Horizontal Distributions of Thermospheric Vertical Winds in the Polar Region
- Horizontal Sounding Rocket Plasma Density Measurements of Growth Phase Aurora
- Hydrological Changes in the Arctic in Response to a Changing Climate
- Imaging the Transition From Aleutian Subduction to Yakutat Collision in Central Alaska, With Local Earthquakes and Active Source Data
- Impact of Global Averaging on UVI-based B<SUB>Z</SUB> North Conductance Estimates
- Implications of results from the HEX sounding rocket mission
- Increased geoeffectiveness of high solar wind dynamic pressure fronts under southward IMF orientation
- Infrasound Associated with the 3 November, 2002 Alaskan Earthquake
- Intermediate-Term Declines in Seismicity at Mt. Wrangell and Mt. Veniaminof Volcanoes, Alaska, Following the November 3, 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- International Volcanological Field School in Kamchatka and Alaska: Experiencing Language, Culture, Environment, and Active Volcanoes
- Ion temperature climate in the polar ionosphere using incoherent-scatter radars
- Kinematic and Dynamic Rupture Models of the November 3, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali, Alaska, Earthquake
- Lidar and Satellite Observations of Noctilucent Clouds in the Western Arctic
- Log-periodic oscillations in the acceleration phase prior to break-off of a large ice mass.
- Long-term Postseismic Deformation Following the 1964 Alaska Earthquake
- Lost in Loess: Paleomagnetic investigation into loess and tephra deposits in interior Alaska
- Low runoff response to permafrost dynamic within the Lena River watershed
- Mantle Anisotropy Beneath the Alaska Range Inferred From S-wave Splitting Observations: Results From BEAAR
- Mechanics of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- Morphology of aurorae in λ 557.7-nm optical temperatures
- Moving of the High-Speed Plasma jet Through the Ionosphere of the Different Density: Optical and Radiation Effects
- Multi-year analysis of FUV auroral images
- O<SUP>+</SUP> <SUP>4</SUP>P-<SUP>4</SUP>D<SUP>0</SUP> Lines in Aurora over Svalbard
- Observations of Sporadic Sodium-, Iron- and E-Layers at a High-Latitude Site.
- Opportunities and Challenges for Arctic Geoscience in the IPY (International Polar Year)
- Optical Auroral Imaging Conjugate to the FAST Satellite
- Photolysis of PAN at High Latitude
- Plasma Dynamics in the Vicinity of a Cusp-Like Magnetic Configuration
- Products Derived From GUVI Auroral Data and Comparisons With Ground-Based Results From Poker Flat and Ft. Yukon, AK
- Radarsat Geophysical Processor System: Data Products, Formats, and Visualization
- Remote Sensing of Thermospheric Atomic Oxygen or Temperature Using NO Radiances from TIMED/SABER and SNOE
- Retrieval of thermospheric temperature and N2, O, and O2 concentrations from GUVI limb scans
- Role of Neutral Density and Conductivity Perturbations in Determining Sprite Initiation Locations
- Satellite Observations and Model Predictions of Rayleigh Scattered UV Radiance
- Seafloor Surveys Provide Circum-Basin Evidence for Thick Pleistocene Ice in the Arctic Ocean
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Intense Substorm Activity
- Seasonal Variation of Auroral Electron Flux
- Shear-Flow Reconnection Causing EUV Bright Point Heating
- Shrub Height and Snow Depth In The Alaskan Arctic
- Siple Dome: a Case Study of Flow Near an Ice Divide
- Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Thermosphere Determined from Rocket and Ground-Based Observations during the CODA and ARIA Set of Experiments
- Spatial Based Integrated Assessment of Bedrock and Ground Motions, Fault Offsets, and Their Effects for the October-November 2002 Earthquake Sequence on the Denali Fault, Alaska
- Stimulated Emission and Radar Observations of RF-Ionosphere Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- Submarine Geomorphology of Incised Valleys on the Northern English Channel Shelf
- Submarine Melting at Temperate Tidewater Glacier Termini: How Significant is it?
- Summer African Dust and Florida Thunder Storms: Are CRYSTAL-FACE Anvils Typical of the Subtropics?
- Taku Glacier: Proglacial Deformation and Subglacial Erosion
- The 1817 Eruption of Okmok Caldera, Umnak Island, Alaska: New Insights Into a Complex Historical Eruption in the Eastern Aleutians
- The 2002 Denali Fault, Alaska Earthquake Sequence Recorded on the Regional Network: Earthquake Locations, Magnitudes, and Focal Mechanisms
- The 3 November 2002 M7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska Earthquake: Double Difference Relocation of Aftershocks.
- The Denali EarthScope Education Partnership: Creating Opportunities for Learning About Solid Earth Processes in Alaska and Beyond.
- The Denali Fault: Crustal deformation before and after the 2002, Mw=7.9, Denali Fault Earthquake
- The Evaluation of Permafrost Dynamics within the Circumpolar Region in 21st Century.
- The JOULE Experiment: Observations of Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Oval During a Substorm Event
- The Significance of Cross-Bedded Surge Deposits
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager: Early Results and Prospects for Space Weather Forecasts
- Three-Dimensional MHD Simulation of Current Sheet Thinning During the Growth Phase of Magnetospheric Substorms
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping for Alaska Communities of Homer, Seldovia, and Seward
- Verifying Snow Photochemistry Models by Combining Actinometry and UV Radiometry
- Warming and Thawing of Permafrost in Alaska: Recent Results and Impacts
- 2004 Deformation of Okmok Volcano,Alaska, USA
- A New Method for Predicting the Dst Index Using Solar Wind Parameters
- A Review of Frequency-Magnitude Relation Studies at Volcanoes
- A coupled physical, optical, and photochemical model of snow: relating measurements of specific surface area to snow optical properties.
- A coupled thermo-mechanical model of the differential frost heave
- Building an Integrated View of Antarctica Using Products from the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Changes in Northern Eurasian Permafrost
- Climatic Seesaws Across The North Pacific As Revealed By High-Mountain Ice Cores Drilled At Kamchatka And Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains
- Cluster observations of the boundary waves and magnetic reconnection at the dawnside magnetospheric flank
- Comparison of local velocity measurements to the cross-polar-cap potential under steady southward IMF conditions.
- Coordinated Observation of Large-scale TIDs by SuperDARN and GEONET
- Coseismic Deformation From the 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake: Insights From SAR Speckle Tracking
- Coseismic Slip Distribution of the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Decompression Induced Crystallization of Basaltic Andesite Magma: Constraints on the Eruption of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.
- Deep Lithospheric Mantle and Heterogeneous Crustal Flow Following the 2002 Denali, Alaska Earthquake
- Denali Fault Earthquake Cycle Models
- Design and Planning for an Arctic Ocean Observatory on the Beaufort Shelf
- Development and Operation of the Americas ALOS Data Node
- Geochronology and Tectonic Significance of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks From Yakutia, Russia
- High-Resolution Seismic Velocity Structure of the Alaska Subduction Zone Revealed by Double-Difference Tomography
- Hubbard Glacier and the Potential Damming of Russell Fiord from Analysis of Small-Aircraft Laser Altimeter Data and NASA SRTM-USGS-Canada DEMs
- IPY to Mark Expansion of Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Initial Results Of The Lower Thermospheric Vertical Wind Estimated With Incoherent-Scatter Radars At High Latitudes
- Interactions of Multiple Factors in Creating Small Patterned-Ground Features Across the Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- Ionosphere dynamics study of Sun-Earth Connection Events of October-November 2003 with the UAF Polar Ionosphere Model
- Ionospheric Heating in Aurora: Observations
- Joule Heating in Small-Scale Aurora: Modeling
- Lava Flow Mapping at Westdahl Volcano, Alaska, Using SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery
- Magnetic Reconnection and Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes at the Flanks of the Magnetosphere
- Mercury Concentrations in Coastal and Inland Snow In Arctic Alaska
- Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments
- Observations of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide from the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer
- Observations of Sprites Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Instruments
- Observing the Polar Regions from Space: Educational Opportunities for an International Polar Year and International Heliophysical Year
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Paleomagnetic Investigation of the East Palisades, Yukon River Valley, Alaska
- Paleomagnetic Paleolatitudes for Northeast Russia: an Update
- Payoffs and Pitfalls of a Minority Outreach Program: An Alaskan Example
- Permafrost Degradation in the Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia
- Plasma Dynamics in the Vicinity of a Cusp-Like Magnetic Configuration
- Porosity-Permeability-Salinity Relationships in First-Year Arctic Sea Ice
- Possible Effects at Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 of Solar Events
- Predicting Solar Wind Conditions Beyond 1 AU Using the Hakamada-Akasofu-Fry Model
- Preliminary Geology of Gareloi Volcano, Western Aleutian Islands (Alaska)
- Preliminary geology of the Tanaga Island volcanic cluster, western Aleutians (Alaska)
- Progress Towards Near-Realtime Seismic Moment Tensors at the Alaska Earthquake Information Center
- Real Images of Magmatic Conduit: Progress of the Conduit Drilling in Unzen
- Real-time Determination of F-region Critical Frequencies Using SuperDARN
- Recent Incoherent Scatter Radar Experiments and Results at Arecibo
- Role of Heat Flux Through Snow in Antarctic Sea Ice Growth
- Sea Ice Records Spatial and Temporal Variations in Arctic Surface Waters
- Seasonal Variations In Density Profiles And Densification Process At Mts. Logan And Wrangell
- Seismicity of Mt. Veniaminof, Alaska: Implications for an active magmatic system.
- Self-Magnetization of the Early Solar System Matter
- Simulation of Solar Events Using the HAF Solar Wind and Magnetic Cloud Models
- Solar transition region reconnection
- Spatially Distributed Model of Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska
- Spatially Distributed Permafrost Models: Current Status, Problems and Needs
- Sprite Spectra at 1000 fps
- Stress Field Along the Central Denali Fault, Alaska, From Relocated Aftershocks of the 2002 Earthquake Sequence
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data from the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Systematic Search for Background Seismicity Rate Changes and Correlations at Alaskan Volcanoes
- Tephras and the History of Volcanism, Recent Tectonism, and Tsunamis in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska
- The 2003-04 Sea Ice Season at Barrow as Seen by Land-Based Radar
- The Apparent Periodicity of Felt Reports in the Alaskan Earthquake Record
- The Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment on AIM
- The Contributions of Leonid M. Parfenov to the Tectonics of Eastern Russia
- The Denali Earth Science Education Project
- The Latest Hits: Investigating the Recent Cratering Record on Mars
- The Role of Space Based Observations in the IPY and IHY Education Outreach
- The Role of Volatiles in Martian Oblique Impact Ejecta Emplacement
- The Stability of Landfast Sea Ice: What Makes it so Fast?
- Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity and IMF Orientation
- Three-Dimensional MHD Simulation of Current Sheet Evolution During the Growth Phase of Magnetospheric Substorms
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping for Seward, Alaska: Tectonic and Landslide Sources
- Understanding Arctic River Systems: An Effort to Train Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Virtual Reality Visualization of Permafrost Dynamics Along a Transect Through Northern Alaska
- Volatile Contents in Mafic Magmas from two Aleutian volcanoes: Augustine and Makushin
- 2001 to 2004 Inflation Event at Okmok Volcano
- A Cross-Arctic Geophysical Transect Collected from US Coast Guard Icebreaker Healy
- A Quantitative Comparison of the Polar Mesospheric Cloud Mass Between 1998-2003: SNOE vs. SBUV
- A Re-evaluation of the Magnetostratigraphy of the Gold Hill Loess, Interior Alaska
- A Slip Model for the Mw 9.0 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Based on GPS Measurements of Coseismic Displacement
- A new approach for daytime auroral observations
- A study of an Arctic storm and its ice-ocean interactions during SHEBA using the coupled MM5-sea ice-ocean model
- Age of most Recent Motion on the Western Denali Fault from Lichenometric Dating of a Large Rockfall Avalanche and Offset Moraines
- Airborne Altimetry of Glaciers and Associated Errors
- Alaskan Ice Core Shows Relationship Between Asian Dust Storm And The Stratosphere Troposphere Exchange
- Altitude Resolved Sprite Spectra
- An Approach for Understanding and Comparing the Dynamics of the Climate System and Climate Models
- Application of a 1-Dimensional Viscoelastic Bending Beam Model to the Buoyant Terminus of Lake-Calving Mendenhall Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Are Steep Normal Magnetic Overprints in the Arctic Related to the Tangent Cylinder during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron?
- Are We Being Effective? Measuring the Long Term Impact of a Minority Bridging Program Using Short Term Tools.
- Atmospheric Variations and Meteorite Production on Mars
- Calculating Martian Auroral Emission including Strong Field Gradients and Accelerated Electron Spectra
- Calibration of GOES/SXI and XRS instruments
- Causes of Sub-Auroral Variability of Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- Changing Relationship Between the North Atlantic Oscillation and key North Atlantic Climate Parameters
- Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Collisional Tectonics of the Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska, Observed by GPS
- Comparing the Measured N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) Band Brightness in the Dayglow With Model Calculations: Investigating the Importance of Cascading as a Source of Excitation.
- Constraints on the Origin and Development of the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean from the Morphology and Structure of the Lomonosov Ridge
- Coordinated Imaging and Lidar measurements of Noctilucent Cloud Dynamics over Poker Flat, Alaska, August 2005.
- Coseismic Ground level Changes Associated with the Great Andaman-Sumatra Earthquake: A Tour from Nicobar to North Andaman
- Determination of Inner Core Rotation Rate: Preliminary Results From ARCTIC PASSCAL Experiment
- Differences Between the Response of the Equatorial TEC and foF2 to Solar Soft X-ray Irradiances
- Earthquake Damage Assessment using SAR Coherence
- El Chichon Phenocrysts: A Study in the Variability of Excess Argon Within Plagioclase and Hornblende
- Electrical Breakdown Inside a Thundercloud - Cosmic Rays vs Hydrometeor Effects
- Enhancing Tsunami Warning With Real Time GPS Magnitudes for the Largest Earthquakes
- Episodic Tremor in the Alaska/Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Errors in Regional Extrapolation Methods Using Data From the Western Chugach Mountains, Alaska, USA.
- Evidence for Magmatic Intrusion at Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, from GPS measurements.
- Evidence of Power-Law Flow in the Upper Mantle Beneath Southern Alaska
- Experimental Study of the Impact of Constant Versus Accelerating Decompression on Isothermal Bubble Growth in Rhyolitic and Phonolitic Melts
- Experimental results on decompression crystallization in an Aleutian basaltic-andesite
- Exploring similarities between tidewater and ice sheet outlet glaciers
- GIS Analysis of Marine Geophysical Signatures to Decipher Depositional Patterns of Platinum Placer in Offshore Goodnews Bay Region, Alaska.
- Geologic mapping, Petrology and Geochemistry as Geothermal Exploration Tools: Structure and Fluid-Rock Interactions at Chena Hot Springs, Alaska
- Glacial isostatic rebound, ongoing glacial wastage, and geoid change in southern Alaska.
- Heat Loss Measured at a Lava Channel and its Implications for Down-Channel Cooling and Rheology
- Hypothesis for the possible absence of mid-sized craters on Titan
- INPOSE: A Proposed UAF- UArctic IPY Post Secondary Education Initiative
- Implications for Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 Observations From 3D Modeling and Analysis of the Interplanetary Propagation of Solar-Induced Shock Waves
- Integrated Analysis of Permafrost Features, Gas Seeps, Gas Hydrate and Geologic Structures Southwest of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska
- Joule Heating and Nitric Oxide in the Thermosphere
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Dust Modes in the Mesosphere / Lower Thermosphere
- LEADX-2005: A system study of near-surface winter tropospheric processes near Barrow, Alaska
- Landfast Ice Breakouts on the Northern Alaskan Coast
- Late Cretaceous modification of deep continental crust in the NE Paleo Pacific: additional evidence from Viliga lower crust xenoliths
- Magnetic reconnection induced by the MHD-scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the non-linear stage; Two-fluid simulations including finite electron inertia
- Martian and Ionian Analogs of Permafrost-Volcano Interactions in Alaskan Permafrost
- Martian dust devil and storm electric fields: The formation of an O- plasma and new local chemistry
- Mercury deposition to snow and ice provides a link between the lower atmosphere and the cryosphere in northern Alaska
- Model results of the effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on the auroral size and strength and comparison with observations
- Modeling non-sorted circles along low Arctic climate gradient, Dalton highway, Alaska
- Monitoring Six Decades of Thermokarst Change in the Barrow Region, Alaska, Using Remote Sensing Data
- Motion Tracking Approaches for Glacial Studies
- Nucleation of Aerosols at a Mountain Location
- OOTI (Out On The Ice)
- Off-Axis Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy and Field Measurements of Dinitrogen Pentoxide at High-Latitudes
- Plasma Dynamics in the Vicinity of a Cusp-Like Magnetic Configuration
- Poroelastic Deformation Due To the 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali Earthquake
- Post Little Ice Age Collapse of the Glacier Bay Icefield, Alaska
- Postseismic Deformation Measurements from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Postseismic Deformation and Interseismic Models: Examples From Recent Large Earthquakes
- Recent Elevation Changes on Bagley Ice Valley, Guyot and Yahtse Glaciers, Alaska, from ICESat Altimetry, Star-3i Airborne, and SRTM Spaceborne DEMs
- Remote Sensing Data from the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Rerouting of Volcanic Heat Fluxes in the Mt.~Wrangell Caldera Glaciation after the 1964 Alaska Earthquake
- Response of Alaska Glaciers to Global Warming: an Atmospheric / Glacier Mass Balance Modeling Approach
- Results from UHF and HF Radar Studies of Ionospheric Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- Retrieval of ozone column densities and PMC microphysical properties from the CIPS instrument on the Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Satellite Mission
- Ring Currents Buildups by Directly Driven Injections and Unloading Injections
- Seismic component of the STEEP project, Alaska: Results of the first field season
- Seismic evidence for massive silica addition in some subduction zones
- Seismic, Webcam and Satellite Observations of Eruptions at Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska, January-February 2005
- Self-magnetization, magnetic filamentation and magnetic reconnection in space and astrophysical plasmas
- Simulation Study of an Arctic Extreme Cyclone with 3DVAR Assimilation
- Small Scale Structures and Motions of Auroral Signatures as Observed From the Ground: a Planned Field Study Using Camera and Radar Observations
- Solar Trans-Equatorial Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Possible Relation to Geomagnetic Storms
- Spectral Analysis and Isostasy of the Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Springtime Dust Aerosols at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
- Stress Re-Distribution in a Transverse Cross-Section of Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska
- Stress map for Alaska from earthquake focal mechanisms
- The Achievements of the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer
- The Antarctic Ice Sheet: A Temperature-Dependent Model with Coupled Inland Ice Sheet, Ice Stream and Ice Shelf Flow
- The Complicated Geologic Histories of Large Venusian Impact Craters
- The Dynamics of SOC Systems with Diffusion
- The Earthscope Plate Boundary Observatory Akutan Alaskan Volcano Network Installation
- The Effect of IMF By on Thermospheric Composition at High and Middle Latitudes
- The Effect of Vegetation, Soil Organic Layer and Snow on the Modified N-Factor in Patterned-Ground Ecosystems
- The High-Latitude Knee of the O/N2 Ratio Profile: Latitudinal Variations with UT, Local Time, Season, and Magnetic Activity
- The North American Arctic Transect: Patterned-Ground Ecosystems Across the Full Arctic Bioclimate Gradient
- The Time-Averaged Field Investigations Project: A Synthesis
- Thermospheric Response to Solar EUV during Quiet and Flare Conditions
- Tidal Influences on Static Stability in the Mesopause Region over Fort Collins, Colorado
- Trends in Storminess Along Alaska's West Coast
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping and Hazard Risk Assessment for Alaska Coastal Communities.
- 2-D Three Fluid Simulation of Upstreaming Ions Above Auroral Precipitation
- A Distributed Web-based Solution for Ionospheric Model Real-time Management, Monitoring, and Short-term Prediction
- A Parametric Study of the Explosive Eruptions of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, January 11- 28, 2006
- A two-dimensional particle-code simulation of inertial Alfven waves and auroral electron acceleration
- ASF: Facing the Challenges for 15 Years and Counting
- Acceleration of the Arctic Water Cycle: evidence from the Lena Basin, Siberia
- Access to Permafrost Data: A Continuing Challenge
- Access to Synthetic Aperture Radar Data from the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Analysis of Magnetic Cavities in the Vicinity of a Cusp-like Magnetic Configuration
- Analysis of Near Surface Hydrocarbon Distribution Pattern Around the Eileen Fault zone, Alaska North Slope
- Assessing the Effect of Sub-Grid Cell Lakes on Passive Microwave Snow Water Equivalent Retrievals on the North Slope of Alaska
- Biocomplexity of Arctic Patterned-Ground Ecosystems
- Biogeochemical and Isotopic Records of Holocene Climate Change in the Gulf of Alaska, Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Climate-Induced Dynamics of Periglacial Landscapes in NE Siberia: The Western Edge of Beringia During the Late Quaternary
- Climatic Change and Marine Ecosystems in the NE Pacific: A Holocene Perspective
- Combined Datasets From GPS, Raised Shorelines, Tide Gauges and Glacier Volume Changes Used to Differentiate Between GIA, Elastic Rebound and Tectonics in Glacier Bay, Alaska.
- Comparison of Conductances derived from IDA3D and TIMEGCM with GUVI
- Convert: Yielding Orthorectified SAR Imagery in GeoTIFF Format
- Cross Cultural Scientific Communication in Alaska
- Dependence of Magnetic Storm Intensity on Interplanetary Electric Field Variability
- Distributed Observations and Modeling of Auroral Dayside Doppler-shifted Hydrogen Profiles Along a Geomagnetic Meridian
- Does Thrust Belt Width Affect Hinterland Height?
- EDGE (Experiential Discoveries in Geoscience Education) Field Course Provides Alaskan High School and Middle School students with Earth Science and GIS Skills for Science Fair Projects and a College Experience
- Edifice Collapse: Natural Tool to Probe the Roots of a Volcano
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure changes on convection and the aurora: modeling and observations
- Electrochemistry of Sprite Streamers
- Electron Microprobe Techniques for Use in Tephrochronological Analyses
- Evaluation of near-surface conditions simulated for Russia by the Community Climate System Model Version 3.0 (CCSM3.0)
- Experimental study of bubble nucleation in K-phonolite melt
- Exploring Means of Determining Surface Deformation at Augustine Volcano
- Fifteen Years of Synthetic Aperture Radar Calibration Using Trihedral Reflectors at the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Finite Difference Simulation of Seismic Scattering in Random Media Generated With the Karhunen-Loeve Transform
- Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Sea Ice Structure in the Context of Biological Activity and Meltwater Percolation
- Formation of Near-Earth X-Line at Substorm Expansion Onset
- Geochemical and geochronologic analysis of the plutonic basement of the Tacaná Volcano Complex, Chiapas México.
- Geodetic Measurements From the Aleutians and Western Alaska: Examining Evidence for a Bering Block
- Geology and Geochronology of the Central Part of Chiapanecan Volcanic Arc, Mexico.
- Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array
- Heliosheath and Outer Heliosphere Characteristics in the Context of Solar Transients
- ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for Rapid Uplifting Caused by Glacial Retreat: (2) Establishment of Continuous GPS Sites (CGPS)
- ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat: (1) Outline of the project
- ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat: (3) Absolute gravity measurements
- ISEA (International geodetic project in SouthEastern Alaska) for rapid uplifting caused by glacial retreat: (4) Gravity tide observation
- Identifying End Members Involved in Magma Recharge at Unzen Volcano, Japan: Polytopic Vector Analyses
- Impact of wildfire scars on clouds and precipitation in Interior Alaska
- Implementation of the ShakeMap System in Alaska
- Improving modeling of changing and thawing permafrost in Alaska using NCAR CLM3
- InSAR Terrain Mapping Using ICESat Laser Altimetry
- Infrasonic Wave Observations of the January 2006 Augustine Volcano Eruptions
- Initial Results Using Natural Magnetulluric (MT) field Measurements to Determine the Ice Thickness in the Summit Caldera of Mt. Wrangell Volcano, Alaska.
- Integrated Seismic Observations of the 2006 Eruption of Augustine Volcano
- International Education Opportunities During the IHY: Bridging the Geographic, Cultural and Linguistic Divide Between Participating IHY Nations
- Investigating the Deep Seismic Structure of Volcan de Colima, Mexico
- Is it Denali's Fault: How Does the Denali Fault System Affect the Seismicity and Stresses in the Kantishna Cluster?
- Kinetic Controls on Permeability Development and Bubble Collapse in K-Phonolite Melt
- Lighting Observations During the Mt. Augustine Volcanic Eruptions With the Portable Lightning Mapping Stations
- Location of Ionospheric F-region Troughs Using a 3D Polar Model, and Validation Using Tomography Data
- Magnetic Reconnection in a Dusty Plasma
- Marine Geodatabase and Multiple Regressive Pattern Recognition Technique: A New Approach to Marine Placer Resource Assessment.
- Mass Transport at the Magnetospheric Flanks Associated with Three-Dimensional Kelvin- Helmholtz Modes
- Massive submarine slope failures during the 1964 earthquake in Port Valdez, Alaska
- Mercury deposition in the snow pack of the arctic Alaskan coastal system
- Modeling Hydrology-Vegetation Interactions in Non-Sorted -Circle Ecosystems
- Monitoring and Modeling of the Northern Eurasia Permafrost Dynamics
- Near-Field Postseismic Deformation Measurements from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Nighttime Near Infrared Observations of Augustine Volcano Jan-Apr, 2006 Recorded With a Small Astronomical CCD Camera
- Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Alaska/Aleutian Subduction Zone and its Relation to Slow-Slip Events
- Numerical Modeling of Submarine Landslide-Generated Tsunamis as a Component of the Alaska Tsunami Inundation Mapping Project
- Numerical Simulation of Impulse Waves Generated by Sliding Masses
- Observations of Chemical Composition in Frost Flower Growth Process and Their Implication in Aerosol Production and Bromine Activation Chemistry
- Opening of the Barrow Global Climate Research Facility
- Origin, Variability, and Consequences of the Martian Aurora
- Paleomagnetic Evidence for Significant Rotations Within the Aleutian Island Arc.
- Parameterizing Arctic sea-ice melt pond characteristics for radiation budgets and climate modeling
- Postseismic Mechanisms of the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake: Constraints from InSAR.
- Proximal Tsunami Deposits Produced During the 1883 Eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Quantifying potential aircraft tephra exposure using a volcanic ash dispersion model
- Rapid Inflation Caused by Shallow Magmatic Activities at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, Detected by GPS Campaigns 2000-2003
- Recent and future permafrost variability, retreat and degradation in Greenland and Alaska: An integrated approach.
- Rockfalls, Avalanches and Landslides at Augustine Volcano, 2003-2006
- Routine Ocean Monitoring With Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Obtained From the Alaska Satellite Facility
- SAR Educational Resources From ASF
- Saturn Magnetospheric Interaction with Titan Ionisation Sources and Dynamics as Inferred from Cassini Observations
- Seasonal origins of air masses transported to Mount Wrangell, Alaska, and comparison with the past atmospheric dust and tritium variations in its ice core
- Seismic Component of the STEEP Project, Alaska: Results of the Second Field Season
- Sensitivity of Ice Shelf Flow to Nonlinear Viscosity in a Thermocoupled Sheet/Stream/Shelf Antarctic Ice Sheet Model
- Snow Accumulation Measurements At The 4000m Summit Of Mt. Wrangell, Alaska
- Soil climate and frost heave along the Permafrost/Ecological North American Arctic Transect
- Southern Mexico Miocene Magmatic Activity
- Standardization of Operational Solar Wind Model Inputs, Products and Verification Schemes
- Storms-substorms relationship monitored by magnetic fields measured at the geosynchronous orbit
- Stratigraphy, Structure, and Origin; A Geophysical Survey of the Mendeleev Ridge
- Streamer Development in Sprites
- Structural Style of the Chukchi Borderlands From Marine Seismic Data Collected on the USCGC Healy in 2005
- Temperature-Dependent Pore Space of Sea Ice: X-ray Computed-Tomography and Dual Model Network Analysis
- Tested Tools You Can Use: Evaluating Earth System Science Courses
- The Distribution and Movement of Volcanic Ash and SO2 Observed in Satellite Data from the Eruption of Augustine Volcano, 2006
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- The Interplay of Lithostratigraphy, Mechanical Stratigraphy and Shortening in the Evolution of a Detachment Fold.
- The NASA DAACs Support Earth Science Users' Data Needs
- The North American Arctic Transect: Baseline Vegetation and Active Layer Maps for the IPY
- The Response of Nitric Oxide at 150 km to Periods of Heightened Geomagnetic Activity
- The South Boundary of the Subducted Yakutat Terrane Seems to Affect the Distribution of Forearc Subsidence Since the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake (Mw=9.2)
- Thermospheric Density and Composition: an Integrated Research Approach
- Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Density Enhancement due to Solar Flares
- Thermospheric O/N2 ratio observations obtained over more than four years with the GUVI instrument in the TIMED spacecraft mission
- Three-Dimensional Simulattions of Kelvin-Helmholz Modes in the Dusty Plasma Environment of Noctilucent Clouds
- Two Millennia of Edifice Instability at Augustine Volcano, Alaska and Implications for Future Collapse
- UHF and HF Radar Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Using GPS to Untangle the Tectonics of the Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska
- Volcanic Edifice Collapse and Eruption Response: A Window on Magma Transport in the Crust
- Volcanic Tremor During Eruptions: Temporal Characteristics, Scaling and Estimates of Vent Radius
- A Dynamic Soil Layer Model for Assessing the Effects of Wildfire on High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
- A Laboratory Scale Study of the Fluid and Energy Dynamics in Non-sorted Circle Systems of Alaska
- A New Approach to Determine the Inner-Core Rotation
- Accurate modeling of regional oceanic tides for detiding gravimeter data at southeastern Alaska
- Aerosol Measurements From Recent Alaskan Volcanic Eruptions: Implications for Volcanic Ash Transport Predictions
- Ages of Igneous Basement From the Komandorsky Islands, Far Western Aleutian Ridge
- Analysis of Regionally Detected Icequakes Using the STEEP Network, South-Central AK
- Anatomy of Diamagnetic Cusp Cavities - MHD Modeling
- Applications of Spectroscopy to Studying Atmospheric Chemistry
- Arctic Cyclone Activity: Synoptic-scale Modeling Study and Upscaling Implication for Large- scale Climate Variability and Change
- Artificial Ionospheric Heating Experiments Conducted by a Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Model
- Aspect angle dependency of the HF modification measured with MUIR at HAARP
- Assimilating QuikSCAT SeaWinds With WRF Model for High Latitude Sea Breeze Simulation
- Automated system for smoke dispersion prediction due to wild fires in Alaska
- Chicxulub Crater Infilling and Yucatan Carbonate Platform Development: Implications for the Evolution of Large Terrestrial Impact Craters
- Comparison and Occurrence of Event Types at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia and Mount St. Helens, Washington
- Comparison of dayside and nightside reconnection changes resulting from a sudden enhancement in solar wind dynamic pressure
- Continuous Measurements of Ice Motion and Associated Seismicity at Bering Glacier, Alaska.
- Contribution of the N2(A)+O Reaction to Thermospheric Nitric Oxide
- Correlating Polar Stratospheric Cloud Occurrence at the South Pole with Transport and Polar Geopotential Height Anomalies
- Coupled afterslip and viscous flow following the 2002 Denali, Alaska earthquake
- Crustal Deformation and Strain Localization in the Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska Observed by GPS
- Crustal Thickness Estimates for the Chugach-St. Elias, Alaska, Region From Receiver Functions
- Crustal response to the formation of the Hálslón reservoir in Iceland.
- Direction of Arrival Measurements of Auroral Medium Frequency Burst Radio Emissions at Toolik Lake, AK
- Earth tides observed by gravimeter and GPS in Juneau, Southeastern Alaska
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on convection and the aurora under different IMF conditions: modeling and observations
- Electromagnetical, Visual and Meteorological Analyses of two Gigantic Jets Observed Over Missouri, USA
- Eruption seismicity of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Estimates of Glacier Mass Change in the St.~Elias Mountains of Alaska, USA and Yukon Territory, Canada: a Strategy for Combining GRACE and Aircraft Laser Altimetry Data
- Eurasian Hydroclimatology: observations, change, attribution, and impacts
- Evidence for the Existence of the Bering Plate
- Facilities Enhancement for IPY at Barrow
- Filamentary Propagation Smoke Plumes and their Interaction with the Arctic Boundary Layer Cycles
- GPS Data Acquisition and Processing for Glaciological Applications: A Community View of the Unique Applications, Challenges, and Solutions
- GPS and Conventional Surveying Measurement of Glacier and Iceberg Motion in the Jakobshavns Isbrae System
- Greenland Permafrost Temperature Simulations
- High time-resolution sprite observations
- How Do We Actually Solve the Equations for Ice Shelves and Streams?
- How lake morphometry reflects environmental conditions in the permafrost-dominated Lena Delta
- Hubbard Glacier Update: Another Closure of Russell Fjord in the Making?
- Impact of a Changing Snow Cover on the Development of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo in Spring and Summer
- Increasing Wastage of the Bering and Malaspina Glacier Systems, Alaska-Yukon, 1972 to 2006
- Incremental formation, differentiation, and explosion of an arc magma chamber: Isotopic and physical study of multi-caldera Ksudach volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Insights Into the Mechanisms of Shallow Dike Intrusions Through Particle Code Modelling
- Is There Evidence for Recent Compression Along the Northwind Ridge and Chucki Borderlands?
- Kinematic History and Tectonic Evolution of the Amerasian Basin: Investigating Palaeo-Plate Boundaries around the Chukchi Borderlands
- Large Contribution of Antarctic 'Small' Glaciers to Sea-level Rise
- Large-scale Dynamics of Noctilucent Clouds Over Alaska, 2005
- Lava Effusion Rates from Satellite Remote Sensing for Kliuchevskoi Volcano, Kamchatka- Russia in 2007
- Leucite Crystallization in 79AD Vesuvius Magmas Inferred from Decompression Experiments
- Long term gravity change and rapid uplifting caused by glacial isostatic adjustment in southeastern Alaska
- Magma storage conditions and leucite stability in the 79 AD Vesuvius "white pumice" phonolite
- Making sea ice Motion Data From RGPS More Accessible
- Mantle Anisotropy in Northern Alaska: Analysis of ARCTIC Seismic Data Using Shear Wave Splitting
- Measuring Ice Mass Fluctuations in Southern Alaska and Evaluating the Potential Influence on Tectonic Earthquakes
- Modeling Future Sea Level Rise From the Melt of Glaciers: Assessment of Uncertainties
- Modeling the Effect of Organic Layer and Water Content on Permafrost Dynamics in the Northern Hemisphere
- Multi-Instrument Measurements of Noctilucent Clouds in Coordination with the AIM Satellite
- New Aerosol and Cloud Products from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- Nightside NEIAL Observations and their Relation to Boundary Auroral Features
- Non-Volcanic Tremor in South-Central Alaska and its Relation to the 1998-2000 Slow-Slip Event
- Observations of High-latitude NOx Removal Processes: The Roles of Dinitrogen Pentoxide, Aerosols, and Seasonal Snow Pack
- Observed and Modeled Temperature Inversions for Fairbanks Alaska
- PFISR and Lidar Observations of the Summer Mesopause Region in August 2007
- Paleomagnetic Data From Alaska and Northeast Russia: Their Role in modeling the Opening of the Arctic Ocean.
- Parametrization of ion Upwelling for Auroral Precipitation
- Particle Acceleration in Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities
- Paschen Curves for Solar System Atmospheres
- Plasma Chemistry of Sprite Streamers
- Plasma Entry and Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes at the Flanks of the Magnetosphere
- Present Permafrost Extent in Alaska Utilizing Numerical Modeling
- Promoting Use of Remote Sensing Data and Technology through Polar Case Studies for Post-Secondary Education and Research
- Pulsating Aurora and Associated Particle Precipitation as Observed by the Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora Mission
- ROPA (Rocket Observations of Pulsating Aurora) and AMISR Observations of Precipitation and Ionospheric Conductivity During Pulsating Aurora
- Reducing uncertainty in emission estimates of methane bubbling from arctic lakes
- Remote Sensing and GIS Based Quantification of Thermokarst in North Siberian Yedoma Deposits and Implications for Holocene Landscape and Carbon Dynamics
- Remote sensing investigation into the correlation between landslides caused by the 2002 November 3rd, 7.9M Denali Fault earthquake and a surge of the SE fork of McGinnis Peak Glacier.
- Rockfalls at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: 2003-2006
- Salt Distributions in the Sea-Ice Snowpack and Implications for Arctic Halogen Activation
- Satellite Conjunction Study for Polar Cusp Neutral Upwelling
- Seismic Attenuation Observations: Signals and Artifacts
- Seismological Detection and Analysis of Recent Landslides in Alaska and the Yukon
- Simulation of auroral electron acceleration by inertial Alfven waves
- Snow on Arctic sea ice: Updating the climatology and assessing its impact on ice ablation
- Steep Sided Domes on Venus: A Re-evaluation of Morphologies and Emplacement Mechanisms
- Study of permafrost dynamics within the Northern Eurasia Region by a coupling between permafrost and water balance models
- Subduction Zone Geometry and Pre-seismic Tectonic Constraints From the Andaman Micro- plate Region.
- Surface loading effects complicate the derivation of internal pressure source characteristics from volcano deformation signals
- Tephrochronologic Dating and Correlation of Historic and Prehistoric Tsunami Deposits in South-Central Alaska
- Textural Comparison of Natural and Experimental Vesicles in the 79 AD Vesuvius Pumice
- The Importance of Using Continuous Solar Inputs in 3D Models to Simulate the Distant Solar Wind and Heliosheath
- The Polarization Signature of Arctic Fog during the Polar Sunrise
- The Relationship Between Sea Ice Variability and Arctic Tundra on the Pan-Arctic, Regional and Site Scales
- The Structure of the Kantishna Seismic Cluster, Central Alaska, Derived From Stress Tensor Inversions and Seismicity Trends
- The anomalous Mesopause region temperatures of the 2003-2004 winter season measured from Svalbard (78N 16E)
- The distribution of plasma velocity fluctuations observed in the high-latitude ionosphere.
- The influence of sea ice and topography on the wind regime of the Beaufort Sea coast
- The relationship between substorm onset locations and convection pattern features.
- The time constant variations of slow slip events in the south Alaska subduction zone
- Thermospheric O/N2 in the Sunlit Disk From More Than Five Years of GUVI/TIMED Observations
- Thermospheric Wind Gradients and Horizontal Divergence Measured During the HEX-1 Rocket Mission
- Thermospheric Winds in an Intense Auroral Substorm: The HEX-2 Sounding Rocket Missions
- Towards a Logical Distinction Between Swarms and Aftershock Sequences
- Tracking the Evolution of Sea Ice Properties With In-Situ Dielectric Probes and Cross- borehole Resistivity Tomography
- UHF and HF Radar Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Uncertainty in the Motion of the North American Plate and its Impact
- Understanding Landslide Tsunami Hazard in Alaska Fjords for Tsunami Inundation Mapping
- Unscented Kalman Filter: A Tool for Time-Dependent Non-linear Modeling
- Variation of TMA Optical Spectra With Altitude as Observed During the JOULE-2 and HEX-2 Rocket Experiments
- Variations of Ionospheric Convection Electric Field: Under Steady and Non-steady Conditions
- Vertical Displacements During the Earthquake Cycle: Observations with InSAR.
- Why could Permafrost be sometimes so persistent?
- 3D BGK Modes in Finite Magnetic Field as Electrostatic Solitary Waves in Space Plasmas
- A Summary of the History and Achievements of the Alaska Volcano Observatory.
- Accelerating Impetus of Atmospheric Circulation for the Recent Rapid Arctic Climate System Change and the Extreme Sea Ice Loss in 2007
- Accurate ocean tide modeling in southeast Alaska and large tidal dissipation around Glacier Bay
- Aerosols in Alaska
- Albedo changes of the Arctic sea ice cover
- Ambient Noise Tomography at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka
- Analysis and Interpretation of the precursory co-eruptive deformation at Okmok Volcano, AK
- Analysis of seismic waveforms generated during iceberg calving events, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Archiving Data to Facilitate its use in Education
- Beaufort Sea Coastal Wind Regime Study
- Benchmarking the UAF Tsunami Code
- Changes in permafrost in Northern Eurasia
- Coastal Erosion History Retrieval using Multi-Sensor Imagery on the Permafrost Coasts of the Bykovsky Peninsula
- Collisional Tectonics in the St. Elias Orogen, Alaska Observed by GPS
- Comparison of acceleration, expansion and brightness of sprite streamers obtained from modeling and high-speed video observations
- Comprehensive Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Coupling between the Arctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere during the IPY 2007-2008 Winter
- CrusDe: A plug-in based simulation framework for composable CRUStal DEformation simulations
- Crustal And Lithospheric Thickness Variations For Central Alaska And The Chugach-St. Elias Region From P and S Receiver Functions
- Daily Ozonesonde Launches at Barrow, Alaska During ARCTAS: April 1-21, 2008.
- Delineating Water Tracks in Headwater Drainage Basins of the Alaskan Arctic
- Development of Alaska Volcano Observatory Seismic Networks, 1988-2008
- Dredged Rock Samples from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean: Implications for the Tectonic History and Origin of the Amerasian Basin
- Effects of Present-Day Ice Melting on the Geodetic Measurements in Southeast Alaska
- Effects of a Changing Arctic Sea-Ice Cover Upon On-Ice Snow Depths
- Effects of weak electric fields on the chemistry in the trailing columns of sprite streamers
- Electrodynamics of an Omega-Band and Comparison of Ground- and Space-Based Conductance Estimates
- Energy Balance and Hydrological Modelling of Zongo Glacier, Bolivia, Using ERA-40 Reanalysis Data
- Estimates of Gas Flux From Infrasonic Recordings of Vulcanian Blasts at Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Evidence for Pliocene to present thrust faulting on the south side of the Alaska Range in the vicinity of the Peters Hills piggyback basin
- Exploding Quartz From the Huckleberry Tuff, Idaho
- Fine-Scale Source Variations in Time-Series Samples From Kamchatkan Volcanoes Recorded in High-Precision Pb Isotope Ratios
- GPS-derived Coseismic Deformation Associated with the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- GRACE Hydrologic Mass Balance Secular Trends and Variations on Arctic Permafrost Watersheds
- Glacier Change and Biologic Succession: a new Alaska Summer Research Academy (ASRA) Science Camp Module for Grades 8-12 in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
- Google Earth 101
- Google Integration at the Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF)
- Ground-based Observations of Diffuse Auroral Structures During Reimei Overpasses
- High-Resolution Records of Mid-Holocene Paleoceanographic Change From the Subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean
- Hindcasting Gulf of Alaska Glacier Mass Balances using a Degree-Day Model Calibrated to High-Resolution GRACE mascon Solutions
- Identification of Surface Signatures Indicative of Near-Surface Permafrost in the Alaska Highway Corridor
- Illustrating the Geosciences Through Google Earth
- Infrasound Observations of the Recent Explosive Eruptions of Okmok and Kasatochi Volcanoes, Alaska
- Initial Observations of Lightning and Electrical Activity from the 2008 Chaiten Eruption.
- Is Glacier wastage continuing to accelerate in NW North America?
- Iterative Methods for Reconstructing Glacier Basal Boundary Data
- Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland: DEMs, orthophotos, surface velocities, and ice loss derived from photogrammetric re-analysis of July 1985 repeat aerial photography
- June 2006 seismic swarm and dike injection event beneath the Michoacan-Guanajuato volcanic field
- K-Spar Thermochronological Constraints on the Correlation Between "Modern" East to West Variations in Slip-rates Along the Denali Fault With Long Term Exhumation Patterns.
- Linking Ice Sheet Freshwater Discharge and Marine production in Greenland via Fiord Circulation. 'FreshLink', an Interdisciplinary Project Involving Researchers from Multiple Countries.
- Lobate Debris Flows as Permafrost Condition Indicators
- MAX-DOAS observations of BrO in Barrow, AK during Spring 2008
- Magnetic Reconnection Across A Dusty Harris-like Current Sheet
- MapReady: An Open Source Tool for the Utilization of SAR in Geospatial Applications
- Mapping Deforestation In Parts Of The Amazon Forest Using JERS-1 SAR Images: Case Study For An Area North West Of Rondonia, Brazil
- Mapping for Advocacy - Using Marine Geophysical Data to Establish the Limits of Extend Continent Shelves under the Convention on the Law of the Sea.
- Mass Balance of Storglaciären
- Melt Pond Development on Arctic Land-Fast Sea Ice in Relation to Snow and Ice Properties During the Ice Growth Season
- Multidisciplinary Observations of Subduction (MOOS) Experiment in South-Central Alaska
- Multisensor and Multispectral Approach in Documenting and Analyzing Liquefaction Hazard using Remote Sensing
- Mutnovsky Volcano: Exploring the feedback loop between arc volcanism and continental hydrothermal systems
- Nearshore Thermal Habitat and General Circulation Mapping in Arctic Alaskan Coasts Using Archived AVHRR Images
- New Crater Depth Data for Mercury Derived From MESSENGER Flyby 1 Imagery
- Nitric Oxide in the Lower Thermosphere
- Numerical Estimates of Polar Cusp Neutral Upwelling Using Satellite Conjunction Data
- Observation and Modeling of Ion Upwelling Above Aurora
- Observation of volcanoes through webcams: Tools and techniques
- Particle Acceleration in Cusp-like Magnetic Trapping Regions
- Permafrost Thaw Stimulates Old Carbon Release and Alters Net Carbon Exchange From Tundra
- Permafrost and Active Layer Modeling in the Northern Hemisphere using AVHRR Long- Term Records
- Petrogenic Modeling of Pre-2004 Lavas from Mt. Cleveland, Chuginadak Island, AK
- Pockmarks, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica and Mendeleev Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean: Recent and/or Prevalent?
- Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008 Conference at the Top of the World
- Preliminary Seismic, Infrasound and Lightning Observations of the July 2008 Eruptions of Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Preliminary overview of the geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the July-August 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Present and future downscaled winds over Alaska for coastal erosion applications
- Projections of 21st Century Sea Level Rise From the Melt of Mountain Glaciers and Ice Caps
- Rapid Arctic change and implications for sea-ice use and its management at the local and regional level: An example from Alaska
- Rayleigh Lidar Network Observations and Analysis of the Evolution of the Arctic Middle Atmosphere during the IPY Winter 2007-2008
- Recent Acceleration of Glacier Wastage in the Wrangell Mountains, Alaska, USA, From Airborne Laser Altimetry and a Model of Orographic Precipitation
- Recent Mapping and Sampling on Chukchi Borderland and the Alpha/Mendeleev Ridge Complex
- Recruiting first generation college students into the Geosciences: Alaska's EDGE project
- Seasonal and Interannual Evolution of the Earth's Land Ice from GRACE MASCON Solutions
- Seismic Swarm Associated With the 2008 Eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Alaska
- Seismic estimates of the depth of the magma chamber and low-frequency tremor during the 2008 eruption of Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Seismicity of Southeast Alaska: Links Between Fault Geometry and Glaciers
- Seismicity of the Bering Glacier Region: Inferences from Relocations Using Data from STEEP
- Sharing data resources benefits owners as well as miners.
- Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Energy Coupling: Directly Drive or Loading- Unloading
- Spatial dynamics of thermokarst and thermo-erosion at lakes and ponds in North Siberia and Northwest Alaska using high-resolution remote sensing
- Streamer Splitting in Sprites
- Strong Crustal Earthquakes in Central Aleutian Islands in 2006-2008: Implications for the Block Rotation Model
- Sub-keV Electron Signatures Within Pulsating Aurora
- Summer 2007 and 2008 Arctic Sea Ice Loss in Context: OUTLOOK 2008
- Swarms Versus Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences: A Systematic Study in Terms of Energy
- THEMIS 26-Feb-08 substorm expansion onset intensified by northward turning of IMF
- Testing a numerical model for thermokarst lake expansion using morphologic measurements, N. Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- The Alaska Lake Ice and Snow Observatory Network (ALISON): Hands-on Experiential K- 12 Learning in the North
- The Contribution of Coseismic Displacements due to Splay Faults Into the Local Wavefield of the 1964 Alaska Tsunami
- The Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array: Making Real-Time Geophysical Measurements Available for Operational Space Weather Needs
- The Greening of the Arctic IPY Project
- The NASA ASTER Urgent Request Program: The Last Eight Plus Years of Monitoring Kamchatka's Volcanoes From Space
- The Relationship Between Substorm Onset Locations and Nightside Convection Pattern Features
- The Role of Albedo as a Forcing in the Formation and Development of Melt Ponds on Undeformed First Year Sea Ice
- The Role of Multiplets in the Seismicity of the October 2007 Eruption at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia
- Thermal State of Permafrost in the Northern Yakutya: modern state and dynamic during the last 50 years
- Three Dimensional Simulations of Magnetospheric Cusps - Results of MHD Parameter Variations
- Time-series Analysis of Icequakes and Ice Motion, Bering Glacier, AK
- Triggered Tremor as a Slow Slip Meter?
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping With KML
- UAFSmoke Modeling in Alaska
- Using Seismic b-values to Interpret Seismicity Rates and Processes During the 2006 Eruption at Augustine Volcano
- Velocity observations at Jakobshavn Isbrae 2006-2008
- Virtual Globes and KML - The Tools of Neogeography
- 3D MHD Simulations of Reconnection in the Magnetospheric Cusps
- A Multi-Component Geochemical Study of Short-Term Melt and Volatile Evolution in the Kamchatka Volcanic Arc
- A Preliminary Comparison Between SuperDARN Flow Vectors and Equivalent Ionospheric Currents From the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, THEMIS, CARISMA, and CANMOS Ground Magnetometer Arrays
- AMIDST: Attracting Minorities to Geosciences Through Involved Digital Story Telling
- Above-ground Forest Biomass Estimation by ALOS/PALSAR over Boreal Forest in Alaska Accompanied with Ground-based Forest Survey
- Aerial photo mosaicking in Virtual Globes to track changes at active volcanoes
- Airborne Laser Altimetry Measurements of Glacier Wastage in Alaska and NW Canada
- Alaska Volcano Observatory Seismic Network Data Availability
- Albedo and the Mechanisms of Melt Pond Evolution on Seasonal Ice
- An Empirical Approach to Determining the Boundary Layer Bromine Monoxide (BrO) Abundance from Satellite Total Column Measurements
- An Enhanced Magnetometer Network in the United States for Magnetoseismic Research
- An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Evapotranspiration on the Alaskan North Slope: Preliminary Characterization of Fluxes and Turbulence in the Imnavait Creek Basin
- An enhanced distributed temperature-index melt model including radiosonde data and solar radiation
- Anticyclones in the Middle Atmosphere During Solar Maximum and Solar Minimum
- Application of in-situ measurements to characterize moisture and thermal dynamics in organic soils
- CASCADES-II sounding rocket study of auroral poleward boundary intensifications
- Characteristics of Ionospheric Signals in L-band SAR/INSAR Data and Methods for their Correction
- Chemical and Physical Properties of aerosols in aged-smoke layers from Asia during ARCTAS
- Cirrus Clouds and Deep Convection in the Tropics: Insights from CALIPSO and CloudSat
- Coastal sea-ice processes in Alaska and their relevance for sediment dynamics and coastal retreat (Invited)
- Collaborative, International Efforts at Estimating Arctic Sea Ice Processes During IPY (Invited)
- Comparing Field Observations of Arctic Sea Ice to SSM/I and AMSR-E Sea Ice Products 2006-2009
- Comparison of BrO observed by ground-based MAX-DOAS and satellite for Barrow, Alaska during ARCTAS, March and April 2008
- Contribution of mountain glaciers and ice caps to sea-level rise
- Contributions of climate and dynamics to mass wastage and accumulation zone thinning of Eklutna Glacier, Alaska
- Coupled Hydrological and Thermodynamical Modelling of Permafrost Dynamics: Implications for Northern Peatlands
- Decadal Scale Trends in Aerosol Chemical Composition at Barrow, AK: 1976 - 2008
- Deformation Styles Along the Southern Alaska Margin Constrained by GPS
- Denali Fault Earthquake Postseismic Deformation Models (Invited)
- Deposition of N2O5 to the snowpack at high latitudes
- Determining Sources and Pathways of Anthropogenic Emissions Contributing to Arctic Haze
- Documenting Liquefaction Failures Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
- Effects of the past- and present-day ice melting on observed uplift rates in Southeast Alaska
- Enabling Technology for the Exploration of the Arctic Ocean - Multi Channel Seismic Reflection data acquisition
- Evaluation of satellite derived sulfur dioxide measurements for volcano monitoring during the 2009 Redoubt eruption (Invited)
- Experimental investigation of oxygen fugacity and the evolution of arc basaltic andesites
- Exploring the links between transient water inputs and glacier velocity in a small temperate glacier in southeastern Alaska
- Finite-difference time-domain modeling of infrasound from pulsating auroras and comparison with recent experiments
- First E-region observations of meso-scale neutral wind interaction with auroral arcs
- First Observations of Simultaneous Inter-hemispheric Conjugate High-latitude Thermospheric Winds
- First steps toward a new class of statistical convection models
- Flickering aurora studies using high speed cameras
- Forecasting Coastal Ice Decay and Break-up in Northern Alaska
- Geochemically Distinct Lavas from Overlapping Arc Front Volcanoes Drawing from a Common Parent, Eastern Aleutian Arc
- Geodetic evidence for lower crustal magma withdrawal during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Geophysical Investigation of Yahtse Glacier, Alaska USA (Invited)
- Geothermal Exploration in Akutan, Alaska, Using Multitemporal Thermal Infrared Images
- Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Derived Water Equivalent Changes of the Arctic Watersheds
- Ground based observations of the Cascades2 sounding rocket ionosphere - characterization and interpretation
- Headwater stream morphology, evolution, and feedbacks in a lake-rich, permafrost landscape of the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain in a changing climate
- Holocene climate variability in the NE Pacific: Insight from connections between the Gulf of Alaska and the California Current System
- How Fast Can Permafrost Thaw? (Invited)
- How well do permafrost models serve user needs? (Invited)
- Influence of the landscape condition on the thermal state of permafrost on the interior Alaska and Kolyma lowland
- Infrasonic source parameters for stratospheric volcanic ash injection
- Infrasound Array Observations of the Recent Explosive Eruptions of Mt. Redoubt, Alaska
- Jakobshavn Isbræ: is there a speed limit?
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes and Plasma Entry into the Earth's Plasma Sheet for Northward IMF
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Volcanism of the Mexico Basin and Assessment of Volcanic Hazards in One of the World’s Largest Cities
- Local Infrasound Observations of the Explosive Eruptions of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, March-April 2009
- MODIS' Performance in Volcano Monitoring in the Northeastern Pacific Ocean
- Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences v. Swarms: A Systematic Study Based on Energy
- Making Geoscience Data Relevant for Students, Teachers, and the Public
- Multipoint observations of nightside auroral activity: the Cascades2 sounding rocket mission
- Numerical Modeling of Permafrost Dynamics in Alaska using a High Spatial Resolution Dataset
- Observation of the Blue Spectra from Sprites at 10,000 fps
- Observations and characterization of HAARP induced F-region decameter scale plasma density irregularities using the new imaging capabilities of the Kodiak Island SuperDARN radar
- Observations of the Solar Minimum Thermosphere Above Poker Flat, Alaska, with an All-Sky Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometer
- On The Origin of High-Energy Electrons in Cusp Diamagnetic Cavities
- PFSIR observations of equatorward-expanding ionospheric F-region patch and its association with the flow and auroral activities
- Permafrost Dynamics Modeling in European Russian North using a High Spatial Resolution RCM
- Permafrost controls on soil C storage and turnover in upland black spruce ecosystems of interior Alaska
- Petrology of andesites from the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Planned Additions to The U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes Observed at Poker Flat
- Power transmission and particle acceleration along the Io flux tube
- Regional climate change downscaling for Alaska
- Relation of seismic rate changes to the timing of ice mass fluctuations and surface temperature variations
- Resolution of sea ice microstructure using cross borehole resistivity tomography
- Satellite Observations of Volcanic Clouds from the Eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska, 2009
- Satellite-based extrusion rates of the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Scale-Dependent Alignment of Velocity and Magnetic Fluctuations in Anisotropic MHD Turbulence
- Searching for Secondary Island Formation in Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Resistive MHD
- Seasonal variation of vertical crustal deformation possibly related to water mass storage in southeast Alaska
- Seasonality of Air-sea-ice-land Variables for Arctic Tundra in Northern Eurasia and North America
- Seismic and Geodetic Investigation of the 1996-1998 Earthquake Swarm at Strandline Lake, Alaska
- Seismic and satellite observations of calving events at Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, from 1996 to present
- Seismic signatures of advancing and retreating tidewater glaciers
- Seismic waveform evolution preceding the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano
- Shear-wave splitting observations of mantle anisotropy beneath Alaska
- Simulation of the Halloween 2003 shocks to 10 AU with the 3D MHD Hybrid Heliospheric Modeling System With Pickup Ions (HHMS-PI)
- Space Shuttle Impacts on Mesospheric Clouds and Iron Layers as Observed by Lidars and Satellites in the Antarctic and Arctic
- Spaceborne observations from AVHRR and GOES weather satellites during the November 2002 eruption of Reventador Volcano, Ecuador
- Spectroscopy of Aerosols on-board of the NASA-P3 during ARCTAS
- Stable, charred, or disappeared: Peatland soil temperatures and permafrost sensitivity to interactions between temperature increases and changing disturbance regimes
- Strategies Analysis for GPS Vertical Velocity Estimation, a Preparing Study for Investigating Vertical Motions of Tibetan Plateau
- Submarine Melting of the 1985 Jakobshavn Isbrae Floating Tongue and the Triggering of the Current Retreat
- TEC enhancements during HF ionospheric heating experiments
- Temporal Changes in Eruption Dynamics at Tungurahua Volcano Deduced from Infrasonic Measurements, June 2009
- Thaw bulb dimensions determined using electrical imaging across thermokarst lakes, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- The Arctic Climate Modeling Program: K-12 Geoscience Professional Development for Rural Educators
- The Deep Crustal Seismic Structure of Colima Volcano, Mexico
- The Prominence and Behavior of Multiplets Prior to and During Volcanic Eruptions at Bezymianny Volcano, Russia and Mount St. Helens, Washington
- The Temporal Evolution of the Albedo of Seasonal Sea Ice
- Thermally-Conditioned Paleo-Permafrost Variations from Global Climate Modeling
- Thermochronological constraints on a Long Term (25 Ma) Record of Persistent Focused Exhumation in the Eastern Alaska Range
- Thermokarst lake expansion and drainage in continuous permafrost, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Using Passive Seismicity to Characterize and Quantify Tidewater Glacier Dynamics
- Validation of High-Resolution GRACE Solutions for the Greenland Ice Sheet using Aircraft and Satellite Altimetry
- Visualizing the hazard of volcanic ash encounters with the aviation community using Virtual Globes: special cases from Mt. Galunggung and Mt. Redoubt
- WRF/Chem forecasting of wildfire smoke in Alaska
- Yin of birthing and the Yang of destroying continental crust at ocean-margin and crust-suturing subduction zones—exploring evidence about processes, amounts, and the Phanerozoic balance
- 2-D and 3-D Hall MHD Reconnection
- A Decade of Shear-Wave Splitting Observations in Alaska
- A Modeling Study of Sprite Streamer Chemistry
- A Multi-Year (2002-2006) Climatology of O/N2 in the Lower Thermosphere from TIMED GUVI and Ground-Based Photometer Data
- A New Fabry-Perot Interferometer for the Antarctica Peninsula
- A principled stopping criterion for the reconstruction of basal properties in ice sheets
- A seismic perspective on eruptions at Bezymianny Volcano (Invited)
- Aerosols in clean and smoky air at Bozeman, Montana
- Alaska tundra vegetation trends and their links to the large-scale climate
- Along-Strike and Down-Dip Variations in Subduction Zone Slip Deficit: Persistent or Transient? (Invited)
- Analysis of the Eyjafjallajökull Eruption using the WRF-Chem Model compared to Satellite-Based Ash Retrieval Algorithms
- Arctic Ocean gravity anomalies measured from the icebreaker USCGC Healy; Issues and Opportunities
- Auroral Precipitation as a Driver of Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- Back to the Future: The Modernization of the Alaska Satellite Facility Data Access Portal
- Bruce Plateau, Antarctic Peninsula: Ice-Core Site Characterization
- Bursting and Jetting Drives Ballistic-Dominated Eruptions at Stromboli (Italy)
- Changes in ice geometry and supraglacial hydrology, Sermeq Avannarleq ablation zone, West Greenland
- Changes in the marine-terminating glaciers of the Geikie Plateau and Blosseville Coast Region, East Greenland, 2000-2009
- Changing seasonality of ice front position and calving in Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland, in relation to drawdown history and character of fjord ice cover (Invited)
- Chronology of Deformation Near the Iditarod-Nixon Fork Fault, West-Central Alaska
- Confirmation that Large-Magnitude Megathrust Earthquakes Are Linked to the Subduction of Thick, Laterally Continuous Bodies of Trench Sediment
- Constraining Late Cretaceous Terrestrial High-Latitude Water Using Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Pedogenic Siderite and Dinosaur Tooth Enamel: A Multi-proxy Approach
- Continued analysis of sounding rocket particle data
- Correlated High Speed Video, Medium Range Electric-Field, and Magnetic-field observations of Sprites
- Cross correlation analysis and double difference relocation of deep seismic events beneath the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group
- Current and Projected Changes in Permafrost and Societal Impacts of Permafrost Degradation (Invited)
- Data Formats for SAR Archival and Distribution
- Dynamics of iceberg detachment and mélange motion during the August 21, 2009, calving event at Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Dynamics of the Thermal State of Active Layer at the Alaska North Slope and Northern Yakutia
- Ecohydrology of permafrost-affected boreal forest ecosystems: sources of water utilized by plants and fluxed by ecosystems
- Effect of solar wind dynamic pressure enhancements on dayside and nightside ionospheric convection and the polar cap boundary location
- Ensemble modeling of the Eyjafjallajokull plume of 15-20 April 2010
- Entropy Generation Associated with Magnetic Reconnection for Small Plasma Beta
- Estimating trench-fill thickness from satellite gravity data and implications for global estimation of megathrust-earthquake potential
- Estimations of nitrogen deposition due to heterogeneous hydrolysis of N2O5 at high latitudes
- Experimental constraints on the P/T conditions of high silica andesite storage preceding the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska
- Exploring the relation between crystal fabric and climate history in an ice-core record
- First observations of ionospheric irregularities and flows over the south geomagnetic pole from the SuperDARN HF radar at McMurdo Station, Antarctica
- From Phase to Fringe: How InSAR Might Work for You
- GPS Monitoring Bezimyany Volcano 2006-2010 (kamchatka)
- Geothermal Exploration in Pilgrim, Alaska: First Results From Remote Sensing Studies
- Girls on Ice: Using Immersion to Teach Fluency in Science
- Greening of the Arctic: Spatial and temporal (1982-2009) variation of circumpolar tundra NDVI and aboveground biomass
- High Speed Telescopic Imaging of Sprites
- High Time-resolution Studies of RF Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- High-Lundquist Number Resistive MHD Simulations of Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection with Secondary Island Formation and Enhanced Reconnection Rate
- High-Lundquist Number Scaling Analysis on the Parker's Model of Solar Coronal Heating due to Random Photospheric Footpoint Motion
- High-speed Telescopic Imaging of a Sprite Streamer Head
- Holocene thermokarst lake formation and development in areas of icy, organic rich permafrost
- Hot Flow Anomalies: Explosions at the Earth's Bow Shock
- How do heavy ions affect plasma entry and transport processes?
- Ice Front Position, Thinning and Speed Variability of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland (Invited)
- Ice quake source mechanisms explored with paired imagery and seismograms
- Immediate Download for Synthetic Aperture Data Products From the Alaska Satellite Facility
- Improving degree-day melt modeling of the Greenland ice sheet in the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Indigenous Knowledge and Sea Ice Science: What Can We Learn from Indigenous Ice Users?
- Infrasound Studies of Alaskan Volcanoes
- Investigating localized exhumation of rocks on the north side of the Denali fault along the eastern Alaska Range
- L-Band SAR Interferometry for Mapping Arctic Landfast Ice
- Large-scale Reduced MHD Simulations of Coronal Heating via GPGPUs
- Low-Temperature cooling history of a Modi Khola transect, central Nepalese Himalaya
- Mapping Indications of Neotectonic Activity and Related Seismic Hazards by Fusing Radar and Optical Satellite Data
- Mapping ice dynamics from multi-mission SAR satellite data
- Mapping the transport of air parcels in the thermosphere due to the background wind
- Measurement of post-eruptive deformation and depositional features from the 2009 Redoubt Volcanic Eruption using high-resolution digital elevation models
- Modeling Elastic Uplift Associated with GRACE Hydrology Solutions for Southeast Alaska
- Modeling of permafrost dynamics at two different biophysical settings near Dry Creek, Interior Alaska
- Modeling past and future mass balance and discharge of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska
- Modern glacial outwash sand along the Denali Fault: Thermochronological constraints on strike-slip fault and glacier interaction
- Monitoring Sea Ice Conditions and Use in Arctic Alaska to Enhance Community Adaptation to Change
- Multi-Satellite Measurement of Changes in Water Storage, Land-Surface Temperature and Atmosphere CO2 of the Northern Eurasian Permafrost Watersheds
- New SuperDARN Radar Capabilities for Observing Ionospheric Plasma Convection and ITM Coupling in the Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- New seismological and geochemical constraints on the anomalous structure beneath the Klyuchevskoy Group in Kamchatka, Russia
- Non-volcanic tremor during several transient slip episodes in Alaska
- Opening of the Amerasian Basin: A model based on sea-floor morphology, magnetic anomalies and paleomagnetic data
- Operation IceBridge Alaska
- Paleoecology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretations of the Late Cretaceous Lower Cantwell Formation, Denali National Park, Alaska
- Paleoenvironmental interpretation of an ancient Arctic coastal plain: Integrated paleopedology and palynology from the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Prince Creek Formation, North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Parameterization of Monoenergetic Electron Impact Ionization
- Particle acceleration in the diamagnetic cusp
- Petrological constrains of magma feeding system of Bezymyanny volcano (Kamchatka)
- Petrological constraints on magma chamber dynamics of Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka during 2000-2007
- Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Rocket Exhaust in the Arctic Middle Atmosphere: Lidar Observations and Analysis
- Possible Cretaceous Arctic terrestrial ecosystem dynamics based on a rich dinosaur record from Alaska
- Precursory seismicity associated with the May 29, 2010 undersea eruption south of Sarigan Island, Northern Mariana Islands
- Predicting permafrost stability in northern peatlands with climate change and disturbance
- Rapid Thinning of a Lake Calving Glacier: Yakutat Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Reconstructing the Growth History of Bubbles in Magma from Preserved Volatile Concentrations in Glass
- Regional Modeling of Outlet Glaciers Using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)
- Rejuvenation of Arctic Sea Ice and Tropospheric Chemical Change
- Relating the composition and mass flux of volcanic gas emissions with eruptive activity at Bezymianny volcano from 2007 - 2010
- Role of Parallel Electric Fields in the Dynamics of Discrete Auroral Arcs
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change—A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Sea ice as a nexus of Arctic environmental and socio-economic change through the IPY and beyond (Invited)
- Seismic imaging along a 600 km transect of the Alaska Subduction zone (Invited)
- Seismic observations of long-period ocean waves generated by calving icebergs, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Short Period Velocity Response to Tides and Calving Near the Terminus of Jakobshavn Isbrae
- Simplistic models of a tidewater glacier, with application to Columbia Glacier, Alaska
- Simultaneous observations of ice motion, calving and seismicity on the Yahtse Glacier, Alaska. (Invited)
- Soil carbon accumulation and loss in Alaska's boreal forest: exploring the interactive effects wildfire and permafrost thaw
- Some Recent Advances and Future Directions in Permafrost Research
- Source to Sink Tectonic Fate of Large Oceanic Turbidite Systems and the Rupturing of Great and Giant Megathrust Earthquakes (Invited)
- Statistical Approach to Detection of Strombolian Activity in Satellite Data
- Stratospheric Sudden Warmings & elevated stratopauses as generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate model
- Studies of Aspect Angle Dependence of Plasma Turbulence at HAARP
- The Effects of Changing Climate on Glaciers in the Central Alaska Range, Alaska, USA: A Case Study on the Kahiltna Glacier
- The Mobile Margin of (Far) North America: GPS Constraints on Active Deformation in Alaska and the Role of the Yakutat Block
- The influence of oxygen fugacity on melt evolution: 1 atmosphere experiments on Aleutian basaltic andesites
- The many scales of glacier seismology (Invited)
- The parallel ice sheet model (PISM) as a flow-line model
- Triangulation of Sprite Features
- Tropospheric correction of InSAR time-series with the weather research forecasting model: an application to volcanic deformation monitoring
- Understanding drivers of recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes
- Using Schema-less Database Technology to Develop a Web Application for Sea Ice Monitoring
- Validation of 3D Southern California Velocity model CVM-H6.2 Based on Ambient Seismic Noise
- Very High Spatial Resolution Permafrost Dynamics Modeling in the European Russian North
- Volcanic Lightning: Review of Global Observations and the Role of Water (Invited)
- Volcanic eruptions, hazardous ash clouds and visualization tools for accessing real-time infrared remote sensing data
- What Was the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Cretaceous Arctic Precipitation?
- Which Reference Frame Should Be Chosen To Compute Ocean Tidal Loading, CE or CM?
- Widespread disappearance of small glaciers in the 21st century (Invited)
- Winter MODIS observations of West Greenland fjord ice activity
- 2011 Updates on the Long-term Glacier Monitoring Program in Denali National Park and Preserve
- A Comparison Method to Determine the Winter Boundary Layer at High Latitudes Measurements to Detect the SBL Height
- A Cusp Density Enhancement Study using Ground-Based Auroral Imagers
- A New Bed Topography Map for Columbia Glacier
- A New Source Function of the 1964 Alaska Tsunami Based on the Near-field Numerical Modeling and Observations
- A comparison of Arctic and Antarctic sudden stratospheric warmings generated in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model
- A dynamic model of the convection reversal boundary
- Active Tectonics of Southern Alaska and the Role of the Yakutat Block Constrained by GPS
- Advances in Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Communications and Remote Sensing in Maritime Environments including the Arctic
- Alaska tundra vegetation trends and their links to the large-scale climate
- An ice core record of net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at Mt. Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada
- Analysis of Magnetic Field Characteristics in Flaring Active Regions
- Analysis of Seasonal Variability in Gulf of Alaska Glacier Mass Balance using GRACE
- Antarctic Megadunes - Assessment of Topographic Form and Windward Progradation from ICESat Altimetry, 2003-2009
- Application of MISR data for analyzing volcanic plumes in the North Pacific
- Applying Agile Methods to the Development of a Community-Based Sea Ice Observations Database
- Building Synergy Between NASA DAACS: The ASF - NSIDC - SMAP Partnership
- Bursts of calving activity and controls on the terminus position of Yahtse Glacier, Alaska
- Can we estimate the mass balance of the Gulf of Alaska glaciers from satellite altimetry?
- Canadian Arctic Archipelago Glacier Contributions to Sea Level: 1950-2011
- Century-scale evolution of Jakobshavn Isbrae flow in a high resolution regional model with membrane stresses
- Charge retrieval for distant and nearby flashes using the Langmuir Electric Field Array
- Cirrus Cloud Halos Reveal Ice Nucleation Fundamentals
- Climatology of Ice clouds Derived from Polarization Lidar at AFARS, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Closing the User Feedback Loop; Effective and Swift Interface Development at ASF
- Cluster Observations of Energetic Particles at the Reconnecting Magnetopause
- Contribution to future sea level rise of glacier melt in response to modeled global climate scenarios from CMIP5
- Coordinated Observations of Ion-Neutral Dynamics from a Ground-based Scanning Doppler Imager (SDI) and an Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR)
- Coulomb stress, surface displacement, and seismic rate changes associated with ice mass fluctuations on seasonal, annual, and decadal time scales
- Crustal structure of the St. Elias Mountains region, southern Alaska, from regional earthquakes and ambient noise tomography
- Current Sheet Thinning Associated with Dayside Reconnection
- Data Integration: Airborne Data Collections Provide Opportunity for Creative Data Management at ASF
- Detecting Spatial Variability in the Ground Temperature in a Discontinuous Permafrost Region and Attributing it to the Physical and Biological Parameters
- Developing the ASF Datapool: Download on Demand SAR Data
- Effects of temperature seasonality on tundra vegetation productivity using a daily vegetation dynamics model
- Efficient diffuse auroral electron scattering by electrostatic electron cyclotron harmonic waves in the outer magnetosphere
- Energy and Mass Changes of the Russian Permafrost Regions from Multi-Satellite and In-Situ Measurements
- Estimating the electron energy distribution during ionospheric modification from spectrographic airglow measurements
- Estimation of the cross terms of the Rayleigh waves between seismic stations, and the extension of the SPAC method
- Exploring a Link Between Great and Giant Megathrust Earthquakes and Relative Thickness of Sediment and Eroded Debris in the Subduction Channel to Roughness of Subducted Relief
- Exploring tsunamis with non-traditional dataset: array recordings from temporary ocean-bottom seismic experiment
- F-region Plasma Drifts at Middle Latitudes Observed by SuperDARN
- Field-Aligned Current Evolution in Response to Different Ionospheric Boundary Conditions
- First Results of a Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies from THEMIS Measurements
- Floating vegetation mats on thermokarst lake margins, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Future climate impacts on mass balance and discharge from Eklutna Glacier, Alaska
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Alaska and British Columbia
- Glacier surface velocity fields in South Shetland Islands
- Global Magnetospheric Response to an Interplanetary Shock: THEMIS Observations
- Greenland ice sheet mass balance; past, present, and future
- Hazard Analysis and Disaster Preparedness in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska using Hazard Simulations, GIS, and Network Analysis
- High temporal SO<SUB>2</SUB> emission rate data as part of a multiparameter approach to studying summit vent activity at Kilauea volcano
- High time resolution luminosity profiles of Jellyfish (Super) Sprites
- High-Speed Camera and High-Vision Camera Observations of TLEs from Jet Aircraft in Winter Japan and in Summer US
- Hot Flow Anomalies & Foreshock Cavities - Are They the Same Thing?
- Hydrologic and Thermal Regimes of Coarse Blocky Materials and Imbalance in Seasonal Snowpack Contribution to the Total River Runoff in Tien Shan Mountains, Central Asia
- Ice Dynamics on a 2008 - 2011 surge of the Bering Glacier, AK
- Imaging the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of North Central Alaska using the Joint Inversion of Ambient Seismic Noise Correlation and Receiver Function
- Improvements on the relationship between plume height and mass eruption rate: Implications for volcanic ash cloud forecasting
- Infrasound and SO2 Observations of the 2011 Explosive Eruption of Nabro Volcano, Eritrea
- Initial Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Mesospheric Short-period Gravity Wave Propagation
- Involving Practicing Scientists in K-12 Science Teacher Professional Development
- Land ice-ocean interaction inferred with an ice sheet model for Greenland
- Large Scale Assessment of Radio Frequency Interference Signatures in L-band SAR Data
- Lidar studies of molecular in the thermosphere
- Long Swarms and Short Swarms
- Mass changes of glaciers of the Antarctic periphery
- Measurement of post-eruptive volcanic deformation and depositional features using high-resolution remote sensing data
- Micrometeorological Influences of Drainage Flow on the Stable Boundary Layer
- Mid-latitude SuperDARN Measurements of the Extended Local Time Structure and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Plasma Streams
- Modeling sub-sea permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: The Laptev Sea Region
- Modern Glacial Outwash Sand Thermochronology Along the Denali Fault: Constraints on Strike-slip Fault and Glacier Erosion Dynamics
- Muldrow Glacier and the effect of debris cover on geodetic volume change estimates from DEM and LiDAR elevation measurements
- New Scientific Drilling in the Bering Sea--Results Imply Contribution of Thermogenic Methane to Beringian Margin BSR and Miocene Termination of Subduction Beneath Bowers Ridge
- Nightside sounding rocket study of precipitating ions in a Poleward Boundary Intensification
- Nonadiabatic Heating Associated with Two-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- Numerical modeling of the permafrost temperature evolution in Alaska during the 21st century
- Observation-based validation of ice sheet model initial conditions using realistic atmospheric forcing for Greenland
- Observations of BrO above Fairbanks, AK using Ground-Based MAX-DOAS: Influences of Spectral Fitting Windows
- Ocean-Glacier Interactions in Alaska and Comparison to Greenland
- On the Interaction of Kelvin-helmholtz Modes and Magnetic Reconnection for Large Magnetic Shear
- Open Technology Approaches to Geospatial Interface Design
- Optical remote sensing of penetration into the lower thermosphere of neutral wind and composition perturbations driven by magnetospheric forcing
- Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Two-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) Modes and Electrostatic Structures
- Past and future mass changes of all High Asian Mountain glaciers
- Peat accumulation in drained thermokarst lake basins in continuous, ice-rich permafrost, northern Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Persistent Scatterer Coherence Analysis over the Valley of Ten Thousands Smokes, Katmai
- Petrologic Insights into Magma System Response to Edifice Collapse
- Physical Modeling of Neutral Winds in the Thermosphere: Initial Results
- Plumbing and Plumes: Geodetic Observations during the 2009 eruption of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
- Potential Application of Terrasar-X Satellite Data for Discriminating Age of Drained Thermokarst Lake Basins on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Preliminary earthquake locations in the Kenai Peninsula recorded by the MOOS Array and their relationship to structure in the 1964 great earthquake zone
- Progress toward Consensus Estimates of Regional Glacier Mass Balances for IPCC AR5
- Quantifying methane ebullition in thermokarst lakes with space borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
- Radiocarbon Chronology of Holocene Eruptions at Makushin Volcano, Alaska and a Probabilistic Analysis of the Magnitude of Future Volcanic Hazards
- Recent Experiences with Operating Unmanned Aircraft in Arctic Conditions
- Remote Sensing of Strombolian Activity: Frequency-Based Detection and Monitoring Techniques
- Remote Sensing, Modeling, and In-Situ Measurements to Study the Spring and Summer Thermal Regime of the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska
- Response of glacier melt and discharge to future climate change, Juneau Icefield, Alaska
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Programmatic Quality Assessment and Processing of Marine Gravity and Magnetic Data and Associated Metadata
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change-A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Satellite and ground-based observations of patterns and seasonality of sea-ice, summer warmth, snow, and NDVI along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects
- Scattering of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the presence of interchange instability in a finite-beta plasma
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Sensitivity Analysis of Input Parameters for Near-Real-Time Monitoring of Volcanic Ash Emissions: A Satellite- and Model-Based Approach
- Shifting ice regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and implications for permafrost and surface-water dynamics
- Simulated STEREO views of the Solar Wind following the CMEs of 1 August 2010
- Solar Wind Energy Input during Prolonged, Intense Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Fields: A New Coupling Function
- Solar wind and geomagnetic activity effects on the radiation belt particle population using over a solar cycle of satellite and riometer data
- Spectral widths of polar cap SuperDARN echoes: McMurdo and Rankin Inlet comparison
- Structure and dynamics of auroral electron precipitation: sounding rocket and groundbased observations of tall rays at the nightside poleward boundary
- Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard Zonation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Horizontal Gradient Mapping in Mexican Urban Areas
- Sustaining Volcanism of the Klyuchevskoy Group
- Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) Polarimetry for Detection and Monitoring of Thermokarst Landforms in the Noatak Basin, Brooks Range, Alaska
- Terrestrial multi-proxy late Miocene to early Pliocene climate reconstruction of Cook Inlet forearc basin, southern Alaska
- The BRomine, Ozone, and Mercury EXperiment (BROMEX)
- The Bering Plate from the Elastic Block Modeling of GPS Data
- The Demise of the Circumboreal Mammoth Steppe as an Ecological Regime Shift: Drivers and Consequences
- The Role of the Snow Covers in the Permafrost Temperature Dynamics at the Northern Yakutia over the last 30 Years
- The in situ elastic signature of changes in crystal orientation fabric in a deep Antarctic borehole from full-waveform sonic logging
- Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observations from Three Antarctic Sites Compared with Data from Two Near-Conjugate Sites in the Northern Hemisphere
- Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Interaction Between Flux Ropes in the Solar Corona
- Three-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) Modes in a Finite Magnetic Field
- Time Series of North Pacific Volcanic Eruptions
- Understanding the Contribution of Glacier Mass Balance to Total Runoff in the Gulf of Alaska Region
- Use of High Temporal Resolution Thermal Imagery of Karymsky's Volcanic Plume to Constrain Volcanic Activity and Elucidate Vent Processes
- Use of airborne thermal imaging to quantify heat flux and flow rate of surface geothermal fluids at Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska
- Using fold geometry to constrain the formation of tessera terrain on Ovda Regio, Venus
- Utilizing the Fox Permafrost Tunnel, the Pewe Permafrost Reserve, and the new CRRL Permafrost Tunnel in central Alaska for student field work and research
- Variations of Substorm Electric-field Components Measured with the Poker-Flat Incoherent-Scatter Radar
- Vegetation of the Central Beringian Lowlands: Evidence of a Glacial Refugium Found in IODP Expedition 323 Sediment
- Vertical Deformation in the Himalaya and Tibet Constrained by GPS and GRACE Measurements
- Viscoelastic Relaxation in the Upper Mantle Following the 2006-2007 Great Kuril Earthquakes
- Volcanic jet noise: infrasonic source processes and atmospheric propagation
- Warm Water and Swift Currents: Two Years of Data From Moorings Under Coastal Sea Ice in the Chukchi Sea
- Whistler amplification: a free electron laser in the Earth's magnetosphere
- A Case and Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies: A THEMIS Perspective
- A New Open-Source Tool For Education of SAR Interferometry: ADORE-DORIS
- A Stochastic Model of Grain-Size Distribution and Crystal Orientation in Snow and Firn
- A Stochastic Multi-Attribute Assessment of Energy Options for Fairbanks, Alaska
- A geometric setting for seismic moment tensors
- A multi-scale permafrost investigation along the Alaska Highway Corridor based on airborne electromagnetic and auxiliary geophysical data
- A new inventory of all Alaska glaciers
- A new polythermal regime? An advection-dominated seasonally layered accumulation area at Mount Waddington, British Columbia
- A quantitative approach to understanding amphibole reaction rims: Texture, mineralogy, and processes of formation
- A synthesis of thermokarst and thermo-erosion process rates
- A three-dimensional seismic velocity reference model for Alaska
- Absolute gravity measurements in Southeast Alaska and continuous gravity observation in Juneau by ISEA2 project
- Airborne laser altimetry measurements of glacier mass balance in Alaska and northwest Canada from 1993 to 2012
- Ambient-noise Tomography of the Southern California Lithosphere
- Amplitude Comparison of Teleseismic P-Wave Phases from the Japan Subduction Zone and the South Sandwich Islands recorded at Uturuncu Volcano, Bolivia
- An Ongoing Large Slow Slip Event in the Southern Central Alaska Subduction Zone
- Analytic Solution and Sensitivity Study for Optical Scintillation Measurements of Boundary Layer Turbulent Fluxes: A Cure for Iteration
- Antarctic and Arctic land-fast sea ice growth rates: an intercomparison based on stable isotope fractionation measurements
- Antarctic periphery glacier mass changes: uncertainty of 21st century projections
- Arctic Land-Surface Temperatures Increasing From 2000 Through 2012 Derived By MODIS Sensors on NASA Earth Observing Satellites
- Ash Emissions and Risk Management in the Pacific Ocean
- Assessing the sensitivity of Alaska's Coastal Ecosystem to Changes in Glacier Runoff
- Barrow real-time sea ice mass balance data: ingestion, processing, dissemination and archival of multi-sensor data
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Carbon Stocks in Permafrost-Affected Soils of the Lena River Delta
- Cases and statistical study on Hot Flow Anomalies with Cluster spacecraft data
- Cluster and THEMIS Observations of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause
- Cluster observations of hot flow anomalies with large flow deflections
- Coastal Sea Ice Radars at Barrow, Alaska: Watching the Ice go by Since 1973
- Coastal Survey Using Unmanned Aerial Systems
- Combining Infrasound and Imaging Techniques to Characterize and Quantify Eruptive Activity at Karymsky Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Comparing Volcano Infrasound and Aeroacoustics Laboratory Experiments
- Controls on the rate and location of crevassing icequakes at Yahtse Glacier, Alaska
- Convection Constraints and Current Sheet Thinning During the Substorm Growth Phase
- Depth Limits and Time Variations of Slip in Subduction Zones: Lessons from Alaska and Elsewhere
- Designing Websites for Displaying Large Data Sets and Images on Multiple Platforms
- Determining a volcanic source model for the post eruptive behavior of the 2008 Okmok eruption by combining GPS and InSAR
- Detrital Zircon Provenance of Neoproterozoic and Cambrian Neruokpuk Formation of northwestern Canada: Implications for Phanerozoic Arctic Evolution
- Dynamic Downscaling of CMIP5 Climate Scenarios for Alaska Region
- Energy fluxes retrieval on an Alaskan Arctic and Sub-Arctic vegetation by means MODIS imagery and the DTD method
- Engaging the Athabascan Native American students of Venetie, Alaska in the auroral research occurring over their village
- Eocene to present slip rate history of the eastern Denali Fault System
- Examining the ability of snow and sea ice to maintain halogen activation
- Field-based ET calibration and validation sites in interior Alaska: Preparatory Science for NASA's planned HyspIRI Mission
- Fine scale structures of pulsating auroras in the early recovery phase of substorm using ground-based EMCCD camera
- First Results from Airborne and Ground-based LiDAR Studies in Northern Alaska
- First order projections of frontal ablation at Alaska tidewater glaciers
- Fjord - Glacier Ice Interactions: Nuup Kangerlua (Godthåbsfjord) Southwest Greenland
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Flux Tube Properties and Ionospheric Maps of Magnetotail Currentsheet Thinning
- Fracture character and distribution in the Nenana basin, Alaska
- Frozen debris lobes, permafrost slope instability, and a potential infrastructure hazard in the south-central Brooks Range of Alaska
- Future glacier and runoff changes in the Upper Susitna basin, Alaska
- GPS Constraints on Strain Partitioning and Transfer in Alaska
- Gabbroic and Peridotitic Enclaves from the 2008 Kasatochi Eruption, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
- Geochemistry and Cyclostratigraphy of Magnetic Susceptibility data from the Frasnian-Famennian event interval in western Canada: Insights in the pattern and timing of a biotic crisis
- Geodetic Observations of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Southeast Alaska and its Implication of Earth Rheology
- Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array: Magnetic Field Data in Real-Time for Researchers
- Gravity wave activity in the Arctic stratosphere during recent winters
- Greenland mass changes from 1960 to 2100: Hindcasting and forecasting with PISM and RACMO2/GR
- Ground-penetrating radar observations of winter snow accumulation on Alaska Glaciers.
- Has 7% of Continental Crust been Lost since Pangea Broke Up?
- High Resolution Ionospheric Mapping Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radars
- High-Latitude Poynting Flux from SuperDARN and AMPERE
- High-speed observations of flicker and break-up aurora
- How will glaciers affect runoff in Alaska?
- Identification of previously unrecognized tundra fire events on the Arctic Slope of Alaska
- Imaging Sunlit Aurora from Balloon
- Imaging megathrust zone and Yakutat/Pacific plate interface in Alaska subduction zone
- Imaging the mid-crustal low velocity zone of the Altiplano-Puna magma body (Uturuncu volcano) in southern Bolivia from receiver functions
- Importance of Mantle Viscosity in Interseismic Deformation
- Improved Detection of Vulcanian Explosions from Mt. Cleveland, Alaska with Infrasound and Ground-Coupled Airwaves
- Improved ice microphysics for numerical studies of ice fog using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
- Improving Cirrus Cloud Radiative Modeling with Global CALISPO Lidar Depolarization Data
- In-situ measurement of the low frequency permittivity of sea ice
- Influence of ecosystem conditions on permafrost temperature dynamics of the lower Kolyma region
- Integrating Geospatial Data and Models for Higher Order Product Generation and Visualization in Open-Source Domain
- Interactive Auroral Science for Hearing-Impaired Students
- Interior Alaska Loess Sources as a Proxy for Quaternary Wind Patterns
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Ionospheric boundary conditions and evolution of field-aligned currents
- Iron transfer and temporal variation in the Soufriere Hills lavas (1995-2007)
- LAI Calculated from High-Resolution Imagery: Accounting for Water Tracks
- Landfast sea ice break-out events in the Chukchi Sea: Two case studies illuminating long-term observations at Barrow, Alaska
- Late Eocene syntectonic magmatism along the dextral Denali Fault provides constraints on timing of strike-slip displacement
- Lidar measurements of the sodium and iron layers at Chatanika, Alaska
- Long term volcano monitoring by using advanced Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry technique: A case study at Unimak Island, Alaska
- MOOSE: A Multi-Spectral Observatory Of Sensitive EMCCDs for innovative research in space physics and aeronomy
- Magma intrusion and accumulation in the southern Altiplano: Structural observations from the PLUTONS project
- Mass and surface energy balance of A.P. Olsen ice cap, NE Greenland, from observations and modeling (1995-2011)
- Mass balance modeling of a large glacier with sparse ground observations, and comparison to three remote sensing techniques
- Measuring and Modeling Changes in Permafrost Temperature at the UAF Permafrost Observatory in Barrow, Alaska
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems
- Modeling the effect of active layer deepening on stocks of soil organic carbon in the Pechora River Basin
- Monitoring volcanic activity with satellite remote sensing to reduce aviation hazard and mitigate the risk: application to the North Pacific
- Multi-beam Measurements of Langmuir Turbulence at HAARP
- Multi-sensor and multi-temporal data fusion for measurement of depositional features at Augustine Volcano, south-central Alaska
- Nanoflare and Current Sheet Distributions in Three-Dimensional Simulations of Coronal Heating
- Narrowing the gap: A consensus estimate of glacier mass wastage for 2003-09
- Neotectonics around Fairbanks, Alaska: Where are the active faults?
- New Paleomagnetic Data Related to the Opening of the Arctic Ocean
- Observations of BrO above Barrow, AK using Ground-Based MAX-DOAS: Investigating Effects of Surface Chemistry on Observed BrO Boundary Layer Vertical Column Densities
- Observations of a rapidly flowing and significantly retreated Jakobshavn Isbrae and the proglacial ice mélange from a ground based radar interferometer
- Observed and modelled effects of auroral precipitation on the thermal ionospheric plasma: comparing the MICA and Cascades2 sounding rocket events
- Patterns in Alaska glacier flow velocities
- Patterns in thermal emissions from the volcanoes of the Aleutian Islands
- Perpendicular Ion Heating by Low-Frequency Alfven-Wave Turbulence in the Corona and Solar Wind
- Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations of Anomalous E-Region Heating
- Polar Cap Potential Saturation and Ionospheric Convection Patterns during Superstorms
- Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Northern Eurasia and their Relation to Permafrost Carbon Pool
- Preliminary Observations of Ionospheric Response to an Auroral Driver from the MICA (Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén Resonator) Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Present-day strain partitioning and strain transfer across the Fairweather and Denali Faults in SW Yukon - SE Alaska
- Projections of 21st century contribution of Alaska glaciers to rising sea level
- Propagation of tsunami-induced acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere
- Radiostratigraphy of the Greenland ice sheet from the 2009-2012 Operation IceBridge surveys
- Rayleigh lidar studies of mesospheric inversion layers at Chatanika, Alaska
- Real-Time Ionospheric Plasma Density Estimates in the Polar Cap using Simultaneous Dual Frequency Doppler Measurements at the SuperDARN McMurdo Radar
- Reconnaissance Observations of Newly Identified Active Faults and Their Relationship to Evolution of the Mount McKinley Restraining Bend, Denali National Park, Alaska
- Rolling the dice on the ice; New modes for underway data acquisition in the Arctic Ocean
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change—A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Seamless Synthetic Aperture Radar Archive for Interferometry Analysis
- Seasonal Dynamics of a Drained Thermokarst Lake Basin on the North Slope of Alaska From InSAR
- Seasonal Hydrologic Loading Deformation in Nepal Himalaya and Southern Alaska Observed by GPS and GRACE
- Seismic and Gas Analyses Imply Magmatic Intrusion at Iliamna Volcano, Alaska in 2012
- Seismic modeling of complex crustal structures: Meshing, wavefield simulations, and adjoint tomography
- Simultaneous Multi-angle Radar Observations of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Sprite Streamers Derived from High-Speed Camera Data in Aircraft Observation Campaign
- Spontaneous Hot Flow Anomalies at Quasi-Parallel Shocks
- Stable isotope (C and N) and sedimentary facies analyses of the Cantwell Formation, Denali National Park, Alaska as indicators of Maastrichtian paleoenvironment
- Stratigraphy and multi-phase tectonic history of the Chukchi Borderland from MCS data
- Streamer velocity and diameter observed in sprites and laboratory discharges
- Sub-pixel characterization of Alaskan boreal forest fires using medium-resolution satellite-borne infrared remote sensing
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard risk maps in Mexico City and Morelia, central Mexico
- SuperDARN observations of plasma flows in the central polar cap
- Surface Velocity Time Series and Ice Flux of Glaciers on South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Surface nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of unfrozen sediments below thermokarst lakes
- Sustained Vertical Thermospheric Winds in the Auroral Zone
- Tectonic evolution and subsidence history of the Nenana Basin, Interior Alaska: Preliminary results from seismic-reflection, electric logs and gravity data
- Temporal Evolution of Effective Upper Mantle Viscosity from Postseismic Response to the 2006-2007 Great Kuril Earthquakes: Four Years of GPS Monitoring
- The 7 Year Aleutian Itch, Triggered Periodicity at MT Cleveland Alaska
- The Accidental Tide Gauge: A Case Study from Kachemak Bay, Alaska
- The Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model: An Interdisciplinary Tool to Assess the Responses of Natural Resources in Alaska to Climate Change
- The Interaction of Kelvin-Helmholtz Modes and Magnetic Reconnection for Southward IMF
- The International Permafrost Association: new structure and initiatives for cryospheric research
- The break-up of a lacustrine floating ice tongue, Yakutat Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- The contribution of coherent structures to the aggregation of large-scale heat fluxes in the Alaskan boreal forest
- The effects of forest fire on the frozen soil thermal state
- Thermal regimes of Arctic thermokarst lakes and streams and implications for continued permafrost degradation
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Reaction to Small-Scale Drivers
- Tidewater terminus tug-of-war
- Time-Height Variations of Ion-Line Doppler Spectra at HAARP
- Tracing changes in the western Arctic's annual sea-ice cycle from the local to the regional scale at Barrow, Alaska
- Tsunami Source Specification for Southeast Alaska with Focus on Inundation Mapping and Hazard Risk Assessment in Sitka
- Understanding the Sea Ice Zone: Scientists and Communities Partnering to Archive, Analyze and Disseminate Local Ice Observations
- Unwrapping of multiple SAR Interferograms using Kalman filters
- Using Synthetic Aperture Radar to Study River Ice Breakup on the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska
- Variability in planetary wave activity in the wintertime Arctic Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere following Stratospheric sudden warmings
- Variations in Clast Porosity in the Products of the 2008 Eruption of Kasatochi Volcano, Central Aleutian Islands, Alaska
- Young tectonics of a complex plate boundary zone: Indentation, rotation, and escape in Alaska
- 40Ar/39Ar Dates from Cretaceous Bentonites in a Foreland Basin Setting, North Slope, Alaska
- A Bedmap2 Toolbox for Matlab
- A Framework for Uncertainty Quantification for Volcanic Ash Dispersion Phenomena
- A new open-source Python-based Space Weather data access, visualization, and analysis toolkit
- Alaska tidewater glacier velocities and frontal ablation, 1985-2012
- An Analysis of Ionospheric Thermal Ions Using a SIMION-based Forward Instrument Model: In Situ Observations of Vertical Thermal Ion Flows as Measured by the MICA Sounding Rocket
- An experimental study of permeability development as a function of crystal-free melt viscosity
- Analysis of multi-resolution satellite imagery of the 2012-2013 eruption of Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, with comparison of lava flow modeling and ground observations
- Applicability of resistivity surveys for examination of heterogeneity in continuous permafrost
- Artificial Ionization and UHF Radar Response Associated with HF Frequencies near Electron Gyro-Harmonics (Invited)
- Assessing streamflow sensitivity to variations in glacier mass balance
- Automatic Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes Using Multi-Station Waveforms and Dynamic Neural Networks
- Automatic change detection in time series of Synthetic Aperture Radar data using a scale-driven approach
- Best Practices for Building Web Data Portals
- Bringing Magnetic Field Data in Real-Time for Researchers on Mobile Devices
- Caledonian Deformation in Polydeformed Pre-Mississippian Rocks of the Northeast Brooks Range, Alaska
- Calibration of low light/near infrared cameras with satellite remote sensing to measure incandescence and thermal signatures for source parameter estimation
- Characterizing uncertainty in the motion, future location and ash concentrations of volcanic plumes and ash clouds
- Combining direct and remote measurements of volcanic fluids to characterize subvolcanic conditions within the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (Invited)
- Combining high temporal and high spatial resolution thermal infrared datasets to detect volcanic precursors
- Communicating uncertainties in volcanic ash cloud hazards: Implications for the operational real-time environment
- Comparison of annual accumulation rates derived from in situ and ground penetrating radar methods across Alaskan glaciers
- Constraining GRACE Solutions for Gulf of Alaska Glaciers using Field and Airborne Observations (Invited)
- Do volcanic earthquake swarms relate to their volcanic setting?
- Earthquake sources near Uturuncu Volcano
- Enhancing GIS Instruction at 1890 Institutions and HBCUs through Collaboration with the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Estimation of Coastal Freshwater Discharge into Prince William Sound using a High-Resolution Hydrological Model
- Exploring Parallel Electric Fields in association with the dynamics of Discrete Auroral Arcs
- Extrapolating From Pits: Quantifying spatial variability of snow for remote sensing calibration/validation (Invited)
- Federated query services provided by the Seamless SAR Archive project
- Frontal Ablation And Temporal Variations In Surface Velocity Of Livingston Island And King George Island Ice Caps, Antarctica
- Full moment tensor inversion using body waves and surface waves: examples from Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia
- GOSAT CH4 and CO2, MODIS Evapotranspiration on the Northern Hemisphere June and July 2009, 2010 and 2011
- GPS phase scintillation correlated with auroral forms
- Geomagnetic Dependence of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) Observed by Mid- and High- Latitude SuperDARN Radars
- Glacier inventory and monitoring efforts in the Alaska and northwestern Canada region
- Ground penetrating radar estimates of permafrost ice wedge depth
- HF-enhanced 4278-Å airglow: evidence of accelerated ionosphere electrons?
- Has the Sun Significantly Impacted Recent Voyager Observations?
- Hemispheric Asymmetry in the Auroral Zone Thermospheric Wind Field
- High space-time resolution analysis of ice motion at a rapidly retreating tidewater glacier (Invited)
- High-latitude ionospheric drivers and their effects on wind patterns in the thermosphere
- High-resolution Near-surface Permafrost Modeling for the 21st Century, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska
- Hybrid Simulations of the Plasma Interaction with Europa's Atmosphere
- Hydrometeorology and basal sliding on the Kennicott Glacier, Alaska, USA: Evidence for seasonal, diurnal, and event-scale glacier velocity fluctuations due to varying meltwater inputs and precipitation events
- Hyperspatial Thermal Imaging of Surface Hydrothermal Features at Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska using a small Unmanned Aerial System (sUAS)
- Imaging the megathrust zone and Yakutat/Pacific plate interface in the Alaska subduction zone
- Impacts of Recent Perennial Sea Ice Reduction on BrO Observations at Barrow, Alaska
- Implementation of a two-source energy balance model in a sub-Arctic deciduous boreal forest
- Improving the resolution of a global-scale elevation dependent surface mass balance model using point mass balance observations: an application of Alaskan glaciers
- Integrating SAR with Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Operational Near Real-Time Volcano Monitoring
- Interannual and seasonal effects of sudden stratospheric warming events on gravity wave activity
- Investigation of mixed ionospheric and fround scatter using high spectral content pulse sequences for SuperDARN radars
- Ionospheric/lower-thermospheric variations in the vicinity of night-side poleward expanding aurora around substorm onset
- Landslide Hazard Mapping Using Ground-based Interferometric Radar in the Fjords of South-Central Alaska
- Large Scale Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska
- Long-term contraction of pyroclastic flow deposits at Augustine Volcano using InSAR
- Long-term variations of absolute and superconducting gravity values in Southeast Alaska, observed by the ISEA2 project
- Magma mixing revealed by bulk-rock, phenocryst and microlite compositions in basaltic andesite samples from the 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano, central Aleutian Islands, Alaska
- Magnetotail and Ionospheric Evolution during the Substorm Growth Phase
- Measuring auroral precipitation parameters without in situ microchannel plate instrumentation
- Mechanism of Column and Carrot Sprites Derived from Optical and Radio Observations (Invited)
- Meteorological Conditions and Surface Energy Balance on Vestfonna Ice Cap, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems: Description of the Predisposition and Initiation/Expansion Sub-models
- Modeling sensitivity of temporal and azimuthal variability in the Io plasma torus
- Modelling and Remote Sensing of Ash and Sulfur Dioxide from the 2008 Kasatochi Volcano Eruption
- Multi-mineral detrital geochronology applied to a glaciated strike-slip fault system: A case study along a ~250 km transect of the Denali Fault, Alaska
- New Result on Methane Emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Observational signatures of low-altitude low-energy ion motions up and down auroral field lines: a survey of sounding rocket measurements (Invited)
- Observations of an Auroral Arc using the 4-Channel Camera on the VISIONS Rocket
- Observations of ice motion changes at the terminus of Hubbard Glacier using co-located ground-based radar interferometer and LiDAR scanning systems (Invited)
- Observing lake ice phenology across Alaska using in situ sensors, aircraft, and satellites
- Optimized method for atmospheric signal reduction in irregular sampled InSAR time series assisted by external atmospheric information
- Passive seismology reveals biannual calving periodicity
- Patterns of Alaska glacier mass balance over 20-years from UAF/Operation Ice Bridge altimetry
- Physiochemical Properties of Sodium Chloride Particles on Laboratory Ice Surfaces
- Pulsating Auroral Nitric Oxide Production in the Lower Ionosphere
- Quantifying the Availability of Tidewater Glacial Ice as Habitat for Harbor Seals in a Tidewater Glacial Fjord in Alaska Using Object-Based Image Analysis of Airborne Visible Imagery
- Radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Rapid Submarine Melting Driven by Subglacial Discharge, LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Rapid disturbances in Arctic permafrost regions (Invited)
- Real-time Scintillation Monitoring in Alaska from a Longitudinal Chain of ASTRA's SM-211 GPS TEC and Scintillation Receivers
- Recent Development in Hot Flow Anomaly Studies
- Recovering Seasat SAR Data
- Regional projections of glacier volume and runoff in response to twenty-first century climate scenarios (Invited)
- Resonance lidar detection of the mesospheric nickel layer
- Response of glacier mass balance and discharge to future climate change, upper Susitna basin, Alaska
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change--A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Seismic Imaging of a Nascent Batholith in the Central Andes
- Seismic moment tensor inversion with posterior samples and uncertanties
- Snow Pattern Delineation Using Ground Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling
- Spatial distribution of thermokarst landforms across Arctic Alaska
- Spatially and Temporally Resolved Images of Electric Field and Conductivity derived from Incoherent Scatter Radar measurements (Invited)
- Spatio-temporal analysis of surface temperature and water level variability of thermokarst lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska using multiscale satellite thermal images and ICESat laser altimetry
- Specification of Tectonic Tsunami Sources Along the Eastern Aleutian Island Arc and Alaska Peninsula for Inundation Mapping and Hazard Assessment
- Spectral characterization of disturbance gradients in permafrost landscapes using ground-based remote sensing and satellite imagery: Initial results from the central Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- Students Around the World Engaged in Climate Science (Invited)
- Subduction of thick crust: the Alaska example (Invited)
- Substorm auroral onset triggering by flow-wave interaction detected with high-resolution radar and imager measurements
- Summer melt regulates winter glacier flow speeds throughout Alaska (Invited)
- Supershear Rupture of 2013 Jan 05, Mw 7.5, Craig, Alaska earthquake
- Surface related multiple elimination (SRME) and radon transform forward multiple modeling methods applied to 2D multi-channel seismic profiles from the Chukchi Shelf, Arctic Ocean
- Swarms of repeating stick-slip glacierquakes triggered by snow loading at Mount Rainier volcano
- Synoptic Evolution of the Arctic Vortex During Elevated Stratopause Events: WACCM vs. Observations
- The Deep Permafrost Carbon Pool of Siberia and Alaska (Invited)
- The Greenland ice sheet perennial firn aquifer: characteristics, extent and evolution obtained from airborne remote sensing
- The Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (MTeX)
- The Mix of High-Resolution Imaging and Topography Needed to Answer Key Questions About the History of Venus
- The Nature of Natural Hazards Communication (Invited)
- The Size and Rupture of the Great 2013 Deep-Focus Earthquake Beneath the Sea of Okhotsk: Constraints from GPS
- The classical model for moment tensors
- The fate of Greenland meltwater: Progress and challenges in understanding the influence of surface melt on ice sheet dynamics and runoff in a highly transient hydrologic system (Invited)
- The record may be in the fabric: Preservation of climate history in polar ice sheets
- Three-Dimensional Simulations of the Parker Model of Coronal Heating Using Four-Field Equations
- Towards implementation of the GRiD MT algorithm for near real-time calculation of moment tensors at the Alaska Earthquake Information Center
- Tremor and plate coupling in the eastern Aleutians
- Twenty-first century changes in the hydrology, glaciers, and permafrost of the Susitna Basin, Alaska
- Vertical coupling in the polar middle atmosphere during Stratospheric Sudden Warming events
- A New Hyperspectral Designed for Small UAS Tested in Real World Applications
- Argus: An Io observer mission concept study from the 2014 NASA/JPL Planetary Science Summer School
- Change detection and characterization of volcanic activity using ground based low-light and near infrared cameras to monitor incandescence and thermal signatures
- Classification, Characterization, and Automatic Detection of Volcanic Explosion Complexity using Infrasound
- Communicating Volcanic Hazards in the North Pacific
- D" Discontinuity Structure Beneath the North Atlantic Based on Observations from the Deep 2010 Spanish Earthquake
- Degassing Dynamics from Long-Period and Very-Long-Period Seismicity and Infrasound at Mt. Pagan Volcano
- Developing Sustainable Modeling Software and Necessary Data Repository for Volcanic Hazard Analysis -- Some Lessons Learnt
- Development of Ground-Based Auroral Photometry Techniques Using In-Situ Electron Precipitation Measurements from the GREECE Mission
- Disturbance Effects Seen in the Midlatitude Ionosphere with SuperDARN
- Dual Current Sheet Formation in the Earth's Magnetotail: Implications for Substorm Growth and Expansion
- Effects of Phosphor Persistence on High-Speed Imaging of Transient Luminous Events
- Episodic outgassing and lava level fluctuations at Kilauea Volcano's summit lava lake in Halema`uma`u Crater
- Flow Modeling of Juneau Icefield
- Forecasting the Ionosphere Response to Solar Flares from Satellite Measurements of X-ray and EUV Flux
- Geology and stratigraphy of the San Lorenzo Tezonco deep well and its correlation to surrounding ranges, Mexico Basin
- Hemispheric Effects in Ionospheric Plasma Convection and Irregularity Occurrence
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Structuring at Kilometer Scales
- Impact of External Forcing on Glacier Dynamics at Jakobshavn Isbræ during 1840-2012
- In Situ Stress Variations Associated with Regional Changes in Tectonic Setting, northeastern Brooks Range and eastern North Slope of Alaska
- Infrasound Waveform Classification and Emissions Correlation at Karymsky and Sakurajima Volcanoes
- Local and remote infrasound from explosive volcanism
- Modelled and observed present-day state of the Jakobshavn Isbræ, west Greenland
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- Near-Real-Time, Global Radar Data at the Alaska Satellite Facility DAAC from NASA's SMAP Satellite
- Novel Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Observations with Artificial Airglow Using RF Excitation with HAARP
- Object-Based Image Classification of Floating Ice Used as Habitat for Harbor Seals in a Tidewater Glacier Fjord in Alaska
- Observed sea ice thickness changes in the Beaufort Gyre through synthesis of Eulerian and Lagrangian data
- Pore Structure and the Low Frequency Permittivity of Sea Ice
- Pressure Ridge Keel Shapes in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Probabilistic volcanic ash cloud simulations: Characterizing the uncertainty and moving into the operational environment
- Remote Sensing of Arctic Environmental Conditions and Critical Infrastructure using Infra-Red (IR) Cameras and Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs)
- Requirements and Implementation Feasibility for a CubeSat Thermal Infrared Imaging System to Monitor the Structure of Volcanic Ash Clouds
- Role of Model Initialisation for Projections of 21st Century Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Loss
- Scenarios to prioritize observing activities on the North Slope, Alaska in the context of resource development, climate change and socio-economic uncertainties
- Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Data and Services at the NASA DAACs
- Source Inversions of Volcano Infrasound: Mass Outflux and Force System for Transient Explosive Eruptions
- Spectral Observations of Upward Propagating Streamers
- Sub-Regional Sea Ice Preferences of Pacific Walrus in the Bering Sea Using SAR Data
- Tectono-thermal History of the Southern Nenana Basin, Interior Alaska: Implications for Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Exploration
- The Seamless SAR Archive (SSARA) Project and Other SAR Activities at UNAVCO
- UQ -- Fast Surrogates Key to New Methodologies in an Operational and Research Volcanic Hazard Forecasting System
- Water Vapor Products from Differential-InSAR with Auxiliary Calibration Data: Accuracy and Statistics
- A Comparison of Auroral In-Situ Rocket Electron Measurements and Ground-Based Multi-spectral EMCCD Imaging
- Analysis of Fumarole Acoustics at Aso Volcano, Japan
- Application of Lipschitz Regularity and Multiscale Techniques for the Automatic Detection of Oil Spills in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
- Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission Preliminary Results
- Basin-Wide Mass Balance of Jakobshavn Isbræ (West Greenland) during 1880-2100
- Can we detect, monitor, and characterize volcanic activity using 'off the shelf' webcams and low-light cameras?
- Changes to Glacier Runoff and Downstream Effects on the Susitna Basin, Alaska Over the Twenty-First Century
- Combining High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data to Identify Subsurface Fluid Movement within the Katmai Volcanic Complex, Alaska
- Constraining the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atmospheric Conditions to Explore the Infrasound Detection of Volcanic Eruptions in Alaska
- Current sheet thinning, reconnection onset, and auroral morphology during geomagnetic substorms
- Deformation of Polar Cap Patches During Substorms
- Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network
- Developing Short Films of Geoscience Research
- Frequency Based Volcanic Activity Detection through Remotely Sensed Data
- Frequency and Size of Strombolian Eruptions from the Phonolitic Lava Lake at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica: Insights from Infrasound and Seismic Observations on Bubble Formation and Ascent
- High-resolution observations of convection structure related to Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Auroral Streamers using SuperDARN and Allsky Imagers.
- Impact of lengthening open water season on food security in Alaska coastal communities: Global impacts may outweigh local "frontline" effects
- Infrasound Waveform Inversion and Mass Flux Validation from Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
- Initial Results from a Global Database of Mercurian Craters
- Integration and Testing of Miniaturized Volcanic Gas-Sensing Instruments on UAS Platforms
- Ionospheric Cubeswarm Concept Study: using low-resource instrumentation for truly multipoint in situ ionospheric observations
- Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- Lakes in Northern Permafrost Regions and Feedbacks with the Methane Cycle
- Long-term linkages between glaciers, permafrost and hydrology at two glacierized watersheds in Alaska
- Lost Jim Lava Flow, Seward Peninsula, Alaska as an analog for lava-ice interactions on Mars
- Making SAR Data Accessible - ASF's ALOS PALSAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Project
- Making geospatial data in ASF archive readily accessible
- More Data and Better Tools for the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Multiyear ice transport and small scale sea ice deformation near the Alaska coast measured by air-deployable Ice Trackers
- NSF-supported education/outreach program takes young researchers to the Arctic
- Neogene exhumation in the eastern Alaska Range and its relationship to splay fault activity in the Denali fault system
- Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction
- Producing Mosaiced Infrared Data on Natural Hazards for Real-time Emergency Management using UAS and Thermal Infrared Cameras
- Putting Research to Work for Monitoring Volcanic Hazards and Enhancing Public Safety
- Quantifying the auroral response from measured source populations of electrons and electromagnetic wave activity
- Revisiting Notable Earthquakes and Seismic Patterns of the Past Decade in Alaska
- SMAP Radar Data and Services at the ASF DAAC
- Scenarios use to engage scientists and decision-makers in a changing Arctic
- Sparse ice: Geophysical, biological and Indigenous knowledge perspectives on a habitat for ice-associated fauna
- Spatio-temporal Variation in Glacier Ice as Habitat for Harbor Seals in an Alaskan Tidewater Glacier Fjord
- Surface uplift history of southern Alaska: Insight from stable isotopes
- The Four-Part Field-Aligned Current System in the Ionosphere at Substorm Onset
- The bulk isotopic composition of hydrocarbons in subaerial volcanic-hydrothermal emissions from different tectonic settings
- The role of sustained observations and data co-management in Arctic Ocean governance
- Uncertainties in Initial Plume Modeling: What is needed prior to a volcanic eruption?
- University Start-ups: A Better Business Model
- Use of cloud computing technology in natural hazard assessment and emergency management
- Using SAR Interferometry to Assess Infrastructure Hazards From Frozen Debris Lobes in Northern Alaska
- Winds and Ion Drifts Measured in the Thermospheric Footprint of Earth's Northern Magnetic Cusp During the C-REX Sounding Rocket Mission
- a Real-Time Earthquake Moment Tensor Scanning Code for the Antelope System (brtt, Inc)
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- A New Technique For Quantifying Effusive Volcanic Activity at Tolbachik Volcano Using Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
- A combined study of gas geochemistry, petrology, and lava effusion at Bagana, a unique persistently active lava cone in Papua New Guinea
- Airborne geophysics for mesoscale observations of polar sea ice in a changing climate
- Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration (ACUASI): Operational Support and Geoscience Research
- Along-arc trends in volatile composition within the Aleutian Arc with implications for volatile cycling
- Altered Perspectives: Immersive Environments
- An investigation of regional tropospheric methane in central interior Alaska using direct-sun FTIR
- Applying an Orographic Precipitation Model to Improve Mass Balance Modeling of the Juneau Icefield
- Assessing deformation and morphology of Arctic landfast sea ice using InSAR to support use and management of coastal ice
- Atmospheric forcing of sea ice leads in the Beaufort Sea
- Auroral E-region Plasma Irregularities and their Control by the Plasma Convection in the Southern Hemisphere
- BLM Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Resource Management Operations
- Can we develop an effective early warning system for volcanic eruptions using `off the shelf' webcams and low-light cameras?
- Characteristics of Ground Surface Temperatures as in situ Observed in Elevational Permafrost on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: MMS Observations
- Comparison of Ohm's Law Terms Using New High Resolution Fast Plasma Investigation Plasma Moments
- Data Recipes: Easy-to-Follow Instructions for Using SAR Data
- Detecting Volcanic Ash Plumes with GNSS Signals
- Determination of electron precipitation characteristics and ionospheric conductance using high spatio-temporal resolution ground-based multi-spectral imaging
- Earthquake Swarms in Interior Alaska
- Effects of Lower-hybrid Waves on Electron And Ion Heating During Asymmetric Reconnection
- Electron Heating near the Reconnection X-line Versus in the Downstream Exhaust
- Engaging Stakeholders through Participatory Mapping and Spatial Analysis in a Scenarios Process for Alaska's North Slope
- Engaging new generation of Arctic researchers: 14 years and counting
- Evaluation of Forest Health Conditions using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
- Evidence for extended sub-ion scale current sheets at the subsolar magnetopause under northward and southward IMF conditions: Comparison of MMS observations with global MHD simulations
- First observations of Jupiter's polar magnetosphere from the Jovian Auroral Distributions Experiment (JADE)
- From the Slab to the Surface: Origin, Storage, Ascent, and Eruption of Volatile-Bearing Magmas in the Aleutian arc
- GPS/GNSS for Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano Hazards: Examples of Assessments, Response, and Real-time Monitoring in Alaska
- Global and regional volcanic infrasound from the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco, Chile
- Heterogeneous Exhumation of Mid-crustal Rocks along the Hayes Restraining Bend of the Central Denali Fault
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): A cloud-based infrastructure for generic processing of SAR data
- Impacts of Colville River dynamics on river navigability near Nuiqsut, Alaska: 1955-present
- Improving Models for Coseismic And Postseismic Deformation from the 2002 Denali, Alaska Earthquake
- Infrasound signal detection and characterization using ground-coupled airwaves on a single seismo-acoustic sensor pair
- Integrating in-situ observations, remote sensing and modeling to constrain the mass balance evolution of Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska, 1980-2015-2100
- International postseismic response after the Mw=7.8 April 16, 2016 Pedernales Earthquake in Ecuador
- Investigating Anomalies in the Prediction Model for the Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection Location
- Landfast Sea Ice Breakouts: Stabilizing Ice Features, Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing at Barrow, Alaska
- Linking Plagioclase Zoning Patterns to Active Magma Processes
- Lower-thermospheric wind variations in auroral patches during the substorm recovery phase
- MMS Observations of Turbulence from Magnetic Reconnection
- MMS observations of magnetic reconnection in small-scale current sheets in magnetosheath turbulence.
- MMS observations of strong plasma enhancements at the dawn terminator
- Mantle Viscosity in the Kuril Subduction Zone from Postseismic GPS Monitoring of Great 2006/2007 Earthquakes
- Measured Two-Dimensional Ice-Wedge Polygon Thermal and Active Layer Dynamics
- Method to observe O<SUP>+</SUP> and S<SUP>2+</SUP> by the JADE-I instrument on NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter
- Multidirectional seismo-acoustic wavefield of strombolian explosions at Yasur, Vanuatu using a broadband seismo-acoustic network, infrasound arrays, and infrasonic sensors on tethered balloons
- Multidisciplinary Studies of the 2015-2016 Eruption of Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua
- Mutnovsky and Gorely Volcanoes, Kamchatka as Planetary Analogue Sites
- Observations of HF backscatter decay rates from HAARP generated FAI
- On the spatio-temporal and energy-dependent response of riometer absorption to electron precipitation: drift-time and conjunction analyses in realistic electric and magnetic fields
- Particle Dynamics at and Near the Electron and Ion Diffusion Regions
- Past and present flow organization of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Plasma Turbulence in Earth's Magnetosheath Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission over the First Sub-Solar Apogee Pass
- Plume Magnitude and Thermal Monitoring as Tools in Eruption Forecasting
- Prioritization for Downlink of Scientific Observations for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Trigger Parameters from the Fast Plasma Instrumentation
- Prototyping Radiometrically Terrain Corrected Sentinel-1A Large-Scale Processing
- Pulsating Aurora in Eveningside Giant Auroral Undulations
- Putting User Stories First: Experiences Adapting the Legacy Data Models and Information Architecture at NASA JPL's PO.DAAC to Accommodate the New Information Lifecycle Required by SWOT
- Radar Observations of Density Gradients, Electric Fields, and Plasma Irregularities Near Polar Patches
- Reconciling Estimates of Mantle Viscosity Across Scales: Case Study of the Basin and Range
- Relationships between Microbial Activities and Subduction-related Outgassing and Volatile Flux at Aleutian Arc Volcanoes
- Remote-Sensing Data Distribution and Processing in the Cloud at the ASF DAAC
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- SAR processing in the cloud for oil detection in the Arctic
- Seasonal Seismicity Variations in the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone and Its Relationship With Surface Hydrological Mass Changes
- Sediment Dynamics Facilitate Tidewater Glacier Periodicity
- Seismo-acoustic tremor and plume height hysteresis from the March 2016 eruption of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska
- Sentinel-1 Archive and Processing in the Cloud using the Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3) at the ASF DAAC
- Short-term response of the solid Earth to cryosphere fluctuations and the earthquake cycle in south-central Alaska
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- Slow Slip in the Alaska Subduction Zone and the Long-term Slip Budget on the Megathrust
- Solar electrons observed in the magnetosphere
- Studies of High Power RF-induced Turbulence in the Ionosphere over HAARP
- The Need and Opportunity for an Integrated Research, Development and Testing Station in the Alaskan High Arctic
- The SARVIEWS Project: Automated SAR Processing in Support of Operational Near Real-time Volcano Monitoring
- The observation of underwater frazil ice formation and upward sediment transport in an Arctic polynya in the Chukchi Sea
- Thermospheric wind and temperature fields observed using two ground based all-sky imaging Fabry-Perot spectrometers in Antarctica
- Tracking Present Surge Progression and it's Impact on Walsh and Steele Glaciers, Yukon/Alaska, with Landsat, ASTER, and Historical Data
- ULF Waves in Magnetosphere Generated by HFAs
- Using MHD Models for Context for Multispacecraft Missions
- Velocity shear driven instability and its effect on magnetic reconnection: MMS observations compared with PIC simulation results
- Widespread and rapid thermokarst development in a region of very cold continuous permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic
- 3-D acoustic waveform simulation and inversion supplemented by infrasound sensors on a tethered weather balloon at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- A Cloud-Based System for Automatic Hazard Monitoring from Sentinel-1 SAR Data
- A New Wave of Permafrost Warming in the Alaskan Interior?
- A new drag spool for measuring basal sliding and till deformation
- Accessing the inaccessible: making (successful) field observations at tidewater glacier termini
- Adjoint tomography of Empirical Green's functions from ambient noise in Southern California
- Applying Low Temperature Thermochronology to Constrain Exhumation Patterns along the Eastern Denali Fault Corner, Alaska
- Applying an orographic precipitation model to improve mass balance modeling of the Juneau Icefield, AK
- Assessment of eruption intensity using infrasound waveform inversion at Mt. Etna, Italy.
- Basement Structure and Styles of Active Tectonic Deformation in Central Interior Alaska
- Boreal Forest Permafrost Sensitivity Ecotypes to changes in Snow Depth and Soil Moisture
- Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- Comparison of atmospheric CO2 columns at high latitudes from ground-based and satellite-based methods
- Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Sea-Level over the Next Millennium
- Development of an Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program: ACUASI
- Developments in Seismic Data Quality Assessment Using MUSTANG at the IRIS DMC
- Directly measuring melt at a vertical face tidewater glacier: is it possible?
- Distinct Crater and Conduit Infrasound Reveal an Open Vent Volcano Running Out of Gas
- Downstream impacts of climate induced glacier change in High Mountain Asia
- Dynamic Triggering of Seismic Events and Their Relation to Slow Slip in Interior Alaska
- Dynamics of ionospheric convection during disturbed periods observed by the mid-latitude SuperDARN radars in the premidnight and postmidnight sector
- Energetic Particle Sounding of the Magnetopause Deformed by Hot Flow Anomaly
- Estimating Velocities of Glaciers Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery
- Evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) to Monitor Forest Health Conditions in Alaska
- Explosion localization and characterization via infrasound using numerical modeling
- Face Time: Meaningful Public Engagement Through Interactive, In-Person Outreach Efforts
- Fault geometry and slip distribution of the 2013 Mw6.6 Lushan, China, earthquake determined from GPS, strong-motion and leveling data
- Flood extent and water level estimation from SAR using data-model integration
- Full moment tensors with uncertainties for the 2017 North Korea declared nuclear test and for a collocated, subsequent event
- Giant Auroral Undulations: Large, wavelike structures in the equatorward auroral boundary seen during geomagnetic storms.
- High-Latitude Wintertime Urban Pollution: Particulate Matter Composition and Temporal Trends in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Historical and Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Alaska: Implications to Landscape Changes and Permafrost Carbon Pool.
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): Programmatic Access to Cloud-Based Processing of SAR Data
- Ichnofabrics and Facies in the Paleocene of Chicxulub: A Record of the Recovery of Life Post-Impact
- Impact of calving and ocean regime on the speed of Kangilerngata Sermia, Greenland
- Improved Near Real Time WRF-Chem Volcanic Emission Prediction and Impacts of Ash Aerosol on Weather.
- InSAR Deformation Time Series Processed On-Demand in the Cloud
- Integrated evaluation of the vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implications for the regional carbon balance in boreal Alaska
- Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery and Derived Products into Severe Weather Disaster Response
- Investigating plume dynamics at the ocean-glacier interface with turbulence profiling and autonomous vessels
- Ionospheric Correction in Using ALOS PALSAR InSAR Data for Monitoring Permafrost Subsidence associated with an Arctic Tundra Fire
- Ionospheric effects on DInSAR measurements of interseismic deformation in China
- Jupyter Notebooks for Earth Sciences: An Interactive Training Platform for Seismology
- Leveraging Subsidence in Permafrost with Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- Lightning Step Leader and Return Stroke Spectra at 100,000 fps
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Magnetic Connection and Properties of the Solar Magnetic Field
- Measurements of Ion-Neutral Coupling in the Auroral F-Region in Repsonse to Increases in Particle Precipitation
- Melt season lengths on Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves from passive microwave data
- Modeling long-term permafrost degradation
- Modeling post-eruptive deformation at Okmok volcano from GPS and InSAR using unscented Kalman filter
- Modeling soil temperature change in Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Multiscale-Driven approach to detecting change in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery
- NASA Earth Science Disasters Program Response Activities During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017
- Near Real-Time Use of Optical Remote Sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar for Response to Central U.S. Flooding in Late April-Early May 2017
- New Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- Not Just a Game … When We Play Together, We Learn Together: Interactive Virtual Environments and Gaming Engines for Geospatial Visualization
- Numerical simulations of permafrost dynamics in the source area of the Yellow River, central-eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Observations of kinetic scale magnetic holes in terrestrial space
- Optical Benson: Following the Impact of Melt Season Progression Using Landsat and Sentinel 2 - Snow Zone Formation Imaged
- Permafrost conditions at the Upper Kuskokwim river area and its influence on local communities.
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Practical Application and Obstacles of AVHRR Thermal Data for Estimation of Effusion Rates at Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Federation
- Recent Science Campaigns at HAARP
- Remote Sensing Observations of Advancing and Surging Tidewater Glaciers
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- Sentinel-1 Interferometry from the Cloud to the Scientist
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow in Alaska
- Short-term Slow Slip Events at the Southcentral Alaska Subduction Zone
- Simulation Study of Small-scale Plasma / Neutral Dynamics during Poleward Moving Auroral Forms
- Simulations of seismic wave propagation in the North Island of New Zealand for tomographic inversion
- Soil Carbon in North American, Arctic, and Boreal Regions
- Spatial variation of slip behavior beneath the Alaska Peninsula along Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone
- Spatio-Temporal Variations of Firn Properties on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Meltwater Refreezing in Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Firn
- Spectral Indices in Simulations of Imbalanced Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
- Sprites and mesospheric gravity waves during a summertime mesoscale convective event
- Statistical study of cold-dense plasma sheet: spatial distribution and semi-annual variation
- The Art in Visualizing Natural Landscapes from Space
- The Best of Both Worlds: Developing a Hybrid Data System for the ASF DAAC
- The Bridge: Experiments in Science and Art, Experiences from the 2017 SciArt Center Cross-Disciplinary Residency Program
- The Need and Opportunity for an Integrated Research, Development and Testing Center in the Alaskan High Arctic
- The Powell Volcano Remote Sensing Working Group Overview
- The thin brown line: The crucial role of peat in protecting permafrost in Arctic Alaska
- The turbulent life of juvenile icebergs: Observations from an array of high-rate time-lapse cameras in LeConte Bay, Alaska
- Transient Viscoelastic Relaxation and Afterslip Immediately After the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Uncertainties for seismic moment tensors and applications to nuclear explosions, volcanic events, and earthquakes
- Vegetation Change in Interior Alaska Over the Last Four Decades
- Wavefield simulations of earthquakes in Alaska for tomographic inversion
- Wind energy input into the upper ocean over a lengthening open water season
- MMS Observations of a Hot Flow Anomaly in the Magnetosheath
- 2D structure of foreshock driven Pc5 ULF waves observed by THEMIS satellites and ground-based imager conjunction
- A 3000-Year Sediment Proxy Record of Extreme Storm Surges, Chukchi Coastline, Alaska
- A Direct Bury Deployment in Alaska of A New Low Noise Broadband Seismometer
- A Large Amplitude (>300 M/S) Neutral Wind "Jet" Observed Near 130 km Altitude and Associated DC Electric Fields, Energetic Electron and Other Measurements Revealed by a Vapor Trail and Dual Sounding Rocket and Ground-Based Instruments in the Auroral Zone Lower Ionosphere
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- Adjoint Tomography of the Hikurangi Subduction Zone and New Zealand's North Island
- Alaska Arctic Observatory & Knowledge Hub: Community-based Observations of Changes in the Seasonal Cycle in Alaska's Arctic
- Amplification of Seismic Waves in Nenana Basin, Central Alaska
- Applying Conceptual Models to Multi-Parameter Remotely Detected Observations of Volcanic Unrest Over Multiple Decades in Latin America
- Attracting Iñupiaq Students to Physical Science through Culturally Inclusive Teaching Tools
- Basal Signatures of Subglacial Impact Structures
- Beyond Visual Line of Sight UAS Operations: The DOT FAA Integrated Pilot Program in Alaska
- Building Coastal Resiliency in Indigenous Communities through Erosion Monitoring Programs
- Calving and ocean impact on short-term velocity of Western Greenland glaciers
- Changing Arctic Climate Leads to Rare and Destructive Ivu (Ice Override)
- Characteristics of Volcanic Thunder and Electromagnetic Pulses from Lightning at Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska
- Chemical and biological carbon sinks in the Costa Rican Forearc: First insights from the Biology Meets Subduction project
- Co-producing sea ice tools to improve situational awareness and crisis response in the Arctic
- Community-Based Monitoring of Erosion and Flooding in Alaska Native Villages
- Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to sea-level over the next millennium
- Creating High-resolution Permafrost Maps Using LiDAR as Baseline Datasets for Landscape Change on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Cryospheric connections - Tracking the fate of glacier and snow melt water in High Mountain Asia: Implications for regional food security
- Debris Covered Glaciers in High Mountain Asia
- Dynamics of the polar thermospheric wind and substorm phases
- Earthquake Swarms and Their Relation to Slow Slip in Interior Alaska Revealed Through Relative Earthquake Relocation
- Earthquake nucleation and fault slip complexity in the lower crust of central Alaska
- Elevated ambient melting and large melt intrusions at a tidewater glacier
- Enhanced cusp electron precipitations associated with magnetic reconnection in an extreme hot flow anomaly
- Evaluating XCO2 bias and quality control methods for OCO-2 soundings in the Boreal Forests
- Evidence for Flow Channel Control of Eastward and Westward Expansion of the Substorm Expansion Phase
- Evolving infrasound detections from Bogoslof volcano, Alaska: insights from forward modelling
- Exhumation along the Southern Side of the Eastern Denali Fault of South-Central Alaska: Evaluating the Importance of Fault Geometry vs Terrane Rheology
- Explosion volume flux comparison using seismically derived tilt, infrasound, and gas data at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Extremely long duration of ground motion arising from sedimentary structures above slow slip areas of the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Fire dynamics following the K/Pg mass extinction informed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and stable isotopes
- Geological Constraints on 30 Million Years of Diachronous Magmatism Along AN Arc-Transform Junction, Wrangell Arc, Southern Alaska
- Glacier response to calving events determined by competition between dynamic thinning and advective thickening
- Glacier-Ocean Interactions in Western Antarctic Peninsula Fjords
- High-frequency Forcing of Near-terminus Water Properties at LeConte Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- High-resolution F-region Joule heating and ion temperature estimates in the southern high latitudes and polar cap
- High-resolution permafrost modeling and mapping in Alaska
- How ice cliffs form and disappear: A process study on two debris-covered Alaskan glaciers
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): A cloud-based infrastructure for generic processing of SAR data
- Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3): Personalized Cloud-Based Processing of SAR Data
- ISINGLASS Campaign Data Mapping and Assimilation
- ITS_LIVE: A new NASA MEaSUReS initiative to track the movement of the world's ice
- Impacts of Ice-Free Storm Seasons for Alaska's Coastal Communities
- Impressions from a four-week expedition to the Greenland ice sheet: Integrating art, science and education to reach a wider audience
- Improved Infrasound Array Processing with Robust Estimators
- Infrasound from the Fissure 8 Lava Fountain on Kilauea's Lower East Rift Zone
- Infrasound from the repeated collapses of Kilauea caldera: High-resolution source location and waveform inversion
- Investigating irregularities over Resolute Bay through observations and simulations of GNSS and Beacon signal propagation through gradient-drift instability
- Investigation of Severe Thunderstorm Damage to Vegetation Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Kinetic Flux Rope Solutions for Realistic Election/Ion Temperature Ratios
- Late Miocene-Pliocene paleo-elevations in southern Alaska constrained by precipitation isotopes archived in fossil leaf waxes and hydrated volcanic glass shards
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Long-term Permafrost Change Projections across the Northwest Territory (NWT), Canada: Implications for Ecosystem, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts.
- Magnetic Boundary Structure in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Meltwater Refreezing in Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Firn: Spatial Variability and Temporal Change Between 1989 and 2017
- Modeling Energy Balance and Refreezing in Firn in Southwest Greenland During the 2017 Melting Season
- Modeling the response of permafrost affected mesoscale watersheds to long term warming
- Moment tensor estimation and uncertainty quantification using mtuq, instaseis, obspy and pymc
- Moving Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: What We Can Learn from Subsurface Imagery
- Multi-Mode 3D Kirchhoff Migration of Receiver Functions in Southern Alaska using Permanent and Temporary Array Data
- Multi-sensor Remote Sensing Data Applied to Estimation of Effusion Rates at Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Federation
- Observations of Stress and Strain at a Floe Scale during Fracture Formation in the Sea Ice Pack
- Opportunity to Plan and Develop a Comprehensive US Arctic Research Infrastructure Network Hub at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- PFISR observations of ion upflow in conjunction with pulsating aurora
- Parameterizing Glacier Retreat and Thinning: A Case Study in High Mountain Asia
- Precariously balanced rocks in northern Utah: are Wasatch Fault earthquakes worse than expected?
- Processing of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data at Full Resolution
- Projections of 21st Century Regional-scale Glacier Mass Changes and Resulting Impacts on Runoff in the High Asian Mountains
- Quantifying Glacier Mass Change in High Mountain Asia through 2100 using a New Open-source Glacier Evolution Model
- Quantifying Parameter Uncertainty in a Glacier Evolution Model of High Mountain Asia with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method
- Quantifying methane ebullition from northern lakes with space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
- Radar imaging analysis of McMurdo SuperDARN observations
- Regional Shifts in Paleohurricane Activity over the Past Millennium Reconstructed from Blue Holes in the Tropical Atlantic
- Remote monitoring of explosive volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array.
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- SAR-CBC: A Capacity Building Center for the Use of SAR in Decision Making
- Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise
- Scientific Ballooning for Imaging Earth's Aurora under the Sun
- Scientific and National Security Missions Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Facilities in the Alaska High Arctic
- Sea ice science decision support during ICEX 2018
- Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Alaska Subduction Zone: S-wave Splitting Observations from Local Intraslab Earthquakes
- Simulation Study of Small-scale Ion Upflow Dynamics from Electron Precipitation
- Spatial Variation in Thermokarst Subsidence after the Anaktuvuk River Fire on the North Slope, Alaska
- Spatial and temporal trends in melt season lengths for Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves from 1978-2018 from passive microwave measurements
- Spatial variability of black carbon on glaciers in the eastern Alaskan Range, Alaska USA
- Spectral Distortion of Volcano Infrasound at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan, by Topographic Diffraction and Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation
- The Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) Project
- The recovery of the deep biosphere at the Chicxulub impact crater
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Transport properties as a function of plasma beta in the giant planet magnetospheres
- Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science: Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2)
- Understanding Seismo-Acoustic Explosion Signals and Their Relation to Dome Building and Destruction at Cleveland Volcano, Alaska
- Updating Winogradsky: Microbial Pigment Patterns as Model for Exploring EcoSystem Interaction.
- VOLCANIC ERUPTION TREMOR: Analyzing the Plume Height Relationship and Application of a Fluvial Seismology Model
- Variations in Ice Speed at a Rapidly Retreating Glacier: Yakutat Glacier, Alaska
- Volcanic Explosion Backazimuth from Near-Surface Seismo-Acoustic Coupling Minimization
- Volcanoes, Music to My Ears
- Whole Atmosphere Coupling : Investigations of Weather and Space Weather at Poker Flat Research Range, Chatanika, Alaska
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- A 1800-Year Sedimentary Record from a Bahamian Blue Hole Archives Significant Variations in Intense Hurricane Landfall Frequency
- A 400-node linear array crossing the Denali fault and Alaska subduction zone
- A Fully Automated P-SBAS Processing Pipeline for Sentinel-1 DInSAR time-series Generation within the AWS Cloud Computing Environment
- A Physical Seismicity Model for Volcanic Eruption Tremor Based on Particle Impacts and Turbulence
- A Space-based Geofluids Observatory for New Mexico
- A Tale of Two Very Large Avalanches: Probing the Limits of Seismoacoustic Avalanche Characterization on Iliamna Volcano, Alaska
- A framework for improved infrasound back-projection on local and regional scales
- A half-century of dynamical change at Athabasca Glacier, Canada
- A preliminary Cenozoic record of terrestrial polar amplification in south-central Alaska
- A semi-automated adjoint tomography workflow applied to New Zealand's North Island
- Accelerating foreshocks of crustal earthquakes controlled by frictional heterogeneities
- Aleutian Basin Stratigraphy: What We Know, What We Think We Know, and What We Don't Know
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Amplification of ground motions by Cook Inlet Basin from intermediate-depth earthquakes: Variations in scaling with basin depth and repeatable spatial effects from different source regions
- An Evaluation of SPECFEM3D for Local Infrasound Propagation Over Topography
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Arctic tundra and boreal forest surface energy balance retrieval using a thermal-based remote sensing model
- Can coupling sliding and hydrology models produce better estimates of ice flow?
- Characterization of Environmental Seismic Noise near a Karst Aquifer in Florida
- Characterizing the Aerosol Composition and Formation throughout Winter, Fairbanks, Alaska
- Climate Change in Alaska: Monitoring and Assessing the Vulnerability of Alaska's Ecosystems and Population
- Climatic, Glaciologic, and Geomorphic Controls on Northwestern North America Proglacial Lake Area Change Between 1984 - 2018
- Combining an Underground Explosive Source Model with the Rayleigh Integral to Predict Acoustic Signals from the Source Physics Experiment
- Comprehensive Alaska/Yukon glacier change over the last 47 years captured in satellite time-lapse movies: a visual record of ice and climate
- Decades of Change at Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, Visualized from Repeat Satellite Imagery
- Direct observations of submarine melt and subsurface geometry at a tidewater glacier
- Effects of Soft Electron Precipitation on Small Scale Ionosphere-Thermosphere Dynamics
- Efforts to Integrate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the National Airspace System (NAS) to Provide Safe and Reliable Research Platforms
- Electron Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Implication for Transport
- Expanding Environmental Seismology to Karst Aquifer Systems: Correlating Seismic Power to Discharge from a Conduit Network
- Exploring space physics under the aurora borealis: The University of Alaska Fairbanks Space Physics graduate program
- Exploring the Earth's outer atmosphere: an innovative approach to measure in-situ exospheric densities
- Focussed Degassing of Stored Continental Deep Carbon
- Forecasting Coastal Geomorphic Evolution at Nelson Lagoon, AK, in Response to a Shifting Arctic Storm Regime
- Formation, flow, and break-up of ephemeral ice mélange at LeConte Glacier and Bay, Alaska
- From Level-1 to Level-3: Integrating Time Series Analysis Into the Sentinel-1-based SARVIEWS Volcano Monitoring Service
- From SAPS and DAPS to Flow Channel Control of Auroral Omega Bands and Auroral Substorm Development
- From the Equator to the Pole: How Latitude Affects Incident Shortwave Radiation on Supraglacial Ice Cliffs
- GIS Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar for Disaster Mapping
- Geologic implications of the subsurface stratigraphy of the Mexico Basin (Mexico City), central Trans-Mexican Volcanic Arc
- Glacier mass and area changes on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1986-2016
- Glaciers on the Brink: New Alaskan Ice thickness Constraints from Operation IceBridge Airborne Radar Sounding
- Ground deformation after a caldera collapse: Contributions of magma inflow and viscoelastic response to the 2015-2018 deformation field around Bárðarbunga, Iceland
- High Time Resolution Auroral Electron Measurements
- High-rate tilt observations at a karst conduit system
- Imaging spectroscopy of boreal vegetation to aid fire risk assessment, Alaska
- Impacts of Rapid Climate Changes on Mass Movements in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska
- Improvements to SuperDARN convection analysis and observation techniques
- Investigating the Effect of Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation on Infrasound-Based Volume Flux Estimates at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
- Ion scale flux rope like structure observed inside a foreshock transient
- Landforms and Deposits Produced by Shallow Submarine Eruptive Activity During the 2016-2017 Eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska
- Late Miocene to late Pleistocene temperature trends inferred from precipitation isotopes in hydrated volcanic glass shards in central Alaska and Yukon.
- Lithosphere Structures of Alaska Revealed by Ambient-Noise Adjoint Tomography
- MMS observations of the structure and waves related to the shock of foreshock bubbles
- Modeling Millennial Time Scale Changes in Water Balance of Mesoscale Watersheds within Permafrost Regions
- Modeling future mass balance of glaciers in Alaska using Python Glacier Evolution Model
- Modeling pollution dispersion in a region with strong nocturnal inversions in the altiplano of Peru.
- Modeling the Long-term Deformation Field at Erebus volcano, Antarctica using 20 years of GPS Observations
- Morainal bank evolution and fjord infilling during a tidewater glacier stillstand, on seasonal to decadal timescales
- Moving Infrasound Sources During Cyclic Effusion at Kilauea's 2018 Fissure 8 Eruption
- Multiplet and particle motion analysis of very-long-period (VLP) events at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, during a period of low surface activity in 2018
- Multipole Acoustic Waveform Inversion And Volume Flow Rate For Small Explosion At Mt. Etna Italy. 485869
- New Data Sources for an Improved Gravity Anomaly Map of the Arctic Region
- Observations of Formaldehyde Above Various Arctic Biomes in Alaska
- Observations of Vigorous Vertical Thermospheric Neutral Winds at High Latitudes
- Observatory- and UAS-based perspectives on the surface energy budget of the Arctic
- On scaling InSAR to a planetary scale - the final frontier
- Prehistoric Surges of the Black Rapids Glacier, Alaska: Using the Past to Assess Future Hazards
- Preservation and reactivation of ancient lithospheric-scale structures in Alaska inferred from receiver function imaging and geologic constraints
- Probing Spatial Differences in PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Meteorology in Interior Alaska Winter Pollution Events
- Profiles of Earth's Magnetosheath during Steady IMF Conditions
- Pushing the boundaries - Beyond Visual Line of Sight in the National Airspace System
- Radial transport in Saturn's Magnetosphere: view from the entropy concept
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Reconstruction of the December 2018 Anak Krakatau Eruptive Activity Based on Eyewitness Reports, and Remote Seismo-acoustic and Satellite Observations
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- Remote Detection and Location of Explosive Volcanism in Alaska with the EarthScope Transportable Array.
- Rights Resilience and Community-led Relocation: Co-producing Knowledge To Identify Risk
- Seismic Response of Cook Inlet Sedimentary Basin, Southern Alaska
- Seismo-Acoustic Explosion Signals and Their Relation to Dome Building and Destruction at Mount Cleveland Volcano, Alaska
- Shear Wave Anisotropy in the Alaska Subduction Zone Inferred from S-wave Splitting and SKS-splitting
- Short-term velocity and variability of West Greenland Glaciers
- Small-scale variability of meltwater refreezing in Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet firn
- Spatial and temporal trends in ice lenses in Southwest Greenland, 1989-2017
- Species-specific responses to climate change in a temperate rainforest
- Strategies to Develop a Year-Round Comprehensive US High Arctic Research Center in Alaska to Serve Broad National Interests
- Taku Glacier, Alaska: On the verge of a calving retreat?
- The 30 November 2018 Mw7.1 Anchorage Earthquake
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Chorus Waves: Comparing Simultaneous Observations with Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- The SAR-CBC Project: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Recent SAR Capacity Building Activities
- The Use of Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C) Data for Long-Term Monitoring and Change Detection
- The age of ice exposed along the northern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The impact of debris cover and glacier dynamics on projections of glacier mass change in High Mountain Asia
- The influence of environmental microseismicity on detection and interpretation of small-magnitude ice quakes in a polar glacial setting: quantifying uncertainty
- The sensitivity of Southeast U.S. ozone abundance and production to dry deposition
- Toward reliable phase uncertainty estimates for decorrelating targets
- Tracking Arctic Coastal Changes Through a Collaborative Network of Northern Alaska Coastal Indigenous Communities
- Transient Injection Well Deformation Observed by InSAR and Explained with Poroelastic Modeling
- Turbulent plasma heating associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Two decades of coastal ice and ocean change in northern Alaska: Evolving research partnerships and observing approaches
- ULF Waves Modulating and Acting as Mass Spectrometer for Datside Ionospheric Outflow Ions
- Using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR observations to evaluate passive microwave melt detection methods over Antarctic Peninsula Ice Shelves
- Validating a Fully Coupled Model of Calving, Subglacial Hydrology, Proglacial Plumes and Ice Flow at Store Glacier, West Greenland, using High-Resolution Radar Interferometry
- Variability in subglacial discharge and submarine melt at LeConte Glacier, Alaska inferred from oceanographic budgets: methods, error analysis & results
- Web-based and Cloud-based RTC and InSAR Time Series Stacking of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery with the Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3)
- Wildfire as a Driver of Permafrost Degradation in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems of Alaska, Siberia and Northeast China: Implications for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts.
- 10-year global evaluation of tropospheric noise corrections derived from routinely leveraged weather models
- 20 years of GPS observations of deformation at Erebus volcano, Ross Island, Antarctica
- 3-D Simulations of Seismo-acoustic Coupling over Topography
- A Synthetic Study to Determine Adequate Infrasound Network Configurations for Resolving Source Directionality
- A Web-Based Interface for Geodetic Imaging with Large SAR Data Sets using NASA High End Computing
- A co-production of knowledge approach to understand how sea ice loss constrains Indigenous hunting opportunities for traditional marine mammal resources in northwest Alaska
- Acceleration of Ions by the ULF Waves Driven by a Foreshock Transient
- Acoustic Wave Generation by Finite Surface Motions Simulated by Full 3-D Finite-Difference Method
- Adjoint Tomography of the North Island, New Zealand Using an Automated Workflow
- An Exploration of the Growing Season Climate and NDVI Variability in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Southwest Alaska
- An InSAR-derived Statewide Deformation Map for New Mexico, USA
- An assessment of support vector machines for volcanic infrasound signal classification on local scales
- Assessing Burn Severity in the Alaskan Boreal Forest using Remote Sensing Methods
- Auroral Optical flow velocities compared with SuperDARN convection
- Automatic Generation of Water Masks of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Using a Fully Convolutional Network Trained Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Images.
- Building an on-board autonomous data acquisition and processing technology payload for small unmanned aircraft system
- Changes in direct radiative effect of biogenic secondary organic aerosol from pre-industrial to present day
- Characterizing Crustal Magmatic Processes Through Volcanic Gas Geochemistry
- Climate and Environmental Changes and its Impact on the Scythian Frozen Toms of the Altai Mountains, South Siberia, Russia.
- Complex bathymetry beneath Thwaites and Dotson Ice Shelves revealed by active-source seismic surveys
- Connecting Crop Productivity, Residue Fires, and Air Quality over Northern India
- Constraining biogenic volatile organic compound emissions at northern high latitude: an integrated satellite, ground/aircraft and model perspective
- Constraining subglacial processes from surface velocity observations using surrogate-based Bayesian inference
- Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Dendro-geomorphological Analysis of the Slate Creek Landslide, Alaska.
- Development of a Crop Classifier using Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar via a Fully Convolutional Network
- Establishing Support for New Convergence Research Communities
- Evidence for Deep Uneclogitized Subducted Crust Under Alaska
- Evolution of sea ice radiometric properties during melt and breakup
- Exploring the relationship between submarine melt and subglacial discharge with observations from LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Far-IR Water Vapor Spectroscopy from Analysis of Field Campaign Measurements
- Force and moment tensor uncertainty quantification with 1D and 3D Earth models
- Foreshock Transient Generated ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere
- Frequent winter 2020 storms over the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas continue recent trend
- Get HyP3! SAR processing for everyone
- Global debris thickness estimates of debris-covered glaciers
- Granular decoherence precedes failure of ice mélange
- High-Resolution Crustal Imaging in South-Central Alaska Across the Denali Fault with Dense Geophone Deployment and Beamforming
- Historical hypsometry analysis of the Dotson and Crosson Ice Shelves using trimetrogon aerial imagery with structure-from-motion processing techniques
- How Does the Proximity of Mountain Glaciers Affect the Microclimates of Adjacent Forests in Southeast Alaska?
- HydroSAR: A Cloud-based SAR Data Analysis Service to Monitor Hydrological Disasters and their Impact on Population and Agriculture
- Ice cliff morphology and evolution on the Kennicott Glacier, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska.
- Ikaaġvik Sikukun: Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- Implications of the 2020 M7.8 Simeonof, Alaska Earthquake
- Influence of the Kilauea 2018 Fissure 8 Geometry and Eruption Dynamics on Acoustic Jet Noise
- Infrasonic backprojection with the EarthScope Transportable Array in Alaska: Improving detection and localization of explosive volcanism via noise reduction.
- Infrasound from Giant Bubbles During Shallow, Explosive Submarine Eruptions
- Introducing the Short Baseline (SBAS) Tool for Interferometry
- Kinetic Flux Rope Solutions with Non-Boltzmann Electron and Ion Distributions
- Long-term monitoring of Arctic shorefast sea ice along whale hunting trails at Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Observations of Foreshock Transients at Their Very Early Stage
- Mapping Agriculture Areas Using Synthetic Aperture Radar in the Context of Flood-Related Disaster Events
- Mapping Bottomfast Sea Ice in Arctic Lagoons Using Sentinel-1 Interferometry
- Modeling Nonlinear, Time-dependent Evolution of Ionospheric Fluid Instabilities in the Polar Cap
- Modeling supraglacial lake drainage and its effects on the seasonal evolution of the subglacial drainage system in a tributary setting
- Modeling the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier
- Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Changes in Seismic Velocity of the Florida Karst Aquifer System with Phase Cross-Correlation and Wavelet Cross-Spectral Analysis
- Multi-Disciplinary Evidence for a Large, Previously Unrecognized Caldera in the Islands of Four Mountains, Central Aleutian Arc, Alaska
- New and upcoming developments of standardized InSAR Products by the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
- Nonlinear acoustic propagation single-point spectral indicator: Comparative performance analyses for Sakurajima, Yasur, Popocatépetl, Augustine, Nabro, Reventador, Tungurahua, Villarrica, Cotopaxi, and Calbuco explosion waveforms
- Observations of Stress and Strain at Floe Scale in Sea Ice
- Observations of Strong Vertical Winds within the Auroral Zone during Active Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Observations of the 22 July 2020 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Simeonof earthquake from small-aperture seismic arrays in Alaska
- Observations of the heat budget of thinning coastal Arctic sea ice under the influence of a river outflow
- Ocean surface circulation in front of Greenland glaciers derived from Ground Portable Radar Interferometry.
- Permafrost hazard mapping in the discontinuous permafrost zone of Alaska
- Quantifying the role of biomass burning in black carbon deposition on Andean glaciers.
- Radial anisotropy of the Alaskan lithosphere revealed by multi-component ambient-noise adjoint tomography
- Rapid basal melting and destabilization of the Dotson Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Rapid reconfiguration of the Greenland ice sheet margin
- Results and Recommendations of the Infrasound Propagation Working Group
- Rupture behavior of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazig (Turkey) earthquake and its tectonic implications
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability of Alaska's Northern Lagoons
- Seismic Observations of Possible Overpressurized Air Pocket Release in a Karst Aquifer
- Seismic Responses to the Rate-of-Change of Surface- and Groundwater Level Within a Karst Aquifer System, Santa Fe River Sink-Rise, North-Central Florida
- Source and Chemistry of Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Spatial Evolution of Snow Melt On the Arctic Coast: A Field Campaign in Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Bubbles and Comparisons of MMS Observations with the Global Hybrid Simulations
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Density Holes
- Statistical Study of Foreshock Transients and their Substructures Observed by MMS
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): A Major Publication Venture Celebrating Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science
- The Impacts of Rapid Climate Change on Mass Movements in Denali National Park, Alaska
- The intriguing dynamics of Domuyo volcano, Argentina, as inferred from satellite remote sensing observations
- The mass balance of landfast sea ice in Kotzebue Sound: addressing community-driven research questions through knowledge co-production
- Triggered Seismicity, Deformation and Induced Velocity Changes Near Volcanoes Following the M7.8 Simeonof Island Earthquake
- Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska
- Two decades of dynamic changes on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf
- Two-Dimensional Strain in Landfast and Drifting Sea Ice Using Space- and Ground-Based Radar Interferometry
- Two-Dimensional Study of Plasma / Neutral Dynamics Surrounding Poleward Moving Auroral Forms
- University of Alaska Fairbanks Student-Built Heavy Lift Multirotor (HLM) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) as a Platform for Conducting Arctic Research
- VIIRS Direct Broadcast Advances for Improved Wildland Fire Monitoring in Alaska
- Whistler mode waves in the compressional boundary of foreshock transients
- 2021 Results from the UH Program to Teach Undergraduates to Build Spacecraft
- Aftershock Summary for the July 28, 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake
- Air quality as a socioscientific issue addressed through a University/K-12 partnership
- Changes in regional background seismicity prior to large magnitude earthquakes
- Cloud-based Processing and Delivery of Analysis-Ready SAR Datasets
- Deep Learning Identification of Volcanic Thermal Anomalies in VIIRS Infrared Imagery
- Enabling Cloud-based InSAR Science
- First Steps Towards Modeling Eruption Size at Arc-Volcanoes in Near-Real Time Using Multidisciplinary Data
- High-Resolution of Primary Gradient Drift Instability in Polar Cap Patches
- Ice Fog Monitoring Near Fairbanks, AK
- Interhemispheric Comparisons of Modeled Joule Heating Variations During the 2013 and 2015 St. Patrick's Day Geomagnetic Storms
- Long-term AOD-PM2.5 Relationship in Alaska during Summer Fire Season
- M8.2 Chignik Earthquake Aftershock Sequence: 3 Very Different-looking Types of Earthquakes in a Single Sequence
- Model-Data Comparison for the Kinetic-Scale Energy and Momentum Transport Experiment (KiNET-X)
- Modelling study pre-ALPACA campaign: Wintertime Arctic Air Pollution over the Fairbanks region and central Alaska
- Radar Interferometry on Drifting Sea Ice: Measuring Micro-Strain, Detecting Cracks, and Supporting On-Ice Decisions
- Skip the Processing: On Demand Analysis-Ready InSAR from ASF
- Small-scale Neutral Dynamics Driven by Soft Electron Precipitation
- The 30 year Evolution of the Alaska Satellite Facility
- The ASF OpenSARLab A cloud-based (SAR) Remote Sensing Data Analysis Platform
- The August 2018 Mw=6.4 Kaktovik (North Slope), Alaska earthquake: a further look combining InSAR and relocated seismicity
- The NASA MEaSUREs ITS_LIVE project: Accelerating glacier science through satellite data synthesis
- A New Global 30m HAND Dataset to Support Hydrological Services and Applications
- A Rock Glacier Inventory of the Central Alaska Range, Alaska
- Analysis of an Ice Fog Episode in Fairbanks, Alaska during Winter 2022.
- Automatic Flood Depth Estimation Based on the HAND-based Approach for Bangladesh Floodplains
- Concentrations and Sources of VOCs during wintertime urban pollution at Fairbanks, Alaska
- Constructing a Machine Learned Global Geomagnetic Field Prediction Model from Magnetic Local Time Dependent Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks
- Coupled indoor-outdoor aerosol mass, composition, and size measurements from a residential home in Fairbanks, Alaska during ALPACA 2022
- Development of a Framework for Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Biogeochemical Modeling to Predict Permafrost Methane Emissions
- Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
- Easing Obstacles to Teaching Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Science: ASF OpenSARlab
- Enhancing Access to Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence Data
- Evaluating Recent Changes in Surface Elevation Models and Their Implications for the OCO-2 Bias Correction Over Northern High Latitude Regions
- Formaldehyde and its main sources in wintertime Fairbanks, Alaska
- GOES-R PM2.5 Evaluation and Bias Correction - A Deep Learning Approach
- Get HyP3! Cloud-native SAR Processing
- Global Observations of Total, Stratospheric, and Tropospheric BrO Columns from OMPS-NM onboard the Suomi NPP Satellite
- High-latitude ionospheric electrodynamics specification using the machine-learning based ionosphere models
- HydroSAR: Developing and Transitioning a SAR-based Inundation Monitoring Service for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
- Interannual variability of summertime formaldehyde (HCHO) vertical column density and its main drivers in northern high latitudes
- Investigation of Data Processing and Filtering Techniques for a High-Latitude Scintillation Machine Learning Database
- Low-temperature geothermal anomalies on La Palma Island (Spain) before the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Mathematical Modeling of Thermospheric Mass Density Via Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis
- Monitoring the Seasonal and Interannual Ground-surface Displacement in Tundra Regions along the North Slope of Alaska
- Narrowing the Latency Gap for Disaster Response and Open Science: ARIA's Analysis-Ready Displacement Data for Everyone
- Numerical ray trace modeling for studying HF scintillation
- OPERA RTC Product, Algorithm, and Validation Approach
- One million GUNW products from ARIA and counting: Enabling open-science and disaster management for everyone
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- Radical Precursors in Wintertime Fairbanks, AK: Observations of O3, HCHO, and HONO Vertical Concentration Profiles During ALPACA
- Regional-scale assessment of Holocene lake drainage ages in Arctic permafrost - first results
- Sentinel-1 Bursts: ASF services offering direct access inside an SLC
- Simulation Study of Cusp Neutral Density Structuring
- Size-Resolved Characterization of Sulfate and S(IV) Species in Atmospheric Aerosols in Fairbanks, Alaska Winter
- Sources and Processes Influencing Local Arctic Wintertime Air Pollution
- Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes Show Primary Sulfate is the Dominant Source of Particulate Sulfate During Winter in Fairbanks, AK
- The Bow Shock and Magnetosheath Responses to Density Depletion Structures
- The Contributions of Soft-Rock Landslides to Riverine Sediment Budgets via an InSAR and sPOT Analysis
- The Effects of Late Spring and Summer Snowfall on Arctic Sea Ice Radiative Forcing
- The JPSS Program: Providing Critical Services to Alaska Wildfire Operations
- The Science Objectives of the 2022-2023 University of Houston Undergraduate Student Instrument Project
- Thermokarst processes observed by remote sensing and ground surveys at intact and disturbed tundra on the North Slope, Alaska
- Vertical Gradients of Pollutants Measured during Winter in a Subarctic City.
- Vertical Profiles of Reactive Bromine near Utqiagvik and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollution
- Warming and Thawing Permafrost in Alaska
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. M. Keesee
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Alex Gardner
- Alqamah Sayeed
- Amir H. Souri
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andrew R. Mahoney
- Anna Irrgang
- Annett Bartsch
- Armin Sorooshian
- B. D. Hamlington
- B. Kunduri
- B. R. Dennis
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Brett Buzzanga
- Bruce Chapman
- C. R. Nowlan
- Carl Schmitt
- Chad A. Greene
- Chris Polashenski
- Chris Rollins
- Colby Haggerty
- D. A. Coffin
- D. Fischer
- David Bekaert
- Debra Wunch
- Denise Thorsen
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Donald Hampton
- Doğacan Öztürk
- E. J. Fielding
- Edgar A. Bering
- Emily Lill
- Emre Havazlı
- Ezra J. T. Levin
- G. Le
- G. Lu
- G. W. Perry
- Go Iwahana
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Guido Grosse
- Gustavo H. X. Shiroma
- H. K. Connor
- H. R. Dietterich
- H. Zhang
- Hai Zhang
- Heidi Kristenson
- Helena Bergstedt
- Hugues Lantuit
- Hyomin Kim
- J. Correira
- J. Mao
- J. Raeder
- J. Stutz
- J. T. Freymueller
- Jason M. St. Clair
- Jean-Christophe Raut
- Jennifer Delamere
- Jessie M. Creamean
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Joseph H. Kennedy
- Jun Wang
- K. Chance
- K. Deshpande
- K. F. Tiampo
- Kathy S. Law
- Kayla Iacovino
- Kazuyuki Saitô
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Kristian D. Hajny
- Leslie Lamarche
- Li Hu
- Louise M. Farquharson
- M. Conde
- M. E. West
- M. F. Larsen
- M. Lessard
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Mary-Grace Bato
- Matthew A. Young
- Matthias Fuchs
- Meeta Cesler‐Maloney
- Michael Hirsch
- Michael Nole
- N. P. Barnes
- P. A. Damiano
- P. A. Delamere
- P. B. Shepson
- P. Elósegui
- P. F. DeCarlo
- P. H. Reiff
- P. Lundgren
- Paul J. DeMott
- Paul Overduin
- Pawan Gupta
- Peter K. Peterson
- Presley Greer
- R. Gens
- R. J. Weber
- R. Michell
- Rajesh Thapa
- Richard Querel
- Robert C. Levy
- Robert Zinke
- Scott Paine
- Shumenghui Zhai
- Simon Zwieback
- Simran Sangha
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. M. Lopez
- V. A. Pinto
- V. E. Romanovsky
- V. Sai Gowtam
- Vanessa Selimovic
- W. R. Simpson
- Xi Lu
- Xingran Chen
- Xueliang Liu
- Y. Zhan
- Yang Liu
- Yuhan Yang
- Yuk‐Chun Chan
- Zhong Lü
- Zixu Liu
- Zolal Ayazpour