University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Arctic Research Center
flowchart I[University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Arctic Research Center] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (753)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (32)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Auroral Spectra as a Tool for Detecting Extra-Etrrestrial Life
- Biological albedo reduction of snow and ice on glaciers in Alaska.
- Distribution of Dimethylsulfide andDimethylsulfoniopropionate in Arctic Shelf Region
- Investigating the SAR ice deformation product in validation of sea ice rheology models
- Phase partitioning of <SUP>234</SUP>Th and its relationship with acid polysaccharide content in the Gulf of Mexico
- Statistics of Ice Extent in the Barents Sea, 1850-1949
- The effect of rheology on simulated sea ice drift and deformation
- An Alternative AO Mode and Its Role on the Salinification of the Eurasian Basin
- Analysis of the Polar Amplification Pattern of Global Warming in an Atmospheric GCM Coupled to an Oceanic Mixed Layer
- Biological Production and POC Export Fluxes in the Canada Basin and the Bering Sea
- Distribution of cryoconite on the surface of a glacier derived from a Landsat TM image
- Dynamics of organic matter in the western Arctic Ocean
- Elevation Changes on Malaspina, Agassiz and Marvine Glaciers, Alaska, from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
- Sea-ice Conditions over the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea in 1999 and its Comparison with Climatology
- Sensitivity of a Hydrothermal System to Small Seismic Events
- Spatial Variation of Soil Respiration Rate along a Latitudinal Alaskan Transect
- An observation-based, hybrid 3D-MHD solar wind modeling system, H3DM
- Annual CO2 budget at arctic wet sedge tundra in Barrow and the contribution of winter fluxes
- Comparison between All-Sky Images Observed by Satellite SMEI and Simulations by using the HAF Solar Wind Model
- Flow Dynamics from Elevation Changes on the Malaspina-Seward Glacier System, Alaska-Yukon, using High Resolution Airborne and SRTM InSAR-Derived DEMs
- Interannual Variability of Sea-ice over the Eurasian Shelf Seas and its Interaction with Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation
- Irreverent Soils: Nitrogen Dynamics In Taiga Forests During Winter
- Live from the Arctic
- Live from the Arctic
- Modeling Study of Arctic Storm with the Coupled MM5-Sea Ice-Ocean Model
- Multiple Equilibria in CCM 3.6.6 Coupled to the Oceanic Mixed Layer with Thermodynamic sea ice.
- Numerical Investigation of Inertial and Tidal Variability in Arctic Sea-Ice Deformation
- Potential enhancement of CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission in North Slope Wetlands of Alaska by Caribou
- Remote sensing of net ecosystem productivity based on component spectrum and soil respiration observation in boreal forest, interior Alaska.
- Seasonal Change Of CO2 Flux At Tundra Vegetation In Interior Alaska
- The Solar Mass Ejection Imager: Early Results and Prospects for Space Weather Forecasts
- Weaving Arctic Networks of Support and Engaged Accountability
- A New Method for Predicting the Dst Index Using Solar Wind Parameters
- A One-Dimensional Physical-Ecosystem Model Study of Plankton, Nutrient and Dimethylsulfide Dynamics in the Southeastern Bering Sea middle shelf domain
- Annual cycle of dense water cascading in the north-eastern Barents Sea
- Arctic Logistics Information and Support: ALIAS
- Atlantic Water Seasonal Variability on the Continental Slope of the Laptev Sea
- Climate Response to Increased Greenness at High Latitudes in Climate Model ARPEGE-CLIMAT
- Connections among atmospheric forcing, river runoff, and oceanological conditions in the Chukchi, East-Siberian and Laptev seas
- Dependence of Soil Temperature on the Fluxes of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, and N<SUB>2</SUB>O in Boreal Forest Soils, Interior Alaska
- Horizontal and vertical distribution of freshwater in the Arctic Ocean deduced from historical hydrochemistry
- Hubbard Glacier and the Potential Damming of Russell Fiord from Analysis of Small-Aircraft Laser Altimeter Data and NASA SRTM-USGS-Canada DEMs
- Hydrographic Properties in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in the 1999 Summer and Their Comparisons with Climatology
- Isotopic Disequilibrium Between Carbon Fixed and Released in a Rice Paddy Ecosystem as Influenced by Methanogenesis From CO<SUB>2</SUB> Under Anaerobic Conditions
- Methane Climate Forcing and Methane Release in the Siberian Fresh-Water Systems and Marine Ecosystems.
- Ocean Dynamics in Recent Arctic Freshwater Changes
- Ocean Wave Energy Regimes of the Circumpolar Coastal Zones
- Polar Amplification of Global Warming in Models Without Ice-Albedo Feedbacks
- Predicting Solar Wind Conditions Beyond 1 AU Using the Hakamada-Akasofu-Fry Model
- Sea ice retreat and its consequences in greenhouse simulations of climate change
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of Methane Flux at Wet Tundra in North Slope, Alaska
- Simulation of Solar Events Using the HAF Solar Wind and Magnetic Cloud Models
- The power consumed by mixing processes in the deep-ocean interior
- Tidal and Inertial Variability in Arctic sea ice drift and Deformation
- Trends in Arctic and Antarctic Melt Season Parameters From Reanalysis
- Wind-forced Interannual Variability of the East-Siberian Sea Hydrography
- A study of an Arctic storm and its ice-ocean interactions during SHEBA using the coupled MM5-sea ice-ocean model
- Acceleration of the Arctic and Subarctic Freshwater Cycle
- Across the Arctic Teachers Experience Field Research
- Air-Ice Interactions Associated with a Storm Process in a 2-Dimentional Coupled Model
- An Approach for Understanding and Comparing the Dynamics of the Climate System and Climate Models
- Arctic Regional and Seasonal Variability and Changes of Storm Activity in Present and Future Projected Climate
- Carbon Dioxide Exchange and Sea Water Optical Properties in the Coastal Arctic Ocean
- Changing Relationship Between the North Atlantic Oscillation and key North Atlantic Climate Parameters
- Circum-Arctic High-Speed Wind Event Climatology and Trends From Observational Data
- Estimating response to various forcings in an aquaplanet GCM
- Export Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon From the Yukon River
- Fluxes of Colloidal Organic Carbon to the Arctic Ocean From North American Rivers
- Interpretation of ICESat-Derived Elevation Change on the Malaspina-Seward Glacier
- Partitioning and Fate of Potentially Exported Soil Organic Carbon From the Eroding Coastline of Northern Alaska
- Possible Effect of Black Carbon Wildfire Soot on Arctic Sea Ice and Alaska Glaciers
- Primary Production and C Flow in the Chukchi Sea Land-Fast Ice-Ocean Ecosystem and Sensitivity to Environmental Factors
- Recent Elevation Changes on Bagley Ice Valley, Guyot and Yahtse Glaciers, Alaska, from ICESat Altimetry, Star-3i Airborne, and SRTM Spaceborne DEMs
- Simulating net ecosystem productivity and the sensitivity of a sub-arctic boreal forest ecosystem
- Simultaneous Micrometeorological Flux Observations of CO2 and CH4 at a Sub-Arctic Black-Spruce Forest in Alaska
- Solar Trans-Equatorial Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Possible Relation to Geomagnetic Storms
- Temporal and Spatial Variations in Soil CO2 Effluxes of Different Ecosystems
- A Solar Wind Short Distance Propagation Model Based on Magneto-Hydrodynamics
- A scaling approach of net ecosystem productivity over Alaskan black spruce forests, using the eddy covariance, BIOME-BGC, and MODIS
- ARCUS Internet Media Archive (IMA): A Window Into the Arctic - An Online Resource for Education and Outreach
- ARCUS Internet Media Archive (IMA): A Window Into the Arctic - An Online Resource for Education and Outreach
- Acceleration of the Arctic Water Cycle: evidence from the Lena Basin, Siberia
- Application of 4Dvar Data Assimilation for Reanalysis and Short Range Forecast: Circulation of the Chukchi and Bering Seas
- Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes and their causes
- Assessment of winter fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in boreal forest soils of central Alaska estimated by the profile method and the chamber method: A diagnosis of methane emission and implications for the regional carbon budget
- Changes in Soils and Permafrost as a Function of Distance to the Beaufort Sea Coast, Alaska
- Characteristics and Variability of Storm Tracks in Alaska
- Chukchi Sea Storm Densities Derived From Various Storm Idenfication Algorithms
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI): A Contribution to an IPY Data Cyberinfrastructure
- Detecting Seasonality and Regionality of Changes in Arctic Storm Activity
- Dynamical Development of the Bering/Chukchi Sea Storm, October, 2004
- Evaluation of SRTM and ICESat for Geologic Hazard and Ice Elevation Change Studies in Southern Alaska
- Evaluation of burn severity of an interior Alaskan black spruce forest with ALOS AVNIR-2 and PALSAR remote sensors.
- Extreme value wind analysis in Alaska
- Formation and Transport of Cold Saline Water on the Laptev Sea Shelf
- Historical and Future Spatial Hydrologic Variations at a Coastal Arctic Watershed, Alaska
- How Does Storm Activity Modulate and Contribute to Arctic Freshwater Cycle?
- Improvement in C-budget estimation at a sub-arctic black spruce forest by application of field data to remote sensing and modeling
- Improving modeling of changing and thawing permafrost in Alaska using NCAR CLM3
- InSAR Terrain Mapping Using ICESat Laser Altimetry
- Influence of oceanic tides on sea ice thickness variability
- Integrated Regional Changes in Arctic Climate Feedbacks: Implications for the Global Climate System
- Interactions and Feedbacks in the Changing Arctic Hydrologic System
- Location of Ionospheric F-region Troughs Using a 3D Polar Model, and Validation Using Tomography Data
- Modeling circulation and sea ice in the Bering Sea
- Multi-Method Analysis of Arctic Groundwater Dynamics in a Changing Climate
- Observed Evidence of Permafrost Degradation and Its Potential Environmental Impacts in Siberia
- Pedological Properties of the Eroding Coastline along the Beaufort Sea, Alaska
- Permafrost Degradation and Effects on Watershed Chemistry and Hydrology
- PolarTREC-Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating: Bringing Polar Research to the Classroom
- PolarTREC-Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating: Innovative Science Education from the Poles to the World
- Preliminary Results from a Coupled Ice Ocean Model focus on the Arctic
- Recent and future permafrost variability, retreat and degradation in Greenland and Alaska: An integrated approach.
- River-Shelf Interactions During Spring Floods in the Coastal Beaufort Sea
- Sensitivity of the southeastern Bering Sea phytoplankton bloom to biological and physical forcing
- Seward Peninsula, Alaska, Permafrost Distribution in the Recent Past, Present and Future
- Simulating the 20th Century Arctic Climate Using A Global Coupled Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Model
- Summer time fresh water runoff iron source to the coastal Gulf of Alaska
- Synthesis of long-term changes in the Arctic/North Atlantic climate system
- The role of sea ice in shaping recent Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes
- Validation metrics for high-frequency sea ice models
- Variability of the Marine Ecosystem in Response to Climate Changes in the Southeastern Bering Sea Midshelf During the Last Decades
- "Live from IPY"--Connecting Students, Teachers and the Public to Polar Research
- A Dynamic Soil Layer Model for Assessing the Effects of Wildfire on High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
- ARCUS Internet Media Archive (IMA): A Window into the Arctic - An Online Resource For Education and Outreach
- An Eulerian View of storm events and their relationship to storm surge along the coast of Alaska
- An Intensified Arctic Water Cycle? Trend Analysis of the Arctic System Freshwater Cycle: Observations and Expectations
- Arctic Cyclone Activity: Synoptic-scale Modeling Study and Upscaling Implication for Large- scale Climate Variability and Change
- Assimilating QuikSCAT SeaWinds With WRF Model for High Latitude Sea Breeze Simulation
- Atmospheric and Oceanic forcing of sea ice drift and deformation during the SEDNA field campaign
- CH4 and CO2 Fluxes from the Arctic Tundra during the Biocomplexity Manipulation Experiment
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI)
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI)
- Connecting Arctic/Antarctic Researchers and Educators (CARE): Supporting Teachers and Researchers Beyond the Research Experience
- Cyclone variability and its impact on moisture transport into the Arctic
- Cyclones of the Arctic: definitions, pattern and regional trends
- Dependence of Evapotranspiration on Meteorological Variables Barrow, Northern Alaska
- Environmental Studies in the Boreal Forest Zone: Summer IPY Institute at Central Boreal Forest Reserve, Fedorovskoe, Tver area, Russia (14-28 August, 2007)
- Eurasian Hydroclimatology: observations, change, attribution, and impacts
- Filamentary Propagation Smoke Plumes and their Interaction with the Arctic Boundary Layer Cycles
- Interannual Variability of Primary Production and Fishery in Response to Climate Changes in the Bering Sea
- Investigating methods of wave-ice interactions
- Lead and lead isotopes in the North Pacific: mid-depth maxima and deep water anthropogenic source
- Measuring Ice Mass Fluctuations in Southern Alaska and Evaluating the Potential Influence on Tectonic Earthquakes
- North Atlantic warming: Fingerprints of climate change and long-term variability
- Observed and Modeled Temperature Inversions for Fairbanks Alaska
- Observing the Dynamic Component of the Arctic Sea Ice Mass Balance
- PolarTREC-Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating: Science Education from the Poles to the World
- Present Permafrost Extent in Alaska Utilizing Numerical Modeling
- Recent Intensification of Northern High Latitude Hydrological Cycle: Perspective from synoptic-scale storm activity
- Remotely sensed vicennial changes of green phytomass, Salix cover, and leaf turnover in a sedge-shrub tundra, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
- Scaling approach of terrestrial carbon cycle over Alaska's black spruce forests: a synthesis of field observation, remote sensing, and ecosystem modeling
- Seasonal Evolution of Aleutian Low-Pressure Systems: Implications for the North Pacific Sub- Polar Circulation
- Selection of Super-Ensembles for Regional Climate Projections
- Sensitivity of Arctic Sea Ice to Global Warming Forcing in Observations and Climate Model Simulations
- Short Term Variability of Sea Ice Thickness in the Beaufort Sea
- Simulation and verification for the expansion of the wildfire in the boreal forest
- Surface Melt Area and Water Balance Modeling on the Greenland Ice Sheet 1995-2005
- Surface Water Storage Change as Evidence of Groundwater Gradients
- Teachers, Researchers, and Students Collaborating in Arctic Climate Change Research: The Partnership Between the Svalbard REU and ARCUS PolarTREC programs
- The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States
- The Signature of the Albedo-Temperature Feedback in Recent Arctic Change
- The vulnerability of carbon storage in boreal North America during the 21st Century to increases in wildfire activity
- Thermokarst Distribution in the Noatak Basin, Alaska: Increased Frequency and Correlations with Local and Regional Landscape Variables
- Tracing the Atlantic Temperature Signal in the Arctic Ocean
- Using a dynamical systems approach to characterize climate for physical interpretation and comparison of models to observations
- Variational Reconstruction of the Chukchi Sea Circulation in October-November 1990
- Variational estimate of the volume transport through the Kamchatka Strait and Aleutian passes.
- Winter CO2 and CH4 fluxes along a trans-Alaska pipeline during three winters
- A Science Plan for Development of an Arctic System Model
- ARCUS Internet Media Archive (IMA): A Resource for Outreach and Education
- Accelerating Impetus of Atmospheric Circulation for the Recent Rapid Arctic Climate System Change and the Extreme Sea Ice Loss in 2007
- An Integrated Biogeophysically Based Model Of Land Surface Water And Energy Fluxes And Its Application To Different Climate Conditions
- An improvement and validation of wild fire detection algorithm of wild fire using 2- dimensional stochastic model.
- Arctic Synthesis Collaboratory: A Virtual Organization for Transformative Research and Education on a Changing Arctic
- Beaufort Sea Coastal Wind Regime Study
- Biomass Estimation by ALOS/PALSAR over Boreal Forest in Alaska Accompanied with Ground-based Forest Survey
- Circulation and Volume Balance in the Bering Sea: Analysis of the Inverse Solution
- Coastal Erosion History Retrieval using Multi-Sensor Imagery on the Permafrost Coasts of the Bykovsky Peninsula
- Coupling between the Arctic Middle and Upper Atmosphere during the IPY 2007-2008 Winter
- Detection of mesoscale sea ice vortices and their use in sea ice model validation
- Influence of Source/Sink Distributions to the Flux-Profile Relationships Observed in a Black Spruce Forest
- International collaboration in Arctic terrestrial research
- Mechanisms explaining anomalous ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea during 2006 and 2007
- Microorganisms Trapped Within Permafrost Ice In The Fox Permafrost Tunnel, Alaska
- On the need to include sea-ice tide interaction in assessing Arctic Environmental Change
- Pacific water transport in the Arctic Ocean in a variable GM diffusivity model
- Performance Evaluation of Emerging High Performance Computing Technologies using WRF
- Photosynthetic activity of a black spruce tree under cold environment and the contribution to annual CO2 budget
- Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008 Conference at the Top of the World
- Polar amplification dynamics: results from an idealized model, reanalysis products and observations
- PolarTREC-Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating: Science Education from the Poles to the World
- PolarTREC: Successful Methods and Tools for Attaining Broad Educational Impacts with Interdisciplinary Polar Science
- PolarTREC: Successful Methods and Tools for Attaining Broad Educational Impacts with Interdisciplinary Polar Science
- Pole to Pole Videoconferences Connect Students and Scientists
- Present and Future Surface Water
- Present and future downscaled winds over Alaska for coastal erosion applications
- Processes influencing the modification of the East Siberian Arctic boundary current
- Providing a Continuum of Leadership in Polar Science - An IPY Legacy
- Rapid Arctic Change: Mapping the Extent of Change on Human Systems
- Rayleigh Lidar Network Observations and Analysis of the Evolution of the Arctic Middle Atmosphere during the IPY Winter 2007-2008
- Regulating factors on continuous winter CO2 flux in black spruce forest soils, interior Alaska
- Running hot and cold: Decadal fluctuations in snow cover and planetary wave forcing limit global warming in late boreal winter.
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change--A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary, Long-term Arctic Research Program
- Sea ice-derived dissolved iron and its potential influence on the spring algal bloom in the Bering Sea
- Snow-Depth Variability and Implications to Tundra Travel on the North Slope of Alaska
- Spectral vegetation indices for estimating shrub cover, green phytomass and leaf turnover in a sedge-shrub tundra
- Summer 2007 and 2008 Arctic Sea Ice Loss in Context: OUTLOOK 2008
- Synoptic forcing of severe wave states in the southeast Chukchi Sea
- The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
- Toward the reanalysis of the of the circulation in the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas
- Validation of Hotspots Detected by Satellites in Sentinel Asia
- Vertical structure of recent Arctic warming from observed data and reanalysis products
- Young Researchers Engaged in Educational Outreach to Increase Polar Literacy
- A Comparison of Cold Air Outbreaks in WACCM and ERA40
- A Worldwide Community of Primary and Secondary Students and Their Teachers Engage in and Contribute to Geoscience Research
- Above-ground Forest Biomass Estimation by ALOS/PALSAR over Boreal Forest in Alaska Accompanied with Ground-based Forest Survey
- Analysis of the Arctic System for Freshwater Cycle Intensification: Observations and Expectations
- Arctic Hydrology and the role of feedbacks in the climate system (Invited)
- Assessing the Potential Effects of Northern High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Climate System (Invited)
- Atmospheric Circulation Attribution to Recent Intensification of Arctic Hydrological Cycle
- Characterization of climate indices in models and observations using Hurst Exponent and Reyni Entropy Techniques
- Climate Change in the Arctic, Moving from Acceptance to Adaptation (Invited)
- Collaborative, International Efforts at Estimating Arctic Sea Ice Processes During IPY (Invited)
- Comparing Field Observations of Arctic Sea Ice to SSM/I and AMSR-E Sea Ice Products 2006-2009
- Continuous Monitoring of Soil Respiration in Black Spruce Forest Soils, Interior Alaska
- Cryogenic structure and ice content of lacustrine sediments in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska
- Determining Sources and Pathways of Anthropogenic Emissions Contributing to Arctic Haze
- Global ice-ocean-ecosystem modeling studies for ecosystem response to climate change
- High Precision Fe Isotope Analysis in low Concentration Samples by High Resolution MC-ICPMS
- Hydrophysical Atlas of the Bering Sea Derived Through the Variational Data Assimilation
- Improving Broader Impacts through Researcher-Educator Partnerships
- Incorporating Web 2.0 Technologies from an Organizational Perspective
- Linking July Sea Ice Concentration Anomalies in Hudson Bay to Inter-annual and Multi-decadal Variability of North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures
- Mean Dynamical Ocean Topography in the Bering Sea Derived as a Variational Inverse of Climatological Data
- Multiple Site Evaluation of a Dynamic Organic Soil Model for Analyzing Carbon Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change and Fire Disturbance in Interior Alaska
- Northern Watershed Change, Modeled Permafrost Temperatures in the Yukon River Watershed
- Novel Disturbance on Alaska’s North Slope: Effects of a Large Wildfire on Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Observed Impact of Subpolar North Atlantic SST Anomalies on the Atmospheric Circulation
- Planned Additions to The U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities on the North Slope of Alaska
- PolarTREC-Celebrating the Legacy of the IPY Through Researcher-Educator Partnerships
- PolarTREC—A Model Program for Taking Polar Literacy into the Future
- Reaching Across the Hemispheres with Science, Language, Arts and Technology
- Recent Changes to the Strength of the CO2 Sink in Boreal Land Regions (Invited)
- Regional climate change downscaling for Alaska
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change--A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary, Long-term Arctic Research Program
- Sea-ice Changes in the Sea of Okhotsk: Relationship with Northern Hemisphere Storm Tracks (Invited)
- Simulation of Streamflow in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment Using a Modified First-order, Nonlinear Rainfall-runoff Model
- Spatio-temporal trends in tree and tall shrub cover in the Eurasian Low Arctic: evidence from 1960s and contemporary satellite imagery and ground observations
- Synthesizing International Understanding of Changes in the Arctic Hydrological System
- TEC enhancements during HF ionospheric heating experiments
- The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
- The Intersection of Environmental Variability, Policy, and Human Values: International Treaties, Yukon River Salmon, and Food Security in a Changing Arctic (Invited)
- Thermally-Conditioned Paleo-Permafrost Variations from Global Climate Modeling
- Towards better-constrained assessments of the carbon balance of North America in the 21st Century: a comparison of recent model and inventory-based estimates
- Towards development of a Regional Arctic Climate System Model --- Coupling WRF with the Variable Infiltration Capacity land model via a flux coupler
- Ultrasonic anemometer angle of attack errors under turbulent conditions
- Water Cycle Dynamics in the Snake River Basin, Alaska
- What Role That Weather Systems Play in Accelerating Arctic Hydrological cycle?
- Worst-case surge scenarios, west Alaska coast (Invited)
- - Researcher-Educator Partnerships and the Legacy of the Ipy
- APECS: A Model Organization for Bridging Past to Present and Developing a New Generation of Polar Scientists (Invited)
- Alaska climate divisions based on objective methods
- Assessing ocean mixing under sea ice and lead in climate models
- CO2 efflux along the trans-Alaska pipeline in snow-thawing season
- Changes in tundra vegetation over 25 years as measured by Landsat NDVI in the Upper Kuparuk River Basin, North Slope, Alaska, 1985-2009
- Climate Change Experiments in Arctic Ecosystems: Scientific Strategy and Design Criteria
- Climate Change at the Poles: Research Immersion Experience at Bellingshausen, Antarctica
- Conspicuous circumpolar greening in the end of growing season over the Arctic region
- Controls on Ecosystem and Root Respiration in an Alaskan Peatland
- Ecohydrology of permafrost-affected boreal forest ecosystems: sources of water utilized by plants and fluxed by ecosystems
- Effect of Forest Fire on Regional Carbon Dioxide Exchange Over Boreal Forest in Interior Alaska
- Hindcasting circulation in the Pacific sector of the Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait with a nested 4Dvar data assimilation system
- Impact of data assimilation on Chukchi/Beaufort Seas mesoscale modeling
- Impacts of wildfire on the permafrost soil in tundra area, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Improving Geoscience Education through the PolarTREC Teacher Research Experience Model (Invited)
- Intrinsic Versus Forced Variation in Coupled Climate Model Simulations of the Arctic Temperature during the 20th Century
- Iron limitation on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf: model and field observations of affects of circulation on the timing and magnitude of production (Invited)
- Isoprene Fluxes from a Tundra Ecosystem
- Large-Scale Modeling of Primary Production within Arctic Sea Ice
- Large-scale climate controls of Interior Alaska river ice breakup
- Long-term variability of Arctic climate: Trends and multidecadal fluctuations (Invited)
- Observations of snowpack properties to evaluate ground-based microwave remote sensing
- Observed Forcing-Feedback Processes between Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation and Arctic Sea Ice Coverage
- Observed Precipitation Trends in Fairbanks, Alaska and Changes in Atmospheric Conditions
- On the Role of Missed Components of Carbon Cycling in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- One-dimensional land surface model coupled with a blowing snow model and its application to the snowy region
- Pan-Arctic Simulation of Coupled Nutrient-Sulfur Cycling due to Sea Ice Biology
- Preliminary experiments of closed-path eddy covariance systems in Interior Alaska
- Quantifying Ecological Memory of Plant and Ecosystem Processes in Variable Environments
- Relative Importance of Multiple Factors on Terrestrial Loading of DOC to Arctic River Networks
- Remote Sensing Data as Input for Arctic Hydrologic Models in Western Alaska
- Response of Winter-Spring North American Storm Activities to Elevated Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature
- Response of vegetation structure and function to experimental drought and flooding in an Alaskan fen
- Role of Storage in Arctic Basins
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change—A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Scaling of sea ice deformation and related feedbacks (Invited)
- Seasonal and spatial variations of carbon fluxes of arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska
- Sensitivity of Projected Streamflow Changes to Future Scenarios in Two Hydrologic Regimes in British Columbia, Canada
- Sensitivity of WRF Simulations of a Polar Low to Initial and Boundary Conditions Prescribed by Different Reanalysis Data Sets
- Social-Ecological Controls Over Earth-System Stewardship: a Framework for Sustainability in a Rapidly Changing World
- Spatial distribution of methane seepage on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Spatio-temporal trends in vegetation structure and NDVI in Low Arctic northwest Siberia: evidence from the satellite record and ground observations
- Spectral indices for remote sensing of phytomass and deciduous shrub changes in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Submonthly Fluctuations of Northern Hemisphere Zonal-Mean Circulation: Phase Transition and Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions
- Survey of Bi-directional Reflectance Factor of Black Spruce Forest in Alaska for Validation of GCOM-C Remote Sensing
- The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
- The East Siberian Arctic Shelf: monitoring is necessary to assess actual scale of annual methane emissions from seabed deposits. (Invited)
- The Messenger Matters: Teacher Research Experiences and Effective, Long-term Science Communication
- The Need for System Scale Studies in Polar Regions
- The effects of transient storage on carbon uptake in a sub-arctic stream in interior Alaska
- The parallel ice sheet model (PISM) as a flow-line model
- Towards structured model hierarchies for understanding the arctic system
- Trends and variability in summer sea ice cover in the Canadian Arctic based on the Canadian Ice Service Digital Archive
- Understanding drivers of recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes
- Vegetation recovery in Alaskan tundra following an unusual fire
- Active Methanotrophs and their Response to Temperature Changes in Arctic Lake Sediments
- Alaska tundra vegetation trends and their links to the large-scale climate
- Amount and Lability of Dissolved Organic Carbon Entering Arctic Streams from Landscapes Disturbed by Fire and Thermokarst Terrain, North Slope, Alaska
- Are the Two Most Recent Harsh Northern Hemisphere Winters Manifestation of Anthropogenic Global Warming in the Arctic?
- Biogeochemistry and plant physiological traits interact to reinforce patterns of post-fire dominance in boreal forests
- Communicating Research Through Student Involvement in Phenological Investigations
- Comparison of Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Functions of Black Spruce Forest in Snow and No-snow Seasons in Alaska
- Controls on Ecosystem Respiration in a Peat Plateau and Adjacent Collapse Formations in Interior Alaska
- Controls on ebullition and methane emissions in Alaskan peatlands experiencing permafrost thaw
- Determining the Best Science Blogger: Teachers or Scientists?
- Discrete Element Method (DEM) Application to The Cone Penetration Test Using COUPi Model
- Ebullition-driven fluxes of methane from shallow hot spots suggest significant under-estimation of annual emission from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Effects of Future Warming and Fire Regime Change on Boreal Soil Organic Horizons and Permafrost Dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Effects of updated land-use in WRF over mountainous terrain
- Empirically Estimating the Potential for Farm-Level Adaptation to Climate Change in Western European Agriculture
- Environment and performance of white spruce below and above the forest limit across the boreal forest in Alaska
- Estimating sources of winter soil respiration in a subalpine forest using a hierarchical Bayesian process-based stable isotope mixing model
- First drilling in the Ust' Lensky Rift Zone, Laptev Sea: accomplishment and preliminary results
- Hydro-climatology of a discontinuous permafrost watershed in Interior Alaska
- Hydrologic variability controls summer nitrate export: A multi-scale measurement and modeling approach
- In a Time of Change: Integrating the Arts and Humanities with Climate Change Science in Alaska
- Inclusion of photosynthetic activity and exogenous antecedent conditions significantly improves predictability of soil respiratory efflux from multiple microhabitats
- Leaf nitrate assimilation during leaf expansion period: comparison of temperate and boreal tree species
- Long-term Hydrometeorologic trends across Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Micro-Scale Topographical Controls on Arctic Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Fluxes and Stocks
- Micrometeorological and flux measurements over a permafrost black spruce forest in Interior Alaska
- Modeling sub-sea permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf: The Laptev Sea Region
- Mooring-based observations of the double-diffusive staircases over the Laptev Sea slope, Arctic Ocean
- Polar Amplification: is Atmospheric Heat Transport Important?
- Remote Sensing, Modeling, and In-Situ Measurements to Study the Spring and Summer Thermal Regime of the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska
- Seasonal Variation in Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation and Vegetation Properties in Burned Forests in Interior Alaska
- Seasonal variability in the surface-groundwater interactions in an interior Alaskan stream
- Snow-melting season CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux along the trans-Alaska pipeline
- Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) Polarimetry for Detection and Monitoring of Thermokarst Landforms in the Noatak Basin, Brooks Range, Alaska
- Thaw depth determines transport and transformation of nitrogen in saturated, permafrost soils
- The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic Seas
- The role of fire in facilitating treeline expansion: Getting to the root of the matter
- Up-scaling carbon and water fluxes over Alaska by multi-site eddy fluxes and satellite remote sensing data
- Using local knowledge, hydrological, and climate data to develop a driftwood harvest model in interior Alaska
- Variation in Sink and Source Level of METHANE0 at Black Spruce Forest on Permafrost in Interior Alaska
- Very High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction of Wind Shear Event in the Complex Terrain Around Juneau Alaska
- A Performance Assessment of the Community Earth System Model over the Bering Sea
- An Unusually Persistent Arctic Storm: Role of Stratospheric Dynamics
- Assessment of Snow Regime Patterns and Vegetation Greenness Trends in Northern Alaska using Landsat time-series data, 1985-2011
- CO2 flux from tundra lichen, moss, and tussock, Council, Alaska: Assessment of spatial representativeness
- Carbon Balance and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Thermokarst Bog in Interior Alaska: Positive and Negative Feedbacks from Permafrost Thaw
- Changes in the Wintertime Atmospheric Variability in the Pacific Sector and Their Impacts on Cyclone Activity
- Climate Games in the Classroom - Engaging Problem-Solving
- Climate-induced changes in autumn impact spring breeding phenology and reproductive fitness in arctic ground squirrels
- ClimatePad: Enabling public exploration of climate data
- Comparison of Vegetation Water Use Using the Horton Index in a Sub-arctic, Alaskan Boreal Forest Environment Using Hydrograph Analysis
- Cryosphere Communication from Knowledge to Action: Polar Educators International
- Degrading Sub-Sea Permafrost and Sedimentary Methane Release in the Southern Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean
- Developing the Next Generation of Geoscientists
- Dynamic Coupling of Alaska Based Ecosystem and Geophysical Models into an Integrated Model
- Dynamic Downscaling of CMIP5 Climate Scenarios for Alaska Region
- Dynamic interactions of snow and plants in the boreal forest, winter 2011-2012 revealed by time-lapse photography and LiDAR
- Ecohydrology of Interior Alaska boreal forest systems
- Effects of spatially variable snow cover on thermal regime and hydrology of an Arctic ice wedge polygon landscape identified using ground penetrating radar and LIDAR datasets
- Engaging Scientists in K-12 Professional Development and Curriculum Development in the Context of Alaska's Large Marine Ecosystems
- Estimating historical and future changes in extreme hydro-climate events in Interior Alaskan watersheds
- Estimation of gross primary production over burned black spruce forests in interior Alaska using MODIS data
- First Results from Airborne and Ground-based LiDAR Studies in Northern Alaska
- Five Years of Variability in Snow Depth and Active Layer Hydrologic and Thermal Regime Across an Ice Wedge Polygon in Barrow, Alaska
- Future glacier and runoff changes in the Upper Susitna basin, Alaska
- Geochemical Characterization of Lateral Distribution of Water and Carbon in Arctic Landscapes
- Ground-penetrating radar observations of winter snow accumulation on Alaska Glaciers.
- Has Anthropogenic Global Warming in the Arctic Contributed to Colder Winter Weather in the Northern Hemisphere Mid-latitudes?
- High-Resolution Snow Projections for Alaska: Regionally and seasonally specific algorithms
- Identification of previously unrecognized tundra fire events on the Arctic Slope of Alaska
- Increase of surface energy fluxes due to warming climate in Alaska based on upscaling of eddy covariance measurements
- Influence of sea-ice coverage, sea-surface temperatures and latent heat release on baroclinic instability of an Arctic cyclone
- Interaction Between Lakes and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics in the Yukon River Floodplain, in Interior Alaska, USA
- Methane carbon stable isotope signatures in waters and sediments of the Laptev Sea Shelf
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems
- Modeling the Thermal Balance Between River Ice and Groundwater Springs
- New Evidence of the Existence of Gas Migration Pathways Through Sub-Sea Permafrost in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Overview of Bering/Chukchi Sea wave states for selected severe storms
- Parameterization of an Active Thermal Erosion Site, Caribou Creek, Alaska
- Performance of the reduced space 4Dvar technique with community models
- Permafrost thaw and a changing N cycle
- Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Northern Eurasia and their Relation to Permafrost Carbon Pool
- Propagation of tsunami-induced acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere
- Quantifying Interdependence among Processes and Characterizing Dynamic Controls across Spatial Scales by Linking Climate, Hydrology and Ecosystem Models
- Reaching Your Program Goals: The Secret to a Successful Relationship with Your Evaluator
- Recent sea ice change in the Beaufort Gyre: The role of ice dynamics
- Reconstruction of Holocene climate changes related to peatland carbon dynamics in central Alaska: case study using stable carbon and oxygen isotope and 14C wiggle-match dating
- Recovery of plant biomass and soil N cycling in Alaskan tundra following an unusual fire
- Regional Reanalysis over the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas
- Response of North American Storm Activity to Arctic Sea Ice Forcing: A Modeling Investigation
- Revolutionizing Climate Science: Using Teachers as Communicators
- Scaling of hydrologic flows due to polygonal ground features in Arctic ecosystem
- Scientific Participation at the Poles: K-12 Teachers in Polar Science for Careers and Classrooms
- Sea-ice information co-management: Planning for sustainable multiple uses of ice-covered seas in a rapidly changing Arctic
- Seasonal Storminess in the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Sensitivity of Backscatter Intensity of ALOS/PALSAR to Above-ground Biomass and Other Biophysical Parameters of Boreal Forests in Alaska and Japan
- The 3D plant canopy radiative transfer analysis in an Alaskan black spruce forest: the characteristics of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation in the heterogeneous landscape
- The Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model: An Interdisciplinary Tool to Assess the Responses of Natural Resources in Alaska to Climate Change
- The Impacts of Permafrost Thaw on Land-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Recent Decades over the Northern High Latitudes
- The U.S. National Climate Assessment: The Science of Climate Change
- The hydrology of Arctic landscapes with differing ice wedge polygon type through field measurements and modeling
- Tidal Conversion in a Global Ocean General Circulation Model
- Time-Height Variations of Ion-Line Doppler Spectra at HAARP
- Winter Eurasian Climate Variability: Role of Cyclone and Anticyclone Activity
- A comparison in postfire ecosystem structure between two Alaska Arctic regions
- Acidification of the Shallow Arctic Seas as Biogeochemical Consequences of Permafrost Degradation
- Analysis of Winds in Extreme Bird Migrations
- Application of a catchment characterization hydrologic model for exploring parameter sensitivities in a boreal forest, discontinuous permafrost ecosystem
- Artificial Ionization and UHF Radar Response Associated with HF Frequencies near Electron Gyro-Harmonics (Invited)
- Assimilation of PFISR Data Using Support Vector Regression and Ground Based Camera Constraints
- Atmospheric circulation patterns associated with extreme events in Alaska
- Biomass and production of tundra vegetation under three eddy covariance towers at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Carbon and energy fluxes of the understory vegetation of the black spruce ecosystem in interior Alaska
- Characterizing Variation of Isotopic Markers in Northern Alaskan Caribou Forages
- Chukchi-Beaufort Seas High-Resolution Atmosphere Reanalysis (CBHAR): Data Verification and Climate Analysis
- Climate Change and Thawing Permafrost in Two Iñupiaq Communities of Alaska's Arctic: Observations, Implications, and Resilience
- Comparison of snow melt properties across multiple spatial scales and landscape units in interior sub-Arctic boreal Alaskan watersheds
- Continuous water vapor isotopic measurements indicate differential Arctic storm tracks: Application to McCall Glacier ice core climate reconstructions in Northern Alaska
- Coupling of continuous in situ ecosystem water vapor, precipitation, plant and soil water isotope (δ2H, δ18O and d-excess) measurements in Arctic Alaska to understand a changing water cycle
- Creating collaboration opportunities for marine research across the Arctic: The SEARCH-ACCESS partnership and an emerging sea ice prediction research network
- Deconvolving temperature and substrate effects on soil heterotrophic respiration under multiple global change factors in mixed grass prairie
- Detection of surface and subsurface conditions in permafrost area after wildfire by using satellite images, Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Development of a Seasonal Extratropical Cyclone Activity Outlook for the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Effects of increased snow on growth response and allocation patterns of arctic plants
- Evaporation Dynamics of Moss and Bare Soil in Boreal Forests
- Ground penetrating radar estimates of permafrost ice wedge depth
- HF-enhanced 4278-Å airglow: evidence of accelerated ionosphere electrons?
- How Do Cyclone and Anticyclone Activities Impact Eurasian Surface Climate and Cause Extreme Cold Events ?
- Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Change on Mid and High Latitude Storm Activities: A Modeling Investigation
- Increased Groundwater Upwelling from Changes in Permafrost as a Control on River Ice Thickness
- Labile carbon concentrations are strongly linked to plant production in Arctic tussock tundra soils
- Large Scale Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska
- Modeled change in carbon balance between 1970-2100 of a polygonal arctic tundra ecosystem near Barrow, Alaska
- Modeling Thermokarst Dynamics in Alaska Ecosystems: Description of the Predisposition and Initiation/Expansion Sub-models
- Modeling post-fire vegetation succession and its effect on permafrost vulnerability and carbon balance
- New Result on Methane Emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Observing Arctic Sea Ice from Bow to Screen: Introducing Ice Watch, the Data Network of Near Real-Time and Historic Observations from the Arctic Shipborne Sea Ice Standardization Tool (ASSIST)
- Potentiality of Ozone production over sub-Arctic Boreal forest in Alaska during thawing Period
- Reconstructed Arctic biome and soil distributions: implications for the late Quaternary permafrost subsystem
- Rising to the Challenge of Climate Impact Assessment in the Arctic (Invited)
- SEARCH: Study of Environmental Arctic Change--A System-scale, Cross-disciplinary Arctic Research Program
- Simulating carbon and water fluxes at Arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska by optimizing the modified BIOME-BGC with eddy covariance data
- Spatial Scale Gaps of Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Arctic Tundra
- Students Around the World Engaged in Climate Science (Invited)
- Temporal variability of methane fluxes in the coastal methane hot spot on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- The Role of Evapotranspiration on Soil Moisture Depletion in a Small Alaskan Subarctic Farm
- The role of organic soil layer on the fate of Siberian larch forest and near-surface permafrost under changing climate: A simulation study
- Toward Improved Parameterization of a Meso-Scale Hydrologic Model in a Discontinuous Permafrost, Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Tree Water Use May Significantly Impact Boreal Hydrology
- Tropospheric and Boundary-Layer Water Vapor Isotopes over the Boreal Forest and Mediterranean Sea: Validation of Aura Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer Retrievals of HDO and H2O
- Tundra fire and vegetation dynamics: simulating the effect of climate change on fire regimes in Arctic ecosystems
- Twenty-first century changes in the hydrology, glaciers, and permafrost of the Susitna Basin, Alaska
- Variability and Biophysical Mechanisms of Landsat-Observed Tundra Vegetation Trends in Low Arctic Tundra: Comparisons and Contrasts in Alaska and Siberia
- arctic regional modeling investigation on storm activities and their interplay with sea ice and ocean
- A Geographic Perspective on Factors Controlling Post-Fire Succession in Boreal Black Spruce Forests in Western North America
- Adapting Research Agendas and Observing Programs for Responding to Arctic Change
- Aftershock Sequence of the Mw = 7.9 Little Sitkin, Alaska Earthquake of June 23, 2014
- An Assessment of Thermokarst Driven Changes in Land Cover of the Tanana Flats Wetland Complex of Alaska from 2009 to 2100 in response to Climate Warming
- Arctic Cyclone Water Vapor Isotope Ratios Support Past Sea Ice Retreat Recorded in Greenland Ice Sheet
- Arctic Sea Ice Predictability and the Sea Ice Prediction Network
- Assessment of Model Estimates of Land-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Northern Eurasia
- Changes in Landscape-level Carbon Balance of an Arctic Coastal Plain Tundra Ecosystem Between 1970-2100, in Response to Projected Climate Change
- Changing Seasonality of Tundra Vegetation and Associated Climatic Variables
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Constraining Soil C Loss upon Thaw: Comparing Soils with and without Permafrost
- Evaluation of the relationship between nitrogen dry deposition and wildfire in a boreal forest of interior Alaska
- Evidence for a Methane-Fueled Ecosystem within Anchialine Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- From Researchers to Teachers to Students: Capturing the Ripple Effect of Climate Change Science Experience and Communication
- Higher Methane Emissions in Regions of Sea Ice Retreat
- Hydrological Parameter Estimation (HYPE) System for Bayesian Exploration of Parameter Sensitivities in an Arctic Watershed
- Improved Quantification of Microscale Ice Properties Using Borehole Geophysical Surveys
- Initial Conceptualization and Simulation of Arctic Tundra Landscape Evolution Using the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Inverse Estimation of Parameters for a Coupled Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance Model Using Eddy Covariance Measurements at a Black Spruce Forest in Alaska
- Joint Antarctic School Expedition - An International Collaboration for High School Students and Teachers on Antarctic Science
- Mass and Energy Balance Modeling of Glaciers in the Upper Susitna Basin, Alaska
- Measuring Thermokarst Subsidence Using InSAR: Potential and Pitfalls
- Meso-Scale Hydrological Modeling Using Small Scale Parameterizations in a Discontinuous Permafrost Watershed in the Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Modeled changes in terrestrial C storage on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska suggest a mid-century 21st shift from C sink to source.
- Overstory and Understory CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Energy Fluxes of a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
- Past and Prospective Carbon Stocks of United States Forests: Implications for Research Priorities and Mitigation Policies
- Revealing basin and regional scale snow accumulation magnitude and variability on glaciers throughout Alaska
- Teach the Teacher! Building ROV's to Teach Polar Science
- The Importance of Permafrost Thaw, Fire and Logging Disturbances as Driving Factors of Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Alaskan Ecosystems
- The Influences of Land Surface Properties on Soil Thermal Regimes in the Low Arctic of Northwestern Siberia
- To the Extremes! A Teacher Research Experience Program in the Polar Regions
- Tree Species Linked to Large Differences in Ecosystem Carbon Distribution in the Boreal Forest of Alaska
- Two Dimensional Physical Chemistry Model of the Io Plasma Torus
- Walk the Talk: Teachers as Leaders in Climate Change Education
- a Seismic Reflection Study on the Ablation Area of the Taku Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- #ClimateEdCommunity : Field Workshops Bring Together Teachers and Researchers to Make Meaning of Science and Classroom Integration
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Arctic Sea ice Predictability and the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN)
- Assessing the Contributions of Thermokarst and Thermal Erosion in Permafrost Feedbacks to Climate
- Changes to Glacier Runoff and Downstream Effects on the Susitna Basin, Alaska Over the Twenty-First Century
- Climate Variations and Alaska Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines in Spring
- Collaboration in Arctic Research: Best Practices to Build and Sustain Successful Cross- and Trans-disciplinary Efforts
- Explaining Two Centers of pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Variability in the Equatorial Pacific Induced by ENSO
- Getting to the root of the matter: Landscape implications of plant-fungal interactions for tree migration in Alaska
- IceBridge: Bringing a Field Campaign Home
- Identifying the main drivers of soil carbon response to climate change in arctic and boreal Alaska.
- Improving the assessment of the State of the Carbon Cycle in North America by integrating inventory- and process- based approaches: A case study for Canada
- Inclusion of Additional Plant Species and Trait Information in Dynamic Vegetation Modeling of Arctic Tundra and Boreal Forest Ecosystem
- Initial Conceptualization and Application of the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Intercomparison of atmospheric reanalysis data in the Arctic region: To derive site-specific forcing data for terrestrial models
- NASA IceBridge and PolarTREC - Education and Outreach Partnership
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Scenarios use to engage scientists and decision-makers in a changing Arctic
- Sensitivity of Residual Soil Moisture Content in VIC Model Soil Property Parameterizations for Sub-arctic Discontinuous Permafrost Watersheds
- Sparse ice: Geophysical, biological and Indigenous knowledge perspectives on a habitat for ice-associated fauna
- Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH): Scientific Understanding of Arctic Environmental Change to Help Society Understand and Respond to a Rapidly Changing Arctic.
- Supporting decisions through the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program: A History and Way Forward
- The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS): Connecting Arctic Research
- The relevance of detection and attribution for loss and damage policy
- The role of sustained observations and data co-management in Arctic Ocean governance
- Thermokarst Rates Intensify Due to Climate Change and Forest Fragmentation in an Alaskan Boreal Forest Lowland
- Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
- Towards a better understanding of the sensitivity of permafrost and soil carbon to climate and disturbance-induced change in Alaska
- Two-dimensional modeling of longitudinal modulations in the Io plasma torus
- Variability in the Geographic Distribution of Fires in Interior Alaska Considering Cause, Human Proximity, and Level of Suppression
- A (Mis)Match of User Needs, Science Priorities, and Funder Support: A Case Study of Arctic Sea Ice Knowledge
- A 400-year reconstruction of winter conditions using varved lake sediments, Canadian High Arctic: a step forward in the data coverage for the most sensitive season to climate change
- Application of the TopoFlow model to two sub-basins of the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed
- Applying an Orographic Precipitation Model to Improve Mass Balance Modeling of the Juneau Icefield
- Changes in the Seasonal Sea-Ice Cycle and Implications for Coastal Communities in Alaska: Community-Based Observations, Remote Sensing Data and Participatory Scenarios Analysis
- Climate Drivers of Alaska Summer Stream Temperature
- Climatic sensitivity of the cloud cover and radiation balances over the North Slope of Alaska due to declining sea ice coverage
- Control of Boreal Forest Soil Microbial Communities and Processes by Plant Secondary Compounds
- Cumulative effects of climate change and ice-wedge degradation, Prudhoe Bay oilfield Alaska
- Discerning spatial and temporal LAI and clear-sky FAPAR variability during summer at the Toolik Lake vegetation monitoring grid (North Slope, Alaska)
- Divergent Surface Mass Balances of Neighboring glaciers: Reanalysis of Taku and Lemon Creek glaciers, Alaska: 1946-2015
- Effects of modeling decisions on cold region hydrological model performance: snow, soil and streamflow
- Estimate of temperature change due to ice and snow accretion in the boreal forest regions
- Estimating Rates of Permafrost Degradation and their Impact on Ecosystems across Alaska and Northwest Canada using the Process-based Permafrost Dynamics Model GIPL as a Component of the Integrated Ecosystem Model (IEM)
- How one teacher research experience program is transforming STEM education
- Human adaptation responses to a rapidly changing Arctic: A research context for building system resilience
- Identifying and Characterizing Climate-related Changes Influencing Accessiblity to Ecosystem Services in Rural Boreal Alaska
- Impact of Arctic Sea ice Decline Trend on Northern Hemispheric Storm Activity: A Modeling Investigation
- Inter-annual Variability in Snow Accumulation using Ground-Penetrating Radar on Wolverine and Gulkana glaciers, Alaska: Implications for Glacier Mass Balance Modeling
- Keeping the Hope: Seeing, Understanding, and Teaching Climate Change
- Overcoming All-Too-Common Challenges of Community Collaboration: Research Fatigue and Integration of Local Priorities
- Promoting Knowledge to Action through the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program
- Quantifying Direct and Indirect Impact of Future Climate on Sub-Arctic Hydrology
- Recent circum-Arctic ice-wedge degradation and its hydrological impacts
- Relationship of Cryofacies, Surface and Subsurface Terrain Conditions in the Brooks Range and Foothills of Northern Alaska
- Seasonal Forecasts of Extreme Conditions for Wildland Fire Management in Alaska using NMME
- Shrub water use dynamics in arctic Alaska
- Widespread and rapid thermokarst development in a region of very cold continuous permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic
- "I get by with a little help from my friends": A case study in Holy Cross and Grayling using geographic, ethnographic, and biophysical data to tell the story of climate change effects in the lower-middle Yukon River region
- ARCUS Project Managers and the Intangible Infrastructure of Large Interdisciplinary Arctic Research Networks
- Agro-climate Projections for a Warming Alaska
- Applying an orographic precipitation model to improve mass balance modeling of the Juneau Icefield, AK
- Arctic Storms and Their Influence on Surface Climate in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- Assessing Effects of Climate Change on Access to Ecosystem Services in Rural Alaska: Enhancing the Science through Community Engagement
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Bridging the Scientific and Indigenous Communities to Study Sea Ice Change in Arctic Alaska
- Building Capacity for Actionable Science and Decision Making in Alaska
- Collaborations for Arctic Sea Ice Information and Tools
- Computer Simulation To Assess The Feasibility Of Coring Magma
- Connecting Arctic Research Across Boundaries through the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
- Drilling Magma for Science, Volcano Monitoring, and Energy
- Drivers of surface moisture flux variations in northern terrestrial regions
- Ecosystem Dynamics and Fate of Warm Permafrost after Tundra Wildfire on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Eurasian Winter Storm Activity at the End of the Century: A CMIP5 Multi-model Ensemble Projection
- Evaluating controls on snow distribution in the eastern Chugach Mountains, Alaska
- Factors Impacting Spatial Patterns of Snow Distribution in a Small Catchment near Nome, AK
- Global Water Cycle Diagrams Minimize Human Influence and Over-represent Water Security
- Historical and Possible Future Changes in Permafrost and Active Layer Thickness in Alaska: Implications to Landscape Changes and Permafrost Carbon Pool.
- Impacts of Permafrost on Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services
- Improving Permafrost Hydrology Prediction Through Data-Model Integration
- Integrated evaluation of the vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implications for the regional carbon balance in boreal Alaska
- Leading the Way: Students of Teacher Research Experiences
- Near-Surface Profiles of Water Stable Isotope Components and Indicated Transitional History of Ice-Wedge Polygons Near Barrow
- Permafrost stores a globally significant amount of mercury
- Possible causes of Arctic Tundra Vegetation Productivity Declines
- Predicting Changes in Arctic Tundra Vegetation: Towards an Understanding of Plant Trait Uncertainty
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- Simulating low-flow conditions in an arctic watershed using WaSiM
- Synthesis of User Needs for Arctic Sea Ice Predictions
- The Immediacy of Arctic Change: New 2016-17 Extremes
- The Krafla International Testbed (KMT): Ground Truth for the New Magma Geophysics
- The Role of Driving Factors in Historical and Projected Carbon Dynamics in Wetland Ecosystems of Alaska
- The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook: A collaboration between scientific and Indigenous communities to support safety and food security in a changing Arctic
- The role of deep nitrogen and dynamic rooting profiles on vegetation dynamics and productivity in response to permafrost thaw and climate change in Arctic tundra
- Three decades of landscape change in Alaska documented using spatiotemporal analyses of remote sensing imagery
- Towards Experimental Operational Fire Weather Prediction at Subseasonal to Seasonal Scales for Alaska Using the NMME Hindcasts and Realtime Forecasts.
- Tracking and unpacking rapid Arctic change: Indicators of community health and sustainability in northern Alaska and links to cryospheric change
- Why Is There an Abrupt Transition from Solid Rock to Low Crystallinity Magma in Drilled Magma Bodies?
- Wind energy input into the upper ocean over a lengthening open water season
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Alaska Arctic Observatory & Knowledge Hub: Community-based Observations of Changes in the Seasonal Cycle in Alaska's Arctic
- Annual grain-size variability in three varved High-Arctic lakes
- Arctic research and pragmatic science diplomacy: A perspective from the International Arctic Research Center
- Building Better Collaboration Structures & Norms: An Arctic Perspective on Advancing Environmental Change Research
- Climate adaptation science in Alaska: evolution of a flexible collaborative network for responding to climate change
- Community Research Partnerships for Sustainable Traditional Harvest Practices: Novel approaches to collaborative research design supporting science to action in interior Alaska rural
- Connecting People, Infrastructure and Permafrost Information in Alaska
- Cultivating Leadership, Diversity and Inclusivity in Academia
- Effects of permafrost thaw and changes in soil moisture on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Alaskan upland tundra
- Employing Seasonal Climate Forecasts to Develop Useful Products for Fire Managers in Alaska
- Evaluating Diversity and Implications of Microbial Presence in Upper Atmosphere
- Evaluation of Dynamically Downscaled Winds over the Beaufort Sea coast
- Influence of Ocean Acidification and Climate Change on the Biogeochemistry in the Gulf of Alaska: A regional modeling study
- Integrated, Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Research of Arctic Change and Impacts on Security and Infrastructure Resilience in Alaska
- Late Winter Observations of Sea Ice Pressure Ridge Sail Heights
- Linking changes in access to subsistence resources to ecological mechanisms in the lower-middle Yukon River area, interior Alaska.
- Long-term Permafrost Change Projections across the Northwest Territory (NWT), Canada: Implications for Ecosystem, Infrastructure and Socio-economic Impacts.
- Mycobiont contribution to tundra plant acquisition of permafrost-derived nitrogen
- Quantification of annual soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission in unburned and burned black spruce forest of interior Alaska
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: Understanding the Arctic as a System
- Science Diplomacy: The Next Ten Years
- Science Outside the Classroom: Birds 'n' Bogs Citizen Science Program as a Teacher/Scientist Partnership
- Sea Ice Prediction Network: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Improve Sea Ice Predictions
- Sea ice science decision support during ICEX 2018
- Simulation of Landscape Changes on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain with the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Sneak Peak: A Preliminary Look at Informal-Formal Science Educator Connections Made Through a Teacher Research Experience Program
- Socio-Ecological Indicators of Change in the Arctic
- The losers are turning green: Expanding Arctic riparian tall shrub cover indicates a shift in stream hydrologic regime
- Towards structured coordination of sustained observations of Arctic change: An update from the Arctic Observing Summit 2018
- Working Together to Increase Inclusion of Indigenous Perspectives in Arctic Research and Policy
- A Decade+ of Building Researcher/Educator Collaborations Using the PolarTREC Model
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Artificial intelligence/machine learning and remote sensing reveals over six decades of surface-water dynamics in Alaska with connections to climate change.
- Assessing Dynamic Vegetation Model Parameter Uncertainty across Alaskan Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Assessing land cover change and lowland vulnerability to permafrost thaw, altered fire regime, and hydrologic changes on Interior Alaska
- Atmospheric circulation characteristics associated with extreme high water level events at Foggy Island Bay, Alaska
- Carbon Cycling in Tidal Wetlands in the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain: a Test Case for Dynamic Modeling of Wetlands across the USA.
- Causes of lowland thermokarst formation and its impacts on carbon cycling and provisioning of ecosystem services
- Climate workforce skills through Arctic research - putting community college students in charge
- Cultural Tradition in a Non-traditional College Course: Connecting Tribal Youth to Community Climate Impacts
- Data-driven: Alaska Citizen Scientists Quantify Stories of Berry Variability in Changing Climates
- Detecting catchment-scale permafrost degradation and biogeochemical regime change from high-frequency stream chemistry
- Does storytelling make a difference for inclusion and learning in an intergenerational Public Participation in Scientific Research project?
- Evaluation of Wildfire Initiated Thermokarst Degradation Using in-situ and Remotely Sensed Data at a site on the Seward Peninsula of Alaska
- Factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil moisture derived from airborne SAR in watersheds near Nome and in Utguiavik, Alaska
- From ICESat to ICESat-2 via IceBridge: New Insights into a Changing Sea Ice Cover
- Geochemical characterization of eroding coastal permafrost and organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea near Drew Point, Alaska
- Historical and Future Changes of High-impact Wind Events in Coastal Alaska
- Identification of Regions Susceptible to Thermokarst Initiation due to "Climate Priming" on the Alaskan Arctic Coastal Plain
- Implications of an Intensified Fire Regime Across Interior Alaska's Spatiotemporal Black Spruce Dominated Landscape: Relationships Among Plant Diversity, Functional Traits and Fire
- Insights into the biodegradation of sulfolane, an emerging groundwater contaminant, through stable isotope probing coupled to metagenomics
- Integration of Observational Data and Dynamical Downscaling for Projections of Future Winds in Alaska
- Microbial Worlds: Integrating microbiology with the arts and humanities toward public understanding of social-ecological issues
- Microbiome Re-assembly After Permafrost Thaw: How Time, Space, History and Disturbance Fundamentally Differentiate Permafrost Microbial Communities
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- Post-wildfire surface deformation at Batagay, Eastern Siberia: detection by L- and C-band InSAR and preliminary report of field observations
- Precipitation climatology and impact on vegetation productivity in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Southwest Alaska
- Public Participation in Scientific Research: Designing for Broad Audiences in a Changing Alaska
- Regional impacts of water cycle changes on permafrost eco-hydrological environment in north-eastern Eurasia
- Sea Ice Prediction Network: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Improve Sea Ice Predictions
- Seasonal evolution of active-layer thaw depth and streamflow chemistry in a permafrost catchment
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Spatial variations in seasonal and inter-annual surface displacement after the Anaktuvuk River Fire (ARF) measured by field surveys and L-band SAR interferometry
- Stream Chemistry Indicates Catchment Response to Disturbance and Regional Warming in the Boreal Forest
- Sudden Emergence of a Shallow Aragonite Saturation Horizon in the Southern Ocean
- The AGU Art and Science Community
- The Significance of Intergenerational and Intercultural Knowledge Transfer on Youth and Adults
- Thermokarst subsidence in Central Yakutia revealed by ALOS/ALOS-2 InSAR analysis
- Tracking Arctic Coastal Changes Through a Collaborative Network of Northern Alaska Coastal Indigenous Communities
- Two decades of coastal ice and ocean change in northern Alaska: Evolving research partnerships and observing approaches
- What We've Heard & What We've Learned: Using the ARCUS Community Experience to Inspire Better Research Collaborations
- Wildfire Driven Succession of Microbial Community and Function in Interior Alaska - Shedding Light on the Dynamic Relationship Between Microbial and Plant Communities
- A Framework for Successful Virtual Collaborations & Events
- A National Assessment of Tidal Wetland Carbon Sequestration and GHG emissions with Implications for Land Management in the United States
- Ancient DNA in lake sediment reveals High Arctic greening during the Last Interglacial
- Applying seasonal forecasts for summer fire weather outlooks in Alaska at a 3-month lead
- Aquatic and terrestrial plant contributions to sedimentary leaf waxes in a modern Arctic lake setting: Improving interpretations of Holocene climate change on Baffin Island
- Born to Burn: Characterization of Fuel Loads, Flammability and Plant Traits Across Spatiotemporal Gradients of Black Spruce Dominated Communities
- Broadening Participation in Community Scientific Endeavors
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Consequences of Permafrost Thaw on Arctic-Boreal Soil Moisture Dynamics: Lessons from Long-Term In Situ Monitoring, Alaska, USA
- Cultivating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Within the International Arctic Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks to Foster a Caring, Trusting and Safe Work Environment
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups
- Do you communicate science or the environment? A qualitative investigation into how science professionals differentiate these fields of work and study
- Drivers of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in the Circumpolar Arctic Tundra Using Seasonal Dynamics of MODIS NDVI
- Effect of Topography of Slope Terraces on the Seward Peninsula on Ground Thermal Regime, Hydrology and Development of Biogeochemical Processes
- Emerging role of summer rainfall events in driving High Arctic terrestrial-aquatic connectivity
- Establishing Support for New Convergence Research Communities
- Evaluating global and regional observing frameworks for use in a coordinated Arctic observing system
- Frequent winter 2020 storms over the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas continue recent trend
- Geochemical characteristics of frozen active layer and near-surface permafrost in the Anaktuvuk River Fire scar, Alaska
- Geophysical Investigations of Drained Lake Basin Taliks, North Slope, Alaska
- Humanizing Science by Building Bridges Through Shared Conversation - The Alaska Voices Project
- Ice core studies of autumn-to-spring sea ice evolution at the MOSAiC floe
- Identification of Regions Susceptible to Thermokarst Initiation on the Alaska Arctic Coastal Plain Using Random Forest Models
- Knowledge Exchange among Local Residents and Earth Scientists on Alaska's Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Long-term and seasonal surface displacement after wildfires in Mayya, Central Yakutia, revealed by ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry
- Long-term monitoring of Arctic shorefast sea ice along whale hunting trails at Utqiaġvik, Alaska
- Modeling the acquisition of newly thawed deep nitrogen and its impact on vegetation dynamic and ecosystem carbon cycle.
- Moving from citizen science to stewardship action through scenarios storytelling
- Observation of CH4 emission at the proglacial land surface, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska
- Observations of the heat budget of thinning coastal Arctic sea ice under the influence of a river outflow
- Old Meets New at the Cross of the Continents: Providing Climate Services in Western Alaska and the Bering Strait Region
- Online Newspaper, Television, Radio, Digital Native, and Partisan News Coverage of the Fourth National Climate Assessment
- Perspectives, practitioners, and purpose: Infusing a pedagogy of place in an undergraduate watershed management course
- Platelet Ice under Arctic Pack Ice in Winter
- Simulating the effects of climate change on waves in the nearshore of Foggy Island Bay
- Snow Accumulation and Redistribution Patterns in the Central Arctic
- Snow depth on the MOSAiC floe from autumn to spring: Continuous point measurements vs. weekly snow distributions
- Spring Sea ice forecasts and Bering Sea Indigenous marine mammal harvests
- The Alaska Garden Helper: A Web Tool Addressing Food Security and Climate Change
- The Arctic Observing Summit as a mechanism to develop and link observing capacity from the local to the global scale
- The Rapid Virtualization of Complex Meetings During the Onset of COVID-19
- The Sea Ice Prediction Network Phase 2: Improving Arctic Sea Ice Forecasts through an Interdisciplinary Research Network
- The impact of spatial and temporal aggregation on the relationships among SIF, GPP, and hyperspectral reflectance using airborne data
- The mass balance of landfast sea ice in Kotzebue Sound: addressing community-driven research questions through knowledge co-production
- The simulated influence of snow on sea ice in a coupled climate model
- Thermokarst initiation process after wildfire: case studies of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 fires near Batagay, Eastern Siberia
- Towards panarctic mapping of drained lake basins in permafrost regions
- Understanding the Patterns and Drivers of Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Vegetation response to a climate gradient in the eastern Canadian Arctic - mapping based on ground plots and remote sensing
- Winter sea ice and snow mass balance from repeated transects in MOSAiC Central Observatory
- Working towards a reliable snowfall estimate on Central Arctic sea ice
- Activating the Space Between Disciplines to Address Complex Environmental Problems
- Detecting changes in permafrost active layer thickness from baseflow recession
- Developing and Implementing a Culture of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at an International Research Center in an Arctic University to Build Trusting, Caring and Professional Relationships Across International Research Communities
- Evaluating possible future rain in winter hazards for major communities in Alaska and the Yukon Territory
- Extrapolating snowpack properties from small temperature sensors in two watersheds on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Footprints in the tundra: Considerations for linking remote sensing observations with flux tower data in the Arctic-Boreal Zone
- Impacts of Spatial Resolution on an Intense Arctic Cyclone Simulations
- PredictFest: To Build Capacity for Arctic Stakeholders in Need of Multi-Scale Predictions
- Sensitivities of Simulated Arctic Cyclone to Different Representations of Model Physics within WRF
- Understanding permafrost and agriculture interactions for ensuring sustainable, adaptable and resilient permafrost-agroecosystems
- What explains the year-to-year variation in the start and end of the photosynthetic growing season of boreal black spruce forests?
- Academia to Response: Emergency Applications of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Typhoon Merbok Impacted Alaskan communities
- Analysis of recent melt season cyclones in a warming Pacific Arctic
- Community & Citizen Science in the Far North: Unique Considerations for Research in the Arctic
- Electro-Optical and Longwave Infrared Observations of Dynamic River Ice Conditions in Support of Ice Road Operations in Alaska
- Evaluating the Impact of Snow and Ice Roads on Tundra Landscapes in Northern Alaska
- On Developing Seasonal Predictions of Lightning Likelihood in Alaska
- Recent Changes in Streamflow Seasonality across Permafrost Basins of North America
- Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession
- Remotely sensing 71 years of Permafrost Soil Cultivation in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
- The 2022 Alaska Fire Season
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bennett
- A. V. Rocha
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Christine F. Waigl
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- Emma Lathrop
- Erin Trochim
- Ethan T. Coon
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Go Iwahana
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Housen Chu
- J. C. Rowland
- J. Dann
- James D. Doyle
- Jennifer I. Schmidt
- Jing Zhang
- Joseph Stachelek
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kyle A. Arndt
- M. G. Cooper
- Masahito Ueyama
- Melissa K. Ward Jones
- Philip Marsh
- R. Busey
- Sean W. Fleming
- Thomas J. Ballinger
- Tian Zhou
- Uma S. Bhatt
- William L. Quinton
- Xiangdong Zhang