U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC
flowchart I[U.S. Department of the Navy, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (2313)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (364)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 2D Low-Latitude Ionospheric Density Reconstructions from UV Airglow
- 3D Hall MHD Simulation Studies (NRLHALL3D)
- A Comparison of Electron Density Profiles Derived from the Low Resolution Airglow and Aurora Spectrograph (LORAAS) Ultraviolet Measurements
- A Kinetic Treatment of a Perpendicular Gradient in a Field-aligned Flow in a Thermally Anisotropic Plasma
- A Tool For Improved Space Weather Predictions: The CME Expansion Speed
- ADCIRC Coastal Circulation Model Support of AUV Missions
- Altimeter Assimilation in the NRL Global Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Analysis/Prediction System
- An Analysis of ``Mesoscale Cold Pools'' in Global Forecasts and Analyses of the Arctic Stratosphere During SOLVE--THESEO~2000
- An Application of ARGOS Observations to Satellite Drag
- An Evaluation of QuikSCAT data over Tropical Cyclones as Determined in an Operational Environment
- An Operational Eddy Resolving Global Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
- CEDAR/MISETA Science: Multi-Diagnostic Studies and Modeling of Thermospheric-Ionospheric Dynamics
- Comparison of MLS, HALOE, POAM-II, SAGE-II, and ILAS Measurements in October-November 1996 Using Traditional Correlative Analysis and Trajectory Hunting Technique
- Coupling MODIS and SeaWIFS Optical Products
- Discovery of an Active Submarine Mud Volcano Along the Nootka Fault West of Vancouver Island
- Effect of Magnetic Fields on Solar Irradiance Variations
- Electric field scale size influence on ion Joule heating II: An expanded data set*
- Electron energies, densities, and electric fields in sprites from aircraft based optical observations*
- Energetics of Accelerated Ions and Electrons in Flares
- Energy Content in Flares From Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
- Evidence that delayed subbottom temperature response to end-Glacial warming postponed hydrate dissociation and mass wasting until the early and mid-Holocene along Nordic Basin margins
- Evolution of the ionospheric density near the upper hybrid layer during O mode heating
- Examination of metrics for determining quality of data comparisons
- Global Measurements of Water Vapor and High Clouds Using MODIS Near-IR Channels
- HIRAAS Observations of Daytime Temperature of N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission
- Halo CMEs in the Rise Phase of Solar Cycle 23
- Implications of Methane Hydrate and Gas Distribution from the Seismic Modeling of the Bottom Simulating Reflector.
- Improved Algorithms for Retrieving Optical Properties in Coastal Waters from Ocean Color Sensors
- Instabilities in small-scale structured electric fields
- Ion Composition in the E Region
- Ionospheric and Thermospheric Imaging from Geosynchronous Orbit
- Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Reconfiguration Timescales: Observations and Global MHD Modeling
- Modeling Tides, Planetary Waves, and Equatorial Oscillations in the MLT
- Momentum Coupling Between Coronal Mass Ejections and the Solar Wind
- Multi-point Satellite Measurements in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Enabled by New Technologies
- Numerical Simulation and Analytical Prediction of the Reconnection of Twisted Flux Tubes
- On the Time Variability of Coronal Heating
- POAM III retrieval algorithm and error analysis
- POAM Ozone Measurements and Validation in the Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere
- Plasma Processes due to Spatial Variability in the Field-Aligned Flows: Signatures in the Auroral Region
- Pulsations in Global MHD Simulations of the Magnetosphere
- Quasi-decadal Oscillations Generated by the QBO
- Relationship Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares
- Results from a Round-Robin-Comparison of Radiance Calibrations at Oceanographic and Atmospheric Research Laboratories
- Rotational and Scale-height Temperatures from ARGOS Observations of N<SUB>2</SUB> Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission
- SAMI2(Sami2 is Another Model of the Ionosphere)
- Simulating Wave-Driven Circulation in Tidal Inlets With Tide and River Forcing Using a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Wave Model
- Solar Photons, Particles and the Earth's Ozone Layer
- Space Chamber Investigation of Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics*
- Spectral Radiative Forcing of the ACE-Asia Aerosol Observed During the NOAA Ship R. H. Brown Cruise
- Stratospheric Gravity Waves Measured by CRISTA: Convec\-tive Sources and Horizontal-Wavelength Effects
- Study of Ionospheric Depletions Observed by the Far UV Imager GIMI
- Systematic Errors in NOGAPS: Improvements to the Cloud and Turbulence Parameterizations
- Tangent Linear and Nonlinear Growth of Dynamically Conditioned Perturbations
- The Advanced Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer Mission
- The Coronal and Interplanetary Context of Geoeffective ICMEs
- The Effects of Solar/Geomagnetic Storms on Operational Satellite Orbits
- The Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) Project
- The Possible Affect of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) on gas Hydrate Dissociation in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Three Dimensional Modeling of a CME event Observed in LASCO and UVCS
- Two Recent Electron-Rich Energetic Particle Events and Their Associated CMEs
- Validation of POAM III Aerosols: Comparison to SAGE II and HALOE
- Validation of POAM III NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Validation of POAM III Water Vapor using HALOE and MOZAIC
- Validation of POAM III ozone: Comparisons with ozonesondes and satellite data
- Variations in Total Solar and Spectral Irradiance During Solar Cycle 23
- "This Dynamic Planet" Map: Feedback Solicited on 3rd Edition in Progress
- 3D Hall MHD Reconnection Dynamics in a Strongly Sheared System
- A Career in Marine Geology with the Naval Research Laboratory
- A Density Model of Flux-Rope Coronal Mass Ejections
- A High-resolution Dust Aerosol Model For Numerical Study of Asian Dust Storms in April 2001
- A New Aerogeophysical Study of the Eurasia Basin and Lomonosov Ridge: Implications for Basin Development
- Acceleration of Coronal Mass Ejections
- An Event Comparison of Global MHD Simulation and SuperDARN HF Radar in the North Polar Cusp
- An Overview and Science Results from the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- An evaluation of trends in middle atmospheric water vapor from 1991-2002 as measured by HALOE, WVMS, and POAM
- Atmospheric Aerosol Conditions Over the Central California Coast During ITCT-2K2
- Breaking Gravity Waves Over Large-Scale Topography
- Challenges for Modeling Acceleration and Transport in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Comparison of 1D and 2D Nightside Ionospheric Retrievals From LORAAS Ultraviolet Limb Airglow Observations
- Comparison of CME ejecta at 10 solar radii and 1 AU
- Comparison of TEC Derived Ultraviolet Limb Scans to TOPEX TEC Data
- Comparison of Ultraviolet Airglow Derived Density to Satellite Drag Derived Density
- Coronal Canals
- Correlation between the Thermospheric Temperature Derived from ARGOS Observations of N<SUB>2</SUB> Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission and Solar Soft X-ray Observations from SNOE
- Counter-streaming electron beams in the plasma sheet associated with auroral activity
- Distribution of Atomic Hydrogen in the Upper Atmosphere: Assessment of Absolute Densities and Variations in the light of Recent Observations
- Doppler Profiles of Proton Auroral Emissions Derived From High Resolution FUV Spectra
- Erosional/Depositional History of the Pernambuco Seachannel, South Atlantic Ocean
- Exploiting Web-Based Systems to Provide Interactive Interpretation, Access and Display of Far Ultraviolet Data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on TIMED
- Extended Synoptic Analysis Using a Database of Auroral Images
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of the Large Solar Flare on April 21, 2002 and the Terrestrial Photoelectron Response
- GUVI/TIMED Observations During the April 14-24, 2002 Storm
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event
- Global Thermospheric Densities Derived from ARGOS Measurements
- Global Ultaviolet Imager (GUVI): on-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
- Hall MHD and hybrid simulations of the magnetic reconnection: A comparative study
- High Resolution Seismic Images of the Blake Ridge Diapir Methane Hydrate Stability Zone
- ISAAC measurements of MUV airglow derived from thermospheric O, N<SUB>2</SUB>, and NO
- Influence of Relative Humidity on Aerosol Radiative Efficiency
- Iron and Ecosystem Response to Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Interactions in the North Pacific Ocean Gyre
- Is the water vapor budget in the summer polar mesosphere understood?
- LORAAS Observations of the Seasonal and Longitudinal Variations in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Long-Term Solar Irradiance Variations From Solar Cycle 21 to 23
- Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Studies from Ultraviolet Experiments: Comparing Anomalous Vibrational Populations to Scale-height and Rotational Temperatures and Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
- Magnetic Anomaly Amplitudes on the Gakkel Ridge: Indicators of Ridge Variability
- Mineral Dust Analysis and Application in Refining Source Region Information for the Sahara and East Asia Deserts
- Modeling the Middle Atmosphere Dynamics With Gravity Waves: Influence of Tropospheric Processes
- Modelling of Infrared Radiative Forcing During the ACE-Asia Experiment - Influence of Dust and Sea-Salt
- Navy Exploitation of SeaWiFS and MODIS Satellite Imagery for Detection of Desert Dust Storms Over Land and Water
- Near real-time verification of dust models: Possibilities and uncertainties for dust storm forecasting and analysis
- New Map and Grid of Compiled Magnetic Anomalies from the Arctic Ocean
- Nonlinear Growth of Singular Vector Based Perturbations
- Overview of the SDO Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- PML boundary conditions implementation in 1D and 2D wave propagation code for an inhomogeneous, magnetized ionospheric plasma.
- Photoproduction of Peroxides and CDOM Photobleaching in Surface Waters of the Chesapeake Bay
- Products Derived From GUVI Dayglow and Auroral Data
- RHESSI Observation of Atmospheric Gamma Rays from Impact of Solar Energetic Particles on 21 April 2002
- Rapid Sea-Level Rise at 8.0-7.5 ka and Antarctic Ice Sheet Thinning
- Revised Land Use Characteristic Dataset for Asia and Southwest Asia for the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS)
- Sea-Surface Topography and Precise Geodesy From Aircraft: Applications to Coastal Oceanography
- Search for Shuttle-Induced PMCs in SBUV and SBUV/2 Data
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition as Measured by TIMED/GUVI
- Space-Based Ultraviolet Images of Low Latitude Ionospheric Structures: A Preliminary Model-Data Comparison
- Status and Future of Dust Storm Forecasting
- Temporal Variation of Sounding Rocket Langmuir Probe Contamination*
- The Advanced Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer (ASCE) Mission Concept Study
- The Global Ionosphere During the April 17 to 20, 2002 Magnetic Storm
- The role of lower hybrid wave collapse in the auroral ionosphere
- Thermospheric Composition: GUVI Observations of O/N2
- Thermospheric composition derived from TIMED/GUVI limb scans
- Uncertainty in numerical prediction models: the lack of convergence of the Lorenz model
- Using USA and RXTE X-ray Source Atmospheric Occultations to Determine Atmospheric Densities and Temperature
- Validation of the GUVI Auroral Radiance Measurements Using the UARS/PEM Instrument
- A Model of Solar Spectral Irradiance Near Mg II
- Acceleration of CMEs: A Diagnostic for Driving Mechanisms?
- Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements by Airborne Sun Photometer in SOLVE II: Comparison to SAGE III and POAM III Measurements
- Aerosol Optical Properties in Southeast Asia From AERONET Observations
- Antarctic Ozone Loss Rates from POAM Measurements Using the Match Technique
- Arctic Chemical Ozone Loss Deduced from POAM III Using Chemical Transport Models
- Arctic Sea-Ice Measurement from Aircraft
- Assessment of clear sky radiative forcing in the Caribbean region using an aerosol dispersion model and ground radiometry during the Puerto Rico Dust Experiment
- Auroral emissions induced by ion precipitation during the 2000 Bastille Day storm
- Axial High Topography and Thermal Structure Along the Plume-Influenced Western Galapagos Spreading Center
- CLUSTER observations of lower hybrid waves excited at high altitudes by electromagnetic whistler mode signals from HAARP
- Can SOHO SWAN Detect CMEs?
- Can Water Vapor Increases Explain Long-term Variability in the Brightness and Occurrence Frequency of Mesospheric Clouds?
- Cavity Ring-Down Measurement of Aerosol Optical Properties During the Asian Dust Above Monterey Experiment and DOE Aerosol Intensive Operating Period
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Combining optical and radio techniques for high-resolution ionospheric specification
- Comparison of POAM III Water Vapor Measurements With a Microphysical Model During the SH Winter
- Comparisons Between Noise Storm Emissions and CME Events
- Coordinated Studies of High-Resolution Marine Methane Hydrates
- Coupled Model of Storm Time Effects on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Coupled Model of the Magnetosphere/Ionosphere System
- Density Structure in a Pre-Eruption Coronal Flux Loop
- Determination of Total Atmospheric Density in the 80-150 km Altitude Range Using X-ray Occultation Sounding
- Dilution of the Antarctic Ozone Hole Into Southern Midlatitudes (1998--2000)
- Dispersal of Sediment in the Western Adriatic during Energetic Wintertime Forcing
- Early and Late Season Increases in PMC Occurrence Frequency in the 1978 to 2000 Time Period
- Eddy-Diffusivity and Convective Boundary Layers
- Evidence of subsurface gas hydrate in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Evolution of CME Magnetic Field from the Sun to 1 AU
- Faults, Post-1720 Explosion Craters, and the Remains of a Lava Lake at Castro Bank Seamount (E Azores)
- First principles studies of the system Fe<SUB>2}O<SUB>{3}-FeTiO_{3</SUB></SUB>; phase stability and magnetism
- Funding Agency Perspectives on Nonlinear Approaches in Data Analysis and Simulations: Public Forum
- Further Developments in Closure Experiments for Surface Diffuse Irradiance Under Cloud-free Skies at a Continental Site
- Global MHD Simulation Study of Joule Heating in the Polar Ionosphere
- Hall magnetohydrodynamics of inhomogeneous current layers
- High-Resolution Limb Observations of Proton Aurora
- Hybrid and Hall MHD simulations of the out-of-the-plane magnetic field component: Origin and Generation Mechanism
- Inferring Denitrification From Twenty Years of Solar Occultation Measurements of Arctic PSCs
- LASCO C2 and C3 Level-1 Images: Calibration and Pipeline Processing
- LASCO/SMEI Potential Joint Observations
- Laboratory Investigation of Boundary Layer Processes Due to Strong Spatial Inhomogeneity*
- Linear Force Free Field Models of Observed Coronal Loops
- Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band Observations from ARGOS: Vibrational Populations and Their Altitude Dependence
- Magnetic Field and Long-Term Solar Irradiance Variations Over Solar Cycles 21 to 23
- Masses and Energetics of CMEs Observed by SOHO/LASCO
- Measurement and modeling of vertically resolved aerosol optical properties and radiative fluxes over the ARM SGP site
- Measurements of Solar FUV Spectral Irradiance: TIMED-SEE Results Compared with UARS and SORCE
- Measurements of Water Vapor and High Clouds Using Both the Aqua and Terra MODIS Instruments
- Mode-conversion effects in modeling ionospheric interaction experiments
- Modeling and Mechanisms of Intercontinental Transport of Biomass-Burning Plumes
- Mountain Waves Forced by Narrow Topography in the Presence of Vertical Shear
- Mountain-Wave Induced Rotors in the Lee of Three-Dimensional Ridges
- Multi-Year Simulations of the Middle Atmosphere with NOGAPS-ALPHA
- Observational Evidence Against Mountain Wave Generation of Ice Clouds Leading to the Formation of NAT Clouds in Early December 1999 Within the Arctic Vortex
- On the time coincidence between \boldmath{H<SUB>α </SUB>}-filament eruptions and soft X-ray emissions
- POAM III Observations During the SOLVE2/VINTERSOL Winter: PSCs, Denitrification, and Ozone Loss
- POAM III Ozone and Water Vapor in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- POAM III Validation Summary
- POAM III measurements of PSCs and water vapor in the Antarctic vortex: 1998-2003
- POAM Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Cloud Particle Sizes
- Predictability Experiments With the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
- Preliminary Validation of Atmospheric Neutral Density Derived From Ultraviolet Airglow Observations
- Probing Solar Energetic Particles with SIRA
- Products Derived From GUVI Auroral Data and Comparisons With Ground-Based Results From Poker Flat and Ft. Yukon, AK
- Radio Coverage from Chromosphere to Earth: FASR-LOFAR-SIRA Synergy
- Reconstruction and Simulation of Stratospheric Ozone Distributions During the 2002 Austral Winter
- Relating Interplanetary Helium Variation to Coronal Magnetic Fields and Solar Wind Formation
- Report to the Department of Defense on Infrasonic Re-entry Signals From the Space Shuttle Columbia (STS-107) (Revision 3.0)
- Retrieval of Ozone Column Content from Airborne Sun Photometer Measurements during SOLVE II: Comparison with SAGE III, POAM III, TOMS and GOME Measurements
- Rotation Waves and Strong Turbulence in a Multi-Component Plasma*
- SOHO Observations of the Perihelion Passage Comet C/2002 V1 NEAT
- Siberian Biomass Burning Plumes Across the Pacific: Impact on Surface Air Quality in the Pacific Northwest
- Simulation of the Intercontinental Transport, Aging, and Removal of a Boreal Fire Smoke Plume
- Solar vs. Anthropogenic Forcing During the Maunder Minimum
- Testing the EDMF Parameterization in the ARM Convective Diurnal Cycle Case
- The Advantages of Cheap, Connected, and Plentiful GNSS Observations
- The Climatology of the High-Latitude Stratospheric Aerosol Measured by POAM From 1993 to 2003
- The Coastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiment: Discerning aerosol indirect effects in stratocumulus clouds using imposed aerosol forcing
- The Coronal Magnetic Field Predicted by the Breakout Model
- The Effect of Non-sphericity on GOES-8 Dust Aerosol Retrievals During PRIDE
- The Non-flare Emisson Measure Above 5 MK Observed By RHESSI and SXI
- The Spectroscopy and Energetics of Red Sprites
- The response of PMCs to Shuttle Water Vapor Plumes in the Arctic
- The role of flux emergence as a driver of coronal mass ejections
- The termination shock near 35 degrees latitude
- Thermogenic and Biogenic Gas Hydrates on the Northern Cascadia Margin: A Molecular, Isotopic and Geochemical Comparison
- Towards a Predictive Model of Low Latitude Ionospheric Space Weather
- Tropospheric Ozone at High Latitudes from POAM and TOMS Measurements
- Type II Radio Bursts and Energetic Solar Eruptions
- 3D Breakout: Preliminary Results
- 3D Magnetic reconnection: evolution of x-lines.
- A Lot of Melt Beneath the Large Axial High Along the Hotspot-Influenced Western Galapagos Spreading Center
- A Model For EUV Flux Throughout The 3-Dimensional Heliosphere
- A Search for Solar Energetic Particel Events with Radio-Silent Coronal Mass Ejections
- A Unified Model of Particle Acceleration and Atmospheric Response in Solar Flares
- Accelerated Particle Spectra and Abundances in the 2003 October 28 and November 2 Solar Flares
- Aerosol direct radiative forcing over oceans from merged MODIS/CERES analysis
- An Aerosol Extinction-to-Backscatter Ratio Database Derived from the NASA Micro-Pulse Lidar Network: Applications for Space-based Lidar Observations
- Calibration Results for the COR-1 Coronagraph on STEREO/SECCHI
- Calibration Results for the STEREO/SECCHI COR2 Coronagraphs
- Combining The Monthly-Mean MODIS And SSMI Data To Form A Global Water Vapor Data Set
- Comet C/2002 V1 (NEAT): Behavior of a Cometary Dust Tail at 0.1 AU From the Sun
- Comparison of GRACE mean gravity fields with airborne gravity measurements
- Comparison of Tomographic and Forward Modeling 3D Reconstructions of a Coronal Streamer
- Coronal Seismology and the Propagation of Acoustic Waves Along Coronal Loops
- Dynamics of Forced MHD Turbulence and Coronal Heating
- Effect of different initialization methods on reconnection physics: A critical study using Hall MHD, hybrid, Hall-less hybrid and full particle simulations
- Electrodynamics of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere: the Effects of Winds and Waves
- Electron Density Retrieval Validation Using 911Å Emission Limb Scans
- Electron Energization During Magnetic Reconnection
- Energy Deposition in the Polar Ionospheres: Simulation Studies of Geomagnetic Storm Events
- Generation and evolution of heater-induced density irregularities due to self-focusing instabilities in the ionosphere
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the TIMEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
- HERSCHEL Suborbital Program: 3-D Applications for the STEREO Mission
- Hall Magnetic Reconnection: Guide Field Dependence
- Heliospheric CME parameters within the context of solar observations
- Impact of the Bastille Day Solar Flare on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Investigating the crustal elements of the central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP): How long-range aerogeophysics is critical to understanding the evolution of the East Antarctic ice sheet
- Ionospheric and Solar Plasmas in Geospace Storms
- Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Properties of Whistler Waves*
- Laboratory Modeling of Reconnection in the Magnetosphere
- Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Sun to 1 AU*
- Magnetic Geometry of Accelerating CMEs
- Methane Hydrates and Fluid Flow Along the Chilean Margin
- Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Response to Storm Time Electric Field
- Model of Ionospheric Ducts Due to HF-heating
- Modeling Heat and Fluid Flux of Seafloor Mounds in the Gulf of Mexico
- Modeling non-Harris Current Sheets to fit Tail Cluster Observations
- Modelling of the Quiet Sun Emission in the Metric Radio Range
- Morphology Indicators of the Three-Dimensional Size of Flux Rope CMEs: A Prediction for STEREO
- Near Synchronous Plasma Structuring in the Middle and Equatorial Ionosphere During Intense Magnetic Storms
- Observations and modeling of stratospheric warmings and mesospheric coolings by the TIMED/SABER instrument and the NOGAPS forecast system
- Observations of Tides and Planetary Waves from the stratosphere to the thermosphere
- Observations of Ultraviolet Emission from Mg<SUP>+</SUP> in the Lower and Middle Thermosphere
- Ozone-CO relationships in plumes carrying North American pollution and boreal biomass burning emissions through the central North Atlantic lower free troposphere
- Planetary Auroral Storms Trace a CME-driven Interplanetary Shock Throughout the Solar System, from the Sun to Saturn at 9 AU
- Plasma Impedance Measurements Using a Small Spherical Probe$^{1}
- Questioning common wisdom on issues of (i) cause of fast magnetic reconnection, (ii) origin and scale of quadrupole magnetic structure, and (iii) physical reality of Sweet-Parker regime
- Raytracing Software for the Simulation of the Solar K-Corona
- Role of Land-Atmosphere Interactions on Convection Initiation and Precipitation over the Southern Great Plains
- SHIMMER on STPSat-1: UV Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy for Space Based Remote Sensing of the Middle Atmosphere
- Simulating The Breakout Model In An Asymmetric Configuration
- Spectral Measurements of PMCs from SBUV/2 Instruments
- Statistical Studies on Thin Cirrus Using MODIS Data
- Steep Electron Density Gradients in the Midlatitude Nighttime Ionosphere: Current Understanding and Future Directions
- Storm Time Effects on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Stratospheric Ozone Variation Induced by the 11-Year Solar Cycle: Recent 40-Year Simulation Using 3-D Chemical Transport Model with Reanalysis Data
- Surface Vector Velocity Estimates and Gulf Stream Observations From the UMass Dual Beam Interferometer
- The 3D structure of CMEs from LASCO polarization measurements
- The Application of Rapidly-Sampled GPS Signal Amplitudes to Remote Sensing of Ionospheric Irregularities
- The Effect of Central American Smoke Aerosols on the Air Quality and Climate over the Southeastern United States: First Results from RAMS-AROMA
- The Effect of Diurnal Variations on Decadal Trends in PMC Brightness
- The Effect of Heavy Ions and Mass Density on Magnetic Reconnection
- The Effects of Topology on Magnetic Reconnection
- The Nature and Effects of Background Aerosols
- The Solar Cycle Variation of Stratospheric Ozone: An Observational Update and Model Comparisons
- The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI): An Ultraviolet Sensor of the Thermospheric and Ionospheric States
- The Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WTS) in the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment (ANDE) Satellite
- The conservative and non-conservative properties of DOM in the Beaufort Sea
- The role of EMIC waves in scattering electrons
- Thermal Measurements Over Hydrate Mounds in Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico
- Three Dimensional, Patchy Reconnection in a One Dimensional Current Sheet
- Three-Dimensional Evolution of the Equatorial Ionospheric Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Combined Vertical and Zonal Drifts
- Time-step sensitivity of nonlinear atmospheric models: numerical convergence, truncation error growth and ensemble design
- Towards a Model for Midlatitude Stormtime Ionospheric Mesoscale and Small Scale Structure
- Transition of GAIM from Research to Operations
- Tropical Cirrus Cloud Characteristics Using MODIS Level-3 Data
- Two Components of Ionospheric Plasma Structuring at Mid-latitudes during Large Magnetic Storms
- UV Limb Scan and X-Ray Occultation Soundings of Thermospheric Density
- Using X-ray Occultation Sounding to Detect Dynamic Atmospheric Features in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Variability of the Heliospheric Magnetic Flux
- A Compilation of Major Dust Events in Southwest Asia: 2004-2005
- A Flux-Rope Scaling of CME and Prominence Acceleration
- A Hybrid Kinetic Model of Asymmetric Thin Current Sheets With Sheared Flows: Application to the Solar wind and Corona
- A New Linearized Photochemistry Parameterization for Operational Ozone Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction Systems
- A Quantitative Comparison of the Polar Mesospheric Cloud Mass Between 1998-2003: SNOE vs. SBUV
- A Solar Energetic Particle Mission (SEPM) for the S3C Great Observatory
- A Sustained Environmental Assessment Program in Southwest Asia
- A case study approach of Haboob Events over the United Arab Emirates
- Aerogravity and Lidar Data Over Southwestern Florida
- Aerosol Optical Depth Model Assessment With High-Resolution Multiple Angle Sensors
- Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals From High-Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery Over Areas of High Surface Reflectance
- Aerosol Production and Transport in Southwest Asia
- Aerosol Properties Over the United Arab Emirates and Arabian Gulf from MISR Multi-angle Satellite Imaging
- Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Evaluated with Aircraft Measurements during the Marine Stratus Experiment (MASE)"
- Altitude Retrieval Algorithms for OMPS: Sensitivity to Aerosols, Surface Reflectance and Stray Light.
- An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Pyro-cumulonimbus Injections of Aerosol on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere Climate During Northern Hemisphere Summer
- An Investigation of the Coastal Circulations and Aerosol Transport in the Arabian Gulf region during Unified Aerosol Experiment (2004)
- Analysis of Tropical Ice Cloud Spatial and Temporal Patterns
- Application of Recent Advances in Forward Modeling of Emissions from Boreal and Temperate Wildfires to Real-time Forecasting of Aerosol and Trace Gas Concentrations
- Approaches to Correcting for Stray Light in the OMPS Limb Profiler
- Arctic Ocean Databases With a Dual Use: Geoscientific Investigations and the Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf
- Atmospheric Characterization at a Rural Coastal Site in the UAE from August to September 2004
- Authigenic Mineral Fronts as Recorders of Past and Present Methane Fluxes: Offshore Concepcion, Chile
- Changes in Ozone Loss at the Upper Edge of the Antarctic Ozone Hole During 1994-2005
- Characteristics of Atmpspheric Aerosols Over the United Arab Emirates
- Comparing the Measured N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) Band Brightness in the Dayglow With Model Calculations: Investigating the Importance of Cascading as a Source of Excitation.
- Comparison of Airborne Sunphotometer and Near-Coincident In Situ and Remotely Sensed Water Vapor Measurements during INTEX-ITCT 2004
- Comparison of Arctic Ozone Loss Observations during the 2004-2005 Winter
- Comparison of Nighttime UV Radiances Obtained From the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Model With Limb Scan Observations From the LORAAS and SSULI Instruments
- Comparisons of Wintertime, Vortex, Polar Stratospheric Temperatures as Measured by CHAMP Radio Occultations With ECMWF, NCEP Reanalysis and MetOffice Analyses
- Contribution of Infrasound Monitoring for a Global Study of Winds and Gravity Waves in the upper atmosphere
- Coupled Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Model Based on SAMI3 and LFM
- Coupling Orographic and Non-Orographic Gravity Wave Parameterizations for Global Weather Forecast Models With a High Top
- Direct Radiative Impacts of Central American Biomass Burning Smoke Aerosols: Analysis from a Coupled Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorology Model RAMS-AROMA
- Discovery of a Nitric Acid Trihydrate (NAT) PSC Belt Around Antarctica by MIPAS on Envisat
- Doing Solar Science With Extreme-ultraviolet and X-ray High Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy
- E-Layer Variations During X-Class Flares Inferred from Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Evaluation of MODIS aerosol products in dusty and heterogeneous environments
- Evidence of Long Range Transport of Dust From Southwest Asia to the United States
- Evolution and Characteristics of PyroCb Smoke From the Norman Wells August 1998 and Chisholm May 2001 Forest Fires
- Experiment to Model Magnetotail Reconnection With a Theta Pinch
- Fine Mode Aerosol over the United Arab Emirates
- Forced magnetic reconnection in the Hall limit
- Geochemical Evaluation of Piston Core Porewater on Atwater Valley, Gulf of Mexico: Variation in Vertical Methane Gradients
- Geologic and Site Survey Setting for JIP Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Drilling
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the MTIEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
- Global microphysical retrievals of aerosol and cloud properties with the NPOESS Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor
- High Resolution Seafloor Environmental Characterization of Methane Seeps in the Mississippi Canyon Near Atwater Valley 13/14, Gulf of Mexico.
- High Resolution Seismic Images of the Gulf of Mexico Joint Industry Program Drilling Transect
- Imaging and Analysis of Meteoritic Smoke Particles Collected in the Mesosphere
- Improved remote sensing of water vapor and cirrus clouds with MODIS instruments onboard the Terra and Aqua Spacecrafts
- In Situ Sampling of Meteoric Smoke in the Mesosphere
- Inhomogeneous sheath as the cause of collisionless energy absorption: the effect on spherical probes*
- Interannual Consistency of Temperature Analyses in the Antarctic Stratosphere, 1998-2004
- Interlaced Limb Scanning for Tomography
- MHD Simulation of Magnetic Flux Transport Along Subphotospheric Flux Ropes
- MINIS Balloon and RHESSI Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Magnetic Reconnection in Coronal Processes
- Magnetic Structure of Halo CMEs and Corresponding ICMEs
- Mesoscale and Synoptic Summertime Circulations and Their Impact on Visibility in the Arabian Gulf
- Microphysical Modeling and POAM III Observations of Aerosol Extinction in the 1998-2003 Antarctic Stratosphere
- Modeling Altitude Profiles of the N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Band Emissions
- Monitoring Precipitation from Space: targeting Hydrology Community?
- Nighttime Measurements of Aerosol Optical Thickness with the VIIRS Day-Night Band
- Nonlinear Evolution of Thermal Self-Focusing Instability in Ionospheric Modifications at High Latitudes: Aspect Angle Dependence
- Observational Implications of 3D Breakout
- Observations of Nitric Oxide, Atomic Oxygen, and Ionized Magnesium in the MLT Region
- Observations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- Observing the Solar atmosphere with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Solar B
- Plasma Structuring at Mid-Latitudes during Super-Storms and their Impact on GPS-Based Navigation Systems
- Possibility of an Alfvenic Wave Resonator in the Magnetosphere*
- PyroCb Warming of the Stratosphere and Cooling of the Surface: First Indications
- Relationships between CME brightness and in-situ plasma parameters observed at 1 AU
- Remote Sensing Observations of Thermospheric Composition Changes: Disk and Limb Observations and Interpretation
- Satellite-Derived Precipitation Verification Activities Within the International Precipitation Working Group (IPWG)
- Search for Radio Emission from Extrasolar Planets with the GMRT: Some Results from the 2004 Data and a Preliminary Look at the 2005 Data
- Search for Radio Emissions From Extrasolar Planets at 150 MHz
- Simulations of Atmospheric Neutral Wave Coupling to the Ionosphere
- Smoking Pyrocumulonimbus: analysis of a major Canadian boreal fire blowup from satellite and ground measurements
- Solar Wind Driven Auroral Wind, with Global Consequences
- Storm Time Effects on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Stratospheric injection of biomass fire smoke followed by long-range transport: MOZAIC case studies
- TRACE white light and RHESSI hard X-rays
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties in the UAE
- Testing the Predictions of the Catastrophe Model: Comparisons with Measurements of LASCO Flux Rope CMEs
- The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)
- The Climatology of Neutral Winds in the MLT Region as Observed From Orbit
- The Naval Research Laboratory's High-Resolution (27km) Dust Source Database for Southwest Asia
- The Topology of Magnetic Reconnection in the Sun's Corona
- The effects of mass deposition, gas flux and salt diapirs on surface sediment geochemistry in Keathley Canyon (northern Gulf of Mexico)
- Tracking Magnetic Footpoints with the Magnetic Induction Equation
- Use of a Computer-based Dataset to Constrain Opening of the Labrador Sea
- Using IGS Clock Products to Monitor GPS Station Performance
- Validation of Real-time Dust Forecasting for the Iraq Region of Southwest Asia
- Why We Need Imaging Spectroscopy
- WindSat Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer: A CMIS Risk Reduction Mission
- 2006 LWS TR & T Solar Wind Focused Science Topic Team: The Beginnings
- A Fermi model for electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection
- A comparison of NOGAPS-ALPHA stratospheric ozone and temperature hindcasts with Aura MLS profile measurements during the 2005 Polar Aura Validation Experiment
- An MHD Simulation of an Emerging Bipole in the Presence of the Solar Wind
- Assessing Ozone Forecast Uncertainty with a Data Assimilation System
- Assimilation of Rain-Affected Radiances in a Cloud-Scale 4D-Var Framework Using an Adjoint Mesoscale Model
- Atmospheric Sensitivity to Spectral Top-of-Atmosphere Solar Irradiance Perturbations, Using MODTRAN-5 Radiative Transfer Algorithm
- CHARMNZ, 2006 Gas Hydrates Survey on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: First Results From Seismic and Related Data
- CME Brightness at Large Elongations: Application to LASCO and SMEI Observations
- Characterization of Polar Stratospheric Cloud-Producing Mountain Waves using Thermal Radiance Imagery from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A)
- Characterization of mineral dust plume evolution over Atlantic by combining MISR dark- water aerosol retrievals and NAAPS transport model predictions.
- Constraints on the Sun-Heliosphere Magnetic Connection
- Demonstration of a technique for stereoscopic tracking of CMEs for NASA's STEREO Mission
- Dependence of neutral temperatures in the lower thermosphere on geomagnetic activity
- Determining Electron Sheath Density Profiles in Collisionless Plasmas*
- Dust and Pollution Aerosol Air Mass Mapping from Satellite Multi-angle Imaging
- Early Results from the CloudSat Light Rain Precipitation Dataset
- Electron Microscopy Studies of Comet Wild-2 Particulate Residue Preserved in the Stardust Metallic Foil Craters
- Energetics and Dynamics of Bipolar and Multipolar CME Source Regions
- Evaluating the impact of improvements to the FLAMBE smoke source model on forecasts of aerosol distribution from NAAPS
- Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Forecasts and Analyses from Satellite Observations
- Examination of Hurricane Dennis using Airborne Radar and Microwave Radiometric Data During the Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) Experiment
- First Results for the TBB/CERTO Beacon Experiment on FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Fluorescence Intercalibration Experiment: a Multi-laboratory Comparison of Correction Procedures for Fluorescence Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter
- Forced reconnection in the Hall limit
- Four years of ice cloud observations from the Aqua MODIS level-3 dataset
- Generation and amplification of VLF waves in the radiation belts.
- Global near-realtime monitoring of Tropical Cyclones Using Weather Satellites
- Goals and Progress of the LWS Focused Science Topic on the CME--ICME Connection
- High Energy Solar Physics from Lunar-Based Observatories
- Infrared Extinction Measurements of Stratospheric Smoke from Boreal Forest Fires
- Innovative use of Google Earth to Facilitate Distribution of Meteorological Observations, Forecasts and Analysis via the WWW
- Integrated Multi-Point Space Plasma Measurements With Four Ionospheric Satellites
- Interannual variability in mesospheric wintertime descent: Implications for thermosphere- stratosphere coupling
- Ionospheric Modeling: Coupling to the Inner and Outer Magnetosphere
- LWS Studies of Gamma Rays Produced in the Earth's Atmosphere by Cosmic Rays and Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Laboratory Investigation of Lower Hybrid and Whistler Wave Characteristics*
- Measurements of Atmospheric Aerosols by the VIIRS Instrument for NPOESS
- Modeling Equatorial Spread F: Multiple Bifurcations, Small-Scale Structure, and High Speed Flows
- Modeling Momentum Flux in High-Wind Boundary Layer
- Modeling longitudinal variations the low latitude ionosphere
- Modeling of Equatorial Anomaly Development and Collapse at Dusk Observed by TIMED/GUVI
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization of Gases from IODP Expedition 311: Source and Gas Hydrate Related Controls
- Multi-platform Analysis of Cloud Height Over Antarctica With Application Toward High Resolution Observation of Type II Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- Near real time aerosol data assimilation using a new over ocean MODIS level 3 aerosol product
- Nighttime Ground and Space Based Ionospheric Measurements in Support of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Numerical Modeling of 1997-2006 Asian Dust and Mass Budget Analysis in East Asia and West Pacific
- Observations of sudden changes in aerosol properties along the coast: Separating artifact from physics in the littoral zone
- Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols In Alaska and Transport of Smoke to Remote Arctic Regions
- Particle Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection With Open Boundary Conditions
- Radiation Belt-Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RB-SPICE)
- Radiative Effects of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds
- Radiative Forcing by Boreal Forest Fire Smoke over Barrow, Alaska: A Closure Experiment
- Radio Observatory for Lunar Sortie Science (ROLSS)
- Regional Simulations of Stratospheric Lofting of Smoke Plumes
- Remote Sensing of Particle Acceleration at the Sun
- Satellite Lidar and Aerosol Transport Model Synergism: Improved GLAS Aerosol Products
- Self-consistent Theory of Young Plasma Bubbles: Kinetic and 3D Aspects
- Simulation Study of Energy Deposition in the Polar Ionospheres
- Smoke in the Stratosphere: What Wildfires have Taught Us About Nuclear Winter
- Solar neutron emission and propagation mechanisms for 2003 October 28 event
- Some Aspects of Vortex Axisymmetrization: Nonlinearity and positions of initial asymmetries
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Stray Light Corrections for Spectral Images
- Study of Long-Range Transport and Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in Smoke Plumes From Forest Fires Caused by Aerosol Solar Heating
- Study of Multimodal Structure of the Baroclinic Tide in the Strait of Gibraltar
- The Geothermal Structure of the Methane Hydrate Stability Zone on the Hikurangi Margin off New Zealand
- The Hemisphere-scale Stratospheric Impact of the Chisholm (Alberta) PyroCumulonimbus Eruption
- The SECCHI Experiment on the STEREO Mission
- The dissipation region of magnetic reconnection: Kinetic PIC results for large systems
- Thermospheric Density and Composition: an Integrated Research Approach
- Tiny Ionospheric Photometer Experiment aboard COSMIC
- Transport of Magnetic Flux Along a Flux Rope Embedded in a Stratified Background Plasma With Horizontal Flows
- Using X-ray Occultation Sounding (XOS) to Detect Atmospheric Features in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: A comparison to NRLMSISE-00 and SABER measurements.
- Using regression models to enhance signals in a dispersive radiative field: Reducing stray light corruption in the limb profiles of the Ozone Mapper Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- Validating an AVHRR- and MODIS-derived aerosol optical depth retrieval (AOD) algorithm to measure radaitive properties of aerosols over open water within the dust environment of the UAE
- Which CMEs are associated with Proton Events?
- Wildfire Plumes in the Lower Free Troposphere Over the North Atlantic: the Impact of Plume Travel Height and Age on Enhancement Ratios of Ozone, Nitrogen Oxides and Black Carbon
- A Catalog of Halo Coronal Mass Ejections from SOHO
- A Model for Coronal Hole Jets
- A New View of the Extreme Ultraviolet Corona from Wavelet-Processed EUV Images
- A bottom-up geostatistical approach for quantifying landcover in Asian desert ecosystems and implications for global and climate models: a case study in Afghanistan utilizing a unique hyperspectral dataset
- A computational framework for the evaluation of satellite precipitation estimates for hydrological applications
- A data fusion toolbox to optimize precipitation estimates for land surface modeling applications
- A large-scale integrated aerogeophysical survey of Afghanistan
- A-Train Observations of Pyrocumulonimbus Events
- An Unconventional Path Toward the Operational Leveraging of Research-Grade Environmental Satellites
- Application of Multi-Sensor Fusion to the Aerosol Forecasting Problem
- Benchmarking 1D Hydrodynamic Codes for Steady State Solutions
- Biomass burning source characterization requirements in air quality models with and without data assimilation: challenges and opportunities
- Column versus Profile Correlations Between Ozone and PV
- Combined use of MODIS, MISR, CERES, and a data assimilation method for estimating aerosol climate forcing over Saharan regions
- Comparison of 3D Numerical Simulations with STEREO Observations of Coronal Jets
- Comparison of Heliospheric In-Situ Data with the Quasi-Steady Solar Wind Models
- Coupling an ocean wave model with a global aerosol transport model: A sea salt aerosol parameterization perspective
- Detection and Retrieval of Mineral Dust Aerosols Using AERI Data
- Development of a Rapid Prototyping Capability for Hydrological Applications of Global Precipitation Measurements
- Direct Imaging of the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet from the SECCHI telescopes on the STEREO Mission
- Documenting PyroCb Development on High-Intensity Boreal Fires: Implications for the Arctic Atmosphere
- Dynamics of CMEs in the STEREO Field of View: Theory and Observation
- Dynamics of the Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures in Diverse Environments
- Enhanced MISR stereoscopic observation of polar stratospheric clouds and smoke plumes
- Estimates of Vertical Methane Fluxes in Porangahau Ridge Sediment on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Evidence of a Late-Summer Decrease in NOx/CO Emission Ratios From Boreal Fires
- Expanding Curtain Observations of Cloud Vertical Structure and Layering to Model-Relevant Spatial Scales
- Explosive Instability and Coronal Heating
- Forward modeling reconstruction techniques applied to STEREO-SECCHI data
- Gas Hydrate Accumulations - Where and how Much? Can Seismic Reflection Intensities Provide the Answers?
- Gas hydrate exploration of Porangahau Ridge, East Coast, North Island, New Zealand
- Generation of Lower Hybrid Waves in an Oxygen Dominated Plasma
- Geologic Control on Porewater Geochemistry in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments in the Gulf of Mexico
- Global Circulation and Impact of Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Global assimilative ionospheric modeling and the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer on the COSMIC constellation
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - New Observing Capabilities for Space Weather Specification and Forecasting
- Google Earth as a Vehicle to Integrating Multiple Layers of Environmental Satellite Data for Weather and Science Applications
- Heliospheric Streamers: Comparison Between Model Calculations and SECCHI Observations
- Hemispheric asymmetries in the longitudinal structure of the low-latitude nighttime ionosphere
- How do CME-Shocks Look Like?: Study of Shock Geometry.
- IDA4D - a new ionospheric imaging algorithm using non-linear ground-based and spaced- based data sources
- IGS Clock Products for Accurate Geodetic and Timing Applications
- Ice Cloud Optical Depth from MODIS Cirrus Reflectance
- Impulsive Dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections
- In-situ and Numerical Modeling Prospects for Multipoint ICME Observations Featuring the 22 May 2007 STEREO Event
- Innovative Uses of Google Earth to Facilitate Scientific Understanding of Meteorological Observations, Forecasts and Analyses
- Interannual variability in the effects of energetic particle precipitation (EPP) on the stratosphere
- Ion acceleration and neutral emission mechanisms for 2005 September 7 flare
- Ionospheric Electron Density Measurements Using COSMIC
- Ionospheric Measurements for the Long Wavelength Array
- Ionospheric Modeling: Coupling to the Inner and Outer Magnetosphere
- Jurassic to Present Evolution of the Arctic Ocean Region: Questions for IPY
- Kinematics of CMEs observed by LASCO and SECCHI
- Long-Term Variations in PMC Frequency as a Function of Latitude from SBUV
- MHD Stability and Damped Oscillations of Coronal Loops
- Measured Radiative Properties of Thin Cirrus During TC4
- Mesoscale Ensembles of Urban Canopy Parameterizations Applied to the Coastal Environment: Impacts on Urban Dispersion
- Mesospheric Simulations with the NOGAPS-ALPHA model: Applications to the Summer Polar Mesosphere and AIM data
- Mineral dust transport characterization from combined MISR/MODIS aerosol retrievals for NAAPS transport model validation
- Mining Existing Radar Altimetry for Sea Ice Freeboard and Thickness Estimates
- Modeling STEREO White-Light Observations of CMEs with 3D MHD Simulations
- Modeling equatorial spread F: New simulation results
- Modeling quasi-decadal variability in the QBO and its impact on stratospheric ozone and climate
- Modulation of the aerosol absorption and single-scattering albedo due to synoptic scale and sea breeze circulations - United Arab Emirates experiment perspective.
- Mountain Wave Propagation Across the Tropopause
- Multipoint Analysis by STEREO and WIND of the Magnetic Cloud on May 21-23, 2007
- Nonlinear Dynamics of the Parker Scenario for Coronal Heating
- North American Pollutant Export and Associated Ozone Radiative Forcing During the Summers of 2002 and 2004
- PMC Detection and Mapping Using Aura OMI Measurements
- PMC Measurements from the Solar Occultation For Ice Experiment (SOFIE)
- Patchy Reconnection Below Solar Coronal Mass Ejections
- Patterns of Climate Response to Solar and Anthropogenic Influences in the Recent Past
- Plasma Chemistry of Sprite Streamers
- Polar Pollution by Pyroconvection: Assessing the transport of smoke into the Arctic and Antarctic
- Precipitation estimation from CloudSat
- Radiative Impact of Boreal Smoke in the Arctic: Observed Versus Modeled
- Reduced meteoric smoke particle density at the summer pole - implications for mesospheric ice particle nucleation
- Rossby waves detected in HYCOM sea surface salinity in the Indian Ocean
- SHIMMER on STPSat-1: First Results
- STEREO SECCHI Observations of Space Debris: Are They Associated with S/WAVES Dust Detections?
- Scintillation and TEC Receiver in Space (CITRIS)Instrument for Ionospheric Research*
- Secchi Observations of Mass Flows in the Inner Heliosphere
- Simulation of H+ and He+ Dynamics During Plasmasphere Refilling
- Slow Solar Wind Formation Beyond the Cusp of an Helmet Streamer
- Smoothing climate time-series with information theory
- Soil moisture estimation using WindSat based passive microwave polarimetric observations
- Solar Reconnection
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Stereoscopic Analysis of CME-related Coronal Activity using STEREO/SECCHI Observations
- Structures in flaring loops seen in FeXXIII 263.76A line
- Study of Two Long Duration Eruptive Flares with the Hinode and RHESSI Spacecraft
- Tectonic History of the Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Overview and Early Results
- The Connection Between Alfven Waves and the FIP Effect
- The Intercomparison of Aerosol Properties Measured by SAGE II and SAGE III
- The Structure and Dynamics of the Quiet Corona from Observations with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer
- The source region magnetic conditions of solar eruption events observed by multi spacecraft
- Towards a Better Understanding of CME Onsets with SECCHI on STEREO
- Understanding Warm Coronal Loops
- Using COAMPS Microphysics To Model Satellite and Aircraft Radar Data: An Evaluation During Hurricane Dennis
- Using Global MHD Models to Interpret STEREO Observations
- Using Hinode Data to Explicitly Model Active Regions Cores
- WIND, FERIX-2 and ISUAL F-region imaging: Ionospheric Observation Campaigns over Japan in 2007
- 20th Century Solar Spectral Irradiance Modeling Based on Solar Cycle 22 and 23 Measurements
- A Cloud Process Study Utilizing the NASA Advanced Technology Sensor Suite in Conjunction with a High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Model
- A Kalman Filter for Improved Multi-Technique Estimates of UT1 Variations
- A Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Observed from the Ground and from Space
- A Tribute to Hank Bass: The Past, Present, and Future of US Infrasound Research
- A-Train satellite observations of the 2008 Chaitén eruption clouds
- Aeronomy With the new HF Ionospheric Modification Facility at Arecibo
- Aerosol Radiative Forcing of an Axisymmetric Tropical Circulation
- An evaluation of hypotheses regarding common mode dust particle invariance
- Analysis of High Temporal Resolution Satellite Data for Sub-Tropical Boundary Layer Clouds Along a Pacific Ocean Crossection
- Application of Ocean Data Assimilation in a Nested Model
- Applications of the NPOESS Visible/Infrared and Microwave Imagers
- Aspects of Tropical Cyclogenesis Predictability
- Baseline uncertainties in wildfire emissions estimates using moderate resolution satellite imagery
- CALIOP Data Assimilation in the Tropical Atlantic for Saharan Dust Modeling
- Calibration Results for the COR2 Instrument Aboard the STEREO Satellite
- Calibration and Validation for VIIRS Ocean Products
- Characterization of Smoke Injection Into the UT/LS From Biomass Burning 1. Developing Methodologies Based on AI and CALIPSO Data
- Characterization of Smoke Injection Into the UT/LS From Biomass Burning. 2. Methodology Expansion Using the HYSPLIT Trajectory Model
- Characterizing Solar Wind and its Source Regions as Empirical Constraints for Investigating Solar Wind Formation
- CloudSat Tropical Cyclone Database
- Community Access to the C/NOFS Satellite Data -- Facilitating New Opportunities for Space Weather Research
- Comparison of Automated Flare Location Algorithm Results to Solar Truth
- Comparison of MHD Simulations of CME Evolution and Structure with Coronagraph Observations
- Comparison of TIDI Wind Observations and the HWM07 Model
- Comprehensive Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Coupling HYCOM and CICE Using ESMF
- Current and Future Development of the Operational Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Determination of CME 3D Trajectories From Stereoscopic Analysis of STEREO Coronagraph Data
- Developing and evaluating a synoptic and diurnally varying time series of global fire emissions
- Development of the data assimilation quality MODIS and MISR aerosol products for data integration and assimilation
- Disruption of Equatorial Spread-F Leading to a Fossil Bubble and Airglow Enhancement
- Dynamical variations of the polar summer mesopause region and PMC occurrence
- Dynamics of Diurnal Variation of Stratus Clouds in Central Coast of Califoria
- Dynamics of Flux-Rope CMEs: SECCHI Observation and Theory
- Effects of Partial Ionization: From Waves to Reconnection
- Equatorial Irregularity Characterization with Scintillation and Total Electron Content Measurements from Space
- Excitation of Equatorial Ionospheric Bubbles from Tropospheric Convection-Driven Gravity Waves
- First STEREO observation of a quiet sun CME
- Focused Fluid Flow and its Relation to Gas Hydrate Distribution on the Outer Accretionary Wedge, Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Evidence from Seismic Data
- GOZCARDS: Global Ozone Chemistry and Related Trace gas Data Records for the Stratosphere
- Generation of Lower Hybrid Turbulence in the Ionosphere and its Evolution in the Magnetosphere
- Geographical and Temporal Variability of the SST-Induced Surface Wind and Wind Stress Fields
- Geomicrobial characterization of sediment bacterial communities across the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- How Ionospheric Ions Populate the Magnetosphere During a Magnetic Storm
- Imaging geospace electrons using Thomson scattering: A new tool for operational space weather monitoring
- Initial Lidar Observations of the Kasatochi Plume at Multiple MPLNET Sites
- Interactions of Multiple CMEs with Complex Interplanetary Medium as Revealed by STEREO
- Internal Solitary Waves Induced by Flow Over a Ridge: With Applications to the Northern South China Sea
- Interpretation of HALOE, ACE, and MIPAS Water Vapor and Methane Data in the Equatorial Upper Stratosphere
- Kelvin Wave and Madden-Julian Oscillation simulated by a Spectral Element Atmospheric Model under Aqua-Planet Conditions
- Low Latitude Ionosphere Measurements by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Mass Measurements of Coronal Mass Ejections Using the SECCHI-COR2 Coronagraphs
- Multipoint Analysis of Meso-scale Structures in the Ambient Solar Wind: STEREO-A, -B, and L1 Observations
- Naval Research Laboratory Global Model Adaptive Observing During T-PARC/TCS- 08
- Neutral Ion Coupling Explorer satellite measurements of thermospheric composition, winds and temperatures.
- North American Pollutant Export Due to Anthropogenic Emissions and Lightning
- Numerical Investigation and Forecasting of the Kasatochi Ash Plume
- Observations and Modeling of SST Influence on Surface Wind and Wind Stress
- PMC Morphology and its Dependence on Water Vapor and Temperature: Highlights From the AIM Mission
- PMC Variability Observed in Aura OMI Data
- Plumes cover the northern hemisphere: lidar views of summer 2008 volcanic and pyroconvective injections
- Potential of Future Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) Ocean Surface Wind Observations for Determining Tropical Storm Vortex Intensity and Structure
- Precipitation from CloudSat: New Discoveries and Comparisons with Other Sensors
- Preparing the remote sensing community toward the NPP/NPOESS era
- Propagation and Decoupling of ICMEs and interplanetary shocks
- Proton Spectrometer Belt Research (PSBR)
- Quiescent Current Sheets in the Solar Wind and Origins of Slow Wind
- Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission
- Rapid UTLS Lofting of Forest Fire Smoke by Synoptic Scale Cyclones in Eastern Asia
- Reconnection-Driven Changes of the Open-Closed Coronal Magnetic Field Boundary
- Relation between Coronal Mass Ejection, Type II Radio Burst, and EUV Wave during the 2008 March 25 STEREO Event
- Remote Sensing of the Slow Solar Wind
- SECCHI View of CME Dynamics: Observation and Theory
- STEREO ICMEs and their Solar Source Regions Near Solar Minimum
- STEREO-SECCHI Synoptic Map Based Data Browser
- Simulating the Fate of an Ionospheric Mass Ejection
- Simulation of the Impact of New Aircraft- and Satellite-Based Ocean Surface Wind Measurements on H*Wind Analyses and Numerical Forecasts
- Size-Specific Characterization of Sands and Dust Collected from Iraq and Northern Kuwait: Factors Influencing Bacterial Species Composition and Trace Element Bioavailability
- Studies of Atmospheric Sources and Propagation Using the USArray
- Temporal and Physical Relationships Between CME Acceleration and Flare Energy Release
- The Application of a Limited Domain Unstructured Grid Model: An Evaluation of ADCIRC- HYCOM Coupling
- The Effects of Forcing Modes on the Simulations of Tidally Generated Internal Bores and Solitons
- The Importance of Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Systems in the Calibration and Validation of Current and Future Satellite Sensor Measurements Sensitive to Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity
- The Madden Julian Oscillation and convectively coupled waves in NOGAPS and COAMPS®
- The Significance of Methane Carbon to Bulk Sedimentary Organic and Inorganic Carbon Pools Across the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- The transient nature of heat and fluid flux on the Porangahau Ridge, New Zealand
- Thermospheric Density Fluctuations Derived from the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment Risk Reduction Mission
- Three-dimensional modeling equatorial spread F
- Total Solar Irradiance Benchmark Measurement Requirements
- Tracking Vector Magnetograms with the Magnetic Induction Equation
- Turbulence and reconnection in coronal heating field line tangling models.
- Two-Way Coupled Watershed-Nearshore Modeling Using DBuilder and ESMF
- Wave Coupling Between the Lower and Upper Atmospheres
- Wavelet Analysis of Mountain Waves Crossing the Tropopause
- WindSat Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer: Advanced Sensor Products and Risk Reduction
- a Coupled Air/ocean/wave Mesoscale Prediction System
- A Relocatable Environmental Prediction System for Volcanic Ash Forecasts
- A Sounding Rocket experiment to Validate Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- A Spectral Parameterization of Drag, Eddy Diffusion and Wave Heating for a Three-Dimensional Flow Induced by Breaking Gravity Waves
- AIM/CIPS Measurements of PMCs in relation to Temperature and Water Vapor
- An Alternative EDR Retrieval Strategy for the NPP OMPS Limb Profiler
- An MHD 3-D solution to the evolution of a CME observed by the STEREO mission on May 2007
- Analysis of CME Trajectories using STEREO Heliospheric Imager Data
- Assessing submarine gas hydrate at active seeps on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand, using controlled source electromagnetic data with constraints from seismic, geochemistry, and heatflow data
- Assimilating CALIPSO Aerosol Profiles for Global Transport Modeling
- Canadian and Siberian Boreal Fire Activity during ARCTAS Spring and Summer Phases
- Coastal Jets, Oceanic Upwelling, Mesoscale Eddies, and Clouds in the Southeast Pacific
- Combined Fokker-Planck Modeling of Particle Acceleration/Transport and Hydrodynamic Simulation of Atmospheric Response in Solar Flares
- Constraints on Methane Distribution from Acoustic Profiles of Shallow Sediments Across the Alaska Shelf
- Correlation between the Summer Mesopause and Polar Mesospheric Cloud Heights
- DUst Sounder and Temperature Imager Experiment (DUSTIE)
- Damping of Outward Propagating Upstream Alfvén Waves by Shock Accelerated Solar Energetic Particles
- Density Enhancements Associated with Equatorial Spread F
- Determining CME azimuthal properties from stereoscopic heliospheric observations
- Early Results from the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- Effects of the April 2002 magnetic storm on density gradients in the middle and low latitude ionosphere
- Evaluation of MISR Aerosol Optical Depth Product for Aerosol Data Assimilation and Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Evaluation of WindSat Land Surface Data over West Africa
- Evolution of CMEs in the Heliosphere at Solar Minimum
- Examining Solar Wind Number Density Structures Observed in SECCHI HI 1
- Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of the ANDE Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS)
- Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Thermosphere from the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- Fluxon modeling of breakout CMEs
- Generation of equatorial ionospheric bubbles in the presence of thermospheric tidal winds and gravity waves
- Geoeffective CME-driven Shocks: Comparison Between Imaging Data and in-situ Observations
- Geometric Triangulation of Imaging Observations to Track CMEs Continuously Out to 1 AU (Invited)
- Geophysical Remote Sensing Using the HF Pumped Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (SBS) Emission Lines Produced by HAARP
- Global OZone Chemistry And Related trace gas Data records for the Stratosphere (GOZCARDS)
- Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea and Comparisons with UARS and Aura MLS Measurements
- Helical relaxed MHD states and astrophysical applications*
- Incoherent Scatter from Dusty Plasmas
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Interaction between the MJO and Polar Circulations
- Irradiance Calibration Using a Cryogenic Radiometer and a Broadband Light Source
- Isotopically Anomalous Carbonaceous Nanoglobules in Meteorites and Comets
- Kinematical characterization of intensity fluctuations observed in STEREO EUVI images: 1. On-disk case
- Kinematical characterization of intensity fluctuations observed in STEREO EUVI images: II. Off-disk case
- Laboratory Studies of Whistler and Lower Hybrid Wave Propagation*
- Latitude-Dependent PMC Local Time Variability
- Lidar measurements for the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)
- Low and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities Studies Using TEC and Radio Scintillation Data from the CITRIS Radio Beacon Receiver in Low-Earth-Orbit
- Measurements of the ionospheric reaction to exhaust from dedicated burns of the space shuttle’s orbital maneuvering system engines over Kwajalein
- Methane Hydrate Exploration Related to Deep Sediment Carbon Dioxide Sequestration (Invited)
- Model of Artificial Ionospheric Ducts due to the HF-heating
- Modeling Ionospheric Electrodynamics (Invited)
- Modeling the Effects of Tropospheric Tides on the Ionosphere using SAMI3 Coupled with TIME-GCM
- NRL COAMPS Real-Time Forecast during VOCALS-Regional Experiment
- NRL Satellite Volcanic Ash Plume Monitoring
- New Insights into the Gas Hydrate System on the Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand (Invited)
- Observability considerations for multi-sensor and product fusion: Bias, information content, and validation (Invited)
- Observations of Noctilucent Clouds by Odin/OSIRIS and AIM/CIPS
- Operational Software for the DMSP SSULI UV Sensors
- Optical Emissions from the High Speed Rocket Exhaust Interaction with the Ionosphere
- Optical Properties of Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures
- Overview Of Haze And Smoke Measurements in Northern High Latitudes And California During ARCTAS Using The NASA Ames Airborne Sunphotometer And Associated In Situ And Remote Sensors
- Passive Microwave Observations of Soil Moisture and Dew in Soil Moisture Experiments 2005 (SMEX05)
- Photospheric Signatures of Incoherent Magnetic Flux Emergence
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud Observations from OMI Compared with Coincident MLS Temperature and Water Vapor Measurements
- Practical Transitions to Operations: Bridging the 6.1 to 6.7 Valley of Death
- Preliminary Results from the Methane In The Arctic Shelf (MITAS) Project on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf - Shallow Sediment Porewater Geochemical Profiles
- Probing the atmosphere and atmospheric events using dense seismic networks (Invited)
- Probing the atmosphere with the USArray
- Radiative Heating Rates of Canadian Boreal Forest Fire Smoke During ARCTAS
- Recent Advances in Studies of Ionospheric Modification Using Rocket Exhaust (Invited)
- Recent STEREO Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Relating Precipitation Phenomena with MODIS Detected Hot Spots in the Maritime Continent
- Remote Electrodynamic Signatures of a Pulsed Shuttle Exhaust Plume Detected by the C/NOFS Vector Electric Field Investigation Probes
- Remote Sensing of Neutral Temperatures in Earth’s Thermosphere Using the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Bands of N2: Comparisons with Satellite Drag Data
- Results from the New IGS Time Scale Algorithm (version 2.0)
- Satellite Views of unprecedented smoke plume altitude and persistence after the 7 February 2009 Victoria pyrocumulonimbus storms
- Satellite, climatological, and theoretical inputs for modeling of the diurnal cycle of fire emissions
- Self-Consistent Modeling of Equatorial Dawn Density Depletions with SAMI3 (Invited)
- Size-Resolved Forecasting of Volcanic Ash Plumes
- Small Sensors for Space Weather: CubeSat Missions
- Soil Moisture Performance Prediction for the NPOESS Microwave Imager/Sounder (MIS)
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Space Shuttle Exhaust Modifications of the Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma As Diagnosed By Ground Based Radar
- Studies of Strong Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Subtidal Variability in the Virginia Coast Reserve Lagoon
- Sun-to-Earth Imaging for Operational Space Weather Monitoring
- The Evolution Of The Brightness Of The White Light Corona Over A Solar Cycle
- The Existence and Origin of Turbulence in Solar Active Regions
- The Expected Impacts of NPOESS Microwave and Infrared Sounder Radiances on Operational Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Systems
- The OSIRIS CubeSat Mission: A System of Satellites for Investigating the Response of the Stimulated Ionosphere
- The Role of Geology and Shallow Lithostratigraphy in the Distribution of Methane Flux through Shallow Sediments Across the Beaufort Shelf of Alaska
- The coordinated multi-sensor, multi-platform ARCTAS fire plume study on June 30, 2008
- Thermospheric Density Fluctuations Derived from the Atmospheric Neutral Density Experiment Mission
- Thermospheric signals from Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador
- Three-dimensional equatorial spread F modeling:Zonal neutral wind effect
- Tidally Induced Variations of PMC Ice Water Content Using a Data Assimilation System
- Time Dependent Composition in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Transport of emissions from the 2009 Australian forest fires through the stratosphere: a comparison of MLS observations with FLEXPART model calculations
- Triggering of Whistler Fallers by a Nonlinear Absolute Instability (Invited)
- A Comparison of Electron Density Profiles Derived from the Low Resolution Airglow and Aurora Spectrograph (LORAAS) Ultraviolet Measurements: Resolution of the 911 Å Conundrum
- A Steady State Model of Low Latitude Electron and Ion Temperatures
- A comparison between MODIS Dark Target, Deep Blue and MAIAC Aerosol Algorithms over Land
- A detailed study of the 2010 fires in Russia by multiple satellite instruments: what can we learn from the UV Aerosol Indices?
- A study of infrasonic signal evolution with range
- ACRIM III Radiometer Cavity Reflectance at a Variety of Wavelengths across the Solar Spectrum
- Adjoint Observation Impact System for COAMPS/NAVDAS
- Aeronomy from the International Space Station
- Aerosol Size Distribution Modification by Interaction with Fog or Clouds Observed by AERONET
- Application of a global aerosol forecast model for multi-spectral ocean color atmospheric corrections
- Ash and dust together in the UTLS: April 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruptions and Taklimakan Desert dust storms
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- Capturing the Three-Dimensional Motion of the 16 June 2010 CME in the STEREO-SECCHI Observations using Scene Flow
- Causes, Occurrences, and Consequences of Extreme Solar Particle Events (Invited)
- Characteristics of AIRS observed inertial gravity waves: Implications for cirrus formation near the tropical tropopause
- Charge-State and Plasma Properties Across Trailing Boundaries of Slow Solar Wind
- Combined in-situ and top-side remote observations of evolution of plasma bubbles
- Comparison of Winds and Temperatures Derived from FPIs at Mid- and Low-Latitudes to HWM- and MSIS-derived Parameters
- Comparison of incoherent scatter radar observations of SIMPLEX electron density depletion with SAMI2 and SAMI3 model results
- Component Level Tests of the ACRIM III Radiometer (Invited)
- Connecting CME expansion from Sun to 1 AU
- Correlative Observations with Space-Borne Direct Doppler Wind Instruments of the Rapid Transport of Shuttle Exhaust Plumes (Invited)
- Critical analysis of ten years of AOD trends over global oceans from MODIS, MISR, and NAAPS (Invited)
- Current Sheet Formation and Reconnection Dynamics in the Closed Corona Due to Intragranular Flow Lanes
- Defining and weighting for model dependence in ensemble prediction
- Defining the Entrainment Zone in Stratocumulus-topped Boundary Layers
- Determination of the excitation threshold for Magnetized Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (MSBS) using HAARP facilities
- Developing the capability to monitor and predict California coastal upwelling using an ocean circulation model
- Development of a Physically Based Land Surface Emissivity for TMI
- Different views on the Arctic surface albedo
- Discrepancies in thermal gradients from BSR depth and seafloor thermometry on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand - possible implications for gas hydrate formation and subduction-zone processes
- Dynamics of CMEs and Evolution of CME Magnetic Field From the Sun to 1 AU
- Dynamics of Clouds and Mesoscale Circulations over the Maritime Continent
- Effects of COREXIT EC9500A on bacterial communities influenced by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
- Effects on Infrasound Propagation from a Self Consistent Spectral Gravity Wave Model
- Entrainment Rates in POST Stratocumulus
- Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Triggered by Non-Equatorial Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- Evaluation of the MODIS Deep Blue aerosol product over the North Africa Regions for aerosol forecasts related applications
- Exploring with Multiple Spacecraft the Scene of the Traveling Strong Shock and its Driver
- Fall 2010 Total Solar Irradiance Calibration Workshop
- Forecasting the Ionosphere and Scintillation Globally: Reaching the Next Level
- Formation of a multi-threaded prominence
- Fulfilling Operational Requirements for Operational Aerosol Data Assimilation (Invited)
- Global Modeling of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Ground Detection of Gyro Resonant Plasma Waves During High Power Radio Waves Experiments at HAARP (Invited)
- Heater Beam Angle Effect on Simulated Brillouin Scatter in Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma
- High Time-resolution Studies of RF Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- High-Resolution Numerical Simulations of Breakout Coronal Mass Ejections
- Importance of Heliospheric Evolution to Understand CME Geo-effectiveness
- Induced Nonlinear Scattering of Magnetospherically Reflecting Whistlers
- Initial Ground-based Thermospheric Wind Measurements Using Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy (DASH)
- Interpreting SDO/AIA observations of EUV waves, a comprehensive analysis with direct comparison to global MHD simulations
- Investigating Mesospheric Hydroxyl Using SHIMMER Data (Invited)
- Investigation of Ion Gyroharmonic Structuring in the Simulated Electromagnetic Emission Spectra
- Kinematic Characterization Of In/out Pairs As Seen In Secchi
- Kinematic analysis and comparison of the CME and its related EIT wave for January 10, 2010 event
- Laboratory Experiments of Sand Ripples with Bimodal Size Distributions Under Asymmetric Oscillatory Flows
- Laboratory Observations of Whistler Wave Resonances*
- Linear and Non-Linear Landau Resonance of Kinetic Alfven Waves: Consequences for Electron Distribution and Wave Spectrum in the Solar Wind
- Medically-derived I-131: a potential tool for understanding the fate of wastewater nitrogen in aquatic systems
- Methane Contribution to Shallow Sediment Carbon Cyclng across the Alaskan Shelf, Beaufort Sea
- Middle Atmospheric Interannual Variability as Recorded by Three years of the NOGAPS-ALPHA Analysis (Invited)
- Missing links in atmospheric-ionospheric coupling (Invited)
- Multiscale Modeling of Solar Coronal Magnetic Reconnection
- N_2 Density and Temperature in the Lower Thermosphere Measured by RAIDS
- Nighttime Ionospheric Imaging and Tomographic Reconstruction Observatory
- Non-linear Evolution of Velocity Ring Distributions: Generation of Whistler Waves
- Observations and Modeling of the Nighttime Electron Density Enhancement in the Mid-latitude Ionosphere
- Observations of N2 in the Lower Thermosphere by the RAIDS Experiment
- Observations of Nitric Oxide by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- On tether-cutting reconnection in sheared coronal arcades
- Outcomes of an International Coordination Workshop to Understand Aerosol Observability Capabilities and Requirements for the Next Decade
- Overview of the data assimilation quality satellite aerosol products (Invited)
- Patterns in bacterial and archaeal community structure and diversity in western Beaufort Sea sediments and waters
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral and temporal variations of solar EUV and XUV irradiance models over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales
- Production Flux of Sea-Spray Aerosol
- Quality Assured Aerosol Products from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- Quantifying water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from volcanic and pyro-convective clouds using the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
- Recent Extreme Forest Fire Activity in Western Russia: Fire Danger Conditions, Fire Behavior and Smoke Transport
- Recent Updates to FNMOC Operational Aerosol Modeling and Products
- Recent observations and modeling of the coupling between middle and upper atmospheric odd nitrogen (Invited)
- Remote Sensing of Low and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Disturbances During Solar Minimum Using CITRIS and CERTO Measurements of TEC and Radio Scintillation
- SATPLOT - A New Tool for Analysis of SECCHI Heliospheric Imager Data
- SBUV Trends in PMC Ice Water Content
- Satellite Lidar Data Assimilation For Improved Global Aerosol Forecasting: Lessons Learned From CALIOP, With an Eye Toward EarthCARE
- Solar flare impulsive phase observations from SDO and other observatories
- Source Region of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Variability in Heavy-Ion Composition in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Spatially dependent heating and ionization: From CME to ICME
- Stratospheric ClO at Scott Base, Antarctica, March-November 2009
- Streaming Limit: New Observations and Model Results
- Studies of Aspect Angle Dependence of Plasma Turbulence at HAARP
- Sub-Pixel Fractional Area of Wildfires from MODIS Observations: Retrieval, Validation, and Potential Applications
- Surface Drift Predictions of the Deepwater Horizon Spill: The Lagrangian Perspective
- TITLE: Remote sensing of lower thermospheric temperatures with the RAIDS experiment on the International Space Station (Invited)
- The Birth of Coronal Mass Ejections As Seen by STEREO and SDO
- The Case for Ultra-High Spatial Resolution (~0.2'' or better) EUV Solar Spectroscopy: Spatial Scales in the Transition Region and Corona Derived from SOHO/SUMER and Hinode/EIS Spectra
- The Genesis of an Impulsive CME observed by AIA on SDO
- The Orientation of Coronal Mass Ejections (Invited)
- The Solar Ultraviolet Spectrum Estimated Using the Mg II K Index and Ca II K disk Activity
- The Wide Field Imager for Solar PRobe (WISPR)
- The Winds-Ions-Neutral Composition Suite (WINCS)
- Theory and Observations of Plasma Waves Excited Space Shuttle OMS Burns in the Ionosphere
- Turbulent Mixing Characteristics in Stratocumulus Clouds
- Using data to assess model dependence in ensemble prediction (Invited)
- VHF Observations of Small-scale Ionosphere TEC Fluctuations with an Astronomical Interferometer
- White Light and Radio Emission of CME-Shocks: their Evolution in the Interplanetary Medium
- 15 Years of Middle Atmospheric Water Vapor Measurements over Mauna Loa
- 25 Years of Ionospheric Modification with the Space Shuttle
- A Bimodal Implementation of the Emanuel Convection Scheme
- A Coordinated Ice-based and Airborne Snow and Ice Thickness Measurement Campaign on Arctic Sea Ice
- A Critical Examination of Aerosol Observability in the Clean Marine Environment
- A Multi-Sensor Analysis of Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals Over the Southern Oceans
- A Numerical Simulation for the Origins of Solar Magnetic Structure
- A cold pool reference frame for analyzing polar stratospheric clouds and tropospheric forcing
- A comparative study of the evolving morphology of 2.5-D simulated CMEs to Earth's magnetosphere
- Acceleration and Deceleration of CMEs in Interplanetary Space
- Acceleration and Deceleration of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Propagation
- Accounting for Skewness in Ensemble Data Assimilation
- Accounting for ensemble variance inaccuracy with Hybrid Ensemble 4D-VAR
- Analysis of the Shock Properties of a Self Consistent MHD Modeling of a Driven Fast Forward Mode Interplanetary Shock
- Atmospheric Gravity Wave Processes from Aqua Measurements
- Biomass burning observations for near-real-time applications: advances in satellite data processing
- CMEs with multiple reconnection sites : A model for energetic particle injection
- Comparative Modeling of 2011 March 21 SEP Event at STEREO-A and Earth's L1
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements
- Consequences of the Breakout Model for Particle Acceleration in CMEs and Flares
- Contributions of Active Regions, Sunspots, Quiet Sun to the Solar UV Spectrum
- Correlation of magnetohydrodynamic fast shock Mach number with solar energetic particle flux
- Cross-Calibration and Thermal Analysis with SDO/AIA
- Current-Sheet Formation and Reconnection at a Magnetic X Line in Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Data Impact of the DMSP F18 SSULI UV Data on the Operational GAIM Model
- Depositional style of mass-flow lobes in Ulleung Basin (East Sea, Korea) interpreted from MR1 sonar image, chirp profiles, and piston cores
- Developing a Global, Short-Term Fire Weather Forecasting Tool Using NWP Input Meteorology and Satellite Fire Data
- Dynamics of Dust Storms in the Western USA
- East Asia Dust Source Location Using the Naval Research Laboratory's 1-km Dust Enhancement Product
- Estimating the Mg II Index from 1961 Through 1981 Using Ca II K Images from the MtWilson Observatory
- Evaluating CALIOP Nighttime Level 2 Aerosol Profile Retrievals Using a Global Transport Model Equipped with Two-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation and Ground-Based Lidar Measurements
- Fire hotspot activity and smoke optical depth in the Maritime Continent: Relationships to deep convection
- Fluctuation Spectra of Ionospheric Interchange Instabilities: Gyrofluid Model
- Forced Magnetic Reconnection at an X-point: Comparative Fluid and Fully Kinetic Studies
- Formation of Whistler-Mode Cavity in the Earth's Magnetosphere by Nonlinear Induced Scattering
- Global Observations from a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Heater Beam Angle Effect on Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission in a Magnetized Ionospheric Plasma using the HAARP transmitter
- High Angular Resolution Imaging of Solar Radio Bursts from the Lunar Surface
- Hydrographic patterns in microbial communities in the density stratified Alaska Beaufort Shelf
- Impact and Interpretation of Parameter Variations in a Global Atmospheric Ensemble
- In Situ Signatures of Interchange Reconnection between Magnetic Clouds and Open Magnetic Fields: A Mechanism for the Erosion of Polar Coronal Holes?
- Infrared Cavity Radiometer Reflectometry in Support of Total Solar Irradiance Instruments
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Mesospheric Short-period Gravity Wave Propagation
- Investigating the Threshold and Strength of Emission Lines Generated by Magnetized Stimulated Brillouin Scatter (MSBS) using HAARP facilities
- Investigation of Upshifted Emission Lines in the SEE Spectra near Second Gyro-harmonic
- Investigation of multi-scale flow interaction in the Salinas Valley using a combination of airborne Doppler lidar data and a mesoscale numerical model
- Ion-neutral Coupling in Solar Prominences
- Laboratory Investigation of Whistler Wave Resonances and Wave-Particle Interactions*
- MIPAS/ENVISAT Observations of PSCs in the Arctic Winter 2010/11 in comparison to the Winters 2002/3 and 2009/10
- Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Current-Sheet Formation and Reconnection at a Magnetic X Line
- Measurement of the Fast-Mode Wave Speed Using Full Sun Map observations of Coronal Wave Events
- Mesoscale Cellular Convection and Convective Characteristics: A LES Study Mesoscale Cellular Convection and Convective Characteristics: A LES Study Mesoscale Cellular Convection and Convective Characteristics: A LES Study
- Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport over the South Asian maritime continent: vertical distributions and topographic effect
- Modeling 3D Artificial Ionospheric Ducts
- Modeling Conjugate Ionospheric Heating Effects with SAMI2
- Modeling and Measurement of Ocean Generated Magnetic Fields
- Modeling the Plasmasphere with SAMI3
- Multi-scale Analysis of Ionospheric Wave Activity as Observed by the Very Large Array VHF System
- Multi-sensor Analysis on Data-Assimilation-Quality MISR Aerosol Products
- Novel Applications of Remote Sensing for Improved Quantification of Sea Spray Source Function
- Numerical Simulation of a "Stealth" CME: Why Slow and Simple is Not Mysterious
- Observation impact on forecast parameters of mesoscale weather systems
- Observations Of C-Band Brightness Temperature And Ocean Surface Wind Speed And Rain Rate In Hurricanes Earl And Karl (2010)
- Observations and theory of ion gyro-harmonic structures in the Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) spectrum excited during second electron gyro-harmonic heating
- Observations from the HRTS-9 Rocket in the NUV Passband of the IRIS Mission
- Observations of the White Light Corona from Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- On the Solar Wind Ion Composition Properties With Source Regions from Low-Latitude and Polar Coronal Holes of Opposite Polarity
- Overview of the Southern Andes - ANtarctic GRavity wave InitiAtive (SAANGRIA)
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate solar EUV and XUV model irradiance spectra
- Physical Modeling of Neutral Winds in the Thermosphere: Initial Results
- Plasma Outflows Within Polar Coronal Plumes
- Plasma impedance probe and time-correlated electron saturation current fluctuation diagnostics on the TEPCE cubesat project with application for ionospheric studies*
- Possible relation between methane seeps at shelf-edge pockmarks and downslope methane hydrates off North Carolina and Virginia
- Preliminary Examination of Impact Craters on Al Foil from the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector
- Proof of Concept Tests of Photospheric Data Driving Methods
- Quantitative relationship between the trajectories of CMEs and evolution of their magnetic fields
- Quasilinear Evolution and Perpendicular Ion Heating in the Turbulent Solar Wind*
- Re-Analysis of Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea, 1992-2010
- Reconnection-Driven Alfven (RDA) Waves in the Solar Corona
- Results from the regional deployment for the 2011 Sayarim experiment
- SAMI2 and SAMI3 Simulations of Ion Outflows at Mid to High Latitudes
- Scattering of high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the presence of interchange instability in a finite-beta plasma
- Seasonal Trend of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo at Biomass Burning Sites in Southern Africa
- Simulating Ionospheric Variability in the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle-23 using SAMI3
- Simulations of Conjugate Heating Experiments Including Suprathermal Electron Transport
- Solar Energy and Nitric Oxide in the Lower Thermosphere: Observations by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS) and the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)
- Solar Probe Plus exploration of the solar corona and inner heliosphere
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Measured by SUSIM During Solar Cycle 22 and 23
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Measurements at 0.15 nm Resolution by SUSIM
- Spatial and Seasonal Variability of the Diurnal and Semidiurnal Cycles of Liquid Water Path and Water Vapor over the Southeast Pacific
- Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) Observations of the Equatorial Nightside Ionosphere at Solar Minimum
- Spontaneous Electromagnetic Emission from a Strongly Localized Plasma Flow*
- Stochastic Variation of Transient-wave Phase Speed: Effect on Forecast Ensemble Performance
- Studies Of Infrasonic Propagation Using Dense Seismic Networks
- Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- Systematic Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during November 2007 to February 2008
- The Arizona Wallow Wildfire: Monitoring It's Progress, Extreme Behavior and Long Range Smoke Transport from Multiple Satellite Platforms
- The EUV Emission in Comet-Solar Corona Interactions
- The Effect of Wave Escape on Fast-wave Turbulence in Solar Flares
- The Effects of Kinetic Alfven and Whistler Wave Turbulence and the Evolution of Electron Distribution in Solar Wind Plasma
- The Extended Duration Sounding Rocket (EDSR): Low Cost Science and Technology Missions
- The Importance of Large-Scale Wind Measurements
- The Ionosphere and Atmosphere During an 1859-Type Magnetic Storm
- The NRL 2011 Airborne Sea-Ice Thickness Campaign
- The impact of multi-sensor satellite aerosol products on aerosol data assimilation in the NAAPS model
- The influence of the diurnal cycle of SST in the Indian Ocean on development of atmospheric convection
- The potential for observation network design with mesoscale ensemble sensitivities in complex terrain
- The role of CMEs in the lateral spread of electron events in the inner heliosphere
- Thescattering properties of axially-aligned dendritic snow crystals
- Toward an Open-Source Infrasound Propagation Modeling Package: First Steps
- Using SAMI3 to self-consistently model MSTIDs
- Using the EUV to Weigh a Sun-grazing Comet as it Disappears in the Solar Corona
- Validation Studies of the Recently Upgraded Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (NCODA) System
- WINCS Laboratory Performance Results
- "Twisted Beam" SEE Observations of Ionospheric Heating from HAARP
- A Comparative Study of Soil Moisture Retrievals for AMSR-E, WindSat, and SMOS
- A Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Events with the Properties of Coronal Mass Ejections
- A Convective Mass Flux Scaling Modification to the Slingo Diagnostic Cloud Fraction Scheme: Impacts on Tropical Intraseasonal Variability
- A Long-Lived Equatorial Coronal Hole and the Associated Solar Wind
- A Multiwavelength Investigation of Sungrazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3)
- A Space Weather Mission to the Earth's 5th Lagrangian Point (L5)
- A Systematic Survey of High Temperature Emission in Solar Active Regions
- A coupling model for the stressed rock-Earth surface charges-atmosphere-ionosphere system
- Acceleration of CMEs and Formation of Post-Eruption Arcades
- Air-sea Interaction Influence on the MJO propagation
- Aircraft Measurements of Convective System Vertical Structure and Coldpools during the DYNAMO Project
- Aircraft observations of biomass burning emissions in the lower stratosphere during the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Experiment (DC3)
- An Ocean-Based Potential Intensity Index for Tropical Cyclones
- Analysis of the Evolution and Interaction of Multiple Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Shocks in July 2012
- Applications of Satellite Observations to Aerosol Analyses and Forecasting using the NAAPS Model and the DataFed Distributed Data System
- Chromospheric Evaporation in an M1.8 Flare Observed by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on Hinode
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Co-existence of Whistler Waves with Kinetic Alfven Wave Turbulence for the High-Beta Solar Wind Plasma*
- Combining Satellite Observations of Fire Activity and Numerical Weather Prediction to Improve the Prediction of Smoke Emissions
- Combining remote and in-situ observations to learn about CME evolution
- Comparing Solar Wind Velocity Measurements Derived from Sun-grazing Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) with Solar Wind Models
- Comparison of Aspect Angle Effect on Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions using HAARP and EISCAT facilities
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements during Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Computing the Solar EUV Irradiance at Wavelengths Below 450 Å
- Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by SOHO-UVCS and MLSO
- Correcting the Science Record: Direct Stratospheric Injection vs. Asian Monsoon and the Solar Escalator
- Coupling video and in situ observations in a field scale meandering channel
- Critical evaluation of cloud contamination in MISR aerosol product using collocated MODIS aerosol and cloud products
- Detailed Modeling of EUV Recombination and Contaminating Emissions Near 911 Å: A New Means of Dayside Ionospheric Sensing
- Development of Advanced Cloud-Radiation Interactive Physics in the U.S. Navy Global Environmental Model
- Dynamics and Predictability of Deep Propagating Atmospheric Gravity Waves
- Effect of Oil Contamination on Infauna of Louisiana and Mississippi Marshes with Implications for Marsh Functioning
- Energetic electron pitch angle scattering by whistler waves at the NRL SPSC*
- Enhanced Proton Levels in Slot Region and Displacement Damage Effects on Solar Arrays
- Estimation of Error in Western Pacific Geoid Heights Derived from Gravity Data Only
- Evaluating Roughness Corrections for SMOS Seasonal Surface Salinity Retrieval in the Western Atlantic Region
- Evaluation of VIIRS Ocean Color products for the West Coast and Hawaii
- Evidence of the Dampening Effect of Dense E-region Structures on E-F Coupling
- Excitation threshold of Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs generated at pump frequency near the third electron gyroharmonic
- Experimental investigation of the ionospheric hysteresis effect on the threshold excitation level of the Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE) during heating at the second electron gyro-harmonic frequency
- Exploring Thermal and Non-Thermal Flare Emission with EVE and RHESSI
- Extreme Fast Coronal Mass Ejection on 23 July 2012
- Feasibility Study of Short-Term Storm Forecasting Over the Gulf of Mexico by Blending Satellite-Based Extrapolation Forecasts with Numerical Weather Prediction Results
- Finite Larmor Radius Effects on the Ionosphere Interchange Instabilities: A Gyrofluid Approach
- Formation and Recovery of Cold Wake during Typhoon Fanapi (2010)
- Formation of Whistler Cavity by Nonlinear Scattering Resulting in Multi-Pass Gain
- Impact of VIIRS on Multi-Sensor Aerosol Optical Depth Data Assimilation
- Improving Coastal Tide Forecasts with Data Assimilation
- Initial Condition Sensitivity and Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Development and Intensification
- Interaction of Cometary Material With the Solar Corona: EUV Observations and MHD Simulations
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Ionization and Emission Characteristics of the Current Sheet in a CME/flare Eruption Mode
- Ionosphere density variations and formation of plasma bubbles caused by thunderstorm currents
- Joint GPS and radio astronomical observations of underground nuclear explosions
- Kinetic Reconnection Simulations for CME Initiation Driven by Velocity-Shear
- Lidar profiling at two different wavelengths of aerosols and drizzle optical and microphysical characteristics in the frame MPLNET UV-Lidar integration
- Low Frequency Plasma Turbulence as a Source of Clutter in Surveillance and Communication
- Lunar Riometry: Proof-of-Concept Instrument Package
- Magnetic Shear, Rayleigh-Taylor Instability, and Prominence Threads
- Measurements of Charge States of Solar Energetic Ions Observed by the STEREO Instruments
- Measuring Wave Breaking and Spectral Evolution in Coastal Waters with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Modeling Multi-Spacecraft Observation to Understand SEP Origin, Acceleration, and Transport and to Infer their Radial, Latitudinal and Longitudinal Variations
- Modeling Storm-Time Ionospheric Dynamics with RCM-SAMI3: Progress and Challenges
- Modeling of Ionospheric Super-Fountain Effect Based on the Coupled TIMEGCM-SAMI3: Initial Results
- Modeling ray tracing through heating perturbed ionosphere with SAMI2
- Modeling study of the mid-latitude ionospheric nighttime electron density enhancement by SAMI3
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Longitudinal Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Multi-beam Measurements of Langmuir Turbulence at HAARP
- Multi-dimensional Multiphase Modeling of Sediment Transport
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Turbulent Coronal Heating Mechanisms: Thermodynamics, Energy Storage and Release
- Observed Enhancements in Aerosol Optical Depth in the Vicinity of Cumulus Clouds during DISCOVER-AQ
- On the Stability of the Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar Vortex and Influence of Topographically-Forced Inertia-Gravity Waves
- Operational NIR-red Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Coastal Waters - The Azov Sea Case Study
- Paradigm for Subgrid Scale Closure Modeling in Multiphase Geophysical Flows
- Passive microwave signature of sea spray aerosol production.
- Plasma impedance probe development for spacecraft and satellite operations*
- Quantifying the non-linearity of the response of Malagasy watersheds to precipitation anomalies
- Relation of Topography to Airborne Gravity in Afghanistan and the Tectonic Implications
- Remote sensing signatures of oceanic whitecap at different wavelengths
- SAMI3 Simulation Study of Gravity Wave Seeding of Equatorial Spread F
- SAMI3 Simulations of Ionospheric Variability from 1996 to 2011
- SAMI3 Simulations of Plasmasphere Refilling
- Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Resources from COMET
- Satellite aerosol observations for air quality: matching the scales of observations and applications
- Satellite radiometer (Windsat) estimates of whitecap coverage interpreted using a global numerical wave model hindcast
- Satellite-based Tropical Cyclone Monitoring Capabilities
- Scaling of Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection with Anisotropic Fluid Closure
- Sea spray aerosol production measured in-situ and in a laboratory high-speed wind-wave tunnel
- Seasonal variability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer response to Gulf Stream SST fronts
- Short-Term Variability of Nonmigrating Diurnal Tides
- Simulate the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7 from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Simulation of S-Web Corridor Dynamics
- Simultaneous Multi-angle Radar Observations of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Simultaneous Observations of Coastal Salinity Features by SMOS and STARRS, and Comparisons with In Situ Data
- Sounding rocket/ground-based observation campaign to study Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID)
- Space weather effects of Cycle 24 SEP events
- Square Root and Perturbed Observation Ensemble Generation for Kalman and Quadratic Ensemble Filters
- Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Indicator of Glow Plasma Discharges from Ionospheric HF Wave Transmissions with HAARP
- Strategies for comparing LES and experimental data of urban turbulence
- Structure and Evolution of Singular Vectors in a Global Forecast Model during the January 2009 Stratospheric Sudden Warming
- Sungrazing Comets: Snowballs in Hell
- The 2012 Arctic Field Season of the NRL Sea-Ice Measurement Program
- The Detection of Coronal Suprathermal Particles Required to Seed Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
- The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops
- The Global Geostationary Wildfire ABBA: Current Implementation and Future Plans
- The Impact of the Ionospheric Dynamo on the SAMI3 Plasmasphere
- The Influence of Microphysical Assumptions on Simulated Brightness Temperatures
- The Magnetic Field of CME Ejecta at 1 AU: Dependence on Solar Observables
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Wind and Temperature Observations from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The diurnal cycle in the atmosphere and ocean during DYNAMO
- The effect of the Gulf Stream current field on wave propagation onto South East Florida reefs, studied with SWAN model simulations
- The effects of ExB drifts on the equatorial ionosphere during extreme solar minimum
- The relation between the properties of pressure variations in the lower corona and solar energetic particle events
- Three-Dimensional Flow Fields and Bedform Migration in a Field-Scale Meandering Channel
- Tropical Cyclone Data Impact Studies from T-PARC
- Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate observations in the cold wake of Typhoon Fanapi
- Two-Phase Euler-Lagrange Simulations for Sheet Flow Transport of Mixed Size Sediments
- Up-scaling dust point sources in the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) and the Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) models
- Using an A-10 Aircraft for Airborne Measurements of TGFs
- Validation of Air-Ocean-Wave Coupled Simulation of Typhoon Fanapi
- Validation of whitecap fraction and breaking wave parameters from WAVEWATCH-III using in situ and remote-sensing data
- Verification of Meteorological and Oceanographic Ensemble Forecasts in the U.S. Navy
- Water Vapor Variations over Mauna Loa and Table Mountain since 2010
- Why do we have such difficulty assessing aerosol impacts in Southeast Asia? Examining the representativeness of regional in situ, remote sensing, and modeling data using examples from a recent field trial
- WindSat Observations of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Water Content Associated with the European Heat Waves and Indian Monsoon Onset
- 3D acceleration of small solar wind tracers and their location origin
- A 10-year global gridded Aerosol Optical Thickness Reanalysis for climate and applied applications
- A Statistical Comparison of Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events with and without Preceding Coronal Mass Ejections
- A web-services approach to modeling global fluid flux
- Aerosol Optical Depth Assimilation for a Size-Resolved Sectional Model: Impacts of Observationally Constrained, Multi-Wavelength and Fine Mode Retrievals on Regional Scale Analyses and Forecasts
- Aerosol Optical Thickness Patterns and their Trend in the Southeastern United States
- An Overview of the Solar-C Mission
- An improved coupling model for the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere system (Invited)
- Assessing Ensemble Filter Estimates of the Analysis Error Distribution of the Day
- Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere
- Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere
- Asymmetries in Interstellar Helium Distributions in the Heliosphere
- Atmospheric Specifications for Seismoacoustic Research (Invited)
- COAMPS Uncoupled Extended-range Simulations during DYNAMO
- Calculating Coronal Mass Ejection Magnetic Field at 1 AU Using Solar Observables
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements during Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Contributions of Active Regions, Sunspots, Quiet Sun to the Solar UV Spectrum
- Convective Amplification of EMIC Waves from Ring-distribution Protons in the Inner Magnetosphere: Implications for the Van Allen Probes*
- Cosmic Rays: an important background for Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash identification
- Crustal structure and tectonic framework of the Canadian Arctic margin: New insights on the development of the Amerasia Basin
- Detection of Heater Generated Super Small Scale Striations Using GPS Signal Diagnostics
- Diurnal Variability in NOGAPS-ALPHA during January 2009
- Dust pattern over Indian subcontinent based on NAAPS model, satellite and surface observations
- Eagle Fort Shale Play Methane Source and Fate Assessment
- Evaluating the Impact of Smoke Particle Absorption on Passive Satellite Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals
- Evolution and Interaction of Six Coronal Mass Ejections in March 2012
- Exploring Gravity Wave Dynamics and Predictability in DeepWave (Invited)
- Farley Buneman wave heating: Confirming heuristics with radar observations
- First Look at Results from the Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) Experiment
- Forward Fitting of a Coronal Shock Front to a Spheroid
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Geometric Aspects of Artificial Ionospheric Layers Driven by High-Power HF-Heating
- Global Change in Earth's Atmosphere: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors
- Heater-induced ionization inferred from spectrometric airglow measurements
- High Latitude Scintillation Monitoring at UHF with the COMMX Experiment on TACSat4
- How are properties of superhalo electrons and SEPs differentiated by their solar source regions?
- Impact of Data Quality and Surface-to-Column Representativeness on the PM2.5/Satellite AOD Relationship for the Continental United States
- Implementing a combined polar-geostationary algorithm for smoke emissions estimation in near real time
- Inclusion of Stochastic Forcing in the U. S. Navy's Global Ensemble System (Invited)
- Initiation of the Madden Julian Oscillation and Tropical Cyclone 05 in Extended-Range Multi-Scale Simulations
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near Barrow, AK
- Interpretation of the Time-Intensity Profile of the 15 March 2013 Solar Energetic Particle Event with Global MHD Simulation
- Investigation of the Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Collisional Environment
- Linear Polarization Measurements of Comet Lovejoy from STEREO and SOHO, and their Application to Comet ISON
- Lunar Atmosphere Probe Station: A Proof-of-Concept Instrument Package for Monitoring the Lunar Atmosphere
- MPLNET Version 3 Cloud Algorithm
- Marine Surface Layer Characteristics Over the Summertime Costal Water Off Virginia Beach
- Mass Spectrometer Sounding of the Turbopause Region on Commercial Vehicles
- Measurement of the daytime F-region ionosphere from ICON
- Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport over the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent: Coupling of smoke direct radiative feedbacks below and above the low-level clouds
- Methods for Creation and Detection of Ultra-Strong Artificial Ionization in the Upper Atmosphere (Invited)
- Mission Prospects: Remote Sensing of Coronal Suprathermal Seed Particles
- Model dependence and its effect on ensemble projections in CMIP5
- Modeling Equatorial Spread F Generated by HF Heating
- Modeling gravity wave initiation of equatorial bubbles with SAMI3
- Modeling plasmaspheric dynamics with SAMI3 (Invited)
- Modeling the Formation of Active Region Flux Ropes from Flux Emergence Drivers
- Multi-Sensory Aerosol Data and the NRL NAAPS model for Regulatory Exceptional Event Analysis
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Nature of a cone-shaped subsurface feature below a large seafloor depression on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand
- New Observations of Soft X-ray (0.5-5 keV) Solar Spectra
- Non-thermal Motions in and above Flare Loop Tops Measured by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode
- Numerical Modeling of Sensitivity of Arctic Atmospheric Conditions to Sea Ice Changes
- Observations of the Interaction of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog during DRAGON Campaigns from AERONET Ground-Based Remote Sensing
- On the Remote Detection of Suprathermal Ions in the Solar Corona and their Role as Seeds for Solar Energetic Particle Production (Invited)
- Overview of 2010-2013 spring campaigns of Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) in the northern Southeast Asia
- Passive remote sensing of oceanic whitecaps: Further developments
- Quantifying the Potential for High-Altitude Smoke Injection using the Standard MODIS Fire Products and Sub-Pixel-Based Methods
- Radio-Tomographic Images of Post-midnight Equatorial Plasma Depletions
- Ray-tracing simulation of gravity waves forced by tropical convection in comparison with SABER satellite observations
- Realistic three-dimensional radiative transfer simulations of observed precipitation
- Relation of White Light Coronal Brightness to Total Solar Irradiance
- Results of Component and Engineering Unit Tests of the ACRIM III Radiometer (Invited)
- SEE Observations of Ionospheric Heating from HAARP Using Orbital Angular Momentum
- Search for Neutrons Produced in Lightning Discharges
- Shock Acceleration and Transport of Solar Energetic Particles in the Corona
- Signal, scale, and context: Making sense of high resolution AOT data (Invited)
- Simulating Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using SWORD (Invited)
- Solar Irradiance: Observations, Proxies, and Models (Invited)
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Space Environment NanoSat Experiment (SENSE) - A New Frontier in Operational Space Environmental Monitoring (Invited)
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming of 2012-2013, its predictability, and its impact on the Northern Hemispheric winter
- Surface Roughness Impact on the Sea Ice Thickness Measurements Based on LIDAR/Radar Altimetry
- The 2013 Arctic Field Season of the NRL Sea-Ice Measurement Program
- The Affect of the Thermosphere on Quiet-Time Plasmasphere Morphology
- The Arctic Report Card: Communicating the State of the Rapidly Changing Arctic to a Diverse Audience via the Worldwide Web
- The DRAGON scale concept and results for remote sensing of aerosol properties
- The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO): Four Years Operating on the International Space Station (Invited)
- The Initiation of Solar Eruptions by Flux Emergence
- The Lower Thermosphere during the Northern Hemisphere Winter of 2009: a modeling study using High-Altitude Data Assimilation Products in WACCM-X
- The Multi-Instrument (EVE-RHESSI) DEM for Solar Flares, and Implications for Non-thermal Emission
- The QBO, its Tropospheric/stratospheric Influence, and its Change with Climate in the GISS Global Climate/Middle Atmosphere Models
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The connection between pressure waves in the corona and solar energetic particle events
- The estimated required minimum flash rate to change the ionosphere dynamics in the electrodynamical coupling model of atmosphere and ionosphere
- Time Series Observations of Seafloor Roughness in the Northern Gulf of Mexico 1: Sediment Transport
- Time series observations of seafloor roughness in the Northern Gulf of Mexico 2: Hydrodynamics
- Tomographic Imaging of Thermospheric Neutral Density Using UV Limb Scanning
- Transport of polar winter lower-thermospheric Nitric Oxide to the Stratosphere
- Verification of Meteorological and Oceanographic Ensemble Forecasts in the U.S. Navy
- WINCS v.2 for the Neutral Wind and Ion-drift in the Thermosphere/Ionosphere
- WINCS/SWATS Initial On-Orbit Performance Results
- Yearly Comparisons of Magnetic Cloud Parameters to Sun Spot Number and to Each Other for the First 18 Years of the Wind Mission
- a Real-Time Global Solar Wind Boundary from Remotely-Sensed IPS Data for Use in 3D-MHD Modeling
- A Global and Regional Trend Study of the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols As Observed By Caliop
- A mid-latitude cirrus cloud climatology from MPLNET at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD
- Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with CryoSat-2
- An Examination of Extreme Fire Behavior and its Impact on Smoke Injection Altitude using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
- An Examination of Satellite Aerosol Product Assimilation in an Aerosol Transport Model Using Ensemble Versus Variational Methods
- An Operational View of Sea Ice Prediction: Diagnosing ice free dates using the Navy's Global Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Prediction System
- An Unusual Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Crossing at 1 AU
- Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog during Dragon Campaigns from Aeronet and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Assessing performance of gravity models in the Arctic and the implications for polar oceanography
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in Partially Ionized Chromospheric Plasmas
- Asynchronous Processing of a Constellation of Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Satellites for Fire Detection and Smoke Estimation
- Changes in Ocean Wind Retrieval Performance During the WindSat Mission
- Cirrus Cloud Radiative Characteristics from Continuous MPLNET Profiling at GSFC in 2012
- Climatological Upper Atmospheric Data Assimilation from Multiple Missions and Instruments
- Combining Imagery and Models to Understand River Dynamics
- Comparable Bathymetry Uncertainty Estimators with Kalman Filters or Linear Smoothers
- Comparison of AOD Data from VIIRS and MODIS over Ocean Using a Data Assimilation System
- Comparison of Two-Fluid and Kinetic Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection in Line-Tied Systems
- Comparisons of characteristics of magnetic clouds and cloud-like structures during 1995-2012
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde and GPS Electron Density Measurements
- Convective initiation sensitivity to the presence of an oceanic barrier layer
- Coronal shocks properties and their associations with energetic particle events measured near 1AU.
- Correcting the Record of Volcanic Stratospheric Aerosol Impact: Nabro and Sarychev Peak
- Crossroads of Tropical Meteorology and Atmospheric Composition in the Maritime Continent: Recent Field Results from the 7SEAS Program
- Cycle-to-Cycle Variations in the Properties of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Deconvolution of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Emissions from Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures Using Visible/Infrared Observations
- Deep Propagation of Mountain Waves Observed During the DEEPWAVE Field Program
- Deepwave2014; Observing Gravity Waves from the Troposphere to the Mesosphere
- Demonstrating S-NPP VIIRS Products with the Naval Research Laboratory R&D Websites
- Determination of ITM Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Diurnal Variability and Kelvin Wave Propagation Through Maritime Continent
- Earth-Directed ICME Magnetic Field Configurations
- Estimated Moho Temperature from Observed Heat Flow and Comparison with P-Wave Velocity in the East Sea, Korea
- Evaluating MODIS Collection 6 Dark Target Over Water Aerosol Products for Multi-sensor Data Fusion
- Evaluation of Regional Extended-Range Prediction for Tropical Waves Using COAMPS<SUP>®</SUP>
- Evaluation of Tropical Cyclogenesis Forecasts in Different Synoptic-Scale Environments
- Evidence at Mesospheric Altitude of Deeply Propagating Atmospheric Gravity Waves Created by Orographic Forcing over the Auckland Islands (50.5ºS) During the Deepwave Project
- Evolution of Three Geoeffective Shock-CME pairs in September 2011
- Exploring Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- First Global Analysis of Saturation Artifacts in the VIIRS Infrared Channels and the Effects of Detector Aggregation
- First Observation of the Altitude Distribution of Atomic Potassium Dayglow in the MLT
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Global Marine Gas Hydrate Occurrence Using Random Decision Forest Prediction
- High Resolution Radar Detection of Individual Raindrops in Natural Cloud Systems
- High Resolution Spectra of Jupiter's Decametric Emission using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
- Impact of Tsunami-Generated Gravity Waves on the Ionosphere
- Improving Atmospheric Correction for Visible/Short Wave Infrared (VSWIR) Imaging Spectrometers with Iterative Fitting of Absorption By Three Phases of Water
- Improving Ku-band Scatterometer Ocean Surface Wind Direction Retrievals in Tropical Cyclones
- Inducing Tropical Cyclones to Undergo Brownian Motion
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements over Land-Fast Ice near Barrow, AK.
- Inter-comparison of Above-Cloud Aerosol Observation from OMI and CALIOP
- Interaction Between Typhoon Megi (2010) and a Low Frequency Monsoon Gyre
- Interhemispheric asymmetry of ionospheric conductance and neutral dynamics
- Investigating Methods for Nighttime Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using the VIIRS Day/Night Band
- Investigating Seasonal Gravity Wave Activity in the Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Investigating the Impact of Optically-thin Cirrus Cloud Contamination on Estimates of Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing Using Collocated MODIS and CALIOP Observations
- Ionization of Samarium by Chemical Releases in the Upper Atmosphere
- Laboratory investigation of nonlinear whistler wave processes
- Large-scale atmospheric conditions during DEEPWAVE-NZ
- Late-Summer Tundra Methane Concentrations and Fluxes on the North Slope of Alaska
- Latitudinal Enhancements of 630 nm Midnight Brightness Using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL
- Machine Learning Approaches to Classification of Seafloor Features from High Resolution Sonar Data
- Magnetic Flux Erosion and Redistribution during CME Propagation
- Measuring Sea-Ice Motion in the Arctic with Real Time Photogrammetry
- Medium Resolution Spectra of Solar Illuminated Sounding Rocket Samarium Vapor Releases
- Multi-Scale Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Predictability
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- Navy Global Predictions for the Dynamo Time Period
- Near Real Time MISR Wind Observations for Numerical Weather Prediction
- New Atomic Ion SIMS Facility at the Naval Research Laboratory
- New Solar Soft X-ray Observations from the X123 Spectrometer
- Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic Waves Through Scattering by Thermal Electrons
- Nonlinear VLF Wave Physics in the Radiation Belts
- Novel Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Observations with Artificial Airglow Using RF Excitation with HAARP
- Observations of Near-Sun Turbulent Density Fluctuations with the Wide Field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- On Verifying Currents and Other Features in the Hawaiian Islands Region Using Fully Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System Compared to Global Ocean Model and Ocean Observations
- Quantifying Photospheric Processes Using a New Pixel Dynamics Model
- Radiotomographic imaging and GNSS remote sensing of the midlatitude ionosphere modified by powerful HF radiowaves.
- Recent Observations and Modeling of Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions SEEs at HAARP and EISCAT
- Search for Neutrons Associated with Lightning Discharges
- Solar Coronal UV Spectroscopy for Solar Wind and Sep Acceleration Investigations
- Solar Occultation Constellation for Retrieving Aerosols and Trace Element Species (SOCRATES) Mission Concept
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Studies of the Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by the Fourth Gyroharmonic at HAARP
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- The CME event on 07 January 2014: Why was it a geomagnetic dud?
- The First Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Great "Non-Event" of 7 January 2014: Challenges in CME Arrival Time and Geomagnetic Storm Strength Prediction
- The Impact of Caliop Aerosol Profiling: How Z Influences the X, Y Satellite Perspective
- The Impacts of Oceanic Bubbles on the Elevated Southern Oceans Anomaly (ESOA) Over High Latitude Oceans
- The Roles of Greenhouse Gas and Solar Cycle Forcing on the Interannual Variability of Temperature and Ice Layers near the Mesopause Region
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- Tropical Cyclone Outflow Structure Observed during the Hurricane and Severe Storms Sentinel (HS3) and Tropical Cyclone Intensity (TCI) Experiments (2012-2014)
- Using the VIIRS Day/Night Band to Improve Nocturnal Fire Detection
- Validation and Refinement of a Lunar Irradiance Model for Suomi NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Quantitative Nighttime Applications
- Wave-Kinetic Simulations of the Nonlinear Generation of Electromagnetic VLF Waves through Velocity Ring Instabilities
- Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS)
- What is the source of the stratospheric gravity wave belt in austral winter?
- When the Sun Gets in the Way: Stereo Science Observations on the Far Side of the Sun
- Wincs/Swats Initial on-Orbit Performance Results
- A Comparative Study of Shock Structures for the Halloween 2003 and the 23 July 2012 CME Events
- A Coupled Ionosphere-Raytrace Model for Artificial HF Heating
- A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
- A New Climate Data Record of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 1610 to Present
- A study of the non-linear response of the upper atmosphere to episodic and stochastic acoustic-gravity wave forcing
- Accurate and Timely Forecasting of CME-Driven Geomagnetic Storms
- Active Region Soft X-Ray Spectra as Observed Using Sounding Rocket Measurements from the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM), - a Modified SDO/EVE Instrument
- Advanced Ionospheric Sensing using GROUP-C and LITES aboard the ISS
- Airborne Grid Sea-Ice Surveys for Comparison with Cryosat-2
- An Infrared Technique for Detection of Intense Pyroconvection in Western
- An Intense Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Observed at Ground Level
- An investigation of a potential low bias in the MODIS aerosol products over Asia
- Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data
- Analysis of the efficiency of the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Marginal and Joint Posteriors
- Assessing Tropical Cyclone Forecast Skill in the GEFS Reforecast Version 2
- Assimilation of blended Cryosat-2/SMOS sea ice thickness observations into the U.S. Navy ACNFS.
- Atmosphere - Sea Ice Coupling in the Navy's Global Coupled Modeling System: Diagnosing Polar Prediction using the sea ice models, CICE4 and CICE5, coupled with the NAVGEM Atmospheric Model.
- Beaming Structures of Jupiter's Decametric Radiation from LWA1, NDA, and URAN2 Simultaneous Observations
- Biomass-burning aerosol effects on convective cloud properties and in the detrained UTLS environment: a pyroCb case study
- CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Capabilities of a Global 3D MHD Model for Monitoring Extremely Fast CMEs
- Capturing Nonlinearities with the Naval Research Laboratory's Global and Mesoscale 4DVar Data Assimilation Systems
- Characterizing Middle Atmospheric Dynamical Variability and its Impact on the Thermosphere/Ionosphere System During Recent Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
- Comparative Analyses of Two Extremely Fast CMEs Induced Shocks using A H3DMHD Model
- Detection and Monitoring of Intense Pyroconvection in Western North America using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
- Detection of Regional Infrasound Signals Using Array Data - Testing, Tuning, and Physical Interpretation
- Determining High-Wind Enthalpy Fluxes from Dropsonde Profiles in Tropical Cyclones
- Development of a CME-associated geomagnetic storm intensity prediction tool
- Development, Production and Validation of the NOAA Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record
- Dynamics of Subauroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Structures
- Effect of Gravity Waves Generated in the Monsoon Region on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Energy Deposition in the Photosphere by Charged and Neutral Flare Particles
- Energy Release and Transport in Super-Hot Solar Flares
- Enhancement of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Retrievals using Visible/Infrared Imager
- Estimating Coronagraph Visibility Functions - Progress Report
- Evaluation of the utility of static and adaptive mesh refinement for idealized tropical cyclone problems in a spectral element shallow water model
- Evidence for Nonlinear VLF Wave Physics from Van Allen Probe Data
- Examining Tropical Cyclone - Kelvin Wave Interactions using Adjoint Diagnostics
- Experiences using the latest generation of satellite aerosol products in a global aerosol data assimilation system
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- From OLS to VIIRS, an overview of nighttime satellite aerosol retrievals using artificial light sources
- Gas and porewater composition of shallow sediments in the Tuaheni Basin, New Zealand
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): From Simulations to Observations
- Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- Ground Level Observations of a Possible Downward-Beamed TGF during a Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, Florida in August 2014
- High Altitude Infrasound Measurements using Balloon-Borne Arrays
- High-altitude responses to tsunami forcing: 2. Response of the ionosphere to gravity waves
- High-frequency Propagation through the Ionosphere from the Sura Heating Facility to the Orbiting CASSIOPE/e-POP Payload
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Impacts of Extratropical Rossby Wave Breaking on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Improving Nocturnal Fire Detection with the VIIRS Day-Night Band
- Initial Results from CASSIOPE/ePOP Satellite Overpasses above HAARP in 2014
- Integrated Airborne and In-Situ Measurements Over Land-Fast Ice Near Barrow, AK.
- Interactions between Super Typhoon Megi (2010) and the Monsoon Gyre
- Interpretation of the 12 May 2012 ground level enhancement event
- Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere - neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
- Investigating Titan Airglow's Sources, Using the Imaging Capability of the Cassini-UVIS Instrument
- Investigating storm-time magnetospheric electrodynamics: Multi-spacecraft observations of the June 22, 2015 magnetic storm
- Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes in the Laboratory
- Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- MAVEN/IUVS Apoapse Observations of the Martian FUV Dayglow
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During the June 22-24, 2015 Magnetic Storm
- Magnetospheric Resonances at Low and Middle Latitudes
- Mapping global sea spray aerosol production with satellite microwave radiometers
- Mars Nitric Oxide Nightglow as observed by MAVEN/IUVS
- Mars' ultraviolet dayglow observations by IUVS/MAVEN: Structure and variability of Martian upper atmosphere
- Mesospheric Mountain Wave Breaking and Oceanic Wave Signatures During DEEPWAVE
- MiniCOR: A miniature coronagraph for an interplanetary CUBESAT
- Modeling Chromospheric Nanoflares with HYDRAD
- Modeling Magnetic Flux-Ropes Structures
- New Instruments for Spectrally-Resolved Solar Soft X-ray Observations from CubeSats, and Larger Missions
- Nighttime Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrievals Via the VIIRS Day/Night Band and the Effects of Lunar Contamination
- Observations of Secondary Waves Generated from Interaction Between the 2-Day Wave and the Migrating Diurnal Tide.
- Optically-Thin Cirrus Cloud Radiance Bias in Satellite Radiometric Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval
- Pixel Analysis and Plasma Dynamics Characterized by Photospheric Spectral Data
- Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
- Prediction of Ocean Circulation Associated with the MJO during CINDY/DYNAMO by a Global Coupled Model
- Predictive Model of CME Impact on the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System
- Propagation of global model uncertainties in aerosol forecasting: A field practitioner's opinion
- Prospects for Fermi Particle Acceleration at Coronal Magnetic Reconnection Sites
- Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
- RELATIONSHIPs among Geomagnetic storms, interplanetary shocks, magnetic clouds, and SUNSPOT NUMBER during 1995-2012
- Refining atmospheric correction for aquatic remote spectroscopy
- Reflectivity and Emissivity of Sea Foam at L-band
- Regional Simulations of Summer Arctic Boundary Layers
- Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph
- Retrieval of Mars' Upper Atmospheric Composition using Dayglow Observations by IUVS on MAVEN
- Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA
- SSULI/SSUSI UV Tomographic Images of Large-Scale Plasma Structuring
- Seasonal Changes in Atmospheric Noise Levels and the Annual Variation in Pigeon Homing Performance
- Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Monterey Bay, CA Derived from AVIRIS Data During the 2013-2015 HyspIRI Airborne Campaign
- Sensitivity of the MJO Simulations to the Mixing Length Formulations
- Sharing Low Frequency Radio Emissions in the Virtual Observatory: Application for JUNO-Ground-Radio Observations Support.
- Short-Term Tidal Variability in the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere from SABER
- Simulating the Black Saturday 2009 UTLS Smoke Plume with an Interactive Composition-Climate Model
- Simulating the Thinning Magnetotail Current Sheet During a Substorm Growth Phase with the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium
- Slow Solar Wind: Observable Characteristics for Constraining Modelling
- Statistical Characterization of the Intermittency of Bedload Transport in Conditions Near the Threshold of Motion
- Stormtime impact on the ionosphere/plasmasphere system: Campaign events
- Sunquake Generation by Coronal Magnetic Restructuring
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
- The CARINA Satellite Mission to Study the Lower Thermosphere
- The Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (Care II) to Study Artificial Dusty Plasmas in the Upper Atmosphere
- The Differences between Ensemble and Variational Methods and Implications for their Fusion
- The Impact of Snow and Ice Morphology on Radar Altimetric Determination of Sea Ice Thickness
- The Impact of the Revised Sunspot Record on Solar Irradiance Reconstructions
- The Influence of the Solar Cycle on Plasmasphere Refilling
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm
- The Nanoflare Origins of the First Ionization Potential Effect
- The first super geomagnetic storm of solar cycle 24: "The St. Patrick day (17 March 2015)" event
- Thermodynamic MHD Simulations of Jets in the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- Tides in the Martian Atmosphere as Observed by MAVEN IUVS
- Tracking Prominence Eruptions to 1 AU with STEREO Heliospheric Imaging
- Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
- Using the 11-year Solar Cycle to Predict the Heliosheath Environment at Voyager 1 and 2
- Validating CERES Radiative Fluxes in the Arctic with Airborne Radiative Flux Measurements from the ARISE Campaign
- Validation of Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) Ionospheric Tomography using ALTAIR Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Vertical Methane Migration on the Hikurangi Margin off the Mahia Peninsula, New Zealand
- Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
- Weak Turbulence in Radiation Belts
- 3D Lower Hybrid Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- A Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Crossing at 1 AU that Contains an Unusually High Density Just Downstream of Shock Wave
- A Numerical Simulation (Study) of a Strong West Coast December 2014 Winter Storm
- A Persistent Meteoric Metal Layer in the Martian Atmosphere
- A Study of the Shortwave Aerosol Direct Forcing Trends Using MODIS and CERES
- A Trends Review of Geophysics Research in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- A data driven model for dune morphodynamics
- A machine learning approach to quantifying geologic similarities between sites of gas hydrate accumulation
- Accounting for Coarse Resolution Model Simulations in Data Assimilation for the Geosciences
- Adjoint-Based Forecast Error Sensitivity Diagnostics in Data Assimilation
- Advancing our Understanding of Active Region Evolution and Surface Flux Transport Using Far Side Imaging from STEREO 304
- Air-Sea Heat Flux Transfer for MJO Initiation Processes during DYNAMO/CINDY2011 in Extended-Range Forecasts
- Airborne Multi-Band SAR in the Arctic
- An Investigation of the Formation of Hurricane Patricia (2015)
- An Observational and Numerical Study of Marginal Ice Zone Atmospheric Jets
- An evaluation of the impact of biomass burning smoke aerosol particles on near surface temperature forecasts
- Analysis of Differences Between VLBI, GNSS and SLR Earth Orientation Series
- Analysis of Storm-Time Oscillations in the Total Electron Content
- Application of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter Absorbance and Excitation-Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectra (EEMS) to Investigate Clay-Organic Matter Flocculation Processes in Riverine-Estuarine Systems
- As-built performance of the monolithic interferometers for MIGHTI, the thermsopheric wind and temperature instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Assessing the Impact of Observations on the Prediction of Effective Atmospheric Angular Momentum from NAVGEM
- Atmosphere cleaning by heavy precipitation: quantitative assessment of aerosol washout and boundary layer recover evaluated by MPLNET lidar measurements.
- Average Magnetic Field Magnitude Profiles of Wind Magnetic Clouds as a Function of Closest Approach to the Clouds' Axes and Comparison to Model
- Bayesian Spectral Analysis of Chorus Sub-Elements
- Characterization of Saharan Air Layer with a Combination of Decade-long Aerosol Reanalysis, Satellite Products and in situ Observations
- Classifying Vertical Wind Speed Profiles for Offshore Wind Resource and Available Power Assessment
- Climatological Thermodynamic and Aerosol Variability over the Maritime Continent
- Clustering of Cloud Particles Observed with In-situ Probes
- Combined orbits and clocks from the IGS 2<SUP>nd</SUP> reprocessing
- Comparison of the Evolution of Quiet Time Field-aligned Electron and Ion Densities from Whistler Mode Radio Sounding with that from SAMI2 Simulations
- Contrasting Cloud Composition Between Coupled and Decoupled Marine Boundary Layer Clouds
- Contribution of ionospheric monitoring to tsunami warning: results from a benchmark exercise
- Contributions of Lower Atmospheric Drivers to the Semiannual Oscillation in Thermospheric Global Mass Density
- Coordinated Ground- and Space-based Multispectral Campaign to Study Equatorial Spread-F Formation
- Coupling NWP Physics to a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model
- DMSP F16 SSMIS PLO Anomaly Mitigation and LAS Sounding Channel Recovery
- Decadal Variability in PMCs and Implications for Changing Temperature and Water Vapor in the Upper Mesosphere
- Deep Orographic Gravity Wave Dynamics over Subantarctic Islands as Observed and Modeled during the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Detection of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) from various man-made sources using Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
- Development of a Three-Dimensional Spectral Element Model for NWP: Idealized Simulations on the Sphere
- Dynamics of HVECs emitted from comet C/2011 L4 as observed by STEREO
- EM Bias-Correction for Ice Thickness and Surface Roughness Retrievals over Rough Deformed Sea Ice
- Effects of Cape-Related Shoals on the Variability of Long Gravity Waves
- Elliptic-cylindrical analytical flux-rope model for ICMEs
- Emission Line Properties from Analysis of MAVEN-IUVS Echellograms of the Martian Atmosphere
- Ensemble versus Variational Data Assimilation Methods for Incorporating Sparse Observational Data Streams into Aerosol Forecasting Systems
- Ensemble-based inversions of airborne radar and radiometer data using a 3-dimensional radiative transfer model
- Environmental forcing metrics to quantify short-term foredune morphodynamics
- Evolution and propagation of the July 23, 2012, CME-driven shock: A 3-D MHD simulation result
- Faraday Rotation as a Probe of Coronal Mass Ejections
- First ever Evaluation of Atmospheric Lightning Activity in Pakistan
- Forecast Sensitivity and Observation Impact (FSOI) Inter-comparison Experiment
- Fundamental Physics of the Slow Solar Wind - What do we Know?
- Gamma-Ray Observations Related to the Acceleration of Ions in the Corona
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Gravity Waves in the Presence of Shear during DEEPWAVE
- Ground-Level Search for Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Ground-Truthing a Next Generation Snow Radar
- High-resolution modeling of local air-sea interaction within the Marine Continent using COAMPS
- How Numerical Magnetic Dissipation at the Heliospheric Current Sheet Affects Model Predictions at Voyager 1 and Results from a Kinetic-MHD Model of the Heliosphere within SWMF
- How well do satellite observations and models capture diurnal variation in aerosols over the Korean Peninsula?
- Hurricane Patricia in the US Navy Earth System Prediction Capability Global Coupled System
- IMF dependence of high latitude upper atmospheric winds: A climatological study based on ground and space based instruments
- Impact of Wind Shear Characteristics on Roll Structure in Idealized Hurricane Boundary Layers
- Implementation of Globally Simulated Dust within a Physical Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Incipient Motion of Sand and Oil Agglomerates
- Initiation of a Coronal Shock Based On An Observed Flux-Rope Eruption in AR11283, September 2011 Event
- Inner Core Structure of Hurricane Patricia Observed During TCI-2015
- Investigating Near Space Interaction Regions: Developing a Remote Observatory
- Ionospheric disturbances in low- and middle-latitudes induced by neutral winds and vertical ExB drift during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm
- Is Ozone Going Up Now?
- Jupiter's Io-D Decametric Source Morphology using the Long Wavelength Array Station 1
- LITES and GROUP-C Mission Update: Ionosphere and Thermosphere Sensing from the ISS
- LOCKYER (Large Optimized Coronagraph for KeY Emission line Research): A SMEX Mission to Provide Crucial Measurements of the Genesis of the Solar Wind and CMEs
- Laboratory Study of Triggered Emissions and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Research using the CIRCE Mission
- Martian upper atmosphere response to solar EUV flux and soft X-ray flare
- Mechanisms of sediment transport over vortex ripples
- Mesospheric nitric oxide transport: Model-data comparisons and ionospheric implications
- Microbarom/Microseism: spatio-temporal variations along the Atlantic Coast
- Modeling Gas and Gas Hydrate Accumulation in Marine Sediments Using a K-Nearest Neighbor Machine-Learning Technique
- Modeling Weather in the Ionosphere using the Navy's Highly Integrated Thermosphere and Ionosphere Demonstration System (HITIDES)
- Modeling of Occurrence and Dynamics of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS) During Storm and Non-Storm Conditions
- Moisture Mode Processes and MJO Predictability in Coupled NAVGEM/HYCOM Hindcasts
- Near-Real-Time Detection and Monitoring of Intense Pyroconvection from Geostationary Satellites
- Nearshore Bathymetric Change Resolved by Depth Inversions, Sonic Altimeters, and In-Situ Surveys
- New Insights on "Next Day" Ozone Increases in the Northeastern U.S. using Continuous Vertical Profiles of Ozone
- Numerical Investigations of Capabilities and Limits of Photospheric Data Driven Magnetic Flux Emergence
- Observational Signatures of Coronal Heating
- Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation of a CME Using LOFAR and Space-Based Imaging
- Ocean Ensemble Forecasting in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- On the Detection of Coronal Suprathermal Ions and their Role as Seeds for SEP Production
- Passive Remote Sensing of Oceanic Whitecaps: Updated Geophysical Model Function
- Phase Locking between Atmospheric Convectively Coupled Equatorial Kelvin Waves and the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation over the Maritime Continent
- Predictability of Tropical Cyclqgenesis in Different Synoptic-Scale Flow Regimes
- Prediction of CME Magnetic Fields at 1 AU and Modeling CME-Driven Storms: Sparse Input Data and Forecast Output
- Providing the Caribbean community with VIIRS-derived weather satellite and dust model output in preparation for African dust impacts
- Radiative Impact of Arctic Stratus Over Varying Sea Ice Conditions During ARISE
- Recent reductions in aerosol burden have contributed to accelerated summertime warming in the southeast United States
- Refilling the plasmasphere through the exospheric sieve
- Reinvestigation of the Intraseasonal Oscillation (40-50 day) signals revealed in early studies
- Results of Pre-launch Calibration and Planned On-orbit Operations for MIGHTI, the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Retrieval of O<SUP>+</SUP> Density From Combined OII 83.4 nm and OII 61.7 nm Limb Emissions
- SAMI3/RCM Stormtime Simulations of SAPS
- SSMIS Wind Speed Neural Network Algorithm and General Purpose OSWV Validation Tool Box
- Science highlights from MAVEN/IUVS after two years in Mars Orbit
- Sea Ice Thickness Estimates from Data Collected Using Airborne Sensors and Coincident In Situ Data
- Seasonal estimates of DOC standing stocks in Apalachicola Bay estuary: Towards a better understanding using field, ocean color and model data
- Shallow water observations of the bottom boundary during an energetic storm
- Simulation of Ionospheric Response During Solar Eclipse Events
- Size-Selective Modes of Aeolian Transport on Earth and Mars
- Skill of Operational Aerosol Forecast Models in Predicting Aerosol Events and Trends of the Eastern United States.
- Solar Wind Origins, Heating and Turbulence Evolution with Solar Probe Plus: The First Three Perihelia
- Studies of High Power RF-induced Turbulence in the Ionosphere over HAARP
- Sub-Ionospheric Measurements of the Ocean, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere from the CARINA Satellites
- Sub-Pixel Magnetic Field Dynamics Derived from Photospheric Spectral Line Profiles
- Super Soaker: A Sounding Rocket Mission to Study Transport, Chemistry, and Energetics of Water in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Implications for Polar Mesospheric Cloud Occurrence
- The 2015 Indonesian biomass-burning season with extensive peat fires: Remote sensing measurements of biomass burning aerosol optical properties from AERONET and MODIS satellite data
- The Dynamics of Storms And Substorms With The WINDMI Model
- The Geoeffective ICMEs of Solar Cycle 24
- The Impact of Coronal Jets on the Solar Wind and Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere.
- The Influence of Planetary Waves on Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- The New Climate Data Record of Solar Irradiance: Comparisons with Observations and Solar Irradiance Models Over a Range of Solar Activity Time Scales
- The Stereo Electron Spikes and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The Types and Variability of Slow Solar Wind
- Three-dimensional radar and radiometer simulations of mixed-phase clouds
- Transport at the Top of the Polar Vortices in WACCM
- Tropical Cyclone Intensity, Structure and Track Observed with Multi-Satellite Sensors
- Tropical Cyclone Sensitivity during the late November 2011 Madden Julian Oscillation
- Turbulence, Current Sheet Proliferation, and the Heating of the Magnetically-Closed Corona
- Uncertainty in Operational Atmospheric Analyses and Re-Analyses
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding the limits of limb scans: Simulations of ICON's thermospheric wind observations
- Using Multispectral False Color Imaging to Characterize Tropical Cyclone Structure and Environment
- Validating CERES Surface Irradiances in the Arctic with Airborne Radiometer Measurements from the ARISE Campaign
- Verification and Validation of a Navy ESPC Hindcast with Loosely Coupled Data Assimilation
- What the Collapse of the Ensemble Kalman Filter Tells Us About Particle Filters
- A New Revision of the Solar Irradiance Climate Data Record Incorporates Recent Research into Proxies of Sunspot Darkening and the Sunspot Number Record
- A Preliminary Evaluation of the GFS Physics in the Navy Global Environmental Model
- A Probabilistic Model for Sediment Resuspension
- A model for heliospheric flux-ropes
- A modeling study of the thermosphere-ionosphere interactions during the boreal winter and spring 2015-2016: Tidal and planetary-scale waves effect on the ionospheric structure.
- Airborne and Ground-Level Searches for Ionizing Radiation from Thunderstorms with iSTORM
- An Experimental Concept for Probing Nonlinear Physics in Radiation Belts
- An Initial Assessment of the Impact of CYGNSS Ocean Surface Wind Assimilation on Navy Global and Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction
- Assessing the Ability of Vegetation Indices to Identify Shallow Subsurface Water Flow Pathways from Hyperspectral Imagery Using Machine Learning: Application
- Assessing the Ability of Vegetation Indices to Identify Shallow Subsurface Water Flow Pathways from Hyperspectral Imagery Using Machine Learning: Methodology
- Bayesian Analysis of Whistler Mode Waves in the Radiation Belts
- Bias and sensitivity of boundary layer clouds and surface radiative fluxes in Arctic reanalysis and airborne observations over the marginal ice zone during the ARISE campaign
- Bridging the Gap: Capturing the Lyα Counterpart of a Type-II Spicule and its Heating Evolution with VAULT2.0 and IRIS Campaign Observations
- CARINA Satellite Mission to Investigate the Upper Atmosphere below the F-Layer Ionosphere
- Comparing the Chromospheric Response to Different Flare Energy Transport Mechanisms
- Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and the MJO in Subseasonal Forecasts from Global Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models: Activity and Predictive Skill
- Correcting LASCO CME Catalogs to Study the Change in CME Rate from Solar Cycle 23 to 24
- Coupled Data Assimilation in Navy ESPC
- Deriving and Constraining 3D CME Kinematic Parameters from Multi-Viewpoint Coronagraph Images
- Description and verification of a U.S. Naval Research Lab's loosely coupled data assimilation system for the Navy's Earth System Model
- Determining cloud thermodynamic phase from Micropulse Lidar Network data
- Development of the Chen Magnetic Cloud Prediction Algorithm for Real-Time Space Weather Forecasting
- Dissolved black carbon in the global cryosphere: concentrations and chemical signatures
- Dust Radiative Forcing Impacts on Diurnal Temperature Range: Indirect Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Sahel
- Dust-infused Baroclinic Storm Clouds: the Evidence, Meteorology, and Some Implications
- Empirical retrieval of sea spray aerosol production using satellite microwave radiometry
- Enhancing Deep-Water Low-Resolution Gridded Bathymetry Using Single Image Super-Resolution
- Estimating Global Seafloor Total Organic Carbon Using a Machine Learning Technique and Its Relevance to Methane Hydrates
- Evaluation of Model Performance over the Maritime Continent
- Evaluation of the air-ocean surface and boundary layer forecast using a fully coupled air-ocean-wave model
- First Results of Modeling Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics with the SAMI3 Plasmasphere Model
- From the Outside Looking In - Looking Back at Our Heliosphere in Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Gamma-ray observations at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms
- High-speed and supersonic upward plasma drifts: multi-instrumental study
- Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystem Productivity from ISS
- Improved ice thickness in a coupled ice-ocean modeling system initialized with CryoSat-2
- Improving Arctic sea ice edge forecasts by assimilating high resolution VIIRS sea ice concentration data into the U.S. Navy's ice forecast system
- Improving over Land Precipitation Retrieval with Brightness Temperature Temporal Variation
- In-situ Measurements of the Direction of Propagation of Pump Waves
- Influence of vertically and obliquely propagating gravity waves on the polar summer mesosphere
- Initial Results of HamSCI Ham Radio 21 August 2017 Eclipse Ionospheric Experiments
- Intraseasonal Forcing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in the Western Indian Ocean by Downwelling Equatorial Rossby Waves
- Ion Heating and Thermalization in a 3000 km/s Shock
- Ionospheric Observations During a Geomagnetic Storm from LITES on the ISS
- Ionospheric Remote Sensing using GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometry aboard the ISS
- Laboratory Study of Wave Generation Near Dipolarization Fronts
- Laboratory simulation of space plasma phenomena*
- Localization of a variational particle smoother
- Longitudinal Ionospheric Variability Observed by LITES on the ISS
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Geomagnetic Substorm on March 1, 2017
- Mapping The Territory: What Current Remote Sensing Tells Us To Expect For PSP
- Measuring Ocean Surface Waves using Signal Reflections from Geostationary Satellites
- Meteorology Influencing Pollution Regimes and Transport during KORUS-AQ
- Mid-latitude Narrowband Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions (NSEE): New Observations and Modeling
- Model-supported forward calculation of secondary helium observed by IBEX
- Modeling Mountain Wave Dynamics from 0-200 km in Large Domains at High Resolution
- Multi-scale Sensitivity and Predictability of Hurricane Joaquin (2015) Illuminated Through Adjoint Studies
- NASA CYGNSS Satellite Measurements and Applications
- NASA Space Environments Technical Discipline Team Space Weather Activities
- NRLMSIS 2.0: New Formulation, New Data
- Nighttime medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in southern hemisphere using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL 630.0 nm airglow images
- Numerical Model Metrics Tools in Support of Navy Operations
- Observations and simulations of the bottom nepheloid layer in the Lafourche Trough, Louisiana Continental Shelf
- On the Likely Utility of Hybrid Weights Optimized for Variances in Hybrid Error Covariance Models
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- On the Vertical Nature of Biomass Burning Plumes by the California Coast and Their Relationship with Marine Boundary Layer Clouds
- Particle-in-cell Simulation of Dipolarization Front Associated Whistlers
- Plasma Pancakes and Deep Cavities Generated by High Power Radio Waves from the Arecibo Observatory
- Predictions and Observations of Munitions Burial Under Intense Storm Waves at Duck, NC
- Predictive Skill and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclogenesis in Different Synoptic Flow Regimes
- Preliminary results from the Arecibo Heating Experiment (HEX): HF to GNSS
- Properties of the Circumsolar Dust Distribution Determined from STEREO/SECCHI and Implications for PSP and SolO
- Quadratic Polynomial Regression using Serial Observation Processing:Implementation within DART
- Quantitative impact of aerosols on numerical weather prediction. Part II: Impacts to IR radiance assimilation
- Radio Remote Sensing of Coronal Mass Ejections: Implications for Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- Real-time new satellite product demonstration from microwave sensors and GOES-16 at NRL TC web
- Recend advances of using VIIRS DNB for surface PM2.5 and fire monitoring
- Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture using Semi-Concurrent Radar and Radiometer Observations
- Remote Sensing of the Upper Atmosphere and the Ionosphere in the Extreme and Far Ultraviolet: Results from the LITES Experiment aboard the IS
- Revisiting the "thermospheric spoon" mechanism of the thermosphere and ionosphere semiannual oscillation
- SAMI3 Simulations of the Persistent May 1994 Plasmasphere Plume
- Satellite Observations of Declining Aerosol Burden in The Twenty-First Century in the Southeast United States
- Sensing Aerosol Height in the O2 A and B Bands from Lagrange-1 Point
- Signatures Of Coronal Heating Driven By Footpoint Shuffling: Closed and Open Structures.
- Simulating Ionization Pancake Layers Generated by Artificial HF Heating
- Small Scale O<SUP>+</SUP> Density Observations from WINCS/SWATS
- Solar Flare Heating via Alfvenic Waves Propagating Down a Coronal Loop
- Southern Hemisphere Upper Thermospheric Wind Climatology
- Stormtime Simulations of Sub-Auroral Polarization Streams (SAPS)
- Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) Events Under Non-storm Conditions
- Suprathermal Particle at 1 AU and Their Solar Sources
- Sustained >100 MeV Gamma-Ray Emission: A Monitor for >300 MeV SEP Protons at the Sun
- Testing the Accuracy of Data-driven MHD Simulations of Active Region Evolution and Eruption
- The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): Quantifying the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Edge of Space
- The Characteristics of Kelvin waves in the Navy Global Coupled System
- The Effect of Large Scale Salinity Gradient on Langmuir Turbulence
- The Emergence of Kinked Flux Tubes as the Source of Delta-Spots on the Photosphere
- The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Role of MC River Discharge on the Propagation of Intraseasonal Oscillations
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission
- The Upshear Environment-Outflow Interface of a Sheared, Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclone
- The Wide-Field Imager for the Parker Solar Probe Mission (WISPR)
- The Wind Work Input into the Global Ocean Revealed by a 17-year Global Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model Reanalysis
- The effect of the solar eclipse on the thermospheric and ionospheric state
- The great American solar eclipse of August 21, 2017; new understanding of the response of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere.
- Thermospheric mass density model error variance as a function of time scale
- Towards PACE Atmospheric Correction, Aerosol and Cloud Products: Making Use of Expanded Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Information.
- UV Observations of Atomic Oxygen in the Cusp Region
- Understanding Atypical Mid-Level Wind Speed Maxima in Hurricane Eyewalls
- Understanding Mesoscale Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Arctic Region
- Universal Power Law of the Gravity Wave Manifestation in the AIM CIPS Polar Mesospheric Cloud Images
- Using Global Total Electron Content to Understand Interminimum Changes in Solar EUV Irradiance and Thermospheric Composition
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of O<SUP>+</SUP> Profiles Inverted from LITES EUV Spectral Images
- Validation of the Fully-Coupled Air-Sea-Wave COAMPS System
- WindSat Space Borne Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer: Data Products and System Performance
- A Comparative Assessment of Solar Irradiance Observations and Models at the Dawn of TSIS
- A STEREO Survey of the Mass of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed at Earth in 2008-2012
- A Study of Consecutive Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- A probabilistic model for sediment resuspension in oscillatory flow
- A study on Langmuir Turbulence during CASPER-East, 2015
- An Inline Aerosol Model in Navy's Global Environmental Prediction System
- An intercomparison of VLF and sounding rocket techniques for measuring the daytime D region ionosphere: Theoretical implications
- Arctic cyclone intensification during the warm season
- Are UV Limb Observations Useful for Data Assimilation?
- Assessing the Subseasonal Predictability of PV Streamer Activity compared to Tropical Cyclone activity using the Navy Earth System Model
- Assimilation of High-Resolution Measurements of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer collected from instrumented Unmanned Aerial Systems into a Coupled Numerical Weather Prediction Model
- Bioluminescence potential dynamics during Polar Night in Arctic.
- CME Event Simulations with AWSoM-EEGGL Model
- Characterization of the Total and Polarized Radiance from the Ocean Surface through Hyperspectral Polarimetric Imaging
- Co-located FUV Limb Imaging and Nadir-Viewing Photometry of the Nighttime Ionosphere
- Comparing Extrapolations of the Coronal Magnetic Field with Multi-Spacecraft White-Light Coronagraphic Observations
- Comparing Long Duration Gamma-ray Flares and High Energy Solar Energetic Particles
- Comparing Modeled Cirrus Radiative Forcing Estimates from Constrained Lidar Extinction Retrievals to Direct Coincident Radiometer Measurements
- Comparison of Analysis and Forecast Uncertainty from Two Different Ensemble Generation Mechanisms: LETKF vs. ET.
- Comparison of In Situ and Satellite Fluxes of Sea Spray Production
- Computational Evaluation of Commercial Cloud HPC with a Global Atmospheric Model
- Computer-Assisted Detection of Candidate Interstellar Dust Impacts on Stardust Al Foils
- Conjoined Flux Ropes: A New Mechanism for Filament-Channel Formation at External Polarity Inversion Lines
- Coupled Modelling of Air-Sea Interaction over the Bay of Bengal during the 2018 Southwest Monsoon
- Coupling between the subtropical stratosphere and polar mesosphere via oblique propagation of gravity waves
- Cross-Track Ion Drift Observations from WINCS/SWATS/RAMS
- Current State of the global operational aerosol multi-model ensemble: an update from the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP)
- D/H in Photochemically Produced Organic Dust Analogs
- DMSP SSULI Measurements of Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp
- Detailed Modeling of Neutral Helium in the Heliosphere
- Developing Capabilities for Driving the Solar Atmosphere with Photospheric Magnetic Field Observations
- Development of a Global Predictive Seabed Model (GPSM)
- Development of consistent and recordable fusion methods using bathymetry sources of differing subjective reliabilities for navigation or seafloor mapping
- Diagnosing the Short-term Variability of Atmospheric Tides at the MLT Region from Observations and a High Altitude Meteorological Analysis System
- Direct EUV/X-ray Modulation of the Ionosphere and accompanying TIDs during the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Eclipse-Induced Changes to Topside Ion Composition and Interhemispheric Ion Flows in the August 2017 Solar Eclipse: Swarm-E (e-POP) Observations
- Electron-Ion Hybrid Instability in a Quasi-Static Near-Earth Dipolarization Front
- Element Abundances and the Source of the Slow Speed Solar Wind
- Encounters of Coronal Jets with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- Ensemble simulations of waves, circulation, and morphologic change during Hurricane Ike
- Equilibrium kinetic theory and simulations of dipolarization fronts
- Estimating the Maximum Magnitude of Induced Earthquakes with Machine Learning
- Estimation of terrain trafficability using remote sensing
- Evaluating the impact of satellite-derived ice thickness initialization in predicting the September Arctic minimum sea ice extent
- Evidence for Enhanced Accelerated <SUP>3</SUP>He in Solar Flares from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
- Evidence for a Circumsolar Dust Ring at about 0.4 AU
- Examination of Interplanetary Dust Particles Collected from Antarctic Air
- Examining the Role of the Air-Sea Interaction for the Observed Variability Evaporation Duct Height during CASPER
- Examining the capability of NUCAPS to profile summertime Saharan Air Layer Outbreaks over the north tropical Atlantic basin
- Fine-Scale Dynamics of a Shallow-Water Tidal Front as Revealed by Airborne Remote Sensing of Dye Release
- Forecasting seafloor fluid expulsion using sparse observations of seafloor fluid expulsion anomalies (SEAFLEAs) and machine learning
- Global modeling of seafloor methanogenesis using machine-learning predicted inputs to well-known deterministic models
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Early Orbit Observations
- HF Propagation Experiments Through Ionospheric Heated Regions Using e-POP
- He II 304 Å proxy for magnetic field properties in far-side complex topologies
- High Latitude Thermospheric Wind Model (HL-TWiM)
- High spectral resolution datasets of in situ aquatic inherent and apparent optical properties
- High-Altitude (0-100km) Global Atmospheric Reanalysis System: Description and Application to the 2014 Austral Winter of the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- How Can Off-limb Spectroscopy Answer Fundamental Questions on the Genesis of the Solar Wind and CMEs?
- Impact of August 2017 British Columbia Pyrocumulonimbus Injection Events on Lower Stratospheric Composition
- Implication of Gravity Anomalies for Lithospheric Structure beneath Taiwan and Its Vicinity
- In Sutu Ion Density and Composition Measurements with the Radio Receiver Instrument on e-POP Using Excitation of Plasma Waves by Photo Electrons
- Influence of Swell on Evaporation Duct
- Influence of dust source databases on the simulated radiation budget and sea breezes along the Arabian Peninsula
- Investigating irregularities over Resolute Bay through observations and simulations of GNSS and Beacon signal propagation through gradient-drift instability
- Investigation of Diabatic Plume Rise Using CALIPSO and Additional Satellite Data with Models
- Ionospheric Effects of the August 2017 Eclipse: Empirically Guided Modeling with Comparisons to Data
- Ionospheric disturbances triggered by SpaceX rocket launches
- Is there a thundercloud electric field threshold for terrestrial gamma-ray flash production?
- Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Subcyclotron Damping
- Laboratory Simulations of Wave Phenomena Applicable to Dipolarization Fronts
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Marine Fog Prediction at the Naval Research Laboratory - Factors Affecting the Model Skill
- Measurement of Equatorial Coronal Magnetic Fields Using Faraday Rotation
- Mechanisms of Blue Carbon Export in Blackwater River-dominated and Particle-dominated Estuaries
- Mesospheric and lower thermospheric chemistry effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere semiannual oscillations
- Meteorology Influencing Springtime Air Quality and Pollution Transport in Korea
- Microscopic Properties of Mesoscale Plasma Injections
- Model and Data Analysis of Storm Enhanced Density/Tongue of Ionization events in the Arctic and Antarctic during Solar Cycle 24
- Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse
- Modeling and constraining a gamma-ray glow observed at 20 km altitude during the FEGS/ALOFT campaign
- Modeling of GOES Soft X-ray Light Curves: Importance of Multi-threaded Nature and Various Timescales
- Monitoring and Tracking Global Tropical Cyclones from Satellite Passive Microwave Observations
- Multi-instrument observations of low-latitude ionospheric variability
- Naval Research Laboratory Preliminary Results from AR RECON 2018
- Near-real-time verification of aerosol forecasts using PM2.5 and PM10 from surface monitors
- Neural Network Radiative Transfer for Imaging Spectroscopy
- New Insights into Solar Flare Temperature Distributions and Elemental Abundances using MinXSS CubeSat and RHESSI X-ray Spectroscopy
- Next-generation scintillators for solar flare gamma-ray and neutron measurements
- Numerical Modeling of Summer Arctic Boundary Layer during the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS)
- Observation Informed Generalized Hybrid Error Covariance Models
- Observation Sensitivity Experiments with a High Altitude Meteorological Analysis System
- Observation and Simulation of the Concentric Gravity Wave Seeding of Equatorial Nighttime Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Observation of opposition backscattering from sand with an airborne hyperspectral imager
- Observations of Nonlinear Internal Waves and Atmospheric Surface Layer Interaction
- Observations of Scintillation Over the Resolute Bay Observatory in the Context of Background Plasma Parameters
- Observations of Second Harmonic Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Generation during Ionospheric Heating
- Observations of near bed turbulent production and dissipation on the inner shelf at Pt. Sal
- Observing the Column O/N<SUB>2</SUB> Density Ratio on the Earth Disk with the ICON FUV Imager
- Ocean Surface State Parameter Estimates Using CRTM
- On the Importance of Land-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions for Mesoscale Arctic Forecasts
- Orbital Opportunities for Coordinated Science with Parker Solar Probe, STEREO,and Solar Orbiter
- Parker Solar Probe: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun - Mission Status Update
- Parker Solar Probe: Post-Launch Operations and the First Solar Encounter
- Pollution transported by hurricane Ophelia: 3D observations by ground-based, aircraft and satellite data compared with CAMS atmospheric composition analyses
- Predictability Characteristics of Intense High-Latitude Cyclones
- Preliminary Observations and Results from the WISPR Instrument on the PSP
- PyroCb Smoke Rises and Persists in the Global Stratosphere: Constraints on injected smoke mass, black carbon abundance, and ozone reaction rates with organic coatings
- Quantifying the Information Content of Global Imaging Spectroscopy
- Regional Ocean Data Assimilation Using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) with the Navy Coastal Ocean Model
- Regional Simulations of Arctic Boundary Layer during Fall Refreezing
- Remote Observations of Electrons and Ions Near the Sun Through Gamma-Ray Observations
- Remote Sensing of the Tropical Arcs with LITES Observations from the ISS
- Retained Nanoparticle Populations in Insoluble Organic Matter in Murchison and ALH 77307 as Potential Indicators of the Earliest Stages of Asteroidal Alteration
- STEREO Observations During the First Perihelion Pass of Parker Solar Probe
- Sami3 Simulations of Ionospheric Metallic Layers
- Sampling Interplanetary Dust Particles from Antarctic Air
- Searching for Contextual Clues of Presolar Nanodiamond Formation in Primitive Meteorites
- Self-Consistent Simulations of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling During a Substorm
- Short-term variability and the weather of the day in the lower thermosphere and ionosphere using a whole atmosphere model with upper atmospheric observations
- Simulating MSTIDs Generated from Tropospheric Weather
- Simulations Reveal a New Thermally-Driven Plasma Instability in the Solar Chromosphere
- Solar Shenanigans: Bringing the Solar Corona into the Classroom
- Solar cycle variation of the heliospheric plasma sheet thickness
- Space Measurements of A Rocket-Released Turbulence (SMART) is a Proposed Future Experiment to Study Turbulence Effects on the Radiation Belts
- Spectral and Angular Polarized Light from the Ocean
- Stormtime Modeling of the ITM System with SAMI3/GITM/RCM
- Sub-daily variation in aerosol observations and models, and impacts of geostationary aerosol data assimilation
- Submesoscale eddy formation in the Kuroshio front interacting with a cape south of Taiwan
- Synthetic White-light Imagery for the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- TOTO-Cheyenne: ionizing radiation from thunderstorms on Cheyenne Mountain
- The Effect of Small Marine Particles on the Polarimetric Remote Sensing Signal
- The Internal Structure of ICMEs: Heavy Ion Composition and the Associated Magnetic Field
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: Composition Evolution from MLS Observations
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: Diabatic Lofting and Radiative Effects of Aerosol and Water Vapor
- The Role of Twist in the Emergence of Kinked Flux Ropes and the Formation of Delta-Spots
- The Roles of Greenhouse Gas, Solar Cycle Forcing, and Atmospheric Coupling on the Interannual Variability of Temperature near the Mesopause Region
- Theoretical Aspects of Laboratory Experiments on Chorus-Like Emissions
- Thermospheric Temperatures from SSULI UV Emission Scale Heights
- Tomography of km-scale ionospheric disturbances with an array of fast-slewing radio telescopes
- Towards a Permanent Thermosphere-Mesosphere Observing System
- UV Remote Sensing of the Daytime Ionosphere and Thermosphere: Challenges, Results, and Future Directions
- Ulysses and IBEX Constraints on Temperature Anisotropy in the Interstellar He Flow
- Uncertainty in the Retrieval of Shallow Coastal Properties from Remote Sensing Imposed by Sensor Noise
- Understanding the magnetic origins and acceleration of the solar wind: Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter.
- Update on the US Navy's Earth System Prediction Capability Effort
- Using Coordinated Observations from the Flight of the High Resolution Coronal Imager to Constrain Active Region Heating Scenarios
- Using Thomson-Scattering Brightness to Enhance Coronal Magnetic Field Measurements
- Very Large Array Measurements of Coronal Angular Broadening
- Why Gaussian approximations to posteriors are more appropriate than to priors
- Wildfire-Driven Thunderstorms Cause a Volcano-Like Stratospheric Injection of Smoke
- A Demonstration Study Comparing the Utility of Different Metrics in Validating SAMI3
- A Probabilistic Modeling Framework Utilizing Ocean Drilling Data to Forecast Current and Future Thermodynamic Conditions On and Below the Seafloor
- A Process-Based Examination of Madden-Julian Oscillation Behavior in the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- A Re-evaluation of Tectonic Plate Boundaries Based on Recent Satellite and Earthquake Data
- A Three-Point CME Reconstruction Including PSP/WISPR Imagery
- A Tool for Remote Calibration of Web-Based Surfcams
- A kinetic analysis of dipolarization front equilibrium and stability
- A new set of standardized boundaries for the application of adaptive, high-latitude coordinates
- A-TTRACS, Aeolian Turbulence and Transport RApid Computational Suite: A GUI-enabled software package for rapid computation of aeolian field data
- All-Sky Radiance Assimilation for COAMPS-TC Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification Prediction
- An Advanced Global Aerosol Model for Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Predictions - Model Evaluation Study
- Artificial HF Heating at F and E region heights
- Assessing Aerosol Retrieval Performance for Data Assimilation using MODIS and VIIRS Aerosol Products
- Assessing PV Streamer Activity and its Relationship with TC Predictability in Subseasonal Forecasts
- Assimilation of Refractivity From Clutter To Improve Forecasts Of Atmospheric Electromagnetic Propagation Conditions Near The Ocean Surface.
- Assimilative modeling of traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by the Very Large Array
- Atmosphere and Ocean Response of Tropical Cyclone Hato (Isang) and Pakhar (Jolina) as Observed and Simulated by Coupled Model
- Bayesian Identification of Chorus Sub-Packets from the Van Allen Probes
- Benefiting from Constellation Data using pysat
- CIRCE - A CubeSat Mission for Ionosphere Thermosphere Investigation
- Challenges in the Analysis of Images from the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Combining Remote and in situ Parker Solar Probe and STEREO Data to Understand Solar Wind Density Structures
- Comparing Coronal Hole Wave Properties and Density Profiles Derived from Indirect and Direct Observations
- Comparison of Modeled and Observed Scintillation Around a Polar Cap Patch
- Comparison of Parker Solar Probe Observations during First Perihelion with Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model Results
- Computing Refractive-Index Structure Parameter Cn<SUP>2</SUP> Using COAMPS
- Consequences of Bottomside Ionospheric Variability on HF radio wave propagation
- Constructing statistically predicted values of Fire Radiative Power using Numerical Weather Prediction Output
- Coronal Curiosity Voyage: Bringing the Solar Corona into the Classroom, Again
- Deployment of diagnostic instruments and detection of artificial ionosphere irregularities during Arecibo HF campaigns
- Deriving the Electron Energy Distribution in the SEP-associated Radio CME of 2012 July 17
- Detecting Nighttime Fire Combustion Phase from Suomi NPP VIIRS: First Global Results
- Developing a probabilistic model of sediment resuspension over oscillatory ripples
- Development and Testing of a Neutral Wind Instrument for Nano-Satellite Applications
- Development of a Ground-to-Thermosphere General Circulation Model Based on NEPTUNE: Idealized Test Cases
- Disproving the Bodélé depression as the primary source of dust fertilizing the Amazon Rainforest
- Does vertical resolution matter when using a 1-D radiative transfer model to solve for cirrus cloud forcing?
- Empirical Modeling of Thermospheric Dynamics; Past, Present, Future
- Employing Ensemble Data for the Tangent Linear and Adjoint Model Development
- Ensemble simulations of hydrodynamic and morphologic change during extreme weather events
- Evaluating the Impact of CryoSat-2 Initialization on Seasonal Ice Prediction Using the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability
- Evaluation of biomass burning smoke simulations incorporating near real-time inversions of multi-fire emissions over the Western U.S.
- Examining the Role of Dispersion Relation and Collision Frequency Formulations on Estimation of Shortwave-Fadeout
- Experiments using Atmospheric River Reconnaissance Dropsondes
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- Feasibility of Downscaling NAAPS Aerosol Fields for Incorporating More Realistic Aerosol Direct Effects in WRF-Chem Simulations
- Fog prediction by COAMPS during C-FOG field experiment
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Generation of Intraseasonal Oceanic Kelvin Waves in the West Pacific
- Global machine learning predictions of sediment unit thickness for present to middle Miocene using Deep Sea Drilling Project data
- Imaging the Solar Corona from Within: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe Telescope
- Impact of Assimilating YOPP Extra Radiosondes on COAMPS<SUP>®</SUP> Arctic Forecasts
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- Improved Fire Activity Time Series by Accounting for Variation in Viewing Geometry
- Inferring the tidal variability from various ground-based sensors and meteorological reanalysis data
- Influence of Optimized Gravity Wave Source Parameters on Seasonal Forecasts of the Stratosphere and Troposphere
- Investigating the Impact of Cyclones on Short-Term Sea Ice Loss using a Fully-Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Model
- Ionospheric Detection of Explosive Events
- LITES/Group-C Observations of the Nighttime Ionosphere during May 2017
- LOCKYER: Large Optimized Coronagraphs for KeY Emission line Research
- Laboratory Study of Triggered Emissions and Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions
- Laboratory investigation of surface-mounted plasma impedance probes*
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Machine learning predictions of submarine slope instability across multiple spatial and temporal scales
- Maestro: a new python framework for orchestrating ray tracing simulations of radio frequency plasma waves in the magnetosphere
- Magnetic Field Intensity Modification to Force Free Model of Magnetic Clouds: Wind Examples since Launch
- Mapping the Local Interstellar Medium: Using Hubble to Look Back at the ISM Along the Sun's Historical Trajectory
- Mechanisms of vertical and interhemispheric coupling revealed by satellite measurements
- Model studies of photoionization and photoelectron production in response to solar flares
- Modeling SAPS in the ionosphere and plasmasphere with SAMI3/RCM/GITM
- Modeling and Testing of the Stray-Light Induced by the Spacecraft Solar Array for the SoloHI (Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager) Instrument On Board Solar Orbiter
- Modeling the Impact of Metal Ions on Equatorial Spread F with SAMI3/ESF
- Modeling the descent of mesospheric air following the 2013 elevated stratopause event
- Modeling the onset of solar eruptions in active regions
- Multi-Spectral SWIR Lidar for Imaging and Spectral Discrimination through Partial Obscurations
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- NRL SPADE plasma impedance probe measurements on board the International Space Station*
- Narrow Field Imager (NFI) for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
- New Method for Combining Optical and Acoustic Mapping Products
- Observations of Magnetic Island Formation by the Wide Field Imager on Parker Solar Probe (WISPR/PSP)
- Observations of Second Harmonic Generation in Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions during Ionospheric Heating
- On the Sensitivity and Predictability of the Extratropical Transition of Karl
- Overview of Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM)
- PSP/WISPR observations of the dust trail of (3200) Phaethon
- Parker Solar Probe: Mission Status and Outlook After One Year of Operation
- Photonic Integrated Circuit TUned for Reconnaissance and Exploration (PICTURE)
- Photospheric Vortices and Coronal Energy Storage And Release
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH): Imaging the Corona and Solar Wind as a Single System
- Predicting global ocean sediment thickness
- Predicting submarine slope instability along Arctic continental margins
- Preliminary Beacon Total Electron Content (TEC) and Scintillation Measurements during the 2019 Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM) Campaign
- Preliminary Results from the WINCS sensor on the NASA Green Propellant Infusion Mission
- Progress in the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): A NASA Mission of Opportunity for Global Gravity Wave Investigations
- Properties and Consequences of Mesoscale Plasma Convection
- Properties of Delta Spots Observed with HMI
- Python Tools for PSP/WISPR Image Exploration and Analysis
- Quantifying Regional Cirrus Cloud TOA Daytime Radiative Forcing in an Evolving Arctic
- Quantifying the Impact of Intense Pyroconvection on Stratospheric Aerosol Loading
- RHESSI - GOES Comparisons of Soft X-ray Emission from Solar Flares, 2002 - 2017
- Recent Advances in Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Investigations
- Recent CFC-11 Enhancements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea
- Remote Sensing Observations of the First CME Seen by WISPR
- Remote Sensing of Ocean Color from EPIC onboard the DSCOVR Spacecraft at Lagrange-1 Point
- Revisiting the Relationship between Atlantic Dust and Tropical Cyclone Activity using Aerosol Optical Depth Reanalyses: 2003-2018
- Searching for a Boundary Layer as a Source of the Slow Solar Wind
- Shock-Drift Acceleration and Diffusive Shock Acceleration at CME-Driven Shocks
- Short-term changes in Arctic sea ice during the melt season from high surface winds in cyclones
- Simulating Ionization Layers Generated by Artificial HF Heating
- Solar Eruptions Triggered by Flux Emergence
- Some Space Rocks Visit Us from Far-Away Space
- Space Measurements of A Rocket-Released Turbulence (SMART) an Experiment to Study Turbulence
- Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission Measurements Using the Arecibo HF System and Multiple Ground Receiver Stations
- Storminess in the Arctic in ERA-5
- Structuring in Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling Associated with Soft Electron Precipitation
- Subseasonal Variability of Rossby Wave Breaking and Impacts on Tropical Cyclones during the North Atlantic Warm Season
- Sudden stratospheric warming effects on the light species and mass density of the thermosphere
- Surface Radiative Effect of Arctic Low-Level Clouds: Evaluation of Imagery-Derived Irradiance with Aircraft Observations
- TOTO-Cheyenne 2019: Ionizing Radiation from Thunderstorms on Cheyenne Mountain
- The C-FOG Project: Toward Improving Coastal Fog Prediction
- The Cloud, Aerosol, and Monsoon Processes, Philippines Experiment (CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex): Planning, performance, and early outcomes
- The Compact Heliospheric Imager (CHI): An R2O Instrument Concept for an L5 Space Weather Mission
- The Correlation Between The Enhanced Sulfur Abundance in Slow Solar Winds and The Magnetic Field Geometry of Their Source Regions
- The Emergence of Weakly Twisted Flux Ropes Without Convection
- The Forming Slow Solar Wind Imaged along Streamer Rays by the Wide-Angle Imager on Parker Solar Probe
- The Impact of Stochastic Forcing in a Global Coupled Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Forecast System
- The Long-Lived Plume of the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event: MLS Observations and Modeling of Composition Evolution
- The Mother of all PyroCbs: How did the Pacific Northwest PyroCb Event in 2017 Stand Out?
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment Encountered by Parker Solar Probe
- The Onset and Development of 3D Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona: Important Physical Details
- The Onset and Development of 3D Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Corona: New Insights
- The RAMS Instrument: Description and Preliminary Results
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission: Science and Instrument Status
- The Solar Polar Observing Constellation (SPOC) Mission: research and operational monitoring of space weather from polar heliocentric orbits
- The Three Mountain DRAGONS of FIREX-AQ
- The Upper Atmosphere Expansion Benchmark Study
- The dynamical and chemical influences of thermospheric composition
- The primary convective pathway for observed wildfire emissions in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: a targeted reinterpretation
- The relationship between Arctic cyclones tracks and coincident moisture transport during summer
- The solar wind speed - expansion factor (v - f<SUB>s</SUB>) relationship at the inner boundary (18 R<SUB>⊙</SUB>) of the heliosphere
- Tomographic Reconstruction using GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometry aboard the ISS
- Toward Consistent Physical Constant Sets for Interoperable Earth System Models
- Transport, Composition, and Lifetime of Extreme Wildfire Smoke to Assess their Impacts
- Tropical Deep Convective Morphology in the Different Thermodynamic and Aerosol Environments of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex and PISTON
- Turbulence Adjustment and Scaling in an Offshore Convective Internal Boundary Layer: A CASPER Case Study
- UV Multi-Spectral Images of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere from LITES and ICON
- Understanding and mitigating errors in optical airglow emissions
- Unified estimation of spectral coastal land and water reflectances with uncertainties
- Utilizing Machine and Deep Learning to Predict Bathymetry
- VLA Measurements of Faraday Rotation through a Coronal Mass Ejection Using Multiple Lines of Sight
- Visibility Observations and Predictions during the C-FOG Project
- Wide-Field Imager (WFI) for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
- Yak-dung burning influences refractory black carbon concentrations in seasonal snow at lower elevations of the Dudh Koshi River Basin of Nepal
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- "Godzilla" African Dust Event of June 2020: Impacts of Air Quality in the Greater Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Mexico and the United States
- A Comparison of Fully-Coupled and Reanalysis-Forced Simulations of the Effect of Arctic Cyclones on Short-Term Sea-Ice Evolution
- A Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Equilibrium Ripple Wavelength
- A Mission Concept for a Solar Observatory in a Highly-Inclined Heliocentric Orbit - Demystifying the Magnetic Nature and Activity of our Star
- A Survey of Daytime Ionospheric O<SUP>+</SUP> From ICON
- A new approach to calculating meteoroid heating using atomic-scale simulations
- A new estimate of carbon sequestered within the global methane hydrate stability zone using machine-learning predicted inputs
- A satellite-derived ice cloud parameterization for numerical weather prediction models
- Absorption and scattering by active and residual sea foam at millimeter-wave frequencies
- Aeolian sand transport: Video analysis of streamer structure and dynamics
- Airborne and model data comparison of aerosol optical properties to improve understanding and forecasting of aerosol in Southeast Asia
- An Updated Global Prediction of Marine Unit Thicknesses for Present to Middle Miocene Sediments Using Ocean Drilling Program Data.
- An in-situ characterization of aged stratospheric smoke from the 2017 Pacific Northwest Event pyrocumulonimbus
- Analysis of Solar Wind Ejecta Observed by the Wide-field Imager (WISPR) on Parker Solar Probe
- Analysis of the Helical Kink Stability of Differently Twisted Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Arctic Cyclones and the Influence on Short-Term Changes in Sea Ice
- Australian PyroCb Smoke Generates Synoptic Scale Stratospheric Anticyclones
- Australian wildfires inject a volcanic-scale smoke plume into the stratosphere
- Bringing the Solar Corona into the Virtual Classroom: Transitioning from In-Person to Virtual Mentoring
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> Detection using an Interband Cascade LED Coupled to a Hollow-Core Fiber
- COAMPS processes leading to a false positive fog forecast during C-FOG IOP12
- Can nanoflare heating define the coronal loop size?
- Coamps and Navy Espc Forecast Seasonal and Diurnal Variability in Piston 2018-2019
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Comparing a Machine-Learning Based Model of Benthic, Marine Mass Accumulation with Fluvial Sediment Flux into the Global Oceans
- Comparison of ICON O<SUP>+</SUP> density profiles with electron density profiles provided by COSMIC-2 and ground-based ionosondes
- Comparison of tomographic neutral density retrieval with climatological and general circulation models
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Critical evaluation of smoke age inferred from different methods during FIREX-AQ
- Current Status of the Solar-C_EUVST Mission
- Developing the NASA Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE)
- Does Ring-Current Heating Generate the Cold O<SUP>+</SUP> Shell?
- Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Examination of the Effects of Aerosols on a PyroCb and Their Dependence on Fire Intensity and Aerosol Perturbation Using a Cloud-System Resolving Model
- Examining the auroral ionosphere in three dimensions using reconstructed 2D maps of auroral data to drive the 3D GEMINI model
- Exploration and Meteorological Data Collection Of Venusian Atmosphere using CubeSat-based Solar Balloons
- Fine structure of the white-light inner corona and the associated magnetic topology
- Global Capabilities of Modeling Auroral Precipitation - Characterizing Contributors and Drivers
- Global analysis of relationship between continental margin submarine landslide scarring and sediment shear strength
- Glowbug, a Gamma-Ray Telescope for Bursts and Other Transients (including TGFs!)
- Heliospheric Ly α Absorption in a Split Tail Heliosphere
- Historical Solar Irradiance Using the Updated Sunspot Record
- Impact of Ensemble Design on Vapor Transport and Atmospheric Rivers
- Impacts of high-frequency radar-derived wind observations on COAMPS<SUP>®</SUP> forecasts
- Implications of a quantitative fire radiative power distribution for multi-sensor fire activity estimation
- Improved Detection of Nighttime Fire and its Combustion Efficiency for Wildfires from VIIRS during FIREX-AQ Campaign
- Improving Prediction Capability in Machine Learning via Spatial Wavenumber Analyses of Observational and Training Datasets
- Improving Predictions of Solar Energetic Particle Access at Medium Earth Orbit
- Improving forecast skill of a global coupled forecasting system by accounting for model error
- Investigating the correlation between optically identified rip channels in time exposure imagery and in situ observations, including bathymetry and flow
- LIS-Hydro: Authoritative Source for OCONUS Hydro-Intelligence
- Long-lived smoke clouds from the Australian megafires measured over Lauder, New Zealand
- Low Latitude Plasma Bubble Growth Rates During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Low-latitude thermospheric meridional neutral winds and impacts on local dynamics and chemistry.
- Multiscale Convection During Monsoon Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
- NRLMSIS 2.0: A Whole-Atmosphere Empirical model of Temperature and Neutral Species Densities
- New 2-way Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling within the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Nonequilibrium properties in the plasma sheet observed on 2017 September 10
- Observations and Chemical Transport Model simulations of Ozone, Trace Gases and Meteorological Variables over Ross Island, Antarctica (78S,167E) during the 2019 Austral Spring and Summer.
- Observations from inside a Wildfire-Driven Thunderstorm:The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Ocean Heat Content and the Intraseasonal Oscillation
- Optical Flow Methods for PUNCH Imaging
- Plasma Instabilities Driven by Earthward Mesoscale Convection
- Predicting gas and hydrate presence on the U.S. Atlantic margin using geospatial machine learning
- Probabilistic Predictions of Gas Hydrate Formation near Blake Ridge using Dakota and PFLOTRAN
- Probabilistic Predictions of Offshore Gas Hydrate and Submarine Permafrost Distribution Along the Alaskan North Slope
- Quantifying Burn Area of Wildfires from Satellite Active Fire Detections
- Relating Imaged Streamer Flows to the Slow Solar Winds measured by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Results from the WINCS Ion Energy Analyzer on the NASA Green Propellant Infusion Mission
- SIHLA , a Mission of Opportunity to L1 to Map H Lyman Alpha Emissions from the Heliopause, the Interplanetary Medium, the Earth's Geocorona and Comets
- Scintillometry Meets Interferometry: The Deployable Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (DLITE)
- Short-term Impacts of Arctic Summer Cyclones on Sea-ice in the Marginal Ice Zone
- Simulation of midnight temperature maximum winds and post-midnight equatorial spread-F bubbles
- Sixteen years (2002-2018) of SABER measurements and the MSIS model were used to study the average SAO (semi-annual oscillation) and AO (annual oscillation) variations of k<SUB>zz</SUB> (eddy diffusion coefficient) in the mesosphere (80-96 km).
- Smoke With Induced Rotation and Lofting (SWIRL) in the Stratosphere
- Solar Orbiter: connecting remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Sounding Rocket Observation of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night
- Space Science the Hanson Way
- Stochastic and Machine Learning Predictions of Bathymetry
- Sub-millimeter strategies for observing the diurnal cycle of tropical ice clouds
- Substorm dynamics in MHD: Statistical validation tests and paths for improvement
- Summertime Arctic Aerosol Optical Depth Climatology and Trend Derived from Remote Sensing Retrievals, Aerosol Reanalyses and Ground Observations
- SunCET: A CubeSat Mission Dedicated to the Middle Corona
- The C-FOG Project: Salient Outcomes
- The Cold Pools of CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- The Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX)
- The CubeSat Imaging X-ray Solar Spectrometer (CubIXSS)
- The Dust Environment in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar flares (GRIPS): proposed reflight during the next solar maximum
- The Impact of Additional Surface Pressure Observations over the Northeast Pacific Ocean on the Data Assimilated Analysis and Forecast of Atmospheric Rivers During Feb - Apr 2019
- The Influence of Exposure History and Mineral Phase Composition on the Expression of Space Weathering Features in Lunar Soils
- The International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction (ICAP) Perspective on the Massive June 2020 Saharan Dust Event
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Mapping of IonoSpheric Turbulence and Irregularities (MISTI) CubeSat Constellation
- The Midnight Temperature Maximum during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings at Arecibo
- The Parker Solar Probe WISPR Instrument: Results from the First Two Years of Observations
- The Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH) Small Explorer Mission: Status and Next Steps
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The control of background conditions on LSTAD/LSTID propagation
- The formation and dissipation of current sheets and shocks due to compressive waves in a stratified atmosphere containing a magnetic null
- The influence of the 2009 Arctic vortex split on the distribution of NO near the polar winter mesopause
- Thermospheric Neutral Densities Derived by Tomographic Inversion of Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations Made by the SSULI Instruments
- Thermospheric Wind Observations from MIGHTI on ICON: An Overview of Instrument Performance and Data Characteristics
- Understanding Heating Properties in Hot and Warm Active Region Loops through Hydrodynamics and Forward Modeling
- Understanding the details of the descent of mesospheric air following the 2013 elevated stratopause event
- Updates on global sediment thickness using geospatial machine learning
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- VLA Measurements of Faraday Rotation through a Coronal Mass Ejection Using Multiple Lines of Sight
- Validation of SAGE III - ISS Ozone with NOAA OMPS and Ground -based Instruments in the Context of Prior Satellites
- Variations in polar Doppler spread characteristics
- WISPR Observations of Small-Scale Transients
- e-POP Satellite Observations of Ion Upflow over Pulsating/Diffuse Aurora
- 15 arc sec Global Prediction of Bathymetry Utilizing Deep Neural Networks
- A Machine Learning Dataset Prepared from the SoHO Mission for Space Weather Readiness
- A Review of Global Monitoring and Data Assimilation of Aerosol Vertical Structure: Past, Present and Future
- A machine-learning derived model of seafloor sediment accumulation
- Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of an Extreme Rainfall Event in Southern Sulawesi
- Aerosol Optical Depth Reanalyses Intercomparison and Global Aerosol Trend for 2003-2019/2020
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- An Advanced Low-band VHF Radar for Geospace, Cislunar, Planetary, Solar, and Astronomical Research
- An Overview of the Navy Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC): The Operational System to Future Developments.
- An unintentional active experiment in the inner heliosphere: Plasma bursts, plasma pick-up physics, and lingering debris clouds associated with dust impacts on Parker Solar Probe
- An updated oceanic heat flow analysis with associated uncertainties using an inductive conformal prediction
- Analysis of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by Multiple Spacecraft, including by WISPR on Parker Solar Probe
- Application of a Passive Radiometric Optically-Thin Cirrus Detection Algorithm Over Land
- Application of an Augmented ANN-PLS Model for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration from Hyperspectral Data in Case 2 Waters
- Applying AI/ML to Identify Sungrazing Comets in SOHO Imagery
- Assimilation of total electron content in a SAMI3 simulation
- Australias Black Summer Pyrocumulonimbus Super Outbreak Reveals Potential for Increasingly Extreme Stratospheric Smoke Events
- Calibrating Space PlasmA Diagnostic SuitE (SPADE) Magnetometer Data to Monitor Space Weather and the Plasma Environment From the ISS
- Characteristic based data-driven boundary conditions suitable for rapidly evolving solar active regions
- Characterizing -sunspots of Solar Cycle 24 using data from the Helioseismic Magnetic Imager
- Chemical Characterization of Long-Range Transported Biomass Burning Aerosols in Michigan
- Collisional Evolution of the Inner Zodiacal Cloud: In-Situ observations from PSPs first 6 orbits
- Compact Coronagraph (CCOR): Ground Processing and Science Pipeline
- Comparing SAMI3 simulated MSTIDs with all-sky imager and GNSS observations
- Computing Emission Signatures from Coronal MHD Models Without a Realistic Lower Atmosphere
- Considerations for application of observations for numerical smoke prediction on the scale of hours to days
- Coronagraph and Heliospheric Image Processing for Python in the SSW Environment
- Coronal Mass Ejection Distortion at 0.1 au Observed by WISPR
- Crustal Deformation and Fault Zone Architecture Along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Southeast Alaska, Using Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data from the Transform Obliquity on the Queen Charlotte fault and Earthquake Study (TOQUES)
- Daytime Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Neutral Winds and their relationship with lower E region layers over Arecibo
- Developing a Field-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry (F-PTV) system to measure turbulence and transport mechanics of windblown sand
- Development and Evaluation of North America Wildfire Ensemble Forecast.
- Early Results from DLITE Observations of Solar Radio Bursts
- Estimating the Risk of Extreme Wind Gusts in Tropical Cyclones Using Large-Eddy Simulations and a Statistical-Dynamical Model
- Evaluating the MISR Plume Height Project dataset: A comparison of MISR-derived landscape fire plume heights with remote sensing lidar data
- FETCH Concept: Investigating Quiescent and Transient Magnetic Structures in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals
- Far ultraviolet tomography augmented by complementary CubeSat payloads
- Four, Three, Two, One... Whats Up (or Down) with the TSI Instruments?
- From Mesoscale Convection to Microscale Instabilities
- Future of WGS84 and Its Relationship to the ITRF
- Global carbon and methane hydrate inventories in marine sediments using machine learning constraints
- High-frequency Radio and Radar Imaging of the Ionosphere
- Impacts of High Latitude Forcing and Background I-T conditions on Storm-time LSTID/LSTADs
- Implementing general and robust non-reflecting boundary conditions for MHD simulations
- Improving Flare Models by Coupling 3D Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling with High Resolution Flare Loop Elements.
- Insights into strain-partitioning along a continental-oceanic transform from comprehensive marine seismic imaging of the Queen Charlotte Fault, offshore western Canada and southeast Alaska
- Interplanetary Hydrogen Properties as Probes into the Heliospheric Interface
- Investigation of a current sheet using a time-dependent ionization equation with various Kappa distributions
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation with SAMI3/IDA4D
- Isolating and quantifying the effect of lobe reconnection on high latitude ionospheric convection during IMF By dominated periods
- Late Phase Gamma-Ray Emission in Two Flares Observed by RHESSI
- Late Summer Cyclones and Impact on Sea Ice in the New Arctic
- Lower-thermospheric Wind Shears Observed by the MIGHTI Instrument on the NASA-ICON Mission
- Machine Learning Based Cloud Forecast Corrections for Fusions of Numerical Weather Prediction Model and Satellite Data
- Magnetohydrodymic numerical simulation of coronal mass ejections: A new approach for space weather prediction
- Measurements from inside a Thunderstorm Driven by Wildfire: The 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Experiment
- Meteoroid heating, melting, and evaporation at picosecond timescales using molecular dynamics simulations
- NRLFLARE: A physical model of solar flare irradiance
- NRLMSIS 2.1: An empirical model of nitric oxide incorporated into MSIS
- New Insights on Strain-Partitioning Along the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada, from 2021 Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Novel ISR electron temperature technique for heating experiments using the Arecibo Legacy
- Novel Magnetic Field and Electron Density Measurements of CMEs (within AU) with the Proposed Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST) Mission
- Observations and Modeling of Long, Cool, and Overdense Loops in Active Region 11575
- Observations of High-frequency Energy from the 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake on a Hydrophone Streamer
- Observations of Ion Upflow in Conjunction With Pulsating Aurora
- Observed and Modeled Long Term Trends in Vertically-Propagating Tides
- Ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in the CEDAR Community
- Planetary wave-driven enhanced NO descent into the top of the Arctic polar vortex during major and minor SSWs
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Mission status, activity, and science planning
- Power-frequency Experiment at HAARP with SuperDARN and SEE Observations
- Preliminary Results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Quantifying the Impact of Intense Pyroconvection on Stratospheric Aerosol Loading with a Multi-Year Inventory
- Reconciling polar and geostationary FRP time series using geometric and atmospheric corrections
- Refining Coronal Magnetic Field Models Using Complementary Very Large Array and Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Rocket Exhaust Driven Amplification of Whistler Waves from Ground VLF Transmitters
- SoloHI Observations of a Deformed, Concave CME
- Space Weathering at the Nanoscale: Phase-Dependent Rim Formation and Influence of Exposure History
- Stormtime ring current heating of the plasmasphere and ionosphere
- Structure and Dynamics of Compressed Current Sheets in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Testing a new solar flare model against ionospheric D and E region data
- The CCOR-1 Compact Coronagraph: Description and Ground Calibration Results
- The Impact of Mean State Moisture Biases on MJO Skill in the Navy ESPC
- The Intensity- and Size-Dependent Response of Tropical Cyclones to Increasing Vertical Wind Shear
- The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST)
- The Surprising O2 Density Structure Observed by GOLD
- The use of Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) to analyze reconstructions of auroral parameters from distributed measurements
- Theory and Models of Flare/CME Onset Via Flux Emergence and/or Shear Flows
- Thermospheric Neutral Winds: Past, Present, and Future
- Using Numerical Weather Prediction Ensembles to Aid Refractivity Inversions in Surface Ducting Conditions
- Validation of a Neutral Density Model Through a Comparison With the High Accuracy Satellite Drag Model (HASDM)
- petitSat - a 6U CubeSat to examine plasma density enhancements in the ionosphere
- 2D Tomography Across the Queen Charlotte Fault North of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia: Addressing the Question of Pacific Underthrusting
- A Data Driven Approach to Quantifying Fraction Clay Mineralogy from Grain Size and Clay Species Analysis
- A New Soil Moisture Bias Correction in Land Data Assimilation Using a Geolocation Independent Cumulative Distribution Function
- A study of mass-to-charge ratio with various kappa values in impulsive SEP events
- Accelerated Sea-Ice Loss from Late-Summer Cyclones in the New Arctic
- Acoustic propagation characteristics of the sub-seabed in seismic reflection surveys
- All-Sky Radiance Assimilation Impact on Tropical Cyclone Inner Core Structure and Rapid Intensification
- An assessment of the effectiveness of multi-angle polarimeter aerosol retrievals based on data from the CAMP2Ex field campaign
- An integrated approach to locating previously undetected off-shore small magnitude seismic sources
- Analysis of PyroCb Plume Magnitude and Extreme Fire Behavior Using Passive Remote Sensing "Optical Flow" Techniques
- Applying NUCAPS to Profile PyroCb Sounding and Stability Characteristics in Western North America
- Arctic spring and summertime aerosol optical depth extreme events statistics and implications for the impact of regional biomass burning processes
- Balloon-borne and Satellite Observations of the New Mexico PyroCb Plumes during the DCOTSS 2022 Field Campaign
- Biogenic methane production and gas hydrate distribution during the Last Glacial Maximum: estimates utilizing machine learning and model-based inputs
- Black carbon concentrations in surface snow and ice in the Arctic and modeled biomass burning smoke deposition fluxes
- Bringing Solar Radio Bursts into the Virtual Classroom Using NREIP Fall Engagement
- Charting Interstellar Medium near the Heliosphere
- Citizen Science is Open Science: Three Examples from NASA Citizen Science Projects
- Classification of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Climatology of Thermospheric Mean Winds and Circulation based on ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Combining LSTM statistical analysis with dynamical models to investigate Typhoons in the Northwest Pacific Basin
- Comparative Modeling Analysis of the Role of Temperature Anisotropies in the Evolution of Ionospheric Dynamics During the MICA Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Comparison of Lyman Alpha Absorptions in the BU and Moscow Models
- Constraints on spectral mass extinction efficiency for a global aerosol model
- Deriving PM2.5 concentrations from CALIOP observations for the Models, In situ, and Remote sensing of Aerosols(MIRA) Project
- Determination of CME Structures with Faraday Rotation of Spacecraft Radio Signals: the FETCH Instrument on the MOST Mission.
- Eddy Characteristics in the Gulf of Mexico from Satellite Observations and Model Simulations
- Equitable Letters for Space Physics: Encouraging merit-based recommendations and nominations in the space physics community by providing resources and reviews.
- Estimating the Risk of Extreme Wind Gusts in Tropical Cyclones Using Idealized Large-Eddy Simulations and a Statistical-Dynamical Model
- Evaluation of an Amphibious UAS for Coastal and Riverine Environmental Observations
- Excitation Mechanism of Symmetric Stormtime Pc5 Waves
- First NASA Challenge Results: AI/ML approach to find faint comets in SOHO/LASCO data
- First light results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Forty-Year Arctic Cirrus Cloud Radiative Forcing Trends Driven by CALIPSO Measurements
- Geospatial Machine Learning to Predict Global Abundance of Seafloor Clay Mineral Species
- Global MHD modeling of solar wind structures using spherical AMR grids
- HF Observations of Ocean Surface Waves Using HAARP
- Implication of line tied magnetic field on magnetic reconnection in the closed corona
- In the Search or the Origin of the Mid-latitude Lower E Region Layers
- Insights from multi-variable verification of aerosol forecast models
- Introduction to the Swift Solar Activity X-ray Imager (SSAXI-Rocket) for the Hi-C Flare Rocket
- Inventory of Arctic carbon and methane in marine sediments using machine learning and deterministic models
- Investigating Magnetic Structure in the Inner Heliosphere using Faraday Rotation, the FETCH instrument on the MOST mission
- Longitudinal Patterns in the Daytime Ionosphere Observed from ICON
- MHD Simulation Uncertainties Imposed by Boundary Condition Choices
- Marine fog microphysics and associated weather systems during Fatima Campaign
- Microphysical and Chemical Characterization of Aerosols in the Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere: Influence of Biomass Burning
- Modeling the day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubbles with SAMI3/WACCM-X
- Multispectral and Lidar Remote Sensing of Biophysical Properties in Coastal Arctic Waters
- Navy Aerosol Analysis Prediction System Reanalysis Error Propagation for Anthropogenic Air Pollution in Boundary Layer Environments Using Global NASA Airborne Campaign Observations
- Nested Rings CME Cavity from WISPR Imager onboard Parker Solar Probe
- New Constraints on Gas and Gas Hydrate Concentration Estimates on the Cascadia Margin from Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data.
- New Seismic Reflection Imaging of Crustal Deformation in the Queen Charlotte Terrace, offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada
- On the Origin of the Photospheric Magnetic Field
- On-orbit Optical Detection of Lethal Non-Trackable Debris
- Optimization of Subsurface Eddy Detection with Potential Vorticity from Models in the Arabian Sea
- PBLH and Wind Effects on Diurnal PM2.5 Surface Concentrations in Metro Manila during CAMP2Ex Weather and CompoSition Monitoring 2019
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of a Phaethon-related Dust Trail
- Polarimeter to UNify the Corona and Heliosphere: Novel Measurements and Mission Status
- Potential Effects of Cirrus Clouds on PBL Height over Metro Manila using Ground-based High Spectral Resolution Lidar and Sunshine Pyranometer
- Predicting Ocean States at the North Atlantis II Seamounts with a Deep Learning Model
- Predicting slope instability driven by rapid depth change along the Canadian Beaufort Margin
- Profiles of Operational and Research Forecasting of Smoke and Air Quality Around the World
- Progressing Towards Faraday Rotation Tomography of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Pyrocumulonimbus and its Role in the Climate System: What is known and unknown?
- Quasi-two-day wave influences on wave ducting and ionospheric disturbances over the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Real-time North American Ensemble Forecast of Hazardous Air Quality Events
- Relating Remote and in situ Observations of Periodic Mesoscale Solar Wind Structures
- Sensitivity of COAMPS-TC Deterministic and Ensemble Forecasts to Microphysics
- Skill of Assimilative Ocean Models at Forecasting and Evolving Temperature Inversions
- Snow Algae and Light Absorbing Particles in the Changing Alpine Cryosphere
- Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) High Latitude Observations
- Strain Partitioning and the Accommodation of Oblique Convergence Along the Northern Queen Charlotte Fault
- Survey of Extended Strong Vertical Shear Regions of Horizontal Winds from the MIGHTI Experiment on the ICON Mission.
- Tectonics and structure offshore the Canadian Cordillera: Insights into strain-partitioning along the Queen Charlotte Fault from comprehensive marine seismic imaging
- Temporal autocorrelation structure of atmospheric aerosol from observation and numerical simulation
- The CCOR Series of Compact Coronagraphs for the Space Weather Follow-On Program
- The Firefly Constellation: Exploring the Heliosphere from the Solar Interior to the Solar Wind
- The First Solar Transients Observed by SoloHI
- The Fog and Turbulence in Marine Atmosphere (Fatima) 2022 Field Campaign
- The Geolocated Information Processing System (GeoIPS) - A Platform for Collaborative Development
- The Kona Low Impact on the Eastern Pacific Valentine's Day (2019) Atmospheric River Landfall Precipitation over the US West
- The Moored Moist Static Energy Budget: Anchoring Air-Sea Interactions in the Indian Ocean Using Reanalysis
- The Navy Earth System Prediction Capability Version 2 Ensemble Forecast System
- The Next Generation of Global Lithospheric Magnetic Models- Machine Learning for Grid Production and Error Estimation
- The North Atlantic Ocean Response to Recent Marine Heatwaves
- The Relationship between Coronal Mass Ejections and Brightness of the Corona
- The Role of 3D Complexity in Magnetic Reconnection
- The Solar Orbiter Heliospheric Imager (SoloHI) for the Solar Orbiter Mission: First Science Observations and Instrument Status
- The nature of electric currents in the formation and eruption of solar active regions
- Using new lightning-derived vertical total electron content data to calibrate GNSS absolute TEC
- Validation of novel a 3D magnetohydrodynamic data-driven simulation code using an expanding spheromak ground truth simulation
- Whistler Mode Chirped-Solitons as the Building Blocks of Chorus
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Norton
- A. C. Nicholas
- A. Ciaravella
- A. G. Burrell
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Soja
- A. K. Higginson
- A. Lyapustin
- A. Pusack
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Stephan
- A. W. Yau
- A. Y. Ukhorskiy
- Abhirup Datta
- Adam Skarke
- Adam V. Rydbeck
- Ajay Tiwari
- Albert Y. Shih
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexei A. Pevtsov
- Alia L. Khan
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison McComiskey
- Ami DuBois
- Anders Ohma
- Andong Hu
- Anin Puthukkudy
- Anthony J. Mannucci
- Anton Darmenov
- Armin Sorooshian
- Astrid Maute
- B. Fritz
- B. J. Lynch
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Barry Baker
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Brian E. Wood
- Brian J. Harding
- Bulusu Subrahmanyam
- C. B. Kjellstrand
- C. E. DeForest
- C. Kay
- C. L. Siefring
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Martinis
- C. Sasso
- Caitlin M. Amos
- Carl Shneider
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Chia‐Ying Lee
- Chris Crabtree
- Chris Watson
- Christian Möstl
- Christopher Moore
- Christy Swann
- Clifford Evan Watkins
- D. A. Hickey
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. F. Hurst
- D. Gardiol
- D. J. Knipp
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. M. Lindholm
- D. Malaspina
- D. McCammon
- D. R. Weimer
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel S. Brothers
- Daniel Tong
- David B. Wexler
- David E. Siskind
- David M. Long
- David M. Miles
- David M. Winker
- David W. Caress
- Derek J. Posselt
- Derek L. Buzasi
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- Donald Hampton
- Donald M. Hassler
- Douglas P. Drob
- E. A. Jensen
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. E. DeLuca
- E. G. Thomas
- E. H. Lay
- E. J. Hyer
- E. J. Korpela
- E. Joseph Metzger
- E. Möbius
- E. Nossa
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. Spanswick
- E. W. Eloranta
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Enrico Camporeale
- Erdal Yiğit
- Eric James
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- F. Auchère
- F. K. Schinzel
- Fabrizio Sassi
- Fan Mei
- Fazlul I. Laskar
- Frank N. Keutsch
- G. Bryden
- G. C. Ho
- G. Ganguli
- G. H. Bryan
- G. M. Mason
- G. S. Diskin
- Gerald G. Mace
- Ghassan Taha
- Gábor Tóth
- H. T. Intema
- H. W. Wijesekera
- Hanli Liu
- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Harlan E. Spence
- Harry P. Warren
- Heidi M. Dierssen
- Hsiang-Wen Hsu
- Huixin Liu
- I. Zouganelis
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. Aguilar Guerrero
- J. C. Coxon
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Correira
- J. D. Huba
- J. D. Lumpe
- J. Dudík
- J. E. Leake
- J. F. Helmboldt
- J. H. Crawford
- J. Klenzing
- J. Krall
- J. Lean
- J. M. Sokół
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. R. Szalay
- J. Sylwester
- J. T. Clarke
- J. T. Emmert
- J. T. Hoeksema
- James Bernard Simpas
- James Campbell
- James D. Doyle
- James Paul Mason
- Jannis Teunissen
- Jason F. Smith
- Jason Kooi
- Jay F. Shriver
- Jean‐Paul Vernier
- Jeffery D. Tippmann
- Jeffrey Newmark
- Jeffrey Obelcz
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jia Yue
- Jianglong Zhang
- John D. Haiducek
- Johnathan Hair
- Jone Peter Reistad
- Jordan H. Graw
- Joseph McInerney
- Juha Vierinen
- Jun Liu
- Jun Wang
- K. E. Korreck
- K. F. Dymond
- K. Goetz
- K. Greer
- K. Kobayashi
- K. Liou
- K. Zawdie
- Kareem Sorathia
- Katherine Burgess
- Katrina Bossert
- Kazue Takahashi
- Kelin Wang
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth P. Bowman
- Kerri A. Pratt
- Krishna M. Jain
- L. Claire Gasque
- L. Golub
- L. K. Jian
- L. K. S. Daldorff
- L. Kepko
- L. L. Worthington
- L. Zangrilli
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura H. Thapa
- Levan Lomidze
- Lisa Upton
- Luc Lenain
- Lucas A. Tarr
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. L. Walton
- M. Burleigh
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Fromm
- M. G. Bostock
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Garay
- M. Lessard
- M. M. Oppenheim
- M. Opher
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. Romoli
- M. Snow
- M. Talat Odman
- M.‐C. Fok
- Mahdi Navari
- Majd Mayyasi
- Manbharat Dhadly
- Manolis K. Georgoulis
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Marc L. DeRosa
- Mark Vaughan
- Mark Wahl
- Matteo Crismani
- Matthew Laffin
- Matthew T. DeLand
- Maximilian Dollner
- McArthur Jones
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Min‐Yang Chou
- Mitchell M. Shen
- N. A. Krivova
- N. A. Murphy
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. D. Kee
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. Gopalswamy
- N. M. Pedatella
- N. M. Viall
- Natasha L. S. Jeffrey
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Natsuha Kuroda
- Neal J. Turner
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Olga Katushkina
- P. A. Bernhardt
- P. H. Reiff
- P. S. Athiray
- P. Swaczyna
- P. W. Schuck
- Paola Testa
- Patrick Campbell
- Paul A. Ernst
- Paulett C. Liewer
- Pavel Inchin
- Peng Xian
- Peter M. Finocchio
- Peter R. Colarco
- Phillip Hess
- Piyush M. Mehta
- Q. Wang
- Qian Gong
- Qian Wu
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. A. Howard
- R. C. Colaninno
- R. E. Denton
- R. Eastes
- R. Gwiazda
- R. H. Varney
- R. K. Schaefer
- R. M. Winslow
- R. Michell
- Richard J. Licata
- Richard Michael Tuminello
- Richard W. Saltus
- Rick Saylor
- Robert Fofrich
- Rui Pinto
- Ryan O. Milligan
- S. A. Budzien
- S. C. Tripathy
- S. D. Bale
- S. E. Gibson
- S. E. McDonald
- S. England
- S. Erard
- S. F. Fung
- S. Gburek
- S. K. Solanki
- S. L. Jones
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. M. Nossal
- S. Masson
- S. P. Burton
- S. Schmidt
- S. T. Lepri
- S. W. Kahler
- S. Yashiro
- Sabrina Savage
- Seth Redfield
- Shin Toriumi
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Spencer Hatch
- Stephen D. Eckermann
- Steven Christe
- Steven D. Miller
- Sue Chen
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Susan O’Neill
- T. A. Kucera
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. J. Immel
- T. N. Woods
- Taichu Y. Tanaka
- Taylor Lee
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Thomas Berger
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Timothy DelSole
- Timothy J. Lang
- V. Andretta
- V. G. Merkin
- V. Lynn Harvey
- V. M. Uritsky
- Vernon R. Morris
- Vladislav Izmodenov
- W. A. Scales
- W. Kent Tobiska
- W. Kofman
- W. Reed Espinosa
- Wesley J. Moses
- Will T. Barnes
- Y. K. Ko
- Y. Nishimura
- Yangyang Shen
- Yaowei Li
- Yong‐Jae Moon
- Youhua Tang
- Yunji Zhang
- Yunyao Li
- É. Pariat
- Л. П. Гончаренко
- О. В. Калашникова
- Оleg Dubovik