E.O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, NRL
flowchart I[E.O. Hulburt Center for Space Research, NRL] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (361)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (33)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Application of ARGOS Observations to Satellite Drag
- Energy Spectra of Shock-Accelerated Solar Energetic Particles
- Evaluating new thermospheric neutral density models with a 30-year satellite drag database
- HIRAAS Observations of Daytime Temperature of N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield Emission
- Living With a Star, the Geospace Mission Definition Team and Aeronomy
- Remote sensing of thermospheric O and N<SUB>2</SUB> using middle ultraviolet airglow
- Solar Irradiance Variability Modeled Near Mg II Using Plage and Sunspot Contrast Factors Measured by HRTS
- Solar UV Spectral Irradiance Variation During Solar Cycle 23
- Study of Ionospheric Depletions Observed by the Far UV Imager GIMI
- The Mesospheric Qbo in AN Interactive Zonally Averaged Photochemical Transport Model
- The NRLMSISE-00 Empirical Atmospheric Model and Contributions of Ionized and Hot Oxygen to Orbital Drag
- Three Dimensional Modeling of a CME event Observed in LASCO and UVCS
- Validating NRLMSIS Using Atmospheric Densities Derived From Spacecraft Drag: Starshine Example
- A Quantitative Image Processing Approach to GUVI Observations of the Equatorial Arcs.
- Bright Knots in EUV Post-flare Loops : TRACE Observations and 1D Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Comparison of TEC Derived Ultraviolet Limb Scans to TOPEX TEC Data
- Data Visualization Tools and Techniques developed for the TIMED/GUVI Instrument
- Dayside auroras during storms of April 2002: TIMED/GUVI observations
- Doppler Profiles of Proton Auroral Emissions Derived From High Resolution FUV Spectra
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event
- Global Thermospheric Densities Derived from ARGOS Measurements
- ISAAC measurements of MUV airglow derived from thermospheric O, N<SUB>2</SUB>, and NO
- Ionospheric Sensitivity to Different Representations of EUV Spectra
- LORAAS Observations of the Seasonal and Longitudinal Variations in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Nitric Oxide Measurements Between 80 and 200 km From ISAAC Observations of NO Gamma Band Emission
- RHESSI Gamma-Ray Line Spectroscopy of the X-class Flare of July 23, 2002
- Solar Wind Speed and Temperature Outside 10 AU and the Termination Shock
- Solar, Interplanetary, and Geospace Disturbances Associated with the April 2002 Coronal Mass Ejections
- The HIRAAS Infobase
- The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Density Depletions Observed by GUVI
- The SHARPP Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Response to the Solar Flares of April 2002 as Observed by the TIMED Global UltraViolet Imager (GUVI)
- Using the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer (TIP) on the COSMIC Satellites to Characterize the Ionosphere
- An Overview Of The SABER Experiment And Science Results
- Auroral emissions induced by ion precipitation during the 2000 Bastille Day storm
- Automatic Detection of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in GUVI Data
- Climatology of nighttime mid and low latitude upper thermospheric disturbance winds measured by WINDII
- Comparison of the Breakout Model With Flare-Loop and Ionic Composition Data
- Comparisons of Solar EUV Irradiance Variations from Measurements, Models and GUVI Terrestrial Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Current Issues in Multidimensional Modeling of the Extratropical Middle Atmosphere
- MAGIC Collector - Direct Sampling of Meteoric Dust in the Mesosphere
- Photodissociation and Photodissociative Ionization Excitation Emissions from Molecular Nitrogen in the Thermosphere: Results from Analysis of FUSE Dayglow Measurements
- Probing Ion Acceleration and Ambient Abundances in Solar Flares with RHESSI
- Retrieval of thermospheric temperature and N2, O, and O2 concentrations from GUVI limb scans
- STARSHINE Studies of Thermospheric Response to Solar Forcing
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Intense Substorm Activity
- Solar UV and EUV Irradiance and Solar Indices
- Study of the Pre-Reversal Enhancement at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory using the ASPEN-TIMEGCM
- Summertime Shuttle Plume Transport to the Arctic Using Lower Thermospheric Wind Observations
- Temporal Variability of Gamma-Ray Lines from the X-Class Solar Flare of 2002 July 23
- The Effect of Atmospheric Variability on Infrasound Propagation
- Thermal Properties of Prominence Motions as Observed in the UV
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the TIMEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
- Hemispheric Differences and Evolution of the Cold Summer Mesopause Observed by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- Impact of the Bastille Day Solar Flare on the Low- to Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Modeling of CME Visibility for the STEREO Mission
- Multi-instrument Observations of the Development of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly and Links to Scintillation
- New Courses in Earth and Space Science for Students in Science, Engineering, and Science Education
- Observations of Ultraviolet Emission from Mg<SUP>+</SUP> in the Lower and Middle Thermosphere
- On the Characteristics and Source Regions of Dayside Proton Precipitation
- RHESSI Observations of Gamma-Ray Lines From Solar Flares
- Radio-quiet Fast Coronal Mass Ejections
- Remote sensing of O, N<SUB>2</SUB>, and NO in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere using spatial heterodyne spectroscopy
- Solar UV Irradiance Measurements from SUSIM UARS
- Solar UV Spectral Radiance from SKYLAB
- The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI): An Ultraviolet Sensor of the Thermospheric and Ionospheric States
- A Flux-Rope Scaling of CME and Prominence Acceleration
- A Study of the Global Heliospheric Magnetic Flux Using In-Situ Data and the SAIC MHD Model
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part I: CME-Shock Models
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part II: SEP-Turbulence Model for the Shock Wave
- An Integrated CME-SEP Numerical Investigation of the 1998 May 1-2 CME Events Part III: SEP Abundance and Variability at 1AU
- Comparison of TIMED/SABER Data with the NOGAPS forecast system during stratospheric warmings and mesospheric coolings
- Energetics of Electron and Ion Acceleration in RHESSI Flares
- Gamma-Ray Observations of the 2005 January 20 Solar Flare
- Global Observations of Exospheric Temperature During the Bastille Day Event and Comparisons With the MTIEGCM Model and NRLMSIS-2000
- Imaging and Analysis of Meteoritic Smoke Particles Collected in the Mesosphere
- In Situ Sampling of Meteoric Smoke in the Mesosphere
- Initial Estimate of the Mg II Index from 1932 to 1974
- Meteoric smoke particles; a model study of microphysical properties and global distribution
- Nighttime Measurements of the Ionosphere Made by Ultraviolet Limb Imaging
- Observational Implications of 3D Breakout
- Observations of Nitric Oxide, Atomic Oxygen, and Ionized Magnesium in the MLT Region
- SEP Acceleration Efficiency of CMEs
- SSUSI and GUVI limb scans of thermospheric neutral density changes during a geomagnetic storm
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Response to Auroral Substorms
- What RHESSI Annihilation-Radiation Observations Tell Us About The Flaring Solar Atmosphere
- A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Thermospheric Neutral Wind Measurements: Building and Testing a New Empirical Reference Model
- A Model for Spectral and Compositional Variability at High Energies in Large, Gradual Solar Particle Events
- A Model of Long Term Variability of Solar UV and EUV Irradiance
- Climatology of Geomagnetic Storm-Induced Disturbance Winds in the Nighttime Upper Thermosphere Measured by Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometers in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Energetics and Dynamics of Bipolar and Multipolar CME Source Regions
- First Observations of the Ionosphere using the Tiny Ionospheric Photometer
- Horizontal Electron Density Gradients Observed by COSMIC TIP
- Interannual variability in mesospheric wintertime descent: Implications for thermosphere- stratosphere coupling
- Investigating the Influence of the 11-Year Solar Cycle on Middle Atmosphere Dynamics with the High Vertical Resolution NRL-CHEM2D Model
- Recent Results of the 2005 LWS TR&T Focus Team for Solar Energetic Particles
- Seasonal patterns in exospheric temperature: TIMED/GUVI versus NRLMSIS
- The Climatological Response of Thermospheric Density to Solar Irradiance Variations: Improving Empirical Representations
- The Disappearance of Large, Fe-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Declining Phase of Cycle 23: Implications for the Role of Flares
- The New JPL Interplanetary Solar High-Energy Particle Environment Model
- Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Density Enhancement due to Solar Flares
- Tomographic Reconstruction of the Low-latitude Nighttime Electron Density Using COMSIC/FORMOSAT-3 Radio Occultation and UV Photometer Data
- Comparison of Column O/N2 From GUVI Limb Profiles and Disk Images
- Dynamics of CMEs in the STEREO Field of View: Theory and Observation
- Explosive Instability and Coronal Heating
- First Stereoscopic Coronal Loop Reconstructions From STEREO/SECCHI Images
- Horizontal Electron Density Gradients and Wave Propagation at Mid-latitudes
- Imaging Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere using the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers
- In-situ and Numerical Modeling Prospects for Multipoint ICME Observations Featuring the 22 May 2007 STEREO Event
- Interannual Variability in Mesospheric Wintertime Descent: Implications for Thermosphere-Stratosphere Coupling
- Ionospheric Electron Density Derived by Using the TIP and GOX of FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- Joint Fitting of the Gamma-Ray Spectrum and Neutron-Capture Line Decay Profile to Constrain Ion Acceleration in Large Flares
- Large-scale Dynamics of Noctilucent Clouds Over Alaska, 2005
- Longitudinal Variability of the Low Latitude Ionosphere and Scintillation Activity
- Measurements of the Thermospheric Wind Vector, Temperature and Relative Densities on the ANDE mission
- Mesospheric Simulations with the NOGAPS-ALPHA model: Applications to the Summer Polar Mesosphere and AIM data
- Non-thermal Motions in Solar Active Regions
- Statistical Comparison of Conjugate Auroras Seen From Space
- The Diurnal and Seasonal Variation of PMCs Near 55° N Observed by SHIMMER and CIPS: Implications to Long Term PMC Trends
- Titan Airglow Spectra from Cassini UVIS
- Variations of Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- An Empirical Model of the Earth's Horizontal Wind Fields: HWM07
- An Investigation of the Influence on Daytime and Evening Vertical ExB Drifts on the Evolution of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionization Anomaly using SAMI3
- COSMIC Observations of the Diurnal Variation of Longitudinal Structure in the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Comprehensive STEREO Observations of the 2008 February 4 CME
- Evidence for the Magnetic Trapping of Solar-Flare Ions from 1-8-MeV Solar Neutrons Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Groundwater Discharge and Gully Formation on Martian Slopes
- Imaging geospace electrons using Thomson scattering: A new tool for operational space weather monitoring
- Is OH in the Upper Mesosphere a Sensitive Indicator for Eddy Diffusion? New Insights From SHIMMER Data
- Joint Fitting of the Gamma-Ray Spectrum and Neutron-Capture Line Decay Profile and Normalization to Constrain Ion Acceleration in Large Flares
- Multisensor observations of low latitude irregularity development
- New Perspectives on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere From the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- Observations and analysis of the April 9, 2008 CME using STEREO, Hinode TRACE and SoHO data
- STEREO Observations of a post-CME Current Sheet
- Solar EUV Spectral Irradiance Throughout The 3-Dimensional Heliosphere
- The CME-ICME Connection and Interplanetary Structure During Solar Minimum
- The PMC Mass for the 2007 Northern Summer: Results From a Microphysical Model Driven by a Data Assimilation System
- The RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- The annual variation of globally averaged thermospheric total mass density
- Understanding the FIP Effect in Coronal Mass Ejections
- A Computationally Compact Representation of Magnetic-Apex and Quasi-Dipole Coordinates with Smooth Base Vectors
- Atmospheric Influence of the Solar Proton Events and Ground Level Enhancement in January 2005
- COSMIC Observations of Longitudinal Gradients in the Equatorial Anomaly Region
- Daily variations of the global post-sunset equatorial anomaly
- Dependence of CME Propagation on Parameters of the Ejecta and Ambient Solar Wind
- Development of a Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne Spectrometer for Measuring Upper Atmospheric Winds
- Helical relaxed MHD states and astrophysical applications*
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- Imaging Ionospheric Density and Height Gradients from Geosynchronous Orbit
- Inter-seasonal observations of Mesospheric Hydroxyl by SHIMMER (Invited)
- Investigation of solar/heliospheric anomalies during the current solar cycle minimum
- Investigation of the dayside ionosphere using EUV airglow
- Lidar measurements for the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE)
- Modeling the Effects of Tropospheric Tides on the Ionosphere using SAMI3 Coupled with TIME-GCM
- Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Thermosphere from the RAIDS Experiment on the International Space Station
- Numerical and experimental observation of three-dimensional null-point magnetic reconnection and subsequent dynamical relaxation
- Observations of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide During the Current Solar Minimum
- Observations of Record-Low Thermospheric Densities During the Current Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Density from Solar Cycle 20 to Solar Cycle 23
- Space Shuttle Impacts on Mesospheric Clouds and Iron Layers as Observed by Lidars and Satellites in the Antarctic and Arctic
- Sun to 1 AU Propagation of a Slow Streamer-Blowout Coronal Mass Ejection
- Sun-to-Earth Imaging for Operational Space Weather Monitoring
- The Evolving Flux Rope of the 2008 June 1 CME
- Tidally Induced Variations of PMC Ice Water Content Using a Data Assimilation System
- Trans-Mediterranean Infrasound Propagation in Summer: Theory and Observations
- Type III-L Solar Radio Bursts and their Associations with Solar Energetic Proton Events
- Antarctic Mesospheric Temperature Anomaly in 2007 (Invited)
- Assessing the Space-Radiation Hazard in Ground-Level Enhanced (GLE) Solar Particle Events (Invited)
- CIPS/AIM Observation of Polar Mesospheric Cloud Structures and NOGAPS-ALPHA Analysis of the Environment in Which These Structures Form
- Dynamical Properties of Shuttle Plumes in the Lower Thermosphere
- Dynamics of CMEs and Evolution of CME Magnetic Field From the Sun to 1 AU
- Effects of the Shuttle Plumes on the Chemistry and Energetics of the Lower Thermosphere (Invited)
- Empirical Neutral Thermosphere Models; Then and Now (Invited)
- First Measurements of Simulated Upper Atmospheric Winds Using a Monolithic Doppler Asymmetric Spatial Heterodyne (DASH) Interferometer
- Forecasting the Ionosphere and Scintillation Globally: Reaching the Next Level
- Inferring Magnetic Field Structure of Flux Rope CMEs from STEREO Imaging and In Situ Observations
- New Measurements of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide from the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- Properties of Accelerated Particles that Interact at the Sun
- Reconstructing CMEs with Coordinated Imaging and In Situ Observations: Global Structure, Kinematics, and Implications for Space Weather Forecasting
- Relativistic Electrons in Ground-Level Enhanced (GLE) Solar Particle Events
- Remote sensing the Ionosphere using RAIDS: Comparisons of 83.4 nm airglow to ground-based ion density profiles
- Satellite Observations of Space Shuttle Main Engine Exhaust: Vertical Diffusion and Meridional Transport
- Simulations of Overexpanding CME Cavities
- Simultaneous Observations of Evolution in SEP Elemental Composition on Widely-Separated Spacecraft: Comparisons between Ulysses and ACE/Wind in Late 2001
- Temporal evolution and spatial variation of the solar wind from multi-spacecraft measurements
- Testing dayside ionospheric remote sensing methods using RAIDS measurements of the OII 83.4 and 61.7 nm dayglow
- Three-Dimensional Global Simulation of Coronal Mass Ejections with Flux-Rope Structures
- A Comparison of a Photochemical Model with SHIMMER hydroxyl and SABER ozone data
- A review of the contributions of SME to our understanding of thermospheric nitric oxide
- CMEs in the the Interplanetary Medium : analysis from the Sun to 1 AU
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Titan Ultraviolet Airglow Spectra with Laboratory Modeling from Electron- and Proton-Excited N2 Emission Studies
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements
- Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne (DASH) interferometry for simultaneous wind and temperature measurements of the thermospheric red (630 nm) and green (558 nm) lines
- Evidence for Flux Rope Morphology from STEREO Imaging
- Inferring Compositional Variations from Titan's Ultraviolet Airglow
- Infrasound as a remote sensing technique for the upper atmosphere
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Mesospheric Short-period Gravity Wave Propagation
- Measurement of OII 61.7 nm and implications for daytime ionospheric remote sensing
- Mission Assurance Versus Cost - Thinking in a Smaller Box
- Modeling 3D Artificial Ionospheric Ducts
- Modeling of Coronal Mass Ejection generation and acceleration with a high fidelity multi-fluid code
- Nighttime Ionosphere Tomographic Reconstruction Observatory
- Observation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes with Fermi LAT
- Plasma impedance probe and time-correlated electron saturation current fluctuation diagnostics on the TEPCE cubesat project with application for ionospheric studies*
- Quantitative relationship between the trajectories of CMEs and evolution of their magnetic fields
- Remote Sensing of lower thermospheric temperature and composition based on observations of O2 Atmospheric band emission.
- Simulating Ionospheric Variability in the Descending Phase of Solar Cycle-23 using SAMI3
- Simultaneous ground-based thermospheric wind measurements using Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (DASH) and Fabry-Perot Interferometry
- The Effects of Background Solar Wind on the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejection in August 2010
- The longitudinal properties of solar energetic particle events investigated using modern solar imaging.
- Very High Energy Solar Protons in the Sun's Atmosphere and at Earth: Gamma-Ray Flares and Ground-Level Events
- A Four-Year Fermi Large Area Telescope Survey of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A Method for Specifying Atmospheric Gravity-Wave Fields for Infrasound Propagation Calculations
- Airglow on Titan During Eclipse
- Can we identify effects from the 11 year solar cycle in AIM PMC Data?
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements during Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Constraints on Solar Coronal Heating from the FIP Effect
- Design of a small robust DASH interferometer suitable for CubeSat observations of Thermospheric winds
- Effect of Background Solar Wind Condition on the Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejection: A Case Study
- Empirical Wind Specifications for Ion-Neutral Coupling Research
- Exploring Small Spatial Scales in the Transition Region and Solar Corona with the Very High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (VERIS)
- Global Specification of the Post-Sunset Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Highlights in Remote-Sensing Observations of the Inner Heliosphere During 2011 and 2012 Focussing on the EISCAT and LOFAR Radio-Telescope Systems
- Hinode/EIS measurements of Abundances in Solar Active Region Outflows
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Ionospheric Observations with Raids, AN Extensive Comparison of O<SUP>+</SUP> 83.4 NM Emission to Ground Based Observations
- Ionospheric characterization from SSULI OII 83.4 nm dayglow measurements during the ascending phase of solar activity
- Kinematics of Earth Impacting Coronal Mass Ejections
- Lower TGF Detection Threshold for Fermi GBM: Sample Properties
- Model parameter fittings and characterizations of Wind magnetic clouds for the period from early 2007 to Fall 2012
- Probabilistic Forecast of Solar Particle Fluence for Mission Durations and Exposure Assessment in Consideration of Integral Proton Fluence at High Energies
- SAMI3 Simulations of Ionospheric Variability from 1996 to 2011
- Super-elastic Collision between Two Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere
- The Energy Spectrum of X-Rays from Rocket-triggered Lightning
- The Influence of the Tropical Middle Atmosphere on the Northern Annular Mode in Seasonal Forecasts using a High-Vertical Resolution Version of the NOGAPS-ALPHA Model
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Wind and Temperature Observations from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Next Generation Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI+) for Operational Defense Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting
- Comparisons of the NRL SAMI3 Physics-Based Ionospheric Model with Global Ionosonde, GPS, and COSMIC Electron Density Measurements during Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Connecting white light to in situ observations of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU
- Coronal Mass Ejections during Cycle 24 (Invited)
- Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Observations of Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) in the Lower Corona
- GROUP-C and LITES Experiments for Ionospheric Remote Sensing aboard the ISS
- Global MHD Simulation of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 2011 March 7: from Chromosphere to 1 AU
- Helicity transport through the photosphere
- High Latitude Scintillation Monitoring at UHF with the COMMX Experiment on TACSat4
- High Resolution EUV spectroscopy: Design and Performance of VERIS
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Inner Heliospheric Evolution of a 'Stealth' CME Derived From Multi-view Imaging and Multipoint In-situ observations
- Magnetic Reconnection in a Partially Ionized Plasma: Scalings, Structure, and Implications for Understanding the Solar Chromosphere
- NOAA Activities and Plans for New Operational Space Weather Platforms and Sensors
- On the Remote Detection of Suprathermal Ions in the Solar Corona and their Role as Seeds for Solar Energetic Particle Production (Invited)
- Photometric Calibration of the STEREO SECCHI COR2 Coronagraph and Comparisons with SOHO LASCO
- SAMI3/WACCM-X Simulations of the Ionosphere during the Northern Hemisphere Winter 2009
- Solar Energetic Protons at >500 MeV in the Sun's Atmosphere and in Interplanetary Space: The 2012 May 17 Ground Level Event
- Source Regions of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and Variability in Heavy-Ion Elemental Composition in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events (Invited)
- The NRL Solar Physics Sounding Rocket Program: Trailblazers for the Solar-C and Solar Orbiter Missions
- The Observation and Modeling of Solar Wind Sources
- The STEREO Encounter with the Tail of Comet Elenin and Expectations for ISON
- The VAULT2.0 Observing Campaign: The First Comprehensive Investigation of the Chromosphere-Corona Interface at Sub-arcsecond scales
- The neutral dynamics during the 2009 sudden stratosphere warming simulated by different whole atmosphere models
- Using Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) For Space-Weather Forecasting
- Core to Atmosphere Exploration of Ice Giants: A Uranus Mission Concept Study
- Determination of ITM Key Parameters By the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Drivers of PMC Variability from SOFIE and the Implications for Long-Term PMC Change from SBUV
- The Limb-imaging Ionospheric and Thermospheric Extreme-ultraviolet Spectrograph (LITES)
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Design and Performance Prediction of the Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Wincs/Swats Initial on-Orbit Performance Results
- A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
- Advanced Ionospheric Sensing using GROUP-C and LITES aboard the ISS
- Influence of Geomagnetic and IMF conditions on High Latitude Upper Atmospheric winds and Temperatures
- Stratospheric Sudden Warming Effects on the Upper Thermosphere
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Validation of Special Sensor Ultraviolet Limb Imager (SSULI) Ionospheric Tomography using ALTAIR Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- As-built performance of the monolithic interferometers for MIGHTI, the thermsopheric wind and temperature instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Combining MinXSS and RHESSI X-ray Spectra for a Comprehensive View of the Temperature Distribution in Solar Flares
- Contributions of Lower Atmospheric Drivers to the Semiannual Oscillation in Thermospheric Global Mass Density
- IMF dependence of high latitude upper atmospheric winds: A climatological study based on ground and space based instruments
- Refilling the plasmasphere through the exospheric sieve
- Remote sensing of the low-latitude daytime ionosphere: ICON simulations and retrievals
- Solar Soft X-ray Spectral Measurements and the Temperature Structure of Active Regions and Flares
- The EVE plus RHESSI DEM for Solar Flares, and Implications for Residual Non-Thermal Soft X-Ray Emission
- The SWAP Upper Atmosphere Expansion Benchmark
- The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar corona
- Comparisons of Measurements and Modeling of Solar Eclipse Effects on VLF Transmissions
- Geospace Imaging from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- Ionospheric Observations During a Geomagnetic Storm from LITES on the ISS
- Ionospheric Remote Sensing using GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometry aboard the ISS
- MAVEN/IUVS observations of dayglow emissions on Mars: indicator of dynamics, energetics, physical processes, and coupling between lower and upper atmosphere
- Mars topographic clouds: MAVEN/IUVS observations and LMD MGCM predictions
- Modeling and Analysis of the D-region Response to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Properties of the Circumsolar Dust Distribution Determined from STEREO/SECCHI and Implications for PSP and SolO
- Remote Sensing of the Upper Atmosphere and the Ionosphere in the Extreme and Far Ultraviolet: Results from the LITES Experiment aboard the IS
- Revisiting the "thermospheric spoon" mechanism of the thermosphere and ionosphere semiannual oscillation
- Seasonal Transport in Mars' Mesosphere-Thermosphere revealed by Nitric Oxide nightglow
- Small Scale O<SUP>+</SUP> Density Observations from WINCS/SWATS
- Southern Hemisphere Upper Thermospheric Wind Climatology
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The effect of the solar eclipse on the thermospheric and ionospheric state
- Three types of aurora on Mars
- Validation of O<SUP>+</SUP> Profiles Inverted from LITES EUV Spectral Images
- An intercomparison of VLF and sounding rocket techniques for measuring the daytime D region ionosphere: Theoretical implications
- Detection of O II 247 nm Airglow at Mars by MAVEN/IUVS
- Direct EUV/X-ray Modulation of the Ionosphere and accompanying TIDs during the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Effect of 2018 dust storm on Martian thermosphere as seen by MAVEN/IUVS limb scans
- Electron Beams Cannot Produce Coronal Rain
- He II 304 Å proxy for magnetic field properties in far-side complex topologies
- High Latitude Thermospheric Wind Model (HL-TWiM)
- High-Altitude (0-100km) Global Atmospheric Reanalysis System: Description and Application to the 2014 Austral Winter of the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Ionospheric Effects of the August 2017 Eclipse: Empirically Guided Modeling with Comparisons to Data
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Mesospheric and lower thermospheric chemistry effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere semiannual oscillations
- Mini-MIGHTI: A Prototype Sensor for Thermospheric Red-Line Neutral Wind Measurements from a 6U CubeSat
- Multi-instrument observations of low-latitude ionospheric variability
- Tide-Kelvin Wave Interactions in the Tropical Ionosphere and Thermosphere: An ICON Perspective
- Using Coordinated Observations from the Flight of the High Resolution Coronal Imager to Constrain Active Region Heating Scenarios
- A Demonstration Study Comparing the Utility of Different Metrics in Validating SAMI3
- A Three-Point CME Reconstruction Including PSP/WISPR Imagery
- CIRCE - A CubeSat Mission for Ionosphere Thermosphere Investigation
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> densities and temperatures from MAVEN/IUVS between 80-150 km: Simultaneously probing the middle and upper atmosphere
- Chemistry of Odd Nitrogen in the Martian Thermosphere/ionosphere
- Consequences of Bottomside Ionospheric Variability on HF radio wave propagation
- Empirical Modeling of Thermospheric Dynamics; Past, Present, Future
- Examining the Role of Dispersion Relation and Collision Frequency Formulations on Estimation of Shortwave-Fadeout
- Imaging the Solar Corona from Within: First Results from the Parker Solar Probe Telescope
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- MIGHTI (Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging): The Wind and Temperature Instrument Onboard the NASA Ionospheric Connection (ICON) Mission
- Modeling the Impact of Metal Ions on Equatorial Spread F with SAMI3/ESF
- Observations of Magnetic Island Formation by the Wide Field Imager on Parker Solar Probe (WISPR/PSP)
- PSP/WISPR observations of the dust trail of (3200) Phaethon
- Seasonal and latitudinal variations of dayside N<SUB>2</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> ratio in the Martian thermosphere derived from MAVEN IUVS observations
- Space-time Fourier Models of Three-Dimensional Gravity-Wave Evolution from Tropospheric Sources into the Deep Thermosphere
- Sudden stratospheric warming effects on the light species and mass density of the thermosphere
- The Forming Slow Solar Wind Imaged along Streamer Rays by the Wide-Angle Imager on Parker Solar Probe
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment Encountered by Parker Solar Probe
- Understanding and mitigating errors in optical airglow emissions
- A Report on the Small-Scale Variations in the Ionospheric Connections Explorer (ICON) Wind Data.
- A Small Volume Sensor for Space-Based Remote Sensing of Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- Advancing a neutral density prediction model to operational use
- Atmospheric Tidal Study using ICON/MIGHTI Observations
- Comparison of tomographic neutral density retrieval with climatological and general circulation models
- Direct evidence of ionospheric variability driven by the neutral wind dynamo
- E- and F-region Wind Influences on the Topside Equatorial ionosphere Observed by ICON
- Fine structure of the white-light inner corona and the associated magnetic topology
- Gravity Wave Study in the MLT using ICON-MIGHTI Temperature and Wind Observations
- Low and Mid-latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to the April 2020 Storm
- MAVEN/IUVS observations of middle and upper atmosphere during solar minimum
- NRLMSIS 2.0: A Whole-Atmosphere Empirical model of Temperature and Neutral Species Densities
- New Temperature Observations in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere fromthe MIGHTI Instrument on ICON
- Sounding Rocket Observation of Lower Thermospheric Nitric Oxide in the Polar Night
- The Dust Environment in the Inner Heliosphere
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Midnight Temperature Maximum during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings at Arecibo
- The Parker Solar Probe WISPR Instrument: Results from the First Two Years of Observations
- The Quasi-2-Day Wave (Q2DW) and Q2DW-Tide Interactions as Viewed in ICON/MIGHTI Winds
- The Response of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System from Large-Scale Waves Associated with Geomagnetic Storms as Seen from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- The control of background conditions on LSTAD/LSTID propagation
- Thermospheric Wind Observations from MIGHTI on ICON: An Overview of Instrument Performance and Data Characteristics
- Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in the Midlatitude Thermosphere: Coordinated Ground- and Space-Based Observations
- Understanding Heating Properties in Hot and Warm Active Region Loops through Hydrodynamics and Forward Modeling
- WISPR Observations of Small-Scale Transients
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Ciaravella
- B. R. Dennis
- C. M. S. Cohen
- Christian Möstl
- Christopher Moore
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. V. Reames
- Daniel Lo
- E. J. Korpela
- Ewan S. Douglas
- F. Auchère
- G. Cauzzi
- I. Ermolli
- Ignacio Ugarte-Urra
- J. A. Klimchuk
- James Paul Mason
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- K. Kobayashi
- L. Golub
- L. R. Cashman
- Lisa Upton
- Matteo Crismani
- N. E. Raouafi
- R. J. Morton
- Rui Pinto
- S. K. Solanki
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- T. Dudok de Wit
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Vernon R. Morris
- Will T. Barnes
- Y. Nishimura