Aerospace Corporation, California
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Multi-spacecraft Study of the Magnetospheric Influence on Ionospheric Chemistry - a Detailed Examination of Recent Geomagnetically Active Periods
- A New Atmospheric Interaction Model for Leonids Entry
- ACE Observations of the Bastille Day 2000 Interplanetary Disturbances
- Comparison Between Ion Bulk Flows and E x B Drifts in the Topside Ionosphere.
- Comparison of ACCENT 2000 Shuttle Plume Data with SIMPLE Model Predictions
- Density measurements above and within a sporadic-E layer using Impedance Probes and Langmuir Probes
- First Results from the Ionization Gauge Experiment on TOMEX
- First Results from the Photometer Experiment on TOMEX
- Guiding-Center Simulations of Stormtime Ring Current Electrons
- Heating of Jupiter's Thermosphere by Dissipating Acoustic Waves
- Impulsive Radiation Belt Particle Injection: Why Are Shock Acceleration Events So Rare?
- Intense Langmuir Waves and Associated Field-Aligned Electrons Observed Between 500-1000 km During a Strong Aurora
- Interplanetary Recycling: the Acceleration of Suprathermals in CME-Related Solar Particle Events and Interplanetary Shocks
- Investigation of Energetic Electrons in the Geotail using Cluster RAPID IES
- Investigations of Rocket Engine Combustion Emissions During ACCENT
- Ionization states of heavy ions in large solar particle events: 1998-2001
- Ionospheric Remote Sensing with the Ionospheric Occultation Experiment (IOX): First Results
- Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
- Modeling the inner plasma sheet protons and magnetic field under enhanced convection
- Observation of Volatile and Non-volatile Particulates in High Altitude Rocket Plumes
- Observations of Mesospheric and Lower Thermospheric Turbulence and Instability Layers With a Chemical Release and Lidar Measurements
- Overview of ACCENT Near Tropopause Measurements
- Particle Size Distributions Measured in the Stratospheric Plumes of Three Rockets During the ACCENT Missions
- Plasmasheet Motions in the Distant Magnetotail Determined by 4-Point Ion Measurements: RAPID/Cluster
- Polar/Cammice Investigation of Storm Time Ring Current Asymmetry
- Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons from the Drift Loss Cone
- Relativistic electron response to high speed solar wind streams and coronal mass ejections: A comparison.
- SCATHA Observations of Pitch Angle Diffusion of Plasma Electrons by Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Plasma Waves
- Science Issues and Results for TOMEX: An Overview
- Simulations of Plasmasheet Electrons in a Model Magnetosphere with AMIE Potentials: Implications for Diffuse Aurora
- Stormtime Access of Ring Current Ions Under AMIE Electric Field: Implications for Ring Current Formation and Decay
- Temporal Structure of MeV Electron Precipitation
- The Effect of Solar Wind Pressure Pulses on the Size and Strength of the Auroral Oval
- The Emission and Chemistry of Reactive Nitrogen Species in the Plume of an Athena II Rocket
- The Seed Population for Energetic (>50 keV/nucleon) Ions Accelerated at Interplanetary Shocks
- The Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment (TOMEX): Introduction and Overview
- Wind measurements from sodium lidar and TMA release during TOMEX campaign
- 3-D High Resolution Simulations of the Thermospheric Response to the Postmidnight Diffuse Aurora
- A Comparison of FUV Auroral Emissions During the April 2002 Events as seen by the IMAGE/FUV and TIMED/GUVI Instruments
- A Multi-Instrument Survey of the Ionization States of Heavy Ions in Large Solar Particle Events: 1992-2002
- A Quantitative Image Processing Approach to GUVI Observations of the Equatorial Arcs.
- A Reexamination of Evanescent Acoustic-Gravity Waves: Special Properties and Aeronomical Significance
- Analysis of Neutral-Density Gauge Measurements Made at High Altitudes
- Atomic Oxygen Depletion Measurements in a Diffuse Aurora
- Cluster Observations of the appearance of a double cusp
- Cluster-Polar Simultaneous Observations of Energetic Particles in the Plasma Sheet - Evidence for Radiation Belt Leakage?
- Comparison of Rayleigh Lidar and GPS Radio Occultation Temperature Profiles between 30-60 Kilometers in Altitude.
- Composition Change in the Lower Thermosphere Over Alaska from TIMED/CEDAR Ground-Based and GUVI Observations
- Composition and Spectra of Solar Energetic Particles from ~0.1 to >100 MeV/nucleon during the April, 2002 Storms Period
- Composition of Individual Particles in the Wakes of an Athena II Rocket and the Space Shuttle
- Data Visualization Tools and Techniques developed for the TIMED/GUVI Instrument
- Dayside auroras during storms of April 2002: TIMED/GUVI observations
- Dynamics of the Auroral and State of the Magnetosphere During Storms of April, 2002: DMSP and TIMED/GUVI Observations
- Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Plasma Wave Amplitudes in the Magnetosphere: An Updated Survey of AMPTE/IRM and SCATHA Observations
- Exploiting Web-Based Systems to Provide Interactive Interpretation, Access and Display of Far Ultraviolet Data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on TIMED
- GUVI/TIMED Observations During the April 14-24, 2002 Storm
- Global Ultaviolet Imager (GUVI): on-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
- Guiding-Center Simulations of Stormtime Ring Current Electrons
- Heavy Ion Composition of Upstream Events: New Challenges for Old Models
- Identifying the Real Seed Population for Shock Accelerated Energetic Particles: Recent Observational Progress
- Investigation of the Initial Stages of Ion Heating in the Topside Ionosphere
- Low Energy Ion Composition Variations in Large Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Magnetospheric energetic particle response during the April 2002 event
- Modeling the Inner Plasma Sheet Protons and Magnetic Field Under Enhanced Convection
- Observations of Exceptional Elemental and Isotopic Composition Patterns in <SUP>3</SUP>He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Observations of Ion Injections During Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Observations of Storm-Time Ion Injection and Loss Processes in the Ring Current
- On Modeling the April 21, 2002 SEP event
- Penetration Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Convection During Geomagnetic Storms
- Penetration Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Convection During the April 2002 Storm
- Polar Upstream of the Bow Shock
- Products Derived From GUVI Dayglow and Auroral Data
- Properties and Theory of Lower-Hybrid Density Cavities
- Relativistic electron loss investigation from multiple LANL GPS and GEO, HEO and NOAA Spacecraft
- SAMPEX Measurements of Geomagnetic-Cutoff Variations During the 4/21/02 Solar Energetic Particle Event
- Scintillation Observations With the Ionospheric Occultation Experiment (IOX)
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition as Measured by TIMED/GUVI
- Shock-induced Trapping of Solar Energetic Particles in the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Simulations of Stormtime Diffuse Aurora Using AMIE Electric Field and Flux-Dependent Electron Scattering Model
- Simulations of Stormtime Ion Ring Current Formation with AMIE Electric Field
- Sources of Cusp Energetic Ions
- Spectral Properties of Heavy Ions Accelerated by Interplanetary Shocks Near 1 AU
- Terrestrial Analogue Field Thermal Emission Spectroscopy: Applications to the MER Mini-TES
- The Impact of GPS TEC Data on the Global Assimilative Ionosphere Model (GAIM)
- The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Density Depletions Observed by GUVI
- The Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Dst Dynamics
- The Spin-Up Circulation of High-Latitude Ion Drag-Driven Gyres
- The response of ionospheric convection to solar wind pressure fronts under different IMF orientations
- Thermal Infrared Airborne Field Studies: Applications to the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer
- Thermospheric Composition: GUVI Observations of O/N2
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Response to the Solar Flares of April 2002 as Observed by the TIMED Global UltraViolet Imager (GUVI)
- Thermospheric composition derived from TIMED/GUVI limb scans
- Understanding Magnetotail Drivers of Auroral Acceleration Using Polar/FAST Conjunction Data and Simulation Modeling
- Upstream Events and Magnetospheric Disturbances
- Using GPS Occultations to Measure Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts
- Validation of Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) Derived Electron Density Profiles With Measurements by the EISCAT Radar
- Validation of the GUVI Auroral Radiance Measurements Using the UARS/PEM Instrument
- "Nudging" the Salammbo Code: First results of seeding a diffusive radiation belt code with in situ data: GPS, GEO, HEO and POLAR
- 3-Hz Alfvén Wave and Electron Bursts in the Upper Ionosphere During a Substorm Intensification
- Analysis of the Energy Input and Loss in the Thermosphere During the Auroral Events Using SABER Infrared Limb Emission and GUVI Limb Emission
- Atomic Oxygen Depletion Observations in a Diffuse Aurora
- Automatic Detection of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in GUVI Data
- Charting a Course for the Infrasound Renaissance
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Comparisons of Solar EUV Irradiance Variations from Measurements, Models and GUVI Terrestrial Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Coordinated Energetic Particle Measurements Using Chandra, Cluster, and Polar
- Dual Rocket Observations of Large, Intermediate, and Short Scale Electric Fields in the Lower Auroral Ionosphere and Their Contribution to Joule Heating
- Energetic Ion Observations at the Cusp and Bow Shock
- Energetic Particles Upstream From the Earth's Bow Shock: Multipoint Observations by Cluster and Polar
- Examining Relativistic Electron Loss in the Outer Radiation Belt
- FUV Spectroscopy of the Dayglow and Aurora from the TIMED/GUVI Sensor
- GPS Occultation Observations of the Global and Seasonal Distribution of Equatorial Scintillation
- GPS Occultation Sensor Observations of the Ionospheric E-Region
- Guiding-Center Simulations of Stormtime Ring Current Electrons in a More Realistic Magnetic Field Model
- HEO Observations of the Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes: Comparison with Model Predictions and a Source for Model Updates
- Increased geoeffectiveness of high solar wind dynamic pressure fronts under southward IMF orientation
- Inner Magnetospheric Current Systems During moderate Magnetic Storm Events
- Low Altitude Distribution of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Measurements of the Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity-Dependence for Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Modeling the Earthward Penetration of Plasma Sheet Protons Under Enhanced Convection
- Modeling the Transport, Acceleration, and Loss of Energetic Particles During the October 2001 Storm
- Multiple Balloon Campaign (MINIS) to Study MeV Electron Precipitation
- Multispacecraft Observations of Energetic Electron Anisotropies in the Plasma Sheet using CLUSTER/RAPID Data
- Non-uniform precipitation of solar energetic particles across the Earth's polar caps
- Observation of the Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming of September 2002 using GPS Radio Occultation Technique
- Observations of Highly Structured Precipitating Electrons in the Dayside Cusp/Boundary Layer Ionosphere
- Observations of Particle Injection and Loss Processes in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Observations of deep convective transport of reactive constituents to the tropical and mid-latitude tropopause region
- On the Geoeffectiveness of Shocks in the Creation of New Radiation Belts
- Optical Signature of Polar Cusp During Southward IMF Bz Observed by TIMED/GUVI and DMSP
- Past Habitability of Mars: Interpretations of Mars Global Surveyor TES
- Penetration Electric Fields and Magnetospheric Convection During the April, 2002 Geomagnetic Storms
- Planned Improvements for the WB-57F Aircraft
- Products Derived From GUVI Auroral Data and Comparisons With Ground-Based Results From Poker Flat and Ft. Yukon, AK
- Quantification of Relativistic Electron Microburst Losses During the GEM Storms
- Retrieval of thermospheric temperature and N2, O, and O2 concentrations from GUVI limb scans
- SAMPEX Observations of the Inner Radiation Belt Over a Complete Solar Cycle
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Intense Substorm Activity
- Simulated Radial and Azimuthal Structure of Proton Ring-Current Field
- Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Thermosphere Determined from Rocket and Ground-Based Observations during the CODA and ARIA Set of Experiments
- Solar Wind Driven ULF Waves and MeV Electron Radial Diffusion in the Magnetosphere: Requirements for the Development of a ULF Index
- Space Weather in the ITM: The May-June 2003 Storm and NASA TIMED/GUVI Observations and TIMEGCM Model Results
- Studies on the Coupling Between the Neutral Winds and the Ionosphere at Low Latitudes
- The Dependence of Ring Current Asymmetry on the Phase of Magnetic Storms
- The JOULE Experiment: Observations of Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Oval During a Substorm Event
- The State of the Neutral Atmosphere and the Electron Precipitation During JOULE From the Photometer and Electron Energy Analyzer Experiments
- Ulysses Observations of Short-Period (<30 days) Modulation in Galactic Cosmic Rays
- Variable Contributions of Solar Energetic Protons, Helium, Heavy-Ions and Electrons to the Ionization of the Upper Atmosphere
- A Multiple Balloon Campaign to Study Relativistic Electron Loss Mechanisms
- A New Evaluation of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Radiation Dose In Interplanetary Space
- A Remarkable Energetic Electron Event In Late July 2004
- BBELF and Electromagnetic VLF Wave Cavities in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Causes of core ion upflow in the dayside cusp
- Characterizing Relativistic Electrons Flux Enhancement Events using sensors onboard SAMPEX and POLAR
- Comparison and Validation of Ionospheric GPS Occultation Measurements With Arecibo ISR Data
- Composition Change in the Lower Thermosphere during the Great Magnetic Storm of November 20 2003 from TIMED Ground-Based and GUVI Observations
- Electrodynamics of the Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere: the Effects of Winds and Waves
- Elemental Abundance Variations of Gradual SEP Events at Low Energies as Measured by ACE/ULEIS and WIND/STEP Over the Last Solar Cycle
- Energetic <SUP>3</SUP>He in the Inner Heliosphere: 1997 to 2004
- GPS Occultation Measurements of Mid-Latitude Scintillation
- GPS Occultation Observations of Equatorial Scintillation: Dependence on Magnetic Field Orientation, Longitude, and Season
- Identifying Loss Mechanisms Responsible for the Rapid Depletion of Outer Radiation Belt Electron Flux
- Influence of the thermal plasma distribution on relativistic electron loss during storm conditions
- Interannual Variability of Mars Global Dust Storms: an Example of Self-Organized Criticality?
- Investigation of a `Wall' Wave Event Using Airglow and Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Measurements
- Mars-Lab: First Remote Sensing Study of Mineralogy Exposed at Small Mars Analog Craters, Nevada Test Site
- Modeling Multispacecraft Observations of Flux Dropouts seen in Impulsive Solar Particle Events
- Modeling kinetic particle effects in the inner magnetosphere during a magnetic storm
- Modeling the Inner Radiation Belt Protons
- Numerical Modeling of the Dynamics and Composition of a Nighttime Intermediate Layer
- Observations of Tides and Planetary Waves from the stratosphere to the thermosphere
- Preliminary Simulation Results for Stormtime Ring Current in a Self-Consistent Magnetic Field Model
- Relativistic electron loss measurements from the LANL GPS energetic particle instruments.
- Ring-Current Ion Angular Distributions: CAMMICE Observations
- Sailing the Planets: Science from Directed Aerial Robot Explorers
- Simulations of Stormtime Ring-Current Magnetic Field Produced by Ions and Electrons
- Space Environmental Anomalies Expert System, Real-Time (SEAESRT)
- The Halloween 2003 Storm's Effect on Trapped Electron Populations
- The Relationship Between Chorus and Enhanced Relativistic Electron Fluxes in Geomagnetic Storms
- The Relative Abundances of H, He, and Heavy Ions in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- The Role Of Non-Adiabatic Processes In The Creation Of The Outer Radiation Belts
- Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity and IMF Orientation
- Ulysses COSPIN/KET and EPAC observations of Jovian electron bursts during the distant Jupiter encounter
- Update on the Development of the Collision Meter
- A Statistical Study of Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Disturbances Coincident with Large Tropospheric Storms
- Acceleration and Losses of Relativistic Electrons Due to Whistler-Mode Chorus: SCATHA Observations
- Calibration/Validation of the SSUSI Instrument on DMSP F16: Overview & Nightside Analysis
- Charged Dust in the Polar Winter Mesosphere
- Cluster/RAPID high energy particle observations within non-force-free flux ropes in the plasma sheet
- Cluster/RAPID-IIMS Observations of Energetic Ions Upstream of the Earth's Bowshock
- Comparison Between Ground-Based and Direct Spacecraft Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Spectra During the January 20, 2005 Solar Flare
- Comparison of Microwave Radiance from DMSP SSMIS and SSM/T2 and Ground-based Lidar/RAOB Profiles: An Examination of Consistency between Space and Ground Measured Moisture Data and Radiative Transfer Model
- Contribution of Radial Transport to the Deep Penetration of Outer Belt Electrons During Oct-Nov Magnetic Storm of 2003
- Day Side Observations of the Equatorial Anomaly
- Dehydration, Transport and Wave Activity in the Tropical Tropopause Layer During the Season of Warm Tropopause Temperatures
- Direct Observation of Prompt Solar Flare Perturbation to Stratospheric Electrodynamics
- Drift-Loss Cone Enhancements Caused by Lightning-Induced Precipitation
- E-Layer Variations During X-Class Flares Inferred from Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- Effects of the January 16th-20th Solar Flares on the Fair Weather Global Electric Circuit.
- Energization of outer zone electrons:spectral evolution and flux isotropization
- Global Monitoring of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with Balloon Networks: MINIS and Beyond
- Impacts of upper tropospheric clouds on GPS radio occultation profiles
- In-Situ Microphysical Measurements In Rocket Plumes With The Cloud And Aerosol Spectrometer (CAS)
- Investigating EMIC waves as a relativistic electron precipitation mechanism during the MINIS balloon campaign
- Ionospheric Occultation Experiment (IOX) Data On-Line
- Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- Limits on the Complexity of Empirical Models of Magnetic Storm Phenomena
- MINIS Balloon and RHESSI Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- MINIS Observations of MeV electron precipitation on January 21st 2005
- Magnetically Self-Consistent Simulations of Ring Current for the 19 October 1998 Storm
- Modeled Solar Energetic Particle Trapping in the Earth's Radiation Belts During Geomagnetic Storms and Comparison With Observed Energy Spectra
- Modeling the inner magnetospheric effects of substorms using the RCM-E
- Near Simultaneous Observations of the Aurora From FUV, Particle and Photometric Instruments on DMSP-F16, TIMED, and IMAGE
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Earth's Equatorial Outer Magnetosphere and the Proton Cyclotron Instability
- Observations of Layered Structures in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere Over Costa Rica During Ticosonde-Aura/TCSP 2005
- Overview and Motivation for the PUMA 2004 and 2005 Campaigns
- Oxygen and Proton Ion Implantation In The Solar Panel Coverglass Of GPS Satellites
- Plasma sheet parameters and their statistical relationship to ring current injections
- Polar Crossing and Upstream of the Magnetopause and Bow Shock
- Quantifying the Role Of Non-Adiabatic Processes In The Creation Of The Outer Radiation Belts
- Radial Diffusion as a Potential Source and Loss Mechanism of Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration by ULF and VLF waves: A comparative study
- Remote Sensing Observations of Thermospheric Composition Changes: Disk and Limb Observations and Interpretation
- Response of Inner Zone to Recent Strong Geomagnetic Events: SAMPEX Observations
- Solar Energetic Particle Composition, Energy Spectra and Timing in the January 20, 2005 Event
- Source and loss rates of radiation belt relativistic electrons
- Study of Proton cutoffs during geomagnetically disturbed times
- TIMED Contributions to the NASA Sun-Solar System Connections Great Observatory
- Testing Auroral Far Ultraviolet (FUV) Remote Sensing Techniques Using Coincident FUV and Particle Data From the DMSP F16 Satellite
- The Energetic Particle Investigation for the SMART Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- The High-Latitude Knee of the O/N2 Ratio Profile: Latitudinal Variations with UT, Local Time, Season, and Magnetic Activity
- The Role of Charged-Neutral Interactions in the Sun-Earth Connection: How NASA's GEC Investigation Will Contribute to the Understanding of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
- 3-D Magnetic Field Geometry of the October 28, 2003 ICME: Comparison with SMEI White-Light Observations
- A Search for Energetic-Electron Precursors to SEP Ions in SAMPEX Observations
- A Seasonal Study of Mesospheric Temperatures and Emission Intensities at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- A modular radiation-belt electron flux model
- Analyses of solar activity effects on the low-latitude ionosphere
- BARREL: A Balloon Array for Monitoring Relativistic Electron Losses during the RBSP Mission
- Capturing the Variable Outer-Zone Relativistic Electrons for Spacecraft Designers
- Characteristics of Short-Period Wavelike Features near 90 km Altitude From Airglow and Lidar Observations Over Maui
- Characterizing Ionospheric Variations in the Vicinity of Hurricanes and Typhoons Using GPS Occultation Measurements
- Comparison of GUVI 135.6nm OI radiance observations with outputs from global atmospheric models
- Correlations of Proton Energy Spectra and EMIC Waves in the Earth's Equatorial Outer Magnetosphere: SCATHA Satellite Results
- Effect of 27-day Solar Rotation on Thermospheric Density and Composition
- Energetic electron spectra and flux isotropization during different phases of solar cycle
- Field-Aligned Energetic Electrons During the Storm of July 24, 2004: Cluster RAPID Observations
- Flow Webs: Mechanism and Architecture for the Implementation of Sensor Webs
- Identifying the Cause of Relativistic Electron Flux Depletions in Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Integrating a Data Center and Resident Archive into the Emerging Virtual Observatiry System: Practical experience and perspectives
- Internal Structure of Rhea and Enceladus
- Ion Flow Measurements from the JOULE Sounding Rocket Mission
- LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER): Instrument Overviw and Computer Simulations of Detector Response to SEPs and GCRs
- Measurements of the E- and F-Region Post-Sunset Ionosphere
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of "Tassels" and "Dropouts": Features Associated With the Magnetic Flux Tube Structure of the Solar Wind
- Observing the Coupled Ionosphere-Thermosphere System: From Solar Maximum to Solar Minimum and Beyond
- On the Interannual Variablity of the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over Central America
- Polar PWI Observations of Chorus Emissions and Electron Acceleration
- Proton Spectrometer Belt Research (PSBR)
- Quantifying the Role Of Non-Adiabatic Processes In The Creation Of The Outer Radiation Belt
- Relationship Between the Plasmapause and the Outer Radiation Belt From DMSP, IMAGE, and SAMPEX Observations
- Saturn's Gravity Field and Interior Structure
- Science Goals and Priorities for Lunar Exploration: NRC Interim Report
- Seasonal patterns in exospheric temperature: TIMED/GUVI versus NRLMSIS
- Simulations of Ring-Current Effects on Distributions of Precipitating Electron Flux
- Solar Wind Influence on MLT Dependence of Plasmasheet Conditions and Implications for Ring Current Modeling
- Stormtime Electron PSD Radial Profiles for Small and Large K Values: SCATHA Observations
- The Mission of Opportunity Radbelt Experiment (MORE) for the RBSP Program
- The Outer Radiation Belt Injection, Transport, Acceleration and Loss Satellite (ORBITALS): A Canadian Mission to the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma (ECT) Instrument Suite
- The Seed Population for Heavy Ions in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- The evolution of the storm-time ring current in response to different characteristics of the plasma source
- The structure of the interplanetary magnetic field as revealed by solar flare particles
- Thermospheric O/N2 ratio observations obtained over more than four years with the GUVI instrument in the TIMED spacecraft mission
- Transient IP Structures Associated with Short-Period Variations in the Solar Energetic Particle and Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux
- Unraveling the Mechanisms Responsible for Radiation Belt Enhancements
- Variability of the outer radiation belt electron content
- measurements in the thermosphere: First results from the ionization gauge on the Streak mission
- A New Perspective on Inner Zone Proton Data from 1971
- Acceleration and Losses of Relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons Due to Wave-Particle Interactions: SCATHA Observations
- Characterizing the Relationship Between Ionospheric Effects and Forcing due to Hurricanes/Typhoons
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Ducting Conditions for Observed Bore-Like Events in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Dynamics of the Plasmasphere and the Outer Radiation Belt
- Energy Spectra and Composition of Low-Energy Ions during Solar Quiet Times
- Equatorial Scintillation Initiated From Low Altitude Forcing
- GCR Modulation by Small-Scale Features in the Interplanetary Medium
- GUVI limb observations of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Imaging of Atmospheric Gravity Waves in the Stratosphere and Upper Mesosphere using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations Over Australia During the TWP-ICE Campaign
- Inter-annual and long-term variations observed in the ITM system
- Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis of 2007 Jovian North Temperate Belt Disturbance
- Observations of Jupiter Supporting the New Horizons Encounter and During a Period of "Global Upheaval"
- Polar Lunar Regions: Exploiting Natural and Augmented Thermal Environments
- Polar Spacecraft Observations of Intense Wave Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Properties of Chorus Emissions Observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Investigation
- Ring Current Recovery: Electric Field and Plasma Sheet Density Effects
- Seasonal variation of multi-day wave activity at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- Self-consistent Inner Magnetosphere Magnetic Field and Comparison With Geosynchronous Measurements
- Simulation of Solar-Wind Ion Entry into the Magnetosphere with the Plasma Transport Numerical Magnetosphere Model (PlATNUMM)
- Solar Energetic Particle Trapping During Geomagnetic Storms
- Solar-Wind Ion Motion in an Analytical Field-Line Model of the Magnetosheath
- The Low-latitude Ionosphere as Observed by TIMED/GUVI and TOPEX/Jason and Comparisons With the IRI Model
- The Response of the Thermosphere and Ionosphere to Magnetospheric Inputs as Determined from LEO UV Remote Sensing Measurements - Model/Data Comparisons
- The Trapping of Low-Energy Particles by Interplanetary Shocks
- The specific entropy of the LFM plasma sheet
- Thermospheric O/N2 in the Sunlit Disk From More Than Five Years of GUVI/TIMED Observations
- Trans-geosynchronous Characteristics of Plasma and Energetic Particles Using SCATHA Data
- Trapped Solar Energetic Particles in the Inner Magnetosphere in Solar Cycle 23
- Variations in the GCR Flux Associated with Heliospheric Transient Structures Near the August 20, 2006 Forbush Decrease
- A Novel Method for Assessing the Accuracies of In Situ Measurements of Water Vapor in the UT/LS
- A Search for Heavy Hydrogen Isotopes in Cosmic-Ray Atmospheric Albedo With SAMPEX/PET
- Analysis of Co-located Ground- and Space-based Infrared Atmospheric Measurements: AERI, AIRS, CERES, MODIS
- Automated Identification of Field-Aligned Electron Bursts from GEODESIC Sounding Rocket Data
- Backscatter Lidar Observations of Lower Tropospheric Dynamics during Southern California Wildfires
- C/NOFS Validation Study: Comparison of In-Situ CORISS and PLP Electron Density Measurements
- CORISS Measurements of the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Cloud Particle Size and Water/Ice Ratio Estimation using the DMSP SSMIS Sounder
- Community Access to the C/NOFS Satellite Data -- Facilitating New Opportunities for Space Weather Research
- Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Stormtime Magnetic Intensities and Ion Densities in the Ring Current
- Composition and Spectral Properties of the 1 AU Quiet-Time Suprathermal Ion Population During Solar Cycle 23
- Current Understanding of Radiation Belt Acceleration, Transport and Loss
- Ducted Gravity Waves and their Effects in the Upper Atmosphere
- Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation (DREP) Versus Microbursts as the Dominant Loss Mechanism From the Outer Belt.
- Eigenmode Analysis of Energy and Pitch-Angle Diffusion of Energetic Electrons in the Outer Zone: 0.1-5 MeV
- Evolution of Electron Phase Space Density Between and During Geomagnetic Storms: SCATHA Observations
- Global observations of injection region evolution during a reconnection initiated substorm
- Gravity Wave Relations in Density Coordinates and Application to Constant Density Balloon Data
- High time resolution observations of the drivers of Forbush decreases
- Identification of large-scale stratospheric 10-hour waves in the Antarctic polar vortex
- Inner Radiation Belt Data / Model Comparisons
- Measurements of Unexpected Ozone Loss in a Nighttime Space Shuttle Exhaust Plume: Implications for Geo-Engineering Projects
- Mid-Latitude Spread-F Variability Observed by the Wallops Island Digisonde
- Modeling Observed Plasma Sheet Asymmetries During Intervals of Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- New Measurements of Trapped Anomalous Cosmic Rays and Other Heavy Ions in the Inner Magnetosphere
- New Perspectives on the Thermosphere and Ionosphere From the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- Observations of Dispersionless Modulation in the GCR Intensity in Association with Changes in the Suprathermal Electron Heat Flux
- Optical density profiling of vertically inhomogeneous aerosols in the presence of wildfire smoke
- Ozone Depletion Caused by Rocket Engine Emissions: A Fundamental Limit on the Scale and Viability of Space-Based Geoengineering Schemes
- Paired Ionosphere-Thermosphere Orbiters (PITO): Science and Implementation
- Periodic Modulations in Thermospheric Composition by Solar Wind High Speed Streams
- Polar night vortex breaking and air mixing in the southern stratosphere
- Post Storm Energetic Electron Flux Enhancement and Decay
- Products, Data, and Science at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center for Satellite Anomaly Mitigation and Resolution
- Proton Spectra in the Inner Magnetosphere: Measurements from the TSX-5, HEO-1, HEO- 3 and ICO Satellites
- Proton Spectrometer Belt Research (PSBR)
- Radiation belt energy and pitch angle distributions resulting from shock-drift injections
- Recent sounding rocket flights of a mesospheric charged dust detector
- Relativistic Microbursts and their Relationship to Observed Plasmapause Location
- Results from a Comprehensive Rocket Investigation of Mid-Latitude Spread F
- Results of Recent Operational Validation of More Frequent Earth Orientation Parameter Updates to GPS
- Simulations of Solar Ion Motion in the Magnetosheath
- Simulations of Tsunami Effects in the F-Region Ionosphere
- TIDDBIT HF Doppler Sounder Measurements of TIDs During the Wallops Island Rocket Launch of October 2007
- The Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Instrument Suite on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission: Instrument Overview and Science Investigation Summary
- The RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- The Semidiurnal Westward s=1 Tide in the Stratosphere
- The effects of the Quasi-Two Day Wave on Airglow observations at Alice Springs and Buckland Park Australia
- Thermospheric Density in the Earth's Magnetic Cusp as Observed by the Streak Mission
- A Direct Encounter with a VLF Saucer Source Region?
- Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Monitoring of Toxic Episodes Affecting the Salton Sea, Southern California
- Application of The Alfvén-Assisted Precipitation Model to Field-Aligned Electron Bursts
- Behavior of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere at Solar Minimum: Data and Model Comparisons and Analysis
- CORISS Observations of Ionospheric Scintillation
- Can Steady Magnetospheric Convection Events Inject Plasma into the Ring Current?
- Comparisons of COSMIC and C/NOFS GPS Occultation Ionospheric Scintillation Measurements with Ground-based Radar and VHF Measurements
- Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Stormtime Magnetic Intensities and Ion Plasma Parameters in the Ring Current
- Early Results from the LRO Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER) During this Historic Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Early Results from the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- Effects of a Major Tsunami on the Energetics and Dynamics of the Thermosphere
- Effects of the moon on galactic cosmic rays as seen by the CRaTER instrument on LRO
- Evolution and Energization of Energetic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere: July 2004 Storms
- Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Thermosphere from the RAIDS Experiment on the ISS
- FIREBIRD: A Dual Satellite Mission to Examine the Spatial and Energy Coherence Scales of Radiation Belt Electron Microbursts
- ICOARE: Impacts on Climate and Ozone from Aircraft and Rocket Emissions
- Interplanetary CME Effects on the Short-Period Variability in the GCR Flux
- Interpreting high time resolution galactic cosmic ray observations in a diffusive context
- Investigation of the dayside ionosphere using EUV airglow
- Ion Outflow in the Dayside Cusp Ionosphere and its Dependence on Soft Electron Energy Flux
- Large-Scale Instabilities of the Lower Thermosphere During an Active Period
- Long term periodicities in a Venus Atmosphere General Circulation Model
- MAGI-L: A Space-Based High-Performance Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
- Modeling the Evolution of Plasma Phase Space Density During a Period of Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite
- Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Thermosphere from the RAIDS Experiment on the International Space Station
- Observations of the Phase-Locked Two day Wave Over the Australian Sector Using Medium Frequency Radar and Airglow Data
- Potential Climate and Ozone Impacts From Hybrid Rocket Engine Emissions
- Probing the microburst source region using low energy electron measurements made in low-Earth orbit
- Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX
- Radial Profiles of Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density at Constant First and Second Adiabatic Invariant
- Radiation Belt Climatology: Current Understanding and Methods (Invited)
- Seasonal and interannual variability of gravity waves from airglow imaging at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- Secondary-Particle Production in Organic Material by Cosmic Rays: Simulations and CRaTER Observations
- Small Sensors for Space Weather: CubeSat Missions
- The Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) at Cerro Pachon, Chile, first light
- The East-West Effect in Solar Proton Fluxes in Geostationary Orbit: A New GOES Capability
- The Radiation Environment in Low Lunar Orbit
- Thermal Infrared Airborne Hyperspectral Detection of Fumarolic Ammonia Venting on the Calipatria Fault in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field, Imperial County, California
- Thermospheric density in the Earth’s magnetic cusp as observed by the Streak mission
- Towards Observing Tsunamis in the Ionosphere Using GPS TEC Measurements
- Understanding near-Earth energetic particle environment during large SEP events with the PATH code
- Variability in the GCR Count Rate as Measured by the CRaTER Instrument on LRO
- A Comparison of Electron Density Profiles Derived from the Low Resolution Airglow and Aurora Spectrograph (LORAAS) Ultraviolet Measurements: Resolution of the 911 Å Conundrum
- A Multi-Year (2002-2006) Climatology of O/N2 in the Lower Thermosphere from TIMED GUVI and Ground-Based Photometer Data
- A Statistical Nighttime Analysis of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- A new proton auroral extrapolation method applied in the estimation of FUV emission yields
- Access of Solar Electrons to the Polar Cap and Comparison with GEO Observations
- Aeronomy from the International Space Station
- An Intense Traveling Airglow Front in the Upper Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere with Characteristic of a Turbulent Bore Observed over Alice Springs, Australia
- Anchoring Atmospheric Density Models Using Observed Shuttle Plume Emissions
- Anomalous radial diffusion by pitch-angle scattering on split drift shells: Calculations
- Application of high-resolution thermal infrared sensors for geothermal exploration at the Salton Sea, California
- Arecibo's Thermospheric Gravity Waves and the Case for an Ocean Source (Invited)
- Comparisons Between In-Situ Plasma Fluctuation and Radio Occultation Based Measures of Ionospheric Scintillation
- Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Stormtime Magnetic Intensities, Ion Plasma Parameters, and ENA Proton Flux in the Ring Current During Storms
- Direct Radiative Effects of Particulate Aerosols Emitted by the Space Transport Sector
- Dynamics of atmospheric gravity waves and ripples in OH airglow images at Maui, HI
- Evolution of the Hot Component Ions during AN Extended Interval of Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- First Cosmic Ray Proton Albedo Map of the Moon
- GCR Dose Rate Observed in Lunar Orbit During the Transition from Solar Cycle 23 to Cycle 24
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Variations at the Moon, as Measured by the CRaTER Instrument
- Heating of the Lower Thermosphere during Auroral Activity: Measurements and Analysis from the Joule Sounding Rocket Missions
- Investigating the Roles of Magnetic and Electric Self-consistency with Plasma Transport in Understanding the Dynamics of the Storm-time Ring Current
- Local galactic cosmic ray increases within the sheaths of interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Loss Of Relativistic Electrons In The Inner Magnetosphere Via Wave Particle Interactions
- Magnetosheath Coordinates
- Multi-Satellite Observations of Transient Proton Belts Near L = 3
- N_2 Density and Temperature in the Lower Thermosphere Measured by RAIDS
- New Measurements of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide from the Remote Atmospheric and Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- Observation of relativistic electron microbursts in conjunction with intense radiation belt whistlers
- Observations of N2 in the Lower Thermosphere by the RAIDS Experiment
- Observations of Nitric Oxide by the Remote Atmospheric Ionospheric Detection System (RAIDS)
- On the relationship between relativistic electron flux and solar wind velocity: Paulikas and Blake Revisited
- Potential Atmospheric Impact Generated by Space Launches Worldwide
- Probing the microburst source region using low energy electron measurements made in low-Earth orbit
- Quantification of the Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons Observed by SAMPEX (Invited)
- Remote sensing the Ionosphere using RAIDS: Comparisons of 83.4 nm airglow to ground-based ion density profiles
- Significant Climate Changes Caused by Soot Emitted From Rockets in the Stratosphere
- Statistical models of perpendicular Ion currents and pressure in the Inner magnetosphere: SCATHA, CRRES and Polar data
- Stormtime Energetic Electron Responses for L≤4
- TITLE: Remote sensing of lower thermospheric temperatures with the RAIDS experiment on the International Space Station (Invited)
- Testing dayside ionospheric remote sensing methods using RAIDS measurements of the OII 83.4 and 61.7 nm dayglow
- The Accuracy of Gravity Wave Models for a Diffusively Separated Atmosphere
- The Lunar Radiation Environment: LRO/CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- The NPOESS to JPSS Transition and the NPOESS Preparatory Project
- A Climatology of Ripple Instabilities in the OH Airglow at Maui, HI
- A comparison of the morphology of instability features seen at the Andes Lidar Observatory with those observed over Maui
- Advancing in-situ modeling of ICMEs: Insights from remote observations and simulations
- Anatomy of a Radiation Belt Flux Dropout
- Comparison of Simulated and Observed Ring Current Magnetic Field and Ion Fluxes and ENA Intensity during the 5 April 2010 Storm
- Coupling Between Mesospheric and Lower-Thermospheric Ducted Gravity Waves
- Evolution of the Deep-space Galactic Cosmic Ray Lineal Energy Transfer Spectrum through Tissue Equivalent Plastic
- First Results from the GPS Compact Total Electron Content Sensor (CTECS) on the PSSC2 Nanosat
- GEOScan: A Geoscience Facility from Space
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Dose Rate at 1 A.U. During Solar Activity Cycle 24 Minimum
- Galactic and Solar Particle Anisotropies Observed in a Polar Lunar Orbit
- Galactic cosmic ray linear energy transfer spectra at the Moon during solar minimum
- Global Thermospheric Temperature Response to Geomagnetic Storms
- Gravity Wave Driven Instabilities at Large Richardson Numbers
- Hemispherically Asymmetric Superrotation in a Model Venus Atmosphere with Realistic Topography
- In Situ Thermal Ion Temperature Measurements in the E Region Ionosphere: Techniques, Results, and Limitations
- Inner Radiation Belt Data Assimilation
- Investigating gravity waves and mesospheric temperature variability over the Andes Mountains
- Low-latitude Ionospheric Midnight Density Maximum as Observed by the CORISS Sensor on C/NOFS
- Measurement of OII 61.7 nm and implications for daytime ionospheric remote sensing
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of Electric Fields and Relativistic Particle Flux Enhancements During Substorm Dipolarization
- On the Relativistic Electron Injection Event in Early April 2010
- Optical remote sensing of penetration into the lower thermosphere of neutral wind and composition perturbations driven by magnetospheric forcing
- Relativistic electron losses by microbursts and their relationship to flux decay time scales
- Remote Sensing of lower thermospheric temperature and composition based on observations of O2 Atmospheric band emission.
- Reusable Suborbital Launch Vehicles: Modeling and Assessment of Global Changes Associated With High Flight Rates
- SCATHA measurements of electron lifetimes at 5 < L < 8
- Small and Low-Cost GNSS Radio Occultation Receivers
- Statistical constraints on outer zone relativistic electron dynamics
- The Effect of Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure on the Physical Processes that Drive the Storm-time Ring Current Development
- The First Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Map of the Moon
- The Formation and Evolution of Energetic Transient Proton Belts Near L = 3
- The Radiation Environment Near the Moon at Solar Minimum: CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- The Rotating Electric Field Ion Mass Spectrograph: Concept Development and Results from a Suborbital Flight in the Earth's Ionosphere
- Transient Radiation Belt Phenomena During Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Understanding the global structure of ICMEs using multispacecraft in-situ observations paired with remote sensing observations
- Updating Empirical Models of Magnetospheric Plasma: Comparing the Polar Results With a Decade of SCATHA Data
- Validation of Satellite Ammonia Retrievals using Airborne Hyperspectral Thermal-Infrared Spectrometry
- A review of electron microbursts
- Analyses of Primary and Secondary Ion Contributions to LET Spectra for the CRaTER Instrument on LRO
- Asymmetric Driving of the Magnetosphere and its Effect on the Radiation Belts
- Comparison of Geomagnetically-shielded Solar Energetic Proton Fluxes Observed at Geostationary Orbit by GOES and in Low-earth Orbit by SAMPEX, POES and MetOp
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Correlated with Lunar Elemental Abundances
- Deep dielectric charging of the Moon
- Detailed Modeling of EUV Recombination and Contaminating Emissions Near 911 Å: A New Means of Dayside Ionospheric Sensing
- Direct Measurement of the Ionic Charge of Anomalous Cosmic Rays with SAMPEX
- Driving mechanisms for the cusp region density anomaly
- Ducted Gravity Wave Propagation in the Dynamic Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Electron microburst physics using the burst support mode on RBSP's MagEIS instrument
- Energy and Angular Distribution of GCR Secondary Particles from the Lunar Surface: CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Simulations
- From Low Altitude to High Altitude: Assimilating SAMPEX Data in Global Radiation Belt Models by Quantifying Precipitation and Loss
- Gravity Wave Propagation in Diffusively Separated Gases: Mutual Diffusion and Collisional Effects on the Total Gas
- Importance of Including Topography in Numerical Simulations of Venus' Atmospheric Circulation
- Initial Look at the Electron Slot and Inner Zone Regions with RBSP/MagEIS
- Initial and Boundary Conditions for Ion Flux and Magnetic Fields in Ring Current Simulations: Comparison With Satellite Observations
- Initial results from global MHD simulations of magnetospheric ULF pulsations driven by IMF fluctuations
- Inner Radiation Belt Dynamics and Climatology
- Ionospheric Observations with Raids, AN Extensive Comparison of O<SUP>+</SUP> 83.4 NM Emission to Ground Based Observations
- Ionospheric observations using GPS radio occultation from a nanosat platform
- Low latitude aurorae as a diagnostic for energetic particle injections and their environment
- Microburst measurements by SAMPEX HILT: Micro and Macro temporal coupling of electron decay
- Modeling the energy spectrum of precipitating electrons with early RBSP observations and test particle simulations
- Multi-Cell High Latitude Density Structure Induced by Ion Drag during Active Periods
- Numerical Simulations of the Ring Current During Geomagnetic Storms
- Revisiting Breakthrough Studies of Anomalous Cosmic Rays by SAMPEX
- SAMPEX and Relativistic Electron Microbursts
- Simulating Ring Current Electrons During a Magnetic Storm with the RCM-E
- Simulating the Evolution of the Plasma Sheet Energy Distribution During Extended Quiet Periods
- Source Attribution of Methane Emission from Petroleum Production Operations using High-Resolution Airborne Thermal-Infrared Imaging Spectrometry
- Sources and ducting of gravity waves observed at Adelaide and Alice Springs
- Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Environmental Data Records: Algorithm Status and Product Maturity
- The Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS): First Year On-Orbit
- The IRBEM library -- open source tools for radiation belt modeling
- The New Era in Operational Forecasting
- The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) Online Data Products
- The Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) for the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Mission
- The SAMPEX Data Center and User Interface for the Heliophysics Community
- The lifecycle of instability features over Cerro Pachon as measured on March 24 2012
- Using multispacecraft observations, modeling, and numerical simulations to interpret the compositional structure of interplanetary coronal mass ejections.
- A non-storm time enhancement of outer radiation belt electrons
- Accelerated Auroral Zone Ions: Results from the VISIONS Mission
- An empirical investigation of radial topology in the outer radiation belt
- Analysis of long decay periods observed from the HEO satellites in the vicinity of the slot region
- Bird watching in the magnetosphere: Global scale observations of near Earth Plasma sheet dynamics through multi-mission and instrument data access
- COSMIC-2: A Platform for Advanced Ionospheric Observations
- Comparison of Ring Current and Radiation Belt Responses during Transient Solar Wind Structures
- Composition Changes in the Inner Magnetosphere During a Small Storm
- Dawn-dusk asymmetry in plasma sheet ion temperatures during geomagnetic storms
- Detecting Low-Contrast Features in the Cosmic Ray Albedo Proton Yield Map of the Moon
- Differentiating Sudden Loss Mechanisms of Inner-belt Protons from Multisatellite Observations
- Diffusive Transport Particle Simulations of Cold and Hot Ions Under Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Estimates of Total Radiation Belt Electron Content (TRBEC) and its Time Evolution using the RBSP-ECT Instrument Suite on the Van Allen Probes Mission
- Evaluation of Stormtime Inner Magnetospheric Electron Scattering Loss Models in the RCM-E
- Evidence for Whistler-mode Chorus as an Energy Conduit for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Evolution of electron spectra and pitch angle distributions during the September 2012 electron storage-ring event
- Evolution of relativistic outer belt electrons during extended quiescent period
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- From scientific understanding to operational utility: New concepts and tools for monitoring space weather effects on satellites
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Access to the Inner Magnetosphere Measured by the Relativistic Proton Spectrometer aboard the Van Allen Probes
- Global Simulations of the March 17, 2013 Storm: Importance of Boundary Conditions in Reproducing Ring Current Observations
- Global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of resonant ultra-low frequency mode coupling in the inner magnetosphere and plasmasphere
- High resolution modeling of the cusp density anomaly
- Impact of event-specific chorus wave realization for modeling the October 8-9, 2012, event using the LANL DREAM3D diffusion code
- In Situ and Ground-Based Observations of a Long-Duration Pulsating Aurora Event
- Investigation of EMIC Wave Scattering as the Cause for the BARREL January 17, 2013 Relativistic Electron Precipitation Event
- Ionospheric Outflow Results from the VISIONS/MILENA Low Energy Neutral Atom Imaging Instruments
- Ionospheric Variability as Observed by the CTECS and CORISS Sensors
- Kelvin-Helmholtz instability during northward IMF conditions: Global 3-Dimensional MHD simulations (Invited)
- Kinetic Eigenmodes and Particle Acceleration from the Van Allen Probes
- Local Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons: Where? When? and How?
- MEMEX: Mechanisms of Energetic Mass Ejection Explorer
- Magnetopause Losses of Radiation Belt Electrons During a Recent Magnetic Storm
- Mid-Pacific Ground-Truth Data For Validation of the CrIMSS Sensor Suite Aboard Suomi-NPP
- Miniaturized Imager for Low Energy Neutral Atoms (MILENA) Flown Feb. 7, 2013 on the VISIONS Sounding Rocket Mission
- New Measurements of Inner Belt Proton Flux Gradients From the Van Allen Probes Mission
- New observations of the low energy proton inner belt
- Observations of an Auroral Arc using the 4-Channel Camera on the VISIONS Rocket
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Radial Diffusion Caused by Pitch Angle Scattering and Drift Shell Splitting - Simulation and Van Allen Probes Observations
- Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot - Quiet Time Observations by the Van Allen Probes
- Remote Sensing Visualization and Quantification of Ammonia Emission from an Inland Seabird Colony
- Simulation of radiation belt electron dynamics using in-situ global model of chorus waves inferred from the low-altitude electron precipitation
- Simultaneous Observations of the Phase-Locked Two Day Wave at Adelaide and Cerro Pachon
- Solar cycle variation of gravity waves observed in OH airglow
- Space Environment NanoSat Experiment (SENSE) - A New Frontier in Operational Space Environmental Monitoring (Invited)
- Stormtime Relativistic Electron Phase Space Density Profiles Measured by the Van Allen Probes Using L* Computed From the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium
- The Importance of Electron Source Population to the Remarkable Enhancement of Radiation belt Electrons during the October 2012 Storm
- The Solar Wind Effect on Magnetopause Shadowing Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons
- Tutorial on Actual Space Environmental Hazards For Space Systems (Invited)
- Update on Science Results from CubeSat: Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
- Using Phase Space Density Profiles to Investigate the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- VISIONS: Combined remote sensing and in situ observations of auroral zone ion outflow during a substorm
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes Observations of Direct Wave Particle Interactions
- Van Allen Probes observations and test particle simulations of radiation belt wave-particle interactions during periods of intense wave activity
- Van Allen Probes observations of energetic particle drift-phase structure in the Earth's radiation belts (Invited)
- Wave Heating and Jeans Escape in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- A Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Data Assimilation Method Tailored to the Inner Radiation Belt
- A Statistical Look at the Radiation Belt Seed Population
- A global upper atmosphere observatory using lidar on the International Space Station
- Airborne Hyperspectral Infrared Imaging Survey of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- An Observational Test of the Stability of Inner Belt Protons Above 60 Mev Using Measurements Separated By 41 Years
- Analysis of a non-storm time enhancement in outer belt electrons
- Angular Width of Electron Flux Peaks during a Wave-Particle Interaction Event
- Application of Local Time Dependent Ion Composition to Observations, Modeling, and Effects of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Assimilation of DMSP/SSUSI UV data into IDA4D
- Benchmarking Space Radiation Transport Codes Using Measured LET Spectra from the Crater Instrument on LRO
- Characteristics of Pitch Angle Distributions of 100s Kev Electrons in the Slot Region and Inner Radiation Belt
- Characterizing Total Radiation Belt Electron Content Using Van Allen Probes Data
- Dependency of the Cusp Density Anomaly on the Variability of Forcing Inside and Outside the Cusp
- Drift Phase Structure As a Diagnostic of Outer Belt Radial Transport
- EMIC waves and associated relativistic electron precipitation on 25-26 January 2013
- Early Measurements of Electron Precipitation Using the Firebird Cubesats
- Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Ring Current Energy Content, Ionospheric Conductance, and Thermospheric Properties
- Effects of Cyclotron-Drift and Bounce-Drift Cross Diffusion on Evolution of Radiation Belt Phase-Space Densites
- First Direct Experimental Evidence of Loss Cone Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Galactic Cosmic Rays and Lunar Secondary Particles from Solar Minimum to Maximum: CRaTER Observations and Geant4 Modeling
- Global Storm-Time Depletion of the Outer Electron Belt
- Husbandry Trace Gas Emissions from a Dairy Complex By Mobile in Situ and Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Comex Campaign Focus
- Impact of Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Dynamics on the Ring Current Composition
- Improved Modeling of Inner Magnetosphere Electron Losses By Inclusion of a Plasmasphere
- Improvements and Extensions for Joint Polar Satellite System Algorithms
- Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling from Dynamics Explorer to Swarm and Beyond
- Ionospheric Data Assimilation from a Data Provider's Perspective
- Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) System Architecture: Suomi-NPP to the Future
- Long-duration exohiss waves outside the plasmasphere: observed by Van Allen Probes
- Low Latitude Gravity Wave Variances in the MLT Derived from Saber Temperature Observation and Compared with Model Simulations of Waves Generated By Deep Tropical Convection
- Lunar Proton Albedo Anomalies: Soil, Surveyors, and Statistics
- Mageis Observations in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Measurements from the Van Allen Probes EFW instrument on the role of electric fields in controlling the structure of the inner magnetosphere and the dynamic of particle energization
- Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites
- Multi-Scale Structure of Solar Wind Transients Coincident with Electron Drift-Echoes
- Multi-point Measurements of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Multi-point observations of energetic particle injection deep into the inner magnetosphere: Implications for the ring current and radiation belts
- On the Benefits and Challenges of Multi-Point Analysis of Energetic Particle Injections in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Overview of the Performance of the Compact Total Electron Content Sensor (CTECS) on the Space Environmental NanoSatellite Experiment (SENSE)
- Prompt Energization of Relativistic and Highly Relativistic Electrons during a Substorm Interval
- Rapid outward extension of electron radiation belt driven by substorm injection and chorus waves
- Reconstruction of auroral zone ion outflow during a substorm from VISIONS ENA measurements
- Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves Observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Simultaneous ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Spatial drift of SAA over solar cycles 22-24
- Spontaneous formation of magnetotail bursty bulk flows, dipolarization fronts, and corresponding changes of magnetic topology
- Standing Alfven Waves Transitioned from Fast-Growing, Travelling Waves: Indications from Electron Measurements
- The 1, 2, 3 of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Impacts of Dynamics Driven by Observed ULF Wave Power
- The Priority Mismatch Between Space Science and Satellite Operations
- Using Ionic Charge States to Investigate the Relationship Between Eruptive Flare Emission and the Heating of CME Plasma
- Van Allen Probe Observations: Near-Earth injections of Mev Electrons Associated with Intense Substorm Electric Fields
- Van Allen Probes ECT/MagEIS Background Corrected Electron Flux Measurements: Methods and Initial Findings
- Van Allen Probes Observations of the Magnetospheric Response to Transient Solar Wind Features
- Van Allen Probes Observations of the Plasmasphere and Radiation Belts
- Van Allen Probes based investigation of storm time enhancements in the duskward electric field to lower L shells and its effect on ring current formation and plasmasphere erosion.
- Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in MLT
- A Climatology of Ripple Instabilities in the OH Airglow at Cerro Pachon, Chile
- A Comparison of Auroral In-Situ Rocket Electron Measurements and Ground-Based Multi-spectral EMCCD Imaging
- A third radiation zone at relativistic energies observed by SAMPEX HILT during the Bastille Day event
- Accurate and Timely Forecasting of CME-Driven Geomagnetic Storms
- Advanced Ionospheric Sensing using GROUP-C and LITES aboard the ISS
- Airborne Trace Gas Mapping During the GOSAT-COMEX Experiment
- An Overview of the JPSS Ground Project Algorithm Integration Process
- Auroral effects of precipitating electrons on the thermosphere for the March 17, 2013 storm observed by the GOCE satellite and simulated by the TIEGCM with fluxes predicted by the RCM-E
- Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions Generated at Low L Values During March 2015 Storm: Van Allen Probe ECT Observations
- Correlated Pc4-5 ULF waves, whistler-mode chorus and pulsating aurora observed by the Van Allen Probes and ground-based systems
- Development of the Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration (MiRaTA) CubeSat for all-weather atmospheric sounding
- Dipolarizing flux bundles in the cis-geosynchronous magnetosphere: relationship between electric fields and energetic particle injections
- Drift of the South Atlantic Anomaly over Solar Cycles 22-24
- Dynamics of the low energy proton inner belt
- Early results on energetic particle dynamics and structure from the Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- Effect of Precipitating Electrons on Stormtime Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields during the 17 March 2013 Storm
- Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting by Chorus Waves on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Electron Acceleration by Transient Ion Foreshock Phenomena
- Electron Radiation Belt Dropouts in the Absence of Geomagnetic Storms
- Energy dependent dynamics of keV to MeV electrons in the inner zone, outer zone, and slot regions
- Estimate of Low/Mid-Latitude Conductances, Electric Potential and Neutral Winds using IDA4D and EMPIRE
- Evolution of relativistic electron phase space density related to in-situ acceleration observed by Van Allen Probes
- Excitation and Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: RBSP Observation and Modeling
- Explaining the "Impenetrable Barrier" to Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Van Allen Belts
- Extreme enhancements and depletions of relativistic electrons in Earth's radiation belts
- Feedbacks of Composition and Neutral Density Changes on the Structure of the Cusp Density Anomaly
- Formation of Inner Magnetospheric Energetic Electron Butterfly Distributions by Equatorial Magnetosonic Waves
- Inner zone electron radial diffusion coefficients - An update with Van Allen Probes MagEIS data
- Investigating geomagnetic activity dependent sources of 100s of keV electrons in Earth's inner radiation belt using Van Allen Probes observations
- Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere Triggered by an Interplanetary Shock
- Linking Stealthy Signatures of Coronal Mass Ejections at the Sun to 1 AU
- Low and High Energy Electron Velocity Distributions During Wave-Particle Interaction Events
- MagEIS and REPT Observations Related to Low Frequency Waves
- Measurements from the Daytime Dynamo Sounding Rocket missions: Altitude Profiles of Neutral Temperature, Density, Winds, and Con Composition
- Microburst Precipitation Measured with the FIREBIRD-II CubeSats
- Multipoint Satellite and Ground Observations of the Injection Region
- Near Instantaneous Energization of Electrons to Ultra-relativistic Energies in the Earth's Radiation Belts during the Strong Shock event of 17 March 2015
- Observational Search for >10 MeV Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere Using the Van Allen Probes Relativistic Proton Spectrometer
- Observations of a Breakdown of a Mountain Wave Near 84 km Altitude Over Cerro Pachon Chile from the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere
- Outer Belt Radial Transport Signatures in Drift Phase Structure - Case Studies
- Overview of the SHIELDS Project at LANL
- Penetration of magnetosonic waves into the plasmasphere observed by the Van Allen Probes
- Planting the Seed: Quantifying the Role of the Radiation Belt Source and Seed Populations
- Possible Albedo Proton Signature of Hydrated Lunar Surface Layer
- Prompt Recovery and Enhancement of the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt due to Relativistic Electron Injections
- Quantifying Energy-Time Dispersion of Relativistic Electron Microbursts to Constrain Their Generation Mechanism: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD, Van Allen Probes, and BARREL
- Relativistic electron microbursts and flux variations of trapped MeV electrons: SAMPEX and Van Allen Probes observations
- Ring Current Response to Different Storm Drivers. Van Allen Probes and Cluster Observations.
- S-NPP VIIRS DNB Dark Offset and Detector Dark Current Trending Study
- Simulating the Thinning Magnetotail Current Sheet During a Substorm Growth Phase with the Rice Convection Model-Equilibrium
- Simultaneous Observations of Electric Fields, Current Density, Plasma Density, and Neutral Winds During Two Sounding Rocket Experiments Launched from Wallops Island into Strong Daytime Dynamo Currents
- Source and seed populations for relativistic electrons: their roles in radiation belt changes
- Study of Space Weather and Environment Effects on the Next-Generation Solar Cell Technology Flying on the AeroCube-6 Twin CubeSat Mission
- THEMIS Observations of Tangential Discontinuity-Driven Foreshock Bubbles
- The Evolution of Ring Current Energy Density and Energy Content during Geomagnetic Storms Based on Van Allen Probes Measurements
- The Impenetrable Barrier Revisited - Anthroprogenic Effects on Earth's Radiation Belts
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- The Relationship Between Fossil and Dairy Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Complex Urban Land-Use Patterns by In Situ and Remote Sensing Data from Surface Mobile, Airborne, and Satellite Instruments
- The Relative Deep Penetrations of Energetic Electrons and Ions into the Slot Region and Inner Belt
- The Role of Plasma in Radiation Belt Loss.
- The Role of ULF Driven Radial Transport in Rebuilding the Earth's Outer Radiation Belts
- The Role of ULF Waves in Ring Current and Radiation Belt Dynamics as Revealed by NASA's Van Allen Probes
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- The plasmasheet H+ and O+ contribution on the storm time ring current
- ULF Wave Modeling Challenge -Modeling Results and Application to Observations
- Ultrarelativistic electrons in the Van Allen belts: RPS observations and Geant4 simulations
- Unique Views of Scintillation and Density Structures from the CORISS GPS Sensor
- Van Allen Probes observations of intense parallel Poynting flux associated with magnetic dipolarization, conjugate discrete auroral arcs, and energetic particle injection
- Waveform- and Terrestrial Lidar Assessment of the Usual (Structural) Suspects in a Forest Canopy
- a Roadmap to Advance Understanding of the Science of Space Weather
- A Theoretical Picture of the Combined Effects of Drift-Shell Splitting and Chorus-Wave Interactions on Radiation Belt Electrons
- Air Quality Investigation by Mobile Surface In Situ, Mobile Surface Remote Sensing, and Airborne Remote Sensing: Southern California Agricultural and Husbandry Inputs and Implication
- Analysis of TIMED/GUVI Dayglow Utraviolet Oxygen Images
- Characterization of Urban-Industrial Emissions with Airborne Thermal-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging
- Characterizing the Radiation Survivability of Space Solar Cell Technologies for Heliospheric Missions
- Combined Mobile In Situ and Remote Sensing Investigation of the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Leak in the Los Angeles Basin, California
- Comparisons of Simulated and Observed Sub-Auroral Polarization Stream (SAPS) during the 17 March 2013 Storm
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth's magnetopause
- Cusp Electron Populations During a Neutral Upwelling Event: Measurements from RENU2 and MMS Conjunction
- Differentiating Between Acceleration Mechanisms during the Van Allen Probes Era.
- Differing Lunar Regolith Hydrogen Distributions as a Possible Source of Variations in Proton Albedo: Geant4 Simulations
- Dipolarization in the inner magnetosphere during a geomagnetic storm on 7 October 2015
- Dual-Spacecraft Studies of EMIC Wave Occurrence using the Van Allen Probes
- Dynamics of the Low Energy Proton Inner Belt
- Examination of Energetic Electron Acceleration in the Vicinity of Earth's Dayside Magnetopause with MMS
- Explaining the Dynamics of the Ultra-relativistic Third Van Allen Radiation Belt
- Explaining the diverse response of ultra-relativistic Van Allen belt electrons to solar wind forcing
- Feedbacks of Composition and Neutral Density Changes on the Structure of the Cusp Density Anomaly
- First Look at the 3-channel Photometer Data from RENU2
- Hydration of Lunar Regolith at Local Sunrise
- Initial Navigation Alignment of Optical Instruments on GOES-R
- Initial results of spectral and radiometric characterization of JPSS-1&2 VIIRS using laser sources
- Interactions of energetic electron bursts and whistler-mode chorus wave emissions: Survey of event characteristics
- Jupiter as a candidate source for >30 MeV electrons in Earth's slot region
- Kinetic Interactions Between the Solar Wind and Lunar Magnetic Fields
- Kinetic modeling of auroral ion Outflows observed by the VISIONS sounding rocket
- LITES and GROUP-C Mission Update: Ionosphere and Thermosphere Sensing from the ISS
- Link between premidnight second harmonic poloidal waves and auroral undulations
- Localization Effects on the Dissipation of Gravity Wave Packet in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations
- MMS Observations of Energetic Particle Escape Dynamics at the Dayside Magnetopause
- MMS Super-Conjunction Studies of Chorus Wave Properties and Their Effects on Energetic Electrons
- Modulation of Chorus Intensity by ULF Waves Deep in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Multipoint Measurements of Energetic Electron Deep Penetration into the Low L Region
- Multipoint observations of energetic electron injections with MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Near-Earth magnetotail flow braking observed by multi-spacecraft MMS, Geotail, and Cluster
- Observation of Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions at L<4 during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm
- Observations of Poleward Moving Auroral Forms by the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) Sounding Rocket
- Observations of a New Foreshock Region Upstream of a Foreshock Bubble's Shock
- Observations of the cold mid-latitude mesopause using airglow-derived temperatures and SABER data
- OpenGGCM Simulations of Electron Microinjections Observed by MMS/FEEPS in the Dusk to Midnight Region
- Plasmapause Variations During the 17 March 2013 Identified by Ground-based and Space-based GPS Signals
- RENU 2 UV Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the Cusp Region
- Radiation Belt Electron Intensity Variations: Van Allen Probes era vs. Previous two Solar Cycles
- Relationship between Ripples and Gravity Waves Observed in OH Airglow over the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Relativistic electrons produced by transient ion foreshock phenomena
- Remotely Sensing Magnetopause Dynamics Using Energetic Electrons: Exploring the Association of MMS/FEEPS Observations of "Microinjections" and Dynamical Magnetopause Processes
- Reproducing the energy-dependent structure of Earth's electron radiation belts during quiet times
- Response of relativistic electron microbursts to the arrival of high speed solar wind streams
- Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves and Energetic Proton Responses: Van Allen Probes Observation
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Atomic Oxygen in The Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere
- Specification of the Surface Charging Environment with SHIELDS
- Structure of the Thermosphere during Energy Input through the Magnetospheric cusp: Measurements from the RENU2 Ionization Gauge
- TIME after TIMED - A perspective on Thermosphere-Ionosphere Mesosphere science and future observational needs after the TIMED mission epoch
- The "Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2)" Sounding Rocket
- The Competing Influences of the Radiation Belts on the Charging of Extremely Resistive Spacecraft Materials
- The Effect of Precipitating Electrons and Ions on Ionospheric Conductance and Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields 142106
- The Hidden Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons (0.7-1.5 MeV) in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
- The Relationship between Stealth CMEs and Coronal Holes: Origin, Interaction, and Geoeffectiveness
- Time-Dependent Spatial Domains of Electrons Accross the Energy Spectrum
- ULF Wave Analysis and Radial Diffusion Calculation Using a Global MHD Model for the 17 March 2015 Storm and Comparison with the 17 March 2013 Storm
- Van Allen Probes Observation of a Giant Pulsation Event
- Wave-Particle Interactions involving Whistler/Chorus Waves in the Earth's Radiation Belt
- 3D ion-scale dynamics of BBFs and their associated emissions in Earth's magnetotail using 3D hybrid simulations and MMS multi-spacecraft observations
- A High-Resolution Observation of the Breakdown of a Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability Modulated by the Passage of an Atmospheric Gravity Wave
- A Parametric Study of the Cold Plasma Refilling Rate on the Plasmasphere and Inner Magnetosphere Dynamics during the 17-March-2013 and 28-June-2013 Magnetic Storms
- A storm-time plasmasphere evolution study using data assimilation
- Characteristics of Energetic Particle Acceleration in Hot Flow Anomalies Observed by MMS
- Characterization of methane emissions in Los Angeles with airborne hyperspectral imaging
- Combined Global MHD and Test-Particle Simulation of a Radiation Belt Storm: Comparing Depletion, Recovery and Enhancement with in Situ Measurements
- CubeSat Nighttime Earth Observations
- Effects of whistler mode hiss waves on the radiation belts structure during quiet times
- Estimating Outer Zone Radial Diffusion Coefficients from Drift Scale Fluctuations in Van Allen Particle Data
- Examination of Cross-Scale Coupling During Auroral Events using RENU2 and ISINGLASS Sounding Rocket Data.
- Examining Energetic Particle Injections and the Effects on the Inner Magnetosphere with Multiple Spacecraft/Missions
- Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
- Future Missions for Space Weather Specifications and Forecasts
- High Resolution Modeling of the Thermospheric Response to Energy Inputs During the RENU-2 Rocket Flight
- Husbandry Emissions Estimation: Fusion of Mobile Surface and Airborne Remote Sensing and Mobile Surface In Situ Measurements
- Husbandry Emissions at the Sub-Facility Scale by Fused Mobile Surface In Situ and Airborne Remote Sensing
- Initial Efforts in Characterizing Radiation and Plasma Effects on Space Assets: Bridging the Space Environment, Engineering and User Community
- Initial Results from the Electron Losses and Fields Investigation Mission Onboard Lomonosov Satellite
- Investigations of Radiation Belt Climatology in Support of AE9/AP9-IRENE Development
- Ionospheric Remote Sensing using GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometry aboard the ISS
- Leveraging CubeSat Technology to Address Nighttime Imagery Requirements over the Arctic
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015 Through October 2017
- MMS Observations of Protons and Heavy Ions Acceleration at Plasma Jet Fronts
- Microbursts and continuous precipitations of electrons caused by chorus waves
- Modeling Energetic Electron Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions with Strong EMIC Waves
- Monitoring Space Radiation Hazards with the Responsive Environmental Assessment Commercially Hosted (REACH) Project
- NIRAC: Near Infrared Airglow Camera for the International Space Station
- Newly Calibrated Observations from the MagEIS Proton Telescopes Aboard the Van Allen Probes
- Observation and Modeling of Storm Generated Acoustic Waves in the Ionosphere Revealed in a Dense Network of GPS Receivers
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Observations of wave-particle interactions in the flux pile-up region of asymmetric reconnection
- On the interactions between energetic electrons and lightning whistler waves observed at high L-shells on Van Allen Probes
- Peaks in Phase Space Density: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes Era
- Periodic Electron Microinjections in the Dusk to Midnight Region due to Kelvin-Helmholtz waves and Flux Transfer Events
- Plasma Injections with Rapid Variations of Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Correlated Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Wave Emission
- Plasmapause Dynamics Observed During the 17 March and 28 June 2013 Storms
- Plasmapause Location: Model Compared to Van Allen Probes Observations
- Quantifying Energetic Electron Precipitation And Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Microbursts with Multi-spacecraft Missions
- Radiation Belt response to the July 2017 Coronal Mass Ejection and the Interplanetary Shock
- Rapid acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: Simulation study with Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
- Relativistic electron dropout echoes induced by interplanetary shocks
- Relativistic electron dynamics produced by azimuthally localized poloidal mode ULF waves: Boomerang-shaped pitch angle evolutions
- Relativistic electron increase during chorus wave activities on the 6-8 March 2016 geomagnetic storm
- Relativistic electrons generated locally within transient ion foreshock phenomena
- Salvaging of the Final SSMIS Flight Unit for a Future Flight-of-Opportunity
- Space weather tools for satellite anomaly analysis: an example and future needs
- Statistical comparisons of gravity wave features derived from OH airglow and SABER data
- Storm-time radiation belt electron dynamics: Repeatability in the outer radiation belt
- Subcritical Growth of Electron Phase-space Holes in Planetary Radiation Belts
- Subcritical growth of electron phase-space holes in the Earth's radiation belts
- Taking Risks for the Future of Space Weather Forecasting, Research, and Operations
- The Effect of Neutral Winds on Simulated Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields During the 17 March 2013 Storm
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT): A Multinational Science Mission using a CubeSat
- Toward a New Capability for Upper Atmospheric Research using Atomic Oxygen Lidar
- UV Observations of Atomic Oxygen in the Cusp Region
- Using Proton Radiation from the Moon to Probe Regolith Hydrogenation in the Upper 1-10 cm
- VLF Wave Local Acceleration & ULF Wave Radial Diffusion: The Importance of K-Dependent PSD Analysis for Diagnosing the cause of Radiation Belt Acceleration.
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- Van Allen Probes observations of outer radiation belt evolution during CME and CIR storms
- Wave-Particle Interactions Involving Correlated Electron Bursts and Whistler Chorus in Earth's Radiation Belts
- "Negative Injections" of electrons observed in Earth's middle magnetosphere by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission
- A Large Amplitude (>300 M/S) Neutral Wind "Jet" Observed Near 130 km Altitude and Associated DC Electric Fields, Energetic Electron and Other Measurements Revealed by a Vapor Trail and Dual Sounding Rocket and Ground-Based Instruments in the Auroral Zone Lower Ionosphere
- A boundary-oriented model of the 3-D ion drifts within the Earth's cusp
- A question of EPPIC importance: how does space weather affect Earth's atmosphere?
- Airborne and satellite remote sensing air pollution exposure by fusion with in situ emissions estimation
- Application Usability Levels: Their evolution and eco-system
- Arase and Van Allen Probes Observations of Rapid Variations of Energetic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions and Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions During Substorm Plasma Injections
- Assured Operations of the Environmental Information Enterprise
- Broadening the Impact of Our Field Through Validation Efforts of the Geospace Environment Modeling Workshop
- Causes of unusually high dB/dt variations at magnetic equatorial regions
- Characterization of wave-particle interactions in the flux pile-up region of asymmetric reconnection.
- Co-located FUV Limb Imaging and Nadir-Viewing Photometry of the Nighttime Ionosphere
- Comparison of Simulated and Observed Ionospheric Conductance and Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields During the March 17, 2013 Storm
- Comparison of Van Allen Probes and GOES Energetic Electron Data on Multi-Year Timescales
- Contrasting behavior of dipolarization-related electron and ion injections inside GEO
- Earth Remote Sensing Results from the CUbesat MULtispectral Observing System, CUMULOS
- Energetic electron flux variations of the outer radiation belt during magnetic storms observed by Arase/HEP - Calibration of the instrument using Geant4 and superposed epoch analysis
- Examining the Evolution of Energetic Particle Injections with Observations by MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Examining the link between MSTIDs and ionospheric plasma density enhancements with petitSat, an upcoming 6U CubeSat mission
- Extended lifetimes of keV electrons injected to equatorial low L-shells
- High Latitude Scintillation and Auroral Activity
- High Resolution Electron Measurements Reveal Previously Unseen Energy Dependence in ULF wave Interactions with MeV Electrons
- High Resolution Modeling of the Thermospheric Response within the Cusp in the Presence of Large Scale Winds
- High Resolution Neutral Jets Simulations
- High altitude, high latitude observations of a source electron injection
- High resolution measurements of ion upflow and downflow within the cusp help to quantify the impact on ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling, even during quiet periods
- Imaging Mountain Waves Over the Andes
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- In-Situ Measurements of the Thermosphere during Magnetospheric Forcing Events: Results from the Neutral Gas Instruments on the Auroral Jets and RENU2 Sounding Rocket Missions
- Key role of substorm injections in triggering EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Landsat's History: The story behind nearly a half-century of monitoring the Earth's surface with Landsat
- Long-Term Monitoring of the Van Allen Radiation Belts: Operations, Research, and Mission Concepts
- Loss of radiation belt electrons through the action of broadband electromagnetic waves.
- MMS FEEPS Energetic Electron Microinjection Observations During 2015-2018
- Mapping energetic particle injection regions using multipoint observations in the inner magnetosphere
- Measurements of Energetic Particle Injections during Conjunctions between MMS and Van Allen Probes
- Microburst Spatial Scale Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Miniature Planar Ion Probe for CubeSat Missions
- Modeling the Penetration of the Barrier to Ultra-relativistic Electrons in the Outer Van Allen Belt during Extreme Magnetic Storms
- New Perspective of the Ionosphere and Plasmasphere from GNSS Sensor Constellations
- Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Observations of Bursty Energetic Electron Precipitation using Pairs of Cubesats
- Observations of O/N<SUB>2 </SUB>Variations from the Ground During the Alaska Auroral Jets Rocket Campaign
- On the Importance of Hiss Waves and Plasma Density for Sculpting the 3D (L-shell, energy, pitch angle) Structure of the Radiation Belts during Quiet Times
- On the Role of the Last Closed Drift Shell in Fast Losses and Ultra-relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Van Allen Belts
- Opportunities for Assessing Observation System Value
- Optimal Design of Magnetospheric Constellations
- Optimal Use of Time Lags Between MMS Spacecraft : Application to the Estimation of Wave-Vectors
- Plasmasphere Evolution During the 17-March-2013 and 28-June-2013 Magnetic Storms
- Probing the Presence of Hydrogen at Varying Depths Beneath the Lunar Surface Using Albedo Protons and Neutrons: Geant4 Simulations
- Quantifying Methane Leak Emissions by Fused Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy with in situ Surface Mobile and Airborne Observations of a California Producing Oil Field
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmosphereand Ionosphere
- Results from the RENU2 Sounding Rocket: Fine Scale Drivers and Ionospheric Response in the Cusp during a Poleward Moving Auroral Form
- Shallowly-Buried Hydrogenation in the Lunar Regolith: Using Albedo Protons to Refine Latitude and Local Time Trends
- Solar energetic proton access to the magnetosphere during the 10-14 September 2017 particle event
- Specifying High-altitude Electrons using Low-altitude LEO Systems: The SHELLS Model
- Statistics of global-scale coherence modulation of radiation-belt electron loss
- Substorm Injections Inside, Outside, and At Geosynchronous Orbit
- Suprathermal Electrons Near Earth Bow Shock
- The CuPID Cubesat Observatory: Imaging Soft X-rays from the Magnetosheath
- The Development of Chorus, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
- The FINE Mission - Demonstrating a New Capability to Measure Species-Dependent Fine-Scale Irregularities in LEO
- The Response of the Outer Van Allen Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes to Complex Solar Wind Drivers
- The global statistical response of the outer radiation belt and inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms
- The micro-Charged Particle Telescope (µCPT) for the AeroCube-10 mission
- Understanding the Energy Dependent Double-belt Structure in the Storm-time Outer Radiation Belt
- Upholding the Scientific Ethos in Scientific Data Analysis
- Using Van Allen Probes to Mitigate Space Weather Impacts in the Radiation Belts
- Wave-Particle Interactions in Earth's Radiation Belts: A Model Study of Correlated Electron Bursts and Whistler Chorus
- What Causes Radiation Belt Enhancements: A Look at the Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence
- "Endurance", a new NASA mission to gauge Earth's polar wind ambipolar electric field
- A Serendipitous New View of Lunar Albedo Radiation
- Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer Calibration and Geophysical Retrievals
- Airborne Survey of the 2019 Searles Valley Earthquake Zone and Environs
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons using Observations from FIREBIRD and Van Allen Probes
- Automated Identification of Electron Microinjections in MMS/FEEPS Measurements: Initial Results
- Beyond Methane: Characterizing emissions composition in the Four Corners region
- Comparison of Van Allen Probes Energetic Electron Data with Corresponding GOES-15 Measurements: 2012 - 2018
- Configuration of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliosphere from Polarized Starlight
- Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014
- Developing User Focused Tools for Understanding Space Weather Impacts to Satellites
- Development of a Comprehensive Application for Satellite Anomaly Analysis
- Direct driving of outer belt electron loss by solar wind density structures: A case study and statistical survey with BARREL and satellite data
- Direct evidence of pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons induced by EMIC waves
- Efficient Techniques for Making Measurements of Neutral Species in the Near-Earth Space Environment
- Empirically Estimated Electron Lifetimes in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Energy Flux and Conductance from Meso-Scale Auroral Features
- Estimating long-term husbandry hydrogen sulfide exposure from satellite ammonia observations: A new epidemiological tool
- Foreshock Transient Phenomena Observed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
- Formation and Topology of Foreshock Bubbles
- GTOSat: A Next-Generation CubeSat to study Earth's Radiation Belts
- Gaia's Exhalation from the 2019 Searles Valley Earthquake
- Good Vibrations: Evolution of Energetic Electron Drift Echoes in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Gravity Wave Response Downwind of the Cusp in the Presence of Large-scale Winds
- Improving LRO/CRaTER Measurements of Cosmic-Ray LET Spectra and Lunar Albedo Protons
- Investigating influences of dayside plasma composition on electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves with Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
- Investigating the link between outer radiation belt losses and energetic electron escape at the magnetopause using MMS, Van Allen Probes, and global simulation models
- Investigation of Climate Perturbations Caused by the Direct Injection of BC Into the Upper Stratosphere by Rocket Launches
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Activities in the International Community Coordinated Modeling Center (iCCMC) Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment Effort
- Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability "Knots": A "New" Instability Potentially Contributing Enhanced Gravity Wave Dissipation, Transport, and Mixing from 0-120 km
- Long-term variations of inner belt electrons observed by DEMETER and SAMPEX
- Longitudinal Features of Low-Latitude Scintillation and Forcing from Lower Thermosphere
- MMS FEEPS Local Morning Microinjection Observations
- MMS Observation of Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Non-thermal Electron at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Electrons Precipitation Dynamics and Ionospheric Conductance During Storms
- Microburst Spatial Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Microbursts and Ribbons: Observations from LEO
- Modeling energetic electron nonlinear interaction with rising-tone chorus emissions
- Multiharmonic Toroidal Standing Alfven Waves in the Midnight Sector Excited by Solar Wind Source
- NIRAC: Near Infrared Airglow Camera on the International Space Station
- Needle in a haystack: looking for the physics in big data
- New Insights from Long-Term Measurements of Inner Belt Protons (10s of MeV) by SAMPEX, POES, and the Van Allen Probes
- Observations of Radiation Belt Losses in the Slot and Inner Radiation Belt with AeroCube-10
- On the Self-Similarity and Repeatability of Fast Van Allen Belt Dropouts
- Outer-belt electrons' drift resonance with ULF waves driven by solar wind: knowledge from Van Allen Probe mission
- Particle Acceleration from Strong Turbulence Driven by Magnetic Reconnection
- Performance of the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Tri-GNSS Radio Occultation System (TGRS) Instrument During Early Orbit Operations for Space Weather Applications
- Plasmasphere erosion and refilling during the 17-March 2013 and 1-June-2013 magnetic storms
- Quantifying Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation and Its Effect on Atmospheric Chemistry
- Recent Advances in the SHELLS Model: Specifying High-altitude Electrons using Low-altitude LEO Systems
- Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets
- Space Weather Induced Impacts on Aviation Safety-Critical Systems at Low Latitude Regions
- Statistical Analysis of the Outer Radiation Belt and Inner Magnetospheric Response to Sheath Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Stealthy Coronal Mass Ejections and High Speed Streams: A Recipe for Surprisingly Geoeffective Events at 1 AU
- Storm-time depletions of multi-MeV radiation belt electrons observed at different pitch angles
- Testing theories and models for dayside magnetopause reconnection with the Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector (CuPID) Cubesat Observatory
- The Critical Role of Plasmasphere in Shaping the Radiation Belt Electron Energy Spectra
- The DAILI (Daily Atmosphere and Ionosphere Limb Imager) CubeSat Mission
- The Development of Cubesat Instruments to Image Magnetic Reconnection
- The Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission
- The MIA Electron Precipitation Dynamics
- The Origin of Magnetic Flux Ropes Observed at 1 AU from the Sun
- The SPORT Mission and an Ad-Hoc Constellation in the Mid and Low-Latitude Ionosphere
- The Scientific Impact of Large Geochemical Data Sets
- The Storm-time Evolution and Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves
- The Thermal Gated Ion Time of Flight (TIGTOF) Instrument Overview
- The use of machine learning for the rapid prediction of radiation belt dynamics
- Tomographic Reconstruction using GPS Radio Occultation and Ultraviolet Photometry aboard the ISS
- Undergraduate and Graduate Educational Initiatives in Space Weather at Millersville University: Addressing New Workforce Horizons
- Using Modern Day Machine Learning Techniques for Detection of Sunlight Contamination in FEEPS Data
- Using Van Allen Probe data to Shed New Light on the Role of ULF Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt During the 2003 Halloween Storm
- Utilizing the Heliophysics/Geospace System Observatory to Understand Particle Injections: Their Scale Sizes and Propagation Directions
- VISIONS-2 Observations of Electron Dynamics and Alfvén Waves
- VISIONS-2 observations of ion heating and energization near the exobase, and the role of wave-particle interactions
- VISIONS-2 observations of the electrodynamics of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
- Verification of Electron Beam Irradiation as a Lipid Decontamination Method for Life Detection Instrumentation
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- A Close Encounter with an Interstellar Visitor
- A Model Study of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic and Whistler Chorus Wave-Wave Interactions in Earth's Radiation Belts compared with Van Allen Probe Observations
- A New Tool for Monitoring Solar Energetic Particle Impacts to Satellite Operations
- Applications of machine learning for inner magnetospheric space weather prediction
- Are Morning Side Microinjections A Result of Dipolarizations?
- As the Sun Turns: Long-term probabilistic forecasting of the GEO electron environment.
- Atmospheric Gravity Wave Observations from the International Space Station using the Near InfraRed Airglow Camera (NIRAC)
- Atmospheric Ionization from Radiation Belt Electrons from 2012-2019 based on Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD-II Observations
- Can scatter of in-situ geochemical data be diagnostic for morphological and petrological features on lava surfaces?
- Characteristics of Energetic Electrons Near Active Magnetotail Reconnection Sites
- Characterizing the Longitudinal Dependence of Ionospheric Irregularities
- Characterizing the Performance of a Low-Cost Dual Frequency GNSS Receiver: Enabling Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments (DASI) and Citizen Science Observations
- Cloud Observations Day and Night from the ISS using the Near InfraRed Airglow Camera (NIRAC)
- Cold ionospheric ion dynamics inside an EMIC wave in the inflow region of dayside magnetopause reconnection
- Comparisons of Energetic Electron Precipitation between FIREBIRD-II and POES Observations
- Direct Measurements of Cold Plasmaspheric Ions to Investigate Impacts on Dusk-side EMIC Waves
- Effects of a localized dipolarization front on energetic particle injections inside geosynchronous orbit
- Energy Flux and Conductance from All-Sky-Imagers
- Energy conversion associated with a series of dipolarization fronts observed by MMS.
- Environmental Impacts of Satellites from Launch to Deorbit and the Green New Deal for the Space Enterprise
- Geolocation of Ionospheric Irregularities using COSMIC-2 Observations of Radio Occultation Scintillation
- Global Imaging of Magnetotail Dynamics
- Injections into the inner magnetosphere: Initial results of a coupled OpenGGCM-CIMI model
- Lowering to the Occasion: Meeting Society's Needs in the Age of Proliferated LEO
- Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Effects on Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields During Storms: RCM-E and Van Allen Probe Comparisons
- Magnetospheric Shielding of Energetic Particles at the Moon
- Magnetotail Dipolarizations and Ion Flux Variationsduring the Main Phase of Magnetic Storms
- Making Visible the Hidden Health Costs of Air Pollution: Targeted Sampling Using a Mobile In Situ Air Quality Surveyor and Remote Sensing to Map Covid-19 Air Quality Improvements in Communities Downwind of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
- Mass and Shape Determination of (101955) Bennu Using Inter-Orbital Phase Tracking Data
- Modeling Storm Time Interhemispheric Asymmetries: What is our capability?
- Modeling the dynamic variability of the outer radiation belt fluxes using machine learning
- Multi-Purpose Model Validation Efforts for Radiation Environment in the Near-Earth Region
- NOAA/NESDIS' Ongoing Efforts to Define the Next Generation Architecture of Satellites and Instruments
- Nightside high-latitude magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere responses to an extreme substorm
- On the Creation of Apparent Local Peaks in Electron Phase Space Density Data by Rapid Inward ULF Wave Radial Transport
- On the Similar and Repeatable Dynamics of Relativistic and Seed Electrons in the Terrestrial Van Allen Belt
- Optimizing future observational capabilities: Trade studies for NOAA's Space Weather Program
- Origin of Electron Boomerang Stripes: Localized ULF Wave-particle Interactions
- Ozone Loss and Climate Change Caused by Black Carbon Emissions from an Increasing Frequency of Rocket Launches
- Parametric Study of Prompt Methane Release Impacts II: Effect of a Dynamic Ocean on Model Results
- Probing the magnetosphere via observations of electron flux oscillations associated with broadband ULF waves
- Propagation effects on EMIC wave k vectors: Observations from MMS
- Quantifying the Drivers of Electron Loss from the Earth's Radiation Belts: Lightning Generated Whistler Waves and Coulomb Energy Drag
- Radiation Exposure in the Vicinity of a Simple Crater on the Moon
- Relative contributions of large-scale and wedgelet currents in the substorm current wedge
- SWx TREC's Space Weather Data Portal: a launch pad for space weather research
- Science Applications of the REACH Observing System
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Radiation Belt Electrons Using FIREBIRD-II and the Van Allen Probes
- Spatial evolution of injected energetic electrons as observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Statistical Comparison of Van Allen Probes Loss Cone Electron Measurements and FIREBIRD Observations for 2015-2019
- Statistical Properties of Electron Curtain Precipitation Estimated with AeroCube-6
- Temporal Evolution of Near-Slot Precipitation Events During and After Slot-Filling Injections
- The Gravity and Geophysical Properties of (101955) Bennu
- The Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission Science
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission: Science CONOPS
- The effect of F-layer zonal neutral wind on the monthly and longitudinal variability of equatorial ionosphere irregularity and drift velocity
- Validation of COSMIC-2 Space Weather Science Products
- A Statistical Study of Magnetopause Boundary Layer Energetic Electron Enhancements Using MMS
- Active Learning Approaches for Operational Sea Ice Mapping
- Additions to Voyager 2 Cosmic Ray Subsystem Data in the Planetary Data System from Ice Giant Flybys
- Applications for monitoring and analyzing space radiation impacts to satellite operations
- Assessing Industrial Trace Gas Emissions: Fusion of Airborne and Surface Mobile in situ Observations with Targeted Trace Gas Sample Collection.
- Characterizing cold ions of ionospheric origin and their compositional properties for EMIC wave studies
- Effects of Diffuse Auroral Precipitation on Ionospheric Conductivity and Joule Heating During Storms: Comparisons of RCM-E Simulations with Observations
- Energetic Charged Particle Needs in the Age of Proliferated LEO
- Estimating Atmospheric Electron Precipitation using Observations from FIREBIRD-II CubeSats and the Van Allen Probes
- Examining Electron Energy and Pitch Angle Diffusion due to Anisotropic Loss Cone Distribution Generated Whistler Waves in Terrestrial Magnetospheres
- FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Calibration and Validation in Support of Mission Full Operational Capability (FOC)
- LEAF suite: Long-term Forecasts of the Space Environment and Satellite Hazards
- Longitudinal Dependence of the Apex Altitude of Ionospheric Bubbles
- Measuring success and tracking progress towards modeling and forecasting the occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles
- Mesoscale Features in Global Response to CME Driven Event
- Modeling the Albedo Neutron Decay Source of Radiation Belt Electrons and Protons
- Modeling the dynamic variability of sub-relativistic outer radiation belt electron fluxes using machine learning
- Multi-MeV Electron Dynamics near the Inner Edge of the Outer Radiation Belt
- Pre-Launch Update of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission
- Precipitating Energy Flux, Average Energy, and Hall Auroral Conductance from THEMIS All-Sky-Imagers during Two Substorms: Mesoscale Contributions
- Space Weather Decision Aids in the R2O2R Cycle
- Statistical Study of Whistler-mode Waves and Expected Pitch Angle Diffusion Rates during Dispersionless Electron Injections
- Storm-generated Atmospheric Gravity Wave Observations from the ISS using the Near InfraRed Airglow Camera (NIRAC)
- Summary of the Space Environment Engineering and Science Applications Workshop Ionospheric Impacts (SEESAW-II): Precision Agriculture
- Untangling the solar wind and magnetospheric drivers of the radiation belt electrons
- Using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Imaging to Understand Global Transport in Geospace During Active Intervals
- Van Allen Probes instrument calibration results of the for ECT-HOPE and RBSPICE energetic particle detectors
- Whence the Interstellar Magnetic Field Shaping the Heliosphere
- Additions to Voyager 2 Cosmic Ray Subsystem Data in the Planetary Data System from Ice Giant Flybys
- Circulation of Ionospheric Ions in the Outer Magnetosphere and Implications for Magnetic Reconnection
- Communicating Interhemispheric Asymmetry Science using the Capabilities Assessment Matrix (CAM)
- Comparing Magnetotail Dynamics Using TWINS and THEMIS
- Comparison of the on-orbit FalconSEED data on STPSat-6 and radiation transport models
- Comparisons of Energetic Particle Injections Using Multipoint Observations from MMS, Van Allen Probes, and Arase
- Connecting the Multi-spacecraft In-situ Observations of the Storm-time Mesoscale Structures Inside the Magnetosphere Using ENA Observations by TWINS
- Development of a New Time-of-Flight Particle Telescope for Ion Mass Composition of Solar Energetic Particles Using Diamond Detectors
- Diffuse Auroral Precipitation Effects on Ionospheric Particle, Joule, and Thermal Heating
- Electron Precipitation Curtains – Simulating the Microburst Origin Hypothesis
- First Results from DAILI, a 6U CubeSat designed to study O2 density from 140 to 200 km at low and mid latitudes
- GLACE (Geant4 Lunar Albedo Computed Environment): A Model of Lunar Energetic-Particle Secondary Radiation and its Variation with Regolith Hydrogen
- Global Distribution of The Unintended Sources of Radio Frequency Interference
- Improvements of multi-scale geomagnetic forcing specification from the ground-based integrated networks and the impacts on I-T modeling
- Intense Equatorial Electrojet and Counter Electrojet caused by the 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption: Space and Ground-based Observations
- LOBSTR: A Multi-Local Time Radiation Belt Mission Concept Study
- Leveraging Machine Learning to Characterize Ice Type and Concentration Using C-band SAR Observations
- Low Resource Particle Sensors for Space Science Research and Applications
- Mesoscale Processes in the Magnetosphere: The Elusive Mode of Plasma Transport and Energization and the Measurements Needed to Bring it to Light.
- Modeling the Low-Altitude Distribution of Radiation Belt Protons
- Radiation Belt Daily Average Electron Flux Model (RB-Daily-E) from the Seven-Year Van Allen Probes Mission and Its Application to Interpret GPS On-orbit Solar Array Degradation
- Remembering Patricia Doherty
- SHELLS Model: Specifying High-altitude Electrons using Low-altitude LEO Systems
- Science applications of the REACH observing system
- Source Attribution and Monitoring of Halocarbon Emitters with Infrared Spectral Imaging
- Supporting Space Weather with the Geospace Dynamics Constellation
- The Atmospheric Data And Mission Planning Tool in an Interactive Visualization Environment (ADAPTIVE) for Integrative Displaying of Space and Ground-based Data
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- Thermal Electron Heat Fluxes Associated with Precipitated Auroral Electrons
- Utilizing high-latitude ground-based observatories in conjunction with satellite observing systems: A focus on all-sky-imagers and radar to provide 2D context and verification
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Boyd
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Gerrard
- A. J. Halford
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Johnson
- A. M. Keesee
- A. P. Jordan
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. Runov
- A. S. Reimer
- A. W. Case
- Alex T. Chartier
- Allison Jaynes
- Anders Eriksson
- Aroh Barjatya
- B. H. Mauk
- B. Larsen
- B. Lavraud
- Benjamin Hogan
- Brett Carter
- Burcu Kosar
- C. Lemon
- C. M. De Nardin
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Mouikis
- C. R. Englert
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Cheng Sheng
- Christine Gabrielse
- D. Fischer
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. M. Gillies
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. T. Welling
- Damiano Caprioli
- Daniel R. Marsh
- Daniel V. Cotton
- David M. Miles
- David M. Tratt
- Donald R. Blake
- Donglai Ma
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Yizengaw
- E. Zesta
- Ewan S. Douglas
- F. Allegrini
- F. D. Wilder
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. D. Reeves
- G. Le
- G. V. Khazanov
- Gang Li
- Greg Lucas
- Guiping Liu
- H. Akbari
- H. O. Funsten
- Harlan E. Spence
- Hong Zhao
- Howard J. Singer
- I. J. Cohen
- I. Shinohara
- Ira Leifer
- J Bernard Blake
- J. C. Green
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Correira
- J. G. Sample
- J. H. Clemmons
- J. H. Hecht
- J. H. Westlake
- J. Jahn
- J. Klenzing
- J. L. Roeder
- J. M. Bell
- J. P. Thayer
- J. Scott Evans
- J. Tibbetts
- J. W. Manweiler
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jeng‐Hwa Yee
- Jiang Liu
- Jie W Weiss
- Jinxing Li
- John Braun
- Joshua Pettit
- Julie Currie
- Justin H. Lee
- Jérémy Dargent
- K. Greer
- K. J. Genestreti
- K. Keika
- K. M. Groves
- K. Ogasawara
- Karine Issautier
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. A. Avanov
- L. Andersson
- L. H. Pitcher
- L. Kepko
- L. M. Kistler
- L. R. Cashman
- L. R. Lyons
- Leonardo Maracahipes‐Santos
- Liying Qian
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Conde
- M. D. Looper
- M. G. Henderson
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Gołkowski
- M. Pulupa
- M. Samara
- M. Wüest
- Margaret W. Chen
- Mats André
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. Buzulukova
- N. M. Pedatella
- Naomi Maruyama
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- P. H. Phipps
- P. Tenfjord
- Qian Wu
- R. A. Heelis
- R. A. Steenburgh
- R. C. Allen
- R. Ilie
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. Michell
- R. S. Selesnick
- Rachael Filwett
- Ramón López
- Romina Nikoukar
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. D. Bale
- S. England
- S. G. Claudepierre
- S. K. Vines
- S. P. Joy
- S. R. Kaeppler
- Satoshi Kasahara
- Satoshi Kurita
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Seth Redfield
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Simon Wing
- Stanley C. Solomon
- Supriya Chakrabarti
- T. B. Guild
- T. E. Moore
- T. Leonard
- T. P. O’Brien
- Tam Dao
- W. A. Bristow
- W. Kent Tobiska
- W. Y. Li
- William S. Schreiner
- X. Wang
- X. Zhang
- Xiangning Chu
- Xinlin Li
- Y. Nishimura
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yue Deng
- Yuni Lee