University of Alabama, Huntsville
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A UBK-space Visualization Tool for the Magnetosphere
- Calibration of an Airborne Field Mill Array
- Combined Lightning Observations Using the TRMM and FORTE Satellites
- Determination of ionospheric conductivities from UVI intensity ratios
- Laboratory Visualization of Global Magnetic Topology
- Nonlinear Waveforms Generated by Electron Beam-driven Instabilities
- Spontaneous Formation of Current-Driven Double Layers in Density Depletions and Its Relevance to Solitary Alfven Waves
- Surface Temperatures in the Eastern Caribbean During the 7th Century AD Average up to 4° C Cooler Than Present
- The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System Data Products from the Aqua Mission
- The Energy Transport during Substorms Based on Solar Wind Measurements, Derived Auroral Electron Distributions and Magnetic Indices
- The Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) Project
- Aerosol Radiative Forcing over the Global Oceans from Terra
- An Interoperable Framework for Mining and Analysis of Space Science Data (F-MASS)
- Angular Dependence Models for Aerosols from Combined MODIS/CERES Measurements
- Chaining Distributed Services for Mining, Fusion, and Visualization
- Comparison Z-R Relationships in EPIC-2001
- Convection and easterly wave structure observed in the eastern Pacific warm-pool during EPIC-2001
- Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) Induced Shock Formation and Properties
- Current Disruption and Reconnection in a Harris Current Sheet
- Earth Science Markup Language: An Overview
- Evidence for Subauroral Electric Fields from IMAGE EUV
- Impact of Deforestation on Cloud Properties and Rainfall Over the Costa Rica-Nicaraguan region
- Near real-time verification of dust models: Possibilities and uncertainties for dust storm forecasting and analysis
- Refraction Shock and Its Consequences for the Auroral Acceleration Processes
- Self-Consistent Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Temporal and Spatial Variability in Tropical Lightning Frequency: Meteorological Implications
- The influence of environmental state on lightning and convective parameter distributions
- A Science Classroom for America: Hands-on Science Education on the International Space Station Using the Distributed Mentoring Network of the National Space Grant Program.
- AMSR Validation Program
- Assimilation of Satellite-derived Aerosol Optical Thickness in a Mesoscale Model: A Case Study.
- Comparison of in-situ Electric Field and Radar Derived Parameters for Stratiform Clouds in Central Florida
- Dynamic Planar Double Layers: Filamentary Substructures, Electron Holes and Ion Heating
- Exploring the Potential of Satellite Data for Air Quality Applications
- Global Water Cycle Measurements From the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E)
- Intraseasonal Forcing of Lightning and Convective Activity in the Southern Amazon as a Function of Cross Equatorial Flow
- Modeling and Mechanisms of Intercontinental Transport of Biomass-Burning Plumes
- New Technologies for Improving Earth Science Data Usability
- Potential applications of Aura data in determining the influences of convective type and Rossby wave breaking on tropical and subtropical upper tropospheric water vapor
- Rainfall, Convective Intensity, and Lightning Characteristics of Tropical Mesoscale Convective Systems according to TRMM
- Setting Up a Thin Current Sheet and Its Bifurcation
- Stormtime Particle Energization With AMIE Potentials
- Subsetting AMSR-E Data and Products
- TOMS Ozone Anomalies and Ozone Retrieval Errors Over Cloudy Areas
- The Effect of Non-sphericity on GOES-8 Dust Aerosol Retrievals During PRIDE
- Tropical tropospheric ozone morphology and seasonality seen in satellite, model, and in-situ measurements: No paradox in North Africa
- Tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> Retrievals from the Baltimore Bomem Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (BBAERI) during AIRS Validation
- Tropospheric Ozone from TOMS: Providing the First Depictions of the Extent of Global Pollution
- Validation of AIRS Column Ozone Retrievals
- A Prototype for Earth Science Data on Demand
- A Syntactic and Semantic Metadata Solution for Intelligent Applications in Earth Science
- Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer - Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) Data Products and Browse Images at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
- Aerosol direct radiative forcing over oceans from merged MODIS/CERES analysis
- Distributed Technologies in a Data Pool
- Double-Layer Driven Plasma Filaments in the Upward Current Region of the Auroral Plasma
- Enhanced Plasma Expansion in Auroral Plasma Cavities in the Upward Current Region
- First Estimates of Anthropogenic Aerosol Radiative Forcing from Terra Satellite Measurements
- Impact of Deforestation on Clouds and Rainfall On the Northern Part of the Proposed Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
- Laboratory Experiments on Charging of Individual Dust Grains
- Observed Relationship Between Ion Energization and the Broadband ELF Spectrum
- On-Board Mining in the Sensor Web
- Packaging a successful NASA mission to reach a large audience within a small budget. Earth's Dynamic Space: Solar-Terrestrial Physics & NASA's Polar Mission
- Packaging a successful NASA mission to reach a large audience within a small budget.The development of unique visualizations in support of Solar-Terrestrial Physics & NASA's Polar Mission
- Predicting Solar Wind Conditions Beyond 1 AU Using the Hakamada-Akasofu-Fry Model
- Satellite Ballistic Coefficients and the Lower Thermosphere
- Satellite-based Assessment of Air Quality in Megacities
- The Effect of Central American Smoke Aerosols on the Air Quality and Climate over the Southeastern United States: First Results from RAMS-AROMA
- The Human Exploration Initiative: Space Radiation Measurement Needs
- The NASA EOS User Services Offices: Supporting Earth Science Data
- The Origin and Evolution of Deep Plasmaspheric Notches
- The Role of the Heavy Ions in the Wave Magnetospheric Phenomena
- A Shape-Based Technique for Aurora Oval Segmentation From UVI Images
- Air Quality over Urban Areas Using Combined Satellite and Ground Measurements
- An Alternative Algorithm for Ice Cloud Property Retrieval Using NPOESS/VIIRS Data
- An Ontology Service for Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD)
- Comparison of Aerosol Radiative Forcing Over Arabian Gulf and Tropical Indian Ocean : A Multi-Sensor Study
- Comparison of Canadian Air Quality Forecast Models With Tropospheric Ozone Profile Measurements Above Mid-Latitude North America During the IONS/ICARTT Campaign: Evidence for Stratospheric Input
- Direct Radiative Impacts of Central American Biomass Burning Smoke Aerosols: Analysis from a Coupled Aerosol-Radiation-Meteorology Model RAMS-AROMA
- Dry Season Rainfall Anomalies due to Deforestation in Northern Mesoamerica: Implications for Forest Sustainability
- Electric Field and Microphysics of Hurricanes
- Filamentary Structures in U-Shaped Double Layers
- Intelligent On-Board Processing in the Sensor Web
- Intercomparison of GOME, Ozonesonde, and SAGE-II Measurements of Ozone: Demonstration of the Need to Homogenize Available Ozonesonde Datasets
- Is There a Human Effect on the Climate System?
- Long-Term Changes in the Total Cosmic Ray Flux Over the Earth During the Past 400 Years and Possible Relation to Climate Changes
- Modeled and Observed Relationship Between Ion Energization and the Broadband ELF Spectrum
- Monitoring the Impact of Anthropogenic and Natural Influences on the Environment of Mesoamerica
- Observations of orographic Cloud Base Heights from satellite and in-situ measurements at the Monteverde Cloud Mist Forest Reserve, Costa Rica
- Real-Time Data Monitoring and Payload Control Using SAMPLE/ISC and REVEAL in Atmospheric Electricity Research
- SCOOP: An IOOS Testbed
- Software and Hardware for Suborbital Telepresence: UAVs on the Web
- Study of CH4 and CO Variability near St.Petersburg Russia
- The Correlation of Polar Nitrates in Ice Cores and Solar Cosmic Rays
- The Role of Deforestation in the Collapse of Classic Maya Civilization: Lessons for the Current Land Use Management in Northern Mesoamerica
- The UAH GeoIntegrator: A Web Mapping System for On-site Data Insertion and Viewing
- The influence of loss saturation effects on the assessment of polar ozone changes
- Tomographic Reconstruction of Plasmasphere Density via Latitude Variation Model Parameter Recovery
- Tropospheric Ozone Across North America in Summer 2004 From Ozonesonde Observations During IONS
- Upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric ozone retrievals from AIRS
- Web-based Tool Suite for Plasmasphere Information Discovery
- A Comparison of Lightning Flashes as Observed by the Lightning Imaging Sensor and the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array
- A Distributed Laboratory for Event-Driven Coastal Prediction and Hazard Planning
- Assessment of aerosol radiative effects and air quality using multi-sensor satellite data
- Comparison between TOMS and OMI-derived tropospheric ozone from the SAM method
- Data Mining Web Services for Science Data Repositories
- Dissipation of Alfven Waves via Generation of High-Frequency Electrostatic Waves and Transverse Ion Acceleration
- Estimation of Global Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect from MODIS, MISR and CERES data
- Features of Simulated Electron Diffusion Region in Current Sheets Compared with Observations
- Global Distributions of Thunderstorms, Segregated by Intensity
- High Performance on a Budget: Exploiting Embarassingly Parallel Computations in Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Modelling and Analysis Applications
- Influence of lightning NOx on the summertime upper tropospheric ozone enhancement above eastern North America
- Noesis: Ontology based Scoped Search Engine and Resource Aggregator for Atmospheric Science
- Ozone from Version 5 AIRS retrievals
- Q-Burst Origins in Africa
- Realizing NASA's Goal of Societal Benefits From Earth Observations in Mesoamerica Through the SERVIR Project
- Satellite-Derived Rain Rates in Varying Tropical Cyclone Environments
- Sensor Management for Applied Research Technologies (SMART) On Demand Modeling (ODM) Project
- Solar Cycle Variations of the Ionospheric Peak Electron Density
- The Earth Information Exchange: A Portal for Earth Science From the ESIP Federation
- The Impact of Land Use Change in Southwestern Australia: The Australian Bunny Fence Experiment (BuFEx-05)
- The OGC Sensor Web Enablement framework
- The Recovery of Earth's Ozone Layer
- Two-Stage Acceleration Mechanism for Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Advances in Data Reported SI
- Aerosol Optical Thickness over North Africa: Multi Satellite Product Analysis
- An Information Infrastructure for Coastal Models and Data
- Analysis of dust and anthropogenic aerosol forcing over the global oceans from Terra
- Analytical Expressions for Temperature Profiles in Model Atmospheres
- Application of Multi-Sensor Fusion to the Aerosol Forecasting Problem
- Assimilation of GOES-Derived Cloud Fields Into MM5
- Combined use of MODIS, MISR, CERES, and a data assimilation method for estimating aerosol climate forcing over Saharan regions
- Data Fusion Approach for Estimating Global Aerosol Radiative Forcing
- Data and Semantic Interoperability for the Oceans Sensor Web
- ELF Q-bursts from African Squall Lines
- Evaluating Simulated Clouds With NASA A-Train Observations
- Evidence for a recurring eastern North America upper tropospheric ozone maximum during summer
- Fusion of MODIS, TOMS, MOPITT and GOCART for aerosol studies
- Global Aerosol Radiative Forcing using Satellite and Surface Measurements
- Highly Nonlinear Features of Electron Diffusion Region
- Hydrometeor Environments Near Lightning Centroids and the Impact on Initial Breakdown
- Initial comparisons of MODIS and CALIPSO level 2 aerosol products and their cloud masking techniques
- Ion and Electron Accelerations by Large-Scale Shear Alfvén Waves Via Cross-Field Instabilities
- Laboratory Measurements of Charging of Apollo 17 Lunar Dust Grains by Low Energy Electrons
- MHD Simulations and Kinetic Analyses of Solar 3He-Rich Events
- New Instrumentation for Characterizing the Moon as a Radiometric Standard for Space-based Radiometry
- North American Tropospheric Ozone Profiles from IONS (INTEX Ozonesonde Network Study, 2004, 2006): Ozone Budgets, Polution Statistics, Satellite Retrievals
- Particulate Matter Air Quality Assessment in EPA Region 4 Using Multi Year Satellite and Ground Based Measurements
- Prototyping a Knowledge IntegrationFramework to Solve Science Problems
- Sensor Management for Applied Research Technologies (SMART) On Demand Modeling (ODM) Project
- Singular value decomposition analyses of tropical tropospheric ozone determined from satellites
- Solutions for Mining Distributed Scientific Data
- The Application of Ontological Methods toward Coastal Restoration
- The Daytime Mixed Layer Observed by Radiosonde, Profiler, and Lidar during MILAGRO
- The Environmental Parameters That Influence Simulated Convective Storm Precipitation: Results From a Large Parameter Space Study
- The Impact of Cloud Correction on the Redistribution of Reactive Nitrogen Species
- Utilizing Geobrowsers to Convey Critical Information during a Natural Disaster
- "Electrically-Hot" Convection and Tropical Cyclone Development in the Eastern Atlantic
- A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Discovery to Help Mitigate Habitat Loss in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Theory of Whistler Regime Reconnection Structure and Rate Based on Group Velocity Cones:Comparison With Simulations
- An Overview of the Data Products and Technologies Provided by the Global Hydrology Resource Center
- Application of the CloudSat and NEXRAD Radars Toward Improvements in High Resolution Operational Forecasts
- Comparisons of MODIS and CALIPSO level 2 aerosol products and their combined use for calculating direct aerosol radiative effects
- DISCOVER: A Service Oriented Approach to Managing Earth Science Data Across Distributed Project-specific Repositories
- Developing a Domain Ontology: the Case of Water Cycle and Hydrology
- Earth Science Mining Web Services
- Enhancements and Evolution of the Real Time Mission Monitor
- Impact of Upwind Land Cover Change on Mount Kilimanjaro
- MHD Simulation of Non-Flux-Rope CMEs Associated with Impulsive SEP Events
- Metrological Perspective on the Common Reference Value and its Uncertainty for Solar Irradiance Measurements
- Nonlinear Processes at the Heliospheric Boundaries
- Numerical simulations and stability of magnetic structures in the heliosheath
- Plant Signals Disrupt (regulate?) Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Growth Under Enhanced Ozone and CO2 Growing Conditions for Populus tremuloides
- Recent Trends in Convective Forecast Parameters in North America (1979- 2007)
- Sensitivity of Simulated Convective Storm Outflows and Cold Pools to Environmental Parameters
- Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes
- Structure of the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- Substorm Classification In UVI Aurora Image Sequences Using The Fuzzy K-NN Algorithm
- The Charging of Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Total Lightning Observations of Extreme Weather Events over the Contiguous United States
- Transversely localized shear Alfven waves in resonance cones
- A Pilot Study to Compare SSM/I Passive Microwave derived Melt Onset Dates to Satellite-Derived Albedo Melt Onset Dates for select points throughout the Arctic
- Acceleration of the low-energy anomalous cosmic ray component observed by Voyager 2
- Alfven Simple Waves
- Analysis for the possibility of retrieving tropospheric ozone with geostationary satellite
- Building a Semantic Framework for eScience
- Characterizing Single-Scattering Properties of Non-Spherical Ice-Crystal Ensembles
- Climate change and tropical total lightning
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Consistency Issues in Assimilation of Satellite Skin Temperatures
- Effects of current sheet structures on the solar wind MHD turbulence
- Emergent Science: Solving complex science problems via collaborations
- Empirical Angular Dependence Models For Smoke Aerosols From CERES
- Environmental Influences on Vorticity Production in Simulated Convective Storms
- Estimation of Convective Momentum Fluxes Using Satellite-Based Methods
- Evaluation of Revised Segmenter Performance in Aurora Image (UVI) On-Line Search Tool via Analysis of 26-27 August 1998 Storm
- Examining Changes due to Land Cover Change on Mount Kilimanjaro: Points Above 5000 m Elevation
- Federated Space-Time Query for Earth Science Data Using OpenSearch Conventions
- GLIDER: Free tool imagery data visualization, analysis and mining
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- IBEX observations in the context of a global heliospheric model
- Initial Results From the Huntsville, Alabama Field Change Array
- Monitoring Drought at Continental Scales Using Thermal Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (Invited)
- Multi-Scale Drought Analysis using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Georgia’s Altamaha River Watershed
- OOSTethys - Open Source Software for the Global Earth Observing Systems of Systems
- Observability considerations for multi-sensor and product fusion: Bias, information content, and validation (Invited)
- On the Diagnosis of Radiative Feedback in the Presence of Unknown Radiative Forcing (Invited)
- Optical Spectra of Triggered Lightning
- Oxygen Ion Heating Rate within Alfvenic Turbulence in the Cusp
- Positron production during relativistic runaway processes associated with thunderstorms
- Radiation of Electrostatic Waves from Shear Alfven waves
- Relationships Between Tropical Deep Convection, Tropospheric Mean Temperature and Cloud-Induced Radiative Fluxes on Intraseasonal Time Scales
- Talkoot Portals: Discover, Tag, Share, and Reuse Collaborative Science Workflows (Invited)
- The Interactions of Alfven Waves with Perpendicular Shocks
- The analyses of satellite-derived HCHO measurements with statistical approaches
- The relative importance of land use and atmospheric information accuracy in regional scale downscaling associated with land use change impact studies in remote regions
- Translation of IBEX-measured ENA fluxes to the outer heliosphere
- Tropospheric O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO, and CHOCHO from UV/Visible Spectroscopic Measurements: Capabilities and Requirements for Geostationary Pollution Monitoring (Invited)
- Using GLIDER tool in Air Quality Studies
- 24-Hour Forecasting of CME/Flare Eruptions from Active-Region Magnetograms (Invited)
- An Analysis of the Distance Dependence of Measured Peak Electric Fields from Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Return Strokes
- Analysis of TRMM-LIS Lightning and Related Microphysics Using a Cell-Scale Database
- Applied Remote Sensing Education and Training (ARSET): Opportunities to shorten the learning curve in use of NASA satellite data products
- Characterizing lightning processes associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (Invited)
- Diffusive shock acceleration and Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Events (Invited)
- Dispersive Alfven Waves Radiated by a Reconnection Diffusion Region Dispersive Alfven Waves Radiated by the Reconnection Diffusion Region
- Dynamics of particle entries within the cusp boundary deformed during the IMF rotation from Northward to Dawn-Dusk : 3-D PIC large scale simulation
- Electric Field Measurements during the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) Field Program
- Electrically-Active Convection and Tropical Cyclogenesis in the Atlantic and East Pacific
- GOES Infrared and Reflectance 0-1 hour Lightning Initiation Indicators: Development and Initial Testing within a Convective Nowcasting System
- Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Outer Heliosphere
- Hydrometeorological basis for the geographic distribution of tropical wet forests in the Western Ghats of southwest India
- Implementing Land and Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for EOS (LANCE)
- Improved Specification of Transboundary Air Pollution over the Gulf of Mexico Using Satellite Observations
- Lightning Location Using Electric Field Change Meters
- Lightning Sensing from Space: Early Observations to the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (Invited)
- Metadata Evolution for NASA's Earth Science Data Systems
- Modeling the Climatic Controls and Topographic Form of Modern and Late Pleistocene Tropical Peruvian Glaciers
- Multi-point Connectivity Analysis of the May 2007 Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Non-Flux-Rope CME-Driven Shocks and Connection to Particle Acceleration in Solar 3He-Rich Events
- Study of Energization of a Charged Particle Moving in a Time-dependent Chaotic Magnetic Field
- Transport of Turbulence in the Time-dependent Solar Wind
- Utilization of near real-time satellite data in atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling applications
- VLF Radio Observations and Modeling of the Ionospheric Effects of SGR 1550-5418
- What Can Global Models Combined with Observations Tell Us About the Structure of the Heliosphere? (Invited)
- A Collaborative, Multidisciplinary Environment for Coastal Science
- A Mission Management Application Suite for Airborne Science Operations
- Acceleration and Deceleration of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Propagation
- An Integrated Approach for Accessing Multiple Datasets through LANCE
- Annual Land Cover Change Impacts on Mount Kilimanjaro
- Auroral Charging of the International Space Station
- Can you build an iPhone app without writing a single line of code?
- Clouds, Wind and the Biogeography of Central American Cloud Forests: Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Modeling, and Walking in the Jungle
- Collaboration Portals for NASA's Airborne Field Campaigns
- Constraining Climate Sensitivity Estimates with CERES, AMSR-E SST, and Deep Ocean Temperature Changes Since 1955
- Creating a Library of Climate Change Education Resources for Audiences in the Southeast United States
- Creating a Partnering Community Aimed to Foster Climate Literacy in the Southeastern United States
- Cross-cutting Interoperability in an Earth Science Collaboratory
- Deep Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Transport Revealed by Ground-based Ozone lidar: Three Case Studies
- Determination of Planetary Boundary Layer Heights on Short Spatial and Temporal Scales from Surface and Airborne Vertical Profilers during DISCOVER-AQ
- Dual Assimilation of Microwave and Thermal-Infrared Satellite Observations of Soil Moisture into NLDAS for Improved Drought Monitoring
- Evaluation of Long-Range Lightning Detection Networks using TRMM/LIS Observations
- Flare Forecasting Validation
- GLM Proxy Data Generation: Methods for Stroke/Pulse Level Inter-comparison of Ground-based Lightning Reference Networks
- How Clean is your Local Air? Here's an app for that
- Inter-comparison of Convective Cell-based Lightning Trends from Ground-based Networks: Applications toward GLM
- Interpretation of field change array data with time domain fractal lightning modeling
- Key Provenance of Earth Science Observational Data Products
- Laboratory and Numerical Modeling of Smoke Characteristics for Superfog Formation
- Measurements of reactive halogen species as oxidants of mercury over the Gulf of Mexico
- Numerical Modeling of the Heliosphere Using Interplanetary Scintillation Data as Boundary Conditions
- Observation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes with Fermi LAT
- Performance of the Huntsville, Alabama Marx Meter Array
- Pre-Mission, Mission and Post Mission Data Management for NASA Field Campaigns
- Reusable Social Networking Capabilities for an Earth Science Collaboratory
- Spatial correlation of rain drop size distribution from polarimetric radar and 2D-video disdrometers
- Spectral Properties of Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by IBEX and Their Implications for the Microphysics of the Termination Shock
- The CHUVA Lightning Mapping Campaign
- The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)j
- The GOES-R Air Quality Proving Ground: Introducing the Air Quality User Community to the Next Generation of NOAA Geostationary Satellite Products
- The Meteorology of Kilimanjaro from One Year of Atmospheric Modeling at Fine Grid Spacing
- The Use of LANCE Imagery Products to Investigate Hazards and Disasters
- Total lightning within electrified snowfall using LMA, NLDN and WTLN measurements
- Transforming Polar Research with Google Glass Augmented Reality (Invited)
- Understanding the assimilation of dual-polarimetric radar observations and their impact on convective weather forecasting in mesoscale models
- Variability of orographic cloudiness over the Western Ghats
- Very High Energy Solar Protons in the Sun's Atmosphere and at Earth: Gamma-Ray Flares and Ground-Level Events
- Wave modes facilitating fast magnetic reconnection
- Agricultural Decision Support Through Robust Assimilation of Satellite Derived Soil Moisture Estimates
- An Investigation of the Detectability of Cloud-to-Ground Strokes by the Lightning Imaging Sensor
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- An air quality modeling approach to satellite remote sensing
- Application of the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array to the Total Charge Transfer of Lightning
- Challenges in Real-time Synergistic Mining of Diverse Data Sources for Earth Science Phenomena
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Coalescence of Macroscopic Magnetic Islands and Electron Acceleration from STEREO Observation
- Convective Cloud Towers and Precipitation Initiation, Frequency and Intensity
- Data Prospecting Framework - a new approach to explore "big data" in Earth Science
- Development of Way Point Planning Tool in Response to NASA Field Campaign Challenges
- Earth Cube Data Community Roadmap for Mining Services
- Estimating the TGF-lightning ratio and the global TGF rate from GBM data
- Evolution of an Electron Current Layer Prior to Reconnection Onset
- Examining the Properties of Jets in Coronal Holes
- Flash Detection Efficiencies of Long Range Lightning Detection Networks During GRIP
- High Latitude Meridional Flow on the Sun May Explain North-South Polar Field Asymmetry
- High Resolution Spectroscopy of Rocket Triggered Lightning
- Implementing Provenance Collection in a Legacy Data Product Generation System
- Loop Evolution Observed with AIA and Hi-C
- Meridional Flow in Solar Cycle 24: The Impact on the Polar Magnetic Fields
- Mid-Latitude Coastal DSD Variability Observed at the NASA Wallops Precipitation Research Facility: GPM Ground Validation Context
- Modeling Chaotic Magnetic Fields and their Influence on Particle Trajectories
- Multipoint Analysis of a Corotating Interaction Region and its Associated Energetic Particles at STEREO-A, STEREO-B, and ACE: Observations and Modeling
- NASA/SPoRT's GOES-R Activities in Support of Product Development, Management, and Training
- Onotology-Based Annotation and Ranking Service for Geoscience
- Ozone Lidar Measurements in the Boundary Layer
- Particle acceleration and transport in a chaotic magnetic field
- Reconstruction of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections Using Multi-spacecraft Observations
- Response and Sensitivity of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer Over Land to Added Longwave Radiative Forcing
- Satellite data driven modeling system for predicting air quality and visibility during wildfire and prescribed burn events
- Status of Air Quality in Central California and Needs for Further Study
- Study of the 3D Coronal Magnetic Field of Active Region 11117 Around the Time of a Confined Flare Using a Data-Driven CESE-MHD Model
- Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flash Search in the Triggered Gamma Ray Burst Data of Fermi
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Science from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- The Direct Radiative Effects of Aerosols over Southeast Asia based on Satellite Observations and Modelling Calculations
- The Fundamental Structure of Coronal Loops
- The GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM)
- The Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Storm Integrated Lightning Flash Extent
- Thunderstorm Characteristics Correlated with Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes Observed by Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor, RHESSI, and MODIS
- Tool for Constructing Data Albums for Significant Weather Events
- Transition of Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Data Products for Operational Weather Forecasting Applications
- UAHuntsville and NASA-MSFC Heliophysics REU: Year One Strategy and Results
- A Demonstration of Big Data Technology for Data Intensive Earth Science (Invited)
- A Multi-Fluid Model of the Solar Wind and LISM
- Aerosol Optical Thickness Patterns and their Trend in the Southeastern United States
- An Artificial Neural Network Downscaling of MERRA Mountain Gap Wind Events
- An Investigation of the Effects of Flux Ropes in Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections on the Earth's Magnetosphere and Their Geoeffectiveness
- An Investigation of the Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Lightning Rate, Extent and NO<SUB>X</SUB> Production using DC3 Observations and the NASA Lightning Nitrogen Oxides Model (LNOM)
- An SDO/AIA-Observed Filament Eruption Triggered by a Lid-Removal Onset Mechanism
- Are there double layers in solar coronal transition region that accelerate ions originating solar wind?
- Assessing the Climatic Impacts of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Asia Using Numerical Models and Multi-sensor Satellite Observations
- Assimilation of Dual-Polarimetric Radar Observations with WRF 3DVAR and its Impact on Ice Microphysics
- Charged Particles in Chaotic Magnetic Fields
- Collaborative workbench for cyberinfrastructure to accelerate science algorithm development
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Constraining the Origin of CIR-associated Energetic Particles at 1 AU That Arrive From a Non-Local Source
- Convective influence of clouds on redistribution of tropospheric ozone and its relationship to upper-altitude ozone enhancement above Southeastern North America
- Coronal Type II Radio Bursts Associated With Helmet Streamers and Electron Acceleration in a Streamer-Shock System
- Cosmic Rays: an important background for Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash identification
- Current-sheet-like structures in different type of solar winds and their effects on the solar wind MHD turbulence
- Data Albums: A synthesis engine to support case study and climatology analysis
- Daytime variation of absorbing aerosols above stratocumulus clouds and their radiative impacts from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI)
- Demonstrated Performance of the Solar Probe Cup
- Determining the Heliosphere's Modulation Boundary
- Development of WMS Capabilities to Support NASA Disasters Applications and App Development
- Energetic Charged Particle Transport in Intermittent q-Gaussian Magnetic field Turbulence
- Expanding the Role of an Earth Science Data System: The GHRC Innovations Lab
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- Global Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to the Sun's Local Galactic Environment from IBEX (Invited)
- Hyperspectral remote sensing for water quality applications in Guatemala
- Implications of different digital elevation models and preprocessing techniques to delineate debris flow inundation hazard zones in El Salvador
- Long-term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Lessons Learned from an Innovative Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- MHD-kinetic Simulation of the Heliospheric Interface and Related 2-3 kHz Radio Emission
- Modeling Relativistic Electron Precipitation Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Intensities at 10-100 km Manned Vehicle Altitudes
- Near Real-Time Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Response to Meteorological Disasters
- New Decision Support for Landslide and Other Disaster Events
- Ozone entrainment flux using ozone DIAL and Compact Wind Aerosol Lidar (CWAL) in Huntsville AL
- Pickup Ions in the Distant Heliosphere and Heliosheath
- Recovery of an evolving magnetic flux rope in the solar wind: Decomposing spatial and temporal variations from single-spacecraft data
- Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) Software for the Visualization of Large Data Sets on a Video Wall
- Seamless online science workflow development and collaboration using IDL and the ENVI Services Engine
- Self consistent particles dynamics in/out of the cusp region by using back tracking technics; a global 3D PIC simulation approach
- Simultaneous Radio, Optical and Gamma-Ray Observations of TGFs
- Small-Scale Magnetics Structures in the Sun's Corona Observed by HI-C
- Solar Energetic Protons at >500 MeV in the Sun's Atmosphere and in Interplanetary Space: The 2012 May 17 Ground Level Event
- Storm Physics and Lightning Properties over Northern Alabama during DC3
- Temporal Spectral Shift of Band-splitting Type II Solar Radio Bursts
- The Impact of Improved Cloud Characterization in the Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) Model on Air Quality Simulations
- The Twin-CME scenario and its role in the seed population for large SEPs (Invited)
- The Voyager Boundary - a Magnetic Shear Interface? (Invited)
- Thunderstorm lifecycle and morphological influences on lightning channel distributions (Invited)
- Total Storm Currents and their Relationship to Microphysical and Dynamical Cloud Properties
- Twin coronal mass ejections simultaneously originating from a single polarity inversion line
- A Comparison Study of an Active Region Eruptive Filament and a Neighboring Non-Eruptive Filament
- A Multi-ion Model of the Heliosphere with Secondary Charge Exchange
- A New Global Core Plasma Model of the Plasmasphere
- A Solar type-II radio burst from CME-coronal ray interaction: simultaneous radio and EUV imaging
- A case study of mixed-layer ozone diurnal variation by ozone DIAL and Large-eddy simulation coupled a chemical module
- Aggregation Tool to Create Curated Data albums to Support Disaster Recovery and Response
- An Analysis of Deep Convective Transport in May 21, 2012 DC3 Alabama Thunderstorms Using Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- An NLDN-Based Search for Observationally Dim Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes Using Low Frequency Radio Sensors and Fermi's GBM
- An Overview of Ozone Variability during SEAC4RS from the Seacions Ozonesonde Network
- An Unusual Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Crossing at 1 AU
- Analysis of the Alfven transition layer in the cusp region by the use of 3D global particle-in-cell simulations
- Application of Satellite information (JASON-2) in improvement of Flood Forecasting and Early Warning Service in Bangladesh
- Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage
- Assessing Climatic Impacts due to Land Use Change over Southeast Asian Maritime Continent base on Mesoscale Model Simulations
- Bayesian Block Analysis of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Detected by the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Impact on Orographic Cloud Formation on Kilimanjaro
- Boundary Layer Regimes Conducive to Formation of Dust Devils on Mars
- Characterizing the TGF-Lightning Relationship Using ENTLN
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Comparison of Simulations of Preliminary Breakdown to Observations from the Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array
- Current disruption and modulation of Electron Current layer by current-driven Electrostatic and Electron Tearing Instabilities.
- Data System for HS3 Airborne Field Campaign
- Data-Intensive Science Meets Inquiry-Driven Pedagogy: Interactive Big Data Exploration, Threshold Concepts, and Liminality
- Design of Scalable and Effective Earth Science Collaboration Tool
- Development and transition of The Radiation, Interplanetary Shocks, and Coronal Sources (RISCS) Toolset
- Effects of Two Large Solar Energetic Particle Events on Middle Atmosphere Nighttime Odd Hydrogen and Ozone Content
- Energization of Charged Particles By a Time-Dependent Chaotic Magnetic Field
- Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection
- Enhancements to NASA's Land Atmosphere Near Real-Time Capability for Eos (LANCE)
- Episodes of Solar Energetic Proton Flux Since 1973
- Event-Driven Cyberinfrastructure Technologies Supporting the Disaster Life Cycle
- Evolution of Three Geoeffective Shock-CME pairs in September 2011
- Factors Influencing the Variability of Mountain Gap Wind Events over the Gulf of Tehuantepec
- Frost monitoring and forecasting using MODIS Land Surface Temperature data and a Numerical Weather Prediction model forecasts for Eastern Africa
- Geolocation of Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes in Gamma Rays Using the Fermi Large Area Telescope
- How Do κ-Distributed Protons in the Heliosheath Affect Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Hybrid Simulations for the Turbulence and the Wave-Particle Interaction in the Inner and the Outer Heliopause.
- IRIS Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Chromospheric Evaporation in a Solar Flare
- Influence of Mesoscale Ocean Wind Variability on Tropical Atmospheric Convection
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection near the Heliopause
- Instabilities and Plasma Mixing at the Heliospheric Boundary
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Integrating a Collaborative Infrastructure with a Big Data Technology to Boost Data-analysis Productivity
- Integration Time Influence on Rain Drop Size Distribution (DSD) and Radar Parameters from Disdrometer Data
- Investigating Pickup Ions with New Horizons, Ulysses and Voyager and Their Diagnostics By Fluxes of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Investigating terrestrial gamma-ray flashes with Fermi GBM and LIS
- Investigation of Galactic Cosmic Rays Modulation by the Corotating Interaction Regions
- Lightning Leader Progression and Source Altitudes in Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- Long-Term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested By a New Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- Magnetic turbulence in the outer heliosheath: implications for pickup ions and the ribbon
- Microwave Signatures in the Pre-impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare
- Modeling Particle Acceleration and Transport at CIRs
- Monitoring water quality in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala using Earth Observations
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulations Suite - A Tool for the Investigation of Physical Processes at the Boundary of the Heliosphere
- Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery and Land Surface Modeling Supporting Dust Detection and Forecasting
- On the Optical Emission of Intracloud Lightning Leaders
- Ozone Diurnal Variation in the PBL at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory During Summer 2014
- Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Highly Magnetized Plasmas
- Particle Energization in a Chaotic Force-free/Non-Force-free Magnetic field
- Performance Characterization of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) CCD Cameras
- Plasma Physics, Waves and Turbulence in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Possible Role of Coronal Streamer as Magnetically-closed Structure in Shock-induced Energetic Electrons and Metric Type II Radio Bursts
- Progress Report on the ASCII for Science Data, Airborne and Geospatial Working Groups of the 2014 ESDSWG for MEaSUREs
- Q/A Dependence on Shock Geometry Using Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Radar and Atmospheric Sounding observations around 23 TGFs
- Resolving Multiscale Processes in Tropical Cyclogenesis Using Parallel EEMD
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Solar Corona with Simulated Field Line Random Walk and Wave Generation
- Solar Wind MHD Turbulence in Coronal Hole and Streamer Belt wind
- Solar Wind Simulations Based on Ooty IPS Data
- Spectral Evolution of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at Voyager 1 Beyond the Termination Shock
- Spectral Properties of Large Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Suprathermal Ion Acceleration in Multiple Contracting and Reconnecting Inertial-scale Flux Ropes in the Supersonic Solar Wind.
- Testing the Solar Probe Cup, An Instrument Designed to Touch the Sun
- Tgf Pulse and Radio Properties Detected at Close Range
- The ENA Ribbon and the ISN Flow as Key Tools for the ISM-Heliosphere Interaction - Open Questions, the Need for Future Observations with IBEX and IMAP
- The First Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Influence Gradient Drift in the Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF) on the Spectra of Solar Energetic Protons (SEP) at Earth as a Function of Heliographic Latitude
- The Seismic Inverse Problem - active and now passive data for FWI.
- UAHuntsville-NASA MSFC Heliophysics REU: A Model for Recruiting Targeted Groups
- Using Ensemble Short-Term Initialized Coupled NASA GEOS5 Climate Model Integrations to Study Convective Bias Growth
- Using a Geographic Information System to Assess the Risk of Hurricane Hazards on the Maya Civilization
- 3D PIC simulation of the cusp dynamics : The Alfven transition layer
- A multi-satellite analysis of the direct radiative effects of absorbing aerosols above clouds
- Airborne GLM Simulator (FEGS)
- An Analysis of the Climate Data Initiative's Data Collection
- An Evaluation of the Parallel Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Method in Revealing the Role of Downscaling Processes Associated with African Easterly Waves in Tropical Cyclone Genesis
- Analysis of Summer-time Ozone and Precursor Species in the Southeast United States
- Applications of Earth Remote Sensing for Identifying Tornado and Severe Weather Damage
- Automating Flood Hazard Mapping Methods for Near Real-time Storm Surge Inundation and Vulnerability Assessment
- Bow Shock in the Local Interstellar Medium Ahead of the Heliopause: A Quantitative Analysis
- CGL and Landau fluid simulations of turbulence
- Can ASCII data files be standardized for Earth Science?
- Capabilities of a Global 3D MHD Model for Monitoring Extremely Fast CMEs
- Capturing Data Connections within the Climate Data Initiative to Support Resiliency
- Characterization of Nighttime Light Variability over the Southeastern United States
- Characterization of the Interior Density Structure of Near Earth Objects with Muons
- Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Comparative Analyses of Two Extremely Fast CMEs Induced Shocks using A H3DMHD Model
- Comparison of Temperature Trends Using an Unperturbed Subset of The U.S. Historical Climatology Network
- Connecting Properties of the Interstellar Medium to Observables Using Simulations of the Heliosphere
- Connecting real-time data to algorithms and databases: EarthCube's Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
- Conservation Laws in Fluids and MHD: MultiSymplectic and Hamiltonian Approaches
- Constraining lightning channel growth dynamics by comparison of time domain electromagnetic simulations to Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array observations
- Developing Soil Moisture Profiles Utilizing Remotely Sensed MW and TIR Based SM Estimates Through Principle of Maximum Entropy
- EarthCube Integration and Test Environment (ECITE) : An environment to verify, validate, integrate and demonstrate EarthCube technology components
- Effects of Cosmic Rays on the Structure of the Heliosphere
- Energy Conversion and Particle Acceleration during Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flare Plasma
- Energy Separation Between Thermal and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- Examining Solar Flare Spectral Parameter Evolution to Probe the Development of the Electon Beam
- Experential Learning Approach For Training Pre-Service Teachers In Environmental Science Using Mobile Apps
- Exploiting Untapped Information Resources in Earth Science
- Exploration and Parameter Study of Active Region Luminosity
- Exploring the properties of Solar Prominence Tornados
- Geocuration Lessons Learned from the Climate Data Initiative Project
- Ground Level Observations of a Possible Downward-Beamed TGF during a Rocket-Triggered Lightning Flash at Camp Blanding, Florida in August 2014
- HS3 Information System
- Hidden in the Neutrons: Physical Evidence for Lunar True Polar Wander
- Improved Satellite-based Photosysnthetically Active Radiation (PAR) for Air Quality Studies
- Interpretation of the 12 May 2012 ground level enhancement event
- Kinetic Simulation and Visualization of Ion Ring Instability in Interstellar Plasma
- Landslide Hazard Mapping in Rwanda Using Logistic Regression
- Lightning-Based Search for Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes in Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor Data
- Modeling Extreme Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration with Self-Consistent Wave Generation
- Modeling the Hydrogen-Proton Charge-Exchange Process in Global Heliospheric Simulations
- Multi-Spacecraft Analysis of Energetic Heavy Ions and Interplanetary Shock Properties in Energetic Storm Particle Events at 1 AU
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Changing patterns in the use of NRT satellite imagery
- New Mission to Measure Global Lightning from the International Space Station (ISS)
- On the Energy Spectra of Individual Terrestrial Gamma ray Flashes
- Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere
- Particle Acceleration at Filamentary Structures Downstream of Collisionless Shocks in the Heliosphere.
- Particle Acceleration at Oblique CME-driven Shock Using Improved PATH Model
- Particle Transport in a Realistic Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Pickup Ion Acceleration at the Solar Wind Termination Shock Based on a Focused Transport Approach Including a q-Gaussian Turbulence Model of Variations in the Spiral Magnetic Field Angle
- Propagation of transient shocks from 1 AU to the Voyagers during 2012-2015
- Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
- Providing Geospatial Education and Real World Applications of Data across the Climate Initiative Themes
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Superhalo Electrons
- Reassessing the BATSE Catalogue of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanches in the Presence of an External Magnetic Field
- Rethinking Approaches to Exploration and Analysis of Big Data in Earth Science
- Revisiting stability of pickup ion rings
- Satellite Models for Global Environmental Change in the NASA Health and Air Quality Programs
- Solar Wind ~0.1-1.5 keV Electrons at Quiet Times
- Suprathermal Charged Particle Acceleration by Small-scale Flux Ropes.
- Synergetic Use of Crowdsourcing for Environmental Science Research, Applications and Education
- TOLNet Data Format for Lidar Ozone Profile & Surface Observations
- TRYAD: a Pair of CubeSats to Measure Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash Beams
- The Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Southeastern U.S.
- The CHORDS Portal: Lowering the Barrier for Internet Collection, Archival and Distribution of Real-Time Geophysical Observations
- The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Heliotail
- The MaGIXS Sub-Grating Diffraction Experiment and its Implications for Instrument Integration and Alignment
- The Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- The Transport of Low-Frequency Turbulence in Astrophysical Flows. II. Solutions for the Super-Alfvenic Solar Wind
- The sequence of events in a lightning stroke: terrestrial gamma ray flash, radio signal and optical lightning.
- Thermal Plasma Measurements with the Solar Probe Cup: An Estimate of Perihelion Data
- Total Lightning as it Relates to Rotation in Supercell Thunderstorms
- Transition Region Near the Heliopause: Modeling Results from the Voyager Mission Perspective
- UAHunstville/NASA Heliophysics REU: Changing Student's Perspectives on Research
- Use of GPM Data Products in SERVIR Hydrological Applications
- Using In Situ and Remote Sensing Data to Model the Plasma Flow throughout the Heliosphere
- Where are the lightning hotspots on Earth?
- Why is the Sun No Longer Accelerating Particles to High Energy in Solar Cycle 24?
- "A remote sensing approach to determining susceptibility of national park forest areas to forecasted changes in precipitation and temperature"
- A Heliospheric Plasma Sheet Crossing at 1 AU that Contains an Unusually High Density Just Downstream of Shock Wave
- A Nearly Incompressible Description of Low-Frequency Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- A Rules-Based Service for Suggesting Visualizations to Analyze Earth Science Phenomena.
- A Theory for Self-consistent Acceleration of Energetic Charged Particles by Dynamic Small-scale Flux Ropes
- Absence of Trend in Global Lightning during Recent Hiatus in Global Warming
- An Assessment of the Evolving Common Metadata Repository Standards for Airborne Field Campaigns
- Analyzing the Multiscale Processes in Tropical Cyclone Genesis Associated with African Easterly Waves using the PEEMD. Part I: Downscaling Processes
- Applications of Non-Force-Free Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolation
- Art-inspired Presentation of Earth Science Research
- Assessing Applications of GPM and IMERG Passive Microwave Rain Rates in Modeling and Operational Forecasting
- Assessing Satellite Column Observation of Formaldehyde over Continental United States
- Assessment of Long-term Irrigation Water Availability over Highly Managed and Economically Important Agricultural Region of the Columbia River Basin
- Automatic Detection of Solar Wind Stream Interfaces and Magnetic Sector Boundaries
- Building Knowledge Graphs for NASA's Earth Science Enterprise
- Building a Small-scale Magnetic Flux Rope Database via the Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction Technique
- Charge-Exchange in Global Heliospheric Models: A Comparison of Source Term Integration Methods
- Climate Impact and GIS Education Using Realistic Applications of Thematic Datasets in a Structured Lesson-Based Workbook
- Comparison of Deep Convective Transport in Cumulus-Parameterized and Cloud-Resolved WRF-Chem Simulations of Different Scale Storms during the DC3 Field Campaign
- Concurrent Observations of Optical Lightning and a Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flash
- Data Collection and Processing Capabilities used by the SWEAP Investigation on Solar Probe Plus
- Daytime variations of absorbing aerosols above clouds in the southeast Atlantic
- Deep Learning-Powered Insight from Dark Resources
- ECITE: A Testbed for Assessment of Technology Interoperability and Integration wiht Architecture Components
- Earth Science Data Education through Cooking Up Recipes
- Effects of Interplanetary Transport in the Event-integrated Spectra of Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Electron Acceleration by Stochastic Electric Fields in Thunderstorms: Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Enhancements to NASA's Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE)
- Enhancing STEM Education at Minority and Underrepresented Institutions through the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE)
- Enhancing the Value of the Federal Climate-Relevant Data Through the Climate Data Initiative
- Estimation of NO<SUB>x</SUB> Production from Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Evaluating A Priori Ozone Profile Information Used in TEMPO Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals
- Evaluation of Different MODIS AOD Retrieval Algorithms for PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Estimation in the Western, Midwestern and Southeastern United States with Implications for Public Health
- Evolution and propagation of the July 23, 2012, CME-driven shock: A 3-D MHD simulation result
- Evolving Frameworks for Different Communities of Scientists and End Users
- Experiential Learning Approach for Training Pre-Service Teachers in Environmental Science Using Mobile Apps
- Field Campaign Explorer: Simultaneous Data Exploration, Discovery, and Visualization
- Fly's Eye GLM Simulator (FEGS)
- GOME-2 Tropospheric Ozone Profile Retrievals from Joint UV/Visible Measurement
- Generation of Kappa-like Distribution due to energization of charged particles by time-dependent chaotic magnetic field
- Geospatial Analysis of Climate-Related Changes in North American Arctic Ecosystems and Implications for Terrestrial Flora and Fauna
- Globally-Gridded Interpolated Night-Time Marine Air Temperatures 1900-2014
- Ground Detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from Distant Radio Signals
- Ground-Level Search for Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Harmonizing Access to Federal Data - Lessons Learned Through the Climate Data Initiative
- How did a Major Confined Flare Occur in Super Solar Active Region 12192?
- Impact of Tropopause Structures on Deep Convective Transport Observed during MACPEX
- Impacts of Real-time Satellite-derived Vegetation on WRF-Hydro Simulated Streamflow
- Improvements to Lunar BRDF-Corrected Nighttime Satellite Imagery: Uses and Applications
- Initiation of a Coronal Shock Based On An Observed Flux-Rope Eruption in AR11283, September 2011 Event
- Integration of Microwave and Thermal Infrared Estimates for Development of Soil Moisture Profiles in the Southeastern United States
- Investigating the Distribution of Medical Services among Socioeconomic Groups in Texas
- Investigation Into the Effects of Climate Variability and Land Cover Change on the Hydrologic System of the Lower Mekong Basin
- Kinetic Simulations of Particle Acceleration in Three-dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- Land cover mapping for development planning in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Land, Atmosphere Near Real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) AMSR2 Data System
- Lessons Learned in the Integration of Earth Remote Sensing Data within the NOAA/NWS Damage Assessment Toolkit
- Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space Station (ISS): Launch, Installation, Activation, and First Results
- Linking land use changes to surface water quality variability in Lake Victoria: some insights from remote sensing
- Localization of Terrestrial Electron Beams
- MHD Gauge Fields: Helicities and Casimirs
- Magnetohydrodynamics with temperature anisotropy
- Making connections: Where STEM learning and Earth science data services meet
- Mekong Land Cover Dasboard: Regional Land Cover Mointoring Systems
- Mekong Regional Land Cover Monitoring System Reference Methods
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Modeling the Solar Wind throughout Interplanetary Space Using Ground-based and Spacecraft Observational Data
- Modelling Solar Energetic Particle Events Using the iPATH Model
- New Capability for Ozone DIAL Profiling Measurements in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from Aircraft
- Nighttime Environmental Products from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite: Science Rationale
- Numerical Simulation of Cosmic Rays Effects on the Structure of the Heliosphere
- Observational Signatures of Magnetic Reconnection in the Corona
- Observations of particle acceleration by small-scale flux rope dynamics in the solar wind
- On the Nature of Large-Radiance Flashes Reported by LIS over the U.S.
- Operational use of VIIRS Multispectral Imagery and NUCAPS Soundings in Short-term Weather Forecasting
- Programming Arduino to Control Bias Voltages to Temperature-Depedndent Gamma-ray Detectors aboard TRYAD Mission
- Progress Report on the Airborne Metadata and Time Series Working Groups of the 2016 ESDSWG
- Properties of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes at various geographical regions
- Quiet-Time Suprathermal ( 0.1-1.5 keV) Electrons in the Solar Wind
- Radial and Longitudinal Extent of SEP Radiation Environment: Modelling and Observing a Gradual SEP Event Simultaneously at the Earth and Mars
- Riding the Hype Wave: Evaluating new AI Techniques for their Applicability in Earth Science
- Role of Biomass Burning in the Formation of Tropospheric Ozone Laminae
- SMAP Disaggregation using Fine Resolution TIR Surface Evaporation Data over Continental United States
- Sally Ride EarthKAM: 15 Years of STEM Education and Outreach from Aboard the International Space Station
- Sferics of Multipulse Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes from the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- Solar Energetic particles' Transport in the Solar Wind.
- Solar Probe ANalyzer Ion Instrument - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Probe Cup - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Wind Simulations from the Sun to Earth Using a Data-Driven, MHD Model and Characteristically-Consistent Boundary Conditions Derived from SDO/HMI Vector Magnetograms
- Spectral Properties of Large Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events and Their Implications for Near-Sun CME Shocks
- Striking features of the Alfven Transition Layer in the Magnetic Cusp region; 3D Global PIC Simulation
- Superthermal (0.5- 100 keV) Electrons near the ICME-driven shocks
- Supra Arcade Downflows in the Corona Informed by Magnetospheric Dipolarization Fronts with THEMIS
- TEMPO Early Adopters in Air-Quality Forecasting, Planning and Assessment, Pollution Emissions, Health, Agriculture, and Environmental Impacts: Applications and Decision Support
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes due to Particle Acceleration in Tropical Storm Systems
- The Heliotail Observed in TeV Cosmic Ray Anisotropy
- The Solar injection of ten electron/<SUP>3</SUP>He-rich SEP events
- The importance of high-resolution observations of the solar corona
- The role of fluid compression in energy conversion and particle energization during magnetic reconnection
- Towards an Understanding of the Twentieth-Century Cooling Trend in the Southeastern United States: Biogeophysical Impacts of Land-Use Change
- Trends in Lightning Electrical Energy Derived from the Lightning Imaging Sensor
- Understanding the Laminar Distribution of Tropospheric Ozone from Ground-based. Airborne, Space-borne, and Modeling Perspectives.
- Update of the Second Fermi GBM Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- Using Cloud-Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS) in a range of geoscience applications
- Using Esri Story Map Technology to Demonstrate SERVIR Global Success Stories
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing to assist the National Weather Service (NWS) in Storm Damage Surveys
- Virtual Collections: An Earth Science Data Curation Service
- Virtual Rain and Stream Gauge Information Service to Support Effective Decision Making in Lower Mekong Countries
- What coronal phenomenal can be observed in situ with the SWEAP Instrument Suite aboard Solar Probe Plus?
- Why are Solar Energetic Particle Intensities so Much Lower in Solar Cycle 24, Especially at High Energies?
- 3D Full particle simulations of the solar wind-terrestrial magnetosphere interaction: impact of the IMF rotation on the dipolarization process of magnetospheric dynamics
- A Data-driven Model of the Solar Wind, Interstellar Pickup Ions, and Turbulence Throughout the Interplanetary Space
- A Multi-Tiered Approach for Building Capacity in Hydrologic Modeling for Water Resource Management in Developing Regions
- A New Moonquake Catalog from Apollo 17 Seismic Data II: Lunar Surface Gravimeter: Implications of Expanding the Passive Seismic Array
- A Population Synthesis Study of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- A Study of the Impact of Dams on Streamflow and Sediment Retention in the Mekong River Basin
- A Window to the World: Lessons Learned from NASA's Collaborative Metadata Curation Effort
- A first look at lightning energy determined from GLM
- A new moonquake catalog from Apollo 17 seismic data I: Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment: Thermal moonquakes and implications for surface processes
- Advancing the citizen scientist's contributions to documenting and understanding natural hazards: a proof of concept for linking crowdsourced and remotely sensed data on landslide hazards in El Salvador
- Airborne and Ground-Level Searches for Ionizing Radiation from Thunderstorms with iSTORM
- An Assessment of Surface Water Detection Algorithms for the Tahoua Region, Niger
- An Event Observed as a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) and a Terrestrial Electron Beam (TEB) by Fermi GBM
- An Iterative Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis Using Time-dependent 3-D MHD Models as Kernels
- Analysis and modeling of tropical convection observed by CYGNSS
- Analyzing remotely sensed datasets for improved characterization of field-scale interventions for food security
- Anisotropy of Pitch Angle of Cosmic Rays in Interstellar Magnetic Fields
- Application of Virtual Rain and Stream Gauge Information Service for Improved Flood Early Warning System in Lower Mekong Countries
- Applying Geospatial Techniques to Investigate Boundary Layer Land-Atmosphere Interactions Involved in Tornadogensis
- Applying the recurrence quantification analysis method for analyzing the recurrence of simulated multiple African easterly waves in 2006
- Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Profiles into a Crop Modeling Framework for Reliable Yield Estimations
- Bias Correction of Satellite Precipitation Products (SPPs) using a User-friendly Tool: A Step in Enhancing Technical Capacity
- Building Scalable Knowledge Graphs for Earth Science
- Characteristics of NLDN-Reported Radio Frequency Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Citizen Science and Open Data: a Model for Invasive Alien Plant Species in Kenya's Northern Rangelands
- Clustering ENTLN sferics to improve TGF temporal analysis
- Collaborative, Rapid Mapping of Water Extents During Hurricane Harvey Using Optical and Radar Satellite Sensors
- Comparing Shock geometry from MHD simulation to that from the Q/A-scaling analysis
- Correcting PSP electron measurements for the effects of spacecraft electrostatic and magnetic fields
- Coupled Crop/Hydrology Model to Estimate Expanded Irrigation Impact on Water Resources
- Data-driven Simulations of Magnetic Connectivity in Behind-the-Limb Gamma-ray Flares and Associated Coronal Mass Ejections
- Daytime Variations Of Absorbing Aerosols Above Clouds And Their Direct Radiative Effects In South Atlantic
- Deployment of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) in Emergency and Disaster Response Scenarios to Support Local Emergency Management Agencies
- Designing a Frost Forecasting Service for Small Scale Tea Farmers in East Africa
- Detection and Prediction of Hail Storms in Satellite Imagery using Deep Learning
- Developing a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Decision Support System Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Products
- Developing the TRYAD Science Instrument
- Drought Information Supported by Citizen Scientists (DISCS)
- Drowning in Data: Going Beyond Traditional Data Archival to Educate Data Users
- Dust Radiative Forcing Impacts on Diurnal Temperature Range: Indirect Impacts of Land Cover and Land Use Change in Sahel
- Dynamic Processes of the Solar Wind: Small Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes and Energetic Particles
- Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Evaluating the utility of vegetation indices to monitoring forests in South America, Western & Central Africa, and Southeast Asia
- Evaluation of NLDAS 12-km and downscaled 1-km temperature products in New York State for potential use in health exposure response studies
- Event-Driven Technology to Generate Relevant Collections of Near-Realtime Data
- Expanding NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS
- Fly's Eye GLM Simulator Preliminary Validation Analysis
- Forecasting and nowcasting of solar energetic particle environment using the iPATH model
- From the inside-out: Retrospectives on a metadata improvement process to advance the discoverability of NASÁs earth science data
- Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensity Modulation by Corotating Interaction Regions in the Heliosphere
- GeoDash: Assisting Visual Image Interpretation in Collect Earth Online by Leveraging Big Data on Google Earth Engine
- Geostationary Lightning Mapper: Lessons Learned from Post Launch Test
- Godbillon Vey Helicity and Magnetic Helicity in Magnetohydrodynamics
- Ground- and Space-based Observations of Horizontally-extensive Lightning Flashes
- Heat exposure in cities: combining the dynamics of temperature and population
- How to address a global problem with Earth Observations? Developing best practices to monitor forests around the world
- Hydrological Modeling in Alaska with WRF-Hydro
- Impact of Biomass Burning Aerosols on Cloud Formation in Coastal Regions
- Importance of A Priori Vertical Ozone Profiles for TEMPO Air Quality Retrievals
- Improving Access to NASA Earth Science Data through Collaborative Metadata Curation
- Integration of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery and Derived Products into Severe Weather Disaster Response
- Introducing the VISAGE project - Visualization for Integrated Satellite, Airborne, and Ground-based data Exploration
- Investigation and Characterization of Acoustic Emissions of Tornadoes Using Arrays of Infrasound Sensors
- Investigations in thunderstorm energetics using satellite instrumentation and Monte Carlo simulations
- Laboratory Studies of Temperature and Relative Humidity Dependence of Aerosol Nucleation during the TANGENT 2017 IOP Study
- Large-scale particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection during solar flares
- Learning about the very local interstellar medium from the Voyagers
- Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on the International Space Station (ISS): Launch, Installation, Activation, and First Results
- Moving Towards a Science-Driven Workbench for Earth Science Solutions
- Multipoint Space Measurements of TGF's with the TRYAD Mission
- NASA Earth Observation Systems and Applications for Health: Moving from Research to Operational End Users
- NASA Earth Science Disasters Program Response Activities During Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria in 2017
- Near Real-Time Use of Optical Remote Sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar for Response to Central U.S. Flooding in Late April-Early May 2017
- Numerical Preparations Toward Identifying Heating Mechanisms using Distributions Function Measurements from SWEAP and Parker Solar Probe.
- Observed Structure and Characteristics of Cold Pools over Tropical Oceans using Vector Wind Retrievals and WRF simulations
- Orographic Impacts on Liquid and Ice-Phase Precipitation Processes during OLYMPEX
- Particle Acceleration at a Twin CME at 1 AU
- Partnering with Universities, a NASA Visitor Center, Schools, and the INSPIRE Project to Perform Research and Outreach Activities
- Preliminary calibration results from a simple Wave/Particle correlator instrument that combines data from SPP/SWEAP and FIELDS
- Resolving Ozone Vertical Gradients in Air Quality Models
- Revisiting the Landau fluid closure.
- Satellite derived smoke climatology for the United States and surface particulate pollution implications
- Simultaneous Modeling of Gradual SEP Events at the Earth and the Mars
- Simultaneous Observation of Lightning and Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Solar Flare Termination shock and the Synthetic Fe XXI 1354.08 Å line
- Solar Probe ANalyzer for Ions - Laboratory Performance
- Solar Probe Cup: Laboratory Performance
- Solar Wind 0.1-1 keV Electrons in the Corotating Interaction Regions
- Solar energetic particle transport and the possibility of wave generation by streaming electrons
- Status of Mirror Development for the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Stop the Bleeding: the Development of a Tool to Streamline NASA Earth Science Metadata Curation Efforts
- Studying Solar Wind Properties Around CIRs and Their Effects on GCR Modulation
- Supporting the Use of GPM-GV Field Campaign Data Beyond Project Scientists
- Supra Arcade Downflows in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - TETRA-II Instrumentation
- Terrestrial gamma ray flashes observed by Fermi, lightning mapping arrays and distant ground based radio sensors
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Energetic In-Cloud Lightning Pulses
- The Effects of Interplanetary and CME Properties on Solar Energetic Particle Fluences
- The Exploration, Discovery, Recovery, and Preservation of Endangered Electronic Scientific Records, the Lunar Orbiter Image Recovery Project
- The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) Catalog
- The Geostationary Lightning Mapper: Its Design and Performance
- The Role of Evapotranspiration in Streamflow Modeling-an Analysis Using Entropy Theory
- The Statistical Studies of 0.5-100 keV Electrons Near The ICME-drivens At 1 AU
- The Strongest 40 keV Electron Acceleration By ICME-driven Shocks At 1 AU
- The Structure of the Heliosphere as Seen from In Situ and Remote Observations
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Analysis of Nearby Thunderstorm Activity and Comparison with Lightning Data
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Preliminary Results
- The dynamical evolution and air-quality impacts of the smoke plumes from 2016 Southeastern Wildfires
- The extratropical transition of Tropical Storm Cindy from a GLM, ISS LIS and GPM perspective
- Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) Observations of Processes Controlling Spatio-Temporal Tropospheric-Ozone Distributions
- Understanding the Significant Disparity between Observations and CMIP5 Model Simulations at the Ocean/Atmosphere Interface in the Tropics.
- Using Deep Learning for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation
- Using GHRC's Data Publication Workflow Portal to Improve Data Discovery
- Using Satellite Lightning Data as a Hands-On Activity for a Broad Audience
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to Assess Landslide Characteristics and Devlelop Susceptibility and Exposure Maps in Malawi
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations to investigate habitat suitability of the Cape Vulture in the Western Cape Province of South Africa
- Verification and Enhancement of VIIRS Day-Night Band Power Outage Detection Product
- "Bringing Space to Village" SERVIR Global's STEAM Outreach and Learning Opportunities for Youth
- A Comparison of Atmospheric Profilers and Environmental Soundings in Complex Terrain during the 2017 VORTEX-SE Field Campaign
- A Metadata Curation Approach to Improve the Discoverability and Accessibility of NASA Earth Science Data
- A Partnership for Global Impact and Resilliency
- A Search for Small-Scale Flux Ropes in the Magnetosphere and Magnetosheath
- A Statistical Study of CME Kinematics and its Relationship to the Magnetic Reconnection Flux
- A Study of Consecutive Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor
- A Web-Based Decision Support Tool For Monitoring Kenya's Rangelands
- A cloud based approach to synchronize the advancements in global land cover mapping
- A spatial pattern analysis of gold mining-related forest change in the Madre de Dios region, Peru
- A synthesis of groundwater earth observation technology for food security in Niger, West Africa
- Accessing the Accuracy of CHIRPS-GEFS Rainfall in Bangladesh
- Addressing Drought Emergencies in the Heat of the Moment: A Reduced Latency MODIS NDVI Product to Support Index-based Livestock Insurance in Kenya
- An Event Observed as a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash (TGF) and a Terrestrial Electron Beam (TEB) by Fermi-GBM
- An unusual energetic particle flux enhancement associated with solar wind magnetic island dynamics
- Analysis and Applications of Water Vapor-derived Multispectral Composites for Geostationary Satellites
- Analysis and Review of NASA Earth Science Metadata: How Automation Plays a Role
- Analysis of energy power spectra measured by SWAP experiment: 1D full particle simulation results versus observations of New Horizon mission
- Analyzing the Relationship Between Influenza-like-Illnesses (ILI's), Mortality Rates, Temperature, Humidity, and Precipitation in Alabama from 2013-2018 using NASA's Remotely Sensed Data
- Anatomy of a lightning flash triggered by a +CG from a 257-m tall tower in Florida, including initiation of subsequent strokes
- Announcing NASA's Black Marble (Collection V001) Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Application of Regional Drought and Crop Yield Information System to enhance drought monitoring and forecasting in Ninh Thuan Province in Vietnam
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Drought Monitoring in Bangladesh using a user-friendly tool
- Application of Service Planning Approach to the Risk Financing Sector
- Applications of Remote Sensing for Monitoring Surface Water Availability for Pastoralists in Remote Regions of the Nigerien Sahel
- Assessing Riparian Buffer Zone Health of Pinhook Creek, Madison County, AL, using NASA's Remotely Sensed Data to Understand Impacts on Water Quality and Quantity
- Assimilating Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) Water Surface Elevations into the WRF-Hydro Modeling System in Alaska using HydroDART
- Benefits of Integrating Elements of Data Engineering in Undergraduate STEM Education
- CHORDS: Building the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Challenges Deploying Legacy Software in the Cloud
- Collaborative Data Curation to Support the Multi-Mission Analysis Platform (MAP)
- Combining MHD Simulation and in-situ observations to probe CME-driven shock geometry
- Communication, Collaboration and Teamwork: Keys to Integrating Science and Engineering in the Classroom
- Comparison of observations of thunderstorms from the ASIM optical module and from ground-based instrumentation.
- Comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties among aircraft and satellite measurements during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Coronal Heating and the Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions
- Coupling suprathermal protons in the heliosheath to the plasma through charge-exchange with neutral hydrogen
- Data-driven Model of Global Solar Corona Based on Vector Magnetogram Data
- Deep Learning for Transverse Cirrus Band Detection and Analysis
- Deepti: Deep Learning-based Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation System
- Deriving Disturbance Indices and Loading Factors Using Remote Sensing Data and Crop Models to Develop Derived Variables for SPARROW Water Quality Models in the Southeast USA
- Developing Cloud-cleared Backgrounds to Assist in GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager Multi-spectral Imagery Applications
- Developing a Gender Strategy for a Global Network: Lessons from SERVIR
- Development of a drought and yield assessment system in Kenya
- Dizzy the Disdrometer: Illustrating Field Campaign Data using an ESRI Story Map
- Documenting and Distributing a Regional Land Cover Monitoring System using Free Data and Cloud-based Computing Infrastructure in the Lower Mekong Countries in Southeast Asia
- Drought monitoring and forecasting for Lower Mekong Countries via the Regional Hydrological Extremes Assimilation System (RHEAS)
- ENA Flux from the Inner Heliosheath and its Connection to Termination Shock Properties
- Early results from the RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Energy spectra of electrons and gamma rays observed in largest Thunderstorm GroundEnhancements (TGEs)
- Enhancement of Pickup Ion Pressure in the Inner Heliosheath and Possible Implications for Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Observations by IBEX
- Enhancing Drought Resilience and Crop Yield Security in Vietnam
- Estimating the Economic Value of Scientific Research on the Biological Carbon Pump
- Extending the Climate Data Initiative to
- Facilitating Data-Centric Recommendation in Knowledge Graph
- First Applications of GLM Data for National Climate Assessment (NCA) Studies
- First Observations of Lightning Associated with TGFs by ASIM on the International Space Station
- First observations of lightning and TLEs by ASIM on the International Space Station
- GLD360-Reported Radio Emissions Associated with Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Geodesic Mesh Simulations for Space Physics: A Study of Reconstruction Parameters
- Getting and Addressing Users' Needs Right: SERVIR Eastern and Southern Africa's Approach
- Growth of Lower Barun glacial lake, Nepal Himalaya
- Hands-On, Inquiry Oriented Learning Strategy to Enhance Energy Literacy by Engaging Students in Energy Solutions
- Heat Warning Decision Support System Enhancements in New York State Using Satellite Derived Estimates of Air Temperature
- Heliopause Instability and Its Relation to Variations in the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux at Voyager 1
- Historical reconstruction and near-term forecasts of surface water in South Asia
- Horizontal Lidar Measurements of Near-surface Ozone
- How to leverage the power of SAR observations for forest monitoring systems
- Impacts of Changes in Land Use and Climate on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus- Part B: Application of Downscaled Land Use/Cover Change Scenarios in the Columbia River Basin
- Improving Flood Early Warning Systems in Lower Mekong Countries with Earth Observation Data
- In the Americas, We Use Satellites to Sow Dreams in the Soil
- Infusing NASA Remotely-Sensed Data into a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Insights into Accessing and Using Geospatial Data from Open Data Sources
- Integrating Ground-based In-situ and Ozone Lidar Network Measurements with Future Geostationary Satellite Observations to Maximizing Data Utility and Societal Benefits
- Interactive Visualization of Diverse Datasets Using 3D Tile Point Clouds
- Investigation of Severe Thunderstorm Damage to Vegetation Using Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Investigation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) Production Mechanisms.
- Laboratory Investigation of Temperature and Relative Humidity Dependence of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Nucleation
- MMS Observations of the Kinetic Processes within an Interplanetary Shock
- Machine Learning for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Resolution Improvement
- Modeling and constraining a gamma-ray glow observed at 20 km altitude during the FEGS/ALOFT campaign
- Monitoring Intense Thunderstorms in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region
- Monitoring of landscape level changes in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor: c.1980-2018
- NASA Earth Science Activities Supporting Analysis and Response to the 2018 Hurricane Season
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Delivering Data and Imagery to Meet the Needs of Near Real-Time Applications.
- NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Lightning Observations During GOES-R Validation Flights: A Demonstration of Future TEMPO and GLM Synergy
- Near Real-time Distribution of ISS LIS Lightning Data
- Novel Random Projection-based Dimensionality Reduction Methods as a Foundation for Scalable and Efficient Big Data Analytics in Geoscience Applications
- Numerical Modeling of Strahl Electron Transport in the Solar Wind: Effects of Whistler Turbulence and Coulomb Collisions
- Observational Analysis of Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes from Ulysses In-situ Measurements
- Orographic Impacts on Liquid and Ice-Phase Precipitation Processes during OLYMPEX
- Particle Acceleration in Magnetic Island Coalescence Simulations.
- Patterns in Snowfall: Finding the Unexpected in Nature
- Policy Relevant Climate Vulnerability Mapping in Wami-Ruvu and Rufiji Basins in Tanzania
- Radio Propagation Diagnostics of the Inner Heliosphere in the Era of the Parker Solar Probe
- Real-time monitoring of ephemeral water bodies using earth observation data in the Ferlo (Senegal)
- Reducing Uncertainties in Retrospective Air Quality Simulations through the Use of Satellite Observations
- Research Experiences for Students in the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE) Program
- Revealing the Multiscale Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas with an Innovative Swarm of Spacecraft
- SAR-CBC: A Capacity Building Center for the Use of SAR in Decision Making
- SERVIR: Connecting space to village through poetry
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Satellite monitoring of hurricane disaster recovery reveals inequalities in energy access
- Seismic expression of thermal degradation on the Moon
- Solar wind Suprathermal Electrons around the Corotating Interaction Regions at 1 AU
- Spectral analysis of individual Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes using Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor data and lightning leader models
- Statistical Study of ICMEs with Low Carbon Charge State Plasmas Detected from 1998 to 2011
- Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program
- Stream flow monitoring and forecasting;Supporting water resources management through use of EO data
- Strengthening Food Security Assessments in Kenya Through Implementation of a National Crop Monitor System
- Telegrapher Equations for Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- The Electron Acceleration by ICME-driven Shocks at 1 AU During 1995-2014
- The Great Plains Irrigation Experiment (GRAINEX) - Investigating the Impacts of Irrigation on Regional Weather
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Analysis Platform: helping to enable international collaboration in the terrestrial biomass scientific community
- The Pickup Ion Mediated Solar Wind
- The Role of Magnetic Reconnection-Associated Processes in Local Particle Acceleration in the Solar Wind
- The TEMPO Green Paper: Applications in Air Quality and Health, Agriculture, Forestry, and Economics
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Instrumentation and Results
- The WRF Lightning Forecast Algorithm: Sensitivities to Microphysics and Other Physics Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- The effects of anomalous cosmic rays on the geometry of outer heliosphere from a numerical simulation
- The random walk of Interplanetary Magnetic Field lines due to the intersupergranular magnetic flux tubes and its effect on the transport of the Solar Energetic Particles in the inner Heliosphere
- Theoretical model of ion-acoustic shock wave structure in dusty plasma
- Toward a Common Earth Data Publication Framework
- Towards democratization of water related data in developing regions using cloud computing and open source geospatial web applications
- Update on the Slit-Jaw Context Imaging System of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Updates and Verification of the SAO ozone profile algorithm for the long-term OMI Ozone Profile (PROFOZ) product
- Use of Earth Observation data for assessing changes in mangrove cover across the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System-World Heritage Site
- Using GHRC's Data Publication Workflow Portal to Improve Data Management, Metadata Quality, and Documentation
- Using Intensive Field Data for Evaluating Simulations of Mixed-Phase Clouds from WRF Cloud Microphysical Schemes
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using Machine Learning to Classify Lightning for Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN)
- Using NASA and NOAA satellite data to improve volcanic ash plume modeling for impact-based decision support
- Using NASA's Satellite for Modeling of Health and Air Quality Applications
- Using Polar-orbiting Satellite Information to Support the Non-Weather Community
- Using a Knowledge Graph to Discover Earth Science Information
- Validating the Effectiveness of Treatment on the Productivity of Agricultural Fields in Nepal using Machine Learning Techniques and Space-borne Data
- Water we going to do with all these data? Service development using interdisciplinary data for flood applications
- What the 4.3 - 8 8 keV ENA flux reveals about termination shock pickup ion spectra and heliospheric structure?
- A Comparison of Techniques for Estimating NDVI for Agricultural Intervention Impact Assessment
- A Google Earth Engine Dashboard for Assessing Coastal Water Quality in Belize's Coral Reef System to Identify Sustainable Development Goals for Achieving Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- A Historical Perspective on NASA Earth Science Data Management That Supports Interoperability (and why other groups should be interested)
- A New, Cloud Native Visualization Tool for Earth Science Data at the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC): Field Campaign Explorer and Others
- A Novel Multi-sensor System for Surface Water Mapping and Flood Applications
- A Statistical Study of Magnetic Flux Ropes with Strong Non-neutralized Current
- A Study of Cosmic Rays Around the Surface of the Heliopause
- A Unified Level of Service Model for NASA Earth Science Data Stewardship
- Acceleration of Suprathermal Ions by Dynamic Small-scale Flux Ropes in the Inner Heliosphere
- Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer Calibration and Geophysical Retrievals
- An Open-Source Approach to Multi-Basin Hydrologic Modeling in Tanzania using the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model
- Analysis of He+ Pickup Ions from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Anisotropy of Plasma Velocity Distribution from MMS Observations
- Application of Synthetic TEMPO Products at NASA SPoRT to Accelerate Use in Air-Quality and Public Health Decision Support
- Applications of NASA Earth Observations to Monitor Water Quality in the Indigenous Communities of Madre De Dios, Peru
- Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Monitoring Peacetime Deforestation in Colombia's La Meta Department
- Applying the SPoRT Paradigm to Transitioning the Near Real-Time MAG4 Solar Event Forecast Model into Space Weather Operations
- Are the brightest coronal loops always rooted in mixed-polarity magnetic flux?
- Assessing Changes and Quantifying Loss in African Mangrove Forests Using SAR/Optical Data Fusion
- Assessing the Accuracy of Landslide Runout Simulations within Myanmar, Southeast Asia
- Assessment of a spatially and temporally consistent MODIS derived NDVI product for application in index-based drought insurance
- Balloon-borne Detector for Gamma-Neutron Spectroscopy of TGFs
- CHORDS: Helping to build the Internet of Things for the Geosciences (IoT-G)
- Changing Climate, Changing Data: Exposing Climate Data to New Users Through's Resilience Community
- Characterization of Charge Structure and Lightning in Argentinian Thunderstorms
- Characterizing the Variability of Jupiter's Polar Regions
- Cloud Native Data Processing and Visualizations Techniques for Earth Science Data
- Comparative study of upstream and downstream interplanetary shock parameters during different sampling times
- Comparison of the path length distributions and latitudinal and longitudinal displacement distribution of solar energetic electrons in a meandering magnetic field (IMF) with electron events observed by WIND.
- Comparisons between Observations, Simulation Outputs, and Analytic Predictions for an Accelerating Solar Wind over CR2040 and CR2144
- Comprehensive Severe Weather Impact Assessment and Monitoring using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Auxiliary Data
- Contributions of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption to volcanology: A 40-year perspective
- Creating the Future: The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform's Data Ecosystem
- Current sheets, magnetic islands and associated particle acceleration in the solar wind as observed by Ulysses near the ecliptic plane
- Data-Driven MHD Model of Global Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere with Nearly Incompressible MHD Turbulence Coronal Heating
- Demonstration of self-updating landslide hazard maps with dynamic crowd-sourced data in Rwanda
- Dependence of Energetic Storm Particle Heavy Ion intensities, Spectra, and Abundances on Shock Geometry from Multi-Spacecraft Observations
- Design Thinking for the Applied Sciences: Developing a Novel Approach to Encourage the Use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Open Source Tools for Forest Monitoring
- Design and Construction of a NASA Airborne and Field Investigation Inventory
- Design, Testing, and Implementation of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer Slit-Jaw Context Imaging System
- Developing a Satellite Image-Based Mapping Service for Monitoring Illicit Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana
- Development and Design of the Terrestrial RaYs Analysis and Detection (TRYAD) Science Instrument
- Development of Annual Land Cover Map for Nepal for Monitoring and Change Detection from 2000-2018.
- Development of a Deep Learning Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SGAN) for Improving the Resolution of Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Data
- Development of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR global network
- Development of a drought and yield assessment system in Kenya
- Differences between high-productive and low-productive active regions
- Distinction of deforestation drivers in the Amazon using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) C-band data
- Earth Observation Based Monitoring of Plant Biomass by the Centre de Suivi Ecologique Improved Within the Servir Project
- Earth Observation Data for All: NASA and Google Earth Engine's Public-Private Partnership
- Earthdata Pub: a Data Publication Workflow Solution for NASA's EOSDIS
- Effect of Shock Width on the Accelerated Particle Spectrum from Numerical Simulations
- Effects of Radial Distances on Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- End-to-end Machine Learning Applications Framework for Earth Science
- Energy Conversion in Multiple Interacting Magnetic Islands
- Engaging and Inspiring young women in STEAM: NASA SERVIR's contributions to the Women in Science (WiSci) STEAM Camps
- Evaluating Flood Forecasting System Performance in Cambodia During the 2019 Flood Season
- Evaluation of Precipitation Forecast Produced by High Impact Weather Assessment Toolkit from NASA SERVIR's Monitoring Extreme Weather in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region Service
- Evaluation of the Regional NCAR Air Quality Forecasting System using Ozone Lidar during FIREX-AQ
- Exploring the Relationship between Continuing Current in Lightning and Lightning-Initiated Wildfires using the Geostationary Lightning Mapper
- Flash Type Classification of GLM Flashes
- Flood Mapping of Recent Major Hurricane Events with Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imaging, and Aerial Observations
- Further Evidence for Magnetic Flux Cancelation as the Build-up and Trigger Mechanism for Eruptions in Isolated Solar Active Regions
- GCMD Keyword Classification using Neural Networks
- High Energy Lightning Emission Network for Multi-Point Observations of TGFs from Balloons
- High-Speed Spectroscopy of Natural Lightning Leaders and Return Strokes
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Image Labeler: Label Earth Science Images For Machine Learning
- Improved Calculation of Interstellar Pickup Proton Properties from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Increasing the adoption of innovative Earth science technology for operational use through an adaptive research-to-operations framework
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause Affect the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux and Ion Acceleration
- Integrating Ground-based Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) Measurements with Future TEMPO Geostationary Satellite Observations
- Introducing a Satellite Agnostic Approach to Identifying and Quantifying Hail Damage Swaths over the Central United States
- Investigation of thundercloud cell characteristics producing Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Leveraging the Power of SAR Observations for Forest Monitoring Systems
- Lightning Mapping and Observations during RELAMPAGO using Electric Field Change Meters
- Lightning Observations During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- Lightning and Electrical Properties of a High Flash Rate Multicellular Thunderstorm during RELAMPAGO
- Location algorithms for Huntsville Alabama Marx Meter Array 2
- Longitudinal Distribution of Heavy Ion Peak Intensities and Spectral Properties in Energetic Storm Particle Events: A Multi-Spacecraft Analysis
- Loop-top oscillations observed with IRIS spatially correlated with nonthermal emission from EOVSA in the September 10 2017 X8 Flare
- Machine Learning in Earth Science: Review of the Current Landscape
- Machine Learning-Based Atmospheric Phenomena Detection Platform
- Machine-Learning Image Classification and Hazard Identification of Dust and Fog in Next-Generation Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Magnetic Field Topology Beyond the Heliopause: Consequences for Cosmic Rays
- Metadata Deep Dive: Results from a Detailed Quality Assessment of NASA's Earth Observation Metadata
- Micro-blogging as micro-storytelling: Lessons learned using social media to engage audiences and bring science down to Earth, from space to the village and elsewhere
- Microphysical Process Studies of Severe Storms using C-band Dual-polarization Radar
- Modeling Energetic Particle Acceleration by Small-Scale Flux Ropes at 1 AU
- Monitoring Seasonal Water Quality for Southeastern U.S. Watersheds Using Remotely-Sensed Data Integrated into Dynamic SPARROW Models
- Multichannel Angle-Scanning Spectropolarimetry of Dust Particles
- NASA ESDIS Standards Office
- Near Real-Time Distribution of Validated ISS LIS Lightning Data from Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) available at the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
- New empirical models of the ion temperature and ion composition
- Numerical Modeling of Electron Transport in Solar Wind: Effects of Whistler Turbulence and Coulomb Collisions
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Observations of Anomalous Charge Structures in Supercells in the Tennessee Valley
- Observing Tropical Cyclones from the Sky
- On Gamma-Ray and Radio-Frequency Radiation from Thunderstorms
- On the nature of transient re-illuminations of decayed branches of negative stepped leaders
- Operating a Cloud-Native Distributed Active Archive Center
- Optical and Electro-magnetic Waveform Characteristics of Canton Tower-Strokes
- Outer Heliospheric Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources from the Voyager Data
- P-Locust for a timely identification of areas at risk of Desert Locust swarming in the western region of Africa
- Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- Perspectives of a Geospatial Tool Service Design and Implementation into Regional Stakeholder Groups
- Pick Up Ion Observations outside the Focusing Cone at 1 AU
- Pickup Ion Driven Lower Hybrid Waves beyond the Heliopause: 1D full Particle-in-Cell Simulation
- Pixel Based Model For High Latitude Dust Detection
- Pixel based machine learning for smoke detection in next generation geostationary satellite imagery
- Potential Impacts of Future Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services in the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
- Primitives as building blocks for constructing customizable land cover maps with high accuracy
- Probabilistic Modeling of the Space Radiation Environment
- Promoting STEM Literacy and Diversity through the Center for Applied Atmospheric Research and Education (CAARE)
- Propagation of solar wind events in the outer heliosphere from a numerical MHD simulation
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon
- Providing data access and analysis capabilities to SERVIR's data-sparse regions
- RTE/DDA hybrid method to predict the polarization state of reflected and transmitted light for densely packed media
- Raining Data from the Cloud: Leveraging Cloud-based Technology for Multi-sensor Flood Monitoring in Southeast Asia
- Recent doubling of mid- and low-latitude glacial lakes
- Satellite and ground based assessment of the impact of Canadian fires on U.S. Air Quality
- Satellites at the Intersection of Health and Air Quality: NASA Earth Observation Systems and their Applications for Public Health and Air Quality an Overview of Resources
- Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Lessons Learned from the Development and Promotion of the SAR Handbook
- Service planning and product design of an Air Quality Monitoring System for Thailand and towards Coverage of the Lower Mekong region
- Some Characteristics of Large Solar Flares- Towards Solar Flare Forecasting
- Standardizing Algorithm Documentation for Improved Scientific Communication and Data Understanding
- Statistical Comparison of Small Flux Ropes in Different Types of Solar Wind
- Statistical and Observational Research of Solar Flare EUV Spectra and Geometrical Features for Predicting Total Flare Emission Spectra
- Statistical estimation of the electric field amplitude in TGF source regions through the deviation of relativistic electron beams by the geomagnetic field
- Surface Emissivity Impacts on GOES-R Series Mulit-spectral Imagery Applications
- Temperature Effects on Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Nucleation and Growth: Results from the TANGENT Study
- Termination Shock Properties Inferred from the Inner Heliosheath ENA Flux
- Terrestrial RaYs Analysis and Detection (TRYAD) Flight Instrumentation and Testing
- The Coronal Source Regions of Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons at 0.1-200 keV
- The Dominance of perpendicular diffusion in modulating galactic cosmic rays in corotating interaction regions: observations of two last solar minima
- The Effect of Global DEM Topographic Errors in Niger, West Africa
- The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for Improved Remote Sensing Analysis of Coastal Flooding
- The GPM Validation Network Radar Database: A Multi-Perspective Tool for Precipitation Science
- The Joint ESA-NASA Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform: Next-Generation Collaboration Tool for Scientific Algorithms and Datasets
- The NASA Disasters Program Mapping Portal: Connecting Scientists to Response and Recovery Activities in Near-Real Time
- The RELAMPAGO Lightning Mapping Array: Preliminary scientific results and application to GLM calibration and validation
- The SAR-CBC Project: Experiences and Lessons Learned from Recent SAR Capacity Building Activities
- The evolution and extratropical transition of tropical cyclones from a GPM, ISS LIS and GLM perspective
- Thunderstorm Ground Enhancement (TGE) events observed on Aragats in 2018-2019 years
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- UV and Optical Lightning Activity Associated with TGFs
- Understanding the Role of Field Line Wandering in the Perpendicular Transport of SEP Events
- Understanding the magnetic topology and reconfiguration of the early stages of solar eruptions by investigating coronal dimmings
- Uptake of bias corrected GPM IMERG products by the Mekong River Commission for Operational Flood Forecasting Services
- Use of Earth Observation data for assessing change in mangrove cover across the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System-World Heritage Site
- Using Artificial Intelligence to forecast harmful algal blooms in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
- Using Deep Learning to Predict Yearly Wildfire Potential from Antecedent Land Surface and Meteorological Data
- Using Earth Observations within a Health Management Information System for Improving Malaria Decision Support
- Using Ground-Based and Satellite Sensors to Quantify the Convection Within a Volcanic Plume
- Using NASA Remotely-Sensed Data in a Dynamic SPARROW Water Quality Modeling and Decision Support System for the Southeastern United States
- Using Simulations to Understand the Impact of Physical Processes on the Global Heliosphere
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations in the RHEAS Framework to Enhance Drought Monitoring and Mitigation in Kenya
- Validation of Horizontal RO<SUB>3</SUB>QET Lidar Measurements Using Various In-Situ Instrumentation
- Water Quality Monitoring of In-Land Lakes in East Africa: How Open Source Tethys and Google Earth Engine Platforms are Improving Water Quality Data Analysis, Visualization and Decision Making
- Wavelength Calibration of the Full-Sun Ultraviolet Rocket SpecTrometer (FURST)
- What can land use scenarios tell us about meeting conservation commitments in the future? The case of Belize
- Within-flash time evolution of cloud-top optical emissions: Implications for satellite-based lightning observations
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A Deep Learning Approach for Surface PM2.5 Estimations from Geostationary Satellite and Numerical Model Data
- A Fractional Kinetic Transport Theory for Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Dynamic Small-scale Flux Rope Regions in the Solar Wind.
- A Method to Retrieve Charge Layer Polarity Applied to Anomalous Thunderstorms in Cordoba During the RELAMPAGO Field Campaign
- A Quantitative Analysis on the Use of Supervised Machine Learning in Earth Science
- A Real-Time Lidar Status-Monitoring Website and Local Control Program for a Mobile Tropospheric Ozone Research Vehicle
- A Solar Coronal Hole and Fast Solar Wind Turbulence Model and First Orbit Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Observations
- A deep-learning approach to forest disturbance detection using Sentinel-1 imagery in the Lower Mekong Basin
- ASIM - Fermi - AGILE simultaneous observation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Adapting Satellite Soundings for Monitoring the Tropical Cyclones within the Intensity Forecasting EXperiment (IFEX) and JPSS Proving Ground
- An Eruptive Circular-ribbon Flare with Extended Remote Brightenings
- An IMERG based Assessment of the Contribution of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones to Rainfall Climatology in the US Atlantic Basin
- An Investigation of Geostationary Lightning Mapper Flash Extent
- Application of SERVIR - Mekong's RDCYIS to Enhance Drought Forecast and Warning Generation in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam
- Assessing the Feasibility of using PlanetScope Data for Air Quality Applications
- Assessment Of Diurnal Evolution Of Urban Tree Temperature At Mega-city Scale
- Automated Contrail Detection on Terra MODIS Imagery
- Automated Metadata Scoring Approaches for Earth Observation Data
- Blending distance education resources and expertise to offer professional development to teachers via Project Atmosphere
- Bounding-Case Radiation Environment Model for Short Crewed Missions
- Building A 20-Year Hail Damage Swath Events Database Using Satellite Remote Sensing
- Building a Scientific Consortium for Applied Research for the Amazon in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Building capacity for service delivery: Air quality training for stakeholders in the Lower Mekong region
- Capacity Building Engagement for Estimating Forest Stand Height Utilizing the SAR Handbook
- Characterizing Jupiter's Polar Vortices at Mid-Infrared Wavelengths
- Chemical Drivers of Ozone Production in Smoke Transport: Characterization by Model Diagnostics and Measurements During FIREX-AQ
- Cloud-based Analytical Framework for Precipitation Research (CAPRi)
- Collision of downward negative leader branches: Why does this happen?
- Combining Eigenanalysis with Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Ionospheric Storm Drivers in Large Space Weather Data Sets
- Complications of Metadata Curation for NASA Airborne and Field Campaigns, Platforms, and Instruments.
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- Data store alternatives for the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP)
- Data-constrained simulations of the return stroke plasma properties
- Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources in the Polar and Ecliptic Planes
- Developing a Customizable Composite Drought Index for Pakistan
- Development and Validation of a Flood Depth Mapping System using SAR-derived Water Mask
- Development of a Suborbital Portal with End-Users and Data Archivers in Mind
- Effects of Cowling Resistivity in the Weakly-Ionized Chromosphere
- Effects of the time sampling window on interplanetary shock properties and their associated energetic storm particles
- Electrical, Kinematic, and Microphysical Contrasts between Supercells Exhibiting Normal and Anomalous Charge Structures in the Southeastern United States
- Enabling Discovery and Access of Commercial Small Satellite Data
- Entwine Point Tiles for 3D Visualization and Querying of ICESAT-2
- Es2Vec: Earth Science Metadata Suggestions and Analogical Reasoning
- Estimating Forest Stand Height in Savannakhet, Lao PDR Using InSAR and Backscatter Methods with L-Band SAR Data
- Evaluation of Rapid Conversion Zones and Atmospheric Nitrate Deposition Interactions using Multi-Criterion Modeling Approach and Remotely-Sensed Data
- Expanding the Shallow Surface Velocity at the Apollo 17 Landing Site to Determine Thermal Moonquake Locations
- Exploring storm morphology, dynamics and lightning characteristics during the lifecycle of a multicell cluster in a field campaign using a 3D visualization tool
- Geospace Plume and Its Impact on Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Glowbug, a Gamma-Ray Telescope for Bursts and Other Transients (including TGFs!)
- Google Earth Engine Implementation of the Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET-GEE) for Rapid and Large Scale Flood Analysis
- Ground-based Radar Validation Networks for GPM satellite products
- High-speed video observations of a +CG flash caused by a sequence of bidirectional leaders forming a ground-reaching branch of pre-existing in-cloud channel
- How Pickup Ions Generate Turbulence in the Inner Heliosheath: A Multi-Fluid Approach
- HydroSAR: A Cloud-based SAR Data Analysis Service to Monitor Hydrological Disasters and their Impact on Population and Agriculture
- Impact of Hurricane Vegetation Destruction on the Grand Bahama Weather
- Implications of differing forest cover estimates for conservation and management, and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Improved Data Communication, Understanding and Discovery Using Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents
- Improved Open Data Sharing of NASA Airborne and Field Investigation Data
- Improving Data User Accessibility to Investigation Notable Events
- Interactive Influence of Green Space and Blue Space on Diurnal and Seasonal Urban Thermal Environments
- Kinetic Entropy-Based Measures of Distribution Function Non-Maxwellianity: Theory and Simulations
- Kinetic properties of heliospheric boundary
- Labeling and Managing Image Data for Machine Learning in the Earth Sciences
- Lessons Learned: The first year operating as a cloud-based Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
- Lessons learned in implementing virtual capacity building activities in Earth observation to meet Central American Integration System environmental management needs
- Limitations of Remote Sensing for Assessing Damage Caused by Desert Locusts during the East Africa Upsurge
- Magnetic Field Observations: Voyager 2 in the Distant Heliosheath during 2017 and 2018, Voyager 1 in the VLISM during 2013-2019
- Magnetic fields in the outer heliosheath, particle trapping, and a promising direction to explore with the Interstellar Probe
- Mapping Inundation from Hurricane Florence (2018) with L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imagery, and Ancillary Data via Machine Learning Classification
- Mapping Mangroves in the Niger Delta using Machine Learning
- Modeling Future Land Cover and Climate Changes to Analyze their Effects on Runoff and Nutrient Accumulation in Belize
- Multiscale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in Myanmar, Southeast Asia
- On the Nature of Spectral Breaks in Solar Wind Turbulence from Fluid to Kinetic Scales Using MESSENGER Spacecraft Observations
- Ongoing development and adoption of a regional near real time flood monitoring service by SERVIR-Mekong: challenges, innovations and upcoming deliveries
- Particle Acceleration by Cosmic-Ray Viscosity in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- Particle Acceleration due to the Interaction of Current Sheets with a Shock Wave
- Path to Open Science: A Data Perspective
- Phenomena Portal: Large-Scale Visual Exploration of Atmospheric Phenomena
- Pickup ion acceleration at the termination shock at multiple locations
- Pipeline for Applications-Based Data Discovery
- Probing the Puzzle of Fermi Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Flares by Data-driven Global MHD Simulations
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons of Different Solar Origins
- Remote Sensing of Record-Setting Floods of Spring 2019 in the Central United States
- Responding to emerging food security needs using Earth Observation systems in Kenya
- Satellite-Derived Imagery and Transfer Learning: A Novel Technique for Land Cover Classification
- Semantic Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Dust Detection in Goes-R Satellite Imagery
- Small-scale Structures in near-Earth Space Plasmas: Observational Analysis Across Boundaries
- Space-borne and Ground-based Instrument Synergies in Air-Quality Observations
- Spatio-temporal patterns of irrigation adoption and water use in Alabama
- Spectral Features in Field-aligned Solar Wind Turbulence from Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Strength of the Termination Shock Inferred from the Inner Heliosheath ENA Flux.
- Structure of the Heliosheath and Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- Subjective Uncertainties in 3-D Coronal Mass Ejection Fittings and their Consequences for Space Weather Prediction
- Summary of THEMIS observations of magnetopause reconnection
- Sustainability in NASA Conservation Decision Support Systems
- The Capacity of NASA Airborne Campaign Data for the Study of Biological Diversity
- The Connection Between Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes and Lightning Activity in Their Originating Thunderstorms
- The Moon Burst Energetics All-sky Monitor (MoonBEAM) CubeSat, a Gamma-ray Burst Detector for Cislunar Orbit
- The NASA TEMPO Mission: Revolutionary Air Quality Measurements from Geostationary Orbit
- The Need for Soil Moisture in Detecting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds: A satellite assisted modeling approach
- The Open Source Field Campaign Explorer Enabling Interactive Data Visualization for Earth Science Communities
- The Relationship of Lightning Flash Rate to Convective Upscale Growth during RELAMPAGO
- The Role of Pickup Ions in Global Simulations of the Heliosphere
- The Simulation of Solar Wind Turbulence within Corotating Interaction Regions near 1 AU
- Towards more Accurate Riverine Flood Forecasting over the Lower Mekong Basin: Assessment of the Rainfall Forecast CHIRPS-GEFS for the Mekong River Commission
- Two distinct electron populations in the 2001 April 25 event
- Use Of Geosciences Data To Estimate Effects Of Extreme Heat On Human Health- Opportunities And Challenges In Infectious Disease Surveillance
- Use cases of SERVIR land use land cover data in the eastern and southern Africa countries: research, policy and capacity building footprint
- Using Sunspot Number as an Indicator of Frequency of Solar Activity
- Using an Fe-55 Source for Gain Fluctuation Characterization in Sounding Rockets
- Validation of Horizontal RO<SUB>3</SUB>QET Lidar Measurements Using Various In-Situ Instrumentation
- A Cloud-based Operational Surface Water Extent Mapping Service from Sentinel-1 SAR
- A Data-driven MHD Simulation Model for CME Generation and Propagation
- A Framework for Assessing Earth Observation Metadata Quality: Implications for Data Discovery and Open Science
- A Global Assessment of Coastal Marine Heatwaves and Their Relation with Coastal Urban Thermal Changes
- A Machine-Learning Approach to Classify Cloud-to-Ground and Intracloud Lightning
- A Novel Machine Learning Method for Surface PM2.5 Estimations from Geostationary Satellites
- A Survey of Earth Observation Data Needed by U.S. Federal Agencies
- A framework for flood detection and alerting for Vadodara to mitigate impacts on critical infrastructure and reduce economic losses
- AI Evolution in Remote Sensing Data Visualization Practices: A Journey from Real-World Imagery to Simulated Environments
- Advancing Precipitation Research with Cloud-based Technologies
- Advancing precipitation research with a deep learning framework
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- An Analysis of Fire Dynamics Near Indigenous Territories and Protected Areas in a Brazilian Agricultural Frontier
- An Analysis of the Impact of Dynamic Small-Scale Flux-Rope Acceleration on Particle Acceleration Behind Shocks in the Inner Heliosphere
- An Efficient Tool for Making Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents Easy to Author, Locate and Access
- An Investigation of the Impact of Canadian Wildfires on US Air Quality using Satellite, Model and Ground Measurements
- An Open Science Approach to 2020 Boreal-wide Biomass Mapping with ICESat-2 and Landsat
- An Overview of Multiple Capacity Building Approaches Employed by the Synthetic Aperture Radar Capacity Building Center (SAR-CBC) Project
- Application of Advanced Earth Observations and Model Simulations to Improve Air Quality Monitoring in the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya Region
- Application of subseasonal scale climate forecasts in supporting food-insecurity early warning
- Applications of Remote Sensing for Delineating and Documenting the Biodiversity of a Proposed UNESCO World Heritage Site in Peten, Guatemala
- Applying FAIR and TRUST Principles to Support the Earth Science Community at the Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center DAAC
- Assessing the Role of Interchange Reconnection in Forming Switchbacks
- Auroral Drivers of Intense dBdt During Geomagnetic Storms
- Automated Estimation of Solar Wind Propagation from L1 monitors to the Earths Bow Shock and Application for A Machine Learning Model
- BERT-E: An Earth Science Specific Language Model for Domain-Specific Downstream Tasks
- Best Practices from NASAs Open Science response to the Satellite Needs Working Group (SNWG) Process
- Bringing Research to New Heights: How CASEI Integrates Data Curation, Discovery, and Education in Earth and Atmospheric Science
- Building Gamma-Ray Detectors for Two CubeSats
- Building a Collaborative Network for Supporting Regional Capacity Development in Harmonizing Land Use and Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring in West Africa: Initiatives by the West Africa Land Use/land Cover Task Force
- Cloud-based Analytic Framework for Precipitation Research (CAPRi) to Enhance the Spatial Resolution of GPM Data
- Co-developing a SAR for Disasters Reference Guide for the International Applications Community
- Concept of Operations and Requirements for the Artemis Mission
- Constraining CME Models using STEREO data for Space Weather Predictions
- Constraining the Solar Wind temperature profile using the Parker Solar Probe data
- Constraining the underlying acceleration mechanism from various observational features in Large Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Convection-indicating GOES-R products assimilated in the experimental UFS Rapid Refresh System
- Coronal Mass Ejection Forecasting Using Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of a Data-Constrained Constant-Turn Flux-Rope-Based Model
- Cross-Comparison of Carbon Emission Estimates based on variable Land Use Land Cover Changes within SERVIR Focus Regions
- Data system for NASAs Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition Program
- Data-driven approach for Rating Curve generation utilizing publicly available Hydrological dataset.
- Deconvolution of the Energetic-Particle Count Rates of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 to Identify the Causes of Dropouts and Enhancements and to Characterize the Structure of the Heliopause
- Deep Learning based Surface Water Mapping with SAR leveraging Google Earth Engine
- Dependence of Energetic Storm Particle Heavy Ion Peak Intensities and Spectra on CME Source Longitude and Speed
- Deriving Pickup Ion Properties from Ulysses SWICS Observations
- Detecting Floating Marine Debris from Commercial Small Satellite Imagery with Deep Learning
- Detection of small magnetic flux ropes from Parker Solar Probe first seven encounters
- Developing an approach for sustainable irrigation to promote food security and minimize environmental impacts
- Developing the Cross-Disciplinary Information Model for NASAs Science Mission Directorate
- Development of a dynamic landslide hazard awareness system for the Lower Mekong Region
- Development, validation, and deployment of a Sentinel 1 SAR-based forest alert system in a tropical wildlife sanctuary
- Differentiating Oil Palm and Cocoa Plantations from Natural Forest in Ghana to Improve Land Cover Mapping
- Dissemination of Global Surface Water Mapping from SAR and Optical Data to Global Stakeholders
- Diurnal evolution of urban tree temperature at a city scale
- Earth Observation Data Provenance for Future Climate Research - Requirements and Challenges
- EarthKAM: Engaging Students Around the World in STEM Through University Partnership
- Electron heating by magnetization and its application to dipolarization fronts in Earths magnetotail Theory, Simulations, and Observations
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents-Results of Active-Time Convection; Newly-Recognized from Low Earth Orbit Observations
- Enhanced Air Quality Modeling to Support Environmental Decision-Making
- Environmental Conditions Associated with the Development of Anomalous Charge Structures in Central Argentinian Thunderstorms
- Estimating Forest Stand Height in Savannakhet, Lao PDR Using InSAR and Backscatter Methods with L-Band SAR Data
- Evaluating Near-Real Time Satellite Flood Mapping for Humanitarian Early Action: a Case Study on the 2020 Cambodia Floods
- Evaluating Operational GEOS PM2.5 Forecasts in Thailand
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction products: Optimal products for applied users
- Evaluating the effects of urbanization on vegetation and temperature patterns of a medium sized coastal city, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) in India
- Evaluation of Crop Model Forecasting of Maize Yield in Kenya
- Evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products on streamflow simulation using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model: A case study of Great Ruaha River at Gauge 1KA59, Tanzania, Africa.
- Exploring Semantic Search Capability of Graph Convolutions Over a Knowledge Graph Built Using Earth Science Corpora
- Exploring the landscape of Earth and Space Science Informatics using latent topic modeling.
- Extreme Energetic Particle Events by Superflare Associated CMEs from Planet Hosting Stars
- Factors Influencing a Model Heliosphere
- Finding Fast Gamma-ray Variability in Solar Flares
- Flux Ropes, Turbulence, and Collisionless Perpendicular Shock Waves: High Plasma Beta Case
- Generating informative and accurate descriptions of natural hazards and phenomena using large transformer-based models
- Geospace plume and its impact on dayside magnetopause reconnection rate
- Geostationary Satellite Estimations of Surface PM2.5 during Extreme Fire Events
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- Heating of the solar atmosphere by electric currents
- High Resolution Assimilation of Multiple Satellite Retrievals with Emissions Adjustment to Improve Air Quality Forecasting with WRF-Chem/DART
- High resolution imagery to train and validate deep learning models of inundation extent for multiple satellite sensors
- High-Resolution Climatology of the Kinematics of the Afternoon-to-Evening Transition from a Ground-Based Remote Sensing Perspective
- Holistic and pragmatic standards processes enable interdisciplinary science
- Identification of the Unique Microphysical Signatures of Above Anvil Cirrus Plumes in GOES-16/-17 Infrared and Visible Imagery
- Impact of Heat Storage on Remote-Sensing Based Quantification of Anthropogenic Heat in Urban Environments
- Implications of the Golden Age of Remote Sensing on Earth Observation Applications in Central America
- Improvements to Advanced Microwave Precipitation Radiometer (AMPR) Cloud and Storm Analyses During CAMP2Ex
- Improving Space Weather Predictions with Data-driven Models of the Solar Atmosphere and Inner Heliosphere
- Information Extraction on an Earth Science Knowledge Graph Built with Semantic Parsing
- Infusion of AI/ML Technology into Operational NASA Data Systems
- Intercalibration of RGB Composite Imagery from Geostationary Satellites
- Interstellar Neutral Helium Transport Throughout the Heliosphere: a MHD-Plasma/Kinetic Neutrals Numerical Model
- Investigating Geocoronal Absorption for Wavelength Calibration of Sounding Rockets
- Investigating Substorm-Related Flows and Dipolarizations Using Multi-Point Spacecraft and All Sky Imager Data
- Investigating the Relationship Between the Solar Wind Turbulence Spectral Break at Dissipation Scales with Upstream Spectral Bumps near Planetary Bow Shocks
- Investigation Of Superdiffusive Energetic Particle Transport Ahead Of Traveling Shocks
- Kinetic Processes Leading to Generation of Waves in Instabilities in the VLISM
- Lessons learned from replicating services for flood prediction and monitoring in Asia to the assessment of hurricane impacts in Central America
- Lessons learned in the implementation of a Training Knowledge Management System for the SERVIR network
- Leveraging citizen science and Artificial intelligence for monitoring and estimating hazardous events
- Lightning Activities at the Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center
- M-component Mode of Charge Transfer to Ground in Positive Lightning
- Machine Learning Algorithm for Estimating Surface PM2.5 in Thailand
- Machine Learning pipeline for Earth Science using Sagemaker
- Magnetic islands and particle acceleration in a system of multiple current sheets
- Mapping Inundation from Hurricane Florence (2018) with L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar, Commercial Imagery, and Ancillary Data via Random Forest Classification
- Mekong Air Quality Explorer: A User-Friendly Application to Analyze and Visualize Air Quality Data
- Mekong Air Quality Explorer: bridging data with policies and public awareness in Thailand
- Mesoscale Structures Arising from Active Magnetotail ConvectionEmbedded Region 1 and 2 Currents and Dawnside Auroral Polarization Streams, and Their Impact on Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Methods and results of truly interdisciplinary data discovery
- Modeled Impacts of LULC and Climate Change Predictions on the Hydrologic Regime in Belize
- Modeling Anomalous Diffusive Shock Acceleration at Parallel Shocks with a Fractional Parker Transport Equation.
- Modeling Effects of Charge Sharing on the Response of the FOXSI Sounding Rockets
- Modeling Galactic Cosmic Rays in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Modeling the Outer Heliosphere with Variable Inner Boundary Conditions
- Monitoring changes in water quality in the Belize Barrier Reef Coastal Lagoon during COVID-19
- Monte Carlo Simulations for Evaluating the Accuracy of GLM Detection Efficiency and False Alarm Rate Retrievals
- Multi-Stranded Simulations Mimicking FOXSI and AIA Observations : A Single Power-Law Distribution for Transients and Steady Background
- Multifrequency optical observations of lightning with ISS-LIS and ASIM
- NASA Earth Science Applied Sciences Disasters Program: making EO data and expertise available through the Disasters Mapping Portal to inform decision-makers throughout the disaster cycle
- Near Real-Time Flood Mapping using Optical and SAR observations in a Novel Data Fusion and Forecasting Framework
- New Ways of Facilitating Improved Data Discovery and Access for NASA's Suborbital Earth Science Observations
- Observational Analysis of Small-scale Structures in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- Observed Sensitivity of Rock Abundance on the Lunar Mare Compared to Unit Age: Implications for Regolith Evolution and Thickness
- On the Origin of Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes from Interchange Reconnection in the Corona
- Origin of the Weak Plasma Emission Line Detected by Voyager 1 in the Interstellar Medium: Evidence for Supra-thermal Electrons
- Physically-Based Machine Learning Approach to Dust Detection in NASA/NOAA Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Pickup Ion Spectrum Downstream of the Termination Shock Inferred from IBEX ENA observations and Comparison with Kinetic Simulations
- Predicting the Solar Wind Using Empirically-driven Data-constrained Heliospheric MHD Model
- Preliminary Results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Quantification and mapping of river catchment water quality fluxes into the Lake Victoria using land SWAT hydrological model driven by Earth Observation data
- Quantitative Study of CME Flux Rope Topology through Simulation and Observations
- RHEAS Viewer: A tool for analysis and dissemination of hydrological and crop modeling data
- Radio Path Measurements of the Structure of the Solar Plasma in the Outer Solar System
- Relationship Between Onsets of CME Acceleration and Magnetic Reconnection in CME-flare Events
- Relationship between Lightning and Precipitation Characteristics at Mid- to High-Latitudes from a GLM and GPM Perspective
- Remote sensing of water quality in coastal Belize: Implications for coastal zone management and informing Sustainable Development Goals
- Remotely Sensed Span of Magnetopause Reconnection Structure
- Resolve the continuous diurnal cycle of high-resolution ECOSTRESS Evapotranspiration (ET) and Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Searching for Weak TGFs in Fermi-GBM Data
- Service delivery by SERVIR-Mekong for addressing drought and food security issues in the Lower Mekong region: contributions, challenges and planned impacts
- Simulation of MHD for space weather on locally-refined cubed-sphere grids using Proto
- Simulation of corotating interaction regions and their generated turbulence with implications in cosmic rays transport
- Small-scale magnetic flux ropes and their properties based on in-situ measurements from Parker Solar Probe
- Solar Jet Hunter: a citizen science investigation of coronal solar jets
- Solar Wind Simulations along the Parker Solar Probe Trajectory
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- Stakeholder Engagement Program Activities Supporting the Satellite Needs Working Group
- Status of Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO)
- Stewardship Best Practices for Improved Discovery and Reuse of Heterogeneous and Cross-Disciplinary Earth System Data
- Stochastic Parker Spirals in the Solar Wind: Role of the Radial Field Fluctuations and Switchbacks
- Studying Solar Active-Region Magnetic Evolution Leading to a Confined Eruption
- Supporting Open Science through Cloud-Based and Interoperable APIs for Data Access and Visualization: The Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) Data System
- Systematically Quantifying Neutral Wind Response Times Over the High Latitude Auroral Oval
- The Effect of Aerosol Loading on Shallow Convective Precipitation Inferred from Co-occurring Cloud and Precipitation within the Warm-topped Maritime Clouds Observed during CAMP2Ex
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The Field Campaign Explorer
- The Microphysical and Kinematic Properties of GPM Precipitation Profiles
- The Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet): Capabilities and Research Applications
- The TEMPO Early Adopters Program: Enhancing Air Quality and Health Applications of Future TEMPO Observations
- The Transportable Phased Array Radar: Meeting community imperatives in weather science
- The meandering nature of solar Wind magnetic field and constraining it using multiple spacecraft observation
- Towards Accurate Modeling of the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- Transfer Learning Approach for Sugarcane Mapping in Thailand with NICFI High-resolution Satellite Imagery leveraging Google Earth Engine
- Trend Analysis of AI/ML Tools and Services in NASA
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Measurements
- UAHTMAXv1: Globally Gridded Monthly Maximum Temperature Over Land Dataset
- Uncertainty in solar wind propagation leads to biased estimates of the ionospheric response
- Usability Testing EarthChem PetDB: Findings for Interface Improvement and Recommendations for Future User Testing
- Use of Satellite Remote Sensing to Enable Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Decisions
- Using Earth Observations within Health Management Information Systems for Improving Vector-Borne Disease Decision Support
- Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Create an Extensive Hail Damage Swath Database
- Validating Numerical WSA Solutions
- Verb Sense Disambiguation for Densifying Knowledge Graphs in Earth Science
- West Africa Land Use/Land Cover Harmonisation Task Force for ECOWAS
- Wind Rider Pathfinder Mission to Trappist-1 Solar Gravitational Lens Focal Region in 8 Years
- pyQuARC: Open Source Library for Earth Observation Metadata Quality Assessment
- A Data-driven Global Magnetosphere Model for Simulation of Solar Wind/Earth's Magnetosphere Interaction
- A Data-driven MHD Simulation Model for CME Generation and Propagation: Coupling of EULAG MHD with MS-FLUKSS Global Corona Model
- A First Look at Solar Prominences using the DKIST/CryoNIRSP
- A High Resolution Sea Ice Extent Product Derived From GNSS Reflected Grazing Angle
- A Numerical Model for Particle Energization by Multiple Dynamic Small-Scale Flux Ropes
- A Positive Leader Intermittently Extending via Bidirectional Transients and Producing a Negative Cloud-to-ground Lightning Flash
- A Toolkit for Water Quality Monitoring from 2002-2022 in Support of Sustainable Development Goal 14 and Coral Health in Marine Protected Areas in Belize
- A cloud-native workflow for publishing, discovering, processing, and visualizing geospatial data
- Accessing NASA Precipitation Data via a Cloud-based Analytical Framework for Precipitation Research (CAPRi)
- Active Region Coincidence Considerations in Solar Flare Prediction: Solar Cycle 24, Peak Years Study
- Airborne Lidar to Characterize Ancient Land Use in the Tropical Forests of Peten, Guatemala
- An ACR Mediated Termination Shock
- An Overview of NASA's Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI): Supporting FAIR and Open Access to Airborne and Field Data
- Analyzing Variations of the Earth's Geomagnetic Field During Substorms
- Assessing Deep Learning Models Trained on Public versus Commercial Data using FloodPlanet, a High-Resolution Commercial Imagery Flood Dataset, for Inundation Detection
- Assessing the feasibility of a spaceborne 3D lightning observing concept
- Assessment and documentation of NASA Black Marble Data for Disaster Applications in the Americas
- Automated Detection and Analysis of Severe, Tropopause-Penetrating Convective Storm Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data Fusion and Deep Learning
- Benchmark Models for Classification of Radiation Type Induced in Immune Cells
- Bias Correcting Historical Streamflow Prediction Tool (SPT) data for Cambodia using Machine Learning Techniques
- Bipolar Ephemeral Active Regions, Magnetic Flux Cancellation, and Solar Magnetic Explosions
- CONUS cloud frequency dynamics in the recent two decades from MODIS and CONUS404 data
- Characterization of ICME Magnetic Flux Ropes from Multi-point In-situ Measurements
- Cities modify regional cloud cover
- Cloud microphysical properties related to blue corona discharges generated from deep convective cloud cells in cyclone Fani
- Collisional shock structures in the very local interstellar medium
- Comparison of Carbon Emission Estimates based on variable Land Use Land Cover Changes within SERVIR Focus Regions
- Compressible Turbulence in the Heliosheaths: Spectral Properties of Plasma and Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- Constrain the Diffusive Transport of SEPs for Simulations with PSP Observations in the Inner Heliosphere.
- Cosmic Ray Entrance Across the Surface of the Global Heliopause
- Cosmic Ray Transport Coefficients in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- Cosmic Ray-mediated Shock and Particle Acceleration
- Coupled Exobase-Plasmasphere Hydrogen System Investigation in the American Sector
- Crop Type Mapping Case Study in the Lower Mekong Basin based on Transfer Learning Techniques using GEDI and Multispectral Earth Observation Data
- Data Fusion and Mining Techniques to Map Water Use and Drought across Spatial Scales
- Decision Support Applications for Public Health Surveillance using NASA Earth Observations
- Deploying a Self-Supervised Learning Based Model to Search Events Across Space and Time
- Development of Hybrid Plasma Simulations to Study Shock Waves Beyond the Solar System
- Disaster Monitoring through NASA's Black Marble Nighttime Lights Product Suite
- Dissemination of Global Flood Information Through NASA Disasters Program Global Initiative for Flood Forecasting and Alerting (GIFFT)
- ESP Heavy Ion Property Variations in Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Earth Observation Based Agroecological Resilience Mapping in Niger
- Earth observations to reduce flood impacts in Central America: where have we been, and where should we go?
- Embedded Region 1 and 2 Field-Aligned Currents, a Long-Simulated but Newly Observed Feature of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System, is Likely a Consequence of Meso-scale Magnetotail Dynamics, as Revealed by Their Preference on Geomagnetic Activity
- Empowering Infrastructures to Enable Open Science: the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform Data System
- Enabling High Resolution X-ray Imaging of Solar Sources via Charge Sharing in CdTe Detectors
- Enabling wildfire situational awareness using Near-Data Computing for on-board real-time remote-sensing data registration
- Equatorward Extending Auroral Streamers and the Associated Localized Current System
- Estimation and Prediction of Solar Wind Propagation from L1 Point to Earth's Bow Shock
- Evaluating Hybrid Tools to Analyze Agricultural Production and Water Use in Alabama
- Evaluating Intense and Severe Convective Damage to Agricultural Crops using ECOSTRESS Observations
- Evaluating SAR Radiometric Terrain Correction Solutions: Optimal products for applied users
- Evolution of Solar Active Regions Observed by MaGIXS-1 Sounding Rocket Flight
- Expanding Capacity Building beyond a Buzz Word
- Extrapolation and Topological Analysis of Magnetic Flux Ropes for Solar Eruption Events
- Findings from Six Flights of the High Energy Lightning Emission Network (HELEN): A Balloon-Borne Constellation of Detectors to Investigate Radiation Produced in Thunderstorms
- First light results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)
- Flash drought monitoring of agriculture systems using multi-source remote sensing and soil moisture data fusion in East Asia
- FloodPlanet: High-Resolution Commercial Imagery for Training and Validation of Deep Learning-Based Models of Inundation Extent
- Flooding Assessment Using Computer Vision on Smallsat Imagery
- GAIINS: Making Agricultural and Climate Risk Insurance Gender Inclusive
- GOES-R PM2.5 Evaluation and Bias Correction - A Deep Learning Approach
- Generating High-Resolution PM2.5 using a Two-stage Machine Learning Approach with Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors and Satellite Observations
- Generation Mechanisms for Low-energy Interstellar Pickup Ions
- Global Hourly and Daily PM2.5 Estimations: A Data Fusion Approach
- High-Resolution Climatology of the Afternoon-to-Evening Transition using Ground-Based Remote Sensing
- High-Resolution Satellite Products and Model Forecasts to Advance Air Quality Applications in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region
- Hybrid Modeling of Ion Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind Motivated by PSP Observations Near Perihelia
- HydroSAR: Developing and Transitioning a SAR-based Inundation Monitoring Service for the Hindu Kush Himalaya
- Identification of Oceanic Mesoscale Cold Pools Using a Convolutional Neural Network Trained on Ocean Vector Winds
- Improvement of a Low-Cost Arduino Electric Field Change Meter for Lightning Measurements
- Improving Commercial Data Discoverability and Access for NASA's Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program
- InSAR, Geophysical, and Field Investigations to Assess and Monitor Deformation Associated with a Rising Salt Diapir, Jazan City and Surroundings, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Inferring three-dimensional magnetic structure of a sunspot using multi-wavelength measurements.
- Influence Network: Network visualization of influence between stories for Earth Science data and information exploration
- Influence of the Gulf Stream on diurnal cycles of precipitation and lightning
- Intense geoelectric and geomagnetic field perturbations observed after an interplanetary magnetic field turning
- Intercomparison of Earth Observation based Crop Yield Forecasting Models in Kenya
- Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere
- Investigating Ohmic Heating as a Solar Active Region Atmosphere Heating Mechanism
- LMHDSs: An enhanced data visualization and access web portal for your Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model
- Lessons Learned from Integration of Open Source Geospatial Tools in University Curricula
- Leveraging Existing Satellite Precipitation Missions for AOS Applications Development
- Leveraging Satellite Assets for Better Decision-Making: the Satellite Needs Working Group
- Living With the Young Sun: First Results of HST-XMM Newton and TESS Coordinated Observations of Young Suns and Modeling of Their Coronae, Winds and Eruptive Events
- MHD Turbulent Power Anisotropy in the Inner Heliosphere
- MHD turbulence power anisotropy with compressibility at 1 au
- MaGIXS 2: Preparations for the Second Flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer
- Machine Learning Based Benchmark for Space Flown Rodent Liver RNA Sequencing Data in Space Biology Research
- Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a magnetic cloud observed during the near-radial alignment of Solar Orbiter and Wind Spacecraft
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Mapping Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Southern Ghana Using Different Time-Series Algorithms
- Mapping Small-holder Rice Farms in Bhutan using Earth Observation Datasets and Machine Learning Model.
- Measuring the Spatial Extent of Dayside Reconnection Based on Ionospheric Flows
- Modeling the Time-varying Heliosphere Using Empirically Derived Boundary Conditions
- Monitoring Land Use Land Cover Change in Areas Susceptible to Volcanic Hazard Between 1986 and 2020 in Latin America. Case of study: Galeras, Colombia; Fuego Volcano, Guatemala; and Popocatepetl in Mexico
- Monitoring the Dynamics of Guyana's Coastal Mangroves using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Data in Google Earth Engine
- Movin' on the ISS: Status of the post-relocation Lightning Imaging Sensor and future plans
- Multi-point Observations of the Magnetopause Boundary Layer During the 2015 Winter Solstice Storm
- NASA Builds Skills to Enable Climate Action
- NASA EOSDIS progress report on integrating knowledge graphs and machine learning
- NASA Earth Observations and the NASA Earth Science Disasters Program: providing data, services and science expertise through the Disasters Mapping Portal to inform end user decision-making throughout the disaster management cycle
- Navigation of Geostationary Lightning Mapper Data
- Neural Network Models of the Near-Earth Solar Wind and Magnetosheath
- Numerical Modeling of Strahl Electron Transport in the Solar Corona and Solar Wind
- Numerical Simulation of Dust Particles in an Ambient Magnetic Field
- Observational Analysis of Small-scale Structures in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- Observing Supraglacial Lakes Using Semantic Segmentation and PlanetScope Imagery
- On the seed population of solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere
- Open Innovation Invites Multidisciplinary Expertise to Address Air Quality Challenges and Inform Future NASA Missions
- Open-Source High-Performance Flux Transport
- Opening Historical Airborne Data to Present Day Researchers
- Operationalizing Open Science through Agreements on Standards and Guidelines
- Optimizing a Machine Learning Algorithm for the Development of Future Technology:
- Optimizing the Source Surface Height of an Empirical Coronal Model During Solar Cycle 23 Minimum Using Remote and In Situ Measurements
- Particle Injection at the Mediated Shock
- Preservation of Provenance and Context to Ensure Future Understandability of Airborne Earth Observations and Derived Data Products
- Promoting Collaborative Open Science through the Stakeholder Engagement Program
- Properties of Chromospheric Flow Channels Around a Sunspot
- QuARC: Development of a Service to Enable FAIR-er Metadata
- Quantifying the Impact of Urban Expansion until 2030 on Peri-Urban Agriculture, Hydrometeorology, Food Security and Human Health
- RO3QET and SeaRey Aircraft Observations for Science Studies and for TEMPO Validation.
- Radar Characteristics of Non-thunderstorm Electrified Clouds at the Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
- Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Microscopy Data Benchmarking for Machine Learning in Space Biology Research
- Regional Air Quality Model Simulations over the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region: Methods and Validation
- Relating the Origin of Energetic Ions to Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs)
- Relation between magnetopause position and dayside reconnection rate under quasi-steady solar wind dynamic pressure
- Scaling of the Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Rate with Out-of-Plane (Guide) Magnetic Field
- Serverless Vocabulary Extraction and Curation for Cross-Divisional Search in NASA's Science Mission Directorate
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in Stream Interaction Regions from Parker Solar Probe and Wind Spacecraft Observations
- Social and Technical Trust as Necessary Elements of Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- Solar Cycle Dependence with Incompressible and Compressible MHD Turbulence at 1 au
- Solar Cycle Effect on the Solar Wind-Local Interstellar Medium Interaction with Pickup Ions
- Solar Flares in Metastable Magnetic Arches
- Space Flown Rodent Liver RNA Sequencing Data for Machine Learning in Space Biology Research
- Space Weather Predictions with a New Generation of Data-driven Models of the Solar Atmosphere and Inner Heliosphere: Improving Efficiency and Ensuring Uncertainty Quantification
- Stakeholder Usage of Coefficient of Variation Method to Support the Delineation of Crop and Non-Crop Areas in Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series
- Supporting User Services with Cloud-based Technologies at the GHRC DAAC
- Systematically Quantifying Ion-Neutral Coupling Rates in the Auroral Ionosphere
- Technical Architecture and Design Strategies for Consolidating NASA Airborne and Field Data in the Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI)
- The Dependence of Embedded Region 1 and 2 Currents, Inducer of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Instabilities and Ionospheric Heating, on Geomagnetic Activity Level
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: Focusing X-ray Instrument for Solar Flare Observations
- The Impact of Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility in Western Nepal
- The Mobile Atmospheric Profiling Network (MAPNet): Capabilities and Results from Recent Field Campaigns
- The Multiplatform Precipitation Feature (MPF) Database: Synthesizing Satellite and Ground-Based Precipitation and Lightning Datasets for Convective Studies
- The Role of Intermittency in Anisotropic Plasma Velocity Distributions
- The Role of the Anthropogenic Fire Regime in Protected Areas in East Africa: A Case Study in the Mau Forest Region
- The SAR-CBC Project: SAR Capacity Building for Decision Making Communities in Central and South America
- The Science Discovery Engine: An Open Science Success Story
- The efficacy of urban cooling infrastructure: How synoptical conditions alter the benefit at microclimate scale?
- Toward a Better Understanding of Compact Intracloud Discharges (CIDs)
- Transitioning to the Cloud Supporting NASA's DAACs and FAIR Principles
- Turbulence in a partially ionized plasma
- Turbulent Eddy Variations from the Coast to the Olympic Mountains and the Impact on an Atmospheric River Precipitation Event.
- Understanding the influence of urban form on the spatial pattern of precipitation
- Unsteady Magnetopause Reconnection Under Quasi-Steady Radial IMF
- Upper Ocean Currents in the Tropical Pacific as Measured from Saildrone Uncrewed Surface Vehicle in Comparison to Surface and Subsurface Moorings at 0, 140W
- Urban vegetation exhibits enhanced drought resistance in comparison to rural vegetation
- Use of Earth Observation Based Hybrid Model to Support National Maize Yield Forecasts in East and Southern Africa
- Use of Multi-Spacecraft Observations to Validate Data-Driven MHD Models of the Solar Wind
- Using High-Resolution Planet Data to Retrieve Aerosol Properties for the 2020 Wildfire Events
- Using Large Scale Language Models for Enabling NLP Abilities Within Earth Sciences
- Using Satellite-Derived Data to Understand Land Cover Drivers of Fire Ignition and Spread in the Brazilian Amazon
- Using subseasonal climate variability at the community-level to advance place-based early warning systems in West Africa
- Utilizing Supervised Machine Learning to Derive Water-Leaving Radiance from Existing Geostationary Satellite Imagery
- Utilizing ensembles of land cover and land use data as a means of evaluating progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to climate action and life on land: lessons learned from the SERVIR CArbon Pilot (S-CAP)
- Verification of Substorm Onset from Intruding Flow Channels with High-Resolution SuperDARN Radar Flow Maps
- What three decades of Landsat data indicate about the status of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. van der Horst
- A. M. Portier
- A. M. Wahome
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Prasad
- A. Runov
- A. Verbiscer
- A. Vourlidas
- Alejandro Luque
- Alex Mandel
- Ali Rahmati
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Alphonse C. Sterling
- Alqamah Sayeed
- André Fehlmann
- Andréa Puzzi Nicolau
- Angela K. Rowe
- Anirudh Prabhu
- Arastoo Pour‐Biazar
- Armin Sorooshian
- Ashraf Moradi
- B. J. Anderson
- B. L. Alterman
- B. Mailyan
- Banafsheh Ferdousi
- Bandana Kar
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Beth Tellman
- Bingbing Wang
- Biplov Bhandari
- Bishwas L. Shrestha
- Brandon Burkholder
- Brian A. Colle
- Brian Freitag
- Brian L. Thomas
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. Hain
- C. I. Fassett
- C. J. Henney
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. R. Nowlan
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Carsten Baumann
- Charles W. Smith
- Chih‐Ping Wang
- Christoph Köhn
- Chuntao Liu
- Connor O'Brien
- Cooper Downs
- D. A. Gurnett
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. G. Sibeck
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. McComas
- D. K. Henze
- D. Lario
- D. Malaspina
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Daniel Verscharen
- Daniele Telloni
- David R. Ciardi
- David Saah
- Debi Prasad Choudhary
- Denis Macharia
- Derek J. Posselt
- Dev Niyogi
- Dimitris Stratoulias
- Dinesha Vasanta Hegde
- Dongshuai Li
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Douglas M. Mach
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. E. DeLuca
- Eigil Kaas
- Elinor R. Martin
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily Berndt
- Eric Anderson
- Eric C. Bruning
- Eric James
- F. Auchère
- F. Tsuchiya
- Fan Guo
- Farrukh Chishtie
- Federico Fraternale
- Frederic Effenberger
- G. B. Crew
- G. C. Ho
- G. J. Husak
- G. P. Zank
- G. R. Gladstone
- G. S. Diskin
- Gang Li
- Ge Peng
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- H. A. Elliott
- H. A. Weaver
- H. E. Edens
- H. Fichtner
- H. K. Connor
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- H. S. Hudson
- Hai Zhang
- Haoming Liang
- Haonan Chen
- Harry P. Warren
- Heidi Kristenson
- Howard B. Bluestein
- Huiqun Wang
- I. R. Linscott
- I. Shinohara
- Ibrahim Nourein Mohammed
- J. B. Baker
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Dudík
- J. E. Jack Reeves Eyre
- J. L. Burch
- J. L. McCarty
- J. M. Raines
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. M. Weygand
- J. Mao
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. R. Shuster
- Jack Jenkins
- James Turtle
- Jasmeet Judge
- Jason A. Otkin
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jens Redemann
- Jessie Duncan
- Jiaming Wen
- Jiang Liu
- John Kilbride
- John R. Mecikalski
- Jonathan Ng
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Joshua B. Fisher
- Juan Carlos Antuña Marrero
- K. A. McWilliams
- K. Chance
- K. Dialynas
- K. E. Korreck
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. K. Khurana
- K. Kobayashi
- K. L. Cummins
- K. N. Singer
- K. Nishikawa
- K. R. Murphy
- Karem Abdelmohsen
- Katrina S. Virts
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Kumar Ankur
- L. Golub
- L. Harrison
- L. J. Paxton
- L. K. Jian
- L. Ofman
- L. R. Lyons
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Lasse Husbjerg
- Laura Duncanson
- Lawrence D. Carey
- Leiqiu Hu
- Lisa Upton
- Loren D. White
- Lucia Profeta
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lulin Xue
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. A. Parsons
- M. A. Shay
- M. Bzowski
- M. C. Nolan
- M. Conde
- M. D. Tran
- M. E. Brown
- M. E. Litvak
- M. G. Henderson
- M. G. Kivelson
- M. Gedalin
- M. Gkioulidou
- M. Guêdel
- M. Hartinger
- M. Hasan Barbhuiya
- M. I. Desai
- M. J. Newchurch
- M. K. Emil
- M. Kitahara
- M. L. Rilee
- M. Opher
- M. Pulupa
- M. R. Hairston
- M. S. Briggs
- M. Sultan
- M. Svoboda
- M. Swisdak
- Manil Maskey
- Marc Kornbleuth
- Maria-Theresia Walach
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martin Stendel
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Matthias Heumesser
- Meghan F. Cronin
- Meng Jin
- Michael Diamond
- Michael L. Stevens
- Miguel Laverde-Barajas
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- N. A. Ritchey
- N. E. Raouafi
- N. V. Pogorelov
- Nathan Thomas
- Navdeep K. Panesar
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas Clinton
- Nicolas Wijsen
- Niklas Griessbaum
- Nikolai Østgaard
- Nishan Kumar Biswas
- Nithin Sivadas
- Noah Kasmanoff
- Noé Lugaz
- Olivier Chanrion
- P. A. Cassak
- P. G. Richards
- P. H. Reiff
- P. K. Manoharan
- P. S. Athiray
- P. Swaczyna
- Paola Testa
- Paquita Zuidema
- Parisa Mostafavi
- Patrick Gatlin
- Pawan Gupta
- Peng Xian
- Peter Fox
- Phillip M. Bitzer
- Pierre‐Emmanuel Kirstetter
- Qiang Hu
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. Bruno
- R. C. Allen
- R. Chhiber
- R. H. Holzworth
- R. H. Varney
- R. J. Morton
- R. M. Candey
- R. M. Suleiman
- R. W. Ebert
- Rachael Filwett
- Rahul Ramachandran
- Rajesh Kumar
- Rajesh Thapa
- Raphael M. Kudela
- Rebekke Muench
- Richard J. Blakeslee
- Ritvik Sahajpal
- Robert C. Levy
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Robert R. Downs
- Robert Wood
- Ronald M. Caplan
- Ruth Duerr
- S. A. Boardsen
- S. A. Stern
- S. B. Mende
- S. Chen
- S. D. Bale
- S. I. Jones
- S. K. Vines
- S. Lesage
- S. Livi
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. M. Nossal
- S. M. Petrinec
- S. P. Burton
- S. Schmidt
- S. T. Lepri
- S. Tian
- Sabrina Savage
- Samantha M. Wills
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Sanjay Gosain
- Sarah D. Bang
- Sarah M. Stough
- Scott T. Salesky
- Seyed Hamed Alemohammad
- Shi Kuang
- Shiwei Feng
- Shoshiro Minobe
- Shuo Wang
- Sijie Yu
- Sneha Yadav
- Song Feng
- Sonja A. Behnke
- Stefaan Poedts
- Stephanie A. Spera
- Stephanie M. Wingo
- Stephen W. Nesbitt
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Sylvain V. Costes
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. K. Kim
- Talwinder Singh
- Thomas A. Schad
- Thomas Stanley
- Timothy J. Lang
- Torsten Neubert
- Tsegaye Tadesse
- Upmanu Lall
- V. Roytershteyn
- Vassilis Angelopoulos
- Vikalp Mishra
- Vinay Kashyap
- Vishal Upendran
- Vladimir A. Rakov
- Víctor Reglero
- W. A. Bristow
- W. S. Kurth
- Wenfeng Zhan
- Wiebke Deierling
- William J. Koshak
- Won‐Ho Nam
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xiaonan Tai
- Xueliang Liu
- Xueling Shi
- Y. Nishimura
- Yanan Zhu
- Yang Liu
- Ying Zou
- Yongliang Zhang
- Yoshiya Kasahara
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yunuen Reygadas Langarica
- Zheyi Ding
- Ziqin Ding