University of Alabama, Huntsville, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of Alabama, Huntsville, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (426)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (23)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Conjugate Study of a Localized High-Energy Precipitation Event in the Evening Sector
- A Self-consistent Model of the Interacting Ring Current Ions with Electromagnetic ICWs
- Determination of ionospheric conductivities from UVI intensity ratios
- Dynamic Fluid-Kinetic Simulations on High Plasma Densities at Polar Latitudes Observed by IMAGE RPI during Magnetic Storms
- Fluid Transport Simulation on Plasmaspheric Density Profiles Observed by IMAGE RPI
- Global Maps of Electrodynamical Parameters During Substorms
- Ionospheric Conductivity and Storm-time Aurora
- Mesoscale Thermospheric Composition Perturbations due to Vertical Winds: Comparison of the Modeled OI 135.6 nm Auroral Emission to POLAR Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) Observations
- Numerical MHD Simulation of Flux-Rope Formed Ejecta Interaction with Bi-modal Solar Wind
- Quantitative Comparison of Measured Plasma Sheet Electron Energy Flux and Remotely Sensed Auroral Electron Energy Flux
- An Interoperable Framework for Mining and Analysis of Space Science Data (F-MASS)
- Comparison of Two Different Techniques to Derive the Electric Current Density in the Ionosphere
- Electrodynamics of the Duskside Aurora
- Extended Synoptic Analysis Using a Database of Auroral Images
- IMAGE-EUV Observation of Large Scale Standing Wave Pattern in the Nightside Plasmasphere
- Sources of Cusp Energetic Ions
- The Electrodynamics in the Ionosphere During Substorms
- Acceleration of Fast CME: A Parametric Study
- Comparing height profiles of the ionospheric electron density derived from remote sensing of UV- and X-ray emissions and from EISCAT radar data
- Energetic Ion Observations at the Cusp and Bow Shock
- Impact of Global Averaging on UVI-based B<SUB>Z</SUB> North Conductance Estimates
- Mesoscale and semiglobal scale view of the ionospheric electrodynamics of auroral torches
- Modeling Polar Cap Field-aligned Electron Density Profiles Measured with IMAGE Radio Plasma Imager
- Multi-year analysis of FUV auroral images
- Simple Diffusion Theory Models for Joule Heating in the Thermosphere
- The O+ Density Trough at 5000 km Altitude in the Polar Cap
- The global patterns of Joule heating in the high-latitude ionosphere
- A Unified Model of Particle Acceleration and Atmospheric Response in Solar Flares
- Boreal winter comparison of auroral images from Polar UVI and IMAGE FUV
- Comparison of Solar Energetic Particle Events and Impulsive Nitrate Increases in Greenland Ice Cores
- Correlation of Far Ultraviolet Lunar Albedo with Solar Activity
- IMAGE - POLAR Concurrent Plasmapause Observations
- Neutral composition effects on negative ionospheric storms at middle and low latitudes: Polar ultraviolet imager observations
- Numerical MHD Simulation of Key Parameters for CME Initiation
- Substorms During Prolonged Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The utility of auroral image-based activity metrics
- Thermal N+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- A Shape-Based Technique for Aurora Oval Segmentation From UVI Images
- An Adaptive Runge-Kutta Algorithm for Solving Fokker-Planck Associated Stochastic Differential Equations
- An investigation of ion upwelling on September 25, 1998
- CME-Driven Shocks and Particle Acceleration in Solar Corona and Interplanetary Space
- Comparison between Features of Very Thin Current Sheets Observed From Cluster and 3D Simulations
- Estimation of the Variation of the Magnetic Field Across the Magnetopause: Model/Data Synthesis
- Investigation of the Cusp Energetic Ions Using a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Three-dimensional global simulation of CME/ICME/Shock propagation from Sun to the heliosphere
- Unusual Density Structures in the Outer Plasmasphere Near the Magnetic Equator
- ICMEs' evolution and interaction from Sun to the heliosphere during both solar cycle minimum and maximum phases
- Integration of auroral image data from multiple sources in a VxO environment
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- An auroral VxO: A reappraisal of need and call for community input
- Effects of off-diagonal terms and oblique wave propagation on calculations of radiation belt electron fluxes
- Recent Plasma Observations Related to Dayside Magnetic Merging and the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- Simulation of Radiation Belt Diffusion Using SDE (Stochastic Differential Equation) Methods
- Statistical Comparison of Conjugate Auroras Seen From Space
- The Evolution of the Electric-Field Distribution During the CME/Two-Ribbon-Flare Event
- The Response of Dayside Ionospheric Upflows to Solar Wind Forcings
- Variations of Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- 3D Numerical Simulations of Driven Dissipative Relaxed Plasma Processes
- 3D Simulations of Solar Wind Plasma Turbulence
- A Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Analyses of Energy and Magnetic flux Transport from Sub-photosphere to the Corona
- Compound and Perpendicular Diffusion of Cosmic Rays
- Dissipative Relaxed State for Plasma with External Drive: Application to Solar Coronal Magnetic Field
- Galactic cosmic ray transport in the three-dimensional heliosheath
- Heliospheric current sheet in global SW-LISM structure
- Modeling Heliospheric Interface: Observational and Theoretical Challenges
- Modeling the transport of protons and heavy ions in SEP events
- Propagation of a shock-wave in a strongly inhomogeneous background
- Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration at Coronal Mass Ejection-driven shocks
- Statistical Study of Bow Shock Energetic Ions
- The efficacy of automated examination methods of conjugate substorms seen from space
- Transversely localized shear Alfven waves in resonance cones
- Unraveling the heliosphere using ENA data and computational models
- A Catalog of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes Observed with the Fermi-Gamma-ray Burst Monitor: The First Sixteen Months of Operation
- Alfven Simple Waves
- EUV Solar Instrument Development at the Marshall Space Flight Center
- Evaluation of Revised Segmenter Performance in Aurora Image (UVI) On-Line Search Tool via Analysis of 26-27 August 1998 Storm
- Hall Magnetohydrodynamics with Electron inertia
- Heavy ions transport in selected SEP events
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- Investigation of Foreshock Waves and Cusp Energetic Ions by 3-D Hybrid Simulation
- MHD Shocks Driven by Jets/CMEs without Magnetic Flux-Rope Topology and Origin of 3He-Rich SEP Events
- Minimum Dissipative Processes in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas
- Modeling Observed Fermi Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Non-force-free Extrapolation of Coronal Magnetic Field with Applications to Vector Magnetograms
- Numerical modeling of transient phenomena in the distant solar wind
- Optical Spectra of Triggered Lightning
- Particle energization by a time-dependent chaotic magnetic field
- Pick-up ions, the termination shock, and energetic neutral atoms (Invited)
- Pickup Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock: A Numerical Study for IBEX
- Positron production during relativistic runaway processes associated with thunderstorms
- Properties of Gendrin Mode and Whistler Mode Chorus: Theory and Observations
- Properties of current sheets in the solar wind
- Realistic and Time-Varying Outer Heliospheric Modeling by Three-Dimensional MHD Simulation
- Solar Cycle Model Based on Ulysses Measurements (Invited)
- Steady State Chaotic Magnetic Fields and Particle Dynamics Cross-field Transport of Particles in Chaotic Magnetic Fields
- Studies in the Sensitivity of IBEX to Variable Heliosphere Boundary Conditions
- Toward calculating heliospheric filtration of interstellar oxygen on its way to IBEX
- Turbulence in the solar wind: Nearly Incompressible MHD (Invited)
- Understanding near-Earth energetic particle environment during large SEP events with the PATH code
- 3D Heliospheric Simulations of Heavy Neutral Particles from the Interstellar Medium
- A Theory Exploring the Effect of Intermittent Slab Turbulence on Cosmic-ray Transport in Turbulence dominated by the 2D Component
- Comparative Analyses of Productive and Non-productive Active Regions based on SDO/HMI Observations using a Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Data-driven Active Region Evolution Model (DDAREM)
- Current Sheets Observed by ACE and Ulyssess at Different Heliospheric Distances
- Drift of Charged Particles in a solar wind background magnetic field
- Effects of Interplanetary Transport on SEPs with Differing Charge-to-Mass ratios
- Fluid and MHD Instabiliets of Heliopause Driven by Plasma-Neutral Interaction
- GBM Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (Invited)
- Interstellar Pickup Ion Acceleration at the Heliospheric Termination Shock
- Kinematic analysis and comparison of the CME and its related EIT wave for January 10, 2010 event
- Klein-Gordon Equations for Transverse Oscillations in Coronal Loops
- Lightning Discharges Producing Beams of Relativistic Runaway Electrons Into Space
- Linear modes in the solar wind plasma
- Low Beta Inhomogeneous Whistler Turbulence
- MHD Fluctuations in the Presence of Large Scale Flows
- Magnetic Helicity of Alfven Simple Waves
- Microphysical processes at shocks and in the inner and out heliosheaths (Invited)
- Multiscale Anisotropy and Instabilities in a Thin Electron Current Sheet: Simulation Results and Measurement Recommendations
- Non-Linear Guiding Theory and particle acceleration at a quasi-perpendicular shock
- On the Causes of Plasmoid Acceleration and the Change of Magnetic Reconnection Rate in a Resistive MHD Simulation
- Optimal Pre-Initial Conditions for Data-Driven MHD Simulations of Solar Active Regions
- Particle acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles: theory, modeling, and observational constraints (Invited)
- Physical Characteristics of Triggered Lightning Determined by Optical Spectroscopy
- Pickup ion dynamics at the heliospheric termination shock observed by Voyager 2
- Plasma-neutral coupling in the heliospheric plasma based on kappa distribution sources
- Simulations of Energetic Neutral Hydrogen Within the Heliosphere: Creation, Transport, and Loss
- Simulations of an IBEX Ribbon Model
- Sources and Formation of the Ribbon Observed by IBEX: ``... Good Things may be Close by''
- Temporal Properties of Fermi TGFs
- The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
- Three-Dimensional Global Simulation of Coronal Mass Ejections with Flux-Rope Structures
- Two-Time GCR-Flux Decrease Associated With March 2006 Interplanetary Shock Event
- Unsteady Solar Wind at the Termination Shock and in the Heliosheath
- What can geolocated sferics tell us about Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes?
- What is the origin of current sheets observed in the solar wind?
- A Data-Driven Evolution Model for the Global Corona
- A Focused Transport Model for the Shock Pre-Heating, Injection and First Order Fermi Acceleration of Solar Wind Source Particles at a Fast Traveling Shock
- A dynamic and realistic heliospheric modelling using interplanetary scintillation and photospheric magnetic data
- A survey of ULYSSES observation: current sheet occurrence from 1992 to 2008
- Acceleration of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at a Non Spherical Termination Shock
- Analysis of Voyager observed high-energy electron fluxes in the heliosheath using MHD simulations
- Are current sheets the boundary of fluxtubes in the solar wind? -- A study from multiple spacecraft observation
- Building a research group of Space Physics at UAHuntsville -- the impact of an NSF career award
- Can the "twin-CME" scenario be the cause of large SEP event?
- Charge Exchange Driven Instability of the Heliopause
- Corotating interaction regions during the solar cycle 22 and 23 minima
- Correlation of magnetohydrodynamic fast shock Mach number with solar energetic particle flux
- Cosmic rays transport across the wavy current sheet in the global distant heliosheath
- Data-driven Modeling of the Heliosphere
- Dynamic Magnetic Reconnection Events Triggered by Density-Temperature Non-uniformity
- Flux Transport and the Sun's Polar Magnetic Fields at Cycle 23/24 Minimum
- High resolution numerical simulation of the 4 November 1997 CME event propagation into the heliosphere
- ISM Oxygen Flux Interaction with Heliospheric Plasma Structure in 3D GPU Simulation
- Location prediction of Electron TGFs
- Ly-alpha polarimeter design for CLASP rocket experiment
- Modeling SEP events from 0.5 to 3.0 AU with the PATH code
- Modeling Turbulence in the Distant Solar Wind
- Modeling of Magnetic Non-Potentiality of Active Region using a 3D Data-Driven Active Region Evolution Model: Seeking Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Solar Eruption
- Numerical simulations of hydrogen ENAs from 1 AU to the heliopause
- On the Voyager 1 Zero Radial Velocity Measurements in the Inner Heliosheath
- Particle Acceleration at a Converging Shock Pair
- Performance of the Huntsville, Alabama Marx Meter Array
- Preparing Students for Careers in Science and Industry with Computational Physics
- Production, transport and acceleration of pickup ions in the heliosphere: implication to ENA observations by IBEX
- Radio signatures of CME-streamer interaction
- Simple and Double Alfven Waves: Hamiltonian Aspects
- Solar Active Region Energetics from Vector Magnetograms
- Testing Turbulence Transport Models using Solar Wind Data
- The Effects of Background Solar Wind on the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejection in August 2010
- The Evolution of Ion Distributions and the Associated ENA Production at the Heliospheric Termination Shock: Hybrid Simulations
- The Heliopause: Structure, Stability, and Temporal Response to Disturbances
- The Structure of Magnetic Clouds in the Inner Heliosphere: An Approach Through Grad-Shafranov Reconstruction
- The influence of the interstellar magnetic field on the IBEX ribbon
- The lightning-TGF relationship on microsecond timescales
- Transport of Cosmic-rays in the Inner Heliosphere in the Presence of Composite Two-dimensional and Slab Turbulence
- a New Concept of Cosmic Ray Diffusion in the Heliosheath
- A Focused Transport Approach to SEP acceleration at a Fast Parallel Shock in the Corona Including Self-excitation of Alfvén Waves
- A Legendre Expansion Model for the Focused Transport and Acceleration of Solar Energetic Particles
- A statistical study on band-splitting type II radio bursts and their association with the CME dynamics
- A three-dimensional MHD simulation analysis of the origin of the slow solar wind
- Analysis of the Evolution and Interaction of Multiple Coronal Mass Ejections and Their Shocks in July 2012
- Anisotropic Scalings of solar wind turbulence
- Automatic Detection of Coronal Loops from SDO-AIA Data
- Collimated Photo-Electron Gun (CPEG) Development for Spaceflight Applications: Electronics Design and Preliminary Testing
- Conservation Laws: (a) Alfven Waves in the Solar Wind (b) MHD fluid Relabeling Symmetries
- Cosmic Rays at the Edge of the Solar System
- Dependence of Current-Sheet-like Structure on the Solar Wind Type from the ACE Observation
- Dichotomy of X-Ray Jets in Solar Coronal Holes
- Diffusion of Energetic Charged Particles in Intermittent q-Gaussian Turbulence
- Diffusive Shock Acceleration and Particle Injection at 1AU: Theory and Observations
- Effect of Background Solar Wind Condition on the Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejection: A Case Study
- Energy-Containing Length Scale at the Base of a Coronal Hole: New Observational Findings
- Extreme Fast Coronal Mass Ejection on 23 July 2012
- Filtration of interstellar helium in the heliosphere
- Forecasting the Solar Drivers of Severe Space Weather from Active-Region Magnetograms
- Global Modeling of the Heliosphere and the IBEX Ribbon
- High Resolution Spectroscopy of Rocket Triggered Lightning
- Intensities and spectral properties of 0.03-6 keV Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Along the Lines-of-Sight of Voyager
- Is "twin CME" the cause of large SEP events?
- Lower TGF Detection Threshold for Fermi GBM: Sample Properties
- Modeling radial dependencies in SEP events with the PATH code
- Modeling spectral breaks in solar energetic particle events
- Modeling the SW-LISM Interaction Using the MHD-IPS Tomography
- Multi-Dimensional Hybrid Simulations for Instabilities and the Evolution of Ion Distributions at the Termination Shock and Beyond
- NASA's New High Intensity Solar Environment Test Capability
- Nonstationary Phenomena in the Heliosheath
- Numerical Simulation of Cosmic Rays Modulation in Coratating Interaction Regions
- Numerical Simulation of the January 2012 CME Event and its Propagation to the Earth Orbit
- Numerical Simulations of Primary and Secondary Hydrogen ENA Fluxes at 1 AU
- Observation of Energetic Particles Associated with a CIR Pair
- On the Magnetic Field Topology and Magnetic Flux Budget of CME-ICME Intercomparison
- Particle acceleration and transport at a 2D CME-driven shock using the HAFv3 and PATH Code
- Particle acceleration and transport at two shocks using a focused transport and test particle approach
- Polarization and compressibility of oblique kinetic Alfvén waves
- Relationship Between the Solar Wind Speed and the Occurrence Rate of Current Sheet like structures in the Different Solar Wind Type, Non-coronal Hole and Coronal Hole Solar Wind: ULYSSES Observation
- Reproducing the Photospheric Magnetic Field Evolution during the Rise of Cycle 24 with Flux Transport by Supergranules
- Shackleton Crater and the Lunar Poles: New Insights Into Hydrogen From A Comprehensive Analysis of Neutrons At The Moon
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging of Solar Energetic Particles
- Simulation of charged particle trajectories across an interplanetary shock
- Spectral and Temporal Analysis of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Streamer-type II radio bursts: electron acceleration via the streamer-shock magnetic collapsing trap (MCT) system
- The Role of Multi-point Observations in the Radiation, Interplanetary Shocks & Coronal Sources (RISCS) System
- The Role of the Interstellar and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields in the Heliopause Stability
- Time-Forward LISM Oxygen Simulation and Time-Backward Analysis for IBEX
- Trajectories and Distribution of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Heliosphere
- Type II spectral bumps and Diagnostics on the Properties of the Radio Source
- A Probabilistic Model for Solar Energetic Proton Fluence Spectra
- A Time-Dependent Simulation of the IBEX Ribbon at 1 AU
- A study of current sheets and structure functions in different types of solar wind
- Altitude Measurements and Measurement-Driven Modeling of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Correlation Length of Energy-Containing Structures in the Base of the Solar Corona
- Detailed Study of Ozone Response to Large SEP Events
- Determining the nature of active region heating using high spatially and spectrally resolved x-ray observations
- Effects of Cosmic Ray Interactions with the Focal Surface of JEM-EUSO
- Energetic Neutral Atoms Measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX): Evidence for Multiple Heliosheath Ion Populations
- Evolution and Interaction of Six Coronal Mass Ejections in March 2012
- Fluid Simulations of the Spectral Break Observed in Magnetic Field Power Spectra at the Proton Gyroscale
- Formation and Eruption of an Active Region Sigmoid: NLFFF Modeling and MHD Simulation
- GBM TGF Pulse Properties and Intensity Distribution
- Helicities and Lie Dragged Invariants in Magnetohydrodynamics and Gas Dynamics
- IPS-based time-dependent boundary conditions for modeling the heliosphere
- Implications of the IBEX observation of ribbon in energetic neutral atom emissions to the transport of Galactic and anomalous cosmic rays near the heliopause
- Interpretation of the Time-Intensity Profile of the 15 March 2013 Solar Energetic Particle Event with Global MHD Simulation
- Low-Frequency Waves in the Outer Heliosphere
- MHD Analysis of The Heliopause Scale
- MHD numerical study of coronal mass ejection and its latitudinal deflection
- Mirror Symmetry of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced Neutral Atom (ENA) Flux
- Modeling particle acceleration at a CIR shock pair
- Multi-scale Modeling of the Solar Wind Interaction with the Interstellar Medium and Its Connection to Voyager Results
- Plasmaspheric H+, He+, O+, He++, and O++ Densities and Temperatures
- Seed population generation by chaotic electric field in solar active regions
- Solar Cycle Effect of the IBEX and Ulysses Measurements (Invited)
- Spectral Analysis on Solar Flares with an Emission > 300 keV
- Study of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at the Termination Shock and in the Heliosheath with a MHD plasma background
- Testing the Compton Tail Hypothesis
- The Kinked Flux Tubes in Solar Wind
- A Comparison Study of an Active Region Eruptive Filament and a Neighboring Non-Eruptive Filament
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions
- Effects of Heat and Momentum Addition Inside and Outside the Compound Sonic Point of the Solar Wind
- Energization of Charged Particles By a Time-Dependent Chaotic Magnetic Field
- How Do κ-Distributed Protons in the Heliosheath Affect Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Improving Synchronic Maps with Far-Side Active Region Emergence
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection near the Heliopause
- Macrospicule Jets in On-Disk Coronal Holes
- Magnetic Field-line Length and Twist Distributions within Interplanetary Flux Fopes from Wind Spacecraft Measurements
- Magnetic turbulence in the outer heliosheath: implications for pickup ions and the ribbon
- Multi-Scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulations Suite - A Tool for the Investigation of Physical Processes at the Boundary of the Heliosphere
- Spectral Evolution of Anomalous Cosmic Rays at Voyager 1 Beyond the Termination Shock
- Suprathermal Ion Acceleration in Multiple Contracting and Reconnecting Inertial-scale Flux Ropes in the Supersonic Solar Wind.
- UAHuntsville-NASA MSFC Heliophysics REU: A Model for Recruiting Targeted Groups
- Bow Shock in the Local Interstellar Medium Ahead of the Heliopause: A Quantitative Analysis
- CGL and Landau fluid simulations of turbulence
- Connecting Properties of the Interstellar Medium to Observables Using Simulations of the Heliosphere
- Conservation Laws in Fluids and MHD: MultiSymplectic and Hamiltonian Approaches
- Energy Separation Between Thermal and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- Improvement to Ooty IPS Velocity Maps for Time-Dependent MHD Simulation
- Kinetic Simulation and Visualization of Ion Ring Instability in Interstellar Plasma
- Latitude, Energy, and Time Variations of Energetic Neutral Atom Spectral indices Measured by IBEX
- Modeling the Hydrogen-Proton Charge-Exchange Process in Global Heliospheric Simulations
- Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere
- Particle Acceleration at Oblique CME-driven Shock Using Improved PATH Model
- Particle Transport in a Realistic Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Pickup Ion Acceleration at the Solar Wind Termination Shock Based on a Focused Transport Approach Including a q-Gaussian Turbulence Model of Variations in the Spiral Magnetic Field Angle
- Properties of ENA Source Regions Outside the Heliopause
- Revisiting stability of pickup ion rings
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- Suprathermal Charged Particle Acceleration by Small-scale Flux Ropes.
- The Heliotail
- The Transport of Low-Frequency Turbulence in Astrophysical Flows. II. Solutions for the Super-Alfvenic Solar Wind
- Thermal Plasma Measurements with the Solar Probe Cup: An Estimate of Perihelion Data
- Transition Region Near the Heliopause: Modeling Results from the Voyager Mission Perspective
- Transport of cosmic rays across the heliopause
- UAHunstville/NASA Heliophysics REU: Changing Student's Perspectives on Research
- Using In Situ and Remote Sensing Data to Model the Plasma Flow throughout the Heliosphere
- A Theory for Self-consistent Acceleration of Energetic Charged Particles by Dynamic Small-scale Flux Ropes
- Applications of Non-Force-Free Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolation
- Charge-Exchange in Global Heliospheric Models: A Comparison of Source Term Integration Methods
- Electron Acceleration by Stochastic Electric Fields in Thunderstorms: Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Evolution of heliospheric energetic neutral atom emissions over seven years of IBEX observations
- Flux Cancellation Leading to Solar Filament Eruptions
- Generation of Kappa-like Distribution due to energization of charged particles by time-dependent chaotic magnetic field
- Instabilities, Magnetic Reconnection, and Cosmic Rays near the Heliopause
- MHD Gauge Fields: Helicities and Casimirs
- MHD-kinetic Modeling of the Solar wind Interaction with the Local Interstellar Medium: Can Steady State Models Explain Voyager Observations?
- Magnetohydrodynamics with temperature anisotropy
- Modeling the Solar Wind throughout Interplanetary Space Using Ground-based and Spacecraft Observational Data
- Modelling Solar Energetic Particle Events Using the iPATH Model
- Multi-spacecraft observations of traveling foreshocks
- Multispacecraft study of shock-flux rope interaction
- Neutral atom distributions in the direction of the ribbon from global simulations
- Observations of particle acceleration by small-scale flux rope dynamics in the solar wind
- Recent Upgrades to the Dark Water MISR Research Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm and Potential Implications for the Aerosol/Ocean Color Community
- Shock Wave Structure Mediated by Energetic Particles
- Shocks Beyond the Heliopause
- Solar Energetic particles' Transport in the Solar Wind.
- Solar Wind Simulations from the Sun to Earth Using a Data-Driven, MHD Model and Characteristically-Consistent Boundary Conditions Derived from SDO/HMI Vector Magnetograms
- Structure and Dynamics of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced ENA Emission: The Role of ENA Transport in the Interstellar Medium
- Structure of the Heliotail from Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Observations: Implications for the 11 Year Solar Cycle and Pickup Ions in the Heliosheath
- Sunspot Coronal Fan Loops: Location, Closure, and Heating
- Testing Formation of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer Ribbon in the Outer Heliosheath Using Voyager 1 Observations
- The Heliotail Observed in TeV Cosmic Ray Anisotropy
- A Data-driven Model of the Solar Wind, Interstellar Pickup Ions, and Turbulence Throughout the Interplanetary Space
- A Time-dependent Heliospheric Model Driven by Empirical Boundary Conditions
- An Iterative Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Analysis Using Time-dependent 3-D MHD Models as Kernels
- Analysis of Solar Coronal Holes with Synoptic Magnetogram Data
- Anisotropy of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays in the outer heliosheath
- CME Simulations with Boundary Conditions Derived from Multiple Viewpoints of STEREO
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the out-of-equilibrium Heliosheath Plasma traced by IBEX ENAs
- Cosmic Ray Diffusion Tensor throughout the Heliosphere on the basis of Nearly Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence Model
- Data-driven Model of the ICME Propagation through the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Evolution of Power Anisotropy in Magnetic Field Fluctuations Throughout the Heliosphere
- Evolution of magnetic field turbulence as observed by the Voyagers in the heliosheath and in the local interstellar medium.
- Gamma-ray observations at 20 km altitude above thunderstorms
- Godbillon Vey Helicity and Magnetic Helicity in Magnetohydrodynamics
- How does the presence of suprathermal protons impact the heliosheath on global scales?
- Instabilities and Turbulence Generation by Pick-Up Ion Distributions in the Outer Heliosheath
- Kinetic Simulations of Plasma Energization and Particle Acceleration in Interacting Magnetic Flux Ropes
- MHD surface waves, fluctuations of the heliospheric current sheet and related acceleration of energetic particles in the solar wind
- Modeling and spacecraft data constraints on the global 3D structure of the heliosphere
- Observational Evidence For The Comet-Like Heliosphere
- Recent Voyager 1 observations of draped interstellar magnetic fields and Voyager 2 observations of heliosheath magnetic fields
- Reduced Solar Wind Speeds at New Horizons Beyond 30 AU
- Revisiting the Landau fluid closure.
- Shock Structure: Application to the heliospheric termination shock and an interstellar shock
- Simultaneous Observation of Lightning and Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Spectral Properties of ENAs in the Presence of Multiple PUI Populations.
- Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - TETRA-II Instrumentation
- The Origin of Compressible Magnetic Turbulence in the Very Local Interstellar Medium
- The Structure of the Heliosphere as Seen from In Situ and Remote Observations
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Analysis of Nearby Thunderstorm Activity and Comparison with Lightning Data
- The TETRA-II Experiment to Observe Terrestrial Gamma Flashes at Ground Level - Preliminary Results
- A SIR Multispacecraft Study: Microphysics
- An unusual energetic particle flux enhancement associated with solar wind magnetic island dynamics
- Analytic Solution to Charge-Exchange between Kappa-Distributed Pickup Ions and Maxwellian Neutral Atoms when an Energy-Dependent Cross-Section is Included
- Bulk Properties of Pickup Ions at Ulysses
- Coupling suprathermal protons in the heliosheath to the plasma through charge-exchange with neutral hydrogen
- Data-driven Model of Global Solar Corona Based on Vector Magnetogram Data
- Dependence of heating of active region coronal loops on their photospheric magnetic setting
- ENA Flux from the Inner Heliosheath and its Connection to Termination Shock Properties
- Electrostatic Sail Propulsion Systems Can Enable Heliospheric or Solar Orbital Missions Very Quickly (< 10 years to Heliopause)
- Evolution of Pickup Ions the Outer Heliosheath
- Heliopause Instability and Its Relation to Variations in the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux at Voyager 1
- Interplanetary Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Solar Sources: Implications for Flux Rope Origination
- Investigation of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) Production Mechanisms.
- Observational Analysis of Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes from Ulysses In-situ Measurements
- Particle Acceleration in Magnetic Island Coalescence Simulations.
- Photospheric Magnetic Polarity of the Brightest Coronal Loops in a Solar Active Region
- Predicting the Time-varying Heliosphere at Voyager 1 and 2
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Sun to Earth MHD simulation of a CME model constrained by observed mass, speed, and poloidal flux
- Telegrapher Equations for Cosmic Rays and Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- The Pickup Ion Mediated Solar Wind
- The Role of Magnetic Reconnection-Associated Processes in Local Particle Acceleration in the Solar Wind
- The distribution function of ISN He outside and inside the heliopause
- The formation of power-law particle energy spectrum in three-dimensional low-beta magnetic reconnection
- The ionization state of the local interstellar matter revealed by IBEX observations of interstellar neutral atoms
- The random walk of Interplanetary Magnetic Field lines due to the intersupergranular magnetic flux tubes and its effect on the transport of the Solar Energetic Particles in the inner Heliosphere
- Variations of the IBEX ENA ribbon properties and their correlation with solar wind observations
- Analysis of He+ Pickup Ions from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Balloon-borne Detector for Gamma-Neutron Spectroscopy of TGFs
- CME-Forecasting Performance of MAG4 with its HMI Vector Magnetogram Database
- Comparisons between Observations, Simulation Outputs, and Analytic Predictions for an Accelerating Solar Wind over CR2040 and CR2144
- Data-Driven MHD Model of Global Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphere with Nearly Incompressible MHD Turbulence Coronal Heating
- Differences between high-productive and low-productive active regions
- Effects of Radial Distances on Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the Solar Wind
- Energy Conversion in Multiple Interacting Magnetic Islands
- High Energy Lightning Emission Network for Multi-Point Observations of TGFs from Balloons
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Improved Calculation of Interstellar Pickup Proton Properties from Ulysses/SWICS Data
- Instabilities and Magnetic Reconnection at the Heliopause Affect the Galactic Cosmic Ray Flux and Ion Acceleration
- Multi-spacecraft study of foreshock cavitons with Cluster
- Multichannel Angle-Scanning Spectropolarimetry of Dust Particles
- On the Toroidal Configuration of Large-Scale Magnetic Flux Ropes
- Outer Heliospheric Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources from the Voyager Data
- Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- Pick Up Ion Observations outside the Focusing Cone at 1 AU
- Predicting the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe Using an Empirically Driven MHD Model
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon
- Some Characteristics of Large Solar Flares- Towards Solar Flare Forecasting
- Termination Shock Properties Inferred from the Inner Heliosheath ENA Flux
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- Turbulent Cross-scale Evolution of Intermittency and Magnetic Energy Flux: Voyager Observations in the Inner Heliosheath and Local Interstellar medium
- Using Simulations to Understand the Impact of Physical Processes on the Global Heliosphere
- Wavelength Calibration of the Full-Sun Ultraviolet Rocket SpecTrometer (FURST)
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A Fractional Kinetic Transport Theory for Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Dynamic Small-scale Flux Rope Regions in the Solar Wind.
- A Solar Coronal Hole and Fast Solar Wind Turbulence Model and First Orbit Parker Solar Probe (PSP) Observations
- An Empirically Driven MHD Model to Predict the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter during the Current Solar Minimum
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- Density Turbulence and the Angular Broadening of Radio Sources in the Polar and Ecliptic Planes
- Effects of Cowling Resistivity in the Weakly-Ionized Chromosphere
- MMS Observations of Forward and Reverse Ion-scale Flux Ropes in the Plasma Sheet: Evidence for Turbulent Reconnection?
- On the Quasi-Three Dimensional Configuration of Magnetic Clouds
- Particle Acceleration by Cosmic-Ray Viscosity in Relativistic Jet Shear Flows
- Particle Acceleration due to the Interaction of Current Sheets with a Shock Wave
- Shock-Mediated Turbulent Cascade and Magnetic Field Structures Observed by Voyagers in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Small-scale Structures in near-Earth Space Plasmas: Observational Analysis Across Boundaries
- Spectral Features in Field-aligned Solar Wind Turbulence from Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Structure of the Heliosheath and Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Boundary Layer
- Subjective Uncertainties in 3-D Coronal Mass Ejection Fittings and their Consequences for Space Weather Prediction
- The Impact of Helium on Simulations of the Heliosphere
- The Role of Pickup Ions in Global Simulations of the Heliosphere
- Using an Fe-55 Source for Gain Fluctuation Characterization in Sounding Rockets
- Using kinetic entropy to identify regions with adiabatic or non-adiabatic processes in antiparallel reconnection