University of Chicago
flowchart I[University of Chicago] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (7)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1171)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (286)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
- University of Chicago, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences
- University of Chicago, Department of Physics
- University of Chicago, Enrico Fermi Institute
- University of Chicago, James Franck Institute
- University of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Diamond anvil cell investigation of lattice strains and preferred orientation in iron at high pressure and temperature.
- Experimental study on the lattice dynamics of iron at high pressures and high temperatures
- Hydrous Speciation Cooling Rates in the Bishop Tuff: Application of Heat Conduction Modeling to Constrain Emplacement Conditions
- In Situ Determination of the Growth Rates of Wadsleyite During the Phase Transformation of San Carlos Olivine
- Intra-aggregate Biogeochemical Dynamics of Chromium Contamination and In-situ Remediation
- The Post-spinel Phase Boundary in Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> and the 660-km Seismic Discontinuity
- The diamond anvil cell as a deformation apparatus for investigating the rheology of the deep Earth
- X-ray Spectroscopy at Ultra-High Pressure: Present and Future
- A One-Dimensional Model for the Annual Snow-Firn Layer Structure
- Crystal chemistry and mineral physics of silicate perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- GeoSoilEnviroCARS: A National User Facility for Synchrotron Radiation Research
- High Pressure Research With the Diamond Anvil Cell at GSECARS
- Preliminary deformation results to 12 GPa pressure using the Deformation-DIA
- Probing Selenium-Ion Distributions and Changes in Redox-State at Biofilm/Mineral Interfaces by Coupling Long-period X-ray Standing Wave and XANES Measurements
- Reconstruction of Past Temperatures of Glaciers Subjected to Sub-surface Melting
- Sample Characterization of FIDO-2000 and FIDO-2002 Blind Field Test Sites by an APXS Instrument
- Structure of the Hydrated Hematite (0001) Surface
- Temperature Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silica at High Pressures
- The GeoSoilEnviroCARS Diffraction, Scattering and Spectroscopy Station at the Advanced Photon Source.
- The Multianvil Press Research Facility at GSECARS
- The Seasonal Cycle of the Hadley Cell on Early Mars
- Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements in Conjunction With Synchrotron Radiation to the Conditions of the Earth's Interior
- Use of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Measure Trace Metal Distribution in the Brain
- Viscosity of Fe-FeS Liquids at High Pressure
- X-ray microprobe for micro x-ray fluorescence and absorption spectroscopies at GSECARS
- Age of Initiation of the India-Asia Collision in the eastern Himalayas
- Crystal Sinking and Bubble Rising in the Bishop Tuff Rhyolitic Magma
- Deformation Experiments in the D-DIA Using High-Resolution Monochromatic Diffraction
- Deformation of olivine at high pressures using the Deformation-DIA
- Elasticity of Unquenchable High-Pressure Clinopyroxene at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Electronic spin state of iron in lower mantle perovskite
- Expanded Stability of the hcp Structure in Iron-Rich Alloys
- High-pressure and High-temperature Studies With Nuclear Resonant Scattering
- Increasing Simulation Speed in a Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Model by Using Mixed-Resolution, Parallel Components
- Modulation Near the Termination Shock: Stochastic Particle Studies using an MHD Heliosphere
- Pressure induced structural changes in amorphous silicates
- Secondary Crater Populations on the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits
- Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Received in an Urban Area
- Study of Sound Velocities of Iron With Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering Under High Pressure and Temperature
- The Application of Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence to Dendroanalysis: Nickel in Salix nigra L.
- The Pressure and Compositional Dependence of the Shear modulus of Magnesiowustite
- A New Technique for High-Pressure Angle-Dispersive Powder Diffraction Using an Energy-Dispersive Setup and White Synchrotron Radiation
- A New Technique for In Situ X-ray Microtomography Under High Pressure
- Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C at High Pressures and High Temperatures
- Deformation Experiments on Polycrystalline Mg2SiO4-Ringwoodite Using the Deformation-DIA and Monochromatic X-Ray Diffraction
- Equation of State of Aluminous H-bearing Stishovite to 60 GPa
- Estimates of the Global Inventory of Methane Clathrate: Past, Present and Future
- Ferromagnesian Post-Perovskite Silicates in the D" Conditions
- How do we Reconcile the Heat Budget of the Core with the Power Requirements for the Geodynamo?
- In Situ X-ray Diffraction Study of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite to the Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering Studies Under High Pressure and HighTtemperature
- Options and Consequences: Water Banking/Leasing Issues Explored for the Rio Grande in Southern New Mexico
- Oxygen Isotopes in the Terrestrial Planets
- Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocities and Density: Brillouin Scattering and Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source
- Stability and Crystal Structure of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Perovskite in the Earth's Deep Mantle
- Study of sound velocities of hcp-Fe with nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering in a laser-heated diamond cell
- Synthesis and equation of state of MgGeO<SUB>3</SUB> post-perovskite phase
- Synthesis of post-perovskite phase from a natural orthopyroxene
- UV-B Measurements in Mexico City: Comparison with Modeled UVB and Black Carbon
- Valence state of iron in mantle phases at high pressures and high temperatures
- Viscosity of Anhydrous and Hydrous Basalt Melts at High Pressures
- A Continuous Spatial-temporal Stochastic Regional Rainfall Model Based on Historical Rain Gauge Data
- A nonhomogeneous stochastic weather typing approach for statistical downscaling of precipitation in Illinois
- Aggregate Elastic Moduli and Equation of State of B2 Phase of NaCl to 73 GPa by Simultaneous Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Brillouin Scattering Measurements.
- Antimony Speciation and Transport in Streams and Sediments in Mine Tailings and Waste-rock Environments, Alaska and the Yukon
- Atomistic and Nanoscale Origins of Macroscopic Properties of Silicate Melts at High-Pressure: Spectroscopy & Quantum Chemical Calculations
- Compressibility and Structural Evolution of Germanate and Silicate Post-Perovskite Phases
- Effects of the Spin Transition of Iron in Magnesiowuestite
- Elastic moduli and equation of state of NaCl to 30 GPa by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements
- Electrochemically-Induced Redox Reactions in Basalt at High Pressure and Temperature: An Iron and Vanadium K-edge XANES Study
- Fast-Ice Formation in Presence of Tabular Icebergs in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- High-Pressure Experiments on FeO up to 200 GPa
- High-pressure phases transitions in SnO2 to 117 GPa: Implications for silica
- In-situ Sound Velocity Measurements on bcc and hcp Phases of Fe
- Mid Pleistocene Climate Instability in the Subtropical Northwestern Atlantic
- Observations of stress-strain curves of hcp-Fe at high pressures and temperatures
- Partial Melting in the Iron-Sulfur System at High Pressures
- Phase relations of Fe-Ni alloys at high pressure and temperature
- Physics and chemistry of ferromagnesian silicate post perovskite
- Post-Perovskite Phase Transition in the MgSiO3 - Al2O3 system
- Sedimentation and Compaction at the Top of Earth's Core
- Spin Transition in (Mg,Fe)O at High Pressure
- Structure of the Hydrated (10-14) Surface of Rhodochrosite (MnCO3)
- Testing Inner Core Alignment Processes With Seismic Travel Times
- The Oxidation State of V in Olivine and Clinopyroxene as a Proxy for Oxygen Fugacity of Minettes
- Thermal Equation of State of Fe3S and Sulfur in Earth's Core
- Uncertainties in Modeling the Global Inventory of Methane Hydrate
- Vanadium K-Edge XANES and its Application to Microscale Oxygen Barometry
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Ferric Calcium Silicate Perovskite to 62 GPa
- A 1-D model of sinking particles
- A Statistical Model for the Occurrence Times of Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flares
- An Integrated Model for a Water Leasing System on the Middle Rio Grand, New Mexico
- An Investigation of Mediterranean Storminess
- Anomalously low pressure of rutile-CaCl2 phase transition in aluminous hydrogen- bearing stishovite.
- Bending of Plates at Suduction Zones: Estimates of the Plate Strength and Rheology from the Direction of Plate Motions
- Bonding Transition in SiO2 Glass at High Pressures: Applications to SiO2 Liquid in Earth's Interior
- Brillouin Scattering With Simultaneous X-Ray Diffraction at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source: Toward Determination of Absolute Pressure Scales
- Chemical and Isotopic Fractionation by Diffusion in Silicate Systems
- Cold episodes inside Jurassic times: is the carbonate deposition engine controlling atmospheric CO2?
- Deformation of the CaIrO3 Post-Perovskite Phase to 5 GPa and 1300 K in the Multi-Anvil Press
- Differences between the hotspot and NNR reference frames: a westward drift of the lithosphere?
- Effect of Pressure Scale Inconsistency on the Determination of the Equation of State of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth's D" layer
- Flow curves of hcp-iron up to 19 GPa and 600 K using a combination of synchrotron radiation and the DDIA
- In-situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements of Ferropericlase up to 110 GPa and 2000 K
- Investigation of structural polymorphism in GeO2 glass by XAFS up to 60 GPa
- Melting in the Fe - FeO System at High Pressure
- Modeled Impact of Ocean Waves on Ice Shelves
- NaCl and Neon as Pressure Standards and Media
- New Developments on Automated Data Analysis System (CEAD)
- Observed linear trends in seasonal circulation patterns over North America in the second half of the 20th century
- Rheology of serpentines and mass transfer in subduction zones
- Seismology on drifting icebergs: Catching earthquakes, tsunamis, swell, and iceberg music
- Self Consistent Equation of State for Dense Argon
- Slarti: A boundary condition editor for a coupled climate model
- Sound Velocities and Spin States of Magnesiowustite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Stochastic Space-Time Regional Rainfall Modeling Adapted to Historical Rain Gauge Data
- Stratosphere-Troposphere Mass Exchange Associated With Tropopause Folding: 1992- 2005 Statistics Based on Isentropic Advection-Diffusion Calculations
- Structure of Oxide Glass and Melts at High-Pressure: A View from Inelastic X-ray Scattering and 2D Solid-State NMR
- Testing Inner Core Alignment Processes With Seismic Travel Times
- The oxidation state of tungsten in iron bearing and iron free silicate glasses: Initial results from W L-edge XANES measurements
- The use of CsCl as a pressure standard in high pressure-temperature research
- Thermal densification of GeO2 glass under high pressure
- Trace Element Speciation and Distribution Study at Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interfaces
- A Bound on Heat Flow Below a Double Crossing of the Perovskite-Postperovskite Phase Transition
- A Spatially-Resolved Model of the Global Ocean Hydrate Reservoir
- A Thermodynamic Study of Heavy Metal Adsorption at the Biofilm/Mineral Interface: Comparison Between Thermodynamic Model Results and In-situ Measurements
- Assimilation of Current Measurements Into a Circulation Model of Lake Michigan
- CO2 Laser Heating System at GSECARS
- Calcium Carbonate Dissolution in Sinking Particulate Matter
- Changes in Crystal Structure and Thermo-Elastic Properties of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 across the Post-Perovskite Transition
- Comparison and Calibration of Sea-Swell with Microseism Observations on Ice-Shelf and Land Based Seismometer Stations
- Decadal Trend in Atmospheric Wave-Activity
- Density and Fe-Mg partitioning changes in pyrolite to 50 GPa
- Energy Sources for an Early Dynamo
- Geochemistry of Apatite in Climactic and Pre-Climactic Tephra from Mt. Mazama, Crater Lake, Oregon
- High-pressure creep of serpentine, interseismic deformation and initiation of subduction
- Holocene Paleoecology of the Western Tenere Desert, Niger, Africa
- Intermediate-spin ferrous iron in lower mantle perovskite
- Iron-carbon system at Earth's lower mantle conditions
- Kinetic Isotope Fractionation by Transport Prosesses in Geological Materails
- Lessons from the Mid-Pleistocene on Orbital-Scale Tropics-Subtropics Phase Locking
- Liquidus Temperatures in the Iron - Sulfur System and Melting of Fe3S at High Pressure
- Millennial-Scale Climate Variability During the Mid Pleistocene
- New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements on KLB-1 Peridotite Under the Lower Mantle Conditions
- Oxygen Fugacity Buffers at Conditions of the Deep Earth
- Parameters Controlling the Partitioning of Trace Metals at the Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilm/Mineral/Water Interface: Long Period X-ray Standing Wave and XAFS Study
- Rheology of hcp-iron up to 19 GPa and 600 K in the D-DIA
- Serpentine Rheology and Dehydration at High-Pressure, Implications for Intermediate-depth Seismicity
- Spin Transition Zone (STZ) in the Lower Mantle
- Spin Transition and Equation of State of Ferropericlase at High Temperature: Implications for Density Model of the Lower Mantle
- Stability and Equation of State of post-perovskite phase in the system MgSiO3-Al2O3 to 2 Mbar
- Structure and Properties of Amorphous MgSiO3 in Earth's Mantle: A View from Synchrotron Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Synthesis of Post-perovskite Phases from Almandine-Pyrope Garnets at High Pressure
- The effects of temperature and light elements on the interfacial tension of liquid iron under high pressure
- Toward a self-consistent pressure scale: elastic moduli and equation of state of MgO by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements at high-pressure high-temperature conditions
- Atomistic Origins of Densification in Oxide Melts in Earth's Mantle: Insights from Synchrotron X-ray Raman Scattering
- Avoid the Noise: Observations of Decadal Trends in Atmospheric Circulation Using Conservative Coordinates
- Bottom-Up and Equilibrium Top-Down Estimates of Regional Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in the Southern Great Plains
- Compressibility and Optical Properties of Single Crystal Magnesite and Siderite up to 75 GPa
- Compressibility and Structural Stability of Hydrous Olivine Fo97Fa3 up to 34 GPa by XRD and Raman Spectroscopy
- Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media
- Deformation experiments of polycrystalline sintered diamond materials in the DDIA with HIMEDIA pistons
- Effort Optimization in Minimizing Food Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions, a look at "Organic" and "Local"
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Lower Mantle Perovskite With Intermediate-spin Iron and Consequences for Mantle Properties and Dynamics
- Experimental Constraints on the Partitioning and Valence of V and Cr in Garnet and Coexisting Glass.
- Extending the statistical framework for global sensitivity analysis of canopy radiative transfer models
- Formation of a Cubic Iron-Sulfur Alloy at Megabar Pressures and its Equation of State
- Generating gridded data ensembles from climate-related process measurements for climate model evaluation.
- High Pressure Tomography in Studies of Core Formation Mechanisms
- High-pressure behavior of iron-nickel-cobalt phosphides and its implications for meteorites and planetary cores
- Introduction and application of the code FISHES to numerical modeling of two-phase flow in seafloor hydrothermal systems
- Iron partitioning in pyrolite and its relevance to the spin transition in magnesiowustite under the lower mantle P-T conditions
- Long-lived tendrils in viscous entrainment
- Magma Ocean Lifetimes
- Magma heterogeneity and the transition towards the Bishop supereruption recorded in crystals of the Bishop Tuff
- Melting Behavior and Chemical Properties of the Iron-Carbon System
- Mid- to Late Holocene (5-3 ka) Origin of the Modern Tonle Sap Lake System, Cambodia
- Mixed Spin State of Iron in a New Post-Perovskite Silicate at Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- P-V-T Equation of State of (Al,Fe)-bearing Mantle Perovskite and its Implications for Mantle Models
- Predominant Intermediate-Spin Ferrous Iron in Lowermost Mantle Post-Perovskite and Perovskite
- Probing and Modeling of Pressure-induced Structural Transformation in Oxide Melts at High Pressure
- Redetermination of Post-Perovskite Structure of (Mg,Fe)SiO3
- Rheology of serpentines, seismicity and mass transfer in subduction zone
- Scenario Analysis With Economic-Energy Systems Models Coupled to Simple Climate Models
- Serpentine dehydration kinetics
- Simulations of carbon cycle dynamics during the Holocene
- Stability and Elasticity of High Iron and Aluminum Post-Perovskite Phases and Their Implications for the D" Layer
- Structure of interatomic Fe-B compounds at high pressures and temperatures
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskites in the Mg3Al2Si3O12- Fe3Al2Si3O12 system
- Talc and "talc"-bearing dehydrating serpentinite rheology within subduction zones
- The Charging of Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Thermal expansion of Fe3C at high pressure and carbon in the Earth's inner core
- Thickness of the Post-Perovskite Boundary in Fe2+ and Fe3+ Bearing Systems
- Viscosity of Liquid Fe-17wt% Si at High Pressure and Temperature
- Visualizing the Operations of the Phoenix Mars Lander
- A High-Latitude Convective Cloud Feedback and Equable Climates (Invited)
- Bulk Sound Velocity Measurements At High P,T Using Nuclear Inelastic Scattering: Influence Of Spin Transitions On Mantle Velocity Profiles
- CitcomSX: Robust preconditioning in CitcomS via PETSc
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Deformation mechanisms and lattice prefered orientations of antigorite serpentine
- Density of BCR-2 basalt glass at high pressure by X-ray Absorption Microtomography
- Determination of the Phase Boundary Fe3O4 - h-Fe3O4 at high Temperature and Pressure using in situ Synchroton Radiation
- Effect of texture on rheological properties: the case of ɛ-Fe (Invited)
- Envisioning a metropolitan foodshed: potential environmental consequences of increasing food-crop production around Chicago
- Equation of State and Magnetic Properties of Fe3C to Multi-Megabar Pressure with Implications for the Earth's Inner Core
- Flowering plant physiology triggered the expansion of tropical rainforest
- GPU Implementation for High-Resolution 2-D Variable Viscosity Stokes Flow
- GeoSoilEnviroCARS: A National User Facility for Synchrotron Radiation Research in GeoScience
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- HP-HT deformation of olivine: new in-situ insights into P-T dependent creep mechanisms from monochromatic X-Ray Diffraction
- High-Pressure Deformation of Single-Crystal Garnet in the D-DIA using Quasi Laue Diffraction
- High-Resolution Fe XANES Pre-Edge Spectroscopy of Micas
- High-resolution B concentration analyses by SIMS in M. californianus as a potential record of ocean acidification
- IBEX observations in the context of a global heliospheric model
- In situ high-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of chromite
- In situ investigation of diapirism as a core formation mechanism using high-pressure synchrotron X-ray radiography (Invited)
- Interdisciplinary Graduate Training in Polar Environmental Change: Field-based learning in Greenland
- Pick-up ions, the termination shock, and energetic neutral atoms (Invited)
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Recent Developments in High-Pressure Research at GSECARS (Invited)
- Seismic Detectability of the Postperovskite Boundary (Invited)
- Short timescale variation in the ENA flux emanating from the heliospheric poles: IBEX observations
- Statistical Characterization of Stormtime Ionospheric Redistribution At Mid-Latitudes
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskite with almandine composition (Fe3Al2Si3O12) to 149 GPa
- The Coming Role of GPU in Computational Geodynamics (Invited)
- The olivine-wadsleyite phase transformation in mantle peridotite
- Volume collapse of iron,aluminum-bearing perovskite at mid-lower mantle pressures
- A 2-D basin-scale methane hydrate model: equilibrium and transient sensitivity to ocean temperature. (Invited)
- A Model for Export of Particulate Organic Carbon in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems
- A Paris-Edinburgh cell at HPCAT for studying melts at high pressures
- Acceleration of low order finite element computation with GPUs (Invited)
- An early warning system for high climate sensitivity? (Invited)
- CIM-EARTH: Community Integrated Model of Economic and Resource Trajectories for Humankind
- Can surface and basal lakes be twins?
- Carbon cycle dynamics during interglacials (Invited)
- Chemical and phase distributions in a multilayered organic matter-Ag nanoparticle thin film system
- Comparative compressibility of hydrous wadsleyite
- Compressibility of vitreous silica by high pressure X-ray microtomography
- Compression of Single-Crystal Orthopyroxene to 60GPa
- Computed Microtomography Quantification of Internal Pore Geometry of Soil Aggregates from Contrasting Land Management Types
- Cubic silicon carbide and boron nitride as possible primary pressure calibrants for high pressure and temperature scale
- Cumulative Carbon and Anthropocene Climate
- DDIA-30: a Versatile Megabar Mutli-anvil Device for in-situ High Pressure Studies with White and Monochromatic Synchrotron Radiation
- Depth and Thickness of the Post-Perovskite Boundary in Pyrolitic and San Carlos Olivine Compositions
- Depth and Thickness of the Post-Perovskite Boundary in a MORB Composition
- Development of a double-stage DDIA apparatus and its application to in-situ melting experiments at high pressures
- Does the Spin Transition in Mantle Silicate Perovskite Change the Seismic Properties of the Lower Mantle? (Invited)
- Effects of Fe-Enrichment on the Equation of State and Stability of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite and Post-Perovskite
- Energy-Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Investigation of Amorphous Lithium Borate Structure: A Demonstration of the Paris-Edinburgh Cell Setup at 16BM-B at the APS
- Equation of State of FeO
- Experimental evidence for iron enrichment in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 post-perovskite relative to perovskite
- GPU Implementation of Stokes Equation with Strongly Variable Coefficients
- Gigavision - A weatherproof, multibillion pixel resolution time-lapse camera system for recording and tracking phenology in every plant in a landscape
- Hydrogen bond symmetrization and equation of state of phase D
- Influence of iron on the strength of silicate perovskite at high pressure
- Integrating the Socio-economic and Physical Drivers of Land-use Change at Climate-relevant Scales: an Example with Biofuels
- Investigating the contribution of mussel N regeneration to coastal primary production using stable isotope tracers
- Iron and Carbon Isotope Evidence for Microbial Iron Respiration Throughout the Archean
- Mechanical strength of serpentinites: lizardite is weaker than antigorite
- Scaling up food production in the Upper Mississippi river basin: modeling impacts on water quality and nutrient cycling
- Seismicity triggered by the olivine-spinel transition: New insights from combined XRD and acoustic emission monitoring during deformation experiments in Mg2GeO4
- Sensitivity of stable water isotopic values on the convective parameterization schemes
- Short timescale variation in the heliospheric ENA flux: IBEX observations and correlations with solar wind observations
- Stability of Post-Perovskite in MgSiO3 analogy NaMgF3 and its Implication for the Mantle Dynamics of Super-Earths
- Structure of jadeite-diopside melts at high pressure by in situ x-ray diffraction
- The Circularity and Stability of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- Thermal Equation of State of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite in a Ne Pressure Medium
- Why ice-field penitentes can only form in the tropics
- 3D imaging of glass inclusions in quartz using propogation phase-contrast x-ray tomography: Application to the Bishop Tuff (California, USA)
- A New High-Pressure Phase Transition in Iron-Bearing Orthoenstatite: An anisotropy discontinuity in the upper mantle?
- A Simple Laboratory Scale Model of Iceberg Dynamics and its Role in Undergraduate Education
- A stochastic approach to supraglacial meltwater transport modeling
- An Equation of State for Silicate Melts Under Compression
- Beyond the D-DIA: new initiatives for deformation experiments at higher pressure and temperature
- Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction of Argon to 65 GPa and 800 K
- Changes in Species Interactions Among Coralline Algae Suggest Ecological Response to Ocean Acidification
- Climate impacts as represented in U.S. regulatory law and the under-estimation of the long tail of carbon dioxide
- Connecting Ancient Land Use and Landform Histories: The Geoarchaeology of Central Karnataka's (South India) Residual Hills
- Deformation of olivine under mantle conditions: an in-situ high-pressure, high-temperature study using monochromatic synchrotron radiation
- Density and sound velocity of Fe-S liquids at high pressures
- Density and structure of jadeite melt at high pressure and high temperature
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Elasticity of Pyrope at High Pressures and Temperatures by Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction
- Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Iron and Iron-Silicon Alloy at High Pressures
- Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicate Phase D at High Pressure
- Exploiting the weak temperature gradient approximation for climate theory on slowly rotating, tidally locked planets
- Exploring the potential of the light REE signal of foraminifera as an oxidation proxy
- High pressure high temperature elasticity study of sodium disilicate glass
- High resolution minor and trace element measurements for mussel shells using LA-ICP-MS
- Impact on Scientific Inquiry of a Backwards-Faded Scaffolding Approach to Inquiry-based Space Science for Non-Science Majoring Undergraduates
- Influence of Cenozoic Plateau Growth on Precipitation and Atmospheric Dynamics
- Internally consistent pressure scale for Au, Pt, Mo, MgO, NaCl and Ne to 2.5 Mbar
- Library-based statistical reproduction as a tool for computationally efficient climate model emulation
- Melting in the Fe-Si System at High Pressures
- New developments in the Paris-Edinburgh cell program at HPCAT
- Ongoing land use change exacerbates tropical South American drought by sea surface temperature variability
- Our evolving heliosphere: The first three years of IBEX observations
- Phase Diagram and Equation of State of Fe-Si Alloy
- Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer
- Progress in understanding uranium(IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Rapid terrestrial core formation from in situ X-ray computed microtomography
- Rapid, dynamic segregation of core forming melts: Results from in-situ High Pressure- High Temperature X-ray Tomography
- Rheology of two-phase composites: implications for flow properties of the lower mantle
- Robustness of Estimators of Long-Range Dependence and Self-Similarity under non-Gaussianity
- Seismicity triggered by the olivine-spinel transition: new insights from combined XRD and acoustic emission monitoring during deformation experiments in Mg2GeO4
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Forsterite to 90 GPa
- Sound velocities of iron aluminum-bearing magnesium silicate perovskite at 25 GPa and up to 1200 K: Implications for heterogeneities in Earth's lower mantle
- Speciation of uranium in biologically reduced sediments during iron and sulfate reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer
- Spin transition of iron in deep-mantle ferromagnesite
- Stability of post-aragonite BaCO<SUB>3</SUB> to 130 GPa and 2000 K
- Structure and reactivity of the uraninite (111) surface
- The Compression Pathway of Quartz
- The Dynamics of the Heliosphere from 1961 TO Voyagers i and II in 2011
- The East Pacific Rise: An Active Not Passive Spreading System
- The effect of hydration on the anomolous compressibility of vitreous silica characterized by high pressure X-ray microtomography and GHz ultrasonic interferometry
- The phase relations in Earth's mid-lower mantle: constraints from in-situ XRD and quantitative chemical analysis
- Time-Domain X-ray Diffraction in the Pulsed Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Using IBEX Polar ENA Flux Variations to Estimate the Dimensions of the Outer Heliosphere
- Utilizing Emerging Hardware for Multiphysics Simulation Through Implicit High-Order Finite Element Methods With Tensor Product Structure
- A new high-pressure research facility at the Australian Synchrotron
- Adaptive coarse space construction and nonlinear smoothers for heterogenous Stokes problems
- Addressing Data Access Needs of the Long-tail Distribution of Geoscientists
- Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to Entry into the Heliosphere and the IBEX Ribbon
- Bayesian Analysis of Non-Gaussian Long-Range Dependent Processes
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Inner Heliosheath
- Chemical Convection in the Lunar Core from Melting Experiments on the Fe-Ni-S System
- Combined Laser Ultrasonics, Laser Heating and Raman Scattering in Diamond Anvil Cell System
- Data assimilation in the low noise regime
- Ductile Deformation of Dehydrating Serpentinite Evidenced by Acoustic Signal Monitoring
- Dynamic Shear Fracture Propagation during High Pressure Olivine-Spinel Phase Transition : Deep Focus Earthquakes Recorded in the Laboratory ?
- Elasticity and structure of mantle pyroxenes
- Elasticity and structure of sodium disilicate glass at high pressures and high temperatures
- General circulation model comparison using statistical emulation
- High Pressure Melting, Phase Diagrams, and Equations of State in the Fe-FeSi System with Application to Earth's Core
- High-pressure single-crystal studies of pyroxene minerals in metastable compression regime with relevance to cold subducting slabs
- Implications of spinel compositions for the petrotectonic history of abyssal peridotite from Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR)
- Improved diffusion Monte Carlo and the Brownian fan
- In-situ Ultrasonic Sound Velocity Measurements of Fe and Fe-Light Element Alloying Liquids at High Pressures with Implications to Planetary Cores
- Krypton-81, Helium-4 and Carbon-14 based estimation of groundwater ages in the Guarani Aquifer System: implications for the He-4 geochronometer
- Making Sense of the Data Deluge: New Tools and New Methods
- Parallel scripting for improved performance and productivity in climate model postprocessing, integration, and analysis.
- Phase relations, melting and thermoelastic properties in FeS: Application to the Martian core
- Phase transformation of harzburgite and stagnant slab in the mantle transition zone
- Post-Cotunnite Phases in the AX2 System: Compression of PbF2 to 80 GPa
- Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction of Pyrope Garnet to 84 GPa
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Sound velocity and structure measurement of silicate glasses under pressure
- Stability and Compressibility of Seifertite from 1 bar to 140 GPa
- Structure evolution of HoMnO3 under pressure
- Synthesis of a new high-pressure and high-temperature iron oxide, Fe<SUB>4</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>, a plausible key player in deep subduction processes
- Temperature changes derived from the extent of the tropical Quelccaya ice cap, Peru
- The Circularity of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The Effect of Wavelength-Dependent Emissivity on the Melting Temperatures of Iron From Shock Wave Measurements
- The effect of hydration on the time-dependent elastic relaxation in vitreous silica: Combined synchrotron microtomography and diamond anvil cell ultrasonic measurements
- The effect of shear deformation on planetesimal core segregation: Results from in-situ X-ray microtomography
- Viscosity and structure correlations in NaCl and KCl melts at high pressures
- A Community-Driven Workflow Recommendations and Reuse Infrastructure
- A spectral-based approach to simulating future climate
- Advanced combination of laser and synchrotron techniques to study minerals at extreme conditions in the time-domain mode (Invited)
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Assessment of Image Processing and Resolution on Permeability and Drainage Simulations Through 3D Pore-networks Obtained Using X-ray Computed Tomography
- Atmospheric composition and stability of ocean planets
- Back-Transformation kinetics in the MgSiO3 system at upper mantle conditions
- Building sustained partnerships in Greenland through shared science
- Coevolution of the Andean orographic barrier, precipitation patterns, and exhumation
- Composition and Pressure Effects on Partitioning of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Constraints on the Properties of the Moon's Outer Core from High-Pressure Sound Velocity Measurements on Fe-S Liquids
- Corrections for <SUP>17</SUP>O interference, effects on Δ<SUB>47</SUB> determination
- Deformation and seismic anisotropy of silicate post-perovskite in the Earth's lowermost mantle
- Delayed Southern Ocean warming causes nonlinearity in transient climates
- Discrepancy among the Au, Pt, and MgO Pressure Scales at 20-30 GPa and 1700-2100 K in the Laser-Heated Diamond-Anvil Cell
- Dynamic Topographic Warping of the Pliocene and Pleistocene Shorelines of the East Coast U.S.: Implications for Estimates of Past Sea Level Heights
- Dynamics of Rossby Wave Breaking
- Effect of Water on the Compressional Behavior of SiO<SUB>2</SUB> Stishovite up to 30 GPa
- Effect of the Heliosheath hot plasmas on the interstellar grain heating
- Elastic Properties of Iron in a Diamond Anvil Cell Using Laser Ultrasonics Technique up to 56 GPa
- Elastic properties and phase transitions of Fe7C3 and new constraints on the light element budget of the Earth's inner core
- Evaluating the utility of dynamical downscaling in agricultural impacts projections
- Evaluation of Local and Regional Phenomena in Regional Scale Climate Simulations (Invited)
- FACE-IT: Framework to Advance Climate, Economics, and Impact Investigations with Information Technology
- Fault Preconditioning for PyLith
- From Big Data to Small Transportable Products for Decision Support for Floods in Namibia
- Global Anisotropies in TeV Cosmic Rays Related to the Sun's Local Galactic Environment from IBEX (Invited)
- Globus Online: Climate Data Management for Small Teams
- High pressure studies on non-crystalline samples using synchrotron x-ray tomographic and diffraction techniques
- High-Temperature Kinetic Isotope Fraction of Geological Materials (Invited)
- High-pressure high-temperature equations of state of UO2 and ThO2
- Hydrogen and climate in primitive terrestrial and super-Earth atmospheres (Invited)
- In situ crystal chemical study of solid diamond inclusions from Quaternary alluvial deposit in the Siberian craton
- Interstellar Neutral Gas Inside and Outside the Heliosphere as Viewed from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) (Invited)
- Interstellar dust in the inner heliosheath
- Iron Oxidation State and Compressional Behaviors of Al,Fe-rich Mantle Silicate Perovskite up to 90 GPa
- Iron-rich Oxides at the Core-mantle Boundary
- Kuroshio bimodality and diffusion maps
- Linking the geological record for large igneous provinces and hotspots with tomography-based numerical models of thermal convection in the Earth's mantle
- Low viscosity of carbonate melts determined by falling sphere viscometry using ultrafast x-ray imaging at high pressures up to 6 GPa
- Melting and Phase Relations in the FeO-FeS System at High Pressure
- Metal-silicate partitioning of Co, Ni, V, Cr, Si, and O up to 100 GPa and 5500 K: Implications for core formation
- Methane and ethane at high pressures: structure and stability
- Micro-tomography and electron microscopy of a shock dike in the Buck Mountains 005 L6 chondrite
- Mid Pliocene sea levels: A combined analysis of field data, models of glacial isostasy and dynamic topography, and eustasy. (Invited)
- Mineral stability in the presence of H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluid at high pressure and high temperature
- Nanoscale Origin of the Dichotimous Viscosity-Pressure Behavior in Silicate Melts
- New Developments and Geoscience Applications of Synchrotron Computed Microtomography (Invited)
- Ophidia: high performance data analytics for climate change
- Phase transitions and Al partitioning in a pyrolitic MgO-Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB>-SiO<SUB>2</SUB> composition at 16-31 GPa and 1500-2300 K
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Predicting and adapting to the agricultural impacts of large-scale drought (Invited)
- Pressure control on iron isotope variations in MORBS determined by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy
- Pressure effect on the elasticity and structure of Na- silicate glasses
- Probing ice mélange rheology with observations of fast motion during iceberg calving events
- Rheology and texture evolution of the lower mantle analogue CaGeO3+MgO
- Rheology of phase A at high pressure and high temperature
- Single crystal elasticity of majoritic garnet at high pressure and temperature
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of San Carlos Olivine in the Earth's Mantle
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of the Deep-Mantle Magnesite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Spatial and temporal interstellar structure: what will IBEX find? (Invited)
- Statistical emulation of climate model projections based on precomputed GCM runs (Invited)
- The Formation of Haze During the Rise of Oxygen in the Atmosphere of the Early Earth
- The Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison (GGCMI) (Invited)
- The Ionization of the Inflowing Interstellar Medium: Uncertainties and Possibilities (Invited)
- Thermal Equation of State and Spin Transition of Fe-rich Carbonate at High Pressure and Temperature
- Toward comprehensive studies of liquids at high pressures and high temperatures: Integration of structure and property measurements in a Paris-Edinburgh cell (Invited)
- Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences
- Using <SUP>81</SUP>Kr-age of groundwater in the Guarani Aquifer, Brazil, to constrain estimates of continental degassing flux of <SUP>4</SUP>He
- Using Data Mining and Natural Language Processing to Reveal Institutional Water Management Structures in Four Urban Areas in the US Southwest
- Vibrational, elastic, and structural properties of cubic silicon carbide under pressure up to 75 GPa and temperature up to 773K: implication for a primary pressure scale
- XANES Measurements of Cr Valence in Olivine and their Applications to Planetary Basalts (Invited)
- a new convection scheme for studying the runaway greenhouse atmosphere
- A Thin-Plate (Shallow Shelf) Treatment of Viscoelastic Ice-Shelf Flexure with Applications
- Accelerating Convergence in Simulations of Crustal Deformation with Spontaneous Rupture
- Added value by a regional climate model: precipitation and extreme temperature
- Ambient Seismic Noise Correlation on Iceberg C16, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- An Integrated Cavity Output Spectrometer for In-situ Water Isotopologue Measurements of HDO and H<SUB>2</SUB>O in the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Can Water Be Frozen on the Nightside of Tidal-locking Exoplanets?
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the Out-of-Equilibrium Plasma of the Inner and Outer Heliosheath Regions
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Clumped Isotope (Δ<SUB>47</SUB>) Investigation of Kinetic Isotope Effects: Implications for Biomineralizing Fluids
- Combining N-body accretion simulations with partitioning experiments in a statistical model of terrestrial planet accretion and core formation
- Controls of P-T-X-fO2 on Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Rocks
- Cosima - Cometary Dust Analysis Next to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Crystal Structure of Calcium Silicate Perovskite Synthesized under Water Saturated Conditions at Mantle Related Pressure-Temperature
- Crystallization Processes in Mercury's Core Inferred from In-situ High-Pressure Melting Experiments in the Fe-S-Si-C System
- Deciphering Earth History: Mapping the Micron-Scale Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Sulfur in Ordovician Carbonates
- Design of Community Resource Inventories as a Component of Scalable Earth Science Infrastructure: Experience of the Earthcube CINERGI Project
- Diffusive Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes in Olivine
- Elemental Analysis of the Surface of Comet 67p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer APXS on the Rosetta Lander Philae: Preliminary Results
- Equation of state of pyrite to 85 GPa and 2400 K
- Evaluating the Reliability of Reanalysis as a Substitute for Observational Data in Large-scale Agricultural Assessments
- Examining Model Fidelity via Shadowing Time
- Explaining the Noble Gas Content of the Planets: Theoretical Models for Argon-Trapping by Amorphous Ices in the Solar Nebula
- Exploring the Origin of Volatiles in Terrestrial Worlds
- FTIR Maps and Spatial Distributions of OH in Caledonide and Himalayan Shear Zones: Implications for Dislocation Creep and Water Weakening
- Fe3+ partitioning during basalt differentiation on Mars: insights into the oxygen fugacity of the shergottite mantle source(s).
- GeoDataspaces: Simplifying Data Management Tasks with Globus
- Glacier Length Sensitivity to Climate Change in Different Climate Regimes
- Habitable Planets in Venus' Orbit and with Modern Venus' Slow Rotation
- High P-T Elastic Properties of OH-Bearing Majoritic Garnet
- High Precision Ti stable Isotope Measurement of Terrestrial Rocks
- High Resolution Modeling of Tropical Cyclones Using Rare Event Simulation
- High-Pressure Phase Transition in Yttrium Iron Garnet
- High-Pressure, High-Temperature Equations of State Using Fabricated Controlled-Geometry Ni/SiO<SUB>2 </SUB>Double Hot-Plate Samples
- In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K
- Increasing Foresight and Forecast Quality with Skillful Low-Cost Empirical Models
- Influence of climate change and marine chemistry on ecological shifts following the Triassic/Jurassic mass extinction
- Life with and Life without Plate Tectonics
- Local Interstellar Cloud Temperatures as Observed with IBEX
- Long-term perspective underscores need for stronger near-term policies on climate change
- Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Uranium at High Pressures and Temperatures
- Nebular fractionation of silicon isotopes and implications for silicon in Earth's core
- On Reducing the Uncertainty of High Climate Sensitivity
- On the Inorganic Composition of Cometary Dust from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, as Seen by COSIMA on Board ROSETTA.
- Ostracodes on the Roof of the World: Timing the Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau Using Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry and Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
- Plasma Heating by Volumetric Large-scale Flows
- Preferred orientation in experimentally deformed stishovite: implications for deformation mechanisms
- Profiles of the Ribbon: Systematic ENA Flux Features Within and Beyond the Central Ribbon
- Redox State of Iron in Lunar Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
- Seafloor Weathering As a Long-Term Climate Regulation Mechanism
- Seismic and Geodynamic Constraints on Compositional Heterogeneity in the Lower Mantle: Implications for Deeply-Rooted Hot Upwellings Under the African and Pacific Plates
- Shale Deformation Experiments Toward an Understanding of Elastic and Fracture Anisotropy
- Simulating Future Transient Climates By Combining Observational Data with Climate Model Information Using Time-Varying Spectral Methods
- Single Crystal Elasticity of Majoritic Garnets: Stagnant Slabs and Thermal Anomalies at the Base of the Transition Zone
- Single Crystal Structure Determination of Alumina to 1 Mbar
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of San Carlos Olivine in the Earth's Mantle
- Sound Velocities and Equations of State for Lower Mantle Phases: Implications for Deep Mantle Structures
- Sound Velocities of Fe-C and Fe-Si alloying liquids at high pressures
- Tau-adaptivity for nonsmooth processes in heterogeneous media
- Testing the Interstellar Wind Helium Flow Direction with Galileo Euvs Data
- The ENA Ribbon and the ISN Flow as Key Tools for the ISM-Heliosphere Interaction - Open Questions, the Need for Future Observations with IBEX and IMAP
- The Economic Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Its Victims: Evidence from Individual Tax Returns
- The Effects of Explicit Atmospheric Convection at High CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Formation of Haze During the Rise of Oxygen in the Atmosphere of the Early Earth
- The Relationship Between Climate and Stable Isotopes: Faking or Breaking Andean Paleoelevation Estimates?
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- The dynamics of ice clouds in the TTL as inferred from the isotopic composition of water vapor.
- The role of fire during the Eocene-Oligocene transition in southern South America
- Using Spectral Methods to Quantify Changes in Temperature Variability across Frequencies
- Volumetric and elastic properties of basalt at high pressure by X-ray microtomography and GHz-ultrasonic interferometry
- Warmer Local Interstellar Medium: Resolving the Ulysses-Ibex Enigma and the Promise of IMAP
- "Real-time" core formation experiments using X-ray tomography at high pressure and temperature
- 3D Model Uncertainty in Estimating the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- A Rapid and Portable DIC Analysis for Aquatic Systems: Rise of the Blanks.
- A Stable U Isotopic Perspective on the U Budget and Global Extent of Modern Anoxia in the Ocean.
- Advances in Quantitative Proteomics of Microbes and Microbial Communities
- An improved geospeedometry using chemical-isotopic profiles in olivines
- Applications of sample nanofabrication in diamond-anvil cell experiments
- Are δ<SUP>13</SUP>C values of n-alkanes affected by atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentrations? Results from a free-air CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment (FACE) experiment.
- Assessing the Role of Seafloor Weathering in Global Geochemical Cycling
- Behavior of basalt-carbonate melts at high pressures
- COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
- Changes in U.S. Temperature Extremes under Increased CO2 in Millennial-scale Climate Simulations
- Characterizing Temperatures of FOXSI-2 Microflares Using RHESSI and AIA Observations
- Charting the Interstellar Magnetic Field behind the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) Ribbon
- Clouds, water vapor and the response of the extratropical jets to global warming
- Constructing a Cross-Domain Resource Inventory: Key Components and Results of the EarthCube CINERGI Project.
- Could synoptic-scale waves drive the 25-day cycle of circulation during austral summer?
- Day-night Temperature Gradients and Atmospheric Collapse on Synchronously Rotating Terrestrial Planets
- Deformation and Crystallographic Preferred Orientation of Two-phase Lower Mantle Mineral Analogs: Implications for Seismic Anisotropy in the Lower Mantle
- Deformation experiments under conditions of the blueschist- to eclogite-facies transition: implications for the upper Wadati-Benioff plane of seismicity
- Deformation of granulite at high pressure and temperature: an investigation into the hypothesized eclogitization-induced deep crustal earthquakes
- Determining the Current and Future Health of Low-Latitude Andean Glaciers Using an Equilibrium Line Altitude Model and Hypsometric Data from the Randolph Glacier Inventory
- Eocene high-latitude temperature gradients over time and space based on d<SUP>18</SUP>O values of fossil shark teeth
- Examining early-diagenetic processes as a chief sink for carbonate in the aftermath of the Triassic-Jurassic crisis: Hettangian concretions of Muller Canyon, NV, USA
- Examining the Fidelity of Climate model via Shadowing Time
- Examining the Linear Regimes of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Exploring the Galactic Environment of the Sun with IMAP
- Fatty acids as biomarkers for food web structure in the eastern North Pacific Ocean
- Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean.
- Hard X-ray Detector Calibrations for the FOXSI Sounding Rocket
- High Relative Humidity of Water-Rich Atmospheres and Its Implications
- High pressure research at the Partnership for eXtreme Xtallography (PX^2) Project
- High-energy X-ray diffraction of melts and amorphous solids at extreme conditions
- High-pressure behavior of fcc phase FeHx
- High-pressure dehydration experiments of antigorite-olivine samples to explain seismicity in the lower Benioff plane
- High-pressure, high-temperature deformation of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (perovskite)±MgO aggregates: Elasto-ViscoPlastic Self-Consistent modeling and implications for multi-phase rheology in the lower mantle
- In-situ Density and Thermal Expansion Measurements of Fe and Fe-S Alloying Liquids Under Planetary Core Conditions
- Informing Urban Decision Making with an Array of Things
- Interstellar neutral flow characteristics, composition, and interaction with the heliosphere - neutral gas and pickup ion analysis from ongoing observations and perspectives for IMAP
- Investigation of Fe-X (X=S, Si, C) Alloys Phase Diagrams at High Pressure and High Temperature using Ultrasonic Interferometry
- Iron Isotope Fractionation in the Lower Mantle
- Iron carbonates in the Earth's lower mantle: reality or imagination?
- Key Lessons in Building "Data Commons": The Open Science Data Cloud Ecosystem
- Late Cenozoic Himalayan Erosion Rates Revealed by Cosmogenic Isotopes in Foreland Sediments, Northern India
- Metal-silicate partitioning of lithophile elements at high pressures and temperatures
- Modeling of past and future variations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with Large Ensembles.
- Multi-model Cross Pollination in Time via Data Assimilation
- New insights in the interstellar dust properties and its interaction with the heliosphere from data, simulations and experiments
- On the role of circulation changes in future Northern Hemisphere hydroclimate change
- Personalized, Shareable Geoscience Dataspaces For Simplifying Data Management and Improving Reproducibility
- Plenario: A Spatio-Temporal Platform for Discovery and Exploration of Urban Science Data
- Proteomics of Soil and Sediment: Protein Identification by De Novo Sequencing of Mass Spectra Complements Traditional Database Searching
- Quantifying the weather-signal in national crop-yield variability
- Resolving the dependence of Δ<SUB>47</SUB> thermometers on acid digestion temperature
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Seafloor Weathering Dependence on Temperature and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
- Simulating Future Changes in Spatio-temporal Precipitation by Identifying and Characterizing Individual Rainstorm Events
- Soil Pore Characteristics, an Underappreciated Regulatory Factor in GHGs Emission and C Stabilization
- Sound Velocity Measurement of Stishovite at High Pressures up to 19 GPa
- Spectral Modulation of the IBEX Ribbon Flux by the Dynamic Draping of the Interstellar Medium over the Heliosphere
- Stability of Pure Hydrous Silica at Geotherm Temperatures up to 70 GPa
- Synthesis and equation of state of high pressure phase of chromium-bearing spinel
- Synthesis of Xenon and Iron/Nickel Intermetallic Compounds Under the Thermodynamic Conditions of the Earth's Core.
- Temperature-Dependent Feedbacks and Large Increases in Climate Sensitivity
- The AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assessments (CGRA) of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security
- The Axial Ratio of hcp Fe and Fe-Ni-Si Alloys to the Conditions of Earth's Inner Core
- The Influence of Eccentricity Cycles on Exoplanet Habitability
- The Role of Oxygen Fugacity in Fractionating Parent-Daughter Pairs between Basaltic and Sulfidic Liquids
- The dynamics of the Amerasian Basin ice shelf: ocean circulation in an immense ice cavity.
- The impact of dynamic topography change on Antarctic Ice Sheet stability during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences
- U.S. agriculture in a modern Dust Bowl drought
- Using ARM observations to test soil moisture dynamics in climate models
- Viscosity of liquids sulfur and selenium at high pressures and high temperatures and their correlations with liquid structure
- ~55Ma Aged High Topography of the Lhasa Block From Stable and Clumped Isotope Paleoaltimetry: Implications for ~50±25% Crustal Mass Deficit in the India-Asia Collisional System
- δ<SUP>17</SUP>O and Δ<SUB>47</SUB>—The Heavens can Wait.
- <SUP>17</SUP>O Correction and Ion Source Effects on the Measurement of Δ<SUB>47</SUB> on CO<SUB>2</SUB> and on Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometers
- A Narrowing Target for Early Mars Climate Models: Which Models Survive Confrontation with Improved Hydrology Constraints?
- A Neutral Network based Early Eathquake Warning model in California region
- A New Approach for in-situ Determination of Pressure and Temperature in Multi-Anvil High Pressure Apparatus: Application to the Study of Elasticity of Hafnium
- A Transformation-Induced Shear Instability Model for Deep Earthquakes Based on Laboratory Nanoseismological and Microstructural Observations
- Advanced Synchrotron Technique for Synthesis and Analysis of Polyhydrides in the Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- An Explanation for the Arctic Sea Ice Melt Pond Fractal Transition
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Assimilating the Future for Better Forecasts and Earlier Warnings
- Barotropic Turbulence on a Beta-Plane with Quadratic Bottom Drag
- Breaking Ice 2: A rift system on the Ross Ice Shelf as an analog for tidal tectonics on icy moons
- Changes in interannual and interdecadal precipitation variability from millennial-scale climate model runs
- Compressibility and spin state of iron-rich post-perovskite in ULVZs
- Confirming a Pyrolitic Lower Mantle Using Self-consistentpressure Scales and New Constraintson CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB>-perovskite
- Constraining Thermal Histories by Monte Carlo Simulation of Mg-Fe Isotopic Profiles in Olivine
- Constraints on Martian Fluvial Activity from Embedded-Crater Density in Alluvial Fans
- Cyclone Simulation via Action Minimization
- Dehydration-driven stress transfer triggers intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Development of a mobile app for flash flood alerting and data cataloging
- Dynamics of extreme negative stratospheric planetary wave heat flux events in an idealized model
- Elasticity and elastic anisotropy of antigorite at high pressure and high temperature conditions
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Superhydrous Phase B at Simultaneous High Pressure-Temperature Conditions: Implication for the Low-Velocity Layers in the Topmost Lower Mantle
- Equation of State and Hyperfine Parameters of High-Spin Bridgmanite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Equation of State of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S and Limits on the Sulfur Content of Earth's Core
- Equations of state and anisotropy of Fe-Ni and Fe-Ni-Si at high pressure
- Equilibrium and Effective Climate Sensitivity
- Evaluation of Different MODIS AOD Retrieval Algorithms for PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>Estimation in the Western, Midwestern and Southeastern United States with Implications for Public Health
- Evaluation of rainstorm characteristics in a regional climate model
- Experimental evidence supports mantle partial melting in the asthenosphere
- Experimental investigation on the thermodynamic properties of liquid Fe-light element alloys and the solidification of molten metallic cores
- Forecasting Glacier Evolution and Hindcasting Paleoclimates In Light of Mass Balance Nonlinearities
- Formation of the Sputnik Planum basin and the thickness of Pluto's subsurface ocean
- Future Climate Impacts on Crop Water Demand and Groundwater Longevity in Agricultural Regions
- Globus Identity, Access, and Data Management: Platform Services for Collaborative Science
- HabEx: Finding and characterizing Habitable Exoplanets with a potential future flagship astrophysics mission
- Heat Producing Elements and the Energy Budget of Earth's Core
- Heterogeneity in the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Ratios of Angrites.
- High resolution satellite retrievals of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Aerosol Optical Depth for health impact studies on urban scales
- High-Pressure Behavior of Difluorides: The Case of SrF<SUB>2</SUB>
- Inter-comparison of the Gold, Platinum, and MgO Pressure Scalesup to 145 GPa and 2,500 K
- Interannual variation in the characteristics of precipitation events under a changing climate
- Interpreting Atmospheric Circulations of Rocky Exoplanets as Heat Engines
- Interstellar O, He and Magnetic Field from IBEX and IMAP Predictions
- Ion Diffusion Through Water Films in Unsaturated Sands
- Isotopically Heavy Low-Spin Iron in Ferropericlase at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Laboratory earthquakes triggered during the eclogitization of lawsonite bearing blueschist
- Lack of a Snowball Bifurcation for Tidally Locked planets
- Landcover Mapping of the McMurdo Ice Shelf Using Landsat and WorldView Image Data
- Low-latitude high elevation of the leading edge of southern Eurasia throughout the Cenozoic
- Making Major Mounds on Mars: Shaping by Wind-Terrain Feedbacks
- Mechanism and thermodynamics of the high- to low-spin transition in (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase: An experimental null result
- Mg-carbonate interaction with metallic iron in the lower mantle and at the core-mantle boundary
- Moist Climates with an Ineffective Cold Trap
- Nonlinear climate sensitivity in a perturbed physics ensemble
- Off-axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectrometer measurements of HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O ratio for understanding water transport in the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Optimization of Regional Geodynamic Models for Mantle Dynamics
- PRISM4: Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping mid Piacenzian paleoenvironmental reconstruction
- Partitioning of water between surface and mantle on terrestrial exoplanets: effect of surface-mantle water exchange parameterizations on ocean depth
- Past and future weather-induced risk in crop production
- Pressure-induced Hydrogen Bond Symmetrization in Aluminous Phase D
- Raman Study of High Pressure Phases of MgCr<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> and FeCr<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>
- Reproducible Research in the Geosciences
- Rheology and Seismic Potential of Experimentally-Deformed Natural Serpentinites
- Role of Water Activity on Intergranular Transport at High Pressure
- Solubility of Nitrogen in Stishovite: A Possible Storage Mechanism for Nitrogen in Earth's Deep Mantle
- Sound velocity of iron-phosphorus liquids under planetary core conditions
- Stability of magnetite at lower mantle conditions
- Strain partitioning in shales during elastic and creep deformation observed by synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography.
- Structure and Dynamics of the IBEX Ribbon of Enhanced ENA Emission: The Role of ENA Transport in the Interstellar Medium
- Sulfur isotopic and proteomic profiles of sulfate reducers grown under differential steady-states
- Synthesis and Equation of State of Perovskites and Post-Perovskites in the (Mg,Fe)GeO<SUB>3 </SUB>System
- The Impact of the Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation on the Tropopause
- The OCC NOAA Data Commons: First Year Experiences
- The Role of Diabatic Heating on the Co-Variability of Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity and Zonal Index with Implications in a Changing Climate
- The Venera-D Mission Concept: Evaluation by a Joint Science Definition Team of a Means for the Comprehensive Scientific Exploration of Venus
- The stability and density of Fe-bearing akimotoite and implications for subduction
- Titanium Isotopes Link the High 3He/4He Reservoir to Continent Formation
- Tracing the structure of the interstellar magnetic field around the heliosphere using polarized starlight
- Trends and associated uncertainty in the global mean temperature record
- U, Th, and K in planetary cores: Implications for volatile elements and heat production
- Ultrahigh-pressure structure of GeO<SUB>2</SUB> glass with coordination number >6: implications for structure of magma at the core-mantle boundary
- Using Crater Counts to Constrain Erosion Rates on Mars: Implications for the Global Dust Cycle, Sedimentary Rock Erosion and Organic Matter Preservation
- Were Chloride-Bearing Lakes on Mars Fed by Deep-Sourced Groundwater?
- What can moist thermodynamics tell us about the Hadley circulation response to climate change?
- A Statistical Comparative Planetology Approach to the Hunt for Habitable Exoplanets and Life Beyond the Solar Syste
- A dual-porosity reactive-transport model of off-axis hydrothermal systems
- A high-resolution, empirical approach to climate impact assessment for regulatory analysis
- A moist static energy framework for zonal-mean storm track intensity
- A statistical test for the habitable zone concept
- Abrupt Climate Transition of Icy Worlds from Snowball to Moist or Runaway Greenhouse
- Advances in high-resolution synchrotron micro-XANES for constraining the redox evolution of terrestrial and extraterrestrial magma
- Application of Deep Learning and Supervised Learning Methods to Recognize Nonlinear Hidden Pattern in Water Stress Levels from Spatiotemporal Datasets across Rural and Urban US Counties
- Biotic interactions reduce microbial carbon use efficiency
- Can Thermal Bending Fracture Ice Shelves?
- Ceres' intriguing Occator crater and its faculae: formation and evolution
- Charging of Interstellar Dust Grains in the out-of-equilibrium Heliosheath Plasma traced by IBEX ENAs
- Deep-Earth Equilibration between Molten Iron and Solid Silicates
- Dehydration of δ-AlOOH in the lower mantle
- Density Determination of Metallic Melts from Diffuse X-Ray Scattering
- Eclogitization-induced mechanical instanility in granulite: Implications for deep seismicity in southern Tibet
- Effects of Thermal Variability on Broadband Seismometers: Controlled Experiments, Observations, and Implications
- Efficient Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Pathways with Stochastic Perturbations
- Elasticity of ɛ-FeOOH: Seismic Implications for Earth's Lower Mantle
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Enhancing Groundwater Cost Estimation with the Interpolation of Water Tables across the United States
- Equation of State of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C and Implications for the Carbon Content of Earth's Core
- Equations of state and anisotropy of Fe-Ni-Si alloys
- Estimate full moment tensors of acoustic emission events using their waveforms
- Evolution of Meltwater on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica During Two Summer Melt Seasons
- Experimental and Theoretical Equation of State of GeO<SUB>2 </SUB>to 1.2 Mbars
- Experimental insights into spin state and hyperfine parameters of Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> in bridgmanite and silicate glass up to 91 GPa
- First 2017-total-eclipse results from the Williams College team
- First principles investigation of high pressure behavior of FeOOH-AlOOH-phase H (MgSiO<SUB>4</SUB>H<SUB>2</SUB>) system.
- GeoTrust Hub: A Platform For Sharing And Reproducing Geoscience Applications
- Geologic Tests for Snowmelt Runoff on Early Mars
- Global mortality consequences of climate change accounting for adaptation costs and benefits
- Globus: Service and Platform for Research Data Lifecycle Management
- High-Pressure Polymorphism in Orthoamphiboles
- High-Resolution Integrated Optical System
- High-Silica Hadean Crust
- Hydrogen-bearing iron peroxide and its implications to the deep Earth
- Impact of landsliding on chemical weathering in the volcanic island of Reunion
- Incision of the Jezero Crater Outflow Channel by Fluvial Sediment Transport
- Instability induced by orthopyroxene phase transformation and implications for deep earthquakes below 300 km depth
- Investigating the Equatorial Gaps in Snowball Earth Sea Glaciers
- Linking paleointensities and exsolution-driven dynamo
- Magnetite Crisis in Miniature: Vanadium, Sulfur, and Iron Valence State Measurements in Melt Inclusions from Nyamuragira Volcano (D.R. Congo, Africa)
- Mapping Bedrock Topography of Taku Glacier with Low Frequency Ground Penetrating RADAR
- Melting behavior of Earth's lower mantle minerals at high pressures
- Mineralogy of the Hydrous Lower Mantle
- National Variation in Crop Yield Production Functions
- New High Pressure Phase of CaCO<SUB>3</SUB>: Implication for the Deep Diamond Formation
- New Polymorph of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> Stable at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
- No Radiative Heat Transport Through Pyrolitic Lower Mantle
- Nonlinear equilibrium climate sensitivity in a perturbed physics ensemble
- Phase Behavior and Equations of State of the Actinide Oxides
- Precipitation event tracking reveals that precipitation characteristics respond differently under seasonal, interannual, and anthropogenic forcing
- Producing custom regional climate data sets for impact assessment with xarray
- Pulsed Laser Techniques to Determine Lattice and Radiative Thermal Conductivity of Deep Planetary Materials at Extreme Pressure-Temperature Conditions
- Rapid reduction of MORB glass in piston cylinder experiments with graphite capsule - a XANES study
- Seismic signals of "wet" vs. "dry" ice shelves
- Simple rules govern the patterns of Arctic sea ice melt ponds
- Simulating the Snowball Stratosphere and Its Influence On CO2 Inference
- Spatial patterning and persistence of meltwater on ice shelves and the implications for ice shelf collapse
- Stability of the high pressure phase Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S<SUB>2 </SUB>up to Earth's core pressures in the Fe-S-O and the Fe-S-Si systems
- Stratospheric Influence on Summer Monsoon and Associated Planetary Wave Breaking and Mixing in the Subtropical Tropopause Region
- Structural Model Error and Decision Relevancy
- Studying the Effects of Amazonian Land Cover Change on Glacier Mass Balance in the Tropical Andes
- The Effect of Early Diagenesis on the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Ratio of Platform Carbonates.
- The Role of Different Plant Soil-Water Feedbacks in Models of Dryland Vegetation Patterns
- The impact of environmental inertial stability on the secondary circulation of axisymmetric tropical cyclones
- Using the Moist Static Energy Budget to Understand Storm Track Shifts across a Range of Timescales
- A Global partnership for flood risk reduction
- A Paris-Edinburgh cell for studying silicate melts at high pressures
- A Statistical Comparative Planetology Approach to Test the Habitable Zone Concept with Future Space Telescopes
- A Tale of Two Diurnal Cloud Modes
- A probabilistic assessment of climate change-driven economic losses from tropical cyclones and sea level rise in the United States
- A regional nuclear conflict has global implications for food security
- An Adjoint Trajectory Model of the Perturbed Carbon Cycle
- Blocking statistics in a varying climate: lessons from a 'traffic jam' model with aperiodic forcing
- Carbonate polymorphism reverses carbonate-silicate reaction in Earth's lower mantle
- Carbonate-Metal Reactions in the Mantle
- Climate change as one of multiple overlapping pressures for future agriculture and food security: AgMIP projections and solution pathways
- Cloud characterization with deep learning
- Combined Microscale Investigations of Hydrogen Isotopes and Iron Valence in Dish Hill Kaersutites: Implications for the Petrogenesis of Martian Meteorites
- Compression of Porous Materials: combined ultrasonic and microtomography measurements with lattice-Boltzmann permeability simulations
- Constraining the Conditions of the Moon-Forming Giant Impact With Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Lithophile Elements
- Core formation of planetesimals with partial silicate melting
- Deep Advection of Young Waters Through the Maldives Carbonate Edifice
- Densities and sound velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>P up to 1.5 Mbar: Implications for Phosphorus in Earth's Core
- Developments of the High Temperature Single Crystal Diffraction at the Partnership for Extreme Xtallography Program
- Direct measurements of thermal conductivity of deep Earth materials via pulsed laser techniques in a laser heated diamond anvil cell
- Dissolution-precipitation induced strong CPO of jadeite in UHP jadeite quartzite from Shuanghe, Dabie Mountains, China
- Do the Physical Mechanisms that Explain the Lapse Rate Response to Warming also Explain the Response to Cooling?
- Drainage through holes constraints melt ponds to be organized close to the percolation threshold
- Early Diagenetic Microstructural Alteration Relevant to Prolonged Residence of Bivalve Aragonite in the Mixed Layers of Tropical and Temperate Shelves
- Ediacaran Oxygen Oases and the Emergence of Bilaterian Burrowing
- Elastic Wave Velocities of Mg-, Fe- and Al-bearing Akimotoite by Means of Ultrasonic Measurements and Brillouin Spectroscopy
- Elasticity and equation of state of dolomite and decomposed dolomite at high pressure and high temperature conditions
- Electron scale magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath: Kinetic PIC simulation study
- Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Heliospheric Nose
- Equations of State of Stishovite and CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-type SiO<SUB>2</SUB> to Lower Mantle Conditions
- Estimating changes in temperature distributions in a large ensemble of climate simulations using quantile regression
- Examining the reciprocal effects of stemflow and corticular bacterial communities and their differences within urban and rural forests
- Experimental Thermal Equations of State of B2 RbBr and CsI
- Extreme Events as Atmospheric Rogue Waves
- Fate of FeOOH in the lower mantle
- Feedback definitions and their implications
- Flow driven fracture: controls on the location, timing, and rate of ice shelf rift propagation
- Formation and evolution of crater rim alcoves and alluvial fans on Mars
- Frequency-dependent changes in temperature variability across global climate models
- Future precipitation events become more summer-like in morphology
- Hedenbergite (CaFeSi<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>6</SUB>) Glass under High Pressure
- Hot Surface, Dry Land, and Slow Freshwater Mixing After the Melting of a Hard Snowball Earth
- Hydrogen and Sulfur in Metallic Iron at High Pressure and High Temperature and Implications for the Cores of Earth and Mars
- Ice-VII inclusions in diamond as indicators for deep mantle fluids
- Imprint of Heliosphere Geometry on Starlight that is Linearly Polarized by MagneticallyAligned Interstellar Dust Grains
- In situ study of the pathways of energy dissipation in turbulent reconnection in the Earth's magnetosheath using MMS data
- Integrated synchrotron and optical tools for mineral characterization and synthesis at GSECARS
- Integrating changes in temperature variability into climate damage projections
- Internal Structure and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoirs of Habitable Water-Worlds
- Investigating Equatorial Gaps in Snowball Earth Sea Glaciers on Tidally-Locked Exoplanets around M-stars
- Jakobshavn's 20 years of Acceleration and Thinning Interrupted by Regional Ocean Cooling
- Locating and estimating full moment tensors of acoustic emission events in samples under high pressure and temperature
- Lower Mantle Minerals Under Compression: Implication for Origin of the D" Discontinuity
- Microseismicity associated with the olivine-wadsleyite phase transition in Mn<SUB>2</SUB>GeO<SUB>4</SUB>
- Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Sudden Stratospheric Warming
- Novel Metaproteomic Approaches Reveal Systematic Variations in Microbial Biogeochemical Pathways with Arctic Vegetation Types
- Pedestaled, relict lakes on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica: formation and effects on ice-shelf stability
- Phase Stability and Thermal Equation of State of δ-AlOOH: Implication for Water Transportation to the Deep Lower Mantle
- Phase Transitions in NaMgF<SUB>3</SUB> at High Pressures: Beyond Post Perovskite
- Phase relations in the Fe-S-O system to Earth and planetary core conditions
- PlasmaPy: A Community Python Package for Plasma Physics
- Probing spin transition at combined high pressure and temperature by optical spectroscopy
- Reaction-induced faulting in granulite causes earthquakes in the lower continental crust
- Science, containerized: Integrating provenance and compute environments with the Whole Tale
- Sea Ice Control on the Depth of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Seasonality of zonally-symmetric storm tracks
- Seismogenic Fracture at High Pressure and Temperature in a Nickel Silicate Olivine
- Single crystal elasticity of ice VII
- Single-crystal Elasticity and Thermal Equation of State of Omphacite to 18GPa
- Sound Velocity and Compressibility of Liquids at High Pressures from in-situ Ultrasonic Measurements
- Spatial Radiative Feedbacks from Internal Variability Using Multiple Regression
- Statistics of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulence and its Effect on Plasma Heating
- Structure Stability and Compressibility of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>Si at High Pressure
- Testing for Climate Limit Cycles on Tidally Locked Planets
- The AMOC's Response to Global Temperature Change on Time Scales from Decades to Millennia.
- The Atmospheric Circulation and Observable Properties of a Large Suite of Terrestrial Planet GCMs
- The Cirrus Cloud Greenhouse on Early Mars: An Explanation, The Explanation, or No Explanation for Rivers and Lakes?
- The Closer, the Better? Untangling Scientist-Practitioner Engagement, Interaction, and Knowledge Use
- The Global Gridded Crop Model Inter-Comparison Project Phase II: assessing response surfaces of crop yields to changes in temperature, water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
- The Role of Summer Monsoon in Midlatitude Rossby Wave Breaking
- The Snowball Stratosphere
- The Survivability of Changes in the External Forcing of a Gaian Exoplanet
- The Underworld renovation project using PETScDS
- The effect of ocean dynamics on the transition of tidally locked planets to global glaciation
- The influence of hydrogen bonding on the material properties of hydrous phases
- The ionization state of the local interstellar matter revealed by IBEX observations of interstellar neutral atoms
- The stability of Fe-bearing δ-phase and pyrite-phase FeOOH<SUB>x</SUB> in the Earth's lowermost mantle: Experimental constrains from a hydrated Fe,Al-bearing MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> composition
- Ultrasonic Sound Velocity of Carbonate Liquids at High Pressure and Temperature
- Understanding accretion of carbon and sulfur to the Earth: C/S versus C relationships between the Bulk Earth, the Bulk Silicate Earth, and primitive and differentiated materials.
- Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- Was fluvial backwasting common on early Mars?
- A regional nuclear conflict has global implications for food security
- Acoustic velocity and compressibility in the molten hedenbergite (CaFeSi2O6)-diopside(CaMgSi2O6) join at high pressures
- Calcite Phase Transitions and Melting Under Shock Loading and Release Using Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
- Carbonate-bound phosphate and Ca isotope range as measures of cation availability and relative alkalinity
- Challenges in High-Pressure Experiments on Hydrogen in Iron Alloys - Discrepancies among Hydrogen Sources
- Charting and Dating the Decline of Mars Surface Habitability
- Chemical Reaction Between Silicon Carbide and Water and its Implication for the Stability of Carbide Exo-Planets
- Cloud Characterization With Deep Learning II
- Computational and Experimental Insights on Carbonate-Silicate-Metal Melt Behavior in the Lower Mantle
- Configuration of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Near the Heliosphere from Polarized Starlight
- Constraints on Mars' paleopressure history from small ancient craters: new results and a new synthesis
- Controls on titanium isotope fractionation in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas
- Curiosity's Climb in Global Context: Evolution of Major Sedimentary Mounds on Mars
- Detecting and accounting for allometric variation in trees: Implications for quantifying forest recovery
- Developing Unsupervised Learning Models for Cloud Classification
- Diamond Anvil Cell Program at GSECARS
- Discovery of hydrous phase B as inclusion in a diamond
- Effect of fluid properties on contact angles in the eagle ford shale measured with spontaneous imbibition
- Effects of Mg/Si ratio on the Mineralogy of the Martian Mantle constrained by High-Pressure Experiments
- Effects of Radius and Gravity on the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- Elasto-Visco Plastic Modeling of CaGeO<SUB>3</SUB> (pv) + MgO Deformation : Applicability for Understanding the Multiphase Rheology of the Lower Mantle
- Engaging Citizen Scientists in Characterizing Urban Heat Island at the Neighborhood Scale Using Satellite and Ground Observations
- Enhancing ecosystem-level understanding by linking microbiological and reactive transport computational tools
- Estimating Past, Present, and Future Contributions of Climate Change to Economic Losses from Hurricanes in the United States
- Excess oxygen in ferric oxide and unexpected chemistry of mantle oxygen
- Formation of Surface Meltwater Ponds on Sea Ice from Ice-Shelf Runoff, Adjacent to the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Graph-Guided Regularization for Improved Forecasting of Southwestern US Winter Precipitation
- High Pressure Thermodynamics of fcc and hcp Phase Boundaries in Iron-Nickel Alloys
- High Yield Regions Move Poleward Less Than Expected Under Climate Change in Globally-Gridded Crop Simulations
- How to Quickly Search Rocky Exoplanets for Signs of Atmospheres
- Hydrous Phases in Earth's Lowermost Mantle
- Impact of functional groups present in biofilm thickness on Quantum Dots dissolution: a model study
- Investigating the Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Locating and Estimating Full Moment Tensors of Acoustic Emission Events in Samples under High Pressures and Temperatures
- Low Melting Temperatures of Anhydrous and Hydrous Mantle Materials at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Mapping the Local Interstellar Medium: Using Hubble to Look Back at the ISM Along the Sun's Historical Trajectory
- Modeling the Role of Volcanism in the Past 20 Million Years of Global Cooling
- Nutrient Cycling in Exoplanet Oceans
- Optimization of the K-Profile Parameterization Using Machine Learning
- Paleoaltimetry of the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau-A Review
- Phase Relations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Earth's Mantle Using Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction
- Phase stability and thermal equations of state of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S and Fe<SUB>2</SUB>S polymorphs to Earth's core pressures and high temperatures
- Possible origin of the ULVZs beneath central Pacific: a δlnVs/δlnVp = 2:1 velocity reduction by FeOOH<SUB>x</SUB>
- Properties of the Energetic Neutral Atom Emission from the Ribbon
- Pulsed electrical melting of transition metals in diamond anvil cells: a new probe to determine the Earth's core temperature
- Quantifying the Scales of Water Management to Inform Allocation Strategies, Infrastructure Development, Low Flow Policies or Transitioning to Renewable Energies: an Illustration for New York State
- Recent Structure and Physical Properties Studies of Silicate Melts in a Large Volume Press Utilizing Synchrotron X-ray at GSECARS
- Regime-Dependent S2S Forecast Skill Over the North America
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Scaling relations for the equator-to-pole temperature contrast and bulk lapse rate of terrestrial exoplanets
- Sensitivity analyses of exploiting spatial information via deep-learning from radiometer images to identify aerosols and distinct cloud types
- Spatial radiative feedbacks from internal variability using multiple regression
- Structural transition in liquid FeO
- Studying global precipitation responses in a simplified one-column model
- The Behavior of Volatiles on Vesta and Ceres Investigated via Laboratory Experiments and Geomorphological Analyses
- The Occurrence and Role of Magnetic Reconnection in Turbulent Plasmas
- The Snowball Bifurcation on Tidally Locked Planets
- The Solubility of Uranium in Bridgmanite in the Earth's Lower Mantle.
- The coherent evolution of Miocene global temperature, ecosystems, and greenhouse gas levels
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The fate of cold-water carbonate: the scale of time averaging of molluscan aragonite on the productive Alaskan Arctic shelf
- The spatial signature of resurfacing on ancient Mars
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earth's secular cooling
- Transformational Faulting in Silicate Olivines at High Pressure and Temperature
- Typical Climate Perturbations Unlikely to Disrupt Gaia Hypothesis
- Understanding deep ocean circulation changes between the present and last glacial maximum and their implications for ocean carbon storage
- What HabEx and LUVOIR can tell us about Habitability, Inhabitation, and Biosigning
- X-ray Diffraction Study of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) from 20-130 GPa
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A Machine-Learning-Based Automatic P-Wave Detecter and Picker for Acoustic Emission Events in Laboratory Experiments
- A Multi-faceted Experimental Constraints on the Dynamic Behavior of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Glass in the Deep Earth's Interior
- A data-driven cloud classification framework based on a rotationally invariant autoencoder
- Arctic airmass displacement and reduced midlatitudes wintertime temperature variability under climate change
- Assessment of Potential Landing and Sampling Sites for a Future In-Situ Mission to Ceres
- Computational Insights on Carbonate-Silicate-Metal Melt Behavior in the Lower Mantle
- Cryogenic High-Pressure System Integrated with On-Line Double-Sided Laser Heating and Raman Spectroscopy at GSECARS
- Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Elastic hardening upon approaching hydrogen-bond symmetrization in high-pressure ice polymorphs: experiments and calculations
- Enhancing observational capabilities of water vapor micro pulse differential absorption lidar through simultaneous denoising and inference
- Equation of State of Al-rich Phase δ-H: Behavior of Ferric Iron in a High-Pressure Oxyhydroxide
- Estimating Monthly PM2.5 Concentrations Across the Chicagoland Area from 2014-2018 Using High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Data and a Three-Stage Neural Network Model
- Evaluating the ability of statistical models to capture crop yield responses to climate change
- Experimental Calibration of an Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>-in-Amphibole Oxybarometer and its Application to Transcrustal Magmatic Processes at Shiveluch Volcano, Kamchatka
- Exploring the Past and Future Boundary Conditions of the Heliosphere with Interstellar Probes
- Favorability of hurricane genesis on tidally locked exoplanets orbiting M-dwarf stars
- Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction of Laser-shocked Forsterite (Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB>) to 122 GPa
- Fermi resonance observed in high-pressure ilmenite (FeTiO<SUB>3</SUB>)
- Financial Feasibility Constrains Water Conservation in Agriculture on the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- Global Agricultural Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Intervention With An Overshoot Scenario
- Global Agriculture: Variety Adaptation Potentials and Limitations
- Global Temperature Trends Since 20 Ma Driven by Tectonic Degassing of Carbon Dioxide
- Graph-guided regularized regression to improve predictive skill of precipitation at seasonal timescales
- High orbital obliquity promotes planetary oxygenation
- High-Pressure Experimental Study of Tetragonal CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB>-Pervoskite to 200 GPa
- High-Pressure Melting of Fe-Ni-Si: Insights from Complementary Experimental Approaches
- High-pressure and high-temperature study of intermediate plagioclase feldspar
- High-pressure behavior of shock-compressed novaculite using in-situ X-ray diffraction
- How Many Overspill Events Does it Take to Erode a Pollywog? Insights from Breach Erosion Modelling
- Impact of Ice-Shelf Estuaries on Ice-Shelf Surface Drainage Efficiency
- Investigating longitudinal fractures along ice-shelf estuaries
- Kinetics study of dehydrogenation of pyrite-FeO<SUB>2</SUB>H above 1 Mbar using laser heating and time-resolved synchrotron x-ray diffraction
- Little poleward shift of peak agricultural regions under warming
- Magnetic Signatures of Sympathetic Flares
- Mapping Hydrogen Variations in Silicate Glasses: Record of Lunar Eruptive Degassing
- Microseismic Analysis of High Pressure, High Temperature Transformational Faulting Experiments Using Broadband Ultrasonic Sensors
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Non-detection of O2/O3 informs frequency of Earth-like planets with LUVOIR but not HabEx
- Origin of Low-Velocity Zones in the Bottom Mantle Transition Zone
- Phase stability and equations of state of MgAl<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> at lower mantle pressures and temperatures
- Phase stability and structural properties of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>S and its analog Co<SUB>2</SUB>P at high pressures and temperatures
- Phase transitions in ε-FeOOH at high pressure and ambient temperature
- Possible Control of Redox Conditions in the Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
- Predicting exoplanet phase curves from climate parameters using neural networks
- Reduction of Iron by Hydrogen in Early Planetary Mantles
- Revealing chemistry at multi-megabar pressures by means of synchrotron X-ray diffraction: Fe-O system as a case study
- Sedimentary Marcasite: a Proxy for Ocean Acidification?
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of Salty-Ice at High Pressures
- Subsolidus phase relations for Mg<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> at mantle transition zone conditions
- Sustainable use of groundwater dramatically reduces maize, soybean, and wheat production in the United States
- Systematic Detections of Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes in the Subduction Zone of Central and Northeastern Japan
- The Effect of Substellar Continent Size on Ocean Dynamics of Proxima Centauri b
- The Equatorial Jet Speed on Terrestrial Tidally Locked Planets
- The fate of iron oxides at multimegabar pressure regime
- The merits and challenges of single-crystal X-ray diffraction in the diamond anvil cell
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Trade-offs of large-scale bioenergy plantations with future water availability
- Volatile Chemical Evolution in Planet-Forming Disks
- Water-induced Diamond Formation at the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- Wave activity budget through persistent anomalies in wintertime jet stream
- When and where do Radiative-Convective and Radiative-Advective Equilibrium regimes occur on modern Earth?
- A Global Reanalysis of the Thermal Equation of State of hcp-Fe
- A Low-Viscosity Layer at the Bottom of the Mantle Transition Zone Inferred from the Post-Seismic Deformation Following a 600-km Deep Earthquake
- A Machine-Learning-Based Method of Detecting and Picking the First P-wave Arrivals of Acoustic Emission Events in Laboratory Experiments
- A Sublime Opportunity: In Situ Observations of The Onset of Intense Activity in Transitioning Cometary Bodies
- Acceleration, deceleration and reversal of changes across global warming levels by region and farm system from the AgMIP GGCMI/ISIMIP crop model ensemble
- Alloys in Fe-Si-H Ternary at High Pressures-Temperatures and Their Implications for the Planetary Cores
- An AI Approach to Soil Health and Nutrient Management
- Are the enigmatic "rolls" on the Ellesmere Ice Shelf initiated as viscous buckling from sea-ice pressure?
- Atmospheric O2 as a Constraint on Venus' Potentially Habitable Past
- Atomic-scale mixing between MgO and H2O in the deep interiors of water-rich planets
- Billion-year trends in the aridity of river-forming climates on Mars
- Changes in extreme agricultural climatologies under anthropogenic forcing
- Changes in yield-weather relationships on interannual vs. climatological timescales pose challenges for projecting future yield responses from historical data
- Chemical Interactions Between Hydrogen-Rich Envelopes and Silicate Magma Oceans
- Climate change signal in global agriculture emerges earlier in new generation of climate and crop models
- Climatic signatures in the different COVID-19 pandemic waves across both hemispheres
- Cloud Clustering Applied to MODIS Calibrated Radiances Over 2003 via Rotationally Invariant Autoencoder
- Combining Digital Image Correlation and Pulsed Ultrasonic Signals for Stress and Strain Analysis in Synchrotron-Based High-Pressure, High-Temperature Oscillatory Deformation Studies
- Comprehensive characterization of minerals at extreme conditions
- Compression behavior of kaolinite
- Could Exoplanets Have Hurricanes? Hurricane Prediction in Exoplanet Simulations Using Earth-based Environmental Metrics
- Data Assimilation Effects on the Mean States of Mars General Circulation Models
- Deformation of Fe-Nitrides Under Uniaxial Compression
- Determining phase transition Clapeyron slopes in Mg2SiO4 for the mantle transition zone: A multiple logistic regression analysis on experimental data
- Development of a Wireless Underground Sensor Network for Agricultural and Ecological Applications.
- Did the depletion in moderately volatile elements of the Moon happen in the protolunar disk or lunar magma ocean?
- Disentangling Climate and Human Influences on Lakes in Yunnan, China Using a Multi-Proxy Approach
- Disordered eight-fold coordinated phase in Mg2SiO4 analogue Mg2GeO4
- Equation of state of Ti-bearing CaSiO3 perovskite and Implications to lower mantle seismic anomalies
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Diffusion-limited Evaporation of Alkali Elements from a Basaltic Melt
- Explicit Atmospheric Convection and the Climate and Habitability of Tidally Locked Planets
- FeOOH Polymorphs in the Deep Earth: Combining Theoretical and Experimental Approaches
- Fully Exploiting 3D-3V Phase Space to Understand Plasma Heating and Particle Acceleration in Collisionless Shocks
- Ground Motions Simulated on a 3D Printed Model of the Los Angeles Basin
- Heat Capacity and Latent Heat Can Stabilize Climate of Eccentric Planets that Pass Inside the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- High-pressure Silicate Liquid Structure Studies Using Synchrotron X-rays at GSECARS
- Image analysis of water adsorption by plant residue incorporated into the soil
- Impact of Planetary Parameters on Water Clouds Microphysics
- Impacts of Hydrogen on the Chemistry and Structure of Rocky Planets Cores
- In situ study of SiO2 deformation and phase transitions on the millisecond timescales using a dynamic diamond anvil cell
- Influence of Alpha Particle Radiolysis on the Formation and Microbial Metabolic Composition of a Deep Subsurface Hypersaline Brine in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Insights into Earths Accretion from Iron Isotopic Anomalies in Meteorites
- Insights into the Evolution of the Early Solar System from REE Kinetic Isotopic Fractionations in Refractory Inclusions
- Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in the Heliosphere and Nearby Galaxy
- Investigating spatiotemporal variations of intermediate-depth earthquakes in the subduction zone of Japan before and after M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Investigating the Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Iron-rich Fe-O compounds at Earth's core pressures
- Isotopic measurements trace convection over the Asian and North American monsoons
- Leveraging spatial textures over land and ocean, through machine learning, to identify aerosols and distinct cloud types from multispectral observations
- Machine Learning Detection of P-Waves in Laboratory Acoustic Emission Events to Understand the Mechanics of Deep-Focus Earthquakes
- Melting and Phase Relations of Fe-Ni-Si Determined by a Multi-Technique Approach
- Modelling Precambrian ocean mixing timescale and tracer residence time: implications for Earths oxygenation
- Nonstationary seasonal model for daily mean temperature distribution bridging bulk and tails
- Ocean Circulation on Enceladus With a High- Versus Low-Salinity Ocean
- On the Diffusivity of Moist Static Energy and its Implication on the Change of Temperature Extremes under Global Warming
- Plate Motion Driving Forces Revisited
- Predictability of stratospheric sudden warmings based on a simple threshold metric
- Prevented Planting of Maize in the US Midwest Due to Excess Moisture
- Projecting distributional changes in CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) under climate change and consequences for severe weather
- Quantifying the Connection Between Eulerian and Lagrangian Approaches to Studying Storm Tracks
- Recent Developments in Computed Microtomography at GSECARS
- Recent developments in externally-heated diamond anvil cell technique for extreme condition research
- Redox conditions of magmas from the 2018 eruption of Kilauea, Hawaii: combined Fe- and S-XANES measurements of glasses and the importance of redox re-equilibration in olivine-hosted melt inclusions
- Regional Wave Activity Budget during the Pacific Northwest Heat Wave of June 2021
- Rubidium Isotopic Compositions of non-Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Salton Sea Chlorophyll: A Case Study of How Biology Responds to an Increasingly Hypersaline Environment
- Scaling Relations Between High Pressure, High Temperature Transformational Faulting Experiments and Natural Seismicity
- Seeing past sulfate reduction in the bulk-carbonate sulfur isotope record
- Silicon isotope fractionation constrained by single crystal X-ray diffraction
- Solving crystal structures from complex multigrain, multi-phase samples at extreme conditions
- Sound Velocity of fcc Iron-nickel Alloy at High Pressure and High Temperature
- Squeeze the atmosphere into magma: sub-Neptune mass-radius relation revised by atmosphere-magma interactions
- Structure, Elasticity and Raman of Post-Spinel Chromite and Magnesiochromite Phases
- Surface Heat Capacity Controls the Existence of Summertime Radiative Convective Equilibrium in the Midlatitudes
- Synthesis and characterization of a new complex iron sulfide at Earths outer core conditions
- Testing the Hypothesis that Short-Lived, Debris-Flow-Like Processes Occurred on Vesta and Ceres, Using Laboratory Experiments and Geomorphological Analyses
- The Kids Arent Alright
- The Thermal Equation of State of -(Al,Fe)OOH: Towards a SpinHydrogen Connection in Earth's Lower Mantle
- The ebb of rivers the paleo-river elevation transition due to the decline of greenhouse effect on early Mars
- The effect of interior temperature on the atmospheric circulation and observable properties of hot and ultra-hot Jupiters
- The midlatitude response to polar sea ice loss and melting: Idealized slab-ocean aquaplanet experiments with thermodynamic sea ice
- The phase stability and chemical interactions of CO2 in the Earths mantle
- The stability of subducted glaucophane with the Earths secular cooling
- Thermal stratification of Earths outer core influenced by light elements
- Transformational Faulting of Centimeter-Sized Samples at High Pressure and Temperature Combined with In-Situ X-ray Diffraction, Imaging and Acoustic Emission Monitoring
- Using Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotopes in Pore Fluids to Assess Water Sources and Carbonate Recrystallization
- Very early carbon loss in Earths source materials inferred from geophysical, cosmochemical, and astrochemical constraints
- Whence the Interstellar Magnetic Field Shaping the Heliosphere
- A Local Origin for Carbonate Carbon and Sulfur Isotopic Trends After the GOE
- A Multi-Technique Approach for Measuring Melting of Iron-Rich Materials at Deep Earth Conditions
- A Multilevel Bayesian Framework to Analyze Climate-Fueled Migration and Conflict
- A data set for understanding the impact of nuclear war on human society
- A model-data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi-model ensemble
- A scaling framework to understand factors contributing to CAPE future distributional changes
- Abatement of ocean-wave impact by an ice shelf with rolling surface morphology
- Accurate Crystal Structure of Ice VI and Ice VII from X-Ray Diffraction with Hirshfeld Atom Refinement
- Accurate Equation of State of Fluid H2-He Mixtures up to 5.4 GPa.
- Air Quality Life Index (AQLI): A Global Interactive PM2.5 Pollution Map with Hyperlocal Resolution Displaying the Years of Life Lost resulting from Breathing Unsafe Levels of PM2.5.
- Air mass excursions and pole-to-midlatitude dynamical connection
- An AI Approach to Understanding Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling
- An Origin of North American Monsoon Retreat Biases in Climate Models
- Analysis of Energy Regime Transitions above the Southern Ocean
- Application of the Double-Difference Relocation Method to Acoustic Emission Events in High-Pressure Deformation Experiments
- Arctic Sea Ice Loss Weakens Northern Hemisphere Summertime Circulation Due to Ocean Coupling
- Are Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes Likely to Have Magnetic Fields?
- Assessing Major-Ion Reconstructions of Seawater from Halite Fluid Inclusions
- Assessing the Accuracy of Earthquake Stress Drop Estimation Methods for Complex Ruptures Using Synthetic Earthquakes
- Assessing the Association Between Combined Sewer Overflow Events and Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in the Merrimack Valley of Northern Massachusetts
- Basic Limits on Exoplanet Biosignature False Positives: Trickster Planets
- Black carbon internal-mixing measurements in the UTLS differentiate sources and the radiative properties of their emissions.
- Bragg scattering of surface gravity waves by periodic "roll" structure on Arctic ice shelves
- Compressional and shear wave velocities of hcp-Fe at simultaneous high P-T conditions: Implications for the Earth's inner core
- Constraints on the Nature of Primary Precipitates in Archean Iron Formations from Spectroscopic and Theoretical Determinations of the Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Behavior of Greenalite and Ferrihydrite
- Development of a Lingulid Brachiopod Proxy for Evaluating Phanerozoic Seawater Calcium Isotope Evolution
- Dissolution of Calcium into Bridgmanite and Disappearance of Davemaoite in Warm Regions of the Lower Mantle
- Dynamic probing of the high pressure and temperature phase transitions of iron on millisecond timescales
- ESGF2: Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation
- Earth's Earliest Atmosphere and Volatile Loss During Accretion
- Effects of Hydrogen on Fe-S Alloy System and their Implications for the Martian Core
- Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation of Alkali Elements During Evaporation of Silicate Melts under 1-bar and Vacuum Conditions
- Equilibrium Fractionation of REE Isotopes in Nature: Insights from Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on Mossbauer Isotopes 151Eu and 161Dy
- Estimating Global Impacts to Agriculture from Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation
- Estimating the Impact of Large-scale Natural Aerosol Injections on Marine Cloud Populations with Unsupervised Classification in MODIS Images
- Exploring possible dynamic triggering of intermediate-depth earthquakes in Northern Chile following the 2010 M8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake
- Exploring the History of Interstellar Dust Grains around the Heliosphere
- Externally-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell for Studying Planetary Materials and Processes
- Extreme Heat Waves: The Thermodynamic Response of the Atmosphere to Atmospheric Blocking
- Fastest jet stream winds get faster under climate change
- Faulting in deforming natural lherzolite at high pressure and temperature with implications for global intermediate-depth seismicity
- Fe K-edge X-ray Absorption Anisotropy of Chain Silicate Minerals
- Frontier Tools for Mineral Characterization at Extreme Conditions
- Global-scale unsupervised cloud classification to construct a novel AI-driven Cloud Classification Atlas (AICCA)
- Gone with the rock wind: A boundary layer model of close-in, rocky exoplanets with condensable-rich atmospheres
- Historical records of maize growing periods suggest severe yield losses in projected no-adaptation scenarios may be alleviated through cultivar choice
- Hydrogen Bonding and Spin State of (Al,Fe)-bearing Phase H at High Pressure
- Impact of Planetary Parameters on Water Clouds Microphysics with 1-D CARMA
- In operando HEDM to measure the yield strength of Earth's lithosphere
- Infrastructure Constraints on Past and Future U.S. Energy Transitions
- Integrating networked observations and remote sensing into a CONUS-scale carbon cycle reanalysis and forecasting system
- Investigating Long Period Seismology on Titan-In the Presence of Clathrates
- Investigating the Disproportionation of Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Iron-Hydrogen Fluids at Planetary Core Conditions
- Jetstream driven risks of synchronized low harvests in current and future climates
- Labor Disutility in a Warmer World: The Impact of Climate Change on the Global Workforce
- Leveraging public health data to develop an impact-relevant heat wave definition for climate risk assessment
- Low phosphorus concentrations and important ferric hydroxide scavenging in Archean seawater
- Machine Learned Nonlinearity of the Post-spinel Transition and Its Expression in Slabs and Plumes Worldwide
- Machine learning emulators and empirical models combining climate and global crop models for seasonal agricultural production
- Mapping the Thermal Potential for Urban Malaria Transmission with Satellite Earth Observations
- Measurements of the HDO/H2O Isotopic Ratio in the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Melting behaviors of hydrous pyrolite in the lower mantle
- Metamorphism-Facilitated Faulting in Deforming Metastable Orthopyroxene: Implications for Global Intermediate-Depth Seismicity
- Modelling Oxygen Loss and 40Ar Degassing on Venus Suggests Slim Pickings for Early Habitable Scenarios Consistent with Modern Atmosphere
- More Frequent and Stronger Blocking Events with the Presence of Latent Heating in Idealized 2-layer Moist QG model.
- Multi-spectroscopic Investigation of Calcium in Silicate: Modification of Structure and Dynamics of Calcium in Silicate Melts and Glasses
- New Post-Spinel Phase of Chromite: Structure and Elasticity
- Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Ensemble Kalman Updates: Effective Dimension and Localization
- Nonadiabatic and nonquasigeostrophic sources of upper tropospheric Rossby wave activity
- On icy satellites, size controls the ice geometry
- On the response of Stratospheric Sudden Warming to climate forcing
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Opportunities to Directly Observe the Interaction of Interstellar Dust with our Heliosphere with an Interstellar Probe
- PSG Simulation of Cloud Impacts on Detection of O2/O3 Biosignatures with Microphysical Model CARMA
- Permafrost Degradation in the Koyukuk River System and the Timescale Dependence of Sulfur-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Phase Identification and Denoising Methods for Laboratory Seismic Data Based on 3D-Printed Earth Models
- Physics-informed surrogate modeling for supporting climate resilience at groundwater contamination sites
- Polymorphism of Superionic Ice: Application to Icy Giants
- Possible link between deeply subducted water and the Eʹ layer
- Predicting Co-Seismic Deformation Following Intermediate and Deep Earthquakes: Toward Accurate GNSS Break Estimates and Improved Understanding of Deep Rupture Processes
- Pressure enhances sodium solubility in magnesiowüstite
- Pressure induced hydration in layered hydrous minerals in subduction zone settings
- Putting microorganisms on the map: a continental scale context for microbial genomes sampled from North American watersheds
- Quantifying Ferric Iron and Oxygen Fugacity in Silicate Glasses using Fe K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- Rare Event Sampling Boosted with Artificial Intelligence to Assess Solar System Stability
- Reactions between Mn and water at high pressure: could giant impacts on Mars produce MnO2?
- Refining the Science and Technology Case for an Astrophysical Imaging Spectrometer on the Interstellar Probe
- Regional Features of Periodic Variability in Mars's Storm Track and Their Relationship with Large Dust Events
- Replaying the Tape of Academia: Alternative Systems for Earth Science
- Role of Turbulence and Reconnection in Dissipation in Plasmas
- Seismicity Cluster Analysis of Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in Japan using the Nearest-neighbor Method.
- Simulating Acoustic Wave Propagation Using 3D-Printed Topographic Models
- Simulating and understanding the midlatitude responses to polar sea ice loss using the climate model hierarchy
- Single-Crystal and Multigrain X-ray Diffraction at Extreme Conditions: preparing, collecting and processing
- Sound Velocities of Stishovite at Simultaneous High Pressure and High Temperature: Implication for the X-Discontinuity in the Upper Mantle
- Step-Like Motion Associated with the Near-Source ScS Phase from the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake
- Stormier Southern Hemisphere induced by topography and ocean circulation
- Structure and Compressibility of Ti-bearing Davemaoite: New Insight to Seismic Heterogeneity of the Deep Mantle
- Studies of Silicate Melt Structure at High Pressure Using Synchrotron X-rays in a Paris Edinburgh Cell at GSECARS
- Synthesis and Stability of an Eight-Coordinated Fe3O4 High-Pressure Phase: Implications for the Mantle Structure of Super-Earths
- Temperature-induced densification in compressed basaltic glass revealed by in-situ ultrasonic measurements
- Termination of Snowball states: Constraining the Climate Forcing of Stochastic Events
- The Climate Consensus Network - Creating Capacity for Climate Outreach Within our Universities
- The Contribution of Extreme Cyclones and Anticyclones to the Extratropical Storm Track Seasonality
- The Impact of Vapor Bubbles and Sulfide Precipitates on Copper Complexing in Melt Inclusions
- The Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone for Eccentric Exoplanets
- The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon and Other Igneous Accessory Phases from U M4-edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- The Role of Moisture on Barotropic and Baroclinic Annular Mode in a Moist Two-Layer Quasi-Geostrophic Model
- The Transient Emergence of a New Wintertime Arctic Energy Balance Regime
- The Welfare Economics of a Data Driven Social Cost of Carbon
- The effect of gas bubbles on nanoparticle transport and ocean circulation on Enceladus
- The effect of salinity on ocean circulation and ice-ocean interactions on Enceladus
- Thermal Conductivity of FeS at Martian Core Conditions
- Topographic Controls on the Interior Pathways of the MOC
- Towards a better understanding of thallium isotope cycling in modern redox-stratified settings
- Tracing Electron Density Redistribution in Minerals Under Pressure
- Transformational Faulting at High Pressure and Temperature in Fe-rich Olivine (Mg0.25,Fe0.75)2SiO4: Implications for Deep-Focus Earthquakes
- Tropical-induced Stationary Waves Give Rise to Localized Periodic Variability in the Southern Hemisphere Storm Track
- Understanding Blocking Events with Transition Path Theory
- Understanding the Climate Impact of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume (AACP) in Hydrating the Lower Stratosphere.
- Update on Benthic Isotope Stratigraphy for Site U1472, Natal Valley, Southeastern Africa
- Urban Landscapes and Transmission Dynamics of Vector-borne Infections: Climate Drivers in Time and Space
- Using Stellar Flares to Test 3D Chemistry-Climate Models
- Viscosities of Anhydrous and Hydrous Albitic Melts at High Pressures
- Volumetric determination of metals and hydrogenous minerals in meteorites
- Water Vapor Isotopic Signatures of Moisture Transport in the UT/LS
- White Wanderer Requiem: Music inspired by the cryoseismology of the last days of iceberg B15A
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Baltay
- A. Bryant
- A. Joshua West
- A. Kavner
- A. Longobardo
- A. R. Poppe
- A. Raponi
- Aaron Donohoe
- Adina Paytan
- Adriano Gualandi
- Agatha M. de Boer
- Akihiko Ito
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alexander C. Ruane
- Alexandra A. Phillips
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Alice Marzocchi
- Alison F. Banwell
- Allan H. Treiman
- Allan Lerner
- Amy Goldman
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Antonio Lanzirotti
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- B. G. Andersson
- B. L. Giles
- Baojian Fan
- Baosheng Li
- Barry A. Klinger
- Benjamin Strozewski
- Bernard Legras
- Beth M. Haley
- Bin Chen
- Bryan G. Mark
- Bryce E. Harrop
- Byron C. Crump
- C. A. Raymond
- C. Briois
- C. M. Lisse
- C. T. Russell
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Cheryl Porter
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Christoph Müller
- Clara L. Blättler
- Clare E. Singer
- Clare S. Y. Huang
- Colby Haggerty
- Colleen M. Hansel
- Cynthia Rosenzweig
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. McComas
- D. L. Kohlstedt
- D. S. Sayres
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Daniel R. Chavas
- Daniel Sanz-Alonso
- Daniel V. Cotton
- Darren C. Pagan
- David B. Rowley
- David K. Hutchinson
- Dominique Laniel
- Dongzhou Zhang
- Dorian S. Abbot
- Douglas R. MacAyeal
- Dylan C. Gaeta
- Edwin S. Kite
- Elisha M. Wood‐Charlson
- Elizabeth C. Thompson
- Emily Neal
- Eric Edmund
- Eric T. Wolf
- Feng Shi
- Florian Zabel
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francesca Miozzi
- Frank J. Pavia
- G. B. Crew
- G. G. Howes
- Geeth Manthilake
- Georgia Michailoudi
- Gisela Winckler
- H. Allen-Sutter
- H. C. Watson
- H. Fichtner
- H. O. Funsten
- Haemyeong Jung
- Hailu Kong
- Haruko M. Wainwright
- Haynes Stephens
- Hiroo Kanamori
- Huanzhou Yang
- Hélène Piet
- Ian Bolliger
- Ian Foster
- Ian Robert Hall
- J. C. Rowland
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. F. Drake
- J. L. Burch
- J. Michael Battalio
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. R. Szalay
- Jacob M. LaManna
- James Badro
- James C. Stegen
- James Juno
- James Rising
- James S. Neely
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jennifer M. Jackson
- Jiacan Yuan
- Jian Lu
- Jie Li
- Jin Liu
- Jingzhi Liang
- Jiong Wang
- Jitendra Kumar
- Joep F. Schyns
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johannes Buchen
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Joonsuk M. Kang
- Julia M. Schneider
- Jun Tsuchiya
- Jun Yang
- Jung‐Fu Lin
- Justin Finkel
- K. Willi
- Kai Kornhuber
- Kaitlin M. Kratter
- Kazushige Obara
- Kelin Wang
- Kelly E. McCusker
- Kerry Emanuel
- Kierstin Daviau
- Kim Scherrer
- Kurt D. Retherford
- Lantao Sun
- Lars Stixrude
- Lawrence M. Anovitz
- Louis S. Hansen
- Luis Rivera
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Lupei Zhu
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Shay
- M. Bzowski
- M. D. Dyar
- M. Horányi
- M. Krämer
- M. M. Hirschmann
- M. P. Panning
- M. Øieroset
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Makoto Matsubara
- Man Xu
- Mark Perry
- María D. Hernández Limón
- Matthew C. Brennan
- Matthew Huber
- Mauricio Ibáñez-Mejía
- Maxwell Grover
- Mengyu Wei
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael C. Wimberly
- Michael Y. Hu
- N. A. Murphy
- N. A. Schwadron
- N. V. Solomatova
- Naota Hanasaki
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathan Collier
- Neal J. Turner
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Noboru Nakamura
- O. V. Sergienko
- Oliver Warr
- Osamu Miyawaki
- P. Swaczyna
- Pamela C. Burnley
- Pascal Philippot
- Paulina Concha Larrauri
- Pedro Lacerda
- Peng Ni
- Peter Pfleiderer
- Prayash Sharma Pyakurel
- Preston C. Kemeny
- Qiushi Zhai
- R. B. Torbert
- R. Bandyopadhyay
- R. E. Cohen
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. L. McNutt
- R. P. Acosta
- R. S. Gao
- R. Srama
- Rachel E. Lim
- Raphael M. Kudela
- Razvan Caracas
- Renata M. Wentzcovitch
- Renyu Hu
- Robert Jacob
- Robert Kopp
- Roger Bryant
- S. B. Malevich
- S. Hunziker
- S. K. Bajgain
- S. Kempf
- S. L. Goldstein
- S. M. Perl
- S. R. Hemming
- Sam Rabin
- Sang‐Heon Shim
- Sarat Sreepathi
- Sasha Ames
- Sean R. Shieh
- Sergey Khaykin
- Seth Redfield
- Shangxin Liu
- Shang‐Min Tsai
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Sibo Chen
- Siheng Wang
- Sijie Yu
- Silvia Bucci
- Simon N. Gosling
- Simon Roux
- Sonali McDermid
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Steven Christe
- Subash Adhikari
- Sunyoung Park
- Susana Hoyos
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- T. D. Phan
- T. Prusti
- Taehyun Kim
- Takayuki Ishii
- Takuya Kurihana
- Tamma Carleton
- Tatsu Monkman
- Thaddeus D. Komacek
- Tiffany A. Shaw
- Todd A. Mooring
- Tony Yu
- Toshichika Iizumi
- Tristan J. Horner
- Tushar Mittal
- Upmanu Lall
- Vasilije V. Dobrosavljevic
- Vincenzo Stagno
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- W. Garrett Levine
- W. H. Matthaeus
- W. Lei
- W. Rideout
- Wanying Kang
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wim Thiery
- Xiaojing Lai
- Xinyi Song
- Xuan Ji
- Xuesong Ding
- Y. V. Konovalov
- Yanbin Wang
- Yannick Donnadieu
- Yaoxuan Zeng
- Yixiao Zhang
- Yoonah Bang
- Yoshihide Wada
- Youjun Zhang
- Young Jay Ryu
- Z. Sternovsky
- Zexuan Xu
- Zhi-Cheng Jing
- Zhigang Peng
- Zhongwen Zhan
- Zhuo Wang