Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
flowchart I[Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (382)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (27)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon Cycle Model Linkage Project (CCMLP): Evaluating Biogeochemical Process Models with Atmospheric Measurements and Field Experiments
- Exploring Relationships Between Vegetation Reflectance and Plant Physiological Parameters on Arctic Wet Sedge Tundra
- FEATURED PRESENTATION: Mechanisms Affecting Carbon Sequestration in North America
- Microbial Fingerprints of Community Structure Correlate with Changes in Ecosystem Function Induced by Perturbing the Redox Environment
- Modeling the Effects of Soil Thermal Dynamics on the Seasonality of Carbon Fluxes across Northern Temperate and High Latitude Regions
- The Effect of Mitochondrial Respiration During Photosynthesis on the Carbon Gain of Betula nana
- Biogeochemical Tracers in Arctic Rivers: Linking the Pan-Arctic Watershed to the Arctic Ocean (the PARTNERS project)
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO Emissions in Response to Conventional Tillage and No-tillage Management Practices in the State of Rondonia, Brazil
- Ecosystem Modulation of Dissolved Carbon Age in a Temperate Marsh-Dominated Estuary
- Effects of soil thermal dynamics on carbon cycling in extratropical terrestrial ecosystems of the Northern Hemisphere
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of the Arctic
- Exploring Uncertainty in Polar Latitude Climate Change and Potential Effects
- Factors Controlling N<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO emissions From Forest and Pasture Soils in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon
- From patterns to process: effects of Land use/cover on the biogeochemistry of surface waters in Western Amazonia (Rond“nia, Brazil)
- Increasing Arctic River Discharge: Responses and Feedbacks to Global Climate Change
- Ozone Effects on Global Net Primary Production and Carbon Sequestration Using a Biogeochemistry Model
- Soil Warming and Carbon-Cycle Feedbacks to the Climate System
- A Search for Signs of Life and Habitability on Europa
- Biogeochemical Tracers in Arctic Rivers: Linking the Pan-Arctic Watershed to the Arctic Ocean (the PARTNERS project)
- Controls on Gross Process Rates in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Literature Synthesis
- Drivers of Increasing River Discharge in the Eurasian Arctic: Consideration of Dam/Reservoir Construction, Permafrost Thaw, and Fire Frequency as Potential Agents of Change
- Implications of Ozone on Carbon Sequestration and Climate Policy in the U.S. Using the MIT Integrated Global Systems Model
- Long-term Trends in Soil CH<SUB>4</SUB> Consumption at the Harvard Forest Chronic Nitrogen Addition Experiment: Implications for the Future Growth in Atmospheric CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- Methane Emissions from the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern High Latitudes during the 20th Century: A Retrospective Analysis with a Process-based Biogeochemistry Model
- A Preliminary Evaluation of Carbon Sources and Ages Exported By Major Arctic Rivers
- A Record of Dissolved Metal Concentrations in the Lena River During the Period of Ice Breakup
- Annual growth bands in Hymenaea courbaril: implications for utilization in tropical paleoclimate reconstructions.
- Are Increasing Freshwater Inputs To The Arctic Ocean Linked To Climate Change?
- Biogeochemistry of the Amazon River Basin: the role of aquatic ecosystems in the Amazon functioning
- Carbon Sequestration in Southeast US: Ecosystem responses to multiple stresses
- Detrital Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils: A Field Experiment
- Evidence and Implications of Recent Climate Change in Northern Alaska and Other Arctic Regions
- Importance Of Recent Shifts In Soil Thermal Dynamics On Growing Season Length, Productivity, And Carbon Sequestration In Terrestrial High-Latitude Ecosystems
- Land-sea Coupling in a Changing Arctic: Implications of Increasing River Discharge for Biogeochemical Cycling Over the Eurasian Shelf
- Linking River-to-Ocean Through Temporal and Spatial Variation in Runoff Tracers in the Arctic Ocean
- Methane Emissions and the Greenhouse Gas Budget in Alaska for the Past and 21st Centuries
- Multi-Year Observations of Metal Concentrations in Major Arctic Rivers
- Mycorrhizal Fungi Provide Most of the Nitrogen for Symbiotic Arctic Plants: <SUP>15</SUP>N Evidence
- Nitrogen Transformation And Transport In An Arctic Watershed
- The Economic Impact of Climate, CO2, and Tropospheric Ozone Effects on Crop Yields in China, the US, and Europe
- The Effect of Ozone on Ecosystem Processes Using Improved Hydrological Cycling Within a Biogeochemical Model
- A Pan-Arctic Evaluation of Changes in River Discharge During the Latter Half of the 20th Century
- Acceleration of the Arctic and Subarctic Freshwater Cycle
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a tundra ecosystem.
- Microbial Life in Ridge Flank Crustal Fluids at Baby Bare Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Net methane exchanges between the atmosphere and land ecosystems in the northern high latitudes over the 21st century
- Phylogenetic and Physiological Diversity of Subseafloor Microbial Communities at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Summary of Results From the New Millenium Observatory (NeMO), 1998-2004
- Quantification of Isotopic Fractionation of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide by Terrestrial Photosynthesis Using the Carbon Isotopic Composition of Plant Wax Aerosols
- The International Census of Marine Microbes: A global survey of microbial diversity in the world's oceans.
- Astrobiology and Microbial Diversity Websites at MBL
- Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes from the Alaskan North Slope to the Arctic Ocean
- Changes in nutrient dynamics throughout water transfers in a Tropical Forest and Pasture of Rondonia, Brazil
- Fungal Taxa Target Different Carbon Substrates in Harvard Forest Soils
- Growing Agricultural Frontiers: Spread and Intensification of Mechanized Agriculture in the Southwestern Brazilian Amazon
- Hydrological Flowpaths and Their Controls at LBA Biogeochemistry Study Sites - Communalities, Contrasts and Representativeness
- Microbial Ecology of Subseafloor Communities at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Seamounts of the Pacific Ocean
- Model analysis of riparian buffer effectiveness for reducing nutrient inputs to streams in agricultural landscapes
- Progress in Estimating the Land Surface Area of the Earth as a Function of Scale
- River Exports and Productivity in Arctic Coastal Waters: A Challenge to Conventional Wisdom
- Soil Organic Matter Dynamics from Forest to Pasture Conversion in the Brazilian Amazon using Modelling Approach
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in the Carbon Isotopic Signal of Leaf Wax Aerosols in Continental Air Masses: Linkages with Ecosystem Discrimination
- The Biological Response of a Small Catchment to Clear-Cutting
- The flux and 14C age of riverine organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean
- Thermokarst Characteristics and Distribution in a Transitional Arctic Biome: New Discoveries and Possible Monitoring Directions in a Climate Change Scenario
- Transformations of DOM in forested catchments: the pathways of DOM from litter and soil to river export
- Turnover of Leaf Waxes in Florida Slash Pine: Results of an Isotopic Labeling Experiment
- A Comparison of In-Channel Dead Zone and Hyporheic Zone Transient Storage Parameter Estimates Between a 1st and 5th Order Stream
- Biomass Burning, Long-Range Atmospheric Transport and the Sedimentary Record of Plant Wax Biomarkers
- Consequences of Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions on the Feedbacks Between Climate and the Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- DOC Transport to the Arctic Ocean: Improving Basin-Wide Annual Flux Estimates
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship
- Functional convergence of tundra vegetation simplifies the interpretation of flux observations at larger spatial scales
- Guidelines to Avoid Biocontamination of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Forward Contamination Concerns, Environmental Management and Scientific Stewardship of Icy analogue environments
- Importance of Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions on Ecohydrology During the 21st Century
- Influence of Tree Height on the Carbon Isotopic Discrimination of Canopy Photosynthesis in Southeastern Pine Forest Ecosystems
- Microbes, fluvial networks and carbon fluxes from land to the ocean
- Modeling Carbon Fluxes Between the Arctic Atmosphere, Ocean and Land Ecosystems
- Modeling transport, fate, and lifetime of riverine DOC in the Arctic Ocean
- Organic Matter Export from North Slope Rivers of Alaska: Variations in Stable C and N Isotope Ratios over the Annual Hydrograph and Implications for Tracking Land-Derived Organic Matter in Coastal Waters
- Overland Flow Generation Under Contrasting Land use in Amazonia (Rondônia, Brazil)
- Rapid Land-Use Changes for Large-Scale Industrialized Agriculture and Associated Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Brazilian Amazon
- Sulfur Lakes and Sulfur-rich Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems on the Mariana Arc
- The Role of Nitrogen Dynamics in the Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics to Changes in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Climate, and Land Use
- The vulnerability of carbon storage in boreal North America during the 21st Century to increases in wildfire activity
- Thirty Years of Continuous Particle Flux Observations in the Deep Sargasso Sea: Looking Back, Looking Forward
- Understanding nitrogen removal processes within river networks over annual time scales: implications of saturation.
- A Recent Shift in the Carbon Balance of High-latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems in Response to Changes in Climate and Disturbance Regime
- Altered Rainfall due to Climate Change: Modeling the Ecological Effects on Grasslands
- Assessing the influence of various aquatic ecosystem types on biogeochemical fluxes at river network scales
- Burn severity influences post fire surface energy and mass exchange in arctic tundra
- Changes in terrestrial carbon storage in China induced by multiple environmental stresses
- Characterization of Surface Transient Storage Zone Exchange and Flow Dynamics in a 3rd-Order Stream, Massachusetts
- Comparative study of modeling the impacts of air pollution on carbon and water cycles in terrestrial ecosystems of China during 1980-2005
- Consequences of considering carbon/nitrogen interactions on the feedbacks between climate and the terrestrial carbon cycle.
- Determining Surface Transient Storage Zone Residence Time Distributions from Whole Stream Solute Injections
- Dissolved Organic Matter Discharge from the Six Largest Arctic Rivers: Chemical Composition and Seasonal Variability
- Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Sequestration in China as Simulated by Process-Based Ecosystem Models
- Fine Root Responses to Soil Warming at Harvard Forest: Seasonal and Long-term Effects
- Fire and Ice: Surprises in a Warming Arctic Land Surface
- Global Frontier of Land-Use Change: Recent Explosion of Croplands in the Southwestern Amazon
- Greenhouse-gas Consequences of US Corn-based Ethanol in a Flat World
- Is plant migration restrained by available nitrogen supply in high latitudes?
- Linking Atmospheric Deposition and Ocean Flux of Fe and Al in the Sargasso Sea
- Nitrogen Limitation Means More Runoff in an Elevated-CO2 World
- On the influence of terrestrial DOC on the Arctic Ocean Carbon Cycle
- Partitioning Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage in Streams of Increasing Size
- Relating Phylogeny to Alkenone Distributions in Lacustrine Alkenone-Producing Haptophytes: Implications for Continental Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- Separation of River Network Scale Nitrogen Removal Between Surface and Hyporheic Transient Storage Compartments
- Soil Warming Alters the Nitrogen Cycle: Ecosystem Implications and Feedbacks to the Climate System
- Toxicity of Atmospheric Aerosols on Marine Phytoplankton
- Unintended Environmental Consequences of a Global Biofuels Program
- Using A Modified Ensemble Kalman Filter Approach To Filter Pan-Arctic Eddy Covariance Flux Data
- Using Crustal Fluids to Peer Into the Subseafloor Microbial Habitat
- Assessing the Potential Effects of Northern High Latitude Terrestrial Ecosystems on the Climate System (Invited)
- Carbon and Water Dynamics in the Mongolian Plateau during the 21st Century
- Evaluating Contributions of Wetland and Lake Emissions of Methane to Atmospheric Methane Concentrations with models of Biogeochemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry Transport in Northern High Latitudes
- Haptophyte alga from Greenland lakes offers unprecedented opportunity to decipher alkenone biosynthetic pathways and functionality
- Hydrothermal Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center: Isolated Evolution on Earth’s Deepest Mid-Ocean Ridge?
- Microbial Communities in Erupting Fluids from West Mata Volcano, Tonga Arc
- Molecular Diversity and Activity of Methanogens in the Subseafloor at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents of the Pacific Ocean (Invited)
- Novel Disturbance on Alaska’s North Slope: Effects of a Large Wildfire on Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Nutrient and Organic Matter Export from Rivers to the Alaskan Beaufort Sea: Contemporary Estimates, Implications for Coastal Productivity, and Potential Changes in the Future
- Photosynthetic responses to 30 years of atmospheric change
- Plant Physiological Effects on Summer Drought in the Western U.S
- Quantifying net microbial metabolism in the sub-seafloor using the chemical composition of adjacent hot and warm vent fluids
- Recent Changes to the Strength of the CO2 Sink in Boreal Land Regions (Invited)
- Satellite Driven Predictions of Tundra NEE Based on a Plot Scale Model
- Seasonal and Annual Fluxes of Nutrients and Major Ions from Large Rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- The Effect of Beaver Activity on the Ammonium Uptake and Water Residence Time Characteristics of a Third-Order Stream Reach
- The Effects of Soybean Cultivation on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics in the Southeast of Brazilian Amazon
- The Inputs of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Land to the Arctic Ocean and their Potential Impact on Ocean Processes
- Carbon isotopic composition of assimilated and respired CO2 in Southeastern US pine forests
- Carbon-Water Coupling in Forests, Grasslands, and Shrublands in the Arid Western U.S
- Changes of land use and land cover and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia in response to climate change and the global economy
- Data Publication: Addressing the Issues of Provenance, Attribution, Citation, and Accessibility
- Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultra-slow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise (Invited)
- Effect of light and substrate availability on the primary nitrite maximum in the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea
- Fecal Pellet Flux in the Mesopelagic Sargasso Sea
- Herbivory and soil moisture drive long-term patterns of vegetation structure and function in Alaskan coastal tundra: results from resampling historic exclosures at Barrow
- Impacts of a Large and Intense Tundra Wildfire on the Hydrological Export of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus
- Impacts of wildfire on biogeochemistry and energy balance of the North Slope of Alaska
- Latitudinal and temporal patterns in terrestrial ecosystems recorded by the carbon isotopic composition of plant leaf wax aerosols
- Marine Ecosystem Response to Rapid Climate Warming on the West Antarctic Peninsula (Invited)
- Microbial respiration and root respiration follow divergent seasonal and diel temporal patterns in a temperate forest
- Novel insights into methane cycling, lateral gene transfer, and the rare biosphere within carbonate chimneys of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field (Invited)
- Relative Importance of Multiple Factors on Terrestrial Loading of DOC to Arctic River Networks
- Satellite derived estimates of NEE for North American tundra ecosystems from 2003 - 2005 (Invited)
- Seasonal Patterns of Carbon and Water Fluxes in Three Representative Ecosystems in the Northern Foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska
- Shifts and dynamics of greenhouse gas fluxes in coastal marshes: Responses to short- and long-term nitrogen additions (Invited)
- Soil respiration under snowpack in a temperate forest in Massachusetts: steady state vs. transient state
- Spectral indices for remote sensing of phytomass and deciduous shrub changes in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Temperature calibration of lacustrine alkenones using in-situ sampling and growth cultures
- The Impacts of Thermokarst Failures on Lakes: Rapid Attenuation of Major Impacts gives way to Potential Long-term Effects on Benthic Processes
- The Magnitude of Hydraulic Redistribution by Plants: A Laboratory Investigation of Biological and Physical Mechanisms
- The Oceanic Flux Program: A three decade time-series of particle flux in the deep Sargasso Sea
- The magnitude, source, and implication of DIC flux from major pan-arctic rivers to the Arctic Ocean
- Tundra fire alters stream water chemistry and benthic invertebrate communities, North Slope, Alaska
- Uses of the Drupal CMS Collaborative Framework in the Woods Hole Scientific Community (Invited)
- Vegetation recovery in Alaskan tundra following an unusual fire
- A New NRC Report on Scientific Ocean Drilling: Accomplishments and Challenges
- Arctic research in the classroom: A teacher's experiences translated into data driven lesson plans
- Assessing bio-geographic patterns in bacterial community structures from sea-surface to sub-seafloor from three Pacific Ocean stations
- Basin-scale Controls on the Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Across Diverse Circumpolar Watersheds
- Biogeochemical modeling of tundra recovery following thermal erosion of permafrost
- Carbon, Nitrogen, and Water Response to Land Use and Management Decisions under a Changing Climate in Pennsylvania during the 21st Century
- Changing seasonality of Arctic hydrology disrupts key biotic linkages in Arctic aquatic ecosystems.
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Fluxes and Stable Isotopic Composition of Particulate Organic Matter in the Six Largest Rivers Draining the Pan-Arctic Watershed: Insights from Seasonally-Explicit Sampling Efforts
- Geochemistry and Flux of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter to the Arctic Ocean
- Influence of Climate-induced Vegetation Shifts on Future Land Use and Associated Land Carbon Fluxes
- Microbially-Mediated Sulfur Oxidation in Diffuse Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Nitrogen use efficiency in the US economy: Towards mitigation of climate change impacts
- Quantifying the dynamics of land cover and land use, hydrology and biogeochemistry in northern Eurasia
- Riparian forest effects on nitrogen export to an agricultural stream inferred from experimental data and a model
- Seasonality of primary and secondary production in an Arctic river
- The Microbial Community on Marine Plastic Debris: Life in the "Plastisphere"
- The Role of Physical and Human Landscape Properties on Carbon Composition of Organic Matter in Tropical Rivers
- The Role of Soil Organic Matter, Nutrients, and Microbial Community Structure on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cells
- The effects of long-term warming on tundra soil decomposition dynamics: linking empirical and modeled data
- Uncertainty analysis of vegetation distribution in northern high latitudes during the 21st century with a dynamic vegetation model
- A Regional Earth System Model of the Northeast Corridor: Analyzing 21st Century Climate and Environment
- An eddy covariance network to investigate post-fire carbon and energy dynamics in remote regions of Alaskan arctic tundra
- Climate Change Impacts on Forest Succession and Future Productivity
- Constrained terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes of North America with eddy flux and satellite data during the MODIS era
- Coupling of N2O and CO2 fluxes from agriculture in Michigan
- Data Citation: An International Oceanographic Collaboration
- Effects of land-use history, fertilization, and precipitation on short-term N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from agricultural soils using open-path eddy flux N<SUB>2</SUB>O and static chamber methods.
- Examining vertical patterns in Arctic tundra shrub canopies: Implications for carbon cycling in a changing environment
- Exploring the Terrestrial Ecosystem Response to Extreme Weather Events using Multiple Land Surface Models
- Getting Control Over Spatial Variability in CH4, N2O and CO2 Flux Measurements -- Examples from Switzerland and Alaska
- Impact of fire disturbance on soil thermal and carbon dynamics in Alaskan Tundra and Boreal forest ecosystems
- Increase of surface energy fluxes due to warming climate in Alaska based on upscaling of eddy covariance measurements
- Influence of Changes in Wetland Inundation Extent on Net Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Northern High Latitudes from 1993 to 2004
- Linking the near-surface camera-based phenological metrics with leaf chemical and spectroscopic properties
- Long chain alkenones in the Toolik Lake region of Alaska: characterization, abundance and in situ water column calibrations from three lakes
- Microbial life in cold, hydrologically active oceanic crustal fluids
- N2O and CO2 fluxes from soils in response to nitrogen addition: Are there any differences between forests, agro-ecosystems, and coastal wetlands?
- Pan-arctic permafrost C quality and vulnerability over time: A synthesis of long-term incubation studies
- Post-eruptive time series of hydrothermal contribution to the water column above Axial Seamount
- Recovery of plant biomass and soil N cycling in Alaskan tundra following an unusual fire
- Seeing the forest for the streams: a multiscale analysis of land use change and the integrity of freshwater ecosystems in the southeastern Amazon
- Semantic Web Compatible Names and Descriptions for Organisms
- Subseafloor Microbial Life in Venting Fluids from the Mid Cayman Rise Hydrothermal System
- The Impacts of Permafrost Thaw on Land-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Recent Decades over the Northern High Latitudes
- Transformations of organic matter in the deep biosphere at North Pond
- Analysis of evapotranspiration uncertainty due to uncertain forcing data in the Northern Eurasia
- Biomass and production of tundra vegetation under three eddy covariance towers at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Coherence between sedimentary leaf wax hydrogen isotopes and diatom assemblages from Lake E5 in northern Alaska
- Continental subsurface waters support unique but diverse C-acquisition strategies
- Deep subsurface microbiology of 64-71 million year old inactive seamounts along the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Drivers of post-fire successional trajectories in arctic tundra: the importance of physical and biophysical interactions
- Drought, Light, and Warming Impacts on Tree Recruitment and Soil Biogeochemistry in Eastern Temperate Forests (Invited)
- Effect of Historical Interactions among Land Use, Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate on the Carbon Balance of the Northeastern United States
- Effects of poultry manure, compost, and biochar amendments on soil nitrogen dynamics in maize production systems
- Estimating carbon and energy fluxes in arctic tundra
- Evolutionary strategies of cells and viruses in deep-sea hydrothermal systems revealed through comparative metagenomics
- Extreme Tolerance to Elevated Pressure in a Thermococcus isolate from the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and their controls from an agriculture system in Massachusetts
- High Resolution CH4 Emissions and Dissolved CH4 Measurements Elucidate Surface Gas Exchange Processes in Toolik Lake, Arctic Alaska
- In situ and ex situ observations of alkenone-producing haptophyte species' distributions in Lake George, ND, USA: Implications for paleothermometry
- Incorporating human activities into an earth system model of the Northeastern United States: socio-hydrology at the regional scale
- Integrating Environmental Genomics and Biogeochemical Models: a Gene-centric Approach
- Integration of soil microbial processes in a reactive transport model for simulating effects of root-controlled water flow on carbon and nutrient cycling
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- Microbial Ecology of a Regional Flow System: Deep, Aerobic, Fractured Rock Aquifers of the US Basin and Range (Invited)
- Microbial anaerobic methane cycling in the subseafloor at the Von Damm hydrothermal vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise
- Microbial community composition and metagenomes across the river-to-ocean continuum of the Columbia and Amazon Rivers (Invited)
- Microbial transformations of carbon in crustal aquifer fluids at North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Modeled hydraulic redistribution by Helianthus annuus L. matches observed data only after model modification to include nighttime transpiration
- Modeling the hydrological impact of hydraulic redistribution using CLM4.5 at Two Ameriflux Sites: Complexity and Challenges
- Multi-Model Investigation of Ecological Response to Extreme Events
- NE-RESM: An Integrated Water Resource Assessment and Solutions Platform for the U.S. Northeast
- Observing dynamic Arctic surface optical properties with an optical sensor network
- Progress in applying lacustrine alkenones as a quantitative continental paleotemperature proxy
- Relationship of subseafloor microbial diversity to sediment age and organic carbon content
- Responses of forest cover and agricultural land changes to local and national drivers of land development in the Miombo Woodlands of western Tanzania
- Soil Aggregates and Organic Carbon Distribution in Red Soils after Long-term Fertilization with Different Fertilizer Treatments
- The times they are a-changin': seasonal variations of leaf spectra in relation with leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Unsaturation ratios of novel tri-unsaturated alkenones from Northeastern Alaska: insights from water column calibration and sediments
- Whole ecosystem estimates of carbon exchange and storage in a New England salt marsh
- A megaregion-scale approach for assessing the impacts of climate change and strategic management decisions in the Northeast United States
- Bacterial Diversity, Sediment Age and Organic Respiration in the Marine Sedimentary Environment
- Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska.
- Divergent Responses of Coastal and Oceanic Synechococcus to Iron Limitation
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Effects of nitrogen loading on greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes
- Long-Term Release of Carbon Dioxide from Arctic Tundra Ecosystems in Northern Alaska
- Modeling the Impact of Hydraulic Redistribution on Carbon Cycles Using CLM4.5 at Eight AmeriFlux Sites
- N2O Emissions in Southeastern Amazonia: The Effect of Agricultural Intensification
- Plant root-driven hydraulic redistribution, root nutrient uptake and carbon exudation interact with soil properties to generate rhizosphere resource hotspots that vary in space and time
- Predicting nitrogen leaching losses from intensifying agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: the role of soils and fertilizer type
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Reactive transport model of growth and methane production by high-temperature methanogens in hydrothermal regions of the subseafloor
- Salt Marshes as Sources and Sinks of Silica
- The Ups and Downs of Rhizosphere Resource Exchange
- Timecourse analysis of photosynthetic microbial communities that degrade cellulose and fix nitrogen
- Visualization of the Dynamic Rhizosphere Environment: Microbial and Biogeochemical Perspectives
- Xingu Project - Integrating Land Use Planning and Water Governance in Amazonia: Towards Improved Freshwater Security in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso.
- A multi-proxy reconstruction of temperature and aridity from lake sediments north of the Brooks Range, Alaska for the past 30,000 years
- Agricultural Intensification in the Amazon: Tracking Nitrogen Fertilizer from Soy-Maize Double Cropping to Streams
- Carbon and nutrient responses to fire and climate warming in Alaskan arctic tundra
- Carbon, nitrogen cycling and land cover changes during regrowth in African dry tropical forests: integrating perspectives from field and satellite data across a chronosequence in the Miombo Woodlands of western Tanzania
- Changes in tundra vascular plant biomass over thirty years at Imnavait Creek, Alaska, and current ecosystem C and N dynamics.
- Comparing chemolithoautotrophic subseafloor communities across geochemical gradients using meta-omics and RNA-SIP
- Deglacial Warming and Wetting of Northern Alaska
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Genomic variation of subseafloor archaeal and bacterial populations from venting fluids at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Global Patterns in Leaf Respiration and its Temperature Response
- Greenhouse gas emissions in salt marshes and their response to nitrogen loading
- Importance of Nitrogen Availability on Land Carbon Sequestration in Northern Eurasia during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Inter-comparison of multiple downscaled climate datasets for the Pacific Northwest
- Long-term Nutrient Fertilization Increases CO<SUB>2</SUB> Loss in Arctic Tundra
- Microbe-mediated transformations of marine dissolved organic matter during 2,100 years of natural incubation in the cold, oxic crust of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
- Modeling Pacific Northwest carbon and water cycling using CARAIB Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Modeling the impact of hydraulic redistribution on the carbon flux and storages using CLM4.5 at four AmeriFlux Sites
- Overview of the National Energy-Water System (NEWS) Assessment Framework Study
- Restoration of Tidal Flow to Impounded Salt Marsh Exerts Mixed Effect on Leaf Litter Decomposition
- Seasonally Distinct Reconstructions of Northern Alaskan Temperature Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Solar-induced Fluorescence as a Proxy for Canopy Photosynthesis in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Comparisons between Observations and Model Results
- The Nitrogen Footprint Tool for Institutions: Comparing Results for a Diverse Group of Institutions
- The fate of nitrogen fertilizer added to soy-maize agriculture in the Amazon basin: Quantifying N<SUB>2</SUB>O flux and losses to groundwater
- Towards a more complete SOCCR: Establishing a Coastal Carbon Data Network
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts
- Trajectories of Future Land Use for Earth System Modeling of the Northeast United States
- Watershed geomorphology modifies the temperature sensitivity of aquatic ecosystem metabolism
- A Gradient of Nutrient Enrichment Reveals Differential Impacts of Fertilization on Foliar Traits, Plant Diversity, and Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange in Arctic Tundra
- A model of growth and carbon storage in Eriophorum Vaginatum L.
- Applications of UAS-SfM for coastal vulnerability assessment: Geomorphic feature extraction and land cover classification from fine-scale elevation and imagery data
- Coastal Carbon Dynamics as a New Chapter in SOCCR2: Tidal Wetlands and Estuaries
- Constraining the SIF - GPP relationship via estimation of NPQ
- Differential Millennial-scale Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Cycling Dynamics to Warming from two Contrasting Lake Catchments in Arctic Alaska
- Discovery of a novel alkenone-producing haptophyte in freshwater and oligosaline lakes marks a new era for quantitative paleotemperature reconstruction
- Metagenomic Assessment of a Dynamic Microbial Population from Subseafloor Aquifer Fluids in the Cold, Oxygenated Crust
- Methanogenic H<SUB>2</SUB> syntrophy among thermophiles: a model of metabolism, adaptation and survival in the subsurface
- Modeling global change impacts on Northern Eurasia
- Paleolimnologic and modeling perspectives on the physical and ecological sensitivity of Arctic tundra lakes to temperature changes
- Permafrost Thaw and Vegetation Cover Change May Alter Silicon Exports to Arctic Coastal Receiving Waters
- Potential Resilience of Low-Latitude Ecosystems to Climate Change - How Much & How Long?
- Quantifying the role of land-use and land-cover changes in Northern Eurasia in global greenhouse gas emissions and biomass supply during the 21st century using an earth system modeling approach
- Reconciling the relationship between solar induced fluorescence and photosynthesis by upscaling leaf to canopy scales
- Restoring Tides to Avoid Methane Emissions in Degraded Wetlands: A Potent and Untapped Climate Intervention
- Rhizosphere Nightlife: Going with the Flow
- Salt Marsh Restoration: Changes in Plant Biomass and Gas Flux
- Salt Marsh sediment <SUP>15</SUP>N/<SUP>13</SUP>C "Push-Pull" assays reveal coupled sulfur, nitrogen, and carbon cycling
- Stage-discharge relationship in tidal channels
- Temporal and spatial variation in CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in a salt marsh dominated estuary (PIE LTER)
- The widespread distribution of a Group I alkenone-producing haptophyte: Implications for quantitative temperature reconstructions
- Tracking Spatial and Temporal Changes in Microbial Metabolic Potential and Gene Expression Patterns Across Geochemical Gradients at Axial Seamount
- A High-Resolution Lacustrine Alkenone Record Demonstrates Progressive Cold Season Warming During the Holocene in Arctic Alaska
- A National Energy-Water System Assessment Framework (NEWS): Synopsis of Stage 1 Research Strategy and Results
- CO2 and CH4 fluxes in a Spartina salt marsh and brackish Phragmites marsh in Massachusetts
- Environmental controls of daytime leaf carbon exchange: Implications for estimates of ecosystem fluxes in a deciduous forest
- Examining the role of shrub expansion and fire in Arctic plant silica cycling
- High spatial variability in biogeochemical rates and microbial communities across Louisiana salt marsh landscapes
- Insights into particle cycling in the Sargasso Sea from lipid biomarkers in suspended particles: Seasonality and physical forcing
- Insights into recent and ancient trends in the co-evolution of Earth and life as revealed by microbial genomics
- Macromolecular Rate Theory (MMRT) Provides a Thermodynamics Rationale to Underpin the Convergent Temperature Response in Plant Leaf Respiration
- Methane emissions from different coastal wetlands in New England, US
- Microevolutionary dynamics in Methanothermococcus populations from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Organic matter diagenesis within the water column and surface sediments of the northern Sargasso Sea revealed by lipid biomarkers
- Re-designing an Earth Sciences outreach program for Rhode Island public elementary schools to address new curricular standards and logistical realities in the community
- Reconstructing broadband sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to track seasonal variations of canopy photosynthesis in a temperate forest
- Shifting the Arctic Carbon Balance: Effects of a Long-Term Fertilization Experiment and Anomalously Warm Temperatures on Net Ecosystem Exchange in the Alaskan Tundra
- Tidal Wetlands and Coastal Ocean Carbon Dynamics
- Variation in salt marsh CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes across a latitudinal gradient along the US Atlantic coast
- Western Arctic Temperature Sensitivity Varies under Different Mean States
- A large-scale salt marsh mesocosm facility to test the effects of disturbances on wetland ecosystem processes
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- Can we map CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in tidal wetlands using environmental response functions?
- Evidence for the Global Distribution and Uniform Temperature Response of Distinct Alkenones from Group I Haptophytes
- Genomic Observatories Network: socio-technical perspectives on the path to long-term multi-omic observation
- High-resolution 10,000-year temperature reconstructions from Lake Fog2, northern Alaska
- Hydrologic and Ecologic change in Arctic Alaska during and since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Is arctic greening consistent with the ecology of tundra? Lessons from an ecologically informed mass balance model.
- Moving from single-band to broadband solar-induced fluorescence to derive photosynthesis in a temperate forest
- Qualifying C sequestration in the tidal wetlands of conterminous United States
- The Different Responses of Arctic Terrestrial and Aquatic Food Webs to Long-term Nutrient Additions
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- Aquatic macroinvertebrate response to fire and substrate type in lakes of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- Beyond the "lollipop" - roots as dynamic participants in root-microbe-mineral interactions
- Carbon burial rates and linkages to wetland hydrology and elevation in a tidally restricted wetland
- Catchment Research in the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research program: North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Chemical Complexity Matters: Differential Mobilization of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter Driven by Functionally Distinct Compounds Released from Roots
- Climate change mitigation through restoration of diked wetlands
- Ecosystems in transition: Effect of sea level rise and saltwater intrusion on coastal farms
- Elucidating the fate of mineral-organic associations in transient microenvironments at the root-soil interface
- Fifteen years since discovery: Group I alkenones yield the first organic geochemical proxy of cold season temperatures
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- In-situ profiling of spatiotemporal dissolved organic matter dynamics in the rhizosphere
- Oiling impacts on salt marsh nitrogen cycling rates: insights from a large-scale marsh mesocosm experiment
- Peatland-dominated boreal ecoregions at risk of drying in a warmer climate
- The Fundamental Roles of Iron as a Mediator of Land-Water Interactions in Arctic Catchments
- The effects of fire on phytoplankton of the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
- The influence of rainfall extremes on salt marsh net carbon uptake: evidence from one dry and one wet growing season
- Tidal wetland resilience to sea level rise increases their carbon sequestration capacity in the conterminous United States
- A multi-site synthesis of impacts of multi-year extreme events on dryland ecosystem resilience
- Going beyond the spreadsheet - developing Best Practices in `long-tail' environmental data curation and publishing
- Investigating the role of extracellular superoxide in coral health through sensor development and comparative genomics
- Strong N and P co-limitation constrains post-fire community composition and productivity in arctic tundra.
- Temporal and Spatial Changes in Organic Matter Thermodynamics across Globally-Distributed River Corridors
- The Composition and Flux of Seafloor Sediments in the Global Ocean
- The Fate of Mineral-Organic Associations Within Functionally Distinct Rhizosphere Microenvironments
- United States Methane Budget from Tidal Wetlands: Developing an Open-source Database of Methane Measurements and Process-based Models
- Antioxidant treatment may reduce endosymbiont expulsion and prevent bleaching in corals.
- Combined effects of nutrient enrichment and sea level rise on salt marsh vegetation
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- High rates of nitrogen fixation associated with epibiota on Zostera marina in a nitrogen-enriched temperate lagoon, Cape Cod, MA
- Investigating the Role of Subsurface Autotrophic Bacteria in Modifying Fluxes of Nutrients and Carbon from Aquifers to Coasts
- Representing coastal wetland vegetation responses to salinity in Earth system models
- Sticky Roots Change Rhizodeposition Quality and Quantity Leading to Variable Disruption of Mineral-Organic Associations
- Sticky Roots: Plants and microbes poised to attack mineral-associated organic matter
- Will the transition from high marsh to low marsh alter carbon sequestration, nutrient removal, or other ecosystems services?
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Groundwater Salinity Dynamics and Drivers Along an Actively Degrading Arctic Coastline
- How Can We Improve Process Understanding and Model Predictions of Methane Fluxes in Tidal Wetlands?
- Nutrient and Water Availability Modulate the Destabilization of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter in the Rhizosphere
- Plant viral infection modulates the destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter in the rhizosphere
- Seasonal Dynamics of Groundwater Flow and Transport in the Nearshore Arctic
- Simulating Methane Production in Inter-tidal Wetlands Using PFLOTRAN
- The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory: Long Term Trends in River Chemistry Diagnose Multi-Faceted Northern Change
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- A. V. Rocha
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Byron C. Crump
- Cansu Demir
- Cody S. Sheik
- Florentina Moatar
- Inke Forbrich
- J. W. McClelland
- James A. Bradley
- Julia Guimond
- K. Alizad
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Marco Keiluweit
- Matthew A. Charette
- P. A. Raymond
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Sherlynette Pérez Castro
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Yongli Zhou