University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Glacial Ocean Carbonate Ion Reconstructed From Foraminifer Preservation
- Life and Death of the Resurrection Plate: Evidence for an Additional Plate in the NE Pacific in Paleocene-Eocene Time
- Micrometer scale ferric/ferrous zoning quantified by Synchrotron microXANES spectroscopy, .of pyroxene phenocrysts in phonolitic eruptives from Plio-Pleistocene volcano, Satiman. Tanzanian
- Platinum-Group Element Abundances in Komatiitic Liquidus Minerals
- Recent Advances in NAO Prediction: Forcing from the North Pacific
- Sensitivity of Pine Island Glacier to Changes in Ice Shelf and Basal Conditions : Modelling and Experiments.
- The Case for Scientific Drilling of Precambrian Sedimentary Sequences: A Mission to Early Earth
- Application of Control Method on a West Antarctic Glacier
- Effects of Ozone and Cloud Cover on Surface Ultraviolet Radiation at High Southern Latitudes
- Examining the Evidence for the Influence of Carbonate Saturation State on Benthic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- Explosive break-up of Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica, by a meltwater-triggered iceberg capsize mechanism
- Glacial / Interglacial pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles: Still Searching
- Glacial Flow of Floating Marine ice in `Snowball Earth'
- Latent Heat Release and Mass Loss in Baroclinic Waves on Early Mars
- Modeling the shallow water CaCO<SUB>3</SUB> cycle and fossil fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- New Mechanism for Tropical Ocean Influence on the Marine Carbon Cycle and atmospheric CO2
- Quantitative analyses of pore-scale multi-phase flow processes: An application of synchrotron-based micro-imaging in the environmental sciences
- Reconstructing Open Ocean Calcite Fluxes for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific [EEP]: LGM to Present
- Rift formation and growth on the Ross Ice Shelf
- Source of Detrital Chrome Rich spinels with melt inclusions from the Cretaceous greywackes of the eastern Tethyan Himalayas: hot spot volcanics, not ophiolites
- Spatial Patterns of Organic Carbon, Opal and CaCO3 Fluxes in Sediment Traps: Application to the LGM Carbon Cycle.
- A Model of Ice-Shelf Thermodynamics and Surface Hydrology Under Melting Conditions With an Application to the Recent Disintegration of the Larsen A and B Ice Shelves
- An Idealized Model of Organic Carbon Dynamics on the Continental Margin of the Eastern United States
- Argon concentration in the deep sea as an indicator of atmosphere/ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> coupling and thermocline mixing
- Calibration of a new Model for Estimating the Density, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Sound Speed, and Compressibility of Multicomponent Silicate Liquids at Reference Pressure
- Coping with climate noise: Long-range dependence and weather derivatives
- Crystal Sinking and Bubble Rising in the Bishop Tuff Rhyolitic Magma
- Expanded Stability of the hcp Structure in Iron-Rich Alloys
- Frontiers of High-Pressure Research: Next Generation Large Volume Gem Anvil Devices
- Geochemical Constraints on Core-Mantle Interaction from Fe/Mn Ratios
- Giant Tabular Icebergs as Surrogate Ice Shelves in Field Studies of Antarctica's Response to Environmental Warming.
- Glacial-Interglacial Change in Seawater Carbonate Chemistry Inferred From Foraminiferal Mg/Ca
- High Pressure Elasticity of Iron Alloys From Nuclear Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering and X-ray Diffraction
- Hydromagnetic Oscillations of the Earth's Core: Constraints on the Structure and Dynamics of the Core from Geodetic and Geomagnetic Observations
- In Situ Observation of Anisotropy Development With Pressure to 50 GPa in Olivine, Ringwoodite, Magnesiowuestite and Silicate Perovskite
- Origin and Evolution of a Thermally Stratified Layer at the Top of the Core
- Paleothermometry via a Genetic Algorithm With an Application to GISP2 Borehole Data
- Pre-eruptive volatile contents of the 26.5 ka Oruanui magma, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Precise Pt-Re-Os Isotope and PGE Systematics of 2.7 Ga Pyke Hill Komatiites, Canada
- Preliminary Experimental Results on Phase Relations in the PbS-AgSbS<SUB>2</SUB>-AgBiS<SUB>2</SUB> Ternary
- Radiogenic Heat Production in the Core?
- Stability of Antarctic Ice Shelves and Their Role in the Global Climate System
- Sub-grid scale modeling for simulations of magnetoconvection in the Earth's core
- Testing Methods for Reconstruction of Degree of Calcite Saturation/Changes in Carbonate Ion Concentration in the Deep Sea Over the Last 25000 Years
- The Pressure and Compositional Dependence of the Shear modulus of Magnesiowustite
- Torsional Oscillations and Mechanisms of Core-Mantle Angular Momentum Exchange
- Water vapour, atmospheric dynamics and the greenhouse effect
- A Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Computational Thermodynamic Calculations of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibria
- A Simple Object-Oriented Framework For Making Sea-Ice Models ``Plug-and-Play''
- A Solution Model for Silver Solubility in Galena in the Pb<SUB>2</SUB>S<SUB>2</SUB>-AgSbS<SUB>2</SUB>-AgBiS<SUB>2</SUB> System
- A Transitional Pumice Clast From the Bishop Tuff
- Argon as a Tracer for Vertical Mixing and the Maintenance of the Subtropical Thermocline
- Automatic, Satellite-Linked "Webcams" as a Tool in Ice-Shelf and Iceberg Research.
- Decadal Variations in Earth Rotation and Mechanisms of Core-Mantle Coupling
- Deep mantle heat flow and thermal evolution of the Earth's core based on thermo-chemical mantle convection
- Does the Rain Ratio Reign in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific? In Search of the Ideal Carbonate Dissolution Index and Changes in Bottom Water Carbonate Ion Saturation over the Last 25,000 Years
- Dynamic Sub-grid Scale model for MHD simulations in a rotating plane layer
- Empirically Evaluating Short-Term Atmospheric Predictability
- Equation of state of iron sulfide at the conditions of Galilean satellite cores
- Export and Cycling of Continental Shelf Carbon: A Modeling Study
- Ferromagnesian Post-Perovskite Silicates in the D" Conditions
- Flexible Environments for Grand-Challenge Simulation in Climate Science
- Glacial Sea Level Variations and Their Effects on Resonance of the Ocean Tide in the Labrador Sea: Possible Implications for Ice Sheet Dynamics and Millennial Scale Climate Variation
- Iceberg surveillance: preliminary analysis of iceberg drift data
- Irrepressible El Nino: Perspectives on ENSO and Climate Change From the Deep Past.
- Magma Chamber of the 26.5 ka Oruanui Eruption, Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
- Millennial-Scale Variability in Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz: Insights from Benthic Mg/ca and Ba/ca
- Mllenniall-Scale Climate Variability in the Subtropical Atlantic During the Middle Pleistocene
- Pre-eruptive Bubbles in the Bishop magma? An X-ray Tomography Study of Vesicle Size Distributions
- SOUTHBERG: An in-situ investigation of the seismic symphony of Iceberg C16, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Saturation of poleward atmospheric heat transport in warm climates and the low-gradient paradox.
- Simulated and Inferred LAI, NPP, and Biomes in North America Since the Last Glacial Maximum.
- Tabular Icebergs in the South Atlantic: Melt Ponding, Melt Pond Geometry and Margin Evolution.
- Temperature sensitivity and time dependence of the global ocean clathrate reservoir
- Trace Element Partitioning Between Metal and Melt at High Pressure
- X-ray CMT Study Shows that Drainage Boundary Condition is Responsible for Dynamic Effect in Sandy Material
- A Blowing Snow Model for Ice Shelf Rifts
- A Six Year Oscillation in Length-of-Day: Signature of an Inner Core Normal Mode
- Analysis of the influence of a climate change on the free tropospheric water vapor over mid-latitude areas in GCMs
- Brillouin Scattering and Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source: Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocities and Density
- Buoyancy Budget of the Northern Red Sea
- Climatic Effects of Urbanization
- High Latitude Forcing of Interior Ocean δ13C
- How do Particle Dynamics on a Passive Margins Influence the Coastal Organic Carbon Cycle?: An Idealized Model of the East Coast of the United States
- Impact of Accumulation Rate on Firn Properties
- Investigation of sea-ice/Climate Interaction Models That Feature Abrupt, Switch-Like Behavior Using Python, a Low-Level Programming Language Useful for Climate Research
- Magma ascent rates using melt pockets in phenocrysts
- Magnetite Scavenging and the Buoyancy of Bubbles in Magmas
- Paleoaltimetry of the Tibetan Plateau based on stable isotopes from the Oiyug, Lunpola and Fenghuoshan basins, Tibet
- Partial Melting in the Iron-Sulfur System at High Pressures
- Physics and chemistry of ferromagnesian silicate post perovskite
- Radiative-Dynamical Regimes in Planetary Atmospheres
- Sub-grid scale model for dynamo simulations in a rotating plane layer model --- Dealing with unstructured grids
- Tabular Iceberg Evolution and Break-up at Low Latitude: Imitating Ice Shelves
- Testing Thermodynamic-Based Model Predictions of Stable Isotope-Based Paleo-Altimetry Using Modern Surface Waters
- The Dry Hadley Cell
- The Energetic Demands and Planetary Footprint of Alternative Human Diets
- Thermal Equation of State of Fe3S and Sulfur in Earth's Core
- Using a METEOSAT Water Vapor database for the evaluation of general circulation models over tropical areas
- Valence State Partitioning of Vanadium Between Olivine-Melt in Olivine-Phyric Martian Basalts. Defining the fO2 of the Martian Mantle.
- A Model of Shallow Gas Hydrate in the Arctic Region: Preliminary Results and Comparison With Well Logs of the Beaufort Sea
- A Possible Sequence of Events for the Generalized Glacial-Interglacial Cycle
- A Simple Numerical Model of the Northern Red Sea Subsidence
- A model of magnetic field equilibration for the geodynamo
- A test of sub-grid scale models for dynamo simulations in a rotating spherical shell
- Ambient Seismic Signals Observed in Iceberg?Filled Waters of the Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Bubbleless Glass Pockets and Natural Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolitic Magma
- Coccolitophore Productivity Response to Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Comparisons Between Large Tabular Iceberg Drift and Model Analysis of Tides in the Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Crystal Sinking and Bubble Rising in Late-Erupted Bishop Tuff: A Study of Pumice Clasts by X-ray Tomography and Physical Separation
- Deep Earthquake Mechanics and Deformation in the Tonga and Middle America Subduction Zones
- Dynamic drift of mega-icebergs in the Ross Sea
- Estimating the Impact of US Agriculture Subsidies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Experimental Study of Bubble Growth in Stromboli Basalt Melts at 1 atmosphere
- Global Spreading Rate From Isochron Length and Area Production: 67 Ma to Present
- Global ocean wave intensity changes observed across decadal-scale time intervals using seismic background noise
- Hadley cells in planetary atmospheres without a condensible component
- Have We Seen Comet Wild 2 Samples Before?
- Impact of the Inverse Barometer Effect on Iceberg Drift in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Implications of Mantle Convection for Present-day Rates of Global Sea Level Change
- Intermediate Depth Earthquakes in Middle America: Fault Reactivation or Formation?
- Long-term fate and impacts of fossil fuel CO2
- Melting in the Fe - FeO System at High Pressure
- Observations and Models of Tidally Pulsed Flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Phenomenology of Iceberg Collisions
- PyMCT: A Very High Level Language Coupling Tool For Climate System Models
- Reconstructing Paleoaltimetry from D/H Measurements of Lipid Biomarkers
- Slarti: A boundary condition editor for a coupled climate model
- Solar Argon Recorded in Dated Lunar Impact Spherules
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Sub-millennial Scale Hydrographic Variation on the New Jersey Margin
- Subtropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures during the Mid-Pleistocene: ice volume, temperature change and climate instability
- The Role of the Benthic Boundary Layer in Frontal Stability and Cross-shelf Exchange: An Idealized Model of the East Coast of the United States
- The pre-eruptive texture of the Bishop magma
- The seasonal cycle of Titan's methane clouds
- Two Batholithic Magma Bodies, Oruanui and Bishop: Comparisons and Contrasts
- Why do Large Icebergs Fracture at a Specific Location off Cape Adare?
- A Comparison of Two Models That Predict the Tidal Influence on the Flow of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- A Sulfur Dioxide Climate Feedback on Early Mars
- A dynamic large eddy dynamo simulation in a rotating spherical shell
- All Quiet on the Seaward Ice Front?
- CO2 Laser Heating System at GSECARS
- Deep Pacific Carbonate Chemistry During the LGM and Deglaciation: Reconstructing ΔCO32- using foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios.
- Flexible climate modeling systems: Lessons from Snowball Earth, Titan and Mars
- Gas Hydrate in the Arctic Ocean: A Submarine Terrestrial Reservoir
- High Resolution Modelling of Convective Flow in the Sublithospheric Mantle Below the African Plate
- Identifying the climatic drivers of Southern Hemisphere Ice Ages from glacier modelling in New Zealand
- Is a 3-Dimensional Stress Balance Ice-Stream Model Really Better Than a 2-Dimensional "Reduced Order" Ice-Stream Model?
- Liquidus Temperatures in the Iron - Sulfur System and Melting of Fe3S at High Pressure
- Mantle Convection and the Recent Geological Evolution of the Southwestern United States
- No-Net-Rotation and Indo-Atlantic Hotspot Reference Frames: Towards a New View of Tectonic Plate Motions and Earth Dynamics
- Oxygen Fugacity Buffers at Conditions of the Deep Earth
- Preeruptive gas in rhyolitic magma: melt inclusion evidence
- Rapid Crystallization of the Bishop Magma
- Reconstructing paleoaltimetry with D/H isotopic measurements on lipid biomarker
- Stability of Gas Hydrates at Mud Volcanoes and Methane Seepage Sites in the Gulf of Cadiz: Correlation with Past Oceanographic Changes
- Synchrotron Infrared Reflectivity of Iron at High Pressure
- Temperature and Productivity Calibration off Southwest and South Portugal: Planktonic Foraminifera Trace Element Proxies Application
- The Rise of Nannoplankton Calcification Correlates With Tectonically-driven Massive Fall of Atmospheric CO2
- The Runaway Greenhouse on Massive or Tide-Locked Extrasolar Planets
- Thermal Equations of State in the Fe-FeS, Fe-FeO, and Ammonia-Water Systems
- Water Vapor in the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere over Costa Rica: Insights from In Situ Measurements from the TC4 and CWVCS Summertime Missions
- A Global Model of Mantle Convection that Incorporates Plate Bending Forces, Slab Pull, and Seismic Constraints on the Plate Stress.
- Another look at the reductive cleaning of foraminifera for Mg and trace element analysis
- Assessing Volcano-Pluton Connections in the Searchlight Magmatic System (Nevada) Using Zircon Size Distributions
- Atmospheric collapse on Venus-like planets orbiting M-dwarfs
- Dynamically-consistent images of 3-D heterogeneity in Earth's present-day mantle
- Effect of climate variations on gas hydrate stability conditions at fluid escape structures in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Effect of ocean chemistry changes on particle dynamics and sinking fluxes in the ocean
- Environmental Proxies: Characteristics of Al-Doped Ferrihydrite
- First-principle Simulation of Magnesium-aluminum Spinel (MgAl2O4)
- Formation of a Cubic Iron-Sulfur Alloy at Megabar Pressures and its Equation of State
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- Ice Stream Basal Conditions From Block-wise Surface-Data Inversion: Application toBindschadler Ice Stream
- Instabilities and Small-Scale Flow in Earth's Core
- Isotopic probes for chamber-based microphysics studies
- Late Cenozoic Temporal Evolution of North American Dynamic Topography
- Magma heterogeneity and the transition towards the Bishop supereruption recorded in crystals of the Bishop Tuff
- Measurement of Mars Atmosphere Argon Density with the APXS on the Opportunity site
- Mg/Ca Paleothermometry in the Central Gulf of Cadiz During Heinrich Events
- Modeling Iceberg Calving From Ice Shelves Using a Stress Based Calving Law: The Stabilizing Effect of Vertical Compression
- Modern and Ancient Precipitation O-18/O-16 and D/H Gradients on the Tibetan Plateau
- New Insights on Cenozoic Plate Evolution and Mantle Dynamics in the Indo-Atlantic Hotspot Reference Frame
- Numerical model studies of melting and freezing in lakes, canyons and crevasses on the surface of an ice sheet.
- Ocean wave generation by collapsing ice shelves
- Paleoaltimetry of the Early Miocene-Pliocene Oiyug basin, southern Tibet
- Past and Future Methane Loss From Arctic Gas Hydrate Based on Pore-Fluid Overpressure
- Phase Diagrams of Iron Rich Alloys and Their Influence on the Chemical Structure of Planetary Cores
- Phosphorus burial in Cariaco Basin sediments through the last glacial - interglacial transition
- Silicate weathering and dry vs. wet runaway greenhouse scenarios
- The Oxygen Isotope Composition of PO4 Extracted From Lost City Hydrothermal Vents -- a Potential Biosignature for Vent Hosted Microbial Ecosystems
- The Role of Shelf Break Upwelling Along the East Coast of the US in the Coastal Carbon Cycle: A Model's Tale
- Time-lapse photography of ice-shelf rift processes
- Towards century-timescale simulation of the response of ocean sediment methane hydrates to climate change
- Tracing the Influence of Mediterranean Outflow Waters on the Mid-depth Portuguese Margin Between Marine Isotope Stages 9 and 13
- Upper Water Column Structure During Marine Isotope Stage 11.3 and the Holocene on the Portuguese Margin
- Using Tidal Signals in ICESat Data to Characterize the Grounding Zones of Siple Coast Ice Streams
- What governs the isotopic composition of water vapor in the tropical tropopause layer?: Insights from a simple model
- A Multi-Year Record of Airborne Continuous CO2 in the U.S. Southern Great Plains: Observations and Mixing Across the PBL
- A consideration of the effects of dust aerosol and surface dust on Snowball Earth deglaciation
- A framework for computing global plate velocities and exploring the parameter space of driving forces
- Boundary Layer CO2 budgets at long timescales
- Characterization of Matrix Effects During In-situ Mg and Si Isotope Measurements by LA-MC-ICPMS
- Deep-seated mantle anomalies and the dynamic impact on the African continent (Invited)
- Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates (Invited)
- Effects of abrupt changes in basal conditions on ice-streams: Application to sub-ice-stream lakes
- Emerging Patterns of Intrashell Mg/Ca Variability of Planktonic Foraminifera Determined by Electron Microprobe Image Mapping
- Envisioning a metropolitan foodshed: potential environmental consequences of increasing food-crop production around Chicago
- Evaluation of the diagenetic role of iron as a sulfide buffer at Cape Lookout Bight, North Carolina (USA)
- Evolution of Permafrost and Gas Hydrate across the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean
- Exploration of ocean waves created by iceberg calving and capsize using SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics)
- Further improvements to a century-timescale simulation of the response of ocean sediment methane hydrates to climate change
- How well Adjusted is the Atmosphere?
- Impingement of Deep Mantle-Derived Upwelling Beneath Northern, Subducted Extension of the East Pacific Rise and Palinspastically Restored Cenozoic Mafic Magmatism in Western North America
- Magnesium Isotope Fractionation By Chemical Diffusion In Natural Silicate Rocks
- Magnesium isotopic composition of the mantle
- Models of feedback between solar energy absorption and sculpted ice-sheet surface topography: a possible control of the geometry of surface meltwater conduits and reservoirs
- Natural Isotopic Fractionation of 238U/235U in the Water Column of the Black Sea
- Numerical modeling of two-phase flow in the seafloor hydrothermal systems
- Organic carbon cycling as the keystone of Neoproterozoic climate evolution (Invited)
- Reconstructing African topography over the past 30 Myrs with high-resolution tomography-based convection modelling
- Spontaneous formation of vorticity staircase and multiple jets in a 1D barotropic model with parameterized eddy mixing
- Stochastic Modeling of Water Vapor in the Climate System
- Temperature calibration along the Iberian-NW Africa margin, using modern planktonic foraminifera trace element and stable isotope ratios
- The Role of Dust in Abrupt Glacial Climate Transitions
- The generalized runaway greenhouse and the outer limit of habitable zones (Invited)
- Trace and Minor Element/Ca Ratios of Planktonic Foraminifera in the Iberian Margin During Heinrich Events
- Using differential absorption radiography and acid dissolution to determine crystal size distributions of zircons: Methods and application to volcano-pluton connections in the Searchlight Magmatic System (Nevada)
- A Framework for Thinking About Cloud Feedbacks and Arctic Sea Ice Tipping Points
- A laboratory scale model of abrupt ice-shelf disintegration
- A mathematical model for examining tectonic and climatic controls on chemical weathering and CO2 consumption
- Assessing the intratest Mg/Ca variability in the planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina dutertrei: Does shell morphology play a role?
- CIM-EARTH: Community Integrated Model of Economic and Resource Trajectories for Humankind
- Carbon Monoxide Cycling in Hot Spring Microbial Communities and Links to the Composition of the Archean Atmosphere
- Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Bottom Boundary Layer during AN Upwelling Event at the Oregon Coast
- Characterization of extrasolar planetary atmospheres by thermal infrared photometry
- Chemical Exchange Between Metals and Oxides at the Conditions of the Core-Mantle Boundary (Invited)
- Equation of State of FeO
- Evolution of supraglacial lakes and drainage patterns on the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Part 1. Observation of crescentic surface lakes and their trailing ogives
- Evolution of supraglacial lakes and drainage patterns on the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Part 2: Idealized models of crescentic surface lakes and their trailing ogives
- Exploring Mechanisms of Ice-Shelf Collapse Using a Laboratory Scale Model
- Geological Evidence for Dynamic Topographic Differential Uplift and Subsidence Along the US Coastal Plain and Atlantic Margin
- High-resolution modelling and error analysis of late-Cenozoic African topography driven by mantle convection
- Initiation of a Marinoan Snowball Earth in a state-of-the-art atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
- Lagrangian Model of Sinking Biogenic Aggregates
- Meaningful Trends in Wave Activity
- New Insights into the Basin and Swell Dynamics of Africa Driven by Whole-Mantle Convection (Invited)
- Numerical model of ice melange expansion during abrupt ice-shelf collapse
- Revisiting mid-Paleozoic ocean chemistry with the combined measurement of 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr on Silurian brachiopods
- Scaling up food production in the Upper Mississippi river basin: modeling impacts on water quality and nutrient cycling
- Seasonal and regional variation in UTLS convective water transport from ACE isotopic measurements (Invited)
- Seismic observations of long-period ocean waves generated by calving icebergs, Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland
- Signification of the mean structure of water vapor isotopic composition in the uppermost troposphere
- Simulating the response of ocean sediment methane hydrates to climate change
- The Jormungand Global Climate State and Implications for the Neoproterozoic Snowball Paradox (Invited)
- Thermophilic metabolisms from hot spring gas geochemistry: case studies from Uzon Caldera, Kamchatka, Russia, and Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
- Using Boundary Layer Equilibrium to Reduce Uncertainties in CO2 Flux Inversions
- 3D imaging of glass inclusions in quartz using propogation phase-contrast x-ray tomography: Application to the Bishop Tuff (California, USA)
- A Mechanism for a Tropical Cloud Thermostat in response to Ocean Heat Transport Changes
- Approaches to local climate action in Colorado
- Approaching the Final Frontier in Lateral Resolution for Isotopic and Chemical Analysis with CHILI
- Are there preferred numerical approaches to modeling ice flow over an undulated bed?
- Bin-Resolved Microphysical Modeling of Water Vapor Isotopic Composition During Ice Nucleation and Growth in Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Brine Films Thickness on Silica Surfaces Under High Pressure Geologic CO2 Sequestration Conditions with Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence
- Can Crevasses Protect an Ice Shelf?
- Carbon Monoxide Based Metabolism and CO Cycling in Anaerobic Microbial Ecosystems
- Challenges in Constraining Surface Trace Gas Exchanges from Observations
- Chromium and Iron Isotopic Composition of Presolar Silicon Carbide Stardust Grains
- Climate impacts as represented in U.S. regulatory law and the under-estimation of the long tail of carbon dioxide
- Coupling Climate, Surface Processes and Mantle Convection
- Dimensionality, Form, and Process of Supraglacial Lakes on the George VI Ice Shelf
- Disordered Crevasses Localize Ice-Shelf Vibrations
- Effect of land fraction on weathering and tenure in the habitable zone of terrestrial planets around main-sequence stars
- Heterogeneous Shock In Porous Chondrites: Implications For Allende Magnetization
- High resolution minor and trace element measurements for mussel shells using LA-ICP-MS
- Hydrogen escape from waterworlds and H2 greenhouse habitable Super-Earths
- Isotopic probes of ice microphysics at cold temperatures
- Kinematics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Relative Motions in the Indo-Atlantic Frame of Reference: Passive and Active Spreading Ridges
- Library-based statistical reproduction as a tool for computationally efficient climate model emulation
- Mantle convection-driven variable uplift of the eastern US: A mechanism for late-Cenozoic rejuvenation of topography.
- Melting in the Fe-Si System at High Pressures
- Microfacies analysis of Green River Formation stromatolites and comparison to microbial mat experiments
- Migrating petal-shape lakes on the George VI Ice Shelf: A new kinematic wave?
- Modern and Paleo-Atmospheric Controls on High Elevation Meteoric δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Paleoelevation and paleotemperature of the Ethiopian Plateau from multi-system stable isotope analysis
- Phase Diagram and Equation of State of Fe-Si Alloy
- Recent developments in climate modeling of the extent of Neoproterozoic glaciations
- SHELTER FROM THE STORM: How periodic irregularities in ice cover may influence the break-up of ice shelves and calving of outlet glaciers
- Spectral Analyses of Aqueous Outcrops at Libya Montes and Their Relationship To Nearby Olivine- and Pyroxene-Bearing Rocks
- Stable isotopic composition of Middle-Late Miocene lacustrine carbonates from the Markam basin, eastern Tibet: Implications for the paleoelevation history of the eastern Tibetan Plateau
- The role of cooperative iceberg capsize during ice-shelf disintegration
- The transient response of land and ocean precipitation in changing climates
- A re-examination of seawater-rock reactions and their role in planetary habitability
- Basin-averaged erosion rates from the uplifting Siwalik Hills in northwest India
- Bayesian hierarchical models for multivariate nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamical processes in the atmosphere and ocean
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bridging local scale ground-based tree assessments to large scale inventory and remote sensing data to quantify landscape representativeness of an atmospheric study tower
- Convective Removal of the Northeastern Portion of the North-American Tectospheric Root and the Late Cenozoic Uplift of the Appalachians
- Designing a laboratory tank-scale experiment to address iceberg-calving forces: Initial results
- Drivers of nonlinear behavior in the evolution of transient climates
- Dust Transport by Sea Glacier Flow and Termination of Snowball Earth
- Flowline Modeling of the Quelccaya Icecap to Constrain Tropical Climate Fluctuations During the Holocene
- From Mush to Eruption in 1000 Years: Rapid Assembly of the Super-Sized Oruanui Magma Body
- General circulation model comparison using statistical emulation
- Geochemical dissection of a monogenetic eruption: Motukorea Volcano, the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
- High Pressure Melting, Phase Diagrams, and Equations of State in the Fe-FeSi System with Application to Earth's Core
- Iceberg drift trajectory follows sea-floor spreading features
- Impacts of surface-water lakes and dolines on ice-shelf stability
- Inner-core anisotropy: Bridging our understanding between seismology and mineral physics
- Insights from measurements of atmospheric water isotopic composition
- Instrumentation needs and capabilities for water isotopologue measurements in cold clouds
- Isotopic signatures as a tracer of cold cloud microphysical processes
- Metastable non-runaway states near the inner edge of the habitable zone
- Organic geochemical constraints on paleoelevation
- Phase relations, melting and thermoelastic properties in FeS: Application to the Martian core
- Redox control on iron isotopic fractionation in magmas
- Rejuvenation and Repeated Eruption of a 1.0 Ma Supervolcanic System at Mangakino Caldera, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- Revised depositional age of the Fenghuoshan Group, Hoh Xil Basin, north-central Qiangtang terrane: implications for the pre- and early-collisional tectonic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
- Spreading behaviour of the Pacific-Farallon ridge system between 83 and 28 Ma
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Reindeer Diet in Northern Sweden and Norway
- Successful Predictions
- Supercontinental Cycles and the Tectonic Modulation of Earth's Climate
- Telling zoned from zoned: LA-MC-ICPMS and SIMS iron isotopic measurements of olivine
- The many modes of Twitter: developing and maintaining a professional identity on Twitter
- Thicknesses of Nanoscale Brine Films on Mineral Surfaces Under Geologic CO2 Sequestration Conditions Measured with Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence
- Timescales of quartz crystallization estimated from glass inclusion faceting using 3D propagation phase-contrast x-ray tomography: examples from the Bishop (California, USA) and Oruanui (Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand) Tuffs
- Towards an understanding of deep boron: study of type IIb blue diamonds
- Transient precipitation response as a diagnostic of nonlinearities in climate evolution
- Uderstanding Snowball Earth Deglaciation
- A spectral-based approach to simulating future climate
- Chain-Reaction Drainage of Supraglacial Lakes Triggered Capsize-Driven Break-Up of Larsen B Ice Self (Invited)
- Chain-Reaction Drainage of Supraglacial Lakes Triggered the Larsen B Ice Shelf Break-Up
- Constraining the degeneracy of Super-Earth phase curve measurements
- Controls on the Climates of Tidally Locked Terrestrial Planets
- Distribution of the Stable Isotopologues of Water in Convecting Atmospheres
- Effect of Aerosols on Ultraviolet and Visible Spectral Irradiance at Barrow, Alaska
- Evaluating the utility of dynamical downscaling in agricultural impacts projections
- Exploring the diversity of climates on terrestrial exoplanets using a generic 3D Global Climate Model (Invited)
- Fe-Si system: a potential major component of the Earth's core
- Global climate modeling of Saturn's atmosphere: exploration of seasonal variability and stratospheric dynamics
- High resolution modelling of the seasonal evolution of surface water storage on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- High-Sensitivity TDL Measurements of Water Isotopologues for UTLS studies
- High-pressure high-temperature equations of state of UO2 and ThO2
- Investigations into Anomalous Supersaturation in Cold Cirrus at the AIDA Cloud Chamber during the ISOCLOUD Campaigns
- Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion (Invited)
- Joint seismic and geodynamic evidence for a long-lived, stable mantle upwelling under the East Pacific Rise
- Krypton-81 and Groundwater Flow in the Culebra Dolomite Near the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, New Mexico
- Kuroshio bimodality and diffusion maps
- Linking mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and surface processes in the active plate boundary zones of eastern New Guinea (Invited)
- Melting and Phase Relations in the FeO-FeS System at High Pressure
- Microbial metabolism and the geochemistry of bioactive gases in Kamchatka and Lassen hot springs
- Modeling subglacial water routing at Paakitsoq, W Greenland (Invited)
- Paleoaltimetry of the Oiyug Basin, southern Tibet using clumped-isotope paleothermometry
- Precipitation in a surface-energy budget context in transient and equilibrium climates
- Signals of dynamic coupling between mantle and lithosphere beneath the axis of the East Pacific Rise
- Spectroscopic determination of equilibrium Fe isotopes fractionation factor for spinels with varying Fe oxidation states
- Stabilizing Cloud Feedback Dramatically Expands the Habitable Zone of Tidally Locked Planets
- Statistical emulation of climate model projections based on precomputed GCM runs (Invited)
- Sulfur as a Matrix for the Development of Microbial Biofilm Communities
- The Effect of Dust on Snowball Earth Climate
- The Joy of Ice
- Tracing time scales of fluid residence and migration in the crust (Invited)
- Transient Hotspot Motion Induced by Plume-Migrating Ridge Interaction
- Using SPartICus measurements to study ice particle size distribution modes within in situ cirrus
- Water Cycling Between Ocean and Mantle: Super-Earths Need Not be Waterworlds
- Local Finite-Amplitude Rossby Wave Activity as a Diagnostic for Wave Breaking
- Survival of the 1%: Consequences of a Two-Phase Dynamic of Aragonitic Shell Loss and Stabilization for the Temporal Resolution of Proxy Data
- Changes in U.S. Temperature Extremes under Increased CO2 in Millennial-scale Climate Simulations
- Characterization of Blocking Episodes in the North Atlantic and Pacific with the Finite-amplitude Local Wave Activity Formalism
- Could synoptic-scale waves drive the 25-day cycle of circulation during austral summer?
- Examining the Linear Regimes of the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Live/Dead Comparisons of Ostracodes in Temperate Lakes Reveal Evidence of Human Impact and Provides a Tool to Measure the Progress of Remediation Efforts
- Using ARM observations to test soil moisture dynamics in climate models
- Zonostrophic Turbulence in Two-layer Quasi-geotrophic Model
- Barotropic Turbulence on a Beta-Plane with Quadratic Bottom Drag
- Deciphering Deep Ocean Circulation Changes Between the Present and the Last Glacial Using a Hierarchy of Models
- The Role of Diabatic Heating on the Co-Variability of Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity and Zonal Index with Implications in a Changing Climate
- The role of Antarctic sea ice and buoyancy fluxes in shaping glacial and modern deep ocean circulation: insights from CMIP5/PMIP3 simulations
- Trends in the Northern-hemisphere Climatologies of Local Wave Activity and Fluxes in a Warming Climate
- A New Model Hierarchy to Understand the Impact of Radiation and Convection on the Extratropical Circulation Response to Climate Change
- Atmospheric blocking as a traffic jam in the jet stream
- Can Thermal Bending Fracture Ice Shelves?
- Comparison of water vapor from observations and models in the Asian Monsoon UTLS region
- Cryptic Carbonate Alteration in Orogenic Sedimentary Basins: Saving the Signal
- Deep-Earth Equilibration between Molten Iron and Solid Silicates
- Diagnosing added value of convection-permitting regional models using precipitation event identification and tracking
- Evolution of Meltwater on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica During Two Summer Melt Seasons
- Experimentally determined isotope effect during Mg-Fe interdiffusion in olivine
- First In-situ Measurements of the HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Isotopic Ratio in the Asian Summer Monsoon
- High-Silica Hadean Crust
- In-situ measurement of sulfur isotopic ratios in zoned apatite crystals via SIMS: a new tool for interpreting dynamic sulfur behavior in magmas
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Igneous Systems: Looking for Anharmonicity
- On the Origin of Organic Material on Ceres.
- Performance of the Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer in the UTLS during the Asian Monsoon
- Phase Behavior and Equations of State of the Actinide Oxides
- Precipitation event tracking reveals that precipitation characteristics respond differently under seasonal, interannual, and anthropogenic forcing
- Stratospheric Influence on Summer Monsoon and Associated Planetary Wave Breaking and Mixing in the Subtropical Tropopause Region
- Strong variations in water vapor in the Asian Monsoon UTLS region observed during the 2017 StratoClim campaign
- Sulfur in zircons: A new window into melt chemistry
- The Effect of Early Diagenesis on the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Ratio of Platform Carbonates.
- The Implication of Summer Monsoon Onset from Seasonally Migrating Linear Rossby Wave and Wave-breaking Regimes
- The chemical evolution of Earth's emerged crust inferred from titanium isotopes
- An Adjoint Trajectory Model of the Perturbed Carbon Cycle
- Blocking statistics in a varying climate: lessons from a 'traffic jam' model with aperiodic forcing
- Cloud characterization with deep learning
- Constraining the Carbon Content of Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Constraints from the Abundance of <SUP>26</SUP>Al and <SUP>60</SUP>Fe in Meteorites, and the Implications for the Formation of the Solar System
- Do Surface Kinetics Play a Role in Depositional Ice Growth in Cirrus Clouds?
- Do the Physical Mechanisms that Explain the Lapse Rate Response to Warming also Explain the Response to Cooling?
- Early Diagenetic Microstructural Alteration Relevant to Prolonged Residence of Bivalve Aragonite in the Mixed Layers of Tropical and Temperate Shelves
- Estimating changes in temperature distributions in a large ensemble of climate simulations using quantile regression
- Extreme Events as Atmospheric Rogue Waves
- Frequency-dependent changes in temperature variability across global climate models
- Future precipitation events become more summer-like in morphology
- High-sensitivity Water Vapor Isotopic Records from Surface to Stratosphere
- Integrating changes in temperature variability into climate damage projections
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Morphology of stratospheric sudden warming - insights from a rotating tank experiment
- Novel Metaproteomic Approaches Reveal Systematic Variations in Microbial Biogeochemical Pathways with Arctic Vegetation Types
- Pedestaled, relict lakes on the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica: formation and effects on ice-shelf stability
- Phase relations in the Fe-S-O system to Earth and planetary core conditions
- Preliminary investigation of Ti transport and isotopic fractionation in the critical zone
- Prospects and Pitfalls in Calibrating Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Geothermometers from Metamorphic Rocks: Insights from Mt. Moosilauke
- Quantifying the Energetic Connection between Cloud Radiative Effects and the Energy Flux Equator
- Refining the Record of Precambrian Redox Conditions Using the <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Proxy in Marine Carbonates.
- Rethinking graduate training in geoscience in the age of big data
- Testing latitudinally-dependent explanations of the circulation response to increased CO2 using aquaplanet models
- The AMOC's Response to Global Temperature Change on Time Scales from Decades to Millennia.
- The Atmospheric Circulation and Observable Properties of a Large Suite of Terrestrial Planet GCMs
- The Global Gridded Crop Model Inter-Comparison Project Phase II: assessing response surfaces of crop yields to changes in temperature, water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
- The Impact of Topography and Eddy Parameterization on the Simulated Southern Ocean Response to Changes in Surface Wind Stress
- The Implication of Summer Monsoon Onset from Seasonally Migrating Linear Rossby Wave and Wave-breaking Regimes
- The Role of Summer Monsoon in Midlatitude Rossby Wave Breaking
- The response of atmospheric diffusivity to global climate change
- Variable Fluid Contributions to Boninite Magma Generation, Mata Volcanic Field, NE Lau Basin as Determined by Trace Elements and Fe-Sr-Pb-Nd-Hf-U-Th-Ra Isotopes
- Charting and Dating the Decline of Mars Surface Habitability
- Cloud Characterization With Deep Learning II
- Controls on titanium isotope fractionation in tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas
- Curiosity's Climb in Global Context: Evolution of Major Sedimentary Mounds on Mars
- Developing Unsupervised Learning Models for Cloud Classification
- Does equilibrium zircon crystallization drive Zr stable isotope fractionation in magmatic systems? An ab-initio investigation
- Effects of Radius and Gravity on the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- Experimental study of potassium and rubidium evaporation under vacuum conditions
- Fate of rainwater affects landslide occurrence on Reunion Island
- Formation of Surface Meltwater Ponds on Sea Ice from Ice-Shelf Runoff, Adjacent to the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- High Yield Regions Move Poleward Less Than Expected Under Climate Change in Globally-Gridded Crop Simulations
- How to Quickly Search Rocky Exoplanets for Signs of Atmospheres
- In-situ Measurements of the HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Isotopic Ratio in the Asian Summer Monsoon Trace Strong Convective Activity
- In-situ UT/LS cirrus observations over the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Persistent Low Bias in CAPE Distributions in both Reanalysis and Convection-Permitting Models
- Phase stability and thermal equations of state of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S and Fe<SUB>2</SUB>S polymorphs to Earth's core pressures and high temperatures
- Quantifying the connection between decreased mid-latitude precipitation and Arctic warming during the mid-Holocene
- Radiokrypton Constraints on Solute Transport in Culebra Dolomite Brines, New Mexico
- Radiokrypton unveils dual moisture sources of a deep desert aquifer
- Single-grain <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U measurements in Early Earth zircons: Implications for the Hadean environment, magmatic differentiation and geochronology
- Steady State Large-Eddy Simulations Forced by an Idealized General Circulation Model
- Studying global precipitation responses in a simplified one-column model
- The dual role of Asian deep convection in cross-tropopause transport of water: hydration and dehydration
- The spatial signature of resurfacing on ancient Mars
- Triple iron isotope analyses as a tracer of sulfidic and oxic iron sinks before Earth's Great Oxygenation
- What Controls the Local Wave Activity Distribution in the Midlatitudes?
- Zr Isotope Variations in Zircon as an Indicator of Magmatic Differentiation
- A Low-Order Model of Ice-Shelf Evolution Combining Flow and Flexure
- A data-driven cloud classification framework based on a rotationally invariant autoencoder
- A wave-activity view of baroclinic annular mode in the Southern Hemisphere
- Accounting for Short-Lived Radionuclides in the Early Solar System in the Context of a Triggered Star Formation Origin of the Solar System
- Arctic airmass displacement and reduced midlatitudes wintertime temperature variability under climate change
- Convective genesis of cirrus clouds above the Asian monsoon tropopause from StratoClim airborne measurements, satellite observations and meteorological analysis
- Evaluating the ability of statistical models to capture crop yield responses to climate change
- Future Changes in Midlatitudes Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) and their Relationship with Moist Static Energy
- Global Agriculture: Variety Adaptation Potentials and Limitations
- Global risk to livestock of heat stress under climate change
- How Many Overspill Events Does it Take to Erode a Pollywog? Insights from Breach Erosion Modelling
- Hydrological cycle changes explain weak Snowball Earth storm track despite increased surface baroclinicity
- In-situ measurements of the HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Isotopic ratio in the Asian Summer Monsoon trace strong convective influence on cirrus
- Infrastructure Constraints on Energy Transitions
- Little poleward shift of peak agricultural regions under warming
- Mars 3 Ga had river-forming climates at low average pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, raising the likelihood of false negatives in the search for habitable exoplanets
- Non-detection of O2/O3 informs frequency of Earth-like planets with LUVOIR but not HabEx
- Phase stability and structural properties of Fe<SUB>2</SUB>S and its analog Co<SUB>2</SUB>P at high pressures and temperatures
- Quantifying the impact of wind and surface humidity induced surface heat exchange on the circulation shift in response to increased CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Reducing Surface Wetness Leads to Tropical Hydrological Cycle Regime Transition
- The Effect of Substellar Continent Size on Ocean Dynamics of Proxima Centauri b
- The impact of quasi-stationary atmospheric rivers on Rossby wave activity in the subtropics
- Wave activity budget through persistent anomalies in wintertime jet stream
- When and where do Radiative-Convective and Radiative-Advective Equilibrium regimes occur on modern Earth?