University of California, Berkeley, Space Sciences Laboratory
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Modelling of Stretched Solitary Waves along Magnetic Field Lines
- A Comparison of the Motion of Auroral Ion Outflow Regions With the Motion of Auroral Arcs
- A Magnetohydrodynamic Test of the Wang-Sheeley Model
- A Multi-spacecraft Study of the Magnetospheric Influence on Ionospheric Chemistry - a Detailed Examination of Recent Geomagnetically Active Periods
- A Study of the Orientation, Propagation Speeds, and Thicknesses of Electric Field and Density Structures Observed by Cluster~II in the High-Altitude Auroral Region
- A study of the relative occurrence of disparate wave phenomena leading to BBELF activity associated with ion conic production in the downward current and poleward boundary regions of the premidnight auroral oval
- Accelerated Electrons in the Polar Cap Boundary
- Accelerated, Cold Electron Spectra in the Pre-midnight Central Plasma Sheet Region of the Auroral Oval at 4000 km
- Analysis of Phase Space Density of Relativistic Electrons in the Magnetosphere and Forecast of MeV Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
- Auroral Poleward Boundary Intensifications and Modes of Energy Transport in the Plasma Sheet
- Auroral Precipitation during the Bastille Day Storm Recovery
- Auroral Spectra as a Tool for Detecting Extra-Etrrestrial Life
- CLUSTER-2 Multipoint Observations of the mid-Altitude ion Cusp
- Cluster Ion Spectrometry Observations of the Plasmasphere
- Cluster Observations of Particle Structures on Field Lines Mapping to Active Auroral Regions
- Cluster-CIS observations of bow shock-reflected ions
- Cluster-II Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Continuous Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause under Steady IMF Conditions
- Cluster/EFW measurements of the electric potential across collisionless shocks
- Conjugate Auroral Substorm Dynamics
- Crustal Magnetospheres on Mars
- Dawn/Dusk Auroras and Propagating Convection Disturbances: Ionospheric Effects of Increasing Solar Wind Ram Pressure
- Dayside Aurora Dynamics
- Determination of ionospheric conductivities from UVI intensity ratios
- Direct Observation of Parallel Electric Fields of the Aurora
- Do Electron Holes Emit VLF Saucers in the Auroral Region? Theory Versus FAST Observations.
- Dynamics of duskside proton aurora observed with the Svalbard all-sky imager and the IMAGE satellite under northward IMF condition : November 26, 2000 event
- Early HESSI Results and Prospects for Future Missions
- Effects of Strong Interplanetary Disturbances on the Dayside Magnetosphere: Comparison between IMAGE Observations and Global MHD Modeling
- Electric Field and Density Observations of Small-Scale Plasma Structures on Cluster
- Electric Field and Plasma Density Estimates of Bow Shock Normals
- Electric and Magnetic Signature of a Dust Devil from the MATADOR Campaign
- Electron Acceleration and Ion Outlflow in the Polar Cap Boundary Region During Magnetospheric Substorms
- Electron Distribution Functions Near Interplanetary Shocks
- Electron Properties and Coulomb Collisions in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: Wind Observations
- Extraction of In-situ Produced <SUP>1</SUP><SUP>4</SUP>C in Terrestrial Rocks
- Geotail Measurements of Equatorial Pc3-4 Waves Near Midnight
- Geotail-CLUSTER Correlative Measurements of Plasma Sheet Poynting Flux During the Course of Substorms
- Global 3-D Hybrid Simulations of Mars and the Effect of Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Global Ionospheric/Magnetospheric Response to the Bastille Day Storm
- Hard X-ray Observations of the August 25, 2001 X Flare
- Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During the 1995-1996 Solar Minimum
- High-Energy Aspects of CMEs Associated with X-Class Flares in the Present Cycle
- How do emerging magnetic fields affect the solar coronal field configuration?
- IMAGE/HENA: ENA Imaging of the Plasmasheet During Substorms
- Initial Results of Martian Electron Distribution Calculations Including a Nonuniform Magnetic Field
- Ion Outflows and Soft Electron Precipitation: A Possible Mechanism by Which Alfvén Waves Affect Ion Outflows
- Ionospheric Conductivity and Storm-time Aurora
- Ionospheric Thermal Plasma Acceleration Linked to Magnetopause Motions: First Cluster Results
- Ionospheric Variations over the Hellas and Argyre Basins on Mars
- Local Heliospheric Current Sheet Structure From Two-Point Measurements
- MGS MAG/ER Observations of Compressive low Frequency Waves at the Martian Magnetic Pileup Boundary
- Multi-Point Electric Field Observations in the High-Altitude Cusp Region
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Oxygen Beams from the Southern Polar Region by CIS Onboard Cluster.
- Multipoint Plasma Density Measurements from Cluster Wave and Particle Instruments
- New Coupled Models of Magnetic Flux in Active Regions
- New Results for the Self-Consistent Parallel E-Field and Particle Distributions in the Auroral Return Current Region
- Observations of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves Onboard the Cluster Satellites
- Observations of Intense Electric and Magnetic Fields and Associated Poynting Flux Through-Out the Plasma Sheet During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations of Plasma Densities in the Polar Cap During Theta Auroras
- Observations of Solitary Waves and Wave Packets by Cluster
- Occurrences of Pc 1 Waves in the Dayside Cusp, LLBL and BPS Region and Associated Enhancements of Proton Aurora
- On the Evolution of Ion Distributions Across Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks: CIS Multipoint Observations
- Photoelectron fluxes observed by FAST compared with model predictions incorporating SNOE observations of the solar soft X-ray irradiance
- Polar Observations of Solitary Waves at the Earth's Magnetopause
- Polar Observations of the Temporal/Spatial Evolution of Merging at the Dayside Magnetopause and Comparison to MHD Simulation Results
- Precipitation of Relativistic Electrons from the Drift Loss Cone
- Properties of Upstream Waves at the Proton Cyclotron Frequency at Mars from MGS Observations
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Stagnant Exterior Cusp on February 19th, 2001: CLUSTER Multi-Instrument and Multi-Spacecraft Results.
- Quantitative Comparison of Measured Plasma Sheet Electron Energy Flux and Remotely Sensed Auroral Electron Energy Flux
- Return Current Region Aurora: Intense Energetic Non-gyrotropic Ion Conics
- Satellite Observations of Upper Atmospheric Discharges With the ISUAL Instrument on the ROCSAT-2 Satellite
- Scientist Involvement in High Visibility Education and Public Outreach: Eclipse 2001, A View from Zambia
- Simultaneous Cluster/CIS and FAST Observations of Boundary Layer Plasmas
- Simultaneous Observation of Magnetospheric Neutral Atoms and Proton Aurora
- Solitary Potential Structures Observed on the Cluster Spacecraft: Correlated Wave and Particle Measurements
- Strong double layer in the downward current region.
- Substorm Dynamics as Observed by RPI and FUV on IMAGE
- Sudden enhancement of solar wind dynamic pressure and dayside detached aurora
- Temporal Structure of MeV Electron Precipitation
- Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes After CGRO: Prospects From HESSI
- The Coronal and Interplanetary Context of Geoeffective ICMEs
- The ENA, Ring Current, and Auroral Response to ``Sawtooth Injections" in the October 4-6, 2000 Storm
- The Effect of Solar Illumination on Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling as Indicated By Field-Aligned Currents and Cross-Polar Cap Potential Measurements by FAST
- The Energy Partition of Substorm Growth--Phase Arcs
- The Energy Transport during Substorms Based on Solar Wind Measurements, Derived Auroral Electron Distributions and Magnetic Indices
- The Frequency Distribution and Other Statistical Properties of Solar Impulsive Electron Events
- The Magnetic Field of Mars - A Window into Mars' Past
- The Mysteries of Auroral X-rays: Then and Now
- The Role of Shock in Lunar Paleomagnetism
- The True Cusp, a Unique Signature at Low- and Mid-Altitudes
- The Yohkoh Public Outreach Project: A Space Science Resource for Formal and Informal Education
- Three-Dimensional Electric Field Measurements at the Plasma Sheet Boundary as measured by the Electron Drift Instrument (EDI) and the Electric Field and Waves Instrument ( EFW ) on the CLUSTER Spacecraft
- Two types of localized auroral UV emission on the dayside
- Two-Fluid Aspect of Magnetosheath Plasma
- Validation of the Global MHD Model in the Plasma Depletion Layer Study and its Dynamics
- Wind Observations of Long-Duration High-Speed Flows in the Distant (Xgse= -90 Re) Magnetotail
- Wind's Encounter With the Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region in the Earth's Magnetic Tail
- A Comparison of FUV Auroral Emissions During the April 2002 Events as seen by the IMAGE/FUV and TIMED/GUVI Instruments
- Active Region and Coronal Holes Sources of Solar Wind at Solar Activity Maximum
- Ambipolar Electric Fields Parallel and Perpendicular to the Local Magnetic Field: Magnetopause and Depletion Layers
- Are Whistler Waves Regulating the Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind at 1 AU ? Wind Observations.
- Auroral Poleward Boundary Intensifications: their two-dimensional structure and the associated dynamics in the Plasma Sheet
- Bow Shock Specular Reflected Ions in Presence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves: a Case Study
- CLUSTER Observation of Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Comparison with Hall Physics Effects.
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Chaotic transverse modes wave activity far upstream of the ion foreshock during intervals of an interplanetary magnetic field near parallel to the solar wind velocity.
- Characteristics of Scatter-free Behavior of Heliospheric Pickup Ions
- Cluster Observations of Ion Shell Distributions in the Plasma Sheet on 31 March 2001
- Cluster Observations of Reconnection at the Magnetopause and in the Cusp: Implications for the Large-Scale Nature of Reconnection
- Comparison of Concepts and Simulations of the Sub-solar Magnetopause With Measurements
- Comparison of the Coronal Magnetic Field Derived from PFSS and MHD Models
- Composition of Auroral Polar Cap Boundary Ion Conics
- Contribution of proton precipitation to space-based auroral FUV observations
- Convection Transients in the Polar Cap During Substorms
- Coronal blast waves detected in soft X-rays
- Correlation of RHESSI and TRACE Observations of the Rise Phase of the 21 April 2002 X1.5 Flare
- Correlations between AKR with Auroral Dynamics and Dipole Tilt Angle
- Counter-streaming electron beams in the plasma sheet associated with auroral activity
- Cusp Electron and Ion Structures Observed by FAST
- Development of the SANMHD Code
- Dipole Tilt Effects on Radiation Belt Electrons and Dst Index
- Dipole Tilt Effects on the Dst index
- Downshifted waves in electron foreshock region: Cluster observations and interpretation
- Energetic Ions and Foreshock Cavities
- Estimates of magnetotail reconnection rate based on IMAGE FUV and EISCAT measurements
- Evidence for Electron Acceleration up to ~300 keV in the Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region of the Earth's Magnetotail
- Evidence for Weak Crustal Magnetic Fields Over the Hellas Basin
- Extended Synoptic Analysis Using a Database of Auroral Images
- Extreme Ultraviolet Variability of the Large Solar Flare on April 21, 2002 and the Terrestrial Photoelectron Response
- FAST and IMAGE-FUV observations of a Substorm onset
- First start-to-end global imaging of a sunward propagating giant undulation event: IMAGE/FUV observations
- Five years of Yohkoh science nuggets
- Future Instrumentation for Planetary Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
- Gamma-ray Imaging of the 2002 July 23 Solar Flare
- Global MHD Simulation of Dayside Proton Aurora: Comparisons with IMAGE Observations
- Global View of the Nighttime low Latitude Ionosphere by the 135.6 nm OI Observation with IMAGE/FUV
- Global ``Sawtooth " Activity in the April 2002 Geomagnetic Storm
- Global cause of localized high latitude aurora
- Growth--Phase Auroral Arcs and Ionospheric Currents
- Gyrophase-Restricted 70~keV--1~MeV Ion Beams Near the Foreshock Boundary
- Hard X-ray Microflares down to 3~keV
- High "IMPACT" STEREO EPO: Exploiting Opportunities for High Visibility Activities On a Shoestring
- High Resolution Measurements and Modeling of Auroral Hydrogen Emission Line Profiles
- How the Tilt of the Dipole Could Affect the Rate of Reconnection at the Earth's Magnetopause
- IMF Control of Auroral Dynamics during a Magnetic Storm
- Intense Flares Without Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Investigation of Lunar Crustal Magnetic Fields, Surface Properties, and Impacts
- Ion Acceleration in Alfven Waves Above the Aurora From FAST
- Ion Reflection, Acceleration and Transmission at the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock: Cluster CIS Observations
- Ionic Structures Observed in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER
- Key Signatures of Hall Mediated Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Lobe Cell Convection and Polar cap Precipitation
- Longterm variations of ICMEs and their geoeffectiveness
- Magnetic Field Draping Enhancement at Weakly Magnetized Bodies
- Magnetic Field Variation Effects on Electron Distributions at Mars: Comparisons of Theory and Data
- Magnetic Helicity Injection by Horizontal Flows in the Quiet Sun: II. Self Helicity Flux
- Magnetospheric Oxygen in the Magnetosheath as Observed by CIS Cluster
- Magnetotail Behavior Associated With `Sawtooth Injections' During the Magnetic Storm in April 2002
- Mapping RHESSI footpoints with potential-field models
- Matador 2002 Field Test: A Pilot Experiment on Heat and Aerosol Transport by Dry Convection and Dust Devils
- Mechanism for Generating Differential Motion of Minor Ions in the Solar Wind
- Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the Mid-Altitude Cusp
- Multipoint Observations of the Ion Isotropy/b2i Boundary:q
- New ionic structures observed in the equatorial Ring Current during CLUSTER perigee passes
- Observation of lower hybrid drift instability in the diffusion region at a reconnecting magnetopause
- Observations of Electron Holes and Their Relationship to Magnetic Reconnection
- Observations of Storm-Time Ion Injection and Loss Processes in the Ring Current
- Propagation of Cyclotron Maser Emissions in the Finite AKR Source Cavity
- Properties of Electric Fields Observed by Polar across Earth's Bow Shock
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Exterior Cusp Under Northward IMF, Cluster Multi Event Analysis
- Quantification of Charge in a Dust Devil based on its ULF Magnetic Signature
- RHESSI Gamma-Ray Line Spectroscopy of the X-class Flare of July 23, 2002
- RHESSI Hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the 2002 July 23 Solar Gamma-ray Flare
- RHESSI Observation of Atmospheric Gamma Rays from Impact of Solar Energetic Particles on 21 April 2002
- RHESSI Observation of an Occulted Hard X-ray Flare
- RHESSI Observations of Solar Hard X-ray Flares and the Relative Timing of Interplanetary Type III Radio Bursts
- RHESSI Observations of the Motion of Coronal Hard X-Ray Source in 9 July 2002 Flare
- Revisiting the Alfven-Parker Debate
- Solar Radiance Chain in the April 2002 Series of Flares
- Statistical Behavior of Proton and Electron Auroras During Substorms
- Statistical Study of Solar Impulsive Electron Events
- Structure of the Magnetic Field Fluxes Connected with Crustal Magnetization at Mars and the Effect of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Near Terminator Ionosphere: Mars Global Surveyor Observations
- Substorm Expansion Phases During Magnetic Storms in April 17-23, 2002: IMAGE FUV Observations
- The Distribution of Parallel Electric Fields along Auroral Flux Tubes
- The Duskside Low Latitude Boundary Layer as Seen with Cluster and FAST
- The Dynamic Evolution of Twisted Omega-loops in a 3-D Convecting Flow
- The Electrical Structure of Terrestrial Dust Devils: Implications of Multiple Vertical Measurements of the Electric Field
- The Global Development of Energetic Electron Precipitation During the Storm Sudden Commencement on September 24, 1998
- The Role of Middle Altitude Processes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Lessons from FAST
- The Source of Low Energy O+ in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The relation of sub-auroral electron and proton precipitation to plasmaspheric and magnetospheric conditions
- Two wave morphologies in SOHO/EIT - EIT waves and Moreton waves
- Wind Observations Pertaining to Current Disruption and Ballooning Instability during Substorms
- A Correlation Study for Substorm Injection Electrons in Relativistic Electron Events
- A Real-time Forecast Model for the Dst Index
- A scenario for three "homologous" CMEs from AR 8038 in May 1997
- A statistical study of the orientation, motion, and thicknesses of density and electric field structures observed by Cluster~II above the auroral accleration region
- A study of interplanetary propagation of solar impulsive ~1-100keV electron events
- Alfven Wave Aurora on the Polar cap Boundary:FAST/Cluster Observations
- Alfven wave produced auroras during substorms
- Alfvén Wave Modulation of Substorms and Outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Kinetic Features
- Alfvén wave modulation of Substorms and outflowing O+ ions Observed by Cluster: Bulk Parameter View
- An Evening Sector Ps 6 - Omega Band Event
- Association of north-south Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBI) orientation with plasma sheet flow direction and the IMF
- Characterizing Primary Photoelectrons in Mars' Ionosphere
- Cluster Electron Cusp Dispersions and IMAGE Proton Auroras as Evidence for Continuous Merging at the Magnetosphere
- Cluster Observations During a Slow Crossing of the Duskside LLBL and Conjugate Observations in the Topside Ionosphere with FAST
- Cluster Observations of Electromagnetic Waves in the Vicinity of a Reconnection X-Line at the High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Cluster Survey of the Occurrence of Poleward-of-Cusp Reconnection and its Dependence on the IMF
- Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions
- Comparing height profiles of the ionospheric electron density derived from remote sensing of UV- and X-ray emissions and from EISCAT radar data
- Comparison of Rice Field Model to Simultaneous Conjugate Auroral Images
- Conditions Governing High-Latitude Dayside Aurora During IMF B<SUB>y>0</SUB>
- Conjugate and Same-Scene Auroral Imagery
- Conjugate auroral observations under various interplanetary conditions
- Constellation Strategies of the THEMIS Mission From 2006 Through 2008 and Beyond
- Determination of the Short- and Long-Range Parallel Potential in the Downward Auroral-Current Region From FAST Satellite Data and Theory
- Determining the Origin of Structures Observed in Cusp Ion Dispersions: A Case Study Using Global Simulations and Simultaneous CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Subsolar Region Under Normal Dynamic Pressure: Wind Observations and Theory
- Electromagnetic waves and anomalous resistivity in magnetopause reconnection
- Electron Dynamics in Perpendicular Shocks
- Energetic and dynamic impact on the upper atmosphere during the April 2002 geomagnetic storm
- Evidence for Demagnetization of the Utopia Impact Basin on Mars
- Evolution and Characteristics of Global Pc5 observations of ULF waves During a High Solar Wind Speed Event.
- Exploring the particle-wave coupling during intervals of the distant upstream ion foreshock: up to the first Earth's Lagrange (L1).
- First Detection of Hard X-ray Emission From Solar Type III Radio Bursts
- Gamma-ray flare occurrence patterns
- Generation of Suprathermal Electrons by Resonant Interaction with Whistler Waves in the Solar Corona and Wind
- Global Characteristics of the Equatorial Anomaly of the low Latitude Ionosphere Observed by IMAGE/FUV
- Global Hybrid Simulation of the Solar Wind Interaction and the Mars Ion loss rates
- Global Images of a Traveling Convection Vortex Event
- High Leverage NASA Education & Public Outreach Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Homologous large-scale activity in solar eruptive events of November 24-26, 2000
- Hot-cold plasma interactions and the generation of transient dayside sub-auroral proton precipitation
- I+LCT: A Method for Determining Photospheric Flows from Magnetograms
- IMF control of the theta aurora and substorm onset location in the conjugate hemispheres
- Incorporating Vector Magnetic Field Measurements into MHD Models of the Solar Atmosphere
- Investigation of cusp dynamics with IMAGE-FUV
- Investigations into the Numerical Ages of post-Miocene Fluvial Landforms in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Large-Amplitude Parallel Electric Fields Associated With Inertial Alfven Waves
- Large-Scale Magnetic Field Inversions at Sector Boundaries and Their Relation to Coronal Mass Ejections
- Local Time Displacement of Substorm Expansion in Conjugate Hemispheres
- Local time propagation of electron and proton auroras in substorms
- Long-period Magnetic Pulsations Associated with Detached Proton Auroral Arcs
- Longitudinal, Seasonal, and Solar Activity Variations of the Electron Temperature and Density in the Low-Latitude Topside Ionosphere Observed by KOMPSAT-1
- MAXIS Balloon Observations of Electron Microburst Precipitation
- Magnetic Effects of Impacts on the Moon
- Magnetospheric and Auroral Activity during Sawtooth Events: Energy Flow Through the MIA system During Periodic Magnetospheric Disturbances
- Measuring Mars' Atmospheric Neutral Density from 160 to 320km altitude with the MGS Electron Reflectometer
- Mesoscale and semiglobal scale view of the ionospheric electrodynamics of auroral torches
- Multi-year analysis of FUV auroral images
- Multiple Balloon Campaign (MINIS) to Study MeV Electron Precipitation
- Multipoint Observations of Ionic Structures in the Plasmasphere by CLUSTER-CIS and Comparisons With IMAGE-EUV Observations
- Nature of the Solar Wind Electron Distribution Functions at 1 AU: Wind Observations.
- Near-Earth Magnetotail Reconnection and Plasmoid Formation in Connection With a Substorm Onset on 27 August 2001
- Non-thermal Coronal Hard X-ray Emission Observed During a Partially Occulted Flare
- Observational consequences of a magnetic flux rope topology
- Observations of Two-Component Upstream Ions by Cluster
- Observations of a sharp boundary between field-aligned beams and gyrating ions in the foreshock
- Observations of transient luminous events on the ROCSAT-2 satellite using ISUAL instruments*
- Optical Auroral Imaging Conjugate to the FAST Satellite
- Periodic magnetospheric substorms and their relationship with solar wind pressure variations
- Plasmaspheric Loss Estimates
- Polar Experiment Network for Geospace Upper-atmosphere Investigations (PENGUIn): A Vision for Global Polar Studies and Education
- Polar Study of Ion Outflow Versus its Energy Input
- Probing Ion Acceleration and Ambient Abundances in Solar Flares with RHESSI
- Pulsed Electric Fields at the Nightside Plasmapause
- RHESSI Microflares Statistics
- RHESSI Observations of Coronal Hard X-Ray Sources in August 2003 Solar Flares
- RHESSI Observations of High-Temperature Plasmas in Solar Flares
- Radial Evolution of the Non-thermal Character of Electron Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind
- Radiative Hydrodynamic Models of Solar White Light Flares
- Radio and Plasma Wave Science Opportunities Afforded by the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Return Current Region Aurora: Dayside Parameterization of Ion Conics and BBELF Activity at FAST Altitudes
- Science Opportunities with a Double-Langmuir Probe Experiment for the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter
- Search for Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes With the RHESSI Spacecraft
- Shock-Induced Proton Aurora: Five Case Studies
- Simultaneous Observations of Equatorial Plasma Depletion by IMAGE and ROCSAT-1 Satellites
- Solar Hard X-ray Bursts and Type III Radio Bursts
- Solar irradiance variation during rapid sunspot growth
- Stormtime Redistribution of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere and the Formation of the Plasmaspheric Bulge
- Stream Structure and Coronal Sources of the Solar Wind During the May 12th, 1997 CME
- Sun-Earth Day 2004: Venus Transit
- Temperature, Density, and Magnetic Field Reconstructions of Active Region Coronae
- Temporal Variability of Gamma-Ray Lines from the X-Class Solar Flare of 2002 July 23
- The Crustal Magnetic Signature of Hellas Planitia
- The Density Transition Scale at Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks - Hybrid Simulations
- The Magnetic Structure of CR1922
- The Non-flare Emisson Measure Above 5 MK Observed By RHESSI and SXI
- The Relationship Between Proton Aurora and Trapped Ion Flux as Seen by IMAGE
- The Solar MURI Project: Understanding Magnetic Eruptions on the Sun and their Interplanetary Consequences
- The THEMIS All-Sky Imager Array
- The X-ray source region of <SUP>3</SUP>He-rich solar energetic particle events
- The role of flux emergence as a driver of coronal mass ejections
- Timing of Substorm Signals in the Plasma Sheet and the Auroral Region
- Turbulent Magnetic Field Generation in Rotating Stars
- Two different approaches for the inner magnetosphere currents estimation: ion pressure measurements and the curlometer technique, using CLUSTER CIS and FGM data.
- Understanding Electron Heat Flux Dropouts
- Upper Atmosphere Temperature Effects of Energetic Electron Precipitation During Substorms
- Using backward design in NASA educational resources
- Variations of Solar Radius Observed with RHESSI
- Wavelength and decay scale of the density overshoot at collisionless shocks
- Wind Observations of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in the Distant Magnetotail
- Wind Observations of Whistler Waves in the Solar Wind at 1 AU and Their Role on the Regulation of the Electron Heat Flux.
- A Multiple Balloon Campaign to Study Relativistic Electron Loss Mechanisms
- A case study of relativistic electron events for their relationship to substorm injections and ULF powers
- A high-throughput, high-resolution spectrometer for mapping the heliopause and 3-D Solar Wind using He+ 30.4nm
- Afternoon Subauroral Proton Precipitation Resulting from Ring Current - Plasmasphere Interaction
- Airglow Observation from STSAT-1
- An investigation of thermospheric neutral density vs.O/N<SUB>2</SUB> during the Oct-Nov 2003 magnetic storms
- Auroral Undulations in the Afternoon/Dusk Sector Observed with the IMAGE FUV/Wideband Imaging Camera and Their Magnetic Connection to Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Boreal winter comparison of auroral images from Polar UVI and IMAGE FUV
- Characteristics of the Magnetosheath Electron Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF: Implications for High-Latitude Reconnection
- Characterization of Upstream Field-Aligned Beams by Cluster
- Cluster Survey of High Speed Bulk Flows and Field Aligned Beams in Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Cold Dense Plasma Sheet Formation During Northward IMF
- Comparative study of post-midnight ENA flux enhancements during the August 2000 and April 2002 storms
- Comparison between impulsive energetic electron events and <SUP>3</SUP>He-rich events
- Coronal Hard X-ray Emission in Occulted Flares
- Coronal Transequatorial Loops and Coronal Mass Ejections
- Correlation between Large-Amplitude Electric Field Signatures Observed by Polar and Cluster within the Terrestrial Plasma Sheet and Ground-Based Signatures of Substorm Onset
- Correlation between Low Frequency AKR and Auroral Structures
- Correlation of Far Ultraviolet Lunar Albedo with Solar Activity
- Current Structure and Motion of a Northward IMF X-Line
- Debye Length Structures and Slow Shocks in Earth's Reconnection Layer: Observations and Simulations
- Effect of different initialization methods on reconnection physics: A critical study using Hall MHD, hybrid, Hall-less hybrid and full particle simulations
- Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events on the Martian Surface and Atmosphere
- Electrodynamic coupling of fast flows to the high latitude ionosphere as evidenced by Cluster-Polar correlations.
- Electron Cyclotron Microinstability in the Foot of a Perpendicular Shock: a Self-consistent PIC Simulation
- Energy spectral characteristics of Electron Micro-bursts observed by the Korean STSAT-1
- Estimates of Production Rates for Comets C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) Derived from Polar UVI Observations
- Extreme Solar Wind Conditions and Extreme Response of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- FAST and Cluster observations of the cold, dense plasma sheet.
- FAST auroral DC electric field studies using ion data and fields data to provide the full DC E vector
- First results of the HIA instrument on the Tan Ce 1 Double Star near Equatorial Spacecraft
- Global Distribution of the Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in the Premidnight Sector During Solar Maximum as Observed by KOMPSAT-1
- Global Hybrid Simulations of Titan's Plasma Interaction During the Cassini TA Flyby
- Global distribution of TLEs based on the preliminary ISUAL data
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in the Dayside Aurora
- Imaging Three-Dimensional Heliosphere in EUV with Ultra-High Spectral Resolution
- Infrastructure and autonomy: a comparison of the new CGSM and THEMIS-GBO instrument arrays
- Investigation of Ion Beams in the PSBL using Cluster
- Ion Accelerating by Turbulent Electric Fields in High-Altitude Cusp
- Ion Acceleration in the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layers
- Ion-kinetic Mapping Between the Magnetotail and the Ionosphere
- Ionospheric Heating in Aurora: Observations
- Ionospheric Signatures of LLBL for Northward IMF
- Ionospheric Signatures of Plasma Injections in the Cusp Triggered by Solar Wind Pressure Pulses
- Kinetic Aspects During a Quasi-Continuous Reconnection Event Tailward of the Cusp: Cluster CIS Observations.
- Large Amplitude, Extremely Rapid, Predominantly Perpendicular Electric Field Structures at the Magnetopause
- Large Negative Lunar Surface Potentials
- Lessons from Sequences of SEP Heavy Ion Events Associated with Active Region Passages Across the Disk
- Lunar surface and atmosphere analysis through in situ pickup ions
- Magnetic Mapping of the Moon and Mars Using Electron Reflection Magnetometry
- Magnetic Oscillations at Mars During the October 2003 Solar Storm
- Magnetic Signatures of Martian Volcanoes: Evidence for a Second Dynamo Episode?
- Making An Impact With A Shoestring Through Partnerships
- Measuring Mars' Upper Atmospheric Density from 170-260km with Electron Reflectometry: Seasonal Response & South Polar Winter Warming
- Multi-Spacecraft Comparisons of Intense Activity at Low Auroral Latitudes During Major Geomagnetic Storms
- Multiplatform Investigation of the Role of Wave Accelerated Electrons in Magnetospheric Processes
- Nonthermal X-ray Microflares
- Observations of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet and Cusp Reconnection During Extended Periods of Northward IMF
- Observations of Earth's Bow Shock Structure from the First Chinese scientific Satellite, Double Star
- Observations of Sprites and Elves with the ISUAL Array Photometer
- Observations of ion velocity space holes associated with magnetic field fluctuations in the plasma sheet
- On shock strength and electric fields in the inner heliosphere
- On the Characteristics and Source Regions of Dayside Proton Precipitation
- On the Generation of Enhanced Sunward Convection and Transpolar Aurora in the High-Latitude Ionosphere by Magnetic Merging
- Overview of the ROCSAT-2 Satellite and ISUAL Instruments
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms II
- Oxidant Enhancement in Martian Dust Devils and Storms: I. Storm Electric Fields and Electron Dissociative Attachment
- Parallel Electric Fields and Double Layers in Downward Auroral-Current Regions from Theory and Satellite Data
- Partners and Networks in the THEMIS Education and Public Outreach Program
- Pc 1 Pulsations and Associated Ion Signatures Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft.
- Polytropic Index at the Bow Shock Inferred From Density and Field Compression
- Questioning common wisdom on issues of (i) cause of fast magnetic reconnection, (ii) origin and scale of quadrupole magnetic structure, and (iii) physical reality of Sweet-Parker regime
- RHESSI Observations of Gamma-Ray Lines From Solar Flares
- RHESSI Observations of Hard X-ray Footpoint Motions in Solar Flares
- RHESSI Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes
- Radiation and the Exploration of the Moon and Mars: Current Knowledge, Challenges, and Required Measurements
- Redistribution of the Stormtime Ionosphere and the Formation of a Plasmaspheric Bulge
- Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the flank magnetopause and their implications for the formation of the low-latitude boundary layer
- SEP Event Modeling for STEREO
- Saturn's A-ring Ionosphere as Observed by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- Scale-Invariance and Intermittency in the Solar Wind Alfvénic Turbulence: Wind Observations
- Search for Gas/Dust Escape From Phobos and Deimos Using MGS MAG/ER Observations
- Simultaneous Geotail and Wind Detections of Reconnection at the Subsolar and Flank Magnetopause
- Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields From Cassini Faraday Rotation
- Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure during Magnetic Storms and Its Implications on the Dayside Ring Current Particle Loss
- Solar Wind Modeling of Cassini-Approach Observations
- Solar X-rays and Energetic Electrons Escaping from the Sun
- Solar wind and IMF control of substorm onset
- Spectra of Solar Energetic Electrons in Flares and near Earth
- Sprite Imaging Results from the ROCSAT2 ISUAL Instrument
- Statistical Survey of the Properties of Gyrating Ions in the Earth's Foreshock
- Strongly Southward IMF Substorms, Dynamic Pressure Disturbances, and Null Events
- Structure of the Moon's Wake-Tail under different IMF conditions: Hybrid simulations
- Study of Cusp Structure and Wave Activity in Cusp Regions
- Substorms During Prolonged Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Sun-Earth Day: Growth and Impact of NASA E/PO Program
- Sun-Earth Scientists and Native Americans Collaborate on Sun-Earth Day
- The Boundary Layer in Transition: Structural Dependence On IMF Orientation
- The Connection Between Transpolar Arcs and the Recovery Phase of Substorms
- The Cusp Aurora in the Conjugate Hemispheres of the Earth
- The Effects of Hyperaridity on Soil Production and Transport on Hillslopes: Adapting Geomorphic Models in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The Halloween 2003 Storm's Effect on Trapped Electron Populations
- The Living with a Star (LWS) Sentinels Mission
- The Preferential Occurrence of Electrostatic Structures in Collisionless Reconnection
- The Solar Active Region Differential Emission Measure from 1 to 20 MK
- The Use of Wireless Sensor Networks in Soil Ecology
- The climatology of low-latitude ionospheric densities and zonal drifts from IMAGE-FUV.
- The correlation between Solar EUV Flux and Plasma Characteristics in the Low-Latitude Topside Ionosphere at Nighttime
- The hard X-ray spectral structure of flare ribbons
- The southern hemisphere ionosphere and plasmasphere response to the interplanetary shock event of 29 - 31 October 2003
- The spectral signature of transient luminous events (TLE, sprite, elve, halo) as observed by ISUAL
- The structure of the plasma sheet under northward IMF
- Transformation of a Mission Scientist to an E/PO Lead
- Transition from Substorm Growth to Substorm Expansion Phase as Observed with a Radial Configuration of ISTP and Cluster Spacecraft
- Turbulence and Dissipation in the Solar Wind: Wind Observations at 1 AU
- Use of Martian Magnetic Field Topology as an Indicator of the Influence of Crustal Sources on Atmospheric Loss
- Use of substorm onset observations by IMAGE-FUV for THEMIS ground-based system analysis
- Using global MHD simulations in conjunction with spacecraft observations to determine the large-scale topology of dayside merging
- Why Does the Plasma Depletion Layer Exist Near the Magnetopause?
- A Comparison of Waves in the Lower-Hybrid Frequency Range in Reconnecting Current Sheets in Space and the MRX
- A Hybrid Kinetic Model of Asymmetric Thin Current Sheets With Sheared Flows: Application to the Solar wind and Corona
- A Multi-Instrument Study of the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Magnetic Reconnection.
- A Search for Hard X-Ray Emission from the Quiet Spotless Sun
- A Study of the Temporal and Spatial Development of Substorm Expansion Phase Onset Signatures
- A radial diffusion simulation of energetic particles in ULF compressional fluctuations
- Blue jets, blue starters and other blue luminous events observed by ISUAL payload on the FORMOSAT-2 satellite
- Calculating Martian Auroral Emission including Strong Field Gradients and Accelerated Electron Spectra
- Cassini-Huygens Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer: Early Saturn and Titan Results
- Categories of Externally Triggered Substorms: Applications to Observable Plasma Sheet Dynamics and Sawtooth Events
- Characteristics of Sprites and Elves and Their Effect on the Upper Atmosphere
- Cluster Encounter of a Magnetic Reconnection Diffusion Region in the Near-Earth Magnetotail on September 19, 2003
- Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Cluster Observations of Pc 1-2 Waves and Associated Ion Distributions During the October and November 2003 Magnetic Storms
- Cluster and Double Star Observations of Earth's Bow Shock and Upstream Region
- Comparison of Global Electromagnetic and Particle Energy Flux Distributions in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- Comparison of Stream Interactions between Observation and ENLIL Model
- Control of the Equatorial Ionospheric Morphology by Atmospheric Tides: TIMED GUVI and IMAGE FUV Observations
- Detection of Subsurface Liquid Water Using Magnetotellurics on Mars
- Direct Detection of a Magnetic Reconnection Exhaust in a Current Sheet Embedded in the Magnetosheath Flow
- Direct Observation of Prompt Solar Flare Perturbation to Stratospheric Electrodynamics
- Earthward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Auroral Signature
- Effects of Auroral Precipitation on Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Effects of the January 16th-20th Solar Flares on the Fair Weather Global Electric Circuit.
- Electron Density Images of the Middle and High Latitude Magnetosphere in Response to the Solar Wind
- Elves spectrum based on the ISUAL photometric data
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Energetics of Electron and Ion Acceleration in RHESSI Flares
- FAST observations of perpendicular DC electric field structures in downward current regions : Implications
- Faraday Rotation Measurements Over Three Cassini Solar Conjunctions
- Field-aligned and Gyrophase-bunched Ion Beams in the Earth's Foreshock: "Pitch-angle" Wave Trapping
- Flux transfer event in the subsolar region and near the cusp: Simultaneous Polar and Cluster Observations
- GAIA - A Virtual Auroral Observatory
- Gamma-Ray Observations of the 2005 January 20 Solar Flare
- Gamma-ray Imaging of the 2005 January 20 Solar Flare
- Gigantic jet observation by the ISUAL payload of FORMOSAT-2 satellite
- Gloabl Distribution and Seasonal Distribution Variaion of Transient Luminous Events
- Global Hybrid Simulations: Discontinuities, Current Sheets, and Reconnection
- Global Hybrid Simulations: Nuts and Bolts
- Global Modeling of the Lunar Surface Electric Field
- Global Monitoring of Relativistic Electron Precipitation with Balloon Networks: MINIS and Beyond
- Global Simulations of Enceladus Interacting with Saturn's Magnetospheric Plasma
- HXR spectral evolution and SEP production in the January 2005 X-class flares
- Hard X-ray Emission From Coronal Electron Beams Associated With Type III Radio Bursts
- Heating of the Upper Atmosphere and the Expansion of the Corona of Titan
- High time resolution density measurements by Cluster at the Earth's bow shock
- Hyperarid Soils in the Atacama Desert: A Terrestrial Guide to Mars Soil Formation
- Initial Survey of Very Energetic Upstream Ions
- Inner Belt Energy Structuring by VLF Emitters
- Intense Alfven Waves With Compressional Mode Waves Well Within the Plasma Sheet During the Main Phase of the 21 October 1999 Major Storm and Comparison of Major Storm to Non-Storm Substorm PSBL Alfven Wave Events
- Investigating EMIC waves as a relativistic electron precipitation mechanism during the MINIS balloon campaign
- Investigation of Nuclear Gamma Ray Line Emission Associated with Lightning
- Ion Holes Observed in the Upstream Solar Wind
- Ionospheric Erosion by Alfven Waves
- Ionospheric convection observations following the solar flare of 20 January 2005 and during the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- Joint Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and Transient Luminous Events with RHESSI and ISUAL
- Key results from the first fourteen months of ISUAL experiment
- Late-phase hard X-ray emission from flares
- MINIS Balloon and RHESSI Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event
- MINIS Observations of MeV electron precipitation on January 21st 2005
- Magnetic Signature of the Utopia Impact Basin on Mars
- Magnetic and Optical Signatures of Pc 3-4 Waves in Relation to Wave Transmission at South Pole, Antarctica
- Magnetic data in the classroom using a sustainable Education and Outreach program
- Magnetic field topology and photospheric flow field at CME source regions
- Magnetospheric Electrons as a Source of Titan's Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Marnetic and Energy Characteristics in Two-Ribbon X-Class Flares
- Martian dust devil and storm electric fields: The formation of an O- plasma and new local chemistry
- Measurements of Free Magnetic Energy Flux Across the Photosphere
- Microphysics of Terrestrial Reconnection: Principles and Observations
- Microturbulence in the foot of a supercritical shock:evidence of electron cyclotron instability
- Multi-spacecraft observations of Solar energetic electron events
- Nature and Origin of the Electron Distribution Functions in the Slow and Fast Solar Wind at 1 AU: Wind Observations.
- Near Simultaneous Observations of the Aurora From FUV, Particle and Photometric Instruments on DMSP-F16, TIMED, and IMAGE
- New and revised observations of low frequency plasma waves at Mars
- Non-driven Reconnection as a function of guide field strength
- Observation of Auroral-like Peaked Electron Distributions at Mars
- Observations of Large Amplitude Electrostatic Waves Associated with Magnetic Ramp Substructure at Earth's Bow Shock by Polar
- Observations of the O, O2, and OH airglows by the ISUAL instrument onboard the FORMOSAT 2 satellite
- On the Closure Relations for Multimoment Fluid Models of the Long-Range Potential in Downward Auroral Current Regions
- On variation of outer radiation belt electrons and O+ ions in the inner magnetosphere during large magnetic storms: FAST observations
- Optical Auroral Observations at High Latitudes to Investigate Processes at the Foot of Magnetic Field Lines That Map Into the Interplanetary Medium
- Overview of the geomagnetic storm of 21 January 2005
- Particle and field characteristics of broadband electrons observed by the FAST satellite during geomagnetic storms
- Persistent Asymmetries in the Magnetic Field Near Mars
- Plasmoids Observed in the Near-Earth Magnetotail at X=-7 Re
- Polarization Properties of High Frequency Waves in Solar Wind and Electron Foreshock Regions: WIND Observations and Interpretation
- Pre-Impulsive Hard X-Ray Emission from Coronal Sources in X-Class Flares
- Probing upper thermospheric neutral densities at Mars using electron reflectometry
- Propagation of Field and Plasma Disturbances in the Magnetotail During Substorms: Case Study
- RHESSI X-ray and Gamma-ray observations of the January 20, 2005 event
- RHESSI observations of solar radius
- Relative Fluxes in Shock and Prompt Peaks in SEP Profiles
- Restructuring of Nightside Convection During Substorm
- STEREO-IMPACT E/PO: Getting Ready for Launch!
- Several Hundred keV electron precipitation measured by Korean satellite STSAT-1
- Simulation of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Escape from Unmagnetized Bodies
- Small-Scale Flow Structures Associated with a Near-Earth Substorm Onset Observed During a Radial Conjunction between Polar and Cluster
- Solar Energetic Particle Behavior in Near-Mars Space
- Solar Impulsive Electron Events and RHESSI Hard X-ray Emission
- Solar Wind Interaction With the Lunar Environment
- Solar Wind Interaction with Lunar Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Sources of Cold Dense Plasma Sheet:A Multi-Satellite, Multipoint Case Study
- Spectral characteristics of elves observed by FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL
- Spectroscopy of Gamma-ray Line and Hard X-ray/Gamma-ray Continuum Emissions in Solar Flares
- Stereoscopic observations of Coronal Hard X-ray flare emissions with Ulysses and RHESSI
- Structure of ion holes in the solar wind upstream of the bow shock
- Study of Waves and Hall Effect in Reconnecting Current Sheet in a Laboratory Plasma
- Substorm onset location and the Harang discontinuity
- Substorm onset observations by IMAGE-FUV: Southern Hemisphere 2003-2005
- THEMIS Ground Based Observatories
- THEMIS Orbit Design and Its Science Potential
- TRACE white light and RHESSI hard X-rays
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes: Statistical and Individual Properties from RHESSI
- The Distant Magnetotail Under Long Duration, Very Northward IMF Conditions: October 22-24, 2003
- The Effect of Hyperaridity and Boundary Conditions on Hillslope Soils and Geomorphology in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- The Effect of IMF By on Thermospheric Composition at High and Middle Latitudes
- The Impact of Shock Dynamic and Structure on Ion Reflection at the Quasi-Perpendicular Earths Bow Shock
- The Interaction of the Solar Wind With Mars
- The THEMIS mission approach to addressing the substorm question
- The Unusual Magnetic Signature of the Hadriaca Patera Volcano
- Theory and Simulations of Auroral Undulations Associated with Instabilities in the Dusk Sector Plasma Sheet
- Thin Current Sheets and Reconnection Onset in low Beta Plasmas
- Three-Spacecraft Detections of a Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Extending More Than 390 Earth Radii in the Solar Wind
- Topological evolution of dynamically emerging magnetic fields into the solar photosphere
- What RHESSI Annihilation-Radiation Observations Tell Us About The Flaring Solar Atmosphere
- Wind and ACE Detections of Extended Reconnection X-lines in Solar Wind Current Sheets
- A New Method for Determining Whether Reconnection Occurs at a Current Sheet
- A Passive Electromagnetic Sounder to Detect Subsurface Liquid Water on Mars: Methodology, Instrument Description, and Field-Test Results
- A Study of Pitch Angle Distributions for Six Solar Impulsive Electron Events
- Advanced Computer Modeling of the Lunar Plasma Environment in the Dynamic Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Advancing our understanding of impulsive SEP events via Inner Heliospheric Sentinels
- Alternative Paradigms Regarding Auroral Arc Currents, Substorms, Reconnection and Solar Flares
- Analysis of Cluster Observations of Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuations In a High Speed Flow Associated with Current Sheet Crossings in the Geomagnetic Tail
- Azimuthal Evolution of Substorm Exapansive Phase Onset
- BARREL: A Balloon Array for Monitoring Relativistic Electron Losses during the RBSP Mission
- BBF Plasmoid Observed by Cluster and Double Star Constellation
- Behavior of Currents in Density Holes
- Characteristics of TLEs observed by ISUAL/AP onboard FORMOSAT-2
- Climatically-Driven Changes in Bedrock Erosion Rate and Process on Semiarid to Hyperarid Hillslopes in the Atacama Desert, Chile
- Cluster Observations of Plasma Flow Reversal in the Magnetotail During a Substorm
- Cluster Spacecraft Survey of the Electric Field and Potential Well Structure of Multiple Current Sheet Crossings Near a Reconnection Region in the Tail on October 1, 2001
- Comets, solar storms, and the Martian ionosphere: Past and predicted blackouts of MARSIS radar returns
- Connecting Dusk-side Relativistic Electron Precipitation and Equatorial Electron Flux
- Contrasts Between Short- and Long-Term Erosion Rates in the NW Himalaya: Disequilibrium at 103 to 106-yr Time Scales
- Convection Responses to the CME Shock Fronts of 21 January 2005
- Core Field Generation Mechanisms in Flux Transfer Events
- Coronal particle trapping revisited
- Coupling of Solar Wind Triggers to the Release of Stored Magnetospheric Energy, including the Role of Preconditioning
- Density depletion and auroral arc formation associated with plasma sheet expansion during quiet global magnetospheric activity: A Cluster case study
- Detailed Examination of Ion Kinetics For Foreshock Density Holes
- Detailed properties of gyrating ion distributions produced by wave-particle interaction in the Earth's foreshock
- Detection of oppositely directed reconnection jets in a solar wind current sheet
- Detection of sprites and elves from space through the 762.0 nm filter
- Determining the magnetospheric convection electric field from lunar shadowing: Past, present, and future
- Dramatic Martian upper thermospheric neutral density decrease accompanying a solar energetic particle (SEP) event during the Halloween 2003 solar superstorm: atmospheric loss in action?
- Dynamics of Auroras Conjugate to the Dayside Reconnection Region.
- Dynamics of Nightside Detached Auroras
- Electrical properties of lightning discharges producing sprite streamers and halos measured with the ISUAL/array photometer and ELF magnetometers
- Electron Velocity Distribution Function in Magnetic Clouds in the Solar Wind
- Energetics and Dynamics of Bipolar and Multipolar CME Source Regions
- Evolution of Solar Wind Structures in the Inner Solar System
- Frequency/Spatial Scale Alfven Wave Component Comparison Between Simultaneous Polar and FAST Observations and Simulations and Evidence for Low Latitude Alfvenic Accelerated Electrons During Major Storms
- Generation of low-latitude red aurora during the initial phase of magnetic storm
- Global Heliosphere Imaging in EUV
- Growth of large electric fields at the outer edge of the outer radiation belt
- High Energy Solar Physics from Lunar-Based Observatories
- High Frequency Plasma Waves Associated With Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts: WIND/WAVES Observations
- How Does Free Magnetic Energy Enter the Corona?
- ICME polarity: it's origins and effects on the magnetosphere, and STEREO's potential for resolving key problems
- Impact of Space Weather on the Lunar Electrodynamic Environment.
- Interplanetary Type II Intensity Emission as a Function of the Heliospheric Position and Coronal Mass Ejection Speed
- Investigating Plasmasphere Location during Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events
- Larmor radius size density holes in the solar wind upstream of the bow shock
- Lunar Electric Fields: Observations and Implications
- Lunar Emissions, Electrons, and Dust (LEED): An Instrument for Assessment of the Hazards of the Dusty-Plasma/Surface Environment
- Magnetic Cloud Polarity and Geomagnetic Activities over Three Solar Cycles
- Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuation Spectra in the Solar Wind at 1 AU.
- Modeling longitudinal variations the low latitude ionosphere
- Multi-point observations of the Hall electro-magnetic field and secondary island formation during magnetic reconnection
- Multi-spacecraft Observations of a Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust Propagating into the Earth's Magnetosheath
- New Cluster results on foreshock field-aligned beams
- Nonlinear Evolution of the Upstream Edge of the Density Holes in the Solar Wind Upstream of the Bow Shock
- Observation of relativistic electron precipitation during a rapid decrease of trapped electron flux
- Occulted Hard X-ray Flare Observations with Sentinels
- Origin, Variability, and Consequences of the Martian Aurora
- Particle and field characteristics of broadband electrons observed by the FAST satellite during geomagnetic storms: A semi-statistical study
- Pc 1-2 waves observed in the high latitude plasma mantle and polar cap by Cluster
- Physics of Solar Wind and Terrestrial Magnetospheric Plasma Interactions With the Moon
- Pi1B pulsations and Alfvenic aurora at substorm onset
- Plasma Waves Associated With Density Holes Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Pre-Impulsive Hard X-Ray Emission from Coronal Sources in X-Class Flares
- Property of parent lightning discharges of elves
- RHESSI Innovation Technology and Resulting Scientific Advances
- RHESSI Microflare Statistics: Energy Budget
- RHESSI observations of the solar radius
- Radio Observatory for Lunar Sortie Science (ROLSS)
- Recent Observations With the ISUAL Instrument on FORMOSAT-2 Spacecraft.
- Reconnection in Thin Current Sheets and Coherent Dissipation in Intermittent Strong Space Plasma Turbulence
- Relativistic electron loss process by pitch angle scattering due to field curvature
- Role and Nature of Intermittency in Solar Wind Alfvénic Turbulence: Wind Observations.
- STEREO In-situ Data Analysis
- STEREO Model Rheometry
- STEREO Space Weather Sonification
- Saturn Magnetosphere Ion Erosion by Titan: Penetration and Loss of Water Group Ions in Upper Atmosphere
- Search for Long-Lived Radioactivity From Solar Flares With RHESSI
- Seasonal variation of the CG-induced sprites and elves
- Sensitivity of Titan's ENA emissions to incident ion flux and exospheric density
- Shock Surface Undulation and Particle Acceleration at Oblique Shocks
- Simultaneous Mars Express / MGS observations of plasma near Mars
- Solar Flares With two Hard X-ray Footpoints: a Statistical Survey
- Solar Radiation and Magnetospheric Electron Sources of the Ionosphere of Titan: Model Comparisons With Cassini Data
- Solar Wind and Geomagnetic Activity
- Solar neutron emission and propagation mechanisms for 2003 October 28 event
- Stardust (Comet) Samples and the Meteorite Record
- Stardust@home: An Interactive Internet-based Search for Interstellar Dust
- Statistical Study of Precipitating Auroral Ions
- Structure of the lunar wake: global hybrid simulations
- Substorm onset location and the Harang discontinuity
- The Descent of the Serpent: Using a Successful Ancient Solar Observatories Webcast from Chichen Itza to Highlight Space Weather Research
- The Distant Magnetotail Under Long Duration, Very Northward IMF Conditions: October 22- 24, 2003
- The Electric Field Wave Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probe Mission
- The Global Auroral Imaging Access (GAIA) VxO Program
- The Lunar Explorer for Elements and Hazards (LEEAH) Mission: Characterizing Lunar- Heliospheric Interactions for Both Science and Exploration
- The Nature of Magnetohydrodynamic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind as Determined from Four-Point Measurements of Magnetic Field and (Electron) Plasma Velocity on Cluster
- The Paradox of Lunar Magnetism.
- The Pitch-Angle Distribution Width Between 100 eV to 30 keV During Solar Electron Bursts
- The Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector and Stardust@home
- Traditions of the Sun, One Model for Expanding Audience Access
- Two-stream Ion Instabilities in the Auroral Zone
- UltraMAGNET: A Global Magnetometer Network for Space Physics Research
- Upward Propagating Tidal Effects Across the E- and F-Regions of the Ionosphere
- Using the World Wide Lightning Location Network to provide insight on elves detected by ISUAL
- Validation of the 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results with Voyager and Pioneer Data
- Windows on Martian dynamo history: electron reflection (ER) magnetic signatures and crater retention ages of basins and volcanoes
- A Study of Single and Multiple Onset Substorms
- A comprehensive statistical study of foreshock density holes
- A comprehensive view of the 13 December 2006 CME: From the Sun to the outer heliosphere
- A method for determining the drift velocity of plasma depletions in the equatorial ionosphere using far-ultraviolet spacecraft observations: initial results
- Advanced Computer Modeling of the Lunar Plasma Environment in the Dynamic Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Antarctic Ground-based Observations During Selected THEMIS Satellite Event Studies
- Auroral mesoscale structure and dynamics
- Azimuthal evolution of the aurora in tens of seconds around the expansive phase onset
- Behavior of solar wind energy flux near density holes upstream of the bow shock
- Broadband electrons during storm-time substorm: Simultaneous FAST and Double Star observations
- CME-driven Shock Simulations and Observations: Variability of SEP Abundances, Mechanisms, and Validation
- Comparing flare temperature distributions from RHESSI and from Hinode
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- Conjugate observations of ENA signals in the high-altitude cusp and proton auroral spot in the low-altitude cusp with IMAGE spacecraft
- Contribution of Sudden Solar Wind Compression to Substorm Triggering
- Coordinated THEMIS and ground-based magnetometer study of ULF wave excitation during a fast solar wind stream
- Dayside Magnetospheric Electric Field Observations from the THEMIS Electric Field Instrument
- Discovery of Very large Amplitude Whistler-mode Waves in the Outer Radiation Belt and Their Effects on Relativistic Particles
- Dynamic Response of the far Tail of the Earth Magnetosphere to IMF Changes and Magnetospheric Activity: a STEREO View
- Effects of the Martian crustal magnetic fields on the geographic distribution of energetic charged particles
- Eigenmode Structure in Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Electric Field and Density Measurements with STEREO-SWaves.
- Electrical Processes on Mars: New Sources and Sinks for Atmospheric Chemistry?
- Energetic Ion Precipitation at Titan
- Energetic Particles in the Quiet Corona
- Evidence for Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection at Mars
- Evidence for Recent Melting at the Base of the GISP2 Ice Core From Uranium-Thorium Disequilibrium Measurements
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm expansion onsets
- Feature Tracking of Hinode Magnetograms
- First THEMIS Results Concerning the Nature and the Role of the Electromagnetic Waves During Substorm Process Versus Radial Distance
- First results on impulsive SEP events from the STEREO IMPACT Suprathermal Electron (STE) Instrument
- Flux tubes in the solar wind from Cluster measurements
- Flux-rope Structure in the Ionospheres of Venus and Titan
- Global 3D Kinetic Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with the Moon and the Formation of the Lunar Wake-Tail
- Global Auroral Observations from Polar UVI during THEMIS Events
- Global inventory of precipitating populations during the 15-30 January 2005 long-duration flares and magnetic storms: Relative efficacy at ozone destruction
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - New Observing Capabilities for Space Weather Specification and Forecasting
- Goniopolarimetry of the inner heliosphere radio emissions with the STEREO Spacecraft
- Ground Based optical observations of the March 23, 2007 substorm event from Alaska.
- HINODE and RHESSI Observations of Partially Occulted Solar Flares
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in the Afternoon Aurora due to Solar Wind and IMF Variations
- Highly periodic activations observed by THEMIS prior to substorm onset
- Impulsive Flare Energy Transport by Large-Scale Alfven Waves and the Electron Acceleration Problem
- In-situ and Numerical Modeling Prospects for Multipoint ICME Observations Featuring the 22 May 2007 STEREO Event
- Interaction of the Bow Shock with a Tangential Discontinuity and Solar-Wind Density Decrease: Observations of Predicted Fast Mode Waves and Magnetosheath Merging
- Interplanetary Dust Clouds Near 1 AU Detected by STEREO
- Investigation of Ion Acceleration in Small RHESSI Flares
- Investigation of space and ground low-frequency particle and field oscillations during the 23 March 2007 substorm
- Investigation on Pi1 B pulsations using THEMIS ground-based magnetometers
- Ion acceleration and neutral emission mechanisms for 2005 September 7 flare
- Joint Fitting of the Gamma-Ray Spectrum and Neutron-Capture Line Decay Profile to Constrain Ion Acceleration in Large Flares
- Learning about the dynamic Sun through sounds
- Local Dynamic Response of the Magnetosphere to Solar Wind Variations: First THEMIS Case Studies
- Low Frequency Wave Aspect of Density Holes
- Lunar Surface Charging During Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Lunar atmosphere and surface analysis through in situ pickup ions
- Magmatic history of Martian highland volcanoes and Tharsis: clues from electron reflection magnetometry
- Martian Atmospheric Electricity and Global Circuit Driven By Dust Storms
- Measured constraints on the suprathermal electron temperature anisotropy in the solar wind
- Measurements of the phase speed of the solar wind turbulence at short wavelengths
- Modeling of Particle Acceleration and Transport in Gradual SEP Events Using the PATH Model
- Multi-point Data and Tools From STEREO's IMPACT Investigation
- Multi-scale and Multi-spacecraft Plasma Measurements in the Vicinity of an Quasi-periodic Magnetospheric Structures
- Multi-spacecraft THEMIS - Geotail observations of magnetosheath plasma penetration deep into the low-latitude dayside and nightside magnetosphere for equal northward and dawnward IMF
- Multipoint Analysis by STEREO and WIND of the Magnetic Cloud on May 21-23, 2007
- Multipoint Observations of Stream Interaction Regions
- New observations of electromagnetic waves in the boundary-layer from THEMIS
- Numerical Calculations of Relativistic Electron Drift Loss Effect
- OH and O(1D) Airglow measurements at 630 nm from FORMOSAT 2 satellite
- Observation and modeling of the injection observed by THEMIS and LANL satellites during March 23rd, 2007 substorm event
- Observational Evidence for Continuous Versus Intermittent Reconnection at the Magnetopause
- Observational evidence for an elongated (>50 ion skin depths) electron diffusion region during fast magnetic reconnection
- Observed Tail Current Systems Associated with Bursty Bulk Flows and Auroral Streamers During a Period of Multiple Substorms
- Occurrence and distribution of global TLE activities and their effects
- OpenGGCM Simulation of the March 23, 2007 Substorm Observed by THEMIS
- Origin Of The Pancake-Shaped And The Donut-Shaped Elves
- PENGUIn Observations of the THEMIS March 23, 2007 Substorm Event
- Parameterization of a cross polar cap potential decrease during a hard solar energetic particle event using the Hill saturation model
- Photospheric Flows and Flares/CMEs: A Progress Report
- Pickup Helium in the Inner Heliosphere: an Overview
- Plasma jets and FTE Dayside Generation for Northward IMF on 8 June 2007: THEMIS Observations
- Polar Spacecraft Observations of Intense Wave Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Probing the 2-D Geometry of CIRs at Solar Minimum: Observations From STEREO
- Production of energetic electrons and ions during magnetic reconnection
- Propagation Characteristics of Plasma Sheet Oscillations During a Small Storm
- Properties and Possible Causes of Low Latitude Broadband Accelerated Electron Events During Large Storms From FAST and Altitude Dependence of PSBL Alfven Waves From Polar
- RHESSI Hard X-ray Microflare Statistics
- Recent Plasma Observations Related to Dayside Magnetic Merging and the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- Reconnection initiated in the magnetosheath: Comparing hybrid simulations and Cluster observations
- Relation between electromagnetic waves and FTE's
- Relation of Substorm Onset to Local AL index
- Relationship between tail-current sheet activation and dayside magnetosphere
- Russian auroral and polar ionospheric disturbance magnetometers (RapidMag)
- STEREO observations of electron beams and Langmuir waves in the terrestrial electron foreshock
- Search for Thunderstorm Associated Nuclear Gamma Rays
- Simulations of the Ionospheric loss rate of Mars
- Solar Shape Measurements from RHESSI: A Large Excess Oblateness
- Solar Wind MHD Turbulence: Anomalous Scaling and Intermittency Effects in the Slow and Fast Wind
- Solar Wind Structure at Solar Minimum: 3D MHD Solar Wind Model Results Compared with STEREO and ACE Observations
- Solar Wind and IMF Control of the Recovery Phase of Substorms
- Solar Wind and Suprathermal Ion Populations at the STEREO Spacecraft Approaching Solar Minimum
- Sources of fast solar wind streams observed on STEREO and at L1
- Spatial Structure of Plasmaspheric Plumes Observed by THEMIS
- Statistical Comparison of Conjugate Auroras Seen From Space
- Statistics of Hot Plasmas in M/X Flares Using RHESSI Fe & Fe/Ni Line and Continuum Observations
- Stereo Triangulation of Solar Type III Radio Bursts
- Structure and Dynamics of the Inner Boundary of the Plasma Sheet: THEMIS Observations
- Student Involvement in THEMIS Research and Real-Time Data Collection
- Supercharging of the Lunar Surface by Solar Wind Halo Electrons
- Synoptic Views of the Solar Limb: RHESSI Radius and SOHO Images
- THEMIS Education and Public Outreach: Multi-point investigations of Earth's magnetic field changes from ground-based magnetometers by teachers and students
- THEMIS Multi-Spacecraft Survey of Reconnection and Flux Transfer Events at the Magnetopause
- THEMIS Observations of Mirror Mode Structures in the Magnetosheath
- THEMIS Orbits and Data at SPDF
- THEMIS observations of a Hot Flow Anomaly at the Earth's bow shock and its impact on the magnetosphere
- THEMIS overview, first results and near future
- Temporal Development of Auroral Acceleration Potentials: High-Altitude Evolutionary Sequences, Drivers and Consequences
- Testing a possible scenario for delta-spot formation
- The Auroral Acceleration Region: FAST Observations in the THEMIS Era
- The Fingerprint of Present and Past Rainfall on Soil Geochemistry
- The Impact of Climate and Boundary Conditions on Hillslope Erosion Rates in Northern Chile
- The Precipitation of Energetic ions into Titan's Atmosphere
- The relationship between sprite luminous intensity and electrical property of parent lightning discharges using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL data
- The source region magnetic conditions of solar eruption events observed by multi spacecraft
- Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields
- Transition From Cold, Dense to Hot, Tenuous Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail
- Understanding tansport of electrons in electron/He3 rich events using a direct Monte-Carlo approach
- Using Global MHD Models to Interpret STEREO Observations
- Using PEACE, FGM, and CIS Data from the Four Cluster Spacecraft to Measure Cross Helicity, Compressibility, and Vorticity in the Solar Wind
- Using THEMIS and ACE Data for Authentic Student Research Projects in the Secondary Classroom
- VLF EM signatures recorded by DEMETER at the time of ISUAL TLEs
- Variations of Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- Wave propagation and the formation of fine auroral structure: New constraints derived from high-speed imagery
- Waves near interplanetary shocks observed by STEREO
- What Isolated Foreshock Density Holes Tell Us
- What are the ionospheric signatures of magnetotail reconnection?
- What is There Before a Flare?
- X-ray Microflares with Hinode and RHESSI.
- 2-D MHD and Hall-MHD local simulations of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Ionopause of Mars
- A Comparison of Experiments and Large Eddy Simulations of Spherical Couette Flow in Liquid Sodium
- A RHESSI search for chromospheric evaporation in super-hot flares
- A Sensitivity Study Using ENLIL Solar Wind And Cone CME Model
- A Study of Auroral Energy Behavior During HILDCAA Events
- A Study of Pseudo Breakup Events in the Aurora Using Polar/UVI
- A two-spacecraft study of the Martian magnetic pileup boundary: Mars Express and Mars Global Surveyor observations
- Active Region Flux Dispersal
- Analysis of Suprathermal Events Observed by STEREO/PLASTIC
- Anomalous Flow Deflection at the Low Alfven Mach-Number Bow Shock and its Effect on the Magnetosphere
- Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Piggyback Test Flight
- Beam speeds and Langmuir wave growth in interplanetary type III bursts
- Bipolar electrostatic structures observed in the solar wind : comparative study between WIND/WAVES and STEREO/WAVES
- Boundary Condition Effects on Hillslope Form and Soil Development Along a Climatic Gradient From Semiarid to Hyperarid in Northern Chile
- Characteristic Features of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Characteristic Parameters of Drift-Vortices Coupled to Alfven Waves in an Inhomogeneous Space Plasma
- Characterization of ULF Pulsations by THEMIS
- Chemical Composition Measurement of Cosmic Dust from Impact Generated Plasmas
- Cold Dense Magnetopause Boundary Layer Under Northward IMF: Results From THEMIS and MHD Simulations
- Comparing ASPERA 3/4 Pick-up Ion Signatures at Mars and Venus
- Comparison of Non-Linear Force-Free Field Extrapolation with Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations
- Comparisons of Simulations With Space Observations of Asymmetric Magnetic Field Reconnection on Ion and Electron Spatial Scales
- Consequences of the Eigenmode Interpretation of Solar Wind Langmuir Waves
- Constructing a Data System to Support Analysis of the Whole Heliosphere Interval
- Counter-Streaming Beams and Flat-top Electron Distributions Observed with Langmuir, Whistler and Compressional Alfvén Waves in Earth's Magnetic Tail
- Cusp Injected Dispersive Ions as a Source for the Cold Dense Plasma Sheet: Simulation Results
- Deviations from the Frozen-In Condition during Substorm Dipolarizations
- Dispersive Ion Injection Signatures Observed at FAST Altitudes during Times of Northward IMF: Characteristics and Origins
- Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation (DREP) Versus Microbursts as the Dominant Loss Mechanism From the Outer Belt.
- Dynamic Motion of the Bow Shock and the Magnetopause and the Magnetospheric Response - THEMIS Observations
- Eigenmodes of Langmuir waves trapped into the density holes
- Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind MHD Turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves or Whistlers?
- Electron Cyclotron Waves in the Foot of a Supercritical Shock: Parametric Analysis
- Electrostatic coupling: STEREO/WAVES observations in the solar wind and Vlasov simulations.
- Energetic Oxygen Flux at the Moon
- Equivalent ionospheric currents from the GIMA, Greenland, MACCS, and THEMIS ground magnetometer arrays
- Evaluation of Whistler-Mode Chorus Intensification on the Nightside During an Injection Event Observed on the THEMIS Spacecraft
- Evidence for Co-existence of Outside-in and Inside-out Scenarios in Substorm on January 9, 2008
- Evidence for the Magnetic Trapping of Solar-Flare Ions from 1-8-MeV Solar Neutrons Detected with the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer
- Evolution of Inner Plasma Sheet Pressure Associated with Substorm Onset
- Exploring Magnetism: from Standards-based physical science concepts to cutting edge NASA research.
- Giant impacts on early Mars and the cessation of the Martian dynamo
- Global Kinetic Simulations of the Interaction between the Solar Wind and the Moon
- Global energy deposition and chemical effect by transient luminous events in the upper atmosphere
- Global properties of magnetotail current sheet flapping: A THEMIS case study
- Hard X-ray Emission From Partially Occulted Solar Flares
- Hybrid Simulations of ion Acceleration at Interplanetary Shocks: Decoupling From the Wave Turbulence on Large Scales and Resulting Flux Profiles
- In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Energetic Particle Acceleration in Near-Earth Space
- Interaction of a Magnetized Plasma With an Unmagnetized Planet: A Tale of Two Spacecraft
- Ion Acceleration During Magnetic Reconnection
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind at 0.3 and 1 AU
- Ion temperature drop and quasi-electrostatic electric field on edge of the current sheet minutes prior to the local current disruption
- Joint Fitting of the Gamma-Ray Spectrum and Neutron-Capture Line Decay Profile and Normalization to Constrain Ion Acceleration in Large Flares
- Kinetic Alfven wave turbulence and transport through a reconnection diffusion region
- Langmuir Waves Upstream of Interplanetary Shocks: Dependence on Shock and Plasma Parameters
- Lessons Learned from the THEMIS Major Conjunction on January 5, 2008
- Lion roar emissions observed by the CLUSTER and THEMIS spacecraft
- Longitudinal association between magnetotail reconnection and auroral breakup based on Geotail and Polar observations
- Low Latitude Ionosphere Measurements by the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Lunar Potential Determination Using Apollo-Ear Data and Modern Measurements and Models
- Lunar Surface Charging in the Magnetotail
- MINIS Observations During the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 January 2005: ULF Waves
- Magnetic Island Formation Between Large-Scale Flow Vortices at an Undulating Post- noon Magnetopause for Northward IMF
- Martian Ionospheric Loss Rates: Now and Then
- Meteorological aspects of elves and jets
- Modeling of Solar Radiation Belts
- Modeling variability in the night side ionosphere of Mars
- Multi-spacecraft Recovery of a Magnetic Cloud and its Origin From Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun
- Multisatellite Observations of Interplanetary Field Enhancements
- Multispacecraft observations of broadband electrons during geomagnetic storms
- Neutral Ion Coupling Explorer satellite measurements of thermospheric composition, winds and temperatures.
- Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Modeling of the Solar Corona: A Critical Assessment
- Observation of Large Plasmoids Removing Atmosphere From Mars
- Observational Study of Particle Acceleration in the 2006 December 13 Flare
- Observational test of the ideal MHD frozen-in condition for bursty bulk flow /dipolarization events in the near-Earth tail
- Observations of Turbulence Generated by Magnetic Reconnection
- Online Analysis for STEREO's IMPACT Investigation: Lessons Learned
- PFISR observations of the nightside Region-2 electrodynamics during substorm growth and expansion phases: preliminary results
- Periodic Dipolarizations in the Near-Earth Magnetotail Observed by Cluster
- Planetary Electrochemical Effects
- Plasmoids for multiple-onset substorms observed by the Japanese lunar mission Kaguya
- Polar UVI and THEMIS GBO Observations of the Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Response to a Hot Flow Anomaly
- Polar spacecraft measured evolution of large scale and Alfvenic Poynting flux during major geomagnetic storms in the inner magnetosphere
- Preliminary evidence for enhanced solar wind-magnetosphere energy transfer during periods of Alfvénic IMF
- Pressure Change Associated with Dipolarization in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Proton Auroral Emissions without Electron Auroral Emissions in Long-lasting Complex Substorms
- Quasi-Stable Storm Reconnection Region
- RHESSI Observations of Facular Limb Darkening at 670 nm
- RHESSI/GOES Xray Solar Flare Multitemperature plus Power law Spectra
- Radial profile of the storm-time convection electric field in the equatorial magnetosphere: THEMIS observations
- Recent Observations of Titan's Suprathermal Corona
- Reconnection-Driven Changes of the Open-Closed Coronal Magnetic Field Boundary
- Relationship between a CME-driven shock and a coronal metric type II burst
- Relativistic electron loss; ULF waves and enhanced outward radial diffusion
- STEREO ICMEs and their Solar Source Regions Near Solar Minimum
- STEREO Observations of Heliosheath ENAs in 2008
- STEREO Observations of the Earth's Quiet-Time Ring Current using Energetic Neutrals
- STEREO multi-spacecraft investigation of solar wind electron halo depletions at 90° pitch angle
- Sergeev, V
- Simultaneous Observation of FUV Aurora with Precipitating Electrons on STSAT- 1
- Solar wind energy transfer into the magnetosphere during a substorm event as seen near the polar cusp boundary: a case study
- Spatial Distribution of Dense Plasma in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and its Transport Into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Relationships Between WL/UV Continuum and hard X-ray Footpoints in Solar Flares
- Statistical properties of the multiple ion band structures observed by the FAST satellite
- Statistical study on the characterization of ULF Pulsations in the Inner Magnetosphere by THEMIS
- Storm-Dependent Radiation Belt Electron Dynamics
- THEMIS Observation of a Substorm Event on 4:35, Feb 22, 2008
- THEMIS Observations of Current Sheet Flapping
- THEMIS Observations of Electrostatic Waves in Context with Ion Foreshock Plasma Structures
- THEMIS Observations of the Wavy Variations in the Plasma Velocity at the inner edge of the Low-Latitude Boundary Layer
- THEMIS burst mode observations of reconnection and flux ropes in the magnetotail current sheet: Sites of energetic electron production
- Tail Reconnection Triggering Substorm Onset
- Taiwan Ascii and Idl_save Data Archives (AIDA) for THEMIS
- Teacher Professional Development Site and Community College Course: Lessons learned from an institutional NASA ROSES E/PO supplement
- Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Solar Wind Bulk Properties from STEREO SWEA/PLASTIC by Multi-Spacecraft Analysis
- The CME-ICME Connection and Interplanetary Structure During Solar Minimum
- The Effect Of Fast And Slow Solar Wind On The Venusian Upper Atmosphere.
- The Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events on the Lunar Plasma Environment
- The Effects of Variable Upstream Conditions on Titan's Plasma Interaction
- The Electric Field and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Mission: Investigating the Physical Mechanisms of Energetic Particle Acceleration in the Inner Magnetosphere
- The Electrical Environment of the Moon
- The Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS)
- The Global Photospheric Temperature Field
- The IYA and the Sun-Earth Connection
- The Microflare Height Distribution
- The Plume Ionosphere of Enceladus as Seen by the Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer
- The Whole Heliosphere Interval: Campaign Summaries and Early Results
- The coupling of tail fast flows to ionospheric flow signatures and their relationship to substorm onset
- The magnetotail implications of optical observations of the brightening substorm aurora
- Themis Observations of Long-lived Regions of Large-Amplitude Whistler Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Thin current sheet in the substorm late growth phase: THEMIS observations
- Timing and localization of near-Earth tail and ionospheric signatures during a substorm onset.
- Titan's Plasma Interaction: New Perspectives from the Cassini Flybys
- Unequal compression of the geomagnetic field by the solar wind
- Voltage Pulses on STEREO/WAVES: Nanoparticles Picked-up by the Solar Wind?
- What Is "Authentic" Anyway?
- What determines and how to distinguish different magnetotail dynamical modes?
- "Discoveries in Planetary Sciences": Slide Sets Highlighting New Advances for Astronomy Educators
- 3D simulation of flux emergence from convective zone to corona with BATSRUS
- A Statistical Study of Spectral Hardening in Solar Flares and Related Solar Energetic Particle Events
- A statistical study of the inner boundary of the electron plasma sheet: Boundary location, its variation with geomagnetic activity, and evidence for saturation of the cross tail potential
- Access of the near-Earth electron plasma sheet to the inner magnetosphere seen by THEMIS
- Alfven/Ion-Cyclotron Waves Observed on the Earthward Side of a Solar Wind Reconnection Exhaust?
- Analysis of Photoelectron Observations on the Strong Crustal Field Lines at Mars
- Analysis of auroras caused by precipitation of high energy electrons
- Anisotropy signatures of solar energetic particle transport along perturbed regions beyond 1 AU
- Anomalous Magnetosheath Flows and Distorted Subsolar Magnetopause for Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Fields
- Are Unusual Solar Wind Conditions in SC23-24 Triggering Changes in the Geospace Response to High Speed Streams? (Invited)
- Auroral Small-and Meso-Scale Structures, Origin and Function
- Auroral poleward boundary intensifications, their associated tail dynamics and ionospheric flows (Invited)
- Average properties of magnetic reconnection ion diffusion regions in the Earth’s magnetotail: 2001 - 2005 Cluster observations and comparison with simulations
- Boundary layer plasma flows from high-latitude reconnection in the summer hemisphere for northward IMF: THEMIS multipoint observations
- CASCADES-II sounding rocket study of auroral poleward boundary intensifications
- CINEMA (Cubesat for Ion, Neutral, Electron, MAgnetic fields)
- Characteristics of CME Propagation in STEREO HI View
- Cluster- and Ground-Based Observations of Pc 1-2 waves Poleward of the Cusp
- Comparing Solar Flares With and Without Proportional Acceleration of >~20 MeV Protons and Electrons Above Various Energies
- Continuous Characterization of Growth Phase Using Ground Optical and Magnetic Data
- Cosmogenic 10Be Depth Profile in top 560 m of West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide Ice Core
- Data-model comparisons of the nightside ionosphere of Mars: joint constraints on neutral densities and electron temperatures
- Density Gradients at and Near the Plasmapause
- Dependence of CME Propagation on Parameters of the Ejecta and Ambient Solar Wind
- Dipolarization Fronts, Bursty-Bulk Flows and Their Association With North-South Aurora and Substorm Onsets
- Dissipation Region Structure in Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
- Dual Observations of Interplanetary Shocks Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
- Dual Reversed Convection and Magnetospheric Reconfiguration Under Strongly Northward IMF Conditions (Invited)
- Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation in the SAMPEX data set from 1992-2004
- Dynamical and Magnetic Field Time Constants for Titan’s Ionosphere - Empirical Estimates
- Dynamics of Particles Associated With Nonlinear Development of Shock-like Structures in the Solar Wind
- Effects on the Martian Plasma Environment during CMEs
- Energetic Electron Probes of Magnetic Cloud Topology
- Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging of Earth's Ring Current with STEREO/STE from low altitude and latitude
- Energy Deposition by Energetic Protons in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars
- Escape probability of Martian atmospheric particles: controlling effects of the electromagnetic fields
- Evaluation of Force Balance around Sharp Dipolarization Fronts within Bursty Flows
- Evolution of flows and fields from the reconnection region to the inner edge of the plasma sheet
- First In-Situ Observation of Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices under Southward IMF with Evidence of Reconnection
- Flow vortices inside the magnetopause associated with FTEs moving along the magnetopause
- Fluctuation of the Martian ionosphere observed by Mars Express ionospheric sounding
- Go With the Flow: The Reductionist View of Geospace at the System Level (Invited)
- Heating of low energy electrons in the boundary layer at the interface between magnetosphere and magnetosheath
- Hemispheric Asymmetries in Substorm Recovery Time Scales
- High Resolution Imaging of Solar Flare Footpoints in White Light and Hard X-rays
- How strong are lunar crustal magnetic fields at the surface? Considerations from a reexamination of the electron reflectometry technique
- Hybrid Simulations of Titan's Plasma Interaction
- Hybrid Simulations of Venus
- Incorporating Magnetogram Data into Time-Dependent Coronal Field Models
- Insights into Nightside Auroral Electron Precipitation from FAST Observations Including Evidence of Alfvénic and Inverted-V Acceleration at Low-Latitudes During Large Storms
- Ionization of the Lower Martian Atmosphere by Bursts of Astrophysical Gamma-rays
- Ionospheric conductivities at planets and planet-like bodies without internal magnetic field
- Large electric fields near the nightside plasmapause observed by the Polar spacecraft
- Latitude-Dependent Temperature Variations at the Solar Limb
- Localized Dayside Proton Aurora in the Polar Cap
- Low Mach Number Collisionless Shocks in the Interplanetary Plasma Laboratory (Invited)
- Lunar Neutral Exosphere Properties from Pickup Ion Analysis
- MGS nighttime observations of bi-directional electron conics over the moderate crustal magnetic sources on Mars
- MINIS Observations of ULF Waves Before the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 January 2005
- Magnetic topology of the magnetopause and low-latitude boundary layer deduced from THEMIS high-resolution electron and ion measurements
- Mapping energy flux of precipitating particles and comparing to ground observations
- Mapping the Sun's Atmosphere Into Interplanetary Space: How Recent Changes in the Solar Dynamo are Affecting the Solar Wind Around Us (Invited)
- Mass spectra of organic and inorganic dust particles measured by an impact ionization mass analyzer instrument
- Microscale properties of Langmuir waves observed by STEREO and CLUSTER inside solar wind magnetic holes
- Mirror Mode Stuctures Detected by THEMIS in the Near-Earth Midnight Tail Plasma Sheet
- Model of electromagnetic signals of Electron phase-space Holes observed by THEMIS
- New Observations of Earth's Bow Shock
- Observations of relativistic electron precipitation during the 2009 Valentine's Day Storm: Results from the first BARREL test flight
- Particle Acceleration Through Self-generated Waves in a Coronal Shock: The Effect of Shock Obliquity and Pre-heated Particle Populations
- Particle Acceleration and Multi-island Coalescence in the Magnetotail
- Plasma Sheet Thickness During A Bursty Bulk Flow Reversal
- Polar Spacecraft Evidence at 2 Re Geocentric Distance for Alfvenic Poynting Flux as an Energy Source for the Quasi-static Parallel Electric Field Acceleration of Auroral Electrons and Up-flowing Ion Beams in the Auroral Acceleration Region
- Polar and FAST spacecraft measured evolution of time varying, field aligned Poynting flux and FAST electron kinetic energy flux during major geomagnetic storms in the inner magnetosphere
- Poynting flux of oblique whistler waves observed in front of a high mach number quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock
- Properties of the Magnetopause Deduced by Multi-Scale, Observations: Cluster, Themis, Double Star
- Protons precipitation onto the Martian atmosphere: Mars Express observations
- RHESSI Observations of Photospheric Backscattering of Solar Flare X-rays
- RHESSI and TRACE Observations of Emerging Flux Reconnection in a Solar Jet on August 21, 2003
- STEREO observations of mirror mode trains and storms
- Science Education and Public Outreach Forums (SEPOF): Providing Coordination and Support for NASA's Science Mission Directorate Education and Outreach Programs
- Seeing the Invisible: Educating the Public on Planetary Magnetic Fields and How they Affect Atmospheres
- Sensitivity Degradation of the ISUAL instruments and its impact to the observations
- Simultaneous observations of the dayside magnetosphere by Auroral Imaging and by the THEMIS satellites. (Invited)
- Solar Wind Density Turbulence: 7.7 Hz to 185 Hz
- Solar Wind Energy Input and the Response of the Magnetotail During Geomagnetically Disturbed Times
- Solar Wind Structure at 1 AU: Comparison between Solar Minima 22/23 and 23/24
- Solar flare electrons at the Sun and near the Earth. Insights from interplanetary transport simulations
- Solar wind influence on Pc4 and Pc5 ULF wave activity in the inner magnetosphere
- Space Weather Influence on High Energy Pick-up Ions at Venus
- Spatial localization of Langmuir waves generated by a suprathermal electron beam propagating in the solar wind
- Statistical Study of Flux Ropes in the Martian Upper Atmosphere
- Statistical study of ionospheric ion beams observed by CLUSTER above the polar caps
- Stream Interactions in STEREO and THEMIS Data and Resulting Geomagnetic Activity
- Substorm Onset by New Plasma Intrusion 4: SuperDARN-THEMIS ASI-POES Observations
- Substorm Triggering by New Plasma Intrusion 1: THEMIS All-Sky Imager Observations
- Substorm auroral asymmetries in the conjugate hemispheres during onset and expansion phase
- Sun to 1 AU Propagation of a Slow Streamer-Blowout Coronal Mass Ejection
- Superposed epoch analysis of storm-time electric fields in the inner magnetosphere
- THEMIS Analysis of Observed Equatorial Electron Distributions Responsible for Chorus Excitation
- THEMIS Observations of A Series of Hot Flow Anomaly Events
- THEMIS Observations of Double Layers in Plasma Sheet
- THEMIS Observations of Field Line Resonance Excitation in Responce to a Solar Wind Pressure Pulse
- THEMIS Observations of the Occurrence of Magnetic Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause during Solar Minimum 23: Implications for low rate of Solar Wind Entry into the Magnetosphere
- THEMIS ground-space observations during the development of auroral spirals
- THEMIS observations of current-carriers in the vicinity of sharp dipolarization fronts in the magnetotail
- TRIO (Triplet Ionospheric Observatory) Mission
- Tail Flapping Followed by the Dipolarization Front During a Flow Burst Event
- Temporal development of field-aligned current systems near and within the plasma sheet boundary layer observed by Cluster
- Temporal modulations of the longitudinal structure in F2 peak height in the equatorial ionosphere as observed by COSMIC
- The 762nm emissions of sprites
- The Focusing Optics Solar X-ray Imager (FOXSI)
- The Martian night-side ionosphere observed by Mars Express ionospheric sounding
- The McClymont Jerk: A driver of solar seismicity
- The Pitch-Angle Distribution Width Between 100 eV to 500 keV During the Solar Electron Burst of 2002 March 22
- The Zebra Stripes of the Atacama Desert: Geomorphic Evidence of Quaternary Climate Changes
- The potential of THEMIS satellite and ground-based measurements for data mining
- Three-dimensional equatorial spread F modeling:Zonal neutral wind effect
- Time Series Analyses of Transient Luminous Events and Lightning at a Few Selected Geographic Regions
- Timing of a Substorm Event at ~07:13UT, Jan 29, 2008
- Two-Stage Model of Solar Flare Particle Acceleration: Processes and Scales of Energization in low-beta Reconnection
- Ulysses/GRB Measurements of Hard X-Ray Flares on the Far Side of the Sun
- Wavemode identification in the dissipation/dispersion range of solar wind turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves and/or Whistlers? (Invited)
- Waves associated with interplanetary shocks driven by stream interactions
- What is the relationship between photospheric flow [|#12#|]fields and solar flares?
- "Discoveries in Planetary Sciences": Slide Sets Highlighting New Advances for Astronomy Educators
- 0.5 - 165 MeV proton and 102 - 312 keV electron injections during the 2006 December 13 SEP event
- A "black light flare" observed by HMI?
- A Step Toward Physics-Based Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates: Measurements of High-Energy Neutron Cross Sections
- A new and improved description of the Martian magnetic crustal field using both MGS-MAG and MGS-ER measurements
- A statistical study of the THEMIS satellite data for plasma sheet electrons carrying auroral upward field-aligned currents
- AIA observations of a flare/CME system in conjunction with X-ray and radio data
- An Accurate Solar Wind Electron Database From the 3DP Experiment Onboard the Wind Spacecraft
- Aurora and its Relations to Interplay of Large and Mesoscale Flow Structures of the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
- Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Development in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet Soon Before Substorm Onset
- Boundary layer processes in the Martian magnetosphere
- CMEs at Earth and Mars
- Cluster Observations of Band-Limited Pc 1 Waves Associated with Streaming H+ and O+ ions in the High-Latitude Flank Plasma Mantle
- Comparison of Hybrid Particle Code Simulations Of Venus and Mars
- Density Holes Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock (Invited)
- Detection of Field-Aligned Current Signatures in Martian Auroral Regions
- Differences between N-S arc sequences that do and do not lead to substorm expansion onset
- Discovery of Interstellar Dust Candidates in Stardust aerogel collectors through Stardust@home (Invited)
- Does a Planetary-Scale Magnetic Field Enhance or Inhibit Ionospheric Plasma Outflows?
- Electric jets following the occurrence of sprites
- Electron Acceleration by Multi-Island Coalescence
- Electron Flux Modeling in the Enceladus Plume
- Electron Scale Structure of Magnetic Holes in the Plasmasheet
- Electron- and Ion-optical Simulations for The SupraThermal Electron, Ion, and Neutral (STEIN) Sensor for Solar Orbiter
- Empirical Cross-satellite Calibration of THEMIS SST Measurements Based on Electron Phase Space Density Conjunctions
- Energetic electron precipitation caused by wave particle interactions
- Energetic neutral atom mapping of heliosphere boundaries using STEREO/STE observations
- Energy release and transport in the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorms: THEMIS observations
- Evidence for Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation in the SAMPEX data set in the bounce loss cone
- Evidence for a flux transfer event generated by multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- Extreme Space Weather at Venus and Mars: What We Know and Don't Know (Yet) (Invited)
- Far Tail (255 Re) Fast Response to Very Weak Magnetic Activity
- Fast Solar Wind Streams From the Sun to 1 AU During the Recent Solar Minimum
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes in the Near-Earth Tail
- Flow vortices inside the magnetopause associated with FTEs moving along the magnetopause: observations and an MHD simulation
- Generation of electric currents in the chromosphere via neutral-ion drag
- Global views of energetic particle precipitation and their sources: Combining large-scale models with observations during the 21-22 January 2005 magnetic storm (Invited)
- Goldilocks and the Three Planets
- High Speed Stream Activity in an IMF-By magnetosphere (Invited)
- Hot Flow Anomalies: Explosions at the Earth's Bow Shock
- How do rocks of very different properties erode at the same rate: Erosion rates of the Quadrilatero Ferrifero escarpment, Brazil, derived from cosmogenic nuclides
- Hybrid Model Simulations Of Titan's Plasma Interactions
- Identification of Quasi-Static Potential Structure (Inverted-V) and Aflvenic Auroral Acceleration and the Ambiguity of ``Broadband Acceleration'' (Invited)
- Identification of substorm onset location and pre-onset sequence using Reimei, THEMIS GBO, PFISR and Geotail (Invited)
- Identifying the Driver of Pulsating Aurora using THEMIS
- Impact demagnetization at the moon and Mars: new results from hydrocode simulations and multiple altitude magnetic field data
- Inductive Electric Fields in the Inner Magnetosphere during Goemagnetically Active Periods
- Inflow Density Influence on Magnetotail Reconnection
- Initiation and Evolution of Corotating Interaction Regions
- Interactions Between the Early Martian Dynamo, Surface Water, Atmosphere and Solar Wind
- Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere (Invited)
- Ion Density Holes observed by Cluster satellite: Electromagnetic PIC Simulation
- Kelvin Helmholtz driven vortices on the dayside magnetopause- single spacecraft detection using Double star 1
- Large electric fields observed at the nightside plasmapause
- Lessons Learned from Cosmic Serpent, a professional development project for informal educators on science and native ways of knowing
- Lobe Reconnection as a Source for the Cold Dense Plasma Sheet, Results from FAST and Cluster
- Localized Dayside Proton-induced Auroral Emissions in the Cusp and Polar Cap
- Longitudinal Spread of Protons from the Decay of Solar Flare Neutrons
- Loss time scales of plasma sheet electrons in the morning side: Analysis based on THEMIS observations
- MHD Wave Propagation And The Ionospheric Signatures Of Fast Plasma Sheet Flows (Invited)
- Magnetic Evolution for Recurrent Intense Flares and Extremely Fast CMEs
- Magnetic field structures on ion gyro-radius scale across the magnetopause
- Mars Global Surveyor measurements of solar storms and their effects
- Midnight Sector Observations of Auroral Omega Bands
- Modeling Mars' Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Modeling ionospheric ions encountered by Venus Express and implications for atmospheric escape measurements
- Multi-point Connectivity Analysis of the May 2007 Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Multi-temperature Observations of Solar Microflares using RHESSI and SDO/AIA
- Multipoint Observation of Fast Mode Waves Trapped in the Dayside Plasmasphere
- Non-monotonic potentials above the lunar surface: implications for electron reflectometry measurements
- Nonlinear Steepening of Shock-like Structures in the Solar Wind: Wave-Particle Interaction
- Observation of relativistic electron microbursts in conjunction with intense radiation belt whistlers
- Observations of extended magnetic reconnection X-lines at small field shear angles (or large guide field) in the solar wind
- Occurrence of Transient Luminous Event and Lightning during El Niño and La Niña
- On tether-cutting reconnection in sheared coronal arcades
- On the Cause of Magnetotail Transients and Their Ionospheric Signatures
- On the role of scientists and scientific organizations: A question of leadership
- Oscillatory braking of BBFs and associated ionospheric response (Invited)
- Particle Acceleration at the Sun (Invited)
- Physical characteristics of TLEs inferred from ISUAL observations (Invited)
- Polar Spacecraft Analysis of Poynting Flux and Kinetic Energy Flux Measurements at Different Structures within and above the Auroral Acceleration Region and Their Comparison to Space-based Images (Invited)
- Polar, DMSP, and FAST spacecraft-based investigation of the evolution of high altitude, night side, wave Poynting flux as an energy source for low-latitude auroral electron acceleration during major storms
- Precursor activation and substorm expansion associated with observations of a dipolarization front by Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms (THEMIS)
- Probing flare temperatures using AIA dispersion effects and RHESSI imaging/spectroscopy
- Reconstructing CMEs with Coordinated Imaging and In Situ Observations: Global Structure, Kinematics, and Implications for Space Weather Forecasting
- Remote observations of the Auroral Acceleration Region (Invited)
- Research in the Classroom with the WISE Mission (Invited)
- Response of the low and mid-latitude ionosphere to the forcing by the quasi-three day wave in the equatorial thermosphere during January 2010 from both ground and space-based observations
- Results from the first lunar-wake flyby of ARTEMIS on wake potential, electron beams, and electrostatic waves
- SDO and RHESSI Observations of Microflares
- STEREO SWEA Observations of Solar Wind Halo Electron Anomalous Heat Fluxes and their Organization by Solar Wind Structure
- STEREO observations of waves associated to interplanetary shocks driven by stream interactions
- STEREO/IMPACT Observations of Foreshock Electrons from 10 eV-100 keV
- Signal Strength and Bandwidth for Magnetotelluric Sounding of the Interior of the Moon
- Simulation of Flux Emergence in Solar Active Regions
- Simulation of the longitudinal splitting of the nightside proton aurora during a substorm seen by the IMAGE spacecraft
- Solar Observations with the Allen Telescope Array
- Solar Wind Electron Thermodynamics
- Solar Wind Turbulence Cascade in the Ion-Kinetic Regime: Effect of Proton Temperature Anisotropy
- Statistical analysis of dipolarisations using spacecraft closely separated along Z
- Streamer belt control of near-ecliptic ICME rate during the solar cycle 23 minimum
- Study of Flare Energetics Using X-ray, Radio, and EUV Observations
- Study of waves in the regions upstream and downstream of interplanetary shocks
- Superposed Epoch Analysis of Magnetotail Flux Transport During Substorms, Observed by THEMIS
- THEMIS FTE Encounter Between Oppositely Directed Reconnection Jets at the Dayside Subsolar Region on 27 June 2007
- THEMIS Pi2 observations near the dawn and dusk sectors in the inner magnetosphere
- Temporal evolution and spatial variation of the solar wind from multi-spacecraft measurements
- The Evolution of Auroral Forms and Vorticity on Small-Scales (Invited)
- The Magnetospheric Source Location of the Proton Aurora
- The Relationship between Polar Cap Index and Solar Wind Parameters, Geomagntic Indices
- The Solar Oblateness at Solar Minimum as Observed by RHESSI/SAS
- The effect of variations of the solar wind energy input on the disturbance onsets in the magnetotail during substorms
- The induced magnetotails of Mars and Venus: A tale of two tails (Invited)
- Thermal Imaging of Multi-Temperature Flare Plasma with RHESSI Visibilities
- Titan's ``Memory'' of Saturn's Field as a Factor in its Plasma Interaction Features
- Total Electron Content in the Mars Ionosphere: temporal studies and dependence on solar inputs and crustal magnetic fields
- ULF Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation during the Geomagnetic Storm of 21 Dec 2005
- Update for the Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Mission
- itch angle distributions and temporal variations of 0.3-300 keV solar impulsive electron events
- 3D Solar Wind Structure Features Characterizing the Rise of Cycle 24
- A 420 Year Annual 10Be Record from the WAIS Divide Ice Core
- A Multi-Satellite Study of Substorm Propagating Disturbances and Comparison With a Full-Particle Simulation of Reconnection
- A Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake using ARTEMIS Measurements
- A survey of KHI activity at the magnetopause
- ARTEMIS spacecraft observations of lunar magnetic anomalies at low altitude
- ARTEMIS-THEMIS observations of magnetotail dynamics driven by magnetic reconnection
- Advances in Fluid Modeling of the Solar Wind: Electron and Anisotropic Proton Temperatures from the Collisionless Dissipation of Alfven Wave Turbulence
- Advancing in-situ modeling of ICMEs: Insights from remote observations and simulations
- Analysis of Microturbulence within the Foot of Supercritical Quasiperpendicular Shocks for Different reflected ion vs electron Drifts
- Antarctic Observations of Dayside Auroral Hiss
- Are Decaying Magnetic Fields Above Active Regions Related to CME Onset?
- Auroral Imaging and Simultaneous THEMIS Observations of the Dayside Magnetosphere
- Auroral Response to Hot Flow Anomalies
- Birth and Life of Auroral Arcs Embedded in the Evening Auroral Oval
- CME Flux ropes: Origins, Characteristics and Consequences
- Can we Determine Electric Fields and Poynting Fluxes from Vector Magnetograms and Doppler Measurements?
- Changes of the near-Earth cross-tail current sheet associated with dipolarizations: a statistical study based on THEMIS observations
- Characteristics of Duskside Relativistic Electron Precipitation measured with SAMPEX
- Cluster Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection at Sub-Proton Scales
- Cluster Observations of Non-linear Waves in the Foreshock Region
- Comparative Study of Mirror Mode Storms Inside Sirs and in Icmes' Sheaths
- Comparison of an ARTEMIS lunar wake fly-by with a 1-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation
- Comparison of electric field observations between THEMIS satellites and their ionospheric conjugate points
- Core electron drift in the solar wind: measurements and instability thresholds
- Correlation between flare related photospheric magnetic field changes and X-ray flare location
- Crustal magnetism and the history of the Martian dynamo
- Dating upper plate normal fault slip events in Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments of northern Chile
- Decorrelation Times of Photospheric Fields and Flows
- Definitive mapping in the late growth phase
- Determination of Electromagnetic Source Direction of the 01 August 2011 Type II Burst
- Diagnostics for Wave Mode Identification in the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind Turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves versus Whistlers
- Diffusion region structure during asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
- Direct solar wind proton access into permanently shadowed lunar polar craters
- Effect of Inflow Density on Ion Diffusion Region of Magnetic Reconnection: Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Electric Field measurements associated with energetic particle acceleration in the inner magnetosphere
- Electromagnetic Sounding of the Moon from ARTEMIS
- Electromagnetic Wave Power Observed Near the Moon during Terrestrial Bow Shock Crossings and Its Importance for Subsurface Sounding
- Electromagnetic lower hybrid waves, whistler waves, and particle heating/acceleration at supercritical interplanetary shocks
- Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares and in Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) Events
- Electron Microburst Energy Dispersion Derived by Test Particle Simulation Code
- Electron Properties in the Inner Heliosphere: Helios Observations
- Elliptical approximation for the fronts of ICMEs and application to STEREO events in August 2010 and February 2011
- Energetics And Heating In A Solar Plasma Ejection Observed By RHESSI And AIA
- Energetics of solar wind electrons from Helios observations
- Entropy Generation across Earth's Bow Shock
- Evidence for Past Melting at the Base of the GISP2 Ice Core from Uranium-Thorium Disequilibrium Measurements
- Evolution and Activity of Solar Active Regions with STEREO Full Sun Imaging
- Exploration of kinetic processes in the lunar wake
- FAST Observations Of Solar Illumination And Solar Cycle Dependence Of The Altitude Of Auroral Acceleration And Ion Outflow
- Fine structuring of whistler waves within Earth's bow shock
- First Reconnected Flux Tubes
- First Results of a Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies from THEMIS Measurements
- Flux rope structures in the ionospheres of unmagnetized bodies: comparison study between Mars, Venus and Titan
- Full-kinetic elve model simulations and their comparison with the ISUAL observed events
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy of the 2003 October 29 solar flare using RHESSI imaging
- Global Simulations of Mercury's Quasi-Trapped Particle Population
- Hard X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Correlations in Solar Flares
- Heating and Cooling of Protons in the Fast Solar Wind Between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios Reloaded
- Heating of Plasmas in the Near-Earth Magnetotail by the Impact of an Interplanetary Shock
- Heliospheric Observations of STEREO-Directed Events in 2008-2010: Lessons for Future Observations
- Heliospheric Space Weather at the Start of Cycle 24
- High Angular Resolution Imaging of Solar Radio Bursts from the Lunar Surface
- High Energy Solar Physics Data in Europe (HESPE): a European project for the exploitation of hard X-ray data in solar flare physics
- High Latitude Dayside Aurora in the Southern Hemisphere
- High-Speed Plasma Flows Observed in the Magnetotail during Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Relationship between Magnetic Reconnection, Substorm and High-Speed Plasma Flows
- ICMEs observed by both VEX and STEREO during a 2011 alignment
- Identifying the magnetotail source region leading to poleward boundary intensifications
- Imaging spectroscopy with AIA: using AIA diffraction patterns to probe flare DEM curves in conjunction with RHESSI and EVE spectra
- In-situ observations of the "preexisting auroral arc" by THEMIS all-sky imagers and the FAST spacecraft
- Intense Localized Perpendicular Electric Fields and Modulation of the Reconnection Rate Associated with 3D Dayside Magnetopause Reconnection
- Interaction between Coronal Mass Ejections Viewed in Coordinated Imaging and In Situ Observations
- Interplanetary Shocks and Foreshocks observed by STEREO
- Inversion of neutron/gamma spectra from scintillator measurements
- Investigation of triggering mechanism of substorm through the analysis of Geotail and Themis data
- Kinetic processes at Io
- Laboratory simulations of photoelectron sheaths
- Latest Progress on the Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS)
- Light Scattering by Lunar Exospheric Dust: What could be Learned from LRO LAMP and LADEE UVS?
- Long duration gamma-ray glows observed from the tops of thunderstorms
- LunGradCon: The Lunar Graduate Conference
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- Lunar Precursor Effects Observed by ARTEMIS in the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere
- MESSENGER Observations and Kinetic Simulations of Quasi-Trapped Ion and Electron Populations at Mercury
- Magnetic Reconnection X-Line Retreat Associated with Dipolarization of the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Magnetic fields of the solar system: A comparative planetology toolkit
- Magnetically anisotropic self similarity in plasma turbulence
- Magnetopause Reconnection Across Wide Local Time
- Mars' Ionospheric Response to Extreme Space Weather Events
- Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic ions)
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-spacecraft observation of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection during propagation
- Multi-wavelength Observations of Supra-Arcade Structure associated with M1.6 Limb Flare
- Multi-year investigation of flux ropes in the Martian ionosphere
- Multicolor photometric observation of lightning from space: Comparison with radio measurements
- Multisatellite Observations of a Giant Pulsation Event
- Non-Observation of the He II 304 A Charge-Exchange Continuum in Major Solar Flares
- Novel Modeling of Mars' Ionospheric Electrodynamics
- Numerical Simulation of a "Stealth" CME: Why Slow and Simple is Not Mysterious
- Observational Analysis of Photospheric Magnetic Field Restructuring During Energetic Solar Flares
- Observations of plasma sheet electrons for FAST/THEMIS conjunction events
- On the Mythical Relation Between Solar Wind Speed and Radiation Belt Electrons
- On the nature of the variability in the Martian thermospheric mass density: Results from the Mars Global Surveyor Electron Reflectometer
- PIC simulation study of the effect of ion to electron mass ratio on Ion beam driven instability and generation of ion holes
- Particle-in-cell simulation of Magnetotail dipolarization front and associated ion reflection
- Particles and waves Upstream of ICME Driven Interplanetary Shocks
- Photoelectrons observed in the polar wind
- Pre-onset Azimuthal Pressure Gradient and Associated Auroral Intensifications Related to Dipolarization Fronts
- Predicting solar wind forcing at Mercury: WSA-ENLIL model results
- Prediction of solar wind structures between Venus and Mars orbits
- Proton heating by pick-up proton-generated waves in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations
- Pulsed Alfvén Waves in the Solar Wind
- Quiet-time Interplanetary ∼2-20keV Superhalo Electrons at Solar Minimum
- Recent Advances in Observations of Ground-level Auroral Kilometric Radiation
- Reconnection-Driven Alfven (RDA) Waves in the Solar Corona
- Reflected Protons and Sputtered Ions at the Moon: Hybrid Simulations
- Relationship between interplanetary/magnetosheath parameters and magnetopause reconnection events
- Results and Analysis of the RHESSI/SAS Observations of the Optical Solar Limb
- Roles for Data Assimilation in Studying Solar Flares & CMEs
- SAMPEX relativistic micorbursts: PET spectra and comparison to DREP and balloon microbursts
- STEREO observations of suprathermal electron distributions and the solar cycle variation of the interplanetary field
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Solar Energetic Events and the Statistics of the Most Extreme Space Weather
- Solar Probe Plus exploration of the solar corona and inner heliosphere
- Solar wind electron microphysics: Results from a Wind electron database
- Stardust Interstellar Preliminary Examination
- Statistical Properties of Super-Hot Solar Flares
- Strong deformation of magnetospheres under low Alfven Mach number solar wind
- Surface Modifications of Space-exposed Aerogel from the Stardust Cometary Collector
- Suzaku/WAM and RHESSI observation of non-thermal electrons in solar microflares
- THEMIS Observation of Plasma Sheet Evolution Leading To a Substorm Onset
- Temporal Variation of Heliospheric ENAs (~5-15keV) from 2007-2010 measured by STE-D
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Precipitation (BARREL) Investigation
- The Climate Change Crisis as an International Civil Rights Issue: Forging an Alliance Between Science, Activism, and Progressive Social Movements
- The Dynamic Lunar Wake
- The EUV Emission in Comet-Solar Corona Interactions
- The Effect of Subsurface Flows during Flux Emergence
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24: General Solar Wind, Large-Scale Solar Wind Structures, and Sector Asymmetry
- The Role of neutral winds and negative ions in controlling Titan's ionospheric dynamics
- The Role of the Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields in controlling ionospheric dynamics
- The evolution of field aligned wave Poynting flux in the storm time inner magnetosphere
- Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Wind Turbulence
- Three-dimensional structure of numerical reduced MHD turbulence
- Three-dimensional structure of the Martian nightside Ionosphere
- Triggering of magnetic reconnection in a magnetosheath current sheet due to compression against the magnetopause
- Twisting and Bending of the Geomagnetic Tail under Northward IMF: OpenGGCM Simulations and Predictions for ARTEMIS
- Uncertainty analysis of UV/dayglow Mars models for remote sensing purpose
- Using the EUV to Weigh a Sun-grazing Comet as it Disappears in the Solar Corona
- Venus Deep Nightside Magnetic Fields Revisited
- Visualizing Planetary Magnetic Fields (and Why You Should Care)
- Wave Acceleration of Energetic Ions in the Earth's Magnetosheath
- A Case and Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies: A THEMIS Perspective
- A Comprehensive Analysis of Properties of Small Transients in the Solar Wind in 2007-2009: STEREO-A and Wind Observations
- A Coral Sea Rehearsal for the Eclipse Megamovie
- A Potential Role of Double Layers on Solar Wind Acceleration
- A Space Weather Mission to the Earth's 5th Lagrangian Point (L5)
- A Survey of Pre-Impulsive Hard X-Ray Emission from RHESSI Flares
- A localized swarm of low-resource CubeSat-class spacecraft for auroral ionospheric science
- A multi-point and multi-instrument characterisation of the night-side field-aligned current topology associated with the substorm growth and expansion phases
- A study of solitary wave trains generated by injection of a blob into plasmas
- A survey in WL and HXR emission on the energetic solar flares ocurred during the beginning of the 24 solar cycle and their possible relation with the generation of seismic signals
- ADELE's Common Gamma-Ray Glows
- ARTEMIS Observations of Pickup Ions Around the Moon
- ARTEMIS observations of lunar pick-up ions in the terrestrial magnetotail
- An Explanation for the Observed Frequency Drift of Coherent ~1 Hz waves in Mercury's Inner Magnetosphere
- Atmospheric Electricity on Mars: Tantalizing and Enigmatic
- Auroral signatures associated with flow bursts measured by ARTEMIS
- Characteristics of whistler-mode wave Poynting vector observed on THEMIS
- Characterization of white light, SXR and HXR kernels emissions in white light flares observed by SDO/HMI and RHESSI
- Climate driven landscape evolution of an impact crater
- Coincident observation of lightning using spaceborne spectrophotometer and ground-level electromagnetic sensors
- Comparison of Global Models for the Escape of Martian Atmospheric Plasma
- Consequences of Electron Precipitation at Mercury: X-ray Aurorae and Heavy Ion Production
- Constraining Sun-to-Earth Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections with Coordinated Heliospheric Imaging, Radio and In Situ Observations
- Continuous reconnections inferred from observations by TC-1 during IMF Bz≈0
- Cosmogenic 10Be and Paleoaccumulation Rates at WAIS Divide from 12-19 kyr BP
- Deep Solar Activity Minimum 2007-2009: Solar Wind Properties and Major Effects on the Terrestrial Magnetosphere
- Density Holes, Hot Flow Anomalies and SLAMS
- Dependence of reconnection rate on plasma beta for magnetopause reconnection events observed by the Polar satellite
- Determining Electron Temperature from Type III Langmuir Wave Decay
- Dynamic nightside electron precipitation at Mars: ggeographical and solar wind dependence
- Effects of a Large ICME on Atmospheric Escape at Venus
- Electric Fields and Waves Instrument on the RBSP Spacecraft: Investigating the Dynamic of the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electrons in Regions Upstream and Downstream of ICME Driven IP Shocks
- Energy partition in magnetic reconnection outflows
- Evidence of Multiple X-lines in the Solar Wind from Overlapping Hall Magnetic Fields
- Evolution of the Photospheric Vector Magnetic Field in HMI Data
- Exploring Thermal and Non-Thermal Flare Emission with EVE and RHESSI
- Forecasting coronal mass ejections at 1 AU using Heliospheric Imagers
- Frequency-Doubling and Field-Aligned Ion Streaming in a Long-Period Poloidal Pulsation
- Geometrical Insights from WSA-ENLIL based SEP event modeling
- Global 3D Hybrid Simulations of the Solar Wind Interaction with the Moon
- Global and local signatures of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the growth and expansion phases of a substorm
- Gravity waves in the thermosphere during a sudden stratospheric warming
- Ground-based Imager and Magnetometer Network for Auroral STudies (GIMNAST)
- Heliospheric Observations in the Rising Phase of Solar Cycle 24
- Improving Early Career Science Teachers' Ability to Teach Space Science
- Interaction of Cometary Material With the Solar Corona: EUV Observations and MHD Simulations
- Investigation of the characteristics of the dipolarization region with THEMIS data
- Invisible Mars: Using Science on a Sphere to Explore Mars' Atmosphere Loss
- Io's interaction with the plasma torus: Hybrid simulations
- Kinetic Plasma Processes at Airless Bodies
- Lagrangian coherent structures in the solar magnetoconvective turbulence
- Long-Term Variability of Precipitation of Charged Particles on Mercury's Surface
- Low latitude aurorae as a diagnostic for energetic particle injections and their environment
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Detection of Electron-induced X-ray Fluorescence from Mercury's Surface
- Magnetic Clouds and Solar Sources in STEREO Era
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Wind at Current Sheets Associated with Extremely Small Field Shear Angles
- Magnetosonic equatorial noise at Earth: Polar and RBSP observations
- Magnetotelluric Sensor Development for Planetary Subsurface Exploration
- Mercury's plasma belt: hybrid simulations results compared to in-situ measurements
- Modeling Atmospheric Energy Deposition (by energetic ions): New Results
- Modeling of Mars' ionospheric electrodynamics under various local magnetic field topologies
- Modeling of lunar pickup ion trajectories in the magnetosphere tail-lobes and comparisons with ARTEMIS observations
- Modeling of the Sputtering Efficiency for Martian Atmosphere
- Modeling the energy spectrum of precipitating electrons with early RBSP observations and test particle simulations
- NASA Wavelength: A Digital Library for Earth and Space Science Education
- Nature of Kinetic Scale Fluctuations in Solar Wind Turbulence
- New Coronal Developments in Flare Research
- Observations of Kinetic Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Observations of the nightside ionosphere of Mars by the Mars Express Radio Science Experiment MaRS
- On the retreat of Near-Earth neutral line during substorm expansion phase: a THEMIS case study during the 2008 January 9 substorm
- Optical foot prints of plasma entry and circulation in the magnetosphere.
- Oxygen PSBL investigation
- Parametric study of electron flat-top distribution formation
- Photoelectron determination of the EUV and XUV energy input variability to the Mars ionosphere/thermosphere during the 2005 Mars-Earth-Sun alignment
- Plans for coordinated measurements around Mars with the Mars Express and MAVEN spacecraft
- Plasma Pressure Generated Auroral Current System
- Plasma bubble limb imaging observation from the International Space Station
- Polar Winter Middle Atmosphere Gravity Wave Generation and Mesosphere Cooling
- Poynting Flux in the Earths Magnetotail
- Precursor of the Earthward Penetrating Flow Channels and the Pre-onset Auroral Arc Intensification
- Predicting Inner Heliospheric Solar Wind Conditions in Advance of Solar Probe Plus
- Proton Energetics in the Solar Wind: Helios Reloaded
- Proton heating by pick-up proton-generated waves in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations
- Quasi-3 day variations of the S4 scintillation index in the equatorial ionosphere observed by COSMIC
- Radio imaging of synchrotron emission associated with a CME on the 14th of August 2010
- Recent advances in understanding lunar surface charging: modeling, theory and spacecraft observations
- Recent development of The Gamma Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar Flares (GRIPS) instrument
- Residual Energy and Imbalance in Solar Wind Turbulence
- STEREO-Wind Direction Finding of a Stream Interaction Region
- Saturn's Magnetospheric Influences on Titan's Ionosphere
- Second harmonic Pi2 pulsation observed near the plasmapause by the Asian-Oceanian SuperDARN radars and THEMIS satellites
- Shocklets, SLAMS, and field-aligned ion beams in the terrestrial foreshock
- Signatures of Local and Coronal Ion Heating Embedded in Solar Wind Observations
- Simulation of Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging of Solar Energetic Particles
- Solar wind turbulent electron heating is controlled indirectly by core-proton collisions
- Statistical Study of the Lunar Plasma Wake Outer Boundary
- Statistical analysis of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
- Statistical study of global modes outside the plasmasphere
- Stereo ENA Imaging of the Ring Current and Multi-point Measurements of Suprathermal Particles and Magnetic Fields by TRIO-CINEMA
- Structure of a reconnection layer poleward of the cusp under extreme density asymmetry
- Study of In-situ Gravity Wave Sources at High Latitude using High-Resolution Model
- Study of Ion Temperature Anisotropy Boundaries in the Magnetosheath
- Sub-adiabatic perpendicular electron heating across high-Mach number collisionless shocks
- Super-elastic Collision between Two Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere
- Testing the Maximum Magnetic Shear Model with THEMIS observations
- The Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) Investigation
- The Bow Shock Normal and the IMF Angle of Incidence: Preliminary Description
- The Composition of Titan's Ionospheric Outflow
- The Effect of Dissipation Mechanism on X-line Spreading in 3D Magnetic
- The Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) Instrument on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes: Science Operations Center, Operational Modes, and Data Products
- The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
- The Inner Heliosphere at 50
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - A pioneering research mission for space physics and aeronomy.
- The MAVEN Solar Energetic Particle instrument
- The Martian interaction with the solar wind: current systems in Mars' ionosphere
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Wind and Temperature Observations from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Solar Oblateness at Solar Minimum as Observed by RHESSI/SAS II
- The electron foreshock: strahl-driven anisotropy and acceleration beyond fast Fermi
- The significant ionization emission N2+ 1N in pure halo without sprite streamer
- The structure and dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic flux rope flanked by two active magnetic reconnection X-lines at the Earth's magnetopause
- Type II spectral bumps and Diagnostics on the Properties of the Radio Source
- Updated Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Using multispacecraft observations, modeling, and numerical simulations to interpret the compositional structure of interplanetary coronal mass ejections.
- Variability and IMF dependence of the dayside plasma events at Mars: Inferences from MHD model-satellite observation comparisons
- Variation of the Plasma Sheet in the Near-Earth Magnetotail by the Impact of an Interplanetary Shock
- Wave Heating at the Magnetopause and in the Magnetosheath
- Waves associated to COMPLEX EVENTS observed by STEREO
- Wet Mars, Dry Mars
- A Statistical Analysis of Properties of Small Transients in the Solar Wind 2007-2009: STEREO and Wind Observations
- A Study of Type II Radio Bursts to Map the Alfvén Speed profile in the Inner Heliosphere
- A localized initiation of the substorm expansion phase and decoupling of the inner magnetosphere and tail during the substorm growth and expansion phases
- A statistical study on Earth's magnetopause reconnection and association with solar wind parameters: POLAR/ACE observations
- A statistical survey of ion outflow occurrence identified using the FAST spacecraft
- A survey of STEREO LET SEP anisotropies and their solar and heliospheric associations
- ARTEMIS observations of lunar dayside plasma in the terrestrial magnetotail lobe
- Analyses of the ISUAL Dancing Sprites and Secondary Sprites
- Analysis of Van Allen Probes Data Showing Nonlinear Electric Field Feedback During a Magnetic Storm
- Cause and Properties of the Extreme Space Weather Event of 2012 July 23
- Changes in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and FACs Associated with Substorm Onset (Invited)
- Characteristics of Large Amplitude Whistler Mode Waves Detected by the Van Allen Probes EMFISIS Instruments
- Chorus Waves and Spacecraft Potential Fluctuations: Evidence for Wave-Driven Enhanced Photoelectron Escape
- Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Magnetopause Reconnection at Multiple Scales
- Collisional Thermalization of Hydrogen and Helium in Solar Wind Plasma
- Comparison of drift velocities of nighttime equatorial plasma depletions with the ambient plasma drifts and the thermospheric neutral winds
- Comparison of high altitude pick-up ions at Mars and Venus
- Comparisons of Earthward Poynting flux and the kinetic energy flux of up-flowing transversely heated ions from the Polar spacecraft on cusp magnetic field lines
- Comprehensive studies of the sputtering effects on CO2 atmospheres: Mars and Venus
- Connecting white light to in situ observations of 22 coronal mass ejections from the Sun to 1 AU
- Constraining MarMCET Model Martian Nightside Electron Densities Using MARSIS Topside Sounding
- Coordinated observations of the Martian ionosphere and induced magnetosphere with Mars Express and MAVEN
- Cosmogenic 36Cl and 10Be in the WAIS Divide ice core from 6-21 kyr BP
- Current Sheet Properties and Dynamics During Sympathetic Breakout Eruptions
- Double Layers Associated With Relativistic Electron Acceleration in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt
- Dynamics of Escaping Planetary Ions from Mars and Venus in a Global Hybrid Simulation
- Effects of Solar Activities on the Transient Luminous Events
- Effects of variation in solar conditions and crustal sources' orientation on the Martian magnetic field topology
- Electrodynamics of the Martian dynamo region near magnetic cusps and loops using the Martian Multifluid Magnetohydrodynamic Model (M<SUP>4</SUP>)
- Electron Energy Partition at Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks
- Electron Kappa Distributions in Solar Flares and the Earth's Magnetotail
- Electron Temperature Anisotropies in the Solar Wind: Properties, Regulation and Constraints
- Electron precipitation into the Martian atmosphere: interplay between scattering and the magnetic mirror force
- Energy balance of electrons in the expanding solar wind: Helios observations
- Escape of Hot Oxygen Atoms from the Atmosphere of Mars
- Evidence for Whistler-mode Chorus as an Energy Conduit for Radiation Belt Electrons
- Excitation of Poloidal standing Alfven waves through drift resonance wave-particle interaction (Invited)
- Exploring the Role of Overlying Fields and Flare Ribbons in CME Speeds
- Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Observations of Comet Lovejoy (C/2011 W3) in the Lower Corona
- Field aligned current associated with dipolarization front: Cluster observations
- First application of proton reflection magnetometry with MESSENGER to estimate Mercury's surface magnetic field strength (Invited)
- Get Involved in Education and Public Outreach! The Science Mission Directorate Science E/PO Forums Are Here to Help
- ICON: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - NASA's Next Space Physics and Aeronomy Mission
- Intermittency of Solar Wind Turbulence Between Ion and Electron Scales
- Interplanetary dust flux to the outer planet atmospheres
- Interplanetary shocks observed by STEREO during 2007-2012
- Investigation of ULF Wave Modulation of Relativistic Electron Precipitation
- Ion Temperature Anisotropy Boundaries in the Dayside Magnetosheath
- Ion heating and energy redistribution across supercritical perpendicular shocks: Application to planetary and interplanetary shocks
- Ions in the Plume of Enceladus and the Role of Grain Interactions
- Lightning VLF wave propagation from source, through ionosphere to inner magnetosphere using WWLLN and Van Allen Probes
- Low Altitude Large Scale Magnetic Fields in the Venus Ionosphere: Complementary Observations from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Venus Express
- Magnetic Clouds and their Solar Sources in STEREO Era
- Magnetic Mystery Planets
- Mars Photoelectron Energy and Pitch Angle Dependence on Intense Lower-Atmospheric Dust Storms
- Measurements of Core Electron Heating in Solar Wind Reconnection Exhausts
- Measurements of the Martian Gamma/Neutron Spectra with MSL/RAD
- Modeling the ionospheric UT effect during the August 2013 geomagnetic storm with a nonhydrostatic general circulation model
- Monte Carlo Model of High Energy Ion Precipitation in the Martian Atmosphere
- Multi-point Observations of Subauroral Electric Field Signatures in the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
- NASA Wavelength: A Full Spectrum of NASA Resources for Earth and Space Science Education
- Nature of Subproton Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind
- Observations of Ionospheric Currents at Mars and Venus
- Observations of Thin Current Sheets in the Solar Wind and Their Role in Magnetic Energy Dissipation
- Observations of dayside subauroral proton arcs and EMIC waves associated with increases in solar wind pressure
- Photospheric Temperature Variations near the Solar Limb III
- Possible Source Location of the Terrestrial Myriametric Radio Burst
- Precipitating Relativistic Electron Energy Spectra Measured by BARREL
- Prediction of AU, AL, and AE indices using solar wind parameters
- Properties of Mirror Mode Waves and Ion Cyclotron Waves Observed by Stereo
- Relationships Between Photospheric Flows and Solar Flares
- Results from the First BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaign (Invited)
- Role of Westward Traveling Surges in the Substorm Expansion Phase
- SDO/HMI observations of ejecta
- Scaling of Electron Heating During Magnetic Reconnection
- Science and Science Education Go Hand-in-Hand: The Impact of the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Program
- Solar Probe Plus: A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
- Spectacular ionospheric flow structures associated with substorm auroral onset
- Spread-F observed by Digisondes in low latitude ionosphere and its correlation with scintillation
- Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- Stormtime Observations of Plasmasphere Erosion Flux in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Structure of a Reconnection Layer Poleward of the Cusp Under Extreme Density Asymmetry
- Survey of the ULF wave Poynting vector near the Earth's magnetic equatorial plane
- The GOLD Science Data Center - Algorithm Heritage, Data Product Descriptions and User Services
- The Long, Bumpy Road to a Mars Aeronomy Mission (Invited)
- The Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction at the Earth as Compared to Outer Planets
- The OHMIC Mission
- The Quasi-Annual Forcing of The Sun's Eruptive, Radiative, and Particulate Output
- The Science of the Global-scale measurements of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- The Solar Event of July 23, 2012: Historical Context, Unusual Behavior, Streaming Limit and Wave Particle Instabilities
- The height of flare emissions in white light and in hard X-rays
- The plasma depletion layer in Saturn's magnetosheath
- The plume and spatial variations in reconnection along the dayside magnetopause (Invited)
- The role neutral flow fields in controlling ionospheric dynamics
- Time history of the Martian dynamo from crater magnetic field analysis
- Van Allen Probe EFW instrument observations of electric fields during major geomagnetic storms and injection events and their relation to charged particle acceleration
- Van Allen Probes EFW Filterbank First Results: Geophysical Distributions of Large Amplitude Chorus Occurrence
- Van Allen Probes based investigation of storm time plasmasphere erosion and earthward penetration of the convection electric field
- Van Allen Probes observations and test particle simulations of radiation belt wave-particle interactions during periods of intense wave activity
- Variability in Martian magnetic field topology
- Waves within magnetic clouds: STEREO observations
- What Happened to the High-Energy (> 100 keV) Particles at Mercury?
- What Will NuSTAR Observe from the Sun?
- What is the SSN proxy good for? (Invited)
- What is the fate of energy cascaded by solar wind turbulence? In-situ observations and associated requirements for the turbulence dissipation challenge. (Invited)
- A Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Perspective of Magnetopause Reconnection and Dawn-Dusk Density Gradients
- A Soft X-Ray Imager for the Space Weather Applications
- A Statistical Study of Hot Flow Anomalies at Earth's Bow Shock
- Analyzing Magnetic Field and Electrical Current Profiles of the Day Side and Terminator of Mars Using Data from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
- Asymmetric Penetration of Shocked Solar Wind Down to 400-km Altitudes at Mars
- Data-Model Comparison Investigations of Thermospheric Density and Composition Influences on High-Altitude Photoelectron Fluxes at Mars
- Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Geospace
- Does There Exist a Relationship Between Acoustic and White-Light Emission in Hard-X ray Solar Flares?
- Electron cooling between 0.3 and 1 AU from Helios observations
- Electrons on closed field lines of lunar crustal fields in the solar wind wake
- Engaging Scientists in Meaningful E/PO: NASA Science4Girls and Their Families
- Estimates of Horizontal Ionospheric Currents on the Dayside of Mars
- Formation and Evolution of Mirror Mode Type Fluctuations in the Earth's Magnetosheath in Global Hybrid-Vlasov Simulations
- Harnessing AIA Diffraction Patterns to Determine Flare Footpoint Temperatures
- High-resolution Observations of the X-flare on 2014-03-29
- Interaction Between Oblique Whistlers and Reflected Ions in a Supercritical Quasiperpendicular Shock: Evidences from Themis
- Interaction of Europa with Jovian Plasma Torus
- Ion Break Scale of Solar Wind Turbulence at High and Low Beta
- MiXI: The Miniature X-ray Imager
- Mini-Magnetospheres at the Moon in the Solar Wind and the Earth's Plasma Sheet
- Monte Carlo Model Predictions of Energetic Ion Precipitation and Energy Deposition in the Martian Atmosphere
- NASA Opportunities in Visualization, Art, and Science (NOVAS)
- Nano-FTIR for Geochemical Sample Analysis
- New Solar Soft X-ray Observations from the X123 Spectrometer
- NuSTAR's First Solar Observations: Search for Transient Brightenings / Nanoflares
- NuSTAR's first solar observations: Search for a high energy X-ray component to the "non-flaring" Sun
- Numerical Techniques for Removing Instrumental Noise in the Solar Probe Plus/FIELDS Search Coil Magnetometer
- Observing Magnetic and Current Profiles of the Night side and Terminator of Mars through the Mars Global Surveyor Data
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN: A Link to the Extended Exosphere of Mars
- Plasma Transport, Acceleration, and Loss in Mercury's Magnetosphere and Comparison with Other Planetary Magnetospheres
- Progress and Prospects for an Enlil-Based Sep Event Model for the Inner Heliosphere
- Quasi-Linear Evolution of Trapped Electron Fluxes Under the Influence of Realistic Whistler-Mode Waves
- RHESSI/SAS Observations of the Optical Solar Limb Over a Full Solar Cycle
- Response of the Martian environment to solar wind dynamic pressure change
- Solar Wind Ions at 1. Constraints and Correlations
- Statistical Study of Coronal Hard X-ray Source Heights and Fluxes
- Study on formation processes of Martian magnetic flux ropes observed downstream from crustal magnetic fields based on the Grad-Shafranov reconstruction technique
- Surface-Plasma-Exosphere Coupling at the Moon, Phobos & Deimos, and the outer planet satellites
- Tackling diversity challenges in Geoscience with the "Advancing Space Science Undergraduate Research Experience" (ASSURE) program at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory.
- The Cubesat Radio Experiment (CURE) and Beyond: Cubesat-based Low Frequency Radio Interferometry
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager: Second Flight and Recent Results
- The Response of Heavy Planetary Ions at Mars to Reversals of the IMF
- a Computational Model to Aproach the Study of P Modes on Active Regions in the Sun
- A Neural Network Approach for Identifying Relativistic Electron Pitch Angle Distributions in Van Allen Probes Data
- A Polytropic Model of the Solar Interior
- Advancing Space Sciences through Undergraduate Research Experiences at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory - a novel approach to undergraduate internships for first generation community college students
- Atmospheric Effects of Solar Energetic Particle Events In Magnetized and Non-Magnetized Regions of Mars
- Capabilities of a FOXSI Small Explorer
- Characterization of low frequency plasma waves and their energy deposition in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
- Characterizing Quiet Time Variability in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Charaterizing the O<SUP>+</SUP> ion plume from Hybrid simulations: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Comparison of Martian magnetic pileup boundary with ion composition boundary observed by MAVEN
- Connecting Scientists, College Students, Middle School Students & Elementary Students through Intergenerational Afterschool STEM Programming
- Consequences of simulated ion precipitation and sputtering during extreme conditions at Mars: comparison to MAVEN observations
- Dayside Electron Density Depletions Observed by the MAVEN Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument
- Design and Characterization of the CCD Detector Assemblies for ICON FUV
- Distortion of Induced Magnetic Fields on the Nightside of the Moon and Implications for Electromagnetic Sounding
- Effects of Interplanetary Structures on the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics Observed During September 12-26, 2014: I) Coronal Mass Ejection
- Energization and Precipitation of Electrons in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Energy Release and Transport in Super-Hot Solar Flares
- Enhanced Loss of O<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> and O<SUP>+</SUP> at Mars from Electron and Ion Heating
- Evidence of Ion Heating at Low Altitudes in the Dayside Ionosphere at Mars
- Exospheric and interplanetary hydrogen sensing from a translunar CubeSat platform by the Tomographic Hydrogen Emission Observatory (THEO)
- FOXSI-2 Observations and Coronal Heating
- Implications of MAVEN Mars Near-Wake Measurements and Models
- Impulsivity Parameter for Solar Flares
- Influence of the Magnetosheath Waves on the Dayside Reconnection
- Initial Determinations of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Joule Heating from MAVEN Observations
- Interaction of Europa with Jovian Plasma Torus: Hybrid Simulations
- Investigating the Martian Ionospheric Conductivity Using MAVEN Key Parameter Data
- Jovian plasma interaction with Ganymede's magnetosphere
- Kaguya observations of the lunar wake in the terrestrial foreshock
- Lab-on-a-Chip Instrumentation and Method for Detecting Trace Organic and Bioorganic Molecules in Planetary Exploration: The Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA)
- MAVEN Observations of Ionosphere Magnetization at Mars: Implications for Atmospheric Escape
- MAVEN observations of magnetic reconnection in the Martian magnetotail
- Mapping Mercury's magnetic topology with solar energetic electrons
- Multi-fluid MHD Study of the Solar Wind Interaction with Mars' Upper Atmosphere during the 2015 March 8th ICME Event
- Multiverse: Increasing Diversity in Earth and Space Science Through Multicultural Education
- NASA ICON mission communications - breaking ground in a new era for NASA
- NASA Opportunities in Visualization, Art, and Science (NOVAS)
- Non-linear analysis of PESA-Lo electrostatic analyzer data and solar wind temperature anisotropies
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN
- Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
- Plasma Interaction at Io: Multi-species Hybrid Simulations
- Plasma interactions in the Martian Nightside Ionosphere
- Positron density enhancements recorded within a thunderstorm by ADELE
- Radioastronomy at the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia
- SDO/HMI -- RHESSI White-Light Flare Catalog: Matsushita Analysis
- SEP modeling based on the ENLIL global heliospheric model
- Second flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager sounding rocket [FOXSI-2]
- Solar Energetic Particle Events Observed by MAVEN
- Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations
- Structure of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient observed by MAVEN and its effects on the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Studying the extended magnetic structure of the April 12, 2014 interplanetary CME using in situ detection of shock fronts
- The Electron Density Structure of Mars Magnetosphere by MAVEN/LPW
- The Geospace Plume: Multi-scale Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Dynamics During the 17 March 2015 Great Storm
- The Loss Rate of Ions from the Martian Atmosphere
- Two Types of Aurora on Mars as Observed by MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph
- White-light observations of coronal loop systems
- A Merged Dataset for Solar Probe Plus FIELDS Magnetometers
- A shifting paradigm of the Martian magnetotail: MAVEN observations of complex field configuration
- ARTEMIS observations of terrestrial ionospheric molecular ions at the Moon: implications for lunar exospheric and volatile inventories
- Amplitude constraints on Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind
- An in-situ u-burst: Observation and results
- Analysis of Microflares from the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Atmospheric Effects During Solar Energetic Particle Events in Magnetized Regions of Mars
- Atmospheric escape at Mars during ICMEs
- Balloon Based Observations of Relativistic Electron Microbursts
- CURIE: Cubesat Radio Interferometry Experiment
- Career Options after an REU: Not just Grad School
- Characterization of CME-driven shocks in the interplanetary medium using type II radio bursts
- Chorus Wave Energy Budget Analysis in the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Coherence Analysis of the Solar Wind Between l1 and the Lunar Orbit
- Comparison between MAVEN measurements and HELIOSARES coupled models
- Data Collection and Processing Capabilities used by the SWEAP Investigation on Solar Probe Plus
- Dayside and Cusp Plasma Dynamics at Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Dependence of Photochemical Escape of Oxygen at Mars on Solar Radiation and Solar Wind Interaction
- Diamagnetic effect in the foremoon solar wind observed by Kaguya
- Direct Measurement of the Electron-Volt Electron Spectrum in the Dayside Magnetosphere
- EVE Doppler Signatures in X-class Flares
- Eclipse Megamovie Citizen Science: The Diamond Ring
- Eclipse Megamovie: Solar Discoveries, Education, and Outreach through Crowdsourcing 2017 Eclipse Images
- Efficient scattering of electrons below few keV by Time Domain Structures around injection fronts
- Electron Microphysical Processes in the Solar Wind at 1
- Electron Stimulated Desorption Yields at the Mercury's Surface Based On Hybrid Simulation Results
- Energy cascades in geophysical flows: balloon-borne observations and high resolution numerical simulations
- Focusing Solar Hard X-rays: Expected Results from a FOXSI Spacecraft
- GLE-Wannabe's: Searching for Extreme SEP Events with STEREO
- Global Effects of Neutral Wind Variability in the E and F Region Ionosphere
- Global fully kinetic models of planetary magnetospheres with iPic3D
- High Resolution Observations of Escaping Ions in the Martian Magnetotail
- IMF control of small-scale Alfvén wave activity in the magnetosphere-ionosphere transition region: FAST observations
- Initial Results from Lunar Electromagnetic Sounding with ARTEMIS
- Investigating Horizontal Fields in the Martian Ionosphere Using Magnetometer Data from the MAVEN Satellite
- Kinetic Interactions Between the Solar Wind and Lunar Magnetic Fields
- Kinetic scale field line resonances: A comparison of kinetic simulations and Van Allen probes observations.
- MAVEN Measurements of Ion Escape Rates from Mars
- MAVEN Upstream Observations of the Cycle 24 Space Weather Conditions at Mars
- MAVEN observations of electron temperatures in the dayside ionosphere at Mars
- MAVEN observations of the effects of space weather on the configuration of the martian induced magnetosphere
- Martian Low-Altitude Magnetic Topology Deduced from MAVEN/SWEA Observations
- NuSTAR's X-ray search for high energy emission from weakly flaring active regions
- Observations of partially developed Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at Mars
- Overview of the TILDAE High-Altitude Balloon Mission
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from Mars: constraints from MAVEN in situ measurements
- Plasma acceleration in the Martian magnetotail observed by MAVEN
- Probing the Martian Exosphere and Neutral Escape Using Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN
- Probing the Multiscale Structure and Evolution of Field-aligned Currents, Potentials and Plasma During Substorms Using Multipoint Cluster In-situ Observations and Auroral Images
- Production, Thermalization and Transport of Photoelectrons in the Mars Environment
- Progress on measurement of temperature-dependent H<SUB>2</SUB>-broadening of CH<SUB>4 </SUB>in the near infrared and N<SUB>2</SUB>-N<SUB>2</SUB> collision-induced absorption in the far-infrared.
- RHESSI/SAS Observations of the Optical Solar Limb Over More Than 15 Years
- Reconstructing High Energy Ion Fluxes with the Maven Solar Energetic Particle Instrument
- Remote sensing of the low-latitude daytime ionosphere: ICON simulations and retrievals
- Sodium Ion Production, Acceleration and Transport in Mercury's Magnetosphere
- Solar Eruptive Activity at Mars' Orbit and its Potential Impacts
- Solar Probe ANalyzer Ion Instrument - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Probe Cup - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- Solar Wind Interaction and Crustal Field Influences on Mars' Upper Ionosphere: MAVEN Observations Compared to Model Results
- Solar Wind Origins, Heating and Turbulence Evolution with Solar Probe Plus: The First Three Perihelia
- Solar energetic particle events observed by MAVEN
- Statistical study of relation between the magnetic pileup boundary and ion composition boundary around Mars based on MAVEN observations
- Structure and Sources for Mars' Night-side Ionosphere from MAVEN Observations
- TGF Ground Observations from a Winter Thunderstorm in Japan: First Ground Observation of a Multipulse TGF & Evidence of Neutron Production from a TGF
- THEMIS/ARTEMIS Observations of Kinetic-Scale Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Analysis of Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuations
- THOR contribution to space weather science
- The Effect of a CME passage at Phobos: Expected Changes in Surface Potential
- The Electron Solar Probe ANalyzers - Demonstrated Laboratory Performance
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- The Martian diffuse aurora: Monte Carlo simulations and comparison with IUVS-MAVEN observations
- Two Types of Whistler Instabilities in the Foot of Quasi-perpendicular Supercritical Shocks: a Poynting Flux Analysis
- Van Allen Probe Measurements of the Scale Sizes and Detailed Properties of EMIC Waves
- Visualization of the NASA ICON mission in 3d
- What coronal phenomenal can be observed in situ with the SWEAP Instrument Suite aboard Solar Probe Plus?
- Whistler mode waves driven by anisotropic electrons in the Martian magnetosphere
- Wide-Field Ultraviolet Spectrometer for Planetary Exospheres and Thermospheres
- A Fast-Fermi Acceleration at Mars Bow Shock
- A statistical perspective on ion fluxes precipitating toward the Martian ionosphere
- Ambipolar electric fields at Earth, Mars, and Venus
- Analysis of Magnetic Flux Rope Chains Embedded in Martian Current Sheets Using MAVEN Data
- Analysis of Mars magnetosphere structure near terminator using MAVEN measurements
- Anticipated Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Application of multi-parameter chorus and plasmaspheric hiss wave models in radiation belt modeling
- Autocorrelation Study of the Undisturbed Solar Wind at Mars
- Calibration Results and Anticipated Science Ops for the Parker Solar Probe's SWEAP/SPAN-Electron Analyzers
- Characteristics of Terrestrial-Source Ion Distributions In and Around the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer
- Characterization of the Martian magnetic topology response to extreme solar transient events with MGS data
- Characterizing Solar Extreme and Far Ultraviolet Irradiance for the EMM EMUS instrument
- Combined SDO/AIA, Hinode/XRT and FOXSI-2 microflare observations - DEM analysis and energetics
- Computing the proton aurora at early Mars
- Correcting PSP electron measurements for the effects of spacecraft electrostatic and magnetic fields
- Detection of 3-Minute Oscillations in Full-Disk Lyman-alpha Emission During A Solar Flare
- Direct detection of albedo neutron decay electrons at the inner edge of the radiation belt and experimental determination of neutron density in near-Earth space
- Dissipation Mechanisms and Particle Acceleration at the Earth's Bow Shock
- Eclipse Megamovie 2017: A Citizen Science Project
- Eclipse Megamovie 2017: How did we do?
- Effects of the Crustal Magnetic Fields and Changes in the IMF Orientation on the Magnetosphere of Mars: MAVEN Observations and LATHYS Results.
- Effects of the Solar Wind Pressure on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Electron Beams Escaping the Sun: Hard X-ray Diagnostics of Jet-related Electron Acceleration
- Electron precipitation control of the Mars nightside ionosphere
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Prediction of Oxygen OI 135.6 nm and CO 4PG Emissions in the Martian Atmosphere
- Engaging Audiences in Planetary Science Through Visualizations
- Estimation of the Chorus Group Velocity from THEMIS Wave Observations
- Evidence for Neutrals - Foreshock Electrons Impact Ionization at Mars
- Evolution of asymmetrically displaced footpoints during substorms
- Geospace Imaging from the Ionospheric Connection Explorer
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- High-Energy Aspects of Small-Scale Energy Release at the Sun
- Improved methods for nightside time domain Lunar Electromagnetic Sounding
- Influence of Magnetic Topology on Mars' Ionospheric Structure
- Investigating Whistler Mode Wave Diffusion Coefficients at Mars
- Investigation of Energy Release in Microflares Observed by the Second Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2)
- Ion composition of the upper ionospheres of Mars and Venus and of the ion outflow
- Ionospheric response to an interplanetary shock passage at Mars
- Joint NuSTAR and IRIS observation of a microflaring active region
- Kinetic-Scale Electric and Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the Solar Wind at 1 AU: THEMIS/ARTEMIS Observations
- Lessons Learned from 10 Years of STEREO Solar Wind Observations
- Localized Models of Charged Particle Motion in Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusps
- MAVEN Observations of the Effects of Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Mars Ionosphere
- MAVEN Pickup Ion Constraints on Mars Neutral Escape
- MAVEN observations of complex magnetic field configuration in the Martian magnetotail
- MAVEN observations of the solar wind interaction with the Martian dayside upper ionosphere
- MAVEN-Measured Meteoritic Ions on Mars - Tracers of Lower Ionosphere Processes With and Without Analogues On Earth
- MMS observations of guide field reconnection at the interface between colliding reconnection jets inside flux rope-like structures at the magnetopause
- Magnetic Reconnection as Revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Magnetic Reconnection during Turbulence: Statistics of X-Points and Heating
- Magnetic Topology and Ion Outflow in Mars' Magnetotail
- Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of Flux Transfer Event signatures
- Measurements of Forbush decreases at Mars: both by MSL on ground and by MAVEN in orbit
- Microbursts and continuous precipitations of electrons caused by chorus waves
- Multi-Spacecraft Study of Kinetic scale Turbulence Using MMS Observations in the Solar Wind
- Multi-species hybrid modeling of plasma interactions at Io and Europa
- New Measurements of Mars Thermospheric Variability from MAVEN EUVM Solar Occultations
- Nightside Structure of the Venusian Ionosphere
- Nonlinear Electron Acoustic Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Nonlinear whistler waves
- Numerical Preparations Toward Identifying Heating Mechanisms using Distributions Function Measurements from SWEAP and Parker Solar Probe.
- Observations directly linking chorus to relativistic microbursts: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
- Observations of large amplitude chorus waves in the outer radiation belt: Van Allen Probes statistical study of occurrence and wave properties using EFW filterbank data
- On Mars' Atmospheric Sputtering after Maven First two Years
- Particle and Fields Observations Associated with Discrete Aurora at Mars: A Dual Spacecraft Perspective Using MAVEN and MEX
- Partition of Heating During Magnetic Reconnection: Role of Exhaust Velocity
- Physics of Martian Ion Plume from Magnetosphere Simulations
- Plumes Provide New Insight Into the Physis of Mars' Atmosphere.
- Polarization Statistics on 0.01 Hz Waves in the Lunar Plasma Environment
- Predicting Ionization Rates from SEP and Solar Wind Proton Precipitation into the Martian Atmosphere
- Preliminary calibration results from a simple Wave/Particle correlator instrument that combines data from SPP/SWEAP and FIELDS
- Pressure Balance and Plasma Transport in the Topside Ionosphere of Mars
- Pulsating Auroras Produced By Interactions of Electrons and Time Domain Structures
- Quantifying the Spatial and Temporal Properties of Microbursts with Multi-spacecraft Missions
- Quantitative Assessment of CRAND Contribution to the Inner Belt Electron Intensity
- Regions of enhanced density in the Martian exosphere as detected in MAVEN NGIMS data
- Research Experience for Undergrads with the Boulder Solar Alliance
- Response of the Martian atmosphere to temporal variations of the plasma precipitation
- SEP modeling based on global heliospheric models at the CCMC
- Seasonal Variation of Martian Ion Escape from MAVEN and MEX Observations
- Small-Scale Dayside Magnetic Reconnection Analysis via MMS
- Solar Flare Dynamic Microwave Imaging with EOVSA
- Solar Probe ANalyzer for Ions - Laboratory Performance
- Solar Probe Cup: Laboratory Performance
- Space Weather at Mars: MAVEN and MSL/RAD Observations of CME and SEP Events
- Standardizing Scale Height Computation of Maven Ngims Neutral Data and Variations Between Exobase and Homeopause Scale Heights
- Storm-associated Alfvén Waves in the Polar Environment
- Structure and Dynamics of the Martian Magnetosphere
- Structure of Ion Outflow in the Martian Magnetotail
- SunPy: Python for Solar Physics
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona
- Terrestrial Molecular Ion Outflow Observed at the Moon
- The Dependence of Horizontal Magnetic Fields and Currents in the Ionosphere of Mars on the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- The Efforts of the American Geophysical Union Space Physics and Aeronomy Section Education and Public Outreach Committee to Use NASA Research in Education and Outreach
- The First ALMA Observation of a Solar Plasmoid Ejection from an X-Ray Bright Point
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) SMEX Mission
- The PhotoElectron Boundary as observed by MAVEN instruments
- The Rocket Investigation of Current Closure in the Ionosphere (RICCI) mission: A novel application of CubeSats from a sounding rocket platform
- The Role of Nongyrotropy in Balancing the Reconnection Diffusion Region
- The Solar Wind Source Cycle: Relationship to Dynamo Behavior
- The curious case of the seasonal variations of 1 Hz waves at Mars
- The influence of Mars' magnetic topology on atmospheric escape
- The size of coronal hard X-ray sources in solar flares: How big are they?
- Thermal Profile of the Lunar Interior Constrained by Revised Estimates of Concentrations of Heat Producing Elements
- Three types of aurora on Mars
- Topological Variations in Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields on the Nightside Due to Upstream Solar Wind Conditions
- Using ENLIL and SEPMOD to Evaluate Shock Connectivity Influences on Gradual SEP Events Observed with STEREO and ACE
- Van Allen Probe measurements of intense Poynting Flux, magnetic dipolarization, and particle energization and auroral arcs.
- What can we learn about Mars from satellite magnetic field measurements?
- 'Induced Magnetosphere' Aspects of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction
- 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm and Ionospheric Photoelectron Fluxes
- Accurate and Reliable Probabilistic Forecast Generated from a Deterministic Model
- Accurate determination of the total accelerated electron rate and power using solar flare hard X-ray spectra from RHESSI and FOXSI
- Analysis of Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) Observations of the Martian Disk at O135.6 nm with Implications for Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Data Analysis
- Anti-discrimination curriculum for REU students
- Anticipated Particle-Acceleration and Plasma-Heating Results from the FOXSI SMEX Mission
- Auroral electrodynamics revealed by high speed in-situ and inferred electron precipitation characteristics
- Automated Planning of the Nominal Science Operations for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- Backstreaming electrons upstream of the nearly perpendicular Martian bow shock: Origin and production mechanism
- Boundary Layer Asymmetries and Instabilities at Mars
- Cold Ion Outflow in Mars' Magnetotail
- Comparisons of Three Solar Eruptive Gamma-Ray Events
- Constrained Differential Emission Measure of Microflare Heating Observed with FOXSI-2, Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA
- Correcting PSP/SPAN VDF Measurements for Spacecraft Charging and B-Field Effects
- Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay (CRAND) as a source of inner belt electrons: Energy spectrum study and long-term variation
- Cross-Shock Potential in Rippled vs. Planar Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Observed with MMS
- Deriving Neutral Density Profiles of the Mars Atmosphere from MAVEN/SEP Measurements of Scorpuis-X1 X-ray Occultations
- Dynamic Magnetography of the SOL2017-09-04T202800 M5.5 Solar Flare Using Microwave Imaging Spectroscopy
- Effects in the Lower Ionosphere during the Large Dust Storm of 2018
- Effects of the Solar Wind on Mercury's Exosphere: Hybrid Simulations
- Electron Flux Oscillations in the Radiation Belts During Quiet-time Radial Transport
- Electron Solar Probe Analyzer Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Electron distribution and wave activities in the tail near a tailward fast flow
- Electron thermalization by electrostatic solitary waves across the Earth's bow shock
- Emirates Mars Mission Science Closure Strategy
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer's (EMUS) Predictions of Martian Airglow through Forward Modeling.
- Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA): Modeling Hypervelocity Ice Particle Impact Capture
- Evidence of Solar Proton Albedo Neutron Decay (SPAND) Produced Electrons in the Slot Region During a Ground Level Event (GLE)
- FOXSI-3: Mission Overview and Observations from the Third Sounding Rocket Flight of the Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager
- Faint solar X-rays observed with NuSTAR
- First results from sonification and exploratory citizen science of magnetospheric ULF waves
- Foreshock Electron Impact Ionization at Mars: Consequence on Neutral Exosphere
- Fully Self-Consistent Simulations of the Plasmasphere, Plumes, and Dayside Magnetopause
- Global dipole magnetic field: Boon or bane for the Martian atmospheric retention?
- Impact of the September 2017 Solar Flare and ICME Events on Mars
- Ion Acceleration Processes Near the Martian Exobase
- Ion Solar Probe Analyzer Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Ionospheric erosion at Mars caused by interplanetary coronal mass ejections
- Leveraging Commercial Cubesat Constellations for Science: A Case Study
- Loss of radiation belt electrons through the action of broadband electromagnetic waves.
- MAVEN observations of ion accelerations within the Martian magnetotail current sheets
- MMS observations of intense whistler waves within Earth's supercritical bow shock: Source mechanism, and impact on shock structure and plasma transport
- Magnetic Topology and Ion Outflow in Crustal Field Cusp Regions at Mars
- Mapping Martian Magnetic Topology with MAVEN data
- Mapping the Heliospheric Magnetic Field with Solar Radio Burst Source Localization Using Time Delay of Arrival Measurements
- Mapping the Lunar Wake Potential Structure with ARTEMIS Data
- Mapping the point-of-no-return for the Martian ionosphere with MAVEN/STATIC observations
- Martian Nightside Aurora Observed by MAVEN Remote and In-Situ Instruments
- Microburst Spatial Scale Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Multiple long-period variations in the plume of Enceladus offer insights into eruption mechanism
- New Insights into Solar Flare Temperature Distributions and Elemental Abundances using MinXSS CubeSat and RHESSI X-ray Spectroscopy
- Observations of ICMEs at Mars: past and present
- Observations of Precipitating Solar Wind Hydrogen in the Martian Ionosphere
- On constraining planetary interiors using satellite magnetic field measurements
- On the energetics of sunquakes and their generation mechanisms
- PIC simulations of the self-reformation and surface ripples of the Earth's bow shock: implications for MMS observations
- Parker Solar Probe SWEAP Science Operations: How we operate to measure plasma near the Sun
- Photoelectron Pitch Angle Distributions at Mars
- Probing the Bi-Directional Magnetic Reconnection Outflow Region of An Eruptive Solar Flare with Microwave Spectroscopic Imaging
- Proton/hydrogen aurora at early and current Mars
- Relationship between pulsating aurora and repetitive bursts of magnetospheric chorus: a statistical analysis
- Response of Inner Radiation Belt High Energy Protons to Geomagnetic Activities Observed by the RBSP Spacecraft
- Revisiting Wind's Prograde Orbits During SC23 Maximum: Coronal Mass Ejections
- Revolutionizing our Understanding of Particle Energization in Space Plasmas Using On-Board Field-Particle Correlator Instrumentation
- SWEAP takes a scoop: Overview of the coronal and solar wind plasma instruments on Parker Solar Probe
- Signatures of sputtering at Mars: the first evidence?
- Simulation study of particle heating at quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks
- Simultaneous multi-spacecraft probing of electron phase space holes
- Soft X-ray imaging spectroscopy of the Sun using a high-speed CMOS sensor with the FOXSI-3 sounding rocket
- Solar Probe Cup Design, Operation, and Calibration
- Solar Wind Turbulence From MHD Down to Electron Kinetic Scales: Artemis Observations
- Solar Wind induced waves in the skies of Mars: Ionospheric compression, energization, and escape resulting from the impact of ultra-low frequency magnetosonic waves generated upstream of the Martian bow shock
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager - FOXSI mission
- Statistical study of heavy ion outflows from Mars observed in the Martian induced magnetotail by MAVEN
- Statistics on Global Alfvén Wave Deposition over the Polar Region
- Successful Strategies for Promoting Inclusive Conferences in the Earth and Space Sciences
- Suprathermal Electrons Near Earth Bow Shock
- TRACE: Telescope for RAdiation Characterization at Europa
- The ESCAPADE mission to Mars: Escape and Plasma Acceleration and Dynamics Explorers
- The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)
- The ICON Far Ultra-Violet Imager
- The PSP/SWEAP Data Processing Unit - Compressing a lot of information into a limited data allocation.
- The Radio Frequency Spectrometer onboard the Parker Solar Probe
- The Solar Probe Cup: data analysis and commissioning
- The error analysis of the MIGHTI neutral wind velocity retrieval with respect to the non-uniformity of the 630.0 nm airglow
- The ionospheric role in the generation of small-scale auroral structures
- The observable macroscopic effects of nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the outer radiation belt
- The properties of chorus waves effective for wave-particle interactions in the outer radiation belts
- The third flight of the FOXSI rocket: Performance and results
- Understanding Plasma Acceleration and Transport in Mercury's Magnetosphere using Global Particle in Cell Simulations
- Variations in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System from Tides, Ultra-Fast Kelvin Waves, and Their Interactions.
- Warm trapped fossils? Electron structure and dynamics on the nightside of Mars
- Wave Emissions from the Lower-hybrid to the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in Quasi-perpendicular Shocks: a large-scale 2D PIC Simulation
- Wave-Particle Interaction with ULF waves in the Foreshock Region of Earth's Bow Shock
- "Endurance", a new NASA mission to gauge Earth's polar wind ambipolar electric field
- "Observing Dissipation Scale Dynamics of the Inner Heliosphere with Merged Search Coil and Fluxgate Magnetometer Measurements"
- 3D lower thermospheric wind fields using a meteor radar network
- A "Classic" Z-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe at 0.2AU (April 2-3, 2019)
- A Planetary-Scale Magnetic Field Can Enhance, Rather than Inhibit, Ionospheric Escape
- A Preliminary Analysis Places a Portion of the Dust Grains Detected by PSP on Prograde, Low-eccentricity Orbits in the Ecliptic
- A Space Computer Named In Sight Landed on the Red World Last Year and Here is What We Found So Far
- A Statistical Study of Magnetic Features of White-light Flares
- A correlation Study of Coronal EUV Brightenings and Radio Emission Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- A new spectrum fitting model: asymptotic double power law
- A simple wave particle correlator for the Parker Solar Probe Mission - Invited Paper 491142
- A statistical study of magnetic flux ropes observed in the nightside induced magnetosphere of Mars and Venus
- A survey of intense lower-hybrid whistler waves observed within Earth's bow shock by MMS
- Alfvenic slow solar wind and proton temperature anisotropy in inner heliosphere by PSP observations
- Alfvenicity in PSP observations: comparing different measures
- Alpha Particle Content in the Solar Wind as Observed by the SPAN-Ion Instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- An Investigation of Low Energy Ion Cusp Precipitation by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket Campaign
- Analysis of the Internal Structure of the Streamer Blow Out Observed the Parker Solar Probe during the First Solar Encounter
- Atmospheric Escape Processes and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution: from misconceptions to challenges
- Boulder Solar Alliance REU Boot Camp
- Bow Shock Acceleration of Solar Wind Suprathermal electrons
- CAPER-2 and TRICE-2 Sounding Rocket Investigations: Whistler and Upper-Hybrid Waves in the Polar Cusp
- CME -Associated Energetic Ions at 0.23 AU—Consideration of the Auroral Pressure Cooker Mechanism Operating in the Low Corona as a Possible Energization Process
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Characteristics and Evolution of Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere
- Characterization of Charge Sharing in the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Hard X-ray Detectors Using the Advanced Light Source at Berkeley
- Characterizing thermal expansion profile of solar wind streams with Parker Solar Probe SWEAP and FIELDS
- Collisionless Electron Dynamics in the Magnetosheath of Mars}
- Combined Next-Generation X-ray and EUV Observations with the FIERCE Mission Concept
- Combining Remote and in situ Parker Solar Probe and STEREO Data to Understand Solar Wind Density Structures
- Comparison of 3He-rich SEP Event Observations at the Parker Solar Probe and the Advanced Composition Explorer
- Comparison of Parker Solar Probe Observations during First Perihelion with Global Magnetohydrodynamic Model Results
- Comparisons between InSight IFG Surface Magnetic Field Measurements and MAVEN Observations
- Consequences of Charged Particle Precipitation onto High Latitude Permanently Shadowed Ice Water Deposits at Mercury
- Contribution of ULF Wave Activity to the Global Recovery of the Outer Radiation Belt During the Passage of a High-Speed Solar Wind Stream Observed in September 2014
- Coupling of Earth's Ionosphere, Magnetosphere and Solar Wind
- Cusp structures observed by the TRICE 2 sounding rockets and their relationship to the magnetopause reconnection location
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind Deduced from Radio Measurements by Parker Solar Probe
- Determining Directionality of Interplanetary Dust Particles Near the Sun
- Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons in the Slot Region During Geomagnetically Quiet Times: Losses due to Various Wave-Particle Interactions Versus Source from Cosmic Ray Albedo Neutron Decay(CRAND)
- ESCAPADE: coordinated multipoint observations of the Martian magnetosphere
- ESCAPADE: the first multi-spacecraft science mission to another planet.
- Early Evolution and Propagation of a Coronal mass Ejections within 55 solar radii as seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Early results from the space weather instrument KSEM aboard the geostationary satellite GK2A at 128.2<SUP>o</SUP>E longitude
- Electron Scattering by Low-Frequency Whistler Waves at Earth's Bow Shock
- Electron-scale Magnetic Holes as a Possible Universal Signature of Energy Dissipation in Space Plasmas
- Electrons in the Young Solar Wind
- Energetic Particle Increases Associated with Stream Interaction Regions
- Energy Input of Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Evaluation of Science Measurement Capabilities for Enceladus Plume Fly-By Flight Profiles Based on Experimental HyperVelocity Particle Impact Studies and Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA) Sample Analysis Capabilities
- Exploring Fundamental Processes Governing the Proton Radiation Belts of Jupiter with the Physical Model Salammbô and In-situ Measurements
- FIERCE Science: Expected Results From a High-Energy Medium-Class Explorer
- FOXSI-4: Instrument Upgrades for a Proposed Fourth Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager Sounding Rocket Experiment
- Feb 11: Girls InSpace at Arecibo Observatory
- First In-situ Measurements of Electron Density and Temperature from Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy with Parker Solar Probe/FIELDS
- First Observation of SEP Electrons at MeV Energies from the Parker Solar Probe
- First radiative transfer analysis of the OI 130.4-nm emission observed by NASA's TIMED mission
- First results from the ELFIN mission.
- Force balance at the Martian MPB: Observations from MAVEN in the subsolar region.
- Foreshock electron impact ionization effect on the amplitude of pickup protons generated waves at Mars
- Fragments from the Origins of the Solar System and our Interstellar Locale (FOSSIL): A Discovery Mission Concept
- Global multi-species hybrid modelling of plasma interactions at Galilean moons
- Hardware upgrades and science outcomes from the latest flights of the FOXSI rocket
- Helium abundance and non-equilibrium in the inner heliosphere
- High Resolution Observations of the Topology of a Crustal Magnetic Cusp
- High Time Resolution Auroral Electron Measurements
- Hypervelocity Particle Capture on Inert Metal Substrates: Foundations for Organic Particle Capture and Analysis of Enceladus Plume Transects.
- Identification of Small Scale Structures from PSP Observations
- Impact of secondary electron instabilities in the wave emissions excited within the front of a quasi-perpendicular shock: 2D PIC simulation
- Impacts of small coronal transients at Parker Solar Probe at times of density increases and burst of magnetic switchbacks
- Improved AWSoM Modeling of the First Two PSP Encounters
- In-Flight DC and Low-Frequency Electric Field Calibration for the Parker Solar Probe
- Intermittent heating in the inner Heliosphere: PSP observations
- Interstellar Probe Observations of the Solar System's Debris Disks
- Inverted-V electron acceleration events concurring with discrete aurora observations at Mars by MAVEN
- Investigating How Ambient Solar Wind Conditions Influence Local Observations of SEPs
- Investigating Wave Particle Interactions in the Martian Space Environment with MAVEN Observations
- Ion Acceleration in Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks: Observations from MMS
- Ion Temperatures Near the Martian Exobase
- Ion temperature anisotropy measurements using the Solar Probe Cup on Parker Solar Probe
- Jupiter's Innermost Radiation Belts from Juno Measurements
- Kinetic models of current sheets in the solar wind
- Kinetic physics everywhere in the inner heliosphere: Evidence from the FIELDS instrument on Parker Solar Probe
- Large Scale Structure of the Solar Wind, Poynting Flux, and Ion Energy Flow between 35 and 130 Solar Radii.
- Large scale 1/f magnetic field spectrum in the solar wind close to the Sun: comparison between 0.15 and 0.3AU
- Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions
- Localized Magnetic Field Structures and Their Boundaries in the Near-Sun Solar Wind from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
- Long-term variations of inner belt electrons observed by DEMETER and SAMPEX
- Lower E region second-order statistics and wind-field measurements at low latitudes and their connection to equatorial valley radar echoes
- Lyman-alpha Variability During Solar Flares Over Solar Cycle 24 Using GOES-15/EUVS-E
- MAVEN Insights into the Precipitation of Solar Energetic Electrons in the Upper Atmosphere of Mars during the September 2017 ICME Event
- MAVEN Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations of Discrete Aurora on Mars
- MAVEN observations of internally generated ULF waves in the upper ionosphere of Mars
- MAVEN observations of large scale magnetic depletions in the Martian ionosphere
- MHD mode decomposition in the inner-heliosphere from the Parker Solar Probe
- MHD-Scale Energy Transfer in the Inner Heliosphere from PSP observations
- MMS Observation of Stochastic Shock Drift Acceleration of Non-thermal Electron at Quasi-perpendicular Bow Shock
- MMS Statistical Study of Electrostatic Solitary Waves in Quasi-perpendicular Earth's Bow Shock
- MMS observations of the structure, evolution, and heating in the diffusion region of a reconnecting magnetosheath current sheet
- Magnetic Clouds: Solar Cycle Dependence, Sources, and Geomagnetic Impacts
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Collisional Ionosphere of Mars
- Magnetic Signatures of Plumes at Europa
- Magnetic connectivity of the ecliptic plane within 0.5 AU : PFSS modelling of the early PSP encounters
- Magnetic reconnection as a source of velocity spikes in the solar wind
- Maturation of the Enceladus Organic Analyzer (EOA) for Automated Sensitive Detection of Biosignature Compounds in Enceladus Plumes
- Measurement of Electron Temperature Anisotropy to within 35 Rs
- Measuring the Earth's Synchrotron Emission from Radiation Belts with a Lunar Near Side Radio Array
- Measuring the Extragalactic Background Light With an Interstellar Probe
- Mechanisms of generation and statistical properties of whistler waves in the solar wind
- Microburst Spatial Size Distribution Derived Using The AeroCube-6 CubeSats
- Modeling Ionospheric Densities and Flows in Crustal and Draped Magnetic Fields at Mars
- Modeling the lunar wake during extreme plasma conditions
- Multi-species modelling of the forming solar wind from the upper chromosphere to Parker Solar Probe
- Neighboring Planet Outposts: Location and Opportunity
- Nested optical networks: A new frontier in aeronomy research
- New Insights from Long-Term Measurements of Inner Belt Protons (10s of MeV) by SAMPEX, POES, and the Van Allen Probes
- Nonuniform Bow Shock Boundary at Mars
- NuSTAR observations of the quietest Sun
- Numerical simulations of the evolution of magnetic field kinks in the solar wind
- Observation of the Heating and Acceleration of the Solar Wind by MHD Waves
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations and simulations of electron flux oscillations in response to broadband ULF wave
- Observations of Ion Flattop Distributions in the Downstream Region of Earth's Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock
- Observations of Non-Thermal Structure in the Proton Velocity Distribution Function Using Proton Beams Below 0.3 AU from Parker Solar Probe and at 1 AU with Wind
- Observations of Space Weather at Mars
- Observed Properties of Solar Wind Jets inside 0.25 AU
- On the origins of magnetic flux ropes in the ionosphere of Mars using observations from MAVEN
- On the properties of the Electron Heat Flux and Thermal Force in the Solar Wind at 1AU: New Insights from Wind Observations
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker solar probe.
- PIC Simulations of the Whistler Heat Flux Instability in the Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Magnetic Reconnection Exhausts during Encounter 1
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particles Associated with a Slow Coronal Mass Ejection at 0.25AU
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the 4 April 2019 Solar Energetic Particle Event Near Perihelion
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Release of Density Blobs and Flux Ropes at the Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Parker Solar Probe approaches the Alfvén Point
- Parker Solar Probe observations of proton beams simultaneous with ion-cyclotron waves
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first Venus flyby
- Phobos Surface Sputtering as inferred from MAVEN Ion Observations
- Plasma waves near the electron cyclotron frequency in the near-Sun solar wind: implications for inner heliospheric turbulence and the structure of the solar wind
- Predicting the Solar Wind at Parker Solar Probe Using an Empirically Driven MHD Model
- Pulsating aurora from electron scattering by chorus waves
- RHESSI - GOES Comparisons of Soft X-ray Emission from Solar Flares, 2002 - 2017
- Radial Evolution of MHD-Scale Solar Wind Turbulence from 35 Rs to 1 AU
- Rapid Flux Angle Measurements in the Inner Heliosphere
- Relating O1356 FUV disk brightness to Mars thermospheric conditions: preparing for data from the Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrograph
- Responses of Venus and Mars to an Extreme Carrington-Type Space Weather Event: Atmospheric Loss and Core-Induced Magnetic Signature
- Revisit of altitude profile of sprite emission ratios of N<SUB>2</SUB> 2P to N<SUB>2</SUB> 1P in comparison with theoretical results
- Searching for Weak Stream Interactions in the Inner Heliosphere using the Parker Solar Probe
- Sharp Alfvenic Impulses in the Near-Sun Solar Wind: Properties and Possible Origins
- Simulating the Reiner Gamma Swirl and Magnetic Anomaly: The Long-term Effect of Solar Wind Standoff
- Simultaneous Observation of Poleward-Moving Auroral Forms at the Equatorward and Poleward Boundary of the Auroral Oval
- Solar Energetic Particles and Seed Populations Observed by Parker Solar Probe at ∼0.5 au: Observations and Modeling of the April 21, 2019 Energetic Particle Event
- Solar flare hard X-ray and gamma-ray imaging spectro-polarimetry with GRIPS and SAPPHIRE/SHARPIE
- Solar wind proton core and beam distributions as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Solar wind streams and corotating interaction regions observed by Parker Solar Probe with corresponding observations at one AU
- Spectrometer for Temperature and Composition for the FIERCE MIDEX mission concept
- Static and Time-Varying Magnetic Fields Recorded at the InSight Landing Sight
- Statistics of Energetic Particles in the first Parker Solar Probe Orbit: Correlations and Association with Magnetic Structures
- Statistics of the Magnetic Field Variability Observed by the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Magnetometers
- Stochastic heating of the solar wind becomes increasingly significant close to the Alfven critical point
- Study of the Correlation between O I 135.6nm Brightness and Solar EUV Activity and Implications for Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Data
- Sub-horizontal magnetic stripe boundaries imply conductive cooling in fast spread crust
- Sub-solar electron temperatures in the lower Martian ionosphere
- Sunward Strahl in Rapid Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology During Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe's Early Encounters
- Switchbacks in the near-Sun magnetic field: long-range correlations and impact on the turbulence cascade
- Switchbacks: A Statistical Investigation of Their Properties
- Synchronizing the WAIS Divide Ice Core with GICC05 from 39-43 ka BP using High-resolution <SUP>10</SUP>Be Measurements during Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion
- Synthetic Spectra of Potential Exo-Earths: Quantifying Biotic Signatures with AROC
- Talking is Hard: Building Communication between Mentors and Students
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona During the MAVEN Mission
- Testing theories and models for dayside magnetopause reconnection with the Cusp Plasma Imaging Detector (CuPID) Cubesat Observatory
- The Coronal Source Regions of Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons at 0.1-200 keV
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet in the Inner Heliosphere Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment Encountered by Parker Solar Probe
- The Prevalence of Ion-Scale Instabilities in the First Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- The Radial Dependence of Proton-scale Magnetic Spectral Break During PSP Encounter 2
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter : Capabilities and Performance
- The Relationship between Pulsating Aurora and Chorus Waves: Comparing Simultaneous Observations with Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- The Seasonal Dependence of the Electric Drift Velocity Below L = 3 as Seen from the Van Allen Probes
- The Structure of the Martian Bow Shock as Seen by the MAVEN Spacecraft
- The Thermal Gated Ion Time of Flight (TIGTOF) Instrument Overview
- The Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics 2 (TRICE-2) Mission
- The effects of intermittency on the dissipation of plasma turbulence
- The global distributions, occurrence rates and climatology of transient luminous events by a 12-year space-borne survey
- The influence of Martian crustal magnetic fields on atmospheric escape
- The magnetic structure and electrodynamics of the emerging solar wind
- The modulation of solar wind hydrogen deposition in the Martian atmosphere by foreshock phenomena
- The presence of hematite at high latitudes of the Moon
- The role of Alfvén wave dynamics in the large scale properties of the solar wind: comparing 3D MHD simulation and PSP data
- Time-Dependent Hybrid Plasma Simulations of Lunar Electromagnetic Induction in the Solar Wind
- Turbulence Transport Modeling and PSP Observations
- Type III Radio Bursts Observed in the Inner Heliosphere
- UV Multi-Spectral Images of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere from LITES and ICON
- Understanding Multi-Scale Plasma Energization in Mercury's Magnetosphere using Global Kinetic Simulations and MESSENGER Data
- Using Field-Particle Correlations to Diagnose Particle Energization in Turbulence, Magnetic Reconnection, and Shocks
- Validation of high-latitude TIEGCM inputs using geomagnetic storm observations by GOLD
- Waiting time (distance) distributions of magnetic field and velocity PVI events during the first Parker Solar Probe encounter
- Whistler Mode Chorus Propagation in Inhomogeneous Small Scale Density Structures
- Young Solar Wind in the Grip of the Sun's Corona
- A First Comparison Between Ionospheric and Surface Level Magnetic Fields at Mars
- A How-To Guide to Spectral-Imaging from Interstellar Probe
- A MAVEN Survey of Ionospheric Flux Ropes at Mars: Evidence for 3 Formation Mechanisms
- A Smallsat Platform for Large-scale Interplanetary Studies (SPLIS): Rideshare Opportunities and Pathway to Sub-L1 Space Weather Missions
- A Statistical Understanding of Mars' Draped Magnetic Field Configuration with MAVEN
- A joint study of Solar Orbiter first data and PSP E5 through 3D MHD modeling
- Alteration of crustal magnetic fields at Mars by currents induced by the solar wind interaction
- An in situ Type III radio burst observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Applications of machine learning for inner magnetospheric space weather prediction
- Applying Ion Energy Spectrograms to Search for Plumes at Europa
- Asymmetric ion bombardment and weathering of the Martian Moon Phobos
- Atmospheric ion escape from Mars - MAVEN observations of a state-transition at high solar EUV
- Broadband Enhancements in the Cusp Ionosphere Observed by TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets
- CME-CME Interactions as Sources of CME Helio-Effectiveness: the Early September 2017 Events
- COFFIES - Developing a Reliable Physical Model of the Solar Activity Cycle
- Carbon Photochemical Escape Rates from the Modern Mars Atmosphere
- Cassini Data Analysis and Drift-Physics Modeling of Energetic Plasma Injections in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Coincident Lower-Hybrid and Modulated Upper-Hybrid Waves Observed with TRICE-2 Sounding Rockets in Earth's Cusp
- Combined observations of the heliospheric current sheet with Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Comparative Earth and Jupiter's radiation belts
- Comparing Solar Minimum 24/25 with Historical Solar Wind Records at 1 AU
- Comparing Solar Minimum Conditions at Mars to What We Experience at 1 AU
- Comparison of ICON O<SUP>+</SUP> density profiles with electron density profiles provided by COSMIC-2 and ground-based ionosondes
- Constraining Energy Input by Solar Energetic Particles at Mars
- Constraining Global Coronal Models with Multiple Independent Observables
- Constraining the 3D Distribution of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona using MAVEN Observations
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- DC/LF electric field and spacecraft potential measurements in the solar wind by RPW/BIAS on Solar Orbiter
- Deciphering the Earth's Magnetospheric "Zebra Stripes": Recent Advances and Perspectives
- Deciphering the innermost radiation belts of Jupiter with pre-Juno observations and the physics-based model Salammbô
- Detecting Carbon Ion Movement at Mars: Results from Static
- Determination of the response time of the Martian induced magnetosphere from solar wind fluctuations using multi-spacecraft observations
- Diffusion Region of Reconnection in the Presence of a Shear Flow
- Double Layers: Kinetic Plasma Physics at the Venusian Bow Shock
- E- and F-region Wind Influences on the Topside Equatorial ionosphere Observed by ICON
- ESCAPADE: Unraveling Cause and Effect in Mars' Unique Hybrid Magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Electron Heat Flux and Thermal Force in the Solar Wind at 1
- Electron Heat Flux in the Near-Sun Environment
- Electrostatic Waves and Electron Heating Observed over Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
- Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) 2020 Overview and Status
- Emirates Mars Mission 2020: Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) Overview
- Empirical and Forward Modeling of Oxygen OI 135.6nm in the Martian Thermosphere
- Energetic Particles near the Sun from Parker Solar Probe
- Enhanced Proton Parallel Temperature in `Patches' of Alfvénic Switchbacks
- Estimation of the moving direction of the Martian magnetotail flux ropes: MAVEN observations
- Evidence of Sub-proton-scale Magnetic Holes in the Venusian Magnetosheath
- Evidence of a newly-observed turbulent regime at sub-ion scales in space and astrophysical plasmas
- FIELDS Closer to the Sun: New Insights on the Origins and Evolution of the Solar Wind.
- Formation of Unique Magnetic Structures Observed in the Inner Heliosphere: from Braids to Knots
- Global survey of ion flow acceleration within current sheets in the Martian magnetosphere with MAVEN
- Gravity Wave Study in the MLT using ICON-MIGHTI Temperature and Wind Observations
- Incorporating Machine Learning into Mission Operations
- Influence of Europa's Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Energetic Ion Precipitation
- Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in Our Heliosphere
- Investigation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Ion Collisional Effects in Slow Solar Wind: Hybrid Simulations
- Ion radiation belts outside of the main rings of Jupiter and Saturn
- Ion-Scale Waves With Rising Frequency Tones Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- Kinetic Dynamics of Early and Mature Phase Hot Flow Anomalies Observed Upstream of Earth's Bow Shock
- Limits on the X-ray emission of the quiet Sun from the FOXSI sounding rockets
- Low Radio Frequency Observations from the Moon Enabled by Landed Payload Missions
- Low frequency proton resonance waves and associated higher frequency waves in the Martian magnetosheath and their role on ion escape
- MAVEN Observations of Ion Escape as a Function of the Twisted Tail Magnetotail Configuration
- MAVEN observations of small scale magnetic structures embedded within larger scale magnetic field depletions in the Martian ionosphere
- MAVEN observations of variability in the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MHD Turbulence in the Solar Wind: Observations from First Five Encounters of Parker Solar Probe
- MHD momentum balance in the induced magnetic field at Mars using MAVEN data.
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Corona as a Source of Switchbacks in the Solar Wind
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Ionosphere of Mars: The Role of Collisions
- Magnetic Topology in the Mars Magnetosphere and Its Consequences
- Magnetic switchbacks: on the sensitivity of the statistical results with the chosen methodology
- Mars Orbiters for Surface-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Connections (MOSAIC)
- Martian crustal magnetic fields tend to decrease local ion escape
- Modeling the Effects of Solar Wind Structure on Nanodust Dynamics in the Inner Heliosphere
- Multi-satellite MMS analysis of electron holes in the Earth's magnetotail: origin, properties, velocity gap and transverse instability
- Negative Hydrogen Ions in the Martian Atmosphere: MAVEN Observations
- New Methods for Solar Hard X-ray Imaging Analysis with the FOXSI Sounding Rocket Experiment
- New Plasma Physics Pushing Closer to the Sun with PSP/SWEAP
- New Temperature Observations in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere fromthe MIGHTI Instrument on ICON
- Next-Generation Solar Radio Imaging Spectroscopy
- Nitrogen Fixation at Early Mars
- Novel Technique for Compton edge Calibration of Neutral Particle Detectors using Kernel Density Estimation
- NuSTAR Observation of Eleven Solar Microflares
- O2+ temperature profiles measured by MAVEN STATIC
- Observational Evidence on a Class of Azimuthal Dipolarizations in the Dipole-Tail Transition Region (5-12 Re) of the Earth's Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms
- Observations and Statistics of Secondary Alpha Populations in the Inner Heliosphere
- Observations of Energized Electrons in the Martian Magnetosheath
- Observations of Low-Energy Magnetospheric Ions by the TRICE 2 Sounding Rocket and the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission
- Observed Turbulent Properties of Spherically Polarized Alfvénic States
- On multi-scale density irregularities observed by sounding rockets within regions of enhanced scintillations in the cusp ionosphere
- On the location of the Solar Alfvén Point and the imminent crossing by Parker Solar Probe
- On the short-scale spatial variability of electron inflows in electron-only magnetic reconnection in the turbulent magnetosheath observed by MMS
- Opportunities for Science From Gateway With HERMES
- Outer radiation belt electron lifetime model based on combined Van Allen Probes and Cluster VLF measurements
- Parker Solar Probe In-Situ Observations of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Ion Velocity-Space Diffusion Associated with Ion-Scale Right-Hand Polarized Waves
- Parker Solar Probe observations of the first three Venus flybys: foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Performances and First Results from the RPW/Search Coil Magnetometer onboard Solar Orbiter
- Plasma Acceleration, Transport, and Loss in Inner Planetary Magnetospheres
- Probing the magnetosphere via observations of electron flux oscillations associated with broadband ULF waves
- Proton Core Behaviour inside Magnetic Field Switchbacks
- Quasi-thermal noise, plasma wave, and radio measurements for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- Quiet-time Solar Wind Suprathermal Electrons of Different Solar Origins
- Radial Dependence of the Magnetic Turbulence at Transition and Kinetic Range in the Inner Heliosphere
- Radiation Belt Scattering in Electromagnetic Turbulence
- Radio waves and whistler-mode waves in solar wind and their interactions with energetic electrons
- Recent Advances in Understanding Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
- Reflectance spectra measurement plan of captured samples from Ryugu: current status
- Relating Imaged Streamer Flows to the Slow Solar Winds measured by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe
- Relative heating of ions and electrons in the young solar wind due to turbulent dissipation mediated via Landau damping
- Relativistic Electron Acceleration in Planetary Radiation Belts: Paradigm Shifts from the Van Allen Probes Mission at Earth and a Call for a Dedicated Study at Jupiter
- Science Applications for Soft X-ray Imaging Missions
- Scientific goals for the Venus Flagship Mission's aerobot
- Searching for Weak Stream Interactions in the Inner Heliosphere Using the Parker Solar Probe
- Shock Acceleration of 1-100 Kev Electrons at Earth`s Bow Shock I
- Shock Acceleration of 1-100 Kev Electrons at Earth`s Bow Shock II
- Small Electron Events Observed by Parker Solar Probe/ISʘIS During Encounter 2
- Small scale ionospheric density irregularities at Mars: the first resolved density measurements, made by the MAVEN spacecraft
- Small-scale Magnetic Flux Ropes in the First Two Parker Solar Probe Encounters
- Solar Cycle Dependencies of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Variability at Mars
- Solar EUV Irradiance Uncertainties for Planetary Studies
- Solar Energetic Electron Events Associated with Hard X-ray Flares
- Solar Energetic Particles and Interplanetary Type III Bursts
- Solar Orbiter: connecting remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Solar Orbiter: early in situ measurements
- Solar Wind Energy Flux Observations in the Inner Heliosphere: First Results from Parker Solar Probe
- Solar wind proxy determination at Mars using an artificial neural network
- Sources and Evolution of the Solar Wind Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- Space Weather at Mars: 5.5 Years of MAVEN Observations
- Space Weathering of Ice Deposits within Mercury's Permanently Shadowed Craters
- Statistical Analysis of Orientation, Shape and Size of Switchbacks
- Statistical Investigation of Recurrent Substorms/Substorm-like Disturbances in the Magnetotail
- Statistical analysis and comparison of kinetic-scale current sheets measured aboard Wind and PSP
- Statistical properties of solar energetic electron penetration into the Martian upper atmosphere observed by MAVEN: Effects of the magnetic field structure in the ionosphere
- Substorm current wedge formation at Mercury informed from MESSENGER observations
- Successful Capture of Plume Ice Samples and Organic Molecules for Biomarker Analyses in a Valid Laboratory Model for the Enceladus Encounter
- Superthermal electron deposition on the Mars nightside during ICMEs
- Switchbacks: statistical properties and deviation from alfvenicity
- The 2017 September 10 loop-prominence system: A polarization and density analysis
- The Above-the-looptop Source of the 2017 September 10 Solar Flare: Energetic Electron Distribution over a Broad Energy Range
- The Effects of Non-Equilibrium Features on Solar Wind Plasma Evolution
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The Fate of Plasmasphere Material: Is Recirculated Material a Significant Contributor to the Ring Current?
- The Gamma-Ray Imager/Polarimeter for Solar flares (GRIPS): proposed reflight during the next solar maximum
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer: Results from Year #1 on Orbit.
- The Lunar Geophysical Network Mission
- The Micro Solar Flare Apparatus (MiSolFA)
- The Near-Sun Dust Environment as Seen by Parker Solar Probe
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter: First results.
- The Shape and Motions of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Close to the Sun
- The Structure and Origin of Switchbacks: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- The Venusian Atmospheric Ion Escape and its Effect on the Atmospheric Evolution
- The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs
- The influence of the upstream conditions on the plasma convection in the distant tail lobes
- The study of low-frequency waves in the solar wind by the RPW/TDS instrument onboard Solar Orbiter
- Timepix3 Chip: Calibration Procedure and Results
- Tracking a CME and SIR to Earth and Mars during the deep minimum of Solar Cycle 24
- Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in the Midlatitude Thermosphere: Coordinated Ground- and Space-Based Observations
- Type III Solar Radio Burst Profiles, Directionality, and Wave Scattering Model
- Unravelling the mysteries of Venusian atmospheric evolution through future orbital space physics measurements
- Updates on the Fundamentals of Impulsive Energy Release in the Corona Explorer (FIERCE) mission concept
- Using Electron Measurements from MAVEN to study the Magnetosheath of Mars
- Van Allen Probe Observations of Electric Field Irregularities within the Plasmasphere Including Examples of Very High Altitude Spread-F
- Variability in the energetic electron bombardment of Ganymede
- Venus Gravity Assist #3 as seen by the SPAN-Ion instrument on Parker Solar Probe.
- Voltage Waveforms Associated with Dust Impacts on Parker Solar Probe
- Wave-particle energy transfer directly observed in an ion cyclotron wave
- When Pulsating Aurorae and Chorus Waves Don't Align: Comparing Simultaneous Observations by Gakona All Sky Camera and the Van Allen Probes
- Whistler Heat Flux and Anisotropy Instability in the Solar Wind
- Whistler Waves in the Inner Heliosphere
- Whistler Waves in the Young Solar Wind: Properties, Origin, and Consequences for Particles
- Whistler wave properties and their occurrence during the Parker Solar Probe's 1st and 2nd encounter
- Whistler wave properties during PSP's encounter 1 - First results from SCM cross-spectral data
- 3D Structure of the Martian Inner Hot Oxygen Corona Imaged by EMM/EMUS
- A statistical view of small-scale waves seen in the ICON-MIGHTI dataset for January 2020.
- ARTEMIS observations of lunar nightside surface potentials in the magnetotail lobes: Evidence for micrometeoroid impact charging
- Algorithm Development for Magnetic Field topology reconstruction in a 3-D simulation box using Machine Learning
- An Overview and Future Outlook on Open Planetary Research Workflows
- Analyzing the Sunward Electron Deficit to Understand the Suns Electric Potential
- Anomalous Interplanetary Dust Populations and Dust Impact Directionality Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- As Seen on Parker Solar Probe: Waves Generated by Proton Beams Produced by Magnetic Reconnection
- Atmospheric Hydrogen Deposition on Mars From Penetrating Solar Wind Protons
- Case Study of Suprathermal Electrons in the Martian Wake
- Characterization of Strahl Electron Scattering in the Solar Wind Observed by PSP
- Continuous Suprathermal Ion Acceleration Flanking Two Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings During Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Cool Electrons in the Magnetosphere
- Determination of atomic oxygen in the thermosphere of Mars from the Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS) instrument
- Discrete Aurora at Mars: Dependence on Upstream Solar Wind Conditions
- Discrete Aurora on the Nightside of Mars: Occurrence Location and Probability
- EMM EMUS Observations of Martian Nightside Discrete EUV and FUV Aurora: patterns, variability, drivers, and new spectral features
- ESCAPADE: unraveling cause and effect in Mars hybrid magnetosphere
- Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometers Observation of Argon I 104.8 nm and 106.6 nm in the Martian Thermosphere.
- Empirically determined auroral electron events at Mars - MAVEN observations
- Energetic particle deposition onto Callisto's atmosphere
- Exploring the effects of electron impact ionization on the Mars upper atmosphere
- Fast variations of energetic electron fluxes in the Earths radiation belts as an indication of nonlinear wave-particle interaction
- Forces, Electric Fields and Currents at the Martian MPB: MAVEN Observations and Multifluid MHD Simulation Results.
- From MAVEN to Bayes: A Data-Driven Approach to Mars Space Environment
- Hard X-ray upper limits of the quiet Sun with new FOXSI observations
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- How a cloud based JupyterHub can scaffold researchers' scientific workflows and teaching activities
- Identifying and Characterizing Waves in the Solar Wind Using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Inferring Magnetic Topology at Mars with MAVEN/SEP Data
- Influence of Europas Non-Uniform Electromagnetic Environment on Surface Weathering
- Influence of Europas Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Magnetospheric Ion Precipitation
- Interplay Between Linear and Nonlinear Processes in Simulation and Space Plasmas
- Interstellar Probe Measurements of Dust in the Heliosphere and Nearby Galaxy
- Investigating Similarities and Differences between Radial Diffusion Models within the Van Allen Radiation Belts During Geomagnetic Storms
- Investigating the Moon's Interaction with the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobe Plasma
- Ionospheric Energization and Escape over Martian Crustal Magnetic Fields and Non-Magnetized Regions Compared Using MAVEN Measurements
- Ionospheric Plasma Transported into the Martian Magnetosheath
- Kinetic-scale current sheets at 1 AU: origin, properties and reconnection conditions
- Know Before You Go: Space Weather at Mars
- Langumir/Slow extraordinary mode magnetic signatures with Parker Solar Probe
- Localized Hybrid Simulation of Martian Crustal Magnetic Cusp Regions
- MAVEN observations of factors influencing the twisted magnetotail configuration at Mars
- MAVEN observations of low frequency steepened magnetosonic waves and associated heating of the Martian nightside ionosphere
- Magnetic Pressure Estimations and Equilibrium Conditions within Interchange Injections around Saturn
- Magnetic topology at Venus: new insights into the Venus plasma environment
- Mars Global Magnetic Field Response To Localized Crustal Fields and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Direction
- Mars Year 34 Dust Storm Effects on Hydrogen Escape in the LMD-MGCM
- Martian Outer Hot Oxygen Corona as Observed by EMM/EMUS and Comparison with a 3-D Monte Carlo Particle Transport Model
- Measured charged particle fluxes relevant to Ganymede weathering
- Measurement of quasi-thermal noise, plasma waves, and low frequency radio emission on an Interstellar Probe mission
- Measuring the Open Magnetic Flux in the Inner Heliosphere with Parker Solar Probe
- Micro-scale plasma instabilities in the interaction region of the solar wind and Martian ionosphere
- Modeling Effects of Charge Sharing on the Response of the FOXSI Sounding Rockets
- Morphology of EUV and FUV Martian airglow emissions observed by EMUS instrument onboard EMM
- Multi-satellite observations of ion holes aboard Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
- Non Detection of Lightning During the Second Parker Solar Probe Venus Gravity Assist
- North-South IMF Sensitivity of the Mars-Solar Wind Interaction Is it important?
- Observations of thermospheric waves from the Emirates Mars Mission (Hope Probe)
- On the Growth and Development of Non-linear Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Mars: MAVEN Observations
- On the validity of the Taylor Hypothesis in the inner heliosphere as observed by the Parker Solar Probe
- Origin of the Weak Plasma Emission Line Detected by Voyager 1 in the Interstellar Medium: Evidence for Supra-thermal Electrons
- Origins of low turbulence, quiescent magnetic field regions in the near-sun solar wind and their peculiar magnetic and anisotropic ion behavior.
- Pandemic Programming for an REU: Developing a Virtual Bootcamp and Professional Development Series for the Advancing Space Sciences through Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) Program
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of High Plasma Beta Solar Wind from Streamer Belt
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the January 2021 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of the Presence and Absence of Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind Current Sheets
- Parker Solar Probe observations Venusian foreshocks, shocks and particle acceleration
- Patches of the magnetic switchbacks: hints of their origins
- Prevalence of Magnetic Reconnection in the near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet
- Processing of Europas surface by its perturbed space environment
- Properties of Alpha Particles in Magnetic Switchbacks
- Properties of ion scale waves observed concurrently with ion "hammerhead" distributions by Parker Solar Probe
- Proton-Alpha Differential Flow of the Young Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Quad-Timepix/Timepix3 Detector Development for Solar Physics
- Quantifying the ambipolar electric field contribution to the solar wind acceleration
- Radial Evolution of the Electron Temperature Derived from the Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy in the Pristine Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations
- Recent Multi-Spacecraft Measurements of Interplanetary Transients and Need for Dedicated Missions
- Retrieval of H and O abundance from EMM/EMUS observations of Lyman alpha, Lyman beta, and O I 102.6 nm observations
- Role of ULF waves in relativistic electron loss by whistler-mode wave scattering
- Science Data From a Multi-Spacecraft, Multi-Scale Observatory: Data Processing, Selection, and Analysis for the HelioSwarm Mission
- Short Duration Electrostatic Waves with Frequency Shifts in the Solar Wind Sunward of 1/3 AU
- Signatures of Atmospheric Sputtering at Mars: Probing Effects of the Solar Wind on the Oxygen Corona Using a Synthesis of MAVEN Measurements at Solar Minimum
- Signatures of Landau Damping in Young Solar Wind Turbulence
- Simulations of radio-wave anisotropic scattering to interpret type III radio burst measurements by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, STEREO and Wind
- Slow drifting features in interplanetary Type III radio bursts
- Solar Cycle Variability in Coronal Holes and their Effects on Solar Wind Sources
- Solar Cycle Variability of Nanodust Fluxes in the Inner Solar System
- Solar Wind Electrons at 1 AU: Coulomb Collisions, Heat Flux, and Thermal Force
- Space Weather Observations From Gateway
- Spatial structure and relative variability of CO abundance in the Martian thermosphere observed by the Emirates Mars Mission
- Statistical Observations of Solar Wind Fluctuations in the de Hoffmann-Teller Frame
- Structure and dynamics of flux ropes in the solar wind with implications for switchbacks
- Study Of The Quiet Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Emission and its Flaring Properties
- Studying the evolution and propagation of a prominent solar wind structure observed by PSP on June 13, 2020
- Subsurface Ocean Detection and Characterization at Triton using Single- and Multi-Pass Magnetometric Measurements
- Sunward Strahl in Magnetic Field Reversals: Solar Connectivity and Magnetic Topology during Rapid Switchbacks in Parker Solar Probe Fast Electron Data
- Suprathermal Ion Intensity Enhancements in the vicinity of the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossing near Parker Solar Probes Perihelion 7
- Survey of whistlers waves parameters in the pristine solar wind from the first PSP orbit: wave amplitude, polarization, and occurrence rates
- Switchback systematic orientation near Sun and implications for solar interchange reconnection preferential locations
- Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind: Electron Evolution Observed inside Switchbacks between 0.125 AU and 0.25 AU.
- Temperature Gradient Contributions to the Magnetopause Current System
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: High Resolution Focused X-ray Observations of the Sun
- The HERMES Space-Weather Science Payload for Gateway
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The ICON/MIGHTI Temperature Observations: Two Concurrent Datasets Revealing Diurnal Variations in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- The solar PolArization and Directivity X-Ray Experiment: PADRE
- Thermal and Nonthermal Electron Energy Gain in Macroscale Magnetic Reconnection
- To Touch the Sun: Parker Solar Probe and the Alfven Critical Point
- Triton's Variable Interaction with Neptune's Magnetosphere
- Type III Solar Radio Burst Profiles, Directionality, and Wave Scattering Model
- Understanding High-Energy Particle Radiation in Mars Orbit: Combining Data Sets from Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Express
- Unexpected enhancement of ion temperatures in Mars lower ionosphere
- Using Machine Learning to Characterize Solar Wind Driving of Convection in the Terrestrial Magnetotail Lobes
- Variations in the He/H Abundance Ratio Measured in Solar Energetic Particle Events by Parker Solar Probe
- Venus Ionospheric Measurements by the SWEAP-SPAN-Ai Sensor on Parker Solar Probe.
- Vertical Wave Coupling in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere as revealed by Concurrent ICON, COSMIC-2, and SORTIE Observations
- 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particle Event Observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounter 12 Perihelion
- A Global Investigation of IMF-Crustal Field Interactions at Mars Using MAVEN Data
- A MAVEN case study of radial IMF at Mars: Impacts on the dayside ionosphere
- A Statistical Study of the Martian Ionopause and Comparisons with Venus
- A Study of Temporal Variability in Mars Discrete Aurora as Observed by EMM EMUS.
- A case study on the interaction between the solar wind and the Martian nightside crustal magnetic field cusp regions
- A multi-fluid MHD investigation of the magnetic quadrupole influence on the inner magnetosphere of Uranus
- A statistical study of the Moon's plasma environment within Earth's magnetotail
- Accelerated Electrons Associated with Current Sheet Crossings in the Martian Magnetotail
- An Overview of HelioSwarm: A NASA MIDEX Mission to Reveal the Nature of Turbulence in Space Plasmas
- Ancient Energetic Particle Precipitation at an Unmagnetized Planet near a Young Sun
- Assessing the Relationship Between Extreme Space Weather, Magnetospheric Disturbances, and Proton Aurora Activity at Mars
- Atmospheric Electrodynamics probe for THERmal plasma (AETHER) for the GDC mission: an Investigation of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Backward Propagating Source as a Component of Rising Tone Whistler Mode Chorus Generation
- Bayesian analysis of particle distributions in the solar wind
- Beta-dependent Constraints on Ion Temperature Anisotropy in Jupiter's Magnetosheath
- Broadening Impacts Program of the COFFIES NASA DRIVE Center: Increasing Diversity through Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- CURIE: Low Frequency Radio Interferometry from Space
- Calculating and Examining Electric Fields in the Venusian Plasma Environment using PSP
- Callisto's Atmosphere: First Evidence for H2, Constraints on Source Rates, and Implications for Future Observations
- Characterization of Solar Wind Strahl Electron Scattering Observed by PSP
- Characterizing Energy Spectra of Precipitating Solar Wind H+ and H- in the Martian Atmosphere
- Chromospheric Counterpart of the Medium-Scale Solar Wind Switchbacks
- Collisional Transport of Solar Wind Plasma During its Journey from the Sun to the Earth
- Comparison of the Mars PCM Dust Storm Effects on Water Vapor and the Hope Probe Observations
- Counter-Streaming Whistler Waves in the Solar Wind: Observations from Parker Solar Probe
- Developing an emission model of photoelectrons and Auger electrons from the sunlit lunar surface and its application to evaluation of the lunar electrostatic environment
- Directionality of Suprathermal Elelctrons in the Solar Wind
- Diverting Space Weather over a Weakly-Magnetized Planet: MAVEN Observations of SEP Electron Depletion at Mars
- Drivers of Irregular Spatio-temporal Variations of Far Ultraviolet Dayglow at Mars Observed by EMM EMUS
- ESCAPADE: unveiling Mars' hybrid magnetosphere with Class D Smallsats
- Effects of dust storms on ion density variation in the Martian ionosphere based on long-term MAVEN/STATIC observations
- Electron Temperatures in the Venusian Ionosphere from Parker Solar Probe using Quasi-thermal Noise Spectroscopy
- Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms at Callisto and Europa
- Enabling High Resolution X-ray Imaging of Solar Sources via Charge Sharing in CdTe Detectors
- Energy partition between the solar wind proton "core" and "tail" distributions in the inner heliosphere
- Equatorial Pitch-angle Distributions of Ions Within the Io, Europa, and Ganymede Neutral Tori as Measured by the JADE and JEDI Particle Detectors Onboard Juno
- Estimation of Quasi-Thermal Noise Plasma Parameters using Convolutional Neural Networks
- FDTD Modeling of Whistler Mode Wave Propagation in Magnetospheric Ducts
- Flux and mass observations of ions precipitating the lunar polar regions
- Following a prominence eruption from the Sun to Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations
- Generation Mechanism of Whistler Waves at Switchback Boundaries in the Young Solar Wind: Particle-in-Cell Model and Parker Solar Probe Measurements
- Global ambipolar potentials and electric fields at Mars inferred from MAVEN observations
- He/H Ratio in Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Heliophysics With HERMES From Gateway in Lunar Orbit
- High Time and Spatial Resolution Observations of the Topology of Mars' Crustal Magnetic Fields
- Hybrid Modeling of Ion Kinetic Instabilities in the Solar Wind Motivated by PSP Observations Near Perihelia
- Identification of Mesospheric Clouds in Dayside Disk Images from the Emirates Mars Mission
- Impacts of the Tonga Eruption on the Ionospheric Dynamo: ICON‑MIGHTI and Swarm Observations of Extreme Neutral Winds and Currents
- Induced Magnetic Field Distribution and Variability at Mars: MHD Prediction and Comparison with MAVEN Observations
- Influence of Europa's Time-Varying Electromagnetic Environment on Magnetospheric Ion Precipitation and Surface Weathering
- Inhomogeneous Distribution of High-Amplitude Kinetic Alfvén Waves in the Near-Sun Solar Wind
- Initial Ion Acceleration at Mars: 5 Years of MAVEN-STATIC Observations
- Interchange Reconnection within Coronal Holes Powers the Fast Solar Wind: Connecting Parker Solar Probe Observations and Simulations to Coronal Reconnection Dynamics
- Interchange reconnection within coronal holes powers the fast solarwind: Suprathermal ion flows and bursty magnetic fields modulated by the network magnetic field.
- Interplanetary Mesoscale Observatory (InterMeso): A mission to untangle dynamic mesoscale structures throughout the heliosphere
- Interplay of Turbulence and Proton-Microinstability Growth in Space Plasmas
- Interstellar Probe: a Goldmine for Interstellar Dust Research and Synergies with Heliosphere Science
- Investigating Differences in Electromagnetic Radial Diffusion Estimates
- Investigating a Possible Earth to Sun Connection - Can the Earth Affect the Sun?
- Ion Sputtering at Europa: Feedback between the Space Environment and the Surface
- Ion-scale wave events and extreme ion beams in the sub-alfvenic solar wind
- Kinetic-scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind: Properties, Origin and Reconnection Onset
- Langmuir Waves in the Venusian Electron Foreshock: Observations from Parker Solar Probe's Five Venus Flybys
- MAKOS: Multi-point Assessment of the Kinematics of Shocks
- MAVEN proton observations near the Martian moon Phobos: does Phobos backscatter solar wind protons?
- Magnetic properties of martian basins cooled in a reversing dynamo
- Mars Hydrogen Densities, Temperatures, and Escape Rates in 3D from EMM/EMUS observations during Mars Year 36
- Mars' Global Magnetic Morphology – Connecting the Dayside and the Nightside
- Measured Particle Flux Levels and their Importance to Ganymede Weathering
- Mesoscale Magnetic Structure in the Solar Wind
- Modeling Venusian Atmospheric Losses over Time
- Multi-Injection Event observed by Parker Solar Probe/IS☉IS in March 2022
- Multispacecraft Heliospheric Mission: Science Case and Concepts
- Observations of Thomson scattering from a loop-prominence system: density, mass and sunspot effects
- Observations of ionospheric layers on the nightside during radar blackouts at Mars
- Observations of the Ion-Scale Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Heliosphere
- Observed Deviations from Kinetic Alfvén Wave Theory in Solar Wind Turbulence Near Proton Scales
- Opportunities to Directly Observe the Interaction of Interstellar Dust with our Heliosphere with an Interstellar Probe
- PSP Measurements of Electron Shot Noise on a Current Biased Antenna
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Energized Protons Upstream of the Venusian Bowshock
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Extremely 3He-Rich Solar Energetic Particle Events
- Parker Solar Probe Observations of Solar Energetic Particle Event on July 9th 2022
- Phantom: An Aerobot Mission to the Skies of Venus
- Planetary Wave Influence on the Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the Arctic and Antarctica
- Preliminary results from the Endurance rocket mission
- Quiescent magnetic field regions in the near-sun solar wind: bulk properties and solar surface connections.
- Radial Evolution and Acceleration of the Solar Wind
- Radial Evolution and Energy Budget of Thermal and Suprathermal Electron Populations in the Slow Solar Wind from 0.13 to 0.5 AU : Parker Solar Probe observations.
- Reconstruction and Analysis of Whistler Waves Properties with Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
- Refining the Science and Technology Case for an Astrophysical Imaging Spectrometer on the Interstellar Probe
- Regulation of Proton-α Drift Velocity by Large-scale Compressive Fluctuations and Ion-scale Instabilities in the Solar WInd
- Revisiting the quantitative relationship between traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) vs. traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) with NASA GDC- Atmospheric Electrodynamics probe for THERmal plasma (AETHER)
- Seasonal and Solar EUV Flux Dependence of the Martian Hot Oxygen Corona: EMM/EMUS Observations
- Signatures of Quasilinear Cyclotron Resonance in the Inner Heliosphere
- Sinuous Aurora at Mars: exploring a new phenomenon with data and models
- Solar Wind Alpha Composition Using SPC on Parker Solar Probe
- Solar Wind Protons and Alphas Properties inside the Sub-Alfvenic Regions
- Statistical Mapping of Magnetic Topology at Venus
- Study of Atomic Hydrogen Lyman-alpha to Lyman-beta Emission Ratio Variability in the Martian Exosphere using EMM/EMUS Observations.
- Study of Ionospheric Heavy Ion Fluxes in Terrestrial Magnetotail with THEMIS/ARTEMIS
- Suprathermal Ion Observations Associated with the Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-11
- Switchbacks Boundaries Observed by Parker Solar Probe: Statistical Analysis to Reveal their Dynamical Evolution in the Solar Wind
- Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind: Electron Evolution Observed inside Switchbacks between 0.125 AU and 0.25 AU.
- Switchbacks, microstreams and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
- Synthesizing Sinks: How Mars' Evolution Influenced the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
- The Advancing Space Science through Undergraduate Research Experience (ASSURE) Program
- The Atmospheric Dynamo at Triton
- The Distribution and the Effect of Chorus Waves in the Earth's and the Jupiter's Radiation Belts
- The FOXSI-4 Sounding Rocket: Focusing X-ray Instrument for Solar Flare Observations
- The Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) mission: NASA's next Living With a Star mission to explore the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- The Heliospheric Current Sheet Observed by Parker Solar Probe
- The Influence of Space Weather on Atmospheric Escape at Mars: Past and Present
- The Kinetic Role of Shear Flow on Magnetic Reconnection
- The Radial Evolution of Solar Wind Plasma in the Inner Heliosphere: PSP, Helios and Wind Observations
- The need for accurate measurements of thermal velocity distribution functions in the solar wind
- The observations of FUV discrete aurora on Mars by the EMM EMUS:characterizing the spectral properties
- Tracking a beam of electrons from the low solar corona into interplanetary space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe and 1 au spacecraft
- Type III Radio Bursts Observed by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe and STEREO-A during a Radial Alignment in September 2021
- Validating Eclipse Megamovie Crowd-Sourced Data for Solar Coronal Research
- Vertical ozone distribution changes by Umkehr measurements, satellite data and MERRA-2 reanalysis over midlatitude station
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
- Water-group ions from Europa and Ganymede: A window into surface ice evolution
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. B. Galvin
- A. C. G. Hughes
- A. Ermakov
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Hull
- A. J. Ridley
- A. Koval
- A. Kumamoto
- A. Luspay‐Kuti
- A. Matsuoka
- A. Milillo
- A. P. Rouillard
- A. Pulkkinen
- A. Pusack
- A. R. Poppe
- A. S. Afshari
- A. S. Brecht
- A. Saikin
- A. V. Usmanov
- A. Vourlidas
- A. W. Breneman
- A. W. Case
- A. W. Labrador
- Abigail Azari
- Adiv Paradise
- Aigen Li
- Ajay Lotekar
- Alejandro Cardesín‐Moinelo
- Alessandro Retinò
- Alex T. Chartier
- Alexander Drozdov
- Alexander M. Hegedus
- Alexandros Chasapis
- Ali Rahmati
- Amir Caspi
- Anders Eriksson
- Anderson Banihirwe
- Aroh Barjatya
- Aurélien Stcherbinine
- B. Fleck
- B. H. Mauk
- B. J. Anderson
- B. J. Lynch
- B. K. Meinke
- B. L. Alterman
- B. L. Ehlmann
- B. L. Giles
- B. Lavraud
- B. M. Jakosky
- B. R. Dennis
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Beatriz Sánchez‐Cano
- Bennett A. Maruca
- Bernard J. Vasquez
- Bin Zhuang
- Brian J. Harding
- Brian M. Walsh
- Burcu Kosar
- C. C. Chaston
- C. Forsyth
- C. Froment
- C. J. Henney
- C. J. Owen
- C. J. Pollock
- C. M. Fowler
- C. M. Lisse
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Paranicas
- C. Pilorget
- C. R. Englert
- C. S. Edwards
- C. S. Paty
- C. S. Reynolds
- C. S. Salem
- C. T. Russell
- Camilla Scolini
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Chao Xiong
- Charles J. Farrugia
- Charles W. Smith
- Chen Bin
- Chen Shi
- Cheng Sheng
- Chris Moeckel
- Christian Möstl
- Christina O. Lee
- Christine Gabrielse
- Chuanfei Dong
- Colby Haggerty
- Colin Triplett
- Colin Wilson
- Corey J. Cochrane
- D. A. Gurnett
- D. E. McKenzie
- D. G. Mitchell
- D. J. Gershman
- D. J. Knudsen
- D. J. McComas
- D. Lario
- D. Malaspina
- D. N. Baker
- D. Ruffolo
- Danica Adams
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Lo
- Daniel Verscharen
- David Brain
- David M. Long
- David Mitchell
- David Stansby
- Dedong Wang
- Diana Swanson
- Dmitri Vainchtein
- E. Hanson
- E. J. Korpela
- E. K. Sutton
- E. Roussos
- E. Thiemann
- E. Zesta
- Eduard P. Kontar
- Elliot Johnson
- Emily Lichko
- Emmaris Soto
- Erika Palmerio
- Eryn Cangi
- F. Allegrini
- F. Bagenal
- F. D. Wilder
- F. Eparvier
- F. S. Mozer
- F. Tsuchiya
- Facundo Sapienza
- Fan Guo
- Federico Gasperini
- Ferdinand Plaschke
- G. A. DiBraccio
- G. B. Hospodarsky
- G. Boscoboinik
- G. C. Ho
- G. Clark
- G. Collinson
- G. Crowley
- G. G. Howes
- G. M. Holsclaw
- G. P. Zank
- G. V. Khazanov
- G. Valori
- Gang Li
- Gangkai Poh
- Geoffrey C. Bower
- Greg Lucas
- Guiping Liu
- H. Akbari
- H. Arnold
- H. S. Hudson
- H. T. Smith
- H. Y. Wei
- Harlan E. Spence
- Hideyuki Usui
- Hilary Egan
- Ho Y. Kim
- I. J. Cohen
- I. Shinohara
- I. Y. Vasko
- I. Zouganelis
- Ilya Usoskin
- Imke de Pater
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. A. Slavin
- J. C. Kasper
- J. Correira
- J. D. Menietti
- J. Durán
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. E. Stawarz
- J. F. Drake
- J. Fainberg
- J. G. Luhmann
- J. G. Mitchell
- J. Gruesbeck
- J. H. Clemmons
- J. H. Waite
- J. H. Westlake
- J. J. Makela
- J. Jahn
- J. Klenzing
- J. L. Verniero
- J. M. Bell
- J. M. Raines
- J. Martinez Oliveros
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. P. Thayer
- J. R. Szalay
- J. S. Halekas
- J. S. Rankin
- J. Schou
- J. Scott Evans
- J. T. Hoeksema
- J. T. Niehof
- J. T. Steinberg
- J. W. Bonnell
- J.A. Caggiano
- James T. Haber
- Jared Espley
- Jean‐Claude Gérard
- Jeffrey M. Forbes
- Jeffrey W. Reep
- Jeongwoo Lee
- Jessie Duncan
- Jia Huang
- Joel B. Abraham
- Joel Dahlin
- John Braun
- Jonathan D. Slavin
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Joseph E. Borovsky
- Joshua N. Winn
- Joshua Pettit
- Juan Gómez
- Julián D. Alvarado‐Gómez
- Jun Qin
- Justin Deighan
- K. Dialynas
- K. E. Korreck
- K. G. Klein
- K. Goetz
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